E BOARD MEETING Monday, June 20, 2016 Agenda
E BOARD MEETING Monday, June 20, 2016 Agenda
E BOARD MEETING Monday, June 20, 2016 Agenda 9:30 a.m. JIA Committee Meetings* Convention Center, Rooms 7-8 *All applicable public comments will be heard during the appropriate committee meeting. Chairman Royal – Welcome Historic Preservation/Conservation Committee – Section I Bob Krueger, Chair A.) No Report Finance Committee – Section II Mike Hodges, Chair A.) Approval of the May 16, 2016 Finance Committee Minutes B.) May 2016 Financials C.) Fiscal Year 2017 Budget Consideration D.) Leases – Mr. Daniel Strowe, Legal Associate 1. Jekyll Beverage Center, Inc. Lease Assignment to Jekyll Package Store, Inc., Andrew Taylor, Owner 2. JIC Hotel Property Owners, LLC (Joint Venture - Northview Hotel Group and Leon N. Weiner & Associates, LLC) Jekyll Island Club Hotel and Oceanfront Suites i. Lease Assignment and Assumption ii. 7th Amendment to the Revised and Restated Lease Agreement Personnel Committee – Section III Bill Gross, Chair A.) Policy Updates - Ms. Jenna Johnson, Director of Human Resources 1. Employee Training and Development, Transfers and Promotions 2. Attendance and Hours Worked Legislative Committee – Section IV Richard Royal, Interim Chair A.) No Report Marketing Committee – Section V Joy Burch-Meeks, Chair A.) Marketing Update – Ms. Meggan Hood, Senior Director of Marketing Committee of the Whole – Section VI Richard Royal, Chair A.) Update on Mandala Holdings LLC Proposal for Limited Service Hotel – Mr. Jones Hooks, Executive Director B.) Consideration of Recommendation for Cancellation of RFP 321 C.) Consideration of New RFP 326 for Beach Village Limited Service Hotel D.) Executive Director’s Report 1. Revitalization Update 2. Other E.) Chairman’s Comments Adjournment 5 Minute Break JIA Board Meeting Agenda Richard Royal, Chair Action Items A.) May 16, 2016 Board Meeting Minutes B.) Fiscal Year 2017 Budget C.) Jekyll Beverage Center Lease Assignment D.) JIC Hotel Property Owners, LLC - Lease Assignment and Assumption E.) JIC Hotel Property Owners, LLC - 7th Amendment to the Revised and Restated Lease Agreement F.) Employee Training and Development, Transfers and Promotions Policy Update G.) Attendance and Hours Worked Policy Update F.) Consideration of Recommendation for Cancellation of RFP 321 G.) Consideration of New RFP 326 for Beach Village Limited Service Hotel Adjournment JEKYLL ISLAND-STATE PARK AUTHORITY May 16, 2016 DRAFT The Jekyll Island State Park Authority (JIA) committees met in Public Session on Monday, May 16, 2016 at the Convention Center on Jekyll Island, GA. Members Present: Richard Royal, Chairman Bob Krueger, Vice Chairman Mike Hodges, Secretary/Treasurer Sybil Lynn Bill Gross Bill Jones Nancy Gallagher, Senior Assistant Attorney General Via teleconference: Mark Williams Members Absent: Joy Burch-Meeks Michael Shaffer Staff Present: Jones Hooks, Executive Director Marjorie Johnson, Chief Accounting Officer Noel Jensen, Sr. Director of Facilities and Public Services Meggan Hood, Sr. Director of Marketing Jenna Johnson, Director of Human Resources Bruce Piatek, Director of Historic Resources Daniel Strowe, Legal Associate Jim Broadwell, Project Manager Cliff Gawron, Director of Landscaping and Planning Dion Davis, Executive Director, Jekyll Island Foundation Linda de Medicis, Executive Assistant and others Various members of the public and press were present. Chairman, Richard Royal called the Committee session to order at 9:30 a.m. Royal introduced Board members participating via teleconference. A quorum was established. Historic Preservation/Conservation Committee: Committee Chair, Mr. Bob Krueger, called Mr. Yank Moore, Conservation Coordinator, for a report on Jekyll Island’s participation in 2016 Audubon International’s BioBlitz event. BioBlitz is a species counting competition, organized to create awareness among golfers and the community about the environmental value of the habitats supported by golf courses. Over 160 participants identified 430 different species on the Oleander Course, and 88 recently unconfirmed species on the existing species list. The animal counts will be entered into a database and used to create a species profile of the island. This data will help better track and understand environmental changes, animal behavior and migratory patterns. Mr. Krueger asked if there were public comments. There were none. Finance Committee: Committee Chair, Mr. Mike Hodges reviewed the financials for the month of April as well as traffic counts, Convention Center groups and revenues, and hotel occupancy and rates. Revenues for April were $1,944,238, which reflects a favorable $186K (11%) variance from budget. Revenues also 1|Page JEKYLL ISLAND-STATE PARK AUTHORITY May 16, 2016 DRAFT reflect a favorable $1.5M (8%) variance from year to date budget as well as a favorable $3M (18%) variance from prior year to date. Expenses were $2,063,047 for April and reflected an unfavorable budget variance of $195K (10%) for the month. Expenses reflect an unfavorable $75K (0%) variance from year to date budget and an unfavorable $1.87M (11%) variance from the prior year to date expenses. The Net Operating Cash loss for the month is $118,809, which is a $9K (8%) unfavorable variance from the budgeted net operating cash loss of $110,254. Net Operating Cash Income reflects a favorable $1.4M variance for the fiscal year and a favorable $1.2M variance from the prior fiscal year. Traffic Counts: Convention Center: Hotels – April 2016: 2|Page JEKYLL ISLAND-STATE PARK AUTHORITY May 16, 2016 DRAFT Hotels – YTD: Hodges reminded the committee of the Finance Committee meeting at 1:30 p.m. to review the FY2017 budget proposal. Mr. Hodges concluded his report. Chairman Royal asked if there were public comments. There were none. Personnel Committee: Committee Chair, Mr. Bill Gross called Ms. Jenna Johnson, Director of Human Resources, to present the following policy updates: • Group Health Insurance Policy change to clarify eligibility for health insurance, enrollment opportunities and when changes can be made during the benefit year in accordance with JIA health insurance policy eligibility rules. Committee member Ms. Sybil Lynn moved to approve; seconded by Mr. Bob Krueger. Unanimously approved. • Flexible Benefits Policy change to clarify eligibility, enrollment opportunities and when changes can be made during the benefit year in accordance with department of administrative services eligibility rules. Lynn moved to approve; seconded by Krueger. Unanimously approved. • Employee Assistance Program change to clarify that employees can receive a mandatory referral to the program if deemed necessary for continued employment and guidelines for record keeping. Lynn moved to approve; seconded by Krueger. Unanimously approved. • Unemployment Insurance change to clarify that determination of eligibility, benefit amount and duration of an approved benefit is determined by the department of labor and is in accordance with guidelines provided by the department of labor. Lynn moved to approve; seconded by Krueger. Unanimously approved. Mr. Gross concluded his report. Chairman Royal asked if there were public comments. There were none. Legislative Committee: No report Marketing Committee: In Committee Chair, Joy Burch-Meeks absence, Royal called Ms. Meggan Hood, Sr. Director of Marketing. Hood announced the jekyllisland.com website has been relaunched to include easier navigation, a special “Living Here” section for current and new residents, and a convenient drop down menu feature. The site continues to have information on amenities, hotels, conservation and island events. 3|Page JEKYLL ISLAND-STATE PARK AUTHORITY May 16, 2016 DRAFT The 14th Annual Turtle Crawl, to raise funds and awareness for the Georgia Sea Turtle Center, had a record breaking 939 racers and the festival brought over 1,000 attendees. Hood thanked the 90+ volunteers and Peak Racing. Hood called Mr. Kevin Udell, Director of Sales, who updated the Board on convention sales. The sales lead to booked conversion rate is 40% against industry standards of 18-20%. Convention groups totaled 55 in FY2015 and FY2016 will finish with 72 groups, a 30% increase. FY2017 focus is on new business and to date 172 leads have been received; 30% representing new business. Committee of the Whole: Mr. Gary Wadsten, Managing Partner, Carolina Holdings and Mr. Jeff Homans, Owner, Land Design Associates, Inc. presented a revised site plan for the new residential development to be located north of the Hampton Inn. The proposed revised plan includes a donation to the JIA of approximately two acres of maritime forest (located between the development site and the ocean), an updated beach crossover that will reduce linear footage and create a more direct path to the beach, and a land exchange between Jekyll Ocean Oaks and Hampton Inn properties. The new development will feature single family homes, a clubhouse and pool. A homeowners association will be formed and owners may participate in the JIA Residential Rental Program. Next steps will include the Design Review Process and Environmental Assessment Plan (EAP) review. Schematic drawings to be presented to the Board at a future meeting. A member of the audience asked to clarify if the community would be townhomes or houses. Mr. Wadsten answered all will be single family homes. Hooks added the original proposed density on that site was to be rental cottages, a boutique hotel and a restaurant. The initial concept of 10 condominiums was also removed from the site plan to further reduce density. Mr. Daniel Strowe, Legal Associate, presented lease terms and the assignment from Leon N. Weiner & Associates, Inc. (LNWA) to Jekyll Club Residences, LLC, a joint venture between LNWA and Carolina Holdings Group. The term of the lease is through 2089 to provide for the construction of individually owned residential homes to be designed and built by Jekyll Club Residences, LLC. The current address is 188 South Beachview Drive. The new community will operated under the name “Ocean Oaks at Jekyll Island, A Jekyll Island Club Community”, and managed by a homeowners association operated by Jekyll Club Hotel. The lease includes the land donation of a portion of the maritime forest acreage to the JIA, reducing the leased area to approximately 6.7 acres, and the land swap to revise the lot lease line on the Hampton Inn side for approximately 500 additional feet to the Jekyll Club Residences, LLC lease. Royal asked for a motion to approve the Ocean Oaks Assignment and Third Revised and Restated Ground Lease subject to legal review. Mr. Bill Jones moved to approve; seconded by Mr. Gross. Unanimously approved. Ms. Nancy Gallagher, Sr. Attorney General, asked if this action would require an amendment to the Hampton Inn lease. Mr. Strowe replied there would be a corresponding amendment to the Hampton Inn lease to reflect the change in acreage and would require Board approval. Mr. Hodges asked if Carolina Holdings group would have architectural control on the homes. Mr. Wadsten confirmed Carolina Holdings would be in control of the architecture on the site. Preliminary schematic floor plans, elevations and site plan will be posted on the Ocean Oaks website for interested parties. Homes will be sold as lot/home package, and won’t be subleased to individuals to privately build. Hooks added homes would be required to be in accordance with the JIA Design Guidelines. 4|Page JEKYLL ISLAND-STATE PARK AUTHORITY May 16, 2016 DRAFT Chairman Royal called Mr. Kevin Runner, General Manager of the Jekyll Island Club Hotel. Leon N. Weiner Associates has been the primary operator of the Jekyll Island Club since 1986. Approximately a year ago, Northview Hotel Group contacted LNWA and inquired if LNWA would consider selling their leasehold interest in the Jekyll Island Club Hotel. Though the initial response was no, talks have continued and LNWA and Northview are considering entering into a joint venture partnership. Runner introduced partners, Mr. Simon Hallgarten and Mr. Matt Trevenen with Northview Hotel Group who presented a company background and experience with iconic historic resorts. Northview would acquire an equity position in the Club as the managing member over operations and have plans to upgrade the facilities. Northview is a small entrepreneurial group formed 11 years ago and currently operates 12 hotels and resorts in the United States. Negotiations continue for Northview to operate all assets of the Jekyll Island Club Hotel that include the Jekyll Island Club Hotel and the Jekyll Island Club Ocean Suites (currently under construction). Final terms of the joint venture will be presented to the Board for consideration at a future meeting. Ms. Pat Overholt, resident, said no location was mentioned and asked if this was where the Buccaneer and the Wanderer were located. Hooks clarified the joint partnership would manage all assets of the Jekyll Island Club Hotel, the Jekyll Island Club Hotel in the historic district and the Jekyll Island Club Ocean Suites (currently under construction in the Beach Village to the south of the Westin Hotel). Chairman Royal called Mr. Langford Holbrook with the University of Georgia Carl Vinson Institute for an update on the Transportation Study. The study is being conducted in 3 phases: Phase 1 review similar transportation systems in similar communities, Phase 2 stakeholder interview and Phase 3 present transportation options for Jekyll Island. Currently in Phase 3, indications are that there is no need for an island-wide transportation system at this time given the nature of traffic on the island and funding it would require to implement such as system. Options that could be considered are dedicated employee parking and transportation to work sites, visitor shuttles for large convention groups, and develop a request for proposal to investigate a water taxi to shuttle visitors and workers between islands. This option is not optimal as Jekyll Island does not have a docking point close to areas where the passengers would need to depart nor an additional transportation option to transport folks to their final destination. Mr. Holbrook will continue with a survey of summer visitors to obtain more data and will present the final study at a future meeting. Mr. Hooks presented the proposed Educational and Recreational Program Agreement between the Jekyll Island Authority and the Board of Regents of the University of Georgia on behalf of the University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Service including Georgia 4-H. The inter-governmental agreement has been reviewed by the Attorney General’s office and is pending further legal review by the Board of Regents. The agreement would be in effect for 10 years with a renewal option. The use of the premises would be limited to youth education and organized youth groups. Georgia 4-H would be the operator and responsible for programming, reservations (4-H and non 4-H groups), employment, training and maintenance of interiors of the campus facilities. JIA would be responsible for the exteriors of buildings, electrical systems and landscaping. A reserve account would be established to include all gross revenues in excess of expenses. The Governor recently visited the Youth and Learning Center and is very interested in the project and plans for completion. In response to questions from Board members, Hooks answered that the agreement requires 4-H to do marketing and outreach to other non 4-H groups. While expenses to the 4-H includes salaries for employees allocated to the center, there is no management fee in the agreement. All reserves would be dedicated to the center. The majority of students will be connected with the environmental education program but with the lodging flexibility at the new center, multiple groups would be able to conduct programs at the same time. 5|Page JEKYLL ISLAND-STATE PARK AUTHORITY May 16, 2016 DRAFT Chairman Royal asked for a motion to approve the Educational and Recreational Program Agreement subject to legal review. Mr. Krueger moved to approve; seconded by Ms. Lynn and Mr. Gross. Unanimously approved. Hooks continued, Whiskey, Wine & Wildlife promoted by The AdFish Group and sponsored by the Westin Hotel, JIA and others, made a donation of $15,000 to Jekyll Island Foundation. On Pier Road, “Something for Everyone” is under lease and should open soon and the Post Office is under construction. This past week marks the 4th Anniversary of the Jekyll Island Convention Center hosting 598 events equaling 1329 event days and more than 500,000 people have passed through center’s doors. The new John Deere golf course equipment has been delivered. The Friends of Historic Jekyll Island has agreed to pave the walkways outside of Faith Chapel to reduce path debris from damaging the historic wooden floors. A meeting has been scheduled with Beach Village merchants. Beach Village Retail • Twenty-one (21) tenants are open. • Official notice of intent to terminate lease agreement sent to Global Concessions seeking mutual termination. Waiting on response from Mr. Terry Harps. • Tenants for R-3, Suite 101 are being pursued. • We have received a proposal for the 2nd floor of R-1, and it’s under review. • We have retained Robert Jahn of Driggers Commercial Group Inc. to fill the remaining retail space. Beach Village Vacant Parcel • RFP 321 hospitality parcel proposals were received March 25, 2016. • Mandala Holdings apparent successful proposer and due diligence continuing. Expect a recommendation at the June 20th meeting. Beach House Restaurant • Civil construction 45% complete. Vertical construction 65% complete. • July 2016 opening is scheduled. Jekyll Club Suites • Civil construction 50% complete. • Vertical construction 40% complete. • April/May 2017 opening expected. Youth and Learning Center 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Building Building Building Building Building Building Building • • 1 – Auditorium – 89% complete 2 – Maintenance Facility – 38% complete 3 – Staff Housing – 57% complete 4 – Cafeteria – 62% complete 5 – 32 Bed Cabin – 99% complete 6 – 32 Bed Cabin – 99% complete 7 – 32 Bed Cabin – 89% complete 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Building Building Building Building Building Building 8 – 64 Bed Cabin –99% complete 9 – Open Picnic Shelter – 99% complete 10 – Historic Pavilion – 86% complete 11 – Open Picnic Shelter – 99% complete 12 – 64 Bed Cabin – 99% complete 13 – 32 Bed Cabin – 99% complete Civil construction – 87% complete; Fill 100% complete. Opening January 2017. 6|Page JEKYLL ISLAND-STATE PARK AUTHORITY May 16, 2016 DRAFT The Cottages at Jekyll Island • Twenty-six (26) cottages remain under construction in Phase I. Six (6) are now under construction in Phase II with most building permits recently being obtained for the balance of Phase II. • Seventy-five (75) cottages sold. Two (2) of twenty-three (23) cottages in Phase II and thirteen (13) of thirty-two (32) in Phase III remain available for sale. • Eight (8) closings with cottage buyers have occurred to date; three (3) additional closings are scheduled for May 2016. • Amenity Center construction has commenced. • Infrastructure installation for Phase III and IV is scheduled to commence in early July. Island Hooper Bike Trail (TE) • RFQ 325 issued. Only one quote received May 11, 2016. • Pre-bid completed Thursday, April 21, 2016. • DOT agreement received May 9, 2016 and is under review. The Department of Transportation (DOT) will be resurfacing the causeway and Mr. Noel Jensen, Sr. Director of Facilities and Public Services, has reviewed the DOT project and is exploring options to combine the DOT resurfacing with the Island Hopper Bike Trail to better utilize funding. In regards to Request for Proposal (RFP) 321, Hooks reported due diligence continues with the apparent successful proposer, Mandala Holdings. Hooks recommended the Board move into Executive Session to discuss lease terms. Chairman Royal asked for a motion the Board to convene in Executive Session. Mr. Krueger moved that the Board to enter Executive Session; seconded by Ms. Lynn. Unanimously approved at 11:15 a.m. Prior to entering into Executive Session, Chairman Royal asked if there was public comment. Mr. Tise Eyler, resident, suggested there be a traffic light at the end of the causeway. Ms. Beverly Hopkins, resident, encouraged Mr. Holbrook to include residents in feedback collected for the Transportation Study. Ms. Alice Keyes, 100 Miles, asked if she could get clarification on the company that will co-own Ocean Oaks with Carolina Holdings Group. 100 Miles will participate in the EAP Process Review and Ms. Keyes suggested development design and construction documents for that project be included in the EAP process. Ms. Keyes also suggested the transportation study include other cities in the Golden Isles and their transportation needs. Mr. Norman Haft, resident and Jekyll Island Foundation Board member, commended the work of Ms. Dion Davis, Executive Director of the Jekyll Island Foundation, for the Mosaic project and the Foundation. Chairman’s Comments: Chairman Royal summarized and commented on the presentations and agenda items approved by the Committees during the meeting. At 11:25 a.m. the JIA Board of Directors entered into Executive Session. 7|Page JEKYLL ISLAND-STATE PARK AUTHORITY May 16, 2016 DRAFT At 12:09 p.m., Chairman Royal called the Committee meeting back into session. Mr. Daniel Strowe reported the Board entered into Executive Session to engage in discussions regarding lease terms for the apparent successful proposer of RFP 321, Mandala Holdings, LLC. No actions or votes were taken by the Board in Executive Session. Chairman Royal adjourned the Committee Session and moved directly into the Jekyll Island Authority Board meeting. Jekyll Island Authority Board Meeting Minutes: Chairman Royal called for a motion to approve the minutes of the April 18, 2016 Board of Directors meeting. Ms. Lynn moved to approve; seconded by Mr. Jones. Unanimously approved by the Board. Personnel Committee: Recommended approval of the Group Health Insurance policy update. Chairman Royal stated no second required; unanimously approved by the Board. Recommended approval of the Flexible Benefits policy update. Chairman Royal stated no second required; unanimously approved by the Board. Recommended approval of the Employee Assistance Program policy update. Chairman Royal stated no second required; unanimously approved by the Board. Recommended approval of the Unemployment Insurance policy update. Chairman Royal stated no second required; unanimously approved by the Board. Committee of the Whole: Recommended approval of the Ocean Oaks Assignment and Third Revised and Restated Ground Lease (Subject to Legal Review). Chairman Royal stated no second required; unanimously approved by the Board. Recommended approval of the Youth & Learning Center Operational Agreement (Subject to Legal Review). Chairman Royal stated no second required; unanimously approved by the Board. There being no additional items to bring before the Board, Chairman Royal adjourned the meeting at 12:12 p.m. 8|Page JEKYLL ISLAND-STATE PARK AUTHORITY FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING MAY 16, 2016 DRAFT The meeting of the Jekyll Island Authority (JIA) Finance Committee was called to order at 1:44 p.m. on May 16, 2016 at the Jekyll Island Convention Center, Jekyll Island, GA. Members Present Mike Hodges, Chair Richard Royal Bob Krueger Bill Gross Bill Jones Mark Williams, via speakerphone Staff Present Jones Hooks, Executive Director Marjorie Johnson, Chief Accounting Officer Linda de Medicis, Executive Assistant The meeting was attended by additional staff and members of the public. Mr. Mike Hodges asked Mr. Jones Hooks to review the projected 9.8% increase in expenses against an expensed 3.7% increase in revenues. Hooks reviewed the unique operating expense items (totaling $1.789M) in the FY2017 budget and the variables associated with revenues, especially in convention sales and gate traffic. Revenue increases have been explored in most departments. The committee further discussed the following budget items: • Golf: o Golf Master Plan – comprehensive study to address all issues associated with golf; considering the National Golf Foundation (used by the State of Georgia) to conduct the study - $40K o Golf Course Maintenance Plan o Cart lease expires at the end of this year; new carts are proposed in FY2017 • Replacement of the Wanderer Exhibit at St. Andrews. o Existing exhibit had to be removed due to deterioration and safety issues • Tennis o Lighting improvements o Fence/screen improvements o Updates to shop o Replacement of full-time tennis professional to turn the facility into a more profitable enterprise o There are no other courts on the island o A portion of private lessons goes to professional o Pursue the possibility of contracted position • $1.214M cash reserves designated to capital equipment and projects. o Tourism Development Fund - $560K and decreasing slightly over the next year o Water/sewer fund o Retail Village loan payment and early re-payment of additional loan o Fire department equipment fund o Mosaic pledge - $150K 1|Page JEKYLL ISLAND-STATE PARK AUTHORITY FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING MAY 16, 2016 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • DRAFT Summer Waves Kiddie Pool – $500K of the projected $800K cost. o Occupies the entire most western portion of the park and repairs are needed due to the amount of water leaking from the kiddie pool. 3% merit increase for staff (in line with state employee increases recommended by state legislature and approved by the Governor). Insurance rates on structures will remain flat. 5% increase in health benefit costs beginning January 2017. Seven (7) additional full time staff (in addition to current open positions) for janitorial staff at Beach Village and staff for the Youth & Learning Center. Convention Center - difficult to budget based on anticipated pick-up groups. Many different variables with convention business. Infrastructure Study (to include capacity) - $150K. o Improvements and comprehensive assessment of the infrastructure of the island to anticipate and budget for needs in the future. o Expectation to have a recommended plan of action. o Sewer replacement or major repairs may be required in 5-7 years. o Treatment plant efficiencies installed over the years have helped and the process of treatment is a more preferred method. Intern housing for AmeriCorps Members working with the conservation department and Georgia Sea Turtle Center – some emergency improvements were made this year out of general funds but more repairs are needed. This is reflected in the Georgia Sea Turtle Center budget - $50K. $1.2M in roads and grounds allocated from parking fees - $900K remaining after allocations. Soccer revenues are minimal. May be worth looking at other recreational opportunities. Soccer does generate traffic through the gate and day visitation to the island. Heath insurance generated $400-$500K in savings; could the same savings be realized in retirement? o 24% of gross full time payroll (not including overtime) is paid into the state retirement fund. o Recommended staff to further explore other options for retirement that may be better for the employee. JIA pays personnel costs for the Jekyll Island Foundation. Water/Wastewater budget would include a 5% increase in sewer rates and 5% increase in water rates for the two highest rate tiers. Jekyll Island rates are lower than Glynn County. Golf rate increase $2.00 per round. Campground increase $50.00 per month. Approval of FY2017 Budget Mr. Hodges called for a motion to approve an FY17 Operating Budget. Mr. Jones moved to approve the FY17 budget; seconded by Mr. Krueger. Unanimously approved by the committee. The budget will be presented to the full board for approval at the June 20, 2016 Board meeting. Adjournment – 2:37 p.m. Meeting was adjourned by Mr. Mike Hodges, Finance Committee Chair 2|Page M E M O R A ND U M TO: COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FROM: NOEL JENSEN, SR. DIRECTOR OF FACILITIES AND PUBLIC SERVICES SUBJECT: OPERATIONS MONTHLY REPORT – MAY 2016 DATE: 6/06/16 PUBLIC SERVICES May Highlights: Performed maintenance painting on Beach Village buildings ahead of summer season Assisted in support operations and set-up/take down of 2016 Turtle Crawl Installed bollards and gates at St. Andrews and several other access roads in an attempt to curb unauthorized motorized access to sensitive areas. Facilities Department Work Orders New Work Orders Completed Outstanding Awaiting Parts 100 90 84 94 21 17 94 84 80 70 60 50 40 30 21 20 17 10 0 New Work Orders Completed Outstanding 1 Awaiting Parts PUBLIC SAFETY – Fire & EMS May Highlights: Began process of notifying JIA departments of Hurricane Plan updates Contacted Monroe Communications to begin process to move JIFD and JIA repeater antennas to a collocated position at the Verizon Cell Tower behind the fire station for increased coverage/range. Jekyll Island Fire & EMS Responses Total Responses EMS Responses Transported to ER Fire Responses False Alarms 43 32 15 11 0 0 False Alarms 11 Fire Responses 15 Transported to ER 32 EMS Responses 43 Total Responses 0 5 10 15 20 2 25 30 35 40 45 PUBLIC AMENITIES Jekyll Island Tennis Center May Budget May Actual $ $ 5,052 3,304 $5,500 $5,000 $4,500 $4,000 $3,500 $3,000 $2,500 $2,000 $1,500 $1,000 $3,305 May Budget May Actual Mini Golf & Bike Rental May Budget May Actual $ $ $32,000 $31,500 $31,000 $30,500 $30,000 $29,500 $29,000 $28,500 $28,000 $31,737 May Budget May Actual 3 31,378 31,737 Jekyll Island Golf Club May Budget May Actual $ 239,953 $ 222,712 $240,000 $235,000 $230,000 $225,000 $220,000 $215,000 $222,712 May Budget May Actual Golf revenues are up $11,035 over May FY 15 Average Revenue per round is $33.72 (up $5.43 from FY15) Annual memberships are up to 132 as compared to 40 in May FY15 Membership revenue is down $18,284 as compared to May FY 15 Passport ticket sales are down $16,979 compared to May FY 15 Merchandise revenues are up $3,324 over May FY 15 May play was down 783 rounds from May FY 15 on: Pine Lakes, Indian Mound and Oleander May play was down 95 rounds from May FY 15 on: Great Dunes Golf Course YTD PAID play is up 773 rounds overall from FY 15 4 Summer Waves May Budget May Actual $ 256,932 $ 295,580 $295,580 May Actual $256,932 May Budget $230,000 $240,000 $250,000 $260,000 5 $270,000 $280,000 $290,000 $300,000 MEMORANDUM TO: HISTORIC PRESERVATION/CONSERVATION COMMITTEE FROM: BEN CARSWELL, DIRECTOR OF CONSERVATION SUBJECT: CONSERVATION UPDATE DATE: 6/15/2016 Research and Monitoring • Wilson’s Plover nesting season is well underway and monitoring efforts are ongoing with 14 nests documented so far. Three broods have hatched, producing 9 chicks, six of these have been banded. One known nest remains active, while 10 have been taken by natural predators over the course of the season. Photo 1 on the following page shows a(the) bobcat investigating one of our camera systems. The bobcat, and later a raccoon, did not key in on the nest or disturb it, and all three eggs from this brood hatched. • Due to a permitting delay beyond our control, the planned, JIF-funded, bobcat capture, GPS collaring, and tracking research have been postponed until the fall/winter. With the delay, it’s too hot now to safely trap and anesthetize the animal. Management and Planning • Follow up work continues with the lighting ordinance. Most parties are fully in compliance or very close to full compliance with only minor infractions pending. Tortuga Jacks remains significantly out of compliance at last check this week. I will initiate a form compliance action next week. • An Environmental Assessment Procedure was conducted regarding the Jekyll Club Residences (Ocean Oaks) project. This report was passed to Jim Broadwell to integrate the EAP points with Design Review communications. Outreach, Education, and Community interface • Ben Carswell gave a short presentation and Q&A to the Jekyll hotel GM’s and DOS meeting, focusing on motivating support for our conservation mission and addressing beachfront lighting and wildlife concerns. Staffing • Frankie Horton, a Brunswick native, and recent graduate of Georgia Southern’s Outdoor Recreation degree program has been hired as our part-time summer-seasonal Ranger in the conservation department. Frankie will be patrolling the beaches and parks, engaging and providing information to guests, enforcing rules, and serving as a face-to-face ambassador for our conservation mission. He’ll be working Saturday – Wednesday, through September. Photo 1. Bobcat investigating plover-nest-cam system – unaware of the plover nest (3 eggs) just behind it’s left front paw MEMORANDUM TO: PERSONNEL COMMITTEE FROM: JENNA JOHNSON, HR DIRECTOR SUBJECT: PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT DATE: 6/15/2016 JIA Workers Compensation Claims: (Target goal for FY16 = 9). 5 4 3 FY16 FY15 2 1 0 Jul Aug Jul Sep Oct Nov Dec Aug Sep Oct Nov Jan Dec Feb Mar Apr Jan Feb Mar May Apr Jun May FY16 4 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 FY15 2 2 0 1 0 1 1 0 2 1 0 Jun Total 11 2 12 JIA Employee Census: 417 Month May 2016 Full time Part Time 156 124 Seasonal Interns 113 25 Recognition: o Pocket Praise Winners …..Thank you for going above and beyond! o Regan Young with Marketing o Tommy Coon with Facilities o Darek Ikhwan with Guest Information Center Total Employees 378 o Retirements: None o Meet our featured employee of the month for June: Donna Simpson Donna has been with Jekyll Island Authority as our Payroll Coordinator since September of 2015. Her main responsibility is making sure we get paid every other Friday! Donna's favorite things about working for JIA are her coworkers! She says everyone has been so great to work with. When she's not working, Donna loves playing basketball and soccer with her son Chase, and playing games with her daughter Kylee. She also enjoys running, cooking, and baking. Thanks for all that you do, Donna! Keep up the great work! MEMORANDUM TO: COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FROM: BRUCE PIATEK, DIRECTOR OF HISTORIC RESOURCES ANDREA MARROQUIN, PROGRAM COORDINATOR SUBJECT: HISTORIC RESOURCES UPDATE DATE: 6/15/2016 Jekyll Island Museum Museum Revenue - May, 2016 *Paid Tours: Public: Group: Total: 1,930 2,975 4,905 Revenue: Public: Group: Store: Total: $29,965 $32,497 $28,471 $90,933 $28,471.00 $29,965.00 $32,497.00 Tour Revenue • Group Revenue Shop Revenue The Jekyll Island Museum posted a record May for Public Tour Revenue, breaking the previous record set just last year. The museum also surpassed its annual budget goal with one month still remaining in the fiscal year. Museum Revenue - FY2015 - FY2016 $140,000.00 $120,000.00 $100,000.00 $80,000.00 $60,000.00 $40,000.00 $20,000.00 $JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC FY2015 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUNE FY2016 *Note: A new Point of Sale system was implemented in May of 2016. Education Programs • Bridge Builder’s Cottage – 30 attended In May, the Jekyll Island Museum’s tours of Hollybourne Cottage showcased the beauty of the only Jekyll Cottage yet to be fully restored. These historic preservation month tours also offered a sneak peek at the preservation of the Baker-Crane Carriage House to discover surprising connections between the sprawling mansion and this simple service structure on Jekyll Island. • Leadership Georgia – 300 attended Hosted Leadership Georgia with a special event at Villa Ospo. • Maymester Program – 11 attended Provided a site overview of Jekyll Island’s National Historic Landmark District to landscape, interior design, and preservation students from the University of Georgia currently working in Brunswick. The presentation offered a museum and preservation perspective on a working historic site. Curatorial/Research • Met with an author beginning to research a new book focused on the State Era of Jekyll Island • Expanding a visual display highlighting the Jennings family in Villa Ospo, as part of the Jekyll Island Foundation Descendants’ Project. • Submitted a revised draft of the JIA retention schedule to the Georgia State Archives • Met with the Assistant Director of Records for specialized training • Filed Records Management Officer (RMO) paperwork with the state • Continued working with ERS to verify employee retirement records • Consulted on-site with the UNF staff regarding museum collections • Continued processing the residential lease collection • Completed processing and accessioning 8 boxes for transfer to the archives • Responded to 2 external and 9 internal research requests. • Shredded 450 pounds of paper for recycling Historic District/Preservation • Baker-Crane Carriage House Sealed up the exterior envelope of the building pending future preservation • Faith Chapel Received a commitment from the Friends of Historic Jekyll Island (FOHJI) to provide funding (not to exceed $14,000) for paving the current shell walkways at Faith Chapel with tabby. This work is anticipated to be completed by the end of June. • Indian Mound Conducted maintenance and repair work on the porte cochere at Indian Mound Cottage to reestablish its structural integrity. • University of Georgia Site Visit Met with Archaeology and Historic Preservation faculty at the University of Georgia to foster possible future partnerships with those departments MEMORANDUM TO: COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FROM: TERRY M. NORTON, GSTC DIRECTOR AND VETERINARIAN; JOHN MARR, GSTC GENERAL MANAGER SUBJECT: GEORGIA SEA TURTLE CENTER UPDATE – MAY 2016 DATE: 6/15/2016 This is a wonderful facility with amazing staff and volunteers! We made two stops with our boys (2 and 4.5) during our 5 days on the island. They would have gone every day! Quote from Trip Advisor (May 2016) Comparisons with Prior Year (May 2016 vs. May 2015) Percent Change from May Previous Year (2015) 90% Admissions (# people) 70% 50% 30% Concessions ($) Adoptions (# sales) Bricks ($) Donations ($) 10% Guided Tours ($) -10% Independent Tours ($) -30% Behind the Scenes ($) School Field Trips (# students) -50% Distance Learning (# sessions) -70% -90% Memberships ($) Total Reservations ($) Admissions and Concessions sales were slightly lower than May 2015. Adoptions, also substantially lower than last year, should improve now that more than one turtle is available for adopting. Interestingly, most reservations were substantially lower this May compared to last year but due to the high numbers of Guided tours the overall reservations was only slightly lower compared to last year. Revenue Categories* • May total concessions $ 98,301.74 was $ 13,344.38 more than budgeted • May total admissions $ 51,637.32 was $ 7,371.18 less than budgeted • Adoption (Sea Turtle) 57 | $2,850 Bricks 4 | $800 • Donations (general) 46 | $4,787 GuidedTours(Groups) 469 participants|$3,967 • Independent Tours 261 participants | $1,248 Behind the Scenes 87 partic. | $1,566 • School Field Trips 1,166 students | $7,874 Distance Learning 7 (356 students) | $467 • School Outreach 20 students Public Outreach people reached • Memberships 23 | $2,650 Daily Programs 132 Sub-Total Education Reservations: Clients 2,300 | Revenues $17,449 *some online payments are received 2 weeks later These numbers include all education activities including events and off-island outreach. Marketing/PR/Events • Turtle Crawl Race & Festival Event: Record number of athletes (more than 800) participating in the triathlon and 5k & 10kraces. Scute participated with appearances at the Runner’s Expo and Festival’s Mascot Dash. The Festival was well attended at the Village Green following the turtle release. Staff and volunteers represented all departments with program information, crafts and interactive activities. The turtle release and festival event reached approximately 600-800 participants. • The GSTC conducted a Wildlife Social program at the Westin Starwood Executive Cocktail hour. • Social Media, Website and Communications Updates: o Trip Advisor: 1,128 reviews, ranking GSTC #3 out of 20 Jekyll attractions o Facebook: Over 28,450 likes Presentations, Publications & Grants • Katie Parson (Research AmeriCorps) and Drs. Andrews and Norton received a small award ($1.5K) from the Greenville Zoo to purchase some radio transmitters for the Jekyll Island snake research. Education • May 27th marked the end of our School Field Trip season and the beginning of our busy summer programming. Memorial Day weekend was a kick-off of sorts for the summer tourist season. Rehabilitation Sea Turtle New Patients 2 18 Current Patients 3 Released Patients Transferred 0 Patients Total since 653 2007 • Other Turtle 94 32 Bird 11 4 0 5 572 561 16 2 Released three sea turtles on Jekyll during the Turtle Crawl Festival. Research • Sea turtle nesting season has arrived and the research team has hit the beach. Our Turtle Walk and Ride with Patrol programs were launched on June 1. • The UGA Ecology Problem Solving in Ecology undergraduate field course visited Jekyll Island. The research team taught them about the Jekyll Island mission as a case study for multi-use landscapes. We received a $300 reimbursement for a 1.5-hr class. We will be negotiating a longer stay and payment for future years based on the success of the program this year. AmeriCorps Program, Volunteer Program, and Marine Debris Initiative Service Hours Monthly Total 5,354.75 Year to Date Total 27,109 Cumulative Total 218,768.85 Volunteer Hours 455.75 2,913 45,304 Marine Debris Hours 185.5 750.25 8,163.5 17 27,489 116 35 72 17 195,638 116 35 72 AmeriCorps Service Hours MDI & Volunteer Program 6 MDI Clean Ups 10,457 MDI Items Collected New Volunteers Trained 7 Volunteer Shadow Shifts 5 29 Volunteer Advancements Notes: • Volunteer Spotlight: Ruth Ann McKay • 32 volunteers attended the Beach Training and six attended Camp Training. • 13 new beach stewards recruited and 11 new turtle walk guides; 7 volunteers recruited for orientation. • AmeriCorps visit with Beach and Marsh clean-up. MEMORANDUM TO: FINANCE COMMITTEE FROM: MARJORIE JOHNSON SUBJECT: MAY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DATE: 6/14/2016 Revenues Revenues for May were $2,492,432, which reflects a favorable $129K (5%) variance from budget. Revenues also reflect a favorable $1.6M (8%) variance from year to date budget as well as a favorable $3.2M (17%) variance from prior year to date. 6% 4% 2% May Revenue 14% 1% 8% Leases (commercial) Leases (residential) Hotel Tax Parking Amenities 16% Utilities & maint Marketing & Events 49% Other The largest variances for the month are: Parking (+$62K) – Daily parking fees +$48,432 and Annual pass sales +$13,112 were both higher than budget for the month. Traffic counts reflect 50,866 daily entries and 52,704 pass entries for the month. Convention Center (+$77K) - 9 events were budgeted, however 5 cancelled including one for $96K; the staff was able to pick up “in the year for the year” business and hosted a total of 28 events at the center this month. The GA Rural Water group and the Institute of Continuing Legal Education group both had higher attendance than anticipated which resulted in a combined $47K in additional revenue for May. (See convention center report for more information). Lot leases (+$34K) – Participation fees received from The Cottages at Jekyll Island ($27K) and Villas by the Sea ($5K). Georgia Sea Turtle Center (+$40K) – Reimbursement from JIF for improved ventilation and building repairs (+$27K); Admission fees (+$7K); and concession sales (+$15K) were all higher than anticipated for the month. Summer Waves (+$42K) – Opened for the season this month. Daily admission fees were $40K higher than anticipated. A very good start to the season! Campground (-$123K) – This variance is the result of changing the accounting method related to recording campground advanced deposits. The previous campground point of sale system could not properly account for deposits, therefore revenues were recognized when the deposit was received and not when the customer arrived at the campground. When we converted to the new point of sale system, we were able to properly reflect advanced deposits. An entry was required to reclassify the total amount of deposits on hand from revenues to a liability account (Advanced Deposits). As of May 31, 2016 the campground had $134K in advanced deposits for reservations spanning from June 2016 to March 2020. Expenses Expenses were $1,851,689 for May and reflected an unfavorable budget variance of $147K (9%) for the month. Expenses reflect an unfavorable $222K (1%) variance from year to date budget and an unfavorable $1.9M (11%) variance from the prior year to date expenses. May Expenses 1,200,000 1,000,000 800,000 600,000 400,000 200,000 0 Human Resources Supplies & M aterials Contracts Utilities Advertising & Sales Repair & M aint Insurance Other The largest variances for the month are: Advertising & Sales (+$81K) – variance is in Brand & Advertising expenses. Recognizing the limited opening to capitalize on Jekyll’s revitalization momentum, traditional media and social channel advertising opportunities were enhanced. Repairs – Facilities & Grounds (+$49K) – The largest variance in this account is for $28K for improvements at the GSP/Guest Information Center. GSP is reimbursing 65% of the total cost of this project. This category is over budget for the year by $186K due to unexpected building and equipment maintenance. Net Operating Cash The Net Operating Cash Income for the month is $640,743, which is an $18K (3%) unfavorable variance from the budgeted net operating cash income of $659,184. Net Operating Cash Income reflects a favorable $1.4M variance for the fiscal year and a favorable $1.3M variance from the prior fiscal year. Net Operating Cash 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 Actual 500,000 Budget 0 -500,000 -1,000,000 July September November January March May FY2016 Revenues 4,500,000 4,000,000 3,500,000 3,000,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000 0 Actual Budget July September November January March May FY2016 Expenses 2,500,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 Actual 1,000,000 Budget 500,000 0 July September November January March May Jekyll Island Authority CONSOLIDATED BUDGET COMPARISON For the Eleven Months Ending May 31, 2016 MONTH ACTUAL MONTH BUDGET BUDGET VARIANCE (000's) YTD ACTUAL YTD BUDGET PRIOR YEAR ACTUAL BUDGET VARIANCE % (000's) VARIANCE % (000's) % Revenues Administration Business Leases 347,561 339,050 9 3% 3,562,506 3,385,728 177 5% 2,965,224 597 Hotel Tax 132,304 127,049 5 4% 1,150,686 1,195,549 (45) -4% 1,098,859 52 5% 56,702 53,820 3 5% 490,641 505,447 (15) -3% 124,206 366 295% Parking 388,882 327,338 62 19% 2,976,001 2,636,804 339 13% 2,595,610 380 15% Interest 261 230 0 13% 2,685 2,614 0 3% 2,555 0 5% Lot Rentals 37,298 3,728 34 900% 474,198 253,403 221 87% 280,691 194 69% Foundation 4,968 4,968 - 0% 57,816 54,648 3 6% 95,333 (38) -39% - - - 0% - - - 0% 3,223 (3) -100% 33,763 4,571 29 639% 201,718 107,510 94 88% 118,317 83 70% 4,630 4,710 (0) -2% 39,110 36,840 2 6% 34,548 5 13% 1,006,369 865,464 141 16% 8,955,361 8,178,544 777 9% 7,318,566 1,637 22% Golf 199,897 215,953 (16) -7% 1,730,079 1,727,860 2 0% 1,537,579 192 13% Convention Center 388,674 311,309 77 25% 2,828,192 1,914,787 913 48% 2,034,202 794 39% McCormick's Grill 35,739 40,818 (5) -12% 291,875 357,023 (65) -18% 323,615 (32) -10% Summer Waves 288,123 246,425 42 17% 1,481,151 1,336,765 144 11% 1,441,608 40 3% Campground (11,446) 111,502 (123) -110% 963,773 1,082,830 (119) -11% 1,050,796 (87) -8% Life is Good 12,832 27,900 (15) -54% 88,512 214,636 (126) -59% - 89 0% Museum 84,358 73,691 11 14% 633,467 541,460 92 17% 624,629 9 1% 186,230 146,507 40 27% 1,498,208 1,459,147 39 3% 1,375,848 122 - 200 -100% 9,867 18,356 (8) -46% 21,183 (11) -53% 31% Tourism Development Fund Grants Administration revenue Intern Housing Total Administration 20% Enterprises (**) Georgia Sea Turtle Center Conservation Miniature Golf & Bikes (0) 9% 31,096 30,463 1 2% 309,001 247,500 62 25% 235,718 73 102,979 111,118 (8) -7% 1,071,886 1,149,652 (78) -7% 1,002,154 70 7% 42,517 41,481 1 2% 455,979 457,538 (2) 0% 410,915 45 11% Fire Department 8,676 6,742 2 29% 920,068 912,780 7 1% 925,850 (6) -1% Tennis 2,718 4,077 (1) -33% 54,837 60,258 (5) -9% 52,490 2 4% Destination Mktg & Special Events 92,953 109,070 (16) -15% 540,197 582,043 (42) -7% 251,060 289 115% Guest Information Center 14,120 15,405 (1) -8% 178,214 168,725 9 6% 169,499 9 5% 2,000 2,385 (0) -16% 25,398 26,234 (1) -3% 25,991 (1) -2% Water/Wastewater Sanitation Soccer MONTH ACTUAL MONTH BUDGET BUDGET VARIANCE (000's) Landscaping, Roads & Trails YTD ACTUAL YTD BUDGET BUDGET VARIANCE % (000's) YEAR ACTUAL VARIANCE % (000's) % 4,598 2,000 3 130% 19,847 28,000 (8) -29% 25,957 (6) -24% Vehicle & Equipment Maintenance - 1,000 (1) -100% - 3,000 (3) -100% 10,011 (10) -100% Facility Maintenance - - 0% 1,556 - 2 0% - 2 0% 1,486,063 1,498,045 (12) -1% 13,102,107 12,288,594 814 7% 11,519,105 1,583 14% 2,492,432 2,363,510 129 5% 22,057,468 20,467,138 1,590 8% 18,837,671 3,220 17% 11% Total Enterprises Total Revenues - Expenses Human Resources 1,007,440 1,012,754 (5) -1% 10,204,779 10,267,524 (63) -1% 9,196,177 1,009 Supplies & Materials 124,065 137,245 (13) -10% 1,420,166 1,433,196 (13) -1% 1,418,350 2 0% Advertising & Sales 148,028 66,800 81 122% 1,065,424 987,130 78 8% 781,911 284 36% Repairs - Facilities & Grounds 128,816 79,943 49 61% 1,390,359 1,204,006 186 15% 1,240,898 149 12% Utilities 111,272 116,884 (6) -5% 1,446,992 1,480,275 (33) -2% 1,504,573 (58) -4% Insurance 8,080 3,166 5 155% 817,396 804,582 13 2% 871,911 (55) -6% Contracts 184,921 180,200 5 3% 2,342,455 2,285,994 56 2% 1,955,069 387 20% Rentals 32,274 25,865 6 25% 328,486 329,943 (1) 0% 289,417 39 13% Printing 22,433 15,580 7 44% 165,805 162,615 3 2% 128,842 37 29% Motor Vehicle 19,339 23,392 (4) -17% 181,662 241,578 (60) -25% 211,767 (30) -14% Telephone 8,925 8,023 1 11% 93,903 87,971 6 7% 77,453 16 21% Equipment Purchase <$1K 5,792 3,125 3 85% 93,946 56,949 37 65% 60,999 33 54% Equipment Purchase $1K to $5K 8,522 2,000 7 326% 99,028 97,776 1 1% 62,686 36 58% Travel 3,691 3,517 0 5% 62,792 84,605 (22) -26% 54,393 8 15% Dues 14,192 4,967 9 186% 121,099 113,733 7 6% 111,026 10 - - - 0% - - - 0% 7,952 Grants expenses Satellite Transmitters & time - 200 23,900 19,915 Bank Fees - 750 Interest Expense - - 1,851,689 1,704,326 640,743 659,184 Credit Card Fees Total Expenditures Net Operating Cash Income ** (0) -100% 188 2,200 20% 227,290 191,582 -100% 145 - 0% 147 (18) 4 (1) 9% (8) -100% (1) -81% (2) -91% 978 36 19% 192,148 8,250 (8) -98% 1,696 33,616 33,616 - 0% - 34 0% 9% 20,095,531 19,873,524 222 1% 18,168,245 1,927 11% -3% 1,961,937 593,614 1,368 231% 669,426 1,293 193% 35 18% (2) -91% ** Does not include depreciation or capital projects (**) - Change in Accounting Method Previous Campground Point of Sale system recorded advanced deposits as revenue at the time of receipt, regardless of the reservation date. The new system records these amounts as deposits when received and records revenue at the time of check in. A one time entry is required to remove the previous deposit amounts from revenue and record them as deposits. JIA EOM MAY 2016 REVENUE UPDATE Week Ending: 5/31/2016 Revenue Days Remaining: 0 31 Days Passed 0 Days Available #DIV/0! Pacing Target Department Subset MTD Revenue MTD % of Goal Monthly Goal Museum $ 90,933.23 109% $ 83,496.00 Public Tours $ 29,965.18 128% $ 23,372.00 Group Tours $ 32,497.40 95% $ 34,124.00 Retail Sales $ 28,470.65 110% $ 26,000.00 Info Center Gate $ 378,593.00 116% $ 327,337.00 Info Center Gift Shop $ 27,974.00 91% $ 30,790.00 GSTC $ 149,939.06 116% $ 129,223.63 Concessions 98,301.74 116% $ 84,957.42 Admissions 51,637.32 117% $ 44,266.21 Campground $ 99,458.00 85% $ 117,272.00 Site Rental 85,013.00 83% $ 102,772.00 Concessions $ 14,445.00 100% $ 14,500.00 Golf * $ 228,692.30 95% $ 239,953.37 Mini-Golf/Bikes $ 31,736.78 101% $ 31,377.74 Tennis $ 3,304.58 65% $ 5,052.44 Summer Waves $ 295,580.31 115% $ 256,392.19 McCormick's * $ 52,842.00 84% $ 62,908.23 TOTAL REVENUES $ 1,359,053.26 106% $ 1,283,802.60 Notes: * revised numbers Traffic Counts 2013 January February March April May June July August September October November December Paying Guests 16,980 17,138 32,263 34,063 50,586 54,932 74,988 46,634 41,269 29,299 20,672 18,912 Totals Paying Guests 437,736 2014 Annual Passes 39,244 37,244 44,105 40,096 44,254 41,247 42,597 37,890 37,767 37,553 32,283 32,861 Paying Guests 16,937 20,290 33,228 40,134 56,718 63,203 76,467 47,550 38,426 35,214 22,907 23,502 2013 Grand totals: 2015 Annual Passes 35,978 37,338 43,011 39,732 43,118 41,339 42,546 50,188 54,357 40,702 34,107 35,552 Paying Guests 24,403 23,944 39,989 49,237 71,430 75,121 71,405 48,062 46,013 38,480 29,820 24,484 2014 Annual Passes 467,141 Paying Guests 474,576 Paying Guests 20,521 24,906 36,250 42,687 50,866 2015 Annual Passes 497,968 Paying Guests 542,388 Annual Passes 42,084 45,113 52,582 49,140 52,704 2016 Annual Passes 517,803 Paying Guests 175,230 Annual Passes 241,623 2013 2014 2015 2016 904,877 972,544 1,060,191 416,853 Gate Traffic Counts by Month Paying Guests and Decal Entries Combined 140,000 2016 Annual Passes 38,634 40,037 47,779 45,221 48,837 46,845 37,332 43,299 43,015 44,986 39,722 42,096 Annual Traffic Counts 600,000 Paying Guest 2013 120,000 2014 500,000 Annual Passes 2015 100,000 2016 400,000 80,000 300,000 60,000 200,000 40,000 100,000 20,000 0 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2013 2014 2015 2016 JUNE 3, 2016 MAY Financial Review Jekyll Island Convention Center MAY Number of Events Event Days Attendance Revenue FY2016 29 51 12,853 $437,736 actual $348,781 budget FY2015 21 40 15,492 $357,216 FY2014 22 40 14,162 $410,867 FY2013 17 52 22,713 $371,931 Exception Notes: Strange month – We had budgeted for 9 events plus $7000 in “pick up”. Of those 9 events – 5 canceled! Including Rotary 6900 budgeted at $96K! But we had a total of 28 events – booked in the year for the year; $22K in wedding revenue alone. GA Rural Water had a huge increase in attendance that reflected $25K in additional revenue. Institute of Continuing Legal Education came for their first meeting here – we budgeted $52K and their increased attendance garnered $75K an increase of $22K. This month could not have been predicted. FUTURE Contracts Issued – 12 Estimated revenue Conventions –7– Anticipated rev of $245,000 Meetings –1 –Anticipated revenue $5,600 Banquet –2 – Anticipated revenue $15,000 Weddings – 1 – Anticipated revenue $8,000. Public Event – 1- Anticipated revenue $5,500 $279,100 NEW Proposals written – 16 JIA Sales – 9 Westin –4 C-vent - 3 SMG staff involved Site Visits and Planning Meetings for future business -32 Allyson M. Jackson General Manager – SMG Jekyll Island Convention Center Jekyll Island Convention Center May Financial Review Revenue Revenue $ 2016 437,736.00 2015 $357,216 2014 $410,867 2013 $371,931 Revenue $437,736.00 $450,000.00 $410,867 $400,000.00 $357,216 $371,931 $350,000.00 $300,000.00 $250,000.00 $200,000.00 $150,000.00 $100,000.00 $50,000.00 $- 2016 2015 2014 2013 2016 29 Number of Events 2015 21 2014 22 2013 17 Number of Events 29 30 21 25 20 15 22 10 17 5 0 2016 2015 2014 2013 6/6/2016 at 11:43 AM An SMG Managed Facility Fiscal YTD Event Income Summary Assembly Total Event Income $ Banquet 115,999 $ Convention 410,462 $ Meetings Concert 1,643,703 $ 32,854 $ Consumer 349,730 $ 47,994 $ Sporting 57,504 $ JIA Park 23,213 $ Total Event Income 1% 2% 2% 1% 4% Assembly 15% 13% Banquet Convention 1% Concert Meetings Consumer Sporting JIA Park 61% 6/6/2016 at 11:43 AM An SMG Managed Facility 26,213 Annual Total Revenue * YTD 2016* Annual Revenue 2,707,930 2015 2,146,801 2014 2013 1,937,942 1,546,332 Annual Revenue 3,000,000 2,707,930 2,500,000 2,146,801 1,937,942 2,000,000 1,546,332 1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000 - 2016* 6/6/2016 at 11:43 AM 2015 2014 An SMG Managed Facility 2013 Contracts Issued-12 Estimated $279100 Conventions Meetings Banquets Public Events Weddings Contracts Issued 7 1 2 1 1 Anticipated Rev of $ 245,000 $ 5,600 $ 15,000 $ 5,500 $ 8,000 Contracts Issued 8% 8% Conventions Meetings 17% Banquets 59% Public Events 8% Weddings New Proposals - 16 Proposals JIA Sales 9 Westin Cvent 4 3 Proposals JIA Sales 19% Westin 25% 56% Cvent Site Visits and Planning Meetings for future business-32 total. Allyson M. Jackson General Manager-SMG Jekyll Island Convention Center 6/6/2016 at 11:43 AM An SMG Managed Facility JEKYLL ISLAND AUTHORITY HOTEL OCCUPANCY STATISTICS May 2016 HOTEL STATISTICS AT-A-GLANCE days Revenue Hotel Revenue Statistics Hotel - History May-16 4,074,417 71.0% 124.87 175.81 $ $ May-15 Total Revenue Occupancy Rate RevPAR ADR $ 3,553,367 63.1% 107.83 170.99 $ $ $4,500,000 $4,000,000 $3,500,000 $3,000,000 $2,500,000 $2,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 $- May-14 Total Revenue Occupancy Rate RevPAR ADR $ $180.00 $160.00 $140.00 $120.00 $100.00 $80.00 $60.00 $40.00 $20.00 $- 2,428,229 69.6% 112.54 161.78 $ $ 2013 2014 2015 OCCUPANCY REPORT DETAIL # of Rms Hotel Beachview Club Units Avalbl Units Occpd Percent Occpd Average Daily Rate 408 0 0 Holiday Inn Resort 157 4,867 3,387 69.6% $ 158.04 $ 109.98 $ 535,280.86 $ 422,673.00 $ 112,608 27% Days Inn & Suites 124 3,844 2,998 78.0% $ 135.59 $ 105.75 $ 406,491.31 $ 381,687.62 $ 24,804 6% GA Coast Inn - 0 0 $ - 0% Hampton Inn 138 4,278 3,895 $ 38,973 7% - 0 0 $ - 0% 157 4,867 71 2,201 142 4,170 Villas by the Sea - Jekyll Realty 17 Villas by the Sea - Parker Kaufman Jekyll Cottages Jekyll Island Club Hotel Quality Inn & Suites Villas by the Sea Westin Vacant - Limited Service Hotel May-16 Total #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 152.11 #DIV/0! $ #DIV/0! 138.49 #DIV/0! $ $ $ $ $ 96,556.27 - 592,460.06 - $ $ $ $ $ 87,041.00 - 553,487.00 - $ 9,515 11% $ - 0% 80.0% $ 216.23 $ 173.00 $ 841,984.39 $ 830,595.00 $ 11,389 1% 63.7% $ 116.35 $ 74.11 $ 163,121.00 $ 151,327.63 $ 11,793 8% 2,268 54.4% $ 176.41 $ 95.94 $ 400,090.18 $ 382,694.02 $ 17,396 5% 527 99 18.8% $ 184.90 $ 34.73 $ 18,304.89 $ 18,016.86 $ 288 2% 16 496 207 41.7% $ 100.47 $ 41.93 $ 20,797.00 $ 25,933.00 $ 200 6,200 4617 74.5% $ 216.45 $ 161.18 $ 999,331.00 $ 699,912 $ - 0 0 1,060 32,628 3,894 91.0% $ #DIV/0! 81.97 Revenue Variance 1,178 #DIV/0! $ 2015 Room Revenue - #DIV/0! 236.66 RevPAR 38 Buccaneer Beach Resort 34.6% $ ADR 2016 2016 Room Revenue RevPAR Revenue RevPAR - ADR $ Revenue Total Revenue Occupancy Rate Rev PAR ADR 1,402 23,175 #DIV/0! 71.0% $ #DIV/0! 175.81 #DIV/0! $ 124.87 $ $ 4,074,417 $ $ 3,553,367 $ $ (5,136) 299,419 521,050 -20% 43% #DIV/0! 14.7% ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ JEKYLL ISLAND AUTHORITY HOTEL OCCUPANCY STATISTICS Calendar Year to Date - May 2016 HOTEL STATISTICS AT-A-GLANCE days Hotel Revenue YTD Hotel Statistics - History 2016 $ 14,552,514 63.1% 92.49 146.59 $ $ $16,000,000 $180.00 $160.00 $140.00 $120.00 $100.00 $80.00 $60.00 $40.00 $20.00 $- $14,000,000 $12,000,000 Total Revenue Occupancy Rate RevPAR ADR $ 11,152,024 64.5% 89.08 138.07 $ $ $10,000,000 Revenue 2015 $8,000,000 $6,000,000 $4,000,000 $2,000,000 2014 $- Total Revenue Occupancy Rate RevPAR ADR $ 8,946,774 64.0% 85.00 132.81 $ $ 2014 2015 Hotel Beachview Club 38 Buccaneer Beach Resort Units Avalbl Units Occpd 5,379 Percent Occpd 2,301 Average Daily Rate 42.8% $ #DIV/0! 138.23 2016 Room Revenue RevPAR $ #DIV/0! ADR Rev PAR 2016 OCCUPANCY REPORT DETAIL # of Rms Revenue RevPAR - ADR Total Revenue Occupancy Rate Rev PAR ADR 59.13 2015 Room Revenue 318,068 #DIV/0! Revenue Variance 397,589 $ (79,521) - -20% - 0 0 0 0 $ Holiday Inn Resort 157 23,864 12,873 53.9% $ 143.10 $ 77.19 1,842,068 912,445 $ 929,623 102% 0% Days Inn & Suites 124 18,848 14,190 75.3% $ 107.26 $ 80.75 1,522,066 1,475,840 $ 46,226 3% 0 0 $ - 0% 2,223,866 2,153,697 $ 70,169 3% 0 0 $ - 0% . GA Coast Inn - 0 0 Hampton Inn 138 20,976 15,725 - 0 0 157 23,864 15,904 66.6% $ 188.57 $ 125.67 2,999,048 3,063,214 $ (64,165) -2% 71 10,792 6,384 59.2% $ 99.09 $ 58.61 632,567 697,197 $ (64,631) -9% 142 18,201 11,222 61.7% $ 131.71 $ 81.21 1,478,040 1,399,640 $ 78,401 6% Villas by the Sea - Jekyll Realty 17 2,615 1,625 62.1% $ 99.06 $ 61.55 160,965 117,325 $ 43,640 37% Villas by the Sea - Parker Kaufman 16 2,403 1,478 61.5% $ 91.98 $ 56.57 135,949 121,064 $ 14,885 12% 200 30,400 17,570 57.8% $ 184.40 $ 106.57 3,239,876 814,014 $ 2,425,862 298% - 0 0 Jekyll Cottages Jekyll Island Club Hotel Quality Inn & Suites Villas by the Sea Westin Vacant - Limited Service Hotel #DIV/0! 75.0% $ #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 141.42 #DIV/0! $ #DIV/0! 106.02 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0 2016 Total 157,342 99,272 63.1% $ 146.59 $ 92.49 $ 14,552,514 2015 Total 125,192 80,772 64.5% $ 138.07 $ 89.08 $ 11,152,024 2014 Total 105,261 67,367 64.0% $ 132.81 $ 85.00 $ 8,946,774 Revenues by Month 0 $ $ 11,152,024 - $ 3,400,489 #DIV/0! 30.5% 2014 $4,500,000.00 2015 $4,000,000.00 2016 $3,500,000.00 $3,000,000.00 $2,500,000.00 $2,000,000.00 $1,500,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $500,000.00 $January February March April May ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Changes to proposed budget: Department of Labor changes – reduced estimated impact by $24K based on latest regulation changes effective November 2016. Actual insurance rates received from State of Georgia Risk Management Department – unemployment insurance -$10K, liability insurance -$6K, worker’s comp insurance +20K, insurance on leased golf equipment +$4K. Net effect: $8K increase. Licenses, registrations and subscriptions increased $17K due to cloud storage that was inadvertently omitted from the proposed budget. The proposed revenues for Life is Good and Guest Information Center have been reduced $22K based on current trend analysis. Water/Wastewater designated fund contributions (reserve account) reduced $10K due to impact of Department of Labor revisions and insurance changes. Total impact to Cash reserve contribution for FY17 -$9.9K. Jekyll Island - State Park Authority Fiscal Year 2017 Proposed Budget PROPOSED DRAFT Jekyll Island Authority -Consolidated FY2017 Budget Proposed FY2017 Comments Projected FY2016 Budget FY2016 Actual FY2015 Actual FY2014 Actual FY2013 REVENUES GROSS REVENUES 27,036,047.68 Business leases $4.3M; Lot leases $578; Daily parking fee $2.9M; H/M tax $1.9M; Concessions $2.6M; Food $2M; 26,111,329.73 24,815,013.97 23,147,047.11 22,146,265.47 21,125,431.83 1,853,605.29 1,817,745.85 1,629,819.16 1,677,295.00 1,577,006.98 24,257,724.44 22,997,268.12 21,517,227.95 20,468,970.47 19,548,424.85 11,217,366.56 11,283,268.34 9,939,927.91 10,210,633.02 10,150,314.64 214,590.39 264,920.76 230,706.43 286,323.22 258,009.32 1,607,563.45 1,640,884.72 1,588,509.50 1,539,667.68 1,611,688.55 1,374,387.06 1,329,308.59 1,442,492.10 1,235,598.21 1,020,704.01 1,716,543.14 1,715,282.30 1,747,615.26 1,639,189.60 1,462,768.08 Admission fees $2.4M; Camp site rental $1.1M; Green fees & carts $1M; Incl $210K for participation fees from The Cottages (not a recurring revenue source). COST OF GOODS SOLD NET REVENUE 1,893,849.00 Cost of merchandise, food, beverage and fuel sold 25,142,198.68 EXPENSES PERSONNEL 12,312,929.90 Incl 3% pay increase for staff; Incl $85K estimated DOL increase; Health ins $1.8M; Retirement $1.5M; employee development $43K; Includes 7 additional FT staff (mainly Roads dept & Youth Center) MOTOR VEHICLE SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 228,045.59 Fuel for vehicles & equipment $128K; R&M of vehicles and ATV's $100K (incl re-roof trams $15K) 1,918,149.02 Chemicals & Fertilizers $507K; Special Event supplies $199K; Plants & Seeds $125K; Bathroom/cleaning supplies $120K; exhibits $95K (incl $80K for Wanderer exhibit); Uniforms $88K; Sand & Soil $77K REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 1,573,832.54 Building/Structure R&M $756K (Historic bldgs $240K; Summer Waves $129K); Roads/Grounds R&M $210K (road impr $84K; campsite impr $20K); Equipment R&M $235K (pumps, motors, wells, mowers, etc); Service Contracts $374K (Water tower maint $73K; equipment svc agreements) UTILITIES 1,817,771.34 Electricity $1.1M; heating/cooking fuel $35K; water/sewer $283K; trash $239K; internet/cable $80K; telephone $105K INSURANCE 854,321.51 Worker's comp $314K; liability ins $121K; property ins $72K; vehicle ins $4.6K; fire fee $342K 817,559.47 807,745.79 874,461.17 771,690.25 670,197.58 ADVERTISING & PROMOTION 665,294.62 Brand & advertising $393K; Public Relations $75K; BGIVB $100K; Convention Sales $27K; Group promotions (meetings, promotional) $53K; help wanted 5K; Marketing fee charged to Amenities not continued in FY17 $294K (offset by reduction in marketing revenue). 971,733.13 1,059,121.08 857,953.57 703,053.69 925,002.84 TRAVEL 122,676.00 Sales travel; continuing education & conference travel; Board meals & lodging 68,268.72 89,671.00 66,132.54 70,460.32 75,285.37 LICENSES, REGISTRATIONS & SUBCRIPTIONS 181,375.51 Professional associations; training registration fees; Microsoft subscription; web hosting; cloud storage 115,261.32 118,493.61 125,616.61 71,450.26 74,851.67 2,555,453.71 2,513,919.38 2,171,208.96 2,142,373.93 2,197,942.46 359,393.27 354,013.79 317,559.09 264,684.34 274,036.71 CONTRACTS 2,884,124.15 Infrastructure assessment study $150K; Golf Master Plan $40K; SMG contract and staffing $1.5M; Conservation contracts $104K; Special events $174K (entertainment, fireworks, etc); Waste Mgmt $208K BUILDING & EQUIPMENT RENTAL 481,154.25 Golf Course equip $72K; Golf cart lease $220K; Event equipment rental; heavy equipment rental; manlift rental; copier rental; Bldg rent LIG $21K CREDIT CARD FEES & BANK FEES 245,173.83 Credit card processing fees, bank stop payment fees, statement fees 239,294.30 221,942.98 218,674.46 209,860.13 200,597.42 PRINTING & PUBLICATIONS 218,920.55 Marketing $100K (Visitor Guide, maps, brochures, annual report); Guest Info Center $67K (AVI stickers, daily 159,026.63 167,460.05 172,859.10 189,208.96 211,198.44 203,536.30 175,361.00 129,503.72 76,196.24 112,815.12 passes); GSTC $12K (turtle stamp cards, posters, signs); letterhead, general printing EQUIPMENT PURCHASES <$5K 227,466.00 General equipment replacement: Computers, blowers, edgers, weedeaters, pumps, controllers, welder, trailer, impact wrenches, wi-fi upgrade, range ball machine; expand skating rink INTEREST EXPENSE TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES OPERATING INCOME Proposed FY2017 41,194.10 Interest on OneGeorgia Loan ($1.6M loan) Projected FY2016 33,616.33 Budget FY2016 33,616.33 0.00 Actual FY2014 8,384.00 Actual FY2013 24,587.00 23,772,428.91 21,653,593.78 21,775,009.72 19,883,220.42 19,418,773.85 19,269,999.21 1,369,769.77 2,604,130.66 1,222,258.40 1,634,007.53 1,050,196.62 278,425.64 560,072.76 253,226.25 142,792.70 100,000.00 20,000.00 150,000.00 549,646.42 271,470.62 150,370.47 0.00 25,000.00 150,000.00 567,334.23 258,787.14 150,370.47 129,066.32 25,000.00 243,000.00 197,000.00 0.00 0.00 28,000.00 1,226,091.71 1,146,487.51 1,130,558.16 468,000.00 143,678.06 1,457,643.15 91,700.24 1,166,007.53 Comments Actual FY2015 BOARD DESIGNATED FUND CONTRIBUTIONS Tourism Development Fund Water / Sewer Fund Retail Village $1.6M loan payment (fixed) Retail Village - early repayment (delayed loan) Fire Department equipment fund Payment to JIF for Mosaic project Total Designated Fund Contributions CONTRIBUTION TO CASH RESERVES CAPITAL EQUIPMENT & PROJECTS FUNDED FROM CASH RESERVES CASH RESERVE CONTRIBUTION Projected Budget Actual FY2016 FY2016 FY2015 1,457,643.15 91,700.24 Projects approved from FY15 funds: 1,166,007.53 970,144.00 Projects previously approved from FY16 funds: 143,000.00 Proposed additional FY16 requests: Kiddie Pool Road resurfacing (DOT matching funds) McCormick's Grill renovation Golf Club House restroom renovation Jeep for Museum tram Small bucket truck Large bucket truck Mini-golf obstacles - replace 6 Tennis roof & exterior repair Large format printer (shared w/ 3 depts) Replace billboard at entrance Replinish china at Convention Center (broken pieces) Purchase tables (rounds & classroom) Security Camera system at Convention Center Meeting room chairs at Convention Center Village buildout completion 500,000.00 50,000.00 55,000.00 129,000.00 25,000.00 30,000.00 50,000.00 20,000.00 22,000.00 10,000.00 36,000.00 20,200.00 8,600.00 45,000.00 13,500.00 200,000.00 Total Total Capital Equipment & Projects CONTRIBUTION TO CASH RESERVE AFTER CAPITAL PROJECTS 1,214,300.00 Total Capital Equipment & Projects 1,357,300.00 100,343.15 0.00 91,700.24 970,144.00 195,863.53 Previously Approved Capital Equipment and Projects: Amount Projects approved from FY15 funds: Retail Village landscaping, lights & project completion Road resurfacing (DOT matching funds) Road Improvements (possible grant match) Point of Sale system Equipment purchases Vehicle purchases Campground pavillion (partial) Other projects TOTAL 310,000.00 59,000.00 50,000.00 200,000.00 131,644.00 94,000.00 50,000.00 75,500.00 970,144.00 Projects approved from FY16 funds: Intern Housing renovations Tourism grant match - skating rink 50,000.00 30,000.00 Tortuga Jack' s - replace roof Golf equipment lease - FY16 impact 45,000.00 18,000.00 TOTAL 143,000.00 PROPOSED DRAFT Jekyll Island Authority -Administration FY2017 Budget Proposed FY2017 Budget FY2016 Actual FY2015 Actual FY2014 Actual FY2013 3,391,766.94 3,023,557.48 3,549,549.19 3,348,837.70 3,255,600.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,763,445.69 3,391,766.94 3,023,557.48 3,549,549.19 3,348,837.70 3,255,600.64 1,591,891.97 1,515,066.67 1,225,405.94 1,370,791.61 1,345,068.32 672.38 1,350.00 (313.67) 6,051.08 3,545.65 57,370.83 34,884.60 36,980.60 45,476.48 46,533.81 63,213.42 59,720.01 126,304.21 46,663.14 56,584.25 76,913.64 61,615.20 99,252.22 63,312.19 53,966.79 130,302.23 127,323.60 152,632.83 141,411.76 115,817.69 Comments Projected FY2016 REVENUES GROSS REVENUES 3,763,445.69 Business leases $3.1M; Lot leases $578K; Alcohol license & taxes $83K; rebates & reimb $34K; FY17 budget includes participation fees from The Cottages ($210K), which is not a recurring revenue source. COST OF GOODS SOLD NET REVENUE EXPENSES PERSONNEL 1,588,998.73 Incl DOL increase; Training, recognition & tuition reimb $43K; Estimated 5% incr in health; no incr in retirement; no additional staff requested in FY17 MOTOR VEHICLE SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 910.00 Fuel and misc repairs for admin vehicle 40,296.03 Office supplies $19K; postage $14K; conference room chairs $2K; uniform shirts $2K; bathroom & cleaning supplies $2.4K REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 91,355.68 General building R&M $18K; Service contracts $72K (incl $50K POS annual support); FY16 included GSP building repair; FY15 included carpet and Fins improvements UTILITIES INSURANCE 79,108.86 Electricity $41K; Water/Sewer $7K; Trash $4.8K; internet $6K; telephones $20K (admin & airport) 149,390.60 Fire fee $74K; worker's comp $43K; liability $11K; building ins $20K ADVERTISING & PROMOTION 12,500.00 Board and general meeting expenses and promo items $12K; help wanted ads $500 12,732.12 11,007.76 15,146.06 12,239.42 11,675.85 TRAVEL 27,050.00 Board member meals & lodging, continuing education travel, auditor travel reimb, mileage reimb 20,018.32 30,300.00 22,593.65 29,785.24 26,201.85 LICENSES, REGISTRATIONS & SUBCRIPTIONS 55,350.61 Professional assoc; training registration fees, Microsoft subscription, web hosting, licenses 29,135.61 34,381.61 20,349.01 8,899.04 7,727.02 333,244.28 314,469.02 227,490.69 251,398.78 312,132.12 9,356.45 14,093.24 15,995.64 9,418.04 9,643.38 21,510.39 27,229.03 21,253.29 29,434.55 22,342.40 2,402.04 3,795.41 2,734.95 494.40 2,294.55 6,627.44 12,000.00 9,569.00 4,399.86 13,793.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 8,384.00 24,587.00 2,355,391.12 2,247,236.15 1,975,394.42 2,028,159.59 2,051,914.64 CONTRACTS 513,416.89 Dept of Law $36K; SAG $5K; Infrastructure assessment study $150K; Payroll processing $60K; IT services $79K; Golf Master Plan $40K; Project Mgr $52K; other $91K BUILDING & EQUIPMENT RENTAL CREDIT CARD FEES & BANK FEES PRINTING & PUBLICATIONS EQUIPMENT PURCHASES <$5K INTEREST EXPENSE TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES OPERATING INCOME 9,480.00 Copier rental; postage meter rental 19,383.12 Credit card processsing fees; stop payment fees; statement fees 3,761.58 Business cards, checks, letterhead 37,582.00 Replace 25 computers, 15 monitors, switches, printers $32K; HR ID card printer $3K; server $3K 0.00 Bond paid off 06/2014 2,628,584.10 1,134,861.59 1,036,375.82 776,321.33 1,574,154.77 1,320,678.11 1,203,686.00 PROPOSED DRAFT Jekyll Island Authority -Conservation FY2017 Budget Proposed FY2017 Comments Projected FY2016 Budget FY2016 Actual FY2015 Actual FY2014 Actual FY2013 REVENUES GROSS REVENUES COST OF GOODS SOLD NET REVENUE 326,575.02 Allocation from parking fee $289K; CIG grant reimb $25K; donations $6K; Nature programs $6K 235,561.58 238,476.97 190,555.95 130,419.11 108,809.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 326,575.02 235,561.58 238,476.97 190,555.95 130,419.11 108,809.67 204,101.02 Transferred 1 PT compliance officer to Conservation in FY17 for beach patrol; Added 1 FT Ranger position in FY16 189,033.90 185,923.22 137,900.72 97,023.89 85,408.56 832.46 2,120.00 833.19 338.39 56.71 6,467.46 8,695.30 7,222.03 6,086.23 5,687.96 12.58 0.00 158.72 282.53 224.92 EXPENSES PERSONNEL MOTOR VEHICLE 1,526.00 Fuel and general R&M for ATV's and vehicle SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 7,190.00 Green screen event supplies $6K; first aid supplies, office supplies, program supplies REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 0.00 Misc equipment repair in FY16 and prior years UTILITIES 1,080.00 Land lines and cell phones 1,016.91 900.00 881.20 838.05 613.66 INSURANCE 6,004.79 Workers comp $5.3K; liability ins $736 4,182.56 4,182.56 2,799.64 2,236.60 1,728.84 144.00 0.00 64.48 83.53 0.00 8.00 200.00 1,716.51 1,545.74 674.27 20.00 100.00 570.00 (179.38) 240.00 30,943.24 35,556.00 14,998.00 25,458.00 11,181.00 ADVERTISING & PROMOTION 200.00 Payment of gate fees for contractors and guests TRAVEL 500.00 Travel for local meetings LICENSES, REGISTRATIONS & SUBCRIPTIONS 180.00 Local meetings - registration fees CONTRACTS 104,893.21 Deer & plant study $35K; Forton Pond grant $40K; pond mgmt $29K; FY16 = Deer & plant study BUILDING & EQUIPMENT RENTAL 0.00 Copier rental in FY15 0.00 0.00 402.28 0.00 0.00 CREDIT CARD FEES & BANK FEES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 69.99 200.00 509.40 74.52 232.19 5,097.84 600.00 2,716.24 4,441.68 5,309.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 326,575.02 237,828.94 238,477.08 170,772.41 138,229.78 111,357.89 (2,267.36) (0.11) (7,810.67) (2,548.22) PRINTING & PUBLICATIONS 300.00 Misc sign printing EQUIPMENT PURCHASES <$5K 600.00 Misc small equipment INTEREST EXPENSE TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES OPERATING INCOME 0.00 19,783.54 PROPOSED DRAFT Jekyll Island Authority -Intern Housing FY2017 Budget Proposed FY2017 Comments Projected FY2016 Budget FY2016 Actual FY2015 Actual FY2014 Actual FY2013 REVENUES GROSS REVENUES 93,750.00 Rental income from Americorps members and interns; FY17 includes $50K reimb from GSTC for renovation of 2 43,705.00 41,550.00 39,547.50 30,115.00 16,450.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 93,750.00 43,705.00 41,550.00 39,547.50 30,115.00 16,450.00 houses COST OF GOODS SOLD NET REVENUE EXPENSES PERSONNEL 0.00 No staff assigned to this department 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MOTOR VEHICLE 0.00 No vehicles assigned to this department 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 165.70 1,085.00 1,565.22 77.65 0.00 SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 4,876.85 Furniture for renovated houses $4.5K; misc household supplies REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 54,200.00 Renovate 2 houses $47K; general maint $6K 20,587.28 11,200.00 2,503.08 17,061.87 10,801.37 UTILITIES 20,014.65 Electricity $11K; water/sewer $3.3K; trash $2.8K; internet $3K 19,138.71 19,540.26 17,493.39 17,632.54 14,649.42 1,491.48 1,491.48 1,491.48 1,478.64 1,706.82 INSURANCE 1,491.50 Fire protection fee $1.3K; property insurance $211 ADVERTISING & PROMOTION 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TRAVEL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 LICENSES, REGISTRATIONS & SUBCRIPTIONS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CONTRACTS 0.00 Tree maintenance 0.00 2,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 BUILDING & EQUIPMENT RENTAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 28.30 CREDIT CARD FEES & BANK FEES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PRINTING & PUBLICATIONS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,344.29 4,650.00 4,651.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 89,583.00 47,727.46 40,466.74 27,704.17 36,250.70 27,185.91 (6,135.70) (10,735.91) EQUIPMENT PURCHASES <$5K INTEREST EXPENSE TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES OPERATING INCOME 9,000.00 Washers & dryers (6 sets) $4.4K; A/C unit replacement $4K; small appliance replacement 4,167.00 (4,022.46) 1,083.26 11,843.33 PROPOSED DRAFT Jekyll Island Authority -Foundation FY2017 Budget Proposed FY2017 Comments Projected FY2016 Budget FY2016 Actual FY2015 Actual FY2014 Actual FY2013 REVENUES GROSS REVENUES COST OF GOODS SOLD NET REVENUE 66,773.05 Reimburement from JIF for operating expenses paid by JIA 62,783.59 59,615.59 103,999.56 104,000.00 105,628.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 66,773.05 62,783.59 59,615.59 103,999.56 104,000.00 105,628.22 171,780.12 189,578.53 143,881.86 140,935.05 177,871.69 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,527.92 3,620.00 3,705.28 3,930.75 5,667.84 1,301.60 0.00 86.25 1,329.16 1,341.91 EXPENSES PERSONNEL MOTOR VEHICLE SUPPLIES & MATERIALS REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 185,216.97 No change in staffing in FY17; insurance rates incr 5% in January; no change in retirement rate 0.00 No vehicle assigned to this department 3,680.00 Office supplies $1.5K; postage $2K; name tags, misc supplies 135.00 Pest control UTILITIES 5,064.00 Electricity $2.2K; telephone $2.2K; water/sewer & trash services 5,804.77 3,580.07 4,093.44 2,802.43 1,519.95 INSURANCE 6,677.15 Worker's comp $3.5K; liability ins $490; fire fee & property ins $2.7K (1/2 of Villa Ospo total) 6,580.40 6,856.52 5,599.28 4,473.16 3,457.80 ADVERTISING & PROMOTION 4,000.00 Meetings and promotion for fundraising activities and JIF board meetings 3,396.91 3,000.00 2,834.00 3,886.58 3,125.26 TRAVEL 2,500.00 Travel for fundraising campaign and meetings 2,394.51 3,500.00 3,970.99 2,624.81 3,369.93 LICENSES, REGISTRATIONS & SUBCRIPTIONS 1,516.90 Corporate registration, memberships, Brunswick News subscription, Rotary dues 973.54 859.00 2,606.50 664.91 1,555.91 25,100.00 23,000.00 26,743.02 20,541.60 17,644.39 7,897.60 7,800.00 2,304.02 1,512.05 2,258.74 0.00 0.00 35.00 35.00 0.00 5,263.76 7,000.00 6,707.90 5,185.20 3,602.23 0.00 400.00 329.95 1,511.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 251,990.02 234,021.13 249,194.12 202,897.49 189,432.58 221,415.65 (185,216.97) (171,237.54) (189,578.53) (98,897.93) (85,432.58) (115,787.43) CONTRACTS BUILDING & EQUIPMENT RENTAL CREDIT CARD FEES & BANK FEES PRINTING & PUBLICATIONS EQUIPMENT PURCHASES <$5K INTEREST EXPENSE TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES OPERATING INCOME 31,000.00 Audit $12.5K; bookkeeper $12K; marketing $6K 7,800.00 Rent paid for Villa Ospo offices $6K; copier lease $1.8K 0.00 4,000.00 Letterhead, campaign flyers, misc printing 400.00 Printers or other small equipment replacement PROPOSED DRAFT Jekyll Island Authority -Life is Good FY2017 Budget Proposed FY2017 Comments Projected FY2016 Budget FY2016 Actual FY2015 Actual FY2014 Actual FY2013 REVENUES GROSS REVENUES 311,130.02 Retail sales - clothing and other merchandise; opened in September 2015 275,175.24 505,510.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 COST OF GOODS SOLD 152,453.71 Cost of merchandise sold 134,750.00 253,260.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 158,676.31 140,425.24 252,249.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 80,999.07 97,750.99 4,224.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,166.71 5,291.90 12,981.91 0.00 0.00 53,635.81 21,705.00 12,865.75 0.00 0.00 NET REVENUE EXPENSES PERSONNEL MOTOR VEHICLE 90,982.52 1 FT manager and PT employees 0.00 No vehicle assigned to this department SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 3,086.30 Office supplies $720; bathroom/cleaning supplies $300; shop supplies $750; uniforms $600 REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 2,355.00 General R&M, pest control, music service; FY15 and FY16 = store buildout UTILITIES 7,330.00 Electricity $3.9K; Water/sewer $420; internet $2.7K; telephone $360 7,483.47 15,120.00 174.10 0.00 0.00 INSURANCE 2,001.60 Worker's comp $1.7K; liability ins $245 2,091.28 2,091.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,419.32 10,110.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 99.00 0.00 120.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,745.00 0.00 7,032.19 0.00 0.00 26,896.38 24,969.67 488.20 0.00 0.00 5,632.80 9,379.61 0.00 0.00 0.00 115.73 400.00 16.50 0.00 0.00 1,731.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ADVERTISING & PROMOTION 0.00 Marketing fee removed in FY17 TRAVEL 0.00 Local mileage reimbursement LICENSES, REGISTRATIONS & SUBCRIPTIONS 0.00 CONTRACTS 0.00 FY15 & FY16 = Store designer fee BUILDING & EQUIPMENT RENTAL CREDIT CARD FEES & BANK FEES PRINTING & PUBLICATIONS 21,148.56 Building rent and special event assessment; FY16 also included POS rental 5,784.99 Credit card processing fees 100.00 Flyers, misc printing EQUIPMENT PURCHASES <$5K 0.00 FY16 = computer, cash drawer, receipt printer INTEREST EXPENSE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 132,788.97 198,015.64 186,818.64 37,903.05 0.00 0.00 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES OPERATING INCOME 25,887.34 Projected income includes $50K for store buildout not budgeted in FY16. We were not able to complete build out when budgeted in FY15. Operating budget for FY16 was too aggressive. (57,590.40) 65,430.89 (37,903.05) 0.00 0.00 PROPOSED DRAFT Jekyll Island Authority -Village Retail FY2017 Budget Proposed FY2017 Comments Projected FY2016 Budget FY2016 Actual FY2015 Actual FY2014 Actual FY2013 REVENUES GROSS REVENUES COST OF GOODS SOLD NET REVENUE 458,392.35 Lease revenue from retail shops; FY16 also includes $41K reimb from GA Power 451,420.15 397,089.36 488.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 458,392.35 451,420.15 397,089.36 488.20 0.00 0.00 EXPENSES PERSONNEL 0.00 No personnel assigned directly to this department 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MOTOR VEHICLE 0.00 No vehicles assigned to this department 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8,021.70 3,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 13,000.00 Public restroom supplies $6K; chemicals/fertilizers $3K; plants/seeds $4K REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 37,072.32 General bldg & parking lot maint $12K; wall screening $10K; pressure washing $8K; elevator svc $2K 58,828.90 22,479.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 UTILITIES 43,874.00 Electricity (public areas) $14K; trash compactors & pickup $23K; wi-fi $6K; telephone $276 24,369.89 24,200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,131.56 4,526.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 INSURANCE 3,570.00 Property insurance ADVERTISING & PROMOTION 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TRAVEL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 LICENSES, REGISTRATIONS & SUBCRIPTIONS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CONTRACTS 0.00 FY16 = wi-fi installed 7,647.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 BUILDING & EQUIPMENT RENTAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CREDIT CARD FEES & BANK FEES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PRINTING & PUBLICATIONS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 EQUIPMENT PURCHASES <$5K 0.00 FY16 = security cameras 34,125.44 29,831.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 33,616.33 33,616.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 167,741.54 117,652.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 INTEREST EXPENSE TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES OPERATING INCOME OneGeorgia loan - principal payment ($1.6M) 41,194.10 Interest expense on OneGeorgia loan 138,710.42 319,681.93 142,792.70 Repayment for this loan started July 2015; $45,996.70 quarterly until 4/1/2025 283,678.61 150,370.47 279,436.79 150,370.47 488.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PROPOSED DRAFT Jekyll Island Authority - Marketing, Sales & Events FY2017 Budget Proposed FY2017 Budget FY2016 Actual FY2015 Actual FY2014 Actual FY2013 1,892,181.84 1,968,077.64 1,446,722.14 1,577,758.55 1,626,974.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,768,989.63 1,892,181.84 1,968,077.64 1,446,722.14 1,577,758.55 1,626,974.47 763,743.64 807,245.48 519,926.80 614,075.12 687,171.04 52.04 0.00 61.06 75.66 0.00 181,504.21 223,059.09 179,195.09 161,302.89 180,060.39 1,874.70 0.00 4,798.42 4,874.25 2,879.22 15,589.34 13,026.60 9,825.99 10,701.21 16,729.16 22,318.92 22,490.89 19,597.48 20,129.16 15,560.04 634,487.61 737,190.00 722,877.71 563,462.29 753,052.50 Comments Projected FY2016 REVENUES GROSS REVENUES 1,768,989.63 H/M taxes $1.3M; Village event assessment $54K; vendor booth fees $61K; event admissions $157K; sponsorships $90K; registration fees (GA/FL) $80K; Co-op advertising $16K; JIA Marketing allocation eliminated in FY17 $294K (offset by reduction in expense in other depts) COST OF GOODS SOLD NET REVENUE EXPENSES PERSONNEL MOTOR VEHICLE SUPPLIES & MATERIALS REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE UTILITIES 845,783.93 FY17 incl PT Production Designer $22K; FY16 includes new Sr. Director and new staff 0.00 Gas for JIA admin vehicle for out of town meetings 198,377.34 Office supplies $6K; special events supplies $183K; event staff shirts $5.5K; sales display $2K 0.00 FY16 = office improvements; previous yrs = billboard repair, office improvements, svc contracts 16,810.40 25% of Annex building R&M, water/sewer, trash $5.9K; landlines & cell phone $10K ; internet reimb for offsite sales staff $720 INSURANCE ADVERTISING & PROMOTION 23,595.72 Worker's comp $19K; liability ins $2.7K; property ins & fire fee $1.6K (25% of Annex building) 633,321.00 Media & agency fees $393K; public relations $75K; BGIVB contract $100K; Convention sales funds $27K; group promotion (meetings, promo items) $25K; Event promotions $12K TRAVEL 49,600.00 Conferences, meetings, sales travel 18,564.86 15,000.00 9,979.26 5,762.86 18,673.82 LICENSES, REGISTRATIONS & SUBCRIPTIONS 68,168.00 Silverpop $19.5; Cision $9K; Sprout $6K; registration fees, association memberships 42,284.65 38,265.00 53,385.57 26,868.18 29,771.64 243,482.24 182,348.02 156,367.02 134,551.38 102,426.53 53,418.31 46,650.00 40,144.87 34,850.46 39,590.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 62,793.09 42,100.00 48,692.62 35,072.70 77,245.98 5,063.30 9,100.00 593.93 3,390.80 783.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,190,822.07 2,045,176.91 2,136,475.08 1,765,445.82 1,615,116.96 1,923,780.04 (421,832.44) (152,995.07) (168,397.44) (318,723.68) (37,358.41) (296,805.57) CONTRACTS BUILDING & EQUIPMENT RENTAL CREDIT CARD FEES & BANK FEES PRINTING & PUBLICATIONS EQUIPMENT PURCHASES <$5K INTEREST EXPENSE TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES OPERATING INCOME 201,010.68 Marketing contracts $27K; special events $174K (entertainment, production fees, photographer, fireworks,etc) 50,185.00 Copier rental; event rentals $43K (restrooms, lights, chairs, tents, etc) 0.00 100,220.00 Visitor Guide, brochures, event tickets, guides, maps, annual report 3,750.00 Camera with video & lenses $1K, hand carts, tents, stantions; FY16 = Mac computer $1.5K, sound system $3.5K (164.73) PROPOSED DRAFT Jekyll Island Authority -Tourism Development FY2017 Budget Proposed FY2017 Comments Projected FY2016 Budget FY2016 Actual FY2015 Actual FY2014 Actual FY2013 REVENUES GROSS REVENUES 560,072.76 30% of Hotel/Motel tax budget 549,646.42 567,334.23 243,443.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 560,072.76 549,646.42 567,334.23 243,443.46 0.00 0.00 PERSONNEL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MOTOR VEHICLE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 UTILITIES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 INSURANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ADVERTISING & PROMOTION 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TRAVEL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 LICENSES, REGISTRATIONS & SUBCRIPTIONS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CONTRACTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 BUILDING & EQUIPMENT RENTAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CREDIT CARD FEES & BANK FEES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PRINTING & PUBLICATIONS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 EQUIPMENT PURCHASES <$5K 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 INTEREST EXPENSE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 COST OF GOODS SOLD NET REVENUE EXPENSES TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES OPERATING INCOME 560,072.76 Amount will be set aside as Designated Fund Balance to be used in the next Fiscal Year for Tourism Development 549,646.42 567,334.23 243,443.46 0.00 0.00 PROPOSED DRAFT Jekyll Island Authority -Guest Information Center FY2017 Budget Proposed FY2017 Comments Projected FY2016 Budget FY2016 Actual FY2015 Actual FY2014 Actual FY2013 REVENUES GROSS REVENUES 929,553.60 Annual decals $604K; Daily pass sales $2.9M; amount allocated to Conservation, Landscaping, Roads & Grounds 1,030,069.22 790,064.51 1,053,899.71 933,346.23 511,070.61 185,222.06 Cost of merchandise sold 170,956.12 184,251.90 176,844.09 162,520.18 113,272.92 744,331.54 859,113.10 605,812.61 877,055.62 770,826.05 397,797.69 278,691.57 278,587.82 283,553.30 288,828.04 299,381.35 $2.9M; Concession sales $390K COST OF GOODS SOLD NET REVENUE EXPENSES PERSONNEL 350,501.77 Requesting FT Reservation Specialist $52K (incl benefits) and PT reservationist $12K; includes 5% incr in health insurance; no change in retirement % MOTOR VEHICLE 0.00 No vehicles assigned to this department 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 10,191.00 Shop supplies (bags, shipping supplies, register tape) $4.2K; uniforms $1.6K; postage $2K; office supplies $1K; bathroom & cleaning supplies $720; store fixtures $504 14,000.62 10,481.61 11,752.74 10,754.15 33,282.53 REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 25,912.50 General building & equipment repair $3K; gate R&M $17.4K; Office carpet & improvements $5K 31,614.39 18,087.50 33,062.96 15,381.63 16,155.48 UTILITIES 18,854.20 Electricity $10K; water/sewer $1.7K; trash fees $1.8K; internet and phones $5.3K; adding 2 land lines for reservation 17,206.92 19,003.92 16,692.02 35,488.42 26,193.36 6,998.07 6,998.07 8,414.79 6,157.12 4,683.52 17,427.19 17,601.30 2,133.77 3,248.52 2,184.00 1,659.39 1,150.00 0.00 529.20 0.00 719.53 0.00 3,045.04 688.47 716.57 position INSURANCE 8,820.29 Worker's comp $5.3K; liability ins $735; fire fee $2.2K; property ins $574 ADVERTISING & PROMOTION 5,400.00 Island Treasures program $4K (previously pd by Mktg); coffee for guests $1.4K; Marketing fee eliminated in FY17 TRAVEL 1,200.00 On Island mileage reimbursement LICENSES, REGISTRATIONS & SUBCRIPTIONS 0.00 CONTRACTS 1,800.00 Shopify fees - online retail 3,090.80 1,800.00 855.50 9,532.81 0.00 BUILDING & EQUIPMENT RENTAL 5,888.28 Copier; water cooler; booth rent for Shrimp & Grits $1.4K 6,040.65 6,403.73 5,337.99 6,306.11 4,078.76 CREDIT CARD FEES & BANK FEES 71,408.13 Credit card processing fees; use of credit cards is increasing 68,889.24 58,858.30 63,772.75 52,056.12 38,411.59 PRINTING & PUBLICATIONS 67,474.00 AVI stickers, daily passes, prox cards, information forms; expenses higher in FY13 & FY14 when all decals changed to 63,895.30 94,020.18 90,821.16 125,595.27 103,854.25 AVI tags EQUIPMENT PURCHASES <$5K 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,419.02 558.22 6,140.00 INTEREST EXPENSE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 567,450.17 510,233.67 512,992.43 521,861.04 555,124.08 535,081.41 176,881.37 348,879.43 92,820.18 355,194.58 215,701.97 (137,283.72) TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES OPERATING INCOME PROPOSED DRAFT Jekyll Island Authority -Soccer/ Youth & Learning Center FY2017 Budget Proposed FY2017 Comments Projected FY2016 Budget FY2016 Actual FY2015 Actual FY2014 Actual FY2013 REVENUES GROSS REVENUES COST OF GOODS SOLD NET REVENUE 159,281.96 Soccer field rental $24K; GISA trash fees $8.8K; reimb of Youth Center expense from 4-H $126K 28,552.56 28,618.68 28,354.20 26,902.80 27,400.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 159,281.96 28,552.56 28,618.68 28,354.20 26,902.80 27,400.00 5,162.40 5,162.40 6,285.56 6,238.36 0.00 49.47 111.65 155.45 29.95 17.90 7,421.00 11,800.00 5,033.19 11,140.67 11,030.00 2,100.00 General building repair $600; maint of mowing equipment $1.5K 762.72 2,700.00 3,955.28 4,758.76 380.75 19,134.56 Electricity $4.3K; water/sewer for irrigation $6K; trash fees $8.8K 5,862.99 5,989.76 5,810.71 5,593.55 584.65 263.05 263.05 263.05 263.05 288.84 EXPENSES PERSONNEL MOTOR VEHICLE SUPPLIES & MATERIALS REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE UTILITIES INSURANCE 86,898.58 3 positions added for Youth Center landscape and maintenance (1 in July and 2 in January) 5,580.00 Gas & diesel for mowers and equipment 31,201.00 Fertilizer $8K; Grass seed & plants $14.5K; small tools $6K; uniforms $1.3K; irrigation supplies $2K 6,267.82 Worker's comp $5.3K; liability ins $736.; property ins & fire fee $300 (soccer only - Youth Center will not be billed for these expenses until FY18 ADVERTISING & PROMOTION 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TRAVEL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 LICENSES, REGISTRATIONS & SUBCRIPTIONS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CONTRACTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 BUILDING & EQUIPMENT RENTAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CREDIT CARD FEES & BANK FEES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PRINTING & PUBLICATIONS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 700.00 0.00 369.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 159,281.96 19,521.63 26,726.86 21,503.24 28,394.33 12,302.14 EQUIPMENT PURCHASES <$5K INTEREST EXPENSE TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES OPERATING INCOME 8,100.00 Weedeaters, edgers, backpack blowers, push mowers, walk behind mower needed for start up 0.00 All expenses reimbursed by Golden Isles Soccer and 4-H 9,030.93 1,891.82 6,850.96 (1,491.53) 15,097.86 PROPOSED DRAFT Jekyll Island Authority -Museum FY2017 Budget Proposed FY2017 Comments Projected FY2016 Budget FY2016 Actual FY2015 Actual FY2014 Actual FY2013 REVENUES GROSS REVENUES 1,536,164.92 Lease revenue $636K; concession sales $265K; district tours $366K; motorcoach tours $209K; historic building rental 1,362,421.96 1,382,403.01 969,040.19 848,842.30 1,024,482.62 127,364.02 124,000.00 122,737.60 107,917.28 101,838.13 1,235,057.94 1,258,403.01 846,302.59 740,925.02 922,644.49 523,534.65 529,989.27 467,425.28 502,495.00 469,068.97 8,463.57 14,030.00 5,736.59 14,088.98 11,641.66 35,861.82 51,587.42 43,343.66 49,755.72 37,035.70 306,064.18 291,050.40 339,336.41 299,275.76 112,567.23 149,816.02 148,331.35 147,673.92 136,162.13 85,868.02 79,969.89 79,865.73 81,927.02 79,794.82 73,020.93 14,522.93 14,193.59 66.35 80.00 1,195.00 $35K; summer camp $6K; educational programs $6K COST OF GOODS SOLD NET REVENUE 131,071.24 Cost of merchandise sold 1,405,093.68 EXPENSES PERSONNEL 617,964.30 Additional PT staff needed for additional tour opportunities $20K; upgrade 1 tour guide to educator position; includes 5% increase in health insurance; no increase in retirement MOTOR VEHICLE SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 17,669.47 Fuel for trams $2.3K; general R&M and re-roof trams $15K 150,263.93 Wanderer exhibit $80K; exhibit maint $8K; decorations (Christmas, July 4th) $19K; archival map cases and shelves $14K; special events supplies $7K; office supplies $5K REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 308,217.16 Mistletoe paint & porch $160K; Moss paint $80K; Faith Chapel walkway $10K; service contracts $24K (incl A/C maint $12K, pest control, alarm monitoring) UTILITIES INSURANCE ADVERTISING & PROMOTION 155,918.71 Electricity $84K; water/sewer $44K; trash fees $21K; telephone $6.5K 79,156.12 Worker's comp $15K; liability ins $3K; Fire fee $43K; property ins $9.7K 54.85 Help wanted ads; Marketing allocation fee removed in FY17 TRAVEL 3,500.00 Professional meetings; Mosaic related travel; research 1,175.00 2,550.00 458.48 38.76 370.71 LICENSES, REGISTRATIONS & SUBCRIPTIONS 4,848.00 Association memberships; Past Perfect software $2K 2,279.59 3,348.00 1,812.89 855.40 1,630.40 403.20 1,200.00 5,856.99 780.12 0.00 CONTRACTS 52,500.00 Hollybourne Engineering study $50K; Architect/engineer for Annex stairs/porch $2.5K BUILDING & EQUIPMENT RENTAL 14,867.60 Copier, manlift, 8-passenger cart rental; restrooms for temporary location 10,446.84 6,219.60 5,941.10 5,235.70 4,859.95 CREDIT CARD FEES & BANK FEES 16,255.24 Credit card processing fees 15,171.57 13,109.02 13,466.19 10,120.97 9,515.28 PRINTING & PUBLICATIONS 1,000.00 Printing for Historic District 251.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,220.50 EQUIPMENT PURCHASES <$5K 6,250.00 Replace large format scanner; data loggers, fire pit; flat screen TV for program menu 1,470.68 0.00 3,800.00 1,070.78 739.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,428,465.38 1,149,431.74 1,155,474.38 1,116,844.88 1,099,754.14 809,733.35 (270,542.29) (358,829.12) INTEREST EXPENSE TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES OPERATING INCOME (23,371.70) FY17 includes $80K for Wanderer exhibit and $50K for Hollybourne structural engineering Study 85,626.20 102,928.63 112,911.14 PROPOSED DRAFT Jekyll Island Authority -Turtle Center FY2017 Budget Proposed FY2017 Comments Projected FY2016 Budget FY2016 Actual FY2015 Actual FY2014 Actual FY2013 2,129,086.61 2,109,235.86 2,110,523.34 1,890,754.56 1,702,206.22 480,766.66 450,563.92 470,537.13 441,233.50 309,444.26 1,648,319.95 1,658,671.94 1,639,986.21 1,449,521.06 1,392,761.96 1,214,160.67 1,215,906.22 1,131,077.92 1,103,004.21 972,254.10 5,666.24 8,766.12 7,241.02 9,552.05 5,346.24 160,744.11 154,737.94 149,556.47 145,297.51 136,737.92 80,584.29 60,363.63 56,048.66 29,517.77 51,205.63 REVENUES GROSS REVENUES 2,218,915.18 Admission fees $598K; concession sales $1M; Americorps grant $271K; Educational tours $149K; memberships $21K; Turtle license tags $20K; summer camp $28K; donations $92K COST OF GOODS SOLD NET REVENUE 508,553.80 Cost of merchandise sold 1,710,361.38 EXPENSES PERSONNEL 1,402,510.18 FY17 = 1 additional hospital position; upgrade 1 research position; includes Americorps member stipends $271K; no change in retirement rate; estimated 5% increase in health ins MOTOR VEHICLE SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 4,814.11 Gas for van and ATV's $2.6K; fuel for generator $875; van and ATV repair $1.3K 188,622.94 Drugs & medical supplies $66K; food & supplies for sea turtles and educational animals $48K; membership program expenses $16K; camp expense $8.9K; uniforms $7K REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 98,490.00 Hospital equip maint agreements, generator maint, service contracts $19K; Housing renovation $50K; door replacement $11K; sales counter at Gift Shop $3K; equipment R&M $7K UTILITIES 73,984.17 Electricity $53K; water/sewer $7K; internet/cable $3.6K; telephones $10.5K; propane for heat 72,783.37 70,612.72 71,233.81 63,543.46 55,577.34 INSURANCE 40,511.18 Worker's comp $28K; liability ins $4K; Fire fee $7K; property ins $1.4K; auto ins $103 38,086.36 37,694.99 47,972.57 38,377.89 32,699.48 30,988.81 33,372.29 1,764.86 7,680.13 4,198.19 11,649.53 21,726.00 13,602.14 19,684.23 11,185.85 9,994.05 9,688.00 8,476.00 10,390.35 7,565.52 14,105.63 14,671.00 18,632.89 14,386.36 12,048.82 8,721.34 9,120.70 9,174.50 8,900.03 6,924.88 31,477.00 25,633.14 28,544.28 23,733.55 21,357.51 7,351.60 11,731.00 12,499.14 8,484.20 9,528.05 24,832.42 11,860.00 9,319.25 6,429.18 3,525.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,919,844.92 1,711,145.42 1,685,883.75 1,565,143.51 1,488,980.92 1,330,154.82 (209,483.54) (62,825.47) (27,211.81) 74,842.70 (39,459.86) 62,607.14 ADVERTISING & PROMOTION 1,301.00 Welcome basket for Americorps, parking passes for ppl dropping off sick turtles; nest tracker incidentals TRAVEL 21,226.00 Travel to conferences for staff and Americorps members LICENSES, REGISTRATIONS & SUBCRIPTIONS 11,402.00 Registrations for conferences; association dues CONTRACTS 10,455.00 Diagnostic testing on turtles; FBI background checks; satelite transmitter time BUILDING & EQUIPMENT RENTAL 7,800.00 Copier rental CREDIT CARD FEES & BANK FEES 33,479.34 Credit card processing fees PRINTING & PUBLICATIONS 11,505.00 Turtle stamp cards $7.3K; greenscreen posters; signs; photos for adoption packages EQUIPMENT PURCHASES <$5K 13,744.00 Pumps, controllers, probes; webcams, dishwasher, equip for exhibit area; surgical equip INTEREST EXPENSE TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES OPERATING INCOME PROPOSED DRAFT Jekyll Island Authority -Fire Department FY2017 Budget Proposed FY2017 Comments Projected FY2016 Budget FY2016 Actual FY2015 Actual FY2014 Actual FY2013 REVENUES GROSS REVENUES COST OF GOODS SOLD NET REVENUE 969,928.37 Fire fees $890K; ambulance service $69K; rental license fees $8.8K; permit fees; donations 929,860.70 921,412.62 929,744.56 931,570.89 870,646.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 969,928.37 929,860.70 921,412.62 929,744.56 931,570.89 870,646.46 862,023.73 Move 2 FT Paramedic positions to PT for FY17; includes 5% incr in health ins; no rate change for retirement 836,003.36 798,091.50 801,753.66 801,185.84 745,668.90 EXPENSES PERSONNEL MOTOR VEHICLE 19,588.09 Gas, diesel and repairs for ambulance, fire trucks, pickup truck and ATV 21,512.77 18,445.48 21,901.87 21,039.82 22,716.17 SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 19,782.78 Firefighter supplies $4K; uniforms $5.5K; first aid supplies $3.7K; bathroom & cleaning $2.5K 15,468.66 19,312.23 21,647.61 15,421.83 16,996.52 REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 17,355.66 General R&M on station and grounds $11.7K; service contracts $6K (software maint agreements, pest control, etc) 13,640.01 14,658.78 23,130.95 14,374.41 13,998.02 UTILITIES 19,236.15 Electricity $12K; water/sewer $1.7K; trash fees $1.8K; cable $215; telephone $3.4K 18,582.92 17,422.25 18,311.37 16,810.59 15,028.78 INSURANCE 18,384.00 Worker's comp $12.3K; liability ins $1.7K; property ins $1.8K; vehicle ins $381; fire fee $2.2K 17,497.36 17,497.36 22,133.44 18,961.76 16,075.07 ADVERTISING & PROMOTION 240.00 Hosting Firefighter meetings (snacks) 2,571.92 1,100.00 125.29 880.32 347.44 TRAVEL 900.00 GA Fire Academy course; Fire Chief conference 2,491.10 2,025.00 848.31 511.66 458.02 6,120.00 5,600.00 4,775.00 4,736.25 4,040.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,345.00 0.00 1,256.92 1,260.00 1,886.12 1,407.77 1,347.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 382.00 820.00 623.08 3,156.60 2,214.46 1,191.17 0.00 1,902.00 808.18 5,538.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 964,977.87 936,718.19 896,232.60 919,038.70 904,640.03 844,429.59 4,950.50 (6,857.49) LICENSES, REGISTRATIONS & SUBCRIPTIONS CONTRACTS BUILDING & EQUIPMENT RENTAL CREDIT CARD FEES & BANK FEES 5,100.00 Ambulance license $4.9K; conference registration fees 0.00 1,283.38 Copier rental 0.00 PRINTING & PUBLICATIONS 584.08 Misc printing needs & CPR cards for certification classes EQUIPMENT PURCHASES <$5K 500.00 Chain saws INTEREST EXPENSE TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES OPERATING INCOME 25,180.02 10,705.86 26,930.86 26,216.87 PROPOSED DRAFT Jekyll Island Authority -Roads & Grounds FY2017 Budget Proposed FY2017 Comments Projected FY2016 Budget FY2016 Actual FY2015 Actual FY2014 Actual FY2013 REVENUES GROSS REVENUES COST OF GOODS SOLD NET REVENUE 1,207,290.72 Amount allocated from Parking fees to pay for Roads & Grounds expenses 984,692.96 984,692.96 800,000.00 692,472.80 619,338.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,207,290.72 984,692.96 984,692.96 800,000.00 692,472.80 619,338.15 559,430.31 577,293.32 499,601.02 421,989.52 490,090.86 45,024.29 51,253.50 51,840.26 50,538.86 48,058.63 109,401.72 89,078.15 44,095.54 41,643.28 29,524.80 61,619.18 95,525.75 79,673.00 60,949.27 49,415.13 98,713.72 95,526.38 115,974.63 87,793.63 2,532.34 34,179.52 34,217.67 35,113.37 27,113.51 20,830.18 202.33 0.00 248.28 234.00 0.00 EXPENSES PERSONNEL 774,403.75 Requesting 4 new positions in FY17 since we have added the Village and additional park areas on the Island; includes $27K in temp service labor for causeway clearing and projects MOTOR VEHICLE SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 43,406.29 Gas and diesel for equipment and vehicles $28K; vehicle repairs $15K 119,302.92 Christmas lights (bulbs, supplies, new lights) $48K; bathroom supplies for public areas $54K; uniforms $4K; limerock for boat ramp, roads, parking lots $6K; plants/seeds $3K REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 90,475.75 General building R&M and signs $21K; Roads & grounds improvements $59K (bike paths & roads); general equipment R&M $10K UTILITIES INSURANCE ADVERTISING & PROMOTION 113,450.63 Electricity $2.5K; water/sewer $30K; trash fees $80K (public areas); telephone $1.4K 41,131.70 Worker's comp $32K; liability ins $4K; vehicle ins $217; property ins $694; fire fee $4K 381.68 Help wanted ads TRAVEL 0.00 0.00 0.00 450.00 0.00 39.00 LICENSES, REGISTRATIONS & SUBCRIPTIONS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CONTRACTS 0.00 Waste disposal; tree trimming 1,048.21 0.00 5,429.95 0.00 0.00 17,776.96 18,998.20 10,648.90 2,176.88 471.06 BUILDING & EQUIPMENT RENTAL 20,000.00 Equipment rental; manlifts for Christmas lights and other projects CREDIT CARD FEES & BANK FEES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PRINTING & PUBLICATIONS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 26,020.70 22,800.00 14,987.49 2,860.00 1,204.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,207,290.72 953,416.94 984,692.97 858,062.44 695,298.95 642,166.00 (0.01) (58,062.44) (2,826.15) (22,827.85) EQUIPMENT PURCHASES <$5K INTEREST EXPENSE TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES OPERATING INCOME 4,738.00 Trimmers, blowers, edgers, chainsaws - replacement 0.00 Cost of roads, grounds, bike trails, picnic areas and other public areas covered by Parking fee 31,276.02 PROPOSED DRAFT Jekyll Island Authority -Landcaping FY2017 Budget Proposed FY2017 Budget FY2016 Actual FY2015 Actual FY2014 Actual FY2013 1,406,737.83 1,414,183.22 1,353,095.43 1,364,727.72 1,227,522.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,438,401.34 1,406,737.83 1,414,183.22 1,353,095.43 1,364,727.72 1,227,522.24 956,783.90 1,007,551.06 934,814.85 869,228.83 801,375.25 31,511.46 37,200.00 35,178.01 44,828.22 41,546.59 136,199.98 150,920.00 148,061.91 126,641.48 157,959.35 16,810.77 21,586.83 30,247.77 26,250.26 43,006.86 122,145.41 125,041.09 140,566.57 119,042.57 91,248.27 48,036.15 47,974.26 61,317.18 55,929.68 42,177.81 500.00 Help wanted ads 260.36 500.00 369.30 481.44 841.50 TRAVEL 1,800.00 ASLA conference 1,423.53 1,800.00 0.00 2,191.65 1,042.27 LICENSES, REGISTRATIONS & SUBCRIPTIONS 2,370.00 ASLA conference and membership; ISA membership; training registration fees 1,545.00 1,560.00 930.00 535.00 1,180.00 CONTRACTS 4,400.00 Stump grinding & high risk tree trimming; other tree work will be done in house FY17 11,720.46 14,400.00 14,481.47 16,275.00 18,653.75 Comments Projected FY2016 REVENUES GROSS REVENUES COST OF GOODS SOLD NET REVENUE 1,438,401.34 Plant sales $25K; tree mitigation $2K; Allocation from parking fees $1.4M EXPENSES PERSONNEL MOTOR VEHICLE SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 1,002,073.98 No change in staffing; includes 5% incr in health ins; no increase in retirement rate 38,007.42 Gas & diesel for vehicles & equipment $25K; vehicle repairs $13K 164,205.00 Plants/seeds $55K (incl $10K for reforestation projects); sand/soil $28K; chemicals/fertilizer $40K; irrigation supplies $13K; landscape & greenhouse materials $14K; uniforms $6.7K REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 36,607.80 General bldg R&M $10K; fans for greenhouse $2.4K; Captain Wylly pond planting $10K; General equipment R&M $14K UTILITIES INSURANCE ADVERTISING & PROMOTION 133,878.17 Electricity $84K; Propane $3.8K; Water/sewer $34K; trash fees $9K; telephone $3.2K 46,058.97 Worker's comp $36K; liability ins $6K; vehicle ins $733; bldg ins & fire fee $1.4K BUILDING & EQUIPMENT RENTAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 497.00 80.00 CREDIT CARD FEES & BANK FEES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PRINTING & PUBLICATIONS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,203.50 5,650.00 11,944.37 14,854.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,438,401.34 1,331,640.52 1,414,183.24 1,377,911.43 1,276,755.37 1,199,111.65 (0.02) (24,816.00) 87,972.35 28,410.59 EQUIPMENT PURCHASES <$5K INTEREST EXPENSE TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES OPERATING INCOME 8,500.00 Trimmers, edgers, pruners, benches, chainsaw, push mower and blower 0.00 75,097.31 PROPOSED DRAFT Jekyll Island Authority - Facility Maintenance FY2017 Budget Proposed FY2017 Comments Projected FY2016 Budget FY2016 Actual FY2015 Actual FY2014 Actual FY2013 REVENUES GROSS REVENUES 0.00 Sale of scrap equipment COST OF GOODS SOLD NET REVENUE 1,555.87 0.00 0.00 0.00 608.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,555.87 0.00 0.00 0.00 608.89 586,845.24 578,062.26 498,362.50 530,422.93 505,625.60 12,800.97 14,114.14 12,717.33 19,181.65 12,892.35 7,337.75 6,882.33 10,168.52 14,011.58 8,970.64 19,712.44 20,438.72 47,534.57 10,876.60 4,171.76 EXPENSES PERSONNEL MOTOR VEHICLE SUPPLIES & MATERIALS REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 631,644.81 FY17 includes adjustment for tiered pay structure $15K; FY16 included 2 new positions (painter and craftsman) 10,382.64 Fuel for vehicles & equipment $7K; vehicle R&M $3.8K 8,820.00 Uniforms $3.8K; replacement hand tools $2.4K; office supplies $1.5K; shop supplies $600 51,548.72 Wharf restroom sliding $10K; Annex stairs $7K; beach crossovers $6K; rebuild lights at tennis court 1, 2 & 3 $15K; work order program $4.1K; general bldg & equipment R&M UTILITIES 22,746.82 Electricity $13K; water/sewer $2K; trash fees $3.4K; telephone $3.4K 22,722.76 23,071.20 23,328.70 22,236.69 18,343.91 INSURANCE 25,349.51 Worker's comp $19K; liability $2.7K; vehicle ins $165; property ins & fire fee $3K 28,580.58 28,580.58 31,128.26 28,056.46 23,163.28 379.94 0.00 54.85 0.00 0.00 ADVERTISING & PROMOTION 400.00 Help wanted adds TRAVEL 0.00 70.00 0.00 129.08 0.00 121.41 LICENSES, REGISTRATIONS & SUBCRIPTIONS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CONTRACTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,078.85 1,078.85 0.00 1,078.85 1,605.00 BUILDING & EQUIPMENT RENTAL 5,000.00 Manlift rental CREDIT CARD FEES & BANK FEES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PRINTING & PUBLICATIONS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 199.00 7,650.00 3,364.66 428.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 774,192.50 679,727.53 679,878.08 626,788.47 626,292.76 574,893.95 (774,192.50) (678,171.66) (679,878.08) (626,788.47) (626,292.76) (574,285.06) EQUIPMENT PURCHASES <$5K INTEREST EXPENSE TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES OPERATING INCOME 18,300.00 Fountains at entrance (4) $11K; cable locator $1.5K; sheet metal break $3K PROPOSED DRAFT Jekyll Island Authority -Vehicle & Equipment Maintenance FY2017 Budget Proposed FY2017 Comments Projected FY2016 Budget FY2016 Actual FY2015 Actual FY2014 Actual FY2013 REVENUES GROSS REVENUES COST OF GOODS SOLD NET REVENUE 1,000.00 Sale of scrap metal and equipment 1,000.00 3,000.00 10,011.05 4,876.47 107.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 3,000.00 10,011.05 4,876.47 107.68 391,914.84 392,076.60 334,278.21 355,674.35 359,514.98 EXPENSES PERSONNEL 379,777.16 No changes in personnel in FY17 MOTOR VEHICLE 16,320.00 Fuel & R&M for general fleet vehicles; also includes adjustment for inventory variances 14,822.29 13,970.00 2,227.00 18,680.86 8,351.37 SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 22,490.00 Shop supplies (lubricants ,fittings, oil) $12K; Uniforms $5K; small tools $4.8K 20,046.13 19,955.00 12,087.58 12,380.08 19,265.57 REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 40,204.80 General equipment R&M $17K; oil room roof repair $2.5K; fuel tank inspection $7K; garage maint system $7.2K; 26,996.91 38,502.00 31,195.83 46,034.19 48,483.76 vehicle diagnostic service $1.5K; welding equipment/ tank $1.4K UTILITIES 13,072.73 Electricity $3.9K; water/sewer $4K; trash fees $3.4K; telephone $1.7K; fuel $200 15,176.40 14,526.11 13,584.93 14,935.62 9,987.34 INSURANCE 16,148.85 Worker's comp $12.3K; liability ins $2K; vehicle ins $593; property ins $353; fire fee $1K 16,233.22 16,233.22 21,141.78 14,963.78 12,643.83 47.81 0.00 55.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 21.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.00 0.00 0.00 700.00 0.00 0.00 109.90 375.00 375.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 217.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12,529.62 8,150.00 9,644.71 1,210.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 511,844.11 498,115.82 503,787.93 425,290.61 463,879.43 458,252.85 (510,844.11) (497,115.82) (500,787.93) (415,279.56) (459,002.96) (458,145.17) ADVERTISING & PROMOTION TRAVEL LICENSES, REGISTRATIONS & SUBCRIPTIONS CONTRACTS BUILDING & EQUIPMENT RENTAL CREDIT CARD FEES & BANK FEES PRINTING & PUBLICATIONS EQUIPMENT PURCHASES <$5K INTEREST EXPENSE TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES OPERATING INCOME 55.57 Help wanted ads 400.00 Travel for training classes for staff 1,672.00 Vehicle & equipment training; tag registration for vehicles 0.00 750.00 Rental of car hauler 0.00 200.00 Manuals & publications 20,753.00 Hub dolly, impact wrenches, shop heaters, press, jump pack; tire machine; mig welder; trailer and compressor PROPOSED DRAFT Jekyll Island Authority -Water/Wastewater FY2017 Budget Proposed FY2017 Budget FY2016 Actual FY2015 Actual FY2014 1,206,339.87 1,261,739.42 1,169,087.79 1,056,348.34 912,497.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,270,871.79 1,206,339.87 1,261,739.42 1,169,087.79 1,056,348.34 912,497.40 484,775.69 506,387.29 466,428.10 487,841.89 455,247.95 Comments Projected FY2016 Actual FY2013 REVENUES GROSS REVENUES 1,270,871.79 5% increase in sewer rates; 5% increase in highest 2 rate tiers for water; water $458K, sewer $511K; water test fees $12K, JIA water/sewer usage $289K COST OF GOODS SOLD NET REVENUE EXPENSES PERSONNEL 511,707.90 No personnel changes requested in FY17 MOTOR VEHICLE 12,695.45 Fuel for vehicles & equipment $7K; vehicle R&M $6K (incl paint & repair for Truck 15) 11,807.37 23,208.09 19,137.12 16,964.17 19,085.65 SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 56,674.69 Shop supplies (hydrants, meters, etc) $23K; Chemicals $13K; lab supplies $11K; uniforms $5K 52,552.44 57,218.62 54,125.23 49,527.63 52,995.46 REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 167,347.24 Water tower maint $73K; pump, motor & well R&M $51K; service contracts; general maint 152,265.02 173,937.24 183,596.80 216,224.40 187,279.12 UTILITIES 157,783.81 Electricity $94K; Water/sewer $49K; fuel $9K; telephone $3.4K; trash fees $1.8K 147,322.68 155,619.36 164,422.67 156,883.39 101,226.65 71,370.48 71,370.48 68,459.81 66,636.04 74,871.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.00 146.70 INSURANCE ADVERTISING & PROMOTION 68,610.87 Worker's comp $14K; liability ins $2K; property ins $8.8K; fire fee $44K 0.00 TRAVEL 4,000.00 On call mileage; travel for lab school and conference 1,613.21 2,350.00 1,179.04 982.00 1,286.25 LICENSES, REGISTRATIONS & SUBCRIPTIONS 7,570.00 Conferences, schools, memberships; work order software $2.5K 4,776.00 4,610.00 4,484.88 4,696.64 4,677.94 0.00 0.00 5,363.00 34,084.50 3,925.00 101.20 0.00 101.20 501.20 2,176.90 3,767.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 375.38 0.00 0.00 375.38 0.00 0.00 8,386.36 8,150.00 3,516.09 12,060.03 3,813.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,017,645.54 934,869.25 1,002,952.28 971,589.32 1,048,087.59 908,323.75 8,260.75 4,173.65 CONTRACTS BUILDING & EQUIPMENT RENTAL CREDIT CARD FEES & BANK FEES PRINTING & PUBLICATIONS EQUIPMENT PURCHASES <$5K INTEREST EXPENSE TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES OPERATING INCOME 10,380.00 Republic/Broadhurst $3.3K (sludge disposal); Water/sewer study $6K 20,399.00 2 flow charts; Chlorinator $3K; microscope for lab $2.2K; water meters $8K; welder 253,226.25 Amount set aside for Water/Wastewater reserve funds to be used for future facility & equipment upgrades 271,470.62 258,787.14 197,498.47 PROPOSED DRAFT Jekyll Island Authority -Sanitation FY2017 Budget Proposed FY2017 Comments Projected FY2016 Budget FY2016 Actual FY2015 Actual FY2014 Actual FY2013 REVENUES GROSS REVENUES COST OF GOODS SOLD NET REVENUE 528,868.08 Residential and commercial trash fees $311K; JIA trash fees $218K; no rate increase in FY17 496,224.64 499,018.92 475,244.50 474,363.98 428,218.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 528,868.08 496,224.64 499,018.92 475,244.50 474,363.98 428,218.97 158,015.02 No staff changes recommended in FY17 142,571.82 174,686.31 146,070.86 177,559.02 112,614.95 16,296.40 21,381.59 23,750.60 20,487.77 23,905.03 1,076.49 1,243.43 988.15 1,502.73 2,250.14 770.22 2,400.00 1,067.57 2,332.66 11,187.26 275.88 296.98 295.99 1,192.98 0.00 6,773.72 6,773.70 9,203.44 7,603.68 6,179.64 EXPENSES PERSONNEL MOTOR VEHICLE 17,416.59 Fuel for vehicles and equipment SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 1,166.30 Bathroom/cleaning supplies $1K; small tools $150 REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 2,400.00 General equipment R&M UTILITIES INSURANCE 284.63 Water/sewer 6,583.28 Worker's comp $5.3K; liability ins $736; vehicle ins $578 ADVERTISING & PROMOTION 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TRAVEL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 LICENSES, REGISTRATIONS & SUBCRIPTIONS 0.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 290,247.99 288,302.34 250,311.49 254,157.94 214,382.48 CONTRACTS 288,302.34 Waste Management $208K, dumping fees $46K, landfill grinding $30K BUILDING & EQUIPMENT RENTAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 378.79 CREDIT CARD FEES & BANK FEES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PRINTING & PUBLICATIONS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 EQUIPMENT PURCHASES <$5K 0.00 67.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 INTEREST EXPENSE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 474,168.16 458,083.01 495,084.35 431,688.10 464,836.78 370,898.29 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES OPERATING INCOME 54,699.92 38,141.63 3,934.57 43,556.40 9,527.20 57,320.68 PROPOSED DRAFT Jekyll Island Authority -McCormick's Grill FY2017 Budget Proposed FY2017 Comments Projected FY2016 Budget FY2016 Actual FY2015 Actual FY2014 Actual FY2013 REVENUES GROSS REVENUES 574,218.15 Food sales $443K; alcohol sales $128K; room rental $3.8K 563,021.33 597,680.04 583,495.01 551,607.57 502,097.80 COST OF GOODS SOLD 202,120.49 Cost of food and beverages sold 230,465.11 212,132.72 230,048.70 204,434.76 175,801.17 372,097.66 332,556.22 385,547.32 353,446.31 347,172.81 326,296.63 234,551.05 Changed 1 FT cook position to PT 252,135.91 235,886.02 258,687.02 220,545.84 197,773.61 334.88 354.25 302.33 489.51 404.94 NET REVENUE EXPENSES PERSONNEL MOTOR VEHICLE 302.68 Fuel for beverage cart SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 35,050.00 Bathroom/cleaning supplies $6K; linens $8.4K; food service supplies $18K; uniforms $1.8K 35,170.34 29,181.54 32,794.37 22,696.11 21,169.98 REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 24,001.95 General bldg & equip R&M $4K; service contracts $20K (elevator svc, hood cleaning, A/C, etc) 23,854.03 28,681.95 30,449.94 26,814.67 50,619.27 UTILITIES 47,417.60 Electricity $32K; fuel $6K; water/sewer $6.8K; telephone $1.3K; cable & radio $942 45,254.56 46,394.75 46,475.54 41,860.62 38,175.99 8,365.08 8,365.08 11,198.56 6,709.72 5,186.76 12,352.60 12,133.60 237.56 16.41 193.20 0.00 300.00 0.00 145.60 0.00 229.99 825.00 571.86 200.00 200.00 INSURANCE 6,004.79 Worker's comp $5.3K; liability ins $736 ADVERTISING & PROMOTION 564.00 Marketing allocation eliminated in FY17 TRAVEL 400.00 US Foods show in Daytona 08/16 LICENSES, REGISTRATIONS & SUBCRIPTIONS 825.00 Alcohol licenses; health inspections CONTRACTS 1,200.00 Entertainment for Happy Hour 1,399.00 2,400.00 2,961.11 1,050.00 600.00 BUILDING & EQUIPMENT RENTAL 3,600.00 Booth rental fee for Shrimp & Grits 1,982.89 0.00 0.00 3,551.44 9,346.89 CREDIT CARD FEES & BANK FEES 8,445.03 8,456.80 8,764.87 8,771.77 7,565.14 7,554.57 PRINTING & PUBLICATIONS 2,000.00 Menu printing 900.00 900.00 0.00 917.66 0.00 EQUIPMENT PURCHASES <$5K 1,650.00 Vacuum cleaners $450; replace grill $1.2K 635.99 1,450.00 467.60 863.37 1,887.87 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 366,012.10 391,072.07 375,637.06 392,917.66 333,426.09 333,113.08 INTEREST EXPENSE TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES OPERATING INCOME 6,085.56 (58,515.85) 9,910.26 (39,471.35) 13,746.72 (6,816.45) PROPOSED DRAFT Jekyll Island Authority - Convention Center FY2017 Budget Proposed FY2017 Comments Projected FY2016 Budget FY2016 Actual FY2015 Actual FY2014 Actual FY2013 3,145,665.62 2,354,656.00 2,585,101.04 2,323,282.90 1,878,146.56 335,157.30 237,682.00 282,813.02 260,488.16 249,725.50 2,810,508.32 2,116,974.00 2,302,288.02 2,062,794.74 1,628,421.06 139,693.84 120,000.00 121,598.38 89,920.73 80,618.23 811.81 1,100.00 995.60 1,232.55 388.05 92,150.45 98,000.00 76,374.48 104,213.84 99,987.22 106,448.62 117,448.00 99,957.60 88,221.64 63,037.45 REVENUES GROSS REVENUES 2,871,428.00 Based on actual bookings plus estimated pickup business; food $1.5M, alcohol $140K, room rental $564K, service charge $329K, equipment rental $164K, picnic grounds rental $24K COST OF GOODS SOLD NET REVENUE 336,907.69 Cost of food and alcohol sold 2,534,520.31 EXPENSES PERSONNEL MOTOR VEHICLE SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 160,000.00 Temp staffing service labor - all other labor is under contract expenses 874.00 Fuel & repair for box truck 83,850.00 Food supplies $30K; linens $20K; bathroom/cleaning supplies $18K; christmas décor $5K; uniforms $6.5K; flags $1K; small tools $1K; office supplies & postage $2.3K REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 126,240.00 General bldg R&M $44K; bldg supplies $12K; Equipment R&M $10K; window cleaning $12K; A/C maint $38K; pest control; plant maint UTILITIES 319,544.37 Electricity $252K; fuel $12K; water/sewer $4K; trash $16K; internet $13K; telephone $23K 319,346.94 296,922.33 290,885.00 271,608.49 317,464.74 INSURANCE 205,851.72 Building ins $21K; general liability ins $52K; fire fee $132K 202,446.04 191,431.06 184,583.78 154,694.82 130,435.52 200.00 Help wanted ads; Marketing fee eliminated in FY17 47,140.12 50,193.12 167.84 250.96 1,835.76 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9,974.00 10,249.00 11,406.00 1,339.00 6,394.00 1,441,033.38 1,486,603.00 1,268,936.29 1,241,109.14 1,317,944.89 ADVERTISING & PROMOTION TRAVEL LICENSES, REGISTRATIONS & SUBCRIPTIONS CONTRACTS 0.00 SMG travel is included in contract expenses 13,345.00 Software licensing $8.4K; health inspections; alcohol license; organizational memberships 1,566,796.03 Contract fee $121K; SMG staff, benefits and travel expenses $1.4M; payroll processing $6.5K BUILDING & EQUIPMENT RENTAL 9,080.00 Copier, manlift, Ecolab (dishwasher) rental 8,254.41 6,396.00 6,755.04 0.00 6,166.14 CREDIT CARD FEES & BANK FEES 9,539.00 Credit card processing fees 9,464.91 7,800.00 7,675.55 4,901.80 7,237.00 219.21 504.00 449.60 705.03 0.00 12,687.92 9,700.00 8,782.60 3,500.98 37,711.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,500,220.12 2,389,671.65 2,396,346.51 2,078,567.76 1,961,698.98 2,069,220.04 PRINTING & PUBLICATIONS EQUIPMENT PURCHASES <$5K INTEREST EXPENSE TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES OPERATING INCOME 200.00 Misc printing 4,700.00 General small equipment replacement 34,300.19 420,836.67 (279,372.51) 223,720.26 101,095.76 (440,798.98) PROPOSED DRAFT Jekyll Island Authority - Tennis FY2017 Budget Proposed FY2017 Comments Projected FY2016 Budget FY2016 Actual FY2015 Actual FY2014 Actual FY2013 REVENUES GROSS REVENUES 75,240.09 Tennis fees $18K; Concession sales $19K; tournaments $11K; lessons $12K; summer camp $9.4K; tennis 79,524.46 82,633.47 71,615.04 67,620.10 62,014.68 11,133.11 Cost of merchandise sold 10,476.54 9,630.13 11,073.29 11,043.80 10,444.59 64,106.98 69,047.92 73,003.34 60,541.75 56,576.30 51,570.09 104,960.95 115,857.11 92,780.58 86,422.71 76,077.65 45.12 72.00 8.34 0.00 0.00 14,197.62 9,270.69 8,383.92 11,815.11 12,918.85 1,736.06 2,762.84 2,950.88 2,112.35 2,764.25 14,367.65 12,850.52 15,547.70 13,241.90 8,341.65 3,661.73 3,661.73 4,344.47 3,777.59 3,094.53 1,652.67 1,652.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 534.00 522.00 522.00 562.00 512.00 38.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 400.00 480.00 280.00 0.00 0.00 1,043.67 626.69 795.64 654.05 594.11 59.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,900.90 900.00 1,382.27 (409.00) 1,905.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 164,745.96 144,597.57 148,656.25 126,995.80 118,176.71 106,208.08 (100,638.98) (75,549.65) (75,652.91) (66,454.05) (61,600.41) (54,637.99) memberships $6.5K COST OF GOODS SOLD NET REVENUE EXPENSES PERSONNEL MOTOR VEHICLE 110,185.54 Replacing FT Tennis Pro position in FY17; Includes 1 PT court maintenance person 60.00 Fuel for court equipment SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 14,267.90 Tournament expenses $8.8K; camp expenses $3K; recreation supplies $1.4K (nets, balls) REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 16,538.50 Tennis shop renovation $5K; fence repair & wind screens $9.7K; general R&M UTILITIES 17,548.85 Electricity $4.4K; water/sewer $8.5K; trash fees $2.2K; telephone $1.6K; internet INSURANCE 3,572.03 Worker's comp $1.6K; liability ins $282; property ins $218; fire fees $1.4K ADVERTISING & PROMOTION 0.00 Marketing allocation eliminated in FY17 TRAVEL 0.00 LICENSES, REGISTRATIONS & SUBCRIPTIONS 522.00 USTA dues; USPTA dues; tournament sanction fees CONTRACTS 0.00 BUILDING & EQUIPMENT RENTAL 0.00 POS software rental eliminated CREDIT CARD FEES & BANK FEES PRINTING & PUBLICATIONS EQUIPMENT PURCHASES <$5K INTEREST EXPENSE TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES OPERATING INCOME 1,091.94 Credit card processing fee 59.20 Misc printing 900.00 Poles for nets; trash cans; water coolers; benches PROPOSED DRAFT Jekyll Island Authority - Mini-Golf, Bikes Playground & Skating Rink FY2017 Budget Proposed FY2017 Comments Projected FY2016 Budget FY2016 Actual FY2015 Actual FY2014 Actual FY2013 REVENUES GROSS REVENUES 356,597.98 Admission fees $187K (mini-golf & skating fees); bike rentals $136K; Concession sales $22K; skating rink revenue in 357,967.98 302,149.36 288,746.11 293,268.74 270,681.61 6,833.08 8,439.08 9,499.07 7,801.53 7,485.89 351,134.90 293,710.28 279,247.04 285,467.21 263,195.72 64,861.03 72,215.72 50,554.11 51,615.61 53,147.38 133.18 117.08 157.90 0.00 0.00 6,100.02 3,273.60 3,257.93 3,849.76 2,298.56 4,000.63 5,385.50 47,272.58 12,294.51 2,688.04 7,795.31 8,124.82 8,006.68 8,488.67 6,741.62 874.77 874.77 874.77 874.77 885.53 9,827.93 6,042.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 FY16= $55K; expecting similar renenue in FY17 COST OF GOODS SOLD NET REVENUE 10,305.72 Cost of merchandise sold (Dippin Dots, water, gatorade) 346,292.26 EXPENSES PERSONNEL MOTOR VEHICLE SUPPLIES & MATERIALS REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE UTILITIES INSURANCE 90,014.97 PT labor supervised by Assistant Golf Pro; includes labor for skating rink 50.00 Fuel for blowers 5,753.92 Recreational supplies (putters, balls, skates) $3.9K; uniforms; small tools; bathroom supplies 16,585.50 Specialized mulch to improve ADA access in playground $14K; general R&M; FY15 = carpet 9,642.65 Electricity $3.4K; water/sewer $1.8K; trash fees $3K; internet $1K; telephone $443 874.75 Property ins $128; fire fee $747 ADVERTISING & PROMOTION 0.00 Skating rink advertising; Marketing allocation discontinued in FY17 TRAVEL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 LICENSES, REGISTRATIONS & SUBCRIPTIONS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CONTRACTS 0.00 0.00 12,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 BUILDING & EQUIPMENT RENTAL 0.00 POS rental eliminated in FY17 485.00 456.00 841.52 280.00 0.00 CREDIT CARD FEES & BANK FEES 6,267.39 Credit card processing fees 5,963.14 4,525.21 5,061.23 3,902.91 3,815.92 PRINTING & PUBLICATIONS 2,715.79 Bike forms, score cards 2,582.29 256.00 546.00 696.00 1,123.00 12,535.52 10,000.00 5,048.75 2,081.66 6,916.69 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 148,204.97 115,158.82 123,271.63 121,621.47 84,083.89 77,616.74 EQUIPMENT PURCHASES <$5K INTEREST EXPENSE TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES OPERATING INCOME 16,300.00 Bikes & beach wheelchair $8.3K; expand skating rink $8K; FY16 = mat system & bikes 198,087.29 235,976.08 170,438.65 157,625.57 201,383.32 185,578.98 PROPOSED DRAFT Jekyll Island Authority - Summer Waves FY2017 Budget Proposed FY2017 Comments Projected FY2016 Budget FY2016 Actual FY2015 Actual FY2014 Actual FY2013 2,107,831.68 1,966,111.17 2,070,555.19 2,029,535.25 1,856,584.00 80,884.17 63,460.58 51,162.81 46,077.52 43,204.23 2,026,947.51 1,902,650.59 2,019,392.38 1,983,457.73 1,813,379.77 471,002.40 457,727.31 455,745.23 457,019.76 406,080.61 1,834.43 2,251.06 1,668.43 1,775.21 1,614.29 102,094.63 105,313.35 112,380.40 107,992.83 102,538.44 145,232.67 172,004.64 131,654.09 109,177.16 113,164.40 189,938.58 195,939.04 196,671.26 186,052.51 209,371.33 11,244.94 11,244.94 10,570.42 9,444.30 8,639.79 96,121.56 90,974.56 86,886.67 89,481.00 117,686.91 907.69 1,000.00 290.36 152.32 1,177.39 307.00 750.00 918.48 1,489.90 930.00 REVENUES GROSS REVENUES COST OF GOODS SOLD NET REVENUE 2,115,093.79 Admission fees $1.5M; Annual passes $114K; Concession sales $140K; locker rental $136K 69,243.62 Cost of merchandise sold 2,045,850.17 EXPENSES PERSONNEL MOTOR VEHICLE SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 521,012.39 Seasonal staff $320K; GSP and temp service labor $14K 1,828.03 Fuel for pumps and equipment 111,000.00 Chemicals for pools $55K; bathroom/cleaning supplies $8K; waterpark supplies (life jackets, tubes, rescue tubes) $14.5K; Uniforms $10K; office supplies $4.3K REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 191,923.36 General park maint $39K; slide maint $40K; roof $25K; blower room wall $25K; equipment, pump and motor repair $34K; service contracts $9K (ASCAP, A/C svc; pest control) UTILITIES INSURANCE ADVERTISING & PROMOTION TRAVEL LICENSES, REGISTRATIONS & SUBCRIPTIONS 197,256.76 Electricity $137K; water $40K; trash fees $15K; internet $2.6K; telephone $1.8K 10,975.94 Worker's comp $53K; liability ins $736; property ins $812; fire fee $4K 0.00 Marketing allocation eliminated in FY17 2,000.00 IAAPA show in Orlando 750.00 Health & ride inspections CONTRACTS 76,375.00 General Manager contract; aerobics instructor 80,548.35 72,800.00 70,957.19 69,093.68 70,071.63 BUILDING & EQUIPMENT RENTAL 12,544.30 Copier $250/mo; heavy equipment for repairs 13,777.40 12,036.00 16,387.71 14,793.49 11,585.22 CREDIT CARD FEES & BANK FEES 20,326.56 Credit card processing fees 19,621.33 18,504.81 18,862.63 16,214.73 15,318.57 3,169.93 1,976.93 5,434.10 3,733.93 1,465.00 7,110.93 7,900.00 19,620.54 1,407.60 14,156.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,170,885.34 1,142,911.84 1,150,422.64 1,128,047.51 1,067,828.42 1,073,799.90 PRINTING & PUBLICATIONS EQUIPMENT PURCHASES <$5K INTEREST EXPENSE TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES OPERATING INCOME 6,893.00 Tickets; handouts 18,000.00 Chlorine injector pump $1K; pool vacuum $2K; tables $5K; exhaust fans $7.5K; motor $2.5K 874,964.83 884,035.67 752,227.95 891,344.87 915,629.31 739,579.87 PROPOSED DRAFT Jekyll Island Authority - Campground FY2017 Budget Proposed FY2017 Budget FY2016 Actual FY2015 Actual FY2014 Actual FY2013 1,296,891.08 1,253,365.29 1,205,895.55 1,257,576.35 1,164,803.67 66,719.42 57,125.00 55,854.61 59,353.76 50,802.00 1,230,171.66 1,196,240.29 1,150,040.94 1,198,222.59 1,114,001.67 232,828.76 No changes in personnel requested in FY17 209,487.63 217,650.59 203,593.59 196,142.66 190,133.29 1,804.28 Fuel and general R&M for golf cart and ATV 2,034.05 2,583.92 2,548.29 2,791.59 3,570.61 40,285.04 28,285.16 29,277.71 19,766.46 22,854.53 23,807.83 51,435.00 26,383.95 18,814.80 14,343.03 199,966.47 205,380.12 205,145.53 193,211.17 208,962.61 7,055.47 7,041.82 9,166.90 7,477.74 6,000.26 30,807.24 28,792.31 4,851.14 4,299.00 4,897.22 Comments Projected FY2016 REVENUES GROSS REVENUES COST OF GOODS SOLD NET REVENUE 1,288,851.96 Site rental $1.1M; Concession sales $123K; Propane sales $15K; washing machines $11K 69,637.56 Cost of merchandise and propane sold 1,219,214.40 EXPENSES PERSONNEL MOTOR VEHICLE SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 34,978.75 Bathroom/cleaning supplies $9.9K; Office supplies $8.8K; shop supplies $5.6K; recreation supplies $2K; shipping for trade shows $3K; uniforms $1.6K REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 89,990.00 Roof $6.8K; community room completion $12.8K; renovate sites $20K; road improvements $25K; general R&M; pest control; A/C maint UTILITIES 204,075.09 Electricity $124K; water/sewer $21K; trash fees $17K; internet & cable $37K; telephone $2K INSURANCE 6,900.29 Worker's comp $5.3K; liability ins $736; property ins $255; fire fee $641 ADVERTISING & PROMOTION 6,176.52 Help wanted ads $1.5K; signs, promo items and expense for helpers at RV rallies $4.7K; Marketing fee eliminated FY17 TRAVEL 3,600.00 Travel for RV shows 5,102.95 6,300.00 8,002.75 5,711.75 10,008.64 LICENSES, REGISTRATIONS & SUBCRIPTIONS 3,000.00 Registration for RV shows 2,143.36 3,000.00 7,024.22 6,069.90 4,581.67 CONTRACTS 9,620.00 Stump grinding, high risk tree trimming $5K; Waste Management $5K 23,855.71 14,620.00 14,720.21 12,251.82 16,299.62 BUILDING & EQUIPMENT RENTAL 2,937.69 Ranger rental $139.86; requesting additional ranger in October when contract is renewed 3,544.97 4,515.97 4,746.24 2,834.39 3,085.72 23,505.73 21,641.90 21,156.17 23,016.27 21,726.57 CREDIT CARD FEES & BANK FEES 22,204.82 Credit card processing fees PRINTING & PUBLICATIONS 10,589.79 Marketing team/Good Sam publication $9K 1,797.07 1,072.39 1,221.82 1,072.76 465.69 EQUIPMENT PURCHASES <$5K 16,500.00 Fire rings & bikes $3K; Wi-fi upgrade $13.5K 7,494.54 3,300.00 3,568.05 2,208.33 3,145.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 645,205.99 580,888.06 595,619.18 541,406.57 495,668.64 510,074.93 INTEREST EXPENSE TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES OPERATING INCOME 574,008.41 649,283.60 600,621.11 608,634.37 702,553.95 603,926.74 PROPOSED DRAFT Jekyll Island Authority - Golf FY2017 Budget Proposed FY2017 Budget FY2016 Actual FY2015 Actual FY2014 Actual FY2013 2,081,644.60 2,062,838.12 1,865,024.22 1,685,305.76 1,598,118.63 209,232.87 217,200.00 219,248.84 135,375.42 0.00 1,928,013.23 1,872,411.73 1,845,638.12 1,645,775.38 1,549,930.34 1,598,118.63 1,271,732.84 No personnel changes requested in FY17 1,197,901.65 1,204,572.65 1,155,978.02 1,098,465.33 1,088,909.38 39,885.21 52,491.88 44,559.71 58,176.90 54,867.48 494,230.10 514,707.76 583,444.89 545,881.93 529,451.54 159,012.80 97,235.80 128,256.83 165,158.92 94,289.81 118,947.83 136,247.47 135,267.89 123,304.17 106,607.48 67,824.61 68,694.71 84,526.85 70,922.03 65,114.96 46,249.76 41,256.76 20,069.84 16,523.45 21,405.23 Comments Projected FY2016 REVENUES GROSS REVENUES 2,145,213.23 Greens fees & Carts $1.04M; memberships $355K; concession sales $362K; golf card sales $215K; tournaments $103K; lessons $13.5K COST OF GOODS SOLD NET REVENUE 217,200.00 Cost of merchandise sold EXPENSES PERSONNEL MOTOR VEHICLE SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 34,810.54 Fuel for maintenance equipment 590,021.37 Chemicals/fertilizers $387K; irrigation supplies $37K; golf course supplies $29K (flags, cups, range balls, rakes); sand/soil $43K; plants/seeds $51.5K; uniforms $18K REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 82,775.60 Cart path repairs $17K; Equipment R&M $47K; general bldg maint $10.6K; service contracts $8K (A/C maint, pest control, waste2water) UTILITIES INSURANCE ADVERTISING & PROMOTION 120,659.53 Electricity $85K; water/sewer $18K; trash fees $12K; cable $3K; telephone $3.7K 70,388.04 Worker's comp $37K; liability ins $24.8K (incl golf cart & equipment liability ins); property ins $2.4K; fire fee $6.3K 0.00 Marketing fee eliminated in FY17 TRAVEL 4,000.00 PGA show; National conference; regional meeting 1,091.63 1,470.00 2,791.97 794.50 675.96 LICENSES, REGISTRATIONS & SUBCRIPTIONS 4,756.00 PGA show; PGA dues; US Golf Association; meeting registrations 4,201.00 4,736.00 4,739.16 3,634.60 2,556.00 44,800.50 47,250.00 76,148.84 32,767.80 40,207.23 187,948.40 193,059.63 195,348.76 169,665.23 168,817.75 28,557.72 25,870.40 29,279.96 24,297.15 25,441.10 7,555.92 2,684.14 2,227.45 4,020.69 5,658.42 22,280.18 20,570.00 11,876.20 11,401.27 6,244.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,554,538.16 2,420,487.31 2,410,847.20 2,474,516.37 2,325,013.97 2,210,247.30 (626,524.93) (548,075.58) (565,209.08) (828,740.99) (775,083.63) (612,128.67) CONTRACTS 11,975.00 Pond maint moved to conservation dept in FY17; stump grinding/tree work $4K; Aeration $4.1K; USGA Turf Advisory $2K BUILDING & EQUIPMENT RENTAL CREDIT CARD FEES & BANK FEES PRINTING & PUBLICATIONS EQUIPMENT PURCHASES <$5K INTEREST EXPENSE TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES OPERATING INCOME 308,688.24 Copier rental $2.4K; new golf cart lease in Oct; golf maint equipment lease added 5/16 30,988.27 Credit card processing fees 6,942.73 Golf cards; tickets, scorecards 16,800.00 Rental clubs and pull carts $6K; trailer for aerifiers $2.5K; range ball machine $7.1K MEMORANDUM TO: FINANCE COMMITTEE FROM: DANIEL STROWE SUBJECT: SUMMARY OF ASSIGNMENT OF JEKYLL BEVERAGE CENTER DATE: 6/15/2016 Assignor: Jekyll Beverage Center, Inc. Assignee: Jekyll Package Store, Inc. Address: 31 Main Street, Suite 103 Jekyll Island, GA 31527 Use of Premises: Retail sale of alcoholic beverages and other such beverages, mixers, garnishments, merchandise and related sundries, as permitted by Georgia law. Purpose: Previously, the Board approved of the change in the structure of ownership of Jekyll Beverage Center, Inc. Specifically, Andrew G. Taylor, as buyer, and Kathyn M. Norris, CEO of Jekyll Beverage Center, Inc., as seller, entered into an agreement in which Mr. Taylor purchased all of the equity interests and assets of Jekyll Beverage Center, Inc. Following the sale, Mr. Taylor was required by the Georgia Department of Revenue to form a new entity Jekyll Package Store, Inc. in order to apply for and obtain the appropriate, permanent liquor license. As such, it is recommended that the Board vote to approve the assignment of the Lease Agreement from Jekyll Beverage Center, Inc. to Jekyll Package Store, Inc. MEMORANDUM TO: FINANCE COMMITTEE FROM: DANIEL STROWE SUBJECT: SUMMARY OF PROPOSED CLUB HOTEL LEASE ASSIGNEMENT AND AMENDMENT DATE: 6/15/2016 PROPOSED LEASE SUMMARY TRADE NAME: Jekyll Island Club Hotel ASSIGNOR: Jekyll Landmark Associates, LLC ASSIGNEE: JIC Hotel Property Owner, LLC Land Site: All Jekyll Island Club Hotel properties and facilities consisting of approximately 19.454 acres Purpose: • An affiliate of Northview Hotel Group (“Northview”) has entered into negotiations with Leon N. Weiner & Associates (“LNWA”) to form a joint venture, JIC Hotel Property Owner, LLC (“JIC Hotel”), to acquire an equity stake in the leasehold interests of the properties commonly referred to as the Jekyll Island Club Hotel (“Club Hotel”). Northview will acquire a two-thirds equity stake in the property, manage day-to-day operations, and oversee all capital projects. As part of this transaction, Northview intends to invest approximately $7,000,000 in renovations of the properties. • This joint venture proposal is contingent upon approval by the JIA Board of a proposed Assignment and Assumption of Lease Agreement and a Seventh Amendment to the Revised and Restated Lease Agreement currently governing the Club Hotel. Assignment and Assumption of the Lease: • Upon approval, Jekyll Landmark Associates, LLC will assign all of its rights and interests in the Lease Agreement governing the Club Hotel to JIC Hotel Property Owner, LLC, who will assume and agree to perform and observe all the covenant and conditions of the Lease Agreement subject to any amendments contained in the proposed Seventh Amendment to the Lease Agreement. Seventh Amendment to the Revised and Restated Lease Agreement: • All terms and conditions of the Lease Agreement governing the Club Hotel shall remain unchanged except for the following amendments: o Rent: Lessee shall pay to Lessor a sum equal to three percent (3%) of the annual Gross Income to Lessee up to $23,500,000, and three and one half percent (3.5%) of the annual Gross Income to Lessee in excess of $23,500,000. o Reserve Account: Lessee’s obligation to maintain a reserve account shall be reduced from six percent (6%) of Lessee’s Gross Income to four percent (4%) of Lessee’s Gross Income. o Mortgage of the Leasehold: Restrictions upon the use of the proceeds of a mortgage shall be revised to allow greater use of the proceeds by Lessee as such proceeds are the property of the Lessee. • Additionally, it is anticipated that in due time, the parties will draft a revised and restated lease to govern all Club Hotel properties for purposes of clarity in light of the numerous amendments to the original lease. 2 JEKYLL ISLAND-STATE PARK AUTHORITY POLICY MANUAL Section: Human Resources Standards of Practice Section: 3.5 Effective Date: Subject: Employee Training and Development, Transfers and Promotions Original Date: 4/1/00 Revision Dates: 5/25/81 STANDARD Employees are encouraged to pursue career growth opportunities. Employee development opportunities provide for upward mobility and lateral movement to regular employees as vacancies become available. PRACTICE GUIDELINES 1. Consideration of Current Employees: Whenever possible, vacancies should be filled by promotion or transfer from among the qualified eligible regular employees within a department or within the Authority organization. In all cases, the most qualified person shall be selected for the position, based on objective job-related criteria. The selected person must meet the documented minimum qualifications for the position (see 3.1 Recruitment and Selection). a. Eligibility for Transfer/Promotion: An employee who has successfully completed the introductory period may apply for a transfer or promotion. Managers may waive the requirement for completion of the introductory period for promotion or transfer within the respective department, or when it is in the best interest of the organization and the employee, with the support of the Director of Human Resources and the approval of the Senior Director. b. How to Apply: An employee interested in a position listed on a job posting must apply for the position by submitting an application with required documents through the required method of application (website or employee portal), by the established closing date. Applications must provide complete information regarding the employee’s jobrelated experience, training, and education. 2. Training and Development: Regular full and part time employees are eligible to participate in job-related training and development programs. Programs may take place through on the job training, external continuing education and electronically through JIA’s learning management system. 3. On the Job Training: Department managers and/or supervisors will provide adequate on the job training for new and existing employees such that skill levels continually improve. Employees are required to participate in mandatory training such as new hire orientation, safety, job specific training as well as job related training assigned by their supervisor and/or training coordinator. Failure to complete mandatory training will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment. 1 JEKYLL ISLAND-STATE PARK AUTHORITY POLICY MANUAL Section: Human Resources Standards of Practice Section: 3.5 Effective Date: Subject: Employee Training and Development, Transfers and Promotions Original Date: 4/1/00 Revision Dates: 5/25/81 4. External Continuing Education: Employees are encouraged to pursue continuing education through certifications, seminars, workshops etc. related to the employee’s current position or in preparation for a related promotion. a. Covered expenses for continuing education opportunities is limited to departmental budgets and needs. b. Continuing Education expenses must be approved by the employee’s immediate supervisor prior to enrollment. Employees should be prepared to show the jobrelatedness of the training, the cost and the anticipated benefit to JIA. c. Costs of certification, licenses and training courses that require a passing grade to complete must be paid by the employee and will be reimbursed by JIA upon receiving a passing grade for the course. Employee is required to submit receipts, including passing grade documentation to receive reimbursement. *Fees associated with courses and testing that result in a non-passing grade will not be reimbursed. d. Expenses for continuing education courses (included related travel costs) that do not require a passing grade to complete may be paid directly by JIA or paid by the employee and then reimbursed by JIA (subject to items (a) and (b), above). e. Association dues and license renewals may be paid directly by JIA f. Optional fees such as donations, lobbying fees and insurance related to licenses, certifications, association memberships or continuing education will not be paid by JIA or reimbursed by JIA. g. Employee is required to submit receipts, including passing grade documentation to receive reimbursement. h. Employees who receive reimbursement or expenses paid for continuing education, certification, and/or licensing that terminate employment within six (6) months will be required to repay reimbursement and/or expenses paid, subject to proration. 5. Learning Management System (LMS): The JIA’s learning management system provides an opportunity for employees to access required training as well as resources for additional learning and development. In addition to assigned training, employees are encouraged to explore the LMS for topics and resources to improve their skills. 6. Commercial Driver’s License (CDL): Regular, full-time employees are eligible to receive reimbursement for obtaining a CDL license, either Class A or Class B, providing a CDL license is related to the employee’s current position and the employee receives prior approval from their immediate supervisor. *Reimbursement is limited to the fees associated with application, 2 JEKYLL ISLAND-STATE PARK AUTHORITY POLICY MANUAL Section: Human Resources Standards of Practice Section: 3.5 Effective Date: Subject: Employee Training and Development, Transfers and Promotions Original Date: 4/1/00 Revision Dates: 5/25/81 written exam, and road testing of passing/completion of CDL. Expenses related to maintaining CDL is the responsibility of the employee. For additional information or assistance, please contact the JIA Human Resources Office. ******************************* 3 JEKYLL ISLAND-STATE PARK AUTHORITY POLICY MANUAL Section: Human Resources Standards of Practice Section: 4.1 Effective Date: Subject: Attendance and Hours Worked Original Date: 5/25/81 Revision Dates: 4/25/83, 8/28/89, 4/5/93, 4/1/00 STANDARD Each job plays a critical role within each work team and in the overall organizational pursuit of the mission and vision. All employees are expected to report to work promptly such that they are prepared to begin work at the scheduled time. Each employee should recognize that deviations from working as scheduled disrupts fellow employees and creates a hardship on the department. PRACTICE GUIDELINES 1. The Work Week: The standard work week shall be from 12:01 a.m. Friday until 12:00 p.m. midnight on Thursday, a time span of seven (7) consecutive twenty-four (24) hour periods. 2. Administrative Standard Business Hours: For administrative offices and staff, standard business hours shall be from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. with one hour for lunch. Full-time administrative employees normally work five (5) eight (8) hour days per week, Monday through Friday. Business demands may require alterations to this standard as directed by the department manager. Employees are expected to work the hours necessary to achieve department / organization goals. 3. Field and Service Operations: Many employees shall work hours that differ from the administrative standard business hours. This is necessary to best serve the customers and deliver services. Each department manager, with the approval of the Senior Director will set and enforce work hours within each department. 4. Alternate Work Schedules: When the activities of a particular department require some other schedule to meet work needs, the Executive Director or Senior Director may authorize a deviation from the standard work schedule. 5. Training and Travel Time: Time spent in required professional or technical training seminars shall be counted as time worked. The employee shall be paid for travel time which occurs during the employee’s regular working hours. Travel time pay will be followed in accordance with provisions set forth in the FLSA, as amended. 1 JEKYLL ISLAND-STATE PARK AUTHORITY POLICY MANUAL Section: Human Resources Standards of Practice Section: 4.1 Effective Date: Subject: Attendance and Hours Worked Original Date: 5/25/81 Revision Dates: 4/25/83, 8/28/89, 4/5/93, 4/1/00 6. Overtime: In keeping with the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), each Manager shall have the responsibility of controlling overtime in each department. Overtime is neither desired nor expected on a regular basis. However, during peak periods when overtime becomes necessary, it should be distributed as equally as possible among qualified employees in the same classifications, department and shift without regard to age, sex, color, creed, religion, national origin, or physical handicap. a. Supervisors shall arrange the work schedules of their employees to accomplish the required work within the standard workday. Overtime work shall be considered work performed by a non-exempt employee when hours physically exceed the established work week. b. Sick leave, annual leave or leave without pay does not count as hours worked for purposes of overtime computations. c. Holidays do not count as hours worked for the purposes of overtime computations. For example, if an employee works 37 hours in a work week with a holiday, the employee would be paid straight time for 37 hours plus straight time for 8 hours holiday pay. d. Non-exempt employees, except Fire employees, required to work overtime will be compensated at the rate of 1 ½ times the regular rate of pay for hours worked over 40 per week. Non-exempt Fire employees (non-administration) will be compensated at the rate of 1 ½ times the regular rate of pay for hours worked over 53 per week. e. Overtime work must be approved by and directed by the Manager prior to the time it is worked. Unapproved work performed during non-work hours, including time prior to the start of the work day, during the lunch period, and after the work day has concluded, including taking work home, is prohibited and subject to disciplinary action. f. Employees whose position meet the exempt qualifications set forth in the FLSA are exempt from overtime requirements. 7. Flex Time: Supervisors are encouraged to utilize flex time, whenever possible, to avoid incurring overtime expense while meeting critical departmental work demands. Flex time is at the discretion of the manager and is permitted only within the current, work week. Carrying forward hours and/or minutes from one work week to the next is not permitted. 8. Compensatory Time: Exempt employees, as defined by the FLSA, will be eligible to accrue compensatory time for hours worked in excess of 40 in the identified workweek. a. Compensatory time may be accrued up to 80 hours and used as paid time off at a later date. 2 JEKYLL ISLAND-STATE PARK AUTHORITY POLICY MANUAL Section: Human Resources Standards of Practice Section: 4.1 Effective Date: Subject: Attendance and Hours Worked Original Date: 5/25/81 Revision Dates: 4/25/83, 8/28/89, 4/5/93, 4/1/00 b. Compensatory time has no financial value and is not paid out in any event of separation of employment including retirement. c. Non-exempt employees, as defined by the FLSA, are not eligible to receive compensatory time for any reason. 9. Notification: a. If an employee must be absent from work, the employee must notify their immediate supervisor no later than the start of their scheduled shift. If possible, the employee should notify the supervisor before starting time, or as soon as he/she knows he/she is not able to report to work. The employee is expected to notify the immediate supervisor directly each day of absence. b. Employees must notify their immediate supervisor, as soon as it is known, if he/she will be tardy. Such notifications help the supervisor in the difficult and time consuming task of finding a replacement or in rescheduling work, as necessary. c. Nothing in Standards or Guidelines precludes Managers from developing operating procedures for greater advance notification of absence in order to secure departmental needs. d. Tardiness and absenteeism interfere with department objectives and may result in disciplinary action. e. Unauthorized or unreported absence shall be considered absence without leave, and deduction of pay shall be made for periods of absence in accordance with FLSA. f. Employees who take unauthorized or unreported leave the day before or the day after a holiday will not be paid for the holiday. g. Three (3) consecutive scheduled days of absence without authorized leave may be considered a resignation from employment without notice. Employees in such cases will be removed from the payroll and employment will be terminated. 10. Inclement Weather: In situations involving inclement weather, ice or snow storms, hurricanes, or other unusual conditions affecting all or a majority of Authority departments and/or operation, it is incumbent upon the Managers to ensure that their department is opened to the public at the usual time unless the Manager has received prior notification to the contrary from the Executive Director or designee’s office. a. Departments shall remain open for the full scheduled work shift unless authorization for late start-up or early closing or other deviation is received from the Executive Director or designee’s office. Sufficient notice will be given in either event. b. Employees who voluntarily leave work before an official early closing time has been announced or arrive later than start time will be required to use earned annual leave, 3 JEKYLL ISLAND-STATE PARK AUTHORITY POLICY MANUAL Section: Human Resources Standards of Practice Section: 4.1 Effective Date: Subject: Attendance and Hours Worked Original Date: 5/25/81 Revision Dates: 4/25/83, 8/28/89, 4/5/93, 4/1/00 compensatory time or time without pay. Employees must properly notify immediate supervisors of their need to leave and obtain approval. c. Employees on a regular day off or otherwise not affected when their office or workplace closed because of severe weather conditions will not receive additional time off or other considerations because of the closing. d. Periodically, employees may be unable to perform their daily tasks due to severe weather affecting their workplace. Effort will be made to find an alternative job task for regular full time staff members so that wages will not be lost. Part time and temporary staff members will normally be released for the day, without pay, if there is not work to be done. 11. Timekeeping requirements: All JIA employees are required to record, for each applicable day, all hours and minutes worked. JIA will provide time clocks and associated software/hardware for use in reporting hours worked to ensure accurate record of attendance and proper payment for hours worked. Time and pay records will be retained for no less than three (3) years in accordance with the FLSA. 12. Clocking in and out: All JIA employees are responsible for clocking in and out at each starting and stopping time during work hours. This includes at the beginning and end of the work day and when leaving the work site for lunch or other personal breaks lasting more than 15 minutes or when leaving the work site on personal business regardless of length of break. 13. Non-exempt Employees: Employees whose positions are classified as non-exempt are: a) Expected to clock in no later than the beginning of their shift/day and clock out no later than ten minutes after the end of the shift/day. Employees must receive approval from their supervisor to clock in more than 10 minutes prior to the start of the shift/day. b) Expected to be at the work site, clocked in and ready to being work at their scheduled time. Any work related preparation, such as pre-work briefing, work assignments, equipment checks, tool gathering, etc. is considered hours worked. Personal preparation, such as eating breakfast is not considered hours worked. Arrival after the scheduled start time shall be considered late. c) Not to work before or after scheduled work times, during the lunch break or take work home without prior approval from their immediate supervisor. d) Not to clock out for regular short work breaks lasting 15 minutes or less. In the event an employee needs more than a 15 minute break to conduct personal business, or leaves the work site during a break to conduct personal business, the employee must first get permission from the supervisor, and then clock out/in. 4 JEKYLL ISLAND-STATE PARK AUTHORITY POLICY MANUAL Section: Human Resources Standards of Practice Section: 4.1 Effective Date: Subject: Attendance and Hours Worked Original Date: 5/25/81 Revision Dates: 4/25/83, 8/28/89, 4/5/93, 4/1/00 e) Not to perform work without being clocked in, supervisors may not ask or require employees to work without being clocked in. f) Employees must notify supervisors immediately if they are unable to clock in/out or if they fail to clock in/out for any reason. COMPLIANCE: Employees are required to comply with the guidelines of this policy. Appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment, will be taken against employees who violate the guidelines of this policy. For additional information or assistance, please contact the JIA Human Resources Office. ******************************************** 5 June 16, 2016 Dear Jekyll Island Authority Board Members, Since April 18, we have been involved in due diligence exploration with Mandala Holdings LLC (“Mandala”), the apparent successful proposer for RFP-321 Beach Village Limited Service Hotel. As you know, during this process we uncovered some unusual issues pertaining to the criminal background of Vinay Rama, and we have tried to fully explore this situation. Additionally, we have met with team members from Mandala to review their site concept, and to recommend appropriate revisions. Even though the Mandala proposal scored high and had many attributes, during our discussions and communications, we have been emphatic that a comprehensive and committed financial package would be essential to move their project forward. In recent correspondence, I continued to stress how important it was for us to receive written evidence of a strong financial commitment, availability of funds, and construction capability to secure JIA Board approval. Late Friday afternoon, June 10, Lee Babcock, Chief Financial Officer of Mandala Holdings, had a telephone conference with Jim Broadwell and me to inform us that even though Mandala has enough financial resources to continue with the design and development phase of the project, their plan to secure additional money from the Rama family did not materialize. Consequently, they would have to secure other financing for their project. Timeframe and source of funds were unknown. Mandala would be unable to present a detailed financial plan to the JIA Board on June 20. Based on our due diligence and the discussion with Lee Babcock, I confirmed with him that I would NOT be in a position to recommend to the JIA Board that we continue our discussions with Mandala toward a land lease. I have discussed this situation with Chairman Royal and our legal counsel in the Attorney General’s Office, and during the JIA meeting next week, I will be providing an update recommending that we discontinue our discussions with Mandala Holdings LLC and that we terminate RFP-321. To avoid additional delays in providing a limited service hotel in the Beach Village, I will recommend for your consideration a new RFP: RFP-326, for a Beach Village Limited Service Hotel. (Attachment) No doubt, we would prefer this situation had not occurred. Ultimately, I feel the action outlined will allow us to move forward in a positive manner. Should you have any questions, please give me a call. I hope to see you next week. Kindest regards, Jones DRAFT JEKYLL ISLAND-STATE PARK AUTHORITY RFP 326 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS TO DESIGN, CONSTRUCT AND OPERATE A 100+/- ROOM LIMITED SERVICE HOTEL JEKYLL ISLAND, GEORGIA June 22, 2016 ________________________________ CONTENTS SECTION SECTION SECTION SECTION 1 2 3 4 PAGE INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPOSERS PROPOSAL FORMAT AND CONTENT HOSPITALITY PARCEL SUMMARY OF THE OPPORTUNITY EXHIBIT 1 EXHIBIT 2 EXHIBIT 3 1-4 4-8 8-10 10-14 15 16 17 0 DRAFT SECTION I INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPOSERS 1.1 Introduction The Jekyll Island State Park Authority (the “Authority” or “JIA”) is seeking proposals from qualified and a highly experienced Hotel Developer to design, construct and operate a 100+/- room limited service hotel on a site in the Jekyll Island Beach Village and as further detailed on Exhibit 1, 2 & 3. The specifications for this proposal are outlined in this proposal package in Section 2. Please pay careful attention to all requested items contained in this RFP. Proposers are required to respond to all questions and provide all information requested in the RFP. Proposals submitted which do not comply in all material respects with the provisions of this RFP will be deemed non-responsive. All submitted proposals become the property of the Authority, subject to Section 2.6 below. The price and terms offered by the Proposer shall be firm for acceptance for a period of 90 days from the proposal due date of Friday, August 12, 2016. 1.2 Proposal Submission Deadline and Opening To be considered, proposals must arrive at the offices of the Jekyll Island Authority on or before 5:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, Friday, August 12, 2016. Proposers are required to submit seven (7) sets of complete documents, all copies to be signed in blue ink by the Proposer’s contractually binding authority. Proposal is to be inserted in a sealed envelope and clearly marked on the outside with “RFP 326”, the submitting Proposers name, address, and delivered by the date specified to: Mr. Jim Broadwell – Project Manager Jekyll Island-State Park Authority 100 James Road Jekyll Island, GA 31527 Faxed or emailed proposals are not responsive. It is the sole responsibility of the Proposer to have their proposal actually delivered to the Authority on or before the deadline and at the location specified above. Proposals delivered after the specified deadline or to a different location, for any reason, are non-responsive, will be returned, and will not be evaluated. Proposer must submit a complete response to this RFP using the format outlined in Section 2. The Proposer shall include all supportive documents in the proposal. On Monday, August 15, The Authority will announce the list of all Proposers. The Authority will begin review of the proposals immediately after the submission deadline. During the evaluation period the Authority will review the proposals against the technical requirements of this RFP and announce the short-list of the responsive and most qualified proposals on Friday, August 19. Any requests for additional information or clarification of the proposals will be directed to the shortlisted proposers prior to interviews in order to prepare a response at the interview. 1 DRAFT The interviews with the short-listed proposers will be held on Monday/Tuesday, August 29-30, 2016 on Jekyll Island. It is anticipated that a recommendation will be presented to the Authority Board in September. 1.3 Reserved Rights The Authority reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, or any portions or items of a proposal, and to waive technical defects or informalities which are not material to the proposal in the Authority’s sole discretion and best interest. The Authority reserves the right to obtain clarification of any point in a Proposer’s submittal or to obtain additional information during the RFP process. The Authority will proceed with the selection of that proposal which, in its opinion, is responsive to the RFP and is in the best interest of the Authority and the State of Georgia. The Authority also reserves the right to negotiate changes in the successful proposal afterward. These negotiations may encompass the proposed concept plan for the hotel and revenues to the Authority, the lease terms and conditions, as well as items identified during the RFP selection and negotiation processes. On the basis of these negotiations, the Authority may decline to enter into any lease if it is unable to negotiate final terms acceptable to the Authority. In this event, it may declare an impasse and terminate negotiations with the selected Proposer and begin discussions with the Proposer who was ranked as the next most qualified in the evaluation process. 1.4 Changes or Alterations in Proposals Changes or modifications in proposals can only occur prior to the deadline for submission, and must be done via formal written requests from the Proposer indicating the nature, scope and effect of the modification of their proposal. Oral or email requests for proposal modification will not be considered. 1.5 Proposer Questions and Inquiries Questions and requests for clarification may be submitted up to Friday, July 29, 2016, via email to: Jim Broadwell, Project Manager, JIA jbroadwell@jekyllisland.com Contact with other members of the Authority Board or staff regarding this RFP is strictly prohibited and will result in disqualification of the Proposer. A summary of the questions received and the Authority’s responses will be posted on the Georgia Procurement Registry, the Authority website and sent periodically via email to those who have requested the RFP. No questions will be accepted after Friday, July 29, 2016. A final summary of questions and responses will be posted and sent no later than Wednesday, August 3, 2016. 2 DRAFT 1.6 Key Dates for the RFP Process RFP Issued Proposals Due Estimated Short List Release Estimated Interviews with Short-Listed Proposers Estimated JIA Board Consideration 1.7 June 22, 2016 August 12, 2016 August 19, 2016 August 29-30, 2016 September Site Visits All site visits must be coordinated with and or directed to: Jim Broadwell, Project Manager, JIA jbroadwell@jekyllisland.com 1.8 Extension of Proposal Period This solicitation terminates on the date and time indicated above, unless an addendum is issued by the Authority extending the proposal period. 1.9 Compliance with Glynn County, State of Georgia and Federal Laws and Permit Requirements The successful Proposer shall comply with all applicable rules, regulations (health, fire and safety), ordinances, laws and permitting requirements of the Authority and Glynn County, the State of Georgia, the relevant federal government now in force or hereafter adopted. 1.10 Licenses, Permits and Taxes The successful Proposer shall secure, at its expense all licensees and permits applicable to the proposed Hotel Project. The Proposer shall also be solely responsible for payment of any and all taxes, permits, licenses and fees. 1.11 Assignment and Subcontracting The successful Proposer may not sell, subcontract, assign or otherwise transfer its interest in the project without the prior written approval of the Authority. 1.12 Indemnification By submitting a Proposal, the successful Proposer hereby agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Authority, the State of Georgia and its departments, agencies and instrumentalities and all of their respective officers, members, employees and directors (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Indemnitees”) from and against any and all claims, demands, liabilities, losses, costs or expenses, including attorneys’ fees, due to liability to a third party or parties, for any loss due to bodily injury (including death), personal injury, and property damage, including but not limited to intellectual property claims, arising directly or indirectly from the submission of the Proposal hereunder by the Proposer or its agents, employees, associates, subcontractors or others working at the 3 DRAFT direction of Proposer. This indemnification obligation survives beyond the submission date of the Proposal and the dissolution or, to the extent allowed by law, the bankruptcy of the Proposer. This indemnification applies where the Indemnitees are partially responsible for the situation giving rise to the claim, provided however, that this indemnification does not apply to the extent of the sole negligence of the Indemnitees. 1.13 Right to Protest/Proposal Challenges Proposers to this RFP are required to respond at their own risk and expense. By responding to this RFP, Proposers acknowledge, understand and accept the Authority’s Reserved Rights set forth above. Any actual Proposer who is aggrieved in connection with the award of this RFP may protest that award on the grounds of irregularities in the proposal procedures, but not based upon the evaluation of each proposal. Written protest must be filed with the Executive Director of the Authority within five (5) business days of the award. The written protest must include, a statement with particular facts and grounds identifying the basis for the protest, including applicable statutes, laws or ordinances. For purposes of this section and the deadlines specified herein, a written protest or notice of intent to protest shall be considered filed when it is delivered to and received by the offices of the Authority. Failure to timely file the written protest shall constitute a waiver of rights of protest under this section. Any and all actions or decisions of the Authority in response to the protest shall be final. SECTION 2 PROPOSAL FORMAT AND CONTENT To be considered responsive, the proposal must respond to all requirements of this portion of the RFP. Any other information you believe to be relevant, but not covered in this section should be submitted as an appendix to your proposal. Please include sections in your proposal which correspond to the following major categories. The proposal must include the following items: 2.2 Cover Letter Please include in your cover letter a summary of the members of your team, who will be the principal contact/project director from your firm, the name of the person authorized to negotiate on behalf of your team, and contact information for that individual, including email address. 2.3 Statement of Project Understanding Briefly describe your concept for the Hospitality Product. 4 DRAFT 2.4 Description and Capabilities of the Proposer and its Project Team In this section of your response please include information in the following subsections: a) General Background and Experience: Describe the background and history of your organization, your experience with hotel, resort and coastal development, development of highly environmentally sensitive sites, the application of green building standards in your previous projects, your long term development horizon and the core competencies of your organization to develop the Product you propose. b) Relevant Projects: Describe three recent projects in detail which you and other members of your team have done which would be most relevant for this RFP. Please include in your description/profiles information on: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Project name and location Start date/completion date Total number of hotel rooms Estimated value of the project Key sources of financing – detailing the amount of equity financing you or your investors provided (vi) Your role and role of your partners in the project (vii) A site plan, renderings and photos of completed project components (viii) Who had management responsibility for the on-going operation of the project (ix) Project references who can speak knowledgeably about your involvement (x) Experience with any brand/flag that may be proposed (xi) Experience operating a facility in close proximity to a convention center c) Financial Capabilities of the Firm: Please provide either audited financial statements for the past three years or if a public company, annual reports. Private companies can provide other information which speaks to their financial strength. Also provide a description of the current cash reserves, lines of credit or other financial sources in place. Proposers must disclose whether any member of its team has been bankrupt during the past five years. Please include at least two references who can speak to the financial capabilities of your organization. d) Resumes of Key Principals: Please include resumes of the principals who will be leading your project team. Also include the qualifications of the key planning, architectural, engineering environmental and financial consulting firms that will participate in the design and permitting of the project (if determined). Of specific interest: Experience with hotel brands in delivering new assets – hospitality backgrounds of term members. Key Principals must be willing to agree to a criminal background check. 5 DRAFT e) Conceptual Plan: HHCP Architecture designed the Beach Village. Hospitality Parcel (Exhibit 1, 2 & 3) is the parcel being offered in this RFP. Your conceptual plan for the site should address: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Green space Parking design Service court – Garbage/trash removal Any innovative design elements Your program/design should highlight the appropriateness of your design to compliment the Jekyll Island Beach Village Exhibit 3, prepared by the JIA staff, is included to show conceptually how an asset could fit on the proposed site. More importantly, it shows the desired program for a “service court” for the retail asset already in place and how trash/garbage and deliveries could be handled for both assets. Exhibit 3 is only included as a reference. It is not intended to be the preferred site plan. f) Financing Plan/Estimated Revenues to the Authority: Based on your concept plan, provide a financial Pro Forma in paper and electronic format, detailing costs and revenues from start-up through build out of the Hotel Project. Use the general business terms as outlined in the Jekyll Island commercial lease structure (Section 3, 3.4) as a basis for your Pro Forma. (i) (ii) (iii) Capital structure/sources and uses of funds Dollar amount of required equity investment Evidence of Proposer’s funds available/investors for equity contribution For projects anticipating debt, the Proposer should show how the project’s fifteen (15) year pro forma cash flow will meet lender underwriting criteria. The Proposer must provide firm evidence that financing for the hotel can be obtained or is already committed including debt to equity ratio. Confirmation of Project financing must be secured before a lease agreement will be approved. g) Development Schedule: A detailed schedule that outlines your proposed timeline for Financial Closing; Schematic Design; Design Development; Construction Document; Ground Breaking and Ribbon Cutting for the opening of the Hotel. h) Development Fee: A $42,000.00 Development Fee is required with your proposal submission. This fee is refundable if your proposal is not selected. No check will be deposited until final selection is made. i) Development Completed: The Convention Center, Beach Village, (roads and infrastructures), Great Dunes Park, Westin Hotel and Retail Village are complete. 6 DRAFT 2.5 Substantive Nature of Proposals Proposals which do not provide substantive information or are incomplete will be considered non-responsive. Proposals will be deemed as non-responsive which are general in nature or do not incorporate the terms and requirements outlined in this RFP. 2.6 Evaluation and Selection Process The Authority will form an evaluation team to initially review and evaluate the submitted proposals. Based on this review, the proposals will first be evaluated as either “responsive” or “non-responsive”. Proposals determined to be non-responsive may be eliminated from further consideration at this point. The proposals will then be evaluated for content, and ranked in accordance with their merits. The evaluation team may recommend interviews with up to five (5) finalists. Those proposals not achieving finalist status will be eliminated from further consideration. The evaluation team may interview selected Proposers to clarify specific matters presented in their proposals, and as part of this process may request the submittal of additional information clarifying the issues discussed. The evaluation team will use the information gained during these discussions, along with information presented in the proposals, to rank the proposals. The following factors will, at a minimum, be considered during the evaluation process. a) The qualifications, demonstrated solid track record in developing and operating hospitality assets; track record and relevant experience of the Proposer’s team. Special focus on projects completed within the last five years. b) The financial strength of the Proposer; demonstrated ability and capacity to execute a lease with the Jekyll Island Authority. c) The quality and completeness of the proposed Concept Plan for the Project Site. d) Appropriate use/implementation and understanding Guidelines and construction requirements. of JIA Design e) While a branded hotel is not required, any proposed brand/flag should be noted. f) The strength of the financing plan; source of investment capital; dependency upon security debt; targeted return expectations on equity investment, as well as targeted equity amount and percentage for the project. g) Availability of equity and its source including the names of investors, funds, etc., as well as, the proposed financial return to the Authority from the hotel. h) The entity providing the guaranty for the development loan and subsequent permanent financing? 7 DRAFT i) Your commitment to sustainable strategies, i.e. LEED Certification, Operational, Green Build, for this hospitality project. j) The interview and proposer’s ability to work collaboratively with the JIA to implement the project. expeditiously and k) The track record and qualifications of the proposed operator of the property. The responsive proposals will be ranked according to the above criteria and recommendations will be made to the JIA Board for consideration. Proposers can reasonably assume that factors related to the overall financial terms offered, Hotel design and feasibility, experience, financial strength and financial package will be given thorough consideration. Concentration of room control within the Beach Village area as well as the total rooms owned/operated on Jekyll Island may also be considered. Consideration will also be given to creating a balanced approach of lodging options that best serve the needs of the island's businesses, Convention Center, and visitors while offering a competitive mix to the lodging marketplace. The Authority will be solely responsible for the final selection of the successful Proposer. Upon selection of the successful Proposer, the Authority will immediately enter into negotiations to finalize the business terms that will frame the lease for the Hotel Project. The successful Proposer will be expected to execute a ground lease within 60 days of their selection. 2.7 Confidentiality of Trade Secrets In accordance with Georgia law, the following shall apply to any trade secrets obtained from a person or business entity that are required by law, regulation, bid, or request for proposal to be submitted to the Authority. An entity submitting records containing trade secrets that wishes to keep such records confidential under this paragraph shall submit and attach to the records an affidavit affirmatively declaring that specific information in the records constitute trade secrets pursuant to Article 27 of chapter 1 of Title 10. If such entity attaches such an affidavit, before producing such records in response to a request under this article, the Authority shall notify the entity of its intention to produce such records as set forth in this paragraph. If the Authority makes a determination that the specifically identified information does not in fact constitute a trade secret, it shall notify the entity submitting the affidavit of its intent to disclose the information within ten days unless prohibited from doing so by an appropriate court order. In the event the entity wishes to prevent disclosure of the requested records, the entity may file an action in superior court to obtain an order that the requested records are trade secrets exempt from disclosure. The entity filing such action shall serve the requestor with a copy of its court filing. If the Authority makes a determination that the specifically identified information does constitute a trade secret, the Authority shall withhold the records, and the requester may file an action in superior court to obtain an order that the requested records are not trade secrets and are subject to disclosure; 8 DRAFT Each Proposer is required to keep the contents of their proposal confidential once it is submitted until the award to the successful Proposer. Releasing any information regarding the proposal to third parties or the media prior to the conclusion of the selection process will be immediate grounds for the Authority to reject the proposal as non-responsive. SECTION 3 HOSPITALITY PARCEL 3.1 Facts a) Site Area: b) Rooms: c) Parking: 3.2 2.25 Acres 100 +/1.1 spaces/room required Requirements (Quality Standards) a) Hotel must meet or exceed Mobil One Star lodging quality standards b) Spacious lobby with high end finishes c) Exterior pool (heated preferred) 3.3 Requirements (Design/Construction) a) HHCP Architecture designed the Beach Village which includes this Hospitality Parcel. It’s JIA’s intent to establish the architectural character of the Village. b) JIA’s Design Guidelines – including amendments: These must be followed in your design, a copy of which can be found at: http://www.jekyllisland.com/jekyllislandwp/wpcontent/themes/jekyllisland2016/files/2014-Design-Guidelines.pdf c) Sustainable Development (Green Building) Requirements: Conservation of Jekyll Island’s natural environment and wildlife is a central pillar of the JIAs mission, vision, and brand identity. To the greatest extent possible, we strive for these values to be reflected in development projects on the island. Therefore, the use of sustainabledevelopment strategies is a core expectation of proposals for all components of the Beach Village design including Hospitality Parcels. d) LEED Certification: LEED Certification, or certification through an equivalent third-party program of equal merit, is a highly-valued mark of responsible stewardship and provides a strategic marketing advantage. Proposals should establish a commitment to pursue certification and outline the specifics of the proposed program/level. If no certification is proposed, a justification must be provided. 9 DRAFT 3.4 Jekyll Island Commercial Lease Structure a) Lease Structure Approach. Historically, the Authority has approved a range of lease formulas to accommodate commercial development on the island. Because Jekyll Island is State property and all land is leased rather than sold, the JIA has latitude in structuring commercial ground leases which make financial sense for both the Authority and its private sector partners. Negotiated lease terms have varied depending on the size and location of parcels, the nature of development proposed, the cost of the development and the importance of projects to the island’s redevelopment. While individual terms have varied, JIA’s commercial leases tend to share common characteristics, primarily base rent and percentage rent features. The JIA is required to obtain fair market value for its leased property. b) Minimum Rent Requirements for Proposers. Proposers must propose economic terms to the JIA that include: (i) At a minimum, $2,333 per acre per month base rent with CPI escalations every five years; (ii) A schedule of proposed percentage rents based upon gross revenues with a minimum initial percentage rent of three percent (3%). (iii) Final rent will be the greater of base or % rent. c) Evaluation of Proposed Economic Terms. As part of its evaluation of proposed lease economic terms, JIA will evaluate the reasonableness of room rates, occupancy assumptions and non-room income (if applicable) used in forecasting base rent and percentage rent. The Authority discounts the first 15 years of projected lease income (typically at 8%) and calculates a residual value for the remainder of the lease (typically using a higher discount rate of 12% to 15% depending on risk). These discounted cash flows are summed to determine the total net present value (NPV) of the projected income stream. SECTION 4 SUMMARY OF THE OPPORTUNITY 4.1 Goals – Big Picture At the turn of the 20th century Jekyll Island was a playground for some of the wealthiest Americans who enjoyed the coastal climate and natural beauty of this spectacular island. It was an escape from the pressures of the everyday business world and a chance to commune with nature and enjoy the company of family and friends. Today the State of Georgia and the Jekyll Island Authority recognize that this opportunity to escape and recharge can be made available to the people of Georgia 10 DRAFT and the same characteristics that attracted the early industrialists to the island can be enjoyed by all. The goal of the revitalization of Jekyll Island is to enhance the natural aspects of the island and “to restore the luster of its facilities”. This revitalization has been initiated by the construction of a new beach front convention center, a redesigned beach village including multiple retail, mixed use, and hospitality sites. Great Dunes Park accentuates the natural beauty of the beach and provides accessibility for day visitors as well as those staying at the new beach front hotels. The synergy created between the new Convention Center, Hotels, Restaurants and Retail components will further secure the loyalty of those who already frequent Jekyll Island and will help to attract those who have yet to discover its charm, with the goal of having all guests return year after year. 4.2 Opportunity The Authority is use Beach Village. The assets to the project roadways and utilities, entire Village, a new enhanced beach access presenting this opportunity to be a part of a thriving mixedAuthority has already made significant contributions of public including the construction of a new Convention Center, a completely redesigned public beach park connecting the Village Green, pedestrian friendly streetscape, retail and for all. The shovel ready private development site planned into the Village has the benefit of the public assets as well as the preliminary site and environmental permitting being in place. Hospitality opportunities in the Village benefit not only from the projected growth in convention visitation, but also from the leisure/resort business opportunities that the beach front sites provide. The retail components of the Village will be energized not only by local residents, but by convention attendees, their families, day visitors and resort guests looking for shopping, services, and dining. The Beach Village will complement and enhance the Historic Landmark District on the west side of the island. 4.3 Public Assets a) State of the art Convention Center as a key driver of occupancy b) Convention Center has an existing client base and book of business c) Construction ready development parcel d) Site, Environmental, and Shoreline protection permitting complete, roadways and utilities are complete, Great Dunes Park complete, improved beach access, and a new Village Green 11 DRAFT e) JIA provided public amenities including a public Golf Club, Tennis Center, Bike Paths, Water Park, the Georgia Sea Turtle Center, National Historic Landmark District and Jekyll Island Museum and a Children’s Playground and Mini Golf Course f) JIA marketing and promotions funded by 5% hotel/motel tax collected on Jekyll Island. All hotel/motel tax funds are retained by the Authority and used in cooperation with island lodging partners. g) Opportunities for beach activities, historic sight-seeing, shopping, dining, and discovering the natural beauty of the island h) Land lease opportunities reduce development first costs i) 4.4 LEED Certification for major project components attracts new business and gives Jekyll Island a competitive advantage Convention Center The new 128,000sf Jekyll Island Convention Center provides more than 78,000sf of prime function space located centrally in the Jekyll Island Beach Village. The Convention Center is designed to provide optimum flexibility for meeting planners. By minimizing the Center’s impact on the environment it maximizes the guest experience for all attendees. The roof forms of the building’s exterior harmonize with the surrounding beachfront trees. Outdoor terraces allow visitors to enjoy delightful vistas and balmy coastal breezes while sheltered from sun or rain. Views of the dunes and ocean are a key feature for attracting conventions – many of which are currently meeting outside the State. The interior design of the Center presents a relaxed coastal experience in keeping with the indigenous beachfront context. The Center includes a 45,000sf divisible exhibit/banquet hall and 12 break out meeting rooms ranging from 720sf – 3100sf. Generous pre-function areas allow flexibility for large conventions as well as multiple smaller events. Ocean-view lobby, pre-function, registration, and meeting rooms never let attendees forget they are in a beautiful beachfront location. 4.5 Retail 43,000+/-sf of new retail space has been constructed and 41,000sf has been leased. Twenty-one (21) tenants representing a variety of retail options have opened. 4.6 Key Features Sand dunes and wide beaches are the natural companions to the Jekyll Island Convention Center, the Southeast’s only oceanfront convention facility. Pairing this stellar location with all the island’s amenities makes the Jekyll Island Convention Center among the premier meeting sites in the region. 12 DRAFT The integration of the building design with the natural beach front location minimizes the Center’s impact on the environment and creates a guest experience that encourages shows to return year after year. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) 4.7 Operational Flexibility Ocean-view lobby and registration areas Pre-function areas work as the “front porch” Day lighting at pre-function and meeting rooms Efficient Operations Events can expand to beach side function lawn A source of community pride Parking-hidden, but convenient Beach view meeting rooms Hidden service Sustainable design Great Dunes Park Great Dunes Park provides the citizens of Georgia with one of the Southeast’s finest barrier island beach experiences. The park welcomes guests and residents to Jekyll Island with nearly 20 acres of beachfront space enhanced by several picnic pavilions, a deck for beach events, a play area, beach access for the public, and more. The park encompassed dune restoration where appropriate, and incorporates structural features to protect the environment, such as bio-swales to capture and treat storm-water run-off, sea-turtle-friendly lighting, and signage to educate visitors about the environment. Pedestrian-friendly markings guide guests throughout the entire beachfront park. 4.8 Village Green The center piece of the Jekyll Island Beach Village is the new Village Green. The Village Green is the terminus and visual focal point for all vehicular traffic entering the Island on Ben Fortson Parkway. It provides a clear axial view to the dunes, the beach and the ocean for all traffic headed east on the Village main street. The Green creates a physical and conceptual connection between the community and the beach and provides an identifiable center of activity for the Jekyll Island community and visitors. The Village Green functions equally well as a passive space for residents and visitors to enjoy a beverage or an ice cream, read a book, people watch, or escape the heat of the sun. It can also host art shows, concerts, children’s programs, farmers markets, as well as other civic events. The Green is designed with a flexible central grass area that can accommodate a variety of functions. Surrounding The Green are pedestrian walkways that connect The Village to the beach walk. Landscaping and seating areas line The Village Green and provide space for relaxation and gathering. At the far east end of The Green is an elevated stage inspired by the sea turtle. The stage is designed to accommodate performances as well as passive area for children to play or to view the beach from. 13 DRAFT The intent is for The Village Green to be a flexible, activity filled space that appeals equally to all ages and for multiple uses. A space that provides something for everyone. 4.9 Recreational Opportunities Jekyll Island’s undisturbed natural beauty, combined with its pleasant yearround weather and refreshing ocean breezes, provides a breathtaking backdrop for a variety of sports and recreational activities to suit visitors of all ages and interest. a) Golf: Jekyll Island has been a golf destination since 1898, when Jekyll Island Club members added the first course on the island near the present-day airport. Today, Jekyll Island boasts 63 holes of golf on three 18-hole courses and one 9-hole course, earning Jekyll Island the bragging rights as Georgia’s largest public golf resort. b) Biking: For self-guided exploration of the island, many visitors choose to travel by bicycle. Jekyll Island features more than 20 miles of paved trails that allow for exploration of a broad range of scenery, from beaches to forests to Jekyll Island’s own Historic Landmark District and campgrounds. Free bike path maps are available at the Jekyll Island Welcome Center and at the bike barn on Shell Road. c) Horseback Riding: If you’re seeking a different perspective while exploring the island, you might want to saddle up and experience Jekyll Island on horseback! Guided tours originate from the Clam Creek picnic area on the island’s north end, make their way through maritime forests and along the salt marshes, then return along beautiful Driftwood Beach. d) Nature Walks: Jekyll Island’s abundance of unspoiled natural beauty from its richly preserved maritime forest to its pristine dune systems to its 10 miles of tidal beaches – is perhaps best appreciated with the assistance and guidance of an experienced Jekyll Island staffers and volunteers. e) Water Park: More than one million gallons of splashing water fun with 11 acres of rides, thrills, food, excitement and cool summer times. That’s Summer Waves Water Park, next to the marsh on Riverview Drive. f) Fishing & Boating: Just off Jekyll Island’s shores along the Intercoastal Waterway are the Jekyll Wharf and Jekyll Harbor Marina – two points of access to the many water activities along Coastal Georgia. Make the Island your gateway to a fishing paradise or just a heavenly day of sightseeing or Dolphin spotting. The island’s knowledgeable fishing captains, know all of the best spots to catch a variety of fish, including Tarpon, Whiting, Red Drum, Sea Trout, Triple Tail, Spotted Sea Trout, Striped Mullet, Sheep head and Black Drum, just to name a few. 14 DRAFT g) Kayaking & Canoeing: Jekyll Island’s protected natural beauty is meant to be explored. This fact especially holds true for the Island’s salt marshes and estuarial waters. One of the best ways to experience this intriguing ecosystem is by strapping on a life jacket, grabbing a paddle and taking a kayak or canoe out into the inland waterways. There’s no better way to observe native birds, fish and other coastal creatures in their natural habitat. h) Soccer Complex: The Jekyll Island Soccer Complex features highquality grass surface for competitive youth soccer. Home of the Golden Isles Soccer Club, the complex hosts a variety of tournaments, regional leagues, camps and clinics. i) Tennis Center: The Jekyll Island Tennis Center has thirteen (13) clay courts for public play. Also available are changing facilities, a retail shop, concessions and rest rooms. 15 DRAFT 16 DRAFT 17 DRAFT 18