April 2010 - The San Francisco Orchid Society
April 2010 - The San Francisco Orchid Society
S Volume 59 Number 4 The mission of the SFOS is to foster the culture and cultivation of orchids and to promote education of its members and the public about orchids. Our goals include: an exchange of information from exhibitions, publications, and the Internet, maintenance of a reference library, and participation in worldwide activities. y Orchid o c s i c n Soc a r F i Newsletter e n t April 2010 a A California Non Profit 501(c)3 Corporation April Speaker Thomas Mirenda on Taiwan International Orchid Show SFOS Meeting: Tues., April 6th, 2010 AOS Judging: 7:00 p.m. Skills Session: 7:05 p.m. Meeting: 7:30 p.m. San Francisco County Fair Building, Golden Gate Park, 9th Avenue and Lincoln Way, San Francisco. Plants submitted for American Orchid Society Judging must be entered between 6:30pm and 7:00pm. Skill Session Tina Saravia Basic Potting Orchids Plant Opportunity Table Napa Valley Orchids Tom Mirenda trained as a Marine Biologist, and has been an orchid addict since his childhood. Tom is presently the Orchid Collection Specialist at the Smithsonian Institution where he cares for a huge collection of orchid species and hybrids, produces a fourmonth long orchid exhibit each year, and supplies information about orchid cultivation, ecology and conservation to the public year ’round. His mission in life is trying to bring the horticultural, scientific and conservation communities closer together. He has been writing two popular monthly columns in Orchids magazine, ‘The Orchid Checklist’ and the ‘Genus of the Month,’ for the last four years. An orchid grower since his childhood, Tom is a very enthusiastic orchid grower and promoter of the ‘Orchid Lifestyle’ i.e. lots of plants… old wornout clothes and furniture and a diet with no protein… Even though he studied Marine Biology in college on the West Coast, he always returned to Horticulture as a hobby and eventually a career. He has worked at some of the East Coast’s most cherished botanic gardens and private estates, and some West Coast places as well, including a brief stint in Hawaii.Tom’s interest in orchids has influenced him to travel extensively through Latin America and he is an expert on the orchids of Costa Rica and Panama. He’s presented some of what he will say for us at one of the Scientific Conferences on Andean Orchids, as a keynote speaker.Tom is in his 10th year as the Museum Specialist for the Orchid Collection at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington DC. The Smithsonian collection is an extremely diverse assemblage of species and hybrids from all over the world, collected for their educational, conservation and ornamental value. It includes some very famous collections, including the Pabst collection of Cattleyas, and has been supplemented by Tom’s enthusiastic acquisition of cloud forest twig epiphytes – no easy task in balmy Washington D.C. He is also responsible for supplying blooming plants year-round for the many horticultural displays of the Smithsonian, including its annual five-month Orchid Exhibition. 2009-2010 SFOS Officers/Contacts President Jean Lee 415-665-6079 jeanleeorchids@gmail.com Vice President Eric Hunt 415-225-6561 eric@erichunt.com Secretary Kay Klumb 415-648-8271 kklumb@earthlink.net Treasurer Dan Peter 650-563-9259 dan.peter@sbcglobal.net Directors Maureen Clarke 415-333-4033 maureenclarke@sbcglobal.net Ellen Edelson 415-731-5924 e.edelson@sbcglobal.net Alison Lehman 510-912-5800 allison@webbnet.com Ricki Kohn 415-384-0427 ricki@rkmediasolutions.com Membership Judy Bley 415-826-8372 jabley@pacbell.net Newsletter Angelic Nguyen 408-476-7153 Angelic@orchidesign.com & Dave Robison 408-947-0486 Dave@orchidesign.com AOS Representative Carol Zoltowski 415-657-3222 czoltowski@sbcglobal.net Orchid Digest Representative Jean Lee 415-665-6079 jeanleeorchids@gmail.com Plant Sales Masaki Asuka 650-588-6753 Sofia Valenzuela 415-469-9332 nilesofia@hotmail.com Property Managers Ellen Edelson 415-731-5924 Maureen Clarke 415-333-4033 maureenclarke@sbcglobal.net Raffle Tickets Ellen Edelson 415-731-5924 Maureen Clarke 415-333-4033 Librarians Chris Mende chrismendefoto@aim.com Show Chair Dennis Westler 415-336-2752 DennisWestler@aol.com Webmaster Eric Hunt 415-225-6561 eric@erichunt.com info@orchidsanfrancisco.org A California Non Profit 501(c)3 Corporation 2 SFOS NEWSLETTER APRIL 2010 Election Officers and Directors of the San Francisco Orchid Society will be held at the April meeting. Slate of Nominations: President: Jean Lee Vice President: Eric Hunt Secretary: Kay Klumb Membership: Judy Bley Treasurer: Dan Peter Show Chair: Dennis Westler Directors: Maureen Clarke Ellen Edelson Allison Lehman Ricki Kohn Members of the Board by reason of the office (ex officio) Membership: Judy Bley Show Chair: Dennis Westler New Members We welcome back: Tanya Lam and welcome the following new members: Paul Tamae Ilie Gaceu Raymond Vickers-Traft Deborah Petrie and Bill Ulirch Katherine Strojny Dorothy Tabron Chen-Hao Hsu Victoria Biscarra Sheri DeCarlo Paul & Vivian Imperiale Betsy Cheney Suzanne Sprong Refreshments A–Ch SFOS members are encouraged to help out with refreshments, setup and cleanup at Monthly Meetings. If your last name falls within the letter range A–Ch please bring snacks such as fresh fruit, ice cream, crackers & cheese for the next meeting. About three dozen cookies, one cake, one to two pounds of fruit or cheeses, or one box of crackers is an appropriate amount. Remember to pick up your raffle ticket as one of the rewards of sharing — and good luck in the drawing! AOS Awards March 3, 2010 - California Sierra Nevada Judging Center - Sacramento • Aerangis Winter Snow ‘Sierra Nevada’, HCC 79 (Aergs.Winter Dove x Aergs. fastuosa), Exhibited by Gold Country Orchids • Cattleya Tatsuka Kiyoko ‘Jocelyn’, AM 81 (C. sincorana x C. wittigiana) [formerly Laelia and Sophronitis respectively] Exhibited by James Morris • Dendrobium Intense ‘Intense’, AM 81 (Den. Lorikeet x Den. Zip), Exhibited by James Morris • Masdevallia Annette Hall ‘Winston’, AM 85 (Masd. Copper Angel x Masd. Manco Inca) Exhibited by Ken and Amy Jacobsen • Sarcochilus spathulatus ‘Jocelyn’, CHM 80 (prov) species, exhibited by James Morris • Sarcochilus weinthalii ‘Jocelyn’, CHM 80 (prov) species, Exhibited by James Morris March 13, 2010 - CSNJC - Central California Orchid Society Show • Paphiopedilum Toni Semple ‘Dianne’, HCC 75 (Paph. haynaldianum x Paph. lowii), Exhibited by Carl Kassabian • Trichopilia suavis ‘Kristine’, HCC 76 species, Exhibited by Robert Sun March 15, 2010 - Pac Central - Oakland • Paphiopedilum delenatii ‘Moqui’; HCC 76 species, Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos • Phalaenopsis schilleriana var. purpurea ‘Monster’, AM 80 species, Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos March 26, 2010 - Pacific Central Judging Center Santa Clara Orchid Society Show • Cymbidium goeringii var. album ‘Agnes’, HCC 79 species, Exhibited by Buddy Mark • Cymbidium Memoria Amelia Earhart ‘Geyserland’, AM 81 (Cym. Hazel Tyers x Cym. devonianum), Exhibited by Eanghak Quach raised from an HCC 78 given in May 2009 Pictures or stats can be found at http://www.aospacificcentral.org and http://www.csnjc.org Celebration of Richard Emory’s Life Dick Emory was an active member of the San Francisco Orchid Society for many, many years. When: Saturday, April 17th 2010 Noon Until 4 PM Where: UC Botanical Gardens Conference Rooms and Terrace 200 Centennial Drive, Berkeley, California Theme: Aloha/Hawaiian Attire RSVP: Michael Emory (925) 988-0639 Cell: (925) 818-6401 E-Mail: Michaelemory@johnmuirhealth.com The reason this event is at the UC Botanical Gardens is because Dick used to volunteer every Tuesday at the Orchid House for many years. He loved the place. (There will be Directions/Parking information at the SOFS meeting) Note: The San Francisco Orchid Society provided funds for construction of the Orchid Display Cabinet. Thank You! Thank you to all who volunteered in the setup and tear down of the front entry exhibit. Without all of your help, it would not have been possible to create such a nice exhibit. I would espcially like to thank Carl Tebbel, Nellie Chiang, Geoff Wong, Allison Lehman, Valerie Henderson, Claire Cangiolosi, Eric Imperiale, Elle Ronis, and my buddy Darwin from Florali in Walnut Creek for their help. I almost forgot—our esteemed Ambassador at large, Bruce Rogers. Congratulations to Walter Shinn, Rebecca Masters Long, and Eric Hunt for assembling the SFOS members exhibit which won the Orchid Digest Trophy, and to all the members who contributed the wonderful plants that made up the exhibit. Thanks also to Silvestri & Co, Golden Gate Palms, Lyngso, Tree Movers, McLellan Botanicals, and Metamorphosis Landscaping for the donating plants and materials that created such a wonderful background for the orchids. Please support their businesses throughout the year as they always have supported the SFOS with no questions asked. Finally, I would like to thank Michael Galli, of Metamorphosis Landscaping, for his contribution of time, design, and enthusiasm in creating the front exhibit. Tom Perlite SFOS NEWSLETTER APRIL 2010 3 A note from POE Show Chair -Thanks For Making Carnaval! A Beautiful Show I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of those members who participated as volunteers and exhibitors. It was a truly lovely show with great plants and great displays. The theme worked well to inspire colorful and exciting displays from both visiting societies, individual exhibitors and commercial vendors. And the comments from show attendees were overwhelmingly positive (which has not always been the case). The show ran very smoothly, and even as show chair I was able to have a relatively stress-free and enjoyable weekend. The transition from Friday’s show hours into the Gala was somewhat trying, and with the early opening, the day was very long. But it was important to see that we could make changes like that and have them come off smoothly. I know that changes such as these are often upsetting to people and was very gratified to see the membership was as helpful and supportive as it was. I am very thankful to have both chairs and paid staff that are as capable and dedicated as they are. Even those who were tackling the jobs for the first time did well and their experience will either serve them next year, or provide excellent instruction for those who replace them. There were of course some glitches, but people stepped up and they worked out. It is still too soon to discuss financial results, but I will say that just as recession and financial worries have affected other aspects of our lives, they have affected the show.We were not able to reach our full quota of vendors, many of our past vendors having closed their doors, or been unable to afford the fees and the trip.We were also unable to find the level of corporate sponsorship we enjoyed in 2007 and 2008, and attendance was down.We experienced the same kind of decrease as has been seen across the board in home/garden/horticultural shows, and clearly it is simply the result of still-uncertain economic times. Our media 4 SFOS NEWSLETTER APRIL 2010 support continues to be strong and we had as much live media coverage and as many column inches in the print media as we have for the past several years. This is truly amazing (and gratifying), as the media thrives on novelty and does not often return to the same events year after year. Unlike some of the most venerable garden shows in the country though, we are still here and we remain (as many people tell me) the best orchid show in the country. I can only hope that future shows run as well and that the economic situation in the country begins to turn around soon. I hope everyone who participated enjoyed it, and will plan to do so again in the future. I can’t wait to see the pictures that will be posted in this month's newsletter, and hope you all enjoy them as well. Once again, thank you on behalf of the San Francisco Orchid society for all the effort in mounting a beautiful show. I hope everyone is appreciative of the effort put out by the Show Committee, the various Committee Chairs, and me. Ours is often a thankless (though rewarding) but necessary job in keeping the SFOS both afloat and in the public eye. Looking ahead to 2011, it is time to think up a new theme. Carnaval! was my baby, and I’d like to see the next theme come from someone else. So give it some thought.You all should know the drill by now: Short, catchy and with a visual hook that can inspire good displays. The word Orchid does not have to be in it, as it has not in some of our best themes. It should not take more than six or seven words at most. Send your ideas to me (denniswestler@aol.com) by the end of the month for the show committee to consider. Sincerely, Dennis Westler/Chair Pacific Orchid Exposition Big thanks to POE Volunteers Photos by Jean Lee SFOS NEWSLETTER APRIL 2010 5 Orchid Greenhouse Tour Santa Clara Valley Orchid Society Saturday May 1, 2010–9:00am-2:00pm Public Invited! Seven Greenhouses Open for your Enjoyment and Learning Please visit them in any order at your convenience, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Come see and enjoy hundreds of orchids in bloom in our member greenhouses. Learn local growing methods. See how the experts do it. Buy beautiful flowers! * Doug Pulley, 245 Vista Del Monte, Los Gatos, 408354-1412 Doug grows and breeds many indoor and outdoor orchids. Closing Greenhouse this fall!-Orchids for sale including Cattleyas, Cymbidiums, Lady Slippers, Stanhopeas, specimen plants and awarded species. The Stanhopea Book Rudolf Jenny In preparation for our July 2010 speaker Rudolf Jenny, you can contact him to buy this book Rudolf Jenny Moosweg 9 3112 ALLMENDINGEN CH-Switzerland The Stanhopea Book * Bud Segraves, 115 LuRay Drive (off Blossom Hill Road) Los Gatos, 408-356-8435 Bud grows all kinds of orchids, has used his engineering expertise in greenhouse features.Orchids for sale-Phalaenopsis, Cattleyas, Cymbidiums and many others. * Ed Nazzal, 1487 Montelegre (near Camden) San Jose 95120, 408/268-3573 Ed does beautifully with orchids in a small greenhouse and outdoors-orchids for sale. * Eanghak Quach, 459 Savstrom Way, San Jose 95111, 408-316-4320 Eanghak specializes in unusual cymbidiums, seedlings and outdoor orchids. Cymbidiums, Cattleyas and other outdoor Orchids for sale. Special prices! Open until 5:00. * Angelic Nguyen, 1361 Plum Street,(Near Alma & Almaden) San Jose 95110, 408-476-7153 Angelic loves big Cattleyas, Vandas and Australian Dendrobiums. For sale - Cattleyas, Vandas, Pendulous & Peloric Cymbidiums, Dendrobiums, Laelias - All cool to warm Species & Hybrids Orchids. Open until 5:00. * Tanya Lam, 2096 Mandelay Place (off Yerba Buena) San Jose 95138, 408-826-1101Tanya has a collection of many long-lasting and frequent blooming orchids. Many fine Cattleya hybrid divisions, Bulbophylum species, Cymbidium, and lots of orchid-growing supplies for sale. Open until 5:00pm. * Randy and Sandi Fox, 13346 Colony Avenue, San Martin, 95046, 408-683-0145 Sandi has grown orchids for years, recently expanded to include outside orchids and orchids from flasks. Orchids for sale. 6 SFOS NEWSLETTER APRIL 2010 Rudolf Jenny 2010 Newsletter Submissions The SFOS Newsletter welcomes news, articles, events, and any other items of interest to members. Send items by the 15th of the month to: or mail to: 1361 Plum St., San Jose, CA 95110 Please include your name at the beginning or end of your text. All submissions will be reviewed and may be edited due to space limitations. Thank you! angelic@orchidesign.com SHOW TROPHY WINNERS 2010 PACIFIC ORCHID EXPOSITION BEST IN SHOW BEST PLANT IN SHOW Dendrochilum cobbianum Exhibitor: Cynthia Hill BEST SPECIES IN SHOW Dracula robledorum ‘Jim Nybakken’ Exhibitor: John Leathers BEST SPECIMEN PLANT IN SHOW Pleurothallis restrepioides Exhibitor: Golden Gate Orchids BEST MINIATURE PLANT (under 8”) IN SHOW Chytroglossa aurata Exhibitor: Judy Carney BEST CATTLEYA ALLIANCE IN SHOW Lc. Santa Barbara Sunset ‘Showtime’ Exhibitor: Heather Drobus BEST PAPHIOPEDILUM / PHRAGMIPEDIUM IN SHOW Paphiopedilum St. Swithin Exhibitor: Eileen Jackson BEST PHALAENOPSIS IN SHOW Phalaenopsis Miki Watanabe Exhibitor: South Pacific Inc. BEST ONCIDIUM ALLIANCE IN SHOW Wilsonara Diane Feinstein ‘San Francisco’ Exhibitor: Japheth Ko BEST CYMBIDIUM IN SHOW Cymbidium Gladys Whitesell ‘Epigarden’ Exhibitor: Eanghak Quach BEST PLEUROTHALLID ALLIANCE IN SHOW Dracula robledorum ‘Jim Nybakken’ Exhibitor: John Leathers BEST DENDROBIUM IN SHOW Dendrobium (miyakei x topaziacum) Exhibitor: Kawamoto Orchids BEST PLANT OF OTHER GENUS IN SHOW Dendrochilum cobbianum Exhibitor: Cynthia Hill BEST ORCHID SHOWN FOR FOLIAGE IN SHOW Lepanthes calodictyon Exhibitor: Orquideas del Valle BEST NON-GREENHOUSE-GROWN PLANT IN SHOW Pleurothallis restrepioides Exhibitor: Golden Gate Orchids YOUTH TROPHY (for exhibitors 17 years old and under) Cymbidium Street Hawk ‘Loyola’ Exhibitor: Nikita Tu BEST in SHOW by SKILL LEVELS BEST PLANT IN SHOW - NOVICE Masdevallia superbiens Exhibitor: Russ Varnado BEST PLANT IN SHOW - ADVANCED Dendrochilum cobbianum Exhibitor: Cynthia Hill BEST PLANT IN SHOW - COMMERCIAL/OPEN Odontocidium St. Anthony of Egypt Exhibitor: Golden Gate Orchids BEST of SECTION by SKILL LEVELS CATTLEYA ALLIANCE BEST CATTLEYA - NOVICE Cattleya intermedia Exhibitor: Adam Anderson BEST CATTLEYA - ADVANCED Laeliocattleya Santa Barbara Sunset ‘Showtime’ Exhibitor: Heather Drobus BEST CATTLEYA - COMMERCIAL/OPEN Lc. Carl Burnshine ‘Mendenhall’ Exhibitor: Fred Shull PAPHIOPEDILUM / PHRAGMIPEDIUM BEST PAPH/PHRAG - NOVICE Paphiopedilum St. Swithin Exhibitor: Eileen Jackson BEST PAPH/PHRAG - ADVANCED Phragmipedium Don Wimber Exhibitor: Mary Nisbet BEST PAPH/PHRAG - COMMERCIAL/OPEN Paphiopedilum Norito Hasegawa Exhibitor: Orchids of Los Osos PHALAENOPSIS / DORITIS BEST PHAL/DORITIS - NOVICE Phalaenopsis equestris Exhibitor: Robert Christensen SFOS NEWSLETTER APRIL 2010 7 BEST PHAL/DORITIS - ADVANCED Phalaenopsis (Sweet Memory x Taida Lawrence) Exhbitor:Ken Cook BEST PHAL/DORITIS - COMMERCIAL/OPEN Phalaenopsis Miki Watanabe Exhibitor: South Pacific Inc. ONCIDIUM ALLIANCE BEST ONCIDIUM - NOVICE Odontioda Peach Cobbler Exhibitor: Trudi Hadler BEST ONCIDIUM - ADVANCED Wilsonara Diane Feinstein ‘San Francisco’ HCC/AOS Exhibitor: Japheth Ko BEST ONCIDIUM - COMMERCIAL/OPEN Odontocidium St. Anthony of Egypt Exhibitor: Golden Gate Orchids CYMBIDIUM BEST CYMBIDIUM - NOVICE Cymbidium Janis Lin Exhibitor: Jim Donaso BEST CYMBIDIUM - ADVANCED Cymbidium Gladys Whitesell ëEpigardení Exhibitor: Eanghak Quach BEST CYMBIDIUM - COMMERCIAL/OPEN Cymbidium Pele ‘Fireworks’ Exhibitor: Top Hat Orchids PLEUROTHALLID ALLIANCE BEST PLEUROTHALLID - NOVICE Masdevallia superbiens Exhibitor: Russ Varnado BEST PLEUROTHALLID - ADVANCED Dracula hirtzii ‘J&L’s Gold’ Exhibitor: Joe Parker BEST PLEUROTHALLID - COMMERCIAL/OPEN Dracula robledorum ‘Jim Nybakken’ Exhibitor: John Leathers DENDROBIUM BEST DENDROBIUM - NOVICE Dendrobium Andree Millar Exhibitor: Linda Castleton BEST DENDROBIUM - ADVANCED Dendrobium sanderae var. major Exhibitor: Cynthia Hill BEST DENDROBIUM - COMMERCIAL/OPEN Dendrobium miyakei x topaziacum Exhibitor: Kawamoto Orchids 8 SFOS NEWSLETTER APRIL 2010 OTHER GENERA BEST PLANT OF OTHER GENERA - NOVICE Ansellia africana Exhibitor: W.M. Brooks BEST PLANT OF OTHER GENERA - ADVANCED Dendrochilum cobbianum Exhibitor: Cynthia Hill BEST PLANT OF OTHER GENERA COMMERCIAL/OPEN Phaius Alan Davidson Exhibitor: Haiku Maui Orchids CULTURAL AWARDS (FIVE WINNERS) 1.Dendrobium speciosum Exhibited by Heather Drobus 2.Dendrobium miyakei x topaziacum Exhibited by Kawamoto Orchids 3.Pleurothallis truncata Exhibited by Golden Gate Orchids 4.Epidendrum porpax Exhibited by Gold Country Orchids 5.Cymbidium Sweet Wine ‘Rika’ Exhibited by Greg Corralles EXHIBIT WINNERS AOS BRONZE TROPHY Orchid Society of California ORCHID DIGEST TROPHY San Francisco Orchid Society BEST EXHIBIT ILLUSTRATING THE SHOW THEME Conservatory of Flowers BEST EXHIBIT BY A VISITING ORCHID SOCIETY 1st Place: Orchid Society of California 2ndPlace: Diablo View Orchid Society BEST TABLETOP EXHIBIT BY ONE OR MORE NONCOMMERCIAL EXHIBITORS: Four Orchid Friends BEST COMMERCIAL FREE-STANDING EXHIBIT Orchids Fiore D’Amore BEST COMMERCIAL TABLE TOP EXHIBIT Hanging Gardens See Eric Hunt’s POE photos at: www.flickr.com/photos/ericinsf/sets/72157623510468900/ Minutes of SFOS Board Meeting 3-9-2010 Present were: President: Jean Lee, Show Chair: Dennis Westler, Treasurer: Dan Peter, Membership: Judy Bley, Secretary: Kay Klumb, Directors: Maureen Clarke, Ellen Edelson, Ricki Kohn, and Allison Lehman Absent: Vice President: Eric Hunt I. President’s Report A. Jean said that the Nominating Committee did not materialize and this is a slate: President: Jean Lee Vice President: Eric Hunt Secretary: Kay Klumb Membership: Judy Bley Treasurer: Dan Peter Show Chair: Dennis Westler Directors: Maureen Clarke Ellen Edelson Allison Lehman Ricki Kohn (It should be noted that Show Chair and Membership are not elective offices.) B. Jean explained that Eric has agreed to organized SFOS programs, but cannot attend Board meetings. He would accept the Vice Presidency if he can be excused from attending. C. Jean further clarified that Dan is willing to handle POE expenses and SFOS accounting documentation, but has difficulty attending Board Meetings. He would be excused. Maureen is willing to make SFOS deposits and pay expenses, so would be a director with special duties. D. Jean said that she had sent Angelic a CD of the photos of volunteers at POE for the Newsletter. II.Vice President’s Report A. Eric had provided a summary of speakers scheduled for our meetings which will appear in the newsletter. III. Secretary’s Report A. Kay had nothing to report. IV. Membership Report A. Judy said that SFOS has 224 members who are current with their dues, 86 of whom are lifetime members. 22 members renewed and 8 new people joined SFOS in 2-10. (After the meeting, the mail included dues from three more members, bringing the total to 227.) B. Judy reported that the information for the roster is complete. V. Treasurer’s Report A. Dan said that the income for POE was $33,000 under expectations and $29,000 of that was because of low admission fees. All of the bills are not in, so net income (or loss) cannot be determined yet. VI. Old Business A. Dave Robison was unable to come to the Board meeting to discuss the Newsletter, so Jean asked that questions be emailed to her for Dave to address. Dan said that SFOS is paying $250 for the production and $280 for the printing of the Newsletter per month. Postage is extra. Judy said that 98 members get their Newsletter by US mail. B. Dennis reported that POE ran well and people enjoyed the show. The speakers on orchid topics were well attended, so that feature will be continued. The Show Committee thinks the poor economy was the major problem with attendance and, also, that it takes more than one year to determine if the changes in scheduling were beneficial beyond the monetary savings in rent, electricity and janitorial services. C. Dan led a discussion about maximizing profits versus providing service, using the Plant Hotel as an example. It uses a large number of volunteers and makes a small profit. Many members thought that the service it provides is essential and worth all the effort, without making a larger dollar profit, and that not all aspects of POE can be for profit. D. Judy said that she had noticed a number of “volunteers’ that arrived for the Gala and did no work. Dennis explained that if individual volunteers are a problem, i.e. do not show up, do no work, or are inappropriate, their names should be reported to him. A list will be kept and those individuals would not be allowed to volunteer in the future. The Board agreed to adjourn the meeting. Respectfully submitted, Kay Klumb Change of address? Send all address and e-mail changes to: Judy Bley / Membership Chairperson 415-826-8372 Email: jabley@pacbell.net SFOS Membership P.O. Box 27145, San Francisco, CA 94127 SFOS NEWSLETTER APRIL 2010 9 SFOS Newsletter P.O. Box 27145 San Francisco, CA 94127 First Class SFOS Bulletin Board The Bulletin Board is a free service for SFOS members’ orchidrelated items. Send items by the 15th of the month to: 1361 Plum St, San Jose, CA 95110, or e-mail: services@ORCHIDesign.com. Include your name, phone number, and how long you want the item to run. We will also run items of interest from other orchid societies. All submissions will be reviewed and may be edited. Upcoming Events • Apr 6, 2010 , 7:30pm – SFOS General Meeting Thomas Mirenda - Eastern North America Orchids • Apr 10, Saturday 9am - 4pm: California Orchids Spring Sale! 515 Aspen Rd. Bolinas, California 94924 Phone: 415-868-0203 www.californiaorchids.com email: info@californiaorchids.com • Apr 17: Gold Coast Cym. Growers Show San Mateo Garden Center, 605 Parkside Way, San Mateo. Information at: www.GoldCoastCymbidiumGrowers.com or contact: Audrey 408-741-2882 • Apr 17-18: Sacramento Orchid Society 63rd Annual Show-Orchid Fest 2010 “Gems of the Jungle” 6151 H Street, Sacramento, CA 95819 (across from Sac. State University). Information at: http://SacramentoOrchids.org • May 1: Santa Clara Valley Orchid Society Greenhouse tour. See flyer or contact Doug Pulley (408) 354-1412 or Angelic Nguyen (408) 4767-153 Information: www.santaclaravalleyorchidsociety.org • May 1–2, 9 am - 4 pm Carmel Valley Garden Show Hidden Valley Music Seminars, 88 W. Carmel Valley Road, Carmel Valley Village, 11 miles East of Highway 1. Admission FREE. Lots of Free Parking. Websites: www.carmelorchidsociety.org, Contact Joanie Linares, COS Chairperson at winecow@gmail.com • May 1-9: 9am – 4pm Fiori D’Amore annual Orchid Sale At 4526 Fair Ave. Oakland CA. 510-530-4884 www.orchidsfioridamore.com • May 4, 2010 , 7:30pm – SFOS General Meeting Tanya Lam - Long Lasting and Frequent Blooming Orchid Species • June 5-6: San Jose Orchid Exposition 5, San Jose Japan Town, Miraido Club House, 550 6th St., San Jose, CA 95112 For More Information: bwdavidson2@bbnow.net Carmel Valley Garden Show May 1st and 2nd, 9 am - 4 pm ADMISSION IS FREE Lots of FREE PARKING Hidden Valley Music Seminars 88 W. Carmel Valley Road Carmel Valley Village, 11 miles East of Highway 1 Last year the Carmel Orchid Society partnered with the Carmel Valley Garden Association Flower and Art Show and the Hidden Valley Music Seminars for our annual MayFaire. This year we continue the partnership under the combined title of the Carmel Valley Garden Show. We are really excited about this change. The show will be held at the Hidden Valley Music Seminars located at 88 W.Carmel Valley Road and Ford Road in Carmel Valley Village. We would like to invite your members to travel to the Monterey Peninsula for our May 1st and 2nd Show. The show, will have many wonderful highlights including plant & floral displays with judging, a lecture series, potting demonstrations, a Silent Auction & Raffle, a Children's Garden, Pottery, plant & Orchid Sales as well as a food vendors so that you may have munch while you wander the grounds. This year's theme is “sustainable”. Each year we invite some of the finest growers to sell their wide selection of orchids. We know your members and guests will enjoy our orchid display as well as the rose display. We will also have lectures and potting demonstrations with information and suggestions for those who need help for their plants. We hope that you will be able to display our soon to be distributed flyer at your future meetings and include our information in your newsletters and on your websites. We appreciate having your members participate in our show. Thank you! www.carmelorchidsociety.org Please visit our websites: www.cvgardenclub.org, www.hiddenvalleymusic.org, for more information or contact Joanie Linares, COS Chairperson at winecow@gmail.com