Ta chi Btfc Gi6-h6
Ta chi Btfc Gi6-h6
320. d dSu ch6p, 'Ta chi Btfc Gi6-h6-va hang so'ng ma thl, se chlng xky den cho ngtfdi m6t dieu hai chi vl viec nay dau!"? T6n. H6l THANH TIN LANH VlfeT NAM CUOC THI KINH THANH HANG T U X N # 27 tOr I Samudn 25 d^n II Samu§n 3 a 321. Vua Sauld bang ha nhtf th£nao? How did king Saul die ? 313.0 dau chep, "Nguydn Btfc GiS-ho-va giff, chd cho toi tra tay vao ke chiu xtfc dau cua Ngai!"? D Where is it written, "But the LORD forbid that I should lay a hand on the LORD'S annointed."? • 314. Ngtfdi nao chay nhanh nhtf mot con hoang dtfdng rtlfng? 322. Ai ndi cSu, "NghTa b£u ban cita anh lay lam qui hdn tinh thtfdng ngtfdi nu\"?N6iveai? Who ran really fast and as fleet-footed as a wild gazelle? D Who has said, "Your love for me was wonderful, more wonderful than that of women."? To whom? 315. Con trtfdng nam cua Davit ten gi? Me la ai? o Who was David's firstborn son?Who was his mother? • 323. Gia dinh ngtfdi nao bi riia se "ch^ng thie^u ngtfdi bi binh bach trtfric, binh phung, ke bai xui, ke bi gtfcfm nga chet, ke thieii biinh an1!"? 316. Ai noi cau, "Ngtfdi von dep long ta nhu" mot thidn stf cua Btfc Quia Trdi."? Ndi vdi ai? a Who has said, "You have been as pleasing in my eyes as an angel of God." ? To whom? 317. Davit kieu ngu trong xtf dSn Philitin trong bao lau? How long did David live in Philistine territory? o 318. Theo stf phan chia cua Davit, thi phin cua ke ra tran bang bao nhieu phan cua ke giff d6 vat? According to David, how was the share of the man who stayed with the supplies compare to the share of the man who went down to the battle? o 319.0 dau chep, "Ngay nay, toi lay mang song vua lam qui trong the'nao, thi Btfc Gi6-h6-va cung se la'y mang song t6i lam qui trong thl ay, va giai ctfu t6i khoi cic hoan nan."? D Where is it written, "As surely as 1 valued your life today, so may the LORD value my life and deliver me from all trouble." ? Where is it written, "As surely as the LORD lives, you will not be punished for this."? _ Whose family was cursed that they will "never be without someone who has a running sore or leprosy or who leans on a crutch or who falls by the sword or who lacks food." ? a. 324. O* dau chep, "Nguy6n 6ng dtfdc binh ydn, nguy6n nha 6ng cung dtfdc binh yen; pham vat gi thudc ve 6ng dlu dtfdc binh yen!"? a Where is it written, "Long life to you! Good health to you and your household! And good health to all that is yours! " ? C£u G6c Tuln Trtftfc (Galati 5:13 / Galatians 5:13) a Tin. H0I THANH TIN LANH VI$T NAM CUQC THI KINH THANH HANG T U A N # 28 tuf II Samu§n 4 d£n 13 325.6" dau ch6p, "Gie-ho-va Btfc Chtia Trdi 6i! Ngai la ra^t ldn, chang cd ai giong nhtf Ngai, va ching cd Btfc Chua Trdi nao k t a c hdn Ngai"? Where is it written, "How great You are, O Sovereign LORD! There is no one like You, and there is no god but You " ? D 326. Ai la ngtfdi chau duy nhat cdn sdt lai cua dong doi Sauld? Xin cho biet ly do tai sao ngtfdi bi tat nguyen hai chan. Who is the only grandson left of the line ofSaul?Why is he crippled in both feet. • 332. Ngtfdi nao gh6t cd em hp cua minh "den noi tinh ngtfdi ghen ghet nang lai ldn hdn tinh thtfdng yeu nang khi trtfdc"? Who hate his cousin so intensely, so that "he hated her more than he had loved her"? a 333. Saldmdn cdn co ten nao khac? Do ai dat? TSn cd nghla gi? What is Solomon's other name? Who gave it to him? What does the name i? mean: a 334. Tai sao khi con cua B£ts6ba dau thi Davit ki6ng an khdc ldc, nhtfng den khi nd chet thi lai khdng phiin mupn nffa? Why did David fast and weep when Bathsheba's son was sick, but when knowing that he had died, David no longer sad? D 327. Ngtfdi nao bi mat mang vi gid tay len nam hdm cua Btfc Chua Trdi? Who died because he reached out and took hold of the ark of God? • 3 2 8 . 0 dau chep, "Btfc Gie-ho-va khieh cho Bavit dtfdc thing khap ndi nao ngtfdi di d£n."? Where is it written, "The LORD gave David victory wherever he went."? o 329. C£c stf gia cua Bavit bi Hanun, vua dan Ammdn lam nhuc nhtf the nao? How did Hanun, king of the Ammonites, mistreat David's men? 335. Ngtfdi nao bi clt dau dang trong khi nam nghi trSn gitfdng? Who got his head cut off while lying on the bed? • 336. Trong sudt cupc ddi theo Chua cua Bavit, ong da lam vi$c gi "khong dep ldng Btfc Gie-ho-va"? In all of his life, what did David do that is "displeased the LORD " ? D o 330. Davit dtfdc xtfc dau lam vua & d£u? Dtfdc dan chiing lap lam vua tai dau? Where did David get annointed as king? Where did the people confirm him as king? • . 3 3 1 . 0 dSu chep, "Vi ngtfdi da lam stf kia c£ch kin nhidm, nhtfhg Ta se lam vide n l y trtfdc mat ci Ysdradn va tai ndi bach nh$t."? Where is it written, "You did it in secret, but I wilt do this thing in broad daylight before all Israel." ? o C§u Gdc Tuln Trtftfc (I Phierd 2:911 Peter 2:9) a T§n H0I THANH TIN LANH VIET NAM CUOC THI KINH THANH HANG TUAN # 29 tCM I Samu§n 14d£n23 3 3 7 . 6 d2u chep, "Ke hay thtfdng xdt, Chua se thtfdng xdt lai; B6l cung ke iron ven, Chtia se to mlnh trpn ven lai."? Where is it written, "To the faithful, You show Yourself faithful, to the blameless, You show Yourself blameless."? D . 338. Theo B^txilai, den bao nhieu nidi thi khdng cdn phan bi§t dieu tot va dieu xau? , According to Barzillai, how old was one that one cannot tell the difference between what is good and what is not? D 339. Thay vi sanh con, Apsaldm da lam gi dang ltfu danh minh? What did Absalom do to carry on the memory of his name instead of having a son? o__ 340. Ngtfdi nao vi sanh loai ngtfdi nhtf "la ke hay chS't, gidhg nhtf ntfdc chay tren dat, khdng hd't lai dtfdc"? Who compare mankind, "like water spilled on the ground, which cannot be recovered, so we must die."? D 341. Thanh nao trong Ysdradn cd tiehg la thanh hda binh va trung Mu hdn he^t, la chanh d6 cua Ysdraen? Which city in Israel was considered the peaceful and faithful city, a mother in Israel? D 342. Ngtfdi nao bi 16n an la "thtfdng nhffng ngtfdi ghdt vua, va ghdt nhffng ngtfdi thtfdng vua"? Who was accused to "love those who hate you and hate those who love you"? o 343. Ai ndi c£u, "Cd sao con chd chet kia dam mang vua chtia tdi?" va ndi viai? Who has said, "Why should this dead dog curse my lord the king?" About whom? o 344. Ngtfdi nao cd sau ngdn ndi hai ban tay va sdu ngdn ndi hai ban chSn? Who has six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot? • 345. Hai ngtfdi nao nhd trdn d dtfdi gi&ig ma khdng bi hai? Tai sao khdng ai kham ph£ ra cho hp trdn? Name two men who hid themselves in the well in order to avoid harm? Why did no one discover where they hide? • 3 4 6 . 6 d3u chep, "Hi vua chtia tdi & dau, hoic trong stf chit, ho3c trong stf sdng, thi ke tdi td vua cung se d dd."? Where is it written, "Wherever my lord the king may be, whether it means life or death, there will your servant be." ? • 347. Ngtfdi nao lam diu linn thi vd cua vua Bavit? Cong trang ctia dng la gi? Who was the Chief of the Three among the mighty men of David? What was his accomplishment? D. 348.0" dau chep, "Pham viec gi vua chtia chting tdi nhtft dinh, thi c£c tdi td vua se san lam theo."? Where is it written, "Your servants are ready to do whatever our lord the king chooses." ? • C§u G6c T u l n Trtfdc (Gieremi 2:13 / Jeremiah 2:13) • Tgn HOI THANH TIN LANH VIET NAM CUOC THI KINH THANH HANG TUAN # 30 tCf II Samuen 24 den I Cac Vua 9 349. Ai cau nguyen, "Xin ban cho ke toi td Chua tarn long khon sang, de doan xet dan stf Ngai va phan biet dieu lanh dieu dff."? Who had prayed, "Give your servant a discerning heart to govern Your people and to distinguish between right and wrong." ? o 350. Vua Salomon ton het bao nhieu nam d e xay den thd? Bao nhieu nam de xay cung dien? How many years does it take for Solomon to build the Temple? How many years for his palace? D 351. Thi si Salomon da lam tai ca bao nhieu bai thd? How many songs did Solomon write? • 3 5 2 . 0 dau chep, "Mat va long Ta se thtfdng d do mai mai."? Where is it written, "My eyes and My heart will always be there." ? o 353. Salomon dtfdc xtfc dau lam vua d dau? Btfdc dan lap lam vua tai dau? Where did Solomon get annointed as king? Where did the people confirm him as king ? • 354. Theo thong ke cua vua Bavit, thi cd bao nhieu linh trong Ysdraen? Bao nhieu trong Giuda? According to David's census, how many fighting men in Israel? How many in Judah? • 355. O dau chep, "Neu ngtfdi an d ra ngtfdi ttf te, thi chang mot sdi toe nao cua ngtfdi se rung xudng dat."? Where is it written, "If he shows himself to be a worthy man, not a hair of his head will fall to the ground." ? D 356. Ltfdng thtfc cua nha Salomon can dung trong mdi ngay gom cd nhffng mdn gi? What does Solomon's daily provisions consist of? • 357. Trong horn giao tfdc cd mdn gi? Which thing is in the ark of the covenant? a 358. L a m sao trong khi xay den ma khong nghe tieng bua, riu hay khi dung bang sat nao khac trong den ca? During the Temple's construction, how come no hammer, chisel or any other iron tool was heard at the Temple site? • 359. Trtfdc khi chet, Bavit can dan Salomon phai thay ong tra thu nhffng ai? Before he died, who did David tell Solomon to get revenge against? • 360. Theo lich cua ngtfdi Dothai, thang bay la thang gi? According to the Jewish calendar, what month is the seventh month? • C a u G o c T u ^ n Trtfdc ( P h u c t r u y e n 6:6-7 / Deuteronomy • 6:6-7) T£n. 367.6 dau chep, "Ne'u Gie-hd-va la Btfc Chtia Trdi, khi theo Ngai; Ne'u Baanh la Btfc Chtia Trdi, hay theo Mn."? HOI THANH TIN LANH VIET NAM CUOC THI KINH THANH HANG TUAN # 31 tttlCacVua 10d£n 19 361.6 dau chep, "Btfc Gie-hd-va di! Xin nh|m Idi tdi, xin dap Idi tdi, hau cho dSn stf nay nhin biet rang Gie-hd-va la Btfc Chtia Trdi, va Ngai khien cho ldng hp trd lai"? Where is it written, "Answer me, O LORD, answer me, so these people will know that You, O LORD, are God, and that You are turning their hearts back again." ? a 362. Sau tricu cua Salomon, dat ntfdc bi chia ra lam may ntfdc? Ten la gi? After the reign of Solomon, the country was divided into how many parts? What was the name of each? • 363. Liet ke bd'n vi vua dau lien cua Giuda. List the first four kings ofJudah. D 364. Ai ndi cau, "Bing khen ngdi thay Gie-hd-va Btfc Chtia Trdi cua vua, vi Ngai dep ldng vua, dat vua tren ngdi cua Ysdraen!"? va ndi vdi ai? Who has said, "Praise be to the LORD your God, who has delighted in you and placed you on the throne of Israel." and said to whom? o Where is it written, "If the LORD is God, follow Him; but Baal is god, follow him."? o 368. Liet kd bay vi vua dau tien cua Ysdraen. List the first seven kings of Israel. o 369. Ngtfdi nao song hau vide Chua nhd qua nudi va ba gda nudi? a 370. Hai vi vua nao ma ca ddng hp bi rua sa ring ne'u "che't trong thanh thi bi chd an, cdn ne'u che't ngoai ddng thi bi chim trdi ria an"? Name two kings whose household were cursed that "Dogs will eat those who die in the city, and the birds of the air will feed on those who die in the country." o 371. Vi cd ai ma Chtia "danh cho ngtfdi mOt ngpn den trong Gidrusalem" nen khdng tuySt didt cac vua Giuda? For whose sake that God "gave him a lamp in Jerusalem" and did not completely destroy the king ofJudah? D 372. Cau, "Diu vua ban cho tdi ph&n ntfa gia s&n vua, tdi cung chang vao cung vdi vua, hoac an binh hay la udng ntfdc tai ndi nay." dtfdc ndi vdi vua nao? 365. Ngtfdi nao lam ting nghiem Idi rua sa cua Gidsue trong Gidsu6 6:26? o Who fulfill the Joshua's curse in Joshua 6:26? 366. Chtia cho ti6n tri Eli bie't Ngai cdn de" danh lai cho Ngai bao nhieu ngtfdi trong Ysdraen "khdng cd qui gdl xud'ng trtfdc mat Baanh, va mdi hp chtfa hdn nd."? How many people God has told Elijah that He reserve in Israel whose "knees have not bowed down to Baal and all whose mouths have not kissed him." ? o Who serve God and live with the help of ravens and widow? a The saying, "Even if you were to give me half your possessions, I would not go with you, nor would I eat bread or drink water here." was said to whom? C3u G6c Tuan Trtfdc (I Cdrinhto 3:8 / / Corinthians 3:8) D Ten. 381. Ngtfdi nio dang con mlnh lim cua ll thieu tai tren vich thinh? Who offered his son as a sacrifice on the city wall? HOI THANH TIN LANH VIET NAM CUOC THI KINH THANH HANG TUAN # 32 ttf I C£c Vua 20 d§'n II CSc Vua 7 73. Ai ndi cau, "Nguyen xin than cua tMy cam ddng tdi dtfdc bdi phin."? Who has said, "Let me inherit a double portion of your spirit." ? 3 o 382. Vi vua nio mi ca ddng hp bi rua sa rang neu "che't tai trong thinh se bi chd in, cdn neu che't trong dong se bi chim trdi ria in"? • Name the king whose household were cursed that "Dogs will eat those who die in the city, and the birds of the air will feed on those who die in the country." 383. Ngtfdi nao vi khdng thich de vtfdn nho cua mlnh trd thinh vtfdn rau 74. Liet ke vi vua thtf lam va thtf chin cua Ysdraen. Name the eighth and the ninth king of Israel. 3 75. Tien tri Elise cd phtfdng phap nao di chffa ntfdc ddc? m i bi chet? Who got killed because he doesn't want his vineyard to become a vegetable garden"? a 3 384. Ai ndi ciu, "Chting nd ddh hoic cd $ clu hda, hay bat sd'ng l£y; hoac cd # chie'n tranh, cung hiy b^t sd'ng li'y."? 76.6 dau chep, "Chting ta lam chang phai; ngay nay la ngay cd tin lanh, va chting ta nin ling sao!"? a What method did Elisha use to heal bad water? Where, is it written, "We are not doing right. This is a day of good news and we are keeping it to ourselves." ? 3 77. Trtfdc khi vc vdi Chtia, tien tri Eli dd' lai cho Elise vat gi? Before going to heaven, what did Elijah left behind for Elisha? 3 78. Ngtfdi nio nhin dtfdc Idi htfa ttfdng ttf nhtf bi Sara trong Sing the' Ky 18:10? Who receive a similar promise like Sarah in Genesis 18:10? 3. 79.6" dau chdp, "Tren kha> thegian chang cd chtia nio khic hdn Btfc Chua Trdi trong Ysdraen."? Where is it written, "There is no god in all the world except in Israel." ? 3 80. Ngtfdi nio xud'ng sdng Giddanh tarn bay lin thi het ghe? 3 Who got his leprosy healed by washing himself seven times in the Jordan river? Who had said, "If they have come out for peace, take them alive; if they have come out for war, take them alive." ? CSu G6'c Tuln Trtfdc (Gieremi 13:23 / Jeremiah 13:23) • Ten. HOI THANH TIN LANH VIET NAM CUQC THI KINH THANH HANG TUAN # 33 tdf II Cac Vua 8 d§'n 17 185.6 dau chep, "Trong cic Idi Btfc Gid-hd-va da phin ve nhi Ahip se ching cd Idi nio sa xud'ng dat"? Where is it written, "Not a word the LORD has spoken against the house of Ahab will fail"? 3 186. Vi vua Giuda nio bat chtfdc vua dan Mdap mi dang con minh qua ltfa? Which king ofJudah walked in the way of king ofMoab and sacrifice his son in the fire? 3 187. Liet ke mtfdi vi vua cud'i cung cua ntfdc Ysdraen. List the last ten kings of Israel. 3 188. Ai ndi cau, "Ldng ngtfdi cd chdn thinh cung tdi, nhtf long tdi da chdn thinh vdi ngtfdi chang"? vi ndi vdi ai? Who has said, "Are you in accord with me, as I am with you " ? and said to whom? 3 •89. Ntfdc nio cd mot ngtfdi nff len ngdi cai tri? Ten b i l i gi? Which country had a woman ruler? What was her name? 3 •90. Vi vua nio cd it nha't li bay mtfdi con trai? Which king had at least seventy sons? ID 9 1 . 6 dau chep, "Ngtfdi ta se khdng gid't cha the'cho con, cung se khdng gie't con the cho cha; moi ngtfdi se chd't vi tdi l6i rieng minh."? Where is it written, "Fathers shall not be put to death for their children, nor children put to death for their fathers; each is to die for his own sins." ? 392. Atrameldc vi Anamelec li hai thin cua din tdc nio? Which people had Adrammelech and Anammelech as their gods? O 393. Liet ke vi vua thtf nam de'n thtf mtfdi hai cua ntfdc Giuda. List thefifthto the twelveth kings ofJudah. D 394. Ngtfdi nio vi cdn ddi kem phai di tan den mdt ntfdc khac mi tarn ctf? Who has to come and stay in a foreign land because of the famine? • 395. Vi vua nio lim tfng nghidm Idi htfa cua Chtia vdi vua Giehu ring ddng ddi cua dng se ngdi trSn ngdi ddn ddi thtf ttf? Which king had fulfilled God's promise to king Jehu that his descendants will sit on the throne to the fourth generation? o. 396.0" diu chep, "Btfc Gie-hd-va da thi'y Ysdraen bi gian nan ri't cay dang; vi trong Ysdradn chlng cdn ai ttf do, hoac nd Id nffa, cffng ching cd ai tidp ctfu Ysdraen."? Where is it written, "The LORD had seen how bitterly everyone in Israel, whether slave or free, was suffering; there was no one to help them." ? a Cau Gflfc Tuan Trtfdc (Giacd 5:16/ James 5:16) o Ten. HOI THANH TIN LANH VIET NAM CUOC THI KINH THANH HANG TUAN # 34 tCHICacVua 18 d£n I Stf Ky 2 597. Ai ndi cau, "Ta sd xda sach Gierusalem nhtf ngtfdi ta chui rtfa cii dla, roi tip nd xud'ng sau khi rtfa xong."? Who has said, "I will wipe out Jerusalem as one wipes a dish, wiping it and turning it upside down." ? Z 198. Ai la ngtfdi "khdi diu lim anh hung tren mat dit"? Who "grew to be a mighty warrior on earth " ? Z 199. Liet ke bay vi vua cudi cung cua ntfdc Giuda. List the last seven kings ofJudah. Z 100. Cau, "vi ngtfdi da lam cho Gierusalem day huyd't vd tdi, thi Btfc Gidhd-va khdng khtfng tha thtf ngtfdi" ndi ve trilu dai cua vua nio? The phrase, "for he had filled Jerusalem with innocent blood, and the LORD was not willing to forgive" was said during the reign of which king? z 101. Dan nao bat he't din d Gierusalem di lim phu til "chi chtfa lai trong xtf nhffng ngtfdi ngheo kho hdn he't, ding tr6ng nho vi lim rudng"? Which nation took all the people in Jerusalem into exile except "some of the poorest people of the land to work the vineyards and fields"? z At * 103.0 dau chep, "Ndi ngtfdi ngoi, ltic ngtfdi di ra, di vio, vi stf gian dai ngtfdi ddi cung Ta, Ta da bie't het."? Where is it written, "But I know where you slay and when you come and go and how you rage against Me." ? z o 405. Ai trong mpt ddm gid't mdt trim tam mtfdi lam ngin ngtfdi Asyri? Who killed a hundred and eightyfivethousand Assyrian men in one night? o 406. Vua nio nhd ciy ndi Chtia den ndi "trong cic vua sau ngtfdi, hoac trong nhffng vua trtfdc ngtfdi, chang cd mpt ai gid'ng nhtf ngtfdi"? Which king trusted in the LORD so that "there was no one like him among all the kings ofJudah, either before him or after him" ? o 407. Vua nio "he't ldng, het y\ hd't stfc minh, ma triu men Btfc Gid-hd-va, lim theo trpn ven luit phip cua Mdise" den noi trtfdc ngtfdi chang cd mdt vua nio gidng nhtf viy v i sau ngtfdi cung chang cd thay ai gid'ng nhtf ngtfdi nffa? Which king "turn to the LORD with all his heart and with all his soul and with all his strength, in accordance with all the law of Moses" so neither before nor after there was any king like him? a 408. Chtia dung ai ndi ciu, "ngtfdi sd dtfdc thiu vio ndi m6 mi ngtfdi cich binh an, vi m£it ngtfdi se chang thi'y nhffng dilu tai hpa mi Ta toan giing xudng tren chd nly."? God used whom to say, "you will be buried in peace, your eyes will not see all the disaster I am going to bring on this place." ? cz___ Cau G6c Tu3n Trtfdc (Hebdrd 11:1 / Hebrews 11:1) 102. Theo bic si Esai, loa thudc gi dung de tri mut ung? According to Isaiah, what is the prescription for a boil? z 404. Liet ke tdn sau ngtfdi anh cua Bavit. List the names of David's six older brothers. o Ten. H0I THANH TIN LANH VIET NAM CUOC THI KINH THANH HANG TUAN # 35 ttf I Stf Ky 3 d§n 12 416. Ai lim chtfc te le trong din thd vua Sal6mdn da xiy tai Gidrusalem? Who served as priest in the temple that Solomon built in Jerusalem? o 417. Ai tfdc ao, "Than di! Chd gi ai ban cho ta ntfdc udng cua gid'ng bdn ctfa thinh Bd'ddhem!"? Who wished, "Oh, that someone would get me a drink of water from the well near the gate of Bethlehem.'"? 409. Trong chi phii nao cd nhffng ngtfdi l i , "ke manh me, cd tii chien tran, cam khien, cam giao, dien mao nhtf stf ttf, lanh le nhtf hoing dtfdng"? Which tribe had, "brave warriors, ready for battle and able to handle the shield 418. Trong chi phii n i o cd nhffng ngtfdi "cd tii gitfdng cung, gi6i dung diy and spear, their faces were the faces of lions, and were as swift as gazelles" ? gidng lieng d i , cam cung bin tdn, hoac bSng tay hffu hay li bang tay ti"? Which tribe had warrior who "armed with bows and were able to shoot arrows 410. Bavit lim vua tai Hcprdn trong bao liu? Tai Gidrusalem trong bao lau? or to sling stones right-handed or left-handed" ? How long did David reign in Hebron? How long in Jerusalem? D cz a 411. Tai sao Ruben la con dau ldng cua Ysdraen m i Gidsdp lai dtfdc quyen trtfdng ttf? Why did the rights of the firstborn belong to Joseph even though Ruben was born first to Israel? • 412. Ngtfdi nio gid't mdt ngtfdi Ediptd cao nam thtfdc? Who killed an Egyptian who was seven and a half feet tall? o 413. Con gii duy nhat cua Bavit tdn gi? What is the name of David's only daughter? o 414. Sau khi bi ltfu day tai Babyldn, ai li nhffng ngtfdi dau tidn hoi htfdng? Who were the first to resettle on their own property after the Babylonian exile? o 415. Vua nio chd't "vi tdi Idi minh da pham cilng Btfc Gid-hd-va, vi vi chang cd vang theo mang linn cua Ngii; lai vi da cau hoi bi bdng, ching cd clu hoi Btfc Gid-hd-va."? Who died "because he was unfaithful to the LORD; did not keep the word of the LORD and even consulted a medium for guidance, and did not inquire of the LORD."? D o_ 419. 6" dau chdp, "Trong khi giao chidh, chting kdu cau cung Btfc Chtia Trdi, v i Btfc Chtia Trdi vi chting cd ldng tin ciy Ngii, thi ctfu gitip cho"? Where is it written, "Because they cried out to Him during the battle, He answered their prayers, because they trusted in Him"? D 420. Ngtfdi nio dtu nguydn, "Chd chi Chua ban phtfdc cho tdi, md bd cdi tdi rdng ldn; nguydn tay Chtia phu gitip tdi, giff tdi dtfpc khdi stf dtf, hlu cho tdi ching bu6n rau!"? Who had prayed, "Oh, that You would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let Your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from • pain. Cau G6c Tu£n Trtfdc (HebcJrd 13:8 / Hebrews 13:8) a Ten HOI THANH TIN LANH VIET NAM CUQC THI KINH THANH HANG TUAN # 36 ttf I Stf Ky 13 den 22 421. Trong ban nhac rtfdc hdm giao tfdc, ong quyen dtfdc thoi theo dieu gi? Ban cam dtfdc danh theo gipng n i o ? In the music that was played during the ceremony to bring up the ark, the lyres were played according to what? The harps were played according to what? 428. Theo Bavit, ngoai trtf ngtfdi nao ra, thi "chang ai xtfng dang khieng hdm cua Btfc Chua Trdi"? No one but whom "may carry the ark of God," according to David? • 429. Theo stf giai thich cua Bavit cho Salomon, tai sao Chtia khdng mudn Bavit cat den thd cho N g i i ma de" cho Salomon ci't? According to David's explanation to Solomon, why did God not let David build the temple for Him but He let Solomon do it? • a 422. 0" dau chep, "Hdi ngtfdi khap the' gian, kha hat ngdi khen Btfc Gie-hova; ngay ngay hay to ra stfchtfng ctfu cua Ngai"? Where is it written, "Sing to the LORD, all the earth; proclaim his salvation day after day"'? o" 423. Vua nao lam nhuc cac stf gia cua Bavit? L i m nhuc nhtf the' n i o ? Which king humiliated David's men? How did he humiliate them? Q 4 2 4 . 6 dau chep, "ta xin sa vao tay Btfc Gie-hd-va, vi stf thtfdng xot cua Ngai rat ldn; chd de ta sa v i o tay cua loai ngtfdi ta"? Where is it written, "Let me fall into the hands of the LORD, for his mercy is very great; but do not let me fall into the hands of men" ? • 425. Em cua Gdliat, ngtfdi Gat, ten gi? Bi ai giet? What was the name of the brother of Goliath the Gittite? Who killed him? 430.6" dau chep "Hay cam ta Btfc Gie-ho-va, vi Ngai l i nhan ttf; stf thtfdng xdt Ngai con den ddi ddi."? Where is it written "Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good; His love endures forever." ? • 431. Ngtfdi nao gid tay ra dd hdm giao tfdc khoi do xudng dat ma bi chd't? Who died because he reached out his hand to steady the ark from stumbling to the ground? • 432. Ngtfdi n i o nhin bid't rang, "Btfc Gie-hd-va da vtfng lap minh l i m vua tren Ysdraen; vi cd dan Ysdraen cua Ngai, ntfdc ngtfdi dtfdc htfng vtfdng them."? Who knew that, "the LORD had established him as king over Israel and that his kingdom had been highly exalted for the sake of his people Israel." ? • a Cau Gdc Tuan Trtfdc (Roma 1:16 / Romans 1:16) 426. Ngtfdi n i o thay vua Bavit nhay nhdt vui chdi, thi khinh bi ngtfdi? Who despised David when saw him dancing and celebrating? D D 427. Ai noi cau, "Hay lam theo dieu d trong long vua, vi Btfc Chtia Trdi d cilng vua."? Va ndi vdi ai? Who said, "Whatever you have in mind, do it, for God is with you." ? To whom? D Ten H0I THANH TIN LANH VIET NAM CUOC THI KINH THANH HANG TUAN # 37 ttf I Stf Ky 23 de'n II Stf Ky 3 433. Ai noi cau, "Btfc Chua Trdi chting tdi vd'n cao sang, vtfdt qua het cac than"? v i ndi vdi ai? Who has said, "Our God is greater than all other gods" ?and said it to whom? D 434. Vua Salomon khdi stf xay cat den thd tai Gierusalem v i o ltic n i o ? When did Solomon begin to build the temple in Jerusalem? D 435. Chua khen vua Salomon da cau xin "stfkhdn ngoan va tri thtfc cho minh de xet doan dan stf" ma khdng cau xin dieu gi? God commended Solomon because he had asked for "wisdom and knowledge to govern the people" instead of asking for what? • 440. Hai cay try dtfng trtfdc den thd dtfdc vua Salomon dat ten la gi? What are the names of the pillars Solomon erected in front of the temple? • 441. Ai ndi cau, "Gie-hd-va Btfc Chtia Trdi cua Ysdraen cd ban stf binh an cho dan stf N g i i , va N g i i ngtf tai Gierusalem ddi ddi."? Who has said, "The LORD, the God of Israel, has granted rest to His people and has come to dwell in Jerusalem forever." ? a 442. Ngtfdi n i o v i con c h i u ngtfdi "dtfdc phan biet ra, de biet rieng ra cac vat chi thinh, v i ddi ddi xdng htfdng, hau viec trtfdc mat Btfc Gie-hdva, cung nhdn danh Ngai m i chuc phtfdc cho"? Who and his descendants were forever"set apart to consecrate the most holy things, to offer sacrifices before the LORD, to minister before Him and to pronounce blessings in His name forever" ? • 443. Trong ddi vua n i o m i bac vang trong Gierusalem ra thtfdng nhtf da sdi? In the reign of which king that silver and gold are as common in Jerusalem as stones ? • 4 3 6 . 0 dau chep, "Neu con tim kiem Ngai, Ngai se cho con gap; nhtfng ne'u con lia bo Ngai, at Ngai se ttf bd con ddi ddi."? Where is it written, "If you seek Him, He will be found by you; but if you forsake Him, He will reject you forever." ? 4 4 4 . 0 dau chep, " B a n stf lay l i m vui mtfng ve dieu minh trpn long vui y dang cho Btfc Gid-hd-va."? Where is it written, "The people rejoiced at the willing response of their leaders, for they had given freely and wholeheartedly to the LORD." ? 437. Tai sao Bavit khdng lay so dan Ysdraen ttf hai mtfdi tudi sap xudng? Why didn't David take the number of men twenty years old or less? Cau Goc Tuan Trtfdc (Thi mien 27:1 / Psalms 27:1) a • _ 438. Liet kc ten bon ngtfdi trung tham de giff bon phia ctfa cua den thd. List the four names of the gatekeepers whose lots were cast to keep the gate in four directions. D 4 3 9 . 0 dau chep, "Vi mpi vat deu do ndi Chua m i de'n; va nhffng vat chting toi da dang cho Chua chang qua la da thudc ve Chua."? Where is it written, "Everything comes from You, and we have given You only what comes from Your hand." ? D • • Ten. HOI THANH TIN LANH VIET NAM CU0C THI KINH THANH HANG TUAN # 38 ttf II Stf Ky 4 de'n 13 445. Bai ca, "Ngai ttf thien, long thtfdng xdt Ngai hang cd ddi ddi" dtfdc hat trong dip nao? The song, "He is good; His love endures forever" was sung in what occasion? D 446. Nhffng thay te 16 lam viec trdng den thd, hp t i m rtfa d dau? What did the priests working in the temple use for washing? D 447. Ban khong thudc ve Ysdraen thi bi Salomon bat lam gi? The people who were not Israelites was forced by Solomon to be what? • 448. Ai noi cau, "Thai he dieu gi mieng Chua phan, thi tay Chua da lam cho hoan lhanh, y nhtf da cd ngay nay"? Who has said, "With Your mouth You have promised and with Your hand You have fulfilled it, as it is today"? D 449. Ngai vua Salomon dtfdc lam b i n g vat lieu gi? What material was used to make Solomon's throne? • 450. Ai dtfdc chi bao ndi cau, "Ngdn tay tit ta ldn hdn ltfng cua cha ta"? Cau do cd nghla gi? Who was advised to say, "My little finger is thicker than my father's waist"? What does it mean? D 4 5 1 . 6 dau chep, "Nhtfdc bang dan stf Ta, la dan gpi bang danh Ta, ha minh xuong, cau nguydn, tim kiem mat Ta, v i trd lai, bd con dtfdng t i , thi Ta d tren trdi se nghe, tha thtf toi chting nd, va ctfu xtf hp khoi tai va"? Where is it written, "If My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land" ? D 452. Trong tat ca cac chi phai Ysdraen, nhffng ai "rap long tim kiem Giehd-va Btfc Chtia Trdi cua Ysdraen" thi theo ai? Bi dau? V i l i m gi? In every tribe of Israel, those who "set their hearts on seeking the LORD, the God of Israel" follow whom? Go where? And do what? • 453. Ai mudn l i m thay te 16 trong thdi vua Gierdbdam, ma khdng phai l i m con chau Ardn v i ngtfdi Levi, thi phai l i m sao? How can someone become a priest in Jeroboam's time, even though they were not sons of Aaron and the Levites? a 454. Rdboam cd may vd v i bao nhieu con? Con Abigia thi cd may vd v i bao nhieu con? How many wives and children does Rehoboam have? How many wives and children does Abijah have? • 455. Hang n i m , dan B o thai cd ba n g i y Id trong the l i 16 gi? What are the three annual feasts of the Israelites? • 4 5 6 . 0 dau chep, "Bdi vi Btfc Chtia Trdi cua vua yeu men Ysdraen, d i n g lam cho chting vffng ben de'n ddi ddi, nen Ngai da lap vua lam vua tren chting, de lam theo stf ngay thang va stf cdng binh."? Where is it written, "Because of the love of your God for Israel and His desire to uphold them forever, He has made you king over them, to maintain justice and righteousness." ? • Cau Go'c Tuan Trtfdc (Roma 13:11 / Romans 13:11) • Ten. H0I THANH TIN LANH VIET NAM C U O C THI KINH T H A N H H A N G T U A N # 3 9 ttf II Stf Ky 1 4 d e n 2 3 464. Ngtfdi n i o vi mudn tra thu cho con minh ma mudn "diet ca ddng gid'ng vua Giuda"? Who want to revenge her son's death by destroying "the whole royal family of the house ofJudah"? • 465. Btfdi trieu vua n i o ma " h i ai khdng tim kiem Gie-ho-va Btfc Chtia 457. Ai ndi cau, "Trtf ra Chua chang cd ai giup dd ngtfdi ye'u thang dtfdc ngtfdi manh."? Who has said, "There is no one like You to help the powerless against the mighty" ? o 458. Ngtfdi n i o "vui long dang minh cho Btfc Gie-ho-va"? Who "volunteered himself for the service of the LORD? o 459. Ai noi cau, "Vi tran giac nay chang phai cua cac ngtfdi dau, ben l i cua Btfc Chua Trdi"? Who has said, "For the battle is not yours, but God's" ? a Trdi cua Ysdraen, thi se bi xtf ttf"? Under whose reign that anyone "who would not seek the LORD, the God of Israel, were to be put to death " ? a 466. Thay te' le Giehogiada dung ltfc ltfdng d i e biet nao de bao ve chung quanh vua Gidach v i "theo hau vua khi ngtfdi di ra di v i o " ? Which special force was used by the priest Jehoiada to be king Joash's bodyguard and "stay close to the king wherever he goes" ? • 4 6 0 . 0 dau chep, "He stf gi Btfc Chtia Trdi ta se phan dan, thi ta se ndi cho"? Where is it written, "I can tell him only what my God says" ? 467. Ai ndi cau, "Hay dan ra, dtfng yen l i n g m i xem thay stf giai ctfu cua Btfc Gie-hd-va d cung cac ngtfdi"? Who has said, "Take up your position, stand firm and see the deliverance the LORD will give you"? D D. 461. Ngtfdi nao d ac de'n ndi luc qua ddi chang ai thtfdng tide? Who was so wicked that when he passed away, no one regret that he died? 4 6 8 . 0 dau chep, " C i c ngtfdi kha l i m viec each can dam, v i Btfc Gie-hdva se d cung ngtfdi thien."? Where is it written, "Act with courage, and may the LORD be with those who do well."? •7. _ o 462. Vua nao "trong cdn benh ngtfdi khdng tim kiem Btfc Gie-hd-va, nhtfng tim kiem thay thud'c"? Which king "even in his illness he did not seek help from the LORD, but only from the physicians " ? D 4 6 3 . 0 dau chep, "Vay bay gid, phai kinh sd Btfc Gie-hd-va, kha can than ma lam; vi Gie-hd-va Btfc Chua Trdi cua chting ta, chang trai phep cong binh, chang thien vi ngtfdi, chang nhan cua hdi Id."? Where is it written, "Now let the fear of the LORD be upon you. Judge carefully, for with the LORD our God there is no injustice or partiality or bribery." ? o a Cau Go'c Tuan Trtfdc (I Phierd 2:11/7 Peter 2:11) a Ten 475.0" dau chep, "Btfc Chtia Trdi cd quyen gitip cho thing v i cung cd quyen l i m cho sa bai"? Where is it written, "God has the power to help or to overthrow" ? HOI THANH TIN LANH VIET NAM^ JOC THI KINH THANH HANG TUAN # 40 ttf 11 Stf Ky 24 de'n 33 • 470. Vua nao quyen du dan stf "de'n ndi chting l i m dieu ac hdn cac dan tdc ma Btfc Gie-hd-va da huy diet khdi trtfdc mat dan Ysdraen"? Which king led the people astray, so that "they did more evil than the nations the LORD had destroyed before the Israelites" ? O 471. O dau chep, "Cd mot Bang d cung chting ta thang hdn ke d vdi hp"? Where is it written, "There is a greater power with us than with him" ? o 472. Vua nao "thich viec canh nong"? Which king "loved the soil" ? 473. Le nao dtfdc td chtfc mpt each trpng the vui mtfng trong thdi vua Exechia cho den noi "ttf ddi Salomon . . . tai Gierusalem chang cd stf gi nhtf vay"? Which festival was joyfully celebrated in Hezekiah's reign that "since the days of Solomon ... nothing like this in Jerusalem"? "- 4 7 4 . 0 dau chep, "Bay gid kha don minh ra thinh, v i don den cua Gie-hova Btfc Chua Trdi cac ngtfdi cho t h i n h sach, cung cat nhffng dieu dd day khdi ndi den thanh di."? Where is it written, "Consecrate yourselves now and consecrate the temple of the LORD, the God of your fathers. Remove all defilement from the sanctuary." ? a o Which city was also known as the City of Palms? 477. Vua n i o trong sud't trieu dai minh khdng he v i o den thd cua Btfc Giehd-va v i dan stf ctf tie'p tuc sd'ng ludng tuong? Which king did not enter the temple of the LORD all through his reign and the people continue their corrupt practices ? • 478. Tai sao vua Amaxia gid't nhffng day td da gie't cha minh ma lai khong gie't ludn con cai cua hp? Why did Amaziah execute the officials who had murdered his father but did not kill their sons also? • 479. Ngtfdi nao "tim kiem [Chua] bao lau, thi Btfc Chtia Trdi khien cho ngtfdi dang may m i n bay lau"? Who "as long as he sought the LORD, God gave him success" ? • D At : 476. Thinh nio dtfdc menh danh li thinh cay chi li? 469. Ai noi cau, "Ttf khi dan stf khdi dem le vat v i o trong den thd Btfc Gieho-va, thi chting tdi cd an dtfdc du, v i con dtf lai nhieu, vi Btfc Gie-ho-va da ban phtfdc cho dan stf Ngai."? Who has said, "Since the people began to bring their contributions to the temple of the LORD, we have had enough to eat and plenty to spare, because the LORD has bless His people." ? • • 480. Trpn ddi thay t e l e nao ma, "ngtfdi ta hang dang cua le thieu tai den cua Btfc Gie-hd-va ludn ludn."? As long as which priest lives that, "burnt offerings were presented continually in the temple of the LORD." ? • Cau Goc Tuan Trtfdc (I Corinhto 15:19 /1 Corinthians 15:19) D Ten HOI THANH TIN LANH VIET NAM CUOC THI KINH THANH HANG TUAN # 41 ttf II Stf Ky 34 de'n Exdra 7 481. Trpn ddi vua nao m i dan chting, "hang theo Gie-ho-va Btfc Chua Trdi cua to phu hp, ching lia bd Ngii."? As long as which king lived that the people, "did not fail to follow the LORD, the God of their fathers."? O 482. Khi vua Gidsia qua ddi, cd ai dat b i i ai ca thtfdng khdc ngtfdi? When Josiah died, who composed laments for him? • 483. Khi cac thd bat dau xay nen den thd, thi nhffng thay te' Id v i ngtfdi • Levi lam gi? What did the priests and the Levi do when the builders laid the foundation of the temple? 484. Ai ndi cau, "Gie-hd-va Btfc Chtia Trdi da ban cho ta cac ntfdc the' gian, va bieu ta xay cat cho N g i i mpt cai den d tai Gierusalem."? Who has said, "The LORD, the God of heaven, has given me all the kingdoms of the earth and He has appointed me to build a temple for him at Jerusalem." ? • 485. Co bao nhieu ngtfdi ca hat thudc hp Asap da ttf Babylon trd ve xtf? How many singers who were the descendants of Asaph returned from the Babylonian exile? a 486. Ke' ten hai ngtfdi vie't thtf xin vua Attaxetxe ngan can viec xay cat den thd tai Gierusalem. Name two persons who wrote letter to king Artaxerxes against the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem. • 487.6" dau chep, "Vi Exdra da dinh chi tra xet luat p h i p cua Btfc Gie-hdva, giff lam theo, va day cho dan Ysdraen biet nhffng luat phap v i gidi mang?" Where is it written, "For Ezra had devoted himself to the study and observance of the Law of the LORD, and to the teaching its decrees and laws in Israel?" • 488. B e n thd m i dan hoi htfdng xay cat trd lai h o i n thinh v i o ltic n i o ? When was the temple, that the people return from exiled rebuilt, completed? • 489. Nhffng thay te' 16, ngtfdi Levi v i cac trtfdng tdc ldn tudi da tffng thay den thd nguy nga cua Salomon thud xtfa, da l i m gi khi hp thay ngtfdi ta khdi cdng xay cat lai nen den thd? What did the older priests, and Levites and family heads, who had seen the former Solomon's temple, do when they see the new foundation of the temple? • 490. Ngtfdi n i o tim dtfdc cud'n sach luat phap cua Chtia trong thdi vua Gidsia? Who found the Book of the Law of the LORD during Josiah's reign? o 491. Ai ttf xtfng minh l i "ke toi td cua Btfc Chua Trdi, Chua te' cua trdi v i dat."? Who consider themselves as "the servants of the God of heaven and earth." ? • 492. Bieu gi xay ra cho den thd cua Chtia trtfdc khi dan bi ltfu day qua Babylon? What happen to God's temple before the Babylonian exile? • Cau Gdc Tuan Trtfdc (I Phierd 1:8 11 Peter 1:8) • Ten HOI THANH TIN LANH VIET NAM CUOC THI KINH THANH HANG TUAN # 42 ttf Exdra 8 deY) N6hemi 7 4 9 3 . 0 dau chep, "Tay cua Btfc Chtia Trdi chting tdi phu trd mpi ke n i o tim kiem Ngii, nhtfng quyen n i n g va thanh nd N g i i khang ctf nhffng ke nao 11a bd Ngii."? Where is it written, "The gracious hand of our God is on everyone who looks to Him, but His great anger is against all who forsake Him." ? a 500. Cd bao nhieu ngtfdi "khdng the chi ra nha cua to' phu minh v i gdc gac cua ho, hoac thudc ve Ysdraen hay chang"? How many people "could not show that their families were descended from Israel"? o 501. Tai sao Exdra lai "xe i o trong v i ao tdi minh, nhd' tdc dau v i ldng • rau, roi ngoi buon b i " ? Why did Ezra "tore [his] tunic and cloak, pulled hair from [his] head and beard and sat down appalled"? 494. Ngtfdi ta tdn bao nhieu thing d e tra xet "nhffng ngtfdi cd ctfdi vd ngoai bang"? Nhffng ngtfdi nay da htfa lam dieu gi de giai quyd't te trang nay? How many months did the people spend to deal "with all the men who had married foreign women " ? What did they pledge to do to solve this problem ? 5 0 2 . 6 dau chep, "Nguyen Chtia nhd lai tdi ve c i c dieu tdi da l i m cho dan stf nay, v i l i m dn cho tdi."? Where is it written, "Remember me with favor, O my God, for all I have done for these people." ? D D 503. Nehemi cd chie'n thuat n i o de chd'ng tra vdi nhffng ngtfdi mudn p h i 495. Nghe cua Nehemi la gi? What was Nehemiah's occupation? o 4 9 6 . 6 dau chep, "Neu cac ngtfdi pham tdi, Ta se tan rai cac ngtfdi giffa cac dan toe"? Where is it written, "If you are unfaithful, I will scatter you among the nations"? D 497. Vach thinh Gierusalem dtfdc stfa xong trong bao nhieu n g i y ? How many days was the wall of Jerusalem completed? Q 498. Ai noi cau, "Hay den, xay cat cac vach thinh Gierusalem lai, hau cho chiing ta chang con bi si nhuc nffa"? Who has said, "Come, let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem, and we will no longer be in disgrace " ? D 499. Hang ngtfdi nao dtfdc Exdra chpn ra de' gin giff cac khi dung thinh v i 16 vat dan stf dang cho Chua? Who was chosen to guard those consecrated articles and the freewill offering? a hoai vide xay cat vach thinh Gierusalem? What was Nehemiah's strategy to deal with those who want to fight against the rebuilding Jerusalem's wall project? a 504. Liet ke ten mtfdi c i n h ctfa dtfdc xay stfa trd lai vdi vach thinh Gierusalem. List the names often gates that were rebuilt along with the wall of Jerusalem. • Cau Go'c Tuan Trtfdc (I Phierd 1:2211 Peter 1:22) O Ten HOI THANH TIN LANH VIET NAM CUOC THI KINH THANH HANG TUAN # 43 ttf Nehemi 8 den Exdte 4 505. Ai ndi, "Neu tdi phai chet thi tdi che't."? Who has said, "If I perish, I perish."? D 506. Ai am mtfu am sat vua Asueru? Ai kham p h i ra am mtfu dd? Who conspired to assassinate king Xerxes? Who discovered the assassination plot? 512.0" dau chep, "Vi long thtfdng xdt ldn lao cua Chtia, Chtia khdng cd tan diet chting, cung khdng lia bd chting; vi Chtia von l i Btfc Chua Trdi hay thtfdng xdt va nhdn ttf."? Where is it written, "In Your great mercy You did not put an end to them or abandon them, for You are a gracious and merciful God." ? • 513. Btfa theo giao tfdc tai lap vdi Chtia trong thdi Nehemi, dan stf htfa l i m nhffng dieu gi mdi n i m ? According to the binding agreement of the people with God in Nehemiah's time, what did the people promise to do every year? • _____ • 507. Theo lich ngtfdi Bothai, thing gieng con dtfdc gpi l i thing gi? T h i n g mtfdi l i thing gi? T h i n g mtfdi hai l i thing gi? According to Jewish calendar, what is the first month called? The tenth month? The twelve month? o 508. Ai ndi cau, "Song nao ai biet rang chang phai vi cd cd hoi hien hie nay m i ngtfdi dtfdc vi hoing hau sao?" Who has said, "Who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?" • 509. Exdte con cd ten khac l i gi? What is Esther's other name? D 510. Tai sao vua Asueru each chtfc vi h o i n g hau cua Vathi? Why did king Xerxes take away the royal position of queen Vashti? Q 511. Theo luat phap Moise, dan tdc n i o "ddi ddi khdng dtfdc v i o hdi cua Btfc Chua Trdi"? According to the law of Moses, which people should never be admitted into the assembly of God? D 514. Ai dtfdc cat dat " l i m dau ve viec h i t Idi khen ngdi trong ltic cau nguyen"? Who was appointed "the director who led in thanksgiving and prayer" ? a 515. Trong ddi cua ai m i ngtfdi ta bat dau "cap phan cho ke ca h i t v i ngtfdi canh giff ctfa"? In whose days that the people begin to "contribute the daily portions for the singers and gatekeepers" ? • 5 1 6 . 0 dau chep, "Chd buon tham, vi stf vui ve cua Btfc Gie-hd-va l i stfc ltfc cua cac ngtfdi."? Where is it written, "Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength." ? • Cau Go'c Tuan Trtfdc (I Phierd 1:23 /1 Peter 1:23) • Ten HOI THANH TIN LANH VIET NAM CUOC THI KINH THANH HANG TUAN # 44 ttf Exdte 5 de'n Gi6p 4 5 2 3 . 6 dau chep, "nao bao gid cd ke vd tdi bi htf mat? Bau cd ngtfdi ngay thang lai bi trtf diet."? Where is it written, "Who, being innocent, has ever perished? Where were the upright ever destroyed." ? • 524. Hang n i m , dan Giuda ky niem 16 gi trong n g i y 14 v i 15 thing 12? Hp 517. Cau Kinh T h i n h nao dai nhat trong s i c h Exdte? Which is the longest verse in the book of Esther? • 518. "Phai lam chi cho ngtfdi n i o vua [Asu6ru] mudn tdn trpng? What should be done for the man the king Xerxes delights to honor? D 519. Theo lich ngtfdi Bothai, thing ba con dtfdc gpi l i thing gi? According to Jewish calendar, what is the third month called? D 520. Ai ndi cau, "Trtf ra mdt minh ta, hoing hau Exdte chang vdi ai ciing vua de'n dtf tide yen cua b i da don."? Who has said, "I am the only person queen Esther invited to accompany the king to the banquet she gave." ? • 521. Ndi n i o m i "nhd v i ldn deu d cung nhau, v i ke tdi mpi dtfdc phdng khoi ach chu minh"? Where is the place that "the small and great are there, and the slave is freed from his master"? D 5 2 2 . 0 dau chep, "Stf phtfdc m i tay Btfc Chua Trdi ban cho chting ta, chting ta lanh lay, con stf tai hpa m i tay N g i i giing tren chting ta, lai chang lanh lay sao?" Where is it written, "Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble " ? • lam gi trong ngay 16 do? What festival was celebrated by the Jewish on the 14" and 15" day of the month ofAdar? What do they do in the festival? a 5 2 5 . 6 dau chep, "Tdi tran truong lot khdi long me, v i tdi cung se tran truong ma ve; Btfc Gie-ho-va da ban cho, Btfc Gie-hd-va lai cat di; d i n g ngdi khen danh Btfc Gie-hd-va"? Where is it written, "Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I will depart. The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away; may the name of the LORD be praised" ? a 526. Haman con c i i n h i ai? Who was Haman's father? • 527. Ngtfdi n i o bi che mat vi vua noi gian cung ngtfdi? Who got his face covered because the king was angry with him? • 528. Ai ndi cau, "Ndi the' gian chang cd ngtfdi nao gid'ng nhtf nd, vd'n trpn ven v i ngay thang, kinh sd Btfc Chtia Trdi v i l i n h khdi dieu &c."l Va ndi ve ai? Who has said, "There is no one on earth like him; he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil." ? And said about whom? • Cau Gdc Tuan Trtfdc (Esai 26:4 / Isaiah 26:4) a Ten H0I THANH TIN LANH VIET NAM CUOC THI KINH THANH HANG TUAN # 45 ttf Gi6p 5 de'n 14 529. M6n an nao lat leo de'n n6i chang cd mui lai gi he't? Which food is so bland there is no flavor? o 530. Ai ndi cau, "Kia, Btfc Chtia Trdi chang ttf bd ngtfdi trpn ven, cung khdng giup dd ke hung a c " ? Who has said, "Surely God does not reject a blameless man or strengthen the hands of evildoers." ? a 531. "Ai co the ttf stf 6 ue m i lay ra dtfdc dieu thanh sach"? "Who can bring what is pure from the impure"? • 5 3 2 . 0 dau chep, "Ngtfdi gia ca cd stf khdn ngoan, ke htfdng trtfdng thp dtfdc dieu thdng sang."? Where is it written, "Is not wisdom found among the aged? Does not long life bring understanding?" a 533. Theo stf vi sanh cua Sdpha, chtfng n i o "ngtfdi htf khdng mdi trd nen thong sing"? According to the Zophar's comparison, when "a witless man can become wise"? a 534. Ai hdi, "Loii ngtfdi l i gi m i Chtia ke l i cao trpng"? Who asked the question, "What is man that You make so much of him"? • 5 3 5 . 0 dau chep, "N6i sau tham gie't ngtfdi ngu mupi, stf dd'ky lam che't ke ddn sd."? Where is it written, "Resentment kills a fool, and envy slays the simple." ? o 536. Theo Elipha, "Ngtfdi m i Btfc Chtia Trdi qud trach" thi dtfdc ke l i gi? According to Eliphaz, "the man whom God corrects" is considered what? D 537. Cd hai dieu Gidp cau xin Chua chd l i m cho dng. Bd l i hai dieu gi? Job prayed that God grant him two things. What are those two things? o 538.6" dau chep, " N g i i l i m nhffng viec ldn lao, khdng sao do xet dtfdc, nhffng dau ky chang xiet cho dtfdc"? Where is it written, "He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted." ? • 539. Cai gi " l i m mdn d i " ? What "wears away stones"? • 5 4 0 . 0 dau chep, "Trai cua ke ctfdp dtfdc may man, nhffng ke choc gian Btfc Chua Trdi d binh an vd stf, va dtfdc Btfc Chua Trdi pho v i o tay minh nhieu t i i san dtf dat."? Where is it written, "The tents of marauders are undisturbed, and those who provoke God are secure - those who carry their god in their hands." ? o Cau Go'c Tuan Trtfdc (I Phierd 2:5 11 Peter 2:5) • Ten 547. Ai ndi cau, " N g i i hay lia xa chting tdi, vi chting tdi khong mudn bie't dao cua Ngii."? V i ndi vdi ai? Who has said, "Leave us alone! We have no desire to know Your way"? To whom? H0I THANH TIN LANH VIET NAM C U O C THI KINH T H A N H H A N G T U A N # 4 6 ttf G i o p 1 5 de'n 2 4 5 4 1 . 6 dau chep, "Con toi, tdi biet rang Bang ctfu chupc tdi v i n sd'ng, de'n luc cudi cung N g i i se dtfng tren dat."? Where is it written, "I know that my Redeemer lives, and that in the end He will stand upon the earth." ? D 542. Mdt khi "Chua da mdt y nhat dinh" roi, thi ai l i m cho N g i i ddi y dtfdc? If God "stands alone" who can oppose Him? • 543. Ai bi ket toi la "khdng cho ke khat xin ntfdc ud'ng, chang ban cho ngtfdi ddi b i n h an."? Who was accused of "gave no water to the weary and withheld food from the hungry." ? o_ 544. Ai noi cau, "Btfdng khi dtf dat, nd se bi cung tting; cac ngtfdi khd'n kho se tra tay vao minh no."? V i am chi ve ai? Who has said, "In the midst of his plenty, distress will overtake him; the full force of misery will come upon him." ?About whom? D 5 4 5 . 0 dau chep, "Trpn ddi ngtfdi hung ac bi dau ddn ctfc long, so it n i m de danh cho ke h i hiep."? Where is it written, "All his days the wicked man suffers torment, the ruthless through all the years stored up for him." ? • 5 4 6 . 0 dau ghi lai dng Gidp hdi mieng den ndi vd dng cung khdng chiu ndi? Where is it said that Job had bad breath that even his wife cannot put up with it? • a 548. Giop so s i n h am phu l i m ti6u tan "nhffng ke co toi" gid'ng nhtf gi? What did Job compare "the grave snatches away those who have sinned" similar to what? • 549. Ai ndi cau, "Ky niem han se diet khdi the" gian, danh han khdng ltfu lai • tren mat dat."? V i i m chi ve ai? Who has said, "The memory of him perishes from the earth; he has no name in the land." ? Referring to whom? 550. Ai ttf xtfng, "Tai trong tay tdi khdng co stf hung dff, va Idi cau nguydn tdi vd'n tinh sach."? Who admits that, "My hands have been free of violence and my prayer is pure. "? • 551. Bieu gi se xay ra cho "ngtfdi nao nop b i n g hffu minh cho bi ctfdp"? What will happen to those "denounce his friends for reward."? a 552. Ai ndi cau, " L o i i ngtfdi l i chi, m i lai l i thanh sach? Ke do ngtfdi nff sanh ra l i gi, ma lai l i cdng binh?" Who has said, "What is man, that he could be pure, or one born of woman, that he could be righteous?" • C a u Go'c T u a n Trtfdc (I P h i e r d 2:12 / / Peter 2:12) • Ten 560. Ong n i o non ndng chd tdi phien minh ndi m i "long nhtf rtfdu chtfa khui, nd gan ntft ra nhtf bau rtfdu mdi"? Who, so anxious to say something that "inside 1 am like bottled-up wine, like new wineskin ready to burst" ? HOI THANH TIN LANH VIET NAM CUOC THI KINH THANH HANG TUAN # 47 ttf Giop 25 den 34 5 5 3 . 6 dau chep, "Btfc Chua Trdi chang he h i n h ac, Bang T o i n N i n g khdng bao gid l i m hung nghiet"? Where is it written, "Far be it from God to do evil, from the Almighty to do wrong"? o 554. Ai vi sanh "loai ngtfdi vd'n gid'ng nhtf con sau, va con cai loai ngtfdi gid'ng nhtf mpt con gidi bp"? Who compared man as "a magot, a son of man, who is only a worm" ? • 555. Bac, vang va c i c kim loai k h i c ttf dau m i ra? Where can you find silver, gold and other metals? • 5 5 6 . 0 dau chep, "Tdi da nhtf con m i t cho ke mil, v i nhtf chan cho ke que. Toi da lam cha cho ke ngheo khd."? Where is it written, "I was eye to the blind and feet to the lame. I was a father to the needy." ? n 557. Cau Kinh T h i n h n i o chtfng minh dia cau l i mdt h i n h tinh? Which verse proved that the earth is a planet? a 558. Giop d i lap giao tfdc gi vdi con mat cua minh? What covenant did Job make with his eyes? • 5 5 9 . 0 dau chep, "Vi tdi biet rang Chtia se dan tdi de'n chdn stf che't, l i ndi ho hen cua cac ngtfdi sd'ng."? Where is it written, "I know You will bring me down to death to the place appointed for all the living." ? D D : 561. Giop the rang "he hdi thd tdi con d minh tdi" thi dng se l i m gi? Job vow that "as long as I have life within me, the breath of God in my nostrils" then he will do what? a 562.6" dau chep, "Vi mat Btfc Chua Trdi xem xet dtfdng ld'i l o i i ngtfdi, • N g i i nom c i c btfdc hp"? Where is it written, "His eyes are on the ways of men; He sees their every step."? 563. Ai ttf xtfng, "Tdi trong sach, khong co vi pham; toi vd toi, v i trong long toi chang co gian i c gi"? Who boast that, "I am pure and without sin; I am clean and free from guilt" ? D. 5 6 4 . 0 dau chep, "Kinh sd Chtia, ay l i stf khdn ngoan; T r i n h khdi dieu ac, ay l i stf thong sing."? Where is it written, "The fear of the Lord - that is wisdom, and to shun evil is understanding." ? • Cau Goc Tuan Trtfdc (Esai 9:5b / Isaiah 9:6) • Ten HOI THANH TIN LANH VIET NAM CUOC THI KINH THANH HANG TUAN # 48 ttf Giop 35 d£n Thi thien 2 565. G dau chep, "Hay cau Ta, Ta se ban cho Con c i c ngoai bang l i m cd nghiep, v i cac dau cung dat l i m cua cai."? Where is it written, "Ask of Me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession."? D 566. Con vat n i o de trtfng xudng dat v i dem vui trong c i t ? Which animal lays her eggs on the ground and lets them warm in the sand? • 567. Xin ke ra ba dieu ngtfdi cong binh khong l i m . List three things a righteous person doesn't do. a 572. Xin ke ten ba cd ai nff cua Giop. List the names of Job's three beautful daughters. a 573. L i m sao ngtfdi ta l i m ntfdc d i trong thdi cua Giop? How do people produces ice in Job's time? D 574. Ai hoi "mtfa cd cha ching? Ai sanh ra c i c gipt stfdng?" Who asked "Does the rain have a father? Who fathers the drops of dew?" a 575. Theo Elihu thi l o i i n i o cd the' " d o i n diem ddng mtfa gan de'n"? According to Elihu, what can "make known the coming storm approaching"? • 5 7 6 . 0 dau chep, "Vi stf gian ac cua dng cd the' hai mdt ngtfdi dong loai, v i stf cong binh dng cd the l i m ich cho mdt con cai loii ngtfdi."? Where is it written, "Your wickedness affects only a man like yourself, and your righteousness only the sons of men." ? • 5 6 8 . 6 dau chep, "Ngai von rat quyen ning, rat chanh trtfc v i cdng binh ctfc die'm, khdng he h i hie'p ai."? Where is it written, "The Almighty is beyond our reach and exalted in power; in His justice and great righteousness, He does not oppress." ? • 569. Tat ca mpi vat d dtfdi trdi deu thudc ve ai? 6 dau chep? Everything under heaven belongs to whom? Where does it say that in the Bible? • 570. Con vat n i o "nhay bung nhtf cao cao"? Which animal "leap like a locust"? • 5 7 1 . 0 dau chep, "Tai vi nhieu stf h i hie'p, nen ngtfdi ta keu oan, bdi tay ke co ctfdng quyen i p che", nen hp keu ctfu."? Where is it written, "Men cry out under a load of oppression; they plead for relieffrom the arm of the powerful." ? D Cau Gdc Tuan Trtfdc (Luca 20:25 / Luke 20:25) __ Ten 584. 6 dau chep, "Vi trong stf che't chang cdn nhd de'n Chtia nffa; ndi am phu ai se cam ta Chtia"? HOI THANH TIN LANH VIET NAM CUQC THI KINH THANH HANG TUAN # 49 ttf Thi thien 3 de'n 12 577.6 dau chep, "Nhtfng, hdi Btfc Gie-hd-va, Ngii li cii khien chd che tdi; Ngii la stf vinh hien tdi, vi li Bang lim cho tdi ngtfdc dau len"? • Where is it written, "But You are a shield around me, O LORD, You bestow glory on me and lift up my head" ? 578.0 dau ghi lai ring ke ic trong ttf ttfdng li ngtfdi vd than? Where it it written that there is no room for God in the wicked person's thought? a 579. Ai lim nha si cho ke ac? Who was the wicked's dentist? a Where is it written, "Offer right sacrifices and trust in the LORD"? 581. Thi thien n i o cho biet con ngtfdi l i loai thp tao cao nhat? Which psalm regarded man as the highest creature? • 9, 583.0 dau chep, "Nhtfng phim ai ntfdng nau minh ndi Chtia se khoai lac, cat tieng reo mtfng den mai mai, vi Chtia bao hp cac ngtfdi ay; Ke nio ii md danh Chua, cung se ntfc long mtfng rd ndi Chtia."? a 585. CJ dau chep, "Btfc Gie-hd-va se lim ndi niu an cao cho ke bi hi hie'p, mdt ndi nau an cao trong thi gian truan"? • Where is it written, "The LORD is the refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble" ? 586. Theo mdt thi thien cua Bavit, ngoii vide ngu nghi, chting ta nen lim gi nffa d tren gitfdng minh? According to one of David's psalm, beside sleeping, what else should we do on our beds? a 587. Ngdi cua Chtia dtfdc dat d dau, theo nhtf thi thien Bavit da lim? o 588. Cf dau chep, "Ngtfdi thid'u thdn se khdng bi bd quen luon ludn, vi ke khd'n ciing chang that vpng mai mai."? Where is it written, "But the needy will not always be forgotten, nor the hope of the afflicted ever perish." ? o CSu G6'c Tuan Trtfdc (I Phierd 2:23 / 1 Peter 2:23-24) 582. Bavit vi sanh cac Ldi cua Chua trong sach nhtf bac da dtfdc luyen may Ian? David compared the Words of God like silver refined how many times? • D. Where is the LORD's throne located, according to David's psalm? 580.0 dau chep, "Hay dang stf cong binh lim cua 16, vi de long tin cay ndi Btfc Gie-ho-va"? • Where is it written, "No one remembers You when he is dead. Who praises You from the grave " ? Where is it written, "But let all who take refuge in You be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread Your protection over them, that those who love Your name may rejoice in You." ? • Ten HOI THANH TIN LANH VIET NAM CUOC THI KINH THANH HANG TUAN # 50 ttf Thi thien 13 de'n 22 5 8 9 . 0 dau chep, "Chua l i thinh, N g i i l i Bang ngtf giffa stf khen ngdi cua Ysdraen."? Where is it written, "You are enthrone as the Holy One; You are the praise of Israel." ? 5 9 6 . 6 dau chep, "Tdi se hat ngdi khen Btfc Gie-hd-va, vi N g i i da l i m dn cho tdi."? Where is it written, "I will sing to the LORD, for He has been good to me." ? • 597. Ngtfdi n i o dtfdc ngu trong den tam cua Chtia v i d tren ntii thinh cua • Ngii? Who may dwell in God's sanctuary and live on His holy hill? D 590. "Vi vua tin cay ndi Btfc Gie-hd-va" nen se khdng bi dieu gi? "For the king trusts in the LORD" so what will not happen to him? D 591. Chua se lam gi cho nhffng "ke hay thtfdng xdt"? What God will show "to the faithful" ? • 592. Ai da quye't dinh rang, "mieng tdi se khdng pham tdi"? Who had resolved "that my mouth will not sin"? • 5 9 3 . 0 dau chep, "Vi Chtia se chang bd linh hon tdi trong am phu, cung khdng de' cho ngtfdi thinh Chua thay stf htf n i t " ? Where is it written, "Because You will not abandon me to the grave, nor will You let Your Holy One see decay" ? • 594. Bavit ttf hao, "Ke nay nhd cay xe cp, ke k h i c nhd cay ngtfa," nhtfng con dng thi nhd cay dieu gi? David boasts that "Some trust in chariots and some in horses," but in what does he trust? a 595. Ai noi, "Nguyen Idi ndi cua mieng tdi, stf suy gam cua long tdi dtfdc dep y Ngii."? Who has said, "May the word of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in Your sight." ? D 598. "Trtf ra Btfc Gie-hd-va, ai l i Btfc Chtia Trdi?" "Who is God besides the LORD?" o 5 9 9 . 0 dau chep, "Cau Chtia bao hp tdi nhtf con ngtfdi cua mat, hay ap tdi dtfdi bong canh cua Chtia"? Where is it written, "Keep me as the apple of Your eye, hide me in the shadow of Your wing"? a 600. Ngtfdi n i o ndi trong long rang, "Chang cd Btfc Chua Trdi"? Who says in his heart that, "There is no God" ? D Cau G6c Tuan Trtfdc (Epheso 5:33 / Ephesians 5:33) • Tdn HOI THANH TIN LANH VIET NAM CUOC THI KINH THANH HANG TUAN # 51 ttf Thi thien 23 den 32 601. Ngtfdi mi "dtfdc tha stf vi pham minh, dtfdc khda lap tdi loi minh." Thi dtfdc ke li ngtfdi nhtf the'nio? He whose "transgression are forgiven, whose sins are covered" is consider what? • 602. Cdn gian cua Chtia thi "chi trong mdt luc" con dn cua Ngai thi dii de'n bao lau? God's anger "lasts only a moment" but how long did His favor last? • 603. Phan doan thi thien nao ndi nhieu ve tieng noi cua Btfc Gie-hd-va? Which psalm speaks a lot about the voice of the LORD? • 6 0 4 . 0 dau chep, "Xin hay ctfu dan Chua, va ban phtfdc cho cd nghiep Ngii; cung hay chin nudi v i nang dd hp ddi ddi"? Where is it written, "Save Your people and bless Your inheritance; be their shepherd and carry them forever" ? • 605. Hai dieu gi thupc ve Chtia "hang cd ttf xtfa"? a • Who promise with God that he will "lead a blameless life " ? 607. d dau chep, "Stf nhdn ttf Chtia, ma Chua da danh cho ngtfdi kinh sd Chua, vi thi hinh trtfdc mat con cai loii ngtfdi cho nhffng ke ntfdng nau minh ndi Chtia, that ldn lao thay."? Where is it written, "How great is Your goodness, which You have stored up for those who fear You, which You bestow in the sight of men on those who take refuge in You." ? Which Bible verse declares that everything is the LORD'S? 609. Vua Bavit cd cau xin Chtia mdt dieu vi se tim kiem dieu ay. Bieu do l i dieu gi? King David ask of the LORD for one thing and that is what he seek. What is that one thing?. o 610. Tai sao ngtfdi tin Chtia khdng sd hai gi he't, dau cd di qua trung bong che't cung chang he gi?. Why are believers afraid of nothing, even though walking through the valley of the shadow of death? a 6 1 1 . 6 dau chep, "Hdi Gie-hd-va Btfc Chua Trdi tdi, tdi se cam ta Chua de'n ddi ddi"? Where is it written, "O LORD my God, I will give You thanks forever" ? o At 6 1 2 . 0 dau chep, "Btfc Gie-hd-va gin giff nhffng ngtfdi thinh tin, nhtfng bio cich nang ne ke i n d kieu ngao"? What are two things of God that are "from of old"? 606. Ai htfa vdi Chua, "Con tdi, tdi se btfdc di trong stf thanh liem"? • 608. Cau Kinh Thanh nio ndi mpi vat deu thupc ve Chtia? • Where is it written, "The LORD preserves the faithful, but the proud He pays back in full"? Cau G6'c Tuan Trtfdc (I Phierd 3:8 / / Peter 3:8) Q
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