Machu-Picchu and Abra Malaga
Machu-Picchu and Abra Malaga
MANU EXPEDITIONS BIRDING AND WILDLIFE TOURS www.Birding-‐In-‐ A TRIP REPORT FOR A BIRDING TRIP TO MACHU-‐PICCHU AND ABRA MALAGA Leader: Silverio Duri August 7 – 11 - 2015 A short but interesting extension where we recorded 13 Peruvian endemics and 18 range restricted species plus the impressive Inca Citadel of Machu Picchu and flagship birds such as Inca Wren, Torrent Duck, Black-‐streaked Puffbird, gren and white Hummingbird, Bearded Maountaineer, Tawnt-‐Tit-‐Spinetail, White-‐browd Tit-‐Spinetail, Junin Canastero, Marcapata and Creamy-‐crested Spinetails, Masked Fruiteater, Parodi’s Hemispingus and on top of that an Andean Bear DAY BY DAY ACTIVITIES August 07th: Arrival from Manu or North Peru. To Cusco and drive to Ollantaytambo. Overnight at Ollantaytambo August 08th: Train ride from Ollantaytambo to Machu-‐Picchu and after arrival to the Aguas Caliente train station we met our archaeological guide Vilma and then we took the bus up to the ruins and had a 2 hour tour of the Machu-‐Picchu Inca Ruins, and after lunch we did some birding from above Puente Ruinas all the way back to our Hotel. Overnight at Aguas Calientes 1 August 09th: Machu-‐Picchu to Ollantaytambo with birding morning to the Mandor valley from Aguas Caliente and in the afternoon train back to Ollantaytambo. Overnight at Ollantaytambo August 10th: Early departure to Abra Malaga (west slope) polylepis forest, but Peter and Penelope decide to stay at the Hotel and did some tours at Ollantaytambo. Overnight at Ollantaytambo August 11th: Abra Malaga (east slope) cloud forest and in the early afternoon back to Cusco. Overnight at Cusco. Overnight at Cusco. End of the trip Polylepis forest at Abra Malaga -‐ Silverio Duri The Key to the Bird list RED – IUCN RED LIST CATEGORY SACC = South American Classification Committee IOC = International Ornithological Congress RR = Range restricted species E = Peruvian Endemic *= Heard Only 2 THE BIRDLIST Family: ANATIDAE -‐ DUCKS Andean Goose -‐ Oressochen melanoptera Very nice views of 2 individuals at Abra Malaga on the west slope. Note the genus of this species has recently chnaged Torrent Duck -‐ Merganetta armata Fantastic views along the Urubamba River on our way in and out to Machu-‐Picchu; how on earth does this species cope “acoustically” by living in such torrential waters? Torrent Duck male Yellow-‐billed Pintail -‐ Anas georgica Seen along the Urubamba River Family: CRACIDAE -‐ GUANS Andean Guan – Penelope montagnil Seen around Mandor valley Family: PHALACROCORACIDAE -‐ CORMORANTS Neotropic Cormorant – Phalacrocorax brasilianus Common – seen along the Urubamba River Family: ARDEIDAE -‐ HERONS Black-‐crowned Night Heron – Nycticorax nycticorax One seen along the Urubamba River 3 Family: THRESKIORNITHIDAE -‐ IBIS Puna Ibis – Plegadis ridgwayi A few seen along the Urubamba River and also seen at Abra Malaga Family: CATHARTIDAE – AMERICAN VULTURES Andean Condor – Vultur gryphus Seen in 2 consecutive days at Abra Malaga – NEAR THREATNED Family: ACCIPITRIDAE -‐ HAWKS & EAGLES Black-‐chested Buzzard-‐Eagle – Geranoaetus melanoleucus Two seen at Abra Malaga Roadside Hawk -‐ Rupornis magnirostris* Family: CHARADRIIDAE -‐ PLOVERS Andean Lapwing -‐ Vanellus resplendens Common at Abra Malaga Family: LARIDAE – GULLS Andean Gull -‐ Chroicocephalus serranus Seen along the Urubamba River and also around Abra Malaga Family: COLUMBIDAE – PIGEONS AND DOVES Spot-‐winged Pigeon -‐ Patagioenas maculosa Quiet common around Ollantaytambo, common at the Pakaritampu hotel Band-‐tailed Pigeon – Patagioenas fasciata Seen in the humid montane forest around Mandor valley White-‐tipped Dove -‐ Leptotila verreauxi decipiens Common along the Urubamba River below the Machu-‐Picchu Inca Ruins Eared Dove – Zenaida auriculata Seen around Ollantaytambo Family: APODIDAE -‐ SWIFTS White-‐tipped Swift -‐ Aeronautes montivagus Very nice views near Machu-‐Picchu Family: TROCHILIDAE -‐ HUMMINGBIRDS Green Hermit – Phaethornis guy One seen near the Mandor valley Sparkling Violet-‐ear -‐ Colibri coruscans Common at Machu-‐Picchu Speckled Hummingbird -‐ Adelomyia melanogenys Quiet common at Machu-‐Picchu Andean Hillstar – Oreotrochilus estella One seen in the polylepis forest at Abra Malaga 4 Black-‐tailed Trainbearer -‐ Lesbia victoriae Very nice views at the garden of the Pakaritampu Hotel RR Olivaceous Thornbill -‐ Chalcostigma olivaceum One seen at Abra Malaga on the west slope E Bearded Mountaineer -‐ Oreonympha nobilis Seen around the ground of the Pakaritampu Hotel – a Peruvian endemic Tyrian Metaltail -‐ Metallura tyrianthina Common in the east slope of Abra Malaga -‐ Named after the color Tyrian purple; Variously known as Royal purple, Tyrian purple, purple of the ancients, this ancient dyestuff, mentioned in texts dating about 1600 BC, was produced from the mucus of the hypobranchial gland of various species of marine mollusks, notably Murex. Although originating in old port of Tyre in modern day Syria (hence the name), man's first large scale chemical industry spread throughout the world. With the decline of the Roman Empire, the use of the dye also declined and large scale production ceased with the fall of Constantinople in 1453. It was replaced by other cheaper dyes like lichen purple and madder RR Scaled Metaltail -‐ Metallura aeneocauda One seen at Abra Malaga east slope E White-‐tufted Sunbeam -‐ Aglaeactis castelnaudii Seen in two consecutive days around Peñas bellow Abra Malaga west slope – a Peruvian endemic Violet-‐throated Starfrontlet – Coeligena violifer Very good views by the east slope of Abra Malaga Sword-‐billed Hummingbird – Ensifera ensifera One seen on the east slope of Abra Malaga Great Sapphirewing -‐ Pterophanes cyanopterus Great views at Peñas -‐ bellow Abra Malaga west slope Chestnut-‐breasted Coronet -‐ Boissonneauta matthewsii Quiet common around Mandor Valley Booted Racket-‐tail -‐ Ocreatus underwoodii Seen around Mandor valley Violet-‐fronted Brilliant -‐ Heliodoxa leadbeateri One seen near the Mandor valley Fawn-‐breasted Brilliant -‐ Heliodoxa rubinoides Also seen near the Mandor valley White-‐bellied Hummingbird -‐ Leucippus chionogaster Good views at the Pakaritampu Hotel E Green and White Hummingbird -‐ Leucippus viridicauda Quiet common at Machu Picchu but we had good views at the garden of the Pakaritampu Hotel Family: TROGONIDAE – TROGONS AND QUETZALS Golden-‐headed Quetzal -‐ Pharomachrus auriceps One seen at the Mandor valley 5 Family: MOMOTIDAE -‐ MOTMOTS Andean Motmot -‐ Momotus aequatorialis Good views around Mandor valley; M. aequatorialis is one of six species in the Momotus momota complex; includes ssp aequatorialis & chlorolaemus (Stiles 2009, SACC); CHANGE English name from Highland Motmot to Andean Motmot following SACC 412. Family: BUCCONIDAE – PUFFBIRDS Black-‐streaked Puffbird – Malacoptila fulvogularis Very good views at the Mandor valley Family: CAPITONIDAE – NEW WORLD BARBETS Versicolored Barbet – Eubucco versicolor Great views near the Mandor valley Family: PICIDAE – WOODPECKERS RR Ocellated Piculet -‐ Picumnus dorbygnianus* At Machu-‐Picchu Bar-‐bellied Woodpecker -‐ Veniliornis nigriceps Good views at Abra Malaga west slope (polylepis forest) Andean Flicker -‐ Colaptes rupicola Common at Abra Malaga Family: FALCONIDAE -‐ CARACARAS & FALCONS Mountain Caracara-‐ Phalcoboenus megalopterus Common at Abra Malaga American Kestrel -‐ Falco sparverius Common Family: PSITTACIDAE -‐ PARROTS Speckle-‐faced Parrot -‐ Pionus tumultuosus Good views at the Mandor valley Family: THAMNOPHILIDAE -‐ ANTBIRDS Variable Antshrike -‐ Thamnophilus caerulescens Very nice views at the Mandor valley Family: GRALLARIDAE – ANTPITTAS Undulated Antpitta -‐ Grallaria squamigera* RR Stripe-‐headed Antpitta -‐ Grallaria andicolus punensis This one is the EASIEST Antpitta to see among all the Antpitta at least in Peru; one seen really well on the west slope of Abra Malaga here the subspecies punensis which may deserve full species rank from the northern nominate form. Rufous Antpitta -‐ Grallaria rufula occobambae* At Abra Malaga Family: RHINOCRYPTIDAE -‐ TAPACULOS RR Diademed Tapaculo -‐ Scytalopus schulenbergi* 6 RR Puna Tapaculo -‐ Scytalopus simonsi Great views in the west slope (polylepis) forest of Abra Malaga. Scytalopus – grom the Greek literally meaning “stickfoot”! Family: FURNARIIDAE -‐ OVENBIRDS Creamy-‐crested Spinetail – Dave Krueper Streaked Xenops – Xenops rutilans Very good views at Machu-‐Picchu Cream-‐winged Cinclodes -‐ Cinclodes albiventris Common around Abra Malaga; Jaramillo (2003) suggested that the albiventris group might warrant recognition as a separate species from Bar-‐winged Cinclodes Cinclodes fuscus. Unfortunately, Chesser's (2004a) sampling did not include populations of C. fuscus from the Andes north of Argentina. Sanín et al. (2009) sampled C. fuscus from throughout its range and found that it was polyphyletic, with various populations more closely related to C. olrogi, C. oustaleti, C. comechingonus, and C. antarcticus. SACC proposal passed to elevate the albiventris and albidiventris groups to species rank. As for English names, Jaramillo (2003) proposed Cream-‐winged Cinclodes for C. albiventris and Buff-‐winged Cinclodes for C. fuscus, and Jaramillo (see proposal 415) proposed Chestnut-‐winged Cinclodes for C. albidiventris; these are used here tentatively until formal SACC action. RR Royal Cinclodes -‐ Cinclodes aricomae* Unfortunately we just heard it. CRITICALLY ENDANGERED Pearled Treerunner -‐ Margarornis squamiger Quiet common in the east slope of Abra Malaga RR Tawny Tit-‐Spinetail -‐ Leptasthenura yanacensis Very nice views in the polylepis forest of Abra Malaga -‐ NEAR THREATENED 7 E White-‐browed Tit-‐Spinetail -‐ Leptasthenura xenothorax Good views at Abra Malaga (west slope). ENDANGERED White-‐browed Tit-‐Spinetail – Fabrice Schmitt E Junin Canastero -‐ Asthenes virgata Great views in the west slope of Abra Malaga Streak-‐throated Canastero -‐ Asthenes humilis Quiet common on the west slope of Abra Malaga E Rusty-‐fronted Canastero -‐ Asthenes ottonis* RR Puna Thistletail -‐ Asthenes helleri 2 seen really well at Abra Malaga east slope E Marcapata Spinetail -‐ Cranioleuca marcapatae marcapatae Great looks of 2 individual at Abra Malaga on the east slop in the chusquea bamboo forest. VULNERABLE E Creamy-‐crested Spinetail -‐ Cranioleuca albicapilla albicapilla 2 seen around Peñas in our way out from Abra Malaga Azara’s Spinetail -‐ Synallaxis azarae Common at Machu-‐Picchu – seen the two consecutive days Family: TYRANNIDAE – TYRANT & FLYCATCHERS RR Sclater’s Tyrannulet -‐ Phyllomyias sclateri Common around Machu Picchu Ashy-‐headed Tyrannulet -‐ Phyllomyias cinereiceps* White-‐throated Tyrannulet -‐ Mecocerculus leucophrys 8 Common at Abra Malaga on the east slope, cloud forest section RR Ash-‐breasted Tit-‐Tyrant -‐ Anairetes alpinus Great looks at Abra Malaga Polylepis woodlands; another of the Polylepis specialists that is in serious trouble ENDANGERED Ash-‐breasted Tit-‐Tyrant – Fabrice Schmitt E Unstreaked Tit-‐Tyrant -‐ Anairetes agraphia Very nice views of 5 individuals on the east slope of Abra Malaga Torrent Tyrannulet -‐ Serpophaga cinerea Seen in two consecutive days along the Urubamba River around Aguas Caliente Mottle-‐cheeked Tyrannulet -‐ Phylloscartes ventralis Quite common around Mandor valley at Machu-‐Picchu Black Phoebe -‐ Sayornis nigricans latirostris Common along the Urubamba River, seen around Aguas Caliente; this is the southern subspecies latirostris. The change from the darker-‐winged nominate nigricans to the white-‐winged latirostris is a north-‐south cline, with larger amounts of white gradually appearing further south Rufous-‐naped Ground-‐Tyrant -‐ Muscisaxicola rufivertex Very good studies in the valley of Abra Malaga west slope Puna Ground-‐Tyrant -‐ Muscisaxicola juninensis Good views at Abra Malaga west slope Cinereous Ground-‐Tyrant -‐ Muscisaxicola cinerea Few individuals seen on the west slope of Abra Malaga RR Rufous-‐webbed Tyrant -‐ Polioxolmis rufipennis Seen at Abra Malaga west slope 9 Rufous-‐breasted Chat-‐Tyrant -‐ Ochthoeca rufipectoralis rufipectoralis Common in the east slope of Abra Malaga Brown-‐backed Chat-‐Tyrant -‐ Ochthoeca fumicolor berlepschi Several seen on the west slope of the Abra Malaga area RR D’Orbigny’s Chat-‐Tyrant -‐ Ochthoeca oenanthoides Good views at Abra Malaga west slope Social Flycatcher -‐ Myiozetetes similis Seen around Puente Ruinas bellow the Machu-‐Picchu Inca ruins Tropical Kingbird -‐ Tyrannus melancholicus Common around Aguas Caliente Family: COTINGIDAE -‐ COTINGAS E Masked Fruiteater -‐ Pipreola pulchra Great views at the Mandor valley. A Peruvian endemic Andean Cock-‐of-‐the-‐Rock -‐ Rupicola peruviana Good views above Puente Ruinas below Machu-‐Picchu Family: VIREONIDAE – TITYRAS & BECARDS Barred Becard -‐ Pachyramphus versicolor Seen around Mandor valley Family: VIREONIDAE -‐ VIREOS Red-‐eyed (Chivi) Vireo -‐ Vireo olivaceus chivi Seen at Machu-‐Picchu; some classifications have considered the South American chivi group as a separate species ("Chivi Vireo") from V. olivaceus, or as conspecific with V. flavoviridis (Hamilton 1962). Ridgely & Greenfield (2001) suggested, however, that more than one species may be involved within the South American chivi group itself Brown-‐capped Vireo -‐ Vireo leucophrys Good views at Machu-‐Picchu Family: HIRUNDINIDAE – SWALLOWS Blue-‐and-‐white Swallow -‐ Notiochelidon cyanoleuca Common at Machu-‐Picchu and also at Abra Malaga east slope Brown-‐bellied Swallow -‐ Notiochelidon murina Common around Abra Malaga Family: TROGLODYTIDAE -‐ WRENS House Wren -‐ Troglodytes aedon Common Mountain Wren -‐ Troglodytes solstitialis Seen at Abra Malaga east slope RR Puna Wren -‐ Cistothorus minimus Also seen at Abra Malaga east slope. Robbins & Nyri (2014) found that Cistothorus platensis was paraphyletic with respect to the other two, and they proposed recognition of nine species within broadly defined platensis, seven of which are in South America: C. alticola (Venezuelan Wren) , C. aequatorialis 10 (Paramo Wren), C. graminícola (Junin Wren), C. minimus (Puna Wren), C. tucumanus (Tucuman Wren), C. hornensis (Austral Wren), and C. platensis (Pampas Wren). E Inca Wren -‐ Thryothorus eisenmanni Wonderful views at Abra Malaga east slope in the chusquea bamboo forest. A Peruvian endemic Inca Wren – Dave Krueper Gray-‐breasted Wood-‐Wren -‐ Henicorhina leucophrys Very good views at Mandor valley Family: CINCLIDAE -‐ DIPPERS White-‐capped Dipper -‐ Cinclus leucocephalus Very nice view on the Urubamba River in two consecutive days Family: TURDIDAE – THRUSHES & SOLITAIRES Andean Solitaire -‐ Myadestes ralloides One seen around Machu-‐Picchu Chiguanco Thrush -‐ Turdus chiguanco chiguanco Common Great Thrush -‐ Turdus fuscater ockenderi Common Family: MOTACILLIDAE -‐ PIPITS Short-‐billed Pipit -‐ Anthus furcatus* At Abra Malaga 11 Family: THRAUPIDAE – TANAGERS & ALLIES RR Slaty Tanager -‐ Creurgops dentata A male one seen along the trainline at Machu-‐Picchu E Parodi’s Hemispingus -‐ Hemispingus parodi Very nice views of 3 individuals in the bamboo forest fragments at Abra Malaga on the east slope. Named for Jose Parodi Vargas, Peruvian politician and landowner Parodi’s Hemispingus – Fabrice Schmitt Oleaginous Hemispingus -‐ Hemispingus frontalis Great looks along the trainline at Machu-‐Picchu Three-‐striped Hemispingus -‐ Hemispingus trifasciatus A few seen at Abra Malaga east slope Scarlet-‐bellied Mountain-‐Tanager -‐ Anisognathus igniventris A few seen at Abra Malaga east slope Fawn-‐breasted Tanager -‐ Pipraeidea melanonota One seen around Mandor valley Blue-‐and-‐yellow Tanager -‐ Thraupis bonariensis Seen at the Pakaritampu Hotel and also at Machu-‐Picchu Blue-‐Gray Tanager -‐ Thraupis episcopus Common around Machu-‐Picchu Saffron-‐crowned Tanager -‐ Tangara xanthocephala Seen in two consecutive days around Machu-‐Picchu Golden-‐naped Tanager -‐ Tangara ruficervix One seen around Mandor valley Blue-‐necked Tanager -‐ Tangara cyanicollis Common, but beautiful Beryl Spangled Tanager -‐ Tangara nigroviridis 12 Quiet common at Machu-‐Picchu Blue-‐and-‐black Tanager -‐ Tangara vassorii Seen around Machu-‐Picchu in two consecutive days Silver-‐backed Tanager -‐ Tangara viridicollis Great views around Mandor valley Cinereous Conebill -‐ Conirostrum cinereum cinereum Seen in the west slope of Abra Malaga RR White-‐browed Conebill -‐ Conirostrum ferrugineiventre Very good views at Abra Malaga east slope Capped Conebill – Conirostrum albifrons Quiet common around Machu-‐Picchu Giant Conebill -‐ Oreomanes fraseri Great views at Abra Malaga west slope polylepis forest. NEAR THREATNED RR Tit-‐like Dacnis -‐ Xenodacnis parina Very good views on the east slope of Abra Malaga Rusty Flower-‐piercer -‐ Diglossa sittoides Seen at the Pakaritampu Hotel Moustached Flowerpiercer -‐ Diglossa mystacalis One seen well at Abra Malaga east slope Black-‐throated Flower-‐piercer -‐ Diglossa brunneiventris Seen several times throughout the trip Plushcap-‐ Fabrice Schmitt 13 Plushcap -‐ Catamblyrhynchus diadema Good views at Abra Malaga east slope RR Peruvian Sierra-‐Finch -‐ Phrygilus punensis Quiet common on the west slope of Abra Malaga Plumbeous Sierra-‐Finch -‐ Phrygilus unicolor Common on the west slope of Abra Malaga E Chestnut-‐breasted Mountain-‐Finch -‐ Poospiza caesar* Black-‐and-‐white Seedeater -‐ Sporophila luctuosa Seen in two consecutive days around Machu-‐Picchu Band-‐tailed Seedeater -‐ Catamenia analis Common around the Pakaritampu Hotel Dull-‐colored Grassquit -‐ Tiaris obscura Good views around Mandor valley INCERTAE SEDIS Golden-‐billed Saltator -‐ Saltator aurantiirostris Seen around Machu-‐Picchu and Abra Malaga Family: EMBEZERIDAE – NEW WORLD SPARROWS Rufous-‐collared Sparrow -‐ Zonatrichia capensis Common Chestnut-‐capped Brushfinch -‐ Arremon brunneinucha Very nice view just below the entrance of the Machu-‐Picchu Inca ruins Family: CARDINALIDAE – CARDINAL GROSBEAKS Several tanager species (genus Piranga for example) and certain grosbeak species are now placed in this family. Awaiting news regarding their English (vernacular) names Black-‐backed Grosbeak -‐ Pheucticus aureoventris Very nice views at the Pakaritampu Hotel in Ollantaytambo Family: PARULIDAE – NEW WORLD WARBLER Tropical Parula -‐ Parula pitiayumi Quiet common around Machu-‐Picchu Citrine Warbler -‐ Myiothlypis luteoviridis striaticeps Great looks at several individuals foraging with mixed flocks on the east slope of Abra Malaga Russet-‐crowned Warbler -‐ Myiothlypis coronatus Quiet common around Machu-‐Picchu Slate-‐throated Whitestart -‐ Myioborus miniatus Common Spectacled Whitestart -‐ Myioborus melanocephalus Common 14 Family: ICTERIDAE – ORIOLES & BLACKBIRDS RR Dusky-‐green Oropendola -‐ Psarocolius atrovirens Seen around Machu-‐Picchu – the only Oropendola species in Machu-‐Picchu Family: FRINGILLIDAE -‐ FINCHES Thick-‐billed Siskin -‐ Sporaga crassirostris 2 of them seen at Abra Malaga west slope Hooded Siskin -‐ Carduelis magellanica Seen at the Pakaritampu Hotel and in the west slope of Abra Malaga Olivaceous Siskin -‐ Sporaga olivacea A few seen around Machu-‐Picchu Black Siskin -‐ Sporaga atrata Good views at Abra Malaga west slope Thick-‐billed Euphonia -‐ Euphonia laniirostris Quiet common around Machu-‐Picchu; the genus names means “fine-‐voiced” MAMMALS Family: URSIDAE – BEARS Andean Bear -‐ Tremarctos ornatus A great surprise! Quick bud long enough views of one up on the tree seen through the window of the train in our way in to Machu-‐Picchu Family: RODENTIA – LARGE RODENTS Mountain Viscacha -‐ Lagidium peruanum One seen in the Machu-‐Picchu Inca ruins and also in the west slope of Abra Malaga 15 Wakaywilka Peak Abra Malaga – Fabrice Schmitt 16
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