Saturday and Sunday, June 25-26, 2016
Saturday and Sunday, June 25-26, 2016
May 2016 Tehama County 4-H Program 1754 Walnut Street Red Bluff, CA 96080 (530) 527-3101 FAX (530) 527-0917 website: Saturday and Sunday, June 25-26, 2016 Tehama District Fairgrounds Richard Buchner County Director, Tehama County Allison Tucker 4-H Community Educator Layout by Spring Severson Mission—The University of California 4-H Youth Development Program engages youth in reaching their fullest potential while advancing the field of youth development. Download a QR Code Reader today for instant access! Office Hours 8AM—5PM* Monday through Friday *Except Holidays listed on back page Check Premium Book for Schedule Current 4-H and Tehama County FFA members are invited to attend for a day, or two, of learning and fun! Entries are due before 5PM on June 17 to the 4-H Office The Livestock Breeding & Market Prospect Show Premium Book is available at the 4-H Office or online at Event Chair: Westside 4-H Large Animal Chairperson: Marsha Wilson Tehama County 4-H is proud to announce Dylan Speers as our 2016-2017 Tehama County 4-H B.L.A.S.T. (Becoming Leaders, All Star Trainees) member. Dylan is in his third year as a 4-H member of the Bend Jelly 4-H Club. His major projects are dog, beef, horse, motorcross and meat goats. He has served as Junior Leader for several projects. Outside of 4-H, Dylan is a Junior Lifeguard and is CPR certified, involved with BITS, Haven Humane animal rescues and in the youth auxiliary program with the US Air Force Auxiliary (CAP; Civil Air Patrol). He is looking forward to his year ahead, and would like to teach others what it means to be a B.L.A.S.T. member, to promote 4-H and the leadership opportunities available, with the hopes of encouraging others to get involved. Congratulations Dylan! Tehama County 4-H Clubs CLUBS MEETINGS/LOCATIONS CLUB LEADERS ANTELOPE 4-H 2nd Mondays @ 6:30PM Antelope School Kevin Rosser, 527-8624; BEND JELLY 4-H 2nd Mondays @ 6:30PM Bend School Debbie Spangler, 354-4530; BOWMAN 4-H 1st Tuesdays @ 7PM Evergreen Elem. School Gym Vicky Woolley, 347-3591; Crystal Rulon, 365-7284; CORNING 4-H 2nd Mondays @ 7PM Woodson Elementary School Fawn Brunelle, 586-1516; Elora Brunelle, 586-2648; EL CAMINO 4-H 2nd Mondays @ 6:30PM Gerber School Marsha Wilson, 781-3392; Jim France, 385-2060 FLOURNOY/ PASKENTA 4-H 2nd Tuesdays @ 6:30PM Flournoy School Brandy Hill, 824-5497; LASSEN COLONY 4-H 2nd Mondays @ 6:30PM Lassen View School Marcie Skelton, 526-5403; LOS MOLINOS 4-H 1st Mondays* @ 6:30PM Los Molinos Elementary Anne Junge, 592-7887; Karena Mayer, 200-1600; *2nd Monday if the 1st Monday is a holiday MANTON 4-H 2nd Tuesdays @ 7PM Manton Grange Diana Lam, 474-5668 Judy Ramos, 474-5541 OLIVE 4-H 3rd Mondays @ 6:30PM West Street School Café Cindy Dixon, 209-1576; PLUM VALLEY 4-H 1st Wednesdays @ 5:30PM Plum Valley School Peggy Zane, 597-2253; Kathy Conner, 526-6652; WESTSIDE 4-H 2nd Tuesdays @ 7PM Reeds Creek School Bozsi Parks, 529-2984; April Scholzen, 200-1051 BOWMAN 4-H REPORT Bowman 4-H group met on Tuesday April 5th. We heard from several members about their projects. Everyone is so excited about their new animals and their projects! The Gardening group did a recreation game of The Human Knot, and we talked about teamwork and what it takes to be a leader to get unlocked. It was a lot of fun. Several countywide events coming up with Still Exhibits and Fur and Feathers! Can’t wait to see everyone out and enjoying all 4-H offers us! Our next meeting will be May 3, 2016 at Evergreen Elementary School Gym at 7pm. See you all there! - Submitted by Austin Flood CLUB/PROJECT REPORTERS Club/Project Reporters are very important to the 4-H Program. Articles are due by the 15th of the prior month (unless on a weekend). The deadline for articles to be in the June issue is May 16. Email your articles and photos to: PAGE 2 BOWMAN 4-H MEAT GOATS We had our first project meeting on Feb 21st. We met our project leaders and other project members. We talked about this year’s goals and activities. We were able to see a meat goat pen, and what we need in the pen. On March 18th we met and we listened to Samantha give a presentation on what to look for when picking our goats out. She also taught us how to set up our goats showing, and how to walk them. Next meeting is coming soon, can’t wait! - Submitted by Landon Speers IN THE CLOVER MAY 2016 County News TELL US WHAT YOU THINK! On April 15th, all 4-H volunteers in California were invited via email to complete a quick survey about the 4-H volunteer experience, trainings and attitudes. Your feedback will inform local county and state 4-H staff about the current volunteer experience and help find ways to make it better - like create new trainings and curriculum. Be one of the first 25 people to take the survey and win a $10 Amazon Gift Card! Better yet, everyone can be entered in a drawing to win one or two Kindle Fire HD, the details are on the survey. (Don’t worry – your personal info won’t be linked to your answers!) The survey opened April 15th, find it at 4-H SCALE AVAILABLE SHEEP/GOAT/SWINE All sheep, goat and hog Tehama County 4-H project leaders and members are eligible to borrow the scales. To reserve, text or call (texting is preferred), April Scholzen at 200-1051, requesting date and time of reservation. April will respond to your message or call. Things to remember: Please reserve the scale one week in advance. You may borrow it for 12 hours or less at a time. If scales are returned dirty or late, a $25 deposit will be required for any club member to borrow the scales again. (Council Policy June 1996) To transport the scale you must have a pickup or trailer and two or more strong persons to lift it. Due to the high risk of disease transmission, you must completely disinfect scales including undercarriage and tires before and after every use. OFFICER ELECTIONS The officers of the 4-H Leader’s Council shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Appointed adult volunteers of Tehama County 4-H shall be eligible to hold the offices of President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. Senior 4-H youth members are eligible to hold the office of Secretary, Vice President and may serve as chairpersons. Elections for the 2016-2017 4-H program year will be held on Tuesday, June 28, at 6:30PM at Tehama County Department of Education at 1135 Lincoln Street in Red Bluff. The term of the elected office will be from September 1, 2016 to August 31, 2017. If you are interested in learning more about the duties of the council offices, or you would like more information, please contact the 4-H Office at 527-3101. COUNCIL REPRESENTATION To achieve “Club in Good Standing” status and earn a green seal, clubs must have representative(s) regularly attend the County Leader’s Council meetings. Council Attendance M A X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Plum Valley X X X O X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X O X X X X Westside X X X X X X X Antelope Bend Jelly Bowman Corning El Camino Flournoy/Paskenta Lassen Colony Los Molinos Manton Olive MAY 2016 S O X X X X O X O X X N X X X O X X X X X J X X X X X X X X X F X X X O X X X X X M J Date of next meeting: May 24, 2016 @ 6:30PM Tehama County Dept. of Education 1135 Lincoln St., Red Bluff Agenda to include: Past Event Report Upcoming Events And more! (Agendas available online) All 4-H certified volunteer adult leaders & 4-H members (14 years and older) are voting members and invited to attend the monthly council meetings. IN THE CLOVER PAGE 3 Announcements FUR & FEATHERS FAIR RESULTS LIVESTOCK JUDGING DAY RESULTS Over 60 participants attended Fur & Feathers Fair! Thank you to Los Molinos 4-H Club for hosting the event! Congratulations to all 90 participants! What a turnout! Thank you to all volunteers for bringing animals or judging and to Bowman 4-H Club for hosting! Champions: Hailey Goodwin, Bend Jelly 4-H; Rabbits Austin Flood, Bowman 4-H; Pygmy Goat Davin Arterberry, Bowman 4-H; Pygmy Goat Olivia Silvera, Antelope 4-H; Dog High Point Individual: Junior: Mason Thomas, Flournoy/Paskenta 4-H Intermediate: Austin Flood, Bowman 4-H Senior: Julia Silvera, Antelope 4-H Primary Members: Piper Tyler, Jenna Neilsen, Aiden Flood, Derek Rulon, Hannah Woolley, Madison Carlson, Trenton Woolley, Sunny Barnes, Alex Turri, Ronan Skelton, Katie Junge, Maia Mayer, and Kennedy Nall STATE LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE JULY 28-31 Registration for State Leadership Conference is now open! There are two options for attending the conference: the University of Big Foot: Thursday, July 28 Sunday, July 31, which costs $549; or the College of the Lost Coast: Friday, July 29 - Sunday, July 31, which costs $449. Friday arrival begins with fun and games provided by the Recreation Committee! The first meal served is dinner. The opening assembly is Friday evening to kick off the traditional SLC schedule and educational events. Registration must be received by May 31, 2016. Late Registration (between June 1 - June 30) add $50 to base fees; No registrations accepted after June 30. Please visit the State Leadership Conference webpage for more details FUN NIGHT TOP TICKET SALESPERSONS Fun Night is the only fundraiser for the 4-H Program of Tehama County. A big portion of funds are received from tickets sold prior to the event. Congratulations goes out to the following 4-H Members for generating funds for the county event! 1st Place tie— Makaylie Cook, Westside 4-H sold 70; $35 Prize Austin Flood, Bowman 4-H sold 70; $35 Prize Top Reasons: Junior: Katey Kohler, Lassen Colony 4-H Intermediate: Allyson Price, Bowman 4-H Senior: Julia Silvera, Antelope 4-H Top Teams: Juniors: Mason Thomas, Charleigh Merkley and Daniel Sutfin from Flournoy/ Paskenta 4-H Intermediates: Savannah Dainauskus, Kylie Hope and Tayler Snow from El Camino 4-H Seniors: Seamus Brunelle, Zuri Morrow and Travis Brunelle from Corning 4-H Primary Members: Natalee Ross, Madison Carlson, Aiden Flood, Hannah Woolley, Trenton Woolley, Elijah Morrow, Beverly Wilson, Eli Sutfin, Taylor Gilbert, Ryan Kohler, Maia Mayer, and Katie Junge 4-H YOUTH CAMP TEEN STAFF Congratulations to all of our 2016 4-H Youth Camp Teen Staff Leadership Team! Youth Directors: Maghan Maberry & Russell Raschein Nurses Assistant: Liza Jensen Kitchen and Dining Assistant: Alexa Croup Engineers: Phoebe Heino and Quinn Rosser Cabin Coordinators: Faith Kalnins and Donald Conner Crafts Area Director: Rylee Garrison Fishing Area Director: Ashley Clarke Archery Area Director: Dartagnan Kingwell Campfire Area Director: Amy Garrison Nature Area Director: Tate Knorr Recreation Area Director: Trinity Tumidanski & Ariel Lund Remember to make note of the future camp meetings! May 17 at 6PM Cedar Street Fire Station in Red Bluff June 21 at 6PM Cedar Street Fire Station in Red Bluff 2nd Place— Nicky Parks, Westside 4-H sold 45; $20 Prize July 8 at 5PM Tehama County Department of Education Award checks will be mailed shortly PAGE 4 IN THE CLOVER MAY 2016 Opportunities CALIFORNIA 4-H DIAMOND CLOVER AWARD FUN NIGHT COMMITTEE SEEKING MEMBERS FOR 2017 The California Diamond Clover is the highest achievement for which a 4-H youth member is recognized. All youth members (17 years and older) who achieve the requirements are eligible to receive this award. Awardees receive the California Diamond Clover Pin or Necklace Charm, a certificate and a recognition letter from the Associate Director of 4-H Program and Policy. Applications are accepted year-round. Applications are reviewed by the 4-H Incentives and Recognition Advisory Committee and awarded quarterly. For more information and to download an application, please visit The 2017 Fun Night theme has been chosen— AMERICAN ROOTS “Honoring Our Past” and now the Fun Night 2017 Committee is looking for a chairperson and any youth/adult members who would like to join the fun! The main focus of the committee is oversee all aspects of the event and create the main focal point decorations to add ambiance to the event! Aside from that, they will be on hand during VIP Hour helping the club host with greeting guests and answering any questions they may have. Visit for more information. Future committee meetings will be: Tuesday, August 30 at 5:30PM at the 4-H Office Tuesday, October 25 at 5:30PM at Dept. of Education Tuesday, January 24 at 5:30PM at Dept. of Education GOLDEN CLOVER AWARD NOMINATE TODAY! The Golden Clover Awards recognize outstanding achievements of members, volunteers, program staff, and groups within the 4-H Youth Development Program. Regular 4-H members, 4-H volunteers, 4-H groups (two or more 4-H members, volunteers, or program staff working together on a project), and 4-H program staff can be nominated. Individuals and groups may apply or be nominated in multiple categories. Applications are evaluated on how well the applicant meets the description of the category and overall participation within 4-H. Golden Clover Award winners will be awarded a $500 cash award, a medallion and lapel pin. Award winners will be recognized on the state 4-H website and announced at the 4-H State Leadership Conference and State 4-H Leaders’ Forum. Nominations will be due in the fall. For complete information and how to nominate, please visit STATE 4-H HORSE CLASSIC Horse Show & Educational Contests The California 4-H Horse Classic offers 4-H members the chance to showcase the culmination of their efforts put forth in their equine projects, throughout the year. This years event will take place at Rancho Murieta Equestrian Center August 3-7. The State Championship Horse Show provides the opportunity for 4-H riders to compete at a level beyond local, county or regional events, while the educational contests allow members to showcase their equine knowledge. Educational contests offered include: Hippology, Horse Judging, Horse Bowl, and Public Speaking. The top senior individuals in the public speaking contests, and the top four individuals in Horse Judging, Hippology and Horse Bowl will have the opportunity to represent California at the Western National Roundup in Denver, Colorado in 2017. For more information, visit Horse_Classic/ SCHOLARSHIPS FOR HIGHER EDUCATION TEEN RETREAT The California 4-H Youth Development Program invites teens aged 13-19 to spend the weekend at beautiful Camp Ocean Pines, November 4-6, 2016, developing their health and well-being. Teens will not only increase their personal skills in leading a healthy lifestyle, but will also gain skills needed to be a health advocate in their communities. For more information, visit HealthyLiving/Mindfulness/ MAY 2016 The California 4-H Youth Development Program is committed to promoting higher education, in part through offering financial assistance in the form of scholarships. With help from donors, statewide scholarships are available for graduating high school seniors and collegeattending students. Candidates were 4-H members in high school and may now apply for funds to cover educational expenses such as tuition, books, and room and board. Scholarship applications are being accepted until June 1, 2015. For more details, please visit Members/Scholarships/ IN THE CLOVER PAGE 5 4-H Spotlight RECORD BOOK Corner Personal Development Record (PDR) Sometimes it can be challenging to determine where you should record all of your participation and activities from your current 4-H program year! Here are some helpful tips to make sure you are following the current California 4-H Record Book Manual: If you attend a 4-H event, make sure to put in “3. 4-H Events Attended.” If you attended a 4-H event and participated in a way that meets another PDR category make sure you record it! BUT– that specific activity can only be counted in one category even if it could meet other categories. It is your choice! Make sure that when you place that event or activity in another category you qualify why it belongs in that category! See below for an example. Felicia attended the Tehama District Fair… where she showed her market lamb in the 4-H Showmanship and 4-H Market (Weight Class) Divisions. She placed 2nd in her 4-H Showmanship Class. Where would she record these in her PDR? Felicia would record Tehama District under the “3. 4-H Events Attended” since this fair offers 4-H Divisions. She could then record her participation in both her market animal exhibit and her participation in showmanship as two credits under “2. Project Skill Activities.” Because she placed 2nd in her 4-H Showmanship Class, she can also place that in the “7. Honors/ Recognition” category. At this point– Felicia has exhausted all the options of where she could place her participation in 4-H Divisions at Tehama District Fair! Make sure that you use the 2015-2016 California 4-H Record Book Manual,, to assist in completing your 4-H Record Book. PAGE 6 IN THE CLOVER MAY 2016 4-H Project News COUNTYWIDE 4-H PROJECTS PROJECT NAME MEETING INFORMATION LEADER INFO Archery Contact project leader for meeting information Linda Smith 824-0186 Dairy Goat Contact project leaders for meeting information Kim Smith 529-4909 Michelle Heino Dog Contact project leader for meeting information Cathleen Cahill 526-3807 Horse Contact project leaders for meeting information George Archer 833-5310 Greta Kohler 524-6076 Kayaking Contact project leader for meeting information Paula Speers 526-4560 Pygmy Goat Regular meetings every 4-6 weeks, usually on Sundays at 2PM 18450 Alyse Ct. in Cottonwood Rabbit/Cavy Regular meetings will be on the last Monday of each month at 6PM Richfield Volunteer Fire Department Youth Camp EMAIL Tammi Josephson 515-5877 Fawn Brunelle 586-1516 Elora Brunelle 586-2648 Teen Staff Meetings: May 17 & June 21 at 6PM Cedar Street Fire Station, Red Bluff and July 8 at 5PM Tehama County Dept. of Ed Camp: July 15-19, 2016 Teen Staff will stay one day later, leaving on July 20 Keith Skelton 209-5177 Eddie Raschein 916-834-8995 MANTON 4-H REPORT BEND JELLY 4-H GARDENING PROJECT We had are 2nd gardening project meeting. We prepared the garden boxes by pulling weeds and adding fertilizer to condition the boxes then we were able to start planting radish, carrots and more. We plan to use some of the food to donate monthly for our P.A.T.H. cooking. We were able to see how well our seeds started to grow from our first project meeting. Can't wait to see our starts sprout into nice big vegetables! - Submitted by Mackenzie Speers Here in Manton our members have been busy getting their fair project animals ready while others have been making and working with their existing projects. We had some of our members attend the Livestock Judging Day and did very well. We would like to congratulate our own Phoebe Heino on her Gold presentation awards, she will be competing at the state level next. We had a fun club day we all went to the movies and pizza it was a great way for all of to spend fun time together. —Submitted by Caleb Ramos COUNTYWIDE DAIRY GOAT The countywide dairy goat project has already covered a lot of useful information and we’re finally moving onto to showing practice. We have a showmanship clinic in Manton in preparation for the first show sanctioned by the American Dairy Goat Association on May 21-22, where we hope to see a few of our members participating in showmanship and even some of the conformation classes. —Submitted by Phoebe Heino MAY 2016 IN THE CLOVER PAGE 7 CALENDAR In the Clover The University of California prohibits discrimination or harassment of any person on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, pregnancy (including childbirth and medical conditions related to pregnancy or childbirth), physical or mental disability, medical condition (cancer-related or genetic characteristics), ancestry, marital status, age, sexual orientation, citizenship, or status as a covered veteran (covered veterans are special disabled or any other veterans who served on active duty during a war or in a campaign or expedition for which a campaign badge has been authorized) in any of its programs or activities. University policy is intended to be consistent with the provisions of applicable State and Federal laws. Inquiries regarding the University’s nondiscrimination policies may be directed to the Affirmative Action/Staff Personnel Services Director, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources, 300 Lakeside Drive, 6th Floor, Oakland, CA 94612-3550. (510) 987-0096. Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics, U.S. Department of Agriculture, University of California, and County of Tehama Cooperating. May 7 7 17 17 24 25 30 LIST 4-H PARTICIPATION ON PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT REPORT Still Exhibits Fair, check premium book for times; Corning High 2 - 4-H Project Skills Activities School, 643 Blackburn Ave in Corning 3 - 4-H Events Attended 7 - Honors and Recognition (if you receive significant honor) Fashion Revue, Noon; Corning High School, 643 Blackburn Ave 2 - 4-H Project Skills Activities in Corning 3 - 4-H Events Attended 7 - Honors and Recognition (if you receive significant honor) Youth Camp Planning Meeting, 6PM; Cedar Street Fire House Livestock Breeding & Market Prospect Show Entries DUE by 5PM* Leader’s Council, 6:30PM** Beef 120 Day Weigh-in/Tagging for Tehama District Fair; 5PM Memorial Day*** June 21 Youth Camp Planning Meeting, 6PM; Cedar Street Fire House 22 4-H Youth Camper Applications DUE by 5PM* 25 –26 Livestock Breeding & Market Prospect Show, See schedule in 2 - 4-H Project Skills Activities the Premium Book; Tehama District Fairgrounds 3 - 4-H Events Attended 7 - Honors and Recognition (if you receive significant honor) 28 Leader’s Council, 6:30PM**; final meeting for 2015-16 * 4-H Office, 1754 Walnut Street, Red Bluff ** TC Dept. of Education, 1135 Lincoln Street, Red Bluff *** County Holiday—Office Closed University of California Cooperative Extension —Tehama County 1754 Walnut Street Red Bluff, CA 96080 NON-PROFIT US POSTAGE Paid Red Bluff, CA Permit No. 112 Club & Project News ANTELOPE 4-H REPORT FLOURNOY/PASKENTA 4-H The April Antelope 4-H meeting was short and sweet. We continued to discuss the end of the year party. Also, officer applications were handed out. Ideally, the applications will be completed before next month's meeting. So, if you are applying for a position, be prepared to give your campaign speech at the next meeting. We finished distributing the rest of the Chocolate Clovers to members who had ordered them. Our next month's community service is Flags for Memorial Day to honor veterans. Our next month's meeting will be held on May 9, 2016 at 6:30 in the Antelope School Cafeteria. —Submitted by TC Drury We had a meeting on April 13th and started with pledges and minutes. Our 4-H members who went to the field day at Terri, our steer leaders, house got up and shared what they learned such as; how to wash and dry your steer, show a pygmy goat, and show a goat. We got farther into the meeting we gave out awards from Livestock Judging Day to our participants, we talked about countywide events like Fur & Feather, archery, and this years steer weigh-ins, lastly we talked about upcoming committees for our club such as; Pioneer Day, picking up rocks on the rodeo grounds, and decorating our float for the parade. Good job at Livestock Judging Day. - Submitted by Riley Horton WESTSIDE 4-H REPORT Westside 4-H started our April 12 meeting off at 7PM with the Pledge of Allegiance. We talked about old and new business. We collected our Krispy Kreme Donuts that we did as a fundraiser. We talked about our upcoming Tri-Tip Drive Thru Dinner as a fundraiser taking place on May 20 from 4-7PM at Cornerstone Bank parking lot in Red Bluff. Tickets will be $40 (serves a family of four) pre-sale due by our May 10 meeting. Discussed Westside 4-H being in charge of the 4-H Breeding & Market Prospect Show “Spring Spectacular” June 25-26. (SAVE THE DATES). Talked about new record book recording and evaluation. Still Exhibits Fair and Fashion Revue will be May 7 at Corning High School. We had a lot of project reports given by several 4-H members. Primary Parade and April birthdays were recognized. The meeting was adjourned and refreshments were served. - Submitted by Makaylie Cook Hi do you like motocross? Motocross is a dirt bike and atv Moto sport. This last meeting we went over how to clean you dirt bike. We also went over how to clean a two stroke exhaust pie out. We learned more ridding skills an what the tire pressure should be on you bike. The 4-H Motocross project is a great way to learn how expand your knowledge is Motocross. - Submitted by Dylan Speers COUNTYWIDE HORSE PROJECT BEND JELLY 4-H GARDENING PROJECT This is my first year in the gardening project. So far, it is one of my favorite projects. At our first meeting, I learned how to plant seeds in potting soil and little containers. At our second meeting, we removed weeds in raised beds and planted the seedlings from our first meeting. Some of them had grown so much. We planted onions, carrots, spinach and some beets. We have a lot more to plant. It was a lot of work. After we planted everything, we watered the beds. Later on my own, I planted a garden of kale, collard greens, carrots and cilantro for my rabbit. I helped my mom plant strawberries, peppers, and tomatoes. We even planted an herb garden in a big container. The warm weather is helping everything to grown. I am excited to seeing all the vegetables that our garden gives us. —Submitted by Grayson Heinle MAY 2016 BEND JELLY 4-H DIRT BIKE & ATV PROJECT For our March meeting we met at the Kohler's barn at 1:30p.m. There was a fun Easter Egg Hunt. Each Easter egg had a horse body part and we had to point out the part on the horse. We worked on tying bowline knots, proper grooming and saddling. Then we rode a few horses and worked on flexing and one rein stops. - Submitted by Katey Kohler IN THE CLOVER INSERT INSERT IN THE CLOVER MAY 2016