September - First UMC Clover


September - First UMC Clover
First United Methodist Church ● Clover, SC
September 2016
From the Pastor
Our Revival at First UMC will be held September 18th, 19th and 20th at 7pm each
night in the Sanctuary. The worship team really hopes you will mark your calendars now and plan on joining us for three nights of wonderful uplifting messages,
music and experiences in the Spirit of Christ. The Connections: The Rev. John
Culp is a close friend of mine as our families go way back.
John, along with my Father, officiated mine and Meg’s marriage in 1989. John also initiated me into the mission work of
Salkehatchie when he ran the first camps in Frogmore, South
Carolina from the Penn Center. Meg and I actually worked on
staff with John for a time in Greenville. John has been an inspirational leader in the conference and a personal mentor for
me and Meg throughout my ministry. I had the honor of helping officiate John’s daughter Christy’s wedding some years
later. John’s brother Wallace was the pastor of First UMC
and my Father’s roommate at Wofford.
We, the congregation,
in humble and selfless
service to God, will go
forth joyfully,
empowered and
enabled by the Holy
Spirit, to seek out,
welcome, accept, and
nurture persons to
become faithful and
effective disciples for
Jesus Christ.
September 18th Rev. John Culp
OT 1969, FE 1972, RE 2014, SC: 1969 In School, 1971 Liberty, 1974 Hampton,
1980 Charles Wesley-Trinity, 1982 Aiken-Trinity, 1987 Salem, 1993 First, 1997 Mt.
Hebron, 2005 Virginia Wingard Memorial, 2014 Retired.
In the 90’s Rebecca Campbell Wilkins was a member of
FUMC and initially a Clover School District Teacher. She
eventually began working with the Children’s Music Ministry
at FUMC as a volunteer and then moved into a staff position
before she felt the call to ministry, entered Seminary, and
eventually became a United Methodist elder. Each year we add
Rebecca’s name in our Conference reports as one of our own
who entered the ministry from this First UMC. We are thankful to have her return to share the Word on Monday of our Revival!
September 19th
Rev. Rebecca Campbell Wilkins
PE 2001, FE 2004, SC: 2001 Whitmire, 2005 Epworth-Springdale, 2006 CornerstoneEpworth, 2011 Grace, Columbia, 2014 Gramling.
From the Pastor,
Ed Kilbourne was a singing United Methodist Preacher back when I was a teenager in South Carolina.
I remember hearing Ed for the first time at an evening service at our church when I was a youth and fell in
love with story telling and acoustic guitar. At that time in my life, I was all about the Electric guitar. Soon after hearing Ed I got my first acoustic and still love playing Ed’s songs as they have been an inspiration to me
and many for some 30 years. Ed, who is an ordained UM elder, presently plays in churches all over the South,
but also leads the Confirmation weekends at Lake Junaluska. Ed has led Spiritual Life weekends in a variety
of settings for years, with Youth and Young Adults and now increasingly more with Senior Adults. Ed’s wife
Kathleen is an ordained deacon and director of both the Deacon and the Masters of Practical theology programs at Pfeiffer University. She was very instrumental in connecting Meg to the graduate division of Pfeiffer
University and helping her to answer the “call" to ministry and to earn her MAPT
Ed began his career in the early 60's, singing in folk groups while in high
school and college. During a professional career of 8000-plus solo appearances
over the last 40 years, he has worked in every region of the United States and
toured in Europe. Ed has recorded 23 albums, among them a 4-CD collection of inconcert performances of his stories and songs, "The Grateful Ed Live" released in
2008. His latest CDs are "A World Of Good" and his second greatest hits collection, "The Best Of Ed/Volume 2."
Ed is a Pastor at heart and a great story teller and guitarist/ singer. Please come out and enjoy an evening with Ed Kilbourne at First UMC, Clover. No admission will be charged, but a love offering will be taken
during the service. We do hope to see all of you during Revival this year!
Joy and Peace ~
Rev. Tommy Wilkes
Sr. Pastor of First UMC, Clover
Bible Study on John
Wednesdays following the meal ~
(September 21-October 19th at 6:30pm) in the Steve Camp Classroom.
Folks are invited to come to a 5 session Bible study on the Gospel according to John following
the Wednesday Meal from 6:30pm-7:45pm in the Steve Camp classroom beginning September
21st. This Study will look in depth at 7-10 passages of the Gospel of John, exploring how these
words would have been interpreted 2000 years ago, but also looking at how they can freshly
speak to us today and be transformative for our holy living. This study is open to anyone from
the Bible scholar to the brand new Christian and each session will stand alone. Please bring
your Bible to class; study Bible preferably. We will use some videos from Biblical scholars and
handouts throughout the study. This class will be run with amplification and application style
questions. Come explore topics like the Word Made Flesh, the Wedding of Cana, the Cleansing
of the Temple, Nicodemus and New Birth, the Manna from Heaven and the Man Born Blind
and Brother Lazarus. No charge! Teacher: Rev. Tommy Wilkes (Sr. Pastor) For those who can,
please sign up through the church office, or use the sign-up sheet on the table in the lobby near
the elevator. Hope to see you there.
2016 Financial Update
Budgeted to date $ 443,496
Received to date as of 8/21/16 for General Operations $ 364,293
Spent to date as of 8/21/16 $ 389,048
For those who are percentage giving to the church, thank you so much for your stewardship
faithfulness. I would ask that we all please consider where we are with giving to Christ’s
church at FUMC and prayerfully consider the Missions and Ministry of our church.
Rev. Wilkes
College Student Sponsors
A big thank you to everyone who has volunteered to sponsor our college students! There are only a few students left so by the time you are reading this all of our students will have sponsors!
Now comes the next step. We need all our sponsors to reach out to the families of the students
in order to get their contact information. We need their physical addresses, email addresses,
and phone numbers (if they choose to share them), the school they are attending, the year they
are, expected graduation date, if they know their plans for the next year, and their birthday!
You may also want to ask them about any food allergies so that you know what snacks to send
them. Once you have that information please email it to Brandon at
so that he can compile all the information.
The next step will then be getting in contact with the students and showing your support! We
ask that you reach out to the student at least twice a semester. A few suggested ways to sponsor them are to send notes/emails/texts of encouragement, small devotionals, links to some of
your favorite devotionals, videos, etc., snacks (maybe ask the students for their favorite snacks
or foods they miss from home), gift cards in small amounts, or coupons/vouchers for restaurants. Of course, we also ask that you hold the students in prayer. This is something that everyone can do for each and every one of our students even if you are not one of their assigned sponsors. If you have any questions they can be directed to Brandon.
Bible Study on Disability Theology at
Rideability Therapeutic Riding Center
During Jesus’ ministry on Earth he often gave the blind sight, the deaf hearing, the paralyzed
the ability to walk, and even the dead life! What does this mean for those who were born disabled or through age, disease, or accident have become disabled? What does the Bible say about
healing and wholeness? Join Rev. Lazarus at the Rideability Therapeutic Riding Center at 937 Stallion Spirit Trail for a 4 week Bible study
beginning September 27th at 7:00pm.
In this study you will look at four different passages in Luke’s Gospel
that speak of healing. Through this lens, you will be able to wrestle
with the scriptures to see how God is calling all to live in harmony.
Scripture tells us that all are made in the image of God. Disabilities are
not a fall from that image but instead teach us the fullness of the image
of God.
Fall Nurture Luncheon
The Fall Nurture Luncheon will be Tuesday, October 11 in the Missions and Fellowship Center from 11:30 to 1:30. Join us for a time of food, fellowship, music (provided
by our very own Meg and Tommy Wilkes), and devotion.
If you would like to attend, please RSVP to Ashley Gordon at (704) 567-6743.
Absentee Voting Information
Absentee in person voting will open Monday, October 10, 2016
at the Elections Office in York.
If folks prefer to vote absentee by mail, they can call now
(803-684-1242 or 803-909-7194) and get the absentee
application in the mail.
You need to sign and return it, and the Elections Office will then
hold on to your signed application until October. Beginning
October 10 or so, they will start mailing ballots to those who
have already returned their applications.
IT'S EXTRAVAGANZA TIME AGAIN, so get ready to enjoy a delicious turkey dinner, not
to mention our fabulous yard sale, on Saturday, October 1st! The church needs full participation to have the greatest success, and we encourage everyone to consider helping in at least
one area as we go through our preparation for the event.
Suggestions for ways to contribute include praying for a good outcome, bringing your reusable clothing and household items, giving money toward meal supplies, selling dinner tickets,
and signing up to help. We need folks for multiple tasks throughout the week, and sign-up
sheets will be provided soon.
Again, please poll your talents and PLAN NOW to use them as we undertake
this, our largest fundraiser of the year. Blessings.
Sherry Adams
Annual Extravaganza
& Yard Sale
Sunday, September 25 until Friday, September 30
Bring all your unwanted treasures for the Yard Sale
Wednesday, September 28 – We will be selling items at Wednesday morning
Men's Prayer Breakfast & Wednesday night dinner.
Friday, September 30 - FROM 9:00 am - 6:00 pm - YARD SALE
Hot dog lunch with the all the trimmings for sale at 11:00
Saturday, October 1 - FROM 7:00am - 12:00 NOON - YARD SALE
Saturday at lunch, we will have our
Famous Turkey Dinner
with all the trimmings. Don’t forget to buy your ticket
as soon as they go on sale.
Call Suzanne Thompson at (803)222-7334
or (704)860-3025 if you have yard sale
questions or you have items that need to be
dropped off earlier than
Sunday, September 25.
Marriage Ministry Bunco Night was at the Dubiski’s home on August 27. Lots of great fun, food, games,
and fellowship plus a loving contribution to our church Food Project. Join us for all of our marriage celebration events. See the newsletter and church bulletins for future announcements.
Music Notes
LADIES - Come and sing with us for UMW Sunday on October 16th. We will
begin rehearsal on Sunday, September 25th at 3:00 in the choir room. Bring a friend, a
daughter, sister, mother, etc... all are welcome!
CHANCEL CHOIR - On October 28-30 the choir will be going to Lake Junaluska for a Music
Conference. We will be learning 8 new anthems, attending workshops which include handbells
for beginners, Taize worship, and much more. We will also be worshipping together at evening
vespers services, as well as enjoying the lovely fall colors! If you are interested in attending,
please email Cheri King
CHRISTMAS! If you love music and have ever considered singing, Christmas is a great time
to try it out! The Chancel Choir will be presenting a Christmas program on December 4th and
we would love to have you join us as we seek to worship and celebrate the Christmas season
through singing. Rehearsals will begin mid-October. Stay tuned for more information or
contact Cheri King.
ORGAN and PIANO CONCERT - On Sunday, November 13th at 3:00 in the sanctuary, Alex
Wilson, a sophomore at Clover High School and John Austin King, a junior at Clover High
School, will be presenting an organ and piano concert. Come out to enjoy, support, and be
blessed by these two young, aspiring musicians in our own church and community.
Sara Jenkins will be our speaker for UMW Sunday on October 16, 2016. She
grew up in Epworth Children’s Home and will deliver a message touching on
her time there and her witness.
Free Diabetes Self-Management
Education Classes
Hi Suzanne and Windy,
Thank you for your interest in spreading the word about the Diabetes Self-Management
Education classes offered at no cost by the Carolinas Center for Medical Excellence (a Medicare Company). These classes are being offered through a grant for SC. I would like to get at
least 10 or more people to commit to the 5-class series (classes are 1 and 1/2 hours to 2 hours
long). I usually teach one class per week for 5 weeks. I am a Registered Pharmacist and my
supervisor is a Registered Dietician and a Certified Diabetic Educator. I am training/studying
to become a Certified Diabetic Educator. Anyone who registers for the class and has prediabetes or diabetes gets a book with all of the information that is taught in the 5 classes.
(Spouses and caregivers without diabetes are also encouraged to attend). Participants that
attend at least 4 of the 5 classes will get a certificate of completion and we will have a small
graduation ceremony at class # 5!
Anyone interested can call this number to register or ask questions: 1-800-922-3089, Extension 7585. Or you can call me directly
on my cell: 704-747-4488. I just need to have an idea of how many
people will show up for the class.
The material covers 7 self-care behaviors related to diabetes: Healthy Eating, Being Active, Monitoring, Taking Medication,
Problem Solving, Reducing Risks, and Healthy Coping.
The classes will be taught at First United Methodist
Church. The day and time will be determined later. (The previous
classes were taught on Wednesday afternoon between 2 and 4 pm.)
Please pass this information on to any groups at church or in the
community that you think may have an interest. The classes focus
on Medicare participants but anyone with pre-diabetes or diabetes
(including their spouses or caregivers) can attend.
I also plan to teach a class at River Hills Community Church this fall when I get a few
more participants signed up.
Thank You,
Kim Drechsler
Rebekah Circle will meet at the church on Tuesday, September 13, at 7:00pm.
Those Who Serve
September 2016
September 4
Allyson English & Vicki Reavis
Bryan Killian, Head
Fred Strong
Jeanette Strong
Jerry Killian
Tim Lyda, Head
Sam Jackson
Kenneth Farris
Tom Meyer
September 11
Meg Wilkes & Renee Farris
September 18
Sarah Robinson &
Meredith McDaniel
September 25
Candy McCain &
Jackie Abernathy
Cathy Curtin
Deloris Killian
Robin Payton
Lala Myers
Jeannine Wyatt
Paige Deal (18th-Robin Payton)
Sept. 4
Sept. 11
Sept. 18
Sept. 25
Alan Abernathy
Johnny Adams
Windy Bartee
Mary Helen Allen
11:00 Service
Allyson English, Hope Long
Sarah Dover, Hope Long
Susan Killian, Hope Long
Evelyn Cameron, Hope Long
Missy Whitley, Jeannine Wyatt
Jackie Abernathy, Kim Eleazer
Becky Jackson, Linda Lowman
Janet Harding, Christine Payseur
124 Bethel St.
Clover, SC
(803) 222-3496
September 14
Wonderful Wednesday Meal
Revival at
18, 19, 20
7:00 pm
Lots of very nice dishes bakeware, &
plates are on the shelves near the back
door of the kitchen.
Please pick up your things by Sept. 25.
FUMC Staff
Reverend Tommy Wilkes, Senior Pastor –
Reverend Brandon Lazarus, Associate Pastor –
Reverend J. Richard Gibson, Pastor Emeritus
Reverend Meg Wilkes, Minister of Christian Educ. & Spiritual Formation –
Cheri King, Director of Music Ministries -
Jon Valentine, Director of Children’s & Youth Ministries –
Christine Payseur, Church Business / Technical Coordinator –
Shirley M. Davis, Administrative Assistant / Financial Secretary –
Natasha Bilousova, Pianist
Tracie Kite, Sexton -
Hope Long, Nursery Care Worker / Coordinator
Sue Gover, Lay Leader
Ray Reavis, David Edwards, Renee Gallien, Conference Lay Members
Charlotte Dowd
Sherry Adams
Teresa Hurst
Adyson Bailey
Chris Woodcock
Chris Wilson
Anna Corson
Andrea Ladrach
Mason Yarbrough
Megan Bono
Alexis Bono
Rolfe Sukkert
Kay & Lewis
Carson Deal
Scott Deal
Bryan Killian
Karen & Ted
Sharon &
Richard Young
Amy Adams
Merilyn Cain
Tripp McGinnas
Mary Siegrist
Lydia Wilkes
Brandon Doster
Kim & John
Dale and
Mike Adams
Adrian Stewart
Bonnie Wyatt
Naurice Smith
Deborah & David
Darlene Dobson
Shelley Pettigrew
Mary Helen Allen
Daniel Joye
Linda Woolbright
Shantel Walker
Brooklyn Gunn
Courtney Collins
Wade Daniels
Cheri King
Starr Wray
Rhonda Payne
Tim Gunn
Ami Langdon
Lilly Myers
Erika Yoder
William Eleazer
Eleanor Jenkins
Sally Joye
Isaac Harper
Addison Jenkins
Zoe Dubiski
Kenneth Jackson
Linda Montgomery
Anniversaries: Shannon &
Jimmy McGilberry
September Birthdays and Anniversaries
Connor Boyd
Tim Gallien
River Galicia
Ben Siegrist
Meredith & Justin
Zack Stabler
Rand Gordon
Scott Landis
Taylor English
Ann & Mike Summerlin
7 p m - Admin Council
2 p m - Cluster Youth Event Camp Cherokee
6 p m - Trustees - 104
6 : 3 0 p m - Boy Scouts - Rm
6 : 3 0 p m - Cub Scouts - Rm's
- MFC, 105, 207,
: 390, p2m
- Sr
1 0-, Girl
2 1 1 Scouts
2 1 2 Youth Room
6 : 3 0 p m - Boy Scouts - Rm
6 : 3 0 p m - Cub Scouts - Rm's
- MFC, 105, 207,
: 390, p2m
- Sr
1 0-, Girl
2 1 1 Scouts
2 1 2 Youth Room
7 p m - Revival
7 p m - Revival
1 0 a m - Nurture Meeting Steve Camp
7 p m - Rebekah Circle
9 a m - Church Event
6 : 3 0 p m - Boy Scouts - Rm
6 : 3 0 p m - Cub Scouts - Rm's
- MFC, 105, 207,
: 390, p2m
- Sr
1 0-, Girl
2 1 1 Scouts
2 1 2 Youth Room
7 p m - Martha Circle
1 0 a m - YMCA Seniors Jackie A @ MFC
1 0 a m - Esther Circle - 104
Labor Day
Forever Young - Yard Sale
7 p m - UMM - MFC
7 p m - Revival
5 p m - Youth Parenting
Meeting & Back to
School - MFC
1 2 : 1 5 p m - UMW General
Meeting - Rm
Clover FUMC Annual Calendar, Contacts, Holidays in United States
6 : 4 5 p m - Choir Rehearsal
6 : 3 0 p m - Youth Fellowship
6 : 3 0 p m - BIG
6 : 3 0 a m - Men's Prayer
5:45pm - Dinner
6 : 4 5 p m - Choir Rehearsal
6 : 3 0 p m - Youth Fellowship
6 : 3 0 p m - BIG
6 : 3 0 a m - Men's Prayer
5:45pm - Dinner
6 : 4 5 p m - Choir Rehearsal
6 : 3 0 p m - Youth Fellowship
6 : 3 0 p m - BIG
6 : 3 0 a m - Men's Prayer
5:45pm - Dinner
6 : 3 0 a m - Men's Prayer
6 : 4 5 p m - Choir Rehearsal
9 a m - Forever Young - MFC
5 : 3 0 p m - Harmony - MFC
4 p m - Clover Band BBQ
1 2 a m - Clover Band BBQ
Grace white
9 a m - Food Distribution
1 2 p m - Charlotte Dowd
Shower - Lobby
8 a m - Handbell Camp
2 p m - Mama Cat 80th Drop
In Party
Sep 2016 (Eastern Time)