® Packaging Supplies & Equipment COMPLETE PACKAGING PROVIDER Your Partner in Packaging 2 Protec ve Packaging SOLUTION-BASED DESIGN&DEVELOPMENT PRODUCT CARE Our goal is to provide customers with a deep breadth of high quality, superior protec ve packaging solu ons while remaining on the forefront of R&D technology. We strive to con nually bring new, innova ve protec ve packaging offerings to the marketplace and are commi ed to incorporate and promote business prac ces that respect both the Earth and the environment. OUR APPROACH TO AN EFFECTIVE SUSTAINABLE SOLUTION Protec on Minimise PACKAGING VALUE ANALYSIS Op mise Damage Storage Shipping Labour/Time Think Sustainability, Think INATECH. Protec ve Packaging 3 4 Protec ve Packaging THINK VERSATILITY. Our goal is to provide customers with a variety and assortment of protec ve packaging products width high quality and developed to fulfil a wide range of product protec on needs. Our expert sales and customer service teams are available 24-7 to help determine the proper protec ve packaging for your custom applica on. SUSTAINABILITY Inatech comprehensive waste-reduc on strategy combines recycled and post-consumer material in product manufacturing, with efficient transporta on and logis cs. Our conserva on programs include internal office paper and supply recycling as well as proac ve reduc ons in energy use. CONTAINMENT Applica ons that require support and padding during transit, protec ve encapsula on and cushion support will be safe in one of the many containment solu ons that Inatech has to offer. SURFACE PROTECTION For products with delicate finishes and surfaces that abrade, scratch or mark easily, Inatech offers a wide spectrum of wrapping materials that protect products from surface damage during storage and transporta on. CUSHIONING Inatech protec ve packaging op ons provide superb cushioning on internal packaging applica ons to prevent damaged goods resul ng from shock and vibra on. Our versa le range of cushioning products also provides protec on from unavoidable mo on and vibra on between the packaging and its contents. VOID FILL Inatech offers a number of protec ve packaging solu ons designed to be interior-fill materials for stock packaging components such as boxes. Our systems are fast, environmentally sensible and easy to use, preven ng products from shi ing during transporta on or handling. BLOCK AND BRACE Inatech blocking and bracing protec ve packaging op ons posi on and restrict products within the interior of a secondary package to prevent them from unwanted movements. We offer customizable soul ons that are cost effec ve and efficient to use. Protec ve Packaging 5 Sustainable Solu ons for every Applica on Surface Protec on / Void-Fill / Cushioning / Blocking & Bracing INFLATABLE VOID-FILL PACKAGING INFLATABLE CUSHIONING Systems that offer cost-effec ve solu ons for ondemand packaging providing excellent protec on and efficient void-fill reducing material and shipping costs. A versa le cost-efficient inflatable cushioning system suitable for various applica ons even in the most demanding packaging opera ons. Customised inflatable cushioning to suit your applica on. Fill-Air® void-fill cushions are inflated on site and can be produced in a wide range of sizes. A cubic metre of inflated cells, when deflated, will lose 99,3% of its volume. Flexible and easy to use, Fill-Air® systems increase produc vity for distribu on / fulfilment centre packaging. The versa le systems are available for online and work sta on packaging opera ons. System Range Fill-Air RocketTM Quick Shot® Fill-Air® RF Jet Stream® Wonderfil Wrap Wide range of bags and films available TM At the toutch of a bu on, the NewAir I.B.® system inflates and dispenses barrier bubble cushioning material whenever and wherever you need it. Designed to withstand the rigours of today’s global shipping environments, NewAir I.B.® Express material maintains its excellent cushioning proper es throughout the en re shipping cycle. A single roll of barrier bubble cushioning material can produce up to 456m² of inflatable cushioning, freeing up valuable warehouse space and saving on transporta on cost. System Range Fill-Air I.B.® Express Jet Stream® 6 Protec ve Packaging Wide range of bags and films available FOAM PACKAGING Superior product protec on against shock and vibra on during the shipping and handling process for products of almost any size, shape and weight. Instapack® Foam-in-Place: An expanding foam cushion that will encapsulate your product to provide instant cushioning, void-fill of blocking and breacing properi es. Instapack® Moulded Cushions: Pack the same part or product over and over? Our variety of moulding equipment allows the on-site manufacture of consistently sized and shaped packs. Con nuous Foam Tubes: Use a sheet of con nuous foam tubes to wrap your product in highly protec ve Instapack® foam, or layer con nuous foam tubes to create effec ve flat pads. System Range Instapack Complete® Instapack Quick Tuff RT® SpeedyPacker® Instapack® 901 Instapacker® Tabletop Instapack® SimpleTM Instapack® Quick RT® INATECH has always recognised the importance of our rela onship with the environment The unique cushioning abili es of Instapack® foam allow you to pack your product using the minimum amount of material, reducing your package size and weight but without compromising the product protec on. Protec ve Packaging 7 Sustainable Solu ons for every Applica on Surface Protec on / Void-Fill / Cushioning / Blocking & Bracing AUTOMATED SYSTEMS POLYETHYLENE FOAMS A range of automated equipment designed for highvolume, high-throughput fulfilment environments. Our polyethylene foams provide high performance cushioning, blocking and bracing and surface protec on solu ons to various industries including a variety of packaging and non-packaging applica ons. Drama cally shorten the packaging process, reduce operator interac on and at the same me, increase your output. Our two high impact systems will meet the challenge. System Range We are commi ed to increase sustainability by enhancing the performance of our PE foam products and by increasing recycled content with decreased use of natural resources in manufacturing. Product Range Rapid Fill® Automated Void-Fill Systems Cell-Aire® Stratocell® Instapack® iMold® Automated Foam Packaging Systems Ethafoam® Stratocell® Whisper® Sound Absorbing Foam 8 Protec ve Packaging PAPER SYSTEMS SUSPENSION /RETENTION PACKAGING A world-wide leader in industrial packaging, applying world-class manufacturing principles in the industrial paper industry. Korrvu® Packaging is a dynamic product that uses a strong, highly resilient low-slip film to surround a wide range of products that require shock protec on during the shipping cycle. Inatech paper products are made of 100% recycled materials to help minimize environmental impact. TigerPad® paper cushioning can be recycled with mixed paper. Addi onally, the fibre is 100% renewable and all produc on scrap is reclaimed. System Range PackTiger® RS Paper Cushioning System FasFil® Paper Void-Fill System FasFil EZ® Paper Void-Fill System Suspend your fragile products away from impact in the centre of the shipping container in one of our engineered Korrvu® Reten on packs for cost-effec ve blocking and bracing protec on. Korrvu® packaging is shipped flat and assembled on-site, as required. The high-performance design can easily be reused and is made from renewable cellulose paper fibres. It is easily recycled with common corrugated boxes. Product Range Korrvu® Suspension Korrvu® Reten on Korrvu® Hybrid Korrvu® Diamond Technology TekkvuTM Korrvu® An -corrosion Protec ve Packaging 9 Sustainable Solu ons for every Applica on Surface Protec on / Void-Fill / Cushioning / Blocking & Bracing BUBBLE PACKAGING PROTECTIVE MAILERS AirCap® barrier sealed cushioning material - Ideal for surface protec on, wrapping, cushioning and void-fill. Mail Lite® - the most comprehensive range of cushioned mailers in the industry to accommodate a range of applica on. Ourhigh-performance AirCap ® bubble packaging is manufactured with a barrier bubble layer that retains air and maintains its cushioning performance. This makes it highly reusable, greatly reducing the amount of packaging material that enters the waste stream. System Range Designed to reduce shipping and handling costs, Mail Lite® mailers provide excellent protec on for a wide variety of items and are the ideal alterna ve to small, corrugated shipping containers. AirCap® Mail Lite® has been the mailer of choice within the small parcel shipping environment for more than 40 years BubbleGuardTM Product Range An -Sta c AirCap® Mail-Lite® White Mail Lite Tuff® Cushioned BubbleMask Mail-Lite® Gold Mail-Lite® Padded BubblePakTM Mail-Lite® Plus TM Reflec x® 10 Protec ve Packaging SPECIALTY FOAMS INATECH’s business is about protec ng your products on their journey, a responsability we take very seriously for all of our worldwide customers. The Specialty Foams team is focused on providing polyethylene foam solu ons to various industries including a variety of packaging and non-packaging applica ons: Protec ve Packaging 11 Sustainable Solu ons for every Applica on Surface Protec on / Void-Fill / Cushioning / Blocking & Bracing WHEN CONSIDERING YOUR GROWTH, CONSIDER SEALED AIR TYPES OF FOAM TO SUIT EVERY APPLICATION INATECH is the world’s leader and innovator in extruded polyethylene foam. Inatech polyethylene foams are designed to meet a broad range of protec ve packaging and material handling requirements, from economical lightweight protec on to heavy-duty industrial cushioning. They are clean, lowabrasive and offer package designers and fabricators a variety of crea ve opportuni es. Working with Inatech, you obtain a proven record of performance, tradi on of consistency, reputa on for quality and stability in the marketplace: High Performance Cushioning - Provides high protec on using less foam than many alterna ve packaging materials. Reduced Packaging Costs - Less foam results in smaller packs, reducing material and shipping costs, as well as handling and storage expenses. Excellent Material Yield - Wide widths minimise scrap generated during fabrica on, further reducing material costs and less waste for disposal. Very Resilient - Quick recovery from mul ple compressions and impacts make it ideal for use in returnable material handling systems. Enhanced Packaging Aesthe cs - Clean, a rac ve appearance enhances product and package image. G l o b a l L e a d e r i n P ro d u c t P ro te c o n - 1 4 5 manufacturing facili es reaching out to 175 countries. OUR GOAL IS TO HELP YOU FIND A COST-EFFECTIVE SOLUTION TO YOUR PACKAGING NEEDS AND TO PROVIDE YOU WITH THE MOST EFFICIENT PACKAGE POSSIBLE. 12 Protec ve Packaging SOLUTION - BASED DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT Inatech’s Packaging Design Centres exist to achieve one purpose: to help our customers find a high-performance, cost-effec ve packaging solu ons. With dedicated employers, we review and analyse proposed designs, develop new ones, test exis ng packs and recommend the best way to maximise the protec ve quali es of Inatech polyethylene foams. WORLD CLASS SOLUTIONS Our Packagins Design Centres are world-class, including our staff, process and equipment. We design a packaging solu on based on your product and applica on u lising the correct amount of material. We also develop 3D images of the package design to show how the design is built and for assembly instruc on. The graphics and anima ons we create are then yours to keep to be used internally or as a marke ng tool. Protec ve Packaging 13 Sustainable Solu ons for every Applica on Surface Protec on / Void-Fill / Cushioning / Blocking & Bracing Rigid, resilient, easy to fabricate, mul ple impact cushioning PE foam is non-dus ng, lint free and non-abrasive. It provides substan al cushioning against repeated impacts while significantly reducing shipping costs. Foam planks are extremely simple to fabricate. Engineered foam can be die-cut, heat welded, glued, saw cut, split, water jet cut, routed and drilled to precise specifica ons. NOPAPLANK® Polyethylene foam plank is an extraordinarily versa le, fully extruded, durable material that gives a unique combina on of excellent physical and chemical proper es with an excellent appearance. The light-weight closed-cell construc on offers excellent cushioning against repeated impacts and can be engineered with an cipated performance. It provides easy fabrica on, cost-effec veness and suitability for a wide range of applica ons. NOPAPLANK is free of ozone deple ng CFC’s and the non cross linked construc on means it can be completely recycled back to the base raw material. Available in an -sta c condi on and a wide range of colours and thicknesses up to 100mm and densi es from 25 kg/m³ up to 150 kg/m³. 14 Protec ve Packaging POLYLAM® Clean, resilient POLYLAM laminated plank is perfect for a variety of applica ons. The laminated construc on offers tried and tested cushioning performance and customised dimensions to increase fabrica on efficiency. POLYLAM offers outstanding protec on, easy fabrica on and is CFC free. Fully recyclable, it can be die-cut, heat sealed, welded, glued to other materials, sliced, sawn, split, skived, routed and drilled to meet exact specifica ons. Available in a wide range of thicknesses and high, medium and low density up to 120mm. Mul density layers also available from stock in 30mm, 40mm and 50mm in white colour. Other thicknesses and colours available on request. GENERAL STOCK PRODUCT INFORMATION ENGINEERED FOAM MDL = Mul Density Layer Special thicknesses, widths, slits and colours available Minimum order quan es and delivery lead mes apply. Protec ve Packaging 15 Protec ve Air Bubble Film Surface Protec on / Void-Fill / Cushioning / Blocking & Bracing PROTECTIVE AIR BUBBLE FILM Bubble film is one of the most recognised protec ve packaging products on the market today. Air bubble film offers an economical, effec ve solu on for void filling, interleaving, wrapping and cushioning. Our range of excellent quality, small and large bubble products include co-extruded films, lamina ons and converted products. Bubble Film Although it may look like an ordinary material, we manufacture using advanced technology which incorporates a layer of barrier film. The process seals air pocket, reducing air escape, giving longer las ng protec on and performance. Suitable for both heavy and lightweight items on longer storage or journey cycles. Available in large and small bubble with slit and perfora on op ons to suit your requirements and can be extruded in widths up to 2500mm. Available in rolls, pouches and sheets. An -sta c and laminated products are also available. 16 Protec ve Packaging CONVERTED BUBBLE PRODUCTS INATECH has extensive conversion facili es and years of experience in the field. We are able to convert our bubble products and bubble laminators into a variety of value added products. Our converted product op ons offer ease of use, por on control and tailor made protec on suitable for a number of applica ons and industries. Our range of stock bubble pouches or bespoke converted products, including sheets and sleeves, can be used for retail, commercial and industrial applica ons. INATECH offers a quick turna-round, efficient service and compe ve pricing. Small bubble cell size: 3.5mm high x 10mm wide; Large bubble cell size: 9mm high x 25mm wide; Small bubble is available up to 2500mm wide and large bubble up to 1200mm wide; Slits, perfora ons and an -sta c bubble are available in all bubble grades. GENERAL PRODUCT INFORMATION BUBBLE POUCHES CONVERTED OPTIONS Bubble can be converted in to pouches, sheets and sleeves in bespoke sizes. S tched covers, mini bundles and furniture covers are also available. Minimum order quan es and delivery lead mes apply. Protec ve Packaging 17 Protec ve Air Bubble Film Surface Protec on / Void-Fill / Cushioning / Blocking & Bracing UPGRADE TO BLACK Astro-Bubble Renew air cushioning adds a touch of elegance to protec ve packaging. The premium appearance, superior quality and environmental advantages make upgrading to Astro-Bubble Renew in black a simple choice. Adi onal Astro-Bubble Renew air cushioning advantages: ENVIRONMENTAL ADVANTAGES WITHOUT SACRIFICING QUALITY Environmentally sensible, Astro-Bubble Renew provides superb performance with less impact on the environment. Ideal for cushioning, surface, protec on and void fill. Users can be confident that their products will be well protected during storage and transport, while feeling good about contribu ng to raw material preserva on. Premium black colour provides a sleek, differen ated look that is easily iden fied as high recycled content. Contains post industrial recycled materials: Lightweight, yet durable material provides reliable protec on from high air reten on proper es and minimizes fuel consump on during transport. Coex contains 40% recycled content. Recyclable as category #7 Opaque colour conceals the product-doubling as a the deterrent. Mono-layer contains 25% recycled content. Recyclable as category #4 Incorporates waste material that otherwise would be diverted into the waste stream-an environmentallyresponsible alterna ve to virgin bubble. 18 Protec ve Packaging (Recyclable where accepted) MARKETS AND APPLICATION Cushioning Surface Protec on Interleaving Void Fill Inatech understands that today, more than ever, companies are in need of cost-effec ve, strong and reliabile protec ve packaging products that minimize damage to a wide variety of goods during transit. Astro-Bubble Renew air cushioned bubble is available in rolls of small ( ⁄ ’’), medium ( ⁄ ’’) and large bubble ( ⁄ ’’) in a range of widths and lenghts. Astro-Bubble Renew comes in coex (low-density polyethylene/nylon) and mono-layer (linear low density polyethylene). Market Segments Served Aerospace Agriculture / Produce Automo ve Doors / Building Material Electronics / Appliances Food Fulfilment / Mail Orders Houses Furniture: Household / Outdoor / Office Industrial Equipment and Supplies Jewellery Medical Military / Government Moving and Storage Pharmaceu cals Publishing Retail Supply Specialists Transporta on Glassware / China End-use Applica ons Auto Parts: Painted or Glossy Plas c / Metal Dishes and Silverware Fabricated, High Gloss Metal Parts Fine Art Fixtures Glass and Collec bles Glass Containers Industrial Parts Ligh ng Equipment Polished Products Po ery Produce Interleaving / Top Pads Wood Furniture THINK SUSTAINABILITY. THINK INATECH Astro-Bubble Renew is an addi on to the Inatech ‘green’ family of products whose purpose is to address the growing need for sustainable packaging alterna ves. Environmentally responsible prac ces are an important part of Pregis’ business philosophy. Protec ve Packaging 19 FOAM Astro Foam® Surface Protec on / Void-Fill / Cushioning / Blocking & Bracing ASTRO FOAM® Successful product protec on is about matching the right packaging material to the applica on. Low-density polyethylene is extruded to form thousands of ny cells, each full of air and each cell combining with neighbouring cells to form a non cross linked foam. Packaging foam is one of the more versa le packaging materials in use today. Packaging foam is a gentle alterna ve to the more tradi onal types of packaging such as corrugated paper and can be used to protect items that need special care and a en on, offering protec on from scuffing and abrasion. Packaging foam is available in a variety of thicknesses, making it extremely versa le and suitable for a mul tude of applica ons from delicate china to concrete blocks, furniture and consumer electronics and any items requiring gentle cushioning or interleaving protec on. Astro Foam is available in standard stock sizes, special slits and perfora ons are available on request. 20 Protec ve Packaging CONVERTED FOAM PRODUCTS Converted products are an integral part of the Inatech product range and the overall service that we offer. Inatech is able to convert Astro Foam and laminates into a variety of value added products. Converted product op ons offer ease of use, por on control and tailor made protec on suitable for a number of applica ons and industries. Inatech offers a quick turna-round, efficient service and compe ve pricing. Astro Foam Converted Product Op on Pouches, sleeves and sheets S tched covers Mini rolls Furniture pouches Foam can be perforated and slit on the roll to facilitate por on control. GENERAL STOCK PRODUCT INFORMATION Astro Foam® Slits, perfora ons, coloured and an -sta c foam are available in all foam thicknesses. Minimum order quan es and delivery lead mes apply. Converted Op ons Foam can be converted into pouches, sheets and sleeves in bespoke sizes. S tched covers and mini bundles are also available. Minimum order quan es and delivery lead mes apply. Protec ve Packaging 21 PROFILES ProFlex Profiles Surface Protec on / Void-Fill / Cushioning / Blocking & Bracing PROFLEX The range of ProFlex profiles offers surface protec on and edge protec on to limitless packaging applica ons. They feature a chemically inert, odourless, clean, closed cell structure with excellent resiliency, flexibility and shape memory. Non-abrasive, ProFlex profiles are an excellent method of protec ng delicate parts for a variety of markets and applica ons. ProFlex profiles come in L shape and U tulip shape. ProFlex L Available in 2 sizes, ProFlex profiles are ideal for a variety of markets, and are perfect for use in the protec on of spare parts, doors and panels, furniture edging, interior fixtures and fi ngs, and palle sed products. ProFlex U Tulip Available in a wide range of sizes, ProFlex U tulip profiles are widely used in a vast array of industries including window and glass distribu on, office equipment, consumer electronics and doors and mirrors. Perfect for the distribu on of spare parts, furniture and windshields. 22 Protec ve Packaging ProFlex U Corners Available in a variety of sizes, these convenient 90 degree cut pieces protect delicate corners in mul ple applica ons, including picture frames, furniture, point of sale and large format printed items, plus many more. GENERAL PRODUCT INFORMATION ProFlex Profiles - Stock Products ProFlex L ProFlex U Tulip ProFlex U Corners Many more op ons are available upon request. Features Benefits High tear strenght and surface hardness; Clean, non-abrasive; Maximum shock absorp on and vibra on dampening; Flexible and resilient; Low density material. Perfect protec on for any product; Superb surface protec on; Excellent cushioning proper es; Easy to use and re-use, crushproof, nonabrasive and chemically inert; 100% recyclable. Protec ve Packaging 23 PLASTIC MESH SLEEVING For Parts Protec on & Packaging Surface Protec on / Void-Fill / Cushioning / Blocking & Bracing PLASTIC MESH SLEEVING At INATECH, we manufacture a wide variety of lightweight plas c sleeving products for diverse protec ve packaging applica ons. The mesh has proven to be a cost-effec ve alterna ve to many tradi onal packaging materials saving me, space and money. Flex-Guard® protec ve sleeving, shown above, is our most common brand of Naltex sleeving. It is currently stocked in five unique styles that provide different levels of protec on. Each type has its own range of colour-coded sizes to fit mul ple diameters. It is offered by the roll or in cut lengths. All Flex-Guard products can also be supplied cut to your desired length. Flex-Guard Protec ve Sleeving Products At Inatech, we offer the most extensive collec on of protec ve mesh sleeving products in the industry. Our five dis nct Flex-Guard lines offer protec ve packaging op ons suitable for a variety of applica ons ranging from storage of delicate medical components to packaging of industrial machined parts. Naltex® extruded mesh sleeving is available in several styles, depending on the type of protec on you need. Standard sleeving sizes fit diameters ranging from 1/4 inch (6mm) to 24 inches (60cm). Custom sleeving can also be manufactured to fit your exact diameter. Flex-Guard sleeving is made from polyethylene so it is non-corrosive and resistant to most chemicals and oils. Its open mesh design allows for air circula on around items, making it ideal for projects involving cleaning solvents, water or humidity. Plus, it is a low volume packaging material that helps you save warehouse space and shipping expense. Inatech’s five versions of Flex-Guard include: Flex-Guard I A rela vely thin net with a colse mesh design ideal for cushioning small parts. Flex-Guard II A moderately elas c sleeving suitable for protec on in medium to heavy abrasion environments. Flex-Guard III The strongest protec ve sleeving. A thick, fairly rigid mesh to protect parts from heavy abrasion. Our Flex-Guard sleeving is available for a range of diameters, all colour-coded by size for ease of iden fica on. Flex-Guard can be easily cut with scissors to fit any length you require. Each type of Flex-Guard sleeving exhibits its own stretch and recovery characteris cs. Some are best for protec ng straight sha s or cylinders, others are be er fot protec ng unusual shapes. All Flex-Guard products can be supplied in cut lengths or can be heat-sealed at one end to form protec ve mesh bags. 24 Protec ve Packaging Flex-Guard IV A specialty sleeving ideal for irregularly shaped parts and large diameters. Flex-Guard V The newest protec ve sleeving. A mesh offering medium protec on with more flexibility to fit asymmetrical and countoured parts, as well as a wider diameter range with fewer products. CORRUGATED BOARD PACKAGING We mul ply state-of-the-art technology with premium service. The result: quality. Everything at Inatech is much influenced by quality. You need people with brains for that. Our personnel comprise competent and reliable employees who con unue to develop their know-how by means of ongoing further training. They ensure the consistent implementa on of your personal wishes in all phases of produc on. Our staff and machinery are at the highest level of technology and the perfect combina on for ensuring op mum product quality. Our service is your added value. QUALITY MANAGEMENT Our cer fied quality management system (ISO 90012000) and elaborately equipped tes ng laboratory guarantee the quality of your products. Packing at the customer’s site Our packaging is convincing with its excellent runnability in automated processes. Die cut packaging Efficient and low-cost Innova ve die-cu ng and prin ng technology make a rac ve adver sing media out of corrugated board packaging. Packaging development using CAD Packaging bulky or specially sized products is an art in itself. It used to be highly expensive. You had the choice between pricey, custom-made items or a bunch of different packaging types. Rondo’s fanfold corrugated board makes expensive special packaging unnecessary. Each of our corrugated board plants disposes of its own development department. Never stops saving you money Fanfold corrugated board is not only low-cost, but fast as well: our sophis cated logis c concepts make deliveries on short no ce possible any me. It needs only minimal space and saves you me and money for staff, transporta on, storage and packaging. Folding boxes Advanced manufacturing technology guarantees prime func onality and op mum stability. Corrugated board We produce high-quality products in state-of-the-art corrugated board plants. Endlessly, universally usable Regardless of manual packaging, packaging with a simple machine, or a complex packaging line - fanfold corrugated board fits perfectly in a wide range of packaging processes. For the packaging of large quan es, the use of specially developed machines creates an enormous poten al for ra onalisa on. We will be happy to share our know-how with you and to advise you on your choice of suitable packaging machinery. Endlessly efficient Our fanfold corrugated board is even more versa le. Your packaging is made a clever marke ng tool on request. Protec ve Packaging 25 NETROLL An innova ve product Surface Protec on / Void-Fill / Cushioning / Blocking & Bracing A N I N N OVAT I V E A N D E N V I R O N M E N T A L F R I E N D LY PRODUCT Same performance than coils cardboard, usable un l the last meter. For manual and automa c use (approved by leading European producers of wrapping machines). A lighter coil with the same meters of film (10% - 30%). You only pay for what you use. Smaller volume at the same weight, with lower costs of transport and storage between 10% up to 30%. Avoid any management / disposal cost of the cardboard tube, including green taxes. Netroll Data Sheet Automa c and manual use Standard Produc on: Width 450 and 500 mm Thickness 9 to 50 micron Internal hole diameter 50 mm Mini Roll Standard Produc on: Width 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, and 250 mm Thickness 9 to 50 micron Internal hole diameter 38 mm 26 Protec ve Packaging PRODUCTS TYPOLOGY (referred to 23 um film) To be used without Prestretch Group: H308 - STANDARD (145%) H388 - STANDARD PLUS (195%) H555 - RIGID (120% - 15 um) To be used with Prestretch Group: H888 - POWER (240%) H777 - POWER PLUS (270%) H111 - SUPER POWER (360%) Protec ve Packaging 27 28 Protec ve Packaging Protec ve Packaging 29 INATECH is the Na onal Leader in Protec ng what is Important Providing protec ve solu ons from the factory floor to the customers’ door. Opera ons in Romania and Other Countries Na onal Distribu on Network 2 Distribu ons Points in Romania Big Stock of Packaging Materials 48 Hours Delivery A professional team at your service ‘’ We help our customers win by minimizing damage, maximizing efficiency and reducing cost with sustainable, engineered, protec ve packaging solu ons. ‘’ Andrei Rusu, General Manager INATECH ® Packaging Supplies & Equipment Protec ve Packaging 30 ® Packaging Supplies & Equipment INATECH PACKAGING INATECH is a distributor of wide variety of packaging materials and equipment. We take pride in our ability to maintain a leading edge in an ever-changing industry. The quality of our equipment is reflec ve of the suppliers we represent. We bring together strong understanding of our customers and our packaging solu ons to deliver not only superior value, but con nuous service support for years to follow. INATECH CONCEPT 393, Tudor Vladimirescu Street Domnes City, Ilfov County Phone no. / Fax no.: 021 448.03.58 271, Calea Clujului Street, Oradea City E-mail: www.izola e-reflec