Cruisers Race to Vermilion Under a Double Rainbow


Cruisers Race to Vermilion Under a Double Rainbow
Volume 21
September, 2015
Cruisers Race to Vermilion
Under a Double Rainbow
By Larry Hurst
As part of the Labor Day cruise to Vermilion, HBYC
organizes the Cruiser Race. You’re going anyway and
everybody knows there is a race if there is another boat in
sight. Who wants to cruise slowly? This year we had eight
boats participate including one power boat. Each boat is
assigned a rating based on the US Sailing PHRF database
and the individual boat equipment.
The wind was light after the Skipper’s Meeting and there
was a storm brewing at the western end of the bay. We
wanted to wait for the storm to blow through and the wind
to build. The wind gradually built and the storm seemed to
stall over Toledo, so many of us decided to go. In addition
to Barb and me, Nancy Sergi and Peggy Mintus sailed
“Waypoint” to the start line off the Sandusky Bay Light.
Dark threatening western skies on September 5th made the
perfect backdrop for this beautiful double rainbow that greeted
Cruisers the morning of the Cruise and Race to Vermilion.
Photo by Bob Brandt.
The Start line is between the Sandusky Breakwater Light and the Green “1” Bell buoy. The Finish is when you are within .2
nautical miles of the “C” light on the breakwater at the entrance to Vermillion. The course distance is 14.6 nautical miles. A little
navigation and strategy comes into play, but it is really simple.
With reasonable southwest wind, we picked a favorable course and off we sailed. In our Cruiser Races, you keep your own time,
so you want to start your watch just as you cross the start line. We sailed as long as we could until the wind started to fade and
the speed dropped.
In our cruiser races, you are allowed to use your engine when the wind velocity drops, but you must keep track of the time
motoring and report that to the Race Committee. Your motoring time is then added to the elapsed time. Now there is a bit of
math involved in when to start the engine and when to shut it down, just like the Big Boys in the Newport to Ensenada Race.
We sailed, motored, sailed, motored, and sailed again to the finish as the wind fell and rose through the course. It took us 2 hours
and 50 minutes with 29 minutes of motoring to finish.
This year we split the fleet into two groups, JAM-A and JAM-B based on the ratings. Fabulous prizes were awarded, including
the traditional jar of pickles for finishing last in each group. New members Dave & Joanne Foster on Lady Lillie took first
place for their group while Larry & Barb Hurst on Waypoint captured the honors for the second group. The Pickle Jar
recipients for each group were Don & Marge Gross on the boat formerly known as Mariposa and Chris & Deb Crall aboard
First Light
Larry Hurst
Breezes 1
Images of the HBYC Cruise to Vermilion
The largest of our boats docked upriver near the bridge
at McGarvey’s Landing next to Quaker Steak & Lube.
Filling a leaky dinghy? Ed’s got the experience for this
job and has done this kind of work on a previous cruise.
Boats up to 33’ tied up at the Water Works Marina
docks closer to the mouth of the river.
Bob & Jeannie wasted no time in launching their
dinghy to explore the river and lagoons.
Pat Altherr led a jewelry making seminar. Participants
L-R are Margo Holmes, Kathy Rentz (Melanie’s
daughter), Pat, Jackie Hitch (Melanie’s daughter-inlaw) , P/C Jeannie Brandt.
Margo Holmes,
An HBYC Wine & Cheese Party isn’t limited to just wine &
cheese as these photos show. It’s a gourmet feast covering
two large food tables. This is a cruise tradition that we rock!
The rustic pavilion at the Water Works Marina provided
shade and shelter for meals and activities.
HBYC Cruisers at McGarvey’s Landing enjoy breakfast
near a dockside shade tree.
Breezes 2
Highlights of the Vermilion Cruise
By Margo Holmes
What a GREAT way to end the “Summer Season” for HBYC by spending Labor Day weekend at Vermillion. But don’t
forget that Ed and Barb Kolp will still be coordinating the Put in Bay cruise at Park Place for the last hurrah of 2015. I’ve never been
to the new Park Place facilities so Jan & I are looking forward to checking them out. But the traditional end of summer should be
spent on your boat (or someone else’s), with good people (new friends as well as old), doing whatever the mood strikes you (or
nothing at all).
It might sound like being a cruise coordinator could be an overwhelming job, but not with our group of HBYC cruisers.
Everyone wants to pitch in and help. But I wish to give special thanks to some of those previously unnamed volunteers. I’ll apologize
now if your name was unintentionally left off this list. We want to especially thank Russ Marcks for the EXCELLENT job he has
again performed as Cruise Director. This year has been filled with both our old favorite destinations, as well as new ports to explore.
On Sunday, Pat Altherr graciously volunteered to instruct us in the fine art of jewelry making. (I might have some
experience with excessive crafting inventories myself.) What beautiful beads she provided and at “rock“ bottom prices too. There was
quite a variety of everything from semi precious to natural stones to make necklaces, bracelets and earrings by at least 10 of us. Susan
Rao supplied the findings to assemble our jewels. Pat, with the support of her class fee and many additional contributions, donated
$65 towards Robby’s Voice. I’m sure Bob & Jeannie Brandt were moved by everyone’s generosity, especially Pat’s. I made 2
beautiful necklaces myself.
Sunday evenings’ catering was provided by The Pit BBQ from Vermilion. Lots of really good barbeque ribs, falling off the
bone, and chicken too. All for a very reasonable $15 and served right at the Municipal Waterworks Marina. We couldn’t have served
the 67 dinners without the assistance of Effie & Tim Kemerley, Janet Hukill, and Joy Rice. Let’s not forget the ticket ogre, Jan
Holmes. Jim & Madelyn Harding stored the pies in their air conditioning so special kudos to them. After dinner George Harizal,
Effie Kemerley, Brian Penrod, and Art Harden entertained those still awake with the people’s choice variety of tunes.
We had 9 first time cruisers from the 28 boats journeying to Vermilion. Don & Marge Gross; David & Joanne Foster;
George & Lori Sontag (who unfortunately had to leave us early); Art & Lynn Harden; and Christopher Clark -- we hope this
will be the beginning of many future cruises. Welcome aboard also to brand new members Jennie Happe & Chris Phipps who
joined us for the picnic supper.
We want to especially thank Russ Marcks for the EXCELLENT job he has again performed as Cruise Director. This year has
been filled with both our old favorite destinations, as well as new ports to explore.
Jan and I hope you all enjoyed the cruise as much as we enjoyed hosting your weekend.
Fair winds and following seas,
Margo & Jan Holmes, aboard Driftwood.
A rare treat! Pat and her Search
& Rescue dog, Maggie, find
another Griffon while walking
along the docks near the
Vermilion Water Works.
Another HBYC Cruising Wine &
Cheese Party well underway.
Great cooking and creative recipes
means Dockside Dining at its best!
Breezes 3
Jim & Pat Altherr and Maggie
entering the Vermilion River
arrive aboard “Knot on the List”
Lenny & Maggie Return to Florida
Lenny & Maggie Goshorn have sold their boat and have moved
back to Florida. For the past five years this couple has been part
of our weekend morning ritual at Sandusky Harbor Marina
providing us with that all-important morning cup of coffee and
much more as watched the marina wake up and come to life. The
north pavilion is where many of us started our day with a home
cooked breakfast featuring Maggies’s famous crepes, omelets, and
more. While Maggie created her magic in her portable kitchen,
Lenny served up coffee, juices, doughnuts, muffins. He also
enjoyed conversing with everyone at the tables when he was able
to break away from “tending the store”.
An avid power boater and cruiser, Lenny is also a veteran of the
U.S. Air Force and served as HBYC Commodore in 2006. He has
continued to serve on the HBYC Building committee as one of our
HBYC Past Commodore Lenny and Maggie Goshorn take a
photo break on their last day of serving breakfast to their
fellow boaters under the north pavilion. The flowers were a
gift from SHM General Manager Jerry Parsons.
Over the years, Maggie has treated us to her cooking skills for many of our special events. She gave most of us our first “Taste of
Transylvania” which included recipes from her native Hungary, Romania, and yes, even Transylvania (Ed note: There really is such a
place!) Maggie’s cooking made one HBYC cruise especially memorable. The club traveled up to Grand Bend, Ontario in Lake Huron
with layovers at Port Huron, MI, Grand Bend, and Boblo Island, Ontario. She and Lenny served breakfasts aboard their boat to ALL
of the HBYC cruisers. Due to limited seating aboard Hang Loose, their 32’ Carver sedan bridge cruiser, meals were served in shifts
so everyone could be seated comfortably.
In recent years Maggie and Lenny spent their winters in Florida in Cape Coral. In the summer, they moved back north to SHM and
lived aboard their boat. Lenny and Maggie have been the HBYC clubhouse custodians keeping it clean and stocked with cleaning and
restroom supplies while keeping a watchful eye on it should any emergencies arise. They even did the shopping to keep the pop cooler
filled. And, in case you weren’t aware, Maggie is the one responsible for beautifying the HBYC patio and clubhouse with decorative
plants and flowers.
August 29th there was a gathering of HBYC members in the clubhouse for a “surprise party” to show appreciation to Lenny and Maggie
for their years of service to Harbor Bay Yacht Club. Below is a group photo taken that day. HBYC and Breezes wish them the best for
a long and happy retirement in the Land of Sunshine.
Breezes 4
What’s that Large Blue Sailboat
on the end of the D-Dock All About?
By Capt. Chad Grub
Allow me to introduce you to the Schooner Journey, a custom Colvin design constructed in the back yard of Dan
Stoner of Indiana over a 9 year period, It was launched in the Chicago River in 1988 and travelled to the Florida
Keys where Dan and his wife planned to live aboard and cruise. After 3 years it was brought up the ICW and placed
on the market for four years. It was purchased by B-About Sail Ministry in 1995.
The Journey is 65 feet overall and is constructed of steel. Displacement of 24 tons, carrying 1350 square feet of sail,
and powered by a 112 HP Detroit Diesel engine. She is certified by the United States Coast Guard as a passenger
carrying vessel (T-Boat). The vessel has a certified stability rating for open waters and is inspected annually to
maintain her COI. Dry dock inspections are conducted every 5 years. 16 passengers plus crew is the certified
The Journey is captained by HBYC member Capt. Chad H. Grubb, founder and director of the B-About Ministry
in 1981 as a 501(c)(3) not for profit corporation. Crew chief P/C Deb Gilson provide the crew duties aboard.
In 1995 the vessel was dedicated into service to provide a unique adventure that challenges teens and disadvantaged
adults physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Our commitment is to bring hope and healing to hurting hearts. Sails
are scheduled throughout the summer on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays and are offered at no charge. Captain
and crew volunteer their time and the Ministry is supported by donations from churches, organizations, and
individuals who believe in what is accomplished and support the goals of the Ministry and the evidence of changed
Sails are in the Bay and also to Kelleys Island.
For additional information go to or e-mail
Thank you to all the good people at HBYC
and SHM for your kindness to us and our
passengers. You are making a difference.
HBYC Membership Sale Continues
All members are asked to spread the word that new members will be able to join HBYC until December 31,
2015 without paying 2015 Dues. They will pay only the Initiation Fee and Club Assessments totaling $225
plus $15.19 sales tax for a grand total of $240.19. They will not need to pay the $125 annual membership
fee for 2015 membership which is good until April 1, 2016. Of course all members will need to renew their
membership and pay dues for 2016. This is a special end-of-year sale so tell all of your dock mates who
are not yet members to join now!
Remember that your HBYC membership card is also an I-LYA card that allows you to enjoy membership
privileges including dining and social activities at over 140 other I-LYA affiliated yacht clubs around Lake
Erie that are open to I-LYA members. Membership applications are available on the long white table in the
clubhouse or see an officer or trustee.
Breezes 5
HBYC Cruise to Middle Bass Island
Photos by Bob Brandt
Since the State of Ohio took over the marina on Middle Bass Island and upgraded the facilities there, MBI has
become a popular destination for area boaters looking for a quieter refuge than neighboring Put-in-Bay just a short
distance away. Gone are the two boat basins that got choked with weeds by midsummer as well as the docks with
limited or no shore power. With the closing of the Lonz Winery following that tragic terrace collapse in 2001,
cruises to the island dropped sharply. The two main attractions to boaters remain J.F.Walley’s and Hazards which
continue to keep this small island hopping. The beautiful new state run facilities here provide today’s boaters with a
modern clean marina the entire family can enjoy. The short ferry ride on the Sonny S makes MBI the goto place
when dockage fills up at PIB or for those who simply prefer a quieter night’s sleep. For those who remember the
excitement of the Lonz Winery there are plenty of memories to be rekindled here by exploring the castle ruins and
the surrounding grounds. There are even glacial grooves along the waters edge near Schoolhouse Bay
These photos show how HBYC Cruisers enjoyed this island during their cruise last month. Cornhole anyone?
<<< John, Larry and Rex
at breakfast in the beautiful
new MBI State Park
Wanda and Keith join >>>
Judy and Rich for a cold
one on MBI.
<<< Clear skies made the
Wine & Cheese dock party
more enjoyable on this
unique island.
Suzanne and Wanda >>>
getting’ down at
Walleys just across the
street from the marina.
<<< The bright pavilions
provided a great place
for meals and games at
Ed and Rich enjoy >>>
Some of the Dockside
treats that make HBYC
cruises so special.
Breezes 6
Maggie, Merlin, Luna and Buddy can’t wait to
come to the Cornhole Tournament next year!
The Art of
is All in
the Delivery
Bob Brandt and Barb Kolp
2015 Winners
1 Annual HBYC Cornhole Tournament
Breezes 7
The Social Corner
Don Petsch, Social Chair
Don says, “Get Your
Tickets NOW!
the flyer below.”
The August Social was one to remember with
those thick juicy tender steaks grilling over the
charcoal fires. Baked potatoes and grilled sweet
corn rounded off the feast. Yes, the days are
slipping by but there still another social coming
up on September 26th. That will be a classic
HBYC Oktoberfest which we haven’t had for a
few years. At our last Oktoberfest, we donned our
lederhosen and enjoyed live accordion and tuba
music as we danced to the likes of Liechtensteiner
Polka. It really wasn’t that bad at all! In fact, it
was pretty darned good.
Just think about
“Gemütlichkeit” and you’ll be in the right spirit.
Breezes 8
What is this??!
The ring and hook seen in the
HBYC pavilion is “The Ring
Game”. It was brought to HBYC
by P/C Larry Hurst who saw it
being played in The Soggy Dollar
Bar on the island of Jost Van
Dyke, BVI. It has quite a colorful
history that traces back to
Blackbeard. Game instructions are
posted in the clubhouse. Check
out Page 15 for the rest of the
HBYC Cruise News
Russell Marcks, Cruise Director
3724 Raymond Drive, Enon, OH 45323
Home: (937) 864-1545
Cell: (937) 206-4611 (Active during sailing
season only)
The final cruise of the season is set for this weekend, September 18-20 to Park
Place Marina in Put-In-Bay. Ed and Barb Kolp are the cruise coordinators for
this event and have planned a great time for everyone. The skippers meeting is
at 0900 in the North Pavilion SHM with departure shortly thereafter. Upon
arrival hail Park Place on Channel 79, identify yourself as part of HBYC. They
will give you docking instructions and location.
HBYC ‘s traditional dock party (Wine & Cheese plus) will begin around 1800 in the picnic area by “C” wall so
bring your favorite hors d’oeuvre, dish, dessert, etc and beverage to share.
Saturday morning will feature a “Breakfast Bonanza” starting at 0800. Ed and Barb have arranged for PIB’s own
Village Bakery and Café to provide us with their fresh home-baked pastries. If you’ve never had Pauline’s baked
foods, you are in for a treat. Bring a treat to contribute to the table if you like.
The 2016 Cruising schedule is being finalized. If you have not yet cruised with HBYC, plan on joining us next
year. Watch your e-mail and Breezes for details.
HBYC Summer Series Races 4 and 5
Race 4
Steve Gast
Racing Chair
Jim Hearst
Larry Hurst
Keith & Wanda Weinman
Bob Krecic
Race 5
Larry Hurst
Jim Hearst
Keith & Wanda Weinman
Bob Krecic
Races 6 & 7 of this series were cancelled on September
12 due to lack of enough participants.
For details of the above races, log on to the HBYC
Website at and go to the
racing section.
Breezes 9
Race Results Continued
Race Date:
Course: Sandusky Bay to Vermilion
Nautical Mile Distance: 14.6
David Joanne Foster
John & Janet Hukill
Jan & Margo Holmes
Tim & Effie Kemerley
Don & Marge Gross
Lady Lillie
About Time
Hunter 27 SD
Catalina 36
Almand 31
Catalina 30 TM BS 186
Larry & Barb Hurst
Jeff & Sandy Biesenberger
Chris & Deb Crall
Catalina 400-2 WK
Oban Skye Beneteau 35s5
First Light Catalina 42-2 WK
03:19:54 00:02:03 00:29:56 02:49:58
04:02:59 00:02:07 00:30:54 03:32:05
04:02:09 00:01:54 00:27:44 03:34:25
Garage Sale Yields some Lost and Found HBYC History
By Commodore Melanie Hitch
While cleaning out the “office” in the club as well as looking in closets for “stuff” that had been “stored” for the marina
garage sales (of many past years), we came across a combination safe in the closet on the floor. Jerry Parsons, Marina
trustee, had been urging the club to get a safe and discovery suggested that maybe we had one all along. After calling and
emailing several past commodores and finding no one who knew what was in it or the combination, I had one of the
marina hands carry the safe to my car. I proceeded to take it to the locksmith.
After verifying that I was who I said I was and dropping Jerry’s name, HBYC, and Sandusky Harbor Marina, the
locksmith was able to unlock the safe and give me the combination. We opened it together. Fortunately several of the
files were labeled “HBYC” (that improved my credibility). I took the safe back to the marina and investigated the
The original drawings for the clubhouse were in the safe along with a very complete itemized list of property owned by
the club in 1995. The list was drafted for the state so that we could get our tax status. It might interest you to know that
we had a desk, a table, 6 chairs, a ½ ream of paper, a half box of sweet and low, ¾ pound of sugar, 2/3 can of coffee and
14 envelopes among other things. Yes, it was that detailed. The safe also contained duplicate bills that the club paid its
first year. Really the most important thing was the architectural drawings for the initial clubhouse. The drawings will
remain in the safe.
You might also be interested to know that of all the “stuff” that had collected for the garage sale from the various closets
and storage spaces and the left over clothes from the ships store, we made $123.80.
Thanks to Mary Jane Cecil, Susan Young, Barb Kolp and Jeannie Brandt for helping to staff the HBYC garage sale
tables. Thanks also to Jerry for volunteering staff to take “leftovers” to a local charity.
Harbor Bay Yacht Club
Established in 1995
One Huron Street
Sandusky, OH 44870
Breezes 10
Dear HBYC Members,
This may be longer than you care to read so I will start with this……
Jeannie and I want to extend our sincerest thank you to our HBYC family for the generous support you
have given to Robby’s Voice over the past 3 years. Whether through your kind words, donations, the 50-50
split, raffle tickets or joining us for our 5K event, your generosity has touched us deeply. It was the support
of our friends that helped us through the hardest time of our lives and no words could ever fully express our
We think it very important that we briefly outline how the money we collect is used and our plans for
tomorrow. No one on our board of directors is paid a salary nor do we ask to be reimbursed for our
expenses. 100% of our income goes directly to support our programs. Our expenses include website
support, school programs, seminars, support for parents of addicted children or family members, and
newsletters. We can go into greater detail for anyone interested but for the sake of time and space we’ll
keep it brief.
The future. Jeannie and I are working with teachers to develop a school curriculum aligned with Common
Core that will be trialed at one of our local high schools. We have looked into opening a rehab center or a
sober house but those ideas a well beyond our limited budget. What we are focused on currently is a
support center for recovering addicts trying to re-enter society. By providing them with interview skills,
coping skills and maybe even a suit of clothes if needed, it will give them a chance. We are seeking some
sort of corporate support for this project as it will require annual funding to sustain a qualified staff.
Accidental overdose is directly responsible for claiming more than 6 lives a day in the state of Ohio and
that number is climbing. We have made it our mission to learn all we can about this disease and the effects
on the brain. In our work at Rosary Hall, Jeannie and I learn about the addict as we engage them in open
and candid discussion. In the past 3 years our organization has spoken to more than 40,000 students,
teachers, counselors, parents, social workers, addicts, clergy and doctors. Robby’s Voice has been featured
on all three commercial TV channels and has been written up in several periodicals. Along with several
other organizations, filming was just completed for a spot on 60 minutes to be aired sometime in the future.
With all of that, the problem continues to increase as more and more children experiment with drugs
including heroin.
Please keep a watchful eye on your children, grandchildren your nieces and nephews. If it doesn’t look
right, investigate and challenge. Don’t be afraid to be wrong. Don’t be afraid to be right.
Most Sincerely,
Bob and Jeannie Brandt
Breezes 11
By Commodore Melanie Hitch
Now that fall is almost upon us, we are seeing the season fading. Because of
the weather we have experienced this year, so much rain in the spring, and
heavy storms during high summer, it seems that we have had an unusually
short season. Now maybe that is because I am getting older () or maybe
time is going by faster. Is it me? Or have others noticed it too? By now, most
of us have a haul out date that seems sooner rather than later and a launch date
that seem later rather than sooner. Or is it me? Nevertheless, we still have
things to do!
The Put in Bay cruise will be soon upon us and being near the end of the
season, Put in Bay will have many sales and you don’t want to miss the
shopping. The leaves should be starting to turn so a bike ride or golf cart
around the island is a perfect plan.
After that we will have the Octoberfest that is open to the whole marina. Invite your friends for the last
official get together. Sandy and Jeff have done their usual bang up job in preparation. See the flyer
elsewhere in the Breezes. When you come, you can admire the work of the woodchucks and see what a great
job they did in updating the kitchen. Thanks to all who helped. This will make life much more pleasant for
all of us.
We have just returned from one of my favorite trips – Vermilion. We were lucky enough to have both our
children and their spouses with us for a fun family get together. Jan and Margo did a great job in organizing
the trip. Pat Altherr and her search and rescue dog Maggie, (Knot on the List) set up a bead making shop for
anyone who wanted to participate, with profits going to Robby’s Voice. Both my daughter and daughter in
law participated and enjoyed something different. They also enjoyed a dinghy ride around the lagoons and up
river as well. Of course, retail therapy was enjoyed by all.
We have a number of new members since the first of the month, John Collura and Joan Gambrill on
Headtrip (F14); Mamoud and Katie Khalil and their 2 small children, on their 27 foot sail boat (B-56);
Christopher and Kathleen Clark on Second Wind (C59); Bill and Anne O’Malley on Natural Frequency
(E-78) and lastly Jennie Happe and Chris Phipps on Winnetou, based at Hurl’s Marina. Say hello when
you see them.
On a personal note I want to thank my husband, David for all the support he has given me this past year. I
cherish his advice and counsel. I also thank the Bridge and Trustees who pitched in to help make my year as
Commodore a pleasant and productive experience. I thank all of you who attended meetings, voted and have
been involved. Please continue this tradition in the coming year. I truly look forward to handing the reins to
Jan Holmes and becoming Past Commodore.
I wish for a SHORT, MILD and SAFE winter and hope to see many of you at the winter rendezvous and all
of you in the spring. Meanwhile, should you need or want to chat, I am still available by email or cell 937-409-1380.
Breezes 12
By Vice Commodore Jan Holmes
The big news this month is the kitchen is finished! What a
spectacular job by our Woodchucks. Make it a point to get up to the club
house and have a look. I know you will be amazed at the beautiful
workmanship. See photo below for a preview.
While in the kitchen, I opened the fridge and discovered it was
full of personal items. There wasn’t any room available for those who
would be preparing food for our socials. With no way to know which item
belongs to what owner or how long it has been in there; how can the
fridge even be cleared out?
So, I plan to institute a system of labeling items. Each piece must
have the owner’s name and date when the item was put in the fridge. We
will pick a revolving expiration date for those items to be removed, if they
appear to be forgotten. We will also determine when those unmarked
items will be thrown out.
I will be putting up a notice and supply the labels and a marker.
Please help keep the fridge available for all.
Our completed clubhouse kitchen is now a modern facility with new
stoves, new microwave ovens, a new double door refrigerator freezer, and
new stainless steel sink with tall faucet fixtures for large pots & pans. The
countertop and work surfaces are Caeserstone brand manmade quartz.
HBYC Breezes is the official newsletter of the Harbor Bay Yacht Club
News, photos and articles for Breezes should be submitted by the 5th of the month to:
George Harizal, Breezes Editor via email at >>> HBYCBreezes@GMAIL.COM
Format: Text to be in WORD (.DOC or .DOCX). Photos up to 2 Mb in size in .JPG
Note: Submissions with publication restrictions or in PDF format will not be used.
Breezes 13
By Rear Commodore George Harizal
HBYC has been a real hub of activity this summer. Thanks to Larry
Hurst, Margo Holmes, Bob and Jeannie Brandt, Chad Grubb, Cdre
Melanie, Steve Gast, and others for their articles and photos for this
issue of Breezes. This group effort resulted in a newsletter. It’s also
nice to see our new members participating in cruising and racing in
addition to enjoying the activities and friendship found in the
clubhouse. Things have really moved well as far as getting projects
completed in the kitchen thanks to our woodchucks. The club really
came together to show appreciation for Lenny and Maggie and give
them a proper send-off on their last weekend at the marina. We’re
sorry to see them leave and their departure is already being felt.
2015 HBYC Officers,
Trustees, and
Committee Chairs
Commodore - - - - - - - - - - - - - Melanie Hitch
Vice Commodore - - - - - - - - - - Jan Holmes
Rear Commodore - - - - - - - - George Harizal
Immed. Past Commodore - - Dave Reymond
Treasurer - - - - - - - - - - - - - Margo Holmes
Secretary - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Janice Hearst
Trustees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Don Petsch
Scott Voelker
Scott Henry
Peter Rao
Past Commodore - - - - - - - Dave Reymond
Treasurer - - - - - - - - - - - - - Margo Holmes
Secretary - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Janice Hearst
Marina Trustee - - - - - - - - - - Jerry Parsons
Marina Rep - - - - - - - - - - - - Jerry Parsons
Social - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Don Petsch
Racing - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Steve Gast
Cruising - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Russ Marcks
Newsletter Editor - - - - - - - - George Harizal
Webmaster - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mike Petch
ILYA Representative - - - - - - - - John Leuke
Membership - - - - - - - - - - Madelyn Harding
Ships Store - - - - - - - Sandy Biesenberger
Erinn Petsch
Blue Gavel - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Deb Crall
Ad Hoc Advisor - - - - - - - - - - - Jim Harding
Sunshine - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Susan Henry
Nametag - - - - - - - - - - - Jeff & Leslie Cook
Clubhouse - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Jan Holmes
Building - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Jan Holmes
Lenny and Maggie have been caretakers cleaning the clubhouse for
the past few years and that position is yet to be filled. Until that
happens it will be up to each member using the clubhouse to clean up
after themselves so things are ready for the next members walking
through the door.
Please be sure to lock the doors if you are the last one leaving the
clubhouse. It takes only a minute to check the doors to the office, the
ship’s store and to the outside. These have been found unlocked from
time to time so your attention to these will be important.
I will be setting up the 2016 Winter Rendezvous and intend to make
some changes. At this point we are planning to hold the
Rendezvous in conjunction with the Cleveland (Mid-America)
Boat Show in January. Yes, this puts us in the heart of Winter but
there has been a lot of support from the membership I have talked to on
this move. The benefits include the possibility of free admission to the
Boat Show, free shuttle service from the hotel to the boat show
meaning no parking fees at the I-X Center, and reduced rates at the
hotel. I’m also looking for a hotel with a swimming pool.
The dates to keep clear are Friday and Saturday, January 15 and
16, 2016. The hours of the show that weekend are Noon to 10PM on
Friday, 10am-10pm on Saturday, and 11am-6pm on Sunday. It
appears that those attending will get a free admission ticket for
Saturday. At this date, nothing is set yet and there are still a lot of
arrangements to be made. Members can help by keeping these dates
clear so you are ready to join us when plans are complete. We will
need to move quickly once I know which hotel we will use so clear this
weekend now. I’ll send out more information as it becomes available.
Murphy and I are off to Put-in-Bay this weekend to enjoy the last
cruise of the season. Next week is the Oktoberfest which means Mike
Petch will have his accordion there and I’ll accompany him on my
keyboard and tuba. Considering that this event calls for polkas, that
instrumentation works out perfectly.
Come take part in the
Gemutlichkeit! Prost!
Breezes 14
Member News
Frank and Kathy Bloe, (Glory Be on D Dock) proudly announced the birth of their first grandchild, Contessa Rose Magnelli
born to their oldest daughter, Lindsey and her husband Anthony in Mayfield, Ohio. The blessed event occurred at 3:28am
Thursday, September 17. Contessa arrived at 6 lbs, 8oz and is doing fine. Frank reported that he and Kathy are doing equally
well and that he’s already changed a diaper. Frank likes this grandfather status so much that he said he’s going to start working
on younger daughter Megan. Congratulations Frank and Kathy and a hearty “Welcome Aboard” to Contessa Rose.
Hank Rengh reports that his wife, Kim, a TSA officer with Homeland Security, has been selected as a member of the security
team assigned to protect Pope Francis during his trip to the United States this September 22nd through 27th.
Paul Baird and Tracie Goin are moving to Florida. They bought a beautiful place with a pool (we’ve seen pictures) and are in
the process of selling Tortuga so they can get a catamaran. They have both been active in the HBYC cruising program for
years. Due to their jobs with the airlines, They travel a lot and we hope they will continue to drop in on us from time to time.
We’ll miss you guys and ask that you think of us when you fly over Lake Erie.
Larry Hurst’s August Breezes article titled “Race to the Bay” was picked up by I-LYA and published in its entirety in the
August 2015 Regatta Results Edition of I-LYA News. Congratulations Larry.
Action Items
1. Get your tickets now for the Oktoberfest Social on September 26th (See Page 8)
2. Invite new members to join HBYC during the Membership Sale. (See Page 5)
3. Explore our website at “” Check the new “BLOG”
4. Send news to
5. Submit a photo of a Lake Erie Sunset to the Sunset Photo Contest
6. Help keep the clubhouse clean during this time with no custodial service.
7. Welcome our new members listed in Cdre Melanie’s column.
8. Plan to attend the HBYC Winter Rendezvous January 16 in Cleveland
To be held in conjunction with the Cleveland Boat Show. See page 14
The Ring Game
Send us your “Sunset Edition” photos
The October edition of Breezes, the last one of the season, comes out next
month. This edition is often referred to as our “Sunset Edition” and usually
includes a photo of a nautical sunset. For the October issue, I would once
again like to showcase some of the best “Nautical Lake Erie Sunset” photos
taken locally by our members. Please limit your entries to your best 3
Photos should be in .JPEG format and taken at a resolution that will
stand up to an 8 1/2x11 enlargement without becoming fuzzy. The best
entries will be featured in Breezes with the best photo receiving a full page
display. The winning photographer will be awarded bragging rights until next
All entries should be e-mailed to by October
10th. Please include the word “SUNSET” in your subject line so it doesn’t
get lost in the inbox. Good Luck and Happy Shooting!
George Harizal, Editor
No one really knows how or when
this game started. Some stories
claim Blackbeard and his crew
took the bones of their prey and –
with a noose made of hemp –
played The Ring Game on the
decks of their sloops. Other stories
suggest the game was created in a
local bar with the click of dice in
the background.
Regardless, generations have
played this game, drinking rum (or
any other swill available) after a
long day. As the sun started
dropping and the breezes kicked
in, the games began. The grand
prize? A drink of rum, of course.
Local versions of the game — as
varied as the islands themselves —
sprung up among the many
islands, yet the goal remained the
same: get the ring on the hook.
Source: The Soggy Dollar Bar
Breezes 15