June 2001
June 2001
.. ~ ---~,'J----~ ~, ,~ ..,, ~ S AN D1tca t\RtA M 1DDLI'. !'..ASH.RN D ANCI'. t\ssac1rna1 \\Ii,.' Th~ Pap)'FUs \11rf ~···· so ea cs SAM ED A's News & Views Jutte 2001 ~ "C Q) ..... Cl) Q) :::::, O' Q) CD I'-- Cl::'. ...... en C: N 0 ..... u ...... <( ~() CD <( ...... 0 X w ~ <( U) - ~ Q) 0 ·- CO O ci. 0.. C: ro U) ~ •...,,,c-.. Q) ~ ' _) J(l;,rt:f,r Cl) ....-/ Q) . .... "C "C ~ l<( ,£.'[' ~ ............i·.,..... H eat her Stants & Urban Tribal Dance Compan~ (Cover story page 16) ( T H E. FAFYRUS 2 June 200 I ) 5 A M E._DA Advertising R a t e Sh ee t SAMEDA Monthly News the official publication of the San Diego Area Middle Eastern Dance Association Chief Officer: SAMEDA Board Members President : Sohaila (760) 743-7501 Vice President : Meleah (619) 280-8424 Treasurer: Cindy Scheidt (619) 334-8745 Secretary: Newsletter Editor: Donna Dutton (858) 689-1142 Lynn Perry lynnard8 @hotmail.com Assisting Editor: Meleah (619) 280-8424 Member Chair: Susan Teal Advertising Director: Nerissa Bell goonster769@hotmail.com Marketing Director: Dave Dhillon (619) 284-5367 Proofreader: Richard Steiger (619) 283-6325 sdsameda@aol.com Newsletter Assembly Persons: Vicki Deriso • Susan Teal SEND NEWSLETIER SUBMISSIONS, ADS, AND FLYERS (SEE BACK COVER FOR ADVERTISING RATES) TO: SA M EDA• PM B #51 • 3401 Adams Avenue, Suite A• San Diego, CA 92116-2490 • sdsameda@aol.com All S A MEDA business correspondence & membership goes to the following address: SAM EDA• P. 0. Box 16821 • San Diego, CA 92176 sdsameda@aol.com i1fttttflttif.l,ti,/¥f,lii,titilttiW ~~----------~----~-- of each month . Due to occasion a I space constraints, non-time-sensitive items may be held over till the next issue. Submissions should be typed or /egib/yhandwritten--preferably double-spaced with adequate margins. Submissions on disk are acceptable (even preferred) in PC platform. Disks will be returned if you include a postpaid mailer. Due to the new streamlined format, we accept typeset material onlyfor advertisements. If you scan your own photos, please do not halftone themscan them as "grayscale" (16 grays) or "black and white photo" in your scanning program . All Fees are per issue and reflect a SAMEDA member discount. 10% discount on 3 or more issues. All ads must be paid for in advance. For further information, contact Jolie Lucas, Director of Advertising at (619) 294-9400 Add $10.00 per item for llOll-members $7.00 Class ified ads 6 lines or less Non-member Business card ad- one issue Half- page ad Full page ad (inside front or bac k cover) Flyer insert (27 5 copies) EXTRAS: Creation of a fly er master Creation of a camera ready ad $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ 15.00 $25.00 $35.00 $30.00 $20.00 $20.00/$30.00 WEB SITE Advertising First page on the SAMEDA website-monthl y Templ ate webpage setup (one-time fee) ~ $5.00 $35.00 All ads submitted must be on white paper and clean for scanning. Text must be crisp & legible, original photos if possible. Otherwise, if extra typesetting needs to be done, an extra charge of $10 will be added. ~ ( . 26 . THCTAf'YRUS June 200 I ) ( THE. f' Af'YRUS June 200 I [ : Mcmbml' Comer 7, 0 t i=;( _!,! ·- ~ ' ~ \I} <( C ·- ~ D ""::'-. I '.Q I I V .s '~ ,Q- J::. I llJ cS ~ ~ ~ Q QQ I .:::::: L !Ci :l3 <C · - -~ 1 E C ~ ~ ~ ~ l<( oB tUOC:.iJ:-s I Q, r f". ~CLZ V J<[_ v iLJ D <( vj ~- '" ~. 5 Z -d v E-£~ C:: C v ~ ~ C C rll (IJ ·.:::, ...,. £3 L. t.) ....t) t ~ I o !9 'J) vr,;i , C ,O _ l/J O (Q '40- tLJ .S ..:.\J C V :? 1: l'Jt'.) ~ c v C ~ ·s ;:i u ....... _..i: IJ '.J) C ~ 81=1 C .... -~ <( <J ~ ,!2 L.. ~ 1.J C: 0 C .is z5 ..0~ (;• .BEE E 0 t: •J) I 1 -£ r::J -{3E~o 1.1) * 0 tS() 0 . v 1,...u (IJ+l Q....c:. v'-c :,; -u '!!· 2 <'I: r,:i~ •\) I I t\) z L.. -gu_g~ I ij Q ~ ,~ ~' l ·i i ~ j I L. ii 1 3 I o.... 5l---.5 0 ...c .., !'J..Nr k_ 1)1 .) ~ • ~ ~ ~ N t; -e o/) I I 0 ~°""2c....X C rt) , 3-) - .... o ..-,L. ~ 0 q ~ 2 A' I L. :l .B""DJ!o ~ is ~ ·--:: u I- _:: ' fil°j .iij C c 0 I L.. ~ ~ 0 _:,/. ~ ~ "'5: -5 ~ 3 '\J . "= ~ -0 " ~ V {i_ .. ~ !;; ('J .B ,. V C: (C I ~ i.l L.. I --u -q =-i· -~ i:;5 C:. z ~ 'J ti u 'D. ~ ~ ~ Welcome Back To ~AM [ DA az -<( Renewing Membet~ C ..J 0 •.I) Effie Homing (Sanura) Marc Biagi (Marcos) Lynda Hughey Diane Volk - Nadeija ~ tU > w 2 '£.! t: : i~ M[MB[R~I-HP ~P[CIAL /If! ' :. ....i • ~ iU "t •• • Join SAMEDA or renew your existing membership at the SAMEDA • • Faire and save $5.00. New memberships and renewals will be $15 .00 • •• at the Faire only. • C:, • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ii: z • (; .~ V of) z ;Ji Q ~ ...,r.: ~ :J . ti. b0 -C-C 0 ~ ~ ~ r-j g, > ~ V ~ lLl g,~ ~ 2 ..J2 <':i V c... ' I Dr. Meris Von Jenef Tony Starkweather Mesmera Sahra Kent ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ L1J 1... Lenore Wellnitz Cheri Joseph ...) :i 113 L.. '!) i.. iJ <( II,.) o F _1 Q u ~~ :] r,Jew Membet~ D u (:l i'J <.l <<1l I.: ~ F E<:e 0 Ci 'i: tLJ 2 z (' · ) Welcome To ~AM[DA ....c I - 00::, ~ 1J). -u<:t"'~ ...J 2 ~ iU V v I 8... L.. -u --0 < .... ' ) I t- ~ z 0 Mission Statement SAMEDA is dedicated to provide educational and performance opportunities for those interested in the art of Middle Eastern dance and to promote this art to the general public by sponsoring seminars, workshops, and events, which are available to all. SAMEDA is also dedicated to the production of a monthly newsletter containing listings of such events and item s o f re lated interest as well as providing a public forum in whi ch the membership is en co uraged to parti cipate . Article II of the Bylaws. ( . 4 -~·~I.·, ~~~ THE. f AFYRUS June LOO I Connl!Ctl!d'? ...- 1,L-, ~.-7 SAMEDA WEBSITE: ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• www.sdsameda.com SAMEDA ........... ......... ........................ . SDSAMEDA@aol.com Aleia ...... . . aleia@worldnet.att.net MorwennaAssaf ............... . ADAcomplex@aol.com Atlantis ..... ... . tonya-and-atlantis.com John Bilezikjian .. dantzrec@aol.com Vicki Deriso .. vicsheer@san.rr.com Dave Dhillon ........ .... . . d_dhillon@msn.com Dondi ... .. ... . www.dondidahlin.com Donna Dutton .. .. . .... ddutton@san.rr.com Elle ............... .. . arabesquelle@netscape.net Fahtiem ... . www.fahtiem.com Theresa Freese taffyfreese@home.com Claudia lmmerzeel claudiaim@worldnet.att.net Arnie Larner ....... . alarner@aol.com Frank Lazzaro ... ....... flazzaro@msn.com Jasmina ............ . . ldscheidt@home.com Jolie Lucas joliefab@aol.com Nora Luchs aluchs@sdcoe.k12 .ca.us Mariah .... .. ... ... . .. .... . mariahyoga@yahoo.com Marguerite www.gypsymagic.com Marula ... .. . ....... xmarula@aol.com Meleah .... . ....... www.meleah.com Mesmera .. .... www.mesmera.com Niki .............. ...... ...... . .. .. ... . nikista 1 @aol.com Lynn Perry ......... ..... .. .. .. lynnard8@hotmail.com Larysa Shmorhay .. .. juiceplus@hotmail.com Jheri St. James .... . jheristjames@yahoo.com Francena Sherburne berridge@cts.com Sabah ........ .................... . .... gakhalsa@yahoo.com Sohaila ... ............. ..... .......... .. ..... .. .... www.sohaila.net Heather Stants ...... ...... .. ........ ......... www.urbantribaldance.com Tonya & Atlantis .......... .. .............. . www.tonya-and-atlantis.com Zarifa ............. .. ............... ....................... ... ... brteresa @aol.com ) ( THE f AFYRUS June 200 I c· 25 Mabrouk! ) :] Congratulations to Anistacia Stacey Miller on her debut solo at Greek Village. Thank you to Marni a who goes beyond support fo r all her students! Anistacia Stacey Miller (Satare) .II-= ==== = = = .= ,= = = ... ._ II ::11 Insi(jlhls aJ Inspiralions :: 0 II II II II by Tonya Chianis II II II , , - - - - - - - - - = = :.""' Almost half way through the year, le t June be the month to work on Dance Transitions. Take the various steps of the dance, such as walks, li ft steps, turns, etc., and do them two at a time until you are completely comfortable with them. Then add another step, then ano ther. In thi s way you are ass ured of hav in g good clean dance transiti ons, which are the tradem ark of accomplished dancers. AFFIRMATION: MY STEPS ARE SMOOTH AND CLEAN, AS I FLOW THROUGH THIS DANCE WITH PERFECTTRANSmONS . Rev. Ron Fox . . ~- . g. . . : 3~ - -· ~Q) ~ Ql ~ -'$' ~ ~ . . . wg~~$ w )> ffi ~ ~ ~~ t; m()~!i>"~OmC~ ~om iil ~mm 2 . m ,30 ,ON<O w-om)>-(1)~Ql ~ m::nl,ulN ro~~ O(l)wi.'liW ro~ '1' ...... -o ' ~ ...... @m w N Ql m N : g : (I) : ~~ (/) : : ~ : ~ . : iil . o : - : (I) Dlen ~ .a CD m .., ~~ Ocl, (I) : ~en l"1] ~~O Ql • en· O l:: (/) Q) ::D -~· ~: ~- Ql< :. (/) 0 () o ro .. 0Dl :: ~ ::I . ~ i C -t :D m en "O C 0 0 ~ ~ ...... ~ g ~ -::J . '£ - w ~ . ~o ~~ . t O,f\)-....,1~~ fcl '£ ~ ~ ~ I\) - . ro m ro crJ ';'JO~ WO m-m-- J\J . (l)CDQlo=r:< - · -, :, ":: . 5·~ O . Dl : Q). ~ : ~ : a(l)f::l=re a- ~ ;p ~ a? ~ ~g.Q)<~~ ODJ~(l)~C: Ql~ CD[ ~ ai;;- ~ = '£"' . . . m~~N~mm~w~mro~w~~m~~m~w~~~~Nro~w~~w~~ Nro~N mN~WN~•vw~~w ...... rowmmwN ~~Nw~9w~ 7 mw9 ~~~m~ 7 7 ro~m7 7 9 ~ ~ ~ ...... 0 7 ~~ o ~ ~o~romw ~ ~w~ ~m ~ro mt mg ~ ~ ~~ ~ w~ ~~~~~ ~ro w ...... omwwNw m ...... o m ...... ~ owomo ~o -w-~------m-....,1--....,1---oowN--~--0000-----m-rowwmwo~mw~ mm~mOOOO~~W~~ro~Noo~wNNN~wN~~W~moo~m~m~~ ...... wmmmmmmom~ 0 ~wmmNrowwm_.W~mwmNmommmmm w~o?rorooowo~~m 0 ~roow??~oo~wo~~mrowNo?oo : : : sa :: ~(l)O~~nQJQJDlDJDlo~Dlo~~(l)DlQlDJDlc~(l)~!DlDJo~=o (l)QJ~~-(l)~~=~~~en~3~-en-en2:::1~~· DJ-3~~~. Dl~ ~g~ _ 5 · (l)~C3~DlQl(l)~ Q) 3(1)~-~~Q)~Dl3=~aQla~ : Ul (I) • ~ Ql ~ Ql ~ ~ Ql ~ ~ Ql (I) Ql ~ C ~ - · Ql (I) - · ~ - · (I) : Ql~Dl: ~NQl~(/) C(l)Dl ~~ (I) ~ 3 Qlen~. : : Q) Q) ~ Q) s: a Q) ~ a (I) Q) Q) (I) Q) DJ : : (I) (I) "lJ < . [ ~ ~ v, . : : Q) : : :: :: :: o· :: :: ~ 'i> z en n en s: C n m :D en ~ z -,. " -· u:: -,. C'D r., -t0 -,. C, (j) v:, ' V, C: -< ?J v )> rn v -i ::r "'00 C :J 0 L "'00 :J 0 C L (j) C: -< ?J )> v v -i ::r rn -+ N -,. C'D 3 -,. 0 -h C'D C, )> rn s: )> (I:, -;r To obtain copies write: TONYA CHlANIS PMB 343, 5318 East Second Street Long Beach, CA 90803-5354 www.tonya-and-atlantis .com $6.95 add $1. 00 for shipping and handling (USA) * ** ****** , , * ** * "A wonderful book of inspiration. One need not be a dancer to appreciate tne deep spirituality of this groat woman.• "On these pagos, through her spiritual connection to dance, Tonya graciously created stepping stones for our own journey. This book seNes as a beacon to brighten our path.· Marta Schill , President Middle Eastem Culture and Dance Association Rev. Margie Clark "Tonya Is a st.ar becavse she dances with passion and tsachos with compassion. She is a friend 1vhos heart is open to all. Who Tonya Is, makes It possible fordancors around her to experience transformation. May this little book inspire you to catch the vision of your greatness and BXpress It through your d8!1C8. • ~I(l)(l)(/)(1)(/)(/)(/)(/)(1)::IJ>-uzz~~o~~~rLLLL~oo)>~~)>)> "Positive thoughts will help clear the way to accepting only good, through your studies , your performances and your life." Tonya Cliianis l .., ilb , pub.I 1,IM"-t h-.. .............U., •llli- AllMILI) Ton"la Chl.a.nl,. R.Sc.P. A pocket book of Poetry, Rhymes, Affirmations and Helpful Hints by Tonya Chianis, R.Sc.P. lttsig'hts attb lttspiratiotts for Dattcers * A Powerful Addition For Your Dance Bag _ss11,_eJ1:.ttt1* A po<kLI 1,o.;k of T'o.tl1'\j. lttt\jH1U. AffirtttAtt.fflt ..,.~ Hdpful Hltttt b'j -: ( . 6 THE..FAFYRUS June 2001 l!UllmlmfflAITT 1. . .,. ,. ) ( June 200 I tidi!ildi!IBIEl!J RnnoU11CC111C11ts • w~~~J Greek Palace-2 for 1 dinners with SAMEDA membership card. Holidays/ events excluded. Call for more info. • • SAMEDA wants to acknowledge your birthdays I Let us know your birthday month & day! I..O I'm looking for people who are knowledgeable about traditional middle-eastern dances or folk dances. Please call me Nicki 760-634-3680 or e-mail: Nikistal @aol.com. Cl) Looking for a Volunteer Coordinator to help coordinate SAMEDA parties. If interested, please email sdsameda@aol.com. Please note Art/Dance's new name: Art/Dance Complex, Arabic Dance Academy. Scottie is looking for vendor helpers for the Bedouin Bazaar, Oct. 13 & 14. If interested, call her at (858) 581-0135. Scherazade's Souk has new music, costumes, and lots of new stuff - make an appointment to shop (858) 581-0135. June 24-Belly dance yard sale at Scottie's, 3234 Idlewild Way in Clairemont. From 11 to4(858)581-0135. MECDA is holding a shimmython at the Cairo Camivale on June 2nd & 3rd. The proceeds benefit Foster Care Educcation at Rio Hondo College. If you would like to participate, SAMEDA will sponsor you. Please contact Susan Teal(619)444-4197. April Gallaty is looking for belly dance instructors. She will be here this summer to attend a women's fitness camp in La Jolla. In speaking with the camp director, there is a possibility of having belly dance instruction as part of the camp curriculum. If any instructors are interested, please contact Nancy Lenhart at www.campla-jolla.com and tell her that you were contacted by April Gallaty. Marula's YMCA Belly Dance class will be performing at the Del Mar Fair on Sunday, June 15th at 3 :00 p.m. on the San Diego Showcase Stage. c: • Classifieds :J Beautiful costumes, well cared for, for sale: aqua/silver $350; fuschia/silver $350; dark green/gold $350; Madame Alba gold/maroon $450. Fit sizes 8-10. Leave message at (858) 486-1952, e-mail: jete@integrity.com t- -] O"I • ] .s C'd § = ~ "'O ~ .g t;I) t;I) ~ af ~ 0 ] ..s:: C) c2 ~ ~ .g --..... Cl) 0 THE.. f AFYRUS 2) ) ( 22 Tr1E._ FAFYRUS June wo 1 ) ( THE_ f AFYRUS June 200 I So . . . where are they today? To the best of my knowledge: Richard Barham : Died in May 1998. Lou Sayegh: Now lives in Las Vegas and has retired from performing. Jacqueline: I saw her performing IO years ago at the Hajii Baba nightclub on La Brea in Hollywood. Tony Karasek : Still lives in the San Diego area. I believe he still performs and teaches Indian sitar and tabla and travels with Ravi Shankar on concert tours. Dave Dhillon: Still performing at club dates and private parties. Also does sporadic teaching on doumbek and continues to play bongos with Latin musician buddies including doing some CD tracks on their albums. Delilah : Lives in Seattle, WA and has her own venue called Visionary Dance Productions. She arranges annual retreats in Hawaii and has produced several videos. She says to feel free to visit her website at "Visionary Dance.com". I usually see her at the Cairo Carnival every year. [ : ~ Shl,ws 7 :J & 8pccidl 6ffllts .. • Sundays, June 10 & 17 and Thursdays, June 14 & 28- Jamila's Belly Dance Dinner Showcases at Greek Town Restaurant, 431 "E" Street, San Diego (Gaslamp District) at 7:00 p.m . To schedule dancing, call Jamila at (619) 466-8233; for reservations, (619) 232-0461 . • June 24 - Summer Student Concert at Hajji Baba restaurant downtown . Call Marnia (619) 298-2599 or Jasmina (619) 334-8745 to register. • July 22 - the SAMEDA Faire - in a NEW location • the Scottish Rite Center in Mission Valley ::::music, dancing, food and fun :::: Vendors call Susan (619) 444-4197; dancers call Meleah (619) 280-8424. Volunteers please call Vicki (858) 271-2710. Sultana: Still resides in San Diego. She has a serious "significant other" in her life and she travels with him on both business and pleasure trips around the U.S. and Mexico. Jamila ( Jill): She married a Portuguese fisherman, quit the business and started a family. Romany: Her dance name is now Elle and she lives in North County and teaches dance . Alexandra: Completed college and has gone on to become Professor Crawford. She is a museum curator and teaches History of Civilization at a local university. Dezerae: I lost track of her although I noticed that she was listed as an instructor in the Papyrus newsletter for awhile, however, not lately. Rossah, Athena, Ashgara, Katrina and Ann Marie??? I don't know where they are. We had a wonderful time over the years at Sultan's Lounge . Management was always respectful and accommodating and the lounge employees were always upbeat and friendly. Our musicians and dancers were true professionals filled with creative spirit and accomplishment. We were like one big happy family and it was a pleasure to go to work every night. The show closed in mid 1979. In my next retrospective, I'll share what I remember with you, regarding the many bellydance clubs around the San Diego area that have come and gone over the last 30 years or so. If you were involved in the dance community at that time, and want to contribute to these articles, i.e., humorous anecdotes, updates, personal experiences, etc. , feel free to contact me via email or phone (both numbers are listed in the Papyrus) or drop a note c/o the SAMEDA post office box number. ) Jurt=.f;· ;birth~a;{3 " Theresa Freese - June 21 SAMEDA BOARD MEETING • Sunday, June 10th at Dave Dhillon's home 2464 Haller Street in North Park Call (619) 284-5367 • ALL MEMBERS ARE WELCOME! SAMEDA Faire, future rummage sale come join us & get involved -- it's fun! ( -·· THE. f' Af'YRU5 8 June 2.00 1 Bdli Dara Claooes TEACHERS PLEASE NOTE: PLEASE NOTIFY THE EDITOR ON ALL CLASS TYPES, CLASS DATES, AND CLASS TIMES North County & Beyond Aleia (760)721-0080 •Beginning Cabaret M 6:00-7:00 • Intermediate Cabaret T 7:00-8:30 •Private coaching by appointment, Carlsbad Arnalya (760)432-6574 4 Women Only Fitness Club, Poway •Beginning M 10:45-1 1:45 •Beginning T 8:00-9:00 4 Women Only Fitness Club, San Marcos •Beginning w 7:30-8:30 Escondido Center for the Arts •Int/Adv Th 7:30-8:30 Angelika Tustin (949) 786-3111 Tustin/Community Services (714) 573-3326 Costa Mesa/Orange Coast College (714) 432-5735 Golden West College, Huntington Beach (714) 895-8306 Irvine/Learning Tree University (949) 442-0690 Morwenna & Walid Assaf-Art/Dance Academy Complex (760)757-4470 1837A S. Coast Hwy, Oceanside •Intro to Middle Eastern dance M 6:30-7:30 6:30-8:00 •Choreography, Arabic style T •Drumming w 6:00-7:00 • Improvisation w 7:00-8:00 •Gypsy, Zambra morro w 8:00-9:00 •Technique, Arabic TH l 0:30-12:00 •Bellydance for fun & fitness TH 6:30-7:30 •Bellydance for fun & fitness SA l :00-2:00 •Technique, Arabic SA 2:00-3:00 Gotta Dance, 30th St., North Park •Intro to Middle Eastern dance M 5:00-6:15 Academy of World Dance in Arts, Rancho Bernardo •Arabic style TH 8:30-9:30 ) ( June LOO I THE. f' Af'YRU5 21 J We presented two shows Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 9:30 and 11 :30 p.m. and three shows on Friday and Saturday at 9:30, 11 : 15 and 12:45. Shows were timed to last around an hour eac h. We opened with several in strumentals from different countries, presented the first dancer for no more than 20 minutes ... then Tony would be featured on sitar solo (and sometimes tabl as). At this point, the feature dancer came out a nd did another 20 minute show. Each dance routine included specific solos with violin, sitar, and doumbeks. We worked from six different showbooks put together by Richard and we rehearsed periodically to refine routines and music or to add new songs. There was a potpourri of wonderful dancers at the Sultan 's Lounge during our 3 1/2 years there. Dezerae was a favorite of everyone. She came to us from the King Luis Lounge near Old Town which had Arabic music and bellydancing on Tuesdays. Others included Rossah (did floor work with sword), Athena, a beautiful blonde who also did a sword routine, Romany, Ashgara, Alexandra, Katrina Dakis , Ann Marie (from Los Angeles). When Sultana left to work for the Haji Baba in Mission Valley, our number one dancer became Delilah who also could dazzle an audience in her own way as Sultana did in hers . We also had speciality nights . We would welcome instructors and their students and would afford them the opportunity work with live music (as opposed to always usi ng pre-recorded music). We also hosted weekday contests which culminated after six weeks of competition. The six finalists competed for I st prize which was $50 in cash , a dozen roses, a free professional photo and a weekend for 2 with dinner included at an affiliate hotel in Van Nuys (near Magic Mountain) . Working conditions were very decent. Dressing rooms were just off the showroom and were secure enough that we could leave our instruments and costumes there each night. Originally, the weekly paycheck was made out to Richard and he would pay us with his personal check (he was always very prompt and concientious about money and his checks were always good as gold). Later, when we renegotiated the contract (we were on a two week option) we got paid through the hotel's payroll with all deductions taken out which provided each of us with continuing Social Security, unemployment compensation and group medical. Although tips were sparse (because the bosses did not like the customers to approach the entertainers for fear of endangering their lounge licensing), we would be booked by clientele that liked our show and would hire us for private parties . Our nightly clientele consisted of hotel guests, other entertainers, diners from the downstairs restaurant, local dan ce s tudents , singles clubs members, and an assortment of American Arabic, Armenian , Greek, and East Indian people . We were also on a nightclub tour company agenda who would bring in a mini-bus full of customers twice a week while making their rounds to other famous San Diego show clubs like the Stardust Hote l Reef Lounge with an underwater ballet behind the bar. The Bali Hai on Shelter Is land with a full Tahitian/Hawii an sho w and Mickey Finn 's in Hill crest famo us for a Fire house-Five type Di xieland show. ( 20 cfi er ~e T HE_ f AFYR.US Jun e 200 I ) CZ"~e W~1 We We,·e J{~h·osrecHve ii r-S\-41 t ~ ~, cl2C\-4 ~e S !/)~ve !J)};,,llo~ 19]) -19]9 In the J960's and I 970's, San Diego's Hotel Circle was alive with a variety of nightclub and lounge entertainment, ranging from Latin salsa, piano bar, underwater mermaid shows, country western, pop vocal and ballroom dance. It was the hotspot area of town much like the Gaslamp Quarter is today. One of the smaller properties had an upstairs drink and dance lounge called the Purple Turtle. Due to falling patronage and high costs, the manager decided to try something different. He approached Richard Barham who had been the oudist from the old Vacation Village bellydance show (and former decorator of the Fez nightclub in Hollywood) and asked if he could create the same magic at his hotel? Richard went to work and repainted the room, and put up Arabic tapestries and artifacts, added a dance runway that extended from center stage into the middle of the room (much like a fashion show runway) and provided floor cushions as seating around this runway. He added overhead stage lighting using amber and pink gels along with a blacklight and color wheel. An entry marquee was added with dancers' photos and showtime information. We also placed lifesize cutouts of the feature dancer in the hotel lobby and had announcements in the hotel guest rooms. Cocktail waitresses were dressed in harem costumes to provide atmosphere and the bartenders wore colorful costume vests. There was a seating host at the door who also collected a $2.00 cover charge (and a two drink minimum). We were concerned that this format might not be well accepted by the general public and hotel guests, but within 30 days the lounge sales had doubled ... we were a "HIT" and we officially renamed the place ... SULTAN'S LOUNGE The show opened in November 1975. Initially, two entertainers from Los Angeles were on stage along with local performers. On doumbeks, Louie Sayegh from the 7th Veil in Hollywood, and a tiny dynamic and fiery feature dancer, Jacqueline. Both Louie and Jacqueline were given hotel rooms in which to live 5 days a week and a 50% discount in the hotel restaurant. The second dancer on the bill was a beautiful local performer named Sultana. The show leader and MC was Richard Barham on oud , violin and vocals and Tony Karasek on electric bass and a variety of East Indian instruments . Within 60 days, both the out-of-town entertainers returned to Los Angeles. Louie was replaced by Dave Dhillon and Sultana moved to the feature dancer pos iti o n. The second dance position was filled by Jamila (Jill) . ( J un e 200 I THE_ f AFYR.US 9 Effie H orning (760) 630-7063 •Private coaching by appointment Jheri (949) 494-5031 • Laguna Beach • Beg. Belly Dance • Int. Belly Dance Frank Lazzaro (760) 942-1326 • Encinitas •Drumming •Private lessons by appointment T Su 8:00-9:30 5 :00-6:30 M 7:00-8:30 Mariah (760) 727-4545 • Yoga Studio Carlsbad •Yoga •Yoga • Yoga •Belly - Beginning all levels all levels dance - beg/int Sohaila (760) 743-1235 • Escondido • Sohaila's Studio •Beginning belly dance •Choreography class •Int/adv improvisation/technique Sohaila's Studio • Int improvisation/technique •Beginning belly dance •Intermediate belly dance Poway Adult Education •Beginning belly dance (IO week class) Learning Annex seminars once a month. Call for info. Private coaching by appointment SA 1:00-2:15 SU 9:00-10:15 9:00-10:15 T TH 7:00-8:15 T T T 12:00-1:00 8:00-9:00 7:00-8:00 s I 0:00-11 :00 6:30-7:30 7:30-8:30 TH TH M 7:00-8:30 Kathy Stradley (909) 699-5606 • Temecula Community Rec. Center •Beginning belly dance W 6:00-7:00 W 7: I0-8:20 •Intermediate/Advanced belly dance Tonya (562)434-3987 Golden West College • 714-891-3991 •Mixed level belly dance T 6:30-8:00 So. Calif. Dance Academy (562) 434-3987 TH 7:30-8:30 •Mixed level belly dance Cenitos College, (562) 860-2451, ext. 2521 •Mixed level belly dance F 7:00-8:30 Santa Monica College (310) 434-3400 •Mixed level belly dance S 10:00-Noon Nicki Vaccar (760) 634-3680 • Carlsbad Parks & Recreation •Mid Eastern Beg. M 7 : 15-8: 15 ) ( IO T HE. f A FYRUS Jun e 2.00 I • Mid Eastern Beg/Inter. San Dieguito Adult Ed •Mid Eastern Beg. •Mid Eastern Beg/Interm •Flamenco, Beg/lnterm •Flamenco, Beg. Coast Athletic Club (Encinitas) •Mid-Eastern Technique/Int. •Mid-Eastern Adv/Perform ance San Dieguito Adult Ed - March Workshops •Mid Eastern Beg. •Greek Folk I & 2 Greek Village Restaurant -- Free (twice a month) •Greek Dance lessons •Private coaching by appointment M 8: 15-9:30 T T W W 7:00-8:00 8:00-9:00 5:00-6:00 6:00-7:00 TH TH 7:15-8:15 8: 15-9:45 S 9:00-10:30 S l 0:30-12:00n Su ) ( .Jun e 2. 0 0 I TH E f A FYRUS 19 INSTRUCilONAL VIDEO " Bell yda nce Fitness for Beginners" Veena & Neena " Pri vate Lesson with Ruby Jazayre" "The Cymbal Dance" Hahbi'Ru "Weadirt Tohgor" Shareen el Safy Ballots will be sent to the voting members ofIAMED. Deadline for voting is July JO, 2001. The Awards will be presented at the Fifth Annual Awards of Bellydance ceremony on Saturday, August 18 , 200 I at the Performing Arts Center of California State University Northridge. The Awards of Bellydance weekend is August 16- 19 and will include workshops by IAMED's 2000 Dancer of the Year Dali a Carella and Leyla & Roland from Germany. Joining these stars in performing at the Awards Show are Judeen, Katia, Reza Farnoush, Sabura, Sakti, Azar and Lori Belil ove of the Isadora Duncan Foundation. 6:00-7:00 For a complete list of the 200 I nominees and information about voting membership please see our website at "http://www.bellydance.org". Metro Suzy Evans, President Luisa (619) 299-1129 • Dancing Unlimited, 4569 3Q•h St, North ,_.,.. Park & La Jolla Rec Center • Intermediate belly dance •Private coaching by appointment .f /. J . -1 , .l (. .•'/ ( - j / L--:.1 : 1..• - - ~:.......L_ M 7: 15-8: 15 Mahara (619) 688-9467 • Oasis/Robinson's May in Mission Valley •Beg. belly dance for women over 50 ), , .... \ Layla Sidonia (619) 229-8250 • Tierrasanta Rec. Center •Ethnic Arabic & Egyptian Dance Basics ) F ~AM~DA Co~tutnf!t Li~t l 0: 15-11 :45 Marola (619) 298-2599 Mission Valley YMCA, 5055 Friars Road •Beg. belly dance S •Adv. Beg/Int. belly dance S Mission Valley YMCA - MPR Room •Int/Adv. belly dance M Private coaching by appointment Meleah (619) 280-8424 Centre City Ballet, 928 Ft. Stockton, Mi ssion Hill s •Beg, foundations of belly dance W •Int/Adv technique & combinations, zi ll s, double veil W Gotta Dance Studi o, 3982 30th St., North Park •Beg/Int use of props TH Taoist Sanctuary, 4229 Park Blvd., North Park F •Inte rmed iate tec hniqu e & zills 1:30-2:30 2:45-3:45 Aleia (760) 721-0080 Abhi-lrena Perakh ..... .. . (760) 751-3436 Morwenna Assaf 8:30-9:30 B.D. Patterns ..... ·· ·· ··· ··· (760) 757-4470 .... . (619) 444-4197 Cristobal ..... ... .... .. .. .. .... ... ....... ... ..... .... ............. .. .. ... .. ...... 697-9121 Theresa Freese .............................................................. 521-0849 7:30-8:30 6:25-7:25 Gypsy Wear (Rebecca Long) ..... ................... .... .... ... ...... 579-9526 Nicki Vaccar .. ............ ......... ... .... ........... .. ........... .... (760) 634-3680 Scherezade's Souk ...................................... .. ....... (858) 581-0135 7:30-8:30 Sohaila .............. ........................................... ......... (760) 743-7501 Zarifa ... .... ...... ... .. .. .... ..... .... .. .... ........ .. .. ...... ........... . (619) 453-0811 I :30-2:30 [ I8 . THE. f AFYR.US June 200 I ) THE_ IN TERNATIO NAL ACADEMY OF MIDDL E EASTERN DAN CE_ 200 I AWARDS OF E:>ELLYDAN CE NOMINEES DANCER OF THE YEAR CABARET DANCER Cassandra EvaCernik Laurel Victoria Gray Suzanna Del Vecchio An s uya Dondi Ghaz.al Sulisha MODERN EGYPTIAN DANCER ETHNIC DANCER Jamila Al Wahid Jasmin Jahal Margo Abdo O'Dell Sohaila Carolyn Krueger Habiba Momo Kadous Shahrazad DANCE COMPANY CHOREOGRAPHER Jawaahir Jillina & the Sahlala Dancers Sese & the Cairoettes Ultra Gypsy Atlantis Morocco Raqia Hassan Yousry Sharif ( June 2.00 I 11~~=1 THE. FAFYR.US Scherazade (858) 581 -0135 • 3234 ldlewild Way, Clairemont •Priv ate coaching by appointment Heather Stants (619) 696-3788 • 2323 Broadway, San Diego •Beg. tribal belly dance W 7:00-8:00 •Int. tribal belly dance W 8:00-9:00 •Priv ate coaching by appointment Richard Steiger-Drumming (619) 283-6325 •Private coaching by appointment Theresa (619) 521-0849 • Centre City Ballet, 928 Ft. Stockton •Beg . thru Int. belly dance M 7:00-8:30 Charlotte Zinn (619) 522-8911 • Coronado Adult School •Int. belly dance 3/21 to 5/2 W 7: 15-8:30 E as t County Amy J aneke (Shirin) (619) 667-1333 • La Mesa Rec Center INSTRUCTOR PROMOTOR Kajira Djoumahna Mahmoud Reda Morwenna Assaf Raqia Hassan Eileen Bauer/Med-Dance List Salome Shareen El Safy The Gilded Serpent MUSIC CD O R TAPE " HALAWAH" Reda Darwi sh " KATIA IN YOUM EL FARRAH" Aboudi Badawi ''TAMALLY MAAK" Amr Diab "TRIBUTE TO FARID EL ATRASH" Movses Pan oss ian (producer) ENTERTAINMENT VIDEO "Dances of Iran " R obyn Friend " DeAnn 's Dream" DeAnn Adams " Infinito" Tamalyn Dalla! " Fes tival on the Nile XX" Beledi Producti ons •Belly dancing TH 6:30-7:30 Ana Goebel (619) 660-6965 • Spring Valley Rec Center Cyrena (619) 698-9421 • San Carlos Rec Center, 6445 Lake Badin Ave. M 6:00-7:15 •Beginning belly dance M 7: 15-8:30 •Multi-level belly dance J amila (619) 466-8233 • La Mesa •Beginning belly dance Santana Adu It High School w 6:00-7:00 •Hawaiian 7:00-8:00 •Beginning belly dance W 8:00-9:00 •Intermediate belly dance W • Private coaching by appointment Jasmina (619) 660-4350 • Cuyamaca College, Room R205 Summer Sessions •Beg . sess ion T 4:30-5:30 • Int. sess ion TH 4:00-5:30 Sabah (619) 448-650 I • Santee Elementary School, Room CSD2 •Summer session F TBA •Int. session S 10:15-11:15 •Beg. sess ion S 11 :30- 12:30 [ I2 THE.. f' Af'YRUS June mo 1 ) ( June mo 1 THE.. f' AFYRUS jg,ell1 by Karen Malfara ';,.t\~CIZ Wednesdays-Tanya and Atlantis present their Original Belly Dance Showcase from 8:45-11 :30 p.m. at the Los Angeles Harbor Sheraton Hotel , 60 I S. Palos Verdes St., San Pedro. For show information, call Tonya at (310) 434-3987; for reservations, call (310) 519-8200. Thursdays- Mediterranean Kebab Room , 610 S. Myrtle Ave., Monrovia, 8:00 pm to 11 :00 pm. An Evening of Belly Dancing with guest dancers, dancing to Turkish , Armenian, Arabic, Greek & Persian music performed by John Bilezikjian , Var Daghdevirian & Cyriana. Open dancing & Greek folk dancing. To reserve a dance slot, call Cyriana (909) 987-1670. Show includes 5 solo dance spots. Student dancers are encouraged to dance as well as instructors & professionals. Troupes welcome, live music or taped show could be arranged . Reservations call (626) 357-0512. June 24-July 1-Shareen el Safy 's retreat at Shambala Ranch • "The Spirit of Egyptian Dance." Call (805) 962-9639. August 16-19-IAMED Awards Weekend Event in Los Angeles - show, workshops, field trips, costume classes, Egyptian nightclubs, and more! Contact Suzy Evans (818) 343-4410 or email : iamed@bellydance.org, website: www.bellydance.org. Scattering skirts Undulate rhythmically. Riotous colors Swirl in unison Bared midriffs Roll with sensual motions. Alluring arms Flutter hypnotically. Feet glide Laced up in sandals. Cymbals sing Off tips of fingers. C «IQ~ :J Thursdays-Garet Bedrosian and Judith Greer Essex offer a women 's expressive arts therapy group on Thursday evenings. Explore and discover yourself through the arts. Call Garet at (619) 295-8002 or Judith at (619) 239-1713. June 24th-Bellydance/yoga workshop from I :00-3:30 p.m. at Yoga Studio Carlsbad. Cost is $35. For information call Mariah (760) 727-4545. July 8th- Jamila is sponsoring Enheduanna in a seminar from 12:30 p.m . to 2:30 p.m. at the Pride of Polynesia Dance Studio, 6506 El Cajon Blvd. , San Diego. Cost is $20 in advance and $22 at the door. Her topic will be interpretation of modem music. She has studied with Nourhan Sharif and Tayyar Akdeni z. Call Jamila at (619) 4668233. Eyes glitter Through translucent veils. Hips mesmerize Under bejeweled scarves. Buttocks shimmy With Scintillating energy. Bells jingle Blending with drum beats. Apparent abandon Is carefully planned. I 7 ) [ ~-~-1 { - - . THE. FAFYR.US k.~~K June 2001 ) [ RESTAURANT. TAVERNA THE. FAFYR.US 1? ) SAME DA FAIRE 2001 Restaurant & Taverna l~~A~~ June 2001 Dance, Dine & Drink in the Greek Fashion Sunda_y, Jul_y 22nd at the Scottish fZite Center 189 5 Camino del fZio South Be Greek once a week in Mission Valle_y to: 4.m. fo 5:00 :p.m. Want everyone to see your ad in the SAMEDA FAIRE program? Contact Lynn at lynnard8@hotmail.com Two exciting workshops this year featuring Dave Dhillon with "Percussive Rhythms for Dancers" and Heather Stants with "Tribal Style Bellydance". An exciting new location! Right off Interstate 8 in Mission Valley! Professional instructors & student bellydance performances are welcome. Please contact Kostas or Emilia to make arrangements • Call (760) 603-9672 • LIVE MUSIC r-i "A;~~ii;~;~;;~-rFREE~GAN:KI~ I I I Lamb Shanks • gyro Plate • Pastitsio • Chicken Souvlaki Reg. $12 .95 & up Sun-Tues-Wed-Thurs 5-Spm I I Dine-in only.. N~t valid with other specials or coupons. I I Limit 2 per coupon, 4 per table. with purchase of2 lunch or dinner entrees $6.95 value I I ~--------------~--------~ Not valid with other specials 6030 PASEO DEL NORTE • CARLSBAD • (760) 603-9-0PA (672) CATERINGAVAILABLE • PARTIESWELCOME •PATIODININGAVAILABLE Hours : Mon 11 am-3pm , Tues thru Thurs 11 am-3pm & 5-1 Opm Fri & Sat 11 am-midnight, Sun 11 am- I I pm • Dinner served until close on weekends •See our menu onlioe at SaoDiegoReader.com! • Open Dancing • Vendors Extraordinaire • Food • 2 Exciting Workshops • Fun • Formal Stage • Raffle for Prizes! • Live Music • Ifyou are interested in dancing, please call Meleah at (619) 280-8424 • Ifyou are interested in vending, please call Susan at (619) 444-4197 • Ifyou are interested in volunteering, please call Vicki at (858) 271-271( • Volunteers receive free ad.mission for 3 hours of work-we need help in: selling raffle tickets, SAMEDA information booth, dressing room, vendor assisting, runners, package check - please call Vicki (858) 271-2710 1+ ( Love,· rSt,:"·7: of THE. f AFYRU5 June 2001 ) l-le~t7e,· rSt~ttts 6l)~..,,e COtt-,r~tt7 :Focus ott U,-~~tt '[ ,-,~~, By Kristin Cavanaugh The 2001 Art Walk in Little Italy came alive this year with energetic performances by the Urban Tribal Dance Company in front of the Gargoyle Cafe on India Street. As foot traffic stopped to veiw what was causing such a commotion on the sidewalk, Frank Lazzaro and Jeremiah Soto provided live drumming. Heather Stants and Urban Tribal wowed the audience with their amazing stylization. Not only was this a day of expression for painters, photographers, and other artists, it also marked the one year anniversary of Urban Tribal Dance Company. Heather's interest in tribal style began when she met Stephanie Barto in a cabaret class taught by Samantha Serquet. The two soon left to focus more on tribal dance together. Tribal belly dance developed in the late 1980's and early 1990's by Carolena Nericcio of Fat Chance Belly Dance in San Francisco (other tribal groups have expanded from this format). With Carolena's encouragement, Stephanie became the first Fat Chance Belly Dance certified instructor to start tribal classes. For eight months the classes were videotaped and, under Carolena's helpful eye, refined to maintain the essence of tribal style. In addition to studying with Stephanie and Carolena, Heather has also worked with Jill Parker (original member ofFat Chance, now with Ultra Gypsy), and other members ofFat Chance Belly Dance. In November of 1999, Heather met the women who would become Urban Tribal Dance Company, of which she is creative director. She currently teaches tribal belly dance in San Diego. From listening to Heather's experiences in tribal dance, it is clear that the success and growth of individual dancers relate entirely to the support of their community and reliance on the group as a whole. I was thrilled to learn so much about tribal style-everything from where it originated to the costuming and performances. Tribal style is a fusion of many different types of dance, and is not authentic to any one country. While many of its movements stem from various Middle Eastern styles, it also includes elements of gypsy imagery, flamenco, and Indian. Within the dance troupe itself, personal style combines wth an improvisational format to create a unique and vibrant dance experience. The focus is on the group in tribal, not on individual dancers or solo performances. Urban Tribal Dance Company uses movement cues based on a strict vocabulary while dancing. Even when one or two dancers work together, the other women act as a chorus behind them, accenting the music with zill-work and lively zaghareets. Tribal costuming is as individual as the dance troupes themselves. It is an eclectic mix and match of pantaloons, full skirts, tasseled and mirrored belts, cholis, Afghani jewelry, turbans, scarves, and great make-up! Seeing Urban Tribal at Art ( THE. f AFYRU5 June 2001 15 ] Walk provided me with a better visual understanding of Heather 's descriptions. A Frank and Jeremiah began drumming, Urban Tribal Dance Company emerged fron the cafe door to the storefront area. Each woman was a vision of personal style with beautifully ornate head turbans, and full-skirts bejeweled with mirrors an1 tassels. The jewelry adorning their wrists accented the graceful arm movement throughout the performance. Heather's advice for dancers is simple: Dancers should not limit themselves ti one particular style or teacher. Learn as much as you can and blend this into you own personal style. She also encourages dancers to support one another, so th true sense of community can shine through and stifle any temptation to b, competitive and catty. Heather performs with Urban Tribal Dance Company on the first Saturday ofth month at the Gargoyle Cafe on India Street. She will also be teaching a tribal bell: dance workshop at The SAMEDA Faire on Sunday, July 22, 2001. . Make/./p ~ a\ Advice 00 o,,. ~':," i ~e, Q..'o i (t) ii1 "'{\ -a:i ', •. °'m'''' ..,j,,';;;,;p:i:f·-. ~ ',;" . ''\-~~'ii•''•.. ·~· "~~,.. .;1 Aele.t\L,,"»1 u rI I ' Is Here . - New Spring Colors - Glitter Body Art - 24-hour Lipstick 6 19-2 80- 8424 1+ ( Love,· rSt,:"·7: of THE. f AFYRU5 June 2001 ) l-le~t7e,· rSt~ttts 6l)~..,,e COtt-,r~tt7 :Focus ott U,-~~tt '[ ,-,~~, By Kristin Cavanaugh The 2001 Art Walk in Little Italy came alive this year with energetic performances by the Urban Tribal Dance Company in front of the Gargoyle Cafe on India Street. As foot traffic stopped to veiw what was causing such a commotion on the sidewalk, Frank Lazzaro and Jeremiah Soto provided live drumming. Heather Stants and Urban Tribal wowed the audience with their amazing stylization. Not only was this a day of expression for painters, photographers, and other artists, it also marked the one year anniversary of Urban Tribal Dance Company. Heather's interest in tribal style began when she met Stephanie Barto in a cabaret class taught by Samantha Serquet. The two soon left to focus more on tribal dance together. Tribal belly dance developed in the late 1980's and early 1990's by Carolena Nericcio of Fat Chance Belly Dance in San Francisco (other tribal groups have expanded from this format). With Carolena's encouragement, Stephanie became the first Fat Chance Belly Dance certified instructor to start tribal classes. For eight months the classes were videotaped and, under Carolena's helpful eye, refined to maintain the essence of tribal style. In addition to studying with Stephanie and Carolena, Heather has also worked with Jill Parker (original member ofFat Chance, now with Ultra Gypsy), and other members ofFat Chance Belly Dance. In November of 1999, Heather met the women who would become Urban Tribal Dance Company, of which she is creative director. She currently teaches tribal belly dance in San Diego. From listening to Heather's experiences in tribal dance, it is clear that the success and growth of individual dancers relate entirely to the support of their community and reliance on the group as a whole. I was thrilled to learn so much about tribal style-everything from where it originated to the costuming and performances. Tribal style is a fusion of many different types of dance, and is not authentic to any one country. While many of its movements stem from various Middle Eastern styles, it also includes elements of gypsy imagery, flamenco, and Indian. Within the dance troupe itself, personal style combines wth an improvisational format to create a unique and vibrant dance experience. The focus is on the group in tribal, not on individual dancers or solo performances. Urban Tribal Dance Company uses movement cues based on a strict vocabulary while dancing. Even when one or two dancers work together, the other women act as a chorus behind them, accenting the music with zill-work and lively zaghareets. Tribal costuming is as individual as the dance troupes themselves. It is an eclectic mix and match of pantaloons, full skirts, tasseled and mirrored belts, cholis, Afghani jewelry, turbans, scarves, and great make-up! Seeing Urban Tribal at Art ( THE. f AFYRU5 June 2001 15 ] Walk provided me with a better visual understanding of Heather 's descriptions. A Frank and Jeremiah began drumming, Urban Tribal Dance Company emerged fron the cafe door to the storefront area. Each woman was a vision of personal style with beautifully ornate head turbans, and full-skirts bejeweled with mirrors an1 tassels. The jewelry adorning their wrists accented the graceful arm movement throughout the performance. Heather's advice for dancers is simple: Dancers should not limit themselves ti one particular style or teacher. Learn as much as you can and blend this into you own personal style. She also encourages dancers to support one another, so th true sense of community can shine through and stifle any temptation to b, competitive and catty. Heather performs with Urban Tribal Dance Company on the first Saturday ofth month at the Gargoyle Cafe on India Street. She will also be teaching a tribal bell: dance workshop at The SAMEDA Faire on Sunday, July 22, 2001. . Make/./p ~ a\ Advice 00 o,,. ~':," i ~e, Q..'o i (t) ii1 "'{\ -a:i ', •. °'m'''' ..,j,,';;;,;p:i:f·-. ~ ',;" . ''\-~~'ii•''•.. ·~· "~~,.. .;1 Aele.t\L,,"»1 u rI I ' Is Here . - New Spring Colors - Glitter Body Art - 24-hour Lipstick 6 19-2 80- 8424 [ ~-~-1 { - - . THE. FAFYR.US k.~~K June 2001 ) [ RESTAURANT. TAVERNA THE. FAFYR.US 1? ) SAME DA FAIRE 2001 Restaurant & Taverna l~~A~~ June 2001 Dance, Dine & Drink in the Greek Fashion Sunda_y, Jul_y 22nd at the Scottish fZite Center 189 5 Camino del fZio South Be Greek once a week in Mission Valle_y to: 4.m. fo 5:00 :p.m. Want everyone to see your ad in the SAMEDA FAIRE program? Contact Lynn at lynnard8@hotmail.com Two exciting workshops this year featuring Dave Dhillon with "Percussive Rhythms for Dancers" and Heather Stants with "Tribal Style Bellydance". An exciting new location! Right off Interstate 8 in Mission Valley! Professional instructors & student bellydance performances are welcome. Please contact Kostas or Emilia to make arrangements • Call (760) 603-9672 • LIVE MUSIC r-i "A;~~ii;~;~;;~-rFREE~GAN:KI~ I I I Lamb Shanks • gyro Plate • Pastitsio • Chicken Souvlaki Reg. $12 .95 & up Sun-Tues-Wed-Thurs 5-Spm I I Dine-in only.. N~t valid with other specials or coupons. I I Limit 2 per coupon, 4 per table. with purchase of2 lunch or dinner entrees $6.95 value I I ~--------------~--------~ Not valid with other specials 6030 PASEO DEL NORTE • CARLSBAD • (760) 603-9-0PA (672) CATERINGAVAILABLE • PARTIESWELCOME •PATIODININGAVAILABLE Hours : Mon 11 am-3pm , Tues thru Thurs 11 am-3pm & 5-1 Opm Fri & Sat 11 am-midnight, Sun 11 am- I I pm • Dinner served until close on weekends •See our menu onlioe at SaoDiegoReader.com! • Open Dancing • Vendors Extraordinaire • Food • 2 Exciting Workshops • Fun • Formal Stage • Raffle for Prizes! • Live Music • Ifyou are interested in dancing, please call Meleah at (619) 280-8424 • Ifyou are interested in vending, please call Susan at (619) 444-4197 • Ifyou are interested in volunteering, please call Vicki at (858) 271-271( • Volunteers receive free ad.mission for 3 hours of work-we need help in: selling raffle tickets, SAMEDA information booth, dressing room, vendor assisting, runners, package check - please call Vicki (858) 271-2710 [ I2 THE.. f' Af'YRUS June mo 1 ) ( June mo 1 THE.. f' AFYRUS jg,ell1 by Karen Malfara ';,.t\~CIZ Wednesdays-Tanya and Atlantis present their Original Belly Dance Showcase from 8:45-11 :30 p.m. at the Los Angeles Harbor Sheraton Hotel , 60 I S. Palos Verdes St., San Pedro. For show information, call Tonya at (310) 434-3987; for reservations, call (310) 519-8200. Thursdays- Mediterranean Kebab Room , 610 S. Myrtle Ave., Monrovia, 8:00 pm to 11 :00 pm. An Evening of Belly Dancing with guest dancers, dancing to Turkish , Armenian, Arabic, Greek & Persian music performed by John Bilezikjian , Var Daghdevirian & Cyriana. Open dancing & Greek folk dancing. To reserve a dance slot, call Cyriana (909) 987-1670. Show includes 5 solo dance spots. Student dancers are encouraged to dance as well as instructors & professionals. Troupes welcome, live music or taped show could be arranged . Reservations call (626) 357-0512. June 24-July 1-Shareen el Safy 's retreat at Shambala Ranch • "The Spirit of Egyptian Dance." Call (805) 962-9639. August 16-19-IAMED Awards Weekend Event in Los Angeles - show, workshops, field trips, costume classes, Egyptian nightclubs, and more! Contact Suzy Evans (818) 343-4410 or email : iamed@bellydance.org, website: www.bellydance.org. Scattering skirts Undulate rhythmically. Riotous colors Swirl in unison Bared midriffs Roll with sensual motions. Alluring arms Flutter hypnotically. Feet glide Laced up in sandals. Cymbals sing Off tips of fingers. C «IQ~ :J Thursdays-Garet Bedrosian and Judith Greer Essex offer a women 's expressive arts therapy group on Thursday evenings. Explore and discover yourself through the arts. Call Garet at (619) 295-8002 or Judith at (619) 239-1713. June 24th-Bellydance/yoga workshop from I :00-3:30 p.m. at Yoga Studio Carlsbad. Cost is $35. For information call Mariah (760) 727-4545. July 8th- Jamila is sponsoring Enheduanna in a seminar from 12:30 p.m . to 2:30 p.m. at the Pride of Polynesia Dance Studio, 6506 El Cajon Blvd. , San Diego. Cost is $20 in advance and $22 at the door. Her topic will be interpretation of modem music. She has studied with Nourhan Sharif and Tayyar Akdeni z. Call Jamila at (619) 4668233. Eyes glitter Through translucent veils. Hips mesmerize Under bejeweled scarves. Buttocks shimmy With Scintillating energy. Bells jingle Blending with drum beats. Apparent abandon Is carefully planned. I 7 ) [ I8 . THE. f AFYR.US June 200 I ) THE_ IN TERNATIO NAL ACADEMY OF MIDDL E EASTERN DAN CE_ 200 I AWARDS OF E:>ELLYDAN CE NOMINEES DANCER OF THE YEAR CABARET DANCER Cassandra EvaCernik Laurel Victoria Gray Suzanna Del Vecchio An s uya Dondi Ghaz.al Sulisha MODERN EGYPTIAN DANCER ETHNIC DANCER Jamila Al Wahid Jasmin Jahal Margo Abdo O'Dell Sohaila Carolyn Krueger Habiba Momo Kadous Shahrazad DANCE COMPANY CHOREOGRAPHER Jawaahir Jillina & the Sahlala Dancers Sese & the Cairoettes Ultra Gypsy Atlantis Morocco Raqia Hassan Yousry Sharif ( June 2.00 I 11~~=1 THE. FAFYR.US Scherazade (858) 581 -0135 • 3234 ldlewild Way, Clairemont •Priv ate coaching by appointment Heather Stants (619) 696-3788 • 2323 Broadway, San Diego •Beg. tribal belly dance W 7:00-8:00 •Int. tribal belly dance W 8:00-9:00 •Priv ate coaching by appointment Richard Steiger-Drumming (619) 283-6325 •Private coaching by appointment Theresa (619) 521-0849 • Centre City Ballet, 928 Ft. Stockton •Beg . thru Int. belly dance M 7:00-8:30 Charlotte Zinn (619) 522-8911 • Coronado Adult School •Int. belly dance 3/21 to 5/2 W 7: 15-8:30 E as t County Amy J aneke (Shirin) (619) 667-1333 • La Mesa Rec Center INSTRUCTOR PROMOTOR Kajira Djoumahna Mahmoud Reda Morwenna Assaf Raqia Hassan Eileen Bauer/Med-Dance List Salome Shareen El Safy The Gilded Serpent MUSIC CD O R TAPE " HALAWAH" Reda Darwi sh " KATIA IN YOUM EL FARRAH" Aboudi Badawi ''TAMALLY MAAK" Amr Diab "TRIBUTE TO FARID EL ATRASH" Movses Pan oss ian (producer) ENTERTAINMENT VIDEO "Dances of Iran " R obyn Friend " DeAnn 's Dream" DeAnn Adams " Infinito" Tamalyn Dalla! " Fes tival on the Nile XX" Beledi Producti ons •Belly dancing TH 6:30-7:30 Ana Goebel (619) 660-6965 • Spring Valley Rec Center Cyrena (619) 698-9421 • San Carlos Rec Center, 6445 Lake Badin Ave. M 6:00-7:15 •Beginning belly dance M 7: 15-8:30 •Multi-level belly dance J amila (619) 466-8233 • La Mesa •Beginning belly dance Santana Adu It High School w 6:00-7:00 •Hawaiian 7:00-8:00 •Beginning belly dance W 8:00-9:00 •Intermediate belly dance W • Private coaching by appointment Jasmina (619) 660-4350 • Cuyamaca College, Room R205 Summer Sessions •Beg . sess ion T 4:30-5:30 • Int. sess ion TH 4:00-5:30 Sabah (619) 448-650 I • Santee Elementary School, Room CSD2 •Summer session F TBA •Int. session S 10:15-11:15 •Beg. sess ion S 11 :30- 12:30 ( IO T HE. f A FYRUS Jun e 2.00 I • Mid Eastern Beg/Inter. San Dieguito Adult Ed •Mid Eastern Beg. •Mid Eastern Beg/Interm •Flamenco, Beg/lnterm •Flamenco, Beg. Coast Athletic Club (Encinitas) •Mid-Eastern Technique/Int. •Mid-Eastern Adv/Perform ance San Dieguito Adult Ed - March Workshops •Mid Eastern Beg. •Greek Folk I & 2 Greek Village Restaurant -- Free (twice a month) •Greek Dance lessons •Private coaching by appointment M 8: 15-9:30 T T W W 7:00-8:00 8:00-9:00 5:00-6:00 6:00-7:00 TH TH 7:15-8:15 8: 15-9:45 S 9:00-10:30 S l 0:30-12:00n Su ) ( .Jun e 2. 0 0 I TH E f A FYRUS 19 INSTRUCilONAL VIDEO " Bell yda nce Fitness for Beginners" Veena & Neena " Pri vate Lesson with Ruby Jazayre" "The Cymbal Dance" Hahbi'Ru "Weadirt Tohgor" Shareen el Safy Ballots will be sent to the voting members ofIAMED. Deadline for voting is July JO, 2001. The Awards will be presented at the Fifth Annual Awards of Bellydance ceremony on Saturday, August 18 , 200 I at the Performing Arts Center of California State University Northridge. The Awards of Bellydance weekend is August 16- 19 and will include workshops by IAMED's 2000 Dancer of the Year Dali a Carella and Leyla & Roland from Germany. Joining these stars in performing at the Awards Show are Judeen, Katia, Reza Farnoush, Sabura, Sakti, Azar and Lori Belil ove of the Isadora Duncan Foundation. 6:00-7:00 For a complete list of the 200 I nominees and information about voting membership please see our website at "http://www.bellydance.org". Metro Suzy Evans, President Luisa (619) 299-1129 • Dancing Unlimited, 4569 3Q•h St, North ,_.,.. Park & La Jolla Rec Center • Intermediate belly dance •Private coaching by appointment .f /. J . -1 , .l (. .•'/ ( - j / L--:.1 : 1..• - - ~:.......L_ M 7: 15-8: 15 Mahara (619) 688-9467 • Oasis/Robinson's May in Mission Valley •Beg. belly dance for women over 50 ), , .... \ Layla Sidonia (619) 229-8250 • Tierrasanta Rec. Center •Ethnic Arabic & Egyptian Dance Basics ) F ~AM~DA Co~tutnf!t Li~t l 0: 15-11 :45 Marola (619) 298-2599 Mission Valley YMCA, 5055 Friars Road •Beg. belly dance S •Adv. Beg/Int. belly dance S Mission Valley YMCA - MPR Room •Int/Adv. belly dance M Private coaching by appointment Meleah (619) 280-8424 Centre City Ballet, 928 Ft. Stockton, Mi ssion Hill s •Beg, foundations of belly dance W •Int/Adv technique & combinations, zi ll s, double veil W Gotta Dance Studi o, 3982 30th St., North Park •Beg/Int use of props TH Taoist Sanctuary, 4229 Park Blvd., North Park F •Inte rmed iate tec hniqu e & zills 1:30-2:30 2:45-3:45 Aleia (760) 721-0080 Abhi-lrena Perakh ..... .. . (760) 751-3436 Morwenna Assaf 8:30-9:30 B.D. Patterns ..... ·· ·· ··· ··· (760) 757-4470 .... . (619) 444-4197 Cristobal ..... ... .... .. .. .. .... ... ....... ... ..... .... ............. .. .. ... .. ...... 697-9121 Theresa Freese .............................................................. 521-0849 7:30-8:30 6:25-7:25 Gypsy Wear (Rebecca Long) ..... ................... .... .... ... ...... 579-9526 Nicki Vaccar .. ............ ......... ... .... ........... .. ........... .... (760) 634-3680 Scherezade's Souk ...................................... .. ....... (858) 581-0135 7:30-8:30 Sohaila .............. ........................................... ......... (760) 743-7501 Zarifa ... .... ...... ... .. .. .... ..... .... .. .... ........ .. .. ...... ........... . (619) 453-0811 I :30-2:30 ( 20 cfi er ~e T HE_ f AFYR.US Jun e 200 I ) CZ"~e W~1 We We,·e J{~h·osrecHve ii r-S\-41 t ~ ~, cl2C\-4 ~e S !/)~ve !J)};,,llo~ 19]) -19]9 In the J960's and I 970's, San Diego's Hotel Circle was alive with a variety of nightclub and lounge entertainment, ranging from Latin salsa, piano bar, underwater mermaid shows, country western, pop vocal and ballroom dance. It was the hotspot area of town much like the Gaslamp Quarter is today. One of the smaller properties had an upstairs drink and dance lounge called the Purple Turtle. Due to falling patronage and high costs, the manager decided to try something different. He approached Richard Barham who had been the oudist from the old Vacation Village bellydance show (and former decorator of the Fez nightclub in Hollywood) and asked if he could create the same magic at his hotel? Richard went to work and repainted the room, and put up Arabic tapestries and artifacts, added a dance runway that extended from center stage into the middle of the room (much like a fashion show runway) and provided floor cushions as seating around this runway. He added overhead stage lighting using amber and pink gels along with a blacklight and color wheel. An entry marquee was added with dancers' photos and showtime information. We also placed lifesize cutouts of the feature dancer in the hotel lobby and had announcements in the hotel guest rooms. Cocktail waitresses were dressed in harem costumes to provide atmosphere and the bartenders wore colorful costume vests. There was a seating host at the door who also collected a $2.00 cover charge (and a two drink minimum). We were concerned that this format might not be well accepted by the general public and hotel guests, but within 30 days the lounge sales had doubled ... we were a "HIT" and we officially renamed the place ... SULTAN'S LOUNGE The show opened in November 1975. Initially, two entertainers from Los Angeles were on stage along with local performers. On doumbeks, Louie Sayegh from the 7th Veil in Hollywood, and a tiny dynamic and fiery feature dancer, Jacqueline. Both Louie and Jacqueline were given hotel rooms in which to live 5 days a week and a 50% discount in the hotel restaurant. The second dancer on the bill was a beautiful local performer named Sultana. The show leader and MC was Richard Barham on oud , violin and vocals and Tony Karasek on electric bass and a variety of East Indian instruments . Within 60 days, both the out-of-town entertainers returned to Los Angeles. Louie was replaced by Dave Dhillon and Sultana moved to the feature dancer pos iti o n. The second dance position was filled by Jamila (Jill) . ( J un e 200 I THE_ f AFYR.US 9 Effie H orning (760) 630-7063 •Private coaching by appointment Jheri (949) 494-5031 • Laguna Beach • Beg. Belly Dance • Int. Belly Dance Frank Lazzaro (760) 942-1326 • Encinitas •Drumming •Private lessons by appointment T Su 8:00-9:30 5 :00-6:30 M 7:00-8:30 Mariah (760) 727-4545 • Yoga Studio Carlsbad •Yoga •Yoga • Yoga •Belly - Beginning all levels all levels dance - beg/int Sohaila (760) 743-1235 • Escondido • Sohaila's Studio •Beginning belly dance •Choreography class •Int/adv improvisation/technique Sohaila's Studio • Int improvisation/technique •Beginning belly dance •Intermediate belly dance Poway Adult Education •Beginning belly dance (IO week class) Learning Annex seminars once a month. Call for info. Private coaching by appointment SA 1:00-2:15 SU 9:00-10:15 9:00-10:15 T TH 7:00-8:15 T T T 12:00-1:00 8:00-9:00 7:00-8:00 s I 0:00-11 :00 6:30-7:30 7:30-8:30 TH TH M 7:00-8:30 Kathy Stradley (909) 699-5606 • Temecula Community Rec. Center •Beginning belly dance W 6:00-7:00 W 7: I0-8:20 •Intermediate/Advanced belly dance Tonya (562)434-3987 Golden West College • 714-891-3991 •Mixed level belly dance T 6:30-8:00 So. Calif. Dance Academy (562) 434-3987 TH 7:30-8:30 •Mixed level belly dance Cenitos College, (562) 860-2451, ext. 2521 •Mixed level belly dance F 7:00-8:30 Santa Monica College (310) 434-3400 •Mixed level belly dance S 10:00-Noon Nicki Vaccar (760) 634-3680 • Carlsbad Parks & Recreation •Mid Eastern Beg. M 7 : 15-8: 15 ) ( -·· THE. f' Af'YRU5 8 June 2.00 1 Bdli Dara Claooes TEACHERS PLEASE NOTE: PLEASE NOTIFY THE EDITOR ON ALL CLASS TYPES, CLASS DATES, AND CLASS TIMES North County & Beyond Aleia (760)721-0080 •Beginning Cabaret M 6:00-7:00 • Intermediate Cabaret T 7:00-8:30 •Private coaching by appointment, Carlsbad Arnalya (760)432-6574 4 Women Only Fitness Club, Poway •Beginning M 10:45-1 1:45 •Beginning T 8:00-9:00 4 Women Only Fitness Club, San Marcos •Beginning w 7:30-8:30 Escondido Center for the Arts •Int/Adv Th 7:30-8:30 Angelika Tustin (949) 786-3111 Tustin/Community Services (714) 573-3326 Costa Mesa/Orange Coast College (714) 432-5735 Golden West College, Huntington Beach (714) 895-8306 Irvine/Learning Tree University (949) 442-0690 Morwenna & Walid Assaf-Art/Dance Academy Complex (760)757-4470 1837A S. Coast Hwy, Oceanside •Intro to Middle Eastern dance M 6:30-7:30 6:30-8:00 •Choreography, Arabic style T •Drumming w 6:00-7:00 • Improvisation w 7:00-8:00 •Gypsy, Zambra morro w 8:00-9:00 •Technique, Arabic TH l 0:30-12:00 •Bellydance for fun & fitness TH 6:30-7:30 •Bellydance for fun & fitness SA l :00-2:00 •Technique, Arabic SA 2:00-3:00 Gotta Dance, 30th St., North Park •Intro to Middle Eastern dance M 5:00-6:15 Academy of World Dance in Arts, Rancho Bernardo •Arabic style TH 8:30-9:30 ) ( June LOO I THE. f' Af'YRU5 21 J We presented two shows Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 9:30 and 11 :30 p.m. and three shows on Friday and Saturday at 9:30, 11 : 15 and 12:45. Shows were timed to last around an hour eac h. We opened with several in strumentals from different countries, presented the first dancer for no more than 20 minutes ... then Tony would be featured on sitar solo (and sometimes tabl as). At this point, the feature dancer came out a nd did another 20 minute show. Each dance routine included specific solos with violin, sitar, and doumbeks. We worked from six different showbooks put together by Richard and we rehearsed periodically to refine routines and music or to add new songs. There was a potpourri of wonderful dancers at the Sultan 's Lounge during our 3 1/2 years there. Dezerae was a favorite of everyone. She came to us from the King Luis Lounge near Old Town which had Arabic music and bellydancing on Tuesdays. Others included Rossah (did floor work with sword), Athena, a beautiful blonde who also did a sword routine, Romany, Ashgara, Alexandra, Katrina Dakis , Ann Marie (from Los Angeles). When Sultana left to work for the Haji Baba in Mission Valley, our number one dancer became Delilah who also could dazzle an audience in her own way as Sultana did in hers . We also had speciality nights . We would welcome instructors and their students and would afford them the opportunity work with live music (as opposed to always usi ng pre-recorded music). We also hosted weekday contests which culminated after six weeks of competition. The six finalists competed for I st prize which was $50 in cash , a dozen roses, a free professional photo and a weekend for 2 with dinner included at an affiliate hotel in Van Nuys (near Magic Mountain) . Working conditions were very decent. Dressing rooms were just off the showroom and were secure enough that we could leave our instruments and costumes there each night. Originally, the weekly paycheck was made out to Richard and he would pay us with his personal check (he was always very prompt and concientious about money and his checks were always good as gold). Later, when we renegotiated the contract (we were on a two week option) we got paid through the hotel's payroll with all deductions taken out which provided each of us with continuing Social Security, unemployment compensation and group medical. Although tips were sparse (because the bosses did not like the customers to approach the entertainers for fear of endangering their lounge licensing), we would be booked by clientele that liked our show and would hire us for private parties . Our nightly clientele consisted of hotel guests, other entertainers, diners from the downstairs restaurant, local dan ce s tudents , singles clubs members, and an assortment of American Arabic, Armenian , Greek, and East Indian people . We were also on a nightclub tour company agenda who would bring in a mini-bus full of customers twice a week while making their rounds to other famous San Diego show clubs like the Stardust Hote l Reef Lounge with an underwater ballet behind the bar. The Bali Hai on Shelter Is land with a full Tahitian/Hawii an sho w and Mickey Finn 's in Hill crest famo us for a Fire house-Five type Di xieland show. ( 22 Tr1E._ FAFYRUS June wo 1 ) ( THE_ f AFYRUS June 200 I So . . . where are they today? To the best of my knowledge: Richard Barham : Died in May 1998. Lou Sayegh: Now lives in Las Vegas and has retired from performing. Jacqueline: I saw her performing IO years ago at the Hajii Baba nightclub on La Brea in Hollywood. Tony Karasek : Still lives in the San Diego area. I believe he still performs and teaches Indian sitar and tabla and travels with Ravi Shankar on concert tours. Dave Dhillon: Still performing at club dates and private parties. Also does sporadic teaching on doumbek and continues to play bongos with Latin musician buddies including doing some CD tracks on their albums. Delilah : Lives in Seattle, WA and has her own venue called Visionary Dance Productions. She arranges annual retreats in Hawaii and has produced several videos. She says to feel free to visit her website at "Visionary Dance.com". I usually see her at the Cairo Carnival every year. [ : ~ Shl,ws 7 :J & 8pccidl 6ffllts .. • Sundays, June 10 & 17 and Thursdays, June 14 & 28- Jamila's Belly Dance Dinner Showcases at Greek Town Restaurant, 431 "E" Street, San Diego (Gaslamp District) at 7:00 p.m . To schedule dancing, call Jamila at (619) 466-8233; for reservations, (619) 232-0461 . • June 24 - Summer Student Concert at Hajji Baba restaurant downtown . Call Marnia (619) 298-2599 or Jasmina (619) 334-8745 to register. • July 22 - the SAMEDA Faire - in a NEW location • the Scottish Rite Center in Mission Valley ::::music, dancing, food and fun :::: Vendors call Susan (619) 444-4197; dancers call Meleah (619) 280-8424. Volunteers please call Vicki (858) 271-2710. Sultana: Still resides in San Diego. She has a serious "significant other" in her life and she travels with him on both business and pleasure trips around the U.S. and Mexico. Jamila ( Jill): She married a Portuguese fisherman, quit the business and started a family. Romany: Her dance name is now Elle and she lives in North County and teaches dance . Alexandra: Completed college and has gone on to become Professor Crawford. She is a museum curator and teaches History of Civilization at a local university. Dezerae: I lost track of her although I noticed that she was listed as an instructor in the Papyrus newsletter for awhile, however, not lately. Rossah, Athena, Ashgara, Katrina and Ann Marie??? I don't know where they are. We had a wonderful time over the years at Sultan's Lounge . Management was always respectful and accommodating and the lounge employees were always upbeat and friendly. Our musicians and dancers were true professionals filled with creative spirit and accomplishment. We were like one big happy family and it was a pleasure to go to work every night. The show closed in mid 1979. In my next retrospective, I'll share what I remember with you, regarding the many bellydance clubs around the San Diego area that have come and gone over the last 30 years or so. If you were involved in the dance community at that time, and want to contribute to these articles, i.e., humorous anecdotes, updates, personal experiences, etc. , feel free to contact me via email or phone (both numbers are listed in the Papyrus) or drop a note c/o the SAMEDA post office box number. ) Jurt=.f;· ;birth~a;{3 " Theresa Freese - June 21 SAMEDA BOARD MEETING • Sunday, June 10th at Dave Dhillon's home 2464 Haller Street in North Park Call (619) 284-5367 • ALL MEMBERS ARE WELCOME! SAMEDA Faire, future rummage sale come join us & get involved -- it's fun! ( . 6 THE..FAFYRUS June 2001 l!UllmlmfflAITT 1. . .,. ,. ) ( June 200 I tidi!ildi!IBIEl!J RnnoU11CC111C11ts • w~~~J Greek Palace-2 for 1 dinners with SAMEDA membership card. Holidays/ events excluded. Call for more info. • • SAMEDA wants to acknowledge your birthdays I Let us know your birthday month & day! I..O I'm looking for people who are knowledgeable about traditional middle-eastern dances or folk dances. Please call me Nicki 760-634-3680 or e-mail: Nikistal @aol.com. Cl) Looking for a Volunteer Coordinator to help coordinate SAMEDA parties. If interested, please email sdsameda@aol.com. Please note Art/Dance's new name: Art/Dance Complex, Arabic Dance Academy. Scottie is looking for vendor helpers for the Bedouin Bazaar, Oct. 13 & 14. If interested, call her at (858) 581-0135. Scherazade's Souk has new music, costumes, and lots of new stuff - make an appointment to shop (858) 581-0135. June 24-Belly dance yard sale at Scottie's, 3234 Idlewild Way in Clairemont. From 11 to4(858)581-0135. MECDA is holding a shimmython at the Cairo Camivale on June 2nd & 3rd. The proceeds benefit Foster Care Educcation at Rio Hondo College. If you would like to participate, SAMEDA will sponsor you. Please contact Susan Teal(619)444-4197. April Gallaty is looking for belly dance instructors. She will be here this summer to attend a women's fitness camp in La Jolla. In speaking with the camp director, there is a possibility of having belly dance instruction as part of the camp curriculum. If any instructors are interested, please contact Nancy Lenhart at www.campla-jolla.com and tell her that you were contacted by April Gallaty. Marula's YMCA Belly Dance class will be performing at the Del Mar Fair on Sunday, June 15th at 3 :00 p.m. on the San Diego Showcase Stage. c: • Classifieds :J Beautiful costumes, well cared for, for sale: aqua/silver $350; fuschia/silver $350; dark green/gold $350; Madame Alba gold/maroon $450. Fit sizes 8-10. Leave message at (858) 486-1952, e-mail: jete@integrity.com t- -] O"I • ] .s C'd § = ~ "'O ~ .g t;I) t;I) ~ af ~ 0 ] ..s:: C) c2 ~ ~ .g --..... Cl) 0 THE.. f AFYRUS 2) ) Rev. Ron Fox . . ~- . g. . . : 3~ - -· ~Q) ~ Ql ~ -'$' ~ ~ . . . wg~~$ w )> ffi ~ ~ ~~ t; m()~!i>"~OmC~ ~om iil ~mm 2 . m ,30 ,ON<O w-om)>-(1)~Ql ~ m::nl,ulN ro~~ O(l)wi.'liW ro~ '1' ...... -o ' ~ ...... @m w N Ql m N : g : (I) : ~~ (/) : : ~ : ~ . : iil . o : - : (I) Dlen ~ .a CD m .., ~~ Ocl, (I) : ~en l"1] ~~O Ql • en· O l:: (/) Q) ::D -~· ~: ~- Ql< :. (/) 0 () o ro .. 0Dl :: ~ ::I . ~ i C -t :D m en "O C 0 0 ~ ~ ...... ~ g ~ -::J . '£ - w ~ . ~o ~~ . t O,f\)-....,1~~ fcl '£ ~ ~ ~ I\) - . ro m ro crJ ';'JO~ WO m-m-- J\J . (l)CDQlo=r:< - · -, :, ":: . 5·~ O . Dl : Q). ~ : ~ : a(l)f::l=re a- ~ ;p ~ a? ~ ~g.Q)<~~ ODJ~(l)~C: Ql~ CD[ ~ ai;;- ~ = '£"' . . . m~~N~mm~w~mro~w~~m~~m~w~~~~Nro~w~~w~~ Nro~N mN~WN~•vw~~w ...... rowmmwN ~~Nw~9w~ 7 mw9 ~~~m~ 7 7 ro~m7 7 9 ~ ~ ~ ...... 0 7 ~~ o ~ ~o~romw ~ ~w~ ~m ~ro mt mg ~ ~ ~~ ~ w~ ~~~~~ ~ro w ...... omwwNw m ...... o m ...... ~ owomo ~o -w-~------m-....,1--....,1---oowN--~--0000-----m-rowwmwo~mw~ mm~mOOOO~~W~~ro~Noo~wNNN~wN~~W~moo~m~m~~ ...... wmmmmmmom~ 0 ~wmmNrowwm_.W~mwmNmommmmm w~o?rorooowo~~m 0 ~roow??~oo~wo~~mrowNo?oo : : : sa :: ~(l)O~~nQJQJDlDJDlo~Dlo~~(l)DlQlDJDlc~(l)~!DlDJo~=o (l)QJ~~-(l)~~=~~~en~3~-en-en2:::1~~· DJ-3~~~. Dl~ ~g~ _ 5 · (l)~C3~DlQl(l)~ Q) 3(1)~-~~Q)~Dl3=~aQla~ : Ul (I) • ~ Ql ~ Ql ~ ~ Ql ~ ~ Ql (I) Ql ~ C ~ - · Ql (I) - · ~ - · (I) : Ql~Dl: ~NQl~(/) C(l)Dl ~~ (I) ~ 3 Qlen~. : : Q) Q) ~ Q) s: a Q) ~ a (I) Q) Q) (I) Q) DJ : : (I) (I) "lJ < . [ ~ ~ v, . : : Q) : : :: :: :: o· :: :: ~ 'i> z en n en s: C n m :D en ~ z -,. " -· u:: -,. C'D r., -t0 -,. C, (j) v:, ' V, C: -< ?J v )> rn v -i ::r "'00 C :J 0 L "'00 :J 0 C L (j) C: -< ?J )> v v -i ::r rn -+ N -,. C'D 3 -,. 0 -h C'D C, )> rn s: )> (I:, -;r To obtain copies write: TONYA CHlANIS PMB 343, 5318 East Second Street Long Beach, CA 90803-5354 www.tonya-and-atlantis .com $6.95 add $1. 00 for shipping and handling (USA) * ** ****** , , * ** * "A wonderful book of inspiration. One need not be a dancer to appreciate tne deep spirituality of this groat woman.• "On these pagos, through her spiritual connection to dance, Tonya graciously created stepping stones for our own journey. This book seNes as a beacon to brighten our path.· Marta Schill , President Middle Eastem Culture and Dance Association Rev. Margie Clark "Tonya Is a st.ar becavse she dances with passion and tsachos with compassion. She is a friend 1vhos heart is open to all. Who Tonya Is, makes It possible fordancors around her to experience transformation. May this little book inspire you to catch the vision of your greatness and BXpress It through your d8!1C8. • ~I(l)(l)(/)(1)(/)(/)(/)(/)(1)::IJ>-uzz~~o~~~rLLLL~oo)>~~)>)> "Positive thoughts will help clear the way to accepting only good, through your studies , your performances and your life." Tonya Cliianis l .., ilb , pub.I 1,IM"-t h-.. .............U., •llli- AllMILI) Ton"la Chl.a.nl,. R.Sc.P. A pocket book of Poetry, Rhymes, Affirmations and Helpful Hints by Tonya Chianis, R.Sc.P. lttsig'hts attb lttspiratiotts for Dattcers * A Powerful Addition For Your Dance Bag _ss11,_eJ1:.ttt1* A po<kLI 1,o.;k of T'o.tl1'\j. lttt\jH1U. AffirtttAtt.fflt ..,.~ Hdpful Hltttt b'j -: ( . 4 -~·~I.·, ~~~ THE. f AFYRUS June LOO I Connl!Ctl!d'? ...- 1,L-, ~.-7 SAMEDA WEBSITE: ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• www.sdsameda.com SAMEDA ........... ......... ........................ . SDSAMEDA@aol.com Aleia ...... . . aleia@worldnet.att.net MorwennaAssaf ............... . ADAcomplex@aol.com Atlantis ..... ... . tonya-and-atlantis.com John Bilezikjian .. dantzrec@aol.com Vicki Deriso .. vicsheer@san.rr.com Dave Dhillon ........ .... . . d_dhillon@msn.com Dondi ... .. ... . www.dondidahlin.com Donna Dutton .. .. . .... ddutton@san.rr.com Elle ............... .. . arabesquelle@netscape.net Fahtiem ... . www.fahtiem.com Theresa Freese taffyfreese@home.com Claudia lmmerzeel claudiaim@worldnet.att.net Arnie Larner ....... . alarner@aol.com Frank Lazzaro ... ....... flazzaro@msn.com Jasmina ............ . . ldscheidt@home.com Jolie Lucas joliefab@aol.com Nora Luchs aluchs@sdcoe.k12 .ca.us Mariah .... .. ... ... . .. .... . mariahyoga@yahoo.com Marguerite www.gypsymagic.com Marula ... .. . ....... xmarula@aol.com Meleah .... . ....... www.meleah.com Mesmera .. .... www.mesmera.com Niki .............. ...... ...... . .. .. ... . nikista 1 @aol.com Lynn Perry ......... ..... .. .. .. lynnard8@hotmail.com Larysa Shmorhay .. .. juiceplus@hotmail.com Jheri St. James .... . jheristjames@yahoo.com Francena Sherburne berridge@cts.com Sabah ........ .................... . .... gakhalsa@yahoo.com Sohaila ... ............. ..... .......... .. ..... .. .... www.sohaila.net Heather Stants ...... ...... .. ........ ......... www.urbantribaldance.com Tonya & Atlantis .......... .. .............. . www.tonya-and-atlantis.com Zarifa ............. .. ............... ....................... ... ... brteresa @aol.com ) ( THE f AFYRUS June 200 I c· 25 Mabrouk! ) :] Congratulations to Anistacia Stacey Miller on her debut solo at Greek Village. Thank you to Marni a who goes beyond support fo r all her students! Anistacia Stacey Miller (Satare) .II-= ==== = = = .= ,= = = ... ._ II ::11 Insi(jlhls aJ Inspiralions :: 0 II II II II by Tonya Chianis II II II , , - - - - - - - - - = = :.""' Almost half way through the year, le t June be the month to work on Dance Transitions. Take the various steps of the dance, such as walks, li ft steps, turns, etc., and do them two at a time until you are completely comfortable with them. Then add another step, then ano ther. In thi s way you are ass ured of hav in g good clean dance transiti ons, which are the tradem ark of accomplished dancers. AFFIRMATION: MY STEPS ARE SMOOTH AND CLEAN, AS I FLOW THROUGH THIS DANCE WITH PERFECTTRANSmONS . ( . 26 . THCTAf'YRUS June 200 I ) ( THE. f' Af'YRUS June 200 I [ : Mcmbml' Comer 7, 0 t i=;( _!,! ·- ~ ' ~ \I} <( C ·- ~ D ""::'-. I '.Q I I V .s '~ ,Q- J::. I llJ cS ~ ~ ~ Q QQ I .:::::: L !Ci :l3 <C · - -~ 1 E C ~ ~ ~ ~ l<( oB tUOC:.iJ:-s I Q, r f". ~CLZ V J<[_ v iLJ D <( vj ~- '" ~. 5 Z -d v E-£~ C:: C v ~ ~ C C rll (IJ ·.:::, ...,. £3 L. t.) ....t) t ~ I o !9 'J) vr,;i , C ,O _ l/J O (Q '40- tLJ .S ..:.\J C V :? 1: l'Jt'.) ~ c v C ~ ·s ;:i u ....... _..i: IJ '.J) C ~ 81=1 C .... -~ <( <J ~ ,!2 L.. ~ 1.J C: 0 C .is z5 ..0~ (;• .BEE E 0 t: •J) I 1 -£ r::J -{3E~o 1.1) * 0 tS() 0 . v 1,...u (IJ+l Q....c:. v'-c :,; -u '!!· 2 <'I: r,:i~ •\) I I t\) z L.. -gu_g~ I ij Q ~ ,~ ~' l ·i i ~ j I L. ii 1 3 I o.... 5l---.5 0 ...c .., !'J..Nr k_ 1)1 .) ~ • ~ ~ ~ N t; -e o/) I I 0 ~°""2c....X C rt) , 3-) - .... o ..-,L. ~ 0 q ~ 2 A' I L. :l .B""DJ!o ~ is ~ ·--:: u I- _:: ' fil°j .iij C c 0 I L.. ~ ~ 0 _:,/. ~ ~ "'5: -5 ~ 3 '\J . "= ~ -0 " ~ V {i_ .. ~ !;; ('J .B ,. V C: (C I ~ i.l L.. I --u -q =-i· -~ i:;5 C:. z ~ 'J ti u 'D. ~ ~ ~ Welcome Back To ~AM [ DA az -<( Renewing Membet~ C ..J 0 •.I) Effie Homing (Sanura) Marc Biagi (Marcos) Lynda Hughey Diane Volk - Nadeija ~ tU > w 2 '£.! t: : i~ M[MB[R~I-HP ~P[CIAL /If! ' :. ....i • ~ iU "t •• • Join SAMEDA or renew your existing membership at the SAMEDA • • Faire and save $5.00. New memberships and renewals will be $15 .00 • •• at the Faire only. • C:, • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ii: z • (; .~ V of) z ;Ji Q ~ ...,r.: ~ :J . ti. b0 -C-C 0 ~ ~ ~ r-j g, > ~ V ~ lLl g,~ ~ 2 ..J2 <':i V c... ' I Dr. Meris Von Jenef Tony Starkweather Mesmera Sahra Kent ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ L1J 1... Lenore Wellnitz Cheri Joseph ...) :i 113 L.. '!) i.. iJ <( II,.) o F _1 Q u ~~ :] r,Jew Membet~ D u (:l i'J <.l <<1l I.: ~ F E<:e 0 Ci 'i: tLJ 2 z (' · ) Welcome To ~AM[DA ....c I - 00::, ~ 1J). -u<:t"'~ ...J 2 ~ iU V v I 8... L.. -u --0 < .... ' ) I t- ~ z 0 Mission Statement SAMEDA is dedicated to provide educational and performance opportunities for those interested in the art of Middle Eastern dance and to promote this art to the general public by sponsoring seminars, workshops, and events, which are available to all. SAMEDA is also dedicated to the production of a monthly newsletter containing listings of such events and item s o f re lated interest as well as providing a public forum in whi ch the membership is en co uraged to parti cipate . Article II of the Bylaws. ( T H E. FAFYRUS 2 June 200 I ) 5 A M E._DA Advertising R a t e Sh ee t SAMEDA Monthly News the official publication of the San Diego Area Middle Eastern Dance Association Chief Officer: SAMEDA Board Members President : Sohaila (760) 743-7501 Vice President : Meleah (619) 280-8424 Treasurer: Cindy Scheidt (619) 334-8745 Secretary: Newsletter Editor: Donna Dutton (858) 689-1142 Lynn Perry lynnard8 @hotmail.com Assisting Editor: Meleah (619) 280-8424 Member Chair: Susan Teal Advertising Director: Nerissa Bell goonster769@hotmail.com Marketing Director: Dave Dhillon (619) 284-5367 Proofreader: Richard Steiger (619) 283-6325 sdsameda@aol.com Newsletter Assembly Persons: Vicki Deriso • Susan Teal SEND NEWSLETIER SUBMISSIONS, ADS, AND FLYERS (SEE BACK COVER FOR ADVERTISING RATES) TO: SA M EDA• PM B #51 • 3401 Adams Avenue, Suite A• San Diego, CA 92116-2490 • sdsameda@aol.com All S A MEDA business correspondence & membership goes to the following address: SAM EDA• P. 0. Box 16821 • San Diego, CA 92176 sdsameda@aol.com i1fttttflttif.l,ti,/¥f,lii,titilttiW ~~----------~----~-- of each month . Due to occasion a I space constraints, non-time-sensitive items may be held over till the next issue. Submissions should be typed or /egib/yhandwritten--preferably double-spaced with adequate margins. Submissions on disk are acceptable (even preferred) in PC platform. Disks will be returned if you include a postpaid mailer. Due to the new streamlined format, we accept typeset material onlyfor advertisements. If you scan your own photos, please do not halftone themscan them as "grayscale" (16 grays) or "black and white photo" in your scanning program . All Fees are per issue and reflect a SAMEDA member discount. 10% discount on 3 or more issues. All ads must be paid for in advance. For further information, contact Jolie Lucas, Director of Advertising at (619) 294-9400 Add $10.00 per item for llOll-members $7.00 Class ified ads 6 lines or less Non-member Business card ad- one issue Half- page ad Full page ad (inside front or bac k cover) Flyer insert (27 5 copies) EXTRAS: Creation of a fly er master Creation of a camera ready ad $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ 15.00 $25.00 $35.00 $30.00 $20.00 $20.00/$30.00 WEB SITE Advertising First page on the SAMEDA website-monthl y Templ ate webpage setup (one-time fee) ~ $5.00 $35.00 All ads submitted must be on white paper and clean for scanning. Text must be crisp & legible, original photos if possible. Otherwise, if extra typesetting needs to be done, an extra charge of $10 will be added. ~ .. ~ ---~,'J----~ ~, ,~ ..,, ~ S AN D1tca t\RtA M 1DDLI'. !'..ASH.RN D ANCI'. t\ssac1rna1 \\Ii,.' Th~ Pap)'FUs \11rf ~···· so ea cs SAM ED A's News & Views Jutte 2001 ~ "C Q) ..... Cl) Q) :::::, O' Q) CD I'-- Cl::'. ...... en C: N 0 ..... u ...... <( ~() CD <( ...... 0 X w ~ <( U) - ~ Q) 0 ·- CO O ci. 0.. C: ro U) ~ •...,,,c-.. Q) ~ ' _) J(l;,rt:f,r Cl) ....-/ Q) . .... "C "C ~ l<( ,£.'[' ~ ............i·.,..... H eat her Stants & Urban Tribal Dance Compan~ (Cover story page 16)