official newsletter finger lakes region porsche club of america
SPRING, 2015 OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER FINGER LAKES REGION PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA WINTER, 2015 On The Cover President’s Message ¡A Toda Velocidad! Spring Run to the Glen Calendar of Events 2015 Can’t Start the Boxster Membership The Exchange Finger Lakes Region Officers and Chairs 3 5 6 11 12 14 15 15 On the Cover: This 33,000 mile 1995 Porsche 968 is number 120 of 258 made. This Limited Edition version entailed getting an upgraded stereo, limited slip and black metallic paint over gray leather. Produced between 1992 and 1995, the 968 continued the 924, 944 and 951 line, but with 80% new components according to the company. It has the fastest production four cylinder ever produced to that point, going to 60mph in 5.6 seconds on 236 HP and with 50/50 weight distribution. A true sports car feel to drive. After chasing it for several years, this car was bought from Ryzard, the past President of the Porsche Club of Poland. Photo credit: John Pruett _____________________________________________________________________________________ The Frontrunner is a publication of the Finger Lakes Region of the Porsche Club of America. All rights are reserved. Permission is granted to reproduce any material published herein, provided the full credit is given the Frontrunner and the author. Material published herein, reprinted with the permission or courtesy of another agent may NOT be reproduced unless permission is granted from that entity. They reserve all rights to their material. Editor/Designer: Karen Schwartzman ( Advertising Rates: Single Issue: Full Page: $100, ½ page: $75, ¼ page: $40, 1/8 page: $25 Full Year (4 issues): Full Page: $250, ½ page: $200, ¼ page: $150, 1/8 page: $100, Business Card: $50 FRONTRUNNER PG. 2 Finger Lakes Reflections The first event of the 2015 Porsche driving season in the Finger Lakes is the Spring Run to the Glen on Opening Weekend (Sat., April 21st) at Watkins Glen International, which this year was sunny and dry. New members Chris and Hazel Gunn from Geneva joined us as eight Porsches and Luis’s Jeep left Canandaigua and headed into the countryside for a backroads tour to the hills overlooking Seneca Lake and Watkins Glen. Along the way, a Southern Tier member, Paul Corter who lives in Horseheads joined the tour on Route 14A in Dundee and Rochester members Neil and Kathy Freson joined us at Gate 2 at the track driving their Mini Cooper S as their 944 isn’t out of the barn yet. After a short wait at Gate 2, we shuttled off to the Kendall Tech Center and lined up adjacent to other clubs with groups of cars including Camaros, Corvettes and Fiero’s. Fiero’s, Really? At last it was our turn to head out behind the pace car for our three laps, albeit somewhat slower than in past years. One lap down; two laps down and what’s this, the front straight is blocked and we’re led off the track, our day is done. Can’t they count? That was only two laps, not three. Protests to the track personnel directing traffic leaving the track is met with shrugged shoulders. We find a place to pull off the internal road and meet to discuss our options. Then a rep from the track hurries over to tell us to wait where we are and someone (?) will come to get us. No further explanation is offered. Finally we’re led through a series of the internal roadways and out on to the tarmac where the “minions” (a/k/a general public) are waiting in line for their pace laps. After another 20 minutes or so, we’re back on the track for our last lap, except it isn’t one lap, it’s three. OK, we were inconvenienced for 30 to 35 minutes, but we had five laps for the price of three. Seven Porsches and the Jeep participated in the “Return Run”. With temps in the high 60’s to low 70’s, tops were down, windows and sunroofs were open as we departed the track on Townshend Rd. It took slightly over an hour to wind our way west through the village of Hammondsport and over the hills west of Keuka Lake to the village of Naples south of Canandaigua Lake. We stopped for lunch at Bob & Ruth’s Vineyard Restaurant, a popular eatery with the Niagara Region as a destination for their Breakfast Runs. All were in agreement, the first event of the 2015 Porsche driving season was a success. The calendar on our web site has been updated to include all the upcoming Finger Lakes Region events, Zone 1 events, national PCA events and many of the Niagara Region events. Also included is info on Cruise Nights Burgundy Basin during June, July and August. Our next event is the monthly Meetup on May 27th at the NY Wine & Culinary Center in Canandaigua. This venue has been well attended over the past two years with 22+ members each year. I look forward to seeing many of you in Canandaigua on the 27th. Oh, one more thing, I’m still carrying that box on name tags in the boot of my Porsche for members who haven’t picked theirs up yet. Come on out, take a scenic drive to Canandaigua, meet up with old friends and new, and pick up your tag. David Schwaner President FRONTRUNNER PG. 3 Sue Miller models new name tag. FRONTRUNNER PG. 4 Name tags are available for all members of Finger Lakes PCA. Contact David Schwaner or Mike Hortiatis. ¡A Toda Velocidad!* Luis A. Martínez Some of you know that I love the race track; I love to teach people how to take their sophisticated and powerful cars to the track so they can learn to drive them at a level that simply cannot be emulated on any public highway. This pastime of mine, which I take very seriously given what’s involved, is very rewarding for me; it’s an area whereby necessity I’m constantly improving – given that the level of cars showing up at the track is constantly improving. As a Right Seat Coach, e.g., a Certified Track Instructor, I’ve been having a lot of conversations with my peers about the types of cars that are now routinely showing up at the track. In my travels to Watkins Glen International, Pocono Raceway, Lime Rock Park and Monticello Motor Club (where I’m a Staff Instructor) the pattern is the same – the High Performance Driver Education track events are selling out because there are insufficient numbers of certified instructors who are willing to sit in the right seat of a $280,000 Rocket on wheels and show the owner how to keep the shiny side up during 3-day weekend at the track. This work, while very gratifying for me brings with it a very serious exposure. Let’s review the trend. My first sports car was a brand new, at the time, 1973 Fiat 124 Spyder, with all of 103 horsepower. I enjoyed that car immensely, I campaigned it frequently at SCCA events and I owned two of those. Eleven years later I moved up to a 1979 Alfa Romeo Spyder Veloce with a small improvement in horsepower, to 110. Then came my first Porsche, a 1981 911 SC, with a whopping 172 hp. Now that car could take me well north of 120mph, on the track of course. In 1992 I did my first HPDE event at Pocono Raceway and became addicted. Back then, many cars had less horsepower than mine, and if you showed up in a Porsche Turbo, a 930 with 250hp you were Top Gun, peerless, unequaled, with all that asphalt melting, sidestepping horsepower. Yessir, that was the ticket. Not so anymore. Today, my client might show up in a 550hp SUV towing an open trailer with a 580hp Ferrari / McLaren / Porsche GT2 / Corvette / Jaguar F-Type R, or similar. And these guys aren’t Pro Racers. They’re not even Gentleman Racers. They’re just coming to the track for the weekend, with zero or little experience. They have other hobbies, mostly golf and skiing. Oh, the trouble you can get into if you run out of talent with 580 hp. Even with all of the electronic nannies in these new cars to help prevent drivers from balling up their cars, my job as right seat coach is to keep them away from the Armco. That’s been the trend line over the years, ever more horsepower. Now I ask myself, if in 20 years the horsepower of our showroom stock sports cars has increased by 337%, then in another 20 years a showroom stock will have 1,962 horsepower? Where does it end? Well, today the Bugatti Veyron exceeds 1,200 hp. Back to our PCA Club agenda. The first run of the year was the Spring Run to the Glen. We had a wonderful day and a nice lunch in Naples, NY. We will share more about that elsewhere in this issue. Come out to our next event, the monthly Meetup on May 27th at the NY Wine & Culinary Center in Canandaigua! * At Maximum Speed! FRONTRUNNER PG. 5 SPRING RUN TO THE GLEN A dozen PCA members turned out for this year’s annual Spring Run to The Glen. We enjoyed sunny skies, albeit a bit of a chill in the air. We’ll take it, given what we’ve seen in some recent years! We assembled as usual in Kershaw Park, on the north shore of the beautiful Canandaigua Lake. Think about this, how many other PCA regions can boast The Finger Lakes, not only eponymously, but as a majestic playground to enjoy our cars? In his article, Finger Lakes Reflections, President Dave Schwaner explains in more detail the circuitous route we followed. Some of our members provided snapshots. Here are a few: Members assemble at 9:00 am in Kershaw Park. Photo: Luis Martinez FRONTRUNNER PG. 6 SPRING RUN TO THE GLEN Dave Schwaner chats with Chris Gunn. Photo: Luis Martinez All lined up and ready to Rip ‘N Roar, at historic Watkins Glen International. Photo: Luis Martinez FRONTRUNNER PG. 7 SPRING RUN TO THE GLEN Photo by Steve Covington Photo by Steve Covington FRONTRUNNER PG. 8 SPRING RUN TO THE GLEN Photo credit: Watkins Glen International Going up the Esses in Eduardo Torrado’s 911 Turbo, with his son and copilot, Eduardo Emiliano Torrado FRONTRUNNER PG. 9 It Isn’t an Ordinary Car. Don’t Bring it to an Ordinary Shop. ADVERTISEMENT From General Service to Full Race Prep A Team of Factory Trained Technicians Custom Fabrication/Roll Cages State of the Art Equipment First Class Service Lowest Prices Around 1770 Emerson St. Rochester, NY 14606 Tel: (585) 647-0339 The Little Speed Shop FRONTRUNNER PG. 10 @littlespeedshop #littlespeedshop UP NEXT…. FINGER LAKES REGION PCA May 27: Finger Lakes Region Meet Up Inn on the Lake, Canandaigua, NY Porsche Club of America Finger Lakes Region CALENDAR 2015 “Let’s be on the water…” Jan. 10 Jan. 24-25 Feb. 28-3/1 March 6-8 March 18-21 April 18 April 19 May 15-17 May 25-26 May 27 May 29-31 June 5-7 June 17-18 June 21 June 24 June 25-28 June 21-27 July 12 July 24-26 July 24-26 July 25 July 29 August 22-23 August 26 Sept. 30 October 11 Nov 13-15 FRONTRUNNER PG. 11 Finger Lakes Region Annual (Planning) Meeting Rolex 24 at Daytona, FL National Tech Tactics in Easton, PA Zone 1 Spring President’s Meeting in Latham, NY 12 Hours of Sebring, Sebring Raceway, FL Porsche Only Swap Meet, Hershey PA Finger Lakes Region Spring Run, Watkins Glen Opener Zone 1 Rally & Concours in Brookline, MA Driver’s Ed, Watkins Glen, Niagara Region FLK Region Meet Up, Inn on the Lake, Canandaigua, NY Zone 1 Clash at the Glen Zone 1 48 Hours DE at The Glen Advanced Driver’s Ed, Watkins Glen, Niagara Region Finger Lakes Region Car Show, Sonnenberg Gardens, Canandaigua, NY Finger Lakes Region Meet Up – Crow’s Nest, Geneva, NY Sahlen’s 6 Hours at the Glen, IMSA Tudor Sports Car Series PCA Parade in French Lick, IN Finger Lakes Region Summer Run IMSA Tudor Sports Car Series, Lime Rock Park, CT US Vintage Grand Prix, Watkins Glen Finger Lakes Region Run to US Vintage Grand Prix Finger Lakes Region Meet Up – Dave & Sue’s house, 3495 Lakeview Lane, Canandaigua, NY Zone 1 Autocross, Fort Devens, MA Finger Lakes Region Meet Up – North Shore Grill, Lakeville Finger Lakes Region Meet Up – Belhurst Castle, Geneva Finger Lakes Region Fall Run Zone 1 Fall President’s Meeting in Latham, NY This shot came from a fortunate moment in the Sebring pits when Siffert was briefly framed by Can’t Boxster …” the“Iraised rear Start deck of the the 917. Like Siffert himself, it is one of my favorites. Unhappily, both he and Rodriguez were dead by the end of 1971 from fiery crashes, neither in a Porsche. By Ed O’Connor My wife lent her Boxster S to her sister a couple of summers ago, dropping it off at her house. She showed the controls to her sister, with a detailed explanation and practice unlatching the top before hitting the dashboard button to put the top down, then putting it back up. She’d had the car for 3 or 4 days. It was a glorious sunny day, the kind of day convertibles were invented for. Sister decided to take the Boxster and her teenage son out for a spin. It was a beautiful day for a top down cruise through the back roads near Albany. They were primed and ready. They got in the car, buckled up, she put the key in the ignition, turned the key, and …………… nothing. Tried again…………and still nothing. Her son was starting to get antsy – “let’s go Mom”. So after a few more attempts she called my wife to I can‘t start the car. After asking a few questions, we hit upon the answer. Do you know the solution ? FRONTRUNNER PG. 12 The rest of the story ………. My wife’s other car was a Saab, which she has loaned to her sister on many occasions. Additionally, the sister had driven Saabs ever since her father had one in the early 70’s. On Saabs, the ignition switch is between the front seats. Getting into the Boxster, there is no ignition key slot on the right hand side of the steering column (it’s on the left side), so she logically put the key into the ignition switch between the seats (just like in a Saab). Her attempts to start the car just locked and unlocked the center glove box. Education is always the easiest repair ! FRONTRUNNER PG. 13 FINGER LAKES REGION PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA MEMBERSHIP NEWS Welcome to our new members: Congratulations to: 5th Anniversary: Raymond Leone January 2015 William Badger (1/1/10) 10th Anniversary: Erik Van Dorn (4/1/05); Joseph Pagano (2/01/05); and Kyle Monroe (1/1/05) FINGER LAKES REGION PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA PROFILE AGE OF OUR PORSCHES Less than 5 years Less than 10 years Less than 15 years Greater than 20 years Unknown TOTAL NUMBER OF MEMBER CARS MEMBERSHIP PROFILE Less than 3 Years Less than 10 Years Over 10 Years TOTAL NUMBER OF MEMBERS NUMBER OF PORSCHES 11 27 41 49 7 96 NUMBER OF MEMBERS 29 56 40 % 30.2 58.3 41.7 96 100% VOLUNTEER AND GET INVOLVED! CATEGORIES OF INTEREST Concours Drivers Education Rally Autocross Meetings Membership Writing Technical Events Social Events Speakers Tours Photography Sponsorship Tech Inspection Trophies Art Web Assistance Equipment FRONTRUNNER PG. 14 LEVEL OF INVOLVEMENT I like to be responsible or in charge. I’m a planner, a doer! I’m great when I’m given an assignment and good direction. I’m a good committee person. I prefer to work behind the scenes. I’m a team player. I have some time to give but I don’t know where I’d fit in or who to ask. I have limited time but want to give something back to the club Name__________________________________________________________________________ Phone (day)_____________________________ (evening) ________________________________ Address_________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip ___________________________________________________________________ Email___________________________________________________________________________ Comments: Mail to: Mike Hortiatis, 42 Chelsea Park, Pittsford, NY 14534 The Exchange Advertising Guidelines Finger Lakes Region Elected Officers and Volunteers Publication of paid advertising in the Frontrunner does not constitute the endorsement by this publication or the Finger Lakes Region of the products or services set forth therein. The Frontrunner reserves the unqualified right to approve for publication all advertising submitted. President Dave Schwaner 343 North Main Street, Suite 102 Canandaigua, NY 14424 The Exchange Guidelines Vice President Chuck Chada 2525 East Avenue Rochester, NY 14610 Deadline for submitting ads for the EXCHANGE to the editor is no later than the 15th of each month to appear in the next issue. Advertising Porsches or Porsche parts or to solicit materials is free to members in this section of the publication. Ads will run for two months unless the editor is formally notified. To place your want ad, send a note to the editor containing your copy. Please limit copy to a maximum of six lines. The editor reserves the right to edit as needed for space. Ads can be email to: Veloz36@rochester. Secretary Audrey Schmidt Treasurer John Frank 3560 Otetiana Point Canandaigua, NY 14424 Membership Mike Hortiatis 42 Chelsea Park Pittsford, NY 14534 Safety Officer Art Salo Race car for sale: 1988 Porsche 944 Turbo, full roll cage, interior white metal, two racing seats and harnesses. Fast and lightweight. Too many options to mention. Turnkey racer. Many more photos available: $9,900. Write or call Luis: 585-766-9536 FRONTRUNNER PG. 15 Newsletter Editor Luis A. Martinez P.O. Box 242 Pittsford, NY 14534
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