Detailed Agenda - Long Beach Unified School District
Detailed Agenda - Long Beach Unified School District
OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT MEETING OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 2016 1515 Hughes Way, Long Beach, CA 90810 A G E N D A OPEN SESSION – 2:45 p.m., Room 464 ORDER OF BUSINESS 1. Call to Order 2. Announcements In accordance with California Government Code Section 54950 and following, the various matters to be considered in Closed Session today will be announced. 3. Public comments on items listed on the Closed Session agenda. CLOSED SESSION – Room 464 4. Student Discipline Matters Pursuant to CA Education Code Section 48900 and following 5. Confidential Student Matters Pursuant to CA Education Code Section 35146 6. Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Release 7. Public Employee Evaluation: Superintendent of Schools 8. Public Employee Appointment: Elementary School Principal, Elementary School Vice Principal, Middle/K-8 School Principal, Middle/K-8 School Assistant Principal, High School Principal, High School Principal of Instruction, High School Assistant Principal, Principal Coach, Head Counselor, Director, Assistant Director, Program Specialist, Program Administrator, Administrative Assistant, Executive Officer, Assistant Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent 9. Conference with Legal Counsel--Anticipated Litigation Initiation of litigation pursuant to subdivision (c) of CA Government Code Section 54956.9. Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 54956.9 10. Conference with Legal Counsel--Existing Litigation Pursuant to subdivision (a) of CA Government Code Section 54956.9 Case Nos. NC058295, NC058591, MSN14-0310, 1197530, OCR No. 09-11-1220, OCR 09-11-1780, 13-09037, 000843, 13-12874, 12-00899 and 12483067 11. Collective Bargaining Proceedings Pursuant to Government Code Section 3549.1 12. Hearing of Complaints or Charges Brought Against an Employee by Another Person or Employee Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957 for the following positions: Classroom Teachers, School Site Administrators, School Site Classified Employees. (Subject to 24 Hour Prior Notice to the Employee. This item may be heard in open session during this time period should the employee so choose pursuant to Section 54957.) OPEN SESSION – 5:00 p.m., Community Room ORDER OF BUSINESS SUBJECT DISPOSITION 13. Pledge of Allegiance and Call to Order 14. In accordance with California Government Code Section 54957.7, the reports required of 54957.1 regarding actions taken in Closed Session will be made in writing at this time. The written report forms will continue to be made available upon request to the Assistant Secretary of the Board of Education. AGENDA - Board of Education Meeting June 23, 2016 Page 2 15. Public Hearing None Information 16. Call for Agenda Items for Separate Action/Adoption of the Agenda as Posted Action 17. Approval of Minutes June 6, 2016 Action 18. Communications Better Learning for All Students Today (BLAST) Student of the Year Recognition of Retirees Information Information 19. Public Testimony on Items Listed on Agenda (3 mins./Person, limit of 30 minutes – if translation is needed, time is doubled) 20. Staff Report None 21. Public Testimony on Items Not Listed on Agenda (3 mins./Person, limit of 30 minutes – if translation is needed, time is doubled) 22. Business Items Action Items Personnel Instruction Finance Report Business Department Report Purchasing & Contract Report Action Action Action Action Action Superintendent Items Student Discipline Student Readmits Administrative Assignments Action Action Action 23. Other Items Information 24. Unfinished Business None Information/Action 25. New Business Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) Action Adoption of District’s Budget for FY 2016-17 Action List of Candidates for Graduation Action Comprehensive School Safety Plan Action Educator Effectiveness Funding Plan Action Approved Materials Testing and Inspection Consultants Action Resolution 062316-A, Authorizing Commitments of Fund Balance in the FY 2016-17 Adopted Budget Action Resolution 062316-B, Education Protection Account for FY 2016-17 Action Resolution 062316-C, Giving Authorization for Temporary Cash Borrowing Between Funds Action AGENDA - Board of Education Meeting June 23, 2016 Page 3 Resolution 062316-D, Superseding Resolution 061815-E and Establishing Revolving Cash Fund for the Long Beach Unified School District Action Resolution 062316-E, Ordering an Election to Authorize the Issuance of General Obligation Bonds, Establishing Specifications of the Election Order, and Requesting Consolidation with other Elections Occurring on November 8, 2016 Action 26. Report of Board Members Information 27. Superintendent’s Report Information 28. Announcements Information 29. Adjournment & Setting of Next Meeting The next regular business meeting will be held on MONDAY, JULY 18, 2016. ACCESS TO PUBLIC DOCUMENTS Public records related to the open session agenda that are distributed to the Governing Board less than 72 hours before a regular meeting, may be inspected by the public at the Board of Education Office at 1515 Hughes Way, Long Beach, CA 90810, during regular business hours (8:00 a.m. to 4:40 p.m.). REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION FOR ANY INDIVIDUAL WITH A DISABILITY Any individual with a disability who requires reasonable accommodation to participate in a Board meeting may request assistance by contacting the Board of Education Office, 1515 Hughes Way, Long Beach, CA 90810; telephone: (562) 997-8240; fax: (562) 997-8280. Board of Education LONG BEACH UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT ________________________________________________________________________________________ SUBJECT: Personnel Transactions Enclosures ________________________________________________________________________________________ CATEGORY: Business Items Reason for Board Consideration: Action Human Resource Services Date: June 23, 2016 The following employees are retiring after many years of loyal service to the district. The Superintendent recommends that letters of appreciation be written to them in recognition of their service. 1. Certificated Personnel It is recommended that the certificated personnel transactions indicated on the personnel report be approved as listed. 2. Name Position Location Alexander, Joan Campbell, Rachel Dottore, Niki Ecung, Debra Teacher Teacher Teacher Director Emerson, Amanda Flynn, Elizabeth Gonzalez, Paul Hubbs, Michele Kirk, Stanley Pate, Kathleen Tebbano, Richard Counselor Principal Counselor Teacher Teacher Teacher Admin. Asst. Barton Hughes Gant Human Resource Services Harte Naples Poly Twain Barton Poly On Leave of Absence Years of Service 16 33 29 34 20 21 25 38 22 24 21 Classified Personnel It is recommended that the classified personnel transactions indicated on the personnel report be approved as listed. Name Position Location Bynum, Christopher Giles, Alberto Harris, Damon Jones, Evelyn Lindsey, Dennis Montana, Jeanne Myles, Rosalind Campus Sec Officer Campus Sec Officer Plant Spv II Exec Sec (C) Bldg Maintenance Wkr Inst Asst – OCP IA-Spec Lakewood Jefferson Lindbergh Asst Supt-High Sch Maintenance Jordan Plus Nelson Years of Service 27 18 34 34 24 20 15 OFFICE OF THE DEPUTY SUPERINTENDENT OF EDUCATION SERVICES HUMAN RESOURCE SERVICES CERTIFICATED Ruth Perez Ashley Annotated by S. Jimenez Megan Kerr Human Resource Services Long Beach Unified School District June 23, 2016 The Deputy Superintendent of Education Services recommends the following proposed actions for Board approval subject to requirements of California law: APPOINTMENTS TO (h) Gonzalez, Valerie (h) Oropeza, Karla (w) Pilloff, Daniel (w) Salas, D’Anna (a) Fleming, Linda Regular Contract Teacher “ “ “ “ “ “ Regular Contract Speech & Language Pathologist Special Contract Teacher (h) Romero, Francisco N-Wilson N-Franklin N-Unassigned N-Dooley N-Unassigned N-Jordan Subject to separation if no substitute service for the school year: (w) Costello, Erin (h) Degas, Gerard Hayes, Debra (o) Maldonado, Melissa (w) Peterson, Jennifer (w) Ray, Jason (h) Rodriguez, Vanessa Day to Day Substitute Teacher “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ -retiree INSERVICE CHANGES Acosta, Charles Adams, Brent Afghani, Rebecca Alba, Aurelio Alberto, Maria Alfonso, Jesus Allen, Mark Allen, Scott Ammon, Jean Andrews, Lori Arredondo, Gabriela Arroyos, Elizabeth Atwood, Amanda Baker, Torrie Jean Ballard, Jan Additional Service – Additional Hourly “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Summer school Summer school Curriculum Writing Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Human Resource Services Board Recommendations Certificated June 23, 2016 Page 2 INSERVICE CHANGES Banares, Bernice Baraona, Rachel Barber, Spencer Beam, Carla Beaulac Jr., Cameron Beebe, Jason Beltran, Carrie Biacan, Maribel Bleidistel, David Bilvado, Stephanie Boese-Perez, Lisa Bogdanovic, Maria Boyer, Anne Brady, Catherine Brandts, Sandra Broadway, Debbie Brodowski, Tiffany Brookman, Melissa Brown, Quentin Brown, Trez Browning, Candice Bryant, Jamie Buell, Olivia Bueno-Alahwal, Linda Busch, Thomas Burton, Shantrice Campbell, Bridgett Carpio, David Carter, Vivian Casem, Eugene Chalker, Kalvin Chan-Jadus, Yong Chulo, Lisa Cino, Matthew Cobiellas, Elizabeth Cocchi, Carol Colburn-Guenard, Janine Coleman, James Cook, Jeremy Cooper, Carlos Cortes, Olivia Cortes-Lopez, Gerardo Coulter, Kennetta Crawford, Toni Cunradi, Georgia Cuyugan, Rory D’Sa, Kristen Darrington, Yolanda Additional Service – Additional Hourly “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Additional Administrative Duties Summer school Summer school Master Schedule Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Human Resource Services Board Recommendations Certificated June 23, 2016 Page 3 INSERVICE CHANGES Day, Michael Delang, Mary Del Rosario, Marissa Dendy, Dawna Denmion, Julie Denton Jr. , John Dixon, Lottie Dominguez, Rosio Dragoyevich, Miryana Dumont, Megan Earley, Connie Ebo, Obiorah Ellis, William Enge, Stanley Esparza, Enrique Espinoza, Paola Estep, Tamara Evans, Jeffrey Fauver, Shelley Fernandez, Juan Ferrell, Rachell Fielder, J Kevin Fife, Anamaria Finder, Dianne Fisher, Kenneth Fisher-Chappell, Tracy Florendo, Lisamarie Flores, Guillermo Foe-Taylor, Edmonia Forman, Brianna Foss, Gina Foster, Laura Frayre, Elizabeth Gainer, Jacqueline Gallimore, Simone Garcia, Mark Garland, Rebecca Genovese, Sean Gentile, Michael Gilmore, Jerry Gjonovich, Garrick Goldfischer, Jason Gonzalez, Ofelia Goodwin, Steven Goodwin, Tabatha Granieri, Connie Griscavage, Kimberly Gutierres Ramirez, Gina Additional Service – Additional Hourly “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Human Resource Services Board Recommendations Certificated June 23, 2016 Page 4 INSERVICE CHANGES Guzzino, Sarah Haley, Kim Hamilton, Kenneth Harb, Julie Harmon, Ronald Hassen, Kimberly Hendricks, Heather Hernandez-Scipio, Gloria Herrera Dust, Socorro Hickman, Lisa Hildreth, Rhonda Hodel, Gregory Hreschuk, Theresa Hulen, Larry Hull, Benjamin Hyson, Julie Indich, Lawrence Ingram, Ingrid Jahn, Mary James, Annitta Janzen, John Jekerle, Kathleen Jimenez,Victor Johns, Kara Johnson-Agulto, Kimberly Jones Jr. , Melvin Jophryn-Hill, Sherrine Jorda, Danielle Juarez, Brenda Kaeka, Michelle Kane, John Kaur, Manju Keiser, Davina Kiebler, Kristopher Kim, Kristina Kinder, Christopher King, Kelly King, Robert Klein, David Knight, Woodrow Kohlenberger, Kim Koury, Diane Kraft, Carol Kuroiwa, Kari Laffiche, Susan Lamprecht, Richard Lazenby, Melvin Lee, Paula Additional Service – Additional Hourly “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Supervision Summer school Summer school Summer school Human Resource Services Board Recommendations Certificated June 23, 2016 Page 5 INSERVICE CHANGES Lennertz, Brandi Licano, Albert Lind, Thomas Lopez Gastelum, Claudia Lopez Sheldon, Maria Lovelace, Joel Lucardie, Bridget Ly, Peter Maestas, Aline Macklin, Jennifer Majdali, Julie Maldonado, Madelyn Margolin, Andrew Martinez, Mary Martinez Jr., George Mashburn, Gayle McConnell, Christine McHugh, Meagan McNair, Sondra McNeice, Judith Meeks, Enos Messina, Brandon Metoyer, Sharrief Miles, Nicole Miller, Jill Miller, Keith Mohr, Ruth Moreno, Marisol Morgan, Sandra Mulvehill, Timothy Munger, Kenneth Murphy, Christopher Naguib, Monalise Neilsen, Steven Nellis, Paul Nguyen, Sy Nichol, Scott Nichols, Darren Niedwick, Heather Noble, Toni Norton, Elizabeth Obeji, Jeanne Oberjuerge, Anne O’Connor, John Oca, Michael Oduwole, Bola Ofoegbu, Nelly Omaye, Jeffrey Additional Service – Additional Hourly “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Pre-Registration Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Curriculum Writing Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Master Schedule Human Resource Services Board Recommendations Certificated June 23, 2016 Page 6 INSERVICE CHANGES Osborne, Stephanie Ottina, John Pagulayan, Zondee Page, Renea Pappas, Connie Park, Susanna Patterson, Eric Pearson, Stephen Pech, Puch Perez, Arlene Perez, Veronica Perez Yi, Emily Perruccio, Richard Pfohl, Kristina Phan, Pashawna Picard, Jennifer Pollard, Aarona Porcher, Rowena Pouv, Jennifer Prager, Jennifer Prato, Jessica Quizon, Tylene Rakonjac, Sanja Ramsey, Melinda Reed, Ronald Reeves, Jayme Resner, Victoria Reyes, Terrel Rice, Patrice Richardson, Patricia Richter, Jennifer Rippee, Maureen Rita, Ronald Roberts, Ronald Robertson, Monique Romo, Daniel Rosales, Edgar Jr. Ruiz, Matthew Saito Waddles, Leslie Saldana, Hally Saldivar, Rolando Sanchez, Maria Santos, Jacqueline Santucci, Mark Sarno, Denise Savage-Rohnke, Carrie Scanlon, Kersten Schaaf, Lori Additional Service – Additional Hourly “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Math Assessment Testing Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Human Resource Services Board Recommendations Certificated June 23, 2016 Page 7 INSERVICE CHANGES Scholnick, Mercedes Schwichtenberg, Tonia Scott, Keisha Scott-Dozier, Michelle Sellers, Michelle Serrano, Karina Shaheen Jr. , Albert Shawver, Matthew Shelly, Rebecca Shock, Robert Simon, Karin Simpson, Julie Sims, Keith Skrumbis, Andrew Smith, Kevin Sommer, Kelly Soto, Marleen Stevens-Chapman, Bari Stewart, Mary Stine, Christen Stork, Micah Stuart, Jennifer Sullivan, Joseph Summy, Randall Sun, Sopani Suzuki, Nancy Swinford, Marsha Tablada, Gabriel Taylor, Elyssa Thron, Rachel Tierney, Judy Todd, Shirley Traughber, Marianne Tredway, Anthony Tritz, Andrew Uchegbulam, Sandra Underwood, Janet Ung, Ryan Ussery, Erica Valdez, Socorro Valdez, Thomas Van Divort, Alan Van Fossen, Laurel Varela, Brianne Verduzco, Rene Vin, Nak Vitale, Jeanne Vitale, Michael Additional Service – Additional Hourly “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Step Functional Team Summer Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Human Resource Services Board Recommendations Certificated June 23, 2016 Page 8 INSERVICE CHANGES Waldenfels, Gillian Walker, Charlotte Wallace, Robert Walton, George Warren, Gwenelle Webb, Melanie Wegener, Nicole Welch-Kitchen, Racquel Wells, Scott Wertheimer, Stephen Wheeler, Bernadette White, Marcie Whiteleather, Taryn Willert, James Williams, Heather Williams Jr., Slater Willis, Julie Wong, John Wong-McKee, Elizabeth Wysong, Cara Yi, Nieves Yi, Sujin Young, Mary Young, Susan Young, Teri Yu, Daniel Zepeda, Ulises Additional Service – Additional Hourly “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Pre-Registration Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school Summer school LEAVES OF ABSENCE NAME ASSIGNMENT DATES OF LEAVE Ahmadi, Shan Teacher Jordan 06/02/16 to 06/17/16 Other: expired credential Burcham, Stacy Teacher Lakewood 08/30/16 to 06/16/17 Study Deeble, Peter Teacher Wilson 08/30/16 to 06/16/17 Study Dees, Michael Teacher Wilson 08/30/16 to 06/16/17 Study DeWalsche, Diane Nurse Nelson 08/30/16 to 06/16/17 Other: Family Responsibility Human Resource Services Board Recommendations Certificated June 23, 2016 Page 9 LEAVES OF ABSENCE NAME ASSIGNMENT DATES OF LEAVE Gibson, Patrick Teacher Emerson 08/30/16 to 06/16/17 Other: Sabbatical Minasayan, Margarita Teacher Lakewood 03/03/16 to 06/03/19 STRS Disability Roberson, Debra Speech & Language Pathologist Buffum 06/07/16 to 06/17/16 Family Medical Leave Spear, Mary Teacher CDC 06/02/16 to 07/05/16 Family Medical Leave Volkoff, Cora Teacher Lakewood 08/30/16 to 06/16/17 Other: working at Community College Williams, Allison Teacher Lakewood 08/30/16 to 06/17/17 Teach/Work in Another District RESIGNATIONS (BOARD POLICY 4117.2) DATE OF EMPLOYMENT DATE OF RESIGNATION Speech and Language Pathologist Burcham 09/01/15 06/17/16 Cogan, Paula Teacher On Leave of Absence 09/02/13 07/27/16 McAllister, James Teacher Cabrillo 08/27/15 02/05/16 Simpson, Jessica Teacher Washington 10/22/14 06/17/16 Wechsung, Cindy Teacher On Leave of Absence 09/10/85 07/26/16 NAME ASSIGNMENT Bui, Aivy Human Resource Services Board Recommendations Certificated June 23, 2016 Page 10 RETIREMENTS DATE OF EMPLOYMENT DATE OF RETIREMENT NAME ASSIGNMENT Alexander, Joan Teacher Barton 08/31/00 06/17/16 Teacher Hughes 09/12/83 06/17/16 Teacher Gant 09/23/77 06/17/16 Director Human Resource Services 09/14/81 06/30/16 Counselor Harte 08/28/95 08/03/16 Principal Naples 10/12/95 06/24/16 Counselor Poly 08/22/91 06/25/16 Teacher Twain 09/11/78 06/17/16 Teacher Barton 09/13/94 06/17/16 Teacher Poly 09/14/92 06/17/16 Teacher Cabrillo 12/18/03 06/17/16 Administrative Assistant On Leave of Absence 09/10/91 03/01/16 (16 years of service, No will not attend board) Campbell, Rachel (33 years of service, No will not attend board) Dottore, Niki (29 years of service, No will not attend board) Ecung, Debra (34 years of service, Yes will attend board) Emerson, Amanda (20 years of service, Yes will attend board) Flynn, Elizabeth (21 years of service, No will not attend board) Gonzalez, Paul (25 years of service, No will not attend board) Hubbs, Michele (38 years of service, No will not attend board) Kirk, Stanley (22 years of service, Yes will attend board) Pate, Kathleen (24 years of service, No will not attend board) Riva, Teresita (No will not attend) Tebbano, Richard (21 years of service, No will not attend board) Human Resource Services Board Recommendations Certificated June 23, 2016 Page 11 AMENDMENTS 03/01/16 BA Amend Retirement date from 07/31/16 to 07/30/16 for Herbst, Wayne. 03/23/16 BA Amend Retirement date from 06/18/16 to 06/17/16 for Lenahan, Susan. OFFICE OF THE DEPUTY SUPERINTENDENT OF EDUCATION SERVICES HUMAN RESOURCE SERVICES Megan Kerr Human Resource Services Committee Long Beach Unified School District Annotated by P Wiesenhutter REVISED CLASSIFIED AND EXEMPT June 23, 2016 The Deputy Superintendent, of Education Services, recommends the following proposed actions for Board approval subject to requirements of California law: APPOINTMENTS TO Classified - Probationary Aguilera, Claudia Calleros, Paola Carbajal, Yesenia Corona, Jeannie Davila, Zinaida Engel, Mary Fish, Jeffrey Fleishman, Jacklyne Green, Diane Mandell, Erin Orozco, Jesus Parrish, Edith Patterson, Sherrie Santos, Alexander Sorenson, Janine Toves, Maria Vega-Lowe, Maria Wooldridge, Juanita IA-Spec Int Office Asst-Sch Bl Sp IA-Spec Nutr Svcs Spv I Int Nutr Svcs Wkr IA-Spec IA-Spec IA-Spec Staff Secretary Purchasing Spv Custodian Nutr Svcs Spv II Int Accting Asst Custodian Staffing Analy-HRS Staff Sec Bl Sp Nutr Svcs Spv I Office Asst Bl Sp N-Stephens P-Lafayette N-Buffum P-MacArthur D-Lafayette N-Fremont N-Wilson N-Twain N-Student Placement Svcs N-Purchasing Br N-Lindsey N-Avalon N-Nutrition Svcs N-Millikan P-HRS D-High School Office P-Grant N-CDC IA-Spec Lakewood Classified – Permanent Mancini, Anthony Subject to separation if no substitute service for the school year Bryant, Erick Didio, Lauren Rangel, Sarah Day to Day Substitute Campus Security Officer Day to Day Substitute Instructional Aide-Special Day to Day Substitute Intermediate Office Assistant Human Resource Services Board Recommendations Classified and Exempt APPOINTMENTS June 23, 2016 Page 2 TO Exempt Ford, Darius Justin A Huizar, Samuel O’Leary, Deven Alvarez, Nancy Bobbitt, Ariadna Boulware, Hudiya Carrillo, Marisela Guevara Gallardo, Ivan Hill, Katherine Kulseth, Katie Reynaga, Cristian Martinez, Christian Flores, Guadalupe Jimenez Gomez, Marilyn Colacion, Jasmine Narvaez, Cynthia Perez, Eduardo Perry, Seven Sanchez, Alyce Saucedo, Isaiah Cafeteria Student Asst “ ” “ ” Rec Aide “ ” “ ” “ ” “ ” “ ” “ ” “ ” Rec Aide-Kids’ Club WIOA Student “ ” Workability Student “ ” “ ” “ ” “ ” “ ” Exempt In Accordance with California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Section 5593: Avila, Larman Camou, Tyler Kolb, Kyler Moran, Robert M Instructor Athletics (HS) “ ” “ ” “ ” Exempt College Student Aide As needed, not to exceed 18 hours per week, with no authorization to work during the intersession & winter/spring break, subject to certification. Duong, Nathaniel Wood, Tatyana Human Resource Services Board Recommendations Classified and Exempt APPOINTMENTS June 23, 2016 Page 3 TO INSERVICE CHANGES Summer Employment Duong, Nathaniel Wood, Tatyana College Student Aide “ ” Special Ed Special Ed LEAVES OF ABSENCE NAME ASSIGNMENT DATES OF LEAVE Gonzalez, Roxana Int Office Asst-Sch Bl Sp Harte 08/03/16 to 01/07/17 Child Care Lock, Christine Nutr Svcs Wkr Hoover 08/30/16 to 08/29/17 Other Navarro, Maria R Head Start Inst Aide Head Start 04/29/16 to 05/06/16 Other Ong, Robert IA-Spec Polytechnic 08/31/16 to 01/31/17 Study Salters, Terri Nutr Svcs Wkr Hudson 05/30/16 to 06/10/16 Rest and Recuperation Sanchez, Maria R Nutr Svcs Wkr King 06/08/16 to 06/17/16 Rest and Recuperation Snevoll, Leif Custodian Hudson 06/09/16 to 06/14/16 Other Spiker, Dawn IA-Spec Renaissance 06/07/16 to 06/10/16 Study Thompson, Kenyetta Health Asst Nursing Svcs 08/31/16 to 08/30/17 Child Care Human Resource Services Board Recommendations Classified and Exempt June 23, 2016 Page 4 RESIGNATIONS (BOARD POLICY 4117.2) NAME ASSIGNMENT DATE OF EMPLOYMENT DATE OF RESIGNATION Probationary Nathan, Gayle Sch Safety Com Op Security 04/18/16 06/07/16 Ramirez, Evelyn IA-Spec Chavez 02/01/16 06/15/16 Anene, Chigozie IA-Spec Jordan Plus 11/04/13 06/16/16 Krieger, Laura Kids’ Club Asst Henry 09/26/06 05/12/16 Madison, Candice IA-Spec CSULB 02/26/01 05/31/16 Marzett, Ashli IA-Spec Jordan 04/09/14 05/20/16 Oropeza, Jessica IA-Spec Kettering 01/06/14 06/06/16 Sandor, Kitzy IA-Spec Lakewood 03/24/14 05/25/16 Skalky, Jamie Health Asst Nursing Svcs 11/25/16 06/17/16 Stephens-Tomanelli, Kelli IA-Spec Edison 09/04/13 03/10/16 Villatoro, Joselin Nutr Svcs Wkr Dooley 09/02/13 05/17/16 Permanent Human Resource Services Board Recommendations Classified and Exempt June 23, 2016 Page 5 RETIREMENTS DATE OF EMPLOYMENT DATE OF RETIREMENT NAME ASSIGNMENT Bynum, Christopher Campus Sec Officer Lakewood 09/12/89 07/08/16 Giles, Alberto Campus Sec Officer Jefferson 03/04/98 06/17/16 Grimes, Curtis Groundskeeper Grounds Svcs 11/06/06 05/31/16 Harris, Damon Plant Spv II Lindbergh 07/12/82 07/18/16 Jones, Evelyn Exec Sec (C) Asst Supt- High Sch 09/14/81 08/06/16 Lindsey, Dennis Bldg Maintenance Wkr Maintenance 11/04/91 11/04/16 Montana, Jeanne Inst Asst-OCP Jordan Plus 01/03/96 06/17/16 Myles, Rosalind IA-Spec Nelson 10/25/00 06/16/16 ABOLISHMENTS: LACK OF WORK / LACK OF FUNDS (Education Code Sections 45117, 45261, 45298, 45308) POSITION SITE ASSIGNMENT Migrant Ed Recruiter Bl Sp EACCR 100%/209 Day AMENDMENTS 02/16/16 Amend Leave of Absence End Date for Grimes, Curtis from 06/30/16 to 05/31/16. 06/06/16 Amend Leave of Absence End Date for Morales, Aymet from 06/16/16 to 06/10/16. Human Resource Services Board Recommendations Classified and Exempt June 23, 2016 Page 6 RESCISSIONS 03/15/16 Rescind Abolishment for Int Office Asst-Sch Bl Sp, Hoover, 60%/220 Day 03/01/16, 03/15/16, 05/03/16, and 06/06/16 Rescind Leave of Absence for Fuentes, Virginia. BOARD OF EDUCATION LONG BEACH UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT SUBJECT: Instruction Enclosures CATEGORY: Business Item/s 1. Reason for Board Consideration: Action/Information Date: June 23, 2016 APPROVE LONG BEACH UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT’S CONSOLIDATED APPLICATION- SPRING DATA COLLECTION Authorize submission of the Spring Collection of the District’s 2016-2017 Consolidated Application for Funding Categorical Aid Programs for federal funds to continue four categorical education programs during the 2016-2017 school year: Title I, Part A, Basic Grant Title II, Part A (Teacher and Principal Training and Recruiting) Title III (Program for Limited English Proficient [LEP] Students) Title III (Program for Immigrant Students) All K-12 students enrolled in Long Beach Unified School District participate in at least one of these categorical programs. Background information and a copy of the report are available in the Office of Equity, Access, and College & Career Readiness. 2. APPROVE DURATION SUPPLEMENTAL FUNDS FOR HEAD START AND EARLY HEAD START Approve the application for supplemental funds to extend the duration of services for children in the Head Start and the Early Head Start program. At the federal level, the Office of Head Start is providing supplemental funds to increase the total annual hours by extending the day to include a minimum of six hours per day, and to offer more days of service per year. With the supplemental funding, Head Start children will attend the program for a minimum of 1,020 hours and for Early Head Start children to attend for 1,380 hours. To meet this expectation, LBUSD is proposing to increase days of service for Head Start to 175 days and Early Head Start to 230 days (both at 6 hours a day). The Head Start application reflects a Start-up budget of $2,830,175 and an ongoing budget of $6,446,491 to provide six hours per day of services to 610 Head Start children. The Early Head Start application of $282,149 reflects an ongoing budget to extend the program year for 40 children in center-based care. Prepared by Approved and Recommended by James Suarez, Assistant Director Equity, Access, and College & Career Readiness Christopher J. Steinhauser Superintendent of Schools Jill Baker Deputy Superintendent of Schools 1 Ruth Ashley Deputy Superintendent of Education Services Pamela Seki, Assistant Superintendent Curriculum, Instruction, Professional Development mb/js 2 CONSENT ITEM BOARD OF EDUCATION LONG BEACH UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT SUBJECT: Finance Report Enclosures CATEGORY: Business Items Reason for Board Consideration: Action Fiscal Services June 23, 2016 Date: 1. Ratify Salary Warrants issued on June 3, 2016 and transfer of funds to Payroll Clearance Fund to cover deductions as follows: General Fund Adult Education Fund Child Development Fund Cafeteria Special Revenue Fund Building Fund $ 3,401,919.28 31,248.39 190,900.69 135,258.11 2,522.88 ` TOTAL SALARY WARRANTS ISSUED………………………………… $ 3,761,849.35 2. Ratify the execution and issuance of the warrants included in the following listing. Individual warrant listings are included in the agenda and available under separate cover. 05/17/16 - 05/31/16 F 50207 - F 50329 5/17/16 22988118-22988188 5/17/16 00265855-00265856 5/18/16 22990761-22990811 5/19/16 22993754-22993826 5/20/16 22996308-22996309 5/23/16 22998925-22999055 5/23/16 00266446-00266449 5/24/16 23001446-23001518 5/25/16 5/26/16 5/26/16 5/27/16 5/31/16 6/01/16 6/01/16 23004517-23004566 23007691-23007766 00267010-00267010 23010982-23011053 23014475-23014507 23017406-23017658 00268326-00268328 Finance Report Page 2 June 23, 2016 2. Continued Funds General Fund Adult Education Fund Child Development Fund Cafeteria Special Revenue Fund Building Fund Capital Facilities Fund Self-Insurance Fund Warrant/Pass-Through Fund $ 8,452,918.20 4,743.00 69,642.26 1,912,509.39 4,249,183.92 20,320.40 2,839,795.62 393,486.36 TOTAL WARRANTS ISSUED……………...…………………………… $ 17,942,599.15 Recommendation Approve/Ratify the above listed items. Approved: Approved and Recommended: Yumi Takahashi Chief Business and Financial Officer Christopher J. Steinhauser Superintendent of Schools CONSENT ITEM BOARD OF EDUCATION LONG BEACH UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT SUBJECT: Business Department Report Enclosures CATEGORY: Business Items Reason for Board Consideration: Action Business Department Date June 23, 2016 Approve Proposals: Approve the following Board Initiative Proposal: 1. Project: Visual and Performing Arts Office – Funding for the Long Beach Symphony to support the youth concerts during the 2016-17 school year. LCAP Target Area(s) Addressed: Student Interventions, Student Engagement, and Access to Broad Curriculum Estimated Cost: $60,000 Accept Gifts: Accept the following gifts to the District: Amount or Amount Est. by Donor Site Name Donor Gift Purpose 2. Burcham David Burcham PTA Monetary For the purchase and installation of ceiling fans for the office. 3. Emerson Kashaco, Inc. McDonald’s No. 2477 Monetary For the benefit of the students and staff. $700.00 4. Fremont Target -Take Charge of Education Monetary For the benefit of the students and staff. $540.68 5. Gant Target -Take Charge of Education Monetary For the benefit of the students and staff. $1,000.00 6. Gant Silicon Valley Community Foundation Edison International Monetary For the benefit of the students and staff. $250.02 7. Grant Box Tops for Education Monetary For the benefit of the students and staff. $311.50 8. Grant Target -Take Charge of Education Monetary For the benefit of the students and staff. $242.62 9. Holmes Box Tops for Education Monetary For the benefit of the students and staff. $419.40 $1,222.20 Business Department Report June 23, 2016 Page 2 Site Name Amount or Amount Est. by Donor Donor Gift Purpose 10. Holmes Target -Take Charge of Education Monetary For the benefit of the students and staff. $243.72 11. Holmes Pictures with Class by Barksdale Monetary For the benefit of the students and staff. $132.00 12. Kettering Target -Take Charge of Education Monetary For the benefit of the students and staff. $474.54 13. Kettering Target -Take Charge of Education Monetary For the benefit of the students and staff. $600.00 14. Kettering Charles F. Kettering PTA Monetary For the purchase of library books. $744.38 15. Lafayette Lil' Angels Photography Monetary For the benefit of the students and staff. $257.00 16. Lakewood ATM Booster Club Monetary For the funding of two (2) substitutes for the USS Iowa field trip. $350.10 17. Madison Target -Take Charge of Education Monetary For the benefit of the students and staff. $300.00 18. McBride The Gilder Lehrman Institute Monetary For the benefit of the students and staff. $500.00 19. McBride Thomas G. Mokry Monetary For the benefit of the students and staff. $110.00 20. Newcomb Target -Take Charge of Education Monetary For the benefit of the students and staff. $700.00 21. Prisk Target -Take Charge of Education Monetary For the benefit of the students and staff. $438.77 22. Prisk William F. Prisk Elementary PTA Monetary For the funding of custodial services for school talent show. $570.22 23. Prisk William F. Prisk Elementary PTA Monetary For the funding of field trips. 24. Smith Target -Take Charge of Education Monetary For the benefit of the students and staff. $1,050.00 $254.43 Business Department Report June 23, 2016 Page 3 Site Name 25. Wilson Donor Gift Purpose Target -Take Charge of Education Monetary For the benefit of the students and staff. Gifts Total Total amount of monetary gifts on this report: Amount or Amount Est. by Donor $800.00 $12,211.58 Authority to Sign Awards or Rejections of Bids: 26. Authorize the Chief Business and Financial Officer, Financial Services Officer, Purchasing and Contracts Director, and Assistant Purchasing and Contracts Director (Purchasing Branch) to sign the awards or rejections of all formal bids. Authorization to be effective July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017. Authority to Sign Construction Change Orders: 27. Authorize the Chief Business and Financial Officer, Purchasing and Contracts Director, Assistant Purchasing and Contracts Director (Purchasing Branch and Facilities Branch), Executive Director Facilities Development and Planning, and Business Services Administrator to sign construction change orders. Authorization to be effective July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017. Authority to Acquire Federal Surplus Property: 28. Authorize the Purchasing and Contracts Director, and Assistant Purchasing and Contracts Director (Purchasing Branch) to act as district representatives and district signatories to acquire federal surplus property from the California State Agency for Surplus Property. Authority to Sign Purchase Orders: 29. Authorize the Purchasing and Contracts Director, and Assistant Purchasing and Contracts Director (Purchasing Branch and Facilities Branch), to sign purchase orders for the Long Beach Unified School District. Authorization to be effective July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017. Authority to Apply for and Sign Documents for Nutrition Services Meal Program: 30. Authorize the Nutrition Services Director, and Assistant Nutrition Services Director to submit applications and sign the necessary documents on behalf of the Board of Education to participate in the National School Breakfast Program, the National School Lunch Program, and the Summer Food Service Program. Authorization to be effective July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017. Authority to Sign Purchase Orders and Contracts for Nutrition Services Branch: 31. Authorize the Nutrition Services Director, Assistant Nutrition Services Director, Purchasing and Contracts Director, and Assistant Purchasing and Contracts Director (Purchasing Branch) to sign purchase orders and contracts for the Nutrition Services Branch. Authorization to be effective July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017. Authority to Transfer Funds: 32. Authorize the Chief Business and Financial Officer, Financial Services Officer, and Executive Director of Fiscal Services to make such inter and intra-fund adjustments as necessary to close the financial records of the District for the 2015-16 fiscal year. Business Department Report June 23, 2016 Page 4 Authorize Destruction of Records: 33. Authorize the Chief Business and Financial Officer or designee to approve destruction of records eligible for disposal in accordance with California Administrative Code, Title V, Section 16027 and Education Code, Section 35253. The Class III Records are designated in the Master Records Retention List. Authority to Process Routine Budget Revisions, Adjustments and Transfers: 34. Authorize the Chief Business and Financial Officer, Financial Services Officer, and Executive Director of Fiscal Services to make such routine budget revisions, adjustments and transfers as necessary for the payment of District obligations and to effect technical adjustments of the board-adopted budget during the 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 fiscal years. Recommendation: Approve the items listed above. Approved: Approved and Recommended: Yumi Takahashi Chief Business and Financial Officer Christopher J. Steinhauser Superintendent of Schools CONSENT ITEM BOARD OF EDUCATION LONG BEACH UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT ___________ ______________________________________________________________________ SUBJECT: Purchasing and Contract Report Enclosures CATEGORY: _ _ _ Business Items Reason for Board Consideration ___ __Action______ Purchasing and Contracts Date _____ June 23, 2016 Contract Report The following contracts are submitted for approval and available upon request: New Agreement(s) 1. Agreement: Purpose: 360 DEGREE CUSTOMER, INC. (5923.01) To provide speech and language pathology services for students with exceptional needs. Term: July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016 Cost: To be a maximum of $106,848 Originator: Spec. Ed. Funding Source: Spec. Ed. 2. Agreement: Purpose: 3. Agreement: Purpose: Term: Cost: Originator: Funding Source: 4. Agreement: Purpose: TIMOTHY LEWIS ABBISS (5541.02) To provide services as a brass coach for students participating in the Stephens Middle School Instrumental Program. Term: May 10, 2016 through June 10, 2016 Cost: To be a maximum of $400 Originator: Stephens Funding Source: Gifts-Music-OCIPD ALVAREZ-GLASMAN & COLVIN (5928.01) To provide legal services for the District on an as-needed basis. July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017 Hourly rates to be $100 - $235 Contracts Purch - Real Est and Spec Contract AMERICAN ENGINEERING LABORATIES, INC. (10133. 01) To provide DSA inspection services for the refrigeration replacement project at the Nutrition Services Branch. Term: April 1, 2016 through December 31, 2017 Cost: To be a maximum of $75,075 Originator: Nutrition Services Funding Source: Maintenance - Food Services _ Purchasing and Contract Report June 23, 2016 Page 2 5. Agreement: Purpose: EVA R. ARCE (5896.01) To provide professional development services for teachers of Advanced Placement classes attending the 2016 AP Summer Institute. Term: June 18, 2016 through June 26, 2016 Cost: To be a maximum of $4,800, including reimbursable expenses Originator: OCIPD Funding Source: NCLB: Title II, Part A, Teacher Quality* 6. Agreement: Purpose: 7. Agreement: Purpose: 8. Agreement: 9. Agreement: Purpose: 10. Agreement: Purpose: ARMOR ALARMS (3833.08) To provide annual fire alarm inspections and certifications at various sites throughout the District. Term: July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017 Cost: To be a maximum of $65,985 Originator: Maintenance Funding Source: Ongoing & Major Maintenance THE CALIFORNIA-MEXICO STUDIES CENTER (5880.02) To provide program development consultant services for the Long Beach Ethnic Studies Program (LB-ESP). Term: July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017 Cost: To be a maximum of $25,000 Originator: Superintendent Funding Source: LCFF: AP & College/Career Readiness CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, DOMINGUEZ HILLS FOUNDATION (FS2017/01) Purpose: To provide the National Lunch Program for students at California Academy of Mathematics & Science (CAMS). Term: August 1, 2016 through July 31, 2017 Cost: Estimated to be $150,000 Originator: Nutrition Services Funding Source: Child Nutrition: School Programs CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, LONG BEACH (5690.02) To provide “Chinese 101-102 and 201-202” courses for selected high school students at Sato Academy. Term: July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017 Cost: To be a maximum of $96,000, including materials Originator: Superintendent Funding Source: LCFF: AP & College/Career Readiness BRAD CARNAHAN (5552.03) To provide coaching services for students participating in the “Instrumental and Vocal” program at Cabrillo High School. Term: January 4, 2016 through June 17, 2016 Cost: To be a maximum of $1,200 Originator: Cabrillo Funding Source: Gifts-Music-OCIPD Purchasing and Contract Report June 23, 2016 Page 3 11. Agreement: Purpose: THE COLLEGE BLUEPRINT, LLC (5702.02) To provide a career exploration, college admissions and test preparation program for selected high school students throughout the District. Term: July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2018 Cost: To be a maximum of $35,000, including materials Originator: Superintendent Funding Source: LCFF: AP & College/Career Readiness 12. Agreement: Purpose: 13. Agreement: Purpose: 14. Agreement: Purpose: 15. Agreement: Purpose: 16. Agreement: Purpose: Term: Cost: Originator: Funding Source: 17. Agreement: Purpose: CONVERSE CONSULTANTS (10125.01) To provide materials testing and inspection services for the Teacher Resource Center (TRC) - Addition (Modular Building) project. Term: July 1, 2016 through December 31, 2016 Cost: To be a maximum of $17,332 Originator: Facilities Funding Source: Professional Development - 15-16 One Time Funds CREATIVE BEHAVIOR INTERVENTIONS (5882.01) To provide an independent educational evaluation for a student with exceptional needs. Term: March 1, 2016 through June 30, 2016 Originator: Spec. Ed. Funding Source: Spec. Ed. MARILYN DEEGAN (5275.03) To provide piano accompaniment at rehearsals and performances for students at Hamilton Middle School and Nelson Academy. Term: May 10, 2016 through June 10, 2016 Cost: To be a maximum of $800 Originators: Hamilton; Nelson Funding Source: Gifts-Music-OCIPD DOLORES GENDE (5898.01) To provide professional development services for teachers of Advanced Placement classes attending the 2016 AP Summer Institute. Term: June 18, 2016 through June 26, 2016 Cost: To be a maximum of $4,800, including reimbursable expenses Originator: OCIPD Funding Source: NCLB: Title II, Part A, Teacher Quality* GHATODE BANNON ARCHITECTS (10122.01) To provide architectural services for the Keller Middle School Conversion project. December 10, 2015 through project completion To be a maximum of $374,925, including reimbursable expenses Facilities Building Fund: Site Modification - Measure K THE HANOVER RESEARCH COUNCIL, LLC (5929.01) To provide District staff unlimited access to the online education research library on a variety of topics relevant to K-12 education. Term: July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017 Cost: To be a maximum of $48,500 Originator: Deputy Superintendent of Schools Funding Source: Wallace Grant Purchasing and Contract Report June 23, 2016 Page 4 18. Agreement: Purpose: JAY HEMPHILL (5894.01) To provide music coaching services for students participating in the “Long Beach Harmony” project. Term: January 9, 2016 through June 18, 2016 Cost: To be a maximum of $600 Originator: Equity, Access, College/Career Readiness Funding Source: NCLB: Title l, Part A, Basic Grants Low-income and Neglected* 19. Agreement: Purpose: 20. Agreement: Purpose: Term: Cost: Originator: Funding Source: INTEGRITY ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. (4773.05) To provide asbestos consulting services as-needed throughout the District. July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017 To be a maximum of $175,000 Maintenance Hazardous Materials - Asbestos 21. Agreement: Purpose: Term: Cost: Originator: Funding Source: INTEGRITY ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. (4774.05) To provide indoor air quality consulting services as-needed throughout the District. July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017 To be a maximum of $100,000 Maintenance Hazardous Materials - Other 22. Agreement: Purpose: 23. Agreement: Purpose: Term: Cost: Originator: Funding Source: 24. Agreement: Purpose: HOUGHTON MIFFLIN HARCOURT (5930.01) To provide “Journeys Common Core 2014 Getting Started” training for teachers at Holy Innocents School. Term: June 1, 2016 through June 30, 2016 Cost: To be a maximum of $2,950 Originator: Equity, Access, College/Career Readiness Funding Source: NCLB: Title II, Part A, Teacher Quality* INTEGRITY ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. (4775.05) To provide hazardous materials and lead consulting services as-needed throughout the District. Term: July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017 Cost: To be a maximum of $100,000 Originator: Maintenance Funding Source: Hazardous Materials - Other LOS ANGELES COUNTY OFFICE OF EDUCATION (3044.10) To provide business and financial system data processing services for the District. July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017 To be a maximum of $75,905 Accounting District-Wide Contracts ERIC MENDEZ (5826.01) To provide music enrichment and coaching services for students at Beach High School. Term: January 4, 2016 through June 17, 2016 Cost: To be a maximum of $3,000 Originator: Beach Funding Source: LCFF: Schoolwide Student Support Purchasing and Contract Report June 23, 2016 Page 5 25. Agreement: Purpose: NAAMI JANE MOHAMED (5912.01) To provide anti-bullying assemblies for students and parents at McBride High School. Term: June 4, 2016 through June 7, 2016 Cost: To be a maximum of $750 Originator: McBride Funding Source: LCFF: Parent Involvement Non-Title I Schools 26. Agreement: Purpose: 27. Agreement: Purpose: 28. Agreement: Purpose: Term: Cost: Originator: Funding Source: 29. Agreement: Purpose: 30. Agreement: Purpose: NORTH AMERICAN TECHNICAL SERVICES (10135.01) To provide in-plant inspection services for the Teacher Resource Center (TRC) Addition (Modular Building) project. Term: July 1, 2016 through December 31, 2016 Cost: To be a maximum of $4,200 Originator: Facilities Funding Source: Professional Development - 15-16 One Time Funds NOVELL, INC. (5913.01) To provide licensing, maintenance, and support for Novell software products to include dedicated engineer for support of network operations. Term: August 1, 2016 through July 31, 2017 Cost: To be a maximum of $509,171 Originator: TISB Funding Source: Technology Support PYROTECTION SPECIALISTS, INC. (3869.08) To provide annual fire alarm inspections and certifications at various sites throughout the District. Term: July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017 Cost: To be a maximum of $57,375 Originator: TISB Funding Source: Ongoing & Major Maintenance Term: Cost: Originator: 31. PROFESSIONAL TUTORS OF AMERICA (5606.02) To provide specialized academic support for students with exceptional needs. January 1, 2016 through June 30, 2016 To be a maximum of $7,000 Spec. Ed. Spec. Ed. Agreement: Purpose: Term: Cost: Originator: RANCHO LOS CERRITOS HISTORIC SITE (5926.01) For use of facilities and services for the purpose of providing work-based instruction for students enrolled in the Careers with Children instructional program. May 25, 2016 through May 24, 2021 No cost to the District Assistant Superintendent - High Schools RANCHO LOS CERRITOS HISTORIC SITE (5927.01) For use of facilities and services for the purpose of providing work-based instruction for students enrolled in the School-Age Care instructional program. May 25, 2016 through May 24, 2021 No cost to the District Assistant Superintendent - High Schools Purchasing and Contract Report June 23, 2016 Page 6 32. Agreement: Purpose: RBY5 PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES, INC. (5914.01) To provide behavioral and psycho-educational independent educational evaluations for students with exceptional needs. Term: December 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016 Cost: To be a maximum of $11,400 Originator: Spec. Ed. Funding Source: Spec. Ed. 33. Agreement: Purpose: 34. Agreement: Purpose: Term: Cost: Originator: Funding Source: 35. Agreement: Purpose: 36. Agreement: Purpose: 37. Agreement: Purpose: RS CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, INC. (10126.01) To provide inspection services for the Teacher Resource Center (TRC) - Addition (Modular Building) project. Term: July 1, 2016 through project completion Cost: To be a maximum of $36,000 Originator: Facilities Funding Source: Professional Development - 15-16 One Time Funds PAULINE P. RIZCO DBA ART MASTERS LEGACY (5893.01) To provide an instructional art program for students at Prisk Elementary School. October 13, 2015 through March 14, 2016 To be a maximum of $3,312, including materials Prisk LCFF: Schoolwide Student Support PAULINE P. RIZCO DBA ART MASTERS LEGACY (5920.01) To provide an instructional art program for students at Los Cerritos Elementary School. Term: September 9, 2015 through April 26, 2016 Cost: To be a maximum of $1,400, including materials Originator: Los Cerritos Funding Source: Accounting - Billable Expenses MARITZA SLOAN (5909.01) To provide professional development services for teachers of Advanced Placement classes attending the 2016 AP Summer Institute. Term: June 18, 2016 through June 26, 2016 Cost: To be a maximum of $4,800, including reimbursable expenses Originator: OCIPD Funding Source: NCLB: Title II, Part A, Teacher Quality* SUCCESS IN CHALLENGES, INC. (5408.03) To provide tutoring services in support of District students attending the Success In Challenges summer camp at California State University, Long Beach. Term: July 1, 2016 through August 30, 2016 Cost: To be a maximum of $7,300 Originator: Superintendent Funding Source: LCFF: AP & College/Career Readiness Purchasing and Contract Report June 23, 2016 Page 7 38. Agreement: Purpose: SYSTEMLINK (1144.11) To provide on-going computer support for day-to-day operations and projects, emergency services, and consulting services for the central server network system, e-mail systems for staff and students, internet access, installations and upgrades of computer systems, and related technical support for Novell basic maintenance. Term: July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2018 Cost: To be a maximum of $120,000 Originator: TISB Funding Source: Technology Support 39. Agreement: Purpose: 40. Agreement: Purpose: Term: Cost: Originator: Funding Source: UNITE-LA (5692.02) To provide project management services relating to the District’s Educare project. July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017 To be a maximum of $50,000 Superintendent LCFF: Early Learning Initiative 41. Agreement: Purpose: WAREHOUSE SHOE SALE (5925.01) For use of facilities and services for the purpose of providing special education vocational training. April 26, 2016 through April 25, 2021 No cost to the District Spec. Ed. TAPE PROS, LLC (5854.02) To provide athletic trainer services for various sports programs at California Academy of Mathematics & Science (CAMS). Term: August 1, 2016 through May 31, 2017 Cost: To be a maximum of $1,500 Originator: CAMS Funding Source: High School Regular Term: Cost: Originator: 42. Agreement: Purpose: Term: Cost: Originator: 43. WOMENS SHELTER OF LONG BEACH (5921.01) For use of facilities and services for the purpose of providing special education vocational training. April 18, 2016 through April 17, 2021 No cost to the District Spec. Ed. Agreement(s) with the below-named as master contract(s) to provide special education services for students with exceptional needs. Agreement: CATHEDRAL HOME FOR CHILDREN (7867.01) LINDAMOOD-BELL LEARNING PROCESSES (7879.01) Term: July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016 Originator: Spec. Ed. Funding Source: Spec. Ed. Purchasing and Contract Report June 23, 2016 Page 8 Amend Agreement(s) 44. Agreement: Purpose: YESSICA ARANDA (5521.02) To provide additional consulting services for the Early Head Start and Head Start program by conducting observations to assess the social-emotional intervention needs in the classroom. Cost: Increase contract amount by $3,950 from $43,650, to be a maximum of $47,600. All other terms and conditions to remain the same. Originator: Head Start Funding Source: Head Start - Training and Technical Assistance 45. Agreement: Purpose: 46. Agreement: Purpose: іASSESSMENT, LLC DBA TRUENORTHLOGIC (5259.01) To provide website development, hosting, and services to support the implementation of a new professional development software system, by adding software licensing, system set-up/configuration, and system administration/end user training for use of the Observer Calibration Tool, effective July 1, 2016. Cost: Increase contract amount by $81,000 for Year 3 and by $52,500 for Year 4 of the agreement. All other terms and conditions to remain the same. Originator: Deputy Superintendent of Schools Funding Source: Wallace Grant Term: Originator: 47. Agreement: Purpose: 48. Agreement: Purpose: WARREN BELL (6400.01) For closeout of lease of real property located at 6336-6348 Long Beach Blvd., Long Beach, for use by the Head Start program. Cost: Increase contract amount by $59,185 from $267,846, to be a maximum of $327,031. All other terms and conditions to remain the same. Originator: Facilities Funding Source: Child Development Fund: Head Start Services - Basic Term: Originators: 49. ATC GROUP SERVICES, INC. DBA CARDNO ATC (4870.01) To provide hazardous materials surveying, testing, abatement plan and monitoring services for the Fire Alarm, Intercom and Clock Replacement Phase II project. Extend contract completion date from December 31, 2015 to be through June 30, 2017. All other terms and conditions to remain the same. Facilities Agreement: Purpose: Term: Originator: BUDLONG & ASSOCIATES, INC. (FS2012/04A) To provide design, cost estimating and construction administration services for the reconditioning of the refrigeration and freezer systems at Nutrition Services. Extend contract completion date from December 31, 2015 to be December 31, 2016. All other terms and conditions to remain the same. Maintenance; Nutrition Services BUSINESS PHONES DIRECT (5328.02) To provide qualified telecommunication technicians on an as-needed basis to support the District with its existing system. Extend contract completion date from June 30, 2016 to be through December 30, 2016. All other terms and conditions to remain the same. TISB Purchasing and Contract Report June 23, 2016 Page 9 50. Agreement: Purpose: CS & ASSOCIATES (4695.01) To provide consulting support services, including certified payroll record collection as requested for various District projects. Cost: Increase contract amount by $200,000 from $600,000, to be a maximum of $800,000. All other terms and conditions to remain the same. Originator: Facilities Funding Source: Building Fund: Miscellaneous - Measure K 51. Agreement: Purpose: Term: Originator: 52. Agreement: Purpose: Term: Originator: 53. Agreement: Purpose: 54. Agreement: Purpose: 55. Agreement: Purpose: DAVID DONN CONSULTING, INC. (3274.03) To provide consulting services related to cost containment strategies in support of the District’s Workers’ Compensation managed care programs. Extend contract completion date from June 30, 2016 to be through June 30, 2017. All other terms and conditions to remain the same. Risk Management GENEX SERVICES, INC. (3357.02) To provide Workers’ Compensation managed care services necessary to review, process, and manage applicable Worker’s Compensation medical claims for industrial related injuries. Extend contract completion date from June 30, 2016 to be through June 30, 2017. All other terms and conditions to remain the same. Risk Management THE GUIDANCE CENTER (4813.04) To provide additional Educationally Related Mental Health Services (ERMHS) for students and their families. Cost: Increase contract amount by $25,000 from $100,000, to be a maximum of $125,000. All other terms and conditions to remain the same. Originator: Spec. Ed. Funding Source: Spec. Ed. HOUGHTON MIFFLIN HARCOURT (5735.01) To provide additional grade 2 and grade 4 CogAT7 webinar training for GATE office staff, and online student testing and assessments. Cost: Increase contract amount by $7,000 from $105,000, to be a maximum of $112,000. All other terms and conditions to remain the same. Originator: GATE Funding Source: Gifted and Talented Education (GATE)-Unrestricted LASOY L. HUOT AND HUOT FAMILY TRUST (6457.03) For lease of real property located at 1131-1135, 1205 and 1209 Gaviota Avenue, Long Beach, for use by the Head Start program. Term: Extend term of lease from June 30, 2016 to be through June 30, 2017. Cost: Increase monthly rent by $310.46 from $10,348.75, to be $10,659.21. Total cost for this time period to be $127,910.52. All other terms and conditions to remain the same. Originator: Facilities Funding Source: Child Development Fund: Head Start - Basic Grant Purchasing and Contract Report June 23, 2016 Page 10 56. Agreement: Purpose: LONG BEACH BAR FOUNDATION, INC. (5502.02) To provide additional services related to the “Shortstop” juvenile crime prevention, intervention and scholarship program for selected students District-wide. Cost: Increase contract amount by $3,000 from $5,000, to be a maximum of $8,000. All other terms and conditions to remain the same. Originator: Superintendent Funding Source: College & Career Initiatives 57. Agreement: Purpose: 58. Agreement: Purpose: 59. Agreement: Purpose: LPA, INC. (4853.01) To provide additional architectural services for the Polytechnic High School Auditorium project. Cost: Increase contract amount by $10,965 from $1,546,793, to be a maximum of $1,557,758. All other terms and conditions to remain the same. Originator: Facilities Funding Source: Building Fund: Assembly Bill 300 - Measure K MIND RESEARCH INSTITUTE (5162.04) To provide staff development and licensing for the MIND Research Institute’s ST (Spatial-Temporal) supplemental math program, by adding Cleveland and Longfellow schools. Cost: Increase contract amount by $57,468 from $117,778, to be a maximum of $175,246. All other terms and conditions to remain the same. Originator: Superintendent Funding Source: College and Career Initiatives Term: Originator: 60. Agreement: 61. Agreement: Purpose: MONITOR INTEGRATED HEALTHCARE (3358.02) To provide Workers’ Compensation managed care services necessary to oversee, coordinate and direct treatment rendered on applicable Workers’ Compensation medical claims for industrial related injuries. Extend contract completion date from June 30, 2016 to be through June 30, 2017. All other terms and conditions to remain the same. Risk Management NINYO & MOORE GEOTECHNICAL & ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES CONSULTANTS (10096.01) Purpose: To provide additional materials testing and inspection services for the Jordan High School Major Renovation project. Term: Extend contract completion date from October 30, 2016 to be through December 31, 2016. Cost: Increase contract amount by $62,202 from $599,772, to be a maximum of $661,974. All other terms and conditions to remain the same. Originator: Facilities Funding Source: Building Fund: Modernization (SFP) - Measure K Term: Originator: PROFESSIONAL DYNAMICS, INC. (3371.02) To provide Workers’ Compensation managed care services for utilization review of Workers’ Compensation medical claims for industrial related injuries. Extend contract completion date from June 30, 2016 to be through June 30, 2017. All other terms and conditions to remain the same. Risk Management Purchasing and Contract Report June 23, 2016 Page 11 62. Agreement: Purpose: SCHOOL FACILITY CONSULTANTS (3150.05) To provide additional consulting services related to school facility funding programs, regulatory compliance, and coordination with public agencies. Cost: Increase contract amount by $60,000 from $60,000, to be a maximum of $120,000. All other terms and conditions to remain the same. Originator: Facilities Funding Source: Building Fund: Bond Implementation Plan - Measure K 63. Agreement: Purpose: 64. Agreement: Purpose: 65. Agreement: Purpose: TODD FAMILY MANAGEMENT CORPORATION (6936.01) For lease of real property located at 1425 and 1429 Elm Avenue, Long Beach, for use by the Head Start program. Term: Extend term of lease from June 30, 2016 to be through June 30, 2017. Cost: Increase monthly rent by $98.15 from $3,271.74, to be $3,369.89. Total cost for this time period to be $40,438.71. Originator: Facilities Funding Source: Child Development Fund: Head Start - Basic Grant TRISTAR RISK MANAGEMENT (3355.03) To provide additional Workers’ Compensation program and claims administration services, and medical, litigation, and risk data services for the District. Term: Extend contract completion date from June 30, 2016 to be June 30, 2017. Cost: Increase contract amount by $1,314,841 from $4,060,453, to be a maximum of $5,375,294. All other terms and conditions to remain the same. Originator: Risk Management Funding Source: Workers’ Compensation Administration WEST SHIELD ADOLESCENT SERVICES (3160.09) To provide additional services to accompany and transport students with exceptional needs to out-of-state, non-public schools. Cost: Increase contract amount by $35,000 from $30,000, to be a maximum of $65,000. All other terms and conditions to remain the same. Originator: Spec. Ed. Funding Source: Special Education Transportation Amend Board Action(s) 66. Agreement: Purpose: AMERICAN INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH (5869.01) Amend Board Action of May 3, 2016 to provide an external expense and revenue analysis of Educare Long Beach, by correcting the contract amount from $11,390 to be $29,526. All other terms and conditions to remain the same. Originator: Superintendent Funding Source: LCFF: Early Learning Initiative Income/Reimbursement Agreement(s) 67. Agreement: Purpose: CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION (CCTR-6095) Local Agreement for Child Development Services - General Child Care & Development Programs. Term: July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017 Reimbursement: $3,681,083 Originator: CDC Purchasing and Contract Report June 23, 2016 Page 12 68. Agreement: Purpose: CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION (CSPP-6193) Local Agreement for Child Development Services - California State Preschool Program. Term: July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017 Reimbursement: $5,940,282 Originator: CDC 69. Agreement: Purpose: LOS ANGELES COUNTY OFFICE OF EDUCATION (5915.01) To reimburse the District for costs associated with the Migrant Education Program (MEP). Term: July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017 Cost: To be a maximum of $359,558 Originator: Migrant Education Funding Source: NCLB: Title I, Part C, Migrant Ed (Regular and Summer Program)* *Indicates categorical funding Bid Award(s) The following bids are submitted for approval and available upon request: Authorize Bid Award(s) Commodity Bid(s) 70. Award Bid No. 39-1516-2775 for the Maintenance Agreement for Elevators District Wide and approve contract with ASCENT ELEVATOR SERVICES, INC., for the amount of $91,710. Funding Source: Maintenance Construction Bid(s) 71. Award Bid No. FAC13-1516 for the Lindsey Academy - All Weather Field and approve contract with LOS ANGELES ENGINEERING, INC., for the amount of $1,154,168. Funding Source: Building Fund: Site Modification - Measure K 72. Award Bid No. FAC14-1516 for the Nelson Academy - All Weather Field and approve contract with ASPHALT, FABRIC & ENGINEERING, INC., for the amount of $1,250,888. Funding Source: Building Fund: Site Modification - Measure K 73. Award Bid No. FAC15-1516 for the Butler Middle School - Improvements (Roofing) and approve contract with BEST CONTRACTING SERVICES, INC., for the amount of $766,525. Funding Source: Building Fund: Site Modification - Measure K Authorize Bid Extension(s) 74. Extend Bid No. 38-1314/14 for the Installation of Personal Computers (Price Agreement) for the period of July 1, 2016 through August 31, 2016 as follows: AREY JONES EDUCATIONAL SOLUTIONS Funding Source: TISB Purchasing and Contract Report June 23, 2016 Page 13 Authorize Agency Bid(s) 75. Authorize the use of the County of Fairfax, Virginia, Bid No. 4400003732, through the U.S. Communities Program, on an as-needed basis, for the purchase of multi-function devices and related services, from Ricoh Americas Corporation, with the same advantages, terms and conditions per Public Contract Code 6500 et al. Authorization to be valid through June 30, 2019 and to include all extension periods if adopted by the County of Fairfax, Virginia. Funding Source: Various Construction Change Order(s) The following change order is submitted for approval and available upon request: Authorize Change Order(s) 76. Approve Change Order No. 1 for Agreement 5789.01 with CENTURY PAVING, INC., for Asphalt Repairs at Lowell, Rogers, Smith, and Wilson schools, by increasing the contract amount by $1,954.65 from $71,145.00 for a new total contract amount of $73,099.65. Decrease contract term by 49 days. Funding Source: Ongoing & Major Maintenance Membership Approval(s) Authorize District Membership(s) 77. Approve District membership(s) in the following organization(s): COALITION FOR ADEQUATE SCHOOL HOUSING [Originator-Facilities/$1,010] COLLEGE BOARD [Originator-Millikan/$325] COUNCIL OF THE GREAT CITY SCHOOLS [Originator-Superintendent/$42,557] LONG BEACH AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE [Originator-Superintendent/$625] NATIONAL ACADEMY FOUNDATION (NAF) - MBA [Originator-Millikan/$2,000] NATIONAL ACADEMY FOUNDATION (NAF) - (MIT) [Originator-Millikan/$2,000] Purchasing and Contract Report June 23, 2016 Page 14 Purchase Orders Approve District Purchase Orders 78. Approve purchase orders written during the period May 1, 2016 through May 31, 2016. A detailed list of purchase orders is available upon request. Contract Regular Stock 79. C665488 - C670001 P155726 - P160031 S826325 - S826346 $11,227,787.45 $ 8,434,983.38 $ 69,132.84 Approve Nutrition Services purchase orders written during the period May 1, 2016 through May 31, 2016. A detailed list of purchase orders is available upon request. Regular 27723 - 27849 $ 486,180.16 Recommendation Approve and/or ratify the contracts, and take action on the bids as listed above. Approved: Approved and Recommended: Yumi Takahashi Chief Business and Financial Officer Christopher J. Steinhauser Superintendent of Schools RH/rk BOARD OF EDUCATION LONG BEACH UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT ____________________________________________________________________________ SUBJECT: Local Control and Accountability Plan Enclosures: None ____________________________________________________________________________ CATEGORY: New Business Item Reason for Board Consideration: Action Date: June 23, 2016 ____________________________________________________________________________ BACKGROUND: Education Code 52060-52077 requires the Board of Education to adopt a three-year Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) by July 1, 2016. This plan must address the Local Control Funding Formula’s eight state priorities, be aligned with the District budget, and incorporate feedback from stakeholders. As discussed in the June 6, 2016, public hearing, the District spent the past ten months engaging the community on how best to support students, especially low income pupils, English Learners, Redesignated Fluent English Proficient Pupils, and foster youth. A diverse advisory committee provided feedback on the plan. Furthermore, the District Community Advisory Committee, the District English Learner Advisory Committee, and many other stakeholder groups reviewed and commented on plan components. The LCAP builds upon existing District efforts: the Strategic Plan; the Academic and Career Success Initiative; the Long Beach College Promise; the No Child Left Behind Waiver; and other local programs. Complete details are available at RECOMMENDATION: Approve the 2016-19 Local Control and Accountability Plan. Prepared by: Approved and Recommended: Robert Garcia Tagorda Director of Equity, Access, and College & Career Readiness Christopher Steinhauser Superintendent of Schools BOARD OF EDUCATION LONG BEACH UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT SUBJECT: Adoption of the District’s Budget for FY 2016-17 CATEGORY: New Business Items Fiscal Services Enclosures: Reason for Board Consideration: Date: Action__ June 23, 2016 BACKGROUND The Board is requested to approve the proposed 2016-17 Budget, which projects revenues and expenditures for 2016-17 and the two succeeding years. Education Code Section 42127 requires that the Board each year hold a public hearing, adopt a budget, and file the budget with the Los Angeles County Office of Education (LACOE) on or before July 1. REVENUE The District’s proposed budget contains revenue assumptions included in the Governor’s May Revision related to the state’s K-12 funding model, the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF). The LCFF creates base, supplemental and concentration grants based on the district’s population of students. Under the LCFF model, the State has set a per-ADA funding target to be reached. Each year, the difference between current funding and the target, the “gap,” is calculated. The availability of state revenues each year then determines the percentage of the gap to be funded. The current state budget proposal would fund 54.84% of the calculated gap in 2016-17, 73.96% in 2017-18, and 41.22% in 2018-19. Under the current gap funding proposal, in 2016-17, LCFF funding for the District is projected to be $694 million, an increase of $28 million from 2015-16. LCFF funding is projected to be $708 million for 2017-18 and $706 million for 2018-19. With respect to federal revenues, an area of note is the reduction of Title I funding. The District’s share of Title I funding continues to be reduced due to an increasing number of students in poverty nationally. Spending plans for 2016-17 and beyond will need to take into account this reduction in revenue. EXPENDITURES The proposed expenditure budgets include allocations for the supplemental and concentration portions of LCFF, along with step and column increases for personnel, proposed district contribution percentage increases to STRS (State Teachers Retirement System) and PERS (Public Employees Retirement System), health benefit increases and increases for expenses such as utilities. Adoption of the District’s Budget for FY 2016-17 Page 2 ENDING BALANCE The total general fund ending balance for 2016-17 is projected to be $191.2 million. The unrestricted ending balance for 2016-17 is projected to be $173 million. As per Resolution 062316-A it is recommended that the Board of Education commit $72.1 million of the unrestricted ending balance to the activities detailed therein. RECOMMENDATION Adopt Annual Budget for Fiscal Year 2016-17 and authorize filing of the FY 2016-17 Adopted Budget Report (SACS2016) and the FY 2015-16 Estimated Actuals with the Los Angeles County Superintendent of Schools in accordance with Education Code Section 42127. Approved: Approved and Recommended: Yumi Takahashi Chief Business and Financial Officer Christopher J. Steinhauser Superintendent of Schools BOARD OF EDUCATION LONG BEACH UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT ____________________________________________________________________________ SUBJECT: List of Candidates for Graduation Enclosures: None ____________________________________________________________________________ CATEGORY: Superintendent’s Item Reason for Board Consideration: Action Date: June 23, 2016 ____________________________________________________________________________ BACKGROUND: Each year the Governing Board accepts the lists of candidates for graduation. The lists for January, June and August 2016 include: SCHOOL JANUARY JUNE AUGUST TOTAL Avalon 0 49 0 49 Beach 0 30 1 31 Cabrillo 0 548 14 562 CAMS 0 163 0 163 EPHS 0 375 44 419 Jordan/Jordan Plus 0 714 34 748 Lakewood 0 771 25 796 Millikan 0 847 5 852 Poly/PAAL 0 973 31 1004 Reid 0 104 0 104 Renaissance 0 107 0 107 Wilson 0 851 17 868 5532 171 5703 TOTALS RECOMMENDATION: That the Board accepts the lists of candidates for graduation as presented. (These lists are on file in the Office of the Assistant Secretary to the Board of Education.) Prepared by: Approved and Recommended: Pete Davis Assistant Superintendent Secondary Schools Christopher Steinhauser Superintendent of Schools BOARD OF EDUCATION LONG BEACH UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTICT SUBJECT: Comprehensive School Safety Plan CATEGORY: New Business Enclosures: None Reason for Board Consideration: Action Date: June 23, 2016 BACKGROUND: Pursuant to California Education Code §32280-32289, each K-12 school site will complete an annual evaluation of its comprehensive school safety plan by March 1 of each year. The review will include a systematic planning and evaluation process of policies and strategies to improve school climate, safety, and disaster preparedness. The review process concludes with each school presenting and adopting the plan during a public meeting hosted at the school site. Comprehensive safety plans are submitted to School Safety and Emergency Preparedness for final review. Subsequently, the governing board will adopt the plans at a regularly scheduled public meeting. RECOMMENDATION: Recommend approval of the 2015-2016 Comprehensive School Safety Plan for each K-12 school site. Prepared By: Approved & Recommended by: Cathy Coy Emergency Preparedness Program Manager Christopher J. Steinhauser Superintendent of Schools BOARD OF EDUCATION LONG BEACH UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT SUBJECT: CATEGORY: Educator Effectiveness Funding Plan Enclosures: New Business Reason for Board Consideration: Financial Services Date: Yes Action June 23, 2016 BACKGROUND: The State of California has allocated $490 million for implementation of the Educator Effectiveness Funding Plan. The allocation to school districts is based on 2014-15 certificated staff, estimated at $1,466 per certificated FTE. The district’s allocation is $5.5 million. As a condition for receiving Educator Effectiveness funds, a school district is required to develop and adopt a plan delineating how the Educator Effectiveness funds will be spent. The plan must be explained in a public meeting of the Governing Board of the school district before its adoption in a subsequent public meeting. The District has developed a spending plan for the Educator Effectiveness Funds. The plan is included here as Exhibit A. RECOMMENDATION: The Education Effectiveness fund spending plan was explained at the District’s Board of Education meeting on June 6, 2016. Recommend adoption of the Educator Effectiveness Funding Plan as presented. Approved: Approved and Recommended: Yumi Takahashi Chief Business & Financial Officer Christopher J. Steinhauser Superintendent of Schools Exhibit A Educator Effectiveness Funding Plan June 2016 The State of California has allocated $490 million for the implementation of Educator Effectiveness Block Grant Funding. School districts, county offices of education and charter schools may use these allocated funds to support the professional development of certificated teachers, administrators and paraprofessional educators. The allocation to school districts was based on 2014-15 certificated staff, at a rate of $1,466 per certificated FTE. For LBUSD, this equates to a total of $5,483,739. Funds were received in December 2015 and March 2016, and are required to be spent between July 2015 and June 2018. ALLOWABLE AREAS OF EXPENDITURES: 1. Beginning teacher and administrator support and mentoring, including, but not limited to, programs that support new teacher and administrator ability to teach or lead effectively and to meet induction requirements adopted by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing and pursuant to Section 44259 of the Education Code. LBUSD is allocating $1,000,000 towards beginning teacher and administrator support and mentoring. 2. Professional development, coaching, and support services for teachers who have been identified as needing improvement or additional support by local educational agencies. LBUSD is allocating $1,000,000 towards professional development for teachers needing additional support. 3. Professional development for teachers and administrators that is aligned to the state content standards adopted pursuant to Sections 51226, 60605, 60605.1, 60605.2, 60605.3, 60605.08, 60605.11, 60605.85, as that section read on June 30, 2014, and 60811.3, as that section read on June 30, 2013, of the Education Code. LBUSD is allocating $2,000,000 towards professional development aligned to the state content standards. 4. To promote educator quality and effectiveness, including, but not limited to, training on mentoring and coaching certificated staff and training certificated staff to support effective teaching and learning. LBUSD is allocating $1,483,739 towards promoting educator quality and effectiveness. *Categories of spending are estimated. The District may adjust allocations as programs are implemented. BOARD OF EDUCATION LONG BEACH UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT SUBJECT: Approved Materials Testing and Inspection Consultants CATEGORY: New Business Business Services Enclosures: Yes Reason for Board Consideration: Action Date: June 23, 2016 BACKGROUND: Pursuant to Request for Qualifications #1516/06, staff is requesting that the Board approve a pool of Pre-qualified Materials Testing and Inspection Consultants to provide services for the Measure K Bond Program. This list will supersede the former pre-qualified list established by Request for Qualifications #0910/03. Materials testing and inspection consultants test materials, such as concrete and steel, and inspect site conditions for compliance with applicable codes and plans and specifications. Testing is required by the California Division of State Architect. The Materials Testing and Inspection Consulting Services RFQ was advertised on the Press Telegram, posted on the Long Beach Unified School District website under the Measure K Construction and posted on the California Coalition for Adequate School Housing website. In order for a project to qualify for state funding, Materials Testing and Inspection Consultants utilized must be pre-qualified. A pre-qualified list allows staff to expeditiously select, via a Request for Proposal process, from a highly qualified list of consultants when services are required. RECOMMENDATION: Approve list of Pre-Qualified Materials Testing and Inspection Consultants. Approved: Approved and Recommended: Yumi Takahashi Chief Business & Financial Officer Christopher J. Steinhauser Superintendent of Schools Long Beach Unified School District Measure K Bond Program June 23, 2016 Board Meeting List of Pre-Qualified Materials Testing and Inspection Consultants Pursuant to RFQ #1516/06: • AESCO, Inc. • American Engineering Laboratories, Inc. • Converse Consultants • California Testing & Inspection, Inc. • Geo-Advantec, Inc. • Koury Engineering & Testing, Inc. • Leighton Consulting, Inc. • Ninyo & Moore Geotechnical & Environmental Consultants • RMA Group, Inc. • Smith-Emery Laboratories, Inc. • Twining Consulting, Inc. 2 RESOLUTION NO. 062316-A A RESOLUTION OF THE GOVERNING BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE LONG BEACH UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT AUTHORIZING COMMITMENTS OF FUND BALANCE IN THE FY 2016-17 ADOPTED BUDGET WHEREAS, Governor Brown proposed significant one-time revenues in the 2016-17 May Revision as well as proposed making significant progress towards full implementation of the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF); WHEREAS, the District recognizes and endeavors to prepare for its increased funding obligation to the CalSTRS and CalPERS retirement systems as well as other obligations; WHEREAS, the District has identified priorities in the Local Control Accountability Plan and aligned programs with estimated funding to support positive outcomes for students; WHEREAS, the District desires to implement programs prudently and has identified significant one-time needs in the future; WHEREAS, in order to effectuate the programs set forth in Exhibit A the Board of Education seeks to commit appropriate levels of funding for such purposes; WHEREAS, the Board of Education accepts that the committed fund balance component of its ending balance can only be used for specific purposes imposed by formal action of this Board and the amount will remain binding unless modified or removed in the same manner; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education commits $72.1 million of its 2016-17 ending balance for the activities indicated in Exhibit A. ADOPTED, SIGNED and APPROVED on this 23rd day of June, 2016. BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE LONG BEACH UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY By: ___________________________________ President By: ___________________________________ Vice-President By: ___________________________________ Member By: ___________________________________ Member By: ___________________________________ Member 6/15/16 Exhibit A Resolution No. 062316-A 2016‐2017 Proposed Commitments Item No. 1 Textbooks (History-Social Science, Science, Electives, AP courses, etc.) 2016-17 $ 18.0 2 Conversion of Year-Round Schools to a Traditional Schedule (2017-18) $ 6.5 3 Educare Building $ 5.0 4 Technology (K-12, Project Lead the Way) $ 4.0 5 New Textbook Professional Development (2016-18) $ 1.0 6 Professional Development for Administrators and Classified Staff $ 0.9 7 Resources for Classroom Assessments Aligned Common Core State Standards (2016-18) $ 0.5 8 Early Learning Initiative $ 4.3 9 CalSTRS and CalPERS pension reform contributions $ 14.0 2015-2016 Continued Commitments $ 54.2 10 Professional Development for Certificated and Classified (Technology) $ 1.0 11 Professional Development (i.e. Anti-Bullying) $ 0.8 12 Technology - Elementary, K-8 Schools, Middle Schools $ 2.0 13 Wireless Access in Non-School Sites $ 0.4 14 Conversion to Monthly Payroll $ 1.0 15 Landscaping (Beautification), Shade Structures, Benches at School Sites $ 1.5 16 Update Emergency Preparedness Bins and Materials at all School Sites $ 1.0 17 Accelerate Deferred Maintenance Projects (Bathrooms) $ 2.0 18 Purchase Chromebooks for Parents to use at Schools (Parent Vue) $ 0.3 19 Develop Fab Labs/Maker Classrooms $ 1.0 20 Purchase Chromebooks for all SDC Classrooms (4 each) $ 0.3 21 Purchase Computers and Printers for All Plant Supervisors $ 0.1 22 Purchase Translation Equipment for Schools $ 0.5 23 Purchase Water Hydration Stations for Schools $ 1.0 24 Shared Decision Making Professional Development with Labor Partners ($25,000 x 10 years) $ 0.2 25 Resources for Special Requests $ 4.8 2016-2017 New One-Time Monies $ 17.9 $ 72.1 2016-2017 Total Commitments June 6, 2016 RESOLUTION NO. 062316-B A RESOLUTION OF THE GOVERNING BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE LONG BEACH UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT REGARDING THE EDUCATION PROTECTION ACCOUNT FOR FY 2016-17 WHEREAS, the voters approved Proposition 30 on November 6, 2012; WHEREAS, Proposition 30 added Article XIII, Section 36 to the California Constitution effective November 7, 2012; WHEREAS, the provisions of Article XIII, Section 36(e) create in the state General Fund an Education Protection Account to receive and disburse the revenues derived from the incremental increases in taxes imposed by Article XIII, Section 36(f); WHEREAS, before June 30th of each year, the Director of Finance shall estimate the total amount of additional revenues, less refunds that will be derived from the incremental increases in tax rates made pursuant to Article XIII, Section 36(f) that will be available for transfer into the Education Protection Account (EPA) during the next fiscal year; WHEREAS, if the sum determined by the State Controller is positive, the State Controller shall transfer the amount calculated into the EPA within ten days preceding the end of the fiscal year; WHEREAS, all monies in the EPA are hereby continuously appropriated for the support of school districts, county offices of education, charter schools and community college districts; WHEREAS, monies deposited in the EPA shall not be used to pay any costs incurred by the Legislature, the Governor or any agency of state government; WHEREAS, a community college district, county office of education, school district, or charter school shall have the sole authority to determine how the monies received from the EPA are spent in the school or schools within its jurisdiction; WHEREAS, the governing board of the district shall make the spending determinations with respect to monies received from the EPA in open session of a public meeting of the governing board; WHEREAS, the monies received from the EPA shall not be used for salaries or benefits for administrators or any other administrative cost; WHEREAS, each community college district, county office of education, school district and charter school shall annually publish on its Internet website an accounting of how much money was received from the EPA and how that money was spent; WHEREAS, the annual independent financial and compliance audit required of community college districts, county offices of education, school districts and charter schools shall ascertain and verify whether the funds provided from the EPA have been properly disbursed and expended as required by Article XIII, Section 36 of the California Constitution; RESOLUTION NO. 062316-B Page 2 WHEREAS, expenses incurred by community college districts, county offices of education, school districts and charter schools to comply with the additional audit requirements of Article XIII, Section 36 may be paid with funding from the EPA and shall not be considered administrative costs for purposes of Article XIII, Section 36. NOW, THEREFORE IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED: 1. The monies received from the EPA shall be spent as required by Article XIII, Section 36 and the spending determinations on how the money will be spent shall be made in open session of a public meeting of the governing board of the Long Beach Unified School District; 2. In compliance with Article XIII, Section 36(e) of the California Constitution, the governing board of the Long Beach Unified School District has determined to spend the monies received from the EPA in 2016-2017 as indicated in Attachment A. ADOPTED, SIGNED and APPROVED on this 23rd day of June, 2016. BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE LONG BEACH UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA By: ___________________________________ President By: ___________________________________ Vice-President By: ___________________________________ Member By: ___________________________________ Member By: ___________________________________ Member Resolution No. 062316-B Attachment A Long Beach Unified School District 2016-2017 Program by Resource Report Estimated Expenditures by Function - Summary Resource 1400 Education Protection Account Description Amount Available for Fiscal Year 2016-2017 Object Codes Adjusted Beginning Fund Balance 9791-9795 Revenue Limit Sources 8010-8099 Federal Revenue 8100-8299 Other State Revenue 8300-8599 Other Local Revenue 8600-8699 All Other Financing Sources and Contributions 8900-8999 Deferred Revenue 9650 Total Available Expenditures and Other Financing Uses (Objects 1000-7999) Function Codes Instruction 1000-1999 Instruction-Related Services 2000-2999 Pupil Services 3000-3999 Ancillary Services 4000-4999 Community Services 5000-5999 Enterprise 6000-6999 General Administration 7000-7999 Plant Services 8000-8999 Other Outgo 9000-9999 Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses Balance (Total Available minus Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses Amount 102,445,074 102,445,074 102,445,074 102,445,074 -0- RESOLUTION NO. 062316-C A RESOLUTION OF THE GOVERNING BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE LONG BEACH UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT GIVING AUTHORIZATION FOR TEMPORARY CASH BORROWING BETWEEN FUNDS WHEREAS, sufficient cash is needed to pay obligations for current operating requirements lawfully incurred in the fiscal year, and; WHEREAS, temporary transfer of cash between district funds is permitted by Education Code Section 42603, and; WHEREAS, the following restrictions apply to this authorization: 1. 2. 3. 4. Maximum amount of authorized borrowing: $ 50,000,000. For fiscal year: 2016-2017. Amount shall not exceed 75 percent of any moneys held in any fund. Funds borrowed shall not be available for appropriation or considered income to the borrowing fund. 5. Borrowing shall occur only when the fund receiving the money will earn sufficient income during the current fiscal year. 6. The amounts borrowed shall be repaid either in the same fiscal year or in the following fiscal year if the borrowing takes place within the final 120 calendar days of a fiscal year. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education hereby authorizes the Chief Business and Financial Officer and/or the Financial Services Officer to make temporary cash borrowing between all of the district funds. ADOPTED, SIGNED and APPROVED on this 23rd day of June, 2016. BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE LONG BEACH UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY By: ___________________________________ President By: ___________________________________ Vice-President By: ___________________________________ Member By: ___________________________________ Member By: ___________________________________ Member RESOLUTION NO. 062316-D A RESOLUTION OF THE GOVERNING BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE LONG BEACH UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT SUPERSEDING RESOLUTION NO. 061815-E AND ESTABLISHING REVOLVING CASH FUND FOR THE LONG BEACH UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT WHEREAS, Section 42810 of the Education Code of the State of California provides that the governing board of any school district may, by resolution, establish revolving cash funds for use by school principals and other administrative officials designated by the governing board and acting in accordance with regulations prescribed by the governing board, for services or material; and WHEREAS, the need is recognized to establish a Revolving Cash Fund for use by school principals or other administrative officials for services and for emergency or small purchases of instructional and office supplies not presently available from the District's stock; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Long Beach Unified School District as follows: 1. Resolution No. 061815-E establishing a revolving cash fund for the Long Beach Unified School District is superseded by Resolution No.062316-D. 2. In accordance with the provisions of Section 42801 and 42810 of the Education Code, a Revolving Cash Fund in an aggregate amount not to exceed 3% of the district's current year instructional supply budget is hereby established and authorized for the use of all school principals, and for the use of those administrative officers hereinafter designated by the Board, to be expended by said school principals and administrative officials for services and for emergency or small purchases of instructional and office supplies which are not readily available from the District's stock. 3. The administrative officials for whom the revolving cash fund is established are hereby designated as follows: (in alphabetical order) Assistant Director, Equity, Access/College and Career Readiness Assistant Principal, Poly Academy for Accelerated Learning Assistant Principal, School for Adults Assistant Superintendent or Director, Office of Curriculum, Instruction and Professional Development Assistant Superintendent or Director, School Support Services Assistant Superintendent or Director, Elementary Schools Assistant Superintendent or Director, Middle & K-8 Schools Assistant Superintendent, or Director, Research, Planning and Evaluation Assistant Superintendent, Secondary Schools Business Services Administrator Chief Business and Financial Officer or Financial Services Officer Chief of School Safety & Emergency Preparedness Co-Principals and Principals, High Schools Deputy Superintendent of Schools Deputy Superintendent of Education Services Director, Child Development Centers Director, Equity, Access/College and Career Readiness Director, Employee Relations Director, Head Start & Head Start Policy Council Director, Leadership Development RESOLUTION NO. 062316-D Page 2 Director, Maintenance Branch Director, Nutrition Services Director, Public Information Director, Purchasing and Contracts Branch Director, Transportation Executive Director, Facilities Development and Planning Executive Director, Fiscal Services Executive Officer, Personnel Commission Principals, Elementary, K-8 and Middle Schools Program Administrator, Buffum Total Learning Center Program Facilitator, Office of Multimedia Services Program Manager, Kids Club Program Specialist, Office of Curriculum, Instruction and Professional Development (New Teacher Support) 4. The amount of the individual revolving cash fund for each school principal and each designated administrative official is hereby established in an amount not to exceed the following: (in alphabetical order) Assistant Director, Equity, Access/College and Career Readiness Assistant Principal, Poly Academy for Accelerated Learning Assistant Principal, School for Adults Assistant Superintendent or Director, Office of Curriculum, Instruction and Professional Development Assistant Superintendent or Director, School Support Services Assistant Superintendent or Director, Elementary Schools Assistant Superintendent or Director, Middle & K-8 Schools Assistant Superintendent, or Director, Research, Planning and Evaluation Assistant Superintendent, Secondary Schools Business Services Administrator Chief Business and Financial Officer or Financial Services Officer for emergency disaster purposes Chief Business and Financial Officer or Financial Services Officer Chief of School Safety & Emergency Preparedness Co-Principals and Principals, High Schools Deputy Superintendent of Schools Deputy Superintendent of Education Services Director, Child Development Centers Director, Equity, Access/College and Career Readiness Director, Employee Relations Director, Head Start Director, Head Start Policy Council Director, Leadership Development Director, Maintenance Branch Director, Nutrition Services Director, Public Information Director, Purchasing and Contracts $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $150,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $2,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 RESOLUTION NO. 062316-D Page 3 Director, Transportation Executive Director, Facilities Development and Planning Executive Director, Fiscal Services Executive Officer, Personnel Commission Principals, Elementary, K-8 and Middle Schools Program Administrator, Buffum Total Learning Center Program Facilitator, Office of Multimedia Services Program Manager, Kids Club Program Specialist, Office of Curriculum, Instruction and Professional Development (New Teacher Support) $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 IN WITNESS THEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands this 23rd day of June, 2016. BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE LONG BEACH UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA By: ___________________________________ President By: ___________________________________ Vice-President By: ___________________________________ Member By: ___________________________________ Member By: ___________________________________ Member BOARD OF EDUCATION LONG BEACH UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT SUBJECT: Resolution No. 062316-E Enclosures: Yes CATEGORY: New Business Items Reason for Board Consideration: Action Business Department Date: June 23, 2016 BACKGROUND: Pursuant to Education Code Sections 15100 et seq., 15264 et set., and Government Code Section 53506, Staff recommends the Board adopt Resolution No. 062316-E on June 23, 2016 ordering an election, including, requesting that the Los Angeles County Registrar of Voters conduct an election under the provisions of Proposition 39 on November 8, 2016. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution No. 062316-E A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE LONG BEACH UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT ORDERING AN ELECTION TO AUTHORIZE THE ISSUANCE OF GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS, ESTABLISHING SPECIFICATIONS OF THE ELECTION ORDER, AND REQUESTING CONSOLIDATION WITH OTHER ELECTIONS OCCURRING ON NOVEMBER 8, 2016 Approved: Approved and Recommended: Yumi Takahashi Chief Business & Financial Officer Christopher J. Steinhauser Superintendent of Schools RESOLUTION NO. 062316-E LONG BEACH UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE LONG BEACH UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT ORDERING AN ELECTION TO AUTHORIZE THE ISSUANCE OF GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS, ESTABLISHING SPECIFICATIONS OF THE ELECTION ORDER, AND REQUESTING CONSOLIDATION WITH OTHER ELECTIONS OCCURRING ON NOVEMBER 8, 2016 WHEREAS, the Long Beach Unified School District (the “District”) wishes to keep our students safe and healthy by creating safe and healthful learning environments for each student at every school; and WHEREAS, many schools in the District lack air conditioning, making classrooms extremely uncomfortable and difficult for children to learn on hot days, and interrupting instruction when schools must send students home due to overheated classrooms. The District has determined that installing energy efficient air conditioning systems will help improve learning by making sure classrooms are comfortable and ventilated on very hot days; and WHEREAS, many schools in the District were built sixty to seventy years ago, and outdated buildings need important health and safety repairs; including installation of air conditioning, fixing deteriorating bathrooms and leaky roofs; upgrading fire alarms and security systems; improving plumbing and electrical wiring to increase water conservation and energy efficiency; and making upgrades to meet current handicap accessibility and earthquake safety laws; and WHEREAS, gangs, drugs and juvenile crime are a major problem in our community, and increasing students’ access to safe, supervised indoor and outdoor recreational activities, which provide mentoring and counseling, will keep young people off the streets, out of trouble, and away from drugs and gangs, so they stay in school and graduate, and improving facilities, including fields, gyms and pools, will allow these critical after school programs to be expanded; and WHEREAS, today’s competitive global economy requires students have a good education in technology, requiring an upgrade to science and computer labs, libraries, and classroom technology, so students can learn the vital skills needed to go to college or compete for good jobs; and WHEREAS, education and health experts agree children need physical education programs to stay out of trouble, focus, perform well in school and prevent childhood obesity, and that to expand and maintain these programs, the District must make repairs and upgrades to aging and deteriorating pools, athletic fields and physical education resources that will improve student health and benefit academic performance; and 1 WHEREAS, improving school safety is a strong District priority, and the District requires additional funds to upgrade security features, including outdated emergency communications systems, lighting and fencing, and installation of up-to-date fire safety doors, sprinkler and alarm systems to keep students safe; and WHEREAS, the proposed bond measure is subject to strict accountability requirements, including a public expenditure plan, independent annual audits, review of all spending by an Independent Citizens’ Oversight Committee, a requirement that no money can be spent on administrator salaries, and that all funds must be used locally to improve our neighborhood schools; and WHEREAS, the District has undertaken significant stakeholder and community outreach efforts to gather the opinions of parents, teachers, principals, staff, students and community members as to their assessment of the District’s facility needs; and WHEREAS, the Board has adopted a Facility Master Plan (“Facility Master Plan”) and has received recommendations from committees and stakeholders, among which were the recognition that the unfunded facility needs should be prioritized as per the Facility Master Plan and phased in over time; and WHEREAS, in the judgment of the Board of Education (the “Board”) of the District, that to address the unfunded health and safety needs at the District’s schools as described in the Facility Master Plan, it is advisable to call an election to submit to the electors of the District the question whether bonds of the District shall be issued and sold for the purpose of raising funds for construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, or replacement of school facilities, including the furnishing and equipping of school facilities, or the acquisition or lease of real property for school facilities; and WHEREAS, the Board is specifically authorized, upon approval by a two-thirds vote of the Board, to pursue the authorization and issuance of bonds by a vote of not less than fifty-five percent (55%) of the voters of the District voting on the question of whether bonds of the District shall be issued and sold for specified purposes, pursuant to Section 15264 et seq. of the California Education Code (the “Education Code”); and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 10403 et seq. of the California Elections Code (the “Elections Code”), it is appropriate for the Board to request consolidation of the election with any and all other elections to be held on Tuesday, November 8, 2016, and to request the Los Angeles County Registrar of Voters to perform certain election services for the District: NOW, THEREFORE, THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE LONG BEACH UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Board hereby orders an election and submits to the electors of the District the question of whether general obligation bonds of the District in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $1,500,000,000 (the “Bonds”) shall be issued and sold for the purpose of financing the school facilities and improvements of the District described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, and paying costs incident thereto, as set forth more fully in the ballot proposition approved pursuant to Section 3 hereof. This Resolution constitutes the order of the District to call such election. Section 2. The date of the election shall be November 8, 2016, and the election shall be held solely within the boundaries of the District. Section 3. The purpose of the election shall be for the voters in the District to vote on a proposition, substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A, containing the question of whether the District shall issue the Bonds for the purposes stated therein, together with the accountability requirements of Article XIII A of the California Constitution (“Article XIII A”) and the requirements of Section 15272 of the Education Code. As required by Section 13247 of the Elections Code, the abbreviated form of the measure to appear on the ballot is attached hereto as Exhibit B. The Superintendent of the District, the Chief Business and Financial Officer, or their respective designees, are hereby authorized and directed to make any changes to the text of the proposition as required to conform to any requirements of Article XIII A, the Education Code and the Los Angeles County Registrar of Voters (the “County Registrar”). The identification of the projects set forth in Exhibit A hereto shall not be interpreted as and does not constitute an official approval of any listed project for the California Environmental Quality Act or any other purpose. Furthermore, the listing of school facilities projects in Exhibit A hereto does not imply any particular prioritization among such school facilities projects, which is to be determined by the Board. Section 4. The authority for ordering the election is contained in Section 15264 et. seq. of the Education Code and Section 1(b)(3) of Article XIII A. The authority for the specification of this election order is contained in Section 5322 of the Education Code. Section 5. As required by Article XIII A, the Board hereby certifies that it has evaluated student health, safety, and information technology needs in developing the list of school facilities projects set forth in Exhibit A hereto. Section 6. The Board hereby certifies that any Bonds issued pursuant to Section 15100 et seq. of the Education Code shall have a maturity not exceeding 25 years and that any Bonds issued pursuant to Section 53506 of the California Government Code (the “Government Code”) shall have a maturity not exceeding 40 years. The Bonds shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding the applicable legal limits and shall be sold as provided by applicable law. Section 7 As required by Article XIII A and Section 15278 of the Education Code, if not less than fifty-five percent (55%) of the voters of the District voting on the proposition approve the issuance of the Bonds, the Board shall: (1) use the proceeds from the sale of the Bonds only for the purposes specified in Section 1(b)(3) of Article XIII A and not for any other purpose including teacher and administrator salaries and other school operating expenses; (2) conduct an annual, independent performance audit to ensure that the funds have been expended on the projects set forth in Exhibit A hereto; (3) conduct an annual, independent financial audit of the proceeds from the sale of the Bonds until all of those proceeds have been expended for the school facilities projects set forth in Exhibit A hereto; (4) establish and appoint an Independent Citizens’ Oversight Committee within 60 days of the date that the Board enters the election results on its minutes pursuant to Section 15274 of the Education Code, all in accordance with Sections 15278, 15280 and 15282 of the Education Code; (5) cause the creation of accounts into which bond proceeds shall be deposited; and (6) cause the preparation of an annual report pursuant to Sections 53410 and 53411 of the Government Code. Section 8. The Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to send a certified copy of this Resolution to the Los Angeles County Superintendent of Schools, the County Registrar and the Clerk of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors. Section 9. The Los Angeles County Superintendent of Schools is hereby requested to prepare a Formal Notice of School Bond Election (the “Notice”) containing the information specified in Section 5361 of the Education Code, in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit C. Section 10. Pursuant to Sections 9316 and 9502 of the Elections Code, the Los Angeles County Superintendent of Schools is hereby requested to publish the Notice once in a newspaper of general circulation published in the District so as to provide a reasonable time in which to prepare and print the arguments and to permit a 10-calendar-day public examination. The Board requests that a copy of that published Notice be delivered to the Clerk of the Board pursuant to Section 12113 of the Elections Code. Section 11. The Los Angeles County Superintendent of Schools is hereby requested to take all steps to call and hold the election in accordance with all applicable law, including Sections 5302, 5303, 5320 and 5322 of the Education Code. Section 12. The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors is hereby authorized to canvass the returns of the election pursuant to Section 10411 of the Elections Code. Section 13. The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors is hereby requested to permit the Los Angeles County Superintendent of Schools to render all services necessary, including the publication of the Notice (as described herein) and the mailing of the sample ballot and tax rate statement. Section 14. The County Registrar and the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors are hereby requested to consolidate the election ordered hereby with any and all other elections to be held on November 8, 2016 within the District. Section 15. Pursuant to Section 9500 of the Elections Code, the County Registrar shall transmit a copy of the measure to the Los Angeles County Counsel, who shall prepare an impartial analysis of the measure, showing the effect of the measure on existing law and the operation of the measure. The analysis shall include a statement indicating that the measure was placed on the ballot by the Board. Section 16. In accordance with Article XIII A and Section 15264 et. seq. of the Education Code, the Board hereby confirms that no administrators’ or teachers’ salaries shall be paid or reimbursed, in whole or in part, from bond proceeds, nor shall such proceeds be used to pay any other operating expenses of the District. Notwithstanding the foregoing, costs of administering the bond election and costs of issuance of the Bonds shall be lawful charges against bond proceeds. Section 17. The Board authorizes each of its members to file written arguments in favor or against the measure, and to change the argument until and including the date fixed by the County Registrar after which no arguments for or against the proposition may be submitted to the County Registrar. The President of the Board, the Superintendent of the District, the Chief Business and Financial Officer, or their respective designees, are hereby authorized to execute any tax rate statement or other document and to perform all acts necessary to place the bond measure on the ballot. Section 18. That the members of the Board, the Superintendent of the District, the Chief Business and Financial Officer, their respective designees, and the other officers of the District are hereby authorized and directed, individually and collectively, to do any and all things and to execute, deliver, and perform any and all agreements and documents that they deem necessary or advisable in order to effectuate the purposes of this Resolution, including, without limitation, to prepare and submit for inclusion in the voter information pamphlet a tax rate statement (as described in Section 9401 of the Elections Code) and an argument in favor of passage of the ballot proposition. All actions heretofore taken by the officers and agents of the District that are in conformity with the purposes and intent of this Resolution are hereby ratified, confirmed, and approved in all respects. Section 19. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 23rd day of June, 2016, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTENTIONS: ABSENT: President, Board of Education Long Beach Unified School District Los Angeles County, California ATTEST: Secretary to the Board of Education 6 SECRETARY’S CERTIFICATE I, __________________, Secretary to the Board of Education of the Long Beach Unified School District, hereby certify: The foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of a resolution duly adopted at a regular meeting of the Board of Education of said District duly and regularly and legally held at the regular meeting place thereof on June 23, 2016, of which meeting all of the members of the Board of said District had due notice and at which a quorum was present. I have carefully compared the same with the original minutes of said meeting on file and of record in my office and the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of the original resolution adopted at said meeting and entered in said minutes. Said resolution has not been amended, modified or rescinded since the date of its adoption, and the same is now in full force and effect. Dated: June 23, 2016 Secretary to the Board of Education EXHIBIT A BALLOT MEASURE LONG BEACH UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT REPAIR AND SAFETY MEASURE. To improve outdated classrooms/neighborhood schools by: improving technology/labs/career education classrooms/electrical systems/wiring; upgrading handicapped accessibility/earthquake safety; upgrading bathrooms, fire alarms/sprinklers/security cameras; removing lead paint/asbestos; installing air conditioning; improving student health/physical education; repairing/constructing/acquiring facilities/equipment, shall Long Beach Unified School District issue $1,500,000,000 in bonds, at legal rates, requiring independent audits, citizens’ oversight, no money for administrators’ salaries/pensions; and all funds used locally? PRIORITY SCHOOL PROJECTS LIST The Board of Education (the “Board”) of the Long Beach Unified School District (the “District”) continually evaluates the District's urgent and critical school needs, including retention of quality teachers, student health and safety, competing in a global economy, school repair issues, seismic safety requirements, energy and water efficiency and aging, outdated or deteriorating school buildings, in developing the scope of projects to be funded, as provided in the Long Beach Unified School District Facility Master Plan, which was most recently updated by the Board on June 6, 2016 ( (as updated from time to time, the “Facility Master Plan”). In developing the scope of projects for the Facility Master Plan, parents, teachers, staff, students and community members were engaged to prioritize the key health and safety and repair needs so that the most critical school site needs are addressed. The Board continually conducts a thorough evaluation at all school sites in developing the scope of projects to be funded, as provided in the Facility Master Plan. In approving the following Priority School Projects List, the Board has determined that: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) all of its schools must be healthy and safe from excessive heat, earthquake risks and hazardous materials such as asbestos, mold and fire dangers; and in repairing aging schools, priority shall be given to basic repairs, such as leaky roofs, plumbing and electrical and utility systems; and all of its schools should be safe learning environments, free from gang or drug influence; and the District will allocate to the extent possible proceeds of the Bonds equitably among the communities that constitute the District, including Long Beach, Signal Hill, Lakewood and Catalina Island; and priority will be given to installation and upgrading fire detection systems, providing security and emergency response systems at every school so that all students are safe, and making repairs in compliance with energy saving and sustainability standards; and A-1 (vi) (vii) Bond projects should be managed by professional program/construction managers with a proven track record of delivering school construction projects on time and on budget; and the District will apply for State matching funds and spend any local Bond money exclusively on schools and facilities within the District. The following Priority School Projects List sets forth the specific projects the District proposes to finance with proceeds of the bonds. Each project may include a share of costs of the election and bond issuance, program planning and analysis, architectural, engineering and similar planning costs, construction management costs, relocation costs, legal costs and other costs ordinarily chargeable to capital accounts or otherwise permitted by law, the costs of furnishing and equipping new facilities, and a customary contingency for unforeseen site acquisition, design, construction, and other unforeseen costs. No bond money will be used for teacher or administrator salaries or for any other school operating expenses. Approval of this bond measure does not guarantee that all of the projects proposed to be financed by the bonds and set forth herein will be funded. Any State matching funds which are available to the District will be used for and applied to pay the costs of projects on the Priority School Projects List. The District’s proposal for the projects on the Priority School Projects List assumes the receipt of State matching funds, which is subject to appropriation by the State. The Board does not guarantee that the Bonds will provide sufficient funds to allow completion of all listed projects. Proceeds of the bonds may also be used, to the extent permitted by law, to satisfy any portion of a legally required reserve fund for ongoing and major maintenance to school facilities to the extent such proceeds will be expended for projects included in the Priority School Projects List. Proceeds of the bonds may also be used to replace other sources of funding for projects included in the Priority School Projects List, including without limitation to refund certificates of participation and other obligations of the District which financed any such projects if such replacement or refunding is lawful and deemed by the District to be appropriate. The Priority School Projects List describes work that the District may undertake, provided funds are sufficient to complete the work contemplated. The final cost of each project will be determined as plans are finalized, construction contracts are awarded, and projects are completed. The District commits that no funds obtained through bonds authorized by this bond measure will be spent except as provided in the Priority School Projects List. The Facility Master Plan is on file at the District’s Facility Planning and Management Branch. School Renovation; Repair and Upgrade Projects Goal and Purpose: Schools will benefit from the renovation, repair and upgrade of deteriorating, outdated school buildings, science labs, classrooms, computer learning centers and school libraries and equipment, allowing all children to have the resources they need to learn and excel. A-2 The following projects from the Priority School Projects List will be implemented to further the foregoing goal and purpose: Install energy efficient air-conditioning systems. Repair, upgrade and replace worn-out leaking roofs. Upgrade security features, including outdated emergency communications systems, lighting and fencing. Upgrade electrical systems and wiring for computer technology and internet access. Upgrade aging and deteriorating school bathrooms. Replace existing wiring systems to meet current electrical and accessibility codes and increase capacity. Replace existing water, sewer and plumbing systems to meet current codes, including the elimination of lead-containing fixtures. Replace older ceilings, heating, ventilation and lighting systems with building-codecompliant, energy efficient systems. Install code-compliant ventilating systems in bathrooms. Upgrade and repair classrooms, science labs, multipurpose rooms, indoor and outdoor physical education facilities, including pools, athletic fields and physical education resources, kitchens, auditoriums, libraries, arts and music rooms, and childcare, preschool, after-school recreational programming, adult education and educational support spaces. Improve facilities to comply with Federal and State-mandated Americans with Disabilities Act accessibility upgrades including site access, parking, staff and student bathrooms, relocation of some existing electrical devices, drinking fountains, playground equipment, and other similar items. Replace old, portable classrooms. Repair aging schools. School, Teacher and Student Health and Safety, Earthquake Safety and Energy Efficiency School Projects Goal and Purpose: To attract and retain excellent teachers and provide a healthy and safe learning environment and to maintain existing childcare and after-school recreational programming in local schools. The following projects from the Priority School Projects List will be implemented to further the foregoing goal and purpose: Install energy efficient air-conditioning systems. Improve emergency communications systems in neighborhood schools. Remove or abate asbestos, lead paint, mold and hazardous materials. A-3 Retrofit classrooms and schools to meet earthquake safety standards. Upgrade fire alarm systems, safety doors and sprinkler systems. Upgrade and repair schools to meet current handicap accessibility requirements. Upgrade gas pipe systems. Replace/upgrade existing signage, bells and clocks. Install/replace/upgrade security fencing. Replace/upgrade existing security and irrigation systems. Install energy efficient systems. Replace existing window systems with energy efficient systems. Install new security systems, such as security (surveillance) cameras, outdoor lighting, fencing, and gates. Upgrade emergency communication systems. Upgrade site playground equipment replacement to meet current safety standards. Replace and/or improve outdoor education facilities. Add or improve student drop-off areas for safety. Inspect and improve play area fields for safety and drainage. Replace aging and deteriorating doors, doorframes and ceilings. Upgrade school site parking, utilities and grounds. Retrofit and repair schools and classrooms to meet safety standards. The foregoing building, repair and rehabilitation projects and upgrades will be completed as needed. Each project may include its share of furniture, equipment, architectural, engineering and similar planning costs, program/project management costs, staff training expenses and a customary contingency for unforeseen design and construction costs. In addition to the listed repair and construction projects stated above, this bond measure also authorizes the acquisition of a variety of instructional, maintenance and operational equipment, including the remodeling of administrative support spaces, installation of signage and fencing, the payment of the costs of preparation of all facility planning, computing devices, facility assessment reviews, Facility Master Plan updates, environmental studies (including environmental investigation, remediation and monitoring), construction documentation, and temporary facilities of dislocated District activities caused by bond projects. The allocation of bond proceeds will be affected by the District's receipt of State matching funds and the final costs of each project. In the absence of State matching funds, which the District will pursue to reduce the District's share of the costs of the projects, the District will not be able to complete some of the projects listed above. Certain projects may be undertaken as joint-use projects in cooperation with other local public or nonprofit agencies. Possible joint-use type projects may include any of the following at various school sites identified in the Facility Master Plan: gymnasiums, auditoriums, libraries, multipurpose rooms, media centers/or labs, health clinics, parking facilities, art and indoor and outdoor athletic facilities, assembly rooms, science labs, career technical facilities, classrooms, computer and technical labs, community meeting facilities, and energy-efficient, renewable and/or sustainable facility projects. The estimated cost for each project may be affected by factors beyond the District's control. The final cost of each project will be determined as plans A-4 are finalized, construction contracts are awarded and projects are completed. Based on the final costs of each project, certain projects described above may be delayed or may not be completed. Demolition of existing facilities and reconstruction of facilities scheduled for repair and upgrade may occur if the Board determines that such an approach would be more cost-effective in creating more enhanced and operationally efficient campuses. Necessary site preparation/restoration may occur in connection with new construction, renovation or remodeling, or installation or removal of relocatable classrooms, including ingress and egress, removing, replacing, or installing irrigation, utility lines, trees and landscaping, relocating fire access roads, and acquiring any necessary easements, licenses, or rights of way to the property. Proceeds of the bonds may be used to pay or reimburse the District for the cost of District staff when performing work on or necessary and incidental to bond projects. Bond proceeds shall only be expended for the specific purposes identified herein. Upon approval of this bond measure and the sale of any bonds approved, the District shall take actions to create an account into which proceeds of the bonds shall be deposited and comply with the reporting requirements of Government Code § 53410. Project construction accountability and safeguards. Projects paid for with bond funds will be subject to oversight of professional construction/program managers with a proven track record of delivering school construction projects on time and on budget to save taxpayer dollars. No administrator salaries. Proceeds from the sale of the bonds authorized by this bond measure shall be used only for the projects described in this bond measure and not for teacher and school administrator salaries and other operating expenses. Fiscal accountability. The expenditure of bond money on these projects is subject to the strict accountability requirements provided for by law. In accordance with existing law, performance and financial audits will be conducted annually and all bond expenditures will be monitored by an Independent Citizens' Oversight Committee to ensure that funds are spent as described in this bond measure. The Independent Citizens' Oversight Committee must include, among others, representation of a bona fide taxpayers’ association, a business organization and a senior citizens’ organization. No District employee or vendors are allowed to serve on the Independent Citizens' Oversight Committee. …………… A-5 EXHIBIT B BALLOT MEASURE (ABBREVIATED FORM) * LONG BEACH UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT REPAIR AND SAFETY MEASURE. To improve outdated classrooms/neighborhood schools by: improving technology/labs/career education classrooms/electrical systems/wiring; upgrading handicapped accessibility/earthquake safety; upgrading bathrooms, fire alarms/sprinklers/security cameras; removing lead paint/asbestos; installing air conditioning; improving student health/physical education; repairing/constructing/acquiring facilities/equipment, shall Long Beach Unified School District issue $1,500,000,000 in bonds, at legal rates, requiring independent audits, citizens’ oversight, no money for administrators’ salaries/pensions, and all funds used locally? *75-word limit Bonds - Yes Bonds - No B-1 EXHIBIT C BALLOT MEASURE SCHOOL BOND ELECTION NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the qualified electors of Long Beach Unified School District (the “District”) of the County of Los Angeles, State of California, that in accordance with the provisions of the Education Code of the State of California, an election will be held on TUESDAY, the 8th day of November 2016, in said District, at which election the following Measure shall be submitted to the qualified voters of the District and voted upon: “LONG BEACH UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT REPAIR AND SAFETY MEASURE. To improve outdated classrooms/neighborhood schools by: improving technology/labs/career education classrooms/electrical systems/wiring; upgrading handicapped accessibility/earthquake safety; upgrading bathrooms, fire alarms/sprinklers/security cameras; removing lead paint/asbestos; installing air conditioning; improving student health/physical education; repairing/constructing/acquiring facilities/equipment, shall Long Beach Unified School District issue $1,500,000,000 in bonds, at legal rates, requiring independent audits, citizens’ oversight, no money for administrators’ salaries/pensions; and all funds used locally?” Bonds – Yes Bonds – No” All of the purposes enumerated in the foregoing Measure shall be united and voted upon as one single Measure. Said bonds proposed to be issued and sold shall bear interest at a rate not to exceed applicable legal limits, payable at the time or times permitted by law, and the number of years the whole or any part of the bonds are to run shall not exceed applicable legal limits from the date of the bonds. C-1