Estudo dos fatores que afetam a eficiência do cultivo in vitro
Estudo dos fatores que afetam a eficiência do cultivo in vitro
1 UNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL DO CEARÁ PRÓ-REITORIA DE PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO E PESQUISA FACULDADE DE VETERINÁRIA PROGRAMA DE PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM CIÊNCIAS VETERINÁRIAS VALDEVANE ROCHA ARAÚJO ESTUDO DOS FATORES QUE AFETAM A EFICIÊNCIA DO CULTIVO IN VITRO DE FOLÍCULOS PRÉ-ANTRAIS CAPRINOS E BOVINOS: EFEITO DO REGIME DE TROCA, MEIOS DE CULTIVO DE BASE E SUPLEMENTOS FORTALEZA-CE 2013 2 VALDEVANE ROCHA ARAÚJO ESTUDO DOS FATORES QUE AFETAM A EFICIÊNCIA DO CULTIVO IN VITRO DE FOLÍCULOS PRÉ-ANTRAIS CAPRINOS E BOVINOS: EFEITO DO REGIME DE TROCA, MEIOS DE CULTIVO DE BASE E SUPLEMENTOS Tese apresentada ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Veterinárias da Faculdade de Veterinária da Universidade Estadual do Ceará, como requisito parcial para a obtenção do título de Doutor em Ciências Veterinárias. Área de Concentração: Reprodução e Sanidade Animal. Linha de Pesquisa: Reprodução e Sanidade de pequenos ruminantes. Orientador: Prof. Dr. José Ricardo de Figueiredo. FORTALEZA-CE 2013 3 Dados Internacionais de Catalogação na Publicação Universidade Estadual do Ceará Biblioteca Central Prof. Antônio Martins Filho Bibliotecário(a) Responsável – Thelma Marylanda Silva de Melo- CRB-3 / 623 A658e Araújo, Valdevane Rocha Estudo dos fatores que afetam a eficiência do cultivo in vitro de folículos pré-antrais caprinos e bovinos: efeito do regime de troca, meios de cultivo de base e suplementos / Valdevane Rocha Araújo. — 2013 CD-ROM. 290f.: il. (algumas color); 4 ¾ pol. ―CD-ROM contendo o arquivo no formato PDF do trabalho acadêmico, acondicionado em caixa de DVD Slim (19 x 14 cm x 7 mm)‖. Tese (doutorado) – Universidade Estadual do Ceará, Faculdade de Veterinária, Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências Veterinárias, Fortaleza, 2013. Área de concentração: Reprodução e Sanidade de Pequenos Ruminantes. Orientação: Prof. Dr. José Ricardo de Figueiredo. Co-orientação: Prof. Dr. Eduardo Leite Gastal. 1. Bovino. 2. Caprino. 3. Competência oocitária. 4. Estradiol. 5. Folículos pré-antrais. I. Título. CDD: 636.39 4 5 Dedico esta tese em memória aos meus avós queridos, Belchior Damião de Araújo e Daldete Rocha Araújo, e José Muniz Rocha. Que Deus permita confortar nossos corações da saudade eterna. Dedico também em memória do grande amigo da família e meu segundo pai, Sr. Arnoldo Almeida Catter. Alguém que dedicou sua vida a ajudar e educar pessoas e que acreditou em mim. 6 AGRADECIMENTOS Deus e Nossa Senhora sabem o quão difícil foi toda essa jornada e por isso, a Eles, agradeço. À Universidade Estadual do Ceará, ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Veterinárias e a todos os seus funcionários (especialmente à Adriana Albuquerque), coordenadores, ex-coordenadores e professores, agradeço. A CAPES e ao CNPq pelos auxílios em forma de bolsa de estudos tanto no Brasil quanto no exterior (Estados Unidos), agradeço. Aos meus pais, Edite Araújo Rocha e Valdeci Rocha Araújo que são tudo para mim. Em todos esses anos e em todos os momentos sempre estiveram ao meu lado. Pessoas cujo apoio tive incondicional e que carregaram comigo todo o peso da ausência de um ano. Moletas que me sustentaram durante a subida de cada degrau na escada da vida. E que no topo da escada, receberam-me de braços abertos. A quem devo tudo o que tenho e tudo o que sou. A quem amo muito e com todas as minhas forças, agradeço. Aos meus irmãos, Aurineide Rocha Araújo, Auricélio Rocha Araújo, Lázaro Rocha Araújo, Jacób Rocha Araújo e Belchior José Rocha Araújo, que de uma maneira ou de outra também me ajudaram, e continuam me ajudando. Aqueles que me apoiaram na difícil tarefa de amar as diferenças e as semelhanças, os defeitos e as qualidades. As minhas lindas irmãs que nem mesmo o prazer de conhecê-las tive, mas que sei que elas estão olhando por nós junto a Deus, nosso pai. A toda minha família, meus sobrinhos e afilhados, agradeço. Ao Sr. Arnoldo, meu segundo pai, a quem dedico esta tese e a quem Deus chamou para continuar sua missão junto ao Senhor dos senhores, agradeço. A todos os amigos, especialmente minha amiga Maria Noeme da Silva, e professores de graduação, especialmente aos Professores Lúcia de Fátima Lopes dos Santos e Ricardo Toniolli, que tanto me apoiaram e acreditaram em mim, agradeço. 7 A todos os amigos que fizeram do LAMOFOPA uma casa e me fizeram sentir em família: Deborah Magalhães-Padilha, Anderson Almeida, Jamily Bruno, Juliana Celestino, Viviane Saraiva, Ana Beatriz Duarte, Gerlane Modesto, Roberta Chaves, Helena Matos, Isabel Lima-Verde, Rochele Falcão, Michelle Brasil, Valesca Luz, Anelise Alves, Rebeca Rocha, Laritza Lima, Raphael Gonçalves, Fabrício Martins, Ticiana Franco, Ana Kelen Lima, Edmara Costa, Franciele Lunardi, Mirlla Baracho, Patrícia Andrade, Sra. Alzenira Andrade, Lindemara Rodrigues, Débora Sales, Priscilla Campos, Marcelo Ricardo, Lidinane Sales, Francisco Léo Aguiar, Hudson Correia, Denise Guerreiro, Andréa Moreira, Sr. Antônio Cézar Camelo, agradeço. A duas amigas, que são como mães científicas que tenho, Jamily Bruno e Juliana Celestino. Pessoas que mesmo nos momentos mais difíceis, estavam lá para me ajudar e me confortar, especialmente nessa última etapa, agradeço. A duas amigas que Deus colocou em meu caminho com o intuito de serem meus anjos da guarda e que me fizeram acreditar que poderia ter minhas irmãs de volta, Deborah Magalhães-Padilha e Ticiana Franco, agradeço. A dois amigos que muito devo, Anderson Almeida e Cláudio Lopes, e a quem a Deus peço toda a proteção e cuidado, agradeço. As minhas duas filhotas científicas, Gerlane Modesto e Mirlla Baracho, que me deram muitas alegrias e dividiram muitos ensinamentos, agradeço. To my new Family, the American one, during my time out from Brazil. People as Mike Isom, Casie and Jeremiah Bass, Christiane and Mike Bass, Cherie Watson, Anja Meksem, Cindy McDaniel, Patrícia Krejcik, Joy Carter, Garcia and Brandon, Ricot Saint-Aimé, Deb Sarvela, Douglas Gimeniz and Maíra Aranha, Walquiria and David Adams, Shereen Hammad, Dra. Ana Migone, Áurea Wischral and Manoel Adrião, Eduardo and Melba Gastal, Keith Haag, Gabriela Fonseca, Saulo Silva, thank you very much. 8 Mike Isom, you were the best American dad that I could have in my life. You gave me Casie Bass as my sister and all that I needed in that time. For this and for everything that you guys did to me, I really thank you. A Walquíria e David Adams que foram meus amigos, pais e conselheiros. Deram-me o apoio no momento em que mais precisei e foram um refúgio para mim, agradeço. “Walquíria and David Adams were more than friends; they were my friends, my parents and my advisors. They gave to me support when I needed it most and have been my refuge, thank you.” Ao Prof. Dr. Cláudio Cabral, à Profa. Dra. Liliam Tavares, à Profa. Dra. Melba Gastal, à Profa. Dra. Áurea Wischral e ao Prof. Dr. Manuel Adrião pela amizade, carinho e pelas tantas lições de vida que levarei comigo para sempre, agradeço. Ao meu orientador, Prof. Dr. José Ricardo de Figueiredo, que me recebeu no LAMOFOPA de braços abertos e que me deu votos de confiança desde o primeiro momento. Alguém que demonstrou acreditar no meu trabalho e na minha capacidade. A alguém que além de tudo, proferiu muitas palavras de conforto e aconcelhamento fazendo-me acreditar cada vez mais na minha própria capacidade, agradeço. À minha co-orientadora, Profa. Dra. Ana Paula Ribeiro Rodrigues, que foi orientadora de mestrado e amiga, acima de tudo; e que nestes últimos momentos tem me apoiado muito, adradeço. Ao meu co-orientador, Prof. Dr. Eduardo Leite Gastal, que me deu a oportunidade de testar meus conhecimentos e minha capacidade, agradeço. Aos membros da banca examinadora, Prof. Dr. Cláudio Cabral Campello, Prof. Dr. José Roberto Viana Silva, Profa. Dra. Áurea Wischral e Profa. Dra. Roberta Nogueira Chaves, que tanto contribuíram com a melhora desse trabalho, agradeço. Finalmente, obrigada, papai e mamãe do céu, por mais uma etapa ultrapassada com sucesso em minha vida. 9 RESUMO Os objetivos do presente trabalho foram: 1) verificar o efeito do regime de troca de meio (caprinos e bovinos) e do tipo de meio de cultivo de base (bovinos) sobre o crescimento/viabilidade in vitro de folículos secundários isolados; 2) avaliar a influência da proteína morfogenética óssea-6 (BMP-6) na ausência ou presença do hormônio folículo estimulante (FSH) sobre o crescimento/viabilidade de folículos pré-antrais caprinos cultivados in situ ou isolado; e quantificar os níveis de RNAm para BMPR1A/R-2 e Smads 1/4/5/6/7/8 antes e após o cultivo de folículos secundários caprinos isolados; 3) investigar o efeito do fator de crescimento do endotélio vascular (VEGF) sobre o desenvolvimento de folículos secundários caprinos isolados; 4) verificar a influência da adição de VEGF, fator de crescimento semelhante à insulina-1 (IGF-1) e/ou hormônio do crescimento (GH) ao meio de cultivo in vitro de folículos secundários bovinos isolados utilizando sistemas de cultivo bi (2D) e tridimensional (3D). Para o cultivo in situ, fragmentos de córtex ovariano foram cultivados por um ou sete dias em MEM+ adicionado de BMP-6 (0, 1, 10, 50 ou 100 ng/mL). Folículos secundários foram isolados por microdissecção e cultivados por 18 (caprino) ou 32 (bovino) dias em αMEM+ (caprino e bovino) ou TCM-199+ (bovino) na presença ou ausência de FSH. O meio foi ainda suplementado com BMP-6 (caprino: 1 ou 10 ng/mL), VEGF (caprino: 10 ou 100 ng/mL; bovino: 100 ng/mL), IGF-1 (bovino: 50 ng/mL), GH (bovino: 50 ng/mL) ou VEGF+IGF-1+GH (bovino). Os resultados demonstraram que a adição periódica de meio aumentou significativamente as percentagens de oócitos (≥ 100 µm) caprinos destinados à maturação in vitro. O diâmetro, a taxa de crescimento, formação de antro e as concentrações de estradiol de folículos secundários bovinos isolados foram maiores (P<0,05) na adição periódica de meio utilizando α-MEM (MEM-S) quando comparada ao controle (MEM-C). A BMP-6 aumentou significativamente o percentual de folículos atrésicos e promoveu alterações ultraestruturais nos folículos primordiais caprinos após cultivo in situ. Em caprinos, a BMP-6 (1 ng/mL) promoveu maiores taxas de folículos antrais e completos níveis de expressão de RNAm da via de sinalização das BMPs; e o VEGF (10 ou 100 ng/mL) aumentou o diâmetro, a taxa de crescimento folicular e de recuperação oocitária, apresentando maiores percentagens de oócitos em metáfase II (P<0,05). Em bovinos, o VEGF melhorou as taxas de crescimento e formação de antro e o GH aumentou os níveis de estradiol após cultivo 2D e 3D, respectivamente (P<0,05). Diante do exposto, pode-se concluir que: 1) a adição periódica de meio melhorou o 10 cultivo de folículos secundários caprinos e bovinos isolados; 2) a BMP-6 induziu a atresia em folículos primordiais caprinos, porém promoveu o desenvolvimento in vitro de folículos secundários isolados; 3) a adição de VEGF melhorou as taxas de maturação de oócitos oriundos de folículos pré-antrais caprinos isolados cultivados in vitro e finalmente; 4) a adição de VEGF (sistema 2D) e GH (sistema 3D) melhoraram, respectivamente, o desenvolvimento folicular (formação de antro e taxa de crescimento) e a produção de estradiol em folículos secundários bovinos isolados cultivados in vitro. Palavras-chave: Bovino. Caprino. Competência oocitária. Estradiol. Folículos préantrais. 11 ABSTRACT The aims of this study were to: 1) verify the effect of medium replacement methods (caprine and bovine) and the type of culture media (bovine) in the in vitro growth/viability of isolated secondary follicles; 2) evaluate the effect of bone morphogenetic protein-6 (BMP-6) alone or associated with follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) in the in vitro growth/viability of caprine preantral follicles cultured in situ or isolated; and to quantify the mRNA expression levels for BMPR-1A/R-2 and Smads 1/4/5/6/7/8 before and after in vitro culture of isolated caprine secondary follicles; 3) verify the influence of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in the in vitro development of isolated caprine secondary follicles; 4) investigate the effect of VEGF, insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and growth hormone (GH) alone or in combination in the in vitro culture of isolated bovine secondary follicles using two- (2D) or threedimensional (3D) culture systems. To the in situ culture, fragments of ovarian cortex were cultured in vitro for one or seven days in MEM+ supplemented with BMP-6 (0, 1, 10, 50 or 100 ng/mL). Secondary follicles were isolated by microdissection and cultured for 18 (caprine) or 32 (bovine) days in α-MEM+ (caprine and bovine) or TCM-199+ (bovine) with or without FSH. The culture medium was supplemented also with BMP-6 (caprine: 1 or 10 ng/mL), VEGF (caprine: 10 ou 100 ng/mL; bovine: 100 ng/mL), IGF1 (bovine: 50 ng/mL) or GH (bovine: 50 ng/mL) or the combination of VEGF+IGF1+GH (bovine). The results demonstrated that the periodic addition of culture medium increased (P<0.05) the percentage of caprine oocytes (≥ 100 µm) destined to in vitro maturation. Follicular diameter, growth rate, antrum formation, and estradiol production of isolated bovine secondary follicles were higher (P<0.05) using periodic addition method and α-MEM culture medium (MEM-S) than the control (MEM-C). BMP-6 increased (P<0.05) the percentage of atretic follicles and promoted ultrastructual alterations in caprine primordial follicles after in situ culture. In caprine, BMP-6 (1 ng/mL) improved the antrum formation rate (P<0.05) and allowed the complete mRNA expression levels for BMP receptor and Smads; and VEGF (10 and 100 ng/mL) increased (P<0.05) the follicular diameter and growth rate presenting higher percentage of metaphase II oocytes. In bovine, VEGF improved the follicular growth and antrum formation rate and GH increased the estradiol levels after 2D and 3D culture systems, respectively (P<0.05). Thus, the main conclusions from this study are as follows: 1) periodic addition of culture medium improved the follicular development of caprine and 12 bovine isolated secondary follicles; 2) BMP-6 induced the atresia in caprine primordial follicles, while improved the development of isolated secondary follicles; 3) the addition of VEGF improved the in vitro maturation rate of oocytes from secondary caprine follicles grown in vitro; and finally 4) the addition of VEGF (2D culture system) and GH (3D culture system), respectively, improved the follicular development (antral formation and growth rate) and increased the estradiol production in isolated bovine secondary follicles cultured in vitro. Keywords: Bovine. Caprine. Oocyte competence. Estradiol. Preantral follicles. 13 LISTA DE FIGURAS CAPÍTULO 1 Figure 1. Schematic sequence of complete follicular development. Preantral phase: Formation and beginning of growth and activation of primordial follicles and growth of primary and secondary follicles. Antral phase: Formation of tertiary follicle (antral-filled follicular fluid cavity). Follicle growth continues through the phases of recruitment, emergency, selection, dominance, and preovulatory stage of follicular waves. Oogonia is a cell that arises from a primordial germ cell and differentiates into an oocyte in the ovary. Primordial follicle has a single layer of flattened granulosa cells. Primary follicle has a single layer of cuboidal granulosa cells. Secondary follicle has two or more layers of cuboidal granulosa cells and a small number of theca cells. All the preantral follicles have a primary oocyte. Tertiary follicle has several granulosa cell layers, theca cells and primary oocyte and is characterized by an antral cavity which containing follicular fluid. Preovulatory or also called as Graafian follicle is the last stage of follicle development; these follicles are larger, have more antral fluid and a secondary oocyte. Follicular fluid is a plasma exudate conditioned by secretory products from the granulosa cells and oocyte.…….. 65 Figure 2. Isolated follicles (A) by tissue chopper and microdissection, and (B) in situ follicles stained with PAS-hematoxilin. o: oocyte; n: oocyte nucleus; fgc: flattened granulosa cells; cgc: cuboidal granulosa cells; tc: theca cells; zp: zona pellucida. *Antral follicle grown in vitro...……………………………………………………….. 69 Figure 3. Schematic representation of the (A) two- and (B) three-dimensional culture systems utilized for bovine preantral follicles..……………………………………… 72 CAPÍTULO 2 Figure 1. VEGF isoforms generated by alternative splicing. VEGF-A comprises monomers designated according to the number of amino acids in the polypeptide chain (VEGF110, VEGF111, VEGF121, VEGF145, VEGF148, VEGF162, VEGF165, 104 14 VEGF165b, VEGF183, VEGF189 and VEGF206)……………………………..................... Figure 2. Binding complex VEGF-heparin-receptor involved in biological responses to VEGF in various cells and tissues. VEGF-A binds both to VEGFR-1 and VEGFR2, whilst PIGF and VEGF-B interact only with VEGFR-1. VEGF-C and VEGF-D bind to receptors VEGFR-2 and VEGFR-3, and VEGF-E binds only to VEGFR-2….. 106 Figure 3. Biological activities of VEGF in the mammalian ovarian follicle. The expansion of the vascular network during follicle development enhances oxygenation and diffusion of several substances important for follicle cells, and leads to the discussed biological responses………………………………………………………… 108 CAPÍTULO 3 Figure 1. Normal caprine preantral follicle before culture (A); antral follicle after 18 days of culture in T2 (periodic addition of medium). Note the chromatin configuration of the oocytes in germinal vesicle (C) and telophase I (D - from T2 treatment)………………………………………………………………………………. 128 Figure 2. Percentage of isolated morphologically normal preantral follicles after 18 days of culture. (a,b) treatment (P<0.05). Differs significantly among culture periods within the same (A,B) Differs significantly among treatments within the same culture period (P<0.05).………………………………………………………………... 131 Figure 3. Follicular diameter after 18 days of culture with different protocols of medium replacement. (a,b)Differs significantly among culture periods within the same treatment (P<0.05). (A,B) Differs significantly among treatments within the same culture period (P<0.05).………………………………………………………………... 132 Figure 4. Percentage of antral cavity formation in follicles cultured with different protocols of medium replacement after 18 days. (a,b) culture periods within the same treatment (P<0.05). (A,B) Differs significantly among Differs significantly among treatments within the same culture period (P<0.05)........................................................ 133 15 CAPÍTULO 4 Figure 1. Morphologically normal (a) and degenerated (b) bovine follicles before and after 32 days of in vitro culture, respectively. Bars = 20 µm (a) and 50 µm (b)………. 146 Figure 2. Viable and non-viable bovine follicles after 32 days of in vitro culture. (a, b, i, j) Conventional and (c, d, k, l) Small supplementation methods using α-MEM+. (e, f, m, n) Conventional and (g, h, o, p) Small supplementation methods using TCM199+. Note that viable follicles (a-h) had shiny granulosa cells arranged in several layers, intact basal membrane, and antrum cavity. However, non-viable follicles (i-p) had very dark granulosa cells, irregularities in the basal membrane, and no antral cavity. Bars = 100 µm (a-p)……………………………………………………………. 150 Figure 3. Relative mRNA expression (mean±SEM) for FSHR, IGF1, VEGF, and P450AROM at days 0 and 32 of in vitro culture. A,B Relative mRNA expression differed (P<0.05) among groups. No expression of VEGF was detected in fresh, MEM-S, and TCM-S groups. No difference (P>0.05) was observed for P450AROM among all groups.……………………………………………………………………… 154 CAPÍTULO 5 Figure 1. Percentages (means±S.E.M) of atretic preantral follicles in uncultured tissue (fresh control) and tissue cultured for 1 and 7 days in MEM+ and MEM+ supplemented with 1, 10, 50, and 100 ng/mL BMP-6. For each treatment, 30 follicles were evaluated in each of five replicates. *P<0.05, significantly different from uncultured ovarian cortex tissue (control/D0). (A, B) Different letters denote significant differences between culture periods within the same medium (P<0.05)….…………… 172 Figure 2. Histological section of (A) normal follicles from uncultured tissue and, (B) atretic follicles after culture in the presence of BMP-6 O: oocyte; NU: oocyte nucleus; GC: granulosa cells. Staining with periodic acid Schiff-hematoxylin, 400x… 172 Figure 3. Electron micrograph of caprine preantral follicle from (A) an uncultured control (5800x), (B) MEM+ alone, (C) 1 ng/ml of BMP-6, and (D) 50 ng/ml of BMP- 174 16 6 cultured (8000x) for 7 days. Homogeneous cytoplasm with numerous rounded mitochondria is characteristic of non-cultured follicles and cultures with only MEM+ (3A and 3B, respectively). Extreme vacuolization and great holes are present in the cytoplasm, indicative of degeneration (3C and 3D; solid arrow). Note the empty space in degenerated granulosa cells after in vitro culture with BMP-6 (3C and 3D; open arrow). NU: oocyte nucleus, GC: granulosa cells, m: mitochondria, ser: smooth endoplasmic reticulum, v: vesicle …………………………………………………….. CAPÍTULO 6 Figure 1. (A) Morphologically normal preantral (day 0) and (B) antral follicles (day 6) using BMP-6 at 1 ng/mL withou rFSH®..................................................................... 192 Figure 2. Antrum formation rate (%) in follicles cultured for 18 days in αMEM+ or medium supplemented with BMP-6 (1 or 10 ng/mL) in the absence or presence of rFSH®. A,B Different letters denote significant differences among treatments in the same period (P<0.05).………………………………………………………………….. 194 Figure 3. The oocytes from follicles grown in vitro in αMEM+ medium (A-C) or under treatment with BMP-6 at 1 ng/mL without FSH® (D-F). Note the presence of the intact germinal vesicle (GV) in the MEM treatment and the metaphase II (MII) stage indicated in blue after Hoechst 33342 staining in BMP-6 treatment……………. 196 Figure 4. Relative expression of mRNA (means±SD) of (A) bmpr2; (B) smad1; (C) smad5; (D) smad8; (E) smad6; and (F) smad7 in the non-cultured control (D0) and after 18 days of culture in αMEM+ medium or BMP-6 at 1 ng/mL without rFSH® (BMP1). A,B Different letters denote significant differences among treatments (P<0.05)………………………………………………………………………………... 197 CAPÍTULO 7 Figure 1. Oocytes from goat follicles, grown in vitro, at the end of the culture period (after 18 days) with various treatments: control (a, d, g, j), with 10 ng/ml VEGF (b, e, h k), or with 100 ng/ml VEGF (c, f, i, l). Oocytes are marked in green by Calceina- 215 17 AM in d-f and in red by ethidium homodimer in j-l for all treatments. Bars 50 μm…... Figure 2. Percentages of goat preantral follicles with normal morphology (healthy follicles) cultured for 18 days (D0, D6, D12, D18) in αMEM+ (Control) and αMEM+ supplemented with 10 ng/ml VEGF (VEGF10) or 100 ng/ml VEGF (VEGF100). Different lowercase letters denote significant differences among culture periods within the same medium (P<0.05)……………………………………………………... 216 Figure 3. Diameter of goat follicles cultured for 18 days (D0, D6, D12, D18) in αMEM+ (Control) and αMEM+ supplemented with 10 ng/ml VEGF (VEGF10) or 100 ng/ml VEGF (VEGF100). Different lowercase letters denote significant differences among culture periods within the same medium (P<0.05). Different uppercase letters denote significant differences among treatments in the same period (P<0.05)………... 217 Figure 4. Antrum formation in goat follicles cultured for 18 days (D0, D6, D12, D18) in αMEM+ (Control) and αMEM+ supplemented with 10 ng/ml VEGF (VEGF10) or 100 ng/ml VEGF (VEGF100). Different lowercase letters denote significant differences among culture periods within the same medium (P<0.05). Different uppercase letters denote significant differences among treatments in the same period (P<0.05)………………………………………………………………………………... 218 Figure 5. Oocytes from goat follicles grown in vivo (a-c) and in vitro under control conditions (d-f) and after treatment with 10 ng/ml VEGF (g-i) or 100 ng/ml VEGF (jl). b, e, h, k Viable oocytes marked in green by Calcein-AM for all the treatments. Note the presence of the germinal vesicle in the controls (f) and metaphase II in oocytes in vivo (c) and after treatment with 10 ng/ml VEGF (i) or 100 ng/ml VEGF (l), marked in blue by Hoechst 33342. Bars 50 μm……………………………………. 220 CAPÍTULO 8 Figure 1. Bovine follicles before (A; day 0) and after in vitro culture (B-D; day 32) in medium containing only α-MEM+ (B), or α-MEM+ plus VEGF (C), or α-MEM+ plus GH (D). Normal in vitro grown preantral (A) and antral follicles (B-D) using 2D (BC) or 3D (D) culture systems, respectively. o: oocyte; gc: granulosa cells; tc: theca 236 18 cells; a: antral cavity formation. Scale bars = 50 µm. Images were captured at 32X (A) and 10X (B-D)..……………………………............................................................. 19 LISTA DE TABELAS CAPÍTULO 1 Table 1. Chronological advances in in situ culture system of early bovine preantral follicles.*…………………….………………………………………………………... 74 Table 2. Chronological advances in two and three dimensional (2D and 3D) in vitro culture systems for isolated bovine preantral follicles.*……………………………… 76 CAPÍTULO 3 Table 1. Meiotic stages of goat oocytes from preantral follicles cultured for 18 days with three different protocols for medium exchange.…………………………………. 134 CAPÍTULO 4 Table 1. Oligonucleotide primers used for real-time polymerase chain reaction analysis of bovine follicles before and after in vitro culture.………………………….. 148 Table 2. Morphological normal follicles (%), follicular viability (%), follicular diameter (µm) and growth rate (µm/day), antrum formation (%), and estradiol concentration (ng/ml) of bovine follicles after 32 days of in vitro culture in α-MEM+ and TCM-199+ using two medium replacement methods (Conventional-C or Small Supplementation-S)…………………………………………………………………..... 151 Table 3. Frequency of slow (<1 µm/day), medium (1 to 4.9 µm/day), and fast (≥5 µm/day) growth rates of bovine follicles after 32 days of in vitro culture in two media (α-MEM+ or TCM-199+) using two medium replacement methods (Conventional-C or Small Supplementation-S)………………………………………………………….. 152 Table 4. Mean (±SEM) estradiol concentrations (ng/ml) produced by bovine follicles in α-MEM+ or TCM-199+ using two medium replacement methods (Conventional-C or Small Supplementation-S) according to the speed of the growth rate after 32 days 153 20 of in vitro culture………………………………………………………………………. Table 5. Mean (±SEM) estradiol concentrations (ng/ml) produced by antral versus no antral bovine follicles in α-MEM+ or TCM-199+ using two medium replacement methods (Conventional-C or Small Supplementation-S) after 32 days of in vitro culture………………………………………………………………………………….. 153 CAPÍTULO 5 Table 1. Percentages (mean±S.E.M.) of primordial and growing follicles (primary and secondary) in uncultured tissues and tissues cultured for 1 or 7 days in MEM + (control medium) and MEM+ supplemented with various concentrations of BMP-6…. 170 Table 2. Follicle and oocyte diameters (mean±S.E.M.) in uncultured tissues and tissues cultured for 1 or 7 days in MEM+ (control medium) and MEM+ supplemented with various concentrations of BMP-6. For each treatment, 20 follicles were evaluated……………………………………………………………………………….. 171 CAPÍTULO 6 Table 1. Oligonucleotide primers used for the real-time polymerase chain reaction analysis of caprine follicles before (Day 0) and after in vitro culture (Day 18)………. 191 Table 2. Percentage of morphological normal follicles, means±SEM of follicular diameter (µm) and overall growth rate (µm/day) of caprine follicles after long-term culture (18 days) in αMEM+ or medium supplemented with BMP-6 at 1 or 10 ng/mL in the absence or presence of rFSH®…………………………………………………... 193 Table 3. Oocyte viability (%) and diameter (µm), recovery rate of oocytes cultured in vitro (%), and meiotic stages (%) of caprine oocytes from preantral follicles after long-term culture (18 days) in αMEM+ or medium supplemented with BMP-6 (1 or 10 ng/mL) in the absence or presence of rFSH®………………………………………. 195 21 CAPÍTULO 7 Table 1. Recovery rate of oocytes (≥110 μm) grown in vitro and meiotic stages of goat oocytes from preantral follicles cultured for 18 days in αMEM+ (Control) and αMEM+ supplemented with 10 ng/ml VEGF (VEGF10) or 100 ng/ml VEGF (VEGF100). Significant differences between treatments in the same column are indicated by uppercase letters (P<0.05)………………………………………………... 219 CAPÍTULO 8 Table 1. Morphologically normal follicles (%), antrum formation (%), growth rate (µm/day), and estradiol concentration (ng/ml) of bovine follicles after 32 days of in vitro culture in two- (2D: Experiment 1) and three-dimensional (3D using alginate: Experiment 2) culture systems in the absence (Control group: only α-MEM+) or presence of VEGF, IGF-I, or GH alone, or a combination of all (VEGF+IGF+GH)…. 237 22 LISTA DE ABREVIATURAS E SIGLAS 18S: 18 unidades Svedberg de parte do RNA ribossomal 2D: Two-dimensional culture system (Sistema de cultivo bidimensional) 3D: Three-dimensional culture system (Sistema de cultivo tridimensional) A1: B-cell leukemia/lymphoma 2 related protein A1 ActR-I/Alk2 Activin type I receptor/activin receptor-like kinase-2/ (Receptor tipo 1 da ativina/ Receptor de ativina semelhante à quinase-2) ActR-IIA Activin type IIA receptor (Receptor tipo 2A da ativina) ActR-IIB Activin type IIB receptor (Receptor tipo 2B da ativina) ANOVA: Analysis of variance (Análise de variância) Bcl-2: B-cell leukemia/lymphoma protein 2 BMP: Bone Morphogenetic Proteins (Proteínas morfogenética óssea) BMP-2/4/6/7/8/15: Bone Morphogenetic Protein (Proteína morfogenética óssea)2/4/6/7/8/15 BMPR-IA/Alk-3: Bone Morphogenetic Protein type IA receptor/ activin receptorlike kinase-3 (Receptor tipo 1A das proteínas morfogenéticas ósseas/ Receptor de ativina semelhante à quinase-3) BMPR-IB/Alk-6: Bone Morphogenetic Protein type IB receptor/ activin receptorlike kinase-6 (Receptor tipo 1B das proteínas morfogenéticas ósseas/ Receptor de ativina semelhante à quinase-6) BMPR-II: Bone Morphogenetic Protein type II receptor (Receptor tipo 2 das proteínas morfogenéticas ósseas) BrdU: 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine BSA: Bovine serum albumin (Albumina sérica bovina) -C: Conventional method for medium replacement CaCl2: Cloreto de cálcio Calceína-AM: Calceína acetoximetil CAPES: Coordenação de aperfeiçoamento de pessoal de nível superior cDNA: Complementary deoxyribonucleic acid (Ácido desoxirribonucleico completar) cgc: Cuboidal granulosa cells (Células da granulosa cuboides) 23 CGP: Células germinativas primordiais CNPq: Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico CO2: Dióxido de carbono COC: Cumulus oocyte complexes (Complexos cúmulos oócito) Co-Smad: Common-mediator Smad (Smad mediadora comum)-Smad4 Ct: Cycle threshold (Ciclo de threshold) CXCL12: Chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 12 (Quimiocina CXCL12) CYC-A: Cyclophilin-A (Ciclofilina-A) D: Dia D0: Day zero/fresh control/non-cultured control (Dia 0/ controle não cultivado) e.g.: For example (por exemplo) E2: Estradiol EGF: Epidermal Gorwth Factor (Fator de crescimento epidermal) ELISA: Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay (Ensaio de imunoadsorção enzimática) FAVET: Faculdade de Veterinária fgc: Flattened granulosa cells (Células da granulosa pavimentosas); FGFb: Fibroblast Growth Factor (Fator de Crescimento Fibroblástico) b Fig. Figure (Figura) FSH: Follicle Stimulating Hormone (Hormônio folículo estimnulante) FSHR: Receptor do hormônio folículo estimulante FUNCAP: Fundação Cearense de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico G: Gauge (calibre) GADPH: Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate-dehydrogenase (Gliceraldeído trifosfato desidrogenase) GC: Granulosa cells (Células da granulosa) GDF-9: Growth and differentiation factor (Fator de crescimento e diferenciação)-9 GH: Gowth hormone (Hormônio do crescimento) GHR: Growth hormone receptor (Receptor de hormônio do crescimento) h: Hora HAS: Hyaluronan synthase (Hialuronona sintetase) 24 hCG: Human chorionic gonadotrophin (Gonadotrofina coriônica humana) HE: Hematoxylin-eosin (Hematoxilina-eosina) HEPES: 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid (4-(2hidroxietil)-1-piperazina ethanesulfonic de ácido) i.e.: This is (Isto é) IAA: Indole-3-acetic acid (Ácido 3-indol Acético) IBGE: Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística IGF-1/2: Insulin like growth factor (Fator de crescimento semelhante à insulina)-2 IGFBP: Insulin-like growth factor-binding proteins (Proteínas ligantes transportadoras de fator de crescimento semelhante à insulina) ISABR: International Symposium on Animal Biology of Reproduction I-Smad: Inhibitory or antagonistic Smads (Smads inibitórias ou antagonistas) -Smad6, Smad7 ITS: Insulin, transferrin and selenium (Insulina, transferrina e selênio) IVC: In vitro culture (Cultivo in vitro) JAK2: Janus kinase 2 kb: Kilo base KCl: Cloreto de potássio kD: Kilo Dalton KL: Kit ligand LAMOFOPA: Laboratório de manipulação de oócitos e folículos pré-antrais LH: Luteinizing hormone (Hormônio luteinizante) m: Mitochondria (mitocôndria) M: Molar MAP: Mitogen-activated protein kinases (Proteínas quinases ativadas por mitógeno) MEM/HEPES: Meio essencial mínimo adicionado de tampão HEPES MEM: Minimum essential medium (Meio essencial mínimo) MEM+: Minimum essential medium supplemented (Meio essencial mínimo suplementado) MII: Metaphase (Metáfase)- II MIV/IVM: Maturação in vitro/In vitro maturation 25 ml/mL: Mililitro mm: Milímetro mM: Milimolar mm3: Milímetro cúbico MMP-9: Matrix metalloproteinases-9 (Metalopreinase da matriz-9) MOIFOPA: Manipulação de oócitos inclusos em folículos ovarianos préantrais NaCl: Cloreto de sódio ng: Nanograma nm: Namômetro NU/n: Oocyte nucleus (Núcleo do oócito) Nubis: Núcleo de Biotecnologia de Sobral O/o: Oocyte (Oócito) Oct4/POU5F1: Octamer-binding transcription factor 4 (Fator de transcrição de ligação ao octâmero 4) OPU: Ovum pick-up (colheita de oócitos) P < 0.05: Probabilidade de erro menor do que 5% P > 0.05: Probabilidade de erro maior do que 5% P4: Progesterona P450AROM: P450aromatase PAS: Periodic acid Shiff (Ácido periódico de Shiff) PBS: Phosphate buffered saline (Tampão fosfato salina) PCNA: Proliferation marker proliferating cell nuclear antigen (Antígeno nuclear de proliferação celular) PDGF: Platelet-derived growth factor (Fator de crescimento derivado de placenta) PI3K/AKT: Phosphatidylinositide 3-kinases (Fosfatidil inositol 3-quinase) PIGF: Placental growth factor (fator de crescimento placentário) PIV: Produção in vitro de embriões PPGCV: Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Veterinárias qPCR: Quantitative polimerase chain reaction (Reação em cadeia polimerase quantitativa) RENORBIO: Rede Nordeste de Biotecnologia 26 rFSH: Recombinant follicle stimulating hormone (hormônio folículo estimulante recombinante) RNAm/mRNA: Ribonucleic acid messenger (Ácido ribonucléico mensageiro) R-Smad: Receptor-regulated Smads (Smads reguladoras-receptoras)Smad1, Smad2, Smad3, Smad5 e Smad8 RT-qPCR: Real time reverse transcription quantitative polimerase chain reaction (Transcrição reversa da reação em cadeia polimerase quantitativa em tempo real) S.E.M./SEM: Standard error of means (Erro padrão da média) s/sec: Seconds (Segundos) -S: Small Supplementation for medium replacement (Pequena suplementação para troca de meio) SAS: Statistical Analysis System (Sistema de análise estatística) SCF: Stem cell factor (Fator de células-tronco) SEM: Standard error of the mean (Erro padrão da média) ser: Smooth endoplasmic reticulum (retículo endoplasmático liso) SIU: Southern Illinois University (Universidade do Sul de Illinois) Smads: small-mothers against dpp gene Drosophila SNK test: Student-Newman-Keels test SSR: Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction (Reunião annual da Sociedade para o estudo da reprodução) STAT-1/3/5: Signal transducters and activators of transcription (Transdutores de sinal e ativação de transcrição)-1/3/5 T: Treatment (Tratamento) TC/tc: Theca cells (Células da teca) TCM-199: Tissue medium culture (Meio de cultivo de tecido)-199 TE: Transferência de embriões TEM/MET: Transmission eletron microscopy (Microscopia eletrônica de transmissão) TGF-β: Transforming growth factor (Fator de crescimento transformante) -β TI: Telophase (Telófase)-1 TMB: Tetramethylbenzidine (Tetrametilbenzidina) TUNEL: Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling 27 UECE: Universidade Estadual do Ceará UFC: Universidade Federal do Ceará UnB: Universidade de Brasília v/v: Volume/volume v: Vesicle (vesícula) VEGF: Vascular endothelial growth factor (Fator de crescimento do endotélio vascular) VEGF10: VEGF treatment at 10 ng/mL (Tratamento com VEGF na concentração de 10 ng/mL) VEGF100: VEGF treatment at 100 ng/mL (Tratamento com VEGF na concentração de 100 ng/mL) VEGF110-206: Monômeros de VEGF de acordo com o número de aminoácidos (110, 111, 121, 145, 148, 162, 165, 165b, 183, 189, 206) da cadeia polipeptídica VEGF-A-E: Isoformas de VEGF dos tipos A, B, C, D, e E VEGFR-1/Flt-1: Fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 (Tirosina quinase 1 semelhante a Fms) VEGFR-2/KDR: kinase domain receptor (Receptor de domínio quinase) VEGFR-3/Flt-4: Fms-like tyrosine kinase-4 (Tirosina quinase 4 semelhante a Fms) VPF: Vascular permeability factor (Fator de permeabilidade vascular) w/v: Massa/volume x: Eixo das abicissas y: Eixo das ordenadas ZP/zp: Zona pelúcida (Zona pelúcida) α-MEM: Minimum essential medium alpha (Meio essencial mínimo alfa) α-MEM+: Supplemented minimum essential medium alpha (Meio essencial mínimo alfa suplementado) α-MEM-HEPES: Meio essencial mínimo alfa tamponado com HEPES %: Percentagem ≥: Maior ou igual a °C: Graus Celsius µg: Micrograma µl/µL: Microlitro 28 SUMÁRIO 1 INTRODUÇÃO................................................................................................... 30 2 REVISÃO DE LITERATURA………………………………………………… 32 2.1 FOLICULOGÊNESE OVARIANA E CARACTERIZAÇÃO FOLICULAR (ASPECTOS BÁSICOS DA FOLICULOGÊNESE OVARIANA)...................... 32 2.1.1 Formação e início do crescimento de folículos primordiais......................... 32 2.1.2 Crescimento de folículos primários e secundários........................................ 33 2.2 POPULAÇÃO E ATRESIA FOLICULAR..................................................... 34 2.3 NEOFOLICULOGÊNESE............................................................................... 35 2.4 BIOTÉCNICA DE MOIFOPA (Ovário Artificial).......................................... 37 2.5 ESTADO ATUAL DO CULTIVO IN VITRO DE FOLÍCULOS PRÉANTRAIS............................................................................................................... 37 2.6 SISTEMAS DE CULTIVO IN VITRO DE FOLÍCULOS PRÉ-ANTRAIS... 38 2.7 IMPORTÂNCIA DA COMPOSIÇÃO DO MEIO DE CULTIVO DE BASE 39 2.8 HORMÔNIO FOLÍCULO ESTIMULANTE (FSH)....................................... 40 2.9 FATOR DE CRESCIMENTO DO ENDOTÉLIO VASCULAR (VEGF)...... 41 2.10 PROTEÍNA MORFOGENÉTICA ÓSSEA-6 (BMP-6)................................. 42 2.11 FATOR DE CRESCIMENTO SEMELHANTE À INSULINA-1 (IGF-1)... 45 2.12 HORMÔNIO DO CRESCIMENTO (GH)..................................................... 46 2.13 TÉCNICAS PARA AVALIAÇÃO DA EFICIÊNCIA DO CULTIVO IN VITRO.................................................................................................................... 47 2.13.1 Histologia clássica...................................................................................... 47 2.13.2 Microscopia eletrônica de transmissão..................................................... 48 2.13.3. Microscopia de fluorescência e microscopia confocal.............................. 48 2.13.4. Análise de esteroides.................................................................................. 49 2.13.5. Reação em cadeia da polimerase em tempo real (PCR em tempo real).... 50 3 JUSTIFICATIVA................................................................................................. 52 4 HIPÓTESES CIENTÍFICAS.............................................................................. 54 5 OBJETIVOS......................................................................................................... 55 5.1 OBJETIVOS GERAIS..................................................................................... 55 5.2 OBJETIVOS ESPECÍFICOS........................................................................... 55 29 6 CAPÍTULO 1 Cultivo in vitro de folículos pré-antrais bovinos: Uma revisão.............................. 57 7 CAPÍTULO 2 Importância do fator de crescimento do endotélio vascular (VEGF) na fisiologia ovariana de mamíferos............................................................................................ 98 8 CAPÍTULO 3 Efeito do protocolo de troca de meio sobre o desenvolvimento in vitro de folículos pré-antrais caprinos isolados................................................................... 122 9 CAPÍTULO 4 Crescimento in vitro, produção de estradiol e expressão gênica de folículos préantrais bovinos isolados: Efeito do meio de base e método de troca de meio........ 139 10 CAPÍTULO 5 Proteína morfogenética óssea-6 (BMP-6) induz atresia em folículos primordiais caprinos cultivados in vitro..................................................................................... 162 11 CAPÍTULO 6 Efeito da proteína morfogenética óssea-6 (BMP-6) e do hormônio folículo estimulante (FSH) durante o desenvolvimento in vitro de folículos pré-antrais ovarianos caprinos, e expressão relativa de RNAm para os receptores de BMP e Smads em folículos cultivados............................................................................... 181 12 CAPÍTULO 7 Fator de crescimento do endotélio vascular-A165 (VEGF-A165) estimula o desenvolvimento in vitro e a competência oocitaria de folículos pré-antrais caprinos................................................................................................................... 205 13 CAPÍTULO 8 Desenvolvimento in vitro de folículos secundários bovinos em sistemas bi e tridimensional utilizando fator de crescimento do endotélio vascular (VEGF), fator de crescimento semelhante à insulina-1 (IGF-1) e hormônio do crescimento (GH)................................................................................................... 226 CONCLUSÕES.............................................................................................................. 245 PERSPECTIVAS........................................................................................................... 246 REFERÊNCIAS BIBLIOGRÁFICAS........................................................................ 247 30 1 INTRODUÇÃO As pesquisas realizadas nos últimos anos em reprodução assistida têm possibilitado oportunidades extraordinárias para a reprodução animal (TROUNSON et al., 1998), visto que visam aumentar o potencial reprodutivo e a produtividade dos rebanhos, proporcionando uma grande revolução na multiplicação de animais de elevado potencial econômico. Considerando a expressividade dos rebanhos caprino (9 milhões de cabeças) e bovino (209,5 milhões de cabeças) para o Brasil (IBGE, 2010), diversas biotécnicas reprodutivas, tais como a inseminação artificial, sincronização de estro, produção in vitro (PIV) e transferência de embriões (TE), têm sido utilizadas. Outra biotécnica bastante estudada é a manipulação de oócitos inclusos em folículos ovarianos pré-antrais (MOIFOPA), também denominada ovário artificial (FIGUEIREDO et al., 2008). A biotécnica de MOIFOPA compreende as etapas de isolamento e cultivo in vitro, bem como a criopreservação dos oócitos inclusos em folículos pré-antrais. Em associação a outras tecnologias reprodutivas, como a fecundação in vitro e a transferência de embriões, a MOIFOPA poderá, no futuro, não somente otimizar, como também conservar o material genético de animais valiosos e de espécies em vias de extinção. Tendo em vista que o ovário dos mamíferos contém milhares de folículos préantrais, e que a sua grande maioria se tornará atrésica naturalmente durante seu desenvolvimento (CARROLL et al., 1990), deve-se buscar técnicas que visem otimizar o potencial reprodutivo das fêmeas prevenindo a ocorrência da atresia folicular. Desta forma, o desenvolvimento de técnicas para recuperação e crescimento in vitro de folículos pré-antrais seria uma alternativa aos métodos já disponíveis para reprodução animal, uma vez que forneceria uma população grande e uniforme de oócitos de animais geneticamente superiores (BETTERIDGE et al., 1989). Neste sentido, a identificação de fatores produzidos localmente em folículos ovarianos caprinos e bovinos, bem como a avaliação do efeito destes fatores sobre o crescimento e maturação oocitária poderão contribuir para uma melhor compreensão da foliculogênese, otimizando a produção de embriões a partir de oócitos inclusos em folículos pré-antrais crescidos in vitro. Diversos grupos de fatores de crescimento produzidos localmente no ovário já foram identificados em animais de laboratório, primatas e ruminantes. Além disso, tem sido demonstrado que fatores como a proteína morfogenética óssea-6 (BMP-6 – OTSUKA et al., 2001a), o fator de crescimento do endotélio vascular (VEGF – YANG; 31 FORTUNE, 2007; BRUNO et al., 2009) e o fator de crescimento semelhante à insulina 1 (IGF-1: THOMAS et al., 2007) podem exercer importantes funções no controle do crescimento folicular e posterior maturação oocitária. No tocante à utilização de hormônios, os hormônios folículo estimulante (FSH; MATOS et al., 2007a; MAGALHÃES et al., 2009) e hormônio do crescimento (GH; LANGHOUT et al., 1991) têm sido considerados importantes na regulação do crescimento e desenvolvimento folicular. Contudo, ainda são poucos os estudos sobre os fatores de crescimento que controlam o desenvolvimento folicular inicial e a maturação oocitária, sendo uma prioridade a análise do efeito destes fatores sobre a foliculogênese pré-antral de mamíferos, visando o desenvolvimento de meios de cultivo in vitro. Para um maior esclarecimento da importância deste projeto, a revisão de literatura a seguir abordará aspectos relacionados à foliculogênese ovariana e caracterização folicular, população e atresia folicular, neofoliculogênse, biotécnica de MOIFOPA (ovário artificial), estado atual do cultivo in vitro, sistemas de cutlivo in vitro de folículos pré-antrais, importância da composição do meio de cultivo de base e substâncias relacionadas à foliculogênese com ênfase para o FSH, BMP-6, VEGF, IGF1 e GH, bem como para as técnicas de avaliação da eficiência do cultivo in vitro de folículos pré-antrais. 32 2 REVISÃO DE LITERATURA 2.1 FOLICULOGÊNESE OVARIANA E CARACTERIZAÇÃO FOLICULAR (ASPECTOS BÁSICOS DA FOLICULOGÊNESE OVARIANA) A foliculogênese pode ser definida como o processo de formação e desenvolvimento (crescimento e maturação) dos folículos. É um evento iniciado ainda na vida pré-natal, na maioria das espécies, com a formação do folículo primordial e culminando com a formação do folículo de De Graaf ou pré-ovulatório (van den HURK; ZHAO, 2005). Ocorre simultaneamente à oogênese na maioria das espécies quando o oócito está entre as fases de prófase I e metáfase II. A foliculogênese pode ser dividida em duas fases, considerando o grau de evolução dos folículos: 1) fase préantral, composta pelos folículos não cavitários em que ocorre a ativação dos folículos primordiais e crescimento dos folículos primários e secundários; e 2) fase antral, na qual ocorre o crescimento inicial e terminal dos folículos terciários dando origem aos folículos pré-ovulatórios. 2.1.1 Formação e início do crescimento de folículos primordiais Na espécie caprina, os folículos primordiais são formados por volta do 62° dia de vida fetal. Estes folículos apresentam um oócito circundado por uma camada de células somáticas planas, conhecidas como células da pré-granulosa, originárias do epitélio celômico (BEZERRA et al., 1998). Os folículos primordiais representam cerca de 95% do total de folículos pré-antrais presentes no ovário (ERICKSON, 1986). Estes folículos possuem diâmetro médio de 35, 22 e 20 µm em bovinos (HULSHOF et al., 1994), ovinos (AMORIM et al., 2000) e caprinos (LUCCI et al., 1999), respectivamente. Após a formação dos folículos primordiais, as células da pré-granulosa param de se multiplicar e entram num período de quiescência. Com a evolução folicular e após a ativação, os folículos pré-antrais iniciam uma série de mudanças morfofisiológicas que envolvem o crescimento e a diferenciação do oócito, bem como a proliferação e a diferenciação das células da granulosa, além do desenvolvimento das células da teca (SUH et al., 2002). No início do crescimento folicular, fase conhecida como ativação, os folículos primordiais passam do pool de reserva ou folículos quiescentes para o pool de folículos em crescimento (primário, 33 secundário, terciário e/ou pré-ovulatório; RÜSSE, 1983). Os sinais de ativação dos folículos primordiais incluem a retomada da proliferação das células da granulosa (van den HURK; BEVERS; BECKERS, 1997) e a mudança na morfologia dessas células de pavimentosas para cúbicas. No entanto, os fatores e mecanismos responsáveis pela ativação de folículos primordiais, bem como os mecanismos envolvidos no início do crescimento folicular, são ainda enigmáticos e representam uma das maiores questões relacionadas com a biologia ovariana. Vários fatores de crescimento produzidos pelas células foliculares podem estar relacionados com a ativação dos folículos primordiais. O kit ligand (KL), também conhecido como fator de células-tronco (Stem cell factor – SCF), e o fator de crescimento fibroblástico básico (bFGF), por exemplo, foram relatados como fatores necessários à ativação de folículos primordiais caprinos (bFGF: MATOS et al., 2007b; KL: CELESTINO et al., 2010a) e bovinos (bFGF: TANG et al., 2012). Além disso, gonadotrofinas, como o hormônio folículo estimulante (FSH), promovem a ativação de folículos primordiais, bem como o crescimento dos folículos ativados, uma vez que o FSH parece estar envolvido na proliferação e diferenciação das células da granulosa in vitro (MATOS et al., 2007a; MAGALHÃES et al., 2009; TANG et al., 2012). 2.1.2 Crescimento de folículos primários e secundários Após a ativação, os folículos primordiais gradualmente adquirem células da granulosa de formato cúbico, tornando-se folículos de transição. Em seguida, quando todas as células que circundam o oócito tornam-se cúbicas, aumentando em número e volume, os folículos são chamados folículos primários (van den HURK; BEVERS; BECKERS, 1997). Em caprinos, o aparecimento de folículos primários e secundários ocorre aos 71 e 80 dias de gestação, respectivamente (BEZERRA et al., 1998). Os folículos primários possuem diâmetro médio de 34,7 µm e apresentam-se com uma camada completa de células da granulosa. Com a multiplicação destas células, ocorre a formação de várias camadas de células ao redor do oócito formando os folículos secundários, cujo diâmetro médio é de 58,94 µm (LUCCI et al., 1999). Nestas categorias foliculares (folículos primários e secundários), a zona pelúcida (ZP) começa a ser formada circundando o oócito (RANKIN et al., 2001). No entanto, na espécie humana (GOOK et al., 2008) e ovina (MATOS et al., 2004), foram verificadas a presença de proteínas, bem como de pequenas quantidades visíveis de material de ZP 34 em folículos desde o estágio primordial. Tais resultados sugerem que estas proteínas estão presentes desde o início da foliculogênese. O crescimento folicular após o estágio de folículo primário é, também caracterizado pelo aparecimento das células da teca recrutadas de seus precursores presentes no tecido circundante do estroma (PARROTT; SKINNER, 2000) além de ser dependente de fatores de crescimento como o fator de crescimento e diferenciação-9 (GDF-9). Martins et al. (2008) verificaram que a adição de GDF-9 ao meio de cultivo de folículos pré-antrais caprinos permitiu o desenvolvimento folicular in vitro com aumento no número de folículos secundários. Além disso, outros fatores também são considerados como estimuladores do desenvolvimento folicular como o KL (CELESTINO et al., 2010a) e o fator de crescimento do endotélio vascular (VEGF – YANG; FORTUNE, 2007; BRUNO et al., 2009). À medida que ocorre o crescimento dos folículos secundários e a organização das células da granulosa em várias camadas, inicia-se a formação do antro folicular, definido como sendo uma cavidade repleta de líquido folicular entre as células da granulosa. A partir deste estágio, os folículos passam a ser denominados terciários ou antrais, os quais aparecem na fase fetal aos 110 dias de gestação (RÜSSE, 1983). Em bovinos, a formação do antro inicia-se em folículos com diâmetro em torno de 130 µm (LUSSIER et al., 1987). Em caprinos, o menor diâmetro observado no folículo terciário de fetos foi de 130 µm (BEZERRA et al., 1998). Contudo, já foram observados diâmetros superiores a 200 µm em folículos secundários em várias espécies, tais como: caprinos (SARAIVA et al., 2010, 2011; CELESTINO et al., 2011; MAGALHÃES et al., 2011; 2012), ovinos (ARUNAKUMARI; SHANMUGASUNDARAM; RAO, 2010; LUZ et al., 2012), bovinos (McLAUGHLIN et al., 2010; McLAUGHLIN; TELFER, 2010; ROSSETTO et al., 2012, 2013) e caninos (SERAFIM et al., 2010, 2012). 2.2 POPULAÇÃO E ATRESIA FOLICULAR A população folicular preantral já foi estimada em diferentes espécies, sendo de 285.000 em bovinos (SILVA-SANTOS et al., 2011), 33.000 em ovinos (AMORIM et al., 2000), 45.000 em caprinos (LUCCI et al., 1999) e 599.000 em suínos (ALVES et al., 2012) por ovário. Além da variação individual, vários fatores podem afetar o número de folículos presentes no ovário, tais como: a raça (CAHILL; MARIANA; MAULÉON, 1979), a idade (ERICKSON, 1966a; RÜSSE, 1983), os níveis hormonais 35 (PETERS, 1976), a genética (ERICKSON, 1966b), bem como o status reprodutivo (ERICKSON; REYNOLDS; MURPHREE, 1976) e nutricional do animal (SCARAMUZZI et al., 1993). Apesar do grande pool de reserva ovariana, é sabido que aproximadamente 99,9% dos folículos são eliminados pelo processo fisiológico conhecido como atresia folicular, tornando o ovário um órgão de baixíssima produtividade. A atresia ocorre por um processo de morte celular programada conhecido por apoptose (TSAFIRI; BRAW, 1984). Em folículos pré-antrais, as primeiras alterações indicativas de atresia ocorrem no oócito, como por exemplo, retração da cromatina nuclear e fragmentação oocitária (MORITA; TILLY, 1999). As alterações nas células da granulosa são raras, uma vez que essas células são mais resistentes à degeneração que os oócitos (SILVA et al., 2002). Ao longo do desenvolvimento folicular, o folículo adquire a cavidade antral. Neste momento, o oócito torna-se altamente resistente e as primeiras alterações indicativas de atresia são observadas nas células da granulosa pela sensibilidade adquirida ao longo de seu desenvolvimento (SILVA et al., 2002). O destino final dos folículos ovarianos, (i) ovulação ou (ii) atresia, é dependente de um balanço entre diferentes fatores endócrinos, parácrinos e autócrinos que promovem a sobrevivência e aqueles que induzem a apoptose (HSU; HSUEH, 2000). Diante disso, pesquisas têm desenvolvido vários modelos in vitro que possibilitam o estudo dos fatores que controlam a atresia e favorecem o desenvolvimento folicular (CELESTINO et al., 2010; MATOS et al., 2007a,b), evitando assim as perdas foliculares que ocorrem naturalmente in vivo. 2.3 NEOFOLICULOGÊNESE A continuidade da oogênese e foliculogênese no período pós-natal, pela atuação de células-tronco, caracteriza e define o processo de neofoliculogênese (JOHNSON et al., 2004, 2005). Desde a apresentação desse conceito, a neofoliculogênese tem sido, portanto, motivo de muitas discussões na comunidade científica, uma vez que os estudos ainda são escassos e imprecisos. Até pouco tempo atrás, se acreditava no paradigma de que mulheres e as demais fêmeas (exceto as murinas) perdiam sua capacidade de produzir células germinativas primordiais (CGP) durante o desenvolvimento da vida fetal e nasciam com um número 36 finito de oócitos inclusos em folículos, dos quais apenas um pequeno número iria ovular após a puberdade (WOODRUFF, 2008). Esse conceito foi considerado uma premissa básica da fisiologia da reprodução por mais de 150 anos (BYSKOV et al., 2005). Entretanto, estudos recentes, da equipe do Dr. Jonathan Tilly da Universidade de Harvard nos Estados Unidos, apresentaram evidências de que uma fêmea teria a capacidade de produzir novos folículos durante a vida adulta a partir de células-tronco de linhagem germinativa extra e intraovariana (JOHNSON et al., 2004, 2005). A equipe do Dr. Tilly então postulou que, pelo menos em camundongos, a morte folicular ocorre rapidamente e que a fertilidade normal de um indivíduo adulto não poderia ser mantida se dependesse exclusivamente do pool de folículos presentes no ovário ao nascimento. Resultados semelhantes foram observados em humanos quando células do epitélio germinativo ovariano foram cultivadas e permitiram o desenvolvimento de células da granulosa e oócitos (BUKOVSKY; SVETLIKOVA; CAUDLE, 2005). Recentes achados ainda propuseram que na medula óssea, há células semelhantes às célulastronco embrionárias originárias do epiblasto, as quais podem persistir também durante a vida adulta para regenerar tecidos e órgãos (SHIN et al., 2010). Tendo em vista que a definição clássica das células-tronco é a de que estas células perpetuadamente se renovam e geram progênies diferenciadas, sua presença no ovário levaria a formação de novos oócitos. Sendo assim, se a população folicular está sendo reestabelecida continuamente durante a vida adulta, como sugerido anteriormente, as células-tronco germinativas deveriam progressivamente perder sua habilidade de se multiplicar para permitir o declínio da fertilidade (BYSKOV et al., 2005). Neste contexto, outros estudos foram realizados e, de fato, não encontraram evidências de que células progenitoras de origem extragonadal poderiam renovar as células foliculares no ovário adulto (KERR et al., 2006; BEGUM; PAPAIOANNOU; GOSDEN, 2008). Na tentativa de entender o comportamento das CGP no ovário, algumas citocinas e fatores de crescimento pleiotrópicos tais como as BMPs (LAWSON et al., 1999; YING et al., 2000), o Chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 12 (CXCL12), o KL (MOLYNEAUX; WYLIE, 2004; KUNWAR; SIEKHAUS; LEHMANN, 2006) e o Oct4 ou POU5F1 (PANGAS; RAJKOVIC, 2006) têm sido estudados. Tais moléculas foram, portanto, consideradas como importantes para controlar o processo de formação dos folículos primordiais durante a colonização da gônada pelas CGP. A ausência das BMP-4 (LAWSON et al., 1999) e BMP-8 (YING et al., 2000), em embriões de 37 camundongas, por exemplo, promoveu falha no desenvolvimento das CGP sugerindo que as BMPs podem de alguma maneira estar envolvidas na formação e no desenvolvimento dos folículos primordiais. Além disso, a ausência de Oct4 em CGP provocou apoptose prematura dessas células antes da colonização da gônada (KEHLER et al., 2004). Neste contexto, o estudo da foliculogênese pré-antral abre oportunidadades de esclarecer os mecanismos envolvidos na formação dos folículos primordiais. 2.4 BIOTÉCNICA DE MOIFOPA (Ovário Artificial) A biotécnica de manipulação de oócitos inclusos em folículos ovarianos préantrais (MOIFOPA) também conhecida como ―ovário artificial‖, é uma biotécnica da reprodução que vem sendo aprimorada nos últimos anos e consiste numa das principais ferramentas utilizadas atualmente para a elucidação da foliculogênese inicial. Tal biotécnica possibilita a padronização de populações de oócitos para utilização em outras biotécnicas como a produção in vitro de embriões (PIV), a transgênese e a clonagem. A MOIFOPA tem como principal objetivo resgatar oócitos oriundos de folículos préantrais, a partir do ambiente ovariano, e posteriormente cultivá-los in vitro até sua completa maturação, prevenindo-os da atresia. Para alcançar esse objetivo, diversos estudos têm sido realizados com o intuito de desenvolver um sistema de cultivo in vitro ideal para cada etapa do desenvolvimento folicular (FIGUEIREDO et al., 2008). 2.5 ESTADO ATUAL DO CULTIVO IN VITRO DE FOLÍCULOS PRÉ-ANTRAIS Notável progresso tem sido observado no cultivo in vitro de folículos pré-antrais em diferentes espécies animais. Nas espécies bovina (GUTIERREZ et al., 2000; McLAUGHLIN; TELFER 2010; ROSSETTO et al., 2012, 2013) e humana (ROY; TREACY, 1993; TELFER et al., 2008), folículos pré-antrais isolados foram cultivados in vitro e se desenvolveram até o estágio antral. Em suínos (WU et al., 2001), bubalinos (GUPTA et al., 2008) e mais recentemente em caprinos (SARAIVA et al., 2010; MAGALHÃES et al., 2011), ovinos (ARUNAKUMARI et al., 2010; LUZ et al., 2012) e primatas não-humanos (XU et al., 2011), folículos secundários crescidos in vitro tiveram seus oócitos fecundados in vitro, com posterior desenvolvimento embrionário. Contudo, os resultados mais satisfatórios até o presente momento foram observados em 38 animais de laboratório. Eppig; Schroeder (1989) obtiveram o primeiro nascimento a partir de folículos primordiais crescidos, maturados e fecundados in vitro. Anos mais tarde, essa mesma equipe, utilizando um protocolo revisado e melhorado, conseguiu aumentar o número de crias nascidas vivas (O’BRIEN et al., 2003). Carroll et al. (1990) também obtiveram o nascimento de camundongos após congelação e descongelação, crescimento, maturação e fecundação in vitro de oócitos oriundos de folículos primários. Apesar desses resultados, o rendimento referente à produção de oócitos maturos a partir de folículos pré-antrais ainda é extremamente baixo e variável devido à inadequação dos meios de cultivo disponíveis. Diversos fatores podem afetar a eficiência do cultivo in vitro de folículos préantrais. Dentre eles pode-se destacar a espécie animal, pH, temperatura, tensão de oxigênio, tipo de sistema de cultivo (bi ou tridimensional) e composição do meio, sendo esses dois últimos, objetos de estudo da presente tese. 2.6 SISTEMAS DE CULTIVO IN VITRO DE FOLÍCULOS PRÉ-ANTRAIS Basicamente, o cultivo de folículos pré-antrais pode ser realizado utilizando fragmentos do córtex ovariano (in situ) ou estruturas foliculares na forma isolada. O cultivo in situ tem como vantagens proporcionar a manutenção da integridade tridimensional dos folículos e os mantém interagindo com as células do estroma, assemelhando-se às condições in vivo. Melhor perfusão do meio e ainda, o monitoramento individual dos folículos são as principais vantagens do cultivo de folículos isolados, o qual é atualmente o mais utilizado (FIGUEIREDO et al., 2008). O cultivo de folículos isolados permite o crescimento e desenvolvimento de oócitos imaturos e favorece a elucidação dos mecanismos envolvidos no desenvolvimento oocitário, na diferenciação das células da granulosa e na regulação dos fatores autócrinos/parácrinos que controlam a foliculogênese (THOMAS et al., 2003). Esses folículos podem ser cultivados de maneira bidimensional (2D) ou tridimensional (3D). No sistema 2D, os folículos são cultivados diretamente sobre uma superfície plástica ou mesmo sobre uma matriz extracelular. Vários estudos tem utilizado esse sistema com grande sucesso, inclusive com a obtenção de embriões produzidos a partir de folículos pré-antrais crescidos in vitro (GUPTA et al., 2008; ARUNAKUMARI; SHANMUGASUNDARAM; RAO, 2010; SARAIVA et al., 2010; MAGALHÃES et al., 2011; LUZ et al., 2012). Já no sistema 3D, os folículos são cultivados 39 completamente inclusos em uma matriz extracelular (XU et al., 2010, 2011), ou mesmo na ausência de matriz (WYCHERLEY et al., 2004; NATION; SELWOOD, 2009; WANG et al, 2012). O princípio do cultivo 3D é o de que os folículos são cultivados de maneira que não haja contato e, consequentemente, aderência da estrutura folicular a superfície de cultivo. Esse sistema, portanto, permite a manutenção da estrutura folicular sem deformações durante o cultivo in vitro. Maiores detalhes serão abordados na revisão de literatura apresentada no Capítulo 1, a qual descreverá mais especificamente sobre os sistemas de cultivo de folículos pré-antrais. 2.7 IMPORTÂNCIA DA COMPOSIÇÃO DO MEIO DE CULTIVO DE BASE Diversos meios de cultivo vêm sendo utilizados para o cultivo de células ovarianas. Dentre esses meios podemos destacar o meio essencial mínimo (MEM) e suas modificações (α-MEM, MEM Glutamax, etc.), o meio de cultivo de tecido (TCM199), além de outros meios como o McCoy’s, Waymouth, Leibowitz e Menezo B2. Cada meio de cultivo difere em sua composição de sais, vitaminas, minerais e principalmente, nas concentrações de aminoácidos, ribonucleosídeos e desoxiribonucleosídeos. De uma maneira geral, os meios de cultivo são utilizados de acordo com as espécies estudadas ou mesmo, de acordo com a equipe de pesquisadores. Contudo, o principal objetivo desses meios é o de manter a sobrevivência das células em cultivo, bem como promover e/ou melhorar o desenvolvimento celular. O meio MEM, por exemplo, tem sido utilizado com sucesso para as espécies caprina (MATOS et al., 2007a,b; BRUNO et al., 2009; ARAÚJO et al., 2010a; SARAIVA et al., 2010, 2011; MAGALHÃES et al., 2011, 2012), bovina (FIGUEIREDO et al., 1994a; ROSSETTO et al., 2012, 2013), canina (SERAFIM et al., 2010, 2012), murina (JIN et al., 2010; JEE et al., 2012), bem como em primatas não-humanos (XU et al., 2010, 2011). Outro meio amplamente utilizado tem sido o TCM-199, que além do cultivo de folículos ovarianos (KATSKA; RYNSKA, 1998; ITOH; HOSHI, 2000; SAHA et al., 2000, 2002; ROSSETTO et al., 2012), tem sido utilizado para estudos de maturação e fertilização em diferentes espécies (ARLOTTO et al., 1996; ALM et al., 2006; ABEDELAHI et al., 2010; ANTOSIK et al., 2010). Além dos meios de cultivo de base, outras substâncias como fatores de crescimento e/ou hormônios vêm sendo testados no cultivo folicular in vitro. Tendo em vista a necessidade da definição de um meio padrão para a espécie bovina, por exemplo, dois meios de cultivo de base (αMEM e TCM-199) 40 foram objetos de estudo da presente tese, bem como as diferentes formas de troca de meio durante o cultivo in vitro (Capítulo 4). 2.8 HORMÔNIO FOLÍCULO ESTIMULANTE (FSH) Na foliculogênese, o hormônio folículo estimulante (FSH) destaca-se por ser considerado um dos reguladores primários da foliculogênese. A aquisição de receptores para este hormônio (FSHR) é fundamental para uma variedade de reações que incluem proliferação e diferenciação das células da granulosa, maturação folicular (ADASHI, 1994), síntese de esteroides e expressão de receptores para o fator de crescimento epidermal (EGF), hormônio luteinizante (LH), dentre várias outras substâncias (FORTUNE, 2003). O FSHR é um receptor do tipo acoplado à proteína G, que é dividido em três domínios: um extracelular, um transmembranário, composto por 7 hélices hidrofóbicas que ancoram o receptor no citoplasma, e um domínio intramembranário (GUDERMANN et al., 1995). O domínio intracelular do receptor do FSH (C-terminal) é acoplado a uma proteína G e, após a ativação do receptor pela interação hormonal com o domínio extracelular (N-terminal), inicia-se uma cascata de eventos que culmina com efeitos biológicos específicos da gonadotrofina (SIMONI et al., 1997). Sabe-se que as gonadotrofinas são necessárias para o desenvolvimento de folículos antrais, mas ainda não está claro de que maneira o FSH afeta o desenvolvimento de pequenos folículos pré-antrais. A expressão de FSHR já foi observada nas células da granulosa de folículos primários, secundários e antrais bovinos (XU et al., 1995). Méduri et al. (2002) observaram o RNAm e a proteína para o FSHR em oócitos suínos, começando nos folículos primários seguindo até o estágio préovulatório. Recentemente, Durlej et al. (2011) reforçaram esses achados e ainda verificaram a presença de FSHR em oócitos de folículos primordiais e primários, bem como em células da granulosa de folículos primários suínos. In vivo, a administração de um neutralizador do FSH no útero de hamsters, reduziu o número de folículos primordiais (ROY; ALBEE 2000). Tendo em vista que o pré-requisito para a atuação do FSH é a expressão de seu receptor, os resultados apresentados por Durlej et al. (2011), nos quais além de folículos primordiais, os cordões de oócitos apresentavam marcação para o FSHR, claramente demonstram o envolvimento do FSH na formação dos folículos primordiais e na sua ativação levando-os para o pool de folículos em 41 desenvolvimento. In vitro, o FSH promoveu um aumento do diâmetro de folículos primários e secundários isolados bovinos e a manutenção da sobrevivência folicular, bem como a secreção de progesterona e estradiol (WANDJI et al., 1996a). Além do crescimento folicular, Gutierrez et al. (2000) observaram que o FSH permite que folículos secundários isolados bovinos adquiram cavidade antral após cultivo in vitro. O FSH também está envolvido na proliferação e diferenciação de células da granulosa de folículos pré-antrais suínos (HIRAO et al., 1994). Em caprinos, a adição de 50 ng/mL de FSH ao meio de cultivo de folículos pré-antrais inclusos em tecido ovariano foi responsável pela manutenção da sobrevivência e ultraestrutura dos folículos, bem como pelo aumento dos diâmetros folicular e oocitário (MATOS et al., 2007a; MAGALHÃES et al., 2009). Por outro lado, o FSH não afetou a ativação, bem como o diâmetro folicular e oocitário e o número de células da granulosa durante cultivo de fragmentos ovarianos bovinos (BRAW-TAL; YOSSEFI, 1997; FORTUNE et al., 1998). 2.9 FATOR DE CRESCIMENTO DO ENDOTÉLIO VASCULAR (VEGF) Outra substância estudada na presente tese foi o fator de crescimento do endotélio vascular (VEGF). Durante as fases de crescimento e atresia folicular ocorre uma reorganização dos capilares sanguíneos a fim de suprir as necessidades teciduais. Neste caso, o VEGF, um importante fator angiogênico (BARBONI et al., 2000; SHIMIZU et al., 2003), é responsável pela angiogênese folicular, pois atua estimulando a mitose de células endoteliais expandindo-as, e aumentando a permeabilidade vascular (REDMER; REYNOLDS, 1996). Além disso, tem sido sugerido que o VEGF pode desempenhar um importante papel no crescimento e formação do antro folicular, seleção do folículo dominante, maturação do oócito, ovulação e formação do corpo lúteo (KACZMAREK; SCHAMS; ZIECIK, 2005). Em folículos ovarianos, o VEGF é produzido pelas células da teca e da granulosa (YAMAMOTO et al., 1997), e seus receptores, VEGFR-1 (Flt-1) e VEGFR-2 (Flk-1/KDR), também são expressos nesses mesmos locais. A produção de VEGF aumenta progressivamente a partir do folículo primário até o folículo pré-ovulatório (SHARMA; SUDAN, 2010) variando de acordo com a fase da dinâmica folicular. Resultados semelhantes foram observados por Bruno et al. (2009) em relação ao receptor do tipo 2 (VEGFR-2/KDR), em que foi demonstrada a presença desta proteína 42 em todas as categorias foliculares. Além disso, a presença desse receptor em oócitos de folículos primordiais indica o envolvimento do VEGF no crescimento e desenvolvimento destas células (BRUNO et al., 2009). De fato, o VEGF desempenha um papel importante na regulação do crescimento e sobrevivência de folículos primordiais (ROBERTS et al., 2007; YANG; FORTUNE, 2007). Diante de sua relevância, três dos capítulos desta tese apresentarão aspectos mais específicos acerca do VEGF; sendo uma revisão de literatura mostrando sua importância para a foliculogênese em mamíferos, apresentada no Capítulo 2, bem como dois artigos científicos em que foi estudado o efeito do VEGF sobre o desenvolvimento de folículos secundários caprinos (Capítulo 7) e bovinos (Capítulo 8) isolados. 2.10 PROTEÍNA MORFOGENÉTICA ÓSSEA-6 (BMP-6) As proteínas morfogenéticas ósseas (BMPs) são membros da superfamília do fator de crescimento transformante-β (TGF-β). Originalmente as BMPs foram associadas a suas habilidade de formar tecido ósseos e cartilagens. Dentre as várias BMPs descritas até o momento, as BMP-2 (ZHU et al., 2013), BMP-4 (LAWSON et al., 1999; GLISTER; KEMP; KNIGHT, 2004; JUENGEL et al., 2006; ZHU et al., 2013), BMP-6 (OTSUKA et al., 2001a; GLISTER; KEMP; KNIGHT, 2004; JUENGEL et al., 2006; ZHU et al., 2013), BMP-7 (GLISTER; KEMP; KNIGHT, 2004; JUENGEL et al., 2006; ARAÚJO et al., 2010a; ZHU et al., 2013), BMP-8 (YING et al., 2000) e BMP-15 (OTSUKA et al., 2001b) têm sido relacionadas com funções na foliculogênese e ovulação. Como objeto dessa tese, mais detalhes serão abordados em relação à BMP-6. O RNAm que codifica a BMP-6 foi identificado em ovários de várias espécies mamíferas (SHIMASAKI et al., 1999; SHIMIZU et al., 2004). Foram detectadas proteínas e/ou RNAm da BMP-6 em ovários de ratas (OTSUKA et al., 2001a; ERICKSON; SHIMASAKI, 2003) e porcas (SHIMIZU et al., 2004; BRANKIN et al.; 2005a). A BMP-6 é uma proteína expressa no oócito (ovelha: JUENGEL et al., 2006; camundongo: ELVIN et al. 2000; rata: OTSUKA et al., 2001a; vaca: GLISTER; KEMP; KNIGHT, 2004; porca: BRANKIN et al., 2005a), células da granulosa (rata: ERICKSON; SHIMASAKI, 2003; vaca: GLISTER; KEMP; KNIGHT, 2004 e porca: BRANKIN et al., 2005a) e células da teca (ovelha: CAMPBELL et al., 2004; vaca: GLISTER; KEMP; KNIGHT, 2004) de folículos em diferentes estágios de desenvolvimento. A expressão da proteína da BMP-6 foi demonstrada no líquido 43 folicular de grandes folículos suínos (BRANKIN et al., 2005a). Recentemente, o RNAm para a BMP-6 foi verificado em folículos secundários avançados e antrais iniciais caprinos antes e após o cultivo in vitro (FROTA et al., 2011; COSTA et al., 2012). Além disso, a imunomarcação da BMP-6 foi observada em oócitos caprinos de todas as categorias foliculares (primordial, primário, secundário, pequenos e grandes folículos antrais), enquanto que em células da granulosa a marcação foi observada apenas a partir do estágio primário (FROTA et al., 2011). As BMPs interagem com duas classes de receptores transmembranários do tipo serina-treonina quinase, receptores de BMP tipo I e tipo II. Nos mamíferos, três receptores tipo I (BMPR-IA/Alk3, BMPR-IB/Alk6 e ActR-I/Alk2) e três receptores do tipo II (BMPR-II, ActR-IIA, e ActR-IIB) foram identificados (KNIGHT; GLISTER, 2003). Estudos verificaram que o RNAm para os receptores da BMP-6 (BMPR-IA, -IB e II) são expressos nos oócitos e nas células da granulosa de folículos caprinos (SILVA et al., 2004; COSTA et al., 2012) e de várias outras espécies mamíferas: camundongo (ELVIN et al., 2000), rata (SHIMASAKI et al., 1999; ERICKSON; SHIMASAKI, 2003), ovelha (SOUZA et al., 2002) e vaca (GLISTER; KNIGHT, 2002). Na superfície do epitélio ovariano de ovelhas (WILSON et al., 2001; SOUZA et al., 2002), a expressão da proteína para estes receptores é observada apenas nas células da granulosa. Além disso, em vacas foi detectada a expressão de RNAm do BMPR-IA, BMPR-IB, ActR-I, ActR-IIB e BMPR-II em todos os compartimentos de folículos antrais, enquanto que a proteína BMPR-II foi encontrada somente nos oócitos destes folículos (FATEHI et al., 2005). A expressão da proteína dos receptores de BMP (BMPR-IA, BMPR-IB e BMPR-II) foi demonstrada em células da granulosa, células da teca e oócitos suínos (QUINN et al., 2004), indicando possíveis efeitos autócrinos e/ou parácrinos. Para a atuação das BMPs, os receptores de BMP fosforilam proteínas sinalizadoras intracelulares chamadas Smads, as quais convertem o sinal para o núcleo modificando a expressão gênica. As Smads constituem três subfamílias: Smads receptoras (R-Smads: Smad-1, Smad-5 e Smad-8); Smad mediadora comum (Co-Smad: Smad4); e Smads inibidoras (I-Smads: Smad-6 e Smad-7). A via Smad é regulada pelo co-mediador Smad-4 e pelas Smads inibidoras (Smad-6 e Smad-7; ten DIJKE; HILL, 2004), sendo as BMPs ativadoras das Smad-1, Smad-5 e Smad-8 (MIYAZAWA et al., 2002). As R-Smads são fosforiladas pelo BMPR-I, enquanto que as I-Smads exercem um feedback negativo, uma vez que competem com as R-Smads pelas interações com os 44 receptores levando-os à degradação (MOUSTAKAS et al., 2001). As R-Smads que forem fosforiladas interagem com a Smad-4 e são translocados ao núcleo para ativar a maquinaria transcricional e modular a transcrição dos genes de BMP (WANG et al. 2010). Desta forma, a formação do complexo BMP, receptores e Smads regulará vários processos biológicos (COSTELLO et al. 2009), determinando os possíveis efeitos autócrinos e parácrinos da BMP-6 durante o crescimento folicular. Recentemente, Costa et al. (2012) verificaram a expressão do RNAm para as Smad-1, Smad-5 e Smad-8 em folículos pré-antrais e antrais caprinos. Em vacas, a expressão da proteína para Smad-1 foi verificada em folículos antrais e sua expressão foi ativada pela BMP-6 em células da granulosa cultivadas in vitro (GLISTER; KEMP; KNIGHT, 2004). Além disso, a BMP6 induziu a fosforilação das Smad-1 e Smad-5, mas não da Smad-8 em osteoblastos (EBISAWA et al. 1999; AOKI et al. 2001). Modelos knockout, têm sido utilizados para investigar os efeitos in vivo e in vitro das BMPs e Smads no ovário. A ausência da Smad-4 no ovário impediu o desenvolvimento de folículos antrais (PANGAS et al., 2006), aumentou a apoptose folicular (PANGAS et al., 2006) e celular (WANG et al., 2010), além de ter inibido a proliferação e a esteroidogênese das células da granulosa (WANG et al., 2010). Ratas knockout para o gene da BMP-6 parecem normais no que diz respeito à fertilidade e tamanho da ninhada, sugerindo que esta proteína pode não ser essencial para a fertilidade de murinos (SOLLOWAY et al., 1998). Ao contrário da BMP-15, a BMP-6 não estimula a proliferação de células da granulosa (ratas: OTSUKA et al., 2001a,b; ovelhas: JUENGEL et al., 2006), além de inibir sua diferenciação (ovelhas: JUENGEL et al., 2006). Entretanto, em bovinos, GLISTER; KEMP; KNIGHT (2004) verificaram um pequeno, porém significativo, aumento no número de células da granulosa viáveis após cultivo in vitro em meio adicionado de BMP-6. Além disso, esta proteína foi demonstrada também ser importante na proliferação de células da granulosa (BRANKIN et al., 2005a) e células da teca em suínos (BRANKIN et al., 2005b). Em caprinos, o cultivo de folículos secundários por seis dias com adição de BMP-6, promoveu aumento no diâmetro folicular e no percentual de folículos antrais após cultivo in vitro (FROTA et al., 2011). Neste contexto, as diferentes respostas celulares às BMPs podem ser devido a múltiplos fatores, incluindo o estágio de maturação ou número de células da granulosa dos folículos, às diferenças nas composições dos meios e os períodos de cultivo, ou ainda a adição de outros hormônios e/ou fatores de crescimento. Tendo em vista essas difereças entre as categorias foliculares, dois dos 45 capítulos da presente tese objetivaram verificar os efeitos da BMP-6 sobre o cultivo de duas categorias foliculares diferentes, folículos primordiais (Capítulo 5) e folículos secundários avançados (Capítulo 6). 2.11 FATOR DE CRESCIMENTO SEMELHANTE À INSULINA-1 (IGF-1) O sistema dos fatores de crescimento semelhantes à insulina (IGF) é composto pelos ligantes IGF-1 e IGF-2, os quais apresentam elevado grau de homologia estrutural com a pró-insulina, além de receptores 1 (IGFR-1) e 2 (IGFR-2) e seis proteínas transportadoras denominadas proteínas de ligação (IGFBP-1, IGFBP-2, IGFBP-3, IGFBP-4, IGFBP-5, e IGFBP-6). O ligante IGF-1 tem origem ontogênica (WANDJI et al., 1992) e embora possa ser produzido pela maioria dos órgãos e tecidos do organismo, o IGF-1 é produzido predominantemente no fígado, exercendo a função de um hormônio endócrino. Por não existir um órgão de armazenamento, o IGF-1 é secretado à medida que é produzido (YAKAR et al., 2002), podendo sua produção ser estimulada pelo GH. Além disso, no ovário, as IGFBPs intrafoliculares desempenham uma função-chave na regulação do desenvolvimento folicular por modularem os IGFs, apresentando seus níveis alterados no líquido folicular durante a foliculogênese (MONGET; MONNIAUX; DURAND, 1989). A maioria das ações conhecidas dos IGFs é mediada via IGFR-1, não sendo ainda claro o papel fisiológico do IGFR-2. O IGFR-1 apresenta alta afinidade, tanto pelo IGF-1 quanto pelo IGF-2, entretanto, a afinidade do IGFR-2 pelo IGF-2 é aproximadamente 500 vezes maior que pelo IGF-1 (LeROITH et al., 1995). O IGFR-1, apresenta estrutura similar à do receptor da insulina, sendo composto por duas subunidades α (região extracelular) e duas subunidades β (apresenta uma parte extracelular, um seguimento transmembranário e uma parte intracelular). Cada subunidade α é ligada a uma subunidade β por uma ponte dissulfídrica, formando um αβ hemi-receptor que, por sua vez, se liga a outro hemi-receptor por ponte dissulfídrica entre as subunidades α para formar o receptor completo (JONES; CLEMMONS, 1995; LeROITH et al., 1995). Uma vez ligante e o receptor acoplados, múltiplas vias de sinalização são ativadas, tais como a via da fosfatidil inositol 3-quinase (PI3K) e das proteínas quinases ativadas por mitógenos (MAP) (JONES; CLEMMONS, 1995). No ovário bovino, o RNAm para o IGFR-1 foi demonstrado em oócitos e células da granulosa e da teca de folículos pré-antrais (ARMSTRONG et al., 2000) 46 apresentando como principal função estimular o desenvolvimento folicular pré-antral e antral (ARMSTRONG; BENOIT, 1996). O IGF-1 estimulou o crescimento folicular e oocitário, bem como a formação de antro durante cultivo de longa duração em bovinos (GUTIERREZ et al., 2000; ITOH et al., 2002) e caprinos (MAGALHÃES et al., 2012). Após 18 dias de cultivo, o IGF-1 foi capaz de manter a viabilidade folicular e aumentar a taxa de retomada da meiose de oócitos oriundos de folículos secundários caprinos crescidos in vitro (MAGALHÃES et al., 2012). Além disso, foi observada a produção de estradiol por folículos bovinos após cultivo in vitro em meio contendo IGF-1 (THOMAS et al., 2007). Sinergicamente com o FSH, o IGF-1 aumentou a expressão do RNAm para o ligante IGF-1 e para o FSHR, enquanto que o FSH sozinho aumentou a expressão do RNAm para o IGFR-1 após cultivo in vitro de folículos pré-antrais caprinos (BRITO et al., 2012). Resultados semelhantes foram observados em estudos nos quais o FSH induziu a expressão do RNAm para o IGFR-1 após cultivo in vitro de células da granulosa bovinas (SUDO et al., 2007). Neste contexto, dois dos artigos da presente tese apresentam maiores detalhes sobre o IGF-1 no ovário (Capítulo 1 – revisão de literatura), bem como sua ação sobre o desenvolvimento de folículos secundários bovinos isolados (Capítulo 8). 2.12 HORMÔNIO DO CRESCIMENTO (GH) O hormônio do crescimento (GH) é um hormônio somatotrófico secretado pelo lobo anterior da hipófise na circulação. Este peptídeo se liga a receptores nos tecidosalvo com o objetivo de estimular o crescimento (HERRINGTON; CARTER-SU, 2001). O receptor de GH (GHR) é uma citocina que apresenta um domínio extracelular, uma porção transmembranária e um domínio citoplasmático (SJÖGREN et al., 1999). São necessárias duas moléculas de GHR para que a molécula de GH se ligue, uma vez que esta apresenta dois sítios de ligação na sua estrutura (CARTER-SU et al., 1996). A transmissão do sinal ocorre mediante a ativação e a fosforilação da enzima Janus kinase 2 (JAK2) e de resíduos do domínio intracelular do GHR, o que resulta no engajamento de diversas proteínas de sinalização intracelular, incluindo os transdutores de sinal e ativação de transcrição (STAT-1, STAT-3 e STAT-5), e componentes da via das MAP quinases. A fosforilação do STAT-5 é importante nas ações somatotróficas do GH, pois participa da regulação da secreção do IGF-I e da IGFBP-3 (KOFOED et al., 2003). 47 Estudos in vitro e in vivo têm revelado a importância deste hormônio durante o desenvolvimento folicular (HUTCHINSON et al., 1988; GONG et al., 1997; SIROTKIN; MAKAREVICH, 2002) através de seus efeitos diretos ou indiretos. Os efeitos indiretos estão relacionados ao fato de o GH estimular a liberação do IGF-1. Já os efeitos diretos estão relacionados com a expressão do GHR, os quais foram detectados em ovários humanos (SHARARA; NIEMAN, 1994) e bovinos (SHIMIZU et al., 2008). Em bovinos, o transcrito do GHR está presente em oócitos de folículos primordiais e primários, bem como o RNAm para o GHR está presente em folículos secundários e terciários (SHIMIZU et al., 2008). O artigo de revisão de literatura apresentado no Capítulo 1, bem como os resultados do artigo técnico apresentado no Capítulo 8, a seguir, descrevem maiores detalhes acerca da importância do GH para a foliculogênese in vitro. 2.13 TÉCNICAS PARA AVALIAÇÃO DA EFICIÊNCIA DO CULTIVO IN VITRO O monitoramento da eficiência do cultivo in vitro de folículos ovarianos préantrais pode ser realizado através da avaliação da ativação folicular, mudanças morfológicas no oócito e nas células somáticas foliculares durante o crescimento in vitro, surgimento da cavidade antral, além da produção de hormônios e esteroides pelos folículos durante o cultivo in vitro. Cada um desses parâmetros necessita de uma técnica específica para sua avaliação. Dentre as principais técnicas utilizadas para avaliar os sistemas de cultivo in vitro destacam-se: a análise histológica e ultraestrutural (MATOS et al., 2006; 2007a,b; MAGALHÃES et al., 2009; ARAÚJO et al., 2010a), expressão gênica através dos níveis de RNAm (HAYASHI et al., 1999; CELESTINO et al., 2010, 2011) e a dosagem hormonal para mensuração, por exemplo, dos níveis de estradiol (KOBAYASHI et al., 2000; SILVA et al., 2013). 2.13.1 Histologia clássica A microscopia de luz tem sido utilizada para avaliar o crescimento folicular e a qualidade das células em diferentes espécies (caprino: MATOS et al., 2007a,b; MAGALHÃES et al., 2009; ARAÚJO et al., 2010a; bovino: AERTS; OSTE; BOLS, 2005; AERTS et al., 2008; CELESTINO et al., 2008; equino: HAAG et al., 2013a,b,c; humano: ABIR et al., 2010). Os processos de ativação folicular e as mudanças 48 morfológicas nos oócitos e nas células da granulosa e da teca durante o crescimento folicular podem ser avaliadas usando técnicas histológicas. Além disso, as alterações pelo processo de degeneração do folículo, como retração citoplasmática do oócito, presença ou ausência de corpos picnóticos nucleares, desorganização das células da granulosa e baixa densidade celular também podem ser avaliadas sob microscopia de luz. 2.13.2 Microscopia eletrônica de transmissão De maneira geral, as análises utilizando microscopia eletrônica de transmissão são realizadas após avaliação sob microscopia de luz. A microscopia eletrônica é utilizada de maneira qualitativa, observando detalhes como o formato e as dimensões do núcleo, a dispersão da cromatina nuclear, presença de citoplasma intacto, qualidade das organelas, vacuolização citoplasmática, preservação do contato entre as células da granulosa e o oócito, bem como a aparência das células do estroma (OSKAM et al., 2010). Folículos pré-antrais de várias espécies têm sido avaliados com sucesso utilizando o microscópio eletrônico de transmissão, sendo observados tanto folículos apresentando ultraestrutura normal (FAIR et al., 1997; van den HURK et al., 1998; MATOS et al., 2007a; CELESTINO et al., 2008; ARAÚJO et al., 2010a), como aqueles com ultraestrutura alterada (SILVA et al., 2002; MATOS et al., 2006). Folículos préantrais normais apresentam um oócito com núcleo bem delimitado, mitocôndrias arredondadas com cristas irregulares, membrana mitocrondrial contínua e mitocôndrias alongadas com cristas paralelas (CELESTINO et al., 2008), bem como gotas lipídicas e ambos retículo endoplasmático liso e rugoso e material de ZP (FAIR et al., 1997). 2.13.3. Microscopia de fluorescência e microscopia confocal Em geral, a viabilidade celular é avaliada pelas diferentes marcações de células viáveis e não-viáveis, e a determinação dos percentuais de viabilidade celular pela microscopia de fluorescência, a qual é mais sensível que a microscopia de luz. Folículos de diferentes espécies vêm sendo avaliados com sucesso utilizando esta técnica (THOMAS et al., 2001; AERTS et al., 2008; BRUNO et al., 2009). Para a marcação, células viáveis necessitam apresentar membrana intacta, enquanto que células não- 49 viáveis apresentam integridade da membrana comprometida. Dentre os vários marcadores disponíveis para avaliação da viabilidade celular, a Calceína-AM e o Etídeo homodímero-1 são os mais comumente utilizados. Além dos marcadores fluorescentes, utilizando o microscópio confocal a laser, a detecção de outros aspectos do desenvolvimento folicular in vitro também podem ser avaliados, tais como: a produção das proteínas da ZP, a dinâmica das junções gap, a atividade mitocondrial, a detecção do núcleo das células da granulosa em proliferação (SCHOTANUS et al., 1997), bem como a distribuição de filamentos de actina e da proteína conexina (McLAUGHLIN et al., 2010). 2.13.4. Análise de esteroides Os folículos ovarianos são responsáveis principalmente por permitir a liberação de oócitos e a produção de esteroides e hormônios proteicos (CORTVRINDT; SMITZ, 2002). Cada estágio do desenvolvimento folicular exibe um padrão único de sensibilidade às gonadotrofinas, produção de esteroides e vias de feedback hormonal (RICHARDS, 2001). Além disso, cada categoria folicular passa por mudanças estruturais, nas quais diferentes células foliculares adquirem a maquinaria intracelular requerida para sintetizar e secretar esteroides e hormônios proteicos, e expressar receptores estágio-específicos para responder a estímulos endócrinos (CORTVRINDT; SMITZ, 2002). Quando os folículos crescem in vitro, alguns indicadores da saúde folicular são requeridos. Portanto, o meio de cultivo pode ser monitorado e quaisquer fatores secretados que possa indicar a saúde do folículo e do oócito podem ser facilmente mensurados (TELFER et al., 2000). Hormônios esteróides, tais como a progesterona, androstenediona e o estradiol podem ser mensurados em meio de descarte, ou seja, meios retirados durante as trocas, podendo então, serem avaliados utilizando radioimunoensaio ou ensaio imunoenzimático (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay – ELISA). Entretanto, dependendo do estágio folicular, os níveis de esteroides podem não ser detectados, ou mesmo serem alterados (WANDJI et al., 1996a). A ausência de uma camada de células da teca completamente definida em folículos pré-antrais durante o cultivo in vitro, contribui para a inabilidade (bovinos: WANDJI et al., 1996a) ou pouca habilidade (murinos: KOBAYASHI et al., 2000) de se detectar níveis mensuráveis de androstenediona. Além disso, a inibina e o estradiol foram significativamente reduzidos 50 quando folículos pré-antrais murinos foram cultivados sem células da teca (KOBAYASHI et al., 2000). A habilidade de folículos pré-antrais aumentarem os níveis de estradiol e progesterona indicam o desenvolvimento folicular e a diferenciação das células da granulosa. A conversão de testosterona exógena à estradiol sob estímulo do FSH induziu a atividade da enzima P450aromatese em folículos pré-antrais cultivados in vitro (WANDJI et al., 1996a). 2.13.5. Reação em cadeia da polimerase em tempo real (PCR em tempo real) A localização de proteínas, RNAm e seus receptores auxilia a compreensão do papel de cada hormônio e fator de crescimento em cada fase do desenvolvimento folicular, uma vez que além da localização, esta técnica possibilita quantificar cada uma das substâncias produzidas no ovário. Muitas atuações das células foliculares ovarianas relacionadas à sobrevivência, ao crescimento e à diferenciação, são refletidas na alteração dos padrões da expressão gênica. Desta forma, a capacidade de quantificar os níveis de transcrição de genes específicos é fundamental para qualquer investigação das funções foliculares (ZAMORANO et al. 1996). Após a extração do RNAm, a partir de folículos ovarianos, e da sua conversão em um DNA complementar (DNAc), a PCR realiza a síntese de milhões de cópias deste DNAc na presença da enzima DNA polimerase, caracterizando o princípio fundamental da técnica que é a amplificação do DNA. A reação de PCR em tempo real, uma variante da PCR convencional, permite uma análise precisa da quantificação da expressão gênica em determinado tecido ou amostra biológica. Esse método utiliza um sistema fluorescente em plataforma, capaz de detectar a luz oriunda da reação de amplificação de um determinado gene no momento real da amplificação (BUSTIN, 2002). Vários estudos demonstraram que a PCR é uma ferramenta adequada para o estudo mais detalhado do complexo e misterioso processo da foliculogênese. Os RNAm para receptores e ligantes para várias substâncias já foram observados em folículos préantrais de várias espécies como caprinos, bovinos, ovinos, suínos, murinos e humanos. Alguns hormônios e fatores de crescimento já tiveram o RNAm para o ligante e seus receptores detectados em folículos pré-antrais, tais como: BMP-6 (caprino: FROTA et al 2011; COSTA et al., 2012) e BMPRs (caprino: SILVA et al., 2004; COSTA et al., 2012), FSHR (caprino: SARAIVA et al., 2011; FROTA et al., 2011; BRITO et al., 2012; humano; OKTAY; BRIGGS; GOSDEN, 1997), VEGF e VEGFRs (bovino: 51 YANG; FORTUNE, 2007; humano: ABIR et al., 2010); e IGF-1 e IGFR-1 (caprino: BRITO et al., 2012; MAGALHÃES et al., 2012). 52 3 JUSTIFICATIVA Como visto anteriormente, os folículos pré-antrais representam a quase totalidade da população folicular ovariana, cerca de 90%, entretanto, a grande maioria (99,9%) dos folículos não chegam à fase ovulatória, sendo eliminados por atresia. Neste contexto, a biotécnica de MOIFOPA visa resgatá-los do ovário antes que se tornem atrésicos e cultivá-los in vitro até sua completa maturação. Os oócitos oriundos destes folículos crescidos in vitro representam uma população homogênea de um mesmo animal e poderiam ser utilizados em programas de produção in vitro e transferência de embriões e/ou criopreservação. Além disso, o desenvolvimento de um sistema de cultivo eficiente poderá fornecer subsídios para uma melhor compreensão sobre os fatores que regulam o crescimento e a maturação folicular. No que se refere a espécie caprina, a maturação de oócitos oriundos de folículos pré-antrais crescidos in vitro ainda é considerada um fator limitante para o sucesso da biotécnica de MOIFOPA. Além disso, na espécie bovina, os resultados ainda são inconsistentes em relação aos meios de base utilizados, limitado apenas à produção de folículos antrais após cultivo in vitro. Portanto, o desafio atual dos pesquisadores em todo mundo, e que justifica a elaboração da presente tese, tem sido a definição de um meio de cultivo de base e do regime de troca de meio mais eficientes, bem como o desenvolvimento de um sistema de cultivo que permita a manutenção da viabilidade, a ativação, o crescimento e a completa maturação folicular, otimizando o aproveitamento do potencial oocitário dos animais e incrementando a eficiência da reprodução animal. Desta forma, além da determinação de um meio de cultivo de base para a manutenção da viabilidade e promoção do crescimento de folículos secundários bovinos isolados, outro aspecto considerado importante foi o conhecimento acerca dos efeitos dos fatores de crescimento (exemplos: VEGF, BMP-6 e IGF-1) e/ou hormônios (exemplos: FSH e GH) sobre o cultivo in vitro dos folículos pré-antrais bovinos e/ou caprinos. Esses estudos foram extremamente necessários para que estratégias de cultivo pudessem ser desenvolvidas e buscassem otimizar o crescimento e a maturação folicular in vitro. No tocante as substâncias adicionadas aos meios de cultivo, tornou-se necessária a determinação das melhores concentrações da BMP-6 em um cultivo in situ de curta duração, para posteriormente utilizá-las em um cultivo de longa duração de folículos secundários caprinos isolados. Adicionalmente, o VEGF foi utilizado com o objetivo principal de melhorar as taxas de maturação dos oócitos oriundos de folículos 53 pré-antrais caprinos crescidos in vitro. Tendo em vista os resultados limitados apresentados anteriormente para a espécie bovina, e na tentativa de melhorá-los, os fatores de crescimento VEGF e IGF-1, bem como o hormônio GH, foram utilizados baseados nos melhores resultados presentes na literatura para a espécie caprina. Para melhor avaliar a eficiência dos sistemas de cultivo empregados no presente estudo, além da histologia clássica, foi utilizada a microscopia eletrônica de transmissão e/ou de fluorescência, bem como a análise dos níveis de estradiol (ELISA) para determinar a qualidade de folículos pré-antrais caprinos e/ou bovinos cultivados in vitro. Na tentativa de melhor desvendar a foliculogênese caprina e bovina, foi ainda realizado um estudo de quantificação da expressão gênica do RNAm para os BMPR1A, BMPR-2, Smad-1, Smad-3, Smad-4, Smad-5, Smad-6, Smad-7, Smad-8 sob a influência de BMP-6 em folículos secundários caprinos, bem como o RNAm para o VEGF, IGF-1, P450aromatase, FSHR sob a influência de diferentes meios de cultivo de base e protocolos para troca de meio em folículos secundários bovinos por meio da técnica de transcrição reversa da PCR quantitativa em tempo real (RT-qPCR). 54 4 HIPÓTESES CIENTÍFICAS Diante do exposto, formularam-se as seguintes hipóteses científicas: a) O regime de troca de meio influencia positivamente o desenvolvimento e a maturação in vitro de folículos secundários caprinos isolados após cultivo de longa duração; b) Os meios de cultivo de base αMEM e TCM-199, bem como o regime de troca de meio influenciam positivamente o desenvolvimento, a produção de estradiol e a expressão gênica de folículos secundários bovinos isolados após cultivo in vitro de longa duração; c) A BMP-6 mantém a sobrevivência folicular e influencia positivamente a ativação e o crescimento in vitro de folículos pré-antrais caprinos inclusos no tecido ovariano após cultivo de curta duração; d) A BMP-6 e/ou FSH afetam positivamente o desenvolvimento folicular e modulam a expressão gênica dos receptores para a BMP-6, bem como seus sinalizadores intracelulares (Smads) de maneira diferenciada durante o cultivo in vitro de folículos secundários caprinos isolados; e) O VEGF mantém a sobrevivência folicular e estimula a maturação de oócitos oriundos de folículos pré-antrais caprinos isolados, após cultivo in vitro de longa duração; f) Os fatores de crescimento VEGF e IGF-1 e o hormônio GH utilizados individualmente, ou em combinação, promovem o desenvolvimento folicular e a produção de estradiol após cultivo in vitro de folículos secundários bovinos isolados. 55 5 OBJETIVOS 5.1 OBJETIVOS GERAIS a) Verificar o efeito do regime de troca de meio sobre o cultivo in vitro de folículos secundários caprinos isolados; b) Avaliar o efeito do meio de cultivo de base (αMEM ou TCM-199) e do regime de troca sobre o cultivo de folículos secundários bovinos isolados; c) Investigar o efeito de diferentes concentrações de BMP-6 no cultivo de tecido ovariano (in situ) caprino; d) Estudar o efeito da BMP-6 isoladamente ou em associação com FSH sobre o cultivo in vitro de folículos secundários caprinos isolados; e) Verificar o efeito do VEGF sobre o cultivo in vitro de folículos secundários caprinos isolados; f) Verificar a influência da adição de VEGF, IGF-1 e GH isoladamente ou em associação ao meio de cultivo in vitro de folículos secundários bovinos isolados utilizando sistemas de cultivo bi (2D) e tridimensional (3D). 5.2 OBJETIVOS ESPECÍFICOS a) Verificar as taxas de sobrevivência, crescimento e formação de antro, bem como as taxas de maturação de oócitos oriundos de folículos secundários caprinos crescidos in vitro utilizando diferentes protocolos para troca de meio; b) Avaliar as taxas de crescimento, formação de antro, produção de estradiol, bem como expressão gênica (RNAm para FSHR, VEGF, IGF-1 e P450arom) de folículos secundários bovinos isolados utilizando dois diferentes meios de base (αMEM ou TCM-199) e dois protocolos para troca de meio; c) Verificar o efeito de diferentes concentrações de BMP-6 (1, 10, 50 e 100 ng/mL) sobre as taxas de sobrevivência, ativação, crescimento e características ultraestruturais de folículos pré-antrais inclusos em tecido ovariano caprino após cultivo in vitro; d) Avaliar o efeito da BMP-6 (concentrações determinadas pelos resultados do cultivo in situ) associada ou não ao FSH, sobre a sobrevivência, formação de antro, taxas de 56 crescimento folicular e maturação de oócitos oriundos de folículos secundários caprinos isolados crescidos in vitro; e) Verificar a influência da BMP-6 sobre os níveis de expressão do RNAm para BMPR1A, BMPR-2, Smad-1, Smad-4, Smad-5, Smad-6, Smad-7 e Smad-8 antes e após o cultivo in vitro de folículos secundários caprinos isolados; f) Avaliar o efeito de duas concentrações de VEGF (10 e 100 ng/ml), sobre as taxas de sobrevivência, formação de antro, crescimento folicular e maturação de oócitos oriundos de folículos secundários caprinos isolados crescidos in vitro; g) Verificar o efeito do VEGF, IGF-1 ou GH, isoladamente ou em associação sobre as taxas de crescimento, formação de antro e produção de estradiol de folículos secundários bovinos isolados em sistemas de cultivo 2D (superfície plástica) ou 3D (matriz de alginato). 57 6 CAPÍTULO 1 Cultivo in vitro de folículos pré-antrais bovinos: Uma revisão “In vitro culture of bovine preantral follicles: A review” Periódico: Molecular Reproduction and Development (Submetido em: 1 de agosto de 2013) 58 RESUMO Os folículos pré-antrais constituem a maioria da população folicular ovariana e sua utilização como fonte de oócitos homogêneos levaria a um grande avanço das tecnologias de reprodução assistida em bovinos. Entretanto, quando comparada às outras espécies, na espécie bovina, os resultados têm sido limitados à ativação de folículos primordiais e a formação de folículos antrais iniciais a partir de grandes folículos secundários cultivados in vitro. Portanto, esta revisão abordará os aspectos básicos da foliculogênese em bovinos com foco nos folículos pré-antrais, os métodos para o isolamento folicular, e os principais resultados obtidos nos últimos 20 anos, bem como as potenciais substâncias candidatas (suplementos básicos, fatores de crescimento e hormônios) para melhorar a eficiência do cultivo in vitro de folículos pré-antrais. Palavras-chave: Vaca. Foliculogênese. Oócito. Folículos ovarianos. 59 In vitro Culture of Bovine Preantral Follicles: A Review V.R. Araújo1,2,3, M.O. Gastal1, J.R. Figueiredo2 and E.L. Gastal1,4 1 Department of Animal Science, Food and Nutrition, Southern Illinois University, 1205 Lincoln Drive, MC 4417, Carbondale, IL, 62901, USA. 2 Laboratory of Manipulation of Oocytes and Preantral Follicles (LAMOFOPA), Veterinary Faculty, State University of Ceará, Av. Paranjana 1700, Campus do Itaperi, Fortaleza, CE, 60740-903, Brazil. Running head: In vitro bovine folliculogenesis Keywords: Cow; Folliculogenesis; Oocyte; Ovarian follicles. 3 Araújo VR is the recipient of a PhD scholarship from CNPq, Brazil. 4 Correspondence: Eduardo Gastal, Department of Animal Science, Food and Nutrition, Southern Illinois University, 1205 Lincoln Drive, MC 4417, Carbondale, IL, 62901, USA. FAX: 618-453-5231; e-mail: Abbreviations ZP, Zona pellucida; VEGF, Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor; DNAse, Deoxyribonuclease; OPU, Ovum pick-up technique; 2D, Two-dimensional system; 3D, Three-dimensional system; α-MEM, Minimum essential medium alpha modification; TCM-199, Tissue culture medium -199; MMP-9, Matrix metalloproteinases-9; IGFs, Insulin-like growth factors; FGFs, Fibroblast growth factors; BMPs, Bone morphogenetic proteins; GDFs, Growth and differentiation factors; 60 IGFBP-2, IGF binding protein-2; LH, Luteinizing hormone; TGF-β, Transforming growth factor β; FSH, Follicle-stimulating hormone; flt-1 or VEGFR-1, Fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 (VEGF receptor 1); flk-1 or VEGFR-2, Kinase domain receptor (VEGF receptor 2); BrdU-label, Bromodeoxyuridine; GH, Growth hormone; GHR, GH receptor SUMMARY Preantral follicles are the majority of the ovarian follicle population and their use as a source of homogeneous oocytes for bovine reproductive biotechnologies could result in a substantial advance in this field. However, while in other species, in bovine species the results have been limited to the follicular activation of small (primordial) preantral follicles and formation of early antral follicles from large (secondary) preantral follicles after in vitro culture. Therefore, this review will highlight the basic aspects of bovine folliculogenesis by focusing on preantral follicles, the methods of harvesting preantral follicles, the main results from in vitro follicular culture during the last 20 years, and the potential candidate substances (basic supplements, growth factors and hormones) for improving the efficiency of in vitro culture. TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION BASIC ASPECTS OF EARLY BOVINE FOLLICULOGENESIS Formation and Initiation of Primordial Follicle Growth Growth of Primary and Secondary Follicles HARVESTING BOVINE PREANTRAL FOLLICLES Mechanical Isolation Using Tissue Chopper or Microdissection Enzymatic Isolation Ovarian Biopsy In Vivo IN VITRO CULTURE SYSTEMS FOR BOVINE PREANTRAL FOLLICLES 61 In Vitro Culture of Preantral Follicles Enclosed in Ovarian Tissue (In Situ) In Vitro Culture of Isolated Preantral Follicles IMPROVING IN VITRO GROWTH OF BOVINE PREANTRAL FOLLICLES Culture Media Basic Supplements Growth Factors Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1) Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor (bFGF) Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) Hormones Activin Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH) Growth Hormone (GH) Insulin FINAL CONSIDERATIONS 62 INTRODUCTION The mammalian ovary is responsible for the development, maturation, and release of mature oocytes for fertilization, as well as the synthesis and secretion of hormones that are essential for follicular development, menstrual/estrous cyclicity, and maintenance of the reproductive tract and its function. In each ovarian cycle, many follicles are activated to enter the growth phase, which is characterized by both proliferation of the granulosa cells and an increase in the oocyte size (Gougeon, 2003). However, most of these follicles gradually become atretic during in vivo growth phase; this fact awakes a great interest in the development of a culture system that might be able to maintain follicular growth and avoid this loss of follicles. Considering that primordial follicles constitute the supreme starting material for in vitro culture due to their large number when compared with mature follicles (Cortvrindt and Smitz, 2001), it would be of remarkable help to possess a renewable source of primordial follicles from high-yielding animals for culture in order to maximize offspring from these animals (Aerts et al., 2005). Moreover, the elucidation of the yet incomprehensible mechanisms of primordial follicle activation would constitute an important leap forward in the understanding of follicular dynamics (Aerts et al., 2008). Preantral follicles for research are usually obtained from ovaries from slaughterhouses or through laparotomy or ovarian biopsies. Studies using ovarian biopsy have shown minimum or no disturbance to ovarian function in several species, including bovine (Bols et al., 1995; Aerts et al., 2005; 2008), equine (Haag et al., 2013a,b,c), and human (Cortvrindt and Smitz, 2001; Abir et al., 2010). This technique shall be of great value for experimental or diagnostic purposes. Profound similarities in the dynamics of follicle development exist between the menstrual cycle in women and the estrous cycle in cow and mares (Ginther et al., 2004; Gastal et al., 2011). In this regard, research using animal models for studying human ovarian function is important to provide a hypothetical basis for further studies in women, which will ultimately lead to the development of safer and more efficacious infertility and contraceptive therapies (Baerwald, 2009). Therefore, if preantral follicles could be efficiently isolated from ovaries, a large potential source of oocytes (genetic material) could be obtained to reach meiotic competence in vitro. Moreover, immature oocytes from preantral follicles could 63 be used in other assisted reproductive technologies, such as in vitro maturation and embryo production, transgenesis, and conservation of endangered species. An in vitro culture system that allows complete growth of oocytes from preantral or early antral follicles has been studied. However, besides the differences among species, in vitro culture success depends on initial oocyte size, as well as follicle categories used. In regards to large animals, the production of embryos from buffalo (Gupta et al., 2008), sheep (Arunakumari et al., 2011; Luz et al., 2012), goats (Magalhães et al., 2011), and monkeys (Xu et al., 2011) have been obtained only from large (advanced secondary follicle) preantral follicles, while in mouse, embryos and live offspring have been obtained from primordial follicles (Eppig and O’Brien, 1996; O’Brien et al., 2003). However, in bovine species the best results have been only with antrum cavity formation after in vitro culture of advanced secondary follicles (Gutierrez et al., 2000). Ovarian follicular development and oocyte growth depend on a bidirectional communication between oocytes and somatic cells. Oocytes have an essential role in controlling the proliferation and differentiation of granulosa cells during follicular development (Eppig et al., 2002). The ability to sustain preantral follicle growth in vitro to support the acquisition of oocyte competence could represent a breakthrough in the reproduction field since this source of oocytes could be beneficial for assisted reproductive technologies. Additionally, research aiming at further understanding of somatic cell-oocyte interactions in species with prolonged follicular growth, such as the bovine species (McLaughlin et al., 2010), would be of great significance for human reproduction. Therefore, in vitro culture systems have to allow for these conditions and properly maintain cell interactions during follicle development. This review aims to describe and discuss the advancements in and current status of the emerging research of bovine preantral follicles. Firstly, we summarize current knowledge of achievements in the development of in vitro systems for culture of bovine preantral follicles. Secondly, we address the methods of harvesting preantral follicles, culture media, and systems used. Finally, we describe the most common growth factors and hormones utilized to culture bovine preantral follicles. 64 BASIC ASPECTS OF BOVINE EARLY FOLLICULOGENESIS Development of bovine oocytes and follicles begins in the fetal phase (Rüsse, 1983) and takes around 6 months to be completed (Lussier et al., 1987). The follicle development is comprised of two distinct and consecutive phases (Fig. 1): the first phase, characterized by the formation and beginning of growth of primordial follicles, and the second phase, in which the growth of primary and secondary follicles occurs as granulosa cells transform from a flattened to a cuboidal shape and proliferate, while the oocyte experiences a rapid increase in size. It has been reported that the critical point of follicle growth is when the follicle has about 40 granulosa cells and the oocyte undergoes the first significant change in diameter (Braw-Tal and Yossefi, 1997). 65 Figure 1. Schematic sequence of complete follicular development. Preantral phase: Formation and beginning of growth and activation of primordial follicles and growth of primary and secondary follicles. Antral phase: Formation of tertiary follicle (antral-filled follicular fluid cavity). Follicle growth continues through the phases of recruitment, emergency, selection, dominance, and preovulatory stage of follicular waves. Oogonia is a cell that arises from a primordial germ cell and differentiates into an oocyte in the ovary. Primordial follicle has a single layer of flattened granulosa cells. Primary follicle has a single layer of cuboidal granulosa cells. Secondary follicle has two or more layers of cuboidal granulosa cells and a small number of theca cells. All the preantral follicles have a primary oocyte. Tertiary follicle has several granulosa cell layers, theca cells and primary oocyte and is characterized by an antral cavity which containing follicular fluid. Preovulatory or also called as Graafian follicle is the last stage of follicle development; these follicles are larger, have more antral fluid and a secondary oocyte. Follicular fluid is a plasma exudate conditioned by secretory products from the granulosa cells and oocyte. 66 Formation and Initiation of Primordial Follicle Growth Primordial germ cells proliferate by mitosis to form primary oocytes and the first meiotic prophase starts between days 75 and 80 of pregnancy in the cattle (Erickson, 1966). The formation of the primordial follicles occurs at the diplotene stage of meiosis, at approximately day 130 of pregnancy (Erickson, 1966). At this point, the oocyte is surrounded by a single layer of six pre-granulosa (flattened) cells which is in turn surrounded by a basal membrane; these are the first generation of follicle cells (Braw-Tal and Yossefi, 1997) and are originated from the celomic epithelium. From day 170 on, the ovigerous cords are absent and there are only primordial follicles present (Erickson, 1966). After the formation of primordial follicles, the pre-granulosa cells stop multiplying and remain in the resting phase until they are stimulated to grow (Erickson, 1966). In bovine species, primordial follicles have a mean diameter of 35.2 µm and oocyte growth is initiated only during the fourth generation of follicle cells, compared with the second or third generation in rodents and humans, respectively (Braw-Tal and Yossefi, 1997). During the initiation of follicular growth, in a phase known as primordial follicular activation, some primordial follicles leave the reserve pool (quiescent follicles) to enter into the growing pool (primary, secondary, tertiary, and preovulatory; Rüsse, 1983). The activation of primordial follicles is a nonreversible process; therefore it is important in regulating the size of the resting primordial follicle pool, which will affect the reproductive lifespan and fertility (Yang and Fortune, 2008). Follicular activation is characterized by the morphological modifications of granulosa cell from flattened to cuboidal, as well as the resumption of cell proliferation (van den Hurk et al., 1997) and the initiation of oocyte growth. However, the factors and mechanisms responsible for the control of early folliculogenesis are still poorly known and represent one of the major questions related to ovarian biology. Growth of Primary and Secondary Follicles After activation, bovine primordial follicles gradually acquire cuboidal granulosa cells and become transitional and primary follicles; the latter with one complete layer of 11-40 cuboidal granulosa cells around the oocyte (Hulshof et al., 1994; Braw-Tal and Yossefi, 1997). Secondary follicles are characterized by the addition of a second complete layer of granulosa cells, the initial deposition of zona pellucida (ZP) material, formation of cortical granules within the oocyte cytoplasm 67 (using transmission electron microscopy, Fair et al., 1997), mRNA synthesis in the oocyte (McLaughlin et al., 2010), and gonadotropin responsiveness (Fair, 2003). Primary and secondary follicles appear in the bovine fetal ovary around days 140 and 210 (Rüsse, 1983), and have a mean diameter of 46.1 µm (Hulshof et al., 1994) and 81.0 µm (Braw-tal and Yossefi, 1997), respectively. Unlike primordial follicles, at these follicular stages the ZP begins to form, surrounding the oocyte (Fair et al., 1997; Rankin et al., 2001). Braw-tal and Yossefi (1997) verified that the ZP first appeared in small secondary follicles (range, 81-130 µm in diameter), but formed a complete ring around the oocyte during the late secondary stage (range, 131-250 µm in diameter). The growth of preantral follicles after the primary stage also depends on important events that include the expression of growth and differentiation factors such as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and growth and differentiation factor-9 (GDF-9). VEGF, in particular, has been considered as a stimulator of bovine follicular development because it provides support for the transition from the primary to the secondary follicle stage (Yang and Fortune, 2007). During the growth of secondary follicles and organization of the granulosa cells in several layers, a cavity is formed among these cells which is filled with follicular fluid and is called the antral cavity (Fair et al., 1997). From this stage on, the follicles are called tertiary or early antral follicles and are observed during the bovine fetal phase at days 140 (Rüsse, 1983) or 210 (Carambula et al., 1999) of gestation. The transition from secondary to tertiary stage includes the development of the internal and external theca cell layers and the beginning of cumulus cell formation (Fair et al., 1997) in follicles around 120 µm of diameter (Lussier et al., 1987). Although antral cavities are usually established when the follicles reach at least 200 µm in diameter (Lussier et al., 1987; McNatty et al., 2000), as we mentioned previously, large secondary follicles (greater than 190 µm in diameter) have been mechanically isolated from bovine ovaries (Araújo et al., 2012a,b; Rossetto et al., 2012, 2013), as well as from the ovaries of other species such as caprine (Araújo et al., 2011a,b; Magalhães et al., 2011) and ovine (Arunakumari et al., 2011; Luz et al., 2012). 68 HARVESTING BOVINE PREANTRAL FOLLICLES Mechanical Isolation Using Tissue Chopper or Microdissection The first studies using mechanical isolation techniques were developed during the early 1990s and represented major advances in the isolation of morphologically normal preantral follicles. Early preantral follicles were mechanically isolated using a machine called a tissue chopper (Figueiredo et al., 1993), a homogenizer (Nuttinck et al., 1993), or a cell dissociation sieve (Jewgenow and Goritz, 1995; Jewgenow, 1998). Furthermore, isolation of later stage preantral follicles via microdissection was reported using insulin needles (van den Hurk et al., 1998). Bovine preantral follicles have been successfully isolated utilizing tissue chopper and microdissection. Both follicular isolation methods have shown no detrimental effect on the tridimensional structure of the small follicles, because follicles have been recovered without damage to the basal membrane (Figueiredo et al., 1993, 1994a; Fig. 2A). The preservation of the follicular basal membrane may prevent the spreading of granulosa cells during in vitro culture (Figueiredo et al., 1994a), preserving follicular morphology by maintaining follicular adhesion to extracellular compounds. Additionally, the basement membrane contains proteoheparansulfate (Woodley et al, 1983), which binds to a variety of growth factors (Gospodarowicz et al., 1978). Therefore, the presence of a basement membrane around the follicles might optimize the effects of growth factors and hormones added to the culture medium (Figueiredo et al., 1995). 69 Figure 2. Isolated follicles (A) by tissue chopper and microdissection, and (B) in situ follicles stained with PAS-hematoxilin. o: oocyte; n: oocyte nucleus; fgc: flattened granulosa cells; cgc: cuboidal granulosa cells; tc: theca cells; zp: zona pellucida. *Antral follicle grown in vitro. The number of follicles isolated by tissue chopper differs according to the species (Lucci et al., 2002) and even among breeds. In goats and sheep, the best results were obtained with the intervals of 75 and 87.5 µm, respectively (Lucci et al., 1999; Amorim et al., 2000). The best interval for sectioning ovarian tissue varies from 50 µm for European cattle (Bos Taurus, Figueiredo et al., 1993) and 125 µm for Zebu cattle (Bos Indicus, Lucci et al., 2002). These differences regarding the most suitable cut interval to isolate preantral follicles may be explained by differences in quantity of ovarian tissue and variation in its composition, as in corpora lutea and corpora albicans (Figueiredo et al., 1993). Follicles embedded in a more fibrous stroma can be more difficult to isolate and smaller cut intervals would be necessary (Lucci et al., 2002). 70 The microdissection method has been used to isolate large bovine follicles using fine needles under stereomicroscopy. This method maintains the theca cell layers, which ensures follicle quality (Katska and Rynska, 1998; Saha et al., 2002). The presence of theca cells is a crucial condition for normal follicular growth, preservation of estrogen production (Gougeon, 1996), maintenance of follicular health, and remodeling of the basement membrane (McCaffery et al., 2000). In this regard, maintaining communication among the oocyte, the surrounding somatic cells, and the extracellular matrix is vital to the achievement of normal folliculogenesis, and to sustain follicular growth and viability (McCaffery et al., 2000). This technique allows the isolation of several morphologically normal and intact follicles from ovarian tissue. Large bovine preantral follicles have been successfully isolated and cultured in vitro until antrum formation after short- (McCaffery et al., 2000; McLaughlin et al., 2010) and long-term (Gutierrez et al., 2000, Itoh et al., 2002; Araújo et al., 2012a,b; Rossetto et al., 2012) culture. Enzymatic Isolation The fibrous nature of the ovaries of most domestic species complicates follicular isolation (Telfer, 1996). Therefore, some studies have been conducted using different types of enzymes to recover preantral follicles in different species. In this regard, collagenase (from Clostridium histolyticum) has been used to isolate numerous preantral follicles from murine (Eppig and Downs, 1987), swine (Greenwald and Moor, 1989), and bovine (Figueiredo et al., 1993) ovaries. In addition, an enzymatic method using deoxyribonuclease (DNAse), has been developed to isolate human follicles (Roy and Treacy, 1993). However, this latter process requires a lengthy cooling time and consequently reduces the viability of the follicles by causing damage to cell membranes. The degree of enzymatic damage depends on the duration of treatment, the concentration of the enzyme(s), and the type of tissue (Figueiredo et al., 1993; Roy and Greenwald, 1985). Morphologically normal follicles have been isolated from bovine ovaries using a combination of collagenase and DNAse treatment (Wandji et al., 1996a). However, it was reported that although the oocytes from freshly isolated preantral follicles appeared healthy under an inverted microscope, histological examinations revealed that the enzymatic process could have damaged the oocytes, especially in smaller preantral follicles. 71 Ovarian Biopsy In Vivo A new method for the repeated collection of ovarian biopsies from living donors through transvaginal, ultrasound-guided puncture of the ovary has been successfully developed and tested in cows (Aerts et al., 2005), women (Schmidt et al., 2003), and recently in mares (Haag et al., 2013a,b,c). This procedure can be seen as a modified version of a commercial ovum pick-up (OPU) technique. Using ovarian biopsies, Aerts et al. (2005) had a recovery a rate of 68% small preantral follicles per biopsy session. Although rather small, these follicles were suitable for both histological (Fig. 2B) and immunohistochemical evaluation and revealed the presence of morphologically normal primordial and preantral follicles. In addition, in a later study, the restoration of ovarian tissue morphology (using light microscopy) and the preservation of follicle viability (using fluorescence microscopy) in the majority of preantral follicles after multiple ovarian biopsy sessions was reported (Aerts et al., 2008). IN VITRO CULTURE SYSTEMS FOR BOVINE PREANTRAL FOLLICLES Basically, there are two ways to culture bovine preantral follicles: 1) enclosed in ovarian tissue fragments (slices or strips), also called ―in situ‖; or 2) using isolated follicles. The isolated follicles have been cultured either in a two-dimensional (2D) system (Fig. 3A), i.e. the follicle is placed on the surface, which may be a plastic or extracellular matrix (e.g., collagen gel, matrigel, etc), or in a three-dimensional (3D) system (Fig. 3B), in which the follicles are cultured within an extracellular matrix. Currently, the major use of isolated follicles for culture is to support the growth and development of immature oocytes and allow the understanding of the mechanisms involved in oocyte development, granulosa cell differentiation, and regulation of autocrine/paracrine factors that control early stages of folliculogenesis (Thomas et al., 2003). 72 Figure 3. Schematic representation of the (A) two- and (B) three-dimensional culture systems utilized for bovine preantral follicles. In Vitro Culture of Preantral Follicles Enclosed in Ovarian Tissue (In Situ) In the in situ culture system, follicles are cultured with the surrounding ovarian tissue, including the stromal cells. This culture system allows the interaction between the follicles and their adjacent cells, such as stromal/theca cells and granulosa cells, which may influence their growth (Peluso and Hirschel, 1988). This is a very practical method and prevents prolonged exposure of the cells to the external environment. The spontaneous activation of primordial follicles has been known to occur in vitro using the in situ culture system in several species, including murine (Eppig and O’Brien, 1996; Nilsson et al., 2001), bovine (Wandji et al., 1996b; Fortune et al., 1998; Braw-Tal and Yossefi, 1997; Derrar et al., 2000; Gigli et al., 2006; Tang et al., 2012; Table 1), equine (Haag et al., 2013c), caprine (Silva et al., 2004; Matos et al., 2007), and primates (Wandji et al., 1997; Hovatta et al., 1999). The majority of the bovine primordial follicles cultured in situ may activate within 2 days of culture (Wandji et al., 1996b; Braw-Tal and Yossefi, 1997; Yang and Fortune, 2008) and reach the secondary stage in 6 (McLaughlin and Telfer, 2010), 10 (Yang and Fortune, 2006; 2007; 2008), or 22 days (Tang et al., 2012). Despite the fact that in vitro culture of ovarian tissue is able to develop primordial follicles until primary and secondary stages (Yang and Fortune, 2006; 2007; 2008; Tang et al., 2012), this technique has not been very effective for follicle maturation. A two-step culture system for bovine (McLaughlin and Telfer, 2010) and 73 human (Telfer et al., 2008) preantral follicles has been tested recently. The aim of this system was to determine whether in situ-grown bovine and human follicles could be isolated at the secondary stage and cultured to late preantral/early antral stages. However, in both species, only a few antral follicles were obtained after 4 (Telfer et al., 2008) or 15 days (McLaughlin and Telfer, 2010) of culture of secondary follicles. 74 Table 1. Chronological advances in in situ culture system of early bovine preantral follicles.* Authors Duration of Type of Maintenance of Follicular activation (from culture medium follicular survival primordial to transitional (days) utilized and/or viability or primary stage) Peluso and Hirschel, 1988 2 TCM-199 Yes Yes Wandji et al., 1996a 0, 2, 4 or 7 Waymouth Yes Yes Braw-Tal and Yossefi, 1997 4 α-MEM Fortune et al., 1998 7 or 14 Waymouth Yes Yes Derrar et al., 2000 8 Waymouth, Yes Yes α-MEM Gigli et al., 2006 7 Waymouth Yes Yang and Fortune, 2006 10 Waymouth Yes Yang and Fortune, 2007 10 Waymouth Yes Yang and Fortune, 2008 2 or 10 Waymouth Yes McLaughlin and Telfer, 2010 6 McCoy’s Yes Yes Andrade et al., 2012 8 α-MEM Yes Yes Tang et al., 2012 22 α-MEM Yes *All the results were compared with the fresh control group (Day 0). Increase of follicular and/or oocyte diameter Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 75 In Vitro Culture of Isolated Preantral Follicles Although primordial and primary follicles can easily be isolated from bovine ovaries using mechanical or enzymatic methods, mostly small (diameter ≤150 µm) and large (diameter >150 µm) secondary follicles have commonly been used for this in vitro culture system (McLaughlin and Telfer, 2010; Araújo et al., 2012a,b; Rossetto et al., 2012, 2013). In the bovine species, several studies have used in vitro culture of isolated follicles (Table 2). The best results produced so far have been obtained from culture of large secondary follicles (McLaughlin et al., 2010; Araújo et al., 2012a,b; Rossetto et al., 2012, 2013). It has been reported that small secondary follicles (75 to 125 µm in diameter) attached to the culture wells and created a monolayer, which resulted in flattened and damaged follicular structures (Katska and Rynska, 1998). Conversely, the culture of isolated large secondary follicles was able to maintain follicular viability, and increase follicular diameter, and foster estradiol and progesterone production (Wandji et al., 1996a). 76 Table 2. Chronological advances in two and three dimensional (2D and 3D) in vitro culture systems for isolated bovine preantral follicles.* Authors Duration of culture (days) Follicular diameter (µm)† Type of medium utilized Culture system description Figueiredo et al., 1994a 5 30-70 α-MEM Figueiredo et al., 1994b Figueiredo et al., 1995 5 1 30-70 30-70 α-MEM α-MEM Wandji et al., 1996b 6 60-220 Waymouth Hulshof et al., 1997 Schotanus et al., 1997 5 8 30-70 30-80 α-MEM TCM-199 Katska and Rynska, 1998 Gutierrez et al., 2000 23 28 75-195 166 ± 2.2 TCM-199 McCoy’s Itoh and Hoshi, 2000 30 30-70 TCM-199 6 10 12 13 7 6 8 12-15 16 100-200 40-100 146 ± 1.7 145-170 120 145 ± 0.6 157 ± 3 111 ± 1.5 >150 18 >150 McCoy’s TCM-199 McCoy’s TCM-199 TCM-199 McCoy’s McCoy’s McCoy’s α-MEM, TCM-199, McCoy’s α-MEM 2D-plastic substrate (3 follicles/drop) 3D-collagen (4 follicles/well) 2D-uncoated plastic or coated with BSA, Laminin, Fibronectin, Matrigel or Collagen and 3D-Collagen 3D-agar gel (30-40 follicles/drop) 3D-collagen (5 follicles/drop) 3D-collagen (5-10 follicles/drop) 2D-under mineral oil 2D-plastic substrate (1 follicle/well) 2D-somatic cells (15-20 follicles/well) 2D-plastic substrate 2D (1-3 follicles/well) 2D-plastic substrate 3D-collagen 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D-plastic substrate McCaffery et al., 2000 Saha et al., 2000 Thomas et al., 2001 Itoh et al., 2002 Saha et al., 2002 Thomas et al., 2007 McLaughlin et al., 2010 McLaughlin and Telfer, 2010 Rossetto et al., 2012 Rossetto et al., 2013 2D-plastic substrate Maintenance of follicular survival and/or viability Yes Increase of follicular and/or oocyte diameter Yes Antrum formation Steroid secretion - - Yes - Yes - - - Yes Yes - E2 and P4 Yes Yes Yes Yes - - Yes - Yes Yes Yes - Yes Yes - - Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes E2 E2 E2 E2 - Yes Yes Yes - *All the results were compared with the fresh control group (Day 0). Estradiol (E2) and Progesterone (P4) hormones. †At Day 0 of culture. 77 In general, isolated bovine preantral follicles have been cultured using well plates without mineral oil in a 2D culture system. In vitro culture without mineral oil has maintained follicular viability and increased antrum formation (Gutierrez et al., 2000; McLaughlin et al., 2010; Rossetto et al., 2012, 2013) and estradiol production (McLaughlin et al., 2010) in isolated bovine preantral follicles. Similarly, studies using mineral oil in a 2D culture system also have shown high follicular viability and antrum formation (Katsa and Rynsk, 1998; Araújo et al., 2012a,b), as well as an increase in estradiol production after in vitro culture (Araújo et al., 2012b). A 3D culture system has been developed to culture isolated preantral follicles in mice (Oktem and Oktay, 2007; Desai et al., 2012), buffalo (Sharma et al., 2009), cows (Figueiredo et al., 1994b; Wandji et al., 1996a; Schotanus et al., 1997; Araújo et al.; unpublished observations), and human (Hovatta et al., 1997) and nonhuman (Xu et al., 2011) primates. In this method, the follicles are cultured inside an extracellular matrix, which mimics the ovary and maintains the spherical morphology of the ovarian follicle and preserves the cell-cell and cell-matrix connections important for regulating follicle development in vivo (Pangas et al., 2003; Kreeger et al., 2005; West et al., 2007). The 3D culture system maintained high follicular viability and increased follicular diameter (Figueiredo et al., 1994b; Wandji et al., 1996a) and steroid production after in vitro culture (Wandji et al., 1996a). It is believed that 3D systems more effectively simulate physiological conditions because many cellular processes in organogenesis occur exclusively in 3 dimensions (Xu et al., 2006). IMPROVING IN VITRO GROWTH OF BOVINE PREANTRAL FOLLICLES Oocyte-secreted paracrine factors promote the proliferation, differentiation, and function of granulosa cells. Moreover, the development of the oocyte in vitro to a stage where normal embryonic development can be supported is dependent on the oocyte reaching the appropriate stage of development to respond to the endocrine and paracrine signals responsible for the induction of maturation (Telfer et al., 2000). Therefore, an elucidation of the bidirectional interplay between these two cell types is also important for the development of a successful culture system (Aerts et al., 2008). Culture Media Different commercial media are used to culture bovine preantral follicles in vitro (Tables 1 and 2). However, based on literature reports there is no standard, reliable 78 culture medium for bovine preantral follicles. The most commonly used culture media are: minimum essential medium alpha modification (α-MEM, Figueiredo et al., 1994a; Araújo et al., 2012a,b; Rossetto et al., 2012; 2013), tissue culture medium-199 (TCM199, Katska and Rynska, 1998; Itoh and Hoshi, 2000; Saha et al., 2000; 2002; Rossetto et al., 2012), and McCoy (Gutierrez et al., 2000; McCaffery et al., 2000; Thomas et al., 2001; 2007; McLaughlin et al., 2010; McLaughlin and Telfer, 2010; Rossetto et al., 2012). The lack of standardized protocols may affect in vitro follicle culture and can also explain the different results from several research groups. Among the commercial culture media, TCM-199 and α-MEM have been the most commonly used to maintain follicular survival and viability and to improve the development of bovine follicles. A recent study compared TCM-199, McCoy, and α-MEM under the same experimental conditions and demonstrated that TCM-199 was the best medium to culture bovine secondary follicles, based on the high percentage of viable follicles after in vitro culture (Rossetto et al., 2012). However, this study also revealed that follicles cultured in αMEM or TCM-199 preserved at the ultrastructural level the cytoplasmic membrane and oocyte nucleus, and normal and uniformly distributed mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum. Comparing α-MEM with TCM-199 we found recently that α-MEM can be used to replace the TCM-199 for bovine preantral follicle culture if progressive addition of medium is used for medium change (Araújo et al.; unpublished observations). These results provide new perspectives in order to identify the best culture system for each species, taking into consideration the base culture medium, supplements (hormones and growth factors), and medium replacement methods. Basic Supplements Substances such as pyruvate, glutamine, hypoxantine (Figueiredo et al., 1994a), and ascorbic acid (Thomas et al., 2001) have been used with success for the culture of bovine ovarian preantral follicles. Therefore, these substances have become part of the base medium used to culture ovarian follicles of several species. Pyruvate and glutamine are energy substrates and the addition of both substances to the culture medium increased the percentage of intact follicles (Saha et al., 2000). Pyruvate was shown as a predominant substrate used by immature bovine oocytes (Khurana and Niemann, 2000) and isolated growing mouse oocytes (Eppig, 1976). Glutamine is an efficient energy substrate required for biomass synthesis (Genzel et al., 2005) by bovine 79 preantral follicles (Figueiredo et al., 1994a). Hypoxantine is a substance that has increased the number of morphologically normal oocytes (Figueiredo et al., 1994a), maintained oocyte-granulosa cell communication during the culture of mouse preantral follicles (Eppig and Downs, 1987) via gap junctions, and promoted oocyte growth in vitro (Buccione et al., 1990). It has been suggested that hypoxanthine improves the utilization of additional energy substrates by maintaining interactions between the oocyte and the surrounding granulosa cells (Figueiredo et al., 1994a). Another important substance that has been used in culture media is ascorbic acid. Ascorbic acid is a vitamin that acts as an antioxidant and it is involved in processes of hormone secretion, gonadal tissue remodeling and apoptosis (Luck et al., 1995). It has also been associated with several processes during follicular and luteal development (Thomas et al., 2001) because it accumulates in granulosa cells, theca interna cells, luteal cells, and oocytes (Kramer et al., 1933; Hoch-Ligeti and Bourne, 1948; Deane, 1952). Moreover, it was observed in vitro that ascorbic acid maintained follicle integrity in the absence of serum, reduced the incidence of cell death, and may participate in the regulation of extracellular matrix remodeling by increasing matrix metalloproteinases-9 (MMP-9) activity (Thomas et al., 2001). Additionally, the addition of ascorbic acid to the culture medium stimulates the activation of in vitro cultured primordial follicles in cattle and subsequent growth of activated follicles (Andrade et al., 2012). Therefore, the use of ascorbic acid is crucial for culture of isolated follicles because it ensures the integrity of the basement membrane of the follicles. Growth Factors Ovarian follicular growth is controlled by complex interactions between the oocyte and the surrounding granulosa and theca cells, as well as by locally produced growth factors and hormones. In addition, the balance of stimulatory and suppressive factors dramatically affects the growth of granulosa cells of small preantral follicles in vitro (Wandji et al., 1996a). Among the known major growth factors present in bovine ovarian cells are insulin-like growth factors (IGFs, Thomas et al., 2007), fibroblast growth factors (FGFs, Buratini et al., 2005; 2007), vascular endothelial growth factors (VEGFs, Yang and Fortune, 2007), bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs), and growth and differentiation factors (GDFs, Bodensteiner et al., 1999; Tang et al., 2012). The following sections will describe only the growth factors which have been used in in vitro culture systems for bovine preantral follicles. 80 Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1) The IGF-1 binding ontogeny (Wandji et al., 1992) and its type 1 receptor mRNA have been demonstrated in the oocytes and granulosa and theca cells of bovine preantral follicles (Armstrong et al., 2000). In addition, IGF binding protein-2 (IGFBP-2) mRNA has been detected in granulosa cells and oocytes, and IGFBP-3 mRNA in oocytes from bovine preantral follicles (Armstrong et al., 2002). During the stages of antral and preovulatory follicles, IGF-1 mRNA has been detected in bovine granulosa (Schams et al., 1999) and theca cells (Armstrong et al., 2000), indicating that IGF-1 is important during the later stages of folliculogenesis (e.g., in relation to luteinizing hormone (LH) responsiveness, Ginther et al., 2004). IGF-1 has been identified as a stimulatory growth factor for bovine follicular and oocyte growth, as well as antrum formation during prolonged culture (Itoh et al., 2002; Gutierrez et al., 2000). Long-term in vitro culture may allow the differentiation of granulosa cells by IGF-1, which acts as a stimulator of follicular development. Follicular growth (Thomas et al., 2007), antral cavity formation (McCaffery et al., 2000; Thomas et al., 2007; Rossetto et al., 2013), and estradiol production (Thomas et al., 2007) were observed after using IGF-1 in the in vitro culture of bovine preantral follicles. Conversely, McCaffery et al. (2000) observed that treatment of immature follicles with IGF-1 resulted in precocious differentiation, which might have retarded follicular growth and cell proliferation. Recently, Rossetto et al. (2013) showed that addition of IGF-1 to the culture medium of bovine preantral follicles had no effect on the follicular morphology and antrum formation. Similarly, we observed that IGF-1 did not interfere in any end point, including the estradiol concentrations, evaluated during the in vitro culture of bovine secondary follicles (Araújo et al.; unpublished observations). Therefore, the action of IGF-1 in bovine oocyte and follicular development is strictly regulated by the developmental stage, period of culture, and concentration of IGF-1 used (Walters et al., 2006). Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor (bFGF) Immunoreactivity, bioactivity, and mRNA of bFGF are present in bovine granulosa cells (Neufeld et al., 1987). Both bFGF alone and bFGF in combination with follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) allowed the maintenance of follicular survival, promoted in vitro growth of granulosa cells, and increased the diameter of bovine 81 preantral follicles. However, when bFGF was combined with transforming growth factor β (TGF-β), there was an inhibition of the stimulatory effect of bFGF on follicular diameter and a decrease in follicular survival (Neufeld et al., 1987). Although bFGF alone stimulated estradiol and progesterone production during in vitro culture of bovine preantral follicles, it suppressed FSH-stimulated progesterone production (Wandji et al., 1996a). These results suggest that bFGF antagonizes, at least in some aspects, the FSHmediated cytodifferentiation of cultured bovine preantral follicles. Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) VEGF has been known as a regulator of the various phases of follicle development (Araújo et al., 2013). Yang and Fortune (2007) demonstrated that the mRNA for both VEGF receptors (flt-1 or VEGFR-1 and flk-1 or VEGFR-2), as well as for the VEGF ligand, were expressed in the fetal bovine ovary at day 90 of gestation. However, mRNA expression for the VEGF ligand increased when the first secondary follicles were observed at day 210 of gestation (Yang and Fortune, 2007). As the follicle grows and the antral cavity becomes filled with follicular fluid, VEGF production increases and the follicular fluid becomes rich in VEGF (Barboni et al., 2000; Ferrari et al., 2006). These aspects have been confirmed by increasing of the VEGF ligand (mRNA and protein) with the proliferation of microvessels, progression of gestation, and ovarian development (Yang and Fortune, 2007). The role of VEGF in promoting the primary to secondary follicle transition has been demonstrated in vitro during culture of fetal bovine ovarian tissue (Yang and Fortune, 2007). In caprine, VEGF has been shown to be crucial to the in vitro growth of preantral follicles and their oocytes enclosed in ovarian tissue (Bruno et al., 2009), and to meiosis progression during the maturation of oocytes grown from secondary follicles cultured in vitro (Araújo et al., 2011b). Recently, we have demonstrated that VEGF increases antrum formation and follicular growth rate after in vitro culture of bovine preantral follicles (Araújo et al.; unpublished observations). Taken together these results lead us to believe that VEGF may be an excellent constituent for the in vitro culture media for bovine secondary follicles. Hormones There seems to exist an overall consensus that preantral follicles can develop in the absence of gonadotropins. However, the use of gonadotropins for in vitro culture has 82 been important for obtaining optimal development of preantral follicles. Treatment of large, isolated preantral follicles with FSH stimulated granulosa cell proliferation and antrum formation (Wandji et al., 1996a; McLaughlin and Telfer, 2010; Araújo et al., 2012a,b; Rossetto et al., 2012). Moreover, hormones such as FSH (McLaughlin and Telfer, 2010; Araújo et al., 2012b; Rossetto et al., 2012), and activin stimulated steroidogenesis in bovine isolated preantral follicles (McLaughlin et al., 2010; McLaughlin and Telfer, 2010; Rossetto et al., 2012). The following sections will describe only the hormones which have been used in in vitro culture systems for bovine preantral follicles and ovarian cells. Activin Activin, a proteic hormone that enhances FSH biosynthesis and secretion, is expressed by its receptor on theca and granulosa cells, and oocytes of bovine preantral follicles (Hulshof et al., 1997). It is composed of two beta subunits, A and B, and exists as a homo- (A and B) or heterodimer (AB) with activin-A as the predominant isoform. Activins are involved in primordial follicle activation in vitro (Fortune et al., 2000), preantral follicle development (Hulshof et al., 1997; Knight and Glister, 2001; Ethier and Findlay, 2001; Findlay et al., 2002), granulosa cell proliferation, antral cavity formation, maintenance of normal oocyte morphology, and interactions between the oocyte and granulosa cells (McLaughlin et al., 2010). Polarized expression of cell contact interactions promoted by activin supports ongoing folliculogenesis, which is characterized by increased peripheral granulosa cell adhesion to the basement membrane and retention of adhesion at the surface of the ZP (McLaughlin et al., 2010). Although activin has caused a significant increase in the size of follicles and estradiol concentrations in immature mice, in adult mice it did not change the follicle diameter and completely blocked the action of FSH on both follicle diameter and estradiol concentration (Liu et al., 1999). In ovine, the activin promoted preantral follicle and oocyte growth in vitro, but did not accelerate follicle differentiation nor had any effect on antrum formation or follicle survival. Moreover, activin and FSH interacted positively to stimulate the follicle growth and granulosa proliferation of bovine preantral follicles (Hulshof et al., 1997). All these results indicate that activin has a paracrine role through proliferative and cytodifferentiative action on granulosa cells and that its action is age and FSH dependent. 83 Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH) Gonadotropins seem to be important for the optimal development of preantral follicles in vitro. FSH in particular is considered a critical hormone for the survival of large secondary follicles (Xu et al., 2010) and has been observed in granulosa cells of bovine preantral follicles (primary and secondary, Wandji et al., 1992). In vitro culture of bovine isolated preantral follicles with FSH stimulated an increase in follicular diameter (Wandji et al., 1996a; Hulshof et al., 1997), granulosa cell proliferation by bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU-label, Hulshof et al., 1997), and progesterone (Wandji et al., 1996a) and estradiol secretion (McLaughlin et al., 2010). Moreover, FSH maintained normal oocyte morphology and interactions between the oocyte and granulosa cells after in vitro culture of bovine secondary follicles (McLaughlin et al., 2010). Wandji et al. (1996a) observed that large preantral follicles (150 to 220 µm) produced more progesterone in response to FSH than smaller (60 to 179 µm) preantral follicles. These findings indicated that the responsiveness to FSH increases as the bovine follicles develop. Growth Hormone (GH) Among metabolism-related endocrine factors, GH has been shown to be a crucial factor for follicular development in the mammalian ovary (Shimizu et al., 2008). Both fetal and adult bovine ovaries revealed distinct amounts of GH receptor (GHR) and its transcript in the oocytes of primordial and primary follicles, as well as mRNA for GHR in secondary and tertiary follicles. These results support the concept that GHR is involved in the development and differentiation of primordial follicles in both prenatal and postnatal life (Kolle et al., 1998). In vivo, GH may stimulate specific follicle populations selectively. GH inhibited the development of preovulatory follicles and stimulated the growth of the secondlargest follicle in heifers (Lucy et al., 1994). GHR immunoreactivity and mRNA encoding GHR in granulosa cells, theca cells and luteal cells of the bovine ovary (Kolle et al., 1998) suggests the GH action by means of the detection of GH binding activity. Moreover, GHR expression increases in the granulosa cells when the follicles become estrogen-active, even when compared to preovulatory follicles (Kolle et al., 1998). Thus, the increase of GHR expression in these follicles may be regulated by estradiol (Kolle et al., 1998). The negative interaction between GH and estradiol during later 84 folliculogenesis seems to be true; however this effect seems to be positive during early folliculogenesis, since the addition of GH to the culture medium of bovine preantral follicle increased the estradiol concentrations (Araújo et al.; unpublished observations). In addition, bovine granulosa cells' expression of mRNA for GHR was stimulated in vitro by FSH (Shimizu et al., 2008). Also, GH has been shown to enhance cell proliferation and steroidogenesis of cultured granulosa cells in cattle (Langhout et al., 1991), suggesting an important role for GH in the regulation of granulosa cell proliferation and follicular growth. Insulin Among the endocrine factors, insulin is a crucial hormone for follicular development (Shimizu et al., 2008), granulosa cell function, and ovulation (Bossaert et al., 2010). Additionally, insulin may regulate various intracellular processes in the follicle such as amino acid transport, lipid metabolism, gene transcription, and protein synthesis (Louhio et al., 2000). Insulin acts through its own receptor, which first appears in the granulosa cells of small bovine antral follicles (Bossaert et al., 2010). Insulin receptor is widely distributed throughout all ovarian compartments, including granulosa and theca cells and stromal tissue (Shimizu et al., 2008; Bossaert et al., 2010). In addition, the concentrations of insulin in follicular fluid are constant at all follicular developmental stages (Shimizu et al., 2008). Infusion of insulin in beef heifers increased the diameter of the dominant follicle (Simpson et al., 1994). High levels of insulin receptor mRNA expression in granulosa cells of preovulatory follicles seem to be necessary for development of the ovulatory stage (Shimizu et al., 2008). The insulin receptor presence in small antral follicles, together with the absence of the insulin receptor in preantral follicles, indicates the involvement of insulin, and the acquisition of its receptor, during early follicular growth in bovine (Bossaert et al., 2010). This hypothesis has been supported by the fact that increased dietary intake of insulin was associated with recruitment of small follicles (<4 mm), but did not affect follicle selection (medium: 4-8 mm) or dominance (large: >8 mm) follicles (Gutierrez et al., 1997). In vitro, insulin has been shown to be essential for follicle culture. Absence of insulin in the culture medium resulted in follicle degeneration (Saha et al., 2000). Gutierrez et al. (2000) demonstrated that bovine preantral follicles grew for a long period in culture, even in the absence of tropic hormones, but in the presence of insulin. 85 Considering that type 1 IGF-1 receptor is present in oocytes and granulosa and theca cells of bovine preantral follicles (Armstrong et al., 2000), and that insulin competes with the IGF receptors, the follicular growth effect was probably promoted by interaction of insulin and the type 1 IGF-1 receptor. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS Several studies of bovine folliculogenesis have examined the aspects of in vitro follicular development. However, it is still not clear which culture medium needs to be used to culture bovine preantral follicles, as well as which growth factors and hormones could influence follicular development. Moreover, it will be important to have an optimum and standard culture system for bovine follicles, either using two- or threedimensional approaches. A culture system to be selected needs to affect positively follicular morphology, survival, proliferation, steroidogenesis, and gene expression. Furthermore, it is important to reevaluate the effect of growth factors and/or hormones on follicular growth. The follicle microenvironment must be considered, as well as the role of growth factors and hormones and their respective signaling pathways during in vitro follicular development. Additionally, factors such as age (immature or adult) of the animals, follicular category (early or late preantral follicles, or antral follicles) to be used, and system of in vitro follicular culture (two- or three-dimensional) should be considered very important sources of data variation. REFERENCES Abir R, Ao A, Zhang XY, Garor R, Nitke S, Fisch B. 2010. Vascular endothelial growth factor A and its two receptors in human preantral follicles from fetuses, girls, and women. Fertil Steril 93:2337–2347. Aerts JMJ, Oste M, Bols PEJ. 2005. 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Biol Reprod 78:1153–1161. 98 7 CAPÍTULO 2 Importância do fator de crescimento do endotélio vascular (VEGF) na fisiologia ovariana de mamíferos “Importance of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in ovarian physiology of mammals” Periódico: Zygote, v. 21, p. 295-304, 2011 99 RESUMO A foliculogênese ovariana em mamíferos é um processo complexo. Várias substâncias vêm sendo testadas no cultivo in vitro de células foliculares para um melhor entendimento acerca dos mecanismos e fatores relacionados à foliculogênese ovariana em mamíferos. Dentre essas substâncias pode-se destacar o fator de crescimento do endotélio vascular (VEGF), o qual está fortemente relacionado com a angiogênese, e nos últimos anos, sua presença em células ovarianas tem sido extensivamente investigada. Estudos prévios têm demonstrado que a presença da proteína do VEGF, bem como, a expressão do RNAm do seu receptor 2 (VEGFR-2) aumenta durante o desenvolvimento folicular. Desta forma, é provável que a interação entre o VEGF e o VEGFR-2 seja crucial para promover o desenvolvimento folicular. Contudo, poucos estudos sobre a influência deste fator no desenvolvimento folicular têm sido reportados. Portanto, a presente revisão abordará aspectos relacionados à caracterização estrutural e mecanismo de ação do VEGF e seus receptores, bem como sua importância biológica no ovário de mamíferos. Palavras-chave: Angiogênese. Foliculogênese. Cultivo in vitro. Maturação. Tirosina quinase. 100 Importance of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in ovarian physiology of mammals Running: VEGF in mammalian ovary physiology Valdevane Rocha Araújo*, Ana Beatriz Graça Duarte, Jamily Bezerra Bruno, Cláudio Afonso Pinho Lopes, José Ricardo de Figueiredo Laboratory of Manipulation of Oocytes and Preantral Follicles, State University of Ceará, 60740-930, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil * Corresponding author, SUMMARY Ovarian folliculogenesis in mammals is a complex process. Several compounds have been tested during in vitro culture of follicular cells for a better understanding of the mechanisms and factors related to ovarian folliculogenesis in mammals. From these compounds, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) can be highlighted, as it is strongly associated with angiogenesis and, in recent years, its presence in ovarian cells has been investigated extensively. Previous studies have shown that the presence of VEGF protein, as well as mRNA expression of its receptor 2 (VEGFR-2) increases during follicular development. Therefore, it is likely that the interaction between VEGF and VEGFR-2 is crucial to promote follicular development. However, few studies on the influence of this factor on follicular development have been reported. This review addresses aspects related to the structural characterization and mechanism of action of VEGF and its receptors, and their biological importance in the ovary of mammals. Keywords: Angiogenesis, Folliculogenesis, In vitro culture, Maturation, Tyrosine kinase 101 INTRODUCTION Ovarian folliculogenesis in mammals is a complex process that is comprised of interactions between several autocrine, paracrine and endocrine factors. With respect to paracrine factors, the role of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is noteworthy. VEGF was initially identified and named vascular permeability factor (VPF). Subsequently, its angiogenic activity was described, and the renamed VEGF is now considered possibly the most potent angiogenic agent ever described. VEGF also stimulates the survival of endothelial cells in vessels through the inhibition of apoptosis, as well as promoting their proliferation, migration and differentiation, and causing changes in gene expression patterns and inhibition of senescence (Dvorak, 2000). The VEGF family is comprised of several members: VEGF-A, placental growth factor (PIGF), VEGF-B, VEGF-C, VEGF-D and VEGF-E. VEGF-A is the most studied subtype and has been detected in preantral follicles from several mammalian species such as humans (Otani et al., 1999; Harata et al., 2006), rats (Celik-Ozenci et al., 2003), pigs (Barboni et al., 2000), goats (Sharma and Sudan, 2010) and cows (Greenaway et al., 2005). Moreover, regulatory effects of VEGF on mammalian folliculogenesis and luteogenesis have been observed (Quintana et al., 2004; Roberts et al., 2007; Yang et al., 2008). For preantral folliculogenesis, the importance of VEGF for the survival and growth of early (Bruno et al., 2009) and advanced (Fisher et al., 2009) follicles has been reported. Based on the observation of a positive correlation between follicle diameter and VEGF production, Fisher et al. (2009) demonstrated that this compound might play an important role during in vitro follicle development. The involvement of VEGF in the regulation of the various phases of follicle development has been shown, however more studies are necessary for a better understanding of the mechanisms by which this factor (ligand and receptors) acts in mammalian ovarian folliculogenesis. FEATURES OF THE OVARIAN VASCULAR SYSTEM AND FOLLICULAR ANGIOGENESIS The ovary in mammalian species is comprised of two distinct portions: (1) the cortex, which is the outermost part with a stroma of conjunctive tissue, and follicles and corpora lutea at several developmental stages; and (2) the medulla, the inner region, 102 which contains loose conjunctive tissue highly vascularized and originating from ovarian arteries. Histologically, the limits between these two regions are not well defined. The folliculogenesis process takes place within the cortex, from the formation of the primordial follicle to the development to the preovulatory stage, which comprises the preantral (primordial, primary and secondary follicles) and antral (tertiary and preovulatory follicles) phases. Despite the fact that preantral follicles do not possess their own vascular supply, the formation of the capillary network that surrounds the follicle is critical for growth beyond this phase. Angiogenesis begins within the stroma during early follicular development (Suzuki et al., 1998). Up to this point, nutrition and oxygenation of primordial and primary follicles rely on passive diffusion from stromal blood vessels, which are thin and single layered at this time. At the secondary stage or later, stromal cells that surround the follicles become organized in thecal layers, in which the innermost part (theca internal) contains many blood vessels, whilst the outer layer (theca external) is composed mainly of fibrous conjunctive tissue. Thereafter, during the appearance of the antral cavity full of follicular fluid, follicles become surrounded by a capillary network, which promotes the nutrition of both these cells and granulosa cells. This vascular system is divided into two distinct parts that enters either the external and internal thecal cells layers (Stouffer et al., 2001), and both contribute to the production of follicular fluid (van den Hurk & Zhao, 2005), which is rich in VEGF (Ferrari et al., 2006). The number and diameter of blood vessels increase as the follicle develops, but these never penetrate the basement membrane that separates theca interna and granulosa cells layers. STRUCTURAL CHARACTERIZATION OF VEGF AND ITS RECEPTORS VEGF is a cytokine and is a homodimeric glycoprotein that is expressed in several tissues as various types, with a molecular weight of about 45 kD (Ferrara & Henzel, 1989). Its structure forms an antiparallel homodimer that is linked covalently by two disulphide bridges between cystine residues. The cystine knot motif consists of an eight-residue ring formed by the disulphide bridges and is conserved in the same position by a third disulphide bond (Muller et al., 1997). VEGF-A is formed by two monomers that contain a cystine knot motif determined by three intrachain disulphide bridges, whilst the homodimer is assembled by two interchain disulphide bridges 103 linking the monomers. Overall, the VEGF monomer resembles that of other cystine knot growth factors such as platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), but its N-terminal segment is helical rather than extended. The dimerization mode of VEGF is similar to that of PDGF and is very different from that of transforming growth factor (TGF)-β. Mutational analysis of VEGF reveals that symmetrical binding sites for the receptor kinase domain receptor (KDR) are located at each pole of the VEGF homodimer (Muller et al., 1997). In humans, the gene that encodes VEGF is comprised of eight exons that are separated by seven introns, and the coding region is approximately 14 kb (Tischer et al., 1991; Houck et al., 1991). VEGF mRNA undergoes alternative splicing events that lead to the production of mature homodimeric proteins. Each monomer is designated in accordance with the number of amino acids along their chains (VEGF110, VEGF111, VEGF121, VEGF145, VEGF148, VEGF162, VEGF165, VEGF165b, VEGF183, VEGF189 and VEGF206; Fig. 1). The isoforms VEGF110 (Keyt et al., 1996) and VEGF121 (Park et al., 1993) do not bind to heparin as the carboxy-terminal domain located between amino acids 111 and 165 is not present, which makes both molecules freely diffusible within cells. In contrast, VEGF165 and VEGF189 bind to heparin with greater affinity. The use of heparinase either in vivo (Sasisekharan et al., 1994) or in vitro (Rathjen et al., 1990) indicates the potential of heparin molecules to be an important element of the binding complex VEGF receptor. In both cases, cell proliferation and neovascularization were inhibited. The absence of binding may not be due to a loss of VEGF receptors (GitayGoren et al., 1992), as this activity could be recovered by the use of exogenous heparin (Rathjen et al., 1990). Therefore, it was observed that successful signal transduction depends on the formation of a complex of VEGF, its receptors and heparin (VEGFheparin-receptor) (Gitay-Goren et al., 1992). These data suggest that the stability of VEGF-heparin-receptor complexes probably contributes to effective signal transduction and stimulation of endothelial cell proliferation (Keyt et al., 1996). 104 Figure 1. VEGF isoforms generated by alternative splicing. VEGF-A comprises monomers designated according to the number of amino acids in the polypeptide chain (VEGF110, VEGF111, VEGF121, VEGF145, VEGF148, VEGF162, VEGF165, VEGF165b, VEGF183, VEGF189 and VEGF206). All transcripts contain exons one to five and exon eight, with diversity generated through the alternative splicing of exons six and seven, except for VEGF-A165b, which contains an alternative exon eight (Holmes & Zachary, 2005). This variant is an endogenous inhibitory VEGF molecule that does not contain exon six, but possesses an 105 alternative exon (eight) that encodes a new carboxy terminus that increases the chances of the occurrence of a family of isoforms with this novel carboxy-terminal end (Bates et al., 2002). In relation to the necessity of the above complex for the activity of VEGF, it is known that this molecule binds directly to three receptor types: VEGFR-1/Flt-1 (Fmslike tyrosine kinase-1; De Vries et al., 1992), VEGFR-2/KDR (kinase insert domain containing region; Terman et al., 1992) and VEGFR-3/Flt-4 (Fms-like tyrosine kinase4; Kaipainen et al., 1995; Karkkainen et al., 2002) (Fig. 2). These receptors are members of the tyrosine kinase family, and have as common features the presence of seven immunoglobulin-like domains in the extracellular portion, a single transmembrane region and a tyrosine kinase sequence interrupted by the kinase insertion domain in its intracellular portion (Shibuya et al., 1990). Nevertheless, VEGF binds with high affinity to only two of these three receptors (VEGFR-1/Flt-1 and VEGFR-2/KDR), whilst VEGFR-3/Flt-4 is involved in interactions with other VEGF forms (VEGF-C and VEGF-D; Neufeld et al., 1999). The cleavage of VEGF165 by plasmin, which is an important process in the angiogenesis cascade (Mignatti et al., 1989), releases an N-terminal fragment that is comprised of amino acids 111-165. This polypeptide binds to two of the VEGF receptors, VEGFR-1/Flt-1 and VEGFR-2/KDR, in the absence of heparin (Keyt et al., 1996). Once VEGF has bound, VEGFR-2 dimerizes and autophosphorylates, which in turn activates several signal transduction cascades (Byrne et al., 2005). 106 Figure 2. Binding complex VEGF-heparin-receptor involved in biological responses to VEGF in various cells and tissues. VEGF-A binds both to VEGFR-1 and VEGFR-2, whilst PIGF and VEGF-B interact only with VEGFR-1. VEGF-C and VEGF-D bind to receptors VEGFR-2 and VEGFR-3, and VEGF-E binds only to VEGFR-2. EXPRESSION, IMMUNOLOCALIZATION AND MECHANISM OF ACTION OF VEGF AND ITS RECEPTORS VEGF and its receptors VEGFR-1/Flt-1 and VEGFR-2/KDR are expressed in the ovary of mammals, and have been identified in several reproductive tissues such as the ovarian follicle, corpus luteum, endometrial vessels and at embryo implantation sites (Jakeman et al., 1993; Shweiki et al., 1993; Gordon et al., 1996; Neufeld et al., 1999; Krussel et al., 2001; Al-zi’abi et al., 2003). Previous studies have demonstrated the presence of VEGF and its respective mRNA expression in the endometrium of fertile women with normal uteri (Shifren et al., 1996). Both the protein and mRNA corresponding to VEGF and its receptors were also detected in the granulosa and in thecal cells of bovine secondary ovarian follicles (Yang & Fortune, 2007). In sows, expression of mRNA for VEGF was observed in granulosa cells of antral follicles 107 (Shimizu et al., 2002, 2003) during the early and mid-luteal phases (Kaczmarek et al., 2007), whilst mRNA for receptors VEGFR-1 and VEGFR-2 were expressed especially within the layers of thecal cells (Shimizu et al., 2002, 2003). VEGF expression was also reported in granulosa and thecal cells of secondary follicles in rats, and could be enhanced in response to the gonadotropins follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH) and human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) (Koos, 1995; Yang et al., 2008). Conversely, at the end of the growth phase in porcine folliculogenesis, a progressive decrease in the production of VEGF is observed in response to the LH surge or to the administration of hCG (Barboni et al., 2000). Immunolocalization of VEGF in caprine ovarian tissue reveals the presence of VEGF in follicles at all developmental stages, with a progressive increase from the primary to the preovulatory stage, as well as in surrounding stroma cells (Sharma & Sudan, 2010). With regard to the immunoreactivity of goat ovaries in relation to receptor 2 (VEGFR-2/KDR), Bruno et al. (2009) observed the expression of this receptor in all follicle categories, but antral follicles displayed weak positive reactions. Furthermore, their study demonstrated the presence of this receptor in oocytes of primordial follicles, which indicated the involvement of VEGF in the growth and development of these cells (Bruno et al., 2009). Immunolocalization reactions for VEGF are stronger in cells of the theca interna in comparison with granulosa cells and stromal vascular tissue (Sharma & Sudan, 2010). As VEGF levels rise whilst the respective receptors decline throughout follicle development, the role of this factor may rely more probably on its function of promoting cellular permeability. VEGF and its receptors VEGFR-1/Flt-1 and VEGFR-2/KDR are detected in cells from the endothelium and during pregnancy corpora lutea in sows (Kaczmarek et al., 2007), and also in endothelial cells of bovine ovaries (Berisha et al., 2000). In humans, mRNA and proteins corresponding to these receptors, as well as to VEGF-A (protein), were expressed in oocytes, granulosa and stroma cells (Abir et al., 2010). In addition, VEGF was also immunolocalized in granulosa and theca interna cells of healthy follicles from rats (Koos, 1995) and cows (Berisha et al., 2000), as well as in luteinized granulosa cells in buffalos (Papa et al., 2007) and mares (Al-zi’abi et al., 2003). 108 BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY AND ROLE OF VEGF IN MAMMALIAN FOLLICULOGENESIS The selective activation of each of the VEGF receptor types results in distinct biological responses. Binding to VEGFR-1/Flt-1 leads to organizational effects on vascular structures, which are important for the interaction of endothelial cells and for blood vessels formation. In contrast, activation of VEGFR-2/KDR induces the formation, migration and proliferation of vascular endothelial cells (Neufeld et al., 1999; Ho & Kuo, 2007), as well as contributing to cellular survival. Binding to VEGFR-3/Flt-4, predominantly expressed in lymphatic vessels, resulted in lymphatic angiogenesis (Ho & Kuo, 2007). Some biological responses to VEGF binding to its receptors important for follicle development are described in more detail below (Fig. 3). Figure 3. Biological activities of VEGF in the mammalian ovarian follicle. The expansion of the vascular network during follicle development enhances oxygenation and diffusion of several substances important for follicle cells, and leads to the discussed biological responses. GC, granulosa cell; TC, theca cell; VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor; ZP, zona pellucida. 109 Angiogenic action of VEGF VEGF was discovered originally as a compound that was capable of enhancing the permeability of vessels, thus enabling proteins and other molecules to exit blood vessels and enter perfused tissues (Senger et al., 1983; Dvorak et al., 1995). With regard to the mammalian ovary, VEGF properties were demonstrated first in the bovine corpus luteum (Tischer et al., 1989), and later in the same tissue from ewes (Redmer et al., 1996). The cyclic changes during formation and regression of the corpus luteum comprise the formation of new blood vessels (Redmer & Reynolds, 1996; Wulff et al., 2001) from pre-existing vessels, and is named angiogenesis. Later studies have revealed that this factor was also involved in other processes such as the promotion of growth of vascular cells derived from arteries, veins and lymphatic vessels (Ferrara & Davis-Smyth, 1997; Ferrara & Alitalo, 1999). Moreover, VEGF was found to induce a potent angiogenic response in a wide range of in vivo (Leung et al., 1989) and in vitro (Pepper et al., 1992; 1994) models. In the ovary, angiogenesis facilitates oxygenation and nutrition of target cells, and secures an increasing supply of gonadotropins, growth factors, oxygen, steroid precursors, as well as other substances to the growing follicle (Kaczmarek et al., 2005). Such rise in the delivery of nutrients can be a decisive factor for the selection of the dominant follicle (Zimmermann et al., 2001). Therefore, there is evidence that thecal angiogenesis plays a pivotal role in follicle development (Tamanini & De Ambrogi, 2004). Furthermore, granulosa cells are important for the angiogenic process, as these cells secrete several angiogenic factors that act on thecal cells. VEGF and cell permeability VEGF can also act indirectly through reorganization or formation of a primitive capillary plexus for supply of tissue needs, increase in vascular permeability and enabling a higher availability of growth factors, gonadotropins, steroids and oxygen, which are important for follicle growth. This fact was confirmed in vivo by Danforth et al. (2003) and Quintana et al. (2004) through direct injection of VEGF into the ovarian bursa in mice that enhanced neovascularization, increased the numbers of primary and secondary follicles and vascular permeability for developing follicles, and, as a 110 consequence, reduced apoptosis. In vitro, Mattioli et al. (2001) observed that VEGF production raised blood supply and activated primordial follicles. The cellular permeability induced by VEGF is attributed to the appearance of fenestrations that, through a not well defined mechanism, enables a rise in the efflux of small solutes (Roberts & Palade, 1995). Dvorak (2000) observed that the interaction between VEGF and its receptors VEGFR-1 and VEGFR-2 triggers a cascade of events that includes an increase in microvascular permeability, leading to deposition of proangiogenic fibrin in the extracellular matrix and formation of new vessels. Furthermore, VEGF induces an increase in calcium influx, as well as a rise in the concentration of this ion within endothelial cells (Bates & Curry, 1997). In the ovarian follicle, the promotion of vascular permeability, vasodilation and development of endocrine function by theca cells resulted in a gradual rise in ovarian blood flux, and supported antrum formation and functional adaptation events for ovulation, which led to follicle rupture (Jiang et al., 2003; Tamanini & De Ambrogi, 2004). Thus, the establishment of an adequate vascular supply is possibly a limiting step in the selection and maturation of the one dominant follicle that will ovulate (Stouffer et al., 2001). The formation of the antral cavity is a spontaneous event during the in vitro culture of advanced preantral follicles, however mitogenic factors such as VEGF may enhance rates of occurrence of this process (Araújo et al., unpublished data). One study showed that VEGF secretion is stage dependent and increases as the follicle grows, which reflects in the amounts of VEGF in the follicular fluid (Barboni et al., 2000). VEGF is also produced by cells of preovulatory follicles, as well as by luteinized cells (Taylor et al., 2004). VEGF and cell survival The role of VEGF as a survival factor was observed either in vitro or in vivo with endothelial cells (Alon et al., 1995; Yuan et al., 1996), as well as with other cell types. VEGF inhibits apoptosis induced by absence of serum in culture medium (Gerber et al., 1998a) or by injuries that result from cryopreservation (Shin et al., 2006). This property may be mediated via PI3kinase/Akt (Gerber et al., 1998a), which is a signalling pathway fundamental for regulation of cell proliferation, survival, migration and metabolism, and also plays an important role in the activation of primordial follicles 111 (Cantley, 2002). Moreover, VEGF induces the expression of anti-apoptotic proteins such as Bcl-2 and A1 in endothelial cells (Gerber et al., 1998a). The addition of VEGF to in vitro culture supported the maintenance of viability and ultrastructure of goat early preantral follicles (Bruno et al., 2009). Mitogenic action of VEGF In addition to its angiogenic properties, VEGF is also a potent mitogenic factor that is secreted by many differentiated cells in response to several stimuli such as, for instance, hypoxia. Nonetheless, the loss of its carboxy-terminal domain reduces significantly the potency for induction of proliferation in endothelial cells (Keyt et al., 1996). VEGF exerts direct mitogenic effects on granulosa cells, and then acts on follicle growth in human ovaries (Otani et al., 1999). The presence of VEGF-A receptors, especially in granulosa cells, suggests that this factor may be involved in proliferation events, as well as in the onset of development of primordial follicles in humans (Abir et al., 2010). Furthermore, during the transition of these follicles to the primary stage, an increase in VEGF and its mRNA takes place in rats (Kezele et al. 2005). Yang & Fortune (2007) observed the transition of primary follicles to the secondary stage, and also the increase in follicle diameter, through the in vitro culture of ovarian tissue retrieved from bovine fetuses in medium supplemented with VEGF. Similarly, in addition to follicular growth, an increase in oocyte diameter could also be seen in early (Bruno et al., 2009) and advanced (Araújo et al., unpublished data) goat preantral follicles. Role of VEGF on oocyte maturation As VEGF expression increases progressively from the primary to the preovulatory stage, which is directly correlated to the expansion of vascularization and oxygenation of follicles (Sharma & Sudan, 2010), selection of the dominant follicle depends on the formation and the differentiation of a rich vascular supply with an increment in the permeability of the respective vessels (Kawano et al., 2003). Such conditions are very important because hypoxia may reduce oocyte metabolism and cause changes in intracellular pH, which in turn affects organization and stability of the meiotic spindle (Gaulden, 1992). Such an effect can result in chromosomal disorders 112 (non-disjunction of chromosomes) (Van Blerkom et al., 1997). Moreover, deficiencies in blood supply impair the delivery of substances that are essential for the development of follicles to the preovulatory phase (Zimmermann et al., 2003). Therefore, VEGF is an important factor for the development of mammalian oocytes, and contributes to making these gametes competent for fertilization, embryo development and pregnancy. The incomplete cytoplasmic maturation commonly observed after in vitro maturation of oocytes (First & Barnes, 1989) may explain the low rates of fertilization and extrusion of the first polar body (Trounson et al., 1977). The use of VEGF in culture of bovine cumulus-oocyte complexes promoted nuclear (Einspanier et al., 2002; Luo et al., 2002) and cytoplasmic (Luo et al., 2002) maturation of the oocytes, and enhanced normal fertilization rates and the subsequent embryo development to the blastocyst stage. Moreover, Iijima et al. (2005) observed that treatment of rats with VEGF promoted ovarian follicular angiogenesis, stimulated follicle development and increased the number of ovulated oocytes, which showed normal fertilization and developmental competence to term. Despite the evidence that VEGF can contribute to oocyte maturation, the mechanisms by which this factor acts in this process are still unclear. It has been postulated that VEGF may exert its main paracrine effects directly on oocytes or indirectly via cumulus cells that express VEGF receptors type 2 (VEGFR-2/KDR) (Bruno et al., 2009) and are expanded in bovine (Einspanier et al., 2002; Luo et al., 2002) and caprine (Araújo et al., unpublished data) cumulus-oocytes complexes cultured with VEGF. CONCLUSIONS A full understanding of the role of VEGF on the modulation of ovarian physiology is very important as this growth factor controls vascularization and therefore the availability of oxygen and nutrients for the follicles. Studies have demonstrated that VEGF influences cell survival, proliferation and thus follicular development positively, along with the stimulation of secretion of some steroid hormones such as, for instance, progesterone. 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Os protocolos testados foram: T1 (Controle) - Troca parcial de 15 μl (retirada de 15 µl de meio de cultivo seguido da adição do mesmo volume de meio fresco), mantendo o volume final de 25 μl; T2 - Somente adição de 5 μl de meio fresco a cada troca (o volume do meio aumentou 5 µl a cada troca sendo o volume final de 65 μl no dia 18) e T3 - Retirada inicial na primeira troca de 15 μl de meio com adição de 20 μl de meio fresco (aumento de 5 μl no volume final do meio a cada troca). Nas trocas subsequentes do T3, a quantidade de meio adicionado na troca anterior foi removida, seguida pela adição do mesmo volume mais 5 μl de meio fresco (semelhante ao T2, o volume final no dia 18 foi de 65 μl). As análise de sobrevivência, diâmetro e taxa de formação de antro folicular, bem como taxa de crescimento diária foram realizadas a cada 6 dias. No final do perído de cultivo, oócitos (≥ 110 µm) que apresentavam-se normais foram destinados à maturação in vitro (MIV). Os resultados demonstraram que apenas o T2 (Adição sem remoção de meio) foi capaz de manter a sobrevivência folicular até o final do período de cultivo. No D18, ambos o diâmetro folicular e a taxa de crescimento diário foram similares entre o T2 e T3 (Remoção+Adição), e ambos foram significativamente superiores ao T1 (Troca parcial). Além disso, o T2 obteve uma alta percentagem de oócitos ≥ 110 µm destinados à MIV e foi o único tratamento que obteve um oócito em telófase-I. Desta forma, pode-se concluir que a adição periódica de meio é recomendada em função de sua praticidade e manutenção da sobrevivência, além de permitir o desenvolvimento in vitro de folículos pré-antrais caprinos. Palavras-chave: Folículos ovarianos. Cabras. Troca de meio. Oócitos competentes. 124 Effect of culture medium replacement protocol on the in vitro development of isolated caprine secondary follicles Valdevane Rocha Araújo*,a, Roberta Nogueira Chavesa, Ana Beatriz Graça Duartea, Juliana Jales de Hollanda Celestinoa, Gerlane Modesto da Silvaa, Diego Diógenes Fernandesa, Maria Helena Tavares de Matosb, Cláudio Cabral Campelloa, José Ricardo de Figueiredoa a Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Laboratory of Manipulation of Oocytes and Preantral Follicles (LAMOFOPA), State University of Ceara, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil b Nucleus of Biotechnology Applied to Ovarian Follicle Development, Federal University of São Francisco Valley, Petrolina, PE, Brazil *Corresponding address: Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Veterinárias (PPGCV) Laboratório de Manipulação de Oócitos e Folículos Pré-Antrais (LAMOFOPA) Universidade Estadual do Ceará (UECE) Av. Paranjana, 1700, Campus do Itaperi Fortaleza – CE – Brasil. CEP: 60740-000 Tel.: +55.85.3101.9852, Fax: +55.85.3101.9840 E-mail address: (Valdevane R. Araújo) 125 ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to verify the influence of three different protocols for medium refreshing on the in vitro culture of isolated caprine preantral follicles. Independently of the protocol, preantral follicles were individually cultured for 18 days, the initial volume of medium was 25 μl, and the interval of medium refreshing was every two days. The protocols tested were: T1 (Control) – refreshing of 15 μl (removal of 15 µl of culture medium followed by the addition of the same volume of fresh medium), maintaining a final volume of 25 μl, T2 – only the addition of 5 μl of fresh medium every two days (the medium volume increases 5 μl for each change up to a final volume of 65 μl at day 18), and T3 – initial removal of 15 μl of medium in the first change, with addition of 20 μl of fresh medium (net increase of 5 μl in the final volume at each change). In the subsequent changes for T3, the amount of medium added in the previous change was removed, followed by the addition of the same volume plus 5 μl fresh medium (as occurred for T2 the final volume at day 18 is also 65 μl). Analyses of survival, diameter and antrum formation, as well as the rate of daily follicular growth were performed every 6 days. At the end of the culture period, normal oocytes ≥ 110 µm were destined for in vitro maturation (IVM). The results showed that only T2 (addition without removal of medium) maintained follicular survival until the end of the culture period. In day 18, both follicular diameter and the rate of daily growth was similar in T2 and T3 (removal + addition of medium), which were both higher than in T1 (partial change). Moreover, T2 obtained a greater percentage of oocytes >110 µm destined for IVM and was the only treatment that achieved an oocyte in the telophase-I stage. In conclusion, periodic addition of medium is recommended because it is more practical, maintains survival and promotes the development of caprine preantral follicles in vitro. Keywords: ovarian follicles, goat, medium change, competent oocytes. 126 1. Introduction The ovaries of mammals contain a large number of oocytes enclosed in preantral follicles. In vivo, follicles develop through primordial, primary and secondary stages (preantral follicle phase) before acquiring an antral cavity. In primordial and primary follicles, the granulosa cells in beginning of proliferation are more resistant to degenera tion than oocytes (Braw-tal and Yossefi, 1997). However, in secondary follicles, both oocyte and granulosa cells are equally affected. The increase in oocyte sensitivity in advanced follicles maybe due to the significant morphological alterations in this compartment or the need for greater nutritional support (Silva et al., 2002). The in vitro culture of secondary follicles up to antral stage is very important to provide information about follicular requirements during the late preantral follicle phase as well as during the antral phase. Due to these differences among follicular categories, the development of culture systems that support complete follicular growth in vitro is necessary. Such culture systems depend on the physical and biochemical conditions used, which may limit the diffusion of nutritional gradients, thus providing an adequate environment for the growth and development of competent oocytes (Hastshorne, 1997). The development of protocols for the periodic replacement of culture medium (change of medium) is extremely important for in vitro culture because cultured cells produce substances that are favorable and/or harmful to their survival. For instance, the amino acids present in culture medium can be metabolized at 37oC and thus, stimulate the production of ammonia, which may be deleterious for the cells in culture. To avoid the accumulation of this compound and other toxic products, some authors have suggested that for the culture of embryos, medium replacement should occur at least every 72 h (Gardner et al., 1994; Trounson et al., 1994). For advanced preantral follicles, partial replacement of the medium is most commonly used for growth in culture. This procedure provided satisfactory results, such as the production of embryos in swine (Wu et al., 2001), mouse (Demeestere et al., 2002) and buffalo (Gupta et al., 2008). In caprine, the partial change of medium allowed the formation of an antral cavity in follicles cultured in a group (Huanmin and Yong, 2000) and meiosis resumption, reaching metaphase I in isolated follicles cultured in an atmosphere of 20% oxygen (Silva et al., 2010). Other studies cultured mouse preantral follicles in 10 µl drops wherein the replacement of the medium was performed by the addition of 10 µl in day 1 of culture and subsequent replacement of half of the medium 127 (partial change). This protocol promoted follicular growth and production of matured oocytes in vitro (Mousset-Siméon et al., 2005; Lee et al., 2007). Despite the encouraging results obtained with the culture of isolated follicles, the establishment of an efficient protocol of medium replacement is still necessary to produce a greater number of caprine oocytes competent to resume meiosis in vitro. Thus, the aim of the present study was to observe the influence of different protocols of partial replacement and/or periodic addition of medium in the in vitro culture of advanced isolated preantral follicles from caprine ovaries. 2. Materials and methods 2.1. Source of chemicals and ovaries Unless mentioned otherwise, the culture media and other chemicals used in the present study were purchased from Sigma Chemical Co. (St. Louis, USA). Ovaries (n = 24) were collected at a local slaughterhouse from 12 adult (ages 1-3 years) mixed-breed goats. Immediately postmortem, the ovaries were washed in 70% alcohol for approximately 10 s, followed by two rinses in Minimum Essential Medium with HEPES (MEM HEPES) supplemented with 100 µg/ml penicillin and 100 µg/ml streptomycin. The ovaries were transported within 1 h to the laboratory in 15 ml tubes containing washing medium at 4oC (Chaves et al., 2008). 2.2. Isolation and selection of caprine preantral follicles In the laboratory, the fat tissue and ligaments surrounding the ovaries were stripped off, and caprine ovarian cortical slices (1mm thick) were cut from the ovarian surface using a surgical blade under sterile conditions. Then the ovarian fragment was placed in a fragmentation medium consisting of MEM HEPES. Caprine preantral follicles that were approximately ≥150 µm in diameter were visualized under a stereomicroscope (SMZ 645 Nikon, Tokyo, Japan) and manually dissected from strips of the ovarian cortex using 27.5 gauge (27.5 G) needles. After isolation, follicles were transferred to 100 µl drops containing fresh medium to further evaluate the follicular quality. Follicles with a visible oocyte that were surrounded by two or more layers of 128 granulosa cells, with an intact basement membrane and no antral cavity were selected for culture (Fig. 1A). Fig. 1. Normal caprine preantral follicle before culture (A); antral follicle after 18 days of culture in T2 (periodic addition of medium). Note the chromatin configuration of the oocytes in germinal vesicle (C) and telophase I (D - from T2 treatment). 2.3. Culture of caprine preantral follicles After selection, follicles were individually cultured in 25 µl drops (initial volume for all protocols tested) of culture medium under mineral oil in Petri dishes (60mm×15mm, Corning, USA). The basic culture medium consisted of α-MEM (pH 7.2-7.4) supplemented with 1.25 mg/ml bovine serum albumin (BSA), ITS (insulin 10 µg/ml, transferrin 5.5 µg/ml and selenium 5 ng/ml), 2mM glutamine, 2mM hypoxantine, 50 µg/ml ascorbic acid, and 1000 ng/ml recombinant Follicle Stimulating Hormone (rFSH®, Nanocore, Brazil). Preantral follicles were individually distributed in microdrops according to the protocol of medium replacement used (treatments): T1 (Control) – Partial change of 15 µl (removal of 15 µl of culture medium followed by the 129 addition of the same volume of fresh medium, maintaining a final volume of 25 µl, T2 – only addition of 5 µl of fresh medium at each change (final volume of 65 µl), and T3 – initial removal of 15 µl of medium in the first change, with addition of 20 µl of fresh medium (increase in 5 µl in the final volume at each change). In the subsequent changes for T3, the amount of medium added in the previous change was removed, followed by the addition of the same volume plus 5 µl fresh medium (final volume of 65 µl). Independent of the treatment, addition and/or removal of the culture medium occurred every two days with the medium being incubated for 1 h prior to use. Incubation was carried out at 39oC, in 5% CO2 in air for 18 days after which follicles were recovered for in vitro maturation. The experiment was replicated four times, and at least 30 follicles were used for each treatment. 2.4. Morphological evaluation of follicle morphology and development During and after culture, follicles were classified according to their morphological characteristics, and those showing morphological signs of degeneration, such as darkness of the oocytes and the surrounding granulosa cells, misshapen oocytes, rupture of the basement membrane and/or oocyte extrusion were classified as degenerated. Analyses of follicular viability as well as the medium replacement were performed every two days of culture. The rate of daily follicular growth was calculated by the variation of follicular diameter (diameter of viable follicles after 18 days of culture minus diameter on day 0) divided by the period of culture. Follicular diameter was measured only in healthy follicles from the basement membrane, in the x and y dimensions (90o), using an ocular micrometer (100x magnification) inserted into a stereomicroscope (SMZ 645 Nikon, Tokyo, Japan) every six days of culture (at days 0, 6, 12 and 18 of culture). Antral cavity formation was defined as a visible translucent cavity within the granulosa cell layers (Fig. 1B). 2.5. Oocyte recovery rate (≥110 µm in diameter) from in vitro grown caprine preantral follicles After 18 days of culture, all of the healthy follicles were carefully and mechanically opened with 27.5 G needles under a stereomicroscope for oocyte recovery. Only oocytes ≥110 µm, with a homogeneous cytoplasm that were surrounded 130 by at least one compact layer of cumulus cells were selected for in vitro maturation (IVM). The recovery rate was calculated by the relation between the number of oocytes ≥110 µm and the number of viable follicles after the culture period. The selected cumulus oocyte complexes were washed three times in a maturation medium composed of TCM 199 supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum, 100 µg/ml of rFSH, 100 µg/ml recombinant Luteinizing Hormone (rLH), Epidermal growth factor (10 ng/ml) and 17βestradiol (1 µg/ml). After washing, the oocytes from each treatment were transferred to 50 µl drops of maturation medium under mineral oil and then incubated for 26 h at 39oC with 5% CO2 in air. At the end of the maturation period, oocytes were fixed in acetic acid:methanol (1:3, v/v) for 12-24 h and then analyzed by chromatin configuration after staining with lacmoid. 2.6. Statistical analysis Percentages of surviving follicles, antrum formation and oocytes selected for IVM were analyzed as dispersion of frequency by a Chisquared test. Data from follicular diameters and growing rate did not show homoscedasticity, even after transformation, and were analyzed by a Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric test. The results are expressed as the mean±standard error of the mean (SEM) and differences are considered to be significant when P < 0.05. 3. Results 3.1. Survival of caprine preantral follicles cultured in vitro A total of 93 caprine preantral follicles were selected for culture. When the different culture periods were analyzed, there was a progressive reduction in follicular survival during the culture periods, except for T2 (addition of medium). Only T2, i.e., periodic addition of 5 µl of fresh medium during replacement, maintained follicular survival similar to day 0 (100%), even after 18 days of culture (88.89%). Moreover, after culture, T2 showed a significantly higher percentage of morphologically normal follicles when compared to the other treatments (P < 0.05; Fig. 2). 131 Fig. 2. Percentage of isolated morphologically normal preantral follicles after 18 days of culture. 0.05). (a,b) Differs significantly among culture periods within the same treatment (P < (A,B) Differs significantly among treatments within the same culture period (P < 0.05). 3.2. Rate of follicular growth With the progression of the culture from day 0 to day 18, there was a significant increase in follicular diameter in all treatments (P < 0.05). However, at 18 days of culture, follicular diameter was significantly larger in T2 (Addition) and T3 (Removal + Addition), when compared to T1 (Partial change; P < 0.05; Fig. 3). Similar results were observed in the rate of daily follicular growth, in which the higher rates were obtained in treatments T2 (16.25±0.09 µm/day: Addition) and T3 (15. 52±0.13 µm/day: Removal + Addition), when compared to T1 (9.55±0.12 µm/day: Partial change; P < 0.05). 132 Fig. 3. Follicular diameter after 18 days of culture with different protocols of medium replacement. (P < 0.05). (a,b) Differs significantly among culture periods within the same treatment (A,B) Differs significantly among treatments within the same culture period (P < 0.05). 3.3. Antral cavity formation When compared at each day of culture, all treatments significantly increased the percentage of antrum formation from day 0 to day 6 (Fig. 4, P < 0.05), and there were no significant changes in these percentages until the end of the culture (P > 0.05). Furthermore, independent of the culture period, T2 (addition) showed a significantly higher rate of antrum formation when compared to other treatments (P < 0.05). 133 Fig. 4. Percentage of antral cavity formation in follicles cultured with different protocols of medium replacement after 18 days. periods within the same treatment (P < 0.05). (a,b) Differs significantly among culture (A,B) Differs significantly among treatments within the same culture period (P < 0.05). 3.4. Ability of in vitro grown oocytes in resume meiosis For IVM, only oocytes with a diameter ≥110 µm were recovered for all treatments after 18 days of culture of preantral follicles (Table 1). However, only T2 (addition) showed a significantly higher percentage of oocytes destined for IVM when compared to the other treatments (T1 – Partial change and T3 – Removal + Addition; P < 0.05). Moreover, only this same treatment obtained an oocyte competent to resume meiosis, showing a nucleus in telophase I (Fig. 1D), while the other oocytes remained in the germinal vesicle stage (Fig. 1C). 134 Table 1. Meiotic stages of goat oocytes from preantral follicles cultured for 18 days with three different protocols for medium exchange. Treatments Number of follicles (%) Number of oocytes (%) Cultured (n) Fully grown* n (%) B GV TI n (%) n (%) T1 – Partial change 34 2/34 (5.9) 2/2 (100.0) 0/2 (0.00) T2 – Addition 27 15/27 (55.7)A 14/15(93.3) 1/15(6.7) T3 – Removal + Addition 32 5/32 (15.6)B 5/5(100.0) 0/15(0.0) A,B * indicates significant differences among treatments. GV: germinal vesicle; TI: Telophase I Only oocytes ≥ 110 μm were selected for the in vitro maturation procedure. 135 4. Discussion This study demonstrated for the first time that a low volume of medium and/or an abrupt renewal in the medium affects the in vitro development of caprine preantral follicles. In this study, after 18 days of culture, only T2, i.e., addition of 5 µl of medium every two days, maintained the percentage of morphologically normal follicles similar to day 0. In a shorter culture period of 10 days, Calongos et al. (2008) showed that a protocol of partial change of medium also contributes to the maintenance of mouse follicle survival. However, in the present study, progressive addition of the medium may be the most viable option, because it is more practical, fast and promotes a reduction in the time for which follicles were exposed to the external environment during manipulation (outside the incubator). Consequently, the stress on the follicular cells and the release of reactive oxygen species would be reduced, as would cell degeneration (Correa et al., 2007). In addition, others factors secreted by the follicles may have a positive influence in the culture, promoting the maintenance of follicular survival, such as EGF, insulin like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β), which are expressed in granulosa and theca cells (Gutierrez et al., 2000). After the maintenance of follicular survival, it is necessary that the culture system enables the growth of follicles. In the present work, the rate of daily growth was 16.25±7.02 µmin T2 (Addition), which was higher than in T1 (Partial change of 15 µl ofmedium). Some authors have also demonstrated that it is possible to obtain greater rates of follicular growth after culturing secondary preantral follicles in drops of medium under mineral oil (Mousset-Siméon et al., 2005; Lee et al., 2007; Calongos et al., 2008). The satisfactory results obtained with T2 (Addition) may be due to the substances produced by follicular compartments during their in vitro culture, because these substances will be diluted and will remain in the medium to act directly or indirectly to promote follicle growth. Moreover, the worst results obtained with T1 (Partial change) suggest that the removal of a great volume of medium from the culture drop would also remove these locally produced substances. Furthermore, after removal, addition of fresh medium may cause stress to the follicles because their metabolism must increase to produce all the substances necessary for their development. Regarding antrum formation, all treatments showed follicles with an antral cavity. However, only T2 (Addition) reached higher percentages of antrum formation 136 when compared to the other treatments from day 6 onwards. Similar results were observed by our team after 6 days (goat: Silva et al., 2010) and by other authors after 6 and 7 days of preantral follicle culture (mouse: Lee et al., 2007; Calongos et al., 2008). Nevertheless, Mousset-Siméon et al. (2005) observed the beginning of antral cavity formation only after 11 days of mouse preantral follicle culture. These differences in the results may be due to the different protocols used in addition to the species tested. The best results obtained for T2 (addition) in relation to the percentage of oocytes destined for IVM (≥110 µm) suggest that locally produced factors may positively influence oocyte growth. Orisaka et al. (2006) demonstrated that the production of survival factors by the oocyte, such as growth and differentiation factor-9 (GDF-9), may support these results through the suppression of granulosa cell apoptosis. These observations are important because for the caprine species, oocytes with a diameter less than 110 µm do not resume meiosis (Crozet et al., 2000). More recently, Silva et al. (2010) showed that after culturing goat preantral follicles, a fully in vitro grown oocyte reached metaphase I. In general for T2, the gradual increase in the culture medium volume through the addition of fresh medium would provide new nutrients and also maintain the medium with substances produced in the different compartments of the follicle. Dilution of these substances (removal of the medium followed by a progressive increase in its volume), which occurred in T3, was harmful to follicle survival throughout the 18-days of culture. Nevertheless, the increase in medium volume and the addition of new nutrients are essential to support the growth and development of the follicles. Thus, it can be concluded that periodic addition of medium (T2) is recommended as the most practical and effective medium replacement protocol. Furthermore, this treatment maintains the survival and promotes the development of caprine preantral follicles in vitro. However, the rate of oocytes resuming meiosis from caprine preantral follicles grown in vitro is still low and requires more research to overcome this problem. References Braw-tal, R., Yossefi, S., 1997. Studies in vivo and in vitro on the initiation of follicle growth in the bovine ovary. J. Reprod. Fertil. 109, 165-171. 137 Calongos, G., Hasegawa, A., Komori, S., Koyama, K., 2008. Comparison of urinary and recombinant follicle stimulating hormone in in vitro growth, maturation, and fertilization of mouse preantral follicles. Fertil. Steril. 89, 1482-1489. Chaves, R.N., Martins, F.S., Saraiva, M.V., Celestino, J.J.H., Lopes, C.A.P., Correia, J.C., Lima-Verde, I.B., Matos, M.H.T., Báo, S.N., Name, K.P.O., Campello, C.C., Silva, J.R., Figueiredo, J.R., 2008. Chilling ovarian fragments during transportation improves viability and growth of goat pre-antral follicles cultured in vitro. Reprod. Fertil. Dev. 20, 640-647. Correa, A.G., Rumpf, R., Mundima, T.C.D., Franco, M.M., Dode, M.A.N., 2007. Oxygen tension during culture of bovine embryos: effect in production and expression of genes related to oxidative stress. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 104, 132-142. Crozet, N., Dahirel, M., Gall, L., 2000. Meiotic competence of in vitro grown goat oocytes. J. Reprod. Fertil. 118, 367-373. Demeestere, I., Delbaere, A., Gervy, C., Van den Berg, M., Devreker, F., Englert, Y., 2002. Effects of preantral isolation technique on in vitro folicular growth, oocyte maturation and embryo development in mice. Hum. Reprod. 17, 2152-2159. Gardner, D.K., Lane, M., Spitzer, A., Batt, P.A., 1994. Enhanced rates of cleavage and development for sheep zygotes cultured to the blastocyst stage in vitro in the absence of serum and somatic cells: amino acids, vitamins, and culturing embryos in groups stimulate development. Biol. Reprod. 50, 390-400. Gupta, P.S.P., Ramesh, H.S., Manjunatha, B.M., Nandi, S., Ravindra, J.P., 2008. Production of buffalo embryos using oocytes from in vitro growth preantral follicles. Zygote 16, 57-63. Gutierrez, C.G., Ralph, J.H., Telfer, E.E., Wilmut, T., Webb, R., 2000. Growth and antrum formation of bovine preantral follicles in long-term culture in vitro. Biol. Reprod. 62, 1322-1328. Hastshorne, G.M., 1997. In vitro culture of ovarian follicles. Rev. Reprod. 2, 94-104. Lee, S.T., Choi, M.H., Han, J.Y., Lim, J.M., 2007. Establishment of a basic method for manipulating preantral follciles: effects of retrieval method on in vitro growth of preantral follicles and intrafollicular oocytes. Zygote 15, 109-116. Huanmin, Z., Yong, Z., 2000. In vitro development of caprine ovarian Preantral follicles. Theriogenology 54, 641-650. 138 Mousset-Siméon, N., Jouannet, P., LeCointre, L., Coussieu, C., Poirot, C., 2005. Comparison of three in vitro culture systems for maturation of early preantral mouse ovarian follicles. Zygote 13, 167-175. Orisaka, M., Orisaka, S., Jiang, J.-Y., Craig, J., Wang, Y., Kotsuji, F., Tsang, B.K., 2006. Growth differentiation factor-9 is antiapoptotic during folicular development from preantral to early antral stage. Mol. Endocrinol. 20, 2456-2468. Silva, J.R.V., Ferreira, M.A.L., Costa, S.H.F., Santos, R.R., Carvalho, F.C.A., Rodrigues, A.P.R., Lucci, C.M., Báo, S.N., Figueiredo, J.R., 2002. Degeneration rate of preantral follicles in the ovarian of goats. Small Ruminant Res. 43, 203-209. Silva, C.M.G., Matos, M.H.T., Rodrigues, G.Q., Faustino, L.R., Pinto, L.C., Chaves, R.N., Araújo, V.R., Campello, C.C., Figueiredo, J.R., 2010. In vitro survival and development of goat preantral follicles in two diferente oxygen tensions. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 117, 83-89. Trounson, A.O., Pushett, D., Maclellan, L.J., Lewis, I., Gardner, D.K., 1994. Current status of IVM/IVF and embryo culture in humans and farm animals. Theriogenology 41, 57-66. Wu, J., Emery, B.R., Carrel, D.T., 2001. In vitro growth, maturation, fertilization, and embryonic development of oocytes from porcine preantral follicles. Biol. Reprod. 64, 375-381. 139 9 CAPÍTULO 4 Crescimento in vitro, produção de estradiol e expressão gênica de folículos préantrais bovinos isolados: Efeito do meio de base e método de troca de meio “In vitro growth, estradiol production, and gene expression of isolated bovine preantral follicles: Effect of base medium and medium replacement method” Periódico: Molecular Reproduction and Development (Submetido em: 26 de maio de 2013). 140 RESUMO Dois diferentes métodos para troca de meio foram comparados durante cultivo in vitro de longa duração de folículos secundários bovinos utilizando α-MEM+ ou TCM-199+ como meio de base. Os métodos de troca de meio testados foram: Convencional – remoção e subsequente adição da mesma quantidade de meio (60 µl) em um gota de 100 µl (MEM-C e TCM-C), e Suplementação de pequenas quantidades – adição de 5 µl de meio fresco à uma gota inicial de 50 µl, resultando num volume final de 125 µl no último dia de cultivo (MEM-S e TCM-S). Um total de 207 folículos secundários foram cultivados individualmente durante 32 dias à 38,5oC e 5% de CO2 e a mudança do meio foi realizada a cada dois dias. MEM-S apresentou diâmetro folicular (P<0.01), taxa de crescimento (P<0.02) e formação de antro (P<0.02), bem como concentrações de estradiol (P<0.0001) significativamente superiores quando comparado ao MEM-C. Em relação ao meio TCM-199+, nenhum dos parâmetros avaliados foi afetado pelo método de troca (P>0.05). A expressão para o FSH-R foi maior (P<0.03) no TCM-C que no TCM-S, enquanto que a expressão do RNAm para o IGF1 foi maior (P<0.02) no MEMS que no TCM-S e para o VEGF foi maior (P<0.02) no MEM-C que no TCM-C. Em conclusão, o tipo de meio de base e o efeito da adição peródica de meio afetou diferentemente o desenvolvimento folicular, a produção de estradiol e a expressão gênica. Além disso, o α-MEM+ pode ser usado em substituição ao TCM-199+, se a adição periódica de meio for usada como método de troca de meio. Palavras-chave: Vaca. Foliculogênse. Folículo secundário. 141 In Vitro Development, Estradiol Production, and Gene Expression of Isolated Bovine Preantral Follicles: Effect of Base Medium and Medium Replacement Method1 V. R. Araújo3,4, M. O. Gastal3, A. Wischral3, J. R. Figueiredo4, E. L. Gastal2,3 3 Department of Animal Science, Food and Nutrition, Southern Illinois University, 1205 Lincoln Drive, MC 4417, Carbondale, IL, 62901, USA. 4 Laboratory of Manipulation of Oocytes and Preantral Follicles (LAMOFOPA), Veterinary Faculty, State University of Ceará, Av. Paranjana 1700, Campus do Itaperi, Fortaleza, 60740-903, CE, Brazil. Short title: In vitro growth of bovine secondary follicles 1 Supported by a start-up package (Gastal EL) from SIU. Araújo VR is the recipient of a PhD scholarship from CNPq, Brazil. Results of this study have been partially presented as abstracts at the 45th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction (SSR), August 12-15, 2012, State College, Pennsylvania, USA and IV International Symposium on Animal Biology of Reproduction (ISABR), October 17-20, 2012, Campinas, SP, Brazil. 2 Correspondence: Eduardo Gastal, Department of Animal Science, Food and Nutrition, Southern Illinois University, 1205 Lincoln Drive, MC 4417, Carbondale, IL, 62901, USA. FAX: 618 4535231; e-mail: Abbreviations: α-MEM, minimum essential medium; TCM-199, tissue culture medium-199; FSHR, follicle stimulating-hormone receptor gene; IGF1, insulin-like growth factor 1 gene; VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor gene; P450AROM, p450 aromatase gene; HEPES, buffer 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid; BSA, bovine serum albumin; 142 ITS, insulin, transferrin, and sodium selenite commercial compound; ELISA, Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay; CYC-A, Cyclophilin-A housekeep gene; rFSH, recombinant follicle stimulating hormone ABSTRACT Two culture methods were compared during long-term in vitro culture of bovine secondary follicles using α-MEM+ (minimum essential medium supplemented) or TCM-199+ (tissue culture medium-199 supplemented) as base media. The medium replacement methods tested were: Conventional – removal and subsequent addition of the same amount (60 µl) in a 100 µl drop (called MEM-C and TCM-C), and Small Supplementation – addition of 5 µl of fresh medium to an initial small drop (50 µl), resulting in a final volume of 125 µl on the last day of culture (called MEM-S and TCM-S). A total of 207 secondary follicles were cultured individually for 32 days at 38.5°C in 5% CO2 and medium replacement was performed every other day. MEM-S resulted in larger (P<0.01) follicular diameter, higher (P<0.02) growth rate, greater (P<0.02) antrum formation, as well as higher (P<0.0001) estradiol concentrations when compared with MEM-C. In addition, a highest concentration of estradiol was observed in the MEM-S. The medium change methods did not affect (P>0.05) any of the studied end points for TCM-199+. The expression for FSHR was greater (P<0.03) in TCM-C than TCM-S, while the mRNA expression for IGF1 was higher (P<0.02) in MEM-S than TCM-S and for VEGF was higher (P<0.02) in MEM-C than TCM-C. In conclusion, the type of base medium and the effect of periodic addition of medium affected differently follicle development, estradiol production, and gene expression. Furthermore, α-MEM+ can be used to replace the TCM-199+ for bovine preantral follicle culture if progressive addition of medium is used for medium change. Keywords: Cattle, Folliculogenesis, Secondary follicle 143 INTRODUCTION Development of preantral follicles to a stage where the oocyte can mature in vitro requires a long-term culture period and involves several follicular changes during its development (Thomas et al., 2007). However, a long-term culture period can impair the steroidogenic capability of the follicle and affect the oocyte competency (McLaughlin and Telfer, 2010). Therefore, to successfully culture bovine preantral follicles it is necessary to appropriately define in vitro culture conditions which would allow the oocyte to survive, grow, and induce the differentiation of the somatic cell compartment for a prolonged period. Development of an ideal culture system for in vitro culture of preantral follicles has been the focus of different research groups. However, to our knowledge, in vitro experiments with bovine preantral follicles are still scarce and with limited success compared to other species such as caprine (Saraiva et al., 2010; Magalhães et al., 2011), ovine (Arunakumari et al., 2010; Luz et al., 2012), and murine (Eppig and O’Brien, 1996; O'Brien et al., 2003). The in vitro follicular culture performance may be affected by different factors such as follicle size (Katska and Rynska, 1998), type of base culture medium (Rossetto et al., 2012), addition of supplements (Figueiredo et al., 1994), gas concentration (Gigli et al., 2006), method of medium replacement (i.e., interval, removal, and addition of culture medium; Araújo et al., 2011), and presence or absence of mineral oil (Fukui et al., 1996). Several studies have evaluated the developmental characteristics of large (≥150 µm) bovine preantral follicles in culture media, which have a larger growth rate than small preantral follicles in culture (Katska and Rynska, 1998). In this regard, culture media such as α-MEM (Braw-Tal and Yossefi, 1997; Rossetto et al., 2012), TCM-199 (Katska and Rynsk,a 1998; Itoh and Hoshi, 2000; Saha et al., 2000; 2002; Rossetto et al., 2012) and McCoy (Gutierrez et al., 2000; McCaffery et al., 2000; Thomas et al., 2001; 2007; McLaughlin et al., 2010; McLaughlin and Telfer, 2012; Rossetto et al., 2012) have been used to maintain viability and improve in vitro development of bovine follicles. Recently, a study suggested that TCM-199 was the best medium to culture isolated bovine secondary follicles, based on the high percentage of viable follicles after 16 days of in vitro culture (Rossetto et al., 2012). In regard to medium replacement method, a study performed by our group using isolated caprine secondary follicles showed that periodic addition of medium maintained survival and promoted in vitro follicular development, and was the only treatment to produce a competent oocyte 144 which resumed meiosis (Araújo et al., 2011). However, it is not known if this medium addition method could also work in the culture of isolated bovine preantral follicles. Therefore, the aim of this study was to compare two different culture methods using a partial removal and replacement of medium versus the addition of a small amount of medium every other day during long-term in vitro culture. For this, the end points evaluated were follicle viability, development, antrum formation, estradiol production, and mRNA expression for FSHR, IGF1, VEGF, and P450AROM in large bovine secondary follicles using α-MEM+ and TCM-199+ after long-term (32 days) in vitro culture. MATERIALS AND METHODS Chemicals and media Unless otherwise indicated, the culture media, and chemicals used in the present study were purchased from Sigma Chemical Co. (St. Louis, MO). Source of ovaries Ovaries (n = 68) from 34 adult crossbred Aberdeen Angus beef cows were collected at a local slaughterhouse and 234 were isolated and randomly distributed among the non-cultured and cultured treatments. The ovaries were washed in 70% alcohol for 10 sec, followed by two washes in minimum essential medium alpha (αMEM). The ovaries were placed into tubes containing 20 ml of α-MEM plus HEPES (αMEM-HEPES), supplemented with 100 µg/ml penicillin and 100 µg/ml streptomycin, and then transported to the laboratory at 4°C within 1.5 h. Isolation and selection of secondary follicles In the laboratory, the surrounding fat tissue and ligaments were stripped off from the ovaries. Ovarian cortical slices (1 mm thick) were cut from the ovarian surface using a surgical blade under sterile conditions. Ovarian cortex fragments were placed and washed in manipulation medium, which consisted of α-MEM-HEPES. Preantral follicles ≥190 m in diameter were selected under a stereomicroscope (SMZ 645 Nikon, Tokyo, Japan), manually dissected from the strips of ovarian cortex using 25 gauge needles, and transferred to the culture medium for further evaluation of the follicular quality. Preantral follicles with a visible central oocyte, surrounded by two or more granulosa cell layers, an intact basement membrane and no antral cavity, were 145 considered normal secondary follicles (Gutierrez et al., 2000) and selected for in vitro culture. Culture of secondary follicles Follicles were cultured at 38.5°C in 5% CO2 in air for 32 days. Fresh medium was prepared immediately before use and incubated for at least 1 h. The medium replacement was done every other day, independently of the method utilized. The media used were α-MEM and TCM-199 (pH 7.2 - 7.4; CellGro Mediatech, Inc., Manassas, VA) supplemented with 3 mg/ml bovine serum albumin (BSA), ITS (insulin 10 µg/ml, transferrin 5.5 µg/ml, and sodium selenite 6.7 ng/ml; CellGro Mediatech, Inc., Manassas, VA), 2 mM glutamine, 2 mM hypoxanthine, 50 μg/ml of ascorbic acid, and 100 ng/ml of recombinant follicle stimulating hormone (rFSH; BioVision, Inc., Milpitas, CA). The concentration of rFSH was chosen based on a previous study (Rossetto et al., 2012). After these additions media were named α-MEM+ and TCM-199+. Experimental design Selected follicles were individually distributed in drops in Petri dishes (60 x 15 mm, Corning, USA) and randomly assigned to different basic culture media (α-MEM+ and TCM-199+) and two different medium replacement methods: Conventional (C) – removal and subsequent addition of the same amount (60 µl) in a 100 µl drop, maintaining the initial volume of 100 µl; and Small Supplementation (S) – addition of 5 µl of fresh medium to an initial small drop (50 µl), resulting in a final volume of 125 µl on the last day of culture. The four treatments were named MEM-C, MEM-S, TCM-C, and TCM-S, and each treatment was repeated four times with 6 to 16 follicles per repetitioan totalizing 36-68 secondary follicles cultured per treatment. Morphological evaluation of follicle development Follicular features such as the integrity of the basement membrane, the morphological aspects of the oocyte, and the surrounding granulosa cells (Fig. 1a) were evaluated during culture. In addition, morphological signs of degeneration, such as darkness or abnormality of oocytes and surrounding granulosa cells (Fig. 1b) were also evaluated as previously reported (Gutierrez et al., 2000). Follicular diameter was measured every 8 days only in morphologically normal follicles with the aid of an ocular micrometer 146 inserted into a stereomicroscope (SMZ 645 Nikon, Tokyo, Japan; 75X magnification). Two perpendicular measures were recorded for each follicle and the average of the two values was reported as follicular diameter. In regard to follicular growth, the mean increase in follicular diameter (µm/day) was calculated as follows: the diameter of normal follicles at day 32 minus the diameter of normal follicles at day 0, divided by 32. Antral cavity formation was defined as a visible translucent cavity within the layers of granulosa cells. Figure 1. Morphologically normal (a) and degenerated (b) bovine follicles before and after 32 days of in vitro culture, respectively. Bars = 20 µm (a) and 50 µm (b). Viability assessment of follicles cultured in vitro For a more accurate evaluation of follicular integrity after 32 days of culture, live/dead fluorescent labeling (Rossetto et al., 2012) was performed. Follicles were placed in droplets of α-MEM-HEPES with 4 μM calcein-AM and 2 μM ethidium homodimer-1 (Molecular Probes, Invitrogen, Karlsruhe, Germany), followed by incubation at 38.5°C for 15 min. Finally, the follicles were examined using a fluorescence microscope (Zeiss, Axiovert 10, NY, USA). The emitted fluorescent signals of calcein-AM and ethidium homodimer were collected at 450-490 nm. The probe detected the intracellular esterase activity of viable cells first, and then the nucleic acids of non-viable cells by plasma membrane disruption. The follicles were considered 147 live if the cytoplasm was labeled positively with calcein-AM (green) and dead if cellular chromatin was labeled with ethidium homodimer (red). Estradiol concentration measured by enzyme immunoassay To evaluate follicular steroidogenesis in vitro, concentrations of estradiol were measured in reserved culture media against standard dilutions using estradiol EnzymeLinked ImmunoSorbent Assay (ELISA) kit (Neogen, Lexington, KY, USA). Media were removed from all treatments on days 0 and 32 of in vitro culture and stored at 80 C until assay. Briefly, the reserved media were diluted with EIA buffer (1:10), placed in microplate wells coated with polyclonal (rabbit) antibody raised against the estradiol antigenic site, mixed with estradiol enzyme conjugate, and incubated for 60 min. After incubation, the unbound conjugate was washed three times with diluted EIA buffer, and a substrate solution of tetramethylbenzidine (TMB) was added to allow development of color. After 30 min the absorbance of the plate was read at 650 nm using a microplate reader (Synergy 2 Multi-Mode Microplate Reader, Winooski, VT). Results were obtained using the 4 parameter logistic (4PL) curve with the Readerfit © program (Hitachi Solutions America, Ltd., 2012). All samples were run in double assay. The intra-assay coefficient of variation and sensitivity of the assay were 5.1% and 0.02 ng/ml, respectively. Bovine follicle RNA extraction Bovine follicles (n=237) were pooled according to each the treatments before (day 0; n=4) and after (day 32; n=12-14) in vitro culture, and total RNA was extracted using the RNeasy Mini Kit (Qiagen Inc.,Valencia, CA). The elutes of total follicle RNA were treated with 1 l DNase (1 u/µl; Fisher Scientific, Pittsburgh, PA) for 10 min at 37oC to remove genomic DNA and 2 min at 60oC to terminate DNase reaction. Quantity and purity of the extracted RNA was checked by spectrophotometer (NanoDrop 1000, Wilmington, DE). The entire total mRNA was intact with high quality, i.e. optical density (O.D.) 260/280 and 260/230 ratios were between 1.08-1.89 and 0.03-1.29, respectively; and 2 l of the elutes were used for quantitative real time-PCR analysis (RT-qPCR). The total RNA was reverse transcribed into first-strand cDNA using an iScript cDNA synthesis kit (Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc., Hercules, CA) with random primers. 148 Quantitative PCR for FSHR, IGF1, VEGF, and P450AROM genes The primers for the genes evaluated (Table 1) have been reported (Armstrong et al., 2000; Marsters et al., 2003; Yang and Fortune, 2007; Caixeta et al., 2009) and were ordered from Eurofins MWG Operon (Huntsville, AL). The relative expression of mRNA was determined by qPCR. Aliquots of 2 µl of cDNA (100 ng) as a template were used in 5 µl of SYBR Green Master Mix (PE Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA), 2 µl of ultra-pure water, and 1 µl of each primer. The 18S and Cyclophilin-A (CYC-A) primers were used as endogenous controls for normalization of steady-state levels of mRNA of tested genes. The amplifications were carried out by one initial denaturation and activation of the polymerase for 30 sec at 95oC, followed by 40 cycles of 2 sec each at 95oC, and 5 sec at 60oC. All reactions were performed in duplicate using a RT-qPCR Master cycler (CFX 384 - Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc., Hercules, CA). The delta-delta-CT method (Livak and Schmittgen 2001) was used to transform CT values into normalized relative steady-state levels of mRNA. Table 1. Oligonucleotide primers used for real-time polymerase chain reaction analysis of bovine follicles before and after in vitro culture. Target gene VEGF IGF1 P450AROM FSHR 18S CYC-A Primer sequence (5´→ 3´) Sense CCTGATGCGGTGCGGGGGCT Forward TGGTGGTGGCGGCGGCTATG Reverse CCTCTGCGGGGCTGAGTTGGT Forward CGACTTGGCGGGCTTGAGAGGC Reverse CGCAAAGCCTTAGAGGATGA Forward ACCATGGCGATGTACTTTCC Reverse GCCAAGTCAACTTACCGCTT Forward TGACCCCTAGCCTGAGTCAT Reverse GCTCGCTCCTCTCCTACTTG Forward GATCGGCCCGAGGTTATCTA Reverse GCCATGGAGCGCTTTGG Forward CCACAGTCAGCAATGGTGATCT Reverse Statistical analyses Reference Yang and Fortune 2007 Armstrong et al. 2000 Marsters et al. 2003 Marsters et al. 2003 Yang and Fortune 2007 Caixeta et al. 2009 149 Follicle, estradiol, and RT-qPCR data were challenged for extreme values with the Dixon outlier test (Zar 1984). Data for end points that were not normally distributed, according to Shapiro-Wilk test, were transformed to logarithms or ranks. Single-point data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA. If a main effect of group was significant, the differences between groups were examined by Duncan’s multiple range tests. Frequency data were analyzed by chi-square test. A probability of P<0.05 indicated that a difference was significant. Data are given as the mean ± SEM unless otherwise stated. RESULTS Follicular morphology, viability, diameter, growth rate, antrum formation, and estradiol concentrations during in vitro culture A total of 207 bovine secondary follicles were cultured individually for 32 days being 66, 68, 37 e 36 for MEM-C, MEM-S, TCM-C, and TCM-S, respectively. Viable (a-b, c-d, e-f, g-h) and non-viable (i-j, k-l, m-n, o-p) follicles after culture are shown (Fig. 2). 150 Figure 2. Viable and non-viable bovine follicles after 32 days of in vitro culture. (a, b, i, j) Conventional and (c, d, k, l) Small supplementation methods using α-MEM+. (e, f, m, n) Conventional and (g, h, o, p) Small supplementation methods using TCM-199+. Note that viable follicles (a-h) had shiny granulosa cells arranged in several layers, intact basal membrane, and antrum cavity. However, non-viable follicles (i-p) had very dark granulosa cells, irregularities in the basal membrane, and no antral cavity. Bars = 100 µm (a-p). By the end of the culture period (day 32), the morphology and viability analyses using fluorescent probes demonstrated high morphological normal follicles and follicular viability rates for all treatments, respectively. The follicular viability rate was higher (P<0.01) in the MEM-C than TCM-S, but it was similar (P>0.05) to the other 151 treatments (MEM-S and TCM-C; Table 2). When the TCM-199+ was used as base medium the replacement medium method did not affect (P>0.05) any studied end points. However, for α-MEM+ base medium, the progressive addition of small amounts of medium (MEM-S) resulted in larger (P<0.01) follicular diameter, higher (P<0.02) growth rate, greater (P<0.02) antrum formation, as well as higher (P<0.0001) estradiol concentrations when compared to conventional medium change (MEM-C). When conventional medium change was used, TCM-C had larger (P<0.01) follicular diameter and higher (P<0.02) percentage of antrum formation, but lower (P<0.0001) estradiol concentration than MEM-C. Except for the higher (P<0.0001) levels of estradiol concentrations in the MEM-S, MEM-S and TCM-S were similar (P>0.05) for all end points tested. A highest level of estradiol was obtained when medium was added to αMEM+ (MEM-S). However, regardless of the medium replacement method (TCM-C and TCM-S), except for the estradiol concentrations, both TCM-199+ treated groups were similar (P>0.05) to MEM-S. Table 2. Morphological normal follicles (%), follicular viability (%), follicular diameter (µm) and growth rate (µm/day), antrum formation (%), and estradiol concentration (ng/ml) of bovine follicles after 32 days of in vitro culture in α-MEM+ and TCM-199+ using two medium replacement methods (Conventional-C or Small Supplementation-S). End points MEM-C MEM-S TCM-C TCM-S n=66 n=68 n=37 n=36 56 (84.8)A 53 (77.9)A 30 (81.1)A 29 (80.6)A 41 (91.1)A 37 (80.4)AB 29 (78.4)AB 25 (69.4)B 281.7 ± 16.4B 364.2 ± 22.6A 355.2 ± 27.2A 366.6 ± 26.2A Growth rate (µm/day) 2.7 ± 0.4B 4.7 ± 0.5A 4.0 ± 0.6AB 4.2 ± 0.7A Antrum formation (%) 11 (16.7)B 23 (33.8)A 14 (37.8)A 16 (44.4)A Estradiol concentration 3.3 ± 0.5B 12.6 ± 2.3A 1.5 ± 0.3C Morphological normal follicles (%) Follicular viability (%) Follicular diameter (µm) 2.5 ± 0.4AC (ng/ml) A-C Within same end point, no common superscripts means that treatments were different (P<0.05). Growth rate (Table 3) and estradiol concentrations (Table 4) were further analyzed by separating the follicles into subgroups based on the frequency of growth 152 rate during 32 days of culture, i.e., follicles that grew <1 m/day (slow growth), 1-4.9 m/day (medium growth) and ≥5 m/day (fast growth). The percentage of follicles cultured in vitro that grew ≥5 µm/day was greater (P<0.004) in α-MEM+ using small supplementation (MEM-S) than in the conventional (MEM-C) method (Table 3), but it was similar (P>0.05) to TCM-199+ treated groups. Follicles with a growth rate that ranged from 1 to 4.9 m had higher (P<0.02) estradiol concentration in the α-MEM+ medium than in the TCM-C treatment regardless of the method for medium change used, but the concentration was similar (P>0.05) to the TCM-S (Table 4). Moreover, follicles that grew ≥5 µm produced more (P<0.0001) estradiol in the MEM-S than in all other treatments. Regardless of the type of treatment, the growth rate categories did not affect (P>0.05) the estradiol concentrations. Table 3. Frequency of slow (<1 µm/day), medium (1 to 4.9 µm/day), and fast ( 5 µm/day) growth rates of bovine follicles after 32 days of in vitro culture in two media (α-MEM+ or TCM-199+) using two medium replacement methods (Conventional-C or Small Supplementation-S). Frequency1 (%) Growth rate MEM-C MEM-S TCM-C TCM-S (µm/day) n=66 n=68 n=37 n=36 <1 19 (28.8)Aa 13 (19.1)Aa 7 (18.9)Aa 5 (13.9)Aa 1 to 4.9 33 (50.0)Ab 24 (35.3)Ab 16 (43.2)Ab 17 (47.2)Ab ≥5 14 (21.2)Ba 31 (45.6)Ab 14 (37.8)ABab 14 (38.9)ABb 1 Frequency of all the four repetitions. A,B a,b Within rows, frequencies of a growth rate differed (P<0.004) among treatments. Within columns, the frequency of growth rates differed (P<0.05). 153 Table 4. Mean (± SEM) estradiol concentrations (ng/ml) produced by bovine follicles in α-MEM+ or TCM-199+ using two medium replacement methods (Conventional-C or Small Supplementation-S) according to the speed of the growth rate after 32 days of in vitro culture. Growth Estradiol concentration (ng/ml) rate MEM-C MEM-S TCM-C TCM-S (µm/day) n=13 n=14 n=12 n=14 <1 2.0 ± 1.2Aa 11.5 ± 6.2Aa 0.9 ± 0.3Aa 3.1 ± 1.5Aa 1 to 4.9 3.6 ± 0.4Aa 9.4 ± 2.4Aa 1.1 ± 0.3Ba 2.1 ± 0.5ABa ≥5 3.8 ± 0.9Ba 15.8 ± 4.0Aa 2.1 ± 0.5Ba 2.6 ± 0.2Ba A,B a Within rows, estradiol concentrations differed (P<0.02) among treatments. Within columns, estradiol concentrations did not differ (P>0.05). When evaluating subgroups of follicles that formed antrum in vitro (Table 5), higher (P<0.0001) estradiol concentration was observed for both α-MEM+ treatments than the TCM-199+ and in the MEM-S was higher (P<0.0001) than in the MEM-C. In addition, in those follicles that did not form antrum in vitro the MEM-S produced more (P<0.04) estradiol than the TCM-C treatment. Table 5. Mean (± SEM) estradiol concentrations (ng/ml) produced by antral versus no antral bovine follicles in α-MEM+ or TCM-199+ using two medium replacement methods (Conventional-C or Small Supplementation-S) after 32 days of in vitro culture. Estradiol concentrations (ng/ml) Antrum cavity MEM-C MEM-S n=13 n=14 Ba Yes 4.4 ± 0.5 No 2.7 ± 0.6ABb A-C a-b TCM-C 16.2 ± 3.5 TCM-S n=12 Aa 9.9 ± 2.8Aa 2.1 ± 0.5 n=14 Ca 1.2 ± 0.2Ba 2.3 ± 0.5Ca 2.6 ± 0.5ABa Within rows, estradiol concentrations differed (P<0.04) among treatments. Within columns, estradiol concentrations differed (P<0.03). 154 Expression of mRNA for FSHR, IGF1, VEGF, and P450AROM on bovine secondary follicles cultured in vitro Expression of mRNA for FSHR, IGF1, VEGF, and P450AROM before (noncultured group) and after culture period in all the treatments is shown in Figure 3. The expression for FSHR was greater (P<0.03) in the non-cultured control and TCM-C treatments than in the TCM-S. The expression for IGF1 was higher (P<0.02) in MEM-S than in non-cultured control and TCM-S. The mRNA expression for VEGF was higher (P<0.02) in MEM-C than in TCM-C and was only observed in these two treatments. No significant (P>0.05) difference in mRNA expression for P450AROM was observed among treatments. Figure 3. Relative mRNA expression (mean ± SEM) for FSHR, IGF1, VEGF, and P450AROM at days 0 and 32 of in vitro culture. A,B Relative mRNA expression differed (P<0.05) among groups. No expression of VEGF was detected in fresh, MEM-S, and TCM-S groups. No difference (P>0.05) was observed for P450AROM among all groups. 155 DISCUSSION The data presented in this study demonstrate for the first time that the base medium (TCM-199+ vs. α-MEM+), as well as the method to renew the medium during the culture period affect the follicular development, estradiol concentrations, and gene expression in bovine secondary follicles. In the conventional method of medium replacement, both TCM-C and MEM-C had equivalent efficiency for the percentage of morphological normal follicles and follicular growth rate. Although estradiol concentration was higher in MEM-C than TCM-C, a larger follicular diameter and higher percentage of antrum formation was observed in TCM-C when compared with MEM-C. These results clearly show that the type of base culture medium differently affect the most common parameters used to evaluate the efficiency of in vitro culture of bovine preantral follicles. It is known that both α-MEM and TCM-199 are culture media with rich composition, including aminoacids, vitamins, salt, and precursors of DNA (ribonucleosides and deoxynucleosides). Moreover, the addition of FSH and insulin or ITS to the culture medium greatly improved the development of bovine secondary follicles cultured in α-MEM (Hulshof et al., 1995), TCM-199 (Katska and Rynska, 1998), and McCoy's (McLaughlin and Telfer, 2010) media, respectively. The TCM-199 has been used as a culture medium for ovarian cells in several species, such as mice (Abedelahi et al., 2010), cattle (Rossetto et al., 2012), goat (Zhou et al., 2008), sheep (Arunakumari et al., 2010), and gilts (Antosik et al., 2010). A recent study (Rossetto et al., 2012), demonstrated that TCM-199+ was the best option in oil-free culture system of bovine secondary follicles, characterized by the maintenance of follicular viability and higher rates of antrum formation. However, the basement membrane integrity, uniformly distributed organelles (especially mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum), and intact oocyte nucleus did not show any difference after ultrastructural analysis between follicles cultured in TCM-199+ and α-MEM+. An important finding of the current study was related to the medium change approach. In this regard, it was demonstrated that a progressive addition of medium (small supplementation) was advantageous when α-MEM+ base medium was used. Follicular diameter and the percentage of antral formation increased in MEM-S when compared to MEM-C. Using the small supplementation method, the MEM-S became equivalent to both TCM-C and TCM-S treatments, except in the case of estradiol concentration, which remained higher in α-MEM+. The difference between supplementation and conventional medium change methods for estradiol production in 156 the α-MEM+ base medium may suggest a certain degree of dilution, as well as the removal of content by discard of the culture media when the conventional media was used, which could be considered harmful to follicle development throughout the 32 days of culture. The renewal of medium throughout the in vitro culture of preantral follicles has been used with success, leading to embryo production in goats (Saraiva et al., 2010; Magalhães et al., 2011), sheep (Arunakumari et al., 2010; Luz et al., 2011), buffalo (Gupta et al., 2008), and monkeys (Xu et al., 2011). However, the periodic renewal of culture medium is laborious and may be detrimental to embryonic development by removing embryo-derived growth factors, changing pH and gas atmosphere, and lowering the temperature of culture medium (Fukui et al., 1996). The increase in medium volume and the addition of new nutrients have been shown to be essential to support the growth and development of bovine preantral follicles. Recently, using αMEM+ as a base culture medium, our team demonstrated that periodic addition of culture medium, without renewal of medium, during the in vitro culture of caprine secondary follicles improved the follicular and oocyte development followed by higher fully grown oocyte rate and meiotic resumption (Araújo et al., 2011). These results suggested that locally produced factors accumulated during the in vitro culture may positively influence follicular and oocyte growth. The composition of base medium interfered in the gene expression, because the mRNA expression for IGF1 was higher in MEM-S than in non-cultured control and TCM-S and for VEGF was higher in MEM-C than TCM-C. In this regard, the increase of estradiol concentration in α-MEM+ was associated with increase of mRNA expression for IGF1 and VEGF. In case of IGF1 mRNA expression, while there were no difference in antral formation between MEM-S and TCM-S, it was observed that MEM-S produced more estradiol than TCM-S. Considering that IGF-1 stimulated the antrum formation and steroidogenesis after in vitro culture of buffalo preantral follicles (Sharma et al., 2010) and that bovine antral follicles expressed more IGF binding than secondary follicles (Wandji et al., 1992), we believe that the higher mRNA expression of IGF1 in the MEM-S may have been associated to the presence of antral follicles and the higher estradiol concentrations after in vitro culture. However, the accumulation of estradiol in the small supplementation medium replacement method (MEM-S and TCM-S) may have inhibited the VEGF production because VEGF expression was not detected. In swine, VEGF increased and inhibited estradiol output by granulosa cells from small and large follicles, in vitro, respectively (Grasselli et al., 2002; 2003). In this 157 regard, it could be speculated that in the present study the in vitro grown antral follicles behaved as in vivo conditions, and that the increase of estradiol concentrations, by adding medium during the culture, could have been associated with an inhibition of VEGF production in both MEM-S and TCM-S. In conclusion, the base medium, as well as periodic addition of medium (small supplementation method) differently affected follicle development, estradiol production, and gene expression. Furthermore, α-MEM+ can be used as alternative to TCM-199+ if a progressive addition of medium change is used during in vitro culture. Therefore, these results suggest that studies on comparisons among different preantral follicle culture systems should not only focus on medium supplements (e.g., hormones and growth factors) but also on the differences among the types of base media and medium replacement methods. 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Reproduction 135:605–611. 162 10 CAPÍTULO 5 Proteína morfogenética óssea-6 (BMP-6) induz atresia em folículos primordiais caprinos cultivados in vitro “Bone Morphogenetic Protein-6 (BMP-6) induces atresia in goat primordial follicles cultured in vitro” Periódico: Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira, v. 30, p. 770-776, 2010. 163 RESUMO O presente estudo investigou os efeitos da proteína morfogenética óssea-6 (BMP-6) no desenvolvimento in vitro de folículos primordiais caprinos. Amostras de córtex ovariano de cabras foram cultivados por 1 ou 7 dias em Meio Essencial Mínimo (meio controle) suplementado com diferentes concentrações de BMP-6. As taxas de sobrevivência, ativação e crescimento foram avaliadas por histologia clássica e microscopia eletrônica de transmissão (MET). Após 7 dias de cultivo, a análise histológica demonstrou que a BMP-6 aumentou o percentual de folículos primordiais degenerados no dia 7 quando comparados ao controle fresco (D0). Além disso, houve um aumento significativo do diâmetro folicular e oocitário em ambos os períodos de cultivo em todos os tratamentos na presença de BMP-6. Com a progressão do cultivo do dia 1 para o dia 7, nos tratamentos com 1 ou 50 ng/ml de BMP-6, foi observado um aumento significativo no diâmetro folicular. Entretanto, contrário ao observado no meio controle, a MET revelou que os folículos cultivados nesses tratamentos apresentavam sinais evidentes de atresia. Em conclusão, esse estudo demonstrou que a BMP-6 afetou negativamente a sobrevivência e a ultraestrutura de folículos primordiais caprinos. Palavras-chave: Superfamília TGF-ß. Foliculogênese. Célula germinativa. Fatores de crescimento. Caprinos. 164 Bone Morphogenetic Protein-6 (BMP-6) induces atresia in goat primordial follicles cultured in vitro1 Valdevane Rocha Araújo2*, Isabel Bezerra Lima-Verde2, Khessler Patrícia Olazia Name3, Sônia Nair Báo3, Cláudio Cabral Campello2, José Roberto Viana Silva4, Ana Paula Ribeiro Rodrigues2 and José Ricardo de Figueiredo2 ABSTRACT.- Araújo V.R., Lima-Verde I.B., Name K.P.O., Báo S.N., Campelo C.C., Silva J.R.V., Rodrigues A.P.R. & Figueiredo J.R. 2010. Bone Morphogenetic Protein6 (BMP-6) induces atresia in goat primordial follicles cultured in vitro. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 30(9):770-776. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Veterinárias, Laboratório de Manipulação de Oócitos e Folículos Pré-Antrais, Universidade Estadual do Ceará, Av. Paranjana 1700, Campus do Itaperi, Fortaleza, CE 60740-000, Brasil. *Corresponding author: This study investigated the effects of bone morphogenetic protein 6 (BMP-6) on in vitro primordial follicle development in goats. Samples of goat ovarian cortex were cultured in vitro for 1 or 7 days in Minimum Essential Medium (control medium) supplemented with different concentrations of BMP-6. Follicle survival, activation and growth were evaluated through histology and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). After 7 days of culture, histological analysis demonstrated that BMP-6 enhanced the percentages of atretic primordial follicles when compared to fresh control (day 0). Nevertheless, BMP-6 increased follicular and oocyte diameter during both culture periods. As the culture period progressed from day 1 to day 7, a significant increase in follicle diameter was observed with 1 or 50 ng/ml BMP-6. However, on the contrary to that observed with the control medium TEM revealed that follicles cultured for up to 7 days with 1 or 50 ng/ml BMP-6 had evident signs of atresia. In conclusion, this study demonstrated that BMP-6 negatively affects the survival and ultrastructure of goat primordial follicles. INDEX TERMS: TGF-ß superfamily, folliculogeneis, germ cell, growth factors, caprine. ___________________ 1 Received on May 19 and September 22, 2009. 165 Accepted for publication on May 5, 2010. 2 Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Veterinárias (PPGCV), Laboratório de Manipulação de Oócitos e Folículos Pré-Antrais (Lamofopa), Universidade Estadual do Ceará (UECE), Av. Paranjana 1700, Campus do Itaperi, Fortaleza, CE 60740-000, Brasil. *Corresponding author: 3 Laboratório de Microscopia Eletrônica, Departamento de Biologia Celular, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade de Brasília, 70919-970 Brasilia, DF, Brasil. 4 Núcleo de Biotecnologia de Sobral (Nubis), Faculdade de Medicina de Sobral, Universidade Federal do Ceará, Av. Geraldo Rangel 100/186, Sobral, CE 60041-040, Brasil. 166 INTRODUCTION Folliculogenesis results from a complex balance among proliferation, differentiation, and cell death of both the somatic and germ cell compartments of the follicle (Hussein et al. 2005). This process is controlled by gonadrotophins and locally produced growth factors, such as bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs). The BMP family is the largest within the TGF-ß superfamily of growth factors and several studies have demonstrated that the BMPs regulate growth, differentiation, and apoptosis in a wide variety of tissues, including the ovary (Shimasaki et al. 2004, Araújo et al. 2010). The BMP-6 protein is expressed in oocytes (ovine: Juengel et al. 2006, murine: Otsuka et al. 2001; bovine: Glister et al. 2004; porcine: Brankin et al. 2005a), granulosa (murine: Erickson & Shimasaki 2003; bovine: Glister et al. 2004; porcine: Brankin et al. 2005a), and theca cells (ovine: Campbell et al. 2004; bovine: Glister et al. 2004) of ovarian follicles during different stages of development. As part of its biological function, BMP-6 forms heteromeric complexes with a type I and type II receptor. The mRNAs for BMP receptors (BMPR-IA, -IB, and II) are expressed in oocytes and granulosa cells of goat ovarian follicles (Silva et al. 2004) as well as in follicles of other mammalian species (murine: Elvin et al. 2000, Shimasaki et al. 1999, Erickson & Shimasaki 2003; ovine: Souza et al. 2002, McNatty et al. 2005; bovine: Glister & Knight 2002), which is indicative of possible autocrine and paracrine effects during follicle growth. In vitro studies have demonstrated that BMP-6 controls steroidogenesis as well as granulosa and theca cell proliferation in ovine (Juengel et al. 2006) and porcine (Brankin et al. 2005a). Juengel et al. (2006) established that BMP-6 inhibits ovine granulosa cell differentiation. In addition, BMP-6 is effective at inhibiting FSH-induced progesterone synthesis by murine granulosa cells, without affecting estradiol production (Otsuka et al. 2001). However, the involvement of BMP-6 in the control of ovarian function in goats and in vitro effects on the development of primordial follicles are still unknown. The present study was performed to determine the possible role of BMP-6 in the growth and survival of primordial follicles during the culture of goat ovarian cortical slices. 167 MATERIALS AND METHODS The culture media, BMP-6 and other chemicals used in the present study were purchased from Sigma Chemical Co. (St Louis, MO), unless otherwise indicated. Source of ovaries Ovarian cortical tissues were obtained from six mixed-breed goats (n=6) collected at a local slaughterhouse. Immediately postmortem, the ovaries were washed in 70% alcohol for 10 seconds followed by two washes in Minimum Essential Medium (MEM) plus HEPES (MEM HEPES) supplemented with 100 μg/ml penicillin and 100 μg/ml streptomycin. The ovary pairs were transported within 1 hour to the laboratory in MEM at 4°C (Chaves et al. 2008). Experimental protocol The culture system has been described in our previous research (Matos et al. 2007). Ovarian cortical tissue from the same ovarian pair was cut into 11 slices (3x3x1mm) using a scissor and scalpel under sterile conditions. The tissue pieces were then either directly fixed for histological and ultrastructural analysis (fresh tissue, control) or placed into culture medium for 1 or 7 days. Caprine tissues were transferred to 24-well culture dishes containing 1 ml of culture medium. In vitro culture was performed at 39°C in a humidified incubator with 5% CO2. The basic culture medium consisted of MEM (pH 7.2-7.4) supplemented with ITS (10 μg/ml insulin, 5.5 μg/ml transferrin, and 5 ng/ml selenium), 0.23 mM pyruvate, 2 mM glutamine, 2 mM hypoxantine, and 1.25 mg/ml of bovine serum albumin BSA. This supplemented medium was called MEM+. Different concentrations of BMP-6 (0, 1, 10, 50 or 100 ng/ml) were added to the MEM+ to test the effects of this growth factor. Each treatment was repeated six times and the culture medium was replenished every other day. Morphological analysis and assessment of in vitro folicular growth Before culture (fresh control) and after 1 or 7 days in culture, samples were fixed in Carnoy solution for 12 h and then dehydrated in increasing concentrations of ethanol. After paraffin (Synth, São Paulo, Brazil) embedding, the ovarian pieces were cut into 7 μm sections and stained by Periodic Acid Schiff-hematoxylin. Follicle stage and 168 survival were assessed microscopically on serial sections. Coded slides were examined via microscopy (Nikon, Japan) under 400x magnification. The follicles were classified as primordial (one layer of flattened granulosa cells around the oocyte) or growing follicle, i.e., primary (a single layer of cuboidal granulosa cells around the oocyte), or secondary (oocyte surrounded by two or more layers of cuboidal granulosa cells), as described by Hulshof et al. (1994). These follicles were classified individually as histologically normal when an intact oocyte was present, i.e., an oocyte without a pyknotic nucleus or cytoplasmic retraction that is surrounded by granulosa cells, which are well organized in one or more layers and have no pyknotic nucleus. Atretic follicles were defined as those with a retracted oocyte, pyknotic nucleus, and/or disorganized granulosa cells detached from the basement membrane. Overall, 180 follicles were evaluated for each treatment (30 follicles per treatment x 6 repetitions = 180 follicles). The percentages of healthy primordial and growing follicles were calculated before (fresh control) and after culture in each medium. In addition, follicle and oocyte diameters were only measured in healthy follicles. Follicle diameter was recorded from one edge of the granulosa cell membrane to the other edge, or from the outside edge of the theca cell layer when present. Oocyte diameter was recorded from edge to edge of the oocyte membrane. Two perpendicular diameters were recorded for each and the average was reported as the follicle and oocyte diameters, respectively. Each follicle was carefully counted only once, as previously described (Matos et al. 2007). Ultrastructural analysis of caprine preantral follicles For better evaluation of the follicular morphology, ultrastructural studies were performed on fragments of fresh controls (Day 0) and treatments (Day 7) that maintained follicular morphology during the histological analysis. Small pieces (1 mm3) of caprine ovarian tissues were fixed in 2% paraformaldehyde and 2.5% glutaraldehyde in 0.1 M sodium cacodylate buffer (pH 7.2) for 4 h at room temperature. After fixation, fragments were post-fixed in 1% osmium tetroxide, 0.8% potassium ferricyanide, and 5 M calcium chloride in 0.1 M sodium cacodylate buffer for 1 h. Subsequently, samples were dehydrated through a gradient of acetone and the tissues were embedded in Spurr. Semi-thin sections (3 μm) were cut on an ultramicrotome (Reichert Supernova, Heidelberg, Germany) for light microscopy studies and stained with toluidine blue. Uranyl acetate and lead citrate were added to the ultra-thin sections (60-70 nm) for 169 contrast, and sections were examined under a Jeol 1011 (Jeol, Tokyo, Japan) transmission electron microscope. Parameters, such as density and integrity of the ooplasmic and granulosa cell organelles, vacuolization, and basement membrane integrity, were evaluated. Statistical analysis Means of surviving follicles at all stages, as well as of primordial and developing follicles (primary or secondary) obtained after 1 or 7 days in the various treatments, were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA), using the GLM procedure of SAS (1999) and Dunnett’s test applied to compare BMP-6 treated groups against control and MEM+. The Student-Newman-Keels (SNK test) and t-student was used to compare differences among BMP-6 concentrations and to compare means between cultures at 1 and 7 days, respectively. The diameters of oocytes and follicles under the various treatments were subjected to ANOVA followed by SNK. Differences were considered to be significant when P<0.05 and data were expressed as mean ± standard error of means (S.E.M.) (Steel et al. 1997). RESULTS Goat primordial follicle activation and growth during in vitro culture In the present study, a total of 1,980 preantral follicles were analyzed. The percentages of primordial and growing follicles in non-cultured cortex (fresh control) were 80.27% and 19.73%, respectively (Table 1). In all treatments, after 1 or 7 days of culture, there was no significant effect of BMP-6 on follicular activation, as indicated by the percentage of primordial and growing follicles (P>0.05). 170 Table 1. Percentages (mean S.E.M.) of primordial and growing follicles (primary and secondary) in uncultured tissues and tissues cultured for 1 or 7 days in MEM+ (control medium) and MEM+ supplemented with various concentrations of BMP-6 Treatments Primordial follicles Growing follicles Uncultured (Day 0) 80.27 ± 10.42 19.73 ± 10.42 Cultured Day 1 Day 7 Day 1 Day 7 MEM+ 81.03 9.70 74.44 14.62 18.97 9.70 25.56 14.62 BMP-6 (1) 76.18 18.96 75.04 9.73 23.81 18.96 24.96 9.73 BMP-6 (10) 84.91 8.12 75.12 10.07 15.09 8.12 24.88 10.07 BMP-6 (50) 73.04 18.58 76.57 18.75 26.96 18.58 23.42 18.75 BMP-6 (100) 76.89 14.31 78.61 15.06 23.11 14.31 21.39 15.06 Follicle and oocyte diameters before and after in vitro culture are shown in Table 2. In comparison to uncultured control values (fresh control), a significant increase in follicle diameter was observed after culturing ovarian tissue in all treatments (P<0.05), except in the control medium (MEM+) alone or medium supplemented with 1 ng/ml BMP-6 after culturing for 1 day. No significant differences (P>0.05) in follicle and oocyte diameters were found when treatments were compared with control medium (MEM+), except for 50 ng/ml BMP-6 at day 1 of culture in regards to oocyte diameter. As the culture period progressed from 1 to 7 days, a significant increase in follicle diameter was observed in ovarian tissues cultured in the presence of 1 or 50 ng/ml BMP-6 (P<0.05). Similar results were observed for oocyte diameter in ovarian tissues cultured in medium supplemented with only BMP-6 (1 ng/ml). After 1 or 7 days of culture, the addition of BMP-6 significantly increased oocyte diameter compared to uncultured control (P<0.05). With the increase in culture period from 1 to 7 days, tissues cultured in medium supplemented with 1 ng/ml BMP-6 had a significant increase in oocyte diameter (P<0.05). 171 Table 2. Follicle and oocyte diameters (mean S.E.M.) in uncultured tissues and tissues cultured for 1 or 7 days in MEM+ (control medium) and MEM+ supplemented with various concentrations of BMP-6. For each treatment, 20 follicles were evaluated Treatments Follicle diameter (μm) Oocyte diameter (μm) Uncultured (Day 0) 31.08±5.44 20.82±2.00 Cultured Day 1 Day 7 Day 1 Day 7 MEM+ 34.33±6.04A 36.79±5.91*,A 22.48±1.75A 23.86±2.58*,A BMP-6 (1) 34.87±4.53B 40.22±6.68*,A 23.41±2.10*,B 25.56±2.50*,A BMP-6 (10) 38.23±7.88*,A 37.93±6.74*,A 24.05±2.62*,A 23.87±2.47*,A BMP-6 (50) 36.43 ± 5.04*,B 39.86±5.05*,A 24.41±1.91*,,A 25.19±1.26*,A BMP-6 (100) 36.25 ± 4.64*,A 37.99±4.14*,A 23.98±2.04*,A 24.77±2.12*,A * P<0.05, significantly different from uncultured ovarian cortical tissues (control/Day 0) P<0.05, significantly different from cultured ovarian cortex tissue in MEM. (A, B) Different letters in the same row denote significant differences between culture periods within the same medium (P<0.05). Effect of BMP-6 and culture periods on follicle atresia 180 follicles were evaluated per treatment, resulting in a total of 1,451 primordial, 459 primary, and 70 secondary follicles analyzed. Figure 1 shows the effects of diferente concentrations of BMP-6 (1, 10, 50, or 100 ng/ml) on the percentages of morphologically atretic follicles after 1 or 7 days of culture. After 1 day, cultured ovarian tissue in all medium maintained percentages of healthy follicles similar to uncultured tissue (fresh control). However, a significant increase in the percentages of atretic follicles was only observed in follicles cultured in all medium supplemented with BMP-6 (P<0.05) after 7 days. With the increase in culture period from 1 to7 days, a significant increase in the percentage of atretic follicles was observed in tissue cultured in medium supplemented with 10, 50, or 100 ng/ml BMP-6. Figure 2 shows normal follicles before culture (Fig. 2A), and degenerated follicles after 7 days of culture in the presence of 50 ng/ml BMP-6 (Fig. 2B). 172 Fig.1. Percentages (means S.E.M) of atretic preantral follicles in uncultured tissue (fresh control) and tissue cultured for 1 and 7 days in MEM+ and MEM+ supplemented with 1, 10, 50, and 100 ng/mL BMP-6. For each treatment, 30 follicles were evaluated in each of five replicates. *P<0.05, significantly different from uncultured ovarian cortex tissue (control/D0). (A, B) Different letters denote significant differences between culture periods within the same medium (P<0.05). Fig.2. Histological section of (A) normal follicles from uncultured tissue and, (B) atretic follicles after culture in the presence of BMP-6 O: oocyte; NU: oocyte nucleus; GC: granulosa cells. Staining with periodic acid Schiff-hematoxylin, 400x. 173 Ultrastructural analysis of goat preantral follicles To better evaluate follicle quality before and after culture, TEM was performed to study the ultrastructure of follicles that were considered morphologically normal during histological analysis of the uncultured control and cells cultured for 7 days with MEM+ alone and supplemented with 1 or 50 ng/ml BMP-6. Figures 3A and 3B illustrate morphologically normal follicles from the uncultured control and cells cultured only in MEM+, with intact nuclear and cytoplasmic membranes, as well as a small number of vacuoles and various organelles, including mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum without degenerative signs. Figures 3C and 3D show follicles cultured up to 7 days with 1 or 50 ng/ml BMP-6, respectively. BMP-6 negatively affected the ultrastructure of follicles cultured for 7 days, since evident signs of degeneration were observed. In these follicles, a large number of vacuoles and a low density of organelles were observed in the ooplasm. In addition, granulosa cells lost gap junctions, reducing the contact with the oocyte membrane. Moreover, follicles cultured in medium supplemented with 1 ng/ml BMP-6 for 7 days that were morphologically normal at the histological level had ultrastructural signs of degeneration, including irregularly shaped nuclear and cytoplasmic membranes. As the culture period progressed from 1 to 7 days, a large increase in the number of vacuoles and broken nuclear membranes were occasionally observed. Fragmented granulosa cells associated with empty areas between oocyte and granulosa cells were also observed, which is indicative of lost cellular communication. 174 Fig.3. Electron micrograph of caprine preantral follicle from (A) uncultured control (5800x), (B) MEM+ alone, (C) 1 ng/ml of BMP-6, and (D) 50 ng/ml of BMP-6 cultured (8000x) for 7 days. Homogeneous cytoplasm with numerous rounded mitochondria is characteristic of non-cultured follicles and cultures with only MEM+ (3A and 3B, respectively). Extreme vacuolization and great holes are present in the cytoplasm, indicative of degeneration (3C and 3D; solid arrow). Note the empty space in degenerated granulosa cells after in vitro culture with BMP-6 (3C and 3D; open arrow). NU: oocyte nucleus, GC: granulosa cells, m: mitochondria, ser: smooth endoplasmic reticulum, v: vesicle. 175 DISCUSSION This study demonstrates for the first time that BMP-6 is not involved in the initiation of the growth in vitro of goat primordial follicles. The concentrations of BMP6 used in this experiment (1, 10, 50 and 100 ng/ml) were based on previous works on ovarian somatic cells culture (thecal and granulosa cells, Brankin et al. 2005b, Glister et al. 2005), since, to our knowledge, no report regarding physiological levels of this factor within the ovary or in plasma has been published. Ovarian follicle development is regulated by gonadotropins and local growth factors that interact and promote oocyte growth and granulosa cell proliferation and differentiation (Krysko et al. 2008). Various growth factors are well known to be involved in primordial follicle activation (Kit Ligand: Parrott & Skinner 1999; BMP-7: Lee et al. 2001, 2004; FGF-2: Nilsson et al. 2001), but several results have indicated that the early stage of folliculogenesis is controlled by a balance between stimulatory and inhibitory factors. Despite the expression of mRNA for BMP receptors by goat primordial follicles (Silva et al. 2004), the translation of BMP receptor mRNAs into proteins is still uncharacterized. Proliferation of granulosa cells is critical for primordial follicle growth, but according to Otsuka et al. (2001), BMP-6 did not promote granulosa cell proliferation in murine cells. BMP-6 inhibits steroidogenesis and differentiation of ovine granulosa cells, but did not affect proliferation (Juengel et al. 2006). Conversely, in bovine cells, Glister et al. (2004) demonstrated an increase in granulosa cell number after a 6 day culture period in medium supplemented with BMP-6. The differential response of granulosa cells to BMP-6 may be a result of these cells being obtained from large antral follicles with differentiated granulosa cells, while granulosa cells that come from primordial follicles are still quiescent. Histological analysis demonstrated that BMP-6 promoted an increase in follicular and oocyte diameter in surviving follicles, but TEM did not confirm the ultrastructural integrity of these follicles, since oocyte and granulosa cells had evident signs of atresia. The increase in follicle diameter was most likely caused by swollen oocyte and granulosa cells. The different concentrations of BMP-6 utilized in this study were toxic for preantral follicles cultured in vitro up to 7 days, since culture using only MEM+ presented follicles with preserved ultrastructural integrity. Several reports have emphasized the importance of ultrastructural analysis after culturing preantral follicles in vitro (cow: Van Den Hurk et al. 1998; rat: Zhao et al. 2000; mouse: Salehnia et al. 176 2002; goat: Matos et al. 2007, Araújo et al. 2010). In the presente study, cultured follicles were characterized by a large number of vacuoles, the absence of organelles in the ooplasm, as well as irregular or fragmented nuclear and cytoplasmic membranes. In addition, fragmented granulosa cells with no oocyte contact were observed. Similar results were observed after culturing goat preantral follicles in medium containing indole-3-acetic acid (IAA: Matos et al. 2006). This study demonstrates for the first time that BMP-6 promotes atresia in goat primordial follicles during the in vitro culture of ovarian cortical tissues for 7 days. In contrast, Brankin et al. (2005a) determined that BMP-6 maintained the pig theca cell viability during a culture period of 6 days. However, differences in cell types and animal species must be considered to understand the modes of BMP-6 action. Fortune et al. (2004) established that supplementation of culture medium with IGF-I increased atresia in bovine primordial follicles cultured in vitro. The presence of growth factor in culture medium can induce atresia in primordial follicles depending on the species, follicle stage, and culture system. Several reports have suggested that preantral follicle (primordial, primary, and secondary) viability is determined by the secretion of growth factors by oocyte and/or granulosa cells (GDF-9: Dong et al. 1996; KL, EGF and FGFb: Reynaud & Driancourt 2000). According to Silva et al. (2002), 8.5% of primordial follicles within goat ovaries are atretic. Utilizing the TUNEL technique to detect apoptosis in goat follicles after the culture of ovarian tissue, these results indicated that apoptosis in early follicles could be provoked by reduced oxygen and nutrient diffusion for preantral follicles within ovarian cortex (Silva et al. 2006). In conclusion, BMP-6 promotes primordial follicle atresia during the culture of goat ovarian cortical tissue. In addition, these results verified that morpho-functional analysis by TEM allows for a marked improvement in the evaluation of caprine ovarian tissue integrity. Further studies are necessary to determine the appropriate culture system conditions that promote the activation of primordial follicles and the further growth of caprine oocytes by preservation of ultrastructural integrity. Acknowledgements.- To Cleidson M.G. Silva, Deborah M. Magalhães, Gerlane M. Silva and Liliam M.T. Tavares. 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Folículos secundários foram cultivados em αMEM+ sozinho (controle) ou suplementado com BMP-6 nas concentrações de 1 e 10 ng/mL. A formação de antro foi significativamente superior no tratamento com adição de 1 ng/mL de BMP-6 quando comparado ao αMEM+. A expressão de RNAm para bmpr2, smad1, smad5 e smad6 foi detectada antes (controle não cultivado) e após o CIV (αMEM+ e 1 ng/mL de BMP-6), enquanto que smads7 e smad8 foram detectadas apenas após CIV e a Smad4 foi detectada apenas no tratamento com adição de BMP-6. Em conclusão, baixas concentrações de BMP-6, sem adição de FSH, influenciaram positivamente a formação de antro e asseguraram um completo padrão de expressão para os receptores de BMP e Smads após CIV de folículos secundários caprinos. Palavras-chave: Formação de antro. BMP. Cabra. Competência meiótica. Smad. 183 The Effects of Bone Morphogenetic Protein-6 (BMP-6) and FollicleStimulating Hormone (FSH) During In Vitro Development of Ovarian Caprine Preantral Follicles, and the Relative mRNA Expression of BMP Receptors and Smads in Cultured Follicles V.R. AraújoA,D, G.M. SilvaA, A.B.G. DuarteA, D.M. Magalhães-PadilhaA, A.P. AlmeidaB, F.O. LunardiA, M.K.B. SerafimA, A.A.A. MouraC, C.C. CampelloA, A.P.R. RodriguesA and J.R. FigueiredoA A Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Laboratory of Manipulation of Oocytes and Preantral Follicles (LAMOFOPA), State University of Ceará, Fortaleza, 60740-903, CE, Brazil. B Laboratory of Molecular Biology and Development, University of Fortaleza, 60811- 905, CE, Brazil. C Laboratory of Animal Physiology, Department of Animal Science, Federal University of Ceará, Fortaleza, 60440-900, CE, Brazil. D Corresponding author. E-mail: (Valdevane R. Araújo) Highlights: BMP receptors/Smad signaling in caprine preantral follicles 184 ABSTRACT This study investigated the effect of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP-6) and recombinant follicle-stimulating hormone (rFSH) alone or in combination on the in vitro culture (IVC) of isolated caprine secondary follicles and the mRNA levels for BMP receptors/Smad signaling (bmpr1A, bmpr2, smad1, smad4, smad5, smad6, smad7 and smad8) before and after IVC. Secondary follicles were cultured in αMEM+ alone (control) or supplemented with BMP-6 at 1 or 10 ng/mL and rFSH alone or in combination. The antrum formation was higher in the BMP-6 at 1 ng/mL (P<0.05) than in MEM. The mRNA expression for bmpr2, smad1, smad5 and smad6 was detected before (non-cultured control) and after IVC (MEM and 1 ng/mL BMP-6), while smads7 and smad8 mRNA expression was only detected after IVC and smad4 was only detected in the BMP-6 treatment. In conclusion, the low BMP-6 concentration positively influenced antrum formation and ensured complete mRNA expression for BMP receptor and Smads after IVC of secondary follicles. Keywords: Antrum formation; BMP; Goat; Meiotic competence; Smad 185 1. Introduction Somatic cell proliferation, differentiation and cellular death occur in all follicular compartments, including oocytes, granulosa and theca cells, during folliculogenesis, and these processes are controlled through gonadotropins and growth factors locally produced in the ovary. Oocyte-secreted factors, such as bone morphogenetic proteins-6 (BMP-6; Juengel et al., 2006) and BMP-15 (Guéripel et al., 2006), are essential to normal follicular growth and fertility in sheep (Galloway et al., 2000; Juengel et al., 2002; Hanrahan et al., 2004; Juengel et al., 2006) and humans (Di Pasquale et al., 2004). In addition, gonadotropins such as FSH have been implicated in the regulation of apoptosis in follicular cells and in the ultrastructure maintenance of preantral follicles in goats (Matos et al., 2007; Magalhães et al., 2009) and cows (Wandji et al., 1996; Gutierrez et al., 2000). The signaling of BMP-6 occurs in response to the formation of specific heteromeric complexes of type I (BMPR-IA, also known as ALK-3, and BMPR-IB, also known as ALK-6) and type II (BMPR-II) serine/threonine kinase receptors. In the ovary, the mRNAs for BMP receptors are present in oocytes and the granulosa cells of caprine ovarian follicles (Silva et al., 2004) and in murine (Elvin et al., 2000, Shimasaki et al., 1999, Erickson and Shimasaki, 2003), ovine (Souza et al., 2002, McNatty et al., 2005) and bovine (Glister and Knight, 2002) follicles. The BMP receptors phosphorylate intracellular effectors, called Smads. Functionally, the Smads fall into three subfamilies: receptor-activated Smads (R-Smads: Smad1, Smad5, and Smad8), which are phosphorylated through BMPR-I; the common mediator Smad (Co-Smad: Smad4), which oligomerizes with activated R-Smads; and inhibitory Smads (I-Smads: Smad6 and Smad7), which exert a negative feedback effect through competition with RSmads for receptor interactions, which indicate the receptors for degradation (Moustakas et al., 2001). As part of its biological function, BMP-6 complexes with type I and type II BMP receptors and Smads, which determine its possible autocrine and paracrine effects during follicle growth. The BMP-6 has been implicated in steroidogenesis, as this factor reduces progesterone production in granulosa cells through the inhibition of the premature luteinization of the dominant follicles in cows (Glister et al., 2004) and rats (Otsuka et al., 2001). In addition, the production of others steroids, such as androstenedione and estradiol, was inhibited after the addition of BMP-6 in the culture medium of swine 186 granulosa and theca cells (Brankin et al., 2005). However, the combination of BMP-6 and FSH increases the action of gonadotropin, as there is no change in the estradiol production in murine cells in vitro (Otsuka et al., 2001). Recently, Frota et al. (2011) showed that the addition of FSH to the culture medium increased the mRNA expression for bmp6 gene in isolated caprine preantral follicles. In other study, Costa et al. (2012) studied the mRNA expression for smad1, smad5, smad8, and bmp2, bmp4, bmp6, bmp7, and bmp15, and bmpr1A, bmpr1B and bmpr2 genes in a basic culture medium containing FSH. However, to our knowledge there are no reports in goats regarding the effect of BMP-6 on the mRNA expression for BMP receptors/Smad signaling (bmpr1A, bmpr2, smad1, smad4, smad5, smad6, smad7, and smad8) in the in vitro culture of caprine isolated secondary follicles. Indeed, we reported the first use of BMP-6 in the culture medium of primordial follicles (Araújo et al., 2010), in which the follicles were cultured enclosed in the caprine ovarian cortex, i.e., in situ. Thus, considering the differences between the isolated and in situ culture systems, the aims of the present study were 1) to investigate the effect of BMP-6 and FSH alone or in combination on the in vitro culture of caprine isolated secondary follicles and 2) to verify the mRNA levels for BMP receptors/Smad signaling (bmpr1A, bmpr2, smad1, smad4, smad5, smad6, smad7, and smad8) before and after in vitro culture. 2. Materials and Methods 2.1. Chemicals and media Unless mentioned otherwise, the culture media, ascorbic acid and other chemicals used in the present study were purchased from Sigma Chemical Co. (St Louis, MO, USA). 2.2. Source of ovaries The ovaries (n = 50) from 25 adult mixed-breed goats (one to three years old) were collected at a local slaughterhouse (Fortaleza, State of Ceará, Brazil). The ovaries were washed in 70% alcohol for 10 seconds, and then washed twice in minimum 187 essential medium (MEM) supplemented with 100 µg/mL penicillin and 100 µg/mL streptomycin and buffered using HEPES (MEM-HEPES). The ovaries were placed into tubes containing 15 mL of MEM-HEPES and transported to the laboratory at 4°C within one hour. 2.3. Isolation and selection of caprine secondary follicles In the laboratory, the surrounding fat tissue and ligaments were stripped from the ovaries. Ovarian cortical slices (1 mm thick) were cut from the ovarian surface using a surgical blade under sterile conditions. Subsequently, the ovarian cortex tissues were washed in fragmentation medium comprising MEM-HEPES. Preantral follicles ≥ 200 m in diameter were visualized under a stereomicroscope (SMZ 645 Nikon, Tokyo, Japan) and manually dissected from the ovarian cortex using 27.5 gauge (27.5 G) needles and the microdissection technique. During the evaluation of follicular quality, only secondary follicles with a visible central oocyte, surrounded by two or more granulosa cells layers, an intact basement membrane and no antral cavity, were selected for culture. 2.4. Culture of isolated caprine secondary follicles The isolated secondary follicles were cultured for 18 days at 39°C in 5% CO2 in air. The fresh media were incubated for at least one hour prior to use. Every other day, 60 µL of medium was replenished in each drop, and at days 6 and 12 of culture, all medium (100 µL) was replenished with fresh medium. αMEM medium (pH 7.2 - 7.4) was supplemented with 3 mg/mL bovine serum albumin (BSA), ITS (10 µg/mL insulin, 5.5 µg/mL transferrin and 5 ng/mL selenium), 2 mM glutamine, 2 mM hypoxanthine and 50 μg/mL of ascorbic acid to generate αMEM+, was used. 2.5. Experimental design Selected follicles were individually cultured in 100-µL drops of culture medium in Petri dishes (60 x 15 mm, Corning, USA) and randomly assigned to six different treatments. Follicles cultured in only αMEM+ (control medium) or control medium supplemented with BMP-6 at 1 ng/mL or 10 ng/mL and recombinant follicle- 188 stimulating hormone (rFSH) alone or in combination with both BMP-6 concentrations (1 ng/mL or 10 ng/mL) associated with FSH. The rFSH® (Nanocore, Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil) was used in increasing concentrations throughout the culture period, corresponding to sequential FSH (100 ng/mL from day 0 to day 6, 500 ng/mL from day 6 to day 12 and 1000 ng/mL from day 12 to day 18). The concentrations of rFSH® (Saraiva et al., 2011), ascorbic acid (Silva et al., 2011) and BMP-6 (Araújo et al., 2010) were chosen based on previous studies performed in our laboratory. The culture was replicated five times, and at least 40 follicles were used per treatment. 2.6. Morphological evaluation of follicle development The follicles were classified according to morphology; abnormal follicular morphology was characterized as a rupture of the basement membrane, extrusion of the oocyte from the follicle, darkness of the oocyte and the surrounding cumulus cells or opacity of GCs. The follicular diameter was measured only in morphologically normal follicles every 6 days with an ocular micrometer inserted into a stereomicroscope (SMZ 645 Nikon, Tokyo, Japan; 100X magnification). Two perpendicular measures were recorded for each follicle, and the averages of the two values were reported as the follicular diameter. The daily mean increase in the follicular diameter (follicular growth rate) was calculated as the diameter of morphologically normal follicles at day 18 minus the diameter of the same follicle at day 0, divided by the total number of days in culture. Antral cavity formation was defined as a visible translucent cavity within the granulosa cell layers. 2.7. In vitro maturation (IVM) of caprine oocytes from in vitro cultured secondary follicles At the end of the 18-day culture period, the morphologically normal follicles were carefully and mechanically opened with 27.5 G needles under a stereomicroscope for oocyte recovery. Only oocytes that were ≥ 110 µm with homogeneous cytoplasm and that were surrounded by at least one compact layer of cumulus cells were selected for IVM. The recovery rate was calculated as the number of oocytes ≥ 110 µm divided by the number of cultured follicles multiplied by 100. The selected cumulus oocyte 189 complexes (COC) were washed three times in maturation medium comprising TCM199 supplemented with 1 mg/mL BSA, 5 g/mL luteinizing hormone (LH) and 0.5 g/mL rFSH®, 10 ng/mL epidermal growth factor (EGF), 50 ng/mL insulin-like growth factor1 (IGF-1), 0.911 mMol/L pyruvate, 100 µMol/L cysteamine, and 1 µg/mL estradiol. After washing, the oocytes were transferred to 100 µL drops of maturation medium under mineral oil and incubated for 40 h at 39ºC with 5% CO2 in air. At the end of the maturation period, oocytes were labeled with 10 µM Hoechst 33342 (483 nm) for the assessment of chromatin configuration. The maturation rate was calculated as the number of oocytes that resumed meiosis relative to the total oocytes retrieved for IVM. 2.8. Viability assessment of oocytes cultured in vitro by fluorescence microscopy To further evaluate oocyte integrity, after IVM, the caprine oocytes from in vitro cultured secondary follicles were denuded, and live/dead fluorescent staining was performed in 100-µL droplets of TCM-HEPES containing 4 μM calcein-AM and 2 μM ethidium homodimer-1 (Molecular Probes, Invitrogen, Karlsruhe, Germany). CalceinAM was used to detect the intracellular esterase activity of the viable cells, and ethidium homodimer-1 was used to label the nucleic acids of non-viable cells showing plasma membrane disruptions. The oocytes were incubated at 39°C for 15 min and subsequently examined using a fluorescence microscope (400X; Nikon, Eclipse 80i, Tokyo, Japan). The fluorescent signals from calcein-AM and ethidium homodimer-1 were measured at 488 and 568 nm, respectively. The oocytes were considered live when the cytoplasm was positive for calcein-AM (green) fluorescence and dead when the chromatin was labeled with ethidium homodimer-1 (red). 2.9. Caprine follicle mRNA extraction and quantitative PCR (qPCR) for bmpr1A, bmpr2, smad1, smad4, smad5, smad6, smad7 and smad8 genes Considering that BMP-6 at 1 ng/mL without FSH presented a higher antrum formation rate than the cultured control (MEM) treatment, we examined the levels of mRNA for BMP receptor/Smad signaling in vivo (non-cultured control) and in vitro (MEM and BMP-6 at 1 ng/mL without FSH). For mRNA isolation, 3 pools of 10 follicles from each treatment were collected and stored in microcentrifuge tubes (1.5 mL), frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at -80°C until RNA extraction. Total mRNA 190 was isolated using a TRIzol Plus Purification Kit (Invitrogen, São Paulo, Brazil). The RNA preparations were subjected to DNase I digestion and treated with the RNeasy Micro Kit (Invitrogen Life Technologies). Complementary DNA (cDNA) was synthesized from the mRNA (0.15 μg from each sample) using Superscript II RNase HReverse Transcriptase (Invitrogen Life Technologies). The qPCR reaction was performed in a final volume of 20 µl containing 1 µl of cDNA, 1X Power SYBR® Green PCR Master Mix (10 μl), 7.4 μl of ultra-pure water and 0.4 μM of both sense and antisense primers. The gene-specific primers for the amplification of different transcripts are shown in Table 1. Briefly, the gene sequences were searched on NCBI data base and primers were designed using the Primer3 platform ( and tested using idtDNA data base ( Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate-dehydrogenase (GADPH) was selected as an endogenous control to assess the expression stability and normalization of gene expression in all samples and it was chosen from previous results (Chaves et al., 2012). The cycle profile for the first PCR step included initial denaturation and polymerase activation for 15 minutes at 94ºC, followed by 40 cycles of 15 seconds at 94ºC, 30 seconds at 60ºC and 45 seconds at 72ºC. The final extension was performed for 10 minutes at 72ºC. The specificity for each primer set was tested using a melting curve, performed between 60 and 95°C for all genes. All amplifications were performed in triplicate using an iQ5 Real-Time PCR system (Bio-Rad iQ5, CA, USA). The deltadelta-Ct method (Livak and Schmittgen 2001) was used to transform the Ct values into normalized relative expression levels. 191 Table 1. Oligonucleotide primers used for the real-time polymerase chain reaction analysis of caprine follicles before (Day 0) and after in vitro culture (Day 18). Target gene bmp-r1a bmp-r2 smad1 smad5 smad8 smad4 smad6 smad7 gapdh Primer sequence (5´→ 3´) Sense TGGATTGCCCTTACTGGTTC Forward CGCATTAGCGCAGTTTGATA Reverse AACAATTCAGTGGGCCAGAC Forward GATCTGAGCAGGTGGGACAT Reverse TGCCTCACGTCATCTACTGC Forward ATTCGCTGTGTCTTGGAACC Reverse CAGCTCCCAGCTGATACTCC Forward CCAATGTTTGGGCTCTTCAT Reverse TCCTATGACATCCGTGGACA Forward CTTCATCTCCCTGCTTCCAG Reverse GCCACTGAAGGACATTCGAT Forward GCCCTGAAGCTATCTGCAAC Reverse GAGACAGAGTTGGCCTTTCG Forward GCTGAACTCCCCAAATGTGT Reverse CAGCTCAATTCGGACAACAA Forward GGCTGTACGCCTTCTCGTAG Reverse ATGCCTCCTGCACCACCA Forward AGTCCCTCCACGATGCCAA Reverse Genbank reference NM_001076800.1 XM_002685492.1 AY035385.1 AF508027.1 AY145520.1 AY185301.1 NM_001206145.1 AF436855.1 NM_001190390.1 2.10. Statistical analysis Goats provide different numbers of follicles, which were collected as a pool for use in subsequent experimental procedures. The isolated follicles were considered to be the experimental unit, according to the methods of Araújo et al. (2011). The data for follicular survival, oocyte development, antrum formation and meiotic resumption after in vitro culture in each treatment were compared using the Chi-square test, with the results expressed as percentages. The data for the follicular diameters were subjected to analysis using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Bartlett tests to confirm normal distribution and homoscedasticity, respectively. ANOVA was subsequently performed, and the treatments were compared using the Student-Newman-Keuls (SNK) test. 192 Because of the heterogeneity of variances, the days of culture were compared using the Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric test. For real-time RT-PCR treatment, the fresh control samples were randomly assigned in blocks, and the relative expression values (2-ΔΔCt) were subjected to the Shapiro-Wilk normality test using the univariate procedure of the SAS 9.0 software package. The data for the mRNA expression in preantral follicles cultured in vitro were analyzed using the Tukey test. The statistical significance of the differences among the non-cultured control and the treatments (MEM and BMP-6 at 1 ng/mL without FSH) was assessed using SAS 9.0. The results were expressed as the means ± standard error of means (SEM), and significant differences were considered at P<0.05. 3. Results 3.1. Morphological evaluation of caprine secondary follicles cultured in vitro A total of 264 secondary isolated follicles were evaluated and distributed through several treatments (MEM, FSH, BMP-6 at 1, and 10 ng/mL in the absence or presence of FSH), with at least 40 follicles cultured per treatment. At the beginning of the culture period, all follicles were morphologically normal (Fig. 1A), i.e., with intact basement membranes and oocytes with homogeneous cytoplasm surrounded by granulosa cells. From day 0 to day 18, there was a reduction (P<0.05) in the percentage of morphological normal follicles in all treatments (Table 2). Overall, the percentage of morphologically normal follicles was similar (P>0.05) among the treatments, regardless of the day of culture. Figure 1. (A) Morphologically normal preantral (day 0) and (B) antral follicles (day 6) using BMP-6 at 1 ng/mL withou rFSH®. 193 Table 2. Percentage of morphological normal follicles, means ± SEM of follicular diameter (µm) and overall growth rate (µm/day) of caprine follicles after long-term culture (18 days) in αMEM+ or medium supplemented with BMP-6 at 1 or 10 ng/mL in the absence or presence of rFSH®. Treatments Survival (%) n Day 0 Follicular diameter (µm) Day 18 (µm/day) BMP-6 FSH - - 42 42 (100) a 13 (31) b 220.0 ± 6.6 b 366.6 ± 46.5 a 12.6 ± 1.4 - + 40 40 (100) a 12 (30) b 217.4 ± 7.3 b 491.9 ± 49.7 a 15.4 ± 1.6 a b 230.4 ± 7.4 Day 18 b 428.1 ± 35.0 a 13.7 ± 1.5 1 ng - 47 47 (100) 1 ng + 48 48 (100) a 13 (27.1) b 221.0 ± 6.6 b 490.6 ± 50.7 a 15.7 ± 1.5 10 ng - 43 43 (100) a 12 (27.9) b 242.4 ± 7.7 b 471.1 ± 72.3 a 13.8 ± 1.8 10 ng + 44 44 (100) a 15 (34.1) b 235.3 ± 7.8 b 397.3 ± 36.8 a 13.5 ± 1.6 a,b 22 (46.8) Day 0 Growth rate Different letters denote significant differences between the culture periods within the same medium (P<0.05). 3.2. Follicular diameter, growth rate, antrum formation and oocyte maturation Irrespective of treatment, the follicular diameter significantly increased from day 0 to day 18 of culture (data not shown). However, the mean daily follicular increase was similar (P>0.05) among the treatments after 18 days of culture (Table 2). Antral follicles (Fig. 1B) were observed as early as day 6 of culture in all treatments. Importantly, from day 12, compared with the MEM treatment, the percentage of antral formation in the BMP-6 at 1 ng/mL treatment was significantly higher (P<0.05) (Fig. 2). At the end of the culture period (day 18) and after in vitro maturation, the percentage of viable oocytes ranged from 87.5 to 100% (Table 3). The addition of FSH and/or BMP6 to the culture medium had no effect on either the recovery rate of oocytes ≥110 µm or the percentage of meiotic resumption. However, metaphase II (Fig. 3) oocytes were only observed in the groups treated with FSH and/or BMP-6 (Table 3). 194 Figure 2. Antrum formation rate (%) in follicles cultured for 18 days in αMEM+ or medium supplemented with BMP-6 (1 or 10 ng/mL) in the absence or presence of rFSH®. A,B Different letters denote significant differences among treatments in the same period (P<0.05). 195 Table 3. Oocyte viability (%) and diameter (µm), recovery rate of oocytes cultured in vitro (%), and meiotic stages (%) of caprine oocytes from preantral follicles after long-term culture (18 days) in αMEM+ or medium supplemented with BMP-6 (1 or 10 ng/mL) in the absence or presence of rFSH®. Treatments Number of viable Average of Number of Number of Number of Number of cells oocytes/number marked oocytea oocytesb/number oocytes with oocytes showing in metaphase of marked ocytesa diameter (µm) of follicles (%) germinal germinal vesicle II/number of vesicles/number breakdown/numb oocytesb (%) of oocytesb (%) er of oocytesb (%) (%) BMP-6 FSH - - 27/27 (100) 114.4 ± 2.2 13/42 (31) AB 9/13 (69.2) 4/13 (30.8) 0/13 (0) - + 21/24 (87.5) 112.3 ± 2.0 8/40 (20) B 4/8 (50) 4/8 (50) 1/8 (12.5) 1 ng - 24/24 (100) 116.9 ± 2.9 12/47 (25.5) B 6/12 (50) 6/12 (50) 1/12 (8.3) 1 ng + 35/36 (97.2) 115.9 ± 3.0 10/48 (20.8) B 3/10 (30) 7/10 (70) 1/10 (10) A 11/21 (52.4) 10/21 (47.6) 1/21 (4.8) 9/16 (56.3) 7/16 (43.7) 1/16 (6.3) 10 ng - 29/31 (93.6) 117.4 ± 2.7 21/43 (48.8) 10 ng + 27/27 (100) 111.7 ± 1.5 16/44 (36.4) AB a Total oocytes recovered from cultured follicles b Only oocytes (≥110 μm) were selected for the in vitro maturation procedure A,B Different letters denote significant differences among treatments (P<0.05). 196 Figure 3. The oocytes from follicles grown in vitro in αMEM+ medium (A-C) or under treatment with BMP-6 at 1 ng/mL without FSH® (D-F) after 18 days. Note the presence of the intact germinal vesicle (GV; white arrow) in the MEM treatment and the metaphase II (MII; black arrow) stage indicated in blue after Hoechst 33342 staining in BMP-6 treatment. 3.3. Expression of mRNA for bmpr1A, bmpr2, smad1, smad4, smad5, smad6, smad7 and smad8 in caprine secondary follicles before and after in vitro culture The effects of BMP-6 were evaluated for the mRNA expression levels of BMP receptors (bmpr1A and bmpr2) and Smads (smad1, smad4, smad5, smad6, smad7 and smad8) (Fig. 4). The mRNA expression for bmpr2 (Fig. 4A), smad1 (Fig. 4B), smad5 (Fig. 4C) and smad6 (Fig. 4E) was detected in all treatments. The mRNA expression of smad8 (Fig. 4D) and smad7 (Fig. 4F) was detected only in the MEM and BMP-6 at 1 ng/mL without FSH treatments. The mRNA expression for smad5 was higher (P<0.05) after in vitro culture in both the MEM and BMP-6 (1 ng/mL) treatments compared with the non-cultured control. However, at day 18, the MEM and BMP-6 (1 ng/mL) treatments presented lower (P<0.05) mRNA expression for the bmpr2 and smad1 genes compared with the non-cultured control. The mRNA expression for smad6 was similar (P>0.05) among the treatments. The mRNA expression for Smad4 was detected only in 197 the BMP-6 (1 ng/mL) treatment, whereas the mRNA expression for bmpr1A was not detected at all. Figure 4. Relative expression of mRNA (means ± SD) of (A) bmpr2; (B) smad1; (C) smad5; (D) smad8; (E) smad6; and (F) smad7 in the non-cultured control (D0) and after 18 days of culture in αMEM+ medium or BMP-6 at 1 ng/mL without rFSH®. A,B Different letters denote significant differences among treatments (P<0.05). 4. Discussion There is little knowledge regarding the effects of BMP-6 on folliculogenesis in goats. This study is the first to demonstrate the effects of BMP-6 during the in vitro development of isolated caprine secondary follicles and its influence on BMP receptors/Smad signaling. In a recent study, we showed the deleterious effect of BMP-6 on the in vitro culture of preantral follicles enclosed in caprine ovarian cortex (in situ culture system; Araújo et al., 2010). Histological and ultrastructural analyses revealed that BMP-6, even at low concentrations (1 ng/mL), induced atresia in primordial follicles (Araújo et al., 2010). However, Frota et al. (2011) verified that addition of BMP-6 to the culture medium enhances the growth of cultured caprine secondary 198 follicles mainly by antrum formation after 6 days of in vitro culture. Therefore, considering that follicular categories (primordial, primary, secondary and tertiary follicles) have different medium requirements and that the type of follicle culture (in situ versus isolated form) might affect the in vitro culture performance, we used isolated secondary follicles in the present study. The secondary follicle morphology is characterized by at least two complete layers of granulosa cells in the proliferative and undifferentiated phase and oocytes with higher transcription and protein synthesis rates. The isolated follicle culture system facilitated enhanced and rapid in vitro growth, as the substances from the culture medium are directly infused into follicular cells. In addition, the isolated follicle culture system might explain the follicular requirement during the preantral and antral phases in in vitro culture (Araújo et al., 2011). Although the addition of BMP-6 to the culture medium did not influence follicular growth, oocyte maturation or the percentage of morphologically normal follicles, these results showed that the addition of 1 ng/mL of BMP-6 without FSH significantly increased the antral formation rate compared with the cultured control (MEM) and BMP-6 at 10 ng/mL (without FSH) treatments. Thus, these results suggest that low concentrations of BMP-6 (1 ng/mL) might positively affect folliculogenesis. The acquisition of the antral cavity was considered a positive aspect of follicular quality, as the oocyte needs an adequate environment for growth. Higher antrum formation rates were observed in the BMP-6 at 1 ng/mL without FSH treatment. Similarly, Frota et al. (2011) verified that BMP-6 enhanced antrum formation in cultured caprine secondary follicle. Additionally in our experiment, compared with the cultured control (MEM), after in vitro culture, only the BMP-6 (1 ng/mL without FSH) treatment showed the entire BMP receptor/Smad signaling, including smad4 gene expression. Because smad4 knockout impairs the development of antral follicles (Pangas et al., 2006), the presence of this molecule after the in vitro culture of caprine secondary follicles might reflect the high antrum formation rates induced through BMP6. In mammals, smad4 is the only co-mediating Smad; it translocates to the nucleus with phosphorylated R-Smads and subsequently modulates the transcription of BMP target genes (Wang et al., 2010). Smad complexes regulate many biological processes, including cell proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis during embryonic development as well as adult tissue homeostasis (Costello et al., 2009). Interrupted BMP/Smad signaling through smad4 significantly inhibited the growth of granulosa cells (Wang et al., 2010). Moreover, during the development of early secondary stage 199 preantral follicles, smad4 knockout might inhibit communication between oocytegranulosa cells and increase the numbers of atretic follicles in mice (Pangas et al., 2006). Therefore, the maintenance of the entire BMP/Smad signaling, including smad4 expression, after in vitro culture of caprine secondary follicles is crucial for the BMP response. The results obtained in the present study showed that while the mRNA expression for bmpr1A was not detectable, there was a reduction of the mRNA expression for bmpr2 after in vitro culture. Chen et al. (2009) and Costa et al. (2012) observed similar results, showing the down-regulation of bmpr1A and bmpr2 expression after the in vitro culture of ovine granulosa cells and caprine secondary follicles, respectively. Previous studies demonstrated that BMP-6 plays a role in follicular development through the proliferation and differentiation of granulosa cells (Juengel et al., 2006; Krysko et al., 2008; Frota et al., 2011). The results of a recent study showed that the mRNA expression for bmp6 increases with in vivo follicular growth (Costa et al., 2012), indicating the importance of BMP-6 during the follicular growth in goats. Moreover, the protein and mRNA expression of bmp6 was demonstrated in the caprine oocytes of follicles during all stages of development, particularly in those from antral follicles (Frota et al., 2011). After in vitro culture, the down- and up-regulation of R-Smads (smad1 and smad5, respectively) was observed, while there was no difference in the I-Smads (smad6 and smad7) expression. R-Smads act as transcriptional factors in the nucleus; therefore, the nuclear translocation of R-Smads upon BMP-6 stimulation is a critical event for signal transduction (Ebisawa et al., 1999). The caprine preantral and antral follicles expressed mRNA for smad1, smad5 and smad8 before and after in vitro culture (Costa et al., 2012). In cattle, antral follicles expressed smad1 protein, and its expression was activated through BMP-6 in granulosa cells (Glister et al., 2004). In addition, BMP-6 induced the phosphorylation of smad1 and smad5, but not smad8 (Ebisawa et al., 1999; Aoki et al., 2001). Similar to the findings of Ebisawa et al. (1999), in the present study, the reduced expression of smad1 and the increased expression of smad5 after the in vitro culture of secondary caprine follicles demonstrated that smad5 is the principal R-Smad for BMP-6 and that smad1 might also act downstream of BMP-6 signaling. Furthermore, in the present study, smad8 expression was not stimulated after in vitro culture; similarly, Ebisawa et al. (1999) 200 observed that smad8 was phosphorylated in both the presence and absence of BMP-6. Thus, smad8 might act in other signaling pathways. In conclusion, the low BMP-6 concentration (1 ng/mL) positively influenced antrum formation after the in vitro culture of caprine preantral follicles. Moreover, complete mRNA expression for BMP receptors and their intracellular signaling proteins (Smads) were obtained only in treatment containing BMP-6. Therefore, further studies on the need to use FSH on the culture medium for advanced caprine follicles are needed. Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank Dr. Isabel C.C. Santos for providing the samples of recombinant FSH (rFSH®) used in this study. This work was supported through funding from the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq, Brazil, grant number: 554.812/2006-1-RENORBIO). Valdevane R. Araújo is the recipient of a grant from the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES-Brazil). Conflict of interest The authors declare no conflicts of interest that would prejudice the impartiality of the research reported. 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No final do período de cultivo, oócitos morfologicamente normais (≥110 μm de diâmetro) foram destinados à maturação in vitro (MIV). Os resultados demonstraram que todos os folículos apresentaram oócitos e células da granulosa morfologicamente normais e após a marcação com calcein-AM, altas taxas de oócitos viáveis foram observadas em todos os tratamentos. O diâmetro follicular e a taxa de crescimento observados no tratamento VEGF10 foram maiores que ao observado no controle. Ambos os tratamentos com adição de VEGF-A165 resultaram em altas taxas de oócitos recuperados para MIV quando comparado ao controle. Além disso, apenas a adição de VEGF-A165 permitiu que oócitos crescidos in vitro atingissem metáfase II. Desta forma, pode-se concluir que a adição de VEGF-A165 ao meio de cultivo melhorou o desenvolvimento in vitro de folículos pré-antrais caprinos permitindo a produção de oócitos maturos. Palavras-chave: Crescimento in vitro. Maturação. VEGF-A165. Folículos ovarianos. Fatores de crescimento. Cabra. 207 Vascular endothelial growth factor-A165 (VEGF-A165) stimulates the in vitro development and oocyte competence of goat preantral follicles Abridged title: VEGF-A165 produces mature oocytes of preantral follicles V.R. Araújo*, G.M. Silva, A.B.G. Duarte; D.M. Magalhães, A.P. Almeida, R.F.B. Gonçalves, J.B. Bruno, T.F.P. Silva, C.C. Campello, A.P.R. Rodrigues and J.R. Figueiredo Laboratory of Manipulation of Oocytes and Preantral Follicles (LAMOFOPA), Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, State University of Ceara, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil *Corresponding address: Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Veterinárias (PPGCV) Laboratório de Manipulação de Oócitos e Folículos Pré-Antrais (LAMOFOPA) Universidade Estadual do Ceará (UECE) Av. Paranjana, 1700, Campus do Itaperi. Fortaleza – CE – Brasil. CEP: 60740-000 Tel.: +55.85. 3101.9852; Fax: +55.85.3101.9840 E-mail address: (Valdevane R. Araújo) 208 ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of vascular endothelial growth factorA165 (VEGF-A165) on the in vitro development of goat secondary preantral follicles. Preantral follicles (≥150 μm in diameter) were isolated from the ovaries of adult mixedbreed goats and individually cultured for 18 days in αMEM in the absence (control) or presence of VEGF-A165 at concentrations of 10 ng/ml (VEGF10) and 100 ng/ml (VEGF100). Analyses of follicular survival, diameter, antrum formation and rate of daily growth were performed every 6 days. At the end of the culture period, morphologically normal oocytes (≥110 μm in diameter) were taken for in vitro maturation (IVM). The results demonstrated that all follicles presented oocytes and granulosa cells that were morphologically normal and after labeling with calcein-AM, high rates of oocyte viability were observed in all treatments. The follicular diameter and the growth rate achieved in the presence of VEGF10 were higher than those of the control. Both treatments with VEGF-A165 showed higher rates of oocyte recovery for IVM when compared with the control. Moreover, only the addition of VEGF-A165 permitted oocytes grown in vitro to reach metaphase II. Thus, the addition of VEGFA165 to the culture medium improves the development of goat preantral follicles cultured in vitro, allowing the production of mature oocytes. Keywords: In vitro growth, Maturation, VEGF-A165, Ovarian follicles, Growth factors, Goat 209 Introduction In mammals, the majority of oocytes are stored in preantral follicles. As the follicles grow, they need a higher nutrient intake and become dependent on gonadotropins. Some in vitro studies of preantral secondary follicles suggest that these follicles are able to generate competent oocytes that are able to undergo subsequent embryo development in vitro (Wu et al. 2001; Gupta et al. 2008; Magalhães et al. 2011; Arunakumari et al. 2010). However, the mechanisms that control the regulation of the in vitro growth of preantral follicules are not completely understood, particularly those that control the development of large secondary follicles. Evidence has been accumulated over recent decades suggesting that follicular development is a continuous process regulated by various endocrine and paracrine factors, among which we highlight vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). VEGF protein and its receptors are present in many cell types including ovary cells. The VEGF receptors comprise a family of tyrosine-kinase-type receptors, e.g., Flt1 (VEGFR-1), KDR/Flk-1 (VEGFR-2) and Flt-4 (VEGFR- 3) and have been detected in mammalian ovaries (Neufeld et al. 1999). VEGF is a factor that acts by stimulating the mitosis of endothelial cells and by increasing vascular permeability (Redmer and Reynolds 1996). In the ovary, both granulosa and theca cells of bovine secondary follicles express mRNA for VEGF-A165 and its receptors (Yang and Fortune 2007). In rats, the expression of VEGF-A188 also occurs in granulosa and theca cells of secondary follicles and can be intensified in response to the gonadotropins follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone and human chorionic gonadotropin (Yang et al. 2008). During follicular growth, the antral cavity becomes filled with follicular fluid, which in turn is rich in VEGF (Ferrari et al. 2006). VEGF production is stagedependent, increasing as the follicle grows, together with the amount of VEGF-A present in follicular fluid (Barboni et al. 2000). Furthermore, VEGF in primates is also produced by preovulatory follicle cells and luteal cells (Taylor et al. 2004). Previous studies have evaluated the effect of VEGF-A165 on follicular development. In vivo, Danforth et al. (2003) have found an increase in the number of initial primary and secondary follicles after the injection of VEGF into rat ovaries. Mattioli et al. (2001) have observed that VEGF-A increases the blood supply and activates the change of primordial follicles into primary follicles. In addition, during the in vitro culture of preantral follicles enclosed in ovarian fragments, i.e., in situ, Yang 210 and Fortune (2007) have found a role for VEGF-A165 in the transition from primary to secondary follicles and in the increase in follicular diameter after the in vitro culture of ovarian tissue from bovine fetuses. Recently, our team has obtained similar results in goats, in which we have shown follicle survivability and an increase in follicular and oocyte diameter (Bruno et al. 2009). In situ culture favors the interaction between follicles at different stages of development and stroma cells. Moreover, this culture system can be successfully used to study the earliest stages of follicular development, specifically the activation of primordial follicles. The isolated follicle culture system allows for better individual monitoring, promotes nutrition and is an excellent alternative to the in vitro production of embryos from oocytes grown, matured and fertilized in vitro. However, no reports are available concerning the effect of VEGFA165 on the in vitro culture of isolated large secondary follicles. Thus, this study has aimed to evaluate the influence of VEGF-A165 on the in vitro development of caprine isolated secondary follicles. Materials and methods Chemicals and media Unless mentioned otherwise, the culture media, ascorbic acid and other chemicals used were purchased from Sigma (St. Louis, Mo., USA). Source of ovaries Ovaries (n=32) from 16 adult mixed-breed goats (1–3 years old) were collected at a local slaughterhouse. The surrounding fat tissue and ligaments were removed and the ovaries were washed in 70% alcohol, followed by two washes in minimum essential medium (MEM). The ovaries were placed into tubes containing 15 ml MEM plus HEPES (MEM HEPES), supplemented with 100 μg/ml penicillin and 100 μg/ml streptomycin and then transported to the laboratory at 4°C within 1 h. 211 Isolation and selection of caprine preantral follicles In the laboratory, the surrounding fat tissue and ligaments were stripped from the ovaries. Ovarian cortical slices (1 mm thick) were cut from the ovarian surface by using a surgical blade under sterile conditions. Then, the ovarian cortex tissues were placed and washed in fragmentation medium, which consisted of MEM HEPES. Preantral follicles (≥150 μm in diameter) were visualized under a stereomicroscope (SMZ 645 Nikon, Tokyo, Japan), manually dissected from the strips of ovarian cortex by using 27.5-gauge (27.5-G) needles and transferred to the culture medium for further evaluation of follicular quality. Follicles with a visible central oocyte, surrounded by two or more granulosa cell layers and with an intact basement membrane and no antral cavity, were selected for culture. Culture of caprine preantral follicles After selection, follicles were individually cultured in 100-μl drops of culture medium in Petri dishes (60×15 mm; Corning, USA). The medium used was αMEM (pH 7.2-7.4), supplemented with 3 mg/ml bovine serum albumin (BSA), ITS (10 μg/ml insulin, 5.5 μg/ml transferrin, 5 ng/ml selenium), 2 mM glutamine, 2 mM hypoxanthine, 50 μg/ml ascorbic acid and increasing concentrations of recombinant follicle stimulating hormone (rFSH: 100 ng/ml until day 6; 500 ng/ml until day 12; 1000 ng/ml until day 18), which constituted the control medium. For the experimental conditions, two different concentrations of human recombinant VEGF-A165 expressed in Escherichia coli (10 and 100 ng/ml) were tested. Incubation was carried out at 39°C in 5% CO2 in air for 18 days. Fresh media were prepared immediately before use and incubated for 1 h prior to use, with 60 μl medium being changed in each drop every 2 days. The concentrations of rFSH (Nanocore, Brazil; Saraiva et al. 2011), ascorbic acid (G.M. Silva et al., unpublished), and VEGF (Bruno et al. 2009) were chosen based on previous studies performed in our laboratory. The cultures were replicated four times and at least 60 follicles were used per treatment. 212 Morphological evaluation of follicle development Follicular features were evaluated during culture including the integrity of the basement membrane, the morphological aspects of the oocyte and surrounding granulosa cells and the morphological signs of degeneration, such as darkness or any abnormality of oocytes and the surrounding granulosa cells. The percentage of normal follicular morphology was calculated by excluding the follicles in which the rupture of the basement membrane occurred. The follicular diameter was measured only in normal follicles every 6 days with the aid of an ocular micrometer attached to a stereomicroscope (SMZ 645 Nikon, Tokyo, Japan; 100x magnification). Two perpendicular diameters were recorded for each follicle and the average of these two values was reported as the follicular diameter. With regard to the follicular growth, the mean increase in follicular diameter was calculated as follows: the diameter of viable follicles at day 18 minus the diameter of viable follicles at day 0, divided by the total number of viable follicles at day 18. Antral cavity formation was defined as a visible translucent cavity within the granulosa cell layers. Viability assessment of oocytes cultured in vitro For a better evaluation of follicular integrity, after 18 days of culture, live/dead fluorescent staining was performed on caprine oocytes from in-vitro-cultured preantral follicles in 100-μl droplets of MEM HEPES mounted in glass slides with 4 μM calceinAM and 2 μM ethidium homodimer-1 (Molecular Probes, Invitrogen, Karlsruhe, Germany), followed by an incubation at 37°C for 15 min. Finally, the follicles were examined by using a fluorescence microscope (Nikon, Eclipse 80i, Tokyo, Japan). The emitted fluorescent signals of calceinAM and ethidium homodimer were collected at 488 and 568 nm, respectively. Whereas the first probe detected the intracellular esterase activity of viable cells, the later labeled the nucleic acids of non-viable cells after plasma membrane disruption. The oocytes were considered live if the cytoplasm was stained positively with calcein-AM (green) and if chromatin was not labeled with ethidium homodimer (red). 213 In vitro maturation of caprine oocytes from in-vitro-cultured preantral follicles At the end of the 18-day culture period, all the healthy follicles were carefully and mechanically opened with 27.5-G needles under a stereomicroscope for oocyte recovery. Only oocytes (≥110 μm) with homogeneous cytoplasm and surrounded by at least one compact layer of cumulus cells were selected for in vitro maturation (IVM). The recovery rate was calculated by dividing the number of oocytes (≥110 μm) by the number of viable follicles at day 18 of culture and multiplying this value by 100. The selected cumulus oocyte complexes were washed three times in maturation medium composed of TCM199 supplemented with 1% BSA, 5 μg/ml luteinizing hormone and 0.5 μg/ml rFSH, 10 ng/ml epidermal growth factor, 50 ng/ml insulinlike growth factor, 0.911 mMol/l pyruvate and 1 μg/ml estradiol. After being washed, the oocytes were transferred to 100-μl drops of maturation medium under mineral oil and then incubated for 40 h at 39°C with 5% CO2 in air. At the end of the maturation period, oocytes were stained with 10 μM Hoechst 33342 (483 nm) for the assessment of chromatin configuration. In parallel, to establish the efficiency of the maturation medium, cumulus oocyte complexes were aspirated from antral follicles (more than 2 mm in diameter) and cultured under the same conditions as described above. Thus, the rate of maturation of oocytes grown in vivo could be determined. Statistical analysis Goats yielded various numbers of follicles, which were then taken as a pool for experimental procedures. Follicles were subsequently considered as the experimental unit, following the same approach of Araújo et al. (2011). Data concerning follicular survival, oocyte development, antrum formation and meiotic resumption after in vitro culture in each treatment were compared by using the Chi-square test, with the results being expressed as percentages. Data concerning follicular diameters were submitted to Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Bartlett tests to confirm the normal distribution and homoscedasticity, respectively. An analysis of variance was then carried out and treatments were compared by using the Student-Newman-Keuls test. Because of the heterogeneity of variances, days of culture were compared by using the Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric test. Results were expressed as mean ± standard deviation (SD) and differences were considered to be significant when P<0.05. 214 Results Follicular morphology and viability of oocytes from caprine preantral follicles cultured in vitro A total of 185 preantral follicles were isolated from goat ovaries, selected and cultured in various concentrations of VEGF-A165 and at least 60 follicles were used per treatment. During the culture period, on days 0, 6, 12 and 18, the follicles were evaluated for oocytes, surrounding granulosa cell morphology and basement membrane integrity. At the end of the culture period, even these follicles extruded presented morphologically normal oocytes and granulosa cells. The granulosa cells were shiny, cohesive and arranged in several layers (Fig. 1a-c) and the oocytes had cytoplasm with regular contours and homogeneous staining. On day 12, an increased rate of extrusion was noted when compared with that on day 0 (Fig. 2), with no significant increases in this parameter until day 18. Moreover, independent of the culture period, no significant differences were seen between treatments for this parameter. Viability analysis with fluorescent markers demonstrated that the oocyte viability was not correlated to the rate of extrusion as both oocytes in intact follicles and oocytes extruded from follicles were viable at the end of the culture period. Viable (Fig. 1d-f) and degenerated (Fig. 1j-l) oocytes were obtained at the end of the culture period regardless of treatment, i.e., those oocytes marked in green by calcein-AM or in red by ethidium homodimer, respectively. The percentages of viable oocyte were 95.7%, 95.7% and 98.1% in the control, VEGF10 (10 ng/ml VEGF) and VEGF100 (100 ng/ml VEGF) groups, respectively (Table 1, P>0.05). 215 Fig. 1 Oocytes from goat follicles, grown in vitro, at the end of the culture period (after 18 days) with various treatments: control (a, d, g, j), with 10 ng/ml VEGF (b, e, h k), or with 100 ng/ml VEGF (c, f, i, l). Oocytes are marked in green by Calceina-AM in d-f and in red by ethidium homodimer in j-l for all treatments. Bars 50 μm 216 Fig. 2 Percentages of goat preantral follicles with normal morphology (healthy follicles) cultured for 18 days (D0, D6, D12, D18) in αMEM+ (Control) and αMEM+ supplemented with 10 ng/ml VEGF (VEGF10) or 100 ng/ml VEGF (VEGF100). Different lowercase letters denote significant differences among culture periods within the same medium (P<0.05) Follicular diameter and growth rate of goat follicles cultured in vitro With the progression of the culture period, a significant increase occurred in follicular diameter in all treatments (Fig. 3, P<0.05). When treatments were compared with each other from day 12 onward, VEGF10 was the only treatment that showed a follicular diameter significantly higher than that in the control group. Moreover, the VEGF10 treatment exhibited significantly higher growth rates when compared with the control (20.85±10.19 μm versus 16.72±8.94 μm, respectively, P<0.05). When the VEGF10 treatment was compared with VEGF100, no significant difference was observed (20.85±10.19 μm versus 17.88±7.25 μm, respectively, P>0.05) 217 Fig. 3 Diameter of goat follicles cultured for 18 days (D0, D6, D12, D18) in αMEM+ (Control) and αMEM+ supplemented with 10 ng/ml VEGF (VEGF10) or 100 ng/ml VEGF (VEGF100). Different lowercase letters denote significant differences among culture periods within the same medium (P<0.05). Different uppercase letters denote significant differences among treatments in the same period (P<0.05) Antrum formation In all treatments, a significant increase occurred in antrum formation rate from day 0 to day 6 and, later, from day 6 to day 18 (Fig. 4). Moreover, when treatments were compared within each period of culture, the VEGF100 treatment showed an antrum formation rate that was significantly higher than that of the control (75.4% versus 58.3%, respectively, P<0.05) at day 6. 218 Fig. 4 Antrum formation in goat follicles cultured for 18 days (D0, D6, D12, D18) in αMEM+ (Control) and αMEM+ supplemented with 10 ng/ml VEGF (VEGF10) or 100 ng/ml VEGF (VEGF100). Different lowercase letters denote significant differences among culture periods within the same medium (P<0.05). Different uppercase letters denote significant differences among treatments in the same period (P<0.05) Recovery rate and chromatin configuration of oocytes from in-vitro-grown caprine preantral follicles The recovery rate of oocytes with diameters ≥110 μm for IVM (Table 1) was significantly higher in the VEGF100 group than in the control group (P<0.05). With respect to the chromatin configuration of oocytes competent to resume meiosis, numbers were significantly higher only in the VEGF100 group. Notably, only oocytes from follicles grown in vitro in the presence of VEGF-A165 (VEGF10: 9.1%; VEGF100: 29.4%) reached the stage of metaphase II (MII). Figure 5 shows oocytes at MII from follicles grown in vivo, i.e., obtained from antral follicles (Fig. 5a-c), grown in vitro (Fig. 5d–f) and grown in vitro but after the addition of 10 ng/ml VEGF (Fig. 5g-i) or 100 ng/ml VEGF (Fig. 5j-l). The maturation rate of oocytes grown in vivo was 54.05% and all oocytes resumed meiosis. 219 Table 1 Recovery rate of oocytes (≥110 μm) grown in vitro and meiotic stages of goat oocytes from preantral follicles cultured for 18 days in αMEM+ (Control) and αMEM+ supplemented with 10 ng/ml VEGF (VEGF10) or 100 ng/ml VEGF (VEGF100). Significant differences between treatments in the same column are indicated by uppercase letters (P<0.05) Treatments Number of viable Number of Number of oocytes with Number of oocytes showing Number of oocytes in oocytes/number of oocytesb/number germinal vesicles/number germinal vesicle breakdown/ metaphase II/number marked oocytesa (%) of follicles (%) of oocytesb (%) number of oocytesb (%) of oocytesb (%) αMEM+ 44/46 (95.7)A 7/60 (11.7)B 5/7 (71.4)A 2/7 (28.6)B 0/2 (0.0) VEGF10 44/46 (95.7)A 11/64 (17.2)AB 7/11 (63.6)A 4/11 (36.4)B 1/11 (9.1)A VEGF100 52/53 (98.1)A 17/61 (27.9)A 4/17 (23.5)B 13/17 (76.5)A 5/17 (29.4)A a Total oocytes recovered from cultured follicles b Only oocytes ≥110 μm were selected for the in vitro maturation procedure A,B Different letters denote significant differences among treatments (P<0.05). 220 Fig. 5 Oocytes from goat follicles grown in vivo (a-c) and in vitro under control conditions (d-f) and after treatment with 10 ng/ml VEGF (g-i) or 100 ng/ml VEGF (j-l). b, e, h, k Viable oocytes marked in green by Calcein-AM for all the treatments. Note the presence of the germinal vesicle in the controls (f) and metaphase II in oocytes in vivo (c) and after treatment with 10 ng/ml VEGF (i) or 100 ng/ml VEGF (l), marked in blue by Hoechst 33342. Bars 50 μm 221 Discussion This study demonstrated the importance of VEGF-A165 as a component of the medium for the in vitro culture of isolated caprine preantral follicles. We found high rates of healthy follicules and of oocyte viability at the end of the culture period in all treatments. However, VEGF-A165 was able to increase follicular diameter and the growth rate of cultured follicles at both concentrations of VEGF used. A study in primates has shown that, in preantral follicles, a positive correlation is present between the increase in follicular diameter and the production of VEGF-A165 during the culture period (Fisher et al. 2009). The ability of VEGFA165 to stimulate the growth of preantral follicles might be attributable to this factor, which is present in granulosa and thecal cells. These follicular compartments are the sites of the expression of mRNA for VEGF and its receptors and of VEGF protein (Yang and Fortune 2007). Furthermore, VEGFA165 might act indirectly by increasing cell permeability, allowing a greater supply of growth factors, gonadotropins, steroids and oxygen important to the growth of follicles. This condition has been verified in vivo by Danforth et al. (2003) who have demonstrated that the direct injection of VEGF-A into the ovarian bursa of rats improves the neovascularization and vascular permeability close to the developing follicles. All treatments tested in this study showed a progressive increase in the antrum formation rate; however, no significant difference was observed between treatments after 18 days of culture. This can be explained by the presence of FSH in the culture medium (control). Although the antral cavity is formed spontaneously in advanced preantral follicles cultured in vitro, the presence of FSH significantly improves the rates of antrum formation (Saraiva et al. 2011). However, the addition of 100 ng/ml VEGFA165 stimulates early antrum formation, as observed at day 6 of culture. This is the first report of the role of VEGF-A165 in the antrum formation of goat preantral follicles. During follicular development, the production of follicular fluid is known to be enhanced by the increased follicular vascularization and permeability of blood vessels (van den Hurk and Zhao 2005). Although no blood supplementation is available in the in vitro environment, the culture medium may exert similar actions. Furthermore, the ability of VEGF-A165 to increase the permeability of the cells might have favored the emergence and subsequent development of antral follicles. 222 In this study, VEGF-A165 also significantly increased the rate of suitable oocytes (≥110 μm) for IVM and was able to stimulate meiotic resumption, especially during VEGF100 treatment. Notably, only in treatments with VEGF-A165 did the oocytes reach MII. In goats, the rates of MII oocytes grown in vitro is still low compared with those of in-vivo grown oocytes (60-70% of MII) obtained from antral follicles (Chauan and Anand 1991); the production of mature oocytes from preantral follicles grown in vitro in domestic animals has only been reported in sheep (Tamilmani et al. 2005; Arunakumari et al. 2007, 2010), pigs (Wu et al. 2001) and buffalo (Gupta et al. 2008). To date, in goat preantral follicles, a low MII rate has been reported (Duarte et al. 2010; Magalhães et al. 2011). However, we report, for the first time, that the addition of VEGF-A165 enhances the progression of meiosis to the MII stage, this rate being 29.4% in preantral follicles grown in vitro. In sheep oocytes grown in vivo, Cao et al. (2009) have observed that VEGF-A165 significantly increases the percentage of oocytes at MII and promotes a normal distribution of α-tubulin and chromosomes in the spindle. This suggests that the exposure of oocytes to VEGF-A165 improves the organization of the cytoskeleton and that this cellular modification is beneficial to the progression of meiosis. In bovine oocytes, supplemention of the medium with VEGF-A results in the increased extrusion of the first polar body and in the improved development potential of oocytes (Einspanier et al. 2002; Luo et al. 2002). These results might be attributable to the direct action of VEGF-A165 via VEGFR-2 (a VEGF receptor), which is expressed in oocytes of follicles from all developmental stages and in the cumulus cells of antral follicles (Bruno et al. 2009). The presence of this receptor on both oocytes and cumulus cells is strong evidence for the role of VEGF in the acquisition of oocyte competence. Furthermore, the presence of VEGF-A receptors, especially on granulosa cells, suggests that this factor might be involved in proliferation events and have an effect on the onset of primordial follicle development in humans (Abir et al. 2010). During the transition of primordial follicles to the primary stage, an increase in VEGF and its mRNA takes place in rats (Kezele et al. 2005). Moreover, as mentioned earlier, the indirect action of VEGF-A165 on cell permeability might have promoted the increased availability of nutrients and substances important for the growth of oocytes and the acquisition of meiotic competence. In conclusion, the addition of VEGF-A165 to the culture medium improves the development of caprine preantral follicles cultured in vitro, allowing the production of mature oocytes. However, more studies are needed for the development of an efficient 223 medium that encourages the production of a large number of mature oocytes from goat preantral follicles grown in vitro. Acknowledgements We thank Dr. Isabel C.C. Santos for providing samples of the rFSH used in these experiments. References Abir R, Ao A, Zhang XY, Garor R, Nitke S, Fisch B (2010) Vascular endothelial growth factor A and its two receptors in human preantral follicles from fetuses, girls, and women. 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Fertil Steril 90:1550–1558 226 13 CAPÍTULO 8 Desenvolvimento in vitro de folículos secundários bovinos em sistemas bi e tridimensional utilizando fator de crescimento do endotélio vascular (VEGF), fator de crescimento semelhante à insulina-1 (IGF-1) e hormônio do crescimento (GH) “In vitro Development of Bovine Secondary Follicles in Two- and Three-Dimensional Culture System Using Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF), Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1) and Growth Hormone (GH)” Periódico: Animal Reproduction Science (Submetido em: 1 de junho de 2013). 227 RESUMO O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o desenvolvimento folicular e a produção de estradiol de folículos secundários bovinos isolados em sistemas de cultivo bi (2D: Experimento 1) ou tridimensional (3D utilizando alginato: Experimento 2) na ausência (Controle, apenas α-MEM+) ou presença do fator de crescimento do endotélio vascular (VEGF), fator de crescimento semelhante à insulina-1 (IGF-1) ou hormônio do crescimento (GH) sozinhos ou em combinação por longos períodos. Um total de 363 folículos secundários foram isolados e individualmente cultivados por 32 dias a 38,5oC e 5% de CO2 com adição (5 µl) de meio a cada dois dias. No Experimento 1, o crescimento folicular e a formação de antro foram superiores (P<0.05) no tratamento VEGF quando comparado aos demais tratamentos. No Experimento 2, apenas as concentrações de estradiol foram superiores (P<0.05) no tratamento GH quando comparado ao controle, enquanto que os outros parâmetros foram similares (P>0.05). Em conclusão, este estudo demonstrou que os efeitos benéficos de usar uma determinada suplementação de meio de cultivo depende do sistema de cultivo utilizado (2D vs 3D). O VEGF e o GH foram os suplementos mais efetivos para o cultivo in vitro de folículos secundário bovinos se os sistemas de cultivo 2D e 3D forem utilizados, respectivamente. Palavras-chave: Vaca. Sistemas de cultivo. Estradiol. Fatores de crescimento. Folículos pré-antrais. 228 In vitro Development of Bovine Secondary Follicles in Two- and Three-Dimensional Culture Systems Using Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF), Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1), and Growth Hormone (GH) V.R. Araújoa,b, M.O. Gastala, A. Wischrala, J.R. Figueiredob, E.L. Gastala,* a Department of Animal Science, Food and Nutrition, Southern Illinois University, 1205 Lincoln Drive, MC 4417, Carbondale, IL, 62901, USA. b Laboratory of Manipulation of Oocytes and Preantral Follicles (LAMOFOPA), Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, State University of Ceará, Av. Paranjana 1700, Campus do Itaperi, Fortaleza, 60.740-903, CE, Brazil. *Corresponding author: Eduardo Gastal, Department of Animal Science, Food and Nutrition, Southern Illinois University, 1205 Lincoln Drive, MC 4417, Carbondale, IL, 62901, USA. FAX: (618) 453-5231; e-mail: 229 Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate the development and estradiol production of isolated bovine secondary follicles in two- (2D: Experiment 1) and three-dimensional (3D using alginate: Experiment 2) long-term culture systems in the absence (Control group; only α-MEM+) or presence of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), or growth hormone (GH) alone, or a combination of all. A total of 363 isolated secondary follicles were cultured individually for 32 days at 38.5°C in 5% CO2 in a humidified incubator with addition of medium (5 µl) every other day. In Experiment 1, follicular growth and antrum formation rates were higher (P<0.05) in VEGF treatment when compared to the other treatments. In Experiment 2, only estradiol concentration was greater (P<0.05) in the GH than the Control group, whereas the other end points were similar (P>0.05). In summary, this study demonstrated that the benefits of using a certain type of medium supplement depended on the culture system (2D vs. 3D). VEGF and GH were effective supplements for the in vitro culture of bovine secondary follicles when 2D and 3D culture systems were used, respectively. Keywords: Cattle, Culture systems, Estradiol, Growth factors, Preantral follicles 230 1. Introduction Improvements in ovarian culture systems have increased the growth and preserved the survival of bovine preantral follicles after long-term culture period. Preantral follicles have been cultured in vitro enclosed in ovarian tissue (in situ; Yang and Fortune, 2007; Tang et al., 2012) or in the isolated form (McLaughlin et al., 2010; Rossetto et al., 2012). Isolated follicles have been cultured using a two-dimensional (2D: Figueiredo et al., 1995; McLaughlin et al., 2010; McLaughlin and Telfer, 2010; Rossetto et al., 2012, 2013; Araújo et al., 2012) or three-dimensional system (3D: Figueiredo et al., 1995; Xu et al., 2010, 2011) in the absence (Wycherley et al., 2004) or presence of extracellular matrix (ECM) such as collagen type 1 (Figueiredo et al., 1995; Itoh et al., 2002), laminin, fibronectin, matrigel (Figueiredo et al., 1995), and alginate (Xu et al., 2010; 2011). A variety of hormones and growth factors have been used for the in vitro culture of preantral follicles in many species (for review see Thomas et al., 2003). In small ruminant species, culture medium containing EGF and LH (goat; Saraiva et al., 2010); GH (goat; Magalhães et al., 2011); tyroxin, FSH, IGF-1, and GH (sheep; Arunakumari et al., 2010); and LIF (sheep; Luz et al., 2012) resulted in in vitro embryo production after culture of isolated secondary follicles. However, in cattle the results have been limited to the follicular activation of small (primordial) preantral follicles (Wandji et al., 1996; Fortune et al., 1998; Yang and Fortune, 2007, 2008; Tang et al., 2012) and early antral follicles from large (secondary) preantral follicles (Gutierrez et al., 2000; Itoh et al., 2002; McLaughlin et al., 2010; McLaughlin and Telfer, 2010; Rossetto et al., 2012, 2013; Araújo et al., 2012). Currently, the culture systems for bovine preantral follicles do not produce good results; however, researchers have been trying to improve these systems through the addition of growth factors and/or hormones to the culture media. The addition of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) to the culture medium increased the percentage of primordial follicle activation and formation of secondary follicles, and increased follicle and oocyte diameters after in situ culture of bovine preantral follicles (Yang and Fortune, 2007). Additionally, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) seemed to interact positively to enhance the growth rate of isolated bovine secondary follicles (Gutierrez et al., 2000). Despite the potential importance of these substances for bovine preantral follicle culture, to our knowledge, 231 there are no reports on the effects of VEGF and GH on the in vitro culture of isolated secondary bovine follicles nor on the interaction of these factors with FSH and IGF-1 using 2D and 3D culture systems. The aim of this study was to evaluate the development and estradiol production from isolated bovine secondary follicles in two(2D: Experiment 1) and three-dimensional (3D using alginate: Experiment 2) long-term culture systems in the absence (Control group; only α-MEM+) or presence of VEGF, IGF-I, or GH alone, or a combination of all. 2. Materials and methods 2.1. Chemicals and media Unless otherwise stated, the culture media and chemicals used in the present study were purchased from Sigma Chemical Co. (St. Louis, MO). 2.2. Source of ovaries Ovaries (n = 188) from 94 adult Black Angus cows were collected at a local slaughterhouse. The surrounding fat tissue and ligaments were removed, and the ovaries were washed in 70% alcohol, followed by two washes in minimum essential medium alpha (α-MEM). The ovaries were placed into tubes containing 20 ml of α-MEM plus HEPES (α-MEM-HEPES), supplemented with 100 µg/ml penicillin and 100 µg/ml streptomycin, and transported to the laboratory at 4°C within 1.5 h. 2.3. Isolation and selection of secondary follicles In the laboratory, the surrounding fat tissue and ligaments were stripped off from the ovaries. Ovarian cortical slices (1 mm thick) were cut from the ovarian surface using a surgical blade under sterile conditions. Ovarian cortices were placed and washed in fragmentation medium, which consisted of α-MEM-HEPES. Preantral follicles with 190.0 ± 6.6 m (mean ± SEM) in diameter were selected under a stereomicroscope (SMZ 645 Nikon, Tokyo, Japan), manually dissected from the strips of ovarian cortex using 25 gauge needles, and transferred to the culture medium for further evaluation of the follicular quality. Preantral follicles with a visible central oocyte, surrounded by two 232 or more granulosa cell layers, an intact basement membrane, and no antral cavity were considered normal secondary follicles (Gutierrez et al., 2000) and selected for in vitro culture. 2.4. Culture of secondary follicles Follicles (n=363) were cultured for 32 days at 38.5oC in a humidified atmosphere with 5% CO2 in air. Fresh medium was prepared immediately before use and incubated for at least 1 h and a small supplementation medium replacement method was used in which was performed the addition of 5 µl of fresh medium to an initial small drop (50 µl) every other day, resulting in a final volume of 125 µl on the last day of culture (Araújo et al., 2012). The control medium, named α-MEM+ (Araújo et al., 2012) was composed of α-MEM (pH 7.2-7.4) supplemented with 3 mg/ml bovine serum albumin (BSA), ITS (insulin 10 µg/ml, transferrin 5.5 µg/ml, and sodium selenite 6.7 ng/ml; CellGro Mediatech, Inc., Manassas, VA), 2 mM glutamine, 2 mM hypoxanthine, 50 μg/ml ascorbic acid, and 100 ng/ml recombinant follicle stimulating hormone (rFSH, BioVision, Inc., Milpitas, CA). 2.5. Experimental design In each experiment, selected follicles were individually distributed in single 50 µl culture medium drops under mineral oil in Petri dishes (60 x 15 mm, Corning, USA) as previously described (Araújo et al., 2012). Follicles were randomly assigned to five different treatments: α-MEM+ (Control group) or α-MEM+ supplemented with 100 ng/ml VEGF (VEGF group), 50 ng/ml IGF-1 (IGF-1 group), or 50 ng/ml GH (GH group) alone or a combination of all (VEGF+IGF+GH group). Two different culture systems, two- (2D using plastic Petri dishes: Experiment 1) and three-dimensional (3D using alginate: Experiment 2), were used to compare all treatments. Each of the five treatments during each experiment was repeated six times with 32-43 secondary follicles cultured per treatment. The concentrations of VEGF, IGF-1 (PeproTech Inc., Rocky Hill, NJ), and GH (MPBio Biomedicals, LLC., Solon, OH) were chosen based on previous studies (Araújo et al., 2011a; Thomas et al., 2007; Magalhães et al., 2011, respectively). In Experiment 233 2, 0.25% of a matrix alginate-based (Xu et al., 2011) was used for the three-dimensional culture system. 2.6. Alginate hydrogel preparation and follicle encapsulation For the three-dimensional culture system in Experiment 2, sodium alginate (5565% guluronic acid) was provided by the Institute for Women's Health Research (Chicago, IL, USA). Alginate aliquots were reconstituted by mixing on a racking platform at room temperature overnight with sterile PBS (137 mM NaCl, 10 mM phosphate, and 2.7 mM KCl; Invitrogen) to a concentration of 0.25% (w/v). After isolation and selection, the follicles were encapsulated individually in alginate beads. Single follicles were transferred to droplets of alginate (5 µl), and the droplets were immersed in a cross-linking solution (50 mM CaCl2 and 140 mM NaCl). Following cross-linking for 2-3 min, the alginate beads were removed and rinsed in culture medium (Xu et al., 2011). 2.7. Morphological evaluation of follicle development Follicular features were evaluated during culture including the integrity of the basement membrane, the morphological aspects of the oocyte, and surrounding granulosa cells. Morphological signs of degeneration, such as darkness or abnormality of oocytes and surrounding granulosa cells, were considered as previously reported (Rossetto et al., 2012). Follicular diameter was measured every 8 days in morphologically normal follicles with the aid of an ocular micrometer inserted into a stereomicroscope (SMZ 645 Nikon, Tokyo, Japan) (75X magnification). Two perpendicular measures were recorded for each follicle and the average of the two values was reported as follicular diameter (µm). Regarding follicular growth rate, the mean increase in follicular diameter was calculated as follows: the diameter of morphologically normal follicles at day 32 minus the diameter of normal follicles at day 0, divided by 32. Antral cavity formation was defined as a visible translucent cavity within the layers of granulosa cells. 2.8. Viability assessment of follicles cultured in vitro 234 For a more accurate evaluation of follicular integrity after 32 days of culture, live/dead fluorescent labeling (Rossetto et al., 2012) was performed. Follicles were placed in droplets of α-MEM-HEPES with 4 μM calcein-AM and 2 μM ethidium homodimer-1 (Molecular Probes, Invitrogen, Karlsruhe, Germany), followed by incubation at 38.5°C for 15 min. Finally, the follicles were examined using a fluorescence microscope (Zeiss, Axiovert 10, NY, USA). The emitted fluorescent signals of calcein-AM and ethidium homodimer were collected at 450-490 nm. The probe detected the intracellular esterase activity of viable cells first, and then the nucleic acids of non-viable cells by plasma membrane disruption. The follicles were considered live if the cytoplasm was labeled positively with calcein-AM (green) or dead if cellular chromatin was labeled with ethidium homodimer (red). 2.9. Estradiol concentration measured by enzyme immunoassay To evaluate follicular steroidogenesis in vitro, concentrations of estradiol were measured in reserved culture media against standard dilutions using an estradiol Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay (ELISA) kit (Neogen, Lexington KY, USA). Media were removed from all the treatments in both experiments on days 0 and 32 of in vitro culture. Briefly, the reserved media were diluted with EIA buffer (1:10), placed in microplate wells coated with polyclonal (rabbit) antibody raised against the estradiol antigenic site, mixed with estradiol enzyme conjugate, and incubated for 60 min. After incubation, the unbound conjugate was washed three times with diluted EIA buffer, and a substrate solution of tetramethylbenzidine (TMB) was added to allow development of color. After 30 min, the absorbance of the plate was read at 650 nm using a microplate reader (Synergy 2 Multi-Mode Microplate Reader, Winooski, VT). Results were obtained using the 4 parameter logistic (4PL) curve with the Readerfit © program (Hitachi Solutions America, Ltd., 2012). The intra-assay coefficient of variation and sensitivity of the assay were 3.2 and 0.02 ng/ml, respectively. 2.10. Statistical analyses Follicle and estradiol data were challenged for extreme values with the Dixon outlier test (Zar, 1984). Data for end points that were not normally distributed, according to the Shapiro-Wilk test, were transformed to logarithms or ranks. Single- 235 point data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA. If a main effect of group was significant, the differences between groups were examined by Duncan’s multiple range tests. Frequency data were analyzed by the chi-square test. A probability of P<0.05 indicated that a difference was significant. Data are given as the mean ± SEM unless otherwise stated. 3. Results For Experiments 1 (2D) and 2 (3D), a total of 207 (2.3/ovary) and 156 (1.6/ovary) bovine secondary follicles, with two or more layers of granulosa cells and usually surrounded by theca cells (Fig. 1A), were isolated and used for the in vitro culture, respectively. No difference was observed for follicular morphology, viability, and diameter among treatments in each experiment and time point (i.e., days 0, 8, 16, 24 and 32 of culture). The overall mean (± SEM) of morphologically normal follicles (%), follicular viability (%), and diameter (µm) for 2D and 3D systems were: 86.2 ± 17.2% and 68.8 ± 13.8%; 71.0 ± 22.4% and 86.8 ± 27.5%; 226.7 ± 7.1 µm and 287.3 ± 12.3 µm, respectively. Overall, when follicles were cultured in the 2D system (Experiment 1), the addition of VEGF to the culture medium increased (P<0.05) the growth rate and the percentage of antrum formation when compared to the other treatments (Table 1). However, such effects were not observed when the 3D culture system (Experiment 2) was used. Furthermore, the addition of GH to the culture medium resulted in the highest (P<0.05) estradiol concentration when compared to all other treatments. Antral follicles after in vitro culture (day 32) using only α-MEM+, α-MEM+ plus VEGF, or α-MEM+ plus GH in 2D (Fig. 1B-C) or 3D (Fig. 1D) culture systems are shown (Fig. 1), respectively. 236 Fig. 1. Bovine follicles before (A; day 0) and after in vitro culture (B-D; day 32) in medium containing only α-MEM+ (B), or α-MEM+ plus VEGF (C), or α-MEM+ plus GH (D). Normal in vitro grown preantral (A) and antral follicles (B-D) using 2D (B-C) or 3D (D) culture systems, respectively. o: oocyte; gc: granulosa cells; tc: theca cells; a: antral cavity formation. Scale bars = 50 µm. Images were captured at 32X (A) and 10X (B-D). 237 Table 1. Morphologically normal follicles (%), antrum formation (%), growth rate (µm/day), and estradiol concentration (ng/ml) of bovine follicles after 32 days of in vitro culture in two- (2D: Experiment 1) and three-dimensional (3D using alginate: Experiment 2) culture systems in the absence (Control group: only α-MEM+) or presence of VEGF, IGF-I, or GH alone, or a combination of all (VEGF+IGF+GH). End point α-MEM+ VEGF IGF-1 GH VEGF+IGF+GH Experiment 1: 2D culture system Morphologically normal follicles (%) 30/41 (73.2)a 31/41 (75.6)a 29/43 (67.4)a 31/43 (72.1)a 27/39 (69.2)a Antrum formation (%) 17/41 (41.5)b 29/41 (70.7)a 18/43 (41.9)b 21/43 (48.8)b 17/39 (43.6)b Growth rate (µm/day) 3.3 ± 0.4b 5.0 ± 0.5a 3.0 ± 0.5b 2.8 ± 0.4b 2.3 ± 0.3b Estradiol production (ng/ml) 2.4 ± 0.7a 3.1 ± 1.0a 0.8 ± 0.3a 2.7 ± 1.0a 0.8 ± 0.3a Morphologically normal follicles (%) 18/32 (56.3)a 18/32 (56.3)a 16/32 (50)a 14/30 (46.7)a 10/30 (33.3)a Antrum formation (%) 10/32 (31.3)ab 6/32 (18.8)b 13/32 (40.6)a 7/30 (23.3)b 4/30 (13.3)b Experiment 2: 3D culture system Growth rate (µm/day) 6.7 ± 1.1a 7.5 ± 1.2a 6.1 ± 1.0a 6.4 ± 1.1a 5.0 ± 1.3a Estradiol production (ng/ml) 1.3 ± 0.7b 0.3 ± 0.3b 1.6 ± 0.6b 22.1 ± 5.3a 0.9 ± 0.4b a-b No common superscripts within same end point means that treatments were different (P<0.05). 238 4. Discussion This study demonstrated for the first time that the addition of VEGF affected positively the in vitro culture of bovine isolated secondary follicles using a twodimensional culture system. It was observed that the addition of VEGF to the culture medium improved the percentage of antrum cavity formation, as well as follicular growth rate. Based on the fact that VEGF is a cellular mitogenic factor, the presence of exogenous VEGF in the culture medium might have increased the number of theca and granulosa cells, resulting in the development of larger follicles. VEGF has been shown to activate the PI3K/AKT pathway in different cell types, such as endothelial cells (Gerber et al., 1998; Fujio et al., 1999), neurons (Jin et al., 2000), and smooth muscle cells (Banerjee et al., 2008), promoting cell survival and proliferation (Datta et al., 1999). Moreover, the mechanism involved in the proliferative role of VEGF seems to be distinct of its classic angiogenic action, the PI3K/AKT intracellular pathway (Abramovich et al., 2010). Increased follicular growth rate has been correlated with increased VEGF production during antrum formation of primate preantral follicles (Xu et al. 2010). Recently, we observed that the addition of VEGF to the culture medium of caprine preantral follicles allowed the increase of follicular diameter and growth rate (Araújo et al., 2011a). These results might be associated with the presence of mRNA for VEGF receptors and ligand (bovine: Yang and Fortune, 2007), as well as the immunoreactivity for VEGF protein (caprine: Sharma and Sudan, 2010; Bruno et al., 2009), which have been detected in preantral follicles. Additionally, the inhibition of VEGF decreased the expression of the proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) marker in the theca and granulosa cells from rat ovaries (Abramovich et al., 2010). This study demonstrated a positive effect of VEGF in the antrum cavity formation in bovine secondary follicles after long-term two-dimensional in vitro culture. Recent study from our team demonstrated the ability of VEGF to increase the permeability of the cells and subsequent development of antral follicles in goats (Araújo et al., 2011a). As mentioned before, VEGF is a cellular mitogenic factor that could act indirectly on the accumulation of intrafollicular fluid and antral cavity formation, consequently increasing the follicular diameter. In vivo, ovarian cell permeabilization via VEGF occurs by reorganization and neoformation of ovarian vessels (Danforth et al., 2003; Quintana et al., 2004), which improves follicle growth by the increase of the 239 availability of growth factors, gonadotropins, steroids, and oxygen, essential for follicle development (for review see Araújo et al., 2011b). However, in vitro, there is no blood/plasma to release these needed substances to the cells for continuous development. In this case, the culture medium plays a role similar to that of blood/plasma during the in vitro culture, acting as nutritional support to the cells in culture (Araújo et al., 2011c). Therefore, VEGF might influence the accumulation of antral fluid through additional mechanisms, such as an osmotic potential through the sodium pump or cleavage of glycosaminoglycan, osmotically active molecules of the follicular fluid (e.g., hialuronon; Rodgers and Irving-Rodgers, 2010). From all enzymes involved in antral fluid formation, it has been reported that bovine preantral follicles and granulosa cells in culture express hyaluronan synthase 1 (HAS1; Vasconcelos et al., 2013) and 2 (HAS2; Schoenfelder and Einspanier, 2003); these two enzymes lead to follicle growth and cumulus-oocyte complex expansion during follicular development and final oocyte maturation, respectively. Therefore, the increase of cell permeability attributed to VEGF in our results might have been associated with the increase of synthesis of some of those molecules. In Experiment 2 (alginate-based 3D system), the addition of GH to the culture medium resulted in higher estradiol concentrations. Kobayashi et al. (2000) demonstrated that murine preantral follicles stimulated by GH formed complete theca layers abundant in mitochondria and rough endoplasmic reticulum and many lipid droplets, indicating that GH causes proliferative effects on theca cells. Moreover, these authors also observed that there was no estradiol production in preantral follicles without theca cells, suggesting that theca cells are mandatory for estradiol secretion of preantral follicles. Thus, we could speculate that the higher estradiol concentrations may have been attributed to increased theca cell presence in the follicles cultured with GH. Higher concentrations of estradiol in the 3D culture system containing GH could have also been associated with the fact that this system might have better preserved the follicular architecture and consequently the follicle function as previously documented when using the 3D culture system for other species (Wycherley et al., 2004; Xu et al., 2010; 2011). It is worth mentioning that this is the first study with encapsulation of bovine secondary follicles using alginate-based matrix. Recently, Xu et al. (2011) suggested that granulosa cells from monkey preantral follicles may utilize androstenedione and progesterone efficiently to synthesize high levels of estradiol after 240 appropriate proliferation using alginate hydrogel. However, in the present study, the higher estradiol concentration observed in the GH group using a 3D alginate-based culture system was not associated with any other improvement of follicle development. In conclusion, this study demonstrated that the benefits of using a certain type of medium supplement depended on the culture system (2D vs. 3D). VEGF and GH were effective supplements for the in vitro culture of bovine secondary follicles when 2D and 3D culture systems were used, respectively. Acknowledgments The authors thank Dr. Teresa K. Woodruff from Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, USA for generously donating the alginate used in the 3D culture system. We are also grateful to Mr. Alvin Kasten for providing the ovaries at the slaughterhouse. This work was supported by a start-up package (Gastal EL) from SIU. Araújo VR is the recipient of a PhD scholarship from CNPq, Brazil. Conflict of interest There is no conflict of interest that could be perceived as prejudicing the impartiality of the research reported. References Abramovich, D., Irusta, G., Parborell, F., Tesone, M., 2010. 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Prentice-Hall, Boston, MA. 245 CONCLUSÕES Diante dos resultados apresentados concluiu-se que: a) A adição periódica de meio melhorou o desenvolvimento de oócitos oriundos de folículos secundários caprinos crescidos in vitro; b) O tipo de meio de base (αMEM e TCM-199) e o regime de troca de meio afetaram diferentemente o desenvolvimento folicular, a expressão gênica e a produção de estradiol após cultivo in vitro de folículos secundários bovinos isolados; sendo recomendada nesta espécie, a utilização do αMEM em regime de adição periódica de meio; c) A BMP-6, mesmo em baixas concentrações (1 ng/mL), promoveu atresia e alterações ultraestruturais em folículos primordiais durante o cultivo in vitro de tecido cortical ovariano caprino; d) A BMP-6 (1 ng/mL), na ausência de FSH, estimulou a formação de antro, bem como a expressão do RNAm para os receptores de BMP (BMPR-2) e seus sinalizadores intracelulares (Smads) após cultivo in vitro de folículos secundários caprinos isolados; e) O VEGF promoveu o desenvolvimento de oócitos oriundos de folículos secundários caprinos crescidos in vitro, permitindo a produção de oócitos maturos (metáfase II); f) A adição de VEGF, utilizando sistema de cultivo 2D, melhorou o desenvolvimento (formação de antro e taxa de crescimento) in vitro de folículos secundários bovinos. Além disso, o GH aumentou os níveis de estradiol produzidos por folículos secundários bovinos cultivados in vitro, utilizando o sistema de cultivo 3D. 246 PERSPECTIVAS Os resultados da presente tese monstraram que a adição periódica de meio melhorou o desenvolvimento de folículos pré-antrais caprinos e bovinos isolados. Vale salientar que os sistemas de cultivo desenvolvidos garantiram taxas aceitáveis de sobrevivência e crescimento folicular mesmo em cultivo de longa duração. Um importante achado do presente estudo foi a determinação de uma concentração de VEGF (100 ng/mL) que aumentou, de forma significativa, as taxas de maturação in vitro de oócitos oriundos de folículos pré-antrais caprinos crescidos in vitro, fato inédito na literatura. 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