annual picnic september 15! see back page
annual picnic september 15! see back page
NewsletterfortheHeritageHeightsCommunity VOLUME 45, ISSUE 1 ALL PRINT ANNUALPICNICSEPTEMBER15!SEEBACKPAGE Mark Your Calendar . MONTHLY BOARD MEETINGS -Second Tuesday of the month Sept 10*, Oct 8, and Nov 12 Anyone interested can a end Board Mee ngs at Messiah Lutheran Church, 5202 Co age Grove Rd in the Community Room at the back of the building at 7:00pm *Special Safety Mee ng Sept 10 at 6:30pm HHCA COMMUNITY EVENTS HHCA Annual Picnic and Outdoor Packer Game Sunday September 15th 11:00am to 3:00pm Kennedy Park HHCA Coffee Klatch At Heritage Bakery and Café 10:00am on Sept 11, Oct 9, Nov 13 HHCA Kids’ Holiday Party with Santa at Messiah Lutheran Church 6:30pm on Friday, December 13 A en on all Heritage Heights Residents!!! Our new membership year starts September 1st. If you haven’t already, please support your neighborhood associa on with a $12 membership/dona on. Membership forms available for download at Dues payable to your Block Captain or HHCA Membership Coordinator Harley Schmidt, 5205 Knightsbridge Road, 222-9572 Your Block Captain is: Name________________________________________________ Block# _____ Phone ___________________ Address_______________________________________ Fall Issue 1 HHCABOARDHAPPENINGS THEPRESIDENT’SREPORT HHCA DIRECTORS Board Email PRESIDENT Heather Sokasits 224-0024 VICE PRESIDENT OPEN This is my second September with the HHCA and I can’t believe it’s here so soon! Like students heading back to school, the HHCA members are coming back together to start the next year. When you receive this we will Heather Sokasits have gone through our August MemNew HHCA President bership Drive and will be tallying all the memberships for the coming year. One resident paid for the next 5 years! Thank you for your support. MEMBERSHIP COORDINATOR Harley Schmidt 222-9572 SECRETARY OPEN We have a lot of things planned this fall that we hope that you will join us for. Please refer to the chart on the adjacent page for all the details. As you can see, the HHCA does a lot for the neighborhood throughout the year. Much of this ac vity has been carried over from past years and some are new. One event in par cular that will change is the Santa Visits this year. Our long me board member, Ted Blazel, is “re ring” from his role in planning this event. The new Social Commi ee headed by Karin Johnson wanted to create something that allows for kids and parents to see each other and reconnect before the Holiday Break. We are now calling it our Holiday Party with Santa. SOCIAL AND CLUBS Karin Johnson Last year the Heritor content focused on community events outside of Heritage Heights. This year you can expect a more personal newsle er highligh ng local residents and businesses. We are con nuing to edge forward to our goal of 267 memberships this year. Please consider joining if you have not already. To make it easier for you, you can join at our Packer Picnic (see back of Heritor). I and Harley Schmidt will be on hand to greet you in person at our Membership table. CO-EDITORS Heather Sokasits 224-0224 Lastly, we ask that if you have a few hours to volunteer for the HHCA please consider filling the Board Secretary posi on or becoming a Block Captain passing out Heritors quarterly. Please contact me directly at if you are interested. Thank you! 2 TREASURER Joyce O’Connell 244-1429 WEBSITE ADMINISTRATOR Alan Harper 852-5247 CHAIR Joe Arkin 334-0416 CHAIR Bethany Ordaz 577-7370 CHAIR Ted Blazel 224-1583 STANDING COMMITTEES 222-7515 SAFETY AND TRAFFIC Heather Sokasits 224-0224 PARKS AND GARDEN Laura Dille 224-1883 SPRING GARAGE SALE Michelle Arseneau-Solberg 244-7504 WINTER ICE RINK Renee Abel-Collinge 223-9459 HERITOR NEWSLETTER Newsletter Email To submit announcements, notices, articles or advertisements. Karin Johnson 222-7515 DISTRIBUTION Membership Email BLOCK CAPTAIN COORDINATOR Harley Schmidt 222-9572 MAIN DISTRIBUTOR (Distributes to area distributors) Sue Lebefer 221-1250 AREA 1 DISTRIBUTOR Harley Schmidt 222-9572 SW Quadrant AREA 2 DISTRIBUTOR Carol Trapp 221-0852 SE Quadrant AREA 3 DISTRIBUTOR Michelle Arseneau 244-7504 Central Quadrant AREA 4 DISTRIBUTOR Bethany Ordaz 577-7370 North Quadrant Heritage Heights Community Newsle er Fall Issue 3 8-Oct Website Evaluation/ Safety Ice Skating Rink OCT NOV BALANCE Reserve TOTAL INCOME (267) TOTAL EXPENSES Membership Drive Planning Revised on 07/13/2013 Block Captain Meeting JUNE JULY Annual Meeting MAY APR Park Clean-up Planning Annual Meeting Planning Egg Hunt Planning FEB MAR 14-Jan Discuss 2014 Calendar JAN $834.00 $3,704.00 $2,970.00 8-Jul 10-Jun 13-May 8-Apr 11-Mar 11-Feb 10-Dec End of Year Summary DEC 12-Nov 10-Sep Safety SEPT 13-Aug Picnic Planning AUG Agenda Expense per Member Event Budget per Membership TOTAL LVM July 4th 5K Team (Heather) Weed Warriors Sunday, May 11 Heritage Sanctuary Garage Sale (Michele) May 16-17 & Annual Meeting Block Captain Mtg (Harley @ Messiah) June 10 Madison Parks Clean-up (Laura) Sat April 26 Ice Skating Rink (Renee) LVM Turkey Trot 5K Team (Heather) Nov 28 8:30 am Holiday Lights Contest? Caroling Outing? Jack-O-Lantern Show on Vicar Safety Meeting Egg Hunt (Karin) TBA Board Appreciation Mtg (Heather) Skate-a-bration (Renee) TBA Children's Holiday Party Dec. 13th at Messiah Safety Meeting Annual Picnic (Joyce) Sept 15 Membership Campaign/Kickoff (Aug 1-31) FALL EDITION Distribu on $ 10.75 $7.87 $1,810.00 $0.00 $50.00 $650.00 $50.00 $35.00 $50.00 $25.00 SUMMER EDITION SPRING EDITION $300.00 WINTER EDITION $0.00 $0.00 $750.00 $0.00 SOCIAL EVENTS Member Only Sponsored Est. BudgMee ngs Open Community Events Events et BOARD MTGS $50.00 $0.00 $300.00 $0.00 $50.00 $300.00 Total advertising income Print Budget per Membership TOTAL 800 Heritors $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $500.00 $6.52 $1,500.00 $60.00 $300.00 2 signs for Annual Meeting $100.00 800 Heritors Rink Sign for Tennis Court Fence 800 Heritors $0.00 $0.00 $5.00 $5.00 WEBSITE Est. Monthly Budget Hos ng 800 Heritors + 8 Yard Signs $400.00 Brochure and Membership Forms Flyers/Signs HERITOR 2013-2014 HHCA CALENDAR & BUDGET HHCABOARDHAPPENINGS Safety Commi ee Report Heritage Heights enjoys a safe environment for its residents, but like all neighborhoods, we have a few problems. One issue recently was the car break-ins and bicycle the s along Spicebush. Please remember to lock your cars at night, close your garage doors and turn on any outdoor lights to help dissuade intruders. Try not to leave valuables in your cars that would catch a thief’s a en on. Most people who break into cars first look into them to see if there’s anything of value and if it’s easily removable. Another long term problem is the speeding cars through the neighborhood. If you do see any vehicles speeding through the area try as best you can to get the license plate number. The police can do follow up on any license plates that are reported. 2013-2014 HERITOR ADVERTISING RATES AD SIZE: Quarter-page (4 7/8” x 3 ¾”) Please note that Officer Johnson will join us at our next Board Mee ng on Tuesday, September 10th at 6:30pm to answer any ques ons. We will meet in the lower level (back) of Messiah Lutheran Church. Half-page (7 1/2 “ x 4 7/8” ) SPACE RATE $25 for each issue NEW! AD DESIGN: We will design you an ad for only $10 extra! All proceeds go to supporting the Heritor’s printing costs. $50 for each issue The HHCA Newsletter reaches 800 households four times a year. The newsletter is a vital communication tool used to inform our neighbors of upcoming events, neighborhood concerns, and updates. HHCA welcomes businesses who wish to advertise in our newsletter. Advertisements help cover the production costs. The HHCA has the right to refuse any ad due to space considerations and/or inappropriate ad content. Issues publication dates are September 1st, December 1st, March 1st, June 1st. Artwork is due by the 15th of the month prior. To contact us call 224-0024 or email 4 Also if you see juveniles roaming through the area that you know are up to no good and not from the neighborhood, get descrip ons on them as best you can and don’t hesitate to call the non emergency number. Just having a patrol car drive through the area pushes juveniles out of the area that are looking to break into cars. If you have a nonemergency ques on regarding these topics, please contact our Neighborhood Liaison Officer, Jason Johnson, at his phone (608) 209-7816 (a er 4pm) or by email at Have an event, advertisement or other information that you’d like to share in the Heritor? Submissions accepted via email to: 2013-2014 Issues: Fall (Sept/Oct/Nov) Winter (Dec/Jan/Feb) Spring (Mar/Apr/May) Summer (June/July/Aug) Next deadline for the Winter Issue is November 15th, 2013 Heritage Heights Community Newsle er MEMBERSHIPCOMMITTEE Block Captains are needed for the following areas: Contact Block Captain Coordinator Harley Schmidt at or 222-9572 Block 22: Vicar Lane if: you want to learn more about becoming a Blocks 24 and 25: Whitehall Drive block captain you have a ques on regarding your newsle er Block 28: 5325-5418 Retana Drive delivery someone on your block has moved in/out Block 29: 217-318 Merryturn Road Block 30: 118-214 Merryturn Road Block 32: Windsor Court In Memory and Apprecia on The Heritage Heights Neighborhood lost a very special member on July 6, 2013. Kathy Sco and her family were not only long- me associa on members, but Kathy was a Block Captain for many years. She faithfully and promptly delivered newsle ers, collected dues and welcomed new neighbors to the area with a plate of goodies. We wish to extend this thanks to her family in honor and apprecia on for all her work. We will certainly miss Kathy! Block 50: Joshua Circle Block 53: Flora Lane Submi ed by Anita Perre Jack-O-Lantern Yard Show This Halloween, please join Anne e Feltz and her family for their annual Jack-OLantern Yard Show. Please come by a er dark and enjoy over one hundred carved Jack-O-Lanterns lit and set up on their lawn at 5409 Vicar Lane. Feel free to bring your kids to this family friendly gathering. The Feltz’s, who moved into the neighborhood in 2011, said that they have been doing this fun project for years at their previous address and were happy to con nue it here! Thanks Anne e! We appreciate your sharing neighborhood spirit. Fall Issue 5 MEMBERSHIPCOMMITTEE . RevisitingtheMerryturnSpeedBumps Submi ed by Harley Schmidt In my new posi on as Membership and Block Captain Coordinator I have been contac ng residents about becoming ac ve again with our neighborhood associa on. I have spoken to several residents that openly shared that they do not support the HHCA due to the speed bump decision that was made over two years ago. In my efforts to persuade those folks to reconsider I have done some research and wrote this to help clear up the confusion and misinforma on about the speed bumps. I have walked Merryturn Road for thirteen years and I have personally experienced how Merryturn suffered from speeders. It is the back way to East Towne Mall and although it is considered a residenal 25mph speed limit, many were regularly going over 40 mph down the street. The Board of Directors at the me received numerous complaints from residents who lived on Merryturn. I was on the Board at the me so I was very much involved in the process that followed. We tried different things to try to get traffic to slow to acceptable speeds. We used Slow-Down Signs and Watch for Kids signs and asked for addi onal police presence. This did not work. We discussed other op ons such as stop signs and rumble stops also which led to us contac ng the city for help. With the help of Alder Lauren Cnare, the Board convinced the Madison Traffic Engineering Department to come out and make a study of traffic on the street. They found that there was excessive speeding to the point of being considered a “high risk” area. Then every house of Merryturn was no fied by mail, along with it being published in the Heritor and Lauren Cnare’s website that a mee ng was to be held. The mee ng was held on March 17th, 2011 at the East Madison Police Sta on. A Madison Engineer was there and explained why the speed bumps should be installed and asked for support of the neighborhood. Many a ended the large mee ng and the vote was won by a large majority. The decision was made by the voters present at the mee ng, not the Heritage Heights Community Associa on Board. I have discussed this with several people currently living on Merryturn that said that the speed bumps have been successful in reducing speed. The bo om line is that the speed bumps have con nued to keep Heritage Heights safe for pedestrians, bikers and children and there have not been any injuries due to speeding or anyone killed since they were installed. If you are no longer a member due to the speed bumps, I ask you to please reconsider. The HHCA is not cause for the decision. Thank you. 6 Heritage Heights Community Newsle er COMMUNITYNEWS Government Representatives City Alderperson & City Council President Lauren Cnare, District 3 235-9179 / Dane County Supervisor Jeff Pertl, District 17 772-2907 / Dane County Executive Joe Parisi 266-4114 / FROM ALDER LAUREN CNARE District 3 is on the verge of hosting its first TID – Tax Incremental District – courtesy of the new plan and redevelopment opportunities at the old Royster Clark site. TIF is a common tool used across the country. Madison uses tax incremental financed (TIF) districts to kickstart revitalization of blighted and stagnant areas of the city. All of ours are successful, paying back and closing with significant revitalization in less than the legal 27-year lifespan. It’s quite the complex tool, but here are the basics: First an area is identified for redevelopment either by the city, or a developer has a proposal. It’s usually an area that the private sector is not picking up for a variety of reasons, including unaffordable costs to redevelop and significant infrastructure needs. The idea is that one or two major projects “generate” value themselves to increase tax base and also revitalize a larger area adding more tax value. During the life of the district, the taxes for the area are held steady at their current rate – usually not very much since the area has low assessed value – and public dollars are invested in infrastructure and loans are made to development that meets very specific criteria. State Representative Melissa Sargent, 48th Assembly District 266-5342 / As the area improves, its assessed value increases, but instead of distributing the tax dollars to all taxing entities and city-wide, the dollars are invested right back into the district, continuing the growth for no more than 27 years when the district must close and return fully to the tax rolls. TID #44 Royster Clark is in the works right now. It generally runs along Cottage Grove Rd. from Monona Dr. to Flora. For District 3, it encompasses properties designated as blighted that we all notice on our daily drive/walk/bike including the “Pink Palace”, some aging apartment homes, and some aging shopping area. These properties are in no danger of condemnation or other actions, it simply means they contributed to the legal designation of blight that allows a TID to be created. A major benefit to everyone is the reconstruction of portions of Cottage Grove Rd., including a complete overhaul to the intersection of Dempsey and Cottage Grove Rd. to improve entrance and exit to all the new development on the old Royster Clark site. City staff expect $43M in new value over the expected 14 year life of the district. At the close, all that new assessed value is put into the city, school district and Madison College tax base. The TID must be approved by all taxing jurisdictions including the Madison Common Council, Dane County, the school district and Madison College, so this proposal is just in the starting gate. But, it’s clear the area needs a jumpstart and TIF is an effective and safe way to get it going. A map of the proposed area is on the District 3 website at: What is Nextdoor is the free and private social network for neighborhoods. On Nextdoor, neighbors create private websites for their neighborhoods where they can ask ques ons, get to know oneanother, and exchange local advice and recommendaons. The local communi es of Rolling Meadows, Grandview Commons, Elvehjem, and Heritage Heights all have pages with Recent examples of topics covered on the Heritage Heights page: Fourteen responses for local den st recommenda ons; Neighborhood restaurant reviews Residents looking for other people to play tennis with, go biking with Shared reports of the from cars on Spicebush Lane and Retana Lost dog, lost keys, found bike; Items for sale; Plants to give away Neighborhood day care openings and other small businesses Fall Issue 7 PARKSANDGARDENS What is the best way to get a better lawn? AERATE! Fall aera on special star ng at $50! One of the best things you can do for your lawn is to aerate. It‘s affordable, chemicalfree, and promotes healthy root growth. Aera ng can be done in the fall or spring, but NOW is the best me. A er aera ng it is wise to apply a pre-emergent fer lizer to get the lawn ready for spring growth. We can do that as well. Please call for more informa on or an es mate. HHCAParksandGardensCommitteeCoordinator LauraJirsaDillenexttothesignatCottageGroveRd andMeadowlarkDr.August2013 Hanssen Lawn Service, LLC Bob Hanssen, Owner 10 Dorfmeister Court. (608) 438-7152 *Mowing *Aera ng *Insured *Free Es mate This spring, two neighborhood signs were installed by former HHCA Co-President Joe Arkin; one at Co age Grove Rd and Meadowlark Dr, and the other at Milwaukee St and South Thompson Dr. Thank you to neighbors Dennis and Pamela Schwaner and Kris n Sterner for allowing the signs to be installed on their property. Laura Jirsa Dille, who will be in the Wisconsin master gardener program next semester, volunteered to plant shrubs and flowers around both signs. She has maintained the areas, weeding, adding mulch and watering throughout the summer. A big thank you to Joe, Laura, and all the neighbors involved in ge ng and maintaining the signs and plan ngs. The signs are a wonderful addi on to our neighborhood! Laura has also requested and received permission from the city for the adopt-a-median program. Laura and the HHCA Parks and Garden Commi ee have chosen the median on Co age Grove Rd between Meadowlark Dr and Inwood Way. Now that we have approval the next step is to submit a garden plan for the city’s approval. Laura is working on plans and hopes to start plan ng this fall. If you are interested in helping or dona ng plants please contact Laura at 224-1883 or 8 Heritage Heights Community Newsle er What our customers are saying about us “Jesse did an amazing job! My yard looks fantastic. Very professional and right on time. Before you call anyone else, call Jesse!” -Google Places Review “Jesse’s Lawn Care is really outstanding. Easy to reach/deal with. In a lot of ways it is the best of all worlds---the service of a small company, the price of a small company, but amenities like clear invoicing and ease of contact like larger outfits. If you need lawn service-Do not hesitate calling Jesse at all.” Lawn Mowing & Shrub Pruning Spring & Fall Clean-Up Garden Tilling Core Aeration -Angie’s List Review Jesse’s Lawn Care 608-514-4260 1412 Parkside Dr. Suite 1202 Madison, WI 53704 About Us Jesse’s Lawn Care is family-owned and operated right here in Madison, WI. The owner, Jesse Engelkins, began his career in lawn service at the age of 8 years old, helping with his father’s lawn service in Dubuque, IA. After many years of experience working with his father, Jesse moved to Dane County and has been serving the greater Madison area for the past 4 years. We are proud to set the standard as a fast, friendly, dependable, and quality lawn care provider. Jesse and his family became residents of Heritage Heights Subdivision in 2012. Please welcome them to our neighborhood. Fall Issue Paid Member Adver sement 9 YOUTHRESOURCES FORRESIDENTS18ANDUNDER Neighborhood Babysitting andOtherJobsWanted updated 2/2013 Molly Brunner, Age 18* Phone 223-0077 MATC student available through the summer Halle DuBois, Age 15* 609-9635 (cell) 467-2973 (home) Infants and older children OK Tony Gillitzer, Age 14* snow shoveling and mowing Phone 608-222-7622 Megan Johnson, Age 13* Phone 222-7515 Allie Pugh, Age 13* Bo Pugh, Age 13* (will babysit as a team) Mary Ro er, Age 14* Phone 216-0369 Skyler Imhoff, Age 14* (Can sit with friend Maggie Decker) babysi ng, dog si ng lawn mowing Home 4419465 Cell 239-5149 Calling all youth babysi ers/ petsi ers/ snow shovelers! Email if you’d like to add your name to our list, now seen by over 800 households! NEIGHBORHOOD SMALL BUSINESS HIGHLIGHT Hello, I am Sally Christie, I have been a member of HHCA for 27 years. I have started a new business; Small Power Steps, which will have classes at Rolling Meadows Shopping Center at the Momentum Fitness and Training facility. Website: I have always loved to spend time with children: teaching at Badger Gymnastics, Religious Education at St. Dennis, CNA at Central Center, Home Daycare, Coaching Little League Softball, Learn to Skate Hockey and DAIS Child Advocate. I spent 22 years of my life running a successful printing business with my husband. It was his area of expertise but we enjoyed working together operating a mom and pop business as well as teaching our children about business and hard work. I lost him three years ago in a tragic accident. I am focused on turning that negative into a positive by pursuing my passion of working with children. I am a Certified ACE Personal Trainer with Youth Fitness Certification, who has completed a Preventing Pediatric Obesity Course and Precision Nutrition. Sally Chris e (right) working out *denotes Red Cross cer fica on. 10 Heritage Heights Community Newsle er HERITAGEHEIGHTS SOCIALEVENTS ANDCLUBS HHCA NEIGHBORHOOD CLUBS Heritage Heights Book Clubs You do not need to be a HHCA member to join in although it is encouraged! Friends are welcome. Please consider joining one of two neighborhood book clubs this fall. New members are welcome. Monthly Coffee Klatch We meet on the second Wednesday of each month at 10:00am at our local bakery, Heritage Bakery and Café (4674 Co age Grove Rd.) Join us for a cup of coffee or pastry and meet some new friends or renew some neighborhood friendships. No need to RSVP… just show up if you are able. All ages welcome. Ques ons? Contact Joyce O'Connell at Sept 11, Oct 9, Nov 13 *Ladies, Literature & Liba ons Book Club The next mee ng is scheduled for Monday, September 16th at 7:00 pm for discussion of “The Devil in the White City” by Erik Larson. The following mee ng will be Monday, October 28 for discussion of "The Scent of Rain and Lightning" by Nancy Pickard. Ques ons? Email Karin Johnson at Heritage Heights Dinner and a Movie Club is look- *Heritage Heights Co-Ed Readers ing for more members! Dates and mes change depending who’s interested each month. Contact to help decide where to eat dinner and what movie to see. Check the HHCA Facebook page for the most up-to-date info. At our mee ng on September 11 at 7:00pm we’ll be discussing “The Queen of Water” by Laura Resau. Ques ons? Email Amy Ro er at amyro Movie in the Park Bring your blankets and popcorn! Alan Harper will set up the equipment to show a family-friendly movie in Kennedy Park on a Friday evening in late September or early October. Details will be announced on the Facebook page and closer to the date. Questions? Email Elvehjem Neighborhood's 5K Turkey Trot/2 Mile Walk Thursday, November 28, 2013 8:30 a.m. SHARP at Droster Park Get a healthy start to your Thanksgiving Day! All ages are welcome. h p:// Have an idea for a new club you’d like to start? Contact Fall Issue 11 2013 HHCA NEIGHBORHOOD PICNIC On Sunday, September 15th join us for a grill out/pot-luck and cheer on the Packers (or the Redskins) in a tent on the big screen between 11:00am-3:00pm at the Kennedy Park Shelter. Please BRING A DISH TO PASS! The Dessert Bake-Off is back by popular demand, so sign up your desserts by NOON for a chance to win cash prizes! Bring your own chair! For the kids, we will have ac ve youth ac vi es and healthy snacks sponsored by Small Power Steps and Packer-themed face pain ng and airbrush arm and hair ta oos by resident ar st, Janine Wardale. This event is FREE for HHCA members and a suggested $12 per family dona on for nonmembers. All proceeds go to support the Heritage Heights Community Associa on. Picnic Schedule: 11:00 Free face pain ng, arm and hair airbrush in Packer Colors 11:00 Toddler Marshmallow and Spoon Race (Bring your cameras) 11:30 Food and Beverages begin being served 12:00 Packer Game starts 12:30 Kids Bike Rodeo/Bike Safety Check (Bring your child's bike) 1:30 Kids Obstacle course 2:00 Madison Mounted Police Ques ons? Contact Picnic Coordinator Joyce O’Connell, 244-1429 or Thank you to T&J Sentry Foods, 4602 Co age Grove Rd. Your neighborhood grocery store! The HHCA was started on July 1st, 1969. We take pride in our central form of communica on, The Heritor. This newsle er is published for informa onal purposes only. Inclusion of business adver sement and Opinion cons tutes neither endorsement nor agreement. Opinions expressed in ar cles are not necessarily those of the HHCA Board. The Board reserves the right to refuse whatever it deems unfit for reasons of language or general content. Sorry, we do not accept poli cal ads! 12 Heritage Heights Community Newsle er