Week22_July_23 - St Joseph`s Catholic Primary School
Week22_July_23 - St Joseph`s Catholic Primary School
St Joseph’s School Newsletter Humility Care Respect www.stjosephsbardon.qld.edu.au Dear Parents and Caregivers pbardon@bne.catholic.edu.au P&F Meets 2nd Tuesday each month 41 The Drive Bardon Qld 4065 Postal: PO Box 2107 Ashgrove West Qld 4060 Phone: (07) 3369 3020 Absentee Line: (07) 3876 3701 Fax: (07) 3369 8437 23 July 2015 Principal’s Welcome Tomorrow our school community will celebrate School Tree Day. Yesterday an invitation was sent home outlining the special assembly beginning at 8.35am tomorrow. Hon Dr Steven Miles, Minister for Environment and Heritage Protection and Minister for National Parks and the Great Barrier Reef, will be part of our celebration and will plant a tree. A class representative along with a parent will be planting our oval hedge in partnership. Cate Clifford, our P & F President, on behalf of the parent community, Sam Lucey, on behalf of our staff community and Rob Fowler, on behalf of the Jubilee Parishioners, will each plant a tree also. Together, as a Christ-centred learning community, we will celebrate our role as Christian stewards of creation. Fr Peter will be blessing our new Amphitheatre and garden space. Later in the day, each year level will be given a garden space to plant. I would also like to acknowledge and thank “Australand” for supplying labourers to improve the gardens around the Church as part of School Tree Day. I would like to thank and acknowledge the wonderful work of Bruce Lindgren from Eco Mini Excavation for redeveloping our oval space and creating new garden spaces as part of our 2015 Master Plan oval improvements. Today I attended the Prep excursion to Lone Pine and then this afternoon travel up to Underwater World to share dinner with our Year 4 students, teachers and parent helpers. I am really looking forward to this opportunity of sharing these learning experiences with the children. Today a parent survey regarding strategic resourcing will be made available online through our Parent Portal. I welcome parent feedback about specific resourcing initiatives to ensure our school funds are spent strategically as we strive for excellence and equity in education at St Joseph’s. This is the first time we have used this feature of the Parent Portal and we look forward to seeing how it works. https://extranet.bne.catholic.edu.au/parent/stjosephsbardon/ourschool/Lists/Strategic%20Resourcing%20Survey/overview.aspx Alternatively, log onto the Parent Portal, go to My School, click on Surveys on the left hand side, click on Strategic Resourcing Survey and Respond to this Survey. At present, I am working with our Leadership Team to prepare the work for our External Review. This is an extensive review which requires both staff release and the leadership team off line to complete a number of detailed reports and reviews. The review will be on 3rd September 2015. Next week I will be asking for your assistance in completing a second survey in relation to the past 6 months of our 2015 school year. Parent feedback is invaluable and I would ask for the generosity of your time in please completing this survey. This data will assist in reflection for our review and aide in our future planning. I will continue to work in partnership with the Leadership Team in the coming fortnight to complete lengthy requirements for this review process. Next week, we have a wonderful week of celebration planned to celebrate Catholic Education Week. Mrs Amy Luscombe has done a fantastic job on ensuring we celebrate our unique Catholic Identity and Ethos along with particular focii on Social Action and Justice. An overview of all the events was sent home on the front of the invitation to the National Tree Day special assembly. Yesterday afternoon, I worked with our professional learning community on our continued school goal of developing a common understanding and language of learning. We reviewed John Hattie’s meta-analysis into what actually works best in schools to improve learning. Our positive teacher impact on learning and how we are maximizing learning progress for each child is our major objective. In the coming week, our teaching staff will be very conscious of their own language of learning used with students in the classroom. Learning Intentions and Success Criteria will be evident in our instructional leadership. I will be completing ‘walk throughs’ of classrooms where I will be asking students 3 focus questions: 1. What are you learning? (Learning Intention) 2. How are you going? (Success Criteria and Effective Feedback) 3. How do you know? (Success Criteria and Effective Feedback) We are conscious of dispositions for learning and considering the 5 Key Messages of the visible learner: knowing thy impact, effective feedback, creating conditions for making learning visible and inspired and passionate teaching. Next Tuesday, Peter Miles, our external Behaviour Support Expert, will be completing a ‘walk through’ of classrooms to look at behavior support styles in classrooms. Peter will be working with our professional learning community to fulfill our goals and strengthen our Positive Behaviour Support Plan. On Monday’s school assembly our school community were introduced to our Student Council. Thank you to Mrs Amanda Gardiner and Mrs Simone Bannan in their leadership of this team in partnership with Mrs Luscombe and I. One of their first initiatives will be to lead our Together Tuesday: whole school picnic during Catholic Education Week. We also acknowledged and congratulated our Age Champions and Runner Ups from our Athletics School Carnival. Please see Mrs Lewis’ report later in the newsletter for the full results. Congratulations to our Yellow team for their incredible efforts! At our next Monday assembly, Mrs Lewis will be giving each year level a set of colour-coded sports equipment for use as part of their classroom Health and Physical Education lessons and playtime activities. A set of portable basketball hoops, which will be used on one of the tennis courts, has also been purchased. We would like to acknowledge the P & F for their generous donation of this valuable sports equipment. On Wednesday 5th August 2015 from 7.00-8.30pm Jennifer Mason from “Life Work in Progress” will facilitate a Parent Information Evening for parents of students in Years 5 and 6. The purpose of this evening is to allow parents and teachers to have full access to the information and resources that Jennifer will be using during the forthcoming Personal and Social Development Education session’s students will participate in: Year Six – Tuesday 11 and 25 August, Year Five: Friday 21 and 28 August . These sessions will focus on the normal emotional and physical changes that young people go through puberty. Jennifer’s work in schools is endorsed by Brisbane Catholic Education. Staff Updates: I am pleased to announce Mandy Hodge as our new Finance Secretary. Mandy will commence work later in August. Class teachers Michelle Johnson and Meghan Bach will both be on maternity leave for 2016. We congratulate Katie Andresen and Sharron Dale. Both ladies will be transferring at the end of 2015 and we will acknowledge and farewell these staff at the end of this school year. We welcome Anthony McGibbon and Julia Bell to our school staff for 2016. Enrolments for 2016 are strong and I am so pleased to see that St Joseph’s continues to thrive and grow as a welcoming learning community. Early in August, $30 000 of Lighting and Audio equipment will be installed in our Hall in preparation for the upcoming Musical. School Fee Funds will pay for this improvement. Our 300 Hall chairs have arrived and the trolleys will be here in another fortnight. We are in the process of looking at quotes for the upgrade of the Hall kitchen. Thank you again to the P&F for their work in securing this funding. Yours in education Fran Dear Parents We will be celebrating Book Week this Term in Week 9. We will be celebrating in many ways during that week with an author visit, art and craft activities, a Readers Cup and a whole school Book Character Parade. This Parade will conclude our Book Week celebrations. All students need to come to school on Friday the 11th September dressed as a book character. Choices can be anything from a character from a children’s book, the Book Week theme of Books Light Up Our World, an actual book or something from one of the shortlisted titles. Costumes can be a full costume, a decorated hat or mask. A full list of the Shortlisted titles can be found on the Library display window. I look forward to seeing our school dressed up for this special event. Kind Regards Amanda Gardiner Teacher Librarian TERM 3 SCHOOL FEES Fee statement for Term 3 will be posted to families this week. Please note the cost of the musical t-shirt and contribution towards props for the musical, is included in this invoice. Payment would be appreciated by 21 August, 2015. Thank you. From the APRE Upcoming Class Mass Times As part of the Religious Life of our School our students and teachers lead Parish Mass on Tuesday mornings at 9am. Date and Time Class Special Focus 11 August 9am Year 3 18 August 9am Year 6, Prep G and Prep B Buddies 25 August 9am Year 5 and Prep W Buddies 1 September 9am Year 2 8 September 9am Year 4 Sacraments of Initiation 15 September 9am Year 1 Grandparents Upcoming Community Prayer As a Christ centred and welcoming learning community, we invite all who are part of St Joseph’s to join in prayer on the first Friday of the month (during school term). Term 3 Community Prayer dates are listed below. We encourage students, parents, friends, parishioners and staff to join us for these sacred prayer times. Date and Time Location Special Focus 7 August 8am Church St Mary MacKillop 4 September 8am Church Father’s Day Catholic Education Week Next week we celebrate Catholic Education Week - Sunday 26 July - Saturday 1 August 2015. The theme for celebrations this year is: Engaging Minds. Igniting Hearts. Serving Others. For each school day during Catholic Education Week we will have a specific focus at St Joseph’s: Mindful Monday – Classes will par ticipate in a mindfulness or meditation pr ayer exper ience Together Tuesday – We will gather for a whole school lunch picnic on the school oval and play together – led by our Student Council Washing Wednesday – Sock drive for Orange Sky Laundry. Students will hang their ‘laundr y’ (socks) on the ‘line’ (tennis cour t fence) as way of raising awareness, showing solidarity and supporting the homeless through Orange Sky Laundry Thoughtful Thursday – Classes will negotiate and participate in an Act of Kindness showing thoughtfulness for someone else Franciscan Friday – Students will come to school dressed as a Farmer for a gold coin donation. They will learn about St Francis and Pope Francis and their message of being stewards of creation and, in particular, our responsibility to attend to the plight of our drought-stricken farmers. Parish Confirmation and First Eucharist Our Jubilee Parish Sacramental Programme for Confirmation and First Eucharist is due to start soon. It is open to any baptised Catholic child who is in Year Four or above and have made their First Reconciliation. On Monday 3 August there will be an Information Night at Sacred Heart Church, Rosalie at 7:00pm for par ents wishing to enr ol their child/r en in the pr ogr amme. Please contact our Jubilee Parish Sacramental Coordinator Jenny for further information via email jend@donnellys.net.au Woolworths Earn and Learn Earn and Learn has started and we are off to a terrific start! Please find a Sticker Sheet attached to this newsletter. Our collection box is in the office – just send your completed Sticker Sheets through your class message bag. Parent Portal Last week we successfully launched our Parent Portal. If you have not received an email with your log in details, please make contact with our school office. Feature of the Week: Attendance Variation The Attendance Variation tile of the Parent Portal will take you to an online form where you can securely complete the details of student absence. This information comes directly to the school office to be entered onto the Class Roll and the message will be passed onto the teacher. Amy Luscombe Assistant Principal (Religious Education) Student Class Gabrielle F Prep B Lara P Prep G Cameron C Prep W Sam S 1B William B 1G William L 1W Emme P 2B Rose S 2G Aliza R 2W —— 3B Kaleb I 3G Philip-John C 3W Harry C 4B Emily D-M 4G Flynn H 4W Lily B 5B Ella P 6B ATHLETICS CARNIVAL RESULTS What a great day we had last week at the Athletics Carnival. The weather was cold but fine and the kids participated with great enthusiasm and sportsmanship. It is fabulous to see all the students supporting their colour house teams and their fellow classmates throughout the day. A big thank you to all the parents who assisted on the day, particularly Mark and Ben for starting the races all day – I hope your ears were OK that night!! Thanks also to Andrew and his team of parents who provided beautiful food all day through the canteen Thanks to all staff for your support and effort to help make the day run so smoothly Great effort from the Year 6 leaders for supporting and leading their colour house teams so well throughout the day Records broken • • • • • • Claudia - 11yrs Girls Shot Put 8.09m (Ellen 7.50m 2002) Grace – 10yrs Girls Shot Put 6.79m (Claudia 6.78m 2014) Siena – 12yrs Girls 100m 14.51 sec (Bridget 15.00 sec 2014) Siena – 12yrs Girls 200m 31.50 sec (Alex 32.62 sec 2012) Ella – 12yrs Girls 800m 2.56.47 sec (Alex 3.00.50 sec 2012) Dylan – 11yrs Boys 200m 45.30 sec AGE CHAMPION RESULTS U10 RUNNER UP GIRLS Stella T – 32 pts Rosie P – 26 pts Grace M – 42 pts Ella D – 24 pts Libby H - 32 pts Elizabeth C – 32 pts Grace S – 20 pts U11 CHAMPION U11 RUNNER UP U12 CHAMPION U12 RUNNER UP Claudia L – 52 pts Ellen G – 50 pts Siena D – 52 pts Ella C – 50 pts U8 CHAMPION U8 RUNNER UP U9 CHAMPION U9 RUNNER UP U10 CHAMPION BOYS Aiden S – 30 pts Will C – 22 pts Lachlan M – 48 pts Alessandro B – 24 pts Oliver F – 50 pts Benji C – 24 pts Michael H – 24 pts Dylan S – 60 pts Pierce H – 24 pts COLOUR HOUSE CHAMPION TRACK EVENTS TEAM GAMES FIELD EVENTS TOTAL BLUE 404 488 104 996 GREEN 368 472 133 973 RED 426 435 91 952 YELLOW 446 472 99 1017 1ST – YELLOW 2ND – BLUE 3RD – GREEN 4TH – RED The Zone Athletics Carnival is to be held Tuesday 18th August (Senior – 10, 11 and 12 years) and Wednesday 19th August (Junior – 8 and 9 years) at Leslie Patrick Park, Arana Hills. A note with more information, program and team selection will be handed out early next week. Feedback on Athletics Carnival 2015 (please forward to the school office) Name: _________________________________________________ What worked well? Suggestions & Recommendations Any other comments? Hello Parents The Library would love some more LEGO to build up our very small supply. If you have any at home that is no longer needed or used, would you consider donating it to us here in the Library. We have lots of very eager learners wanting to create some exciting models. We would prefer the LEGO rather than DUPLO, however we will accept both. Many thanks Amanda Gardiner Teacher Librarian Music News ‘Learning to sing changes the way your brain works and it is never too late to start. Understanding just how remarkable it is to sing – to simultaneously and unconsciously manage pitch, rhythm, timbre, tone and dynamics – is an amazing human ability. ‘ extract taken from New Scientist, February 2008. Choral Festival News Don’t forget our concert with 11 Catholic primary school combined choirs on Tuesday 15 th September at St Francis Xavier Primary School, Goodna at 7.00 pm. Our Year 5’s will be performing at this concert. Tickets will become available closer to the date from the school office and they will be available from the door on the night. Keep up the good work Year 5’s with learning your words for the 21 songs we are singing. Congratulations Congratulations to our two students representing St Joseph’s at the St Mary Makillop Feast Day Mass on Saturday 8th August at St Stephen’s Cathedral in town. Alice B and Eli K-P will be rehearsing at St Laurence’s College on Monday 27th July and will be performing at the Cathedral on the Saturday. Thanks to our generous parents who are giving up their time to pick up and deliver students to and from venues. Well done! “Aladdin Trouble” Only 6 more weeks until we perform out school musical Aladdin Trouble. All students need to have black long pants/leggings/track pants, black socks and black shirts plus their musical t/shirt to perform on the nights. Years 2 – 6 are performing on both Thursday and Friday nights 3rd and 4th September with Year 1’s performing on the Thursday night only and the Preps performing on the Friday night only. Stay tuned for more information about tickets and timing of arrival at school for the performances. After school rehearsals for years 4 – 6 only will start soon – dates to be advised. No after school rehearsals for Prep, Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3. Year 4 Instrumental program Many thanks to Mrs Linda Pendrith for all her long hours of organization for the start of the Year 4 instrumental program. Welcome to Tara Versace as our new Strings teacher who will be taking Year 4’s as well on violin and cello. Our instrumental program is adapting to the new structuring of our primary schools. Good luck Year 4’s for the start of your 6 months of this wonderful program supported by our Parents and Friends Association. Stay tuned!! Rosemary Zorzetto Music Teacher Updating Family Details Please ensure the school office has your up to date family details. This can be logged as an update through our Parent Portal. Thank you. Media/Art group news “Aladdin Trouble” Musical Dates 2015: Thursday 3rd September, 7.00pm Friday 4th September, 7.00pm Tickets will be on sale in the next 2 weeks. Dear parents, Our school musical is fast approaching and we are still in need of a few items for the Musical. If you can help out please let us know. 1. Plastic 3 wheeled wheelbarrow. 2. 2 white chair covers (for the wedding chairs) 3. 6 Altar boy type/style white kaftans/dresses 4. Parent please to help make 100 Arabian/Aladdin hats with tassels for Preps, Year 1 and 2 boys. Thank you to the Prep aides for making the headband/under chin veils for the girls. Please let office know. Many hands make light work!!!! Important information Please make sure each child has the following for the musical: Musical t-shirts Black (3-7), red (prep-2). Long black pants/leggings/tights Black shoes Black socks Media Group - Aladdin Trouble During last week’s media session we worked on cardboard structures and cutting out pictures from printouts. We have been working on a cave that will show up in the musical. We are thankful for the things you have been giving us. We’ve also been working on ticket designs for you to buy online. The musical will be on soon and is held on the 3rd and 4th of September. Media group hope you can all attend and enjoy. From Aspen, Charlie, Felicity, 4 lovely teachers and the Media group In the last weeks of Media we have been making a washing machine and a car. We are also taking pictures and painting. We will hopefully get all this done before the musical!!!!! We are working hard on the musical and it is on the 3rd and 4th of September. It would be wonderful if you attend our school Musical. From Flynn and Michael, Media Group The Media/Art Group BARDON SPECIALIST GROUP TENNIS COURT BOOKINGS As you may know, one or both of our two (2) tennis courts here at St Joseph’s are available for hire at the rate of: $10 per hour during the day; or $12 per hour when lights used BOOKINGS Online booking can be made: Online at www.stjosephsbardon.qld.edu.au – see the link for TENNIS COURT BOOKINGS (under ‘Quick Links’) OR Email – stjoeystennis@gmail.com The calendar of tennis court bookings can be found at : https://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=stjoeystennis%40gmail.com&ctz=Australia/Brisbane The P&F are happy to share with you all our monthly meeting agenda a week prior to our meetings in the school newsletter. The P&F are hoping that this will give you all the opportunity to view the meeting’s agenda items. We encourage you also to provide any suggestions/feedback to the Committee on the agenda items. Come along to our meetings if there is a particular agenda item that might interest you. Meeting are held on the second Tuesday of term months at 7.00pm. You can access the past minutes from P&F on the School website under the Parents and Friends Tab. If you have any suggestions/feedback for our future agendas please email Denise Kerr on kerrdn@gmail.com . Coffee Anyone? Through a generous donation from Andrew and Carolyn Keogh and family the P&F will soon take possession of a commercial 2 group coffee machine and grinder on a wheeled trolley. We would like to start providing a hot drink service in Term 3 to parents, friends and staff of the St Joseph’s Community. To do this we need volunteers to assist in making coffee. Full training will be provided and there will be lots of practice opportunities before we go ‘live’. If you are keen to reinvigorate or learn new ‘barista’ skills, please send an email to Cate Clifford at catec@bigpond.net.au or call 0408 627 330 for more details. DON’T FORGET THE DOUBLE HEADER THIS Saturday 25th July AND Sunday 26th July Should teams need to forfeit either game please email chantelle@davesons.com before Thursday lunch-time. St Joseph’s 1 – St Joseph’s 1 v Samford 12 Our girls went out confidently and played a strong first quarter. The teams looked well matched and our girls played solidly in the centre third. However, precise shooting gave Samford the win. St Joseph’s 11 were defeated by Samford 31 St Joseph’s 2 – BYE St Joseph’s 3 – U11 Gold (Div 3) v Vipers 9 It was a tough morning. The cold and windy weather made for unkind playing conditions, and a tall and in-form Vipers team (who perhaps had some cameo appearances from the Firebirds) saw our girls defending for most of the game. Regardless, our girls held their heads high and keep their determination for their next game. Never give up and keep fighting! St Joseph’s 4 St Joseph's 5 Under 10 Orange vs The Gap 44 The girls are getting better and better each week. Although we didn't have a lot of luck with our shooting, apart from a few excellent goals, the girls were breaking in front of their opponents and showing great skills with the centre passes. There were some amazing intercepts and some tight defence, especially in the goal circle. The Gap, however were too strong. Looking forward to a double header this weekend! St Joseph's 6 - U9 Red v Phoenix After missing out on training last week due to the athletics carnival plus the winter holidays, the girls were understandably slightly rusty this week. However as always they tried their little hearts out and produced passages of slick passing and accurate shooting to go with some tenacious defending. With next weekend being a double header I'm sure this will produce consistency for the full 40 minutes and we will be back to our formidable best. St Josephs 7 (8/9 Green) v The Gap 53 An enthusiastic start to the term this week from all the girls. The flow of the ball down the court proved that St Joey’s teamwork was at an all-time high and even the cold air couldn’t dampen their enthusiasm. Everyone has improved so much since the beginning of the season – we can’t wait to see what the rest of the season brings. Go Joeys’! St Joseph's 8 U8/9 Maroon vs Valleys 34 Braving a very chilly morning the girls brought their unwavering enthusiasm to the court once again. They put in a great effort against a strong Valleys team and took every opportunity to intercept the ball. Well done girls! St Joseph’s 9 - U8/9 Purple v Phoenix 20 Move over mums, the little ones are taking over their own game! Tidy pig tails and clean uniforms were demolished as our golden sprites flew across the court. Simply smart play, amazing passes, unrelenting defence and huge smiles. Soft voices BOOMED out shouting for the ball and they literally threw themselves into every opportunity! With only 2 more weekends left in the season, it seems the girls are on course to go out with a bang! Hello cricket fan! You are invited to the 2015 Brisbane Heat Come and Try Day on Saturday 1 August at Allan Border Field, Albion. Bring along your friends and family from 11:00am to 3:00pm for a day of free MILO in2CRICKET and MILO T20 BLAST, interactive games, FREE giveaways, and the chance to win some great prizes. Be there to meet the Brisbane Heat, grab an autograph and enjoy a great day in the Brisbane winter sun! Entry is FREE. For more details please visit brisbaneheat.com.au. We can’t wait to see you there! Brisbane Heat Valley District Cricket Club Sign On Saturday 15 August 2015 & Sunday 16 August 2015 3.00pm to 5.00pm Venue: Ashgrove Sports Ground, Yoku Rd Ashgrove Note: you can also sign on by visiting our website www.valleycricket.org.au Under 8/9 (Super Sixes) played under lights Friday evenings Saturday games for all other age groups Coaching events for all age groups – including specialist program for girls Successful junior pathway program in place Additional Information For additional information check our website www.valleycricket.org.au or email junior.registrar@valleycricket.org.au Guitar/Bass/Ukelele Lessons - Term 3, 2015 The Guitar Program has had a fabulous year so far in 2015! If you would like to enrol your child in guitar, ukelele or bass guitar lessons for term 3 or 4 this year or would like some further information regarding lessons, please contact us at: amusicacademyau@gmail.com or call (07) 3700 9509. Earn 1 sticker for every $10 you spend 1 Point Start collecting for your school now The Woolworths Earn & Learn program gives Schools and Early Learning Centres around Australia the chance to earn new educational resources. Make a difference for your local school • Simply shop at Woolworths and you will receive one Woolworths Earn & Learn Sticker for every $10 spent.* • Stick the Woolworths Stickers onto the Woolworths Earn & Learn Sticker Sheet inside. • Once it’s complete, pop it into a Collection Box at your school or local store. You can download more Woolworths Earn & Learn Sticker Sheets from our website woolworths.com.au/earnandlearn *excluding tobacco, liquor and gift cards. Last year more than 14,500 schools and Early Learning Centres benefited from the program, boosting supplies in classrooms, libraries, music rooms, gymnasiums and science labs. It’s easy to earn valuable resources to help your local school, so start collecting your Woolworths Earn & Learn Stickers today. Go to woolworths.com.au/earnandlearn for more information, terms and conditions and answers to frequently asked questions. Sticker Sheet Start collecting for your school today My Woolworths Earn & Learn Stickers Stick Woolworths Earn & Learn Stickers in the squares below, then drop your completed Sticker Sheet into the Collection Box at your school or your local Woolworths. They will be redeemed for educational resources. My name is: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ My school is: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Entry to the promotion is open to registered Primary and Secondary schools and eligible Early Learning Centres (ELC) in Australia. Promotional period is from Wednesday 15th July 2015 until Tuesday 8th September 2015. Speak to your school or ELC to ensure they are registered, or visit woolworths.com.au/earnandlearn and check online. One Woolworths Earn & Learn Point is given for every $10 spend. Excludes purchase of liquor, tobacco and gift cards. Woolworths Earn & Learn Points will not be accepted by Promoter unless attached to a Sticker Sheet. Woolworths Earn & Points Sheets must be received by your school by 8th September 2015 for counting. For full set of terms and conditions please visit woolworths.com.au/earnandlearn.