Hopes Notes - Center of Hope
Hopes Notes July 2012 In This Issue Charlton Woods Summer Camp Articles: Summer Camp-new location Stars & Stripes Fun Facts Special “O” Summer Games Quick! Save the Parks! Remember All Aboard The Arc? Awareness: legislative Update Sandwich & Social On the Air Waves Breaking the Silence Building Bridges Fundraising Events: Crafter’s Closet Golf Tournament What’s New In Their Shoes?: Southbridge Day Hab CoH/Quinebaug Day Hab West Street Day Hab Featured CoHF Business: Yards of HopeNeed a Helping Hand? We have moved! Same great activities, just a new location. Our beloved Summer Recreation Program will be held at Charlton Woods Recreation Center (Formerly Camp Bement) at 73 Jones Road, Charlton MA. Program Dates: June 25th - August 31st. Program Hours: Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Program Options: Cubs: 6 - 12 years. Focusing on interaction with peers with fun summer activities. Lions: 13 - 21 years. Social and recreational activities paired with a prevocational component, offering older children the opportunity to participate at volunteer sites. Both programs are open to all. Picture: 2011 Summer Camp There is still time to sign up, but space is limited, so for more information please contact Ryan Thompson today at 774-230-0440. Legislative Update - by Cindy Howard The hard work of many people, including those of you who took the time to call or write your legislators paid off. Most of the budget items that were in jeopardy were restored. Thank goodness, as it would have meant almost a million dollars in cuts just to our agency!! We can never take it for granted and now it is time to THANK them! Follow the Take Action link in the Arc Mass website to use the automated system. It is easy! Written letters and calls work too. If you need ANY help, Cindy will be glad to give you a hand! The money restored: • $20 Million to fund the first annual raise for direct support professionals earning under $40,000 per year in years. • A $15 million cut to Mass Health Day Habilitation Programs that may preserve the six hour service day. • Increased funding of Family Support Programs, restoring $5.5 million cut by Governor Patrick’s House Two Budget and some prior year’s cuts. • A $2 million cut by the Governor from DDS Transportation programs. THANK YOU! Vital work will continue because you care! Sandwich & Social Once a month the Center hosts a lunch networking event that invites local businesses to learn the history of the Center and tour the many small businesses created by the Center. This past social brought representatives from three different Arc Chapters, two self advocates, two local businesses and a college professor who is on the board for RRI. This group of individuals were eager to share ideas, and collectively agreed to steal a few others, which was jovially accepted and encouraged by Cindy Howard, Center of Hope Foundation’s Public Relations and Administrative Director. Jim Howard explained how a “peer philosophy” creates balance between staff, participants, and community workers within our agency and small businesses. Also, the desire to find diversified funding starts the collaboration of researching, and executing a plan of action that will benefit the Center of Hope Foundation and it’s participants as a whole. If you or your place of business is interested in attending future “Sandwich and Socials” please contact Jennifer Grammatic at (508) 764-4085 ext 656 or e-mail jgrammatic@thecenterofhope.org. Our next “Sandwich and Social” will be held on July 10, 2012, at 100 Foster Street, Southbridge, MA, from 12-1:30 p.m. On the Air Waves The Center of Hope Foundation gives a “Live Shout Out” on WESO 970 AM radio every other week at 8:30 - 9 a.m. on Tuesdays. Listen in on what is new with the Center. Current hot topics are showcased about our programs, small businesses, legislation and fund-raising events. Breaking the Silence by Mark Carron “Could of, should of, would of.” Remember thinking that to yourself after reading the results of an election? Remember complaining about cuts to our budget and/or elimination of valuable programs, and being mad at those elected individuals responsible? Well the GOOD NEWS is, you don’t have to be mad at them any longer. If you are not a registered voter or didn’t vote... IT’S YOUR FAULT! You see, in OUR world, voters are DOERS and can demand, non-voters are then BEGGARS, and as the saying goes “Beggars can’t be choosers.” Who are you? Who will you be? ✓ VOTE! If you are 18 years or older, visit your Town Hall or local Registry of Motor Vehicles, or if you are computer savvy- check out http://www. registertovote.org/ and become a registered voter. That is half the battle. Next is to voice your opinion by voting. Program members are welcome to join the Center’s self advocacy group Building Bridges. Leader Steven Etzweiler will help you have your voices heard. Building Bridges- Self Advocacy by Steve Etzweiler Building Bridges is a self-advocacy program that meets at the Center of Hope Day Hab program located at 1 North Street, Southbridge, MA from 4 - 6 p.m. typically on the first Tuesday of the month. We discuss how to advocate for more funding for programs, how to speak with legislators, and how to respectfully stand up for human rights. People are empowered to make decisions for themselves, and if they need help, we discuss it. The next meeting is September 4th from 4 - 6 p.m. We will be having pizza and wings. If you would like to come, please contact Steve Etzweiler at setzweiler@thecenterofhope.org or call 508-764-4085. If you would like to discuss how to stand up for yourself, and the things you believe in, come and join us on September 4th! It would be great to see you there!* *Dues are $3.00 per month or $25.00 annually. No transportation services provided. 2. Crafter’s Closet Limited Stock Assorted Samples Help the Center of Hope Foundation raise money by purchasing pre cut, assorted colors and style bags of Rag Roll, Ribbon, Lace, Rick Rack, and Tassels. $4.10 Rag Roll: 2lbs - widths varying 1”- 4” $1.00 Ribbon Bag: (25) 1 yard lengths, assorted colors and widths. $1.25 Lace & Trim Bag: (22) 1 yard lengths, assorted colors and widths. $1.50 Rick Rack-Asst. Bag: (20) 1 yard lengths, assorted colors, and widths. $1.75 Rick Rack-Chenille Bag: (16) 2 yard lengths, assorted colors and widths. $1.00 Tassel Bag: 11 sets of 2 - assorted tassels. For more information on ordering please contact Judi Nelson at 774-402-0098. 6 th Annual Golf Tournament Save the Date-August 15, 2012 Benefiting Sports & Recreation/Holiday Giving Programs Your participation, whether through playing, donating, or sponsoring this event will provide uniforms, equipment and services to participate in Special Olympics sports program events, which includes unified Volleyball, Softball, Basketball, Flag Football, Cheerleading, Track & Field, Weight Lifting, and Fishing. All too often families go without during the holiday season and through donations and fundraising the Center of Hope can help provide a holiday treat for children by providing presents to children during the holiday season. Heritage Country Club, Charlton MA 8:30 a.m. Registration 9:30 a.m. Shotgun Start 2:30 Dinner & Awards Ceremony Contact Marie Barse 508-764-4085 Registration and Sponsorship Opportunities. All donations are tax deductible 3. What’s New in Their Shoes? Picnic for All to Enjoy Precision Testing Labs will be hosting another free, fun filled picnic on the Southbridge Common for everyone who attends the Center of Hope programs on July 12, 2012 (rain date July 19, 2012) from 12 -2 p.m. Last year there was great food and excellent company. Everywhere you looked people were dancing to music, playing frizbee or tossing the football. Thank you Precision Testing Labs for offering another great day to have fun in the sun! Southbridge Day Hab On June 13, 2012, Officer Campbell from the Southbridge Police Department came to visit with his partner Dolly. Dolly is a working K-9 who has the right kind of nose for the job- she is a Bloodhound! Bloodhounds have been known for hunting because of their strong skills in tracking a “scent.” Although the soft, wrinkly skin folds may make them look adorable, they actually help hold the scent particles while they search. Their noses are so superb that it is hard for them to not wander off after an interesting scent. Bloodhounds are able to follow any scent, even human a rare ability in a dog. This breed has been said to successfully follow trails over 100 hours old. They are also very determined and have been known to stay with the trail for over 100 miles. The Bloodhound is such a sure tracker that the breed is used worldwide for rescue and criminal searches and the Bloodhound’s evidence is admissible in the court of law. I guess she “nose” best! http://www.dogbreedinfo.com/bloodhound.htm Coming soon in July will be a special story time reader named Jonathan Hall from Brimfield, MA. Jonathan will be reading his original written book about a cat named Toto. Toto is a cat who was rescued after being displaced from his home during the June 2011 tornados. Further information on day and time will follow. Center of Hope Day Hab - Quinebaug River Day Hab On June 18, 2012 the Center of Hope and Quinebaug River Day Hab took part in transfering many starter plants grown as program projects to the Community Garden located on Worcester Street, Southbridge, MA. Many hours of careful tending will continue throughout the months to ensure healthy growth of our vegetable and flower plants. The town, in partnership with the Center of Hope, provides a planter box, soil, water barrel, and compost bin to create 4’ x 8’ Community Garden plots to Southbridge residents to plant flowers, fruits and vegetables on a seasonal basis. Plots are free and are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. The plots are available from May 26, 2012, to October 31, 2012. For information contact the Southbridge Health Department at 508-764-4252, ext. 2. picture: http://thinkreduce.com/southbridge-ma/node/338 4. West Street Day Hab picture: Judy Couture being assisted by Sturbridge Firefighter Brian Townes Watch for the splash because West Street Day Hab has control of the hose! On June 12, 2012, Captain John Marinelli of the Sturbridge Fire Department organized an exciting and fun day for our friends at West Street Day Hab. With the assistance of several firefighters, our folks literally got to “walk in their shoes” by trying on the gear. Did you know that the average weight of a firefighter’s gear is approximately 60 to 70 lbs? And that is not including what they may need to carry, such as a fire ax or fire hose! Because of the large amount of weight and cumbersome protective outerwear, cadets must spend many hours training in the full gear. A typical exercise may be to crawl through a large attic or crawl space in full bunker gear while wearing the SABC (self-contained-breathing-aparatus). This SABC is filled with oxygen and delivers the oxygen through a tube. The bunker gear consists of boots, trousers and a jacket; all of which is made of fire-retardant material. Thanks to the Sturbridge Fire Department, West Street Day Hab learned valuable safety tips, interesting, fun facts about the gear and what it takes to be a fire fighter. Thank you Sturbridge Fire Department for letting us walk in your shoes. (details about gear research from http://www.ehow.com/about_4760940_much-does-firefighter-gear-weigh.html ) Vocational Department - Employment Supports Everyday the Vocational Department participates by volunteering in the community. Now we can add the Eco Tarium of Worcester, MA to the destination list. If your place of business is in need of volunteers please contact Jennifer Williams at 508-764-4085 or e-mail jwilliams@thecenterofhope.org. Also the consignment store, Hope’s Treasures, continues to attract more customers and currently has over 180 consignors. Follow us on Facebook for daily updates and pictures of what is new in the store. Great summer deals and collectable baseball cards are now available. Stop in and say hi at 100 Central Street, Southbridge, MA, located next to Books and Beans coffee shop. Stars & Stripes Fun Facts (True or False) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The first flag on the moon was made of Teflon. There are 15 stripes on the American flag. The current American flag was designed by a teenager. Using a stars and stripes napkin is “flag abuse.” Puerto Rico may become the 52nd star on the American flag. Answers on Back Cover- 6-14-12 http://glo.msn.com/relationships/flag-day-made-fun-8315.gallery#!stackState=5__%2Frelationships%2Fflag-day-made-fun-8315.gallery 5. Special “O” Summer Games 2012 - by Rachel Reyes Special Olympics has been an important part of the Center of Hope’s services since 1987. This year alone, our programs have provided over 120 athletes and partners with a wide range of athletic and recreational opportunities, culminating in the Boston State Games in June. The Center of Hope Special Olympics Program brought 70 athletes, partners and coaches (plus 3 swimmers from our local YMCA Tri-Y Swim Team) to Boston on Friday, June 15th for a weekend of sports competitions, dancing and exploring Boston. All team members were housed in Boston University Dorms, which was a herculean feet, as a hundred bags, coolers, snacks and backpacks made their way from vans to the correct dorm rooms. On Saturday, our seven Power-lifters hit the gym at Harvard University to show the audience their skills including the Bench Press and Dead Lift. Coaches Matt Lefevre and Ryan Harding ensured all the athletes competed to the best of their abilities. Jacob Soper wowed the audience when he completed his final Dead Lift, dropped the weights and leapt into the arms of his coach. The crowd went wild!! Coaches Ryan Thompson, Rachel Houghton, Josh Key, Katie Huff, Jamie Messina and Melissa Palmer coached the Track and Field Team in a variety of running and power walking events, shot put and softball throws, with numerous athletes bringing home the Gold Medal. Many a Track and Field athlete commented this “This is the best vacation ever!” The Center’s two unified Volleyball Teams had two days of highly competitive games, culminating in the Ducks taking the silver after losing by a couple points to Shrewsbury Park and Rec in the Gold Medal Round. Meanwhile, the Spiders battled back from a one set loss to win the Gold Medal in their division after highly competitive competitions. Coaches Rachel Reyes, Steve Etzweiler, Martin Dawson and Steve Houghton had to refrain from biting their nails as their teams fought their way through the medaling rounds. The Center of Hope Special Olympics is most grateful to the families who came to support their athletes in Boston and to the 30 Center of Hope staff who spent the weekend in Boston supporting our Athletes. For information about all of the Center of Hope Special Olympics Programs contact Martin Dawson at 508-764-4085 or mdawson@ thecenterofhope.org. 6. Save the Parks! Over the past three years, the Center of Hope has run a series of youth grants aimed at providing employment experiences to low income youth. Most recently the Center was awarded a Community Block Grant from the town of Southbridge to provide internship and work experiences for low to moderate income Southbridge Youth. During the first phase of the grant, 30+ youth participated in Internships at local companies, as well as work readiness trainings. The youth then moved into a community service phase where they built the Community Gardens in Southbridge. This past fall the program began its last phase of the grant, where Center of Hope Staff paired with qualified youth to renovate the Joe Capillo Skate Park on Central Street. With a small amount of money left in the grant this spring, the agency, in conjunction with the Town Manager Christopher Clark and Police Chief, Dan Charette, developed a plan to renovate the remainder of Joe Capillo Park and Henry Street Park. On June 20th and 21st in 90+ degree weather, staff from the Center and over 25 local volunteers took to the parks. The Center of Hope Foundation was most pleased to be able to help their local community by renovating these parks and providing safe places for youth and families to enjoy sports and recreational activities. As this grant is completed we are about to launch our fifth youth program – Youth Works, in partnership with the Central Mass Workforce Investment Board. This summer the Center will offer subsidized employment to 25 Southbridge Low Income Youth over a 6 week period. The program is open to youth ages 14-21. Interested youth should contact Martin Dawson at 508-764-4085 to apply for positions. Positions are limited to 25 qualified applicants. Remember “All Aboard The Arc?” April 29, 2012 offered the Massachusetts community an opportunity to ban together and celebrate in the abilities of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Arc chapters worked hard at creating excitement with a wide range of activities leading up to the main event. Luis Bachman, Executive Director of Greater Haverhill-Newburyport Arc, passed on the torch to self advocate Joe Canto, who gave an inspiring speech of the importance of advocating for individual’s rights, an incredible piano performance from Evan Taylor, dancing from The Arc Brockton dance team, and the dynamic performance from our featured performer, Justin Hines, made for a memorable day. Justin Hines is donating $5.00 for every CD that is sold. CD’s are $15.00 and are still available by contacting Marie Barse at the Center of Hope Foundation - 508-764-4085 or mbarse@thecenterofhope.org. April 29, 2012 may have passed us by, but the continual effort of becoming “All Aboard” still applies. Becoming all aboard is more than riding a bus to a destination. That is just a way of celebration for all the hard work. Picture: Evan Taylor, Piano Performer Picture: Justin Hines, Featured Performer Being “All Aboard” is recognizing that every day, positive, effective, advocacy must take place for people with disabling circumstances. Join us on the effort of empowering individuals with intellectual disabilities and offering them an opportunity to live more fulfilling lives. 7. P.O. Box 66 100 Foster Street Southbridge, MA 01550 Save the Date August 15, 2012 - 6th Annual Golf Tournament September 28, 2012 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. Dinner Dance October 26, 2012 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. Halloween Dance November 9, 2012 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. Thanksgiving Dance (Dinner Dances are held at CoHF Day Hab, 1 North Street, Southbridge, MA) November 16, 2012 - 12th Annual Talents & Treasures Charity Auction & Buffet Dinner November 18, 2012- Gobble, Gobble Road Race- start time 10 a.m. December 14, 2012- Christmas Party Stars & Stripes Fun Facts Answers: 1. False. On July 16, 1969, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin placed the first American flag on the moon. It was made of nylon, not so different from the flags sold at mass retailers today. 2. False. The 13 stripes on the flag honor the 13 British colonies that declared independence from the United Kingdom, thereby becoming the first states in the Union. 3. True. After Hawaii and Alaska were inducted into the Union in 1958, Congress had to create a new flag. It chose a design by Robert Heft, a 17-year-old student who originally made it for a high school project. 4. True. One of the many rules outlined in the extensive Flag Code states that the American flag cannot be used on anything intended to be discarded after temporary use. For information on flag code visit http://www.ushistory.org/betsy/flagcode.htm 5. False. Aha! Trick question. If Puerto Rico becomes a state; which looks likely with an initial referendum to be voted upon on this coming November. The flag will have to accommodate a 51st star. 6-14-12 http://glo.msn.com/relationships/flag-day-made-fun-8315.gallery#!stackSt ate=5__%2Frelationships%2Fflag-day-made-fun-8315.gallery The Center of Hope Foundation has 13 small businesses. Our maintence department operates our Yards of Hope, Move Out- Clean Out, and Construction, Renovation and Building Improvement Enterprise. To schedule an appointment for an estimate please contact: Maintenance Department- Judi Nelson, 100 Foster Street, Southbridge, MA. T (508) 764-4085 F (508) 765-0255 Our services are an affordable resource, not only for your personal property, but also for second home properties such as rentals and aging family member’s homes. Realtors find our services a way to help maintain sellable properties while on the market. Our Yards of Hope services includes lawn mowing, weed whacking, and gathering and removal of debris; perfect for seasonal preparation and cleanup projects such as fall leaf raking and removal. Additional services may be discussed and priced per project. CoHF Small Business- Need a helping hand?
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