Midisco MDC1042M
Midisco MDC1042M
Inc. Woken Technology Te 1 : 886 -3 -39191)00 Fax:886--l-3911)911 * M IDl5C0 coaxjal terminatiofis r I r r . . . . . . . r , . Construction per a[[ appl.icabLe MIL-Scecs Interface per MII--C-39012 Low VSWR ll is in accordance with att appticabte nrilitary specificatiorrs and connector interface is per MIL-C-390:12. Some of the stainless steel "X" nrodels shown are availabte in brass, indicated by dropping the "X". Most nrodels sl'iown car be obtaired wil.h a bead r:hain (add suffix "-C"). Higher power and modets selected for narrow f;equency applications may be ordered; modets shown are in stock. io 18 6Hz Lighlvreight 50 0hns (other impedance availab[e) Operaling tenrpefa[ure -55oC Lo +125oI RF leakage 90 dB mininrunr Some precision models in hrass or staintess Higher power model: avail.able Most available wilh bead chain (Suf{'ix "-C") SMB (snap on) and Sl,lC terminalions shown SMB sMc L -lr -1 A I L -1 ai-_L nrfF::il qE==::J-ri i-]f:::n-T L-i{&=:=J @F:j i Detivery from stock Model Connecl,Dt urSer were desisned for syslemr appl.ications. Construction Srnall size DC in the series shown optirnurir performarce in tlre snraltest package possible. Parameters for cost consideration when making a se[ection include connector type, fiequency range, power handling and reflection coeffjcient (VSWR). Ihe range of modcls shown is sufficient for [aboratory & TYPe Power @ 25"C evg. (W) Peal (kw) 2 10 VSWR (max) DC-4* €r Frequenql L *l l I re] i (GHz) 4-8 a-12 12-18 1.10 | .t5 '1.25 L (itr) (max) A (rn) {dia.) Material & Finash Weight (ozl t\,10C1042tr4 MlDc t 042[4X 1.2r) N Mate MDCl 1 Lirass urilh 0.93 0 {}0 O3NX l 2.t) 1.15 20 1.tn) 1.50 1.43 Slainless Stc.el Pasi;ivated 1.57 185 1.02 Stanlesi Sleel 1.79 Oonncctor with Black Anodircd /\lumlnum tsody r\4ucl154Ntul t5 2.t) 1.15 1,20 25 193 'L25 vtDc1 40 7 120 1.30 41 5.06 1.ti6 4:q ?;5 :1.?0 .41 4.9 l.s6 1 tlrighl Alft)y 1. 1() t\.1DC1024Ntvt 75N[/] [l]0Cl1l5Ili IMDCl IS4NI: I'l,Female M0c1 103NrX 5 2.,fi r.15 1.2A z.s i,10i 1:.,15 ,?0 1.8 11n :1,.lq l,l5 'L0 1.10 1.10 | Q4Z'; 2 . M0cll,0rl2FX i |,JU {:93 1::5 'l;3r 1i80 8; 5 0.s8 0.65 I.4tl .;$la:ihfess,S!td. :: ei.ihetlfir srith iisl0*iAnodi?ed 3.3? 1 0.00 10.00 mMr I td I Cliiininilm ,ts'sdy t:t Braes r-rilh Bfigh! Allnil x.30 wilh Bright Alloi' 1.03 .: Type N Male Type N Female t\4DC]044M MDCl O44MX 2 t\4001024I M T i.40 r.20 NC Mlale I\{DC1103IX li4DC1l 15 5 ii4IlV l5 2.4 '15 t\40c1154It Mgcl'tmTrx 5 1.15 1.20 , t1;:5 L:fil 't.25 l.!0 rl;gg Lt5 1r:0 0.fi7 Brass 0.60 L50 Starnless Steel PassiYaled L40 L{i0 i.02 Slflinless Steel flonneclof lyith '1.51 2.30 1.38 Ltlack AfrrJdtzed 2;30 l.3B 1.30 I i30 AJuminum Bod! ;s1q!]]9s;:s{eFl, MDC1043M MDC',l1038X IJIDCl 1 z IO t.1t1 2 1.0 1.10 . 1.15 , t5 't:30 ,!lir*,&bdired 1,$0 t5 2.0 Mllcl154BF BNC Fem6l6 MDCl0'r3r: [4t]clr'r018t/] SI',41t [4ale lv1DCi00l Bt: SlvlB lemakl MlcruolcM sMC [4?le &tDcrnftnr SMf fdiTrtb l,tq i{ilh Erighl Alloy 8:.88 0:56 Bfa.is 0.83 0.56 tsrass with Briqhl Alloy .65 |.c2 210 1.25 Stainless Sttrl Connmfof with Elack Anodized Aluminum l3ody i.14 0,96 ENC | BNC Male 54BV] 1.25 Female 1.!13 2.30 1,15 1.25 2,1:3 l;?5 5amefti Above !,15 'iii5 0r{i8 0r57 ilrass :viith :Sright Alloy 090 0.85 t1) 0.23 Briss with Bright Alhy 0.03 0r13 Brass wrttr Bright Alhy 0;0f 2 t.u I.10 0.5 o.2 1.20 9.2 J20 n}rffil 2,14 c0nngdot rNrlll Aldmiriurir Bndv MD{.llto44t t- 2.82 QiBS f]) TNC Male TNC Female r: DC-I GHz Jbr S!'lB, Sl''lC 1: Smoller modeis ore avaiLobLe tlDC1103gX, 11Q3NX, and l1AjTX available wilh nicke! plctec! brass connectlrs; drop "X" frarrt port nurnber for a bead chain" add suf;fix "-C" to l4ade! Numlser. Fxample" 140t104214'C. The power chcin ratings shown are at +25oC, aLthough satne wit! provide lhe sonte performance up I i te l50C. ffiffffi$ffiffiffi I Webs to : www. woken. com. l\\r E-Mai 1: servlce@voken. com, tw
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