September, 2015 - Clara B. Rees Iris Society
September, 2015 - Clara B. Rees Iris Society
Sept 2015 Vol 58, Issue 11 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ September Meeting Meeting Place Time for the installation of officers! Please come and thank the outgoing board members and welcome the new ones at our September meeting. First Baptist Church Busy Month of August 17765 Daves Avenue Los Gatos, CA 95030 Next Meeting: Friday, September 4, 2015 7:30 P.M. Many thanks to all the CBRIS members who helped with the various August club activities! A lot of people (too numerous to mention, but you know who you are ) helped out at sort night and contributed to a fantastic pot luck dinner. Thanks also for the donation of all the healthy rhizomes that were nicely trimmed and labeled. Board Meeting 6:00 P.M. At Yamagami's, iris were sold by Cara Colletti, Mary Collins, Carol Dahout, Chris Dickinson, Elaine Fischer, Mark Greene, Jane Jordan, Mikey Lango, Peter Marra, Barbara and John Pesek and Lynn Stuart. The next week at Old MacDonalds Mary, Carol, Chris, Elaine, Jane J, Mikey, Jane R. and Barbara and John made a valiant effort to sell more rhizomes; thanks also to Wayne for delivering the tables. Both events saw some of the workers fortified with breakfast at nearby eateries beforehandwe never miss an opportunity for a social occasion! The day after Old MacDonalds we reconvened at Carol's to pot up iris for next year's sales. Enjoying Carol's lovely breakfast were Mary, Carol, Chris, Elaine, Jane J, Mikey, Peter, Jane Dues Sep 1, 2015— Aug 31, 2016 R and Barbara. We potted over 200 iris! With rhizomes leftover after both sales, Chris had the brilliant idea to sell some at Mary's estate sale in Sunnyvale on August 22. At the bargain price of $1 each, Mikey and Elaine Adults - $12.00 made $151. Total rhizome sales were $ 929.63. Contact Information: Mary Collins, President Mary Collins, incoming CBRIS President Page 2 of 12 CBRIS-Sep 2015 Treasurer’s Report Beginning balance, August 1, 2015 $11,859.43 Additions: Rhizome sales Yamagami's Old Macdonald's Other 187.00 Dues Expenses: Region 14 $3 per member 1st Baptist Church, hall Soil, etc. for 2 gal. pots Door Prize PCI's Gift for outgoing President Ending balance, August 31, 2015 Attention! All Present and Newly Elected Officers and Board Members 628.63 100.00 24.00 (162.00) (125.00) (69.60) (50.00) (75.00) $12,317.46 There will be a board meeting before the general meeting, starting at 6:00 P.M. If you are leaving your present position, please bring any CBRIS notebooks and related materials for the new person taking over. If you are a new officer or board member, please bring your happy faces. Your contribution to CBRIS is greatly appreciated. Reminder – all interested club members may attend the board meeting. Mary Collins, CBRIS outgoing Treasurer Carol Dahout, CBRIS Secretary Budget The proposed budget will be discussed at the September board meeting. Join us at 6:00 P. M. if you are interested. The revised budget will then be published in the next CBRIS newsletter with the vote of acceptance occurring at the October meeting after discussion, if necessary. Mary Collins, outgoing CBRIS Treasurer found on Facebook – ‘Irises’ Dues It is time to renew your Clara B. Rees Iris Society membership. Please make certain that your dues are paid promptly. Give Jane Jordan a check made out to CBRIS for $12.00 at the next meeting (cash is OK, too). Or you may send a check to Jane at 2315 Gunar Drive, San Jose, CA 95124. Jane Jordan, CBRIS incoming CBRIS Treasurer __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 3 of 12 CBRIS-Sep 2015 She’s Back Folks with Her Tidbits Well, I thought the August tidbits were That’s All Folks, but here are a few more. It was a pleasure working with so many members for the good of the cause (increasing CBRIS’s coffers ) One is always reminded, in August especially, just what is entailed helping the society make its financial goals: selling potted irises at the Spring Show, growing the door prize irises, digging, trimming and labeling our personal irises, lugging them to sort night, putting the plants into their color-labeled boxes and helping members who weren’t able to trim or label their plants, selling our rhizomes at two different venues, and securing a truck full of soil and potting up leftover plants for next year. Many thanks to the members who were able to take home some of the pots. I would like to see fuller member participation this coming year for all our events. That would make the workload fairer and not burn out the members who always participate You just don’t know the camaraderie that is created over a truck full of soil, a bucket of bleach water and rinse water, 200 pots filled with the soil, fertilizer and plants. Having a tasty brunch was cause for a celebration! See you at the September meeting. Barbara Pesek- CBRIS outgoing President New Member Andrea Clague September Birthdays Lynn Stuart 9-13 Jane Kwant 9-21 Chris Dickinson 9-29 Elaine Fischer selling rhizomes! ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 4 of 12 CBRIS-Sep 2015 _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 5 of 12 CBRIS-Sep 2015 2015 AIS Awards THE DYKES MEDAL All iris classes, originated in US or Canada GYPSY LORD - TB iris - (Keith Keppel) THE SYDNEY B. MITCHELL MEDAL Pacific Coast Native irises BAY STREET (Joseph Ghio) THE JOHN C. WISTER MEDAL Tall Bearded irises MONEY IN YOUR POCKET (Paul Black) SNAPSHOT (Thomas Johnson) TEMPORAL ANOMALY (Richard Tasco) THE MARY SWORDS DEBAILLON MEDAL Louisiana irises SEMINOLE SUNRISE (Harry Wolford) THE KNOWLTON MEDAL Border Bearded irises NICHE (Joseph Ghio) THE MORGAN-WOOD MEDAL Siberian irises HUMORS OF WHISKEY (Marty Schafer/Jan Sacks) THE HANS AND JACOB SASS MEDAL Intermediate Bearded irises MAN'S BEST FRIEND (Paul Black) THE ERIC NIES MEDAL Spuria irises MISSOURI MORNING (O. D. Niswonger) THE WILLIAMSON-WHITE MEDAL Miniature Tall Bearded irises HOT NEWS (Stephanie Markham) THE PAYNE MEDAL Japanese irises SUGAR DOME (Bob Bauer/John Coble) THE COOK-DOUGLAS MEDAL Standard Dwarf Bearded irises MAUI SUNRISE (J. T. Aitken) ZOOBOOMAFOO (Paul Black) THE FRED AND BARBARA WALTHER CUP (Most HM votes) DESERT SNOW - AB iris - (Paul Black) THE CAPARNE-WELCH MEDAL Miniature Dwarf Bearded irises KEENO (Thomas Johnson) THE CLARENCE G. WHITE MEDAL Aril irises and arilbred irises with at least 50% aril content AZTEC PRINCE (Richard Tasco) THE WILLIAM MOHR MEDAL Arilbred irises with less than 50% but at least 25% aril content PRINCE OF EGYPT (Perry Dyer) ‘Gypsy Lord’ by Keith Keppel THE FOUNDERS OF SIGNA MEDAL Species irises JIN YU (Jill Copeland) THE RANDOLPH PERRY MEDAL Inter-species hybrid (SPEC-X) irises DO THE MATH (Jill Copeland) For a complete list go to THE PAYNE MEDAL Japanese irises SUGAR DOME (Bob Bauer/John Coble) ______________________________________________________________________________________________ THE FRED AND BARBARA WALTHER CUP (Most HM votes in any category) Page 6 of 12 CBRIS-Sep 2015 A Bit of Educational Information There are currently sixteen societies that make up Region 14 of the American Iris Society with fourteen located in Northern California and two in Nevada. Our own member John Pesek is the current Regional Vice President for Region 14. His three-year term ends at the Fall Regional happening in Visalia this October 16th and 17th. Clara B. Rees Iris Society participates in fund raising activities for the Region by donating a basket filled with like items to be auctioned at the Regional. The auction has always been popular with Regional attendees and generates a suitable amount of money. At our next meeting on September 4th we will create a theme for the items to fill the basket. These items will be brought to the October meeting and the basket will be prepared for its placement on the auction table. Barbara Pesek, CBRIS President Photos Needed I am looking for a volunteer! The newsletter will need someone to take photos at CBRIS’ October meeting as I will be unable to attend. It will be a boring newsletter without some of your smiling faces! Please let me know if you are able to do this for the club news. Mikey Lango, CBRIS Newsletter Editor ______________________________________________________________________________________ CBRIS-Sep 2015 ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 7 of 12 Page 8 of 12 CBRIS-Sep 2015 Symposium Voting Attention all AIS Members! It is time to vote for the top irises of your choice – 25 votes are allowed. The top 100 irises will be published about January 2016 in the AIS Bulletin. We are in luck as our votes may be turned in to Region 14 RVP – John Pesek or emailed to him at For complete instructions see Please vote if you are an AIS member. Fall Regional Region 14 Fall Regional will be held October 16 - 17, 2015 in Visalia, California. The conference hotel is the Wyndham Hotel and Resort (formerly Holiday Inn of Visalia). They are located at 9000 W. Airport Drive, Visalia CA 9377. Call 559-651-5000 for reservations. Ask for Vanessa at ext. 2611. Room rates are $89.00 per night. The cost of the Regional is $65.00. This will include a continental breakfast, a deli style buffet, a reblooming iris show, a judges training and guest speaker Chuck Bunnell. He lives on ten acres in Lafayette, Indiana and specializes in Miniature Tall Bearded Irises According to the American Iris Society’s Iris Encyclopedia, some of his irises are: 'Breakfast In Bed', 'Butterscotch Wine', 'Dividing Line', 'Gesundheit', 'Hoosier Belle', 'In My Veins', 'Jack's Pick', ‘Missus Bee’ ‘Dividing Line’ was the first Miniature Tall Bearded to win the Dyke’s Medal (2014) ‘Hoosier Belle’ was blooming at the National this past spring and it was an attention getter. For a nice article on Chuck read Andi Rivarola’s blog on World of Irises at The James M. Gibson Iris Society is hosting the Regional and the Yosemite Iris Society is sponsoring the rebloomer show. More details may be found on the Registration form at the end of this newsletter. _______________________________________________________________________________________ CBRIS-Sep 2015 ___________________________________________________________________________________ Page 9 of 12 CBRIS-Sep 2015 Page 10 of 12 September 2015 DPI ∆ AFFAIR TO REMEMBER (Black ‘15) 37” E-L A redder version of its parent, ‘Montmartre’ and has sparkling, bright yellow laced edges. Show stalks have 4 well-spaced branches and 9-10 buds. Growth is strong, vigorous and hardy. ∆ ALABASTER LACE (Aitken '15) 42" VL-VVL. Flowers are starchy white with pale blue beards. A high bud count (10 to 12). Very heavy substance flowers and sturdy stems. Very wide, horizontally flared falls are heavily laced. ∆ BLUE OASIS (Tasco '15) SDB 15" EM Re. S. Cold white with washed light chartreuse; in cooler weather chartreuse wash is stronger; F. cold white with a very light blue cast upon opening, strong chartreuse yellow veins on upper falls on both sides of beard; B. cornflower blue. Lightly ruffled with a sweet fragrance. ∆ BOLD PATTERN (M. Sutton '15) 35" M-L. S. mimosa yellow standards with a green flush at the mid ribs, ruffled. F. violet veined pale violet with greyed red shoulders and a greyed red receded rim. A 1/4" Chinese yellow band is edged with a ruby red wire rim. ∆ CUSTOM RIM (Sutton '15) 35" M-L. S. Serrated and ruffled yellow, lightly touched green at the midribs; F. white gradually meld into pale blue violet towards the well defined 1/2" bronze yellow rim. ∆ DRAGON’S EYE (Tasco 2015) AB (OGB), 26", ML. S. cold white standards, mimosa yellow at the base and a few bright canary veins on the midrib. F. mimosa yellow, slightly darker around the signal. Large dark burgundy oval shaped signal, lighter around beards with darker veins, some burgundy spots and streaks at edge of signal. B. bronze yellow ∆ ELF ESTEEM (Black ‘15) MDB 7 5” L Re. S. white w/yellowish cast, F. Two purple reverse tear drops on a white background, lavender beard. It looks a lot like a pansy pattern on the falls...Flared; Rapid increase, clump covered in bloom. ∆ ESPIONAGE (Keppel '15) 37" M-L. S. light blue, large amber beige central area; F. lobelia blue, darkest in center paling to light blue border on lower half; halfs olive to fawn brown thumbprint to veining on white; B. white, tipped golden glow in middle, dark blue end; Flared and bubble ruffled. ∆ FOOTBALL HERO (L. Miller '15) 36" ML. S. bright butter yellow with the styles being striped plum purple; F. deep plum-purple with pale smoky orchid edges, wide and ruffled; B. gold. ∆ GENTLE SOUL (Ghio '15) 38" ML. S. warm creamy topaz peach; F. warm creamy topaz peach with deeper peach base and midrib; ruffled; B. pale blue. ∆ GILT BY ASSOCIATION (Black ‘15) 40”, M-L. S. violet white sparkle with gilt gold banding; yellow gold styles; F. butterscotch to caramel blend with gilt gold rims. B. gold. ∆ MOOSE TRACKS (L. Miller '15) MTB (Dip), 18-20" M-L. S. medium gold veined smoky plum; Gold style arms have the same smoky plum accents; F. white with near black veins becoming solid near black at the tip, rounded flaring; B. dark gold. ∆ ROYAL JAMMIES (Kanarowski 2011) 38” M-L. S. blend of rosy copper, bronze, and orange; style arms rosy goldorange blend, gold fringe; F. deep orchid, 1/8" copper-gold rim, shoulders copper bronze spritzed cream; Beards cream base, hairs tipped lavender in middle, gold at end; ruffled, abundant lace, diamond dusted; slight sweet fragrance. ∆ SWEDISH LULLABY (Keith Keppel, R. 2014) 37" M. S. chrome yellow; style arms same, lavender midrib; F. lavender-blue, inconspicuous citron yellow area beside beard; B. tan-orange in throat, grey-orange and lavender white end. ∆ VELVET VALENTINE (Tasco 2015) 35", EML. S. tightly swirled neyron rose; F. aster mauve with a slightly lighter edge; B. tangerine in the middle and throat and have a few light pink hairs at the end and along the middle edges. Moderately ruffled. _______________________________________________________ ____________________________________ Page 11 of 12 CBRIS-Sep 2015 SEPTEMBER 2015/ MARCH 2016 DECEMBER 2015/ APRIL 2016 Affair to Remember Alabaster Lace Blue Oasis Bold Pattern Custom Rim Dragon's Eye Elf Esteem Espionage Football Hero Barbara Rider Belle Fille Down to the Wire Electric Burst Fairy Firefly Feel the Heat Gracious Me Heart of Hearts High Desert Gentle Soul Gilt by Association Moose Tracks Royal Jammies Swedish Lullaby Velvet Valentine SDB AB OGB MDB MTB Huckleberry Pie Magic Mirror Poem of Love Rare Blend Warrior Prince Waves of Joy MDB SDB AB RE AB OGB JANUARY 2016/ MAY 2016 FEBRUARY 2016/ JUNE 2016 Blue Oasis Born this Way Clydesdale Fashion Week Cappuccino Lace Double Wedding Free as the Wind Gentle Soul I I Stutter Kaibab Marrying Kind Oh Canada Parisian Lace Pattern Play Puzzled Raspberry Shocker Velvet Valentine SDB AB OGB SDB MTB Feel the Heat Gold Reward Hospitality Outcaste Serving Wench Shivaree Thrill Ride Tickle My Fancy Voulez-Vous Warrior Prince Waves of Joy Western Edge What a Beauty SDB SDB AB OGB American Iris Society Region 14 2015 Fall Regional Meeting October 16-17 Guest Speaker – Chuck Bunnell ~ Hybridizer of 'Dividing Line' the first Miniature Tall Bearded Dykes Medal Winner ~ Hosted by James M. Gibson Iris Society Conference Hotel – Wyndham Hotel and Resort (formally Holiday Inn of Visalia) 9000 W. Airport Dr. Visalia, CA 93277. Contact the hotel directly 559-651-5000 for room reservations; when making reservations, ask for Vanessa at extension 2611. To receive the group rate, use the name Region 14 of the American Iris Society when making your reservation. The room rate is available until October 1, 2015. Room rate is $89.00, plus all applicable taxes, per night. There are pet friendly rooms for an additional $25.00 per stay, not per day. There are a few rooms with small refrigerators and microwaves, but you must request those rooms at time of booking Refunds before October 1st require $10.00 per person handling fee. No refunds after October 1st or may be decided at the discretion of the registrar. A continental breakfast will be provided to all Region 14 registrants at 8 a.m. on Saturday morning: Assorted breakfast breads, bagels with cream cheese, trays of fresh seasonal fruit, assorted juices, freshly brewed regular and decaffeinated coffee, and assorted hot teas. Lunch will be a deli style buffet. Registrant 1 First Name _____________________________Last Name ________________________ Registrant 2 First Name _____________________________Last Name_________________________ Address ______________________________City _______________________ ST_______ Zip_________ Telephone ____________________ E-mail for confirmation ______________________ Local Iris Society______________________ Registration fee if paid by October 1, 2015 $65.00 x person (s) ______ Total $ ________ If paid after October 1, 2015 $75.00 x person (s) ______ Total $ ________ Checks may be made payable to JMGIS or James M. Gibson Iris Society Please send registration to: Linda Hood, Registrar 20924 Avenue 152, Porterville, CA 93257 E-mail or phone 559-789-7446 We will be having a full Reblooming Iris Show and will need to set up enough tables. ***** Will you be bringing bloom stalks? Yes___No___Maybe____ The show will be sponsored by the Yosemite Iris Society. Containers and entry tags will be provided by the James M. Gibson Iris Society. Bring your own grooming material.
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