inside the buyer`s guide
inside the buyer`s guide
RELIABLE PARTNERS DEDICATED TO YOUR GROWTH BWI Greenville • 800.922.8961 • Contents 2 Introdution Inside the NCNLA Buyer’s Guide Buyer’s Guide 8 Business Listings 14 Plant Sources Alphabetical Company Information Plants Alphabetized by Botanical Name 100 Cross Reference 134 Products & Services Directory 140 Common to Botanical Name Allied Listings North Carolina Regional Maps Membership Directory 153 154 155 157 158 161 Helpful Numbers At a Glance NC Association Contacts NC Green Industry Council NC Cooperateive Extension Service Districts Useful Information Membership Listings The NCNLA Buyer’s Guide is published by the North Carolina Nursery & Landscape Association, in cooperation with the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services and Steve Troxler, Commissioner of Agriculture. Copies are available to industry professionals at no cost. A $12.50 postage and handling fee is applicable to mail order requests. Reproduction, in part or in whole, is strictly prohibited without the written consent of NCNLA. The NCNLA Buyer’s Guide is printed by NCDA & CS – 3,000 copies were printed at a total cost of $6088.02, or $2.02 per copy. NCNLA Buyer’s Guide Editor: Kim Strazisar. 1 INSIDE THE BUYER’S GUIDE 2010 Board of Directors About The Buyer’s Guide The 8th edition of the Buyer’s Guide is produced and published by the North Carolina Nursery & Landscape Association (NCNLA), in cooperation with the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services and Steve Troxler, Commissioner of Agriculture. The Buyer’s Guide is an annual publication, incorporating the Green Industry of North Carolina into an easy-to-use buyer’s reference tool to locate and market North Carolina Products. This edition also contains the 2010 NCNLA Membership Directory complete with: x Industry Contacts Numbers x Useful In-the-Field Information x Member Listing alphabetically by company and by contact name. Using The Buyer’s Guide The five sections of the Buyer’s Guide easily help green industry professionals locate specific North Carolina-grown plant material: x The BUSINESS LISTINGS section provides an alphabetical listing of the companies in this guide. x The CROSS REFERENCE section lists plants by their common name, providing the botanical name for use in the PLANT SOURCES section. x The PRODUCTS & SERVICES list companies carrying specific hard goods or services. x The PLANT SOURCES section is comprised of NCNLA member and non-member nurseries growing or supplying specified plant material. x The last section is the NORTH CAROLINA REGIONAL MAPS section indicating general nursery locations within a specific region of North Carolina. Published by the NORTH CAROLINA NURSERY & LANDSCAPE ASSOCIATION 968 Trinity Road, Raleigh, NC 27607 Tel: 919-816-9119 FAX: 919-816-9118 E-mail: Staff Executive Director Director of Operations Program Director Communication Director 2 Ross Williams Cody Lewis, CIW Kakki Collins Kim Strazisar Glenn Underdown – President Cameron’s Nursery 576 Cannon Rd. Carthage, NC 28327 Phone: 919.774.9550 • Fax: 919.774.5533 Tracy Sides – Vice President Landvision Designs, Inc. 10890 Honeycutt Rd. Raleigh, NC 27614 Phone: 919.847.2578 • Fax: 919.847.2553 Tod Williams – Secretary/Treasurer Worthington Farms, Inc. 3661 Ballards Crossroads Rd. Greenville, NC 27834 Phone: 252-756-3827 • Fax: 252-756-9442 Mark Clark – NCNLA Past President Clark Landscape Group, Inc. 3230 Stump Lake Dr. Monroe, NC 28110 Phone: 704.226.0004 • Fax: 704.226.1121 Alan Erwin Panther Creek Nursery 8625 Mt. Pleasant Church Rd. Willow Springs, NC 27592-9765 Phone: 919-552-8353 • Fax: 919-552-5944 David Edwards Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. 12037 Mooresville Rd. Davidson, NC 28036 Phone: 704-663-5044 • Fax: 704-663-4204 Mike Roberson Baucom's Nursery PO Box 560008 Charlotte, NC 28256-0008 Phone: 704-506-4646 • Fax: 704-596-6417 Danny VanDevender Landscape Design of Goldsboro, Inc. 380 Washington St. Pikeville, NC 27863 Phone: 919-242-8256 • Fax: 919-242-8302 Brian Nelson Nelson Nursery PO Box 402 Mooresville, NC 28115-0402 Phone: 704-664-2014 Ted Bilderback NCSU Campus Box 7609 Raleigh, NC 27695-7609 Phone: 919.515.1201 • Fax: 919.515.7747 NCNLA MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION NCNLA MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION 10 REASONS TO JOIN NCNLA 1. NETWORKING – NCNLA ALLOWS OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEMBERS TO … B .'8+4+=/*+'9 B +'84:5'662?4+=8+9+'8)./4,583':/54 B .'8+)53354685(2+39'4*952;:/549 B :'?/4,583+*5,);88+4:2+-/92':/<+/99;+9 B '1+4+=685,+99/54'2'4*6+8954'2)54:'):9 2. REDUCED BUSINESS EXPENSE – OVER $900 IN DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE B 3+3(+89./6 B ;(2/)':/549'4**<+8:/9/4-*/9)5;4:9 B /-.:.5;9+3+3(+89./6 B *;)':/54*/9)5;4:9 B 8'*+9.5='*3/99/54'4*+>./(/:/54*/9)5;4:9 B +-/92':/<+8+68+9+4:':/54 6. PEER RECOGNITION B 56+2'4*/,+:/3+)./+<+3+4:='8* B /22"/2*+8/9/4-:'8='8* B /((?"/2*+8='8* B ;:9:'4*/4-$5;4-;89+8?3'4 B ;89+8?85=+85,:.+$+'8='8* B '12'4*='8* B +88?'-2'4*;:9:'4*/4-$5;4-'4*9)'6+ 85,+99/54'2 B /35=+228/+4*5,:.+4*;9:8?='8* B 4</8543+4:'23685<+3+4:='8*9 B ;:9'4*/4-54:8/(;:58:5:.+4*;9:8?='8* 7. PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATION B +8:/,/+*2'4:85,+99/54'2 B +8:/,/+*'4*9)'6+ +).4/)/'4>:+8/58 3. FEDERAL AND STATE REPRESENTATION B 5<+843+4:8+2':/549'4*25((?/4B +3(+89./6'4*/4<52<+3+4:=/:.5:.+858-'4/@':/549 685:+):/4-?5;8/4:+8+9:9 B 8++44*;9:8?5;)/2 B -8/(;9/4+995;4)/2 B -8/);2:;8'222/'4)+ B 3+8/)'4;89+8?'4*9)'6+995)/':/54 B B ;89+8?'4*9)'6+995)/':/54>+);:/<+95, 58:.3+8/)' B /-.:.5;9+3+3(+89./6 B =+(9/:++-/92':/<+):/54+4:+8 B 52/:/)'2):/54533/::++ 8. EDUCATION B 8++485=/4*;)':/54A .8++*'?9 B ;33+88++4.5=*;)':/54A4+*'? B 85*;):7;/63+4:/+2*'? B '4*9)'6+/+2*'? B ;89+8?5:+9 +).4/)'2'8:/)2+9 B ;89+8?.58:5;89+ B =/2/-.:/+2*'? B +-/54'2+3/4'89 B 8+-/54'2:8'/4/4B 8+-/54'2:8'/4/4B "+(9/:+4+=9(;22+:/49 B 5;89 B +-/54'2'81+:/4--85;693++:/4-9'4*:8'*+9.5=9 4. COMMUNICATION B =+(9/:+ B Nursery Notes 3'-'@/4+ B 4+=92+::+8 B 85'*)'9:,'>'2+8:9 B 5)'23+3(+89./6-85;69 B 9:',,=581/4-=/:.3+3(+89./6/99;+9*'/2? 9. INDUSTRY RESEARCH B +9+'8).4*5=3+4::.85;-.:.+58:. '852/4'-8/);2:;8+5;4*':/54 B 8++44*;9:8?8'4:9A B 8+3/+82'4:85-8'3 B ';29:548(58+:;3;6658: B +9+'8).-8'4:9/4+>)+995,+').?+'8 B 58:/);2:;8++9+'8).49:/:;:+4*5=3+4: 5. MARKETING & PROMOTION B "+(9/:+ B Buyer’s Guide 62'4: ,/4*+86;(2/9.+*'44;'22? B 8++485=/49.5= B ;33+88++4.5= B +-/54'2,/+2**'?9'4*:8'*+9.5=9 B 8++44*;9:8?5;4)/268535:/549 B 68535:/549/4)540;4):/54=/:. 10. FUN & FELLOWSHIP B !52;4:++8:5=58154'35<+/4)8+='::.+:8'*+9.5= B +8<+54')533/::++ B 59:',/+2**'? B 59:',;4*8'/9/4-+<+4: B 53/4':+'6++8,58'4/4*;9:8?'='8* B ::+4*:8'*+9.5=6'8:/+9'4*8+)+6:/549 B 52, 5;84'3+4:9'4*658:/4-2'? 5;84'3+4:9 3 North Carolina Nursery & Landscape Association, Inc. Membership Application Company ______________________________________________________________________________________ Corporate Mailing Address _________________________________________________________________________ City _____________________________________________ State _____________ Zip _________________________ Phone ______________________________________________ Fax ___________________________________________ Corporate Contact _____________________________ Web Site __________________________________________ Local Representative/Sales __________________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address _______________________________________________ County __________________________ City _____________________________________________ State _____________ Zip _________________________ Phone ______________________________________________ Fax ___________________________________________ Email ______________________________________________________________________________________________ HORTICULTURE AND LANDSCAPE RESEARCH FOUNDATION ENDOWMENT DONATION This donation is in addition to your membership dues Platinum: $200 _______ Gold: $100 _______ Silver: $50 _______ Other Amount: $ __________ SELECT ANY CATAGORIES THAT PERTAIN TO YOUR BUSINESS Wholesale Nursery Retail Garden Center Exterior Landscaper Interiorscaper Maintenance Contractor Sod/Grass Wholesaler Landscape Architect Membership: $150 annually PAYMENT METHOD: Cash _____ Educators: $50 annually Check No. ___________ Parks/Recreation/Gardens Irrigation Contractor Allied Supplier Educator Horticulture/Landscape Student Other ________________________ Full time horticulture students: $30 annually VISA _____ MasterCard _____ AMEX _____ Expiration Date _________________ Credit Card Number ___________________________________________________ Authorized Signature _________________________________________________________________________________ Mail application with payment to: NCNLA, 968 Trinity Road, Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 Fax application to: 919-816-9118 Join electronically via our website at: FOR INFORMATION CALL THE NCNLA OFFICE: 919-816-9119 4 WE CAN HELP KEEP YOU GROWING Services include: t Loans for land, equipment and nursery stock t Leases for equipment and facilities t Home loans t Loans for timber and recreational property t Financial planning A t Carolina Farm Credit, we understand nursery and greenhouse operations. For more than 90 years we have been a dependable source of credit to agriculture. Visit our website at to apply for a loan or find a service center near you! Loans for homes, land, and living. (800) 521-9952 "Ĵ- ļĮ Ļŀt)ļĺ IJ- ļĮ Ļŀt& ľł ĶĽĺ IJĻ Ł- ļĮ Ļŀt" ĽĽĿ Į ĶŀĮ Ĺ ŀt'Ķ ĻĮ ĻİĶ Į Ĺ1 Ĺ Į Ļ Ļ Ķ ĻĴ 5 At Buds & Blooms we’ve gotten quite a reputation for our ability to grow some of the more difficult varieties of plants. No matter what you order, we always deliver stronger, healthier & more beautiful plants. They arrive in perfect shape ready to go from our trucks to your shelves. Call us today & see how better grown plants from Buds & Blooms will help grow your sales! Bloom After Bloom, Year After Year. 1-800-772-2837 Brown Summit, NC 6 North Carolina PLANTS F Our Bestn, Just for You! Grow or diversity, selection and quality, the nursery and greenhouse industry in North Carolina is second to none. Over 1500 certified nurseries are spread throughout North Carolina with growing conditions that range from zone 8 along the southeastern coast, to zone 5 (or colder) at high elevations in the western mountains. These conditions allow North Carolina nurseries to produce virtually every ornamental plant used in the Eastern United States. Whether it be greenhouse, container, bare-root, balled and burlapped, or cut Christmas trees, your plant needs can be filled in North Carolina. The Goodness Grows in North Carolina program is the official promotional program of the North Carolina Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services. Products sold under the Goodness Grows label must: a) be grown in North Carolina b) meet all applicable state and federal regulations c) meet or exceed the American Standard for Nursery Stock as published by the ANLA For more information about the Goodness Grows in North Carolina program contact: Jeff BillThomas Glenn NCDA&CS NCDA & CS 2 West EdentonRoad Street 570 Brevard Asheville,NC NC27601 28806 Raleigh, ,21) );7 >%; Phone: (919)733-7912 · Fax (919)733-0999 E-mail: Look for the Goodness Grows Logo in this publicaton, or wherever quality North Carolina trees, shrubs, flowering plants, turfgrass, or Christmas trees are sold!! 7 Using the Business Listings Section Each Company with listed plants, trees, hard goods, products or services is listed alphabetically in this section and includes: • • • • The contact person A complete address including city, state and zip code Phone and fax numbers Email and websites as available A Business Type Code is listed in bold at the end of each company. The corresponding code directory is listed at the bottom of each page. Nurseries and businesses within North Carolina may be located on regional maps located at the end of the Buyer’s Guide. A note such as “Map 5” by the company indicates that you can find the location on the corresponding map tab. Logos representing membership in the North Carolina Nursery and Landscape Association or participation in the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services’ Goodness Grows program are noted for each company. 8 Alphabetical - A & A Plants, Inc. A & A Plants, Inc. Back Road Farms Byron Lakeview Nursery LLC Cissie Apple 5392 NC 150 E Brown Summit, NC 27214 Phone: 336-656-7881 Fax: 336-656-9968 Email: GRW LDD RT WS Al Averitt 955 Sandy Grove Rd. Lumber Bridge, NC 28357 Phone: 910-858-3740 Fax: 910-858-2168 Email: GRW WS Bambie James G 2149 Lakeview Rd. Byron, GA 31008 Toll-free: 800-717-2362 Phone: 478-956-2362 Fax: 478-956-3832 Email: Web: GRW PRO Ag Carolina Financial Big Branch Nursery Linda Strickland PO Box 14789 Raleigh, NC 27620-4789 Phone: 919-250-9500 Fax: 919-231-8475 Email: Web: FIN INS LSG Map 3 Alan Webb 3912 Lloydtown Rd. Mebane, NC 27302-7261 Phone: 919-883-8285 Fax: 919-563-9986 Email: GRW NCC WS Map 5 Map 4 Map 3 Bio-Comp, Inc. Stephen Smith 3000 County Hwy 11 Pelham, AL 35124 Phone: 800-749-3504 Fax: 205-664-9156 Email: Web: IE MF WS American Native Plants Roy List G P O Box 158 Perry Hall, MD 21128 Phone: 410-529-0552 Fax: 410-529-3883 Email: Web: Aquatic Plants CGR GRW Native Plants Wetland Plants WS Angel's Gift Farm Ted Mays P.O. Box 26 1551 Ramey Creek Road Low Gap, NC 27024 Phone: 336-352-4947 Email: Web: GRW NCC PRO WBE WS Map 7 Architectural Trees Bonnie Regulski 2116-B Bio-Comp Dr. Edenton, NC 27932 Phone: 252-482-8528 Fax: 252-482-3491 Email: Web: Map 7 Map 3 Ray Watson 805 Oakbury Court Greensboro, NC 27455-9271 Toll-free: 800-758-8121 Phone: 336-643-3727 Fax: 336-643-0840 Email: Web: CGR GRW NCC PRO WS Map 5 Carolina Perlite Company, Inc. Bold Spring Nursery, LLC Sam Rogers 1366 Columbus Hwy. Hawkinsville, GA 31036 Phone: 478-783-4975 Fax: 478-783-4997 Email: Web: GRW WS Map 6 Cedarview Farm Nursery Rea Saraphis G 4082 Range Road Stem, NC 27581 Phone: 919-528-4147 Fax: 919-528-4147 Email: Web: GRW NCC PRO Map 3 Bryan Wagoner Tree Farm Bryan M. Wagoner 9948 Kerr Chapel Rd. Gibsonville, NC 27249 Phone: 336-585-0052 Fax: 336-585-0039 Email: GRW NCC WS Map 5 Coastal Plain Conservation Nursery, Inc. Ellen J. Colodney, M.D. 3067 Conners Drive Edenton, NC 27932 Phone: 252-482-5707 Fax: 252-482-4987 Email: Map 1 Buds & Blooms Nursery Doug Torn 7501 US Hwy. 29 N Brown Summit, NC 27214 Toll-free: 800-772-2837 Phone: 336-656-7819 Fax: 336-656-7504 Email: CAC GRW LAC NCC TXC VC WS Map 5 Linda Chirico PO Box 158 Gold Hill, NC 28071 Phone: 704-279-2325 Fax: 704-279-8818 MF WS Cam Too Camellia Nursery, Inc. Alabama Wire, Inc. John Monroe 6404 Amed Rd. Bahama, NC 27503 Phone: 919-620-0779 Fax: 919-620-8580 Email: Web: GRW RT Colonial Acres Nursery Harold Paxton 2593 Hannah Ford Rd. Brevard, NC 28712 Phone: 828-884-4330 Fax: 828-884-4330 Email: BRK GR GRW RT WS L Map 9 AD-Allied Distributor, AZC-Arizona Certified, BRK-Broker, CAC-California Certified, CAN-Canada Certified, CGR-Contract Grower, CM-Chemical Manufacturer, CON-Consultant, CTRContractor, EQ-Equipment Dealer, EUC-European Certified, FIN-Financing, FNP-Financial Planning, GC-Greenhouse Construction, GGR-Green House Grower, GR-Growers Representative, GRW-Grower, IE-Irrigation Equipment, INS-Insurance, INT-Interiorscaper, IP-Importer, LAC-Louisiana Certified, LDD-Landscape Designer, LSA-Landscape Architect, LSC-Landscape Contractor, LSG-Leasing, MBE-Minority Business Ent., MF-Manufacturer, MTF-Mutual Funds, NCC-North Carolina Certified, OCC-Oregon Certified, PRO-Propagator, RTRetail, SED-Seedsman, SHP-Shipper, TCP-Tissue Cultured Plants, TXC-Texas Certified, UF-Uniforms, VA-Variable Annuities, VC-Virginia Certified, WBE-Woman Business Enterprise, WS-Wholesale Division Icons: - Irrigation, - Ldscpe Arch., - Liner, - Ldscpe Install, - Ldscpe Maint., - Parks/Gardens, - Woody Grwr, - Sod, 6 - Allied, - Broker, - Garden Ctr, - Developer, _ Govt/Educ, - Golf Course, G - Interiorscape, - Landscape, L - Maint Contractor, - Other, - Perennial, K - Retail, - Sod/Grass, - Trees, 5 - Wholesale 9 Cure Nursery - Alphabetical Cure Nursery Gary's Nursery, LLC Gra-Mac Irrigation Jen Cure 880 Buteo Ridge Pittsboro, NC 27312-9332 Phone: 919-542-6186 Fax: 919-542-6186 Email: Web: Map 3 Melissa Hollar L 680 Crump Farm Rd. New Bern, NC 28562 Phone: 252-637-6858 Fax: 252-637-3732 Email: Web: GRW LSC NCC RT WS Map 2 Ronnie Wall 6 2310 NC Hwy 801 N Mocksville, NC 27028 Phone: 336-998-3232 Fax: 336-998-3111 Email: Web: IE Map 5 Currins Nursery, Inc. Gilbert's Nursery Great Western Bag Company Richard Currin 2570 Hwy 42 Willow Spring, NC 27592-9793 Phone: 919-552-4521 Fax: 919-552-7475 Email: Web: GRW NCC PRO SHP WS Map 3 Bob Smart 4675 Peachtree Rd. Chesnee, SC 29323-9143 Toll-free: 800-443-6298 Phone: 864-592-1734 Fax: 864-592-1779 Email: GRW WS Ken Harris 2411 Smithville Hwy McMinnville, TN 37110 Phone: 931-668-3320 Fax: 931-668-8395 Email: Web: Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Deerwood Nursery, LLC. Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Rick Jordan 892 Anders Rd. Zirconia, NC 28790 Phone: 828-606-3625 Fax: 828-694-1259 Email: GRW NCC WS Map 9 Tom Gilmore 4087 Bunton Swain Rd. Liberty, NC 27298 Toll-free: 800-543-7537 Phone: 336-622-0260 Fax: 336-622-0261 Email: Web: GRW LSC NCC Map 5 Doug Thompson 246 Holly Ridge Tryon, NC 28782 Phone: 828-894-2020 Fax: 828-894-0203 Email: CAN GR NCC OCC VC WS Map 9 Map 8 Map 3 David T. Goodson 12113 Tharrington Rd. Wake Forest, NC 27587 Toll-free: 800-947-9568 Phone: 919-562-0114 Fax: 919-562-0115 Email: GR Keiji & Stefani Oshima 20 Tuttle Road Hendersonville, NC 28792 Phone: 828-685-3053 Fax: 828-685-3053 Email: Web: Map 9 Hefner's Nursery Map 3 Kevin Gantt 4135 Spring Rd. Conover, NC 28613-7796 Phone: 828-256-5271 Fax: 828-256-9830 Email: GRW NCC WS Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Heritage Seedlings, Inc. Keith Gossett 7801 Clinard Farms Rd. High Point, NC 27265-9104 Toll-free: 800-487-2555 Phone: 336-454-2548 Fax: 336-454-6347 Email: Web: GRW NCC WS Map 5 Goodson & Associates Haiku Bamboo Nursery Oshima Bamboo School Full of Life Farms Wynn Dinnsen 2125 Jay Shambley Rd. Pittsboro, NC 27312 Phone: 919-742-2897 Fax: 919-742-2897 GRW LDD LSC WS Tim Goodman 439 North Pacolet Rd Campobello, SC 29322 Phone: 864-680-6309 Fax: 864-592-0108 Email: BRK CGR GR Charles A. Allen, IV LK6 PO Box 65059 3769 Wilmington Hwy. Fayetteville, NC 28306 Phone: 910-323-8811 Fax: 910-433-9052 Email: Web: GRW LDD LSC NCC RT WS Map 4 Goodman's Nursery & BG&G Growers Dow Agro Sciences Scott Eicher P.O. Box 34792 Charlotte, NC 28237 Phone: 704-333-4641 Fax: 704-333-4657 Email: Web: CM MF Douglas Thompson & Associates Map 7 Mark Krautmann 4194 71st Ave. SE Salem, OR 97317 Phone: 503-585-9835 Fax: 503-371-9688 Email: Web: GRW WS AD-Allied Distributor, AZC-Arizona Certified, BRK-Broker, CAC-California Certified, CAN-Canada Certified, CGR-Contract Grower, CM-Chemical Manufacturer, CON-Consultant, CTRContractor, EQ-Equipment Dealer, EUC-European Certified, FIN-Financing, FNP-Financial Planning, GC-Greenhouse Construction, GGR-Green House Grower, GR-Growers Representative, GRW-Grower, IE-Irrigation Equipment, INS-Insurance, INT-Interiorscaper, IP-Importer, LAC-Louisiana Certified, LDD-Landscape Designer, LSA-Landscape Architect, LSC-Landscape Contractor, LSG-Leasing, MBE-Minority Business Ent., MF-Manufacturer, MTF-Mutual Funds, NCC-North Carolina Certified, OCC-Oregon Certified, PRO-Propagator, RTRetail, SED-Seedsman, SHP-Shipper, TCP-Tissue Cultured Plants, TXC-Texas Certified, UF-Uniforms, VA-Variable Annuities, VC-Virginia Certified, WBE-Woman Business Enterprise, WS-Wholesale Division Icons: - Irrigation, - Ldscpe Arch., - Liner, - Ldscpe Install, - Ldscpe Maint., - Parks/Gardens, - Woody Grwr, - Sod, 6 - Allied, - Broker, - Garden Ctr, - Developer, _ Govt/Educ, - Golf Course, G - Interiorscape, - Landscape, L - Maint Contractor, - Other, - Perennial, K - Retail, - Sod/Grass, - Trees, 5 - Wholesale 10 Alphabetical - Hickory Hill Nursery Hickory Hill Nursery Lake Tree Growers Monterey Nursery, Inc. Jim Neely 812 Neely Rd. Asheboro, NC 27205 Phone: 336-625-6660 Fax: 336-626-7575 GRW NCC Doug Lake, Jr. PO Box 529 Whigham, GA 39897 Phone: 229-762-4888 Fax: 229-762-4677 Email: Web: CGR GRW WS Sandy Doughty 1985 Mt. Hope Church Rd. McLeansville, NC 27301 Toll-free: 800-444-1116 Phone: 336-697-9042 Fax: 336-697-9966 Email: CGR GRW NCC PRO WS Map 5 Map 5 Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. Ken Allison PO Box 1390 1 Summerwind Drive Etowah, NC 28729 Phone: 828-891-3893 Fax: 828-891-2871 Email: Web: GRW NCC Map 9 Lanes Creek Trees Montery Lawn & Garden Products, Inc. Philip Sims 6907 Legacy Ln. Waxhaw, NC 28173 Phone: 704-564-3232 Email: GRW NCC Map 6 W.T. Thomson, President PO Box 35000 Fresno, CA 93745-5000 Phone: 559-499-2100 Fax: 559-499-1015 Web: CM Lewis Gaskin PO Box 85 Laurel Springs, NC 28644 Toll-free: 800-851-2345 Phone: 336-372-2468 Fax: 336-372-4168 Email: Web: GRW NCC Map 7 Long Branch Farm Mary Vaananen 125 Chenoweth Ln. Suite 301 Louisville, KY 40206 Phone: 502-895-0807 Fax: 502-895-3934 Email: Web: SED Gray Howard 1550 Longwood Rd. Columbia, SC 29209 Phone: 803-695-0588 Fax: 803-776-0398 Email: Web: GRW WS Henry Johnson PO Box 122, 2000 Hwy 801 S Advance, NC 27006 Toll-free: 800-222-2691 Phone: 336-998-5621 Fax: 336-998-9833 Email: Web: CON CTR IE RT WS Jamie Oxley 2055 Polly Spout Rd Marion, NC 28752 Phone: 828-738-8300 Fax: 828-287-9348 Email: Web: GRW NCC PRO RT WS Map 5 Kenneth E. Bell 5143 N Church St. Greensboro, NC 27455 Phone: 336-337-2322 Fax: 336-288-8811 Email: GRW NCC Map 5 Philip Dark 9985 US 64 W Siler City, NC 27344-6410 Phone: 919-663-3607 Fax: 919-663-3607 Email: Breeder GRW PRO RT WS Map 5 Map 9 Old Courthouse Nursery Mize Farm and Garden Ken Lowe 625 Wesinpar Rd. Johnson City, TN 37604 Phone: 800-321-8161 Fax: 423-928-8093 Email: Web: WS Oakmont Nursery Kenneth E. Bell Trees Jeff Gragg 3950 Turner Mill Rd. Morganton, NC 28655-9724 Phone: 828-433-5044 Fax: 828-433-0245 Email: GRW NCC WS Map 9 Meadowbrook Nursery & Farm arm m Elizabeth Mitchell P O Box 339 Four Oaks, NC 27524 Phone: 919-934-0428 Fax: 919-989-8777 Email:; GRW WS Map 3 North 40 Nursery, Inc. Jelitto Perennial Seeds Johnson and Company Irrigation Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. Laurel Springs Trees Hortica Insurance & Employee Benefits Leland Hesterberg 15300 Timberview Ln. Huntersville, NC 28078 Phone: 800-851-7740 Fax: 800-233-3642 Email: Web: INS Map 8 Bob McLeod PO Box 626 Warsaw, NC 28398 Phone: 910-293-9374 Fax: 910-293-9375 Email: Web: CGR GRW NCC WS Map 4 AD-Allied Distributor, AZC-Arizona Certified, BRK-Broker, CAC-California Certified, CAN-Canada Certified, CGR-Contract Grower, CM-Chemical Manufacturer, CON-Consultant, CTRContractor, EQ-Equipment Dealer, EUC-European Certified, FIN-Financing, FNP-Financial Planning, GC-Greenhouse Construction, GGR-Green House Grower, GR-Growers Representative, GRW-Grower, IE-Irrigation Equipment, INS-Insurance, INT-Interiorscaper, IP-Importer, LAC-Louisiana Certified, LDD-Landscape Designer, LSA-Landscape Architect, LSC-Landscape Contractor, LSG-Leasing, MBE-Minority Business Ent., MF-Manufacturer, MTF-Mutual Funds, NCC-North Carolina Certified, OCC-Oregon Certified, PRO-Propagator, RTRetail, SED-Seedsman, SHP-Shipper, TCP-Tissue Cultured Plants, TXC-Texas Certified, UF-Uniforms, VA-Variable Annuities, VC-Virginia Certified, WBE-Woman Business Enterprise, WS-Wholesale Division Icons: - Irrigation, - Ldscpe Arch., - Liner, - Ldscpe Install, - Ldscpe Maint., - Parks/Gardens, - Woody Grwr, - Sod, 6 - Allied, - Broker, - Garden Ctr, - Developer, _ Govt/Educ, - Golf Course, G - Interiorscape, - Landscape, L - Maint Contractor, - Other, - Perennial, K - Retail, - Sod/Grass, - Trees, 5 - Wholesale 11 Page Road Garden Center - Alphabetical Page Road Garden Center Powell's Nursery, LLC Sampson Nursery Jen Mitchell 2941 Page Rd. Morrisville, NC 27560 Phone: 919-806-5635 Fax: 919-806-5665 Email: Web: RT WBE WS Map 3 LaRue M. Powell 7036 Rouse Rd. Holly Springs, NC 27540-9539 Phone: 919-552-5869 Fax: 919-552-1709 CGR GRW NCC WBE WS Mike Hudson 350 Alvin Rd. Godwin, NC 28344 Toll-free: 800-567-2909 Phone: 910-567-2937 Fax: 910-567-6011 Email: Web: GRW NCC WS Map 4 Map 3 Putnals Premium Pine Straw, Inc. Parker Bark Co., Inc. Tommy Parker PO Box 850 Rose Hill, NC 28458 Phone: 910-289-3672 Fax: 910-289-2100 Email: Web: MF WS Map 4 Patterson's Nursery Kirk Davis PO Box 156 Midland, NC 28107 Phone: 704-596-4516 Fax: 704-596-4649 Email: Web: GRW NCC WS Map 8 Pender Nursery, Inc. Chris Hardison PO Box 155 Garner, NC 27529 Phone: 919-772-7255 Fax: 919-773-0904 Email: Web: Map 3 GRW NCC WS Map 6 Scottree Skip Warrick 108 Berry Dr. Shelby, NC 28150 Phone: 704-471-1000 Fax: 704-484-6914 Email: Web: GRW LSC NCC Quaker Meadows Nursery Nancy Taylor PO Box 1610 Morganton, NC 28680 Phone: 828-437-2063 Fax: 828-438-0016 Email: Web: GRW NCC Map 9 Map 8 Silver Creek Farm Jace Buchanan 4101 Trestlewood Ln. Morganton, NC 28655 Phone: 828-584-1123 Fax: 828-584-3920 Email: Web: GRW NCC Map 9 Rocky Creek Farms Nursery Richard Hix 348 Tatum Rd. Olin, NC 28660 Toll-free: 800-872-3125 Phone: 704-876-3125 Fax: 704-876-4273 CGR GRW LDD LSC Map 7 Lamar Davis LK K PO Box 1053 2980 Stone Station Rd. Roebuck, SC 29376 Phone: 864-576-0875 Fax: 864-574-4477 Email: Web: BRK CTR GRW LSC Earl & Buddy Deal 3452 Meadowfork Rd Laurel Springs, NC 28644 Phone: 336-372-2756 Fax: 337-372-7006 Email: Web: GRW NCC WS Map 7 Spivey's Nursery, Inc. RootMaker Products Co, LLC Shanon Spivey 1998-A Beeson Rd. Kernersville, NC 27284-9761 Toll-free: 336-992-2530 Phone: 888-992-2530 Fax: 336-992-2531 GRW NCC Wayne Hinton PO Box 14553 Huntsville, AL 35815-0553 Toll-free: 800-824-3941 Phone: 256-882-3199 Fax: 256-882-0423 Email: Web: MF Smokey Holler Tree Farm, LLC Roebuck Wholesale Nursery & Landscaping Poverty Hill Nursery Pete Dowd Box 1252 Southern Pines, NC 28388 Toll-free: 910-695-7920 Phone: 910-692-2803 Fax: 910-947-3400 GRW NCC WS Plantworks Nursery, Inc. Doug Chapman 5851 Kiger Rd. Rougemont, NC 27572 Phone: 919-732-6594 Fax: 919-732-1634 Email: Web: CGR GGR GRW NCC SHP WS Map 3 Sylvia Badger 4987 East US 27 Mayo, FL 32066 Toll-free: 800-462-1795 Phone: 386-294-1075 Fax: 386-294-2499 Email: Web: AD WS Map 5 Star Ridge Aquatics, LLC Joseph Granato, Jr. 180 Star Ridge Rd. Carthage, NC 28327-7531 Phone: 910-947-5333 Fax: 910-947-5316 Email: Web: AD GRW NCC RT WS Map 6 AD-Allied Distributor, AZC-Arizona Certified, BRK-Broker, CAC-California Certified, CAN-Canada Certified, CGR-Contract Grower, CM-Chemical Manufacturer, CON-Consultant, CTRContractor, EQ-Equipment Dealer, EUC-European Certified, FIN-Financing, FNP-Financial Planning, GC-Greenhouse Construction, GGR-Green House Grower, GR-Growers Representative, GRW-Grower, IE-Irrigation Equipment, INS-Insurance, INT-Interiorscaper, IP-Importer, LAC-Louisiana Certified, LDD-Landscape Designer, LSA-Landscape Architect, LSC-Landscape Contractor, LSG-Leasing, MBE-Minority Business Ent., MF-Manufacturer, MTF-Mutual Funds, NCC-North Carolina Certified, OCC-Oregon Certified, PRO-Propagator, RTRetail, SED-Seedsman, SHP-Shipper, TCP-Tissue Cultured Plants, TXC-Texas Certified, UF-Uniforms, VA-Variable Annuities, VC-Virginia Certified, WBE-Woman Business Enterprise, WS-Wholesale Division Icons: - Irrigation, - Ldscpe Arch., - Liner, - Ldscpe Install, - Ldscpe Maint., - Parks/Gardens, - Woody Grwr, - Sod, 6 - Allied, - Broker, - Garden Ctr, - Developer, _ Govt/Educ, - Golf Course, G - Interiorscape, - Landscape, L - Maint Contractor, - Other, - Perennial, K - Retail, - Sod/Grass, - Trees, 5 - Wholesale 12 Alphabetical - Stephenson's Nursery, Inc. Stephenson's Nursery, Inc. Watkins Nurseries, Inc. Wayne T. Stephenson 12100 NC Hwy. 50 N Willow Springs, NC 27592-8163 Phone: 919-894-2700 Fax: 919-894-2702 Email: GRW WS Map 3 Robert Watkins L 101 Dry Bridge Rd. Midlothian, VA 23114-7300 Phone: 804-794-5016 Fax: 804-379-3276 Email: Web: GRW LDD LSC VC WS Swift Creek Nursery Lanny Thomas 6357 Cleveland Rd. Clayton, NC 27520 Phone: 919-934-7764 Fax: 919-934-1460 Email: Web: GRW Map 3 Watson's Nursery Winfall Nurseries Wyatt Elliott 1336 Elliott Rd. Gladys, VA 24554 Phone: 434-332-5701 Fax: 434-332-5700 Email: GRW WS Worthington Farms, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Larry D. Edwards 12037 Mooresville Rd. Davidson, NC 28036 Toll-free: 1-800-762-7062 Phone: 704-663-5044 Fax: 704-663-4204 Email: Web: GRW NCC SHP WS Map 8 Kirk Quillen PO Box 987 Waynesboro, VA 22980 Toll-free: 540-946-3800 Phone: 800-868-8676 Fax: 540-946-3814 Email: Web: GRW VC WS Turkey Foot Nursery, Inc. Wesley Gregory 783 Turkey Foot Rd. Mocksville, NC 27028-5936 Phone: 336-492-5200 Fax: 704-546-2712 Map 5 Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. Tinga Nursery, Inc. Eelco H. Tinga, Jr. 2918 Castle Hayne Rd. Castle Hayne, NC 28429-5421 Phone: 910-762-1975 Fax: 910-763-4231 Email: CGR GRW NCC Map 2 David Watson 230 Watson's Nursery Ln. Sanford, NC 27330-9089 Phone: 919-776-3590 Fax: 919-776-2617 Email: Web: GRW NCC WS Map 3 Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Richard B. Taylor, Jr. 3705 New Bern Ave. Raleigh, NC 27610 Phone: 919-231-6161 Fax: 919-231-7688 Email: Web: GRW WS Map 3 Tod Williams 3661 Ballards Crossroads Rd. Greenville, NC 27834 Phone: 252-756-3827 Fax: 252-756-9442 Email: Web: GRW NCC WS Map 1 AD-Allied Distributor, AZC-Arizona Certified, BRK-Broker, CAC-California Certified, CAN-Canada Certified, CGR-Contract Grower, CM-Chemical Manufacturer, CON-Consultant, CTRContractor, EQ-Equipment Dealer, EUC-European Certified, FIN-Financing, FNP-Financial Planning, GC-Greenhouse Construction, GGR-Green House Grower, GR-Growers Representative, GRW-Grower, IE-Irrigation Equipment, INS-Insurance, INT-Interiorscaper, IP-Importer, LAC-Louisiana Certified, LDD-Landscape Designer, LSA-Landscape Architect, LSC-Landscape Contractor, LSG-Leasing, MBE-Minority Business Ent., MF-Manufacturer, MTF-Mutual Funds, NCC-North Carolina Certified, OCC-Oregon Certified, PRO-Propagator, RTRetail, SED-Seedsman, SHP-Shipper, TCP-Tissue Cultured Plants, TXC-Texas Certified, UF-Uniforms, VA-Variable Annuities, VC-Virginia Certified, WBE-Woman Business Enterprise, WS-Wholesale Division Icons: - Irrigation, - Ldscpe Arch., - Liner, - Ldscpe Install, - Ldscpe Maint., - Parks/Gardens, - Woody Grwr, - Sod, 6 - Allied, - Broker, - Garden Ctr, - Developer, _ Govt/Educ, - Golf Course, G - Interiorscape, - Landscape, L - Maint Contractor, - Other, - Perennial, K - Retail, - Sod/Grass, - Trees, 5 - Wholesale 13 Using the Plant Sources Section Plants are listed alphabetically by Botanical name. Source vendors and their telephone number are listed alphabetically under the plantname along with available sizes for your convenience. Plant sizes and availability are listed as follows: 14 B indicates Bulb BB indicates Balled & Burlapped BR indicates Bare Root C indicates Container CT indicates Cut L indicates Liner S indicates Seedling Plant Sources - Abelia grandiflora - Glossy Abelia Abelia grandiflora - Glossy Abelia Cedarview Farm Nursery Monterey Nursery, Inc. Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Tinga Nursery, Inc. L C C C 2 QT 3 GAL 3 GAL 919-528-4147 800-444-1116 919-231-6161 910-762-1975 C C #3 3 GAL 800-487-2555 1-800-762-7062 Abelia grandiflora 'Confetti' - Confetti Abelia Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Abelia grandiflora 'Edward Goucher' - Edward Goucher Abelia Cedarview Farm Nursery Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Hickory Hill Nursery Monterey Nursery, Inc. Sampson Nursery Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Tinga Nursery, Inc. L C C C C C C C 2 QT #3 3 GAL 3 GAL 3 GAL 3 GAL 3 GAL 919-528-4147 800-543-7537 336-625-6660 800-444-1116 800-567-2909 336-992-2530 919-231-6161 910-762-1975 C #3 910-323-8811 3 GAL 1-800-762-7062 3 GAL 800-443-6298 Abelia grandiflora 'Glossy Abelia' - Glossy Abelia Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Abelia grandiflora 'John Creech' - John Creech Abelia Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C Abelia grandiflora 'Kaleidoscope' - Kaleidoscope Abelia Gilbert's Nursery C Abelia grandiflora 'Kaleidoscope' PP# 16988 - Kaleidoscope Abelia Currins Nursery, Inc. C 3 GAL 919-552-4521 Abelia grandiflora 'Kaleidoscope' PPAF - Kaleidoscope Abelia PPAF Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery Tinga Nursery, Inc. C C C #3 3 GAL 3 GAL 800-487-2555 919-934-7764 910-762-1975 3 GAL 2 QT 1, 3 GAL #3 #3 #3 3 GAL #3 1, 3 GAL 3 GAL 3 GAL 3 Gal 3 GAL 1 GAL 3 GAL 336-656-7881 919-528-4147 919-552-4521 800-543-7537 800-487-2555 910-323-8811 800-444-1116 919-934-0428 910-293-9374 800-567-2909 336-992-2530 919-934-7764 910-762-1975 336-492-5200 1-800-762-7062 3 GAL 919-934-7764 3 GAL 2, 3 GAL 919-742-2897 800-443-6298 Abelia grandiflora 'Little Richard' - Little Richard Abelia A & A Plants, Inc. Cedarview Farm Nursery Currins Nursery, Inc. Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Monterey Nursery, Inc. Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. Old Courthouse Nursery Sampson Nursery Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery Tinga Nursery, Inc. Turkey Foot Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C L C C C C C C C C C C C C C Abelia grandiflora 'Mardi Gras' - Mardi Gras Abelia Swift Creek Nursery C Abelia grandiflora 'Rose Creek' - Rose Creek Abelia Full of Life Farms Gilbert's Nursery C C Abelia grandiflora 'Sunrise' - Sunrise Abelia Taylor's Nursery, Inc. C 919-231-6161 Abelia 'Mardi Gras' PP#15,203 Monterey Nursery, Inc. Spivey's Nursery, Inc. C C 3 GAL 3 GAL 800-444-1116 336-992-2530 C #3 919-663-3607 C #2, #3 800-487-2555 L C C C C C C C 2 QT #3 3 GAL #3 #3 1, 3 GAL 1 GAL 3 GAL 919-528-4147 800-487-2555 800-444-1116 919-934-0428 919-663-3607 910-293-9374 919-552-5869 800-567-2909 Abelia x 'Canyon Creek' - Canyon Creek Abelia Oakmont Nursery Abelia x 'Mardi Gras' - Mardi Gras Abelia Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Abelia x 'Rose Creek' - Rose Creek Abelia Cedarview Farm Nursery Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Monterey Nursery, Inc. Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. Oakmont Nursery Old Courthouse Nursery Powell's Nursery, LLC Sampson Nursery 15 Abies fraseri - Fraser Fir - Plant Sources Abies fraseri - Fraser Fir Smokey Holler Tree Farm, LLC NL 3-16' Cut Tree 336-372-2756 BB NL 5-9' 5-10' Cut Tree 336-372-2756 336-372-2756 BB 2-4" 828-433-5044 BB BB-C 2-4.5" 2", #15 Medium Plug (2x2x3.5") 1.5, 2, 2.5" 25 GAL 3-4" 2" 478-783-4975 910-323-8811 503-585-9835 828-891-3893 229-762-4888 803-695-0588 704-471-1000 919-231-6161 BB BB BB 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5" 1.5, 2, 2.5" 2" 800-947-9568 704-471-1000 252-756-3827 BB 2"-4" 704-564-3232 BB 2, 2.5" 800-947-9568 BR BB 6-12", 1-2', 2-3', 3-4' 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5" 503-585-9835 828-891-3893 Abies intermedia - Canaan Fir Smokey Holler Tree Farm, LLC Smokey Holler Tree Farm, LLC Ace rubrum North 40 Nursery, Inc. Acer buergeranum - Trident Maple Bold Spring Nursery, LLC Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Heritage Seedlings Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. Lake Tree Growers Long Branch Farm Scottree Taylor's Nursery, Inc. BB C BB BB BB Acer buergeranum 'ABMTF' Aeryn™ - Aeryn™ Trident Maple Goodson & Associates Scottree Worthington Farms, Inc. Acer buergeranum 'Aeryn' Lanes Creek Trees Acer buergeranum 'Valynor' - Valynor Trident Maple Goodson & Associates Acer campestre - Hedge Maple Heritage Seedlings Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. Acer campestre 'Queen Elizabeth' - Queen Elizabeth Hedge Maple Watkins Nurseries, Inc. Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. BB BB 4.5", 5" 1.75-3.5" 804-794-5016 540-946-3800 BB 2-3" 540-946-3800 BR 6-12", 1-2', 2-3' 503-585-9835 Medium Plug (2x2x3.5") 503-585-9835 1.5",1.75",2", 2.5", 3" 2.5" Acer campestre 'Stgrezam' - St. Gregory™ Hedge Maple Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. Acer circinatum - Vine Maple Heritage Seedlings Acer davidii - David's Maple Heritage Seedlings Acer freemanii 'Autumn Blaze' - Autumn Blaze Maple Bryan Wagoner Tree Farm Deerwood Nursery, LLC. Douglas Thompson & Associates Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. Kenneth E. Bell Trees Lake Tree Growers Lanes Creek Trees Monterey Nursery, Inc. North 40 Nursery, Inc. Old Courthouse Nursery Quaker Meadows Nursery Scottree Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Winfall Nurseries BB BB L BB C BB BB C BB C BB C BB BB C BB BB 45 GAL 2"-4" 15, 20 Gal 2-4" 7, 15, 25 GAL 1.5-4.5" 1.5 - 5" 15, 25 GAL 2.5, 3" 2-4" 336-585-0052 828-606-3625 828-894-2020 800-543-7537 800-487-2555 828-891-3893 336-337-2322 229-762-4888 704-564-3232 800-444-1116 828-433-5044 910-293-9374 828-437-2063 704-471-1000 336-992-2530 336-992-2530 434-332-5701 C BB BB 8-14' #15 7-8', 8-10', 10-12', 12-14', 14-16' 800-543-7537 910-323-8811 828-891-3893 C BB BB 25 GAL 2-3" 5-10' clump, 1.75-3.5" cal 336-992-2530 919-231-6161 540-946-3800 2-4" #15, #25 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5 Acer ginnala - Amur Maple M.S. Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. Acer ginnala 'Flame' - Flame Amur Maple Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. Acer ginnala 'Red November'™ - Red November™ Amur Maple Bold Spring Nursery, LLC BB 2-3" 478-783-4975 BB 1, 2" 2-3', 3-4' Deep Plug (1.9x6.7") 828-884-4330 503-585-9835 Acer griseum - Paperbark Maple Colonial Acres Nursery Heritage Seedlings Acer japonicum 'Green Cascade' - Green Cascade Full Moon Maple Heritage Seedlings 16 C #1 -- 1-2', 2-3' 503-585-9835 Plant Sources - Acer palmatum - Japanese Maple Acer palmatum - Japanese Maple Bryan Wagoner Tree Farm Heritage Seedlings Heritage Seedlings Quaker Meadows Nursery Scottree Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. BB 5-6', 6-8', 8-10' 1/8" Small Plug (1.4x2") 1/8", 3/16", 1/4" Medium Plug (2x2x.3.5") 1.5-2" 7', 1.5 - 2" 5, 7, 10, 15 GAL 336-585-0052 503-585-9835 503-585-9835 828-437-2063 704-471-1000 1-800-762-7062 C C C BB 1-75 GAL #3 5, 7, 15, 25 GAL 2" 919-620-0779 910-323-8811 336-992-2530 336-992-2530 C #3, #7, #10, #25, #45 910-323-8811 BB BB C Acer palmatum (Cultivar) - Japanese Maple Cultivars Architectural Trees Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Acer palmatum atro 'Red Japanese' Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Acer palmatum atropurpureum 'Bloodgood' - Bloodgood Japanese Maple Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Goodson & Associates Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Heritage Seedlings Heritage Seedlings Heritage Seedlings Monterey Nursery, Inc. Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. Scottree Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Stephenson's Nursery, Inc. C C BB-C C C C C BB C C #15 6, 7, 8, 10' 6' and #7, #15, #20 #3, #10 2-3', 3-4' & 4-5' Branched #1 -- 1-2', 2-3', 4-5', 5-6' & 1-2' Branched 1-2', 2-3' Extra Large Plug (4x4x8") 7, 10 GAL #5, #10, #15 6, 7' 5, 7, 15, 25 GAL 10 GAL 800-543-7537 800-947-9568 800-487-2555 910-323-8811 503-585-9835 503-585-9835 503-585-9835 800-444-1116 919-934-0428 704-471-1000 336-992-2530 919-894-2700 Acer palmatum atropurpureum 'Hefner's Red' - Hefner's Red Maple Hefner's Nursery BB 1 3/4", 2" 828-256-5271 #3, #10 910-323-8811 Acer palmatum 'Beni Kawa' - Beni Kawa Japanese Maple Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. C Acer palmatum 'Burgundy Lace' - Burgundy Lace Japanese Maple Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. C #3 910-323-8811 C #1 -- 1-2', 2-3', 3-4' 503-585-9835 C BB C 5, 7 GAL 2" 5, 7, 15, 25 GAL 800-443-6298 336-992-2530 336-992-2530 Acer palmatum 'Butterfly' - Butterfly Japanese Maple Heritage Seedlings Acer palmatum dissectum (Varieties) Gilbert's Nursery Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Acer palmatum dissectum atropurpureum 'Crimson Queen' - Crimson Queen Japanese Maple Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Stephenson's Nursery, Inc. C C C #3, #10 5, 7, 15, 25 GAL 10 GAL 910-323-8811 336-992-2530 919-894-2700 Acer palmatum dissectum atropurpureum 'Everred' - Everred Japanese Maple Scottree BB 3, 4' 704-471-1000 Acer palmatum dissectum atropurpureum 'Inaba Shidare' - Inaba Shidare Japanese Maple Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Heritage Seedlings Heritage Seedlings Heritage Seedlings C C C #20 #3 1-2', 2-3' Extra Large Plug (4x4x8") #1 -- 2-3' & 3-4' High Graft w/ 6-12" Spread 2-3', 3-4' Branched 800-487-2555 910-323-8811 503-585-9835 503-585-9835 503-585-9835 Acer palmatum dissectum atropurpureum 'Red Select' - Red Select Japanese Maple Stephenson's Nursery, Inc. C 10 GAL 919-894-2700 5', 6' #3 478-783-4975 910-323-8811 Acer palmatum dissectum 'Seiryu' - Seiryu Japanese Maple Bold Spring Nursery, LLC Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. BB C Acer palmatum dissectum 'Tamukeyama' - Tamukeyama Japanese Maple Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. C C #3 7 GAL 910-323-8811 540-946-3800 2-3', 3-4' Branched 1-2' High Graft - 18-24", 24-30", 30-36" Spread #1 -- 1-2',2-3' & 1-2' High Graft w/ 12-18" Spread 1-2', 2-3' Extra Large Plug (4x4x8") 503-585-9835 503-585-9835 503-585-9835 503-585-9835 2-3', 3-4', 4-5', 5-6' Branched 3-4', 4-5' #1 -- 1-2', 2-3' 1-2', 2-3' Extra Large Plug (4x4x8") 503-585-9835 503-585-9835 503-585-9835 503-585-9835 Acer palmatum dissectum 'Viridis' - Viridis Japanese Maple Heritage Seedlings Heritage Seedlings Heritage Seedlings Heritage Seedlings C Acer palmatum 'Emperor 1' - Emperor 1 Japanese Maple Heritage Seedlings Heritage Seedlings Heritage Seedlings Heritage Seedlings BR C 17 Acer palmatum 'Fireglow' - Fireglow Japanese Maple - Plant Sources Acer palmatum 'Fireglow' - Fireglow Japanese Maple Scottree BB 5, 6, 7' 704-471-1000 Acer palmatum 'Glowing Embers' - Glowing Embers Japanese Maple Bold Spring Nursery, LLC Heritage Seedlings BB C 5', 6' #1 -- 3-4', 4-5' 478-783-4975 503-585-9835 4-5' Branched 503-585-9835 #7, #15 800-487-2555 Acer palmatum 'Hogyoku' - Hogyoku Japanese Maple Heritage Seedlings Acer palmatum 'Red Dragon' - Red Dragon Japanese Maple Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. C Acer palmatum 'Red Select' - Red Select Laceleaf Japanese Maple Monterey Nursery, Inc. BB 800-444-1116 Acer palmatum 'Sango Kaku' - Sango Kaku Japanese Maple Bold Spring Nursery, LLC Heritage Seedlings Scottree BB BB 5'- 8' 6-12", 1-2', 2-3' Tissue Culture, L Plug (3x3x7") 6, 7' 478-783-4975 503-585-9835 704-471-1000 C #1 -- 2-3', 3-4', 4-5' 503-585-9835 C #1 -- 1-2', 2-3', 3-4' 503-585-9835 Acer palmatum 'Seiryu' - Seiryu Japanese Maple Heritage Seedlings Acer palmatum 'Shaina' - Shaina Japanese Maple Heritage Seedlings Acer palmatum 'Twombly's Red Sentinal' - Twombly's Red Sentinal Japanese Maple Heritage Seedlings Heritage Seedlings C #1 -- 1-2', 2-3', 3-4' 1-2' Extra Large Plug (4x4x8") 503-585-9835 503-585-9835 Acer palmatum var. atropurpureum - Redleaf Japanese Maple Heritage Seedlings Heritage Seedlings Heritage Seedlings BR BR 1-2', 2-3', 3-4' 1-2', 2-3', 3-4', 4-5', 5-6' Transplant 1-2', 2-3', 3-4' Large Plug (3x3x7") 503-585-9835 503-585-9835 503-585-9835 Acer palmatum var. dissectum 'Orangeola' - Orangeola Japanese Maple Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. C #15 910-323-8811 Acer palmatum var. dissectum 'Tamukeyama' - Tamukeyama Japanese Maple Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Heritage Seedlings Heritage Seedlings C BR #3, #15 3-4' 2-3', 3-4' Branched 910-323-8811 503-585-9835 503-585-9835 Acer palmatum var. dissectum 'Viridis' - Green Laceleaf Japanese Maple Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. C #3, #10 910-323-8811 L BB BB 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5" 1.5-4" 828-894-2020 828-891-3893 828-437-2063 1.5, 2, 2.5" 2-4" 1.5-2.5" 828-894-2020 828-891-3893 828-433-5044 828-437-2063 Acer platanoides - Norway Maple Douglas Thompson & Associates Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. Quaker Meadows Nursery Acer platanoides 'Crimson King' - Crimson King Maple Douglas Thompson & Associates Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. North 40 Nursery, Inc. Quaker Meadows Nursery L BB BB BB Acer platanoides 'Deborah' PP#4944 - Deborah Norway Maple Quaker Meadows Nursery BB 1.5-2.5" 828-437-2063 BB C BB 1.5, 2, 2.5" 15 GAL 2-4" 828-891-3893 800-444-1116 828-433-5044 BB-C 2", #10 910-323-8811 BB BB-C BB-C BR 1.5", 1.75", 2", 2.5', 3', 6-8', 8-10' 1.5, 2, 3", 3 GAL 2-4", #10, #15 1-2', 2-3' 4-6", 6-12", 1-2' Medium Plug (2x2x3.5") 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5, to 6" 1.5"- 3" CAL 1.5-4" 336-585-0052 828-884-4330 910-323-8811 503-585-9835 503-585-9835 828-891-3893 910-695-7920 828-437-2063 919-231-6161 2-8" - larger available upon request 800-872-3125 919-231-6161 Acer platanoides 'Royal Red' - Royal Red Norway Maple Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. Monterey Nursery, Inc. North 40 Nursery, Inc. Acer rebrum 'Trident Maple' Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Acer rubrum - Red Maple Bryan Wagoner Tree Farm Colonial Acres Nursery Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Heritage Seedlings Heritage Seedlings Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. Poverty Hill Nursery Quaker Meadows Nursery Taylor's Nursery, Inc. BB BB BB BB Acer rubrum (Cultivars) - Red Maple Rocky Creek Farms Nursery Taylor's Nursery, Inc. BB BB Acer rubrum 'Armstrong' - Armstrong Red Maple Douglas Thompson & Associates Goodson & Associates Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. 18 L BB BB 2, 2.5, 3" 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3" 828-894-2020 800-947-9568 828-891-3893 Plant Sources - Acer rubrum 'Autumn Flame' - Autumn Flame Red Maple North 40 Nursery, Inc. Scottree Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. Winfall Nurseries BB BB BB BB-C 2-3" 2, 2.5, 3.5, 4-4.5" 1.75 - 4" #25, 2-2.5" 828-433-5044 704-471-1000 540-946-3800 434-332-5701 L BB C BB 1.5-3.5" 15 GAL 1 3/4 - 4" 828-894-2020 828-437-2063 1-800-762-7062 540-946-3800 BB 2, 2.5" 910-323-8811 2-4" #7, #15 Acer rubrum 'Autumn Flame' - Autumn Flame Red Maple Douglas Thompson & Associates Quaker Meadows Nursery Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. Acer rubrum 'Bowhall' Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Acer rubrum 'Brandywine' - Brandywine Red Maple Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Kenneth E. Bell Trees Lanes Creek Trees Monterey Nursery, Inc. North 40 Nursery, Inc. Scottree Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. Worthington Farms, Inc. BB C BB BB C BB BB C BB C 2"-4" 20 GAL 2-3" 2-4" 15, 25 GAL 1 3/4 - 4" 25 GAL 800-543-7537 800-487-2555 336-337-2322 704-564-3232 800-444-1116 828-433-5044 704-471-1000 1-800-762-7062 540-946-3800 252-756-3827 BB 2"- 4" 478-783-4975 2", 2.5", 3" 804-794-5016 2-4" 2-5", 15-30 GAL 828-433-5044 252-756-3827 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4" 2" - 3.5" 1.5", 1.75", 2", 2.5", 3" 910-858-3740 478-783-4975 336-585-0052 828-894-2020 800-543-7537 910-323-8811 828-891-3893 336-337-2322 229-762-4888 704-564-3232 803-695-0588 800-444-1116 910-293-9374 704-596-4516 828-437-2063 864-576-0875 704-471-1000 336-992-2530 336-992-2530 919-231-6161 910-762-1975 1-800-762-7062 434-332-5701 434-332-5701 Acer rubrum 'Frank Jr.' - Redpointe Red Maple Bold Spring Nursery, LLC Acer rubrum 'Jamestown' - Jamestown Red Maple Watkins Nurseries, Inc. BB Acer rubrum 'October Glory' - October Glory Red Maple North 40 Nursery, Inc. Worthington Farms, Inc. BB BB-C Acer rubrum 'October Glory'® - October Glory® Red Maple Back Road Farms Bold Spring Nursery, LLC Bryan Wagoner Tree Farm Douglas Thompson & Associates Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. Kenneth E. Bell Trees Lake Tree Growers Lanes Creek Trees Long Branch Farm Monterey Nursery, Inc. Old Courthouse Nursery Patterson's Nursery Quaker Meadows Nursery Roebuck Wholesale Nursery & Landscaping Scottree Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Tinga Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Winfall Nurseries Winfall Nurseries BB BB BB L BB-C BB BB BB C BB BB C C BB BB C BB BB C BB C C BB C 2-4" 2, 3" 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3" 15, 25, 45 GAL 2"-4" 7, 15 GAL 7, 15, 25 GAL 2-2.5", 2.5-3" 1.5-4.5" 15 GAL 2-4.5" 2.5, 3" 15, 25 GAL 25, 45, 100 GAL 15, 20 GAL 2-4" #25 Acer rubrum 'Red Sunset'® - Red Sunset Maple Back Road Farms Bryan Wagoner Tree Farm Douglas Thompson & Associates Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. Kenneth E. Bell Trees Lanes Creek Trees Long Branch Farm Monterey Nursery, Inc. Patterson's Nursery Quaker Meadows Nursery Scottree Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Taylor's Nursery, Inc. BB BB L BB-C C BB-C BB BB BB BB C BB BB BB C BB 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4" 1.5", 1.75", 2", 2.5", 8-10' 2-4" #7, #15, #25 2.5", #15, #25 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4" 2" -3.5" 7, 15 GAL 2-2.5", 2.5-3" 1.5-3.5" 2-4" 15, 25 GAL 910-858-3740 336-585-0052 828-894-2020 800-543-7537 800-487-2555 910-323-8811 828-891-3893 336-337-2322 704-564-3232 803-695-0588 800-444-1116 704-596-4516 828-437-2063 704-471-1000 336-992-2530 919-231-6161 19 Acer rubrum 'Summer Red'® - Summer Red® Maple - Plant Sources Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Watkins Nurseries, Inc. Winfall Nurseries Winfall Nurseries C BB C BB 15, 20 GAL 2", 2.5", 3", 3.5" #25 2-4" 1-800-762-7062 804-794-5016 434-332-5701 434-332-5701 C C BB BB #7, #15, #25 15, 25, 45 GAL 2"-4" 2, 2.5, 3" 800-487-2555 229-762-4888 704-564-3232 704-471-1000 C C BB C C BB C BB BB BB-C #7, #15 15 GAL 2-3" 7, 15, 25 GAL 15 GAL 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5" 15 GAL 2", 2.5" 2-2.5" 2-3", 15-30 GAL 800-487-2555 800-444-1116 828-433-5044 910-293-9374 864-576-0875 704-471-1000 336-992-2530 336-992-2530 434-332-5701 252-756-3827 Acer rubrum 'Summer Red'® - Summer Red® Maple Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Lake Tree Growers Lanes Creek Trees Scottree Acer rubrum 'Sun Valley' - Sun Valley Red Maple Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Monterey Nursery, Inc. North 40 Nursery, Inc. Old Courthouse Nursery Roebuck Wholesale Nursery & Landscaping Scottree Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Winfall Nurseries Worthington Farms, Inc. Acer rubrum 'Trident' - Trident Maple Long Branch Farm BB 803-695-0588 BB BB 336-337-2322 803-695-0588 Acer saccharinum - Silver Maple Kenneth E. Bell Trees Long Branch Farm Acer saccharinum 'Green Mountain' - Green Mountain Sugar Maple Goodson & Associates Lanes Creek Trees Winfall Nurseries BB BB BB 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5" 2-3" 2-3.5" 800-947-9568 704-564-3232 434-332-5701 BB BB 2-3" 2-5" 478-783-4975 800-543-7537 BB-C BR BB 1.5", #15, #25 3/16", 1/4", 3/8" 2-8" - larger available upon request 910-323-8811 503-585-9835 800-872-3125 BB 2"- 3" 478-783-4975 Acer saccharinum 'Legacy' - Legacy Sugar Maple Bold Spring Nursery, LLC Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Acer saccharum - Sugar Maple Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Heritage Seedlings Rocky Creek Farms Nursery Acer saccharum 'ASTIS' - Steeple Sugar Maple Bold Spring Nursery, LLC Acer saccharum 'Autumn Splendor' - Autumn Splendor Sugar Maple Bold Spring Nursery, LLC BB 2" -3" 478-783-4975 Acer saccharum 'Commemoration' - Commemoration Sugar Maple Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. BB 1.75"- 4" 540-946-3800 Acer saccharum 'Green Mountain' - Green Mountain Sugar Maple Douglas Thompson & Associates Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. Quaker Meadows Nursery Scottree Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. L BB BB BB BB BB 2-5" 1.5, 2, 2.5" 1.5-3" 2-3" 1.75-3" 828-894-2020 800-543-7537 828-891-3893 828-437-2063 704-471-1000 540-946-3800 L BB BB C BB 2, 2.5" 1.5-2.5" 15 GAL 2-3.5" 828-894-2020 828-891-3893 828-437-2063 864-576-0875 434-332-5701 Acer saccharum 'Legacy' - Legacy Sugar Maple Douglas Thompson & Associates Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. Quaker Meadows Nursery Roebuck Wholesale Nursery & Landscaping Winfall Nurseries Acer saccharum 'Sandersville' PP# 19807 - Harvest Moon Sugar Maple Bold Spring Nursery, LLC BB 2"- 3" 478-783-4975 Medium Plug (2x2x3.5") 503-585-9835 Acer truncatum - Purple Blow Maple Heritage Seedlings Acer truncatum x plantanoides 'Norwegian Sunset' - Norwegian Sunset Maple Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. BB 1 1/4 - 4 1/2" 540-946-3800 Acer x freemanii - Freeman Maple Long Branch Farm BB 803-695-0588 Acer x freemanii 'Armstrong' - Armstrong Freeman Maple Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Quaker Meadows Nursery BB BB 2-4" 1.5-3" 800-543-7537 828-437-2063 2-4" 1.5", #15, #25 800-543-7537 910-323-8811 Acer x freemanii 'Autumn Blaze' - Autumn Blaze Maple Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. 20 BB BB-C Plant Sources - Acorus americanus - Sweet Flag Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. BB 1 3/4 - 6" 540-946-3800 Acorus americanus - Sweet Flag Coastal Plain Conservation Nursery, Inc. C 252-482-5707 Acorus gramineus 'Oborozuki' - Oborozuki Sweet Flag Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. C #2 910-323-8811 #2 910-323-8811 2" 828-433-5044 BB 2" 828-433-5044 BR 1-2', 3-4' 503-585-9835 BR 1/4, 3/8" 503-585-9835 C BR 7 GAL 6-12" 828-884-4330 503-585-9835 C BR #7, #15 6-12", 1-2', 2-3' 910-323-8811 503-585-9835 1-2' 503-585-9835 BR 1-2', 2-3', 3-4' 503-585-9835 BB 1.5-2.5" 704-471-1000 Medium Plug (2x2x3.5") & Large Plug (3x3x7") 503-585-9835 Large Plug (3x3x7") 503-585-9835 3 GAL 919-772-7255 2.5, 4" 919-732-6594 #1 910-323-8811 C #5 910-323-8811 C C #15 15 GAL 910-323-8811 1-800-762-7062 Acorus gramineus 'Ogon' - Golden Variegated Sweet Flag Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. C Aesculus carnea 'Briotti' - Briotti Red Horsechestnut North 40 Nursery, Inc. BB Aesculus carnea 'Ft. McNair' - Ft. McNair Horsechestnut North 40 Nursery, Inc. Aesculus glabra - Ohio Buckeye Heritage Seedlings Aesculus hippocastanum - Horsechestnut Heritage Seedlings Aesculus parviflora - Bottlebrush Buckeye Colonial Acres Nursery Heritage Seedlings Aesculus pavia - Red Buckeye Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Heritage Seedlings Aesculus x 'Autumn Splendor' - Autumn Splendor Buckeye Heritage Seedlings BR Aesculus x carnea 'Briotii' - Briotii Horsechestnut Heritage Seedlings Aesculus x carnea 'Briotii' Buckeye Scottree Agapanthus 'Storm Cloud' - Storm Cloud Lily of the Nile Heritage Seedlings Agapanthus x 'Elaine' - Elaine Lily of the Nile Heritage Seedlings Agave americana - Century Plant Pender Nursery, Inc. C Ajuga (Varieties) Plantworks Nursery, Inc. Ajuga reptans - Bugle Weed Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. C Akebia quinata 'Shirobana' - Shirobana Fiveleaf Akebia Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Albizia julibrissin - Mimosa Tree Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Alisma subcordatum - Water Plantain Coastal Plain Conservation Nursery, Inc. C 252-482-5707 Alnus serrulata - Hazel Alder Coastal Plain Conservation Nursery, Inc. Cure Nursery C C (from local seed) 252-482-5707 919-542-6186 C 3 GAL 828-884-4330 5-8' 828-606-3625 Amelanchier arborea - Downy Serviceberry Colonial Acres Nursery Amelanchier canadensis - Shadblow Serviceberry Deerwood Nursery, LLC. BB Amelanchier grandiflora 'Autumn Brilliance' - Autumn Brillance Serviceberry Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Goodson & Associates Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Hefner's Nursery Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. Monterey Nursery, Inc. Quaker Meadows Nursery Roebuck Wholesale Nursery & Landscaping Scottree Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. Winfall Nurseries BB BB C C BB C BB C BB C C BB C 8-12' 6-8, 8-10, 10-12' #15 10, 20 GAL 6-7', 7-8', 8-10' 15 GAL 6-8', 8-10', 10-12', 12-14', 14-16' 15 GAL 6, 7, 8, 9' 15 GAL 15 GAL 4-10' #25 800-543-7537 800-947-9568 800-487-2555 828-256-5271 828-891-3893 800-444-1116 828-437-2063 864-576-0875 704-471-1000 336-992-2530 1-800-762-7062 540-946-3800 434-332-5701 C #15 910-323-8811 Amelanchier laevis - Allegheny Serviceberry Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. 21 Amelanchier lamarckii 'Lamarckii Serviceberry' - Lamarckii Serviceberry - Plant Sources Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. BB 6-7', 7-8', 8-10' 828-891-3893 Amelanchier lamarckii 'Lamarckii Serviceberry' - Lamarckii Serviceberry Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. BB 5-6', 6-7', 7-8', 8-10' 828-891-3893 Amelanchier x grandiflora 'Autumn Brilliance' - Autumn Brillance Serviceberry Heritage Seedlings Worthington Farms, Inc. Large Plug (3x3x7") 6-10', 15 GAL 503-585-9835 252-756-3827 C 15 GAL 1-800-762-7062 C BB #15 1.5-2.5" 910-323-8811 828-437-2063 C 1 Gal 828-894-2020 4" 828-894-2020 919-732-6594 BB-C Amelanshies 'Rainbow Pillar' - Rainbow Pillar Amelanchies Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Amerlancider arborea 'Autumn Brilliance' Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Quaker Meadows Nursery Andropogon virginicus - Broomsedge Douglas Thompson & Associates Annuals (Assorted) Douglas Thompson & Associates Plantworks Nursery, Inc. Aquatic Plants (Assorted) Star Ridge Aquatics, LLC 910-947-5333 Aquatic Plants (Native) American Native Plants L-C 410-529-0552 Arborvitae 'Thuja x ' Green Giant' Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. BB-C 4-10' 800-543-7537 C #1, #3 910-323-8811 C 3 GAL 828-884-4330 Ardisia japonica - Japanese Ardisia Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Aronia - Chokeberry Colonial Acres Nursery Aronia arbutifolia - Red Chokeberry Coastal Plain Conservation Nursery, Inc. Cure Nursery C C 252-482-5707 919-542-6186 Aronia arbutifolia 'Brilliantissima' - Red Chokeberry Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Sampson Nursery Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. C C C #3 3 GAL 3 GAL 910-323-8811 800-567-2909 540-946-3800 Aronia melanocarpa 'Iroquois Beauty' - Iroquois Beauty Chokeberry Heritage Seedlings 12-18" Spread 503-585-9835 Asclepias incarnata - Swamp Milkweed Coastal Plain Conservation Nursery, Inc. C 252-482-5707 Asminia triloba - Paw Paw Full of Life Farms C 4 GAL Tree, 5 GAL 919-742-2897 C 3 GAL 910-762-1975 C #2 910-323-8811 C #2 910-323-8811 C #2 910-323-8811 C #2 910-323-8811 C 3 GAL 919-934-7764 C C #3 3 GAL 910-323-8811 336-992-2530 L C C C C C C C C C 2 QT #3 3, 7 GAL 3 GAL 1 GAL 3, 7 GAL 3, 5 GAL 3 GAL 919-528-4147 910-323-8811 336-625-6660 800-444-1116 919-552-5869 336-992-2530 919-894-2700 919-934-7764 919-231-6161 1-800-762-7062 Aspidistra elatior - Cast Iron Plant Tinga Nursery, Inc. Astilbe arendsii 'Fanal' - False Goatsbeard Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Astilbe japonica 'Deutschland' Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Astilbe japonica 'Rheinland' Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Athyrium nipponicum 'Pictum' - Japanese Painted Fern Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Aucuba japonica - Aucuba Swift Creek Nursery Aucuba japonica (Cultivars) - Green Aucuba Cultivars Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Aucuba japonica 'Gold Dust' - Gold Dust Aucuba Cedarview Farm Nursery Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Hickory Hill Nursery Monterey Nursery, Inc. Powell's Nursery, LLC Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Stephenson's Nursery, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. 3 GAL Aucuba japonica 'Hosoba Hoshifu' - Hosoba Hoshifu Aucuba Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. 22 C #3 800-487-2555 Plant Sources - Aucuba japonica 'Nana Green' - Dwarf Green Aucuba Aucuba japonica 'Nana Green' - Dwarf Green Aucuba Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C 3 GAL 1-800-762-7062 C #3 910-323-8811 Aucuba japonica 'Picturata' - New Gold Aucuba Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Aucuba japonica 'Variegata Nana' - Dwarf Gold Dust Variegated Aucuba Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. C #3 910-323-8811 Azalea (Native) American Native Plants C 410-529-0552 Azalea 'Fashion' Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. C C #3, #7 #3, 5 910-323-8811 919-934-0428 C C #3, #7 #3, #5 910-323-8811 919-934-0428 C C #3, #7 #3, #5 910-323-8811 919-934-0428 C #3, #7 910-323-8811 C C C #3 #3 #3 800-543-7537 910-323-8811 919-934-0428 C C C #3 #3 #3 800-543-7537 910-323-8811 919-934-0428 C #3 800-543-7537 C #3, #7 910-323-8811 C #3, #7 910-323-8811 L 2 QT 919-528-4147 Azalea 'Formosa' Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. Azalea 'Geo Tabor' Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. Azalea 'GG Gerbing' Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Azalea 'Gumpo Pink' Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. Azalea 'Gumpo White' Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. Azalea 'Hinco-C' Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Azalea 'Hinco-Crimson' Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Azalea mixed variety Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Azaleas Cedarview Farm Nursery Baccharis halimifolia - Groundsel Tree Coastal Plain Conservation Nursery, Inc. C 252-482-5707 Bambusa glaucescens 'Fernleaf' - Fernleaf Bamboo Tinga Nursery, Inc. C 3 GAL 910-762-1975 C 3 GAL 828-884-4330 Baptisia australis - Blue Wild Indigo Colonial Acres Nursery Bedding Plants (Species & Cultivars) Douglas Thompson & Associates 828-894-2020 Begonia grandis 'Heron's Pirouette' - Heron's Pirouette Hardy Begonia Heritage Seedlings Medium Plug (2x2x3.5") 503-585-9835 Berberis gladwynensis 'William Penn' - William Penn Barberry Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Monterey Nursery, Inc. Sampson Nursery Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. C C C C #3 3 GAL 3, 5 GAL 3 GAL 910-323-8811 800-444-1116 800-567-2909 540-946-3800 #3 30", 36", 42" 3, 7 GAL 910-323-8811 804-794-5016 540-946-3800 2 QT 919-528-4147 Berberis julianae - Julianne Wintergreen Barberry Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Watkins Nurseries, Inc. Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. C BB C Berberis thunbergii atropurpurea - Red Japanese Barberry Cedarview Farm Nursery L Berberis thunbergii atropurpurea 'Crimson Pygmy' - Crimson Pygmy Barberry Byron Lakeview Nursery LLC Cedarview Farm Nursery Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Hickory Hill Nursery Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. Old Courthouse Nursery Powell's Nursery, LLC Sampson Nursery L L C C C C C C C C 2 QT #3 #3, #7 #3 3 GAL #3 1, 3 GAL 1 GAL 3,5 GAL 800-717-2362 919-528-4147 800-543-7537 800-487-2555 910-323-8811 336-625-6660 919-934-0428 910-293-9374 919-552-5869 800-567-2909 23 Berberis thunbergii atropurpurea 'Rose Glow' - Plant Sources Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Turkey Foot Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C C C C C 3 GAL 3 GAL 3 GAL 2, 3 GAL 336-992-2530 919-934-7764 919-231-6161 336-492-5200 1-800-762-7062 C C #3 3 GAL 919-934-0428 336-492-5200 Berberis thunbergii atropurpurea 'Rose Glow' Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. Turkey Foot Nursery, Inc. Berberis thunbergii atropurpurea 'Rosy Glow' - Rosy Glow Barberry Byron Lakeview Nursery LLC Cedarview Farm Nursery Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Hefner's Nursery Hickory Hill Nursery Monterey Nursery, Inc. Sampson Nursery Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. L L C C C C C C C 2 QT #3 3 GAL 3 GAL 3 GAL 3 GAL 3 GAL 3 GAL 800-717-2362 919-528-4147 910-323-8811 828-256-5271 336-625-6660 800-444-1116 800-567-2909 336-992-2530 1-800-762-7062 Berberis thunbergii atropurpurea 'Royal Burgandy' PP#09461 - Royal Burgandy Barberry Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Sampson Nursery C C #2, #3, #7 3 GAL 800-487-2555 800-567-2909 2 QT #3 3 GAL 3 GAL 800-717-2362 919-528-4147 800-487-2555 800-567-2909 1-800-762-7062 3 GAL 800-444-1116 #3 3 GAL 919-934-0428 919-934-7764 3 GAL 3 GAL 336-625-6660 336-492-5200 Berberis thunbergii 'Aurea' - Aurea Golden Barberry Byron Lakeview Nursery LLC Cedarview Farm Nursery Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Sampson Nursery Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. L L C C C Berberis thunbergii 'Bagatelle' - Bagatelle Barberry Monterey Nursery, Inc. C Berberis thunbergii 'Bonanza Gold' - Bonanza Gold Barberry Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery C C Berberis thunbergii 'Concorde' - Concorde Barberry Hickory Hill Nursery Turkey Foot Nursery, Inc. C C Berberis thunbergii 'Crimson Pigmy' - Crimson Pygmy Japanese Barberry Colonial Acres Nursery Monterey Nursery, Inc. C C 2 GAL 3 GAL 828-884-4330 800-444-1116 C #3 800-487-2555 C #3 800-487-2555 C #3 800-487-2555 C #3 800-487-2555 C 3 GAL 540-946-3800 BB C BB C 8-20' #15 6-8', 8-10' 15, 25, 45 GAL 800-543-7537 910-323-8811 828-437-2063 910-762-1975 BB 10' -18' 478-783-4975 BB BB C BB C 8' -16' 6-8', 8-10', 10-12', 12-14', 14-16' 5 GAL 10' #15 2-3' Transplant & Small Plug (1.4x2") 8'-16' 7, 15 GAL 8-14" 6-8', 8-10', 12-14', 14-16' 2, 2.5" 15 GAL 12-18', 15-25 GAL 478-783-4975 336-585-0052 828-884-4330 828-606-3625 910-323-8811 503-585-9835 704-564-3232 800-444-1116 828-433-5044 828-437-2063 336-992-2530 1-800-762-7062 252-756-3827 Berberis thunbergii 'Lime Glow' Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Berberis thunbergii 'Rose Glow' Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Berberis thunbergii Sunjoy™ 'Gold Beret' Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Berberis thunbergii Sunjoy™ 'Gold Pillar' Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Berberis verruculosa - Warty Barberry Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. Betula nigra - River Birch Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Quaker Meadows Nursery Tinga Nursery, Inc. Betula nigra 'Cully' - Multi Stem/Single Stem Bold Spring Nursery, LLC Betula nigra 'Dura-Heat' - Dura Heat River Birch Bold Spring Nursery, LLC Bryan Wagoner Tree Farm Colonial Acres Nursery Deerwood Nursery, LLC. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Heritage Seedlings Lanes Creek Trees Monterey Nursery, Inc. North 40 Nursery, Inc. Quaker Meadows Nursery Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Worthington Farms, Inc. 24 BB C BB BB BB C BB-C Plant Sources - Betula nigra 'Dura-Heat' multi stem - Dura-Heat Birch - Mutli Stem Betula nigra 'Dura-Heat' multi stem - Dura-Heat Birch - Mutli Stem Back Road Farms Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Lake Tree Growers Scottree Spivey's Nursery, Inc. BB C C BB C 8-10, 10-12, 12-14" #7, #15, #25 15, 25, 45 GAL 10, 12, 14, 16' 7, 15, 25 GAL 910-858-3740 800-487-2555 229-762-4888 704-471-1000 336-992-2530 Betula nigra 'Dura-Heat' single stem - Dura-Heat Birch - Single Stem Patterson's Nursery Scottree BB BB 2.5" 10,12,14" 704-596-4516 704-471-1000 BB BB C 8-10, 10-12, 12-14" 6-8', 8-10', 10-12', 12-14', 14-16' #15 Small Plug (1.4x2") 15 GAL 6', 8', 10' 12-16', 15-25 GAL 910-858-3740 336-585-0052 910-323-8811 503-585-9835 336-337-2322 800-444-1116 828-433-5044 828-437-2063 919-231-6161 1-800-762-7062 540-946-3800 252-756-3827 C 2, 5 GAL 828-884-4330 BB 8-10', 10-12' 828-891-3893 Betula nigra 'Heritage'® - Heritage River Birch Back Road Farms Bryan Wagoner Tree Farm Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Heritage Seedlings Kenneth E. Bell Trees Monterey Nursery, Inc. North 40 Nursery, Inc. Quaker Meadows Nursery Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. Worthington Farms, Inc. BB C BB BB BB C BB BB-C 15 GAL 8-14" 6-8', 8-10', 10-12' Betula nigra 'Little King' - Little King River Birch Colonial Acres Nursery Betula nigra 'Select' - Select River Birch Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. Betula nigra 'Summer Cascade' PPAF - Summer Cascade Weeping Birch PPAF Back Road Farms Bold Spring Nursery, LLC Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. BB BB C 1, 2, 3, 4" 2" - 3" #10, #15 910-858-3740 478-783-4975 800-487-2555 Betula papyrifera x Renaissance Reflection - Renaissance Relfection Paper Birch Heritage Seedlings BR 1-2', 2-3', 3-4' Transplant 503-585-9835 Betula platyphylla 'Whitespire' - Whitespire Asian White Birch Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. BB 10-12', 12-14', 14-16' 828-891-3893 15 GAL 1-800-762-7062 1-2', 2-3' Large Plug (3x3x7") 503-585-9835 Betula utilis jacquemontii - Whitebarked Himlayan Birch Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C Betula x Royal Frost - Royal Frost Birch Heritage Seedlings Bignonia capreolata 'Tangerine Beauty' - Tangerine Beauty Crossvine Taylor's Nursery, Inc. C 919-231-6161 Buddelia x Miss Ruby - Miss Ruby Butterfly Bush Monterey Nursery, Inc. C 3 GAL 800-444-1116 Buddlea x Lo & Behold™ Blue Chip - Lo & Behold™ Blue Chip Butterfly Bush Currins Nursery, Inc. Monterey Nursery, Inc. C C 2 GAL 3 GAL 919-552-4521 800-444-1116 C 3 GAL 919-772-7255 C C 3 GAL 5 GAL 919-894-2700 1-800-762-7062 #3 800-487-2555 2 QT #3 #3 3 GAL 3 GAL 919-528-4147 800-487-2555 910-323-8811 800-444-1116 910-762-1975 Buddleia 'Blue Chip' PPAF - Blue Chip Butterfly Bush Pender Nursery, Inc. Buddleia davidii (Cultivars) - Butterfly Bush Stephenson's Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Buddleia davidii 'Bi-Color' - Bi-Color Butterfly Bush Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. C Buddleia davidii 'Black Knight' - Black Knight Butterfly Bush Cedarview Farm Nursery Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Monterey Nursery, Inc. Tinga Nursery, Inc. L C C C C Buddleia davidii 'Blue Chip' - Lo & Behold 'Blue Chip' Butterfly Bush Old Courthouse Nursery C 2 GAL 910-293-9374 Buddleia davidii 'Ellen's Blue' - Ellen's Blue Butterfly Bush Taylor's Nursery, Inc. C 919-231-6161 Buddleia davidii 'Empire Blue' - Empire Blue Butterfly Bush Cedarview Farm Nursery L 2 QT 919-528-4147 2 QT 919-528-4147 919-231-6161 Buddleia davidii 'Honeycomb' - Honeycomb Butterfly Bush Cedarview Farm Nursery Taylor's Nursery, Inc. L C 25 Buddleia davidii 'Nanho Blue' - Nanho Blue Butterfly Bush - Plant Sources Buddleia davidii 'Nanho Blue' - Nanho Blue Butterfly Bush Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. C #3 910-323-8811 #3 3 GAL 3 GAL 910-323-8811 800-444-1116 910-762-1975 2 QT #3 919-528-4147 910-323-8811 Buddleia davidii 'Pink Delight' - Pink Delight Butterfly Bush Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Monterey Nursery, Inc. Tinga Nursery, Inc. C C C Buddleia davidii 'Royal Red' - Royal Red Butterfly Bush Cedarview Farm Nursery Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. L C Buddleia davidii 'White Profusion' - White Profusion Butterfly Bush Cedarview Farm Nursery Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. L C 2 QT #3 919-528-4147 919-934-0428 C 3 GAL 919-772-7255 C C 1, 3, 7, 15 GAL 7, 15, 30 GAL 252-637-6858 910-762-1975 C 5 GAL 828-884-4330 C 3 GAL 1-800-762-7062 BB 15-18", 18-24", 24-30" 336-585-0052 BB C C BB C 18-24", 24-30", 30-36" 3 GAL #3, #5 30-36" 3, 7 GAL 336-585-0052 828-256-5271 919-934-0428 828-433-5044 540-946-3800 BB BB C C C C 18-24", 24-30" 24-30, 30-36, 36-42, 42-48, 48-54" 3, 5 GAL 3 GAL #3 3 GAL 336-585-0052 800-947-9568 828-256-5271 800-444-1116 919-934-0428 540-946-3800 Buddleia 'Miss Ruby' PPAF - Miss Ruby Butterfly Bush Pender Nursery, Inc. Butia capitata - Pindo Palm Gary's Nursery, LLC Tinga Nursery, Inc. Buxus (Species & Cultivars) - Boxwood Colonial Acres Nursery Buxus 'Chicagoland Green' - Chicagoland Green Boxwood Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Buxus 'Green Gem' - Green Gem Boxwood Bryan Wagoner Tree Farm Buxus 'Green Mountain' - Green Mountain Boxwood Bryan Wagoner Tree Farm Hefner's Nursery Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. North 40 Nursery, Inc. Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. Buxus 'Green Velvet' - Green Velvet Boxwood Bryan Wagoner Tree Farm Goodson & Associates Hefner's Nursery Monterey Nursery, Inc. Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. Buxus microphylla japonica 'Green Beauty' - Green Beauty Japanese Boxwood Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. C 3 GAL 540-946-3800 Buxus microphylla koreana 'Winter Gem' - Winter Gem Boxwood Bryan Wagoner Tree Farm Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Monterey Nursery, Inc. North 40 Nursery, Inc. BB C C BB 18-24", 24-30", 30-36", 36-42" #3 3 GAL 24"-up 336-585-0052 910-323-8811 800-444-1116 828-433-5044 Buxus microphylla koreana 'Wintergreen' - Wintergreen Boxwood Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Monterey Nursery, Inc. Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. Old Courthouse Nursery Sampson Nursery Tinga Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C C C C C C C #3, #7 3 GAL #3 1, 3 GAL 3,5 GAL 3, 5 GAL 3 GAL 910-323-8811 800-444-1116 919-934-0428 910-293-9374 800-567-2909 910-762-1975 1-800-762-7062 Buxus microphylla vorerua 'Winter Gem' - Winter Gem Boxwood Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. Sampson Nursery C C #3 3,5 GAL 919-934-0428 800-567-2909 BB 18-24", 24-30", 30-36" 828-437-2063 BB BB 18"-48" 24-44" 800-851-2345 828-433-5044 Buxus micropphylia 'Green Beauty' Quaker Meadows Nursery Buxus sempervirens - Common Boxwood Laurel Springs Trees North 40 Nursery, Inc. Buxus sempervirens (Cultivars) - Common Boxwood Cultivars Architectural Trees C 2-20 GAL 919-620-0779 18-24", 24-30", 30-36", 36-42" 4'x4', 5 GAL 2-3' 15-18, 18-24, 24-30, 30-36, 36-42" #3, #7, #10 3,5 GAL 336-585-0052 919-742-2897 800-543-7537 800-947-9568 910-323-8811 800-567-2909 Buxus sempervirens 'American' - American Boxwood Bryan Wagoner Tree Farm Full of Life Farms Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Goodson & Associates Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Sampson Nursery 26 BB BB-C BB BB C C Plant Sources - Buxus sempervirens 'Golden Dream' - Golden Dream Boxwood Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. C 3, 7 GAL 540-946-3800 Buxus sempervirens 'Golden Dream' - Golden Dream Boxwood Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. C #2 800-487-2555 Buxus sempervirens 'Graham Blandy' - Graham Blandy Boxwood Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Laurel Springs Trees C BB #3, 7 910-323-8811 800-851-2345 Buxus sempervirens 'Green Beauty' - Green Beauty Boxwood Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. C #3 800-487-2555 Buxus sempervirens 'North Star™' PP 15998 - North Star™' PP 15998 Boxwood Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. C #2, #3 800-487-2555 3-4' 704-596-4516 #2, #3, #7, #10 24"-30" 3 GAL 3, 7 GAL 800-487-2555 800-851-2345 1-800-762-7062 540-946-3800 C #3 800-487-2555 C #5 910-323-8811 C C C #3 3 GAL 252-482-5707 910-323-8811 919-894-2700 C 3 GAL 540-946-3800 C C C #3 3 GAL 910-323-8811 800-444-1116 919-231-6161 C 3 GAL 910-762-1975 BR 4-6", 6-12", 1-2' 503-585-9835 C C BR 3 GAL #3 6-12", 1-2', 2-3' 828-884-4330 910-323-8811 503-585-9835 3 GAL 919-772-7255 Buxus sempervirens 'Pyramidalis' - Pyramidalis Boxwood Patterson's Nursery BB Buxus sempervirens 'Suffruticosa' - Old English Boxwood Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Laurel Springs Trees Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. C BB C C Buxus sempervirens 'Variegata' - Variegata Boxwood Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Cactus optuia 'Beavertail' - Beavertail Cactus Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Callicarpa americana - American Beautyberry Coastal Plain Conservation Nursery, Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Stephenson's Nursery, Inc. Callicarpa bodineri 'Profusion' Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. Callicarpa dichotoma 'Issai' - Issai Beautyberry Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Monterey Nursery, Inc. Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Callistemon rigidus - Bottlebrush Tinga Nursery, Inc. Calycanthus chinensis - Chinese Sweetshrub Heritage Seedlings Calycanthus floridus - Sweetshrub Colonial Acres Nursery Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Heritage Seedlings Calycanthus floridus 'Athens' - Sweetshrub/Allspice Pender Nursery, Inc. C Camellia hybrid 'Autumn Pink Icicle' - Autumn Pink Icicle Camellia Hybrid Monterey Nursery, Inc. C 3 GAL 800-444-1116 Camellia hybrid 'Winter's Star' - Winter's Star Camellia Hybrid Monterey Nursery, Inc. C 3, 7 GAL 800-444-1116 Camellia japonica (Cultivars) - Spring Blooming Camellia Cultivars Cam Too Camellia Nursery, Inc. Cam Too Camellia Nursery, Inc. Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Hickory Hill Nursery Sampson Nursery Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Tinga Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Watson's Nursery C L C C C C C C C C C 3,7 GAL 3, 7 GAL 3, 5 GAL 800-758-8121 800-758-8121 800-543-7537 800-487-2555 336-625-6660 800-567-2909 336-992-2530 919-231-6161 910-762-1975 1-800-762-7062 919-776-3590 3 GAL 800-444-1116 #5 910-323-8811 #5, #10 3, 5 GAL 910-323-8811 919-934-7764 #5 #3, #7 3, 7, 15 GAL 3,5,10,25 GAL 3, 7, 15 GAL Camellia japonica 'Ack-Scent' - Ack-Scent Camellia Monterey Nursery, Inc. C Camellia japonica 'Blood of China' - Blood of China Camellia Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. C Camellia japonica 'Debutante' - Debutante Camellia Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery C C Camellia japonica 'Greensboro Red' - Greensboro Red Camellia Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Hickory Hill Nursery Swift Creek Nursery C C C #3, #7 7, 15 GAL 3, 5 GAL 800-487-2555 336-625-6660 919-934-7764 27 Camellia japonica 'Kramer's Supreme' - Kramer's Supreme Camellia - Plant Sources Camellia japonica 'Kramer's Supreme' - Kramer's Supreme Camellia Monterey Nursery, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery C C 3 GAL 3 GAL 800-444-1116 919-934-7764 #3 910-323-8811 #3, #7 800-487-2555 4-6' 864-680-6309 Camellia japonica 'Lady Clare' - Lady Clare Camellia Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. C Camellia japonica 'Margie White' - Margie White Camellia Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. C Camellia japonica 'Mathotiana' - Mathotiana Camellia Goodman's Nursery & BG&G Growers BB Camellia japonica 'Mathotiana Rubra' - Mathotiana Rubra Camillia Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. C #5 GAL 800-487-2555 #3, #7 800-487-2555 #3 800-487-2555 7, 15 GAL 336-625-6660 #5 910-323-8811 Camellia japonica 'Nuccio's Jewel' - Nuccio's Jewel Camellia Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. C Camellia japonica 'Nuccio's Pearl' - Nuccio's Pearl Camellia Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. C Camellia japonica 'Pink Icicle' - Pink Icicle Camellia Hickory Hill Nursery C Camellia japonica 'Pink Perfection' - Pink Perfection Camillia Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. C Camellia japonica 'Professor Sargents' - Professor Sargent's Red Camellia Goodman's Nursery & BG&G Growers Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Monterey Nursery, Inc. Old Courthouse Nursery BB C C C C 4-6' #5 GAL #5 3, 7 GAL 1 GAL 864-680-6309 800-487-2555 910-323-8811 800-444-1116 910-293-9374 BB 4-6' 864-680-6309 3 GAL 919-934-7764 Camellia japonica 'Seafoam' Goodman's Nursery & BG&G Growers Camellia japonica 'Spellbound' - Spellbound Camellia Swift Creek Nursery C Camellia japonica 'White By the Gate' - White by the Gate Camellia Monterey Nursery, Inc. C 3, 7 GAL 800-444-1116 Camellia oleifera hybrids Cam Too Camellia Nursery, Inc. Cam Too Camellia Nursery, Inc. L C 800-758-8121 800-758-8121 Camellia oleifera 'Winter Star' - Winter Star Camellia Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. C #3, #7 910-323-8811 Camellia sasanqua (Cultivars) - Fall Blooming Camellia Cultivars Cam Too Camellia Nursery, Inc. Cam Too Camellia Nursery, Inc. Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Hickory Hill Nursery Sampson Nursery Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Tinga Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Watson's Nursery L C C C C C C C C C C #5 #3, #7, #7 Trellis 3, 7, 15 GAL 3,5,10,25 GAL 3, 7, 15 GAL 3, 7 GAL 3, 7 GAL 3, 5 GAL 800-758-8121 800-758-8121 800-543-7537 800-487-2555 336-625-6660 800-567-2909 336-992-2530 919-231-6161 910-762-1975 1-800-762-7062 919-776-3590 Camellia sasanqua 'Alabama Beauty' - Alabama Beauty Camellia Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. C #3, #7, #7 Trellis 800-487-2555 Camellia sasanqua 'Brandy's Temper'' - Brandy's Temper Camellia Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. C #3 800-487-2555 4-6' #3 7 GAL 3 GAL 864-680-6309 910-323-8811 919-894-2700 919-934-7764 #3 3, 7 GAL 800-487-2555 800-444-1116 BB C C 4-6' #3 #3 864-680-6309 800-487-2555 910-323-8811 C C C #3, #7 7, 15 GAL 7 GAL 800-487-2555 336-625-6660 800-444-1116 Camellia sasanqua 'Cleopatra' - Cleopatra Camellia Goodman's Nursery & BG&G Growers Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Stephenson's Nursery, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery BB C C C Camellia sasanqua 'Hana Jiman' - Hana Jiman Camellia Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Monterey Nursery, Inc. C C Camellia sasanqua 'Jean May' - Jean May Pink Camellia Goodman's Nursery & BG&G Growers Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Camellia sasanqua 'Kanjiro' - Kanjiro Camellia Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Hickory Hill Nursery Monterey Nursery, Inc. 28 Plant Sources - Camellia sasanqua 'Mine-o-Yuki' - White Camellia Sasanqua Old Courthouse Nursery Swift Creek Nursery C C 1 GAL 3, 5, 15 GAL 910-293-9374 919-934-7764 #3 800-487-2555 3, 7 GAL 919-552-4521 #10 910-323-8811 #3, #7, #7 Trellis 3, 7 GAL 5 Gal 7 GAL 3 GAL 800-487-2555 800-444-1116 864-576-0875 919-894-2700 919-934-7764 7 GAL 336-625-6660 Camellia sasanqua 'Mine-o-Yuki' - White Camellia Sasanqua Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. C Camellia sasanqua 'Pink Butterfly' - Pink Butterfly Camellia Currins Nursery, Inc. C Camellia sasanqua 'Pink Snow' - Pink Snow Camellia Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. C Camellia sasanqua 'Setsugekka' - Setsugekka Camellia Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Monterey Nursery, Inc. Roebuck Wholesale Nursery & Landscaping Stephenson's Nursery, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery C C C C C Camellia sasanqua 'Snow Flurry' - Snow Flurry Camellia Hickory Hill Nursery C Camellia sasanqua 'Sparkling Burgandy' - Sparkling Burgandy Camellia Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery C C #7 Trellis 3 GAL 800-487-2555 919-934-7764 Camellia sasanqua 'Stephanie's Golden' - Stephanie's Golden Camellia Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. C #3, #7 800-487-2555 BB 4-6' 864-680-6309 BB C C C C 4-6' 7, 15 GAL #7 5 GAL 3 GAL 864-680-6309 336-625-6660 919-934-0428 864-576-0875 919-934-7764 C C C #3, #5, #7, #10 #10 3 GAL 800-487-2555 910-323-8811 800-444-1116 Camellia sasanqua 'Winter's Snowman' Goodman's Nursery & BG&G Growers Camellia sasanqua 'Winter's Star' - Ackerman Hybrids Goodman's Nursery & BG&G Growers Hickory Hill Nursery Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. Roebuck Wholesale Nursery & Landscaping Swift Creek Nursery Camellia sasanqua 'Yuletide' - Yuletide Camellia Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Monterey Nursery, Inc. Camellia sinensis - Tea Camellia Cam Too Camellia Nursery, Inc. Cam Too Camellia Nursery, Inc. L C 800-758-8121 800-758-8121 Camellia trellised Cam Too Camellia Nursery, Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. C C #10 800-758-8121 910-323-8811 BB 5-7' 252-756-3827 BB 4-6' 252-756-3827 Camellia x 'Winters Snowman' - Winters Snowman Camellia Worthington Farms, Inc. Camellia x 'Winters Star' - Winters Star Camellia Worthington Farms, Inc. Camellia Zone 6 Varieties Cam Too Camellia Nursery, Inc. C 800-758-8121 Canna lily - varieties Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. C #3 910-323-8811 Carex albolutescens - Greenwhite Sedge Coastal Plain Conservation Nursery, Inc. C 252-482-5707 C 252-482-5707 Carex crinita - Fringed Sedge Coastal Plain Conservation Nursery, Inc. Carex 'Evergold' - Varigated Sedge Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C 2 GAL 1-800-762-7062 Carex lupulina - Hop Sedge Coastal Plain Conservation Nursery, Inc. C 252-482-5707 C 252-482-5707 C 252-482-5707 Carex lurida - Shallow Sedge Coastal Plain Conservation Nursery, Inc. Carex tribuloides - Bristlebract Sedge Coastal Plain Conservation Nursery, Inc. Carnivorous Plants Star Ridge Aquatics, LLC 910-947-5333 Carpinus betulus - European Hornbeam Heritage Seedlings Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. BR BB 1/8", 3/16", 1/4" 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3" 503-585-9835 828-891-3893 Carpinus betulus 'Brownstone' - Upright European Hornbeam Bold Spring Nursery, LLC BB 2"- 3" 478-783-4975 29 Carpinus betulus 'Columnaris nana' - Dwarf European Hornbeam - Plant Sources Carpinus betulus 'Columnaris nana' - Dwarf European Hornbeam Heritage Seedlings BR 1-2' 503-585-9835 Carpinus betulus 'Cornerstone' - Rounded European Hornbeam Bold Spring Nursery, LLC BB 2"-3" 478-783-4975 Carpinus betulus 'Fastigiata' - Pyramidal European Hornbeam Bold Spring Nursery, LLC Deerwood Nursery, LLC. Douglas Thompson & Associates Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Goodson & Associates Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Heritage Seedlings Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. Scottree Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. BB BB L BB BB C BR BB BB C BB 2-2.5" 2" 2-6" 2, 2.5, 3" #15 3-4', 4-5', 5-6', 6-7' 1.5, 2, 2.5" 1.5-2.5" 15 GAL 1 1/2 - 2 1/2" 478-783-4975 828-606-3625 828-894-2020 800-543-7537 800-947-9568 910-323-8811 503-585-9835 828-891-3893 704-471-1000 336-992-2530 540-946-3800 3-30 GAL 828-894-2020 252-756-3827 Carpinus betulus 'Frans Fontaine' - European Hornbeam Douglas Thompson & Associates Worthington Farms, Inc. L C Carpinus caroliniana - American Hornbeam Bold Spring Nursery, LLC Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Heritage Seedlings Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. BB BB BR BB BB 2-3" 2-8" 6-12", 1-2' 1.5 - 5" 478-783-4975 800-543-7537 503-585-9835 919-231-6161 540-946-3800 BR 2-3' 503-585-9835 C #7, #15 910-323-8811 Carpinus coreana - Korean Hornbeam Heritage Seedlings Carya illinoensis - Pecan Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Caryopteris clandonensis 'Dark Night' - Dark Night Caryopteris Monterey Nursery, Inc. Taylor's Nursery, Inc. C C 3 GAL 800-444-1116 919-231-6161 C 3 GAL 800-444-1116 Caryopteris divaricata - Snow Fairy Caryopteris Monterey Nursery, Inc. Caryopteris incana 'Jason' #14,674 CBRAF - Sunshine Blue #14,674 CBRAF Monterey Nursery, Inc. C 3 GAL 800-444-1116 Caryopteris x clandonensis 'Minibleu' PP# 14674 - Petie Bleu™ Caryopteris (cbraf) Cam Too Camellia Nursery, Inc. C 800-758-8121 Caryopteris x 'Dark Night' - Dark Knight Bluebeard Full of Life Farms C 3 GAL 919-742-2897 C #3 800-487-2555 C 1 GAL 828-884-4330 C #25 910-323-8811 C BB BB BB C C BB BB C C BB 5 GAL 6-10' 4-6' 6, 8, 10, 12, 14' #15 3 GAL (seedlings) 5-6', 6-7', 7-8' 5-7' 7, 15 , 25 GAL 7-12' 828-884-4330 864-680-6309 864-680-6309 800-947-9568 910-323-8811 910-293-9374 828-437-2063 828-584-1123 919-934-7764 919-231-6161 252-756-3827 8'- 16' 478-783-4975 #15 6'-14' 3 GAL 910-323-8811 704-564-3232 910-293-9374 7'- 14' 478-783-4975 #15 910-323-8811 Caryopteris x 'First Choice' PP11958 Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Ceanothus americanus - New Jersey Tea Colonial Acres Nursery Cedrus 'Blue Atlas' - Blue Atlas Cedar Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Cedrus deodara - Deodar Cedar Colonial Acres Nursery Goodman's Nursery & BG&G Growers Goodman's Nursery & BG&G Growers Goodson & Associates Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Old Courthouse Nursery Quaker Meadows Nursery Silver Creek Farm Swift Creek Nursery Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Worthington Farms, Inc. Cedrus deodara 'BBC' - Brackan's Best Deodar Cedar Bold Spring Nursery, LLC BB Cedrus deodara 'Bills Blue' - Bills Blue Deodora Cedar Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Lanes Creek Trees Old Courthouse Nursery C BB C Cedrus deodara 'Blue Ice' - Blue Ice Deodara Cedar Bold Spring Nursery, LLC BB Cedrus deodara 'Himalayan' - Himalayan Deodara Cedar Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. 30 C Plant Sources - Cedrus deodara 'Mountain Aire' - Mountain Aire Deodara Cedar Cedrus deodara 'Mountain Aire' - Mountain Aire Deodara Cedar Bold Spring Nursery, LLC BB 10' -16' 478-783-4975 8-12' 828-433-5044 C #15 910-323-8811 C #15 910-323-8811 BB 1 3/4 - 3 1/2" 540-946-3800 Cedrus deodara 'Patti Faye' - Patti Faye Deodar Cedar North 40 Nursery, Inc. BB Cedrus deodara 'Shalimar' - Shalimar Deodar Cedar Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Cedrus 'Gemstone' - Gemstone Deodar Cedar Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Celtis occidentalis - Common Hackberry Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. Cephalanthus occidentalis - Buttonbush Coastal Plain Conservation Nursery, Inc. C 252-482-5707 Cephalotaxus harringtonia drupacea - Drupacea Japanese Plum Yew A & A Plants, Inc. Cam Too Camellia Nursery, Inc. Sampson Nursery C C C 3 GAL 3,5 GAL 336-656-7881 800-758-8121 800-567-2909 Cephalotaxus harringtonia 'Duke Gardens' - Duke Gardens Japanese Plum Yew Cam Too Camellia Nursery, Inc. Tinga Nursery, Inc. C C 3 GAL 800-758-8121 910-762-1975 Cephalotaxus harringtonia 'Fastigiata' - Fastigiata Japanese Plum Yew A & A Plants, Inc. Big Branch Nursery Cam Too Camellia Nursery, Inc. Hefner's Nursery Roebuck Wholesale Nursery & Landscaping Swift Creek Nursery Tinga Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C C C C C C C C 3 GAL #7 5 GAL 3 GAL 3, 5 GAL 3 GAL 3 GAL 336-656-7881 919-883-8285 800-758-8121 828-256-5271 864-576-0875 919-934-7764 910-762-1975 1-800-762-7062 Cephalotaxus harringtonia 'Prostrata' - Prostrata Japanese Plum Yew A & A Plants, Inc. Cam Too Camellia Nursery, Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Monterey Nursery, Inc. Sampson Nursery Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery Tinga Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C C C C C C C C C 3 GAL #3 3 GAL 3,5 GAL 3 GAL 3, 5 GAL 3 GAL 3 GAL 336-656-7881 800-758-8121 910-323-8811 800-444-1116 800-567-2909 336-992-2530 919-934-7764 910-762-1975 1-800-762-7062 #15, #25 Medium Plug (2x2x3.5") 1.5, 2, 2.5, up to 7" 910-323-8811 503-585-9835 828-891-3893 6-8', 8-10', 1.5", 1.75", 2" 3 GAL 3, 5, 10 GAL 2-8" 1, 2" #7, #15 1/8" 3/16" Medium Plug (2x2x3.5") 6-7', 7-8', 1.5, 2, 2.5" 15, 25 GAL 15 GAL 2-3" 3, 7 GAL 1.5-4" 15 GAL 15 GAL 336-585-0052 828-884-4330 919-742-2897 800-543-7537 910-323-8811 910-323-8811 503-585-9835 503-585-9835 828-891-3893 229-762-4888 800-444-1116 828-433-5044 910-293-9374 828-437-2063 336-992-2530 919-231-6161 1-800-762-7062 7 GAL 919-620-0779 15 GAL 10 GAL 800-444-1116 1-800-762-7062 7 GAL 919-772-7255 704-471-1000 Cercidiphyllum japonicum - Katsura Tree Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Heritage Seedlings Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. C BB Cercis canadensis - Eastern Redbud Bryan Wagoner Tree Farm Colonial Acres Nursery Full of Life Farms Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Heritage Seedlings Heritage Seedlings Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. Lake Tree Growers Monterey Nursery, Inc. North 40 Nursery, Inc. Old Courthouse Nursery Quaker Meadows Nursery Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. BB C C BB BB C BR BB C C BB C BB C BB C Cercis canadensis (Cultivars) - Eastern Redbud Cultivars Architectural Trees C Cercis canadensis 'Alba' - White Flowering Redbud Monterey Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C C Cercis canadensis 'Covey' - Lavender Twist Redbud Pender Nursery, Inc. Scottree C BB 31 Cercis canadensis 'Forest Pansy' - Forest Pansy Redbud - Plant Sources Cercis canadensis 'Forest Pansy' - Forest Pansy Redbud Bryan Wagoner Tree Farm Deerwood Nursery, LLC. Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Heritage Seedlings Heritage Seedlings Monterey Nursery, Inc. North 40 Nursery, Inc. Old Courthouse Nursery Quaker Meadows Nursery Rocky Creek Farms Nursery Scottree Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Tinga Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. Winfall Nurseries Winfall Nurseries BB BB BB-C C C BR C BB C BB BB BB C BB C C BB BB C 1.5", 1.75", 2", 2.5" 1.5-2" 2-5" #7, #15 #7 2-3', 3-4', 4-5' & 4-5' Branched 2-3', 3-4' Tissue Culture, XL Plug (4x4x8") 15 GAL 2-3" 10 GAL 1.5-2.5" 1.5-3.5" - larger available upon request 1.5,2, 2.5" 15 GAL 25 GAL 10, 15 GAL 1 1/2 - 3" 2-3" #25 336-585-0052 828-606-3625 800-543-7537 800-487-2555 910-323-8811 503-585-9835 503-585-9835 800-444-1116 828-433-5044 910-293-9374 828-437-2063 800-872-3125 704-471-1000 336-992-2530 919-231-6161 910-762-1975 1-800-762-7062 540-946-3800 434-332-5701 434-332-5701 Cercis canadensis 'Hearts of Gold' - Hearts of Gold Redbud PPAF Bold Spring Nursery, LLC Heritage Seedlings Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. BB BB 2-2.5" 1-2' Tissue Culture, Large Plug (3x3x7") 1 1/2 - 2 1/2" 478-783-4975 503-585-9835 540-946-3800 Cercis Canadensis 'Hearts of Gold' PP#17740 - Hearts of Gold Eastern Redbud Pender Nursery, Inc. C 7 GAL 919-772-7255 2-6" 2-2.5" 800-543-7537 828-433-5044 10 GAL 1-800-762-7062 2-4" 8-10' 800-543-7537 704-471-1000 15 GAL 1-800-762-7062 4-6' 1-2', 2-3', 3-4' Tissue Culture, L Plug (3x3x7") 828-256-5271 503-585-9835 10 GAL 1-800-762-7062 Cercis canadensis 'Oklahoma' - Oklahoma Redbud Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. North 40 Nursery, Inc. BB-C BB Cercis canadensis 'Silver Cloud' - Silver Cloud Redbud Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C Cercis canadensis 'Texas White' - Texas White Redbud Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Scottree BB BB Cercis canadensis 'Traveller' - Traveller Weeping Redbud Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C Cercis chinensis 'Avondale' - Avondale Chinese Redbud Hefner's Nursery Heritage Seedlings BB Cercis reniformis 'Oklahoma' - Oklahoma Redbud Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C Chaenomeles speciosa (Cultivars) - Flowering Quince Cam Too Camellia Nursery, Inc. C 800-758-8121 Chaenomeles speciosa 'Cameo' - Cameo Flowering Quince Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. C #3 910-323-8811 3 GAL 800-444-1116 Chaenomeles speciosa 'Iwia Nishiki' - Iwai Nishiki Quince Monterey Nursery, Inc. C Chaenomeles speciosa 'Texas Scarlet' - Texas Scarlet Flowering Quince Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. C #3 910-323-8811 Chaenomeles speciosa 'Toyonishiki' - Toyonishiki Flowering Quince Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. C #3 910-323-8811 C 2-75 GAL 919-620-0779 C C #7 3 GAL 919-883-8285 336-992-2530 #3 1, 3 GAL 1 GAL 1, 3, 7 GAL 3, 5, 15 GAL 3 GAL 910-323-8811 910-293-9374 919-552-5869 336-992-2530 919-934-7764 1-800-762-7062 Chamaecyparis (Cultivars) - Cypress Cultivars Architectural Trees Chamaecyparis obtusa - Hinoki False Cypress Big Branch Nursery Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Crippsii' - Crippsii Cypress Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Old Courthouse Nursery Powell's Nursery, LLC Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C C C C C C Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Fernspray' - Fernspray Hinoki False Cypress Deerwood Nursery, LLC. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. 32 BB C 5-6' #3 828-606-3625 910-323-8811 Plant Sources - Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Filicoides' - Filicoides Fern Spray Cypress Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Filicoides' - Filicoides Fern Spray Cypress Big Branch Nursery Roebuck Wholesale Nursery & Landscaping Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C C C C #7 7 GAL 3 GAL 3 GAL 919-883-8285 864-576-0875 336-992-2530 1-800-762-7062 Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Filicoides Gold' - Golden Fernspray Cypress Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C 3 GAL 1-800-762-7062 Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Nana Gracilis' - Dwarf Hinoki Cypress Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C C C #2, #3 3, 5 GAL 3 GAL 800-487-2555 919-934-7764 1-800-762-7062 #2, #3 800-487-2555 #7, #15 3, 5, 15 GAL 3 GAL 910-323-8811 919-934-7764 1-800-762-7062 Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Sunspray' - Sunspray Cypress Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. C Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Boulevard' - Boulevard Cypress Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C C C Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Filifera Aurea' - Gold Thread Cypress Big Branch Nursery Cedarview Farm Nursery Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Old Courthouse Nursery Sampson Nursery Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Stephenson's Nursery, Inc. Tinga Nursery, Inc. Turkey Foot Nursery, Inc. C L C C C C C C C #10 2 QT #3, #7 1, 3 GAL 3,5 GAL 1, 3, 7 GAL 3 GAL 3 GAL 1 GAL 919-883-8285 919-528-4147 800-487-2555 910-293-9374 800-567-2909 336-992-2530 919-894-2700 910-762-1975 336-492-5200 2 QT 3, 5, 7, 15, 25 GAL #3, #10 3 GAL 1 GAL 1 GAL 3 GAL 919-528-4147 919-552-4521 910-323-8811 800-444-1116 919-552-5869 336-492-5200 540-946-3800 Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Gold Mops' - Gold Mop Cypress Cedarview Farm Nursery Currins Nursery, Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Monterey Nursery, Inc. Powell's Nursery, LLC Turkey Foot Nursery, Inc. Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. L C C C C C C Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Gold Mops' - Golden Mop False Cypress Full of Life Farms Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C C C C 3 GAL #3, #7 1, 3, 7, GAL 3, 7 GAL 919-742-2897 800-543-7537 336-992-2530 1-800-762-7062 Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Kings Gold' - Kings Gold Japanese Falsecypress Old Courthouse Nursery C 1, 3 GAL 910-293-9374 Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Lemon Thread' - Lemon Thread Cypress Spivey's Nursery, Inc. C 1, 3 GAL 336-992-2530 Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Vintage Gold' - Vintage Gold False Cypress Powell's Nursery, LLC C 1 GAL 919-552-5869 C 1, 3, 7 GAL 252-637-6858 C 3, 7 GAL 1-800-762-7062 C C 1, 4 Gal 252-482-5707 828-894-2020 Chamaerops humilis - European Fan Palm Gary's Nursery, LLC Chanaaegeoaris Obtuse 'Well's Dwarf' - Well's Dwarf Hinoki Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Chasmanthium latifolium - River Oats Coastal Plain Conservation Nursery, Inc. Douglas Thompson & Associates Chelone glabra - White Turtlehead Coastal Plain Conservation Nursery, Inc. C 252-482-5707 Chionanthus praecox - Fragrant Wintersweet Heritage Seedlings BR 6-12" 503-585-9835 BB BR 7-9' 2-3', 3-4' 478-783-4975 503-585-9835 Chionanthus retusus - Chinese Fringe Tree Bold Spring Nursery, LLC Heritage Seedlings Chionanthus retusus 'Arnold's Pride' - Arnold's Pride Chinese Fringe Tree Heritage Seedlings BR 1-2', 2-3' 503-585-9835 BB BR 6-7, 7-8' 1-2', 2-3', 3-4' 2-3', 3-4' Transplant 3 GAL 800-947-9568 503-585-9835 503-585-9835 828-738-8300 Chionanthus virginicus - Fringe Tree Goodson & Associates Heritage Seedlings Heritage Seedlings Meadowbrook Nursery & Farm C 33 Chionanthus virginicus 'Emerald Knight' - Emerald Knight Fringetree - Plant Sources Chionanthus virginicus 'Emerald Knight' - Emerald Knight Fringetree Bold Spring Nursery, LLC BB 5-8' 478-783-4975 Chionanthus virginicus 'Spring Fleecing' - Spring Fleecing White Fringe Tree Monterey Nursery, Inc. C 15 GAL 800-444-1116 Choisya ternata 'Sundance' Cam Too Camellia Nursery, Inc. C 800-758-8121 Citrus - Assorted Cold Hardy Citrus Gary's Nursery, LLC 252-637-6858 Cladium jamaicense - Sawgrass Coastal Plain Conservation Nursery, Inc. C 252-482-5707 Cladrastis kentukea - Yellowwood Heritage Seedlings Heritage Seedlings BR 6-12", 1-2' 503-585-9835 6-12" L Plug (3x3x7"), 6-12"Deep Plug (1.9x6.7") 503-585-9835 BB C 2-4" #15 Cladrastis lutea 'American Yellowwood' Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. 800-543-7537 910-323-8811 Clematis (Cultivars) - Leather Flower Cam Too Camellia Nursery, Inc. C 800-758-8121 Clethra acuminata - Cinnamon Clethra Heritage Seedlings Small Plug (1.4x2") 503-585-9835 (from local seed) 919-542-6186 2, 5 GAL 828-884-4330 Clethra alnifolia Cure Nursery C Clethra alnifolia (Cultivars) - Summersweet Clethra Colonial Acres Nursery C Clethra alnifolia 'Hummingbird' - Hummingbird Summersweet Monterey Nursery, Inc. Sampson Nursery Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Taylor's Nursery, Inc. C C C C 3 GAL 3 GAL 3 GAL 800-444-1116 800-567-2909 336-992-2530 919-231-6161 #3, #7 6-12" Spread & Medium Plug (2x2x3.5") 3 GAL 3 GAL 3 GAL 910-323-8811 503-585-9835 800-444-1116 800-567-2909 336-992-2530 919-231-6161 Clethra alnifolia 'Ruby Spice' - Ruby Spice Summersweet Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Heritage Seedlings Monterey Nursery, Inc. Sampson Nursery Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Taylor's Nursery, Inc. C C C C C Clethra alnifolia 'September Beauty' - September Beauty Summersweet Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. C 3 GAL 540-946-3800 Clethra alnifolia 'Sixteen Candles' - Sixteen Candles Summersweet Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Monterey Nursery, Inc. Spivey's Nursery, Inc. C C C #3 3 GAL 3 GAL 910-323-8811 800-444-1116 336-992-2530 3 GAL 800-444-1116 Small Plug (1.4x2") 503-585-9835 #7 910-323-8811 Clethra alnifolia 'Vanilla Spice' - Vanilla Spice Clethera Monterey Nursery, Inc. C Clethra barbinervis - Japanese Clethra Heritage Seedlings Colocasia esculenta - Black Runner Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. C Conoclinium coelestinum - Wild Ageratum Coastal Plain Conservation Nursery, Inc. C 252-482-5707 Coreopsis (Species & Cultivars) - Tickseed Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. C #2 910-323-8811 Coreopsis verticillata 'Moonbeam' - Moonbeam Treadleaf Coreopsis Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. C #1 800-543-7537 C 3 GAL 540-946-3800 C 3 GAL 540-946-3800 C C C 2 GAL, Live stakes 1 Gal 252-482-5707 828-884-4330 828-894-2020 C C #15 7, 15 GAL 910-323-8811 1-800-762-7062 BR 2-3', 3-4' 503-585-9835 Cornus alba 'Bud's Yellow' Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. Cornus alba 'Ivory Halo'® PP8722 Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. Cornus amomum - Silky Dogwood (native) Coastal Plain Conservation Nursery, Inc. Colonial Acres Nursery Douglas Thompson & Associates Cornus angustata - Evergreen Dogwood Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Cornus celestial - Celestial Dogwood Heritage Seedlings 34 Plant Sources - Cornus florida - Dogwood (Flowering) Cornus florida - Dogwood (Flowering) Colonial Acres Nursery Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. North 40 Nursery, Inc. Old Courthouse Nursery Quaker Meadows Nursery Sampson Nursery Swift Creek Nursery Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. BB BB-C C BB BB C BB C C C 2, 3" 4-12' #3, #7, #15, #25, #45 2-3', 7-8', 1.5, 2" 2-4" 3, 7 GAL 1.5-2" 3,5,10,25 GAL 3, 7 GAL 5, 7, 10, 15 GAL 828-884-4330 800-543-7537 910-323-8811 828-891-3893 828-433-5044 910-293-9374 828-437-2063 800-567-2909 919-934-7764 1-800-762-7062 Cornus florida 'Appalachian Blush' - Appalachian Blush Dogwood Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C 7 GAL 1-800-762-7062 Cornus florida 'Appalachian Joy' - Appalachian Joy Dogwood Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C 7 GAL 1-800-762-7062 Cornus florida 'Appalachian Mist' - Appalachian Mist Dogwood Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C 7 GAL 1-800-762-7062 Cornus florida 'Appalachian Snow' - Appalachian Snow Dogwood Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C 7 GAL 1-800-762-7062 Cornus florida 'Bob Timberlake Eternal' - Bob Timberlake Eternal Flowering Dogwood Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. C #7 800-487-2555 1.75", 2", 6-8', 8-10' 1-2', 2-3' 336-585-0052 503-585-9835 336-337-2322 828-433-5044 828-437-2063 1-800-762-7062 Cornus florida 'Cherokee Brave' - Cherokee Brave Dogwood Bryan Wagoner Tree Farm Heritage Seedlings Kenneth E. Bell Trees North 40 Nursery, Inc. Quaker Meadows Nursery Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. BB BR BB BB BB C 2-4" 1.5-4" 7, 10, 15 GAL Cornus florida 'Cherokee Chief' - Cherokee Chief Dogwood Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Heritage Seedlings Kenneth E. Bell Trees North 40 Nursery, Inc. Quaker Meadows Nursery Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C BR BB BB BB C #7 1-2' & 3-4' Branched 2-4" 1.5-3.5" 7, 15 GAL 800-487-2555 503-585-9835 336-337-2322 828-433-5044 828-437-2063 1-800-762-7062 Cornus florida 'Cherokee Daybreak' - Cherokee Daybreak Dogwood Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C 5 GAL 1-800-762-7062 Cornus florida 'Cherokee Princess' - Cherokee Princess Dogwood Bold Spring Nursery, LLC Bryan Wagoner Tree Farm Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Kenneth E. Bell Trees North 40 Nursery, Inc. Old Courthouse Nursery Quaker Meadows Nursery Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. BB BB C BB BB C BB C 1.5-2.5" 1.75", 2", 6-8', 8-10' #7 2-4" 7 GAL 1.5-4" 7, 10, 15 GAL 478-783-4975 336-585-0052 800-487-2555 336-337-2322 828-433-5044 910-293-9374 828-437-2063 1-800-762-7062 Cornus florida 'Cherokee Sunset' - Cherokee Sunset Dogwood Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C 5, 10 GAL 1-800-762-7062 BB C 1.5-4" 7, 10, 15 GAL 828-437-2063 1-800-762-7062 C #7 800-487-2555 Cornus florida 'Cloud-9' - Cloud-9 Dogwood Quaker Meadows Nursery Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Cornus florida 'Firebird' - Firebird Dogwood Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Cornus florida 'Karen's Appalachian Blush' - Karen's Appalachian Blush Dogwood Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. C #7 800-487-2555 C C BB C #7 #5, #15, #45 2-4", 5-6', 6-7', 7-8', 8-10' 7, 10, 15 GAL 800-487-2555 910-323-8811 828-433-5044 1-800-762-7062 BB 6-12' 828-433-5044 BB BB C BB-C C BB 1.75", 2", 6-7', 7-8', 8-10' 1.5, 2, 3" 3, 5, 10 GAL 6-12' #15 7-8', 2", 2.5", 3" 336-585-0052 828-884-4330 919-742-2897 800-543-7537 910-323-8811 828-891-3893 Cornus florida 'Rubra' - Pink Dogwood Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. North 40 Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Cornus florida x kousa - Rutgers Hybrids North 40 Nursery, Inc. Cornus kousa - Kousa Dogwood Bryan Wagoner Tree Farm Colonial Acres Nursery Full of Life Farms Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. 35 Cornus kousa 'Aka tsuki; - Aka Tsuki Kousa Dogwood - Plant Sources Kenneth E. Bell Trees North 40 Nursery, Inc. Quaker Meadows Nursery Rocky Creek Farms Nursery Silver Creek Farm BB BB BB BB BB 6-12' 1.5-3" 1.5-2.5" - larger available upon request 5-7' 336-337-2322 828-433-5044 828-437-2063 800-872-3125 828-584-1123 #1 -- 1-2' 503-585-9835 Cornus kousa 'Aka tsuki; - Aka Tsuki Kousa Dogwood Heritage Seedlings C Cornus kousa 'Blue Shadow' - Blue Shadow Kousa Dogwood North 40 Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. BB C 7-8' 10, 15 GAL 828-433-5044 1-800-762-7062 1.5-2" #7 2-4" 1.5-2.5" 828-606-3625 800-487-2555 336-337-2322 828-433-5044 828-437-2063 7, 10 GAL 1-800-762-7062 Cornus kousa 'Milky Way' - Milky Way Kousa Dogwood Deerwood Nursery, LLC. Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Kenneth E. Bell Trees North 40 Nursery, Inc. Quaker Meadows Nursery BB C BB BB BB Cornus kousa 'Milky Way' Improved - Milky Way Dogwood Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C Cornus kousa 'Radiant Rose' - Radiant Rose Kousa Dogwood Heritage Seedlings BR 2-3' & 4-5' Branched 503-585-9835 BR BB 1-2', 2-3' 1.5-3" 503-585-9835 828-433-5044 #7 800-487-2555 Cornus kousa 'Satomi' - Satomi Kousa Dogwood Heritage Seedlings North 40 Nursery, Inc. Cornus kousa 'Schmred' - Heart Throb Kousa Dogwood Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. C Cornus kousa 'Summer Gold' - Summer Gold Kousa Dogwood Heritage Seedlings BR 1-2', 2-3' 503-585-9835 1/8", 3/16", 1/4" 503-585-9835 Cornus kousa var. chinensis - Chinese Flowering Dogwood Heritage Seedlings BR Cornus kousa 'Weavers Weeping' - Weavers Weeping Kousa Dogwood Heritage Seedlings BR 1-2' & 2-3' Branched 503-585-9835 1-2', 2-3' 7 GAL 503-585-9835 1-800-762-7062 BR 3-4' 503-585-9835 C BR BB 7 GAL 3/16", 1/4", 3/8" 5', 6', 8', 10' 828-884-4330 503-585-9835 828-891-3893 Cornus kousa 'Wolf Eye' - Wolf Eye Kousa Dogwood Heritage Seedlings Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. BR C Cornus kousa x florida Stellar Pink - Stellar Pink Dogwood Heritage Seedlings Cornus mas - Corneliancherry Dogwood Colonial Acres Nursery Heritage Seedlings Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. Cornus mas 'Golden Glory' - Goldlen Glory Corneliancherry Dogwood Heritage Seedlings Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. BR BB 2-3' 3', 4', 5', 6' 503-585-9835 540-946-3800 #15 7, 10, 15 GAL 919-883-8285 1-800-762-7062 C BB C #15 1.75", 2", 6-8', 8-10' 7, 15 GAL 919-883-8285 336-585-0052 1-800-762-7062 C 3 GAL 800-567-2909 Cornus rutdan 'Celestial' PP#7204 - Celestial Dogwood Big Branch Nursery Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C C Cornus rutgan 'Stellar Pink' PP#7207 - Stellar Pink Dogwood Big Branch Nursery Bryan Wagoner Tree Farm Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Cornus sericea - Red Twig Dogwood Sampson Nursery Cornus Stolinifera 'Farrow' PPAF - Artic Fire™ Red Twig Dogwood Monterey Nursery, Inc. C 3 GAL 800-444-1116 C C C 3, 7 GAL 10 GAL 3 GAL 336-992-2530 1-800-762-7062 540-946-3800 BB 5-10' 540-946-3800 BB 5-10' 540-946-3800 C C C #3 3 GAL 3 GAL 910-323-8811 336-992-2530 910-762-1975 Cornus stolonifera 'Baileyi' - Baileyi Red Twig Dogwood Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. Cornus x Rutdan 'Celestial' PP 7204 Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. Cornus x Rutgan 'Stellar Pink' PP7207 Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. Cortaderia selloana - Pampas Grass Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Tinga Nursery, Inc. 36 Plant Sources - Cortaderia selloana 'Nana Alba' - Dwarf White Pampas Grass Cortaderia selloana 'Nana Alba' - Dwarf White Pampas Grass Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. C #3 910-323-8811 1-2' Bare Root & Large Plug (3x3x7") 503-585-9835 C C #7, #15 7, 10 GAL 6-12", 1-2',2-3' Tissue Culture, L Plug (3x3x7") 910-323-8811 828-256-5271 503-585-9835 BR 3/16" 503-585-9835 C 3, 7 GAL 336-992-2530 Corylopsis pauciflora - Buttercup Winterhazel Heritage Seedlings Corylus avellana 'Contorta' - Harry Lauder's Walking Stick Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Hefner's Nursery Heritage Seedlings Corylus colurna - Turkish Filbert Heritage Seedlings Cotinus coggygria - Smoke Tree Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Cotinus coggygria 'Golden Spirit' - Golden Spirit Smoke Tree Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Heritage Seedlings C #3, #7 Large Plug (3x3x7") 800-487-2555 503-585-9835 C C #3, #7 3 GAL 800-487-2555 800-444-1116 6-12", 1-2', 2-3' Medium Plug (2x2x3.5") 503-585-9835 503-585-9835 2", 3 & 5 GAL 5-6', 6-7', 7-8' 3, 7 GAL 828-884-4330 828-891-3893 800-444-1116 7 GAL 1-800-762-7062 C 3 GAL 800-444-1116 BR 1-2' 503-585-9835 C Extra Large Plug (4x4x8") 3 & 7 GAL Tree Form 503-585-9835 540-946-3800 Cotinus coggygria 'Grace' - Grace Smoke Tree Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Monterey Nursery, Inc. Cotinus coggygria 'Purpurea' - Purple-leafed Smoke Bush Heritage Seedlings Heritage Seedlings BR Cotinus coggygria 'Royal Purple' - Royal Purple Smoke Tree Colonial Acres Nursery Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. Monterey Nursery, Inc. BB BB C Cotinus coggygria 'Velvet Cloak' - Velvet Cloak Smoke Tree Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C Cotinus coggygria 'Young Lady' - Young Lady Smoke Tree Monterey Nursery, Inc. Cotinus obovatus - American Smoketree Heritage Seedlings Cotinus x Grace - Grace Smoketree Heritage Seedlings Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. Cotoneaster adpresus 'Tom Thumb' - Tom Thumb Cotoneaster Monterey Nursery, Inc. C 1 GAL 800-444-1116 C 3 GAL 540-946-3800 C C C 1 GAL #1 1, 3 GAL 800-443-6298 800-487-2555 336-992-2530 Cotoneaster apiculata - Cranberry Cotoneaster Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. Cotoneaster dammeri - Coral Beauty Cotoneaster Gilbert's Nursery Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Cotoneaster dammeri 'Coral Beauty' - Coral Beauty Cotoneaster Monterey Nursery, Inc. C 1 GAL 800-444-1116 C 3 GAL 800-443-6298 Cotoneaster franchetti - Franchetti Cotoneaster Gilbert's Nursery Cotoneaster microphyllus 'Teulon Porter' - Teulon Porter Cotoneaster Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C 2, 3 GAL 1-800-762-7062 Cotoneaster salicifolius 'Scarlet Leader' - Willowleaf Cotoneaster Gilbert's Nursery Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Monterey Nursery, Inc. Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Turkey Foot Nursery, Inc. Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. C C C C C C C 1 GAL #1 #3 1, 3 GAL 1, 3 GAL 1 GAL 3 GAL 800-443-6298 800-487-2555 910-323-8811 800-444-1116 336-992-2530 336-492-5200 540-946-3800 2 GAL 1-800-762-7062 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5" 828-891-3893 919-231-6161 1.5", 1.75", 2", 2.5" 1-3" 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3" 2"-3" 15 GAL 336-585-0052 800-543-7537 828-891-3893 704-564-3232 800-444-1116 Cotoneaster salisifolius - Willow Leaf Cotoneaster Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C Crataegus phaenopyrum - Washington Hawthorne Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. Taylor's Nursery, Inc. BB BB Crataegus virdis 'Winter King' - Winter King Hawthorne Bryan Wagoner Tree Farm Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. Lanes Creek Trees Monterey Nursery, Inc. BB BB BB BB C 37 Cryptomeria japonica (Cultivars) - Japanese Cedar Cultivars - Plant Sources Quaker Meadows Nursery Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. BB C BB 1.5-3" 15 GAL 1.75-3" 828-437-2063 1-800-762-7062 540-946-3800 15-20 GAL 919-620-0779 Cryptomeria japonica (Cultivars) - Japanese Cedar Cultivars Architectural Trees C Cryptomeria japonica 'Ben Franklin' - Ben Franklin Japanese Cedar Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. C #15 910-323-8811 Cryptomeria japonica 'Black Dragon' - Black Dragon Japanese Cedar Big Branch Nursery Bryan Wagoner Tree Farm Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Monterey Nursery, Inc. Oakmont Nursery Old Courthouse Nursery Roebuck Wholesale Nursery & Landscaping Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C BB C C C C C C #7 5-6', 6-7' #5, #7 3, 7 GAL #3 1, 3, 7 GAL 7 GAL 5 GAL 919-883-8285 336-585-0052 800-487-2555 800-444-1116 919-663-3607 910-293-9374 864-576-0875 1-800-762-7062 Cryptomeria japonica 'Elegans Nana' - Dwarf Japanese Cedar Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Powell's Nursery, LLC C C #3, #7 1 GAL 910-323-8811 919-552-5869 #3, 7 919-663-3607 2, 5, 7 GAL 828-256-5271 Cryptomeria japonica 'Giokumo' - Giokumo Japanese Cedar Oakmont Nursery C Cryptomeria japonica 'Globosa' - Globosa Cryptomeria Hefner's Nursery C Cryptomeria japonica 'Globosa Nana' - Dwarf Globosa Japanese Cryptomeria Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Oakmont Nursery Old Courthouse Nursery Spivey's Nursery, Inc. C C C C #3 #3 1, 3 GAL 3, 7 GAL 910-323-8811 919-663-3607 910-293-9374 336-992-2530 Cryptomeria japonica 'Gyokruya' - Gyokruya Japanese Cedar Bryan Wagoner Tree Farm Monterey Nursery, Inc. Roebuck Wholesale Nursery & Landscaping BB C C 5-6', 6-7', 7-8' 3, 7 GAL 7 GAL 336-585-0052 800-444-1116 864-576-0875 Cryptomeria japonica 'Gyokuryu' - Gyokuryu Japanese Cedar Full of Life Farms C 5 GAL 919-742-2897 Cryptomeria japonica 'Jindai Sugi' - Jindai Sugi Japanese Cedar Oakmont Nursery C #3 919-663-3607 Cryptomeria Japonica 'Monstrosa' - Monstrosa Japanese Cedar Architectural Trees C 15-20 GAL 919-620-0779 6-18' 2, 3 GAL 6-10' 3 GAL 1, 7, 15, 25 GAL 10, 11, 12, 14, 16' 3, 7 GAL 7-12', 7-30 GAL 478-783-4975 800-443-6298 864-680-6309 800-444-1116 910-293-9374 704-471-1000 336-992-2530 252-756-3827 Cryptomeria japonica 'Radicans' - Japanese Cedar Bold Spring Nursery, LLC Gilbert's Nursery Goodman's Nursery & BG&G Growers Monterey Nursery, Inc. Old Courthouse Nursery Scottree Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Worthington Farms, Inc. BB C BB C C BB C BB-C Cryptomeria japonica 'Tarheel Blue' - Tarheel Blue Japanese Cedar Goodman's Nursery & BG&G Growers BB 5-6' 864-680-6309 6-7, 7-8, 8-10, 10-12" 6-8', 8-10', 10-12', 12-14', 14-16' 910-858-3740 336-585-0052 800-717-2362 828-606-3625 919-742-2897 800-543-7537 864-680-6309 800-947-9568 800-487-2555 910-323-8811 828-256-5271 229-762-4888 704-564-3232 800-444-1116 910-293-9374 864-576-0875 704-471-1000 336-992-2530 336-992-2530 919-894-2700 Cryptomeria japonica 'Yoshino' - Yoshino Japanese Cedar Back Road Farms Bryan Wagoner Tree Farm Byron Lakeview Nursery LLC Deerwood Nursery, LLC. Full of Life Farms Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Goodman's Nursery & BG&G Growers Goodson & Associates Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Hefner's Nursery Lake Tree Growers Lanes Creek Trees Monterey Nursery, Inc. Old Courthouse Nursery Roebuck Wholesale Nursery & Landscaping Scottree Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Stephenson's Nursery, Inc. 38 BB BB L BB C BB-C BB BB BB C BB C BB C C C BB BB C C 7-8' 3, 5, 10 GAL 4-20' 6-10' 6-8, 8-10, 10-12, 12-14' #7, #15 #7, #15 8-12' 15, 25 GAL 6'-10' 3 GAL 1, 3, 7, 15, 25 GAL 15 GAL 10, 12, 14' 6-7', 7-8', 8-10' 15 GAL 10, 15 GAL Plant Sources - Cryptomeria 'Radicans' Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. Worthington Farms, Inc. C C C 7, 15 GAL 5, 7, 10 GAL 7-30 GAL 1-800-762-7062 540-946-3800 252-756-3827 BB C 6-7", 7-8", 8-10" 7, 15 GAL 910-858-3740 919-934-7764 BB C BB L BB BB BB-C BB BB C C BB BB C BB BB C BB C C C BB C C C C C 6-7, 7-8, 8-10, 10-12" #15 6-14' 910-858-3740 919-883-8285 336-585-0052 800-717-2362 828-884-4330 828-606-3625 800-543-7537 864-680-6309 800-947-9568 910-323-8811 336-625-6660 828-891-3893 336-337-2322 229-762-4888 704-564-3232 800-851-2345 919-552-5869 800-872-3125 800-567-2909 336-992-2530 919-934-7764 919-231-6161 910-762-1975 336-492-5200 1-800-762-7062 919-776-3590 434-332-5701 Cryptomeria 'Radicans' Back Road Farms Swift Creek Nursery Cupressocyparis leylandii - Leyland Cypress Back Road Farms Big Branch Nursery Bryan Wagoner Tree Farm Byron Lakeview Nursery LLC Colonial Acres Nursery Deerwood Nursery, LLC. Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Goodman's Nursery & BG&G Growers Goodson & Associates Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Hickory Hill Nursery Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. Kenneth E. Bell Trees Lake Tree Growers Lanes Creek Trees Laurel Springs Trees Powell's Nursery, LLC Rocky Creek Farms Nursery Sampson Nursery Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Tinga Nursery, Inc. Turkey Foot Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Watson's Nursery Winfall Nurseries 8', 1, 3, 5 GAL 6-10' 4-30' 7-12' 6-8, 8-10, 10-12, 12-14' #3, #7, #15, #25, #45 3, 7, 15 GAL 5-6', 6-7', 7-8', 8-9', 9-10', 10-12', 12-14' 15, 25 GAL 6'-12' 4'-7' 1 GAL 5-25' - larger available upon request 3,5,10,25 GAL 1, 4, 7, 15 GAL 3, 7, 15, 25 GAL 3, 15, 25, 45 GAL 1 GAL 3, 7, 10 GAL 3, 5 GAL #15 Cupressocyparis leylandii 'Gold Rider' - Gold Rider Leland Cypress Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C 3 GAL 1-800-762-7062 Cupressocyparis leylandii 'Irish Mint' - Irish Mint Leland Cypress Bold Spring Nursery, LLC BB 6-12' 478-783-4975 Cupressocyparis leylandii 'Leighton Green' - Leighton Green Leland Cypress North 40 Nursery, Inc. Old Courthouse Nursery BB C 6-12' 1, 3, 7, 15, 25 GAL 828-433-5044 910-293-9374 Cupressocyparis leylandii 'Naylor's Blue' - Naylor's Blue Leland Cypress Goodman's Nursery & BG&G Growers BB 6-10' 864-680-6309 C #15 800-543-7537 #5 800-487-2555 #7 919-883-8285 800-717-2362 910-695-7920 800-872-3125 Cupressocyparis ovensii - Murray Cypress Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Cupressocyparis x leylandii 'Murray' - Murray Cypress Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. C Cupressus arizonica glabra 'Blue Ice' - Blue Ice Cypress Big Branch Nursery Byron Lakeview Nursery LLC Poverty Hill Nursery Rocky Creek Farms Nursery C L BB BB 6-10' 6-24' - larger available upon request Cupressus arizonica glabra 'Carolina Sapphire' - Carolina Sapphire Cypress Big Branch Nursery Byron Lakeview Nursery LLC Colonial Acres Nursery Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Lake Tree Growers Swift Creek Nursery Tinga Nursery, Inc. C L C BB C C C #15 7 GAL 5-7' 15, 25 GAL 7, 15 GAL 3, 15 GAL 919-883-8285 800-717-2362 828-884-4330 800-543-7537 229-762-4888 919-934-7764 910-762-1975 C C 7 GAL 3, 7, 15 GAL 800-444-1116 910-762-1975 C 3, 15 GAL 910-762-1975 C (from local seed) 919-542-6186 3 GAL 800-567-2909 Cupressus sempervirens - Italian Cypress Monterey Nursery, Inc. Tinga Nursery, Inc. Cycads revolute - Sago Palm Tinga Nursery, Inc. Cyrilla racemiflora - TiTi Cure Nursery Cytisus scoparius 'Moonlight' - Moonlight Scotch Broom Sampson Nursery C 39 Daphne odora - Fragrant/Winter Daphne - Plant Sources Daphne odora - Fragrant/Winter Daphne Cam Too Camellia Nursery, Inc. C 800-758-8121 Daphne odora 'Aureo Marginata' - Variegated Dapnne Sampson Nursery C 3,7 GAL 800-567-2909 Large Plug (3x3x7") 503-585-9835 C 3, 5 GAL 828-584-1123 C 3 GAL 540-946-3800 C 3 GAL 800-444-1116 C C 2, 3 GAL 3 GAL 828-256-5271 800-444-1116 C 3 GAL 800-444-1116 C #3, #7, #15 910-323-8811 Medium Plug (2x2x3.5") 503-585-9835 Daphne x burkwoodii 'Carol Mackie' - Carol Mackie Daphne Heritage Seedlings Deciduous Azaleas - May Mary, Camillas Blush Silver Creek Farm Deutzia gracilis - Slender Deutzia Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. Deutzia gracilis 'Duncan' - Chardonnay Pearls Deutzia PPAF Monterey Nursery, Inc. Deutzia gracilis 'Nikko' - Nikko Slender Deutzia Hefner's Nursery Monterey Nursery, Inc. Deutzia x elegantissima 'Rosealind' - Rosealind Deutzia Monterey Nursery, Inc. Diospyros virginiana - American Persimmon Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Disanthus cercidifolius - Witch Hazel Heritage Seedlings Disporum cantoniense 'Night Heron' - Night Heron Disporum Heritage Seedlings Medium Plug (2x2x3.5") & Large Plug (3x3x7") 503-585-9835 C #1 800-543-7537 C 7 GAL 800-444-1116 C C C C #3, #15 3 GAL 3,5 GAL 3, 5 GAL 910-323-8811 800-444-1116 800-567-2909 919-894-2700 Dryopteris erythrosora - Autumn Fern Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Edgeworthia chrysantha - Giant Leaf Paper Plant Monterey Nursery, Inc. Elaeagnus ebbengei - Thorny Elaeagnus Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Monterey Nursery, Inc. Sampson Nursery Stephenson's Nursery, Inc. Elaeagnus pungens - Silverthorn Elaeagnus Taylor's Nursery, Inc. C 919-231-6161 Elaeagnus pungens 'Fruitlandii' - Fruitlandii Silverthorn Elaeagnus Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Tinga Nursery, Inc. C C #3, #15 3,10 GAL 910-323-8811 910-762-1975 Elaeagnus pungens 'Glen St. Mary' - Glen St. Mary Elaeagnus Tinga Nursery, Inc. C 3, 7 GAL 910-762-1975 Elaeagnus pungens 'Variegated' - Variegated Silverthorn Elaeagnus Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. C #3, #10 910-323-8811 C 15, 30 GAL 910-762-1975 C 1, 4 Gal 828-894-2020 2.5, 4" 919-732-6594 18-24", 24-30", 30-36", 36-42" 336-585-0052 2 QT #3, #7 #3, #5, #7 #3, #5, #7, #15 3 GAL 2-5' 3,5 GAL 1, 3, 7 GAL 3, 5 GAL 3 GAL 7, 10 GAL 919-528-4147 800-543-7537 800-487-2555 910-323-8811 800-444-1116 828-433-5044 800-567-2909 336-992-2530 919-894-2700 919-934-7764 1-800-762-7062 #3 800-487-2555 Eriobotrya japonica - Loquat Tinga Nursery, Inc. Erogrostis spectablilis - Purple Lovegrass Douglas Thompson & Associates Euonymus (Varieties) Plantworks Nursery, Inc. Euonymus alatus - Burning Bush Bryan Wagoner Tree Farm BB Euonymus alatus 'Compacta' - Dwarf Burning Bush Cedarview Farm Nursery Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Monterey Nursery, Inc. North 40 Nursery, Inc. Sampson Nursery Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Stephenson's Nursery, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. L C C C C BB C C C C C Euonymus alatus 'Fireball' - Fireball Burning Bush Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. C Euonymus alatus 'Little Moses' PP#13168 - Little Moses Burning Bush Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. C #3 800-487-2555 Euonymus americana - Strawberry Bush Cure Nursery 40 C 919-542-6186 Plant Sources - Euonymus fortunei 'Coloratus' - Purple Winter Creeper Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. C #3 910-323-8811 #1 910-323-8811 2 QT #3 3 Gal 3 GAL 919-528-4147 910-323-8811 800-444-1116 800-567-2909 Euonymus fortunei 'Coloratus' - Purple Winter Creeper Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. C Euonymus japonica 'Aurea Marginata' - Golden Euonymus Cedarview Farm Nursery Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Monterey Nursery, Inc. Sampson Nursery L C C C Euonymus japonica 'Chollipo' - Chollipo Japanese Euonymus Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C 3, 7 GAL 1-800-762-7062 3 GAL 3 GAL 800-444-1116 919-934-7764 2 QT 3 GAL 3 GAL 919-528-4147 800-444-1116 800-567-2909 3 GAL 1-800-762-7062 Euonymus japonica 'Microphylla' - Box Leaf Euonymus Monterey Nursery, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery C C Euonymus japonica 'Silver King' - Silver King Euonymus Cedarview Farm Nursery Monterey Nursery, Inc. Sampson Nursery L C C Euonymus japonicus 'Greenspire' - Greenspire Euonymus Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C Euonymus kiautschovicus 'Manhattan' - Manhattan Euonymus Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. C C C #3 3 GAL 910-323-8811 919-231-6161 540-946-3800 Eupatorium fistulosum - Joe Pye Weed Coastal Plain Conservation Nursery, Inc. C 252-482-5707 Exotics & Unusuals (Assorted) Architectural Trees Meadowbrook Nursery & Farm C C 1-75 GAL 2.5"-5 GAL 919-620-0779 828-738-8300 C C 3, 10 GAL 5, 10 GAL 828-884-4330 919-742-2897 BR 1/8", 3/16", 1/4" 1/8", 3/16", 1/4" Medium Plug (2x2x3.5") 1/8", 1/4" Large Plug (3x3x7") 1/8", 3/16", 1/4" Deep Plug (1.9x6.7") 503-585-9835 503-585-9835 503-585-9835 503-585-9835 C 7 GAL 828-884-4330 C #3 910-323-8811 C #3 910-323-8811 C C 3, 7 GAL 3 GAL 919-934-7764 910-762-1975 C C 15, 25, 45 GAL 3 GAL 229-762-4888 910-762-1975 C C 1, 3 GAL 336-656-7881 800-758-8121 919-732-6594 Fagus grandifolia - American Beech Colonial Acres Nursery Full of Life Farms Fagus sylvatica - European Beech Heritage Seedlings Heritage Seedlings Heritage Seedlings Heritage Seedlings Fagus sylvatica 'Atropunicea' - Purple Beech Colonial Acres Nursery Fatshedera lizei - Tree Ivy Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Fatshedera lizei 'Variegata' - Variegated Tree Ivy Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Fatsia japonica - Japanese Fatsia Swift Creek Nursery Tinga Nursery, Inc. Feijoa sellowiana - Pineapple Guava Lake Tree Growers Tinga Nursery, Inc. Ferns (Assorted Cultivars) A & A Plants, Inc. Cam Too Camellia Nursery, Inc. Plantworks Nursery, Inc. QT, GAL Ferns (Native) American Native Plants C 410-529-0552 C 800-758-8121 Flowering Plants (Assorted) Cam Too Camellia Nursery, Inc. Forsythia intermedia (Cultivars) Cam Too Camellia Nursery, Inc. Tinga Nursery, Inc. C C 3 GAL 800-758-8121 910-762-1975 Forsythia intermedia 'Beatrix Farrand' - Beatrix Farrand Forsythia Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C 3 GAL 1-800-762-7062 Forsythia intermedia 'Golden Times' - Golden Times Forsythia Taylor's Nursery, Inc. C 919-231-6161 Forsythia intermedia 'Lynwood Gold' - Lynwood Gold Forsythia Cedarview Farm Nursery Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Monterey Nursery, Inc. L C C 2 QT #3, #7 3 GAL 919-528-4147 910-323-8811 800-444-1116 41 Forsythia koreana 'Kumsun' - Greenstem Forsythia - Plant Sources Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. Sampson Nursery Stephenson's Nursery, Inc. Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Turkey Foot Nursery, Inc. Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. C C C C C BB C #3 3 GAL 3 GAL 1 GAL 3-8' 3 GAL 919-934-0428 800-567-2909 919-894-2700 919-231-6161 336-492-5200 540-946-3800 540-946-3800 C 1 GAL 336-492-5200 C #3 800-487-2555 2, 3 GAL 828-256-5271 Forsythia koreana 'Kumsun' - Greenstem Forsythia Turkey Foot Nursery, Inc. Forsythia 'Showoff'™ - Showoff™ Forsythia Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Forsythia viridissima 'Bronxensis' - Bronx green Forsythia Hefner's Nursery C Forsythia viridissima var. koreana 'Kumson' - Kumson Greenstem Forsythia Old Courthouse Nursery C 1 GAL 910-293-9374 Forsythia x intermedia 'Gold Tide'™ PP 9104 - Gold Tide™ Forsythia Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. C 3 GAL 540-946-3800 C C C Medium Plug (2x2x3.5") 3 GAL 3 GAL 3 GAL 503-585-9835 800-444-1116 800-567-2909 336-992-2530 #15 6-12", 12-18", 18-24" Medium Plug (2x2x3.5") 12-18", 18-24", 24-30" Large Plug (3x3x7") 800-758-8121 910-323-8811 503-585-9835 503-585-9835 BB C BB 1.5", 1.75", 2", 2.5" 15 GAL 1.5 - 3.5" 336-585-0052 800-444-1116 540-946-3800 C #15 910-323-8811 BB 2-3" 828-433-5044 BB BB 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5" 2-3" 828-891-3893 828-433-5044 C (native) 919-542-6186 2-4" 828-433-5044 Fothergilla major 'Mt. Airy' - Mt. Airy Fothergilla Heritage Seedlings Monterey Nursery, Inc. Sampson Nursery Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Franklinia alatamaha - Franklin Tree Cam Too Camellia Nursery, Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Heritage Seedlings Heritage Seedlings C C Fraxinus america 'Autumn Purple Ash' Bryan Wagoner Tree Farm Monterey Nursery, Inc. Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. Fraxinus americana 'Green Ash' Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Fraxinus americana 'Patmore' - Green Ash North 40 Nursery, Inc. Fraxinus americanan 'Autumn Purple' - White Ash Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. North 40 Nursery, Inc. Fraxinus pennsylvanica - Green Ash Cure Nursery Fraxinus pennsylvanica 'Cimmaron Ash' - Cimmaron Ash North 40 Nursery, Inc. BB Fraxinus pennsylvanica 'Marshall Seedless' - Marshall Seedless Ash Douglas Thompson & Associates Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. L BB BB 2-4" 2, 2.5, 3" 828-894-2020 800-543-7537 828-891-3893 BB 2" - 3.5" 478-783-4975 BB L BB BB 1.5", 1.75", 2" 2-3" 1.5 - 4" 336-585-0052 828-894-2020 828-433-5044 540-946-3800 2, 2.5, 3" 828-894-2020 828-891-3893 Fraxinus pennsylvanica 'Oconee' - Georgia Gem Green Ash Bold Spring Nursery, LLC Fraxinus pennsylvanica 'Patmore' - Patmore Ash Bryan Wagoner Tree Farm Douglas Thompson & Associates North 40 Nursery, Inc. Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. Fraxinus pennsylvanica 'Summit' - Summit Ash Douglas Thompson & Associates Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. L BB Gardenia augusta 'Crown Jewel' PP#18,896 - Crown Jewel PP#19,896 Gardenia Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. C #3 800-487-2555 #3 800-487-2555 Gardenia augusta 'Frostproof' - Frostproof Gardenia Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. C Gardenia augusta 'Heaven Scent'™ PP#19,988 - Heaven Scent™ PP#19,988 Gardenia Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. C #3 800-487-2555 C C 3 GAL 800-758-8121 1-800-762-7062 Gardenia jasminoides (Cultivars) - Gardenia Cam Too Camellia Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Gardenia jasminoides 'August Beauty' - August Beauty Gardenia Cedarview Farm Nursery Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. 42 L C 2 QT #3 919-528-4147 800-543-7537 Plant Sources - Gardenia jasminoides 'Chuck Hayes' - Chuck Hayes Gardenia Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Monterey Nursery, Inc. Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. Turkey Foot Nursery, Inc. C C C C #3 3 GAL #3, #5 1, 3 GAL 910-323-8811 800-444-1116 919-934-0428 336-492-5200 Gardenia jasminoides 'Chuck Hayes' - Chuck Hayes Gardenia Cam Too Camellia Nursery, Inc. Oakmont Nursery Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Tinga Nursery, Inc. C C C C #3 3 GAL 800-758-8121 919-663-3607 919-231-6161 910-762-1975 Gardenia jasminoides 'Dirr's Select' - Dirr's Select Gardenia Cam Too Camellia Nursery, Inc. C 800-758-8121 Gardenia jasminoides 'Frostproof' - Frostproof Gardenia Currins Nursery, Inc. Full of Life Farms Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. Old Courthouse Nursery Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery Tinga Nursery, Inc. C C C C C C C C 3, 5 GAL 5 GAL #3 #3 1, 3 GAL 3 GAL 3 GAL 3 GAL 919-552-4521 919-742-2897 910-323-8811 919-934-0428 910-293-9374 336-992-2530 919-934-7764 910-762-1975 Gardenia jasminoides 'Griff's Select' - Griff's Select Gardenia Full of Life Farms C 5 GAL 919-742-2897 Gardenia jasminoides 'Kleim's Hardy' - Kleim's Hardy Gardenia Cam Too Camellia Nursery, Inc. Cedarview Farm Nursery Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. Old Courthouse Nursery Powell's Nursery, LLC Sampson Nursery Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Tinga Nursery, Inc. Turkey Foot Nursery, Inc. C L C C C C C C C C C C C C 3 GAL 1, 3 GAL 800-758-8121 919-528-4147 800-543-7537 800-487-2555 910-323-8811 919-934-0428 910-293-9374 919-552-5869 800-567-2909 336-992-2530 919-934-7764 919-231-6161 910-762-1975 336-492-5200 #3, #7 910-323-8811 2 QT #3 #3 3 GAL #3 1 GAL 3 GAL 3 GAL 919-528-4147 800-543-7537 910-323-8811 800-444-1116 919-934-0428 919-552-5869 800-567-2909 919-934-7764 919-231-6161 2 QT #3 #2, #3 #3, #7 #3 1, 3 GAL 1 GAL 3 GAL 3 GAL 3 GAL Gardenia jasminoides 'Mystery' - Mystery Gardenia Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. C Gardenia jasminoides 'Radicans' - Trailing Gardenia Cedarview Farm Nursery Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Monterey Nursery, Inc. Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. Powell's Nursery, LLC Sampson Nursery Swift Creek Nursery Taylor's Nursery, Inc. L C C C C C C C C Gardenia jasminoides 'Shooting Star' - Shooting Star Gardenia Full of Life Farms C 5 GAL 919-742-2897 C 1 GAL 910-293-9374 gardenia x 'Crown Jewel' - Crown Jewel Gardenia Old Courthouse Nursery Gardenia x 'Crown Jewel' PP 19,896 - Crown Jewel PP19,896 Gardenia Oakmont Nursery C #3 919-663-3607 Gardenia x 'Crown Jewel' PPAF Cam Too Camellia Nursery, Inc. C 800-758-8121 Gardenia x 'Kleim's Hardy' - Kleim's Hardy Gardenia Monterey Nursery, Inc. C 3 GAL 800-444-1116 C #1, #5 Trellis 800-487-2555 #1, #5 Trellis 2 GAL 800-487-2555 919-231-6161 1-800-762-7062 1 GAL 919-231-6161 910-762-1975 Gelsemium 'Carolina' - Carolina Jessamine Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Gelsemium rankinii - Fall Blooming Carolina Jassamine Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C C C Gelsemium sempervirens - Carolina Yellow Jessamine Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Tinga Nursery, Inc. C C 43 Genista - Bangle - Plant Sources Genista - Bangle Cam Too Camellia Nursery, Inc. C 800-758-8121 Ginkgo biloba - Maidenhair Tree Full of Life Farms Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Heritage Seedlings Lanes Creek Trees Quaker Meadows Nursery C C BR BB BB 3, 5 GAL #15 1/8", 3/16", 1/4" 2"-3" 1.5-2" 919-742-2897 910-323-8811 503-585-9835 704-564-3232 828-437-2063 Ginkgo biloba 'Autumn Gold' - Autumn Gold Maidenhair Tree Heritage Seedlings Worthington Farms, Inc. BR C 2-3' 30 GAL 503-585-9835 252-756-3827 1-2', 2-3' Large Plug (3x3x7") 503-585-9835 #15 800-487-2555 Ginkgo biloba 'Fastigiata' - Fastigiata Maidenhair Tree Heritage Seedlings Ginkgo biloba 'Gnome' - Gnome Ginkgo Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. C Ginkgo biloba 'Golden Globe' - Golden Globe Maidenhair Tree Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. C #15 800-487-2555 1-2', 2-3' Large Plug (3x3x7") 503-585-9835 1-2' XL Plug (4x4x8") High Graft 4-6" Spread 503-585-9835 Ginkgo biloba 'Magyar' - Magyar Maidenhair Tree Heritage Seedlings Ginkgo biloba 'Mariken' - Mariken Maidenhair Tree Heritage Seedlings Ginkgo biloba 'Robbie's Twist' - Robbie's Twist Maidenhair Tree Heritage Seedlings 1-2' Large Plug (3x3x7") 503-585-9835 C 6-12", 1-2', 2-3' Large Plug (3x3x7") 5 GAL 503-585-9835 919-772-7255 C BB #15 2-2.5" 910-323-8811 828-433-5044 BB 1.5-3" 828-437-2063 Ginkgo biloba 'Saratoga' - Saratoga Maidenhair Tree Heritage Seedlings Pender Nursery, Inc. Gledistsia triacanthos 'Thornless Honeylocust' Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. North 40 Nursery, Inc. Gleditsia triacanthos - Honey Locust Quaker Meadows Nursery Gleditsia triacanthos f. inermis 'Thornless Honey Locust' - Thornless Honey Locust Full of Life Farms C 3, 5 GAL 919-742-2897 Gleditsia triacanthos inermis 'Shademaster' - Shade Master Locust Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. Winfall Nurseries BB BB 1.75"- 3.5" 2-3" 540-946-3800 434-332-5701 1.5", 1.75", 2", 2.5" 2-2.5" 2-4" 2, 2.5" 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3" 1.5-3" 1.75"-3.5" 336-585-0052 828-606-3625 800-543-7537 800-947-9568 828-891-3893 828-437-2063 540-946-3800 Gleditsia triacanthos inermis 'Skyline' - Skyline Honeylocust Bryan Wagoner Tree Farm Deerwood Nursery, LLC. Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Goodson & Associates Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. Quaker Meadows Nursery Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. BB BB BB BB BB BB BB Gordonia lasianthus - Loblolly Bay Coastal Plain Conservation Nursery, Inc. C 252-482-5707 L-C 410-529-0552 Grasses (Native) American Native Plants Ground Covers (Assorted) Plantworks Nursery, Inc. 2.5", 4" 919-732-6594 Ground Covers (Native) American Native Plants L-C 410-529-0552 Gunnera tinctoria - Chilean Rhubarb Heritage Seedlings Medium Plug (2x2x3.5") 503-585-9835 BR 3/16", 1/4" 503-585-9835 C C BB 15 GAL 15 GAL 2-2.5" 336-656-7881 800-444-1116 828-433-5044 BR 6-12", 1-2', 2-3' 503-585-9835 C 7 GAL 1-800-762-7062 C C 3 GAL 3, 5 GAL 828-884-4330 919-742-2897 Gymnocladus dioica - Kentucky Coffeetree Heritage Seedlings Halesia caroliniana - Carolina Silverbell A & A Plants, Inc. Monterey Nursery, Inc. North 40 Nursery, Inc. Halesia tetraptera - Carolina Silverbell Heritage Seedlings Hamamelis intermedia (Assorted Cultivars) - Witch Hazel Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Hamamelis virginiana - Common Witch Hazel Colonial Acres Nursery Full of Life Farms 44 Plant Sources - Hamamelis x intermedia 'Arnold Promise' - Arnold Promise Witch Hazel Heritage Seedlings Heritage Seedlings Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. BR BB 1/8", 3/16" Deep Plug (1.9x6.7") and Large Plug (3x3x7") 3',4',5' 503-585-9835 503-585-9835 540-946-3800 Hamamelis x intermedia 'Arnold Promise' - Arnold Promise Witch Hazel Heritage Seedlings L 12-18" Spread 503-585-9835 12-18", 18-24" Spread 503-585-9835 Hamamelis x intermedia 'Diane' - Diane Witch Hazel Heritage Seedlings Hamamelis x intermedia 'Jelena' - Copper Beauty Witch Hazel Heritage Seedlings 12-18" Spread 503-585-9835 12-18" Spread 503-585-9835 2.5, 4" 919-732-6594 Hamamelis x intermedia 'Primavera' - Primavera Witch Hazel Heritage Seedlings Hedera helix (Cultivars) - English Ivy Plantworks Nursery, Inc. Helianthus angustifolius - Swamp Sunflower Coastal Plain Conservation Nursery, Inc. C 252-482-5707 Helleborus niger - Christmas Rose Heritage Seedlings 1, 2-3 Eye-Division 503-585-9835 QT 800-758-8121 919-732-6594 #1 910-323-8811 #1 800-487-2555 C C C C C #1, 1 QT #1 1 GAL 1 QT, 1 GAL 1 GAL 800-487-2555 910-323-8811 800-444-1116 336-992-2530 1-800-762-7062 C #1 910-323-8811 #1 910-323-8811 C #1 910-323-8811 C C C #1, 1 QT #1 1 GAL 800-487-2555 910-323-8811 1-800-762-7062 C C C C C C C C C C #1, 1 QT #1 1 GAL #1 1 GAL 1 QT, 1 GAL 1 GAL 1 GAL 1 GAL 1 GAL 800-487-2555 910-323-8811 800-444-1116 919-934-0428 800-567-2909 336-992-2530 919-934-7764 910-762-1975 336-492-5200 1-800-762-7062 Medium Plug (2x2x3.5") 503-585-9835 NL Seeds 502-895-0807 C #1 800-543-7537 C C #3 800-758-8121 910-323-8811 C C 3 GAL 252-482-5707 252-637-6858 Hemerocallis (Cultivars) - Daylily Cam Too Camellia Nursery, Inc. Plantworks Nursery, Inc. C Hemerocallis 'Aztec Gold' - Aztec Gold Daylily Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. C Hemerocallis 'Baby Darling' - Baby Darling Daylilly Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. C Hemerocallis 'Happy Returns' - Happy Returns Daylilly Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Monterey Nursery, Inc. Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Hemerocallis 'Hyperion' - Hyperion Daylilly Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Hemerocallis 'Lemon Yellow' - Lemon Yellow Daylily Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. C Hemerocallis 'Pandora's Box' - Pandora's Box Daylilly Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Hemerocallis 'Pardon Me' - Pardon Me Daylilly Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Hemerocallis 'Stella D' Oro' - Stella D'Oro Daylilly Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Monterey Nursery, Inc. Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. Sampson Nursery Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery Tinga Nursery, Inc. Turkey Foot Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Heptacodium miconoides - Seven Son Flower Heritage Seedlings Herbs (Assorted) Jelitto Perennial Seeds Heuchera micrantha 'Palace Purple' - Coral Bells Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Hibiscus (Cultivars) Cam Too Camellia Nursery, Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Hibiscus coccineus - Swamp Hibiscus Coastal Plain Conservation Nursery, Inc. Gary's Nursery, LLC Hibiscus moscheutus - Rose Mallow Coastal Plain Conservation Nursery, Inc. C 252-482-5707 Hibiscus syriacus 'Floru' - Violet Satin Hibiscus PP#12. 196 Monterey Nursery, Inc. C 3 GAL 800-444-1116 45 Hibiscus syriacus Tree Form - Rose of Sharon/ Shrub Althea - Plant Sources Hibiscus syriacus Tree Form - Rose of Sharon/ Shrub Althea Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. C #15 910-323-8811 QT, GAL 800-758-8121 919-732-6594 C C #1 1 GAL 910-323-8811 919-934-7764 C #1 910-323-8811 C #1 800-487-2555 C #1 910-323-8811 C 1 GAL 800-444-1116 C C C #1 1 GAL 1 GAL 910-323-8811 800-444-1116 919-934-7764 C C #1, #3 1 GAL 910-323-8811 919-934-7764 C 1 GAL 919-934-7764 C C C #1, 1 QT #1, #3 1 GAL 800-487-2555 910-323-8811 919-934-7764 2 QT 919-528-4147 Hosta (Species & Culivars) Cam Too Camellia Nursery, Inc. Plantworks Nursery, Inc. C Hosta 'Albo Marginata' - White-Margined Hosta Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery Hosta 'Aureo Marginata' - Gold-Margined Hosta Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Hosta 'Fire & Ice' - Fire & Ice Hosta Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Hosta fortunei 'Hyacinthina' - Plantain Lily Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Hosta 'Francee' - Francee Hosta Monterey Nursery, Inc. Hosta 'Golden Tiara' - Golden Tiara Hosta Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Monterey Nursery, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery Hosta 'Great Expectations' - Great Expectations Hosta Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery Hosta 'Krossa Regal' - Krossa Regal Hosta Swift Creek Nursery Hosta 'Patriot' - Patriot Hosta Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery Hydrangea anomala var. petiolaris - Climbing Hydrangea Cedarview Farm Nursery L Hydrangea arborescens - Smooth Hydrangea Meadowbrook Nursery & Farm C 828-738-8300 Hydrangea arborescens 'Abetwo' PPAF - Incrediball Hydrangea Monterey Nursery, Inc. C 3 GAL 800-444-1116 Hydrangea arborescens 'Annabelle' - Annabelle Smooth Hydrangea Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Hefner's Nursery Monterey Nursery, Inc. Sampson Nursery Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C C C C C C C #3 #3 3, 7 GAL 3 GAL 3 GAL 3 GAL 3 GAL 800-487-2555 910-323-8811 828-256-5271 800-444-1116 800-567-2909 336-992-2530 1-800-762-7062 Hydrangea macrophylla 'All Summer Beauty' - All Summer Beauty Big Leaf Hydrangea Monterey Nursery, Inc. Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. C C 3 GAL 3 GAL 800-444-1116 540-946-3800 Hydrangea macrophylla 'Bailmer Endless Summer' - Bailmer Endless Summer Big Leaf Hydrangea Goodson & Associates C 3 GAL 800-947-9568 Hydrangea macrophylla 'Bailmer'® PP# 15298 - Endless Summer Hydrangea® Pender Nursery, Inc. Sampson Nursery C C 5 GAL 3,5 GAL 919-772-7255 800-567-2909 Hydrangea macrophylla 'Blue Bird' - Blue Bird Big Leaf Hydrangea Tinga Nursery, Inc. C 3 GAL 910-762-1975 Hydrangea macrophylla 'Blue Wave' - Blue Wave Big Leaf Hydrangea Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. C 3 GAL 540-946-3800 Hydrangea macrophylla 'Blushing Bride' - Blushing Bride Big Leaf Hydrangea Goodson & Associates C 3 GAL 800-947-9568 Hydrangea macrophylla 'Dooley' - Dooley Big Leaf Hydrangea Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. C #3 910-323-8811 C 7 GAL 540-946-3800 Hydrangea macrophylla 'Endless Summer' Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. Hydrangea macrophylla 'Glowing Embers' - Glowing Embers Big Leaf Hydrangea Hefner's Nursery Monterey Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C C C 3, 7 GAL 3 GAL 4 GAL 828-256-5271 800-444-1116 1-800-762-7062 Hydrangea macrophylla 'Lanarth White' - Lanarth White Big Leaf Hydrangea Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. 46 C 5 GAL 1-800-762-7062 Plant Sources - Hydrangea macrophylla 'Mariesii' - Mariesii Big Leaf Hydrangea Hydrangea macrophylla 'Mariesii' - Mariesii Big Leaf Hydrangea Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. C #3 919-934-0428 Hydrangea macrophylla 'Mini Penny' PP#15,744 - Mini Penny™ Hydrangea Monterey Nursery, Inc. C 3 GAL 800-444-1116 #3 #3 800-487-2555 919-934-0428 919-231-6161 910-762-1975 1-800-762-7062 Hydrangea macrophylla 'Nikko Blue' - Nikko Blue Hydrangea Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Tinga Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C C C C C 3 GAL 5 GAL Hydrangea macrophylla 'Nikko Blue' - Nikko Blue Big Leaf Hydrangea Monterey Nursery, Inc. Sampson Nursery Stephenson's Nursery, Inc. C C C 3 GAL 3 GAL 3 GAL 800-444-1116 800-567-2909 919-894-2700 Hydrangea macrophylla 'Parzifal' - Parzifal Big Leaf Hydrangea Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C 3 GAL 1-800-762-7062 Hydrangea macrophylla 'Penny Mac' - Penny Mac Big Leaf Hydrangea Old Courthouse Nursery Swift Creek Nursery Tinga Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C C C C 5 GAL 3 GAL 3 GAL 5 GAL 910-293-9374 919-934-7764 910-762-1975 1-800-762-7062 3 GAL 800-444-1116 Hydrangea macrophylla 'Pia' - Pink Elf Hydrangea Monterey Nursery, Inc. C Hydrangea macrophylla 'Sister Teresa' - Sister Teresa Hydrangea Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C 5 GAL 1-800-762-7062 5 GAL 1-800-762-7062 Hydrangea macrophylla 'Taube' - Taube Hydrangea Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C Hydrangea macrophylla 'Twist-n-Shout' - Twist-n-Shout Big Leaf Hydrangea Goodson & Associates C 3 GAL 800-947-9568 3 GAL 3 GAL 5 GAL 919-894-2700 910-762-1975 1-800-762-7062 3 GAL 800-444-1116 #3 910-323-8811 Hydrangea macrophylla 'Variegata' - Variegated Hydrangea Stephenson's Nursery, Inc. Tinga Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C C C Hydrangea paniculata 'DVPinky' - Pinky Winky Hydrangea Monterey Nursery, Inc. C Hydrangea paniculata 'Kyushu' - Kyushu Panicle Hydrangea Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. C Hydrangea paniculata 'Kyushu' Tree Form - Kyushu Panicle Hydrangea Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. C #10 910-323-8811 Hydrangea paniculata 'Limelight' - Limelight Panicle Hydrangea A & A Plants, Inc. Goodson & Associates Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Monterey Nursery, Inc. Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C BB C C C C 7 GAL #3 3 GAL #5 5 GAL 336-656-7881 800-947-9568 800-487-2555 800-444-1116 919-934-0428 1-800-762-7062 5 GAL 336-656-7881 Hydrangea paniculata 'Little Lamb' - Little Lamb Hydrangea A & A Plants, Inc. C Hydrangea paniculata 'Peewee Peegee' - Peewee Peegee Hydrangea A & A Plants, Inc. C 3 GAL 336-656-7881 Hydrangea paniculata 'Pink Diamond' - Pink Diamond Panicle Hydrangea Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C C #3, #10 5 GAL 910-323-8811 1-800-762-7062 #10 Treeform 5 GAL 800-487-2555 919-231-6161 1-800-762-7062 #3, #7 3 GAL 4 GAL Trellis 800-758-8121 919-934-0428 919-772-7255 1-800-762-7062 C C 3 GAL 3 GAL 800-444-1116 910-762-1975 C 3 GAL 800-443-6298 Hydrangea paniculata 'Tardiva' - Paniculata Hydrangea Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C C C Hydrangea petiolaris anomala - Climbing Hydrangea Vine Cam Too Camellia Nursery, Inc. Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. Pender Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C C C C Hydrangea querciflolia (Cultivars) - Oakleaf Hydrangea Monterey Nursery, Inc. Tinga Nursery, Inc. Hydrangea querciflolia varieties Gilbert's Nursery 47 Hydrangea quercifolia 'Alice' - Alice Oakleaf Hydrangea - Plant Sources Hydrangea quercifolia 'Alice' - Alice Oakleaf Hydrangea Old Courthouse Nursery Sampson Nursery Swift Creek Nursery Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C C C C C 5 GAL 3,5 GAL 3 , 7 GAL 5 GAL 910-293-9374 800-567-2909 919-934-7764 919-231-6161 1-800-762-7062 Hydrangea quercifolia 'Amethyst' - Amethyst Oakleaf Hydrangea Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery C C #3 3 GAL 800-487-2555 919-934-7764 Hydrangea quercifolia 'Ellen Huff' - Ellen Huff Oakleaf Hydrangea Spivey's Nursery, Inc. C 3 GAL 336-992-2530 Hydrangea quercifolia 'Pee Wee' - Pee Wee Oakleaf Hydrangea Heritage Seedlings Swift Creek Nursery Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C C Medium Plug (2x2x3.5") 3 GAL 4 GAL 503-585-9835 919-934-7764 1-800-762-7062 Hydrangea quercifolia 'Sikes Dwarf' - Sikes Dwarf Oakleaf Hydrangea Heritage Seedlings Monterey Nursery, Inc. Old Courthouse Nursery C C Medium Plug (2x2x3.5") 3 GAL 5 GAL 503-585-9835 800-444-1116 910-293-9374 Hydrangea quercifolia 'Snow Queen' - Snow Queen Oakleaf Hydrangea Hefner's Nursery Heritage Seedlings Old Courthouse Nursery Sampson Nursery C C C 7 GAL Medium Plug (2x2x3.5") & Large Plug (3x3x7") 5 GAL 3,5 GAL 828-256-5271 503-585-9835 910-293-9374 800-567-2909 Hydrangea quercifolia 'Snowflake' - Snowflake Oakleaf Hydrangea Heritage Seedlings Meadowbrook Nursery & Farm Medium Plug (2x2x3.5") & Large Plug (3x3x7") 503-585-9835 828-738-8300 3 GAL 540-946-3800 3 GAL 1-800-762-7062 C Hydrangea serrata ' Preziosa' Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. C Hydrangea serrata 'Blue Bird' - Blue Bird Hydrangea Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C Hypericum androsaemum 'Albury Purple' - Albury Purple Hypericum Monterey Nursery, Inc. C 3 GAL 800-444-1116 3 GAL 800-444-1116 #7 800-758-8121 910-323-8811 C 3 GAL 800-444-1116 C #3 800-543-7537 Hypericum calycinum 'Brigadoon' - Aaron's Beard Monterey Nursery, Inc. C Hypericum calycinum 'St. John's Wort' - St. John's Wort Cam Too Camellia Nursery, Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. C C Hypericum frondosum 'Sunburst' - Sunburst Hypericum Monterey Nursery, Inc. Hypericum 'Hidcote' - St. John's Wort Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Ilex aquifolium 'Argentea Marginata Pendula'' - Weeping Variegated English Holly-pop Hefner's Nursery C 3, 7 GAL top grafted 828-256-5271 ready 2010 828-433-5044 Ilex aquipernyi 'Dragon Lady' - Dragon Lady Holly North 40 Nursery, Inc. BB Ilex aquipernyi 'Patricia Varner' - Patricia Varner Aquipern Holly Hefner's Nursery BB 5-8' 828-256-5271 C C BB BB #15 15, 25, 45 GAL 910-323-8811 229-762-4888 803-695-0588 704-596-4516 C BB L C BB-C BB C C C BB BB BB C C 15 GAL 7-10' Ilex attenuata 'East Palatka' - East Palatka Holly Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Lake Tree Growers Long Branch Farm Patterson's Nursery 6-7', 7-8' , 8-10' Tree Form, Single Stem Ilex attenuata 'Fosteri #2' - Foster Holly A & A Plants, Inc. Bold Spring Nursery, LLC Byron Lakeview Nursery LLC Full of Life Farms Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Goodson & Associates Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Hickory Hill Nursery Hickory Hill Nursery Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. Lanes Creek Trees Monterey Nursery, Inc. Old Courthouse Nursery 48 5 GAL 4-14' 6-7, 7-8, 8-10' #7, #15 #15, #25 25 GAL 6-12', Full to ground & tree formed 6', 7', 8' 5'-14' 3, 7 GAL 1, 3 GAL 336-656-7881 478-783-4975 800-717-2362 919-742-2897 800-543-7537 800-947-9568 800-487-2555 910-323-8811 336-625-6660 336-625-6660 828-891-3893 704-564-3232 800-444-1116 910-293-9374 Plant Sources - Ilex attenuata 'Fosteri #2' - Tree Form - Foster Holly Patterson's Nursery Patterson's Nursery Poverty Hill Nursery Rocky Creek Farms Nursery Sampson Nursery Silver Creek Farm Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Tinga Nursery, Inc. Turkey Foot Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Watson's Nursery Winfall Nurseries BB BB BB BB C BB C C BB C C BB C BB 6-7' 2", 6-7' Tree Form, 7-8', 8-10' Single Stem 6-14' 5-16' - larger available upon request 3,5,10,25 GAL 5-8' 7, 15 GAL 7, 15 GAL 10, 25 GAL 1 GAL 5-8' 3, 5 GAL 4-8' 704-596-4516 704-596-4516 910-695-7920 800-872-3125 800-567-2909 828-584-1123 336-992-2530 919-934-7764 919-231-6161 910-762-1975 336-492-5200 1-800-762-7062 919-776-3590 434-332-5701 BB C BB 2" - 3" #15 2-3" 478-783-4975 910-323-8811 828-433-5044 BB-C C BB BB 4-14' #3, #7, #25 6-10' 800-543-7537 910-323-8811 803-695-0588 1-800-762-7062 C 15, 25, 45 GAL 910-762-1975 BB 5-8' 910-695-7920 BB BB-C 4-6' 6' and #7, #10, #15 864-680-6309 800-487-2555 C C #7, #15 3 GAL 919-883-8285 1-800-762-7062 BB-C C C BB C BB C 2-12' #3, #7, #10 1, 3 GAL 6-14' 3, 15, 25 GAL 5-8' 3 GAL 800-543-7537 910-323-8811 910-293-9374 910-695-7920 910-762-1975 1-800-762-7062 919-776-3590 6-12' 5-7' 800-543-7537 1-800-762-7062 3, 7 GAL 336-656-7881 800-717-2362 2 QT #3 #3, #7 #3, #7, #15 3, 15, 25 GAL 3 GAL 1, 3, 7 GAL 1 GAL 3,5,7,10 GAL 3, 7 GAL 3, 5 GAL 3, 5 GAL 3, 5, 7 GAL 3 GAL 3. 5 GAL 919-528-4147 800-543-7537 800-487-2555 910-323-8811 336-625-6660 800-444-1116 910-293-9374 919-552-5869 800-567-2909 336-992-2530 919-894-2700 919-934-7764 919-231-6161 919-231-6161 910-762-1975 1-800-762-7062 919-776-3590 2 QT 1, 3, 5 GAL #3 800-717-2362 919-528-4147 919-742-2897 800-543-7537 Ilex attenuata 'Fosteri #2' - Tree Form - Foster Holly Bold Spring Nursery, LLC Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. North 40 Nursery, Inc. Ilex attenuata 'Savannah' - Savannah Holly Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Long Branch Farm Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Ilex attenuata 'Tinga' - Tinga Holly Tinga Nursery, Inc. Ilex 'Cardinal'™ PP#9485 - Cardinal Holly Poverty Hill Nursery Ilex 'Christmas Jewel'® PP#14477 - Christmas Jewel Holly® Goodman's Nursery & BG&G Growers Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Ilex cornula 'Needlepoint' - Needlepoint Holly Big Branch Nursery Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Ilex cornuta 'Burfordii' - Burford Chinese Holly Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Old Courthouse Nursery Poverty Hill Nursery Tinga Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Watson's Nursery Ilex cornuta 'Burfordii' (Tree Form) - Burford Chinese Holly Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. BB BB Ilex cornuta 'Burfordii Nana' - Dwarf Burford Chinese Holly A & A Plants, Inc. Byron Lakeview Nursery LLC C L Ilex cornuta 'Burfordii Nana' - Dwarf Burford Chinese Holly Cedarview Farm Nursery Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Hickory Hill Nursery Monterey Nursery, Inc. Old Courthouse Nursery Powell's Nursery, LLC Sampson Nursery Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Stephenson's Nursery, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Tinga Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Watson's Nursery L C C C C C C C C C C C C BB C C C Ilex cornuta 'Carissa' - Carissa Chinese Holly Byron Lakeview Nursery LLC Cedarview Farm Nursery Full of Life Farms Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. L L C C 49 Ilex cornuta 'Carolina Sentinel' - Carolina Sentinel Chinese Holly - Plant Sources Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Hickory Hill Nursery Monterey Nursery, Inc. Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. Old Courthouse Nursery Powell's Nursery, LLC Sampson Nursery Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Stephenson's Nursery, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery Tinga Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Watson's Nursery C C C C C C C C C C C C C C #3 #3 3, 7 GAL 3 GAL #3, #5 1, 3 GAL 1 GAL 3,5 GAL 3, 7 GAL 3, 5 GAL 3, 5 GAL 3, 5 GAL 3 GAL 3, 5 GAL 800-487-2555 910-323-8811 336-625-6660 800-444-1116 919-934-0428 910-293-9374 919-552-5869 800-567-2909 336-992-2530 919-894-2700 919-934-7764 910-762-1975 1-800-762-7062 919-776-3590 Ilex cornuta 'Carolina Sentinel' - Carolina Sentinel Chinese Holly Taylor's Nursery, Inc. BB 919-231-6161 Ilex cornuta 'Dwarf Burford' - Dwarf Burford Chinese Holly Poverty Hill Nursery BB 2-5' 910-695-7920 C BB-C C 5 GAL B&B Treeform and #7, #15, #25 Treeform #3 919-742-2897 800-487-2555 910-323-8811 3, 7, 15 GAL 336-656-7881 800-717-2362 919-528-4147 828-606-3625 910-323-8811 800-444-1116 919-934-0428 910-293-9374 910-695-7920 919-552-5869 800-567-2909 336-992-2530 919-894-2700 919-934-7764 919-231-6161 919-231-6161 910-762-1975 919-776-3590 Ilex cornuta 'Fineline' - Fine Line Chinese Holly Full of Life Farms Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Ilex cornuta 'Needlepoint' - Needlepoint Chinese Holly A & A Plants, Inc. Byron Lakeview Nursery LLC Cedarview Farm Nursery Deerwood Nursery, LLC. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Monterey Nursery, Inc. Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. Old Courthouse Nursery Poverty Hill Nursery Powell's Nursery, LLC Sampson Nursery Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Stephenson's Nursery, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Tinga Nursery, Inc. Watson's Nursery C L L BB C C C C BB C C C C C C BB C C 2 QT 4' #3, #7, #15 3 GAL #3, #5 1, 3, 7 GAL 4-8' 3 GAL 3,5,7,10 GAL 3, 7 GAL 3, 5 GAL 3, 7 GAL 3, 7, 10 GAL 3, 5 GAL Ilex cornuta 'O' Spring' - O'Spring-Variegated Chinese Holly Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Taylor's Nursery, Inc. C C #10 910-323-8811 919-231-6161 C C #3 3 GAL 910-323-8811 910-762-1975 C 2, 3 GAL 800-443-6298 3,5 GAL 7 GAL 800-567-2909 1-800-762-7062 L L C C C C C C BB C C C C 2 QT #3 #3, #7, #15 3, 7, 15, 25 GAL #3, #5, #15 1 GAL 3,5,10 GAL 24-42" 3, 7 GAL 3, 7 GAL 3, 7 GAL 3, 5 GAL 800-717-2362 919-528-4147 800-543-7537 910-323-8811 336-625-6660 919-934-0428 919-552-5869 800-567-2909 828-584-1123 336-992-2530 910-762-1975 1-800-762-7062 919-776-3590 C #3, #7 910-323-8811 3 GAL 1-800-762-7062 Ilex cornuta 'Rotunda' - Dwarf Chinese Holly Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Tinga Nursery, Inc. Ilex crenata (Cultivars) - Japanese Holly Gilbert's Nursery Ilex crenata 'Chesapeake' - Chesapeake Japanese Holly Sampson Nursery Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C C Ilex crenata 'Compacta' - Compacta Japanese Holly Byron Lakeview Nursery LLC Cedarview Farm Nursery Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Hickory Hill Nursery Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. Powell's Nursery, LLC Sampson Nursery Silver Creek Farm Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Tinga Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Watson's Nursery Ilex crenata 'Convexa' - Convexa Japanese Holly Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Ilex crenata 'Gold Gem' - Gold Gem Japanese Holly Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. 50 C Plant Sources - Ilex crenata 'Green Luster' - Green Luster Japanese Holly Ilex crenata 'Green Luster' - Green Luster Japanese Holly Byron Lakeview Nursery LLC Cedarview Farm Nursery Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Hickory Hill Nursery Monterey Nursery, Inc. Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. Sampson Nursery Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Stephenson's Nursery, Inc. Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Watson's Nursery L L C C C C C C C C C C 3, 5 GAL 800-717-2362 919-528-4147 800-543-7537 910-323-8811 336-625-6660 800-444-1116 919-934-0428 800-567-2909 336-992-2530 919-894-2700 919-231-6161 919-776-3590 #3 #3, #7 3, 5 GAL #3, #5 1 GAL 3,5 GAL 3 GAL 3, 5 GAL 3, 7 GAL 3 GAL 1, 3 GAL 3 GAL 3, 5 GAL 800-543-7537 910-323-8811 336-625-6660 919-934-0428 919-552-5869 800-567-2909 336-992-2530 919-894-2700 919-934-7764 910-762-1975 336-492-5200 1-800-762-7062 919-776-3590 2 QT #3 #3 3 GAL #3, #5 1 GAL 3,5 GAL 3, 5 GAL 3 GAL 800-717-2362 919-528-4147 800-543-7537 910-323-8811 800-444-1116 919-934-0428 919-552-5869 800-567-2909 919-894-2700 1-800-762-7062 #7, #15 2 QT 3, 7, 15 GAL 4-5' 3 GAL #3 #3, #7, #15 #3, #7, #10 3, 7, 10 GAL 3 GAL #3, #7, #15 5-9' 1, 3, 7 GAL 1 GAL 3,5,10 GAL 3, 7, 15 GAL 3, 5, 10 GAL 3, 7 GAL 1 GAL 3 GAL 3, 5 GAL 919-883-8285 919-528-4147 919-552-4521 828-606-3625 919-742-2897 800-543-7537 800-487-2555 910-323-8811 336-625-6660 800-444-1116 919-934-0428 828-433-5044 910-293-9374 919-552-5869 800-567-2909 336-992-2530 919-934-7764 910-762-1975 336-492-5200 1-800-762-7062 919-776-3590 2 QT #3 #3, #5 3 GAL 3 GAL #3, #5 1, 3 GAL 1 GAL 3,5 GAL 3, 7 GAL 800-717-2362 919-528-4147 800-543-7537 800-487-2555 336-625-6660 800-444-1116 919-934-0428 910-293-9374 919-552-5869 800-567-2909 336-992-2530 2 QT #3 #3, #7 3, 15 GAL 3 GAL #3 3,5 GAL 3, 7 GAL 3, 5 GAL Ilex crenata 'Helleri' - Helleri Japanese Holly Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Hickory Hill Nursery Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. Powell's Nursery, LLC Sampson Nursery Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Stephenson's Nursery, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery Tinga Nursery, Inc. Turkey Foot Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Watson's Nursery C C C C C C C C C C C C C Ilex crenata 'Hoogendorn' - Hoogendorn Japanese Holly Byron Lakeview Nursery LLC Cedarview Farm Nursery Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Monterey Nursery, Inc. Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. Powell's Nursery, LLC Sampson Nursery Stephenson's Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. L L C C C C C C C C Ilex crenata 'Sky Pencil' - Sky Pencil Japanese Holly Big Branch Nursery Cedarview Farm Nursery Currins Nursery, Inc. Deerwood Nursery, LLC. Full of Life Farms Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Hickory Hill Nursery Monterey Nursery, Inc. Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. North 40 Nursery, Inc. Old Courthouse Nursery Powell's Nursery, LLC Sampson Nursery Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery Tinga Nursery, Inc. Turkey Foot Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Watson's Nursery C L C BB C C C C C C C BB C C C C C C C C C Ilex crenata 'Soft Touch' - Soft Touch Japanese Holly Byron Lakeview Nursery LLC Cedarview Farm Nursery Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Hickory Hill Nursery Monterey Nursery, Inc. Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. Old Courthouse Nursery Powell's Nursery, LLC Sampson Nursery Spivey's Nursery, Inc. L L C C C C C C C C C 51 Ilex crenata 'Steeds' - Steeds Upright Japanese Holly - Plant Sources Swift Creek Nursery Tinga Nursery, Inc. Turkey Foot Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Watson's Nursery C C C C C 3, 7 GAL 3 GAL 1, 3 GAL 3 GAL 3, 5 GAL 919-934-7764 910-762-1975 336-492-5200 1-800-762-7062 919-776-3590 L BB C C C C C C C BB C C C 2 QT 3' FG #3 3, 7, 15, 25 GAL 3, 7 GAL #5 1, 3, 7 GAL 1 GAL 3,5,10 GAL 30-48" 3 7, GAL 5, 7 GAL 3, 5 GAL 919-528-4147 828-606-3625 800-543-7537 336-625-6660 800-444-1116 919-934-0428 910-293-9374 919-552-5869 800-567-2909 828-584-1123 336-992-2530 1-800-762-7062 919-776-3590 C 3 GAL 828-884-4330 BB BB BB 7-8' 8-14' 5', 6', 7' 828-606-3625 910-695-7920 804-794-5016 Ilex crenata 'Steeds' - Steeds Upright Japanese Holly Cedarview Farm Nursery Deerwood Nursery, LLC. Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Hickory Hill Nursery Monterey Nursery, Inc. Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. Old Courthouse Nursery Powell's Nursery, LLC Sampson Nursery Silver Creek Farm Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Watson's Nursery Ilex Cultivars Verticillata Winterberry Holly Colonial Acres Nursery Ilex 'Dr. Kassab' - Dr. Kassab Holly Deerwood Nursery, LLC. Poverty Hill Nursery Watkins Nurseries, Inc. Ilex 'Emily Bruner' - Emily Bruner Holly Byron Lakeview Nursery LLC Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Hefner's Nursery Hickory Hill Nursery Old Courthouse Nursery Poverty Hill Nursery Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Tinga Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Watkins Nurseries, Inc. L BB-C BB BB C BB BB C BB BB 3, 15, 25 GAL 6-8' 6', 7', 8' 800-717-2362 800-543-7537 828-256-5271 336-625-6660 910-293-9374 910-695-7920 919-231-6161 910-762-1975 1-800-762-7062 804-794-5016 BB BB 7-9' 5-8' 828-433-5044 910-695-7920 C BB 3, 7, 15 GAL 5-8' 919-552-4521 910-695-7920 C C (from native seed) 252-482-5707 919-542-6186 C 3, 7, 15 GAL 336-625-6660 C C C C C C C #3, #5 3, 7, 15 GAL 3, 7 GAL 3 GAL 1 GAL 3 GAL 3 GAL 800-487-2555 336-625-6660 336-992-2530 919-934-7764 336-492-5200 1-800-762-7062 540-946-3800 4-10' 5-8' 8-12' 1, 3, 7 GAL 8-14' Ilex 'Festive'™ - Festive Holly North 40 Nursery, Inc. Poverty Hill Nursery Ilex 'Fineline' - Fineline Holly Currins Nursery, Inc. Poverty Hill Nursery Ilex glabra - Inkberry Coastal Plain Conservation Nursery, Inc. Cure Nursery Ilex glabra 'Compacta' - Compacta Inkberry Hickory Hill Nursery Ilex glabra 'Nigra' - Nigra Inkberry Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Hickory Hill Nursery Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery Turkey Foot Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. Ilex glabra 'Shamrock' - Shamrock Inkberry Byron Lakeview Nursery LLC Cedarview Farm Nursery Full of Life Farms Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Hickory Hill Nursery Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. Old Courthouse Nursery Sampson Nursery Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Stephenson's Nursery, Inc. Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Turkey Foot Nursery, Inc. 52 L L C C C C C C C C C C C 2 QT 3 GAL #3, #7 #3 3, 7, 15 GAL #3 1 GAL 3,5,7 GAL 3, 7 GAL 3, 5 GAL 1 GAL 800-717-2362 919-528-4147 919-742-2897 800-543-7537 910-323-8811 336-625-6660 919-934-0428 910-293-9374 800-567-2909 336-992-2530 919-894-2700 919-231-6161 336-492-5200 Plant Sources - Ilex koehneana 'Wirt L. Winn' - Wirt L. Winn Koehne Holly Ilex koehneana 'Wirt L. Winn' - Wirt L. Winn Koehne Holly Hefner's Nursery BB 5-9' 828-256-5271 C C #15 15, 25 GAL 910-323-8811 910-762-1975 Ilex latifolia - Lusterleaf Holly Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Tinga Nursery, Inc. Ilex latifolia 'Mary Nell' - Mary Nell Lusterleaf Holly Byron Lakeview Nursery LLC Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Old Courthouse Nursery Poverty Hill Nursery Stephenson's Nursery, Inc. Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Tinga Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. L BB-C C BB C BB C BB 3, 15, 25 GAL 5-9' 800-717-2362 800-543-7537 910-293-9374 910-695-7920 919-894-2700 919-231-6161 910-762-1975 1-800-762-7062 C BB 1, 3 GAL 5-8' 910-293-9374 910-695-7920 C #15 910-323-8811 C BB 3 GAL 24-48" 828-884-4330 828-584-1123 4-10' 1, 3, 7 GAL 8-12' 7 GAL Ilex 'Liberty' - Liberty Holly Old Courthouse Nursery Poverty Hill Nursery Ilex 'Liberty' PP# 12009 - Liberty Holly Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Ilex meserveae - Blue Holly Colonial Acres Nursery Silver Creek Farm Ilex meserveae 'Blue Girl' - Blue Girl Blue Holly Byron Lakeview Nursery LLC L 800-717-2362 Ilex meserveae 'Blue Maid' - Blue Maid Blue Holly Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. C 3, 7 GAL 540-946-3800 #3 3,5 GAL 1 GAL 3, 7 GAL 910-323-8811 800-567-2909 336-492-5200 540-946-3800 L C C BB C C C #3, #7, #10 #3 3-5' 3,5 GAL 1 GAL 3, 7 GAL 800-717-2362 910-323-8811 919-934-0428 828-433-5044 800-567-2909 336-492-5200 540-946-3800 C #10 910-323-8811 C BB C BB BB L L C BB-C C C BB BB C BB C BB BB C C BB C BB BB BB C BB BB 15 GAL 5-6, 6-7, 7-8" #15 6-8' 4-12' 336-656-7881 910-858-3740 919-883-8285 478-783-4975 336-585-0052 800-717-2362 919-528-4147 828-884-4330 800-543-7537 800-487-2555 910-323-8811 828-256-5271 336-625-6660 336-625-6660 828-891-3893 229-762-4888 704-564-3232 803-695-0588 800-444-1116 919-934-0428 828-433-5044 910-293-9374 910-695-7920 828-437-2063 800-872-3125 800-567-2909 704-471-1000 828-584-1123 Ilex meserveae 'Blue Princess' - Blue Princess Blue Holly Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Sampson Nursery Turkey Foot Nursery, Inc. Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. C C C C Ilex meserveae 'China Girl' - China Girl Blue Holly Byron Lakeview Nursery LLC Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. North 40 Nursery, Inc. Sampson Nursery Turkey Foot Nursery, Inc. Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. Ilex 'Miss Patricia' - Miss Patricia Holly Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Ilex 'Nellie R. Stevens' - Nellie R. Stevens Holly A & A Plants, Inc. Back Road Farms Big Branch Nursery Bold Spring Nursery, LLC Bryan Wagoner Tree Farm Byron Lakeview Nursery LLC Cedarview Farm Nursery Colonial Acres Nursery Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Hefner's Nursery Hickory Hill Nursery Hickory Hill Nursery Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. Lake Tree Growers Lanes Creek Trees Long Branch Farm Monterey Nursery, Inc. Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. North 40 Nursery, Inc. Old Courthouse Nursery Poverty Hill Nursery Quaker Meadows Nursery Rocky Creek Farms Nursery Sampson Nursery Scottree Silver Creek Farm 2 QT 5, 7, 15 GAL 2-16' #7, #15 #3,#7, #15, #25 6-9' 6-18' 3, 15, 25 GAL 6-7', 7-8', 8-10', 10-12', 12-14', 14-16' 15, 25 GAL 5'-10' 7 GAL #15, #25 4-12' 1, 3, 7, 15 GAL 6-16' 5-6', 6-7', 7-8', 8-9', 9-10', 10-11', 11-12', 125, 20' - larger available upon request 3,5,10,25 GAL 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12' 4-8' 53 Ilex 'Nellie R. Stevens Nana' - Dwarf Nellie R. Stevens Holly - Plant Sources Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Stephenson's Nursery, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Tinga Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Watkins Nurseries, Inc. Watson's Nursery Winfall Nurseries BB C C C BB C C BB BB C BB 6-7', 7-8', 8-10' 4, 7, 15, 25 GAL 7, 10, 20, 25 GAL 5, 10, 15, 25 GAL 3, 15, 25, 45 GAL 5-9' 5' - 12' 3, 5 GAL 4-8' 336-992-2530 336-992-2530 919-894-2700 919-934-7764 919-231-6161 919-231-6161 910-762-1975 1-800-762-7062 804-794-5016 919-776-3590 434-332-5701 C 5 GAL 1-800-762-7062 C C C BB C C #15 15, 25 GAL 1, 3, 7 GAL 5-8' 5,10,25 GAL 15, 25 GAL 910-323-8811 229-762-4888 910-293-9374 910-695-7920 800-567-2909 910-762-1975 C BB-C 1, 3, 7 GAL 2-16' 828-884-4330 800-543-7537 BB 5-8' 828-584-1123 Ilex 'Nellie R. Stevens Nana' - Dwarf Nellie R. Stevens Holly Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Ilex 'Oakleaf'™ PP#9487 - Oakleaf Holly Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Lake Tree Growers Old Courthouse Nursery Poverty Hill Nursery Sampson Nursery Tinga Nursery, Inc. Ilex opaca - American Holly Colonial Acres Nursery Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Ilex opaca - Big Berry Holly Silver Creek Farm Ilex opaca 'Dan Fenton' - Dan Fenton American Holly (Female) Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Worthington Farms, Inc. BB BB 5-7' 6-8' 1-800-762-7062 252-756-3827 BB 4', 5', 6' 804-794-5016 BB C BB BB BB 2-12' 1, 3, 7 GAL 6-14' 800-543-7537 910-293-9374 910-695-7920 919-231-6161 1-800-762-7062 Ilex opaca femina 'Watkins' - Watkins American Holly Watkins Nurseries, Inc. Ilex opaca 'Greenleaf' - Greenleaf Holly Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Old Courthouse Nursery Poverty Hill Nursery Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. 6-8' Ilex opaca 'Jersey Knight' - Jersey Knight American Holly (Male) Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. BB 5-7' 1-800-762-7062 C #3, #15 910-323-8811 BB 5', 6', 7' 804-794-5016 C C BB C #3, #7, # 15 1, 3, 7 GAL 5-8' 5,10,25 GAL 910-323-8811 910-293-9374 910-695-7920 800-567-2909 C C 2, 3 GAL 800-758-8121 800-443-6298 Ilex opaca 'Satyr Hill' - Satyr Hill American Holly Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Ilex opaca 'Watkins Male' - Watkins Male American Holly Watkins Nurseries, Inc. Ilex 'Robin'™ - Robin™ Holly Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Old Courthouse Nursery Poverty Hill Nursery Sampson Nursery Ilex verticillata (Cultivars) - Winterberry Holly Cam Too Camellia Nursery, Inc. Gilbert's Nursery Ilex verticillata 'Maryland Beauty' - Maryland Beauty Winterberry Holly Heritage Seedlings 6-12" Spread & Medium Plug (2x2x3.5") 503-585-9835 5, 7 GAL 3, 5 GAL 828-256-5271 800-567-2909 Ilex verticillata 'Red Sprite' - Red Sprite Winterberry Holly Hefner's Nursery Sampson Nursery C C Ilex verticillata 'Southern Gentleman' - Southern Gentleman Winterberry Holly Heritage Seedlings Taylor's Nursery, Inc. 6-12" Spread & Medium Plug (2x2x3.5") C 503-585-9835 919-231-6161 Ilex verticillata 'Sparkleberry' - Sparkleberry Winterberry Holly Sampson Nursery C 3,5 GAL 800-567-2909 6-12" Spread & Medium Plug (2x2x3.5") 503-585-9835 3, 5, 7 GAL Medium Plug (2x2x3.5") 3, 5 GAL 4-5' 828-256-5271 503-585-9835 800-567-2909 828-584-1123 919-231-6161 540-946-3800 Ilex verticillata 'Winter Gold' - Winter Gold Winterberry Holly Heritage Seedlings Ilex verticillata 'Winter Red' - Winter Red Winterberry Holly Hefner's Nursery Heritage Seedlings Sampson Nursery Silver Creek Farm Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. 54 C C BB C C 3 GAL Plant Sources - Ilex vomitoria - Yaupon Holly Ilex vomitoria - Yaupon Holly Tinga Nursery, Inc. C 3, 15, 25 GAL 910-762-1975 C C 3, 5, 7 GAL 3 GAL 919-552-4521 919-934-7764 C C C 3 GAL 3,5 GAL 3, 5 GAL 800-444-1116 800-567-2909 919-776-3590 C C BB C C #15 7 GAL 10-16' 15 GAL 7 GAL 910-323-8811 910-293-9374 910-695-7920 910-762-1975 1-800-762-7062 Ilex vomitoria 'Bordeaux' PP#8779 - Bordeaux Yaupon Holly Currins Nursery, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery Ilex vomitoria 'Nana' - Dwarf Yaupon Holly Monterey Nursery, Inc. Sampson Nursery Watson's Nursery Ilex vomitoria 'Pendula' - Weeping Yaupon Holly Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Old Courthouse Nursery Poverty Hill Nursery Tinga Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Ilex vomitoria 'Pride of Houston' - Pride of Houston Yaupon Holly Poverty Hill Nursery BB 6-10' 910-695-7920 2 QT #3, #10 #3 1, 3 GAL 3, 7 GAL 3, 5 GAL 3, 7 GAL Ilex vomitoria 'Schilling's' - Schilling's Dwarf Yaupon Holly Cedarview Farm Nursery Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Oakmont Nursery Old Courthouse Nursery Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Stephenson's Nursery, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Tinga Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. L C C C C C C C C C 3, 7 GAL 3 GAL 919-528-4147 910-323-8811 919-663-3607 910-293-9374 336-992-2530 919-894-2700 919-934-7764 919-231-6161 910-762-1975 1-800-762-7062 C BB #10, #15, #25, #45 6-7', 7-8' Tree Form, Single Stem 910-323-8811 704-596-4516 BB BB 5-7' 5-8' 704-564-3232 910-695-7920 BB 5-9' 828-433-5044 BB-C 6' and #7, #15 800-487-2555 BB 6-8' 252-756-3827 BB-C 5-7', 7-15 GAL 252-756-3827 C 15 GAL 800-444-1116 BB 5-9' 828-433-5044 C L #7 919-883-8285 800-717-2362 Ilex Vomitoria 'Yaupon' Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Patterson's Nursery Ilex 'Wirt L. Winn' - Wirt L. Winn Holly Lanes Creek Trees Poverty Hill Nursery Ilex x 'Acadian - Acadian Red Holly North 40 Nursery, Inc. Ilex x 'Carolina Sentinel' - Carolina Sentinel Holly Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Ilex x 'Greenleaf' - Greenleaf American Holly Worthington Farms, Inc. Ilex x 'Oakleaf' - Oakleaf Red Holly Worthington Farms, Inc. Ilex x 'Oakleaf' PP 9484 - Oakleaf Holly Monterey Nursery, Inc. Ilex x 'Robin - Robin Holly North 40 Nursery, Inc. Illicium anisatum - Japanese Anise Big Branch Nursery Byron Lakeview Nursery LLC Illicium floridanum - Florida Anise Tree Byron Lakeview Nursery LLC Full of Life Farms L C 3 GAL 800-717-2362 919-742-2897 Illicium parviflorum - Small Anise Tree Big Branch Nursery Byron Lakeview Nursery LLC Cedarview Farm Nursery Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Sampson Nursery Stephenson's Nursery, Inc. Tinga Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C L L C C C C C C #7 2 QT #3 #3, #7, #15 3,5,10 GAL 3, 7 GAL 3, 7 GAL 5 GAL 919-883-8285 800-717-2362 919-528-4147 800-543-7537 910-323-8811 800-567-2909 919-894-2700 910-762-1975 1-800-762-7062 5 GAL 828-256-5271 Medium Plug (2x2x3.5") 503-585-9835 Illicium parviflorum 'Forest Green' - Forest Green Anisetree Hefner's Nursery C Impatiens omeiana - Impatiens Heritage Seedlings Induoclamus tessellates - Big Leaf Haiku Bamboo Nursery C 828-685-3053 55 Iris (Species & Cultivars) - Plant Sources Iris (Species & Cultivars) Cam Too Camellia Nursery, Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. C C #1, #2 800-758-8121 910-323-8811 Iris virginica - Southern Blue Flag Iris Coastal Plain Conservation Nursery, Inc. C 252-482-5707 Itea virginica - Virginia Sweetspire Willow Coastal Plain Conservation Nursery, Inc. Colonial Acres Nursery C C 2 GAL 252-482-5707 828-884-4330 Itea virginica 'Henry's Garnet' - Henry's Garnet Virginia Sweetspire Willow A & A Plants, Inc. Cedarview Farm Nursery Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Monterey Nursery, Inc. Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. Powell's Nursery, LLC Sampson Nursery Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Stephenson's Nursery, Inc. Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. C L C C C C C C C C C C 3, 5 GAL 2 QT #3 3 GAL #3 1 GAL 3 GAL 3 GAL 3 GAL 5 GAL 3 GAL 336-656-7881 919-528-4147 910-323-8811 800-444-1116 919-934-0428 919-552-5869 800-567-2909 336-992-2530 919-894-2700 919-231-6161 1-800-762-7062 540-946-3800 Itea virginica 'Little Henry' - Little Henry Virginia Sweetspire Willow Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. C #3 910-323-8811 Itea virginica 'Merlot' - Merlot Virginia Sweetspire Willow Heritage Seedlings 6-12", 12-18" Spread & Medium Plug (2x2x3.5") 503-585-9835 Itea virginica 'Sprich' - Little Henry Virginia Sweetspire Monterey Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C C 3 GAL 3 GAL 800-444-1116 1-800-762-7062 C 3 GAL 540-946-3800 C C C C C #3 #5 3 GAL 1 GAL 3 GAL 800-543-7537 910-323-8811 800-444-1116 910-293-9374 800-567-2909 Itea virginica 'Sprich' PP# 10988 - Little Henry Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. Jasminum nudiflorum - Winter Jasmine Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Monterey Nursery, Inc. Old Courthouse Nursery Sampson Nursery Juncus corlaceus - Leathery Rush Coastal Plain Conservation Nursery, Inc. C 252-482-5707 Juncus effusus - Soft Rush Coastal Plain Conservation Nursery, Inc. Douglas Thompson & Associates C C 1 Gal 252-482-5707 828-894-2020 Juncus roemerianus - Black Needlerush Coastal Plain Conservation Nursery, Inc. C 252-482-5707 Juniper Hollywood Turkey Foot Nursery, Inc. C 2 GAL 336-492-5200 C C 2, 3, 5 GAL 1, 2, 3 GAL 1-800-762-7062 919-776-3590 Juniperus (Species & Cultivars) Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Watson's Nursery Juniperus chinensis 'Angelica Blue' - Angelica Blue Pfitzer Juniper Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Hefner's Nursery C C #3 2 GAL 910-323-8811 828-256-5271 #5 7-12' 800-487-2555 828-433-5044 3 GAL 800-444-1116 3 GAL 800-444-1116 Juniperus chinensis 'Blue Point' - Blue Point Juniper Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. North 40 Nursery, Inc. C BB Juniperus chinensis 'Gold Coast' - Gold Coast Juniper Monterey Nursery, Inc. C Juniperus chinensis 'Gold Lace' - Gold Lace Juniper Monterey Nursery, Inc. C Juniperus chinensis Hetzi Columnuris - Hetzi Columnuris Juniper Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. C BB #3 5'-10' 910-323-8811 540-946-3800 Juniperus chinensis 'Hetzii Columnaris' - Hetzii Columnaris Juniper Tinga Nursery, Inc. C 3, 15, 25 GAL 910-762-1975 #5 800-487-2555 Juniperus chinensis 'Kaizuka' - Torulosa Hollywood Juniper Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. C Juniperus chinensis 'Nick's Compacta' - Nick's Compacta Juniper Byron Lakeview Nursery LLC Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. 56 L C #3 800-717-2362 910-323-8811 Plant Sources - Juniperus chinensis 'Old Gold' - Old Gold Juniper Monterey Nursery, Inc. Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. Stephenson's Nursery, Inc. Taylor's Nursery, Inc. C C C C 3 GAL #3 3 GAL 800-444-1116 919-934-0428 919-894-2700 919-231-6161 C C #7 3 GAL 910-323-8811 919-894-2700 C 5 GAL 1-800-762-7062 Juniperus chinensis 'Old Gold' - Old Gold Juniper Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Stephenson's Nursery, Inc. Juniperus chinensis 'Perfecta' - Perfecta Juniper Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Juniperus chinensis procumbens 'Nuna' - Dwarf Japanese Garden Juniper Turkey Foot Nursery, Inc. C 1, 3 GAL 336-492-5200 Juniperus chinensis sargentii 'Viridis' - Green Sargent Juniper Byron Lakeview Nursery LLC Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Monterey Nursery, Inc. Powell's Nursery, LLC Sampson Nursery Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Stephenson's Nursery, Inc. L C C C C C C #2, #3 3 GAL 1 GAL 3 GAL 1, 2, 3 GAL 3 GAL 800-717-2362 800-487-2555 800-444-1116 919-552-5869 800-567-2909 336-992-2530 919-894-2700 Juniperus chinensis 'Saybrook Gold' - Saybrook Gold Juniper Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Taylor's Nursery, Inc. C C #3 910-323-8811 919-231-6161 C C C C C C #3 #3 3 GAL 3 GAL 3 GAL 1, 3 GAL 800-543-7537 910-323-8811 800-444-1116 800-567-2909 919-894-2700 336-492-5200 BB C C BB C 6-10' #3, #7, #15 1, 3, 7 GAL 5 GAL 828-606-3625 910-323-8811 910-293-9374 919-231-6161 1-800-762-7062 C C C C C #3, #7 1, 3, 7 GAL 1 GAL 3,5,10 GAL 3, 10 GAL 910-323-8811 910-293-9374 919-552-5869 800-567-2909 910-762-1975 L 2 QT 919-528-4147 Juniperus chinensis 'Sea Green' - Sea Green Juniper Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Monterey Nursery, Inc. Sampson Nursery Stephenson's Nursery, Inc. Turkey Foot Nursery, Inc. Juniperus chinensis 'Spartan' - Spartan Juniper Deerwood Nursery, LLC. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Old Courthouse Nursery Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Juniperus chinensis 'Torulosa' - Hollywood Juniper Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Old Courthouse Nursery Powell's Nursery, LLC Sampson Nursery Tinga Nursery, Inc. Juniperus conferta - Blue Lagoon Cedarview Farm Nursery Juniperus conferta 'Blue Pacific' - Blue Pacific Juniper Byron Lakeview Nursery LLC Colonial Acres Nursery Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. Powell's Nursery, LLC Sampson Nursery Stephenson's Nursery, Inc. Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Tinga Nursery, Inc. Turkey Foot Nursery, Inc. L C C C C C C C C C C 2 GAL #2 #1, #3 #3 1 GAL 1,3 GAL 3 GAL 1, 3 GAL 1 GAL 800-717-2362 828-884-4330 800-543-7537 910-323-8811 919-934-0428 919-552-5869 800-567-2909 919-894-2700 919-231-6161 910-762-1975 336-492-5200 Juniperus davurica 'Expansa Parsoni' - Parsons Juniper Byron Lakeview Nursery LLC Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Monterey Nursery, Inc. Sampson Nursery Stephenson's Nursery, Inc. Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Tinga Nursery, Inc. L C C C C C C C #3 #3 1, 3 GAL 3 GAL 3 GAL 3 GAL 800-717-2362 800-543-7537 910-323-8811 800-444-1116 800-567-2909 919-894-2700 919-231-6161 910-762-1975 Juniperus davurica 'Variegated' - Variegated Parsons Juniper Swift Creek Nursery C 3 GAL 919-934-7764 C 2 GAL 336-492-5200 C 2 GAL 828-884-4330 Juniperus excelsa 'Spiny Greek' - Spiny Greek Turkey Foot Nursery, Inc. Juniperus horizontalis (Cultivars) Colonial Acres Nursery 57 Juniperus horizontalis 'Andorra' - Andorra Juniper - Plant Sources Juniperus horizontalis 'Andorra' - Andorra Juniper Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. C C #3 #3 800-543-7537 910-323-8811 Juniperus horizontalis 'Bar Harbor' - Bar Harbor Creeping Juniper Currins Nursery, Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Stephenson's Nursery, Inc. C C C 1, 3 GAL #3 3 GAL 919-552-4521 910-323-8811 919-894-2700 Juniperus horizontalis 'Plumosa Compacta' - Andorra Compacta Juniper Byron Lakeview Nursery LLC Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. L C #3 800-717-2362 910-323-8811 Juniperus horizontalis 'Plumosa Compacta Youngstown' - Andorra Compacta Juniper Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Sampson Nursery C C #3 3 GAL 800-543-7537 800-567-2909 Juniperus horizontalis 'Wiltonii' - Blue Rug Juniper Byron Lakeview Nursery LLC Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Monterey Nursery, Inc. Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. Powell's Nursery, LLC Sampson Nursery Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Tinga Nursery, Inc. Turkey Foot Nursery, Inc. L C C C C C C C C C 1, 3 GAL 1 GAL 800-717-2362 910-323-8811 800-444-1116 919-934-0428 919-552-5869 800-567-2909 336-992-2530 919-231-6161 910-762-1975 336-492-5200 L L C C C C C C C C 2 QT #1, #2 #3 3 GAL #3 1 GAL 3 GAL 3 GAL 3 GAL 800-717-2362 919-528-4147 800-487-2555 910-323-8811 800-444-1116 919-934-0428 919-552-5869 919-894-2700 919-934-7764 910-762-1975 C #7, #15 910-323-8811 C 5 GAL 1-800-762-7062 C #3, #15 910-323-8811 C 25 GAL 229-762-4888 C C C C #1, #2, #3 #3 3 GAL 3 GAL 800-487-2555 910-323-8811 800-567-2909 336-992-2530 C C C BB BB C C C BB BB 3 GAL (from local seed) 3, 5 GAL 4-20' 6, 8, 10' #5, #15 15 GAL 1, 3, 7 GAL 4-5', 5-6', 6-7' 828-884-4330 919-542-6186 919-742-2897 800-543-7537 800-947-9568 910-323-8811 229-762-4888 910-293-9374 828-437-2063 919-231-6161 BB BB BB 8' -14' 6-10' 7-9' 478-783-4975 704-564-3232 828-433-5044 BB 4'-8' 540-946-3800 C 15 GAL 864-576-0875 BB 4'-8' 540-946-3800 #3 3 GAL #3 1 GAL 3 GAL 1, 2 GAL Juniperus procumbens 'Nana' - Japanese Garden Juniper Byron Lakeview Nursery LLC Cedarview Farm Nursery Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Monterey Nursery, Inc. Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. Powell's Nursery, LLC Stephenson's Nursery, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery Tinga Nursery, Inc. Juniperus scopulorum 'Moonglow' Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Juniperus scopulorum 'Pathfinder' - Pathfinder Juniper Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Juniperus scopulorum 'Sky Rocket' - Sky Rocket Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Juniperus silicicola - Southern Redcedar Lake Tree Growers Juniperus squamata 'Blue Star' - Blue Star Juniper Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Sampson Nursery Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Juniperus virginiana - Eastern Red Cedar Colonial Acres Nursery Cure Nursery Full of Life Farms Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Goodson & Associates Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Lake Tree Growers Old Courthouse Nursery Quaker Meadows Nursery Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Juniperus virginiana 'Brodie' - Brodie Juniper Bold Spring Nursery, LLC Lanes Creek Trees North 40 Nursery, Inc. Juniperus virginiana 'Burkii' Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. Juniperus virginiana 'Burkii Blue' - Burkii Blue Cedar Roebuck Wholesale Nursery & Landscaping Juniperus virginiana 'Canaertii' Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. 58 Plant Sources - Juniperus virginiana 'Grey Owl' - Grey Owl Juniper Juniperus virginiana 'Grey Owl' - Grey Owl Juniper Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. Powell's Nursery, LLC Sampson Nursery Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery C C C C C C C #3 #3 #3 1 GAL 3 GAL 3 GAL 3 GAL 800-487-2555 910-323-8811 919-934-0428 919-552-5869 800-567-2909 336-992-2530 919-934-7764 BB 6' - 10' 478-783-4975 C BB 15 GAL 4'-8' 864-576-0875 540-946-3800 C 3 GAL 919-894-2700 C BB C 1, 3 GAL 2', 3', 3, 5 GAL 3 varieties, 4 GAL 800-772-2837 828-884-4330 828-584-1123 C C 3 GAL 3 GAL 800-444-1116 919-934-7764 C BB #15 2", 2.5" 910-323-8811 804-794-5016 Medium Plug (2x2x3.5") 503-585-9835 6-12' #15 800-543-7537 910-323-8811 Juniperus virginiana 'High Shoals' - Eastern Redcedar Bold Spring Nursery, LLC Juniperus virginiana 'Idyllwild' - Idyllwild Cedar Roebuck Wholesale Nursery & Landscaping Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. Juniperus virginiana 'Sky Rocket' - Sky Rocket Stephenson's Nursery, Inc. Kalmia latifolia - Mountain Laurel Buds & Blooms Nursery Colonial Acres Nursery Silver Creek Farm Kerria japonica 'Plenifora' - Japanese Kerria Monterey Nursery, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery Koelreuteria bipinnata - Chinese Flame Tree Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Watkins Nurseries, Inc. Koelreuteria paniculata - Golden Raintree Heritage Seedlings Koelreuteria paniculata 'Goldenrain Tree' Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. BB C Kosteletzkya virginica - Seashore Mallow Coastal Plain Conservation Nursery, Inc. C 252-482-5707 Laburnum alpinum - Golden Chain Tree Heritage Seedlings BR 3/16", 1/4" 503-585-9835 Laburnum x watereri 'Sunspire' - Sunspire Golden Chain Tree Heritage Seedlings BR 2-3' 503-585-9835 #3 800-487-2555 Lagerstroemia 'Dazzle Series' 'GAMAD' - Dwarf Crape Myrtle Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. C Lagerstroemia indica - Crape Myrtle Kenneth E. Bell Trees BB 336-337-2322 Lagerstroemia indica (Cultivars) - Crape Myrtle Buds & Blooms Nursery Colonial Acres Nursery Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Watson's Nursery C C BB C C 3 GAL 3, 10, 25 GAL 5-10' 6, 10 GAL 5, 10 GAL 800-772-2837 828-884-4330 1-800-762-7062 1-800-762-7062 919-776-3590 BB L-C C 6-7, 7-8, 8-10" 2.25" liners, 1, 5 GAL 3, 7 GAL 910-858-3740 910-293-9374 919-934-7764 C 3, 7 GAL 919-934-7764 Lagerstroemia indica 'Arapaho' - Arapaho Crape Myrtle Back Road Farms Old Courthouse Nursery Swift Creek Nursery Lagerstroemia indica 'Biloxi' Swift Creek Nursery Lagerstroemia indica 'Burgandy Cotton' PPAF - Burgandy Cotton Crapemyrtle Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Monterey Nursery, Inc. C C #3, #10 3, 7 GAL 910-323-8811 800-444-1116 Lagerstroemia indica 'Carolina Beauty' - Carolina Beauty Crape Myrtle Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Poverty Hill Nursery Taylor's Nursery, Inc. BB-C C BB BB 6-14' #3, #10 6-20' 800-543-7537 910-323-8811 910-695-7920 919-231-6161 #3, #10 6-8' 3, 7 GAL 2.25" liners, 1, 3, 5 GAL 15 GAL 3, 7 GAL 910-323-8811 704-564-3232 800-444-1116 910-293-9374 336-992-2530 919-934-7764 Lagerstroemia indica 'Catawba' - Catawba Crape Myrtle Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Lanes Creek Trees Monterey Nursery, Inc. Old Courthouse Nursery Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery C BB C L-C C C 59 Lagerstroemia indica 'Centennial' - Centennial Crape Myrtle - Plant Sources Lagerstroemia indica 'Centennial' - Centennial Crape Myrtle Tinga Nursery, Inc. C 3 GAL 910-762-1975 Lagerstroemia indica 'Centennial Spirit' - Centennial Spirit Crape Myrtle Back Road Farms Big Branch Nursery Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Hefner's Nursery Old Courthouse Nursery Tinga Nursery, Inc. BB C C BB L-C C 6-7, 7-8, 8-10, 10-12" #15 #7, #15 6-8' 2.25" liners, 1 GAL 3, 10, 25 GAL 910-858-3740 919-883-8285 800-487-2555 828-256-5271 910-293-9374 910-762-1975 Lagerstroemia indica 'Dynamite' PP#10296 - Dynamite Crape Myrtle Back Road Farms Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Hickory Hill Nursery Lanes Creek Trees Monterey Nursery, Inc. Old Courthouse Nursery Powell's Nursery, LLC Scottree Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery Tinga Nursery, Inc. BB C C BB C L-C C BB C C C 6-7, 7-8, 8-10, 10-12" #7, #15, #20, B&B 6'+ 3-15 GAL 6'-10' 3, 7, 15 GAL 2.25" liners, 1, 3, 5, 15 GAL 1 GAL 5, 6, 7' 15 GAL 3, 7 GAL 3, 10, 25 GAL 910-858-3740 800-487-2555 336-625-6660 704-564-3232 800-444-1116 910-293-9374 919-552-5869 704-471-1000 336-992-2530 919-934-7764 910-762-1975 C 3 GAL 910-762-1975 6-7, 7-8, 8-10, 10-12" 6'-12' 2.25" liners, 1, 5 GAL 3, 10, 25 GAL 910-858-3740 704-564-3232 910-293-9374 910-762-1975 Lagerstroemia indica fauriei 'Acoma' Tinga Nursery, Inc. Lagerstroemia indica fauriei 'Biloxi' - Biloxi Crape Myrtle Back Road Farms Lanes Creek Trees Old Courthouse Nursery Tinga Nursery, Inc. BB BB L-C C Lagerstroemia indica fauriei 'Chickasaw' - Chickasaw Crape Myrtle Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. C #3 910-323-8811 Lagerstroemia indica fauriei 'Fantasy' - Fantasy Crape Myrtle Taylor's Nursery, Inc. BB 919-231-6161 Lagerstroemia indica fauriei 'Lipan' - Lipan Crape Mrytle Back Road Farms Old Courthouse Nursery BB C 6-7, 7-8, 8-10, 10-12" 1 GAL 910-858-3740 910-293-9374 6-7, 7-8, 8-10, 10-12" #10, #15 2.25" liners, 1, 3, 5 GAL 910-858-3740 910-323-8811 910-293-9374 Lagerstroemia indica fauriei 'Miami' - Miami Crape Myrtle Back Road Farms Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Old Courthouse Nursery BB C L-C Lagerstroemia indica fauriei 'Muskogee' - Muskogee Crape Myrtle Back Road Farms Bold Spring Nursery, LLC Bryan Wagoner Tree Farm Full of Life Farms Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Hickory Hill Nursery Lanes Creek Trees Long Branch Farm Monterey Nursery, Inc. Old Courthouse Nursery Rocky Creek Farms Nursery Scottree Tinga Nursery, Inc. Winfall Nurseries Winfall Nurseries BB BB BB C BB-C C C BB BB C L-C BB BB C C BB 6-7, 7-8, 8-10, 10-12" 7'-16' 6-10' 5, 10 GAL 6'+ and #15, #25 #3, #10, # 15 3, 15 GAL 6'-12' 3, 7, 15 GAL 2.25" liners, 1, 3, 5, 15 GAL 5-10' - larger available upon request 10, 12, 14, 16' 3, 10, 25, 45 GAL #15 6-12' 910-858-3740 478-783-4975 336-585-0052 919-742-2897 800-487-2555 910-323-8811 336-625-6660 704-564-3232 803-695-0588 800-444-1116 910-293-9374 800-872-3125 704-471-1000 910-762-1975 434-332-5701 434-332-5701 Lagerstroemia indica fauriei 'Natchez' - Natchez Crape Myrtle Back Road Farms Bryan Wagoner Tree Farm Currins Nursery, Inc. Full of Life Farms Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Hickory Hill Nursery Hickory Hill Nursery Lake Tree Growers Lanes Creek Trees Long Branch Farm Monterey Nursery, Inc. 60 BB BB C C BB-C BB-C C C BB C BB BB C 6-7, 7-8, 8-10, 10-12" 5-12' 15, 30, 45 GAL 5, 10 GAL 6-14' #7, #15, #25, 6'+ #3, #10, #15 3, 15, 25 GAL 6-12' 15, 25, 45 GAL 6'-12' 3, 7, 15 GAL 910-858-3740 336-585-0052 919-552-4521 919-742-2897 800-543-7537 800-487-2555 910-323-8811 336-625-6660 336-625-6660 229-762-4888 704-564-3232 803-695-0588 800-444-1116 Plant Sources - Lagerstroemia indica fauriei 'Pocomoke' - Pocomoke Crape Myrtle Old Courthouse Nursery Patterson's Nursery Poverty Hill Nursery Quaker Meadows Nursery Rocky Creek Farms Nursery Scottree Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Tinga Nursery, Inc. Winfall Nurseries Winfall Nurseries L-C BB BB BB BB BB C BB C BB C 2.25" liners, 1, 3, 5, 15 GAL 8-10' Single Stem 6-14' 6-8', 8-10', 10-12' 5-10' - larger available upon request 7, 8, 10, 12' 15 GAL 3, 10, 25, 45 GAL 6-12' #15 910-293-9374 704-596-4516 910-695-7920 828-437-2063 800-872-3125 704-471-1000 336-992-2530 919-231-6161 910-762-1975 434-332-5701 434-332-5701 Lagerstroemia indica fauriei 'Pocomoke' - Pocomoke Crape Myrtle Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Monterey Nursery, Inc. Old Courthouse Nursery C C L #7 3 GAL 2.25" liners 910-323-8811 800-444-1116 910-293-9374 Lagerstroemia indica fauriei 'Sarah's Favorite' - Sarah's Favorite Crape Myrtle Bold Spring Nursery, LLC BB 7'-12' 478-783-4975 Lagerstroemia indica fauriei 'Sioux' - Sioux Pink Crape Myrtle Back Road Farms Bold Spring Nursery, LLC Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Hefner's Nursery Monterey Nursery, Inc. Old Courthouse Nursery Spivey's Nursery, Inc. BB BB BB BR-C C BB C L-C C 6-7, 7-8, 8-10, 10-12" 6'-8' 6-10' #7, #15, 6'+ #3, #10, #15 6-8' 3, 7 GAL 2.25" liners, 1, 5, 15 GAL 15 GAL 910-858-3740 478-783-4975 800-543-7537 800-487-2555 910-323-8811 828-256-5271 800-444-1116 910-293-9374 336-992-2530 6-7, 7-8, 8-10, 10-12" 6-10' 5'-10' 3, 7, 15 GAL 2.25" liners, 1, 5 GAL 3, 7 GAL 3 GAL 910-858-3740 800-543-7537 704-564-3232 800-444-1116 910-293-9374 919-934-7764 910-762-1975 Lagerstroemia indica fauriei 'Tonto' - Tonto Crape Myrtle Back Road Farms Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Lanes Creek Trees Monterey Nursery, Inc. Old Courthouse Nursery Swift Creek Nursery Tinga Nursery, Inc. BB BB BB C L-C C C Lagerstroemia indica fauriei 'Tuscarora' - Tuscarora Crape Myrtle Back Road Farms Bold Spring Nursery, LLC Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Hickory Hill Nursery Hickory Hill Nursery Long Branch Farm Monterey Nursery, Inc. Patterson's Nursery Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Tinga Nursery, Inc. BB BB BB-C BB C BB C BB C C BB C 6-7, 7-8, 8-10, 10-12" 6' - 8' 6-14' 6-12' 3, 15, 25 GAL 3, 7, 15 GAL 8-10' Single Stem 15 GAL 3, 7 GAL 3, 10, 25, 45 GAL 910-858-3740 478-783-4975 800-543-7537 336-625-6660 336-625-6660 803-695-0588 800-444-1116 704-596-4516 336-992-2530 919-934-7764 919-231-6161 910-762-1975 Lagerstroemia indica fauriei 'Tuskegee' - Tuskegee Crape Myrtle Back Road Farms Rocky Creek Farms Nursery BB BB 6-7, 7-8, 8-10, 10-12" 5-16' - larger available upon request 910-858-3740 800-872-3125 6-10' 800-543-7537 C #3 910-323-8811 L-C 2.25" liners, 1, 5 GAL 910-293-9374 Lagerstroemia indica fauriei 'Yuma' - Yuma Crape Myrtle Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. BB Lagerstroemia indica fauriei 'Zuni' - Zuni Crape Myrtle Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Lagerstroemia indica 'Hopi' - Hopi Crape Myrtle Old Courthouse Nursery Lagerstroemia indica 'Pink Velour' PP#10319 - Pink Velour Crape Myrtle Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Lanes Creek Trees Long Branch Farm Old Courthouse Nursery Powell's Nursery, LLC BR-C C BB BB L-C C #7, #15, 6'+ #3, #10, # 15 6-10' 2.25" liners, 1, 3, 5 GAL 1 GAL 800-487-2555 910-323-8811 704-564-3232 803-695-0588 910-293-9374 919-552-5869 Lagerstroemia indica 'Potomac' - Potomac Crape Myrtle Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Taylor's Nursery, Inc. BB BB 6-12' 800-543-7537 919-231-6161 6-10' 800-543-7537 Lagerstroemia indica 'Powhatan' - Powhatan Crape Myrtle Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. BB 61 Lagerstroemia indica 'Raspberry Sundae' - Raspberry Sundae Crape Myrtle - Plant Sources Lagerstroemia indica 'Raspberry Sundae' - Raspberry Sundae Crape Myrtle Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. C #3, #10 910-323-8811 Lagerstroemia indica 'Razzle Dazzle' ™ - Razzle Dazzle TM Dwarf Crape Myrtle Pender Nursery, Inc. C 3 GAL 919-772-7255 Lagerstroemia indica 'Red Rocket' - Red Rocket Crepe Myrtle Back Road Farms BB 6-7, 7-8, 8-10" 910-858-3740 Lagerstroemia indica 'Red Rocket' PP#11342 - Red Rocket Crape Myrtle Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Long Branch Farm Monterey Nursery, Inc. Old Courthouse Nursery Spivey's Nursery, Inc. C BB C L-C C #3 3, 7, 15 GAL 2.25" liners, 1, 3, 5, 15 GAL 15 GAL 910-323-8811 803-695-0588 800-444-1116 910-293-9374 336-992-2530 Lagerstroemia indica 'Rhapasody In Pink™' - Rhapsody In Pink™ Crape Myrtle Monterey Nursery, Inc. C 7 GAL 800-444-1116 5, 10 GAL 919-742-2897 Lagerstroemia indica 'Tonto' - Tonto Crape Myrtle Full of Life Farms C Lagerstroemia indica 'Velma's Royal Delight' - Velmas Royal Delight Crape Myrtle Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. C #10 910-323-8811 #3 #3, #10 3 GAL 2.25" liners, 1, 3 GAL 800-487-2555 910-323-8811 800-444-1116 910-293-9374 Lagerstroemia indica 'Victor' - Victor Crape Myrtle Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Monterey Nursery, Inc. Old Courthouse Nursery C C C L-C Lagerstroemia indica 'William Toovey' - William Toovey Crape Myrtle Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. BB 6-10' 800-543-7537 6-7, 7-8, 8-10" 3, 7 GAL 910-858-3740 800-444-1116 6-8', 15-30 GAL 252-756-3827 Lagerstroemia 'Pink Velour' - Pink Velour Crape Myrtle Back Road Farms Monterey Nursery, Inc. BB C Lagerstroemia x 'Arapaho' - Arapaho Hybrid Crapemyrtle Worthington Farms, Inc. BB-C Lagerstroemia x 'High Cotton' - High Cotton Hybrid Crapemyrtle Worthington Farms, Inc. BB-C 7-10', 15-30 GAL 252-756-3827 BB-C 7-10', 15-30 GAL 252-756-3827 C 1 GAL 910-762-1975 C #1 910-323-8811 C C C (from local seed) 3 GAL 3 GAL 919-542-6186 1-800-762-7062 540-946-3800 #7 910-323-8811 Lagerstroemia x 'Natchez' - Natchez Hybrid Crapemyrtle Worthington Farms, Inc. Lantana (Species & Cultivars) Tinga Nursery, Inc. Lantana 'New Gold' - New Gold Lantana Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Leucothoe axillaris - Coastal Leucothoe Cure Nursery Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. Leucothoe axillaris compacta - Compact Coastal Leucothoe Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. C Leucothoe axillaris 'Dodd's Variegated' - Dodd's Variegated Fetterbush Silver Creek Farm C 5 GAL 828-584-1123 Leucothoe fontanesiana 'Girard's Rainbow' - Girard's Rainbow Leucothoe Buds & Blooms Nursery Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. C C C C 3 GAL #3 3 GAL 3 GAL 800-772-2837 800-487-2555 336-992-2530 540-946-3800 C 3 GAL 800-772-2837 L C C C C C 3 GAL #3 3, 5 GAL 3 GAL 5 GAL 800-717-2362 919-742-2897 910-323-8811 919-894-2700 919-934-7764 1-800-762-7062 BB 4-8' 910-695-7920 BB 5'-8' 540-946-3800 C C 3, 7 GAL 3,5,10 GAL 800-444-1116 800-567-2909 Leucothoe fontanesiana 'Scarletta' Buds & Blooms Nursery Leucothoe populifolia - Florida Leucothoe Byron Lakeview Nursery LLC Full of Life Farms Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Stephenson's Nursery, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Ligustrum Poverty Hill Nursery Ligustrum amurence 'North River' - North River Privet Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. Ligustrum japonicum - Waxleaf Ligustrum Monterey Nursery, Inc. Sampson Nursery 62 Plant Sources - Ligustrum japonicum 'Coriaceum' - Curly Leaf Ligustrum Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Stephenson's Nursery, Inc. Tinga Nursery, Inc. C C C 3, 7 GAL 3, 5, 7, 10 GAL 3, 7, 10 GAL 336-992-2530 919-894-2700 910-762-1975 #15 #3 #3 3, 7 GAL 3, 7 GAL 3, 5 GAL 919-883-8285 800-487-2555 910-323-8811 800-444-1116 336-992-2530 919-934-7764 C C C 3, 7 GAL 3, 5 GAL 3, 5 GAL 919-934-7764 910-762-1975 919-776-3590 C #3, #7, #15 910-323-8811 C C C C C #3 #3 #3, #5 1 GAL 3, 15 GAL 800-543-7537 910-323-8811 919-934-0428 919-552-5869 910-762-1975 C C C #3, #10 3 GAL 3 GAL 910-323-8811 919-934-7764 910-762-1975 C 3, 7 GAL 919-934-7764 25, 45 GAL 229-762-4888 #15 2 QT 3 GAL #20, #25 treeform, multitrunk #3, #7, #15 1, 3, 7 GAL 1 GAL 3,5,10 GAL 3, 7, 15 GAL 3, 5 GAL 3, 7 GAL Ligustrum japonicum 'Coriaceum' - Curly Leaf Ligustrum Big Branch Nursery Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Monterey Nursery, Inc. Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery C C C C C C Ligustrum japonicum 'East Bay' - East Bay Ligustrum Swift Creek Nursery Tinga Nursery, Inc. Watson's Nursery Ligustrum japonicum 'Greenheart' Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Ligustrum japonicum 'Howardi' Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. Powell's Nursery, LLC Tinga Nursery, Inc. Ligustrum japonicum 'Jack Frost' - Jack Frost Ligustrum Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery Tinga Nursery, Inc. Ligustrum japonicum 'Lake Traska' Swift Creek Nursery Ligustrum japonicum 'Patio' - Patio Japanese Privet Lake Tree Growers C Ligustrum japonicum 'Recurvifolium' - Wavyleaf Ligustrum Big Branch Nursery Cedarview Farm Nursery Gilbert's Nursery Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Old Courthouse Nursery Powell's Nursery, LLC Sampson Nursery Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Stephenson's Nursery, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Tinga Nursery, Inc. Watson's Nursery C L C C C C C C C C C C C C 3, 15 GAL 3, 5 GAL 919-883-8285 919-528-4147 800-443-6298 800-487-2555 910-323-8811 910-293-9374 919-552-5869 800-567-2909 336-992-2530 919-894-2700 919-934-7764 919-231-6161 910-762-1975 919-776-3590 L BB-C C 2 QT 4-10' 1, 3 GAL 919-528-4147 800-543-7537 910-293-9374 Ligustrum lucidum - Tree Ligustrum Cedarview Farm Nursery Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Old Courthouse Nursery Ligustrum lucidum 'Wax Leaf' - Wax Leaf Ligustrum Long Branch Farm BB 803-695-0588 Ligustrum sinense - Chinese Privet Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Stephenson's Nursery, Inc. C C C #3 3, 7 GAL 3, 5 GAL 800-543-7537 336-992-2530 919-894-2700 Ligustrum sinense 'Swift Creek' - Swift Creek Variegated Privet A & A Plants, Inc. Cedarview Farm Nursery Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Monterey Nursery, Inc. Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. Old Courthouse Nursery Powell's Nursery, LLC Swift Creek Nursery Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C L C C C C C C C C 3, 7, 15 GAL 2 QT #3, #7 #3 3, 7 GAL #3 1, 3 GAL 1 GAL 3, 7 GAL 3 GAL 336-656-7881 919-528-4147 800-487-2555 910-323-8811 800-444-1116 919-934-0428 910-293-9374 919-552-5869 919-934-7764 1-800-762-7062 C #3 910-323-8811 C 3 GAL 800-444-1116 Ligustrum sinensis 'Wimbush' Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Ligustrum 'Vicaryi' - Golden Vicaryi Pirvet Monterey Nursery, Inc. 63 Lilium (Asiatic & Oriental Cultivars) - Asiatic Hybrid Lilies - Plant Sources Lilium (Asiatic & Oriental Cultivars) - Asiatic Hybrid Lilies Cam Too Camellia Nursery, Inc. Plantworks Nursery, Inc. C 1, 2 GAL 800-758-8121 919-732-6594 3-5cm Bulb Circumference 503-585-9835 5-7cm Bulb Circumference 503-585-9835 6-12" 503-585-9835 Lilium formosanum - Formosa Lily Heritage Seedlings Lilium superbum - American Turk's Cap Lily Heritage Seedlings Lindera benzoin - Spicebush Heritage Seedlings BR Liners (Assorted) Cam Too Camellia Nursery, Inc. L 800-758-8121 Liquidambar acalycina 'Burgundy Flush' - Burgandy Flush Sweet Gum Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. BB 2-4" 800-543-7537 BB BB 2, 2.5, 3" Medium Plug (2x2x3.5") 1.75-4" 336-585-0052 503-585-9835 540-946-3800 BB BB 2-12" 2-3" 800-543-7537 828-433-5044 Liquidambar styraciflua - Sweetgum Bryan Wagoner Tree Farm Heritage Seedlings Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. Liquidambar styraciflua 'American Sweetgum' Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. North 40 Nursery, Inc. Liquidambar styraciflua 'Gold Beacon' - Gold Beacon Sweetgum Heritage Seedlings C #3 -- 3-4', 4-5' 503-585-9835 10 GAL 1-800-762-7062 Liquidambar styraciflua 'Happdell' - Happidaze Sweetgum Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C Liquidambar styraciflua 'Lane Roberts' - Lane Roberts Sweetgum Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. BB 2-4" 800-543-7537 Liquidambar styraciflua 'Rotundiloba' - Rotundiloba American Sweetgum Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Goodson & Associates Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. BB BB BB C 2-5" 2, 2.5, 3" 10 GAL 800-543-7537 800-947-9568 919-231-6161 1-800-762-7062 2-3" 828-433-5044 Liquidambar styraciflua 'Silver King' - Silver King Sweetgum North 40 Nursery, Inc. BB Liquidambar styraciflua 'Slender Silhouette' - Slender Silhouette Sweetgum Bold Spring Nursery, LLC Hefner's Nursery Scottree Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. BB BB-C BB BB 2"-4" 2.5", 3", 15 GAL 5, 6, 7, 8, 10' 1.75-3" 478-783-4975 828-256-5271 704-471-1000 540-946-3800 BB C C BB BB BB BB BB 2" - 3.5" 3 GAL (from local seed) 2-12" 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3" 1.5-2.5" 478-783-4975 828-884-4330 919-542-6186 800-543-7537 828-891-3893 828-437-2063 704-471-1000 919-231-6161 2.5" - 5" 478-783-4975 2.5, 4" and GAL 919-732-6594 #1 #1, 4.5" #1 1 GAL 1 GAL 1 GAL 800-543-7537 800-487-2555 910-323-8811 336-992-2530 910-762-1975 336-492-5200 1 GAL 910-762-1975 #1 1 GAL 910-323-8811 919-934-7764 C 1 GAL 800-444-1116 C C #1 #1 800-543-7537 910-323-8811 Liriodendron tulipifera - Tulip Poplar Bold Spring Nursery, LLC Colonial Acres Nursery Cure Nursery Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. Quaker Meadows Nursery Scottree Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Liriodendron tulipifera 'Arnold Columnar' - Tulip Poplar Bold Spring Nursery, LLC BB Liriope (Varieties) Plantworks Nursery, Inc. Liriope muscari 'Big Blue' - Big Blue Liriope Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Tinga Nursery, Inc. Turkey Foot Nursery, Inc. C C C C C C Liriope muscari 'Evergreen Giant' - Evergreen Giant Liriope Tinga Nursery, Inc. C Liriope muscari 'Monroe White' - Monroe White Liriope Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery C C Liriope muscari 'Royal Purple' - Royal Purple Liriope Monterey Nursery, Inc. Liriope muscari 'Variegata' - Variegated Liriope Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. 64 Plant Sources - Liriope spicata Monterey Nursery, Inc. Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery Tinga Nursery, Inc. Turkey Foot Nursery, Inc. C C C C C C 1 GAL #1 1 GAL 1 GAL, 1 QT 1 GAL 1 GAL 800-444-1116 919-934-0428 336-992-2530 919-934-7764 910-762-1975 336-492-5200 C #1 800-543-7537 C #1, 4.5" 800-487-2555 Liriope spicata Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Liriope variegata - Variegated Liriope Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Live Stakes American Native Plants CT 410-529-0552 C 252-482-5707 C 252-482-5707 Lobelia cardinalis - Cardinal Flower Coastal Plain Conservation Nursery, Inc. Lobelia elongata - Longleaf Lobelia Coastal Plain Conservation Nursery, Inc. Lomandra longifolia 'Breeze PP#15420 - Breeze Grass Tinga Nursery, Inc. C 2, 3 GAL 910-762-1975 BB 2 - 6' 540-946-3800 Lonicera fragrantissima - Winter Honeysuckle Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. Loropetalum chinense (Species & Cultivars) - Chinese Fringe Flower Tinga Nursery, Inc. C 3 GAL 910-762-1975 2 QT 919-528-4147 Loropetalum chinense 'Burgandy' - Burgandy Loropetalum Cedarview Farm Nursery L Loropetalum chinense 'Burgandy Patio' - Burgandy Patio Fringe Flower Lake Tree Growers C 15, 25 GAL (Tree form) 229-762-4888 Loropetalum chinense 'Chang Nian Hong' Ever Red™ - Ever Red Loropetalum Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. C #5 800-487-2555 C C C C #2, #3 3 GAL 1 GAL 3, 5 GAL 800-487-2555 800-444-1116 919-552-5869 919-934-7764 Loropetalum chinense 'Daruma' Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Monterey Nursery, Inc. Powell's Nursery, LLC Swift Creek Nursery Loropetalum chinense 'Emerald Snow'™ PPIP - Emerald Snow™ Loropetalum Pender Nursery, Inc. C 3 GAL 919-772-7255 Loropetalum chinense 'Plum Delight' - Plum Delight Loropetalum A & A Plants, Inc. Powell's Nursery, LLC C C 3 GAL 1 GAL 336-656-7881 919-552-5869 3 GAL 800-444-1116 Loropetalum chinense 'Plum Leaf' - Plum Leaf Loropetalum Monterey Nursery, Inc. C Loropetalum chinense 'Purple Pixie'™ PPIP - Purple Pixie'™ Loropetalum Pender Nursery, Inc. C 3 GAL 919-772-7255 C #3 800-543-7537 C C C C #3, #7, #15 3,5 GAL 3, 7, 15 GAL 3 GAL 910-323-8811 800-567-2909 336-992-2530 910-762-1975 C 3 GAL 800-444-1116 Loropetalum chinense rubrum Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Loropetalum chinense rubrum 'Burgundy' Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Sampson Nursery Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Tinga Nursery, Inc. Loropetalum chinense rubrum 'Burgundy Blast' Monterey Nursery, Inc. Loropetalum chinense rubrum 'Daruma' - Daruma Loropetalum Old Courthouse Nursery C 1, 3 GAL 910-293-9374 C 3 GAL 919-934-7764 C #3 910-323-8811 #3 910-323-8811 803-695-0588 800-444-1116 910-293-9374 919-552-5869 800-567-2909 336-992-2530 919-934-7764 910-762-1975 Loropetalum chinense rubrum 'Pizazz' - Pizazz Loropetalum Swift Creek Nursery Loropetalum chinense rubrum 'Plum Delight' Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Loropetalum chinense rubrum 'Ruby' - Ruby Loropetalum Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Long Branch Farm Monterey Nursery, Inc. Old Courthouse Nursery Powell's Nursery, LLC Sampson Nursery Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery Tinga Nursery, Inc. C BB C C C C C C C 3 GAL 1, 3, 7 GAL 1 GAL 3,5,7 GAL 3 GAL 3, 5, 10 GAL 3, 7 GAL 65 Loropetalum chinense rubrum Varieties - Plant Sources Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C 3 GAL 1-800-762-7062 C 3 GAL 800-443-6298 Loropetalum chinense rubrum Varieties Gilbert's Nursery Loropetalum chinense rubrum 'Zhuzhou' - Zhuzhou Loropetalum Cedarview Farm Nursery Long Branch Farm Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Tinga Nursery, Inc. L BB C C C C 2 QT 3, 7, 15 GAL 3, 7 GAL 3, 10 GAL 919-528-4147 803-695-0588 336-992-2530 919-934-7764 919-231-6161 910-762-1975 Loropetalum chinense rubrum 'Zhuzhou Fuchsia' - Zhuzhou Fuchsia Loropetalum Old Courthouse Nursery C 1, 3 GAL 910-293-9374 #3 919-934-0428 Loropetalum chinense 'Ruby' - Ruby Loropetalum Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. C Loropetalum chinense 'Sparkling plum' - Loropetalum chinense Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. C #2, #3, #5 800-487-2555 Treeform #10, #15 SS, MS, #20 800-487-2555 Loropetalum chinense 'Zhuzhou' - Zhuzhou Loropetalum Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. C Loropetalum 'Ever Red Sunset'™ - Ever Red Sunset Fringe Flower Sampson Nursery Swift Creek Nursery C C 5 GAL 3, 5 GAL 800-567-2909 919-934-7764 C 3 GAL 919-742-2897 18-24", 24-30" Spread 503-585-9835 BR-C 2-3' & #1 -- 1-2', 2-3' 503-585-9835 BR-C 2-3', 3-4', 4-5' & #1 -- 1-2', 2-3' 503-585-9835 BR-C 2-3' & #1 -- 1-2', 2-3' 503-585-9835 BB 6-16' 910-695-7920 6-8' 6, 8, 10' 5'-12' 2, 7 GAL 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10' 828-606-3625 800-947-9568 704-564-3232 910-293-9374 704-471-1000 Loropetalum 'Ruby' - Ruby loropetalum Full of Life Farms Magnolia 'Betty' - Betty Magnolia Heritage Seedlings Magnolia 'Butterflies' - Butterfiles Magnolia Heritage Seedlings Magnolia 'Daybreak' - Daybreak Magnolia Heritage Seedlings Magnolia 'Elizabeth' - Elizabeth Magnolia Heritage Seedlings Magnolia grandiflora - Southern Magnolia Poverty Hill Nursery Magnolia grandiflora 'Alta'® PP#11612 - Alta® Magnolia Deerwood Nursery, LLC. Goodson & Associates Lanes Creek Trees Old Courthouse Nursery Scottree BB BB BB C BB Magnolia grandiflora 'Bracken Brown Beauty' - Bracken's Brown Beauty Magnolia Bold Spring Nursery, LLC Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Lake Tree Growers Old Courthouse Nursery Scottree Worthington Farms, Inc. BB C C C BB C 8'-14' #15, #25 15, 25, 45 GAL 2, 7 GAL 12' 30-40 GAL 478-783-4975 800-487-2555 229-762-4888 910-293-9374 704-471-1000 252-756-3827 Magnolia grandiflora 'Brown Velvet' - Brown Velvet Magnolia Taylor's Nursery, Inc. BB 919-231-6161 Magnolia grandiflora 'Claudia Wannamaker' - Claudia Wannamaker Magnolia Deerwood Nursery, LLC. Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Long Branch Farm Watkins Nurseries, Inc. BB BB C BB BB 8-12' 8-14' #15, #25 8', 10', 12' 828-606-3625 800-543-7537 910-323-8811 803-695-0588 804-794-5016 Magnolia grandiflora 'D.D. Blanchard' - D.D. Blanchard Magnolia Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. Lake Tree Growers Long Branch Farm North 40 Nursery, Inc. Old Courthouse Nursery Scottree Tinga Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. BB C BB C BB BB C BB C C 8-14' #15, #25 7-8', 8-10', 10-12' 15, 25, 45 GAL 6-10' 2, 7 GAL 10-14' 25 GAL 7, 15 GAL 800-543-7537 910-323-8811 828-891-3893 229-762-4888 803-695-0588 828-433-5044 910-293-9374 704-471-1000 910-762-1975 1-800-762-7062 15 GAL 6-10' 800-444-1116 828-433-5044 Magnolia grandiflora 'Edith Bogue' - Edith Bogue Magnolia Monterey Nursery, Inc. North 40 Nursery, Inc. 66 C BB Plant Sources - Magnolia grandiflora 'Kay Parris' - Kay Parris Magnolia Magnolia grandiflora 'Kay Parris' - Kay Parris Magnolia Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Hefner's Nursery Old Courthouse Nursery Scottree Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Tinga Nursery, Inc. C BB C BB C C #25 8-10' 2, 7 GAL 6, 7, 8, 9, 10-12' 15, 25, 45 GAL 910-323-8811 828-256-5271 910-293-9374 704-471-1000 919-231-6161 910-762-1975 2, 7 GAL 7, 15 GAL 10-12', 15-40 GAL 910-293-9374 1-800-762-7062 252-756-3827 BB C BB-C C C C BB BB C C C C 5-6, 6-7, 7-8, 8-10" 7, 15 GAL 4-10' 8-10, 10-12, 12-14' #7, #15, #25 15, 25, 45 GAL 5'-12' 7, 15 GAL #15 7, 15 GAL 15, 25, 45 GAL 910-858-3740 919-552-4521 800-543-7537 800-947-9568 800-487-2555 229-762-4888 704-564-3232 803-695-0588 800-444-1116 919-934-0428 919-934-7764 910-762-1975 C #15 910-323-8811 Magnolia grandiflora 'Little Gem' - Little Gem Magnolia Old Courthouse Nursery Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Worthington Farms, Inc. C C BB-C Magnolia grandiflora 'Little Gem'® - Little Gem® Magnolia Back Road Farms Currins Nursery, Inc. Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Goodson & Associates Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Lake Tree Growers Lanes Creek Trees Long Branch Farm Monterey Nursery, Inc. Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery Tinga Nursery, Inc. Magnolia grandiflora 'Mig Tig' - Tig Tig Magnolia Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Magnolia grandiflora 'Teddy Bear'® PP# 13,049 - Teddy Bear® Magnolia Currins Nursery, Inc. C 15, 30 GAL 919-552-4521 BR 3/16", 1/4" 503-585-9835 BB BB 7'-9' 6-10' 478-783-4975 828-433-5044 4-6", 6-12", 1-2', 2-3' Large Plug (3x3x7") 503-585-9835 6-12", 1-2' 2-3', 3-4' Large Plug (3x3x7") 503-585-9835 1-2' & 1-2', 2-3' Large Plug (3x3x7") 503-585-9835 6-10' 828-433-5044 Magnolia kobus - Kobus Magnolia Heritage Seedlings Magnolia kobus loberni 'Merrill' Bold Spring Nursery, LLC North 40 Nursery, Inc. Magnolia macrophylla - Bigleaf Magnolia Heritage Seedlings Magnolia 'Moonglow' - Moonglow Magnolia Heritage Seedlings Magnolia sieboldii - Oyama Magnolia Heritage Seedlings BR Magnolia soulangiana - Oriental Or Japanese Magnolia North 40 Nursery, Inc. BB Magnolia soulangiana 'Dark Alexandrina' - Dark Alexandria Saucer Magnolia Bold Spring Nursery, LLC BB 7' - 9' 478-783-4975 C C BB C 15, 25 GAL 7 GAL 5-6' 5, 7 GAL 229-762-4888 800-444-1116 828-433-5044 1-800-762-7062 BB C C 5-10' 3 GAL #15, #25 1-2' Large Plug (3x3x7") 6-7', 7-8', 8-10', 10-12', 12-14', 14-16', 16-18' 6-12' 336-585-0052 828-884-4330 910-323-8811 503-585-9835 828-891-3893 828-433-5044 Magnolia stellata 'Royal Star' - Royal Star Magnolia Lake Tree Growers Monterey Nursery, Inc. North 40 Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Magnolia virginiana - Sweetbay Magnolia Bryan Wagoner Tree Farm Colonial Acres Nursery Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Heritage Seedlings Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. North 40 Nursery, Inc. BB BB Magnolia virginiana 'Australis' - Australis Sweetbay Magnolia North 40 Nursery, Inc. BB 6-12' 828-433-5044 Magnolia virginiana glauca 'Moonglow' PPAF - Moonglow Sweetbay Magnolia Bold Spring Nursery, LLC Hefner's Nursery North 40 Nursery, Inc. BB BB BB 7'-10' 8-16' 6-12' 478-783-4975 828-256-5271 828-433-5044 Magnolia virginiana 'Green Shadow' - Green Shadow Sweetbay Magnolia Bold Spring Nursery, LLC BB 6'-10', 2" - 4.5" 478-783-4975 Magnolia virginiana 'Jim Wilson' PP#12065 - Moonglow Magnolia Monterey Nursery, Inc. C 15 GAL 800-444-1116 BB 5-8' 540-946-3800 Magnolia virginiana Moonglow® PP12,065 Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. 67 Magnolia 'Vulcan' - Vulcan Magnolia - Plant Sources Magnolia 'Vulcan' - Vulcan Magnolia Heritage Seedlings BR-C 2-3' & #1 -- 1-2', 2-3' 503-585-9835 6-12" Spread & 6-12" Large Plug (3x3x7") 503-585-9835 BB C BB C C 4-8' #25 6-7', 7-8', 8-10, 10-12' 7 GAL 7 GAL 336-585-0052 910-323-8811 828-891-3893 1-800-762-7062 540-946-3800 BB C 6-12' 3, 7 GAL 800-543-7537 919-934-7764 C 15 GAL 1-800-762-7062 C BB C BB BB #3, #10 6-7', 7-8', 8-10' 7 GAL 5-10' 8-15' - larger available upon request 910-323-8811 828-891-3893 800-444-1116 828-433-5044 800-872-3125 C 7, 15 GAL 800-444-1116 Magnolia 'Waterlily' - Waterlily Magnolia Heritage Seedlings Magnolia x 'Ann' - Ann Magnolia Bryan Wagoner Tree Farm Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. Magnolia x 'Betty' - Betty Magnolia Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Swift Creek Nursery Magnolia x 'Butterflies' - Butterfly Magnolia Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Magnolia x 'Jane' - Jane Magnolia Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. Monterey Nursery, Inc. North 40 Nursery, Inc. Rocky Creek Farms Nursery Magnolia x soulangiana - Saucer Magnolia Monterey Nursery, Inc. Magnolia x soulangiana 'Alexandrina' - Alexandrina Saucer Magnolia North 40 Nursery, Inc. BB 5-10' 828-433-5044 BR-C 2-3', 3-4', & #1 -- 3-4' 503-585-9835 L C C C C #7, #15 1 GAL 3 GAL 3 GAL 800-717-2362 910-323-8811 919-552-5869 336-992-2530 919-934-7764 C C C #3, #7 3 GAL 3 GAL 910-323-8811 919-934-7764 910-762-1975 Large Plug (3x3x7") 503-585-9835 C #1 -- 1-2', 2-3', 6-12" 503-585-9835 BB BB 2-4" 1.5-3.5" 800-543-7537 540-946-3800 C 15 GAL 800-444-1116 BB BB 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3" 2"-4" 828-891-3893 704-564-3232 Magnolia 'Yellow Bird' - Yellow Bird Magnolia Heritage Seedlings Mahonia bealei - Leatherleaf Mahonia Byron Lakeview Nursery LLC Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Powell's Nursery, LLC Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery Mahonia fortunei - Chinese Mahonia Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery Tinga Nursery, Inc. Mahonia gracilipes - Mahonia Heritage Seedlings Mahonia x media 'Charity' - Charity Mahonia Heritage Seedlings Malus culitvars - Flowering Crabapple Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. Malus 'Firebird' - Firebird Crabapple Monterey Nursery, Inc. Malus 'Harvest Gold' Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. Lanes Creek Trees Malus 'Indian Magic' Douglas Thompson & Associates L 828-894-2020 Malus 'Prairefire' - Prairefire Crabapple Douglas Thompson & Associates Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. Lanes Creek Trees Monterey Nursery, Inc. North 40 Nursery, Inc. Quaker Meadows Nursery Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. L BB BB C BB BB C 1.5", 2", 2.5", 3" 2"-3.5" 15 GAL 2-2.5" 1.5 -2.5" 15 GAL 828-894-2020 828-891-3893 704-564-3232 800-444-1116 828-433-5044 828-437-2063 1-800-762-7062 L BB BB 2-3" 1.5 -3" 828-894-2020 828-433-5044 828-437-2063 Malus 'Profusion' - Profusion Crabapple Douglas Thompson & Associates North 40 Nursery, Inc. Quaker Meadows Nursery Malus 'Red Jade' - Red Jade Weeping Crabapple Douglas Thompson & Associates L 828-894-2020 Malus 'Red Jewel' - Red Jewel Crabapple Quaker Meadows Nursery 68 BB 1.5" 828-437-2063 Plant Sources - Malus 'Robinson' - Robinson Crabapple Malus 'Robinson' - Robinson Crabapple Bryan Wagoner Tree Farm Douglas Thompson & Associates Lanes Creek Trees BB L BB 1.5, 2, 2.5" 2"-4" 336-585-0052 828-894-2020 704-564-3232 BB 2-2.5" 828-433-5044 L BB 1.5, 2, 2.5" 828-894-2020 828-891-3893 L BB BB 2-3" 1.5-2.5" 828-894-2020 828-433-5044 828-437-2063 BB BB 1.5", 2", 2.5", 3", 3.5" 1.5-2.5" 828-891-3893 828-437-2063 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.5" 336-585-0052 828-894-2020 828-437-2063 Malus 'Royalty' - Royalty Crabapple North 40 Nursery, Inc. Malus 'Sargent' - Sargent's Crabapple Douglas Thompson & Associates Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. Malus 'Snow drift' - Snowdrift Crabapple Douglas Thompson & Associates North 40 Nursery, Inc. Quaker Meadows Nursery Malus 'Spring Snow' - Spring Snow Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. Quaker Meadows Nursery Malus 'Sugar Tyme' PPAF - Sugar Tyme Crabapple Bryan Wagoner Tree Farm Douglas Thompson & Associates Quaker Meadows Nursery BB L BB 1.5 -2.5" Malus 'Swesutyzam' PP# 7062 - Sweet Sugar Tyme® Crabapple Monterey Nursery, Inc. C 15 GAL 800-444-1116 L BB BB 6-7', 7-8', 1.5", 2" 2-3" 828-894-2020 828-891-3893 828-433-5044 Malus 'Zumi' - Zumi Crabapple Douglas Thompson & Associates Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. North 40 Nursery, Inc. Metasequoia glyptostroboides - Dawn Redwood Bold Spring Nursery, LLC Hefner's Nursery Heritage Seedlings Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. Scottree Swift Creek Nursery Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. BB BB BB BB C C C 2"- 3" 10-18' Medium Plug (2x2x3.5") 8-10', 10-12', 12-14', 14-16', 16-18', 18-20' 1.5-3" 3, 7, 15 GAL 10 GAL 478-783-4975 828-256-5271 503-585-9835 828-891-3893 704-471-1000 919-934-7764 919-231-6161 1-800-762-7062 Metasequoia glyptostroboides (Cultivars) - Dawn Redwood Cultivars Architectural Trees C 3-20 GAL 919-620-0779 C #7, #15 919-934-0428 Metasequoia glyptostroboides 'Gold Rush' Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. Metasequoia glyptostroboides 'Ogon' - Gold Rust Dawn Redwood Architectural Trees Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. C C 10, 75 GAL #15 919-620-0779 910-323-8811 Mimulus alatus - Monkeyflower Coastal Plain Conservation Nursery, Inc. C 252-482-5707 Miscanthus sinesis 'Cosmopolitan' - Variegated Maiden Grass Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. C #3 910-323-8811 #3 #3 3 GAL 3 GAL 3 GAL 800-487-2555 910-323-8811 800-444-1116 336-992-2530 919-894-2700 Miscanthus sinesis 'Gracillimus' - Maidenhair grass Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Monterey Nursery, Inc. Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Stephenson's Nursery, Inc. C C C C C Miscanthus sinesis 'Morning Light' - Morning Light Miscanthus Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Monterey Nursery, Inc. Spivey's Nursery, Inc. C C C C C #3 #3 #3 3 GAL 3 GAL 800-543-7537 800-487-2555 910-323-8811 800-444-1116 336-992-2530 C C 3 GAL 3 GAL 919-934-7764 910-762-1975 C C 3 GAL 3 GAL 919-934-7764 910-762-1975 L 2 QT 919-528-4147 C #3 910-323-8811 Miscanthus sinesis 'Strictus' - Porcupine Grass Swift Creek Nursery Tinga Nursery, Inc. Miscanthus sinesis 'Variegatus' Swift Creek Nursery Tinga Nursery, Inc. Miscanthus sinesis 'Yaku Jima' Cedarview Farm Nursery Miscanthus sinesis 'Zebrinus' - Zebra Grass Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. 69 Miscanthus sinesis 'Zebrinus' Nana - Dwarf Zebra Grass - Plant Sources Miscanthus sinesis 'Zebrinus' Nana - Dwarf Zebra Grass Swift Creek Nursery C 3 GAL 919-934-7764 Small Plug (1.4x2") 503-585-9835 2 QT 1 Gal #3 1, 3 GAL 3 GAL 3 GAL 919-528-4147 828-894-2020 910-323-8811 800-444-1116 336-992-2530 910-762-1975 C #3 800-487-2555 C #10 910-323-8811 C #10 910-323-8811 BB C C BB-C C C C BB C C C C BB C C 6-7, 7-8, 8-10" 3, 7, 10, 15 GAL 3, 5 GAL 910-858-3740 252-482-5707 919-552-4521 800-543-7537 910-323-8811 800-444-1116 910-293-9374 910-695-7920 800-567-2909 336-992-2530 919-934-7764 919-231-6161 919-231-6161 910-762-1975 919-776-3590 C 2.25" liners, 1 GAL 910-293-9374 C Medium Plug (2x2x3.5") 3 GAL 503-585-9835 540-946-3800 C C C C C C 3, 7 GAL 3 GAL 1, 3 GAL 3,5 GAL 3 GAL 3 GAL 336-625-6660 800-444-1116 910-293-9374 800-567-2909 919-934-7764 1-800-762-7062 #3, #5 3 GAL 910-323-8811 1-800-762-7062 #3, #5, #15 3, 5 GAL 3, 7 GAL 3, 5 GAL 3 GAL 3 GAL 910-323-8811 800-567-2909 336-992-2530 919-894-2700 910-762-1975 1-800-762-7062 2 QT 2 GAL #3 #1-3 #3. #5 3 GAL 1, 3 GAL #3 #3 1, 3 GAL 1 GAL 1,3 GAL 1, 2, 3 GAL 2, 3 GAL 919-528-4147 828-884-4330 800-543-7537 800-487-2555 910-323-8811 336-625-6660 800-444-1116 919-934-0428 919-663-3607 910-293-9374 919-552-5869 800-567-2909 336-992-2530 919-894-2700 Mitchella repens - Partridgeberry Heritage Seedlings Muhlenbergia capillaris 'Pink Muhly' - Pink Muhly Grass Cedarview Farm Nursery Douglas Thompson & Associates Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Monterey Nursery, Inc. Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Tinga Nursery, Inc. L C C C C C Muhlenbergia capillaris 'Purple Muhly' - Purple Muhly Grass Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Musa Basjoo - Bananna Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Musella lasiocarpa - Chinese Yellow Banana Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Myrica cerifera - Southern Wax Myrtle Back Road Farms Coastal Plain Conservation Nursery, Inc. Currins Nursery, Inc. Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Monterey Nursery, Inc. Old Courthouse Nursery Poverty Hill Nursery Sampson Nursery Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Tinga Nursery, Inc. Watson's Nursery 3, 5, 7, 15, 25 GAL 6-14' #3, #7, #10, #15, #25 3, 7 GAL 1, 3, 7 GAL 6-12' 3,5,10,25 GAL 3, 7, 15 GAL 3, 7, 15 GAL Myrica cerifera 'Little Bull' - Little Bull Waxmyrtle Old Courthouse Nursery Myrica pensylvanica - Northern Bayberry Heritage Seedlings Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. Nandina domestica - Heavenly Bamboo Hickory Hill Nursery Monterey Nursery, Inc. Old Courthouse Nursery Sampson Nursery Swift Creek Nursery Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Nandina domestica 'Alba' - White Berried Nandina Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C C Nandina domestica 'Compacta' - Compacta Nandina Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Sampson Nursery Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Stephenson's Nursery, Inc. Tinga Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C C C C C C Nandina domestica 'Firepower' - Firepower Nandina Cedarview Farm Nursery Colonial Acres Nursery Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Hickory Hill Nursery Monterey Nursery, Inc. Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. Oakmont Nursery Old Courthouse Nursery Powell's Nursery, LLC Sampson Nursery Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Stephenson's Nursery, Inc. 70 L C C C C C C C C C C C C C Plant Sources - Nandina domestica 'Gulf Stream' - Gulf Stream Nandina Swift Creek Nursery Tinga Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C C C 1, 2 GAL 2, 3 GAL 2, 3 GAL 919-934-7764 910-762-1975 1-800-762-7062 1 GAL 910-293-9374 Nandina domestica 'Gulf Stream' - Gulf Stream Nandina Old Courthouse Nursery C Nandina domestica 'Gulf Stream' PP#5656 - Gulf Stream Nandina Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Monterey Nursery, Inc. Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. Sampson Nursery Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery Tinga Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C C C C C C C C C C #3 #3 #3 3 GAL #3 3,5 GAL 3 GAL 3, 7 GAL 3, 5 GAL 3 GAL 800-543-7537 800-487-2555 910-323-8811 800-444-1116 919-934-0428 800-567-2909 336-992-2530 919-934-7764 910-762-1975 1-800-762-7062 1, 2 GAL 919-934-7764 Nandina domestica 'Harbour Belle' - Harbour Belle Nandina Swift Creek Nursery C Nandina domestica 'Harbour Dwarf' - Harbour Dwarf Nandina Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Monterey Nursery, Inc. Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. Old Courthouse Nursery Powell's Nursery, LLC Sampson Nursery Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Stephenson's Nursery, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery C C C C C C C C C C #3 #3 3 GAL #3 1 GAL 1 GAL 3 GAL 3 GAL 3 GAL 1, 2 GAL 800-543-7537 910-323-8811 800-444-1116 919-934-0428 910-293-9374 919-552-5869 800-567-2909 336-992-2530 919-894-2700 919-934-7764 Nandina domestica 'Jaytee' PP#14668 - Harbor Belle Nandina Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Monterey Nursery, Inc. Sampson Nursery Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C C C C #3 3 GAL 3 GAL 3 GAL 800-487-2555 800-444-1116 800-567-2909 1-800-762-7062 #3 800-487-2555 1 GAL 919-934-7764 Nandina domestica 'Moon Bay' - Moon Bay Nandina Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. C Nandina domestica 'San Gabriel' - San Gabriel Nandina Swift Creek Nursery C Nandina domestica 'Wood Dwarf' - Wood's Dwarf Handina Taylor's Nursery, Inc. C 919-231-6161 Native Plants American Native Plants Cure Nursery L BB C C (from local seed) 410-529-0552 919-542-6186 C C 3, 7 GAL 919-231-6161 910-762-1975 C #3, #10 910-323-8811 BR 2-3' 503-585-9835 BB C C 2" -3.5" (from local seed) #15 Medium Plug (2x2x3.5") 478-783-4975 919-542-6186 910-323-8811 503-585-9835 BB BB 2-8" 2, 2.5, 3" 800-543-7537 800-947-9568 C #1 -- 2-3', 3-4' and #3 -- 3-4', 4-5' 503-585-9835 BB BR-C 1.5" - 4" 2-3' and #1 -- 2-3', 3-4' 478-783-4975 503-585-9835 C #1 2.5, 4" 800-487-2555 919-732-6594 C C #1 #1 800-543-7537 910-323-8811 Nerium oleander (Culitvars) Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Tinga Nursery, Inc. Nerium oleander 'Hardy White' - White Oleander Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Nyssa sinensis - Chinese Tupelo Heritage Seedlings Nyssa sylvatica - Black Gum Bold Spring Nursery, LLC Cure Nursery Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Heritage Seedlings Nyssa sylvatica 'Black/Sour Gum' Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Goodson & Associates Nyssa sylvatica 'Jolly' - Jolly Black Gum Heritage Seedlings Nyssa sylvatica 'Wildfire' - Wildfire Black Gum Bold Spring Nursery, LLC Heritage Seedlings Ophiopogon (Varieties) - Mondo Grass Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Plantworks Nursery, Inc. Ophiopogon japonicus - Mondo Grass Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. 71 Ophiopogon japonicus 'Nana' - Dwarf Mondo Grass - Plant Sources Swift Creek Nursery Tinga Nursery, Inc. C C 1 GAL, 1 QT 1 GAL 919-934-7764 910-762-1975 C C C C #1 #1 1 GAL, 1 QT 1 GAL 800-487-2555 910-323-8811 919-934-7764 910-762-1975 NL Seeds 1, 3 GAL 502-895-0807 919-732-6594 C BB C C C BB C #15 6' - 8' #3, #15 3,5,10 GAL 15 GAL 3, 10 GAL 919-883-8285 478-783-4975 910-323-8811 800-567-2909 336-992-2530 919-231-6161 910-762-1975 6' - 9' 1 GAL 478-783-4975 919-552-5869 5-6', 6-7' 704-596-4516 Ophiopogon japonicus 'Nana' - Dwarf Mondo Grass Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery Tinga Nursery, Inc. Ornamental Grasses (Various) Jelitto Perennial Seeds Plantworks Nursery, Inc. Osmanthus fortunei - Fortune's Osmanthus Big Branch Nursery Bold Spring Nursery, LLC Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Sampson Nursery Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Tinga Nursery, Inc. Osmanthus fortunei 'Fruitlandi' - Fortunei Osmanthus Bold Spring Nursery, LLC Powell's Nursery, LLC BB C Osmanthus fortunei 'San Jose' - San Jose Osmanthus Patterson's Nursery BB Osmanthus fragrans - Fragrant Tea Olive Byron Lakeview Nursery LLC Full of Life Farms Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Monterey Nursery, Inc. Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. Old Courthouse Nursery Powell's Nursery, LLC Sampson Nursery Stephenson's Nursery, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Tinga Nursery, Inc. Watson's Nursery L C C C C C C C C C C C C C 3, 10 GAL 3, 5 GAL 800-717-2362 919-742-2897 800-543-7537 910-323-8811 800-444-1116 919-934-0428 910-293-9374 919-552-5869 800-567-2909 919-894-2700 919-934-7764 919-231-6161 910-762-1975 919-776-3590 3 GAL 919-772-7255 C C C C C C C #7, #15 #3 #3, #5 3 GAL 3 GAL 1, 3, 7 GAL 3 GAL 919-883-8285 800-543-7537 800-487-2555 800-567-2909 336-992-2530 919-934-7764 1-800-762-7062 C C #3, #7, #15 3,5 GAL 910-323-8811 800-567-2909 5 GAL #3, #7 #15 3 GAL #3, #7 1, 3, 7 GAL 1 GAL 3,5,10 GAL 3, 7 GAL 3, 7, 15 GAL Osmanthus fragrans 'Fudingzhu' - Fragrant Tea Olive Pender Nursery, Inc. C Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Goshiki' - Tricolor Osmanthus Big Branch Nursery Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Sampson Nursery Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Gulftide' Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Sampson Nursery Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Variegatus' - Variegated Osmanthus Powell's Nursery, LLC Swift Creek Nursery Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C C C 1 GAL 3 GAL 3 GAL 919-552-5869 919-934-7764 1-800-762-7062 C #5 910-323-8811 BR 6-12", 1-2', 2-3' 503-585-9835 BB 2-4" 800-543-7537 C C C 3, 7, 10 GAL 6-12", 1-2' Transplant Small Plug (1.4x2") & Deep Plug (1.9x6.7") 3 GAL 7 GAL 828-884-4330 503-585-9835 503-585-9835 828-738-8300 1-800-762-7062 BB-C 4-10' 800-543-7537 Osmunda regalis - Royal Fern Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Ostrya virginiana - Hophornbeam Heritage Seedlings Ostrya virginiana 'Eastern Hophornbeam' Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Oxydendrum arboreum - Sourwood Tree Colonial Acres Nursery Heritage Seedlings Heritage Seedlings Meadowbrook Nursery & Farm Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Oxydendrum arboreum 'Sourwood' Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. 72 Plant Sources - Pachysandra (Varieties) Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. North 40 Nursery, Inc. C BB #15 2-2.5", 7-9' 910-323-8811 828-433-5044 2.5, 4" 919-732-6594 #1 Ctr. Ready 503-585-9835 #3 800-758-8121 910-323-8811 #3 910-323-8811 1 Eye-Division 503-585-9835 1 Eye-Division 503-585-9835 1 Eye-Division 503-585-9835 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 15, 25 GAL 2.25, 4" #3, #7 252-637-6858 252-637-6858 910-323-8811 Pachysandra (Varieties) Plantworks Nursery, Inc. Paeonia delaveyi var. lutea - Peony Heritage Seedlings Paeonia lactiflora (cultivars) Cam Too Camellia Nursery, Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. C C Paeonia lactiflora 'Mons. Jules Elie' - Peony 'Jules Elie' Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. C Paeonia mlokosewitschii - Golden Peony Heritage Seedlings Paeonia tenuifolia - Fernleaf Peony Heritage Seedlings Paeonia wittmanniana - Wittmanniana Peony Heritage Seedlings Palms (Assorted) Gary's Nursery, LLC Gary's Nursery, LLC Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. C L C Palms (Cold Hardy) - Palms - Cold Hardy Star Ridge Aquatics, LLC 910-947-5333 Palms 'Windmill' Stephenson's Nursery, Inc. C 3, 5 GAL 919-894-2700 C 1, 4 Gal 828-894-2020 C #1 4" 910-323-8811 919-732-6594 BR 6-12", 1-2' 503-585-9835 BR 1/8", 3/16" 503-585-9835 Panicum virgatum 'Shenandoah' - Red Switch Grass Douglas Thompson & Associates Pansies Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Plantworks Nursery, Inc. Parrotia persica - Persian Ironwood Heritage Seedlings Parthenocissus quinquefolia - Virginia Creeper Heritage Seedlings Peltandro virginica - Arrow arum Coastal Plain Conservation Nursery, Inc. C 252-482-5707 Pennisetum alopecuroides - Fountain Grass Stephenson's Nursery, Inc. C 3 GAL 919-894-2700 Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Cassian' - Cassian Dwarf Fountain Grass Monterey Nursery, Inc. C 1, 3 GAL 800-444-1116 #3 #3 #3 3 GAL 3 GAL 800-543-7537 800-487-2555 910-323-8811 919-894-2700 910-762-1975 Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Hameln' - Dwarf Fountain Grass Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Stephenson's Nursery, Inc. Tinga Nursery, Inc. C C C C C Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Little Bunny' - Little Bunny Dwarf Fountain Grass Spivey's Nursery, Inc. C 3 GAL 336-992-2530 2 QT 919-528-4147 C NL C #1, #2 Seeds 4.5" POTS, 1 GAL QT, GAL 800-758-8121 828-894-2020 910-323-8811 502-895-0807 828-738-8300 919-732-6594 C #10 910-323-8811 C 3 GAL 800-444-1116 C #1 910-323-8811 C #7, #10, #15 910-323-8811 C #10 910-323-8811 Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Moudry' - Black Fountain Grass Cedarview Farm Nursery L Perennials Cam Too Camellia Nursery, Inc. Douglas Thompson & Associates Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Jelitto Perennial Seeds Meadowbrook Nursery & Farm Plantworks Nursery, Inc. C Philadelphus (Cultivars) Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Philadelphus virginalis 'Snowflake' - Snowflake Mockorange Monterey Nursery, Inc. Phlox (Species & Cultivars) Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Photinia fraseri - Red-Tip Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Phyllostachys aurea - Golden Bamboo Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. 73 Phyllostachys aurea 'koi' - Yellow with Green Groove - Plant Sources Haiku Bamboo Nursery BB 828-685-3053 Phyllostachys aurea 'koi' - Yellow with Green Groove Haiku Bamboo Nursery C 828-685-3053 Phyllostachys aureosulcata - Yellow Groove Bamboo Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. C #5 910-323-8811 Phyllostachys bambusoides - Japanese Giant Timber Haiku Bamboo Nursery BB 828-685-3053 BB 828-685-3053 Phyllostachys meyeri Haiku Bamboo Nursery Phyllostachys nigra - Black Bamboo Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Haiku Bamboo Nursery C BB #10 910-323-8811 828-685-3053 Phyllostachys rubromarginata Haiku Bamboo Nursery BB 828-685-3053 BB 828-685-3053 BB 828-685-3053 Phyllostachys 'Tanakae' Bambusoides - Tanakae Haiku Bamboo Nursery Phyllostachys vivax - Vivax Haiku Bamboo Nursery Physocarpus - Ninebark Cam Too Camellia Nursery, Inc. Colonial Acres Nursery C live stakes 800-758-8121 828-884-4330 C C BB BB BB BB C BB 2, 25 GAL #7 5-6', 6-7', 7-8', 8-10' 5-12' 3-4', 4-5', 5-6', 6-7' 4-8' 2-3' 3-10' 828-884-4330 910-323-8811 828-891-3893 828-433-5044 828-437-2063 336-372-2756 336-372-2756 540-946-3800 C 1-75 GAL 919-620-0779 C 3 GAL 540-946-3800 BB C 4-8' 2-3' 336-372-2756 336-372-2756 BB C C C C 36"-10' 3 GAL 3 GAL 5, 7 GAL 3, 7 GAL 800-851-2345 800-444-1116 336-992-2530 1-800-762-7062 540-946-3800 BB C 4-8' 2-3' 336-372-2756 336-372-2756 BB C 4-8' 2-3' 336-372-2756 336-372-2756 C 7 GAL 336-992-2530 C 3, 5 GAL 800-772-2837 C C 3 GAL 3 GAL 919-934-7764 1-800-762-7062 #3 3 GAL 2, 3 GAL 800-487-2555 919-934-7764 1-800-762-7062 3 GAL 800-567-2909 3,7 GAL 540-946-3800 3, 5 GAL 919-934-7764 Picea abies - Norway Spruce Colonial Acres Nursery Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. North 40 Nursery, Inc. Quaker Meadows Nursery Smokey Holler Tree Farm, LLC Smokey Holler Tree Farm, LLC Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. Picea abies (Cultivars) - Norway Spruce Cultivars Architectural Trees Picea abies 'Nidiformis' - Bird's Nest Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. Picea glauca - Black Hills spruce Smokey Holler Tree Farm, LLC Smokey Holler Tree Farm, LLC Picea glauca 'Conica' - Dwarf Alberta Spruce Laurel Springs Trees Monterey Nursery, Inc. Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. Picea omorika Smokey Holler Tree Farm, LLC Smokey Holler Tree Farm, LLC Picea pungens - Colorado Blue Spruce Smokey Holler Tree Farm, LLC Smokey Holler Tree Farm, LLC Picea thunbergii 'Thunderhead' Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Pieris japonica Buds & Blooms Nursery Pieris japonica 'Compacta' - Compacta Pieris Swift Creek Nursery Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Pieris japonica 'Mountain Fire' - Mountain Fire Pieris Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C C C Pieris japonica 'Prelude' - Prelude Japanese Pieris Sampson Nursery C Pieris japonica 'Scarlet O'Hara' - Scarlet O'Hara Pieris Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. C Pieris japonica 'Temple Bells' - Temple Bells Pieris Swift Creek Nursery 74 C Plant Sources - Pinus mugo 'Mughus' - Mugo Pine Pinus mugo 'Mughus' - Mugo Pine Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C 3 GAL 1-800-762-7062 C #3 800-487-2555 BB BB C BB 6-14' 3-7' 2-3' 7-12' 800-543-7537 336-372-2756 336-372-2756 540-946-3800 BB-C C BB 4-18' #3, #15 4-20' 800-543-7537 910-323-8811 910-695-7920 BB BB BB BB BB BB C NL BB 3-10' 5'-10', 3 GAL 6-14' 5'- 6', 6-7', 7-8', 8-10', 10-12', 12-14' 5-12' 3-10' 2-3' 5-12' Cut Tree 4-10' 336-585-0052 828-884-4330 800-543-7537 828-891-3893 828-433-5044 336-372-2756 336-372-2756 336-372-2756 540-946-3800 BB 6-12' 540-946-3800 BB C BB C BB BB C C 4-25' #3, #7, #15, #25 8-10', 10-12', 12-14', 14-16', 16-18' 1, 3, 7 GAL 4-20' 7 GAL 800-543-7537 910-323-8811 828-891-3893 910-293-9374 910-695-7920 919-231-6161 919-231-6161 1-800-762-7062 BB 8', 10', 12' 540-946-3800 BB BB C BB 5 GAL 4-14' #3, #7, #10 5-8' 828-884-4330 800-543-7537 910-323-8811 336-372-2756 BB BB C BB 6-14' 6-8, 8-10, 10-12' #7, #15 7-8', 8-9', 9-10', 10-12' 800-543-7537 800-947-9568 910-323-8811 828-891-3893 BB 2, 2.5, 3" 800-947-9568 BB C 2-8" #15 Medium Plug (2x2x3.5") 800-543-7537 910-323-8811 503-585-9835 C 3, 7 GAL 910-762-1975 Pinus mugo 'Pumilio' - Dwarf Mugo Pine Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Pinus nigra - Austrian Pine Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Smokey Holler Tree Farm, LLC Smokey Holler Tree Farm, LLC Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. Pinus palustris - Long Leaf Pine Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Poverty Hill Nursery Pinus strobus - White Pine Bryan Wagoner Tree Farm Colonial Acres Nursery Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. North 40 Nursery, Inc. Smokey Holler Tree Farm, LLC Smokey Holler Tree Farm, LLC Smokey Holler Tree Farm, LLC Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. Pinus sylvestris - Scotch Pine Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. Pinus taeda - Loblolly Pine Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. Old Courthouse Nursery Poverty Hill Nursery Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Pinus thumbergiana - Japanese Black Pine Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. Pinus thunbergii - Japanese Black Pine Colonial Acres Nursery Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Smokey Holler Tree Farm, LLC Pinus virginiana - Virginia Pine Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Goodson & Associates Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. Pistachia chinensis - Chinese Pistache Goodson & Associates Pistacia chinensis - Chinese Pistache Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Heritage Seedlings Pittosporum tobira 'Compacta' Tinga Nursery, Inc. Pittosporum tobira 'Tall N Tough' - Tall N Tough Pittosporum Taylor's Nursery, Inc. C 919-231-6161 Pittosporum tobira 'Variegata' Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery Tinga Nursery, Inc. C C C #3 3 GAL 3, 7 GAL 910-323-8811 919-934-7764 910-762-1975 Pittosporum tobira 'Wheeler's Dwarf' - Wheeler's Dwarf Pittosporum Swift Creek Nursery Tinga Nursery, Inc. C C 3 GAL 3 GAL 919-934-7764 910-762-1975 Platanus acerifolia 'Bloodgood' - Bloodgood London Planetree Bryan Wagoner Tree Farm Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. North 40 Nursery, Inc. Quaker Meadows Nursery Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. BB BB BB BB BB 6-10', 1.5", 1.75", 2" 1.5, 2, 2.5", 3, 3.5, 4" 2-4" 1.5-2-5" 1.75 - 4" 336-585-0052 828-891-3893 828-433-5044 828-437-2063 540-946-3800 75 Platanus acerifolia 'Columbia' - Columbia Planetree - Plant Sources Winfall Nurseries BB 2-3.5" 434-332-5701 2.5-3.5" 540-946-3800 2-4" 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4" 800-543-7537 704-471-1000 BB 2" - 4.5" 478-783-4975 BB C BB BB-C BB BB 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.5, 2.75, 3" 3 GAL 2-12" 3", #15, #25 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5" 2-4" 336-585-0052 828-884-4330 800-543-7537 910-323-8811 828-891-3893 828-433-5044 #15 910-323-8811 #2 910-323-8811 Platanus acerifolia 'Columbia' - Columbia Planetree Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. BB Platanus acerifolia 'London Plane' - London Planetree Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Scottree BB BB Platanus acerifolia 'Yarwood' - Yarwood London Plantree Bold Spring Nursery, LLC Platanus occidentalis - Sycamore Bryan Wagoner Tree Farm Colonial Acres Nursery Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. North 40 Nursery, Inc. Platanus x acerifolia 'Bloodgood London Planetree' Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. BB-C Platycodon 'Sentimental Blue' - Dwarf Balloon Flower Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. C Pleioblastus argenteostriatus - Dwarf Green Haiku Bamboo Nursery C 828-685-3053 BB 828-685-3053 C 828-685-3053 Pleioblastus simonii - Medake Haiku Bamboo Nursery Pleioblastus viridistriatus - Dwarf Yellow Haiku Bamboo Nursery Podocarpus (Species & Cultivars) Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. C #3, #7 910-323-8811 C 15 GAL 229-762-4888 C C 3 GAL 3, 10 GAL 919-934-7764 910-762-1975 C 3 GAL 1-800-762-7062 C C 1 Gal 252-482-5707 828-894-2020 BB 1.5-6" - larger available upon request 800-872-3125 C #15, #25, #45 910-323-8811 BB BB BB BB C C C 1.5, 2, 2.5" 828-891-3893 336-337-2322 704-564-3232 828-437-2063 919-934-7764 910-762-1975 1-800-762-7062 Podocarpus 'Ice Blue' - Ice Blue Podocarpus Lake Tree Growers Podocarpus macrophyllus 'Maki' Swift Creek Nursery Tinga Nursery, Inc. Pomegranate Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Pontederia cordata - Pickerel Weed Coastal Plain Conservation Nursery, Inc. Douglas Thompson & Associates Prunus (Species & Cultivars) Rocky Creek Farms Nursery Prunus calleryana 'Bradford' Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Prunus campanulata 'Okame' - Okame Cherry Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. Kenneth E. Bell Trees Lanes Creek Trees Quaker Meadows Nursery Swift Creek Nursery Tinga Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. 2"-4.5" 1.5-3" 7, 15 GAL 25 GAL 15 GAL Prunus cerasifera 'Krauter Vesuvius' - Krauter Vesuvius Purple Leaf Plum Bryan Wagoner Tree Farm Douglas Thompson & Associates Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. Monterey Nursery, Inc. Quaker Meadows Nursery Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Winfall Nurseries BB L C BB C BB C C 8-10', 1.5", 1.75", 2", 2.5", 3" #15 2, 2.5, 3", 3.5" 15 GAL 1.5-3" 10, 15, 20 GAL #25 336-585-0052 828-894-2020 910-323-8811 828-891-3893 800-444-1116 828-437-2063 1-800-762-7062 434-332-5701 2"-4" 704-564-3232 10, 15 GAL 1-800-762-7062 Prunus cerasifera 'Newport' - Newport Purple Leaf Plum Lanes Creek Trees BB Prunus cerasifera 'Purple Pony' - Purple Leaf Plum Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C Prunus cerasifera 'Thundercloud' - Thundercloud Purple Leaf Plum Douglas Thompson & Associates Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Monterey Nursery, Inc. Quaker Meadows Nursery 76 L BB C C BB 2-5" #7, #15 15 GAL 1.5-3" 828-894-2020 800-543-7537 800-487-2555 800-444-1116 828-437-2063 Plant Sources - Prunus grandulosa rosea plena - Pink Flowering Almond Spivey's Nursery, Inc. C 15 GAL 336-992-2530 C 3 GAL 1-800-762-7062 L 2 QT 919-528-4147 C #3, #15 910-323-8811 C 15-25 GAL 336-625-6660 3 GAL #3 18-24, 24-30, 30-36, 36-42" #3, #5, #7, B&B 24-30" 3,5,7 GAL 24-36" 3, 5 GAL 828-884-4330 800-543-7537 800-947-9568 800-487-2555 800-567-2909 828-584-1123 919-934-7764 #3, #7 30-36, 36-42, 42-48" and 4-5, 6-7' 3, 7, 15 GAL 42-60" 3,5,7 GAL 3, 5 GAL 800-543-7537 800-947-9568 336-625-6660 910-695-7920 800-567-2909 919-934-7764 C BB C #3, #7 4-5' 5 GAL 910-323-8811 828-584-1123 828-584-1123 C C C #3 3,5 GAL 3, 5 GAL 800-543-7537 800-567-2909 919-934-7764 Prunus grandulosa rosea plena - Pink Flowering Almond Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Prunus laurocerasus - Carolina Cherry Laurel Cedarview Farm Nursery Prunus laurocerasus 'Green Jewel' Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Prunus laurocerasus 'Majestic Jade' Hickory Hill Nursery Prunus laurocerasus 'Otto Luyken' - Otto Luyken Laurel Colonial Acres Nursery Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Goodson & Associates Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Sampson Nursery Silver Creek Farm Swift Creek Nursery C C BB C C BB C Prunus laurocerasus 'Schipkaensis' - Schip Laurel Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Goodson & Associates Hickory Hill Nursery Poverty Hill Nursery Sampson Nursery Swift Creek Nursery C BB C BB C C Prunus laurocerasus 'West Coast' - West Coast Schip Laurel Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Silver Creek Farm Silver Creek Farm Prunus laurocerasus 'Zabeliana' - Zabel Laurel Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Sampson Nursery Swift Creek Nursery Prunus mume 'Bonita' Douglas Thompson & Associates L 828-894-2020 L 828-894-2020 Prunus mume 'Don Clark' Douglas Thompson & Associates Prunus mume 'Peggy Clarke' - Pink Flowering Apricot Douglas Thompson & Associates L 828-894-2020 L 828-894-2020 Prunus mume 'Rose Marie Clark' Douglas Thompson & Associates Prunus serotina - Black Cherry Colonial Acres Nursery Cure Nursery C C 3 GAL (from local seed) 828-884-4330 919-542-6186 BB L BB-C C BB BB BB C BB BB BB C C BB C BB C 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5" 336-585-0052 828-894-2020 800-543-7537 910-323-8811 828-891-3893 704-564-3232 803-695-0588 800-444-1116 828-433-5044 704-471-1000 336-992-2530 336-992-2530 919-934-7764 919-231-6161 1-800-762-7062 434-332-5701 434-332-5701 Prunus serrulata 'Kwanzan' - Kwanzan Cherry Bryan Wagoner Tree Farm Douglas Thompson & Associates Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. Lanes Creek Trees Long Branch Farm Monterey Nursery, Inc. North 40 Nursery, Inc. Scottree Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Winfall Nurseries Winfall Nurseries 2-6" #15 2.5", 3", 3.5", 4" 2"-4" 10, 15 GAL 2-3" 2, 2.5" 2, 3" 15 GAL 7, 15 GAL 15 GAL 2-3.5" #25 Prunus serrulata 'Snow Goose' - Snow Goose Cherry Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Lanes Creek Trees Long Branch Farm Taylor's Nursery, Inc. C BB BB BB #15, #25 2"-4" 910-323-8811 704-564-3232 803-695-0588 919-231-6161 1.5, 1.75, 2" 336-585-0052 828-894-2020 Prunus 'Snofozam' - Snow Fountains Weeping Cherry Bryan Wagoner Tree Farm Douglas Thompson & Associates BB L 77 Prunus subhirtella - Natural Weeping Cherry - Plant Sources Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. Monterey Nursery, Inc. Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C C BB C C C C #15, #25 #15 3.5", 4", 4.5", 5", 6" 15 GAL 10, 15 GAL 15 GAL 800-487-2555 910-323-8811 828-891-3893 800-444-1116 336-992-2530 919-231-6161 1-800-762-7062 C 15 GAL 1-800-762-7062 1.5", 1.75", 2", 2.5" 1.5, 2, 2.5" Prunus subhirtella - Natural Weeping Cherry Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Prunus subhirtella 'Autumnalis' - Autumnalis Cherry Bryan Wagoner Tree Farm Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. Kenneth E. Bell Trees Lanes Creek Trees Monterey Nursery, Inc. Quaker Meadows Nursery Scottree Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Winfall Nurseries BB BB BB BB C BB BB C C 2"-3.5" 15 GAL 1.5-2" 2, 2.5" 15 GAL #25 336-585-0052 828-891-3893 336-337-2322 704-564-3232 800-444-1116 828-437-2063 704-471-1000 1-800-762-7062 434-332-5701 C 15 GAL 1-800-762-7062 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.5" #10, #15, #25 4", 4.5", 5", 6" 15 GAL 2-4" 2-3" 10, 15 GAL 15, 20 GAL 15 GAL 336-585-0052 800-487-2555 828-891-3893 800-444-1116 828-433-5044 704-471-1000 336-992-2530 919-894-2700 919-231-6161 1-800-762-7062 #15 910-323-8811 2-3' 503-585-9835 BB BB 1.5", 1.75", 2", 2.5", 8-10' 1.5-3" 336-585-0052 828-437-2063 BB BB 2-6" 1.5-2", 2-2.5" 800-543-7537 704-596-4516 BB 2-4" 828-433-5044 BB-C BB BB 2-6" 2-3" 1.5-3" 800-543-7537 828-433-5044 828-437-2063 BB BB C BB BB BB BB C BB BB C BB C BB C C C 2" - 4" 1.5",1.75",2", 2.5" #7, #15, #25 1.5', 2' 15 GAL #25 478-783-4975 336-585-0052 800-487-2555 828-891-3893 336-337-2322 704-564-3232 803-695-0588 800-444-1116 704-596-4516 704-471-1000 336-992-2530 336-992-2530 919-934-7764 919-231-6161 919-231-6161 1-800-762-7062 434-332-5701 15 GAL 2.5 - 3.5" 828-894-2020 1-800-762-7062 540-946-3800 Prunus subhirtella 'Mt Fuji' - Mt. Fuji Cherry Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Prunus subhirtella pendula - Double Pink Weeping Cherry Bryan Wagoner Tree Farm Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. Monterey Nursery, Inc. North 40 Nursery, Inc. Scottree Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Stephenson's Nursery, Inc. Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. BB C BB C BB BB C C C C Prunus subhirtella pendula 'Double Weeping Cherry' Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. C Prunus subhirtella var. pendula - Weeping Higan Cherry Heritage Seedlings BR Prunus virginiana 'Canadian Red' - Canadian Red Cherry Bryan Wagoner Tree Farm Quaker Meadows Nursery Prunus x ‘Okame’ - Okame Cherry Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Patterson's Nursery Prunus x incamp ‘Okame’ - Okame Cherry North 40 Nursery, Inc. Prunus x yedoenis 'Yoshino Cherry' Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. North 40 Nursery, Inc. Quaker Meadows Nursery Prunus x yedoensis - Yoshino Cherry Bold Spring Nursery, LLC Bryan Wagoner Tree Farm Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. Kenneth E. Bell Trees Lanes Creek Trees Long Branch Farm Monterey Nursery, Inc. Patterson's Nursery Scottree Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Winfall Nurseries 2"-4" 7, 15, 20 GAL 2-2.5" 2-3" 15, 25 GAL 2, 3" 7, 15 GAL Prunus x yedoensis 'Akebono' - Akebono Cherry Douglas Thompson & Associates Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. 78 L C BB Plant Sources - Prunus xincam 'Okame' - Okame Cherry Prunus xincam 'Okame' - Okame Cherry Bryan Wagoner Tree Farm BB 1.5", 1.75" 2", 2.5" 336-585-0052 Pseudosasa japonica - Arow Bamboo - Yadake Haiku Bamboo Nursery BB 828-685-3053 Punica granatum 'Wonderful' - Wonderful Pomegranate Old Courthouse Nursery C 3 GAL 910-293-9374 Pycnanthemum tenuifolium - Narrow-leaved Mountainmint Coastal Plain Conservation Nursery, Inc. C 252-482-5707 Pyracantha coccinea 'Victory' Cedarview Farm Nursery Monterey Nursery, Inc. L C 2 QT 3 GAL 919-528-4147 800-444-1116 3 GAL 5 GAL Staked 800-444-1116 1-800-762-7062 C 5 GAL Staked 1-800-762-7062 BB BB BB 6-10', 1.5", 1.75", 2", 2.5", 3", 3.5" 2-4" 1.5-4" 336-585-0052 828-433-5044 828-437-2063 C BB BB BB C #15, #25 910-323-8811 336-337-2322 704-564-3232 828-433-5044 910-762-1975 Pyracantha 'Mojave' - Orange Berry Pycracantha Monterey Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C C Pyracantha 'Wonderberry' - Wonderberry Pyracantha Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Pyrus calleryana 'Aristocrat' - Aristocrat Pear Bryan Wagoner Tree Farm North 40 Nursery, Inc. Quaker Meadows Nursery Pyrus calleryana 'Bradford' - Bradford Pear Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Kenneth E. Bell Trees Lanes Creek Trees North 40 Nursery, Inc. Tinga Nursery, Inc. 2"- 4.5" 2-4" 25 GAL Pyrus calleryana 'Capitol' - Capitol Pear Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Kenneth E. Bell Trees C BB #15 910-323-8811 336-337-2322 Pyrus calleryana 'Chanticleerr' Kenneth E. Bell Trees BB 336-337-2322 Pyrus calleryana 'Cleveland Select' - Cleveland Select Pear Bryan Wagoner Tree Farm Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Lanes Creek Trees Monterey Nursery, Inc. North 40 Nursery, Inc. Quaker Meadows Nursery Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. Winfall Nurseries BB C C BB C BB BB C C BB C BB C 6-10', 1.5", 1.75", 2", 2.5", 3", 3.5" #7, #15, #25, B&B 8' #15 2"-4.5" 15 GAL 2-4" 1.5-4.5" 7, 15, 25 GAL 7, 15 GAL 7, 15 GAL 1.75-4" #25 336-585-0052 800-487-2555 910-323-8811 704-564-3232 800-444-1116 828-433-5044 828-437-2063 336-992-2530 919-934-7764 919-231-6161 1-800-762-7062 540-946-3800 434-332-5701 BB C 2-3" 7, 15 GAL 828-433-5044 1-800-762-7062 BB BB 2-4" 1.5-5" 828-433-5044 828-437-2063 C C 15 GAL (from local seed) 336-656-7881 919-542-6186 BB BB BB BB BB 2" - 3" 2-8" 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3", 4", 6", 7" 1.5-5" 478-783-4975 800-543-7537 828-891-3893 828-437-2063 919-231-6161 BB BR-C 2-8" 2", 3", #25 1-2', 2-3', 3-4' Transplant 4-6", 6-12", 1-2' Large Plug (3x3x7") 800-543-7537 910-323-8811 503-585-9835 503-585-9835 BB 2" - 3.5" 478-783-4975 1/4", 3/8" Transplant 503-585-9835 S Plug (1.4x2") & 1/8", 3/16" Deep Plug (1.9x6.7")503-585-9835 Pyrus calleryana 'New Bradford' - New Bradford Pear North 40 Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Pyrus 'Chanticleer' North 40 Nursery, Inc. Quaker Meadows Nursery Quercus (Cultivars) - Oak Cultivars A & A Plants, Inc. Cure Nursery Quercus acutissima - Sawtooth Oak Bold Spring Nursery, LLC Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. Quaker Meadows Nursery Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Quercus alba - White Oak Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Heritage Seedlings Heritage Seedlings Quercus bicolor - Swamp White Oak Bold Spring Nursery, LLC Heritage Seedlings Heritage Seedlings 79 Quercus coccinea - Scarlet Oak - Plant Sources Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. Quaker Meadows Nursery Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. BB BB BB 2", 2.5", 3", 3.5", 4", 4.5", 5" 1.5-4" 2-8" 828-891-3893 828-437-2063 540-946-3800 BB C 2-6" #25, #45 1-2', 2-3' Transplant 4-6, 6-12" S Plug (1.4x2") & 1-2' L Plug (3x3x7") 800-543-7537 910-323-8811 503-585-9835 503-585-9835 BB-C 2", #15 910-323-8811 Quercus coccinea - Scarlet Oak Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Heritage Seedlings Heritage Seedlings Quercus darlington - Darlington Oak Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Quercus falcata - Southern Red Oak Long Branch Farm BB 803-695-0588 Quercus falcata var. pagodifolia - Cherrybark Oak Heritage Seedlings Small Plug (1.4x2") 503-585-9835 BR 3-4' 503-585-9835 BB 2.5-5" 910-695-7920 BR 2-3' 503-585-9835 BB 2-6" 800-543-7537 BB BB C BB BB 2" - 6" 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5" 15, 25, 45 GAL 2"-4" 478-783-4975 828-891-3893 229-762-4888 704-564-3232 803-695-0588 BB 1-2', 2-3' Transplant & S Plug (1.4x2") 4.5", 5", 6", 7" 503-585-9835 804-794-5016 BB 4-10" 800-543-7537 BB C BB BB C BB C BB BB C 2, 2.5, 3" 15, 25, 45 GAL 2"-5" 2-4" #25 910-858-3740 229-762-4888 704-564-3232 803-695-0588 800-444-1116 828-433-5044 910-293-9374 919-231-6161 434-332-5701 434-332-5701 2-4", 3 GAL 2", #15 1-2', 2-3' Transplant S Plug (1.4x2") & 6-12", 1-2' L Plug (3x3x7") 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9" 1.5-4.5" 25, 45 GAL 2-3.5" 828-884-4330 910-323-8811 503-585-9835 503-585-9835 828-891-3893 828-437-2063 910-762-1975 434-332-5701 1.5", 1.75", 2", 2.5", 3" 2-5" 1-2', 2-3', 3-4' Large Plug (3x3x7") 2-6" 1.5-10" - larger available upon request 15 GAL 1.75-7" 336-585-0052 800-543-7537 503-585-9835 803-695-0588 828-433-5044 800-872-3125 1-800-762-7062 540-946-3800 BB 1.75-3.5" 540-946-3800 BB BB BB BB 2, 2.5, 3" 2" - 5" 1.5", 1.75", 2", 2.5", 3", 3.5" 2-4", 3 GAL 910-858-3740 478-783-4975 336-585-0052 828-884-4330 Quercus frainetto 'Trump' - Trump Hungarian Oak Heritage Seedlings Quercus hemisphaerica - Darlington Oak Poverty Hill Nursery Quercus 'Kindred Spirit' Heritage Seedlings Quercus laurifolia - Laurel Oak Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Quercus lyrata - Overcup Oak Bold Spring Nursery, LLC Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. Lake Tree Growers Lanes Creek Trees Long Branch Farm Quercus macrocarpa - Bur Oak Heritage Seedlings Watkins Nurseries, Inc. Quercus michauxii 'Swamp Chestnut' Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Quercus nuttallii - Nuttall Oak Back Road Farms Lake Tree Growers Lanes Creek Trees Long Branch Farm Monterey Nursery, Inc. North 40 Nursery, Inc. Old Courthouse Nursery Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Winfall Nurseries Winfall Nurseries 15 GAL 2-3" 3, 7 GAL Quercus palustris - Pin Oak Colonial Acres Nursery Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Heritage Seedlings Heritage Seedlings Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. Quaker Meadows Nursery Tinga Nursery, Inc. Winfall Nurseries BB BB-C BB BB C BB Quercus palustris 'Green Pillar' - Green Pillar Pin Oak Bryan Wagoner Tree Farm Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Heritage Seedlings Long Branch Farm North 40 Nursery, Inc. Rocky Creek Farms Nursery Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. BB BB BB BB BB C BB Quercus palustris 'Pringreen' - Green Pillar® Pin Oak Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. Quercus phellos - Willow Oak Back Road Farms Bold Spring Nursery, LLC Bryan Wagoner Tree Farm Colonial Acres Nursery 80 Plant Sources - Quercus phellos 'Hightower' Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Heritage Seedlings Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. Lake Tree Growers Lanes Creek Trees Monterey Nursery, Inc. North 40 Nursery, Inc. Old Courthouse Nursery Patterson's Nursery Poverty Hill Nursery Rocky Creek Farms Nursery Scottree Swift Creek Nursery Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Tinga Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Winfall Nurseries Winfall Nurseries Worthington Farms, Inc. BB C 2-12" #15, #25 2-3' Large Plug (3x3x7") 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5, 6" 15, 25 GAL 2"-5" 15 GAL 2-6" 3, 7, 15, 25 GAL 2-2.5", 3" 2.5-5" 1.5-10" - larger available upon request 2.5, 3, 3.5" 3, 7, 15, 25 GAL BB C BB C BB C BB BB BB BB C BB C C BB C BB-C 25, 45 GAL 15 GAL 2-3.5" #25 2-4", 15-40 GAL 800-543-7537 910-323-8811 503-585-9835 828-891-3893 229-762-4888 704-564-3232 800-444-1116 828-433-5044 910-293-9374 704-596-4516 910-695-7920 800-872-3125 704-471-1000 919-934-7764 919-231-6161 910-762-1975 1-800-762-7062 434-332-5701 434-332-5701 252-756-3827 BB BB BB BB BB 2-3" 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5" 2-4" 2-3" 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 5" 800-543-7537 800-947-9568 704-564-3232 828-433-5044 704-471-1000 BB BB BB-C 3.5" - 6" 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5" 2", 4", #15 478-783-4975 800-947-9568 910-323-8811 1-2', 2-3' Transplant, 6-12",1-2' L Plug (3x3x7") 503-585-9835 BR 1-2' 503-585-9835 BB BB-C 2-8" 2.5", #15 2-3' Transplant S Plug (1.4x2") & 6-12",1-2',3-4' L plug (3x3x7") 2-4" 1.5-4" 1.75-9" 2-3.5" 800-543-7537 910-323-8811 503-585-9835 503-585-9835 828-433-5044 828-437-2063 540-946-3800 434-332-5701 2, 2.5, 3" 2-6" 2", 3" 1-2', 3-4' Transplant 4-6", 6-12", 1-2' Large Plug (3x3x7") 1.5, 2, 2.5" 2"-4.5" 910-858-3740 800-543-7537 910-323-8811 503-585-9835 503-585-9835 828-891-3893 704-564-3232 803-695-0588 828-433-5044 704-596-4516 828-437-2063 919-231-6161 1-800-762-7062 540-946-3800 Quercus phellos 'Hightower' Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Goodson & Associates Lanes Creek Trees North 40 Nursery, Inc. Scottree Quercus phellos 'Wynstar' Bold Spring Nursery, LLC Goodson & Associates Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Quercus prinus - Chestnut Oak Heritage Seedlings Quercus robur 'Concordia' - Concordia Golden English Oak Heritage Seedlings Quercus rubra - Northerm Red Oak Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Heritage Seedlings Heritage Seedlings North 40 Nursery, Inc. Quaker Meadows Nursery Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. Winfall Nurseries BB BB BB BB Quercus shumardii - Shumard Oak Back Road Farms Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Heritage Seedlings Heritage Seedlings Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. Lanes Creek Trees Long Branch Farm North 40 Nursery, Inc. Patterson's Nursery Quaker Meadows Nursery Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB C BB 2-4" 2-2.5", 2.5-3" 1.5-4" 15 GAL 3.5-7" Quercus virginiana - Live Oak Back Road Farms Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Lake Tree Growers Long Branch Farm Old Courthouse Nursery Tinga Nursery, Inc. BB BB BB-C C BB C C 2, 2.5, 3" 2-10" 2", #15, #25 15, 25, 45 GAL 3, 7, 15 GAL 25, 45, 100 GAL 910-858-3740 800-543-7537 910-323-8811 229-762-4888 803-695-0588 910-293-9374 910-762-1975 Quercus virginiana 'Cathedral' - Cathedral Live Oak Long Branch Farm BB 803-695-0588 Quercus virginiana 'SDLN' PP#12015 - Cathedral Oak Live Oak Bold Spring Nursery, LLC BB 2" - 4.5" 478-783-4975 81 Quercus x Heritage - Heritage Hybrid Oak - Plant Sources Quercus x Heritage - Heritage Hybrid Oak Heritage Seedlings Heritage Seedlings BR 1-2', 2-3' Large Plug (3x3x7") 2-3', 3-4' 503-585-9835 503-585-9835 2-3', 3-4' 1-2, 2-3, 3-4' Large Plug (3x3x7") 1.75-2.5" 503-585-9835 503-585-9835 540-946-3800 Quercus x Regal Prince - Regal Prince Hybrid Oak Heritage Seedlings Heritage Seedlings Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. BR BB Restoration Plants American Native Plants L-C 410-529-0552 Rhaphiolepis indica 'Alba' - White Indian Hawthorne Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. C #3 910-323-8811 3 GAL 1-800-762-7062 Rhaphiolepis indica 'Clara' - Clara Indian Hawthorne Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C Rhaphiolepis indica 'Eleanor Taber'™ PP#9398 - Eleanor Taber Indian Hawthorne Monterey Nursery, Inc. Old Courthouse Nursery Powell's Nursery, LLC Swift Creek Nursery Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C C C C C 3 GAL 1, 3, 7 GAL 1 GAL 3, 7 GAL 3 GAL 800-444-1116 910-293-9374 919-552-5869 919-934-7764 1-800-762-7062 Rhaphiolepis indica 'Eleanor Tabor' - Eleanor Tabor Indian Hawthorne Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. C #3 800-487-2555 3,5 GAL 800-567-2909 Rhaphiolepis indica 'Pinkie' - Pinkie Indian Hawthorne Sampson Nursery C Rhaphiolepis indica 'Snow Pink' - Snow Pink Indian Hawthorne Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C 3 GAL 1-800-762-7062 Rhaphiolepis indica 'Snow White' - Snow White Indian Hawthorne Cedarview Farm Nursery Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Monterey Nursery, Inc. Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. Old Courthouse Nursery Powell's Nursery, LLC Sampson Nursery Swift Creek Nursery Tinga Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. L C C C C C C C C C C 2 QT #3 #3 3 GAL #3 1, 3, 7 GAL 1 GAL 3,5 GAL 3, 7 GAL 3 GAL 3 GAL 919-528-4147 800-543-7537 800-487-2555 800-444-1116 919-934-0428 910-293-9374 919-552-5869 800-567-2909 919-934-7764 910-762-1975 1-800-762-7062 #3 3, 7 GAL 910-323-8811 910-762-1975 Rhaphiolepis 'Majestic Beauty' - Majestic Beauty Hawthorne Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Tinga Nursery, Inc. C C Rhaphiolepis umbellata 'Minor' - Umbellata Minor Hawthorne Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Monterey Nursery, Inc. Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. Old Courthouse Nursery Powell's Nursery, LLC Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Tinga Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C C C C C C C C #3 3 GAL #3 1 GAL 1 GAL 3 GAL 3 GAL 910-323-8811 800-444-1116 919-934-0428 910-293-9374 919-552-5869 919-231-6161 910-762-1975 1-800-762-7062 C C 1, 3, 7 GAL 3, 7 GAL 252-637-6858 919-772-7255 C #3 910-323-8811 Rhapidophyllum hystrix - Needle Palm Gary's Nursery, LLC Pender Nursery, Inc. Rheingold Arboruitae Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Rhododendron 'Autumn Empress'™ PP#12109 - Autumn Empress Encore Azalea® Pender Nursery, Inc. C 3 GAL 919-772-7255 Rhododendron 'Autumn Monarch'™ PP#11640 - Autumn Monarch Encore Azalea® Pender Nursery, Inc. C 3 GAL 919-772-7255 Rhododendron 'Autumn Princess'™ PP#12142 - Autumn Princess Encore Azalea® Pender Nursery, Inc. C 3 GAL 919-772-7255 Rhododendron 'Autumn Rouge'™ PP#10438 - Autumn Rouge Encore Azalea® Pender Nursery, Inc. C 3 GAL 919-772-7255 Rhododendron (Azalea Cultivars) - Evergreen Azalea Cultivars Buds & Blooms Nursery Cedarview Farm Nursery Tinga Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Watson's Nursery 82 C L C C C 1, 2, 3 GAL 2 QT 3 GAL 2, 3 GAL 3 GAL 800-772-2837 919-528-4147 910-762-1975 1-800-762-7062 919-776-3590 Plant Sources - Rhododendron (Hybrids) Rhododendron (Hybrids) Silver Creek Farm C 5 Varieties, 5 GAL 828-584-1123 Rhododendron (Native) American Native Plants C 410-529-0552 Rhododendron (Rhododendron Cultivars) Buds & Blooms Nursery Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C C 1, 3, 5 GAL 4 GAL 800-772-2837 1-800-762-7062 4 GAL 1-800-762-7062 Rhododendron 'America' - America Rhododendron Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C Rhododendron 'Anna Kruschke' - Anna Kruschke Rhododendron Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C 4 GAL 1-800-762-7062 Rhododendron 'Anna Rose Whitney' - Anna Rose Whitney Rhododendron Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C 4 GAL 1-800-762-7062 C 1,3,5 GAL 828-738-8300 Rhododendron austrinum - Florida Azalea Meadowbrook Nursery & Farm Rhododendron 'Autumn Amethyst'™ PP#10567 - Autumn Amethyst Encore Azalea® Pender Nursery, Inc. C 3 GAL 919-772-7255 Rhododendron 'Autumn Angel'™ PP#15227 - Autumn Angel Encore Azalea® Pender Nursery, Inc. C 3 GAL 919-772-7255 Rhododendron 'Autumn Belle'™ PPIP - Autumn Belle Encore Azalea® Pender Nursery, Inc. C 3 GAL 919-772-7255 Rhododendron 'Autumn Carnation'™ PP#15339 - Autumn Carnation Encore Azalea® Pender Nursery, Inc. C 3 GAL 919-772-7255 Rhododendron 'Autumn Carnival'™ PP#12111 - Autumn Carnival Encore Azalea® Pender Nursery, Inc. C 3 GAL 919-772-7255 Rhododendron 'Autumn Cheer'™ PP#10579 - Autumn Cheer Encore Azalea® Pender Nursery, Inc. C 3 GAL 919-772-7255 Rhododendron 'Autumn Chiffon'™ PP #15862 - Autumn Chiffon Encore Azalea® Pender Nursery, Inc. C 3 GAL 919-772-7255 Rhododendron 'Autumn Coral'™ PP#10568 - Autumn Coral Encore Azalea® Pender Nursery, Inc. C 3 GAL 919-772-7255 Rhododendron 'Autumn Debutante'™ PP #16278 - Autumn Debutante Encore Azalea® Pender Nursery, Inc. C 3 GAL 919-772-7255 Rhododendron 'Autumn Embers'™ PP#10581 - Autumn Embers Encore Azalea® Pender Nursery, Inc. C 3 GAL 919-772-7255 Rhododendron 'Autumn Moonlight'™ PPIP - Autumn Moonlight Encore Azalea® Pender Nursery, Inc. C 3 GAL 919-772-7255 Rhododendron 'Autumn Royalty'™ PP#10580 - Autumn Royalty Encore Azalea® Pender Nursery, Inc. C 3 GAL 919-772-7255 Rhododendron 'Autumn Ruby'™ PP#12110 - Autumn Ruby Encore Azalea® Pender Nursery, Inc. C 3 GAL 919-772-7255 Rhododendron 'Autumn Sangria'™ PP#10577 - Autumn Sangria Encore Azalea® Pender Nursery, Inc. C 3 GAL 919-772-7255 Rhododendron 'Autumn Sunset'™ PP #16248 - Autumn Sunset Encore Azalea® Pender Nursery, Inc. C 3 GAL 919-772-7255 Rhododendron 'Autumn Sweetheart'™ PP #16249 - Autumn Sweetheart Encore Azalea® Pender Nursery, Inc. C 3 GAL 919-772-7255 Rhododendron 'Autumn Twist'™ PP#12133 - Autumn Twist Encore Azalea® Pender Nursery, Inc. C 3 GAL 919-772-7255 Rhododendron calendulaceum - Flame Deciduous Azalea Meadowbrook Nursery & Farm C 828-738-8300 Rhododendron canescens - Piedmont Azalea Meadowbrook Nursery & Farm C 1,3,5 GAL 828-738-8300 L C 2 QT #3, #5, #7 919-528-4147 910-323-8811 3 GAL 919-934-7764 Rhododendron carla 'Sunglow' - Sunglow Azalea Cedarview Farm Nursery Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Rhododendron carla 'Wolfpack' - Wolfpack Red Azalea Swift Creek Nursery C Rhododendron catawbiense 'Album' - Catawbiense Album Rhododendron Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C 4 GAL 1-800-762-7062 Rhododendron catawbiense 'Roseum Elegans' - Roseum Elegans Rhododendron Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C C #4 4 GAL 800-487-2555 1-800-762-7062 #4 800-487-2555 Rhododendron 'Chionoides' - Chinoides Rhododendron Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. C 83 Rhododendron 'Edith Bosley' - Edith Bosley Rhododendron - Plant Sources Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C 4 GAL 1-800-762-7062 4 GAL 1-800-762-7062 Rhododendron 'Edith Bosley' - Edith Bosley Rhododendron Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C Rhododendron 'English Roseum' - English Roseum Rhododendron Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C C #4 4 GAL 800-487-2555 1-800-762-7062 2 QT 919-528-4147 Rhododendron gable 'Rosebud' - Rosebud Azalea Cedarview Farm Nursery L Rhododendron girard 'Girard's Christina' - Girard's Christina Azalea Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. C #7 910-323-8811 Rhododendron girard 'Girard's Crimson' - Girard's Crimson Azalea Cedarview Farm Nursery Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery L C C 2 QT #7 3 GAL 919-528-4147 910-323-8811 919-934-7764 #7 3 GAL 910-323-8811 919-934-7764 Rhododendron girard 'Girard's Rose' - Girard's Rose Azalea Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery C C Rhododendron girard 'Pleasant White' - Pleasant White Azalea Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. C #3 919-934-0428 Rhododendron girard 'Renee Michelle' - Renee Michelle Azalea Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. C #7 910-323-8811 Rhododendron girard 'Silver Sword' - Silver Sword Variegated Azalea Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C 3 GAL 1-800-762-7062 #3, #7 910-323-8811 Rhododendron glenn dale 'Fashion' - Fashion Azalea Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. C Rhododendron 'Gomer Waterer' - Gomer Waterer Rhododendron Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C 4 GAL 1-800-762-7062 #3 3 GAL 910-323-8811 919-934-7764 #3, #7 910-323-8811 #3, #7 3 GAL 3 GAL 910-323-8811 800-567-2909 336-992-2530 2 QT #3, #5 919-528-4147 919-934-0428 #3, #5 3 GAL 1 GAL 910-323-8811 336-992-2530 336-492-5200 Rhododendron indica 'Formosa' - Formosa Azalea Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery C C Rhododendron knap hill 'Pink Ruffle' - Pink Ruffles Azalea Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. C Rhododendron kurume 'Coral Bells' - Coral Bells Azalea Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Sampson Nursery Spivey's Nursery, Inc. C C C Rhododendron kurume 'H.H.Hume' - H.H. Hume Azalea Cedarview Farm Nursery Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. L C Rhododendron kurume 'Hershey Red' - Hershey Red Azalea Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Turkey Foot Nursery, Inc. C C C Rhododendron kurume 'Hino Crimson' - Hino Crimson Azalea Cedarview Farm Nursery Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. L C 2 QT #3, #7 919-528-4147 910-323-8811 C #3, #5 919-934-0428 C #3 910-323-8811 C C #3, #7 3 GAL 910-323-8811 919-934-7764 2 QT #3 #3, #5 919-528-4147 910-323-8811 919-934-0428 15 GAL 828-884-4330 Rhododendron kurume 'Karen' - Karen Azalea Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. Rhododendron kurume 'Pink Pearl' - Pink Pearl Kurume Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Rhododendron kurume 'Snow' - Snow Azalea Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery Rhododendron kurume 'Tradition' - Tradition Azalea Cedarview Farm Nursery Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. L C C Rhododendron maximum - Rosebay Rhododendron Colonial Acres Nursery C Rhododendron mucronatum 'Delaware Valley White' - Delaware Valley White Azalea Cedarview Farm Nursery Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Sampson Nursery L C C C 2 QT #3 #3, #7 3 GAL 919-528-4147 800-543-7537 910-323-8811 800-567-2909 #4 800-487-2555 919-231-6161 Rhododendron 'Nova Zembla' - Nova Zembla Rhododendron Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Taylor's Nursery, Inc. 84 C C Plant Sources - Rhododendron periclomoides - Pinxterbloom Deciduous Azalea Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C 4 GAL 1-800-762-7062 Rhododendron periclomoides - Pinxterbloom Deciduous Azalea Meadowbrook Nursery & Farm C 828-738-8300 Rhododendron 'PJM' - PJM Rhododendron Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C C #4 4 GAL 800-487-2555 1-800-762-7062 Rhododendron 'Purple Splendour' - Purple Splendour Rhododendron Turkey Foot Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C C 1 GAL 4 GAL 336-492-5200 1-800-762-7062 C #3 910-323-8811 Rhododendron 'Red Formosa' Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Rhododendron robin hill 'Conversation Piece' - Conversation Piece Azalea Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. C #3 910-323-8811 C #3 910-323-8811 C #4 800-543-7537 3 GAL 919-934-7764 3 GAL 3 GAL 800-567-2909 919-934-7764 3 GAL 3 GAL 3 GAL 800-567-2909 336-992-2530 919-934-7764 Rhododendron robin hill 'Watchet' - Watchet Azalea Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Rhododendron 'Roseum Elegans' Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Rhododendron satsuki 'Amagasa' - Amagasa Azalea Swift Creek Nursery C Rhododendron satsuki 'Chinsoy' - Chinsoy Azalea Sampson Nursery Swift Creek Nursery C C Rhododendron satsuki 'Gumpo Pink' - Pink Gumpo Azalea Sampson Nursery Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery C C C Rhododendron satsuki 'Gumpo White' - White Gumpo Azalea Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Sampson Nursery Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery C C C C #3 3 GAL 3 GAL 3 GAL 910-323-8811 800-567-2909 336-992-2530 919-934-7764 C 3 GAL 919-934-7764 #3 910-323-8811 Rhododendron satsuki 'Higasa' - Higasa Azalea Swift Creek Nursery Rhododendron satsuki 'Kaempo' - Kaempo Azalea Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. C Rhododendron satsuki 'Matsu-No-Arti' - Matsu-No-Arti Azalea Old Courthouse Nursery C 1 GAL 910-293-9374 #3 919-934-0428 6-12" Spread & Medium Plug (2x2x3.5") 503-585-9835 #7 910-323-8811 Rhododendron satsuki 'Wakaebisu' - Wakaebishu Azalea Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. C Rhododendron schlippenbachii - Royal Azalea Heritage Seedlings Rhododendron shammarello 'Elsie Lee' - Elsie Lee Azalea Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. C Rhododendron speciosum - Oconee Azalea Meadowbrook Nursery & Farm C 828-738-8300 Rhododendron 'Trilby' - Trilby Rhododendron Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C 4 GAL 1-800-762-7062 Rhododendron vaseyi - Pinkshell Azalea Meadowbrook Nursery & Farm C 828-738-8300 Rhododendron viscosum - Swamp Azalea Colonial Acres Nursery C 3 GAL 828-884-4330 C 3 GAL 828-738-8300 C 3 GAL 828-884-4330 Rhodos Evergreen Meadowbrook Nursery & Farm Rhus - Sumac Colonial Acres Nursery Rhus typhinia 'Bailtiger' PPAF - Tiger Eyes TM Staghorn Sumac Pender Nursery, Inc. C 5 GAL 919-772-7255 Rhynchospora colorata - Whitetop Sedge Coastal Plain Conservation Nursery, Inc. C 252-482-5707 Robinia pseudoacacia 'Black Locust' Colonial Acres Nursery C 3 GAL 828-884-4330 Medium Plug (2x2x3.5") & Large Plug (3x3x7") 503-585-9835 3 GAL 910-762-1975 Romneya coulteri - Matalilija Poppy Heritage Seedlings Rosa banksia 'Lutea' - Lady Bank's Rose Tinga Nursery, Inc. C 85 Rosa 'Blushing Pink' - Blushing Pink Rose - Plant Sources Rosa 'Blushing Pink' - Blushing Pink Rose Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. C #3 800-487-2555 C 3 GAL 800-772-2837 Rosa 'Climbers' Buds & Blooms Nursery Rosa 'Double Knock-out' Douglas Thompson & Associates 828-894-2020 Rosa 'Double Knock-out' Red Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. C #3 800-487-2555 Rosa 'Double Pink Knock-out' Douglas Thompson & Associates 828-894-2020 Rosa 'Floribundas' Buds & Blooms Nursery C 3 GAL 800-772-2837 C 3 GAL 800-772-2837 C 3 GAL 800-772-2837 Rosa 'Grandifloras' Buds & Blooms Nursery Rosa 'Ground Covers' Buds & Blooms Nursery Rosa 'Home Run - Knock-out' Douglas Thompson & Associates 828-894-2020 Rosa 'Hybrid Teas' Buds & Blooms Nursery C 3 GAL 800-772-2837 C #3 800-487-2555 C 5 GAL C C C C C C #3 #3 #5 3 GAL 1, 3 GAL 3 GAL 828-884-4330 828-894-2020 800-543-7537 800-487-2555 910-323-8811 800-567-2909 336-992-2530 910-762-1975 C #5 910-323-8811 C 3 GAL 800-444-1116 C C #5 3 GAL 910-323-8811 540-946-3800 C #3 800-487-2555 C #3 800-487-2555 C #3 800-487-2555 C #3 800-487-2555 C #3 800-487-2555 C #3 800-487-2555 Rosa hybrida 'Chateau Merlot' - Chateau Merlot Rose Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Rosa 'Knockout' - Knockout Shrub Rose Colonial Acres Nursery Douglas Thompson & Associates Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Sampson Nursery Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Tinga Nursery, Inc. Rosa 'Knockout' Red, Pink Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Rosa 'Knockout' Red, Pink, Double Red Monterey Nursery, Inc. Rosa 'Knockout' varieties Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. Rosa 'Korbeteilich' PP# 12,001 - Crimson Bouquet Rose Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Rosa 'Meidrifora' PP# 19,148 - Coral Drift Rose Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Rosa 'Meigalpio' PP#17,877 - Red Drift Rose Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Rosa 'Meiggili' PP#18,542 - Peach Drift Rose Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Rosa 'Meijocos' PP#18,874 - Pink Drift Rose Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Rosa 'Meizerbil' PPAF - Crimson Meidland Rose Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Rosa palustris - Swamp Rose Coastal Plain Conservation Nursery, Inc. C 252-482-5707 Rosa 'Patio Trees' - Patio Tree Roses Buds & Blooms Nursery C 3 GAL 800-772-2837 Rosa 'Pink Knock-out' Douglas Thompson & Associates 828-894-2020 Rosa 'Radrazz' Knock Out™ - Knock Out Rose Powell's Nursery, LLC C 1 GAL 919-552-5869 3 GAL 919-772-7255 C #3 800-487-2555 C #3 800-487-2555 Rosa 'Radrazz' PP#11836 - Knock Out Shrub Rose Pender Nursery, Inc. C Rosa 'Radsunny' PP# 18, 562 - Sunny Knockout Rose Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Rosa 'Radwhite' PPAF - Whiteout Rose Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Rosa 'Rainbow Knock-out' Douglas Thompson & Associates 86 828-894-2020 Plant Sources - Rosa rugosa var. alba - White Rugosa Rose Rosa rugosa var. alba - White Rugosa Rose Heritage Seedlings BR 6-12", 1-2' 503-585-9835 C 3 GAL 800-772-2837 Rosa 'Shrubs' Buds & Blooms Nursery Rosa 'Sunny Knock-out' Douglas Thompson & Associates 828-894-2020 Rudbeckia fulgida 'Goldstrum' - Blackeyed Susan Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. C #2 910-323-8811 C 3, 7 GAL 252-637-6858 C C C C 1, 3, 7 GAL 3, 7 GAL 3 GAL 3, 7 GAL 252-637-6858 919-772-7255 919-934-7764 910-762-1975 C C 1,3, 7 GAL 8 - 14' 252-637-6858 910-762-1975 C 1, 3, 7, 15 GAL 252-637-6858 Sabal 'Birmingham' Gary's Nursery, LLC Sabal minor - Dwarf Palmetto Gary's Nursery, LLC Pender Nursery, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery Tinga Nursery, Inc. Sabal palmetto - Sabal Palm Gary's Nursery, LLC Tinga Nursery, Inc. Sabal x texensis - Brazoria Sabal Gary's Nursery, LLC Sacchaum giganteum - Sugar Cane Plumgrass Coastal Plain Conservation Nursery, Inc. C 252-482-5707 Sagittaria lancifolia - Bulltongue Coastal Plain Conservation Nursery, Inc. Douglas Thompson & Associates C C 1 Gal 252-482-5707 828-894-2020 Sagittaria latifolia - Duck Potato Coastal Plain Conservation Nursery, Inc. C 252-482-5707 Salix babylonica - Weeping Willow Bryan Wagoner Tree Farm Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Long Branch Farm Monterey Nursery, Inc. Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Tinga Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. BB BB-C C BB C C BB C C 1.5", 1.75", 2", 2.5", 3", 3.5" 6-12' #7, #15, #25 3, 15, 25 GAL 10, 20 GAL 336-585-0052 800-543-7537 910-323-8811 803-695-0588 800-444-1116 336-992-2530 919-231-6161 910-762-1975 1-800-762-7062 3 GAL 800-758-8121 800-444-1116 C C Small Plug (1.4x2") 10 GAL (clumped form) 6, 15 GAL 800-758-8121 503-585-9835 800-444-1116 1-800-762-7062 C C 3, 15, 25 GAL 10, 20 GAL 910-762-1975 1-800-762-7062 BB 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4" 910-858-3740 C 2 GAL 828-884-4330 15 GAL 15, 25 GAL Salix caprea - Pussy Willow Cam Too Camellia Nursery, Inc. Monterey Nursery, Inc. C C Salix integra 'Hakura Nishiki' - Dappled Willow Cam Too Camellia Nursery, Inc. Heritage Seedlings Monterey Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C Salix matsudana 'Tortuosa' - Corkscrew Willow Tinga Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Salix 'Scarlet Curls' - Scarlet Curls Corkscrew Willow Back Road Farms Sambucus - Elderberry Colonial Acres Nursery Sambucus 'Black Beauty' - Black Beauty Elderberry Cam Too Camellia Nursery, Inc. C 800-758-8121 C 252-482-5707 Sambucus canadensis - Elderberry Coastal Plain Conservation Nursery, Inc. Sambucus racemosa 'Sutherland Gold' Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. C #3, #7 910-323-8811 C C C #3 3 GAL 3 GAL 800-487-2555 800-444-1116 919-934-7764 C 3 GAL 1-800-762-7062 Sarcococca confusa - Sweet Box Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Monterey Nursery, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery Sarcococca ruscifolia - Fragrant Sweet Box Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Sasa veitchii - Dwarf Haiku Bamboo Nursery BB 828-685-3053 87 Sassafras albidum - Sassafrass - Plant Sources Sassafras albidum - Sassafrass Heritage Seedlings BR 2-3' 503-585-9835 C C 1, 4 Gal 252-482-5707 828-894-2020 BR 1/4" 503-585-9835 C 1, 4 Gal 828-894-2020 Saururus cernuus - Lizard Tail Coastal Plain Conservation Nursery, Inc. Douglas Thompson & Associates Schisandra chinensis - Schisandra Heritage Seedlings Schizachyrium scoparium - Little Bluestem Douglas Thompson & Associates Schizophragma hydrangeoides 'Moonlight' - Moonlight Hydrangea Vine Heritage Seedlings Medium Plug (2x2x3.5") 503-585-9835 Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani - Softstem Bulrush Coastal Plain Conservation Nursery, Inc. C 252-482-5707 C 252-482-5707 Scirpus americanus - Three-square Coastal Plain Conservation Nursery, Inc. Scirpus validus - Soft Stemmed Bulrush Douglas Thompson & Associates C 1 Gal 828-894-2020 C C #1 #3 800-543-7537 910-323-8811 Sedum spectabile 'Autumn Joy' Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Selaginella kraussiana (Cultivars) - Creeping Spikemoss Cam Too Camellia Nursery, Inc. C 800-758-8121 C 828-685-3053 C 800-758-8121 C 410-529-0552 Shibatea kumasaca - Okame 5 Leaf Haiku Bamboo Nursery Shrubs (Assorted) Cam Too Camellia Nursery, Inc. Shrubs (Native) American Native Plants Sorghastrum nutans - Indian Grass Douglas Thompson & Associates C 1, 4 Gal 828-894-2020 Spartina alterniflora - Smooth Cordgrass Coastal Plain Conservation Nursery, Inc. C 252-482-5707 C 252-482-5707 Spartina patens - Saltmeadow Cordgrass Coastal Plain Conservation Nursery, Inc. Spirae frischiana 'Pink Parasols' - Pink Parasols Spirea PW A & A Plants, Inc. C 5 GAL 336-656-7881 C #3 919-663-3607 Spiraea betufolia 'Limemound' PP #5834 Oakmont Nursery Spiraea bumalda 'Anthony Waterer' - Anthony Waterer Spirea Cedarview Farm Nursery Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Monterey Nursery, Inc. Powell's Nursery, LLC Sampson Nursery L C C C C C 2 QT #3 #3, #7 3 GAL 1 GAL 3 GAL 919-528-4147 800-543-7537 910-323-8811 800-444-1116 919-552-5869 800-567-2909 C 3 GAL 336-492-5200 #3 3 GAL 919-934-0428 919-894-2700 2 QT #3 #3 #3 3 GAL #3 1 GAL 3 GAL 3 GAL 3 GAL 3 GAL 3 GAL 919-528-4147 800-543-7537 800-487-2555 910-323-8811 800-444-1116 919-934-0428 919-552-5869 800-567-2909 336-992-2530 919-894-2700 919-231-6161 336-492-5200 1-800-762-7062 3 GAL 800-444-1116 Spiraea bumalda 'Dolchica' - Dolchica Spirea Turkey Foot Nursery, Inc. Spiraea bumalda 'Gold Flame' - Gold Flame Spirea Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. Stephenson's Nursery, Inc. C C Spiraea japonica 'Gold Mound' - Gold Mound Spirea Cedarview Farm Nursery Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Monterey Nursery, Inc. Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. Powell's Nursery, LLC Sampson Nursery Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Stephenson's Nursery, Inc. Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Turkey Foot Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. L C C C C C C C C C C C C Spiraea japonica 'Golden Elf' - Golden Elf Spiraea Monterey Nursery, Inc. 88 C Plant Sources - Spiraea japonica 'Lemon Princess' - Lemon Princess Spirea Spiraea japonica 'Lemon Princess' - Lemon Princess Spirea Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Monterey Nursery, Inc. C C #2 3 GAL 800-487-2555 800-444-1116 2 QT #3 3 GAL #3 1 GAL 1 GAL 3 GAL 3 GAL 3 GAL 919-528-4147 910-323-8811 800-444-1116 919-934-0428 910-293-9374 919-552-5869 800-567-2909 336-992-2530 919-894-2700 919-231-6161 910-762-1975 336-492-5200 1-800-762-7062 Spiraea japonica 'Little Princess' - Little Princess Spirea Cedarview Farm Nursery Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Monterey Nursery, Inc. Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. Old Courthouse Nursery Powell's Nursery, LLC Sampson Nursery Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Stephenson's Nursery, Inc. Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Tinga Nursery, Inc. Turkey Foot Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. L C C C C C C C C C C C C 3 GAL 3 GAL 3 GAL Spiraea japonica 'Neon Flash' - Neon Flash Spirea Cedarview Farm Nursery Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Hickory Hill Nursery Monterey Nursery, Inc. Old Courthouse Nursery Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Stephenson's Nursery, Inc. Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Tinga Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. L C C C C C C C C C 2 QT #3 3 GAL 3 GAL 1 GAL 3 GAL 3 GAL 3 GAL 3 GAL 919-528-4147 800-487-2555 336-625-6660 800-444-1116 910-293-9374 336-992-2530 919-894-2700 919-231-6161 910-762-1975 1-800-762-7062 Spiraea japonica 'Shirobana' - Shirobana Spirea Cedarview Farm Nursery Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. L C C C 2 QT #3 3 GAL 919-528-4147 910-323-8811 919-231-6161 1-800-762-7062 Spiraea nipponica 'Snowmound' - Snowmound Spirea Cedarview Farm Nursery Stephenson's Nursery, Inc. Taylor's Nursery, Inc. L C C 2 QT 3 GAL 919-528-4147 919-894-2700 919-231-6161 Spiraea prunifolia - Bridal Wreath Spirea Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C C 3 GAL 919-231-6161 1-800-762-7062 Spiraea reevesiana - Reeve's Spirea Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Taylor's Nursery, Inc. C C #3 910-323-8811 919-231-6161 L C C C 2 QT 3 GAL 919-528-4147 919-894-2700 919-231-6161 910-762-1975 Spiraea vanhouttei - Vanhoutte Spirea Cedarview Farm Nursery Stephenson's Nursery, Inc. Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Tinga Nursery, Inc. 3 GAL Spiraea x bumalda 'Magic Carpet' PP#9363 - Magic Carpet Spiraea Monterey Nursery, Inc. C 3 GAL 800-444-1116 3, 5 GAL 336-656-7881 Spiraea x media 'Snowstorm' - Snowstorm Spirea PW A & A Plants, Inc. C Spiraea x Vanhouttei 'Renaissance' - Renaissance Vanhoutte Monterey Nursery, Inc. C 3 GAL 800-444-1116 C 1, 4 Gal 828-894-2020 C #1 800-543-7537 1-2', 2-3' Bare Root & 2-3' Large Plug (3x3x7") 503-585-9835 C C BR #15 1-2', 2-3', 3-4', 4-5' 800-758-8121 910-323-8811 503-585-9835 BR 1-2' 503-585-9835 #10 910-323-8811 Sporobolus heterolepis - Prairie dropseed Douglas Thompson & Associates Stella Doro Daylily Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Stewartia monadelpha - Tall Stewarita Heritage Seedlings Stewartia pseudocamellia - Japanese Stewarta Cam Too Camellia Nursery, Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Heritage Seedlings Stewartia sinensis - Chinese Stewartia Heritage Seedlings Stranvaesia davidiana 'Prostrata' - Chinese Stranvaesia Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. C 89 Styrax 'Americana' - American Styrax - Plant Sources Styrax 'Americana' - American Styrax Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C 7 GAL 1-800-762-7062 BB C BB C C C 1.5, 2, 2.5" 7 GAL 6-8' 15 GAL 7 GAL 800-947-9568 800-444-1116 704-471-1000 336-992-2530 919-231-6161 1-800-762-7062 3/16" Bare Root & Medium Plug (2x2x3.5") 503-585-9835 BB 1.5" - 2.5" 478-783-4975 C #3 919-934-0428 C C C C C BB #3 5, 7, 10 GAL 3, 5 GAL #3 3 GAL 18", 2', 2.5', 3' 910-323-8811 828-256-5271 800-444-1116 919-934-0428 800-567-2909 540-946-3800 Styrax japonica - Japanese Snowbell Goodson & Associates Monterey Nursery, Inc. Scottree Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Styrax japonicus - Japanese Snowbell Heritage Seedlings Styrax japonicus 'JFS-D' - Snowcone Japanese Snowbell Bold Spring Nursery, LLC Syringa meyeri 'Palibin' Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. Syringa patula 'Miss Kim' - Miss Kim Lilac Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Hefner's Nursery Monterey Nursery, Inc. Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. Sampson Nursery Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. Syringa prestoniae 'James MacFarlane' - James MacFarlane Lilac Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C 3 GAL 1-800-762-7062 L BB 1.5"- 3" 828-894-2020 540-946-3800 C #15 910-323-8811 C 3 GAL 1-800-762-7062 Syringa reticulata 'Ivory Silk' - Ivory Silk Lilac Douglas Thompson & Associates Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. Syringa reticulata 'Japanese Tree Lilac' Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Syringa vulgaris - Common Lilac Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Taxodium ascendens - Pond Cypress Long Branch Farm BB 803-695-0588 Taxodium distichum - Bald Cypress Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. Lake Tree Growers Lanes Creek Trees Long Branch Farm Swift Creek Nursery Taylor's Nursery, Inc. BB C BB C BB BB C BB 2-12" #15, #25 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5, 6" 25 GAL 2"-5" 7 GAL 800-543-7537 910-323-8811 828-891-3893 229-762-4888 704-564-3232 803-695-0588 919-934-7764 919-231-6161 Taxodium distichum (Cultivars) - Bald Cypress Cultivars Architectural Trees C 3-75 GAL 919-620-0779 Taxodium distichum 'Cascade Falls' PP# 12296 - Weeping Bald Cypress Architectural Trees Bold Spring Nursery, LLC Heritage Seedlings C BB 3, 10 GAL 2" - 3" 3-4' XL Plug (4x4x8") & 2-3,3-4' L Plug (3x3x7") 919-620-0779 478-783-4975 503-585-9835 Taxodium distichum 'Falling Waters' - Falling Waters Bald Cypress Bold Spring Nursery, LLC BB 2" - 6" 478-783-4975 Taxodium distichum 'Peve Minaret' - Peve Minaret Bald Cypress Bold Spring Nursery, LLC Heritage Seedlings BB 2" - 6" 6-12", 1-2' Large Plug (3x3x7") 478-783-4975 503-585-9835 #1 -- 1-2' High Graft, 6-12" Spread 503-585-9835 Taxodium distichum 'Seacrest' - Seacrest Bald Cypress Heritage Seedlings C Taxodium distichum 'Shawnee Brave' - Shawnee Brave Bald Cypress Heritage Seedlings Scottree BB 1-2' XL Plug (4x4x8") & 6-12" L Plug (3x3x7") 6-8' 503-585-9835 704-471-1000 Taxodium distichum 'Sofine' PP13431 - Autumn Gold Bald Cypress Bold Spring Nursery, LLC BB 2" - 2.5" 478-783-4975 BB 12" - 4.5' 540-946-3800 C 3 GAL 800-444-1116 C C C #3, #7 5, 7 GAL 3 GAL 800-543-7537 828-256-5271 336-992-2530 Taxus baccata 'Repandens' - Repandens Yew Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. Taxus cuspidata 'Densiformis' - Densiformis Yew Monterey Nursery, Inc. Taxus media 'Densiformis' - Densiformis Yew Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Hefner's Nursery Spivey's Nursery, Inc. 90 Plant Sources - Taxus media 'Hicksii' - Hicksii Yew Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. BB 15" - 3' 540-946-3800 C BB 5 GAL 2-5' 828-256-5271 540-946-3800 C L C C C BB C C C BB C C #15 919-883-8285 800-717-2362 800-487-2555 910-323-8811 800-444-1116 910-695-7920 800-567-2909 336-992-2530 919-934-7764 919-231-6161 910-762-1975 1-800-762-7062 Taxus media 'Hicksii' - Hicksii Yew Hefner's Nursery Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. Ternstroemia gymnanthera - Japanese Cleyera Big Branch Nursery Byron Lakeview Nursery LLC Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Monterey Nursery, Inc. Poverty Hill Nursery Sampson Nursery Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Tinga Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. #3, #5, #7 #3 3 GAL 5-8' 3,5,10 GAL 3, 7 GAL 3, 7, 15 GAL 3, 10 GAL 5 GAL Thuja occidentalis 'Degroot's Spire' - Degroot's Spire Arborvitae Currins Nursery, Inc. Deerwood Nursery, LLC. Goodman's Nursery & BG&G Growers Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Hefner's Nursery Old Courthouse Nursery Roebuck Wholesale Nursery & Landscaping C BB BB C C C C 1, 3, 15 GAL 4' 4-6' #4 3, 7 GAL 1, 3 GAL 7 GAL 919-552-4521 828-606-3625 864-680-6309 800-487-2555 828-256-5271 910-293-9374 864-576-0875 Thuja occidentalis 'Elegantissima' - Elegantissima Arborvitae Goodman's Nursery & BG&G Growers Silver Creek Farm BB BB 4-7' 5-6' 864-680-6309 828-584-1123 BB BB-C C BB BR-C C C C BB C BB C C 3-9' 4-6', 5, 10 GAL 3, 5 GAL 6-7, 7-8, 8-10, 10-12, 12-14, 14-16' #5, #7, 6'+ #3, #7, #10 3, 7 GAL #3, #7, 325 5-12' 1 GAL 6-7', 7-8', 8-9', 9-10' 1, 3, 7, 15 GAL 1, 3 GAL 336-585-0052 828-884-4330 919-742-2897 800-947-9568 800-487-2555 910-323-8811 828-256-5271 919-934-0428 828-433-5044 919-552-5869 828-437-2063 336-992-2530 336-492-5200 C L C BB BB C C 15 GAL 2 QT #3, #7, #15 6-14' 4-7' 1, 3 GAL 3, 5 GAL 336-656-7881 919-528-4147 919-934-0428 828-433-5044 336-372-2756 336-492-5200 919-776-3590 #1, #3 #3 3 GAL 3 GAL 3 GAL 800-487-2555 910-323-8811 800-444-1116 919-934-7764 1-800-762-7062 3 GAL 3, 7 GAL 919-934-7764 1-800-762-7062 3 GAL 3 GAL 919-934-7764 1-800-762-7062 3 GAL 6-12' #3, #7 5-14' 6-8' 3-10' 919-742-2897 800-543-7537 910-323-8811 828-433-5044 828-584-1123 540-946-3800 Thuja occidentalis 'Emerald' - Emerald Green Arborvitae Bryan Wagoner Tree Farm Colonial Acres Nursery Full of Life Farms Goodson & Associates Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Hefner's Nursery Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. North 40 Nursery, Inc. Powell's Nursery, LLC Quaker Meadows Nursery Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Turkey Foot Nursery, Inc. Thuja occidentalis 'Green Giant' A & A Plants, Inc. Cedarview Farm Nursery Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. North 40 Nursery, Inc. Smokey Holler Tree Farm, LLC Turkey Foot Nursery, Inc. Watson's Nursery Thuja occidentalis 'Hetz Midget' - Hetz Midget Arborvitae Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Monterey Nursery, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C C C C C Thuja occidentalis 'Holmstrup' - Holmstrup Arborvitae Swift Creek Nursery Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C C Thuja occidentalis 'Little Giant' - Little Giant Arborvitae Swift Creek Nursery Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C C Thuja occidentalis 'Nigra' - Dark American Arborvitae Full of Life Farms Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. North 40 Nursery, Inc. Silver Creek Farm Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. C BB-C C BB BB BB 91 Thuja occidentalis 'Pyramidalis' - Plant Sources Thuja occidentalis 'Pyramidalis' North 40 Nursery, Inc. BB 6-12' 828-433-5044 #3 3 GAL 3 GAL 800-487-2555 800-444-1116 336-992-2530 L C C C C 3,5,10,20 GAL 3 GAL, 15 , 25 spirals 3, 7 GAL 7 GAL 800-717-2362 800-567-2909 919-934-7764 910-762-1975 1-800-762-7062 C 3 GAL 336-992-2530 C #3 910-323-8811 C BB #3, #7, #25 6-10' 910-323-8811 704-564-3232 6-7, 7-8, 8-10, 10-12" #15 5-15' Thuja occidentalis 'Rheingold' - Rheingold Arborvitae Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Monterey Nursery, Inc. Spivey's Nursery, Inc. C C C Thuja occidentalis 'Smaragd' - Emerald Green Arborvitae Byron Lakeview Nursery LLC Sampson Nursery Swift Creek Nursery Tinga Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Thuja occidentalis 'Sunkist' - Sunkist Arborvitae Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Thuja occidentalis 'Woodwardi' - Globe Arborvitae Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Thuja plicata 'Clemson Select' Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Lanes Creek Trees Thuja plicata 'Green Giant' - Green Giant Arborvitae Back Road Farms Big Branch Nursery Bryan Wagoner Tree Farm Byron Lakeview Nursery LLC Colonial Acres Nursery Deerwood Nursery, LLC. Full of Life Farms Gilbert's Nursery Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Goodson & Associates Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Lanes Creek Trees Monterey Nursery, Inc. Oakmont Nursery Old Courthouse Nursery Powell's Nursery, LLC Sampson Nursery Scottree Silver Creek Farm Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Tinga Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. Winfall Nurseries Winfall Nurseries BB C BB L BB-C BB C C BB-C BB BB-C C BB C C C C C BB BB C BB BB C C C BB C BB 3, 15, 25, 45 GAL 7 GAL 4-10' #15 6-10' 910-858-3740 919-883-8285 336-585-0052 800-717-2362 828-884-4330 828-606-3625 919-742-2897 800-443-6298 800-543-7537 800-947-9568 800-487-2555 910-323-8811 704-564-3232 800-444-1116 919-663-3607 910-293-9374 919-552-5869 800-567-2909 704-471-1000 828-584-1123 336-992-2530 336-992-2530 919-231-6161 919-231-6161 910-762-1975 1-800-762-7062 540-946-3800 434-332-5701 434-332-5701 C #5 800-487-2555 BB 6-10' 704-471-1000 BB 5-7' 864-680-6309 BB C BB 4-5 5, 7 GAL 6-10' 864-680-6309 828-256-5271 828-433-5044 BB BB C BB BB-C 6' - 14' 6-14' 25 GAL 5-6', 6-7', 7-8' 8-15', 7-30 GAL 478-783-4975 864-680-6309 229-762-4888 828-437-2063 252-756-3827 C 3, 25 GAL 828-884-4330 BB BB 2-3" 1.5-3" 828-433-5044 828-437-2063 4-8', 5, 10 GAL 6-10' 5, 10 GAL 1, 3, 7 GAL 6-10' 8-10, 10-12, 12-14' 6' and #5, #7, #15, #25 #1, #3, #15 6'-14' 3, 7 GAL #3, 7 1, 3, 7, 15, 25 GAL 1 GAL 3,5,10,25 GAL 8-12' 5-10' 1, 4, 7, 15, 25, 45 GAL 6-7', 7-8', 8-10' Thuja plicata 'Spring Grove'® Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Thuja Plicata 'Steeplechase' - Steeplechase Arborviate Scottree Thuja plicata 'Virescens' Goodman's Nursery & BG&G Growers Thuja 'Steeplechase' PP#16094 - Steeplechase Arborvitae Goodman's Nursery & BG&G Growers Hefner's Nursery North 40 Nursery, Inc. Thuja x Green Giant - Green Giant Arborvitae Bold Spring Nursery, LLC Goodman's Nursery & BG&G Growers Lake Tree Growers Quaker Meadows Nursery Worthington Farms, Inc. Tilia cordata - Littleleaf Linden Colonial Acres Nursery Tilia cordata 'Greenspire' - Greenspire Linden North 40 Nursery, Inc. Quaker Meadows Nursery 92 Plant Sources - Topiaries (Assorted) Scottree Winfall Nurseries BB BB 2" 2"-3" 704-471-1000 434-332-5701 C #5, #7, #10, #15 910-323-8811 C C #1 1 GAL 910-323-8811 910-762-1975 Topiaries (Assorted) Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Trachelospermum asiaticum - Dwarf Jasmine Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Tinga Nursery, Inc. Trachelospermum asiaticum 'Snow-N-Summer' - Jessamine Asiatic 'Snow-N-Summer' Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. C #2, #3 800-487-2555 3 GAL 910-762-1975 Trachelospermum jasminoides - Confederate Jasmine Tinga Nursery, Inc. C Trachelospermum jasminoides 'Variegata' - Variegated Confederate Jasmine Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Pender Nursery, Inc. C C #3 3, 7 GAL 910-323-8811 919-772-7255 C #3 910-323-8811 L C C C C 2.25, 4" pots 1, 3, 7, 15, 25 GAL 3, 7 GAL 3, 7, 15 GAL 3, 7, 15, 30 GAL 252-637-6858 252-637-6858 919-772-7255 919-934-7764 910-762-1975 Trachelosperum asiaticum 'Tricolor' Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Trachycarpus fortunei - Windmill Palm Gary's Nursery, LLC Gary's Nursery, LLC Pender Nursery, Inc. Swift Creek Nursery Tinga Nursery, Inc. Trees (Assorted) Meadowbrook Nursery & Farm Meadowbrook Nursery & Farm L C 828-738-8300 828-738-8300 BB-C 410-529-0552 Trees (Native) American Native Plants Tsuga canadensis - Canadian Hemlock Colonial Acres Nursery Deerwood Nursery, LLC. Goodson & Associates North 40 Nursery, Inc. Quaker Meadows Nursery Silver Creek Farm Smokey Holler Tree Farm, LLC Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. BB-C BB BB BB BB BB BB BB 4-10', 3, 7, 15 GAL 8-12' 6-8, 8-10' 6-12' 4-5', 5-6', 6-7', 7-8', 8-9', 9-10', 10-11' 4-10' 4-7' 5', 6', 7' 828-884-4330 828-606-3625 800-947-9568 828-433-5044 828-437-2063 828-584-1123 336-372-2756 540-946-3800 Tubelings (Native) American Native Plants C 410-529-0552 Ulmus Alata - Winged Elm Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. BB-C #2, #15 910-323-8811 C 7 GAL 800-443-6298 BB C 2-2.5" #25 434-332-5701 434-332-5701 BB 2" - 4" Medium Plug (2x2x3.5") 478-783-4975 503-585-9835 BB-C 2", #15 910-323-8811 BB 1.75-3.5" 540-946-3800 BB 1.75-5" 540-946-3800 BB 1.75-3" 540-946-3800 C 45 GAL 919-620-0779 C BB BB-C BB BB 5 GAL 2-10" 2", #5, #15 2-4" 828-884-4330 800-543-7537 910-323-8811 828-433-5044 919-231-6161 BB BB 2-4" 1.75-4.5" 828-433-5044 540-946-3800 Ulmus alata 'Lace Parasol' - Lace Parsasol Elm Gilbert's Nursery Ulmus 'Allee' Winfall Nurseries Winfall Nurseries Ulmus americana 'Princeton' - Princeton American Elm Bold Spring Nursery, LLC Heritage Seedlings Ulmus Amesicana - Amesican Elm, Improved Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Ulmus carpinifolia 'Accolade' Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. Ulmus carpinifolia 'Morton Glossy' Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. Ulmus carpinifolia 'Patriot' Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. Ulmus glabra 'Camperdownii' - Camperdonn Elm Architectural Trees Ulmus parvifolia - Lace Bark Elm Colonial Acres Nursery Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. North 40 Nursery, Inc. Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Ulmus parvifolia 'Allee' - Allee Elm North 40 Nursery, Inc. Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. 93 Ulmus parvifolia 'Allee'® PP#7552 - Allee Elm - Plant Sources Ulmus parvifolia 'Allee'® PP#7552 - Allee Elm Lake Tree Growers Quaker Meadows Nursery Scottree C BB BB 15, 25, 45 GAL 1.5-2" 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5" 229-762-4888 828-437-2063 704-471-1000 BB 2", 2.5" 336-585-0052 1.5", 1.75", 2", 2.5" 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5" 25 GAL 2"-4" 336-585-0052 800-947-9568 229-762-4888 704-564-3232 803-695-0588 704-471-1000 910-762-1975 Ulmus parvifolia 'Athena' Bryan Wagoner Tree Farm Ulmus parvifolia 'Bosque'® PP#11295 - Bosque Elm Bryan Wagoner Tree Farm Goodson & Associates Lake Tree Growers Lanes Creek Trees Long Branch Farm Scottree Tinga Nursery, Inc. BB BB C BB BB BB C 2, 2.5, 3" 25, 45 GAL Ulmus parvifolia 'BSNUPF' PP17655 - Everclear Lacebark Elm Bold Spring Nursery, LLC BB 2" - 3.5" 478-783-4975 BB BB BB 1.5, 2, 2.5, up to 4" 2-4" 2" 828-891-3893 828-433-5044 704-471-1000 BB 2" - 4" 478-783-4975 BB 2-4.5" 478-783-4975 BB 2" - 3" 478-783-4975 BB 1.5-2, 2-2.5, 2.5-3, 3, 3.5" 800-947-9568 BB 1.5", 1.75", 2", 2.5" 336-585-0052 BB BB 1.5", 1.75", 2", 2.5", 3" 2-4" 336-585-0052 828-433-5044 Ulmus parvifolia 'Dynasty' - Dynasty Elm Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. North 40 Nursery, Inc. Scottree Ulmus parvifolia 'Emer I' PP#7551 - Athena Elm Bold Spring Nursery, LLC Ulmus parvifolia 'Emer II' PP#7552 Bold Spring Nursery, LLC Ulmus parvifolia 'UPMTF' PP11295 - Bosque Lacebark Elm Bold Spring Nursery, LLC Ulmus Princeton Goodson & Associates Ulmus urban wilsoniana 'Patriot' Bryan Wagoner Tree Farm Ulmus wilsoniana 'Prospector' Bryan Wagoner Tree Farm North 40 Nursery, Inc. Vaccinium (Species & Culitvars) - Blueberry Rabbiteye Highbush Colonial Acres Nursery Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Tinga Nursery, Inc. C C C 3 GAL #5 1 GAL 828-884-4330 910-323-8811 910-762-1975 3 GAL 1, 3 GAL 828-584-1123 336-992-2530 #1 910-323-8811 Vaccinium 'Blueberry Rabbiteye' - Rabbiteye Blueberry Silver Creek Farm Spivey's Nursery, Inc. C C Verbena canadensis 'Homestead Purple' - Purple Verbena Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. C Vernonia noveboracensis - New York Ironweed Coastal Plain Conservation Nursery, Inc. C 252-482-5707 Viburnum awabuki 'Chindo' - Chindo Viburnum Big Branch Nursery Cedarview Farm Nursery Full of Life Farms Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Monterey Nursery, Inc. Old Courthouse Nursery Sampson Nursery Stephenson's Nursery, Inc. Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Tinga Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C L C C C C C C C C C C #7, #15 2 QT 3, 5 GAL #3, #7 #3, #7, #10, #25 3 GAL 1, 3, 7 GAL 3,5,15 GAL 3, 7 GAL 3, 10, 25 GAL 5, 10 GAL 919-883-8285 919-528-4147 919-742-2897 800-487-2555 910-323-8811 800-444-1116 910-293-9374 800-567-2909 919-894-2700 919-231-6161 910-762-1975 1-800-762-7062 Viburnum bracteatum 'Emerald Lustre' - Emerald Luster Viburnum Sampson Nursery C 3,5 GAL 800-567-2909 BB C 4-6' 3 GAL 828-433-5044 540-946-3800 BB 3', 4', 5' 540-946-3800 7 GAL 3 GAL 828-256-5271 1-800-762-7062 Viburnum burkwoodii - Burkwood Viburnum North 40 Nursery, Inc. Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. Viburnum carlcephalum Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. Viburnum carlcephalum 'Cayuga' - Cayuga Viburnum Hefner's Nursery Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. 94 C C Plant Sources - Viburnum carlesii - Korean Spice Viburnum Viburnum carlesii - Korean Spice Viburnum Monterey Nursery, Inc. North 40 Nursery, Inc. Sampson Nursery Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. C BB C BB 3 GAL 4-6' 3 GAL 3-4' 800-444-1116 828-433-5044 800-567-2909 540-946-3800 C 7 GAL 800-444-1116 C #3 800-543-7537 C C C C 3 GAL 3 GAL 3 GAL 800-567-2909 919-231-6161 1-800-762-7062 540-946-3800 3 GAL live stakes 828-884-4330 #3 800-487-2555 BB C C 3-4' FG 3,5 GAL 3, 7 GAL 828-606-3625 800-567-2909 540-946-3800 C C #3, #7 3, 5 GAL 910-323-8811 800-444-1116 Viburnum 'Chesapeake' - Chesapeake Viburnum Monterey Nursery, Inc. Viburnum 'Chindo' - Chindo Viburnum Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Viburnum davidii - Davidii Viburnum Sampson Nursery Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. Viburnum dentatum 'Arrow-wood' - Arrow-wood Viburnum Colonial Acres Nursery Viburnum dentatum 'Blue Muffin' - Blue Muffin Viburnum Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. C Viburnum dentatum 'Chicago Lustre' - Arrowwood Viburnum Deerwood Nursery, LLC. Sampson Nursery Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. Viburnum juddii - Judd Viburnum Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Monterey Nursery, Inc. Viburnum lantana 'Mohican' - Mohican Wayfaringtree Viburnum Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. C #3 910-323-8811 C 1, 3 GAL 910-293-9374 C 3 GAL 800-444-1116 C BB C 7 GAL 4-6' 3, 5 GAL 828-256-5271 828-433-5044 1-800-762-7062 Viburnum macrocephylum - Chinese Snowball Viburnum Old Courthouse Nursery Viburnum 'Mariesii' - Marie's Doublefile Viburnum Monterey Nursery, Inc. Viburnum 'Mohawk' - Mohawk Viburnum Hefner's Nursery North 40 Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Viburnum nudum - Possumhaw Coastal Plain Conservation Nursery, Inc. C 252-482-5707 Viburnum nudum 'Bulk Brandywine™' - Brandywine™ Viburnum Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Monterey Nursery, Inc. C C #3, #7 3 GAL 800-487-2555 800-444-1116 C #3 910-323-8811 C 3 GAL 910-762-1975 C 5 GAL 1-800-762-7062 C 3 GAL 1-800-762-7062 C 1, 3 GAL 910-293-9374 C C 3 GAL 3 GAL 800-444-1116 800-567-2909 C 3, 7 GAL 336-992-2530 3 GAL 336-656-7881 C #3 910-323-8811 C 3 GAL 828-884-4330 BB BB 4-8' 4', 5' 828-433-5044 804-794-5016 Viburnum nudum 'Winterthur' - Smooth Witherod Viburnum Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Viburnum odoratissimum - Sweet Viburnum Tinga Nursery, Inc. Viburnum opulus - European Cranberry Bush Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Viburnum opulus 'Roseum' - Roseum Japanese Snowball Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Viburnum opulus 'European Cranberry Bush' Old Courthouse Nursery Viburnum opulus 'Sterile' - Sterile Viburnum Monterey Nursery, Inc. Sampson Nursery Viburnum 'Pagens' - Pagens Viburnum Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Viburnum plicatum 'Kern's Pink' - Kern's Pink Viburnum A & A Plants, Inc. C Viburnum plicatum 'Popcorn' - Popcorn Viburnum Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Viburnum plicatum 'Shasta' - Shasta Viburnum Colonial Acres Nursery Viburnum plicatum 'Tom Mariesii' North 40 Nursery, Inc. Watkins Nurseries, Inc. Viburnum plicatum tomentosum 'Mariesii' - Mariesii Viburnum Cedarview Farm Nursery L 2 QT 919-528-4147 95 Viburnum plicatum tomentosum 'Shasta' - Shasta Doublefile Viburnum - Plant Sources Viburnum plicatum tomentosum 'Shasta' - Shasta Doublefile Viburnum Cedarview Farm Nursery Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. L C 2 QT #3 919-528-4147 910-323-8811 Viburnum plicatum tomentosum 'Summer Snowflake' - Summer Snowflake Doublefile Viburnum Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. C #3, #10 Treeform 800-487-2555 C C BB C C C #3 #3 5-6' 3 GAL 1, 3 GAL 3,7 GAL 800-543-7537 800-487-2555 828-256-5271 800-444-1116 910-293-9374 540-946-3800 C 3 GAL 800-567-2909 C BB BB C C BB 3 GAL 4-6' 4-8' 3,5 GAL 3, 7 GAL 2.5', 3', 4' 828-884-4330 828-606-3625 828-433-5044 800-567-2909 540-946-3800 540-946-3800 Viburnum 'Pragense' - Pragense Viburnum Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Hefner's Nursery Monterey Nursery, Inc. Old Courthouse Nursery Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. Viburnum prunifolium - Black Haw Viburnum Sampson Nursery Viburnum rhytidophyllum - Leatherleaf Viburnum Colonial Acres Nursery Deerwood Nursery, LLC. North 40 Nursery, Inc. Sampson Nursery Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. Viburnum rhytidophyllum 'Alleghany' - Alleghany Leatherleaf Viburnum Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Monterey Nursery, Inc. North 40 Nursery, Inc. Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. C C BB C #3 3 GAL 4-8' 3 GAL 910-323-8811 800-444-1116 828-433-5044 540-946-3800 Viburnum rhytidophyllum 'Hefline' - Fenceline® Leatherleaf Viburnum Hefner's Nursery BB 5-8' 828-256-5271 Viburnum 'Summer Snowflake' - Summer Snowflake Viburnum Monterey Nursery, Inc. C 3 GAL 800-444-1116 C 3, 7 GAL 910-762-1975 L C 2 QT 3, 7 GAL 919-528-4147 1-800-762-7062 C C 3 GAL 3 GAL 910-293-9374 910-762-1975 C 3 GAL 800-444-1116 C #3 800-487-2555 Viburnum suspensum - Sandankwa Viburnum Tinga Nursery, Inc. Viburnum tinus - Tinus Viburnum Cedarview Farm Nursery Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Viburnum tinus 'Compactum' Old Courthouse Nursery Tinga Nursery, Inc. Viburnum tinus Sp. Bouquet Monterey Nursery, Inc. Viburnum tinus 'Spirit' - Spirit Viburnum Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Viburnum tinus 'Spring Bouquet' - Spring Bouquet Viburnum Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C C C #3 3 GAL 910-323-8811 919-231-6161 1-800-762-7062 C C C 3 GAL #3 3 GAL 336-656-7881 919-663-3607 540-946-3800 C C 3 GAL #3 336-656-7881 919-663-3607 C #3 910-323-8811 BB 4-5' 828-606-3625 2.5, 4" 919-732-6594 2.5, 4" 919-732-6594 Viburnum utile 'Conoy' - Conoy Viburnum A & A Plants, Inc. Oakmont Nursery Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. Viburnum utile 'Eskimo' - Eskimo Viburnum A & A Plants, Inc. Oakmont Nursery Viburnum x burkwoodii - Burkwood Viburnum Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Viburnum x carlcephalum - Fragrant Viburnum Deerwood Nursery, LLC. Vinca major - Periwinkle Plantworks Nursery, Inc. Vinca minor - Common Periwinkle Plantworks Nursery, Inc. Vines (Assorted) Cam Too Camellia Nursery, Inc. C 800-758-8121 Vitex agnus castus - Chase Tree Colonial Acres Nursery Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. 96 C C 3, 7 GAL #3, #10, #25 828-884-4330 910-323-8811 Plant Sources - Vitex agnus castus 'Shoal Creek' - Shoal Creek Chaste Tree Vitex agnus castus 'Shoal Creek' - Shoal Creek Chaste Tree Hefner's Nursery Hickory Hill Nursery Monterey Nursery, Inc. Tinga Nursery, Inc. C C C C 5, 10 GAL 3, 15 GAL 7 GAL 3,10 GAL 828-256-5271 336-625-6660 800-444-1116 910-762-1975 C C #3 1 GAL 910-323-8811 910-762-1975 #3 1 QT, 3" 910-323-8811 910-293-9374 1 QT 910-293-9374 C 1 QT 910-293-9374 C #15, #25 910-323-8811 Vitis rotundifolia - Muscadine Grape Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Tinga Nursery, Inc. Vitis rotundifolia 'Carlos' - Carlos Muscadine Grape Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Old Courthouse Nursery C C Vitis rotundifolia 'Supreme' - Supreme Muscadine Grape Old Courthouse Nursery C Vitis rotundifolia 'Triumph' - Triumph Muscadine Grape Old Courthouse Nursery Weeping Yaupon Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Weigela florida 'Alexandra' TM PP#10772 - Wine & Roses Weigela® Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Monterey Nursery, Inc. Sampson Nursery Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C C C C #3 3 GAL 3 GAL 3 GAL 800-487-2555 800-444-1116 800-567-2909 1-800-762-7062 C 3 GAL 800-444-1116 C #3 919-934-0428 C #3 800-487-2555 L C C 2 QT 3 GAL #3 919-528-4147 800-444-1116 919-934-0428 C #3, #7 910-323-8811 C 3 GAL 800-444-1116 L C 2 QT 3 GAL 919-528-4147 800-444-1116 Weigela florida 'Bramwell' ppad, cbraf - Fine Wine™ Weigela Monterey Nursery, Inc. Weigela florida 'Minuet' - Minuet Weigela Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. Weigela florida 'My Monet™' PP16824 Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Weigela florida 'Red Prince' - Red Prince Weigela Cedarview Farm Nursery Monterey Nursery, Inc. Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. Weigela florida 'Rubidor' - Rubidor Weigela Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Weigela florida syn. 'Courtalor' - Carnaval Weigela Monterey Nursery, Inc. Weigela florida 'Variegata' - Varigated Weigela Cedarview Farm Nursery Monterey Nursery, Inc. Wetland Plants (Assorted) American Native Plants Douglas Thompson & Associates L BB C 410-529-0552 828-894-2020 Wetland Plants Live Stakes Douglas Thompson & Associates 828-894-2020 Wildflowers (Native) American Native Plants L-C 410-529-0552 Wisteria floribunda 'Alba' - White Wisteria Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C 3 GAL 1-800-762-7062 3 GAL 1-800-762-7062 Wisteria floribunda 'Caroline' - Caroline Blue Wisteria Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. C Wisteria frutescens 'Amethyst Falls' - Amethyst Falls American Wisteria Heritage Seedlings Large Plug (3x3x7") 503-585-9835 Large Plug (3x3x7") 503-585-9835 C #10 910-323-8811 C 2" Pots, 15 GAL 828-738-8300 Medium Plug (2x2x3.5") 503-585-9835 C C 3 GAL (from local seed) 828-884-4330 919-542-6186 BR 1-2' 503-585-9835 Wisteria macrostachys 'Blue Moon' - Blue Moon Wisteria Heritage Seedlings Wisteria sinensis 'Amethyst' Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Woody Ornamentals (Assorted) Meadowbrook Nursery & Farm X Chitalpa tashkentensis 'Pink Dawn' - Pink Dawn Chitalpa Heritage Seedlings Xanthanthorhiza simplicissima - Yellow Root Colonial Acres Nursery Cure Nursery Xanthoceras sorbifolium - Yellowhorn Heritage Seedlings 97 Yucca aloifolia 'Garland Gold' - Plant Sources Yucca aloifolia 'Garland Gold' Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. C #2 910-323-8811 2 GAL 919-934-7764 C 2 GAL 919-934-7764 BB 2"-3.5" 478-783-4975 BB BB BB 3/16", 1/4" Bare Root & Medium Plug (2x2x3.5") 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4" 2"-4" 2-8" - larger available upon request 503-585-9835 828-891-3893 704-564-3232 800-872-3125 2, 2.5, 3" 8-10', 1.5", 1.75", 2", 2.5" 2-5" 3", 15#, #25 2-3' Large Plug (3x3x7") 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3" 2'-3.5' 2-4" 1.5-4" 15 GAL Yucca filamentosa 'Bright Edge' - Yucca Bright Edge Swift Creek Nursery C Yucca filamentosa 'Color Guard' - Color Guard Yucca Swift Creek Nursery Zelkova 'Musashino' Bold Spring Nursery, LLC Zelkova serrata - Japanese Zelkova Heritage Seedlings Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. Lanes Creek Trees Rocky Creek Farms Nursery Zelkova serrata 'Green Vase' - Green Vase Zelkova Back Road Farms Bryan Wagoner Tree Farm Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Heritage Seedlings Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. Lanes Creek Trees North 40 Nursery, Inc. Quaker Meadows Nursery Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Tinga Nursery, Inc. Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. Winfall Nurseries BB BB BB BB-C BB BB BB BB C BB C BB BB 25 GAL 1.75 - 7" 1.5-2.5" 910-858-3740 336-585-0052 800-543-7537 910-323-8811 503-585-9835 828-891-3893 704-564-3232 828-433-5044 828-437-2063 336-992-2530 919-231-6161 910-762-1975 540-946-3800 434-332-5701 BB BB 1.5", 1.75", 2", 2.5", 3" 2, 2.5" 336-585-0052 800-947-9568 BB BB 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5, 6" 2-2.5" 800-947-9568 704-564-3232 2, 2.5, 3" 8-10', 1.5", 1.75", 2", 2.5" 2-5" 3", #15, #25 2.5", 3" 3-4' Extra Large Plug (4x4x8") 1-2', 2-3', 3-4' Large Plug (3x3x7") 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3" 2-4" 1.5-4" 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4" 910-858-3740 336-585-0052 800-543-7537 910-323-8811 828-256-5271 503-585-9835 503-585-9835 828-891-3893 828-433-5044 828-437-2063 704-471-1000 919-231-6161 804-794-5016 540-946-3800 434-332-5701 Zelkova serrata 'Musashino' - Musachino Zelkova Bryan Wagoner Tree Farm Goodson & Associates Zelkova serrata 'Myrimar' - Myrimar Zelkova Goodson & Associates Lanes Creek Trees Zelkova serrata 'Village Green' - Village Green Zelkova Back Road Farms Bryan Wagoner Tree Farm Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Hefner's Nursery Heritage Seedlings Heritage Seedlings Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. North 40 Nursery, Inc. Quaker Meadows Nursery Scottree Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Watkins Nurseries, Inc. Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. Winfall Nurseries 98 BB BB BB BB-C BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB 2"-5.5" 1.75 - 7" 2-2.5" 99 Using the Cross Reference Section Plants are listed alphabetically by their common name using the following system: Common Name Botanical Name OLD COURTHOUSE NURSERY Ornamental Shrubs & Trees 2 1/4” liners to 25 gallon containers New in 2010! Sweetheart Dazzle® Same Week Delivery! Reliable Quality! Value Added Service! Marketing and Sales Management 3535 Roswell Road, Suite 27, Marietta, GA 30062 Growing Operations and Customer Service 4904 Luckey’s Bridge Road, Dearing, GA 30808 Ph 770-578-9583 x 206 Toll free 800-572-2874 x 206 Fax 770-578-9519 100 323 Old Courthouse Road, Warsaw, NC 28398 (910) 293-9374 Bob McLeod FAX (910)-293-9375 Sean Gurkin Cross Reference - Aaron's Beard Aaron's Beard Hypericum calycinum 'Brigadoon' Acadian Red Holly Ilex x 'Acadian Accolade Elm Ulmus japonica x wilsoniana 'Accolade' Ace of Hearts Redbud Cercis canadensis 'Ace of Hearts' PPAF Ackerman Hybrids Camellia sasanqua 'Winter's Star' Ack-Scent Camellia Camellia japonica 'Ack-Scent' Adams Crabapple Malus 'Adams' Aeryn™ Trident Maple Acer buergeranum 'ABMTF' Aeryn™ African Lily Agapanthus africanus Aka Tsuki Kousa Dogwood Cornus kousa 'Aka tsuki; Akebono Cherry Prunus x yedoensis 'Akebono' Alabama Beauty Camellia Camellia sasanqua 'Alabama Beauty' Alba Camellia Camellia japonica 'Alba' Albo Spica Canadian Hemlock Tsuga canadensis 'Albo Spica' Albury Purple Hypericum Hypericum androsaemum 'Albury Purple' Alexandrina Saucer Magnolia Magnolia soulangiana 'Alexandrina' Magnolia x soulangiana 'Alexandrina' Alfredo Cranberrybush Viburnum Viburnum trilobum 'Alfredo' Algerian Ivy Hedera algeriensis 'Gloire de Morango' Algo Rhododendron Rhododendron 'Aglo' Alice Oakleaf Hydrangea Hydrangea quercifolia 'Alice' All Fired Up Daylilly Hemerocallis 'All Fired Up' All Summer Beauty Big Leaf Hydrangea Hydrangea macrophylla 'All Summer Beauty' Allee Elm Ulmus parvifolia 'Allee' Ulmus parvifolia 'Allee'® PP#7552 Alleghany Leatherleaf Viburnum Viburnum rhytidophyllum 'Alleghany' Allegheny Serviceberry Amelanchier laevis Alpengluhen Big Leaf Hydrangea Hydrangea macrophylla 'Alpengluhen' Alta® Magnolia Magnolia grandiflora 'Alta'® PP#11612 Amagasa Azalea Rhododendron satsuki 'Amagasa' Amaryllis Hippeastrum Amazing Grace Katsura Tree Cercidiphyllum japonicum 'Amazing Grace' America Climber Rose Rosa 'America' America Rhododendron Rhododendron 'America' American Arborvitae Thuja occidentalis 'American' American Beautyberry Callicarpa americana American Beech Fagus grandifolia American Boxwood Buxus sempervirens 'American' American Cranberrybush Viburnum trilobum American Devilwood Osmanthus americanus American Elm Ulmus americana American Holly Ilex opaca American Hornbeam Carpinus caroliniana American Persimmon Diospyros virginiana American Plum Prunus americana American Smoketree Cotinus obovatus American Styrax Styrax 'Americana' American Turk's Cap Lily Lilium superbum American Wisteria Wisteria frutescens Amesican Elm, Improved Ulmus Amesicana Amethyst Falls American Wisteria Wisteria frutescens 'Amethyst Falls' Amethyst Oakleaf Hydrangea Hydrangea quercifolia 'Amethyst' Amur Maple M.S. Acer ginnala Ancot Golden Spirit Smoke Tree Cotinus coggygria 'Ancot' PP13082 Cotinus coggygria 'Ancot' PP#13082 Andorra Compacta Juniper Juniperus horizontalis 'Plumosa Compacta' Juniperus horizontalis 'Plumosa Compacta Youngstown' Juniperus horizontalis 'Youngstown' Andorra Juniper Juniperus horizontalis 'Andorra' Angel Face Rose Rosa 'Angel Face' Angel Trumpet Brugmansia candida Angel Trumpets Brugmansia (Species & Cultivars) Angelica Blue Pfitzer Juniper Juniperus chinensis 'Angelica Blue' Angelly Witch Hazel Hamamelis intermedia 'Angelly' Angel's Fishing Wand Dierama pulcherrimim Angelwing Begonia Begonia 'Angelwing' Angustata Kousa Dogwood Cornus kousa van. Angustata Angustifolium English Holly Ilex aquifolium 'Angustifolium' Ann Magnolia Magnolia x 'Ann' Anna Kruschke Rhododendron Rhododendron 'Anna Kruschke' Anna Rose Whitney Rhododendron Rhododendron 'Anna Rose Whitney' Annabelle Smooth Hydrangea Hydrangea arborescens 'Annabelle' Antarctic Beech Nothofagus antarctica Anthony Waterer Spirea Spiraea bumalda 'Anthony Waterer' Antonovka Apple Malus antonovka Aphrodite Althea Hibiscus syriacus 'Aphrodite' Apollo Holly Ilex 'Apollo' Apollo Winterberry Holly Ilex verticillata 'Apollo' Appalachian Blush Dogwood Cornus florida 'Appalachian Blush' Appalachian Joy Dogwood Cornus florida 'Appalachian Joy' Appalachian Mist Dogwood Cornus florida 'Appalachian Mist' Appalachian Red Redbud Cercis canadensis 'Appalachian Red' Appalachian Snow Dogwood Cornus florida 'Appalachian Snow' Appalachian Spring Dogwood Cornus florida 'Appalachian Spring' Apple Blossom Camellia Camellia sasanqua 'Apple Blossom' Apple Blossom Oleander Nerium oleander 'Apple Blossom' Apple Rootstock M.111 EMLA Malling 9 (NAKB 337) M.27 EMLA Geneva 16 Bud-9 Geneva 30 M.26 EMLA PAJAM 2 M.7 EMLA M.9 EMLA M.106 EMLA 101 Apple Serviceberry - Cross Reference Apple Serviceberry Amelanchier grandiflora Apple Tryst Camellia Camellia sasanqua 'Apple Tryst' April Blush Camellia Camellia japonica 'April Blush' April Dawn Camellia Camellia japonica 'April Dawn' April Kiss Camellia Camellia japonica 'April Kiss' April Remembered Camellia Camellia sasanqua 'April Remembered' April Rose Camellia Camellia japonica 'April Rose' April Tryst Camellia Camellia japonica 'April Tryst' Arabian Jasmine Jasminum sambac Arapaho Crape Myrtle Lagerstroemia indica 'Arapaho' Arapaho Hybrid Crape Myrtle Lagerstroemia x 'Arapaho' Arborvitae Fern Selaginella pallescens Arctic Ice camellia Camellia oleifera 'Artic Ice' Aristocrat Pear Pyrus calleryana 'Aristocrat' Arizona Cypress Cupressus arizonica Arkansaw Bluestar Amsonia hubrectii 'Arkansaw Bluestar' Armstrong Freeman Maple Acer x freemanii 'Armstrong' Armstrong Maple Acer freemanii 'Armstrong' Armstrong Red Maple Acer rubrum 'Armstrong' Arnold Promise Witch Hazel Hamamelis intermedia 'Arnold Promise' Hamamelis x intermedia 'Arnold Promise' Arnold's Pride Chinese Fringe Tree Chionanthus retusus 'Arnold's Pride' Arow Bamboo - Yadake Pseudosasa japonica Arrow arum Peltandro virginica Arrowwood Viburnum Viburnum dentatum 'Chicago Lustre' Arrow-wood Viburnum Viburnum dentatum 'Arrow-wood' Artic Fire™ Red Twig Dogwood Cornus Stolinifera 'Farrow' PPAF Arts Pride Coneflower Echinacea x 'Arts Pride' Asian Beauty Viburnum Viburnum dilatatum 'Asian Beauty' Asiatic Hybrid Lilies Lilium (Asiatic & Oriental Cultivars) Aspire TM Holly Ilex x 'STBB' Aspire TM 102 Assorted Cold Hardy Citrus Citrus Athena Elm Ulmus parvifolia 'Emer I' PP#7551 Atlantic White Cedar Chamaecyparis thyoides Atropurpurea Bugle Weed Ajuga reptans 'Atropurpurea' Atrovirens Western Arborvitae Thuja plicata 'Atrovirens' Attraction Butterfly Bush Buddleia davidii 'Attraction' Aucuba Aucuba japonica Aucuba-Green Male Aucuba japonica 'Crassifolia' August Beauty Gardenia Gardenia jasminoides 'August Beauty' Aurea Golden Barberry Berberis thunbergii 'Aurea' Aurea Juniper Juniperus chinensis 'Aurea' Aurora Dogwood Cornus x Aurora Cornus rutban 'Aurora' PP#7205 Australian Violet Viola hederacea Australis Sweetbay Magnolia Magnolia virginiana 'Australis' Austrian pine Pinus nigra Autum Fantasy Maple Acer freemanii 'Autumn Fantasy' Autumn Amethyst Encore Azalea® Rhododendron 'Autumn Amethyst'™ PP#10567 Autumn Angel Encore Azalea® Rhododendron 'Autumn Angel'™ PP#15227 Autumn Applause White Ash Fraxinus americana 'Autumn Applause' Autumn Belle Encore Azalea® Rhododendron 'Autumn Belle'™ PPIP Autumn Blaze Maple Acer x freemanii 'Autumn Blaze' Acer freemanii 'Autumn Blaze' Autumn Bravo Encore Azalea® Rhododendron 'Autumn Bravo'™ PP#11628 Autumn Brillance Serviceberry Amelanchier grandiflora 'Autumn Brilliance' Amelanchier x grandiflora 'Autumn Brilliance' Autumn Carnation Encore Azalea® Rhododendron 'Autumn Carnation'™ PP#15339 Autumn Carnival Encore Azalea® Rhododendron 'Autumn Carnival'™ PP#12111 Autumn Cheer Encore Azalea® Rhododendron 'Autumn Cheer'™ PP#10579 Autumn Chiffon Encore Azalea® Rhododendron 'Autumn Chiffon'™ PP #15862 Autumn Coral Encore Azalea® Rhododendron 'Autumn Coral'™ PP#10568 Autumn Debutante Encore Azalea® Rhododendron 'Autumn Debutante'™ PP #16278 Autumn Embers Encore Azalea® Rhododendron 'Autumn Embers'™ PP#10581 Autumn Empress Encore Azalea® Rhododendron 'Autumn Empress'™ PP#12109 Autumn Fern Dryopteris erythrosora Autumn Flame Red Maple Acer rubrum 'Autumn Flame' Autumn Gold Bald Cypress Taxodium distichum 'Sofine' PP13431 Autumn Gold Maidenhair Tree Ginkgo biloba 'Autumn Gold' Autumn Monarch Encore Azalea® Rhododendron 'Autumn Monarch'™ PP#11640 Autumn Moonlight Encore Azalea® Rhododendron 'Autumn Moonlight'™ PPIP Autumn Olive Elaeagnus umbellata Autumn Pink Icicle Camellia Hybrid Camellia hybrid 'Autumn Pink Icicle' Autumn Princess Encore Azalea® Rhododendron 'Autumn Princess'™ PP#12142 Autumn Rose Kousa Dogwood Cornus kousa 'Autumn Rose' Autumn Rouge Encore Azalea® Rhododendron 'Autumn Rouge'™ PP#10438 Autumn Royalty Encore Azalea® Rhododendron 'Autumn Royalty'™ PP#10580 Autumn Ruby Encore Azalea® Rhododendron 'Autumn Ruby'™ PP#12110 Autumn Sangria Encore Azalea® Rhododendron 'Autumn Sangria'™ PP#10577 Autumn Splendor Buckeye Aesculus x 'Autumn Splendor' Aesculus x arnoldiana Autumn Splendor Sugar Maple Acer saccharum 'Autumn Splendor' Autumn Starlite Encore Azalea® Rhododendron 'Autumn Starlite'™ PP#15043 Cross Reference - Autumn Sunset Encore Azalea® Autumn Sunset Encore Azalea® Rhododendron 'Autumn Sunset'™ PP #16248 Autumn Sweetheart Encore Azalea® Rhododendron 'Autumn Sweetheart'™ PP #16249 Autumn Twist Encore Azalea® Rhododendron 'Autumn Twist'™ PP#12133 Autumnalis Cherry Prunus subhirtella 'Autumnalis' Avondale Chinese Redbud Cercis chinensis 'Avondale' Aztec Gold Daylily Hemerocallis 'Aztec Gold' Aztec Grass Liriope Liriope muscari 'Aztec Grass' Azurro Rhododendron Rhododendron 'Azurro' Baby Blankey Groundcover Rose Rosa 'Baby Blanket' Baby Darling Daylilly Hemerocallis 'Baby Darling' Baby Sun Tickseed Coreopsis lanceolata 'Baby Sun' Bagatelle Barberry Berberis thunbergii 'Bagatelle' Bagatelle Red Barberry Berberis thunbergii atropurpurea 'Bagatelle' Baileyi Red Twig Dogwood Cornus stolonifera 'Baileyi' Bailmer Endless Summer Big Leaf Hydrangea Hydrangea macrophylla 'Bailmer Endless Summer' Bald Cypress Taxodium distichum Bald Cypress Cultivars Taxodium distichum (Cultivars) Bamboo Bambusa (Species & Cultivars) Banana Shrub Michelia figo Bananna Musa Basjoo Banded Century Plant Agave angustifolia 'Marginata' Bandi Sugi Japanese Cedar Cryptomeria japonica 'Bandi Sugi' Bangle Genista Bar Harbor Creeping Juniper Juniperus horizontalis 'Bar Harbor' Barberry Cultivars Berberis (Cultivars) Barnhill Red Oleander Nerium oleander 'Barnhill Red' Barton Flowering Dogwood Cornus florida 'Barton' Bath's Pink Dianthus Dianthus gratianopolitanus 'Bath's Pink' Beach Sunflower Helianthus debilis Bear Oak Quercus ilicifolia Beatrix Farrand Forsythia Forsythia intermedia 'Beatrix Farrand' Beautyberry Callicarpa dichotoma Beaver Creek Fothergilla Fothergilla major 'Beaver Creek' Beavertail Cactus Cactus optuia 'Beavertail' Beehive Japanese Holly Ilex crenata 'Beehive' Beethaven™ Amur Maple Acer ginnala 'Betazam' Beidermeier Columbine Aquilegia hybrida 'Beidermeier' Bekkomasaki Japanese Euonymus Euonymus japonica green spire 'Bekkomasaki' Bell-Flowered Cherry Prunus campanulata Ben Franklin Japanese Cedar Cryptomeria japonica 'Ben Franklin' Beni Kawa Japanese Maple Acer palmatum 'Beni Kawa' Bennett's Canadian Hemlock Tsuga canadensis 'Bennett's' Berkshire Juniperus communis 'Berkshire' Besse Howells Rhododendron Rhododendron 'Besse Howells' Betty Clark Camellia Camellia japonica 'Betty Clark' Betty Magnolia Magnolia x 'Betty' Magnolia 'Betty' Bi-Color Butterfly Bush Buddleia davidii 'Bi-Color' Big Ben Panicle Hydrangea Hydrangea paniculata 'Big Ben' Big Berry Holly Ilex opaca Big Blue Liriope Liriope muscari 'Big Blue' Big Daddy Hosta Hosta 'Big Daddy' Big Leaf Induoclamus tessellates Big Leaf Hydrangea Hydrangea macrophylla (Cultivars) Big Sky Coneflower Echinacea purpurea 'Big Sky' Bigleaf Magnolia Magnolia macrophylla Bigtooth Maple Acer grandidentatum Bills Blue Deodora Cedar Cedrus deodara 'Bills Blue' Biloxi Crape Myrtle Birchleaf Spirea Spiraea betufolia 'Tor' Bird's Nest Picea abies 'Nidiformis' Blaauw's Pink Azalea Rhododendron kurume 'Blaauw's Pink' Black Bamboo Phyllostachys nigra Black Beauty Elderberry Sambucus 'Black Beauty' Black Cherry Prunus serotina Black Chokeberry Aronia melanocarpa Black Dragon Japanese Cedar Cryptomeria japonica 'Black Dragon' Black Dragon Japanese Wisteria Wisteria floribunda 'Violacea Plena' Black Falcon Daylilly Hemerocallis 'Black Falcon' Black Fountain Grass Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Moudry' Black Gum Nyssa sylvatica Black Haw Viburnum Viburnum prunifolium Black Hills Spruce Picea glauca Black Knight Butterfly Bush Buddleia davidii 'Black Knight' Black Locust Robinia pseudoacacia 'Purple Robe' Black Magic Elephant Ear Colocasia 'Black Magic' Black Mondo Grass Ophiopogon japonicus 'Nigra' Ophiopogon planiscapus nigrescens Black Needlerush Juncus roemerianus Black Oak Quercus velutina Black Runner Colocasia esculenta Black Velvet Begonia Begonia 'Black Velvet' Black Walnut Juglans Nigra Black Willow Salix nigra Blackeyed Susan Rudbeckia fulgida 'Goldstrum' Blackhaw Viburnum Viburnum prunifolium 'Blackhaw' Blackie Sweet Potato Ipomoea batatus 'Blackie' Blair Silver Maple Acer saccharinum 'Blair' Blaws Golden Juniper Juniperus chinensis 'Blaws Golden' Blaze Climber Rose Rosa 'Blaze' Lagerstroemia indica fauriei 'Biloxi' 103 Bleeding Heart - Cross Reference Bleeding Heart Dicentra spectabilis Bleeding Heart Vine Clerodendrum thomsoniae Blireana Prunus mume x cerasifera 'Blireana' Blondy Euonymus Euonymus fortunei 'Intervolwi' PP#10424 Patio Tree Blood of China Camellia Camellia japonica 'Blood of China' Bloodgood Japanese Maple Acer palmatum atropurpureum 'Bloodgood' Bloodgood London Planetree Platanus acerifolia 'Bloodgood' Blue & Gold Juniper Juniperus media 'Blue & Gold' Blue Alps Juniper Juniperus squamata 'Blue Alps' Blue Atlas Cedar Cedrus atlantica 'Glauca' Cedrus 'Blue Atlas' Blue Bird Big Leaf Hydrangea Hydrangea macrophylla 'Blue Bird' Blue Bird Hydrangea Hydrangea serrata 'Blue Bird' Blue Boy Blue Holly Ilex meserveae 'Blue Boy' Blue Cadet Hosta Hosta 'Blue Cadet' Blue Chase Tree Vitex agnus castus 'Blue' Vitex agnus castus 'Abbeyville Blue' Blue Chinese Wisteria Wisteria sinensis 'Blue' Blue Chip Butterfly Bush Buddleia 'Blue Chip' PPAF Blue Chip Creeping Juniper Juniperus horizontalis 'Blue Chip' Blue Feather Cypress Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Blue Feather' Blue Girl Blue Holly Ilex meserveae 'Blue Girl' Blue Holly Ilex meserveae Blue Ice Cypress Cupressus arizonica glabra 'Blue Ice' Blue Ice Deodara Cedar Cedrus deodara 'Blue Ice' Blue Lace Big Leaf Hydrangea Hydrangea macrophylla 'Blue Lace' Blue Lagoon Juniperus conferta Blue Maid Blue Holly Ilex meserveae 'Blue Maid' Blue Moon Wisteria Wisteria macrostachys 'Blue Moon' Blue Muffin Viburnum Viburnum dentatum 'Blue Muffin' Viburnum dentatum 'Christom' Blue Nest Sp. Picea mariana 'Ericoides' Blue Pacific Juniper Juniperus conferta 'Blue Pacific' Blue Point Juniper Juniperus chinensis 'Blue Point' (pompom) Juniperus chinensis 'Blue Point' Blue Prince Blue Holly Ilex meserveae 'Blue Prince' Blue Princess Blue Holly Ilex meserveae 'Blue Princess' Blue Pyramid Cypress Cupressus arizonica glabra 'Blue Pyramid' Blue Rug Juniper Juniperus horizontalis 'Wiltonii' Blue Sapphire Wisteria Wisteria sinensis 'Blue Sapphire' Blue Shadow Fothergilla Fothergilla gardenii 'Blue Shadow' Fothergilla major 'Blue Shadow' Blue Shadow Kousa Dogwood Cornus kousa 'Blue Shadow' Blue Skies Lilac Syringa vulgaris 'Monore' Blue Star Juniper Juniperus squamata 'Blue Star' Blue Thrift Phlox sublata 'Emerald Blue' Blue Umbrella Hosta Hosta 'Blue Umbrella' Blue Vase Creeping Juniper Juniperus horizontalis 'Blue Vase' Blue Vase Juniper Juniperus chinensis 'Blue Vase' Blue Velvet St. John's Wort Hypericum 'Blue Velvet'™ Blue Waterhyssop Bacopa caroliniana Blue Wave Big Leaf Hydrangea Hydrangea macrophylla 'Blue Wave' Blue Wheat Grass Agropyron magellanicum Blue Wild Indigo Baptisia australis Bluebeard Caryopteris Caryopteris clandonensis 'Longwood Blue' Blueberry Muffin Indian Hawthorne Rhaphiolepis indica 'Blueberry Muffin' Blueberry Rabbiteye Highbush Vaccinium (Species & Culitvars) Bluebird Althea Hibiscus syriacus 'Bluebird' Blushing Bride Big Leaf Hydrangea Hydrangea macrophylla 'Blushing Bride' Blushing Knock Out Shrub Rose Rosa 'Radyod' PPAF Blushing Knockout Rose Rosa 'Radyod' Blushing Knock Out™ PP#17346 Blushing Pink Rose Rosa 'Blushing Pink' Blushing Spires Chaste Tree Vitex agnus castus 'Blushing Spires' Bob Timberlake Dogwood Cornus florida 'Eternal' Bob Timberlake Eternal Flowering Dogwood Cornus florida 'Bob Timberlake Eternal' Bonanza Camellia Camellia sasanqua 'Bonanza' Bonanza Dwarf Peach Prunus persica 'Bonanza' Bonanza Gold Barberry Berberis thunbergii 'Bonanza Gold' Bonfire Dwarf Peach Prunus persica 'Bonfire' Bonfire Sugar Maple Acer saccharum 'Bonfire' Bonica Meidiland Rose Rosa 'Meidiland Bonica' PP#5105 Bonica Shrub Rosa Rosa 'Bonica' Bonsai Natal Plum Carissa macrocarpa 'Bonsai' Bordeaux Yaupon Holly Ilex vomitoria 'Bordeaux' PP#8779 Bosque Elm Ulmus parvifolia Bosque Lacebark Elm Ulmus parvifolia 'Bosque'® PP#11295 Ulmus parvifolia 'UPMTF' PP11295 Boston Ivy Parthenocissus tricuspidata Bottle Brush Callistemon 'Woodlanders Hardy' Bottlebrush Callistemon rigidus Bottlebrush Buckeye Aesculus parviflora Abeliophyllum parviflora Boule le Feu Hiiscus Hibiscus syriacus 'Boule de Feu' Boulevard Cypress Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Boulevard' Boursault Rhododendron Rhododendron catawbiense 'Boursault' Bowles' Common Periwinkle Vinca minor 'Bowles Variety' Box Leaf Euonymus Euonymus japonica 'Microphylla' Boxelder Acer negundo Boxwood Buxus (Species & Cultivars) Boxwood Beauty Natal Palm Carissa macrocarpa 'Boxwood Beauty' Bozo Daylilly Hemerocallis 'Bozo' 104 Cross Reference - Brackan's Best Deodar Cedar Brackan's Best Deodar Cedar Cedrus deodara 'BBC' Bracken's Brown Beauty Magnolia Magnolia grandiflora 'Bracken Brown Beauty' Bradford Pear Pyrus calleryana 'Bradford' Brandy Rose Rosa 'Brandy' Brandy's Temper Camellia Camellia sasanqua 'Brandy's Temper'' Brandywine Red Maple Acer rubrum 'Brandywine' Brandywine™ Viburnum Viburnum nudum 'Bulk Brandywine™' Brazoria Sabal Sabal x texensis Breeze Grass Lomandra longifolia 'Breeze PP#15420 Bridal Veil Astilbe Astilbe arendsii 'Bridal Veil' Bridal Wreath Spirea Spiraea prunifolia Bridal's Veil Clerodendrum wallichii Bright Gold Cypress Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Bright Gold' Brightedge Yucca Yucca flaccida 'Brightedge' Brillant Pink Iceburg Shrub Rose Rosa 'Brillant Pink Iceburg' Brilliant Holly Ilex 'Brilliant' Briotii Horsechestnut Aesculus x carnea 'Briotii' Briotti Red Horsechestnut Aesculus carnea 'Briotti' Bristlebract Sedge Carex tribuloides Brodie St. Johnswort Hypericum galioides 'Brodie' Brodie Juniper Juniperus virginiana 'Brodie' Bronx green Forsythia Forsythia viridissima 'Bronxensis' Bronze Beauty Cleyera Ternstroemia gymnanthera 'Bronze Beauty' Broomsedge Andropogon virginicus Brouwer's Beauty Pieris Pieris japonica 'Brouwer's Beauty' Brown Turkey Fig Ficus carica 'Brown Turkey' Brown Velvet Magnolia Magnolia grandiflora 'Brown Velvet' Buccanner Azalea Rhododendron glenn dale 'Buccaneer' Buckiscope Japanese Cedar Cryptomeria japonica 'Buckiscope' Buddah'S Belly Bamboo Bambusa ventricosa Bugle Weed Ajuga reptans Bullseye Mountain Laurel Kalmia latifolia 'Bullseye' Bulltongue Sagittaria lancifolia Bunchberry/Creeping Dogwood Cornus canadensis Bur Oak Quercus macrocarpa Burford Chinese Holly Ilex cornuta 'Burfordii' Ilex cornuta 'Burfordii' (Tree Form) Burgandy Belle Red Maple Acer rubrum 'Burgandy Belle' Burgandy Cotton Crape Myrtle Lagerstroemia indica 'Burgandy Cotton' PPAF Burgandy Flush Sweet Gum Liquidambar acalycina 'Burgundy Flush' Burgandy Loropetalum Loropetalum chinense 'Burgandy' Burgandy Patio Fringe Flower Loropetalum chinense 'Burgandy Patio' Burgundy Belle Maple Acer rubrum 'Magnificent Magenta' PP7222 Burgundy Glow Bugle Weed Ajuga reptans 'Burgandy Glow' Burgundy Lace Japanese Maple Acer palmatum 'Burgundy Lace' Burkii Blue Cedar Juniperus virginiana 'Burkii Blue' Burkwood Osmanthus Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Burkwoodi' Burkwood Viburnum Viburnum burkwoodii Viburnum x burkwoodii Burning Bush Euonymus alatus Bush Daisy Euryops Bushclover Lespedeza thunbergii 'Pink Cascade' Butter & Sugar Iris Iris siberica 'Butter & Sugar' Buttercup Winterhazel Corylopsis pauciflora Butterfiles Magnolia Magnolia 'Butterflies' Butterfly Bush Buddleia davidii (Cultivars) Butterfly Japanese Maple Acer palmatum 'Butterfly' Butterfly Magnolia Magnolia x 'Butterflies' Butterfly Milkweed Asclepias (Species & Cultivars) Butterfly Weed Asclepias curassavica Butterscotch Caroliana Jasmine® Gelsemium 'Butterscotch' ™ Buttonbush Cephalanthus occidentalis Calgary Carpet Juniper Juniperus sabina 'Calgary Carpet' Calina English Holly Ilex aquifolium 'Calina' Camelia japonica 'Kumasaka' Camellia japonica 'Kumasaka' Cameo Flowering Quince Chaenomeles speciosa 'Cameo' Cameo Japanese Flowering Quince Chaenomeles japonica 'Cameo' Camperdonn Elm Ulmus glabra 'Camperdownii' Canaan Fir Abies intermedia Canadian Hemlock Tsuga canadensis Canadian Juniper Juniperus communis 'Effusa' Canadian Red Cherry Prunus virginiana 'Canadian Red' Candy Mint Crabapple Malus 'Candy Mint' Canna Canna generalis Canyon Creek Abelia Abelia x grandiflora 'Canyon Creek' Abelia x 'Canyon Creek' Cape Honeysuckle Tecomaria capensis Capistrano Azalea Rhododendron 'Capistrano' Capitata Yew Taxus media 'Capitata' Capitol Pear Pyrus calleryana 'Capitol' Caprea Weeping Willow Salix caprea 'Pendula' Captain Yew Taxus cuspidata 'Captain' Cardinal Candy Viburnum Viburnum dilatatum 'Cardinal Candy' PP# 12870 Viburnum dilatatum 'Cardinal Candy' PPAF Viburnum dilatatum 'Henneke' Cardinal Flower Lobelia cardinalis Cardinal Holly Ilex 'Cardinal'™ PP#9485 Carefree Delight Shrub Rose Rosa 'Carefree Delight' PP#8841 Carefree Sunshine Knock Out Rose Rosa 'Radsun' Carefree Sunshine™ PP#13063 Carefree Sunshine Shrub Rose Rosa 'Carefree Sunshine' PPAF Carefree Wonder Shrub Rose Rosa 'Carefree Wonder' PP#7783 105 Carillon styrax japonica - Cross Reference Carillon styrax japonica Styrax japonica 'Carillon' Carissa Chinese Holly Ilex cornuta 'Carissa' Carlessi Viburnum Viburnum 'Carlessi' Carlos Muscadine Grape Vitis rotundifolia 'Carlos' Carnary Is. Date Palm Phoenix carariensis Carnaval Weigela Weigela florida syn. 'Courtalor' Carol Mountain Laurel Kalmia latifolia 'Carol' Carol Mackie Daphne Daphne x burkwoodii 'Carol Mackie' Carolina Allspice/Sweet Betsy Calycanthus floridus 'Common Sweetshrub' Carolina Beauty Crape Myrtle Lagerstroemia indica 'Carolina Beauty' Carolina Cherry Laurel Prunus caroliniana Prunus laurocerasus Carolina Jessamine Gelsemium 'Carolina' Carolina Moonlight Loropetalum Loropetalum chinense 'Carolina Moonlight' Carolina Moonmist Camellia Camellia oleifera 'Sasanqua' Carolina Sapphire Cypress Cupressus arizonica glabra 'Carolina Sapphire' Carolina Sentinel Chinese Holly Ilex cornuta 'Carolina Sentinel' Carolina Sentinel Holly Ilex x 'Carolina Sentinel' Carolina Silverbell Halesia tetraptera Halesia caroliniana Carolina Yellow Jessamine Gelsemium sempervirens Caroline Blue Wisteria Wisteria floribunda 'Caroline' Carousel Mountain Laurel Kalmia latifolia 'Carousel' Carror Azalea Rhododendron carla 'Carror' Cassian Dwarf Fountain Grass Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Cassian' Cast Iron Plant Aspidistra elatior Catawba Crape Myrtle Lagerstroemia indica 'Catawba' Catawbiense Album Rhododendron Rhododendron catawbiense 'Album' Cathedral Live Oak Quercus virginiana 'Cathedral' Quercus virginiana 'SDLN' PP#12015 Catherine Woodbury Daylilly Hemerocallis 'Catherine Woodbury' 106 Catlins Giant Bugle Weed Ajuga reptans 'Catlins Giant' Catskill Viburnum Viburnum dilatatum 'Catskill' Cavatine Pieris Pieris japonica 'Cavatine' Cayuga Viburnum Viburnum carlcephalum 'Cayuga' Ceasar's Brother Iris Iris siberica 'Ceasar's Brother' Cecile Brunner Climber Rose Rosa 'Cecile Brunner' Celebration Maple Acer freemanii 'Celebration' Celestial Dogwood Cornus rutdan 'Celestial' PP#7204 Cornus x Celestial Cornus celestial Centenial Star Magnolia Magnolia stellata 'Centenial' Centennial Crape Myrtle Lagerstroemia indica 'Centennial' Centennial Spirit Crape Myrtle Lagerstroemia indica 'Centennial Spirit' Centurion Crabapple Malus 'Centurion' Century Plant Agave americana Chaan-Kochuk Bamboo Bambusa tuldoides Champlain Shrub Rose Rosa 'Champlain' Chance Encounter Daylilly Hemerocallis 'Chance Encounter' Chang's Ruby Fringeflower Loropetalum chinense rubrum 'Chang Ruby' Chansonette Camellia Camellia sasanqua 'Chansonette' Chanticlear Pear Pyrus calleryana Chantilly Lace Panicle Hydrangea Hydrangea paniculata 'Chantilly Lace' Chardonnay Pearls Deutzia Deutzia gracilis 'Duncan' PP#16098 Chardonnay Pearls Deutzia PPAF Deutzia gracilis 'Duncan' Charity Mahonia Mahonia x media 'Charity' Charles Johnson Daylilly Hemerocallis 'Charles Johnson' Chase Tree Vitex agnus castus Chateau Merlot Rose Rosa hybrida 'Chateau Merlot' Cherish Rose Rosa 'Cherish' Cherokee Brave Dogwood Cornus florida 'Cherokee Brave' Cherokee Brave Flowering Dogwood Cornus florida 'Comco No. 1' PP10166 Cherokee Chief Dogwood Cornus florida 'Cherokee Chief' Cherokee Daybreak Dogwood Cornus florida 'Cherokee Daybreak' Cherokee Japanese Holly Ilex crenata 'Cherokee' Cherokee Princess Dogwood Cornus florida 'Cherokee Princess' Cherokee Sunset Dogwood Cornus florida 'Cherokee Sunset' Cherry Rootstock EMLA Colt VC Cherrybark Oak Quercus falcata var. pagodifolia Chesapeake Japanese Holly Ilex crenata 'Chesapeake' Chesapeake Viburnum Viburnum 'Chesapeake' Chestnut Oak Quercus montana Quercus prinus Chicago Peace Rose Rosa 'Chicago Peace' Chicagoland Green Boxwood Buxus 'Chicagoland Green' Chickasaw Crape Myrtle Lagerstroemia indica fauriei 'Chickasaw' Child Play Miniature Rose Rosa 'Child's Play' Chilean Avens Geum quellyon Chilean Rhubarb Gunnera tinctoria China Girl Blue Holly Ilex meserveae 'China Girl' Chindo Viburnum Viburnum awabuki 'Chindo' Viburnum 'Chindo' Chinese Chestnut Castanea mollissima Chinese Flame Tree Koelreuteria bipinnata Chinese Flowering Dogwood Cornus kousa var. chinensis Chinese Fringe Flower Loropetalum chinense (Species & Cultivars) Chinese Fringe Tree Chionanthus retusus Chinese Hackberry Celtis sinensis pendula Chinese Holly Ilex cornuta Chinese Indigo Indigofera decora Chinese Kousa Dogwood Cornus kousa chinensis Chinese Mahonia Mahonia fortunei Chinese Paper Birch Betula albo-sinensis Cross Reference - Chinese Pistache Chinese Pistache Pistachia chinensis Pistacia chinensis Chinese Pittosporum Pittosporum chinensis Chinese Privet Ligustrum sinense Chinese Redbud Cercis chinensis Chinese Snowball Viburnum Viburnum macrocephylum Chinese Stewartia Stewartia sinensis Chinese Stranvaesia Stranvaesia davidiana 'Prostrata' Chinese Sweetshrub Calycanthus chinensis Chinese Trumpetcreeper Campsis grandiflora Chinese Tupelo Nyssa sinensis Chinese Wild Ginger Asarum splendens Chinese Yellow Banana Musella lasiocarpa Chineses Witchhazel Loropetalum chinense 'Zhuzhou Fuschia' Chinkapin Oak Quercus muehlenbergii Chinoides Rhododendron Rhododendron 'Chionoides' Chinsoy Azalea Rhododendron satsuki 'Chinsoy' Chirimen Japanese Ardisia Ardisia japonica 'Chirimen' Choctaw Crape Myrtle Lagerstroemia indica fauriei 'Choctaw' Chokeberry Aronia Chollipo Japanese Euonymus Euonymus japonica 'Chollipo' Christmas Fern Polystichum acrostichoides Christmas Jewel Holly® Ilex 'Christmas Jewel'® PP#14477 Christmas Rose Helleborus niger Chrysanthemum Flower Chrysanthemum morifolium Chrysler Imperial Rose Rosa 'Chrysler Imperial' Chuck Hayes Gardenia Gardenia jasminoides 'Chuck Hayes' Chuckles Shrub Rose Rosa 'Chuckles' Cimmaron Ash Fraxinus pennsylvanica 'Cimmaron Ash' Cinnamon Clethra Clethra acuminata Cinnamon Fern Osmunda cinnamonea Clara Indian Hawthorne Rhaphiolepis indica 'Clara' Clarendon American Holly Ilex opaca 'Clarendon' Classic Candy Apple Daylily Hemerocallis 'Classic Candy Apple' Claudia Wannamaker Magnolia Magnolia grandiflora 'Claudia Wannamaker' Clemons English Oak Quercus robur x "Heritage®" Cleopatra Camellia Camellia sasanqua 'Cleopatra' Cleveland Select Pear Pyrus calleryana 'Cleveland Select' Climbing Hydrangea Hydrangea anomala var. petiolaris Decumaria barbara 'Chattooga' Climbing Hydrangea Vine Hydrangea petiolaris anomala Cloud-9 Dogwood Cornus florida 'Cloud-9' Clusterberry Cotoneaster Cotoneaster parneyi Coastal Leucothoe Leucothoe axillaris Cockspur Crusader Crataegus crusgalli inermis Col. English Oak Quercus robur 'Fastigata' Cole's Select Serviceberry Amelanchier grandiflora 'Cole's Select' Color Guard Yucca Yucca filamentosa 'Color Guard' Colorado Blue Spruce Picea pungens Picea pungens 'Engelm' Colorado Spruce Picea pungens Columbia Planetree Platanus acerifolia 'Columbia' Columbine Aquilegia (Species & Cultivars) Columnar American Buxus sempervirens 'Fastigata' Columnar White Pine Picea strobiformis 'Fastigiata' Comanche Crape Myrtle Lagerstroemia indica fauriei 'Comanche' Comet Mountain Laurel Kalmia latifolia 'Comet' Commemoration Sugar Maple Acer saccharum 'Commemoration' Commemoration® Sugar Maple Acer saccharum 'Commemoration' PP#5079 Common Boxwood Buxus sempervirens Common Boxwood Cultivars Buxus sempervirens (Cultivars) Common Hackberry Celtis occidentalis Common Lilac Syringa vulgaris Common Pear Pyrus communis Common Periwinkle Vinca minor Common Witch Hazel Hamamelis virginiana Compact Bronze Hinoki Cypress Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Pygmaea Auresens' Compact Coastal Leucothoe Leucothoe axillaris compacta Compact Korean Spice Viburnum Viburnum carlesii 'Compactum' Compacta Inkberry Ilex glabra 'Compacta' Compacta Japanese Holly Ilex crenata 'Compacta' Compacta Nandina Nandina domestica 'Compacta' Compacta Pieris Pieris japonica 'Compacta' Compressa Common Juniper Juniperus communis 'Compressa' Concorde Barberry Berberis thunbergii 'Concorde' Concordia Golden English Oak Quercus robur 'Concordia' Confederate Jasmine Trachelospermum jasminoides Confetti Abelia Abelia grandiflora 'Confetti' Confusious Cypress Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Confusious' Congo Azalea Rhododendron robin hill 'Congo' Conoy Viburnum Viburnum utile 'Conoy' Constellation Dogwood Cornus rutcan 'Constellation' PP#7204 Contorted Hazelnut Corylus contorta 'Red Majestic' Conversation Piece Azalea Rhododendron robin hill 'Conversation Piece' Convexa Japanese Holly Ilex crenata 'Convexa' Copper Beauty Witch Hazel Hamamelis x intermedia 'Jelena' Coral Beauty Cotoneaster Cotoneaster dammeri Cotoneaster dammeri 'Coral Beauty' Coral Bells Azalea Rhododendron kurume 'Coral Bells' Coral Drift Rose Rosa 'Meidrifora' PP# 19,148 107 Coral Honeysuckle - Cross Reference Coral Honeysuckle Lonicera sempervirens Corinthian Mauve Columnar Peach Prunus persica 'Corinthian Mauve' PP# 11576 Corinthian Pink Peach Prunus persica 'Corinthian Pink' Corinthian Rose Columnar Peach Prunus persica 'Corinthian Rose' PP#11564 Corinthian White Columnar Peach Prunus persica 'Corinthian White' PP# 11493 Corkscrew Willow Salix matsudana 'Tortuosa' Corneliancherry Dogwood Cornus mas Corpse Flowers Amorphophallus (Species & Cultivars) Corsage Azalea Rhododendron gable 'Corsage' Country Red Crape Myrtle Lagerstroemia indica 'Country Red'' Crackling Fire Miniature Rose Rosa 'Crackling Fire' Cranberry Cotoneaster Cotoneaster apiculatus Cotoneaster apiculata Cranesbill Geranium Geranium sanguineum Crape Myrtle Lagerstroemia indica Lagerstroemia indica (Cultivars) Cream Puff Camellia Camellia japonica 'Cream Puff' Cree Viburnum Viburnum rhytidophyllum 'Cree' Creeping Jenny Lysimachia nummularia 'Creeping Jenny' Creeping Mohonia Mahonia repens Creeping Spikemoss Selaginella kraussiana (Cultivars) Creeping Willow Salix yezoalpina Crepe-Jasmine Tabernaemontana divaricata Crimson Bouquet Rose Rosa 'Korbeteilich' PP# 12,001 Crimson Cloud Hawthorne Rhaphiolepis indica 'Crimson Cloud' Crimson Frost Birch Betula platyphylla 'Crimson Frost' Crimson King Maple Acer platanoides 'Crimson King' Crimson Meidland Rose Rosa 'Meizerbil' PPAF Crimson Pygmy Barberry Berberis thunbergii atropurpurea 'Crimson Pygmy' Crimson Pygmy Japanese Barberry Berberis thunbergii 'Crimson Pigmy' Crimson Queen Japanese Maple Acer palmatum dissectum atropurpureum 'Crimson Queen' Crimson Sentry Maple Acer platanoides 'Crimson Sentry' Crinum Lily Crinum (Species & Cultivars) Crinum asiaticum Crinum Variegated Lily Crinum asiaticum 'Variegatum' Crippsii Cypress Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Crippsii' Crown Jewel Gardenia gardenia x 'Crown Jewel' Crown Jewel PP#19,896 Gardenia Gardenia augusta 'Crown Jewel' PP#18,896 Crown Jewel PP19,896 Gardenia Gardenia x 'Crown Jewel' PP 19,896 Crystal Fairy Shrub Rose Rosa 'Crystal Fairy' Crystal Falls Weeping Deodor Cedar Cedrus deodara 'Crystal Falls' Cucumber Magnolia Magnolia acuminata Curiel's Gold Amur Maple Acer ginnala 'Curiel's Gold' Curly Leaf Ligustrum Ligustrum japonicum 'Coriaceum' Curvedleaf Yucca Yucca recurvifolia Cutleaf Smooth Sumac Rhus glabra 'Laciniata' Cypress Cultivars Chamaecyparis (Cultivars) D.D. Blanchard Magnolia Magnolia grandiflora 'D.D. Blanchard' Daisy Gardenia Gardenia jasminoides 'Daisy' Dan Fenton American Holly (Female) Ilex opaca 'Dan Fenton' Daphine Spirea Spiraea japonica 'Alpina' Dappled Willow Salix integra 'Hakura Nishiki' Dark Alexandria Saucer Magnolia Magnolia soulangiana 'Dark Alexandrina' Dark American Arborvitae Thuja occidentalis 'Nigra' Dark Knight Bluebeard Caryopteris x 'Dark Night' Dark Night Caryopteris Caryopteris clandonensis 'Dark Night' Dark Shadow Magnolia Magnolia 'Dark Shadow' Darlington Oak Quercus darlington 108 Quercus hemisphaerica Dartmoor Butterfly Bush Buddleia davidii 'Dartmoor' Darts Duke Viburnum Viburnum rhytidophyllum 'Darts Duke' Daruma Loropetalum Loropetalum chinense rubrum 'Daruma' Daub's Frosted Juniperus media 'Daub's Frosted' Davidii Viburnum Viburnum davidii David's Maple Acer davidii Davidson Hardy Tree Ligustrum Ligustrum lucidum 'Davidson Hardy' Dawn Redwood Metasequoia glyptostroboides Dawn Redwood Cultivars Metasequoia glyptostroboides (Cultivars) Dawyck Beech Fagus sylvatica 'Fastigiata' Daybreak Magnolia Magnolia 'Daybreak' Daylily Hemerocallis (Cultivars) Deborah Norway Maple Acer platanoides 'Deborah' PP#4944 Debutante Camellia Camellia japonica 'Debutante' Deciduous Axaleas, My Mary, Camillas Blush Camillas Blush pink Deciduous Azalea Rhododendron exbury (cultivars) Degroot's Spire Arborvitae Thuja occidentalis 'Degroot's Spire' Delaware Valley White Azalea Rhododendron mucronatum 'Delaware Valley White' Delcambre Needlepoint Holly Ilex cornuta 'Delcambre' Densa Inkberry Ilex glabra 'Densa' Densiformis Yew Taxus media 'Densiformis' Taxus cuspidata 'Densiformis' Deodar Cedar Cedrus deodara Desert Fan Palm Washingtonia filifera Deutzia Hybrid Magician Deutzia hybrida 'Magician' Dexters Victoria Rhododendron Rhododendron 'Dexter's Victoria' Diana Althea Hibiscus syriacus 'Diana' Diana Rose Rosa 'Diana' Diane Witch Hazel Hamamelis intermedia 'Diane' Hamamelis x intermedia 'Diane' Cross Reference - Dirr's Select Gardenia Dirr's Select Gardenia Gardenia jasminoides 'Dirr's Select' Dixie Dream Holly Ilex attenuata 'Dixie Dream' Dixie Wood Fern Dryopteris australis Dodd's Red Creek American Holly Ilex opaca 'Dodd's Red creek' Dodd's Variegated Fetterbush Leucothoe axillaris 'Dodd's Variegated' Doghobble Leucothoe axiuaris Dogwood (Flowering) Cornus florida Dogwood Cultivars Cornus (Cultivars) Dogwood Stellar Pink Cornus rutgan 'Stellar Pink' Dolchica Spirea Spiraea bumalda 'Dolchica' Dolly Panicle Hydrangea Hydrangea paniculata 'Dolly' Domestic Apple Malus domestica (Cultivars) Don Caster Rhododendron Rhododendron arboreum 'Don Caster' Don Egolf cercis chinensis Cercis chinensis 'Don Egolf' Don Juan Rose Rosa 'Don Juan' Don's Dwarf WaxMyrtle Myrica cerifera 'Don's Dwarf' Dooley Big Leaf Hydrangea Hydrangea macrophylla 'Dooley' D'Or Chinese Holly Ilex cornuta 'D' Or' Dorset Blue Hosta Hosta 'Dorset Blue' Dorthy Amateis Rhododendron Rhododendron 'Dorothy Amateis' Dorthy Wycoff Pieris Pieris japonica 'Dorothy Wycoff' Double Delight Rose Rosa 'Double Delight' Double Knock Out Rose Rosa 'Radtko' Double Knock Out™ PP#16202 Double Knock Out Shrub Rose Rosa 'Radtko' PPAF Double Pink Althea Hibiscus syriacus 'Double Pink' Double Pink Weeping Cherry Prunus subhirtella pendula Double Reaves Spirea Spiraea cantoniensis 'Lanceata' Double White Dogwood Cornus florida 'Plena' Doublefile Viburnum Viburnum plicatum tomentosum Dove Tree Davidia involucrata Downy Hawthorn Crataegus mollis Downy Jasmine Jasminum multiflorum Downy Serviceberry Amelanchier arborea Dr. A. Block Rhododendron Rhododendron 'Dr. A. Blok' Dr. Kassab Holly Ilex 'Dr. Kassab' Dr.Birdsey Begonia Begonia 'Dr. Birdsey' Dragon Lady Holly Ilex aquipernyi 'Dragon Lady' Drake Elm Ulmus parvifolia 'Drake' Dreamcatcher Cherry Prunus campanulata 'Dreamcatcher' Drooping Leucothoe Leucothoe fontanesiana Drupacea Japanese Plum Yew Cephalotaxus harringtonia drupacea Dubonnet Butterfly Bush Buddleia davidii 'Dubonnet' Duchman's Pipe Aristolochia durior Duck Potato Sagittaria latifolia Duet Purple Beautyberry Callicarpa dichotoma 'Duet' Duke Gardens Japanese Plum Yew Cephalotaxus harringtonia 'Duke Gardens' Dura Heat River Birch Betula nigra 'Dura-Heat' Dura-Heat Birch - Mutli Stem Betula nigra 'Dura-Heat' multi stem Dura-Heat Birch - Single Stem Betula nigra 'Dura-Heat' single stem Dusky Chief Phormium 'Dusky Chief' Dusty Zenobia Zenobia pulvrulenta 'Dusty Zenobia' Dwarf Bamboo Sasa veitchii Dwarf Alberta Spruce Picea glauca 'Conica' Dwarf Atlantic White Cedar Chamaecyparis thyoides 'Andelyensis Conica' Dwarf Balloon Flower Platycodon 'Sentimental Blue' Dwarf Brush Cherry Eugenia globulus Dwarf Buckeye Aesculus octandra Dwarf Burford Chinese Holly Ilex cornuta 'Burfordii Nana' Ilex cornuta 'Dwarf Burford' Dwarf Burning Bush Euonymus alatus 'Compacta' Dwarf Chinese Holly Ilex cornuta 'Rotunda' Dwarf Chinquapin Oak Quercus prinoides Dwarf Compressed False Cypress Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Compressa' Dwarf Crape Myrtle Lagerstroemia 'Dazzle Series' 'GAMAD' Lagerstroemia 'Dazzle Series' Dwarf Crested Iris Iris cristata 'Vein Mountain' Dwarf Drooping Leucothoe Leucothoe fontanesiana 'Lovita' Dwarf European Hornbeam Carpinus betulus 'Columnaris nana' Dwarf False Cypress Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Aurea Compacta' Dwarf Fothergilla Fothergilla gardenii Dwarf Fountain Grass Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Hameln' Dwarf Globe Blue Spruce Picea pungens 'Glauca Globosa' Dwarf Globosa Japanese Cryptomeria Cryptomeria japonica 'Globosa Nana' Dwarf Gold Dust Variegated Aucuba japonica 'Variegata Nana' Dwarf Gold Threadleaf Cypress Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Filifera Aurea Nana' Dwarf Green Pleioblastus argenteostriatus Dwarf Green Aucuba Aucuba japonica 'Nana Green' Dwarf Hinoki Cypress Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Nana Gracilis' Dwarf Japanese Cedar Cryptomeria japonica 'Elegans Nana' Dwarf Japanese Garden Juniper Juniperus chinensis procumbens 'Nuna' Dwarf Jasmine Trachelospermum asiaticum Dwarf Korean Lilac Syringa meyeria 'Palibin' Dwarf Mondo Grass Ophiopogon japonicus 'Nana' Dwarf Mugho Pine Anus mugho 'Pumilio' Dwarf Mugo Pine Pinus mugo 'Pumilio' Dwarf Natal Plum Carissa macrocarpa Dwarf Nellie R. Stevens Holly Ilex 'Nellie R. Stevens Nana' Dwarf Palmetto Sabal minor Dwarf Pink Hawthorn Rhaphiolepis indica 'Dwarf Pink' 109 Dwarf Pink Kousa Dogwood - Cross Reference Dwarf Pink Kousa Dogwood Cornus kousa 'Dwarf Pink' Dwarf Pussy Willow Salix caprea nana Dwarf Snow Crape Myrtle Lagerstroemia indica 'Dwarf Snow' Dwarf Southern Catalpa Catalpa bignonioides 'Nana' Dwarf Variegated Privet Ligustrum sinensis 'Variegata nana' Dwarf Variegated Weigela Weigela florida 'Variegata Nana' Dwarf Walter's Viburnum Viburnum obovatum 'Densa' Dwarf White Pampas Grass Cortaderia selloana 'Nana Alba' Dwarf Wintergreen Barberry Berberis julianae 'Nana' Dwarf Yaupon Holly Ilex vomitoria 'Nana' Dwarf Yellow Pleioblastus viridistriatus Dwarf Zebra Grass Miscanthus sinesis 'Zebrinus' Nana Dynamite Crape Myrtle Lagerstroemia indica 'Dynamite' PP#10296 Dynasty Elm Ulmus parvifolia 'Dynasty' Eagleston Holly Ilex attenuata 'Eagleston' Early Amethyst Beautyberry Callicarpa dichotoma 'Early Amethyst' Early Sunrise Tickseed Coreopsis grandiflora 'Early Sunrise' East Bay Ligustrum Ligustrum japonicum 'East Bay' East Palatka Holly Ilex attenuata 'East Palatka' Eastern Red Cedar Juniperus virginiana Eastern Redbud Cercis canadensis Cercis canadensis Eastern Redbud Cultivars Cercis canadensis (Cultivars) Eastern Redcedar Juniperus virginiana 'High Shoals' Eden Rose Rosa 'Eden' PP#6892 Edith Bogue Magnolia Magnolia grandiflora 'Edith Bogue' Edith Bosley Rhododendron Rhododendron 'Edith Bosley' Edward Groucher Abelia Abelia grandiflora 'Edward Goucher' Edward J. Stevens Holly Ilex 'Edward J. Stevens' Egyptian papyrus Cyperus papyrus Elaine Lily of the Nile Agapanthus x 'Elaine' 110 Elderberry Sambucus Sambucus canadensis Eleanor Taber Indian Hawthorne Rhaphiolepis indica 'Eleanor Taber'™ PP#9398 Eleanor Taber Yedda Hawthorne Rhaphiolepis umbellata 'Eleanor Taber' Eleanor Tabor Indian Hawthorne Rhaphiolepis indica 'Eleanor Tabor' Elegans Plantain Lily Hosta sieboldiana 'Elegans' Elegantissima Arborvitae Thuja occidentalis 'Elegantissima' Elf Mountain Laurel Kalmia latifolia 'Elf' Elizabeth Magnolia Magnolia denudata 'Elizabeth' Magnolia 'Elizabeth' Ellen Huff Oakleaf Hydrangea Hydrangea quercifolia 'Ellen Huff' Ellen's Blue Butterfly Bush Buddleia davidii 'Ellen's Blue' Elsie Lee Azalea Rhododendron shammarello 'Elsie Lee' Embers Amur Maple Acer ginnala 'Embers' Embers Red Maple Acer rubrum 'Embers' Emerald Bamboo Bambusa mutabilis Emerald Gaiety Wintercreeper Euonymus fortunei 'Emerald Gaiety' Emerald Green Arborvitae Thuja occidentalis 'Smaragd' Emerald Green Arborvitae Thuja occidentalis 'Emerald' Emerald Isle Leyland Cypress Cupressocyparis leylandii 'Emerald Isle' Emerald Kascade Weeping Honeylocust Gleditsia triacanthos 'Emerald Kascade' Emerald Knight Fringetree Chionanthus virginicus 'Emerald Knight' Emerald Luster Viburnum Viburnum bracteatum 'Emerald Lustre' Emerald Lustre Norway maple Acer platanoides 'Emerald Lustre' Emerald Pagoda Snowbell Styrax japonica 'Emerald Pagoda' Emerald Snow™ Loropetalum Loropetalum chinense 'Emerald Snow'™ PPIP Emerald Spreader Yew Taxus cuspidata 'Monloo' Emerald Triumph Viburnum Viburnum 'Emerald Triumph' Emily Bruner Holly Ilex 'Emily Bruner' Emperor 1 Japanese Maple Acer palmatum 'Emperor 1' Emperor I Japanese Maple Acer palmatum atropurpureum 'Emperor I' Empire Blue Butterfly Bush Buddleia davidii 'Empire Blue' Endless Summer Hydrangea® Hydrangea macrophylla 'Bailmer'® PP# 15298 English Ivy Hedera helix (Cultivars) Hedera helix 'English' English Laurel Prunus laurocerasus 'Nana' English Oak Quercus robur English Roseum Rhododendron Rhododendron 'English Roseum' Eric Junior Daylily Hemerocallis 'Eric Junior' Erie Viburnum Viburnum dilatatum 'Erie' Ernest Markham Clematis Clematis 'Ernest Markham' Eskimo Viburnum Viburnum x 'Eskimo' Viburnum utile 'Eskimo' Espalier Crabapple Malus Eureka Rose Rosa 'Eureka' European Beech Fagus sylvatica European birdcherry Prunus padus European Cranberry Bush Viburnum opulus Viburnum opulus 'Roseum' European Fan Palm Chamaerops humilis European Hornbeam Carpinus betulus Carpinus betulus 'Frans Fontaine' Europeana Rose Rosa 'Europeana' Ever Red Loropetalum Loropetalum chinense 'Chang Nian Hong' Ever Red™ Ever Red Sunset Fringe Flower Loropetalum 'Ever Red Sunset'™ Everclear Lacebark Elm Ulmus parvifolia 'BSNUPF' PP17655 Evergreen Azalea Cultivars Rhododendron (Azalea Cultivars) Evergreen Azaleas Rhododendron (Dwarf Cultivars) Evergreen Dogwood Cornus angustata Evergreen Giant Liriope Liriope muscari 'Evergreen Giant' Everred Japanese Maple Acer palmatum dissectum atropurpureum 'Everred' Cross Reference - Exclamation Planetree Exclamation Planetree Platanus acerifolia 'Exclamation' Fairmont Maidenhair Tree Ginkgo 'Fairmont' Fairview Flame Red Maple Acer rubrum 'Fairview Flame' Fairy Tale Daylilly Hemerocallis 'Fairy Tale Pink' Fall Blooming Camellia Cultivars Camellia sasanqua (Cultivars) Fall Blooming Carolina Jassamine Gelsemium rankinii Falling Waters Bald Cypress Taxodium distichum 'Falling Waters' False Cypress Chamaecyparis pisifera False Goatsbeard Astilbe arendsii 'Fanal' Fantail Willow Salix sachalinensis 'Sekka' Fantasy Crape Myrtle Lagerstroemia indica fauriei 'Fantasy' Fashion Azalea Rhododendron glenn dale 'Fashion' Fastigiata Japanese Plum Yew Cephalotaxus harringtonia 'Fastigiata' Fastigiata Maidenhair Tree Ginkgo biloba 'Fastigiata' Feather Reed Grass Calamagrostis acutiflora 'Karl Foerster' Feathery Glossy Buckthorn Rhamnus frangula 'Asplenifolia' February Dephne Daphne mezereum Feisty Miniature Rose Rosa 'Feisty' Fenceline® Leatherleaf Viburnum Viburnum rhytidophyllum 'Hefline' Fern Leaf Japanese Maple Acer japonicum 'Aconitifolium' Ferndown Caryopteris Caryopteris clandonensis 'Ferndown' Fernleaf Bamboo Bambusa glaucescens 'Fernleaf' Fernleaf Peony Paeonia tenuifolia Fernspray Hinoki False Cypress Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Fernspray' Festive Holly Ilex 'Festive'™ Ilex 'Festive'™ PP# 9498 FigTree Ficus carica Filicoides Fern Spray Cypress Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Filicoides' Filigree Lace Weeping Birch Betula pendula 'Filigree Lace' Fine Line Buckthorn Rhamnus frangula 'Ron Williams' PPAF Fine Line Chinese Holly Ilex cornuta 'Fineline' Fine Wine™ Weigela Weigela florida 'Bramwell' ppad, cbraf Fineline Holly Ilex 'Fineline' Fire & Ice Hosta Hosta 'Fire & Ice' Fire Fern Oxalis hedysaroides 'Rubra' Fireball Burning Bush Euonymus alatus 'Fireball' Firebird Crabapple Malus 'Firebird' Firebird Dogwood Cornus florida 'Firebird' Fireglow Japanese Maple Acer palmatum 'Fireglow' Firepower Nandina Nandina domestica 'Firepower' Firestorm Dwarf Nandina® Nandina domestica 'Firestorm'® PPIP Firestorm™ Nandina Nandina domestica 'Fire Storm'™ Firewitch Cheddar Pinks Dianthus gratianopolitanus 'Firewitch' First Choice Caryopteris Caryopteris clandonensis 'First Choice' PPAF First Lady Cherry Prunus campanulata 'First Lady' First Prize Rose Rosa 'First Prize' Flame Amur Maple Acer ginnala 'Flame' Flame Crepper Azalea Rhododendron satsuki 'Flame Creeper' Flame Deciduous Azalea Rhododendron calendulaceum Flame Grass Miscanthus sinesis purpurascens Flame Hibiscus Hibiscus 'Flame' Flame Redbud Cercis canadensis 'Flame' Flame Vine Pyrostegia venusta Flaming Silver Pieris Pieris japonica 'Flaming Silver' Florida Anise Tree Illicium floridanum Florida Azalea Rhododendron austrinum Florida Flame Maple Acer rubrum 'Florida Flame' Florida Leucothoe Leucothoe populifolia Florida yellow jasmine Jasminum floridum Florida Yew Taxus floridana Flower Carpet Rose® Rosa 'FlowerCarpet' TM Flowering Crabapple Malus culitvars Flowering Currant Ribes sanguineum (Tree Form) Flowering Dogwood Cotnus florida Flowering Maple Abutilon (Species & Culitivars) Flowering Quince Chaenomeles speciosa (Cultivars) Flowing Pomegranate Punica granatum Flying Dragon Mockorange Poncirus trifoliata 'Flying Dragon' Foliage Begonia Begonia (Foliage Types & Cultivars) Folsom's Weeping Yaupon Holly Ilex vomitoria 'Folsom's Weeping' Footloose Groundcover Rose Rosa 'Footloose' Forest Green Anisetree Illicium parviflorum 'Forest Green' Forest Pansy Redbud Cercis canadensis 'Forest Pansy' Forever Pink Big Leaf Hydrangea Hydrangea macrophylla 'Forever Pink' Formosa Azalea Rhododendron indica 'Formosa' Formosa Lily Lilium formosanum Formosan Sweetgum Liquidambar formosana Forsythia Forsythia intermedia Fort McNair Horsechestnut Aesculus carnea 'Fort McNair' Fortune Teller Daylily Hemerocallis 'Fortune Teller' Fortunei Osmanthus Osmanthus fortunei 'Fruitlandi' Fortune's Osmanthus Osmanthus fortunei Foster Holly Ilex attenuata 'Fosteri #2' - Tree Form Ilex 'Foster' Ilex attenuata 'Fosteri #2' Fosteri Holly #4 Ilex attenuata 'Fosteri' #4 Fountain Butterfly Bush Buddleia alternifolia Fountain Grass Pennisetum alopecuroides Fox Valley betula nigra Betula nigra 'Fox Valley' Foxtail Fern Asparagus densiflorus 'Meyersii' Fragrant Abelia Abelia mosanensis Fragrant Cloud Rose Rosa 'Fragrant Cloud' Fragrant Plantain Lily Hosta plantaginea 111 Fragrant Snowbell - Cross Reference Fragrant Snowbell Styrax obassia Fragrant Sweet Box Sarcococca ruscifolia Fragrant Tea Olive Osmanthus fragrans Osmanthus fragrans 'Fudingzhu' Fragrant Viburnum Viburnum x carlcephalum Fragrant Wintersweet Chionanthus praecox Fragrant/Winter Daphne Daphne odora Francee Hosta Hosta 'Francee' Franchetti Cotoneaster Cotoneaster franchetti Francis Mason Abelia Abelia grandiflora 'Francis Mason' Francis Williams Hosta Hosta sieboldiana 'Francis Williams' Franklin Tree Franklinia alatamaha Fraser Fir Abies fraseri Fraser Magnolia Magnolia fraseri Freeman Maple Acer x freemanii French Lace Rose Rosa 'French Lace' Fringe Tree Chionanthus virginicus Fringed Sedge Carex crinita Frontier Elm Ulmus carpinifolia parvifolia 'Frontier' Frostproof Gardenia Gardenia augusta 'Frostproof' Gardenia jasminoides 'Frostproof' Frosty Pansy Redbud Cercis canadensis 'Frosty Pansy' Fruiting Dwarf Pomegranate Punica granatum 'Nana' Fruitlandii Silverthorn Elaeagnus Elaeagnus pungens 'Fruitlandii' Ft. McNair Horsechestnut Aesculus carnea 'Ft. McNair' Fullmoon Maple Acer japonicum Fuyu Japanese Persimmon Diospyros kaki 'Fuyu' Fuzzy Deutzia Deutzia scabra G.G. Gerbing Azalea Rhododendron indica 'G.G. Gerbing' Gaiety Bugle Weed Ajuga reptans 'Gaiety' Galaxy Magnolia Magnolia 'Galaxy' Galilean Kousa Dogwood Cornus kousa 'Galilean' 112 Garden Party Rose Rosa 'Garden Party' Gardenia Gardenia jasminoides (Cultivars) Garland Daphne Daphne cneorum Garnet Japanese Maple Acer palmatum dissectum atropurpureum 'Garnet' Gates Peed Red Maple Acer rubrum 'Gates Peed' Gemmata Stewartia gemmata Gemstone Deodar Cedar Cedrus 'Gemstone' Geoffrey Chadbund Big Leaf Hydrangea Hydrangea macrophylla 'Geoffery Chadbund' George Taber Azalea Rhododendron indica 'George Tabor' Georgia Buckeye Aesculus sylvatica Georgia Gem Green Ash Fraxinus pennsylvanica 'Oconee' Georgia Hackberry Celtis tenuifolia Gerber Daisy Gerbera jamesonii (Species & Cultivars) German Ivy Senecio 'German' Giant Dogwood Girard's Rainbow Leucothoe Leucothoe fontanesiana 'Girard's Rainbow' Girard's Rose Azalea Rhododendron girard 'Girard's Rose' Girard's Scarlet Azalea Rhododendron girard 'Girard's Scarlet' Gisten Arborvitae Thuja occidentalis 'Glisten' Glacier English Ivy Hedera helix 'Glacier' Glen St. Mary Elaeagnus Elaeagnus pungens 'Glen St. Mary' Globe Arborvitae Thuja occidentalis 'Woodwardi' Globin Blanket Flower Gaillardia grandiflora 'Goblin' Globosa Cryptomeria Cryptomeria japonica 'Globosa' Gloriosa Hosta Hosta 'Gloriosa' Glory Azalea Rhododendron kurume 'Glory' Glory Blue Big Leaf Hydrangea Hydrangea macrophylla 'Glory Blue' Glory Japanese Holly Ilex crenata 'Glory' Glossy Abelia Abelia grandiflora Abelia grandiflora 'Glossy Abelia' Glowing Embers Big Leaf Hydrangea Cornus controversa Hydrangea macrophylla 'Glowing Embers' Giant Leaf Paper Plant Glowing Embers Japanese Maple Edgeworthia chrysantha Giant Timber Bamboo Bambusa oldhamii Gillie Azalea Rhododendron robin hill 'Gillie' Gingersnap Rose Rosa 'Gingersnap' Giokumo Japanese Cedar Cryptomeria japonica 'Giokumo' Girard's Christina Azalea Rhododendron girard 'Girard's Christina' Girard's Crimson Azalea Rhododendron girard 'Girard's Crimson' Girard's Fuchsia Azalea Rhododendron girard 'Girard's Fuchsia' Girard's Hotshot Azalea Rhododendron girard 'Girard's Hotshot Azalea' Girard's Jeramiah Azalea Rhododendron girard 'Girard's Jeramiah' Girard's National Beauty Azalea Rhododendron girard 'Girard's National Beauty' Girard's Pink Azalea Rhododendron girard 'Pink' Acer palmatum 'Glowing Embers' Glowlight Iris Iris louisiana hybrid 'Glowlight' Gnome Ginkgo Ginkgo biloba 'Gnome' Goggy Camellia Camellia japonica 'Goggy' Gold Beacon Sweetgum Liquidambar styraciflua 'Gold Beacon' Gold Coast Juniper Juniperus chinensis 'Gold Coast' Gold Cone Juniperus communis 'Gold Cone' Gold Dust Aucuba Aucuba japonica 'Gold Dust' Gold Flame Honeysuckle Lonicera heckrottii 'Gold Flame' Gold Flame Spirea Spiraea bumalda 'Gold Flame' Gold Gem Japanese Holly Ilex crenata 'Gold Gem' Gold Glow Rose Rosa 'Gold Glow' Gold Lace Juniper Juniperus chinensis 'Gold Lace' Gold Mop Cypress Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Gold Mops' Cross Reference - Gold Mound Spirea Gold Mound Spirea Spiraea japonica 'Gold Mound' Gold Rider Leland Cypress Cupressocyparis leylandii 'Gold Rider' Gold Rush Variegated Weigela Weigela florida 'Gold Rush' Gold Rust Dawn Redwood Metasequoia glyptostroboides 'Ogon' Gold Scale Male Fern Dryopteris affinis Gold Splash euonymus Euonymus japonica 'Gold Splash' Gold Star Juniper Juniperus chinensis 'Gold Star' PP#3801 Gold Star Kousa Dogwood Cornus kousa 'Gold Star' Gold Star Magnolia Magnolia x 'Gold Star' Gold Thread Cypress Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Filifera Aurea' Gold Tide Forsythia Forsythia 'Courtasol' PP#9104 Gold Tide™ Forsythia Forsythia x intermedia 'Gold Tide'™ PP 9104 Gold Tipped Pfitzer Juniper Juniperus chinensis 'Pfitzeriana Aurea' Golden Bamboo Phyllostachys aurea Golden Chain Tree Laburnum watereri 'Vossi' Laburnum alpinum Golden Dream Boxwood Buxus sempervirens 'Golden Dream' Golden Elf Spiraea Spiraea japonica 'Golden Elf' Golden Euonymus Euonymus japonica 'Aurea Marginata' Golden Fernspray Cypress Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Filicoides Gold' Golden Raindrop Daylily Hemerocallis 'Golden Raindrop' Golden Raindrops Crabapple Malus 'Golden Raindrops' Golden Raintree Koelreuteria paniculata Golden Schnapps Juniper Juniperus communis 'Golden Schnapps' Golden Showers Climber Rose Rosa 'Golden Showers' Golden Southern Catalpa Catalpa bignonioides 'Aurea' Golden Spikemoss Selaginella kraussiana 'Aurea' Golden Spirit Smoke Tree Cotinus coggygria 'Golden Spirit' Golden Sunlight Hydrangea Hydrangea macrophylla serrata 'Golden Sunlight' Golden Sword Yucca Yucca 'Golden Sword' Yucca filamentosa 'Golden Sword' Golden Tiara Hosta Hosta 'Golden Tiara' Golden Times Forsythia Forsythia 'Golden Times' Forsythia intermedia 'Golden Times' Golden Variegated Sweet Flag Acorus gramineus 'Ogon' Golden Vicaryi Pirvet Ligustrum 'Vicaryi' Goldlen Glory Corneliancherry Dogwood Cornus mas 'Golden Glory' Gold-Margined Hosta Hosta 'Aureo Marginata' Goldtide Forsythia Forsythia intermedia 'Goldtide' Gomer Waterer Rhododendron Rhododendron 'Gomer Waterer' Golden Full Moon Maple Grace Hybrid Smoke Tree Acer japonicum 'Aureum' Cotinus x coggygria 'Grace' Golden Globe Maidenhair Tree Ginkgo biloba 'Golden Globe' Golden Glow Butterfly Bush Buddleia 'Golden Glow' Golden Goddess Bamboo Bambusa glaucescens 'Alphonse Karr' Golden Japanese Angelica Tree Aralia elata 'Aureovariegata' Golden King Aucuba Aucuba japonica 'Golden King' Golden Mop False Cypress Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Gold Mops' Golden Peony Paeonia mlokosewitschii Golden Pin Cushion Cypress Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Golden Pin Cushion' Golden Pyramid Cypress Cupressus arizonica 'Golden Pyramid' Grace Smoke Tree Cotinus coggygria 'Grace' Grace Smoketree Cotinus x Grace Gracilis Cypress Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Gracilis' Graciosa Cypress Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Graciosa' Graham Blandy Boxwood Buxus sempervirens 'Graham Blandy' Grand Bleu Caryopteris PPAF Caryopteris clandonensis 'Grand Bleu' PPAF Grandiflora Panicle Hydrangea Hydrangea paniculata 'Grandiflora' Grandiflorum Rhododendron Rhododendron 'Grandiflorum' Grape Hyacinth Grape, Muscadine, Doreen Vitis rotundifolia 'Doreen' Grape, Muscadine, Noble Vitis rotundifolia 'Noble' Great Expectations Hosta Hosta 'Great Expectations' Green Acuba Cultivars Aucuba japonica (Cultivars) Green Ash Fraxinus americana 'Patmore' Fraxinus pennsylvanica Green Beauty Boxwood Buxus sempervirens 'Green Beauty' Green Beauty Japanese Boxwood Buxus microphylla japonica 'Green Beauty' Green Cascade Full Moon Maple Acer japonicum 'Green Cascade' Green Gem Boxwood Buxus 'Green Gem' Green Giant Arborvitae Thuja plicata 'Green Giant' Thuja x Green Giant Green Hawthorne Crataegus virdis Green Hosta Hosta (Green) Green Japanese Maple Acer palmatum 'Green' Green Laceleaf Japanese Maple Acer palmatum var. dissectum 'Viridis' Green Luster Japanese Holly Ilex crenata 'Green Luster' Green Mountain Boxwood Buxus 'Green Mountain' Green Mountain Sugar Maple Acer saccharinum 'Green Mountain' Acer saccharum 'Green Mountain' Green Panda™ Bamboo Fargesia rufa ‘Green Panda’™ Green Pillar Pin Oak Quercus palustris 'Green Pillar' Green Pillar® Pin Oak Quercus palustris 'Pringreen' Green Sargent Juniper Juniperus chinensis sargentii 'Viridis' Green Screen™ Bamboo Fargesia robusta ‘Green Screen’™ Green Shadow Sweetbay Magnolia Magnolia virginiana 'Green Shadow' Green Tower Boxwood Buxus sempervirens 'Green Tower' PP#15243 Green Vase Zelkova Zelkova serrata 'Green Vase' Green Veil Zelkova Zelkova serrata 'Green Veil' Green Velvet Boxwood Buxus 'Green Velvet' Greenleaf American Holly Ilex x 'Greenleaf' Muscari armeniacum 113 Greenleaf Holly - Cross Reference Greenleaf Holly Ilex opaca 'Greenleaf' Greensboro Red Camellia Camellia japonica 'Greensboro Red' Greensleeves Kousa Dogwood Cornus kousa 'Greensleeves' Greenspire Euonymus Euonymus japonicus 'Greenspire' Greenspire Linden Tilia cordata 'Greenspire' Greenstem Forsythia Forsythia koreana 'Kumsun' Greenwhite Sedge Carex albolutescens Grey Owl Juniper Juniperus virginiana 'Grey Owl' Griffen Blue Butterfly Bush Buddleia davidii 'Griffin Blue' Griff's Select Gardenia Gardenia jasminoides 'Griff's Select' Grifs Select Gardenia Gardenia augusta 'Grifs Select' Gro-low Sumac Rhus aromatica 'Gro-low' Groundsel Tree Baccharis halimifolia Guinevere Butterfly Bush Buddleia davidii 'Guinevere' Gulf Stream Nandina Nandina domestica 'Gulf Stream' PP#5656 Nandina domestica 'Gulf Stream' Gulfgreen Indian Hawthorne Rhaphiolepis indica 'Gulfgreen'™ Gumball Sweetgum Liquidambar styraciflua 'Gumball' Gyokruya Japanese Cedar Cryptomeria japonica 'Gyokruya' Gyokuryu Japanese Cedar Cryptomeria japonica 'Gyokuryu' Gypsy Dancer Shrub Rose Rosa 'Gypsy Dancer' H.H. Hume Azalea Rhododendron kurume 'H.H.Hume' Halycon Hosta Hosta 'Halcyon' Hana Jiman Camellia Camellia sasanqua 'Hana Jiman' Happidaze Sweetgum Liquidambar styraciflua 'Happdell' Happy Returns Daylilly Hemerocallis 'Happy Returns' Harbor Belle Nandina Nandina domestica 'Jaytee' PP#14668 Harbour Belle Nandina Nandina domestica 'Harbour Belle' Harbour Dwarf Nandina Nandina domestica 'Harbour Dwarf' Hardy Gardenia Azalea Rhododendron linwood 'Hardy Gardenia' 114 Hardy Ice Plant Delosperma cooperi Hardy Lavender Crape Myrtle Lagerstroemia indica 'Hardy Lavender' Hardy Rubber Tree Eucommia ulmoides Harlandi Boxwood Buxus 'Harlandi' Harlequin Gloryblower Clerodendrum trichotomum Harold Epstein Dwarf Fothergilla Fothergilla gardenii 'Harold Epstein' Harry Lauder's Walking Stick Corylus avellana 'Contorta' Hartlage Wine Sweetshrub Calycanthus raulstonii 'Hartlage Wine' Harvest Moon Sugar Maple Acer saccharum 'Sandersville' PP# 19807 Haskin shadow Yaupon Holly Ilex vomitoria 'Haskin Shadow' Hazel Alder Alnus serrulata Hazel Sawyer Daylily Hemerocallis 'Hazel Sawyer' Heart Throb Kousa Dogwood Cornus kousa 'Schmred' Heart's Desire Mountain Laurel Kalmia latifolia 'Heart's Desire' Hearts of Gold Eastern Redbud Cercis Canadensis 'Hearts of Gold' PP#17740 Hearts of Gold Redbud Canadensis 'Hearts of Gold' PP#17161 Hearts of Gold Redbud PPAF Cercis canadensis 'Hearts of Gold' Heartthrob Kousa Dogwood Cornus kousa 'Heartthrob' Heatherbun Atlantic White Cedar Chamaecyparis thyoides 'Heatherbun' Heaven Scent™ PP#19,988 Gardenia Gardenia augusta 'Heaven Scent'™ PP#19,988 Heavenly Bamboo Nandina domestica (Cultivars) Nandina domestica Hedge Bamboo Bambusa glaucescens 'Multiplex' Hedge Maple Acer campestre Hefner's Red Maple Acer palmatum atropurpureum 'Hefner's Red' Heirloom Rose Rosa 'Heirloom' Helen Curtis Azalea Rhododendron shammarello 'Helen Curtis' Heliotrope Heliotropium arborescens Helleri Japanese Holly Ilex crenata 'Helleri' Helmond Pillar Barberry Berberis thunbergii 'Helmond Pillar' Henry Fonda Rose Rosa 'Henry Fonda' Henryii Clematis Clematis 'Henryii' Henry's Garnet Virginia Sweetspire Willow Itea virginica 'Henry's Garnet' Herbert Azalea Rhododendron gable 'Herbert' Heritage Hybrid Oak Quercus x Heritage Heritage River Birch Betula nigra 'Heritage'® Heron's Pirouette Hardy Begonia Begonia grandis 'Heron's Pirouette' Hershey Red Azalea Rhododendron kurume 'Hershey Red' Hesse Cotoneaster Cotoneaster 'Hessei' Heterophyllum Pittosporum Pittosporum heterphyllus Hetz Midget Arborvitae Thuja occidentalis 'Hetz Midget' Hetzi Columnuris Juniper Juniperus chinensis Hetzi Columnuris Hetzii Columnaris Juniper Juniperus chinensis 'Hetzii Columnaris' Hetzii Glauca Juniper Juniperus chinensis 'Hetzii Glauca' Hetzii Japanese Holly Ilex crenata 'Hetzii' Hetzii Juniper Juniperus chinensis 'Hetzii' Hi Ryu Camellia Camellia sasanqua 'Hi Ryu' Hicksii Yew Taxus media 'Hicksii' Higasa Azalea Rhododendron satsuki 'Higasa' High Cotton Hybrid Crape Myrtle Lagerstroemia x 'High Cotton' Highbeam Overcup Oak Quercus lyrata 'QLFTB' PP#13470 Highbush Berry Vaccinium ashei Highbush Blueberry Vaccinium corymbosum Highland Park® Sugar Maple Acer gradidentatum 'Hipazam' Highpoint Nuttall Oak Quercus nuttallii 'QNFTA' PP#13524 Highrise Live Oak Quercus virginiana 'QVTIA' PP#11219 Hilda Niblett Azalea Rhododendron robin hill 'Hilda Niblett' Himalayan Cedar Deodar Cedar Cross Reference - Himalayan Deodar Cedar Himalayan Deodar Cedar Hot Dawn Rhododendron Cedrus deodara 'Himalayan' Himalayan Sweet Box Sarcococca hookerana var. humillis Sarcococca hookerana 'Humilis' Hino Crimson Azalea Rhododendron kurume 'Hino Crimson' Hino de Giri Azalea Rhododendron kurume 'Hino de Giri' Hino Japanese Cedar Cryptomeria japonica 'Hino' Hinode Gumo Camellia Camellia sasanqua 'Hino de Gumo' Hinoki Cypress Chamaecyparis obtusa cultivars Hinoki False Cypress Chamaecyparis obtusa Hippeastrum Amaryllis belladonna Hippeastrum 'Voodoo' Amaryllis 'Voodoo' Historylad Supreme Pieris Pieris japonica 'Historyland Supreme' Hogyoku Japanese Maple Acer palmatum 'Hogyoku' Holden Rhododendron Rhododendron 'Hot Dawn' Howardii Japanese Holly Ilex crenata 'Howardii' Hummingbird Summersweet Clethra alnifolia 'Hummingbird' Hybrid Coleus Coleus hybridus Hybrid Rhododendron Rhododendron hybrids Hyperion Daylilly Hemerocallis 'Hyperion' Ice Blue Podocarpus Podocarpus 'Ice Blue' Iceburg Shrub Rose Rosa 'Iceberg' Idyllwild Cedar Juniperus virginiana 'Idyllwild' Igloo Viburnum Viburnum plicatum tomentosum 'Igloo' Illustris Elephant Ears Colocasia antiquorum 'Illustris' Impatiens Impatiens omeiana Inaba Shidare Japanese Maple Acer palmatum dissectum atropurpureum 'Inaba Shidare' Rhododendron 'Holden' Holly Incrediball Hydrangea Ilex (Cultivars) Holly Osmanthus Hydrangea arborescens 'Abetwo' PPAF Indian Grass Osmanthus heterophyllus Hollywood Juniper Sorghastrum nutans Indian Hawthorne Juniperus chinensis 'Torulosa' Holmstrup Arborvitae Rhaphiolepis indica Indica Azaleas Thuja occidentalis 'Holmstrup' Honey Locust Rhododendron 'Indicum' Ingrid Bergman Rose Gleditsia triacanthos Honeycomb Butterfly Bush Rosa 'Ingrid Bergman' Inkberry Buddleia davidii 'Honeycomb' Honeylocust Ilex glabra Irish Mint Leland Cypress Cleditsia triacanthos Honor Rose Cupressocyparis leylandii 'Irish Mint' Iron-Cross Begonia Rosa 'Honor' Hoogendorn Japanese Holly Begonia masoniana Iroquois Beauty Chokeberry Ilex crenata 'Hoogendorn' Hop Sedge Aronia melanocarpa 'Iroquois Beauty' Iroquois Viburnum Carex lupulina Hope Crape Myrtle Viburnum dilatatum 'Iroquois' Issai Beautyberry Lagerstroemia indica 'Hope' Hopi Crape Myrtle Callicarpa dichotoma 'Issai' Italian Cypress Lagerstroemia indica 'Hopi' Hopornbeam Ostrya virginiana Hornbeam Maple Acer carpinifolium Horsechestnut Aesculus hippocastanum Hortsfords Pendula Juniperus communis 'Hortsfords Pendula' Hosoba Hoshifu Aucuba Aucuba japonica 'Hosoba Hoshifu' Cupressus sempervirens Cupressus sempervirens cultivars Ivory Halo Dogwood Cornus alba 'Baihalo' PP#8722 Ivory Queen Inkberry Ilex glabra 'Ivory Queen' Ivory Silk Lilac Syringa reticulata 'Ivory Silk' Ivory Tower Japanese Holly Ilex crenata 'Ivory Tower' Ivy Iwai Nishiki Quince Chaenomeles speciosa 'Iwia Nishiki' Izo No Hana Hydrangea Hydrangea macrophylla serrata 'Izo No Hana' Jack Frost Ligustrum Ligustrum japonicum 'Jack Frost' Jack Pear Pyrus calleryana 'Jaczam' Jackmanii Clematis Clematis 'Jackmanii' Jack's Camellia Camellia japonica 'Jack's' Jacktree Sinojackia xylocarpa Jacobi Dwarf Century Plant Agave desmettiana Jacqueline Hillier Dwarf Elm Ulmus elegantissima 'Jacqueline Hillier' Jade Tiara Compact Cleyera Ternstroemia gymnanthera 'Grevan' James MacFarlane Lilac Syringa prestoniae 'James MacFarlane' James Swan Holly Ilex 'James Swan' Jamestown Red Maple Acer rubrum 'Jamestown' Jane Magnolia Magnolia x 'Jane' Janet Rhea Azalea Rhododendron linwood 'Janet Rhea' Japanese Andromeda Pieris japonica cultivars Japanese Anise Illicium anisatum Japanese Ardisia Ardisia japonica Japanese Barberry Berberis thunbergii Japanese Black Alder Alnus glutinosa 'Imperialis' Japanese Black Pine Pinus thumbergiana Pinus thunbergii Japanese Boxwood Buxus microphylla japonica Japanese Cherry Prunus serrulata Japanese Cedar Cryptomeria japonica 'Radicans' Cryptomeria japonica Japanese Cedar Cultivars Cryptomeria japonica (Cultivars) Japanese Clethra Clethra barbinervis Japanese Cleyera Ternstroemia gymnanthera Japanese Fatsia Fatsia japonica Japanese Flowering Quince Chaenomeles japonica Cissus (Species & Cultivars) 115 Japanese Garden Juniper - Cross Reference Japanese Garden Juniper Juniperus procumbens 'Nana' Japanese Giant Timber Phyllostachys bambusoides Japanese Holly Ilex crenata (Cultivars) Japanese Holly Fern Cyrtomium falcatum (Cultivars) Japanese Hornbeam Carpinus japonica Japanese Kerria Kerria japonica 'Plenifora' Japanese Live Oak Quercus acuta Japanese Maple Acer palmatum Japanese Maple Cultivars Acer palmatum (Cultivar) Japanese Pagodatree Sophora japonica Japanese Painted Fern Athyrium nipponicum 'Pictum' Japanese Plum Yew Cephalotaxus harringtonia Japanese Red Pine Pinus densiflora Japanese Snowbell Styrax japonica Styrax japonicus Japanese Stewarta Stewartia pseudocamellia Japanese White Birch Betula platyphylla 'Japonica' Japanese Wintercreeper Euonymus japonica Japanese Zelkova Zelkova serrata Japaneses Andromeda Pieris japonica (cultivars) Japaneses Blush Pine Pinus thumbergiana Jasmine Jasminum (Species & Cultivars) Java Red Weigela Weigela florida 'Java Red' JC Raulston Camellia Camellia japonica 'JC Raulston' Jean May Pink Camellia Camellia sasanqua 'Jean May' Jeddloh Canadian Hemlock Tsuga canadensis 'Jeddloh' Jelena Witch Hazel Hamamelis intermedia 'Jelena' Jermyn's Globe Viburnum Viburnum globosum 'Jermyn's Globe' Jerry Hill Camellia Camellia japonica 'Jerry Hill' Jersery Pinnacle Japanese Holly Ilex crenata 'Jersey Pinnacle' Jersey Knight American Holly (Male) Ilex opaca 'Jersey Knight' 116 Jessamine Asiatic 'Snow-NSummer' Trachelospermum asiaticum 'Snow-NSummer' Jet Trail Flowering Quince Chaenomeles speciosa 'Jet trail' Jim Dandy Male Winterberry Holly Ilex verticillata 'Jim Dandy' Jindai Sugi Japanese Cedar Cryptomeria japonica 'Jindai Sugi' Joe Hayden Begonia Begonia 'Joe Hayden' Joe Pye Weed Eupatorium fistulosum Joga Azalea Rhododendron satsuki 'Joga' Jogasaki Hydrangea Hydrangea macrophylla serrata 'Jogasaki' John Birch Variegated Liriope Liriope muscari 'John Birch Variegated' John Creech Abelia Abelia grandiflora 'John Creech' John F. Kennedy Rose Rosa 'John F. Kennedy' Jolly Black Gum Nyssa sylvatica 'Jolly' Joseph's Coat Climber Rose Rosa 'Joseph's Coat' Joylene Nichola Daylilly Hemerocallis 'Joylene Nichola' Jubilee Alaskan Weeping Cedar Chamaecyparis nootkatensis 'Jubilee' Judd Viburnum Viburnum x juddii Viburnum juddii Julianne Wintergreen Barberry Berberis julianae Justin Brouwers Buxus sinica var. insularis Justin Brouwers Korean Boxwood Buxus sinica var. insularis 'Justin Brouwers' Kaempo Azalea Rhododendron satsuki 'Kaempo' Kaleidoscope Abelia Abelia grandiflora 'Kaleidoscope' PP# 16988 Abelia grandiflora 'Kaleidoscope' PPAF Abelia grandiflora 'Kaleidoscope' Kaleidoscope Abelia PPAF Abelia grandiflora 'Kaleidoscope' PPAF Abelia grandiflora 'Kaleidoscope' PPAF Kamanei Hiba Cypress Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Kamanei Hiba' Kanjiro Camellia Camellia sasanqua 'Kanjiro' Karasugawa Japanese Maple Acer palmatum 'Karasugawa' Kardinal Mophead Big Leaf Hydrangea Hydrangea macrophylla 'Kardinal' Karen Azalea Rhododendron kurume 'Karen' Karen's Appalachian Blush Dogwood Cornus florida 'Karen's Appalachian Blush' Karl Fuchs Cedrus deodara 'Karl Fuchs' Karley Rose Fountain Grass Pennisetum Orientale 'Karley Rose' Karpick Japanese Red Maple Acer rubrum 'Karpick' Kasan Pyracantha Pyracantha coccinea 'Kasan' Kashmir Cedrus deodara 'Kashmir' Kathy Batson Yaupon Holly Ilex vomitoria 'Kathy Batson' Katsura japanese Andromeda Pieris japonica 'Katsura' PPAF Katsura Japanese Maple Acer palmatum 'Katsura' Katsura Tree Cercidiphyllum japonicum Kay Parris Magnolia Magnolia grandiflora 'Kay Parris' Kentucky Coffeetree Gymnocladus dioica Kern's Pink Viburnum Viburnum plicatum 'Kern's Pink' Key Largo Rose Rosa 'Key Largo' Kings Gold Japanese Falsecypress Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Kings Gold' Kiyosumi Hydrangea Hydrangea macrophylla serrata 'Kiyosumi' Kleim's Hardy Gardenia Gardenia x 'Kleim's Hardy' Gardenia jasminoides 'Kleim's Hardy' Klein's Dwarf Forsythia Forsythia intermedia 'Klein's' Dwarf Knock Out Rose Rosa 'Radrazz' Knock Out™ Knock Out Shrub Rose Rosa 'Radrazz' PP#11836 Knockout Shrub Rose Rosa 'Knockout' Rosa 'Knockout' PP# 11863 Kobai #2 Azalea Rhododendron satsuki 'Kobai #2' Kobai Red Japanese Apricot Prunus mume 'Kobai Red' Kobold Barberry Berberis thunbergii 'Kobold' Kobus Magnolia Magnolia kobus Korean boxwood Buxus microphylla koreana Buxus insularis 'Koreana' Korean Hornbeam Carpinus coreana Cross Reference - Korean Lilac Korean Lilac Syringa meyeria Tree Form Syringa meyeria Korean Pea Pear Ornamental Pyrus fauriei Korean Purplebloom Maple Acer pseudosieboldianum Korean Rock Fern Polystichum tsus-simense Korean Spice Viburnum Viburnum carlesii Korean Stewarda Stewartia korena Koster's False Cypress Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Kosteri' Kousa Dogwood Cornus kousa Kramer's Supreme Camellia Camellia japonica 'Kramer's Supreme' Krauter Vesuvius Purple Leaf Plum Prunus cerasifera 'Krauter Vesuvius' Krossa Regal Hosta Hosta 'Krossa Regal' Kumson Greenstem Forsythia Forsythia viridissima var. koreana 'Kumson' Kurume Azalea Rhododendron obtusum Rhododendron kurume Kwanzan Cherry Prunus serrulata 'Kwanzan' Kyushu Panicle Hydrangea Hydrangea paniculata 'Kyushu' Hydrangea paniculata 'Kyushu' Tree Form Laburnum anagyroides + Cytisus purpureus Laburnocytisis adami Lace Bark Elm Ulmus parvifolia Lace Parsasol Elm Ulmus alata 'Lace Parasol' Lacebark Pine Pinus bungeana Lady Bank's Rose Rosa banksia 'Lutea' Lady Clare Camellia Camellia japonica 'Lady Clare' Lady Fern Athyrium filix-femina Lady in Red Hydrangea Hydrangea macrophylla 'Lady in Red’ PP# 15175 Lady Van Sittart Camellia Camellia japonica 'Lady Van Sittart' Lagerfeld Rose Rosa 'Lagerfeld' Lake Teresa Ligustrum Ligustrum japonicum 'Lake Teresa' Lamarckii Serviceberry Amelanchier lamarckii 'Lamarckii Serviceberry' Lanarth Viburnum Viburnum plicatum tomentosum 'Lanarth' Lanarth White Big Leaf Hydrangea Hydrangea macrophylla 'Lanarth White' Lane Roberts Sweetgum Liquidambar styraciflua 'Lane Roberts' Lantana Lantana camara Late Lilac Syringa villosa Late Male Winterberry Holly Ilex verticillata 'Summer Gentleman' Laura Azalea Rhododendron kurume 'Laura' Laurel Oak Quercus imbricaria Quercus laurifolia Lavender Formosa Azalea Rhododendron indica 'Lavender Formosa' Lavender Queen Rhododendron Rhododendron 'Lavender Queen' Lavender Twist Redbud Cercis canadensis 'Covey' Lawson's False Cypress Chamaecyparis lawsoniana Leadwort Plumbago auriculata Leather Flower Clematis (Cultivars) Leatherleaf Mahonia Mahonia bealei Leatherleaf Viburnum Viburnum rhytidophyllum Leathery Rush Juncus corlaceus Legacy Sugar Maple Acer saccharinum 'Legacy' Acer saccharum 'Legacy' Leighton Green Leland Cypress Cupressocyparis leylandii 'Leighton Green' Lemon Gems Miniature Rose Rosa 'Lemon Gems' Lemon Hill Juniperus virginiana 'Lemon Hill' Lemon Princess Spirea Spiraea japonica 'Lemon Princess' Lemon Thread Cypress Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Lemon Thread' Lemon Yellow Daylily Hemerocallis 'Lemon Yellow' Lemon Yellow Goldthread Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Lemon Yellow' Lemon Zest Shrub Rose Rosa 'Lemon Zest' Lenton Rose Helleborus orientalis Leonard Messel Magnolia Leucocarpa Beautyberry Callicarpa japonica 'Leucocarpa' Leyland Cypress Cupressocyparis leylandii Liberty Holly Ilex 'Liberty' PP# 12009 Ilex 'Liberty' Liberty Red Holly Ilex x Liberty™ PP# 12009 Lime Mound Spiraea Spiraea bumalda 'Lime Mound' PP#9363 Limelight Panicle Hydrangea Hydrangea paniculata 'Limelight' Hydrangea paniculata 'Limelight' PP#12874 Limerock Ruby Coreopsis Coreopsis 'Limerock Ruby' Linda Carol Weeping Jacktree Sinojackia xylocarpa 'Linda Carol' Lions Head Japanese Maple Acer palmatum 'Shishigashira' Lipan Crape Mrytle Lagerstroemia indica fauriei 'Lipan' Liriope Liriope muscari Little Bluestem Schizachyrium scoparium Little Bull Waxmyrtle Myrica cerifera 'Little Bull' Little Bunny Dwarf Fountain Grass Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Little Bunny' Little Gem Magnolia Magnolia grandiflora 'Little Gem' Little Gem® Magnolia Magnolia grandiflora 'Little Gem'® Little Giant Arborvitae Thuja occidentalis 'Little Giant' Little Heath Pieris Pieris japonica 'Little Heath' Little Henry Virginia Sweetspire Itea virginica 'Sprich' PP# 10, 988 Itea virginica 'Sprich' PP# 10988 Itea virginica 'Sprich' Little Henry Virginia Sweetspire Willow Itea virginica 'Little Henry' Little Jamie Atlantic White Cedar Chamaecyparis thyoides 'Little Jamie' Little King Dwarf River Birch Betula nigra 'Little King' Little King River Birch Betula Nigra 'Little King' Little Lamb Hydrangea Hydrangea paniculata 'Little Lamb' Little Linda Mountain Laurel Kalmia latifolia 'Little Linda' Little Moses Burning Bush Euonymus alatus 'Little Moses' PP#13168 Magnolia 'Leonard Messel' 117 Little Princess Spirea - Cross Reference Little Princess Spirea Spiraea japonica 'Little Princess' Little Rascal Holly Ilex 'Little Rascal' PP# 9999 Little Red Holly Ilex 'Little Red'™ Little Richard Abelia Abelia grandiflora 'Little Richard' Little Woody Redbud Cercis canadensis 'Little Woody' PPAF Littlehip Hawthorn Crataegus spathulata Littleleaf Boxwood Buxus microphylla Little-leaf Cotoneaster Cotoneaster microphyllus Littleleaf Linden Tilia cordata Live Oak Quercus virginiana Lizard Tail Saururus cernuus Lo & Behold 'Blue Chip' Butterfly Bush Buddleia davidii 'Blue Chip' Lo & Behold™ Blue Chip Butterfly Bush Buddlea x Lo & Behold™ Blue Chip Lobbii Nana Japanese Cedar Cryptomeria japonica 'Lobbii Nana' Loblolly Bay Gordonia lasianthus Loblolly Pine Pinus taeda Lochinch Butterfly Bush Buddleia fallowiana 'Lochinch' Buddleia davidii 'Lochinch' Loebner Magnolia Magnolia x loebneri London Planetree Platanus acerifolia 'London Plane' Long Leaf Pine Pinus palustris Long Stalk Holly Ilex pedunculosa Longleaf Lobelia Lobelia elongata Longleaf Mohonia Mahonia nervosa Loquat Eriobotrya japonica Lord Baltimore Hibiscus Hibiscus 'Lord Baltimore' Lord Roberts Rhododendron Rhododendron 'Lord Roberts' Loropetalum chinense Loropetalum chinense 'Sparkling plum' Louisiana Iris Iris 'Louisiana' Love Rose Rosa 'Love' 118 Lusterleaf Holly Ilex latifolia Lynwood Gold Forsythia Forsythia intermedia 'Lynwood Gold' Magic Blanket Groundcover Rose Rosa 'Magic Blanket' Magic Carpet Groundcover Rose Rosa 'Magic Carpet' Magic Carpet Spiraea Spiraea x bumalda 'Magic Carpet' PP#9363 Magniflora Silverbell Halesia diptera 'Magniflora' Magnus Coneflower Echinacea purpurea 'Magnus' Magyar Maidenhair Tree Ginkgo biloba 'Magyar' Mahalab Cherry Prunus mahalab Mahonia Mahonia gracilipes Maidenhair Grass Miscanthus sinesis 'Gracillimus' Maidenhair Tree Ginkgo biloba Maiden's Blush Camellia Camellia sasanqua 'Maiden's Blush' Majestic Beauty Hawthorne Rhaphiolepis 'Majestic Beauty' Majic Carpet Spirea Spiraea bumalda 'Magic Carpet' PP#9363 Makinoi Rhododendron Rhododendron 'Makinoi' Mandelvilla Mandevilla (Cultivars) Manhattan Euonymus Euonymus kiautschovicus 'Manhattan' Manon Sweetgum Liquidambar styraciflua 'Manon' Marcie Bracey Camellia Camellia japonica 'Marie Bracey' Mardi Gras Abelia Abelia grandiflora 'Mardi Gras' Abelia x 'Mardi Gras' Margie White Camellia Camellia japonica 'Margie White' Marie's Doublefile Viburnum Viburnum 'Mariesii' Mariesii Big Leaf Hydrangea Hydrangea macrophylla 'Mariesii' Mariesii Viburnum Viburnum plicatum tomentosum 'Mariesii' Mariken Maidenhair Tree Ginkgo biloba 'Mariken' Marmo Maple Acer freemanii 'Marmo' Marshall Seedless Ash Fraxinus pennsylvanica 'Marshall Seedless' Martha Hitchcock Azalea Rhododendron glenn dale 'Martha Hitchcock' Mary Flemming Rhododendron Rhododendron 'Mary Flemming' Mary Gunther Daylily Hemerocallis 'Mary Gunther' Mary Milton Viburnum Viburnum plicatum tomentosum 'Mary Milton' Mary Nell Lusterleaf Holly Ilex latifolia 'Mary Nell' Maryland Beauty Winterberry Holly Ilex verticillata 'Maryland Beauty' Mason Farm Camellia Camellia oleifera 'Mason Farm'' Massasoit Azalea Rhododendron kurume 'Massasoit' Matalilija Poppy Romneya coulteri Mathotiana Camellia Camellia japonica 'Mathotiana' Mathotiana Rubra Camillia Camellia japonica 'Mathotiana Rubra' Matsubara Red Japanese Apricot Prunus mume 'Matusbara Red' Matsu-No-Arti Azalea Rhododendron satsuki 'Matsu-No-Arti' Maxecat Rhododendron Rhododendron 'Maxecat' Maximum Roseum Rhododendron Rhododendron 'Maxium Roseum' May Knight Salvia Salvia superba 'May Knight' May Mary, Camillas Blush Deciduous Azaleas Mazzard Cherry Prunus avium Meadowsweet Spiraea alba Meadowsweet Rosaceae Spiraea latifolia Medake Pleioblastus simonii Medallian Rose Rosa 'Medallion' Medio Picta Hosta Hosta 'Medio Picta' Merlot Virginia Sweetspire Willow Itea virginica 'Merlot' Merritt's Beauty Big Leaf Hydrangea Hydrangea macrophylla 'Merritt's Beauty' Merritts Supreme Big Leaf Hydrangea Hydrangea 'Merritts Supreme' Mexican Anise Tree Illicium mexicanum Mexican False Heather Cuphea hyssopifolia Mexican Flame Vine Senecio confusus Cross Reference - Mexicat Rhododendron Mexicat Rhododendron Rhododendron 'Mexicat' Miami Crape Myrtle Lagerstroemia indica fauriei 'Miami' Miami Supreme Gardenia Gardenia jasminoides 'Miami Supreme' Michael Dodge Viburnum Viburnum dilatatum 'Michael Dodge' Michael Gardenia Gardenia jasminoides 'Michael' Michael Lindsey Sweetshrub Calycanthus floridus 'Michael Lindsey' Midnight Flare Azalea Rhododendron harris 'Midnight Flare' Midnight Wine Weigela Weigela florida 'Elvera' pp#12217 Mig Tig Magnolia Magnolia grandiflora 'Greenback' Mildred Mae Azalea Rhododendron gable 'Mildred Mae' Milky Way Dogwood Cornus kousa 'Milky Way' Improved Milky Way Kousa Dogwood Cornus kousa 'Milky Way' Mimosa Tree Albizia julibrissin Minerva Althea Hibiscus syriacus 'Minerva' Mini Penny™ Hydrangea Hydrangea macrophylla 'Mini Penny' PP#15,744 Mini Variegated Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Mini Variegated' Miniature Rose Rosa 'Miniatures' Minima Dwarf Aborvitae Thuja occidentalis 'Minima' Minnesotta Snowflake Mock Orange Philadelphus 'Minnesota Snowflake' Mint Julep Juniper Juniperus chinensis 'Mint Julep' Minuet Mountain Laurel Kalmia latifolia 'Minuet' Minuet Weigela Weigela florida 'Minuet' Mirage Begonia Begonia 'Mirage' Mirror-Leaf Viburnum Viburnum odoratissimum 'Awabuki' Miss Kim Lilac Syringa patula 'Miss Kim' Miss Patricia Holly Ilex 'Miss Patricia' Miss Ruby Butterfly Bush Buddelia x Miss Ruby Buddleia 'Miss Ruby' PPAF Mister Lincoln Lilac Syringa vulgaris 'Mister Lincoln' Mister Lincoln Rose Rosa 'Mister Lincoln' Mohawk Viburnum Viburnum 'Mohawk' Mohican Wayfaringtree Viburnum Viburnum lantana 'Mohican' Mojave Firethorn Pyracantha 'Mojave' Momo No Haru Azalea Rhododendron satsuki 'Momo no Haru' Mondo Grass Ophiopogon (Varieties) Ophiopogon japonicus Monkey Puzzle Tree Araucaria araucana Monkeyflower Mimulus alatus Monroe White Liriope Liriope muscari 'Monroe White' Monry Barberry Berberis thunbergii 'Monry' Monstrosa Cypress Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Monstrosa' Monstrosa Japanese Cedar Cryptomeria japonica 'Monstrosa' Monterrey Oak Quercus polymorpha Montrose Veil Deodor Cedar Cedrus deodara 'Montrose Veil' Mood Indigo Lily of the Nile Agapanthus 'Mood Indigo' Moon Bay Nandina Nandina domestica 'Moon Bay' Moonbeam Treadleaf Coreopsis Coreopsis verticillata 'Moonbeam' Moonfire Japanese Maple Acer palmatum 'Moonfire' Moonglow Magnolia Magnolia 'Moonglow' Magnolia virginiana 'Jim Wilson' PP#12065 Moonglow Sweetbay Magnolia Magnolia virginiana glauca 'Moonglow' PPAF Moonlight Hydrangea Vine Schizophragma hydrangeoides 'Moonlight' Moonlight Scotch Broom Cytisus scoparius 'Moonlight' Moonshadow Wintercreeper Euonymus fortunei 'Moonshadow' Morning Light Miscanthus Miscanthus sinesis 'Morning Light' Morton Viburnum Viburnum dentatum 'Morton' Mother's Day Kurume Rhododendron kurume 'Mother's Day' Rhododendron kurume 'Hahn's Red' Mountain Aire Deodara Cedar Cedrus deodara 'Mountain Aire' Mountain Ash Fraxinus pennsylvanica 'Cardinal Royal' Mountain Camellia Stewartia ovata Mountain Fire Pieris Pieris japonica 'Mountain Fire' Mountain Laurel Kalmia latifolia Mountain Mist Dianthus Dianthus gratianopolitanus 'Mountain Mist' Mountain Silverbell Halesia monticola Mt. Airy Fothergilla Fothergilla major 'Mt. Airy' Mt. Airy Viburnum Viburnum dilatatum 'Mt. Airy' Mt. Fuji Cherry Prunus subhirtella 'Mt Fuji' Mt. St. Helen Purple Leaf Plum Prunus cerasifera 'Mt. St. Helen' Mugo Pine Pinus mugo 'Mughus' Murray Cypress Cupressocyparis ovensii Cupressocyparis x leylandii 'Murray' Musachino Zelkova Zelkova serrata 'Musashino' Muscadine Grape Vitis rotundifolia Muskogee Crape Myrtle Lagerstroemia indica fauriei 'Muskogee' Myrimar Zelkova Zelkova serrata 'Myrimar' Myrobalan Plum Prunus cerasifera Mystery Gardenia Gardenia jasminoides 'Mystery' Nana Albo Spica Japanese Cedar Cryptomeria japonica 'Nana Albo Spica' Nana Aurea Cypress Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Nana Aurea' Nana Lutea Cypress Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Nana Lutea' Nancy Azalea Rhododendron robin hill 'Nancy' Nanho Blue Butterfly Bush Buddleia davidii 'Nanho Blue' Nannyberry Viburnum Viburnum lentago 'Nannyberry' Narcissus Narcissus 'Tete-a-Tete' Narrow Leaf Aucuba Aucuba japonica 'Salicifolia' Narrow-leaved Mountainmint Pycnanthemum tenuifolium Natchez Crape Myrtle Lagerstroemia indica fauriei 'Natchez' Natchez Hybrid Crape Myrtle Lagerstroemia x 'Natchez' Natchez Mockorange Philadelphus 'Natchez' Philadelphus virginalis 'Natchez' 119 National Kousa Dogwood - Cross Reference National Kousa Dogwood Niobe Weeping Willow Cornus kousa 'National' Salix tristis 'Niobe' Native Mountain Laurel Kalmia latifolia 'Native' Natural Weeping Cherry Prunus subhirtella Naylor's Blue Leland Cypress Cupressocyparis leylandii 'Naylor's Blue' Nearly Wild Shrub Rose Rosa 'Nearly Wild' Needle Palm Rhapidophyllum hystrix Nipmuck Mountain Laurel Kalmia latifolia 'Nipmuck' Nivalis flowering quince Chaenomeles speciosa 'Nivalis' Nordmann Fir Abies nordmanniana North River Privet Ligustrum amurence 'North River' North Star™' PP 15998 Boxwood Buxus sempervirens 'North Star™' PP 15998 Needlepoint Chinese Holly Northerm Red Oak Ilex cornuta 'Needlepoint' Quercus rubra Needlepoint Holly Ilex cornula 'Needlepoint' Nellie Moser Clematis Clematis 'Nellie Moser' Nellie R. Stevens Holly Ilex 'Nellie R. Stevens' Neon Flash Spirea Spiraea japonica 'Neon Flash' New Bradford Pear Pyrus calleryana 'New Bradford' New Dawn Climber Rose Rosa 'New Dawn' New Day Rose Rosa 'New Day' New Gold Aucuba Aucuba japonica 'Picturata' New Gold Lantana Northern Bayberry Myrica pensylvanica Northern Exposure camellia Camellia oleifera 'Northern Exposure' Northern Gold Forsythia Forsythia 'Northern Gold' Northern Pampas Grass Erianthus ravennae Northern Pin Oak Quercus ellipsoidalis Northern Starburst Rhododendron Rhododendron 'Northern Starburst' Norway Maple Acer platanoides Norway Spruce Picea abies Norway Spruce Cultivars Lantana 'New Gold' Picea abies (Cultivars) New Guinea Impatiens Norwegian Sunset Maple Impatiens 'New Guinea' New Jersey Tea Ceanothus americanus New York Ironweed Vernonia noveboracensis New Zealand Flay Phormium tenax Newport Purple Leaf Plum Prunus cerasifera 'Newport' Nick's Compacta Juniper Juniperus chinensis 'Nick's Compacta' Night Beacon Daylilly Hemerocallis 'Night Beacon' Night Heron Disporum Disporum cantoniense 'Night Heron' Nigra Inkberry Ilex glabra 'Nigra' Nikko Blue Big Leaf Hydrangea Hydrangea macrophylla 'Nikko Blue' Nikko Blue Hydrangea Hydrangea macrophylla 'Nikko Blue' Nikko Slender Deutzia Deutzia gracilis 'Nikko' Nineback Diablo Physocarpus opulifolius 'Monlo' Diablo PP#11211 Ninebark Physocarpus 120 Acer truncatum x plantanoides 'Norwegian Sunset' Nova Scotia Inkberry Ilex glabra 'Nova Scotia' Nova Zembla Rhododendron Rhododendron 'Nova Zembla' Nuccio's Gem Camellia Camellia japonica 'Nuccio's Gem' Nuccio's Jewel Camellia Camellia japonica 'Nuccio's Jewel' Nuccio's Pearl Camellia Camellia japonica 'Nuccio's Pearl' Nuttall Oak Quercus nuttallii Oak Cultivars Quercus (Cultivars) Oakland Holly Ilex x 'Oakland' PP#9486 Oakland Red Holly Ilex x Oakland™ PP#14417 Oakleaf Holly Ilex x 'Oakleaf' PP 9484 Ilex 'Oakleaf'™ PP#9487 Oakleaf Hydrangea Hydrangea querciflolia (Cultivars) Oakleaf Red Holly Ilex x 'Oakleaf' Oborozuki Sweet Flag Acorus gramineus 'Oborozuki' Obovatum Viburnum Viburnum obovatum Oconee Azalea Rhododendron speciosum October Glory Red Maple Acer rubrum 'October Glory' October Glory® Red Maple Acer rubrum 'October Glory'® Ohio Buckeye Aesculus glabra Okame 5 Leaf Shibatea kumasaca Okame Cherry Prunus x ‘Okame’ Prunus campanulata 'Okame' Prunus xincam 'Okame' Prunus x incamp ‘Okame’ Oklahoma Red Redbud Cercis canadensis 'Oklahoma Red' Oklahoma Redbud Cercis reniformis 'Oklahoma' Cercis canadensis 'Oklahoma' Oklahoma Rose Rosa 'Oklahoma' Oklahoma White Redbud Cercis 'Oklahoma White' Old English Boxwood Buxus sempervirens 'Suffruticosa' Old Fashion Weigela Weigela florida Old Fashioned Smoke Tree Cotinus coggygria 'Old fashioned' PPAF Old Gold Juniper Juniperus chinensis 'Old Gold' Oldham Bamboo Bambusa oldhamii Olga Mezitt Rhododendron Rhododendron PJM 'Olga Mezitt' Olympic Fire Mountain Laurel Kalmia latifolia 'Olympic Fire' Ombrella Silk Tree Albizia julibrissin 'Boubri' PPAF Orange Berry Pycracantha Pyracantha 'Mojave' Pyracantha coccinea 'Lalandei' Orange Flower Tea Olive Osmanthus fragrans 'Aurantiacus' Orangeola Japanese Maple Acer palmatum var. dissectum 'Orangeola' Oregold Rose Rosa 'Oregold' Oregon Grape Mahonia aquifolium Oregon White Oak Quercus garryana Oriental Or Japanese Magnolia Magnolia soulangiana Cross Reference - Osage Crape Myrtle Osage Crape Myrtle Lagerstroemia indica fauriei 'Osage' Osage Orange Maclura pomifera Osakazuki Japanese Maple Acer palmatum 'Osakazuki' Osmanthus Fortunei "San Jose" Osmanthus 'San Jose' O'Spring-Variegated Chinese Holly Ilex cornuta 'O' Spring' Ostrich Fern Mattueccia struthiopteris Otto Luyken Laurel Prunus laurocerasus 'Otto Luyken' Our Linda Camellia Camellia sasanqua 'Our Linda' Ovation Planetree Platanus acerifolia 'Ovation' Overcup Oak Quercus lyrata Oyama Magnolia Magnolia sieboldii Ozark Spring Crape Myrtle Lagerstroemia indica 'Ozark Spring' Pachysandra Pachysandra terminalis Pacific Dogwood Cornus nuttallii Pacific Sunset Maple Acer truncatum x plantanoides 'Pacific Sunset' Pagens Viburnum Viburnum 'Pagens' Pagoda Dogwood Cornus alternafolia Cornus alternifolia Painted Buckeye Aesculus sylvatica 'Painted Buckeye' Painted Maple Acer truncatum subs. Mono Palms - Cold Hardy Palms (Cold Hardy) Pampas Grass Cortaderia selloana Pandora's Box Daylilly Hemerocallis 'Pandora's Box' Panicle Hydrangea Hydrangea paniculata (Cultivars) Paniculata Hydrangea Hydrangea paniculata 'Tardiva' Papaya Carica papaya Paper Mulberry Broussonetia papyrifera 'Golden Shadow' Paperbark Maple Acer griseum Pardon Me Daylilly Hemerocallis 'Pardon Me' Parsley Leaf Hawthorn Crataegus marshallii Parsons Juniper Juniperus davurica 'Expansa Parsoni' Partridgeberry Mitchella repens Parzifal Big Leaf Hydrangea Hydrangea macrophylla 'Parzifal' Pathfinder Juniper Juniperus scopulorum 'Pathfinder' Pathfinder Viburnum Viburnum dentatum 'Pathfinder' Patio Japanese Privet Ligustrum japonicum 'Patio' Patio Tree Euonymus fortunei 'Emerald'n Gold' Patio Tree Roses Rosa 'Patio Trees' Pation Tree Euonymus 'Planipes' Patmore Ash Fraxinus pennsylvanica 'Patmore' Patricia Varner Aquipern Holly Ilex aquipernyi 'Patricia Varner' Patriot Holly Ilex 'Patriot' PP# 12010 Ilex 'Patriot' Patriot Hosta Hosta 'Patriot' Patti Faye Deodar Cedar Cedrus deodara 'Patti Faye' Paul Bosley Mountain Laurel Kalmia latifolia 'Paul Bosley' Paw Paw Asminia triloba Peace Rose Rosa 'Peace' Peach Drift Rose Rosa 'Meiggili' PP#18,542 Peaches & Nectarines Prunus persica (Cultivars) Peacock Spikemoss / Rainbow Spikemoss Selaginella uncinata Pecan Carya illinoensis Pecos Crape Myrtle Lagerstroemia indica fauriei 'Pecos' Pee Gee Panicle Hydrangea Hydrangea paniculata 'Pee Gee' Pee Wee Oakleaf Hydrangea Hydrangea quercifolia 'Pee Wee' Peewee Peegee Hydrangea Hydrangea paniculata 'Peewee Peegee' Pendula Juniperus communis 'Pendula' Penny Mac Big Leaf Hydrangea Hydrangea macrophylla 'Penny Mac' Pennyworth Daylilly Hemerocallis 'Pennyworth' Peony Paeonia delaveyi var. lutea Peony Dutchess de Nemours Paeonia lactiflora 'Dutchess de Nemours' Peony 'Jules Elie' Paeonia lactiflora 'Mons. Jules Elie' Peony 'Karl Rosenfeld' Paeonia lactiflora 'Karl Rosenfeld' Peony 'Sarah Bernhardt' Paeonia lactiflora 'Sarah Bernhardt' Peppermint Mountain Laurel Kalmia latifolia 'Peppermint' Perado Holly Ilex 'Perado' Perfecta Juniper Juniperus chinensis 'Perfecta' Perfume Delight Rose Rosa 'Perfume Delight' Periwinkle Vinca major Persian Ironwood Parrotia persica Peter Dowd Holly Ilex 'Peter Dowd' Peter Pan Hardy Fuchsia Fuchsia hybrida 'Peter Pan' Petie Bleu™ Caryopteris (cbraf) Caryopteris x clandonensis 'Minibleu' PP# 14674 Petite Perfection Miniature Rose Rosa 'Petite Perfection' Peve Minaret Bald Cypress Taxodium distichum 'Peve Minaret' Phantom Panicle Hydrangea Hydrangea paniculata 'Phantom' Pheasant-Eye Shrub Leycesteria formosa Pia Big Leaf Hydrangea Hydrangea macrophylla 'Pia' Pickerel Weed Pontederia cordata Piedmont Azalea Rhododendron canescens Pin Oak Quercus palustris Quercus palustris 'Pin' Pindo Palm Butia capitata Pineapple Guava Feijoa sellowiana Pink Beauty Doublefile Viburnum Viburnum plicatum tomentosum 'Pink Beauty' Pink Butterfly Bush Buddleia davidii 'Pink' Pink Butterfly Camellia Camellia sasanqua 'Pink Butterfly' Pink Cascade Azalea Rhododendron harris 'Pink Cascade' Pink Charm Mountain Laurel Kalmia latifolia 'Pink Charm' Pink Damask Daylilly Hemerocallis 'Pink Damask' 121 Pink Dawn Chitalpa - Cross Reference Pink Dawn Chitalpa X Chitalpa tashkentensis 'Pink Dawn' Pink Delight Butterfly Bush Buddlea daridii 'Pink Delight' Buddleia davidii 'Pink Delight' Pink Diamond Panicle Hydrangea Hydrangea paniculata 'Pink Diamond' Pink Dogwood Cornus florida 'Rubra' Pink Drift Rose Rosa 'Meijocos' PP#18,874 Pink Elf Hydrangea Hydrangea macrophylla 'Pia' Pink Flowered Gaura Gaura lindheimeri 'Siskiyou Pink' Pink Flowering Almond Prunus grandulosa rosea plena Pink Flowering Apricot Prunus mume 'Peggy Clarke' Pink Forsythia Abeliophyllum distichum 'Roseum' Pink Gumpo Azalea Rhododendron satsuki 'Gumpo Pink' Pink Ice Wisteria Wisteria floribunda 'Hounibeni' Pink Icicle Camellia Camellia 'Pink Icicle' Camellia japonica 'Pink Icicle' Pink Knock Out Shrub Rose Rosa 'Radcon' PPAF Pink KNow Out™ Rose Rosa 'Radcon' Pink Knock Out™ PP15070 Pink Lady Indian Hawthorn Rhaphiolepis umbellata 'Pinkie' Pink Minor Deutzia Deutzia 'Pink Minor' Pink Muhly Grass Muhlenbergia capillaris 'Pink Muhly' Pink Pampas Grass Cortaderia selloana 'Rosea' Pink Parasols Spirea PW Spirae frischiana 'Pink Parasols' Pink Parasols™ Spiraea Spiraea fritschiana 'Wilma' PPAF Pink Pearl Kurume Rhododendron kurume 'Pink Pearl' Pink Perfection Camillia Camellia japonica 'Pink Perfection' Pink Poppett Weigela Florida 'Pink Poppet' PPAF Pink Princess Crabapple Malus 'Parrsi' Pink Ruffles Azalea Rhododendron knap hill 'Pink Ruffle' Pink Ruffles Crape Myrtle Lagerstroemia indica 'Pink Ruffles' Pink Rugosa Rose Rosa rugosa Pink Simplicity Hedge Rose Rosa 'Pink Simplicity' 122 Pink Snow Camellia Camellia sasanqua 'Pink Snow' Pink Thrift Phlox sublata 'Emerald Pink' Pink Velour Crape Myrtle Lagerstromia indica 'Pink Velour'™ Lagerstroemia indica 'Pink Velour' PP#10319 Lagerstroemia 'Pink Velour' Pink Weigela Weigela florida 'Pink' Pink Wisteria Wisteria sinensis 'Rosea' Pinkie Indian Hawthorne Rhaphiolepis indica 'Pinkie' Pinkshell Azalea Rhododendron vaseyi Pinkspire Crabapple Malus 'Pinkspire' Pinky Winky Hydrangea Hydrangea paniculata 'DVPinky' Pinwheel Mountain Laurel Kalmia latifolia 'Pinwheel' Pinxterbloom Deciduous Azalea Rhododendron periclomoides Pixie English Ivy Hedera helix 'Pixie' Pizazz Loropetalum Loropetalum chinense rubrum 'Pizazz' PJM Rhododendron Rhododendron 'PJM' Plantain Lily Hosta fortunei 'Hyacinthina' Pleasant White Azalea Rhododendron girard 'Pleasant White' Plum Delight Loropetalum Loropetalum chinense 'Plum Delight' Plum Leaf Loropetalum Loropetalum chinense 'Plum Leaf' Pocomoke Crape Myrtle Lagerstroemia indica fauriei 'Pocomoke' Pond Cypress Taxodium ascendens Popcorn Viburnum Viburnum plicatum 'Popcorn' Porcupine Grass Miscanthus sinesis 'Strictus' Possum haw Ilex decidua Possumhaw Viburnum nudum Viburnum dentatum Potomac Crape Myrtle Lagerstroemia indica 'Potomac' Potter's Purple Butterfly Bush Buddleia davidii 'Potters Purple' Powhatan Crape Myrtle Lagerstroemia indica 'Powhatan' PPAF Weeping Corksrew Willow Salix sp. 'Fulmar' Pragense Viburnum Viburnum 'Pragense' Praire Sky Panicum Panicum virgatum 'Praire Sky' Prairefire Crabapple Malus 'Prairefire' Prairie Dropseed Sporobolus heterolepis Prelude Japanese Pieris Pieris japonica 'Prelude' Presidential Canna lily Preziosa Hydrangea Hydrangea macrophylla serrata 'Preziosa' Pride of Augusta Gelsemium sempervirens 'Pride of Augusta' Pride of Houston Yaupon Holly Ilex vomitoria 'Pride of Houston' Primavera Witch Hazel Hamamelis x intermedia 'Primavera' Hamamelis intermedia 'Primavera' Primrose Primula (Species & Cultivars) Primrose Jasmine Jasminum mesnyi Prince of Wales Juniper Juniperus chinensis 'Prince of Wales' Princeton American Elm Ulmus americana 'Princeton' Princeton Sentry Maidenhair Tree Ginkgo biloba 'Princeton Sentry' PP#2726 Pristine Mountain Laurel Kalmia latifolia 'Pristine' Pristine Rose Rosa 'Pristine' Procumbens Nana Juniperus virginiana 'Procumbens Nana' Professor Sargent's Red Camellia Camellia japonica 'Professor Sargents' Profusion Beautyberry Callicarpa bodinieri 'Profusion' Profusion Bodinier Beautyberry Callicarpa bodinieri 'Profusion' Profusion Crabapple Malus 'Profusion' Prospector Elm Ulmus wilsoniana 'Prospector' Prostrata Japanese Plum Yew Cephalotaxus harringtonia 'Prostrata' Pumila Elm Ulmus pumila Pumila Pampas Grass Cortaderia selloana 'Pumila' Purple Beech Fagus sylvatica 'Atropunicea' Purple Blazing Star Liatris spicata 'Purple' Cross Reference - Purple Blow Maple Purple Blow Maple Acer truncatum Purple Columnar Beech Fagus sylvatica 'Dawyck Purple' Purple Coneflower Echinacea purpurea 'Bravado' Purple Dome Aster Aster novae 'Purple Dome' Purple Fountain Grass Pennisetum setaceum 'Rubrum' Purple Gem Rhododendron Rhododendron PJM 'Purple Gem' Purple Heart Setcreasea pallida Purple Leaf Plum Prunus cerasifera 'Purple Pony' Purple Lovegrass Erogrostis spectablilis Purple Muhly Grass Muhlenbergia capillaris 'Purple Muhly' Purple New Zealand Flax Phormium 'Rainbow Stripes' Purple Pixie'™ Loropetalum Loropetalum chinense 'Purple Pixie'™ PPIP Purple Palace Coral Bells Heuchera micrantha 'Palace Purple' Purple Sand Cherry Prunus x cistena 'Purple Sand Cherry' Purple Showers Ruellia Ruellia brittoniana 'Purple Showers' Purple Simplicity Hedge Rose Rosa 'Purple Simplicity' Purple Smoke Tree Cotinus coggygria 'Purple Smoke' Purple Splendor Azalea Rhododendron gable 'Purple Splendor' Purple Splendour Rhododendron Rhododendron 'Purple Splendour' Purple Verbena Verbena canadensis 'Homestead Purple' Purple Water Daylilly Hemerocallis 'Purple Water' Purple Winter Creeper Euonymus fortunei 'Coloratus' Purpleleaf Sand Cherry Prunus cistena Purple-leafed Smoke Bush Cotinus coggygria 'Purpurea' Purpureum Elegans Rhododendron Rhododendron 'Purpureum Elegans' Pussy Willow Salix caprea Pyramidal European Hornbeam Carpinus betulus 'Fastigiata' Pyramidalis Boxwood Buxus sempervirens 'Pyramidalis' Pyrus Betulaefolia Pyrus betulaefolia Quaking Aspen Populus tremuloides Quaking Aspen 'Clump' Populus tremuloides 'Clump' Queen Elizabeth Hedge Maple Acer campestre 'Queen Elizabeth' Queen Elizabeth Rose Rosa 'Queen Elizabeth' Rabbiteye Blueberry Vaccinium 'Blueberry Rabbiteye' Radiant Rose Kousa Dogwood Cornus kousa chinensis 'Hanros' Cornus kousa 'Radiant Rose' Rain Lily Zephyranthes flavissima Rainbow Knock Out Rose Rosa 'Radcor' Rainbow Knock Out™ PPAF Rainbow Knock Out Shrub Rose Rosa 'Radcor' PPAF Rainbow Pillar amelanchier canadensis Amelanchier canadensis 'Rainbow Pillar' PP9092 Rainbow Pillar Amelanchies Amelanshies 'Rainbow Pillar' Rainbow Pillar® Serviceberry (Single Stem) Amelanchier canadensis 'Glenform' PP#909II Ralph Senior Viburnum Viburnum dentatum 'Ralph Senior' Ramapo Rhododendron Rhododendron 'Ramapo' Rapanea Myrsine guianensis Raspberry Glow Mountain Laurel Kalmia latifolia 'Raspberry Glow' Raspberry Punch Miniature Rose Rosa 'Raspberry Punch' Raspberry Sundae Crape Myrtle Lagerstroemia indica 'Raspberry Sundae' Razz Dazz Knock Out Rose Rosa 'Razz Dazz' Razzle Dazzle TM Dwarf Crape Myrtle Lagerstroemia indica 'Razzle Dazzle' ™ Razzleberry Fringe Flower Loropetalum chinense 'Razzleberri' Red Beauty Ilex rutcan 'Red Beauty' Red Bells Enkianthus Enkianthus campanulatus 'Red Bells' Red Buckeye Aesculus pavia Red Chokeberry Aronia arbutifolia Aronia arbutifolia 'Brilliantissima' Red Cloud Flowering Dogwood Cornus florida 'Red Cloud' Red Dogwood Cornus florida 'Red' Red Dragon Japanese Maple Acer palmatum dissectum atropurpureum 'Red Dragon' Acer palmatum 'Red Dragon' Red Drift Rose Rosa 'Meigalpio' PP#17,877 Red Elf Pyracantha Pyracantha 'Red Elf'™ Red Filigree Lace Japanese Maple Acer palmatum 'Red Filigree Lace' Red Flowering Currant Ribes sanguineum Red Fox Speedwell Veronica spicata 'Red Fox' Red Head Pieris Pieris japonica 'Red Head' Red Hickory Carya ovata Red Holly Ilex 'Acadiana' PPAF Red Holly™ Hybrid Ilex x Acadiana™ PP# 14418 Red Hot Poker Kniphofia uvaria Red Jade Weeping Crabapple Malus 'Red Jade' Red Japanese Barberry Berberis thunbergii atropurpurea Red Japanese Maple Acer palmatum atropurpureum Red Jewel Crabapple Malus 'Red Jewel' Red Maple Acer rubrum (Cultivars) Acer rubrum Red November™ Amur Maple Acer ginnala 'Red November'™ Red Prince Weigela Weigela florida 'Red Prince' Red Rascal Shrub Rose Rosa 'Red Rascal' Red Ribbons Groundcover Rose Rosa 'Red Ribbons' Red Riding Hood Mandevilla Mandevilla 'Red Riding Hood' Red Rocket Crape Myrtle Lagerstroemia indica 'Red Rocket' PP#11342 Red Rocket Crepe Myrtle Lagerstroemia indica 'Red Rocket' Red Select Japanese Maple Acer palmatum dissectum atropurpureum 'Red Select' Red Select Laceleaf Japanese Maple Acer palmatum 'Red Select' Red Simplicity Hedge Rose Rosa 'Red Simplicity' Red Sprite Winterberry Holly Ilex verticillata 'Red Sprite' Red Sunset Maple Acer rubrum 'Red Sunset'® 123 Red Switch Grass - Cross Reference Red Switch Grass Panicum virgatum 'Shenandoah' Red Thrift Phlox sublata 'Scarlet Flame' Red Twig Dogwood Cornus sericea Red-barked Dogwood Cornus alba 'Sibirica' Redleaf Japanese Maple Acer palmatum var. atropurpureum Redpointe Red Maple Acer rubrum 'Frank Jr.' Redspire Pear Pyrus calleryana 'Red Spire' PP#3815 Red-Tip Photinia Photinia fraseri Redwine Preston Lilac Syringa x prestoniae 'Redwine' Redvein Enkianthus Enkianthus campanulatus Reeve's Spirea Spiraea reevesiana Regal Prince English Oak Quercus robur 'Regal Prince' Regal Prince Hybrid Oak Quercus x Regal Prince Regal Red Crape Myrtle Lagerstroemia indica 'Regal Red' Remote Wood Fern Dryopteris remota Renaissance Relfection Paper Birch Betula papyrifera x Renaissance Reflection Renaissance Vanhoutte Spiraea x Vanhouttei 'Renaissance' Renee Michelle Azalea Rhododendron girard 'Renee Michelle' Repandens Yew Taxus baccata 'Repandens' Rev. John C. Drayton Camellia Camellia japonica 'Rev. John C. Drayton' Rhapsody In Pink™ Crape Myrtle Lagerstroemia indica 'Rhapasody In Pink™' Rheingold Arborvitae Thuja occidentalis 'Rheingold' Ribbon Cane Arundo donax Ribbon Grass Phalaris 'Dwarf Garters' Rigida Juniper Juniperus chinensis 'Rigida' Rio Samba Rose Rosa 'Rio Samba' River Birch Betula nigra Betula nigra (Cultivars) River Oats Chasmanthium latifolium Riversi European Beech Fagus sylvatica 'Riversi' 124 RL Wheeler Camellia Camellia japonica 'RL Wheeler' Robbie's Twist Maidenhair Tree Ginkgo biloba 'Robbie's Twist' Robin Hill Apple Serviceberry Amelanchier grandiflora 'Robin Hill' Robin Hill Azalea Rhododendron robin hill 'Coillie' Robin Holly Ilex x 'Robin Robin™ Holly Ilex 'Robin'™ Robin Red Holly Ilex x Robin™ PP#9486 Robinson Crabapple Malus 'Robinson' Robusta Green Juniper Juniperus chinensis 'Robusta Green' Rochford's Holly Fern Cyrtomium falcatum 'Rochfordii' Rocket Rhododendron Rhododendron 'Rocket' Rocky Creek Japanese Holly Ilex crenata 'Rocky Creek' Romany Camellia Camellia japonica 'Romany' Ronnie Gragg Japanese Holly Ilex crenata '151' Rose Creek Abelia Abelia x 'Rose Creek' Abella grandiflora 'Rose Creek' Abelia grandiflora 'Rose Creek' Rose Mallow Hibiscus moscheutus Rose of Sharon/ Shrub Althea Hibiscus syriacus Tree Form Rosea Fiveleaf Akebia Akebia quinata 'Rosea' Rosea Treadleaf Coreopsis Coreopsis verticillata 'Rosea' Roseace Viburnum Viburnum plicatum tomentosum 'Roseace' Rosealind Deutzia Deutzia x elegantissima 'Rosealind' Rosebay Rhododendron Rhododendron maximum Rosebud Azalea Rhododendron gable 'Rosebud' Rosehill Red Camellia Camellia japonica 'Rosehill Red' Roseum Elegans Rhododendron Rhododendron catawbiense 'Roseum Elegans' Roseum Japanese Snowball Viburnum opulus sterile 'Roseum' Viburnum opulus 'Roseum' Roseum Pink Rhododendron Rhododendron 'Roseum Pink' Roseum Two Rhododendron Rhododendron 'Roseum Two' Rosy Glow Barberry Berberis thunbergii atropurpurea 'Rosy Glow' Rotdressl Hydrangea Hydrangea macrophylla var. normalis 'Rotdrssel' Rotschwanz Big Leaf Hydrangea Hydrangea macrophylla 'Rotschwanz' Rotundifolium Coriaceum Ligustrum japonicum 'Rotundifolium' Rotundiloba American Sweetgum Liquidambar styraciflua 'Rotundiloba' Rounded European Hornbeam Carpinus betulus 'Cornerstone' Roundleaf Osmanthus Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Rotundifolius' Royal Azalea Rhododendron schlippenbachii Royal Burgandy Barberry Berberis thunbergii atropurpurea 'Royal Burgandy' PP#09461 Royal Burgandy Cherry Prunus serrulata 'Royal Burgandy' Royal Fern Osmunda regalis Royal Frost Birch Betula x Royal Frost Royal Princess Nandina Nandina domestica 'Royal Princess' Royal Purple Liriope Liriope muscari 'Royal Purple' Royal Purple Rhododendron Rhododendron 'Royal Purple' Royal Purple Smoke Tree Cotinus coggygria 'Royal Purple' Royal Red Butterfly Bush Buddleia davidii 'Royal Red' Royal Red Norway Maple Acer platanoides 'Royal Red' Royal Standard Hosta Hosta 'Royal Standard' Royal Star Magnolia Magnolia stellata 'Royal Star' Royal Velvet Crape Myrtle Lagerstroemia indica 'Whit III' Royal White Redbud Cercis canadensis 'Royal White' Royalty Crabapple Malus 'Royalty' Royalty Lilac Syringa villosa 'Royalty' Rozannie Acuba Aucuba japonica 'Rozannie' Rubicon Atlantic White Cedar Chamaecyparis thyoides 'Rubicon' Rubidor Weigela Weigela florida 'Rubidor' Ruby Atkinson Redbud Cercis canadensis 'Ruby Atkinson' Ruby Loropetalum Loropetalum chinense 'Ruby' Cross Reference - Ruby Spice Summersweet Loropetalum 'Ruby' Loropetalum chinense rubrum 'Ruby' Ruby Spice Summersweet Clethra alnifolia 'Ruby Spice' Rudy Haag Burning Bush Euonymus alatus 'Rudy Haag' Rufous Mayhaw Crataegus aestivalis var rufula Russan Sage Perovskia atripicifolia Rutgers Hybrids Cornus florida x kousa Rutgers Pyracantha Pyracantha coccinea 'Rutgers' Ruthellen Dogwood Cornus rutlan 'Ruth Ellen' PP#7732 Ryan Gainey Smooth Hydrangea Hydrangea arborescens 'Ryan Gainey' Sabal Palm Sabal palmetto Sago Palm Cycads revolute Salmon Beauty Azalea Rhododendron kurume 'Salmon Beauty' Saltmeadow Cordgrass Spartina patens Samaritan Kousa Dogwood Cornus kousa 'Samaritan' San Gabriel Nandina Nandina domestica 'San Gabriel' San Jose Juniper Juniperus chinensis 'San Jose' San Jose Koehne Holly Ilex koehneana 'San Jose' San Jose Osmanthus Osmanthus fortunei 'San Jose' Sand Hickory Carya pallida Sandankwa Viburnum Viburnum suspensum Sanderi Cypress Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Sanderi' Sango Kaku Japanese Maple Acer palmatum 'Sango Kaku' Sarah Mountain Laurel Kalmia latifolia 'Sarah' Sarah's Eve Virginia Sweetspire Willow Itea virginica 'Sarah's Eve' Sarah's Favorite Crape Myrtle Lagerstroemia indica fauriei 'Sarah's Favorite' Saratoga Maidenhair Tree Ginkgo biloba 'Saratoga' Sargent Viburnum Viburnum sargentii Sargents Canadian Hemlock Tsuga canadensis 'Sargents' Sargent's Crabapple Malus 'Sargent' Sasaba Tea Olive Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Sasaba' Saskatoon Serviceberry Amelanchier alnifolia Sassafrass Sassafras albidum Satomi Kousa Dogwood Cornus kousa 'Satomi' Saturnalia Virginia Sweetspire Willow Itea virginica 'Saturnalia' Satyr Hill American Holly Ilex opaca 'Satyr Hill' Saucer Magnolia Magnolia x soulangiana Savannah Holly Ilex attenuata 'Savannah' Sawgrass Cladium jamaicense Sawtooth Oak Quercus acutissima Sawtooth Viburnum Viburnum plicatum 'Sawtooth' Saybrook Gold Juniper Juniperus chinensis 'Saybrook Gold' Scaevola Scaevola frutescens Scarlet Curls Corkscrew Willow Salix 'Scarlet Curls' Scarlet Meidiland Rose Rosa 'Meidiland Scarlet' PP#6087 Scarlet Oak Quercus coccinea Scarlet O'Hara Pieris Pieris japonica 'Scarlet O'Hara' Scarlet Orbit Daylilly Hemerocallis 'Scarlet Orbit' Schilling's Dwarf Yaupon Holly Ilex vomitoria 'Schilling's' Schip Laurel Prunus laurocerasus 'Schipkaensis' Schisandra Schisandra chinensis Scintillation Rhododendron Rhododendron 'Scintillation' Scotch Pine Picea sylvestris Pinus sylvestris Sea Foam Shrub Rose Rosa 'Sea Foam' Sea Green Juniper Juniperus chinensis 'Sea Green' Sea Oats Uniola paniculata Seacrest Bald Cypress Taxodium distichum 'Seacrest' Seashore Mallow Kosteletzkya virginica Sedum Blaze of Fluda Sedum spurium 'Blaze of Fluda' Sedum Variegated Sedum kamtschaticum 'Variegatum' Seiryu Japanese Maple Acer palmatum dissectum 'Seiryu' Acer palmatum 'Seiryu' Acer palmatum var. dissectum 'Seiryu' Select River Birch Betula nigra 'Select' Seminole Crape Myrtle Lagerstroemia indica 'Seminole' Sentalis Yew Taxus x media 'Sentalis' Sentinel Juniperus communis 'Sentinel' September Beauty Summersweet Clethra alnifolia 'September Beauty' Setsugekka Camellia Camellia sasanqua 'Setsugekka' Seven Son Flower Heptacodium miconoides Shadblow Serviceberry Amelanchier canadensis Amelanchier canadensis Shade Master Locust Gleditsia triacanthos inermis 'Shademaster' Shadow's Female Yaupon Holly Ilex vomitoria 'Shadow's Female' Shagbark Hickory Carya ovata Shaggy Shield Fern Dryopteris atrata Shaina Japanese Maple Acer palmatum 'Shaina' Shalimar Deodar Cedar Cedrus deodara 'Shalimar' Shallow Sedge Carex lurida Shamrock Inkberry Ilex glabra 'Shamrock' Shangri - La Ginkgo Ginkgo biloba 'Shangri - La' Shannon Kerria Japonica Kerria japonica 'Shannon' Shasta Doublefile Viburnum Viburnum plicatum tomentosum 'Shasta' Shasta Viburnum Viburnum plicatum 'Shasta' Shawnee Brave Bald Cypress Taxodium distichum 'Shawnee Brave' Taxodium distichum 'Mickelson' Sherwood Abelia Abelia grandiflora 'Sherwoodii' Sherwood Red Azalea Rhododendron 'Sherwood Red' Shimpaku Juniper Juniperus chinensis 'Shimpaku' Shindashojo Japanese Maple Acer palmatum 'Shindashojo' Shining Jasmine Jasminum nitidum Shira Fuji Azalea Rhododendron 'Shira Fuji' 125 Shirazz Magnolia - Cross Reference Shirazz Magnolia Magnolia x 'Shirazz' Shirobana Fiveleaf Akebia Akebia quinata 'Shirobana' Shirobana Spirea Spiraea japonica 'Shirobana' Shirobori Spiraea Spiraea japonica 'Shirobori' Shishi Gashira Camellia Camellia sasanqua 'Shishi Gashira' Shoal Creek Chaste Tree Vitex agnus castus 'Shoal Creek' Shooting Star Clerodendrum quadriloculare Shooting Star Gardenia Gardenia augusta 'Shooting Star' Gardenia jasminoides 'Shooting Star' Shoshoni Doublefile Viburnum Viburnum plicatum tomentosum 'Shoshoni' Show Time™ Crabapple Malus 'Shotizam' Showbiz Rose Rosa 'Showbiz' Silver King Euonymus Euonymus japonica 'Silver King' Silver King Sweetgum Liquidambar styraciflua 'Silver King' Silver Lode Cypress Chamaecyparis pisifera minima 'Silver Lode' Silver Maple Acer saccharinum Silver Smoke Cypress Cupressus arizonica glabra 'Silver Smoke' Silver Sword Variegated Azalea Rhododendron girard 'Silver Sword' Silverthorn Elaeagnus Elaeagnus pungens Sinensis Japanese Plum Yew Cephalotaxus harringtonia var. sinensis Sioux Pink Crape Myrtle Lagerstroemia indica fauriei 'Sioux' Sister Teresa Hydrangea Hydrangea macrophylla 'Sister Teresa' Sixteen Candles Summersweet Clethra alnifolia 'Sixteen Candles' Showoff™ Forsythia Sizzler Holly Forsythia 'Showoff'™ Ilex 'Sizzler' Shrub Chesnut Castanea pumila Shrub Rose Rosa (Species & Cultivars) Shrubby honeysuckle Lonicera nitida 'Baggensen's Gold' Shubert Select Cherry Prunus virginiana 'Shubert' Shumard Oak Quercus shumardii Siberian Crabapple Malus baccata Sienna Glen Maple Acer freemanii 'Sienna Glen' Sienna Sunrise Nandina Nandina domestica 'Sienna Sunrise' Sikes Dwarf Oakleaf Hydrangea Hydrangea quercifolia 'Sikes Dwarf' Silky Dogwood (native) Cornus amomum Siloam Double Classic Daylilly Hemerocallis 'Siloam Double Classic' Siloam Uri Winniford Daylilly Hemerocallis 'Siloam Uri Winniford' Silver Arrow Grass Miscanthus sinesis 'Siberfiel' Silver Blue Hydrangea Hydrangea macrophylla 'Silver Blue' Silver Cloud Redbud Cercis canadensis 'Silver Cloud' Silver Dollar Eucalyptus Eucalyptus cinerea 'Silver Dollar' Silver Dollar Panicle Hydrangea Hydrangea paniculata 'Silver Dollar' Silver Frost Butterfly Bush Buddleia davidii 'Silver Frost' 126 Sizzling Pink Loropetalum Loropetalum chinense 'Sizzling Pink' Skinner False Magnolia Michelia 'Skinner' Sky Pencil Japanese Holly Ilex crenata 'Sky Pencil' Sky Rocket Juniperus virginiana 'Sky Rocket' Juniperus scopulorum 'Sky Rocket' Sky Vine Thunbergia grandiflora Skyline Honeylocust Gleditsia triacanthos inermis 'Skyline' Slash Pine Pinus elliottii Slender Deutzia Deutzia gracilis Slender Silhouette Sweetgum Liquidambar styraciflua 'Slender Silhouette' Small Anise Tree Illicium parviflorum Smoke Tree Cotinus coggygria Smooth Cordgrass Spartina alterniflora Smooth Hydrangea Hydrangea arborescens Smooth Witherod Viburnum Viburnum nudum 'Winterthur' Snow Azalea Rhododendron kurume 'Snow' Snow Chan White Winter Anemone Camellia japonica 'Snow Chan' Snow Fairy Caryopteris Caryopteris divaricata Caryopteris clandonensis 'Snow Fairy' Snow Flurry Camellia Camellia sasanqua 'Snow Flurry' Snow Fountains Cherry Populus X subhirtella 'Snofozam' Snow Fountains Weeping Cherry Prunus 'Snofozam' Snow Goose Cherry Prunus serrulata 'Snow Goose' Snow Kist Cypress Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Snow Kist' Snow Pink Indian Hawthorne Rhaphiolepis indica 'Snow Pink' Snow Queen Oakleaf Hydrangea Hydrangea quercifolia 'Snow Queen' Snow Sport Cypress Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Snow Sport' Snow Storm™ Spiraea Spiraea x media 'Darsnom' Snow White Indian Hawthorne Rhaphiolepis indica 'Snow White' Snowcloud Cherry Prunus incisa 'Snowcloud' Snowcone Japanese Snowbell Styrax japonicus 'JFS-D' Snowdrift Crabapple Malus 'Snow drift' Snowdrift Japanese Pieris Pieris japonica 'Snowdrift' Snowdrift Mountain Laurel Kalmia latifolia 'Snowdrift' Snowflake Mockorange Philadelphus virginalis 'Snowflake' Snowflake Oakleaf Hydrangea Hydrangea quercifolia 'Snowflake' Snowmound Spirea Spiraea nipponica 'Snowmound' Snowstorm Spirea PW Spiraea x media 'Snowstorm' So Sweet Hosta Hosta 'So Sweet' Society Garlic Tulbaghia violacea Soft Rush Juncus effusus Soft Stemmed Bulrush Scirpus validus Soft Touch Japanese Holly Ilex crenata 'Soft Touch' Softstem Bulrush Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani Somerset Red Maple Acer rubrum 'Somerset' Sorabande Miscanthus sinesis 'Sorabande' Sourwood Tree Oxydendrum arboreum Southern Blue Flag Iris Iris virginica Southern Gentleman Winterberry Holly Ilex verticillata 'Southern Gentleman' Cross Reference - Southern Indica Azalea Southern Indica Azalea Rhododendron indica Southern Magnolia Magnolia grandiflora Southern Red Oak Quercus falcata Southern Redcedar Juniperus silicicola Southern Wax Myrtle Myrica cerifera Southern Wood Fern Dryopteris kunthii Southwestern Pine Pinus strobiformis Picea strobiformis Spahn's Cannonball Cypress Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Spahn's Cannonball' Spanish Bayonet Yucca aloifolia Sparkleberry Ilex verticillata serrata Sparkleberry Winterberry Holly Ilex verticillata 'Sparkleberry' Sparkling Burgandy Camellia Camellia sasanqua 'Sparkling Burgandy' Spartan Juniper Juniperus chinensis 'Spartan' Spellbound Camellia Camellia japonica 'Spellbound' Spicebush Lindera benzoin Spike Winterhazel Corylopsis spicata Spiny Greek Juniperus excelsa 'Spiny Greek' Spiral Blue Point Juniper Juniperus chinensis 'Blue Point' (spiral) Spirit Viburnum Viburnum tinus 'Spirit' Sprenger's Asparagus Fern Asparagus densiflorus 'Sprengeri' Spring Blooming Camellia Cultivars Camellia japonica (Cultivars) Spring Bouquet Viburnum Viburnum tinus 'Spring Bouquet' Spring Delight Japanese Maple Acer palmatum dissectum 'Spring Delight' Spring Fleecing White Fringe Tree Chionanthus virginicus 'Spring Fleecing' Spring Glory Forsythia Forsythia 'Spring Glory' Forsythia intermedia 'Spring Glory' Spring Glow Sherry Dogwood Cornus mas 'Spring Glow' Spring Grove Dogwood Cornus florida 'Spring Grove' Spring Grove Western Arborvitae Thuja plicata 'Groepli' Spring Snow Malus 'Spring Snow' Spring Snow Pieris Pieris japonica 'Spring Snow' Spring Witch Hazel Hamamelis vernalis Spring's Promise camellia Camellia japonica 'Spring's Promise' Springtime Gardenia Gardenia jasminoides 'Springtime' Squrrosa Lutea Cypress Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Squarrosa' St. Bernard's Lily Anthericum sanderii St. Gregory™ Hedge Maple Acer campestre 'Stgrezam' St. John's Wort Hypericum calycinum 'St. John's Wort' St. John's wort Hypericum 'Hidcote' St. Jon's Wort Hypericum calycinum Star Leaf Begonia Begonia heracleifolia Star Magnolia Magnolia stellata Magnolia 'Star' Stared Sweetgum Liquidambar styraciflua 'Stared' Starlight Dogwood Cornus kousa x nuttallii 'KN4-43' Starlight Stawberry Candy Daylilly Hemerocallis 'Strawberry Candy' Steeds Upright Japanese Holly Ilex crenata 'Steeds' Steeple Sugar Maple Acer saccharum 'ASTIS' Steeplechase Arborviate Thuja plicata 'Steeplechase' Steeplechase Arborvitae Thuja 'Steeplechase' PP#16094 Stella D'Oro Daylilly Hemerocallis 'Stella D' Oro' Stellar Pink Dogwood Cornus rutgan 'Stellar Pink' PP#7207 Cornus kousa x florida Stellar Pink Stephanie's Golden Camellia Camellia sasanqua 'Stephanie's Golden' Sterile Chinese Snowball Viburnum Viburnum macrocephylum 'Sterile' Sterile Viburnum Viburnum opulus 'Sterile' Sterling Silver Rose Rosa 'Sterling Silver' Steve Iris Iris siberica 'Steve' Stewartia Stewartia rostrata Storm Cloud Lily of the Nile Agapanthus 'Storm Cloud' Strapleaf Japanese Maple Acer palmatum 'Atrolineare' Strawberry Bush Euonymus americana Strawberry Fields Deutzia Deutzia 'Strawberry Fields' Strawberry Tree Arbutus unedo Street Wise®Trident Maple Acer buergeranum 'Street Wise' PP#9576 Streib's Finding Cotoneaster Cotoneaster dammeri 'Streib's Finding' Stricta ltalian Cypress Cupressus sempervirens 'Stricta' String Lily Crinum americanum Striped Maple Acer pensylvanicum Styrax Laciniata Styrax laciniata Sudworth Pumila Arborvitae Thuja occidentalis 'Sudsworth Pumila' Sugar Cane Plumgrass Sacchaum giganteum Sugar Maple Acer saccharum Sugar Tyme Crabapple Malus 'Sugar Tyme' PPAF Sulphur Aucuba Aucuba japonica 'Sulphur' Sum & Substance Hosta Hosta 'Sum & Substance' Suminagashi Japanese Maple Acer palmatum 'Suminagashi' Summer Beauty Butterfly Bush Buddleia davidii 'Summer Beauty' Summer Cascade Weeping Birch PPAF Betula nigra 'Summer Cascade' PPAF Summer Gold Kousa Dogwood Cornus kousa 'Summer Gold' Summer Red® Maple Acer rubrum 'Summer Red'® Acer rebrum 'HOSR' Summer Snowflake Leucojum aestivum Summer Snowflake Doublefile Viburnum Viburnum plicatum tomentosum 'Summer Snowflake' Summer Snowflake Viburnum Viburnum 'Summer Snowflake' Summersweet Clethra Clethra alnifolia (Cultivars) Summit Ash Fraxinus pennsylvanica 'Summit' Sun Dance Magnolia Magnolia 'Sun Dance' Sun Gold Butterfly Bush Buddleia davidii 'Sun Gold' 127 Sun Runner Groundcover Rose - Cross Reference Sun Runner Groundcover Rose Rosa 'Sun Runner' Sun Sprinkles Miniature Rose Rosa 'Sun Sprinkles' Sun Valley Red Maple Acer rubrum 'Sun Valley' Sunburst Boxwood Buxus sinica Insularis 'Sunburst' Sunburst Hypericum Hypericum frondosum 'Sunburst' Sunburst Locust Gleditsia triacanthos inermis 'Sunburst' Sundowner Phormium tenax 'Sundowner' Sunglow Azalea Rhododendron carla 'Sunglow' Sungold Cypress Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Sungold' Sunkist Arborvitae Thuja occidentalis 'Sunkist' Sunny Knockout Rose Rosa 'Radsunny' PP# 18, 562 Sunrise Abelia Abelia grandiflora 'Sunrise' Sunshine Blue #14,674 CBRAF Caryopteris incana 'Jason' #14,674 CBRAF Sunspire Golden Chain Tree Laburnum x watereri 'Sunspire' Sunspray Cypress Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Sunspray' Sunsprite Rose Rosa 'Sunsprite' Super Ego Iris Iris siberica 'Super Ego' Super Red Japanese Flowering Quince Chaenomeles japonica 'Moned' Supreme Muscadine Grape Vitis rotundifolia 'Supreme' Susan Magnolia Magnolia 'Susan' Swamp Azalea Rhododendron viscosum Swamp Hibiscus Hibiscus coccineus Swamp Milkweed Asclepias incarnata Swamp Rose Rosa palustris Swamp sunflower Helianthus angustifolius Swamp White Oak Quercus bicolor Swan's neck agave Agave attenuata Sweet Autumn Clematis Clematis maximowicziana Sweet Bay Laurel Laurus nobilis Sweet Box Sarcococca confusa 128 Sweet Flag Acorus americanus Sweet Hydrangea Hydrangea luteovenosa Sweet Rhododendron Rhododendron arborescens Sweet Sugar Tyme® Crabapple Malus 'Swesutyzam' PP# 7062 Sweet Viburnum Viburnum odoratissimum Sweetbay Magnolia Magnolia virginiana Sweetgum Liquidambar styraciflua Sweetshrub Calycanthus floridus Sweetshrub/Allspice Calycanthus floridus 'Athens' Swift Creek Variegated Privet Ligustrum sinense 'Swift Creek' Sycamore Platanus occidentalis Sylvestris Juniper Juniperus chinensis 'Oblonga' Synnestvedt Viburnum Viburnum dentatum 'Synnestvedt' syringa laciniata Syringa laciniata Table-Mountain Pine Pinus pungens Tag Alder Alnus serrulata Tall N Tough Pittosporum Pittosporum tobira 'Tall N Tough' Tall Stewarita Stewartia monadelpha Tallow Tree Sapium sebiferum Tama no Hada Azalea Rhododendron satsuki 'Tama no Hada' Tam-o-Pan Japanese Persimmon Diospyros kaki 'Tam-o-Pan' Tamukeyama Japanese Maple Acer palmatum dissectum 'Tamukeyama' Acer palmatum var. dissectum 'Tamukeyama' Tanakae Bamboo Phyllostachys 'Tanakae' Bambusoides Tangerine Beauty Crossvine Bignonia capreolata 'Tangerine Beauty' Tango Weigela Weigela florida 'Tango' Tarheel Blue Japanese Cedar Cryptomeria japonica 'Tarheel Blue' Tassel Fern Polystichum polyblepharum Taube Hydrangea Hydrangea macrophylla 'Taube' Taylor's Rudolph Yaupon Holly Ilex vomitoria 'Taylor's Rudolph' Tea Camellia Camellia sinensis Tea Vibirnum Viburnum setigerum Tecumseh Compact River Birch Betula nigra 'Tecumseh Compact'® Teddy Arborvitae Thuja occidentalis 'Teddy' Teddy Bear® Magnolia Magnolia grandiflora 'Teddy Bear'® PP# 13,049 Temple Bells Pieris Pieris japonica 'Temple Bells' Temple Jewel Kousa Dogwood Cornus kousa 'Temple Jewel' Temple Juniper Juniperus rigida Templehof Cypress Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Templehof' Tensaw Sweetbay Magnolia Magnolia virginiana 'Tensaw' Tequila Sunrise Variegated Tickseed Coreopsis 'Tequila Sunrise' Tetragona Aurea Cypress Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Tetragona Aurea' Teulon Porter Cotoneaster Cotoneaster microphyllus 'Teulon Porter' Texas Redbud Cercis canadensis var texensis Texas Scarlet Flowering Quince Chaenomeles speciosa 'Texas Scarlet' Texas Scarlet Japanese Flowering Quince Chaenomeles japonica 'Texas Scarlet' Texas White Redbud Cercis canadensis 'Texas White' The Bride Pearl Bush Exochorda racemosa 'The Bride' The Fairy Rose Rosa Hybrid 'The Fairy' The Fairy Shrub Rose Rosa 'The Fairy' The General Rhododendron Rhododendron 'The General' The Robe Azalea Rhododendron girard 'The Robe' The Swan Hydrangea Hydrangea paniculata 'The Swan' ™ Thornless Honey Locust Gleditsia triacanthos f. inermis 'Thornless Honey Locust' Thornless Yucca/Soft Tip Yucca Yucca elephantipes Thorny Elaeagnus Elaeagnus ebbengei Threadleaf Coreopsis Coreopsis verticillata Threeflower Hawthorn Crataegus triflora Cross Reference - Threespine Barberry Threespine Barberry Berberis triacanthophora Three-square Scirpus americanus Thryallis Galphimia glauca Thundercloud Purple Leaf Plum Prunus cerasifera 'Thundercloud' Tiara Hydrangea Hydrangea macrophylla serrata 'Tiara' Tickseed Coreopsis (Species & Cultivars) Tidal Wave Katsura Tree Cercidiphyllum japonicum 'Tidal Wave' Tiddlywinks Mountain Laurel Kalmia latifolia 'Tiddlywinks' Tiffany Rose Rosa 'Tiffany' Tig Tig Magnolia Magnolia grandiflora 'Mig Tig' Tiger Eyes TM Staghorn Sumac Rhus typhinia 'Bailtiger' PPAF Tightwad Red Crape Myrtle Lagerstroemia indica 'Tightwad Red'™ Tinga Holly Ilex attenuata 'Tinga' Tinus Viburnum Viburnum tinus TiTi Cyrilla racemiflora Tokyo Delight Big Leaf Hydrangea Hydrangea macrophylla 'Tokyo Delight' Tokyo tower Chinese Fringetree Chionathus retusus 'Tokyo Tower' Tom Thumb Cotoneaster Cotoneaster adpresus 'Tom Thumb' Cotoneaster horizontalis 'Tom Thumb' Tonto Crape Myrtle Lagerstroemia indica fauriei 'Tonto' Lagerstroemia indica 'Tonto' Torulosa Cypress Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Torulosa' Torulosa Hollywood Juniper Juniperus chinensis 'Kaizuka' Toyonishiki Flowering Quince Chaenomeles speciosa 'Toyonishiki' Tradition Azalea Rhododendron kurume 'Tradition' Trailing Gardenia Gardenia jasminoides 'Radicans' Trailing Lantana Lantana montevidensis Traveller Weeping Redbud Cercis canadensis 'Traveller' Tree Ivy Fatshedera lizei Tree Ligustrum Ligustrum lucidum Tricolor European Beech Fagus sylvatica 'Roseo-marginata' Tricolor Osmanthus Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Goshiki' Trident Maple Acer buergeranum Acer rubrum 'Trident' Trilby Rhododendron Rhododendron 'Trilby' Triump Viburnum Viburnum plicatum 'Triumph' Triumph Muscadine Grape Vitis rotundifolia 'Triumph' Triumph® Elm Ulmus x 'Triumph'® Trombly Red Sentinel Japanese Maple Acer palmatum 'Trombly Red Sentinel' Trompenburg Japanese Maple Acer palmatum 'Trompenburg' Tropical Goldenrain Tree Koelreuteria elegans Tropical Twist Miniture Rose Rosa 'Tropical Twist' Tropicana Canna® Canna 'Tropicana' ™ PP#10569 Tropicana Rose Rosa 'Tropicana' Tru Spreader Boxwood Buxus 'Tru Spreader' Trump Hungarian Oak Quercus frainetto 'Trump' Trumpet Creeper Campsis tagliabuana 'Madame Galen' Trumpet Flower Campsis radicans 'Flava' Tube Clematis Clematis heracleifolia Tulip Poplar liriodendron tulipifera 'Glen Gold' Liriodendron tulipifera Liriodendron tulipifera 'Arnold Columnar' Turandot Camellia Camellia japonica 'Turandot' Turkish Filbert Corylus colurna Tuscarora Crape Myrtle Lagerstroemia indica 'Tuscarora' Lagerstroemia indica fauriei 'Tuscarora' Tuskegee Crape Myrtle Lagerstroemia indica fauriei 'Tuskegee' Twilight Crape Myrtle Lagerstroemia indica 'Twilight' Twisted Baby Locust Robinia pseudoacacia 'Twisty Baby' Twist-n-Shout Big Leaf Hydrangea Hydrangea macrophylla 'Twist-n-Shout' Twombly's Red Sentinal Japanese Maple Acer palmatum 'Twombly's Red Sentinal' Umbellata Minor Hawthorne Rhaphiolepis umbellata 'Minor' Umbrella Magnolia Magnolia tripetala Undulata Albo Marginata Hosta Hosta 'Undulata Albo Marginata' Undulata Hosta Hosta 'Undulata' Undulata Robusta/Robust Male Fern Dryopteris filix-mas Unique Panicle Hydrangea Hydrangea paniculata 'Unique' Upright European Hornbeam Carpinus betulus 'Brownstone' Urbanite Ash Fraxinus pennsylvanica 'Urbanite' Vaiegated Giant Dogwood Cornus controversa 'Variegata' Valley Rose Pieris Pieris japonica 'Valley Rose' Valley Valentine Pieris Pieris japonica 'Valley Vallentine' Valynor Trident Maple Acer buergeranum 'Valynor' Vanderwolf's Pyramid Flex Pine Pinus flexilis 'Vanderwolf's Pyramid' Vanhoutte Spirea Spiraea vanhouttei Vanilla Spice Clethera Clethra alnifolia 'Vanilla Spice' Vardar Valley Boxwood Buxus sempervirens 'Vardar Valley' Variegata Boxwood Buxus sempervirens 'Variegata' Variegated American Buxus sempervirens 'Elegans' Variegated Castiron Plant Aspidistra elatior 'Variegata' Variegated Chinese Privet Ligustrum sinensis 'Variegata' Variegated Confederate Jasmine Trachelospermum jasminoides 'Variegata' Variegated Dapnne Daphne odora 'Aureo Marginata' Variegated English Buxus sempervirens 'Suffruticosa variegata' Variegated Fiveleaf Aralia Eleutherococcus acanthopanax Sieboldianus 'Variegatus' Variegated Hollyfern Arachinodes simpler 'Varigata' Variegated Hydrangea Hydrangea macrophylla 'Variegata' Variegated Iris Iris enstata 'Variegata' Variegated Japanese Angelica Tree Aralia elata 'Variegata' Variegated Japanese Zelkova Zelkova serrata 'Goshiki' Variegated Liriope Liriope muscari 'Variegata' Liriope variegata Variegated Maiden Grass Miscanthus sinesis 'Cosmopolitan' 129 Variegated Need Grass - Cross Reference Variegated Need Grass Arundo donax 'Variegata' Variegated Osmanthus Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Variegatus' Variegated Parsons Juniper Juniperus davurica 'Variegated' Variegated Shell Ginger Alpinia zerumbert variegata Variegated Silverthorn Elaeagnus Elaeagnus pungens 'Variegated' Variegated Solomon's Seal Polygonatum odoratum var pluriflorum 'Variegated' Variegated Tree Ivy Fatshedera lizei 'Variegata' Varietata Century Plant Agave americana 'Variegata' Varigated Alphonse Karr Bamboo Bambusa glaucescens variegated 'Alphonse Karr' Varigated Cast Iron Plant Aspidistra elatior 'Milky Way' Varigated Cornelian Cherry Dogwood Cornus mas 'Variegata' Varigated Mondo Grass Ophiopogon japonicus variegata Varigated Sedge Carex 'Evergold' Varigated Sweet Colts Foot Petasites giganteus 'Variegata' Varigated Tuliptree Liriodendron tuilpifera 'Aureomatginatum' Varigated Umbrella Plant Cyperus alternifolius varigatus Varigated Weigela Weigela florida 'Variegata' Veitchii Gardenia Gardenia jasminoides 'Veitchii' Veitch's Winterhazel Corylopsis veitchiana Velmas Royal Delight Crape Myrtle Lagerstroemia indica 'Velma's Royal Delight' Velvet Cloak Smoke Tree Cotinus coggygria 'Velvet Cloak' Venus Dogwood Cornus kousa x nuttallii 'KN30-8' Venus Venus Holly Ilex 'Venus' Venus Sweetshrub PPAF Calycanthus 'Venus' PPAF Verbena Verbena canadensis 'Texas Apple Blossom' Verdoni Cypress Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Verdoni' Verry Cherry Miniature Rose Rosa 'Very Cherry' 130 Veteran's Honor Rose Rosa 'Veteran's Honor' Viburnum Viburnum (Species & Cultivars) Victor Crape Myrtle Lagerstroemia indica 'Victor' Victor Red Crape Myrtle Lagerstroemia indica 'Victor Red' Victoria Magnolia Magnolia grandiflora 'Victoria' Victory Pyracantha Waterlilly Star Magnolia Magnolia stellata 'Waterlilly' Waterlily Magnolia Magnolia 'Waterlily' Waterlily Star Magnolia Magnolia kobus var. stellata 'Waterlily' Watermelon Ice Rose Rosa 'Watermelon Ice' Watermelon Red Crape Myrtle Lagerstroemia indica 'Watermelon Red' Watkins American Holly Pyracantha 'Victory' Ilex opaca femina 'Watkins' Village Green Zelkova Watkins Male American Holly Zelkova serrata 'Village Green' Vine Maple Acer circinatum Vintage Gold False Cypress Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Vintage Gold' Violet Satin Hibiscus PP#12. 196 Hibiscus syriacus 'Floru' Violet Willow Salix daphnoides Virginia Creeper Parthenocissus quinquefolia Virginia Pine Pinus virginiana Virginia Summersweet Clethra alnifolia 'Virginia Summersweet' Virginia Sweetspire Willow Itea virginica Viridis Japanese Maple Acer palmatum dissectum 'Viridis' Vivax Phyllostachys vivax Vulcan Magnolia Magnolia 'Vulcan' Wakaebishu Azalea Rhododendron satsuki 'Wakaebisu' War Dance Rhododendron Rhododendron 'War Dance' Wards Yew Taxus media 'Wardi' Warren's Red Possum haw Ilex decidua 'Warren's Red' Warty Barberry Berberis verruculosa Washington Hawthorne Crataegus phaenopyrum Ilex opaca 'Watkins Male' Wavyleaf Ligustrum Ligustrum japonicum 'Recurvifolium' Wax Jasmine Jasminum volubile Wax Leaf Ligustrum Ligustrum lucidum 'Wax Leaf' Waxleaf Ligustrum Ligustrum japonicum Waxleaf Privet Ligustrum Ligustrum japonicum 'Davidson Hardy' Weaver Dogwood Cornus florida 'Weaver' Weavers Weeping Kousa Dogwood Cornus kousa 'Weavers Weeping' Weekend Forsythia Forsythia 'Weekend' ™ Weeping Alaskan Cedar Chamaecyparis nootkatensis 'Pendula' Weeping Bald Cypress Taxodium distichum 'Cascade Falls' PP# 12296 Weeping Blue Atlas Cedar Cedrus atlantica 'Glauca Pendula' Weeping Blue Spruce Picea pungens 'Blue Falls' Weeping Blue Willow Salix purpurea 'Pendula' Weeping Corksrew Willow Salix babylonica var. Salix matsudana 'Fulmar' Weeping Eastern White Pine Picea strobiformis 'Pendula' Weeping Euoropean Larch Larix decidua 'Pendula' Watanabei Doublefile Viburnum Weeping Higan Cherry Viburnum plicatum tomentosum 'Watanabei' Weeping Katsura Tree Watchet Azalea Rhododendron robin hill 'Watchet' Water Lily Begonia Begonia nelumbifolia Water Oak Quercus nigra Water Plantain Alisma subcordatum Waterfall Japanese Maple Acer palmatum dissectum 'Waterfall' Prunus subhirtella var. pendula Cercidiphyllum magnificum 'Pendulum' Cercidiiphyllum japonicum 'Pendula' Cercidiphyllum japonicum magnificum 'Pendulum' Weeping Mimosa Albizia julibrissin pendula Weeping Mulberry Morus alba 'Pendula' Weeping Norway Spruce Picea abies 'Pendula' Cross Reference - Weeping Podocarpus Weeping Podocarpus White Dawn Climber Rose Podocarpus gracilior Rosa 'White Dawn' Weeping Purple Beech White Dove Clethra ® Fagus sylvatica 'Purpurea Pendula' Weeping Purple European Beech Fagus sylvatica 'Purpurea' Weeping Pussy Willow Salix caprea 'Pendula' Weeping Variegated English Hollypop Ilex aquifolium 'Argentea Marginata Pendula'' Weeping Serbian Spruce Picea omorika 'Pendula' Weeping White Spruce Picea glauca 'Pendula' Weeping Willow Salix babylonica Weeping Yaupon Holly Ilex vomitoria 'Pendula' Weeping Yoshino Cherry Prunus yedoensis x f. perpendens Well's Dwarf Hinoki Chanaaegeoaris Obtuse 'Well's Dwarf' Wentworth Viburnum Viburnum trilobum 'Wentworth' West Coast Schip Laurel Prunus laurocerasus 'West Coast' Western Sand Cherry Prunus besseyi Wheeler's Dwarf Pittosporum Pittosporum tobira 'Wheeler's Dwarf' Whichita Blue Juniper Juniperus scopulorum 'Wichita Blue' Whirling Butterflies Gaura Gaura lindheimeri 'Whirling Butterflies' White African Iris Dietes vegeta White Ash Fraxinus americanan 'Autumn Purple' Fraxinus americana 'White Ash' White Ball Butterfly Bush Buddleia davidii 'White Ball' White Berried Nandina Nandina domestica 'Alba' White Blazing Star Liatris spicata 'White' White Bleeding Heart Dicentra spectablis 'Alba' White Butterfly Bush Buddleia davidii 'White' White by the Gate Camellia Camellia japonica 'White By the Gate' White Camellia Sasanqua Camellia sasanqua 'Mine-o-Yuki' White Cascade Crabapple Malus 'White' White Chase Tree Vitex agnus castus 'White' White Chocolate Crape Myrtle Lagerstroemia indica 'White Chocolate' Clethra alnifolia 'White Dove'® PPAF White Empress Camellia Camellia japonica 'White Empress' White Flowering Enkianthus Enkianthus perulatus White Flowering Redbud Cercis canadensis 'Alba' White Forsythia Abeliophyllum distichum White Fuzzy Deutzia Deutzia scabra 'White' White Garden Phlox Phlox paniculata 'David' White Ginger Hedychium ellipticum White Gumpo Azalea Rhododendron satsuki 'Gumpo White' White Indian Hawthorne Rhaphiolepis indica 'Alba' White Lady Panicle Hydrangea Hydrangea paniculata 'White Lady' White Lighting Rose Rosa 'White Lighting' White Oak Quercus alba White Oleander Nerium oleander 'Hardy White' White Pine Pinus strobus White Profusion Butterfly Bush Buddleia davidii 'White Profusion' White Rosebud Azalea Rhododendron gable 'White Rosebud' White Rugosa Rose Rosa rugosa var. alba White Simplicity Hedge Rose Rosa 'White Simplicity' White Swan Coneflower Echinacea purpurea 'White Swan' White Turtlehead Chelone glabra White Verbena Verbena canadensis 'Snowflurries' White Wisteria Wisteria floribunda 'Alba' Whitebark Himalayan Birch Betula jacquemontii Whitebarked Himlayan Birch Betula utilis jacquemontii White-Margined Hosta Hosta 'Albo Marginata' Whiteout Rose Rosa 'Radwhite' PPAF Whitespire Asian White Birch Betula platyphylla 'Whitespire' Whitetop Sedge Rhynchospora colorata Whte Knight Weigela Weigela florida 'White Knight' Wild Ageratum Conoclinium coelestinum Wild Plum Miniature Rose Rosa 'Wild Plum' Wildfire Black Gum Nyssa sylvatica 'Wildfire' William Lanier Hunt Camellia Camellia sasanqua 'William Lanier Hunt' William Penn Barberry Berberis gladwynensis 'William Penn' William Toovey Crape Myrtle Lagerstroemia indica 'William Toovey' Willow Leaf Cotoneaster Cotoneaster salisifolius Willow Oak Quercus qhellos Quercus phellos Willowleaf Cotoneaster Cotoneaster salicifolius 'Scarlet Leader' Willowwood Viburnum Viburnum rhytidophyllum 'Willowwood' Wilson Moonglow Sweetbay Magnolia Magnolia virginiana glauca 'Wilson Moonglow' PPAF Wimbish Ligustrum Ligustrum sinense 'Wibei' Windflower Anemone coronaria Windmill Palm Trachycarpus fortunei Windy Hill Butterfly Bush Buddleia davidii 'Windy Will' Wine & Roses Weigela® Weigela florida 'Alexandra' TM PP#10772 Winged Elm Ulmus Alata Winter Fancy Camellia Camellia oleifera 'Winter Fancy' Winter Gem Boxwood Buxus microphylla vorerua 'Winter Gem' Buxus microphylla koreana 'Winter Gem' Winter Gold Winterberry Holly Ilex verticillata 'Winter Gold' Winter Honeysuckle Lonicera fragrantissima Winter Jasmine Jasminum nudiflorum Winter King Hawthorne Crataegus virdis 'Winter King' Winter Red Winterberry Holly Ilex verticillata 'Winter Red' Winter Snowman Camellia Camellia oleifera 'Winter Snowman' Winter Star Camellia Camellia oleifera 'Winter Star' Winterberry Holly Ilex verticillata (Cultivars) 131 Wintergreen - Cross Reference Wintergreen Gaultheria procumbens Wintergreen Boxwood Buxus microphylla koreana 'Wintergreen' Winter's Beauty Camellia Camellia oleifera 'Winter's Beauty' Winter's Interlude Camellia Camellia oleifera 'Winter's Interlude' Winters Snowman Camellia Camellia x 'Winters Snowman' Winters Star Camellia Camellia x 'Winters Star' Winter's Star Camellia Hybrid Camellia hybrid 'Winter's Star' Winters Waterlily Camellia Camellia oleifera 'Winters Waterlilly' Winterthur Viburnum Viburnum 'Winterthur' Wirt L. Winn Holly Ilex 'Wirt L. Winn' Wirt L. Winn Koehne Holly Ilex koehneana 'Wirt L. Winn' Witch Hazel Hamamelis intermedia (Assorted Cultivars) Disanthus cercidifolius Witch-alder Fothergilla major Wittmanniana Peony Paeonia wittmanniana Wojnar's Purple Rhododendron Rhododendron 'Wojnar's Purple' Wolf Eye Chinese Kousa Dogwood Cornus kousa var. chinensis 'Wolf Eye' Wolf Eye Kousa Dogwood Cornus kousa 'Wolf Eye' Wolfpack Red Azalea Rhododendron carla 'Wolfpack' Wolong Ghost Wintercreeper Euonymus fortunei 'Wolong Ghost' Wonderberry Pyracantha Pyracantha 'Wonderberry' Wonderful Pomegranate Punica granatum 'Wonderful' Woodlander's Blue Zenobia Zenobia pulverulenta 'Woodlander's Blue' Woodlanders Hydrangea Hydrangea macrophylla serrata 'Woodlanders' Wood's Dwarf Handina Nandina domestica 'Wood Dwarf' Worplesdon Sweetgum Liquidambar styraciflua 'Worplesdon' Xanthocarpa American Holly Ilex opaca 'Xanthocarpa' Yadkin Gold False Threadleaf Cypress Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Filifera Yadkin Gold' 132 Yaku Princess Rhododendron Rhododendron 'Yaku Princess' Yarrow Apple Blossom Achillea millefolium 'Apple Blossom' Yarwood London Plantree Platanus acerifolia 'Yarwood' Yaupon Holly Ilex vomitoria Yedda Hawthorn Rhaphiolepis umbellata Yellow African Iris Dietes bicolor Yellow Berried Nandina Nandina domestica 'Aurea' Yellow Berry Nandina Nandina domestica 'Yellow Fruited' Yellow Bird Magnolia Magnolia 'Yellow Bird' Magnolia x brooklynensis 'Yellow Bird' Magnolia x 'Yellow Bird' Yellow Buckeye Aesculus flava Yellow Canna Canna flaccida Yellow Groove Bamboo Phyllostachys aureosulcata Yellow River Magnolia Magnolia denudata 'Yellow River' Yellow Root Xanthanthorhiza simplicissima Yellow Simplicity Hedge Rose Rosa 'Yellow Simplicity' Yellow Twig Dogwood Cornus stolonifera 'Bud Yellow' Cornus flaviramea Yellow with Green Groove Phyllostachys aurea 'koi' Yellowhorn Xanthoceras sorbifolium Yellow-Rim Serissa Serissa foetida Yellowtwig Japanese Cedar Cryptomeria japonica 'Yellowtwig' Yellowwood Cladrastis kentukea Yew Taxus media Yoshino Cherry Prunus x yedoensis Yoshino Japanese Cedar Cryptomeria japonica 'Yoshino' Young Lady Smoke Tree Cotinus coggygria 'Young Lady' Young's Weeping Birch Betula pendula 'Youngi' Yucca Bright Edge Yucca filamentosa 'Bright Edge' Yuletide Camellia Camellia sasanqua 'Yuletide' Yuma Crape Myrtle Lagerstroemia indica fauriei 'Yuma' Zabel Laurel Prunus laurocerasus 'Zabeliana' Zaqreb Theadleaf Coreopsis Coreopsis verticillata 'Zagreb' Zebra Grass Miscanthus sinesis 'Zebrinus' Zenobia Zenobia pulverulenta Zhuzhou Fuchsia Loropetalum Loropetalum chinense rubrum 'Zhuzhou Fuchsia' Zhuzhou Loropetalum Loropetalum chinense 'Zhuzhou' Loropetalum chinense rubrum 'Zhuzhou' Zig Zag Shrub Asparagus retrofractus Zouzhou Loropetalum Loropetalum chinense rubrum 'Zhuzhou' Zumi Crabapple Malus 'Zumi' Zuni Crape Myrtle Lagerstroemia indica fauriei 'Zuni' Lagerstroemia indica 'Zuni' See us at 800-256-6766 NORTH CAROLINA GREEN AND GROWIN Fax (318) 748-6765 3474 Highway 112, Forest Hill, LA 71430 BOOTH #610 ///&#%% *+!*(-'(. *(&2+% +&#%% *+!*(-'(. *(& Price List All Prices based on 20-unit trays. Not sold individually. 4” Vinca Major..................................................$.75 4” Vinca Minor ..................................................$.70 4” Mondo (Ophiopogon) .................................$.60 4” Dwarf Mondo .............................................. $.65 4” Black Mondo................................................$4.00 4” Green Liriope (Big Blue) ..............................$.60 4” Royal Purple Liriope.....................................$.65 4” Monroe White Liriope..................................$.65 4” Variegated Liriope .......................................$.65 4” John Burch Liriope ...................................... $.75 4” Evergreen Giant Liriope .............................. $.75 4” Ajuga ........................................................... $.70 4” Asian Jasmine ..............................................$.50 4” Variegated Asian Jasmine............................$.55 4” Euonymus Coloratus (Winter Creeper)........ $.55 4” Spicata Liriope............................................. $.60 4” English Ivy.................................................... $.70 4” Ardisa (Green).................................................. $.70 4” Ardisa (Red Tide) ............................................. $.70 4” Ardisa (White Cap) .......................................... $.70 4” Aztec Grass...................................................... $.75 4” Silver Dragon................................................... $.80 1 Gallon Aztec Grass............................................ $1.50 1 Gallon Green Liriope......................................... $1.50 1 Gallon Variegated Liriope................................. $1.75 1 Gallon Evergreen Giant Liriope ........................ $1.65 1 Gallon Mondo (Ophiopogon) .......................... $1.40 1 Gallon Jasmine ................................................. $1.35 1 Gallon Stella de Oro Daylilies........................... $2.00 1 Gallon Franz Halls Daylilies............................... $2.00 1 Gallon Russian Rhapsody Daylilies ................... $2.00 1 Gallon Louisiana Iris .......................................... $2.00 3 Gallon Loropetulum .......................................... $4.50 Our Plants are Greenhouse Grown. Regulated temperature and feeding helps grow healthy plants of consistent size and shape that will make your landscaping exceptional! UPS or delivery! All plants are in stock and READY FOR DELIVERY! 133 Using the Products and Services Section Horticulture products and services are listed alphabetically. Providing vendors are listed underneath the product/service along with their telephone number for your convenience. Vendors are listed as follows: AL-RT designates Retail AL-WH designates Wholesale WL-LD designates Landscape We’re here for your growing needs. From ground cover to greenhouses, AgCarolina Financial provides ÀQDQFLQJIRUDOORI\RXUJURZLQJQHHGV 3DUWRIWKH)DUP&UHGLW6\VWHPZH·YH EHHQÀQDQFLQJJUHHQKRXVHDQG QXUVHU\RSHUDWRUVIRUPRUHWKDQ \HDUVDQGZHNQRZZKHUHWREHJLQ &DOOXV:H·UHWKHH[SHUWV 1.800.951.3276 F or diversity, selection and quality, the nursery and greenhouse industry in North Carolina is second to none. Over 1500 certified nurseries are spread throughout North Carolina with growing conditions that range from zone 8 along the southeastern coast, to zone 5 (or colder) at high elevations in the western mountains. These conditions allow North Carolina nurseries to produce virtually every ornamental plant used in the Eastern United States. Whether it be greenhouse, container, bare-root, balled and burlapped, or cut Christmas trees, your plant needs can be filled in North Carolina. The Goodness Grows in North Carolina program is the official promotional program of the North Carolina Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services. Look for the Goodness Grows Logo in this publicaton, or wherever quality North Carolina trees, shrubs, flowering plants, turfgrass, or Christmas trees are sold!! For more information about the GGINC program contact: Jeff Thomas NCDA&CS 2 West Edenton Street Raleigh, NC 27601 Phone: (919) 733-7912 · Fax (919) 733-0999 E-Mail: jeff.thomas@ncDJUJRY 134 Products & Services - Aluminum Irrigation Pipe Aluminum Irrigation Pipe Gra-Mac Irrigation Johnson and Company Irrigation Chemicals Pumps R/W/L RT-WH 336-998-3232 800-222-2691 Animal Repellants Montery Lawn & Garden Products, Inc. AL-WH 559-499-2100 R/W/L R/W/L 336-998-3232 800-222-2691 R/W/L R/W/L 931-668-3320 800-222-2691 Backflow Preventers Gra-Mac Irrigation Johnson and Company Irrigation Bactericide Montery Lawn & Garden Products, Inc. AL-WH 559-499-2100 R/W/L 931-668-3320 R/W/L 828-685-3053 R/W/L 828-685-3053 R/W/L 828-685-3053 AL-LD AL-RT AL-WH 919-806-5635 919-806-5635 919-806-5635 AL-RT AL-LD AL-WH AL-WH 919-806-5635 919-806-5635 919-806-5635 910-289-3672 AL-RT AL-WH AL-LD 919-806-5635 919-806-5635 919-806-5635 AL-WH AL-LD AL-RT 919-806-5635 919-806-5635 919-806-5635 R/W/L 931-668-3320 AL-WH 800-749-3504 Bark (Pine) Page Road Garden Center Page Road Garden Center Page Road Garden Center Basket Liners Great Western Bag Company Baskets (Assorted) Alabama Wire, Inc. Baskets (Hanging) Mize Farm and Garden AL-WH 800-321-8161 AL-WH R/W/L 800-749-3504 931-668-3320 R/W/L R/W/L 336-998-3232 800-222-2691 Baskets (Wire) Alabama Wire, Inc. Great Western Bag Company Battery Controllers Gra-Mac Irrigation Johnson and Company Irrigation Bird Feeders Mize Farm and Garden AL-WH 800-321-8161 Boulders Page Road Garden Center Page Road Garden Center Page Road Garden Center AL-LD AL-RT AL-WH 919-806-5635 919-806-5635 919-806-5635 Building and Equipment Leasing Ag Carolina Financial RootMaker Products Co, LLC Mize Farm and Garden RootMaker Products Co, LLC Great Western Bag Company Mize Farm and Garden RootMaker Products Co, LLC AL-WH 704-333-4641 AL-WH AL-WH 800-749-3504 800-824-3941 AL-WH 800-824-3941 AL-WH 800-824-3941 AL-WH 800-321-8161 AL-WH 800-824-3941 R/W/L AL-WH AL-WH 931-668-3320 800-321-8161 800-824-3941 RootMaker Products Co, LLC AL-WH 800-824-3941 AL-WH 800-824-3941 AL-WH 800-824-3941 AL-WH 800-824-3941 Containers (Liners) RootMaker Products Co, LLC Containers (Plastic) RootMaker Products Co, LLC Containers (Root Trapping) RootMaker Products Co, LLC Containers (Root-Enhancement) RootMaker Products Co, LLC AL-WH 800-824-3941 AL-WH AL-RT AL-LD AL-WH 704-333-4641 919-806-5635 919-806-5635 919-806-5635 R/W/L 800-222-2691 R/W/L R/W/L AL-WH 336-998-3232 800-222-2691 800-321-8161 R/W/L 336-998-3232 Crop Protection Products Dow Agro Sciences Page Road Garden Center Page Road Garden Center Page Road Garden Center Drainage Materials Johnson and Company Irrigation Drip irrigation Gra-Mac Irrigation Johnson and Company Irrigation Mize Farm and Garden Drip Tubes Gra-Mac Irrigation EasyPro Pond Products Star Ridge Aquatics, LLC 910-947-5333 Edging (Landscape) Great Western Bag Company R/W/L 931-668-3320 Emperor Aquatics Products Star Ridge Aquatics, LLC 910-947-5333 Fabric Grow Bags RootMaker Products Co, LLC Fall & Winter Poly R/W/L 931-668-3320 Fertilizer Injectors R/W/L 931-668-3320 R/W/L R/W/L 336-998-3232 800-222-2691 Central Control (Irrigation) Gra-Mac Irrigation Johnson and Company Irrigation RootMaker Products Co, LLC 919-250-9500 Burlap Liners Great Western Bag Company Alabama Wire, Inc. RootMaker Products Co, LLC R/W/L Burlap Great Western Bag Company Dow Agro Sciences Containers (In-ground) Bark (Nuggets) Page Road Garden Center Page Road Garden Center Page Road Garden Center 704-333-4641 Contact Insecticides Containers (Greenhouse & Nursery) Bark (Miscellaneous) Page Road Garden Center Page Road Garden Center Page Road Garden Center Parker Bark Co., Inc. AL-WH Contact Fungicides Containers (Fabric) Bark (Compost) Page Road Garden Center Page Road Garden Center Page Road Garden Center 252-482-8528 919-806-5635 919-806-5635 919-806-5635 910-289-3672 Containers (Decorative) Bamboo Roles Haiku Bamboo Nursery AL-WH AL-LD AL-WH AL-RT AL-WH Containers (Bonsai) Bamboo Poles Haiku Bamboo Nursery 800-222-2691 Containers (Air-Root-Pruning) Bamboo Barrier Haiku Bamboo Nursery R/W/L Container Growing System Bambo Stakes Great Western Bag Company Bio-Comp, Inc. Page Road Garden Center Page Road Garden Center Page Road Garden Center Parker Bark Co., Inc. Dow Agro Sciences Backpack Sprayers Great Western Bag Company Johnson and Company Irrigation Johnson and Company Irrigation Composts Mize Farm and Garden Gra-Mac Irrigation Johnson and Company Irrigation AL-WH 800-824-3941 AL-WH 800-321-8161 R/W/L R/W/L 336-998-3232 800-222-2691 AL-WH 800-321-8161 Fertilizer Products Mize Farm and Garden 135 Fertilizers - Products & Services Fertilizers Montery Lawn & Garden Products, Inc. Hardwood Bark Mulch AL-WH 559-499-2100 AL-WH 559-499-2100 Fertilizers (Liquid) Montery Lawn & Garden Products, Inc. Fertilizers (Water Soluble) Montery Lawn & Garden Products, Inc. AL-WH 559-499-2100 AL-RT 931-668-3320 R/W/L 931-668-3320 R/W/L 336-998-3232 Fiberglass stakes Great Western Bag Company Film, Rolls And Sheets Great Western Bag Company Filters (Water) Gra-Mac Irrigation Financial Planning Ag Carolina Financial R/W/L 919-250-9500 R/W/L 919-250-9500 Financial Services Ag Carolina Financial Financing Ag Carolina Financial R/W/L 919-250-9500 R/W/L 931-668-3320 AL-WH 800-824-3941 AL-WH 800-824-3941 R/W/L 336-998-3232 Flagging Tape Great Western Bag Company Flats (Plastic) RootMaker Products Co, LLC Flats (Propagation) RootMaker Products Co, LLC Fog (High Pressure System) Gra-Mac Irrigation Fountains Johnson and Company Irrigation Page Road Garden Center Page Road Garden Center Page Road Garden Center R/W/L AL-LD AL-RT AL-WH 800-222-2691 919-806-5635 919-806-5635 919-806-5635 Fountec/McGrayel Products Star Ridge Aquatics, LLC 910-947-5333 Fungicides Dow Agro Sciences Montery Lawn & Garden Products, Inc. AL-WH 704-333-4641 AL-WH 559-499-2100 Fungicides (Wettable Powder) Montery Lawn & Garden Products, Inc. AL-WH 559-499-2100 Garden Center Page Road Garden Center AL-RT 919-806-5635 R/W/L 800-222-2691 Greenhouse Cooling Equipment Mize Farm and Garden AL-WH 800-321-8161 Greenhouse Covering (Polyethylene) Mize Farm and Garden 136 AL-WH 704-333-4641 AL-WH 559-499-2100 AL-WH 559-499-2100 AL-WH 704-333-4641 AL-WH 559-499-2100 AL-WH 559-499-2100 R/W/L 919-250-9500 AL-RT 800-851-7740 AL-WH 800-851-7740 AL-LD 800-851-7740 AL-RT 800-851-7740 AL-WH 800-851-7740 AL-LD 800-851-7740 AL-LD 800-851-7740 AL-RT 800-851-7740 AL-WH 800-851-7740 R/W/L R/W/L 336-998-3232 800-222-2691 R/W/L R/W/L 336-998-3232 800-222-2691 R/W/L R/W/L AL-WH 336-998-3232 800-222-2691 800-321-8161 Herbicides Dow Agro Sciences Montery Lawn & Garden Products, Inc. Herbicides (Pre-Emergent) Montery Lawn & Garden Products, Inc. Insecticides Dow Agro Sciences Montery Lawn & Garden Products, Inc. Insecticides (Organic) Montery Lawn & Garden Products, Inc. Insurance (Crop) Ag Carolina Financial Hortica Insurance & Employee Benefits Hortica Insurance & Employee Benefits Hortica Insurance & Employee Benefits Insurance (Life) Hortica Insurance & Employee Benefits Hortica Insurance & Employee Benefits Hortica Insurance & Employee Benefits Insurance (Nursery) Hortica Insurance & Employee Benefits Hortica Insurance & Employee Benefits Hortica Insurance & Employee Benefits Gra-Mac Irrigation Johnson and Company Irrigation Irrigation (Exterior) Gra-Mac Irrigation Johnson and Company Irrigation Irrigation (Interior) Gra-Mac Irrigation Johnson and Company Irrigation Mize Farm and Garden Irrigation Controllers (Automatic Drip) R/W/L 931-668-3320 Irrigation Design Service AL-WH 252-482-8528 AL-WH 252-482-8528 AL-WH 559-499-2100 Growth Regulators Montery Lawn & Garden Products, Inc. 919-806-5635 919-806-5635 919-806-5635 800-749-3504 931-668-3320 800-321-8161 Growing Media Bio-Comp, Inc. Page Road Garden Center Page Road Garden Center Page Road Garden Center AL-WH R/W/L AL-WH Growers Mixes Bio-Comp, Inc. AL-WH AL-LD AL-RT Hardwood Mulch 800-321-8161 Ground Cover Fabric Great Western Bag Company 919-806-5635 919-806-5635 919-806-5635 910-289-3672 AL-WH Greenhouse Supplies Alabama Wire, Inc. Great Western Bag Company Mize Farm and Garden AL-LD AL-RT AL-WH AL-WH Irrigation Garden Fountains Johnson and Company Irrigation Page Road Garden Center Page Road Garden Center Page Road Garden Center Parker Bark Co., Inc. Gra-Mac Irrigation Johnson and Company Irrigation Gra-Mac Irrigation Johnson and Company Irrigation R/W/L R/W/L 336-998-3232 800-222-2691 R/W/L R/W/L 336-998-3232 800-222-2691 R/W/L R/W/L 336-998-3232 800-222-2691 R/W/L R/W/L 336-998-3232 800-222-2691 Irrigation Equipment Gra-Mac Irrigation Johnson and Company Irrigation Irrigation Equipment (Drip) Gra-Mac Irrigation Johnson and Company Irrigation Products & Services - Irrigation Supplies Irrigation Supplies Alabama Wire, Inc. Gra-Mac Irrigation Johnson and Company Irrigation Perlite AL-WH R/W/L R/W/L 800-749-3504 336-998-3232 800-222-2691 R/W/L R/W/L 336-998-3232 800-222-2691 R/W/L 800-222-2691 AL-WH R/W/L 800-749-3504 931-668-3320 AL-WH 800-321-8161 Irrigation Systems Gra-Mac Irrigation Johnson and Company Irrigation Landscape Lighting Johnson and Company Irrigation Landscape Supplies Alabama Wire, Inc. Great Western Bag Company Lawn & Garden Supplies Mize Farm and Garden Lawn & Ornamental Pest Control Montery Lawn & Garden Products, Inc. 559-499-2100 R/W/L 931-668-3320 Liquid Insecticides Montery Lawn & Garden Products, Inc. AL-WH 559-499-2100 Low-Volume Irrigation Spray Jets Gra-Mac Irrigation Johnson and Company Irrigation R/W/L R/W/L 336-998-3232 800-222-2691 R/W/L R/W/L 336-998-3232 800-222-2691 R/W/L R/W/L 336-998-3232 800-222-2691 Micro Sprinklers Gra-Mac Irrigation Johnson and Company Irrigation Misting Equipment Gra-Mac Irrigation Johnson and Company Irrigation Miticides Montery Lawn & Garden Products, Inc. AL-WH 559-499-2100 AL-LD AL-WH AL-RT 919-806-5635 919-806-5635 919-806-5635 AL-WH AL-LD AL-RT AL-WH 919-806-5635 919-806-5635 919-806-5635 910-289-3672 AL-WH AL-RT AL-LD 919-806-5635 919-806-5635 919-806-5635 AL-LD AL-RT AL-WH 919-806-5635 919-806-5635 800-462-1795 R/W/L 931-668-3320 R/W/L R/W/L 336-998-3232 800-222-2691 AL-WH 800-321-8161 AL-WH 800-749-3504 AL-WH 800-824-3941 R/W/L 931-668-3320 Pine Straw Page Road Garden Center Page Road Garden Center Putnals Premium Pine Straw, Inc. Pinning Nails Great Western Bag Company Pipe (PVC) Gra-Mac Irrigation Johnson and Company Irrigation Plant Sleeves Mize Farm and Garden Plant Stakes Alabama Wire, Inc. RootMaker Products Co, LLC Pond Fish (Koi) AL-WH AL-LD AL-RT AL-WH 919-806-5635 919-806-5635 919-806-5635 910-289-3672 Pondless Waterfall Kits AL-WH AL-RT AL-LD 919-806-5635 919-806-5635 919-806-5635 AL-LD AL-WH AL-RT AL-WH 919-806-5635 919-806-5635 919-806-5635 800-462-1795 Pots (Manufacturer) AL-WH AL-RT AL-LD AL-WH 919-806-5635 919-806-5635 919-806-5635 910-289-3672 Pots (Terra Cotta) Poly Rope & Twines Great Western Bag Company Pond Fish (Goldfish) Star Ridge Aquatics, LLC AL-WH R/W/L 800-749-3504 931-668-3320 AL-WH 704-333-4641 910-947-5333 Star Ridge Aquatics, LLC 910-947-5333 Pond Kits (Complete) Star Ridge Aquatics, LLC 910-947-5333 Pond Liners (Firestone) Star Ridge Aquatics, LLC 910-947-5333 Star Ridge Aquatics, LLC 910-947-5333 Post Emergent Herbicides Dow Agro Sciences AL-WH 704-333-4641 AL-WH 800-321-8161 AL-WH 800-321-8161 AL-WH 800-824-3941 R/W/L AL-WH 931-668-3320 800-824-3941 AL-RT 800-321-8161 AL-WH 910-289-3672 AL-WH AL-LD AL-RT 919-806-5635 919-806-5635 919-806-5635 Pot Covers (Decorative) Mize Farm and Garden Pots (Clay) Mize Farm and Garden Organic Insecticides Dow Agro Sciences Page Road Garden Center Page Road Garden Center Page Road Garden Center 919-806-5635 919-806-5635 919-806-5635 910-289-3672 800-462-1795 Nursery Supplies Alabama Wire, Inc. Great Western Bag Company Page Road Garden Center Page Road Garden Center Page Road Garden Center Parker Bark Co., Inc. AL-LD AL-WH AL-RT AL-WH AL-WH Mulch (Various) Page Road Garden Center Page Road Garden Center Page Road Garden Center Parker Bark Co., Inc. 800-321-8161 Pine Bark 252-482-8528 910-289-3672 Mulch (Pine) Page Road Garden Center Page Road Garden Center Page Road Garden Center Putnals Premium Pine Straw, Inc. Page Road Garden Center Page Road Garden Center Page Road Garden Center AL-WH AL-WH Mulch (Pine Nuggets) Page Road Garden Center Page Road Garden Center Page Road Garden Center AL-WH Pine (Shredded) 559-499-2100 Mulch (Colored) Page Road Garden Center Page Road Garden Center Page Road Garden Center Parker Bark Co., Inc. Mize Farm and Garden Montery Lawn & Garden Products, Inc. AL-WH Mulch Page Road Garden Center Page Road Garden Center Page Road Garden Center Parker Bark Co., Inc. Putnals Premium Pine Straw, Inc. 704-279-2325 Plug Trays Mixes Bio-Comp, Inc. Parker Bark Co., Inc. AL-WH Pine Bark Mini Nuggets AL-WH Liners Great Western Bag Company Carolina Perlite Company, Inc. Pesticides RootMaker Products Co, LLC Pots (Plastic) Great Western Bag Company RootMaker Products Co, LLC Mize Farm and Garden Potting Materials Parker Bark Co., Inc. Potting Materials (Pine Bark) Page Road Garden Center Page Road Garden Center Page Road Garden Center 137 Potting Media Amendment (Compost) - Products & Services Potting Media Amendment (Compost) Bio-Comp, Inc. Page Road Garden Center Page Road Garden Center Page Road Garden Center Soilless Mixes AL-WH AL-LD AL-RT AL-WH 252-482-8528 919-806-5635 919-806-5635 919-806-5635 AL-WH AL-RT AL-LD 919-806-5635 919-806-5635 919-806-5635 AL-WH AL-WH AL-WH 252-482-8528 800-321-8161 910-289-3672 AL-WH 704-333-4641 Potting Mix Page Road Garden Center Page Road Garden Center Page Road Garden Center Potting Soil Bio-Comp, Inc. Mize Farm and Garden Parker Bark Co., Inc. Preemergent Herbicides Dow Agro Sciences PTO Pumps Gra-Mac Irrigation Johnson and Company Irrigation R/W/L R/W/L 336-998-3232 800-222-2691 R/W/L R/W/L 336-998-3232 800-222-2691 R/W/L R/W/L 336-998-3232 800-222-2691 R/W/L R/W/L 336-998-3232 800-222-2691 Pump Stations Gra-Mac Irrigation Johnson and Company Irrigation Pump Systems (Diesel & Gas) Gra-Mac Irrigation Johnson and Company Irrigation Pumps Gra-Mac Irrigation Johnson and Company Irrigation Pumps (Water Garden) Star Ridge Aquatics, LLC 910-947-5333 Rocks (Decorative) Page Road Garden Center Page Road Garden Center Page Road Garden Center R/W/L R/W/L 931-668-3320 800-222-2691 R/W/L 800-222-2691 Sprayers Great Western Bag Company Johnson and Company Irrigation Sprayers (Commercial) Johnson and Company Irrigation Sprinkler Design & Installation Gra-Mac Irrigation Johnson and Company Irrigation R/W/L R/W/L 336-998-3232 800-222-2691 R/W/L R/W/L 336-998-3232 800-222-2691 R/W/L R/W/L 336-998-3232 800-222-2691 R/W/L R/W/L 336-998-3232 800-222-2691 R/W/L R/W/L 336-998-3232 800-222-2691 AL-WH 800-749-3504 R/W/L 931-668-3320 Sprinklers (Big Gun) Gra-Mac Irrigation Johnson and Company Irrigation Sprinklers (Impact) Gra-Mac Irrigation Johnson and Company Irrigation Sprinklers (Spinner) Gra-Mac Irrigation Johnson and Company Irrigation Sprinklers (Spray Type) Gra-Mac Irrigation Johnson and Company Irrigation Strapping (Nylon) AL-WH R/W/L 800-749-3504 931-668-3320 AL-WH AL-LD AL-RT AL-WH 252-482-8528 919-806-5635 919-806-5635 919-806-5635 Alabama Wire, Inc. Staplers & Staples Great Western Bag Company RootMaker Products Co, LLC Great Western Bag Company AL-WH 800-824-3941 R/W/L 931-668-3320 AL-WH 704-333-4641 AL-WH 704-333-4641 R/W/L 931-668-3320 AL-LD AL-RT AL-WH 919-806-5635 919-806-5635 919-806-5635 R/W/L 931-668-3320 AL-WH 800-749-3504 AL-WH 800-749-3504 R/W/L 931-668-3320 R/W/L R/W/L 336-998-3232 800-222-2691 AL-RT 800-321-8161 Systemic Fungicides Dow Agro Sciences Systemic Insecticides Dow Agro Sciences Tools Great Western Bag Company Top Soil Page Road Garden Center Page Road Garden Center Page Road Garden Center Tree Dolly Great Western Bag Company Tree Stabilizers AL-WH AL-LD AL-RT AL-WH 252-482-8528 919-806-5635 919-806-5635 919-806-5635 AL-LD AL-RT AL-WH 919-806-5635 919-806-5635 919-806-5635 AL-WH AL-LD AL-WH AL-RT AL-WH 800-321-8161 919-806-5635 919-806-5635 919-806-5635 910-289-3672 AL-WH 252-482-8528 Soil Mixes Alabama Wire, Inc. Tree Staking Material Alabama Wire, Inc. Truck Tarps Great Western Bag Company Valves Gra-Mac Irrigation Johnson and Company Irrigation Water Garden Products Mize Farm and Garden Water Garden Supplies Star Ridge Aquatics, LLC 910-947-5333 Water Treatment Johnson and Company Irrigation Soilless Media 138 336-998-3232 800-222-2691 919-806-5635 919-806-5635 919-806-5635 910-289-3672 Soil Condtioner Bio-Comp, Inc. Gra-Mac Irrigation Johnson and Company Irrigation AL-WH AL-RT AL-LD AL-WH Soil Amendments (Organic) Mize Farm and Garden Page Road Garden Center Page Road Garden Center Page Road Garden Center Parker Bark Co., Inc. R/W/L R/W/L Spray©Stakes Stem Protectors (Young trees) Soil Amendments & Conditioners Page Road Garden Center Page Road Garden Center Page Road Garden Center 919-806-5635 919-806-5635 919-806-5635 931-668-3320 Sod staples Bio-Comp, Inc. Page Road Garden Center Page Road Garden Center Page Road Garden Center Page Road Garden Center Page Road Garden Center Page Road Garden Center R/W/L Montery Lawn & Garden Products, Inc. AL-WH 559-499-2100 Bio-Comp, Inc. Page Road Garden Center Page Road Garden Center Page Road Garden Center AL-WH AL-RT AL-LD Soils Stakes Snail & Slug Control Product Alabama Wire, Inc. Great Western Bag Company 252-482-8528 910-289-3672 919-806-5635 919-806-5635 919-806-5635 Shredded Hardwood Bark Page Road Garden Center Page Road Garden Center Page Road Garden Center Parker Bark Co., Inc. AL-WH AL-WH AL-WH AL-RT AL-LD Shadecloth Great Western Bag Company Bio-Comp, Inc. Parker Bark Co., Inc. R/W/L 800-222-2691 Products & Services - Weed & Grass Killers Weed & Grass Killers Montery Lawn & Garden Products, Inc. AL-WH 559-499-2100 AL-WH 559-499-2100 AL-RT AL-LD 919-806-5635 919-806-5635 Wetting Agents Montery Lawn & Garden Products, Inc. Wheat Straw Page Road Garden Center Page Road Garden Center Winston Co. (Crystal Clear Products) Star Ridge Aquatics, LLC 910-947-5333 Winter Fabric Great Western Bag Company R/W/L 931-668-3320 AL-WH R/W/L 800-749-3504 931-668-3320 R/W/L 336-998-3232 Wire Baskets Alabama Wire, Inc. Great Western Bag Company Xerigation Equipment Gra-Mac Irrigation JAKE A. PARROTT Insurance Agency, Inc. 2508 N. Heritage Street Post Office Box 3547 Kinston, North Carolina 28502 TOLL FREE 1-800-PARROTT 1-800-727-7688 Telephone: (252) 523-1041 Fax: (252) 523-0145 Serving You Since 1937 139 140 How to Use the Maps in this Section Vendors listed in the Business Listings section that have a “map 1” noted beside their company will be found on the map with the corresponding tab in this section. North Carolina nursery and product/service vendors may be located on one of the following regional maps. NC MAPS 5 NC MAP 1 141 4. 3. 2. 1. Bio-Comp, Inc 252-482-8528 Coastal Plain Conservation Nursery, Inc. 252-482-5707 Jake A Parrot Insurance Agency 252-523-1041 Worthington Farms 252-756-3827 142 NC MAP 2 6. 5. Gary’s Nursery 252-637-6858 Tinga Nursery 910-762-1975 NC MAP 3 143 23. 22. 21. 20. 19. 18. 17. 16. 15. 14. 13. 12. 11. 10. 9. 8. 7. Ag Carolina Financial 919-250-9500 Architectural Trees 919-620-0779 Big Branch Nursery 919-883-8285 Cederview Farm Nursery 919-528-4147 Cure Nursery 919-542-6186 Currins Nursery Inc. 919-552-4521 Full Of Life Farms 919-742-2897 Goodson & Associates 919-562-0114 Neuse Plant & Bark, Inc. 919-934-0428 Page Road Garden Center 919-806-5635 Pender Nursery 919-772-7255 Plantworks Nursery, Inc. 919-732-6594 Powell’s Nursery 919-552-5869 Stephenson’s Nursery 919-894-2700 Swift Creek Nursery 919-934-7764 Taylor’s Nursery 919-231-6161 Watson’s Nursery 919-776-3590 144 NC MAP 4 24. Back Road Farms 910-858-3740 25. Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping 910-323-8811 26. Old Courthouse Nursery 910-293-9374 27. Parker Bark Company, Inc. 910-289-2100 28. Sampson Nursery 910-567-2937 NC MAP 5 145 29. A&A Plants 336-656-7881 30. Bryan Wagoner Tree Farm 336-585-0052 31. Buds & Blooms Nursery 336-656-7819 32. Cam Too Camellia Nursery, Inc. 336-643-3727 33. CNCNA Marketing Group FAX: 866-268-3509 35. Gilmore Plant & Bulb Company, Inc. 336-622-0260 36. Gossett’s Landscape Nursery 336-454-2548 37. Gra-Mac Irrigation 336-998-3232 38. Hickory Hill Nursery 336-625-6660 39. Johnson & Company Irrigation 800-222-2691 40. Kenneth E. Bells Trees 336-337-2322 41. Monterey Nursery 336-697-9042 42. Oakmont Nursery 919-663-3607 43. Spivey’s Nursery, Inc. 888-992-2530 44. Turkey Foot Nursery, Inc. 336-492-5200 146 NC MAP 6 45. Carolina Perlite Company 704-279-2325 46. Lanes Creek Trees 704-564-3232 47. Poverty Hill Nursery 910-692-2803 48. Star Ridge Aquatics, LLC 910-947-5333 NC MAP 7 147 49. Angel’s Gift Farm, LLC 336-352-4947 50. Carolina Farm Credit 704-873-0276 51. Hefner’s Nursery 828-256-5271 52. Laurel Springs Trees Farm 336-372-2468 53. Rocky Creek Nursery 704-876-3125 54. Smokey Holler Tree Farm, LLC 336-372-2756 148 NC MAP 8 55. Dow Agro Sciences 704-333-4641 56. Hortica Insurance & Employee Benefits 800-851-7740 57. Patterson’s Nursery 704-596-4516 58. Scottree 704-471-1000 59. Turtle Creek Nursery 1-800-762-7062 60. Colonial Acres Nursery 828-884-4330 61. Deerwood Nursery 828-606-3625 62. Douglas Thompson & Associates 828-894-2020 63. Haiku Bamboo Nusery & Oshima Bamboo School 828-685-3053 64. Hillside Nursery Wholesale Company 828-891-3893 65. Meadowbrook Nursery & Farm 828-738-8300 66. North 40 Nursery, Inc. 828-433-5044 67. Quaker Meadows Nursery 828-437-2063 68. Silver Creek Farm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·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·6RXWKHUQ%ORRPV 5LYHU5LGJH5RDG %URZQV6XPPLW1& I[ (OLVD7KDPHV#\DKRRFRP 2UHJRQ+LOO6KUXEV 2UHJRQ+LOO5RDG5HLGVYLOOH1& I[ 3LHGPRQW&DUROLQD1XUVHU\ 6DQG\5LGJH5G&ROID[1& I[ ZZZSLHGPRQWFDUROLQDFRP 3ODQWZRUNV1XUVHU\,QF .LJHU5RDG5RXJHPRQW1& I[ HPDLOGRXJ#SODQWZRUNVQXUVHU\FRP 3ULWFKHWW)DUP1XUVHULHV 1&1(ORQ1& I[ 5DOSK0RGOLQ)DUPV 6OHHS\+ROORZ'ULYH $UFKGDOH1& I[ 5D\·V&UHDWLYH/DQGVFDSLQJ7UHH)DUP %XUGHWWH'ULYH:LQVWRQ6DOHP1& I[ UD\VODQG#EHOOVRXWKQHW 5H\QROGV1XUVHU\ 1&+Z\5HLGVYLOOH1& I[ UH\QROGVQXUVHU\#HDUWKOLQNQHW 6KLORK1XUVHU\ $OOHQ5RDG+DUPRQ\1& I[ FHOO VKLORKQXUVHU\#\DKRRFRP VKLORKQXUVHU\#KRWPDLOFRP 6SLYH\·V1XUVHU\ $%HHVRQ5G.HUQHUVYLOOH1& WROOIUHHI[ 7HUUDJHQ1XUVHULHV,QF 'RJJHWW5RDG%URZQV6XPPLW1& I[ WHUUDJHQLQF#\DKRRFRP ZZZWHUUDJHQRQOLQHFRP 7RP·V&UHHN)DUP1XUVHU\ 2OG1&+LJKZD\'HQWRQ1& I[ EUDQGRQ#WRPVFUHHNQXUVHU\FRP 7ULDG/DQGVFDSH6XSSO\ *XPWUHH5RDG:LQVWRQ6DOHP1& I[ ZZZWULDGODQGVFDSHVXSSO\FRP WULDGODQGVFDSHVX#EHOOVRXWKQHW :DJRQHU·V1XUVHU\//& )ULHGHQV&KXUFK5G*LEVRQYLOOH1& I[ ZZZZDJRQHUVQXUVHU\FRP ZDJRQHUVQXUVHU\#HPEDUTPDLOFRP 72//)5(()$; NCNLA 2010 Membership Directory 151 152 HELPFUL NUMBERS AT A GLANCE North Carolina NC Nursery & Landscape Association (NCNLA) ........................................................... 919-816-9119 NC Green Industry Council (NC GIC) ............................................................................ 919-372-1586 NC Landscape Contractors Registration Board ............................................................. 919-266-8070 NC Irrigation Contractors Registration Board ................................................................ 919-872-2229 NC Board of Landscape Architects ................................................................................ 919-850-9088 NC Arboretum ................................................................................................................ 828-665-2492 NC State University Dept. of Horticultural Science ........................................................ 919-515-3131 JC Raulston Arboretum .................................................................................................. 919-515-3132 NC Commissioner of Agriculture .................................................................................... 919-733-7125 NC Dept. of Labor (including OSHA) ........................................................................... 800-NCLABOR NC Dept. of Motor Vehicles ........................................................................................... 919-715-7000 NC Dept. of Revenue Motor Fuels Tax Division .............................................................................. 919-733-3409 Sales Tax Division ..................................................................................... 1-877-252-3052 NC Dept. of Agriculture Consumer Services — Plant Industry Division ........................ 919-733-3933 Pesticide Licensing, Compliance, Training & Field Staff ................................................ 919-733-3556 National American Nursery & Landscape Association (ANLA) .................................................... 202-789-2900 American Society of Consulting Arborists (ASCA) ......................................................... 301-947-0483 American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) ....................................................... 202-898-2444 Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations .................................................................. 1-800-832-5660 Professional Landcare Network (PLANET) .................................................................... 800-395-2522 USDA (Information Hotline) ........................................................................................... 202-720-2791 EMERGENCY NUMBERS Local Fire Department ................................................................................ ________________________ Local Emergency Number .......................................................................... ________________________ North Carolina NC Pesticide Emergencies — NCDA office hours ......................................................... 919-733-3556 NC Highway Patrol ......................................................................................................... 800-662-7956 NC Department of Crime Control / Emergency Management ........................................ 919-733-3825 National Hotlines National Poison Center (24 Hours) ................................................................................ 800-222-1222 CHEMTREC .................................................................................................................. 800-424-9300 (24-hour line in the event of an emergency involving hazardous materials) 153 NC ASSOCIATION CONTACTS – listed alphabetically by Association Carolina Grounds Management Association NC Green Industry Council P.O. Box 220942 Charlotte , NC 28222 PH: 704-577-5933 Sheryl Bynum, Executive Director PO Box 1383 Apex, NC 27502 PH: 919-372-1586 FAX: 919-372-1586 Carolina Irrigation Association Ronald Gelvin, Executive Director PO Box 309 Willow Spring, NC 27952 PH: 919-557-5474 FAX 919-557-5467 CELL: 919-669-5444 NC Chapter of the American Society of Landscape architects Debora & George Steenson, Management c/o Blue Star Services 1829 East Franklin St. Ste. 600 Chapel Hill, NC 27514 PH: 919-215-3117 North Carolina Irrigation Contractors’ Licensing Board PO Box 41421 Raleigh, NC 27629-1421 PH: 919-872-2229 FAX: 919-872-1598 North Carolina Landscape Contractors’ Registration Board Sandra Kelly, Board Administrator PO Box 1578 Knightdale, NC 27545 PH: 919-266-8070 FAX: 919-266-6050 North Carolina Nursery & Landscape Association North Carolina Christmas Tree Association Linda Gragg, Executive Director 577-3 George Wilson Road PO Box 1937 Boone, NC 28607 PH: 828-262-5826 Toll Free: 800-562-8789 FAX: 828-265-1558 NC Composting Council Frank Franciosi PH: 919.494.3489 FAX: 919.494.1472 NC Commercial Flower Growers’ Association Bonnie Holloman, Executive Director PO Box 58220 Raleigh, NC 27658 PH: 919-334-0093 FAX: 919-877-0940 154 Ross Williams, Executive Director 968 Trinity Road Raleigh, NC 27607 PH: 919-816-9119 FAX: 919-816-9118 NC Pine Needle Producers Assoc. PO Box2326 Southern Pines, NC 28388 North Carolina Sod Producers Association/ NC Turfgrass Council P.O. Box 2163 Cary, NC 27512 PH: 919-380-9446 Fax: 919-380-9424 NC Green Industry Council Executive Board Members Daniel Currin, President Greenscape, Inc. PO Box 97 Holly Springs, NC 27540 PH: 919-552-7742 x112; FAX: 919- 567-9570 Doug Berlin, Past President New Garden Nursery 5577 Garden Village Way Greensboro, NC 27410 PH: 336-665-0291; FAX: 336-662-0512 Dennis Niemeyer, 1st V. President Magnolia Ridge Farm 195 Macdonia Lake Rd. Saluda, NC 28773 PH: 800-525-3597; FAX: 800-525-3598 Legislative Committee Co-Chairs Mark Peters Piedmont Carolina Nursery 1867 Sandy Ridge Rd. Colfax, NC 27235 PH: 336-993-4114; FAX: 336-993-6769 Buddy Murrow, 2nd V. President Shepherds Supply 9725 Mt. Holly Huntersville Rd. Huntersville, NC 28078 PH: 704-399-1226 Doug Chapman Plantworks Nursery 5851 Kiger Rd. Rougemont, NC 27572 PH: 919-732-6594: FAX: 919-732-1634 Sheryl Bynum, Executive Director PO Box 1383 Apex, NC 27502 PH: 919-372-1586; FAX: 372-1586 State Regional Representatives Region 1 — Asheville & Hickory Dennis Niemeyer Magnolia Ridge Farm 195 Macdonia Lake Rd. Saluda, NC 28773 PH: 800-525-3597; FAX: 800-828-606 Region 3 — Greensboro Vaughan Willoughby Living Landscapes, Inc. 2077 S. Main St. Graham, NC PH: 336-227-5769; FAX: 336-227-5979 Deward Clark Creative Landscape Designs 1368 Buffalo Shoals Rd. Catawba, NC 28609 PH: 828-241-2713 Region 4 — Charlotte Buddy Murrow Shepherds Supply 9725 Mt. Holly Huntersville Rd. Huntersville, NC 28078 PH: 704-399-1226 Region 2 — Wilmington & Greenville Brad Goodrum Fayetteville Technical Community College PO Box 35236 Fayetteville, NC 28305 PH: 910-678-7376; FAX: 910-483-1092 Region 5 — Raleigh Cyndy Allison Willow Tree Landscaping 1411 Hedgelawn Way Raleigh, NC 27615 PH: 919-872-8814; FAX: 876-6777 Bill Scott Lenoir Community College P.O. Box 158 Kinston, NC 28502-0188 PH: 252-527-6223; FAX: 252-527-1199 GIC Lobbyists Larry Bewley Bewley & Associates 150 Fayetteville St. Ste. 1130 Raleigh, 27601 PH: 919-834-4801; FAX: 919-341-3908 Dick Carlton Bewley & Associates 150 Fayetteville St. Ste. 1130 Raleigh, 27601 PH: 919-833-7744; FAX: 919-341-3908 155 NC Green Industry Council GIC Advisors NC A&T Advisor Dr. Marihelen Glass, Prof. - Hort. 1601 E. Market St./Carver Hall Greensboro, NC 27411 PH: 336-334-7037; FAX: 336-334-7844 NCDA & CS Advisor Bill Glenn, Marketing Specialist 570 Brevard Rd. Asheville, NC 28806 PH: 828-253-1691; FAX: 828-252-2025 NC Farm Bureau Debbie Hamrick, Director Specialty Crops PO Box 27766 Raleigh, NC 27611-7766 PH: 919-334-2977; FAX: 919-783-3593 NC Landscape Contractors Reg. Board Sandra Kelly Executive Director PO Box 1578 Knightdale, NC 27545 PH: 919-266-8070 NCSU Advisor Dr. Tom Monaco Campus Box 7609 Raleigh, NC 27695-7609 PH: 919-515-6963; FAX: 919-515-6980 NCSU Extension Advisor Dr. Barbara Fair NCSU Campus Box 7609 Raleigh, NC 27695 PH: 919-513-2804 Member Association Representatives Carolina Grounds Management Association J. Mark Smith, President Environmental Design Landscape, Inc. PH: 704-597-2196 Robert Milks, Representative Central NC Nursery Association Mark Peters, President PH: 336-993-4114; FAX: 336-993-6769 Van Wingerden International Charlotte Arborist Association Stephan Zimmerman, President PH: 704-363-1271 NCNLA Ross Williams, Executive Director PH: 919-816-9119; FAX: 919-816-9118 CIA Ron Gelvin, Executive Director PH: 919-557-5474; FAX: 919-557-5467 Mark Clark, Representative Clark Landscape Group PH: 704-226-0004; FAX: 704-226-1121 Doug Berlin, Representative New Garden Nursery PH: 336-665-0291; FAX: 336-662-0512 NC Pine Needle Producers Assoc. Jerry Holder, President Holder Farms NCCTA Jennifer Greene, Executive Director PH: 828-262-5826; FAX: 828-265-1558 TCNC/NCSPA Laura Nakoneczny, Executive Director PH: 919-380-9446, FAX: 919-380-9424 Pat Gaskin, Representative PH: 336-372-4193 David Bradley, NCSPA Representative Turf Mountain Sod PH: 828-685-3642; FAX: 828-685-1121 NC Composting Council Frank Franciosi PH: 919-4943489; FAX: 919-494-1472 156 NCCFGA Bonnie Holloman, Executive Director PH: 919-334-0093; FAX: 919-877-0940 PH: 828-891-4116 x4121; FAX: 828-891-8581 Steve Dorer, TCNC Representative Syngenta PH: 919-629-2332 NC COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE DISTRICTS — NORTHEAST DISTRICT SOUTHEAST DISTRICT Joe Zublena 919-515-2813 Associate Director and Director of County Operations Joe Zublena 919-515-2813 Associate Director and Director of County Operations County Center Beaufort Bertie Camden Chowan Currituck Dare Edgecombe Gates Hali Hertford Hyde Martin Nash Northampton Pasquotank Perquimans Pitt Tyrrell Washington County Center Brunswick Carteret Craven Duplin Greene Johnston Jones Lenoir New Hanover Onslow Pamlico Pender Sampson Wayne Wilson Phone 252- 946-0111 252-794-5317 252-338-1919 252482-6585 252-232-2261 252-473-4290 252-641-7827 252-357-1400 252-583-5161 252-358-7822 252-926-4486 252-789-4370 252-459-9810 252-534-2831 252-338-3954 252-426-5428 252-902-1700 252-796-1581 252 793-2163 Fax 252-975-5887 252-794-5375 252-338-0277 252-482-6590 252-453-2782 252-473-3106 252-641-7831 252-357-1167 252-583-1683 252-358-7880 252-926-4490 252-789-4389 252-459-9850 252-534-1827 252-338-6442 252-426-1646 252-757-1456 252-796-2881 252-793-1562 Phone 910-253-2610 252-222-6352 252-633-1477 910-296-2143 252-747-5831 919-989-5380 252-448-9621 252-527-2191 910-798-7660 910-455-5873 252-745-4121 910-259-1235 910-592-7161 919-731-1521 252-237-0111 Fax 910-253-2612 252-222-6361 252-633-2120 910-296-2191 252-747-3884 919-934-2698 252-448-1243 252-527-1290 910-798-7678 910-455-0977 252-745-5082 910-259-1291 910-592-9513 919-731-1511 252-237-0114 WEST CENTRAL DISTRICT Deborah Crandall (828) 687-0570 x114 District Extension Director NORTH CENTRAL DISTRICT County Center Phone Fax Jim Cowden 919-515-8439 District Extension Director Alexander Alleghany Ashe Burke Caldwell Catawba Cleveland Davie Gaston Iredell Lincoln Mecklenburg Rowan Rutherford Surry Wilkes Yadkin 828-632-4451 336-372-5597 336-846-5850 828-439-4460 828-757-1290 828-465-8240 704-482-4365 336-753-6100 704-922-0301 704-873-0507 704-736-8452 704-336-2082 704-216-8970 828-287-6011 336-401-8025 336-651-7331 336-679-2061 828-632-7533 336-372-2279 336-846-5882 828-439-4468 828-757-1251 828-465-8428 704-480-6484 336-751-1184 704-922-2140 704-878-3164 704-736-8466 704-336-6876 704-216-8995 828-288-4036 336-401-8048 336-651-7516 336-679-3088 County Center Alamance Caswell Chatham Durham Forsyth Franklin Granville Guilford Orange Person Randolph Rockingham Stokes Vance Wake Warren Phone 336-570-6740 336-694-4158 919-542-8202 919-560-0525 336-703-2850 919-496-3344 919-603-1350 336-375-5876 919-245-2050 336-599-1195 336-318-6000 336-342-8230 336-593-8179 252-438-8188 919-250-1100 252-257-3640 Fax 336-570-6689 336-694-5930 919-542-8246 919-560-0530 336-767-3557 919-496-0222 919-603-0268 336-375-2295 919-644-3067 336-598-0272 336-318-6011 336-342-8242 336-593-8790 252-492-3830 919-250-1097 252-257-5616 WEST DISTRICT SOUTH CENTRAL DISTRICT Harvey Fouts 828-687-0570 x121 District Extension Director Clinton McRae (919) 515-8430 District Director County Center County Center Anson Bladen Cabarrus Columbus Cumberland Harnett Hoke Lee Montgomery Moore Richmond Robeson Scotland Stanly Union Phone 704-694-2915 910-862-4591 704-920-3310 910-640-6605 910-321-6860 910-893-7530 910-875-3461 919-775-5624 910-576-6011 910-947-3188 910-997-8255 910-671-3276 910-277-2422 704-983-3987 704-283-3801 Fax 704-694-2248 910-862-6939 704-920-3323 910-642-6315 910-321-6883 910-893-7539 910-875-9044 919-775-1302 910-576-2635 910-947-1494 910-997-8257 910-671-6278 910-277-2426 704-983-3303 704-283-3734 Phone Avery 828-733-8270 Buncombe 828-255-5522 Cherokee 828-837-2917 Cherokee Reservation 828-554-6931 Clay 828-389-6305 Graham 828-479-7979 Haywood 828-456-3575 Henderson 828-697-4891 Jackson 828-586-4009 Macon 828-349-2046 Madison 828-649-2411 McDowell 828-652-7874 Mitchell 828-688-4811 Polk 828-894-8218 Transylvania 828-884-3109 Watauga 828-264-3061 Yancey 828-682-6186 Fax 828-733-8293 828-255-5202 828-837-2172 828-497-6811 828-389-8872 828-479-2000 828-452-0289 828-697-4581 828-586-5509 828-349-2405 828-649-2020 828-652-8104 828-688-2051 828-894-5693 828-884-3142 828-264-3067 828-682-7680 157 USEFUL INFORMATION N.C. Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services Plant Industry Division — Plant Protection Section — Field Staff Work Areas Specialist's Names, Contact Information and Assigned Counties (From East to West) 1. Randy Copeland Tyner, NC Phone: (252)-297-3056 Counties: Currituck, Camden, Pasquotank, Perquimans, Chowan, Gates 2. Frank White Williamston, NC Phone: (252)-792-5624 Counties: Martin, Bertie, Halifax, Hertford, Northampton 3.Bonnie Faulkner Phone: (252)551-9137 Counties: Dare, Hyde, Tyrell, Washington, Beaufort, Pitt 4. David Pearce New Bern, NC Phone: (252)-636-3796 Pamlico, Carteret, Craven, Jones, Onslow, Lenoir 5. Phil Wilson Pikeville,NC Phone: (919)-242-8870 Edgecombe, Wilson, Greene, Wayne 6. Ann Gallagher Wake Forest, NC Phone: (919) 562-9596 Counties: Nash, Warren, Franklin, Vance, Wake 7. Mike Massey Garner, NC Phone: (919) 763-0247 Counties: Granville, Wake, Person, Durham, Orange 8. Johnny Isenhour Clayton, NC Phone: (919) 553-4746 Counties: Johnston, Harnett, Chatham, Lee, Moore 9. Herbie Ward, Jr Elizabethtown, NC Phone: (910) 862-2730 Counties: Sampson, Bladen, Cumberland 10.Scott Cannady Warsaw, NC Phone: (910)293-4267 Counties: Pender, New Hanover, Brunswick, Duplin 11. Rickey Gregory Lumberton, NC Phone: (910) 739-0001 Counties: Columbus, Robeson, Hoke, Scotland, Richmond 12. Christopher Elder Greensboro, NC Phone: (336) 292-9775 Counties: Caswell, Alamance, Rockingham, Guilford, Randolph, Montgomery 13. Daniel Overcash China Grove, NC Phone: (704) 798-2776 Counties: Cabarrus, Davidson, Davie, Forsyth, Rowan, Stanly 14. Robert Baldwin North Wilkesboro, NC Phone: (336) 670-2988 Counties: Stokes, Surry, Yadkin, Iredell, Alexander, Wilkes, Alleghany 15. Joy Goforth Monroe, NC Phone: (704) 764-5756 Counties: Anson, Union, Mecklenburg, Gaston, Lincoln 16. Wayne Packard Morganton, NC Phone: (828) 437-9637 Counties: Catawba, Cleveland, Burke, Rutherford, McDowell, 17.Robert Hunt Boone, NC Phone: (828) 262-1096 Counties: Ashe, Watauga, Caldwell 18. Tim Hartley Crossnore, NC Phone: (828) 733-2337 Counties: Avery, Mitchell, Yancey, Madison 19. Jim Corbin Sylva, NC Phone: (828) 586-8116 Counties: Haywood, Jackson, Macon, Swain, Graham, Clay, Cherokee 20. Sue Dial Pisgah Forest, NC Phone: (828) 877-3275 Counties: Buncombe, Henderson, Polk, Transylvania, NC Dept. of Transportation — Roadside Environmental Engineers Division 1, Hertford 2, Greenville 3, Burgaw 4, Wilson 5, Raleigh 6, Fayetteville 7, Greensboro 158 Engineer Pat Mansfield John N. Wells Stonewall (Stoney) Mathis, PE, CPESC,CPSWQ Vacant Alyson O. Worley, PE, CPESC James Barnes Ken Taffer Phone 525-426-5041 252-830-3146 910-259-4919 252-237-6164 919-233-9331 X236 910-437-2611 336-334-3192 Division 8, Aberdeen 9, Winston-Salem 10, Albemarle 11, N. Wilkesboro 12, Shelby 13, Asheville 14, Sylva Engineer Steve Ingold Daniel M. Horne Tim Simpson Jason Joyce Jason L. Willis, CPESC, CPSWQ Keith Hill Richard D. Queen Phone 910-944-2344 336-896-7039 704-982-1028 336-903-9228 704-480-5650 828-225-2763 828-631-0272 USEFUL INFORMATION SPRAY PREPARATION TABLES Example: If your package calls for 1 gallon of insecticide to make 100 gallons of spray and you only want 5 gallons of spray, look down the list and see that you only need 6 ounces of insecticide. Table 1. Proportionate quantities of liquid insecticide required to make various quantities of spray. Gallons Of Spray Desired 100 50 25 5 1 Table 2. Quantity of Liquid Insecticide 1 pint ½ pint ¼ pint 2 tablespoons 1 teaspoon 1 gallon 2 quarts 1 quart 6 ounces 3 tablespoons 2 gallons 1 gallon 2 quarts 12 ounces 5 tablespoons Proportionate quanities of powdered insecticide required to make various quantities of spray. Gallons Of Spray Desired 100 50 25 5 1 * Heaping 1 quart 1 pint ½ pint 4 tablespoons 2 teaspoons Quantity of Powdered Insecticide 1 pound ½ pound ¼ pound 1 tablespoon* † 1 teaspoon †Level 2 pounds 1 pound ½ pound 2 tablespoons 2 teaspoons† 4 pounds 2 pounds 1 pound 4 tablespoons* 4 teaspoons† 8 pounds 4 pounds 2 pounds 8 tablespoons* 8 teaspoons† COVERAGE CHART FOR MULCHES AND COMPOST 159 USEFUL INFORMATION CONVERSION TABLES DILUTION TABLES FOR FIGURING INGREDIENTS Definitions — helpful for spraying or irrigation • One acre inch = 27,154 gallons • 1 inch of water per 1,000 sq. ft. = 625 gallons 160 NCNLA Honorary Members – as of 10/28/2009 NCNLA Honorary Members are generally retired from the industry; selected by the NCNLA Board of Directors in recognition for lifetime contribution or achievement to/in the industry. Willie Allison Richard C. Beeson Benjamin Brown Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. PO Box 1390 1 Summerwind Drive Etowah, NC 28729 PH: 828-891-3893 FAX: 828-891-2871 1545 Steed Rd. Randleman, NC 27317 PH: 336-431-3551 Brown's Nursery 2330 Organ Church Rd. Rockwell, NC 28138-6633 PH: 704-279-3201 Martin Casey Jack Finch Ronnie Gragg 132 Blueberry Road Goldsboro, NC 27530 Finch Blueberry Nursery PO Box 699 Bailey, NC 27807 PH: 252-235-4664 FAX: 252-235-2411 North 40 Nursery, Inc. 3950 Turner Mill Rd. Morganton, NC 28655-9724 PH: 828-433-5044 FAX: 828-433-0245 Carroll Hall Graham Hawkins Bill Nelson Carroll's Plant Center, Inc. PO Box 188 Benson, NC 27504-0188 PH: 919-894-2630 FAX: 919-894-8897 Hawk's 809 Sunset Dr Greenwood, SC 29646 PH: 864-223-7278 Nelson Nursery PO Box 402 Mooresville, NC 28115-0402 PH: 704-664-2014 M.A. “Kim” Powell Bill Stoffregen Eelco Tinga Sr. 175 Bonsal Crossing New Hill, NC 27562 Homewood Nursery and Garden Center 10809 Honeycutt Road Raleigh, NC 27614 PH: 919-847-0117 FAX: 919-847-3481 Tinga Nursery, Inc. 2918 Castle Hayne Rd. Castle Hayne, NC 28429-5421 PH: 910-762-1975 FAX: 910-763-4231 Steve Troxler William A. Wilder Jr. NC Dept. of Agriculture 1001 MSC Raleigh, NC 27699-1001 PH: 919-733-7125 FAX: 919-733-1141 Wilder's Nursery PO Box 154 Knightdale, NC 27545 PH: 919-266-5032 FAX: 919-266-5032 161 NCNLA Platinum Members – as of 10/28/2009 NCNLA Platinum, Gold and Silver Members make a special Horticulture and Landscape Research Foundation Endowment donation in addition to their membership dues. BWI Companies Cameron's II Nursery Fitzgerald Nursery, Inc. Bob Phillips PO Box 1410 Greer, SC 29650 Ph: 864-968-8961 Fax: 864-968-8968 Jennifer Underdown 576 Cannon Rd. Carthage, NC 28327 Ph: 919-774-9550 Fax: 919-774-5533 Mike Fitzgerald 3890 Simpson Creek Rd. Morganton, NC 28655 Ph: 828-437-3107 Fax: 828-437-4204 Garden Supply Co. Hawksridge Farms Metrolina Greenhouses Keith Ramsey 1421 Old Apex Rd. Cary, NC 27513 Ph: 919-460-7747 Fax: 919-460-6377 Rick Crowder PO Box 3349 4243 Highway 127 South Hickory, NC 28603 Ph: 828-294-2081 Fax: 828-294-4299 Tom VanWingerden 16400 Huntersville Concord Rd. Huntersville, NC 28078-6650 Ph: 704-875-1371 Fax: 704-875-6741 New Garden Landscaping & Nursery Parker's Landscape Services, Inc. Pender Nursery, Inc. James M. Newlin 5577 Garden Village Way Greensboro, NC 27410 Ph: 336-668-0698 Fax: 336-662-0512 A.B. Parker PO Box 339 Apex, NC 27502 Ph: 919-367-0000 Fax: 919-367-8618 Jim Deal PO Box 155 Garner, NC 27529 Ph: 919-772-7255 Fax: 919-773-0904 Piney Ridge Nursery Shoemaker Landscape Design & Care, LLC Tinga Nursery, Inc. Linda T. Bailey 240 Kemit Court Bostic, NC 28018 Ph: 828-245-6156 Fax: 828-245-6140 162 Gary Shoemaker Jr. 2186 Dave Chester Rd. Lenoir, NC 28645 Ph: 828-726-0178 Eelco H. Tinga Jr. 2918 Castle Hayne Rd. Castle Hayne, NC 28429-5421 Ph: 910-762-1975 Fax: 910-763-4231 NCNLA Gold Members – as of 10/28/2009 NCNLA Platinum, gold and Silver Members make a special Horticulture and Landscape Research Foundation Endowment donation in addition to their membership dues. A & A Plants, Inc. Rick Apple 5392 NC 150 E Brown Summit, NC 27214 PH: 336-656-7881 FAX: 336-656-9968 Tom Bland PO Box 727 Apex, NC 27502 PH: 919-387-0010 FAX: 919-387-0690 Barney Bryant 3377 Sweeten Creek Rd. Arden, NC 28704 PH: 828-274-7301 FAX: 828-277-9215 Bland Landscaping Co. Inc. BB Barns Bob Aalund PO Box 42407 Portland, OR 97242 PH: 503-774-1399 FAX: 503-771-4202 www. Bryan Hobbs PO Box 1147 Darlington, SC 29540 PH: 843-395-2120 FAX: 843-393-3595 Buy Sod Charles Harris PO Box 4089 Pinehurst, NC 28374 PH: 866-428-9763 FAX: 866-428-7612 Cash Flow Management, Inc. BB Hobbs, Inc. Carden & Assoc. Dave Kernodle P O Box 1834 Winter Haven, FL 33882-1834 PH: 888-296-7533 FAX: 863-401-8865 CPS Professional Products Christopher Rowe 6108 Palomino Ridge Weddington, NC 28104 PH: 704-770-1805 FAX: 704-283-0062 DJS Lawn & Landscape, LLC. Darrell Slaughter P O Box 72320 Durham, NC 27722 PH: 919-471-3628 FAX: 919-477-9618 Dogwood Landscaping & Design David Munn 6447 Old Jenk's Rd. Apex, NC 27523 PH: 919-329-8171 FAX: 919-329-8172 Tom Pruett PO Box 90877 Raleigh, NC 27675 PH: 919-598-3605 FAX: 919-598-9776 Larry Shelton PO Box 37265 Raleigh, NC 27627 PH: 919-795-4099 FAX: 919-341-2128 Monterey Nursery, Inc. Sandy Doughty 1985 Mt. Hope Church Rd. McLeansville, NC 27301 PH: 336-697-9042 FAX: 336-697-9966 Powell's Nursery, LLC LaRue M. Powell 7036 Rouse Rd. Holly Springs, NC 27540-9539 PH: 919-552-5869 FAX: 919-552-1709 Skip Warrick 108 Berry Dr. Shelby, NC 28150 PH: 704-471-1000 FAX: 704-484-6914 Donna Burgan 985 Johnson Nursery Rd. Willard, NC 28478 PH: 910-285-7861 FAX: 910-285-6601 Pine Hall Brick Co., Inc. Renee Lawson PO Box 11044 Winston Salem, NC 27116-1044 PH: 336-721-7500 FAX: 336-725-3940 Scottree Johnson Nursery Corp. Pine Straw Distributors William Westbrook 4265 Lattice Rd. Wilson, NC 27893 PH: 252-243-3656 FAX: 252-243-0295 LanArc, Inc. Fair View Nursery, Inc. Proctor Brothers Nursery Michael Proctor PO Box 176 Parkton, NC 28371-0176 PH: 910-858-3478 FAX: 910-858-3011 Sharon Hopper Fine Gardening Sharon K. Hopper 1011 Lemons Rd. Stokesdale, NC 27357-8142 PH: 336-643-7879 FAX: 336-643-6847 Southernscapes, Inc. Roy Roper 309 S. Rogers Ln. Raleigh, NC 27610-2926 PH: 919-231-0099 FAX: 919-231-0995 163 NCNLA Gold Members – as of 10/28/2009 NCNLA Platinum, gold and Silver Members make a special Horticulture and Landscape Research Foundation Endowment donation in addition to their membership dues. Turf Mountain Sod, Inc. Fred Pittillo 3277 Chimney Rock Rd. Hendersonville, NC 28792 PH: 828-685-3642 FAX: 828-685-1121 164 Turf Service, Inc. Ray Comer 126 Manley Ave. Greensboro, NC 27407 PH: 336-854-0737 FAX: 336-294-6551 Wyatt-Quarles Seed Company Mark Smith PO Box 739 Garner, NC 27529-0739 PH: 919-772-4243 FAX: 919-772-4278 NCNLA Silver Members – as of 10/28/2009 NCNLA Platinum, Gold and Silver Members make a special Horticulture and Landscape Research Foundation Endowment donation in addition to their annual membership dues. Arbor Enterprises Inc. Paige C. Moody PO Box 1429 Pittsboro, NC 27312 PH: 919-362-1047 FAX: 919-362-1047 Commercial Landscape Services Randy Trumpler P O Box 167 Morrisville, NC 27560 PH: 919-524-5444 FAX: 413-683-2165 Godley's Garden Center & Nursery Bill Godley 2281 Statesville Blvd. Salisbury, NC 28147 PH: 704-638-0082 FAX: 704-633-3057 Hefner's Nursery Randy Hefner 4135 Spring Rd. Conover, NC 28613-7796 PH: 828-256-5271 FAX: 828-256-9830 KPS Sales, Inc. Michael Sullivan 1655 E.Semoran Blvd. Suite 24 Apopka, FL 32703 PH: 407-880-3118 FAX: 407-880-3934 Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. Ralph Stewart P O Box 339 Four Oaks, NC 27524 PH: 919-934-0428 FAX: 919-989-8777 Blowing Rock Gardens Chad Taylor 292 Ridge Field Rd. Boone, NC 28607 PH: 828-295-0905 Central Garden Center & Nursery W.G. Pritchard 1325 N. Road St. Elizabeth City, NC 27909 PH: 252-335-1101 Fontaine Landscaping Co., Inc. Kevin Bolt Fontaine PO Box 5824 Cary, NC 27512 PH: 919-380-8286 FAX: 919-363-3684 Brad Goodrum Brad Goodrum 1524 Brookside Avenue Fayetteville, NC 28305 PH: 910-484-5652 JC Groundcare Joseph Boenau 509 South Allen Road Wake Forest, NC 27587 PH: 919-624-8782 Marcus Cook Farm & Garden Center, LLC Marty Cook PO Box 336 Gray Court, SC 29645 PH: 864-876-2351 FAX: 864-876-2388 North American Nursery, Inc. David Jordan PO Box 160 Burgaw, NC 28425 PH: 910-259-8807 FAX: 910-259-0054 Four Season Landscaping, Inc. Richard Haight P O Box 2443 Cashiers, NC 28717 PH: 828-743-1046 FAX: 828-743-7070 Head-Lee Nursery, Inc. Bob Head 2375 Blue Ridge Blvd. Seneca, SC 29672-6619 PH: 864-885-1630 FAX: 864-885-1630 John Holmlund Nursery Larry O. Porter 29285 SE HWY 212 Boring, OR 97009-9145 PH: 888-663-6650 FAX: 877-665-4692 Myers Lawn & Garden – Dillen, ITML, Listo, ProCal Richard Luther 15150 Madison Rd. P O Box 738 Middlefield, OH 44062 PH: 800-2257712 Nursery Supplies, Inc. Gene Brogdon 2620 Round Ridge Rd. Loganville, GA 30052 PH: 770-815-4090 FAX: 770-466-9955 OHP, Inc. Michael Beach 772 Ledford Lane Smithfield, NC 23430 PH: 757-373-8440 FAX: 757-365-0989 Old Courthouse Nursery Bob McLeod PO Box 626 Warsaw, NC 28398 PH: 910-293-9374 FAX: 910-293-9375 Panther Creek Nursery Alan Erwin 8625 Mt. Pleasant Church Rd. Willow Springs, NC 27592-9765 PH: 919-552-8353 FAX: 919-552-5944 165 NCNLA Silver Members – as of 10/28/2009 NCNLA Platinum, Gold and Silver Members make a special Horticulture and Landscape Research Foundation Endowment donation in addition to their annual membership dues. Plant Delights Nursery, Inc. Michelle Avent 9241 Sauls Rd. Raleigh, NC 27603-9326 PH: 919-772-4794 FAX: 919-662-0370 Southern Seeding Service, Inc. Ralph D. Stout PO Box 22092 Greensboro, NC 27420-2092 PH: 336-292-2917 FAX: 336-292-4099 Toro Joe McGregor P O Box 809 Troutman, NC 28166 PH: 704-756-2327 FAX: 704-973-9701 166 Snow's Landscaping and Lawncare, Inc. Frank Snow P.O. Box 1448 Fayetteville, NC 28302 PH: 910-483-3236 FAX: 910-486-9125 Stephenson's Nursery, Inc. Wayne T. Stephenson 12100 NC Hwy. 50 N Willow Springs, NC 27592-8163 PH: 919-894-2700 FAX: 919-894-2702 Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Larry D. Edwards 12037 Mooresville Rd. Davidson, NC 28036 PH: 704-663-5044 FAX: 704-663-4204 Southeastern Native Plant Nursery Brad Martin 36 Kel Co Rd. Candler, NC 28715 PH: 828-670-8330 FAX: 828-670-8331 Super-Sod Trees Scott Terry 3086 Five Chop Rd Orangeburg, SC 29115 PH: 803-531-4443 FAX: 803-531-2092 Wakefield Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Frank T. Massey 2021 Pearces Rd. Zebulon, NC 27597 PH: 919-269-4301 FAX: 919-269-4302 NCNLA Student Members – as of 10/28/2009 Fred Booth Fred Booth 5917 Fisher Rd. Fayetteville, NC 28304 PH: 910-584-3403 Parker Garrett Parker Garrett 119 Westwood Circle Charlottesville, VA 22903 PH: 540-729-0678 FAX: 434-924-1451 Shannon L. Carter 1336 Medfield Road Raleigh, NC 27607 PH: 919-233-8348 FAX: 919-573-9491 Wesley McFalls 104 Berry Hill Dr. Hendersonville, NC 28791 PH: 828-674-1736 Jonathan Shumate P O Box 38 104 Shumate Dr. Warrensville, NC 28693 PH: 336-384-2451 FAX: 336-384-2027 NC Blooms, Inc. B. Colby Griffin 509 East Castalia Rd. Nashville, NC 27856 Frank Sydnor Frank Sydnor P.O. Box 99036 Raleigh, NC 27624 PH: 919-906-6680 Deborah Marsh Debbie Marsh 1210 Mardele Lane Winston-Salem, NC 27105 PH: 767-7889 Jonathan Shumate Tristan Mardall 36 Carolina Shores Parkway Carolina Shores, NC 28467 PH: 910-575-7804 McFalls Landscape Management Tristan Mardall Patricia Harriman 1010 Keystone Ct. Leland, NC 28451 PH: 910-383-6385 JCA Landscape, Inc. Patricia Harriman Stacia Payne Stacia Payne 515 Yorktown Dr. Chapel Hill, NC 27516 PH: 919-929-2078 Trees "R" Good Michael Rutan 3421 Attica Dr. Fayetteville, NC 28301 PH: 910-323-9664 167 NCNLA Government & Education Members – as of 10/28/2009 Phil Beaumont 217 Lake Park Cir. Smithfield, NC 27577 PH: 919-934-9478 Brunswick Community College Dean Bennett P.O. Box 30 50 College Rd. Supply, NC 28462 PH: 910-755-7443 Carteret Community College Jerry Pittman 3505 Arendal St. Morehead City, NC 28557 PH: 252-222-6000 Catawba County Blair Rayfield PO Box 389 Newton, NC 28658-0389 PH: 828-312-4221 FAX: 828-465-8981 Burke County Public Schools Sandra Biggerstaff 3143 Morningside Lane Lenoir, NC 28645 PH: 828-754-7975 Catawba Valley Comm. College Wayne Scott Crosby 2550 US Hwy 70 SW Hickory, NC 28601 PH: 828-327-7000 ex.4290 FAX: 828-327-7276 Central Piedmont Community College Randy Sigg 1818 Graybark Ave. Charlotte, NC 28205 PH: 704-330-4829 Harris Farm Elizabeth Harris 19432 Kistler Farm Davidson, NC 28036 PH: 704-892-4553 Chatham Central High Julian Smith 14950 Hwy 902 W Bear Creek, NC 27207 PH: 919-837-5961 Homewood Nursery and Garden Center Bill Stoffregen 10809 Honeycutt Rd. Raleigh, NC 27614 PH: 919-847-0117 FAX: 919-847-3481 City of Charlotte Quin Hall 701 Tuckaseegee Rd Charlotte, NC 28208 PH: 704-336-5751 FAX: 704-336-4444 Iredell-Statesville Schools Larry Raker 1147 Salisbury Rd. Statesville, NC 28625 PH: 704-924-2043 FAX: 704-872-3816 Eric S. Lentz 406 Oakwood Dr. Spencer, NC 28159 PH: 704-637-6830 Lucy Bradley PO Box 7609 Raleigh, NC 27695-7609 PH: 919-515-3131 FAX: 919-515-2505 Jenny Freeman 133 Freeman Dr. Biscoe, NC 27209 PH: 910-974-3042 168 Anthony LeBude 455 Research Dr. Fletcher, NC 28732-7723 PH: 828-684-3562 FAX: 828-684-8715 Sandhills Community College Continuing Education NCState University Horticulture Science North Lenoir FFA Michele Spence 2400 Institute Rd. LaGrange, NC 28551 PH: 252-527-9184 FAX: 252-527-8672 www. NC State University JC Raulston Arboretum Ted E. Bilderback Campus Box 7522 Raleigh, NC 27695-7522 (919) 515-3132 Steven D. Frank Campus Box 7613 Raleigh, NC 27695 PH: 919-515-8880 NCState University Tom Ranney 455 Research Dr. Fletcher, NC 28732 PH: 828-684-3562 FAX: 828-684-8715 NCState University Dept. of Entomology Mountain Horticultural Crops Research & Extension New Hanover Co. Cooperative Extension Arboretum John Wooldridge 6206 Oleander Dr. Wilmington, NC 28403 PH: 910-798-7664 FAX: 910-798-7678 Gary B. Parrott 4252 Windsor Ct. Hickory, NC 28602 PH: 828-330-0114 Sarah P. Duke Gardens Greg Nace 418 Anderson St. Durham, NC 27708 PH: 919-668-1700 FAX: 919-684-8861 gnace@duke,edu Jennifer Stiles 5809 Erwinwood Dr. High Point, NC 27263 PH: 336-434-2576 NCNLA Government & Education Members – as of 10/28/2009 Swallow Hollow Plant Farm James Canada 150 Old River Road Beaufort, NC 28516 PH: 252-728-1227 Town of Apex Planning Department Steve Yates PO Box 250 Apex, NC 27502 PH: 919-249-3333 FAX: 919-249-3338 Kevin Steed 400 James Jackson Ave. Cary, NC 27513 PH: 919-469-4393 Town of Southern Pines Jeff Grey 482 E Connecticut Ave. Southern Pines, NC 28387 PH: 910-692-2463 FAX: 910-692-1835 Wake County Public Schools Watauga County Cooperative Extension Perry Davis PO Box 47 Blowing Rock, NC 28605 PH: 828-295-5222 FAX: 828-295-5223 Town of Cary Town of Blowing Rock Cecil J. Dykes 1551 Rock Quarry Rd. Raleigh, NC 27610 PH: 919-856-8012 FAX: 919-856-8004 www. Meghan Baker 971 W King St. Boone, NC 28607 PH: 828-264-3061 169 NCNLA General Membership – as of 10/28/2009 3 Rivers Nursery Bud O'Quinn 468 SW Evergreen Ct. Ft. White, FL 32038 PH: 386-497-3525 FAX: 386-497-1762 A Growing Concern Chuck Carter 1707 Spartanburg Hwy Hendersonville, NC 28792 PH: 828-697-2772 FAX: 828-697-1800 Elizabeth Mundy PO Box 122 Montpelier, VA 23192 PH: 804-883-6765 FAX: 804-883-6765 Linda Strickland PO Box 14789 Raleigh, NC 27620-4789 PH: 919-250-9500 FAX: 919-231-8475 A.M.G. Commercial Landscape/Design Al Ghaodosi PO Box 99447 Raleigh, NC 27624 PH: 919-846-8515 FAX: 919-847-5524 Adcock's Nursery Jeff Adcock 6141 Sunset Lake Rd. Fuquay-Varina, NC 27526 PH: 919-552-8286 FAX: 919-552-7050 Agronomic Landscapes, Inc. John W. DunhamJr. 521 S Meadows Rd. Raleigh, NC 27603 PH: 919-661-4932 Stephen Smith 3000 County Hwy 11 Pelham, AL 35124 PH: 800-749-3504 FAX: 205-664-9156 John Winn 3900 Shannon Street Chesapeake, VA 23324 PH: 757-494-5200 Aldridge Farms David Aldridge 9855 NC Hwy 105, Unit 5048 Banner Elk, NC 28604 PH: 828-265-7881 FAX: 828-265-7653 170 Ann Bauer Sisk 204 Rattlesnake Br. Cr. Huntland, TN 37345-5832 PH: 931-469-7807 FAX: 931-967-0470 Air-Ag, Inc. Harold Thompson PO Box 36 Tarboro, NC 27886 PH: 252-823-5374 FAX: 252-823-0411 Allscape Kris DeBerry PO Box 1437 Pineville, NC 28134 PH: 704-552-6335 FAX: 704-552-6337 American Native Plants Roy List P O Box 158 Perry Hall, MD 21128 PH: 410-529-0552 FAX: 410-529-3883 All Year Lawn and More, Inc. J Olberding P O Box 6500 Gastonia, NC 28056 PH: 704-864-7067 FAX: 704-865-6799 Amaryllis Gardens John Wade Deme 115 Bill Stroud Rd. Kinston, NC 28504-7011 PH: 252-527-5363 FAX: 252-527-5363 Hugh Crump PO Box 432 Paw Creek, NC 28130 PH: 704-392-7900 FAX: 704-392-9601 After Hours Nursery American Boxwood Co. Mark Lay PO Box 2488 Indian Trail, NC 28079 PH: 704-821-0708 FAX: 704-821-1989 Allied Concrete Products, LLC AA Tex-Lawn Co., Inc. Alabama Wire, Inc. A Fragrant Garden Nursery & Landscaping Keith Pernie PO Box 612 Hendersonville, NC 28793 Ag Carolina Financial David Pastusic 8791 Hwy 105 S Boone, NC 28607 PH: 828-963-1153 FAX: 828-963-5162 Acer Acres, Inc. A Cut Above Lawn Care & Landscaping Angel's Gift Farm Ted Mays P.O. Box 26 Low Gap, NC 27029 PH: 704-609-0829 NCNLA General Membership – as of 10/28/2009 Annapolis Valley Peat Moss Company Ltd. Kyle Endres 3647 Highway #1 Berwick, N S BOP 1E0 PH: 800-565-1410 FAX: 902-538-9609 Appalachian Hydroseeding & Landscaping, Inc. Joanne Sweatt 8660 N. Hwy. 150 Lexington, NC 27295-6453 PH: 336-764-2758 Arbor Fields Clancy Baucom 5820 Lawyers Rd. E Marshville, NC 28103 PH: 704-283-2345 FAX: 704-233-9575 Arcadia Nursery Apex Nurseries, Inc. Will Copeland 2925 NC Hwy 751 Apex, NC 27523 PH: 919-362-8315 FAX: 919-387-9455 Ron Stanley 205 Evergreen Ln. Boone, NC 28607 PH: 828-262-5167 Keith Kilpatrick 1210 Kimsey Dairy Rd. Turtletown, TN 37391 PH: 423-496-7246 FAX: 423-496-1951 Alan Morrow 247 Qualla Rd. Waynesville, NC 28785 PH: 828-734-0933 Arborcrest Gardens, Inc. Apalachee Nursery Arborscapes, Inc. Jason P. Tebben PO Box 1198 Pineville, NC 28134 PH: 704-201-7501 Architectural Trees John Monroe 6404 Amed Rd. Bahama, NC 27503 PH: 919-620-0779 FAX: 919-620-8580 Mark Hellman 9380 SW 125th Terrace Miami, FL 33176 PH: 561-628-3591 FAX: 239-489-2430 Arborbrace Staking Systems, Inc. Arborscapes, Inc. Jason P. Tebben PO Box 1198 Pineville, NC 28134 PH: 704-201-7501 Archwell Farm John S. Stovall 668 Lowe Rd. Madison, NC 27025-7777 PH: 336-548-1220 Artisan Irrigation & Landscape Lynn McCleneghen PO Box 387 Cary, NC 27512-0387 PH: 919-460-7501 FAX: 919-460-7501 As You Like It Landscapes, Inc. Abby Catoe 4121 Apperson Rd. East Bend, NC 27018 PH: 336-699-5020 FAX: 336-699-3120 Ash Greenhouse & Nursery Atlas Manufacturing, Inc Smitty Homesly PO Box 312 Mt. Holly, NC 28120 PH: 704-822-1383 FAX: 704-822-1383 Mark Davis PO Box 558 Alapaha, GA 31622 PH: 229-532-2905 FAX: 229-532-4600 Adam Banks PO Box 449 Micaville, NC 28755 PH: 828-675-5311 FAX: 828-675-1770 Ayers Supply Inc. Nanette Ayers 2036 Newton Ransom Blvd. Clark Summit, PA 18411 PH: 800-422-9377 FAX: 570-587-4960 Bob Bollinger 496 Airport Rd., Rt. 643 Mattaponi, VA 23110 PH: 804-785-9260 FAX: 804-785-9053 Aurora Hills Farm and Nursery, Inc. Tommy Howe 986 South Currant St. Pinebluff, NC 28373 PH: 910-281-3388 FAX: 910-281-4559 Autrey Tree & Landscaping Co., Inc. ASB-Greenworld, Inc. B.H. Graning Landscapes, Inc. Ben Graning 64 Bella Road Sylva, NC 28779 PH: 828-586-8303 FAX: 828-586-8303 171 NCNLA General Membership – as of 10/28/2009 Back Road Farms Al Averitt 955 Sandy Grove Rd. Lumber Bridge, NC 28357 PH: 910-858-3740 FAX: 910-858-2168 Baker Environmental Nursery, Inc. Doug Baker 949 Marshall Clark Rd. Hoschton, GA 30548 PH: 706-654-9072 FAX: 706-658-2347 Jeff Mast 2239 South Creek Rd Nebo, NC 28761 PH: 828-659-3335 FAX: 828-659-3944 Paul Barefoot 3139 US 701 S Four Oaks, NC 27524 PH: 919-934-2966 FAX: 919-934-5966 Dorothy Goodson 2120 New Hill-Olive Chapel Rd. New Hill, NC 27562 PH: 919-362-1953 Bald Head Island Garden & Landscape, Inc. Banner Place Nursery Robert Davis 2129 Banner Whitehead Rd. Sophia, NC 27350-9107 PH: 336-861-1400 FAX: 336-431-1884 Russ Barnette 8905 Creekstone Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 PH: 919-846-5005 FAX: 919-844-1972 Russ Barry 345 Kimzey Rd. Mills River, NC 28742 PH: 828-778-5409 BASF Willie Pennington 4117 Ridgebrook Bluffs Dr. Raleigh, NC 27603 PH: 919-740-4790 FAX: 919-779-2359 Barr Evergreens of NC, LLC Baucom's Nursery Beaver Dam Nursery Inc Randy Griffin P O Box 361 Midland, NC 28107 PH: 704-888-1506 Beeson Rhododendron Nursery Blake Beeson 1540 Steed Rd. Randleman, NC 27317-7279 PH: 336-431-6212 FAX: 336-431-0441 Steve Bennett 3594 Maple Ridge Ln Maiden, NC 28650 PH: 828-428-4293 Ben's Creek Nursery Robert Neville 122 Enterprise Rd. Littleton, NC 27850 PH: 888-782-2288 FAX: 252-586-6159 172 Rusty Barr PO Box 3 321 E. Healing Springs Rd. Crumpler, NC 28617 PH: 336-982-3013 FAX: 336-982-3015 Mike Roberson PO Box 560008 Charlotte, NC 28256-0008 PH: 704-506-4646 FAX: 704-596-6417 Bennett's Lawn Care Scott Reeder 2500 Cleveland Rd. Smithfield, NC 27577 PH: 919-934-3554 FAX: 919-938-0988 Barefoot & Associates, Inc. Barry Farms Mark Ball PO Box 1142 Mars Hill, NC 28754 PH: 828-689-2239 FAX: 828-689-2239 Backwoods Landscaping & Construction Mark Goodson 2120 New Hill-Olive Chapel Rd. New Hill, NC 27562 PH: 919-362-1953 Barefoot's TLC Nursery Robert E. Prescott PO Box 3052 Bald Head Island, NC 28461 PH: 910-279-2419 FAX: 910-602-6870 Banner Greenhouses Backwoods Landscaping & Construction Bennett's Creek Nursery Wayne Sawyer 5635 Shoulders Hill Rd. Suffolk, VA 23435 PH: 757-483-1425 FAX: 757-483-9058 Bent Oak Farm, Inc. Jim Niemann 1635 SE Cty Hwy 484 Belleview, FL 34420 PH: 352-245-5429 FAX: 352-347-4194 NCNLA General Membership – as of 10/28/2009 Bentwood Nursery Charlie Baucom 6610 Carl Polk Rd. Monroe, NC 28110 PH: 704-283-1661 FAX: 704-238-9760 Bertie Garden Discount Becky Bowling 230-B Blanchards Rd. Windsor, NC 27983 PH: 252-724-1553 FAX: 252-794-5442 J. Smith Casey 1592 South NC Hwy 16 Stanley, NC 28164 PH: 704-822-8505 FAX: 704-822-8507 Tom Speight 873 Bluff Mountain Rd. Hot Springs, NC 28743 PH: 828-622-7250 FAX: 828-622-3755 Big Branch Nursery Alan Webb 3912 Lloydtown Rd. Mebane, NC 27302-7261 PH: 919-883-8285 FAX: 919-563-9986 Biltmore Estate Parker Andes 1 North Pack Sq. Ashville, NC PH: 828-255-1458 FAX: 828-225-1404 Bloom Farms C.A. Bloom 527-A Yeopim Rd. Edenton, NC 27932 PH: 252-482-7496 FAX: 252-482-7496 Bob Young's Nursery, LLC Bob Young 3053 Hennessee Bridge Rd. Rock Island, TN 38581 PH: 931-686-2496 FAX: 931-686-8894 Bogue's Lawn Service Bold Spring Nursery, LLC John Mize PO Box 691 Columbus, NC 28722 PH: 828-863-4043 FAX: 828-863-2966 Bio-Comp, Inc. Bonnie Regulski 2116-B Bio-Comp Dr. Edenton, NC 27932 PH: 252-482-8528 FAX: 252-482-3491 Sam Rogers 1366 Columbus Hwy. Hawkinsville, GA 31036 PH: 478-783-4975 FAX: 478-783-4997 Blue Ridge Waterscapes, Inc. Ben Aceto Box 597 Montreat, NC 28757 PH: 828-713-8188 FAX: 828-350-8101 Bouldin Nursery & Greenhouse Carl D. Bouldin 5679 Lucky Rd. McMinnville, TN 37110-4489 PH: 931-668-9339 FAX: 931-668-8720 Bobby Murray Chevrolet, Inc. Parke Rash 1820 Capital Blvd. Raleigh, NC 27604-2194 PH: 919-834-6441 FAX: 919-856-8859 Edward Bottoms 519 Pullians Rd. Concord, GA 30206 PH: 770-884-5661 FAX: 770-884-5662 Big Frog Nursery Bottoms Nursery, LLC. Jennifer Williamson 3744 Highway 58 Buffalo Junction, VA 24529-3220 PH: 434-374-5555 FAX: 434-374-0131 Stephen R. Bogue 485 Blackjack Church Road Goldsboro, NC 27534 PH: 919-922-6035 Berry Hill Irrigation, Inc. Bluff Mountain Nursery John Biggers 420 Hwy 24-27 W Midland, NC 28107-7423 PH: 704-888-4789 FAX: 704-888-5647 Bloom Carolina!, Inc. Mike Henderson 255 Turning Leaf Tr NE Cleveland, TN 37312 PH: 877-339-5629 FAX: 615-523-8850 Biggers Lawn & Landscape Company, Inc. Berger Peat Moss Border Concepts Inc. Cliff Joyner PO Box 471185 Charlotte, NC 28247-1185 PH: 704-541-5509 FAX: 704-541-5610 Bowman's Best Lawn Care Daniel Bowman 341 S. College Rd. Suite 11 PMB 2018 Wilmington, NC 28403 PH: 910-264-5034 173 NCNLA General Membership – as of 10/28/2009 Boyd Coffey & Sons Nurseries, Inc. John S. Coffey 5016 Valleyview Cr. Lenoir, NC 28645 PH: 828-758-9063 FAX: 828-758-9090 Brice Landscaping, Inc. Randy Brice PO Box 5732 High Point, NC 27261-1227 PH: 336-882-9827 FAX: 336-882-9836 Jonathan Smith 2900 Alabama Ave. Durham, NC 27705 PH: 919-475-1015 Paul Brooks 3000 Allenby Dr. Raleigh, NC 27604-5802 PH: 919-669-2434 FAX: 919-212-0299 Jon Brunson 2900 Plowden Mill Rd. Alcolu, SC 29001 PH: 803-495-8080 FAX: 803-495-8081 Dennis Kostrzewa 110B Pheasant Wood Ct. Morrisville, NC 27560 PH: 919-469-0002 FAX: 919-469-4677 Bristow Landscaping Logan Bristow 3568 Graham Sherron Rd. Wake Forest, NC 27587 PH: 919-691-7800 Brookscapes, LLC Kenneth Brooks 1100 Navaho Dr. Suite 205 Raleigh, NC 27609 PH: 919-740-0004 FAX: 919-899-6264 Bryan Wagoner Tree Farm Bryan M. Wagoner 9948 Kerr Chapel Rd. Gibsonville, NC 27249 PH: 336-585-0052 FAX: 336-585-0039 Bucktom Services Buds & Blooms Nursery Stephen Sluder 431 Old County Home Rd. Asheville, NC 28806 PH: 828-215-2825 Gregory J. Bugica PO Box 473127 Charlotte, NC 28247 PH: 980-254-7131 FAX: 704-336-4444 174 Brickman Doug Torn 7501 US Hwy. 29 N Brown Summit, NC 27214 PH: 336-656-7819 FAX: 336-656-7504 Bullock Farms Malcolm Bullock 2204 Princess Ann Rd. Chadbourn, NC 28431 PH: 910-770-1901 FAX: 910-654-5389 Larry Merrill PO Box 652 Hendersonville, NC 28793 PH: 828-891-2244 FAX: 828-891-2715 Briggs Nursery, LLC Will Cain PO Box 658 Elma, WA 98541 PH: 800-444-1515 FAX: 360-482-1203 Broadcreek Lawn & Landscaping LLC W. Kenyon Bush 804 Gull Lane New Burn New Burn, NC 28560 PH: 252-633-6682 Brookshire & Associates Don Brookshire PO Box 3455 Tega Cay, SC 29708 PH: 803-548-2305 FAX: 803-548-2716 Buckhorn Creek Nursery, Inc. Harry Johnson 13816 Old Cox Rd. South Hill, VA 23970 PH: 434-447-4355 FAX: 434-447-3651 Breezy Acres Nursery Brunson Wholesale Nursery Brooks Nurseries William Klinger 1931 West Lake Brantley Longwood, FL 32779 PH: 407-869-6545 FAX: 407-869-5817 Bright Leaf Landscaping, LLC Brantley Nurseries Buffalo Creek Nurseries, Inc. Chad Gragg 1641 Riverside Dr. Lenoir, NC 28645 PH: 828-754-2965 FAX: 828-754-1164 Bunn Tree Farm Gordon Bunn 3801 Old Wilson Rd. Rocky Mount, NC 27801 PH: 252-442-5404 FAX: 252-442-3969 NCNLA General Membership – as of 10/28/2009 Burger Landscape & Design Hunter Burger P O Box 235 Franktown, VA 23354 PH: 757-422-8128 FAX: 757-422-5153 Steve Green 4810 B Tower Road. Greensboro, NC 27410 PH: 336-669-7423 FAX: 336-218-0293 Cabin Creek Nursery Tommy Blue PO Box 117 Eagle Springs, NC 27242 PH: 910-673-3033 FAX: 910-673-7179 Phil Campbell 2804 Campbell Rd. Raleigh, NC 27606 PH: 919-851-5108 FAX: 919-851-5133 Keith Cannon 277 S Old Greensboro Rd. Thomasville, NC 27360-7802 PH: 336-249-4757 Scott Weatherup 2900 Carding Pl. Matthews, NC 28105 PH: 704-562-8960 FAX: 704-321-1105 Cain's Nursery & Landscaping Adam Cain 211 Jim Barr Rd King, NC 27021 PH: 336-399-1414 Campbell Univ. Physical Plant John L. Strickland PO Box 535 Buies Creek, NC 27506 PH: 910-893-1610 FAX: 910-893-1627 Cape Fear Botanical Garden Connie Barbour 536 N. Eastern Blvd. Fayetteville, NC 28301 PH: 910-486-0221 FAX: 910-486-4209 Cardinal Landscaping Wesley A. Meredith PO Box 26210 Fayetteville, NC 28314 PH: 910-867-9595 FAX: 910-867-3344 Carmel Country Club Carolina Bark Products, LLC. Cam Too Camellia Nursery, Inc. Ray Watson 805 Oakbury Court Greensboro, NC 27455-9271 PH: 336-643-3727 FAX: 336-643-0840 Canebreak Nursery Jim Beal 6050 Bill Sain Rd. Vale, NC 28168 PH: 704-276-3021 John Clark 4735 Carmel Rd. Charlotte, NC 28226 PH: 704-945-3325 FAX: 704-945-3329 William C. Dowd 4076 Airport Rd. Pinehurst, NC 28374 PH: 910-295-6666 Stephanie Vaughan PO Box 395 Seaboard, NC 27876 PH: 252-589-1324 FAX: 252-589-1642 Capitol Broadcasting Co., Inc. Tim Grissom 2619 Western Blvd. Raleigh, NC 27606 PH: 919-821-8699 FAX: 919-821-8684 John Watkins 8510 Colonnade Center Dr. Raleigh, NC 27615 PH: 919-719-3824 FAX: 919-546-0888 C. Louis Meyer Farm Capitol Financial Solutions Jonathan James 2149 Lakeview Rd. Byron, GA 31008 PH: 478-956-2362 FAX: 478-956-3832 Cannon's Landscaping C&D Landscape, Inc. Byron Lakeview Nursery LLC Campbell Road Nursery, Inc. Jeff Evans PO Box 6487 Raleigh, NC 27628-6487 PH: 919-881-8003 FAX: 919-881-0073 C & S Nursery BurrBridge Designs dba Earth Graphics of Raleigh Carlton Plants Dick Bocci PO Box 398 Dayton, OR 97114-0398 PH: 800-398-8733 FAX: 800-442-1452 Carolina Cat Patty Jenkins 9000 Statesville Rd. Charlotte, NC 28269-7642 PH: 704-596-8880 2311 FAX: 704-509-9512 175 NCNLA General Membership – as of 10/28/2009 Carolina Country Club R. Joan Johnson 2500 Glenwood Ave. Raleigh, NC 27608 PH: 919-787-5795 FAX: 919-787-4014 Carolina East Landscaping, Inc. Amber Phelps 1957 Ivy Rd. Greenville, NC 27858 PH: 252-353-4405 FAX: 252-321-0231 Carolina Creations Landscapes, Inc. Art Miller PO Box 2327 Shallotte, NC 28459 PH: 910-755-6411 FAX: 910-755-6167 Boyte Lutz PO Box 788 Shelby, NC 28151 PH: 704-484-3060 FAX: 704-484-3683 Carolina Farm Credit Maggie Hamm PO Box 1827 Statesville, NC 28687-1827 PH: 704-873-0276 FAX: 704-873-6900 Shelley Brannon 3408 Duke Homestead Rd. Durham, NC 27704 PH: 919-698-9838 Carolina Garden Works, LLC. Matt Uzzell 135 Lake Wackena Rd. Goldsboro, NC 27534 PH: 919-440-7415 FAX: 919-778-4909 Carolina Green Landscaping & Lawncare Doug Kasner 307 Wednesbury Ct. Willow Springs, NC 27592 PH: 919-741-7447 FAX: 919-233-3510 W. Rawls CostenbaderMLA 88 1/2 N. Lexington Ave. Asheville, NC 28801 PH: 828-231-7332 Carolina Native Nursery Bill Jones 1126 Prices Creek Rd. Burnsville, NC 28714 PH: 828-682-1471 FAX: 828-682-1303 Linda Chirico PO Box 158 Gold Hill, NC 28071 PH: 704-279-2325 FAX: 704-279-8818 Carolina Seasons Nursery, LLC. Kenneth Stillwell 549 Hwy, 903 North Greenville, NC 27834 PH: 252-758-1280 FAX: 252-758-2857 Scott Benton PO Box 850 Raeford, NC 28376 PH: 910-875-6141 FAX: 910-875-6143 176 Carriage Creek Landscape Services John Pasour 3192 Carriage Creek Court Haw River, NC 27258 PH: 336-675-5362 FAX: 336-567-0650 Carolina Landscape & Irrigation, Inc. Carolina Nurseries, Inc. Sean Kelly 739 Gaillard Rd. Moncks Corner, SC 29461 PH: 888-845-1984 FAX: 843-482-1012 Carolina Turf Farms, Inc. Adam Leidy PO Box 997 Havelock, NC 28532 PH: 252-412-7172 FAX: Carolina Perlite Company, Inc. Carolina Grassmasters Jeff Sanders P.O. Box 90033 Raleigh, NC 27675-0033 PH: 919-786-6716 FAX: 919-786-6718 Jimmy Chamblee PO Box 29543 Greensboro, NC 27429 PH: 336-274-2474 FAX: 336-379-8458 Dixon Boggs 1762 Hwy 57 N Little River, SC 29566 PH: 843-458-6182 FAX: 843-237-4294 Carolina Landworks Carolina Greenery/ Island Greenery Carolina Galvanized Tube Carolina Garden Company Carolina Custom Lawn & Landscaping, Inc. Carolina Tree-Form, LLC Travis Lamb PO Box 3032 Asheville, NC 28802-9998 PH: 828-670-8733 FAX: 828-670-8690 carolina Carroll's Plant Center, Inc. Landis Hall PO Box 188 Benson, NC 27504-0188 PH: 919-894-2630 FAX: 919-894-8897 NCNLA General Membership – as of 10/28/2009 Cary Lawn & Landscape Management James Thomas 1939 High House Rd. Suite 190 Cary, NC 27519 PH: 919-821-5566 FAX: 919-869-2232 CASA Phillip C. BrickleJr. 624 W. Jones Street Raleigh, NC 27603 PH: 919-623-4087 FAX: 919-754-9968 Cassandra's Flower Gardens & Borders CASTO Wendy Johnson 9189 Elizabeth Ln. Mason, OH 45040 PH: 513-678-0776 Doug Galloway 1000 Ebenezer Rd. Knoxville, TN 37923-6506 PH: 825-693-0654 FAX: 825-693-4390 Cedarview Farm Nursery Rea Saraphis 4082 Range Road Stem, NC 27581 PH: 919-528-4147 FAX: 919-528-4147 Mark Peters 1867 Sandy Ridge Rd. Colfax, NC 27235 PH: 336-993-4114 FAX: 866-268-3509 Jessie Watson 41 West Watson Rd. Benson, NC 27504 PH: 919-625-2507 FAX: 919-934-1454 Charles Chewning 4213 Green Level Rd. W Apex, NC 27523-7511 PH: 919-362-6138 FAX: 919-363-5048 Cherokee Manufacturing Jerry Gunderman 80 Ceramic Tile Dr. Morganton, NC 28655 PH: 800-876-5218 FAX: 828-584-7434 Chris Archibald Landscape Design Chris Archibald 5999 Union Deposit Rd. Harrisburg, PA 17111 PH: 717-554-2459 FAX: 717-469-7158 Ashleigh Britton 891 Wisacky Hwy Bishopville, SC 29010 PH: 803-484-5407 FAX: 803-484-6933 City of Greensboro, Parks & Recreation Constance Mullane 316 E.Florida St. Greensboro, NC 27406 PH: 336-373-5868 FAX: 336-373-5938 Karen Turner 6794 Nashville Hwy McMinnville, TN 37110 PH: 931-939-3960 FAX: 931-939-3973 Charlie's Creek Nursery, Inc. Don Black PO Box 669 Iva, SC 29655 PH: 864-348-7849 FAX: 864-348-6486 Chetola Resort Ricky Hudson PO Box 17 Blowing Rock, NC 28605 PH: 828-295-5500 FAX: 828-295-5536 Christy's Nursery, Inc. Steven Christy 2400 Concord Parkway S Concord, NC 28027 PH: 704-782-4637 FAX: 704-782-4711 City Nursery Farm, Inc. Cedarwood Nursery Chewning Nursery, Inc. Mike Blythe PO Box 671 Huntersville, NC 28070-0671 PH: 704-509-9040 FAX: 704-509-0990 Barbara D. Bennett 414 Julie Pearce Rd. Louisburg, NC 27549-7138 PH: 919-496-3576 FAX: 919-497-0366 Char-Lynn Plant Center Certified Grounds Mgmt., Inc. Cedar Creek Nursery Central North Carolina Nursery Assn. Marketing Grp Lee Casey 1115 Claridge Nursery Rd. Goldsboro, NC 27530-7974 PH: 919-735-1801 FAX: 919-735-2307 Larry T. Short PO Box 150 Chapel Hill, NC 27514 PH: 919-967-0776 FAX: 919-929-3516 Cedar Row Nursery Casey Nursery, Inc. City of Lexington Randy Sink 28 West Center St. Lexington, NC 27292 PH: 336-248-3905 FAX: 336-248-3964 177 NCNLA General Membership – as of 10/28/2009 Clarity Connect, Inc. Timothy Howard 352 A Raleigh St. Holly Springs, NC 27540 PH: 919-577-9901 FAX: 509-756-9273 www, William Clark PO Box 71 Jonas Ridge, NC 28641 PH: 828-433-8019 FAX: 828-433-8996 Mark Clark 3230 Stump Lake Dr. Monroe, NC 28110 PH: 704-226-0004 FAX: 704-226-1121 Clark's Nursery of Jonas Ridge, Inc. Clark Landscape Group, Inc. Classic Groundcovers, Inc. Wally Pressey 405 Belmont Rd. Athens, GA 30605 PH: 800-248-8424 FAX: 706-369-9844 Gary H. Sikes 2001 Cedar Grove Church Rd. Polkton, NC 28135 PH: 704-272-8560 FAX: 704-272-8152 Clero Landscaping, Inc. Powell Fox 319 Forest Rd. Oxford, NC 27565 PH: 919-693-7449 FAX: 919-693-7449 Clay's Power Equipment, Inc. Jerry Clay 2031 New Hope Church Rd. Raleigh, NC 27604 PH: 919-876-0921 FAX: 919-876-2816 www. Classic Landscapes Cleary Chemical Co. Cline Church Nursery Cline Church 10787 Hwy 221 S Fleetwood, NC 28626 PH: 336-877-4237 FAX: 336-877-4238 Matt Clark 4156 Blue Creek Ln Oxford, NC 27565 PH: 919-692-1020 FAX: 919-693-9554 Classic Landscapes, Inc. Clark's Liner Farm Tony Parker PO Box 10819 Wilmington, NC 28401 PH: 910-395-2500 FAX: 910-395-2572 customerservice@ Jeff Briggs 5017 Circle T. Trail Climax, NC 22333 PH: 336-676-0107 FAX: 703-564-8506 Cline Landscape, Inc. Jeff Cline 120 Cook St. Lawndale, NC 28090 PH: 704-538-0820 Cline's Nursery, LLC John Cline 890 East Zion Chruch Rd. Shelby, NC 28150 PH: 910-494-2118 FAX: 704-487-9861 Josh Sorrells 1166 Love Joy Rd. Canton, NC 28716 PH: 828-235-9441 FAX: 828-648-6852 Colonial Acres Nursery Harold Paxton 2593 Hannah Ford Rd. Brevard, NC 28712 PH: 828-884-4330 FAX: 828-884-4330 178 Ellen J. ColodneyM.D. 3067 Conners Drive Edenton, NC 27932 PH: 252-482-5707 FAX: 252-482-4987 www. Cold Mountain Nursery Coastal Plain Conservation Nursery, Inc. Colesville Nursery, Inc. Samuel Gaddy PO Box 208 Ashland, VA 23005-0208 PH: 804-798-5472 FAX: 804-752-6722 Commercial Plant Management Patrick Hayes 2401 Whitehall dr. Charlotte, NC 28012 PH: 704-634-8391 FAX: 704-319-9802 Terry Coats 360 Johnson Estate Rd. Clayton, NC 27520 PH: 919-553-2333 FAX: 919-553-1327 Colonial Acres Nursery Harold Paxton 2593 Hannah Ford Rd. Brevard, NC 28712 PH: 828-884-4330 FAX: 828-884-4330 Coats Lawn Service, Inc. Commercial Nursery Betty Kelly 3654 Knights Church Rd. Decherd, TN 37324 PH: 931-967-5525 FAX: 931-967-4650 NCNLA General Membership – as of 10/28/2009 Concrete Creations Larry Story 410 S. Washington Ave. Greenville, SC 29611 PH: 864-269-7600 FAX: 864-269-7560 Cooley's Nursery John Cooley PO Box 676 Wagram, NC 28396-0676 PH: 910-369-2700 FAX: 910-369-2220 Donald Corbett 4811 NC 231 Zebulon, NC 27597 PH: 919-269-7948 FAX: 919-269-2299 Corbin's Baled Pine Straw, Inc. Lori Wiederstein 122 Mill Rd. McDonough, GA 30253 PH: 770-957-5999 FAX: 770-954-1772 David Pruitt 9960 Padgett Switch Rd. Irvington, AL 36544 PH: 251-957-2535 FAX: 251-957-2575 Cove Creek Nursery Alvin Lytle 1342 Davis Town Church Rd. Old Fort, NC 28762 PH: 828-668-4027 FAX: 828-668-8047 Tim Boitnott 4625 Read Mtn. Rd. Cloverdale, VA 24077 PH: 540-992-5583 FAX: 540-992-5585 Scott Wallace 145 Rocky Creek Rd. Hampton, GA 30228 PH: 770-946-3185 FAX: 770-946-9030 Creative Landscape Designs Deward Clark 1368 Buffalo Shoals Rd Catawba, NC 28609 PH: 828-241-2713 Creekside Farms Nursery Hank Harrell PO Box 838 Jackson, NC 27845 PH: 252-534-6111 FAX: 252-534-6111 Cross Country Nursery Kevin Myers 240 Tree Farm Ln. Morrison, TN 37357 PH: 931-939-2151 Debra Currin PO Box 55 Willow Springs, NC 27592 PH: 919-552-9193 FAX: 919-567-0002 Sue Hall 41 Hall Town rd. Sylva, NC 28779 PH: 828-586-5515 FAX: 828-631-0154 Creative NatureScapes, Inc. Billy Hawkins PO Box 23193 Charlotte, NC 28227 PH: 704-882-3733 FAX: 704-882-3744 Creekside Lawn & Garden Debbie Barber 4777 S NC 41 Hwy Wallace, NC 28466 PH: 910-285-8282 Currin's Horticultural Services Country Road Farms Inc. Vic Corey 5000 Corey Rd. P O Box 1549 Winterville, NC 28590-9280 PH: 252-355-6404 FAX: 252-355-3459 Creekside Nurseries, Inc. Rick Johnson 2210 Deer Island Lane Wilmington, NC 28405 PH: 910-256-7669 FAX: 910-256-7624 Creative Nursery & Landscapes Country Club of Landfall Corey and Sons Tree Farm Cottage Hill Nursery Gaye Moore 900 Womble Rd. Nashville, NC 27856 PH: 252-459-3634 FAX: 252-459-9581 Corbett's Nursery Cooper Farm and Nursery Cure Nursery Jen Cure 880 Buteo Ridge Pittsboro, NC 27312-9332 PH: 919-542-6186 FAX: 919-542-6186 Currins Nursery, Inc. Richard Currin 2570 Hwy 42 Willow Spring, NC 27592-9793 PH: 919-552-4521 FAX: 919-552-7475 Custis Nursery, Inc. Terry Custis 3908 Quarry Rd. Zebulon, NC 27597 PH: 919-556-1040 FAX: 919-556-1040 179 NCNLA General Membership – as of 10/28/2009 Cypress Hill Nursery Kelvin Phillips 260 North Pacolet Rd. Campobello, SC 29322 PH: 864-592-5309 Dale Taylor Farms Dale Taylor 5602 Hwy 39 Mountville, SC 29370 PH: 864-871-1179 FAX: 864-994-4851 David Griffin 6621 Bachelors Knob Rd. Marshville, NC 28103 PH: 704-385-9456 FAX: 704-385-9456 Jeff K. Davis 3694 Big Ridge Rd. Glenville, NC 28736 PH: 828-743-5151 FAX: 828-507-1472 Clay Gardner 997 Matthews Mill Pond Rd. Angier, NC 27501-6408 PH: 919-639-4027 FAX: 919-639-6312 180 Bruce Davidson 590 Woods Chapel Rd Duncan, SC 29334 PH: 864-439-0319 FAX: 864-949-9158 Dayton Bag & Burlap Mitch Perkins 233 Commerce Blvd. Statesville, NC 28677 PH: 877-585-0006 FAX: 704-873-9778 Deerwood Nursery, LLC. Rick Jordan 892 Anders Rd. Zirconia, NC 28790 PH: 828-606-3625 FAX: 828-694-1259 Dewayne's Home & Garden Show Place Dorsey Landscape & Irrigation Tommy Hunt 5338 Hwy 130 E Rowland, NC 28383 PH: 910-628-1785 FAX: 910-628-1786 Davenport Landscaping, Inc. Damon Davenport P.O. Box 1151 Garner, NC 27529 PH: 919-662-8436 FAX: 919-662-8427 Davidson Landscape Nursery Richard Coffey 1943 N. Old Greensboro Rd. High Point, NC 27265 PH: 336-869-7888 FAX: 336-869-7888 De La Terre Kathrine Carter 7 Florida Avenue Weaverville, NC 28787 PH: 828-658-1044 FAX: 828-658-1096 Designer Landscapes Greg Sims PO Box 61276 Durham, NC 27715-1276 PH: 919-383-9157 FAX: 919-383-7877 Cindy Adams 1575 Industrial Park Dr. Selma, NC 27576 PH: 919-202-8471 FAX: 919-202-8472 DMG Turf Inc. Davidson Farm Melvin York 1210 Smith Farm Rd Stony Point, NC 28678 PH: 704-585-2302 FAX: 704-585-2352 David Grimes 4572 N NC Hwy 150 Lexington, NC 27295-9745 PH: 336-731-8338 FAX: 336-731-8762 Jim Summey 6500 South New Hope Rd. Belmont, NC 28012 PH: 704-825-4490 FAX: 704-829-1240 Daddy Pete's Plant Pleaser Robert Morris 1617 Hendersonville Rd. Asheville, NC 28803 PH: 828-274-1531 FAX: 828-274-1464 Designer Wood & Kid Cushion Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden Deerfield Episcopal Retirement Community Davis Botanical Horace Davis 8516 North Helms Rd. Indian Trail, NC 28079 PH: 704-361-1640 FAX: 704-882-2902 David's Nursery D & D Landscaping & Tree, Inc. Dickinson Garden Center Dickie Dickinson 1510 E Franklin St. Chapel Hill, NC 27514 PH: 919-942-4458 FAX: 919-942-9592 Dothan Trees Carson Aull 164 Wildhearts Rd. Cameron, SC 29030 PH: 803-531-1876 FAX: 803-536-9695 NCNLA General Membership – as of 10/28/2009 Douglas Clark Nursery dba C & G Nursery Doug Clark 204 White Pine Rd Newland, NC 28657 PH: 828-733-4850 FAX: 828-733-1126 Dream Gardens Landscaping & Turf Management, Inc. Dowd's Nursery Inc. Todd Dowd 2495 Dowd Rd Carthage, NC 28327-7886 PH: 910-947-9999 FAX: 910-947-1460 Duke University Jim Chandler 413 Collinsworth Dr. Clayton, NC 27527 PH: 919-320-3280 Joe Jackson Box 90152 Durham, NC 27708-0152 PH: 919-660-4280 FAX: 919-660-4294 Dunn's Nursery and Garden Shop J.F. Dunn 1990 Skibo Rd. Fayetteville, NC 28314-1514 PH: 910-867-0001 FAX: 910-867-2261 Eagle Landscaping Steve Garner 823 Roanoke Ave. Roanoke Rapids, NC 27870 PH: 252-532-6349 Durham City - County Planning James Morris 101 City Hall Plaza Durham, NC 27701 PH: 919-560-4137 EarthScapes Rick Barrier 506 Doe Ridge Dr. Cleveland, NC 27013 PH: 704-640-8637 FAX: 704-278-1487 Robin Rinaca PO Box 69 Keller, VA 23401 PH: 757-787-4732 FAX: 757-787-3009 Eastside Ornamentals Rusty Allen 120 Walter Sams Rd. Winterville, GA 30683 PH: 706-543-5500 FAX: 706-353-3167 Tony Pace 1574 Big Flatts Church Rd. Fleetwood, NC 28626 Kurt Dickhoff 3735 Sideline 16 N Brougham, ONT LOH1AO PH: 905-683-8233 FAX: 905-683-8213 Eastern Randolph High School Raymond Caviness 390 Eastern Randolph Rd. Ramseur, NC 27316 PH: 336-824-4710 FAX: 336-824-6164 Echoes Nursery Scott Hicks 1510 Cross Beam Dr. Charlotte, NC 28217 PH: 704-363-2233 FAX: 704-357-0001; Eco-FX, Inc. Jon Stewart 1101 Running Brook Rd. Midland, NC 28107 PH: 704-455-9595 FAX: 704-455-9680 Ecoscape Solutions Group Inc. Chip Eleazes PO Box 3328 Huntersville, NC 28070 PH: 704-509-0020 FAX: 704-509-0034 Ecological Ladnscape Design & Construction Neal Wisenbaker PO Box 220 Collettsville, NC 28611 PH: 828-963-7141 Edwin Ingle P O Box 1435 Jamestown, NC 27282 PH: 336-255-5914 Dutchman's Tree Spade ECO-Precise Irrigation Controls Karen E. Mills P.O. Box 39597 Greensboro, NC 27438 PH: 336-282-3636 FAX: 336-282-3637 Ecocare Grounds-keeping Dunlap Lawn Service, Inc. Eastern Shore Nursery of Virginia Ben Case 3109 Gresham Lake Rd. Raleigh, NC 27615-4224 PH: 919-875-8008 Down to Earth Designs Ed Hines Nursery Ed Hines PO Box 5491 Spartanburg, SC 29304 PH: 864-574-2090 FAX: 864-587-0755 181 NCNLA General Membership – as of 10/28/2009 Edwards Wood Products Mark Sullivan PO Box 249 Marshville, NC 28103 PH: 800-373-6869 FAX: 704-624-3377 England Farms Joe England 5 Indian Creek Rd. Burnsville, NC 28714 PH: 828-682-9547 FAX: 828-682-7309 David Annand 23556 Wallace Rd. NW Salem, OR 97304 PH: 503-868-7292 FAX: 503-868-7578 Brad Rollins 8224 Holly Springs Rd. Raleigh, NC 27606 PH: 919-851-6821 FAX: 919-851-9618 Buck Farrar 996 Baskerville Rd. Baskerville, VA 23915 PH: 434-689-2228 FAX: 434-689-2137 Enhancescapes Inc. Tim Mastin PO Box 577 Cary, NC 27512 PH: 919-773-8838 FAX: 919-773-4808 Rudy Perry PO Box 699 Bailey, NC 27807 PH: 252-235-4664 FAX: 252-235-2411 Evergreen Nursery, Inc. Jon Hobus 1501 Dials Mill Rd Statham, GA 30666 PH: 678-753-1818 FAX: 678-753-1166 Family Home and Garden Jerry Horne 550 Corporate Center Dr. Raleigh, NC 27607 PH: 919-859-0288 FAX: 919-859-0106 Faust Nursery W. E. "Bill" Faust 179 Kenansville Hwy Warsaw, NC 28398 PH: 910-293-6778 Iris Townsend PO Box 158 5850 NE CR 354 Mayo, FL 32066 PH: 386-294-3411 FAX: 386-294-1003 182 Evergreen Landscaping & Maintenance, Inc. F.A. Bartlett Tree Expert Company Bryan Lowrance 5808 Triangle Dr. Raleigh, NC 27617 PH: 919-929-8877 Faron Green Nursery Faron Green 5588 Nashville Hwy McMinnville, TN 37110 PH: 931-668-2509 FAX: 931-668-1578 FD-AG Freddie Doub 4113 Cornelius Rd. East Bend, NC 27018 PH: 336-830-4030 Florida Pine Straw Supply Co. John Bass 2408 Hwy 220 N Ellerbe, NC 28338 PH: 910-260-6292 Tommy Walker McAlisterIII 5226 Leonard Morgan Rd. Marshville, NC 28103 PH: 704-624-4018 FAX: 704-624-4028 Finch Blueberry Nursery Ellerbe Springs Nursery Farrar Sod Farm Fairview Greenhouses & Garden Ctr Lynn Hardee 7325 Elevation Rd. Benson, NC 27504 PH: 919-894-1323 FAX: 919-894-1323 Evergreen Nursery Elevation Plant Nursery Fishing Creek Farms Renee Anderson Long 1174 Batts Chapel Rd Tarboro, NC 27886 PH: 252-823-3941 FAX: 252-823-4276 Florikan Carolina, Inc. Harman Gilbert 5530 Mt Vernon Church Rd. Burlington, NC 27217 PH: 336-421-0203 FAX: 336-421-5457 Five Oaks Nursery Monica Twigg 2120 Old Winter Park Rd. Wilmington, NC 28405 PH: 910-762-8637 FAX: 910-762-2494 Flowerwood Nursery, Inc. Todd Carnley PO Box 665 Loxley, AL 36551 PH: 251-964-5122 FAX: 251-964-6355 www. NCNLA General Membership – as of 10/28/2009 Flynthill Farm Neil Flynt PO Box 571 Pittsboro, NC 27312-0571 PH: 919-542-5308 FAX: 919-542-4914 Fowler's Nursery Ed Winborne, Jr. 6118 Hwy 70 W Clayton, NC 27520-6004 PH: 919-989-9000 FAX: 919-989-8010 Tommy Wagoner 384 Burnt Hill Rd. Laurel Springs, NC 28644 PH: 336.982.3517 FAX: 336-982-7355 Bryan Fry P O Box 3411 Wilmington, NC 28406 PH: 910-452-4414 FAX: 910-452-4415 Wynn Dinnsen 2125 Jay Shambley Rd. Pittsboro, NC 27312 PH: 919-742-2897 FAX: 919-742-2897 Mary Francis Tate PO Box 124 940 S. Bennett St. Southern Pines, NC 28388 PH: 910-692-9558 FAX: 910-692-9558 GBD@NC.RR.COM Gary's Nursery, LLC Missy Hollar 680 Crump Farm Rd. New Bern, NC 28562 PH: 252-637-6858 FAX: 252-637-3732 Tommy Oakley 480 Foxwood Rd. Madison, NC 27025 PH: 336-339-6835 FAX: 336-427-2012 Freeman Landscape, Inc. James S. Freeman 93 Edgewater Ln. Wilmington, NC 28403 PH: 910-796-1166 FAX: 910-796-1090 Fry Nursery and Landscaping Pamela Fry 356 King Rd. Pisgah Forest, NC 28768 PH: 828-884-6491 FAX: 828-884-3853 Garden of Eden Outer Creations Brandon Pfahlert 898 Flynt Rd. High Point, NC 27265 PH: 336-638-6385 Gardenscape Jeff Andrey PO Box 184 Eau Claire, PA 16030 PH: 800-255-1653 FAX: 724-867-1163 Ron Gelvin 968 Trinity Rd. Raleigh, NC 27607 PH: 919-816-9117 Fraleigh Nursery, LLC Jay Fraleigh PO Box 262 Madison, FL 32341 PH: 850-253-3854 FAX: 850-253-1228 Fritz Nursery and Landscaping Eric W. Fritz 339 Brookhollow Ln. Taylorsville, NC 28681 PH: 828-495-7031 FAX: 828-495-7031 Frye Farms, Inc. Gill Frye 2508 Frye Farms Rd. Asheboro, NC 27205 PH: 336-672-0156 FAX: 336-672-0156 GardenKeepers Landscape & Design, Inc. Linda J. Taylor 4339 Leary Mills Rd. Vanceboro, NC 28586 PH: 252-717-5996 FAX: 252-746-6403 Gelvin Management Services, Inc. Rip Sokol 52 Bates St. Mendon, MA 01756 PH: 508-634-1914 FAX: 508-634-9030 Fourth Generation Nursery, Inc. Gardens by Design Foxwood Farms Full of Life Farms Fry & Associates, Inc Joe Fountain 9619 John White Rd. Midland, NC 28107-8768 PH: 704-366-4551 FAX: 704-784-1486 Fraser Knoll Fountain Landscaping Gardenscapes, Inc Peter StockettJr 7314 Van Claybon Dr. Apex, NC 27523 PH: 919-387-6565 FAX: 919-387-4545 George Johnson Nursery, Inc. Murphy Johnson Hwy 112 Box 3848 Forest Hill, LA 71430 PH: 318-748-6017 FAX: 318-748-6893 183 NCNLA General Membership – as of 10/28/2009 Gethsemane Garden & Landscape Service Janice Nicholson 3707 NC Hwy 150 E Greensboro, NC 27455 PH: 336-656-3096 FAX: 336-656-3696 Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Tom Gilmore 4087 Bunton Swain Rd. Liberty, NC 27298 PH: 336-622-0260 FAX: 336-622-0261 GHS Corporation Stan Hopkins 9543 NC Hwy. 49 S. Denton, NC 27239 PH: 336-857-4050 FAX: 336-857-4055 Glen Saint Mary Nurseries Co. George TaberIII 7703 Glen Nursery Rd. Glen Saint Mary, FL 32040 PH: 904-259-6256 FAX: 904-259-5605 Gilbert's Nursery Bob Smart 4675 Peachtree Rd. Chesnee, SC 29323-9143 PH: 864-592-1734 FAX: 864-592-1779 Glen Walters Nursery Steve Phillips 4052 Columns Dr. SE Marietta, GA 30067-5194 PH: 770-952-1150 FAX: 770-952-3350 Global Wayfinding/ McBride Hess Design Group Tim Hess 1073 Bullard Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 PH: 919-954-8294 FAX: 919-954-8299 Goodman's Nursery & BG&G Growers Tim Goodman 439 North Pacolet Rd Campobello, SC 29322 PH: 864-680-6309 FAX: 864-592-0108 Ronnie Wall 2310 NC Hwy 801 N Mocksville, NC 27028 PH: 336-998-3232 FAX: 336-998-3111 Phillip CroomJr. 763 Grants Creek Rd. Jacksonville, NC 28546 PH: 910-353-0326 FAX: 910-353-4987 Ken Harris 2411 Smithville Hwy McMinnville, TN 37110 PH: 931-668-3320 FAX: 931-668-8395 184 Goodson & Associates David T. Goodson 12113 Tharrington Rd. Wake Forest, NC 27587 PH: 919-562-0114 FAX: 919-562-0115 Grandfather Mtn. Nursery Garden Center & Landscape Gray Landscaping, Inc. Charles K. Gray PO Box 1904 Angier, NC 27501 PH: 919-639-5292 FAX: 919-639-5292 Wendy Shonebarger 5420 Sandstone Dr. Fayetteville, NC 28311 PH: 910-964-9255 Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Grandover ResortKoury Venture Grandover Golf Maintenance 4030-A Live Oak Dr. Greensboro, NC 27407 PH: 336-294-9956 FAX: 336-851-1076 Green Biz Nurery & Landscaping Mitchell Eudy 2608 Doster Rd. Monroe, NC 28112 PH: 704-289-6644 FAX: Keith Gossett 7801 Clinard Farms Rd. High Point, NC 27265-9104 PH: 336-454-2548 FAX: 336-454-6347 Golden Leaf Nursery Theresa Ozdemir 11466 Hwy 105 S Banner Elk, NC 28604 PH: 828-963-5025 FAX: 828-963-7637 Great Western Bag Company Grants Creek Nursery, Inc. William L. WollettJr. PO Box 8401 Rocky Mount, NC 27804 PH: 252-972-7510 FAX: 252-972-3268 Gra-Mac Irrigation Golden East Landscaping Inc. Gray Squirrel Farms, Inc. Richard Warner 409 Lemon Pepper Place Wendell, NC 27591 PH: 919-740-2294 FAX: 919-365-8318 Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Charles A. AllenIV 3769 Wilmington Hwy. Fayetteville, NC 28306 PH: 910-323-8811 FAX: 910-433-9052 NCNLA General Membership – as of 10/28/2009 Green Leaf Services, Inc. Edward Snyder PO Box 1016 1532 Linville Falls Hwy. Linville, NC 28646 PH: 828-737-0308 FAX: 828-737-0306 Green Mountain Nurseries Larry Bossinger 102 Concha Dr. Sebastian, FL 32958 PH: 772-581-0377 R. Wayne SaundersSr. 4706 Liberty Rd. Greensboro, NC 27406 PH: 336-674-7761 FAX: 336-674-9701 Greenleaf Nursery Co. Steve Coppedge 28406 Hwy 82 Park Hill, OK 74451 PH: 800-331-2982 FAX: 800-407-5550 Tim P. Springer PO Box 1567 Matthews, NC 28106 PH: 704-814-9000 Green Visions Nursery Jason Rhodes 1029 Clevland Ave. Grover, NC 28073 PH: 704-692-7213 FAX: 704-937-9350 Greenscapes Greenscape Tools, Inc. Mitch PerkinsJr. 10801 Hwy 221 S. Fleetwood, NC 28626 PH: 888-314-2672 FAX: 336-877-2673 GreenSource Direct, Inc. Jeremy Willis 102 East Lee rd. Taylors, SC 29687 PH: 864-268-7004 FAX: 864-268-9954 Donald Gregory 45 Comm Park Lane Angier, NC 27501 PH: 919-639-4516 FAX: 919-639-6101 Thomas Timmeny 261Cashlin Dr. Raleigh, NC 27616 PH: 919-723-6077 Griffin Greenhouse & Nursery Supplies Grounds Crew Landscaping Todd Sechrist 383 Clinard Rd. Thomasville, NC 27360 PH: 336-476-4390 FAX: 336-476-5408 Michael Currin PO Box 97 Holly Springs, NC 27540 PH: 919-552-7742 FAX: 919-567-9570 Greenspire Nursery & Landscaping Greenwood Nursery, Inc. David Dotson 1604 Hwy 16 N Conover, NC 28613 PH: 828-465-1920 FAX: 828-465-3380 Dave Morin 1619 Main St. Tewksbury, MA 01876 PH: 978-851-4346 FAX: 978-851-7559 dmuse@griffinmail,com Ground Effects Landscape Design, LLC. John Ritchie PO Box 140 Ether, NC 27247-0140 PH: 910-428-4587 FAX: 910-428-1226 Greenscape, Inc. Michael Jenkins 3055 Ten Mile Fork Rd. Trenton, NC 28585-8249 PH: 252-224-5855 FAX: 252-224-5855 Gregory, Inc. Greenthumb Nursery, LLC Randolph Thrasher 225 Sign Pine Rd. Chesapeake, VA 23322 PH: 757-421-2141 FAX: 757-421-2159 Keith Taylor 2643 W. Carthage Rd. Lumberton, NC 28360 PH: 910-739-0405 FAX: 910-738-7370 Greenbrier Farms Nursery Greenstate Landscape & Nursery Hayden Beatty 2148 Woodland Ave. Burlington, NC 27215 PH: 336-584-7808 FAX: 336-584-3854 Green View Landscaping, Inc. Green N Growin Griffith Propagation Nursery, Inc. Mark Griffith 2580 Antioch Church Rd. Watkinsville, GA 30677 PH: 706-310-0027 FAX: 706-769-4618 Growing Native Nursery Liz Martin 178 Shope Creek Rd. Asheville, NC 28805 PH: 828-450-6254 185 NCNLA General Membership – as of 10/28/2009 GrowinGreen, Inc. Jonathan Rigsbee PO Box 19935 Greensboro, NC 27419 PH: 336-854-7999 FAX: 336-854-7843 GW Looby Landscaping Gary W. Looby PO Box 520 Newell, NC 28126 PH: 704-599-2500 FAX: 704-599-2500 George Hackney PO Box 160 Greensboro, FL 32330 PH: 850-442-6115 FAX: 850-442-3492 Bob Zemp PO Box 790 Petersburg, VA 23804 PH: 804-733-4128 FAX: 800-768-0815 Hackney Nursery Growtastic H & H Farm Machine Co. Brian Nance 7305 Brent Haigler Rd. Indian Trail, NC 28079 PH: 704-753-4919 FAX: 704-753-4324 Hardy Blooms & Turf Jane Thore Hardy 1012 Hardy Dr. East Bend, NC 27018 PH: 336-961-2074 Mary Kelly P O Box 6147 Raleigh, NC 27628 PH: 800-433-1550 FAX: 919-828-9816 Vickie Stark PO Box 38 100 W. Main St. Haviland, OH 45851 PH: 419-622-4611 FAX: 419-622-6911 Henn's Plant Farm Bryan C. Henn 370 Lindsey Loop Rd. Fletcher, NC 28732 PH: 828-684-2321 H.L. Harrelson 4539 E Greensboro-Chapel Hill Rd Graham, NC 27253 PH: 336-376-0703 FAX: 336-376-0703 Harmony Gardens Nursery Douglas Galliher PO Box 250 Harmony, NC 28634-0250 PH: 704-539-4709 FAX: 704-539-5431 Harrington Lawn Care & Landscaping Inc. Brandon Harrington 411 Avents Ferry Rd. Sanford, NC 27330 PH: 919-770-5969 Hawkins Nursery, Inc. Anthony Hawkins 400 River Rd. Travelers Rest, SC 29690 PH: 864-836-3030 FAX: 864-836-3622 Harvest Landscape Ronn Ohl 211 Coachman Way Sanford, NC 27332 PH: 910-850-4625 Haviland Plastic Products, Co. H.L. Harrelson & Son Harrell's Fertilizer, Inc. Chuck Voight 701 Milner Dr. Greensboro, NC 27410 PH: 336-299-1535 FAX: 336-299-2849 Guilford Garden Center Hayden's Nursery Billy Hayden 5045 Bamberg Rd. Cope, SC 29038 PH: 803-534-3196 FAX: 803-534-3114 Herd Farm Nursery Phillip Herd 811 Pope Lane Belvidere, TN 37306 PH: 931-967-4019 FAX: 931-967-4019 Heritage Farms Jimmy Barnes 1462 Ivy Bluff Trail Morrison, TN 37357 PH: 931-939-3367 FAX: 931-939-3034 Heritage Landscape Designs Paige Benson 232 Loder Avenue Wilmington, NC 28409 PH: 910-617-7547 FAX: 919-791-6791 186 Heritage Seedlings Jolly Krautmann 4194 71st Ave. SE Salem, OR 97317 PH: 503-585-9835 FAX: 503-371-9688 Hickory Hill Nursery Jim Neely 812 Neely Rd. Asheboro, NC 27205 PH: 336-625-6660 FAX: 336-626-7575 NCNLA General Membership – as of 10/28/2009 Hicks Landscape Contractors, Inc A. Scott Hicks 6204 Robertson Pond Rd. Wendell, NC 27591 PH: 919-366-0115 FAX: 919-366-9900 High Country Nursery Everett Richardson 835 Griswold Rd. Altamont, TN 37301 PH: 931-692-3122 FAX: 931-692-3210 Thaddeus Cole 103Kingsgate Rd. Asheville, NC 28805 PH: 828-298-9565 FAX: 828-298-9563 Ken Allison PO Box 1390 1 Summerwind Drive Etowah, NC 28729 PH: 828-891-3893 FAX: 828-891-2871 Hoffman Nursery, Inc. John Hoffman 5520 Bahama Rd. Rougemont, NC 27572 PH: 919-479-6620 FAX: 919-471-3100 High Rock Nursery Thomas W. Penninger 844 JM Penninger Rd.. Lexington, NC 27292 PH: 336-357-3352 FAX: Hillis Nursery Co., Inc. Dickey Hillis 92 Gardner Rd. McMinnville, TN 37110 PH: 931-668-4364 FAX: 931-668-7432 Hinnant's Nursery & Landscaping Carlton Hinnant 1825 Massengill Pond Rd. Angier, NC 27501 PH: 919-639-9761 FAX: 919-639-6275 Mitzi L. Hole 2811 Walden Rd. Apex, NC 27502 PH: 919-362-1303 Brian Upchurch 269 Drake Farm Rd. Fletcher, NC 28732 PH: 828-301-0729 FAX: 828-654-0006 Hillside Nursery Inc. Wendell Hedden PO Box 837 Andrews, NC 28901-0837 PH: 828-321-4377 FAX: 828-321-4923 Hoaglandscape Brian Hoagland 321 S Fork Dr Belmont, NC 28012 PH: 980-522-6166 Highland Creek Nursery High Caliper Growing Root Control, Inc. Ali Campbell 115 NW 44 Oklahoma City, OK 73118 PH: 405-606-2400 FAX: 405-606-2401 www. Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co., LLC. Harold Neubauer 214 Tanager Hill Ln. Belvidere, TN 37306-2129 PH: 931-967-9080 FAX: 931-967-5500 Highland Heritage Landscape, Inc. Hidden Hollow Nursery Holland Landscaping, Inc. Randy W. Holland 953 Black Rock Rd. Merry Hill, NC 27957 PH: 252-356-4163 FAX: 252-356-4772 Hollandia Gardens Inc. Joanne Eggimann 30711 S. Meridian Rd. Hubbard, OR 97032 PH: 503-651-3526 FAX: 503-651-2260 Homewood Nursery and Garden Center Joe Stoffregen 10809 Honeycutt Rd. Raleigh, NC 27614 PH: 919-847-0117 FAX: 919-847-3481 Holliday Landscape & Tree Rob Holliday PO Box 456 Summerfield, NC 27358 PH: 336-362-7966 FAX: 336-643-8738 Horizon Distributors, Inc. Scott Bennett 600 Pegg Rd. Suite 119 Greensboro, NC 27409 PH: 336-393-0241 FAX: 336-393-0216 Holloway's Nursery Susan Johnson PO Box 339 Forest Hill, LA 71430 PH: 318-748-6803 FAX: 318-748-7204 Hortica Insurance & Employee Benefits Leland Hesterberg #1 Horticultural Lane Edwardsville, IL 62025 PH: 800-851-7740 FAX: 800-233-3642 187 NCNLA General Membership – as of 10/28/2009 Horticultural Printers Robert Grooms 919 Alexander Ave. Port Orange, FL 32129 PH: 800-221-4843 FAX: 386-760-1505 Hortsources Jim Darden P O Box 1087 Clinton, NC 28329 PH: 910-590-9689 Earl HuffmanJr. 220 Futrell Rd. Richlands, NC 28574 PH: 910-324-1231 FAX: 910-324-1231 I Must Garden Marilyn Cox 2320-108 Presidential Dr. Durham, NC 27703 PH: 919-929-2299 FAX: 877-769-2299 Joshua Sutton 4014 Wilgrove Way Dr. Charlotte, NC 28213 PH: 704-604-8928 Aaron Snell 5710-K High Point Rd. #143 Greensboro, NC 27407 PH: 336-709-1794 FAX: 336-841-6476 Impact Landscapes Inc. Ideal Landscaping & Irrigation Inc. Imperial Nurseries Richard Feile 206 Collingswood Rd. Mooresville, NC 28117-9472 PH: 704-663-0083 Lyle Forbes 315 S. Indiantown Rd. Shawboro, NC 27973 PH: 252-336-4347 FAX: 252-336-2347 Inside-Outside Robert Tucker 3563 Horse Cove Rd. Highlands, NC 28741 PH: 828-526-4272 Inman Sod Mike Mitchell P O Box 207 Inman, SC 29349 PH: 864-505-4108 FAX: 864-472-9674 Irving Farms Webster Irving 190 Carter Dairy Rd. Stoneville, NC 27048 PH: 336-623-2636 Betty Ann Waddell 4 Chicorana Rd. W. Columbia, SC 29169 PH: 803-609-2020 FAX: Imports Exclusive Kathy Hooper PO Box 937 Vass, NC 28394 PH: (877) 746-7678 FAX: 910-962-6541 Images by BA Indiantown Farms Huffman Landscape and Lawn Pros. Innovative Designs Graham Ray 1100 Rustic Rd. Greensboro, NC 27410-3242 PH: 336-292-8210 FAX: 336-854-8851 Island Creek Landscaping Colette Kuki 311 Red Fox Run Dr. Wallace, NC 28466 PH: 910-382-5697 FAX: 910-285-2827 J & B Herb and Plant Farms John Wrenn 620 Weldon Wrenn Rd. Roxboro, NC 27574 PH: 336-599-0381 FAX: 336-599-8223 Jackson Nursery Ray Jackson 6115 Lexie Beans Creek Rd. Belvidere, TN 37306 PH: 931-967-3783 FAX: 931-967-0820 188 J & S Nursery Jennifer Gilliland 8115 Hwy 70 Newport, NC 28570 PH: 252-223-2766 FAX: 252-223-3772 Jacksons Lawn & Landscape Tim Jackson 1904 Gum Branch Rd. Jacksonville, NC 28540 PH: 910-347-2309 FAX: 910-346-1655 J. Parlier & Associates Joel Parlier 646 Bailey Farm Road Statesville, NC 28625 PH: 704-876-4089 FAX: 704-876-3096 Jacob's Creek Stone Co., Inc. Jeff McKinney PO Box 608 Denton, NC 27239 PH: 336-857-2602 FAX: 336-857-3180 NCNLA General Membership – as of 10/28/2009 Jaderloon Co. Inc. Jeff McClure PO Box 685 Irmo, SC 29063 PH: 800-258-7171 FAX: 803-798-6584 Jericho Farms Peggy VanDevender 380 Washington St. Pikeville, NC 27863 PH: 919-242-8297 FAX: 919-242-5036 Lonnie A. Israel 570 Brevard Rd. Lot 16 Asheville, NC 28806-2324 PH: 828-254-2671 FAX: 828-258-1149 John Lewis 1118 Lancaster Dr. #409 Salem, OR 97301 PH: 503-373-9781 FAX: 503-373-9876 Jernigan Garden Center & Nursery, Inc. Claude R. Jernigan 306 Ellsworth St. La Grange, NC 28551-1949 PH: 252-566-4900 FAX: 252-566-5576 Jim Gayle's Lawn & Landscape Maintenance Joe Morris 6727 Brookbauk Rd. Summerfield, NC 27358-9016 PH: 336-643-1880 Jack Switzer 707 Hillsford Ln Apex, NC 27502 PH: 919-302-5104 FAX: 919-363-6139 Johnston Nursery and Landscaping Garland S. Crumpton PO Box 4088 Eden, NC 27289-4088 PH: 336-623-1995 FAX: 336-623-6345 Jeff Phillips 41 Windy Ridge Waynesville, NC 28785 PH: 828-672-0450 John Ross 753 South Allen Rd. Flat Rock, NC 28731 PH: 828-697-5600 FAX: 828-697-2297 Jones Insurance Agency Carmen Davis 820 Benson Rd. Garner, NC 27529 PH: 919-772-0233 FAX: 919-779-4025 K.B. Enterprises and Nursery Mike Brooks 117 Canterbury Dr. Winston-salem, NC 27107 PH: 336-788-0150 FAX: 336-788-0396 Mike Wilson PO Box 1988 Lexington, SC 29071 PH: 803-892-2818 FAX: 803-892-3415 Joe's Landscaping & Nursery Co. Johnson's Landscaping & Maintenance, Inc. Lenn Johnson PO Box 98 Wendell, NC 27591 PH: 919-369-6006 FAX: 919-365-6089 Jones Landscaping and Maintenance, Inc. Jack Jones 3205 Air Park Rd. Fuquay-Varina, NC 27526-9219 PH: 919-552-7722 FAX: 919-567-8921 Jim KenAmer Nursery, Inc. JWP Enterprises, Inc. John Ross, Inc. Donnie Jernigan 220 Lee Road Dunn, NC 28334 PH: 910-892-8592 FAX: 910-892-1027 Joe B. Marion 705 Lasley Road Lewisville, NC 27023-8226 PH: 336-766-6513 FAX: 336-766-1170 John Deere Equipment Jernigan's Nursery JM Design Jay Evans 5424 Watkins Rd Wendell, NC 27591 PH: 919-217-9583 FAX: 919-217-4818 Jim Gayle PO Box 6337 High Point, NC 27262 PH: 336-885-3435 FAX: 336-885-2721 Jay's Lawn & Landscape Co. JLPN, Inc. Allen Parrott 2508 N Herritage St. Kinston, NC 28501 PH: 800-727-7688 FAX: 252-523-0145 Jesse Israel and Sons Garden Center Jake A. Parrott Insurance Agency KCK Farms, LLC Kevin Coleman 11483 SE Amity-Dayton Hwy Dayton, OR 97114 PH: 503-864-9422 FAX: 503-864-4412 189 NCNLA General Membership – as of 10/28/2009 Kellar's Nursery, Inc. Fred KellarJr. 381 Payne Rd. Lexington, NC 27295 PH: 336-764-3332 FAX: 336-775-1560 Gary Cooper 407 McArthur Dr. Elizabeth City, NC 27909 PH: 252-335-5882 Jan Kelley P.O. Box 1130 Drain, OR 97435 PH: 541-836-2290 Kenyon Bailey Supply, Inc. Kelleygreen Nursery, Inc. Kiefer Landscape Nursery Mark Kiefer 2450 S Alston Ave. Durham, NC 27713-1302 PH: 919-596-7313 FAX: 919-598-5163 Dale Fuller 3915 Walter Nelson Rd. Charlotte, NC 28227-8222 PH: 704-545-5942 FAX: 704-545-5900 Richie Cole PO Box 215 Jackson Springs, NC 27281 PH: 910-673-3588 FAX: 910-673-7646 L. Brown Company, LLC. Lisa Brown 249 Knoll Rd. Southern Pines, NC 28387 PH: 910-246-6023 Lindsey R. Griffin PO Box 3588 Greenville, NC 27836-1588 PH: 252-717-9393 FAX: 252-353-4374 Doug LakeJr. PO Box 529 Whigham, GA 39897 PH: 229-762-4888 FAX: 229-762-4677 Land Expressions Inc. Charles Rosenstein One West Pack Square Suite 1405 Asheville, NC 28801 PH: 828-423-2014 FAX: 828-210-8161 190 David B. Coulter 956 NC Hwy 903 Littleton, NC 27850 PH: 252-586-4478 FAX: 252-586-4478 Lake Tree Growers Lake Gaston Nursery Lancaster Farms, Inc. Dale Saunders 5800 Knotts Neck Rd. Suffolk, VA 23435 PH: 757-484-4421 FAX: 757-686-8637 James Knox 8421 Camellia Dr. Raleigh, NC 27613 PH: 919-847-5098 FAX: 919-847-5551 L.A. Reynolds Garden Showcase Ken Long 4400 Styers Ferry Rd. Winston Salem, NC 27104-3335 PH: 336-945-3776 FAX: 336-945-3778 L.R. Griffin & Assoc., Inc. Craig Leonard 524 Stallings Rd Matthews, NC 28104 PH: 704-289-5822 FAX: 704-225-1220 Kubota Tractor Corp. Knats Creek Nursery King's Greenhouse, Inc. Tommy King 875 Five Forks Rd. Liberty, SC 29657 PH: 864-843-6880 FAX: 864-843-4714 Kenneth Stone 145 Berrymore Rd. Reidsville, NC 27320 PH: 336-342-6596 FAX: 336-342-6596 King's Sunset Nursery, Inc. Ken's Lawn Co. Lake Hickory Country Club Janet Arrowood 3724 Pinecrest Dr. NE Hickory, NC 28601-8741 PH: 828-256-5783 FAX: 828-256-2910 Land Enhancers, Inc. Ginger H. Horn 244 Al Rd. Madison, NC 27025-8000 PH: 336-427-4578 FAX: 336-427-4578 Landing Nursery Herbert Fritze 1800 Lee Landing Rd. New Bern, NC 28560 PH: 252-745-5093 Landmark Landscapes, Inc John Thelen 1985 Brevard Rd. Arden, NC 28704 PH: 828-687-9980 FAX: 828-687-9958 NCNLA General Membership – as of 10/28/2009 Landmark Plastic Corp Charles Huskey 179 Red Globe Lane Woodruff, SC 29388 PH: 864-680-2533 FAX: 864-486-8381 Landscape Concepts, Inc. Victor Smith 320 Maple Leaf Road Rockwell, NC 28138 PH: 704-630-6675 FAX: 704-637-9435 Philip Sims 6907 Legacy Ln. Waxhaw, NC 28173 PH: 704-564-3232 Charles Huskey 179 Red Globe Lane Woodruff, SC 29388 PH: 864-680-2533 FAX: 864-486-8381 Landscapes Designed, Inc. Robert Walters 833 Richmond St. Raleigh, NC 27609 PH: 919-781-7407 FAX: 919-781-7407 Laneyhill Nursery and Tree Farm Robert Lee Long 1614 Trinity Church Rd. Monroe, NC 28112-9588 PH: 704-764-3755 FAX: 704-764-7955 Landmasters, Inc Bill Jeffers PO Box 12846 Gastonia, NC 28052-0010 PH: 704-864-3259 FAX: 704-864-2673 Lanes Creek Trees Landmark Plastic Corp Landvision Designs, Inc. Tracy Sides 10809 Honeycutt Rd. Raleigh, NC 27614 PH: 919-847-2578 FAX: 919-847-3481 Lathams Nursery, Inc. Judy R. Latham 2317 Lawyers Rd E Monroe, NC 28110 PH: 704-283-5696 FAX: 704-289-3975 Laurel Springs Trees Lewis Gaskin PO Box 85 Laurel Springs, NC 28644 PH: 336-372-2468 FAX: 336-372-4168 Leinbachs, Inc. Tom Young PO Box 11786 Winston-Salem, NC 27116 PH: 336-969-0359 Lazy Weekends Landscaping Sean Tunney 124 Marine Drive, Unit #303 Edenton, NC 27932 PH: 252-482-7720 FAX: 252-482-7077 Leisure Landscapes, Inc Paul Martin PO Box 98899 Raleigh, NC 27624 PH: 919-847-1733 FAX: 919-863-4148 Christina Clark 177 Sweeten Creek Rd. Asheville, NC 28809 PH: 828-274-3031 FAX: 828-274-8105 Lindsey Landscape & Design Cathy Lindsey 1425 Hattie Rd. Apex, NC 27502 PH: 919-387-7500 Mack Little PO Box 1448 Raleigh, NC 27602 PH: 919-821-5645 FAX: 919-831-2329 Lilley Farms & Nursery, Inc. Jessica Lilley-Reber 2800 Tyre Neck Rd. Chesapeake, VA 23321-4004 PH: 757-484-3448 FAX: 757-483-3245 Little and Little Landscape Arch. Adam Lee PO Box 548 339 Hwy 96 South Four Oaks, NC 27524 PH: 919-963-3177 FAX: 919-963-3905 Linder Industrial Machinery Lee and Sons Nursery, Inc. Liner Source, Inc. Art Kirkland 21102 State Rd. 44 Eustis, FL 32736 PH: 352-357-3500 FAX: 352-357-2619 Little River Nursery David Hillis 4037 Beersheba Hwy. McMinnville, TN 37110 PH: 931-668-8000 FAX: 931-815-2255 Little Snow Creek Nursery Roy Robertson 1603 Snow Hill Church Rd. Danbury, NC 27016-9746 PH: 336-593-8802 191 NCNLA General Membership – as of 10/28/2009 Little's Nursery of Greenville, Inc. Gayle L. Wainright 4830 US 13 Greenville, NC 27834 PH: 252-756-3626 FAX: 252-355-6872 Logan Trading Co. Logan Bristow 707 Semart Dr. Raleigh, NC 27604 PH: 919-828-5337 FAX: 919-828-3839 Andy Russ 1810 Egret St. SW Shallotte, NC 28470 PH: 910-755-7571 FAX: 910-755-7571 George Stoudenmire 28 Boxwood Trail Lone Star, SC 29030 PH: 803-826-6464 FAX: 803-826-6465 Steve McElroy 11300 Mahan Dr. Tallahassee, FL 32309 PH: 850-671-3614 FAX: 850-671-3615 Dennis Niemeyer 195 Macedonia Lake Dr. Saluda, NC 28773 PH: 800-525-3597 FAX: 800-525-3598 Brandon Johnson PO Box 862 Dunn, NC 28335 PH: 910-892-1998 FAX: 910-897-5478 Long Branch Farm Gray Howard 1550 Longwood Rd. Columbia, SC 29209 PH: 803-695-0588 FAX: 803-776-0398 Lowcountry Nursery Co. Bob McKenzie 4461 Hwy 17 N Awendaw, SC 29429 PH: 843-849-6064 FAX: 843-849-9309 Terry Holdsclaw 622 Faith Rd. Mooresville, NC 28115 PH: 704-663-2002 FAX: 704-663-2646 Joshua Logan 707 Semart Dr. Raleigh, NC 27604 PH: 919-828-5337 FAX: 919-828-3839 Lone Oak Tree Farm Lee Simpson 4685 Lone Oak Rd. Grantville, GA 30220 PH: 800-282-6240 FAX: 706-637-8706 Long Pond Nursery Lee Suddreth 124 Low Meadow Dr. Mount Holly, NC 28120 PH: 704-617-8877 FAX: 704-827-1792 Ludy Tree Care, Inc Doug Ludy 18 Dogwood Acres Dr. Chapel Hill, NC 27516 PH: 919-942-3941 MacKenzie Nursery Supply Bill Burr PO Box 322 Perry, OH 44081 PH: 440-259-3517 FAX: 440-259-5953 Maiden Nursery Harvey Coulter 2289 West Maiden Rd. Newton, NC 28658 PH: 828-428-8175 Madison Landscape & Design Group, Inc. Stacey Lundy P O Box 49601 Charlotte, NC 28277 PH: 704-523-4886 FAX: 704-523-4887 Maple Grove Nursery, Inc. Logan Trading Co. Magnolia Ridge Farm Logistical Customer Service Inc Mack Bros. Landscape Nursery Low Falls Wholesale Nursery T. Vaughn Willoughby 2077 S. Main St. Graham, NC 27253 PH: 336-227-5769 FAX: 336-227-5979 Long Bay Gardens Living Landscapes, Inc. Mantis Gardens E.V. vonSeldeneck 61 Elizabeth Place Asheville, NC 28801 PH: 828-236-0142 Mark's Landscaping Mark T. Smith 483 Central Dr. Concord, NC 28027 PH: 704-782-2084 Marshall C. Garland, Inc. Marshall Garland 16 Patrick Lane Black Mountain, NC 28711 PH: 828-669-1188 FAX: 828-669-9393 192 NCNLA General Membership – as of 10/28/2009 Massarelli's Christine Massarelli 500 South Egg Harbor Rd. Hammonton, NJ 08037 PH: 609-567-9700 FAX: 609-567-8844 Sherman McArthur 159 Carolina Paradise Rutherfordton, NC 28139 PH: 828-286-4113 FAX: 828-287-1338 Charles A. AllenIV PO Box 64607 Fayetteville, NC 28306 PH: 910-485-8873 FAX: 910-433-9052 McArthur's Landscaping Mastergreen Horticultural Services, Inc. Jeanne McClure 171 Wintergreen Dr. Garner, NC 27529 PH: 919-553-5166 Mike Sikes 3535 Roswell Rd. suite 27 Marietta, GA 30062 PH: 770-578-9583 FAX: 770-578-9519 McLamb Nursery, Inc. James McLamb 640 Greenleaf Rd. Angier, NC 27501-8106 PH: 919-894-3709 FAX: 919-894-2446 Wanda Vandewalker 8515 Hwy 81 N Easley, SC 29642 PH: 864-859-4189 FAX: 864-855-2444 Lewis Flynn PO Box 61 Harrells, NC 28444 PH: 910-532-2539 FAX: 910-532-2542 Meadowbrook Nursery & Farm Jamie Oxley 2055 Polly Spout Rd Marion, NC 28752 PH: 828-738-8300 FAX: 828-287-9348 Metrolina Landscape Co. Shep Garmon 309 Morningside Rd. Charlotte, NC 28214 PH: 704-392-9501 Rena Cilluffo 2585 Clemmonsville Rd. Suite 102 Winston-Salem, NC 27127 PH: 336-774-6544 FAX: 336-774-9060 Mid-Atlantic Stihl Mike Seagroves PO Box 8182 315 Executiv Ct. Hillsborough, NC 27278 PH: 919-643-4006 FAX: 919-643-4668 McHutchison Horticultural, LLC Jeremy Montgomery 64 Mountain View Blvd. Wayne, NJ 07470 PH: 757-366-8976 FAX: 973-317-1220 Meherrin River Farms, Inc. Matt Wicklein 5206 Fiddlers Rd Emporia, VA 23847 PH: 434-634-8111 FAX: 434-634-8800 Mid-Atlantic Concrete Products Mary C. McClure 16 Bayswater Place Chapel Hill, NC 27517-8635 PH: 919-251-9983 Merritt Brothers Tree Farm McGill McClure's Stoneglade McCorkle Nurseries Fount H. MayJr 178 May Nursery Rd Havana, FL 32333 PH: 800-342-7134 FAX: 888-242-8271 May Nursery, Inc Mid Georgia Nursery, Inc. George Tindall 727 Rose Hill Rd. Meansville, GA 30256-2211 PH: 770-567-3874 FAX: 770-567-3746 Mid-Atlantic Insurance Associates Middle Sound Landscaping Sean Dwyer 4343 Plank Rd. Suite 115 Fredericksburg, VA 22407 PH: 800-538-7725 FAX: 800538-9047 Chip Baker 1121 C Military Cutt Off Rd. Suite 362 Wilmington, NC 28411 PH: 910-686-2607 FAX: 910-509-0530 Mid-Atlantic Irrigation Co, Inc. Tommy Booth PO Box L Farmville, VA 23901 PH: 434-392-3141 FAX: 434-390-1934 Midway Nursery William J. SimpsonJr. 1025 Pineywood Church Rd. Cameron, NC 28326-6523 PH: 910-245-2595 FAX: 910-245-3367 193 NCNLA General Membership – as of 10/28/2009 Mike Moore Landscapes Inc. Michael C. Moore 4716 Abbotts Creek Chapel Road Kernersville, NC 27284 PH: 336-769-0076 Miller Tree & Landscape Co.,Inc. David Miller P O Box 115 Pineville, NC 28134 PH: 704-622-1402 Miller's Groundcover Darlene Miller 3474 HWY 112 Forest Hill, LA 71430 PH: 318-748-6766 FAX: 318-748-6765 Millstone Cove Farms, Inc. David Autrey P.O. Box 248 Micaville, NC 28755 PH: 828-682-1555 FAX: 828-682-1444 Dan Reese 402 Carter P O Box 483 Hondo, TX 78861 PH: 800-426-2426 FAX: 910-363-4214 ML Irrigation Systems, Inc. Mark Lurey 2265 S. Main St. Fountain Inn, SC 29644 PH: 864-862-5000 FAX: 864-862-5010 Bill Rathgeb PO Box 478 La Grange, NC 28551-0478 PH: 252-566-9784 FAX: 252-566-9786 J. Kyle Morgan 4417 S. Elm-Eugene St. Greensboro, NC 27406 PH: 336-674-5187 Monroeton Nursery Roger W. Weber 9235 US 158 Reidsville, NC 27320 PH: 336-349-3735 Montery Lawn & Garden Products, Inc. W.T. Thomson PO Box 35000 Fresno, CA 93745-5000 PH: 559-499-2100 FAX: 559-499-1015 Morris Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. William MorrisJr. 1446 Morris BBQ Rd. Hookerton, NC 28538 PH: 252-747-8380 FAX: 252-747-8035 Matt Peters 644 Roy Goodman Rd Crumpler, NC 28618 PH: 336-982-6285 FAX: 336-982-6286 194 Museum Park Manager/ NC Museum of Art Christina Herring 2110 Blue Ridge Rd. Raleigh, NC 27606 PH: 919-664-6780 Mize Farm and Garden Ken Lowe 625 Wesinpar Rd. Johnson City, TN 37604 PH: 800-321-8161 FAX: 423-928-8093 Monrovia Growers Gilbert Resendez PO Box 1385 Azusa, CA 91702 PH: 800-999-9321 FAX: 626-815-0070 Moon Meadow Perennial Cindy Watson 805 Oakbury Court Greensboro, NC 27455-9271 PH: (336) 643-3727 FAX: (336) 643-0840 Mott Landscaping Steve Mott 5 Queen St. Wilmington, NC 28410 PH: 910-254-0500 FAX: 910-762-0566 Mountain Advantage Alton Hulvey 1700 Mingo Rd. Winchester, TN 37398 PH: 931-967-6558 FAX: 931-967-8848 Mingo Nursery Morgan Landscape Nursery Mitchell's Nursery & Greenhouses, Inc. Judy J. Mitchell 1088 W Dalton Rd King, NC 27021 PH: 336-983-4107 FAX: 336-983-7506 Monrovia Growers of NC, Inc. Meredith Vogler 3727 Milhaven Rd. Winston-Salem, NC 27106 PH: 336-768-1261 FAX: 336-768-5410 Mirage Vortex Manufacturing, Inc. Millstone Nursery Myatt Landscaping Concepts, Inc. Scott Myatt 217 Technology Park Ln. Fuquay-Varina, NC 27526 PH: 919-577-6050 FAX: 919-577-6054 NCNLA General Membership – as of 10/28/2009 Nance-Jordan Nurseries, Inc. Garry Jordan PO Box 519 Aurora, NC 27806 PH: 252-322-4693 Natives, Inc. Gregg Antemann 550 E. Westinghouse Blvd. Charlotte, NC 27273 PH: 704-527-1177 FAX: 704-527-1133 Frank Franciosi PO Box 576 - 77 Perry Chapel Church Rd. Franklinton, NC 27525-0576 PH: 919-494-3489 FAX: 919-494-1472 Clifford D. Ruth 740 Glover St. Hendersonville, NC 28792 PH: 828-697-4891 FAX: 828-697-4581 Jim Robinson Box 8502 Raleigh, NC 27695-8503 PH: 919-513-8075 FAX: 919-515-1161 New Earth Designs, Inc. Tim D. Apple PO Box 9822 401 E. Bessemer Ave. Greensboro, NC 27429 PH: 336-272-6559 FAX: 336-272-7160 NC Landscape Contractors Reg. Board Sandra L. Kelly PO Box 1578 Knightdale, NC 27545 PH: 919-266-8070 FAX: 919-266-6050 NC State University Grounds Services Bill Beardall Campus Box 7516 Raleigh, NC 27695-7516 PH: 919-515-9872 FAX: 919-515-1386 New Light Lawn and Landscape Martin Pochis 6420 Dry Fork Lane Raleigh, NC 27617 PH: 919-524-0102 NC Pine Needle Producers Assn. Nelson Nursery Blair Durant 1111 Dawson Rd. Chapel Hill, NC 27516-8576 PH: 919-967-0078 FAX: 919-967-4026 Bill Schuler 1047 Nursery Rd Pamplin, VA 23958 PH: 434-248-5702 FAX: 434-248-5336 Brian Nelson PO Box 402 Mooresville, NC 28115-0402 PH: 704-664-2014 New Nature Landscapes, Inc. Adam "Keith" Huckabee 8827 Colt Road Oak Ridge, NC 27310 PH: 336-382-7086 Nicholson Farms Brock M. Nicholson 1 Roosevelt Ave. Clayton, NC 27520 PH: 919-550-5688 North 40 Nursery, Inc. Jeff Gragg 3950 Turner Mill Rd. Morganton, NC 28655-9724 PH: 828-433-5044 FAX: 828-433-0245 Nicholson Incorporated Wayne Nicholson PO Box 31 Inman, SC 29349 PH: 864-439-8522 FAX: 864-439-2932 Nonesuch Nursery Jerry Holder PO Box 2326 Southern Pines, NC 28388 PH: 910-245-7972 FAX: 910-245-1238 pineneedles/index.html Niche Gardens Alison Arnold 100 Frederick Law Olmsted Way Asheville, NC 28806 PH: 828-665-2492 FAX: 828-665-2371 NC Arboretum NC State Athletics Richard G Pate PO Box 2122 Laurinburg, NC 28353-2122 PH: 910-276-5882 FAX: 910-276-1178 NC Cooperative Extension Henderson County Nature's Way Landscaping Rob Lorber 826 Fenimore Street Winston-Salem, NC 27103 PH: 336-761-8226 Nature's Green-Releaf by Novozymes Nature Works Organics North State Gardens David Erwin 17015 US Hwy 17 N Hampstead, NC 28443 PH: 910-270-4702 FAX: 910-270-4702 195 NCNLA General Membership – as of 10/28/2009 Northlake Landscapes Marcus D. Moran P O Box 3021 Moorseville, NC 28117 PH: 704-557-5065 FAX: 704-664-8026 Nurseries Caroliniana, Inc. Ted Stephens 22 Stephens Estate North Augusta, SC 29860 PH: 803-278-2336 FAX: 803-278-5574 Evyonne Smith 1366 Maxwell Rd. Belvidere, TN 37306 PH: 931-469-7466 FAX: 931-469-7464 Elisa R. Thames 4022 River Ridge Rd. Brown Summit, NC 27214-9595 PH: 336-656-4666 FAX: 336-656-4771 Mike Jordan 201 Forest Dr. Knightdale, NC 27545 PH: 919-266-4479 FAX: 919-266-7010 T.J. Husted PO Box 17285 Raleigh, NC 27619 PH: 919-269-4342 FAX: 919-269-5248 Bobby Oakley PO Box 60 Henderson, NC 27536 PH: 252-492-4451 FAX: 252-492-7278 196 Oakland Plantation, Inc. Kim Alford 120 Bermuda Dr. Council, NC 28434 PH: 910-669-2991 FAX: 910-669-2993 Old Mill Stream Nursery & Landscape Scott Makey 3224 Oak Grove Church Rd. Newton Grove, NC 28366 PH: 910-567-5819 FAX: 910-567-2331 NYP Corp. Nikki Harris 299 Osterneck Dr. Lumberton, NC 28358 PH: 800-448-2247 FAX: 910-739-4539 Oakmont Nursery Philip Dark 9985 US 64 W Siler City, NC 27344-6410 PH: 919-663-3607 FAX: 919-663-3607 Olive Farms Ronnie Olive 8021 Kennebec Rd. Willow Springs, NC 27592 PH: 919-552-4946 FAX: 919-552-4946 Oregon Hill Shrubs Dalton Simpson 990 Oregon Hill Rd. Reidsville, NC 27320 PH: 336-348-3380 FAX: 336-616-1139 Owen Garden Center, Inc Timothy S. Owen 5955 Cliffdale Rd. Fayetteville, NC 28314 PH: 910-864-2905 FAX: 910-487-6637 Pack Manufacturing Company, Inc. Jerry Pack 1219 Belmont Dr. McMinnville, TN 37110 PH: 931-473-9980 FAX: 931-473-1604 Outdoor Images Ptr. Laura Brown 210 West Saltwood Place Jacksonville, NC 28540 PH: 910-347-2221 FAX: 910-347-2221 Pacific Mulch Inc. Lee Grantham PO Box 319 Lumberton, NC 28359 PH: 910-734-7449 FAX: 910-739-8266 Frank Nosal PO Box 504 Wake Forest, NC 27588 PH: 919-556-2319 FAX: 919-556-2319 Outdoor Images, Inc. NurserySouth, LLC Nosal, Inc. OnSite Resources Ol Southern Blooms Michael Bruton 12825 Norwood Rd. Raleigh, NC 27613 PH: 919-848-1385 FAX: 919-848-1340 Oak Grove Nursery Norwood Road Garden, Inc. Paa's, Inc. Helfried Paa 5170 Old Hendersonville Hwy Pisgah Forest, NC 28768 PH: 828-884-3718 Page Road Garden Center Jennie Mitchell 2941 Page Rd. Morrisville, NC 27560 PH: 919-806-5635 FAX: 919-806-5665 NCNLA General Membership – as of 10/28/2009 Pallet Express, Inc. Marc Scudder 2821 Assembly Road Greensboro, NC 27401 PH: 800-220-0987 FAX: 336-621-4444 Panoramic Farm, Inc. David G. Hyatt 3110 Tarlton Mill Rd. Marshville, NC 28103 PH: 704-233-4600 FAX: 704-233-4799 Paradise Landscaping Michael Harden 117 Westfield Rd. Shelby, NC 28150 PH: 704-297-6275 Parker Bark Co., Inc. Tommy Parker PO Box 850 Rose Hill, NC 28458 PH: 910-289-3672 FAX: 910-289-2100 Parsons Nursery, Inc. Payton Parsons PO Box 1230 Georgetown, SC 29442 PH: 843-527-3416 FAX: 843-527-1977 F. Todd Lasseigne PO Box 725 Kernersville, NC 27285 PH: 336-996-7888 FAX: 336-996-7884 Phillippe Brun 7506 South Fourty Rd. Bahama, NC 27503 PH: 919-471-6559 Mike Hancock 5608 International Parkway New Hope, MN 55428 PH: 952-944-9779 FAX: 763-432-4009 Bill Osborne 5107 N. Church St. Greensboro, NC 27455-1339 PH: 336-288-2746 Patterson Farm, Inc. Randall Patterson 3060 Millbridge Rd. China Grove, NC 28023 PH: 704-857-5242 FAX: 704-855-1522 Pender Pines Garden Center John Parker 4431 Parmele Rd. Castle Hayne, NC 28429 PH: 910-675-3634 Gary Schwarz 20949 US Hwy. 17 N Hampstead, NC 28443-3149 PH: 910-270-2706 FAX: 910-270-0531 Phillips & Turman Tree Farms Doug Phillips PO Box 485 Floyd, VA 24091 PH: 540-745-3700 FAX: 540-745-2200 Piedmont Carolina Nursery Mark Peters 1867 Sandy Ridge Rd Colfax, NC 27235 PH: 336-993-4114 FAX: 336-993-6769 Piedmont Triad Nurseryman Doug Torn 7501 U.S. HWY. 29 N. Brown Summit, NC 27214-9556 PH: 919-656-7819 Kirk Davis PO Box 156 Midland, NC 28107 PH: 704-596-4516 FAX: 704-596-4649 Personal Gardener/ Elderberry Creek Nursery Allen Snow PO Box 395 Pfafftown, NC 27040 PH: 336-499-3381 FAX: 336-449-4491 Phillips Nursery David Phillips 1082 Town Creek Rd. Leland, NC 28451 PH: 910-253-6692 FAX: 910-253-9024 Piedmont Farm and Nursery Supply Janet Horton PO Box 4374 Spartanburg, SC 29305 PH: 864-576-4524 FAX: 864-574-4001 Patterson's Nursery Piedmont Landscaping & Grounds Parker Landscaping, Inc. Phyton Corporation Philippe Brun's Landscaping Roman Davis 2310 N. Tryon St Charlotte, NC 28206-2791 PH: 704-375-9111 FAX: 704-375-9116 Paul J. Ciener Botanical Garden Parker Davis Co., Inc. Pike Family Nurseries Michael Lewis 2675 Breckridge Blvd. Ste. 300 Duluth, GA 30096 PH: 770-921-1022 FAX: 770-638-6941 197 NCNLA General Membership – as of 10/28/2009 Pine Knot Farms Dick Tyler 681 Rock Church Rd. Clarksville, VA 23927 PH: 434-252-1990 FAX: 434-252-0768 Pine Lake Nursery Donald A. Blankenberg 6209 Potters Rd. Matthews, NC 28104-0518 PH: 704-821-7305 FAX: 704-821-4285 Plant & See Nursery, Inc. Thomas Lassiter 4064 Old Tar Rd. Winterville, NC 28590 PH: 252-756-0879 FAX: 252-756-9880 Plant & Supply Locator Leigh Judy 102 E Lee Rd. Taylors, SC 29687 PH: 800-475-2687 FAX: 800-611-4588 Plantation Spring Nursery Frank Case 2080 White Marsh Rd Suffolk, VA 23434 PH: 757-539-0365 Plantenders Scott Patten 416 Colwick Ln. Morrisville, NC 27560 PH: 919-538-6710 PlantHaven, Inc. Geoff Needham PO Box 3056 Santa Barbara, CA 93130 PH: 805-569-9179 FAX: 805-569-6549 Plants in Harmony Barry Patterson 5323 Patterson Road Kannapolis, NC 28083 PH: 704-796-8961 Pleasant Acres Nursery Bradley Holland 5836 Breezy Pines Lane Holly Springs, NC 27540 PH: 919-612-2297 Plantworks Nursery, Inc. Doug Chapman 5851 Kiger Rd. Rougemont, NC 27572 PH: 919-732-6594 FAX: 919-732-1634 Pleasant Gardens Nursery Andy Upshaw 752 Jay Shambley Rd. Pittsboro, NC 27312 PH: 919-663-3725 Pleasant Grove Nursery Donald Bass 5957 Pleasant Grove Church Rd. Nashville, NC 27856 PH: 252-459-6361 FAX: 252-459-2454 Pleasant Ridge Nursery, Inc. Kim T. Edwards 1391 Big Flatts Church Rd. Fleetwood, NC 28626 PH: 336-877-2143 FAX: 336-877-2144 Debbie Head 3334 Hwy 112 Lecompre, LA 71346 PH: 318-748-6579 FAX: 318-748-7441 Mike Leeper PO Box 752 Carrboro, NC 27510 PH: 919-929-9431 FAX: 919-942-7275 Pope Landscape & Irrigation Co. Jim Pope PO Box 1312 Garner, NC 27529 PH: 919-779-7673 FAX: 919-779-0607 Price Nursery Richard W. Price 130 Westchester Dr. High Point, NC 27262 PH: 336-889-3588 FAX: 336-889-3564 198 Plymouth Nursery & Landscaping Chris Avis PO Box 649 Stoneville, NC 27048 PH: 336-605-3762 FAX: 336-305-3765 Precision Turfscape, Inc. Mae Jones PO Box 15 Efland, NC 27243 PH: 919-563-2952 FAX: 919-563-2952 Poole Bros. Nursery Pleasant Woods Plants Poverty Hill Nursery Pete Dowd Box 1252 Southern Pines, NC 28388 PH: 910-692-2803 FAX: 910-947-3400 Price Nursery Richard W. Price 130 Westchester Dr. High Point, NC 27262 PH: 336-889-3588 FAX: 336-889-3564 NCNLA General Membership – as of 10/28/2009 Prillaman Landscape Dimensions, Inc C.D. Prillaman PO Box 166 9251 Greensboro Rd. Ridgeway, VA 24148-0166 PH: 276-956-2113 FAX: 276-956-2113 David Greene 6303 Smithville Hwy. McMinnville, TN 37110-7629 PH: 931-934-2942 FAX: 931-934-3228 Pullmann's Landscape Associates, Inc. Gerardo Rodriguez P O Box 2882 Atlantic Beach, NC 28512 PH: 252-726-1584 FAX: 252-247-6971 Alfred Wooten PO Box 1548 Burgaw, NC 28425 PH: 910-259-3064 FAX: 910-259-3065 Dennis Holder PO Box 816 Pinehurst, NC 28370 PH: 910-949-3889 FAX: 910-949-3889 Protech Environmental Supply, Inc. Quentin McMillan 1500 /Continental Blvd. Suite c Charlotte, NC 28273 PH: 704-676-9788 FAX: 704-676-9791 Putnals Premium Pine Straw, Inc. Sylvia Badger 4987 East US 27 Mayo, FL 32066 PH: 386-294-1075 FAX: 386-294-2499 R Fresh Firs LLC Scott Rolison 571 Daisy Thompson Rd. Roxboro, NC 27574 PH: 336-322-3031 FAX: 910-575-0940 Ralph Modlin Farm Ralph Modlin 7256 Sleepy Hollow Dr. Archdale, NC 27263 PH: 336-431-5129 FAX: 336-431-6350 Rays Creative Landscaping & Tree Farm Reaves Landscape and Design, Inc Jackie Everett 1212 Ashford St. Charlotte, NC 28214 PH: 704-391-7040 Providence Nursery Farms, Inc. Karl Haberyan 3925 Snaford Ln. Monroe, NC 28110 PH: 704-226-1800 FAX: 704-226-1844 Quaker Meadows Nursery Nancy Taylor PO Box 1610 Morganton, NC 28680 PH: 828-437-2063 FAX: 828-438-0016 Private Gardens Rainbow Irrigation & Lighting Quality Turf, Inc. Edgar Pritchett 3213 NC 87 N Elon, NC 27244 PH: 336-584-8997 FAX: 336-227-5979 Pro-Gro Nursery Pritchett Farms Nurseries R.A. Dudley Nurseries, Inc. Mitch Huff PO Box 429 Thomson, GA 30824 PH: 800-542-4484 FAX: 706-595-8166 Ray Bracken Nursery, Inc. Debbie Silver 460 Woodville Rd Pelzer, SC 29669 PH: 864-277-1990 FAX: 864-277-1906 Ray Caudle 5291 Burdette Dr. Winston Salem, NC 27105 PH: 336-399-7876 FAX: 336-776-4974 Larry Mills PO Box 71 Williamston, NC 27892 PH: 252-792-1191 FAX: 252-792-4913 Reddick Equipment Company, Inc Joel Kennedy PO Box 10 Pinebluff, NC 28373 PH: 910-281-5571 FAX: 910-281-0455 RedMill Landscape & Nursery Inc. Bill SparrowSr. 4517 Redmill Rd Durham, NC 27704 PH: 919-477-8676 FAX: 919-477-9780 Reaves Nursery Peggy Reaves 411 Sand Pit Rd. Aberdeen, NC 28315 PH: 910-944-1460 FAX: 910-944-1468 Reems Creek Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. David C. Penland 70 Monticello Rd. Weaverville, NC 28787 PH: 828-645-3937 FAX: 828-645-2533 199 NCNLA General Membership – as of 10/28/2009 Reevesville Tree Farm Bill Blair 102 Jarett Rd. Summerville, SC 29485 PH: 803-829-1596 FAX: 803-829-2626 Rennerwood, Inc. Susan Smith 1025 An. Co. Rd. 2810 Tennessee Colony, TX 75861 PH: 903-928-2921 FAX: 903-928-2161 Raymond E. Rigsby 19408 Old Kentucky Rd. Walling, TN 38587-5613 PH: 931-686-2125 FAX: 937-686-8363 Robert Atema P O Box 1294 Black Mountain, NC 28711 Rhodes Nursery Danny Rhodes 1184 Stricklands Crossroads Road Four Oaks, NC 27524 PH: 919-820-2221 FAX: 919-934-5592 Riverbend Nursery, Inc. Jim Snyder 1295 Mt. Elbert Rd. NW Riner, VA 24149 PH: 540-763-3362 FAX: 540-763-2022 Roberts Tree Farm Bryan Roberts 464 Jarris Mountain Rd. Roaring River, NC 28669 PH: 704-634-7891 FAX: 704-289-3953 Roebuck Wholesale Nursery & Landscaping Jeff Rooks 1501 NC Hwy 53 W Burgaw, NC 28425 PH: 910-259-3302 Mike Rodgers 5105 Herez Place Fuquay-Varina, NC 27526-8620 PH: 919-557-3565 FAX: 919-557-3565 Rogers Nursery & Landscaping Jean Rogers PO Box 1667 Washington, NC 27889 PH: 252-946-7345 FAX: 252-946-4408 River's Edge Nursery, LLC Edina Teague PO Box 2284 Greer, SC 29652 PH: 864-801-0222 FAX: 864-801-4530 Robinson Nursery Cynda Foster PO Box 100 Amity, OR 97101 PH: 503-835-4533 FAX: 503-835-3004 Guillermo Rodriguez, RLA 42 Prayer Ridge Rd. Fairview, NC 28730 PH: 919-672-8983 RootMaker Products Co, LLC Wayne Hinton PO Box 14553 Huntsville, AL 35815-0553 PH: 256-882-3199 FAX: 256-882-0423 Rolling Hills Nursery & Landscaping, Inc Steve Crump 873 Museum Rd. Rock Hill, SC 29732-8223 PH: 803-329-1080 FAX: 803-329-3241 200 Dan Bowling 5500 Hillsborough St. Raleigh, NC 27606-1519 PH: 919-851-1750 FAX: 919-859-1773 Ricky McAbee PO Box 1053 2980 Stone Station Rd. Roebuck, SC 29376 PH: 864-576-0875 FAX: 864-574-4477 Rooks Lawn & Garden Rodgers Landscape Services, Inc. Right of Way Equipment Co. Richard Hix 348 Tatum Rd. Olin, NC 28660 PH: 704-876-3125 FAX: 704-876-4273 Rick Romanelli 2528 Hunters Trail Myrtle Beach, SC 29588 PH: 843-236-4393 Rocky Creek Farms Nursery Regal Farms Nursery Rivertop Contracting, Inc. Ron Fister PO Box 900 Alpharetta, GA 30009 PH: 770-475-4837 FAX: 770-475-1254 Rigsby Manufacturing Co. Regal Chemical Roots and Shoots Mark J. Boyer 134 Riverview Ave. Danville, VA 24541-0134 PH: 434-791-4468 FAX: 434-791-4478 NCNLA General Membership – as of 10/28/2009 Rose Creek Nursery and Landscaping Aaron A. Smith 3215 Rose Creek Rd. Morganton, NC 28655 PH: 828-438-8911 FAX: 828-430-7610 Ross Farms Claudia Ross 9424 Community House Road Charlotte, NC 28277 PH: 704-543-6388 FAX: 704-543-6388 Steve Emmerson 2204 Hempel Ave. Gotha, FL 34734 PH: 407-293-9712 FAX: 407-293.2913 Tommy Perry 2645 Jack Mitchell Rd. Zebulon, NC 27597 PH: 919-269-2256 FAX: 919-269-2296 Dee Johnson 3395 Airport Rd. B&N 277 Pinehurst, NC 28374 PH: 910-695-3883 FAX: 910-695-3894 Tim Morton SAS Campus Dr. Cary, NC 27513 PH: 919-677-8000 FAX: 919-677-4444 Kevin Sipe 1621 Miller Street Conover, NC 28613 PH: 828-256-2517 FAX: 828-256-2517 Rufty's Garden Shop Charlie S. Smith 1335 W. Innes St. Salisbury, NC 28144 PH: 704-636-4742 FAX: 704-636-4742 Safrit Landscape Const. Co., Inc. Johnny Safrit 213 Statesville Blvd. Salisbury, NC 28144 PH: 704-636-9340 FAX: 704-639-1644 Sands Landscape Management, Inc. John Sands 4422 Dula St. Durham, NC 27705 PH: 919-383-4066 Sassy Virginia Lady Judy Price 247 Plaside Dr. Concord, NC 28025 PH: 704-788-6054 John W. Scott 2701 Mattlyn Ct. Raleigh, NC 27613-6509 PH: 919-847-3873 FAX: 919-847-3873 Rountree Plantation Greenhouses Steve Waddell 517 Rountree Rd. Charlotte, NC 28217 PH: 704-523-6362 FAX: 704-523-1735 S & J Greens Damon Norman 1069 Klondike Rd. State Rd., NC 28676 PH: 336-874-3790 FAX: 336-874-8727 Sampson Nursery Mike Hudson 350 Alvin Rd. Godwin, NC 28344 PH: 910-567-2937 FAX: 910-567-6011 Santa's Christmas Tree Farm Tony Duncan P O Box 294 Sparta, NC 28675 PH: 336-372-4946 FAX: 336-372-7853 Scott Landscaping Services, Inc. Anthony Lee 3400 NC Hwy 264 ALT E Wilson, NC 27893 PH: 919-291-3578 FAX: 919-291-8123 Scenic View Landscapes James Parris 5513 Vine St. Cincinnati, OH 45217 PH: 513-242-0310 FAX: 513-242-0816 SAS Institute Rough Brothers, Inc. Rose Nursery Sandhills Community College S.T. Perry and Sons Landscaping Jimmy Brafford PO Box 114 615 West US 158 Bypass Henderson, NC 27536 PH: 252-492-1103 FAX: 252-430-7735 Royal Mulch & Nursery Rose Gin & Supply Company, Inc. Saunders Brothers Robert Saunders PO Box 597 Piney River, VA 22964 PH: 434-277-5455 FAX: 434-277-5394 Seagraves Japanese Maples Sue Seagraves 713 Lipscomb Rd. Greensboro, NC 27410 PH: 336-292-1417 201 NCNLA General Membership – as of 10/28/2009 Seaside Mulch, Inc. Hackney Parker PO Box 380 Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 PH: 910-791-2100 FAX: 910-332-2335 Sester Farms, Inc. Gordon Sester 33205 S.E. Oxbow Dr. Gresham, OR 97080 PH: 503-663-4844 FAX: 503-663-7659 Mike Shirley 8917 Smithville Hwy McMinnville, TN 37110 PH: 931-934-7673 FAX: 931-668-8733 Buddy Murrow 9725 Mt. Holly - Huntersville Rd. Huntersville, NC 28078 PH: 704-399-1226 FAX: 704-399-1215 Johnny Sides P O Box 1969 Welcome, NC 27374-1969 PH: 336-249-8300 FAX: 336-249-8093 Bruce LaPierre 14345 Justice Rd. Midlothian, VA 23113 PH: 804-379-6563 FAX: 804-378-1878 Setzer's Landscape Nursery Nicky Setzer PO Box 145 Claremont, NC 28610-0145 PH: 828-459-7098 FAX: 828-459-9102 Shamrock Landscaping, Inc. Kenneth G. Starnes PO Box 892 Fort Mill, SC 29716 PH: 803-548-4283 FAX: 803-548-2512 Shiloh Nursery Danny Allen 164 Allen Rd. Harmony, NC 28634 PH: 704-546-7582 FAX: 704-546-5366 Silver Creek Farm Jace Buchanan 4101 Trestlewood Ln. Morganton, NC 28655 PH: 828-584-1123 FAX: 828-584-3920 202 Shepherds Landscape Maint. Shep Garmon P O Box 681448 Charlotte, NC 28216 PH: 704-820-3022 FAX: 704-820-3076 Shipp and Wilson, Inc. Karen Shipp Kelly 5483 Turkey Hill Trail Mechanicsville, VA 23111 PH: 804-781-0084 FAX: 804-781-0060 Simpson Nurseries Thad Beshears PO Box 160 Monticello, FL 32345 PH: 850-997-2516 FAX: 850-997-2518 Skinner Nurseries Tara Ayotte 9150-4 Phillips Highway Jacksonville, FL 32256 PH: 904-208-2475 FAX: 904-880-5663 Smith Evergreen Nursery Scott Thomas 4511 Wiggins Mill Rd. Wilson, NC 27893-9294 PH: 252-237-2050 Slade Landscaping, Inc. Eric Slade 380 Mill Creek Ln. Bath, NC 27808 PH: 252-923-2566 FAX: 252-923-1226 Dave Slater 5554 Hunting County Rd. Tryon, NC 28782 PH: 828-894-5113 FAX: 828-894-6042 Shady Grove Plantation & Nursery Slater Turf Farm Michael Senter 4901 Fayetteville Rd. Raleigh, NC 27603 PH: 919-779-0922 FAX: 919-779-8833 John F. BrailsfordJr. 3030 Charleston Rd. Orangeburg, SC 29115 PH: 800-849-5723 FAX: 803-534-5699 SiteLight LD, Inc. Senter Tractor Co., Inc. Sides Contracting Co., Inc. Shepherd's Landscape Supply Edward Naughton 16220 E. Hwy 50 Clermont, FL 34711 PH: 407-877-5655 FAX: 407-905-8249 Shady Rest Nursery Senninger Irrigation, Inc. Smith Landscape Group Myrle Smith 7322 Silk Hope-Gum Springs Road Siler City, NC 27344 PH: 919-414-6075 NCNLA General Membership – as of 10/28/2009 Smith's Nursery, Inc. Myron Smith 443 Sanders Rd. Benson, NC 27504 PH: 919-934-1700 FAX: 919-934-2055 South Carolina Upstate Tree Growers Assn. Smokey Holler Tree Farm, LLC Earl L. DealJr. 3452 Meadowfork Rd Laurel Springs, NC 28644 PH: 336-372-2756 FAX: 337-372-7006 Southeastern Growers, Inc. Sharon King 875 Five Forks Rd. Liberty, SC 29657 PH: 864-843-6880 FAX: 864-843-4714 Brian Lawrence 2240 Macon Hwy Watkinsville, GA 30677 PH: 706-310-1151 FAX: 706-310-1110 Southern Exterior Bill Scott 7704 8th Avenue North Topsail Beach, NC 28460 PH: 910-328-2851 FAX: 910-328-2851 Lois McLeod 2824 Summerlin Rd. Durham, NC 27704-3733 PH: 919-688-4212 Southern Gardening, Inc. Susan Miller 216 Broad St Waxhaw, NC 28173-8929 PH: 704-989-1003 Southern Landscape Professionals William J. AdamsJr. 8625 Mt. Pleasant Church Rd. Willow Springs, NC 27592 PH: 919-552-1156 FAX: 919-552-5944 Paul Jones P O Box 90752 Raleigh, NC 27675 PH: 919-291-0941 Southern States Carrboro Rodney White 300 N. Greensboro St. Carrboro, NC 27510 PH: 919-942-3857 FAX: 919-942-0429 Southern Pride Nursery & Landscaping Adam Rushing 2203 Purser Rushing Rd. Monroe, NC 28110 PH: 704-622-5243 FAX: 704-753-9186 Daniel Williams 780 Land Mark Rd. Willow Spring, NC 27592 PH: 919-796-0683 FAX: 919-331-0601 Michael R. Spake 1230 Spake Circle Shelby, NC 28150 PH: 704-487-8099 Specialty Converting and Supply Ken Hammer PO Box 913 Nashville, GA 31639-0913 PH: 229-686-5534 FAX: 229-686-7751 Southern Green, Inc. Linda Murray 180 Southern Green Way Chapel Hill, NC 27517 PH: 919-933-6246 FAX: 919-933-6246 Southern Landscapes, Inc. T. Reid Pell 626 Breeze Hill Rd. Asheboro, NC 27203 PH: 336-625-6886 FAX: 336-625-6885 Southern Shows, Inc. Robert Zimmerman PO Box 36859 Charlotte, NC 28236 PH: 704-376-6594 FAX: 704-376-6345 Blake Edwards PO Box 85 Boone, NC 28607 PH: 800-477-8843 FAX: 828-264-5236 Southscape Landscaping John Hamilton PO Box 802 Carthage, NC 28327 PH: 910-947-6661 FAX: 910-947-6663 Spake Landscaping Southern Ag Southern Touch Landscaping, LLC. Brian Greene P O Box 501 Crossnore, NC 28616 PH: 828-733-8199 FAX: 828-733-9143 Southern LawnScapes, Inc. Snowy Mountain Nursery Southern Horizons Landscaping Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Shanon Spivey 1998-A Beeson Rd. Kernersville, NC 27284-9761 PH: 888-992-2530 FAX: 336-992-2531 203 NCNLA General Membership – as of 10/28/2009 Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc. Alex Buckallew 12601 120th St. Grand Haven, MI 49417 PH: 616-846-4729 ex 1100 FAX: 616-846-0619 Squires Tree Farm & Nursery, Inc. Heath Squires 2746 Garner Rd. Aynor, SC 29511 PH: 843-358-0416 FAX: 843-358-1999 Jim Darden P O Box 101 Chapin, SC 29036 PH: 803-622-9707 FAX: 866-717-1713 Steve Hinesley 210 Hunt Master Trail Asheboro, NC 27205 PH: 336-629-3779 FAX: 336-629-3779 Jeff Stowe 1349 Union New Hope Rd. Gastonia, NC 28056 PH: 704-825-9570 FAX: 704-825-9574 Stacy's Greenhouses Bill Bolick PO Box 709 York, SC 29745 PH: 803-628-5100 FAX: 803-684-0472 State Construction David Trickey PO Box 999 Graham, NC 27253 PH: 336-578-3923 FAX: 336-578-5799 Stockhaven Nursery, LLC Vince Furtick 718 Veterans Rd. Springfield, SC 29146 PH: 803-258-4263 FAX: 803-258-9247 Sugar Hill Nurseries, LLC Roland Leblanc 2122 US Hwy 341 S Yatesville, GA 31097 PH: 770-358-4040 FAX: 770-358-7050 Sugarbush Gardens Sun Gro Horticulture, Inc. Chris Allen 2914 Sandy Ridge Rd. Box 6 Colfax, NC 27235 PH: 336-665-0061 FAX: 336-665-5399 204 Star Ridge Aquatics, LLC Joseph C. GranatoSr. 180 Star Ridge Rd. Carthage, NC 28327-7531 PH: 910-947-5333 FAX: 910-947-5316 State Street Maintenance & Construction Co. Larry Gatewood PO Box 9519 Greensboro, NC 27429 PH: 336-275-8586 FAX: 336-275-0807 Stony Point Nursery and Farms Scott Sink 3170 Old Mountain Rd. Hiddenite, NC 28636 PH: 704-585-9515 FAX: 704-585-5396 Joe Williamson 2322 Bessie Willis Ln. Vale, NC 28168 PH: 704-276-2215 FAX: 704-276-2215 Surface Nursery, Inc. Richard Surface 33740 SE Lusted Rd. Gresham, OR 97080 PH: 503-663-5224 FAX: 503-663-7658 Sugar Mountain Nursery Wayne Holden PO Box 788 Newland, NC 28657 PH: 828-733-2819 FAX: 828-733-5997 Superior Seeding, Inc Joe CarpenterJr PO Box 12642 Gastonia, NC 28052 PH: 704-867-1424 FAX: 704-867-1764 Super-Sod of the Triad Erin Barrett 1130 Sprinkle Creek Rd. Mars Hill, NC 28754 PH: 828-689-4106 FAX: 828-689-4106 Norman Bertels 375 Beed Road Salisbury, NC 28144 PH: 704-636-7960 FAX: 704-210-5215 Sprinkle Creek Landscaping Stowe's Nursery Steve Hinesley & Co., Inc. Tish Folsom PO Box 546 Greenville, VA 24440-0546 PH: 540-337-1929 FAX: 540-337-0738 Star Roses/Northwest Hort. Springdale Water Gardens Swan Creek Tree Farm Laurie Cantrell 28 Sulphur Springs Rd. Fayetteville, TN 37334 PH: 931-732-4637 FAX: NCNLA General Membership – as of 10/28/2009 Swift Creek Nursery Lanny Thomas 6357 Cleveland Rd. Clayton, NC 27520 PH: 919-934-7764 FAX: 919-934-1460 Sam Allen 616 Hood Farm Rd. Clayton, NC 27520 PH: 919-553-5927 FAX: 919-553-0146 Richard B. TaylorJr. 3705 New Bern Ave. Raleigh, NC 27610 PH: 919-231-6161 FAX: 919-231-7688 Techo-Bloc Corp Sally Peck 1 Dennis St. Martinsburg, WV 25401 PH: 610-863-2300 FAX: 304-260-5889 David Miller 7512 Doggett Rd. Browns Summit, NC 27214 PH: 336-656-0107 FAX: 336-643-9849 Georgia Fisher 1000 Amble Dr. Charlotte, NC 28206 PH: 800-732-0497 FAX: 704-334-1494 Bob Davis 2072 Rowe Dr. Summerton, SC 29148 PH: 803-478-8698 FAX: 803-478-5698 TBK, Inc. Robert Zboch 4475 Morris Park Drive Suite J Charlotte, NC 28227 PH: 704-545-0231 FAX: 704-943-4488 John Thompson P O Box 11521 Southport, NC 28461 PH: 910-454-9978 FAX: 910-454-9764 Taylor's Nursery & Plant Farm Marvin Taylor 1984 Garner Chapel Rd Mount Olive, NC 28365 PH: 919-658-5263 Tennessee Valley Nursery, Inc. Fred Shadow 145 Tennessee Valley Dr. Winchester, TN 37398 PH: 931-967-4541 FAX: 931-967-4542 Tesh-Troxler Landscapes & Designs, Inc. TCA Tree Farm John Howell 101 Flat Rock Gap Rd. Waynesville, NC 28785 PH: 828-627-8415 FAX: 828-627-8505 Terra Green Landscapes P.J. Faust 1044 Lyerly Ridge Road NW Concord, NC 281027 PH: 704-795-3167 FAX: Tesh-Troxler Landscapes & Designs, Inc. Phillip Tesh 3130 Heglar Rd. Concord, NC 28025-8738 PH: 704-782-2277 FAX: 704-792-9774 Phillip Tesh 3130 Heglar Rd. Concord, NC 28025-8738 PH: 704-782-2277 FAX: 704-792-9774 The Byrd's Group Inc. Bobby Byrd P O Box 44130 Charlotte, NC 28215 PH: 704-596-7748 FAX: 704-596-1437 The Earthscape Company Ryan Pope P.O. Box 1021 Harrisburg, NC 28075 PH: 704-791-7076 FAX: 704-436-6464 The Country Club of North Carolina Richard Gratton PO Box 786 Pinehurst, NC 28370 PH: 910-692-7291 FAX: 910-692-3457 The Cutting Edge Maintenance Co., Inc. Martin A. Perry PO Box 547 Morganton, NC 28680 PH: 828-437-4752 FAX: 828-437-4468 The Budd Group Taw Caw Creek Nursery Table Rock Nursery, Inc. Terragen Nurseries, Inc. Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Tommy Blue PO Box 117 Eagle Springs, NC 27242 PH: 910-673-3033 FAX: 910-673-7179 Tarheel Native Trees T.H. Blue, Inc. The Family Tree Nursery, LLC Robert Cappiello 4320 Wynfield Dr. Wilmington, NC 28405 PH: 910-599-9279 FAX: 910-632-6070 205 NCNLA General Membership – as of 10/28/2009 The Garden Greenhouses John Sherrill 4070 Woodleaf Rd. Salisbury, NC 28147 PH: 704-636-7208 FAX: 704-636-1309 The Irishworks Landscaping Inc. Patrick Riordan 260 Keeth Dr. Banner Elk, NC 28604 PH: 828-789-9407 FAX: 828-963-2078 Mark Morgan 5127 Sandy Porter Rd. Charlotte, NC 28273 PH: 704-588-2292 FAX: 704-588-1998 Karen Enloe 123 B. Sweeten Creek Rd. Asheville, NC 28803 PH: 828.274.1615 FAX: 828.274.1619 Billy Gray PO Box 3089 Pinehurst, NC 28374 PH: 910-944-2361 FAX: 910-944-2366 The Landscaper's Choice Nursery Jerry Cottrell 2177 NC 39 Hwy. N Louisburg, NC 27549 PH: 919-496-1217 FAX: 919-496-1213 The Plant Park Suzanne Stallings 407 Seldon St. Elizabeth City, NC 27909 PH: 252-338-2773 FAX: 252-338-1013 The Potting Shed Alan Falzone 279 Snyder Lane Mills River, NC 28759 PH: 828-684-8050 FAX: 828-891-7274 The Terra Ceia Farms, LLC Carl Van Staalduinen 3810 Terra Ceia Farms Pantego, NC 27860-9746 PH: 252-943-2865 FAX: 252-943-3382 Joann Currier 4207 Oak Hill Rd. Chapel Hill, NC 27514-9061 PH: 919-402-0117 FAX: 919-402-0542 Joey Thomas 100 Hollybrook Dr. Great Falls, SC 29055 PH: 803-482-4731 FAX: 803-482-3565 206 The Point Ann Walker 120 Polpis Rd. Mooresville, NC 28117 PH: 704-662-7985 FAX: 704-662-7987 The Scotts Company Don Dugger 3175 Bright Leaf Rd. Lawrenceville, VA 23868 PH: 434-848-2727 x. 226 FAX: 434-848-2250 The Tree Source Julian Perkins 3234 Portertown Rd. Greenville, NC 27858 PH: 252-321-6535 FAX: 252-321-7929 Thomas Nursery Joel Owen PO Box 1352 Banner Elk, NC 28604 PH: 828-898-3433 FAX: The Unique Plant, Inc. The Landsman The Garden Shack Inc., DBA D&E Landscaping Lillian Evans 930 Virginia Road Edenton, NC 27932 PH: 252-482-1100 FAX: 252-482-1124 The Southern Landscape Group The Pottery Market Nelsa Cox PO Box 97 Fuquay Varina, NC 27526 PH: 919-552-0590 FAX: 919-557-9138 The Morgan Landscape Group, Inc. The Garden Hut The Whole Blooming Landscape, Inc. Jill Risberg 115 W. 31st St. Studio A Charlotte, NC 28206 PH: 704-201-0569 FAX: 704-347-4547 Larry Thomas 5104 Old Augusta Rd Greenville, SC 29605 PH: 864-299-3789 FAX: 864-299-5191 Doug Thompson 246 Holly Ridge Ln. Tryon, NC 28782 PH: 828-894-2020 FAX: 828-894-0203 Thomas Brothers Nursery & Landscaping Co., Inc. Thompson's Landscaping Matthew Thompson PO Box 1292 Henderson, NC 27536 PH: 252-438-4882 NCNLA General Membership – as of 10/28/2009 Tidwell Nurseries, Inc. Bo Tidwell PO Box 999 Greenville, GA 30222 PH: 800-672-4964 FAX: 706-672-1727 Kenneth Todd Cannon PO Box 1297 Greenville, NC 27835 PH: 252-752-5500 Susan Whaley 405 Martin L. King, Jr. Blvd. Chapel Hill, NC 27514 PH: 919-969-5152 FAX: 919-932-2931 B. Townes 5448 High Rock Rd. Boomer, NC 28606 PH: 336-921-3746 Tom Sudderth Design & Landscaping, Inc. Town of Farmville Gregory Cornelius 4455 W. Pine St PO Box 86 Farmville, NC 27828 PH: 252-753-2665 FAX: 252-753-2963 Transplant Nursery, Inc. Jeff Beasley 1586 Parkertown Rd. Lavonia, GA 30553 PH: 706-356-8947 FAX: 706-356-8842 Lee Squyres 1392 West Penn Pike New Ringgold, PA 17960 PH: 570-386-3515 FAX: 570-386-5998 Michael Lamar 4920 Mial Plantation Rd Raleigh, NC 27610 PH: 919-266-7939 Erich J. Kolb PO Box 37744 Raleigh, NC 27627 PH: 919-854-1120 FAX: 919-859-4606 Chris Wilkerson 7630 Panther Lake Rd Willow Springs, NC 27592 PH: 919-552-8008 FAX: 919-552-8008 Triad Irrigation & Landscape Supply Ken Stafford 1581 Brookford Industrial Dr. Kernersville, NC 27284 PH: 336-992-6480 FAX: 336-992-6481 Martha Brack 400 S.R. 50 Groveland, FL 34736 PH: 352-429-3498 FAX: 352-429-0822 Jeffrey Grey 482 E Connecticut Ave. Southern Pines, NC 28387 PH: 910-692-2463 FAX: 910-692-1835 Tree Country Nursery James Jones PO Box 2227 Etowah, NC 28729 PH: 828-884-3934 FAX: 828-884-4319 TreeLine Landscaping & Nursery, Inc. Makel Wimmer 7815 Athens Rd. Stokesdale, NC 27357 PH: 336-643-4827 FAX: 336-643-9903 Triangle Nursery, LLC. Town of Southern Pines Triangle Green Scene Inc. Tree Movers, Inc Toms Creek Nursery & Landscaping Tree Equipment Design, Inc. Thomas Cullen P O Box 2153 Statesville, NC 28687 PH: 704-746-2338 FAX: 704-878-9804 Brandon Vaughan 6454 Old NC Hwy 49 Denton, NC 27239 PH: 336-857-2272 FAX: 336-857-2131 TMC Landscape Design, LLC Townes Nursery and Landscaping Tom Sudderth 400 Gladstone Trail Pittsboro, NC 27312 PH: 919-962-0787 FAX: 919-962-5255 Town of Chapel Hill Shad Bolen P O Box 172 Willis, VA 24380 PH: 540-312-5556 FAX: 540-789-7211 Toddco Grounds Maintenance, Inc Timberland Mulch and Farm Triad Landscape Supply Rodney Thomas 470 Gumtree Rd. Winston Salem, NC 27107 PH: 336-764-5919 FAX: 336-764-8340 Triple R Landscape Supply, LLC James Dargan 3914 Hoffmeyer Rd. Florence, SC 29501 PH: 843-661-5988 FAX: 843-661-5912 207 NCNLA General Membership – as of 10/28/2009 Tri-State Distributors, Inc Mark Wagner PO Box 1121 Statesville, NC 28687 PH: 704-873-0531 FAX: 704-873-2198 TurfSouth Ryan Derrick 2613 Buck Spring Ct. Raleigh, NC 27603 PH: 919-398-0306 Turf Service, Inc. Greg Blaser 117 Woodwinds Ind Ct. Cary, NC 27511 PH: 919-469-4977 FAX: 919-460-7181 Turfcare Inc. Steve Fisher P O 25362 Charlotte, NC 28229 PH: 704-617-2273 FAX: 704-537-9663 Turftenders Landscape Services Steve Hill 2610 Rowland Rd. Raleigh, NC 27615 PH: 919-878-4441 FAX: 919-878-4489 Turkey Foot Nursery, Inc. Wesley Gregory 783 Turkey Foot Rd. Mocksville, NC 27028-5936 PH: 336-492-5200 FAX: 704-546-2712 Turtle Creek Nursery William Haigler 17116 Knoxwood Dr. Huntersville, NC 28078 PH: 704-892-7003 UNC-TV Martha N. McMillan PO Box 14900 RTP, NC 27709-4900 PH: 919-549-7274 FAX: 919-549-7207 Gus Theofanis 805 Six Ave. New York, NY 10001 PH: 212-741-5300 FAX: 212-741-5166 Greg Roman 126 Southwold Dr. Cary, NC 27519 PH: 919-368-0364 FAX: 919-303-6694 Michael J. Sigmon PO Box 3322 Hickory, NC 28603 PH: 828-327-4690 FAX: 828-327-8091 US Lawns of Greenville Bill Freelove 740 Greenville Blvd. Suite 400-172 Greenville, NC 27858 PH: 252-378-5075 FAX: 252-439-0329 Village Green, Inc. Ken Pomer 3033 Sylvania Dr. Raleigh, NC 27607 PH: 919-781-7040 FAX: 919-781-7040 Wake County Field Services Clark Hood PO Box 550 Raleigh, NC 27602 PH: 919-870-4040 FAX: 919-870-4042 UNC Chapel Hill Kirk Pelland CB 1860 Chapel Hill, NC 27599 PH: 919-962-2069 FAX: 919-962-5255 United Turf, Inc. Wendy Goodman 120 Leonhauser Lane Grandy, NC 27939 PH: 252-457-0591 FAX: 252-457-0596 USDA/RMA/RO Sandra Strayhorn 4405 Bland Rd. Suite 160 Raleigh, NC 27609 PH: 919-875-4880 FAX: 919-875-4915 Wagoner's Nursery, LLC 208 Unifour Hardscape & Turf Supply Bruce A. Wagoner 6818 Friedens Church Rd. Gibsonville, NC 27249-9712 PH: 336-449-5532 FAX: 336-449-0134 Valent USA Corp. Robert Ulrey PO Box 216 Mars Hill, NC 28754-0216 PH: 828-645-4824 FAX: 828-645-4824 US Evergreens Twin Oaks Landscaping Service, Inc. W.A.C. Corp. of Greenville William Handley PO Box 2312 Greenville, NC 27835 PH: 252-757-0187 FAX: 252-757-0188 Ward's Landscaping & Lawn Care Larry A. WardJr. PO Box 491 Lexington, NC 27293 PH: 336-238-5908 FAX: 336-329-9981 NCNLA General Membership – as of 10/28/2009 Warren County Nursery Michael Hobbs 6492 Beersheba Hwy McMinnville, TN 37110 PH: 931-668-8941 FAX: 931-668-2245 www.tnnursery/ Paul Munn PO Box 987 Waynesboro, VA 22980 PH: 800-868-8676 FAX: 540-946-3814 Doug White 1494 Bell Mill Rd. Tillsonburg, ONT N4G4J1 PH: 800-387-9355 FAX: 519-688-0563 Wayside Landscape Services, Inc. Andrew J. White 49 Old Farm School Rd. Asheville, NC 28805-1604 PH: 828-298-4599 FAX: 828-298-0248 Well Spring Retirement Community Tony Belk 3550 Wildflower Dr. Greensboro, NC 27410 PH: 336-545-5359 John E. Feagans P O Box 766 Clayton, NC 27528 PH: 919-550-2369 FAX: 919-550-0069 Bradley J. Williams 506 Old Greensboro Rd. Chapel Hill, NC 27516 PH: 919-929-0977 FAX: 919-932-9298 Grady Roscoe 4594 Timrod Rd. Bethune, SC 29009 PH: 843-334-6444 FAX: 843-334-6444 Thomas C. Beutell PO Box 2 Tuckasegee, NC 28783 PH: 828-293-5115 FAX: 828-293-5852 William R. Laity 26 Miller Rd. East Asheville, NC 28805 PH: 828-299-3399 FAX: 828-299-3399 Sean Webster 96 Palaside Dr. NE Concord, NC 28027 PH: 704-785-6203 FAX: 704-783-1911 Western Carolina's Hort. Alliance. Donna Foster 332 Sunward Path Inman, SC 29349 PH: 864-592-8664 FAX: 864-592-8664 Williams PlantWorks Mitchell Williams 6177 Kingtown Rd. NW Ash, NC 28420 PH: 910-287-3622 FAX: 910-287-3765 Windy Acres Nursery, Inc. Sherry Moss 1105 Cotton Patch Rd. Gretna, VA 24557 PH: 434-656-6551 FAX: 434-656-6289 Woodard Pecan Nursery Alton Woodard 5194 US Hwy 70 E Princeton, NC 27569-8589 PH: 919-965-3561 FAX: 919-965-3695 Sheila Barnes 1309 Old Cherry Point Rd. New Bern, NC 28560 PH: 252-638-1983 FAX: 252-636-9038 Wilson Wilderness Landscape Chad Wilson P O Box 367 Locust, NC 28097 PH: 704-888-4635 Williams Farm & Garden Center Wolf Creek Tree Farm & Nursery William R. Laity Landscaping, LLC Wind in the Willows Nursery Webster Landscaping Williams Landscape Services, Inc. David Watson 230 Watson's Nursery Ln. Sanford, NC 27330-9089 PH: 919-776-3590 FAX: 919-776-2617 White Oak Landscaping & Irrigation Watson's Nursery Well Master Cart William Currin 3531 Chalybeate Springs Rd Fuquay Varina, NC 27526 PH: 919-669-8576 FAX: 919-552-3260 Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. Watermark, LLC Winfall Nurseries Wyatt Elliott 1336 Elliott Rd. Gladys, VA 24554 PH: 434-332-5701 FAX: 434-332-5700 Woodland Designs Robin Clinton 21 Surrey Run Hendersonville, NC 28791-1653 PH: 828-891-7975 FAX: 828-891-7975 209 NCNLA General Membership – as of 10/28/2009 Woodlands Landscaping, Inc. Scott Greeson P O Box 5466 Concord, NC 28027 PH: 704-262-3749 FAX: 704-262-3751 Wood's Plant Farm Charles Wood PO Box 81 Middlesex, NC 27557 PH: 252-235-3793 FAX: 252-235-4355 WP Law, Inc. Terry Brady 303 Riverchase Way Lexington, SC 29072 PH: 803-461-0599 FAX: 803-461-0598 Richard SmithJr. 932 Page Rd. Washington, NC 27889 PH: 252-940-5060 FAX: 252-946-0724 David Idem 7437 Rock Ridge/Sims Rd. Sims, NC 27880 PH: 252-243-5539 FAX: 252-243-2443 210 Wrenn Farms & Landscaping Richard Wrenn 1990 Thee Hester Rd. Roxboro, NC 27574 PH: 336-599-5880 FAX: 336-599-5889 Wrenn Farms & Nursery Mitchell Wrenn 5078 Brantley Rd. Zebulon, NC 27597 PH: 919-269-9781 FAX: 919-269-4993 Yates Nursery and Landscaping Harry Yates 134 Jake Storie Rd. Boone, NC 28607 PH: 828-264-7574 FAX: 828-265-3496 Zelenka Nursery, Inc. Mike Worthington 3661 Ballards Crossroads Rd. Greenville, NC 27834 PH: 252-756-3827 FAX: 252-756-9442 X S Smith, Inc. Worthington Farms, Inc. Z Enterprises Anthony Zajovits 113 Padgett Ct. Cary, NC 27518-9183 PH: 919-363-3007 FAX: 919-363-3520 NCNLA Member List by Contact Name – as of 10/28/2009 Aalund, Bob ....................... Cash Flow Management, Inc. Aceto, Ben .........................Blue Ridge Waterscapes, Inc. Adams, Cindy .................... Dewayne's Home & Garden Show Place Adams, Jr., William J. ........ Southern Landscape Professionals Adcock, Jeff ....................... Adcock's Nursery Aldridge, David .................. Aldridge Farms Alford, Kim ......................... Oakland Plantation, Inc. Allen, IV, Charles A. .......... Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Allen, IV, Charles A. .......... Mastergreen Horticultural Services, Inc. Allen, Chris ........................ Super-Sod of the Triad Allen, Danny ...................... Shiloh Nursery Allen, Rusty ....................... Eastside Ornamentals Allen, Sam ......................... Tarheel Native Trees Allison, Ken ....................... Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co.,LLC Allison, Willie ..................... Hillside Nursery Wholesale Co.,LLC Anderson Long, Renee...... Fishing Creek Farms Andes, Parker .................... Biltmore Estate Andrey, Jeff ....................... Gardenscape Annand, David ................... Evergreen Nursery Antemann, Gregg .............. Natives, Inc. Apple, Rick ........................ A & A Plants, Inc. Apple, Tim D...................... New Earth Designs, Inc. Archibald, Chris ................. Chris Archibald Landscape Design Arnold, Alison .................... NC Arboretum Arrowood, Janet ................ Lake Hickory Country Club Atema, Robert ................... Rivertop Contracting, Inc. Aull, Carson ....................... Dothan Trees Autrey, David ..................... Millstone Cove Farms, Inc. Avent, Michelle .................. Plant Delights Nursery, Inc. Averitt, Al ........................... Back Road Farms Avis, Chris ......................... Plymouth Nursery & Landscaping Ayers, Nanette................... Ayers Supply Inc. Ayotte, Tara ....................... Skinner Nurseries Badger, Sylvia ................... Putnals Premium Pine Straw, Inc. Bailey, Linda T. .................. Piney Ridge Nursery Baker, Chip........................ Middle Sound Landscaping Baker, Doug ...................... Baker Environmental Nursery, Inc. Baker, Meghan .................. Watauga Co. Cooperative Extension Ball, Mark ..........................Mark Ball Banks, Adam ..................... Autrey Tree & Landscaping Co.,Inc. Barber, Debbie .................. Creekside Lawn & Garden Barbour, Connie ................ Cape Fear Botanical Garden Barefoot, Paul.................... Barefoot's TLC Nursery Barnes, Jimmy................... Heritage Farms Barnes, Sheila ................... Williams Farm & Garden Center Barnette, Russ................... Russ Barnette Barr, Rusty ........................ Barr Evergreens of North Carolina, LLC Barrett, Erin ....................... Sprinkle Creek Landscaping Barrier, Rick....................... EarthScapes Barry, Russ........................ Barry Farms Bass, Donald ..................... Pleasant Grove Nursery Bass, John......................... Ellerbe Springs Nursery Baucom, Charlie ................ Bentwood Nursery Baucom, Clancy ................ Arbor Fields Beach, Michael .................. OHP, Inc. Beal, Jim............................ Canebreak Nursery Beardall, Bill ...................... NC State University Grounds Services Beasley, Jeff ...................... Transplant Nursery, Inc. Beatty, Hayden .................. Green N Growin Beaumont, Phil .................. Phil Beaumont Beeson, Blake ................... Beeson Rhododendron Nursery Beeson, Richard ................ Richard Beeson Belk, Tony ......................... Well Spring Retirement Community Bennett, Barbara D. ........... Cedar Creek Nursery Bennett, Dean ................... Brunswick Community College Bennett, Scott.................... Horizon Distributors, Inc. Bennett, Steve................... Bennett's Lawn Care Benson, Paige ................... Heritage Landscape Designs Benton, Scott .................... Carolina Turf Farms, Inc. Bertels, Norman ................ Sugarbush Gardens Beshears, Thad ................. Simpson Nurseries Beutell, Thomas C............. Wolf Creek Tree Farm & Nursery Biggers, John .................... Biggers Lawn & Landscape Company, Inc. Biggerstaff, Sandra ........... Burke County Public Schools Bilderback, Ted E. ............. NC State University Black, Don ......................... Charlie's Creek Nursery, Inc. Blair, Bill ............................ Reevesville Tree Farm Bland, Tom ........................ Bland Landscaping Co. Inc. Blankenberg, Donald A. .... Pine Lake Nursery Blaser, Greg ...................... Turf Service, Inc. Bloom, C.A. ....................... Bloom Farms Blue, Tommy ..................... Cabin Creek Nursery Blue, Tommy ..................... T.H. Blue, Inc. Blythe, Mike ...................... Certified Grounds Mgmt., Inc. Bocci, Dick ........................ Carlton Plants Boenau, Joseph ................ JC Groundcare Boggs, Dixon ..................... Carolina Greenery/Island Greenery Bogue, Stephen R. ............ Bogue's Lawn Service Boitnott, Tim ...................... Creative Nursery & Landscapes Bolen, Shad ...................... Timberland Mulch and Farm Bolick, Bill .......................... Stacy's Greenhouses Bollinger, Bob .................... ASB-Greenworld, Inc. Booth, Fred ....................... Fred Booth Booth, Tommy ................... Mid-Atlantic Irrigation Co., Inc. Bossinger, Larry ................ Green Mountain Nurseries Bottoms, Edward ............... Bottoms Nursery, LLC Bouldin, Carl D. ................. Bouldin Nursery & Greenhouse Bowling, Becky .................. Bertie Garden Discount Bowling, Dan ..................... Right of Way Equipment Co. Bowman, Daniel ................ Bowman's Best Lawn Care Boyer, Mark J. ................... Roots and Shoots Brack, Martha .................... Triangle Nursery, LLC Bradley, Lucy .................... North Carolina State University Brady, Terry ...................... WP Law, Inc. Brafford, Jimmy ................. Rose Gin & Supply Company, Inc. Brailsford, Jr., John F. ....... Shady Grove Plantation & Nursery Brannon, Shelley ............... Carolina Garden Company Brice, Randy ..................... Brice Landscaping, Inc. Brickle, Jr., Phillip C. ......... CASA Briggs, Jeff ........................ Cleary Chemical Co. Bristow, Logan .................. Bristow Landscaping Bristow, Logan .................. Logan Trading Co. Britton, Ashleigh ................ City Nursery Farm, Inc. Brogdon, Gene .................. Nursery Supplies, Inc. Brooks, Kenneth................ Brookscapes, LLC Brooks, Mike, K.B.............. Enterprises and Nursery Brooks, Paul ...................... Brooks Nurseries Brookshire, Don ................ Brookshire & Associates Brown, Benjamin ............... Brown’s Nursery Brown, Laura ..................... Outdoor Images Ptr. Brown, Lisa ....................... L. Brown Company, LLC Brun, Phillippe ................... Philippe Brun's Landscaping Brunson, Jon ..................... Brunson Wholesale Nursery Bruton, Michael ................. Norwood Road Garden, Inc. Bryant, Barney .................. BB Barns Buchanan, Jace ................ Silver Creek Farm Buckallew, Alex ................. Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc. Bugica, Gregory J. ............ Gregory Bugica Bullock, Malcolm ............... Bullock Farms Bunn, Gordon .................... Bunn Tree Farm 211 NCNLA Member List by Contact Name – as of 10/28/2009 Burgan, Donna .................. Johnson Nursery Corp. Burger, Hunter ................... Burger Landscape & Design Burr, Bill .............................MacKenzie Nursery Supply Bush, W. Kenyon ............... Broadcreek Lawn & Landscaping LLC Byrd, Bobby ....................... The Byrd's Group Inc. Cain, Will ........................... Briggs Nursery, LLC Cain, Adam........................ Cain's Nursery & Landscaping Campbell, Ali ..................... High Caliper Growing Root Control, Inc. Campbell, Phil ................... Campbell Road Nursery, Inc. Canada, James ................. Swallow Hollow Plant Farm Cannon, Keith.................... Cannon's Landscaping Cannon, Kenneth Todd ..... Toddco Grounds Maintenance, Inc. Cantrell, Laurie .................. Swan Creek Tree Farm Cappiello, Robert ............... The Family Tree Nursery, LLC Carnley, Todd .................... Flowerwood Nursery, Inc. Carpenter, Jr., Joe ............. Superior Seeding, Inc. Carter, Chuck .................... A Growing Concern Carter, Kathrine ................. De La Terre Carter, Shannon L. ............ JCA Landscape, Inc. Case, Ben.......................... Down to Earth Designs Case, Frank ....................... Plantation Spring Nursery Casey, J. Smith ................. Bloom Carolina!, Inc. Casey, Lee ........................ Casey Nursery, Inc. Casey, Martin .................... Martin Casey Catoe, Abby....................... As You Like It Landscapes, Inc. Caudle, Ray....................... Rays Creative Landscaping & Tree Farm Caviness, Raymond .......... Eastern Randolph High School Chamblee, Jimmy .............. Carolina Galvanized Tube Chandler, Jim .................... Dream Gardens Landscaping & Turf Management, Inc. Chapman, Doug ................ Plantworks Nursery, Inc. Chewning, Charles ............ Chewning Nursery, Inc. Chirico, Linda .................... Carolina Perlite Company, Inc. Christy, Steven .................. Christy's Nursery, Inc. Church, Cline..................... Cline Church Nursery Cilluffo, Rena ..................... Mid-Atlantic Concrete Products Clark, Christina .................. Linder Industrial Machinery Clark, Deward.................... Creative Landscape Designs Clark, Doug ....................... Douglas Clark Nursery dba C & G Nursery Clark, John ........................ Carmel Country Club Clark, Mark ........................ Clark Landscape Group, Inc. Clark, Matt ......................... Clark's Liner Farm Clark, William .................... Clark's Nursery of Jonas Ridge, Inc. Clay, Jerry ......................... Clay's Power Equipment, Inc. Cline, Jeff ..........................Cline Landscape, Inc. Cline, John ........................ Cline's Nursery, LLC Clinton, Robin .................... Woodland Designs Coats, Terry....................... Coats Lawn Service, Inc. Coffey, John S. .................. Boyd Coffey & Sons Nurseries, Inc. Coffey, Richard .................. Davidson Landscape Nursery Cole, Richie ....................... Knats Creek Nursery Cole, Thaddeus ................. Highland Heritage Landscape, Inc. Coleman, Kevin ................. KCK Farms, LLC Colodney, M.D., Ellen J. .... Coastal Plain Conservation Nursery, Inc. Comer, Ray ....................... Turf Service, Inc. Cook, Marty ....................... Marcus Cook Farm & Garden Center, LLC Cooley, John ..................... Cooley's Nursery Cooper, Gary ..................... Kenyon Bailey Supply, Inc. Copeland, Will ................... Apex Nurseries, Inc. Coppedge, Steve ............... Greenleaf Nursery Co. 212 Corbett, Donald ................. Corbett's Nursery Corey, Vic ......................... Corey and Sons Tree Farm Cornelius, Gregory ............ Town of Farmville Costenbader, MLA, W. Rawls .......... Carolina Landworks Cottrell, Jerry ..................... The Landscaper's Choice Nursery Coulter, David B. ............... Lake Gaston Nursery Coulter, Harvey ................. Maiden Nursery Cox, Marilyn ...................... I Must Garden Cox, Nelsa ........................ The Garden Hut Croom, Jr., Phillip .............. Grants Creek Nursery, Inc. Crosby, Wayne Scott ........ Catawba Valley Community College Crowder, Rick.................... Hawksridge Farms Crump, Hugh ..................... American Boxwood Co. Crump, Steve .................... Rolling Hills Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Crumpton, Garland S. ....... Johnston Nursery and Landscaping Cullen, Thomas ................. TMC Landscape Design, LLC Cure, Jen .......................... Cure Nursery Currier, Joann ................... The Unique Plant, Inc. Currin, Debra..................... Currin's Horticultural Services Currin, Michael .................. Greenscape, Inc. Currin, Richard .................. Currins Nursery, Inc. Currin, William ................... Watermark, LLC Custis, Terry ...................... Custis Nursery, Inc. Darden, Jim ....................... Hortsources Darden, Jim ....................... Star Roses/Northwest Hort. Dargan, James .................. Triple R Landscape Supply, LLC Dark, Philip ........................ Oakmont Nursery Davenport, Damon ............ Davenport Landscaping, Inc. Davidson, Bruce ................ Davidson Farm Davis, Bob ......................... Taw Caw Creek Nursery Davis, Carmen .................. Jones Insurance Agency Davis, Horace.................... D & D Landscaping & Tree, Inc. Davis, Jeff K. ..................... Davis Botanical Davis, Kirk ......................... Patterson's Nursery Davis, Mark ....................... Atlas Manufacturing, Inc. Davis, Perry ...................... Town of Blowing Rock Davis, Robert .................... Banner Place Nursery Davis, Roman.................... Parker Davis Co., Inc. Deal, Jr., Earl L. ................ Smokey Holler Tree Farm, LLC Deal, Jim ........................... Pender Nursery, Inc. DeBerry, Kris ..................... Allscape Deme, John Wade ............ Amaryllis Gardens Derrick, Ryan .................... TurfSouth Dickhoff, Kurt..................... Dutchman's Tree Spade Dickinson, Dickie ............... Dickinson Garden Center Dinnsen, Wynn .................. Full of Life Farms Dotson, David.................... Greenwood Nursery, Inc. Doub, Freddie ................... FD-AG Doughty, Sandy................. Monterey Nursery, Inc. Dowd, Pete ....................... Poverty Hill Nursery Dowd, Todd ....................... Dowd's Nursery Inc. Dowd, William C. ............... C. Louis Meyer Farm Dugger, Don ...................... The Scotts Company Duncan, Tony .................... Santa's Christmas Tree Farm Dunham, Jr., John W. ....... Agronomic Landscapes, Inc. Dunn, J.F. ......................... Dunn's Nursery and Garden Shop Durant, Blair ...................... Niche Gardens Dwyer, Sean ..................... Mid-Atlantic Insurance Associates Dykes, Cecil J. .................. Wake County Public Schools Edwards, Blake ................. Southern Ag Edwards, Kim T. ................ Pleasant Ridge Nursery, Inc. Edwards, Larry D. ............. Turtle Creek Nursery, Inc. Eggimann, Joanne ............ Hollandia Gardens Inc. Eleazes, Chip .................... Ecoscape Solutions Group Inc. Elliott, Wyatt ...................... Winfall Nurseries NCNLA Member List by Contact Name – as of 10/28/2009 Emmerson, Steve .............. Royal Mulch & Nursery Endres, Kyle ......................Annapolis Valley Peat Moss Company Ltd. England, Joe .....................England Farms Enloe, Karen...................... The Pottery Market Erwin, Alan ........................ Panther Creek Nursery Erwin, David ...................... North State Gardens Eudy, Mitchell .................... Golden Leaf Nursery Evans, Jay ......................... Jay's Lawn & Landscape Co. Evans, Jeff......................... BurrBridge Designs dba Earth Graphics of Raleigh Evans, Lillian ..................... The Garden Shack Inc., dba D&E Landscaping Everett, Jackie ................... Private Gardens Falzone, Alan .................... The Potting Shed Farrar, Buck....................... Farrar Sod Farm Faust, P.J. ......................... Terra Green Landscapes Faust, W. E. "Bill" .............. Faust Nursery Feagans, John E. .............. White Oak Landscaping & Irrigation Feile, Richard .................... Imperial Nurseries Finch, Jack ........................ Finch Blueberry Nursery Fisher, Georgia .................. The Budd Group Fisher, Steve ..................... Turfcare Inc. Fister, Ron ......................... Regal Chemical Fitzgerald, Mike ................. Fitzgerald Nursery, Inc. Flynn, Lewis ...................... McGill Flynt, Neil .......................... Flynthill Farm Folsom, Tish ...................... Springdale Water Gardens Fontaine, Kevin Bolt .......... Fontaine Landscaping Co., Inc. Forbes, Lyle....................... Indiantown Farms Foster, Cynda .................... Robinson Nursery Foster, Donna.................... Western Carolina's Hort. Alliance. Fountain, Joe..................... Fountain Landscaping Fox, Powell ........................ Clero Landscaping, Inc. Fraleigh, Jay ...................... Fraleigh Nursery, LLC Franciosi, Frank ................. Nature's Green-Releaf by Novozymes Frank, Steven D. ............... NCSU Dept. of Entomology Freelove, Bill...................... US Lawns of Greenville Freeman, James S. ........... Freeman Landscape, Inc. Freeman, Jenny ................ Sandhills Community College Continuing Education Fritz, Eric W. ...................... Fritz Nursery and Landscaping Fritze, Herbert ................... Landing Nursery Fry, Bryan .......................... Fry & Associates, Inc. Fry, Pamela ....................... Fry Nursery and Landscaping Frye, Gill ............................ Frye Farms, Inc. Fuller, Dale ........................ Kubota Tractor Corp. Furtick, VInc.e ................... Stockhaven Nursery, LLC Gaddy, Samuel.................. Colesville Nursery, Inc. Galliher, Douglas ............... Harmony Gardens Nursery Galloway, Doug ................. Cedar Row Nursery Gardner, Clay .................... DMG Turf Inc. Garland, Marshall .............. Marshall C. Garland, Inc. Garmon, Shep ................... Metrolina Landscape Co. Garmon, Shep ................... Shepherds Landscape Maint. Garner, Steve .................... Eagle Landscaping Garrett, Parker................... Paker Garrett Gaskin, Lewis .................... Laurel Springs Trees Gatewood, Larry ................ State Street Maintenance & Construction Co. Gayle, Jim ......................... Jim Gayle's Lawn & Landscape Maintenance Gelvin, Ron........................ Gelvin Management Services, Inc. Ghaodosi, Al ..................... A.M.G. Commercial Landscape/Design Gilbert, Harman ................. Florikan Carolina, Inc. Gilliland, Jennifer............... J & S Nursery Gilmore, Tom .................... Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co., Inc. Godley, Bill ........................ Godley's Garden Center & Nursery Goodman, Tim .................. Goodman's Nursery & BG&G Growers Goodman, Wendy ............. United Turf, Inc. Goodrum, Brad.................. Bradford Goodrum Goodson, David T. ............ Goodson & Associates Goodson, Dorothy ............. Backwoods Landscaping & Goodson, Mark Construction Gossett, Keith.................... Gossett's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Gragg, Chad ..................... Buffalo Creek Nurseries, Inc. Gragg, Jeff ........................ North 40 Nursery, Inc. Gragg, Ronnie ................... North 40 Nursery, Inc. Granato, Sr., Joseph C. .... Star Ridge Aquatics, LLC Graning, Ben ..................... B.H. Graning Landscapes, Inc. Grantham, Lee .................. NurserySouth, LLC Gratton, Richard ................ The Country Club of North Carolina Gray, Billy .......................... The Southern Landscape Group Gray, Charles K................. Gray Landscaping, Inc. Green, Faron ..................... Faron Green Nursery Green, Steve ..................... C & S Nursery Greene, Brian .................... Snowy Mountain Nursery Greene, David ................... Pro-Gro Nursery Greeson, Scott .................. Woodlands Landscaping, Inc. Gregory, Donald ................ Gregory, Inc. Gregory, Wesley ............... Turkey Foot Nursery, Inc. Grey, Jeffrey ..................... Town of Southern Pines Griffin, B. Colby ................. NC Blooms, Inc. Griffin, David ..................... David's Nursery Griffin, Lindsey R............... L.R. Griffin & Assoc., Inc. Griffin, Randy .................... Beaver Dam Nursery Inc. Griffith, Mark...................... Griffith Propagation Nursery, Inc. Grimes, David ................... Designer Wood & Kid Cushion Grissom, Tim ..................... Capitol Broadcasting Co., Inc. Grooms, Robert................. Horticultural Printers Gunderman, Jerry ............. Cherokee Manufacturing Haberyan, Karl .................. Providence Nursery Farms, Inc. Hackney, George .............. Hackney Nursery Haight, Richard ................. Four Season Landscaping, Inc. Haigler, William ................. Turtle Creek Nursery Hall, Carroll ....................... Carroll’s Plant Center, Inc. Hall, Landis ....................... Carroll's Plant Center, Inc. Hall, Quin .......................... City of Charlotte Hall, Sue ........................... Country Road Farms Inc. Hamilton, John .................. Southscape Landscaping Hamm, Maggie .................. Carolina Farm Credit Hammer, Ken .................... Specialty Converting and Supply Hancock, Mike................... Phyton Corporation Handley, William ............... W.A.C. Corp. of Greenville Hardee, Lynn .................... Elevation Plant Nursery Hardin, Michael ................. Paradise Landscaping Hardy, Jane Thore ............ Hardy Blooms & Turf Harrell, Hank ..................... Creekside Farms Nursery Harrelson, H.L. .................. H.L. Harrelson & Son Harriman, Patricia ............. Patricia Harriman Harrington, Brandon .......... Harrington Lawn Care & Landscaping Inc. Harris, Charles .................. Buy Sod Harris, Elizabeth ................ Harris Farm Harris, Ken ........................ Great Western Bag Company Harris, Nikki ....................... NYP Corp. Hawkins, Anthony ............. Hawkins Nursery, Inc. Hawkins, Billy .................... Creative NatureScapes, Inc. 213 NCNLA Member List by Contact Name – as of 10/28/2009 Hawkins, Graham .............. Hawk’s Hayden, Billy ..................... Hayden's Nursery Hayes, Patrick ................... Commercial Plant Management Head, Bob ......................... Head-Lee Nursery, Inc. Head, Debbie .................... Poole Bros. Nursery Hedden, Wendell ............... Hillside Nursery Inc. Hefner, Randy ................... Hefner's Nursery Hellman, Mark ................... Arborbrace Staking Systems, Inc. Henderson, Mike ............... Berger Peat Moss Henn, Bryan C. .................. Henn's Plant Farm Herd, Phillip ....................... Herd Farm Nursery Herring, Christina .............. NC Museum of Art Hess, Tim ..........................Global Wayfinding / McBride Hess Design Group Hesterberg, Leland ............ Hortica Insurance & Employee Benefits Hicks, A. Scott ................... Hicks Landscape Contractors, Inc. Hicks, Scott ....................... Echoes Nursery Hill, Steve .......................... Turftenders Landscape Services Hillis, David........................ Little River Nursery Hillis, Dickey ...................... Hillis Nursery Co., Inc. Hines, Ed ........................... Ed Hines Nursery Hinesley, Steve ................. Steve Hinesley & Co., Inc. Hinnant, Carlton ................ Hinnant's Nursery & Landscaping Hinton, Wayne ................... RootMaker Products Co., LLC Hix, Richard ....................... Rocky Creek Farms Nursery Hoagland, Brian ................. Hoaglandscape Hobbs, Bryan..................... BB Hobbs, Inc. Hobbs, Michael .................. Warren County Nursery Hobus, Jon ........................Evergreen Nursery, Inc. Hoffman, John ................... Hoffman Nursery, Inc. Holden, Wayne .................. Sugar Mountain Nursery Holder, Jerry ...................... NC Pine Needle Producers Assn. Holder, Dennis ................... Rainbow Irrigation & Lighting Holdsclaw, Terry................ Maple Grove Nursery, Inc. Hole, Mitzi L....................... Mitzi Hole Holland, Bradley ................ Pleasant Acres Nursery Holland, Randy W. ............ Holland Landscaping, Inc. Hollar, Missy ...................... Gary's Nursery, LLC Holliday, Rob ..................... Holliday Landscape & Tree Homesly, Smitty ................ Ash Greenhouse & Nursery Hood, Clark ....................... Wake County Field Services Hooper, Kathy ................... Imports Exclusive Hopkins, Stan .................... GHS Corporation Hopper, Sharon K. ............. Sharon Hopper Fine Gardening Horn, Ginger H. ................. Land Enhancers, Inc. Horne, Jerry....................... Family Home and Garden Horton, Janet ..................... Piedmont Farm and Nursery Supply Howard, Timothy ............... Clarity Connect, Inc. Howard, Gray .................... Long Branch Farm Howe, Tommy ................... Aurora Hills Farm and Nursery, Inc. Howell, John ......................TCA Tree Farm Huckabee, Adam "Keith" ... New Nature Landscapes, Inc. Hudson, Mike .................... Sampson Nursery Hudson, Ricky ................... Chetola Resort Huff, Mitch ......................... R.A.Dudley Nurseries, Inc. Huffman, Jr., Earl .............. Huffman Landscape and Lawn Pros. Hulvey, Alton .....................Mingo Nursery Hunt, Tommy ..................... Dorsey Landscape & Irrigation Huskey, Charles ................ Landmark Plastic Corp Husted, T.J. ....................... Outdoor Images, Inc. Hyatt, David G. .................. Panoramic Farm, Inc. Idem, David ....................... Zelenka Nursery, Inc. Ingle, Edwin .......................ECO-Precise Irrigation Controls Irving, Webster .................. Irving Farms Israel, Lonnie A. ................ Jesse Israel and Sons Garden Center 214 Jackson, Joe ..................... Duke University Jackson, Ray..................... Jackson Nursery Jackson, Tim ..................... Jacksons Lawn & Landscape James, Jonathan ............... Byron Lakeview Nursery LLC Jeffers, Bill ........................ Landmasters, Inc. Jenkins, Michael................ Greenspire Nursery & Landscaping Jenkins, Patty .................... Carolina Cat Jernigan, Claude R. .......... Jernigan Garden Center & Nursery, Inc. Jernigan, Donnie ............... Jernigan's Nursery Johnson, Brandon ............. Logistical Customer Service Inc. Johnson, Dee .................... Sandhills Community College Johnson, Harry .................. Buckhorn Creek Nursery, Inc. Johnson, Lenn................... Johnson's Landscaping & Maintenance, Inc. Johnson, Murphy............... George Johnson Nursery, Inc. Johnson, Susan ................ Holloway's Nursery Johnson, R. Joan .............. Carolina Country Club Johnson, Rick.................... Country Club of Landfall Johnson, Wendy ............... CASTO Jones, Bill .......................... Carolina Native Nursery Jones, Jack ....................... Jones Landscaping and Maintenance, Inc. Jones, James .................... Tree Country Nursery Jones, Mae ....................... Pleasant Woods Plants Jones, Paul ....................... Southern LawnScapes, Inc. Jordan, David .................... North American Nursery, Inc. Jordan, Garry .................... Nance-Jordan Nurseries, Inc. Jordan, Mike ..................... OnSite Resources Jordan, Rick ...................... Deerwood Nursery, LLC Joyner, Cliff ....................... Border Concepts Inc. Judy, Leigh ........................ Plant & Supply Locator Kasner, Doug .................... Carolina Green Landscaping & Lawncare Kellar, Jr., Fred.................. Kellar's Nursery, Inc. Kelley, Jan ........................ Kelleygreen Nursery, Inc. Kelly, Betty ........................ Commercial Nursery Kelly, Karen Shipp............. Shipp and Wilson, Inc. Kelly, Mary ........................ Harrell's Fertilizer, Inc. Kelly, Sandra L. ................. NC Landscape Contractors Registration Board Kelly, Sean ........................ Carolina Nurseries, Inc. Kennedy, Joel ................... Reaves Landscape and Design, Inc. Kernodle, Dave ................. Carden & Assoc. Kiefer, Mark ....................... Kiefer Landscape Nursery Kilpatrick, Keith ................. Apalachee Nursery King, Sharon ..................... South Carolina Upstate Tree Growers Assn. King, Tommy ..................... King's Sunset Nursery, Inc. Kirkland, Art ...................... Liner Source, Inc. Klinger, William ................. Brantley Nurseries Knox, James ..................... James Knox Kolb, Erich J. ..................... Triangle Green Scene Inc. Kostrzewa, Dennis ............ Brickman Krautmann, Jolly ............... Heritage Seedlings Kuki, Colette ...................... Island Creek Landscaping Laity, William R. ................ William R. Laity Landscaping, LLC Lake, Jr., Doug .................. Lake Tree Growers Lamar, Michael.................. Lamb, Travis ..................... Carolina Tree-Form, LLC LaPierre, Bruce ................. SiteLight LD, Inc. Lasseigne, F. Todd ........... Paul J. Ciener Botanical Garden Lassiter, Thomas............... Plant & See Nursery, Inc. Latham, Judy R. ................ Lathams Nursery, Inc. Lawrence, Brian ................ Southeastern Growers, Inc. Lawson, Renee ................. Pine Hall Brick Co., Inc. Lay, Mark .......................... AA Tex-Lawn Co., Inc. NCNLA Member List by Contact Name – as of 10/28/2009 Leblanc, Roland ................ Sugar Hill Nurseries, LLC LeBude, Anthony ............... NCSU, Horticulture Science Lee, Adam ......................... Lee and Sons Nursery, Inc. Lee, Anthony ..................... Rose Nursery Leeper, Mike...................... Precision Turfscape, Inc. Leidy, Adam ...................... Carolina Grassmasters Lentz, Eric S. ..................... Eric Lentz Leonard, Craig................... King's Greenhouse, Inc. Lewis, John ....................... JLPN, Inc. Lewis, Michael ................... Pike Family Nurseries Lilley-Reber, Jessica ......... Lilley Farms & Nursery, Inc. Lindsey, Cathy................... Lindsey Landscape & Design List, Roy ............................ American Native Plants Little, Mack ........................Little and Little Landscape Arch. Logan, Joshua ................... Logan Trading Co. Long, Ken .......................... L.A. Reynolds Garden Showcase Long, Robert Lee ............... Laneyhill Nursery and Tree Farm Looby, Gary W. ................. GW Looby Landscaping Lorber, Rob ....................... Nature Works Organics Lowe, Ken ......................... Mize Farm and Garden Lowrance, Bryan ............... F.A. Bartlett Tree Expert Company Ludy, Doug ........................ Ludy Tree Care, Inc. Lundy, Stacey.................... Madison Landscape & Design Group, Inc. Lurey, Mark ....................... ML Irrigation Systems, Inc. Luther, Richard .................. Myers Lawn & Garden-Dillen, ITML, Listo, ProCal Lutz, Boyte ........................ Carolina Custom Lawn & Landscaping, Inc. Lytle, Alvin ......................... Cove Creek Nursery Maintenance, Grandover Golf ......... Grandover Resort Koury Venture Makey, Scott...................... Old Mill Stream Nursery & Landscape Mardall, Tristan.................. Tristan Mardall Marion, Joe B. ................... Joe's Landscaping & Nursery Co. Marsh, Debbie ................... Deborah Marsh Martin, Brad ....................... Southeastern Native Plant Nursery Martin, Liz .......................... Growing Native Nursery Martin, Paul ....................... Leisure Landscapes, Inc Massarelli, Christine .......... Massarelli's Massey, Frank T................ Wakefield Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Mast, Jeff ........................... Banner Greenhouses Mastin, Tim ........................ Enhancescapes Inc. May, Jr., Fount H. .............. May Nursery, Inc. Mays, Ted.......................... Angel's Gift Farm McAbee, Ricky .................. Roebuck Wholesale Nursery & Landscaping McAlister III, Tommy Walker..... Evergreen Landscaping & Maintenance, Inc. McArthur, Sherman ........... McArthur's Landscaping McCleneghen, Lynn .......... Artisan Irrigation & Landscape McClure, Jeanne ............... Jeanne McClure McClure, Jeff ..................... Jaderloon Co. Inc. McClure, Mary C. .............. McClure's Stoneglade McElroy, Steve .................. Mack Bros. Landscape Nursery McFalls, Wesley ................ McFalls Landscape Management McGregor, Joe................... Toro McKenzie, Bob .................. LowCountry Nursery Co. McKinney, Jeff ................... Jacob's Creek Stone Co., Inc. McLamb, James ................ McLamb Nursery, Inc. McLeod, Bob ..................... Old Courthouse Nursery McLeod, Lois ..................... Southern Horizons Landscaping McMillan, Martha N. .......... UNC-TV McMillan, Quentin .............. Protech Environmental Supply, Inc. Meredith, Wesley A. .......... Cardinal Landscaping Merrill, Larry ...................... Breezy Acres Nursery Miller, Art ........................... Carolina Creations Landscapes, Inc. Miller, Darlene ................... Miller's Groundcover Miller, David ...................... Miller Tree & Landscape Co.,Inc. Miller, Susan ..................... Southern Gardening, Inc. Miller, David ...................... Terragen Nurseries, Inc. Mills, Karen E. ................... Dunlap Lawn Service, Inc. Mills, Larry ......................... Reddick Equipment Company, Inc. Mitchell, Jennie ................. Page Road Garden Center Mitchell, Judy J.................. Mitchell's Nursery & Greenhouses, Inc. Mitchell, Mike .................... Inman Sod Mize, John ......................... Big Frog Nursery Modlin, Ralph .................... Ralph Modlin Farm Monroe, John .................... Architectural Trees Montgomery, Jeremy ........ McHutchison Horticultural, LLC Moody, Paige C................. Arbor Enterprises Inc. Moore, Gaye ..................... Cooper Farm and Nursery Moore, Michael C. ............. Mike Moore Landscapes Inc. Moran, Marcus D............... Northlake Landscapes Morgan, J. Kyle ................. Morgan Landscape Nursery Morgan, Mark .................... The Morgan Landscape Group, Inc. Morin, Dave ....................... Griffin Greenhouse & Nursery Supplies Morris, James.................... Durham City - County Planning Morris, Joe ........................ JM Design Morris, Robert ................... Deerfield Episcopal Retirement Community Morris, Jr., William............. Morris Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Morrow, Alan ..................... Appalachian Hydroseeding & Landscaping, Inc. Morton, Tim ....................... SAS Institute Moss, Sherry ..................... Windy Acres Nursery, Inc. Mott, Steve ........................ Mott Landscaping Mullane, Constance .......... City of Greensboro, Parks & Rec. Mundy, Elizabeth............... Acer Acres, Inc. Munn, David ...................... Dogwood Landscaping & Design Munn, Paul ........................ Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc. Murray, Linda .................... Southern Green, Inc. Murrow, Buddy .................. Shepherd's Landscape Supply Myatt, Scott ....................... Myatt Landscaping Concepts, Inc. Myers, Kevin ..................... Cross Country Nursery Nace, Greg ........................ Sarah P. Duke Gardens Nance, Brian ..................... H & H Farm Machine Co. Naughton, Edward ............ Senninger Irrigation, Inc. Needham, Geoff ................ PlantHaven, Inc. Neely, Jim ......................... Hickory Hill Nursery Nelson, Bill ........................ Nelson Nursery Nelson, Brian..................... Nelson Nursery Neubauer, Harold .............. Hidden Hollow Nursery Newlin, James M. .............. New Garden Landscaping & Nursery Nicholson, Janice .............. Gethsemane Garden & Landscape Service Neville, Robert................... Ben's Creek Nursery Nicholson, Brock M. .......... Nicholson Farms Nicholson, Wayne ............. Nicholson Incorporated Niemann, Jim .................... Bent Oak Farm, Inc. Niemeyer, Dennis.............. Magnolia Ridge Farm Norman, Damon ................ S & J Greens Nosal, Frank ...................... Nosal, Inc. Oakley, Bobby ................... Pacific Mulch Inc. Oakley, Tommy ................. Foxwood Farms Ohl, Ronn .......................... Harvest Landscape Olberding, J ....................... All Year Lawn and More, Inc. Olive, Ronnie..................... Olive Farms O'Quinn, Bud..................... 3 Rivers Nursery 215 NCNLA Member List by Contact Name – as of 10/28/2009 Osborne, Bill ...................... Piedmont Landscaping & Grounds Owen, Joel ........................ The Landsman Owen, Timothy S. .............. Owen Garden Center, Inc. Oxley, Jamie...................... Meadowbrook Nursery & Farm Ozdemir, Theresa .............. Grandfather Mountain Nursery Garden Center & Landscape Paa, Helfried...................... Paa's, Inc. Pace, Tony ........................ Ecocare Grounds-keeping Pack, Jerry ........................ Pack Manufacturing Company, Inc. Parker, A.B. ....................... Parker's Landscape Services, Inc. Parker, Hackney ................ Seaside Mulch, Inc. Parker, John ...................... Parker Landscaping, Inc. Parker, Tommy .................. Parker Bark Co., Inc. Parker, Tony ......................Classic Landscapes Parlier, Joel ....................... J. Parlier & Associates Parris, James .................... Rough Brothers, Inc. Parrott, Allen...................... Jake A. Parrott Insurance Agency Parrott, Gary B. ................. Gary Parrott Parsons, Payton ................ Parsons Nursery, Inc. Pasour, John ..................... Carriage Creek Landscape Services Pastusic, David .................. A Cut Above Lawn Care & Landscaping Pate, Richard G ................. Nature's Way Landscaping Patten, Scott ...................... Plantenders Patterson, Randall ............. Patterson Farm, Inc. Patterson, Barry ................ Plants in Harmony Paxton, Harold................... Colonial Acres Nursery Payne, Stacia .................... Stacia Payne Peck, Sally......................... Techo-Bloc Corp. Pell, T. Reid ....................... Southern Landscapes, Inc. Pelland, Kirk ...................... UNC Chapel Hill Penland, David C. ............. Reems Creek Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Penninger, Thomas W. ...... High Rock Nursery Pennington, Willie .............. BASF Perkins, Julian ................... The Tree Source Perkins, Mitch .................... Dayton Bag & Burlap Perkins, Jr., Mitch .............. Greenscape Tools, Inc. Pernie, Keith ...................... A Fragrant Garden Nursery & Landscaping Perry, Martin A. ................. Table Rock Nursery, Inc. Perry, Rudy ....................... Finch Blueberry Nursery Perry, Tommy .................... S.T. Perry and Sons Landscaping Peters, Mark ...................... Central North Carolina Nursery Association Marketing Group Peters, Mark ...................... Piedmont Carolina Nursery Peters, Matt ....................... Mountain Advantage Pfahlert, Brandon .............. Garden of Eden Outer Creations Phelps, Amber ................... Carolina East Landscaping, Inc. Phillips, Bob....................... BWI Companies Phillips, David .................... Phillips Nursery Phillips, Doug .................... Phillips & Turman Tree Farms Phillips, Jeff ....................... JWP Enterprises, Inc. Phillips, Kelvin ................... Cypress Hill Nursery Phillips, Steve .................... Glen Walters Nursery - Steve Phillips Pittillo, Fred ....................... Turf Mountain Sod, Inc. Pittman, Jerry .................... Carteret Community College Pochis, Martin.................... New Light Lawn and Landscape Pomer, Ken ....................... Village Green, Inc. Pope, Jim .......................... Pope Landscape & Irrigation Co. Pope, Ryan........................ The Earthscape Company Porter, Larry O................... John Holmlund Nursery Powell, M.A. “Kim” ............. M.A. "Kim" Powell Powell, LaRue M. .............. Powell's Nursery, LLC Prescott, Robert E. ............ Bald Head Island Garden & Landscape, Inc. 216 Pressey, Wally .................. Classic Groundcovers, Inc. Price, Richard W. .............. Price Nursery Price, Judy ........................ Sassy Virginia Lady Prillaman, C.D. .................. Prillaman Landscape Dimensions, Inc. Pritchard, W.G................... Central Garden Center & Nursery Pritchett, Edgar ................. Pritchett Farms Nurseries Proctor, Michael ................ Proctor Brothers Nursery Pruett, Tom ....................... LanArc, Inc. Pruitt, David ...................... Cottage Hill Nursery Raker, Larry ...................... Iredell-Statesville Schools Ramsey, Keith ................... Garden Supply Co. Ranney, Tom..................... Mountain Horticultural Crops Research & Extension Rash, Parke ...................... Bobby Murray Chevrolet, Inc. Rathgeb, Bill ...................... Monrovia Growers of NC, Inc. Ray, Graham ..................... Innovative Designs Rayfield, Blair .................... Catawba County Reaves, Peggy .................. Reaves Nursery Reeder, Scott .................... Barefoot & Associates, Inc. Reese, Dan ....................... Mirage Vortex Manufacturing, Inc. Regulski, Bonnie ............... Bio-Comp, Inc. Resendez, Gilbert ............. Monrovia Growers Rhodes, Danny ................. Rhodes Nursery Rhodes, Jason .................. Green Visions Nursery Richardson, Everett........... High Country Nursery Rigsbee, Jonathan ............ GrowinGreen, Inc. Rigsby, Raymond E. ......... Rigsby Manufacturing Co. Rinaca, Robin.................... Eastern Shore Nursery of Virginia Riordan, Patrick................. The Irishworks Landscaping Inc. Risberg, Jill ....................... The Whole Blooming Landscape, Inc. Ritchie, John ..................... Greenthumb Nursery, LLC Roberson, Mike ................. Baucom's Nursery Roberts, Bryan .................. Roberts Tree Farm Robertson, Roy ................. Little Snow Creek Nursery Robinson, Jim ................... NC State Athletics Rodgers, Mike ................... Rodgers Landscape Services, Inc. Rodriquez, Gerardo........... Pullmann's Landscape Associates, Inc. Rodriguez, RLA, Guillermo ............. Guillo Rodriguez Rogers, Jean ..................... Rogers Nursery & Landscaping Rogers, Sam ..................... Bold Spring Nursery, LLC Rolison, Scott .................... R Fresh Firs LLC Rollins, Brad ...................... Fairview Greenhouses & Garden Center Roman, Greg..................... Valent USA Corp. Romanelli, Rick ................. Regal Farms Nursery Rooks, Jeff ........................ Rooks Lawn & Garden Roper, Roy ........................ Southernscapes, Inc. Roscoe, Grady .................. Wind in the Willows Nursery Rosenstein, Charles .......... Land Expressions Inc. Ross, Claudia .................... Ross Farms Ross, John ........................ John Ross, Inc. Rowe, Christopher ............ CPS Professional Products Rushing, Adam.................. Southern Pride Nursery & Landscaping Russ, Andy ........................ Long Bay Gardens Rutan, Michael .................. Trees "R" Good Ruth, Clifford D.................. NC Cooperative Extension – Henderson County Safrit, Johnny .................... Safrit Landscape Const. Co., Inc. Sanders, Jeff ..................... Carolina Landscape & Irrigation, Inc. Sands, John ...................... Sands Landscape Management, Inc. Saraphis, Rea ................... Cedarview Farm Nursery Saunders, Dale ................. Lancaster Farms, Inc. Saunders, Robert .............. Saunders Brothers Saunders, Sr., R. Wayne .. Green View Landscaping, Inc. NCNLA Member List by Contact Name – as of 10/28/2009 Sawyer, Wayne ................. Bennett's Creek Nursery Schuler, Bill ....................... Nonesuch Nursery Schwarz, Gary ................... Pender Pines Garden Center Scott, Bill ........................... Southern Exterior Scott, John W. ................... Scott Landscaping Services, Inc. Scudder, Marc ................... Pallet Express, Inc. Seagroves, Mike ................ Mid-Atlantic Stihl Seagraves, Sue ................. Seagraves Japanese Maples Sechrist, Todd ................... Grounds Crew Landscaping Senter, Michael ................. Senter Tractor Co., Inc. Sester, Gordon .................. Sester Farms, Inc. Setzer, Nicky ..................... Setzer's Landscape Nursery Shadow, Fred ....................Tennessee Valley Nursery, Inc. Shelton, Larry .................... Pine Straw Distributors Sherrill, John ..................... The Garden Greenhouses Shirley, Mike ...................... Shady Rest Nursery Shoemaker, Jr., Gary ........ Shoemaker Landscape Design & Care, LLC Shonebarger, Wendy ........ Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping Short, Larry T. ...................Cassandra's Flower Gardens & Borders Shumate, Jonathan ........... Jonathan Shumate Sides, Johnny .................... Sides Contracting Co., Inc. Sides, Tracy ......................Landvision Designs, Inc. Sigg, Randy ....................... Central Piedmont Community College Sigman, Michael J. ............ Unifour Hardscape & Turf Supply Sikes, Gary H. ................... Classic Landscapes, Inc. Sikes, Mike ........................ McCorkle Nurseries Silver, Debbie .................... Ray Bracken Nursery, Inc. Simpson, Dalton ................ Oregon Hill Shrubs Simpson, Lee .................... Lone Oak Tree Farm Simpson, Jr., William J. ..... Midway Nursery Sims, Greg ........................ Designer Landscapes Sims, Philip........................ Lanes Creek Trees Sink, Randy ....................... City of Lexington Sink, Scott ......................... Stony Point Nursery and Farms Sipe, Kevin ........................ Scenic View Landscapes Sisk, Ann Bauer ................. After Hours Nursery Slade, Eric ......................... Slade Landscaping, Inc. Slater, Dave....................... Slater Turf Farm Slaughter, Darrell .............. DJS Lawn & Landscape, LLC Sluder, Stephen ................. Bucktom Services Smart, Bob ........................ Gilbert's Nursery Smith, Aaron A. ................. Rose Creek Nursery and Landscaping Smith, Charlie S. ............... Rufty's Garden Shop Smith, Evyonne ................. Oak Grove Nursery Smith, Jonathan ................ Bright Leaf Landscaping, LLC Smith, Julian ...................... Chatham Central High Smith, Mark ....................... Wyatt-Quarles Seed Company Smith, Mark T. ................... Mark's Landscaping Smith, Myrle ...................... Smith Landscape Group Smith, Myron ..................... Smith's Nursery, Inc. Smith, Jr., Richard ............. X S Smith, Inc. Smith, Stephen .................. Alabama Wire, Inc. Smith, Susan ..................... Rennerwood, Inc. Smith, Victor ...................... Landscape Concepts, Inc. Snell, Aaron ....................... Ideal Landscaping & Irrigation Inc. Snow, Allen ....................... Personal Gardener / Elderberry Creek Nursery Snow, Frank ...................... Snow's Landscaping and Lawncare, Inc. Snyder, Edward ................. Green Leaf Services, Inc. Snyder, Jim ....................... Riverbend Nursery, Inc. Sokol, Rip .......................... Fourth Generation Nursery, Inc. Sorrells, Josh..................... Cold Mountain Nursery Spake, Michael R. ............. Spake Landscaping Sparrow, Sr., Bill ................ RedMill Landscape & Nursery Inc. Speight, Tom ..................... Bluff Mountain Nursery Spence, Michele................ North Lenoir FFA Spivey, Shanon ................. Spivey's Nursery, Inc. Springer, Tim P. ................ Greenscapes Squires, Heath .................. Squires Tree Farm & Nursery, Inc. Squyres, Lee ..................... Tree Equipment Design, Inc. Stafford, Ken ..................... Triad Irrigation & Landscape Supply Stallings, Suzanne ............ The Plant Park Stanley, Ron ..................... Arborcrest Gardens, Inc. Stark, Vickie ...................... Haviland Plastic Products, Co. Starnes, Kenneth G........... Shamrock Landscaping, Inc. Steed, Kevin ...................... Town of Cary Stephens, Ted ................... Nurseries Caroliniana, Inc. Stephenson, Wayne T....... Stephenson's Nursery, Inc. Stewart, Jon ...................... Eco-FX, Inc. Stewart, Ralph................... Neuse Plant and Bark, Inc. Stiles, Jennifer................... Jennifer Stiles Stillwell, Kenneth ............... Carolina Seasons Nursery, LLC Stockett, Jr., Peter............. Gardenscapes, Inc. Stoffregen, Bill ................... Homewood Nursery and Garden Center Stoffregen, Joe .................. Homewood Nursery and Garden Center Stone, Kenneth ................. Ken's Lawn Co. Story, Larry ....................... Concrete Creations Stoudenmire, George ........ Low Falls Wholesale Nursery Stout, Ralph D. .................. Southern Seeding Service, Inc. Stovall, John S. ................. Archwell Farm Stowe, Jeff ........................ Stowe's Nursery Strayhorn, Sandra ............. USDA/RMA/RO Strickland, John L.............. Campbell Univ. Physical Plant Strickland, Linda................ Ag Carolina Financial Sudderth, Tom .................. Tom Sudderth Design & Landscaping, Inc. Suddreth, Lee.................... Long Pond Nursery Sullivan, Mark.................... Edwards Wood Products Sullivan, Michael ............... KPS Sales, Inc. Summey, Jim .................... Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden Surface, Richard ............... Surface Nursery, Inc. Sutton, Joshua .................. Impact Landscapes Inc. Sweatt, Joanne ................. Arcadia Nursery Switzer, Jack ..................... John Deere Equipment Sydnor, Frank.................... Sydnor, Frank Taber, III, George .............. Glen Saint Mary Nurseries Co. Tate, Mary Francis ............ Gardens by Design Taylor, Chad ..................... Blowing Rock Gardens Taylor, Dale ....................... Dale Taylor Farms Taylor, Keith ...................... Greenstate Landscape & Nursery Taylor, Linda J................... GardenKeepers Landscape & Design, Inc. Taylor, Marvin ................... Taylor's Nursery & Plant Farm Taylor, Nancy .................... Quaker Meadows Nursery Taylor, Jr., Richard B. ....... Taylor's Nursery, Inc. Teague, Edina ................... River's Edge Nursery, LLC Tebben, Jason P. .............. Arborscapes, Inc. Terry, Scott ....................... Super-Sod Trees Tesh, Phillip ...................... Tesh-Troxler Landscapes & Designs, Inc. Thames, Elisa R. ............... Ol Southern Blooms Thelen, John ..................... Landmark Landscapes, Inc. Theofanis, Gus .................. US Evergreens Thomas, James................. Cary Lawn & Landscape Management Thomas, Joey.................... Thomas Nursery Thomas, Lanny ................. Swift Creek Nursery Thomas, Larry ................... Thomas Brothers Nursery & Landscaping Co., Inc. Thomas, Rodney ............... Triad Landscape Supply 217 NCNLA Member List by Contact Name – as of 10/28/2009 Thomas, Scott ................... Smith Evergreen Nursery Thompson, Doug ............... Doug Thompson & Associates Thompson, Harold ............. Air-Ag, Inc. Thompson, John ................ The Cutting Edge Maintenance Co., Inc. Thompson, Matthew ..........Thompson's Landscaping Thomson, W.T. .................. Montery Lawn & Garden Products, Inc. Thrasher, Randolph ........... Greenbrier Farms Nursery Tidwell, Bo ......................... Tidwell Nurseries, Inc. Timmeny, Thomas ............. Ground Effects Landscape Design, LLC Tindall, George .................. Mid Georgia Nursery, Inc. Tinga, Sr., Eelco ................ Tinga Nursery, Inc. Tinga, Jr., Eelco H. ............ Tinga Nursery, Inc. Torn, Doug ........................ Buds & Blooms Nursery Torn, Doug ........................ Piedmont Triad Nurseryman Townes, B. ........................ Townes Nursery and Landscaping Townsend, Iris ................... Florida Pine Straw Supply Co. Trickey, David.................... State Construction Troxler, Steve .................... NC Dept. of Agriculture Trumpler, Randy................ Commercial Landscape Services Tucker, Robert................... Inside-Outside Tunney, Sean .................... Lazy Weekends Landscaping Turner, Karen .................... Cedarwood Nursery Twigg, Monica ...................Five Oaks Nursery Tyler, Dick ......................... Pine Knot Farms Ulrey, Robert ..................... Twin Oaks Landscaping Service, Inc. Underdown, Jennifer ......... Cameron's II Nursery Upchurch, Brian ................. Highland Creek Nursery Upshaw, Andy ................... Pleasant Gardens Nursery Uzzell, Matt........................ Carolina Garden Works, LLC Van Staalduinen, Carl ....... The Terra Ceia Farms, LLC VanDevender, Peggy ........ Jericho Farms Vandewalker, Wanda ........ Merritt Brothers Tree Farm VanWingerden, Tom ......... Metrolina Greenhouses Vaughan, Brandon ............ Toms Creek Nursery & Landscaping Vaughan, Stephanie .......... Carolina Bark Products, LLC Vogler, Meredith ................ Millstone Nursery Voight, Chuck .................... Guilford Garden Center vonSeldeneck, E.V. ........... Mantis Gardens Waddell, Betty Ann ............ Images by BA Waddell, Steve .................. Rountree Plantation Greenhouses Wagner, Mark .................... Tri-State Distributors, Inc. Wagoner, Bruce A. ............ Wagoner's Nursery, LLC Wagoner, Bryan M. ........... Bryan Wagoner Tree Farm Wagoner, Tommy .............. Fraser Knoll Wainright, Gayle L. ............ Little's Nursery of Greenville, Inc. Walker, Ann ....................... The Point Wall, Ronnie ...................... Gra-Mac Irrigation Wallace, Scott ................... Creekside Nurseries, Inc. Walters, Robert ................. Landscapes Designed, Inc. Ward, Jr., Larry A. ............. Ward's Landscaping & Lawn Care Warner, Richard ................ Gray Squirrel Farms, Inc. Warrick, Skip ..................... Scottree Watkins, John .................... Capitol Financial Solutions Watson, Cindy ................... Moon Meadow Perennial Watson, David ................... Watson's Nursery Watson, Jessie .................. Char-Lynn Plant Center Watson, Ray ...................... Cam Too Camellia Nursery, Inc. Weatherup, Scott ............... C&D Landscape, Inc. Webb, Alan ........................ Big Branch Nursery Weber, Roger W. ............... Monroeton Nursery Webster, Sean................... Webster Landscaping Westbrook, William ............ Fair View Nursery, Inc. Whaley, Susan .................. Town of Chapel Hill White, Andrew J. ............... Wayside Landscape Services, Inc. 218 White, Doug ...................... Well Master Cart White, Rodney................... Southern States Carrboro Wicklein, Matt .................... Meherrin River Farms, Inc. Wiederstein, Lori ............... Corbin's Baled Pine Straw, Inc. Wilder, William A. .............. Wilder’s Nursery Wilkerson, Chris ................ Tree Movers, Inc. Williams, Bradley J. ........... Williams Landscape Services, Inc. Williams, Daniel................. Southern Touch Landscaping, LLC. Williams, Mitchell............... Williams PlantWorks Williamson, Jennifer .......... Berry Hill Irrigation, Inc. Williamson, Joe ................. Sun Gro Horticulture, Inc. Willis, Jeremy .................... GreenSource Direct, Inc. Willoughby, T. Vaughn ...... Living Landscapes, Inc. Wilson, Chad ..................... Wilson Wilderness Landscape Wilson, Mike ...................... Jim KenAmer Nursery, Inc. Wimmer, Makel ................. TreeLine Landscaping & Nursery, Inc. Winborne, Jr., Ed .............. Fowler's Nursery Winn, John ........................ Allied Concrete Products, LLC Wisenbaker, Neal .............. Ecological Landscape Design & Construction Wollett, Jr., William L......... Golden East Landscaping Inc. Wood, Charles .................. Wood's Plant Farm Woodard, Alton ................. Woodard Pecan Nursery Wooldridge, John .............. New Hanover County Cooperative Extension Arboretum Wooten, Alfred .................. Quality Turf, Inc. Worthington, Mike ............. Worthington Farms, Inc. Wrenn, John ...................... J & B Herb and Plant Farms Wrenn, Mitchell ................. Wrenn Farms & Nursery Wrenn, Richard ................. Wrenn Farms & Landscaping Yates, Harry ...................... Yates Nursery and Landscaping Yates, Steve ...................... Town of Apex Planning Department York, Melvin ...................... Daddy Pete's Plant Pleaser Young, Bob ....................... Bob Young's Nursery, LLC Young, Tom ...................... Leinbachs, Inc. Zajovits, Anthony............... Z Enterprises Zboch, Robert ................... TBK, Inc. Zemp, Bob ........................ Growtastic Zimmerman, Robert .......... Southern Shows, Inc. Advertiser’s Index Ag Carolina Financial .............................................134 Buds & Blooms Nursery ............................................6 BWI Companies, Inc. ..............................................FIC Carolina Farm Credit ..................................................5 Central North Carolina Nursery Assn. Marketing Group ...........................150 Hortica Insurance & Employee Benefits ................14 Jake A. Parrott Insurance Agency ........................139 Goodness Grows in North Carolina..................7, 134 Lanes Creek Trees ..................................................139 McCorkle Nurseries ................................................100 Miller’s Groundcover..............................................133 Monterey Nursery, Inc. .............................................14 Old Courthouse Nursery ........................................100 Pender Nursery, Inc. ................................................BC Senninger Irrigation, Inc. .........................................99 Western Carolina’s Hort. Alliance. ........................134 NATIONAL BRANDS, HOMEGROWN DIVERSITY 1.800.942.1648 * FAX 919.773.0904 *