CT Scanning of museum specimens: a case study of
CT Scanning of museum specimens: a case study of
CT Scanning of museum specimens: a case study of diversity from the inside out Amy McCune Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Cornell University and Cornell University Museum of Vertebrates Evolutionary morphology and phylogenetics have long focused on: Computed Tomography (CT) is being used increasingly for evolutionary morphology! CU81425 A charciform fish, Hoplias, collected ~1940s but the extent and size of datasets present challenges to museum curators unlike any dissection ever did! Today talk about a case study of anatomy using CT Are gas bladders modified lungs? What is a gas bladder? buoyancy, hearing sb Zebrafish (Danio) b Chitala chitala Functions: buoyancy, respiration, hearing, sound production Orthodoxy: gas bladder is a modified lung (but some controversy) relatively little modification 1. duct and lungs rotate dorsally 2. paired lung reduced to single of Osteichthyes (from Romer 1974 The Vertebrate Body after B.Dean 1895. Living and Fossil Fishes) One source of controversy is the phylogentic distribution of the pulmonary artery supply PA PA PA PA PA PA ? PA Is the bowfin pulmonary artery (PA) convergent or homologous? 3-D study of the arterial supply in rayfinned fishes & lungfish Injected barium into dorsal aorta of euthanized fish Imaged with micro-CT (spatial res 50-100 microns) Analyzed with Microview and Osirix. Sarah Longo Mark Riccio Using micro-CT to show what some AOs actually look like… AO =air-filled organ, a collective term for lungs & gas bladders Sturgeon (A. transmontanous) pd Gar (L. platyrhynchus) lungs of bichir dorsal view (Polypterus ornatipinnis) lungs gut lateral view ventral view African lungfish (Protopterus dolloi ) lung • Duct connects ventrally gut • Lung largely dorsal • Very long (98% coelom) • Vesicular internally Micro-CTs of injected fish lungfish sturgeon gar Polypterus Pulmonary arteries branch off the 4th efferent branchial artery anterior anterior anterior PA dorsal view amphibian lateral view lateral view African lungfish bowfin s d c lp rp vlp c III IV co d Comparative study of arterial vasculature i c’ d African lungfish Protopterus I II III Polypterus Lepisosteus IV lp d rp Polyodon Amia Polypterus I II III I IV II A II II II III I IV II III III lp IVIVco vlp d lp Polyodon Amia Polypterus III lp IV vlp c s rp sc d d da’ d da’ d Lepisosteus Acipenser Acipenser I I Polyodon Polyodon Amia Amia bowfin Polypterus Lepisosteus olyodon Polyodon mia Amia da’ bichir Protopterus Lepisosteus Acipenser Acipenser II II III III IV IVcoco dd IV’ IV’ IVIV cc II I IIII II IIIIII III IVIV IV ss dd d da’ da’ paddlefish da’ Protopterus Protopterussturgeon Protopterus Protopterus IV’ IV c II IIII e e s c c A s IV’rp IVs rp c c c Amia Lepisosteus P Amia Lepisosteus P II IIII III IIIIV IV lp dd i i c’ c’ s rp c s da’ gar From Longo, Riccio, and McCune 2013 Sturgeon and paddlefish have small arteries which branch off the 4th branchial efferent arteries Are these vestigial pulmonary arteries? Longo, Riccio & McCune 2013 Bowfin PAs are homologous not convergent PAs are synapomorphy of Osteichthyes sturgeon paddlefish pa Polypterus tetrapods lungfish coelacanth shark Bony vertebrates bowfin Ray-finned Fleshy-finned teleosts gar Ancestral states with R, using Max. Parsimony Reconstruction in APE package (Paradis 2004). One project generated: ~12 jars and 100.43 GB of CT data (49,966 items) of associated data Acknowledgements Collaborators: Sara Longo (undergraduate thesis, Mark Riccio) For help obtaining specimens: Jan Hoover and Steven George, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Waterways Experiment Station • Carl Rathjee, NY State D.E.C. Constantia Fish Hatchery • Glenn Northcutt, Scripps Institute of Oceanography • Charles Dardia, John Friel, Cornell Museum of Vertebrates. Amia: dorsal AO is long (~70% coelom), bilobed, and vesicular internally. Endoscopy ! Swim bladder morphology is also diverse: Chitala chitala Soft tissue has been used some, but not extensively Adult Bowfin gas bladder