City Council Public Hearing Packet Item 111
City Council Public Hearing Packet Item 111
CITY COUNCIL REPORT FORMAL AGENDA TO: Mario Paniagua AGENDA DATE: July 1, 2016 Deputy City Manager FROM: Alan Stephenson ITEM:111 PAGE: 127 Planning & Development Director SUBJECT: BACKUP INFORMATION TO ITEM 111 - PUBLIC HEARING/ORDINANCE ADOPTION – REZONING APPLICATION Z-70-15-6 ON THE JULY 1, 2016, FORMAL AGENDA – LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF 28TH STREET AND CAMELBACK ROAD This report provides backup information on Item 111 - Public Hearing/Ordinance Adoption – Rezoning Application Z-70-15-6 on the July 1, 2016 Formal Agenda. THE ISSUE A rezoning application has been submitted for approval to the City Council for a parcel located at the southeast corner of 28th Street and Camelback Road. The application is being made by Jeff LaPour of LaPour Partners Inc., represented by Paul Gilbert of Beus Gilbert PLLC, on behalf of Jerry Simms of Daily Double. OTHER INFORMATION Rezoning case Z-70-15-6 is a request to rezone 4.87 acres from P-1, C-O to PUD to allow a mix of uses including office, hotel and limited retail with a proposed building height of 50 feet. The Camelback East Village Planning Committee heard the request on May 3, 2016 and approved with modification by a vote of 12-6. The Planning Commission heard the request on June 2, 2016 and approved per the memo from Xandon Keating by a vote of 6-0. The application was appealed by the opposition. A ¾ vote of the City Council is required to approve this rezoning case. Attachments: A – Planning Commission Action B – Village Planning Committee Meeting Summary C – Staff Report Z-70-15-6 D – Petitions of Support 1 REPORT OF PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION June 2, 2016 ITEM NO: 15 DISTRICT NO.: 6 SUBJECT: Application #: Location: Request: Proposal: Applicant: Owner: Representative: Z-70-15-6 Southeast corner of 28th Street and Camelback Road P-1, C-O To: PUD Acreage: 4.87 Planned Unit Development to allow a mix of uses including office, hotel, and limited retail LaPour Partners Inc. c/o Jeff LaPour Daily Double c/o Jerry Simms Beus Gilbert PLLC c/o Paul Gilbert ACTIONS: Staff Recommendation: Approval, subject to stipulations. Village Planning Committee (VPC) Recommendation: Camelback East 5/3/2016 Approved with an additional stipulation. Vote: 12-6 Planning Commission Recommendation: Approved, per the memo from Xandon Keating dated June 2, 2016 with a modification to Stipulation 5. Motion discussion: N/A Motion details – Commission Heck made a MOTION to approve Z-70-15-6 per the memo from Xandon Keating dated June 2, 2016 with a modification to Stipulation 5. Maker: Heck Second: Montalvo Vote: 6-0 Absent: Davis, Johnson, Whitaker Opposition Present: Yes Findings: 1. The development proposal is consistent with the General Plan Land Use Map designation of Commercial. 2. The proposed design standards provide consistency with other properties along the Camelback Road corridor and serve to provide adequate protection to adjacent residential properties. 3. The proposal will provide additional services and amenities that will serve in creating additional employment opportunities in a major employment centers. Stipulations: 1. An updated Development Narrative for the 28th Street & Camelback Mixed Use PUD reflecting the changes approved through this request shall be submitted to the Planning and Development Department within 30 days of City Council approval of this request. The updated Development Narrative shall be consistent with the Development Narrative date stamped April 8, 2016 as modified by the following stipulations. a. Page 33, Development Standards, 1.e.iii. Maximum Projections: Applicant shall replace “fifth percent” with “fifty percent” when discussing close projections. b. Page 34, Development Standards, 1.h.iv. Off-Street Loading Spaces: Applicant shall revise the subsection to read, “Off-street loading spaces: Minimum of one (1) loading space per building and minimum three (3) loading spaces total. A minimum of one (1) loading space per building shall meet the size requirements as stated in Section 702. Additional loading spaces must be a minimum size of 9.5 feet by 18 feet.” c. Page 44, Design Guidelines, 3.n. Opening Limitations: Applicant shall revise this subsection to read, “Limit openings (e.g. windows/balconies) facing the residential homes to the south. No balconies facing residential homes shall be provided. Any south facing hotel building walls within 150 feet of the southern property line shall not contain guestroom windows. (See Exhibit M-5; Conceptual Elevations)” d. Page 48, Building(s) Signage, a. Hotel Building Wall Identification: Applicant shall add the following provisions to this section: iv. The area of a wall sign erected over 56-feet in height shall not exceed one percent (1%) of the area of the overall elevation to which it is attached. This area shall not be counted against the wall signage which may be placed on the building below 56-feet. v. Any wall sign erected over 56-feet shall be located no closer to the roofline than one-half the vertical dimension of the sign to prevent the appearance of overcrowding at the top edge of the building. vi. Any wall sign erected over 56-feet shall be located no closer to the side of the edge of the building than one-half the width of the largest letter or element of the sign to prevent the appearance of overcrowding at the edge of the building. e. PAGE 28, LIST OF USES, 2.D.III, LOADING DOCK AREAS: APPLICANT SHALL REVISE HOURS TO 7:30 AM TO 8 PM, MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY. APPLICANT SHALL ADD VERBIAGE THAT USE OF LOADING DOCK AREAS SHALL BE PROHIBITED ON SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS AND NATIONAL / FEDERAL HOLIDAYS. f. PAGE 44, DESIGN GUIDELINES: APPLICANT SHALL ADD A SUBSECTION T. TO READ, “EAST FACING HOTEL ROOM WINDOWS SHALL PROVIDE PRIVACY BLINDS LOUVERS OR OTHER WINDOW SCREENING DEVICES TO PROVIDE ENHANCED PRIVACY FOR NEARBY RESIDENCES.” G. PAGE 27, LIST OF USES: APPLICANT SHALL REMOVE THE SECOND PARAGRAPH ON THE PAGE THAT DISCUSSES INTERPRETATION OF ANALOGOUS USES. H. PAGE 27, LIST OF USES, 1. PERMITTED USES, PERMITTED PRINCIPAL USES: APPLICANT SHALL REVISE SUBSECTION A TO READ “USES SPECIFICALLY PERMITTED AS SET FORTH IN TABLE 2.” I. PAGES 28 - 29, TABLE 2, 1. GENERAL, PROFESSIONAL AND MEDICAL OFFICES: APPLICANT SHALL REMOVE “LOCATED ON THE 1ST FLOOR OF OFFICE BUILDING” FROM CONDITION / LIMITATIONS FOR ACCESSORY RETAIL SHOP(S). APPLICANT SHALL ADD AN ADDITIONAL CONDITION / LIMITATION STATING “ALL ACCESSORY USES SHALL ONLY BE PERMITTED ON THE FIRST FLOOR OF ANY BUILDING.” J. PAGE 31, TABLE 2, 2. HOTEL: APPLICANT SHALL ADD AN ADDITIONAL CONDITION / LIMITATION STATING “ALL ACCESSORY USES SHALL ONLY BE PERMITTED ON THE FIRST FLOOR OF ANY BUILDING.” K. PAGE 31, TABLE 2, 3. FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS: APPLICANT SHALL REVISE THE STANDARDS FOR ACCESSORY AUTOMATED TELLER MACHINES TO READ, “ACCESSORY FREESTANDING OR ATTACHED TO THE BUILDING AUTOMATED TELLER MACHINE SHALL BE ALLOWED ON THE PROPERTY. ANY EXTERNAL AUTOMATED TELLER MACHINE SHALL BE SETBACK A MINIMUM OF 100-FEET FROM THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE AND SHALL BE REVIEWED AT THE TIME OF SITE PLAN DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPROVAL FOR PROPER LOCATION AND CIRCULATION.” L. PAGE 31, TABLE 2, 3. FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS: APPLICANT SHALL ADD TWO ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS / LIMITATIONS THAT READ “ANY DRIVE-THROUGH FACILITIES SHALL BE SETBACK A MINIMUM OF 100-FEET FROM THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE” AND “A MAXIMUM OF ONE EXTERNAL AUTOMOTED TELLER MACHINE OR DRIVETHROUGH FACILITY SHALL BE PERMITTED WITHIN 330-FEET OF THE WEST PROPERTY LINE.” M. PAGE 38, DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS, 2.B.III A), 29TH STREET: APPLICANT SHALL REVISE SUBSECTION A) TO READ “LARGE CANOPY SHADE TREES PLANTED 25-FEET ON CENTER OR EQUIVALENT GROUPINGS.” N. PAGE 38, DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS, 2.B.IV B), PERIMETER PROPERTY LINE REQUIREMENTS (NOT ADJACENT TO A STREET): APPLICANT SHALL REVISE SUBSECTION B) TO READ “LARGE CANOPY SHADE TREES PLANTED 25-FEET ON CENTER OR EQUIVALENT GROUPINGS.” O. PAGE 44, DESIGN GUIDELINES: APPLICANT SHALL ADD A SUBSECTION U. TO READ, “NON-REFLECTIVE GLASS SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR ALL SOUTH AND EAST FACING WINDOWS.” P. PAGE 44, DESIGN GUIDELINES: APPLICANT SHALL ADD A SUBSECTION V. TO READ, “AN 8-FOOT HIGH SOLID MASONRY WALL SHALL BE PROVIDED ALONG THE SOUTHERN PROERTY LINE.” Q. PAGE 44, DESIGN GUILDELINES: APPLICANT SHALL ADD A SUBSECTION W. TO READ, “A 6-FOOT HIGH SOLID MASONRY WALL SHALL BE PROVIDED ALONG THE EASTERN PROPERTY LINE FOR THE SOUTHERN 110 FEET OF THE PROPERTY. THE WALL SHALL BE LOCATED OUTSIDE OF THE REQUIRED LANDSCAPE SETBACK AND SERVE TO SCREEN PARKING, LOADING, REFUSE AND PUBLIC AREAS FROM THE ADJACENT RIGHT-OF-WAY.” R. PAGE 47, 1. ALLOWABLE SIGNS: APPLICANT SHALL MODIFY THE SECOND PARAGRAPH ON THE PAGE TO READ, “THE FOLLOWING SIGNS, AS WELL AS SIGNS OTHERWISE PERMITTED BY THE CITY OF PHOENIX PURSUANT TO SECTION 705, SHALL BE PERMITTED WITH THE EXCEPTION OF ANIMATED OR ELECTRONIC MESSAGE DISPLAY SIGNS. ANY AUTOMATED TELLER MACHINE SIGNAGE SHALL BE LIMITED TO WEST PROPERTY LINE AND WESTERN 300 FEET OF THE NORTH PROPERY LINE FRONTAGES.” S. PAGE 48, BUILDING SIGNAGE: APPLICANT SHALL ADD THE FOLLOWING VERBIAGE TO THE FIRST PARAGRAPH OF THE SECTION, “ANY ILLUMINATED BUILDING IDENTIFICATION SIGNS ABOVE THE SECOND FLOOR OF EACH BUILDING SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE NORTH SIDE OF THE BUILDING. ONE IDENTIFICATION SIGN SHALL BE PERMITTED ON THE WEST SIDE OF EACH BUILDING WITHIN 100-FEET OF THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE. NO BUILDING MOUNTED SIGNS SHALL BE PERMITTED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF ANY BUILDING.” T. PAGE 50, BUILDING SIGNAGE, D. WINDOW SIGNAGE / GRAPHICS: APPLICANT SHALL ADD, “NO WINDOW SIGNS SHALL BE PERMITTED FOR SOUTH AND EAST FACING WINDOWS” TO THE SECTION. U. PAGE 51, TEMPORARY SIGNAGE, E. INFLATABLES: APPLICANT SHALL REMOVE SUBSECTION E. INFLATABLES AND RENUMBER THE REMAINDER OF THE SECTION ACCORDINGLY. 2. The property owner shall dedicate a 10 foot sidewalk easement along the south side of Camelback Road for the length of the project, as approved by the Planning and Development Department. 3. The property owner shall construct a 5 foot wide sidewalk along Camelback Road which shall be detached with a minimum five foot wide landscaped strip located between the sidewalk and back of curb, as approved by the Planning and Development Department. The detached sidewalk shall begin on the east side of the existing bus bay and continue for the length of the project. 4. The property owner shall update all existing off-site street improvements, including sidewalks, curb ramps and driveways, adjacent to the project to current ADA guidelines, as approved by the Planning and Development Department. 5. THE PROPERTY OWNER SHALL PROVIDE A DEPOSIT IN THE AMOUNT OF $435,000 INTO A STREET TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT ESCROW ACCOUNT TO BE UTILIZED FOR TRAFFIC CALMING MEASURES. THESE FUNDS MAY BE CONTRIBUTED TOWARD THE PURCHASE AND INSTALLATION OF SUCH DEVICES AS SPEED HUMPS, RAISED CROSSWALKS (SPEED TABLES), LIMITED TURNING, TRAFFIC DIVERTERS OR OTHER SUCH TRAFFIC CALMING OR MANAGEMENT TOOLS FOR THE AREA BETWEEN 28TH STREET AND CAMELBACK ROAD ALONG THE 29TH STREET, MARIPOSA STREET, 29TH PLACE AND PIERSON STREET LOOP. DISTRIBUTION OF FUNDS SHALL BE AT THE MUTUAL AGREEMENT OF THE RESIDENTS ON AFFECTED STREETS AND THE CITY OF PHOENIX STREETS DEPARTMENT SAFETY AND NEIGHBORHOOD TRAFFIC SECTION, FOLLOWING THE STANDARD STREET TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT PETITIONING GUIDELINES. OWNER MAY APPLY FOR REIMBURSEMENT OF ESCROW FUNDS FROM THE STREET TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT IF NO FORMAL PETITION HAS BEEN SUBMITTED WITHIN 18 MONTHS FROM THE ISSUANCE OF A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY FOR THE 2 PRIMARY BUILDINGS. 6. PRIOR TO PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN APPROVAL, THE LANDOWNER SHALL EXECUTE A PROPOSITION 207 WAIVER OF CLAIMS IN A FORM APPROVED BY THE CITY ATTORNEY’S OFFICE. THE WAIVER SHALL BE RECORDED WITH THE MARICOPA COUNTY RECORDER’S OFFICE AND DELIVERED TO THE CITY TO BE INCLUDED IN THE REZONING APPLICATION FILE FOR RECORD. Upon request, this publication will be made available within a reasonable length of time through appropriate auxiliary aids or services to accommodate an individual with a disability. This publication may be made available through the following auxiliary aids or services: large print, Braille, audiotape or computer diskette. Please contact Nici Wade at Voice (602) 495-0256 or the City TTY Relay at (602) 534-5500. Village Planning Committee Meeting Summary Z-70-15-6 Date of VPC Meeting May 3, 2016 Request From C-O (4.31 acres) P-1 (0.56 acres) PUD (4.87 acres) Request To Proposed Use Location Planned Unit Development to allow a mix of uses including office, hotel, and limited retail Southeast corner of 28th Street and Camelback Road VPC Recommendation Approval, per staff’s recommendation with modification VPC Vote 12-6 VPC DISCUSSION & RECOMMENDED STIPULATIONS: Ms. Samantha Keating introduced the item, noting the location, surrounding zoning, summarized the design guidelines contained within the PUD Development Narrative and provided the staff recommendation. Mr. Paul Gilbert introduced himself to the committee and explained he was representing the owner of the property, Mr. Jerry Simms in addition to the intended developer, Mr. Jeff LaPour. Mr. Gilbert continued by explaining the project included construction of Class A office space and a boutique hotel. The project is in conformance with the General Plan commercial land use designation and is outside the boundaries of the Primary Core Specific Plan. The site is also located within one of the city’s designated employment corridors. The site is currently zoned C-O and P-1. The previous zoning cases for the property contained stipulations limiting height to one-story. There are no other one-story commercial buildings in the vicinity. The proposal before the committee today would allow for redevelopment of the site. They have been working on the proposal for over a year. The buildings were originally proposed at a height of 68 feet, but with input from the city and community members, that height was brought down to the current proposal of 56 feet. Additional height is needed to provide for more sustainable and competitive office City of Phoenix • Planning & Development Department 200 West Washington Street, 3rd Floor • Phoenix, Arizona 85003-1611 • (602) 262-6882 space. This height is consistent with the height allowed in the nearby Core Gradient. The Core Gradient also allows multifamily residential at a density of 96.8 dwelling units per acre, which would be a much more intense land use than what was currently being proposed. A traffic report was submitted and approved by the Street Transportation Department. Three recommendations were made as part of the study: 1) New stop signs at exits 2) Install a left turn arrow 3) “Not a through street” signs placed at the entrances to the neighborhood Development standards contained within the PUD include lush landscaping, limited lot coverage for buildings, a significant setback along the southern property line as well as a reduced setback along Camelback Road to activate the streetscape. The enhanced southern setback, specifically, helps justify the proposed 56 feet in height. The proposed design features focus on exceptional design. The buildings will be located close to the street with a separation between buildings to break up the mass. The south facades are designed with more solid forms and less glass. While the property is not located within the Core Center or Core Gradient, they included design features from the Camelback East Primary Core Specific Plan. Mr. Rod Jarvis commented that Mr. Peter Drake submitted a list of recommended stipulations from the neighborhood and asked if Mr. Gilbert had a chance to review the items. Mr. Gilbert responded that he had not had a chance to see the list, but felt there was ample time between the VPC meeting and Planning Commission to continue dialogue with the neighborhood. Mr. Rick Cole commented that the proposed stipulations were not distributed to the entire committee. Mr. Jarvis asked about community outreach efforts. Mr. Gilbert explained that an original meeting with the immediate neighborhood took place over a year ago. Since that time, two additional neighborhood meetings took place in addition to walking the neighborhood and talking with residents individually. Ms. Karen Beckvar commented that she feels that her role on the committee is to preserve existing neighborhoods and minimize impacts of new development. PUD rezoning requests often mask the number of variances that would be needed with conventional zoning. The proposal is a quality project, but not appropriate for this area. A hotel use is a 24-hour operation. The parcel is better suited for office use, as depicted in the Specific Plan. The surrounding properties are all 2 or 3 stories so the current proposal seems out-of-scale with the area. The Specific Plan calls for a 150 foot setback from single-family residential with a 25 foot landscape buffer. In addition, other design features from the Specific Plan detail louvers or clerestory windows when facing residential. Ms. Beckvar also asked the applicant to clarify if the 58.8 foot height proposed in the PUD included parapets. City of Phoenix • Planning & Development Department 200 West Washington Street, 3rd Floor • Phoenix, Arizona 85003-1611 • (602) 262-6882 Mr. Gilbert agreed that the committee has an obligation to protect the neighborhood, but he felt PUD zoning allows more of an opportunity to accomplish this because the allowed uses on the site can be limited. Guest room windows have been eliminated from the two southern wings of the hotel and windows are limited on the south face of the office building. The planned building height is 56 feet, but the narrative is written to allow some flexibility for final design. Mr. Tom O’Malley asked about hours of operation and loading and deliveries. Mr. Dennis Newcombe explained the narrative restricts loading areas from 6am to 10 pm, but after additional discussion with the neighborhood, they would be willing to reduce these hours to 7:30 am to 8 pm. Mr. Gilbert added that outdoor hotel uses would also be limited to the hours of 7 am to 10 pm. Nine cards were submitted in support of the item, with five wishing to speak. Mr. John Armstrong explained that he lived in the first house on 28th Street, directly to the south of the site. He knew when he bought the property that it was an urban area. The proposal is beautiful and cannot be criticized from an aesthetic point of view. While the proposed height is greater than what is existing, he does not believe anyone can see over the current one-story buildings. The proposed setback along Camelback Road is a blessing and better than the dangerous situation that exists today. Office and hotel are preferred over multifamily residential. Mr. Michael Goldwater stated that he was in favor of the item. He represents a nearby HOA to the east. The proposed setback is huge, more than what currently exists, and will provide landscaping and view protection. Houses already back up to office space. The redevelopment of the site will be great for the neighborhood and will not decrease property values. Mr. Darren Tappen explained that he lives nearby and his property backs onto apartments. There is no landscaping between his property and the adjoining development. Revitalization increases the livability of the area and he feels that developers and neighbors need to work together. Ms. Ellen Lopez explained that she lives directly adjacent to the property and is in favor of the project as is her brother who lives to the south. Something will eventually be built on the site and this is the lesser of the evils. The existing office development is not benign. The hotel use will have constant security. Mr. Tim Ronalter stated that he lived to the east of the property. He originally met with Mr. LaPour over a year ago. He sees both sides, but a convicted murderer currently lives on the property. If given a choice between the proposal and what currently exists, he would choose Mr. LaPour’s proposal. He is not thrilled about a 5-story hotel, but has spoken with Mr. LaPour about putting privacy blinds on the east side of the property and would like a stipulation added to address this. Traffic will impact 29th Street and he knows some neighbors are in favor of one-way egress on the street. He would like to state for the record that Mr. LaPour has agreed to pay for this, but it is up to the neighbors to start the process. The following four cards were submitted in favor, but not wishing to speak. Joan Prior City of Phoenix • Planning & Development Department 200 West Washington Street, 3rd Floor • Phoenix, Arizona 85003-1611 • (602) 262-6882 Will Mask Mark Vinc Jack Fijan Three cards were submitted wishing to speak with no position marked. Mr. John Mitchell stated that he lived on Pierson Street in the adjacent neighborhood and had lived there for 45 years. Mr. Gilbert has previously worked on two cases in the area. The current development is subdued. The proposal before the committee is a good development but belongs someplace else. The hotel component should only be two stories. Mr. Brett Franklin explained that he had lived in his house for over 10 years. There is no sidewalk in the neighborhood and a hotel does not belong in the neighborhood. There are two big issues with the proposal. First, the core plan specifies that high intensity uses should only be in the Core Center. Second, the General Plan does not specify this area for a resort hotel. The proposal is the wrong project for the area. Ms. Myrna Franklin decided she did not wish to speak. Sixteen cards were submitted in opposition to the item, with four wishing to speak. Mr. Wendell Goring explained that he is a long-time resident and did not hear about the request until Thursday. He did not receive notice. The existing neighborhood has residents of different ages that watch out for each other. The existing zoning is enough. Change is inevitable, but he is opposed to height and density as it will increase traffic. Mr. Wally Graham stated that he is opposed to the project. Height should be varied downward as it moves away from the core. Everything proposed is an exception. When do we stop and live within the existing zoning regulations? Mr. Gilbert used the staff report as his reasoning for granting the request, but the staff report does not address height restrictions in the area. Mr. Gary Steen stated that he lived on Pierson Street in the adjacent neighborhood and was opposed to the project. He explained that he has researched the zoning. The Commercial Office zoning district is meant to be a buffer between residential property and more high-intensity uses. The PUD is supposed to create a built environment that is superior, but the existing zoning is just fine. The General Plan states that a change in land use should only occur when the current land use is not viable, something has changed and the request is consistent with the area. The existing zoning in place is already doing its job. The proposed building will cast a shadow on the entire neighborhood. Ms. Jacqueline Mitchell explained that she lived about 300 feet south of the project and will lose her view of the mountain with the proposal. She is opposed to the density as the neighborhood has only two exits. Putting additional traffic next to the neighborhood will increase traffic within the neighborhood. A hotel with 160 hotel rooms is too dense. Developments should stair step down toward the neighborhood. This did not occur at the Esplanade and people complained. City of Phoenix • Planning & Development Department 200 West Washington Street, 3rd Floor • Phoenix, Arizona 85003-1611 • (602) 262-6882 Ms. Rachel Loda stated that she is speaking from the heart. There are multiple schools along 28th Street and she is worried about the safety of children in the vicinity. There are already traffic bottlenecks and safety issues and this development will make things worse. Mr. Neal Haddad from the Neighborhood Coalition of Greater Phoenix said that he was not before the committee tonight to address the project as Jeff LaPour is a good guy. Instead he was here to ask the committee why they are voting on the project. He hears people saying that because the project is outside of the Core Gradient, the design guidelines from the Specific Plan do not matter. Why would we step down buildings from the Core Center to the Core Gradient to then allow a 5-story building outside both? This was not the intent of the plan. It is a great project, but for a different area. Mr. Peter Drake explained that he was on the committee previously, part of the 2006 Specific Plan update and currently served on the Application Review Committee. The PUD is 36 pages long and will constitute a new zoning district if approved. The committee members should carefully review the document. The PUD needs further study. The neighborhood is asking for a continuance as they want more detailed and specific language added to the document. Previous speakers were correct in stating that the property is not within the core, but many of the neighborhood recommendations from the plan went to 32nd Street. All of the design standards should be applied to properties outside the core. Mr. Don Eginton stated that attorneys were not always truthful. A core value in the General Plan stated that every neighborhood should have certainty and development should reflect the character of the existing neighborhood. The commercial land use designation allows for various intensities of commercial land use. The intensity at this site should be office. The project does not fit the urban village model or the standards from the core plan. The PUD should conform to neighborhood concerns. The VPC is a planning committee and not a development committee. The current proposal is against all city plans. The proposed stipulations are weak. The neighborhood has proposed additional stipulations that should be addressed. Mr. Bruce Eide stated that he lives about 150 feet away from the property. Previously he worked with the Esplanade. This proposal is the same type of plan. The core plan stops at 28th Street with a two-story limit. The proposal before the committee tonight extends the plan from 28th Street to 32nd Street. The hotel and pool proposed will bring constant activity and noise. He is opposed to the project because of noise, light pollution and traffic. Mr. Paul Barnes explained that he had a lot of history with the core. The commercial General Plan designation should not be applicable since the site is less than 10 acres. The subject property was originally rezoned in the 1970s with a limit of one-story. The applicant does not think that this matters. When will a deal be a deal? We need to provide certainty to the residents. A 56-foot height should be the maximum peak height allowed. It is beneficial to sit down with all parties involved. It is not right to run over the neighborhood concerns. Mr. Dan Hall stated that he is more against the project as he listened to the discussion tonight. Many elements have been overlooked. What does the neighborhood gain from this development? The neighborhood does not need the protection of the PUD as it has City of Phoenix • Planning & Development Department 200 West Washington Street, 3rd Floor • Phoenix, Arizona 85003-1611 • (602) 262-6882 protection enough with the existing zoning. While the applicant detailed their outreach efforts, he was never reached out to personally. Mr. Craig Fotheringham stated that he lived on 28th Place in the adjacent neighborhood. He met with Mr. LaPour and tried to understand the project, however, the project will have a negative effect on his property. Light spillover, lost privacy, noise and traffic are his primary concerns. The following four cards were submitted in opposition, but not wishing to speak. Colleen Geretti Linda Steen Linda Yau Lydon Parent Mr. Paul Gilbert provided a rebuttal and stated that he was in agreement with new loading hours of 7:30 am to 8 pm. Overall, the proposal was in line with development in the area as detailed in the staff report. The Camelback Road corridor is an employment center and the current 1-story buildings are outdated and no longer viable. It was never the intent of the Specific Plan to limit height as there is additional height past 29th Street. The plan shows no access to 29th Street. Many neighbors would like to see the street closed or a gate installed. Mr. LaPour has told the neighborhood he is supportive of whatever they want because the project does not need or use 29th Street. Mr. LaPour has agreed to assist and pay for the abandonment if the neighborhood organizes and gives direction on what they want. Hotels can be good neighbors and in this instance will produce less traffic than a second office building. They will agree and go on the record that they will provide privacy screens along the eastern side of the hotel. There is no good reason to not move forward with the case. Additional discussions with the neighbors regarding their proposed stipulations will occur before the Planning Commission hearing. Extensive outreach was completed. Mr. Jarvis asked what the existing zoning would allow for height if the stipulation for one-story did not exist. Mr. Gilbert responded that C-O zoning would allow 56 feet in height. MOTION: Mr. Rod Jarvis motioned to approve the request per Staff’s recommendation. Mr. Jarvis explained that he carefully listened to all perspectives and he does not feel that the case should be continued. However, Mr. Gilbert should continue to work with the neighbors. Overall, a hotel is a compatible use and can be a good neighbor. Height should be looked at carefully, but it is accommodated well with the current plan. There is additional height, but an increased setback. The project will give the neighborhood additional stability. Mr. William Fischbach seconded the motion. City of Phoenix • Planning & Development Department 200 West Washington Street, 3rd Floor • Phoenix, Arizona 85003-1611 • (602) 262-6882 Mr. Fischbach stated that Mr. Jarvis is correct. The additional height and greater setback is a tradeoff. The proposal is exceptional and would be good for economic development in the corridor. Mr. Greg Abbott made a friendly amendment to the motion to add the revised loading dock hours and the privacy blinds to the recommendation. Mr. Jarvis accepted the friendly amendment. 1. An updated Development Narrative for the 28th Street & Camelback Mixed Use PUD reflecting the changes approved through this request shall be submitted to the Planning and Development Department within 30 days of City Council approval of this request. The updated Development Narrative shall be consistent with the Development Narrative date stamped April 8, 2016 as modified by the following stipulations. a. Page 33, Development Standards, 1.e.iii. Maximum Projections: Applicant shall replace “fifth percent” with “fifty percent” when discussing close projections. b. Page 34, Development Standards, 1.h.iv. Off-Street Loading Spaces: Applicant shall revise the subsection to read, “Off-street loading spaces: Minimum of one (1) loading space per building and minimum three (3) loading spaces total. A minimum of one (1) loading space per building shall meet the size requirements as stated in Section 702. Additional loading spaces must be a minimum size of 9.5 feet by 18 feet.” c. Page 44, Design Guidelines, 3.n. Opening Limitations: Applicant shall revise this subsection to read, “Limit openings (e.g. windows/balconies) facing the residential homes to the south. No balconies facing residential homes shall be provided. Any south facing hotel building walls within 150 feet of the southern property line shall not contain guestroom windows. (See Exhibit M-5; Conceptual Elevations)” d. Page 48, Building(s) Signage, a. Hotel Building Wall Identification: Applicant shall add the following provisions to this section: iv. The area of a wall sign erected over 56-feet in height shall not exceed one percent (1%) of the area of the overall elevation to which it is attached. This area shall not be counted against the wall signage which may be placed on the building below 56-feet. v. Any wall sign erected over 56-feet shall be located no closer to the roofline than one-half the vertical dimension of the sign to prevent the appearance of overcrowding at the top edge of the building. vi. Any wall sign erected over 56-feet shall be located no closer to the side of the edge of the building than one-half the width of the largest letter or element of the sign to prevent the appearance of overcrowding at the edge of the building. e. PAGE 28, LIST OF USES, 2.D.III, LOADING DOCK AREAS: APPLICANT SHALL REVISE HOURS TO 7:30 AM TO 8 PM. City of Phoenix • Planning & Development Department 200 West Washington Street, 3rd Floor • Phoenix, Arizona 85003-1611 • (602) 262-6882 f. PAGE 44, DESIGN GUIDELINES: APPLICANT SHALL ADD A SUBSECTION T. TO READ, “EAST FACING HOTEL ROOM WINDOWS SHALL PROVIDE PRIVACY BLINDS.” 2. The property owner shall dedicate a 10 foot sidewalk easement along the south side of Camelback Road for the length of the project, as approved by the Planning and Development Department. 3. The property owner shall construct a 5 foot wide sidewalk along Camelback Road which shall be detached with a minimum five foot wide landscaped strip located between the sidewalk and back of curb, as approved by the Planning and Development Department. The detached sidewalk shall begin on the east side of the existing bus bay and continue for the length of the project. 4. The property owner shall update all existing off-site street improvements, including sidewalks, curb ramps and driveways, adjacent to the project to current ADA guidelines, as approved by the Planning and Development Department. VOTE: 12-6 motion to approve per staff’s recommendation with modification passes (Acuna, Beckvar, Paceley, Sallen, Sharaby and Valenzuela dissenting). Mr. Danny Sharaby commented that he takes neighborhood sincerity into account. He believes the neighbor’s claims of not being notified. Ms. Karen Beckvar explained that she thinks the neighbors have property rights and she would prefer to see more time given to reach a compromise. Mr. Barry Paceley explained that he was not comfortable with using a PUD on this size of property. The proposal was not respectful of the core. He has confidence that what is proposed is a quality project and Mr. Gilbert will continue discussions with Mr. Drake and others. STAFF COMMENTS REGARDING VPC RECOMMENDATION & STIPULATIONS: Staff has no comments. City of Phoenix • Planning & Development Department 200 West Washington Street, 3rd Floor • Phoenix, Arizona 85003-1611 • (602) 262-6882 Staff Report Z-70-15-6 (28th Street & Camelback Mixed Use PUD) April 21, 2016 Camelback East Village Planning Committee Meeting Date Planning Commission Hearing Date Request From: May 3, 2016 June 2, 2016 C-O (4.31 acres) P-1 (0.56 acres) PUD (4.87 acres) Planned Unit Development to allow a mix of uses including office, hotel, and limited retail Southeast corner of 28th Street and Camelback Road Daily Double Beus Gilbert PLLC Approval, subject to a stipulations Request To: Proposed Use Location Owner Applicant/Representative Staff Recommendation General Plan Conformity General Plan Land Use Designation Street Map Classification Commercial Camelback Road Arterial 28th Street Minor Collector 29th Street Local 40 to 55-foot south half street 40-foot east half street 25-foot west half street CONNECT PEOPLE AND PLACES CORE VALUE; COMPLETE STREETS; DESIGN PRINCIPLE: Locate parking to the rear of a site to create a more pedestrian environment, when adequate shielding from noise and light can be provided to adjacent established neighborhoods. On-street parking in some areas may also promote a pedestrian environment. The proposed design provides surface parking at the rear of the site with a new detached sidewalk and associated landscaping along Camelback Road to enhance the pedestrian experience in and around the site. Several development standards addressing lighting, noise and uses are included to provide buffering between the buildings, surface parking area and the adjacent single-family residential neighborhood. Staff Report: Z-70-15-6 April 21, 2016 Page 2 of 13 BUILD THE SUSTAINABLE DESERT CITY CORE VALUE; TREES AND SHADE; DESIGN PRINCIPLE: Integrate trees and shade into the design of new development and redevelopment projects throughout Phoenix. The standards included within the PUD provide for extensive shading throughout the site through the use of both vegetative and structural elements. In addition, the development will incorporate the existing, mature landscaping, where feasible, into the overall landscape design. STRENGTHEN OUR LOCAL ECONOMY CORE VALUE; EMPLOYERS (JOB CREATION); LAND USE PRINCIPLE: Support General Plan Land Use Map and zoning changes that will facilitate the location of employment generating uses in each of the designated employment centers. The proposed rezoning, through both the introduction of the hospitality use and the additional Class A office space, offers additional employment opportunities within a designated major employment center. CELEBRATE OUR DIVERSE COMMUNITIES AND NEIGHBORHOODS CORE VALUE; CERTAINTY AND CHARACTER; DESIGN PRINCIPLE: Create new development or redevelopment that is sensitive to the scale and character of the surrounding neighborhoods and incorporates adequate development standards to prevent negative impact(s) on the residential properties. The proposed development is designed to be sensitive to the adjacent residential neighborhood by consolidating the most significant activity along the arterial frontage. Development standards providing both significant building setbacks and use restrictions ensure additional protection to the nearby single-family residences. Background/Issues/Analysis SUBJECT SITE 1. This request is to rezone a 4.87 acre site located at the southeast corner of 28th Street and Camelback Road from C-O (Commercial Office) and P-1 (Passenger Automobile Parking, Limited) to PUD (Planned Unit Development) to allow for a mixed use development including office, hotel and limited retail uses. 2. The site is an assemblage of two parcels, both used as professional office developments. The properties were rezoned to allow the current use in 1974 and 1976, with buildings improvements completed shortly thereafter. The one-story buildings generally front Camelback Road with surface parking located to the rear of the site. 3. The General Plan Land Use Map designation for the parcel is Commercial. A Commercial designation accommodates office, retail, service and multi-family development at varying scales and intensities. The proposed office, hotel and limited retail uses are consistent with this designation. Staff Report: Z-70-15-6 April 21, 2016 Page 3 of 13 The subject site falls within one of the city’s Major Employment Centers. The Camelback Corridor provides a dynamic mix of premier office, high-end retail and service amenities that is well-served by advanced utility and telecommunications infrastructure. The proposed development will aid in producing additional employment opportunities in this highly sought after employment corridor. 4. SURROUNDING USES & ZONING 5. North Property to the north of the subject site is zoned C-1 (Neighborhood Retail) and RE-35 (Single-Family Residence District) and contains a 3-story office building as well as open space and lake that is part of the larger Biltmore development. Staff Report: Z-70-15-6 April 21, 2016 Page 4 of 13 West Across 28th Street to the west is a 3-story office building development that is zoned C-O (Commercial Office) and P-1 (Passenger Automobile Parking, Limited). South Property to the south of the subject site is zoned R1-10 (Single-Family Residence District) and is developed with single-family homes. East A two-story office development is located to the east of the subject parcel. The property is zoned C-O/G-O (Commercial Office, General Office option) and C-O (Commercial Office). PROPOSAL 6. The proposal was developed utilizing the PUD zoning designation, which allows an applicant to propose uses, development standards, and design guidelines for a site. One of the goals of this process is to allow the applicant to develop standards that respond to the surrounding environment more so than conventional zoning districts allow. The end result is property rezoned with standards crafted specifically for the site. Where the PUD Development Narrative is silent on a requirement, the applicable Zoning Ordinance provisions will be applied. 7. Below is a summary of the proposed standards for the subject site as described in the attached PUD Development Narrative date stamped April 8, 2016, Attachment C. Table of Proposed Development Standards Standard Building Height Primary Use Buildings Accessory Structures Minimum Building Setbacks Street – Camelback Road Street – 28th Street and 29th Street Interior - south property line Maximum Building Setback Street – Camelback Road Minimum Landscape Setbacks Street – Camelback Road Street - 28th Street and 29th Street Interior – south property line Maximum Lot Coverage Primary Use Buildings Proposed 58 feet, 10 inches maximum 12 feet maximum 18 feet for 95% of the street frontage 10 feet for 5% of the street frontage 10 feet 110 feet for primary use buildings 10 feet for parking garage and canopies 22 feet 18 feet for 95% of the street frontage 10 feet for 5% of the street frontage 10 feet 10 feet 42% Staff Report: Z-70-15-6 April 21, 2016 Page 5 of 13 Accessory Structures Total Minimum Primary Use Building Separation Parking Hotel Office General Retail Bicycle Loading 10.5% 89.3% 85 feet (excluding porte cocheres) 1 space per room 3.5 spaces per 1,000 square feet of tenant leasable area 1 space per 300 square feet of floor area 20 spaces minimum 1 per building The PUD proposes development standards designed to accommodate a four-story office building and a five-story hotel. The office and hotel buildings have planned building heights of 56 feet, with a maximum permitted building height of 58 feet 10 inches. A surface lot to the rear of the primary use buildings, in addition to an underground parking garage, will provide employee and guest parking for the development. The conceptual site plan included within the Development Narrative depicts a 115,000 square foot office building and a 96,000 square foot, 160 room hotel. Maximum lot coverage will not exceed 42% for primary use buildings with an additional 10.5% lot coverage for any accessory structures, including parking canopies. Overall lot coverage, inclusive of the underground parking garage, will not exceed 89.3%. Staff Report: Z-70-15-6 April 21, 2016 Page 6 of 13 ELEMENTS OF THE PUD DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 8. The development standards contained within the PUD focus on the following three elements: Produce an urban, sustainable and pedestrian-friendly development. Ensure adequate protection to the adjacent single-family residential neighborhood. Develop design standards that are consistent with properties along the Camelback Road corridor, specifically those properties subject the design standards contained in the Camelback East Primary Core Specific Plan. URBAN & SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 9. Both primary use buildings will be oriented toward Camelback Road with a reduced building setback of 18 feet in order to provide an urban active streetscape experience consistent with other urban developments within the vicinity. The majority of the parking will be provided by an underground parking garage, with a limited amount of surface parking located to the rear of the site and out of public view. 10. Like the proposed building setbacks, the proposed street side landscaping areas are limited to allow the buildings to be located closer to the street. These smaller areas, however, include enhanced landscaping in order to provide both shade and to promote a more pedestrian-friendly environment. A minimum landscape setback of 18 feet will be provided along Camelback Road for 95% of the frontage with a 10-foot landscape setback permitted for up to 5% of the street frontage. The Camelback Road setbacks will be landscaped with a mix of 3-inch and 4-inch caliper trees that will be strategically placed to shade the planned detached sidewalk. The 28th Street and 29th Street frontages will be provided with a 10-foot landscape area that will contain a mix of 2-, 3- and 4-inch caliper trees. All perimeter landscaped setbacks will also contain six, 5-gallon shrubs per tree to complete the landscape theme. Staff Report: Z-70-15-6 April 21, 2016 Page 7 of 13 Landscaping is also planned in the surface parking lot and will cover a minimum of 10% of the parking area. In addition to perimeter and parking lot landscape areas, additional vegetation will be provided adjacent to building areas that are within 100 feet of the public right-of-way or provide public entry. A 5-foot wide planter or arcade will enhance the building’s façade and provide additional aesthetic detail to those traveling in or around the site. 11. Parking spaces will be provided according to the prescribed ratios of the Phoenix Zoning Ordinance, however, as the Development Narrative details, a shared parking model will be sought to reduce the required number of parking spaces because of the numerous transportation options available to users of the site, furthering the sustainable ideals of the development. Similarly, to encourage utilization of alternative transportation options, the development standards include a prescribed number of bicycle parking spaces in addition to working with the city’s Public Transit Department to provide an updated and architecturally distinguishable bus shelter along Camelback Road. The updated bus shelter, specifically, will benefit not only the occupants of the building, but residents of the surrounding community. 12. In addition to the applicable design guidelines detailed in the city of Phoenix Zoning Ordinance, the Development Narrative proposes many additional design standards intended to activate the street frontages of the project and promote the urban environment of the Camelback Road corridor. A detached sidewalk along Camelback Road will connect to internal pedestrian walkways that provide access to the buildings’ main entrances. The ground level of both buildings will be accented with a minimum of 30% glazing and differentiated building materials to provide visual interest. Design guidelines are also proposed to provide a large courtyard linking the two primary use buildings that will create usable internal open space. Prescribed standards include providing a water feature, shade trellises, benches, tables and seating areas. Staff Report: Z-70-15-6 April 21, 2016 Page 8 of 13 13. Shading will be provided for public sidewalks, internal open space areas as well as the surface parking lot. Development standards are proposed to ensure that a minimum of 75% of the public sidewalk and minimum 50% of the surface parking area are shaded by either vegetation or structural shade elements. Similarly, the courtyard area between the two primary use buildings will contain trellises, trees and vertical landscaping to shade the exterior open space areas. 14. The Development Narrative details a number of voluntary green elements, ensuring the project is developed and maintained in a sustainable manner. First and foremost, the developer intends to achieve Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design certification for the project, which will serve to benchmark the specific elements proposed for the project against a global standard. Recycling facilities, site shading and alternative pavement to promote natural drainage are just some of the features proposed in the overall design that will further the project’s sustainable mission. PROTECTION FOR THE ADJACENT NEIGHBORHOOD 15. The proposed development standards require a 110-foot building setback from the southern property line for primary use buildings. This enhanced setback will serve to provide an increased buffer to the adjacent residential properties and will restrict the majority of the activity to the northern portion of the site. The planned parking garage and parking canopies will maintain the same front and side setbacks as the primary use buildings, but will be required to maintain a 10-foot minimum setback from the southern property line. 16. In addition to the substantial southern building setback, a minimum 85-foot building separation, excluding the hotel’s porte cochere, will be provided. The building separation is provided to maintain the view corridor from the exiting residential neighborhood to the south. 17. The southern setback between the property line and the surface parking area will be landscaped with a mix of 2-inch and 3-inch caliper trees and 5-gallon shrubs. Some existing vegetation is already provided on-site, specifically along the southern property line. Where not in conflict with the development plan, the existing healthy, mature trees will be retained and incorporated into the new landscape design. A similar landscaped setback exists with the current development on site. Staff Report: Z-70-15-6 April 21, 2016 Page 9 of 13 18. The conceptual site plan depicts two access points – a main entrance off Camelback Road with a secondary access point off 28th Street. A standard restricting vehicular access to and from 29th Street has been provided to limit traffic to the arterial and collector streets adjacent to the development. 19. Limitations have been placed on the height of security and parking lot lighting to provide additional protection for the adjacent residences to the south. Any lighting within 110 feet of a residentially zoned property will be limited to a maximum height of 15 feet. In addition, any lighting proposed for parking canopies will be required to be shielded from any adjacent residences. 20. Along with the building and site design features designed for the occupants of the building, several standards are proposed to provide additional protection to the neighborhood to the south. Balconies and windows facing residential homes will not be permitted in those portions of the hotel building closest to the southern property line. Similarly, occupiable outdoor space above the second floor will only be allowed in limited areas and not facing the residential zoning district to the south. 21. The Development Narrative proposes to allow general office, hotel and financial institutions as principally permitted uses with a number of restrictions designed to ensure compatibility with nearby residential properties. Permitted general office accessory uses include a small conference center, cafeteria, and day care center. Retail uses are only permitted on the ground floor of the office building and are restricted to a maximum area of 5,000 square feet. No alcohol sales are permitted. 22. Accessory uses are also proposed for the hotel and include those uses customarily incidental to a hotel use. Restaurants, bars, outdoor patios, meeting rooms, fitness center, pool and gift shops are permitted accessory uses, but again, include use limitations designed to be sensitive to nearby residences. Restrictions are included that will limit the location, size and hours of operation of any outdoor patio. Live outdoor entertainment is not permitted and maximum levels for amplified sound are specified. CONSISTENCY WITH AREA DESIGN STANDARDS 23. Originally adopted in 1991, with an update in 2006, the Camelback East Primary Core Specific Plan provides guidance on land use, transportation, infrastructure investments and desirable design features for properties within the defined Core Staff Report: Z-70-15-6 April 21, 2016 Page 10 of 13 Center and Core Gradient. The Core Center is generally bounded by Piestewa Freeway, 26th Street, Camelback Road and Highland Avenue whereas the Core Gradient generally extends from the boundaries of the Core Center to Medlock Drive, Campbell Avenue, 16th Street and 28th Street. While the subject property is not included within the plan’s defined Core Gradient, it is adjacent to properties on the west and north that are subject to the policy and regulatory provisions outlined in the plan. 24. Due to the proximity of the subject property to the Core Gradient, the proposed development incorporates several of the plan’s prominent elements including streetscape enhancement, improved pedestrian circulation, underground parking and promotion of alternative transit. 25. The Camelback East Primary Core Specific Plan also includes a set of design guidelines that aim to provide open spaces and pedestrian linkages, encourage architectural excellence with a pedestrian focus and to preserve established view corridors by minimizing visual clutter. The design guidelines included within the plan apply to all new development within the Core Center and Core Gradient areas. Several design standards included within the PUD are taken directly from the specific plan. These include a detached sidewalk, shaded pedestrians connections, restriction on surface parking as well as the addition of bicycle parking and active pedestrian outdoor space. Inclusion of these design features serve to create a level of consistency among existing and future developments within the Camelback Road corridor. STREETS AND TRAFFIC 26. The Street Transportation Department has indicated that a ten foot sidewalk easement and detached sidewalk will be required along Camelback Road adjacent to the property to comply with the City’s Complete Streets Policy. The detached sidewalk will begin on the east side of the existing bus bay and continue for the Staff Report: Z-70-15-6 April 21, 2016 Page 11 of 13 length of the project. Stipulations have been added addressing these requirements as well as a stipulation regarding improvement of all streets within and adjacent to the overall development to current ADA guidelines. 27. A Traffic Study for the project was submitted to the Street Transportation Department. The study determined that the existing street improvements are sufficient to accommodate the level of traffic proposed. MISCELLANEOUS 28. The Water Services Department has noted that existing water and sewer services exist in the vicinity of the project site. Capacity will be verified during site plan application review. 29. The City of Phoenix Floodplain Management division of the Street Transportation Department has determined that this parcel is not in a Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA), but is located in a Shaded Zone X, on panel 1745 L of the Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM) dated October 16, 2013. 30. Development and use of the site is subject to all applicable codes and ordinances. Zoning approval does not negate other ordinance requirements and other formal actions may be required. Findings 1. The development proposal is consistent with the General Plan Land Use Map designation of Commercial. 2. The proposed design standards provide consistency with other properties along the Camelback Road corridor and serve to provide adequate protection to adjacent residential properties. 3. The proposal will provide additional services and amenities that will serve in creating additional employment opportunities in a major employment centers. Stipulations 1. An updated Development Narrative for the 28th Street & Camelback Mixed Use PUD reflecting the changes approved through this request shall be submitted to the Planning and Development Department within 30 days of City Council approval of this request. The updated Development Narrative shall be consistent with the Development Narrative date stamped April 8, 2016 as modified by the following stipulations. Staff Report: Z-70-15-6 April 21, 2016 Page 12 of 13 a. Page 33, Development Standards, 1.e.iii. Maximum Projections: Applicant shall replace “fifth percent” with “fifty percent” when discussing close projections. b. Page 34, Development Standards, 1.h.iv. Off-Street Loading Spaces: Applicant shall revise the subsection to read, “Off-street loading spaces: Minimum of one (1) loading space per building and minimum three (3) loading spaces total. A minimum of one (1) loading space per building shall meet the size requirements as stated in Section 702. Additional loading spaces must be a minimum size of 9.5 feet by 18 feet.” c. Page 44, Design Guidelines, 3.n. Opening Limitations: Applicant shall revise this subsection to read, “Limit openings (e.g. windows/balconies) facing the residential homes to the south. No balconies facing residential homes shall be provided. Any south facing hotel building walls within 150 feet of the southern property line shall not contain guestroom windows. (See Exhibit M-5; Conceptual Elevations)” d. Page 48, Building(s) Signage, a. Hotel Building Wall Identification: Applicant shall add the following provisions to this section: iv. The area of a wall sign erected over 56-feet in height shall not exceed one percent (1%) of the area of the overall elevation to which it is attached. This area shall not be counted against the wall signage which may be placed on the building below 56-feet. v. Any wall sign erected over 56-feet shall be located no closer to the roofline than one-half the vertical dimension of the sign to prevent the appearance of overcrowding at the top edge of the building. vi. Any wall sign erected over 56-feet shall be located no closer to the side of the edge of the building than one-half the width of the largest letter or element of the sign to prevent the appearance of overcrowding at the edge of the building. 2. The property owner shall dedicate a 10 foot sidewalk easement along the south side of Camelback Road for the length of the project, as approved by the Planning and Development Department. 3. The property owner shall construct a 5 foot wide sidewalk along Camelback Road which shall be detached with a minimum five foot wide landscaped strip located between the sidewalk and back of curb, as approved by the Planning and Development Department. The detached sidewalk shall begin on the east side of the existing bus bay and continue for the length of the project. 4. The property owner shall update all existing off-site street improvements, including sidewalks, curb ramps and driveways, adjacent to the project to current ADA guidelines, as approved by the Planning and Development Department. Staff Report: Z-70-15-6 April 21, 2016 Page 13 of 13 Writer Samantha Keating April 15, 2016 Team Leader Josh Bednarek Attachments Attachment A: Sketch Map Attachment B: Aerial Attachment C: 28th Street & Camelback Mixed Use PUD date stamped April 8, 2016 60 70 65 2575 63 67 64 66 62 3010 2930 PRIVATE 2920 2850 2910 5108 2910 2730 0% E CAMELBACK RD 2901 0% 2929 0% N29T HST 2845 2801 2912 2902 2747 4829 4828 37% 4826 2920 2930 E MARIPOSA ST 2777 4823 4821 4822 4822 4821 2901 N28THST 4819 2909 2917 NHPL 4813 2802 NTHP 28 L 4814 4811 4802 4808 2828 2834 2844 2902 2912 29T 2918 4802 2808 2728 2734 4801 E PIERSON ST 2738 2733 Legend ALLE Z-70-15 Y 2933 2801 2809 2817 2825 2833 2841 2901 2818 2824 2838 2848 2902 2909 2917 2929 2910 2920 2930 Signed Petition 2727 150' Petition Area 2728 2734 Existing Parcel 2802 2810 2738 I Preliminary Petition Map for Z-70-15 0 150 300 Feet Map prepared by City of Phoenix, Planning & Development Services Dept 6/9/2016 2934