Photoelectron emission microscopy of graphene systems
Photoelectron emission microscopy of graphene systems
Photoelectron emission microscopy of graphene systems Surface Analysis Group CEA‐LETI MINATEC Grenoble The Nanocharacterization Platform of MINATEC® center provides the simultaneous measurement of local work function, micron‐ scale band structure, and chemical state at high spatial and energy resolution for evaluation of graphene based thin films and devices using laboratory X‐ray & UV photoemission electron microscopy (PEEM). Contact : HoKwon KIM,; Olivier RENAULT, Applications of high lateral and energy resolution imaging XPS with a double hemispherical analyser based spectromicroscope, M. Escher, K. Winkler, O. Renault, and N. Barrett, J. Electron. Spectrosc. Relat. Phenom. 2010, 0, 178–179 Microscopic correlation between chemical and electronic states in epitaxial graphene on SiC(0001ˉ), C. Mathieu, N. Barrett, J. Rault, Y. Y. Mi, B. Zhang, W. A. de Heer, C. Berger, E. H. Conrad, and O. Renault, Phys. Rev. B., 2011, 83, 235436 LEDNA Laboratoire Edifices Nanométriques CEA‐Saclay Gif sur Yvette Collab. IN, Grenoble Study of graphene growth by CVD on Co substrates • Synthesis of graphene on Co substrate at low temperature and atmospheric pressure. • Investigation of growth mechanisms: complementary characterizations and in‐ situ analysis. Contact : MAYNE‐L’HERMITE Martine, Graphene growth on cobalt substrate by APCVD at low temperature: investigations of synthesis parameters and growth mechanisms, O. Duigou et al., in preparation. Graphene numbering and analysis CEMES Centre d’Elaboration des Matériaux et d’Etudes Structurales TOULOUSE Electron Holography is used to precisely map the amount of Graphene layers at the nanoscale on a graphitic stack. It can be coupled to various other TEM signals (HAADF ‐ chemistry, EELS ‐ spectroscopy, HREM ‐ atomic resolution...) that are all available through existing TEM facility networks. Contact : MASSEBOEUF Aurélien, Surface electrostatic potentials in carbon nanotubes and graphene membranes investigated with electron holography, L. Ortolani et al., Carbon 2011, 49, 1423–1429 Tri‐layer of graphene surrounded by potassium (KC36) Graphite intercalation compounds with potassium are a route to obtain graphene. By varying the excitation energy from UV to infrared, we observe resonance effects for KC36 at 2.5 eV. Contact : Pascal PUECH, Resonant Raman scattering of graphite intercalation compounds KC8, KC24, and KC36, Y. Wang, P. Puech, I. Gerber and A. Pénicaud, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 2014, 45, 219‐223. CIMAP Centre de Recherche sur les ions, les Matériaux et la Photonique Caen Unzipping and folding of graphene by swift heavy ions Individual swift heavy ions were used to cut and fold graphene under grazing angle. The folded patterns have a length of several 100 nm. Defect creation in the graphene as well as the production of hillocks in the support, which push from below on the graphene, are necessary for the patterns. Contact : Henning LEBIUS, Unzipping and folding of graphene by swift heavy ions, S. Akcöltekin, H. Bukowska, T. Peters, O. Osmani, I. Monnet, I. Alzaher, B. Ban‐d’Etat, H. Lebius, M. Schleberger, Applied Physics Letters, 2011, 98, 103103 Graphene synthesis, dispersion & functionalisation CIRIMAT Interuniversity Research & Engineering Centre on Materials TOULOUSE GRAPHENE FLAGSHIP Contact : FLAHAUT Emmanuel,‐ P. Wick, E. Flahaut, L. Gauthier, M. Prato, A. Bianco, Angewandte Chemie, 2014, accepted TEM images of FLG (liquid exfoliation – collab. Anadolu Univ., TR) and graphene‐like nanocarbons (CCVD synthesis) for functionalisation, dispersion studies, assessment of the environmental impact, toxicity, nanocomposites, nanoelectronics, sensors, etc. CVD growth of graphene on AlN templates on silicon CRHEA Centre de recherche sur l'hétéroépitaxie et ses applications VALBONNE CRHEA works since 2010 on the CVD growth of graphene with propane on semi‐ conductors substrates. One of the specificities of our method is the possibility to hydrogenate the graphene/SiC interface during growth, which finally allows to control and to improve the electronic properties of the graphene film. The good mobilities and the high uniformities of our graphene films allow to observe quantum Hall effect at the centimeter scale which is interesting for metrology. Contact: Adrien MICHON, Reference: Tuning the transport properties of graphene films grown by CVD on SiC(0001): Effect of in situ hydrogenation and annealing, B. Jabakhanji et al., Physical Review B, 2014, 89, 85429 ECOLAB Laboratory of Functional Ecology and Environment TOULOUSE GRAPHENE FLAGSHIP Contact : GAUTHIER Laury, laury.gauthier@univ‐ P. Wick, E. Flahaut, L. Gauthier, M. Prato, A. Bianco, Angewandte Chemie, 2014, accepted Assessment of the Environmental impact of graphene The potential environmental impact of graphene and nanocarbons in general is evaluated using different relevant biological models such as amphibian larvae, alguae, or plants. CVD growth of graphene on AlN templates on silicon CRHEA Centre de recherche sur l'hétéroépitaxie et ses applications VALBONNE Contact: Adrien MICHON, Reference: Graphene growth on AlN templates on silicon using propane‐hydrogen chemical vapor deposition, A. Michon et al., Applied Physics Letters, 2014, 104, 171912 CRHEA works since 2010 on the CVD growth of graphene with propane on semi‐conductors substrates. Using an external carbon source allows to grow graphene on SiC, but also on sapphire or on AlN. This work shows the possible integration of graphene both in silicon and in III‐ nitrides technologies. Towards arene nanoribbons by organic synthesis. CRPP Centre de Recherche Paul Pascal PESSAC, BORDEAUX A new approach to extended arene‐ oligocarboxylic acid derivatives such as alkylesters and alkylimides has been developed. The carboxylic substituents allow the tuning of the electronic characteristics (donor or acceptor behaviour, band gap) as well as the solubility. Contact : Fabien DUROLA, durola@crpp‐ Reference 1: Dipyreno‐ and diperyleno‐anthracenes from glyoxylic Perkin reactions, P. Sarkar, F. Durola, H. Bock, Chem. Commun., 2013, 49, 7552‐7554. Lab logos ICCF Institut de Chimie de Clermont‐Ferrand AUBIERE Fluorination of graphene using either atomic or molecular fluorine Fluorine chemistry to prepare graphene materials using exfoliation or fluorination/defluor ination of fluorinated (nano)carbons Contact : Nicolas BATISSE, nicolas.batisse@univ‐ Reference : Nano‐patterning of fluorinated graphene by electron beam irradiation, F. Withers, T. Bointon, M. Dubois, S. Russo, M. Craciun, Nano Letters, 2011, 11, 3912–3916 Organic nanomaterials and delivery ICT Immunopathologie et Chimie Thérapeutique STRASBOURG Design and development of new advanced carbon‐ based materials (carbon nanotubes, graphene, and adamantane) via their chemical functionalisation with different classes of molecules towards biomedical applications (i.e. therapy, imaging and diagnostics). Impact of these nanomaterials on health and environment. Contact : ALBERTO BIANCO, a.bianco@ibmc‐ Graphene: safe or toxic? The two faces of the medal, Bianco A, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2013, 52, 4986‐97 Evidencing a mask effect of graphene oxide: a comparative study on primary human and murine phagocytic cells, Russier J, Treossi E, Scarsi A, Perrozzi F, Dumortier H, Ottaviano L, Meneghetti M, Palermo V, Bianco A, Nanoscale, 2013, 5,11234‐47 Growth of 13C graphene by high energy carbon implantation ICube/MaCEPV STRASBOURG The mechanism of thin layers graphite (TLG) synthesis on monocrystalline nickel films on MgO(111) has been investigated by 13C implantation followed by annealing at 600 °C. Carbon implanted may migrate either to the surface or to the interface according to the implantation energy. Contact : Francois LE NORMAND, francois.le‐ Thin layers graphite obtained by high temperature carbon implantation into nickel films” G. Gutierrez, Y. Le Gall, D. Muller, F. Antoni, C. Speisser, F. Aweke, C.S Lee, C.S Cojocaru, F. Le Normand, Carbon, 2014, 66, 1–10 1. Graphene nanomesh channel: Bandgap opening vs Conductance gap IEF Orsay 104 NEGF/TB simulation Drain Current, ID (µA/µm) Institut d'Electronique Fondamentale 2. Strained/unstrained Graphene channel: 103 102 Pristine Graphene VDS = 0.2 V 101 100 10-1 GNM (EG = 500 meV) 10-2 strained ( = 5%) / unstrained junction (cond. gap = 360 meV) 10-3 10-4 -0.5 0 0.5 Gate Voltage, VGS (V) 1 Channel engineering of graphene transistors: nanomesh and strain We explore two strategies of channel engineering to improve GFET performance: introducing a Graphene Nanomesh (GNM) section to open a bandgap or using a strained/unstrained junction to generate a transport gap. It allows enhancing strongly the Ion/Ioff ratio and other parameters (gD, fmax) . Contact : Philippe Dollfus, philippe.dollfus@u‐ Graphene nanomesh transistor with high on/off ratio and good saturation behavior , S. Berrada, V. H. Nguyen, D. Querlioz, J. Saint‐Martin, A. Alarcón C. Chassat, A. Bournel and P. Dollfus , Appl. Phys. Lett., 2013, 103, 183509 Improving performance of graphene transistors by strain engineering , V. Hung Nguyen, H. Viet Nguyen, and P. Dollfus , Nanotechnology , 2014, 25, 165201 GRAPHENE GROWTH BY Si‐ ASSISTED EPITAXY IEMN Institute of Electronics, Microelectronics & Nanotechnology Villeneuve d’Ascq Contact : Dr. Dominique VIGNAUD, Dominique.Vignaud@univ‐ High‐resolution angle‐resolved photoemission spectroscopy study of monolayer and bilayer graphene on the C‐face of SiC, E. Moreau, S. Godey, X. Wallart, I. Razado‐Colambo, J. Avila*, MC. Asensio*, and D. Vignaud, Phys. Rev. B, 2013, 88, 075406 Single and bilayer graphene was grown by Si‐ flux assisted molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) on the C‐face of SiC. The SiC substrate induces a strong doping by charge transfer, with a Dirac point located 320 meV (resp. 190 meV) below the Fermi level for monolayer (bilayer) graphene. An energy band gap is also observed, whose width is inversely dependent on the thickness. GRAPHENE NANORIBBON FIELD‐EFFECT TRANSISTOR IEMN Institute of Electronics, Microelectronics & Nanotechnology Villeneuve d’Ascq The fabrication and RF characterization of graphene nanoribbon field‐effect transistors are investigated. Graphene is obtained from the thermal decomposition of (0001) 4H‐SiC. A structure with an array of GNR connected in parallel was fabricated by e‐beam lithography. The best intrinsic current gain cut‐off frequency of 60 GHz and maximum oscillation frequency of 30 GHz were achieved. Contact : Pr. Henri HAPPY, Henri.Happy@iemn.univ‐ 60 GHz current gain cut‐off frequency graphene nanoribbon FET, N. Meng, F.J. Ferrer, D. Vignaud, G. Dambrine and H. Happy Int. J. Microwave & Wireless Technoly, 2010, 2, 441 IMN Institute of Materials Jean Rouxel NANTES www.cnrs‐ Contact : CHRIS EWELS, chris.ewels@cnrs‐ Low‐energy termination of graphene edges via the formation of narrow nanotubes, Phys. Rev. Lett. 2011, 107, 065502 Nomenclature of sp2 carbon nanoforms, I. Suarez‐Martinez, N. Grobert, C. P. Ewels, Carbon 2012, 50(3), 741 Modelling doped and defective nanocarbon DFT Modelling of new carbon nanostructures (cones, scrolls, fullerenes) to understand and control edge behaviour, defect structure, chemical tuning and new nanocarbon forms. Graphene redox Chemistry IMN Controlling graphene‐ based electrode materials through chemical functionalisation to improve supercapacitance and Li‐ ion storage capabilities Institute of Materials Jean Rouxel NANTES www.cnrs‐ Voltamogramms of modified carbon electrodes (blue) and unmodified (in black) in 0.1M H2SO4 obtained at 10 mV/s scan speed. Contact : THIERRY BROUSSE, thierry.brousse@polytech.univ‐ Electrochemical capacitors: When the levee breaks, T. Brousse, Electrochemistry 2013 81 (10), p. 773. Chemically converted graphene CEA/INAC‐SCIB Institut Nanosciences et Cryogénie CEA/LETI Laboratoire d’Electronique et de Technologie de l’Information Grenoble The researches conducted aim at synthesizing graphene from the oxidative exfoliation of graphite and then to study its reduction, functionalization and N‐ doping to produce samples of potential interest as catalyst (ORR) and Li‐ion battery anode materials. Contact : G. Bidan, Nanosilicon‐Based Thick Negative Composite Electrodes for Lithium Batteries with Graphene as Conductive Additive, Nguyen, B.P.N., Kumar, N.A., Gaubicher, J., Duclairoir, F., Brousse, T., Crosnier, O., Dubois, L., Bidan, G., Guyomard, D., Lestriez, B., Advanced Energy Materials , 2013, 3, 1351–1357 CEA/INAC‐SCIB and SPSMS Institut Nanosciences et Cryogénie CEA/LETI Laboratoire d’Electronique et de Technologie de l’Information Grenoble Growth and grafting of epitaxial graphene The research deals with the optimization of the 6H‐ SiC sublimation protocol in order to achieve high‐ quality graphene samples for fundamental studies of the physical properties of graphene related to the functionalization with specific molecules and to the superconducting proximity effect. Contact : G. BIDAN, Study of annealing temperature influence on the performance of top gated graphene/SiC transistors M. Clavel, T. Poiroux, M. Mouis, L. Becerra, J.L. Thomassin, A. Zenasni, C. Lapertot, D. Rouchon, D. Lafond, and O. Faynot, Solid‐State Electronics 71, 2 (2012). Atomic scale study of graphene flower defects INAC/SP2M & LITEN/DTNM CEA Grenoble Contact : Hanako OKUNO, Reference 1: H. Okuno, P. Pochet, A. Tyurnina and J. Dijon, publication in preparation Aberration corrected (AC) TEM imaging of flower‐ like defects formed inside a CVD grown large single crystal domain; low‐pass filtered images (maximum filtered in insets) reveal a formation of isolated islands in combinations with several types of defects. Optical Properties of Freestanding Graphene IPCMS Institut de Physique et Chime des Matériaux de Strasbourg Strasbourg Freestanding graphene monolayers are immune from substrate‐induced perturbations, and allow investigations of graphene’s intrinsic properties. By means of spatially‐resolved Raman spectroscopy, we have demonstrated that freestanding graphene layers are quasi‐ undoped and exhibit only small built‐in strain, below 0.1%. Contact : Stéphane BERCIAUD, References: 1) S. Berciaud et al. Nano Letters (2009) 9, 346 2) D. Metten et al. Phys Stat. Sol. B (2013) 250, 2681 3) S. Berciaud et al. Nano Letters (2013) 13, 3517 Epitaxy of MgO magnetic tunnel barriers on epitaxial graphene IPCMS Institut de Physique et Chime des Matériaux de Strasbourg Strasbourg Contact : D. Halley ( & J‐F Dayen ( References : F. Godel et al. Nanotechnology (2013) 24, 475708 AFM images of ferro‐ magnetic (FM) electrodes after annealing and Au capping. (a) Fe, (b) permalloy and (c) Co. The smaller clusters are attributed to Au capping deposited at room temperature after annealing. The average mesa height is close to 30‐35 nm as shown on profiles in insets. (d) Micro‐Raman spectrum of graphene obtained on the sample with Fe, after annealing. Resist‐Free fabrication of CVD graphene FETs IPCMS Institut de Physique et Chime des Matériaux de Strasbourg Strasbourg Contact : Bernard DOUDIN, References : A. Mahmood et al., to be submitted (a) Stencil mask pattern used to define the graphene device shape. (b) Optical image of the cross‐bar shaped graphene device with width 30 µm and length 250 µm. (c) 2D Raman map showing the ID / IG peak ratio of the device central portion. (d) Magnetoconductance (Δσ (B) ‐ Δσ (0)) curves of the device shown in (c) with at various temperatures. Graphene‐Molecule Interface IS2M Institut de Science des Matériaux de Mulhouse MULHOUSE * A perfect substrate in order to obtain structurally and electronically homogeneous self‐assembled molecular layers. *Direct visualization of Molecular Orbitals. *Possible doping of Graphene while preserving its electronic properties. Transfer of charge from/to molecule depending on its conformation. Contact : Laurent SIMON, Generating Long Supramolecular Pathways with a Continuous Density of States by Physically Linking Conjugated Molecules via Their End Groups, R. Shokri et al., JACS, 2013, 135, 5693. STM investigation of the molecular fastener effect of TTF molecules deposited on Graphene, M.N. Nair et al., submitted. Graphene functionalized by intercalation of Au IS2M Institut de Science des Matériaux de Mulhouse MULHOUSE n°ANR‐2010‐BLAN‐1017 ChimigraphN Modifications of the band structure of graphene while preserving its electronic properties: *no doping *increase of Fermi velocity *extension of van Hove Singularity Single Au atoms intercalate above Buffer layer. They decouple Graphene from SiC substrate and induce standing waves on Graphene. Contact : Laurent SIMON, High van Hove singularity extension and Fermi velocity increase in epitaxial graphene functionalized by intercalated Au clusters, M.N. Nair et al., PRB, 2012, 85, 245421. Superlattice of resonators on ML graphene created by intercalated Au nanoclusters, M. Cranney et al., EPL, 2010, 91, 66004. Soft reaction conditions for Diels-Alder reaction Complete reversion to graphene upon heating Fabrication of transparent electrodes and conducting inks Reversible covalent chemistry for the exfoliation of graphene ISM Institute of Molecular Science Confocal Raman on single flake exfoliated by cycloaddition TALENCE g/L ∆ sp3 defects corrected upon heating THF CH3CN NMP DMF i-PrOH Tol. 0.014 0.012 0.020 0.044 0.008 0.028 Graphite is exfoliated in a variety of solvents using only a low‐power sonication bath by using a reversible Diels‐Alder cycloaddition that, unlike oxidation, does not generate permanent defects Contact : Dario BASSANI, d.bassani@ism.u‐ Procede d’Exfoliation de Graphite Assiste par Reaction de Diels‐Alder , H. Bares, J.‐B. Verlhac, D. M. Bassani: Pat. N° 1357602 LaHC Laboratoire Hubert Curien SAINT ETIENNE Graphene by PLD as a SERS platform Diamond‐Like Carbon film grown by pulsed laser deposition has been converted to fl‐graphene and further decorated with gold nanoparticles. The textured fl‐ graphene films with nanoscale roughness were highly beneficial for SERS detection. The detection at low concentration of a commercial pesticide was demonstrated. Contact : Pr Florence GARRELIE, garrelie@univ‐st‐ Graphene‐based textured surface by pulsed laser deposition as a robust platform for surface enhanced Raman scattering applications, T. Tite, C. Donnet, A.‐S. Loir, S. Reynaud, J.‐Y. Michalon, F. Vocanson, and F. Garrelie, Applied Physics Letters (2014) 104, 041912 Sp2 materials: from selection to growth mechanisms L_Sim CEA‐INAC GRENOBLE Understanding possible strategies to select the sp2 sector of the configuration space of new 2D materials is of particular importance. This question has been addressed in the case of boron fullerenes for which the polymorphism lead to a glassy‐like behavior in the potential energy surface. Contact : Pascal Pochet, Low‐energy boron fullerenes: Role of disorder and potential synthesis pathways, P. Pochet et al. Phys. Rev. B 83, 081403(R) (2011) Selecting boron fullerenes by cage‐doping mechanisms», P. Boulanger et al.; J. Chem. Phys. 138, 184302 (2013) Large Scale Production of Few Layer Graphene LCC Laboratoire de Chimie de Coordination Toulouse A low cost, versatile catalytic fluidized bed CVD technique has been developed for the large scale production (10g/h on laboratory scale) of high quality few layer graphene (FLG) powder.1The process can be adapted to produce CNT+FLG hybrids in the desired composition.2 Contact : Serp, Philippe ‐ 1: Graphene production method and graphene obtained by said method, R. Bacsa, P. Serp, WO 2013093350A1. 2: Method for producing an assembly of carbon nanotubes and graphene, J. Beausoleil, R. Bacsa, B. Caussat, P. Serp, WO 2013093358 A1. AFM CL at 20 K Reference Single crystal LEM Top Left panel: Atomic Force Microscopy images of exfoliated h‐BN layers on SiO2 6 ML Laboratoire d’Etude des Microstructures 8 ML Châtillon Structural and optical properties of exfoliated h‐BN layers Top Right panel: Cathodoluminescence spectra of the same samples 10 ML HR‐TEM VEELS Bottom Left panel: High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy image of an exfoliated BN sheet Bottom Right Panel: Valence electron Energy Loss spectroscopy spectrum of the TEM sample. Contact : LOISEAU, Excitonic recombination in h‐BN: From bulk to exfoliated layers, A. Pierret et al., Phys. Rev. B, 2014, 89, 035414 Atomic‐scale study of graphene LEM Laboratoire d’Etude des Microstructures Châtillon Top panel : STS spectra and STM image of doped graphene with N Bottom panel : Growth of graphene from Ni surface (Monte Carlo simulations) Contact : LOISEAU, Long –range interactions between N dopants in graphene, Ph. Lambin et al., Phys. Rev. B, 2012, 86, 045448 Electronic structure of vacancy resonant states in graphene: A critical review of the single‐vacancy case, F. Ducastelle., Phys. Rev. B, 2013, 88, 075413 3D graphene network by CVD on nickel foam LGC Chemical Engineering Laboratory TOULOUSE Wt. percentages as high as 15 % of 3D multi‐layers graphene networks have been produced from ethylene at 750 ‐ 850°C. Such graphene masses largely exceed the weights corresponding to carbon solubility into nickel at these temperatures, involving the existence of a continuous mechanism of graphene formation. Contact : Brigitte Caussat, Three Dimensional Graphene Synthesis On Nickel Foam By Chemical Vapor Deposition From Ethylene, P. Trinsoutrot, H. Vergnes, B. Caussat, Materials Science and Engineering B, 2014, Vol. 179, 12‐16. Graphene‐based Heterojunctions for Photovoltaics LGEP Laboratoire de Génie Electrique de Paris Gif‐sur‐Yvette 2D materials present extraordinary sunlight absorption although transparent at the nanoscale. Such a high optical absorption with respect to the thicknesses involved makes this route appealing for energy conversion. We are interested in the recombination characterization and the modulation of the electronic properties in 2D heterojunctions. Contact : Boutchich, Mohamed Characterization of graphene oxide reduced through chemical and biological processes, M. Boutchich et al , Journal of Physics Conference Series, 2013, vol 433, 012001. Graphene sheets by liquid phase exfoliation for electrical contact applications LGEP Laboratoire de Génie Electrique de Paris Gif‐sur‐Yvette Graphene is a material with very high potential for technological innovation through its electrical, mechanical and thermal exceptional properties. Obtention of graphene sheets by liquid phase exfoliation has been known for some years; we are interested in tuning the exfoliation conditions to obtain sheets with dimensions and structural properties suitable for spray‐deposition on the metallic substrates used for electrical contacts. Electrical properties are investigated at various scales. Contact: Noel Sophie Conductive‐probe AFM characterization of graphene sheets bonded to gold surfaces, F. Hauquier et al, APS, vol 258, Issue 7, p2920‐2926, 2012 Graphene oxide ultrathin films and new reduction and functionalization methods LICSEN CEA, IRAMIS Saclay We developed a new strategy to form thickness‐adjusted and ultra‐smooth films of very large and unwrinkled graphene oxide (GO) flakes. We also proposed a new localized reduction method of GO by electrogenerated naphthalene radical anions followed by selective functionalization of the patterns. Contact : Stéphane Campidelli, Localized Reduction of Graphene Oxide by Electrogenerated Naphthalene Radical Anions and Subsequent Diazonium Electrografting, J. Azevedo, L. Fillaud, C. Bourdillon, J‐M. Noel, F. Kanoufi, B. Jousselme, V. Derycke, S. Campidelli, R. Cornut, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014 Flexible Gigahertz Transistors Derived from Solution‐ Based Single‐Layer Graphene LICSEN CEA, IRAMIS Saclay We conducted the first study of solution‐based graphene transistors at GHz frequencies, and show that graphene ideally combines the required properties to achieve high speed flexible electronics on plastic substrates. It demonstrates the advantages of graphene inks over printable organic materials. Contact : Derycke Vincent, Flexible Gigahertz Transistors Derived from Solution‐Based Single‐Layer Graphene, C. Sire, F. Ardiaca, S. Lepilliet, J‐W. T. Seo, M. C. Hersam, G. Dambrine, H. Happy, V. Derycke, Nano Letters 2012, 12, 1184 CVD Growth of Graphene on Platinum coated Si Wafers CEA/DTNM/LITEN /SEN/LSN CEA SP2M/INAC TEM imaging of SLG CEA Grenoble Avenue des martyrs 38041 Contact : Jean Dijon ‐ Publication in preparation and at this conference (A.Tyurnina, H.Okuno, J.Dijon) CEA Liten is currently developing graphene growth on Si wafers using Pt coating. The objective is to develop a green technology with reusable substrate to make high quality graphene layer. We are making Single Layer Graphene at relatively low temperature (700°C) and are going to upscale the process in an industrial microelectronic reactor. LMSSMAT Lab Mécanique des Sols, Structures et Matériaux Châtenay Malabry ANR Blanc Int Reversible lithium storage capacities vs. cycle number for Fe2O3, GNs, Fe2O3/GNs and Fe2O3@C/GNs electrodes. Contact : Jinbo Bai, jinbo,bai@ecp,fr Synthesis and evaluation of carbon‐coated Fe2O3 loaded on graphene nanosheets as an anode material for high performance lithium ion batteries, G. Wang, H. Wang, S. Cai, JT. Bai, ZY. Ren, JB. Bai, Journal of Power Sources, 239, 2013, 37‐44 Quantum Hall Effect in mono‐, bi‐, and tri‐layer graphene LNCMI Laboratoire National des Champs Magnétiques Intenses TOULOUSE Contact : ESCOFFIER Walter, Quantum Hall Effect in Trilayer Graphene, A. Kumar et. al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 2010, 107, 126806 By using high‐magnetic fields (up to 60 T), we observe compelling evidence of the integer quantum Hall effect in trilayer graphene. The magnetotransport fingerprints are similar to those of the graphene monolayer, except for the absence of a plateau at a filling factor of v=2. Unveiling the Magnetic Structure of Graphene Nanoribbons LNCMI Laboratoire National des Champs Magnétiques Intenses TOULOUSE Contact : RAQUET Bertrand, Unveiling the Magnetic Structure of Graphene Nanoribbons, R. Ribeiro et. al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 2011, 107, 086601 We perform magnetotransport measurements in lithographically patterned graphene nanoribbons down to a 70 nm width. We bring evidence that the magnetic confinement at the edges unveils the valley degeneracy lifting originating from the electronic confinement. Quantum simulations suggest some disorder threshold at the origin of mixing between chiral magnetic edge states and disappearance of quantum Hall effect. Magnetic fields for science LNCMI French National High Magnetic Field Laboratory Grenoble ‐ Toulouse The LNCMI is one of the few large scale facilities in the world that generate high magnetic fields. They are used as a powerful experimental tool in physics, chemistry and biology. Graphene and other two‐ dimensional materials are studied at the LNCMI with optical spectroscopy and electronic transport methods. Contact : Marek POTEMSKI, Optical magneto‐spectroscopy of graphene‐based systems, C. Faugeras, M. Orlita, and M. Potemski, in Physics of Graphene, ed. H. Aoki, M.S. Dresselhaus, Springer series in NanoScience and Technology, 2014, p. 113 Quantum Hall effect metrology in graphene LNE‐ uant Laboratoire National de Métrologie et d’Essais TRAPPES Contact : W. Poirier, Can graphene set new standards ? W. Poirier and F. Schopfer, Nature Nanotechnology, 2010, 5, 171 QHE in exfoliated graphene with charged impurities: Metrological measurements, J. Guignard et al., PRB, 2012, 85, 165420 We explore the Hall resistance quantization accuracy, expected to be robust, even at 10‐9, to develop a convenient quantum resistance standard operating in conditions accessible to industrial end‐users (B<4T, T>5K). High quality material (>10000cm2V‐1s‐1, n<1011 cm‐2) is required on large area. LPN Laboratoire de photonique et de nanostructure MARCOUSSIS LNE Laboratoire National de Métrologie et d’Essais TRAPPES Monolayer epitaxial graphene on SiC(0001) We directly demonstrate the importance of saturating the Si dangling bonds at the graphene/SiC(0001) interface to achieve high carrier mobility. Upon successful Si dangling bonds elimination, carrier mobility increases from 3 000 cm2V‐1s‐1 to > 11 000 cm2V‐1s‐1 at 0.3 K. Contact : Abdelkarim OUERGHI, Reference: High Electron Mobility in Epitaxial Graphene on 4H‐SiC(0001) via post‐growth annealing under hydrogen, E. Pallecchi, F. Lafont, V. Cavaliere, F. Schopfer, A. Lemaitre, D. Mailly, W. Poirier and A. Ouerghi; Scientific Reports (Accepted) Graphene‐capped InAs/GaAs quantum dots LPN Laboratoire de photonique et de nanostructures MARCOUSSIS Uncapped as well as capped graphene InAs/GaAs QDs have been studied. We gather from this that the average shifts of QDs Raman peaks are reduced compared to those previously observed in graphene and GaAs capped QDs. The encapsulation by graphene makes the indium atomic concentration intact in the QDs by the reduction of the strain effect of graphene on QDs and the migration of In atoms towards the surface. Contact : Ali MADOURI ‐ Improved efficiency of graphene transferred on hetero structures of InAs/GaAs quantum dots. R. Othmen1, K. Rezgui, A. Cavanna, H. Arezki, F. Gunes, H. Ajlani, A. Madouri, M. Oueslati. Accepted at JAP LPN Laboratoire de photonique et de nanostructure MARCOUSSIS IMPMC Institut de minéralogie, de physique des matériaux et de cosmochimie PARIS Epitaxial Graphene on SiC(0001) Grown under Nitrogen Flux: Evidence of Nitrogen‐Doped Graphene The Nitrogen‐doped graphene exhibits large n‐ type carrier concentrations of about 4 times more than what is found for pristine graphene. This in‐situ doping method is highly attractive for the efficient incorporation of doping species into the graphene lattice. Contact : Abdelkarim OUERGHI, Towards single step fabrication of N‐doped Graphene/Si3N4/SiC heterostructures, E. Vélez‐Fort, E. Pallecchi, M. G. Silly, M. Bahri, G. Patriarche, A. Shukla, F. Sirotti and A. Ouerghi, NanoResearch, 2014, DOI 10.1007/s12274‐014‐0444‐9 Scanning tunneling microscopy of doped graphene MPQ Matériaux et Phénomènes Quantiques Scanning tunneling spectroscopy is used to probe the electronic structure of graphene at the atomic scale. On nitrogen doped graphene, the shift of the Dirac point and the formation of localized states has been revealed. Paris Contact : jerome.lagoute@univ‐paris‐ Localized state and charge transfer in nitrogen‐doped graphene, F. Joucken, Y. Tison, J. Lagoute, J. Dumont, D. Cabosart, B. Zheng, V. Repain, C. Chacon, Y. Girard, A. R. Botello‐Méndez, S. Rousset, R. Sporken, J.‐C. Charlier, and L. Henrard, Phys. Rev. B(R), 2012, 85, 161408 needed) LPICM Laboratoire de Physique des interfaces et des Couches Palaiseau Contact : Costel Sorin COJOCARU, costel‐ Carbon 66 (2014) 1‐10; Nanotechnology 23 (2012) 265603; Nanotechnology 22 (2011) 085601 Patents Ecole Polytechnique – CNRS: 2011, 2008 In‐place, transfer‐ free, low‐ temperature, (nano)graphene layers growth Pioneer of the synthesis of graphene at the interface between a catalytic metal layer and the substrate, NanoMaDe team at LPICM succeed to obtain centimeters scale, uniform nanocrystalline‐ graphene layers at temperatures as low as 250°C on various substrates including glass. The synthesis capacity will be extended in 2014 to substrates up to 4 inch. Epitaxial graphene nano‐ribbon ballistic transport Georgia Tech‐ School of Physics Leibniz Universität CNRS‐Institut Néel Synchrotron Soleil Inst. Jean Lamour Contact : Claire BERGER Exceptional ballistic transport in epitaxial graphene nanoribbons, J. Baringhaus et al., Nature, 2014, 506, 349. Scalable templated growth of graphene nanoribbons on SiC , M. Sprinkle, Nature Nanotechnology, 2010, 5, 727 Nanoribbons 40nm wide epitaxially grown on sidewalls of silicon carbide are single‐channel room temperature ballistic conductors on a length scale greater than 10µm, owing to their annea‐led smooth edges. Transport is dominated by two modes, possibly reflecting ground state properties of neutral graphene. First direct observation of a nearly ideal graphene band structure Synchrotron Soleil ARPES (Angle Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy) measured band structure of a 10‐ layer C‐face graphene grown on the 6H‐SiC. The sample temperature is 6K. Three linear Dirac cones are visible corresponding to the outermost decoupled graphene sheets. Contact : A. Taleb Ibrahimi ‐ amina.taleb@synchrotron‐ M. Sprinkle, D. Siegel, Y. Hu, J. Hicks, P. Soukiassian, A. Tejeda, A. Taleb‐Ibrahimi, P. Le Fèvre, F. Bertran, S. Vizzini, H. Enriquez, S. Chiang, C. Berger, W.A. de Heer, A. Lanzara, E.H. Conrad Phys Rev Lett, 103, 226803 (2009). Nitrogen in the graphene… SOLEIL synchrotron HERMES & TEMPO beamlines Paris, France Contact : F. Sirotti fausto.sirotti@synchrotron‐ Epitaxial Graphene on 4H‐SiC(0001) grown under Nitrogen flux: evidence of low Nitrogen‐doping and high charge transfer. Velez‐Fort, E. et al., ACS Nano, 2012, 6(12), 10893–10900 Nitrogen doping of graphene is of great interest for both fundamental research to explore the effect of dopants on a 2D electrical conductor and applications such as lithium storage, composites, and nanoelectronic devices. The electronic properties of graphene are modified thanks to the introduction, during its growth, of nitrogen‐atom substitution in the carbon honeycomb lattice. Increasing graphene production up to industrial scale SOLEIL synchrotron ANTARES beamline Paris, France The exceptional electrical properties of graphene have been discovered only 5 years ago, but today the yield of total production of different types of graphene is greater than 15 tons per year. Scientists have created single large polycrystalline graphene sheets by a simple synthesis method and comprehensively characterized them using “Nano Angle Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy”. Contact : J. Avila jose.avila@synchrotron‐ Exploring electronic structure of one‐atom thick polycrystalline graphene films: A nano angle resolved photoemission study, Avila J. et al., Scientific reports, 2013, 3: art.n°2439 Superconducting graphene grown on Rhenium A very efficient way to induce superconductivity in graphene consists in growing it directly on top of rhenium, a superconductor below 2K. Scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy performed at 50 mK unveiled a moiré pattern and a homogeneous superconducting state. Contact : CHAPELIER Claude, Induced Superconductivity in Graphene grown on Rhenium, C. Tonnoir, A. Kimouche, J. Coraux, L. Magaud, B. Gilles and C. Chapelier, Physical Review Letters, 2013, 111, 246805 Concentric transistors Thales R&T, Palaiseau, France Collaborations Graphene devices Dual gate transistors Funding Towards high frequency devices Contact : Celebi et al., Nano Lett. 2013, 13, 967−974. Towards high frequency electronics & optoelectronics Graphene spintronics Unité Mixte de Physique CNRS/Thales PALAISEAU Spin analyzer graphene Spintronics is a paradigm focusing on electrons spin as information vector. Two properties of graphene are particularly promising for spintronics: the transport of spin information with high efficiency and the passivation of ferromagnetic electrodes against oxydation. Spin source Contact : Pierre SENEOR, Highly efficient spin transport in epitaxial graphene on SiC, Dlubak B., Martin MB et al., Nature Physics, 2012, 8, 557 Graphene‐passivated nickel as an oxidation‐resistant electrode for spintronics, Dlubak B., Martin MB et al., ACS Nano, 2012, 6, 10930 Institut UTINAM Besançon ISM Institut des Sciences Moléculaires Bordeaux Reactivity of carbon multivacancies in graphene studied with the DFT method. Periodic DFT calculations have been performed to study the reactivity with respect to atmospheric oxidants (O2, H2O, O3 and atomic oxygen) of multivacancy structures created in graphene sheet by removing adjacent carbon atoms (illustration here with the adsorption of O2 on a trivacancy site). Contact : PICAUD Sylvain, sylvain.picaud@univ‐ Structure and reactivity of carbon multivacancies in graphene, M. Oubal, S. Picaud, M.T. Rayez, J.C. Rayez, Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, 2012, 990, 159‐166. IJL Institut Jean Lamour Vandœuvre‐lès‐ Nancy Synthesis of few‐ layer graphene by solvothermal reaction This work aims for the synthesis of large few‐ layer graphene (FLG) samples by a solvothermal reaction between ethanol and sodium, then a pyrolysis1. The material obtained is a mixture of amorphous carbon and FLG. The influence of some reaction parameters on this material is studied. Contact : Sébastien FONTANA, sebastien.fontana@univ‐ Gram‐scale production of graphene via solvothermal synthesis and sonication, M. Choucair, P. Thodarson, A. Stride, Nature Nanotechnology, 2009, 4, 30‐33 Reversible optical doping of graphene Supported Suspended Charge carrier density of graphene exfoliated on a SiO2/Si substrate is finely and reversibly tuned between electron and hole doping with. visible photons. This photo‐induced doping happens under moderate laser power but requires hydrophilic substrates and vanishes for suspended graphene. Contact : Erik DUJARDIN, Reversible optical doping of graphene, A. Tiberj, M. Rubio‐Roy, M. Paillet, J.‐R. Huntzinger, P. Landois, M. Mikolasek, S. Contreras, J.‐L. Sauvajol, E. Dujardin & A.‐A. Zahab, Scientific Reports 2013, 3, 2355. Transport in perfect edged graphene nanoribbons Using a scanning tunnelling microscope, the electronic structure of a long and narrow graphene nanoribbon, which is adsorbed on a Au(111) surface, is spatially mapped and its conductance then measured by lifting the molecule off the surface with the tip of the microscope. Contact : Christian JOACHIM, Voltage‐dependent conductance of a single graphene nanoribbon, M. Koch, F. Ample, C. Joachim, L. Grill Nature Nanotechnology 2012, 7, 713‐717 Integrated graphene nanoribbon electronics Intrinsic electronic properties of graphene nanoribbons are obtained by patterning suspended graphene into crystalline edged nanoribbons with a new non‐amorphizing non‐contaminating e‐ beam induced etching technique. Contact : Erik DUJARDIN, Graphene nanoribbons patterning by focused electrons beam induced etching. M. Nunez, S. Linas, C. Soldano, P. Salles, M. Rubio‐Roy, O. Couturaud, E. Dujardin. 2014, in preparation.