Chapel Oaks Funeral Home St. Dominic St. Francis Xavier
Chapel Oaks Funeral Home St. Dominic St. Francis Xavier
CALENDAR OF EVENTS Tuesday, September 6 Wednesday, September 7 St. Dominic Eucharistic Adoration 2-6:00 pm 8:00 am Mass RelEd Classes PreK-High School 6:30-7:15 pm~Meet in the Church St. Francis Xavier 8:00 am Mass Thursday, September 8 St. Dominic St. Francis Xavier Friday, September 9 8:00 am Mass Catholic Church 8:00 am Mass Eucharistic Adoration 2-5:00 pm Our Lady of Snows Shrine September 4, 2016 Saturday, September 10 Sunday, September 11 St. Dominic 5:30 pm Vigil Mass 10:30 am Mass St. Francis Xavier 8:00 am Mass RelEd Classes 9-10:15 am Meet in the Church OLS Bazaar~ Mass at 12:30 pm Monday, September 12 Altar Society Meeting 6:00 pm Tuesday, September 13 Eucharistic Adoration 2-6:00 pm 8:00 am Mass SECRETARY Kay Ludvicek ACCOUNTANT Merlin Nelson Wednesday, September 14 St. Dominic 8:00 am Mass RelEd Classes PreK-HS 6:30-7:15 pm 2nd Gr. Parents Meeting~ 6:30 pm St. Francis Xavier Thursday, September 15 Friday, September 16 8:00 am Mass Saturday, September 17 No Mass at St. Dominic 5:30 pm Vigil Mass at St. F K of C M. Oyster/Fish Fry 6:300pm Chapel Oaks Funeral Home Holton 524 Pennsylvania Ave. (785) 364-2141 DIRECTOR REL. ED. Barbara Berg PARISH OFFICES 8:00 am Mass Eucharistic Adoration 2-5:00 pm Wayne & Karen Leiker Annette Barnes Dan Fiedler Chris Koger Bob Kramer Dixie Wege Jonnie Turley Beth Williams Sharon Gabriel (785) 986-6548 HOLTON DAIRY QUEEN 915 West 4th Street Holton, KS 66436 (785) 364-3110 Carolyn Koger 115 E. 5th St. Holton, KS 66436 Office: 785-364-3262 Rectory: 362:7026 SACRAMENTS Hoyt 100 Apache Drive Chris & Tracy Mercer Jamee Scott Kaleb Smith Alberta Lierz Dee Lehmkuhl (785) 364-2626 Locally owned for over 75 years R e f l e c t i n g PASTOR Fr. Marianand Mendem WEEKEND MASSES 5:30 pm Sat. Vigil @ St. Dominic 8:00 am Sun. @ St. Francis Xavier 10:30 am Sunday @ St. Dominic WEEKDAY MASSES Tue. 8am @ St. Francis Xavier Wed. 8am @ St. Dominic Thu. 8am @ St. Francis Xavier Fri. 8am @ St. Dominic No Mass Mon. or Sat.. Morning RECONCILIATION 30 Minutes prior to 5:30 pm and 8:00 am Mass Anytime by appointment MARRIAGE Contact the parish 9 months prior to preferred wedding date BAPTISM Contact the office after birth of the child 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time o n G o d ’ s W o r d It’s said that we never really grow up until both of our parents have died. I suspect that most who have had to walk that path recognize some truth there. So when the Gospel advises us to turn our back on father and mother and family and even on ourselves—maybe it’s not about rejecting but about becoming able to live the gospel more maturely, about releasing our grip on the past and growing up. Maybe letting go of childish things is the cost and also the wisdom of the God who waits patiently for us. One of life’s tasks, it seems, is to learn the balancing act between loving without possessiveness and relinquishing without indifference or abandonment. In truth, perhaps we never really learn to balance the two. We mostly lean in the direction opposite where we are at the time, until we suspect we may have leaned too far and switch directions. It’s a wisdom we come to that’s worthwhile for parenting but also for marriage and one’s profession and growing old and just about everything else that life serves up. This balancing is also at the heart of faith and discipleship. It’s how we come to recognize the hand of God in our lives, by living in such a way that God has the freedom to rearrange the pieces and so bring us to fuller life. It’s the wisdom that teaches us how to be a disciple but also the sort of discipleship that brings us to wisdom. It’s also the light shining forth in today’s reading from the book of Wisdom. —Rev. Joseph J. Juknialis Copyright © 2012, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. PARISH STEWARDSHIP August 28,2016 St. Dominic: Envelopes* Plate Total: $ 1,151.00 $ 327.26 $ 1,478.26 Week of Aug. 21 Week of Aug. 14 $ 2,255.25 $ 2,086.40 Average weekly expenses for this fiscal year: $2,719.11 St. Francis Xavier: Envelopes* Plate Total: $ 1,490.00 $ 199.00 $ 1,689.00 Week of Aug. 21 Week of Aug. 14 $ 1,856.35 $ 669.00 Average weekly expenses for this fiscal year: $1,971.04 Thank you for your continued generosity Eucharistic Ministers for the weekend of Sept. 10-11 Homebound: Annette Schreiber Nursing Homes: Wayne Leiker Ministry Schedule for the 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Dominic Sept. 10~ 5:30 pm St. Francis Xavier Sept. 11~ 8:00 am St. Dominic Sept. 11~ 10:30 am COMMUNION Larry Tanking Alberta Tanking Gregg Watkins Theresa Watkins D’Ann Decker COMMUNION Joann Walker Ray Zeller Bob Butts Sharon Cole Mary Lou Koch COMMUNION Jenny Lancaster Michele Haverkamp Terry Ludvicek KayLudvicek Karen Lieker LECTOR Nancy Kathrens LECTOR Alice Zeller LECTOR Dave Schmitz ACOLYTE Heather Mandala Joel Kennedy Matthew Suico ACOLYTE Mary Broxterman Colin Evert Erika Linn ACOLYTE Richard Leiker Jake Zeller Jeffery Warner MUSIC MUSIC Joan Hood Joan Hood Marguerite Mzhickteno Wayne Berry MUSIC Charlene Herbers Connie Schlaegel GREETERS / USHERS GREETERS / USHERS Gregg Watkins Ray Zeller Theresa Watkins Steve Broxterman Larry Tanking Steve Devlin Leon Freel Mike Henry GREETERS / USHERS Gary Kelly Debbie Kelly Ralph Herbers Chuck Schlaegel P a g e P a g e 2 P A R I S H LITURGY SCHEDULE AND MASS INTENTIONS The 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time SATURDAY, September 10th~ St. D 5:30 PM Richard & Lynne Mulroy SUNDAY, September 1th~ St. F 8:00 AM Virginia Albright (D) OLS 8:30 AM St. D 10:30 AM Ed Blocker (D) TUESDAY, September 6th~ St. F 8:00 AM All Workers WEDNESDAY, September 7th~ St. D 8:00AM Personal Intentions THURSDAY, September 8th~ St. F 8:00 AM Vocations FRIDAY, September 9th~ St. D 8:00 AM Fruitful Harvest The 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time SATURDAY, September 10th~ St. D 5:30 PM Richard & Lynne Mulroy SUNDAY, September 11th~ St. F 8:00 AM For All Parishioners OLS 12:30 PM St. D 10:30 AM Mary Doyle (D) CHURCH CLEANERS: Sept. 5-11 Kara Hoffman Sept. 12-18 Becky Grollmes, Clara Child Sept. 19-25 Alberta Lierz, Jean Lierz Sept. 26-Oct. 2 Milt & Lila Kranbill Oct. 3-9 Gary & Annette Schreiber Please contact the office ahead of time and let us know when you are planning on cleaning so that the church will be unlocked and the lights can be turned on for you. Thank you for your service to your parish. You can still volunteer by calling the office at 364-3262. Jackson County Pastoral Council Gregg Watkins Elsie Beam Barbara Berg Margaret Blevins Marie Burdiek Larry Larkin Wayne Leiker Karen Leiker Jackie McAsey Merlin Nelson Darrin Reith Janeil Stevens St. Dominic Finance Council Greg Watkins—Chair Carolyn Koger Jane Coverdale Pat Doyle Rosemary Wilkerson St. Francis Xavier Finance Council Elsie Beam—Chair Bill Haug Chris Everts Farrell Synder Kay Andler Damon Putnam ST. DOMINIC RelEd: RelEd Classes both Grade School and High School, begin Wednesday, September 7th. From 6:30-7:45 pm. Parents Meeting, everyone (parents and students) meet in the Church. RelEd Class PreK-High School, Wednesday, September 14th; 2nd Gr. Parents Meeting 6:30 pm~ Reconciliation ST. FRANCIS XAVIER RelEd: HIGH SCHOOL MEETS WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7TH AT ST. DOMINIC. RelEd Classes PreK-8th Sunday, September 11,9:00-10:15am. Parents Meeting (Parents and Students) meet in the Church No RelEd Classes Sunday, September 18th What does it mean to be a Catholic Christian? Come and see through theRCIA – The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults! Tuesday, September 20, 7- 8:30 pm in the meeting room of St. Dominic Church Offices. Who is invited to participate in the RCIA? Adults who want to learn more about the Catholic Faith. Those seeking to receive Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation. Catholics who want to understand and deepen their faith. Attending RCIA is not a commitment to become a Catholic but an opportunity to discern where God is leading you in life. If you or someone you know may be interested please contact a member of the RCIA Team: Fr. Marianand Mendem – 785-364-3262, Margaret Blevins – 785-220-4677, Barbara Berg – 785-364-3262, Boyd & Helen Murphy Plankinton – 785-364-4816, SAVE THE DATES!!!! Saturday, September 17th: St. Francis Xavier Knights of Columbus fund raiser Bull and Fish Fry. Serving to begin at 6:30pm. 5:30 pm Vigil Mass at St. Francis Xavier Sunday, September 18th: St. Dominic Knights of Columbus Chicken Fry 11:00-1:00pm. Sunday, September 25th: St. Francis Xavier Knights of Columbus Breakfast following Mass. Proceeds to go to Fr. Marianand’s Foundation. Sunday, October 16th:St. Dominic Appreciation Luncheon following Mass. More information later. NEK-CAP, INC. Is enrolling children for the Early Head Start and Head Start programs. For more information or to complete an application, please contact Donna or Kori at the NEK-CAP, Inc. Jackson County Head Start at this number: 785-364-4055 or 785-364-2109. There will be a second collection next weekend September 11-12th for World Missions Coop. This collection goes to the archdiocese to help support missions throughout the world. P R A Y E R 3 C O N C E R N S Decklyn Adame; Carol Barton (Friend of Dean & Ramona Robinson); Sonya Bergman; George Bolz; Angela Brewer; Jeaneane Chance; Harold Dallas (Husband of Pat Dallas); Estelle Danner; Deb Davies; Ron Dees ( friend of Fred & Sheila Fernkopf); Dick DeVader (Brother of Ramona Robinson);Sharon DeVader; Steve Devlin; Kathy Estabrook (sister of Terry Ludvicek);Sherri Fiedler (daughter-in-law of Dan & Venita Fiedler); Sheila Fernkkooopf; Larry Fund (brother of Karen McClaskey; Janie Garza (Friend of Vickie Barr);Sam Gerry; Kenneth Glassel (brother-in-law of Cletamae Brown);Ann Glassman (Mother of Mary Wahlmeier); Vivian Gonzalas; Carly Grant (great granddaughter of Joan Hood); Jared Harris (grandson of Mary Harris); Pat Hasenkamp; Dave Henry; Jerry & Darline Huftles (parents of Jackie McAsey);JoRae Krogman; Shari Lott (sister-in-law of Russell Schuetz);Rita Martin; Mary Morford; Lynne Mulroy; Luisa Munoz (sister of Anna Alvarez);Kim Lultz (Sister of Tim Blevins); Susan Nelson; Erin Norwood and daughter Bailey (Larkin Family Members); Kristina Oates (granddaughter of Gene Schifelbein); Gean O’Toole (Mother of Jim O’Toole); J.R. Pickett; Angie Rawlins; Carolyn Reicherter; Cameron Renfro; Mary Riniker (Sister of Regina Butts); Ronna Rowe (Family Member of Hilda Hrenchir); Virginia Ryan (Grandmother of Scott Bond); Lonnie & Helen Sands (brother and sister-in-law of Joan Hood); Laura (daughter of Gene Schifelbein); Emma Schirmer; JoEllen Shaftsall (cousin of Vickie Barr); Judy Snyder; Special Intentions of Sheila Springer; Nancy Versch Stereit; Evelyn Sullivan; Janie Teetzel; Rose Toledo; Laveda Wahweotten (mother of Tina Wahweotten); Max Wichman (Son of Jeanette Wichman) We pray for those among us who are ill, their families and for their care-giver;, those experiencing a hardship or difficulty; and for those in the Armed Forces protecting our freedom. To place someone’s name on the prayer list or to remove a name, please call the Parish Office (364-3262) Scripture Insights~ Wisdom can be an elusive element in making human choices. Each of today’s readings offers perspective on wisdom. The author of the Book of Wisdom begs the question, ―Who can know God’s counsel [wisdom] or who can conceive what the Lord intends?‖ The answer is, of course, no one. In fact, the author states, even humans are not sure of their own plans, let alone those of God. But God chooses to bestow wisdom on people and it is this divine gift that allows ―those on earth‖ to choose wisely. The wisdom in Jesus’ teaching is twofold. First, those choosing to follow Jesus need practical wisdom. They will have to leave behind whatever distractions would hinder them form accepting the mission he desires for them. They will need to discern what it will take for them to ―finish the work‖ of discipleship, as workers need to do when completing a construction project. The second wisdom is a deeper sense of commitment, a choice that will mean following Jesus as their first priority in life and relationships. The word hating that appears in the translation should not be understood in the same sense that we associate with despising another. Jesus never advocated hatred, always love. He impresses upon his listeners that following him is a radical choice, and will take great spiritual courage. In his letter, Paul writes about Gospel wisdom. He appeals to Philemon, the owner of Onesimus the slave, in the spirit of brotherhood that comes from the shared mission they have in Christ Jesus. He implores Philemon to put aside his former way of relating to Onesimus, as an owner, and to accept him as he would accept Paul, in a spirit of partnership. The wisdom of God comes to us both as gift and as responsibility. How is humility, as expressed in the First Reading, an aspect of wisdom? What helps you to choose wisely in matters of faith? How daunting is it to hear Jesus describe discipleship in such stark terms? Are we up to it? Fill us at daybreak with your kindness, that we may shout for joy and gladness all our days. — Psalm 90:14 TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Sometimes, this ―Treasures‖ column can seem to be a species of crib-notes for Catholic Jeopardy. Indeed, you may never know when knowledge of our particular vocabulary may come in handy. Such is the case with papal bulls, which conjure up all sorts of images, but are actually not what you might expect. A bull is a papal letter on a matter of great consequence, such as a decision about a crisis in the Church, the declaration of a doctrine, the summoning of a council, or the canonization of a saint. It has a more solemn intention than a mere letter or even an encyclical, a teaching letter circulated through the whole Church. Its odd name comes from the Latin bulla, which is the stamp used to apply a signatorial design to the hot lead, or even molten silver or gold, that seals the decree. The format for the bull is the name of the pope in Latin, followed by the title ―servant of the servants of God,‖ also in Latin, and then the text. The title of the bull is always the first two words of the text. Some famous papal bulls are Exsurge Domine (Arise, O Lord), written against Martin Luther’s Ninety-five Theses in 1520; Munificentissimus Deus (The Most Bountiful God), the promulgation of the dogma of the Assumption in 1950 by Pope Pius XII; or Humanae Salutis (Human Salvation), by which Pope John XXIII convened the Second Vatican Council in 1962. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. You have to do your own growing no matter how tall your grandfather was. —Abraham Lincoln
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St. Dominic St. Francis Xavier
of Karen McClaskey); Larry Fund (brother of Karen McClaskey; Janie Garza (Friend of Vickie Barr); Ann Glassman (Mother of Mary
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