PA NEWS - Port Authority Retirees Association, Inc.


PA NEWS - Port Authority Retirees Association, Inc.
Published weekly for Port Authority and PATH employees
November 18, 2010/Volume 9/Number 46
Kudos to OBJO
And Procurement
Promoting the Port
Jazz in Brooklyn
As Brian Keith said to Maureen O’Hara
in The Parent Trap, “Both of them?” Yes,
jazz musicians and PA retirees Steve
Cromity and Joe Frame are getting it
together this Sunday, November 21, 6 to 9
p.m., at Two Steps Down, 240 DeKalb Ave.
in the Fort Greene section.
You can contact Mr. Cromity at for more details.
Toys for Tots
The Port Authority Police Marine Corps
Association has begun placing collection
boxes at all agency locations for the annual
“Toys for Tots” campaign and expects to
have all boxes in place no later than
Monday, November 22. Please donate an
unwrapped toy or game.
Photos: Mike Dombrowski
Mike Dombrowski
New Jersey Lieutenant Governor Kim
Guadagno (center) visits the Port Authority
exhibit following her keynote presentation
at the 10th annual Port of New York and
New Jersey Port Industry Day at Global
Terminal last month in Bayonne. With her
are Port Commerce Outreach Manager
Lucy Ambrosino (right) and Dorothy
Rosciszewski, the event organizer and
retired PCD staff member. Deputy
Executive Director Bill Baroni was a
featured speaker at the promotional
conference and exhibition, which attracted
more than 400 industry executives.
ow good was
the Port
Buyers Exchange
this month? Post-event
survey results indicate
that 90 percent of the
respondents rated the
Buyers Exchange
excellent or good and
98 percent of them
said they got new
In the
words of one
Lash Green addresses attendees
at the PA Buyers Exchange on
“What a great
November 4 at the Hilton Newark
Penn Station.
event yesterday! Made
some excellent contacts
“OBJO works diligently to
among attenidentify MWBEs with the right
dees as
expertise to support PA business
well as
opportunities,” OBJO Director
buyers and
Lash Green said. He added
that employees can learn more
and renewed
about special vendor programs
for certified MWSBEs by visiting
with existing
Supplier Diversity on the Port
Among the PA staffers who helped
Authority’s Web site.
make the event a success: Isabel
Procurement Director
Amado and Tim Volonakis (front
truly unique
Lillian Valenti said, “Our
in its commit- right), Susie Tom and David
commitment to the event
Gutierrez (2nd table, right), and
ment to
ranged from technical assistance
Phyllis Esnes (3rd table, right).
in dealing with online vendor
opportunities for MWSBEs. You simply
registration, one-on-one sessions with
do not find this level of support anythe buying staff, instruction on the
where else.”
procurement process, and tips on
OBJO’s Ida Perich and Jackie
how to be competitive. And we
Grossgold coordinated the event
dedicated 100 percent of our staffing
with support from staff of Procureto help make this event a success.”
ment and Marketing Communications.
Treasury’s Visitor
Did You Get Your
Campaign Materials?
Retirement News
Rosemary Jenkins-Varela’s retirement
luncheon is tomorrow, November 19, 1
p.m., at the Spanish Tavern in Newark. $42
per person includes lunch and gift. You can
bring it to the restaurant. For more info,
contact Paula London at 10-7806.
The retirement celebration for WTC
Construction’s Les Clarke is set for Monday,
December 6, 5 to 8 p.m., at Moran’s
Restaurant, just south of the WTC site.
TSD’s Safwat Wahba is trading his project plans for fishing gear, and you can wish
him farewell at noon on Friday, January 7, at
Paul and Jimmy’s Restaurant, near PA headquarters.
And there’s a new venue for Maria
Malone-Hodges’s retirement celebration
on December 2.
See Employee Bulletins for details.
Debt Manager Mike Percival had
an unlikely visitor fly into his office on
the 12th floor of 225 PAS on October
27. It was a very warm day and the
window was open.
Alan Hicks
Julie Lomba
At his farewell party November 10, newly
retired Chief Financial Officer Paul Blanco
(2nd from left) is joined by (from left)
retired CFOs Charles McClafferty and
Barry Weintrob and newly named CFO
Michael Fabiano.
Jeremy Hanson
Campaign Captain Rhonda Barnett (2nd
from left) helps Marketing and Media
Relations staffers sign up last week for the
2010 Port Authority Employees Charitable
Contributions Campaign. They are (from
left) Russell Jordan, Sara Beth Joren,
Neyive Alfonso, Takiyah Williams (back to
camera), and Hiloreen Woods. The Port
Authority is hoping to exceed last year’s
total contributions. The campaign runs
through December 10. If you haven't
received your campaign materials, contact
your campaign captain.
CFO Continuum
On Veterans Day
And Every Day,
Semper Fidelis
Apple Aides Feted
Butch Moran
Alan Hicks
Cutting the rug last month at Russo’s on
the Bay in Howard Beach are LaGuardia
Airport’s April Gasparri (left) and Valerie
Lewicki (center), as well as nearly a hundred of the airport’s Apple Aides. The Port
Authority holds an annual luncheon to
thank the volunteers, who come from area
senior centers to provide local information
about the airport and the Big Apple to
air travelers.
PA News / November 18, 2010
aybe it was looking for an
Representing the Port Authority Police
Marine Corps Association at the New
York City Veterans Day Parade on
November 11 are Director of Public
Safety/Superintendent of Police Michael
Fedorko (2nd from right); PAPD Honor
Guard members (from left) Officers Jason
Wolfson, Steven Krapf, Stephen Castro,
Edgar Villanueva, Scott Kelliher, and
Sergeant Erick Torres; and Detective Adil
Almontaser and Officer Patrick Cardone
(holding the banner). With them is 1st
Sergeant William Bodette (in USMC
uniform), the Honor Guest.
“I was eating lunch at my desk,
heard a rustling sound, and was surprised to find that a beautiful hawk
had landed inside my window,” he
said. “Everyone crowded around and
took pictures as the hawk simply
looked at us. It eventually hopped
back out onto the outside ledge and
after about 10 minutes it flew off to
another ledge across the street. It was
quite an awesome experience.”
Aviation Wildlife Programs Manager
Laura Francoeur looked at the
photos and said, “Yes, I think it’s a
juvenile red-tailed hawk. Can’t believe
it came inside! That’s very odd. Thanks
for sharing.”
Staff Update
Tom Lubas named
Director, Operations Services;
formerly Deputy Director.
Robert Sudman named
Director of Audit; formerly
Deputy Comptroller.

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