Clean electricity: International experience on open markets
Clean electricity: International experience on open markets
Clean electricity: International experience on open markets 1/19/10 Contents of the presentation 1. FANC 2. EKOenergy 3. Open electricity markets in EU 4. Success based on trust 5. RES-E Renewable Electricity Standard for Europe 6. How can you participate? 1/19/10 Finnish Association for Nature Conservation (FANC) 1/19/10 The biggest environmental NGO in Finland. Active members all over Finland from Lapland to Helsinki and from the Russian border to the Western Finland. Member of EEB, biggest European federation for ENGOs. Member of IUCN, the world's oldest and largest environmental network in ? y y rg nerg e n e re o O f l K e E b la is o ” c t y e a g r e n Wh e only e n ee r • Th nd g ” r o a e n l l f a n b ia a th Fi r w e e r e it r o n c d e n y •M %r t a i l i s 0 b k 0 a r so l 1 n o i a • w a t t n s e a s u n c • S wable ating es c i v r e e e h n s t re c i g r n ist savi D • y g . r d e e n i e tif r e c be Open electricity markets in EU enables: 1. all consumers freely to choose their suppliers and 2. all suppliers freely to deliver to their customers and 3. ”green electricity” sales. * End-users finance the whole sector - companies and households. What if they decide to stop buying non-sustainable energy? 1/19/10 Success of the voluntary green energy market is based on TRUST! Green energy purchases must make a difference like: • New renewables or • Making old renewables more sustainable or • CO2 emissions reductions. Third parties like NGOs and ecolabels play a crucial role! Electricity must be tracked and double counting must be avoided Guarantees of Origin! 1/19/10 An example of a sustainability criteria: Criteria for sustainable hydro power in EKOenergy An environmental inventory about each hydro power station must be supplied to FANC. A fish passage is required in order to qualify for EKOenergy certification. (Exception is made if the fish passage does not benefit fish or mussel populations on the river or if the fish passage is impossible to be built.) A small amount of money must be paid to the EKOenergy 1/19/10 Environmental Fund for every kWh sold to end-users. O p e n re ta il m a rk e ts fo r e le c tric ity in E U e n a b le : 1. all consumers freely to choose their suppliers and 2. all suppliers freely to deliver to their customers and 3. ”green electricity” sales. * End-users finance the whole sector - companies and households. What if they decide to stop buying non-sustainable energy? 1/19/10 O p e n re ta il m a rk e ts fo r e le c tric ity in E U e n a b le : 1. all consumers freely to choose their suppliers and 2. all suppliers freely to deliver to their customers and 3. ”green electricity” sales. * End-users finance the whole sector - companies and households. What if they decide to stop buying non-sustainable energy? 1/19/10 If TRUSTED End users and energy companies are proud to tell that the electricity they use or sell is ecolabeled! There is a good market price for that! RES-E Renewable Electricity Standard for Europe Why such a system is not European wide??? RES-E is giving a birth to a European wide ecolabel for energy. Joint initiative by EKOenergy and RECS International. ”Coalition of the Willing” is developing the standard. Based on Guarantees of Origin. Owned by a fund managed by energy companies, environmental NGOs and consumer associations. RES-E Renewable Electricity Standard for Europe Join the ”Coalition of the Willing” at! n!! o i t n e t t ra u o y r o f ou Thank y ore infor mation ! M s-e.or g e r . w w w g r e n e o ww.ek rgia.r u e n e o k e www. ne n i l e k s E anding r b Riku d n a eting k r a M r o s inat @ d r n o e o n i c l rgy u.eske k i r , EKOene 2 8 572 77 0 5 8 5 3 + 15.04.12