SJES 2013-14 Annual Report - St. John`s Episcopal School


SJES 2013-14 Annual Report - St. John`s Episcopal School
Annual Report
Cover photo by Kimberly Wylie.
Produced by CTL Marketing.
Printed by Millet the Printer in Dallas, Texas, on post-consumer, recycled paper.
S T. J O H N ’ S E P I S CO PA L S C H O O L
A Letter from Board President Bob Foster
St. John’s Episcopal School—
The Next 60 Years
The impact of a successful board of trustees
often comes years after the individual members’
terms expire. Reflecting on the 60th anniversary
and our origins as a mother’s day out program
in the early 1950s, it’s clear that over the years,
the various Boards of Trustees helped shape
St. John’s Episcopal School into the outstanding
pre-k-8 institution we all benefit from today.
Looking back, we owe them a great debt.
Looking toward the next 60 years, the current
Board of Trustees seeks to continue that
legacy through our future-facing work in the
following areas:
Perhaps no other issue impacts the future of
St. John’s more than its governance structure.
The Board and Vestry continue these important
discussions, balancing the imperative questions
of mission, accreditation and growth.
Financial Sustainability
Independent schools are essentially selfsupported entities, with the parent body
as the primary source of funding, be it
through tuition dollars or donations. Within
that model, we continue to explore tuition
scenarios, enrollment trends and endowment
growth as ways to generate multiple sources
of revenue to fund a St. John’s education.
zoning to optimize and enhance the unique
setting and surroundings that welcome and
nurture our students each day.
Each of those ongoing initiatives serves to
support the primary focus of the school:
educating young learners in a Christian
environment. Head of School Mark Crotty’s
vision of a modern education brings our
mission to life in relevant and meaningful
ways, ensuring St. John’s prepares our
children for the changing world they will
encounter; a world in which they will learn
and lead. In support of the Head, the Board’s
role is to ensure the foundational aspects of
our mission as an Episcopal school remain
unchanged, that systems and support are in
place, and that the decisions made will propel
the school forward for the next 60 years.
Your continued support of St. John’s and all
it stands for is invaluable. The school and its
students flourish day-to-day and decade-todecade because of the commitments you
make as parents, alumni, alumni parents,
grandparents and friends. Thank you for
making the first 60 years possible, and I hope
you will join me and the entire Board of
Trustees of St. John’s Episcopal School in
committing to the success of our students
for the next 60 years.
Site Plan
While planning to accommodate the evolving
needs of the instructional program and
the impact of technology on the building,
the Board also looks to issues of property
acquisition, traffic flow and neighborhood
S T. J O H N ’ S E P I S CO PA L S C H O O L
Bob Foster
St. John’s Episcopal School Board of Trustees
Turning toward the Future
With the 2013-14 school year marking St. John’s 60th anniversary, quite appropriately we celebrated our past. From prayer flags flying at the school entrance to activities throughout the year
and a joyous community-wide party, we reveled in commemorating all that makes our school
special. Such celebration is vital for a community. It affirms our shared commitment to the values
inherent in our school’s mission.
At the same time, we are looking to the future by exploring critical questions. What type of education
will best serve students in this rapidly changing world? What does this mean for St. John’s over the next five, 10, even
60 years? Such questions invigorate and inspire me because of St. John’s reputation for thoughtful,
meaningful innovation. Faculty here eagerly embrace professional growth opportunities, always
looking for ways to better serve students. The ideals of modern education – creativity, collaboration, connection, contribution, curation – have become an integral part of our school’s culture.
The launch of our Imagine 1:1 iPad program in August 2013 epitomizes this approach to continuous growth. While considering our curriculum through the lens of students’ future needs, we
redesigned many of the learning experiences students have. Now we’re reflecting and improving
– keeping what is working well and fine-tuning where necessary. Through this process of research,
planning, implementation, reflection and refinement, we model a growth mindset for students.
This year also finds us evaluating the less tangible aspects of our curriculum – those that form the
foundation of our Picture of a Graduate. Our goal is to better understand and improve upon the
specific ways we help students develop the traits we value, like curiosity, resiliency, integrity and
altruism. High schools often tell us our students stand out among their freshman, not only because
of their academic preparation, but because of their grounded natures. An essential focus on relationships and character is key as we turn toward the future. The balance between high-tech and
high-touch in the St. John’s experience is, in large part, what makes our school special.
I am extremely optimistic and excited about the future of St. John’s. Steady improvement is deeply
engrained in our ethos, and we are on a promising trajectory. Much of the reason for this confidence can be found in the pages of this publication. Clearly we are a community of people truly
supportive of St. John’s, our mission and direction. We all benefit from the generosity of many. On
behalf of the faculty—and especially the children—I offer my sincerest gratitude for your support.
Picture of a Graduate
Mark Crotty
Head of School
St. John’s Episcopal School
S T. J O H N ’ S E P I S CO PA L S C H O O L
Describing an ideal St. John’s graduate,
our Picture of a Graduate illuminates the
character traits we strive to develop in
students. Use the QR code to read more.
A Letter from Head of School Mark Crotty
Inside the Head’s Head
In the fall of 2013, Mark Crotty began a series of interactive sessions
to share his vision of modern education with the St. John’s community.
Those of you who follow Mark’s blog, To Keep Things Whole, know he is a
voracious reader, active in the national independent school community,
and passionate about approaching learning with a growth mindset.
Through Inside the Head’s Head, Mark reveals that passion to parents as
he examines what it means to offer a modern education and how we are
preparing students for their futures.
2013-14: Session One
A general discussion of modern education: what it means, why it’s necessary, the implications,
and how St. John’s is responding.
2013-14: Session Two
Highlights of current educational theory, recent neuro- and cognitive-science research,
innovative practices, and key outcomes. How this understanding of modern learning has
positively influenced students’ experiences at St. John’s.
2013-14: Session Three
A discussion of the core knowledge, skills and attitudes a person will need to thrive in the future.
2013-14: Session Four
The C’s of a Modern Education: creativity, collaboration, connection, contribution, curation.
Why they are key objectives and how schools can focus on them.
The discussion continues in 2014-15 with conversations focused on notions of
success. In November, Mark led a conversation with parents about how we define success and
the impact of our definitions on students. Find more about this year’s Inside the Head’s Head
series at
To Keep Things Whole
Continue the conversation with Mark by following
his blog at
Use the QR code.
S T. J O H N ’ S E P I S CO PA L S C H O O L
2013-14 Board of Trustees
Bob Foster, President
Andy Anderson, Vice President
Scott Parks, Secretary
Tim Laczkowski, Treasurer
John Miller, Parliamentarian
Mike Androvett
Gerry Baines
Joe Edwards
Fr. David Houk
Mark Kraemer
Michael Martin
Ex-Officio Members
Mark Crotty, Head of School
Adele Weber, Parents Association President
S T. J O H N ’ S E P I S CO PA L S C H O O L
Donivan McFaul
Brad Reeves
Zad Roumaya
Elizabeth Trupiano
Jim Weber
Lon Williams
Revenue and Expenses
Parents Assoc/
Crusader Club, net
Investment Income
Annual Giving
Support and Revenue
Annual Giving
Investment Income
Parents Assoc/Crusader Club, net 2%
Capital Items
Financial Aid
Faculty Salaries/Benefits
Plant Operations
Financial Aid
Capital Items
S T. J O H N ’ S E P I S CO PA L S C H O O L
Faculty Salaries/
Annual Fund
With the leadership of chairs Jennifer and Jerry Birdwell, the 2013-14 Annual Fund underscored
our commitment to Opening a World of Possibilities for St. John’s students. Community support for
this effort was astounding with 100% of Board, faculty and Vestry members and 99% of our
school families supporting the campaign. Thanks to the generosity of these groups along with
valued grandparents, alumni parents, alumni and friends, we raised $269,033, nearly $20,000
more than our goal of $250,000.
We could not have achieved this success without the dedication of our exceptional volunteers,
champions of St. John’s who made significant contributions of their time and resources to educate
our community about the important difference the Annual Fund makes. The Annual Fund helps
maintain what families and students value most: teaching and learning in a dynamic environment
known for its strong sense of community and service.
Co m mu
Maintain What
You Value Most
in g
S T. J O H N ’ S E P I S CO PA L S C H O O L
iro n m e n
Our sincere gratitude to all of our volunteers and donors who
believe in our mission and continue to make such a difference for
St. John’s students.
Our goal is to continue to increase Annual Fund donations to
support St. John’s tradition of excellence, providing students with
an educational experience that is rich in the arts, sciences, and
humanities and is challenging to their creative and intellectual
Annual Fund
Annual Fund Volunteers
Chairs and Assistant Chairs
Campaign Chairs
Trustee Chair
Faculty and Staff Chair
Alumni Chair
Grandparent Chairs
Assistant Chairs (Pre-k, Kindergarten, First Grade)
Assistant Chairs (Second, Third, Fourth Grade)
Assistant Chairs (Fifth, Sixth Grade)
Assistant Chairs (Seventh, Eighth Grade)
Jennifer and Jerry Birdwell
Scott Parks
Kathy Carroll
Stathia Dimoulakis Orwig ’92
Ellen and Steve Miller
Kelly and Trey Heatly
Laura Braasch
Angela Thornhill
Sharon Seal
Grade-Level Captains
Eighth Grade
Seventh Grade
Sixth Grade
Fifth Grade
Fourth Grade
Third Grade
Second Grade
First Grade
S T. J O H N ’ S E P I S CO PA L S C H O O L
Carissa Rose Brown, Kristen Savant,
Laura and Simon Whiting,
Katherine Winson
Lamyen Chen, Stacy Herring, Jill Laird,
Tana Bishop Parsons ’74
Julie Hartin, Kari Hernandez,
Kathy Stewart
Becka Dillon, Erin Foster, Tracy Shirey
Kate Fagelman, Anna Sjouken ’78,
Deborah Stanford
Cathy Ikemba, Robin Johnston, Kim Wylie
Monica Blacker, Kimberly Coleman,
Liz Lamberson
Carson Croft, Melissa Eakes,
Donna Vaught
Tanya Cole, Amy Leap, Nicola Shiels
Meg Berg, Samantha Crispin, Lisa Maher
Annual Fund
The Annual Fund provides the primary source of unrestricted support for the school’s operating
budget. Contributors may designate that their gifts be used in areas of greatest need or as specified
Annual Fund Distribution by Purpose
$ 21,715
Annual Fund Distribution by Percentage
Academic Programs
Performing and Visual Arts
Professional Development
Financial Aid
S T. J O H N ’ S E P I S CO PA L S C H O O L
Annual Gifts by Category
Erin and Bob Foster
Ellen and Steve Miller
Anne and Rob Raymond
($5,000 - $9,999)
Jennifer and Jerry Birdwell
Communities Foundation of Texas
Harry S. Moss Foundation
Founder ($2,500 - $4,999)
Crystal and Michael Androvett
Deb Young and Chris Barrett
Lori and Brad Lee
Moia and Roger Long
Lisa and Brendan Maher
The Martin Family
The Moran Family
Janet and Jack Stevens
Adele and Jim Weber
Ann and Ken West
Circle ($1,000 - $2,499)
Valerie and Garrett Adams
The Angelley Family
Olivia and Michael Ansolabehere
Gerry Baines
Shay Ometz and Jeff Barfoot
The Beck Family
Meg and Ed Berg
Monica and Jonathan Blacker
Cheryl and John Caldwell
Marla and Mike Cannon
Janine and Mike Carley
Erin and Bond Carter
Lamyen and Richard Chen
Kris and Mark Chester
Anita and Greg Childress
August Anderson Claybrook ’86 and
Derek Claybrook
Carolyn and Jeff Coleman
S T. J O H N ’ S E P I S CO PA L S C H O O L
Kimberly Haley-Coleman and
Mark Coleman
Jeannie and Jeff Courtwright
Laura and Kelly Crain
Carson and Norman Croft
Sallie and Mark Crotty
Laurie and Joe Darlak
Shea and Eric Davis
Hillary and John DeGroote
Natalie and Stephen Dollar
Randi and John Dubiel
Diane and Jim Elliott
Kate and Jason Fagelman
Kelly St. John Forde and Michael Forde
Paul Freudigman
Cathy and Blake Gillespie
Vicki and Kirk Gillette
Jan Gittemeier
Susan and Marc Goldman
Annual Gifts by Category
Carrie and Christian Haden
Margie and John Haley
Susan and Drew Hamilton
Kim and Shane Hammond
Noelle and Stephen Hardin
Julie and Bruce Hartin
Frances and R. Bruce Hartin
Kelly and Trey Heatly
Amy and Scott Houdek
Melissa and Rob Hunt
Tom Hunt
Leslie and Steve Irwin
Robin and Bob Johnston
Muditha Karunatileka
The Kice Family
Jason, Robbie and Jett Kipness
Amy and Jason Kulas
Amy and Tim Laczkowski
Amy and Brian Lauten
Holly and Brian Lemons
Shelly and Chris Lloyd
Vivian and Alberto Lombardi
Alicia and John Love
Victoria and Michael Martin
Suzi and Robert McClintock
Allison and William McDaniel
Dawn Chisholm Meinhardt and
David Meinhardt
Lane and Brian Olson
Linda and Dan Ortman
Leigh and Scott Parks
Michelle and John Patison
Carol and John Perry
Andrea Heckel and John Pizza
The Prawdzik-Kirby Family
Jennifer and Ron Robinson
Kathy and Jeff Row
Jennifer and Chuck Sharpe
Tracey and John Shirey
Kiki and William Simpson
Erica and Michael Smith
Deborah and Richard Stanford
Dawn Estes and David Timmins
Jennifer and Christopher Turner
Laura and Simon Whiting
Judy and Lon Williams
Katherine and Bruce Winson
Kim and Mike Wylie
Roll ($500 - $999)
Anonymous (2)
Nancy and Andy Anderson
Alycia and Per-Magnus Andersson
Claudia and Adam Arnette
Tom Bakewell
Mike Barhydt
Sandy Barrett-Brown and Robert Brown
Jennifer Barrow
Traci and Bobby Beasley
Ann Binford
Suzanne and Tim Booth
Nancy and Bob Bowen
Laura and Karl Braasch
S T. J O H N ’ S E P I S CO PA L S C H O O L
Linda and Rodger Bramley
Joanna and Mike Brown
Maymerle and Robert Brown
Amanda and Greg Campbell
Kathy and Don Carroll
Michelle and Jeff Chesnut
Becky and Justin Clarke
Family of Zion Combs
Cata and Chuck Cooper
Samantha and Jason Crispin
Arlene Crotty-Duff and Duncan Duff
Nancy and Carter Crume
Annual Gifts by Category
Becka and David Dillon
Christina Carnes Dixson and Harry Dixson
Dawn and Joshua Doherty
Melissa and Ben Eakes
Cynthia Wielgosz-Elliott and Dean Elliott
Episcopal Foundation of Dallas
Nancy and Gary Fine
Sue and Jim Galbraith
Teresa and Tim Gibson
Courtney and Ross Gilger
Heather and Chris Gilker
Carmen and James Gilzean
Roger Groom
Nabil and Pat Hadawi
Jo and George Hall
Kelli Culpepper Hall and Bill Hall
Doris Hammond
Andrea Pollack and William Hankinson
Lucille and Ron Henderson
Robin and Trey Herndon
Madlyn and Paul Hilliard
Elizabeth and Todd Howard
Laura Peterson and Charlie Humphreys
Ginger and David Jackson
Fran and Don Jackson
Joan and Gary Kessler
Richard Laird
Ashley and Jeff Lamont
John Langdoc
Amy and Chris Leap
Claudette and Thad Levine
Patty Rooney and Marc Litle
Lindsay and Sam Loughlin
Carrie Najim Matthiesen and Jay Matthiesen
Jane and Tom Mayo
Cristina Partida-McEachern and
Conrad McEachern
Aimee and Morgan McMillan
S T. J O H N ’ S E P I S CO PA L S C H O O L
Emily and Brandon Miller
Kate and Steve Moseley
Rebecca Nelson
Heather and Everett New
Jennifer and David Okamoto
Bettye and T. Joe Parks
Suzi and Craig Parrish
AnnaLeigh and Billy Phillips
Kristen and Jamie Pierson
Sandra Mae and Rick Porter
Melissa and Chris Potter
Dana Puddy
Jill and Jason Pumpelly
Betsy and Gardner Randall
Dena and Don Robinson
Darla and Mark Roden
LaDonna and Joel Ross
Myra Ross
Sally and Douglas Schopmeyer
Laura and Bob Shapard
Dunia and Robert Shive
Gina and Doug Sims
Courtney and Vince Slusher
Jennifer and David Sochia
Elaine Stephens
Eve and Ernie Stephens
Christi and John Stevens
Stephanie and Michael Taylor
Sarah and Chad Teachout
Jim and Cindy Waits
Dara and John Wartman
Holly and Brian Watkins
Alex and Daniel Watters
Kym and Vance Wells
Karla K. Wigley
Linda Wilson
Becky and Kelly Withrow
Annual Gifts by Category
($350 - $499)
Liliana and Jose Avila
Peyton and Greg Bender
The Bowen Family
Susan and Garry Brown
Mark Cortez
Luke Gleason Family
Stephanie and Adam Howells
Lisa and Terry Hoyle
Kerri and Byron Johnson
Becca and Marc Lickteig
Caroline and David Livingston
Candace and Jeff Robert
Claire Tobin and Garreth Sarosi
Sue Trumbo
Elizabeth and John Trupiano
D.J. and Damon White
LeAnne and Greg Wyatt
(up to $349)
Anonymous (4)
Laura Abbott Coan and Carl Coan
Julia and Mark Agostini
Donna Aldridge and Keli Ward
Glenda and Mark Allman
Otho Amacker
Shauna and Adam Archer
Kay Ashmore
Sharon Ashmore
The Atwell Family
Ms. Sari Bahl
Eliane Bailey
Kam Bakewell
Donna and Joe Ballew
Kathleen Ballew and David Hynds
Kristi and Jody Bare
James Barnett
Sarah and Stephen Barr
Susan and Brian Benton
Jon Berman
Kathy Bernal
Frank Binford
Vinnie and Bob Birdwell
Diane and David Birk
Stacie Blow
Kathryn Bond
S T. J O H N ’ S E P I S CO PA L S C H O O L
Patty and Frank Booth
Betty Borman
Beth and Chris Borman
Maggie Boyd
Monica Breeding ’75
Claudia and Darin Breedlove
Gillian and Mark Breidenbach
Laurie and Bob Bret
Chad Bridges
Kathy and Jack Brombacher
Denise and Frank Brown
Lance Brown
Carissa Rose Brown and Mark Brown
Callie and Michael Burns
Karen Rayburn Burns ’72 and Bob Burns
Audrey Cook and Clifford Burton
Carole Busby
Michael Busby
David Bush
Shannon Bush
JoAnn Ballantine and Roy Busby
Trigger Butler
Kate and Rob Canales
Shirley and Mike Carnes
Debbie Carona
Jo Cash
Annual Gifts by Category
Olga Cervantes
Eddie Chavis
Audra and Terrence Chavis
Donna and Bob Chereck
Gwendolyn and Robert Chestnut
Gloria Cho
Lauren and Steve Christensen
Jo and Bill Clarke
Helen Cleaveland
Judy and Dale Clemments
Tanya and John Cole
Sara and Ken Coleman
Josy and Marty Collins
Erika Combs
Connie and Ernie Cook ’63
Susan and Charlie Cooper
Jenny Lerom-Cooper and Ryan Cooper
Jamie Copaken
Lynne Corsi
Rebecca Balzersen Crabtree ’86 and
Don Crabtree
Brigitte and Tim Croft
Clay Crook
Gloria and Joseph Darlak
Jayne and Kenneth Davenport
John Davis
Judy and Dick Dawson
Cindy Moore and Arturo Del Castillo
Martin Delabano ’67
Linda and Gene Dieringer
Traci and Robert Doane
Stephanie and David Dodds
Emily and Tom Donahue
Kristi and Daniel Dow
Tara and Larry Dullye
Ann Dunbar
Dana and Reid Dunbar
Laurie and Keith Dunkin
Sue Ellen Chambers and Jim Dunlap
S T. J O H N ’ S E P I S CO PA L S C H O O L
Laura Strother-Dunsavage and
Douglas Dunsavage
Barbara Blaylock and Joe Edwards
Kate and Tony Eefting
Alexandra and Ken Elliott
Susan and Stuart Fallen
Nicola and James Faroppa
Carol and Michael Farquhar
Jane Ann and Mark Ferguson
Belinda Botha and Paul Field
Cindy and Randall Fields
Phala Finley
Wade Fitzgerald
Camille and Brad Francis
The Frankenfeld Family
Mary Mel French
Darla and Alex Frutos
Melissa Fulton
Sally and Jeff Galbraith
Melva and Conrado Garcia
Beth and Tim Gargiulo
Maria Schleuning-Giangiulio and
Richard Giangiulio
Debra and Greg Gilmore
Gari Lister and Matt Gobush
Tracey and Sid Gonzales
Kelsey Good ’99
Jennifer and Brad Goodman
Sharon Sandell Goodwyn and
Wade Goodwyn
Jill Gouge-Laird
Carol and Rod Graham
Lynn Granello
Totsy and Bill Guffey
Joe Guffey
Liz and Jeff Hamilton
Molly Hamilton
Jessica and Bud Hammons
Megan Harrison
Annual Gifts by Category
Jean Haynes
Melissa and Jeb Hensarling
Chachy and Hansjoerg Heppe
Kari and Darrell Hernandez
Lorenzo Herrera
Thor Herrin ’90
Toni Herrin
Stacy and Don Herring
Susan and Richard Hibbs
Shari and Duane Hicks
Deborah and Don Hill
Dick Hill
Ann and Rusty Hill
Amy and Scott Hofland
Dolly and Josh Holt
Lori and David Holy
Keri and Shawn Honea
Kimberly and Jon Hopkins
Katharine and George Horvat
Meghan and Fr. David Houk
Rosie Howell
Marianne and Tim Howells
Cathy and James Ikemba
Janice and Bob Ingrum
Tami Adams-Ingrum and Stephen Ingrum
Cindy and Russell Isbell
Nancy and Jamie Jacobs
Erika and Nelson Jaeggli
Joy Jaqua
Euclides Jasso
Amy Johns
Delaine and Stan Johnson
Lani Jones
Pam and Patrick Jordan
Shannon and Phillip Juett
Mary Jane and Bubba Kadane
Bethany Kastanek
Jarrod Kastanek
Julie and Ford Keith
S T. J O H N ’ S E P I S CO PA L S C H O O L
Janet and John Kelly
Kay King Martin
Donna Knox
Rob Kowalski
Jenny Dawson Kraemer ’85 and
Mark Kraemer
Jim Kraus
Cindy and John Kronenberger
David Laffiteau
Liz and Phil Lamberson
Kelly Lane
Erin Lawler
Claudia Lawrence
Ashley and Sam Leake
The Dallas Lee Family
Jennifer Lee-Sethi
Franck LeGoff
Danielle Lei and Richard Harrison
Georgia and Stuart Leitch
Cathy and Jeff Leonard
Rozanna and Michael Levine
Frances and Hugh Lewis
Andi and Chris Limpus
Phyllis Lister Brown
Amy and Jeff Livingston
Tena and David Lowe
Jeri and Henrik Lykke
Amy Maceo Wooten ’75
Kara Mackley de Name
Jennifer Kukla and John Maley
Bill Malloy
Simmone and Heath Malone
Claudia and Greg Manganello
Janice and Albert Marshall
Morgan and Alex Martinez
Jay Mason
Kristina and Lex Mathews
Susan Graham Maulding ’97 and
Robert Maulding
Annual Gifts by Category
Holly and John Maxwell
Gwen McAllen
Dori McAnulty ’65
Marcia and Tom McClure
Therese and Raymond McDaniel
Dan McDonald
Carol and Conrad McEachern
Charles McGinty
Julie and Dan McVicker
Christy and Bill Milkereit
Nan and John Miller
Michael Mills
Sarah and Jake Minton
Donald Mitchell
Brooke and Kevin Monaghan
Donna and Joe Monk
Geoffrey Moore
Susan Moore
Sylvia Moore
Nicole and Mike Moreno
Michelle Morgan
Sarah and Robert Morgan
Pam and Brian Murphy
Theresa and Stephen Muscato
Hannah Myer
The Harold and Marilyn Haschke
Stewardship Fund
Kelly Nix
Leah and Dave Nunez
Mary and Robert Odom
Christy O’Neil
Tanya and Christopher Orr
Stathia Dimoulakis Orwig ’92 and
Brian Orwig
Alexandra Stageman O’Sullivan
Bonnie and Bill Oxley
Julie and Judson Pankey
Kristin and Tom Parr
Tana Bishop Parsons ’74 and John Parsons
S T. J O H N ’ S E P I S CO PA L S C H O O L
Dawn and David Pattee
Chris and Dan Patterson
Jan and Jay Patterson
Carol and David Payne
Shelby Pearlman
Eddy Perez
Betsy Lewis and Eric Phillips
Ann and Bill Phillips
Marty Polk
Hilda and Jon Poort
Kathryn and Shane Potter
Katie and Michael Powell
Jennifer Powers
Amy and Michael Presley
Stacy and Glenn Puddy
Tibor Racz
Tricia Heaney and Mark Ralston
Meggy Ralston ’09
Anne Ramirez
Rosemary and Bill Rayburn
Holly and Brad Reeves
Mae and Michael Reeves
Nancy and Dan Richart
Juan Rodriguez
Wendy North and Kristi Roper
Timothy Ross
David Rouble
Jana Rouble
Heather McNeill-Roumaya and
Zayad Roumaya
Carolyn and Wyatt Rousseau
Paige and Scott Rozsa
Donna Sands and David Holt
Kristen and Jody Savant
Patricia Schleuning
Jennifer and Craig Schmieder
Frances Schmitz
Deborah Campdera and Markus Schmitz
Jane and Karl Schopmeyer
Annual Gifts by Category
Diana and David Schuler
Katherine and Wes Schuler ’97
Deborah and Malcolm Scott
Sharon Seal
Akash Sethi
Robin and Robert Shannon
Patty and Jack Shelby
Epifania Shepperd
Susie and Robert Sherman
Nicola and Brian Shiels
Judy and Michael Shore
Alison and Bill Silliman
Anna Weaver Sjouken ’78 and
Martin Sjouken
Angele Smith
Dalton Smith
Cynthia Swayze-Smith and John Smith
Katie Specht ’03
Angie and Chris Speer
Sanka and Brett Stalcup
Charaee Tropp and Beth Stall
Dora Steele
Ben Stewart
Kathy and Reagan Stewart
Pamela and John Stuart
Heather and Kevin Stubbings
Sherry and Mel Stubbings
Tanya and Michael Sze
Jennifer and Scott Taylor
Cheryl Terrell
Angela and Mark Thornhill
Andrea Tierney
Barbara and William Toates
Pat and Bob Tobin
Jordan Torrey
Diep Truong and Trinh Vo
S T. J O H N ’ S E P I S CO PA L S C H O O L
Donna and Allen Vaught
Sylvia Venable
Wendelyn and James Vermillion
Kara Jones-Vraniqi and Luan Vraniqi
Sheradon Robbins Waits ’97 and
Seth Waits ’97
John Walker ’79
Aaron Wallace
Charity Wallace
Sarah and Chris Walls
Mary Anne and Randy Walters
Anne and Steve Welch
Annegret and Juergen Werle
Pam and Jim Westfall
Lindsay and Taylor White
Faye and Don Wigley
Charlotte and Wade Wiles
Darlene Williams
Stormee and Sean Williams
Tiffany Murphy-Williamson and
Kenneth Williamson
Liz and Steve Williamson
Rose Mary Wills
Rebecca and Andy Wilson
Michelle and Blake Wilson
Kay Wilson and Lewis Walker
Ruthanne and Terry Wilson
Carol and Gary Witte
Madeleine and Chip Wright
Rachel and Paul Wright
Suzie and Frank Wylie
Rosalie and Edwin Yeary
Cheryl and Larry York
Jennifer Zarrella
Claudine Hollman Zellmer and Peter Zellmer
Annual Gifts by Constituency
Monica Breeding ’75
Karen Rayburn Burns ’72
August Anderson Claybrook ’86
Ernie Cook ’63
Rebecca Balzersen Crabtree ’86
Martin Delabano ’67
Kelsey Good ’99
Thor Herrin ’90
Jenny Dawson Kraemer ’85
Susan Graham Maulding ’97
Dori McAnulty ’65
Stathia Dimoulakis Orwig ’92
Tana Bishop Parsons ’74
Meggy Ralston ’09
Wes Schuler ’97
Anna Weaver Sjouken ’78
Katie Specht ’03
Seth Waits ’97
Sheradon Robbins Waits ’97
John Walker ’79
Amy Maceo Wooten ’75
Julia and Mark Agostini
Glenda and Mark Allman
Nancy and Andy Anderson
Crystal and Michael Androvett
Peyton and Greg Bender
Claudia Torrescano and Miguel Benitez
Susan and Brian Benton
Gillian and Mark Breidenbach
Laurie and Bob Bret
Denise and Frank Brown
Susan and Garry Brown
Karen Rayburn Burns ’72 and Bob Burns
David Bush
Kris and Mark Chester
Gwendolyn and Robert Chestnut
Judy and Dale Clemments
Laura and Kelly Crain
Nancy and Carter Crume
Judy and Dick Dawson
Barbara Blaylock and Joe Edwards
Kate and Tony Eefting
Carol and Michael Farquhar
Jane Ann and Mark Ferguson
Cindy and Randall Fields
S T. J O H N ’ S E P I S CO PA L S C H O O L
Suzanne and Bob Frankenfeld
Darla and Alex Frutos
Heather and Chris Gilker
Debra and Greg Gilmore
Jane Fergason and James Gleason
Sharon Sandell Goodwyn and Wade Goodwyn
Carol and Rod Graham
Lynn Granello
Pat and Nabil Hadawi
Megan Harrison
Julie and Bruce Hartin
Lucille and Ron Henderson
Kari and Darrell Hernandez
Toni Herrin
Ann and Rusty Hill
Dolly and Josh Holt
Meghan and Fr. David Houk
Elizabeth and Todd Howard
Cindy and Russell Isbell
Mary Jane and Bubba Kadane
Julie and Ford Keith
Janet and John Kelly
Joan and Gary Kessler
Jenny Dawson Kraemer ’85 and Mark Kraemer
Annual Gifts by Constituency
Jim Kraus
Cindy and John Kronenberger
Amy and Jason Kulas
Cathy and Jeff Leonard
Kara Mackley de Name
Claudia and Greg Manganello
Victoria and Michael Martin
Jane and Tom Mayo
Julie and Dan McVicker
Dawn Chisholm Meinhardt and
David Meinhardt
Nan and John Miller
Donna and Joe Monk
Nicole and Mike Moreno
Mary and Robert Odom
Jennifer and David Okamoto
Bonnie and Bill Oxley
Julie and Judson Pankey
Leigh and Scott Parks
Tana Bishop Parsons ’74 and John Parsons
Michelle and John Patison
Dawn and David Pattee
Chris and Dan Patterson
S T. J O H N ’ S E P I S CO PA L S C H O O L
Carol and David Payne
Betsy Lewis and Eric Phillips
Kristen and Jamie Pierson
Michelle and Vince Poscente
Kathryn and Shane Potter
Jennifer Powers
Stacy and Glenn Puddy
Tibor Racz
Tricia Heaney and Mark Ralston
Rosemary and Bill Rayburn
Anne and Rob Raymond
Holly and Brad Reeves
LaDonna and Joel Ross
David Rouble
Jana Rouble
Donna Sands and David Holt
Jennifer and Craig Schmieder
Diana and David Schuler
Deborah and Malcolm Scott
Robin and Robert Shannon
Susie and Robert Sherman
Dunia and Robert Shive
Judy and Michael Shore
Courtney and Vince Slusher
Dalton Smith
Kathy and Reagan Stewart
Sue Trumbo
Sylvia Venable
Jim and Cindy Waits
Sarah and Chris Walls
Mary Anne and Randy Walters
Ann and Ken West
Pam and Jim Westfall
Laura and Simon Whiting
Faye and Don Wigley
Judy and Lon Williams
Rebecca and Andy Wilson
Katherine and Bruce Winson
LeAnne and Greg Wyatt
Annual Gifts by Constituency
of Trustees
Andy Anderson
Mike Androvett
Mark Crotty
Joe Edwards
Bob Foster
Fr. David Houk
Mark Kraemer
Tim Laczkowski
Michael Martin
John Miller
Scott Parks
Brad Reeves
Zad Roumaya
Elizabeth Trupiano
Adele Weber
Jim Weber
Lon Williams
Glenda Allman
Claudia Arnette
Sarah Barr
Jennifer Barrow
Susan Benton
Ann Binford
Frank Binford
Patty Booth
Maggie Boyd
Monica Breeding ’75
Chad Bridges
Denise Brown
Debbie Carona
Kathy Carroll
Olga Cervantes
Gwendolyn Chestnut
Connie Cook
Ernest Cook ’63
Jamie Copaken
Mark Cortez
Rebecca Balzersen Crabtree ’86
Clay Crook
Mark Crotty
Jayne Davenport
Judy Dawson
Martin Delabano ’67
S T. J O H N ’ S E P I S CO PA L S C H O O L
Cindy Fields
Melissa Fulton
Tracey Gonzales
Carol Graham
Lynn Granello
Jean Haynes
Lorenzo Herrera
Thor Herrin ’90
Toni Herrin
Dolly Holt
Cindy Isbell
Nancy Jacobs
Joy Jaqua
Euclides Jasso
Amy Johns
Lani Jones
Pam Jordan
Janet Kelly
Donna Knox
Rob Kowalski
David Laffiteau
Franck LeGoff
Danielle Lei
Bill Malloy
Morgan Martinez
Jane Mayo
Annual Gifts by Constituency
Michael Mills
Jake Minton
Sarah Minton
Sarah Morgan
Hannah Myer
Rebecca Nelson
Mary Odom
Tanya Orr
Alexandra Stageman O’Sullivan
Tom Parr
Chris Patterson
Shelby Pearlman
Marty Polk
Kathryn Potter
Jennifer Powers
Anne Ramirez
Juan Rodriguez
Donna Sands
Susie Sherman
Katie Specht ’03
Dora Steele
Cheryl Terrell
Andrea Tierney
Jordan Torrey
Sue Trumbo
Sylvia Venable
John Walker ’79
Aaron Wallace
Charity Wallace
Pam Westfall
Karla K. Wigley
Darlene Williams
Linda Wilson
LeAnne Wyatt
Jennifer Zarrella
Communities Foundation of Texas
Episcopal Foundation of Dallas
Harry S. Moss Foundation
The Harold and Marilyn Haschke
Stewardship Fund of National Christian
Foundation Houston
Kathy Bernal
Arlene Crotty-Duff and Duncan Duff
Muditha Karunatileka
S T. J O H N ’ S E P I S CO PA L S C H O O L
Dan McDonald
Annual Gifts by Constituency
and Alumni Grandparents
Anonymous (4)
Otho Amacker
Madeline Francis ’16
Nancy and Andy Anderson
Madeline Claybrook ’16
Abby Claybrook ’18
Kay Ashmore
David Bennett ’15
Eliane Bailey
Bella Collins ’17
Fia Collins ’19
Donna and Joe Ballew
Jordan Sims ’14
Vinnie and Bob Birdwell
Catherine Birdwell ’14
John Michael Birdwell ’17
Diane and David Birk
Molly Fagelman ’18
Susie Fagelman ’20
Kathryn Bond
Harrison Carter ’21
Spencer Carter ’22
Betty Borman
Claire Borman ’17
Linda and Rodger Bramley
Stone Thornhill ’14
Knox Thornhill ’16
Kathy and Jack Brombacher
Sydney Fallen ’22
Maymerle and Robert Brown
Peyton Brown ’21
Carole Busby
Lily Houdek ’15
Walker Houdek ’18
Michael Busby
Emory Simpson ’23
JoAnn Ballantine and Roy Busby
Lily Houdek ’15
Walker Houdek ’18
S T. J O H N ’ S E P I S CO PA L S C H O O L
Shirley and Mike Carnes
Ryan Dixson ’21
Jo Cash
Helena Lykke ’14
Eddie Chavis
Elle Chavis ’19
Donna and Bob Chereck
Bennett Campbell ’23
Gloria Cho
Avery Sims ’20
Jo and Bill Clarke
Cason Clarke ’21
Cohen Clarke ’24
Helen Cleaveland
Catherine Howard ’14
Sara and Ken Coleman
Kendall Perry ’22
Susan and Charlie Cooper
Sam Cooper ’14
Ben Cooper ’17
Brigitte and Tim Croft
Channing Croft ’21
Gloria and Joseph Darlak
Jake Darlak ’17
Jayne and Kenneth Davenport
Mallory Martinez ’23
John Davis
Caitlin Gillespie ’20
Linda and Gene Dieringer
Claire Bailey ’17
Ann Dunbar
Austin Dunbar ’21
Diane and Jim Elliott
Carter Elliott ’14
Hayden Elliott ’20
Nancy and Gary Fine
Eli Aldridge ’21
Annual Gifts by Constituency
Phala Finley
Alexis Ikemba ’18
Jasmine Ikemba ’19
Mary Mel French
John McVicker ’15
William McVicker ’17
Sue and Jim Galbraith
Jackson Galbraith ’21
Melva and Conrado Garcia
Mallory Martinez ’23
Totsy and Bill Guffey
Olivia Guffey ’14
Margie and John Haley
Haley Coleman ’18
Maggie Coleman ’20
Jo and George Hall
Mary Isabel Hall ’22
Karen and Greg Hamilton
Zion Combs ’15
Molly Hamilton
Warren Hamilton ’19
Doris Hammond
Zion Combs ’15
Andrea Pollack and William Hankinson
William Maher ’21
Hank Maher ’23
Frances and R. Bruce Hartin
Vivien Hartin ’14
Olivia Hartin ’16
Dick Hill
Bunker Hill ’22
Madlyn and Paul Hilliard
Lauren Weber ’17
Claire Weber ’20
Marianne and Tim Howells
Blake Howells ’20
Lainey Howells ’22
Tom Hunt
Emma Hunt ’16
Thomas Hunt ’20
S T. J O H N ’ S E P I S CO PA L S C H O O L
Janice and Bob Ingrum
Greyson Ingrum ’19
Ginger and David Jackson
Jackson Galbraith ’21
Fran and Don Jackson
Will Moore ’21
Delaine and Stan Johnson
Sadie Johnson ’21
Kay King Martin
Christina Martin ’14
Olivia Martin ’16
Donna Knox
Bolton Beck ’15
Jet Beck ’18
Sawyer Beck ’20
Claudia Lawrence
Kellen Zellmer ’18
Keira Zellmer ’20
Rozanna and Michael Levine
Greta Levine ’22
Frances and Hugh Lewis
Baker Hofland ’21
Edward Hofland ’22
Caroline and David Livingston
Lauren Livingston ’23
Moia and Roger Long
Colton Sochia ’16
Emma Sochia ’18
Harry Sochia ’20
Suzi and Robert McClintock
Madalyn Lane ’15
Marcia and Tom McClure
Mason Del Castillo ’22
Therese and Raymond McDaniel
Ashley McDaniel ’19
Lila McDaniel ’24
Carol and Conrad McEachern
Elliot McEachern ’20
Charles McGinty
Catherine Eakes ’21
Annual Gifts by Constituency
Ellen and Steve Miller
Ava Archer ’22
Pam and Brian Murphy
Ashlye Dullye ’15
Emilye Dullye ’18
Katye Dullye ’19
Joey Dullye ’22
Bettye and T. Joe Parks
Reed Parks ’14
Ann and Bill Phillips
John Phillips ’15
Hilda and Jon Poort
Tex Walls ’20
Lauren Walls ’22
Sandra Mae and Rick Porter
James Porter ’19
Dana Puddy
Hannah Puddy ’14
Rosemary and Bill Rayburn
Elizabeth Burns ’15
Nancy and Dan Richart
Daniel Barrett ’15
Carolyn and Wyatt Rousseau
Lauren Sharpe ’20
Charles Sharpe ’22
Patricia Schleuning
Braydon Giangiulio ’17
Frances Schmitz
Christopher Row ’19
Jane and Karl Schopmeyer
Emily Schopmeyer ’15
Matthew Schopmeyer ’17
Leslie Schopmeyer ’18
Patty and Jack Shelby
Ben Kraus ’16
Epifania Shepperd
Sophia Walker ’14
Houston Walker ’19
S T. J O H N ’ S E P I S CO PA L S C H O O L
Angele Smith
Myles Smith ’18
Lyra Smith ’23
Elaine Stephens
Wren Stephens ’22
Janet and Jack Stevens
Jack Stevens ’22
Scarlett Stevens ’22
Sherry and Mel Stubbings
Aidan Stubbings ’18
Conor Stubbings ‘22
Barbara and William Toates
Greer Leonard ’16
Pat and Bob Tobin
Isaac Sarosi ’19
Wendelyn and James Vermillion
Emma Eefting ’14
Annegret and Juergen Werle
Caitlin Breedlove ’17
Riley Breedlove ’20
Faye and Don Wigley
Larkin Wigley ’21
Rose Mary Wills
Casey Cross ’18
Tyler Cross ’20
Kay Wilson and Lewis Walker
Wilson Watkins ’23
Carol and Gary Witte
Lauren Livingston ’23
Madeleine and Chip Wright
Moreau Pierson ’15
Suzie and Frank Wylie
Steel Wylie ’19
Akina Wylie ’23
Rosalie and Edwin Yeary
Ford Stuart ’22
Cheryl and Larry York
Ryan Gilger ’22
Annual Gifts by Constituency
Anonymous (2)
Valerie and Garrett Adams
Julia and Mark Agostini
Donna Aldridge and Keli Ward
Alycia and Per-Magnus Andersson
Crystal and Michael Androvett
The Angelley Family
Olivia and Michael Ansolabehere
Shauna and Adam Archer
Claudia and Adam Arnette
Sharon Ashmore
The Atwell Family
Liliana and Jose Avila
Kam Bakewell
Tom Bakewell
Kathleen Ballew and David Hynds
Kristi and Jody Bare
Shay Ometz and Jeff Barfoot
Mike Barhydt
James Barnett
Sarah and Stephen Barr
Sandy Barrett-Brown and Robert Brown
Deb Young and Chris Barrett
Jennifer Barrow
Traci and Bobby Beasley
The Beck Family
Peyton and Greg Bender
The Berg Family
Jon Berman
Jennifer and Jerry Birdwell
Monica and Jonathan Blacker
Stacie Blow
Suzanne and Tim Booth
Beth and Chris Borman
Nancy and Bob Bowen
The Bowen Family
Laura and Karl Braasch
Claudia and Darin Breedlove
S T. J O H N ’ S E P I S CO PA L S C H O O L
Gillian and Mark Breidenbach
Laurie and Bob Bret
Lance Brown
Carissa Rose Brown and Mark Brown
Joanna and Mike Brown
Jill and Doug Bryan
Callie and Michael Burns
Karen Rayburn Burns ’72 and Bob Burns
Audrey Cook and Clifford Burton
David Bush
Shannon Bush
Cheryl and John Caldwell
Amanda and Greg Campbell
Kate and Rob Canales
Marla and Mike Cannon
Janine and Mike Carley
Kathy and Don Carroll
Erin and Bond Carter
Audra and Terrence Chavis
Lamyen and Richard Chen
Michelle and Jeff Chesnut
Kris and Mark Chester
Anita and Greg Childress
Lauren and Steve Christensen
Becky and Justin Clarke
August Anderson Claybrook ’86 and
Derek Claybrook
Laura Abbott Coan and Carl Coan
Tanya and John Cole
Carolyn and Jeff Coleman
Kimberly Haley-Coleman and Mark Coleman
Josy and Marty Collins
Erika Combs
Cata and Chuck Cooper
Jenny Lerom-Cooper and Ryan Cooper
Lynne Corsi
Jeannie and Jeff Courtwright
Laura and Kelly Crain
Annual Gifts by Constituency
Samantha and Jason Crispin
Carson and Norman Croft
Nancy and Carter Crume
Laurie and Joe Darlak
Shea and Eric Davis
Hillary and John DeGroote
Cindy Moore and Arturo Del Castillo
Becka and David Dillon
Christina Carnes Dixson and Harry Dixson
Traci and Robert Doane
Stephanie and David Dodds
Dawn and Joshua Doherty
Natalie and Stephen Dollar
Emily and Tom Donahue
Kristi and Daniel Dow
Randi and John Dubiel
Tara and Larry Dullye
Dana and Reid Dunbar
Laurie and Keith Dunkin
Sue Ellen Chambers and Jim Dunlap
Laura Strother-Dunsavage and
Douglas Dunsavage
Melissa and Ben Eakes
Barbara Blaylock and Joe Edwards
Kate and Tony Eefting
Cynthia Wielgosz-Elliott and Dean Elliott
Alexandra and Ken Elliott
Kate and Jason Fagelman
Susan and Stuart Fallen
Nicola and James Faroppa
Jane Ann and Mark Ferguson
Belinda Botha and Paul Field
Wade Fitzgerald
Kelly St. John Forde and Michael Forde
Erin and Bob Foster
Camille and Brad Francis
The Frankenfeld Family
Paul Freudigman
Darla and Alex Frutos
S T. J O H N ’ S E P I S CO PA L S C H O O L
Sally and Jeff Galbraith
Beth and Tim Gargiulo
Maria Schleuning-Giangiulio and
Richard Giangiulio
Courtney and Ross Gilger
Heather and Chris Gilker
Cathy and Blake Gillespie
Vicki and Kirk Gillette
Debra and Greg Gilmore
Carmen and James Gilzean
Jan Gittemeier
Luke Gleason Family
Gari Lister and Matt Gobush
Susan and Marc Goldman
Tracey and Sid Gonzales
Jennifer and Brad Goodman
Sharon Sandell Goodwyn and Wade Goodwyn
Jill Gouge-Laird
Roger Groom
Joe Guffey
Carrie and Christian Haden
Kelli Culpepper Hall and Bill Hall
Annual Gifts by Constituency
Susan and Drew Hamilton
Liz and Jeff Hamilton
Kim and Shane Hammond
Jessica and Bud Hammons
Noelle and Stephen Hardin
Megan Harrison
Julie and Bruce Hartin
Kelly and Trey Heatly
Lucille and Ron Henderson
Melissa and Jeb Hensarling
Chachy and Hansjoerg Heppe
Kari and Darrell Hernandez
Robin and Trey Herndon
Stacy and Don Herring
Susan and Richard Hibbs
Shari and Duane Hicks
Deborah and Don Hill
Ann and Rusty Hill
Amy and Scott Hofland
Lori and David Holy
Keri and Shawn Honea
Kimberly and Jon Hopkins
Katharine and George Horvat
Amy and Scott Houdek
Meghan and Fr. David Houk
Elizabeth and Todd Howard
Rosie Howell
Stephanie and Adam Howells
Lisa and Terry Hoyle
Laura Peterson and Charlie Humphreys
Melissa and Rob Hunt
Cathy and James Ikemba
Tami Adams-Ingrum and Stephen Ingrum
Leslie and Steve Irwin
Erika and Nelson Jaeggli
Amy Johns
Kerri and Byron Johnson
Robin and Bob Johnston
Pam and Patrick Jordan
S T. J O H N ’ S E P I S CO PA L S C H O O L
Shannon and Phillip Juett
Mary Jane and Bubba Kadane
Bethany Kastanek
Jarrod Kastanek
Julie and Ford Keith
The Kice Family
Jason, Robbie, and Jett Kipness
Jim Kraus
Cindy and John Kronenberger
Amy and Jason Kulas
Amy and Tim Laczkowski
Richard Laird
Liz and Phil Lamberson
Ashley and Jeff Lamont
Kelly Lane
John Langdoc
Amy and Brian Lauten
Erin Lawler
Ashley and Sam Leake
Amy and Chris Leap
Lori and Brad Lee
The Dallas Lee Family
Jennifer Lee-Sethi
Danielle Lei and Richard Harrison
Georgia and Stuart Leitch
Holly and Brian Lemons
Cathy and Jeff Leonard
Claudette and Thad Levine
Becca and Marc Lickteig
Andi and Chris Limpus
Phyllis Lister Brown
Patty Rooney and Marc Litle
Amy and Jeff Livingston
Shelly and Chris Lloyd
Vivian and Alberto Lombardi
Lindsay and Sam Loughlin
Alicia and John Love
Tena and David Lowe
Jeri and Henrik Lykke
Annual Gifts by Constituency
Kara Mackley de Name
Lisa and Brendan Maher
Jennifer Kukla and John Maley
Simmone and Heath Malone
Claudia and Greg Manganello
Janice and Albert Marshall
The Martin Family
Victoria and Michael Martin
Morgan and Alex Martinez
Jay Mason
Kristina and Lex Mathews
Carrie Najim Matthiesen and Jay Matthiesen
Holly and John Maxwell
Allison and William McDaniel
Cristina Partida-McEachern and
Conrad McEachern
Aimee and Morgan McMillan
Julie and Dan McVicker
Dawn Chisholm Meinhardt and
David Meinhardt
Christy and Bill Milkereit
Emily and Brandon Miller
Donald Mitchell
Brooke and Kevin Monaghan
Geoffrey Moore
Susan Moore
The Moran Family
Nicole and Mike Moreno
Michelle Morgan
Kate and Steve Moseley
Theresa and Stephen Muscato
Heather and Everett New
Leah and Dave Nunez
Mary and Robert Odom
Jennifer and David Okamoto
Lane and Brian Olson
Christy O’Neil
Tanya and Christopher Orr
Linda and Dan Ortman
S T. J O H N ’ S E P I S CO PA L S C H O O L
Julie and Judson Pankey
Leigh and Scott Parks
Kristin and Tom Parr
Suzi and Craig Parrish
Tana Bishop Parsons ’74 and John Parsons
Dawn and David Pattee
Carol and David Payne
Eddy Perez
Carol and John Perry
AnnaLeigh and Billy Phillips
Betsy Lewis and Eric Phillips
Kristen and Jamie Pierson
Andrea Heckel and John Pizza
Melissa and Chris Potter
Katie and Michael Powell
The Prawdzik-Kirby Family
Amy and Michael Presley
Stacy and Glenn Puddy
Jill and Jason Pumpelly
Tibor Racz
Betsy and Gardner Randall
Mae and Michael Reeves
Candace and Jeff Robert
Dena and Don Robinson
Jennifer and Ron Robinson
Darla and Mark Roden
Wendy North and Kristi Roper
Myra Ross
Timothy Ross
David Rouble
Jana Rouble
Heather McNeill-Roumaya and
Zayad Roumaya
Kathy and Jeff Row
Paige and Scott Rozsa
Claire Tobin and Garreth Sarosi
Kristen and Jody Savant
Deborah Campdera and Markus Schmitz
Sally and Douglas Schopmeyer
Annual Gifts by Constituency
Deborah and Malcolm Scott
Sharon Seal
Akash Sethi
Laura and Bob Shapard
Jennifer and Chuck Sharpe
Nicola and Brian Shiels
Tracey and John Shirey
Judy and Michael Shore
Alison and Bill Silliman
Kiki and William Simpson
Gina and Doug Sims
Anna Weaver Sjouken ’78 and Martin Sjouken
Courtney and Vince Slusher
Dalton Smith
Cynthia Swayze-Smith and John Smith
Erica and Michael Smith
Jennifer and David Sochia
Angie and Chris Speer
Sanka and Brett Stalcup
Charaee Tropp and Beth Stall
Deborah and Richard Stanford
Eve and Ernie Stephens
Christi and John Stevens
Kathy and Reagan Stewart
Pamela and John Stuart
Heather and Kevin Stubbings
Tanya and Michael Sze
Stephanie and Michael Taylor
Jennifer and Scott Taylor
Sarah and Chad Teachout
Angela and Mark Thornhill
Dawn Estes and David Timmins
Elizabeth and John Trupiano
Jennifer and Christopher Turner
Donna and Allen Vaught
Diep Truong and Trinh Vo
Kara Jones-Vraniqi and Luan Vraniqi
Sarah and Chris Walls
Mary Anne and Randy Walters
Dara and John Wartman
Holly and Brian Watkins
Alex and Daniel Watters
Adele and Jim Weber
Anne and Steve Welch
Kym and Vance Wells
Ann and Ken West
D.J. and Damon White
Lindsay and Taylor White
Laura and Simon Whiting
Karla K. Wigley
Stormee and Sean Williams
Tiffany Murphy-Williamson and
Kenneth Williamson
Liz and Steve Williamson
Rebecca and Andy Wilson
Michelle and Blake Wilson
Ruthanne and Terry Wilson
Katherine and Bruce Winson
Becky and Kelly Withrow
Rachel and Paul Wright
Kim and Mike Wylie
Claudine Hollman Zellmer and Peter Zellmer
St. John’s Episcopal Church Parishioners
Nancy and Andy Anderson
Gerry Baines
Traci and Bobby Beasley
Susan and Garry Brown
Karen Rayburn Burns ’72 and Bob Burns
Connie and Ernie Cook ’63
S T. J O H N ’ S E P I S CO PA L S C H O O L
Martin Delabano ’67
Teresa and Tim Gibson
Pat and Nabil Hadawi
Meghan and Fr. David Houk
Cathy and James Ikemba
Nancy and Jamie Jacobs
Annual Gifts by Constituency
Jenny Dawson Kraemer ’85 and Mark Kraemer
Amy Maceo Wooten ’75
Jane and Tom Mayo
Gwen McAllen
Nan and John Miller
Sylvia Moore
Bonnie and Bill Oxley
Jan and Jay Patterson
Rosemary and Bill Rayburn
Heather McNeill-Roumaya and Zad Roumaya
Jennifer and Craig Schmieder
Deborah and Malcolm Scott
Robin and Robert Shannon
Ben Stewart
Elizabeth and John Trupiano
Jim and Cindy Waits
Charlotte and Wade Wiles
Judy and Lon Williams
Gift Donors
Alliance Data
Bank of America
Causecast Foundation
Goldman Sachs & Co. Matching Gift Program
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
Neiman Marcus Group
Nelnet Foundation
Northwestern Mutual Foundation
Occidental Petroleum Corporation
S T. J O H N ’ S E P I S CO PA L S C H O O L
Pepsico Foundation
Salesforce Foundation
The Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts
UBS Matching Gift Program
Wells Fargo Educational Matching
Gift Program
YourCause, LLC
Named Endowment and Special Purpose Funds
Endowment funds are permanent funds invested to provide income for St. John’s long-term stability
and strength. By making an endowed gift, you leave a lasting legacy and demonstrate an important
commitment to the current and future needs of our school.
Faculty Endowment Funds
Teacher Endowment Fund
The St. John’s Teacher Endowment Fund was established in 1995 to provide the school with a
continuing source of income for teacher salaries and benefits.
Financial and Endowment Funds
Dorothy Patterson Memorial Scholarship Fund
The Dorothy Patterson Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in 1981 by Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Cook in memory of Dorothy Patterson, the original first-grade teacher at St. John’s. The fund was
created to provide financial assistance to students who would not otherwise be able to receive an
independent school education and to families faced with unexpected hard times.
Head’s Discretionary Scholarship Fund
The Head’s Discretionary Scholarship Fund was created by the Class of 2002 with a challenge for all
future graduating classes to donate to this fund. The fund was created to allow a student to continue
his or her education at St. John’s if the family encounters unforeseen financial circumstances.
St. John’s Diversity Endowment Fund
The Diversity Fund was created to provide financial aid to and increase the population of students
from diverse backgrounds.
Special Purpose Endowment Funds
St. John’s Student Library Endowment
The St. John’s Student Library Endowment
was established by the Huff family to provide
a continuing source of income for library
enhancements, author visits and additional books.
S T. J O H N ’ S E P I S CO PA L S C H O O L
Faculty Endowment Funds
Teacher Endowment Fund
St. John’s Board of Trustees
St. John’s Parents Association
The Estate of Dorothy S. Primm
In Honor of Susan Benton:
Amy and Jeff Livingston
In Honor of Maggie Boyd:
Robbie and Jason Kipness
In Honor of Patty Booth:
Belinda Botha and Paul Field
In Honor of Monica Breeding:
Kim and Mike Wylie
In Honor of Dolly Holt:
Belinda Botha and Paul Field
In Honor of Danielle Lei:
Amy and Scott Houdek
In Honor of Jane Mayo:
Leah and Dennis Domstead
In Honor of Jake Minton:
Theresa and Stephen Muscato
In Honor of Hannah Myer:
Amy and Jeff Livingston
In Honor of Chris Patterson:
Sallie and Mark Crotty
S T. J O H N ’ S E P I S CO PA L S C H O O L
In Honor of Katie Specht:
Lisa and Brendan Maher
In Honor of St. John’s Teachers:
The Cooper Family
In Honor of Cheryl Terrell:
The Fallen Family
In Honor of Jennifer Zarrella:
The Fallen Family
Dorothy Patterson Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Safeway, Inc. U.S. Corporate
St. John’s Parents Association
Head’s Discretionary Scholarship Fund
Cindy and Burt Headden
Restricted Gifts
60th Anniversary
Andy Anderson
Mike Androvett
Gerry Baines
Mark Crotty
Joe Edwards
Bob Foster
Fr. David Houk
Tim Laczkowski
Michael Martin
John Miller
Scott Parks
Brad Reeves
Zad Roumaya
Elizabeth Trupiano
Adele and Jim Weber
Lon Williams
White Rock Spring Games
Chaplaincy Initiative
Episcopal Foundation of Dallas
Gaston Episcopal Hospital Foundation
Eighth Grade Gifts of Gratitude
Jack Adams
Mathew Androvett
Catherine Birdwell
Megan Bret
Paris Brown
Riley Anna Bryan
Lauren Bush
Conner Chase
Shannon Chester
Grace Cook-Burton
S T. J O H N ’ S E P I S CO PA L S C H O O L
Samuel Cooper
Hayes Dunlap
Lily Edwards
Emma Eefting
Carter Elliott
Sydney Frankenfeld
Katie Gittemeier
Luke Gleason
Olivia Guffey
Will Hammond
Vivien Hartin
Maggie Herndon
Reese Hicks
Carson Hill
Catherine Howard
Eric Hoyle
Chloe Irwin
Lily Keith
Sarah Kronenberger
Cara Lawson
Pace Lee
Helena Lykke
Chase Malone
Christina Martin
Adeline Monaghan
Suzette Odom
Judd Pankey
Reed Parks
Claire Phillips
Hannah Puddy
Jonathan Randall
Reagan Rouble
Elise Savant
Emma Rose Shore
Jordan Sims
Anson Smith
Stone Thornhill
Grayson Timmins
Restricted Gifts
Sophia Walker
Harry Whiting
Ian Winson
Reagan Withrow
Financial Aid/Scholarship Funds
J.C. Brown Memorial Scholarship Fund
The Ward Family Foundation
Angie and Chris Speer
Don Wigley
St. John’s Parents Association
Faculty Appreciation
Gillian and Mark Breidenbach
August Anderson Claybrook ’86 and
Derek Claybrook
Susan Moore
Raising Cane’s
Jennifer and Ron Robinson
Graduation Reception
Nothing Bundt Cakes, Casa Linda
60th Anniversary
Jennifer and Ron Robinson
Stoney’s Wine Lounge
Lower School
Alice Swanberg
Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment
St. John’s Parents Association
Annual Fund
Post Op, Inc.
Nothing Bundt Cakes, Casa Linda
Art Department
Century Glass & Mirror, Inc.
Violet and Scott Deatherage
Drama Department
Victoria Harvey
S T. J O H N ’ S E P I S CO PA L S C H O O L
Music Department
Holly and Brian Watkins
Student Appreciation
Monster Yogurt
Restricted Gifts
Library Birthday Book Donors
Donna Aldridge and Keli Ward
Olivia and Michael Ansolabehere
Shauna and Adam Archer
Claudia and Adam Arnette
Julie and Ryan Atwell
Kristi and Jodi Bare
Jeff Barfoot and Shay Ometz
Traci and Bob Beasley
Meghan and Edward Berg
Jennifer and Jerry Birdwell
Monica and Jonathan Blacker
Beth and Chris Borman
Danielle Delisle and Rees Bowen
Laura and Karl Braasch
Claudia and Darin Breedlove
Joanna and Mike Brown
Martine and David Buhmann
Cheryl and John Caldwell
Amanda and Greg Campbell
Katherine and Robert Canales
Marla and Michael Cannon
Elizabeth and Mark Cannon
Janine and Mike Carley
Kathy and Don Carroll
Erin and Bond Carter
Audra and Terrence Chavis
S T. J O H N ’ S E P I S CO PA L S C H O O L
Eli Aldridge
Ella Ansolabehere
Ava Archer
Alex and Caroline Arnette
David Atwell
Evan and Cameron Bare
Calder and Milo Barfoot
Reagan and Olivia Beasley
Evelyn and Liam Berg
Catherine and John Michael Birdwell
Jack and Claire Blacker
Claire Borman
Ava Bowen
Eva and Wolf Braasch
Riley Breedlove
Peyton Brown
Sarah Buhmann
Adam Caldwell
Bennett Campbell
Charlie Canales
Devun Cannon
Draper Cannon
Bennett, Nate, Theo and Sam Carley
Jack, Elisa and Wil Carroll
Harrison and Spencer Carter
Elle Chavis
Restricted Gifts
Michelle and John Chesnut
August Anderson Claybrook ’86 and
Derek Claybrook
Carolyn and Jeff Coleman
Carson and Norman Croft
Hillary and John DeGroote
Traci and Robert Doane
Stephanie and David Dodds
Tara and Larry Dullye
Dana and Reid Dunbar
Laura Strother-Dunsavage and
Douglas Dunsavage
Melissa and Ben Eakes
Cynthia Wielgosz-Elliott and Dean Elliott
Kate and Jason Fagelman
Nicola and James Faroppa
Erin and Robert Foster
Sally and Jeff Galbraith
Heather and Chris Gilker
Cathy and Blake Gillespie
Debbie and Greg Gilmore
Tracey and Sid Gonzales
Carrie and Christian Haden
Dr. Kelli Culpepper Hall and Bill Hall
Jessica and Ronald Hammons
Noelle and Stephen Hardin
Danielle Lei and Richard Harrison
Melissa and Jeb Hensarling
Chachy and Hansjoerg Heppe
Stacy and Don Herring
Katharine and George Horvat
Stephanie and Adam Howells
Catherine and James Ikemba
Erika and Nelson Jaeggli
Kerri and Byron Johnson
Robin and Robert Johnston
Shannon and Phillip Juett
Robbie Partida-Kipness and Jason Kipness
Amy and Tim Laczkowski
S T. J O H N ’ S E P I S CO PA L S C H O O L
Claire and Lily Chesnut
Abby Claybrook
Russell Coleman
Channing Croft
Jack and Max DeGroote
Ashley Doane
Emma Dodds
Katye and Joey Dullye
Austin Dunbar
Kemp Dunsavage
Catherine Eakes
Lukas and London Elliott
Molly and Susie Fagelman
Arabella Faroppa
Mikayla and Keira Foster
Jackson Galbraith
Grant and Spence Gilker
Caitlin Gillespie
Meg Gilmore
Isabelle Gonzales
William Haden
Grace and Natali Hall
Samantha Hammons
Anderson Hardin
Phoebe Harrison
Claire Hensarling
Helena Heppe
Allison Herring
George and Henry Horvat
Blake and Lainey Howells
Alexis and Jasmine Ikemba
August Jaeggli
Sadie Johnson
Hugh and Ian Johnston
Natalie Juett
Jett Kipness
Andrew, Tate and Luke Laczkowski
Restricted Gifts
Liz and Phillip Lamberson
Amy and Brian Lauten
Amy and Chris Leap
Holly and Brian Lemons
Claudette and Thad Levine
Patricia Rooney and Marc Litle
Shelly and Chris Lloyd
Vivian and Alberto Lombardi
Lindsay and Sam Loughlin
Alicia and John Love
Tena and David Lowe
Jeri and Henrik Lykke
Lisa and Brendan Maher
Jennifer Kukla and John Maley
Amy and James Martin
Morgan and Alex Martinez
Carrie Najim Matthiesen and Jay Matthiesen
William and Allison McDaniel
Cristina Partida-McEachern and
Conrad McEachern
Aimee and Morgan McMillan
Jake and Sarah Minton
Brett Moran and Arlene Betancourt
Sarah Morgan
Ann Michelle Langley
Lane and Brian Olson
Linda and Daniel Ortman
AnnaLeigh and Billy Phillips
Elizabeth Lewis and Eric Phillips
Melissa and Christopher Potter
Candace and Jeff Robert
Claire Tobin and Garreth Sarosi
Deborah Campdera and Markus Schmitz
Jennifer and Chuck Sharpe
Kiki and William Simpson
Gina and Robert Sims
Courtney and Vincent Slusher
Erica and Michael Smith
Dalton Smith
S T. J O H N ’ S E P I S CO PA L S C H O O L
Drew and Alex Lamberson
Charlotte and Carter Lauten
Hadley and Trevor Leap
Luke Lemons
Greta Levine
Maxwell Litle
Brooks Lloyd
Luca Lombardi
Atticus, Finny and Sawyer Loughlin
Emilia Love
Hagen and Sarah Katherine Lowe
Helena Lykke
William and Hank Maher
Samantha Maley
Mary Grace and Miller Martin
Mallory Martinez
Lila Matthiesen
Ashley and Lila McDaniel
Elliot McEachern
Mary Lou and Phoebe McMillan
Poppy Minton
Aidan Moran
Bo Morgan
Megan and Matthew Muscato
Milam and Samuel Olson
Emma Ortman
John Phillips
Ellie Phillips
Donovan and Emerson Potter
Caden and Lauren Robert
Isaac Sarosi
Annika Schmitz
Lauren and Charles Sharpe
Emory Simpson
Avery Sims
Emma Slusher
Alex and Justin Smith
Myles and Lyra Smith
Restricted Gifts
Sanka and Brett Stalcup
Eve and Ernie Stephens
Christi and John Stevens
Pamela and John Stuart
Heather and Kevin Stubbings
Tanya and Michael Sze
Jennifer and Scott Taylor
Sarah and Chad Teachout
Jennifer and Christopher Turner
Donna and Allen Vaught
Diep Truong and Trinh Vo
Holly and Brian Watkins
Alexandria and Daniel Watters
Kym and Vance Wells
Karla K. Wigley
Liz and Steve Williamson
Tiffany Murphy-Williamson and
Kenneth Williamson
Michelle and Blake Wilson
S T. J O H N ’ S E P I S CO PA L S C H O O L
Alex and Dylan Stalcup
Wren Stephens
Scarlett and Jack Stevens
Ford Stuart
Aidan and Conor Stubbings
Jaden Sze
Paige Taylor
Ellie Teachout
William and Calvin Turner
Morgan Vaught
Aidan Vo
Wilson Watkins
Isabella and Julianna Watters
Hazel and Charlie Wells
Larkin Wigley
Rob and Georgia Williamson
Jordan Williamson
Halen Wilson
Parent Organizations
Our Supportive Parent Community
Community Partners and Leadership Donors
The Parents Association began the 2013-14 year with an exciting new program designed
to increase leadership donor visibility within the St. John’s school community for those
dedicated families and businesses that support virtually every aspect of our fundraising
activities. With a consolidated approach, donors were asked to consider a single planned
gift in support of all Parents Association and Crusader Club activities including carnival,
the 60th anniversary raffle, and golf tournament.
This ‘one-ask’ approach gave St. John’s the opportunity to honor strong and lasting
connections between local businesses and our engaged and loyal community while
providing meaningful support for the young minds and leaders of tomorrow.
The efforts of the Parents Association and Crusader Club enrich our students’ learning
experiences and help make St. John’s the unique and nurturing environment we all
treasure. Thanks to everyone’s hard work, funds raised during this year were distributed
to support a variety of meaningful needs including the purchase of a 15-seat passenger
van for student transportation;
creation of a dedicated workspace
and professional library for faculty;
foundational work toward the
implementation of an electronic
portfolio system to highlight
student work; opportunities
for professional development;
dedicated summer commitment for
curriculum development; creative
structural additions to the Early
Childhood playground; growth
of financial aid resources and the
teacher endowment fund; and
support for the school’s athletic
S T. J O H N ’ S E P I S CO PA L S C H O O L
Parent Organizations
2013-14 Crusader Club
Garrett Adams and Dallas Lee
2013-14 Parents Association Council
Executive Committee
Parents Association Advisor
Assistant Treasurer
Assistant Vice President of Communications
Vice President of Community
Vice President of Fundraising
Assistant Vice President of Fundraising
Vice President of Volunteers
Assistant Vice President of Volunteers
S T. J O H N ’ S E P I S CO PA L S C H O O L
Adele Weber
Amy Laczkowski
Liz Williamson
Susan Hamilton
Leigh Parks
Kathy Row
Jennifer Sharpe
Brandee Knox-Beck
Kristi Bare
Stephanie Taylor
Marla Cannon
Crystal Androvett
Hillary DeGroote
Jules Angelley
Parent Organizations
Community-Building Positions
Fall Carnival Chairs
New Family Coordinators
Parish Liaison
Programs Chair
Tablescapes Luncheon Chairs
Sunshine Chair
Teacher Appreciation Luncheons Chairs
Fundraising Positions
Spring Fundraiser Raffle Chairs
Uniform Resale Chairs
Valerie Adams, Cata Cooper and
Ann West
Shelly Lloyd, Jennifer Robinson and
Kym Wells
Janine Carley, Natalie Dollar,
Erica Smith and Jennifer Turner
Ruthanne Wilson
Kari Hernandez, Amy Houdek and
Amy McMillan
Beth Borman and Becka Dillon
Volunteer Positions
Carpool Coordinators
Games Day Chairs
Lunchroom Coordinator
Robin Johnston and Courtney Slusher
Audrey Cook and Joanna Brown
Cathy Gillespie
Spring Fundraiser Raffle Assistant Chairs
Book Fair Chairs
Community Initiatives Chair
Crusader Shop
Sanka Stalcup and Mary Anne Walters
August Anderson Claybrook ’86
(Middle School)
Robbie Partida-Kipness (Lower School)
Meg Houk
Amy Lauten and Tracey Shirey
Melissa Eakes and Holly Lemons
Jeannie Courtwright
Laura Braasch, Carolyn Coleman,
Vivian Lombardi and Ashley Lamont
S T. J O H N ’ S E P I S CO PA L S C H O O L
Parent Organizations
Crusader Club Disbursements
Gym Floor Replacement
Volleyball Nets
Sound System and Movie Screen
Scorer’s Table
Golf Team
Parents Association Disbursements
Programs and Students
15-seat Passenger Van
Summer Curriculum Development
Financial Aid/Student Assistance
Crusader Club Disbursement from Golf Tournament
Dorothy Patterson Memorial Scholarship Fund
$ 3,392
$ 8,581
$ 9,356
General Professional Development
Faculty Speaker Workshop: Grant Lichtman
Workspace and Professional Library for Faculty
Teacher Store
Teacher Endowment Fund
Learning Specialist Needs
Electronic Portfolio Project
$ 5,000
$ 5,000
$ 5,000
$ 3,000
$ 2,000
$ 2,000
Facility Enhancements/Operations
Early Childhood Playground
$ 4,671
$ 2,900
S T. J O H N ’ S E P I S CO PA L S C H O O L
Parent Organizations
RenWeb School Management Software
Comerica Bank
Androvett Legal Media & Marketing, Ltd.
Doctors Hospital at White Rock Lake
Bella Vista Company
Parker School Uniforms
John DeGroote Services, LLC
Sharpe & Associates
Image ReNu at Walnut Hill
Standing Dog Interactive
Lombardi Family Concepts
Kimberly Wylie Photography
Raising Cane’s Chicken Fingers
Allie Beth Allman & Associates
Robinson Dentistry
Southern Botanical
Leadership Donors
Marla and Mike Cannon
Shannon and Phillip Juett
The Laczkowski Family
Holly and Brian Lemons
Shelly and Chris Lloyd
The Weber Family
Ann and Ken West
The Williamson Family
S T. J O H N ’ S E P I S CO PA L S C H O O L
Parent Organizations
S T. J O H N ’ S E P I S CO PA L S C H O O L
Parent Organizations
Carnival Underwriters
Beach Balls
John DeGroote Services, LLC
Flip Flops
Beth Borman/Dave Perry-Miller Intown
Jelly Fish
Dee’s Doggie Den & Kitty City
Hillside Veterinary Clinic
Sand Castle
The Stalcup Family
The Walters Family
The Burns Family
The Chen Family
The Kice Family
The Welch Family
Watering Hole
Raising Cane’s Chicken Fingers
Marla and Mike Cannon
S T. J O H N ’ S E P I S CO PA L S C H O O L
The Croft Family
Scuba Divers
Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Adams
The Caldwell Family
The Savant Family
The Timmins Family
Wave Runners
Laura and Karl Braasch
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Dow
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Kipness
The Litle Family
Sarah and Chad Teachout
Parent Organizations
Boogie Boarders
Altogether Clean
The Angelley Family
The Bare Family
Mr. Ken Bennett
Cata and Chuck Cooper
Traci and Robert Doane
Susan and Mark Goldman
The Hartin Family
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Kulas
Leigh and Scott Parks
The Williamson Family
S T. J O H N ’ S E P I S CO PA L S C H O O L
Sun Tanners
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Gilker
The Kadane Family
Ms. Andrea Kirby
Sarah and Robert Morgan
The Roden Family
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Thornhill
The Wigley Family
Carnival Gifts-in-Kind
Burger House
Gatehouse Capital
Kuby’s Sausage House
Mr. Donavan
Penne Pomodoro
Parent Organizations
Golf Classic Underwriters
Golf Classic Gifts-in-Kind
The Open
Robinson Dentistry
The Adams Family
Laura Caperton
Fox Sports Southwest
Todd Howard
Dallas Lee
Raising Cane’s Chicken Fingers
Liz and Steve Williamson
The Pro Am
Ann and Ken West
The Classic
The Adams Family
Mark Crotty
Jim Dunlap/Exterior Designs
Jason Kulas
WernerField Architects & Design
The Seniors
Kirk Gillette
S T. J O H N ’ S E P I S CO PA L S C H O O L
St. John’s Episcopal School admits qualified students of any race, color, religion, gender, and national or ethnic origin. St. John’s Episcopal School is accredited
by the Texas Education Agency, the Southwestern Association of Episcopal Schools and the Independent Schools Association of the Southwest. The school is a
member of the National Association of Episcopal Schools, National Association of Independent Schools, Texas Association of Non-Public Schools,
Independent School Management, Elementary School Heads Association and Education Record Bureau.
This Annual Report reflects gifts received between June 1, 2013, and May 31, 2014. Every effort was made to properly recognize all who contributed to St. John’s
Episcopal School during the 2013-14 fiscal year. We regret any errors or omissions and request that any such oversights be reported to the Advancement Office at
214-328-9131. Thank you.

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