August 2015 - Classical Glass Corvette Club
August 2015 - Classical Glass Corvette Club
August 2015 Volume XLVII Issue: Vll Inside this issue: Message from the 2 President Officers and Committee Chairs 3 Corvette News 4 Community Service 5 Birthdays 6 Meeting Minutes 7- 11 National Corvette Museum 12-14 Calendar of Events 15-16 5-Star Information 17-19 Our Sponsors 20-22 General Membership Meeting August 8, 2015 7:00 p.m. at the Lakewood Elks. Come early and have dinner with friends. Classical Glass Corvette Club Under Glass 1 Message from the President My Corvette family, Can you say 5 STAR !!! In the last month I have spoken to dozens of people who are anxiously waiting for CGCC’s 5 Star event at Clock Tower Park in DuPont on August 15th. I mean not only fellow Corvette owners but customs, rat rods, VW’s, Camaros…you name it. Thanks to all of CGCC for the effort put towards passing out flyers at all the events you have and are continuing to attend…I have seen them out at quite a few shows I have attended [; ) PLEASE contact the 5 Star committee with any donations, baskets, raffle items, ect. Charvette and many of CGCC’s members have been attending shows, parades and just plain auto enthusiast events. A great time and fantastic memories are being made with phenomenal people! Many car shows, cruise-ins, rod runs, you name it are occurring every weekend for the next couple of months which means there are plenty of opportunities to share a common interest with like minded people which in turn just means FUN!!! Take the time to enjoy your favorite venues and even try a different show to see many other cars, trucks, motorcycles and maybe even a Ford or two [; ) The weather is fantastic and ideal for playing with the top down on “Charvette”. Mind the sunscreen and plenty of hydration when appropriate! The August membership meeting is on the 8th at the Lakewood Elks Club. Bring your nominations for the 2016 Executive Board as well as NCCC representatives. Keep in mind who YOU want to have for Man and Woman of the year. This will be the last meeting for nominations…September and October will be voting with absentee ballots being mailed after Octobers meeting. Ballot counting at the November Board of Directors meeting and results announced at the November membership meeting. See you out there and “Save the wave”, Dennis Petersen President Classical Glass Corvette Club Under Glass 2 2015 Officers & Committee Chairs DENNIS PETERSEN PRESIDENT BOB THOMAS VICE PRESIDENT CHRISTINE MAJSZAK SECRETARY CONRAD NEUMANN TREASURER CLUB SALES Charlene Petersen ( Christiena Ervin ( PARADES Dennis Walch ( PHOTOGRAPHER Conrad Neumann ( COMMUNITY SERVICE Candy Bundy ( PUBLIC RELATIONS Jim Dillon ( EVENTS Len Tucker ( RAFFLE Alisa Dillon ( Carol Minnitti ( FIVE STAR Dennis Beaulieu ( Rick Landry ( ROSTER Rick Landry ( FOOD Elvira Tucker ( SUNSHINE Candy Bundy ( GALA EVENTS Summer Picnic - Brett & Rea Thomas Elvira Tucker - Gala -( UNDER GLASS Alisa Dillon ( HISTORIAN Elvira Tucker ( WEB MASTER Christine Majszak ( MEMBERSHIP Rich Gonzales ( Carol Gonzales NATIONAL CORVETTE MUSEUM REPRESENTATIVE Len Tucker ( NCCC REPRESENTATIVES Dennis Beaulieu ( Alisa Dillon ( Classical Glass Corvette Club Under Glass 3 Corvette News DO YOU KNOW ???? THE CORVETTE COMMANDMENTS 1. Thou shalt not fail to wave to a fellow Corvette owner. 2. Thou shalt not pass a fellow Corvette owner in distress without offering aid. 3. Thou shalt not feed they Corvette budget grade fuel. 4. Thou shalt treat they Vette with respect, great power, great responsibility. 5. Thou shalt keep they Corvette clean and waxed at all times, yet thou shalt not bring thy Corvette to an automatic car wash. 6. Thou shalt park thy Corvette in such a manner as to protect thy tender fenders. 7. Thou shalt blow out carbon with a high speed run is required. 8. Thou shalt not cruise on an unpaved road. 9. Neither friend, nor foe, not even thy spouse may drive they Corvette without first showing proper reverence. 10. Each Vette is an individual work of art judge not lest ye might be judged. Classical Glass Corvette Club Under Glass 4 CGCC Community Service CGCC COMMUNITY SERVICE Just want to thank everyone for their generous donations at the July 11, 2015 meeting. As you know (if you were at the meeting), I went back to passing the Zebra Box around for the Family Renewal Shelter. It just seemed like I may have complicated things by having it in a couple of different locations during the meeting vs passing it around. Therefore, we are going back to the old way for all future meetings. That being said I just wanted to let you know that we collected $87.00 on 07/11/15. In the June News Letter, I failed to thank Vic and Sherry Varkonyi for donating a cell phone and ear buds and Mark and Chris Majszak for donating 8 rolls of paper towels. As most of you know, we had our cruise in at Jet Chevrolet on Sunday, July 19, 2015. At the cruise in, we did a 50/50 raffle with 50% of the money collected going to the Family Renewal Shelter and 50% going to the raffle winner. I am proud to report that we sold $320.00 worth of raffle tickets were sold; therefore, FRS to receive $160.00. The raffle winner was Alisa Dillon likewise receiving $160.00; however, Alisa so generously donated half of her winnings ($80.00) to the shelter which resulted in a grand total of $240.00 being donated to this wonderful charity. A big thank you to all who purchased raffle tickets and a special thank you to Alisa for her additional donation. Here are some things on the Wish List for FRS that can be brought to the August 8th meeting if you are so inclined. This month let's concentrate on Non-Perishable Food Items: Flour Bisquick Tomato Paste Sugar Cereal Cooking Oil Salt Cake Mixes Garlic Salt Spaghetti Sauce Refried Beans Spaghetti Noodles Chili Assorted Pasta Rice-a-Roni The above are just a few suggestion. You can bring any other of Non-Perishable Food item that you can think of and I know it will be appreciated. Again thank you for all you do for the Family Renewal Shelter as well our other programs that we support throughout the year. If you have any questions, you can E-mail me at or call me on my cell 253-625-1252. Classical Glass Corvette Club Under Glass 5 August Kathy Helt Brian Menke Susan Berven Tony Young Nick Able Rich Gonzales Rick Austin 8/02 8/06 8/13 8/14 8/16 8/17 8/30 From the Roster chair: Please help me keep the membership list updated. If you have changed your address, phone numbers, email address or bought or sold a corvette; please send me an email at or phone me at: 360-832-6990. Thanks, Rick Landry Classical Glass Corvette Club Under Glass 6 . General Meeting Minutes: Classical Glass corvette Club - General Membership Meeting 7/11/2015 Meeting was called to order at7:00 pm by President Dennis Petersen. President - Dennis Petersen Welcome words. Dennis asked everyone to make sure all tops and windows are rolled up on your cars as it is starting to rain. Good to see everyone here. Vice President - Bob Thomas Welcome. Mark Majszak is the Sargeant at Arms. I hope everyone can make it to the picnic tomorrow at the Soldiers Home. Dennis Petersen asked if anyone had changes for the agenda. There were no changes from the general membership. We are following the same agenda as last week. There is not printed copied. Sunshine Committee - Candy Bundy We were sorry to hear Dennis Walch was in the hospital and we sent a fruit basket and a get well card. He did a great job on our 4th of July parade. Community Service – Candy Bundy At the June meeting there was $25 in the zebra box and a donation from Mark and Chris for the paper towels, Vic and Sherry donated cell phones. The newsletter has detail items that we need donated. We tried moving the zebra box to the membership and refreshment table and were not successful, so we are going back to sending it around. We have brochures on the Family Renewal Center if you would like more information. Thank you for your generosity. Five Star meeting – Dennis B and Rick Landry (absent) Jan Landry is ill and Rick will not make it tonight. Dennis P Event is in August. Be aware, this is the same weekend as our general meeting. Rick and Dennis are moving forward with Dupont. If you need flyers please contact the committee or the board. We are getting a lot of flyers out there. Saturday night at Puyallup. Sign up sheet for August sheet at XXX. Raffle Committee - Alisa Dillon and Carol Minnitti (absent) Stacia is assisting and may be interested in next year volunteering. Tonight we are celebrating summer time. Come by at break. Refreshment - Elvira Tucker absent (Candy Bundy reporting) No homemade goodies, Safeway sugar free and and regular. Continued Next Page Classical Glass Corvette Club Under Glass 7 Membership committee – Rich and Carol Gonzales 24 fam units, 47 members enough for a quorum. Rick English is a quest. Stacia and Jacki Curtis are sponsoring. Dennis Petersen - We do have a quorum and can conduct business. Treasurer report – Conrad Neumann The June 2015 report read by Conrad Neumann. Five Star report was also read by Conrad. How many sign ups for five star is 10 sign ups. Dennis asked for a motion Cheri Austin - charlene Petersen Motion carries Secretary – Christine Majszak June general membership meeting minutes were sent out in the Newsletter. Does anyone have any questions. Motion on the floor. Alisa Dillon and Rick Austin second. Motion carries. NCM - Len Tucker (absent) No report Events - Len Tucker (absent) Presented by Mark and Christine Majszak Sign up sheets available. Parade - Dennis and Sue Walch The Fourth of July parade was successful we had 22 cars and made it to Eatonville Parade and The Landry’s. The DesMoines Waterland Festival is coming up and we will meet on Saturday the 18th of July at 6pm at the Supermall near the I-Hop at 3pm. We will then drive Highline Community College where everyone is gathering before the parade. The do need a convertible for a VIP. We may go to the PitStop after the parade. We have not been contacted about the SeaFair Parade. Public Relations – Jim Dillon Reminder about our cruise-in on July 19th at 10am at our sponsor location: Jet Chevrolet. Dick always does a good raffle and has gifts. ACU sponsor – Dennis Beaulieu. Continued Next Page Classical Glass Corvette Club Under Glass 8 Gala – Elvira Tucker (absent) Elvira has secured the Elks for the occasion. The room will be set up differently, we are ready to have a great time. Please join us. Picnic Brett and Rae Thomas The CGCC picnic at Orting Soldiers Home. Brett is preparing 50lbs of country ribs. There is a sign up sheet if you wish to bring other items. Dennis Petersen will be in charge of music and games by Charlene Petersen. Hope everyone shows up. The residents really enjoy us coming out. Newsletter – Alisa Dillon The newsletter was sent out to everyone. Did Everyone get the newsletter? Everyone is enjoying the newsletter. There is good information, lots of information and Alisa has added news items. Please have your articles in by the Friday after the meeting. Club Sales – Charlene Petersen All the stuff that has old logo, please make an offer. We brought 6 hats with the new logo and only have three now, but can order more. Another guest – Fernando V. Fernando has a 1978 that is up on the rack and brought his 2006 corvette which is LeMans blue. Seat Prize – Dennis Petersen Michael Sadler – won the seat prize. Dick Lynch - Jet Chevrolet is ready for the Cruise-in next Sunday at 10am. Dick also presented a check for CGCC for 6 new members and a $100 for the sale of a car to a member. Dick spoke about the 100 preproduction cars in Vegas that they let them test drive. New Colorado diesel 30 mpg that may come out Nov/Dec for this engine. They had a new Camaro, the only changes is the bowtie on the back. 200 lbs lighter. LT1 engine in it. Break - 15 minutes be back at 8:10 - Meeting reconvene at 8:12pm NCCC – Dennis Beaulieu (absent) Alisa Dillon Alisa reporting. Nothing really new with NCCC. If you are not getting your Blue Bar magazine, please contact Dennis or Alisa Dillon. Roster – Rick Landry (absent) Dennis Petersen reporting for Rick. There are a few new members on the roster. Please verify that the information is correct. Remember this is confidential and for members only. Continued Next Page Classical Glass Corvette Club Under Glass 9 Photographer – Conrad Neumann Pictures from the parade will be uploaded and he will take pictures tomorrow at the Picnic. If you have taken pictures can you please send these to Conrad. Website – Christine Majszak Updates to the website are done. Historian – Elvira Tucker – (absent) No report. Dennis P. reported that Elivra is working on presentations to bring to meetings, 5 star and picnic. These are great pictures that she is putting together. Any ideas or suggestions, please let her know. Old business Storage inventory – Bob and Dennis getting this complete. Club assets need to be reported to Bob and Dennis know. By-law committee - This is for housekeeping only on the by-laws. Chris Majszak, Bob Thomas, Dennis Petersen, Dennis Beaulieu and Rick Landry. No changes or amendments just housekeeping. New business This is the month of July - we need a nomination committee and man and women of the year as well as NCCC. We will look to the floor for nomination as well as volunteer for committee members. Open up the floor: Will remain on the board for Vice-President – Bob Thomas. Will remain for running for Treasurer - Conrad Neumann Christine Majszak will not be running for secretary Dennis Petersen – will not be running for President. Dennis Petersen asked is anyone want to be on the nomination committee – no volunteers at this time. Nominations will be accepted thru July and August. The ballots will be available at the meeting in September and October’s meeting. Absentee ballots go out the week after October meeting and must be received by November Board meeting. They are counted at the board meeting with the new board announced at the Gala. Ballots will also include Man and Woman of the Year and NCCC representatives. Continued Next Page Classical Glass Corvette Club Under Glass 10 Raffle Last minute business – Alisa mentioned that we have 6 baskets for the 5 Star, we have Seahawks baskets, donations and other items. Raffle items can be given as well. Good of the club. Don Mulligan sold his corvette. We will find out about Jacket night at Wally’s. Meeting adjourned at 8: 39pm THANK YOU…. so very much for 5 Star Donation Baskets and Auction Items Your generous donations will help in reaching our goal to donate to our charities. It is very much appreciated. Thank you! Classical Glass Corvette Club Under Glass 11 NATIONAL CORVETTE MUSEUM First 2016 Corvette Delivered at NCM Production of the model year 2016 Corvettes officially started June 22, and on July 16, the Museum has welcomed the first R8C Delivery for the new model. Randy and Mary Myers from Las Vegas, NV had the honor of being the first to pick up their 2016 Corvette, an Arctic White Stingray Convertible with Adrenaline Red interior... ironically, the same combination as the very first 1953 Corvettes that rolled off the line. If you are planning to order a new Corvette, consider adding option code R8C and picking it up at the Museum! COMING EVENTS 2015 NCM 21st Anniversary In just over a month pre-registration for our 21st Anniversary Celebration will close. Don't miss out on this exciting event September 3-5! Highlights include: Official Re-Opening of the Skydome, and Unveiling of the 1992 "One Millionth" Corvette Presentation by Dr. Jason Polk on "What's Under the Skydome" Touring and Hot Laps at the Motorsports Park on Thursday Hands-On Seminars by GM Certified Corvette Technician Paul Koerner covering how to work on and maintain your Corvette plus drop in assistance Road Tours to Dale Hollow State Park, Chaney's Dairy Barn, My Old Kentucky Home, Barren River State Park and Sumner Crest Winery Seminars including an Introduction to the 2016 Corvette with Walk-Around, Exxon/Mobil, Hall of Fame Inductees Poker Run and Scavenger Hunt Celebrity Choice Car Shows Ladies' Oasis Live Auction Hall of Fame Induction Banquet Vets n Vettes Registration Open Registration is now open for our November 5-7, 2015 Vets n Vettes event presented by Mobil 1. Activities for this year's event includes a special day for wounded warriors including rides in Corvettes at the NCM Motorsports Park, lunch, plant and Museum tours and ice cream. Continued Next Page Classical Glass Corvette Club Under Glass 12 Thursday evening the local VFW is hosting us for a special meet-n-greet with Ribeye Steak dinner. Friday we have a number of road tours, a seminar about JFK's funeral and our VnV banquet. On Saturday event attendees will have the opportunity to participate in the Bowling Green Veterans Day Parade, lunch at the local American Legion post, followed by a fun road tour. The event is only $15 for basic registration. Corvettes at Carlisle August 28-30, 2015 - The annual Corvettes at Carlisle event features more than 5,000 Corvettes representing all generations of America's classic sports car. Activities include autocross, burnouts and the parade through historic downtown Carlisle, PA. The event also offers shopping, a swap meet, vendors, allCorvette car corral, Manufacturers Midway and Installation Alley. MOTORSPORTS PARK Motorsports Park Breaks Ground on Holley Control Tower A groundbreaking ceremony was held today at the NCM Motorsports Park to celebrate the start of construction of the Holley Control Tower and Events Center. The facility will encompass 14,635 square feet, and will provide many functional spaces, including meeting rooms, administrative offices, a track retail space, a 2,000 square foot viewing deck and classrooms. The classrooms and meeting spaces will be available for rent for track customers, meetings and private functions. The project is expected to be completed in eight to nine months by Sunbelt Construction, and has a $1.8 million price tag Upcoming High Performance Driving Event Join us September 3-4 at the NCM Motorsports Park for a High Performance Drivers Education Event. You don't have to own a Corvette to join in, just an appropriate track vehicle, and convertibles must have an SCCA approved roll bar. You'll also need an SA rated helmet, long pants and closed toe shoes. Cost for the two days is $485. I Have Raffle tickets for: 2015 Torch Red Stingray Corvette Coupe Saturday, September 5, 2015 at 3pm CT 6.2 Liter V8 460 HP Engine 8-Speed Paddle-Shift Automatic Transmission ZF1 Appearance Package 5-Split-Spoke Chrome Aluminum Wheels with Dark Gray Calipers Chrome Badge Package Multi-Mode Performance Exhaust Classical Glass Corvette Club Under Glass 13 2LT Equipment Group with Jet Black Leather Heated and Vented 8-Way Adjustable Seats, Head Up Display; Remote Vehicle Start; and Bose 10-Speaker Audio System Chevrolet MyLink Audio System with Navigation Performance Data and Video Recorder 1-Piece Transparent Removable Roof Panel Carbon Flash Hood Stinger Stripe Battery Protection Package Corvette Museum Delivery Unlimited Tickets Are you a Corvette enthusiast? Are you a National Corvette Museum member? If not, why not? If you are interested in the National Corvette Museum events or offerings, please contact me or see me at one of our meetings or events. Len Tucker – CGCC National Corvette Museum Ambassador 1-800-53VETTE Classical Glass Corvette Club Under Glass 14 2015 EVENTS July Date Day Time 22-25 Wed-Sat 23 25 25 31–8/1 Thu Sat Sat Fri-Sat 6:30 PM 8:00 AM Event Location City/State VetteFest 2015 Valley Corvettes 5 Star Organizational Meeting PSCC All Corvette Show Seafair Torch Light Parade Cruise at the Creek 3rd Annual Hot Rod & Custom Car Show Kleiner Park Meridian, ID Johnny’s Restaurant Griots Garage Fife, WA Tacoma, WA Little Creek Casino Shelton, WA City/State August Date Day Time Event Location 1 6 7&8 Sat Thu Fri-Sat 8:00 AM 7:00 PM Sat 7:00 PM 7:00 AM 5 – 8 PM 10:00-4:00 Caffeine & Gasoline Board of Directors Meeting Corvettes in the Park 2015 Cascade Corvette Club General Membership Meeting NWACC Autocross LeMay ACM Cruise-In Car & Motorcycle Show Thunder From Sea to Sky BC Corvette Club Hot Rodz for Hope Classic Car Benefit 32nd Annual Car Show Griott’s Garage Tacoma, WA Johnny’s Restaurant Fife, WA Coiner Park Cottage Grove OR Lakewood Elks Club Lakewood, Sanderson Field Shelton, WA LeMay Museum Tacoma, WA S Salem Home Depot Salem, OR Whistler Whistler, BC Capital City Vette Fest XI Corvettes de Olympia All Corvette Show & Burger Bash Titus-Will Chevrolet Lakewood, WA Airway Heights, WA Olympia, WA XXX Drive-In Issaquah, WA 8 8&9 Sat & Sun 13 Thu 15 Sat 21–23 Fri – Sun 22 Sat 10:00–2:00 22 Sat 9:00 AM 23 Sun 23 Sun Classic Coach Works Sunset Park September Date Day Time Event Location City/State 5 5 Sat Sat 8:00 AM 10:00 AM Griott’s Garage Westport Marina Tacoma, WA Westport, 10 Thu 5 – 8 PM Caffeine & Gasoline Corvettes at the Marina Corvettes of Grays Harbor LeMay ACM Cruise-In LeMay Museum Tacoma, WA 10 10-13 12 13 17-20 Thu Thu-Sun Sat Sun Thu-Sun 7:00 PM 19 Sat TBD 7:00 PM 7:00 AM Board of Directors Meeting Johnny’s Restaurant Tahoe 47 hosted by Corvettes of Fresno Silver Legacy Casino General Membership Meeting Lakewood Elks Club NWACC Autocross Sanderson Field MidAmerica Funfest MidAmerica Fife, WA Reno, NV Lakewood, Shelton, WA Effingham, IL Murder Mystery Gig Harbor Dillon’s Continued Next Page Classical Glass Corvette Club Under Glass 15 October Date Day Time Event Location City/State 3 8 Sat Thu 8:00 AM 5 – 8 PM Caffeine & Gasoline LeMay ACM Cruise-In Griott’s Garage LeMay Museum Tacoma, WA Tacoma, WA 8 10 Thu Sat 7:00 PM 7:00 PM Board of Directors Meeting General Membership Meeting Johnny’s Restaurant Lakewood Elks Club Fife, WA Lakewood, November Date Day Time Event Location 7 12 14 Sat Thu Sat 8:00 AM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM Caffeine & Gasoline Board of Directors Meeting General Membership Meeting Griott’s Garage Johnny’s Restaurant Lakewood Elks Club City/State Tacoma, WA Fife, WA Lakewood, December Date Day Time Event Location 5 10 12 Sat Thu Sat 8:00 AM 7:00 PM TBD Caffeine & Gasoline Board of Directors Meeting Holiday Gala Griott’s Garage Johnny’s Restaurant Lakewood Elk’s City/State Tacoma, WA Fife, WA Lakewood, Events Event Web Page Griott's Garage - Caffeine & Gasoline NCCC Events NCM Events LeMay America’s Car Museum Classical Glass Corvette Club Under Glass 16 Classical Glass Corvette Club Under Glass 17 Classical Glass Corvette Club Under Glass 18 Classical Glass Corvette Club Under Glass 19 THANK YOU CLUB SPONSORS!! or email Classical Glass Corvette Club Under Glass 20 Classical Glass Corvette Club Under Glass 21 Advertisers Wanted Yearly Advertising Rates Business Cards (Standard Size) $40.00 1/4 page $ 80.00 1/2 page $120.00 Full Page $160.00 Fee must be paid in advance to Club Treasurer. Acceptance of ad subject to space available Advertising should be sent to UnderGlass Chair Classical Glass Corvette Club Under Glass 22 CLASSICAL GLASS CORVETTE CLUB OF TACOMA P.O. BOX 111208 TACOMA, WA 98411-1208 Classical Glass Corvette Club Under Glass 23