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Shaun Fawcett
Instant Home Writing Kit
Shaun Fawcett, is a Canadian-born and based writer, business consultant, journalist, and publisher.
During his career, he has worked in a wide variety of professional capacities in both the private and public
sectors. He earned his M.B.A. in 1996 in the University of Ottawa's Executive MBA Program.
Shaun is Webmaster of the one-stop writing help Web site: His new
eBook "Instant Home Writing Kit", is a comprehensive writing help toolkit for home, business, and school,
containing writing tips and downloadable templates for business and personal letters, resumes, essays,
term papers, and reports. Check it out at:
Here are some of his articles. (1 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:30 PM]
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7 Essential Letter-Writing Strategies
By Shaun Fawcett
Feedback I have been getting from visitors to my Web site tells me letter writing is
the area where most people are looking for help in daily writing. Here are the essential tips for good letter
Use Real-Life Templates For Writing Success
By Shaun Fawcett
At some point, most of us have used what are commonly called "fill-in-the-blank" writing templates to write
a letter, format an essay, or set-up a resume or CV. This article explains the added advantages of "realLife" templates.
Recommendation Letters Demystified
By Shaun Fawcett
There is a lot of confusion about recommendation letters, and they are often referred to in many ways
including: reference letters, letters of recommendation, commendation letters, etc. This article clarifies
things and gives writing tips.
Writing Business Letters That Get The Job Done
By Shaun Fawcett
Despite the widespread use of e-mail in commerce today, traditional business letters are still the main way
that the majority of businesses officially communicate with their customers and other businesses. Here's
how to write them.
10 Secrets For Writing Killer Complaint Letters
By Shaun Fawcett
Complaint letters sometimes need to be written. Often, if people don't complain, the problem agency at fault
won't know that the problem that you and others may have experienced even exists. Here's how to write
winning complaints. (2 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:30 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
How To Write Cover Letters That Work
By Shaun Fawcett
Sometimes there's confusion about the meaning of the term "cover letter". Most people don't realize that
there are two main types of cover letters: document transmittal, and resume. Here's how to write resume
cover letters.
10 Tips For Writing A Winning Resume
By Shaun Fawcett
A resume (or cv), combined with the cover letter, are the master keys to opening the prospective
employer's mind and door so that one can proceed to the next step in the process - the big interview!
Here's how to write a resume.
7 Secrets For Beating Writer's Block
By Shaun Fawcett
Most people can easily identify with the dreaded "writer's block". It is a well-known phenomenon that just
about everyone has faced at one point in their lives. Here are some hard- earned practical tips on how to
beat it.
E-mail 101: The Dos and Don'ts
By Shaun Fawcett
When it comes to e-mail, many people seem to think that all forms of civility and basic respect for the other
person, and the English language, can be ignored. Not true! Here are the e-mail-writing dos and don'ts.
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Back to Contents
Advertising and Traffic Building
10 Best Ways to Promote your Site
By Tracie Johansen
Learn how to get your site listed within days instead of weeks or months to search engines. How to finally
promote your site so you can see immediate results. And the best methods for increasing sales, not just
Are YOU Using Traffic Generators?
By Tracie Johansen
You Can Increase Your Traffic by 5000 Hits or more per month, quickly and easily starting the very first
day. Don`t Miss Out! I increased my hits by 200 per day on the very first day on both my sites.
Free Advertising Pros and Cons
By Donna Sweat
What should you do when submitting and useful tips. (8 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:30 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
What's in a Listing?
By Donna Sweat
Do a Search of your Site or Ezine. Have you ever done a search for your ezine? This articl relates to some
of the stumbling blocks you will find when doing so.
Places To Promote Your Ezine & GROW YOUR Business!
By Harry Fassett
Ezines that "target" your market.
How To Drive Traffic To Your Site For Pennies
By Donald Goss
If your web site is going to make any money, you need traffic, plain and simple.
Promote Your Site with Articles
By Dianne Reuby
If you've created a web site, you must have valuable information about that topic at your fingertips. Use that
knowledge to promote your web site without buying expensive ads.
Promoting Your Website One Page At a Time
By Candice Pardue
Learn to promote your website one page at a time. This is the key to getting very targeted traffic...
"Increase Your Sales And Profits With A Powerful Offer"
By Bob Leduc
Always include an offer in your advertising. It's the primary reason why people buy something. Use this
simple 4 step procedure to develop your offers and watch how fast your sales and profits increase. (9 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:30 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Generate Web Site Traffic And Sales Leads With Postcards
By Bob Leduc
Personal message postcards can drive a large volume of traffic to your web site and generate a lot of sales
leads for you. They're highly effective, easy to use and very low-cost. Discover exactly how to use this cost
effective marketing tool to promote your business.
30 Minute Promotion: Using Yahoo Classifieds
By Darrell Finkeldei
There are some places to post free classified ads and generate a modest amount of traffic. The Yahoo
Classifieds is one of them. Here's a quick how-to and some tips:
Jobs in Advertising Aren’t All in the Ad Agencies… Some Are at Home!
By Sherry Gordon
Question: What grows even as the economy and businesses' budgets shrink? Answer: Businesses' need
for creative, effective, and economical advertising. (And -you- can arrange it for them - even in places few
people think to look – from your home office.)
Click Here For Guaranteed Traffic
By Jim Hulsey
Click Here For Guaranteed Traffic is a FREE, simple and easy to use way to guarantee a constant stream
of traffic to your site.
PPC Bid Management Software Showdown
By Kalena Jordan
The main drawbacks to advertising on PPC search engines are: the quick exhaustion of funds, the time
consuming nature of bid rank analysis and the impact of bid gaps on cost-effectiveness. This article
reviews 8 Bid Management Software programs. (10 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:30 PM]
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The Psychology of Color in Marketing Materials
By June Campbell
An overview of how color affects mood and behavior, with implications for the design of brochures,
websites and other marketing materials.
Develop Workshops and Promote Your Business
By June Campbell
Develop Workshops and Promote Your Business. How to develop workshops that allow you to generate
income while promoting your business.
Your Net Plan! Double traffic and explode your sales!
By Harry Sturhahn
A step by step course that will give you simple working strategies that you can use right away on your eventure. Learn how you can super charge your website.
Traffic isn't Where It's At
By Windsong
You've heard it before. You need to get traffic to your site. Promote, promote, promote. That's what you get
from all the promoters and marketers on line. Is this really true?
The Importance of Off-Line Marketing
By Tony Murtagh
When you are planning the marketing of your web site, do not forget the opportunities to promote it off-line.
When You Don't Have Cash - Get Creative
By Teresa King
Let's start simple: Your Target Market is not everyone. If you are trying to have products that appeal to the
whole are really getting in over your head. (11 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:30 PM]
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10 Ways to Improve Your Sales and Traffic
By Teresa King
Many times I check people's websites for some key ingredients that are needed to get more hits; and make
more sales per hit. These are the ones that just glare at me:
Stretching Your Marketing Dollars is not Always Money!
By Teresa King
Advertising takes time, planning and money. But how much time, how much planning and how much
money is something that needs to be investigated.
Hit Counts And Advertising
By Bob McElwain
In theory, you can grow your bottom line without limit with a good advertising campaign. In practice, this is
difficult to do, particularly with a new site. You need some solid data about sales and hits before
considering advertising.
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The Other Side Of Headlines
By Bob McElwain
Page headlines matter, for as many as 80% of visitors click off the page and site before reading a word of
content. There may be a need to send away even more. (12 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:30 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
FFA (Free For All) Sites: Do They Work?
By Bob McElwain
Essentially listings of classified ads, these sites did generate hits up until about a year back. Now, poor
results suggest any automated submission is a waste of time.
How Effective Are Exit Exchanges?
By Detlev Reimer
The article deals with exit exchanges as a means of promoting your web site.
What Your Website Statistics Can Tell You ...
By Detlev Reimer
The article describes in depth which information you can extract if you take a careful look at your website
statistics. It might save you hundreds of dollars in advertising costs.
Where To Place Your Classified Ads
By J.F. (Jim) Straw
What I am about to tell you is probably one of the least kept secrets in the Mailorder industry...but...I've
done it so long and so often, I even forget to tell my best friends about it.
10 Power Marketing Strategies That Work
By Michael Puccino
10 Power Marketing Strategies That Work. No nonsense tips on marketing your site with a few freebies
thrown in.
Get over $100 worth of FREE traffic - no strings attached!
By Michael Hopkins
Check out this little-known method for getting FREE TARGETED TRAFFIC to your website. (13 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:30 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Traffic Tips
By Dr. Roberto Bonomi
If you were the owner of Internet's most awesome web page about your product... Who's going to find your
web page among other 3.000 million web pages? People won't find you unless you start attracting traffic to
your web page!
How to write effective press releases yourself
By Len McGrane
A FREE 3-Day mini course showing you how to get the ultimate advertisement: you business mentioned in
news stories, that everyone believes, in the mainstream media, for FREE, as often as you want. By an
experienced, professional international correspondent.
"Worldwide Talking Directorys". Get Listed. Get Discovered!
By Steve Hartung
We want to hear your VOICE! You can now feature your business on the internets "1st Worldwide Talking
Directory"! Offer the most current information available through a 30 or 60-second audible commercial
BLURB(tm) using your VOICE!
TARGET Marketing and Ezine Advertising
By Ruth Duda
Targeted advertising works, ezine advertising works - combine the two and you will have a winning
Free And Easy Traffic Building Strategy
By Ruth Duda
Your articles may bring you free publicity for years. So, what are you waiting for? Start writing. (14 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:30 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
7 Tips For Ad Copy That Sizzles
By Ruth Duda
Your ad must focus on the wants and desires of your prospects. Tell them how YOUR product or service
can benefit them.
Postcard Your Way to Profits
By Sue Barrett
Don’t overlook postcards as part of your business marketing strategy! Besides saving you time and money,
these convenient little tools are easy to create, convenient to use and get your message out fast!
The Art of Advertising Your Online Business
By Marc & Terry Goldman
11 incredible online advertising techniques that will bring truckloads of visitors to your web site.
You Blinded Me With Science!
By Marc & Terry Goldman
Find out how to eliminate the advertising that is not working for you and how to harness the power of the
ads that are working.
How to Get People to Read Your Ads Like CRAZY!
By Neil Moran
Discover how to get people to read and respond to your ads, including the rarely used "reverse technique".
Can FFAs help you grow your business
By James Steven Humphrey
By adding a new twist to an old technique I generated a subscriber list of over 50,000 people and launched
a new ezine with a ready-made audience. You can do it, too! (15 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:30 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Increase traffic by programming a contest!
By JamesStevenHumphrey
When a client asked me if I program a contest for him, I said "Why not?". I wrote the script (which will soon
be available for sale to the public) and got him 45,000 new ezine subscribers in 60 days.
Can't Get Right - Maybe It's Just a Word
By Raymond Johnston Jr.
This article takes a look at how you can change the whole tone of an ad with a simple change. It will show
you how simple changes ccan be the difference in having a successful ad.
Five Ways To Super-Charge Your Ads
By Raymond Johnston Jr.
The average person working in the marketing field sees thousands of ads each week. Learn some tricks to
help make your ads stand out.
Surfing For Success
By Raymond Johnston Jr.
Come take a look at how you can use traffic exchanges to benefit your business.
Advertising Success With A Personal Touch
By Raymond Johnston Jr.
Sometimes nothing more then adding a personal touch can be the difference between success and failure
in the advertising world.
Target Practice And The Internet Entrepreneur
By Elizabeth Piotrowski
Advertising on the internet, and some strategies that may provide more hits than misses. (16 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:30 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
A Simple Strategy For Traffic Optimization
By Robert Smith
Most webmasters invest most or all of their promotional efforts on the main entrance page assuming that
the main page will drive the traffic to the other pages.
Traffic Building Resources
By Robert Smith
Absolutely everyone that intends to sell anything on the Internet must develop a strategy to generate
affordable traffic. The best products will not sell if no one knows they exist.
Super Cheap Ways To Promote Your Small Business
By Kevin Nunley
It used to be that a small business' best low-cost advertising bet was radio. Radio is still quite affordable in
many communities, but ad rates have gone through the roof in many others.
Tell-A-Friend Marketing
By Polly Hummingbird
The online version of "word-of-mouth" advertising.
Power Promotion With Low-Cost Classified Ads
By Kevin Nunley
Classified ads are the world's number one cheap way to advertise. They cost just a fraction of a large print
ad, not to mention that you can get your classified ad in everything from an email newsletter to USA Today. (17 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:30 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Learning the ABC's of Promotion
By Art Luff
There have been countless articles, ebooks, and websites dedicated to the Do's and Don'ts of Web
Promotion and I for one am not going to try and disprove anyones Net Marketing experience.
Back to Contents
Affiliate and Reseller Programs
10 Super Ways to Promote Your Affiliate Program
By Tracie Johansen
Tips and ideas to help you become a more effective affiliate and start getting those affiliate commissions
rolling in. Simply follow the steps and see money in your mail next month and every month.
Affiliate Masters Course
Shows you how to become a high-earning affiliate champion.The Affiliate Masters... an intensive 5-day email course on becoming a high-earning affiliate champion. How? By building income through content.
Which Affiliate Program is for Real?
By Donna Sweat
Affiliate programs are a dime a dozen, but which one will make you money? This is a bit of what to look for
in choosing that money maker. (18 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:30 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
If You Want A Full-Time Affiliate Income...Get Personal!
By Donald Goss
The main reason that most people never generate any significant income, is because they don't treat their
affiliate program like a real business.
How to create a lifetime commissions affiliate program
By Christopher Pearce
Affiliate programs are a great way to market online. You only pay for results you get. What's the best way to
create a superb affiliate program that attracts top quality affiliates like moths to a flame? Pay lifetime
Affiliate Marketing Is an Easy and “Hands Off” Business - Or Is It?
By Sherry Gordon
Many people get involved with affiliate marketing because it can be done spare-time - without much effort,
probably – and with "behind a screen" anonymity. ...That's okay for dilettantes - but in truth, that's not how
to run a business.
The Anatomy of an Affiliate Program
By Sherry Gordon
A close look at all aspects of the commission structure, referral tracking, and types of links in affiliate
Viral Marketing Strategies for Affiliates/Affiliate Program Merchants
By Sherry Gordon
Chances are you've heard at least a little - maybe a lot - about "viral marketing"... Which means less work
and exponential growth. ...Cool! But can you develop some “contagions” for your -affiliate marketingbusiness – and make them spread? (19 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:30 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
The Truth About Affiliate Commissions
By David McKenzie
How to get higher commissions from your affiliate programs.
11 Affiliate Tips
By David McKenzie
A list of 11 tips about affiliate programs.
A Guide to Creating Your Own Affiliate Newsletter
By David McKenzie
A quick and easy guide to creating your very own affiliate newsletter.
11 Tips for Joining Affiliate Programs
By David McKenzie
A list of items to look out for before joining an affiliate program.
7 Web Design Tips for Affiliates
By David McKenzie
A list of tips for designing a highly effective affiliate web site.
How to Create a Successful Mini-site: Insider Tips From A Marketing Expert
By Nathan Lynch
One of the hottest ways to market on the net right now is to create what is called a mini site. Usually one or
more pages focused on one theme. Harvey Segal reveals some of his hard hitting secrets to affiliate
success. (20 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:30 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Don't Let Use Up Your Valuable Bandwidth!
By Michael Hopkins
Read this article to discover a perfect example of how NOT to make money through your affiliate program.
You can have your own Associate Program!
By Dr. Roberto Bonomi
Here's an extremely powerful marketing technique that I know you'd want to hear about... It literally allows
you to advertise your business all over the Web, on thousands of web sites, absolutely FREE and it's called
Associate Program.
The Lazy Man's Way to Earn A Full Time Income From Affiliate Programs
By Yetti Chiu
Warning! This Is What The Most Affiliate Managers Don't Want You To Know. It's not hard to be a super
affiliate. All you need to know is to learn a simple system that can work over and over again.
How to Choose Affiliate Programs?
By Yetti Chiu
What factors should you consider when choosing affiliate programs? The key is to ensure the affiliate
programs offer products that meet the needs of your potential customers ...
Affiliate Programs -- Earn Money Now ... !
By Yetti Chiu
Affiliate programs are probably the easiest way to earn money from your web site. You only pre-sell other
company's products or services in return for a commission.
Buy Wholesale - Sell Retail
By Robert Smith
Buying wholesale and selling retail is a great way to purchase almost anything on-line. Quickly earning your
money back can be an added bonus. (21 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:30 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Dramatically Increase Your Affiliate Earnings Today
By Sunil Tanna
Is your web site earning enough money? Okay, dumb question. I know the answer... You can never earn
enough money. Everybody wants to earn more than what they're getting now, and I'm pretty sure that
includes Bill Gates.
Back to Contents
Alternative & Holistic Medicine
St. John's Wort
By Laura S. Garrett
In Europe, St. John's Wort is widely prescribed to treat depression, anxiety, nervousness, unrest, and sleep
disorders. This article will help you decipher whether you should try this popular herbal supplement, spell
out what it is, recommended amounts for treatment, and safety issues.
Vitamins and Herbs / What's the Harm?
By Brigitte Synesael
Often people jump blindly onto the herbal bandwagon without doing necessary research. It's common to
think that "herbs and vitamins are natural, they can't hurt you." Well, a cactus is all natural, but I wouldn't
recommend you bite into one! (22 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:30 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
The Sound Of Music
By Brigitte Synesael
Sound and music can have a very powerful effect on an individual's health. Sound Therapy is used in
hospitals, schools, and psychological treatment programs. Now... how does it work and what can it do for
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
By Brigitte Synesael
ANY repetitive hand movements, like typing or hammering, will result in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome over
time. This includes a wide range of people in all walks of life. Relief doesn't have to mean surgery. You may
be surprised to learn...
Cancer vs. Diamagnetism
By Randolph Fabian Directo
Cancer, which is the result of stagnant tissue, can be eased, if not cured, by diamagnetic, negatively
charged, high-grade water.
Detoxifying Your Life with Essential Oils
By Judith C. Tovey
This is a 3 part article on essential oils. Part 1 Medicinal properties found in essential oils, Part 2
Applications for essential oils and Part 3 uses for essential oils.
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Banner Advertising (23 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:30 PM]
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How to create effective banner ads
By Christopher Pearce
How do you create banner ads that make themselves worth the ad space you pay for them? It is possible,
and the answer is simpler that you'd expect...
Free Banner Exchanges? –Only One Makes Sense…
By Sherry Gordon
Most web gurus will tell you to avoid banner exchanges (free or not) like the plague. And having looked into
them early on, I’ve been in agreement - until now. Here’s what’s changed my mind…
Thousands of banner displays - for FREE!
By Michael Hopkins
Here's a little trick that's quick and easy to excecute and will get your banner displayed thousands of times
across the web!
Should you use banners?
By Dr. Roberto Bonomi
Should you use banners at your site? The answer depends on how much profit can you make from each
visitor to your site. If you decide to use them, how can you get a better clickthrough ratio?
Get Great Buys On Banner Ads And Make Them Produce Results
By Kevin Nunley
Banner ads are down but not out. The billboard-like Internet ads that appear on web sites everywhere don't
pull the response they once did. Yet, today's much lower ad prices are giving many businesses an
affordable and effective way to spread the word online.
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Beauty Tips and Anti-aging
30 Days of Free Beauty Tips
By Tracie Johansen
Receive a free beauty tip everyday for 30 days. Includes recipes for dry to oily skin, dry to oily hair and
beauty tips for head to toe treatments.
You Can Have Silky Shiny Hair
By Tracie Johansen
The winter is so hard on your hair. When that cold wind hits it, it can dry out your hair, and damage it
beyond repair. Then the only hope is to trim your hair to "cut off" the damaged ends. Wait! I don't want to
cut my hair!
Pure Truth About Beauty Myths
By Deanna Ferber
Do you have questions on beauty products? Find out what ‘all natural’ means, if chemicals are really bad
for your skin & other beauty product concerns.
Treat Your Face Like Real Estate
By Deanna Ferber
Why am I comparing your face to real estate? Seems unlikely, after all, no poet has ever written "Shall I
compare the to a Southern Plantation!" But there are many reasons to view your appearance as your
personal real estate... (25 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:30 PM]
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Basic Beauty Tips: Red Lips!
By Deanna Ferber
Want red lips without the smear, fading & gunk? Read this fast 6 step tutorial on getting those ultra red lips!
Protect Your Face and Save Your Money
By Judith C. Tovey
Notice the signs of aging? You probably didn't know that many of the skin care products you use on your
face have harsh chemicals that erode your skin. Some are listed.
Save Your Hair
By Judith C. Tovey
Complaints about shampoos are among the most frequent to the FDA. Here is a list of potentially harmful
ingredients in shampoos - includes SLS and formaldehyde.
Looks to Die For
By Judith C. Tovey
According to a recent conservative estimate women use 6 cosmetics and thirteen personal care products
each day and if each product contained only 2 carcinogens, this would amount to over 40 different
avoidable carcinogenic exposure daily. What can be done?
Free Beauty Tips
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Plus recipes and free gifts. (26 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:30 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
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Business Software
Eliminate the Guesswork with Ad-Tracking Software
By June Campbell
When the gurus ask you if you test your marketing campaigns, do you mumble, blush and change the
subject? No need to hang your head if you've discovered ad-tracking software. (27 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:30 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
How to Build Great Customer Relationships via Phone
By Sergey Krutsenko
Business is about creating and maintaining customer relationships. But what is a relationship? It means
communication. Communication plays a vital part in success or failure of any business.
Installing New Software Is Risky
By Bob McElwain
Hesitate to upgrade to the latest version of a program or to install a new one. If it's required, then you'll
have to do so. If you can get by without it, though, it may be unwise to take the risk
Back to Contents
Computer Tutorials and Tips
Trials and Tribulations of a Confused Computer
By Donna Sweat
Be aware your pc can break down at any given time and without notice. Just a list of those little bugs and
ideas to keep your pc in shape for business.
PC Problems?
By John Hoover
Stop having re-booting problems or complete locking-up of your computer. These may be cured in a few
seconds with PC Doctor On Call. All models and types of PC analyzed for FREE. Amazing results reported. (28 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:30 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Computer Injury: No Laughing Matter
By June Campbell
Learn how to protect yourself from computer-related disorders and conditions. Practice safe computing.
Smart Tags? Who Says They're Smart?
By Bob McElwain
Microsoft says they have put a hold on the use of Smart Tags, that this "feature" will not be included in
Windows XP. This may be so, but plug ins to Internet Explorer are already possible. One company is using
them right now to modify your web pages and steal your visitors.
The Client/Server Model
By Rick Marsh
This short paper discusses when networking and client/server programming may be applicable, the
client/server model, and a discussion of client/server programming techniques and considerations.
Never Too Late To Learn--BACK UP!
By Mary Holzrichter
Always take the time to do regular backups. Here's what happened to me.
Whose Computer?
By Ruth Marlene Friesen
There's a way to protect your computer from harmful virus attacks and crashes - one you may ot have
thought of - it involves dedicating and turning it over to someone else. It's working for me! (29 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:30 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Installing a Web Server on your Home Computer?
By Owen Lamb
So you want to run a web server from home ... or (wherever)? ... You are interested in serving html pages
or an ftp site (or whatever) ...maybe you just want to share files with friends and family .... So where do you
Back to Contents
Customer Service
Top Ten Ways to Bring Repeat Visitors Back to your Book-Selling Web Site
By Judy Cullins
What is a website without visitors? You need them to keep coming because they are your personal
marketing force. Give them reasons to return.
Does Your Site Focus More On Your Business Than On Your Visitors?
By Ruth Duda
If you're ready to get serious about growing your online business, focus more on your visitors. These are
the people who will become your customers!
Customer Service on the Internet: Turn a Hit into a Sale!
By Sue Barrett
High traffic doesn’t mean high profits unless you can turn those visitors into customers. One way you can
convert them into buyers is to give them first-class customer service. Here are 6 tips to focus on. (30 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:30 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Increase Your Sales by Wearing Your Customers' Shoes
By Sue Barrett
The first step to understanding what your customers want is to find out WHY they might want your
particular product or service. Then, focus on how you can make their shopping experience the BEST it can
be. Here's how to do it.
Smart PR For Your Small Business
By Kevin Nunley
Paul opens his favorite business magazine to find a fawning interview with Amazon's Jeff Bezos. Then he
picks up the morning paper and reads a long story on a new donut chain being built in his town. Later he
catches a feature piece on CNN about a guy who sells funny handmade shoes and learns accounting
secrets from a CPA in Ohio.
Seeing From Your Customer's Point of View
By Kevin Nunley
The better you can describe your best customers, the more products and services you can sell. How do
you that?
Pay Attention To Your Customers!
By Kevin Nunley
A lot has been written about what makes a good salesperson. Education, experience, training, and even a
certain inborn "killer instinct" have all been mentioned as necessary qualities to be good at sales. From my
experience, however, the best salespeople are the ones who are the best "people watchers."
How to Improve Your Profits... With Customers You Already Have
By Kevin Nunley
Recently businesses have started tallying up what they spend to get each customer. One car dealership
estimates every new customer costs at least $100 in advertising. An e-commerce firm figured out by the
time they advertise and gave away free things to get customers, the cost is $250 per customer.
Back to Contents (31 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:30 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
eBook Writing, Publishing and Promoting
What Do YOU Know? Make Money From It!
By Tracie Johansen
What are you good at that others may want to learn? We all have talents and abilities, something we can
teach others. When you want to learn something new, where do you look?
InfoProducts Masters Course
How to brainstorm, create, produce, and sell your very own infoproduct online. The InfoProduct Masters...
an intensive 5-Day e-mail course on creating and selling your very own infoproduct online.
You're Published! Now How Do You Tell The Readers?
By Michael LaRocca
Walk into any bookstore, log onto any e-publisher site, or visit Amazon or Barnes & Noble. Guess what
you'll see? A whole lot of books. If one of them happens to be yours, how will people notice it?
Print Publishing vs Electronic Publishing
By Michael LaRocca
A comparison of the two mediums, the reasons I want to be published in both, and how I'm going to do that
By Michael LaRocca
What is it? Should you use it? If so, how? (32 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:30 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
What Bugs Us Publishers!
By Donna Sweat
Seriously, we have feelings too, perhaps others may see our viewpoint.
The Internet Marketing Ebook Craze: How to Make Savvy Ebook Choices
By Darrell Finkeldei
So, how can you weed out the good ebooks from the bad? How can you know which ones will deliver value
for your hard earned dollar BEFORE you make the investment? Here's a few "rules of thumb"
Create an E-book from Your Website? Here’s Why and How…
By Sherry Gordon
You know about e-books – but you may not have an idea for what to put in one. ...After all, you may
already have covered what you wanted to say in your website. Well... People might want -that-! – in
another format.
"How to Get/Sell High-Value E-books and Profit Monthly...: A Viral System Analysis"
By Sherry Gordon
"A close look at a viral marketing system that pays -everyone-... Participants earn monthly in 3+ ways while
receiving fresh, useful webmarketing e-books to sell -and- building their opt-in lists. A little promotion can
result in continuing automatic business growth..."
The Crazy Ebook Craze
By Bob McElwain
Ebooks are more than just a passing fad. In fact interest in them is likely to continue to increase. Here are
the tools required to compile the finished product. Just build some great content and go for it!
Copyright Those Documents!
By Jill Black
A brief article providing an overview of copyright for documents. (33 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:30 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Free eBook Course
"eBooks -- Self-Publishing Your Way to Internet Success." A complete ten part series that will assist you in
developing and marketing your own eBook. Click on the link below or send a blank email to...
10 Tips to Promote Your Books Through Flyers
By Judy Cullins
Flyers promotes books well. Design yours to include all of the "hot selling" points.
Book Promotion Myth -- The Best Place to Sell Books is a Book Store
By Judy Cullins
Stop wasting your time, effort, and money chasing the unreal. Book stores, distributors and publishers
make money, while the author does all the work with little reward. Find your "pot of gold."
How Three Publishing Myths Kill the Author
By Judy Cullins
Authors dream of fame and fortune, little knowing that publishers don't promote, don't pay enough royalties
and don't support unknown authors.
Make your Book Stand Out From the Crowd
By Judy Cullins
Not "everyone" will want to read your book--create your unique selling point for your preferred audience.
Give them what they want and need.
Save Time and Money Marketing to One Audience
By Judy Cullins
Save Time and Money Marketing Your Book to One Audience. Focus on one audience and create a
specific sales goal. (34 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:30 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Free eBook
eBook Ideas - The Ultimate Guide to eBook Promotion
eBook Ideas will give you information to help you decide what to write about, how to
complile it into eBook format and where to promote, publish and distribute your eBook.
Plus... How to write articles to promote your eBook for free. How and where to get them
How to build ezine subscribers. Where to promote your ezine. Plus how and where to
promote in other ezines for little or no money.
Get Your Free Copy Now! Simply go Online and Click on the link Below to Start Downloading
Plus... Learn How You Can Turn eBook Ideas Into a 24 Hour a Day 7 Day A Week Cash
Machine, Just by Giving It Away! You can get your own version with over 80 of your own
affiliate links. Get Yours Now! Click Here!
Three Powerful Tips on Selecting a Book Topic that Sells
By Judy Cullins
Before you choose a topic pay attention to your audience. What do they want or need? Will they be willing
to pay for your information? Would you buy the Art of Kissing or the Art of Courtship? The kissing book sold
over 60,500 copies and the other only 17,500.
Titles Sell Books
By Judy Cullins
Your reader will spend 4 seconds on your front cover. Check and correct a too long title, a too clever, a too
general, too dull one. Does it include a major benefit? Remember, most people buy your book based on it's
cover. Make your title sizzle. (35 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:30 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Which of these ebooks tempts you the most?
By Michael Hopkins
Giving your ebook the right title is vitally important to its success. Ask yourself, which of these ebooks
would YOU buy...
Audio & E-book Opportunities
By Ruth Marlene Friesen
A writer with vision problems triggers some ideas for publishing books in audio and e-book formats. These
suggestions are yours for the taking. You'll fill a real niche need that will catch on like ice cream.
Becoming an Infopreneur The Secret to Developing Information Products
By Marc & Terry Goldman
Think about what you know best. Put it to use in the form of an information product that people want. Then,
sell it to them.
Ebooks Are Fun To Read
By Polly Hummingbird
Enjoy the adventure of reading an ebook.
"How To Make More Profit From Your Free Ebook"
By Dirk Dupon
Essential tips to get more profit from your free ebook.
"How to get FREE E-book promotion?"
By Dirk Dupon
Use your free ebook to get more traffic, leads and sales. (36 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:30 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
"How to create a Traffic Virus with a FREE E-book."
By Dirk Dupon
A traffic virus brings in tons of new visitors and leads. Here's how to do it right.
"Things to do before you distribute your E-book on the Internet"
By Dirk Dupon
Don't start writing your Ebook before you read these tips!
Publish Your Own Information Product
By Robert Smith
Everyone has a special area of interest and expertise to write about. Anyone can publish an information
product. In fact, publishing a digital book is the single most profitable product you should consider
marketing on-lin
Earn Unlimited Profit Selling eBooks
By RobertSmith
Selling information products in electronic ebook format accounted for over 20% of all Internet sales this
year, and it's growing. Information products are almost 100% profit. It's not too late to get started.
Doing the Info-Twist: Variations on the Info-Product Theme
By Sunil Tanna
You've heard the buzz - Information Products - are the hottest most profitable item to sell on the Internet.
All the big names in Internet Marketing, virtually without exception, will tell you that the really big profits
come with selling your own original information products, especially "How To" guides.
Back to Contents (37 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:30 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Pricing Masters Course
The Pricing Masters... an intensive 5-Day e-mail course on finding the Perfect Price that will maximize your
profit. "How much money are YOU leaving on the table?"
How to Write Customer Service E-mails Like a Pro
By Heather Reimer
These days, a large volume of customer service is done by e-mail because it's so cheap and fast... and so
easy to do badly, to say things you would never say over the phone or face to face. Here are a few tips to
improve your customer service e-mails.
Putting The "Service" Back In "Customer Service"
By Sean Cohen
The future of customer service is here. Technology has made seeking out support faster and easier than
ever! But,has your digital age company sacrificed true service in the name of automation?
Setting up an Internet Business? Consider Drop Shipping
By June Campbell
If you don't have your own products, and if you want more control and higher profits than you'd get with an
affiliate program, perhaps a drop shipping business is right for you. (38 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:30 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Ten Tips for Building an Ecommerce Web Site
By June Campbell
Ten Tips for Building an Ecommerce Web Site Ten elements of site design that will encourage your
customers to stay and shop
What do you want to know today?
By Rev. Keith Londrie
An article written by Keith Londrie to answer the question: What is an Information Broker?
Getting And Keeping Customers
By Sibyl McLendon
Sound advice about how to attract customers and keep them coming back again and again.
"Most Online Businesses Do Not Offer What Consumers Demand"
By Bob McElwain
Sure, there's lots of stuff for sale on the Web. And a consumer who knows exactly what they need and
where to find it, may find buying on the Web convenient. But for the vast majority of consumers, the Web is
too difficult to use. For one thing, required information is not available.
Ecommerce: Your Opportunities Are Unlimited
By Bob McElwain
While the Web is already an astonishing happening, you haven't seen anything yet. The real revolution,
and opportunities, remain beyond the horizon. (Taken from "Your Path To Success" to be released in
September, 2000, the first book in the series, "Web Winning Ways."
What's The Best Product To Sell?
By Bob McElwain
The simple answer is one in demand that others are not selling. But of course it's not easy to find such a
product. However, what you sell matters far less than how you sell it. In all cases, it begins with a content
rich site. (39 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:30 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
It Takes A Lot Of Hits!
By Bob McElwain
While two sales on a hundred hits means a 2% conversion ratio, considered good by many, it may not
mean much to you. Unless you are generating lots of hits, you may be forced to rely upon your judgement,
rather than numbers.
Are You About To Get Eaten?
By BobMcElwain
Competition online is fierce, and it's bound to increase. Those who cope with it will win out. Those who do
not, will lose. In which camp does your business reside?
Great Content And Fish
By Bob McElwain
In simple terms, great site content is information your visitors want or need. It may be a set of drawings,
maps, descriptions of how to do things, and so forth. The notion that content must be great prose is
Terms And Conditions - Read Them!
By Bob McElwain
We all seem to be in a hurry these days. And time is indeed precious. However to accept a set of terms
and conditions without a careful read can bite you badly.
Answer Up Right Now!
By Bob McElwain
For quite some time, it has been clear that customer support is fundamental to financial success. Why then
do so many go to extreme lengths to avoid providing it? Particularly when it is a strategy that leads only to
failure? (40 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:30 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
The Playing Field Is Tilting
By Bob McElwain
The playing field which is the Web was never really level. But now the tilt is more pronounced, and likely to
increase. We can still win, but we must position ourselves properly to do so.
No Broadband, No Growth?
By Kathryn Laskowski
Can the current economic slump be tied to the slump in highspeed broadband deployment?
"Should I Offer Free Shipping?"
By Chris Malta
Boy, it's tempting, isn't it? Free Shipping!... People will see your proclamation of Freedom from the dreaded
SHIPPING CHARGE (imagine agonized screaming here), and flock to your site to take advantage of THE
INCREDIBLE SAVINGS! (Fanfare, people cheering).
"When Your Customers Steal"
By Chris Malta
You know it's a slow news day when the news programs on TV turn their attention to their favorite new
consumer warning... "Beware of online businesses!" they cry. "YOU could be SCAMMED on the Internet!"
" 'Set' Your Products to Sell"
By Chris Malta
If you spend any length of time selling products on the Internet, you're going to find out that it's very hard to
sell "very low priced" products... You'd think that people would LOVE to pay Very Low Prices for products!
"What Should I Sell On My Site?"
By Chris Malta
Far too many people make the mistake of trying to sell only products that they like on their web sites...
Others make the mistake of trying to sell only the coolest and flashiest things they can find... (41 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:30 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
The Money Making Opportunities Lay In Front Of Our Eyes. This one is not working
By Peter Britka
This article talks about the opportunities to make money on the internet.
We Don't Work Here - We Just Make The Rules
By Robert Smith
If you are selling anything on line via credit card, this is information you must know. Now that you are the
merchant; now your rights are very different.
Back to Contents
Email Marketing
Put Your Promotions on Auto Pilot
By Tracie Johansen
Autoresponders are one of the most useful communication tools on the Internet. Imagine a completely
automated system that delivers instant information to your potential customers and then personalizes follow
up with them automatically over the coming days, weeks, and months.
Autoresponders - How to Set Them Up and Use Them For Your Articles
By Tracie Johansen
A step by step guide to setting up your articles in autoresponders. Now your customers can get any of your
articles delivered to their email immediately on demand 24 hours a day 7 days a week whether your home
or not. (42 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:30 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
It`s Free, It`s Powerful, It`s In Your Email
By Lois R. Thompson
This article demonstrates the power of free advertising in the effective use of email sig files and author's
bio. A much over looked tool by many online marketers.
Autorepsonders Are A Girl's Best Friend
By Anna Kathryn Bir
An article describing the benefits of autoresponders and how to set them up.
Million $ Autoresponder Marketing Techniques
By Rev. Keith Londrie
An autoresponder; also known as a "mailbot," "infobot," or "e-mail on demand," is like an answering
machine; working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week; responding to anyone online that is inquiring about your
products or services. It is actually a special program that runs on an Internet server.
10 tips for e-mail etiquette
By Tim North
E-mail is frequently written quickly and often poorly. The tips in this article will help you to write e-mail that
is well received every time.
Is your e-mail private? No!
By Tim North
Your e-mail is not private. It might not be sent to the intended recipient. It can even continue to exist *after*
you delete it. This article explains why you should be concerned if you're sending confidential messages by
An Opt-In Email Primer
By Samuel Negron
A simple and clear explanation of what opt-in email is. (43 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:30 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Want To Hit A SpamCop?
By Bob McElwain
A brief review of some of the nasty things SpamCops does, how to keep yourself out of their way, and how
to deal with them if need be. More important, there's now a legal way to hit them in the pocket book, the
only place that matters to such types.
Get your emails organized
By Detlev Reimer
The article deals with the subject of applying filters in your e-mail program. This helps keeping an overview
of incoming e-mails.
How to use an email signature
By Dr. Roberto Bonomi
e-mail signature is a very useful website promotion tool that produces great results compared to the effort
required to use it, because the person that reads them don't consider themselves the recipient of an advert.
Your Email Etiquette
By Ruth Marlene Friesen
An international story shows the marvelous beauty of email, but do you grasp how to use it ethically and to
it's full maximum power?
New and Different Email Marketing and Why it Works
By Sue Barrett
Watch out! Not all email marketing gets results, and high-quality lists can be expensive. Here are 2 spamfree email marketing techniques that will get you in touch with qualified leads fast - for LESS! (44 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:30 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
E-mail 101: The Dos and Don'ts
By Shaun Fawcett
When it comes to e-mail, many people seem to think that all forms of civility and basic respect for the other
person, and the English language, can be ignored. Not true! Here are the e-mail-writing dos and don'ts.
Email Courses For Success
By Raymond Johnston Jr.
In this article, you will find some tips on how to use email courses to benefit your business.
Back to Contents
eZine Advertising
Want the Best Free Advertising on the Internet? "Write Your Own Articles"!
By Tracie Johansen
Wouldn't you love to reach thousands of people for free? You can, simply by writing articles and having
them published. There are thousands of newsletter publishers looking for good content for their
Free subscription e-zines - a wealth of information!
By Rev. Keith Londrie
A large list of FREE subscription E-zines that are available on the internet. (45 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:30 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Quadruple Online Sales
By Judy Cullins
Manifest seven times your offline profits using Online promotion such as the ezine and writing how-to
articles of opt-in ezines.
How To Write Your Own Profitable Ezine
By Michael Puccino
You can write and produce your own ezine or newsletter from home with a very low overhead and potential
for high returns.
Are you wasting your time with free eZine ads?
By Michael Hopkins
Posting free subscriber ads in ezine can be a nice little source of free traffic and exposure for your
website/ebook/ezine but, if not handled properly it can have its downside...
Ezine Advertising on a Budget
By Marc & Terry Goldman
Learn the insider techniques the smartest ezine advertisers are using to stretch their advertising budget
while increasing the exposure of their ads.
Back to Contents
Publishing Your Own Ezine and Ezine Success (46 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:30 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Dramatically Increase Your Newsletter Subscribers
By Tracie Johansen
Would you like to submit your eZine to directories? Be sure to have everything ready before you start. This
article will give you a complete breakdown of all the information you need before you submit your eZine.
Bouncing Emails- A Pain in the Neck..or Maybe Not!
By Donna Sweat
This article is from a publisher's viewpoint. Perhaps they are bouncing for a good reason, read this before
you delete that email address!
Seven profitable reasons to become an Ezine Publisher
By HarryFassett
Ezine publishing for profit.
How to increase newsletter subscriptions - free
By Christopher Pearce
Newsletters are great, but only if you have subscribers. In this article I explain how to write and deploy a
highly effective once-only pop-under that increases your newsletter subscriptions dramatically.
Use Your Feedback for Free Ezine Content
By Dianne Reuby
You do have a visitor feedback form, don't you? Use the responses from your visitors to create unique and
relevant content for your ezine.
Internet Business: You Must Publish A Newsletter or E-Zine
By Darrell Finkeldei
Actually you CAN have a successful Internet business without publishing a newsletter or e-zine. But, the
truth is that you will be leaving thousands of dollars in sales on the table by not publishing one. (47 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:30 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Things Ezine Publishers Want Their Subscribers to Know
By June Campbell
How to subscribe, how to unsubscribe, why advertisements are necessary, when its not spam, etc.
Formatting Your Ezine
By Windsong
One of the common problems faced by ezine editors is being able to format their ezine so that it does not
get screwed up when sent out. So what causes the formatting information to be changed when your ezine
is received by your subscribers?
The Problem With HTML Email Newsletters
By Windsong
Whats the point in making your newsletter look just like your website? Why bother with the newsletter? Just
send 'em to your website and be done with it.
The Wonders of a Newsletter
By Windsong
All in all, publishing a newsletter is a very gratifying experience. I receive wonderful emails from my
subscribers telling me what a wonderful job I am doing. This tells me that I am establishing a credibility that
can only serve to make my other online endeavors a huge success.
Don't Stop Promoting Your Ezine : 8 Tips For Getting Subscribers
By Detlev Reimer
The article describes methods for getting more subscribers to your ezine and how and where you can
spread the word about it. (48 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:30 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Your Internet Education by Ezines
By Ruth Marlene Friesen
Educate yourself through ezines to get to all those neat links and tutorials other people seem to find so
easily. You can train yourself in web design and marketing, or publicity - whatever you like - all by reading
the right ezines.
Should I Publish My Own Ezine?
By Ruth Duda
Publishing an ezine can be a lot of work can also be very rewarding. Just ask any publisher!
The Power of The List
By Marc & Terry Goldman
The single most important tool in an online marketers arsenal. This tool could mean the difference between
the bread line and the bank line.
How to Build a Mailing List
By James Steven Humphrey
Newsletters or ezines are good for many purposes. But you need to get subscribers. How? Follow the
methods given here and you *will* grow your list, your audience and your profits. Just be persistent.
Converting Web Site Visitors Into Subscribers
By Raymond Johnston Jr.
Get some great tips to help you convert your website visitors into subscribers.
Back to Contents (49 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:30 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Family History and Genealogy
How to Get Started in Family History
By Dale Lee
Genealogy has become the number one hobby in the United States. For someone that is just beginning the
journey into the past, the road can seem a bit confusing. It is always good to get the big picture first.
Publish Your Family History, Before It's Too Late
By Dale Lee
Publishing a Family History of your extended Family can provide a wealth of historical information for the
Family as a whole.
Get Organized - the First Step in Family History
By Dale Lee
One of the most important and first things a person interested in Family History should do is to get
organized. This article suggests some of the major areas of concentration researchers should take upon
beginning the Family History journey.
The Three Secrets of interesting others in Family History
By Dale Lee
You've been assigned to Leed or Teach a group of people about Genealogy... now what do you do?
Back to Contents (50 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:31 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Get Organized and Household Tips
Take Time to Save Time
By Jeanie Marshall
"Take Time to Save Time" identifies fifteen ideas for enhancing your effectiveness.
10 Minute Tricks to Help You Get Organized
By Maria Gracia
Whoever thought you'd be able to get organized in just 10 minutes?! Here are a few simple ideas.
Getting Organized: 5 Secrets To Help You Get Started
By Maria Gracia
One of the most common questions I get on the subject of getting organized is, 'Where do I start?' This is
an excellent question because if you just dive in without taking some time to plan, there's a good chance
that you're going to get overwhelmed, and the job is not going to get done.
Addition by Subtraction
By Maria Gracia
There are so many things to do. And so little time. Use the addition by subtraction method.
10 Tips for Growing Your Business the Organized Way
By Maria Gracia
Knowledge, careful planning, organized systems, use of proper tools, continuous care, and dedication give
you the very best chance of producing a beautiful and abundant garden that brings forth fresh veggies for
years to come. (51 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:31 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Helping a Pack Rat Get Organized
By Maria Gracia
The wonderful, sentimental Pack Rat. So nice. So loveable. So out of space! Pack Rats desperately need
more room, but can't bear to part with their stuff.
25 Tips and Tricks for an Organized Move
By Maria Gracia
Worried because you're moving soon? This really doesn't have to be a stressful, chaotic time. Here are
some tips to help you achieve a successful, organized move.
10 Tips to Organize and Simplify Bill Paying
By Maria Gracia
Organizing your bill paying efforts will help you get this task done quickly and effortlessly. Here are 10
simple tips.
10 Spring Cleaning and Organizing Tips
By Maria Gracia
Getting organized and doing a bit of spring cleaning, helps to bring that wonderful fresh feeling into your
home and office.
7 Easy Ideas for Organizing Kids Artwork
By Maria Gracia
Very often, these masterpieces that your children create are brought home and proudly displayed. But what
do you do when all of the artwork begins to take over your home?
Four Steps to Declutter Your Mind
By Theresa Frasch
Do you ever have one of those days (or weeks, or months) when you know you have so much to do but
you can’t seem to get focused? Then it’s time to “Declutter Your Mind.” (52 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:31 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
10 Tips to Organize Your Closet
By Theresa Frasch
Cleaning out a clothes closet can hurt. It’s hard to throw away stuff that is still good, stuff that cost us a lot
of money. But it has to be done.
Paper, Paper, Paper
By Theresa Frasch
What happened to the “paperless society” we were promised? It seems like we have more papers crossing
our desks then ever before. Our homes are filled with piles of paper to go through, if only we had the time.
No Stress Holidays
By Theresa Frasch
Wouldn't it be great to have system that would help you get your holiday season organized? Wouldn't it be
even better if it was easy to use?
Back to Contents
Goal Setting
Goals Write them down and create your life
By Judi A. Singleton
Writing brings things into the real world makes them tangible so have you written down your goals yet? If
not why not? Words are an integral part of the thinking process. (53 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:31 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Looking at the Obstacles to Your Goals
By Judi A. Singleton
What is your biggest challenge right now? You have set down and talked to yourself and you have
dreamed your overall goals. You have written them down haven't you? Well, what is holding you back from
starting right here, right now to achieve the impossible dream?
Goal Planting .... Hypnotically!
By Elizabeth Bohorquez
It's not enough to think about goals. They need to be specific & they need to be planted hypnotically. Learn
the beginning tools that can bring success to your door. Work with the professionals & experience
professional results!
Easy Steps To Get You Where You Want To Go Without Stress
By Carol Halsey
Once you have identified your goals, both personal and professional, put these simple steps into action to
guarantee you will reach them.
Easy Goal Setting
By Theresa Frasch
Are you forever trying to accomplish things but never seeming to get them done? You know you should set
some goals but you don't know how to get started? Here is an easy way for you to set goals.
Keep Your Goals Fresh In Your Mind
By Josh Hinds
Keep Your Goals Fresh In Your Mind - Having goals is one thing, but achieving them is quite another.
Learn techniques to give your goals the sticking power needed to achieve them.
Back to Contents (54 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:31 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Health and Fitness
Diabetes: What You Should Know
By Laura S. Garrett
This article contains literally all the important nutritional aspects a person with diabetes should know including associated complications, definitions, valuable resources, dietary guidelines, nutritional therapy,
calorie recommendations, and much more! If you are limited on space, you can easily break this article up
into four parts.
Cholesterol: What You Need to Know
By Laura S. Garrett
The number one killer of Americans, both men and women, is heart disease. According to the American
Heart Association, high blood cholesterol is the most significant risk factor.
Breast Cancer - Dietary Prevention
By Laura S. Garrett
This article will make clear to you a number of nutritional defenses you can actively incorporate into your
daily habits - including the effects of specific nutrients (such as fat, phytochemicals, antioxidants, alcohol,
phytoestrogens, and more), definitions, a list of "protectors", and more.
No Butt's About It! Stop Smoking Holistically & Hypnotically
By Elizabeth Bohorquez
Explore the mindbody tools that will assist you in becoming a successful non-smoker. Understand the food
connection & what needs to change. Learn to apply awareness for stress release & self-hypnosis for
changing old mind programs & behaviors. (55 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:31 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Ulcers Are No Laughing Matter
By Brigitte Synesael
The pain from an ulcer can be intense enough to cause its' victim to awaken during the night with an
excruciating internal burning sensation. Even though this condition can be serious, it is one that is easily
taken care of.
Human Growth Hormone: Fountain of Youth or The Same Old Hype?
By Dr. John H. Maher
A Brief Guide to Hgh Enhancement Supplements: The Current Rage in Anti-Aging, Longevity, Building
Lean Body Mass, and Rejuvenating Sexual Potency.
REENS FIRST: Vibrant Health Made Easy!
By Dr. John H. Maher
Nutrition is more than just calories, fat, protien, fiber and vitamins and minerals. Indeed, there may be well
over 1,000 different plant chemicals in , known as phytonutrients, that may have metabolic activity in
Optimizing Weight Loss by Optimizing Hormones:
By Dr. John H. Maher
No matter how you slice it, weight always comes down to calories digested versus calories used. Calories
are "burned" as energy or used to rebuild body tissues, lt. The rest are "stored" as fat. Hormones, and
neurotransmitters (brain messengers) are integral to optimizing process.
Ensuring Sufficient Blood Flow to the Brain
By Robert Elias Najemy
Why This is Important All physical and emotional states depend on a well functioning and rejuvenated
brain. The blood flow to our brain brings oxygen, nutrients, hormones, antibodies and as it leaves removes
toxins and waste products of cell metabolism. (56 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:31 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Keeping Our Energy High and Harmonious
By Robert Elias Najemy
The quantity and quality of our energy flow deeply affect our emotions, thoughts and reactions. The quality
of our relationships, productivity, creativity and health all depend upon creating a high level of harmoniously
flowing energy.
A Nature Meditation
By Robert Elias Najemy
Imagine yourself lying next to a stream in nature. The sounds, smells and sights flow into you and relax
Guidelines for Performing Yoga Exercises
By Robert Elias Najemy
Details we should pay attention to when we are performing yoga postures.
10 Tips For A Good Night's Sleep
By Kathy Thompson
Millions of people have trouble sleeping. Do You? Now you have a chance to get the sleep you desire and
Doctors' Worry: Is Your Baby Safe?
By Judith C. Tovey
Dangers of Sodium Lauryl Sulfate. Are your children at risk and you don't know it? Would you wash their
hair and brush their teeth with brake fluid, engine degreaser and anti-freeze?
Back to Contents (57 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:31 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Healthy Living
Preserving Your Precious Bones
By Laura S. Garrett
Your risk for developing osteoporosis increases as you age. Is this something you just have to accept?
What can you do to prevent it? This article focuses on three defensive actions you can take to preserve
your precious bones including information on calcium, vitamin D, and strength training.
Dream the Impossible Dream
By Judi A. Singleton
We all have dreams and desires but if we do not know how to go about achieveing them they are nothing
but pipedreams. But with a clear plan in mind one can turn the pipe dreams of today into the reality of
tommorow. In life, we need reasons for what we do.
The New Epidemic: Anxiety, Panic & Depression
By Elizabeth Bohorquez
Explore the mindbody connection to Anxiety, Panic Disorder & Depression & how you can help yourself by
utilizing simple tools including nutrition, awareness & interactive self-hypnosis.
Herbal Combination Proves Helpful With Heart Disease
By Brigitte Synesael
You really need to know that your body is under constant free radical attack which causes more than 69
diseases including heart disease and cancer. It's critical that you keep your antioxidant defenses strong.
Here's how... (58 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:31 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Superior Orgasm
By Randolph Fabian Directo
Health oriented sex education on male orgasm and guide to a more fulfilling relationship through
Hormones - Creating Harmony
By Robert Elias Najemy
Many of our physical problems may have their origin in the imbalanced functioning of the endocrine
system. The way we live has a great effect on our hormones. Learn how to create hormonal harmony.
Headaches ? Effective Natural Solutions
By Robert Elias Najemy
You Can do Much to Get Free from Headaches. The best cure is prevention. Let us look at some of the
ways in which we can free ourselves from the discomfort and burden of headaches.
High Blood Pressure - Natural Solutions
By Robert Elias Najemy
We examine possible measures we can take in order to overcome the problem of high blood pressure.
These are natural, simple and effective.
Colds - Natural Solutions
By Robert Elias Najemy
Proven remedies for colds.
Breathing Problems - Natural Solutions
By Robert Elias Najemy
Natural and effective methods for freeing ourselves from breathing problems. (59 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:31 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Spirit in the Body – Heat in the Iron Ball
By Robert Elias Najemy
Our spirit is separate and yet dispersed throughout our bodies just as heat is throughout an iron ball.
It's Ok To Be Selfish Once In A While!
By Jeanine Herrin
Ever feel like you're always doing for others? Not enough time to do for yourself? Want to just say No
FREE Food!
By Kathy Thompson
Different foods affect your moods. 3 different types of foods affect and stimulate you, make you feel listless
and susceptible to diseases. The last one leaves you feeling healthy. Which one's are you eating?
Truth Can't be Hidden: Fluoride Causes Cancer
By Judith C. Tovey
For more than 13 years various agencies of the U.S. government, in collusion with the ADA and aluminum
producers, have been working to prevent the results of a study linking fluoride and cancer from becoming
public knowledge.
Potentially Harmful Ingredients in Personal Care Products
By Judith C. Tovey
A short list of harmful ingredients in personal care products with information as to why they are considered
harmful. Note warnings and cautionary statements. (60 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:31 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
By Rufina James
WHAT'S ANTI-FREEZE, Brake Fluid, Industrial Degreasers, and Cell Mutagens doing in your shampoo,
toothpaste, deodorant, and expensive cosmetics? Even in so-called 'natural' products! Are these toxic
ingredients really fit for humans? Discover the alarming facts in this report:
The long arm of the government just got longer.
By Rufina James
With "Operation Cure.All," the FDA and the FTC have launched a campaign to cure themselves of all
competition. It targets online sales of health and alternative medicine products.
Free Energy - Advanced Technology
By Randolph Fabian Directo
A down to earth, technical guide on how non-polluting, advanced technology can free the people from
corruption and the dark ages.
Back to Contents
Home Business
Is a Home Business What You Really Want?
By Donna Sweat
Another Home Business Viewpoint Home Biz Tips revisited..A review of my first article on home business
over a year ago..New Ideas! (61 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:31 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
You Can Succeed Working at Home. Don't Let the Experts Tell You Otherwise.
By Donna Sweat
Misconceptions about the work at home person. Experts claim we can't do it. I am doing it as a work at
home mom!
Is Your Time FREE?
By Harry Fassett
Manage your time to be more successful with your own business.
Are You Working Your Business Part Time? Or Spare Time?
By Darrell Finkeldei
With a part time job you would have a certain number of hours to work on a specific schedule of days or
evenings. Do you treat your part time business in the same way?
How to Create a Job You Love on the Web
By Sue Barrett
Not found a job you like? Maybe you need to create it! The concept may sound silly or overwhelming at
first, but if you break it down into steps, you’ll see how simple it really can be.
How to Create the $1,000,000 Idea
By Sue Barrett
The $1,000,000 idea. Every week new start-ups are making millions because of their simple ideas that take
the world by storm. Success definitely involves effort, but sparking your creativity and coming up with profitproducing ideas may be easier than you think.
Computer Virus Threatens My Home Business!
By Lee Wise
Be careful to "win at home" while you are winning at work - especially if you have a home-based business!
A simple reminder which *everyone* needs!! (62 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:31 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Recession-Proof Marketing!
By Joe Vitale
You can survive and prosper in any rough times with the 7 lessons you'll get in this course by a master at
marketing. These are all easy, practical, and even fun.
Collect Art for Pleasure and Profit
By Ivan Cavric
Step by step guide showing you how to become an art collector. Easy to follow guide explains how to
choose art that not only looks good but has the potential to appreciate.
Building Someone Else's Business
By Irena Whitfield
This Article shows the difference between a proper business co-operation and healthy professional
relationship compared to building someone else's business at your expense which should be recognized
and avoided.
Tips for Writing a Business Proposal
By June Campbell
Business success often hinges on writing good business proposals. Do your business proposals stand out
from the crowd and get noticed? This article offers tips for writing an effective business proposal.
The Two Sentence Advantage
By June Campbell
When asked to describe your business, do you stumble and mutter and ramble incoherently? Or, do you
look 'em square in the eye and describe your business succinctly in two powerful sentences? (63 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:31 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Ring in Sales with Effective Telephone Use
By June Campbell
The humble telephone has become a rather complex technology. Are you using it effectively to promote
your business? Or, do your customers back off shaking their heads in disapproval?
10 Ways to Kickstart Your Cash Flow
By June Campbell
Is your cash flowing out faster than it's flowing in? This article offers ten strategies for increasing your
operating capital.
The Creative Entrepreneur
By June Campbell
It's not just artists who are creative. This article suggests four ways for entrepreneurs to improve their
Eleven Questions to Ask Before You Purchase Disability Insurance
By June Campbell
If you need to collect on your disability insurance, you won't want unpleasant surprises regarding what you
are or aren't entitled to. This article covers the key qualities of a good policy.
Contracts Demystified
By June Campbell
This article explains the basic elements of a business contract.
Going Postal: Not a Bad Idea
By June Campbell
Your Postal Service has lots of help for small businesses. (64 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:31 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
By Ina Bliss
a smart concept for huge acceleration...
The Magic Secret Solution for Your Primary Lifelong Problem
By Ina Bliss
Eliminate your major dislikes from your life!
Believe It BEFORE You See It
By Ed Hirsch
Have you ever noticed that the first one to be creative and risk, climbs to the top of success and achieves
the greatest impact on the rest, than those who *only* follow?
A Better Tomorrow
By Ed Hirsch
If you KNEW how to obtain resources that others needed, and did NOT share this valuable information with
those whorequested this knowledge, or simply did not make the effort to locate them to share it, are you a
bad person?
How to Choose, Start, and Succeed in Your Own Part-Time Business
By Kevin Nunley
This is a great time to start your own business, even if you have never thought of yourself as an
entrepreneur. The economy is getting tighter, may companies are laying people off, and a paycheck
doesn't go as far as it used to.
CRM And Small Businesses
By Bob McElwain
Models used by large businesses won't serve the needs of small businesses. And prices are far out of
reach. But small business can implement many powerful aspects of CRM on their website. (65 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:31 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
The Power Of Residual Income in Home Business
By Robert Smith
Earning Residual Income is a powerful and efficient way to earn income. It's the way that inventors,
authors, actors and musicians earn income. It's called "residual income". Future earnings are derived from
work you have already performed.
50 Quick Biz Tips for Creating a Successful Website Business!
By Wild Bill
This article lists 50 quick tips on things you can do to make your web site more successful. Of course you
may not be able to do them all, and I'm sure there were more I could have squeezed in there, but these 50
will send you down the right path....
"Wolves in Distributors' Clothing"
By Chris Malta
The Internet is loaded with "distributors". Everyone who has a couple of wooden birdhouses or glass
figurines to sell wants you to think they are a real, live wholesale distributor... They use phrases like
"Buyer's Club" and "Direct To You"...
"Don't Get Taken by a Fake Distributor"
By Chris Malta
When you're a small business starting out on the Internet, or even when you're an established 'Net
business, you NEED drop shippers... Why? Because working with drop shippers eliminates the need for
you to carry expensive inventories...
"Dealing with Backorders"
By Chris Malta
If you're selling on the Internet, there are going to be backorders... I have just finished dealing with a
backorder situation, and steam is still rising from my ears...It's not the supplier that I'm upset with. It's the
customer. (66 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:31 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Home business training from Home Business Mastery - How to Develop a power-house home business strategy, and
immediately create wealth with magic training hints tips and secret strategies! Visit the
Home Business Mastery Website Here.
Showing Up
By Ed Hirsch
Much can be said for "reaping what you sow." Preparation is hard work. It requires undying effort when
change is desired in your life. I, myself, personally, become both mentally and emotionally exhausted just
thinking about it.
It All Begins With A Dream (or just a strong desire for a Nap)
By Rox Sailors
When you are tired of working for someone else, follow your own dream, you CAN make it come true.
10 Reasons Why I Know That You Will Fail in Network Marketing
By Gary Vurnum
Do you know why you will never make any money at Network Marketing? I do. So should you...because if
you don't change you're never going to succeed.
Do You Know that You Have a Marketable Skill?
By Teresa King
Did you know that since you have been learning skills on the net, that you have been learning web skills
while getting your own business set up?
Teachers – Are you protected? – An editorial from a Science Teacher
By W. Tony Dean
This article discusses the vital need that educators have for legal assistance however, with the salaries that
teachers receive this need is often out of reach of educators when they most need it. (67 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:31 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
How to retire 10 to 15 years sooner than you normally would.
By Laurette Trudeau
Article is destined for those people who want to retire 10 to 15 years sooner than they normally would.
Sometimes in as little as 5 years depending on wether or not they have a business. The eCourse described
in the article is available online.
Writing Business Letters That Get The Job Done
By Shaun Fawcett
Despite the widespread use of e-mail in commerce today, traditional business letters are still the main way
that the majority of businesses officially communicate with their customers and other businesses. Here's
how to write them.
Back to Contents
Home Business Ideas and Tips
Go Vertical Or Bust!
By Harry Fassett
Niche marketing: A must for the "little guy" online.
The Building Blocks of Successful E-Business
By Darrell Finkeldei
Building an online business is a lot like a mason building a block wall. Lay the blocks on sand using bad
mortar and the wall will crumble and eventually fall. (68 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:31 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Finding Hidden Opportunities Through Every Day Research
By Darrell Finkeldei
Almost everyone uses the Internet to search for information. After all, that's what the Web is...a gigantic sea
of information. Is it possible that you have uncovered a new Internet opportunity through your everyday
Starting an Ebiz: What Should I Do First?
By Darrell Finkeldei
Earning income on the Internet is NOT rocket science. Anyone who has a great enough desire can do it.
And your success isn't dependent on skills you already have.
Work at Home Business Ideas
By J. Stephen Pope
Here are some excellent businesses that you can start, operate and grow from your home. All these work
at home businesses have the following desirable features: **Low Startup Costs **Ease of Entry **High
Income Potential **Home Based and Operated...
Rearrange Your Affairs For Maximum Tax Savings
By J. Stephen Pope
One way to maximize your business profits is by reducing your taxes. Frequently, income and other taxes
could be lowered significantly if only the taxpayer were willing to plan ahead. By taking some simple steps
to rearrange your affairs, you...
Starting an E-biz: Invest In Yourself And Your Knowledge
By Darrell Finkeldei
As you get started in your own Internet business you will have expenses. Outside of the costs to operate
your business, you should also be making regular investments in yourself. (69 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:31 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
There's Nothing Magic About the Internet
By Darrell Finkeldei
As exciting and full of possibilities as it is, there is nothing magic about the Internet. Putting a business on
the Internet does not magically make it successful.
7 Stars of Online Success
By Irena Whitfield
The Article shows the 7 most important items necessary to get right if you are really determined to succeed
in your online home business.
Another Secret To Success
By Irena Whitfield
The Article shows how to behave to make the most of all the opportunities the Internet offers us, to become
successful not wasting time uselessly.
So You Want To Do Business On The Internet, Do You?
By Anna Kathryn Bir
Just an article giving tips on building a home business on the Internet.
What Is Drop Shipping?
By Chris Malta
To understand Drop Shipping, we should first understand product distribution... For our purposes, there are
two kinds of retailer. There is the retailer who stocks products, and... the stockless retailer. Drop Shipping
means that you become a stockless retailer... (70 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:31 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
The Fastest Way To Grow A Small Manufacturing Business
By J.F. (Jim) Straw
When most small manufacturing businesses start-up, they concentrate their sales efforts on the known
markets here in the U.S... overlooking the larger, more profitable, markets outside this country... Most small
manufacturers who do investigate... exporting... GIVE UP...
International Mailorder
By J.F. (Jim) Straw
Believe it or don't... MOST export sales are still accomplished by direct marketing (mailorder) methods...
Think about it! - Most companies that export their products do not maintain offices in other countries. They
do not hire and employ sales people...
Productivity And Your Business
By Bob McElwain
Productivity means different things to different people. When big business uses the term, it often means
laying people off and cutting down on their offerings. The customers they lose in the process can be the
basis for your successful business. Particularly if you define productivity as a small business should.
Fear Can Destroy Your Business
By Bob McElwain
To the living things about you, growth is essential to survival. When growth ceases, decline begins. Your
business faces this same reality. It must either continue to grow, else begin to wither and ultimately die.
Your First Mission Statement
By Wild Bill
To start building your very first Mission Statement, you will need to answer three questions: 1) Who is your
target market? 2) What does your target market want and need? 3) How can you fulfill these wants and
needs? (71 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:31 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
So You Want to Work From Home?
By Kathryn Laskowski
Whether you are telecommuting, freelancing, or running a business, working from home has some needs
common to all.
Popular Business Misconceptions Cost You Money!
By J. Stephen Pope
Faulty information costs you money! Which of these popular business misconceptions do you believe?...
Popular Misconception #2:..."Writing My Hobby Off As A Business Loss Saves Me A Lot Of Income Tax!" Is
Your Hobby A Tax Write-Off?...
How to Develop Multiple Streams of $100,000+ Home Business Income
By Kevin Donlin
The one sure way to recession-proof your home business is to think "multiple," as in multiple streams of
income. You need more than one product/service to sell, and you need more than one source of new
Business Financing: To Be or Not To Be!
By J.F. (Jim) Straw
Over the years, there have been literally thousands of reports, articles, monographs, books, booklets, and
courses written on the subject of "business financing." - Some are tomes of great wisdom... Others are
90% hype; offering the reader false hope...
"The Wholesale Misconception"
By Chris Malta
One thing that's constantly misunderstood by people trying to run a home business on the Internet is the
word "Wholesale"... Some people think that working with a real wholesale supplier means that they will
magically be able to sell products... (72 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:31 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Summer Slowdowns In Media Newsrooms Should Heat Up Your Efforts To Get Free
By Ian Edwards
If you understand how positive news stories can contribute to positive business performance, then you
know the summer period offers a unique media relations opportunity to increase your coverage. Here’s
what you need to formulate a headline-generating PR strategy.
The Secrets Of Prospecting, Follow Up, And Success
By Dr. Roberto Bonomi
Every person that starts a home business goes through 4 different stages. When and if that person reaches
the 4th stage he will be working full time in the business, and will be having the residual income that most
people dream about.
Mailing List Broking
By Cedric Kithima
This article clearly outlines the massive potential for profits contained in Renting out mailing lists. Learn
step by step how to create, run and profit from a successful model for mail brokerage.
Start A Part-Time Business
By Polly Hummingbird
Turn your education or skills into a profitable business.
10 Secrets For Writing Killer Complaint Letters
By Shaun Fawcett
Complaint letters sometimes need to be written. Often, if people don't complain, the problem agency at fault
won't know that the problem that you and others may have experienced even exists. Here's how to write
winning complaints.
Back to Contents (73 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:31 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Home Office and Home Business Organizing
Setting Up Your Folders to Keep Your Promotions Organized
By Tracie Johansen
Do you find yourself spending more time trying to find your files than promoting your site? The first thing
you will want to do is set-up your folders to keep your marketing organized and easy to find any files you
need quickly.
If I File It, Will I Find It Again.
By Carol Halsey
An effective filing system is essential to paper management. Save time when you know you can retrieve a
document in 20 seconds or less.
The Difference Between The Important, The Urgent and The Unnecessary
By Carol Halsey
How you use your time reflects the way you live your life. Know that you are doing what is important to get
you where you want to go, both personally and professionally.
Prioritizing Your Day To Accomplish More
By Carol Halsey
Prioritizing tasks is a very important function of being organized. It's easy to complete 25 to 30 tasks a
week without any stress, and still have time for the unexpected events that inevitably occur. (74 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:31 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Quiet Time - Not Only Is It Possible, It's Essential To Succeed
By Carol Halsey
If you do not take quiet time, you are missing on one of the greatest techniques of time management. It is a
very important tool of being organized, and is your most productive time of the day.
The Simple Steps To Reaching Your Goals
By Carol Halsey
Consider this your road map to get you where you want to go, in life and in your career. Otherwise you
could end up anywhere. Take time to plan your life, your career, your business, and you will get there.
Simple Tips To Relieve Stress In Your Work Day
By Carol Halsey
These methods and techniques are simple, easy to learn and are guaranteed to work, making your job will
be a whole lot easier. You will also notice that you are less stressed.
The First Step To Being Organized. Without This Nothing Else Matters
By Carol Halsey
Successful high level executives have mastered the techniques that simplify their lives and make their work
more efficient. Learn what they are. The key is the first step.
To Your Credit
By June Campbell
A business consultant (and former credit manager) offers tips for developing a credit policy that will help
protect you from business losses.
Tips for Designing a Home Office
By June Campbell
Tips for designing an effective and comfortable home office. (75 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:31 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
How To Organize And Save Your Marketing Data Accurately..
By Detlev Reimer
The article deals with the subject of organizing and saving marketing data. Without a concise system, most
people won't be able to find their relevant marketing data like logins, referral links, startpage program links
and bookmarks.
Don't Get Bit by the Clutterbug!
By Maria Gracia
It starts off as small as a sticky note. Soon, it's a pile of stuff. Then, just when you least expect it, you
discover that the clutterbug is running amuck, all over your home and office.
You've Got To Be Joking!
By Michael Hopkins
Find out why two hours spent clearing space on my hard disk, resulted in over 100 extra visitors every day!
A Greener Office - 12 Easy Things You Can Do and Save on Office Expenses
By Fiona Heares
Make your place of work more environmentally friendly by taking action to help reduce office wastage and
saving money!
Back to Contents
Internet Marketing (76 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:31 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Net Auction Masters Course
The Net Auction Masters... an intensive 5-Day e-mail course on how to join the Net Auction Game and
WIN! Start and grow a profitable Net auction business.
"Just IN TIME Marketing"
By Harry Fassett
Market like the Gurus do with "Just In Time Marketing" tactics.
The Lemonade Stand Mentality On The Net
By Harry Fassett
Getting started with your very own online business.
Repetition, The Key To Making More Sales
By Donald Goss
You have a web site with decent traffic. You advertise your offer in ezines. You have ads on a ton of free
classified sites. But you still aren't making many sales. Does this sound like you? If it does, you may be
missing one small, but important piece of the puzzle.
How To Grow Your Business In An Economic Slowdown
By Bob Leduc
Bad economic news doesn't have to be bad news for your small business. Your business can thrive and
grow in a slowing economy if you make it recession-proof. Here are 3 things you can do immediately to
start recession-proofing your business.
Easy Marketing Secrets!
By Joe Vitale
You'll get a free 5-day course on "Easy Marketing Secrets" that anyone in business can use to promote any
business. Each secret is simple, easy, and costs little or no money. This course has been called "the most
amazing tool" and "surprisingly useful." (77 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:31 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Top Web Business/Success Builders e-seminar
By Sherry Gordon
Need help devising an -effective- web-marketing strategy that works for -you-? This 6-day e-seminar can
save you time, money, and aggravation by cutting out the time-wasters. From the perspective of the small
(especially the frugal “bootstrapping”) web business.
The Lure of the Internet
By Art Luff
There are No Free Lunches here. Your success is gauged on how much time, effort, determination and
education you've applied.
There's Gold in Them Thar Hills
By Art Luff
Looking back on almost three years of internet marketing I have to smile at my own naivete and what I
thought it would take to become wealthy on the World Wide Web. I was, however, convinced this would be
the vehicle to take me there.
Pioneers? or Dreamers?
By Art Luff
We as Internet Marketers are not dreamers. We are not lazy. There isn't anything wrong with us. Above all
else I don't Need to Go Get a J.O.B. We are real people with Hopes, Dreams and Aspirations. We have
embarked on a Journey that few will ever experience.
How to Make Your Own Tracking Links
By Tracie Johansen
Finally keep track of all your affiliate programs. Learn how to use a simple HTML code to make
your own redirect pages. You can use it for pages on your site, affiliate programs or redirect people
to your other sites. (78 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:31 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Tips for Getting Awards for Your Site
By Tracie Johansen
Winning Web Site Awards can bring increased recognition and the Traffic that goes along with it. Before
you submit your site for awards be sure, it is ready. Here is a checklist you will need to get ready:
Promote YOUR Site Every Day!
By Irena Whitfield
The Article stresses the necessity of business promotion, shows easy steps to make it right to achieve the
right results.
"How to Market Your Free Articles with No Money"
By David McKenzie
3 ways to market your free articles without spending any money.
How I got my Article Read by 500,000 Subscribers!
By David McKenzie
A description of how to get thousands of people reading your articles.
Developing a Web Site Marketing Plan; Based on "How Much for Just the Spider?"
By Bobette Kyle
Without a marketing plan, you risk becoming unfocused inyour marketing and are only guessing what might
be best for your business. This article discusses the difference between objective, strategies, and tactics
and includes marketing planning resources.
Your Web Site's Objective; Based on "How Much for Just the Spider"
By Bobette Kyle
Do you know your Web site's objective? With an objective to help overcome your main challenges, you can
work smarter,not harder. Discover how you can consider business building models and customer stages
when setting objectives. (79 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:31 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Choosing Tactics for Your Web Site Marketing Plan; Based on "How Much for Just
the Spider?"
By Bobette Kyle
Improve results by strategically choosing tactics for your plan. Discover how to use the Four P's,
positioning, and targeting to your advantage.
Strategies for Your Web Site Marketing Plan; Based on "How Much for Just the
By Bobette Kyle
How strong are your Web site strategies? Do they move yourbusiness toward achieving your objectives or
overall goals? Learn to strengthen your strategies through Porter's Five Forces and SWOT analysis.
Getting Ready for your Media Interview
By June Campbell
Lucky you! You've been invited to give a media interview. The article offers tips for presenting yourself well
and getting your main message across without a hitch.
Don't Gimme No Solutions
By June Campbell
Are you as tired and as confused by marketing hype as I am? This humorous "rant" complains about the
use of techno-jargon in marketing materials.
Make a Postcard From Your Web Site
By June Campbell
Interested in marketing your web site offline? Make a postcard using your home page and send it out.
I Couldn't Live Without It
By June Campbell
Here's a tongue-in-cheek commentary on all those wonderful testimonials you see on the Net. (80 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:31 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
7 Reasons why it is so hard to REALLY spread the Word of Success
By Ina Bliss
People live in their heads, their perceptions. Even if they witness miracles, their inferior perceptions fool
10 Ways To Get Your Share of the Mature
By Joanne Fritz
The 50+ population controls $7 trillion in wealth and is 30% more likely to purchase products online than
younger users. Yet, internet marketers often miss this rich market.
Power Charge Your Sales To Baby Boomers By Segmenting This Huge Group
By Joanne Fritz
Use the “cohort” principle to segment the Baby Boomers. The generation covers 17 years, from 1946 to
1963. Depending on when baby boomers were born, there are specific external influences that shaped
Choosing Products for your Website
By Windsong
In determining what to sell on your website, you have several options and their variations available to you.
You could sell your own product, or you could sell someone else's product. You could sell just one product,
or you could sell many. Each of these options has both advantages and disadvantages.
A Primer for Newbie Online Marketers
By Windsong
I was just sitting here contemplating downlines. I have learned a lot about people since I began my
ventures in online marketing. (81 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:31 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
MLM - the route to a fortune?
By Tony Murtagh
Now to be honest, I am not a great fan of MLM. Partly because I am old and cynical, and partly because
when I was young and innocent (many years ago) I got involved in a Pyramid selling scheme and ended up
with crates of engine oil additive in my father's garage, and a large hole in my bank balance!
Expect to Succeed!
By Teresa King
Growing up for most people is hard. You learn from your past; each of us has had pain thrown at us by
inconsiderate others. Or, by well meaning others, who didn't know better.
What are You Doing to Snag Your Visitor's Email?
By Teresa King
When you are ready to do business, you just can't rely on sending a person to your site once and expect a
sale. The person comes, looks around, and disappears.
Seven Simple Solutions to Success are not Secrets
By Teresa King
Marketing on the net is one of the most rewarding challenges that you can ask for. Many people don't
succeed. Are you one of the people that just can't seem to make it happen?
How to Maximize Mini Sites for Easier Profit
By Teresa King
Have you ever heard in marketing, it doesn't matter what you sell; it only matters how you package it?
Without a Headline - You have Nothing
By Teresa King
There are several words that are important in net marketing. The rules are not to benefit you the seller, but
the buyer. The words must benefit the buyer if you want them to come to your site. (82 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:31 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Do You Yahoo?
By Samuel Negron
A Few Steps To Ensure Your Privacy With Yahoo!
You And Amazon.Com
By Bob McElwain
To the degree your site reflects major mistakes made at Amazon.Com, your business is at risk, just as is
their's. Niche marketing is what it's all about. Amazon succeeded in this big time. Then forgot the rules.
Have you made the same or a similar mistake?
What Is The Right Voice For You?
By Bob McElwain
One effective way to target is by age group. Even within such a group, however, it may help to define a subtarget. Then direct everything you say or write to this specific target in the appropriate "voice."
WalMart And The Rules
By Bob McElwain
Building a website that works well, is not as easy to do as some believe. The secret to success lies in
knowing the rules, and in following them. Making your own leads only to a failed business. That its demise
can be delayed does not change the final outcome.
Can A Single Product Site Make It?
By Bob McElwain
While there are exceptions, a site which sells only one product is unlikely to produce a livable income.
Why? Because it costs a good deal to generate a sale, and all such costs must be deducted from the net.
The better plan is to distribute this cost over many sales of related products. (83 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:31 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Forum Etiquette
By Tracie Johansen
Posting to forums is one of the best ways to network on the Internet. Be sure to join as many as you can.
I've had as many as 45 hits in one week just from one!
Image Is Everything - Almost
By Bob McElwain
Say that image is everything, and you'll find it difficult to support the claim. For we all know it's not so. Still it
matters far more than some believe.
Build Your Own Demographics
By Bob McElwain
While not easy to do, you can learn a good deal about your visitors and subscribers. Here are some
suggestions for doing so. The key lies in listening with care to every scrap of input you can gather.
Niche Finding Made Easy
By Bob McElwain
Niche marketing is the only way to go. Find the right niche, one that is sufficiently narrow and you can beat
the big guys at their own game.
What's In A (Domain) Name?
By Sibyl McLendon
Tips and tricks (and pitfalls!) to choosing the right domain name for your business. (84 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:31 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Your Niche In The World
By Wild Bill
To have a "real" edge over your competitors you must know your market, who's going to buy your product
and the strategy you will use to get them to do so. You have to know what business you are in and what
product you sell. This sounds rudimentary, but all to often it is not. This my friend will be your Niche In The
Top 7 (or so) Questions to Ask Yourself When Building Your Marketing Plan!
By Wild Bill
Building a proper marketing plan will provide you with the foundation you need to succeed in your business.
To build a successful marketing plan, you must ask and answer the right questions. I wrote this article to
invoke thought, consideration and reasoning. Instead of supplying you with information, I am going to ask
you to offer it up for yourself!
Marketing Your Articles and Newsletters!
By Wild Bill
Our higher learning institutions should have specialized courses just for marketing on the Internet, if not
ezine publishing alone. What I wanted to do here is make a small list of tips, tricks and url's to help you
along the way.
Have You Made Your "Strategy Theme Sheet" ?
By WildBill
A "Strategy Theme Sheet" is a self made work-sheet document which helps you identify the basis and
theme of your advertising upon which you expect consumers to purchase your product in preference to
your competition.
The 7 Sins of Marketing
By Wild Bill
During my years in marketing and sales, I have studied the pros and cons of many-a-marketing program.
What I would like to do here is give you a check list of the 7 most common sins in marketing. What about
you? How many of the these marketing sins apply to you? (85 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:31 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Are There Really Shortcuts To Internet Marketing Success?
By Detlev Reimer
The article is about desire of many new marketers to earn lots of money in a very short time without even
learning the basics of Internet marketing.
Laying The Foundations Of Internet Marketing Success
By Detlev Reimer
The article describes the personal abilities an Internet marketer should have to become successful. It also
gives the most important steps which are needed to sell your products.
The 25 Deadly Sins For Your Internet Marketing Website
By Detlev Reimer
The article tells you what should be avoided when creating a website. Especially those sites which want to
sell products should not make those mentioned mistakes.
Truly Evil Marketing
By Randolph Fabian Directo
Media Marketing works from the perspective of human frailty learn how to take advantage of the weakwilled masses with Truly Evil Marketing.
Oh God, Where Is My Autopilot?
By Kathryn Laskowski
Tongue-in-cheek diatribe on the perils of running an internet business.
Attract Book Buyers-Create your Home Page With Marketing Pizzazz
By Judy Cullins
Avoid the "ho-hum" approach of jusut listing what you offer. Use "passion approved" entertaining,
educating, and leading your visitors to products and services. (86 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:31 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Do This One Thing to Create a Powerful Product-Selling Web Site
By Judy Cullins
You have 10 seconds to impress your visitors. Spend time planning your Web site. Before you invest in
uploading, make sure you have your preferred audience so all your headings contain benefits for them.
Are You Using The Four Letter Word?
By Michael Hopkins
The most powerful word in the marketing dictionary is made up of just four letters...are you using it
effectively to grow your business?
How Did You Get Here?
By MichaelHopkins
When marketing your website, it's important to know which of your efforts are producing results and which
of them are a waste of time. This article explains how to do it for FREE!
Real Live Niche In Action!
By Mary Holzrichter
Define your niche - the narrower the better.
Return Traffic
By Dr. Roberto Bonomi
The secret of a web site's success is just traffic, and a site cannot become truly popular unless it appeals
the new users so much, that they decide to come back again, this is what I call return traffic.
Generate More Income by Identifying Your Target Market
By Sue Barrett
Knowing your Target Audience will minimize the risks of doing business. It will uncover and identify
potential problems. This 1 simple step can save you LOTS of time and money. Here are tools that will help
you do it. (87 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:31 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Differentiate Your Business: Gain a Competitive Advantage
By Sue Barrett
With business comes competition. It’s not enough to demonstrate that you can deliver what the customer
wants. You want to look beyond what everyone else is doing. Here's how.
Tips for Increasing Sales on Your Web Site
By Marc & Terry Goldman
How to setup and run an active marketing campaign that will achieve a nonstop, predictable stream of
leads and orders.
Your 8 Point Marketing Plan for the Future
By Marc & Terry Goldman
Are you using outdated marketing techniques? Is your focus still on making one time sales? Is your sole
method of communication email? Do you know if you are spending your advertising dollars wisely? Find out
what you should be doing.
ebusiness is WAR!
By Cedric Kithima
The real secret to Internet Marketing, find out what the people making real money on the Internet know.
Find out the secret to what's holding you back from making those riches and also find out the secret con
that is making other marketers richer, but at no benefit to you.
Increase your Response Rate Automatically
By James Steven Humphrey
You're getting traffic. People are reading your ads and clicking through to your site. Why aren't more of
them buying from you? I have some answers that may surprise you. (88 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:31 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Internet Success - Is it Only a Dream
By Raymond Johnston Jr.
This article takes a look at some of the things that you must do to become successful in the Internet
Marketing arena.
Failure Is Temporary
By Raymond Johnston Jr.
It may go against everything you ever believed but failure is not the enemy.
6 Tips For Business Success
By Raymond Johnston Jr.
Here's six tips that can help you become more successful in the marketing world.
Do You Have What It Takes to "Make It" on the Internet
By Amy Koullapis
Do you have the traits necessary to pursue working from home using the Internet? Find out now!
Burn Rate = ZERO
By Robert Smith
The term "burn rate" was conceived in order to determine how long a dot com could keep it's doors open
without earning any profit before running out of cash. Worse, many of these self proclaimed experts have
tried to teach the rest of us how to market on-line.
Start Swimming Or Sink Like A Stone
By Robert Smith
Over 90% of these self-proclaimed EXPERTS are not making money. Just years ago you could play follow
the leader on-line successfully. In today's Internet you want to become the leader. (89 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:31 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
10 Timeless Ways To Market Your Business On-Line
By Robert Smith
Internet marketing works a lot like off-line marketing, the difference is that the costs to market and follow-up
on-line can be much less than conventional marketing. On-line you can reach more prospective customers
for a lot less money.
Do You Sell a Necessity or a Luxury?
By Kevin Nunley
Products and services are a mixed bag. Some are downright necessities. If my toilet explodes, I need a
plumber. If your child wakes up with a high fever, you need a doctor. Raging termites, aching teeth, and
lawsuits also require services that are necessities.
How To Correct Common Marketing Mistakes
By Kevin Nunley
A well-tuned marketing campaign is a beautiful thing. Your advertising not only connects with just the right
prospects, but it seems everyone is talking about you, your product, or service.
What Is Your Marketing Telling You?
By Kevin Nunley
Marketing is an essential part of building a profitable business. Even if your customers come entirely from
one customer telling another, your sales go nowhere unless you have a way to get the word out.
Why every Internet business should have its own product
By Sunil Tanna
A fairly standard piece of advice you'll find on marketing web sites is that Internet entrepreneurs must have
their own product because "you get to keep most of the profit". (90 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:31 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Not All Links Are Created Equal
By Sunil Tanna
Every wise webmaster knows the more links you have to your site, the more traffic you'll get - so increasing
the number of links to his site, really is a webmaster's number one promotional priority.
Back to Contents
Joint Venture
How to Make Your Own Tracking Links
By Tracie Johansen
Finally keep track of all your affiliate programs. Learn how to use a simple HTML code to make
your own redirect pages. You can use it for pages on your site, affiliate programs or redirect people
to your other sites.
How to Find Joint Venture Marketing Partners
By Sherry Gordon
So you have some joint venture ideas... But how to get in touch with people who might like to help you put
them into action? Some help with pinpointing prospective JV partners - or clients, if you’ll be a broker.
What to Look for In Fusion (JV) Marketing Partners
By Sherry Gordon
You may know how and where to find them… But what -qualities- should you look for in joint venture
marketing partners? …An explanation of the ideal business or individual to work with (and when something
else might do). (91 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:31 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
The Power Of Reciprocal Links
By Detlev Reimer
The article explains why establishing reciprocal links is an important factor for getting traffic. If done
correctly, you'll profit from them over and over again and you increase your link popularity at the search
Joint Venture - a different approach
By Milos Novakovic
In this article you can read how you can swap eBooks or some services for ezines Classified and Solo Ads.
Get FREE advertising.
The Most Powerful Marketing Method Ever Invented
By Marc & Terry Goldman
Discover one of the quickest and smartest ways to make money both on and off the web: Joint Venture
Marketing. Learn how to setup JV's, find potential partners and make money from brokering JV deals.
Back to Contents
Love and Personal Relationships
Give the Gift of Love to the ones you love!
By Tracie Johansen
As we get busy with our everyday lives we tend to neglect the people we care most for. Give your partner
the best gift ever... Love Them and Spend Time With Them. Here are 20 ways to show your love. (92 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:31 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Accepting Ourselves and Others
By Robert Elias Najemy
Love is the ultimate healing energy. We lack giving and receiving love. We can learn to love ourselves and
others through understanding.
Relationships and Life's Lessons
By Robert Elias Najemy
When we do not get what we want from our relationships, we often feel hurt, abused, rejected,
disappointed, bitter and angry. We then have a choice to remain in our negativity or seek to use this as an
opportunity for learning.
Differing Sexual Needs
By Robert Elias Najemy
Naturally love partners as some point have differing sexual needs. This can often lead to
misunderstandings and negative feelings. What lessons might we have here?
What is Love?
By Robert Elias Najemy
We often confuse love with attachment, believing that love causes pain and makes us vulnerable. True love
can create only happiness. Attachment usually creates suffering.
Fear that He is Having an Affair
By Robert Elias Najemy
Many fear that their loved one might be interested in others. What might we learn from such a siutation.
By Robert Elias Najemy
This is a life story about a couple and what they might need to learn in order to overcome jealousy. (93 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:31 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Purifying Gold - Love
By Robert Elias Najemy
Our love is like gold which comes from the earth. It has many impurities which need to be purified by the
fire of relationships.
Dealing With Aloofs
By Robert Elias Najemy
How to communicate with closed and distant persons.
Create a Harmonious Relationship
By Robert Elias Najemy
Basic guidelines for creating a more harmonious relationship.
Dealing with Interrogators
By Robert Elias Najemy
Guidelines for dealing with critical persons.
Why Your Needs Do Not Get Met
By Robert Elias Najemy
An analysis concerning why our needs are often not met and what we can do about it.
Women’s Complaints about Men and Men’s Complaints about Women
By Robert Elias Najemy
What many years of seminars have shown are the main complaints each sex has towards the other and
what we can do about it. (94 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:31 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Dealing with Intimidators
By Robert Elias Najemy
Guidelines for dealing with persons who tend to be aggressive and intimidating.
Understanding the Sexes
By Robert Elias Najemy
An analysis of some of the differences in the way men and women perceive reality and react towards it.
What We Can Learn from the Death of a Loved One
By Robert Elias Najemy
Losing a loved one is life's greatest pain, challenge and opportunity for self-knowledge and growth.
Learning From a Relationship Breakdown
By Robert Elias Najemy
What lessons can we learn from a relationship breakdown so that we do not repeat them?
Relationship Basic 3: Connecting Mind, Body & Spirit
By L.H. Dalton
Chicago author invites men & women to share views on sex, love and relationships for a new book
currently in development. This article explores intimacy myths and seeks participation in online survey to be
included in the book.
12 Tips To Improve Your Relationships
By Kathy Thompson
Can you use some help with your relationships? These 12 unique tips will work wonders. Your partner
won't even realize what is going on? (95 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:31 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
The DUMPED! Breakup Survival Guide
By Lisa Daily
Maybe you knew it was coming. Maybe you didn't. You've been dumped. So, other than moping around in
your pajamas, spending quality time with Ben & Jerry, what can you do?
Dream Girl Dating Strategies: Use Feng Shui To Kick Start Your Love Life!
By Lisa Daily
Can rearranging your furniture really help you to find and keep "The One?" Can storing your underwear in
the Tupperware drawer really heat up your love life?
Dream Girl Nightmares: Why Good Girls Love Bad Boys.
By Lisa Daily
We whine about the lack of nice available guys, and then, when given the choice between a nice, sweet
(safe) guy and a bad boy who makes our toes curl, we invariably go for the heartbreak-waiting-to-happen.
Blind Dates And Other Adventures
By Lisa Daily
Every one of us has had to endure a date from hell (or *yikes* the local Star Trek chapter ...) The good
news is, there's somebody out there who is (almost) completely normal just for you.
A Disciple (What is it?)
By Ed Hirsch
A willingness to learn, communication back and forth with adult to adult conversation. Broken
communication patterns indicate the beginning of a declining and failing relationship. Once animosity starts,
it always continues to increase, unless serious two-way reconciliation takes place. (96 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:31 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
The Odd Couple: In Business and in Love
By June Campbell
What do you do if you're an organized neanik and your business partner/spouse is disorganized and
messy? Tips for appreciating the difference and making it work.
Sincere Trust
By Ed Hirsch
The Chief thing I look for in relationships is trust. Business and Personal alike, when trust becomes an
issue, my tendency is to back out of the effort.
The Compounding Effect of Selfishness
By Gary Vurnum
Five-year-old Katie threw a coin into the fountain. "What did you wish for?" I asked her "I wished that my
brother would be at home instead of hospital" she said.
Soul Mate - a pain in the neck
By Nisandeh Neta
One of the major myths we were led to believe in, since the 12th century, is the myth of romantic love.
Choose a Life Mate, not a Soul Mate
By Vered Neta
Instead of using what we have - the ability to love and the free will to choose, we leave our romantic lives
up to 'fate'.
Back to Contents (97 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:31 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
MLM and Network Marketing
Multiplying Profits by Networking What You Sell
By HarryFassett
Networking your way to profits.
Seven Keys to Effective MLM Online Prospecting
By Darrell Finkeldei
As a seven year student of Network Marketing I've had great success with online prospecting. After more
than two years of trial and error I've come up with seven key points that'll make your prospecting efforts
more effective.
Putting Your Game Plan Together
By Lois R. Thompson
This article will help to provide tips on how to effectively plan and structure ones goals for short term
through long term accomplishment.
Getting Priorities Straight
By Lois R. Thompson
This article will help to provide tips on how to effectively position one's self for success, through prioritizing
and goal setting. (98 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:31 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Tapping Into Your Full Potential
By Lois R. Thompson
This article deals with the development of leadership skills to effectively building of one's MLM/Affiliate
The Power Of ONE...A Marketer`s Dream
By Lois R. Thompson
This article teaches how to apply the simple principle of Duplication to quickly build a large network
organization. The principles found here are applicable to any type of business venture, although focused
toward MLM and Affiliate marketing.
It Takes Relationships NOT Sales
By Lois R. Thompson
This article addresses the importance of establishing integrity, through relationship building, for effective
and successful prospecting in MLM online.
Who Is REALLY The Boss Here?
By Lois R. Thompson
This article deals with building a positive, sustainable attitude toward your business and it's success,
through the improvement of one's thought life. This is a content-rich article which I believe will be
enlightening and beneficial.
The Wealthy Have Been Doing It...So Should You
By Lois R. Thompson
This article deals with the principle of Duplication and Diversification for quickly generating multiple income
streams for building wealth. (99 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:31 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Back To Basics - Knowing Your Business
By Lois R. Thompson
This article deals with the importance of knowing one's product and/or service...becoming an expert of their
opportunity before beginning to promote that opportunity.
The Other Side of Prosperity Coaching
By Dr. Houston Vetter
When you think about it most prosperity coachs tell you how to think. They fill you up with gas but usually
don't give you a vehicle to use your gas in. Here is one vehicle you may want to consider.
Can You Handle the Truth?
By Suzanne Miley
The "Truth" about what it takes to achieve success in Network Marketing isn't glamorous, it's downright
boring! Read on to see what I mean.
Why I Chose MLM Over My Own Small Business
By Suzanne Miley
Why reinvent the wheel? Network marketing shortens the learning curve when starting you own business.
Did You Make A Decision or a Commitment?
By Suzanne Miley
Congratulations, you've done the easy part - decided to get involved in Network Marketing. Now, comes the
hard part - making sure you're commited to doing what it takes to succeed.
MLM? Nah, I'll Just Get a Second Job
By Suzanne Miley
Why would anyone want to start their own network marketing business instead of getting a part-time job?
Can you say "residual income"? (100 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:31 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
The 3 "Magic" Questions....
By Samuel Negron
A simple, effective way to "pre-qualify" your prospects.
Work On Closing The Sale!
By Samuel Negron
Stresses the importance of asking for the sale.
Multi-Level Marketing: What it was. What it became. What it is today.
By J.F. (Jim) Straw
To begin with... Multi-Level Distribution Is As Old As Business Itself! If it weren't for the Multi-Level
Distribution of products throughout the world and across this nation, you would have to travel ... to
Switzerland to buy a fine wristwatch ...
How To Discover And Use "The Power Of You!"
By Lee Wise
"The Power of You!" gives you a simple, "hands on" way to discover insights to use in your life or business!
Try it. You will enjoy the process!
Ten Lessons From A Survivor! My First Year As A Network Marketer
By Lee Wise
Lessons from life are some our best teachers. These life lessons from the first year of a network marketer
will encourage people to "hang in there" and serve as reminders to those who have "been around a while!"
Super Sponsor vs. Smart Sponsor
By Tracy Austin
Why the Super Sponsor mentality is becoming a thing of the past in mlm/network marketing. Why what's
replacing it has the power to revitalize the entire mlm industry. (101 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:31 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Follow The Leader
By Tracy Austin
Strong leadership skills are so rare that most people think leadership is for the "rest" of the world. How do
we convince "regular" people, that leadership skills are not out of their reach?
How to Evaluate an MLM
By Judith C. Tovey
This twenty-question survey is based on Steve Carr's definitive rating system, and will help you doyour
homework as you assess various network marketing companies.
Back to Contents
Inspiration and Motivation
If You Really Want To Be Successful...Make A Difference!
By Donald Goss
How would you like to be successful beyond your wildest dreams? Have you been searching for the
seemingly elusive success *secret* and can't seem to put your finger on it? Well, I am here to tell you that
the answer is right under your nose.
Ending Poverty Consciousness
By Jeanie Marshall
"Ending Poverty Consciousness" distinguishes between poverty and poverty consciousness; gives you
practical suggestions for ending these limitations. (102 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:31 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Focus of Our Attention
By Jeanie Marshall
"Focus of Our Attention" helps us to clarify where we desire to put our attention -- our energy -- which is a
creative force.
One Thought at a Time
By Jeanie Marshall
"One Thought at a Time" is a short poem about a simple approach for experiencing greater happiness as a
result of intentional positive thought choices.
"Last Dance"
By Jeanie Marshall
"Last Dance" is a true story about the author's experience while enjoying a social evening, dancing to the
music of a blues band with friends at a local nightclub.
Aligning Goals With Your Values
By Carol Halsey
When your personal and professional goals are not in synch with your values, peace of mind and
happiness are sacrificed. Discover what this means and how to assess your own life.
Building A Career Of Choice
By John Hoover
Let’s face it, most career choices are not choices at all, but people held hostage by paychecks. Most of us
fall into a job; followed by a paycheck, and then become immobilized...
A FREE Gift, Maybe?
By Dr. Houston Vetter
Why Free offers are never free and how do you make something FREE-Valuable? (103 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:31 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Selfishness Is Everything
By Dr. Houston Vetter
Here's a bold statement; behind every behavior is a positive 'self'intention. No behavior can be taken that is
not on some level selfish. Read this article and find out why.
Act Now
By Irena Whitfield
Most people don't succeed on the Net just because they don't do much, they are just lost in all the plans
they would like to put in reality one day. The Article tries to motivate people to act.
"Three Best Things"
By Gary Lockwood
When my sons were very young, I taught them a game. In turn, that game taught me a valuable lesson that
still works for me today. Play the game and you will restore your confidence and your well-being.
Live Your Own Dreams
By Dolores G. Wix
This article explores why we are not encouraged do the work we love and gives a personal experience of a
father and daughter tug-of-war that hopefully teaches parents how important it is to live their own dreams.
The Last Thing I Expected to Get With My Computer
By Dolores G. Wix
The author found something special and unexpected with her computer despite a negative thought she had
and encourages you not to let your negative thoughts or fears prevent you from pursuing opportunities in
both life and business. (104 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:31 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
I'll Have Coffee With The Fried Hard Drive
By Rox Sailors
When it looks like the last straw has broken... look again. Sometimes we feel overwhelmed by
circumstances. We all need to step back, take a look at the big picture, and determine what is really
important, and what can wait until we have had a cup of coffee.
Be Thankful for What You Have Got
By Gary Vurnum
Do you constantly get stressed about what you'd like to have? Maybe you should look at what you HAVE
got first!
The Coins in the Fountain
By Gary Vurnum
It’s not good enough to choose to be successful; you have to decide to never turn back. Then you must act.
Entrepreneurs' Creed
By Venus Ninet'te Wheatley
This article inspires the entrepreneurial spirit and defines how their desires fuel and enhance so many
What Made Them Great
By Venus Ninet'te Wheatley
Inspiring article about the magic of achievement. It speaks to the questions of What Did Make Them Great.
Why does one person strive and arrive so successfully when others fall by the wayside.
Try Another Way
By Venus Ninet'te Wheatley
When all hope seems lost, we discover that just maybe, we can try another way. (105 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:31 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Mental Mapping Your Success
By Venus Ninet'te Wheatley
Doesn't success begin with a thought, a vision, a possibility? In the mental mapping of our minds we set the
floor plan in place to succeed.
Getting Up One More Time
By Venus Ninet'te Wheatley
If you have ever failed and gotten up. Failed again and gotten up, experienced a little success, failed again
and gotten up, you discovered that getting up again and again is the road map to success.
A different Breed
By Venus Ninet'te Wheatley
What is the character of a successful person? It may be that they possess the desires and imagination that
sets them apart from those who see failure as the end...
Get Rich Quick Junkie...
By Venus Ninet'te Wheatley
Sometimes we discover things we never knew existed in an unusual place, through unusual circumstances
and meet with the answers to all we have been searching for.
How Spirituality in the Workplace can create Gray-Haired Revolutionaries
By Joan Marques
A workplace where people have the feeling that they matter; that their family and their feelings are
appreciated; that their thoughts on processes at work are heard and seriously considered, is a workplace
where everyone will want to stay. (106 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:31 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
The Power of Perseverance
By Joan Marques
Perseverance; it is a tiring, self-imposed duty that leads through an ambivalent path, sometimes broad, but
mostly narrow and slippery. The art is to get up every time you fall. Every time.
The Power of Resilience
By Joan Marques
Resilience is a powerful trait that enables us to withstand more than we would ever hold possible. It creates
enough elasticity to yet go another mile, in the meantime getting over wounds we thought would never
The Power of Perception
By Joan Marques
No matter how the phenomenon of perception is defined, we all have our own, and it?s all we have. It?s
our own personal reality. Everything in life, for each of us, depends on our perception.
why do trees, frogs and people exist?
By Tom Horn
Article on the inherently surprising nature of everyday life.
The Hidden Law
By Tom Horn
An article on the fundamental law of existence.
Virus of the Mind
By Tom Horn
An article on the subversive nature of mind viruses. (107 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:31 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Two Fairy Tails reveal the Secret of Life
By Tom Horn
An interpretation of the Red Riding Hood and Goldilocks stories.
The Melting Pot
By Tom Horn
A description of society in the light of an unusual knowledge about the world.
The Folly of Problem Solving
By Tom Horn
We are trained from an early age to solve problems. But is this the right way to approach the world?
The Fate of Public Enemy Number One
By Tom Horn
An explanation of why certain people do bad things.
"Would'a, Could'a, Should'a!"
By Jeff McCall
There are some amazing things waiting to be discovered only by you, but only if you go looking for them.
Remember, "life ain't no rehearsal!" So make the most of the precious time you have on this earth. You
owe it to yourself!
Did You Bring Along Your Brolly?
By Jeff McCall
Do you have enough faith to 'carry your umbrella' even though your associates may have fallen by the
wayside. Certain in the knowledge that good fortune will rain down upon you? (108 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:31 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Hey, no problem man!
By Jeff McCall
There's an important difference between not caring and not been phased by anything. You can't make it in
business unless you do care. You need to care about many things, like your customers and the service you
provide them.
GOYA, Isn't He That Artist Geezer?
By Jeff McCall
There are probably hundreds of thousands of people online who dream of having their own successful
business. But they never ever get round to taking that first real step in making their business a reality.
Success Is Just A Drop In The Ocean
By Jeff McCall
You have a choice. You can achieve success in your personal and business life if you really want to. But
you have to be persistent and stick with it until all the pieces of your own personal jigsaw fit into place.
Who's Afraid Of The Big Bad Wolf?
By Jeff McCall
You may have wandered off the safe path through the Internet business forest, or you may be wary about
setting off in the first place. What's stopping you from continuing? Is there really a Big Bad Wolf waiting to
jump out and finish you off?
Have You Found Your GOOBI?
By Jeff McCall
Many people spend the whole of their lives searching for that elusive secret to their own success. Often the
so-called 'secret' is sitting right under their very nose. (109 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:31 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
You Don't Have To Be A Giant To Bang Your Head On The Ceiling!
By Jeff McCall
Take a look around, right now, this very moment. Everything you see before you, the consumer goods, the
furnishings, the decoration, they all began as a flicker of an idea in someone's imagination.
Making a difference - it is up to you!
By Nisandeh Neta
Making a difference is like throwing a pebble in a pool. The ripples spread from the center to larger and
larger circles of influence. It begins within you.
Doing the work that you love
By Vered Neta
How about taking some time off and instead of complaining about your job, start searching what it is that
you love doing.
The Transparent Revolution
By Jeremy S Gluck
The global village is a digital reality. Modern technology presents us with enormous opportunities that are
not only material but also spiritual. The question now facing mankind is - are we brave enough to fully
harness this potential?
Persevere And Fly!
By Mary Holzrichter
Perseverance is required to succeed. Don't give up! (110 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:31 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Give What You've Got
By Ruth Marlene Friesen
A short piece encouraging you to give what you have, even if you are convinced you have nothing - but
nothing to give. Examples from nature and the Creator show that it's the givers who have a constant supply
of resources.
A Frugal Life of Faith
By Ruth Marlene Friesen
You that you CAN live on a zero income - trusting God to provide. You can do without when you have to but to get the full value out of such sacrifice, you must not complain about your poverty.
How Do You Do Dishes?
By Ruth Marlene Friesen
Does the way you do dishes illustrate your methods of doing business? Watch me do dishes, and see what
it tells you about my methods. This will give you insights about yourself.
Delegate Your Work!
By Ruth Marlene Friesen
Learn this little secret for getting more done; delegate what someone else could do, and spend your time
on things only you can do.
Be a Rebecca; Be a New Broom
By Ruth Marlene Friesen
This explores the Rebecca principle that I live by myself; to always do more than I'm asked for, but I do
have some guidelines to keep you out of trouble when you apply this in your internet business. (111 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:31 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Compassion vs. Sentimentality
By Jenka
Often what passes for compassion is only sentimentality. While compassion is of great benefit,
sentimentality is harmful to all parties concerned. It is both important to know the difference and have the
courage to resist becoming sentimental.
By Lee Wise
Encouragement - we all need it and it is a gift we can all give away! Giving the gift of encouragement helps
us help others become all they can be!
By Lee Wise
The discipline of persistence is a "must" if we are to live lives of excellence! Use this simple story to inspire
you and those you love!
The Wizard Of Marketing
By Steve Clack
Do you have what it takes to be an Internet Marketer? The Wizard Of Marketing is an article to get you
motivated for online success. It will make you think and hopefully get you moving in the right direction.
Small Does Not Mean Invisible!
By Elizabeth Piotrowski
Motivational article. Targeted to those small business owners who may not think they are making a
"Astrologically Correct" Gifts!
By Jan McCracken
Have a great time buying 'just the right gift' for that special someone AND make it "Astrologically Correct"! (112 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:31 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Spring Fever is Good Feng Shui!
By Jan McCracken
Feng Shui tips for Spring! Change your life with Feng Shui! Find the "spirit" of Spring!
Penny Scattering . . . the Joy of!
By Jan McCracken
Don't you just love 'finding' pennies? Well . . . spread a little joy and warm your heart with "penny
scattering" ~ guaranteed to make you smile!
The New Hermit: In Quest of Themselves
By Lionel L. Fisher
Article is excerpted from Lionel Fisher's book, "Celebrating Time Alone: Stories of Splendid Solitude,"
available at and A former journalist, Fisher is the author of two other selfhelp books on writing and working from home.
Back to Contents
Newbies Help
How To Set Up Your Own Website
By Michael LaRocca
A look at the mechanics of setting it up and placing it in the search engines. (113 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:31 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
The Las Vegas Cash Machine
By Harry Fassett
Getting Internet Marketing "Newbies" started on the right track the first time.
Free Tools for Organizing your PC
By Dianne Reuby
I know that file is ... I've just got to find ... erm ... Get your PC organised using these free tools, and you'll
wonder what to do with the time you save!
Discipline And Its Threats On the Net
By Irena Whitfield
The Article tries to show how it is necessary to build discipline if they want to succeed in their online home
business and what should be avoided.
Free vs. Paid On the Net
By Irena Whitfield
In the crazy campaign against everything FREE on the Net, the Article shows what is necessary to buy and
what you can happily use FREE.
Choosing a Domain Name
By Tony Murtagh
The Domain name, basically speaking, is that section of the Web Address, or URL (Uniform Resource
Locator) that you find between the www. and the .com. You can have your own domain name ( TLD - Top
Level Domain) i.e.. or a virtual or secondary domain name i.e.. (114 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:31 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
How To Learn Anything
By Bob McElwain
The mere thought of learning much of anything causes many to toss their glance beseechingly at the
ceiling or sky. This is unfortunate at best. For learning can be fun. Here's one approach that works
beautifully for many.
There's No End To Learning
By Bob McElwain
Reading an article or two about an important topic may help you better understand it. But to master a
subject requires much, much more.
My Opinion Is As Good As Yours!
By Bob McElwain
The Web has inundated us with opinions of all sorts. How do we determine which are most appropriate?
Here are some guidelines for sorting the wheat from the chaff.
Free Success Secrets eBook and 10 Day Marketing Course.
In the next few days, you will receive these free reports...
10 free resources that will improve the way you do business online...and you can start using them
7 keys that every successful web business has in common that can practically guarantee your
32 easy ways to breathe new life into any webpage sales letter.
55 unique ideas for generating instant traffic to your website.
How to purchase hot, turnkey web businesses for less than $20 and then spiral them into your own
information empire. (115 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:31 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Ten Steps To Prepare Yourself for Online Marketing
By Judy Cullins
Still marketing through press releases, in-house networking groups, and talks? If these campaigns have
brought few clients and sales, then you may be ready for your virtual marketing machine, the internet.
Just Getting Your First Web Site Started?
By Jeanine Herrin
Here's a little help for you newbies out there who have just started your first web site or may be thinking
about doing just that!
What Are The Ways For You To Earn Money With Your Web Site
By Yetti Chiu
What are the ways for you to earn money with a web site? Practical hints and tips on how you can earn
money with your own web site.
How to Choose Affiliate Programs?
By Yetti Chiu
What are the factors you should consider when choosing affiliate programs? The key is to ensure the
affiliate programs offer products that meet the needs of your potential customers ...
Secrets of Home Based Business Ideas
By Yetti Chiu
What are the secrets for generating home-based business idea? The key is to think about what you love
and know. What's your Passion? ...
Freedom vs. Security
By Robert Smith
There are basically two kinds of people; those who are motivated by freedom and those who motivated by
security. One has the courage of self-direction; the other is driven by fear. (116 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:31 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Seven Popular Sales Strategies
By Robert Smith
The most effective marketing strategies are often the least understood. This article will consider the seven
most popular selling strategies starting with what I consider to be the most effective.
In Marketing - Don't Play "Follow The Leader"
By Robert Smith
"FIND A MARKET that is easy to reach and then find a need in that market that you can fill. This is the
easiest way to success and almost EVERYONE OVERLOOKS IT".
Successful People Make More Mistakes
By Robert Smith
Successful people make more mistakes, but they are successful because they try more things. Sooner or
later they get something right. They don't win every time, but they end up winners simply because they
don't give up.
Back to Contents
Chocolate - Healthy?
By Laura S. Garrett
When you think of chocolate, do you associate it as a "junk food"? For all you chocolate lovers, this article
may just make your day! Chocolate is not all bad. The saturated fat contained in it is not bad as once
thought and there are actually some plant nutrients in chocolate that act as antioxidants in the body. (117 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:31 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Licking Sugar Addiction
By Elizabeth Bohorquez
Explore the ways to manage the underlying addiction to all addictions...sugar! Utilize self-knowledge,
awareness, meditative & interactive self-hypnotic tools to enhance new lifestyle changes & the practice of
carbohydrate management & high level nutrition.
Fiber Fights Many Evils
By Brigitte Synesael
Fiber has been shown in studies to help reduce the rates of some forms of cancer. Fiber has been found to
lower levels of cholesterol in the blood. Some of the best sources of fiber include...
Fish Can Affect My Health?
By Brigitte Synesael
Omega 3 and omega 6 oils are instrumental in preventing health issues including arthritis, heart disease,
immune system weakness, and attention deficit. Over 2,000 scientific studies have confirmed numerous
health problems associated with Omega-3 deficiencies. Fish can provide these oils.
Has Everybody Heard? It's Time For A Change.
By Brigitte Synesael
Our health is drastically impacted by nutrition. You'll find that almost all health issues are more easily
controlled by adding or eliminating certain foods in our diet. It's time for each of us to make a positive
Balancing Body Chemistry
By Tys Dammeyer
This article is describes how an imbalanced body chemistry can be responsible for weight gain and gives
information on how to lose weight through the use of amino acids, etc. to rebalance the body chemistry. (118 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:31 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
A Little About Cookies . . .
By Jan McCracken
Cookie baking is a 'fine art'! Here are a few hints to help you bake perfect cookies from the heart!
Back to Contents
Online Training
What's That You Say?
By June Campbell
If you don't know your CPM from your CTR, this is the article for you. Internet Jargon defined!
Get The Basics Right
By Bob McElwain
If you're thinking of starting an online business, begin with the basics. It's easy to do, yet many overlook
this fundamental step. Get this right, and all else needed to succeed follows in a straightforward manner.
Your Path To Success
By Bob McElwain
This article shows you how to build any online business you want, just the way you want it, with only pocket
money. It's also an invaluable aid to those who have a site and business now, but are struggling some
because it isn't quite working as it should. (119 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:31 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
One Path To Online Success
By Bob McElwain
There are a lot of paths leading to success; this is but one. However, it may suit your needs precisely, for it
works well for those who start up working only part time.
Building Consumer Confidence
By Bob McElwain
An online business is at a great disadvantage compared to one offline. It lacks a visible physical structure
and there is no way to examine the inventory with ones fingertips. Can this be overcome?
The Many Challenges of Online Learning
By Robin Henry
Discusses the challenges of online learning, how they relate to classroom and other methods of learning.
Are You Guilty Of Being An "Information Overload" Junkie?
By Mary Holzrichter
Many people suffer from information overload on the internet. Here are some steps I used to overcome
Anybody Wanna Buy From "Ol' Shifty Eyes"?
By Mary Holzrichter
How do you know whom to trust on the internet? Here are some tips.
Answering Self-appointed Authorities
By Ruth Marlene Friesen
You may feel intimidated when others more savvy on the net tell you what you have to have or do to
succeed. Don't be, learn from the four small insignificant animals mentioned in the Bible as examples of
success. (120 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:32 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Oh Webmaster, What Have You Got Yourself Into!?
By Ruth Marlene Friesen
People who wander into creating their own websites do not always realize how many related duties are
going to be involved. This is a list to brace you, not to scare you off.
Plotting Your Web Estate
By Ruth Marlene Friesen
Easy how-to steps for someone ready to dare making a very first website. This covers your basic planning
stage, and is geared to save you some trial-and-error time.
The Many Challenges of Online Learning
By Robin Henry
Discusses the challenges of online learning, how they relate to classroom and other methods of learning.
Back to Contents
Organizational Effectiveness
"Centering: Purpose and Phrases for a Group"
By Jeanie Marshall
Suggests ways to talk about how to stressful group participants for more meaningful meetings and other
group experiences. (121 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:32 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Shorten Your Journey to Business and Personal Success
By Judy Cullins
Teleclasses shorten your learning curbe to business success. They are convenientt and save you time and
Back to Contents
The Best Gifts For Your Children "Your Time & Love"
By Tracie Johansen
Your children will not stay young forever. Make their childhood a happy and memorable one. Here are 20
ways to show your children how much you really love them.
You are the child, you are the parent
By Nisandeh Neta
On a spiritual level, you chose your parents and your children and they chose you.You all did it for a
Enlightened parenthood is all about giving
By Vered Neta
Our children are not ours. They are a deposit that we were given to take care of until they can do it
themselves. (122 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:32 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
The Roles of Parent, Savior, Teacher and Super-responsible
By Robert Elias Najemy
We and others often get caught up in the roles of the parent, savior of teacher. This usually causes the
others to behave irresponsibly or in rebellious or self-destructive ways. What can we learn from these
Got Those Empty Nest Blues?
By Jeanine Herrin
Been feeling down since the last of the kids left home?
PRACTICAL PARENTING: How To Cure The Homework Blues
By Leigh Butler
Homework does not have to be a time consuming teeth-wrenching chore for your child. It can actually be
an enjoyable experience. One that he looks forward to each day. As a parent, you can facilitate the
homework process by learning a few tips and tricks.
Are You Setting Your Child Up For Failure?
By Leigh Butler
No matter what the age of your child, as a parent, you should be preparing him for his future. By preparing
him for his future, I mean instilling the values and behaviors in him that will ensure his success as an adult.
Educating Parents On Children & The Internet
By Deanna Ferber
Most of us are aware of the dangers that lurk for children on the internet, such as giving out information or
meeting ‘friends’ from chat rooms, but what other problems should we be aware of? (123 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:32 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Teaching Tolerance
By DeannaFerber
Officials claim that including special needs children in the activities of the general student population, called
'mainstreaming,' is best for these children as they must learn to cope with and function in `society' at some
point. Is this working?
Conquering the Working Parent Battle
By Jodi L. Marvin
Read tips to help ease the stresses of being a working parent.
Communication in Childcare
By Jodi L. Marvin
Learn tips to keep the lines of communication strong between parents and childcare providers to benefit the
most important person - the child!
Quality Time After Daycare
By Jodi L. Marvin
Balancing family and work time is no easy task. Learn some tips to help you maximize your time spent with
your child after working all day!
Childcare Appreciation
By Jodi L. Marvin
A good relationship between parents and childcare providers is important to establish and maintain. Learn
some tips on showing one another appreciation, whether you are the parent or the provider!
Back to Contents (124 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:32 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Publicity, Marketing & Media Coaching
How to get Booked on Oprah!
By Susan Harrow
12 tips, many never revealed before! Discover what it really takes to get on the show and become a media
sensation. Learn to make the most of your appearance on the air--the key to catapulting your business.
10 Secrets to Pitch the Media Like the Pros
By Susan Harrow
Learn to pitch a producer or editor in 20 seconds. Discover a surprising way to position yourself as an
expert. Understand why one paragraph can be more impressive than an entire press kit, and other secrets
of professional publicists.
5 Ways to Handle a Hostile Interviewer
By Susan Harrow
Have you ever wished you could take back your words in a media interview on radio or TV? What about in
a job interview? Learn how to stay cool when the questions get hot--and stick to your message.
5 Secrets Copy-Writing Pros Use to Create Headlines
By Susan Harrow
Become an Internet Millionaire! Wives Who Don't Want Sex. Find out about the only drug that cures
unhappiness. . . . Learn what's so powerful about these statements and how to write your own for pitch
letters, press releases, and products.
Back to Contents (125 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:32 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Relationships in Business
Santa For A Day
By Michael LaRocca
The story of how an 18-year-old was roped into being a restaurant Santa Claus.
Pluck it for the Bucket
By Jeanie Marshall
"Pluck it for the Bucket" describes a process for releasing toxins from the energy field, such as, old
emotional baggage, false beliefs, dysfunctional patterns.
Men are managers; women are leaders
By Joan Marques
Women know that there is a slumbering macho in every man. They feed that if it satisfies him. He can
literally go any way he wants?. as long as it doesn?t interfere with her agenda.
How to build your NETWORKING
By Richard Flink
We only feel lack of relationships when we need them. We pass years of the organizations inside and we
do not perceive the how small is our circle of friendships. Our cycle is restricted to the familiar ones...
Back to Contents (126 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:32 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Religion and Faith
Getting God to Give Gifts
By Ruth Marlene Friesen
Not everybody experiences provisions from God in their business efforts; here's the five key conditions I've
noticed that must be met first. But you could qualify!
Doesn't God Want me Rich?
By Ruth Marlene Friesen
After some serious pondering and reading I've come up with five reasons why God may let many of us
flounder in our online business ventures so that we can't get rich - either quickly or slowly.
The Blind Village and the Elephant
By Robert Elias Najemy
All spiritual systems and religions are describing the same transcendent reality from varying view points.
True Faith
By Robert Elias Najemy
How would we think, feel and act if we had true faith?
What Does It Mean To Be A Christian?
By Robert Elias Najemy
If a person really believed in Christ's teachings how would he or she feel, think and behave? (127 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:32 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
The God Of All Comfort
By Lee Wise
No one. No one can give comfort like God! In any place, at any time and under any circumstances God can
"come through" for you. Why? Because He cares!!
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Sales Tactics, Techniques and Branding
7 High-Powered Selling Tactics To Increase Your Sales
By Bob Leduc
These 7 simple selling tactics are easy to use and highly effective. They will quickly increase your sales
volume and profit -- without increasing your expenses.
5 Selling Tips -- To Increase Your Sales
By Bob Leduc
Each of these 5 selling tips will help you increase your sales. All 5 work for any business. They're effective
for both online and traditional offline marketing. And they won't cost you anything to implement.
Energize Your Sales Copy To Increase Your Sales
By Bob Leduc
Would you like to capture more sales with your web site, sales letters, and other promotional messages? It
may not be as difficult as you think. Here are 5 proven tactics you can apply to energize your sales copy
...and increase your sales volume. (128 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:32 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Get More Sales By Reducing Skepticism And Increasing Desire
By Bob Leduc
A prospective customer's desire to enjoy the benefits produced by your product or service makes them
want to believe everything you tell them. But skepticism makes them reluctant to buy. Here are some
simple techniques you can use to increase desire and reduce skepticism ...and get more sales.
Where The Big Bucks Are
By Bob McElwain
One way to consider sales early in the month is to credit them to monthly costs. Profitability depends upon
generating sales beyond those required to cover such costs. In this light, the value of even a single visitor
takes on a new meaning.
Draw More Customers Without Expanding Your Niche
By Bob McElwain
Broadening your niche by adding more products is always a mistake. And doing so often fails to draw
additional traffic. The better plan is to interrelate with top non-competitive sites. Then share specific
targeted traffic.
In Selling The Sizzle, Don't Forget The Steak
By Bob McElwain
We think in pictures. Since this is so, the images we create in the minds of our visitors matter far more than
some may realize. Here are the basic elements of a website, considered from the point of view of painting
great pictures.
Three 'Stop' Words That Prevent Online Success
By Bob McElwain
Many newcomers to the Web dream of starting an online business. And it's a great idea. However, when
you begin to implement your dream, there are some basics with which you must deal. There's no way
around it; to succeed, you must sell, work, and learn. (129 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:32 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
After You Grab Attention, Tighten Your Grip!
By Bob McElwain
If you can draw a visitor beyond your headline, you have a chance at sustaining his or her interest.
However, you must do so, and do it quickly, else you lose. Here are some sites upon which this did not
I Don't Wanna
By Bob McElwain
We all face chores we choose to avoid. Ignoring fallen leaves in the garden is one thing. Ignoring reasons
for inadequate sales on a website is quite another.
Ride The Service Revolution
By Bob McElwain
Even if you are just getting started, give customer service top priority. If you already have a site, improving
support may be the easiest way to boost your bottom line.
Knock Off The Guru!
By Bob McElwain
When you find that niche that is just right for you, you may find a guru dominating it. Rather than continuing
your search, take a hard, close look. You may find this guru is only a pretender, easily toppled. 1278 words.
Who Do You Want To Sell To?
By Bob McElwain
The key question may not be what to sell, but who to sell to. Working with people you enjoy being with is a
great starting point for building any business. (130 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:32 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Every Sales Call produces a Sales Result Every Time.
By John W. David
A secret of the best, most successful sales professionals is that every sales call they make actually makes
a new sale, advances a new sale, or confirms what the customer actually has now. That's an important
How much Time and Effort spend in Pre-Call Prep will determine your Call Results
By John W. David
Quantity of Sales Calls is always going to be a low grade sales opportunity creator. The real key to
professional sales success is in the amount and quality of your calls. And, that begins with quality of precall prep.
How to cure the common Sales Slump.
By John W. David
Sales Slumps are one of the greatest tragedies of the professional selling process when not properly
identified and handled. Companies and sales people cheat themselves of more than sixty percent of their
potential revenues and incomes and profits right in this one simple to cure area.
Downturn Selling is the most Dynamic Opportunity to Grow Your Sales Career.
By John W. David
Downturns are where more than 98% of your competitors will make most of their tactical and stretegic
selling mistakes. This, then, is your opportunity to grab their markets.
Would you like a neat Professional Sales technique to freeze your competition?
By John W. David
This is a real Pro secret. Even when most people stumble over it, they do it wrong. There is a technique to
the technique. Here it is. (131 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:32 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Do This and They'll Never Complain About Price
By Kevin Donlin
If you're like most home business owners, you're not charging enough for your product or service... home
business owners think they can compete with the bigger, more-established companies simply by charging
less. This is a costly mistake.
Two $100,000+ Home Business Success Tips
By Kevin Donlin
Here are two proven ways to make more money in your home business, by working smarter instead of
harder. They're based on interviews with six wealthy small business owners -- each of whom started from
home --that will show you how...
Building Brand Immunity
By Genece Hamby
What’s really going on in a customer’s mind that causes him to choose one brand over another? It’s not a
chicken or egg relationship. The brand comes first and then the patronage follows. Here's how to building
brand immunity.
Brand Synchronicity
By Genece Hamby
A synchronistic event occurs when we recognize that two or more casually unrelated events resemble each
other and catch our attention. For example, you can be trying to think of someone's name you'd recently
met. Synchronistic events can be a powerful "heads-up."
Neutralize The Unspoken Objections to Increase Your Sales
By Bob Leduc
Neutralize these 3 unspoken objections before you ask your prospects to buy. It will increase the sales you
get from your web pages, sales letters and personal presentations. Here are some proven methods you
can use. (132 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:32 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
3 Easy Ways To Get More Sales
By Bob Leduc
Most successful businesses use these 3 marketing tactics to maximize their sales results. But many other
businesses constantly struggle to get enough sales because they don't know about these tactics -- or don't
use them.
Increase Your Sales With These 5 Buying Stimulators
By Bob Leduc
Use these 5 powerful buying stimulators in your ads, web pages and other sales messages to get more
sales. They produce immediate results without increasing your costs.
Give Your Brand a Kiss
By Genece Hamby
When you speak, do people listen? Does anyone ever remember what you say? Do your words have
impact, bite, and strength? Do people pay attention when you open your mouth –or do they secretly yawn
and tune you out?
Brand Identity Crisis
By Genece Hamby
Are you in a brand identity crisis? It’s not too late to do something about it and make a positive change.
What’s the visual impression others have of you and your business? Learn more about your brand identity!
Successful Upselling
By Kevin Nunley
Ask and most businesses will tell you. The key to their success is upselling. It is one thing to get the sale. It
is far better to super-size that sale. (133 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:32 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Five Ways To Get Web Site Sales Letters That Pull Like Crazy
By Kevin Nunley
Sales letters are everywhere on the Internet. More and more of the biggest selling sites are doing their
money-making magic with a long, meaty sales letter.
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Search Engine Optimization and Promotion
Making the Most Profit From Pay-Per-Click Search Engines
By Tracie Johansen
Nothing will build your business faster than ranking number 1 in the search engines. With pay-per-click
search engines you can achieve this practically over night. But beware, it can cost you an arm and a leg if
your not careful.
What You Must Do To Get Ready "Before" You Submit to Search Engines.
By Tracie Johansen
Now that your web site is ready to submit you just can't wait to get it listed in every search engine on the
Internet. Before you submit your site, here is a checklist of what you will need.
The 5 Most Common Search Engine Optimization Mistakes
By Kalena Jordan
Having been in the business of optimizing web sites for high search engine rankings for over 5 years now,
I've come across many “optimized” sites that use search engine optimization techniques that are just plain
WRONG... (134 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:32 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Search Engine Predictions for 2002
By Kalena Jordan
Never try to predict the unpredictable. That’s advice I have been given and advice I am going to completely
ignore in this article, by attempting to predict the movements of the volatile search engine industry over the
next 12 months...
How To Target Your Niche Online Markets
By Kalena Jordan
Targeting your niche market via search engines can be a very efficient and effective way of pinpointing
your visitors with the most potential to buy your products and services. This article looks at how to do this
quickly and easily.
How Compatible is YOUR Site With Search Engines?
By Kalena Jordan
Remember those little quizzes you used to see in magazines with headlines like: “How Compatible Are You
and Your Partner?” We thought it might be fun to create a 5 min quiz for you to test the compatibility of your
site with search engines...
Are You Targeting The Wrong Keywords?
By Kalena Jordan
The most critical element of any search engine optimization campaign is keyword selection. This article
shows you how to choose the most appropriate keywords and phrases to use within your site's META tags
and body text for higher search engine rankings.
What Your Web Designer Isn't Telling You
By Kalena Jordan
Nearly 70% of web sites miss out on search engine traffic because they are not designed for high rankings.
Has your web designer optimized YOUR site? This article looks at how many web designers forget the
importance of search engine compatibility. (135 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:32 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
A Few Lines On Search Engine Mystery
By Irena Whitfield
The Article tries to show people the right way to go to achieve a proper ranking on search engines, not to
waste time chasing search engine secrets or magic formulas.
Get Rid of Those Doorway Pages
By Windsong
A while back, doorway pages were all the rage. Everyone was scrambling to create hundreds and
thousands of pages to essentially trick the search engines into leading people to their sites.
It's the Little Things....
By Windsong
Optimizing for the search engines doesn't have to be a tough job. But you need to pay attention to detail. It
is often the little things that you do to your pages that will improve your ranking in the search engines.
Sometimes, it's also the little things that can get you banned from the same search engines.
Meta Tags are Not a Magic Solution
By Windsong
There are no 'secrets' to search engine success. Meta tags are not a magic solution to getting listed. Using
meta tags along with other methods, such as having a content rich site, will dramatically boost your ranking
in the major search engines.
LOOKs Can Be Deceiving
By Kalena Jordan
Search engines and directories have done some pretty shifty things over the years, but never before have I
seen such arrogance or disdain for customers as Looksmart have shown in the past two weeks. (136 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:32 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
10 Basic Search Engine Preparation Tips
By Detlev Reimer
In this article it is described what you can do to achieve a better ranking at the search engines. These are
basics which shouldn't be forgotten before submitting to the search engines.
"Doorway Pages for Dummies"
By Mike Beriault
Are doorway pages really evil? Get the facts on this controversial issue!
"Nobody Cares About Your Keywords"
By Mike Beriault
Stop wasting time stuffing your keywords and do something to actually improve your rankings!
"SEO: Tips Versus Tricks"
By Mike Beriault
SEO tips to help boost your rankings while looking out for the tricks to avoid!
How To Get Listed By YAHOO - Within Days!
By Michael Puccino
A while back Yahoo! dropped Inktomi and picked up Google for use in its default searches. This means that
Google picks up searches where Yahoo's primary human-reviewed directory leaves off. Find out how this
helps you.
How to build a BETTER business site
By Dr. Roberto Bonomi
Are you just beginning to develop a second income stream? Or are you an established affiliate of several
programs? It doesn't really matter... EVERYONE shares the same goal... to maximize profits And this is
done with a better business site! (137 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:32 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Ouch! You're Submitting To The Wrong Place
By Sunil Tanna
I'm pretty sure that not too long ago those kinds of service used to offer a few hundred thousands of
engines, and just a little before that we were in just tens of thousands. So we're talking a hundred fold
growth in just a couple of years.
Back to Contents
Self Esteem and Self Acceptance
12 Things you can do to feel better about yourself today!
By Tracie Johansen
Are you feeling down. Here is a list of 12 simple things you can do to pick your spirits up quickly.
Are You or Your Emotions Overeating?
By Tracie Johansen
If you're having trouble losing weight, or having a hard time controlling your appetite, try to figure out if it's
because you're hungry or something is bothering you.
10 Ways to Boost Your Self Esteem
By Tracie Johansen
Learn how you can increase your self esteem with this simple exercises to feel better about who you are
and what you have to offer. (138 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:32 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Say Goodbye to Struggle
By Jeanie Marshall
"Say Goodbye to Struggle" encourages us to end the practice of glorifying struggles of life.
Do You Feel Worthy?
By Dolores G. Wix
This article explores some reasons for feelings of worthlessness and offers techniques to help overcome
these feelings that can prevent us from reaching our full potential.
When You Feel Your Worst...
By Rox Sailors
Somedays I just want to stay in bed.
11 Reasons Why You Will Never Be Successful
By Gary Vurnum
More and more self-help books are being sold these days. So why are there still as many people struggling
through life as there used to be? The answer lies in the person who reads them.
Top Ten Reasons You Should Be Proud Of YOU!
By Joan Marques
You are the sole proprietor of "You, Inc." You are the author of your mission and vision, and you live them!
Pain, Anger, Fear - A Way Out!
By Nisandeh Neta
When somebody hurts you, instead of swallowing it, pretending you're 'cool', or hurting the other back, why
don't you try another approach. (139 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:32 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Learning to Love Ourselves
By Robert Elias Najemy
We need to examine and overcome all obstacles towards loving and accepting ourselves as we are.
Self-Acceptance, Growth and Learning
By Robert Elias Najemy
Accepting ourselves as we are is a prerequisites to growing beyond ourselves.
Self-Acceptance and Self-Improvement
By Robert Elias Najemy
The first step towards self-improvement is self-acceptance.
Super Woman
By Robert Elias Najemy
She has locked herself into the role of the strong and always capable woman who doesn't have any needs
or weaknesses.
Self Suppression
By Robert Elias Najemy
She has suppressed herself by her own fear of saying "no" to others.
Lady Twilight and the Mystic Twins
By Peter Murphy
Learn how to deal with embarassment and blushing by using more of your mind in a special way. Instead
meet new people without feeling awkward. (140 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:32 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Dealing With Criticism and Difference in Opinion
By Robert Elias Najemy
We all need at times to deal with criticism and difference of opinion. How can we handle this peaceful and
to our own benefit.
Positive Thought Forms - Beliefs Concerning Self-Worth
By Robert Elias Najemy
Affirmations concerning our basic self-worth and ability.
Communicating With Those Who Play the Role of the Victim
By Robert Elias Najemy
Guidelines for communicating with persons who tend to play the role of victim and play on our guilt and
feelings of responsibility for them.
I Forgive Easily When ...
By Robert Elias Najemy
Thoughts about forgiveness.
Yes, You Can Achieve Your Goals.
By Ruth Duda
Believe in yourself. Invest in your future. Set goals and make the commitment to achieve them.
Sometimes Life Is Just "Tired!" (Making It Through The Blahs)
By Lee Wise
"The Blahs!" Hard to live with 'em, but you certainly can't live without them! Practical advice on dealing with
this common problem. (141 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:32 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
The Unique Touch Of You!
By Lee Wise
All of us can make a difference! In our own unique ways we can be a positive influence in our world. Your
"touch of you" can bring added value to many people and many situations!
Gone to Innisfree: Journey to the Undiscovered Country
By Lionel L. Fisher
Article is excerpted from Lionel Fisher's book, "Celebrating Time Alone: Stories of Splendid Solitude,"
available at and A former journalist, Fisher is the author of two other selfhelp books on writing and working from home.
Only the Lonely (and the Brave) Dine Alone
By Lionel L. Fisher
This column is one of three self-syndicated humor/lifestyle features offered by Lionel Fisher, author of
"Celebrating Time Alone: Stories of Splendid Solitude" and two other self-help books on writing and
working from home, available from
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Self Improvement
Having What We Believe...The Power Of Affirmations
By Lois R. Thompson
This article deals with the importance of our thought patterns and how they affect our outcome. (142 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:32 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Asking Empowering Questions
By Jeanie Marshall
"Asking Empowering Questions" assists you to ask -- yourself and others -- questions that uplift and
enhance life.
Moving Through Puddles
By Jeanie Marshall
"Moving Through Puddles" describes the "Puddle Theory of Personal Development" which helps those
seeking enlightenment to move more easily through the cycles and changes of life.
Money, Prosperity, Abundance
By Jeanie Marshall
"Money, Prosperity, Abundance" presents the dynamics of these three energies, and encourages you to
release the fears related to lack and limitation.
Types of Affirmations
By Jeanie Marshall
"Types of Affirmations" defines five different types of affirmations for empowerment, including examples.
"Writing Affirmations for Empowerment"
By Jeanie Marshall
"Writing Affirmations for Empowerment" offers a specific writing process to enhance the effectiveness of
certain affirmations.
The Power of Awareness & Self-Hypnosis
By Elizabeth Bohorquez
Awareness Meditation is a power tool for change. Learn how to join this meditative tool with Interactive SelfHypnosis & watch your goals take on new life. Release stress, manage emotions & thoughts as you
program for success. (143 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:32 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
The Art of Interactive Self-Hypnosis
By Elizabeth Bohorquez
Explore the possibilities for applying self-hypnosis tools in your daily life. Work "in the moment" to move
from stress to highly defined goals through inner motivation, hot imagery & imaginology. Learn from the
best & be the best.
Four Reasons Why We Procrastinate
By Carol Halsey
Understanding why we procrastinate is a big step in helping us overcome it. Procrastination is one of the
biggest time wasters. Time is too precious to waste on indecision and inaction.
Sample-Power Thinking Concept
By Dr. Houston Vetter
People used to tell me you are what you eat and I said you think about what you eat before you eat so in
reality you are what you think. As one writer said, “Thoughts become things-choose the most useful
thoughts to think.”
The Forgotten Formula to Happiness and Success
By Dr. Houston Vetter
Think about it, to get from where you are to where you want to be isn’t magic but when you do it easily it
sure can look that way to others. You once knew this formula you have just forgotten how to use it.
The Inside Secret to Build More Will-Power
By Dr. Houston Vetter
“Only read this if you’ve ever said or thought, I don’t have enough Will-Power.” (144 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:32 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
A Blessing Will Come
By Ed Hirsch
Something will happen with or without you. If you follow in a path that is proven to have some specific
result, you increase the likelihood of what happens to you.
My Pet Peeve Shows it's Ugly Head, Again!
By Dr. Houston Vetter
Think about your Pet Peeve. Notice the feeling that it gives you and then ask yourself if this didn't happen
how much better would I feel? This article shows what you need to change your Pet Peeve.
Can You Slow Down And Your Life Accelerates?
By Ina Bliss
Outdated information could hurt you...
Enough Rope?
By Ed Hirsch
I believe that God gives us each just enough rope to hang ourselves. In addition, He provides us the choice
whether to do so or not.
Something To Work For
By Ed Hirsch
Your success in any endeavor will be the direct result of the personal giving of yourself. As an example ...
the word Sacrifice is defined by Webster as 1: an act of offering to deity something precious.
By Ed Hirsch
Can you trick the Universal Laws of nature and do you listen to the Call of the free? In life, many people
practice complacency and are not aware of the reality of what they were born to accomplish. (145 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:32 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Looking For Peace
By Ed Hirsch
The world wants hope and I can only speak from my own experiences. It's difficult to focus on goals,
dreams and life aspirations when, due to current events, it seems that people have permanently lost their
fragile grasp on serenity.
Time Mangement
By Tony Murtagh
One of the biggest problems facing most people, let alone those working from home, is that of time
management. Learn how best to ensure that YOUR time is not wasted.
He didn't plan to fail - he failed to plan!
By Tony Murtagh
Before you go too far down the road of developing your web-based business (or any business for that
matter) you really need to formulate a plan of action.
Know Your Weaknesses - and Strengths
By Tony Murtagh
You have made the decision to take the first step along the exciting route of starting your own business, but
before you rush off and start designing that first web page, just take a minute or two to take stock of
What's The Balance in Your Personal Trust Account?
By Suzanne Miley
The most important "account" you have is the trust and love you have for yourself. Are you making too
many withdrawls and not enough deposits? (146 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:32 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
The Power of Understanding
By Joan Marques
In management, whether career or life management, understanding is an invaluable skill and a powerful
tool. If one develops the habit to at least try to understand where others come from in their reasoning, any
battle becomes unnecessary.
How Change Causes Change
By Joan Marques
It is only when you return to your initial environment after having been away for a while, that you realize
how the process of change can change a person's complete perspective on almost everything.
The power of being different
By Joan Marques
Being different is powerful. But what's powerful is not easy. It requires a forceful change of perceptions and
habits. It requires bravery. And it requires something that is often perceived by our surroundings as
temporary insanity.
By Joan Marques
Can we really call this condition we live in, "civilization," if there are so many of us wandering around,
dazed by what our own species have made of it?
New Approaches to Controlling and Understanding Nightmares
By Richard Catlett Wilkerson
At first I was going to run like I have done before in other dreams with this thing. The dark creature scared
me and threatened to harm me, it even seemed to know where I would hide. (147 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:32 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
How Peeling An Orange Could Make You A Fortune.
By Jeff McCall
The technique I'm going to explain in this article may be considered pretty radical by some. But before you
decide I've gone to the bottom of the garden to visit the fairies, please hear me out.
Hocus Pocus - magic does exist!
By Nisandeh Neta
Explore the magic of intention, nourishing yourself, gratitude and financial abundance.
A resolution method that works
By Nisandeh Neta
Learn ten practical steps that will help your resolutions stick!
Loving the work that you do
By Nisandeh Neta
Giving yourself a choice to love the work you do or leave it behind.
Synchronicity - a doorway into the flow
By Nisandeh Neta
Learn how to use synchronicity for guidance as well as confirmation.
Acknowledgement - a tool for transformation
By Nisandeh Neta
Learn how acknowledgment propels progress. (148 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:32 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Manifesting - create your own reality
By Nisandeh Neta
Explore how we create our reality from our Thoughts, Feelings, Choices and Beliefs.
Give yourself a break - take a vacation
By Vered Neta
Taking a break builds the foundation for a balanced life, which leads you to attain your life's purpose.
Pain - a tool for growth
By Vered Neta
We can either use pain in order to move quickly with a lot of energy and excitement or we can freeze as to
never experience it again.
The law of giving and receiving
By Vered Neta
If you wish to receive anything in your life, you first need to give it.
The quality that goes beyond time
By Vered Neta
Not beauty, nor intelligence. Not humor nor wealth. The only quality that transcends time is service.
The magic of transformation
By Vered Neta
Contrary to change, transformation is easy; as there is no effort involved; it just happens. (149 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:32 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
The lighter side of New Year's resolutions
By Vered Neta
When we take ourselves less seriously and make our conditions and surroundings lighter, we will enjoy
resolving our resolutions
Improving the Sight
By Randolph Fabian Directo
Tired of fiddling with lenses and contacts? The eyes are not the actual system of focus. The real mode of
focus lies within the brain - where stress is at the root of our problems. Restore your vision to 20/20!
Dowsing through the Nostrils
By Randolph Fabian Directo
Here is a simple method of dowsing using principles of HaTha Yoga.
Visual Ray Psionics
By Randolph Fabian Directo
Discover how to create and program "thought-forms," a natural, human ability to manifest bioethereal
projections to do your bidding for protection, intelligence operations, and "other" things.
By Dr. Roberto Bonomi
Mind Control is a technique that will allow you to solve quicker and easily, the multiplicity of problems that
conform your daily life.
Goodness Gone on a Tangent
By Ruth Marlene Friesen
Even good character traits can swing to their opposite traits, and turn yourself, your co-workers, or people
you do business with - ugly. Here's how to turn them back into good traits. (150 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:32 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Choose Ones that Cry
By Ruth Marlene Friesen
Here's some excellent reasons for chosing friends that are tender of conscience, sympathetic and loyal.
You will recognize them by a certain obvious trait.
How to Fail Admirably
By Ruth Marlene Friesen
Okay, I'll share my failure since it may help you to know how to handle yours so your embarrassing crashes
turn into the keystone of your success too.
Improve Your Memory
By Robert Elias Najemy
Poor memory can be a frustrating problem when it becomes a cause for us to function below our abilities.
The consequences can vary in type and seriousness. Learn simple but effective ways to improve your
Truths Which Aid Forgiveness
By Robert Elias Najemy
If we think about it deeply, we will realize that forgiveness is actually in our own benefit.
Laser Power Mind
By Robert Elias Najemy
Our mind has the power to penetrate like a laser when its powers are concentrated and focused.
Create Happiness with a Positive Life Outlook
By Robert Elias Najemy
Our life is basically our perception of reality. As we change our perception of ourselves, others and life
itself, we live in a different reality. (151 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:32 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Manifesting Our Inner Potential
By Robert Elias Najemy
We have tremendous inner potential which is waiting to be manifested in our lives. Let us attend to it.
The Power Within Us
By Robert Elias Najemy
We have more power within than we are aware of.
Finding Our Life Purpose
By Robert Elias Najemy
Some guidelines about how to find your life purpose.
Healing Ourselves and Growing Through Illness
By Robert Elias Najemy
How we use illness as a growing process while at the same time we heal ourselves.
Truths For Self-Forgiveness
By Robert Elias Najemy
Just as we need to forgive others, we also need to forgive ourselves. These truths will help.
Whose Thought Is Is Anyway?
By Helaine Iris
What would your life be like if you learned to listen to and respond to your true voice instead of the
persistant voice of our limitimg beliefs? (152 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:32 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Open Up The Flow To A Fulfilled Life
By Helaine Iris
Find the key to a passionate, joyful life by looking at the top 6 energy drains that block the flow of your life.
Why We Need To Communicate Effectively
By Darren W. Roberts
Each day in our normal day-to-day life, we communicate to our fellow person. We need to communicate
effectively to be understood. A key step in getting what we want is the way we convey our message to our
fellow person.
How To Bring Your Ideas To Fruition
By Darren W. Roberts
Let's face it, an idea on its own is just that; an idea. Ideas are the starting point. They are where your
brainchild is born. Ideas are the basis for everything we do. Ideas give us direction and purpose.
Would You Take The Staircase Or The Elevator?
By Darren W. Roberts
We all would like to take as many shortcuts as possible. After all, it is shortcuts that will make our job
easier, right?
Learn to Be An Authentic Schmooze
By Genece Hamby
How many networking events have you went where you met someone that just wanted to tell you how
great they were and what they do. Want to help change how we all network at events? It can start with you.
Speaking From The Heart!
By Lee Wise
To speak is one thing. But to share from the heart is a life skill we all need to develop.Take the challenge!
Whether to an audience of one, your business associates or your family. Just do it! (153 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:32 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
WHAT YOU SEE IS WHAT YOU GET! (Enjoying Life As It Happens)
By Lee Wise
If you are enjoying life -- capturing it for all it's worth -- you can't help but be "better" person no matter what
you are "doing." Dads, moms and even network marketers will enjoy this article!
Expanding The Moment
By Wendy Joffe
Do you wish you had more hours in the day? Steps for living Life more fully.
Take Charge of Yur Life: how and why to make yourself a priortiy
By WendyJoffe
Creating the life you desire. Three steps you can take to move towards the life under your control.
Is Tom Cruise Jealous?
By Kathy Thompson
What you think about most of the time shows up on your face. So your face becomes a road map. Your
face reveals your personality. According to Physiognomy (Face Reading), here is what Tom Cruise's face
Is Sandra Bullock Promiscuous?
By Kathy Thompson
What you think about most of the time shows up on your face. So your face becomes a road map. Your
face reveals your personality. According to Physiognomy (Face Reading), here is what Sandra Bullock's
reveals. (154 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:32 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Who Are You?
By Leigh Butler
If someone asks you the question, "Who are you?" how would you respond? Most people respond by
stating their name. For instance, I would respond, "My name is Leigh." But, does my response tell you
anything about who I am?
Pendulum Power
By Joseph Robert Neil James
Learn how to make and use a pendulum - also solve problems and achieve your goals whilst working with
a pendulum in a unique logical way.
Terrors of a Woman Alone: Drowning In Walden's Pond
By Lionel L. Fisher
Article is excerpted from Lionel Fisher's book, "Celebrating Time Alone: Stories of Splendid Solitude,"
available at and A former journalist, Fisher is the author of two other selfhelp books on writing and working from home.
Hey, Buddy, Can You Spare Some Time?
By Lionel L. Fisher
This column is one of three self-syndicated humor/lifestyle features offered by Lionel Fisher, author of
"Celebrating Time Alone: Stories of Splendid Solitude" and two other self-help books on writing and
working from home, available from
Make Ideas Rain on You!
By Ruth Marlene Friesen
Wouldn't you like some helpful tips to get you started on brainstorming for creative ideas? Follow these
steps, and idea should simply rain down on you!
Back to Contents (155 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:32 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Stress, Emotions and Mental Health
Stress Busters
By Tracie Johansen
It seems we never have enough time to get everything done. You run all day and just when you think you
can relax something else comes up. Here are a few ways to ease your everyday stress that only takes a
few minutes, but will make your life a little easier.
Lighting Up Goals Hypnotically
By Elizabeth Bohorquez
Stress management is closely linked to active goal work & programming the subconscious mind. Explore
mindbody tools that bring your goals to life & diminish stress at the same time. Work in the theater of your
mind & build success & health simultaneously.
Avoiding Burnout! Get Creative!
By Elizabeth Bohorquez
Burnout takes it's toll on management & employees alike. Losses include lives & a negative bottom line.
Review the tools for moving away from stress/burnout towards high level health & creativity. You just might
be surprised!
When Stress Takes Over
By Brigitte Synesael
The economic environment we live in today is a perfect recipe for stress overload. Aside from the obvious
psychological turmoil, unmanaged stress is a contributing factor in many health issues. Relaxation Therapy
can offer some effective techniques in managing stress. (156 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:32 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
The Power of 3, How the Mind Works-6 lessons
By Dr. Houston Vetter
This is a six part lesson on how the Conscious and the Unconscious mind works. It discusses the
parameters of each part of the mind and the responsibilities of each in an easy to understand and apply to
yourself to move you in the direction you really want to go.
Aiding Angry Allies
By Ruth Marlene Friesen
The Bible says to avoid people who are angry, but if you have the stamina, here's some ways you can help
an angry co-worker or group member to overcome their problem.
Facing Our Fears
By Robert Elias Najemy
Our main obstacle is fear. It is also the source of all of our unpleasant emotions such as anger, bitterness
and pain. We can face and overcome our fears.
12 Ways to Deal With Emotions
By Robert Elias Najemy
Twelve methods for objectifying and overcoming negative undesired emotions.
Benefits of Meditation
By Robert Elias Najemy
Science has studied meditators in comparison to control groups and has found an wide variety of physical,
emotional, psychological, mental, social and spiritual benefits.
Dealing with Emotional Pain
By Robert Elias Najemy
We have all felt emotional pain. It gradually passes. We can move out of that pain more quickly if we chose
to. (157 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:32 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Overcoming Anxiety
By Robert Elias Najemy
Anxiety has become a habit for most of us. We can learn to be equally and even more effective and
efficient without it.
Your Personal Goal. Overcoming Fear!
By Darren W. Roberts
Many of our fears are simply fears of the unknown. In fact, the unknown has a lot to answer for. The best
way to overcome this is to make the unknown your own knowledge.
Remove The Clouds From Your Clear Blue Sky
By Darren W. Roberts
To operate at your optimum in a forward direction you may need to organize many things so that they are
condusive to optimizing of your performance.
Dealing with the Death of Loved Ones
By Robert Elias Najemy
The departure of a loved one is our most difficult emotional experience. We are actually losing a part of
ourselves. In such situations we can benefit greatly from wisdom.
Instant Relaxation Anytime Anywhere
By Peter Murphy
At times of pressure it is normal to feel stressed although instant relaxation is possible if you know how.
Learn a simple technique to instantly feel calm when you need it most.
Stress Eliminating Affirmations
By Robert Elias Najemy
With self-confidence and self-acceptance we can proceed towards our goals effectively and yet peacefully. (158 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:32 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Disappointment - Disillusionment - Discouragement
By Robert Elias Najemy
We often feel these emotions. What can we do about them?
Inner Emotional Pressure
By Robert Elias Najemy
Our emotions build up within us and can cause various psychosomatic phenomena.
Hidden Problematic Communication
By Robert Elias Najemy
Our emotions are communicated to others whether we express them verbally or not.
10 Tips To Deal With Stress
By Kathy Thompson
Too much stress can cause many health problems. Discover how easy it is to use this simple 10 tips.
NonDrug Approach to ADD, Aggression and Other Behavioral Problems
By Dr. Lendell Braud
University research results of an alternative therapy for ADD, aggression and other behavioral problems.
This therapy can be used by parents, schools, psychologists and hospitals. Easy to use and inexpensive,
helpful for any child age 5 to 16.
Where Have All the Sunday Drivers Gone?
By Lionel L. Fisher
This column is one of three self-syndicated humor/lifestyle features offered by Lionel Fisher, author of
"Celebrating Time Alone: Stories of Splendid Solitude" and two other self-help books on writing and
working from home, available from and (159 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:32 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Anger - Solutions
By Robert Elias Najemy
Anger can also be a starting point for major change for an individual, or even an entire society. Anger can
be a source of energy and dedication toward transforming the negative and unjust circumstances around
us. We need however, to learn to understand and deal with it.
Back to Contents
The Plan is Point Lobos
By Thomas D. Schueneman
The Rain and Sun and Sea... Some of the most majestic views are found along the rugged California coast
at Point Lobos State Park.
Volcano House
By Thomas D. Schueneman
A review and description of Volcanoes National Park on the Big Island of Hawaii, and the Volcano House
Lodge located on the edge of the great Caldera.
Confessions of a Carry-On Baggage Abuser
By Thomas D. Schueneman
The story of a traveling musician and his loyal assistant.
A Tale of Two Dawns
By Thomas D. Schueneman
The City comes to Life, and a rural Pacific island comes to Life... (160 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:32 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Back to Contents
Webmaster Tips and Tools
Using Tables As a Strategic Sales Tool
By Candice Pardue
Learn how you can turn simple web design layout tables into a strategic sales tool. Tips for table
How to Make Your Homepage Flow
By Candice Pardue
Learn how to make your homepage flow and cause your visitors to navigate your site longer...
Why You Should Check Your Web Pages Using Both Microsoft Internet Explorer and
Netscape Navigator
By Candice Pardue
Learn the reasons why you should make sure your web pages are working properly with both major
browsers to avoid loss of visitors and sales...
5 Ways to Incorporate Auto Responders
By Candice Pardue
Did you know email autoresponders can be used in many ways to increase your website profits? Learn
how... (161 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:32 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
How To Seal The Deal By Phone
By Heather Reimer
Even in the world of e-commerce, it's often the personal touch that seals a big deal - that clincher phone
call that strengthens the buyer/seller relationship. This article looks at how to make your best impression
over the phone.
How To Establish YOUR Successful Web Presence
By Irena Whitfield
This article shows one of the ways to start and establish a successful web presence to become a fully
financially independent and successful netpreneur.
Do Numbers Help?
By Bob McElwain
Data about the Web and the behavior of surfers abounds. Part of this data is often reported with numbers.
Such results need to be examined with care. And in the end, they may need to be ignored.
How Do You Define Success?
By Bob McElwain
If you are looking to pick up a quick million on the Web, you're probably going to be disappointed. If you'll
settle for making a decent living, here are five webmasters who have made it happen for them.
Graphics 101
By Sibyl McLendon
Guide to creating great graphics for the new site designer.
"10 Quick Navigation Tips"
By Mike Beriault
Does your web site flow? Create proper paths to create sales! 10 quick tips to improve your sites
navigation. (162 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:32 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Make Your Website Surfer Friendly!
By Michael Puccino
If you are not making your site surfer friendly you will be losing sales! And if you run a commercial sight
that's the whole point making the sale right.
You should know the Follow Up Secrets!
By Dr. Roberto Bonomi
Consistent follow is the second challenge you will face as business man. The first challenge is: attracting
prospects to our web site, and the challenge lies in generating the most profit from the existing flow of
A plug for more thought when designing site content.
By Owen Lamb
A large number of web masters, commerce sites, companies and entrepreneurs just 'DON'T GET IT', that
when they publish material on the internet it's ... "HELLO WORLD!" not "hello local community".
No Visitors? ... No Wonder ... They're getting it elsewhere for FREE!
By Owen Lamb
People are already becoming a lot more discerning, the initial WOW! value of the Internet is passed.
People now expect value and they expect it FREE.
"Don't Waste your time ... It won't work!"
By Owen Lamb
How Many times have you heard that? If everyone listened to that statement where would humanity be
now? I am a great believer in the premise that and most things are achievable and can be done well for a
lot less expense than a lot of people would have you believe. (163 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:32 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
By Owen Lamb
A number of times I have come across advice on the internet regarding the insertion of graphics in web
pages, which stresses the need to ‘Constrain' images in order that they download faster! ...... WHAT! ... Of
course this maybe a case of misplaced terminology ...
How to Generate Multiple Streams of Revenue from Your Online Business
By Marc & Terry Goldman
Uncover the secrets that help the internet marketing big dogs generate 6 figure incomes.
How to Target a Market With Pinpoint Accuracy
By Marc & Terry Goldman
How to make more money selling to a small niche market than trying to be all things to all people.
Ways For You To Earn Money With Your Web Site
By Yetti Chiu
You Can Earn Money With Web Site! Practical hints and tips on how you can earn money with your own
web site.
Free & Low Cost Website Tune-Ups & Utilities
By Robert Smith
Finding the right tools can do wonders for building your Internet business. Today I would like to share a few
of my favorite free or low cost promotional web-tools with you.
Secrets to Using Popup Pages
By David McKenzie
How to use popup pages without annoying your visitor. (164 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:32 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
3 Mistakes to Avoid While Choosing a Web Host
By Candice Pardue
Discover the 3 mistakes to avoid at all costs while choosing a web host for your site. Very important hosting
"Make A Living Online" by Jim Daniels; a review by Bob McElwain
By Bob McElwain
If you are serious about succeeding on the Web, this is a must read. Jim tells it like it is. He reveals what
works and what does not. Beyond the hardcopy book is the companion site loaded with information and
resources to help grow your online business.
Back to Contents
Web Site Design - HTML, CGI and Java Scripts
Does Your Site Qualify for a Web Site Award?
By Donna Sweat
Have you ever tried for a website award? It brings prestige to a business and makes your customers have
more faith in you. This article will help you change or upgrade your website to qualify for the prestigious
Serve YOUR Customers and Prospects What They Want, When THEY WANT IT!
By Harry Fassett
Serving content your website visitors desire. (165 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:32 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Creating an Accessible Website
By Judi A. Singleton
Whether one is aware of it or not your customer base probably already includes a lot of people who have
disabilities of one kind or another. Providing access regardless of the situation can be a complicated
How well are your webpages set for people who have disabilities?
By Judi A. Singleton
Today I am trying to get you to pay attention to your color schemes on your website. With so much going
on in the world wide web this may not be your priority, but it may determine the fate of your website in the
Using Color on Your Website
By Judi A. Singleton
Have you been surfing the net, which I often do, and have come across some pages that you either need
sunglasses on to look at, or are so dark with tiny fonts that these eyes, at least, can't read them. Do you
know the kind of site I mean?
Planning the Website of Your Dreams, Not Your Nightmares
By Judi A. Singleton
In 1999, when I set out to build my first website I knew very little about and even less about planning
websites. Like a lot of Newbies I just struggled along learning as I went. I also knew very little about running
a home business on the net.
Planning the Website of Your Dreams, Not Your Nightmares, Part 2
By Judi A. Singleton
Last week I talked about before you can build a website you must have very clear goals in mind before you
can build a good website. It will cause you less hassle in the long run if you have a plan of action that fits
your budget and time. (166 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:32 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Seven Free Tools to Create your Web Site
By Dianne Reuby
You don't need to spend a fortune to create a web site - here are seven free tools that I used to create the
sites I wanted.
Five Free Graphics Tools
By Dianne Reuby
Before you break the bank buying a high-tech graphics suite with a steep learning curve and lots of bells
and whistles that you'll never use, try these free tools to edit your pictures and make them web-ready.
Seven Free Tools for Your Web Site
By Dianne Reuby
Encourage repeat visitors with these free tools to enhance your web page, and make your site more userfriendly.
Five Checks for Web Pages
By Dianne Reuby
If it's broke, you need to fix it - especially if it's your web site! Use these free programs to make sure your
site is functioning just as you want it to.
Organizing Your Website with Folders
By Candice Pardue
Organization is the key to keeping your web page design in order. Learn how to organize your web page
files using folders...
Make Your Site Sticky
By Tony Murtagh
Making a site sticky is web speak for encouraging visitors to stay and browse through a site or to return to
it, rather than skimming through it and leave never to return. (167 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:32 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
5 Most Common Web Design Mistakes
By Candice Pardue
Discover the 5 most common web design mistakes and how to avoid them while designing your website...
Graphics, Too Many or Too Few?
By Candice Pardue
Learn how to properly use graphics on your website. Too many or Too few can cause your website to be
2 Ways to Test How Easily Customers Navigate Through Your Website
By Candice Pardue
There are two ways you can test your site navigation ability quickly...
Clean Up That Code!
By Windsong
How do you write your code so that it shows up on all or most browsers the way you want it to look? By
understanding which browsers support which tags, and using a validation service to check your code.
Don't Lose Visitors Through Poor Site Design
By Tony Murtagh
This article is not about the practical designing of your site, it will, however, help you avoid many of the
common mistakes that novice (and "expert") designers make.
Do visitors leave YOUR site feeling confused?
By Tony Murtagh
I recently spent a little time surfing the web looking at general web marketing and promotion sites and was
somewhat surprised at how many were making what I consider, basic design mistakes. How many of the
following apply to YOUR site? (168 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:32 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
"Beyond Pure Mini-Sites"
By Bob McElwain
In simplest form, a mini-site consists entirely of a sales pitch and an order form. For many, however, this is
not the best format to use. Skillful advertising is required to draw targeted traffic. The better option for many
is a theme site, to which search engines will draw traffic for you.
You Need SSI Right Now!
By Bob McElwain
Converting a site to use SSI (Server Side Includes) takes time, but not much more than is required to
change a menu item on each page. Do this once, and further changes are a snap. You can change content
on all pages, regardless of the number, in a matter of minutes.
Are Mini-Sites The Answer?
By Bob McElwain
Maybe. Some are having great success with them. But many are not. They come in different flavors, so
there is choice. After exploring these differences, you may find one that will work well for you. The key is in
getting a fix on an appropriate product, then marketing the site without breaking your piggy bank.
Prove It With A Mini-Site
By Bob McElwain
Have you got a notion about something you think might work on the Web? One that others scoff at? Well,
here's a slick way to find out for sure whether you're right and they're wrong. And if you're right, you may
have found gold.
Rule Busters Lose
By Bob McElwain
Breaking the rules can bring great success in advertising, art, and all manner of creative enterprises. But
those who break the rules of site design will lose, just as many webmasters persist in doing. (169 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:32 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Spiders And Your Website
By Bob McElwain
Site performance is all that matters. Still, when you are confident your site accomplishes its purpose
effectively, there are a couple of things you may be able to do to improve your page rankings.
Have You Looked At A Newspaper Lately?
By Bob McElwain
It's difficult to imagine a more competitive business than publishing a daily newspaper. To remain
successful, publishers must produce a good product every day. To do so, they utilize proven techniques for
grabbing and sustaining reader attention. Chances are you can improve your site enormously by following
these "rules."
Gateway Pages Versus Great Content
By Bob McElwain
Gateway pages can produce hits, but their days are numbered. The better plan is to build great content
pages that rank well on the search engines.
If You Know It Isn't Broken, It May Need Fixing!
By Bob McElwain
As we come to know our websites through repeated visits, we may become blind to faults within them. A
good hard look at elements we have assumed are solid may suggest a need for changes.
Boring Is Best
By Bob McElwain
Good websites have a lot in common. Before deciding on the basics for your site, look at what others are
doing. You will find commonalities abound. For best results, use them. Be boring. Compete only with
content. (170 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:32 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Get FASTER Download Times By Making BIGGER Web Pages!
By Michael Hopkins
Discover a simple secret to faster web page downloads that the web design experts aren't telling you.
Blueprint vs. Sand Castle Style
By Ruth Marlene Friesen
Comparing the wise building of your website > to using blueprints, rather than just shaping it like > a sand
castle with a hopeless chance at long-range > survival.
Spare a thought for larger monitors.
By Owen Lamb
There is one common mistake that Web Site Developers often make when designing web sites, and that is
the lack of consideration to different monitor sizes in relation to the layout of pages. A large number of Web
Page Designers still can't see past the old favourite 14" or 15" monitor.
10 Ways to Develop a Customer Friendly Website
By Ruth Duda
Stay in touch with your customer's needs. Make your site "Customer Friendly," and you'll have satisfied
10 EASY Ways to Make YOUR Site Sticky
By Ruth Duda
If your site is interesting and interactive, your visitors will stay longer, and make return visits.
Someone Is Hijacking Your Visitors?
By Robert Smith
Have your sales dropped off lately? 4 million web surfers are viewing links on your website you didn't put
there. The really scary part is unless you have TOPtext installed on your browser you won't even know it's
happening. (171 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:32 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Making Javascript Templates
By Robert Smith
Designing with templates is the most efficient way to establish the theme or look you want on-line. I will
explain how you can use JavaScript to display a common template on all of your pages.
How To Make A Custom Bookmark Icon
By Robert Smith
In this article I'm going to tell you about a little known feature in Internet Explorer version 5 and above that
will help your bookmarks stand out from the rest using your own distinctive icon.
Effective Small Business Web Sites On a Budget
By Kevin Nunley
As more and more of the world's business starts taking place online, we're left to wonder how our own web
pages will stand up and out among the jumble of everybody else's.
Untangling Spaghetti HTML 1
By Sunil Tanna
So the question is, can the same spaghetti problem arise with HTML code? If you've been a webmaster for
a while, you probably already know the answer... absolutely. The typical web site contains lot of repeated
Untangling Spaghetti HTML 2
By Sunil Tanna
When I was first learning to write computer programs, one of the most important points that was drummed
into me was that it's never a good idea to write great chunks of computer code that are repetitions of earlier
code. (172 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:32 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
10 Surefire Ways to Annoy Your Visitors
By Sunil Tanna
Start with your entry page. Be sure to include a huge graphical logo, but absolutely no useful information....
80% of your Web site is Maintenance
By Judy Cullins
Keep your Web site fresh with new material, testimonials and compelling benefit statements that lead your
visitors to buy.
13 Tips To Help Make Your Website More Successful
By Raymond Johnston Jr.
This article will give you 13 tips to help you create a more efficient website.
Back to Contents
Weight Loss
30 Days of Free Weight Loss Tips
By Tracie Johansen
Receive a free weight loss tip everyday for 30 days. Includes tips to help you stay motivated, cut calories,
gain energy and more. (173 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:32 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Are You or Your Emotions Overeating?
By Tracie Johansen
If you're having trouble losing weight, or having a hard time controlling your appetite, try to figure out if it's
because you're hungry or something is bothering you.
Getting Fatter With Age?
By Laura S. Garrett
Between age 20 and 50, most Americans percent body fat doubles. Slower metabolism has a lot to do with
it. This article gives training tips to help you reverse the hands of time. A sample workout schedule is given
as well some important nutrition tips to help speed up your metabolism.
Metabolism - Jump Starting It
By Laura S. Garrett
This article defines the three major factors that affect metabolism, identifies a truth that is gender specific,
spells out the effect of food on metabolism including alcohol, and provides a power list of ways to increase
your metabolic rate.
Losing Weight Holistically & Hypnotically
By Elizabeth Bohorquez
Explore mindbody tools that will bring you the weight loss success that has eluded you. Understand how
your family medical history plays a part in how you burn fat. Learn to change lifestyle behaviors with
powerful awareness & interactive self-hypnosis.
Solving the Weight Loss Mystery
By Elizabeth Bohorquez
Explore the facets of your eating with a nurse educator & medical hypnotist to find clues as to why you gain
weight & have difficulty losing. With the mystery solved you can work to design changes that will be
successful. (174 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:32 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
More Than 50% of North American Are Fat and Frustrated
By Brigitte Synesael
You've spent a fortune on diet books, diet aids, diet programs, and special diet foods that haven't worked.
There is a very real possibility that your weight may have nothing to do with excess eating.
Digestive Problems ? Natural Solutions
By Robert Elias Najemy
There are a wide variety of possible problems that one can have with the digestive system. They may
include a number of organs. We offer basic natural solutions for a wide variety of digestive problems.
Free Beauty Tips
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Back to Contents (175 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:32 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Women In Business
Lessons Learned after Five Years in Business
By June Campbell
They say the first five years make or break a business. On my business's fifth year anniversary, I mused
about the lessons I've learned.
How Hillary Adams taught her 12-year-old the Concept of "Passive Income"
By Ina Bliss
The difference between the rich and the poor is? Find out and take action today!
It All Begins With A Dream (or just a strong desire for a Nap)
By Rox Sailors
You can live your dream, if the desire is strong enough. The antics of a single mom, struggling to hold
down two jobs and be her own boss.
Step back to Succeed in Decision Making
By Gary Vurnum
If you think that you can’t cope – you won’t. It seems that very few people (and very few managers) have
mastered the ability of detachment. The way to stay calm while others panic is as easy as this.
The Case of Potentially Successful Women
By Teresa King
Once upon a time in a land called the "real world" two single women worked side by side in a "real job."
One was dressed in obviously expensive clothes with her hair done to perfection. (176 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:32 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Making a difference in the workplace
By Vered Neta
Here is an alternative to the business world's values of high achievements, discipline, performances, order,
competition and aggressiveness.
Telecommuter Tips - Training the Boss
By Kathryn Laskowski
Some tips to help the new (or new to the boss) telecommuter keep that boss in line.
How to Convert Your Passions Into Income?
By Yetti Chiu
How you can convert your passions into income? This article will guide you the steps on how you can
convert your passions into income.
Going Freelance - Make Money From Home!
By Yetti Chiu
Going Freelance. Looking for Work At Home Opportunities? Freelancing is a fantastic opportunity for
anyone who's looking for maximum flexibility, interesting jobs and the comforts of work at home.
Back to Contents
Writing and Copywriting (177 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:32 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
7 Simple Ways to Get Your Articles Published
By Tracie Johansen
Find out how and where to submit your articles to get more exposure and become known as an expert in
your field. Simple ideas to get your articles out fast.
Want the Best Free Advertising on the Internet? "Write Your Own Articles"!
By Tracie Johansen
Wouldn't you love to reach thousands of people for free? You can, simply by writing articles and having
them published. There are thousands of newsletter publishers looking for good content for their
Netwriting Masters Course
The Netwriting Masters... an intensive 5-Day e-mail course on how to write sales-clinching copy on the Net.
Want to sell more? Write better.
Common Writing Mistakes
By Michael LaRocca
A list of stuff I've seen in my years as an editor
Free Online Creative Writing Workshops
By Michael LaRocca
A way to improve your writing in a very short time and make it fit for publication
The Story of the Hypnotic Writing Monkey
By Joe Vitale
I now have this: "You don't realize it, but in the next few minutes you're going to learn how to get people to
do your bidding by using this amazing collection of hypnotic materials." (178 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:32 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
"The 10 Laws for Writing Letters that Get Results."
By Joe Vitale
The following is a letter in response to a question about how to write sales letters. This is something you
could model in layout, tone, and ideas, to write your own letters. By the way, this is where your letterhead
should go.
How to Write a Million Dollar Sales Letter!
By Joe Vitale
I will now reveal the technique I've been using: Bruce Barton's "Secret Formula." Barton said that good
advertising copy (and letters are advertisements) had to be three things: (1) Brief. (2) Simple. (3). Sincere.
In an e
Narrative and Dialogue - A Contrast Of Writing Styles
By Michael LaRocca
How to use the two different writing styles to maximum effect
How To Break Into Print Publishing
By Michael LaRocca
Why most manuscripts are rejected. Should you use an agent or go straight to a publisher? How to ensure
your manuscript isn't rejected before it's read.
Writing and Promoting Your Article Masterpiece
By Donna Sweat
Formatting, writing, resource box and submitting.
Yea right, I believe that
By Harry Fassett
Deciphering ad, and website copy. (179 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:32 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Writing for Mediocrity
By Heather Reimer
This tongue-in-cheek article looks at ways to write your e-content that will guarantee you'll never have to
worry about an explosion of sales or hiring more staff. If you have too much traffic and money to burn, you
MUST read this article!
7 Steps to Make A Blessing Out of A Pest
By Irena Whitfield
In 7 easy steps the Article shows 'How to write a business Email'. Email is a powerful marketing tool and
can perform miracles if written and used right. This article helps how to do it.
12 Tips for Writing Articles on the Internet
By David McKenzie
A list of tips for writing articles online.
"Write Some Articles!"
By David McKenzie
Why writing articles is one of the best forms of promoting your online business.
10 tips for better writing
By Tim North
Widely distributed and highly praised, this article provides ten simple, jargon-free tips to aid your writing.
Abbreviations made easy
By Tim North
Which is better usage: USA or U.S.A.? The punctuation of abbreviations is an area that is subject to
considerable differences of opinion. This article will help make everything clear. (180 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:32 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Choosing an effective title
By Tim North
A good title may be the difference between a reader choosing to look at your work or passing over it. This
article presents guidelines that will help you write effective titles.
Fonts and how to choose between them
By Tim North
There are many differences between fonts: some obvious, some subtle. As well as setting the mood of
what we write, these differences can have significant effects on legibility. Learn how to choose the right font
for the job.
Writing good sales copy: Ten tips and an important warning
By Tim North
Writing words that sell is a difficult task. Just consider how little attention *you* give to most of the
advertising you're exposed to. This article provides ten tips to make your sales copy more effective.
What Do YOU Know? Make Money From It!
By Tracie Johansen
What are you good at that others may want to learn? We all have talents and abilities, something we can
teach others. When you want to learn something new, where do you look?
Tips For Writing Great Articles
By Bob McElwain
Think of the next article or web page you write as a piece of fast-action fiction. Grab attention, then sustain
it. Right to the very end. Here are suggestions for doing so. (181 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:32 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
6 Tips For Better Writing
By Bob McElwain
Beef up your work in any of these areas, and the improvement can be impressive. None are difficult to do.
It only takes time to implement those ideas you feel will help.
You Can Learn To Write
By Bob McElwain
No matter how weak you believe your writing skills to be, they can be improved beginning right now. A bit
of improvement each day brings adequate skills in short order.
Writing Skills Matter
By Bob McElwain
Messages to your website visitors are communicated with words. For best results, string them together in a
sensible manner. What follows may help you accomplish this task.
12 Thoughts for Marketing: The Condensed Version
By Wild Bill
One and Two Word Headlines are real Attention Grabbers! Remember that your HEADLINE is the most
important part of your ad. What, Where, Why, Who or How - One of the quickest ways to grab attention, is
to pose a question to your readers they can't help but answering.....
7 Tips For Killer Headlines!
By Wild Bill
As with good ad copy, all successful headlines are written by following and using specific formulas. Where
do you get these formulas you ask? I'll get to that in a moment. First you must have the information you
need to apply to these formulas.... (182 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:32 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Ad Writers Quick Reference Sheet
By Wild Bill
New to Copywriting? Print this list out and make reference to it when writing your ads and ad copy.
Free eBook
eBook Ideas - The Ultimate Guide to eBook Promotion
eBook Ideas will give you information to help you decide what to write about, how to
complile it into eBook format and where to promote, publish and distribute your eBook.
Plus... How to write articles to promote your eBook for free. How and where to get them
How to build ezine subscribers. Where to promote your ezine. Plus how and where to
promote in other ezines for little or no money.
Get Your Free Copy Now! Simply go Online and Click on the link Below to Start Downloading
Plus... Learn How You Can Turn eBook Ideas Into a 24 Hour a Day 7 Day A Week Cash
Machine, Just by Giving It Away! You can get your own version with over 80 of your own
affiliate links. Get Yours Now! Click Here!
Freelance Writing on the Net
By Jill Black
This articles provides an overview for developing a career as an independent work-at-home freelance
writer online.
Interview Tips for Writers
By Jill Black
This article provides an overview on the art of face-to-face interviews which is something most writers will
experience at some stage in their writing careers. (183 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:32 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Make More Money Self-Publishing Special Reports
By J. Stephen Pope
You CAN succeed in your own information empire. Self-publishing valuable, how-to information is in great
demand by people today. In today's busy society, people are pressed for time. They need concise,
simplified, practical information. They will pay dearly for it...
Top 7 Essential "Hot-Selling Points" To Impliment Before Writing Chapter One
By Judy Cullins
Design each part of your book as a sales tool so you write a focused, compelling, easy to read, and
enjoyable book. Do it before you write chapter one!
Writing Children's Books -- Are Talking Animals a No-No?
By Laura Backes
Twenty years ago "talking animal stories" were everywhere. Then,in the early 1990's, many editors decided
they didn't want to see these books anymore. Can you still make it big with talking animals in your story?
How to write headlines that SELL!
By Dr. Roberto Bonomi
Are headlines very important? You can bet they are! Ninety percent of the success or failure of your home
business will be thanks to them. And it doesn't matter if you're writting an ad or a sales letter...
Writing a Salesletter that Gets Results
By Sue Barrett
From A to Z - how to write a winning sales letter that gets people to BUY.
Guess What Sells On The Internet?
By Peter Britka
This article is a simple guide on how to write good sales letters. (184 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:32 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Bestseller Writing
By Polly Hummingbird
Become rich and famous when you write a "bestseller".
How To Complain And Get Results
By Kathy Thompson
If you ever have to complain. Get results with a letter. Great tips for writing about a complaint.
7 Essential Letter-Writing Strategies
By Shaun Fawcett
Feedback I have been getting from visitors to my Web site tells me letter writing is
the area where most people are looking for help in daily writing. Here are the essential tips for good letter
Use Real-Life Templates For Writing Success
By ShaunFawcett
At some point, most of us have used what are commonly called "fill-in-the-blank" writing templates to write
a letter, format an essay, or set-up a resume or CV. This article explains the added advantages of "realLife" templates.
Recommendation Letters Demystified
By Shaun Fawcett
There is a lot of confusion about recommendation letters, and they are often referred to in many ways
including: reference letters, letters of recommendation, commendation letters, etc. This article clarifies
things and gives writing tips. (185 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:32 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
How To Write Cover Letters That Work
By Shaun Fawcett
Sometimes there's confusion about the meaning of the term "cover letter". Most people don't realize that
there are two main types of cover letters: document transmittal, and resume. Here's how to write resume
cover letters.
10 Tips For Writing A Winning Resume
By Shaun Fawcett
A resume (or cv), combined with the cover letter, are the master keys to opening the prospective
employer's mind and door so that one can proceed to the next step in the process - the big interview!
Here's how to write a resume.
7 Secrets For Beating Writer's Block
By ShaunFawcett
Most people can easily identify with the dreaded "writer's block". It is a well-known phenomenon that just
about everyone has faced at one point in their lives. Here are some hard- earned practical tips on how to
beat it.
The Easiest Way to Write Anything
By Joe Vitale
Yes, you can follow the path of J.Paul Getty, Lee Iaccocoa, and Donald Trump and hire someone to write
your words. That works. (And I'm available should you want to talk about hiring me as your ghostwriter.
How to Hypnotize People into Reading Your Sales Materials!
By Joe Vitale
"How can I tell if I am working aright?" many people ask. There is an easy, simple rule. With it in front of
him, not even a child could go wrong. Just ask yourself one question. If your answer is "Yes." You are on
the wrong track, and you will never make much progress, until you get off it and on the right track. (186 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:32 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
The Hypnotic Power of Confusion
By Joe Vitale
In other words, if I write something like, "Apples desk fly dirt," and then follow it with, "Read my new ebook,"
the chances are very high that you are going to want to read my new ebook.
Back to Contents
The articles listed in this eBook are brought to you by the following fantastic authors.
The authors are listed in alphabetical order by their first name. To get back to this
page after you have read each authors information simply click on the back button.
Amy Koullapis
Anna Kathryn Bir
Art Luff
Bobette Kyle
Bob Leduc
Bob McElwain
Brigitte Synesael
Candice Pardue
Carol Halsey
Cedric Kithima
Chris Malta
Christopher Pearce
Dale Lee
Darrell Finkeldei
Darren W. Roberts
David McKenzie
Deanna Ferber
Detlev Reimer
Dianne Reuby
Dirk Dupon
Dolores G. Wix
Donald Goss
Donna Sweat
Dr. Lendell Braud
Dr. Houston Vetter
Dr. Roberto Bonomi
Dr John H. Maher (187 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:32 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Ed Hirsch
Elizabeth Bohorquez
Elizabeth Piotrowski
Fiona Heares
Gary Lockwood
Gary Vurnum
Genece Hamby
Harry Fassett
Harry Sturhahn
Heather Reimer
Helaine Iris
Ian Edwards
Ina Bliss
Irena Whitfield
Ivan Cavric
J. Stephen Pope
James Steven Humphrey
Jan McCracken
Jeanie Marshall
Jeanine Herrin
Jeff McCall
Jeremy S. Gluck
Jill Black
Jim Hulsey
Jim Straw
Joan Marques
Joanne Fritz
Jodi L. Marvin
Joe Vitale
John Hoover
John W. David
Joseph Robert Neil James
Josh Hinds
Judi A. Singleton
Judith C. Tovey
Judy Cullins
June Campbell
Kalena Jordan
Kathryn Laskowski
Kathy Thompson
Kevin Donlin
Kevin Nunley
Larry James
L.H. Dalton
Laura Backes
Laura Garrett
Laurette Trudeau
Lee Wise
Leigh Butler
Len McGrane
Lionel L. Fisher
Lisa Daily
Lois R. Thompson (188 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:32 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Marc & Terry Goldman
Maria Gracia
Mary Holzrichter
Michael Hopkins
Michael LaRocca
Michael Puccino
Mike Beriault
Milos Novakovic
Nathan Lynch
Neil Moran
Nisandeh Neta
Owen Lamb
Peter Britka
Peter Murphy
Polly Hummingbird
Ramona Creel
Randolph Fabian Directo
Raymond Johnston Jr.
Rev. Keith Londrie
Richard Catlett Wilkerson
Richard Flink
Rick Marsh
Robert Elias Najemy
Robert Smith
Robin Henry
Rox Sailors
Rufina James
Ruth Duda
Ruth Marlene Friesen
Samuel Negron
Sean Cohen
Sergey Krutsenko
Shaun Fawcett
Sherry Gordon
Sibyl McLendon
Steve Clack
Steve Hartung
Sue Barrett
Sunil Tanna
Susan Harrow
Suzanne Miley
Teresa King
Theresa Frasch
Thomas D. Schueneman
Tim North
Tom Horn
Tony Murtagh
Tracie Johansen
Tracy Austin
Tys Dammeyer
Venus Ninet'te Wheatley
Vered Neta
W. Tony Dean
Wendy Joffe (189 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:33 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Wild Bill
Yetti Chiu
Back to Contents
Amy Koullapis
Amy Koullapis is the owner of works as a full-time Internet marketer,
specializing in internet promotion for software authors.
Anna Kathryn Bir
Anna Bir, or rather E-SAC Ann, that is, has been a journalist/reporter for eight years now. Even a
sports reporter. Now she is doing business in marketing on the Internet and loving it. She writes
several articles a month and posts them on her web site Looking forward
to a wonderful future.
Art Luff
Art Luff is the Publisher/Editor of "The Virtual Times Newsletter" A twice weekly publication that
focuses on Resources,Tips, and Articles to grow and run your business. Cutting Edge Marketing and
Promotion Tehniques.
Visit his site at:
Bobette Kyle
Bobette Kyle has over 10 years experience in Corporate Marketing; Brand and Product Marketing;
Field Marketing and Sales; and Management. Through her newsletter, site, and marketing services
she helps businesses integrate traditional and Internet marketing strategies.
For a step-by-step approach to developing a Web site marketing plan, read Bobette's book "How
Much For Just the Spider? Strategic Web Site Marketing for Small-Budget Businesses", (190 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:33 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Bob Leduc
Bob Leduc retired as one of the top sales producers for a major insurance company. During that time
he specialized in creating highly effective but very low-cost lead generating programs. He is now a
Sales and Marketing Consultant living in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Bob also writes marketing articles for numerous trade magazines, web sites and newsletters. He
recently wrote and published several marketing manuals for small business owners revealing unique
methods for building a successful business on a tight budget. Bob can be reached at:
Web site:
Phone: 702-658-1707 After 10 AM Pacific Time/Las Vegas, NV
Bob McElwain
Bob McElwain, author of "Your Path To Success." How to build ANY business you want, just the
way you want it, with only pocket money.
Get ANSWERS. Subscribe to "STAT News" now!
Phone: 209-742-6349
Brigitte Synesael
The diet industry is a billion dollar business. Yet over 50% of the North Americans are overweight.
This inspired me to write You've Got Nothing To Lose... But Pounds! An e-book that explains more
than 10 reasons for weight problems that have nothing to do with over eating. This report discusses
how to handle those issues naturally and with alternative medicine. NO monthly fees, NO specialty
foods. http://www.diets-dont-work.comYou've Got Nothing to Lose... But Pounds!Brigitte
Synesael is a researcher and founder of Your Life-Your Choice. Since 1997 this valuable resource
has become a #1 Alternative Medicine Information Provider. (191 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:33 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Candice Pardue
I graduated from King's College of Charlotte, NC in 1992 with a Retail Merchandising diploma. Of
course, I don't think they knew about Web design in my college back then. Therefore, I've learned
Web design from my father, online instructors and from the structured beginner's coursewe offer at
our site.
I enjoy writing articles about the Internet and web design geared toward helping the online beginner.
I also enjoy seeing my articles get published. :-) To speak modestly (blush), my articles have been
published in over 100 online publications including online newsletters and magazines, e-books,
website articles sections, and within insider secret sites.
Carol Halsey
Carol Halsey is Founder and President of Business Organizing Solutions. She is a professional
organizer,consultant, speaker, and author of "93 Organizing Tips to Simplify Your Business Life."
You can get this booklet and articles, ideas and a free Idea Kit, filled with simple tips for saving time,
simply by visiting her web site:
Cedric Kithima
Cedric Kithima is President of CWK Kithima. An information based company that specialises in
Licensing, direct mail and Internet Marketing. He offers entrepenuers a way to start their own fully
automated Internet Business, in less than 10 minutes and with little or no experience necessary.
Check out his website at:
Chris Malta
Chris Malta is a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer. He has worked with computer Systems for 18
years. He's been involved in eCommerce systems, networking and site design for more than 6 years.
He's taught college-level computer courses in Western NY. He developed The Drop Ship Source
Directory, he and his partners at
Worldwide Brands, Inc., publish the Directory and run eCommerce sites of their own using Drop
Shipping as their only business method. (192 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:33 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Christopher Pearce
Chris Pearce runs, which reviews lifetime and residual
affiliate programs. Keep up-to-date with the latest lifetime programs. Subscribe to his monthly
newsletter - Send a blank e-mail to:
Dale Lee
Dale Lee is a computer consultant who has been involved in Genealogy for over 12 years. For
information on how to publish your own Family History or book manuscript, visit
Darrell Finkeldei
Darrell Finkeldei publishes "The Start Advisor" newsletter. Discover how to succeed in your
PERFECT homebased online business niche, with proven research, winning business ideas, and
affordable resources. Subscribe free:
Darren W. Roberts
Darren Roberts is best known online for his inspiring articles. Early in 1998 he founded "AAvenues 2
Your Success" which is his weekly ezine.
Since then, he has published countless articles relating to personal development, empowerment and
self-growth. When you subscribe to his free ezine, you will also receive the fabulous success manual,
"How To Build A Healthy Attitude" FREE, with his compliments.
Click Here Now: (193 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:33 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
David McKenzie
David McKenzie is the founding editor of http://www.brisney.comwhich is a site dedicated to
helping people make money on the internet. Its main focus is affiliate programs and writing free
David is also the founding editor of
David has written 2 e-books “How to Write Free Articles and Market Them With a $0 Marketing
Budget” and “The Facts You Should Know About Affiliate Programs”.
David has been operating since 1999 and
http://www.1sthomebasedbusiness.comsince 2001.
Deanna Ferber
Deanna Ferber is President of GlamKitty, Home of Tabby Chic (tm). GlamKitty offers cosmetics and
skin care products that deliver results, all backed with our 110% guarantee. Dedicated to helping
'Busy Women with 9 Lives', we offer solutions to beauty problems with free consultations and
information on improving complexion, and makeup application, including vintage glamour tips.
Information is also available in our free beauty 'Mews-Letter.' Part of helping busy women lies in a
commitment to service, so we offer secure shopping, easy returns, and are proud members in several
consumer protection services. Take a 'paws' in your day at
Detlev Reimer
Detlev Reimer is the publisher of the 1A IMS-Newsletter which gives you tips and tricks on web site
and ezine promotion. He has just published his first ebook called "How to start your own profitable
newsletter" . It is available at this link :
At his site, you'll also find a lot of free promotion
resources . Subscribe to his ezine by sending a blan email to (194 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:33 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Dianne Reuby
Dianne Reuby created help newbies find free tools and resources
to build and run their own web sites.
Her other ebooks:
First Website Builder - This 4-volume library shows you how to build, write, present, upload,
automate, promote, and back up your site using FREE tools.
Searching the Web - The free tools that help you search the web effectively, how to use search
engines, the specialist search engines available.
Make Your Site Sticky - increase traffic and sales with a sticky site that will bring your visitors back.
Dirk Dupon
Dirk Dupon wrote a FREE E-book Email Course: "How to Write, Create, Promote and Sell an Ebook On The Internet". You can get your own copy here:
Dolores G. Wix
About the Author
Dolores G. Wix never wanted to be anything except a writer. She is currently working on her first
novel, “Real Love” which will be published later this year.
She publishes a newsletter called, “Potential Rose” because she wants others to pursue their dreams
like she did. The newsletter is published to encourage the seeds of greatness in all of us to take root
and grow so that we follow our passions, dreams, and the goals that are right for us. To subscribe,
send a blank email to:
She resides in Northern California with her husband, Dave. (195 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:33 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Donald Goss
Don Goss is the editor of Lightning Solution, a free bi-monthly E-zine that features business building
techniques, traffic generating tips, and inspirational thoughts.
Donald has been self-employed for 25 years and is the owner of
His site boasts the latest, cutting-edge eBook titles and a generous affiliate program. Visit his site at:
Donna Sweat
Donna Sweat is the publisher of Dee's Helpful Info.Newsletter. She owns Endless Mts Home
Business website,and writes home-business related articles. Also listed here are home business tools,
low-cost classifieds, and an ezine list. You may email her at mailto:donna@sosbbs.comor visit her
site at
Dr. Houston Vetter
As a leading expert in the People Development Field, Dr. Vetter through his Accelerated Success
Training… teaches and trains businesses and individuals to translate success from one area of their
lives to other areas. Houston’s articles deal with accelerated and optimum persuasion of self and
others. Consistent Influence skills for oneself are usually the missing key. If you really want to
optimize your effectiveness allow Houston to help you get maximum control of your
brain/mind/body. This is fun and easy to learn. He also does one-on-one counseling. He believes you
are already using your mind and living your life and just like many professionals we all can use a
Coach-Trainer from time to time. Houston believes in using what works and comes from many fields
of study including but not limited to Psychology, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Hypnosis, Neuro
Semantics, Human Performance Engineering, Design Human Engineering, Energy Psychology,
Gestalt Therapy, Comparative Religions and Ericsonian Hypnosis to name a few. You may contact
Houston at For more information about Dr. Houston Vetter, Prosperity
Specialist and what people say about his work go to http://www.secretsuccess.comand (196 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:33 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Dr. John H. Maher, ABAAHP
Dr. Maher is co-founder of Doctors For Nutrition, Inc. He has practiced clinical nutrition for over 20
years. Dr. Maher has taught nutritional diagnostics and therapeutics to colleagues all across America.
He is a certified anti-aging specialist through the A4M. He is a postgraduate faculty member for
NYCC and the NY Academy of Anti-Aging. He is past Clinical Director of Anti-Aging and
Longevity for Nutra Quest Inc. Dr Maher is author of, "Your FREE
Do-It-Yourself Anti-Aging Course OnLine", editor of the Longevity News, and moderator of the
Anti-Aging Question and Answer Forum.
Dr. Lendell Braud
Dr. Lendell Braud, profesor of Psychology at Texas Southern University in Houston has worked with
learning disabled and children and teens with behavioral problems for over 30 years. Her research
has incorporated innovative techniques for the prevention of aggression in children and teens as as
the remediation of learning disabilities. She has presented her research at state and national
Dr. Roberto Bonomi
Dr. Roberto Bonomi is the Editor and Publisher of two successful e-books: "How to SELL on The
Web" "Success is Easy! And is also the publisher of the "MLM Newsletter"
http://www.mlm-newsletter.comand the "Easy Home Business" web site: http://www.easy-homebusiness.comIf you already have, or are planning to have an Internet Home Based Business, you can't
miss the kind of knowledge that you'll receive in these two sites and ebooks!
Ed Hirsch
Best regards,
Ed Hirsch
ICQ# 55939361 650-872-1024
So. San Francisco, California
Leaders create leaders and I'm teaching people a totally Virtual System that creates Time, Leverage,
Income and Freedom...Are you the Right Person to Follow our Proven System and become the Next
Leader? What are you waiting for (197 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:33 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Get a Free Gift for clicking on this
Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, SRN, CPH
Registered Nurse, Clinical Medical Hypnotist, President & Program Designer of Sarasota Medical &
Sports Hypnosis Institute, Sarasota, FL & online at Educational sites offer free online classes in self-hypnosis
application, library, over 20 departments filled with interactive educational tools relating to selfhypnosis applications plus over 300 audio programs for adults, students, executives & athletes. Learn
to manage sugar addiction, stress, phobias, fears & other emotional mind states that effect your
health & performance.
Elizabeth Piotrowski
Elizabeth Piotrowski is a freelance copywriter, and owner of Strategy Ad Service. She provides
original and affordable copywriting solutions for small businesses, both online and offline. You can
visit her on the web at
Fiona Heares
JoFi NZ are a small home-based e-tail business, owned and operated by Fiona & Joan . JoFi are
foundation members of "Business for Social Responsibility" in NZ . JoFi offers over 300 unique New
Zealand handmade gifts & crafts via the Internet. In doing so, they support small businesses and
individuals by selling their products all over the world. Fiona & Joan fully employ the "Reduce, Reuse and Recycle" methodology in their work place and in their homes & believe buying greener need
not mean buying less, as all products and services on the website carry a 100% Money Back
Gary Lockwood
Gary Lockwood, Your Business Coach, is Increasing Effectiveness and Enhancing Lives of CEOs,
business owners and professionals.
Get Gary's Free newsletter - send any blank email to
Email: Web: (198 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:33 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Gary Vurnum
Gary Vurnum has left the corporate world behind to focus on helping otherssucceed. He uses the
lessons he has learnt from surviving the life-or-death situations he has faced with his severely
disabled son. Others may not want his life...but he is the happiest he has ever been. Send a blank
email to sofsuccess@getresponse.comto get his free 4 part report on Success - "11 Reasons Why You
Will Never Succeed"
Genece Hamby
Genece Hamby has more than 15 years in branding the solo entrepreneur. She thoroughly
understands the individual brand challenges that each soloist faces -- she should because she's been a
soloist herself throughout most of her career. Over the years, she's acted as a branding and packaging
consultant advising entrepreneurs, free agents and individuals who wanted to distinguish themselves
in their marketplace. Genece is the founder and president of Blue Sage Group
( and Solo (
with a weekly newsletter with articles on branding and marketing for the solo entrepreneur. She's
also an author of A Brand to Remember, to be released in Fall, 2002. Email her at:
Harry Fassett
Harry Fassett has been offering web hosting, and list services for over six years online. Specializing
in ColdFusion Hosting, list management, listserver/ autoresponder services for small business. FREE
personal assistance via phone, and email.
Also Co-owner of"Where Publishers and subscribers connect"
Ph: 818-365-7718
Providing ecommerce solutions since 1995. ColdFusion hosting here!
``````````````````````````````````````````````````` (199 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:33 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Harry Sturhahn
Harry Sturhahn has published articles for 6 of the leading online webmaster e-zines. His step by step
articles focus on design and marketing strategies that help webmasters double their traffic and
increase their online sales.
Harry is the owner of Profit Building Ebooks. An easy to use step by step guide to launching best
selling ebooks. You can learn more about this exciting course at:
Heather Reimer
Heather Reimer was a print and broadcast journalist for 15 years. She now specializes in
writing/editing web content, e-zines, media releases, sales letters and articles. If you want to boost
your traffic and revenues, consider the difference that action-provoking content can make. Contact
Heather for a free consultation on ways to improve your existing content and/or a quote on fresh, new
content. Tight deadline? No problem. Small budget? No problem. For fast, effective, and memorable
Helaine Iris
Helaine Iris is a Certified Life Coach She works with people who want more out of life. People who
want to make personal, relationship or career changes, and lead successful, balanced lives filled with
love, passion and purpose For a complimentary session visit her website
http://www.pathofpurpose.comor call her 603-357-8546 or email her
Ian Edwards
Ian Edwards is a senior consultant with Verus Public Relations http://www.verus.comand
Reputations Inc. A specialist in getting clients in the news, he has a
special summer PR package to introduce organizations to the promotional power of the media. (200 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:33 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Ina Bliss
The author, Ina Bliss, started her moneymaking online business offline. Having taught a handful of
freshly laid-off employees how to be a successful entrepreneur, she gives her information to you on a
continual basis. Begin your encounter with her by subscribing at
Irena Whitfield
Irena Whitfield, the webmistress of http://www.thecassiopeia.comis a computer system engineer, an
author and lecturer, working in international business and finance for over 15 years, specializing in
internet business consultancy and helping individuals and companies offline and online to succeed in
nowadays' highly competitive business environment. Subscribe to her successful FREE Ezine
'Pathway To Success', and get special FREE services, hot marketing tips, top webmaster resources,
FREE access to Web Lions Library, mailto: Give YOUR Business a Boost getting her services
at: Get Publicity. Be Seen using her ePublishing
Ivan Cavric
Mr. Cavric is President and managing partner of PrimeQuest Capital Corp. For over 7 years
PrimeQuest has provided business consulting services to individual clients and private corporations.
Visit his site at:
J. Stephen Pope
J. Stephen Pope, President of Pope Consulting Inc., been
helping clients to earn maximum business profits for over twenty years.
For more valuable Work at Home Business Ideas, visit:
Subscribe Free to Moneymaking Business! at: (201 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:33 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
James Steven Humphrey
Steve Humphrey is an 8-year Internet veteran and Certified Guerilla Marketer who is regarded as a
specialist in CGI, Perl, and SQL programming. His new e-book "Learn to use CGI in Two Hours" is
available across the Internet and from his site:
Jan McCracken
Jan McCracken is a professional Feng Shui Master Practitioner. She holds certifications in
Traditional Compass School, Form School and Black Hat Feng Shui. She has self-published over 30
titles, and is currently writing a fun, new book on Feng Shui! Her primary goal is to help individuals
live happier, fuller and more enriched lives by sharing her knowledge and extensive studies of Feng
Shui. Jan provides personal consultations for your home and office and online classes. Did you
receive your FREE newsletter?"Simply" all about Feng Shui!
Jeanie Marshall
Jeanie Marshall, founder of Marshall House, has an Human Resource Development and
Organization Development. She offers private consultations by telephone, appears as a guest on
television and radio shows, has produced more than fifty guided visualization meditations on audio
cassette tapes, and for six years produced and hosted a local television show, "Return to Center." She
is a mentor, coach, facilitator, organizational development consultant, personal development
consultant, and a writer. Her greatest professional satisfaction is to facilitate and witness people
living the most conscious and loving lives possible.
Her web site is
Jeanine Herrin
There's lots to see at Empty Nest Moms so be sure to stop by to have a look. Connect with other E.N.
Moms on the message board, read E.N. stories from other moms. Loads of books about the empty
nest, from the humorous to the serious. Lots of women's health articles, recipes and a new business
section to check out! Much to much to put here, so check it out for yourself. (202 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:33 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Jeff McCall
Jeff McCall publishes a FREE monthly newsletter called "Success Lines" - a great source of tips,
advice and motivation for any entrepreneur looking to achieve success online. Receive a FREE
marketing course for subscribing and a FREE ebook with every issue. Send a blank email to...
Jenka is the author of "A Heaven on Earth" subtitled: Human Alchemy through the Practical use of
Universal Principles, which can be viewed on her personal website at:
For the past 30 some years, Jenka as been quietly and anonymously engaged in helping people
achieve their goals or resolve some personal problems, under the guidance of fully evolved Beings,
referred to by some as Ascended Masters or Adepts.
She was tagged for this type of work because of the degree of knowledge she acquired regarding the
laws governing our system of existence, during her travels both in Europe and Asia.
The contradictory attitudes of the various cultures she encountered made Jenka realize that what
people thought of as Truth, was merely their opinion about Truth and not Truth itself. Thus began her
life-long trek in such of "the real thing."
For more information on jenka visit contact
Jenka directly at:
Jeremy S Gluck
Spiritech Virtual Foundation is a research and teaching entity geared toward exploring the spiritual
and metaphysical dimensions of emerging telecommunications and information technology. Our
vision is to make accessible to the greatest number of people possible the significance and
implications of 'deep technology', the spirituality-technological interface.
Visit Us At find out about the exciting new ebook Eligion! (203 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:33 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Jill Black
Jill is a freelance writer and photographer and member of the New Zealand Freelance Writers
Association (NZFWA) based in Auckland New Zealand. She is the owner of "Net Writing and ePublishing Success" at http://www.netwrite-publish.comand editor of the free bi-weekly ezine "ebiz
publisher" at
Jim Hulsey
Click Here For Guaranteed Traffic is a FREE, simple and easy way to guarantee a constant stream of
traffic to your website. Pick up a free download or two here:
J.F. (Jim) Straw
"Finder's Fees - The Easiest Money You'll Ever Make" by J.F. (Jim) Straw; the only professional
finder to ever write on the subject. The complete, master course has been the bible of professional
finders since 1978. -- Available in our Million Dollar Library. FINDERS WANTED - Earn
Exceptional Finder's Fees. Visit:
Joan Marques
Joan Marques has personified making a difference and establishing change throughout her personal
and professional life. She stands for more than 20 successful years in radio- and television production
and show-hosting in South America; establishing and managing a Foundation for women's issues,
and performing innovative Public Relation activities for a number of reputable organizations. She
implemented radicalism when she decided to become a gray-haired revolutionary by reinventing
herself, and immigrating to California in 1998. She holds a Master's degree in Business
Administration and is now working on her doctorate in Organizational Leadership. She teaches
Business & Management to graduate students and writes articles for audiences around the globe.
Visit her site at:
Email: (204 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:33 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Joanne Fritz
Joanne Fritz, Ph.D., publishes http://www.notyetretired.comwhich provides information about
working and earning during retirement; and, a private website that
brings demographic and marketing information about the mature market to businesses. Join now and
receive a free book on selling to seniors. Joanne can be contacted at
Jodi L. Marvin
Jodi L. Marvin is a mother of two, Licensed Childcare Provider, Founder of and
author of "Childcare Journal for Parents & Providers", a one-year childcare journal that allows
parents to track their children's well-being while at daycare and aids in parent and childcare provider
Joe Vitale
He's the world's most powerful copywriter, a best-selling author, marketing specialist, and the CEO
of Hypnotic Marketing, Inc. He's written too many books to list here, including "Spiritual
Marketing." He's also the author of the Nightingale-Conant tapeset "The Power of Outrageous
Marketing!" Click Here to Visit His Site.
John Hoover
FREE computer diagnostic program download for dummies. Gets your computer back into fine
shape quickly. No more locking up, freeze ups, blue screens or other pesky bugs. Find your problems
Now! Visit his site at:
John W David
John W David is Corporate Sales Trainer and Keynote Speaker and author of ProShop Professional
Sales Training and free monthly ProShop Pro Sales Tips. John is a powerful speaker, trainer.
Everything John talks or writes about is hands-on, in-depth material that is all about total career
development in the complete Professional Selling Process as it applies in real life sales situations. If
you're going to learn, learn from the best. This material is unique and extremely powerful. (205 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:33 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Joseph Robert Neil James
Joseph Robert Neil James resides in Warwickshire, England and is an author, husband, father, grandfather, and Great-Grand-Father Having spent many years in the "Direct Mail Advertising" business
whilst living in Australia with his wife and young family, He returned to the UK with his family in
1974 - To read his web based article titled "Pendulum Power" plus much more - please click the
following URL:
Josh Hinds
Josh Hinds - Founder of http://GetMotivation.comand publishes two personal development
newsletters. As well as a syndicated column in the area of self-improvement.
Judi A. Singleton
Judi Singleton is the owner of,
http://www.Gotojassminesitenow.comwhich specializes in low cost advertising to get your site seen.
She has been publishing ezines on the net since 1998 She has published two books. Judi resides in
Oregon. She has four ezines: A Light in the Window is a spiritual journey ezine. If you believe life is
a spiritual journey subscribe: alightinthewindow-subscribe@yahoogroups.comJassmine's Journal A
business ezine packed full of articles to help you and your business grow. subscribe:, An Angel On My Shoulder Do you believe in angels? Explore
angel experiences with us. Share angel stories, free angel readings, subscribe, last Creative Imagination the ezine for writers, poets,
musicians, graphic artists, write in our ezine, show in our gallery. subscribe Contact Judi at (206 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:33 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Judith C. Tovey
Over a lifetime, few families are left unaffected by the devastating diseases caused by unhealthy
body cells. As the scientific community races to find a CURE for such illness, Neways chooses to
focus on supporting PREVENTION. Centered on its anti-carcinogenic products, Neways has
developed three steps to help your body achieve healthy cell division, support the prevention of
disease, and maintain longevity. Our primary mission is to conquer carcinogens and educate the
consumers about the chemical constituents of your personal care products and their effects on your
body. We are members of the Cancer Prevention Coalition. Come Join Us! j.tovey@gte.netand
Judy Cullins
Judy Cullins is a 22-year veteran publisher, book coach, and author of _Write your eBook or Other
Short Book--Fast!_ and _Ten Non-techie Ways to Market Your Book Online_, and 30+ others.
Known as the eBook Queen, Judy helps people market their products, web sites, and services online.
She publishes "The Book Coach Says..." a free monthly eZine. Email her at
Judy@bookcoaching.comand visit her Web site at
June Campbell
June Campbell operates her own writing business, Nightcats Multimedia Productions. Since opening
her business in 1995, June's writing has appeared in multiple print and electronic publications.
Additionally, she provides writing services to a diverse range of clients including a wardrobe
designer, the publisher of an education resource web site, a computer magazine and several others.
Calling herself a pioneer of Internet sales, she has been selling ebooks and other info products online
since 1998. Originally from Manitoba, Canada she currently makes her home in beautiful Vancouver,
Visit June on the web at, or subscribe to her free business ezine at (207 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:33 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Kalena Jordan
Kalena's company -Web Rank Search Engine Placement - specializes in optimizing their client's web
sites to help them achieve a higher search engine ranking. The company was established in Australia
in 1999 with one client, expanded rapidly and a second office was opened in New Zealand in 2000.
Web Rank staff have successfully optimized web sites for over 40 clients, ranging from small startups to Fortune 100 firms and have established an impressive track record to date, by achieving high
search engine rankings for every single client.
Kalena's previous roles have included SEO Manager for a web development firm, Public Relations
consultant, Freelance web site designer, Marketing Manager for a computer systems firm and five
years as Public Relations Advisor to the Royal Thai Government. She has a Bachelor of Arts in
Communication from the University of Newcastle, Australia. You can contact Kalena by emai at
Kathryn Laskowski
Kathy, founder of - the site dedicated to helping those who work@home, has been
a work@home professional herself for over fifteen years.
You can read more of Kathy's work at home articles at:
Or download Kathy's free ebook Get In The e-Zone at:
In the works:
All are (or soon will be) members of the In-The-e-Zone network. (208 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:33 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Kathy Thompson
Kathy Thompson was born with a pencil in her hand. She loves to create-- all kinds of writing,
fiction & non-fiction. Speaking is another passion which she enjoys and likes to help people with
their personal communications. Health and Physiognomy (Face Reading) are what she enjoys writing
and speaking about. With a B.S. in Business Communications, Kathy programs have been given
around the country. Her articles have appeared in various publications on and off line. Her face
reading skills have been recognized nationally. http://www.words4-u.comis a culmination of her15
plus years of research. You can reach her at:
Kevin Donlin
Author, Home Business Owner
Excerpted from 8 Secrets of $100,000+ Home Businesses, a what-to-do guide with 49 businessbuilding secrets in 8 categories ... backed by a "700 times" guarantee. To learn more, visit
Kevin Nunley
Each week Kevin's articles are read by over one million in great publications like Wealth Builder,
Home Business, DEMC.
Kevin Nunley provides marketing advice and copywriting. See his 10,000 marketing ideas and
popular promotion packages at
L.H. Dalton
First time author L.H. Dalton is a divorced parent and former marketing professional residing in the
Chicago area. The author invites participation in the new book, Relationship Basic 3: Connecting
Mind, Body & Spirit, by completing an online survey at
You can contact Dalton at (209 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:33 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Larry James
Larry James is President of He is a full-time professional speaker, author and
relationship coach. His "Relationship Enrichment LoveShop," is adapted from his best selling books,
"How to Really Love the One You're With: Affirmative Guidelines for a Healthy Love
Relationship," "LoveNotes for Lovers: Words That Make Music for Two Hearts Dancing!" and "Red
Hot LoveNotes for Lovers." Larry has appeared on ABC TV's "The View" with Barbara Walters and
more than 450 radio talk shows. He has been quoted in Cosmopolitan Magazine and his articles have
appeared in numerous publications. Larry is a gifted teacher who shares his inspired insight with
clarity, style and good taste.
Celebrate Love!Updated daily!
Laura Backes
Laura Backes is the author of "Best Books for Kids Who (Think They) Hate to Read" from
Prima/Random House. She's also the publisher of Children's Book Insider, the Newsletter for
Children's Writers. For more information about writing children's books, including free articles,
market tips, insider secrets and much more, visit Children's Book Insider's home on the web at
Laura S. Garrett, RD, LD
Written by Laura S. Garrett, RD, Registered Dietitian, Fitness Trainer, & Owner of Serving your Complete Nutrition & Active Lifestyle Needs
Contact via e-mail: Laura.RD@NutrActive.comWeight Loss/Fitness Programs & Diabetes Specialist
Also Specializing in Vitamin/Mineral/Herb Supplementation
Subscribe to our free weekly ezines for tips on how to lose weight, tone muscle, prevent disease, &
cook healthy: (210 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:33 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Laurette Trudeau
Laurette Trudeau is a successful webmaster and author. She has written many articles on how to
make money on the Internet and how to market on the web succesfully. She is also a full time
representative for Retire Quickly Corporation. A premier developer of eBusiness Products and
Servies. How to Retire Quickly eCourse available online. Premier Online Entrepreneur Marketing
System Premium Quick Retirement System.
Lee Wise
Lee is a Seminary administrator, has a part-time business at home, and writes his own free
motivational mailing. You may contact him at or by visiting Permission is given to distribute articles. This entire paragraph
must be included.
FREE REPORT: 7 SECRETS TO EARNING $100,000 FROM HOME Kelly Reese, ChFC and selfmade millionaire spent almost 4 years in research before writing this report. Now in almost 100
countries! Visit:
Leigh Butler
Leigh Butler is an Educational Consultant, Author, and Trainer. She has written numerous articles on
such topics as empowerment, self-improvement, education, learning, teaching, and parenting.
Previous articles can be found at her Education Aids web site, Or,
subscribe to her Lifelong Learning newsletter at have her new articles delivered to your
email. (211 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:33 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Len McGrane
Len McGrane has been a professional, international writer for 20 years. He shows you how to write
press releases that can promote your business in TV, radio and newspapers -- for free. This is top
quality advertising that's worth $1,000s! Until today it was an expensive gamble because you had to
hire high-cost PR consultants. Now Len shows you how to cut them out and write your own press
releases that'll actually get more attention from journalists than professionally written ones, because
they're delivered faster and have less 'fluff'. (Notice how consultants don't offer to be paid on
Lionel L. Fisher
A former journalist, corporate communicator and advertising creator director, Lionel Fisher is the
author of "Celebrating Time Alone: Stories of Splendid Solitude" (Beyond Words Publishing, 2001),
"On Your Own: A Guide to Working Happily, Productively & Successfully from Home" (Prentice
Hall, 1995) and "The Craft of Corporate Journalism" (Nelson-Hall, 1992). Fisher also writes three
self-syndicated humor-lifestyle columns. Reach him at
Lisa Daily
Lisa Daily is the author of Stop Getting Dumped! All you need to know to make men fall madly in
love with you and marry "The One" in 3 years or less. At better bookstores May 2002. The New
York Daily News raves "different" and "uplifting" Want our FREE Dating Tips newsletter? Chockfull of man-snagging techniques - get it at
Lois R. Thompson
Demystify How To Build Wealth On-line ! The highly acclaimed "Building Wealth News Ezine"
gives you good, accurate, simple to understand guidance. Learn how to generate multiple online
income streams by using affordable Internet affiliate programs to synergistically grow your MLM
opportunity. Click here to subscribe today and receive your Free 7 - day e-mail training Course and
begin participating in our Forum. (212 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:33 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Marc & Terry Goldman
Marc & Terry Goldman are the owners of The Ultimate Marketers Resource and 6 other highly
successful websites. The Ultimate Marketers Resource gives you all the marketing tools your
business needs to succeed: unlimited autoresponders, mailing listserver, and a whole suite of other
plugin website tools! Plus the inside marketing resources you need to effectively grow your business.
All for one low price of just 19.95 a month. Our competitors charge more than this for just one of the
tools you get in The Ultimate Marketers Resource. To benefit from The Ultimate Marketers Resource
go to:
Maria Gracia
Want to get organized? Get your FREE Get Organized Now! Idea-Pak to help you organize your
home, your office and your life, at the Get Organized Now! Web site:
Maria Gracia, founder of Get Organized Now! and author of Finally Organized, Finally Free can help
you organize your home, your office and your life!
Mary Holzrichter
The Best Of Fast-Paced Action Tales Coming Soon!
Michael Hopkins
Michael Hopkins is owner of BizzyDays eBook Publications. Download FREE CUSTOMIZABLE
Ebooks at:
Discover Michael's Unique "Hands-on" Guide to Successful Ebook Publishing at: (213 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:33 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Michael LaRocca
Michael was born in North Carolina, and he teaches English in China. Four of his books will be
published in 2002, and one is an EPPIE 2002 finalist in the Thriller category. He’s proud of the fact
that he rarely writes in the same genre twice.
When Michael isn’t teaching, he works as a legal transcriptionist for a Hong Kong firm and as an
editor and Author Development Specialist for two North American epublishers. When he should be
squeezing writing into his schedule, he is usually enjoying the company of his wife and their cat
Michael Puccino
Mike Puccino is the editor of The STS Weekly, an exclusive newsletter dedicated to bringing it's
subscribers the best in free internet marketing resources! Free Ebooks, Articles, Software, Reports,
Webmaster Resources and More. Every issue is packed with helpful tips and useful tools, specially
selected to fit a beginner's shoestring budget. Visit him online today at:
Mike Beriault
Mike Beriault has been making his living online since 1996. He is the editor of a family of marketing
and webmaster sites: http://www.surf22.comoffers free Internet Marketing resources and a free web
site analysis. http://www.marketinghosting.comis a hosting and marketing company specializing in
search engine optimization. http://www.marketinginsiders.comis the home of the Marketing Insiders
Vault, a wealth of money making information available to site subscribers. For more articles like this
you can subscribe to his free email newsletter sent twice a month by sending a blank email to
Milos Novakovic
Discover HOW $49.95 can become $1000's + weekly or daily CASH! Plus so much more. How you
can get $5000 to $25,000 cash assistance. Free information. Send blank email to:
mylos@freeautobot.comor visit (214 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:33 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Nathan Lynch
Author Nathan Lynch is an affiliate program specialist and author of a new ebook called "Affiliate
Success Blueprint". This great new book offers insight and advice to the newbie and veteran alike on
topics such as choosing profitable affiliate programs, setting up minisites and writing great classified
ads. To find out more click here.
Neil Moran
Discover *exactly* how to write a killer ad that gets results EVERY time, and *exactly* which 35
ezines are the BEST places to publish your ad.
Nisandeh Neta
Nisandeh Neta is a trainer, success coach and healer. He is leading training programs, workshops,
courses and retreats focusing on themes such as personal growth, self-esteem, leadership,
relationships, consciously creating, meditation and neo-shamanism. Learn how to achieve success,
gain emotional freedom, increase self-confidence and transform stress and anxiety into positive
energy at His articles focus on personal-transformation, grounded
spirituality and creating your own reality. His inspiration, motivation and empowerment articles,
newsletter and digital books can be found at http://www.inspiration2go.comSend a blank e-mail to
mailto:subscribe@inspiration2go.comto get his monthly newsletter and receive a FREE BONUS inspirational digital book.
Owen Lamb
Owen Lamb - Lecturer, Computer Aided Design and Architectural Technologies. Special interests;
Internet and Web Site Design. His site is jam packed with TOTALLY FREE Advice, Tutorials,
Tools and Articles on Web Site Design and Deployment: (215 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:33 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Peter Britka
Peter Britka offers an ebook named "4 Secrets of Successful Home Based Business" that helps
people who want to start a home based business and need a product or service to sell. You can check
out his site at: http://www.4-secrets-of-successful-home-based-business.comand you can get the first
chapter of this ebook by sending a blank email to
Peter Murphy
Peter Murphy is a peak performance consultant. His ezine is dedicated to your ongoing evolution.
*Would you like a free weekly ezine full of practical tips for communicating at your best under
pressure* All new subscribers receive a free e-book with powerful strategies for being at your best.
To subscribe send a blank email to:
Polly Hummingbird
"Start A Profitable Business"
Polly Hummingbird writes and sells printable ebooks. Amazing Bestseller ebook, Super Business
Ramona Creel
As an experienced Professional Organizer, a member of NAPO, and the founder of, Ramona Creel helps individuals and organizations to regain
control over their time, space, and paper -- both at home and at work. At her website - visitors can find the right products and information for those “doit-yourself” organizing projects, get a referral to a Professional Organizer anywhere in the country,
sign up for two free online newsletters, and find an extensive resource directory of links to other
organizing-related sites on the web. You may contact Ramona via phone (404-607-7857) or e-mail (216 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:33 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Randolph Fabian Directo
In the category of Best Affiliate Programs, this top winner for Best Web Affiliate 2000 is chosen as
the number one income generator for webmasters who want to make money with their web sites.
Five Gold Stars for top earning payouts. Click "Get Rich from Health Products" at
Raymond Johnston Jr.
My name is Raymond Johnston Jr. I have been working on the Internet since 1996. My background
includes Advertising, finance and I am also a published writer. I am the Publisher of Money For Hire
Ezine, where you will find some great marketing information, a few advertising tips and anything
else I find that can help us all succeed. Many of us have the same dream, to find financial freedom
online. Come join us in our quest for marketing success. Mailto:,
Rev. Keith Londrie
My name is Keith Londrie and my business is Information research/retrieval and reporting. I've been
involved with information brokering at all levels since early 1996. Among other things, I am:
+ Editor of the popular "Info-Resource" which is a FREE weekly electronic newsletter containing
sources of FREE or low cost information. You may subscribe by sending any email message to
+ A minister in the local Keokuk, Iowa community. I have a ministry on the World Wide Web where
I offer prayer to those in need.
Richard Catlett Wilkerson
Richard Wilkerson is a Bay Area educator and has been working with dreams and dreaming since
1984. He is the author of (1999) A Brief History of Dream Sharing, Theory, Techniques and
Cyberspace. Richard writes a regular column for the Association for the Study of Dreams magazine,
Dream Time and is the webmaster for their site. He contributed a chapter to Stanley Krippner's
DreamScaping book (2000) and written hundreds of articles on dreams, dreaming and dreamwork.
Richard is the publisher of the online dream e-zine, Electric Dreams. Monthly online Class: History
of Dreams. (217 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:33 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Richard Flink
Richard Flink, Msc, is Director of ADVANCE ASSESSORIA, an Executive Search / Outplacement
firm located in Brazil. mailto:
Rick Marsh
Rick Marsh is the Vice Presedent of Technical Services for datanex,Inc. and has over 30 years
experience in the computer industry.
Robert Elias Najemy
Robert Elias Najemy is the author of over 600 articles, 400 lecture cassettes on Human Harmony and
20 books, which have sold over 100,000 copies. He is the Founder and director of the Center for
Harmonious Living in Greece with 3700 members. His book The Psychology of Happiness is
available at You can download FREE articles and ebooks from http://www.HolisticHarmony.comwhere you can also receive guidance on life issues. for
Robert Smith
Bob started working full time on the Internet in 1996. He discovered early on that offering
specialized; high demand information was a profitable sales model. He credits his success to the
gradual development of a large content centered website that attracts highly targeted traffic and three
information products.
Be Your Own Boss" is an ebook about inventing your own successful home-based business based on
your own individual strengths and passion. The "eBook2002" 78 eBook package that comes with
master reselling rights, and a 500 meg marketing CDROM containing 100s of resalable infoproducts, web graphics, web design templates and software. Visit his site at: (218 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:33 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Robin Henry
Robin is a human resources development practitioner with over 20 years experience as a TAFE
teacher and manager, HR adviser, staff development and training manager, and trainer. Robin runs an
online HR&D advisory and publishing business from Central Australia called Desert Wave
Publishing servicing clients all across the globe. He has just completed his third electronic
publication title 'winning That Government Job' which adds to popular sellers 'How to Write
Winning Training Proposals' and 'Making the Transition to Online Learning'. Robin has contributed
articles to several HR&D sites and also maintains several web sites. He has a special interest in
desktop and electronic publishing, digital photography, and as he lives in Central Australia, going
camping, bush-bashing and generally being outdoors. Desert Wave Publishing's site is at and you can contact Robin by email at
Rox Sailors
Rox Sailors is the Owner of Grandma Roxie's Simple Things, home of pure and gentle handmade
soaps and bath salts, Simply Romantics, where you can save 40-60% everyday on beautiful Name
Brand Lingerie and Intimates, and Secret Sister Society, a newsletter/forum for promoting friendship
and support to women. She is the editor and writer for the Newsletter "Simply Romantic Antics" and
maintains the newsletter/forum of "Secret Sister Society". Rox has written several articles and is
currently working on her first book. She invites you to stop by her sites and say "hi"
Rufina James
R. James, M.A. publishes "The Real Essentials Newsletter" from her website: The ezine discusses the truth about current environmental issues,
alternative health tips, new discoveries, research, as well as aromatherapy and a variety of healing
modalities. Subscribe by sending a blank email to: (219 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:33 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Ruth Duda
Wealth Connection Ezine offers all new subscribers a Free Ad. 45 Free Ads every Sunday for our
loyal subscribers, first 10 go in, then we randomly select another 35 ads. We focus on successful
Internet Marketing and Promotion. All 3 of our editions have articles, tips, resources & contests to
help you with your marketing efforts! We also have password protected "Members Only" pages
loaded with free resources.
Ruth Marlene Friesen
Ruth Marlene Friesen makes friends wherever she goes! Just like her heroine, Ruthe, in Ruthe's
Secret Roses, friends become her rare
and precious roses! Be one of them Get RoseBouquet for more!
Samuel Negron
Samuel Negron
Independent Associate & Director,
Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc.
Increase YOUR Response Rate By 100%!
Sean Cohen
Customer Service is becoming a lost art, but Sean Cohen wants to make sure that never happens at
AWeber Communications! Find out what service is meant to be:
Sergey Krutsenko
Software Author of iReferent Light - easy CRM Contact Manager for small business and home users.
Visit learn how to make your private Call Center
at home or at office. (220 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:33 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Shaun Fawcett, M.B.A.
Shaun Fawcett is a Canadian-born and based writer, business consultant, journalist, and publisher.
During his career, he has worked in a wide variety of professional capacities in both the private and
public sectors. He earned his M.B.A. in 1996 in the University of Ottawa's Executive MBA Program.
Shaun is Webmaster of the one-stop writing help Web site: His
new eBook "Instant Home Writing Kit", is a comprehensive writing help toolkit for home, business,
and school, containing writing tips and downloadable templates for business and personal letters,
resumes, essays, term papers, and reports. Check it out at:
Sherry Gordon
Sherry Gordon is the learn-it-and-pass-it-on creator of "The Affiliate Marketing Primer", at and the website She’s also
the author of the e-books Ad Brokering Opportunities (and its companion volume, Other Brokering
Opportunities – at and Viral Marketing Strategies for
Affiliates and Affiliate Program Merchants (and Others) ( Take the “Viral Marketing I.Q. Test” at
Sibyl McLendon
Sibyl McLendon is a 1/2 Navajo Business Woman living in Arizona. She is the owner of Spirit Web
Design She has been designing sites for 3 years. Visit Spirit Web
Design for useful information on website marketing.
Steve Clack
Steve Clack is the publisher of The Profit Train News. For more of what Steve calls "Motivational
Marketing" Subscribe to The Profit Train News Today. He will even give you Over $1,000.00 Worth
of Free Gifts.
Steve Hartung
"Worldwide Talking Directorys". Get Listed. Get Discovered! Steve Hartung, consultant. Account
Executive., (221 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:33 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Sue Barrett
Sue Barrett works for and has helped hundreds of entrepreneurs
successfully start their own home-based businesses.
For more creative business-building techniques that will save you time and money, check out
http://www.homebusinesscenter.comor email Barrett at
Sunil Tanna
My name is Sunil Tanna and I'm the author and publisher of I'd like to introduce
you to the most profitable and successful business on the Internet - creating and selling information
I am so confident that you will love the system, that you can download and try the software for free you don't even need to give your e-mail address
Visit my site at:
Susan Harrow
Susan Harrow is a top Media Coach, Marketing Expert and author of, Sell Yourself Without Selling
Your Soul (HarperCollins). This incredible guide contains over $100,000 worth of Susan's most
closely guarded marketing secrets, publicity strategies, and time-tested techniques--at a fraction of
her consulting fees. Get your FREE chapter excerpt & more at:
"Susan Harrow's advice was like a gift from above. With no budget and no PR experience I followed
her advice and I had TV and radio interviews within a week. She is a PR Goddess!" - Lisa Earle
McLeod, Corporate Trainer and author of "Forget Perfect"
Suzanne Miley
Suzanne Miley is a serial entreprenuer running several diverse online and offline businesses. She
spent 20 years in computer consulting in the corporate jungle before developing entreprenurial fever.
Her mission in life now is to help others live healthier, happier, more productive and more
prosperous lives. Suzanne can be reached via E-mail at (222 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:33 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Teresa King
Teresa is a successful online entrepreneur and author of many books on the net. She invites you to
stop by her website for tips about marketing, reseller rights, and how to make money on the net. Stop
in and join her informative free weekly newsletter.
Theresa Frasch
Theresa Frasch is a "Decluttering Specialist" who combines her expertise, compassion, creativity,
and sense of humor to help you help master the troublesome areas in your life so that you will have
more time available for the more important and enjoyable things in your life--friends, family and
yourself. Theresa can be contacted at
Get your FREE Organized 4 Success Ezine and/or Organized 4 Success Idea-Kit at
Thomas D. Schueneman
Tom lives in San Francisco, where he works as a freelance travel writer, sound engineer, and online
publisher. He enjoys travel, music, reading, photography, and nature. Please visit his website at You can also subscribe to his free ezine, The Traveler, by sending a
blank email to:
Tim North
Tim North is a writer and proofreader. He is the author of several very successful and well regarded ebooks including:
Tim's e-books provide clearly presented, jargon-free information to help you with business, thesis,
technical and creative writing.
All of Tim's e-books come with a no-questions-asked, money-back guarantee. Secure online ordering
is available, or you can order by phone or fax. Find out more here: (223 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:33 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Tom Horn
For information on a Strategy for Getting Nice Surprises, including a realistic and more profitable
way of living, visit Tom Horn's web-site at:
Tony Murtagh
Tony Murtagh has spent many years invloved in off-line marketing and promotion, now he is putting
his experience to use, in his site, http://Affiliate-Programmes.netwhere he gives advice and
information for anyone wishing to profit from the use of affiliate programs to increase the revenue of
their web site. He also runs http://develoyourewbsiteandyourself.comfor those of you looking to take
their first steps in building a profitable web based business.
Tracie Johansen
Tracie Johansen wrote - "eBook Ideas The Ultimate Guide To eBook Promotion", "The Free Beauty
eBook", "1001 Beauty Tips" Plus she is also the publisher of "Articles By Autoresponder"
She offers many free eBooks on her websites plus Free search engine submit, A Free meta tag maker,
Free doorway pages, a link exchange and more. She is the editor of 3 Newsletters including
Autoresponder Articles, Action Ezine, and 1001 Beauty Tips News. You can visit her sites at: and
Tracy Austin
A great way to stay on top of the many scams and schemes online is to join the "Is it a scam?"
discussion group that Tracy Austin helps moderate. You can post programs you'd like to see
reviewed, or read new posts & search the archives to learn about previously discussed topics. To
request details on membership in this invitation-only group, email Tracy today: (224 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:33 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Tys Dammeyer
Tys Dammeyer is an herbal consultant and energy practitioner. She is available for personal
consultations in the San Diego area as well as email consultations all over the world. You can reach
her by phone at (619) 475-6536, by email at the following address:
tys@goldenwingsenterprises.comand also through her website
Venus Ninet'te Wheatley
Success is only a Thought Away! I am a believer in being active in the quest to master oneself. I
enjoy writing material to inspire the power within each of us. I also enjoy reading and exploring the
thoughts and ideas of others. In the Moment, new beginnings, new futures and a more refined destiny
can be created.
Vered Neta
Vered (Tanmayo) Neta is a trainer, success coach and lecturer. Since 1990 she worked with over
15,000 people in training programs, workshops and individual coaching focusing on themes such as
personal growth, self-esteem, leadership, relationships and stress management. At
http://www.opencircles.nlshe teaches how to live each day at a higher level of success, passion and
fulfillment. No Hocus Pocus! Just awareness and open mind. Her inspiration, motivation and
empowerment articles focus on personal-transformation and women issues. Read them at
http://www.inspiration2go.comSend a blank e-mail to subscribe@inspiration2go.comto get her
monthly newsletter and receive a FREE BONUS - inspirational digital book.
W. Tony Dean
Tony Dean is a High School Science Teacher from Massachusetts. He is also a Independant
Associate for Prepaid Legal Services. Prepaid Legal does for legal bills what an HMO does for
hospital and medical bills at a price of $26 per month or less.
To request a FREE multimedia guide on our business and legal plans visit
Visit our free legal resource center with frequently asked questions and legal forms at (225 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:33 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Wendy Joffe PhD
Wendy Joffe PhD is a Psychologist and Personal Coach and works with individuals, couples, groups
and businesses in problem resolution, skills development and goal implementation. She has written
numerous articles and has co-authored a book. She believes deeply in people living their dreams and
enjoys guiding people in this discovery process. Email: wjfcoach@yahoo.comWeb:
Wild Bill
ARTICLE, EZINE & EBOOK PUBLISHERS! Register your Ezine or Ebook FREE at! Submit your Articles and get valuable exposure now! Provides Small Business With Affordable WEB DESIGN & DATABASE
Programming! For GREAT Pricing, GREAT Quality & GREAT Service! Visit Our Site At:
Windsong is a noted webmaster as well as an author, editor, and publisher. Windsong spends most of
her time helping people who are new to the 'net, get their bearings. She offers many free and low cost
resources at her website, including tutorials, courses, books, and software for webmasters. While you
peruse the site, why not subscribe to some of Windsong's six ezines. They cover such topics as web
design, search engine optimization, publishing ezines and ebooks, and internet marketing and
promotion. (226 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:33 PM]
Articles by Autoresponder over 900 Articles for you to use.
Yetti Chiu
Yetti Chiu is the editor of
She offers practical information, tips and advice on generating your home-based business idea and
opportunity. Visit her online today at send a
blank email to lazy@freeautobot.comfor a FREE REPORT: The Lazy Man's Way to Earn A Full
Time Income From Affiliate Programs. (227 of 227) [5/20/2002 12:17:33 PM]