Prenatal Detection of Ovarian Cysts
Prenatal Detection of Ovarian Cysts
PRENATAL DETECTION OF OVARIAN CYSTS: ULTRASOUND FEATURES AND OUTCOME. Marcela Tombesi, MD*, Carlos Deguer, MD ** * Radiology Service, ** Neonatology Service. Hospital Interzonal "Dr. José Penna" Bahia Blanca. Argentina. INTRODUCTION Case 1 An increasing detection of ovarian cysts has been reported in the recent years with the widespread use of ultrasound (US) during pregnancy and the improvement in US techniqes. Autopsy studies showed that approximately 30 % of NB has follicular cysts. The incidence estimated of fetal cysts with significant size is 1 in 2500 live birth. Ovarian cysts are the non renal cystic masses detected more frequently in obstetric US. While their natural history is the spontaneous resolution in a significant number of cases, proper management is still controversial. PURPOSE To determine the prenatal and postnatal US ovarian cysts characteristics, outcome, complications and therapeutics. Intrautero regression MATERIAL AND METHODS Case 2 The charts of 25 female patients born from December 2001 to July 2010 with pelvic or abdominal cystic images in prenatal US were retrospectively reviewed assessed. Gestational age at diagnosis, US features: shape, size, mobility, echogenicity, outcome in terms of: complications, progression, stability, partial or total spontaneous regression and treatment were determined. Fetus pathology associated and maternal antecedents also were recorded. US at birth: signs of partial regression. RESULTS Out of 25 newborns, 23 had ovarian cysts. Of the other 2 patients 1 had a mesenteric cyst and the second a cystic duodenal duplication. We were able to check outcome in all of the patients. One NB had a single kidney. None of the accepted maternal or fetal risks for ovarian cysts such as maternal diabetes, toxemia, RH isoinmunization and congenital hypothyroidism were present in our patients. The mean gestational age at diagnosis was 32 weeks (range: 24-35 weeks).Aspect of simple cysts was found in 65% of cases (Fig. 1). cyst. . Intrautero: Large simple cysts Case 3 Fig .1 INTRAUTERO US FINDINGS n:23 -15 simple cysts - in 2 small vesicles daughters were identified - 3 had very thin septa - 3 had complex appearance (echogenic content and thick septals and walls). Ovarian cysts cyst with signs of endocistic proliferation (vesicule daugther) US at 3 months: total regression COMMENTARIES The physiology of fetal ovarian cysts is dynamic, with high hormonal responsive that stimulate the follicle and formation of fetal ovarian cysts. The Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) are determinant for follicular and cystic grows. There would be a pick of FSH between the 20 to 30 weeks of gestational age and a fall at approximately 4-6 month of age. This timeline of neonatal folliculogenesis correlates with the natural history of fetal ovarian cyst formation and regression. Our purpose was not compared surgical to conservative approaches to ovarian cysts. We can only draw conclusions based on our limited experience. CONCLUSION Cysts outcome Mean maximum diameter (MD) at diagnosis was 4,1 cm (range: 2.7 to 6.3 cm): q 9 (44%) patients had a MD greater than 5 cm q 10 patients < of 4 cm q 4 patients between 4 to 5 cm Ø 11 cysts (48%) w ith a mean MD of 3.7 cm (range:2,7-5,1c m) showed intra-uterine regression. Ø 8 c ysts showed pos tnatal regress ion in a mean time of 6 months ( range:1 – 13 m), in 6 of them the regression began intrautero. Ø 1 grew up to a MD of 7.6 cm and regres sed totally at 10 months of life . Ø O ne patient with a s imple cys t with a MD of 5.5 cm and mobile as pect ,got complic ated on day 10 . The 83 % of the ovarian cysts detected by antenatal US regressed spontaneously. The complications in 3 patients occurred intrautero previous at the moment of diagnosis. None cyst ≤ than 5 cm complicated. The high percentage of spontaneous resolution in fetal and newborns with non mobile simple cysts ≤ than 5 cm of MD suggests clinical and US surveillance. It is necessary to identify the subgroup of patients who may benefit from intrautero cyst decompression. BIBLIOGRAPHY Cysts outcome The 3 cysts with heterogeneous aspect at diagnosis were surgical. Intrautero US: intraabdominal complex mass Postnatal US. It was surgical removed. Ovarian cysts torsion Intra-uterine torsion Intra-uterine torsion Torsion is the most common complication .From 4 complicated cysts in our group, 3 occurred intra-utero previous to the moment of diagnosis , point made by other authors. COMMENTARIES Marked differences in rates of complications and resolution have been reported, which influences therapeutic recommendations. A mobile pedicle and its length have been considered predictors of torsion. There are many options for management and therapeutics: in-útero and neonatal aspiration of cysts, laparoscopy, laparotomy, expectant management . There is no consensus on the most appropriate management. 1) Comparetto C, Giudici S, Coccia ME, Scarselli G, Borruto F. Fetal and neonatal ovarian cysts: what's their real meaning? Clin Exp Obstet Gynecol. 2005;32(2):123-5. 2) Słodki M, Janiak K, Respondek-Liberska M, Szaflik K, Wilczyński J, Oszukowski P, Chilarski A. Assessment of the usefulness of ultrasound screening in fetal ovarian cysts. Ginekol Pol. 2008 Feb; 79(2):120-5. 3) Gawrych E, Mazurkiewicz I, Kwas A, Wegrzynowski J. Antenatal diagnosis and postnatal management of ovarian cysts. Ann Acad Med Stetin. 2006;52(2):45-9. 4) Gallego, M ; Galindo, A; Cano, I; Rasero, M; Escribano, D; Orbea, C; Fuente, P. Quistes de ovario fetales: características prenatales y evolución posnatal. 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