Girl`s Windmill Pitching Website
Girl`s Windmill Pitching Website
Girl’s Windmill Pitching V olum e 3 3 6 Ju ly 2 7 , 2 0 1 1 HOT , HOTTER, HOTTEST!!! Unbelievable, Unbearable, Uncompromising, Unforgiving, Un, Un, Un!!! Unfortunately I’m not talking about my pitching students, but the temperature and humidity that has struck us over here on the right coast just in the nick of time for everyday multiple games at nationals and showcases. I spent a weekend in a convection oven in Raleigh at the Cardinal Classic while the same city began hosting the Pony Nationals. Records were broken. Again, not by my pitchers; by the temperature but on to the adventure. To some going 2 and 3 may not seem like a very good weekend and we had our moments both ways but before we finished every 2012 player on the roster had offers and some had multiple offers on the table. That made the trip well worthwhile. Nick Frungillo of the Belles or (master as his lovely wife Mimi has to address him or maybe it just sounded like master...hmm) got to meet and talk with some college coaches he hadn’t met before and he was again working his magic. Several of our girls did visits while we were down there, and one in particular was being recruited by a certain D-II school and she liked the school, campus, etc, but thought it was too small. I have heard that from several girls about some D-II schools. I was talking to this one in the dugout and I told her whether she attended a school of 25,000 students or 800 students, her circle of friends over the period of four years would be around 25 people and probably a high percentage would be the softball players. You need to consider a lot of factors and one is with less students you can have more one on one instruction. As we progressed through the showcase I was able to see coaches and players I hadn’t seen in a while and that is always nice. I got to see Allysa Dixon, who used to attend the Maryland Stars Pitching Clinics when she played for them. Now she is with the PA Intensity 18U. She is coming off an injury, something with the back, and is not pitching as of yet. The kid is well over 6 feet tall and still not done growing. I used to do clinics for the PA Intensity 14U team and it was at that time I got to work with Caroline Brehm, a young lady who matured into the pitcher at New Oxford High in PA. I read a lot about her this season. Her father came over to me Saturday night and said the flip change I taught her had really become her go to pitch and unfortunately for our Belles she proved it Sunday morning, defeating us 2-1. We would get runners on base and she would stop the rally. Even when they knew it was coming they couldn’t lay off of it for the most part. Emma Shultz who played for the us with Riviera Beach Spirit 14U was down there playing and came up to me. When you haven’t seen a kid in a few years and she pops up, it takes you aback. I remember her as a 13-14 year old and now she is an 18 year old young lady. Elspeth Schalk went to California last fall with the Belles and she was hanging around our dugout Saturday night renewing friendships with Taylor August and some of the other girls. It is nice to see that even from a brief time together you can build some friendships. I saw Kathy Riley of Longwood University and spent some time talking with her. She gave me one of those “I didn’t know you were coaching with the Belles.” Of course it was “befriend a senior citizen week” and the Belles chose me. I didn’t have the heart to tell her. Kathy has been quite successful with her program since moving from D II to D I. She is a very good coach. Another one I spent a few minutes with was Monica Gordy of Louisburg College. I has asked her to watch the team if she had a chance and she said she had been waiting for us to arrive at Walnut Creek Complex. Monica was a local girl who made good. After graduation from Parkside High, she played at Florida Tech and at the time I believe she was the first from the Eastern Shore to play college ball in Florida. I may be wrong but I don’t remember any others. She was happy she had signed a young lady from Mardela High School. That was her first recruit from our (my) area. Paul Wetmore of Liberty University came to watch his committed recruits Annah Brittingham and Cassidy Taylor pitch and he was looking for a center fielder. I introduced him to Nick. Nick doesn’t play center field. It was a random thought. I am allowed those. I wanted them to meet so Nick could establish the same type of repoire he has with other college coaches and he could talk about our outfielders and other team members. Paul liked one kid in particular and asked Nick to advise her to look at the Liberty website and see if she would like the school. If so, she was to complete the questionnaire. I learn more about the personalities on this team every time I see these girls. Here is a typical conversation in the dugout with Sarah Bencivenga (I am actually learning to pronouce these names.) while we were in a game delay. Sarah: “What are those lights?” Me: “What lights?” Sarah: “over there to the left of the tree on the ground behind those bushes...those red flashing lights.” Me: “That’s a tiny ambulance.” Sarah: “Really?” Me: “Yes.” Sarah begins walking out of the dugout to go see it. At this time another girl spoils my fun by telling her it is not a miniature ambulance. Then Elspeth tells her as she points at me, “You believe what he tells you. That man always tells the truth. He never lies!” Sarah: “Is that true? You always tell the truth?” Me: “Yes!” Sarah: “Do you think I’m pretty?” Me: “You’re beautiful!” Conversation ends. Sarah now has a nickname with me. It’s “Evil Eye.” She returned to the dugout after an at bat and said an opposing player gave her a look (and she demonstrated) and so Sarah gave her the look right back (again she demonstrated). I told her “ that is the look!” She has to use that look every time she bats or when she returns to pitching. That is her “Evil Eye”. I had her demonstrate for several players and the next morning at the hotel I had her demonstrate for my wife. Sarah’s going to be a lot of fun. Then we had a new player (to me). I hadn’t met Sarah Freyre (pronounced Fray-er). Every time I looked at her she would give me a look (not to be confused with the Bencivenga evil eye). I told her she looked guilty. She asked why. I said “It’s your eyes.” She flashes those innocent eyes and they just make her look guilty. No one can look that innocent. She has to be guilty of something. Hence, the nickname “Guilty.” When you attend a tournament no one wants to lose. We blame two of our losses on ourselves. Umpiring didn’t beat us. Their calls didn’t beat us. The heat didn’t beat us. It was just as hot on the opposing team. In the game against the Carolina Cardinals we were just beaten. Everything that could go wrong did. It happens. They whipped us 13-5. Perhaps it is how you spin it as the politicians say. We would have loved to have performed better on the field but we didn’t. There were some bright moments though and that helped Carey Houston, a 2012 outfielder to get her offer, do her unofficial visit and Monday she accepted the offer from Guilford College in Greensboro, NC. Prior to coming down here she thought George Mason University was in the south. Carey’s a blonde. I’m not stereo typing...just saying. In the photo below she is 2nd from left in back row. Photos M orris C ounty B elles G old C an you guess w hich one is “Sm urf”? F rom the left bottom row : Taylor A ugust, A nnah B rittingham , Sam F rungillo, Sam (it’s her)G reenberg, G ianna K inhofer, Taylor Trifiolis, N icole Iannerone. B ack row from left: Trish C rigler, C ary H ouston, Sarah B encivenga, Shannon Sm ith, C assidy Taylor, Paige M urphy, Sarah F reyre Three com m itted M orris C ounty B elles G old players from the left: Pitcher/3B A nnah B rittingham (liberty U niversity) pitcher/3B Taylor A ugust (F airfield U niversity), 1B /C atcher Sam F rungillo (F airfield U niversity) K alie A dkins (D iam ond State Sw oop 12U ) and A lleigh Tow nsend (M aryland M agic O range/W agner’s 12U get together at Pony N ationals opening cerem ony N ote how A nnah lifts the knee to bring the leg up and drives off the drive foot (the one step sprint) Taylor A ugust in m otion readying for the ball. Taylor not only is an excellent pitcher and hitter but has extrem ely good defensive skills. She reacts quickly and is sure handed w ith a strong throw ing arm . Hey, Smurf Greenberg! I found your bat!! N ow look at the open hips, body, slight bend in elbow and the stride foot driving out 7 feet. A lso notice how she uses the glove hand and arm to point and balance There she is again hanging w ith Jess M endoza. Is this kid going to play som e ball or just party w ith her pals? M im i W atson of D elaw are E xpress 12U B lack is supposed to be playing in the U SSSA W orld Series in O rlando but all I see her doing is hanging out w ith her friends like C at O sterm an Y es, Ladies and G entlem en, the girls on the M aryland M agic O range/W agner’s 12U team are proud to call Jim m y G reenhaw k “C oach”. W ell, at least 5 of them are proud. This doesn’t release you from your prom ise to w ear a dress at opening cerem onies. N ow you ow e them , Jim bo! Tips I know tempers are heating up at this point. It’s not just weekends anymore. It is several days spent together.(You can’t stand each other. You just want the other person (s) to go away. Good riddance! You’re sick of it! Why doesn’t the coach do something? This isn’t the kids talking. It’s the parents! C’mon guys! Hold it together for one week or less. Then you can leave and go to that perfect team. Of course, then you’ll be there and it will no longer be perfect. A very good friend of mine was Pastor Jimmy Langrall. I thought highly of him. He once told me a joke. A person stopped him on the street and said Pastor Jimmy, I finally found the perfect church. Jimmy said “ For Heaven’s sake, don’t go there! You’ll ruin it.” Just take a deep breath folks and let the kids finish out and have fun. It’s about them. Girl’s Windmill Pitching Website My website, though still undergoing enhancements, is now active. You can find my newsletters, some links, photos, and some of my students’ video clips. I will soon be adding video tips on pitching and hopefully other information. Be sure and bookmark Girl’s Windmill Pitching Recruiter MOM This link will answer some valuable questions for the parents and student/athletes hoping to become prospects. I highly advise you to visit the site that has been set up and researched by Jan Greenhawk by clicking on the title above or by pasting in your browser. Check this link. I’ve gotten good feedback. Andy Givens’ Hitting Instruction Andy Givens is the former Delaware Technical and Community College Assistant Baseball Coach, and former Head Softball Coach. He is currently the Head Softball Coach of the Delaware Diamonds 18U team and gives private hitting instruction at his place between Georgetown and Laurel, DE. If you are looking for a superb, patient instructor to help give you an edge, contact Andy at (302) 228-7960 or email him My daughter, Ashley is a Mary Kaye Director in Qualification. If anyone is interested in becoming a representative to earn extra income or if you wish to purchase products or host a party contact Ashley through her website at: , click on the logo above or call her at (302) 228-3829. Holli Adkins Welcome to the world of photography by Danny & Holli Adkins. We originally started taking photos for friends and family, who could not afford the high dollar photographers. Capture Your Moment Photography was then born. Our experience includes: Weddings, Family & Individual Portraits, Team Photos and Animals. Our goal is to deliver services that are affordable, enjoyable and professional to your specific needs. Our website can meet your every need. We have a variety of print sizes and speciality prints are available upon request. "Picture" gifts are the perfect presents! Check out those gifts which includes: shirts, sweatshirts, puzzles, mousepads, clocks and coffee mugs.Questions? Please e-mail us at Tryouts Maryland Magic Orange/Wagner’s 14U Tryouts The Maryland Magic/Wagner's 12 U team will be moving up to 14 U in 2011-2012 . As a first year team in our organization, the Maryland Magic earned berths in the USSSA "A", Pony, ASA "A" and NSA "A" Nationals. The team will attend PONY Nationals at the end of July. In 2011-2012 we will continue to compete in the best USSSA, PONY, NSA and ASA tournaments in the Mid Atlantic Region, culminating with a National tournament in the summer. Our tentative FALL schedule includes 4 or 5 tournaments including the First Responder's Cup, Newtown Rock, and the Halloween Classic. The team will focus on preparing players for the upcoming season, but more importantly for their future careers in high school and college softball. We are looking for athletes who love the game, have the desire and attitude to work hard, want to develop their skills, and be part of a team effort. While previous travel ball experience is important, we also are looking for players with athletic potential and a willingness to learn. All positions are open. The coaching staff will be led by head coaches Jim and Jan Greenhawk. The team will practice out of the Glen Burnie, Maryland area. If your daughter is interested in playing at the next level in one of the most successful organizations in Maryland and you are committed to her growth as a player and a person; come to our tryouts! For information about our team and our coaches, go to: ; or our FACEBOOK group, "Maryland Magic Orange 12" Tryouts for the 2011-2012 Maryland Magic/Wagner's 14 U will be held on the following dates: August 13, 2011 - 9 a.m. till noon - Moose Field, Glen Burnie, Maryland (August 14 rain date) August 21,2011 - 9 a.m. till noon - Moose Field Thursday, August 18- 6 p.m. till 8 p.m Athletes are encouraged, but not required, to attend two tryouts. Private tryouts by appointment. E-mail for more info or call 410-463-3868. __________________________________________________________________________________ Maryland STARS Tryouts Tryouts for the 2011/2012 Maryland STARS Teams are scheduled as follows: Players who cannot make these dates and times should contact the Maryland STARS director and set up an individual tryout such that it is completed prior to the scheduled tryout dates. All players must tryout. All roster spots are open to new and current players. Players should try to make both tryout dates. If they can only make one, please insure the STARS know in advance. Players should register in advance by completing this form, printing it, and having their parents sign it, and then bringing it with them when they attend the tryouts. Players should arrive at least 30 minutes prior to the scheduled start of tryouts to register and stretch/warm up. The tryouts will start promptly at the scheduled time. Pitchers and catchers will need to stay an extra 30 minutes to tryout for these specialty positions. If weather affects tryouts (postponement), up to date information can be found at the front page of the Maryland Stars Web site. Tryout Date, time and location 8/7 Mayeski Park 10U and 12U 8/7 1:30PM-5:00PM Mayeski Park 14U 10:00AM - 1:30PM 8/14 9:00AM-11:30AM Mayeski Park 10U and 12U 8/14 11:30AM-2:00PM Mayeski Park 14U 8/14 2:00PM - 5:00PM Mayeski Park 16U and 18U 8/21 10:00AM-2:00PM Mayeski Park Any player who missed any of the earlier tryouts -- assuming roster openings still exist 8/21 2:00PM - 5:00PM Mayeski Park 16U and 18U Directions to Mayeski Park fields can be found here. Please bring your softball equipment and if possible wear a shirt with your name and/or number on it. Thank you. If you cannot make the specified times, please contact the STARS immediately and an individual tryout can be arranged. Age cutoff is 12/31/2011. Example: if a player is 12 or younger on 12/31/2011 she can play 12&under for the 2011/2012 season even if she turns 13 as early as 1/1/2012. For more information on tryouts or to schedule an individual tryout, contact the STARS or call Glen Warholic at 410552-1838. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MORRIS COUNTY BELLES TRYOUTS 14u - July 31 at Lurker Park from 9 to 1 August 2 at Smith Field (intersection of Rt 46 and Baldwin RD.) in Parsippany from 6 to 8 August 4 at Smith Field in Parsippany from 6 to 8 18U - Elite - Mark Gerritsen will be the head coach, this will be a young 18u team and will play showcases as well as tourn July 31 at Lurker Park from 9 to 1 August 7th at Lurker Park from 9 to 1 August 14th at Lurker Park from 9 to 1 18u Gold - Keimel August 13 from 9 to 1 at Smith Field in Parsippany August 14 from 9 to 1 at Lurker Park August 21 from 9 to 1 at Lurker Park For more information email Belles President Nick Frungillo at or call at: (908) 803-6446 News and Tournament Results Taylor Pechin and the Delaware Express 14U defeated the Olney Cougars 11-8. The team also beat WFC Fever 5-0. The team was 4 and 0 going into Saturday. The Morris County Belles started the Cardinal Classic Showcase with a 5-0 loss. The Richmond Storm took an early first inning lead and never looked back. Taylor August (verbal to Fairfield University) started and went 1 inning. Cassidy Taylor (verbal to Liberty University) marked her first mound appearance since returning from a rotator cuff injury in the first scrimmage of the high school season with 2 innings of scoreless ball. Annah Brittingham (verbal to Liberty University) closed the game out with 4 innnings. The Belles only managed 3 hits. Saturday found the team vying against the Carolina Cardinals and every possible thing that could go wrong went wrong and the Belles lost 13- 5. Later in the day they took two games. They defeated the Raiders and Maryland Chill. On Sunday they lost to the PA Intensity 2-1. Maryland Magic Orange/Wagner’s 12U opened Pony National pool play in Raleigh Saturday morning with the East Coast Tsunami. Darby Fitzpatrick got the pitching start and threw a 6-2, 2-hitter. She had 6 K’s and 2 walks. Fitzpatrick was 2 for 3. Sammi Johnson was 1 for 2 with a double and 2 RBI’s. Alleigh Townsend was 1 for 2 with an RBI. Their third game was a 10-3 loss to the Chatham Crocs. Darby Fitzpatrick started, went 2 innings, yielding 6 runs (3 earned) on 6 hits with 1 K. Alleigh Townsend then faced two batters, giving up 2 hits and one run. Shelby Smith pitched the final 2.2 innings, yielding 3 runs on 4 hits with 1 K. Offensively, Darby was 2 for 3, Hannah Eslick was 2 for 2, Lexi Jones was 1for 2 with 2 RBI’s and Tiffany Smith was 1 for 2 with 1 RBI. The team started bracket play against the Philly Alley Cats 12U. They got an 8-4 win. Darby Fitzpatrick got the win, going 3.1 innings, allowing 3 runs on 5 hits with 3 walks and 1 K. She was relieved by Alleigh Townsend who pitched 1.2 innings, allowing 1 run on 1 hit with 1 K. Offensively, Emma Lamartina was 3 for 3 with a double and 3 RBI’s while Lexi Jones was 2 for 3 with a double and RBI, Emily Allen was 2 for 3 and scored a run, Alleigh Townsend was 2 for 2 with a walk, Kristina Staley was 2 for 2 with 2 RBI’s. Darby Fitzpatrick, Hanna Eslick, Shelby Smith and Sammi Johnson had hits. They next took on the Philadelphia Spirit. Alleigh Townsend got the win in relief of Shelby Smith. Alleigh pitched 3.2 innings of work allowing 1 run and 2 hits in the 10-5 win. Offensively Darby Fitzpatrick was 2 for 2 with an RBI and scored 2 runs. Lexi Jones and Emily Allen were also 2 for 2 and Emily had a steal and scored a run. Alleigh Townsend was 2 for 3 with 2 RBI’s and scored a run. Shelby Smith was 1 for 2 with an RBI and scored a run. Mackense Greico was 1 for 3 with an RBI. Hannah Eslick was 1 for 3 with 2 RBI’s and scored a run. Sammi Smith was 1 for 2 with an RBI and Emma Lamartina was 1 for 3 with an RBI. The teams were scheduled to meet again Wednesday in the bracket final. Someone would have to beat Magic twice and the someone was the Philadelphia Spirit again. Alleigh Townsend was chosen to try and end it in the first game of this bracket final. Fighting a stomach problem she made it through 3 innings, yielding 4 runs on 4 hits including a homer before yielding the mound to Darby Fitzpatrick who went 2 innings giving up 0 runs on 3 hits but allowing 2 baserunners in the 6th inning. Shelby Smith was brought in to try and put out the fire with runners on 2nd and 3rd and Magic leading 64. She got a K and another out and with 2 outs a long fly ball was hit to center which Darby Fitzpatrick made a highlight reel sliding catch on to end the game and send the Magic to the elite 8. Emma Lamartina was 2 for 3 with 1 RBI. Hannah Eslick was 1 dor 3 with a double and 2 RBI’s. Darby, Sammi Johnson, and Shelby Smith had singles. Strangely enough, now as they vie in the national championship round which is single elimination, Magic would face a familiar foe in the Bayside Blues from Southern Maryland with the winner advancing to the final four. In that game the Blues struck with 1 run off of a ball that banged off of relief pitcher Alleigh Townsend’s shin. Then another run in the 3rd proved to be all they needed as their pitcher did a masterful job of shutting down the Magic bats until the bottom of the 7th when they mounted a comeback only to fall 1 run shy and lose 2-1. Darby Fitzpatrick started and went 1.2 innings, yielding 1 run (left on base when she was relieved) on 3 hits with 2 walks. In relief Alleigh went 4.1 innings allowing 1 run on 6 hits. Offensively Darby, Lexi Jones and Emma Lamartina had the only hits for Magic. Emma had the only RBI. These girls came a long way from the spring when they began and kudos go to Jan and Jimmy Greenhawk for consistenly pitting them against excellent competition, which allowed them to grow as players and as a team. I also want to thank John Allen for running the game changer on his Ipad and allowing me and parents back home to follow the team in play by play. It has to be difficult to not get caught up in being a parent on a team and staying focussed on keeping each pitch, each play on the software. I don’t forget you, John. What a great job by all. Jan and Jimmy, terrific job!! I know tryouts are coming up and some are leaving and some are remaining at 12U but with your reputation and with the schedule you are putting together next season as you move to 14U you will undoubtably have a great team! Kalie Adkins played the Pony Nationals with the Diamond State Swoop 12U team. They went 1 and 2 in pool play and in bracket play they lost their first one to the Jersey Flames 5-2 and dropped their 2nd to the Chester County Stars 7-2. On Tuesday the team was eliminated. It was reported that Kalie pitched well but the bats were dead. She actually pitched 5 of the 6 games the team played in the tournament and this latest defeat was a 3-2 affair. During the Cardinal Classic Showcase 16U division in Raleigh in a 6-0 Diamond State Swoop 16U Green win over the South Carolina Bandits 16U, Jesci Iacona faced 17 batters in her win, allowed 1 hit and had 4 K’s. In her next win she faced the Massachusetts Raiders 16U she faced 16 batters, allowed 1 hit with 4 walks, and 4 K’s and pitched a 13-0 shutout. In the USSSA 18U Open World Series in Salisbury, MD Taylor Price took the mound for the Delaware Diamonds Black in their first game and won a 16-1 game over the Maryland Comets. She had 8 K’s. In game two against the Rockettes Sam Muir took care of the pitching in the 11-1 victory to make the team 2 and 0 after one day of pool play. They lost their final pool game 5-0 and began double elimination with a 3-1 win in a game pitched by Sam Muir. The Delaware Express 13U team finished the USSSA World Series in 7th place. Congratulations to Taylor Pechin and all of her teammates for a job well done! Taylor pitched 3 ½ games. Team USA World Cup of Softball Champions Congratulations to Maryland’s little darling, Lauren Gibson and all of Team USA “Eagles” for their great play and championship in the World Cup of Softball. This is a young team that has taken the mantle from the great ones who played before them and have stepped up to the challenge. They are exciting to watch and have a great future as they represent our country with grace and honor and 2 tons of talent.
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