Model Year 1992 @ Modefs 124, 129201 - W124
Model Year 1992 @ Modefs 124, 129201 - W124
Mercedes Benz ModelYear1992@ Modefs124,129,201 Inlroduction intoservice Mercedes-Benz of NorthAmerica,Inc. Senice Preface Th s nlroductonttanua s nlendedto farnlarze yolr w th the techncal chanqesfor Mode Year 1992 Th s manua coversmociels 124 129 an.:201,afd Sporlrremodels300 E. 300 CE and 190 E 2.6 Coverageof modes .100E ar)d500 E s contalled n the ntroductton l,4anual Mode Year t9S2 @ N,4ode s 124.03,1 036 (400E 500 E) Coverageoi mode 140 s conlarned In the nlroducton fManuai ModelY-oar1ss2 '!D Mode 140 Untr the atestrepar nstructOnsare avalable of m crolche th s nlrodLrct on lvlarualcan be Lrsedby i\rlercedes-Benz scrlice p{]rsofnelo rarn ar le thertsevos w th rnporlanttecfrfrcal dela s 10periormrnanlenarrce and repafs orl lhe abovelvlodeYear 1992vehc es A I otherrepar fslructoos adluslmentva!es ano marntefance lolrs,rot rstedherecan be lound n ex st ng techncal teralure. MercedesEefz Akt engesetschalt Vertreb Personenwagen Febr!ary1992 Tableof contents Vehicleand component idenrification 1 Drivetrain Technicalhighlights 6 27 Engines102,103,104,119CIS-E 35 07.3 CIS-Egasoline injection system l,4odil catronscomparedto Automatictransmission Deet on of secofdary pump Upshf1deay . . Rearaxle G e n e ranl t o rma t o n .19 5t .. ..51 Gpar sel and reara. e shall . . a4 Steering Stcorngwhee (140desqnl 55 Fu€lpump packaqe 8 enqlf e 10 2 .9 8 5 46 Ealleryvo taqe-dependeftd e enqne 119 n nrode 129 Transmss on upshft delay enqrnes102 103.104 119 Funclon I agrarn.transrnss on ... upshftdeay lransmssronLrpsh ft de ay test I 54 instruments nstrument c uster 10 l0 12 Eleciricalsystem - equipmentand 55 Sportilne(models124.030/051,201.029) Generallnlormation 14 56 Emissioncontrol system a- <on <., ,- . r .a,n., 32 L, ' .- i.r lCa rforf a o.|,r') f,'lodlcatons Testand adlLrstmenl data Engine 602.962 07.1 Diesel intectionsystem Genera niormalon Fuel nlecton systemcomponenls Testand adlustmert!a Lres Eleclronc dese system(EDSI Funclondagrarn EDS Componentocatorrs E ectronc rdlespeedconlro (ELR) Exhaustgas rec rc! atron(EGR) BoostpressLrre conlro (P2.contro ) Syslemdraqnosl cs Componentoperalon Vacuum ne layout Eectrc wrfq dagram Eleclrofo d ese systern(EDS)lesl Suspension 40 .. Wheels.wheel alignmenl whae s Whee a gfrn€ni 56 57 59 6r r6 16 17 17 19 2A 22 23 24 25 25 30 31 32 46 S1 Steefing Cfoss rel€rence, mode steerng eear Sreerng,,!hee11,10desgn) 62 62 Seats Sporl4-pace seatrng 63 '.,!n - r..n !!, !:t,..:i !.::r ,? 1, Vehicleand componentidentification Vehicleidentificarion 1992@ 124.0 124.026 300E 2.6 124.030 300E 124.034 400 E 124.036 500 E 124.051 3OO CE 124.090 TE 3OO 124.128 3OOD 2.5IURBO 124.230 300 E 4tvtATrc 124.290 3OOTE 4IV1ATIC 129.061 3OOSL 129.066 5OOSL 140.032 3OOSE 140.042 4OOSE 140.051 500sEL 140.057 600SEL 140.134 3OO SD TURBO 201.028 190 E 2.3 201.029 190 E 2.6 129 140.0 140 140.1 201 Models Indrcaledn bold typo are covered in separatelntroductionl\,4anua s. & Mode Yearrggz @ M o d e ls 1 2 4 1 zs 2 a 1 Vehicleand componentidentification Component identification 1992 Qsr) Salesdesignation Model Engine Manual Automatic Power transmission transmrssron sleenng 190 E 2.3 201.028 102.985 717.413 722.408 765.903 190 E 2.6 201.029 103.942 717.432 722.409 765.903 3OOD 2.5TURBO 124.128 602.962 722.418 765.904 300 E 2.6 124.Q26 103.940 722.409 765.904 300 E 124.030 103.983 722.358 765.904 400 E 124.034 119.975 722.354 765.921 500 E 124.036 1 1 9 .9 74 722.365 765.921 300cE 124.051 104.980 722.359 765.908 3OOTE 124.090 103.983 722.358 765.904 3OOE 4N1ATIC 124.230 103.985 722.342 765.906 3OOTE 4IV1ATIC 124.290 103.985 722.342 765.906 3OOSD TT]RBO 140.134 603.971 722.367 765.940 3OOSE 140.A32 104.990 722.502 765.940 4OOSE 140.042 1 1 9 .9 71 722.366 765.940 5OOSEL 140.051 119.970 722.370 765.940 600SEL 140.057 120.980 722.362 765.940 3OOSL 129.061 104.981 722.500 765.907 5OOSL 129.066 119.960 722.353 765.925 * v . r F , " " , s s r @ r o o " ', 124 2s /al Vehicleidentification Vehicle identiflcation number (VlN) The followinginformationis encodedinto the VIN: Manufacturer, model,restraintsystem,modelyear, manufacturing plantand chassisend number Exam pl e, mo d e l3 0 0E : W DB E A 30DX L B t 2 3 4 S 6 WDB 123456 Manufacturer I/odel D = 201, E = 124,F = 129,c = 140 Engine type A= Gasoline,B= Diesel,D =4MAT|C N,4odel deslgnation 124.030 Restraintsystem D = Seat belts + SRS with driverairbag E = Seat belts r SRS with driverand front passengerairbag Checkdigit [/odel year M = 1991,N = 1992 Manufacturing plant') A - E=Sindelfingen F- H=Br eme n Chassisendnumber 1) Manulacturngplant ettermustbe specrfied withthe end nurnberbecausesirnultaneous produclron at both oJanlsrnavrrean the sarneend number drgilsare assignedto two cars. € M o d e rY e a r ,SSZ@ Uo O" t. 1 2 4 . 1 2 g .zO1 Vehicleidentification Enginefamily designations The emissioncontrolsysteminformationplateattachedto the radiatorcrossmemberalso shows the enginefamilydesignation.The enginefamilydesignationidentifiesmodelyear, pistondisplacement, version,etc. (see exampleon next page). Designations Enginetamrly Version ' L4odel Vehiclesalesdesronatron NMB 2.3 V 6 F A 19 NN4B3.0 V 6 F A 1X 2) N[,483.0 V 6 F A 1X 2) NIVB3.OV6FA IX NN/B3.OV6FA20 Nl\,48 3.0 V6 F A lX NIV1B 2.5 D 9 J F 11 NMB 3.0 V 6 F A lX NIV1B3.OV6FAIX Nl\ilB3.0VOFA31 NMB 5.0 V 6 F A 14 A A A A A A F A A A A 201.028 2A1.029 124.026 124.030 124.051 124.090 124.128 124.230 124.290 129.061 '129.066 190 E 2.3 190 E 2.6 300 E 2.6 300 E 300 cE 300 TE 300 D 2.5 TURBO 300 E 4lvlATlC 300 TE 4MAT|C 300 SL 500 sL 1) A=Al1 50 states(nclLrdLng Caifornra) F = Federalonly (not rncluding Ca rlorna) 2) Forcertrfrcaton reasons,all 103.94engnesfall ntothe3.0 lterengrnelamrly,even I the dispacementequalsonly 2.6 liters(190 E 2.6 and 300 E 2.6). ff ModelYea' ,ega @,'l o,l ". 124 12g 2a1 Vehicleidentification Example:NN/B3.0 V 6 F A 1X rvB 3.0 year: N4odel M = 1991,N=1992,etc. l\4anufacturer code: N4ercedes-Benz Piston drsplacement: i.e.: 3.0 liter Vehicleclass: V = Passenger car withgasolineengine D = Passengercar with dieselengine Typelf fuel delivery: 5 = electronicinjection(LH) 6 = mechanical injectron 9 = mechanrcalinjectionwith turbocharger Type of catalyst: F = 3-waycatalystwith lambdacontrol J = no cataiyst(diesel) For manufacturer's use: A = AII 50 states F = Federal Used by manufacturer for certitication purposes Checkdigit i5 Model Year , nn, @ l,lo,tot. 124 12g. zO1 Technicalhighlights Engines102,103,104,119 07.3 cls-E gasoline injection system 14 Emissioncontrol system . Dualfuel pump package(engine102 985). o idle speed Batteryvoltage-dependent increase. . upshift operatedtransmission Pneumatically oeray. o O2-sensorreplacementrndicatol (California only). Maintenancenote: Whenwarninglampcomeson (60,000 miles),rePlaceO2-sensor. Enoine602.962 07.1 Dieselinjectionsystem as comparedto modelyear lvlodifications I990i91: I pump(camshape). lnjection o Vacuumline layout. . EDS controlunit (referencemap). . EDS test program. . EGR shut-offmicloswitch. o Eleckicwiringdaagrams Manual) (see ElectricalTroubleshooting o Prechamberwith increasedvolume. . Electricswitchovervalves: EGR, boost pressurecontrol,pressurecontrolflap. o Singlevacuumtransducerfor boost pressurecontroland pressurecontrolflap 6.* ModelYear ,nna @ Q4 12g 2A 1 "oa". Technicalhighlights 07.1 Dleselinjectionsystem(conrinued) The followingwas deleted: . Boostpressurecontrolvacuumtransducer. . Engineoverloadprotection. . Vacuumamplifierand vacuumamplifier swrtchovervalve. o Secondarypumpdeleted. a Transmission upshiftdelaymodified. Drivetrain AutOmatictransmission 35 Rearaxle 46 Steering . New designsteeringwheel. Electricalsystem- equipmentand instruments . CHECKENGINEwarningtampetiminated in Federalversionvehicles. Rearaxle ratiochangedin models124.026, 2U .A28029. Sportline(models124.030/051, 201.029) 32 Susoension o Suspension components modified, ride heightlowered. 40 Wheels,wheelalignment r Newlydesigned8-holelight-alloy wheelsfor models124.030,051 . 46 Steering Newlydesignedsteeringwheel,390 mm in orameter. 91 Seats Sport4-placesealingstandardequipmentin all Sport/rnemodels. € Mode year t9g2 @ M o d e ts1 2 4 .1 zg zA1 Engines102,103,104,119CIS-E 07.3 CIS-Egasolineinjectionsystem as comparedto modelyear 1991 Modifications a a Fuelpumppackage(engine102.985). idle speed Batteryvoltage-dependent 129). (engine in model 119 increase upshiftdelaY Transmission Controlof upshiftdelayvta switchover valve (Y3i3). Relay(K29)as well as solenoidvalve (Y3,'2)for upshiftdelaydeletedlrom transmtsston. Fuelpump package Engine 102.985 Two f uel pumpsare installed,as rn model 201.029. i €r Mode Y ear i 992 @ Model s124. 1 29.201 Engines102,103,104,119CIS-E Batteryvoltage-dependent idle speed increase Engine 119 in model 129 Effectiveserialnumber: As of chassisend no. F 032599 Dependingon batteryvoltage,the engineidle speedis increasedby approx. 100 rpm with the transmissionin gear,therebyincreasingthe chargingcapacityof the alternator. The CIS-Econtrolunit receiveda new part numberto differentiate the controlunit from the prevrousversion. Partno. @ rederat @ Catjfornia 012 545 22 32 012 545 23 32 Operation The idle speedIncreaseis activatedunderthe toilowingconditions: . Enginecoolanttemperaturebetween 60 - 110 "c, . Selectorleverin gear, . Batteryvoltage< 12.5 V for at least 20 seconds, . Eng,nespeedexceeded900 rpm once. The idle speedincreaseis switchedoff if: . Selectorleverpositions"N" or "P" are engaged, o Enginecoolanttemperature exceeds'l 10 "C, o lgnitionis switchedOFF. Once the conditionsfor activationare met, they remainstoredin the CIS-Econtrolunit untilthe ignitionis switchedoff, even if the battery voltagehas since risenabove 12.5 V. € M o d e lY e a . , n n , @ Vo ,t"," i2 4 . 1 2 g .2 O1 07.3 Engines102,103,104,119C IS-E 07.3 Transmissionupshiftdelay Engines 102,103,104,119 The transmissionupshiftdelay is controlledby the upshiftdelayswitchovervalve (Y3i3). for upshiftdelayremain The condrtrons see group27). unchanged( Operation, Functiondiagram,transmissionupshiftdelay I 3/1 P27-507 3-59 1 a^nrr^r 2 3 8 I Checkva ve Intakemanlo d Upshft delayvacLrum elemenl Vacuum reservor 10 .f6<."ro .rh o N3/1 LH controllnrt (N3 - CIS-Econtrolunit) vaive Y3/3 Upshrftdelayswrtchover gr gn 0 acK grey green € Mo(i e Year 1992@ Model s 124. 1 2g 201 Engines102,103,104,1'19CIS-E 07.3 Componentlocations Model124 Y3i3 Upshrllde ay swrtchover va ve Model129 Y3 J Upshft delaysw tchovervatve lvtodel201 Y3/3 Upshrfldelayswrtchover vave nr* Model Year ,nn, @ l,ro,t". 124 12s 2a1 11 Engines102,103,104,119CIS-E 07.3 issionupshiftdelaytest Transm Soecialtools 11 6 58 9 27 21 00 124 589 09 63 00 201 589 13 21 0 0 Equipment r) Multimeter r) 201 589 00 99 00 Flukemodel23 with 80i - 410 inductivepickup Avarlablethroughthe MBNA StandardEqupmentProgram Test conditions . Engineoil temperature approx.80 'C. off. . AIIelectrical switched consumers . Batteryvoltage11 - '14V. Test step Possiblecause/remedy Testscope Test connection Test condition Nominal value vacuum Operationof Disconnect upshiftdelay line(arrow,Figures swrlcnover 1 - 3) on Y3i3, valve (Y3i3) Coolant temperature sensor(811i2) conneclor unplugged. Using resistance substitution units,simulate a 2.5 kO > 400 Y3i3 activation, mbarup Open/shortcircuit, to max. Y3/3 defective. switching Vacuumelementfor time (seeGrp. transmissionupshift Connectvacuum testerwithYJitttng to Y3i3. ( + 20"c) 27 fol descnpton or 0eray. Vacuumline. ton ). resistanceat sockets 1 + 3,2 + 4. Engine:Start 1) 1) Vehce musthave rearwheelsdftvento rrieasure nominalvalue(speedsqnal dependent) 12 # Mode Year 1992@Modes 124 12s 2o1 Engines102,103,104,119CIS-E Test step Test scope Test connection Activationof W11 upshiftdelay ! -_{yF swrtchover valve(Y3i3) Test condition Nominal valuo Y3r3 lgnition: On ) 2 Connectoron Y3i3 unplugged. Y3/3 1<{-ts 07.3 + 11 - 14 V Possrblecause remedy Overvoltageprotection relay, Open/shortcircuit. Coolant 1'1- 14 V Openr'short circuit, up to CIS-Econtrolunit sensor(81112) max. defective. connector swrtching unprugged. trme Using (see Grp. resistance 27 tor substitution unrts,srmulate tion of a 2.5 kQ (+ 20 "c) tion). resistanceat sockets 1 + 3,2 + 4. E! temperature Engine:Start Coil Y3/3 resrstance r of upshift oeray swrtcnover valve(Y3"3) € M o d e Y e a r 1 9 9 2@ Y3r3 Connector on -€! M o d e ts 1 2 4 1 2 s 2 A1 - 25-40Q Y3/3 defective. z Y3,'3unplugged. lgnition: OFF 13 Engine102.985 14 Emissioncontrolsystem O2-sensorreplacementindicator(California only) The warninglamp(A1e33)for the O2-sensor replacementindicatoris installedin the Instrumentcluster. Uponreachi ng60,000t 250 miles(r.e.every 60,000miles),illumination of the warningl amp indicatesthat the O2-sensormust be replaced. For instructionson how to turn off the warning lampafterO2-sensorreplacement, see ''lvlaintenance note". Activationof the warnrnglampoccursvia the O2-sensorreplacementindicatorcontrolunit (N44'1).,fhe controlunrtis locatedin the passenger-side footwell. The Hall-etfectsensoroutputon the speedometerprovidesinformationon miles driven. The numberof impulsesper milei s determinedby multiplying a fixednumberby the numberof impulsesfrom the Hall-effectsensor. The resultrngdistanceis storedrn the control unit. The warninglampcomes on with the iqn,tion stanerswrtchin posrtion"2 and goes out againwiththe enginerunning(circuit61 recognrton). # \to,- o e . , ( D r t o , l '" ' d, '/ a 2s 2al Engine102.985 14 A test mode is initiatedjf the button(arrow)is pressedfor longerthan 5 secondswith the ignition/'starter switchin position"2". The test ;s mode start ,ndicatedby the O2-sensorwarning lamp switchingoff. o Aftera pauseof 5 seconds,the recorded mileageis indicatedby a blink impulse. The warnrng lampblinksoncefor every10,000 milesrecorded. . Aftera 2 secondpause,the lampblinks once for every additional1,000miles recor0e0. . Aftera further2 secondpause,the lamp blinksonce for every additionali 00 miles recoroe0. lf the mileagerecordedis "0", thisrs indicated by the lampnot btinkjng. Aftera further5 secondpause,the operation of the Hall-eftectsensoris tested.Afterthe required5 secondpause,the O2-sensor warninglampwill blinkcontinuously if the vehicleis drivenon the road or dynamometer. The test mode may only be interruptedby swrtchrngthe ignitionoff. Maintenancenote: The O2-sensormust be replacedwhen the warnrnglampilluminatesat 60,0001 250 miles. After replacingthe sensor,the warninglamp may be switchedoff via the button(arrow)on the controlunit (N44i1). The buttonmust be pressedfor longefthan 2 secondsto turn off the lamp. In ignition, starterposition"2', the lamp remainslit evenafter resettingthe controlunit. Tne lampwillonlygo out alterthe engrneis started(ctrcuit61 recognition)The previously recordedmrleageremainsstored. The warning lampwill illuminate agatnat 120,000miles. * M o ( r ey e a r 1 99 2@ M o d e ts 1 2 4 1 zs 2 a 1 tc Engine602.962 07.1 Dieselinjectionsystem Generalinformatlon as comparedto modelyear lvlodifications 1990i1991: Injectionpump (cam shape), Vacuumline layout, EDS controlunit (referencemap), EDS test program, EGR shut-offmicroswitch, Electricwiringdiagrams N4anual), (see ElectricalTroubleshooting volume, increased with Prechamber Electricswitchovervalves:EGR, boost pressurecontrol,pressurecontrolflap, Singlevacuumtransducerlor boost pressulecontroland pressurecontrolflap. a a a a a o a o The followingwas deleted: o . o Boostpressurecontrolvacuumtransducer, Engineoverloadprotection, Vacuumamplifierand vacuumampftfier switchovervalve. FuelinlectlonsystemcomPonents Engine 602.962 Injectionpump modeldesignation PES 5 M 55 C 320 RS 177 Boschnumber (fortestsheet) 0 400 075 944 Fuelpump (Boschdesignation) FPTKG 24 M 150 Injectionnozzle (Boschdesignation) DN O SD 265 InjectionnozzlePartno. 001 017 49 12 Nozzleholder (Boschdesignation) KCA27 S 55 Injectionnozzleand holdercomplete (Partno.) 00201740 21 to 65 Mo(l elY ear ,nsz @ too"'" 12 4 12g.2Q1 Engine602.962 07.1 Test and adjustmentvalues Engines 602.962 ldle speedat 60-80 "C coolanttemperature rpm 680120 lnjectjonpump timing(referenceimpulse)adlustmentvalue ' 14+ 0.5o after TD C 1) Injectionpump timing (referenceirnpulse)nominalvalue 15 1 1' afterTDC Boost pressureat 4,000 rpm, underload bar 0.75- 0.85 lnjectron nozzleopeningpressure wrth new injectionnozzles bar 135- 145 Inlectionnozzleopeningpressure with used injecttonnozzles bar 120 r) One -tmead lus lm c nl al 15, 000m ies ,adt us o 14 + 0 . 5 " a t l e r T D C Electronicdieselsystem(EDS) The EDS controlunit processesthe following functions: . Electronic idlespeedcontrol(ELR), . Exhaustgas recirculation (EGR), o Boostpressurecontrol(P2-control), . Systemdiagnostics. & Mode ,nn, @ ""u, VoO". 124 1zs 2a1 The EDS controlunrtprocesses the incoming srgnalsand deliversa milliampcurrentto the vacuumtransducer(s) and to the electromagneticactuatoron the injectionpump.The entrresystemcan be testedwith an impulse counteri.e. the malfunctionmemorycan be read by meansof an outputsignalto the test connection {X11,4). 17 Engine602.962 07.1 Block diagram,EDS Enginespeed sensor(L3) Accelerator peoal rmpurse readout, diagnostic test srgnal (socket4) Pressurebeforethe Intakevalves 10' beforefullload The swtchovervalvers actvatedby the conlro inkagemlcroswrtch 18 65 V i i e' Yedr 'oC , @ tooo, 124 ' ?9 ?al Engine602.962 07.1 Functiondiagram,EDS 72 103 62 67 62a 1 2 60 61 a 61 b 61 c 62a 72 99 100 103 110 137 137a 138 224 8211 8211a B5/1 811/4 L7 {€h Inleclionpump Governor EGR valve Or lice Ofrfce 0.5 Orifice0.7 F lter Fllter Vacuum controlvalve vacuump!mp Vacuumdarnper Pressureconlrolllapand houstng Pressurecontrolflap vacuumactuator Anerod compensator (ALDA) Exhaustmanfold Turbocharger Boosl pressurecontrolvave vacuum acluaror lnlake man fold Acceleratorpeda Air fiowsensor Intakearr temperaluresefsor Pressuresensor(EDS) Coolanttempefature sensor(EDS) Stader ring gear speedsensor Fuelrackpostton sensor ModelYear,Sn, @ Voa"t. 124 12s 2o1 N39 Y22 Y27 Y27t4 Y31/1 Y31/5 B a c VAC OUT OUT EDS controlunrt Electromagnetic actuator,e ecvonrctdle speeo contro(ELR) EGR swrlchovervalve Boost pressurecontrolswrtchovervalve Pressureconvol ilap switchovervalve EGR vacuumkansducer Boost pressureconlrol/pressure controlflap vacuum lransoucer lntakearr Exhaustgas venl line to passengercornpanment Rernarnrng vacuumconsumets Pressureand vacuum connections at vacuum lransducers Vacuumfrom vacitumpump Vent Ine to passengercompartment Fromvacuumlransducer (y3t/1) to EGR sv,ilcnover valve(Y27) Fromvacuurntransducer (Y3t/5) to swltcnover valves lY27t4) aod lY27tS) '19 07.1 Engine602.962 Componentlocations rr ffi w II Y27 F t|nl LIll Y27t4w Y27t5 ^4, g F811/4 LJ 20 # Mode ""u, ,nO, @ toao'. i za. i 2g.2A 1 Engine602.962 B2t1 B5/1 81 1 /4 K1r1 L3 L3x1 L7 N39 x1 11 4 Y2 2 € Arr ilow sensorand a r ntaketemperature sensor Pressuresensor(EDS) Coolantlerfperaturesensor(EDS) Overvo/tageprotecltof relay, B7E Staner lng gear speed sensor Conneclor,starter nng gear speed sensor Fuel rack posrtion sensor EDS contro un1 EGR m cfoswitch Tesl conneclton for dragnosrs (impulsereadoul,I'polel fleclo'-lagaelc d( speed control(ELR) M o d e lY e a r , S n a @ Uo .t" ," 1 2 4 1 zs ? A1 07.1 Y27 Y27t4 Y27i5 Y 3 1 i1 Y 3 1 i5 EGR swrtchoverva ve Eoost pfessurecontrolsw tchovervalve Pressurecontrolilap swltchovervalve EGR vacuumtransducer Boost pressurecontrol/pressufecontrolflap vacuumtransducer 60 99 100 137a EGR va ve Pressureconlrolflapand housrng Pressurecontroli ap vacuurnactuator Booslpressurecoflrol vaivevacuumacluaror 21 Engine602.962 07.1 Electronicidle speed control(ELR) The starterring gear speed sensor(L3) picks up the enginospeed(144impulsesper revolution)and sends it in the form of an AC voltagesignalto the EDS controlunit.The EDS controlunit processesthe rpm stgnaland performsan nominalactualvaluecomparison. As a result,the idle speedis held constantby actuatorregardlessof the electromagnetic engineload. At coolanttemperaturesbelow 60 "C. the idle soeednominalvaluels increasedaccordingto a presetreferencemap. Blockdiagram,idle speedcontrol 22 ffi Moi l e Year 1992@ Modes 124 12g 2a1 Engine602.962 07.1 Exhaustgas recirculation(EGR) Exhaustgas recirculation occurs as soon as the followingconditionsare met: . . r o Coolanttemperaturebetween60 "C and 110 "c Batteryvoltage11-14 Volt Fuel rack travel < 9 mm Enginespeed up to approx.3500 rpm Accordingto the input signalsfrom sensorse.g. fuel rack travel,enginespeed,etc., the EDS controlunit calculatesthe corresponding volume ol exhaustgas recrrculation for the respecttve operatingconditions. Controlcurrentis appliedto the vacuum transducerwhich deliversa respectiveamount ot vacuumto the EGR valve. The EGR volumeis reducedas enginespeed and load increase. This means: Increasrng controlcurrent= jncreasingEGR voiume Decreasingcontrolcurrent= decreasingEGR volume. h addition:.EGRshut-ofIat 10" beforefutl load via controllinkagemicroswitchand swrtchovervalvein vacuumline.As a result, smokeemissionrs reducedduringloadchanges towardsfull load. Blockdiagram,EGB The EGRsystemwithvacuumtransducer, EGR switchover valve,EGRvalve,air flowsensor and EDScontrolunitoperates as a closedloop. i€r Modet Year,nn, @ uolut" 124 1zs 2o1 23 Engine602.962 07.1 Boost pressurecontrol(PZ-control) A "reference map" (for P2-control)is storedin the EDS controlunit. The pressurevalues receivedby the controlunit relativeto injection volumeand enginespeed generateoptimal engineperformancewith respectto consumption,NOx, HC and particulate emissron. By reducingthe pressure(P2) aheadof the intakevalvesduringpartialloadoperation,atis possibleto achievea reductionin particulate emrssron. values Anydifference between thetwo pressure pressure control is equalized eitherby the boost valveor by the pressure controlflap. pressure Theboost controlvalveis activated by vacuumfromthe adlustable electronically vacuumtransducer andelectricswitchover valve. Boostpressurecontrolis dependenton: . Intakeair pressure, . Engine. speed, . Fuelrackposition(travel). The EDS controlunit containsa closedloop circuitwhich comparespressures"P2 actual" with "P2 nominal"(seeblockdiagram). Block diagram,boost pressurecontrol(P2-control) EDScontrolunit Boostpressure pressure controli controlflap vacuum transducer 24 € V dF't",' 'ooa @ "no-. 124 ?9 2al Engine602.962 07.1 System diagnostlcs The self-checkprogramintegratedinto the EDS controlunit tests the electronicdieselsystem r.o.detectsand storessystemmalfunctions. Intermittentmalfunctions,which occur for longer than 4 seconds,are also stored. For example,sensormalfunctions, with the exceptionof enginespeed sensor,are stored into memory,as well as short circuitsin the actuatorsand their inputwiring. Throughthe use of an impulsecounterat socket4 of test connection(X11i4),the individualmalfunctions can be recalledfor evaluation.The properdiagnosiscan be determinedaccordingto the indicated malfunction. Componentoperation EDS control unit (N39) The controlunit processesthe incomingsignals and deliversa milliampcurrentto the two vacuumtransducers,to the electromagnetic actuatoron the injectionpump,and the boost pressurec0ntroland pressurecontrolflap switchovetvalves. Th6 entiresystemcan be tested with an impulsecounteri.e. the malfunctionmemorycan be read by meansof the test connection(X11i4, socket4). Atmospheric pressure sensor (integrated into control unit) Dependingon altitudeor atmosphericpressure, the atmosphericpressuresensorinfluences EGR volumeand boost pressure.The armospneflcpressuresensorsendsthe control unit a decreasingvoltagesignalat decreasingair pressures(increasingaltitudes).The EGR and P2 referencemap valuesare adaptedaccording to a pressuredependentcharacteflstic. ie M o d e lY e a r , S S, @ r o d ". 1 2 4 1 2 s zO1 25 Engine602.962 07.1 Test connectionfor diagnosis(Xt 1/4) canbe picked The impulsereadoutfor diagnosis up at thistestconnection. Air flow sensor(Bz1) Intakeair temperaturesensor(BZl a) the airfilterand Locatedin the air flowbetween the turbocharger. A irom ar irlter B lo tu'boc"algel Actingagainsta returnspnng,IntakearI opens the air flow sensorplateto a specificangle. The positionof the plateis measuredby a potentiometer whichconvertsthe positioninto a voltagesignal. The intakeair temperatureis read by the temperaturesensor(82,''la)in the air flow ,ll l sensor. r.L1 I o)- -\\ Vacuum transducers (Y31/1,Y31/5) Respectiveto operatingconditions,the vacuum transducersreceivea controlcurrentfrom the controlunit. The vacuumtransducersthen amountof vacuumfor delivera correspondtng the electricswitchovervalves. Y31/1 EGR vave vacuurflransducer Y31/5 Boost pressurecontrol/pressure controlvalve vacuumtransducer(not v slble,locatedunderair liller) 26 r5 ModeiYear 1992Q!, Modets124. 1z g.2A l Engine602.962 07.1 EGRswitchovervatve(y27),EGR microswitch(S27/3) The EGRswitchover valve(y27)is actjvated by the controllinkagemicroswitch (S27r3)10" beforefull load,therebyclosingthe EGRvalve. [l-. 9 N -/@ t\) s27i3 EGRm croswrtch Electric switchover valves (y2714,yz7/S) Dependingon operatingconditions,the electric swrtchovervalvesreceivea controlcurrentfrom the controlunit and vacuumfrom rne vacuum transducer(Y3115).They conveythe controlunit commandas a pneumaticsignalto the boost pressurecontrolvalveand pressurecontrolflap. Y27 Y27/4 Y27t5 Starter ring gear speed sensor (L3) Determinesenginespeedvia the starterring gear ('144impulsesper revolution) and sends it in the form of a AC voltagesignalto the control unit. EGR swrlchover valve Eoostpfessurecontrolswtlchovervave Pressurecontroli ap swrtchovervalve ,rL3 /./ 1 \d'o.-,,) W, ie year,eeZ Mo.iel @ Voa"t" 124 12s zaj 27 Engine602.962 07.1 Pressure sensor(85/l) the Locatedon the right,behindthefirewall, pressure pressule (P2) and sensorreadsthe convertsit intoa voltagesignalwhichis usedby the EDScontrolunitas an inputsignal. 4.7 5V in mbar,relerence Pabs Absoutepresslre a t5 v s u p p y v o l ta g e EGR valve (60) The EGR valve,togetherwith the mixturetube, is boltedlaterallyto the cylinderhead. lt is connectedto the exhaustmanifold,the intake manifoldcrossoverpipe and to a corrugated tube. Controlledvacuumfrom the switchover (Y31i1)is ualvelY27)and vacuumtransducer appliedto the EGR valveto open the valve. 28 B a 0 c Exhaustto lhe nlake manrlod Exhaustfromthe exhaustmanrfold Vacuumconnectron Spnng D aphragm d VAIVE 6* ',,to,- o, .nr@u, ,p\ I2d -o -0' Engine602.962 07.1 Coolant temperature sensor (81 1/4) Coolanttemperatureis determinedby the coolanttemperature sensor(811/4)whichis controlled by t he EDS controlunit. The temperaturesensorresistancechanges accordrngto coolanttemperature. Housing (94a)with pressure control flap (99) and vacuum actuator (100) A pneumatically operatedpressurecontrolflap, locatedIn a housingon the intakemanifold. aolustsboostpressurein the intakemanjiold. The pressurecontrolflap closesthe fresh air intakeduringEGR operation. A rninimalopening (arrows)betweenthe pressurecontrolflap and the housingremains.The vacuumactuator(100) s actrvatedby the pressurecontrolflap switchovervalve (Y27,'5)and vacuumtransducer (Y31,,5) (seef unctionat diagram). 60 100 6q M o d e lY e a ' , n n , @ :--,1t EGR vaive Vaclum actuator Vo ,t" t. 1 2 4 1 2 s zo 1 29 Engine602.962 07.1 Vacuumline layout D ,C /o lili "rllll 'l 2 6 60 61 b 6 1d 62 62a 67 72 99 10 0 10 3 13 7 137a 13 8 14 0 8 5/1 Y22 Y27 Y27/4 Y27/5 Y3 1i1 Y3 1/5 30 Injeclon pump Governor Vacuumshul-oftun t EGR vaive Or fice Conneclionprece(wrthout ofiiice) Fr t er F ler Vacu!m conlrolvalve vacuumpump Darfper Pressurecontrolflap Pressurecontfolllap vacuum actuator Aneroidcompensator iALDA) Turbocharger Boostpressurecontrolvave vacLrum actuator Intakemanlold Brake boostercheck va ve Prcss!resensor(EDS) E ectromagnet c actuator,elecvonrcdle speed contro (ELR) ttiH sw cnoverva ve Boostpressufecontrolswrtchover valve Pressureconlro f ap swrtchovervalve EGR vacuurnlransducer 8oosl pressurecontrol/pressure controlI ap vacuumtransdLrcer a o c e VAC ATM OUT OUT sw wof ws qr br bl t FirewaI vent rneto passenger comparlmeft Key shLrtoif Rernainng vacuumconsumers Erakebooster Pressure and vacuum cohnections at vacuum lransducels Vacuumffom vacuumpump Vent rneto passenger compartmeft (Y31i1) to EGR Fromvacuumlransducer valve(Y27) swrtchover (Y31/5)to swrtchover Fromvacuumtransducer valves(Y2714)and (Y27,5) 0 acK whte grey brown blue lransparenl de Model Year tSO, @ 124 12g 2A1 "o,1"," Engine602.962 07.1 Electricwiring diagram + x26 x4l 1 I s2t2 8211 85/1 81 1 i4 F1 K',t/1 L3 L3xl L7 N39 s2/2 s27i3 w10 x4/1 x 4/ 10 x 11/ 4 x26 Y22 Y27 de xl114 Arr llow sensorwrth inlake a|l temperature sensor(EDS) Pressuresensor(EDS) Coolantternperaturesensor Fuse and relay box Battery Overvotage proteclronrelay, 87E (7-pote) Starler ring gear speed sensor connector, slarler ring gear speed sensor Fuel rack posrton sensor EDS controlunrt Glow/siartersw lch Mrcroswlch (ECR) Ground, battery Terminaiblock,termtnal (2 pote) 30/interior Termrnalblock,termrnal 30/61,battery(3 pore) Test connectron ior dtagnosis (rmpuse readout,B-pole) Connectof,rntenor/eng ne (t 2-pole) E ectromagnettc actuator,eleckonicdle speed controllELR) EGR swrtchoverva ve M o d e lY e a f , SSa @ Vo tu " 1 e 4 1 zs 2 o 1 Y274 Y27t5 Y31/1 Y31i5 z6i2 z7 t2 a 0 gr gn b or n TS Boosl pressurecontrolswrtchovervalve PressLrre controlilap swrtchovervalve EGR valvevacuuan kansducef Boost pressurecontro/pressLrre controi flap vacuurf transducer Connectorsleeve,groLtnd supply(soder joinl n connector) Connectorsleeve,lerminalB7 (soder lorntIn narness) To A/C compressor controtunrt(N6),p n 4 To A,/Ccompfessor coftrolun t (N6),prn4 black whrle grey yerow green blue re0 prrk JI Engine602.962 07.1 Electronicdieselsystem(EDS)test The test is dividedinto the following: . Diagnosis, o Electricaltest program, o Functaon test, electronicidle speedcontrol, EGR, P2-control. Diagnosis Test conditions: . Coolanttemperature60 - 80 "C, o AutomaticclimatecontrolofJ, o Selectorlevertn position"P'. . Overvoltageprotectionfuse OK, o Batleryvoltageapprox.12 volts at overvoltageprotectionrelaybetween sockets 1 and 5. 32 65 ModelYear ,SS t @ to,l " " 12 4 12g.2A 1 Engine602.962 07.1 Specialtools F tl €<\ ,, att a. ,, 201s8900 99 00 201 589 13 21 00 60358900 21 00 - ,ry ) { rt- tat aara * Flukemodels23, 83, 85, 87 Sun DM[/-s Bear DACE (Model40-960) Sun EIVIT101g/N/aster 3 Sun MCM-2110 Sun MEA-1500M8 Y-distributor 117 078 01 45 1) Availablethroughthe MBNA StandardEqujpmentprogram ig.r M o d e lY e a r ,n n a @ L o O" l. 1 2 4 . 1 2 g ,2 O1 33 Engine502.962 07.1 Connectiondiagram 013 counter 013 lmpulse Battery Gl for X11/4 Teslconnection 0ragnosrs sw ge rt otacK yellow red Layout(X1'l/4) 1 2 4 Ground TD srqna EDScontrounrtrnpulse readoul Note regarding impulse readout: lf the impulsereadoutdoes not indicatea malfunctionin spiteof a complaint,perform functiontest. The number" 1" indicatesthat thereare no in the electronic recognizedmalfunctions reler to a particular All further numbers system. componentor malfunctionsource. Numbersrangingfrom 1 to 15 may be displayed on the impulsecounter. It the LED "U-Batt"lightsafterconnectingthe impulsecounter,then the impulsecounterand voltagesupplyfor the impulsecounterare ok. 34 iS Mode Y ear 1992@ Model s 124 12s 201 Engine602.962 07.1 Testing with impulse counter 1 Connectimpulsecounteraccordingto connectiondiagram. Erasing malfunction memory: After eliminatinga malfunction,the respective impulsereadoutmust be clearedas follows: Note: LED "U-Batt"in displaymust tightup, olnerwrse: a) Check impulsecounterfuse, b) Checksocket 1 of test connection(X11i4) againstthe positivepoteof the battery (11-14 V), c) Check socket4 of test connection(Xl 1i4) againstsocket 1 (6-12 V). 9 Pressstart buttonand read out the eliminatedmalfunction.Then press the start buttonfor 6 to 8 seconds. 2 Engineat idle. 3 Pressstartbuttonfot 2 Io 4 seconds. Note: Each malfunctiondisplayedmust be erased individually. lf the malfunctionhas been eliminatedand its respectrvereadouterased,then the malfunction code will n0 longerbe displayedwhen perlormingthe impulsereadout. lf the numberdisplayedis greaterthan 1, then there are furthermalfunctionsin the system. Readand note impulsereadoutdisplayed. = no malfunctionstored, Display" 1" Greaterthan "1' = malfunction In system. Pressstart buttonagainfor 2 to 4 seconds. lf thereare no furthermalfunctions in the system,the previouslydisplayednumberwill reappear.lf additionalmalfunctions exist, then the respectivemalfunction code will be drsplayed. Repeatstep 5 untilthe first number displayedis repeated. Eliminatenotedmallunctions(impulse readout)accordingto troubleshooting chart. Performtests of individualcomponents. e M o d e lY e a r , S SZ@ to C"t. 1 2 4 1 zg 2 O1 35 07.1 Engine602.962 Malfunction table The respectivenumberin the displayof the impulsecounterindicateswhethera component is defective,which one it is, or whetheror not componentsin the controlcircuitare delective, EDS control unit lmpulsereadout Component/'malf unctioncircuit All functionsok. no malfunctionstored Fuelrack positionsensor(L7) Air flow sensor(82i 1) EDS controlunit (N39),atmosphericpressuresensor EGR valvevacuumtransducer(Y31r1) or malfunction in EGR controlcircuit EDS controlunit (N39),internalvoltagesupply Starterring gear speedsensor(L3) Coolanttemperature sensor(811i4) lntakeair temperature sensor(82 1a) 10 Voltagesupply 1121 Electronicidle speedcontrolactuatoror EGR valvevacuum (Y31i1) transducer 12 Notused /.t EDS controlunit (N39)defective(internalmemory) 14 EDS pressutesensor(85/1)detective Boostpressurecontrol/pressure controlflap vacuumtransducer(Y31/5) or defectin boosl pressurecontrolcircuit. r) lf thereare complaints performfunctionlestsfor eleclronc dle speedconlrol,EGR and P2-control. nonelheless, 2) D sp ayed only il ther€ a shortc rcuit. 36 fF Model Y ear,SS t @ toa"'. 124. 12g 201 Engine602.962 07.1 Electricaltest program Connectiondiagram,socketbox 002 003 004 005 N39 9999e9999 @OOeOO@@o 25-po1e lest cabte124 589 33 63 00 Multmetef 3s-polesocketbox 124 589 00 2i 0O Test cable124 589 34 63 0O EDS conlrolun t oooo@ooo@ o@oo 004 Equipmenvtest symbols - Socketbox Nlultimeter Socket Pin -€t-=@l- Voltagemeasurement(DC volts) Resistancemeasurement(Ohms) Note: lf nominalvaluescannotbe met when performingpneumatjctests,ensurethat all vacuumlines and connectionsare in orderby comparingroutingand connectionsto applicableEDS vacuumschematrc. Test program rmpurse Teststep/ readouttestscope 1 Test connection 1.0 No malfunctionstored. 2.0 N39 t:t::ir ii Fuelrack posrn0n 4 < -=@! sensor(L7) a -< -:@l- a -< -€! 4 <*€ !r € Test condition Nominal Possiblecauselremedy value Mo d€ lYea,sr ez @ "oa"t . 124.129.201 > s >- o >-s r lgnition:OFF EDS control unit unprugged. Replaceinjectionpump, Wiring. 50 14 0 25 !2 Q co0 coO 37 > Engine602.962 07.1 tmpurseTeststep/ readouttestscope Test condition Nominal Possrblecause/remedy value Test connection L7 zFuelrack posrtron sensor(L7) --@ - * 3 t7 e'. 2.2 Wiring --@! .-r N39 ,,! <--{ o tj+ l: N39 ffit 3 ,< -:O!> 2a N39 FI 3 < -:@L>- Connectoron fuel rack position sensor(L7) unpruggeo. 25 !2 Q Replaceinlectionpump. Connector on fuelrack <10 (L7) sensor unpruggeo. lgnition:ON EDS control unit(N39) connected. 510.5V EDS controlunit (N39). < 0 . 5v Opencircuit. Engine:at ldle 1.7 ! 0.2 V 1) *l ltlu l *@!r pump. Replaceinjection to N39 31 50!4 0 a a -J()}-+ 3.0 Air flow sensor \82t1) lgnition:OFF Connectoron fuel rack posrtron sensor(L7) unplugged. EDS controlunit (N39). ro 1) Voltagencreaseswth Increastng rpm. 38 € ModelYear,SS, @ Uoa". n4 ng 201 Engine602.962 07.1 lmpurseTeststep/ lTest connection readout testscope I tsl Air flow sensor (B2i1) lt I - tll I | ls rrl lt'< 3.2 Wiring Air f low sensor(82/'t). N39 1,,,,,,,.|l | Air flowsensorI 50 lptate,rest 12000 Air flow sensor(82/1). _\i!9. E IAirflowsensor|560futly I t rooo lplate, Air flow sensor(82/1). *-@t, 24lunit.(N3s). I lunpruggeo.I --<*@1-> r0lposition. I | I I' lt q n it io nO : F F 1 5 0 0_ I EDScontrol I 12000 N39 ::::::i::: I | Test condition Nominal Possible cause/remedy value -@-r- tttl l !9 9 I iir*l r o ld e tte cte o | lConnector on lcto 82,'rI airftowsensor| Iro -<-'@t > sl{ezrr) I eztl l r+ I lro-.--@t , ol tttl 4.0 5,r 5.0 EGRvalve VACUUM transducer ( Y31 /1) EGRvalve I | | lunPrussed l tltt llCq 4 | ] I I Opencircuit. | | I I Atmospheric pressure sensor,replaceEDS controlunlt(N39). N39 Engine: at 700 ! 50 rpm E ig < -€1- >3 V',) >- r Vacuumtesterwith Y-distributor at EGR valve. approx. 250 mbar') Supplyline (blackiwhite) leaking, Vent line (black)clogged, Ventfilter(62a)clogged. Supplyline (black/white) or r'acuumline (blackrubber) llosed or jnterrupted. :GR valvevacuum :ransducer (Y31/1), rViring, :DS controlunit (N39), \ir flow sensor(82/1), :GR valve, ,'oolanttemperature ;ensor, Brielly apply full throtUe. Vacuumand vo tage fall. The test va ues are aoproxmate. M o d e lY e a r 1 9 9 2@ M o d e ts1 2 4 i2 9 2 0 1 39 Engine602.962 07.1 rmpurseTeststep/ readouttestscope c. I Wiring (Y31/1 ) Tesl condition Nominal Possiblecause/remedy valus Test connection N39 ll'*l 18 <-€*_ on Connector Y31i1 vacuum r_ r transducer (Y31/1 ) unplugged. <,1 o Opencircuit. 0 Open circuit. N39 1 -< nsi,ts 5.2 EGR microswitch r (s27/3) Y3111 >2 <1 lgnition: OFF lvlicroswitch a connectot unpruggeo -Accel.pedal not in full load <1 0 posrtron. s27i3 -:/6Y- -Accel.pedal in Iull load posrtron. s27i3 5.3 3_< *@, Wire between EGR microswitch (S27l3)and EGR switchover valve (Y27) 5.4 EGR switchover valve (Y27) Y27 lgnition:OFF 1 i Connectoron Vacuumtesterwith at Y-distributor switchovervalve (sideoutlet). coO <1 0 EGR switchover valve (Y271and connectoron EGR microswitch(S27i3) unpruggeo. Engine:at ldle > 250 mbar EGR switchover Full throttle < 10 mbar Internalvoltagesupply, replaceEDS control unit (N39). 6.0 40 EGR microswitch(327/3). r5 Mo.le Year 1992 @ Models 124 12g 2o1 Engine 602.962 lmpulse Test stepi readout resr scope 7 07.1 Test connection 7.0 I Starterring | gear speed sensor(L3) lc Hrss :"':::: . *€!> I ttl 7.1 TD-signal N39 :::i:r::ii ^ t.. > 3 -< --(!F Test condition Nominal Possiblecauseiremedy value I rnoin.' rot"Ttz v "t I EDS control | Speedsensor,gap, dirt, " Wiring. zolunit I lunprusseo. I | E noi ne: at l dl e I EDS control > 3.5V2) 25 lunrr lconnected. B;,; ; 527 Q 110 0/o Shortcircuitin wire from N39 to (X1114)or EDS controlunit (N39). Starterringgearspeed sensor(L3), Wiring. VDO'' 1 9 0 0Q 110"./" Connector (L3x1) unplugged. Seru'' 527 Q ! 10 % Starterring gear speed sensor(L3). VDO 3) 19000 110 % <1c) <l 0 )pen circurt. I ) Vo tage ncreaseswtlh ncreasng rpm 2) Voitagedecreasesw'th ncreastn'grpm. 3) Measuredat 20 "C ambrenttemperature (forevery 1O 'C diiierencein ambrent terfperature, the resstancechangesby 4 %) € M o d e Y e a r r9 9 2 @ M o d e r si? 4 , 1 zg ,2 A1 A1 Engine602.962 07.1 rmpurse readouttest scope B N39 8.0 ;t,tl,tt:,1 Coolant IemperalUre 3 < r-9 -:@! sensor (B11ta) 8.1 Coolant Iemperalure sensor (811/4) N39 r:r 1a { -ior* )- I r ) 11 8.2 Wiring N39 --*t< --(4+ 9 9 Test condition Nominal Possiblecauseiremedy value Test connection ,1 lgnition: ON EDScontrol unit connecleo. Coolanttemperature sensor, Wiring, EDS controlunit. lgnition:OFF EDS control unit unprugge0. Coolanttemperature sensor, Wiring. Connector (811,4) unplugged. lgnition:OFF 811,4 EDScontrol unrt eo. unprugg N39 lgnition:ON 9.0 :iti::::::] EDS control Intakearr *€! unrt temperature 3 < >- 22 connected. sensor (82/1a) B2t1 *2 Coolanttemperature sensor. < 1Q r) Air flow sensorwrthintake air temperature sensor(82,1), Witing, EDS controlunit (N39). Wirinqto intakeair temperaluresensor, Intakeair temperature sensor(82,,1a). lqnition:OFF EDS control 22 unrt unplugged. 9.1 N39 lntakeair r.iJ Iemperature 3 < -:@!> sensor (B2r1a) --tt* 1) Connectoron r) air flow sensor(82,'1) unplugged. Intakeair temperature sensor(B2i1a). 1) See tablefor coolantand rntakear lemperature sensors. € ModelYear ,SS r @'Vo,l u'. 124 12s ,2A 1 Engine602.962 07.1 lmpulse Teststep/ readout reslscope Test connection IOt N39 9.2 Wiring Test condition Nominal Possiblecauseiremedy value <1 0 lgnitjon: OFF EDS control 1 unit unplugg6d, connector0n air flow sensor(82/1) unplugged. Opencircuit. B 2i 1 ili:::iiiji] 22 -<-@! r N39 ::t:i::::i Fl t 3 -< *agF 10 10.0 Voltage suppry 11') N39 '!jli:r:rl .N39 a.,,,, (*@:-r lI l t -Npe. | | ttl ,t.t 1 Open circuit. Voltage> 18 V, voltage regulator. attote r . c ! z -< -=e- >- r Enoine: I I 0.5 v t lt 0 at (Y22), | Engine: I 11-14V lActuator wring. lapprox. I I zllboor pm I IEDScontrot I lunit I lconnected. I I I | I I''r*ll I <1 Engine:at approx. l '1500rpm 14-<@ r 11.0 I Electro- , m asn e trc l s actuator. I erectronrcI idlespeed I control I (Y22) | I )- 2 '?) EDS controlunit (N39), performtest steps 5 and tc, ruis oril lr.",tion: I IEDS control ""''"" lr . -=@- r e lunit t 411Q I nltr","r.fvizl, I lunPrussed l 11.2 Wiring --19+ lgnition:OFF Y22 Connector on >-2 actuator(Y22) Open circuit. unplugged. N39 *t 2 < -=@! Y22 Opencrrcutt. Drspayed only f there rs a short circuit. Referenceva ue only,voltagedecreaseswtlhlncreasrng engtnespeed. € [ . 4 o d ey e a . ]9 9 2 @ M o d e ts1 2 4 1 2 s za 1 43 Engine502.962 07.1 rmpulseTeststep/ reaooutresrscope 13 14 Test connection Test condition Nomrnal value 13.0 ReplaceEDS control unit (N39). N39 1 4 .0 Pressure sensor (85/1) '14.1 Pressure sensor (85/1 ) 3 < E *@-> N39 l;-t 3 <.@ r 14.2 Pressure sensor (Bsi1) 1 4 .3 Wiring 14.4 Wiring N39 L.::::::1 3 < -:@! N39 i ;:::rr::1 12 <*:o! t2 Pressure sensor, Pressure lines, Wiring. Briefly apply fullthrottle. Voltage increases as pressure rncreases > 500 mbar lgnition: OFF 310.2 kQ Pressure sensor, EDScontrol Wiring. unit unprug9eo. lgnition:OFF < 1Q Opencircuit. unpruggeo. lgnition: OFF EDScontrol > 3 unit unpruggeo. <10 85 1 85 1 17 <-@1-r Engine:at ldle >'1.5V 0 mbar 8 5 1 EDS control r 2 unit ' 1 4 .5 Wiring Pressulesensor, Wiring. tz N39 :t 3 < -€!> > 4_9 V lgnition:ON EDS control 12 unit connected. Vacuumtesterwith Y-distributor at pressure sensor. 44 Possiblecause,remedy t lgnition:OFF EDS control unit unpruggeo. <1f2 i -r Opencircuit. V odo ,"ar 'oez @ l i o r. s 1) 4 29 201 Engine602.962 07.1 rmputse readout Possiblecause/remedy 15.0 Vacuum transducer (Y3115) Engine:at ldle >4 V r) EDS control unit connected. N39 l:::_t lrl"l *=@! Boost pressure controll pressure controlflap Vacuumtesterwith Y-distributor at vacuumtransducer (Y31i5)outlet > 300 mbar') (our). 1;.i Supplyline (black/white) or vacuumline (black rubber)cloggedor leaks, Vacuumtransducet (Y31i5), Open circuit, EDS controlunit (N39). Opencircuit. Wiring Y3115 + lo!j+ N39 :ji:::::::] --(!-F 15.2 Boost / N39 ==] Lrn:l *!Y_r { control swrtcnover VAIVE IY'7 A\ Supplyline (blackiwhite) reaK, Vent line (black)clogged, Vent filter(62a)dlrty. L r unplugged, connectorat Y3 1r5 Y31,'5 ) 2 unprugge0. ) Vacuumtesterwith Y-distributorat switchovervalve (Y2714)(side connection). <1 Q Boostpressure control switchover valve (Y27|4), EDScontrol unit(N39), Opencircuit. 1 connected. Engineiat ldle 12V > 300 mbar Engine speeo: <10 > 1000rpm '?) mbar pt".lrr" N39 tc.J Pressure controlflap swrlcnover valve *t 7 < -=o! > Vacuumtesterwith Y-distributor at swrtchover valve (Y2715) (side connection). connected. Engine:at ldle 12V > 300 mbar > 1000rPm2) r) 2) f, ii"; """,r"r swatchover valve(Y27,/5), EDScontrolunit(N39), Opencircuit. > 200 mbar Voltageand vacuLrm decreasewithtncreaslng rpm SlowlyIncreaseeng ne speedto tOOOrpm (lrom idle) VodFl,ea S9 2 @ vo o e ,s )a 1 2 s lo l 45 Engine602.962 07.1 rmpurseTeststep/ readoutresrscope 151 15.4 Wiring \Y27t4) Test conneclion Possiblecause/remedy value N39 iiii:ri::i 7 --< nsry N39 L :l:::i:iiil 'I --{ 15.5 Wiring (Y27/5) Testcondition Nominal --€-ts Y27t4 r _< *€L Y27i4 2 --< --(!-F lgnition: OFF Y27/4 EDScontrol )-1 unit unplugged, conneclor aI Y27t4 Y27t4 >- 2 unplugged. Y27t5 lgnition:OFF >-r connectorat Y27i4, Y27t5 unpruggeo. Y27t5 )_ 2 <1 n <1 o <1 0 <1 o Opencircuit. Coolantand intakeair temoeraturesensors Temperature in "C (! 10 %) Resistance Voltage( 1 10 o/o ) 20 2.5ko 3.85V 30 1 .7 kQ 3.47V 40 1 .18 kQ 3.05V 50 833 0 2.63V 60 6000 2.22 V 70 440 Q 1.85V 80 327 Q 1.5 V 90 2$A 1.22V 100 185 Q 0.99V 40 i €t [,l odel Y ear,nS, @ toC "'" 124 , 1z g z l l - Engine602.962 07.1 Function test, electronic idle speed control (ELR),EGR, pz-control Note: This test shouldbe performedif, in spiteof a complaant, the impulsereadoutdoes not indicate a malfunction. Engine602.96 Teststepi resrscope Test connection/ equipment Test condition Nominal value 1.0 Connecttachometer Engine: at ldle 680! 20 ldle speedcontrol to test connection Coolanttemperaturerpm (x11i4). approx. 80 "C. Connectoron 6 1 01 2 0 actuatorunplugged. rpm 2.0 EGRcontrol circuit Connectvacuum testerwith Ydistributorto EGR valve. 3.0 EGRvalve Connectvacuum Engine:OFF testerdirectlyto EGR Apply300 mbar valve, vacuum to EGR Engineat 900150 rpm and approx. 300 mbar, brieflyapplyfull throttle. Possible cause/ remedy Actuator, Injectionpump, Starterring gear speedsensor(L3), EDS controlunit (N39),see test steps 7 and 11 (EDStest). Adjustenginespeed at Inlectionpump, InJection pump. Vacuum Vacuumtransducer decreases (Y 3111), Vacuumswitchover value(Y27), Nlechanically check air llow sensor(82/1), EDS control unit (N39), EGR valve, Pneumatic connectrons. tuH vatve ReplaceEGR valve. closes audibly valve. Pulloff vacuumltne. ' l ie M o d e lY e a r tSOa@ Vo ,l"l. 1 2 4 . 1 2 g ,2 o 1 47 Engine602.962 07.1 eSI SreP/ test )st scope 4.0 Boostpressure control Boostpressure controlvalve vacuumactuator Possible cause/ remedy Test connection/ equipment Test condition Nominal value Connectvacuum tester(20)withYto outlet distributor (OUT)of vacuum (Y31i3). transducer Engine:at ldle > 300mbar Vacuum supply, Vacuum line, Vacuumtransducer (Y31/3), EDScontrol unit(N39). Slowlyincrease enginespeedto approx.2000 rpm Vacuum decreases Engine:at ldle Connectvacuum Pressure control tester(20)withYto pressure distributor flapvacuum (100) controlflapvacuum actuator (100). actuator 4. 1 Slowlyincrease engrnespeeoro approx.2000 rpm < 100mbar Vacuum supply, Vacuumline. Vacuum increases Vacuum transducer (Y3112), Pressureline at pressure sensor(B5i1), EDS control unit (N39). I 48 i €. ModelY ear ,ner @ 124 12g.2a1 "oa"," - Models124,129,201 27 Automatictransmission Deletion pump of secondary Transmission 722.3 17 Cover 1 8 Gasket 4 3 Axralbracket Nut, axlal bracket 46 Governorcover Snap nng 50 Governor The secondarypump was deleted. As a rssult, it is no longerpossibleto tow-startthe engine. Towingof the vehicleis still possibteas previously,i.e. selectorleverin position"N", maximumtowingspeedof 50 km/h (31 mph) and a maximumdistanceof 50 km (31 miles). € M o d e l Ye a .1 SSZ@ Vo O"i. 1 2 4 .1 2 g ,2 o 1 A cover (17)and gasket('18)are used to close oft the existingboresfor the secondarypump in the transmission housing. 49 - Models124,129,201 27 ln conjunctionwith this change,the bores for the secondarypump in the largeintermediateplate (14) have also been deleted. The check valves (a9) and (67) as well as the secondarypump shift valve (66) have been eliminatedas well. This does not applyto s-speedautomatic in model129 061' 722.5installed transmission (66),but only as a valve which still uses the shift closureplug. Transmssronhousng Lower cover p ate LargeIntermedlale 19 Gasket 4g Check valve 66 Shrft valve - secondary p ump Check valve l t3 50 u*^67 66 i gb % Mooe ,par'oq:@voo"s 2a !9 2A 1 Modefs124,129,201 27 Upshift delay I 3/1 P27-5073-59 1 2 3 B I f, Controlpressurecable Checkvave lntakemanfold Upshtt delayvacuumeiemenl Vaculm reservorr ModelYear ,Sn, @ VoO"t.124 12s zo1 N3/1 LH controlunit(N3 - CIS-Econlrolunrt) Y3/3 Upshiftdelay swrtchovervalve gr gn black grey qreen ci Models124,129,201 27 Modified upshift delay for rapid heating of catalyst The upshiftdelaypreviouslycontrolledby a relay(K29)and a solenoid(Y3i2)in the governorpressurgctrcuithas been eltminated The upshiftdelayis now actuatedpneumatlcally by meansof a switchovervalve (Y3/3)and a vacuumelement(8) on the controlpressure bowdencable. This modifiesthe bowden cable'sinfluenceon the controlvalve (46) in the valvebody. Operation Dependingon the coolanttemperature,vehicle speedand runningtime,the upshiftdelay switchovervalve (Y3i3)receivesgroundvia the CIS-Econtrolunit (N3). The vacuumelement (8) then receivesvacuumvaathe swltchover valveunderthe followingconditions: CoolanttemperatureaPProx. 0 "C to 50 "C max., Vehiclespeedbetween6 mph (10 km/h) and 30 mph (48 kmih). Upshiftdelayremainsactivefor a maximumof approx.80 seconds. Underlightthrottlethe shift pointfor the 2 - 3 upshiftis raised,thereby increasingthe enginerpm and heatlngthe catalystquicker. The abovementionedvalues are nominalvaluesand can vary dependingon engineversion. 52 * ModelYear ,nn, @ "oo" " 12 4 129 2a1 Models124,129.201 27 Vacuumelement(8) 1 2 P27-O200-59A 1 2 3 Controlpressurecable Sh ft vatve 4 Lever Lever ; ;i;J;"n. vacuum pulls the diaphragm(6) to the reft agarnstthe force of the sp/ing (5). By meansof a lever (4), the shift valve (2) is then moved upwards,independentof the controlpressure bowdencable(1). 65 M o d e lY e a f r S e , @ 1 2 4 1 2 s.zo 1 " o ,t"t. rhis causesthe shift varve(2) to move the controlpressurevarvevra a connectrnqrod and lever (3). 53 Models'l 24.026,201.028lO29 35 Rearaxle Generalinformation Therearaxleratiowaschangedin models '124.026,201.028/ 029. Gearset and rear axleshaft Model 124.026 201.928 201.029 Transmission version automatic automatic automatic Ringgeardia. (mm) 185 185 185 Ratio 2.87 z,6a 2.85') No. of teeth 43:15 37:13 37:13 No. of teeth 33 34 90 90 90 22.225 19.05 22.225 ua dta.outer(mm) 22.225 19.05 22.225 Innerboltcircle diameter(mm) 94 86 94 Shaftdia. (mm) 25 25 25 Rearaxlecenterpiece Gear,irotor on drive pinionfor ABS/ASD Constantvelocityjoint flangedia. (mm) Rearaxle shaft wrtnconstantvetoctw i^,^+ Balldia. inner (mm) Greasef ill quantity(g) inner 120 100 120 Greasefill quantity(g) outer 120 100 120 l) matchedCearset 54 i r* l l ode Year 1992@ Model s 124 . i z s ,2a1 Models124,129.201 46,54 Steering Steeringwheel(140-design) All modelsare equippedwith a newlydesigned steeringwheelwhich is 400 mm in diameter (Sportlinemodels390 mm). The steeringwheel, alongwith the transmission shiftiselector lever knob,are coveredin leather. The steering wheelin model 129 is colorcoordinatedto the interior. lnstallation note: Correctpositioningof the steeringwheelduring installation is assuredby two groovesin the hub (arrows)and by a mark on the steeringshaft spindle. Electricalsystem- equipmentand instruments Instrumentcluster CHECK ENGINEwafning tamp (Ate26) Federalversionmodelsare no longerequipped with a cHEcK ENGINEwarninglamp. As a result,the O2-sensorsignalis no longerbeing monrtoredin these models. Californiaversionmodelsremainequippedwith a CHECKENGINEwarninglampto jndicatean emissions-related componentfailure. {eh I M o d e lY e a f ,e n a @ Uo ,ln l" 1 2 4 1 2 g .2 O1 55 201.029) Sportline(models124.030/051, 32 Generalinformation A sportspackage(i.e. Spor/lne)is availablefor and 201.029. Sporfline models 124.030/051 modelswere developedto provideenhanced for performanceorienteddrivors. characteristics Sportlinemodelsare identitiedby two badgeson ths vehiclefront quarterpanelsand a leather coveredshift knob with a Sport ne emblem. are detailedas Sportlineequipmentmodifications follows: Suspension Modifications The followingsuspensioncomponentshave been modifiedto increasehandlingperformance: . . . . . Frontand rear spnngs, Frontdamperstruts, Rearshock absorbers, Controlarm bushings, Torsionbars. The sporttuned springsand shocksare 20ok lime( than the standald approximately componentsinstalled. The overallvehicleheightis ioweredapprox. 21 mm for model20'l.029 and approx.23 mm for modelsl24.0301051. 56 e ModelY eaf ,ss, @ toa"'. 124 12g.2o1 Sportline(models124.030/051, 201.029) 32 Test and adjustmentdata CrossreferenceFrontspring struts/shockabsorbers Frontdamperstrut Rearspring partno. 124.030 124 321 29 04 124 320 56 30 124 324 23 04 124 324 28 04 124 320 17 31 124.051 124 321 29 04 12432056 30 '12432428 04 124 320 17 31 201.029 201 321 37 04 201 321 38 04 201 320 44 30 201 324 39 04 201 320 12 31 Rearshock aosoroer pan no. Frontaxle - numberof points L4odel 124.030 Base points 57 Slidingilifting roof 3 124.051 201.029 49 3 2 Automatictransmission Standard Standard 4 Automaticlockingdifferential (ASD) Not available Not available '1 Headlampcleaningsystem Standard Standard 1 Crossreference- front springs/rubber mounts N4odel Totalpoints Frontspringpart no. Heightof rubbermounts (mm) accordingto springcolor code blue 124.030i 051 201.029 53-59 60-66 124 321 29 04 up to 49 5 0 -57 201 321 37 04 2Q1321 38 04 t\) red '18 18 23 '18 23 8 I if,. Model Year ,SSt @ Uo,lu " 124 12g 2O1 57 7 201.029) Sportline(models124.030/051, 32 Rearaxle - numberot Points Model 124.030 124.051 201.029 Basepoints 29 41 19 3 3 3 roof Sliding/litting Automatic transmission Standard Standard (ASD) lockingdifferential Automatic Not available Not available Rearheadrestraints Standard Standard 3 Crossreference- rearsplings/rubbermounts Model Total points Heightof rubbermounts(mm) according to springcolorcode Rearspringpartno. DIUE 124.030 21 -31 124324 23 Q4 051 124.030i 32-41 42-50 124324 28 Q4 201.029 up to 25 201 324 39 04 201.Q29 26-34 201 324 39 Q4 58 IJ 8 t!t reo 18 13 18 8 IJ f, vodel "ear rssu @ 18 V ooes t?a ' z e 2ol Sportline(models124.030/051, 201.029) 40 Wheels,chassismeasurement, wheel alignment Wheels Cross reference- wheels^ires/recommended tire brands Model Rim designation Summertires,tubeless part no. Tire size 124.030 Lightalloy 124.051 7 Jx 15 N 2 ET 41 1) 205i60 ZR tc Lightalloy 7 Jx15H2 Ef 441t2) Brand Tire size Brand GOODYEAR EAGLENCT 205i60R 15 91 H lvl+S DUNLOP SP WINTER SPORT 205i55R 15 87TM+S PIRELLIMS WINTER190 or CONTINENTAL SUPER CONIACT TS 740 205/55R 15 87H t!1+S DUNLOPSP WINTERSPORT I\,4ICHELIN [4XV 124 401 13 02 201.029 Wintertires,tubeless 205i55ZR 15 201 400 13 02 PIRELLIP6 IVICHELIN I\,1XV use balancrng wergntsw lh separatespringretanrnqclp. 2) Only use adhesve baianctng werghtson ns de of rim. € M o d e lY e a f , S n , @ Uo C". 1 2 4 1 2 s zo 1 59 40 201.029) Sporttine(models124.030/051, Light-alloywheel rims Models124.030/051 wheelwith 8-holelight-alloy A newlydesigned is installed: designation the following 7J x15H2ET41. K-%B 's-bg r3 P40.5003 Model 201.029 The '1s-holelight-alloywheel knownfrom model and has the following 201.034is installed 41. designation:7 Jt15H2Ef /-\ c. ",.--\/ ! I ^ , l\ ))"" ('|Uf)' "0 "' Wheel bolts for light-alloy wheel rims 201.029 Models 124.030/051, The wheel boltsare identicalfor all Sport/lne mooets. Partno.20'1400 00 70 Heightof head "K" = Bolt shanklength "L" = 22.5 mm 40 mm The screw head is hollowand is coveredwilh a cap. light-alloy torque: '110 Nm. Tightening 60 1404- t3173 4 € ,ss, @ l,lodelYear ttoa",, 124 12g 2o1 Sportlin e (modets 124.030t051,201.0291 40 Wheelalignment Test and adiustmentdata Vehiclelevel lvlodels Frontaxle (vehtcleat curb werght) mm 124.030i051 Rearaxle (vehicleat curb weight) mm + 10 +2 201.029 + 10 +2 t,l + t0 + t0 Frontaxle wheelalignmentat specifiedvehiclelevel (curbweight) Model 124.030i 051 [201.02e] Wheelsin straightaheadposition(toe 0.) -0 " 50' + t0 _20, Permissibledifterencebetweenrioht and left Caster') Wheelsin straightaheadpositjon(toe 0") '10'40'+ 30' [10.40'- 30' Measuredagainstwheelstop 10"25',130' Permissrble diflerencebetweenriqhtand left (Frontwheelsspreadwith g0 - 110 N force) Toe-outwith innerwheel turned20" 2) I/aximumpermissiblesteeringangleat innerwheel 3) Balljoint position4) + 0.15" 0.35' ) (0.35" ) (10.65" + 0.50") (10.65.- 0.s0.)l (10,40" t 0.50.) (0.50" ) 0"20' I 10' (0.35"t 0.15") -0 " 5 5 '1 3 0 ' [-.0.40,r 30' (-0 . 9 0 1 " 0.50") (-0.60.r 0.50.)l 43. (43.00.) 27.5!2 mm [30 t 2 mml Permissibleballloint heightdifference betweenpitmanand idlerarms r) 2) 3) a) (-0.85" 3 mm Tolerancers for checktngonly ll ouisde of lolerance, adjustto specriied vaue. Vaue givendoesnol ncludeloe. Wheelange on oulstdewheelwtll be 7, to I j . lessthanon lnsrdewheel. Correctionts made on dler arm n upwardor downwarddirecttonby addtton or removat ol washer. Note: ValuesIn bold texl and in brackets[ ] are for modet201.029. values n parenlheses( ) are decimai degrees. 65 ModeiYear,nS, @ Uoa"t. 124 1zs zo1 ol 201.029) Sportline(models124.030/051, 46 Steering gear Crossreference,model/steering Model 124.030 124.051 201.029 Steeringgear 765.928 765.904 765.927 Ratio(standardratioin parentheses) 13.28(13.91) 13.91(14.61) 13.91(14.61) Steeringwheel(14o-design) Sport/lnemodelsare equippedwith a newly designedsteeringwheelwhrchis 390 mm in diameter(standardmodels400 mm). The steeringwheelis coveredin leather. il II I IT lI ll xi 62 n* ModelYear ,nn, @ 124.12g,2o1 "o0",. Sportline(modets124.030/0S't, 201.029) 91 Seats Sport 4-placeseating Model 201.029 Sport4-placeseatingknownfrom model 201.034is installedand is availableonly in leatherin the followinginteriorcolors: creme beige,black,blue,dark brownand grey. Modet 124.030 Sport4-placeleatherseatingis installedand is availableonly in the followinginteriorcolors: creme beige,black,blue,dark brownand grey. Model 124.051 Sport4-placeleatherseatingcontinuesto be standardin this modeland is availablein all eight interiorcolors. n5 M o d e l Y e a .,n n , @ Uo O" ," j2 4 . 1 2 s,2 a 1 o,,