2007 INDEX Regular Session – February 20, 2007 Seal Letter February........................................................................................6 Minutes ..........................................................................................................7 Discussion & Action on Long Range Plans.........................................................9 Appointments ............................................................................................... 11 Resolutions No. 01-2007 Relating to Adoption of County Supervisory District.................... 13 No. 02-2007 Relating to Agreement between American Tissue Services Foundation and the Green Lake County Coroner ........................................... 14 No. 03-2007 Relating to 2007 Library Plan. ................................................... 15 No. 04-2007 Relating to Extending the CLTS/CCS Care Manager (Limited Term Employment) Position ........................................................... 17 No. 05-2007 Relating to Increasing Hours of Lead Bus Driver Position. ............ 18 Ordinances No. 887-2007 Relating to Rezoning in the Town of Brooklyn – Workowski. ..... 19 No. 888-2007 Relating to Rezoning in the Town of Berlin – DePue................. 20 Regular Session – March 20, 2007 Seal Letter March.......................................................................................... 21 Minutes ..................................................................................................... 22 Discussion & Action on Long Range Plans....................................................... 25 Appointments TIF Dist. C. Berlin / Commission on Aging ............................. 25 Proclamation Green Lake County Proclamation Supporting National Work Zone Awareness Week April 2-6, 2007 ................................................................. 28 Resolutions No. 06-2007 Relating to Creation of Disability Benefit Specialist/Resource Center Specialist ........................................................................................ 29 No. 07-2007 Relating to Non Represented Employee Re-Classifications............ 30 Ordinances No. 889-2007 No. 890-2007 No. 891-2007 No. 892-2007 No. 893-2007 No. 894-2007 Handbook for Relating to Rezoning in the Town of Manchester – Holl ............ 31 Relating to Rezoning in the Town of Manchester – Richter ........ 32 Relating to Rezoning in the Town of Green Lake – Schwandt .... 33 Relating to Rezoning in the Town of Green Lake – Sommer ...... 34 Relating to Rezoning in the Town of Mackford – Laper ............. 35 Relating to Amending Ordinance #812-04, Employees Non-Represented Employees of Green Lake County.................. 36 Organizational Meeting – April 17, 2007 Seal Letter April ............................................................................................ 37 Minutes ..................................................................................................... 38 Appointments Committee on Committees ..................................................... 40 Discussion & Action on Long Range Plans....................................................... 43 2 of 153 Resolutions No. 8-2007 Relating to Creating a Part-time Deputy Sheriff assigned to Patrol Less than 970 Hours per year ........................................................ 46 No. 9-2007 Relating to Cancellation of Outstanding Checks ........................... 47 No. 10-2007 Relating to Supervisor’s Meeting Payments, Meals and Mileage ... 48 No. 11-2007 Relating to Opposing the Closing of the Farm Service Agency Green Lake Office............................................................................ 50 No. 12-2007 Relating to Labor Agreement with Green Lake County Law Enforcement Association, WPPA Law Enforcement Employee Relations Division 51 No. 13-2007 Relating to Engage Samuels Group to Evaluate Potter Lawson plans for possible space reduction ............................................................... 52 Ordinances No. 895-2007 Relating to an Ordinance amending the code of the County of Green Lake, Article IV (Administrative Coordinator) §60-18, Chapter 60 Officers and Employees ............................................................................... 53 No. 896-2007 Relating to Rezoning in the Town of Berlin – Gellerup............... 54 No. 897-2007 Relating to Rezoning in the Town of Manchester – Vinz ............ 55 No. 898-2007 Relating to Rezoning in the Town of Green Lake - Little Green Lake Protection & Rehabilitation District ............................................. 56 Regular Session – May 15, 2007 Seal Letter May ............................................................................................ 57 Minutes ..................................................................................................... 58 Discussion & Action on Long Range Plans....................................................... 60 Resolutions No. 14-2007 Relating to Green Lake County’s Support of Adoption of a Statewide Workplace Smoking Ban with No Exceptions................................ 64 No. 15-2007 Relating to Creating a second part-time Corrections Officer Position in the Sheriff’s Department............................................................. 66 No. 16-2007 Relating to Loss of Federal Entitlement Benefits.......................... 67 Ordinances No. 899-2007 Relating to Amending Ordinance No. 811-04, Personnel Policies Manual Section VII Secondary Employment ....................................... 68 No. 900-2007 Relating to Rezoning in the Town of Green Lake – Prochnow .... 69 No. 901-2007 Relating to City of Berlin Agricultural Preservation Plan............. 70 Regular Session – June 18, 2007 Seal Letter June............................................................................................ 71 Minutes Special Meeting ................................................................................ 72 Discussion & Action on Long Range Plan ........................................................ 73 Minutes Regular Meeting ............................................................................... 75 Discussion & Action on Long Range Plan ........................................................ 77 Appointments Board of Adjustment............................................................. 79 Resolutions No. 17-2007 Relating to Local Government Property & Insurance Fund............ 81 No. 18-2007 Relating to Carry-over Funds Policy............................................ 82 3 of 153 No. 19-2007 Relating to Creating a CLTS/CCS Care Manager Position .............. 83 Ordinances No. 902-2007 Relating to Repeal and Adoption of the Code of Green Lake County, Chapter 323 Non-Metallic Mining Reclamation........................... 84 No. 903-2007 Relating to Rezoning in the Town of Mackford – Zimmerman .... 86 Regular Session – August 21, 2007 Seal Letter August......................................................................................... 87 Minutes ..................................................................................................... 88 Discussion & Action on Long Range Plans....................................................... 91 Appointments TIF Dist. 2 C. Berlin ............................................................... 91 Resolutions: No. 20-2007 Relating to Creation of a Community Response Social Worker Position ...............................................................................Withdrawn No. 21-2007 Relating to Purchase of County Highway Fuel System.................. 95 No. 22-2007 Relating to Funding for Replacement Doors at Highway Shop I. ... 96 No. 23-2007 Relating to Contracting for Maintenance Management Services ... 97 No. 24-2007 Relating to Construction Easement through Highway Grounds, City of Green Lake. .................................................................................... 98 Ordinances No. 904-2007 Relating to Rezoning in the Town of Manchester – Holl............. 99 No. 905-2007 Relating to Rezoning in the Town of Manchester – Meilahn ..... 100 No. 906-2007 Relating to Rezoning in the Town of Marquette – Weaver ....... 101 No. 907-2007 Relating to Ordinance opposing amendments to Wisconsin Administrative Rule NR 115....................................................................... 102 No. 908-2007 Relating to Temporary Moratorium for Wind Energy Systems within the Unincorporated Areas of Green Lake County. ........................... Tabled Regular Session – September 18, 2007 Seal Letter.................................................................................................. 104 Minutes ................................................................................................... 105 Discussion & Action on Long Range Plan ...................................................... 107 Resolutions No. 25-2007 Relating to Use of Highway Carryover Funds for Road Reconstruction on Highway K.................................................................... 110 Ordinances No. 909-2007 Relating to Rezoning in the Town of Mackford – Steffen ......... 111 No. 910-2007 Relating to Rezoning in the Town of Green Lake – Schwartz ... 112 Regular Session – October 16, 2007 Seal Letter October ..................................................................................... 113 Minutes ................................................................................................... 114 Discussion & Action on Long Range Plan ..................................................... 117 4 of 153 Resolutions No. 26-2007 Relating to Proposed Locations of County Facilities. ......... 122 No. 27-2007 Relating to Encouraging Governor James Doyle and the Wisconsin State Legislature to Include $44 Million in the 2008-2009 State Budget for Locally Controlled Alternatives to Incarceration Programs under the Treatment Alternatives and Diversion (TAD) Program...........Withdrawn No. 28-2007 Relating to Requesting that Congress Amend Federal Regulations to Prevent the Loss of Federal Entitlement Benefits.......... 124 Ordinances No. 912-2007 Relating to Amending Ordinance No. 811-04, Personnel Policies and Procedure Manual.......................................................... 125 No. 913-2007 Relating to Rezoning in the Town of Green Lake – Banerjee....................................................................................... 126 No. 914-2007 Relating to Rezoning in the Town of Brooklyn – ABA ..... 127 Regular Session – November 13, 2007 Seal Letter November.................................................................................. 128 Minutes ................................................................................................... 129 Discussion & Action on Long Range Plan ...................................................... 132 Election Highway Commissioner....................................................... 132 Resolutions No. 29-2007 Relating to Charge-backs, Apportionment 2007 ............... 136 No. 30-2007 Relating to Public Depositories........................................ 137 No. 31-2007 Relating to 2008 Budget and 2007 Tax Levy.................... 139 Regular Session – December 18, 2007 Seal Letter December.................................................................................. 140 Minutes ................................................................................................... 141 Discussion & Action on Long Range Plan ...................................................... 144 Appointments WinneFox Library Board ....................................................... 144 Resolutions No. 33-2007 Relating to Contracting with Samuels Group and Potter Lawson............................................................... Delayed to February 2008 No. 34-2007 Relating to Participation of Green Lake County in the Implementation of Family Care.................................................................. 147 No. 35-2007 Relating to Mascoutin Recreational Trail Conversion Plan........... 150 No. 36-2007 Relating to Cancellation of Outstanding Checks......................... 151 Ordinances No. 915-2007 Relating to Rezoning in the Town of Manchester – Schultz ..... 152 No. 916-2007 Relating to Amending the Code of the County of Green Lake, Chapter 103, Green Lake County Animal Control Ordinance. ........................ 153 5 of 153 STATE OF WISCONSIN ) COUNTY OF GREEN LAKE ) I, Margaret R. Bostelmann, County Clerk, In and For the County of Green Lake, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Green Lake County Board Proceedings together with the reports as set forth at the regular County Board meeting held on the 20th day of February, 2007. In witness thereof, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal of the County Board of Supervisors of Green Lake County, Wisconsin, this 23rd day of March, 2007 Margaret R. Bostelmann County Clerk 6 of 153 GREEN LAKE COUNTY BOARD PROCEEDINGS REGULAR SESSION FEBRUARY 20, 2007 The Green Lake County Board of Supervisors met in Tuesday, February 20, 2007, at 6 PM in the County Green Lake, Wisconsin. regular session, Board Room, The Board was called to order by Chairman Helmer. Roll Called, 18 Supervisors present, 3 Absent (Galatowitsch, Dist. 9), (Krause, Dist. 18), (Priske, Dist. 12) Supervisor Orrin W. Helmer Wallace Williams Orville Biesenthal Margaret Hollander Elden Dallman Susan E. McConnell Howard Sell Vern Ammentorp Dennis Galatowitsch Richard Gorr Carol Z. Myers Gus Mueller Eugene Schroeder John Brennan Gene Thom Debra A. Schubert Robert Krause Michael R. Stoddard Joe Gonyo Joanne Guden Supervisor Districts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (6:08 PM) 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 (6:12 PM) 19 20 21 The Clerk read the call. NOTICE: GREEN LAKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The Green Lake County Board of Supervisors will convene at the Courthouse in the City of Green Lake, Wisconsin on Tuesday the 20th day of February, 2006 at 6:00 PM for the regular meeting of the Board. Regular monthly business to be transacted includes: 7 of 153 CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL READING OF THE CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MINUTES ANNOUNCEMENTS APPEARANCES: Regarding Long Range Plan Potter Lawson Samuels Group Judge Storck Nancy Thelen RW Baird PUBLIC COMMENTS (3 MIN LIMIT) DISCUSSION AND ACTION LONG RANGE PLAN CORRESPONDENCE: RESOLUTIONS: Relating to Adoption of County Supervisory District Relating to Agreement Between American Tissue Services and the Green Lake County Coroner Relating to 2007 Library Plan Relating to CLTS/CCS Care Manager (Limited Term Employment Position) Relating to Increasing Hours of Lead Bus Driver ORDINANCES: Relating to Rezoning in the Town of Brooklyn – Workowski Relating to Rezoning in the Town of Berlin - DePue REPORTS: 2006 Administrative Offices Annual Reports HEARINGS: APPOINTMENTS: Local Emergency Planning Committee COMMITTEE REPORTS: Health Advisory Unit, Aging/LTC Unit, Children & Family Services FUTURE ITEMS FOR ACTION AND DISCUSSION AND SUCH OTHER BUSINESS AS MAY PROPERLY COME BEFORE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. The several committees of the Board may also meet for the purpose of discussing or acting upon matters, which are the subject matter of the meeting of the County Board of Supervisors. Given under my hand and official seal at the Courthouse in the City of Green Lake, Wisconsin this 9th day of February, 2007. Margaret R. Bostelmann (SEAL) Green Lake County Clerk PLEAGE OF ALLEGIANCE 1. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited. MINUTES 2. Minutes of December 19, 2006. Motion/second (Brennan/Stoddard) to approve the December 19, 2006 minutes as presented. All Ayes. Motion carried. 8 of 153 ANNOUNCEMENTS 3. The next. County Board meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 20, 2007 at 6 PM. APPEARANCES 4. Potter Lawson, Samuels Group, Brad Viegut of RW Baird, Financial Advisor, Chief Judge Storck, 6th Judicial District, and Nancy Thelen, Chief Jail Inspector, presented options for the downtown site vs the county A property regarding the design phase and financing. 5. Motion/second (Brennan/Schubert) to seat Supervisor Galatowitsch. All Ayes Motion carried. 6. Supervisor Galatowitsch seated 6:08PM. Motion/second (Mueller/Hollander) to seat Supervisor Krause. Supervisor Krause seated 6:12PM. All Ayes. Motion carried. PUBLIC COMMENTS (3 min limit) 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Wyndam Gary, Town of Green Lake spoke against the project, 2 courtrooms ridiculous. Richard Miller Town of Green Lake spoke against the project, without more comparisons. Jane Piernot Town of Brooklyn spoke against 2 courtrooms and wants phase 1, 2 & 3 at the downtown site. Joe Parise, Mayor City of Green Lake wants the board to look into grants from Homeland Security, against moving to County A site before knowing what is going to be done with the current building. Phil Anastasi Town of Marquette consider if it will be economical to move out to County A property. Sheriff Mark Podoll, cost to taxpayers will be over $650,000 per year for added employees, if Jail is kept downtown. This will come off our tax bills. If we go out to County A, sales tax will take care of the cost. DISCUSSION OF LONG RANGE PLAN 13. The County Board Supervisors asked questions to the presenters and each other on which direction they should go. Supervisor Galatowitsch reviewed the time line that the board has gone through and each architect they have interviewed and have brought proposals to the board. We have hired specialists and we should listen to them. Building downtown would cost the taxpayers more on their property taxes, and building on County A would be covered entirely by sales tax. Supervisor Ammentorp suggested that PTD come to the March County Board and present their proposal. All this can be done using the ½ percent sales tax. This would give us a comparison quote. Supervisor Thom stated that Goldridge Construction, a private company, came to the Judicial/Law Enforcement Committee and proposed that they build what the County desires and then do a lease or buy back option with the County. Supervisor Thom would like the Property & Insurance Committee to invite Goldridge Construction to present their proposal to them. 9 of 153 14. Motion/second(Ammentorp/Dallman) to bring PTD in from Fond du Lac, at no fee to the 15. Motion/second (Thom/Mueller) to have Property and Insurance review the proposal by Goldridge Construction at their meeting on March 6th. Roll Call on motion – 18 Ayes, 2 Nays ( Galatowitsch, Hollander), 1 Absent (Priske). Motion passed. 16. Motion/second (Dallman/Thom) to recess for 5 minutes. All Ayes. Motion carried. 9:20PM. 17. Resume session 9:45PM 20 Supervisors present. county, and revisit their plans, that show how we can remodel the courthouse, take care of all safety problems, add a new jail pod and build a new human service building for approximately $20 million.. Roll Call vote on motion – 16 Ayes, 4 Nays (Stoddard, Gonyo, Krause, Hollander), 1 Absent (Priske). Motion passed CORRESPONDENCE 18. None. RESOLUTIONS 19. Resolution No. 01-2007 Relating to Adoption of County Supervisory District.. Motion/second (Thom/Stoddard) to adopt Resolution No. 01-2007. Roll Call Vote on motion to adopt – 20 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Absent (Priske). Motion passed. Resolution No. 01-2007 passed as adopted. 20. Resolution No. 02-2007 Relating to Foundation and the Green Lake County Resolution No. 02-2007. Discussion held. Absent (Priske). Resolution No. 02-2007 21. Resolution No. 03-2007 Relating to 2007 Library Plan. Motion/second (Biesenthal/Stoddard) to adopt Resolution No. 03-2007. Discussion held. Roll Call on Motion to adopt – 20 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Absent (Priske). Motion passed. Resolution No. 03-2007 passed as adopted. 22. Resolution No. 04-2007 Relating to Extending the CLTS/CCS Care Manager (Limited Term Employment) Position. Motion/second (Guden/Gonyo) to adopt Resolution No. 04-2007. Discussion held. Roll Call on Motion to adopt – 20 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Absent (Priske). Motion passed. Resolution No. 04-2007 passed as adopted. 23. Resolution No. 05-2007 Relating to Increasing Hours of Lead Bus Driver Position. Motion/second (Dallman/Ammentorp) to adopt Resolution No. 05-2007. Discussion held. Motion/second (Dallman/Guden) to allow HHS Director, Linda Van Ness address the board. All Ayes. Motion carried. Roll Call on motion to adopt – 21 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Absent (Priske). Motion passed. Resolution No. 05-2007 passed as adopted. Agreement between American Tissue Services Coroner. Motion/second (Schubert/Sell) to adopt Roll Call on Motion to adopt – 20 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 passed as adopted. ORDINANCES 10 of 153 24. Relating to Rezoning in the Town of Brooklyn – Workowski. Motion/second (Biesenthal/Williams) to enact Ordinance No. 887-2007. Land Use Planning and Zoning Recommends Approval. Roll Call vote on motion to enact – 20 Ayes, 0 Nays 1 Absent (Priske). Motion passed. Ordinance No. 887-2007 passed as enacted. 25. Ordinance No. 888-2007 Relating to Rezoning in the Town of Berlin – DePue. Motion/second (McConnell/Ammentorp) to enact Ordinance No. 884-2006. Land Use Planning and Zoning Recommend Approval. Discussion held. Roll Call vote on motion to enact – 20 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Absent (Priske). Motion passed. Ordinance No. 888-2007 passed as enacted. Ordinance No. 887-2007 REPORTS 26. Administrative Offices 2006 Annual Reports: • 01-2006 County Board Supervisor Per Diem • 02-2006 Maintenance Department • 03-2006 Child Support • 04-2006 Probate Court • 05-2006 Clerk of Circuit Court • 06-2006 Coroner’s Office • 07-2006 County Clerk • 08-2006 Corporation Counsel • 09-2006 Asst. Corporation Counsel • 10-2006 Emergency Management • 11-2006 Highway Department • 12-2006 Human Resources Dept. • 13-2006 Health & Human Services Dept. • 14-2006 Information Technology Dept. • 15-2006 Land Conservation Dept. • 16-2006 Land Use Planning & Zoning • 17-2006 Parks Department • 18-2006 Treasurer’s Department • 19-2006 UW Extension & County Fair • 20-2006 District Attorney’s Office • 21-2006 Veteran Service Office • 22-2006 Register of Deeds • 23-2006 Sheriff’s Department Motion/second (Stoddard/Hollander) to approve and file the 2006 Administrative Reports. All Ayes. Motion carried. APPOINTMENTS 27. Chairman Helmer with the Board’s approval would like to appoint Sheriff Mark Podoll to the Emergency Planning Committee. Motion/second (Thom/Krause) to approve the appointment of Sheriff Mark Podoll to the Emergency Planning Committee. All Ayes. Motion carried. COMMITTEE REPORTS 11 of 153 28. Chairman Helmer announced that due to the late hour, the committee reports will be held over to the March 20, 2007 meeting. 29. Chairman Helmer announced that the Committees to report in March are: HHS: Health Advisory Unit, Aging/LTC Unit, Children & Family Services Unit, Economic Support Unit, Clinical Services Unit, and Fox River Industries. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS FOR ACTION AND DISCUSSION 30. None. ADJOURN 31. Motion/second (Stoddard/Schubert) to adjourn. All Ayes. Motion carried. 32. Meeting adjourned at 10:05 PM. Respectfully Submitted, Sue Wendt Assistant Clerk 12 of 153 RESOLUTION NO. 01-2007 Relating to Adoption of County Supervisory District Plan The County Board of Supervisors of Green Lake County, Green Lake, Wisconsin, duly assembled at its regular meeting begun on the 20h day of February, 2007, does resolve as follows: WHEREAS ss. 59.10(cm), Wisconsin Statutes, allows for a County Board to reduce the number of supervisors; and WHEREAS on February 21, 2006 the County Board passed Ordinance 853-2006 reducing the number of County Board Supervisors from 21 to 19; and WHEREAS the public hearing required by the referenced statute was held on January 23, 2007, concerning such plan. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the plan reflecting the reduction of the number of County Board Supervisory District from 21 to 19 on the attached maps be adopted. Resolution No. 01- 2007 Submitted by Administrative Committee Aye 20, Nay 0 , Absent 1, Abstain 0 Passed & Adopted/Rejected this 20th day of February, 2007 /s/ Orrin W. Helmer /s/ Orrin W. Helmer Orrin W. Helmer, Chairman /s/ Daniel G. Priske Daniel G. Priske County Board Chairman /s/ Margaret R. Bostelmann /s/ Michael Stoddard Attest: County Clerk Approved as to Form: Michael Stoddard /s/ John Selsing /s/ Gene Thom Corporation Counsel Gene Thom /s/ John Brennan John Brennan 13 of 153 RESOLUTION NO. 02-2007 Relating to Referral Agreement Between Tissue Services Foundation and the Green Lake County Coroner’s Office. The County Board of Supervisors of Green Lake County, Green Lake, Wisconsin, duly assembled at its regular meeting begun on the 20h day of February 2007, does resolve as follows: WHEREAS American Tissue Services Foundation (ATSF) is a nationally recognized not-for-profit tissue recovery organization serving donor families, coroners/medical examiners, hospitals, and funeral directors, created to promote and facilitate the donation and recovery of human tissue for transplantation, research and medical education. ATSF desires to enter into a tissue recovery program with the Green Lake County Coroner’s Office; and WHEREAS The Green Lake County Coroner’s Office wishes to promote the continued recovery and utilization of human tissue for the purposes of transplantation, research and medical education, and desires to enter into this Referral Agreement with ATSF, pursuant to Wis. Stats. § 157.06(4r). (see attached) NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Green Lake County Board of Supervisors approve the Referral Agreement between American Tissue Services Foundation and the Green Lake County Coroner’s Office. Resolution No. 02- 2007 Submitted by Judicial/Law Enforcement and Emergency Management Committee Ayes 20 , Nays 0, Absent 1, Abstain 0 Passed and Adopted/Rejected this 20th day of February, 2007 /s/ Gene Thom Gene Thom, Chair /s/ Debra Schubert Debra Schubert, Vice Chair /s/ Orrin W. Helmer /s/ Howard Sell County Board Chair Howard Sell /s/ Margaret R. Bostelmann /s/ Richard Gorr Attest: County Clerk Approve as to form: Richard Gorr /s/ John Selsing Eugene Schroeder /s/ Eugene Schroeder Corporation Counsel 14 of 153 RESOLUTION No 03-2007 Relating to Green Lake County Plan of Library Service, 2007 The County Board of Supervisors of Green Lake County, Green Lake, Wisconsin, Duly assembled at its regular meeting begun on the 20th day of February, 2007, does resolve as follows: WHEREAS, the current plan for providing library service to residents of Green Lake County expired on December 31, 2006, and; WHEREAS, the plan of libraries services for a county (Chapter 43.11(3)(c)) shall provide for library services to residents of those municipalities in the County not maintaining a public library; WHEREAS, the plan of Library Services includes goals relating to having all libraries participate in the shared Winnefox Automated Library Services (WALS), and will continue upgrading equipment, software and connections to the participating libraries. Roll Call on Resolution No. 03-2007 Ayes 20 , Nays 0 , Absent 1 , Abstain 0 Passed and Adopted/Rejected this 20th day of February, 2007 Submitted by Finance Committee and Agricultural/Extension & Fair Committee: /s/ Daniel Priske Daniel Priske, Chairman, Finance /s/OrrinW.Helmer /s/ John Brennan County Board Chairman John Brennan /s/ Margaret R. Bostelmann Orville Biesenthal ATTEST: County Clerk Approved as to Form: Orville Biesenthal /s/ John Selsing /s/ Debra Schubert Corporation Counsel Debra Schubert /s/ Wallace Williams /s/ Vern Ammentorp Wallace Williams Vern Ammentorp /s/ Susan E. McConnell /s/ Margaret Hollander Susan E. McConnell Margaret Hollander, Chairman, Ag/Ext & Fair /s/ Michael Stoddard Michael Stoddard 15 of 153 Relating to Green Lake County Plan of Library Service, 2007, Continued NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the attached Plan of Library Service for 2007 be approved and the County Board Chairman and the County Clerk be authorized to sign same on behalf of the County. FISCAL NOTE: as described by formula in the attached contract agreement. 2007 Request would be $243,491 Actual Levy Contribution was $235,557 16 of 153 RESOLUTION NUMBER 4 - 2007 RELATING TO EXTENDING THE CLTS/CCS CARE MANAGER (LIMITED TERM EMPLOYMENT) POSITION The County Board of Supervisors of Green Lake County, Green Lake, Wisconsin, duly assembled at its regular meeting begun on the 20th of February, 2007, does resolve as follows: WHEREAS, the Green Lake County Department of Health & Human Services applied for a Children’s Long Term Support (CLTS) grant that would require a full-time (40 hours per week) staff position to assess children referred for long term care and mental health services; and provide long term care case management and service coordination to eligible children; and WHEREAS, the State Department of Health & Family Services funded this position and needed services for adults and children; and WHEREAS, this Department has monitored the effectiveness of this program during the past year and has developed other funding sources to continue this position. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Green Lake County Board of Supervisors duly assembled on February 20th authorizes the continuation of the CLTS/CCS Care Manager (Limited Term Employee) position within the Department of Health & Human Services for a period of one year as long as no tax levy is utilized. See attached fiscal note. Roll Call on Resolution No. 4 - 07 Submitted by Health & Human Services Board With the recommendation to Approve/Disapprove Aye 20 , Nay 0 ,Absent 1, Abstain 0 . /s/ Elden Dallman Elden Dallman, Chairman Passed and Adopted/Rejected this 20th day of February 2007 /s/ Dan Priske /s/ Orrin W. Helmer /s/ Joe Gonyo /s/ Margaret R. Bostelmann /s/ Nolan Wallenfang__________ /s/ Daniel Sondalle /s/ Gus Mueller County Board Chairman ATTEST: County Clerk Approved as to Form Assistant Corporation Counsel /s/ Bob Malchetske Bob Malchetske, Member Ruth Topham, Member Dan Priske, Member Joe Gonyo, Member Nolan Wallenfang, Vice Chairman Gus Mueller, Member /s/ Joanne Guden Joanne Guden, Member /s/ Cindy Skipchak Cindy Skipchak, Secretary 17 of 153 ______ RESOLUTION NUMBER 5 - 2007 RELATING TO INCREASING THE HOURS OF THE LEAD BUS DRIVER POSITION The County Board of Supervisors of Green Lake County, Green Lake, Wisconsin, duly assembled at its regular meeting begun on the 20th of February, 2007, does resolve as follows: WHEREAS, in order to continue to provide needed services at Fox River Industries in as cost-effective and costefficient manner as possible; and, WHEREAS, a Production Aide position is currently vacant requiring review of their duties; and WHEREAS, the current Lead Bus Driver position has in its current job description the ability to perform Production Aide work when needed; and WHEREAS, it has been determined that supervision of consumer’s within the workshop can be accomplished without filling the vacant Production Aide position at this time by allowing an increase in the Lead Bus Driver’s workweek from the current 35 hours per week up to 40 hours per week; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Green Lake County Board of Supervisors duly assembled on February 20th authorizes increasing the Lead Bus Driver position from 35 hours per week up to 40 hours per week as needed to supervise consumers within the workshop at Fox River Industries. This change shall become effective upon passage. See revised Job Description and Fiscal Note attached. Roll Call on Resolution No. 5 - 07 Submitted by Health & Human Services Board With the recommendation to Approve/Disapprove Aye 20 , Nay 0 ,Absent 1 , Abstain 0 . Passed and Adopted/Rejected this 20th day of February 2007 /s/ Elden Dallman Elden Dallman, Chairman /s/ Dan Priske Dan Priske, Member /s/ Orrin W. Helmer County Board Chairman /s/ Joe Gonyo Joe Gonyo, Member /s/ Margaret R. Bostelmann /s/ Nolan Wallenfang /s/ Daniel Sondalle /s/ Gus Mueller /s/ Bob Malchetske /s/ Joanne Guden ATTEST: County Clerk Approved as to Form Assistant Corporation Counsel Bob Malchetske, Member Ruth Topham, Member Nolan Wallenfang, Vice Chairman Gus Mueller, Member Joanne Guden, Member /s/ Cindy Skipchak Cindy Skipchak, Secretary 18 of 153 ORDINANCE NUMBER __887-2007 Relating to: Rezoning in the Town of Brooklyn Owner: Edward Workowski The County Board of Supervisors of Green Lake County, Green Lake, Wisconsin, duly assembled at its regular meeting on the 20h day of February, 2007, does ordain as follows: That Green Lake County Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 350 as amended, No. 350-26 Zoning Districts (Official Map M-2 Ordinance No. 297-84) as relates to the Town of Brooklyn, be amended from A-1 Exclusive Agriculture District to C-2 Extensive Commercial District. 004-00515-0000 – Part of the S½ of the NW¼ of the NE¼, Sec 22 Exc that Portion to GL Co for HWY Purposes V463 P362, Section 22, T16N R13E, (±4.00 Acres) Town of Brooklyn BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that, in all other respects, said Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 350 (as amended), Section 350-26, District Maps (Official Map M-2 Ordinance No. 297-84) be ratified. Land Use Planning and Zoning Committee Recommends: x Approval Denial Roll Call on Ordinance No 887-2007 Ayes 20, Nays 0, Absent 1, Abstain 0. Submitted by the Land Use Planning and Zoning Committee: Passed and Enacted/ Rejected this 20th day of February, 2007. /s/ Orville Biesenthal __/s/ Orrin W. Helmer County Board Chairman /s/ Susan Mc Connell _/s/ Margaret R. Bostelmann /s/ Gus Mueller ATTEST: County Clerk Orville Biesenthal, Chairman Susan McConnell Gus Mueller Approved as to Form: /s/ Howard Sell _/s/ John Selsing Corporation Counsel /s/ Wallace Williams Howard Sell Wallace Williams 19 of 153 ORDINANCE NUMBER 888-2007 Relating to: Rezoning in the Town of Berlin Owners: William and Karen DePue The County Board of Supervisors of Green Lake County, Green Lake, Wisconsin, duly assembled at its regular meeting on the 20h day of February, 2007, does ordain as follows: That Green Lake County Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 350 as amended, No. 350-26 Zoning Districts (Official Map M-1 Ordinance No. 297-84) as relates to the Town of Berlin, be amended from A-3 Light Agriculture District to A-1 Exclusive Agriculture District. 002-00673-0000 – Part of the SW¼ of the NW¼, Sec 35; Exc 1½ Acre Parcel Desc in V113 P493; Exc the S 450' of W 550' Thereof (±10.00 Acres), Town of Berlin BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that, in all other respects, said Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 350 (as amended), Section 350-26, District Maps (Official Map M-1 Ordinance No. 297-84) be ratified. Land Use Planning and Zoning Committee Recommends: x Approval Roll Call on Ordinance 888-2007 Ayes_20, Nays_0, Absent_1, Abstain_0. Submitted by the Land Use Planning and Zoning Committee: Passed and Enacted/ Rejected this 20th day of February, 2007. _/s/ Orville Biesenthal Orville Biesenthal, Chairman __/s/ Orrin W. Helmer County Board Chairman _/s/ Susan Mc Connell Susan McConnell _/s/ Margaret R. Bostelmann _/s/ Gus Mueller Gus Mueller ATTEST: County Clerk Approved as to Form: _/s/ John Selsing Corporation Counsel _/s/ Howard Sell Howard Sell _/s/ Wallace Williams Wallace Williams 20 of 153 Denial STATE OF WISCONSIN ) COUNTY OF GREEN LAKE ) I, Margaret R. Bostelmann, County Clerk, In and For the County of Green Lake, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Green Lake County Board Proceedings together with the reports as set forth at the regular County Board meeting held on the 20th day of March, 2007. In witness thereof, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal of the County Board of Supervisors of Green Lake County, Wisconsin, this 19th day of April, 2007. /s/ Margaret R. Bostelmann County Clerk 21 of 153 GREEN LAKE COUNTY BOARD PROCEEDINGS REGULAR SESSION MARCH 20, 2007 The Green Lake County Board of Supervisors met in Tuesday, March 20, 2007, at 6 PM in the County Green Lake, Wisconsin. regular session, Board Room, The Board was called to order by Chairman Helmer. Roll Called, 19 Supervisors present, 2 Absent (Galatowitsch, Dist. 9, Brennan, Dist. 15) Supervisor Orrin W. Helmer Wallace Williams Orville Biesenthal Margaret Hollander Elden Dallman Susan E. McConnell Howard Sell Vern Ammentorp Richard Gorr Carol Z. Myers Daniel Priske Gus Mueller Eugene Schroeder Gene Thom Debra A. Schubert Robert Krause Michael R. Stoddard Joe Gonyo Joanne Guden Supervisor Districts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 The Clerk read the call. NOTICE: GREEN LAKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The Green Lake County Board of Supervisors will convene at the Courthouse in the City of Green Lake, Wisconsin on Tuesday the 20th day of March, 2007 at 6:00 PM for the regular meeting of the Board. Regular monthly business to be transacted includes: CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL 22 of 153 READING OF THE CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MINUTES ANNOUNCEMENTS APPEARANCES: Regarding Long Range Plan Phil Twohig, PTD PUBLIC COMMENTS (3 MIN LIMIT) DISCUSSION AND ACTION LONG RANGE PLAN CORRESPONDENCE: PROCLAIMATION: Supporting National Work Zone Awareness Week RESOLUTIONS: Relating to Creation of Disability Benefit Specialist/Resource Center Specialist. Relating to Non-Represented Employees Re-Classifications ORDINANCES: Relating to Rezoning in the Town of Manchester - Holl Relating to Rezoning in the Town of Manchester – Richter Relating to Rezoning in the Town of Green Lake – Schwandt Relating to Rezoning in the Town of Green Lake – Sommer Relating to Rezoning in the Town of Mackford – Laper Relating to Amending Ordinance #812-04 Employee Handbook for Non-Represented Employees of Green Lake County OUT OF STATE TRAVEL REPORTS: 2006 Fuel Usage Report HEARINGS: APPOINTMENTS: City of Berlin TIF Dist. Commission on Aging COMMITTEE REPORTS: Health Advisory Unit, Aging/LTC Unit, Children & Family Services, Clinical Services, Economic Support, Fox River Industries FUTURE ITEMS FOR ACTION AND DISCUSSION AND SUCH OTHER BUSINESS AS MAY PROPERLY COME BEFORE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. The several committees of the Board may also meet for the purpose of discussing or acting upon matters, which are the subject matter of the meeting of the County Board of Supervisors. Given under my hand and official seal at the Courthouse in the City of Green Lake, Wisconsin this 16th day of March, 2007. Margaret R. Bostelmann (SEAL) Green Lake County Clerk PLEAGE OF ALLEGIANCE 1. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited. MINUTES 2. Minutes of February 20, 2007. Motion/second (Guden/Hollander) to approve the February 20, 2007 minutes as corrected. All Ayes. Motion carried. 23 of 153 ANNOUNCEMENTS 3. The next. County Board meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 17, 2007 at 9 AM Student Government Day. County Board Supervisors will be eating lunch with the students that day. APPEARANCES 4. Phil Twohig, PTD presented a prepared statement to the Board. He believes his company can meet all of Green Lake County’s Space needs at a fraction of the cost. Although the cost per square foot would be the same as that of current hired architect firm, PTD would cut 29,000 sq. ft. from the project in order to realize the savings. After his presentation, Mr. Twohig then answered questions from the board members. PUBLIC COMMENTS (3 min limit) 5. Richard Mueller, Town of Green Lake - build downtown in the $20,000,000 range, this is what the people want. Give PTD a chance to present a comparable to the other architects. 6. Jim Kreston, Electrical Engineer, Town of Brooklyn – to be environmentally conscious you need to include in the cost, what is going to be done with the current building. 7. Andrew Willliams, Wautosa, WI spoke against the Rezoning of the Holl property in Town of Manchester. It goes against the Town of Manchester comprehensive plan. 8. Craig Jones, Cambria, WI spoke against the Rezoning of the Holl property in Town of Manchester. 9. Paul Gustfson, Town of Green Lake, County Supervisor from 1994-2000. Health & Human Services and the Justice Department are interrelated and both need to be addressed at the same time. 10. Maureen Martin, Town of Princeton stated that she never called any supervisor or department head liars regarding extravagant space needs, as Supervisor Galatowitsch stated at the last County Board meeting. 11. Bart Williams, West Bend, WI spoke against the Rezoning of the Holl property in Town of Manchester. 12. Phil Anastasi, Town of Marquette wants to know if farming out prisoners is less expensive than building a new jail, as Art Hartwig stated. If so, a smaller size jail could be put downtown. 13. Sheriff Podoll, stated that even if they build downtown, with PTD plan, it would still be necessary to add more employees. We could not get along with the same number of employees that we have now. Mr. Twohig stated .that we could operate his jail with our same staff. In the Vilas County Jail they have a staff of four employee while we only have a staff of two, which would double our employee costs. DISCUSSION OF LONG RANGE PLAN 24 of 153 14. Corporation Counsel, John Selsing, explained the problems with the Goldridge Construction proposal. That company proposed a lease to own option for a new building to the Property & Insurance Committee. There are several hurdles prohibiting the county from entering into such an agreement. The lease could infringe on the tax levy. The move would border on violating laws governing required bidding processes on projects over $25,000. There are difficulties associated with putting someone else’s building on county land. They must ensure the project complies with laws regarding prevailing wage. The potential problems outweigh the benefits. 15. Motion/second (Mueller/Ammentorp) to invite Phil Twohig, PTD to the next Property & Insurance Committee meeting, to have him give us a cost for him to be able to draft a design for the county and bring the cost back to County Board. Roll Call vote – 12 Ayes, 7 Nays (Guden, Helmer, Hollander Krause, Myers, Stoddard and Thom), 2 Absent (Galatowitsch/Brennan). Motion passed. CORRESPONDENCE 16. Letter from State of Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs. The application for a County Veteran Service Grant for 2007 has been approved in the amount of $8, 500.00. 17. Letter from WCA Group Health Trust regarding approval of payment of $12,000 toward Green Lake County’s request to continue to fund wellness initiatives during 2007. Future requests for wellness funding from the GHT will be considered on an ongoing basis as the Trust’s budget allows. 18. Letter from Wisconsin County Mutual expressing their appreciation for our continued commitment to and ownership of the County Mutual for Liability Insurance for the past 19 years. 19. Chairman Helmer stated that he is more than pleased with what WCA Group Health Trust has done for the County and this is the 3rd grant that we have gotten from them. Also that the County Mutual Liability Insurance has saved Green Lake County many dollars in premiums costs through out the years. PROCLAMATION 20. Green Lake County Proclamation Supporting National Work Zone Awareness Week April 2-6, 2007. Motion/second (Ammentorp/Schroeder) to support and promote National Work Zone Awareness Week to be held April 2-6, 2007. All Ayes. Motion carried. RESOLUTIONS 21. Resolution No. 06-2007 Relating to Creation of Disability Benefit Specialist/Resource Center Specialist. Motion/second (Priske/Guden) to adopt Resolution No. 06-2007. Roll Call on Motion to adopt – 19 Ayes, 0 Nays, 2 Absent (Galatowitsch/Brennan). Resolution No. 06-2007 passed as adopted. 22. Resolution No. 07-2007 Relating to Non Represented Employee Re-Classifications. Motion/second (Dallman/Schroeder) to adopt Resolution No. 07-2007. Discussion held. Roll Call on Motion to adopt – 19 Ayes, 0 Nays, 2 Absent (Galatowitsch/Brennan). Motion passed. Resolution No. 07-2007 passed as adopted. 25 of 153 ORDINANCES 23. Ordinance No. 889-2007 Relating to Rezoning in the Town of Manchester – Holl. Motion/second (McConnell/Mueller) to enact Ordinance No. 889-2007. Land Use Planning and Zoning Recommends Approval. Discussion held. The Clerk read a petition from property owners who’s property abuts the Holl’s property, protesting a zoning change. Corporation Counsel, John Selsing stated that a ¾ vote would be required to pass this ordinance. Roll Call vote on motion to enact –10 Ayes, 9 Nays (Ammentorp, Dallman, Gonyo, Gorr, Guden, Priske, Schubert, Sell, Thom), 2 Absent (Galatowitsch/Brennan). Motion rejected. Ordinance No. 889-2007 rejected. 24. Ordinance No. 890-2007 Relating to Rezoning in the Town of Manchester – Richter. Motion/second (Biesenthal/Williams) to enact Ordinance No. 890-2007. Land Use Planning and Zoning Recommend Approval. Discussion held. Roll Call vote on motion to enact – 19 Ayes, 0 Nays, 2 Absent (Galatowitsch/Brennan). Motion passed. Ordinance No. 890-2007 passed as enacted. 25. Ordinance No. 891-2007 Relating to Rezoning in the Town of Green Lake – Schwandt. Motion/second (Biesenthal/McConnell) to enact Ordinance No. 891-2007. Land Use Planning and Zoning Recommend Approval. Discussion held. Roll Call vote on motion to enact – 14 Ayes, 5 Nays (Ammentorp, Gorr, Guden, Schubert, Sell), 2 Absent (Galatowitsch/Brennan). Motion passed. Ordinance No. 891-2007 passed as enacted. 26. Ordinance No. 892-2007 Relating to Rezoning in the Town of Green Lake – Sommer. Motion/second (McConnell/Gorr) to enact Ordinance No. 892-2007. Land Use Planning and Zoning Recommend Approval. Discussion held. Roll Call vote on motion to enact – 14 Ayes, 5 Nays (Ammentorp, Gorr, Guden, Schubert, Sell), 2 Absent (Galatowitsch/Brennan). Motion passed. Ordinance No. 892-2007 passed as enacted. 27. Ordinance No. 893-2007 Relating to Rezoning in the Town of Mackford – Laper. Motion/second (McConnell/Biesenthal) to enact Ordinance No. 893-2007. Land Use Planning and Zoning Recommend Approval. Discussion held. Roll Call vote on motion to enact – 19 Ayes, 0 Nays, 2 Absent (Galatowitsch/Brennan). Motion passed. Ordinance No. 893-2007 passed as enacted. 28. Ordinance No. 894-2007 Relating to Amending Ordinance #812-04, Employees Handbook for NonRepresented Employees of Green Lake County. Motion/second (Priske/Ammentorp) to enact Ordinance No. 894-2007. Discussion held. Roll Call vote on motion to enact – 19 Ayes, 0 Nays, 2 Absent (Galatowitsch/Brennan). Motion passed. Ordinance No. 894-2007 passed as enacted. 29. Chairman Helmer excused Supervisor Hollander at 7:55 PM. OUT OF STATE TRAVEL 30. Letter from Sheriff Podoll requesting Out of State Travel for De Anna Lueptow, Jail Administrator, to attend a two day training in Salt Lake City, Utah on the Spillman Public Safety Software System upgrade, that is used by the Sheriff’s Department. Motion/second (Priske/Guden) to approve Out of State Travel for De Anna Lueptow in accordance with County policy. All Ayes. Motion carried. REPORTS 26 of 153 31. Chairman Helmer reviewed the 2006 Fuel usage report with the Board. In 2005 the board requested that department reduce their fuel consumption by 5% in 2006. Fuel consumption by dropped by 9.21% in 2006. Chairman Helmer thanked the departments for dropping the fuel consumption by almost 10%. COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS 32. Chairman Helmer, with the Board’s approved, would like to appoint Supervisor Michael Stoddard to the City of Berlin TIF District and Chairman Helmer, with the Board’s approval, would like to appoint Judy Bender to the Commission on Aging Committee. Motion/second (Schubert/Guden) to approve the appointment of Judy Bender to the commission on Aging committee for a 3 year term, and. to approve the appointment of Michael Stoddard to the City of Berlin TIF District. All Ayes. Motion carried. All Ayes. Motion carried. COMMITTEE REPORTS 33. Chairman Helmer stated that this months reports will be given on the Health and Human Services Department. 34. Supervisor Dallman, reported on the Health Advisory Unit. 35. Supervisor Guden reported on the Aging & Long Term Support Department. 36. Supervisor Gonyo reported on the Children & Family Services Department. 37. Supervisor Priske reported on the Clinical Services Unit. 38. Supervisor Mueller reported on the Economic Support Unit. 39. Supervisor Dallman reported on Fox River Industries. 40. Chairman Helmer announced that the Committees to report in April are: Ag & Ext: Resource Agent, Ag Agent, Family Living Agent and 4-H Agent. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS FOR ACTION AND DISCUSSION 41. Supervisor Ammentorp suggested that the Property & Insurance Committee should go to Vilas County and tour their jail. ADJOURN 42. Motion/second (Stoddard/Schubert) to adjourn. All Ayes. Motion carried. 43. Meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM. Respectfully Submitted, Sue Wendt Assistant Clerk 27 of 153 PROCLAMATION GREEN LAKE COUNTY SUPPORTING NATIONAL WORK ZONE AWARENESS WEEK WHEREAS, Green Lake County Highway Department maintains the state and county highway system under contract with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation; and WHEREAS, maintenance and operation of the transportation roadways are critical to providing mobility and economic growth; and WHEREAS, Green Lake County and Wisconsin’s transportation system is a critical element to the effective delivery of products and services throughout Green Lake County and the State of Wisconsin; and WHEREAS, Green Lake County Highway Department Personnel are critical to the effective delivery of these services, and are providing these services on Green Lake County Highways, daily, and WHEREAS, It is imperative that the state highway maintenance functions are performed with paramount attention to the safety of all Transportation service provider personnel, and WHEREAS, working together the Green Lake County Highway Department and Wisconsin Department of Transportation support all elements to promote safety on Wisconsin Highways and Work zones, and WHEREAS, National Work Zone Awareness Week (NWZAW) will be held April 2-6, 2007. The theme for this year’s event being “Signs of Change”. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Green Lake County Board of Supervisors, assembled this 20th day of March, 2007, does hereby support and promote National Work Zone Awareness Week (NWZAW) to be held April 2-6, 2007. /s/ Orrin W. Helmer Orrin W. Helmer County Board Chair /s/ Margaret R. Bostelmann Margaret R. Bostelmann County Clerk 28 of 153 RESOLUTION NUMBER 06 - 2007 RELATING TO CREATION OF DISABILITY BENEFIT SPECIALIST/RESOURCE CENTER SPECIALIST The County Board of Supervisors of Green Lake County, Green Lake, Wisconsin, duly assembled at its regular meeting begun on the 20th day of March 2007, does resolve as follows: WHEREAS, Resolution 42-2004 authorized the development of an Aging & Disability Resource Center between the Human Service Departments of Marquette and Waushara Counties, Department of Health & Human Services of Green Lake County and the Department of Aging Services of Waushara County; and WHEREAS, the State of Wisconsin has awarded Waushara/Green Lake/Marquette Counties continuing funds to develop and sustain an Aging & Disability Resource Center (ADRC); and WHEREAS, it is the intent of the Connection ADRC Consortium to pool and share resources throughout the development of the initiative; and WHEREAS, an Disability Benefit Specialist/Resource Center Specialist is needed for the Consortium sites; and WHEREAS, Green Lake County has agreed to be the employer of the Disability Benefit Specialist/Resource Center Specialist utilizing grant funding with Marquette and Waushara Counties to meet the contract functions of the ADRC; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Green Lake County Board of Supervisors authorizes the creation of a full-time Disability Benefit Specialist/Resource Center Specialist as outlined in the attached position description and fiscal note. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that should that this position shall become effective upon passage and exist only as long as no County levy is used to support it. Resolution No. 06- 2007 Aye 19, Nay 0, Absent 2, Abstain 0 Submitted Health & Human Service Board /s/ Elden Dallman Passed & Adopted/Rejected this 20th day of March, 2007 Elden Dallman, Chairman /s/ Orrin W. Helmer Daniel G. Priske /s/ Daniel G. Priske County Board Chairman /s/ Margaret R. Bostelmann /s/ Joe Gonyo Attest: County Clerk Approved as to Form: Joe Gonyo /s/ John Selsing /s/ Nolan Wallenfang Corporation Counsel Nolan Wallenfang /s/ Bob Malchetske /s/Gus Mueller Bob Malchetske Gus Mueller /s/ Ruth Thopham /s/ James Disterhaft Ruth Thopham James Disterhaft /s/ Cindy Skipchak Cindy Skipchak 29 of 153 RESOLUTION NUMBER 07-2007 Relating to Non-Represented Employee Re-Classifications The County Board of Supervisors of Green Lake County, Green Lake, Wisconsin, duly assembled at its regular meeting begun on the 20th day of March, 2007, does resolve as follows: WHEREAS, Green Lake County Human Resource Consultant has re-evaluated certain employee positions because of changes in position responsibilities, and WHEREAS, the re-evaluation determined the need to reclassify those positions. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Green Lake County Board of Supervisors does approve the reclassifications of the Administrative Assistant Positions, the ADRC Coordinator, the Chief Deputy and Fox River Industries Manager. FISCAL NOTE see attached. Roll Call on Resolution No. 07-2007 Ayes 19 , Nays 0 , Absent 2 , Abstain 0 Passed and Adopted/Rejected this 20th day of March, 2007. Submitted by Personnel Committee: /s/ John Brennan John Brennan, Chair /s/ Margaret Hollander Margaret Hollander, Vice Chair /s/ Orrin W. Helmer /s/ Bob Krause County Board Chairman Bob Krause /s/ Margaret R. Bostelmann /s/ Elden Dallman ATTEST: County Clerk Approve as to Form: Elden Dallman /s/ John Selsing /s/ Gene Schroeder Corporation Counsel Gene Schroeder 30 of 153 ORDINANCE NUMBER 889-2007 Relating to: Rezoning in the Town of Manchester Owner: Norman E. & Kathleen R. Holl The County Board of Supervisors of Green Lake County, Green Lake, Wisconsin, duly assembled at its regular meeting on the 20h day of March, 2007, does ordain as follows: That Green Lake County Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 350 as amended, No. 350-26 Zoning Districts (Official Map M-6 Ordinance No. 297-84) as relates to the Town of Manchester, be amended from A-1 Exclusive Agriculture District to A-2 General Agriculture District and A-3 Light Agriculture District. 012-00660-0000 – The E 3/4 (60R) of the NE¼ of the NW¼, Sec 34 Exc CSM 1658, V7 Exc that part of CSM 2686 V13 Lying Therein (±29.399 Acres), Town of Manchester 012-00660-0100 - Lot 1 Certified Survey Map 1658 V7, Sec 34, (±.601 Acres), Town of Manchester BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that, in all other respects, said Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 350 (as amended), Section 350-26, District Maps (Official Map M-6 Ordinance No. 297-84) be ratified. Land Use Planning and Zoning Committee Recommends: Roll Call on Ordinance No.889-07 x Approval Submitted by Land Use Planning & Zoning Ayes 10, Nay 9, Absent 2, Abstain 0 Passed & Enacted/Rejected this 20th day of March, 2007. /s/ Orrin W. Helmer /s/ Orville Biesenthal Orville Biesenthal, Chairman /s/ Susan McConnell Susan McConnell County Board Chairman /s/ Margaret R. Bostelmann /s/ Gus Mueller Attest: County Clerk Approved as to Form: Gus Mueller /s/ John Selsing /s/ Howard Sell Corporation Counsel Howard Sell /s/ Wallace Williams Wallace Williams 31 of 153 Denial ORDINANCE NUMBER 890-2007 Relating to: Rezoning in the Town of Manchester Owners: Larry and Terry Richter The County Board of Supervisors of Green Lake County, Green Lake, Wisconsin, duly assembled at its regular meeting on the 20th day of March, 2007, does ordain as follows: That Green Lake County Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 350 as amended, No. 350-26 Zoning Districts (Official Map M-6 Ordinance No. 297-84) as relates to the Town of Manchester, be amended from A-1 Exclusive Agriculture District to A-3 Light Agriculture District. 012-0400-0000 - Located Located in the NW¼ of the SW¼ Section 21, T14N R12E, Town of Manchester, (±20.25 Acres) BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that, in all other respects, said Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 350 (as amended), Section 350-26, District Maps (Official Map M-6 Ordinance No. 297-84) be ratified. Land Use Planning and Zoning Committee Recommends: Roll Call on Ordinance No.890 -2007 X Approval Submitted by Land Use Planning & Zoning Ayes 19, Nay 0, Absent 2, Abstain 0 th Passed & Enacted/Rejected this 20 day of March, 2007. /s/ Orrin W. Helmer /s/ Orville Biesenthal Orville Biesenthal, Chairman /s/ Susan McConnell Susan McConnell County Board Chairman /s/ Margaret R. Bostelmann /s/ Gus Mueller Attest: County Clerk Approved as to Form: Gus Mueller /s/ John Selsing /s/ Howard Sell Corporation Counsel Howard Sell /s/ Wallace Williams Wallace Williams 32 of 153 Denial ORDINANCE NUMBER 891-2007 Relating to: Rezoning in the Town of Green Lake Owner: Casey D. Schwandt The County Board of Supervisors of Green Lake County, Green Lake, Wisconsin, duly assembled at its regular meeting on the 20th day of March, 2007, does ordain as follows: That Green Lake County Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 350 as amended, No. 350-26 Zoning Districts (Official Map M-3 Ordinance No. 297-84) as relates to the Town of Green Lake, be amended from A-1 Exclusive Agriculture District to A-3 Light Agriculture District. 006-0132-0000 – Located in SE¼ of the NE¼, Section 8, T15N R13E, Town of Green Lake, (±13.794 Acres) BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that, in all other respects, said Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 350 (as amended), Section 350-26, District Maps (Official Map M-3 Ordinance No. 297-84) be ratified. Land Use Planning and Zoning Committee Recommends: Roll Call on Ordinance No.891 -2007 X Approval Submitted by Land Use Planning & Zoning Ayes 14, Nay 5, Absent 2, Abstain 0 th Passed & Enacted/Rejected this 20 day of March, 2007. /s/ Orrin W. Helmer /s/ Orville Biesenthal Orville Biesenthal, Chairman /s/ Susan McConnell Susan McConnell County Board Chairman /s/ Margaret R. Bostelmann /s/ Gus Mueller Attest: County Clerk Approved as to Form: Gus Mueller /s/ John Selsing /s/ Howard Sell Corporation Counsel Howard Sell /s/ Wallace Williams Wallace Williams 33 of 153 Denial ORDINANCE NUMBER _892-2007_ Relating to: Rezoning in the Town of Green Lake Owners: Kevin and Jill Sommer The County Board of Supervisors of Green Lake County, Green Lake, Wisconsin, duly assembled at its regular meeting on the 20th day of March, 2007, does ordain as follows: That Green Lake County Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 350 as amended, No. 350-26 Zoning Districts (Official Map M-3 Ordinance No. 297-84) as relates to the Town of Green Lake, be amended from A-1 Exclusive Agriculture District to A-2 General Agriculture District. 006-0132-0100 – Located in Section 8, T15N R13E, Town of Green Lake, (±19.553 Acres) BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that, in all other respects, said Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 350 (as amended), Section 350-26, District Maps (Official Map M-3 Ordinance No. 297-84) be ratified. Land Use Planning and Zoning Committee Recommends: Roll Call on Ordinance No.892 -2007 X Approval Submitted by Land Use Planning & Zoning Ayes 14, Nay 5, Absent 2, Abstain 0 th Passed & Enacted/Rejected this 20 day of March, 2007. /s/ Orrin W. Helmer /s/ Orville Biesenthal Orville Biesenthal, Chairman /s/ Susan McConnell Susan McConnell County Board Chairman /s/ Margaret R. Bostelmann /s/ Gus Mueller Attest: County Clerk Approved as to Form: Gus Mueller /s/ John Selsing /s/ Howard Sell Corporation Counsel Howard Sell /s/ Wallace Williams Wallace Williams 34 of 153 Denial ORDINANCE NUMBER 893-2007 Relating to: Rezoning in the Town of Mackford Owners: John Laper Homestead, Inc. The County Board of Supervisors of Green Lake County, Green Lake, Wisconsin, duly assembled at its regular meeting on the 20th day of March, 2007, does ordain as follows: That Green Lake County Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 350 as amended, No. 350-26 Zoning Districts (Official Map M-5 Ordinance No. 297-84) as relates to the Town of Mackford, be amended from A-1 Exclusive Agriculture District to R-1 Single-Family Residence Disrict. 010-0128-0000 – Per attached map to be more accurately identified by certified survey map. Located in the NW¼ of the SE¼ Section 8, T14N R13E, Town of Mackford BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that, in all other respects, said Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 350 (as amended), Section 350-26, District Maps (Official Map M-5 Ordinance No. 297-84) be ratified. Land Use Planning and Zoning Committee Recommends: Roll Call on Ordinance No.893 -2007 Ayes 19, Nay 0, Absent 2, Abstain 0 Passed & Enacted/Rejected this 20th day of March, 2007. /s/ Orrin W. Helmer X Approval Submitted by Land Use Planning & Zoning /s/ Orville Biesenthal Orville Biesenthal, Chairman /s/ Susan McConnell Susan McConnell County Board Chairman /s/ Margaret R. Bostelmann /s/ Gus Mueller Attest: County Clerk Approved as to Form: Gus Mueller /s/ John Selsing /s/ Howard Sell Corporation Counsel Howard Sell /s/ Wallace Williams Wallace Williams 35 of 153 Denial ORDINANCE NO. 894-2007 Relating to Amending Ordinance #812-04, Employee Handbook for Non-Represented Employees of Green Lake County The County Board of Supervisors of Green Lake County, Green Lake, Wisconsin, duly assembled at its regular meeting begun on the 20th day of March, 2007, does ordain as follows: The Employee Handbook for Non-Represented Employees of Green Lake County be amended as follows: (See Attached) BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that this Ordinance shall become effective upon passage and publication. Roll Call on Ordinance No. 894-2007 Aye 19, Nay 0, Absent 2, Abstain 0 Passed & Enacted/Rejected this 20th day of March, 2007 /s/ Orrin W. Helmer Submitted by Personnel Committee /s/John Brennan John Brennan, Chairman /s/Margaret Hollander Margaret Hollander, Vice-Chair County Board Chairman /s/ Margaret R. Bostelmann /s/ Bob Krause Attest: County Clerk Approved as to Form: Bob Krause /s/ John Selsing /s/ Elden Dallman Corporation Counsel Elden Dallman /s/ Gene Schroeder Gene Schroeder 36 of 153 STATE OF WISCONSIN ) COUNTY OF GREEN LAKE ) I, Margaret R. Bostelmann, County Clerk, In and For the County of Green Lake, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Green Lake County Board Proceedings together with the reports as set forth at the regular County Board meeting held on the 17th day of April, 2007. In witness thereof, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal of the County Board of Supervisors of Green Lake County, Wisconsin, this 16th day of May, 2007. /s/ Margaret R. Bostelmann County Clerk 37 of 153 GREEN LAKE COUNTY BOARD PROCEEDINGS REGULAR SESSION APRIL 17, 2007 The Green Lake County Board of Supervisors met in Tuesday, April 17, 2007, at 9 AM in the County Board Lake, Wisconsin. regular session, Room, Green The Board was called to order by Chairman Helmer. Roll Called, 16 Supervisors present, 5 Absent (Biesenthal, Dist. 3, Galatowitsch, Dist. 9, Myers, Dist. 11, Priske, Dist. 12 and Gonyo, Dist. 20) Supervisor Orrin W. Helmer Wallace Williams Margaret Hollander Elden Dallman Susan E. McConnell Howard Sell Vern Ammentorp Richard Gorr Gus Mueller Eugene Schroeder John Brennan Gene Thom Debra A. Schubert Robert Krause Michael R. Stoddard Joanne Guden Supervisor Districts 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 10 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 The Clerk read the call. NOTICE: GREEN LAKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The Green Lake County Board of Supervisors will convene at the Courthouse in the City of Green Lake, Wisconsin on Tuesday the 17th day of April, 2007 at 9:00 AM for the regular meeting of the Board. Regular monthly business to be transacted includes: CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL READING OF THE CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MINUTES 38 of 153 PUBLIC COMMENTS (3 Min Limit) ANNOUNCEMENTS CORRESPONDENCE APPOINTMENTS Relating to Committee Appointments RECESS Committees elect officers RECONVENE Announce Committee Officers APPEARANCES: Relating to: Conservation Poster Contest Awards Jim Hebbe – 9:30AM Kim Hurtz, Group Health Trust Dan Sondalle, Open Meeting Laws Bill Wheeler, Tri-County Economic Development County Government Day Student Appearances – 10:30AM RESOLUTIONS: Relating to Creating a Part-time Deputy Sheriff Assigned to Patrol Less than 970 Hours per year. Relating to Outstanding Checks Relating to Supervisor’s Meeting Payments, Meals and Mileage Relating to Opposing the Closing of the Farm Service Agency Green Lake Office Relating to Ratification of WPPA Contract Relating to Hiring Samuels Group to evaluate Potter Lawson plans for possible space reduction. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ON LONG RANGE PLAN ORDINANCES: Relating to Amending the Code of the County of Green Lake, Article IV, (Administrative Coordinator), §60-18, Chapter 60 Officers and Employees. Relating to Rezoning in the Town of Berlin - Gellerup Relating to Rezoning in the Town of Manchester – Vinz Relating to Rezoning in the Town of Green Lake – Little Green Lake Rehab District OUT OF STATE TRAVEL REPORTS: HEARINGS: COMMITTEE REPORTS: Ag & Ext: Resource Agent, Agriculture Agent, Family Living Agent and 4-H Youth Agent ALL OTHER MATTERS AUTHORIZED BY LAW AND SUCH OTHER BUSINESS AS MAY PROPERLY COME BEFORE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. The several committees of the Board may also meet for the purpose of discussing or acting upon matters, which are the subject matter of the meeting of the County Board of Supervisors. Given under my hand and official seal at the Courthouse in the City of Green Lake, Wisconsin this 6th day of April, 2007. Margaret R. Bostelmann (SEAL) Green Lake County Clerk PLEAGE OF ALLEGIANCE 1. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited. 39 of 153 2. Motion/second (Stoddard/Schubert) to seat Supervisor Galatowitsch. All Ayes. Motion carried. (9:06 AM). 17 Supervisors present, 4 Absent. (Biesenthal, Gonyo, Myers, Priske) MINUTES 3. Minutes of March 20, 2007. Motion/second (Thom/Hollander) to approve the March 20, 2007 minutes as presented. Discussion held. Motion/second (Mueller/Ammentorp) to correct #15 and substitute motion as follows: “I would move to hire PTD to design a new 2 story Human Services Building of approximately 36,000-40,000 sq ft., add a 100 POD jail on the north side of the present jail, Remodel the old jail and courthouse bringing the buildings up to ADA compliance. The cost of the design should not be more than $75,000 after the design work has been approved by the Green Lake County Board, the total cost of the design and build not to exceed 20 million give or take 20% of total cost. This is what a majority of the taxpayers would like.” The County Clerk played the tape from the March County Board regarding the wording of the motion recorded in #15. The wording was exactly as recorded in the minutes. Roll Call vote on correction: 8 Ayes (Ammentorp, Dallman, Gorr, McConnell, Mueller, Schubert, Sell, Williams), 9 Nays, 4 Absent (Biesenthal, Gonyo, Myers, Priske) Motion failed. Roll Call vote on approval of minutes as presented. 9 Ayes, 8 Nays,(Ammentorp, Dallman, Gorr, McConnell, Mueller, Schubert, Sell, Williams), 4 Absent (Biesenthal, Gonyo, Myers, Priske). Motion passed. 4. Supervisor Mueller, left the meeting at 9:15 AM. 16 Supervisors present, 5 absent. Gonyo, Mueller, Myers, Priske) (Biesenthal, PUBLIC COMMENTS 5. Phil Anastasi, Town of Marquette, stated that the intent was for Property & Insurance to hire PTD. The Public by enlarge wants to go ahead with the Courthouse/Jail downtown. The County Board needs to put aside their differences and go ahead with the project. If you really want to know that the public wants, a Referendum would let you know exactly what the public wants. ANNOUNCEMENTS 6. The next County Board meeting will be May 15, 2007 at 6:00 PM. 7. Chairman Helmer announced that from now on, all motions must be presented in writing before being presented to the County Board. Also all Supervisors need to speak into the microphone so that their comments can be recorded. CORRESPONDENCE 8. Letter from Craig Thompson, Legislative Director, WCA announcing his resignation from the WCA Board and the acceptance of a new position with the TDA. COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS 9. A list of the Green Lake County Board Chair’s Committee Appointments for April 17, 2007 to April 15, 2008 is on each Supervisors desk. After their approval, we will recess for 5 minutes so that each committee can elect their officers. Motion/second (Guden/Krause) to approve the list of Committee 40 of 153 Appointments. Roll Call Vote – 16 Ayes, 0 Nays, 5 Absent (Biesenthal, Gonyo, Mueller, Myers, Priske). Motion passed. 10. Motion/second (Schubert/Galatowitsch) to recess until 9:25 AM. All Ayes. Motion carried. RECONVENE 9:25 AM 11. The County Clerk announced the Chair and Vice-Chair of the appointed committees. Finance Committee: Dan Priske, Chair, John Brennan, Vice-Chair. Personnel Committee: John Brennan Chair, Margaret Hollander, Vice-Chair. Property & Insurance Committee: John Brennan, Chair, Michael Stoddard, Vice-Chair. Land Use Planning & Zoning: Susan McConnell, Chair, Wallace Williams, ViceChair. Information Technology Committee: Debra Schubert, Chair, Joanne Guden, Vice-Chair. APPEARANCES 12. Conservation Poster Contest Awards were presented by Jim Hebbe, Land Conservation Director. 13. Primary Division (Grades K-1) Peace Lutheran School, Green Lake 14. 1st Place Dalton Weigel, 2nd Place Branden Stibb 3rd Place Sarah Koepke. 15. Elementary Division (Grades 2-3) Peace Lutheran School, Green Lake 16. 1st Place Liza Lettner, 2nd Place Ben Wettstein 3rd Place Andrea Briese 17. Middle Division (Grades 4-6) Peace Lutheran School, Green Lake 18. 1st Place Reid Jahns, 2nd Place Deiontre Pierce 3rd Place Linden Jahns 19. Junior Division (Grades 7-9) St. John’s Catholic School Princeton 20. And Peace Lutheran School, Green Lake 21. 1st Place Angela Sondalle, 2nd Place Alex Hein, 3rd Place Davey Bednarek 22. Senior Division (Grades 10-12) Berlin High School 23. 1st Place Andrea Markowski, 2nd Place Jacob Cox, 3rd Place Stephen Beck, Jr. 24. Special Needs Senior (Grades 7-12) Berlin High School 25. 1st Place Andrew Davis, 2nd Place Gary Anderson, 3rd Place Kyle Lyne 26. 3rd Place Tiffany Mueller (tie) 27. Chairman Helmer thanked the students for their interest in conservation. 28. Josh Biddel, Group Health Trust reported on the grants received by the County for the County Wellness program, initiated by Kathy Munsey, Green Lake County Health Nurse. In 2006 we received a grant for $9,500 and in 2007 we received another grant for $12,000. The wellness program helps lower the county’s health care expenses. Kathy Munsey, explained the Wellness program and thanked the 92 Green Lake employees for actively participating in the program. There are health challenges each month, news letters and health screenings for the employees. Each new employee gets a Wellness information packet. Kathy is proud of her staff for the effort they put into this program. Kathy thanked Group Health Trust for the grants given to this program. Chairman Helmer thanked Kathy and Josh for their presentations. 41 of 153 29. Dan Sondalle, Assistant Corporation Counsel gave a presentation on Open Meeting Laws and answered questions from the Board. Chairman Helmer thanked Dan for his fine presentation. 30. Bill Wheeler, Director of the Tri-County Economic Development Corporation, reported on the progress of the corporation which encompasses Green Lake, Marquette and Waushara Counties. Working in cooperation with public and private entities, promoting the region and business in order to attract, stimulate and revitalize commerce, industry and manufacturing, resulting in the retention and creation of viable living wage jobs. 31. Motion/second (Thom/Guden) to recess until 10:35AM. All Ayes. Motion carried. RECONVENE 10:35 AM 32. Government Day Students arrived and Chairman Helmer had the Supervisors and staff introduce themselves 33. Commander Tony Soda announced that this was the 46th year of Student Govenment Day. Green Lake, Princeton, Berlin and Markesan Schools were represented. Attendance was down this year as only 36 students participated. 34. Commander Soda introduced the students reporting on the departments they visited. 35. Group 1 Stephanie Sondalle, Princeton reported on the County Clerk, County Treasurer/Real Property Lister and Child Support. Jillian Broder, Markesan reported on the Clerk of Courts, Circuit Court/Judge McMonigal and District Attorney 37. Group 3 Matt Sharkey Green Lake reported on Register of Deeds, Purchasing/Mail Clerk and Land Use & Planning 38. Group 4 Noah Nofz, Green Lake reported on the Sheriff’s Department 39. Group 5 Amy Lieske, Markesan reported on UW Extension/ Information Technology and Land Conservation 40. Group 6 Juan Delbyos, Berlin, reported on the Highway Department 41. Group 7 Britan Kastein, Markesan reported on Aging & Long Term Care, Veteran’s Service Office and Fox River Industries 42. Group 8 Ashley Zimmerman, Markesan reported on the Health Unit, and Clinical Services Unit 43. Group 9 Moritz Becker, Markesan Economic Support Unit and Children & Family Services. 36. Group 2 44. Commander Soda introduced the two foreign exchange students in the Group: Moritz Becker from Germany and Mubina Amanova from Kaukastan and welcomed them to the United States. Commander Soda also introduced the teachers that accompanied the students. 45. Chairman Helmer thanked the students, schools and the Veterans for participating in the Government Day Program. 46. Motion/second (Schubert/Brennan) to seat Supervisor Mueller. All Ayes. Motion carried. 11 AM. 17 Present, 4 Absent (Biesenthal, Gonyo, Myers and Priske). RESOLUTIONS 42 of 153 47. Resolution No. 8-2007 Relating to Creating a Part-time Deputy Sheriff assigned to Patrol Less than 970 Hours per year. Motion/second (Schubert/Thom) to adopt Resolution No. 8-2007. An amended fiscal note was given to the Supervisors. Discussion held. Motion/second (Thom/McConnell) to allow Sheriff Podoll to answer questions from the Board. All Ayes. Motion carried. Roll Call vote on motion to adopt – 16 Ayes, 1 Nay (Hollander), 4 Absent (Biesenthal, Gonyo, Myers, Priske). Motion passed. Resolution No. 8-2007 passed as adopted. 48. Resolution No. 9-2007 Relating to Cancellation of Outstanding Checks. Motion/second Discussion held. Motion/second (Brennan/Schubert) to adopt Resolution No. 9-2007. (Schubert/Ammentorp) to correct number of check from eight to eleven. All Ayes. Motion carried. Roll Call Vote on motion to adopt – 17 Ayes, 0 Nays, 4 Absent (Biesenthal, Gonyo, Myers, Priske). Motion passed. Resolution No. 9-2007 passed as adopted. 49. Resolution No. 10-2007 Relating to Supervisor’s Meeting Payments, Meals and Mileage. Motion/second (Stoddard/Brennan) to adopt Resolution No. 10-2007. Discussion held. Roll Call vote on motion to adopt – 15 Ayes, 2 Nays (Helmer, Hollander), 4 Absent (Biesenthal, Gonyo, Myers, Priske). Motion passed. Resolution No. 10-2007 passed as adopted. 50. Resolution No. 11-2007 Relating to Opposing the Closing of the Farm Service Agency Green Lake Office. Motion/second (Stoddard/Williams) to adopt Resolution No. 11-2007. Discussion held. Roll Call vote on motion to adopt – 17 Ayes, 0 Nays, 4 Absent (Biesenthal, Gonyo, Myers, Priske). Motion Passed. Resolution No. 11-2007 passed as adopted. 51. Resolution No. 12-2007 Relating to Labor Agreement with Green Lake County Law Enforcement Association, WPPA Law Enforcement Employee Relations Division. Motion/second (Brennan/Schroeder) to adopt Resolution No. 12-2007. Roll Call vote 17 Ayes, 0 Nays, 4 Absent (Biesenthal, Gonyo, Myers, Priske). Motion passed. Resolution No. 12-2007 passed as adopted. 52. Resolution No. 13-2007 Relating to Engage Samuels Group to Evaluate Potter Lawson plans for possible space reduction. Motion/second (Stoddard/Brennan) to adopt Resolution No. 13-2007. Discussion held. Motion/second (Ammentorp/Mueller) to table Resolution 13-2007 indefinitely, because Samuels Group has already studied the Potter Lawson Plans and reported back to this board twice and were in agreement with Potter Lawson’s design and price. Roll Call Vote on motion to table – 8 Ayes (Ammentorp, Dallman, Gorr, McConnell, Mueller, Schubert, Sell, Williams), 9 Nays, 4 Absent (Biesenthal, Gonyo, Myers, Priske). Motion lost. Roll Call Vote to motion to adopt – 10 Ayes, 7 Nays (Ammentorp, Dallman, Gorr, McConnell, Schubert, Sell, Williams), 4 Absent (Biesenthal, Gonyo, Myers, Priske). Motion passed. Resolution No. 13-2007 passed as adopted. DISCUSSION ON LONG RANGE PLAN 53. Vice-Chairman Brennan stated that there has not been a lot of give and take between board members on this issue. We need to come to some sort of agreement. Public comments are negative to any plans we come up with. We need to look at the 3rd floor, if an elevator can be put in that section, if we can remodel to make space needs acceptable, secure the hallways. I still think that County A is the best place to build, but that’s only my opinion. This has dragged on for many years and its been too long. Either we do something, or forget the whole thing. Supervisor Schubert would like to see a referendum on this. Supervisor Galatowitsch stated that we have sought the best architect and hired a construction manager last February. We should listen to our consultants and move forward on this. He is against a referendum as he feels we are advocating our duties to make a decision. We are 43 of 153 building for a 50-75 year solution, not just a 20 year solution. 34 million comes off the sales tax, not the tax levy. Supervisor Ammentorp stated that Baird is only out to make money. How can the Samuels group check for 29,000 feet without any plans drawn up? Supervisor Gorr stated that to get the comparison price we are asking for, you can’t use just one construction company to compare. Supervisor Ammentorp asked how we can turn down spending $75,000 on a 34 million dollar project? ORDINANCES 54. Ordinance No. 895-2007 Relating to an Ordinance amending the code of the County of Green Lake, Article IV (Administrative Coordinator) §60-18, Chapter 60 Officers and Employees. Motion/second (Stoddard/Brennan) to enact Ordinance No. 895-2007. Discussion held. Roll Call vote on motion to enact – 16 Ayes, 1 Nay (Ammentorp), 4 Absent (Biesenthal, Gonyo, Myers, Priske). Motion passed. Ordinance No. 895-2007 passed as enacted. 55. Ordinance No. 896-2007 Relating to Rezoning in the Town of Berlin – Gellerup. Motion/second (McConnell/Williams) to enact Ordinance No. 896-2007. Land Use Planning & Zoning recommend approval. Roll Call vote on motion to enact – 17 Ayes, 0 Nays, 4 Absent (Biesenthal, Gonyo, Myerss, Priske). Motion passed. Ordinance No. 896-2007 passed as enacted. 56. Ordinance No. 897-2007 Relating to Rezoning in the Town of Manchester – Vinz. Motion/second (McConnell/Hollander) to enact Ordinance No. 897-2007. Land Use Planning & Zoning recommend approval. Discussion held. Roll Call vote on motion to enact – 17 Ayes, 0 Nays, 4 Absent (Biesenthal, Gonyo, Myers, Priske). Motion passed. Ordinance No. 897-2007 passed as enacted. 57. Ordinance No. 898-2007 Relating to Rezoning in the Town of Green Lake - Little Green Lake Protection & Rehabilitation District. Motion/second (McConnell/Williams) to enact Ordinance No. 898Motion/second 2007. Land Use Planning & Zoning recommend approval. Discussion held. (Galatowitsch/ Brennan) to allow Land Conservation Director, Jim Hebbe to answer questions from the board) All Ayes. Motion passed. Roll Call vote on motion to enact – 17 Ayes, 0 Nays, 4 Absent (Biesenthal, Gonyo, Myers, Priske). Motion passed. Ordinance No. 898-2007 passed as enacted. 58. Motion/second (Stoddard/Schubert) to recess until 1:15 PM in order to have lunch with the students. All Ayes. Motion carried. (Noon) RECONVENE 1:15PM 59. Chairman Helmer stated that Supervisors Krause and Galatowitsch asked to be excused from this afternoons meeting. 15 Present, 6 Absent (Biesenthal, Gonyo, Galatowitsch, Krause, Myers, Priske) OUT OF STATE TRAVEL 60. Letter on Supervisors desk regarding out of state travel for Land Conservation Director, Jim Hebbe, to attend the 2007 Soil and Water Conservation Society Annual Conference at Tampa Florida on July 2125, 2007. Motion/second (Thom/Guden) to approve out of state travel for Jim Hebbe, July 21-25 per county policy. All Ayes. Motion carried. COMMITTEE REPORTS 44 of 153 61. Supervisor McConnell reported on the activities of the UW Extension Resource Agent. 62. Supervisor Ammentorp reported on the activities of the Family Living Agent. 63. Supervisor Williams reported on the activities of the Agricultural Agent. 64. Supervisor Stoddard reported on the activities of the 4-H Agent. 65. Supervisor Hollander reported on the tons of information available on the lower level of extension activities. 66. Chairman Helmer announced that the Committees to report in May are: VSO, Personnel Committee and Property & Insurance Committee. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS FOR ACTION AND DISCUSSION 67. Supervisor Hollander suggested sending a get well card to Supervisor Biesenthal. Chairman Helmer reported that Supervisor Biesenthal asked to be excused from County business for a period of time. ADJOURN 68. Motion/second (Schubert/Sell) to adjourn. All Ayes. Motion carried. 69. Meeting adjourned at 1:30 PM. Respectfully Submitted, Sue Wendt Assistant Clerk 45 of 153 Resolution Number 08-2007 Relating to Creating a Part-time Deputy Sheriff assigned to Patrol Less than 970 Hours per year The County Board of Supervisors of Green Lake County, Green Lake, Wisconsin, duly assembled at its regular meeting begun on the 17th day of April 2007 does resolve as follows: WHEREAS, Courthouse security has become a increasing concern for Court Officials, the employees, public, and County Board members of Green Lake County, and WHEREAS, the number of critical instances that have occurred in the Courthouse is steadily increasing, and WHEREAS, the public has indicated the need to increase security and security measures in the Courthouse, and WHEREAS, the Attorneys using the Court system would like to see increased Courthouse security especially during Family Court, Child Custody Cases and Juvenile Intake days in addition to Criminal Court days. WHEREAS, the core responsibility of the person in this position will be to attend “at risk” events within the Courthouse, provide police presence on all three floors of the current Courthouse, and to detect, correct, and report security breaches, and WHEREAS, the person hired to this position may also fill in for patrol functions as directed by the Sheriff, and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Green Lake County Board of Supervisors authorizes the creation of a part-time Deputy Sheriff effective upon passage of this Resolution by the Green Lake County Board of Supervisors. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this position not exceed 970 hours per year. Fiscal Impact: Attached Roll Call on Resolution No. 8-07 Aye 16, Nay 1, Absent 4, Abstain 0 Passed & Enacted/Rejected this 17th day of April, 2007 /s/ Orrin W. Helmer Submitted by Judicial/Law Enforcement and Emergency Management Committee /s/ Gene Thom Gene Thom, Chairman /s/ Debra A. Schubert Debra A. Schubert County Board Chairman /s/ Margaret R. Bostelmann /s/ Richard Gorr Attest: County Clerk Approved as to Form: Richard Gorr /s/ John Selsing /s/ Howard Sell Corporation Counsel Howard Sell /s/ Eugene Schroeder Eugene Schroeder 46 of 153 RESOLUTION NO. 9-2007 Relating to Cancellation of Outstanding Checks The County Board of Supervisors of Green Lake County, Green Lake, Wisconsin, duly assembled at its regular meeting begun on the 17th day of April, 2007, does resolve as follows: WHEREAS, Eleven checks issued by the Treasurer of Green Lake County, drawn against the County’s account at Green Lake State Bank have not been presented for payment by the payees of said checks in excess of six (6) months since said checks were issued; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that said outstanding checks as listed below be cancelled, and the amounts represented thereby be restored to the County’s general account: Check Number 116844 117251 117293 118137 119723 120363 120559 120855 122011 122277 122311 Date of Check 12-10-05 12-19-05 12-19-05 02-10-06 05-12-06 06-16-06 06-16-06 07-14-06 09-15-06 09-15-06 09-29-06 Amount 240.00 22.16 16.00 2.39 6.00 30.24 20.00 75.00 35.00 34.75 238.05 719.59 Payee LaCrosse County HSD Thomas M Merryfield Pamela J Waite Leonard F Baggett Kathleen Crimmings Noreen Deveau Cook County Clerk of Court Jeffrey Hayes Ruth E Rodaks Bart D Koopman Modern Business Machines BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be furnished to the Green Lake State Bank. NOTE: The above checks contain the notation “Void after six months” Roll Call on Resolution No. 9-07 Aye 17, Nay 0, Absent 4, Abstain 0 Passed & Enacted/Rejected this 17th day of April, 2007 /s/ Orrin W. Helmer Submitted by Finance Committee /s/ Dan Priske Dan Priske, Chairman /s/ John Brennan John Brennan, Vice-Chair County Board Chairman /s/ Margaret R. Bostelmann /s/ Debra Schubert Attest: County Clerk Approved as to Form: Debra Schubert /s/ John Selsing /s/ Orville Biesenthal Corporation Counsel Orville Biesenthal /s/ Vern Ammentorp Vern Ammentorp 47 of 153 RESOLUTION NO. 10-2007 Relating to Supervisor’s Meeting Payments, Meals, Mileage The County Board of Supervisors of Green Lake County, Green Lake, Wisconsin, Duly assembled at its regular meeting begun on the 17th day of April, 2007, does resolve as follows: WHEREAS, the Green Lake County Administrative Committee has determined that it is appropriate to adjust the amount payable for reimbursements to accommodate increases in costs; and WHEREAS, adjustments to Supervisor’s Meeting Payments, have not been made since the 3rd Tuesday, April 1992; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, Meeting Payments per Supervisor from $35.00 to $45.00 per Committee Meeting and from $40.00 to $50.00 per County Board meeting. Mileage shall be reimbursed at the rate established by the Federal Internal Revenue Service (IRS), as set forth in Green Lake County Ordinance #431-91 remain the same. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Board Chairman’s salary be increase from $150 plus $100 mileage per month to $400 per month and that a per diem and mileage be paid for all the meetings attended by the County board chair. Roll Call on Resolution No. 10-07 Aye 15, Nay 2, Absent 4, Abstain 0 Passed & Enacted/Rejected this 17th day of April, 2007 /s/ Orrin W. Helmer Submitted by Administrative Committee /s/ Orrin W. Helmer Orrin W. Helmer, Chairman /s/ John Brennan John Brennan County Board Chairman /s/ Margaret R. Bostelmann /s/ Michael Stoddard Attest: County Clerk Approved as to Form: Michael Stoddard /s/ John Selsing /s/ Gene Thom Corporation Counsel Gene Thom /s/ Daniel G. Priske Daniel G. Priske 48 of 153 Resolution No. 10-07 Relating to Supervisor’s Meeting Payments, Meals, Mileage Continued: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the per diems and County Board chairman’s salary be increased annually in accordance with the non-represented employees salary increases to the nearest dollar effective the 3rd Tuesday in April 2008 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that out of county meals will be reimbursed at actual cost but not to exceed $25.00 per day (Breakfast $6, Lunch $8, Dinner $11, includes taxes and gratuities) as set forth in Resolution #37-95, remain the same. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution take effect on the third Tuesday in April, 2008. Fiscal Note: Increase of approx $6700 annually for committee meetings funded from Account No. 08-100-0151110-110-000 and $110 annually for County Board meetings funded from Account No. 08-100-01-51100-14000 and County Board Chair salary increase of $1800 funded from Account No. 08-100-01-51100-110-000. 49 of 153 RESOLUTION NUMBER 11-2007 Relating to: Opposing the Closing of the Farm Service Agency Green Lake Office The County Board of Supervisors of Green Lake County, Green Lake, Wisconsin, duly assembled at its regular meeting begun on the 17th day of April, 2007, does resolve as follows: WHEREAS, the Green Lake County Farm Service Agency office provides many economic benefits to county landowners and farm operators; and WHEREAS, the Green Lake County Farm Service Agency is a cooperative partner working with the Land Conservation Committee; and WHEREAS, consideration is being given to closing the Green Lake County Farm Service Agency office as part of a cost cutting measure for the United States Department of Agriculture; and WHEREAS, the possibility of saving government budget dollars would in turn cost Green Lake County participants more money due to the time and mileage cost of driving to neighboring county Farm Service Agency offices to file and sign documents and report information; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Green Lake County Board of Supervisors does not support the closing of the Green Lake County Farm Service Agency office or eliminating the staff in that office. Roll Call on Resolution 11-2007 Ayes 17, Nays 0, Absent 4, Abstain 0 Passed and Adopted/Rejected this 17th day of April, 2007. /s/ Orrin W. Helmer County Board Chairman /s/ Margaret R. Bostelmann ATTEST: County Clerk Submitted by: Land Conservation Committee /s/ Michael Stoddard Michael Stoddard, Chairman /s/ Susan McConnell Susan McConnell, Vice-Chair /s/ Vern Ammentorp Vern Ammentorp /s/ Margaret Hollander Margaret Hollander Approved as to Form: /s/ Wallace Williams /s/ John Selsing /s/ Pamela Schure Corporation Counsel Wallace Williams Pamela Schure, FSA Member 50 of 153 RESOLUTION NUMBER 12- 2007 Relating to Labor Agreement with Green Lake County Law Enforcement Association, WPPA Law Enforcement Employee Relations Division The County Board of Supervisors of Green Lake County, Green Lake, Wisconsin, duly assembled at its regular meeting begun on the 17th day of April, 2007, does resolve as follows: WHEREAS, a tentative agreement has been reached between Green Lake County and Green Lake County Law Enforcement Association, WPPA Law Enforcement Employee Relations Division. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Green Lake County Board of Supervisors does ratify the attached summary of the three-year contract agreement with its attached wage appendices for 2007, 2008 and 2009, effective January 1, 2007. FISCAL NOTES: Increases are 3% 1/1/2007, 2.5% 1/1/2008, 2.5% 1/1/2009. The resulting costs are $50,575.16 in 2007, $43,410.35 in 2008, $44,495.61 in 2009. Health Insurance Plan changes with the implementation of a Health Reimbursement Account results in a savings of $22,226.64 in 2007. Roll Call on Resolution No. 12-07 Submitted by Personnel Committee: Ayes 17, Nays 0, Absent 4, Abstain 0. /s/ John Brennan Passed and Adopted/Rejected this 17th day of April, 2007. John Brennan, Chair /s/ Margaret Hollander Margaret Hollander, Vice Chair /s/ Orrin W Helmer /s/ Bob Krause County Board Chairman Bob Krause /s/ Margaret R. Bostelmann /s/ Elden Dallman ATTEST: County Clerk Approve as to Form: Elden Dallman /s/ John Selsing /s/ Gene Schroeder Corporation Counsel Gene Schroeder 51 of 153 RESOLUTION NUMBER 13-2007 Relating to Engage Samuels Group to Evaluate Potter Lawson plans for possible space reduction. The County Board of Supervisors of Green Lake County, Green Lake, Wisconsin, duly assembled at its regular meeting begun on the 17th day of April, 2007, does resolve as follows: WHEREAS, the Green Lake County Board has been presented with several building project options by Potter Lawson; and WHEREAS, the different options propose different square footages and it has been suggested that the plans can be reduced by 29,000 square feet, and; WHEREAS, the Samuels Group is working with Green Lake County as construction manager. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Green Lake County Board approves engaging the Samuels Group as the construction manager to determine if the 29,000 square foot reduction in Potter-Lawson’s plan is feasible and ask the Samuel’s Group to check Potter-Lawson’s plan and see how many square feet can be deducted from their plan and still satisfy Green Lake County’s minimum needs including Health & Human Services Fiscal Impact: None. Roll Call on Resolution No. 13-07 Aye 10, Nay 7, Absent 4, Abstain 0 Passed & Enacted/Rejected this 17th day of April, 2007 /s/ Orrin W. Helmer Submitted by Property & Insurance /s/ John Brennan John Brennan, Chairman /s/ Orrin W. Helmer Orrin W. Helmer County Board Chairman /s/ Margaret R. Bostelmann /s/Michael Stoddard Attest: County Clerk Approved as to Form: Michael Stoddard /s/ John Selsing /s/ Gene Thom Corporation Counsel Gene Thom /s/ Gus Mueller Gus Mueller 52 of 153 ORDINANCE NO. 895 -2007 Relating to an Ordinance amending the Code of the County of Green Lake, Article IV, (Administrative Coordinator) §60-18, Chapter 60 Officers and Employees. The County Board of Supervisors of Green Lake County, Green Lake Wisconsin, duly assembled at its regular meeting begun on the 17th day of April, 2007, does ordain as follows: The Code of the County of Green Lake, Article IV to Chapter 60, §60-18 be amended as follows: 1. Amend: The Administrative Coordinator shall be compensated at a rate of $600 per month commencing July 1, 2007. The Administrative Coordinator’s compensation shall received increases in accordance with future non-represented employee agreements. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that in all other respects, said Article IV, Chapter 60 remains the same and is in full force. Fiscal note: The administrative coordinator position was established in 1997 with compensation set at $300 per month. Compensation has never been increased. The increase will be funded from Account No. 07-100-01-51110-100. Roll Call on Ordinance No. 895- 07 Aye 16, Nay 1, Absent 4, Abstain 0 th Passed & Enacted/Rejected this 17 day of April, 2007 /s/ Orrin W. Helmer Submitted by Administrative Committee /s/ Orrin W. Helmer Orrin W. Helmer, Chairman /s/ John Brennan John Brennan County Board Chairman /s/ Margaret R. Bostelmann /s/ Michael Stoddard Attest: County Clerk Approved as to Form: Michael Stoddard /s/ John Selsing /s/ Gene Thom Corporation Counsel Gene Thom /s/ Daniel G. Priske Daniel G. Priske 53 of 153 ORDINANCE NUMBER 896-07 Relating to: Rezoning in the Town of Berlin Owners: Bonnie S. Gellerup The County Board of Supervisors of Green Lake County, Green Lake, Wisconsin, duly assembled at its regular meeting on the 17th day of April, 2007, does ordain as follows: That Green Lake County Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 350 as amended, No. 350-26 Zoning Districts (Official Map M-1 Ordinance No. 297-84) as relates to the Town of Berlin, be amended from A-3 Light Agriculture District to R-1 Single-Family Residence District. 002-0638-0000 – Part of the NW ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 33, T17N R13E, Town of Berlin (±1.97 Acres) To be more particularly described by certified survey map. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that, in all other respects, said Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 350 (as amended), Section 350-26, District Maps (Official Map M-1 Ordinance No. 297-84) be ratified. Land Use Planning and Zoning Committee Recommends: Roll Call on Ordinance No.896 -2007 X Approval Submitted by Land Use Planning & Zoning Ayes 17, Nay 0, Absent 4, Abstain 0 /s/ Orville Biesenthal Passed & Enacted/Rejected this 17th day of April, 2007 /s/ Orrin W. Helmer Orville Biesenthal, Chairman /s/ Susan McConnell Susan McConnell County Board Chairman /s/ Margaret R. Bostelmann /s/ Gus Mueller Attest: County Clerk Approved as to Form: Gus Mueller /s/ John Selsing /s/ Howard Sell Corporation Counsel Howard Sell /s/ Wallace Williams Wallace Williams 54 of 153 Denial ORDINANCE NUMBER 897-07 Relating to: Rezoning in the Town of Manchester Owners: Lila M. Vinz The County Board of Supervisors of Green Lake County, Green Lake, Wisconsin, duly assembled at its regular meeting on the 17th day of April, 2007, does ordain as follows: That Green Lake County Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 350 as amended, No. 350-26 Zoning Districts (Official Map M-6 Ordinance No. 297-84) as relates to the Town of Manchester, be amended from A-1 Exclusive Agriculture District to A-3 Light Agriculture District. 012-0354-0000 – Part of the NW¼ of the NE¼, Sec 19, T14N R12E, Town of Manchester, (±10 Acres) To be more particularly described by certified survey map. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that, in all other respects, said Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 350 (as amended), Section 350-26, District Maps (Official Map M-6 Ordinance No. 297-84) be ratified. Land Use Planning and Zoning Committee Recommends: Roll Call on Ordinance No.897 -2007 Ayes 17, Nay 0, Absent 4, Abstain 0 X Approval Submitted by Land Use Planning & Zoning /s/ Orville Biesenthal Passed & Enacted/Rejected this 17th day of April, 2007 /s/ Orrin W. Helmer Orville Biesenthal, Chairman /s/ Susan McConnell Susan McConnell County Board Chairman /s/ Margaret R. Bostelmann /s/ Gus Mueller Attest: County Clerk Approved as to Form: Gus Mueller /s/ John Selsing /s/ Howard Sell Corporation Counsel Howard Sell /s/ Wallace Williams Wallace Williams 55 of 153 Denial ORDINANCE NUMBER Relating to: 898-2007 Rezoning in the Town of Green Lake Owners: Little Green Lake Protection & Rehabilitation District The County Board of Supervisors of Green Lake County, Green Lake, Wisconsin, duly assembled at its regular meeting on the 17th day of April, 2007, does ordain as follows: That Green Lake County Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 350 as amended, No. 350-26 Zoning Districts (Official Map M-3 Ordinance No. 297-84) as relates to the Town of Green Lake, be amended from A-1 Exclusive Agriculture District to NRC Natural Resources Conservancy District 006-0535-0100 – Lot 1 Certified Survey Map 2642 V13 Sec 29, T15N R13E, Town of Green Lake (±6 Acres) BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that, in all other respects, said Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 350 (as amended), Section 350-26, District Maps (Official Map M-3 Ordinance No. 297-84) be ratified. Land Use Planning and Zoning Committee Recommends: Roll Call on Ordinance No.898 -2007 Ayes 17, Nay 0, Absent 4, Abstain 0 X Approval Submitted by Land Use Planning & Zoning /s/ Orville Biesenthal Passed & Enacted/Rejected this 17th day of April, 2007 /s/ Orrin W. Helmer Orville Biesenthal, Chairman /s/ Susan McConnell Susan McConnell County Board Chairman /s/ Margaret R. Bostelmann /s/ Gus Mueller Attest: County Clerk Approved as to Form: Gus Mueller /s/ John Selsing /s/ Howard Sell Corporation Counsel Howard Sell /s/ Wallace Williams Wallace Williams 56 of 153 Denial STATE OF WISCONSIN ) COUNTY OF GREEN LAKE ) I, Margaret R. Bostelmann, County Clerk, In and For the County of Green Lake, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Green Lake County Board Proceedings together with the reports as set forth at the regular County Board meeting held on the 15th day of May, 2007. In witness thereof, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal of the County Board of Supervisors of Green Lake County, Wisconsin, this 21st day of June, 2007. /s/ Margaret R. Bostelmann County Clerk 57 of 153 GREEN LAKE COUNTY BOARD PROCEEDINGS REGULAR SESSION MAY 15, 2007 The Green Lake County Board of Supervisors met in Tuesday, May 15, 2007, at 6 PM in the County Board Lake, Wisconsin. regular session, Room, Green The Board was called to order by Chairman Helmer. Roll Called, 18 Supervisors present, 3 Absent (Biesenthal, Dist. 3, Hollander, Dist. 4, Galatowitsch, Dist. 9) Supervisor Orrin W. Helmer Wallace Williams Elden Dallman Susan E. McConnell Howard Sell Vern Ammentorp Dennis Galatowitsch Richard Gorr Carol Z. Myers Daniel Priske Gus Mueller Eugene Schroeder John Brennan Gene Thom Debra A. Schubert Robert Krause Michael R. Stoddard Joe Gonyo Joanne Guden Supervisor Districts 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 6:25PM 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 The Clerk read the call. NOTICE: GREEN LAKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The Green Lake County Board of Supervisors will convene at the Courthouse in the City of Green Lake, Wisconsin on Tuesday the 15th day of May, 2007 at 6:00 PM for the regular meeting of the Board. Regular monthly business to be transacted includes: CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL 58 of 153 READING OF THE CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MINUTES ANNOUNCEMENTS APPEARANCES: 2006 Highway Audit – Jon Trautman Deputy Sheriff, Sarah Guenther - Bracelet Program PUBLIC COMMENTS (3 MIN LIMIT) DISCUSSION AND ACTION LONG RANGE PLAN CORRESPONDENCE: RESOLUTIONS: Relating to Green Lake County’s Support of Adoption of a Statewide Workplace Smoke Ban with No Exceptions. Relating to Creating a second part-time Corrections Officer Position in the Sheriff’s Department. Relating to Loss of Federal Entitlement Benefits ORDINANCES: Relating to Amending Ordinance No. 811-04 Personnel Policies Manual Sec. VII Secondary Employment. Relating to Rezoning in the Town of Green Lake – Prochnow Relating to City of Berlin Agricultural Preservation Plan REPORTS: HEARINGS: APPOINTMENTS: COMMITTEE REPORTS: Veteran Service Office, Personnel Committee, Property & Insurance Committee FUTURE ITEMS FOR ACTION AND DISCUSSION AND SUCH OTHER BUSINESS AS MAY PROPERLY COME BEFORE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. The several committees of the Board may also meet for the purpose of discussing or acting upon matters, which are the subject matter of the meeting of the County Board of Supervisors. Given under my hand and official seal at the Courthouse in the City of Green Lake, Wisconsin this 7th day of May, 2007. Margaret R. Bostelmann (SEAL) Green Lake County Clerk PLEAGE OF ALLEGIANCE 1. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited. MINUTES 2. Minutes of April 17, 2007. Motion/second (Stoddard/Guden) to approve the April 17, 2007 minutes as presented. All Ayes. Motion carried. ANNOUNCEMENTS 3. The next. County Board meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 19, 2007 at 6 PM 59 of 153 APPEARANCES 4. Jon Trautman, County Auditor, reviewed the 2006 Highway Audit with the County Board and answered any questions the board members had. Motion/second (Priske/Myers) to accept and file Report No. 24-2006 Highway Audit. All Ayes. Motion carried. 5. Motion/second (Mueller/Myers) to seat Supervisor Galatowitsch. All Ayes. Motion carried. (6:25PM). 19 Supervisors present, 2 Absent (Biesenthal, Hollander). 6. Chairman Helmer stated that Deputy Guenther gave this presentation at the Towns Association Meeting and Supervisor Schroeder, Supervisor Williams and himself were in attendance and were very impressed with her presentation. 7. Deputy Sheriff Sara Guenther gave a presentation on how the bracelet program and Community Service works within our Law Enforcement and how much money is saved by these programs. PUBLIC COMMENTS (3 min limit) 8. Kathy Munsey, Lake St. City of Green Lake, spoke in favor of the Resolution in Support of Adoption of a Statewide Workplace Smoking Ban with no Exceptions. DISCUSSION OF LONG RANGE PLAN 9. Motion/second (Galatowitsch/Myers) The County Board of Supervisors of Green Lake County, Green Lake, Wisconsin, duly assembled at its regular meeting began on the 15th day of May, 2007 does hereby move as follows: Whereas, Baird, Green Lake County’s financial consultant, provided a detailed presentation to the Green Lake County Board (Summary Attached) that clarified the amounts Green Lake County could bond for facility construction using only the sales tax revenue, and Whereas the summary of Baird’s financials clearly show that Green Lake County can pay for a project costing $32,520,100 using only sales tax revenue, while at the same time, retaining a surplus of $2,772,601 at project completion, and Whereas Green Lake County has more than $900,000.00 in additional funds, maintenance cash, available for this project, and Whereas, Potter Lawson has proposed and estimated costs, including contingencies, for a complete Green Lake County Space Needs Solution. That complete solution includes a 124 bed justice center/jail facility, a complete Health and Human Services Center, and all Green Lake County Office needs, and Whereas, that complete solution including a 124 bed justice center/jail facility, a complete Health and Human Services Center, and all Green Lake County Office needs can be built for $32,520,100. and Whereas, according to the Green Lake County’s financial consultant, this solution leaves Green Lake County a surplus of $2,772,601 at project completion. And Whereas according to the Green Lake County Clerk, there would also remain more than a $900,000 maintenance cash fund at project completion, and Whereas, according to Potter Lawson and Samuels Group, the project estimates includes a contingency of $1,420,000 to cover unanticipated expenses, and Whereas, if the project concludes on budget the county would have $2,772,601 + $900,000 + $1,420,000 = $5,092,601 in surplus monies available without ever using any money except sales tax revenue. And Whereas, Samuels Group, our Construction Manager, has verified, that the estimates by Potter Lawson were right on, or if anything, slightly high, and Whereas, Samuels Group, our Construction Manager, has clearly and without hedge, stated that they believe the project can be built on time and on budget. In fact that is why Construction Managers are hired. They are paid to represent our, Green Lake County’s interests over all others. And Whereas, no credible 60 of 153 evidence has been presented that Baird, Potter Lawson, Samuels Group or any Department Employees of Green Lake County have lied, overstated or otherwise manipulated the data presented to this Board or it’s Committees. And Whereas, Building downtown would, according to all consultants, forever leave our county services scattered in multiple locations until we build again. And Whereas, Building on County A, according to this motion would forever consolidate all county services on one site. And Whereas, Building Downtown, according to all consultants, we cannot accommodate, on site, our parking needs and would forever create massive parking pressure on the local streets. And Whereas, Building on County A, we would forever consolidate our parking needs on site. And Whereas, the new Sheriff told this Board that building downtown would forever create the need to hire 5 additional corrections officers at an estimated cost of $300,000 per year in today’s dollars. And Whereas, If we multiply the added labor costs of a downtown jail times the term of our bond (25 years) we need add $300,000 x 25 years = $7,500,000 in today’s dollars to the cost of a downtown jail. This cost could only be paid for out of general taxes and could not be paid for out of sales tax revenue. And Whereas, after 25 years the county would own outright a County A development. And Whereas, After 25 years the county would own outright a downtown jail development but would forever have an additional $7,500,000 in employee expenses each 25 years (in today’s dollars). And Whereas, building a Justice Center/Jail downtown would forever scare the downtown site with concrete construction so heavy that future development in anything but an expanded Jail/Justice Center would be prohibitive. And Whereas, Building on County A would leave the downtown site in a state that could easily be renovated into anything. And Whereas, It is not wise to build Jails in what is essentially a retail and residential area downtown. And Whereas, Prisoners would continue to be released in ever greater numbers downtown, in this retail/residential area, if we expand our jail downtown. And Whereas, Huber prisoners, on a daily basis, would continue to be released in ever greater numbers downtown, in this retail/residential area, if we expand our jail downtown. And Whereas, we have a duty to be good corporate citizens to the City of Green Lake. Now Therefore Be It Moved that the Green Lake County Board of Supervisors approves authorizing P&I to hire Potter Lawson and Samuels Group to build a County A Phase 1,2 &3 facility out on County A. This complete solution will include a 124 bed justice center/fail facility, a complete Health & Human Services Center and all Green Lake County Office needs. P&I Committee would further be required and authorized to evaluate and make decisions, without further county board approval, as to incorporating any reductions in project scope as presented to this board by Potter Lawson and Samuels Group during our February meeting. Be It Further Moved, that the County Board of Supervisors authorizes P&I to spend the contingence of 5% as the needs arise without further board approval. Be It Further moved, P&I would immediately form a committee with the City of Green Lake and prepare a request for proposals as to passing the Downtown facility to private or city hands. Discussion held. Motion/second (Ammentorp/Schroeder) to table to June County Board meeting. Roll Call on motion to table – 16 Ayes, 3 Nays (Galatowitsch, Myers, Stoddard), 2 Absent (Biesenthal, Hollander). Motion passed. 10. Motion/second (McConnell/Schroeder) to approve an additional County Board of Supervisors meeting for the month of June 2007. The meeting would be focused on discussion about long range plans for County Offices, Jail and Judicial system. The meeting would be informal in format to encourage open sharing of ideas and concerns. The goal of the meeting would be to identify actual space needs, budget limitations, cost of staffing required to operate a jail, state and federal requirements in regard to any altering of the present courthouse, parking, cost of moving, and the inclusion of Health & Human Services operations into any approved plan. The meeting would be moderated by Jeff Hoffman of our UW-Extension staff, as he is familiar with these issues, and has much experience in working with conflict management, and mediation issues. All County Board Supervisors would be encouraged to attend and would be paid perdiem. Public input would be limited Motion/second to observation of the meeting. Discussion held on meeting date. (Galatowitsch/Schroeder) to amend motion to add meeting date of June 18, 2007 at 6 PM. 61 of 153 Motion/second (Galatowitsch/Schroeder) to amend amended motion to hold meeting on June 18, 20007 if Jeff Hoffman is available to moderate or June 13, 2007 at 6 the alternate meeting date if Jeff Hoffman is not available on June 18th. First motion to amend is null and void by second motion to amend. Roll Call vote on second motion to amend – 19 Ayes, 0 Nays, 2 Absent (Biesenthal, Hollander). Motion passed. Roll Call vote on motion as amended – 19 Ayes, 0 Nays, 2 Absent (Biesenthal, Hollander). Motion passed. 11. Chairman Helmer reconfirmed with Supervisor McConnell that the Chief Justice or a representative of the 6th Judicial District, the State Jail Inspector, the Sheriff and Director of Health & Human Services will be invited to attend the meeting on June 18, 2007, or alternate date of June 13, 2007. CORRESPONDENCE 12. Letter from Assistant Corporation Counsel, Dan Sondalle, resigning his position as of June 1, 2007. He has enjoyed working for Green Lake County for the last 15 years. He has worked with many good people and has appreciated the opportunity to serve the people of this county. Motion/second (Stoddard/Williams) to accept with regret, Dan Sondalle’s resignation as Assistant Corporation Counsel. All Ayes. Motion carried. 13. Chairman Helmer asked Corporation Counsel, John Selsing to explain what happens now. 14. Corporation Counsel Selsing expressed his appreciation for all the work that Assistant Corporation Counsel Dan Sondalle has done for the County. Selsing has appointed Attorney Jeff Haase as temporary Assistant Counsel and will ask the Administrative Committee to approve his appointment the next time they meet. Selsing will be resuming more of the duties while he is training Attorney Haase. RESOLUTIONS 15. Resolution No. 14-2007 Relating to Green Lake County’s Support of Adoption of a Statewide Workplace Smoking Ban with No Exceptions. Motion/second (Dallman/Priske) to adopt Resolution No. 14-2007. Discussion held. Motion/second (Priske/Brennan) to allow Kathy Munsey, HHS to answer questions from the board. All Ayes. Motion carried. Roll Call on Motion to adopt – 14 Ayes, 5 Nays (Gorr, Schubert, Sell, Thom, Williams), 2 Absent (Biesenthal, Hollander). Motion passed. Resolution No. 14-2007 passed as adopted. 16. Resolution No. 15-2007 Relating to Creating a second part-time Corrections Officer Position in the Sheriff’s Department. Motion/second (Schubert/Thom) to adopt Resolution No. 15-2007. Discussion held. Motion/second (Thom/Schubert) to allow Sheriff Podoll to answer questions from the board. All Ayes. Motion carried. Roll Call on Motion to adopt – 19 Ayes, 0 Nays, 2 Absent (Biesenthal, Hollander). Motion passed. Resolution No. 15-2007 passed as adopted. 17. Resolution No. 16-2007 Relating to Loss of Federal Entitlement Benefits. Motion/second (Thom/McConnell)) to adopt Resolution No. 16-2007. Roll Call on Motion to adopt – 19 Ayes, 0 Nays, 2 Absent (Biesenthal, Hollander). Motion passed. Resolution No. 16-2007 passed as adopted. ORDINANCES 62 of 153 18. 19. Ordinance No. 899-2007 Relating to Amending Ordinance No. 811-04, Personnel Policies Manual Section VII Secondary Employment. Motion/second (Brennan/Schroeder) to enact Ordinance No. 8992007. Discussion held. Roll Call vote on motion to enact –17 Ayes, 2 Nays (Galatowitsch, Myers), 2 Absent (Biesenthal, Hollander). Motion passed. Ordinance No. 899-2007 passed as enacted. Ordinance No. 900-2007 Relating to Rezoning in the Town of Green Lake – Prochnow. Motion/second (McConnell/Sell) to enact Ordinance No. 900-2007. Land Use Planning and Zoning Recommends Approval.. Roll Call vote on motion to enact – 19 Ayes, 0 Nays, 2 Absent (Biesenthal, Hollander). Motion passed. Ordinance No. 900-2007 passed as enacted. 20. Ordinance No. 901-2007 Relating to City of Berlin Agricultural Preservation Plan. Motion/second (Stoddard/McConnell) to enact Ordinance No. 901-2007. Land Use Planning and Zoning Recommends Approval. Discussion held. Motion/second (McConnell/Thom) to allow MaryLou Neubauer, City Berlin Zoning Administrator to answer questions from the Board. All Ayes. Motion carried. Roll Call vote on motion to enact – 19 Ayes, 0 Nays, 2 Absent (Biesenthal, Hollander). Motion passed. Ordinance No. 901-2007 passed as enacted. REPORTS 21. None. COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS 22. None. COMMITTEE REPORTS 23. 24. 25. 26. Supervisor Dallman reported on the Veteran’s Service Office. Supervisor Brennan reported on the Personnel Committee. Supervisor Brennan reported on the Property & Insurance Committee. Chairman Helmer announced the committees to report at the June County Board meeting: Administrative, Economic Development Corporation and ICC. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS FOR ACTION AND DISCUSSION 27. None. ADJOURN 28. Motion/second (Schubert/Stoddard) to adjourn. All Ayes. Motion carried. 29. Meeting adjourned at 8:12 PM. Respectfully Submitted, Sue Wendt Assistant Clerk 63 of 153 RESOLUTION NO. 14-2007 RESOLUTION RELATING TO GREEN LAKE COUNTY'S SUPPORT OF ADOPTION OF A STATEWIDE WORKPLACE SMOKING BAN WITH NO EXECPTIONS The County Board of Supervisors of Green Lake County, Green Lake, Wisconsin, duly assembled at it's regular meeting begun on the 15th of May, 2007, does resolve as follows: WHEREAS, tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable death and disease in Green Lake County, causing 134 deaths and $7.5 million in health care costs annually, and WHEREAS, tobacco use in Green Lake County results in $5.7 million lost in productivity costs because of illness and premature death directly associated with smoking , and WHEREAS, estimated health care costs of cigarette smoking are approximately $390 for every man, woman and child in Green Lake County, and CONTINUED - SEE ATTACHED NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Green Lake County Health Advisory Board support adoption of a statewide workplace smoking ban with no exceptions. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Green Lake County Health Advisory Board support Governor Doyle's budget initiative to increase the Wisconsin excise tax on cigarettes by $1.25 per pack. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Wisconsin Counties Association, Wisconsin Governor Jim Doyle, the Joint Finance Committee of the State of Wisconsin, and all Legislators who represent portions of Green Lake County. Roll Call on Resolution No. 14- 2007 Aye 14, Nay 5, Absent 2, Abstain 0 Submitted Health & Human Service Board Passed & Adopted/Rejected this 15th day of May, 2007 Elden Dallman, Chairman /s/ Orrin W. Helmer /s/ Elden Dallman /s/ Daniel G. Priske Daniel G. Priske County Board Chairman /s/ Margaret R. Bostelmann /s/ Joe Gonyo Attest: County Clerk Approved as to Form: Joe Gonyo /s/ John Selsing /s/ Nolan Wallenfang Corporation Counsel Nolan Wallenfang /s/ Bob Malchetske /s/Gus Mueller Bob Malchetske Gus Mueller /s/ Ruth Thopham /s/ James Disterhaft Ruth Thopham James Disterhaft /s/ Cindy Skipchak Cindy Skipchak 64 of 153 RESOLUTION NO. 14-2007 CONTINUED: WHEREAS, increasing the tax on cigarettes will significantly lower the number of 16,400 Wisconsin children who become addicted to tobacco products each year, and WHEREAS, exposure to secondhand smoke is the third most common cause of preventable death and disease in Wisconsin, and WHEREAS, the 2006 Surgeon General's Report "Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke" concluded that there is no risk-free level of exposure to secondhand smoke, that workplace smoking restrictions are effective in reducing secondhand smoke exposure, and that smoke free policies and regulations do not have an adverse economic impact on the hospitality industry, and WHEREAS, all citizens deserve to be protected from exposure to secondhand smoke in workplaces and public settings, and WHEREAS, it is the responsibility of governmental bodies to protect the health of communities they serve, and WHEREAS, the Green Lake County Health Advisory Board has previously supported efforts to strengthen the State's Clean Indoor Air laws, and WHEREAS, Governor Doyle's State biennial budget proposal includes a provision for a $1.25 increase in the tobacco tax, with the additional revenue being allocated to the following: Funding a comprehensive program to reduce tobacco use that follows CDC (Center for Disease Control) best practice guidelines; allocating funds to the Medical Assistance Program; and funding other State programs that will advance the health, education and general welfare of Wisconsin citizens, and WHEREAS, the Governor is asking the Legislature to pass legislation proposing all Wisconsin workplaces be completely smoke free and Green Lake County buildings and confined spaces are already complying with this, and WHEREAS, smoke free workplace legislation combined with a cigarette tax increase have proven to be the best strategies to reduce consumption of tobacco products, especially among youth, and WHEREAS, such legislation is supported by three out of four Wisconsin citizens. FISCAL NOTE: This resolution does not require an appropriation from the County General Fund. It is advisory in nature. 65 of 153 Resolution Number 15-2007 Relating to Creating a second part-time Corrections Officer Position In the Sheriff’s Office The County Board of Supervisors of Green Lake County, Green Lake, Wisconsin, duly assembled at its regular meeting begun on the 15th day of May 2007 does resolve as follows: WHEREAS, on August 15, 2006 the Green Lake County Board of Supervisors passed Resolution Number 22-2006 allowing for one part-time Corrections Officer, and WHEREAS, State Law requires one Corrections Officer of each gender to be on duty at all times since we house both male and female inmates, and WHEREAS, in 2006, over 3,000 hours of overtime was paid out in the Corrections Division for both male and female Corrections Officers, and WHEREAS, much of that overtime could be saved by hiring another part-time Corrections Officer. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the second position of part-time Corrections Officer is created not to exceed 975 -hours per year commencing upon passage of this resolution. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT funds for this position will be transferred from the Jail Overtime Account to the Jail Salaries and Benefits accounts. Approved/Disapproved by Personnel. Fiscal Impact: None Roll Call on Resolution No. 15- 2007 Aye 19, Nay 0, Absent 2, Abstain 0 th Passed & Adopted/Rejected this 15 day of May, 2007 /s/ Orrin W. Helmer Submitted by Judicial/Law Enforcement and Emergency Management Committee /s/ Gene Thom Gene Thom, Chairman /s/ Debra A. Schubert Debra A. Schubert County Board Chairman /s/ Margaret R. Bostelmann /s/ Richard Gorr Attest: County Clerk Approved as to Form: Richard Gorr /s/ John Selsing /s/ Howard Sell Corporation Counsel Howard Sell /s/ Eugene Schroeder Eugene Schroeder 66 of 153 RESOLUTION NUMBER 16-2007 LOSS OF FEDERAL ENTITLEMENT BENEFITS The County Board of Supervisors of Green Lake County, Green Lake, Wisconsin, duly assembled at its regular meeting begun on the 15th day of May, 2007 does resolve as follows: WHEREAS, U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 42, Part 435.1009 states that federal financial participation (FFP) is not available in expenditures for services provided to individuals who are inmates of public institutions, and WHEREAS, States being unable to assume the federal share of providing medical services to FFP eligible persons being held in county jails and detention facilities, tend to terminate or sometimes suspend eligibility, and WHEREAS, this immediate cessation of benefits occurs prior to the issuance of formal charges or conviction, and and WHEREAS, counties must provide medical services to all persons incarcerated in local jails and detention facilities, WHEREAS, as the result of this regulation to immediately cease FFP for medical benefits, all costs of medical care must be borne solely by counties; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Green Lake County Board of Supervisors request and strongly urges Congress to amend necessary federal regulation to allow federal financial participation for medical benefits to incarcerated individuals until convicted and sentenced to secure detention. FURTHER RESOLVED, by the Green Lake County Board of Supervisors that the County Clerk shall forward a copy of this resolution to the National Association of Counties, Green Lake County's Legislative Representatives, and to the Wisconsin Counties Association. Roll Call on Resolution No. 16- 2007 Aye 19, Nay 0, Absent 2, Abstain 0 th Passed & Adopted/Rejected this 17 day of May, 2007 /s/ Orrin W. Helmer Submitted by Judicial/Law Enforcement and Emergency Management Committee /s/ Gene Thom Gene Thom, Chairman /s/ Debra A. Schubert Debra A. Schubert County Board Chairman /s/ Margaret R. Bostelmann /s/ Richard Gorr Attest: County Clerk Approved as to Form: Richard Gorr /s/ John Selsing /s/ Howard Sell Corporation Counsel Howard Sell /s/ Eugene Schroeder Eugene Schroeder 67 of 153 ORDINANCE NO. 899-2007 Relating to Amending Ordinance No. 811-04, Green Lake County Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual – Conditions of Employment – Secondary Employment The County Board of Supervisors of Green Lake County, Green Lake, Wisconsin, duly assembled at its regular meeting begun on the 15th day of May, 2007, does ordain as follows: The Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual be amended as follows: Section VII Conditions of Employment, Add new subsection entitled: Secondary Employment Prior to accepting secondary employment, an employee must notify his/her Department Head, in writing on the appropriate form, of any potential employment. An employee may not accept or engage in outside employment unless said employment is approved, in writing, by the appropriate Department Head and/or governing County Board Committee. No outside employment shall be approved by the County if any of the following conditions exist: 1. The outside employment would be incompatible with the employee properly discharging his/her duties as an employee of Green Lake County; 2. That the outside employment would create a conflict of interest for the employee in relationship to his/her employment with Green Lake County. 3. The outside employment would require special consideration be given to the scheduling of the employee’s regular hours; 4. That the outside employment would likely bring disrepute to Green Lake County. 5. That the outside employment would be so physically or mentally exhausting to the employee that the employee’s performance for Green Lake County might be affected negatively. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that this Ordinance shall become effective upon passage and publication. Roll Call on Ordinance No. 899-2007 Submitted by Personnel Committee: Ayes 17, Nays 2, Absent 2, Abstain 0. /s/John Brennan Passed and Enacted/Rejected this 15th day of May, 2007 John Brennan, Chair /s/ Margaret Hollander Margaret Hollander, Vice Chair /s/ Orrin W Helmer /s/ Bob Krause County Board Chairman Bob Krause /s/ Margaret R. Bostelmann /s/ Elden Dallman ATTEST: County Clerk Approve as to Form: Elden Dallman /s/ John Selsing /s/ Gene Schroeder Corporation Counsel Gene Schroeder 68 of 153 ORDINANCE NUMBER 900-2007 Relating to: Rezoning in the Town of Green Lake Owners: Jason R. & Hope A. Prochnow The County Board of Supervisors of Green Lake County, Green Lake, Wisconsin, duly assembled at its regular meeting on the 15th day of May, 2007, does ordain as follows: That Green Lake County Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 350 as amended, No. 350-26 Zoning Districts (Official Map M-3 Ordinance No. 297-84) as relates to the Town of Green Lake, be amended from A-3 Light Agricultural District to A1 Exclusive Agriculture District and R-1 Single-Family Residence District. Parcels 006-0287-0000 & 006-0287-0100 – Lots 1 & 2 Certified Survey Map 3033, Sec 16, T15N R13E, Town of Green Lake (±39.53 Acres) A Certified Survey Map to be recorded to accurately identify the lots rezoned. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that, in all other respects, said Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 350 (as amended), Section 350-26, District Maps (Official Map M-3 Ordinance No. 297-84) be ratified. Land Use Planning and Zoning Committee Recommends: Roll Call on Ordinance No.900 -2007 Ayes 19, Nay 0, Absent 2, Abstain 0 X Approval Submitted by Land Use Planning & Zoning /s/ Susan McConnell Passed & Enacted/Rejected this 15th day of May 2007 /s/ Orrin W. Helmer Susan McConnell, Chairman /s/ Wallace Williams Wallace Williams, Vice Chair County Board Chairman /s/ Margaret R. Bostelmann /s/ Gus Mueller Attest: County Clerk Approved as to Form: Gus Mueller /s/ John Selsing /s/ Howard Sell Corporation Counsel Howard Sell Orville Biesenthal 69 of 153 Denial RELATING TO ADOPTION OF THE CITY OF BERLIN AGRICULTURAL PREVATION PLAN AS AN AMENDMENTGREEN LAKE COUNTLAND PRESERVATION PLAN ORDINANCE NO. 901-2007 The County Board of Supervisors of Green Lake County, Green Lake, Wisconsin, duly assembled at its regular meeting begun on the 15th day of May, 2007, does ordain as follows: WHEREAS, the City of Berlin is required to update their Agricultural Preservation Plan every 10 years; WHEREAS, the Common Council for the City of Berlin adopted the update to their Agricultural Preservation Plan on December 12, 2006; WHEREAS, pursuant to summary comments of the State Bureau of Land and Water Resources; Green Lake County shall adopt the City of Berlin’s plan as an amendment to the Green Lake County Farmland Preservation Plan, being Ordinance No. 277-83; WHEREAS, the Green Lake County Land Use Planning and Zoning Committee held a public hearing related to the City of Berlin Agricultural Preservation Plan and said Committee took action to recommend approval of said Plan; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED that the County Board of Supervisors approve the City of Berlin Agricultural Preservation Plan as presented along with this ordinance as an amendment/addendum to the Green Lake County Farmland Preservation Plan, being Ordinance No. 277-83. This Ordinance shall become effective upon passage. Recommended for Approval Roll Call on Ordinance No.901 -2007 See attached Ordinance. Submitted by Land Use Planning & Zoning Ayes 19, Nay 0, Absent 2, Abstain 0 /s/ Susan McConnell Passed & Enacted/Rejected this 15th day of May 2007 /s/ Orrin W. Helmer Susan McConnell, Chairman /s/ Wallace Williams Wallace Williams, Vice Chair County Board Chairman /s/ Margaret R. Bostelmann /s/ Gus Mueller Attest: County Clerk Approved as to Form: Gus Mueller /s/ John Selsing /s/ Howard Sell Corporation Counsel Howard Sell Orville Biesenthal 70 of 153 STATE OF WISCONSIN ) COUNTY OF GREEN LAKE ) I, Margaret R. Bostelmann, County Clerk, In and For the County of Green Lake, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Green Lake County Board Proceedings together with the reports as set forth at the regular County Board meeting held on the 19th day of June, 2007 and Special County Board meeting held on the 18th day of June, 2007. In witness thereof, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal of the County Board of Supervisors of Green Lake County, Wisconsin, this 23rd day of August, 2007. /s/ Margaret R. Bostelmann County Clerk 71 of 153 GREEN LAKE COUNTY BOARD PROCEEDINGS REGULAR SESSION JUNE 18, 2007 The Green Lake County Board of Supervisors met in Monday, June 18, 2007, at 6 PM in the County Board Lake, Wisconsin. regular session, Room, Green The Board was called to order by Chairman Helmer. Roll Called, 21 Supervisors present. Supervisor Orrin W. Helmer Wallace Williams Orville Biesenthal Margaret Hollander Elden Dallman Susan E. McConnell Howard Sell Vern Ammentorp Dennis Galatowitsch Richard Gorr Carol Z. Myers Daniel Priske Gus Mueller Eugene Schroeder John Brennan Gene Thom Debra A. Schubert Robert Krause Michael R. Stoddard Joe Gonyo Joanne Guden Supervisor Districts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 The Clerk read the call. NOTICE: GREEN LAKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The Green Lake County Board of Supervisors will convene at the Courthouse in the City of Green Lake, Wisconsin on Monday the 18th day of June, 2007 at 6:00 PM for a Special meeting of the Board. Business to be transacted includes: 72 of 153 CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL READING OF THE CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MOTION TO DISSOLVE AS A COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AND ARISE AS A COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FOR THE PURPOSE OF: Focusing on discussion about long range plans for County Offices, Jail and Judicial system. The meeting would be informal in format to encourage open sharing of ideas and concerns. The goal of the meeting would be to identify actual space needs, budget limitations, cost of staffing required to operate a jail, state and federal requirements in regard to any altering of the present courthouse, parking, cost of moving, and the inclusion of Health & Human Services operations into any approved plan. The meeting would be moderated by Jeff Hoffman of our UW-Extension staff, as he is familiar with these issues, and has much experience in working with conflict management, and mediation issues. Public input would be limited to observation of the meeting. MOTION TO DISSOLVE AS A COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AND ARISE AS A COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ON LONG RANGE PLAN. AND SUCH OTHER BUSINESS AS MAY PROPERLY COME BEFORE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. The several committees of the Board may also meet for the purpose of discussing or acting upon matters, which are the subject matter of the meeting of the County Board of Supervisors. Given under my hand and official seal at the Courthouse in the City of Green Lake, Wisconsin this 11th day of June, 2007. Margaret R. Bostelmann (SEAL) Green Lake County Clerk PLEAGE OF ALLEGIANCE 1. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited. 2. Motion/second (Brennan/Mueller) to dissolve as a County Board of Supervisors and arise as a Committee of the Whole. All Ayes. Motion carried. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 3. Jeff Hoffman, stated that his goal is to help the County Board make a decision. What the decision is, is not his concern. He talked on Perceptions and Co-Operation. Guidelines he used were 1) Participate to add to discussion 2) Listen to understand 3) Respect their ideas 4) Practice orderly discussion. Goals – To build capacity in the County Board. Supervisors transfer their skills and experience to learn how to move forward What got us here? The process has not worked. We are in this together. The County Board needs to make a decision. With cooperation, both sides get what they want. Jeff explained the difference between relevant facts and opinions. Development of small groups were discussed. Get people who know what they are talking about in your group. Divergent ideas, firm but flexable, what is the best project and how to do it. Need to take little steps to make big decisions easier. We need to do something. What is one thing we can agree upon? Cost between 20 million and 24 million using sales tax money to build Justice Center and Health & Human Services. Comparison of what kind of building we would get for 24 million if we built the same size building on 73 of 153 County A as we would build downtown. Double check space needs studies that have been done before as a group and review them together to see where cuts in space could be made, or if the study is correct. Have governing committees review plans for the departments they govern. 4. Motion/second (Galatowitsch/Thom) to dissolve as a Committee of the Whole and arise as a County Board of Supervisors. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ON LONG RANGE PLAN 5. 6. Motion/second (Galatowitsch/Hollander) to have the governing committees review with the appropriate department heads the space needs of the departments they oversee and report back to the full board at the August County Board meeting, with specific square foot recommendations and the reasons used to arrive at that square footage. All Ayes. Motion carried. Chairman Helmer reviewed the order of business for the June 19th County Board meeting and explained his reasoning on the order of discussion listed under Long Range Plan. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS FOR ACTION AND DISCUSSION 7. None. ADJOURN 8. Motion/second (Hollander/Stoddard) to adjourn. All Ayes. Motion carried. 9. Meeting adjourned at 8:50 PM. Respectfully Submitted, Sue Wendt Assistant Clerk 74 of 153 GREEN LAKE COUNTY BOARD PROCEEDINGS REGULAR SESSION JUNE 19, 2007 The Green Lake County Board of Supervisors met in Tuesday, June 19, 2007, at 6 PM in the County Board Lake, Wisconsin. regular session, Room, Green The Board was called to order by Chairman Helmer. Roll Called, 19 Supervisors present 2 Absent (Galatowitsch, Dist. 9, Mueller, Dist. 13) Supervisor Orrin W. Helmer Wallace Williams Orville Biesenthal Margaret Hollander Elden Dallman Susan E. McConnell Howard Sell Vern Ammentorp Dennis Galatowitsch Richard Gorr Carol Z. Myers Daniel Priske Eugene Schroeder John Brennan Gene Thom Debra A. Schubert Robert Krause Michael R. Stoddard Joe Gonyo Joanne Guden Supervisor Districts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (6:05pm) 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 The Clerk read the call. NOTICE: GREEN LAKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The Green Lake County Board of Supervisors will convene at the Courthouse in the City of Green Lake, Wisconsin on Tuesday the 19th day of June, 2007 at 6:00 PM for the regular meeting of the Board. Regular monthly business to be transacted includes: 75 of 153 CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL READING OF THE CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MINUTES ANNOUNCEMENTS APPEARANCES: Kurt Berner, Samuels Group re: Evaluation of Potter Lawson Plan PUBLIC COMMENTS (3 MIN LIMIT) LONG RANGE PLAN Action & Discussion on Samuels Group Plan Supervisor Galatowitsch Motion Relating to a countywide space needs solution, tabled on 5/15/07 until the June 19th County Board Meeting. Discussion & Action relating to the Special June 18th County Board Meeting. CORRESPONDENCE: RESOLUTIONS: Relating to Carry Over Funds Policy Relating to Local Government Property & Insurance Fund. Relating to Creating a CLTS/CCS Care Manager Position. ORDINANCES: Relating to Repeal and Adoption of the Code of Green Lake County Chapter 323 Non-Metallic Mining Reclamation. Relating to Rezoning in the Town of Mackford - Zimmerman REPORTS: APPOINTMENTS: Board of Adjustment, Railroad Consortium COMMITTEE REPORTS: Administrative, Economic Development Corp. and ICC FUTURE ITEMS FOR ACTION AND DISCUSSION AND SUCH OTHER BUSINESS AS MAY PROPERLY COME BEFORE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. The several committees of the Board may also meet for the purpose of discussing or acting upon matters, which are the subject matter of the meeting of the County Board of Supervisors. Given under my hand and official seal at the Courthouse in the City of Green Lake, Wisconsin this 13th day of June, 2007. Margaret R. Bostelmann (SEAL) Green Lake County Clerk PLEAGE OF ALLEGIANCE 1. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited. MINUTES 2. Minutes of May 15, 2007. Motion/second (Schubert/Guden) to approve the May 15, 2007 minutes as presented. All Ayes. Motion carried. 3. Motion/second (Brennan/Myers) to seat Supervisor Galatowitsch. All Ayes. Motion carried. (6:05pm) 20 Supervisors Present. 76 of 153 ANNOUNCEMENTS 4. The next. County Board meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 21, 2007 at 6 PM There will not be a County Board Meeting in July. 5. Any County Board Supervisor wishing to attend the WCA Conference in Wisconsin Dells on October 7th – 9th, please advise the County Clerk’s Office by August County Board meeting, so we can send all registration in together for a special rate. APPEARANCES 6. Kurt, Berner, Samuels Group – Evaluation of Potter Lawson Plan. Kurt reviewed the plans that he presented to the Property & Insurance Committee on June 5, 2007. Reminded the board that Supreme Court guidelines need to be approved by Judge Stork. Security is most important for the court system. Jail guidelines (DOC codes) approved by Nancy Thielen, State of Wisconsin Jail Inspector. Kurt showed where some cuts could be made to the square footage in both the courts and jail system. The county board needs to give and take to get this project going. Each year that you do nothing, the more it is going to cost the county. PUBLIC COMMENTS (3 min limit) 7. Tom Gneuech Town of Brooklyn Flat population growth to 2030. Need more jail alternatives to reduce jail population. Why do we need 124 bed jail. 8. Sydney Rouse Town of Green Lake The board should defeat Supervisor Galatowitsch motion. Build Justice System on County A and Remodel Downtown for Health & Human Services and other offices. 9. Dick Miller Town of Green Lake Justice Center and Health & Human Services most important. Jeff Hoffman did an outstanding job at Monday nights meeting. Came away with a positive feeling. Justice Center 24,000 square feet, HHS 24,000 – 26,000 square feet. Review space needs study of 2003. Small groups good idea. Tally sheet items agreed on and opposed to. 1-2 architects needed for comparison. Keep an open mind. 10. Phil Anastasi Town of Marquette Thanked board for listening to public comments. Apologies if offending anyone. Did not come away with a positive feeling about Monday nights meeting. $32 million huge amount. This board will never agree on cost and location. Let the people decide by referendum. Form a small committee to work on this. LONG RANGE PLAN Discussion and Action on Samuels Group Plan 11. Motion/second (Ammentorp/Gorr) to hire PTD for a cost between $50,000 to $70,000 to design a 100 bed jail on the north side of the safety building and remodel the courtroom to ADA standards and build a 2 story Health & Human Service Center on the present site or the Highway grounds with construction Motion/second not to exceed $24 million. Discussion held on Monday nights meeting. (Galatowitsch/Myers) to table Supervisor Ammentorp’s motion to September County Board meeting. 77 of 153 Roll Call on motion to table – 15 Ayes, 5 Nays (Ammentorp, Biesenthal, Gorr, Priske, Williams), 1 Absent (Mueller). Motion tabled. Discussion and Action Relating to Supervisor Galatowitsch Motion Relating to a Countywide space needs solution, Tabled on 5/15/07 until the June 19th County Board meeting. 12. Motion/second (Galatowitsch/Ammentorp) to table Supervisor Galatowitsch motion to the September County Board meeting. Motion tabled. Roll Call vote on motion to table – 20 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Absent (Mueller). Discussion and Action on the Special June 18th County Board Meeting. 13. Motion/second (Schubert/Ammentorp) to form 2 committees with 3 county board members from opposing sides and 2 citizens for a total of 8 to recommend location. 3 county board members from opposing sides and 2 citizens to recommend financing. Discussion held. Motion/second (Priske/Gorr) to amend that financing not exceed $24,000,000. Roll Call on motion to amend – 15 Ayes, 5 Nays (Galatowitsch, Hollander, Krause, Myers, Stoddard), 1 Absent (Mueller). Motion passed. Roll Call on motion as amended – 15 Ayes, 5 Nays (Galatowitsch, Hollander, Krause, Myers, Stoddard), 1 Absent (Mueller). Motion passed. 14. Chairman Helmer will appoint the two committees at the August County Board meeting. CORRESPONDENCE 15. Memo from WCA regarding Nominations for WCA Second Vice-President are currently being accepted. Any Supervisor interested in serving should submit a letter and resume requesting consideration by the WCA Nominating Committee. Deadline for submitting nominations is Friday, July 6, 2007. Presidential appointments to the WCA Board of Directors, three positions are open and will be filled at the October conference. If you are interested in serving as a presidential appointment, submit form to WCA by Friday, August 17, 2007. WCA Steering Committee Nominations are appointed by WCA President and serve 1 year terms (Oct 1 – Sept. 30) To be considered for an appointment complete form and submit to WCA by Friday, August 17, 2007. All nominations must be approved by your County Board Chair. If you are currently serving on a steering committee, you must reapply. The steering committees are as follows: County Organization & Personnel, Environment and Land Use, Health and Human Services, Judicial and Public Safety, Taxation and Finance, Transportation and Public Works, Agriculture. The County Clerk has the forms if you are interested. 16. Letter from Governor Jim Doyle, regarding Wisconsin’s’ tobacco tax and his anti-smoking initiative. RESOLUTIONS 17. Resolution No. 17-2007 Relating to Local Government Property & Insurance Fund. Motion/second (Brennan/Stoddard) to adopt Resolution No. 17-2007. Roll Call on Motion to adopt – 20 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Absent (Mueller). Motion passed. Resolution No. 17-2007 passed as adopted. 78 of 153 18. Resolution No. 18-2007 Relating to Carry-over Funds Policy. Motion/second (Priske/Schubert) to adopt Resolution No. 18-2007. Discussion held. Roll Call on Motion to adopt – 20 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Absent (Mueller). Motion passed. Resolution No. 18-2007 passed as adopted. 19. Resolution No. 19-2007 Relating to Creating a CLTS/CCS Care Manager Position. Motion/second (Dallman/Guden)) to adopt Resolution No. 19-2007. Discussion held. Motion/second (Dallman/Guden) to amend by correcting date from February 20, 2007 to June 19, 2007. Roll Call on Motion to amend – 20 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Absent (Mueller). Motion passed. Roll Call on Motion to adopt – 20 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Absent (Mueller). Motion passed. Resolution No. 19-2007 adopted as amended. ORDINANCES 20. 21. Ordinance No. 902-2007 Relating to Repeal and Adoption of the Code of Green Lake County, Chapter 323 Non-Metallic Mining Reclamation. Motion/second (McConnell/Ammentorp) to enact Ordinance No. 902-2007. Land Use Planning and Zoning Committee recommend approval. Roll Call vote on motion to enact –20 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Absent (Mueller). Motion passed. Ordinance No. 9022007 passed as enacted. Ordinance No. 903-2007 Relating to Rezoning in the Town of Mackford – Zimmerman. Motion/second (Biesenthal/McConnell) to enact Ordinance No. 903-2007. Land Use Planning and Zoning Recommends Approval. Roll Call vote on motion to enact – 20 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Absent (Mueller). Motion passed. Ordinance No. 903-2007 passed as enacted. REPORTS 22. None. COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS 23. Chairman Helmer, with the Board approval, would like to appoint Jill Ladwig to a 3 year appointment, ending June 30, 2010 on the Board of Adjustment to fill William DePue ‘s term which ends June 20, 2007. Also Chairman Helmer, with the Boards approval, would like to appoint Charles Lepinski, as first alternate (term ends 6/30/09) and Roger Ladwig as second alternate (term ends 6/30/08) on the Board of Adjustment Motion/second (Hollander/Stoddard) to approve the appointments of Jill Ladwig, to a 3 year term on the Board of Adjustment ending June 30, 2010, and Charles Lepinski, as first alternate and Roger Ladwig as second alternate on the Board of Adjustment . All Ayes. Motion carried. 24. Chairman Helmer, with the Boards approval would like to appoint Supervisor Myers to the Railroad Consortium to replace Supervisor Biesenthal. Motion/second (Stoddard/Hollander) to approve the appointment of Supervisor Myers on the Railroad Consortium. All Ayes. Motion carried. COMMITTEE REPORTS 25. Chairman Helmer reported on the activities of the Administrative Committee. 26. Supervisor Priske reported on the activities of the Economic Development Corporation. 27. Supervisor Brennan reported on the activities of the Inter County Coordinating Committee. 79 of 153 28. Chairman Helmer announced the committees to report at the August County Board meeting: Land Conservation, Land Use Planning & Zoning and IT Committee. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS FOR ACTION AND DISCUSSION 29. Supervisor Hollander reminded everyone to come to the County Fair August 2-5, 2007. ADJOURN 30. Motion/second (Stoddard/Schubert) to adjourn. All Ayes. Motion carried. 31. Meeting adjourned at 8:20 PM. Respectfully Submitted, Sue Wendt Assistant Clerk 80 of 153 RESOLUTION NUMBER 17-2007 Relating to Local Government Property & Insurance Fund. The County Board of Supervisors of Green Lake County, Green Lake, Wisconsin, duly assembled at its regular meeting begun on the 19th day of June, 2007, does resolve as follows: WHEREAS, the Green Lake County Board is a member of the Local Government Property Insurance Fund; and WHEREAS, the Local Government Property Insurance Fund auditors request updated resolutions from current members. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Green Lake County Board approves from now and after the 19th day of June, 2009, that the buildings and other property belonging to Green Lake County be insured in the Local Government Property Insurance Fund, under Chapter 605, Wis. Stats. And amendments thereto. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Clerk, of Green Lake County, is hereby directed to carry out the provisions of this Resolution. Roll Call on Resolution No. 17- 07 Aye 20, Nay 0, Absent 1, Abstain 0 Passed & Adopted/Rejected this 19th day of June, 2007 /s/ Orrin W. Helmer Submitted by Property & Insurance /s/ John Brennan John Brennan, Chairman /s/ Michael Stoddard Michael Stoddard, Vice Chair County Board Chairman /s/ Margaret R. Bostelmann /s/Orrin W. Helmer Attest: County Clerk Approved as to Form: Orrin W. Helmer /s/ John Selsing /s/ Gene Thom Corporation Counsel Gene Thom /s/ Gus Mueller Gus Mueller 81 of 153 RESOLUTION NO. 18-2007 Relating to Carry Over Funds Policy The County Board of Supervisors of Green Lake County, Green Lake, Wisconsin, duly assembled at its regular meeting begun on the 19th day of June, 2007, does resolve as follows: WHEREAS, The Finance Committee recognizes that planning for the future makes good economic sense and, WHEREAS, the Finance Committee has set up guidelines for county departments to carryover funds from one year to the next. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that funds that are requested to be carried over comply with the following guidelines: 1. Funds levied annually over several years to purchase a capital equipment item such as a vehicle, copier, etc 2. A fund that is levied for a specific project or purchases that was unable to be made in the budget year. This will only be allowed to be carried over one year. 3. Funds levied for specific project/programs that may be ongoing. 4. State/Federal or other governmental funds not used in the County’s fiscal year. 5. Funds for designated purposes not completed in the current fiscal year. 6. Funds donated for a specific purpose. 7. Unique fund items approved on a case-by-case basis by the Finance Committee. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that these guidelines are implemented beginning with the 2008 budget cycle. Resolution No. 18-07 Aye 20, Nay 0, Absent 1, Abstain 0 Passed & AdoptedRejected this 19th day of June, 2007 /s/ Orrin W. Helmer Submitted by Finance Committee /s/ Dan Priske Dan Priske, Chairman /s/ John Brennan John Brennan, Vice-Chair County Board Chairman /s/ Margaret R. Bostelmann /s/ Debra Schubert Attest: County Clerk Approved as to Form: Debra Schubert /s/ John Selsing /s/ Orville Biesenthal Corporation Counsel Orville Biesenthal /s/ Vern Ammentorp Vern Ammentorp 82 of 153 RESOLUTION NUMBER 19- 2007 RELATING TO CREATING A CLTS/CCS CARE MANAGER POSITION The County Board of Supervisors of Green Lake County, Green Lake, Wisconsin, duly assembled at its regular meeting begun on the 19th of June, 2007, does resolve as follows: WHEREAS, the Green Lake County Department of Health & Human Services applied for a Children’s Long Term Support (CLTS) grant that would require a full-time (40 hours per week) staff position to assess children referred for long term care and mental health services; and provide long term care case management and service coordination to eligible children; and WHEREAS, the State Department of Health & Family Services funded this position and needed services for adults and children; and WHEREAS, this Department has monitored the effectiveness of this program during the past year and has developed other funding sources to continue this position; and, WHEREAS, Resolution Number 4-2007 authorized continuation of the position as a limited term employee and the person in the position has since vacated it; and, WHEREAS, to provide stability and continuity of personnel in providing this service to County residents, it would be beneficial for creating this as a full-time position. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Green Lake County Board of Supervisors duly assembled on *June 19th authorizes the creation of the CLTS/CCS Care Manager position within the Department of Health & Human Services as long as no tax levy is utilized. See attached fiscal note. Roll Call on Res. No. 19- 2007 Aye 20, Nay 0, Absent 1,Abstain 0 Submitted Health & Human Service Board Passed & Adopted/Rejected this 19th day of June, 2007 *As Amended Elden Dallman, Chairman /s/ Elden Dallman /s/ Daniel G. Priske /s/ Orrin W. Helmer Daniel G. Priske County Board Chairman /s/ Margaret R. Bostelmann /s/ Joe Gonyo Attest: County Clerk Approved as to Form: Joe Gonyo /s/ John Selsing /s/ Nolan Wallenfang Corporation Counsel Nolan Wallenfang /s/ Bob Malchetske /s/Gus Mueller Bob Malchetske Gus Mueller /s/ Ruth Thopham /s/ Joanne Guden Ruth Thopham Joanne Guden /s/ Cindy Skipchak Cindy Skipchak 83 of 153 RELATING TO REPEAL AND ADOPTION OF GREEN LAKE COUNTY RELATING TO REPL AND ADOPTION OF GREEN LAKE COUNTY NONMETALLIC MINING RECLAMATION ORDINANCE RDINANCE ORDINANCE NO. 902-2007 RELATING TO REPEAL AND ADOPTION OF GREEN LAKE COUNTY NONMETALLIC MINING RECLAMATION ORDINANCE The County Board of Supervisors of Green Lake County, Green Lake, Wisconsin, duly assembled at its regular meeting begun on the 19th day of June 2007, does ordain as follows: WHEREAS, on May 15, 2001, the County Board of Supervisors adopted the Green Lake County Nonmetallic Mining Ordinance, then known as Ordinance Number 735-01; WHEREAS, Green Lake County in December, 2004 codified all of its ordinances whereby the Nonmetallic Mining Reclamation Ordinance Number 735-01 became known as Chapter 323 of the Green Lake County Code; WHEREAS, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has revised Administrative Rule NR 135 and created an up-dated model Nonmetallic Mining Reclamation Ordinance reflecting Administrative Rule changes. Green Lake County Chapter 323 must be amended to incorporate said changes and therefore needs to be revised; WHEREAS, the Director of the Green Lake County Land Use Planning and Zoning Department has received notification from the Wisconsin DNR that the County must revise and adopt a Nonmetallic Mining Reclamation Ordinance incorporating the new NR 135 standards by June of 2007; Roll Call on Ordinance No. 902 - 07 Submitted by the Land Use Planning and Zoning Committee With the recommendation to Approve / Disapprove Roll Call on Ordinance No.902 -2007 Submitted by Land Use Planning & Zoning Ayes 20 , Nay 0 , Absent 1, Abstain 0 /s/ Susan McConnell Passed & Enacted/Rejected this 19th day of June 2007 /s/ Orrin W. Helmer Susan McConnell, Chairman /s/ Wallace Williams Wallace Williams, Vice Chair County Board Chairman /s/ Margaret R. Bostelmann /s/ Gus Mueller Attest: County Clerk Approved as to Form: Gus Mueller /s/ John Selsing /s/ Howard Sell Corporation Counsel Howard Sell Orville Biesenthal 84 of 153 Ordinance No. 902-2007 Relating to Repeal and Adoption of Green Lake County Nonmetallic Mining Reclamation Ordinance Continued: WHEREAS, enforcement by the County of a Nonmetallic Mining Reclamation Ordinance is mandatory; WHEREAS, on May 23, 2007 the Green Lake County Land Use Planning and Zoning Committee recommended approval and the adoption of this proposed Nonmetallic Mining Reclamation Ordinance by the County Board; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED that the County Board of Supervisors approve the repeal of Chapter 323 as it currently exists and adopt the attached Ordinance to be known as the “Green Lake County Nonmetallic Mining Reclamation Ordinance”, Chapter 323 of the Green Lake County Code. See Chapter 323 Code of County of Green Lake Nonmetallic Mining Reclamation Ordinance on line: under County Clerk 85 of 153 ORDINANCE NUMBER 903-2007 Relating to: Rezoning in the Town of Mackford Owners: Tom R & Gale A Zimmerman The County Board of Supervisors of Green Lake County, Green Lake, Wisconsin, duly assembled at its regular meeting on the 19th day of June, 2007, does ordain as follows: That Green Lake County Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 350 as amended, No. 350-26 Zoning Districts (Official Map M-5 Ordinance No. 297-84) as relates to the Town of Mackford, be amended from C-1 General Commercial District to A-1 Exclusive Agriculture District. 010-0533-0000 - Com 40R W of the NE Cor of the NW¼ of the SW¼, Sec 26: Thence W 20R; S 20R; E 20R; N 20R to beg, T14N R13E, Town of Mackford (±2.5 Acres) BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that, in all other respects, said Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 350 (as amended), Section 350-26, District Maps (Official Map M-5 Ordinance No. 297-84) be ratified. Land Use Planning and Zoning Committee Recommends: Roll Call on Ordinance No.903 -2007 Ayes 20, Nay 0, Absent 1 , Abstain 0 X Approval Submitted by Land Use Planning & Zoning /s/ Susan McConnell Passed & Enacted/Rejected this 19th day of June 2007 /s/ Orrin W. Helmer Susan McConnell, Chairman /s/ Wallace Williams Wallace Williams, Vice Chair County Board Chairman /s/ Margaret R. Bostelmann /s/ Gus Mueller Attest: County Clerk Approved as to Form: Gus Mueller /s/ Jeff T. Haase /s/ Howard Sell Asst. Corporation Counsel Howard Sell /s/ Orville Biesenthal Orville Biesenthal 86 of 153 Denial STATE OF WISCONSIN ) COUNTY OF GREEN LAKE ) I, Margaret R. Bostelmann, County Clerk, In and For the County of Green Lake, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Green Lake County Board Proceedings together with the reports as set forth at the regular County Board meeting held on the 21st day of August, 2007. In witness thereof, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal of the County day of Board of Supervisors of Green Lake County, Wisconsin, this 20th September, 2007. /s/ Margaret R. Bostelmann County Clerk 87 of 153 GREEN LAKE COUNTY BOARD PROCEEDINGS REGULAR SESSION AUGUST 21, 2007 The Green Lake County Board of Supervisors met in Tuesday, August 21, 2007, at 6 PM in the County Green Lake, Wisconsin. regular session, Board Room, The Board was called to order by Chairman Helmer. Roll Called, 19 Supervisors present, 2 Absent (Galatowitsch, Dist.9, Krause, Dist.18) Supervisor Orrin W. Helmer Wallace Williams Orville Biesenthal Margaret Hollander Elden Dallman Susan E. McConnell Howard Sell Vern Ammentorp Richard Gorr Carol Z. Myers Daniel Priske Eugene Schroeder John Brennan Gene Thom Debra A. Schubert Robert Krause Michael R. Stoddard Joe Gonyo Joanne Guden Supervisor Districts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 (6:15 PM) 19 20 21 The Clerk read the call. NOTICE: GREEN LAKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The Green Lake County Board of Supervisors will convene at the Courthouse in the City of Green Lake, Wisconsin on Tuesday the 21st day of August, 2007 at 6:00 PM for the regular meeting of the Board. Regular monthly business to be transacted includes: 88 of 153 CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL READING OF THE CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MINUTES ANNOUNCEMENTS APPEARANCES: Maureen Martin, Re: Shoreland Protection Ordinance PUBLIC COMMENTS (3 MIN LIMIT) LONG RANGE PLAN Review Committee Space Needs Report Appointment of Committee to Study location of Courthouse/Safety Building. Appointment of Committee to Study Financing of Courthouse/Safety Building. CORRESPONDENCE: RESOLUTIONS: Relating to Creation of a Community Response Social Worker Position Relating to Purchase of County Highway Fuel System Relating to Funding for Replacement Doors at Highway Shop I Relating to Contracting for Maintenance Management Services Relating to Construction Easement through Highway Grounds, City of Green Lake ORDINANCES: Relating to Rezoning in the Town of Manchester – Holl Relating to Rezoning in the Town of Manchester – Meilahn Relating to Rezoning in the Town of Marquette – Weaver Relating to Ordinance Opposing Amendments to Wisconsin Administrative Rule NR 115 Relating to Temporary Moratorium for Wind Energy Systems within the unincorporated areas of Green Lake County REPORTS: APPOINTMENTS: COMMITTEE REPORTS: Land Conservation, Land Use Planning & Zoning, IT COMMITTEES TO REPORT IN SEPTEMBER FUTURE ITEMS FOR ACTION AND DISCUSSION AND SUCH OTHER BUSINESS AS MAY PROPERLY COME BEFORE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. The several committees of the Board may also meet for the purpose of discussing or acting upon matters, which are the subject matter of the meeting of the County Board of Supervisors. Given under my hand and official seal at the Courthouse in the City of Green Lake, Wisconsin this 10th day of August, 2007. Margaret R. Bostelmann (SEAL) Green Lake County Clerk PLEAGE OF ALLEGIANCE 1. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited. MINUTES 89 of 153 2. Minutes of June 18, 2007. Motion/second (Brennan/Schubert) to approve the June 18, 2007 minutes as presented. All Ayes. Motion carried. Minutes of June 19, 2007. Motion/second (Stoddard/Hollander) to approve the June 19, 2007 minutes as presented. All Ayes. Motion carried. ANNOUNCEMENTS 3. The next. County Board meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 18, 2007 at 6 PM Motion/second (Thom/Schubert) to hold the September County Board meeting on September 18, 2007. All Ayes. Motion carried. 4. Any County Board Supervisor wishing to attend the WCA Conference in Wisconsin Dells on October 7th – 9th, please advise the County Clerk’s Office by tonight so we can send all registration in together for a special rate. APPEARANCES 5. None. PUBLIC COMMENTS (3 min limit) 6. Tom Gneuech Town of Brooklyn Spoke against 122 bed jail and taking in State prisoners. Dane County closed their huber dorm and put everyone on the bracelet system. Why is the DA going to have so many more jury trials than the last DA? Why is crime so much higher in Green Lake County? These questions need to be answered before considering building at County A. 7. Motion/second (Stoddard/Hollander) to seat Supervisor Krause. All Ayes. Supervisor Krause seated at 6:15 PM. 20 Supervisors present. Motion carried. 8. Joe Parise City of Green Lake Stated that if the County cut their budget by 7%-10% you could pay for a new building in 10 years. Conti Realty has 26,000 sq feet for sale that the HHS and Extension could go into in the old Fabriko building. If we can stay within our means ($24,000) build on the 37 acres by the county highway shop. Concern about Courthouse building, what will happen to it. 9. Bart Williams, West Bend Spoke against Holl rezoning, Town of Manchester. Increases nonconforming size, should be Ag 2. Zoning is making artificial towns out of farm land. 10. Wm. McFarland, Wauwatosa Spoke against Holl rezoning. Residential development costs more that taxes produce. Not economically viable. Neighbors are against it. 11. Craig Jones, Cambria Spoke against Holl rezoning. 10 acres too small for a farm. 12. Jeff Jones, Cambria Spoke against Holl rezoning housing development makes area too crowded. 13. Jeff Jenkins and Lisa Jenkins T. Manchester Spoke against Holl rezoning. Like the quiet area, that is why they moved there. 90 of 153 14. Matthew Williams, Pulaski, Spoke against Holl rezoning. High density residential land use. 15. Irene Williams, Milwaukee, Spoke against Holl rezoning. Likes the quiet, does not want it to turn into residential district. 16. Lucille Susketzke, Milwaukee, shares land with her brother, likes it as is. 17. Arnold Knight, T. Kingston , Spoke for the Holl rezoning. Please don’t consider the petition. County Board granted similar request to Richter, just a few miles away. Approved by the Town Board and Zoning Committee. Plan to keep as a farm. 18. Kathy Holl, Cambria, Spoke for the Holl rezoning. She is a part owner of property and needs the money from the sale of this land for medical purposes. LONG RANGE PLAN Review of Committee Space Needs Report 19. The Board reviewed the Space Needs Report presented by the Governing Committees, as instructed at the June 18th, Special County board meeting. Discussion held. Motion/second (Brennan/Guden) to pass on to the Committee to Study location of Courthouse/Safety Building and see what will fit downtown, or need to go to County A property. Roll Call vote – 20 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Absent (Galatowitsch). Motion passed. Announcement of Appointment of Committee to Study Financing of Courthouse/Safety Building. 20. Chairman Helmer, with approval of the Board, read from the June 19th minutes, “Motion/second (Schubert/Ammentorp) to form 2 committees with 3 county board members from opposing sides and 2 citizens for a total of 8 to recommend location. 3 county board members from opposing sides and 2 citizens to recommend financing. Discussion held. Motion/second (Priske/Gorr) to amend that financing not exceed $24,000,000. Roll Call on motion to amend – 15 Ayes, 5 Nays (Galatowitsch, Hollander, Krause, Myers, Stoddard), 1 Absent (Mueller). Motion passed. Roll Call on motion as amended – 15 Ayes, 5 Nays (Galatowitsch, Hollander, Krause, Myers, Stoddard), 1 Absent (Mueller). Motion passed.” Seems like the spending limit has already been set not to exceed $24,000,000. Do we need to appoint a Finance Committee? Motion/second (Ammentorp/Schubert) not to appoint a finance committee at this meeting. Roll Call vote – 20 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Absent (Galatowitsch). Motion passed. Announcement of Appointment of Committee to Study Location of Courthouse/Safety Building. 21. Chairman Helmer, with approval of the Board, would like to appoint FOR: Myers, Guden, Thom AGAINST: Shubert, Ammentorp, Sell and CITIZENS: Joe Parise, Bill Kinas to the Committee to Study the location of the Courthouse/Safety Building. Motion/second (Priske/Stoddard) to approve the above appointments to the Location Committee and have 1 to 3 meetings. Roll Call vote – 20 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Absent (Galatowitsch) Motion passed. 91 of 153 CORRESPONDENCE 22. Letter from County Mutual Insurance, to Judy Wagner, Green Lake State Bank, confirming the investment of a $100,000 Certificate of Deposit in the Green Lake State Bank. The philosophy of the Wisconsin County Mutual Insurance Corporation is to invest its funds in the financial institution of member counties. 23. Letter of resignation from Dave Mendleski, Maintenance Supervisor effective September 5, 2007, due to a disability. 24. Letter of resignation from Deputy Brady Konkel effective August 15, 2007 due to health reasons. It has been an honor and a privilege to serve the citizens of Green Lake County. 25. Motion/second (Stoddard/Schubert) to accept the above resignations with regret. All Ayes. Motion carried. RESOLUTIONS 26. Resolution No. 20-2007 Relating to Creation of a Community Response Social Worker Position. Motion/second (Dallman/Priske) to withdraw Resolution No. 20-2007. All Ayes. Motion carried. 27. Resolution No. 21-2007 Relating to Purchase of County Highway Fuel System. Motion/second Motion/second (Brennan/Schubert) to adopt Resolution No. 21-2007. Discussion held. (Ammentorp/Priske) to amend Resolution 21-2007 by adding “Now Therefore Be It Further Resolved, that all county vehicles are required to fuel up at either Highway facility when possible.” Roll Call on Motion to amend – 19 Ayes, 1 Nay (Myers), 1 Absent (Galatowitsch). Motion passed. Roll Call on Motion to adopt as amended – 20 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Absent (Galatowitsch). Motion passed. Resolution No. 21 -2007 passed as amended. 28. Resolution No. 22-2007 Relating to Funding for Replacement Doors at Highway Shop I. Motion/second (Schubert/Ammentorp) to adopt Resolution No. 22-2007. Discussion held. Roll Call on Motion to adopt – 20 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Absent (Galatowitsch). Motion passed. Resolution No. 22-2007 passed as adopted. 29. Resolution No. 23-2007 Relating to Contracting for Maintenance Management Services. Motion/second (Brennan/Thom) to adopt Resolution No. 23-2007. Discussion held. Motion/second (Brennan/Stoddard) to amend Resolution No. 23-2007 by changing “cost of $78,000” to $65,000. Roll Call on motion to amend – 20 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Absent (Galatowitsch). Motion passed. Roll Call on motion to adopt as amended – 19 Ayes, 1 Nay (Krause), 1 Absent (Galatowitsch). Motion passed. Resolution No. 23-2007 passed as amended. 30. Resolution No. 24-2007 Relating to Construction Easement through Highway Grounds, City of Green Lake. Motion/second (Priske/Brennan) to adopt Resolution No. 24-2007. Discussion held. Roll Call on Motion to adopt – 20 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Absent (Galatowitsch). Resolution No. 24-2007 passed as adopted. Motion passed. 31. Motion/second (Dallman/Mueller) to take a 5 minute break. All Ayes. Motion carried. 7:39 PM 92 of 153 32. Resume Session 7:46 PM 20 Supervisors present. ORDINANCES 33. Ordinance No. 904-2007 Relating to Rezoning in the Town of Manchester – Holl. Motion/second (McConnell/Mueller) to enact Ordinance No. 904-2007. Land Use Planning and Zoning Committee recommend approval. Chairman Helmer asked Corporation Counsel to explain effect of petition. 50% or more of the landowners need to sign the petition, which they have done. This Ordinance needs 75% vote of members present to pass. Roll Call vote on motion to enact – 11 Ayes, 9 Nays (Ammentorp, Dallman, Gonyo, Gorr, Guden, Krause, Priske, Schubert, Sell), 1 Absent (Galatowitsch). Motion denied. Ordinance No. 904-2007 rejected. 34. Ordinance No. 905-2007 Relating to Rezoning in the Town of Manchester – Meilahn. Motion/second (McConnell/Mueller) to enact Ordinance No. 905-2007. Land Use Planning and Zoning Recommends Approval. Roll Call vote on motion to enact – 20 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Absent (Galatowitsch). Motion passed. Ordinance No. 905-2007 passed as enacted. 35. Ordinance No. 906-2007 Relating to Rezoning in the Town of Marquette – Weaver. Motion/second (McConnell/Sell) to enact Ordinance No. 906-2007. Land Use Planning and Zoning Recommends Denial. Roll Call on motion to enact – 1 Aye (Williams), 19 Nays, 1 Absent (Galatowitsch). Motion passed. Ordinance No. 906-2007 rejected. 36. Ordinance No. 907-2007 Relating to Ordinance opposing amendments to Wisconsin Administrative Rule NR 115. Motion/second (McConnell/Mueller) to enact Ordinance No 9072007. Land Use Planning and Zoning Recommends approval. Roll Call on motion to enact – 20 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Absent (Galatowitsch). Motion passed. Ordinance No. 907-2007 passed as enacted. 37. Ordinance No. 908-2007 Relating to Temporary Moratorium for Wind Energy Systems within the Unincorporated Areas of Green Lake County. Motion/second (McConnell/Ammentorp) to table Ordinance No. 908-2007. Roll Call on motion to table – 20 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Absent (Galatowitsch). Motion passed. Ordinance No. 908-2007 tabled. REPORTS 38. None. COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS 39. Chairman Helmer, with the Board approval, would like to appoint Michael Stoddard to TIF District 2, City of Berlin. Motion/second (Priske/Brennan) to approve the appointment of Michael Stoddard to TIF District 2, City of Berlin. All Ayes. Motion carried. COMMITTEE REPORTS 40. Supervisor Stoddard reported on the activities of the Land Conservation Department. 93 of 153 41. Supervisor Mc Connell reported on the activities of the Land Use Planning & Zoning Department. 42. Supervisors Myers, Schubert and Guden reported on the activities of the IT Department. COMMITTEES TO REPORT IN SEPTEMBER 43. Chairman Helmer announced the committees to report at the September County Board meeting: Highway, Judicial/Law, Finance and County Fair FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS FOR ACTION AND DISCUSSION 44. Chairman Helmer stated that Jeff Hoffman, has some questions regarding the Location Committee. 1) 3 meetings with 3 hour limit? 2) When does the study have to be done? 3) May Jeff facilitate meetings as he sees appropriate? County Board members agree to 3 meetings with 3 hour limit and Jeff may facilitate meetings as he sees appropriate. The County Board would like a report from the committee by the October County Board meeting. ADJOURN 45. Motion/second (Stoddard/Schubert) to adjourn. All Ayes. Motion carried. 46. Meeting adjourned at 8:25 PM. Respectfully Submitted, Sue Wendt Assistant Clerk 94 of 153 RESOLUTION NUMBER 21 -2007 Relating to Funding for Replacement of Highway Fuel Tanks The County Board of Supervisors of Green Lake County, Green Lake, Wisconsin, duly assembled at its regular meeting begun on the 21st day of August, 2007, does resolve as follows: WHEREAS, the Highway Committee recognizes the need to increase the size of the Highway Fuel tanks to achieve paying a lower cost per gallon; and WHEREAS the Highway Committee has received bids for an estimated cost to replace the fuel tanks from US Petroleum Equipment for $134,461.00 plus $3,800.00 for Spill Prevention Containment and Countermeasure plan; and WHEREAS, Property & Insurance Committee and Finance Committee agree with the need to increase the size of the fuel tanks to provide fuel for all county departments; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Green Lake County Board approves increasing the size of the Highway fuel tanks; and approves funding not to exceed $138,261.00 from the Green Lake County Capitol Outlay Account #07-101-00-58200-999-000. *NOW, THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all County Vehicles are required to fill up at either Highway facility whenever possible. Bids Opened August 13, 2007: US Petroleum Equipment $134,461.00 Walts Petroleum Service $152,527.82 Licensed PE Services to complete the EPA mandated Spill Prevention Containment and Countermeasure (SPCC) plan. (Additional $1,900 each site.) Roll Call on Resolution No. 21 - 07 Submitted by Property & Insurance and Finance Committee Aye 19, Nay 1 , Absent 1, Abstain 0 /s/ John Brennan Passed & Adopted/Rejected this 21st day of August, 2007 *As Amended /s/ Orrin W. Helmer John Brennan, Chairman /s/ Michael Stoddard Michael Stoddard, Vice Chair County Board Chairman /s/ Margaret R. Bostelmann /s/ Orrin W. Helmer Attest: County Clerk Approved as to Form: Orrin W. Helmer /s/ John Selsing /s/ Gene Thom Corporation Counsel Gene Thom /s/ Debra Schubert /s/ Gus Mueller Debra Schubert Gus Mueller /s/ Vern Ammentorp /s/ Daniel Priske Vern Ammentorp Daniel Priske /s/ Orville Biesenthal Orville Biesenthal 95 of 153 RESOLUTION NUMBER 22-2007 Relating to Funding for Replacement Doors at Highway Shop I The County Board of Supervisors of Green Lake County, Green Lake, Wisconsin, duly assembled at its regular meeting begun on the 21st day of August, 2007, does resolve as follows: WHEREAS, the Highway Committee recognizes the need to increase the size of the Highway Shop I Doors in the main building, due to the increased size of new equipment; and WHEREAS, the Property & Insurance has received bids to replace the Highway Doors at a cost of $34,377.00; and WHEREAS, Property & Insurance Committee and Finance Committee agree with the need to update the Highway Shop I Building with larger doors to accommodate the larger equipment. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Green Lake County Board approves upgrading the doors in the main building at Highway Shop I; and Approves funding not to exceed $34,377.00 from the Green Lake County Capitol Outlay Account #07-101-0058200-999-000. Roll Call on Resolution No. 22- 07 Aye 20, Nay 0, Absent 1, Abstain 0 Passed & Adopted/Rejected this 21st day of August, 2007 Submitted by Property & Insurance and Finance Committee /s/ John Brennan John Brennan, Chairman /s/ Michael Stoddard Michael Stoddard, Vice Chair /s/ Orrin W. Helmer /s/ Orrin W. Helmer Orrin W. Helmer County Board Chairman /s/ Margaret Bostelmann /s/ Gene Thom Attest: County Clerk Approved as to Form: Gene Thom /s/ John Selsing /s/ Gus Mueller Corporation Counsel Gus Mueller /s/ Deb Schubert /s/ Daniel Priske Deb Schubert Daniel Priske /s/ Vern Ammentorp Vern Ammentorp /s/ Orville Biesenthal Orville Biesenthal 96 of 153 RESOLUTION NUMBER 23-2007 Relating to Contracting for Maintenance Management Services The County Board of Supervisors of Green Lake County, Green Lake, Wisconsin, duly assembled at its regular meeting begun on the 21st day of August 2007, does resolve as follows: WHEREAS, the maintenance supervisor was on an extended medical leave and the County contracted with John Simpson for maintenance management services for a limited term; and, WHEREAS, Simpson has provided management services to evaluate equipment, prioritize repairs and upgrades, establishing policies, standard operating procedures, and staff training; and WHEREAS, it is expressly understood that John Simpson is not an employee of Green Lake County and is not eligible for benefits outside the compensation as identified for services within the contract; and WHEREAS, John Simpson’s services are those of an independent contractor and not as a regular fulltime employee; and. WHEREAS, the Property and Insurance Committee recommend that the contract for maintenance management services be extended for a one year period. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Board of Supervisors approve the attached proposal with John Simpson for one year beginning September 10, 2007 for a cost of $78,000. *$65,000. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the cost of the contract be taken from the maintenance budget contracted services. Proposal attached. Roll Call on Resolution No. 23- 07 Aye 20, Nay 0, Absent 1, Abstain 0 Passed & Adopted/Rejected this 21st day of August, 2007 *As Amended /s/ Orrin W. Helmer Submitted by Property & Insurance /s/ John Brennan John Brennan, Chairman /s/ Michael Stoddard Michael Stoddard, Vice Chair County Board Chairman /s/ Margaret R. Bostelmann /s/Orrin W. Helmer Attest: County Clerk Approved as to Form: Orrin W. Helmer /s/ John Selsing /s/ Gene Thom Corporation Counsel Gene Thom /s/ Gus Mueller Gus Mueller 97 of 153 RESOLUTION NUMBER 24-2007 Relating to Construction Easement through Green Lake County Highway Property – City of Green Lake The County Board of Supervisors of Green Lake County, Green Lake, Wisconsin, duly assembled at its regular meeting begun on the 21st day of August, 2007, does resolve as follows: and WHEREAS, the City of Green Lake is replacing the sanitary sewer at the Green Lake County property; WHEREAS, the sewer replacement will be located in the same easement granted by the county in 1982 through the Green Lake County property; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that as a condition for granting of permission to effect such sewer replacement, the City of Green Lake, shall be solely responsible for all costs incidental to sewer replacement, which shall include restoration of all highway grounds disturbed, damaged or destroyed during the course of said sewer replacement to a condition not less than that existing before said sewer replacement; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Green Lake shall establish an escrow account with the Treasurer of Green Lake County in the amount of $3,500, to be held for the period of construction plus five (5) years, with any interest earned to inure to the City of Green Lake at the end of the construction period; said escrow to be expended only for the purpose of reimbursing the County for any and all costs incurred for sewer replacement through the Green Lake County property. Roll Call on Res. No. 24-07 Submitted by Property & Insurance Aye 20, Nay 0,1 Absent 0 Abstain st Passed & Adopted/Rejected this 21 day of August, 2007 /s/ Orrin W. Helmer /s/ John Brennan John Brennan, Chairman /s/ Michael Stoddard Michael Stoddard, Vice Chair County Board Chairman /s/ Margaret R. Bostelmann /s/Orrin W. Helmer Attest: County Clerk Approved as to Form: Orrin W. Helmer /s/ John Selsing /s/ Gene Thom Corporation Counsel Gene Thom /s/ Gus Mueller Gus Mueller 98 of 153 ORDINANCE NUMBER _904-2007 Relating to: Rezoning in the Town of Manchester Owners: Norman E & Kathleen R Holl The County Board of Supervisors of Green Lake County, Green Lake, Wisconsin, duly assembled at its regular meeting on the 21st day of August, 2007, does ordain as follows: That Green Lake County Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 350 as amended, No. 350-26 Zoning Districts (Official Map M-6 Ordinance No. 297-84) as relates to the Town of Manchester, be amended from A-1 Exclusive Agriculture District to A-3 Light Agriculture District. 012-0660-0000 - Part of the E 3/4 (60R) of the NE¼ of the NW¼ Sec 34 Exc CSM 1658 V7 Exc that part of CSM 2686 V13 Lying Therein, T14N R12E, Town of Manchester (±10.00 Acres) to be identified by Certified Survey Map. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that, in all other respects, said Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 350 (as amended), Section 350-26, District Maps (Official Map M-6 Ordinance No. 297-84) be ratified. Land Use Planning and Zoning Committee Recommends: Roll Call on Ordinance No.904 -2007 X Approval Submitted by Land Use Planning & Zoning Ayes 11, Nay 9, Absent 1, Abstain 0 *Needed 75% of Vote to pass. WI Stats. 59.69(5g) Passed & Enacted/Rejected this 21st day of August 2007 /s/ Orrin W. Helmer /s/ Susan McConnell Susan McConnell, Chairman /s/ Wallace Williams Wallace Williams, Vice Chair County Board Chairman /s/ Margaret R. Bostelmann /s/ Gus Mueller Attest: County Clerk Approved as to Form: Gus Mueller /s/ Jeff T. Haase /s/ Howard Sell Asst. Corporation Counsel Howard Sell /s/ Orville Biesenthal Orville Biesenthal 99 of 153 Denial ORDINANCE NUMBER _905-2007_ Relating to: Rezoning in the Town of Manchester Owners: James Stephen Michael Meilahn The County Board of Supervisors of Green Lake County, Green Lake, Wisconsin, duly assembled at its regular meeting on the 21st day of August, 2007, does ordain as follows: That Green Lake County Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 350 as amended, No. 350-26 Zoning Districts (Official Map M-6 Ordinance No. 297-84) as relates to the Town of Manchester, be amended from A-1 Exclusive Agriculture District and M-1 Mineral Extraction District to A-3 Light Agriculture District. 012-0287-0000 - NE¼ of the SE¼ Sec 15 Exc CSM 1759, (±36.720 Acres); and 012-0290-0000 - All of the S Part of the W½ of the SE¼ Sec 15 Lying S of HWY as Surveyed on Dec 18 1858, (±43.918 Acres), Both parcels T14N R12E, Town of Manchester BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that, in all other respects, said Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 350 (as amended), Section 350-26, District Maps (Official Map M-6 Ordinance No. 297-84) be ratified. Land Use Planning and Zoning Committee Recommends: Roll Call on Ordinance No.905 -2007 X Approval Submitted by Land Use Planning & Zoning Ayes 20, Nay 0, Absent 1, Abstain 0 Passed & Enacted/Rejected this 21st day of August 2007 /s/ Orrin W. Helmer /s/ Susan McConnell Susan McConnell, Chairman /s/ Wallace Williams Wallace Williams, Vice Chair County Board Chairman /s/ Margaret R. Bostelmann /s/ Gus Mueller Attest: County Clerk Approved as to Form: Gus Mueller /s/ Jeff T. Haase /s/ Howard Sell Asst. Corporation Counsel Howard Sell /s/ Orville Biesenthal Orville Biesenthal 100 of 153 Denial ORDINANCE NUMBER 906-2007 Relating to: Rezoning in the Town of Marquette Owners: Suetta Kay and Harley Weaver, Jr. The County Board of Supervisors of Green Lake County, Green Lake, Wisconsin, duly assembled at its regular meeting on the 21st day of August, 2007, does ordain as follows: That Green Lake County Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 350 as amended, No. 350-26 Zoning Districts (Official Map M-7 Ordinance No. 282-83) as relates to the Town of Marquette, be amended from A-1 Exclusive Agriculture District to A-2 General Agriculture District and A-3 Light Agriculture District. 014-0516-0000 - SW¼ of the SE¼ SEC 36, T15N R11E, Town of Marquette (±40.00 Acres) To be identified by Certified Survey Map. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that, in all other respects, said Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 350 (as amended), Section 350-26, District Maps (Official Map M-7 Ordinance No. 282-83) be ratified. Land Use Planning and Zoning Committee Recommends: Roll Call on Ordinance No.906 -2007 Approval /s/ Susan McConnell /s/ Orrin W. Helmer Denial Submitted by Land Use Planning & Zoning Ayes 1, Nay 19 , Absent 1, Abstain 0 Passed & Enacted/Rejected this 21st day of August, 2007 X Susan McConnell, Chairman /s/ Wallace Williams Wallace Williams, Vice Chair County Board Chairman /s/ Margaret R. Bostelmann /s/ Gus Mueller Attest: County Clerk Approved as to Form: Gus Mueller /s/ Jeff T. Haase /s/ Howard Sell Asst. Corporation Counsel Howard Sell /s/ Orville Biesenthal Orville Biesenthal 101 of 153 ORDINANCE NO. 907 - 2007 Relating to an Ordinance opposing amendments to Wisconsin Administrative Rule NR 115 The County Board of Supervisors of Green Lake County, Green Lake, Wisconsin, duly assembled at its regular meeting begun on the 21st day of August 2007, does ordain as follows: WHEREAS, the Department of Natural Resources will be holding public hearings on proposed revisions to NR 115, an administrative rule pertaining to minimum standards for county shoreland zoning ordinances (see attached proposed amendments); and WHEREAS, clarity to the existing rule was given to Wisconsin Code Administrators by the Wisconsin Court of Appeals in Hillis v. Village of Fox Point and the Wisconsin Supreme Court in Ziervogel/McGinnity v. Washington County Board of Adjustment; and WHEREAS, the impervious surface standards proposed are unrealistic and will be unnecessarily burdensome on property owners; and WHEREAS, stormwater management regulations, which are presently contained in NR 151, do not belong in NR 115 and should remain in NR 151; and SEE REVERSE SIDE Roll Call on Ordinance No.907 -2007 Ayes 20 , Nay 0, Absent 1, Abstain 0 Submitted by Land Use Planning & Zoning with recommendation to Approve/Disapprove /s/ Susan McConnell Passed & Enacted/Rejected this 21st day of August, 2007 /s/ Orrin W. Helmer Susan McConnell, Chairman /s/ Wallace Williams Wallace Williams, Vice Chair County Board Chairman /s/ Margaret R. Bostelmann /s/ Gus Mueller Attest: County Clerk Approved as to Form: Gus Mueller /s/ Jeff T. Haase /s/ Howard Sell Asst. Corporation Counsel Howard Sell /s/ Orville Biesenthal Orville Biesenthal 102 of 153 Ordinance No. 907-07 Relating to Opposing Amendments to Wisconsin Administrative Rule NR 115 Continued: WHEREAS, the amendments, if approved, are certain to result in the need for additional county zoning staff and department office space, both in terms of amending Green Lake County’s Shoreland Protection Ordinance and the ongoing administration of the same; and WHEREAS, the number of variance requests is almost certain to increase if the amendments are approved, thereby resulting in a greater number of hearings in front of the Board of Adjustment, which will be an additional cost to Green Lake County. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Green Lake County Board of Supervisors, that we oppose the adoption and implementation of the proposed NR 115 revisions. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED the proposed NR 115 revisions should be accompanied by an independent economic impact study regarding how the revisions will affect property values, the tax base, businesses and tourism. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the Green Lake County Clerk send a certified copy of this resolution to the following State officials and agency staff: Governor James Doyle, DNR Secretary Scott Hassett, State Representative Joan Ballweg, Senator Luther S. Olsen, and all sitting members of the Natural Resources Board. 103 of 153 STATE OF WISCONSIN ) COUNTY OF GREEN LAKE ) I, Margaret R. Bostelmann, County Clerk, In and For the County of Green Lake, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Green Lake County Board Proceedings together with the reports as set forth at the regular County Board meeting held on the 18th day of September, 2007. In witness thereof, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal of the County Board of Supervisors of Green Lake County, Wisconsin, this 17th day of October, 2007. /s/ Margaret R. Bostelmann County Clerk 104 of 153 GREEN LAKE COUNTY BOARD PROCEEDINGS REGULAR SESSION SEPTEMBER 18, 2007 The Green Lake County Board of Supervisors met in Tuesday, September 18, 2007, at 6 PM in the County Green Lake, Wisconsin. regular session, Board Room, The Board was called to order by Chairman Helmer. Roll Called, 20 Supervisors present, 1 Absent (Myers, Dist.11) Supervisor Orrin W. Helmer Wallace Williams Orville Biesenthal Margaret Hollander Elden Dallman Susan E. McConnell Howard Sell Vern Ammentorp Dennis Galatowitsch Richard Gorr Daniel Priske Gus Mueller Eugene Schroeder John Brennan Gene Thom Debra A. Schubert Robert Krause Michael R. Stoddard Joe Gonyo Joanne Guden Supervisor Districts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 The Clerk read the call. NOTICE: GREEN LAKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The Green Lake County Board of Supervisors will convene at the Courthouse in the City of Green Lake, Wisconsin on Tuesday the 18th day of September, 2007 at 6:00 PM for the regular meeting of the Board. Regular monthly business to be transacted includes: 105 of 153 CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL READING OF THE CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MINUTES ANNOUNCEMENTS APPEARANCES: Jon Trautman, Auditor, 2006 Audit Report PUBLIC COMMENTS (3 MIN LIMIT) LONG RANGE PLAN Action & Discussion on Location Committee Report Action & Discussion relating to Supervisor Ammentorp Motion relating to hiring PTD, Tabled on 6/19/07 until September 18th County Board meeting. Action & Discussion relating to Supervisor Galatowitsch Motion relating to a countywide space needs solution. Tabled on 6/19/07 until the September 18th County Board meeting. CORRESPONDENCE: RESOLUTIONS: Relating to Highway K Bridge ORDINANCES: Relating to Rezoning in the Town of Mackford – Steffen Relating to Rezoning in the Town of Green Lake - Schwartz OUT OF STATE TRAVEL • Jim Hebbe, LCC • Deputy Sheriff, Jason Preuss & Victim Witness, Lynn Dutcher REPORTS: APPOINTMENTS: COMMITTEE REPORTS: Highway, Judicial/Law Enforcement, Finance, County Fair COMMITTEES TO REPORT IN OCTOBER FUTURE ITEMS FOR ACTION AND DISCUSSION AND SUCH OTHER BUSINESS AS MAY PROPERLY COME BEFORE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. The several committees of the Board may also meet for the purpose of discussing or acting upon matters, which are the subject matter of the meeting of the County Board of Supervisors. Given under my hand and official seal at the Courthouse in the City of Green Lake, Wisconsin this 7th day of September, 2007. Margaret R. Bostelmann (SEAL) Green Lake County Clerk PLEAGE OF ALLEGIANCE 1. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited. MINUTES 2. Minutes of August 21, 2007. Motion/second (Brennan/Hollander) to approve the August 21, 2007 minutes as presented. All Ayes. Motion carried. 106 of 153 ANNOUNCEMENTS 3. The next. County Board meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 16, 2007 at 6 PM APPEARANCES 4. Jon Trautman, County Auditor, presented the 2006 Audit and answered questions from the Board members. Motion/second (Brennan/Priske) to adopt the audit report #25-2006. All Ayes. Motion carried. PUBLIC COMMENTS (3 min limit) 5. None. LONG RANGE PLAN Discussion & Action on Report from Location Committee 6. Supervisor Schubert reviewed the process for discussion as led by Jeff Hoffman, Community Resource Development Educator. The discussion was on the optimal location, not County A vs Downtown. The group set out to establish criteria from a variety of perspectives for the optimal and most reasonable location for the facility. The next meeting will be October 1, 2007 at 4:30 PM in the County Board Room. Action & Discussion relating to Supervisor Ammentorp Motion relating to hiring PTD, tabled on 6/19/07 until the September 18th County Board Meeting. 7. Motion/second (Galatowitsch/Ammentorp) to table Supervisor Ammentorp and Supervisor Galatowitsch motions until the same meeting when the final report from the Location Committee is presented. Roll Call Vote: 19 Ayes, 1 Nay (Helmer), 1 Absent (Myers). Motion passed. Action & Discussion relating to Supervisor Galatowitsch Motion relating to a countywide space needs solution. Tabled on 6/19/07 until the September 18th County Board meeting. 8. Tabled with above motion. CORRESPONDENCE 9. None. RESOLUTIONS 10. Resolution No. 25-2007 Relating to Use of Highway Carryover Funds for Road Reconstruction on Highway K Bridge. Motion/second (Krause/Galatowitsch) to adopt Resolution No. 25-2007. Discussion 107 of 153 held. Roll Call vote on Motion – 20 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Absent (Myers). Motion passed. Resolution No. 25-2007 passed as adopted. ORDINANCES 11. Ordinance No. 909-2007 Relating to Rezoning in the Town of Mackford – Steffen Motion/second (Thom/Biesenthal) to enact Ordinance No. 909-2007. Land Use Planning and Zoning Committee recommend approval. Roll Call vote on motion to enact – 20 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Absent (Myers). Motion passed. Ordinance No. 909-2007 passed as enacted. 12. Ordinance No. 910-2007 Relating to Rezoning in the Town of Green Lake – Schwartz Motion/second (McConnell/Thom) to enact Ordinance No. 910-2007. Land Use Planning and Zoning Recommends Approval. Discussion held. Roll Call vote on motion to enact – 20 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Absent (Myers). Motion passed. Ordinance No. 910-2007 passed as enacted. OUT OF STATE TRAVEL 13. Letter on Supervisors desk requesting permission for Jim Hebbe, County Conservationist, to attend the Soil & Water Conservation Society West North Central Region “Impacts of Increased Bio-fuel Production on the Midwest Landscape” meeting October 16-17, 2007 in Dubuque, Iowa. Motion/second (Stoddard/Williams) to approve Jim Hebbe’s attendance at the conference in Dubuque on October 16-17, 2007. All Ayes. Motion carried. 14. Letter on Supervisors desks requesting permission for Deputy Sheriff, Jason Preuss and Victim Witness, Lynn Dutcher to attend the United States Department of Justice conference “Building and Enhancing Your Coordinated Community Response to Battering; An Institute for Rural Grantees, held in St. Louis, Missouri, September 18-20, 2007. The Wisconsin Coalition Against Domestic Violence (WCADV) graciously provided funding to Green Lake County for this conference. Chairman Helmer noted that this request is after the fact, as the Conference has already started. The Judicial/Law Enforcement Committee has approved the out of state travel. Motion/second (Mueller/Guden) to approve the attendance of Jason Preuss and Lynn Dutcher at the conference in St. Louis, Missouri, September 18-20, 2007. All Ayes. Motion carried. REPORTS 15. None. COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS 16. None. COMMITTEE REPORTS 17. Supervisor Galatowitsch reported on the activities of the Highway Department. 18. Supervisor Thom reported on the activities of the Law Enforcement Department. 108 of 153 19. Supervisor Priske, reported on the activities of the Finance Committee and problems facing the 2008 Budget. 20. Supervisor Hollander, reported on the County Fair and invited everyone to next years fair, July 31 – August 3, 2008. The Theme of next years fair is “Green Lake County 150th Anniversary”. COMMITTEES TO REPORT IN OCTOBER 21. Chairman Helmer announced that the WCA Convention attendees will report at the October County Board meeting: Supervisors: Helmer, Brennan, Priske and Ammentorp and Marge Bostelmann, County Clerk. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS FOR ACTION AND DISCUSSION 22. None. ADJOURN 23. Motion/second (Schubert/Ammentorp) to adjourn. All Ayes. Motion carried. 24. Meeting adjourned at 6:50 PM. Respectfully Submitted, Sue Wendt Assistant Clerk 109 of 153 RESOLUTION NO. 25 - 2007 Relating to Use of Highway Carryover Funds for Road Reconstruction on Highway K Bridge The County Board of Supervisors of Green Lake County, Green Lake, Wisconsin, Duly assembled at its regular meeting begun on the 18th day of September 2007, does resolve as follows: WHEREAS, the Highway Committee and County Board are committed to providing a safe and well maintained and constructed road system in Green Lake county, and; WHEREAS, efficient operations has accumulated $893,170 based on excess revenues over expense from previous years. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Board of Supervisors approves the use of the $105,000 of Carryover funds to offset reconstruction costs for County Truck Highway K Bridge starting at 1 mile east of Highway 73 in the Town of Green Lake. Roll Call on Resolution No. 25-07 Aye 20, Nay 0, Absent 1 , Abstain 0 Passed & Adopted/Rejected this 17th day of September, 2007 /s/ Orrin W. Helmer Submitted by Highway Committee /s/ Orrin W. Helmer Orrin W. Helmer, Chairman /s/ Carol Z Myers Carol Z. Myers, Vice-Chair County Board Chairman /s/ Margaret R. Bostelmann /s/ Robert Krause Attest: County Clerk Approved as to Form: Robert Krause /s/ John Selsing /s/ Orville Biesenthal Corporation Counsel Orville Biesenthal /s/ Dennis Galatowitsch Dennis Galatowitsch 110 of 153 ORDINANCE NUMBER 909-2007 Relating to: Rezoning in the Town of Mackford Owner: Thomas A. Steffen et al The County Board of Supervisors of Green Lake County, Green Lake, Wisconsin, duly assembled at its regular meeting on the 18th day of September, 2007, does ordain as follows: That Green Lake County Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 350 as amended, No. 350-26 Zoning Districts (Official Map M-5 Ordinance No. 297-84) as relates to the Town of Mackford, be amended from A-1 Exclusive Agriculture District to R-2 Single-Family Mobile Home Residence District. N2285 Tichora Road, Part of Parcel #010-0077-0000 and Part of #010-0076-0200, Located in Part of the NE¼ of the SW¼, Section 4, T14N R13E, Town of Mackford. Lot to be identified by Certified Survey Map. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that, in all other respects, said Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 350 (as amended), Section 350-26, District Maps (Official Map M-5 Ordinance No. 297-84) be ratified. Land Use Planning and Zoning Committee Recommends: Roll Call on Ordinance No.909 -2007 Ayes 20, Nay 0, Absent 1, Abstain 0 x Approval Submitted by Land Use Planning & Zoning /s/ Susan McConnell Passed & Enacted/Rejected this 18th day of September, 2007 /s/ Orrin W. Helmer Susan McConnell, Chairman /s/ Wallace Williams Wallace Williams, Vice Chair County Board Chairman /s/ Margaret R. Bostelmann /s/ Gus Mueller Attest: County Clerk Approved as to Form: Gus Mueller /s/ Jeff T. Haase /s/ Howard Sell Asst. Corporation Counsel Howard Sell /s/ Orville Biesenthal Orville Biesenthal 111 of 153 Denial ORDINANCE NUMBER 910-2007 Relating to: Rezoning in the Town of Green Lake Owners: Leslie Schwartz, Gigi Schwartz, Tanya Schwartz The County Board of Supervisors of Green Lake County, Green Lake, Wisconsin, duly assembled at its regular meeting on the 18th day of September, 2007, does ordain as follows: That Green Lake County Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 350 as amended, No. 350-26 Zoning Districts (Official Map M-3 Ordinance No. 297-84) as relates to the Town of Green Lake, be amended from A-1 Exclusive Agriculture District to A-3 Light Agriculture District. N4855 County Rd AK, Part of Parcel #006-0038-0100, Com 40.46' W; 9.84' N87ºW; & 33.12' S of the NE Cor Sec 3: Thence S 551.39'; S 852.68'; N62ºW 141.81'; N23ºW 469.38' as rec’d V329 P432 & 433 Exc CSM 2237 V10, Section 3, T15N R13E, Town of Green Lake, (10 Acres) To be identified by Certified Survey Map. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that, in all other respects, said Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 350 (as amended), Section 350-26, District Maps (Official Map M-3 Ordinance No. 297-84) be ratified. Land Use Planning and Zoning Committee Recommends: Roll Call on Ordinance No.910 -2007 Ayes 20, Nay 0 , Absent 1, Abstain 0 Passed & Enacted/Rejected this 18th day of September, 2007 /s/ Orrin W. Helmer x Approval Submitted by Land Use Planning & Zoning /s/ Susan McConnell Susan McConnell, Chairman /s/ Wallace Williams Wallace Williams, Vice Chair County Board Chairman /s/ Margaret R. Bostelmann /s/ Gus Mueller Attest: County Clerk Approved as to Form: Gus Mueller /s/ Jeff T. Haase /s/ Howard Sell Asst. Corporation Counsel Howard Sell /s/ Orville Biesenthal Orville Biesenthal 112 of 153 Denial STATE OF WISCONSIN ) COUNTY OF GREEN LAKE ) I, Margaret R. Bostelmann, County Clerk, In and For the County of Green Lake, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Green Lake County Board Proceedings together with the reports as set forth at the regular County Board meeting held on the 16th day of October, 2007. In witness thereof, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal of the County Board of Supervisors of Green Lake County, Wisconsin, this 14th day of November, 2007. /s/ Margaret R. Bostelmann County Clerk 113 of 153 GREEN LAKE COUNTY BOARD PROCEEDINGS REGULAR SESSION OCTOBER 16, 2007 The Green Lake County Board of Supervisors met session, Tuesday, October 16, 2007, at 6 PM in Board Room, Green Lake, Wisconsin. in regular the County The Board was called to order by Chairman Helmer. Roll Called, 18 Supervisors present, 3 Absent (Biesenthal, Dist.3, Sell, Dist. 7, Gorr, Dist.10) Supervisor Orrin W. Helmer Wallace Williams Margaret Hollander Elden Dallman Susan E. McConnell Vern Ammentorp Dennis Galatowitsch Carol Z Myers Daniel Priske Gus Mueller Eugene Schroeder John Brennan Gene Thom Debra A. Schubert Robert Krause Michael R. Stoddard Joe Gonyo Joanne Guden Supervisor Districts 1 2 4 5 6 8 (Left 8:25PM) 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 The Clerk read the call. NOTICE: GREEN LAKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 114 of 153 The Green Lake County Board of Supervisors will convene at the Courthouse in the City of Green Lake, Wisconsin on Tuesday the 16th day of October, 2007 at 6:00 PM for the regular meeting of the Board. Regular monthly business to be transacted includes: CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL READING OF THE CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MINUTES ANNOUNCEMENTS APPEARANCES: Joan Ballweg, Rep. Dist. 41 CORRESPONDENCE PUBLIC COMMENTS (3 MIN LIMIT) LONG RANGE PLAN Jeff Hoffman, Results of Building Location Meetings. Action & Discussion on Building Location Committee Report Action & Discussion relating to Supervisor Galatowitsch Motion relating to a countywide space needs solution. Tabled on 9/18/07 until the October 16th County Board meeting. Action & Discussion relating to Supervisor Ammentorp Motion relating to hiring PTD, Tabled on 9/18/07 until October 16th County Board meeting. RESOLUTIONS: Relating to Proposed Locations of County Facilities. Relating to Encouraging Governor James Doyle and the Wisconsin State Legislature to Include $44 Million in the 2008-2009 State Budget for Locally controlled Alternatives to Incarceration Programs under the Treatment Alternatives and Diversion (TAD) Program. Relating to Requesting that Congress Amend Federal Regulations to Prevent the Loss of Federal Entitlement Benefits. ORDINANCES: Relating to Amending Ordinance No. 811-04 Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual Relating to Rezoning in the Town of Green Lake - Banerjee Relating to Rezoning in the Town of Brooklyn - ABA REPORTS: Update on Open Meeting Laws – John Selsing, Corp. Counsel APPOINTMENTS: COMMITTEE REPORTS: WCA Attendees COMMITTEES TO REPORT IN NOVEMBER FUTURE ITEMS FOR ACTION AND DISCUSSION AND SUCH OTHER BUSINESS AS MAY PROPERLY COME BEFORE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. The several committees of the Board may also meet for the purpose of discussing or acting upon matters, which are the subject matter of the meeting of the County Board of Supervisors. 115 of 153 Given under my hand and official seal at the Courthouse in the City of Green Lake, Wisconsin this 8th day of October, 2007. Margaret R. Bostelmann (SEAL) Green Lake County Clerk PLEAGE OF ALLEGIANCE 1. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited. MINUTES 2. Minutes of September 18, 2007. Motion/second (Schubert/Hollander) to approve the September 18, 2007 minutes as presented. All Ayes. Motion carried. ANNOUNCEMENTS 3. The next. County Board meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 13, 2007 at 6 PM. Public Hearing on 2008 Budget will be at 6:30 PM. The meeting will be one week early due to Budget Hearing. APPEARANCES 4. Joan Ballweg, Rep. Dist. 41 reported on activities in Madison, along with the situation concerning the State Budget and handed out a summary of the Wisconsin Health Plan which will come back as a stand alone bill. Farmer’s Co-operative Care, which is a group health insurance for farmers, started in April in Wisconsin. She also handed out a Budget survey for people to give their opinions on what is important in the state budget process. New Blue books were given to each supervisor. CORRESPONDENCE 5. Letter from Judy Street, Child Support Administrator, announcing her retirement in January, 2008. 6. Letter from Jon Hochkammer, Dir. of Insurance Operations, Wisconsin County Mutual., regarding 2008 Advisory Committee Nominations. If any county officials or board members are interested in serving on these committees: Claims, Investment, Underwriting, Loss Prevention & Worker’s Compensation, please complete the form and return by November 14th. If you are currently serving on a committee and wish to continue, you still must complete a form. PUBLIC COMMENTS (3 min limit) 116 of 153 7. Art Hartwig, Town of Princeton The options given by the location committee should be withdrawn as there is no way to build any of them for $24 million cap. 148,000 square feet = $32,500 in construction costs. 8. Joe Kallas, Town of Princeton Entire process was done backwards. First ½ cent sales tax was passed without a plan, then land was purchased without a plan. Sales tax money will not cover this as the economy is in such bad shape. Added property tax is difficult for the elderly population in the county. There was no referendum and the board ignored the petition signed by 2000 people against the project. 9. Tom Gneuech, Town of Brooklyn October 2006 the board voted not to continue with the County A site. October 2007 the board wants to build all new at County A site. The 3 phase project will not support the $24 million cap, it would cost $32-$34 million. Only option of adding downtown and Health & Human Services at present site will you stay under $24 million cap. Population trends are flat up to 2030, averaging 20,000 population. 10. Richard Miller Town of Green Lake The board as been dealing with this for 10 years. Do they really want to do something? We need a Health & Human Service building along with a Justice Center. The $24 million cap will only fit downtown. Ignored 2,000 signatures on petition. The vote was 11/10 in favor of staying downtown. What was the reason supervisors gave for voting the way they did? I sat in on location committee meetings; felt it was a waste of time. Size of project has increased since 2004 to the size of a football field. We need to live within our means. 11. Tom Bell, City Green Lake Resident in county for only 1½ years. Least democratic community he has ever lived in. There is no defense for a new facility. Where is the responsibility to the community? LONG RANGE PLAN Jeff Hoffman, Results of Building Location Meetings. 12. Jeff Hoffman, CRD Educator – UW Extension was asked to facilitate a process that assists the County Board in determining how best to address future County Building needs. Jeff explained the process and reported how the committee ranked and scored the criteria they determined is necessary for efficient county operations in the future. When asked where to build a Justice Center the committee scored 290 for County A site and 207 for Downtown site. When asked where to build the Health & Human Services building, the committee scored 297 for County A site, 291 for Highway location, 256 for Current HHS location and 157 for Downtown location. All options must comply with the County Board resolution to complete the building projects with a budget of $24 million dollars. These are the top three options from the committee: • Build all County Facilities new on the County A property to include a 100 bed jail. 117 of 153 • Remodel the current downtown location to accommodate a 100 bed jail, and all Government Center services, and build a new Health & Human Services building on the current location of the Health and Human Services building. • Build a new Justice Center, to include a 100 bed jail and Health & Human Services building on the County A location, and to remodel the downtown location to accommodate the Government Services Departments. Of these three building options, there was not a unanimous choice for any one of them. Jeff left the board with this thought: Be hard on the Problem, Easy on the People. Jeff thanked the committee members for all their hard work and effort they put into this process. 13. Chairman Helmer thanked Jeff for the fine job he did with the Building Location Committee. Action & Discussion on Report from Building Location Committee. 14. Supervisor Schubert commented on the process they went through as a committee. Learned to think of different avenues. People need to learn to give and not be so stubborn on an issue. Action & Discussion relating to Supervisor Galatowitsch Motion relating to a countywide space needs solution. Tabled on 9/18/07 until the October 16th County Board meeting. 15. Supervisor Galatowitsch feels that his motion represents the best long term solution for the county. Supervisor Ammentorp questioned how we can vote on this motion when a cap was already set at $24 million. John Selsing, Corporation Counsel stated that a motion from the floor is not binding without a resolution to back it up. The $24 million cap was only a motion. Motion/second (Galatowitsch/Myers) to change his motion to a resolution. John Selsing, Corporation Counsel stated that this would be illegal, as it was not on the agenda as a resolution. Motion/second (Galatowitsch/Myers) to amend the motion “NOW THEREFOR BE IT MOVED from a 124 bed to a 100 bed jail and adding to the last sentence “subsequent meetings and reduce the cost to complete the project to between $24-$29 million.” Also delete “BE IT FURTHER MOVED, that the County Board of Supervisors authorizes P&I to spend the contingence of 5% as the needs arise without further board approval.” Roll Call on motion to amend – 6 Ayes (Galatowitsch, Myers, Hollander, Krause, Stoddard, Thom), 12 Nays, 3 Absent (Biesenthal, Sell, Gorr). Motion failed. Roll call on motion – 5 Ayes (Galatowitsch, Myers, Hollander, Krause, Stoddard), 13 Nays, 3 Absent (Biesenthal, Sell, Gorr). Motion failed. Action & Discussion. relating to Supervisor Ammentorp Motion relating to hiring PTD, tabled on 9/18/07 until the October 16th County Board Meeting. 118 of 153 16. Motion/second(Ammentorp/Priske) to table motion until after Resolution 26-07 has been acted on. Roll Call Vote - 14 Ayes, 4 Nays (Brennan, Krause, McConnell, Myers), 3 Absent (Biesenthal, Sell, Gorr). Motion passed. RESOLUTIONS 17. Resolution No. 26-2007 Relating to Proposed Locations of County Facilities. Motion/second (Thom/Brennan) to adopt Resolution No. 26-2007. Discussion held. Roll Call vote on Motion – 15 Ayes, 3 Nays (Ammentorp, Priske, Williams), 3 Absent (Biesenthal, Sell, Gorr). Motion passed. Resolution No. 26-2007 passed as adopted. 18. OPTION A Build all County Facilities new on the County A property to include a 100 bed jail Roll Call Vote – 6 in favor (Galatowitsch, Guden, Hollander, Myers, Stoddard, Thom). 19. OPTION B Remodel the current downtown location to accommodate a 100 bed jail, and all Government Center services, and build a new Health & Human Services building on the current location of the Health and Human Services building. Roll Call Vote – 4 in favor. (Ammentorp, Priske, Schubert, Williams). 20. OPTION C Build a new Justice Center, to include a 100 bed jail and Health & Human Services building on the County A location, and to remodel the downtown location to accommodate the Government Services Departments. Roll Call Vote – 8 in favor. (Brennan, Dallman, Gonyo, Helmer, Krause, McConnell, Mueller, Schroeder). 21. OPTION B Failed. (3 Absent during vote (Biesenthal, Sell, Gorr) 22. OPTION A (Second Vote) Build all County Facilities new on the County A property to include a 100 bed jail Roll Call Vote – 7 in favor (Galatowitsch, Guden, Hollander, Krause, Myers, Stoddard, Thom). 23. OPTION C (Second Vote) Build a new Justice Center, to include a 100 bed jail and Health & Human Services building on the County A location, and to remodel the downtown location to accommodate the Government Services Departments. Roll Call Vote – 11 in favor (Ammentorp, Brennan, Dallman, Gonyo, Helmer, McConnell, Mueller, Priske, Schroeder, Schubert, Williams). 24. OPTION A Failed. OPTION C adopted. (3 Absent during vote (Biesenthal, Sell, Gorr). 25. Motion/second (Galatowitsch/Krause) to allow Samuels Group to answer question regarding if utilities cost was included in Potter Lawson estimates. Kurt Berner, from Samuels Group assured the board that utilities were included in all the estimates. Asked by board what the Samuels Group would do for the $7,500. The 7,500 will become part of the construction managers fee if we move ahead with the project. Costs for Jail and Human Service Center on County A, Downtown government services in Historical building, demo of existing pieces 119 of 153 except historical building. Samuels Group will meet with Property & Insurance Committee on November 6, 2007. 26. PM Motion/second (Dallman/Priske) to take a 5 minute break. All Ayes. Motion carried. 8:20 RESUME SESSION 8:25 PM 27. 28. Chairman Helmer announced that Supervisor Ammentorp has been excused from the meeting. 17 Supervisors present, 4 Absent (Biesenthal, Sell, Gorr, Ammentorp) Motion/second (Priske/Schubert) to withdraw Supervisor Ammentorp’s motion. All Ayes. Motion carried. RESOLUTIONS CONTINUED 29. Resolution No. 27-2007 Relating to Encouraging Governor James Doyle and the Wisconsin State Legislature to Include $44 Million in the 2008-2009 State Budget for Locally Controlled Alternatives to Incarceration Programs under the Treatment Alternatives and Diversion (TAD) Program. Motion/second (Thom/Schubert) to withdraw Resolution No. 27-2007. All Ayes. Motion carried. 30. Resolution No. 28-2007 Relating to Requesting that Congress Amend Federal Regulations to Prevent the Loss of Federal Entitlement Benefits. Motion/second (Schubert/Thom) to adopt Resolution No. 28-2007. Discussion held. Roll Call vote on Motion – 17 Ayes, 0 Nays, 4 Absent (Biesenthal, Sell, Gorr, Ammentorp). Motion passed. Resolution No. 28-2007 passed as adopted. ORDINANCES 31. Ordinance No. 912-2007 Relating to Amending Ordinance No. 811-04, Personnel Policies and Procedure Manual. Motion/second (Brennan/Hollander) to enact Ordinance No. 912-2007. Roll Call vote on motion to enact – 17 Ayes, 0 Nays, 4 Absent (Biesenthal, Sell, Gorr, Ammentorp). Motion passed. Ordinance No. 912-2007 passed as enacted. 32. Ordinance No. 913-2007 Relating to Rezoning in the Town of Green Lake – Banerjee. Motion/second (McConnell/Mueller) to deny Ordinance No. 913-2007. Land Use Planning and Zoning Recommends Denial. Discussion held. Roll Call vote on motion to deny – 17 Ayes, 0 Nays, 4 Absent (Biesenthal, Sell, Gorr, Ammentorp). Motion passed. Ordinance No. 9132007 denied. 33. Ordinance No. 914-2007 Relating to Rezoning in the Town of Brooklyn – ABA. Motion/second (McConnell/Mueller) to deny Ordinance No. 914-2007. Land Use Planning and Zoning Recommends Denial. Discussion held. Roll Call vote on motion to deny – 17 Ayes, 0 120 of 153 Nays, 4 Absent (Biesenthal, Sell, Gorr, Ammentorp). 2007 denied. Motion passed. Ordinance No. 914- REPORTS 34. John Selsing, Corporation Counsel, updated the Board on Open Meeting Laws. COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS 35. None. COMMITTEE REPORTS - WCA ATTENDEES 36. Due to the late hour, Chairman Helmer held these reports over until the November County Board meeting. COMMITTEES TO REPORT IN NOVEMBER 37. Chairman Helmer announced that the Committees to report in November will be the WCA attendees. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS FOR ACTION AND DISCUSSION 38. None. ADJOURN 39. Motion/second (Stoddard/Schubert) to adjourn. All Ayes. Motion carried. 40. Meeting adjourned at 8:50 PM. Respectfully Submitted, Sue Wendt Assistant Clerk 121 of 153 RESOLUTION NUMBER 26-2007 Relating to Proposed Locations of County Facilities The County Board of Supervisors of Green Lake County, Green Lake, Wisconsin, duly assembled at its regular meeting begun on the 16th day of October, 2007, does resolve as follows: WHEREAS, the Green Lake County Board of Supervisors has the responsibility to provide facilities for County Departments and Services; and WHEREAS, the Green Lake County Board of Supervisors have for years studied several options to repair or replace existing facilities; and WHEREAS, the Location Committee has identified three options for construction and location for these facilities; and WHEREAS, a procedure needs to be presented to the Green Lake County Board of Supervisors to present these three options and a procedure for a majority of the County Board to approve one option; and WHEREAS, each of these options must be constructed within a 24 million dollar budget; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Green Lake County Board of Supervisors vote by choosing one of the three options presented; and Fiscal Impact: $7,500.00 Roll Call on Resolution No. 26- 07 Aye 13, Nay 5, Absent 3, Abstain 0 Passed & Adopted/Rejected this 16th day of October, 2007 /s/ Orrin W. Helmer Submitted by Property & Insurance /s/ John Brennan John Brennan, Chairman /s/ Michael Stoddard Michael Stoddard, Vice Chair County Board Chairman /s/ Margaret R. Bostelmann /s/Orrin W. Helmer Attest: County Clerk Approved as to Form: Orrin W. Helmer /s/ John Selsing /s/ Gene Thom Corporation Counsel Gene Thom /s/ Gus Mueller Gus Mueller 122 of 153 Resolution No. 26-2007 Relating to Proposed Locations of County Facilities Continued: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that if a majority vote is not reached on any one of the options, then the option receiving the least number of votes shall be removed from consideration and the County Board shall proceed to vote on the remaining two options to obtain a majority vote of the County Board; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Property & Insurance Committee shall proceed with that option contingent on the Property & Insurance Committee contracting with the Samuels Group for a fee not to exceed $7,500. To confirm that this option can be constructed with a total budget not to exceed 24 million dollars. 123 of 153 RESOLUTION #28 - 07 Resolution Requesting that Congress Amend Federal Regulations to Prevent the Loss of Federal Entitlement Benefits The County Board of Supervisors of Green Lake County, Green Lake, Wisconsin, duly assembled at its regular meeting begun on the 16th day of October, 2007, does resolve as follows:. WHEREAS, U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 42, Part 435.1009 states that federal financial participation (FFP) is not available in expenditures for services provided to individuals who are inmates of public institutions; and WHEREAS, States being unable to assume the federal share of providing medical services to FFP eligible persons being held in county jails and detention facilities, tend to terminate or sometimes suspend eligibility; and WHEREAS, this immediate cessation of benefits occurs prior to the issuance of formal charges or conviction; and WHEREAS, counties must provide medical services to all persons incarcerated in local jails and detention facilities; and WHEREAS, as the result of this regulation to immediately cease FFP for medical benefits, all costs of medical care must be borne solely by counties. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Green Lake County Board of Supervisors requests and strongly urges Congress to amend necessary federal regulation to allow federal financial protection for medical benefits to incarcerated individuals until convicted and sentenced to secure detention. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Green Lake County Board of Supervisors that the County Clerk should forward a copy of this resolution to the National Association of Counties, Green Lake County’s Legislative Representatives, to the Wisconsin Counties Association and to all Wisconsin Counties. Fiscal Impact: None Roll Call on Resolution No. 28- 2007 Aye 17, Nay 0 , Absent 4 , Abstain 0 th Passed & Enacted/Rejected this 16 day of October, 2007 /s/ Orrin W. Helmer Submitted by Judicial/Law Enforcement and Emergency Management Committee /s/ Gene Thom Gene Thom, Chairman /s/ Debra A. Schubert Debra A. Schubert County Board Chairman /s/ Margaret R. Bostelmann /s/ Richard Gorr Attest: County Clerk Approved as to Form: Richard Gorr /s/ John Selsing /s/ Howard Sell Corporation Counsel Howard Sell /s/ Eugene Schroeder Eugene Schroeder 124 of 153 ORDINANCE NO. 912-2007 Relating to Amending Ordinance #811-04, Personnel Policies and Procedure Manual The County Board of Supervisors of Green Lake County, Green Lake, Wisconsin, duly assembled at its regular meeting begun on the 16th day of October, 2007, does ordain as follows: Rescind Ordinance No. 899-2007 Amending Ordinance #811-04 - Secondary Employment. The Personnel Policies and Procedure Manual be amended as follows: Section VII Conditions of Employment, Add new subsection entitled: Secondary Employment All Secondary Employment shall be in compliance with Section X, Code of Ethics, subsection, Conflict of Interest. Glossary of Terms Limited Term Employee: a temporary appointment, usually for a specific period of time or for a specific task or project. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that this Ordinance shall become effective upon passage and publication. Roll Call on Ordinance No. 912-07 Submitted by Personnel Committee: Ayes 17, Nays 0, Absent 4, Abstain 0. /s/ John Brennan th Passed and Adopted/Rejected this 16 day of October, 2007. John Brennan, Chair /s/ Margaret Hollander Margaret Hollander, Vice Chair /s/ Orrin W Helmer /s/ Bob Krause County Board Chairman Bob Krause /s/ Margaret R. Bostelmann /s/ Elden Dallman ATTEST: County Clerk Approve as to Form: Elden Dallman /s/ John Selsing /s/ Gene Schroeder Corporation Counsel Gene Schroeder 125 of 153 ORDINANCE NUMBER 913-2007 Relating to: Rezoning in the Town of Green Lake Owner: Chip & Angela Banerjee The County Board of Supervisors of Green Lake County, Green Lake, Wisconsin, duly assembled at its regular meeting on the 16th day of October, 2007, does ordain as follows: That Green Lake County Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 350 as amended, No. 350-26 Zoning Districts (Official Map M-3 Ordinance No. 297-84) as relates to the Town of Green Lake, be amended from R-1 Single-Family Residence District to RC Recreational District. Northwest corner of CTH K and Kahl Rd, Parcel #006-0752-0102, Lot 2 of Certified Survey Map 3084, Town of Green Lake, Section 11, T15N R12E, (±4.206 Acres) BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that, in all other respects, said Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 350 (as amended), Section 350-26, District Maps (Official Map M-3 Ordinance No. 297-84) be ratified. Land Use Planning and Zoning Committee Recommends: Roll Call on Ordinance No.913 -2007 Motion to Deny Ayes 17, Nay 0, Absent 4, Abstain 0 Approval Submitted by Land Use Planning & Zoning /s/ Susan McConnell Passed & Enacted/Rejected this 16th day of October, 2007 /s/ Orrin W. Helmer Susan McConnell, Chairman /s/ Wallace Williams Wallace Williams, Vice Chair County Board Chairman /s/ Margaret R. Bostelmann /s/ Gus Mueller Attest: County Clerk Approved as to Form: Gus Mueller /s/ Jeff T. Haase /s/ Howard Sell Asst. Corporation Counsel Howard Sell /s/ Orville Biesenthal Orville Biesenthal 126 of 153 X Denial ORDINANCE NUMBER 914-2007 Relating to: Rezoning in the Town of Brooklyn Owners: Lawsonia, Inc. and American Baptist Assembly The County Board of Supervisors of Green Lake County, Green Lake, Wisconsin, duly assembled at its regular meeting on the 16th day of October, 2007, does ordain as follows: That Green Lake County Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 350 as amended, No. 350-26 Zoning Districts (Official Map M-2 Ordinance No. 297-84) as relates to the Town of Brooklyn, be amended from R-1 Single-Family Residence District to C-2 Extensive Commercial District and changes from RC Recreational District to R-1 Single-Family Residence District. 004-1776-0000, 004-1777-0000, 004-0731-0000, and 004-0732-0000, Located in Section 25, T16N R12E, and Section 30, T16N R13E. All parcels located in the Town of Brooklyn BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that, in all other respects, said Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 350 (as amended), Section 350-26, District Maps (Official Map M-2 Ordinance No. 297-84) be ratified. Land Use Planning and Zoning Committee Recommends: Roll Call on Ordinance No.914 -2007 Motion to Deny Ayes 17, Nay 0, Absent 4, Abstain 0 Approval Submitted by Land Use Planning & Zoning /s/ Susan McConnell Passed & Enacted/Rejected this 16th day of October, 2007 /s/ Orrin W. Helmer Susan McConnell, Chairman /s/ Wallace Williams Wallace Williams, Vice Chair County Board Chairman /s/ Margaret R. Bostelmann /s/ Gus Mueller Attest: County Clerk Approved as to Form: Gus Mueller /s/ Jeff T. Haase /s/ Howard Sell Asst. Corporation Counsel Howard Sell /s/ Orville Biesenthal Orville Biesenthal 127 of 153 X Denial STATE OF WISCONSIN ) COUNTY OF GREEN LAKE ) I, Margaret R. Bostelmann, County Clerk, In and For the County of Green Lake, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Green Lake County Board Proceedings together with the reports as set forth at the regular County Board meeting held on the 13th day of November, 2007. In witness thereof, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal of the County Board of Supervisors of Green Lake County, Wisconsin, this 19th day of December, 2007. /s/ Margaret R. Bostelmann County Clerk 128 of 153 GREEN LAKE COUNTY BOARD PROCEEDINGS REGULAR SESSION November 13,, 2007 The Green Lake County Board of in regular session, Tuesday, November P.M. in the County Board Room, Green Supervisors met 13, 2007, at 6 Lake, Wisconsin. The Board was called to order by Chairman Helmer. Roll Called, 19 Supervisors present, 2 Absent (Biesenthal, Dist. 3, Galatowitch, Dist. 9) Supervisor Districts 1. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Supervisor Orrin W. Helmer Wallace Williams Margaret Hollander Elden Dallman Susan E. McConnell Howard Sell Vern Ammentorp Richard Gorr Carol Z. Myers Daniel G. Priske Gus Mueller Eugene Schroeder John Brennan Gene Thom Debra Schubert Robert Krause Michael R. Stoddard Joe Gonyo Joanne Guden The Clerk read the call. NOTICE: GREEN LAKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 129 of 153 The Green Lake County Board of Supervisors will convene at the Courthouse in the City of Green Lake, Wisconsin at 6:00 PM on Tuesday the 13th day of November, 2007 for the regular meeting of the Board. Public Hearing on Proposed 2008 Budget at 6:30 PM. Regular monthly business to be transacted includes: CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL READING OF THE CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MINUTES: ANNOUNCEMENTS: PUBLIC COMMENT (3 MIN LIMIT) APPEARANCES: CORRESPONDENCE: RESOLUTIONS: Relating to Chargebacks, 2007 Apportionment Relating to Public Depositories ORDINANCES: REPORTS: DISCUSSION AND ACTION: Long Range Plan HEARINGS: Recess at 6:30 PM for Public Hearing on Proposed 2008 Budget. Regular meeting will resume upon completion of Public Hearing. RESOLUTIONS CONTINUED: Relating to 2008 Budget, 2007 Tax Levy ELECTIONS: Highway Commissioner APPOINTMENTS: COMMITTEE REPORTS: WCA Convention Attendees ALL OTHER MATTERS AUTHORIZED BY LAW AND SUCH OTHER BUSINESS AS MAY PROPERLY COME BEFORE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. The several committees of the Board may also meet for the purpose of discussing or acting upon matters, which are the subject matter of the meeting of the County Board of Supervisors. Given under my hand and official seal at the Courthouse in the City of Green Lake, Wisconsin this 2nd day of November, 2007. Margaret R. Bostelmann (SEAL)County Clerk Green Lake County PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 1. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited. 130 of 153 APPEARANCES 2. None. MINUTES 3. Minutes of October 16, 2007 County Board Motion/Second (Stoddard/Hollander) to approve the October 16, 2007 minutes as presented.. All Ayes. Motion carried. ANNOUNCEMENTS 4. Chairman Helmer announced that the Public Hearing on the 2008 Budget will begin at 6:30 PM. Regular session will resume after the public hearing. 5. Chairman Helmer announced that Election Packets for the April 2008 Election are on the Supervisors desks. Nomination papers cannot be circulated until December 1, 2007. File your Declaration of Candidacy and Finance Campaign Registration with the County Clerk. If you do not choose to run again, turn in the Declaration of Non-candidacy by December 21, 2007 to the County Clerk. Nomination papers need to be turned into the County Clerk by January 2, 2008. 6. Chairman Helmer announced that the next County Board meeting will be December 18, 2007 at 6 PM. CORRESPONDENCE 7. HCE Proclamation Relating to Declaring the Week of November 5, 2007 “Wisconsin Bookworms” Week in Green Lake County. Motion/second () to approve HCE proclamation. All Ayes. Motion carried. 8. Letter from Chairman Helmer to Susan Arndt, reappointing her to a 3 year term on the Veteran Service Commission. Her term expires December, 2010. 9. Letter from Jeff Hoffman, CRD Educator, resigning his position in January 1, 2008. He has accepted a position with Dodge County. Motion/second (Stoddard/Williams) to accept with regret, Jeff Hoffman’s resignation. All Ayes. Motion carried. PUBLIC COMMENTS (3 min limit) 10. None. DISCUSSION & ACTION ON LONG RANGE PLAN 131 of 153 11. Supervisor Brennan reported that the Samuels Group met with the Property & Insurance Committee on October 20, 2008. Confirmed with committee that the square footage to be used, is the square footage presented by the governing committees, approved by the County Board. The Jail will be reduced from 124 beds to 100 beds. Courthouse offices will be limited to the historical building and Maintenance and IT departments will be located on the County A site. November 6th, Property & Insurance committee met and will recommend to Samuels Group not to limit the Courthouse departments to only the historical building. They will recommend only demo the Jail and leave the annex to provide for more space. The next Property & Insurance meeting is scheduled for December 4, 2007 at 4:30PM. Samuels Group will present a report at that time. RESOLUTIONS #29-2007 Relating to Charge-backs, Apportionment 2007. Motion/second (Priske/Schubert) to adopt Resolution #29-2007 Discussion held. Roll Call on Motion to Adopt – 19 Ayes, 0 Nays, 2 Absent (Biesenthal/Galatowitsch). Motion Passed. Resolution #29-2007 passed as adopted. 12. Resolution 13. Resolution #30-2007 Relating to Public Depositories. Motion/second (Priske/Brennan) to adopt Resolution #30-2007. Discussion held. Motion/second (Myers/Priske) to change paragraph “Be It Further Resolved” by deleting “those Green Lake County Banks” and replace with “all listed above banks”. Roll Call on motion to amend – 19 Ayes, 0 Nays, 2 Absent (Biesenthal/Galatowitsch). Motion passed. Roll Call on motion to adopt – 19 Ayes, 0 Nays, 2 Absent (Biesenthal/Galatowitsch). Motion passed. Resolution #30-2007 adopted as amended. ELECTIONS 14. Chairman Helmer announced that nominations are in order for the Highway Commissioner term. Chairman Helmer asked the Board if they wanted to vote by ballot or acclamation. The Board decided to vote by acclamation. 15. Supervisor Myers stated that the Highway Committee at their October 8th meeting voted to recommend to the County Board that they renew Robert Podgorski’s term as Highway Commissioner for the next 5 years. Motion/second (Myers/Krause) to renew Robert Podgorski’s term as Highway Commissioner for the next 5 years. Roll Call vote – 19 Ayes, 0 Nays, 2 Absent (Biesenthal/Galatowitsch). Motion passed. 16. Commissioner Podgorski, thanked the County Board, Highway Committee and his wife. He vowed to do the best job he can for the County. PUBLIC HEARING 6:30 PM 17. Chairman Helmer announced that the time has arrived for the Public Hearing on the 2008 Motion/second (Ammentorp/Guden) that we dissolve as a County Board of Budget. Supervisors and arise as a Committee of the Whole, for the purpose of conducting a Public 132 of 153 Hearing on the proposed 2008 Budget and that Chairman of Finance, Dan Priske, chair the Public Hearing. All Ayes. Motion carried. 18. Chairman of Finance, Dan Priske, called the Public Hearing to order. Supervisor Priske gave a short background summary on the 2008 Budget process and commented on the outstanding job done by the staff and supervisors on the budget. 19. Supervisor Priske reviewed the summary sheet for the proposed 2008 Budget. Supervisor Priske and Margaret Bostelmann, County Clerk explained the reasoning for changes in the budget and answered any questions from the Board. Supervisor Priske recommended increasing the percent of tax levy from 2.80% to 3.86%. 20. Supervisor Priske declared the Public Hearing Closed. Motion/second (Brennan/Schubert) that Chairman Helmer be seated as Chairman of the Board and to dissolve as a Committee of the Whole and arise as a Board to resume regular business. All Ayes. Motion carried. 21. Chairman Helmer also thanked the departments and Finance Committee and the County Clerk’s Staff for the hard work they put into the 2008 Budget. RESUME REGULAR SESSION 6:35 PM RESOLUTIONS CONTINUED: 22. Resolution No. 31-2007 Relating to 2008 Budget and 2007 Tax Levy. Motion/second (Priske/Schubert) to adopt Resolution No. 31-2007. Discussion held. Motion/second (Priske/Ammentorp) to amend Resolution No. 31-2007 by increasing the percent of tax levy to 3.86% and deleting “property tax of $11,819,759” and inserting “property tax of $11,941,712”. Roll Call on motion to amend – 19 Ayes, 0 Nays, 2 Absent (Biesenthal/Galatowitsch) Motion passed.. Roll Call on motion to adopt – 19 Ayes, 0 Nays, 2 Absent (Biesenthal/Galatowitsch). Motion passed. Resolution No. 31-2007 adopted as amended. ORDINANCES 23. None. REPORTS 24. None. APPOINTMENTS 25. None. 133 of 153 COMMITTEE REPORTS 26. The Supervisors and County Clerk who attended the WCA Convention reported on the sessions that they attended. 27. Chairman Helmer reported on the County Mutual Insurance Meeting, 2nd General Assembly, WCA Annual Meeting and 3rd General Assembly. 28. Chairman Helmer excused Supervisor McConnell at 6:50 PM. 29. Supervisor Brennan reported on Balance of Results and Relationships, Solid Waste Issues in Wisconsin, and Register of Deeds can help with County Budget. 30. Supervisor Priske reported on 2nd General Assembly, County Board of Supervisors Roles and Responsibilities, Wisconsin Juvenile Justice System. 31. Supervisor Ammentorp reported on Protecting Wisconsin Water Resources/Bill NR115. 32. Margaret Bostelmann, County Clerk reported on her County Clerks meeting. 33. Chairman Helmer referred to packet on supervisors desks relating to the Green Lake County Fair and asked Supervisor Hollander to report on it. 34. Supervisor Hollander was nominated for the Outstanding Fair Person Award and will be presented the award by the Wisconsin Association of Fairs, at the State Fair Convention in Green Bay on January 9, 2008. 35. International Association of Fairs & Expositions Awards Committee selected the Tri-County Leadership Initiative participants project to incorporate a Special Needs category in the Green Lake County Fairbook, under the New & Unique Class of Competitive Exhibits, as National winner for fairs with attendance under 100,000. The award will be presented at the National Fair Convention Awards Reception on November 28th. 36. County & District Fairs Visitation/Inspection Report was submitted to the Fair Committee for review and they were very pleased with the favorable comments. 37. Legislative Update – Fairs will be receiving additional State Aid funds over the next two years for Junior and Open Class premiums. 38. Chairman Helmer congratulated Supervisor Hollander on a job well done, being recognized as Outstanding Fair Person. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS FOR ACTION AND DISCUSSION 134 of 153 39. Chairman Helmer announced that the Committees to report in December are: Railroad Consortium, Winne-fox Library and W2. ADJOURN 40. Motion/Second (Schubert/Stoddard) to adjourn. All Ayes. Motion carried. 41. Meeting adjourned at 7:10 PM Respectfully Submitted, Sue Wendt, Secretary 135 of 153 RESOLUTION NO. 29-2007 Relating to Charge-backs, 2007 Apportionment The County Board of Supervisors of Green Lake County, Green Lake, Wisconsin, duly assembled at its regular meeting begun on the 13th day of November, 2007, does resolve as follows: WHEREAS, the Treasurer of Green Lake County has determined that delinquent taxes totaling $2,878.26 were illegally taxed on prior tax rolls, and WHEREAS, Green Lake County has given the respective taxing districts credit for such delinquent tax at settlement; and WHEREAS, collection of said taxes cannot be accomplished by Green Lake County, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the following delinquent taxes represented by tax certificates held by Green Lake County, be charged back to the respective taxing districts: Certificate Number Parcel Number Sale of Amount Reason TOWN OF SENECA 303 304 020-00525-0000 020-00528-0000 Resolution No. 29-07 Aye 19, Nay 0, Absent 2, Abstain 0 Passed & Adopted/Rejected this 13th day of November, 2007 /s/ Orrin W. Helmer 2007 2007 353.12 353.12 Submitted by Finance Committee /s/ Dan Priske Dan Priske, Chairman /s/ John Brennan John Brennan, Vice-Chair County Board Chairman /s/ Margaret R. Bostelmann /s/ Debra Schubert Attest: County Clerk Approved as to Form: Debra Schubert /s/ John Selsing Corporation Counsel Exempt Property Exempt Property Orville Biesenthal /s/ Vern Ammentorp Vern Ammentorp 136 of 153 RESOLUTION NUMBER 30 -2007 Relating to: PUBLIC DEPOSITORIES The County Board of Supervisors of Green Lake County, Green Lake, Wisconsin, duly assembled at its regular meeting begun on the 13th day of November, 2007 does resolve as follows: WHEREAS, ss. 34.05(1), Wisconsin Statutes, requires the designation of public depositories; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the following Wisconsin banking institutions are designated as official depositories for Green Lake County funds: Local Government Investment Pool, Madison, Dane County Farmers & Merchants Bank, Berlin, Green Lake County First National Bank, Berlin, Green Lake County Anchor Bank, Berlin, Green Lake County Mutual Savings Bank, Berlin, Green Lake County Baylake Bank, Berlin, Green Lake County Green Lake State Bank, Green Lake, Green Lake County National Exchange Bank, Kingston, Green Lake County Markesan State Bank, Markesan, Green Lake County Farmers State Bank, Markesan, Green Lake County American Bank, Princeton, Green Lake County U.S. Bank-Princeton, Princeton, Green Lake County Citizens Bank, Wautoma, Waushara County M & I Bank, Ripon, Fond du Lac County Horicon State Bank, Ripon, Fond du Lac County *all the above listed BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Green Lake County Banks who hold county funds of any kind totaling in excess of $500,000.00 shall collateralize the amount held in excess of $500,000.00 by pledging U.S. bills, notes, or bonds in an amount equal to the excess held over $500,000.00. Resolution No. 30-07 Aye 19, Nay 0, Absent 2, Abstain 0 *As Amended Passed & Adopted/Rejected this 13th day of November, 2007 /s/ Orrin W. Helmer Submitted by Finance Committee /s/ Dan Priske Dan Priske, Chairman /s/ John Brennan John Brennan, Vice-Chair County Board Chairman /s/ Margaret R. Bostelmann /s/ Debra Schubert Attest: County Clerk Approved as to Form: Debra Schubert /s/ John Selsing Corporation Counsel Orville Biesenthal /s/ Vern Ammentorp Vern Ammentorp 137 of 153 Resolution Number 30-2007, Relating to Public Depositories, Continued: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with ss. 66.042, withdrawal or disbursement from any one of the above listed depositories shall be by wire transfer by the County Treasurer, with a written acknowledgement provided to the County Clerk or by order check, signed by those individuals holding the following county offices: County Board Chairman, and Orrin W. Helmer County Clerk, and Margaret R. Bostelmann County Treasurer Kathleen A. Morris BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that in lieu of their personal signatures, the facsimile signatures shown below and adopted by them may be affixed on said order checks; that any one of the before named depositories shall be fully warranted and protected in making payment of any order check bearing such facsimiles notwithstanding the fact that the same may have been placed thereon without the authority of the designated person or persons: County Board Chairman Orrin W. Helmer County Clerk Margaret R. Bostelmann County Treasurer Kathleen A. Morris BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution shall be delivered to each of the above named depositories, and said depositories may rely on this resolution until changed by a lawful resolution and a certified copy of such resolution has been given to the cashier of the respective aforementioned depositories. 138 of 153 RESOLUTION NO. 31-2008 Relating to 2008 Budget and 2007 Property Tax Levy. The County Board of Supervisors of Green Lake County, Green Lake, Wisconsin, duly assembled at its annual meeting begun on the 13th day of November, 2007, does resolve as follows: WHEREAS, the several departments of Green Lake County Government have prepared estimates of revenues and expenditures for their respective departments for 2008 in coordination with their governing committees; and WHEREAS, the Finance Committee of the County Board of Supervisors has reviewed each of these estimates in detail and made such adjustments as deemed necessary and appropriate. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the attached budget for Green Lake County for 2008 be adopted; and *$11,941,712 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a property tax of $11,819,759 be apportioned among the sixteen (16) municipalities in accordance with ratios provided by the Wisconsin Department of Revenue. Resolution No. 31-07 Aye 19, Nay 0, Absent 2, Abstain 0 *As Amended Passed & Adopted/Rejected this 13th day of November, 2007 /s/ Orrin W. Helmer Submitted by Finance Committee /s/ Dan Priske Dan Priske, Chairman /s/ John Brennan John Brennan, Vice-Chair County Board Chairman /s/ Margaret R. Bostelmann /s/ Debra Schubert Attest: County Clerk Approved as to Form: Debra Schubert /s/ John Selsing Corporation Counsel Orville Biesenthal /s/ Vern Ammentorp Vern Ammentorp 139 of 153 STATE OF WISCONSIN ) COUNTY OF GREEN LAKE ) I, Margaret R. Bostelmann, County Clerk, In and For the County of Green Lake, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Green Lake County Board Proceedings together with the reports as set forth at the regular County Board meeting held on the 18th day of December, 2007. In witness thereof, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal of the County Board of Supervisors of Green Lake County, Wisconsin, this 26th day of February, 2008. /s/ Margaret R. Bostelmann County Clerk 140 of 153 GREEN LAKE COUNTY BOARD PROCEEDINGS REGULAR SESSION DECEMBER 18, 2007 The Green Lake County Board of Supervisors met in Tuesday, December 18, 2007, at 6 PM in the County Green Lake, Wisconsin. regular session, Board Room, The Board was called to order by Chairman Helmer. Roll Called, 19 Supervisors present, 2 Absent (Biesenthal, Dist.3, Mueller, Dist. 9). Supervisor Orrin W. Helmer Wallace Williams Margaret Hollander Elden Dallman Susan E. McConnell Howard Sell Vern Ammentorp Dennis Galatowitsch Richard Gorr Carol Z Myers Daniel Priske Gus Mueller Eugene Schroeder John Brennan Gene Thom Debra A. Schubert Robert Krause Michael R. Stoddard Joe Gonyo Joanne Guden Supervisor Districts 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 (6:15 PM) 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 The Clerk read the call. NOTICE: GREEN LAKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 141 of 153 The Green Lake County Board of Supervisors will convene at the Courthouse in the City of Green Lake, Wisconsin on Tuesday the 18th day of December, 2007 at 6:00 PM for the regular meeting of the Board. Regular monthly business to be transacted includes: CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL READING OF THE CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MINUTES ANNOUNCEMENTS PUBLIC COMMENTS (3 MIN LIMIT) CORRESPONDENCE APPEARANCES LONG RANGE PLAN The Samuels Group Report Discussion on Long Range Plan RESOLUTIONS: Relating to Contracting with the Samuels Group and Potter Lawson. Relating to Participation of Green Lake County in the Implementation of Family Care. Relating to Mascoutin Recreational Trail Conversion Plan Relating to Cancellation of Outstanding Checks. ORDINANCES: Relating to Rezoning in the Town of Manchester - Schultz Relating to Amending Code of the County of Green Lake, Chapter 103, Green Lake County Animal Ordinance. REPORTS APPOINTMENTS: WinneFox Library Board COMMITTEE REPORTS: Railroad Consortium, WinneFox Library Board, W2 Committee COMMITTEES TO REPORT IN FEBRUARY FUTURE ITEMS FOR ACTION AND DISCUSSION AND SUCH OTHER BUSINESS AS MAY PROPERLY COME BEFORE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. The several committees of the Board may also meet for the purpose of discussing or acting upon matters, which are the subject matter of the meeting of the County Board of Supervisors. Given under my hand and official seal at the Courthouse in the City of Green Lake, Wisconsin this 7th day of December, 2007. Margaret R. Bostelmann (SEAL) Green Lake County Clerk PLEAGE OF ALLEGIANCE 1. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited. MINUTES 2. Minutes of November 13, 2007. Motion/second (Stoddard/Schubert) to approve the November 13, 2007 minutes as presented. All Ayes. Motion carried. 142 of 153 ANNOUNCEMENTS 3. The next County Board meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 19, 2008 at 6 PM. There will be no meeting in January. 4. Remember to turn in Nomination papers by 5 PM on January 2, 2008. Also if you are not running again, turn in declaration of non-candidacy by December 21, 2007. 5. Chairman Helmer received a call from Supervisor Mueller, requesting to hold up the Samuels Group presentation until he arrives at 6:30 PM, PUBLIC COMMENTS 6. Art Hartwig Resolution No. 33-07 should be withdrawn. It does not conform with not exceeding the 24 million dollar cap. It will cost more than 24 million to complete. This is a non-competitive contract, you need more to bid against. Request that the Resolution be tabled. CORRESPONDENCE 7. Letter from Dick Wilkinson, regarding opposition to Resolution No. 33-07 to hire the Samuels Group and Potter Lawson. Requesting the County stay with the 24 million dollar cap. 8. Letter from Tom Gnewuch, regarding opposition to Resolution No. 33-07 to hire the Samuels Group and Potter Lawson. Their report to Property & Insurance committee exceeded the 24 million cap for this project by one million dollars. 9. Motion/second (Brennan/Myers) to seat Supervisor Mueller. All Ayes. Motion carried. 6:15 PM 20 Supervisors present. 10. Letter from Art Hartwig, Green Lake County Taxpayer’s Alliance, regarding opposition to Resolution No. 33-07 to hire the Samuels Group and Potter Lawson. This action contradicts Resolution 26-07 passed on October 16th, which sated that the project could proceed only if the Samuels report could confirm that the project “can be constructed with a total budget not to exceed 24 million dollars”. We ask that Resolution 36-2007 presented tonight be declared out of order and withdrawn. 11. Letter from Wisconsin Counties Association regarding suggestions for the program and seminars for the 2008 convention in Sauk County on October 12-14, 2008. 12. Letter from Wisconsin Counties Association regarding dues statement and magazine subscriptions for 2008. Membership dues $4,350.00, magazine subscriptions $540. Motion/second (Priske/Guden) to continue membership in the Wisconsin Counties Association for 2008. All Ayes. Motion carried. LONG RANGE PLAN Samuels Group Report. 143 of 153 13. Kurt Berner, from the Samuels Group, gave an estimated cost summary of the building project for Justice Center on Highway A site to the board. 1. General Requirements total 2. Sitework total 3. Concrete total 4. Masonry total 5. Metals total 6. Wood & Plastics total 7. Thermal & Moisture Protection total 8. Doors & Windows total 9. Finishes total 10. Specialties total 11. Equipment total 12. Furnishings total 13. Conveying systems total 14. Mechanical total 15. Electrical total 1. Subtotal b. c. d. e. f. 753,026 1,406,926 1,728,342 3,100,707 1,398,145 1,055,759 594,951 1,027,229 1,698,680 159,506 665,018 127,130 164,000 3,364,150 2,258,239 19,501,808 Owner’s Contingency (5%) 975,090 FFE Allowance 360,000 Construction Management Fee 360,783 Architectural Fees 1,267,618 Total Cost (Justice Center) 22,465,299 Reduce Jail Housing Area Capacity to 100 Inmates -895,100 Reduce Additional Jail & Sheriff space 2,701 sq.ft. -615,828 2. Subtotal 94,509 sq ft Justice Center20,954,371 Health & Human Services 2 story 24,778 sq.ft. building2,515,254 on Highway A site. g. Owner’s Contingency (5%) 125,763 h. FFE Allowance 75,458 i. Construction Management Fee 46,532 j. Architectural Fees 163,492 3. Total Health & Human Services Building2,926,498 b. Subtotal (94,509 sq ft Justice Center & HHS Building23,880,869 1. Raze Existing Jail and Sheriff’s Department 187,000 2. Remodel County Offices Downtown 884,131 4. Total Justice Center, HHS Building & Downtown24,952,000 3. 4. 5. 6. Reduce Courts Dept. by 1600 sq ft Eliminate one County A entrance Reduce HHS Building by 4,778 sq ft Total w/all reductions 144 of 153 -364,800 -58,700 -563,804 23,964,696 14. Kurt answered questions from the board members. 15. Chairman Helmer thanked Kurt for his fine presentation. RESOLUTIONS 16. Resolution No. 33-2007 Relating to Contracting with Samuels Group and Potter Lawson. Motion/second Discussion held. Motion/second (Myers/Brennan) to adopt Resolution No. 33-2007. (Priske/Ammentorp) to delay this Resolution to the February meeting. Roll Call vote on Motion to delay – 15 Ayes, 5 Nays (Helmer, Hollander, Krause, Myers, Thom), 1 Absent (Biesenthal). Motion passed. Resolution No. 33-2007 delayed to February 2008 meeting. 17. Resolution No. 34-2007 Relating to Participation of Green Lake County in the Implementation of Family Care. Motion/second (Dallman/Guden) to adopt Resolution No. 34-2007. Discussion held. Motion/second (Dallman/Guden) to allow Linda Van Ness, to address the board. All Ayes. Motion carried. Roll Call vote on Motion to adopt – 20 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Absent (Biesenthal). Motion passed. Resolution No. 34-2007 passed as adopted. 18. Resolution No. 35-2007 Relating to Mascoutin Recreational Trail Conversion Plan. Motion/second (Myers/Krause) to adopt Resolution No. 35-2007. Discussion held. Roll Call Vote on Motion to adopt – 20 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Absent (Biesenthal). Motion passed. Resolution No. 35-2007 passed as adopted. 19. Resolution No. 36-2007 Relating to Cancellation of Outstanding Checks. Motion/second (Priske/Ammentorp) to adopt Resolution No. 36-2007. Discussion held. Roll Call on Motion to adopt – 20 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Absent (Biesenthal). Motion passed. Resolution No. 36-2007 passed as adopted. ORDINANCES 20. Ordinance No. 915-2007 Relating to Rezoning in the Town of Manchester – Schultz. Motion/second (McConnell/Sell) to enact Ordinance No. 915-2007. Land Use Planning and Zoning Recommends approval. Roll Call vote on motion to enact – 20 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Absent (Biesenthal). Motion passed. Ordinance No. 915-2007 passed as enacted. 21. Ordinance No. 916-2007 Relating to Amending the Code of the County of Green Lake, Chapter 103, Green Lake County Animal Control Ordinance. Motion/second (Guden/Dallman) to enact Ordinance No. 916-2007. Discussion held. Motion/second (Dallman/Myers) to allow Kathy Munsey to address the board. All Ayes. Motion carried. Roll Call vote on motion to enact – 20 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Absent (Biesenthal). Motion passed. Ordinance No. 916-2007 passed as enacted. REPORTS 22. None. COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS 145 of 153 23. Chairman Helmer, with the boards approval, would like to reappoint Supervisor John Brennan to the Winnefox Library Board for a three year term. Motion/second (Priske/Guden) to approve the reappointment of Supervisor Brennan to the Winnefox Library Board. All Ayes. Motion carried. COMMITTEE REPORTS 24. Supervisor Galatowitsch reported on the activities of the Railroad Consortium. 25. Supervisor Brennan will report on the Winnefox Library Board in February. 26. Supervisor Dallman reported on the activities of the W2 committee. COMMITTEES TO REPORT IN FEBRUARY 27. Chairman Helmer announced that the Committees to report in February will be: Advocap, Lake Puckaway Rehab District, Little Green Lake Rehab District and Winnefox Library Board. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS FOR ACTION AND DISCUSSION 28. None. SUCH OTHER BUSINESS AS MAY PROPERLY COME BEFORE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 29. Supervisor Myers reported that you can now access your tax bills on the internet and pay your bill on line. The program is very easy to follow. The treasurer’s department did a fine job of getting this up and running. Please check it out. 30. Chairman Helmer thanked Marge for the fine lunch, before County Board. He also wished all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. ADJOURN 31. Motion/second (Schubert/Stoddard) to adjourn. All Ayes. Motion carried. 32. Meeting adjourned at 7:55 PM. Respectfully Submitted, Sue Wendt Assistant Clerk 146 of 153 RESOLUTION NUMBER 34 - 2007 RELATING TO PARTICIPATION OF GREEN LAKE COUNTY IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF FAMILY CARE The County Board of Supervisors of Green Lake County, Green Lake, Wisconsin, duly assembled at its regular meeting begun on the 18th day of December, 2007, does resolve as follows: WHEREAS, Governor Doyle and the State Legislature has approved the expansion of Family Care as part of the 2008/2009 State budget; and, WHEREAS, the Green Lake County Department of Health & Human Services (DHHS), as part of the Family Partnership Care Management Coalition (FPCMC) consisting of 11 other counties (Columbia, Dodge, Jefferson, Marquette, Ozaukee, Sauk, Sheboygan, Walworth, Washington, Waukesha and Waushara), three private care management organizations (Community Care, Community Living Alliance, and Care Wisconsin First), and, one private State-wide social services entity (Lutheran Social Services of Wisconsin & Upper Michigan, Inc.) has utilized State planning grant funds to plan for long-term care reform since mid-2005; and WHEREAS, Family Care will provide managed long-term care services and options for eligible individuals who are elderly or have physical or developmental disabilities; and, SEE ATTACHED. Fiscal Note attached. Roll Call on Resolution No. 34 - 07 Aye20, Nay 0,Absent 1, Abstain 0. Passed and Adopted/Rejected this 18th day of December, 2007 /s/ Orrin W. Helmer County Board Chairman /s/ Margaret R. Bostelmann ATTEST: County Clerk Approved as to Form /s/ John Selsing John Selsing, Corporation Counsel /s/ Bob Malchetske Bob Malchetske, Member /s/ Ruth Topham Ruth Topham, Member Submitted by Health & Human Services Board With the recommendation to Approve/Disapprove /s/ Elden Dallman Elden Dallman, Chairman _____/s/ Dan Priske______________ Dan Priske, Member /s/ Joe Gonyo Joe Gonyo, Member /s/ Nolan Wallenfang Nolan Wallenfang, Vice Chairman /s/ Gus Mueller Gus Mueller, Member /s/ Joanne Guden Joanne Guden, Member _____/s/ Cindy Skipchak__________ Cindy Skipchak, Secretary 147 of 153 RESOLUTION NO. 34-07 RELATING TO PARTICIPATION OF GREEN LAKE COUNTY IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF FAMILY CARE CONTINUED: WHEREAS, Family Care and long-term care reform will provide: • • • • Access - by assuring people get the services they need, when they need them; Choice - by giving people meaningful choices about where they receive their care and how they live their lives; Quality - by making sure long-term care services work to support a good quality of life for each consumer, and Cost-effectiveness - by building a cost-effective long-term care system that is sustainable into the future; and WHEREAS, approximately 93 Green Lake County residents currently receiving services through the Community Options (COP) and Community Integration Program (CIP) will transition into Family Care over 6 months beginning in August 2008; and, WHEREAS, the 54 Green Lake County residents who are currently on a waiting list for communitybased services will be transitioned into Family Care over a 24-month period; and, WHEREAS, the Green Lake County Department of Health & Human Services has been a partner with Marquette and Waushara Counties since 2005 in the Tri-County Aging & Disability Resource Center (ADRC) which is an integral part of long term care reform; and, WHEREAS, Care Wisconsin First and Community Living Alliance have agreed to assume the financial risk for administering the programs and to contract with the Green Lake County DHHS to provide specific long term care services and programs; and, WHEREAS, counties will be required to make a state established Family Care financial contribution toward the expanded Family Care services based on the county's history of funding long term care; and, WHEREAS, the Family Care financial contribution will be a fixed amount based on expenditures in CY 2006 and subject to a buy down plan which, at the conclusion of five years, will be set at 22% of the 2006 Basic Community Aids (BCA) amount; and, WHEREAS, Green Lake County's financial obligation in 2006 is $586,555.00 which represents 71.14% of the BCA allocation which would reduce to 22% or $180,767.00 at the end of the five-year buy down; and, WHEREAS, Green Lake County uses it's BCA as follows: 50% - Children & Family Services; 28% Clinical Services and 22% - Long Term Care; and, WHEREAS, the State will establish several mechanisms for payment of the contribution-based on what works best for the county; and; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Green Lake County Board of Supervisors supports the State of Wisconsin's Long Term Care Reform efforts through expansion of the Family Care and Partnership Programs in Green Lake County as follows: • Supports the intent of the Green Lake County DHHS to contract with Community Living Alliance and Care Wisconsin First to be a provider of long term care services and programs to consumers in the county; and, 148 of 153 • That these contracts will include the specific rate designated for each service or program and the outcomes which are expected to be achieved on behalf of Care Wisconsin First and Community Living Alliance; and, • Supports payment to the State of a financial buy down to equal 22% or $180,767.00 at the end of a five year period with County Finance Committee approval of the means and mechanism to do this; and, • Supports residents being appointed to a Regional Long Term Care Council to provide the mechanism for providing ongoing feedback as to the manner in which Long Term Care Reform is being implemented; and, • Supports the creation of the Family Partnership Care Management Operations Council that will include the DHHS Director or her/his designee; and, • That the DHHS is authorized to notify the Wisconsin Department of Health & Family Services of Green Lake County's intent to participate in the implementation of Family Care. 149 of 153 RESOLUTION NUMBER 35-2007 Relating to Mascoutin Recreational Trail Conversion Plan The County Board of Supervisors of Green Lake County, Green Lake, Wisconsin, duly assembled at its regular meeting begun on the 18th day of December, 2007, does resolve as follows: WHEREAS, there has been a concern for the safety of the users of the Mascoutin Recreational Trail; and WHEREAS, the Highway Committee and Berlin Conservation Club have been in negotiations relating to resolving this issue for the benefit of the public and the Berlin Conservation Club; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Green Lake County Board accepts this “Mascoutin Recreational Trail Conversion Plan” as prepared by Mr. Jerry Reetz of the Berlin Conservation Club. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Green Lake County presents this plan to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and to the National Park Service for consideration as our official request for conversion of land associated with grant # 55-01390. Fiscal Impact: DNR Grant Funds and Berlin Conservation Club matching funds. No impact on the County Tax Levy. Roll Call on Resolution No. 35-07 Submitted by Highway Committee Aye 20 , Nay 0 , Absent 1, Abstain 0 /s/ Orrin W. Helmer Passed & Enacted/Rejected this 18th day of December, 2007 Orrin W. Helmer, Chairman /s/ Carol Z. Myers /s/ Orrin W. Helmer Carol Z. Myers County Board Chairman /s/ Margaret R. Bostelmann /s/ Robert Krause Attest: County Clerk Approved as to Form: Robert Krause /s/ John Selsing /s/ Dennis Galatowitsch Corporation Counsel Dennis Galatowitsch Orville Biesenthal 150 of 153 RESOLUTION NO. 36-2007 Relating to Cancellation of Outstanding Checks The County Board of Supervisors of Green Lake County, Green Lake, Wisconsin, duly assembled at its regular meeting begun on the 18th day of December, 2007, does resolve as follows: WHEREAS, Seven checks issued by the Treasurer of Green Lake County, drawn against the County’s account at Green Lake State Bank have not been presented for payment by the payees of said checks in excess of six (6) months since said checks were issued; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that said outstanding checks as listed below be cancelled, and the amounts represented thereby be restored to the County’s general account: Check Number 123784 123932 124552 125051 125125 126018 127305 Date of Check 12-15-06 12-22-06 01-26-07 02-16-07 02-16-07 04-13-07 06-15-07 Amount 7.00 75.00 120.45 22.00 34.75 259.48 28.75 Payee Scout Boats Charles Engel James W Camp Pamela J Waite Skip L Laper Julie Stockwell Ellen Walker 547.43 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be furnished to the Green Lake State Bank. NOTE: The above checks contain the notation “Void after six months” Roll Call on Resolution No. 36-07 Submitted by Finance Committee Aye 20, Nay 0, Absent 1, Abstain 0 /s/ Dan Priske Dan Priske, Chairman Passed & Adopted/Rejected this 18th day of December, 2007. /s/ John Brennan John Brennan, Vice Chairman /s/ Orrin W. Helmer County Board Chairman /s/ Margaret R. Bostelmann Attest: County Clerk Approved as to Form: /s/ Orville Biesenthal Orville Biesenthal /s/ John Selsing Corporation Counsel /s/ Deb Schubert Deb Schubert /s/ Vernon Ammentorp Vernon Ammentorp 151 of 153 ORDINANCE NUMBER 915-2007 Relating to: Rezoning in the Town of Manchester Owner: Larry & Barbara Schultz The County Board of Supervisors of Green Lake County, Green Lake, Wisconsin, duly assembled at its regular meeting on the 18th day of December, 2007, does ordain as follows: That Green Lake County Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 350 as amended, No. 350-26 Zoning Districts (Official Map M-6 Ordinance No. 297-84) as relates to the Town of Manchester, be amended from A-1 Exclusive Agriculture District to A-3 Light Agriculture District. County Line Road, Part of the SW ¼ of the SE ¼, Section 35, T14N R12E, Town of Manchester (±14.00 Acres) To be identified by Certified Survey Map.` BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that, in all other respects, said Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 350 (as amended), Section 350-26, District Maps (Official Map M-6 Ordinance No. 297-84) be ratified. Land Use Planning and Zoning Committee Recommends: Roll Call on Ordinance No. 915 -2007 X Approval Submitted by Land Use Planning & Zoning Ayes 20, Nay 0, Absent 1, Abstain 0 /s/ Susan McConnell Passed & Enacted/Rejected this 18th day of December 2007 Susan McConnell, Chairman /s/ Wallace Williams /s/ Orrin W. Helmer Wallace Williams, Vice Chair County Board Chairman /s/ Margaret R. Bostelmann /s/ Gus Mueller Attest: County Clerk Approved as to Form: Gus Mueller /s/ Jeff T. Haase /s/ Howard Sell Asst. Corporation Counsel Howard Sell Orville Biesenthal 152 of 153 Denial ORDINANCE NO. 916-2007 AMENDING THE CODE OF THE COUNTY OF GREEN LAKE CHAPTER 103 GREEN LAKE COUNTY ANIMAL CONTROL ORDINANCE WHEREAS; the public health is endangered by the animals at-large and the potential for transmission of diseases such as rabies by said animals; and WHEREAS; the County has an interest in ensuring that animals in possession of its residents are properly maintained and vaccinated to protect public health; and WHEREAS; the State of Wisconsin has provided for the regulation and licensing of animals and rabies control programs by virtue of Wis. Stats. sec. 95.21, chapter 174 and chapter 951 and Wis. Administrative Code chapter ATCP 13; and WHEREAS; section 95.21(9) of the Wisconsin Statutes provides that a county may enact an ordinance that is at least as strict as the statutes establishing a local rabies control program; and WHEREAS; WATCP Chapter 13.03 of the Wisconsin Administrative Code provides the requirements for an approved local rabies control program; NOW, THEREFORE, it is ordained by the Green Lake County Board of Supervisors that Chapter 103 of the Green Lake County Code of Ordinances is hereby amended. Entire Ordinance may be seen in Chapter 103 of the Code of Green Lake County on line at under County Clerk Ordinance No. 916-2007 Aye 20, Nay 0, Absent 1, Abstain 0 Submitted Health & Human Service Board Passed & Enacted/Rejected this 18th day of December, 2007 Elden Dallman, Chairman /s/ Elden Dallman /s/ Daniel G. Priske /s/ Orrin W. Helmer Daniel G. Priske County Board Chairman /s/ Margaret R. Bostelmann /s/ Joe Gonyo Attest: County Clerk Approved as to Form: Joe Gonyo /s/ John Selsing /s/ Nolan Wallenfang Corporation Counsel Nolan Wallenfang /s/ Bob Malchetske /s/Gus Mueller Bob Malchetske Gus Mueller /s/ Ruth Thopham /s/ Joanne Guden Ruth Thopham Joanne Guden /s/ Cindy Skipchak Cindy Skipchak 153 of 153