Catholic Charities of Buffalo


Catholic Charities of Buffalo
Catholic Charities of Buffalo
Please include one of these each week in your Prayers of the Faithful during Lent,
leading up to Palm Sunday:
We pray for the forgotten ones of our city who Catholic Charities still remembers,
We pray to the Lord.
For the dependent and addicted who receive services from Catholic Charities, may they find
their way to true freedom in Christ, We pray to the Lord.
We remember this Lent all those strangers among us who have been forced from their
countries of origin, especially those aided by Catholic Charities, We pray to the Lord.
Look kindly on your sons and daughters who deal with illness, O God, help cure those with
whom Catholic Charities works, We pray to the Lord.
We pray that God may not forget the plight of the homeless and strengthen the efforts of
Catholic Charities who endlessly seeks to find just solutions to their problems, We pray to the
We pray for government leaders, that they may always strive to create a more just society and
work with the efforts of Catholic Charities, We pray to the Lord.
For all the generous supporters of Catholic Charities, that they might be rewarded in the life to
come for the good works they enable while on earth, We pray to the Lord.
We pray for all those who work for Catholic Charities, that they may be guided by the Holy
Spirit toward ever more just initiatives and peaceful endeavors, We pray to the Lord.
For those who struggle to put food on the table, that, through the Holy Spirit, they may find
the help they need in charitable organizations like Catholic Charities, We pray to the Lord.
For migrant workers and undocumented residents in this country, may they encounter God’s
peace and welcome in the services of Catholic Charities, We pray to the Lord.
We ask, O God, that you might work through Catholic Charities in aiding those with mental
and psychological handicaps, We pray to the Lord.
For all the efforts Catholic Charities puts forward to bring about the kingdom of God on
earth, we pray that they may be invigorated by the Holy Spirit and fortified by earthly
supporters this Lent and always, We pray to the Lord.
2015 Appeal
Jan. 10-11
Find Good Within. Share God’s goodness.
Last year, through the generous support of
donors throughout Western New York, Catholic
Charities of Buffalo was able to positively
impact the lives of children, families and
seniors in our community with basic needs like
food, clothing and shelter, to mental health
counseling and educational services. Bishop
Richard J. Malone has announced our goal
of $10.9 million and patron saint of the 2015
Appeal. St. Francis of Assisi was a man of
action whose simplicity of life extended to ideas
and deeds. When you support the Appeal, you
are “finding good within” and offering comfort
and relief to people in need. Find out more at
our newly redesigned website,, or call
(716) 218-1400.
Jan. 17-18
Find Good Within. Share God’s goodness.
Appeal Patron Saint Francis of Assisi lived a
modest lifestyle and taught that nonviolence
is the higher way. He believed in the universal
brotherhood of all people, and spent a great
deal of time with the poor and sick. His legacy
lives on in those who find inspiration to work
for peace. Join us in “finding good within,”
serving tens of thousands of our neighbors in
need in Jesus’ name. Please support the 2015
Appeal at or by calling (716) 2181400.
Jan. 24-25
The reach of Catholic Charities extends
throughout the eight counties of Western New
York. Thousands in our area struggle daily
to provide food for their family, complete
their education or start a new life away from
abuse. Have you made a contribution reflecting
your care and concern? Support our efforts
to improve the lives of those in need. Please
watch for your letter and card from Catholic
Charities and respond promptly. Give hope this
new year to those in need. Find Good Within.
Share God’s goodness. Please give to the 2015
Catholic Charities Appeal. Find out more at or call (716) 218-1400.
Jan. 31-Feb. 1
Find Good Within. Share God’s goodness.
By contributing to Catholic Charities’ 2015
Appeal, you provide support to some of
Western New York’s most vulnerable youth.
Help Catholic Charities continue to link loving
families with a child in need through our foster
care and adoption programs, with counseling
services through our children’s mental health
clinics, and ease the transition for children
struggling to deal with their parents’ separation.
Join us as we provide care and support to
all who need it. Find out more at our newly
redesigned website,, or call
(716) 218-1400.
Feb. 7-8
Get Real. Give Hope. Connect with us online
and participate in our “Get Real. Give Hope.
Challenge” on Facebook during the month of
March. You will learn about our programs, who
they help and see where your contributions go
in a whole new way. Join in the fun daily on
Facebook for a chance to win a weekly prize
and spread the mission of Catholic Charities.
Visit to learn more.
Find Good Within. Share God’s goodness.
Please give to the 2015 Catholic Charities
Appeal. Find out more at or call (716)
Feb. 14-15
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent
and commemorates the start of a period of
preparation for Jesus’ Resurrection on Easter
Sunday. As you start your own Lenten Journey
this week, remember the selfless sacrifice of
Jesus, who gave all. With $3.12 the cost of
feeding a family of four one meal, what can
Catholic Charities of Buffalo
you sacrifice to allow for just a donation of
that amount? Remember the love you have for
your neighbors in need and give as generously
as you can to Catholic Charities’ 2015 Appeal,
benefitting tens of thousands in Western
New York. Find Good Within. Share God’s
goodness. Find out more at or call
(716) 218-1400.
Feb. 21-22
Sharing God’s goodness with children. Help
the family who fled their homeland consumed
by civil war and violence before beginning a
new life in Buffalo. Jackie Bemeriki arrived
in the United States from Rwanda in 1999
in pursuit of independence and opportunity.
Catholic Charities Immigration and Refugee
Assistance Program assisted her with food,
housing, clothes and documents, and she
now runs her own child care center to help
other refugee families. Give to the Catholic
Charities 2015 Appeal and join us to “find good
within” for these and the tens of thousands of
others who benefit from Catholic Charities’ 70
programs and services. Remember the lives you
are touching with your contribution. Find Good
Within. Share God’s goodness. Find out more
at or call (716) 218-1400.
Feb. 28-March 1
Finding the Courage for a Second Chance.
After finding himself on the wrong side of the
law and serving prison time, Keshaun knew he
wanted a brighter future and needed the right
resources. His uncle, an agency employee, told
him about Catholic Charities’ Work and Gain
Education and Employment Skills program.
He was able to complete job readiness training
and hospitality training through the Center for
Transportation and Excellence and was offered
a six-week paid work experience with Catholic
Charities’ Maintenance Department. “I know
what I did, and I know that is not the life I
want to live, said Keshaun. “All I needed was
a chance to prove myself.” Find Good Within.
Share God’s goodness. Watch Keshaun tell his
story in the brief “Find Good Within” video
found at
March 7-8
Find Good Within. Share God’s goodness.
By contributing to Catholic Charities’ 2015
Appeal, you provide support to some of
Western New York’s most vulnerable youth.
Help Catholic Charities continue to link loving
families with a child in need through our foster
care and adoption programs, with counseling
services through our children’s mental health
clinics, and ease the transition for children
struggling to deal with their parents’ separation.
Join us as we provide care and support to all
who need it. Find out more at
or call (716) 218-1400.
March 14-15
You or an organization you belong to have been
asked by Catholic Charities to become part
of the 2015 Appeal. Please respond with your
donation or pledge as soon as possible. Join the
thousands of others throughout the diocese
who stand together in support of the mission
of Catholic Charities and to “find good within”
serving others in Jesus’ name. Find inspiration
in the example of charity and sacrifice set by
our Appeal Saint Francis of Assisi and share
your blessings, offering comfort and relief to
those who are suffering. Find Good Within.
Share God’s goodness. Please give to the 2015
Catholic Charities Appeal. Find out more at or call (716) 218-1400.
March 21-22
Appeal Week 2015 starts this weekend.
Please ensure we reach our goal of $10.9 million
by responding with your contribution or pledge
today. Your donation helps educate, counsel
and train parents, provide basic assistance to
families and the hope of a brighter future to
2015 Appeal
youth through our workforce and education
programs. Find Good Within. Share God’s
goodness. Please support the 2015 Catholic
Charities Appeal. Find out more at or
call (716) 218-1400.
March 28-29
This is the second weekend of the 2015
Appeal Week! It’s a perfect time to give if
you haven’t already done so. To all societies
and other parish organizations – don’t forget
to support Catholic Charities with your
contribution to the Appeal, too. All day, every
day, whenever someone is in need, Catholic
Charities is “finding good within” helping to
protect, strengthen and empower our neighbors
across Western New York. Find Good Within.
Share God’s goodness. Please give to the 2015
Catholic Charities Appeal. Find out more at or call (716) 218-1400.
April 4-5
At Catholic Charities, we rejoice with you today
in the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior
Jesus Christ! We also want to thank you for
following the example of Appeal Patron Saint
Francis of Assisi and “finding good within”
to be a beacon of hope for those we serve. By
giving generously to the 2015 Appeal in support
of Catholic Charities, you demonstrate that
you are a part of a generous community that is
always there for our neighbors in need. Find
Good Within. Share God’s goodness. Thank
you for your continued support of the 2015
Catholic Charities of Buffalo
Hearing first hand about the impact of our
services from a dedicated Catholic Charities
employee or volunteer, or possibly from a
former client, can help parishioners better
understand our organization and increase
their interest. We encourage you to schedule a
speaker for your highest attended Masses during
a weekend before Catholic Charities Sunday,
Palm Sunday.
The speaker will also talk generally about the
programs offered by Catholic Charities in your
area and the value of our services to Western
New York.
• Times of the Masses you would like covered
• Preferred length of the speaker’s presentation
• About when during Mass will the speaker be
called forward
• When the speaker should arrive and who will
greet them
• Speaker preference (name) if you have one
• Parish contact name and number for the
speaker that weekend (in case of emergency
or change)
Please send a request and this information to or call Rose at
218-1400, ext. 2031.
Here’s what we need to know when requesting
a speaker:
• The weekend date you would like to host a
Back for its third year, the Get Real. Give
Hope. Challenge on Facebook is a way to
connect with Catholic Charities on social
media, learn more about us and how to give
hope through the act of giving, all during the
month of March. This is a fun opportunity
to explore how Catholic Charities protects,
strengthens and empowers individuals, children
and families in need across Western New York
through education and service. It is a great way
for students (ages 13 and older), youth group
members and others who enjoy using Facebook
to expand their knowledge of Catholic
Charities. Join in on the fun for a chance to
win prizes and spread the mission of Catholic
Visit to learn more
about the challenge, or to learn more
about Catholic Charities.
2015 Appeal
Gospel: Mark 9:2-10 The Transfiguration
Each year on the second Sunday of Lent the
church presents us with the story of Jesus’
transfiguration for our refection. At first glance,
the story may strike us as other-worldly, a little
far out, not closely related to our circumstances.
But in looking into the biblical words, we learn
that a key to the transfiguration narrative is
the word, Shekinah, a Hebrew word, meaning
the light of God’s glory and signifying God’s
presence in a location, a situation or a person.
Knowing that, I’m sure you see immediately
the connection for “Jesus was transfigured
before them, and his clothes became dazzling
white, such as no fuller on earth could bleach
them.” The apostles, good Jews as they were,
recognized the Shekinah light on Jesus and
emanating from Jesus, the sign of God’s
presence in Jesus.
I wondered why, of all the holy ones in Hebrew
scriptures, it was Moses and Elijah whom the
apostles saw together with Jesus. I learned that
in their biblical stories, the word shekinah is
also important. As Moses comes down from the
mountain with the law, the shekinah light, the
promise of God’s presence, surrounds him and
flows from him. In like manner, when Elisha is
drawn up bodily into heaven he is enveloped in
shekinah light. So with that one word we can
enter into the apostles’ experience of knowing,
really knowing, that Jesus is the presence of
God. And we can imagine how this knowledge,
this experience, strengthened them through
Jesus’ passion and death.
Still, the transfiguration may seem to us a
distant moment, an experience reserved for far
away people in faraway times. Yet I maintain
that we are all given glimpses of the shekinah
light. Each of us has seen at times the light of
God’s glory in an event or a person. Think of
standing by your wife at the moment of birth,
of holding your first grandchild in your arms –
did you glimpse the shekinah light, the light of
God’s glory? In the same way, you who have sat
at the death bed of a loved one have you seen
the deep peace, another glimpse of shekinah
light? Sometimes the light of God’s glary is
manifest in a quiet sunset, or again the chaos
of Christmas morning, or the joy of beautiful
liturgy. In simple ways we are given moments
of transfiguration, moments when we see the
shekinah light, the light of God’s glory. And
these glimpses are given to us to savor and to
remember to strengthen us for the hard times
and dry times when God seems far away.
How good it is to see the light of God’s glory.
But seeing is not enough. As Christians, we
are called to go another step and be the light
of God’s glory. So many of our neighbors are
struggling in the shadows, they find it hard to
see the light of God’s glory, obscured as it is by
their hunger or loss, by their mental illness or
addiction. It is only through our efforts that
they can see shekinah light. Catholic Charities
is one way in which the Catholic Church shares
the light of God’s glory. Through Catholic
Charities more than 2500 people month are
given food enough to last several days. Others
are assisted with utilities or medicine. Through
Catholic Charites many counseling programs,
individuals and families see the veil of suffering
lifted and behold the light of God’s glory.
As one mother wrote, “My son had lost all
hope and my husband and I had lost hope for
him. His mental illness clouded everything. He
would not take the very medicine that could
make the voices go away. We even feared he
would take his life. Since he has been coming to
Catholic Charities on Humboldt, the veil over
his eyes has lifted. He participates in individual
and group therapy. He stays on his medication.
He has seen the light and our own sorrow has
turned to peace. We are deeply grateful to all
Catholic Charities of Buffalo
who support Catholic Charities, who support
our son’s new life! Thank you all!”
As Catholics we see the light of Christ in every
Eucharist. With all believers, we know the light
of wisdom in scripture. So many people will
only see the light of Christ in us – in our care,
in our touch. Thank you for sending Catholic
Charities out to serve as Christ’s light.
Catholic Charities of Buffalo
Parish Master reports will be included with your
supplies. These are available in alphabetical order.
also by division, alphabetical.
NEW: Envelope # now included.
2015 Appeal
To access web based reports:
1. On the internet, go to and click on the “LOGIN” in the light maroon bar above the
rotating photos in the middle of the page. Enter your username and password and click “Login.” Your reports will appear as a link on the next screen. From here you may save or print your reports.
2. Web-based reports will be available beginning 2/3/15. If you need your parish login or username, please call Fred Heuer at 218-1450, ext. 2020.
Catholic Charities of Buffalo
8.5" x 14" Direct Mail • 2C (PMS 130C and Black)
share God’s goodness.
Mr. John Q. Sample
741 Delaware Avenue
Buffalo, NY 14209-2201
January 6, 2015
Dear Mr. Sample,
When you give to Catholic Charities, you positively impact the lives of people who are struggling
throughout the eight counties of Western New York. People like Kathy and her daughter who turned
to our intensive family therapy program. Kathy recently wrote, “Catholic Charities helps parents
till the soil …. We become gardeners of change. Most importantly, our counselor gave me back my
hope. Catholic Charities gave back my daughter. This grateful mother will forever be in the debt of
this program and this hopeful mother thanks the heavens above that such a program exists.” Go to to read more about Kathy and other success stories.
St. Francis of Assisi, patron of Catholic Charities Appeal 2015, inspires us with his challenge to,
“Remember that when you leave this earth, you can take nothing with you that you have received—only
what you have given.” Your generous support of Catholic Charities is a perfect example of this.
We are grateful for your past gifts. You are a partner in our efforts to protect, strengthen and empower
across our community.
In Erie County, Catholic Charities services impacted 12% of the county’s population in 2014. Did you
know that our family counseling programs helped over 29,000 children and adults while our pantries
served 2000 hungry people a month?
Diocesan Director
Sr. Mary M. McCarrick,
Catholic Charities, WNY’s most comprehensive human service provider, serves more than 142,000
people in all eight counties, with 70 programs and 61 locations. With your increased support, we can
help even more people succeed.
Chief Executive Officer
Dennis C. Walczyk
Your most supportive gift in recent years was $1,000
Please consider a gift to the 2015 Appeal of $1,000+
Appeal Chairs
C. Jake & Katie Schneider
Vice Chairs
Nicholas & Nicole Tzetzo
Find Good Within your heart and share God’s goodness to help families like Kathy’s find
hope again. Thank you.
Community Chair
Kellie Ulrich
Corporate Chairs
Jim & Mary Beth Basil
John & Suzanne Berger
Parish Chair
Rick Cronin
Sr. Mary McCarrick, OSF
Jake and Katie Schneider
Diocesan Director2015 Appeal Co-Chairs
please give to the 2015 appeal
741 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, New York 14209
PHONE 716-218-1400
Enclosed today: $
My total gift/pledge is: $
Detach and return this completed card with your pledge.
Please make your tax-deductible gift payable to
Catholic Charities of Buffalo and include the account
number listed below on your check. Thank you!
FAX 716-856-2005
q Make my pledge in 4 equal payments or as shown below:
June 10: $
Aug. 10: $
Oct. 10: $
Dec. 10: $
Community Chair
Kellie Ulrich
Corporate Chairs
Jim & Mary Beth Basil
John & Suzanne Berger
2015 Appeal
Parish Chair
Rick Cronin
please give to the 2015 appeal
741 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, New York 14209
PHONE 716-218-1400
Enclosed today: $
My total gift/pledge is: $
Detach and return this completed card with your pledge.
Please make your tax-deductible gift payable to
Catholic Charities of Buffalo and include the account
number listed below on your check. Thank you!
FAX 716-856-2005
q Make my pledge in 4 equal payments or as shown below:
June 10: $
Please charge my gift of $
Card #:
Aug. 10: $
Oct. 10: $
Dec. 10: $
to my: q VISA q MasterCard q AMEX q Discover
Exp. Date:
Security Code:
q Check here if your address is incorrect and make corrections on back. See reverse side for other giving options.
7190_Appeal_DM_Pledge_Ltr_F.indd 1
11/14/14 12:13 PM
Parish Name
741 Delaware Avenue
Buffalo, NY 14209-2201
Catholic Charities of Buffalo