January 2006 - Crawfordsville District Public Library


January 2006 - Crawfordsville District Public Library
January 2006
V Volume 3 Issue 1
Roots and Branches
Genealogy Club of Montgomery County IN Corp.
Judy Griffis Donation to Library
James Wills, Editor
Morton Allan Directory of European Passenger Steamship Arrivals; Kinship: It's All Relative;
What's in a Name; American Place Names of Long Ago; The Sunny Side of Genealogy; In Search
of Your British & Irish Roots; In Search of Your German Roots; In Search of Your Roots: A Guide
for Canadians Seeking Their Ancestors; Ohio Guide to Genealogy Sources; Roots for Kids; Gateway to the West (2 vols); Pedigrees of Some of Emperor Charlemagne's Descendants (3 vols);
Polish Roots; American Militia in the Frontier Wars, 1790-1796; Colonial Soldiers of the South,
1732-1774; Index to US Invalid Pension Records, 1801-1815; The Pension Lists of 1792-1795;
The Bristol Registers of Servants Sent to Foreign Plantations, 1654-1686; Going to America; Emigrants in Chains; Settlers of Maryland, 1679-1700; Finding Italian Roots; Tracing Your Scottish
Ancestry; Directory of Scottish Settlers in North America; Historic Background & Annals of the
Swiss & German Pioneers Settlers; Early Virginia Families along the James River. Vol III; Collecting
Dead Relatives; Further Undertakings of a Dead Relative Collector; Family Diseases. Are You at
Risk?; Virginia Northern Neck Land Grants, 1694-1742, Vol I; Virginia Northern Neck Land
Grants, 1742-1775, Vol II; German Immigrant Servant Contracts Registered Port of Philadelphia
1817-1831; This and That Genealogy tips; General Alphabetical Index to Townland, Towns, Parishes, Baronies of Ireland; Genealogy as Pastime and Profession; Index to Genealogical Periodicals (3 vols in 1); West Virginia Estate Settlements: An Index to Will to 1850; When Your Ox Is In
the Ditch; Paper Trees- Genealogical Clip Art; Irish Passenger Lists, 1847-1871; Scottish Family
History; Illinois Census Returns, 1810-1818; Hispanic Surnames & Family History; The Trail of the
Huguenots in Europe, US, South Africa & Canada; Black Genesis- A Resource Book for AfricanAmerican Genealogy; Genealogical Encyclopedia of the Colonial Americas; Guide to Naturalization
Records of the US; The Early Settlers of Maryland; French & British Land Grants in Post Vincennes (IN) District 1750-1784; Encyclopedia of German-American Genealogical Research;
American Surnames; Genealogical Research in Ohio; Kentuckians in Illinois; Kentuckians in Missouri; Kentuckians in Ohio and Indiana; Scottish Family History; Indiana Land Entries, Cincinnati
District, 1801-1840; Vol 1; Indiana Land Entries, Vincennes District, 1807-1877, Vol 2, Pt 1; Virginia Valley Records.
Notice of Meetings
 February 14
 March 14
 April 11
After Hours
 January 27
 April 28
Membership Update
 Institutional
 Individual
 Family
 Honorary
Inside this issue:
American Revolutionary War
Judy Griffis Donation, continued
Judy Griffis Donation , Continued
We have Moved Moved Moved
Civil War Soldiers ...
First Fund Raiser Opportunity
Marriage Documents
Discovering Your Immigrant & Ethnic Ancestors; Long Distance Genealogy; Finding Your Roots
Online; A Genealogists Guide to Discovering Your Scottish Ancestors; A Genealogist's Guide to
Discovering Your Italian Ancestors; Bringing Your Family History to Life Through Social History;
Organizing & Preserving Your Heirloom Documents; The 3rd Englis-Waldeck Regiment in the
American Revolution; Who's Looking for Whom in Native American Ancestry, Vol 1; My Family
Tells This Story; Who's Looking for Whom in Native American Ancestry, Vol 2; Jackson County, IN
Marriage Index, 1816-1920; Cedar Grove Cemetery Inscriptions, South Bend, St. Joseph Co, Ind.;
Map Guide to German Parish Registers; Oldenburg & Schleswig-Holstein; American Naturalization
Records 1790-1990; Unlocking The Secrets in Old Photographs; Writing the Family Narrative;
Lasting Memories: A Guide to Writing Your Family History; Genealogical Research in Libraries;
Marriages, Deaths & Miscellany 1833-1837: Military & Naval Magazine of US; Goodenows: Who
Originated Sudbury, MA 1638A.D.; History of McDonough County, IL (2 vols); Heritage Lines, The
First 10 Years (Neb genealogy columns); Successful Genealogy; Moffitt Genealogy; The Family of
Ronald W. Reagan; History of Ireland; The 1995 Genealogy Annual: Bibliography of Published
Sources; Our French- Canadian Ancestors Vol 1- Biographies; Our French-Canadian Ancestors Vol
2 Biographies; Our French-Canadian Ancestors Vol. 3 Biographies; Our French-Canadian Ancestors Vol 7 Biographies; The Century Book: A Family Record & Us History Chronology; My Sixteen; A
Self-Help Guide to Finding your 16 great great grandparents; Touchstones: A guide to Records,
Rights, & Resources.. Am WWII Casualties; The Brozen Overlanders of 1845; The Book of Irish
Families Great & Small; The World Book of Generations: A Genealogical history Vol. 1; Genealogy
Page 2
Roots and Branches
Officers and
James Wills
Vice President:
Dian Moore
Patricia Wills
Kim Hancock
Activities Director:
Newsletter Editor:
Dian Moore
Dian Moore
Dellie Craig
James Wills
Chairperson: Dellie Craig
Archie Krout, Ruth Evans, Sam
Evans, Mary Mills, Sharon Howell, Raymond Snellenbarger
Chairperson: Kim Hancock
Alberta Krout, Raymond Snellenbarger
Chairperson: Dian Moore
James Wills, Robert Smith
Public Information:
Chairperson: Joyce Bever
Dian Moore, Jim Wills, Dellie
Chairman: Raymond Snellenbarger
American Revolutionary War Soldiers —
Buried in Montgomery Co. IN. - By Pat Wills
Robert Gott
in North Carolina
Service: Under General Green as Quartermaster
Enlisted 2-15-1780 Orange Co., NC, with Capt. Galbreth and Col. Morgan, Yorktown.
Discharged 10-25-1781, Yorktown
Buried: Wasson Cemetery / Scott Twp., Near Parkersburg, IN on 231S
Cemetery overgrown with trees and weeds, impossible at this time to find stone.
Oakhill Cemetery List of Soldiers pp23
Pension R 4150 NC
D.A.R. 15 pp85
Bowens History Vol 1, pp180
Waters, Roster of Rev. Soldiers in IN, pp15
Mills, Early Days in College Town 1924– pp126
Karen Zach, Montgomery County Genealogist
Relative: Beverly Franks, 850 Medra #1068 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 (Member)
Married twice #1—
— Sons, John and Robert, Jr.
Richard Eads Family of near New Market stated they were going to have the cemetery
Wife #2, Lydia Nichols
Children: William, Nancy, Sarah, Eliza Jane, Thomas, Martha, Mary
John and Robert might belong here.
Judy Griffis Donation to Library, continued
is More Than Charts; Pioneers, Patriots, & Planters Historic Narrative of a Woolfolk Family; Dating
Old Photographs 1840-1929 (Family Chronicle Pub.); Historical Collections, Mahoning Valley:
Trumbeull & Mahoning Cos.; Immigration Laws of US; Baltimore County Families, 1639-1759; In
Search of your British & Irish Roots: English, Welch, Scottish, Irish Ancestors; Italian-American
Family History; Ancestry's Guide to Research: Case Studies in American Genealogy; American
Loyalist Claims; Finding Italian Roots; Scots in the Mid-Atlantic Colonies, 1635-1783; Scots in the
Mid-Atlantic States, 1783-1883; A Beginner's Guide to Hispanic Genealogy; Apprentices of Virginia: 1623-1800; Understanding and Using Baptismal Records; Discovering Your Jewish Ancestors; How to Trace Your Ancestors to Europe; From then til now; History of McCutchanville; Genealogical Resources in English Repositories and supplement; Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and
New Hampshire; Ohio Marriages from Old Northwest Genealogical Quarterly; Ohio Source Records from Ohio Genealogical Quarterly; Families of County Dublin Ireland; Families of County
Kerry, Ireland; Master Book of Irish Placenames; Master Atlas & Placename Locator; Mastor Book
of Irish Surnames: Locations, Ethicity, Spelling & Sources; Index to District of Columbia WIlls,
1801-1920; Iowa Genealogical Society Surname Index, Vol 1, 1972; Mayflower Deeds & Probates; Finding Your Hispanic Roots; Instant Information on the Internet! A Genealogist--Guide to
the British Isles; Marriage Records of Scioto County, OH: 1803-1860; The Diaries of Donald Macdonald; Clues to Our Family Names; Genealogical Research Methods and Sources (2 vols); Early
Kentucky Landholders; 1787-1811; Gaelic Titles & Forms of Address, 2nd edition; The Correspondence of John Badollet & Albert Gallatin, 1804-1836; People & Rural Schools of Shelby
County, IL; The Quiet Adventurers in North America; Genealogical Data from US Military Academy
Application Papers 1805-1855 Vol 1; Tennessee Genealogical Records: Early Settlers From State
& County Archives; Publishing Your Family History on the Internet; Finding a Place Called Home-Guide to African-American Genealogy & History identify.
CD's for our collection: Scandinavia Vital Records Index Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden;
1881 British Census & National Index; Vital Records Index Western Europe.
Here is a list of the donation:
Volume 3 Issue 1
Page 3
Judy Griffis Donation to Library, continued
Morton Allan Directory of European Passenger Steamship Arrivals; Kinship: It's All Relative; What's in a Name; American Place Names of Long
Ago; The Sunny Side of Genealogy; In Search of Your British & Irish Roots; In Search of Your German Roots; In Search of Your Roots: A Guide
for Canadians Seeking Their Ancestors; Ohio Guide to Genealogy Sources; Roots for Kids; Gateway to the West (2 vols); Pedigrees of Some of
Emperor Charlemagne's Descendants (3 vols); Polish Roots; American Militia in the Frontier Wars, 1790-1796; Colonial Soldiers of the
South, 1732-1774; Index to US Invalid Pension Records, 1801-1815; The Pension Lists of 1792-1795; The Bristol Registers of Servants
Sent to Foreign Plantations, 1654-1686; Going to America; Emigrants in Chains; Settlers of Maryland, 1679-1700; Finding Italian Roots;
Tracing Your Scottish Ancestry; Directory of Scottish Settlers in North America; Historic Background & Annals of the Swiss & German Pioneers
Settlers; Early Virginia Families along the James River. Vol III; Collecting Dead Relatives; Further Undertakings of a Dead Relative Collector;
Family Diseases. Are You at Risk?; Virginia Northern Neck Land Grants, 1694-1742, Vol I; Virginia Northern Neck Land Grants, 1742-1775,
Vol II; German Immigrant Servant Contracts Registered Port of Philadelphia 1817-1831; This and That Genealogy tips; General Alphabetical
Index to Townland, Towns, Parishes, Baronies of Ireland; Genealogy as Pastime and Profession; Index to Genealogical Periodicals (3 vols in
1); West Virginia Estate Settlements: An Index to Will to 1850; When Your Ox Is In the Ditch; Paper Trees- Genealogical Clip Art; Irish Passenger Lists, 1847-1871; Scottish Family History; Illinois Census Returns, 1810-1818; Hispanic Surnames & Family History; The Trail of the
Huguenots in Europe, US, South Africa & Canada; Black Genesis- A Resource Book for African-American Genealogy; Genealogical Encyclopedia of the Colonial Americas; Guide to Naturalization Records of the US; The Eary Settlers of Maryland; French & British Land Grants in Post
Vincennes (IN) District 1750-1784; Encyclopedia of German-American Genealogical Research; American Surnames; Genealogical Research
in Ohio; Kentuckians in Illinois; Kentuckians in Missouri; Kentuckians in Ohio and Indiana; Scottish Family History; Indiana Land Entries, Cincinnati District, 1801-1840; Vol 1; Indiana Land Entries, Vincennes District, 1807-1877, Vol 2, Pt 1; Virginia Valley Records.
Discovering Your Imigrant & Ethnic Ancestors; Long Distance Genealogy; Finding Your Roots Online; A Genealogists Guide to Discovering Your
Scottish Ancestors; A Genealogist's Guide to Discovering Your Italian Ancestors; Bringing Your Family History to Life Through Social History;
Organizing & Preserving Your Heirloom Documents; The 3rd Englis-Waldeck Regiment in the American Revolution; Who's Looking for Whom
in Native American Ancestry, Vol 1; My Family Tells This Story; Who's Looking for Whom in Native American Ancestry, Vol 2; Jackson County,
IN Marriage Index, 1816-1920; Cedar Grove Cemetery Inscriptions, South Bend, St. Joseph Co, Ind.; Map Guide to German Parish Registers;
Oldenburg & Schleswig-Holstein; American Naturalization Records 1790-1990; Unlocking The Secrets in Old Photographs; Writing the Family
Narrative; Lasting Memories: A Guide to Writing Your Family History; Genealogical Research in Libraries; Marriages, Deaths & Miscellany
1833-1837: Military & Naval Magazine of US; Goodenows: Who Originated Sudbury, MA 1638A.D.; History of McDonough County, IL (2 vols);
Hertiage Lines, The First 10 Years (Neb genealogy columns); Successful Genealogy; Moffitt Genealogy; The Family of Ronald W. Reagan;
History of Ireland; The 1995 Genealogy Annual: Bibliography of Published Sources; Our French- Canadian Ancestors ZVol 1- Biographies; Our
French-Canadian Ancestors Vol 2 Biographies; Our French-Canadian Ancestors Vol. 3 Biographies; Our French-Canadian Ancestors Vol 7 Biographies; The Century Book: A Family Record & Us History Chronology; My Sixteen; A Self-Help Guide to Finding your 16 great great grandparents; Touchstones: A guide to Records, Rights, & Resources.. Am WWII Casualties; The Brozen Overlanders of 1845; The Book of Irish
Families Great & Small; The World Book of Generations: A Genealogical history Vol. 1; Genealogy is More Than Charts; Pioneers, Patriots, &
Planters Historic Narrative of a Woolfolk Family; Dating Old Photographs 1840-1929 (Family Chronicle Pub.); Historical Collections, Mahoning
Valley: Trumbeull & Mahoning Cos.; Immigration Laws of US; Baltimore County Families, 1639-1759; In Search of your British & Irish Roots:
English, Welch, Scottish, Irish Ancestors; Italian-American Family History; Ancestry's Guide to Research: Case Studies in American Genealogy;
American Loyalist Claims; Finding Italian Roots; Scots in the Mid-Atlantic Colonies, 1635-1783; Scots in the Mid-Atlantic States, 1783-1883;
A Beginner's Guide to Hispanic Genealogy; Apprentices of Virginia: 1623-1800; Understanding and Using Baptismal Records; Discovering
Your Jewish Ancestors; How to Trace Your Ancestors to Europe; From then til now; History of McCutchanville; Genealogical Resources in English Repositories and supplement; Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire; Ohio Marriages from Old Northwest Genealogical
Quarterly; Ohio Source Records from Ohio Genealogical Quarterly; Families of County Dublin Ireland; Families of County Kerry, Ireland; Master
Book of Irish Placenames; Master Atlas & Placename Locator; Mastor Book of Irish Surnames: Locations, Ethicity, Spelling & Sources; Index
to District of Columbia WIlls, 1801-1920; Iowa Genealogical Society Surname Index, Vol 1, 1972; Mayflower Deeds & Probates; Finding Your
Hispanic Roots; Instant Information on the Internet! A Genealogist--Guide to the British Isles; Marriage Records of Scioto County, OH: 18031860; The Diaries of Donald Macdonald; Clues to Our Family Names; Genealogical Research Methods and Sources (2 vols); Early Kentucky
Landholders; 1787-1811; Gaelic Titles & Forms of Address, 2nd edition; The Correspondence of John Badollet & Albert Gallatin, 1804-1836;
People & Rural Schools of Shelby County, IL; The Quiet Adventurers in North America; Genealogical Data from US Military Academy Application Papers 1805-1855 Vol 1; Tennessee Genealogical Records: Early Settlers From State & County Archives; Publishing Your Family History
on the Internet; Finding a Place Called Home-- Guide to African-American Genealogy & Hist identify.
CD's for our collection: Scandinavia Vital Records Index Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden; 1881 British Census & National Index; Vital Records Index Western Europe.
Page 4
Roots and Branches
Now that the new library building has been open for three months it seems
that the move should be finished. In actuality we still have painters and electricians showing up here and there and the books are still moving.
The Local History Department moved many items before the official move began. That meant that we had materials in the new building to put away while
other department were waiting for their books and finally moving. The two
major collections of Montgomery County History and Genealogy were to be
moved last but by that time other department had received most of their
books and were behind on shelving so that before we ran out of work we'd get
a few boxes moved ahead and put them away and then get a few more. We
were the first department all moved in. We are also the smallest department.
“We have a
number of
books that
should be
taken “
The first arrangement of books was spacious with room to expand. The storage area was full. We moved out of storage and onto the shelves many books
that had been stored because there was not enough room. We left in storage
only those things that were too fragile, valuable or duplicate. Storage had
space and the public shelved filled up. I shifted all books to accommodate
the new ones. We are still spacious but don't have empty shelves any more.
Next I will try to move into circulation those books that have been in Local History because the non-fiction shelves were full. We have a number of books
that should be taken home and read instead of limited to looking up facts.
We have multiple copies of some reference type books that might also be
used at home. When that is finished I may again shift books on shelves to
achieve spacious and room to expand.
Besides moving existing books we have added many other books donated by
Joan Griffis. I have purchased two new Boone County books. They should be
ready in a couple of months. I have ordered everything we did not already
have that fits our Montgomery County and surrounding from Higgison Books.
When they come in I will do the same with another book supplier and another
until we have all that is available for our nine counties of collection. From
there I may move into collecting about areas that supplied immigrants to this
are. Ohio and Kentucky are the primary ones.
The moral of this story is: Only a static collection never needs to be moved
again. And keep checking at the library, things change.
Page 5
Volume 3 Issue 1
Civil War Soldiers the quest to know who they are—By Kim Hancock
scotttsville ky
nov 14 1862
it is with pleasure Dear wife I now take my pen in hand to inform you
that I am well at present hoping those few lines will find you enjoying the
same blessing I received your kind letter of the 6 and was glad to hear
from you we are about 10 miles from the state line between ky and
tenn line well I am sorroid to hear that you have your own wood to cut
well Wood Fergesen owes me some and if you can get him to cut some
lost to the house and then try and get some of the neighbors to haul
some for you well you spoke about me coming home well I would like to
come home very well but I dont expect to get to very soon not before
christmas for there is no chance for any body to get a furlow before that
time I would like to come home as well as you would like for me to come
home but I cant get away well I want you to write me and let me now if
stephen radcliff has paid for that meet or not and if he hant get him to
pay one dollar as that is my account agains him well I think if you cant
get wood Ferguson to cut that wood you had better make a wood chopping and some for the neighbors to help and get up some wood for I
think it is rather hard for you to have to cut your wood well you spoke
about sending me some things I would like very well to have them but
think you had better keep them for it would be very unclear about me
ever getting them if you was to send them to me well the rumor is that
we will go to chatinooca tennissee but I dont how ceartin well I want you
to write and let me know if my boy grows any well I am a going to send
you some seed that I want you to keep til I come home it is cotton seed
that I am going to send you well I dont know as I have any thing more to
write only I want you to write as soon as you get this and let me know
how you are getting so no more at present but remain your affectionate
husband til death well you must excuse my blotting this for I upset my
ink and spilt but I guess you can read it so write soon and often
Wm G keys
To Esther keys
his companion
(Note there is a lot of ink on the bottom of this letter, so he really spilled
the ink on this letter)
Page 6
Roots and Branches
First Fund Raiser Opportunity
Here is our first opportunity to do a fund raiser. I thought this would be a way to fund a new thing we are
doing which is a funeral fund, to send flowers when a member or a spouse of a member or child of a
member passes, a second project would to provide transportation to out of town field trips to other libraries and Genealogy functions and a final thing is to help fund our own Genealogy conference. Here are
three projects that are worthwhile endeavors that need funding.
So, here is the Fund Raiser.
Valentine’s Day Cakes
Thru the Crawfordsville Dairy Queen.
The regular price of a heart cake is $18.00 plus tax, 20.13. We would be selling the same cake for
$15.00 tax included. That is a savings of $5.13 to the customer.
We would collect the $15.00 and give the customer a certificate for a heart cake. The customer picks up
their cake at the Crawfordsville Dairy Queen at their convenience starting Saturday, February 11th thru
Valentine’s Day.
We keep $5.00 of every cake sold and give the Crawfordsville Dairy Queen $10.00. Cash or a check from
the group will be accepted. The Dairy Queen does not take checks from individuals. All cash, unsold certificates and a total of cakes sold must be turned in Monday February 6, 2006.
All cakes are made and decorated at the Crawfordsville Dairy Queen. Because of this Jim will keep in
contact with everyone to monitor cakes sales.
Look at it this way if 20 people sell 10 cakes each that would be $1000.00 for the group
Volume 3 Issue 1
Marriage Documents—Dellie Craig
Page 7
Genealogy Club of Montgomery County
IN Corp.
222 S. Washington St.
Crawfordsville, IN 47933
Phone: 765-362-2242
Email: gen@cdpl.lib.in.us
Membership application for: Genealogy
Club of Montgomery County IN Corp
____ Individual _____ Family _____ Institutional _____ Business
Family/Families you are researching:
Amount enclosed $__________________
Skills/Experience Assessment
Genealogical records used:
Genealogical resources used:
Genealogical computer programs used:
Mail Application to: Genealogy Club of Montgomery County Indiana Corp., 222 S. Washington St., Crawfordsville, IN 47933