File - Michael Wszol
File - Michael Wszol
(Moutains,2015) GEOSTATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF SKI RESORTS ANALYZING QUEBEC, ONTARIO, VERMONT, MICHIGAN, AND NEW YORK PREPARED BY: Michael Wszol, GIS Analyst - Niagara Spatial Analysis Davor Alisic, GIS Analyst - Niagara Spatial Analysis PREPARED FOR: Ian Smith Niagara College GIS-GM Instructor GISC9308 DELIVERABLE 4B MARCH 29TH, 2015 March 29th, 2015 Mr. Ian Smith, M.Sc., OLS, OLIP, EP Professor, GIS-GM Program Niagara College 135 Taylor Road Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0 Dear Mr. Smith, RE: GISC9308 Deliverable 4B – Geostatistical Analysis of Ski Resorts Please accept this letter as our formal submission of Deliverable 4B: Geostatistical Analysis of Ski Resorts Analyzing Quebec, Ontario, Vermont, Michigan, and New York. This assignment is comprised of procedures taken in order to create an Inverse Distance Weighted and Kriging Interpolation. It was shown that neither provided a strong and accurate prediction when performing the comparison to reality. In addition, weighted overlay analyses were performed to provide skiers and snowboarders with critical information. The best ski resort was Mont Orford located in Quebec, while the worst ski hill was Otsego Club located in Michigan. We look forward to receiving constructive criticism in regards to this assignment in order to achieve our goals of gaining a stronger familiarity with spatial analysis techniques. Please do not hesitate to call us at (289) 697-0990, if you experience any problems with the enclosed documents. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Davor Alisic – BAH Project Manager, Niagara Spatial Analysis GIS-GM Certificate Candidate DA/ Enclosures: 1) Geostatistical Analysis Report and Findings C.c Michael Wszol Niagara Spatial Analysis 11 Robertson Road | L0S1J0 Niagara-on-the-Lake | Ontario | (289) 697-0990 i EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The southern locations of Canada along with the northern regions of the United States in the eastern side can get hit with large quantities of snow each and every year. For many people, they take advantage of these weather conditions by skiing and snowboarding. Since there are many individuals that would like to know where the best locations to ski are located, studies were undertaken using the Inverse Distance Weighted and Kriging interpolations to predict these areas by combining them with a weighted overlay analysis. The study was completed by collecting data, running two different Interpolation methods, and then analyzing the results in order to produce valid conclusions. Several data collection parameters were set. This study used 150 different ski hills to make up the data collection. In addition, these ski resorts ranged from Michigan, New York, Vermont, Ontario and Quebec. Seeing as this was a large spread of data there are many positives and negatives to this data collection. Nevertheless, multiple analyses were completed and results were produced. In terms of the IDW results, the best ski locations found included Mont Orford, Mont Tremblant and Owls Head in Quebec. This can be compared to the Kriging interpolation which showed the same result being Mont Orford as the best ski hill within the data collection. Furthermore, the analysis was completed to find the overall worst ski resort. The IDW selected the Otsego Club in Michigan to be rated the worst based on vertical rise, ticket price, and the number of runs. The Kriging interpolation completed the top four results, which included: Peek’n Peak, Treetops, Otsego Club and Osler Bluff Ski Club. A comparison to reality analysis was also completed to see how well the two interpolated methods predicted the three variables that made up the study. Findings showed, based on the average error of both the Inverse Distance Weighted and the Kringing Interpolations, that there were too many inconsistencies when predicting vertical rise, ticket prices, and number of runs. The main issue surrounded the fact that the study area was quite large in comparison to the amount of sampled locations present in the area. In future studies, it will be imperative that more data is collected within a smaller location to successfully created as low of an error as possible. GISC9308 – Spatial Analysis ii CONTENTS Executive Summary ........................................................................................................................................................ i List of Figures ................................................................................................................................................................ iii List of Tables ................................................................................................................................................................. iii 1.0 Introduction .............................................................................................................................................................1 2.0 Study Area ...............................................................................................................................................................1 3.0 Methodology ...........................................................................................................................................................3 3.1 Data Collection.....................................................................................................................................................3 3.1.1 Ski Resorts.....................................................................................................................................................3 3.1.2 Vertical Rise ..................................................................................................................................................3 3.1.3 Ticket Prices ..................................................................................................................................................4 3.1.4 Currency........................................................................................................................................................4 3.1.5 Spatial Data ...................................................................................................................................................4 3.2 Data Assessment ..................................................................................................................................................6 3.2.1 Vertical Rise Data ..........................................................................................................................................6 3.2.2 Ticket Price Data ...........................................................................................................................................6 3.2.3 Ski Resort Trails Data ....................................................................................................................................7 3.2.4 Vertical Rise QQ Plot .....................................................................................................................................8 3.3 Trend Analysis ......................................................................................................................................................8 4.0 Interpolation Techniques.........................................................................................................................................9 4.1 Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) ........................................................................................................................9 4.1.1 IDW Parameters..........................................................................................................................................10 4.2 Kriging Interpolation ..........................................................................................................................................12 4.2.1 Kriging Parameters .....................................................................................................................................12 5.0 Weighted Overlay Analysis Using Kriging and IDW ...............................................................................................17 5.1 Weighted Overlay Criteria and Parameters .......................................................................................................17 5.1.1 Exporting to Rasters....................................................................................................................................17 5.1.2 Reclassification for Best and Worst Ski Resorts ..........................................................................................17 5.1.3 Weighted Overlay Tool ...............................................................................................................................19 5.1.4 Isolating Results ..........................................................................................................................................20 6.0 Comparison to Reality Analysis..............................................................................................................................20 7.0 Findings ..................................................................................................................................................................23 7.1 Interpolation Comparison ..................................................................................................................................23 GISC9308 – Spatial Analysis P a g e | iii 7.2 Best Ski Resorts ..................................................................................................................................................26 7.3 Worst Ski Resorts ...............................................................................................................................................26 8.0 Closure ...................................................................................................................................................................30 9.0 Bibliography ...........................................................................................................................................................31 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Ski Resort Study Area ......................................................................................................................................2 Figure 2: Vertical Rise ....................................................................................................................................................3 Figure 3: Sampled Location of Ski Resorts .....................................................................................................................5 Figure 4: Vertical Rise Histogram ...................................................................................................................................6 Figure 5: Lift Ticket Prices ..............................................................................................................................................7 Figure 6: Ski Resort Trails ...............................................................................................................................................7 Figure 7: QQ Plot of Vertical Rise ..................................................................................................................................8 Figure 8: Trend Analysis .................................................................................................................................................9 Figure 9: Predicted Graph ............................................................................................................................................11 Figure 10: Error Graph .................................................................................................................................................12 Figure 11: Vertical Rise Histogram ...............................................................................................................................13 Figure 12: Covariance Scatterplot ...............................................................................................................................14 Figure 13: Semivariogram Scatterplot .........................................................................................................................14 Figure 14: Predicted Value Scatterplot ........................................................................................................................16 Figure 15: Error Scatterplot .........................................................................................................................................17 Figure 16: Weighted Overlay Model ............................................................................................................................20 Figure 17: IDW Interpolation Results...........................................................................................................................24 Figure 18: Kriging Interpolation Results ......................................................................................................................25 Figure 19: Best and Worst Ski Resorts - IDW Interpolation .........................................................................................28 Figure 20: Best Overall Ski Resorts - Kriging Interpolation ..........................................................................................29 LIST OF TABLES Table 1: IDW Parameters .............................................................................................................................................10 Table 2: Prediction Errors ............................................................................................................................................11 Table 3: Search Neighborhood Parameters .................................................................................................................15 Table 4: Reclassification for Best Ski Areas - IDW Interpolation..................................................................................18 Table 5: Reclassification for Best Ski Areas - Kriging Interpolation .............................................................................18 Table 6: Reclassification for Worst Ski Resorts - IDW Interpolation ............................................................................19 Table 7: Reclassification for Worst Ski Resorts - Kriging Interpolation ........................................................................19 GISC9308 – Spatial Analysis P a g e | iv Table 8: Weighted Overlay Table.................................................................................................................................19 Table 9: Comparison to Reality - IDW Interpolation ....................................................................................................21 Table 10: Comparison to Reality - Kriging Interpolation..............................................................................................22 Table 11: Best Overall Ski Resorts - Kriging Interpolation ...........................................................................................26 Table 12: Best Overall Ski Resorts - IDW Interpolation ...............................................................................................26 Table 13: Worst Overall Ski Resorts - Kriging Interpolation ........................................................................................26 Table 14: Worst Overall Ski Resorts - IDW Interpolation ............................................................................................27 Table 15: Raw Ski Resort Data .....................................................................................................................................34 Table 16: New Ski Resort Data .....................................................................................................................................38 GISC9308 – Spatial Analysis P a g e |1 1.0 INTRODUCTION This report was created by members of the Niagara Spatial Analysis team for the purpose of creating a geostatistical analysis. Ski resort data was collected in Ontario, Quebec, Michigan, Vermont, and New York. By using the 150 recorded ski hills, Inverse Distance Weighted and Kriging Interpolations were produced based on variables that were determined to be most critical to ski resort quality. These were then used to perform several weighted overlay analyses in order to provide skiers and snowboarders with important information pertaining to the best and worst ski hills in the area of interest. In addition, a comparison to reality analysis was performed to see how accurately the data was predicted through the two different interpolation methods. 2.0 STUDY AREA For this data collection effort, the area of interest was defined on a general location that members were familiar with. In addition, it was important that the region was large enough to cover a wider spread of data for analysis. This allowed for a more in-depth analysis on different aspects of ski hills. The study region consisted of Canadian provinces, Ontario and Quebec. In addition, States in the U.S were included such as Michigan, New York and Vermont. Another important aspect to the particular study area was the amount of Ski Resorts that were present. This was an important aspect because the data needed to be clustered so they could be closely compared. The area of interest is shown in Figure 1. GISC9308 – Spatial Analysis Figure 1: Ski Resort Study Area P a g e |2 GISC9308 – Spatial Analysis P a g e |3 3.0 METHODOLOGY 3.1 DATA COLLECTION 3.1.1 SKI RESORTS The data necessary for the completion of the analysis were gathered using online resources. Ski Central (Ski Central, 2015) provided a list of the ski and snowboarding hills in each of the Canadian provinces, Ontario and Quebec, as well as the three U.S States, Vermont, Michigan, and New York. In addition, it provided information on lift ticket prices, vertical rise, and the number of runs for each ski resort. Some of the ski resorts were redirected to their respective websites where the information was available. These can be found in the bibliography section of the document. Excluded from the list of ski resorts were cross country specific hills, mainly due to the fact that it would have caused too many outliers considering that vertical rise is considerably less than that of a ski and snowboarding resort. Only ski hills that were open to the public were used. Private ski resorts, or member specific hills were excluded since full day passes were not applicable. There were also cases where information was available, however upon further research some ski resorts were temporarily closed due to renovations or permanently closed. In order to keep the study area as small as possible, while having a suggested total of 150 ski resorts still present, Northern Ontario and Quebec were excluded as it would have negatively affected the area of interest. 3.1.2 VERTICAL RISE The vertical rise was measured in feet for the purpose of this study. It gave good indication of the overall scale of the mountain or hill. Vertical rise is measured by taking the peak elevation point of the ski resort and subtracting it from the base elevation. Figure 2 illustrates this explanation. (Ski Vertical Rise, 2015) Figure 2: Vertical Rise GISC9308 – Spatial Analysis P a g e |4 3.1.3 TICKET PRICES For the purpose of this study, the project team avoided using lift ticket prices that gave special rates to students, children, and seniors. To keep the data consistent, weekday prices were used. Weekend prices tended to be inflated due to the higher volume of visitors, therefore these were avoided. Resorts offer different lift ticket prices in order to cater to visitors who do not want to stay for the entire day. The data that was used only consisted of all-day passes. Some establishments offered low or out of season prices. These were offered during the start and end of the season since most ski hill runs weren’t fully opened, or were shut down due to the lack of snow. The ticket rates were taken during the prime season, while excluding tax. 3.1.4 CURRENCY An important aspect of the data collection process was to determine a common currency for ticket prices. For this particular study, all monetary values were presented in Canadian dollars. The currency exchange rate was taken on February 8th, 2015 at a rate of $1.25 per U.S dollar. Therefore, only ski resorts in Michigan, Vermont, and New York were exchanged at this rate. 3.1.5 SPATIAL DATA Easting and Northing data were gathered using Google Maps (Google Maps, 2015). By searching the ski area address and right-clicking on the drop point, it was possible to get the coordinates through the “What’s Here” option. This data played a crucial role in providing a visual representation of the data through ArcMap 10.2.2. Figure 3 illustrates the sample locations that were collected within the study area. GISC9308 – Spatial Analysis Figure 3: Sampled Location of Ski Resorts P a g e |5 GISC9308 – Spatial Analysis P a g e |6 3.2 DATA ASSESSMENT 3.2.1 VERTICAL RISE DATA The highest vertical rise appeared to be between the 3300 to the 3600 foot range. In addition majority of the ski resorts fell below the 1500 foot vertical rise. The mean was calculated at 817.47 feet, while the median equated to 607.5 feet. Lastly, the standard deviation was 648.03 feet based on the data, which suggested that 98% of the time, a new ski resort’s vertical rise would be between 0 and 2113.53. As seen in Figure 4, it can be stated that the hills in the 600 foot range are the most frequent. Vertical Rise Histogram 60 Frequency 50 40 30 20 Frequency 10 0 Vertical Rise(ft) Figure 4: Vertical Rise Histogram 3.2.2 TICKET PRICE DATA The ticket price histogram created a unimodel distribution curve where the majority of the data was contained within the middle. The average ticket price for the sampled data was $56.96, while the median was calculated at $52.5. In addition, the standard deviation was $23.32 meaning that 98% of the time, a new ski resort’s ticket price would be between $10.32 and $103.6. The average ticket price of skill hills within our data collection ranged between 40 and 60 Canadian dollars. As shown in Figure 5, these prices also had the largest frequency and occurred at 40-45 of the hills examined. GISC9308 – Spatial Analysis P a g e |7 Frequency Lift Ticket Prices 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Frequency Ticket Prices(CAD$) Figure 5: Lift Ticket Prices 3.2.3 SKI RESORT TRAILS DA TA The most frequent number of trails was 30 and it occurred at 58 ski resorts. The data presented were slightly skewed to the right, which showed that majority of the data was represented between 15 and 40 trails. The data showed that on average each ski resort had 32.89 trails and that the median was 25. Lastly, the standard deviation was 25.53, meaning that 98% of the time, a new ski resort’s trails would be between 0 and 83.95. Figure 6 shows the number of trails that the sampled data offers to skiers. Ski Resort Trails 70 60 Frequency 50 40 30 Frequency 20 10 0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 Trails Figure 6: Ski Resort Trails GISC9308 – Spatial Analysis 135 150 More P a g e |8 3.2.4 VERTICAL RISE QQ PLOT The QQ plot in Figure 7 shows the vertical rise data. Figure 7: QQ Plot of Vertical Rise Research showed that this plot can be related to a right skewed or a light tailed plot. This dataset relatively followed the normal distribution line model therefore it was close to a normal distribution with a slight right skewness. (Stack Exchange, 2015) 3.3 TREND ANALYSIS This trend analysis investigated the vertical rise at many different ski resort locations. Figure 8 shows the trend analysis graph. GISC9308 – Spatial Analysis P a g e |9 Figure 8: Trend Analysis The trend analysis showed that the x and y axis are based on spatial location while the z axis value represented the vertical rise. Furthermore, the data was widely spread out over a large spatial distance. However, there were strong clusters in some areas which ultimately indicated that there were multiple ski hills in the area. Looking at the larger cluster with the highest elevations, when relating this to the study location it could be said that this location was either Vermont or Quebec. Both of these locations followed the trend and it could also be seen how these locations were further east from the smaller hills in the west. By focusing on the red trend line, it showed that the more east it travelled, the higher elevation will rise. As the elevation rose, there were also many more ski hills in the area which resulted in the creation of the clusters. 4.0 INTERPOLATION TECHNIQUES 4.1 INVERSE DISTANCE WEIGHTED (IDW) The Inverse Distance Weighted interpolation technique was used to predict values in areas that had not been sampled. The tool used values that had already been measured and assumed that things that were close to one another were more likely to be in common than those that were further away. The IDW was limited in terms of the range of values and would not create mountains or valleys if the data hadn’t been provided. This was due in large part because the tool was a weighted distance average and fell between the highest and lowest points; it would not go above or below the data provided. (ArcGIS Desktop Help 10.2, 2015) For the purpose of this study, the project team created three different IDW interpolations by using the variables that were collected. These include vertical rise, ticket prices, and runs. GISC9308 – Spatial Analysis P a g e | 10 4.1.1 IDW PARAMETERS Setting up the parameters for the Inverse Distance Weighted was completed using the Geostatistical wizard. This procedure started by inputting the dataset and selecting the designated fields that were required to be analyzed. This process was not as intensive and manipulative compared to the Kriging analysis, however it provided results that could be related in multiple different ways. After inputting the data, the next step was to change the values of the parameters. For this particular IDW, most of the parameters were left to the default setting since these produced the best results. In the general properties, the power was left at a default value of 2. The reason for this was largely due to the fact that the data was dispersed and the influence of the data points worked best at a power of 2. After considering different parameters, they were ultimately changed back to the best produced surface. However, the main change to the parameters was the adjustment of the major and minor semiaxis. This option changed the size of the circle that selected the predicted location. In addition, it was changed to pin point the best location and get the most important data points. Table 1 illustrates the parameters used. General Properties Power 2 Search Neighborhood Neighborhood type Standard Maximum Neighbors 15 Minimum Neighbors 10 Sector type 1 Sector Angle 0 Major semiaxis 2 Minor semiaxis 2 Anisotropy factor 1 Table 1: IDW Parameters Once the parameters were set up, this led to the cross validation which was the next and final step. From this, the predicted and error scatterplot could be viewed along with the table for each plot. The predicted graph can be seen in Figure 9 consisting of the IDW vertical rise. GISC9308 – Spatial Analysis P a g e | 11 Figure 9: Predicted Graph Along with this graph the Regression Function was presented with an equation of 0.62507073467062 *x +306.079404914536. Furthermore, Table 2 shows the prediction errors created from the IDW parameters. Prediction Errors Samples 150 of 150 Mean 51.6674 Root-Mean-Square 525.6529 Table 2: Prediction Errors Another result produced from the IDW process was the error graph. These values were predicted again by the parameters set within the previous steps. The Regression function was -0.37492926532938 *x +306.079404914537. The error graph was shown in Figure 10. GISC9308 – Spatial Analysis P a g e | 12 Figure 10: Error Graph 4.2 KRIGING INTERPOL ATION Kriging was a geostatistical analysis method that produced an estimated surface using z values within a dataset. Kriging was another interpolation method that allowed the user to be more manipulative of the data and allowed for more change in terms of parameters that influenced the results. This method used neighboring values to create the predicted values and the trend lines of the predicted values. Additionally, the Kriging function used a circular radius and took into consideration the distance of the various neighboring data in order to create an influence on each predicted point. For this particular study, three different Kriging interpolations were created. The method was run on the vertical rise, the number of runs and lastly, the rates of the ski hill. The Kriging analysis was completed on multiple factors. The same parameters were used to keep the results consistent and in turn provide better comparison. Similarly to the IDW, the Kriging interpolation was found within the Geostatistical Analyst extension as well. There were many different tools and features to the extension, which could all be manipulated to find the desired results. To complete the Kriging interpolation, this method was done through the Geostatistical Wizard and then completed in five steps within the dialog box to produce a result. The parameters were manipulated within these steps. 4.2.1 KRIGING PARAMETERS The Kriging function had the ability to input multiple data sets in order to compare them at the same time. However for this particular study, each of the data sets were done separately and compared on their own. As a result, the source data was the chosen dataset which was always examined since it contained all of the data. The data field was the option that was changed based on the interest of the Kriging interpolation. The three data fields studied included; vertical rise, rates, and runs. GISC9308 – Spatial Analysis P a g e | 13 Once the desired data was selected, the type of Kriging was chosen. For all three different Kriging interpolations produced for this study, the ‘Simple’ type was chosen. This option was also chosen because it produced the best results for the study and made most sense. This feature also provided different aspects of the Kriging steps, which other Kriging types don’t offer. For example, ‘Simple’ produced a histogram which was also step 3. As a result from the previous step, a histogram was created and produced to show the data field. For this step, all the setting were left to default. This particular histogram produced the vertical rise data field seen below in Figure 11. Figure 11: Vertical Rise Histogram The next step was to determine multiple parameters that the Kriging method would produce. However, within this step there were also different images that could be analyzed and manipulated. It was possible to optimize the model when completing this step. This option produced the best results for the data, which showed the lowest RMS error and the overall surface displayed. However, with this option it was very important to set all parameters before optimizing the model. This is because the different parameters changed how the model was optimized. The result would change and different results would be provided. Furthermore, the model type was chosen to be ‘stable’ as this type provided the best model influence for the predicted values over others. Apart from this parameter being changed, all other parameters within this step were left to default. From these optimized parameters, Figure 12 and Figure 13, illustrate the covariance and semivariogram scatterplots. GISC9308 – Spatial Analysis P a g e | 14 Figure 12: Covariance Scatterplot Figure 13: Semivariogram Scatterplot GISC9308 – Spatial Analysis P a g e | 15 The Kriging process was performed to use the neighboring data points to predict a certain point and trend in an unknown location. As a result, certain neighborhood parameters were set to gather the data and produce the result. Therefore, the maximum and minimum neighbor values were important as they should have been set depending on the dataset. For this particular dataset there were multiple areas that were clustered, therefore the maximum neighbors did not have to be such as large number. However if these data points were not as clustered, it would have been necessary to increase the number. Ultimately, this method used distance and influence from the data to produce the predicted point and trend. The next parameter was the sector type. For this parameter 4 sectors were chosen since it was the best that fit the data and as the cross hairs were on even 90 degree angles, this allowed the data to fall into the different sections. When the 4 sections with the 45 degree offset were chosen, the parameter did not fit the data, which resulted in more points being assigned to one section. As a result, the 4 sector type was selected. Overall, these parameters can be seen below in Table 3. Search Neighborhood Neighborhood Type Standard Maximum Neighbors 6 Minimum Neighbors 2 Sector type 4 Sectors Copy from Variogram True Table 3: Search Neighborhood Parameters In addition, when the location to select the predicted point was chosen, the same area was used for the other Kriging interpolations that were created. This created consistency amongst all the variables. By doing this, it also selected a location in which the most data points in a clustered area were. This was done so that the best prediction result was possible. There were large gaps that consisted of no data within the study area. Therefore, by selecting a clustered area, there was a possibility for more accurate results for the predicted point. The final step within this method was to view the cross validation and see the various results and figures presented. This step produced various scatterplots such as the predicted values, error values, standardized error, and normal QQ plot. Additionally, this step produced a table of the dataset of all the points within this data for each plot. Lastly a view at the bottom produced results of predicted errors and included different values. Figure 14 shows the predicted values of the vertical rise with the parameters set throughout this methodology. GISC9308 – Spatial Analysis P a g e | 16 Figure 14: Predicted Value Scatterplot The equation for this scatterplot was 0.409565482997915 * x + 480.452078227821. In Figure 15, the error scatterplot produced an equation of -0.590434517002086 * x + 480.452078227821. GISC9308 – Spatial Analysis P a g e | 17 Figure 15: Error Scatterplot Once this last step was completed, ArcGIS was able to produce a surface of the end result. The symbology could be changed based on desired appeal and use of the image. 5.0 WEIGHTED OVERLAY ANALYSIS USING KRIGING AND IDW The IDW and Kriging interpolations allowed the project team to create several weighted overlay analyses. The goal of this was to provide skiers and snowboarders with critical information pertaining to ski resorts in the study area. In addition, it was important to see if the results would vary at all based on the two different techniques use. Therefore, the same parameters were used for each of the interpolation methods. The project team wanted to make skiers and snowboarders alike knowledgeable about these places in case they were basing their decision on these factors. 5.1 WEIGHTED OVERLAY CRI TERIA AND PARAMETERS 5.1.1 EXPORTING TO RASTERS It was necessary to export each individual variable vector file into a raster image. These vector files were created by using the IDW and Kriging methods. 5.1.2 RECLASSIFICATI ON FOR BEST AND WORST SKI RESORTS The parameters for the best ski resorts were based on three criteria, which included vertical rise, ticket cost, and runs. The rasters created by the IDW and Kriging methods were used in order to show the ski hill with the highest runs, lowest ticket prices, and highest vertical rise based on the data set. The higher the vertical rise, the faster and more enjoyable the trails tend to be. Trails play a crucial part in offering variety to the skier as it keeps them entertained for majority of the day. Lastly, being able to enjoy a ski resort for an affordable price is key to many as GISC9308 – Spatial Analysis P a g e | 18 well, since skiing tends to be quite costly, especially with rental equipment not included in the price. Table 4 shows the reclassifications that were used to show the best overall ski resort for the IDW interpolation. Vertical Rise New Values Ticket Prices New Values Runs New Values 100.80 – 424.31 1 18.84 – 40.28 9 4-20 1 424.32 – 670.18 2 40.29 – 47.28 8 21-26 2 670.19 – 941.92 3 47.29 – 54.05 7 27-33 3 941.93 – 1213.67 4 54.06 – 60.82 6 34-39 4 1213.68 – 1498.36 5 60.83 – 68.04 5 40-48 5 1498.37 – 1757.16 6 68.05 – 75.72 4 49-58 6 1757.17 – 2041.85 7 75.73 – 85.20 3 59-69 7 2041.86 – 2572.40 8 85.21 – 96.48 2 70-86 8 2572.41 – 3400.59 9 96.48 – 133.95 1 87-136 9 Table 4: Reclassification for Best Ski Areas - IDW Interpolation The Kriging interpolation technique created different ranges than the IDW. The values still ranged from 1-9 similarily to the IDW, however the vertical rise, ticket prices, and runs used figures based on trends rather than the sampled data. For example, vertical rise only went up till 1492.17 in vertical rise even though the highest vertical rise was closer to the 3400 vertical feet mark. Table 5 represented the reclassification process in order to retrieve the best ski resorts according to the Kriging interpolation. Vertical Rise New Values Ticket Prices New Values Runs New Values 286.87 – 423.94 1 25.95 – 42.11 9 6 – 23 1 423.95 – 537.38 2 42.12 – 49.55 8 24 – 29 2 537.39 – 660.28 3 49.56 – 54.72 7 30 – 33 3 660.29 – 792.62 4 54.73 – 58.92 6 34 – 37 4 792.63 – 906.06 5 58.93 – 63.12 5 38 – 43 5 906.07 – 1005.32 6 63.13 – 69.26 4 44 – 50 6 1005.33 – 1114.03 7 69.27 – 77.34 3 51 – 59 7 1114.04 – 1255.83 8 77.35 – 88.01 2 60 – 73 8 1255.84 – 1492.17 9 88.02 – 108.37 1 74 - 95 9 Table 5: Reclassification for Best Ski Areas - Kriging Interpolation In order to find the worst ski resorts according to the IDW method, the same amount of values were used for the reclassification. The major difference was in the way they were ordered. For example, higher values were assigned to the lower vertical rise. Higher ticket prices were assigned higher values, while ski resorts with lower run count were assigned higher values. Table 6 reflects these changes in order to find the worst ski resorts based on these three variables. GISC9308 – Spatial Analysis P a g e | 19 Vertical Rise New Values Ticket Prices New Values Runs New Values 100.80 – 424.31 9 18.84 – 40.28 1 4-20 9 424.32 – 670.18 8 40.29 – 47.28 2 21-26 8 670.19 – 941.92 7 47.29 – 54.05 3 27-33 7 941.93 – 1213.67 6 54.06 – 60.82 4 34-39 6 1213.68 – 1498.36 5 60.83 – 68.04 5 40-48 5 1498.37 – 1757.16 4 68.05 – 75.72 6 49-58 4 1757.17 – 2041.85 3 75.73 – 85.20 7 59-69 3 2041.86 – 2572.40 2 85.21 – 96.48 8 70-86 2 2572.41 – 3400.59 1 96.48 – 133.95 9 87-136 1 Table 6: Reclassification for Worst Ski Resorts - IDW Interpolation The Kriging method used the same reclassification technique as was previously explained for the Inverse Distance Weighted interpolation. Table 7 illustrates these parameters. Vertical Rise New Values Ticket Prices New Values Runs New Values 286.87 – 423.94 9 25.95 – 42.11 1 6 – 23 9 423.95 – 537.38 8 42.12 – 49.55 2 24 – 29 8 537.39 – 660.28 7 49.56 – 54.72 3 30 – 33 7 660.29 – 792.62 6 54.73 – 58.92 4 34 – 37 6 792.63 – 906.06 5 58.93 – 63.12 5 38 – 43 5 906.07 – 1005.32 4 63.13 – 69.26 6 44 – 50 4 1005.33 – 1114.03 3 69.27 – 77.34 7 51 – 59 3 1114.04 – 1255.83 2 77.35 – 88.01 8 60 – 73 2 1255.84 – 1492.17 1 88.02 – 108.37 9 74 - 95 1 Table 7: Reclassification for Worst Ski Resorts - Kriging Interpolation 5.1.3 WEIGHTED OVERLAY TOOL The weighted overlay tool was used to bring in the three reclassified outputs for each respective interpolation. The overlay tool set weights based on the importance of each criteria. Table 8 outlined the weights that were given for all four weighted overlays that were performed. Weighted Overlay Table Raster % Influence Rates 34 Vertical Rise 33 Runs 33 Table 8: Weighted Overlay Table GISC9308 – Spatial Analysis P a g e | 20 5.1.4 ISOLATING RESULTS Once the weighted overlay was performed, it was necessary to isolate the results into point features so that only the best and worst ski results would be shown in the data. This was accomplished through several individual tools. The raster calculator allowed the project team to display only the highest value output through the ‘Map Algebra Expression’. Once this was was performed, the raster was converted into a polygon so that it could eventually be clipped with the ski areas. The clip tool was used to isolate all results other than what fell under the parameters set in the raster calculator. Figure 16 illustrates the model that was used for the overlay analysis, excluding the clip tool. Figure 16: Weighted Overlay Model 6.0 COMPARISON TO REALITY ANALYSIS In order to gain a better sense of the quality and accuracy of the IDW and Krigging interpolations, a comparison to reality analysis was performed. Upon creating both interpolations, the project team noticed that both techniques covered the entire state of New Hampshire. This made it the perfect area to perform an analysis since no ski areas were used from this State. The same data collection parameters were used as previously described. The Validation/Prediction tool was used in order to compare the actual value to the predicted value based off the IDW and Krigging analysis. The project team decided to show the predicted value for all three variables including vertical rise, ticket prices, and number of runs. The results for the IDW comparison is located in Table 9. GISC9308 – Spatial Analysis P a g e | 21 New Hampshire Resorts Vertical Rise(ft) Predicted Vertical Rise(ft) Vertical Rise Error(ft) Ticket Prices ($CAD) Predicted Ticket Prices ($CAD) Ticket Prices Error ($CAD) Runs Predicted Runs Runs Error Attitash 1750 1730 20 $93.75 $75.31 -$18.44 67 60 -7 Black Mountain 1100 1730 630 $68.75 $74.76 $6.01 45 59 14 Bretton Woods 1500 1650 150 $102.50 $70.48 -$32.02 97 54 -43 Cannon Mountain 2180 1601 -579 $92.50 $69.27 -$23.23 72 53 -19 Cranmore 1200 1750 550 $80.00 $76.25 -$3.75 57 61 4 Loon Mountain 2100 1648 -452 $103.75 $73.69 -$30.06 61 55 -6 Mount Sunapee 1510 1727 217 $98.75 $94.16 -$4.59 66 68 2 Waterville Valley 2020 1680 -340 $93.75 $77.06 -$16.69 52 57 5 Wildcat Mountain 2112 1706 -406 $93.75 $73.05 -$20.70 50 57 7 Crotched Mountain 1000 1699 699 $77.50 $91.96 $14.46 25 65 40 Table 9: Comparison to Reality - IDW Interpolation The average vertical rise error was 404.3 feet, therefore anything over this amount was poorly predicted by the IDW in terms of the results. To put the size of this error into perspective, some of the sampled data that was included in the list of 150 ski hills only had a 400 foot vertical rise. This gives good indication when attempting to understand the size of the average error. Attitash and Bretton woods were most accurately predicted with an error of only 20 and 150 feet respectively, while Crotched Mountain and Black Mountain were the most poorly predicted ski areas. When observing the ticket price error for the IDW, results show that the method predicted the cost to be less than what they actually were. Therefore, it can be determined that based on the data that surrounded the newly added ski resorts, New Hampshire had much higher ticket prices. Cranmore and Mount Sunapee were the only two ski resorts that fell under $5.00 of the actual value. The average run error was skewed based on two very poor predictions from Bretton Woods and Crotched Mountain. For this reason, the average error was 14.7. However, if those two ski resorts were not included in the equation, the average error for runs would have only been 8. GISC9308 – Spatial Analysis P a g e | 22 Table 10 illustrates the error results for the Kriging interpolation in order to see whether there were any similarities and differences between the two methods. New Hampshire Resorts Vertical Rise(ft) Predicted Vertical Rise(ft) Vertical Rise Error(ft) Ticket Prices ($CAD) Predicted Ticket Prices ($CAD) Ticket Prices Error ($CAD) Runs Predicted Runs Runs Error Attitash 1750 1526 -224 $93.75 $57.58 -$36.17 67 35 -32 Black Mountain 1100 1564 464 $68.75 $57.88 -$10.87 45 35 -10 Bretton Woods 1500 1628 128 $102.50 $55.80 -$46.70 97 35 -62 Cannon Mountain 2180 1622 -558 $92.50 $52.79 -$39.71 72 34 -38 Cranmore 1200 1508 308 $80.00 $58.14 -$21.86 57 34 -23 Loon Mountain 2100 1577 -523 $103.75 $54.74 -$49.01 61 36 -25 Mount Sunapee 1510 1408 -102 $98.75 $68.58 -$30.17 66 36 -30 Waterville Valley 2020 1573 -447 $93.75 $56.47 -$37.28 52 35 -17 Wildcat Mountain 2112 1578 -534 $93.75 $57.71 -$36.04 50 35 -15 Crotched Mountain 1000 1496 496 $77.50 $65.78 -$11.72 25 35 10 Table 10: Comparison to Reality - Kriging Interpolation The vertical rise error appeared to be slightly better than the IDW method since the average was calculated at 378.4 feet. While this method shows improvement, the error is still too large given the complexity of the Kriging interpolation. Unlike the IDW, the Kriging technique did not have any vertical rise error under 100 feet. The ticket price error followed the same trend as the IDW. It showed that the prediction should be less than the actual ticket prices, meaning that New Hampshire’s rates were higher than the sampled data. The Kriging technique had an average error of $31.95, which was almost two times worse than the IDW. This is worrying since the Kriging interpolation is supposed to be a much more intricate technique. The runs prediction showed that New Hampshire had more ski trails than the sample data, since majority of the predicted run errors were below the actual figures. In addition, the IDW was more accurate than the Kriging interpolation since it only had an average error of 14.7 comparing to the Kriging’s 26.2. GISC9308 – Spatial Analysis P a g e | 23 To sum up, the location of the new points could have had a lot to do with the prediction errors being so high. The points were outside the cluster of data, which made it harder for even the most intricate interpolation techniques. If the data was located more centrally to the cluster of ski areas that had already been sampled, perhaps the results would have been more accurate. Overall, by performing this comparison, it showed that neither technique precisely showed reality. 7.0 FINDINGS 7.1 INTERPOLATION CO MPARISON When comparing the IDW and Kriging interpolations, it was important to look at all three variables that were created using each of these methods. Several generalizations could be made based off the results. Firstly, all three Inverse Distance Weighted techniques that were created appeared to show a higher variation in values than the Kriging interpolation. This could have been caused by the parameters that were set by each. In addition, the values that were created for the IDW method appeared to stay true to the data presented whereas the Kriging technique had changed these values for all three of the variables. This was due to the conversation from a vector to raster file. Lower values also tended to cover a larger area in the Inverse Distance Weighted interpolation as opposed to the Kriging technique, which appeared to display values that consisted mainly in the middle of the data range. This in turn resulted in a larger spread of the data in regards the IDW interpolation. The IDW and Kriging interpolations are most effective when there is a large dataset. The problem with the data presented for this study was that there were only 150 ski resorts that were within a large geographical area. There is was a lot of room for vertical rise to differentiate from each point. As a result, this had a negative impact on the root-mean-square error. Many parameters were attempted in order to make the error as low as possible. The best that the project team was able to accomplish was an error of 525.65 for vertical rise based on these chosen parameters. This negatively affected the prediction process that was analysed earlier in the comparison to reality section as well. When comparing the vertical rise IDW to the Kriging, it is apparent that the State of Michigan has a larger area of small vertical rise data in the Inverse Distance Weighted than the Kriging. In addition, Vermont appeared to have a higher vertical rise in the IDW interpolation than the Kriging. The blue trend in the IDW runs interpolation appears to be more prominent than the Kriging method. The Kriging technique largely consisted of runs between 32 and 57, without much variation. Lastly, the Kriging interpolation for price appeared very similar to the runs interpolation. There wasn’t much variance present, whereas the IDW showed high rates in the southeast corner near New Hampshire and Vermont. The results of both the Kriging and IDW interpolation can be seen in Figure 17 and Figure 18. GISC9308 – Spatial Analysis P a g e | 24 Figure 17: IDW Interpolation Results GISC9308 – Spatial Analysis P a g e | 25 Figure 18: Kriging Interpolation Results GISC9308 – Spatial Analysis P a g e | 26 7.2 BEST SKI RESORTS The weighted overlay analysis produced different results based on the type of interpolation techniques that were used. The best overall ski resort for the Kriging method is shown in Table 11. Best Overall Ski Resort – Kriging Interpolation Ski Resort Province/State Vertical Rise(ft) Lift Ticket Price ($CAD) Runs Mont Orford Quebec 1933 59 61 Table 11: Best Overall Ski Resorts - Kriging Interpolation Mont Orford seemed to fit the parameters of a great ski resort since it boasted a vertical rise of 1933 feet, while comprising of 61 runs. In addition, the lift ticket price was considerably lower given the first two variables. The Inverse Distance Weighted interpolation offered different results, however Mont Orford was one of three that were chosen based on the parameters. The IDW results were good in terms of providing more than one option for the best ski hills. Table 12 illustrates these results below. Best Overall Ski Resorts – IDW Interpolation Ski Resort Province/State Vertical Rise (ft) Lift Ticket Price ($CAD) Runs Mont Orford Quebec 1933 59 61 Mont Tremblant Quebec 2116 82 95 Owls Head Quebec 1772 45 45 Table 12: Best Overall Ski Resorts - IDW Interpolation Mont Tremblant and Owls Head were the two resorts that were not present in the Kriging interpolation overlay results. However, a case can be made for these two as well. While Mont Tremblant is more expensive than all the other resorts, it offers twice as many runs in some cases while consisting of a 2116 foot vertical rise. This is also the highest out of all the chosen ski resorts. Owls Head was very affordable at $45.00 and offered 45 runs along with 1772 feet in vertical rise. This ski resort outlines great affordability and variety. 7.3 WORST SKI RESORT S The worst ski resorts also varied depending on the type of interpolation that was used. Table 13 showed the results for the worst overall ski hills based on the Kriging interpolation. Worst Overall Ski Resorts –Kriging Interpolation Ski Resort Province/State Vertical Rise (ft) Lift Ticket Price ($CAD) Runs Peek’n Peak Resort New York 400 $70.00 27 Treetops Ski Resort Michigan 225 $62.50 23 Otsego Club Michigan 358 $102.50 31 Osler Bluff Ski Club Ontario 743 $68.00 26 Table 13: Worst Overall Ski Resorts - Kriging Interpolation GISC9308 – Spatial Analysis P a g e | 27 Four ski hills were deemed to be the worst overall based on the vertical rise, ticket price, and the amount of runs offered. The most costly ski resort was situated in Michigan at a cost of $102.50, while the ski hill with the lowest vertical was Treetops Ski Resort, also located in Michigan. All four show characteristics that are indicative of a poor ski resort. The IDW interpolation resulted in only one ski resort, which was also found by the Kirging method to be one of the worst overall ski areas. Table 14 shows the result of the IDW weighted overlay results. Worst Overall Ski Resorts – IDW Interpolation Ski Resort Province/State Vertical Rise(ft) Lift Ticket Price ($CAD) Runs Otsego Club Michigan 358 $102.50 31 Table 14: Worst Overall Ski Resorts - IDW Interpolation In order to get a visualization of both the best and worst ski areas in the selected study area. Figure 19 and Figure 20 were provided. GISC9308 – Spatial Analysis Figure 19: Best and Worst Ski Resorts - IDW Interpolation P a g e | 28 GISC9308 – Spatial Analysis Figure 20: Best Overall Ski Resorts - Kriging Interpolation P a g e | 29 GISC9308 – Spatial Analysis P a g e | 30 8.0 CLOSURE This study involved two different interpolation methods to analyze ski data. This data collection sampled 150 ski resorts in the provinces of Ontario and Quebec, as well as, the States of Michigan, New York and Vermont. One of the changes that would have been made if done differently would be to get a larger dataset and a smaller study area. This would allow the predicted data to be better represented. As for this study, there were large distances between some ski hills, this lead to a misinterpretation of the vertical rise since there could be drastic changes present within these gaps. However with these methods being prediction interpolations, the data is skewed due to estimates. While working with the data there were also a few assumptions made about certain data features. Particularly, discussing the different age restrictions for prices. They tended to differ based on each ski resort and it wasn’t till after that the project team noticed this slight change. Some resorts had made adult prices ranging from ages 18 to 64, while other ski hills chose to make adult regular prices 19 to 65. These differing age restrictions might hamper someone who is 18 and would like to go to one of the best ski resorts that was selected based off the overlay analysis. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to even the finest details as it may affect someone or something. When dealing with data that is collected off the internet, there are bound to be some mistakes whether it is on the user’s end or the provider’s. GISC9308 – Spatial Analysis P a g e | 31 9.0 BIBLIOGRAPHY Cazenovia Ski Club. (2015). Retrieved from Le Relais Centre De Ski Lac-Beauport. (2015). 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Retrieved from GISC9308 – Spatial Analysis P a g e | 34 APPENDIX A Table 15: Raw Ski Resort Data Resort Province_State Country Northing Easting Vertical Rise Rate Run Searchmont Ontario Canada 46.77031 -84.049814 750 50 18 Mount Dufour Ontario Canada 46.385829 -82.636247 320 41 7 Laurentian Ski Hill Boler Mountain (London Ski Club) Hidden Valley Highlands Ontario Canada 46.338032 -79.432665 350 38 10 Ontario Canada 42.94495 81.339061 220 38 15 Ontario Canada 45.357139 -79.130919 333 48 13 Sire Sam's Ski Area Madawaska Valley Ski Area Ontario Canada 45.125768 -78.490228 331 50 12 Ontario Canada 45.436469 -77.662923 450 32 12 Calabogie Peaks Ontario Canada 45.27495 -76.781478 780 41 29 Mount Pekenham Mount St. Louis Moonstone Ontario Canada 45.325394 -76.329116 280 33 10 Ontario Canada 44.627867 -79.668552 550 56 40 Pine Ridge Ski Club Ontario Canada 44.397818 -79.632036 320 35 10 Horseshoe Resort Ontario Canada 44.555904 -79.66858 304 52 26 Craigleith Ski Club Ontario Canada 44.526525 -80.327351 700 70 33 Alpine Ontario Canada 44.523789 -80.344579 710 70 36 Blue Mountain Beaver Valley Ski Club Ontario Canada 44.503711 -80.310316 720 64 36 Ontario Canada 44.358656 -80.545529 508 68 29 Devil's Glen Club Ontario Canada 44.354724 -80.199955 510 63 23 Ski Snow Valley Ontario Canada 44.41009 -79.789261 279 37 19 Mansfield Ski Club Ontario Canada 44.197686 -80.053245 440 48 15 Hockley Valley Ontario Canada 43.977807 -80.046677 300 47 15 Devils Elbow Skyloft Ski & Country Club Ontario Canada 44.220566 -78.576896 350 51 11 Ontario Canada 44.028198 -79.076987 400 60 22 Ski Lakeridge Ontario Canada 44.028124 -79.063892 400 55 23 Dagmar Ontario Canada 44.0117 -79.060198 200 51 12 Brimacombe Ontario Canada 44.022574 -78.574969 300 50 21 Batawa Skil Hill Ontario Canada 44.166955 -77.596888 571 35 9 Caledon Ontario Canada 43.801549 -80.01264 275 55 23 Uplands Ski Centre Ontario Canada 43.826614 -79.437197 100 21 4 Chicopee Ontario Canada 43.429894 -80.42149 200 40 15 Glen Eden Ontario Canada 43.510648 -79.942918 245 37 12 Osler Bluff Ski Club Ontario Canada 44.45812 -80.285169 743 68 26 Camp Fortune Quebec Canada 45.511235 -75.851651 590 37 23 Edelweiss Valley Quebec Canada 45.646202 -75.849704 656 42 18 Le Chantecler Quebec Canada 45.950609 -74.147211 600 42 24 Le Massif Quebec Canada 47.297525 -70.648447 2526 66 52 GISC9308 – Spatial Analysis P a g e | 35 Le Relais Quebec Canada 46.942255 -71.29965 735 45 29 Le Valinouet Quebec Canada 48.654439 -70.894755 1148 41 27 Mount Avila Quebec Canada 45.886299 -74.131619 615 43 13 Mont Blanc Quebec Canada 46.10844 -74.481924 1000 46 41 Mont Cascades Quebec Canada 45.593741 -75.848777 541 39 20 Mont Garceau Quebec Canada 46.338906 -74.219008 1000 30 25 Mont Gleason Quebec Canada 45.928718 -71.958665 627 31 18 Mont Habitant Quebec Canada 45.885594 -74.150079 551 39 11 Mont La Reserve Quebec Canada 46.286789 -74.181549 1000 36 37 Mont Lac Vert Quebec Canada 48.356241 -71.612175 787 36 20 Mont Olympia Quebec Canada 45.916316 -74.123791 656 43 24 Mont Orford Quebec Canada 45.318874 -72.217685 1933 59 61 Mount Original Quebec Canada 46.409956 -70.582626 984 38 23 Mont Rigaud Quebec Canada 45.46838 -74.339392 393 38 9 Mont Saint- Bruno Quebec Canada 45.558384 -73.334046 440 65 15 Mont Saint-Sauveur Quebec Canada 45.885767 -74.150279 700 54 38 Mont Sainte-Anne Quebec Canada 47.075325 -70.902992 2050 75 66 Mont Sainte-Marie Quebec Canada 45.944548 -75.879195 1251 44 20 Mont Sutton Quebec Canada 45.103131 -72.561634 1500 60 60 Mont Tremblant Quebec Canada 46.213397 -74.58512 2116 82 95 Owls Head Quebec Canada 45.077543 -72.295168 1772 45 45 Parc Du Mont-Comi Quebec Canada 48.467409 -68.194599 1000 31 29 Ski Bromont Quebec Canada 45.301433 -72.63695 790 62 42 Ski Mont Gabriel Quebec Canada 45.922798 -74.153556 656 35 18 Ski Montcalm Quebec Canada 46.041882 -73.830924 278 35 24 Ski Morin Heights Quebec Canada 45.902371 -74.266125 656 43 24 Ski Vorlage Quebec Canada 45.644883 -75.934797 450 35 17 Stoneham Quebec Canada 47.02649 -71.381546 1132 59 49 Val Neigette Quebec Canada 48.366626 -68.481571 623 26 25 Val St-Come Quebec Canada 46.272785 -73.869516 984 51 39 Val D'Irene Quebec Canada 48.471824 -67.572474 899 33 26 Vallee Bleue Quebec Canada 46.026354 -74.21781 364 36 19 Vallee Du Parc Quebec Canada 46.615557 -72.795416 551 33 20 Beartown Ski Area New York United States 44.768845 -73.582752 150 26.25 4 Belleayre Ski Resort New York United States 42.142214 -74.510778 1404 80 50 Brantling New York United States 43.150011 -77.065356 240 37.5 9 Bristol Mountain New York United States 42.745 -77.404444 1200 82.5 34 Buffalo Ski Club New York United States 42.681007 -78.691504 500 50 43 Catamount Ski Area New York United States 42.171456 -73.477764 1000 78.75 35 Dry Hill Ski Area New York United States 43.931184 -75.901247 300 8.75 35 Gore Mountain New York United States 43.672222 -74.006944 2537 102.5 107 Greek Peak New York United States 42.505 -76.147222 952 80 38 GISC9308 – Spatial Analysis P a g e | 36 Hickory Ski Center New York United States 43.47027 -73.811227 1200 56.25 18 Holiday Mountain New York United States 41.626342 -74.609288 400 52.5 7 Holiday Valley New York United States 42.2625 -78.668056 750 85 58 HoliMont New York United States 42.273192 -78.68922 700 77.5 52 Hunt Hollow Ski Club New York United States 42.644967 -77.471021 825 56.25 20 Hunter Mountain New York United States 42.200278 -74.230278 1600 95 57 Kissing Bridge New York United States 42.601057 -78.651823 600 65 39 Labrador Mountain New York United States 42.741797 -76.029727 700 62.5 22 Maple Ski Ridge New York United States 42.817844 -74.031555 1200 47.5 8 McCauley Mountain New York United States 43.696111 -74.961389 633 26.25 30 Mount Pisgah New York United States 44.345602 -74.125068 329 18.75 5 Mt. Peter Ski Area New York United States 41.247626 -74.295475 400 56.25 12 Oak Mountain New York United States 43.518133 -74.362194 650 17.5 34 Peek'n Peak Resort New York United States 42.0625 -79.7366667 400 70 27 Plattekill New York United States 42.289337 -74.653086 1100 72.5 35 Royal Mountain New York United States 43.081368 -74.504825 550 50 14 Big Tupper New York United States 44.170674 -74.477906 1151 31.25 25 Snow Ridge New York United States 43.639705 -75.419683 500 48.75 22 Song Mountain New York United States 42.774167 -76.15823 700 62.5 24 Swain New York United States 42.47678 -77.854061 650 62.5 30 Thunder Ridge New York United States 41.507222 -73.581111 600 62.5 30 Titus New York United States 44.763333 -74.235278 1200 56.25 42 Toggenburg New York United States 42.826078 -75.958962 700 62.5 21 Tuxedo Ridge New York United States 41.246111 -74.227222 400 52.5 8 West Mtn New York United States 43.285556 -73.728333 460 56.25 40 Whiteface New York United States 44.365833 -73.902778 3430 111.25 87 Willard Mountain New York United States 43.022472 -73.516702 505 50 14 Windham Mountain New York United States 42.291667 -74.259444 1600 97.5 49 Woods Valley New York United States 43.301587 -75.382328 500 43.75 10 Bolton Valley Vermont United States 44.415833 -72.869722 1704 86.25 71 Bromley Vermont United States 43.227778 -72.938611 1334 88.75 45 Cochran's Ski Area Vermont United States 44.396 -72.982 91 25 4 Jay Peak Vermont United States 44.929444 -72.532222 2153 90 76 Killington Vermont United States 43.625833 -72.797778 3050 115 140 Lyndon Outing Club Vermont United States 44.53305 -71.98719 430 12.5 10 Mad River Glen Vermont United States 44.200833 -72.924444 2037 93.75 45 Magic Mountain Middlebury Snow Bowl Vermont United States 43.192778 -72.76 1700 78.75 40 Vermont United States 43.939167 -72.9575 1050 68.75 17 Mount Snow Vermont United States 42.958889 -72.923611 1700 112.5 80 Okemo Vermont United States 43.401607 -72.715807 2200 115 120 Pico Vermont United States 43.662575 -72.842907 1967 86.25 52 GISC9308 – Spatial Analysis P a g e | 37 Q Burke Mtn Vermont United States 44.587865 -71.91585 2011 80 50 Smugglers Vermont United States 44.572778 -72.776111 2610 87.5 78 Stowe Vermont United States 44.531 -72.787 2160 135 116 Stratton Vermont United States 43.114167 -72.90667 2003 122.5 92 Sugarbush Vermont United States 44.137222 -72.906667 2600 111.25 111 Suicide Six Vermont United States 43.663889 -72.544444 650 80 23 Alpine Valley Michigan United States 42.65388 -83.52275 300 52.5 25 Apple Mountain Michigan United States 43.473011 -84.101854 220 43.75 12 Big Powderhorn Michigan United States 46.504167 -90.096111 622 65 33 Blackjack Michigan United States 46.5021 -90.0046 465 58.75 19 Boyne Mountain Michigan United States 45.163889 -84.932778 500 86.25 115 Caberfae Peaks Cannonsburg Ski Area Michigan United States 44.249722 -85.725 485 57.5 34 Michigan United States 43.054414 -85.501013 250 46.25 15 Crystal Mtn Michigan United States 44.52 -85.992222 375 83.75 45 Indianhead Michigan United States 46.5 -89.970833 638 67.5 30 Marquette Mountain Michigan United States 46.508 -87.42 600 56.25 25 Mont Ripley Michigan United States 47.129167 -88.559444 440 52.5 24 Mount Bohemia Michigan United States 47.391697 -88.013578 900 71.25 81 Mt. Brighton Michigan United States 42.538056 -83.806944 230 61.25 26 Norway Mountain Michigan United States 45.789524 -87.869615 500 48.75 17 Nub's Nob Michigan United States 45.468333 -84.903611 427 83.75 52 Otsego Club Michigan United States 45.027409 -84.655152 358 102.5 31 Pine Knob Michigan United States 42.74722 -83.372829 300 58.75 17 Pine Mountain Michigan United States 45.839261 -88.088386 500 25 27 Porcupine Mountains Michigan United States 46.819676 -89.648362 641 43.75 28 Shanty Creek Michigan United States 44.948699 -85.185239 450 75 53 Ski Buttersweet Michigan United States 42.467187 -85.758676 350 51.25 20 Ski Brule Michigan United States 46.028894 -88.700223 500 57.5 43 Ski Mt. Holly Michigan United States 42.827985 -83.56436 250 52.5 19 Snow Snake Michigan United States 43.959264 -84.780789 210 33.75 12 Swiss Valley Michigan United States 41.954207 -85.826898 225 46.25 11 Treetops Michigan United States 45.033165 -84.589124 225 62.5 23 GISC9308 – Spatial Analysis P a g e | 38 Table 16: New Ski Resort Data Resort Province_State Country Northing Easting Attitash New Hampshire United States 44.082902 -71.229486 Black Mountain New Hampshire United States 44.166595 Bretton Woods New Hampshire United States Cannon Mountain New Hampshire Cranmore Rates Runs 1750 75 67 -71.164124 1100 55 45 44.259262 -71.460335 1500 82 97 United States 44.170237 -71.688918 2180 74 72 New Hampshire United States 44.056505 -71.110079 1200 64 57 Loon Mountain New Hampshire United States 44.056535 -71.625795 2100 83 61 Mount Sunapee New Hampshire United States 43.313759 -72.074178 1510 79 66 Waterville Valley New Hampshire United States 43.965052 -71.528206 2020 75 52 Wildcat Mountain New Hampshire United States 44.267668 -71.239429 2112 75 50 Crotched Mountain New Hampshire United States 43.007613 -71.878669 1000 62 25 GISC9308 – Spatial Analysis Vertical Rise