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Read PDF - Institute for American Values
TODAY JUNE A MAGAZINE OF THRIFT 1930 "Fulfilment" by Hal Field Leslie ASSOCIATION OF ARMY AND NAVY STORES, inc. ^ If ^ TODAY VTrV^ Published by Prize Story Winners Association of Army and NavyStores, Inc. 469 Fifth Avenue ^ ^ ^ New Vorlc City JUNE, 1 930 in This Issue! Fulfilment On the inside back cover of this issue of Hal Field Leslie "TODAY" are the results of our April ( Prize Story Contest. This contest brought forth so many fine stories that the judges selected two for first place, and mailed checks for ?fi25.00 to each winner. These from the Big Scrap minus two fingers of his left hand. At future. That was Betty. And she kept her job until three months before the baby calamity; but to Marty it was the end of a dream came. For Marty had been a violinistofpromisewhen he put down ]iis bow and took up a Springfield .... Since that day the golden the authors are to be commended for their excellent work. It is important to note that all stories submitted after April 15th will be held for the May Prize Story Contest, and decided upon on May 15th. The name of Whenjuniorwas ayear old Betty wanted to go back to work. She could earn enough to pay for the services of a maid and have a little left to tuck away....But Marty wouldn't hear of voice of his violin had been mute . . . . From the day Betty the winner and the prize winning story will be announced in the July, issue of Clausen had married that. So Betty stayed at Marty, she realized how home and carried on a lin thatneveragain would bigger, finer job—the bringing up of Junior, sing beneath his firm, square chiii. • • • Marty: promise of the deeply he loved that vio "TODAY." Do not forget! There will be a $25.00 who looked so much like Marty had a book keeper's job in a down Prize Story Contest each month, stories to be written by members or their wives. Kach story must feature thrift, or in some same square Jaw in ma turity, and the same town office. High stool slender, facile fingers . . . afterdaVjweekafterweek, two as time went on and and green eyeshade. Day way be linked up with our Association, and must not be over 500 words long. Marty got a raise or month on month—col umns of figures doing a . . In submitting stories, simply address them to the Editor of Today, 469 Fifth ilevil's drill before tired eyes Avenue, New York City. dreams .... God's pitjl Making fig f- * V • after their marriage, but she insisted. Shoulder to shoulder, building for the first glance this would seem no great stories are published in the authors' own words on pages 3 and 4, and we leel that liil t if Marty Richards came back . . . eyes that hi-ld that C(Mistant look <jf thwarted they managed toget along. But there was nothing left for luxuries or savings. Their onlv amusement was an occasional movie . When Junior was six years old Betty ures, abiding columns, just lor the want came upon him one evening with Marty's of a mere twofingers on a lefthand . . , . violin out of its case. Bow in Jiand, he ^ * iifii'if |1 1*1 Betty played /ut songs on a type writer. Marty didn't want her to work was trying to tuck the instrument be- neath his chubby chin, like he had seen Pagt One ^ Hdf Field Leslie fulfilment Bett\' heavy velvet backdrapes. He liad Marty called Marty to see. After a moment Marty turned a\\ ay with something like a choked sob in his Richards' clean cut chin ami Marty tilt; musicians at the movies do. The Firing Line By Pearl S. Evans Richards' slender, facile fingers. it r Winner, April Prize Story Contest • J unior! AW, Molly, "Marty—hush .... It's a pupils' ne- throat . . . . The pain of it had cut so deep that Betty couldn't bear to see the scene re peated—ever. She put the violin away on a high shelf in the bedroom closet and never mentioned the occurrence again. Hut she never forgot that haunting look ot pain in Marty's eyes .... And the davs went on, and the wear\f • grind of life .... And Junior was now ten years old .... Alarty wondered why Betty's eyes were so starry that night when he came hon\e from work . . . . Why such re pressed excitement in her bearing .... cital . . . ." '• Marty's face was white as milk. Betty"Hush." The violin—Marty's old violin—sang' Wagner .... Songs of the masters .... Rendered by a master in embryo . . i . By Marty Richards' son .... Marty Richards' son .... One among a score, hut head and shoulders above •all the rest in ability .... Marty didn't. ment, was con self, he suddenly .... Come—supper's waiting." debt for them?" \v a s a 1 1 S t o r e s' "Just able to swing the doctor's bill,'' he went on. After that . . . . Molly, his wife, put her soft cheek V "y against his rough one. Now she must tell him. The secret she and Dr. Benton had. Like Jim, Dr. Benton was an ex- checkspaid, Carnegie for them— Hall.Home service man. A near neighbor and de every cent! of music. Carnegie— w li e r e Marty might one day have stood if Sea of . . . . We wanted to voted pal of Peter's^ Only Molly knew surprise you, Marty •— J u n i o r hours of unselfish vigil at Peter's bedside. Peter's own naughtiness—sitting by the that no money could ever repay his and 1 . . .. him from ah attack of bronchitis into a Aren't you severe case of pneumonia. sometimes." Jim scowled. "Molly!" "Sorry, Jim. I was thinking of Peter. ' Molly's blue eyes were stars. She flourished the book at Jim. A bank book, full of small sums, which dated back to their early membership in the Association. "Not cross, Jim?" she pleaded. "See, there's plenty^ for Peter .... Dr. Benton s aunt in Ellenville wants him. With the crisis passed Dr. Benton fresh eggs .... At $8 a week he could stay a month and we could take him up and bring him back. Oh, Tim, aren't wanted to get him outofthe city. Quite you happy?" Jim s eyes were wet, shiny. Hisvoice fi-ankly he had asked Molly about their Happy?" Hap- o u n d Just'cause of that I had to be careful. Deceitful, maybe. Without you knowing it I steered you into Army and Navy stores—candy, flowers, books, clothes, dozens of things —salvaged receipts behind your back open window in his nighdes—had swung Has a son his age. And cows, chickens, happy?" faces all r so strangely listless in his little bed. of she'd say. a The Seven-year-old Peter who lay so white, "Associa- N a grass, upturned earth, arbutus. soft coo of doves. Bleat of baby lambs. "Of course we're not," replied Betty happily; Army and Molly smiled. "I know, Jim. Made you feel stingy. son to know the Spring fragrance of new "The lessons, Betty! .... Are we in Betty shook her head mvsteriously. "Surprise," rassed me." country boy him wanted Peter his Glad you quit. Embar trolley bells,shriek back. t i o n receipts. To save two cents. of truck sirens. A glow faded and the old tired look came going to a movie?" a pest. Made me ashamed askin' for scious of gasoline fumes, the clangof night—vou and I Junior? .... Oh, Junior is—with friends for the evening *' "Twelve years Forgive me, Betty, for forgetting . . -^j^Are we Jim grinned. "Yeah. You were New York apart : our twelfth! And we are going out to- tion?" standing at the window of his tiny e\'en hear those others that followed > And where was Junior? • . . • "Why, Marty, it's our anniversary— money ?" Jim Sutton, jovoLisly . . . . Bach—Mendelssohn— Marty's eyes were aglow with a fierce love and pride .... But suddenly the "Jim, 'member how I nagged at you till you joined the Army and Navy Associa us to get Peter out in the coun try. What about laid her hand on his. . . . . His son . . . . His son! . . . . book behind her. /A —doctors Xi A..... Telling financial condition. Benv". . - . Music lovers waiting .... py? .... Betty, I'm the happiest man in the workl! . . • •The dream 1 never When Molly told husky, contrite. him her secret they made plans. Now "Gee, Molly, you're the soldier in Molly tugged at Jim's coat-sleeve. this family. Right out on the firing"Come, Timsy. Want to show you line. W^iile I . . . . Afraid to ask for a .Slfiw'diniming ofauditorium li^lus .... \n cNpcctant^hush . . . • And out to tlie hoped to see fulfilled has come true-r center of the stage, out to Stand beside through my son—and you!" the grand piano where an accompanist Then Betty saw that that haunting, sa^ walked a ten year old boy with a thwarted look she had seen m Marty's something,'' she said. From a tiny few receipts. But from now on ... . vi<tlin beneath his arm and a boW in his eyes for twelve long years was gone, hand. Slender figvu-e sharply cut against Gone, she knew, forever. lockcd drawer in her desk shedug out a Say, Hon, where's that little book show small blue book. Mystified, Jim put out ing the New York Army &Navy stores? an enquiring hand. But Molly hid the Want to keep it in my pocket." Page Two Page Three 2^ , i- ?r" Thrift // By Helen Glithero Cowards Die a Thousand Deaths! Winner, April Prize Story Contest // Editorial HOPE somedayDaddywillhaveso much money that he'll give me all I want and I won't have to put it in the "Start-with-a-penny-cnd-\vith-abarrel-bank.'" It was Johnny who spoke—eight years old and just begin ning to sense the importance of mojiey in the enjoyment of the pleasures of the world. So far, it meant either an all da\' sucker if he had a penny, or an x^laska sucker if he had five of them. "How much do you think you earned cleaning the car for me just now?" I ar.ked him. "Oh, a hundred dollars, or five cents", he replied, with that large indifference childhood gives to matters considered so weighty by parents. He got the five cents. "To spend for anything you want," I said, and saw the deep pleasure light up in his eyes. ONCE Sdv/ a somewhdfc gruesome but very interesting one-act playet entitled/ 'The Valiant," Featuring that eminent actor of the his trophy. Instead, entered grown up John—not so triumphantly returning; from his daily attempt to supplement! his retired pay. ^ stage and screen, Mr. Bert Lytell. Mr. Lytell portrayed a con demned prisoner, about to be led to the chair. When asked by the prison chaplain if he v/as afraid to die, the prisoner replied. After his customary kiss, "Where's street?" 1 asked. With the memory of that reply, these lines are written. "He earned five cents and started out like a financier." Cowards die a thousand deaths—the Valiant die but once!" i; Johnny?" he inquired. "Why! didn't you pass iiim down the . 1 AllAROUND us we see men and^women, people in all walks A Or life. Some are called successful. The world pays tribute to them. They are looked up to as leaders, as geniuses, as wizards almost. Envious eyes are cast In their direction, while unthinking doubt—a growing anxiety sprang up' within me. After all, he was pretty small to set out on an investing tour all thousands confidently exclaim—"If I only had their luck!" on his own, especially since we live several blocks from the stores. \\"ithout waiting for hat or coat, I rushed for our ancient vintage Fordor, followed closely by a worried father. Away we sped down Marlborough scan ning every block for the little red wagon. Suddenly John stepped on the brake so violently I almost catapulted into the street, and with a rush, I -UCK?—LUCK! They mean courage. There'is no such thing as luck. There are opportunities, which when properly taken advan tage of, ook like luck, but take the picture of any successful man apart and in it you will see the First requisite of success. Courage' Courage to fight against dll obstacles. Courage to rise time and time again in the Face of deFeat Courage to lash a human brain and body with the re entless whip of ambition, getting preoarcd for the battle of life. The successful man fights all his life for success! The failures quit most of the time, even though opportunity knocks A moment later his speedwagon shot a weary and di^sappointed by the window where I sat mending in gathered little pilgrim into my arms. "Darling, the glow ing Hgl\t of a California sunset. what happened?" I cried, forgetting the on their doors with a trip-hammer. He sat alert, like an engineer at his scolding that should have been forth throttle except that one leg was thrown over the side to serve us a propeller. The sunsets are short in the semi- Do NOT couple money with Success There are great successes coming. who hardly have a dollar, and ghastly failures who are millionaires. "Mummy, T looked everywhere until I got lost. T wanted t(} find a candy It's never too late to try being3courageous, courageous, to to learn Ir- -- •to 'be a valiant,• rropics. The rosy hue.s turned purple; with a blue and gold Association [rrey twilight swiftly feu. \ nashed on store boat on it. I wanted to get more for my the kitchen light and started the simple preparations for supper. A step in the money." entry wav—and I turned expectmg to see a trivimjjhant J(jhnny returned from his shopping expedition gloating over deaths-the Valiant die but Ilearn that "Cowards die a thousand deaths- to once! C. A. Mahoney In spite of my scare, I was glad that he learned his lesson of thrift so earlv in k.. life. _«! Four it*'i " 11 ai I Mil ii ai II Vagabonding de Luxe By Francisco Lawrence 'E had been staying at the Hotel Pittsburgher in Pittsburgh for a few days, and still had a whole month ahead of us. the proprietor noting my interest , re- • marked that one of his ancestors had carried that gun in the Revolutionary War. In addition to a In a minute or two dinner was to tour down to Miami and served and after chatting with the proprietor and his wife for about an hour or so, we decided to retire for ,the evening because we wanted to start off early the npxt morning. the place over. Peggy It seemed as if I had been thought differently, how ever, for she remembered that I had promised her the year before, that I d take asleep but fiveminuteSjwheA I was awakened by a terri month's pay and a nice little nest egg that we had saved up, we had a tried and true roadster of the vintage of 1926, and an argument as to where we'd spend the remainder of our vacation. T gc^ntly hinted that I'd like ble noise outside our bed her to Niagara Falls on our next vaca tion. You know how we fellows are—we compromised—we went toNiagara Falls! VAGABONDING DE LUXE Fran CISCO Lawre nee ceeded along the north shore of Lake Ontario to Belleville and from there to few miles south, in Cornwall. Yes, that was the name of it. The Storm King Prescott, where we arrived quite late, Arms Hotel, right at the base of the big but just in time to catch the last ferry hills, just before you start over the Storm acf'oss the river to Ogdensburg. We King Highway to West Point. As soon <Jbuld have stayed overnight in Ogdens- as you could say "Jack Robinson," wc bUrg, but I knew of a little hotel in Canton,onlyeighteen miles away, so we continued on to Canton. ' I recalled—Oh yes, a friend of jnine we started up over the Storm KingHigh way, and enjoyed a most wonderful view ^^ck home was a graduate of St. up and down the Hudson River. My wife had never seen this part of the country Lawrence University, which is located there. In the morning when wewere on our way again, we passed the University grounds, and continued through Malone f'^Rouses Point, and then turned south'^Vhrd, until we arrived at Plattsburg. before, and it was indeed a revelation to her. When we entered West Point we noticed thecadets marching offin differ ent formations, some going to class and some others probably to drills. It was 'When I was in the Army I had never still the same beautiful, historic place. been stationed at Plattsburg, but some Wonderful trees, gorgeous grounds, mas room window. I thought all the animals in creation were gathered to of the fellows whom I had served with gether right under the window, each doing joyed seeing the place. The next morn his level best to make as much noise as were seated at the dining table, for we were as hungry as bears. The next dav sive granite buildings lending an air of had told meabout it, and I certainly en dignity, with a gorgeous settingof green ing we stopped at Ausable Chasm. hills and impressive mountains in the dis tance. Well, we left West Point and It possible. We both got up and looked out of the window, and there on top of .a ^^as wonderful to behold, the high sheer checked out of the hotel and packed our little shed just across the yard was the of "the roadster. Off we were at last on noise and crowing were concerned. , I'^armhouscs?—Mever again! Driving through Erie we swung alqng the lake towards the northeast, heading of'the river, and it wasa sight long to be couple of shows and doing a little win remembered! Continuing on our way dow shopping. At last we arrived back The morning we left Pittsburgh we got up bright and early, had breakfiist, bags and baggage into the rumble seat world's champion rooster—as far ,as a vagabond's journey, over hilland dale, enjoying the scenery and the cool fresh air. I'd been stuffed in an office for a whole year, and believe me I was going to get all the fresh air to be had on this tn)>! lunched at Franklin and just outside of Meadville we went through about inches of broken glass and •jagtred bottle necks and got only two fsatsl Gosh, it was great when everything was running smoothly, but believe me after I'd finished fixing the two flats and for Buffalo. We had a late lunch in Buffalo and then started on our way to Niagara Falls. farnihuuse in a town called McKean"Buard and Room for the night" said the sign, so right then and there we thought we'd try rustic surroundings for a change, and went in to makeiarrangemcnts for staying over night. The inside of the farmhouse \K'as quaint. Hanging ovt-r a mantel-piece 1 noticed a \ cry old-fashioned rifle, and we went through Elizabethtown and passed Schroon Lake, with its hundreds and hundreds ofcamp sites and cottages all filled with vacationists like ourselves. Then came Glen Falls, and from there we went to Albany. Across the bridge we That night we stayed at the DeWitt ^^•ent, for we had decided to stay at the Clinton Hotel. ^We were dog-tired, and the tripwasbeginning to tell on us, so we Clifton Hotel on the Canadian side. There, from theveranda, we could seeNir agara Falls in all its splendor. I had seen the Falls before, but it was the first time for my wife, and she was just enthralled-. That evening after dinner a series,iof changing tires, 1 was hot and tired. big searchlights illuminated the Falls Finally we got gf^ng again, and alxuit withgorgeous colors ofevery description. ten miles from Erie we came to a lovely w,alls of rock rising almost from the bed It was indeed a wonderful sight to be hold, and we both enjoyed it immensely. 'I'he next day we went by easy strides to Hamilton and from there to'I'orontoj where we stayed at the King F.dwai-;d Hotel. Toronto was a lovely city, fintt streets, good stores, and we were ri^ht in the heart of everything. Leavung Toronto early the next day, for we had a good sized trip ahead of us, we pro- Pa^e Six decided to take it easy the next day. We visited the State Capitol which was stayed at the Hotel McAlpin at New York two or three days, taking in a home again tired but happy. "Well," said my wife, "wasn't that a lovely trip? I feel a mite tired, but be lieve me, I wouldn't have missed it for anything." "Yes," I replied, "and when you come to figure it out, it didn't cost us too much either." "Oh, I know it must have," replied my wife, "Fll bet we spent every cent we had.'' "Not soyou would noticeit, I replied,laughing at her Worrying. "Perhaps you didn't notice that al ^"ight opposite the hotel, and mostallofthe hotelswe stay ed at I got a receipted bill then we casually strolled ^^ound for an hour or so be- from the cashier. These re ceipted bills come from '^^i"e starting south. Itseemas if we were on the home member hotels of the Asso '^tfetch now, eventhough we P'^t-e indeed quite a way h'om home, but I had been over this part of the country before and it was a I so familiar. From Albany it didn't take us any time at all it seemed,just a fewhours, }^'ien we pulled into Newburgh. We had intended staying in Newburgh, hut I remembered a lovely little hotel just a ciation of Army and Navy . Stores, and at least there's a lot of satisfaction in knowing that ex cepting the nigJit the rooster ruined our '^Icep, we had dandy hotel accommoda tions and a chance to enjoy our member ship privileges." "That's great I" ex claimed my wife, "but aren't you glad we went to Niagara Falls?" Pa^e Seven What They Ask Us Addition Wins hi By K. J. Walsh By T. A. Patterson Different Rates 60 or 90 Gentlemen: You have just returned one of my bills stating that it could not be accepted for Membership Savings because payment had not been made within sixty days. It was my under standing that we had three monthb> to pay our bills I'ut if 1 am wrong, please let me know as 1 do not want to lose future Membership Savings. Mrs. H. H. K., Evanston, 111. Gentlemen: I have noticed tliat we receive a lower rare of membership savings on purchasc.s from some stores than we do from others. 1 am curious to know why this is and why they arc not all the same. If it is not asking too much, I would like you to tell me. Mrs. J. F. R., Detroit, Mich. Dear Mrs. R.: The percentage of membership savings depends entirely on the percentage of Dear Mrs. K.: Your inquiry is one which is commission which we receive on your bills from frequently received from our members and we believe it is caused by the fact that we have two merchant members. This rate of commission, in turn is based on the operating profits of the rules which, due to a certain similarity, are some respective businesses. Therefore, the rate is low in one tj'pe of business, such as groceries, and high in another, such as furnUure. times confused. One rule, "D," states that in order for chargc account bills to be acceptable for Membership Savings they must be paid within sixty days of the date of the first itemized bill rendered. This is an important requirement since it is a part of our contracts with merchant members. Membership Savings Plus Interest Account Gentlemen: After entering the savings due on the enclosed bills, please send me whatever amount there is to my credit in my Membership Savings The other rule, *'F," stares that b^ls must be presented, or mailed, to us within uirec months of the date on which the bills are paid. 60 days- payment—90 days-presentation. Charge Accounts Gentlemen: Very frequently I have difficulty in having my bills receipted and returned to me bv the store's. \N'hen sending them my checks, Task to have the bills receipted and returneii to me but sometimes these requests arc overlooked. It then bccomes necessary for me to ask the mer chant for a duplicate bill which, of course, causes considerable inconvenience. Will you please let me know how this can be avoided? Mrs. S. S. W., Duliith, Minn. Dear Mrs. W.: Since we do not require chargc account bills to be receipted by the stores, it is not necessary for you to forward ypur mils to them for that purpose. Our regLiIatson T ex plains how such bills should be submitted. As you will see, you may write the date of pay ment on the itemized bills and send them to us at the same time you send your checks to the mer chants with theupper part of the bills. Thisshould eliminate any necd for requesting duplicate bills since the originals will not leave your possession Plus Interest Account, leaving a small amount on deposit sufficient to keep the account open. C, P. D., Atlanta, Ga. Dear Sir: We are enclosing our check for the full amount on deposit to your credit. This does not close out or discontinue your Membership Sav ings Plus Interest Account, since we do not close out an account unless we are specifically advised by the member to do so. Cancelled Checks Gentlemen: I have no bill for a recent purchase made from one of your stores but I have my can celled check which is enclosed. Is it acceptable for membership savings? Mrs. H. E. O., Tacoma, Wash. Dear Mrs. 0.: A cancelled check does not fur nish complete information concerning purchases and cannot be accepted for our commission. Such a check does not show the date of purchase, neither does it show the nature of the items pur chased which is very important. Undoubtedly, if you ask for a proper bill you will receive it with out delay, and you will then receive the Member ship Savings to which you are entitled. until sent to us for Membership Savings. Identification Cannot Join Gentlemen: A friend of mine who Is the widow ')f an ex-ArmyOfficer would like to join the Asso ciation but she does not know whether this can be done. Since I am not sure on this point, I would like you to let me know and if «lic can join, I willsend her application at once. B. G. Y. l-'ort Sill, Okla. * Dear Sir: We are sorry to say that although we can transfer the membership of a late member to his widow, wccannot accept the original memlwr- ship of any one who has not been in the service. From this you will sec that your friend not eligible for membership uml her applicaiion can not be accepted. Gentlemen: When making^ purchases from member stores should I identify my.self so that the sales clcrk can writemy nameon the sales slip - I Take 1, multiply by 1, you will still have 1. Take 1, subtract I, and you w'ili have none. Start again—take I, add 1, "Addition ^Vins!" You will have 2. These simple sums are just as simple us they were in those long ago happiest-of-all days when you were go ing—it makes no difference where you Were going, those were really happy days. Little by little you grew. An additional inch in height, a few addi tional pounds in weight and the little boy or girl of today was full grown. Addition had won again!! Regardless of the subject if we apply the simple rules as outlined above we Thousands and thousands of individual members have been added. It is indeed a very long road that has no end and one of these days tiiis sale of member ships at a dollar each will be o\'er. You. of course, are already a member ari.' should worry!! Think this over thougli —if it had not been for the member;, added in days gone by, you would no', be enjoying the benefits of membership. Addition won for you. Separately we could do little but col lectively we have accomplished some mentals ujion which we, figuratively speaking, build. Indeed, how many thing worthwhile. The Association's business is your business—a part of it being vested in each individual member. When the Membership Sale began, we had •passed through what might be called experimental stages. The ground times have you heard that very old nevertheless true adage, "Every little bit added to what you've got makes just a little bit more." hand'when your Association could grow a great deal faster. All the membership sellingprior to the sale had beendone by And so it is with the Association's business. Each new individual member is an addition. Each store or hotel added would mean very little if we had to consider it separately. It is when we method of membership selling was slow, must necessarily reach the same basic conclusions. The riiles are the funda tiiink of all of them together that the business takes on its real aspect. ^If the Association had 1,000,000 individual members and no member stores what gpod would they be? If there ever was a business where it is necessary to com bine two factors, it is the Association's. work had been done. The time was at personal solicitation. Frankly this costly and in an organization such as ours, it seemed to us as out of date. At the rate we were growing before the sale it would have taken us 360 years to cover the field. This was not entireh- our fault and certainly it was not yours, yet facts are facts. Regardless of the type and number of salesmen employed, there are many prospective members we could not see, and it was not their fault. They were on the road, out of town, playinggolf—take your pick as to where The problems confronting the Associa tion are just as easily understood as the they were when the salesman called. simple mathematical problems given And there is another prospective mem in paragraph one above. and must 1 explain why 1 wish to have a receipt? ber who had at the'time a very urgent Here is a picture oi our additional use for that $10.00. He would grab the inembership growth, opportunity to enroll at the sale price. yourself in any way when making jiurchases from member stores. There is no difference between a 1^16 7,000 Members 1920 20,000 Members 1924. 100,000 Members C. D. B., Boston, Mass. Dear Sir: It is not necessary for you to identify purchase made from one ofour merchant members and any other store. After making the purchase l)esure to obtain the casiisalesslip or cash register ticketfit, It is not necessary tov tlie ck-rks to write your name on these vouchers but >ou shoiiKi sittn them beforesending them to us for Membership Savings. Pase Eight . liili»itiniiii 1928. 140,000 Members ^929.J90,000 Members The objective ofour membership sale is to double our 1928 membership. Additional members; additional stores and hotels and then additional membersavings. Can the Association count on you for an additional member? One application is enclosed with this copy of "Today." Add a member today! Nine liiiiiliiiikliifii II Always Patronize Member Hotels! MJQW5 Ilimdnstoii, W. Vo, States .Indiaiuipons, Ind. Akrn'n. Oiilo The Purlagc Hotel Almost Intoxicated "It's great stuff," sez the ould Corporal, "Pay day night I drank two quarts of it an' didn't even "Two quarts!" gasped the John, "an* ya didn't even stagger?" "Hcck no," sez the ould Corporal, "I couldn't Railway accident?" "No, a fellow threw some tomatoes at me camp." "But surely tomatoes wouUln'r crack your head?" r "No, but the Sgt. forgot to .take the can off even move." L Couldn't Find Opener? "How did you get your head cut up that way?,- —16th Inf. News. them.' Cavalry, Jr. (returning from his first day at schooh; Nlorher, I don't like my middle name. Mother; Why, Sammy, what do you mean? Cavalry, Ir.; Tcacher calls mc Sam mule. from the Navy, has just come. You failed to give his address, tlease furnish me with his address immediately." His answer ran: —Cactus. Dummer'n-^ Suddenly tlie gas alarm sounded and gas masks were hastily donned, as it was their first g:is ' attack. habit of leaving their addresses. If you address a letter to your son in care of the Naval Prison, Mare Island, Calif., marked 'to be held until called for,' I feel sure that it will eventually reach —The Newport Recruit. But Can the Roughhouse ]>vt. >tcTish was a hi-avy sleeper. His corporal alwa)Shad a hard timegettinghim up for reveille. One night the thunder rolled and the lightning flashed. A bolt struck McTish and knocked him out of bed. He rose, yawned, rubbed his eyesand mumbled "Alright, I'll get up."—Ft. Snelling Bulletin. j, ... Otound ror Misapprehension Two Ethiopian AC mcchimics had evacuated their pUmcs, atid, while waiting to see if their parachutes would open whjled away the time with the following colloquy: "Ah suah hated to leab de groun' 'm de fust place." , 1 • "An Ah hates gwme back to it now. —A. Si N. Journal, Rickety Bench Capt. I couldn't serve on this court, Major. One look at that fellow's face convinces mc that lii-'s puiltv. lew moments' tense silence, the gas • corporal's muffled voice was heard: "Have ^'ou got your mask on, Sudhausen?" In a plaintive, frightened volccj came the reply: "Men deserting from the Navy are not in the him " ' "Yes, but I have the windows m the back.' "Dear Madam- Oh, Neat Salute "I'he Doughboy's Sweetheart—"You know, Phillip, 1 think it's wonderful how popular you arel Why, you're^on saluting terms with every one of the officers."—Music Master. Janiestown. N. Y. Jamestown Hotel The Breakers* Kilz-Carlton Hotel Baltimore, Md. SaTannah. Gn. Hotel Savannah l<exinsrton. Schenectady, N. Y. ISfadison, plane, piloted by I.f. Spuntlcy, went into a tail spin atul laniled with a crat^h.^^ 'Hey," yelled Rig angrily, you can't do that." Spuiitley crawled out of the wreckage, wiped the iv dirt nil u out KniK. of his II,.. .... eyes,^and glared jji"i-.ii belligerently. "Say bo," he snarlevl, "where the hcck did you The Stacy-Trent Hotel Washington, D. c jMinnii, FIft. Columbus Hotel Hotel Toiiralne The ^V ashington Hotel Mobile. Ala. Xew Parker Battle House Brooklyn. N. T. Hotel Margaret MoiitBomcry, Ala. Capo May, N. J. Consress Hall Miisicosee, Olcla. ChicB^o. in. NashTille, Tenn. •Worcester. Mass The Bancroft'Hotel Jerterson Davis Hotel Canada Hotel severs Tiie Shorelancl Hotel Co. The Stevens Hotel Uanillton, Canada Andrew Jackson Hotel Salle New Haven, Conn. Royal Connaught Nlapara Falls. Canada The Clifton Hotel Garde Columbus. Gn. New Orloans, Lb. Baroniie Apartment Hotel The Ralston Hotel PallBS. Tex. Hotel De Soto The Adolplius Toronto, Canada ' King Edward Hotel Windsor, Canada Prince Edward Hotel New York, N. Y. DnnTillc. 111. Motel Co 1HII s w nod Hotel Wolford Cuba Hotel (.Tumborland Detroit. Midi. Hotel Fort SJielby Riidirott Hotel Gotham Hotel Gr.incl Hotel Dalutli, M'nn. Great Northern Hotel Elmira, N. ^ ..i» aviators not to land, and was erecting it when a Wis. Park Hotel DoHton, Mass. A dapper, little undersized brother, black as night, stepped briskly up and inquired: "What kind of a looking lady is your wife?" Rig Nargupple, narrates an old standby, has a smooth field back of his barn on the outskirts of town and so many sky-motorists have been using it for a landing field that the crops are almost' ruined. So he painted a large sign warning Tlie Olympic Hotel Sprinirfleld. Mass. Hotel Clinton Trenton, N. J. Breakers^ Hotel liodniont Hotel Tutwiler Hotel ma wife." Hail, King Canute Mohawk Hotel Seattle. ITnah. Xrouisvillc. Ky. The Tyler Hotel Birminclinm, Ala. KI Dorado. Kansas —Denver, Colorado, Command Post< Ky. Phoenix Hotel I.oni; Bench, Cal. East St. Lonls. 111. Broadview Hotel exemption, "for they ain't nobody to look after Braeburn Apartments Fielding Hotel Palace Hotel L,a]cc Plarfd, X. Y. Stevens House* The Emerson Hotel Hotel T-.a San Francisco. Cal. Hole! President Atlwiitic City. X. J. Accommodating A very big gentleman of color was being registered, ".Ah cain't go to wah," he answered claiming M.O.- -Sh-h! That the "i rial Judge-Advocate. learn so much about gravity?" —& N. Journal Page Ten Hotel Lennox The Cavline' Hotel IMayfair Kiinsn8 Cit.v, Mo. Arlington Hotel Officer; No; I got those scars in France. After Atlniifu, Gn. An.sley Hotel Bim^iiRmton, N. T. Barber; Haven't I .shaved you before, sir? —A. & N. Journal. Can Read it Leisurely A certain yeoman on the West Coast received the following letter from a man's mother: "Vour letter, stating that my son has deserted Alliany. N. Y. The Dc Wilt Clinton Hotel Kinprs-Way Jnc-Icsoiivillr, Pla. J3ethlehcm Hotel Barbaric Relics St. Louis. Mo. Hotel Washington Betlilcliem, Pa. —Pa. Guardsman- Lucky 'Twasn't Jack! Koohester, N. Y. Hotel Seneca Hotel Pricliard The Spaldingr Hotel llnvniin. Cuba Hotel Alcazar* Hotel Manger Hawaiian Territory Mayth-i Wr«ihinston Hotel Honolulu, II. X Hotel Lincoln Hotel McAlpin Hotel St. Regis Aloxandor Young Hoti i Moana Hotel* WolcoU Hotel Hotel B\ Dorado Woodstoi'k Hotel York Hotel Rathbun Hotel Nlatarn Falls, N ^jorte Hotel Paso Del Norte The Niagara Hotel KI Pnso, Texas Hamilton Hotel Mexico Mexico City. Mex. Hotel Regis Norfolk. Va. Hotel Southland Krie, Pa. The Lawrence Hotel I'lint. MIcIi. , , , rtio Durant Hotel HaRerstown, Md. Y Oakland. Cal Hotel Oakland PelersbnrB, Va. Hotel Jeffer.son Panama Colon, R. p. Gran Hotel Panama, R. P. Internationjxl Philadelphia, Pa. Hotel* Hotol Adclphla Hurrisburg. Pa. Ritz-Carlton Hotel Th<? Pfiin-Harris Hotel piftflburgrh, Pa. Hartford, Conn. The Pittsburgher Oarde Hotel Porto Rico Arecibo. P. R. Hotel Baleares* Membersliip Snrinffs on Booms and Bestanrant (E) The above mrinber hotel* operate nnder the Knropenn Plan, and those hotels nixirUj-il with nu n»terl*k (") operate under the Page Eleven II I American Plan «h well. Important Rules McmbLTship S-.iviniJs cannot be obtained If ccrtain Purchases by members for other Individuals for whlcd rciiiiircmcnts cntL-rcO into under contract between this the member Is reimbursed are not eligible for Member* ship SavlnjSs. Association and Its Associated Member Stores arc not conformed to. The return of any bills by us is regret table. It means that you as a member, have lost the opportunity to save on your purcbasc to which you are entitled. It means also that the Association has lost commissions under the sale to which It was entitled and on which it depends entirely for its means of cxistcocc- Both the loss to you aad the loss to the Association c:«n easily be avoided If you will carefully sec that your qulrcments. ] (J) The name and street address ot the store must appedr 00 cacb bill or ensb slip. (K) Mcmbcrshii) Siivlngs cannot be allowed on charges for alteralions. rentals, rciiulrs. labor, storiiKc. Victor iiiid VIctroKi products, unless noted in our llsis of Hiorrs, in ilo bills. C:. O. D. vouchers, or cash slips conform to the case on liilcrest, taxes. Insurance, paeklng malerluls, exprcs.'^ following* regulations: parcel post and freight charges. Membership Savinfis are paid to members from com missions to be paid the Association, althoufih the Asso (L) ciation pays its members their Membership Savinfts In advance of rcceivinft the commissions from the Mer chant and Hotel Members. Therefore, Membership Savings cannot be allowed on bills submitted subse- Cilicnt to the time a Merchant or Hotel Member goes into bankrui'tcy or into the hands of a Receiver. Such circumstances are beyond our control and our contract is automatically cancc.llcd and commissions cannot be collected. However, before u Merchant or Hotel Mem ber is invited to join our Association, all possible pre cautions are calcea to assure oursclrcs of its Qnuaclal solvency. (A) I'lirrbtir^cM niiisi iH' made aficr ilic ilaia that your ..,M>ii.iiituii tor miniibi.Tr'liln was ucwptcd liy lUo Assotiiilluii I'f Becausc of the cxccptloos enumerated in para graphs D and K, an Itemized bill Is required (except where a cash register slip Is the only form of receipt Issued). An "Account Rendered" or n "Balancc Item brought forward" from the preceding month requires itemieatlon. (M) Mcmborslilp Savings cannot bo allowed on part pay ment of accounts. I$ills must be puid in full. Iiislallmcnc arcounts arc eligible for Mcmbersitiip KavliiKS (provided lli.o aficr iliial paymciii was due) uulcss oihenvisu apcciUcd under the merchant's IlsUiig. (N) Mciiibrrslilp SavinB« arc payable on spccial pay men ij (T) J'ltri'liasn mimt luivc bciiu iiiaiie Rubse<iuciil. ti> itic (if iK-yiiicm. In submliilUK lilll^i coviTlnn such accoiinis. I lie members should scud letter of exi)laDaiiou. (F) UilUJ. C. O. D- vouchers and cashslips must be preor nwilcd In for Membership Savlnga wlihlu three Tiie nierchaut mciiiljcr refers b.ack to his record of your sale atul cliecks over each blli. C. O. D. vouuhcr and cash I'lip. '["licrefore, the lUree months presentation rotiulrcmcDt is made I n r;ilrncs3 to our raerebant members. (G) Dills, C. O. D. vouchers and cash slips must have the date of purchase elcarly Indicated. (H) Endorse your name on each bill and cash slip. Uiibber hand stamp siiinaturcs arc not acceptablc. If the bill or cash slip Is not issued to the member or to his (O) supplies bought to be used for business purposes only. (P) The amount of purchase must bo clearly shown on the' bill, C. O. D. voucher or cash slip. If not clearly shown, please Indicate amount of pur-' chase. {Do not alter merchant's ngures.) • (O) Alterations or erasures ou uuy part of a bill or a t>Mh slip will retideri t void. (S) A blilor e.ish slip on the regular billhead ot ihonierr chant member musi be presented; ii few merchant memhersl reciulre a special form as explained Id theiisilnB Id our llata of' stores. (T) : Bills must have date of payment indleaied. Where store does not rctiulrc the return of your bill with your remittance the following endorsement on the bill by the member will suffice, unless oiberwise noted in our lists ofj should be endorsed accordinsiy, qualifyiaii the relation wife, but to a person entirely dependeat upon him. it l>aiil on ship- (Member's slgnaiure) F""" I^saniPle: •Tintlrely Dependent Mother " The purchases of tlie wife of a member are elitSible reijardlcss of any personal Income she may have. Please ndvlseus of any changcin your dependents and be sure that your wife's name is listed on our records. Only purchases made by a member, or his wife, or those entirely dependent upo« him for support are cliA'blc for Membership Savinfes. . ( (Amt. 5) „ It Is not essential to know your membership number, but this numberon your billsfacilitates our sending your cheek. | fV) Accounts must bemadein the namoof the member or' In the nameof a person regislorcd on our records as being, entirely dependent upon ihctiiembcr for support. 1. Patronize the stores thai are members ot the Association. The \ssocialion Is composed ofomccrs andmen oftheU.S. 4r„ - v-.^vv M'li'inc Corps. Natioiiiil OiuirU, Coast Guard. x' val Rescn'c'and cx-Servlce inc.. and 3000 lilKh-grade stores nn «.iPf-Lcd by them. Ml those who have ever been S? now irf n the Military or Naval Service ofitheU.S. . your nrsi ltomlze<l blli in case of chartse aocouijui. Its states or territories, TrBlninftCorps^Qtional such as the Army, Navy, Marino Corps. Students'Army Guard. State Guard. t;oiist Guard, ( oust and Geodetic Survey. Public Health Service. oRicerS and nun of the Re- a. Pay for purchase In the ease of charjfe accounts witbln 00 <liiyH ol the rcnderlns of the first biil. «prve are eligible to membership upon payment ofa rrtflstration foe of St.OO. This reglsirailoii fee is for llfo 2. Obtain a cash sales slip with your cash purchase or save •4. Send your cash sbIcm slips and Iteinlzc'i bills in to the Aiwiui'lailoii within 3 months of cluio u( payment. miHuf at!|i or lieinizcd biii. U. FuiuiUarixeyourself wldi the rules in all Daisuf stores. it applies to you. Vou first joined this Association because someone sold you the idea of thrift in purchasing. You knew that you'd save money by purchasing from member stores and hotels whenever possible. Unfortunately, however, many passed up countless opportunities to obtain small but regular savings, and have just waited for infrequent chances to get big savings checks. In From now on, keep in practice! Don't waste asingle oppor tunity to save even apenny. Don't neglect the small but regular savings by waiting for the bigger ones. Exercisc your member ship privileges regularly—save something every time you can— and alv^/ays keep a copy of "TODAY" near at hand as a re minder. "It's what you save that counts!" serve Corps of the Army. Naval Milit.a and Naval Rc- SbcrHlilp nnd cni ItIcs the inemher lo Meml.crship Savings on Wrchi.scs in mcmhor stores made by himself or persona entirely deni'ndcnt upon him.suehd(;pc'n<k'nis to he registered with us on our r.fcorrtH. Purchase.s rjust lie made and bills presented touslnafuorduiircwiili theruU-softhe AisHocialion. There lire nodncsor aawiamenisaiid the Inlilalregisirutlon fee v.liichla for life membursiiip uoo be saved uauy iluiesovct )n 11 very short time. Pd^e Tweke -*rri-i i WHO ARE ELIGIBLE li8clf as Indicated below. he practices every day for hours at a time just to keep In form. The same applies to musicians, and artists, and in a simitar way other words, all they have been doing is "belittlin"." (Member's membership savings Tlio obtnlninc of your Membership Savings is slmDllcUy ti, Sl-jn your niituc lu each LiFe is chock full of "reasons why," where practice inakes perfect. A clever juggler or magician entertains you for a few moments with his dexterity. Everything he (does looks easy, yet Meinbcrshlp Savings cannot be allowed on pu^ch.^sps of a commercial naiurc unless oiberwise stutcd lo our IIsim' of stores. A commercial purchase covers all materials nnd stores. followed by the member's sicnature. "It's What Vou Save That Counts!" final payment of sueli account is made wiihlii ninety days nrrauRi'uicnts proviiied the uicrchatii, ugrml to such iiiauiier to Purchasiemusi liavc becu made prior to tlaecsplratlon (laic of ilic contract with tiic merchant member. (D) Purchase must have been paid lor within 60 days of ([•lie of flrat Itemized bill rendered unless otherwise noted In oil- lists of stores {Installment accounts or bills paid on the deferred payment plan are, ol course, not alTectedby this rule) • Refer to Today --- Every Day Please have Itemised and return to ua Immediately any bill that we return to you because of the above re quirement. uho N;ivy Stores, luc.. -lOy Kirib Avc.. Xcw York. ,i «ic Uic couiract wlili ibc mercUanl member was elaucd. Patronize Member Stores and Hotels Please endorse correctly and return to us Immediate!^ all bills that wc return to you bccause of the above ref See list of Stores and Hotels in following pages CALIFORNIA MEMBER STORES AND HOTELS Kwman Lufigage Shop. Trunks. Bags. Suito-ises. Fitted C.iscs, PursM, Billfolds, etc. (Labor and Repairs Included.) 453 S. JBroadway, 723-5 S. Hill St. (E) Latin Linen Shops, Linens, Ready-to-Wear, Lingerie and Hosierv. (Alterations included.) 404 W. 7Lh St. . (E) A. _E. Llttlo.Co., Gift Shoj*, Gifts of Glass and Potteries. Lamps. J'urniture, Pictures, Art Objects, Leather Goods, Books and The names of merchants orhotels who have joined our Association sincc the last issue of this publication arc shown atthe top ofcacli important changes in the various listings arc frequeotiy made.) ^ l^st and :ilsoin alplwbctical order in their rcspectivc cities. Each memlxr should bo sure to loot OTcr the entire list in his owncity as Los Angeles, Gal- ALABAMA I {stationery, GI9 W. 7th St. BifminBham, Ala. New Contracts ETiorflon Shoe Co., "Honest ;\ll Through," Men's Shoes $6.60 87.50. also Hosiery. 303 N. 20th St. ' (E) Redmont Hotel (Curopsan Flan), liooms and Restaurant. (Savincs un llusLiurant to Guests only) Tutwilsr Hotel (European Plan), Rooms and Eataurant. 1903 2nd Anx. 1 wear, C2?'S. Broadway I 722 So. Hill St. (Efiectivc April 19, 1930.) (li) I Lundstrom-Stelson and Kno\ Hats. 226 W. 5lh St., 027}| S. . Broadway (E) Marshutz Optical Co.. Opticians, Optometrists, Cameras and ) Photographic Supplies, Hearing Dcviecs. (Labor, Repairs and (E) Dressier Hardware Co. Hardware. Houseware, China, Glass-"' ware. Gas and Electric Ranges, 1130 W. Washington St.; 857 So. Vermont Ave.; 21!) So. Western Ave. Cattle House, (European Flan), Hotel, Booms and Restaurant. (Liundry and Valet Charges included.) Montflomery. Ala. Jefferson Davis Hotel (European Plan). Rooms and Restaurant: (S;iviiigd un Restaurant to guests only.) (E) Opclika, Ala. Tlionisnn's Drug Store. Druggisls ; Paris included.) 5t8W. 6ihSt. (E) pchwbacher-Frey Co.. Stationery, Engraving, Leather Goods. (Effective May 0,1930.) (E) Dyas, Women's and Children's Apparel, Piece Goods, Luggage, .Sports Wear, Athletic Goods. Silverware. Bedding, etc. (Alter.itibns included). 7th 4 OliveSts. (Effective May 3. 1930.) (E) Fidelity Fireproof Storage, Storage, Packing, Shipping, Haul ing, 1S30 Ar.iphocSt. (EfTeclive May 0, 1930.) (E) (E) (E) Gifts, Greeting Cards, Kodaks. Moving Picture Cameras and Supplies, Cutlery. Radios and Accessories, Artists' Materials, Office Furniture, Printing, Lithography. (Membership Savings will be paid on purchases of a ljusincss characterproviding tha member is the sole owner of the business. Purch.'wes ma(re by partnerships or corporations cannot be cleared.) 730 S. Broad way Latin Linen Shops. Linens, Heady-to-Wear, Liiignnc and _• llwirry- {Altcratii'ns itieludeil.) 404 W. 7ih St. (Ellcclivc April HI. lf:50.) ARIZONA Phoenix. Ark. ishioga, Sixth & Broadway; 5522 WiUhire Blvd. (E) Fishing Tacklc, Golf Supplies. Cutlery, Novelties. (Repairs mcliidcd.) 609-011 S. Olive St. (E) and Slationery, Iil9 W. 7th S. (Eflcctive .\))ril1-1, !1J30.) (1'-). Los Angeles Furniture Co., Furniture, Floor Coverings and Draperies. (J^abor, RepairH and Altcratbns included.) 718-720-722 S. Hill St. (Effective April 19, 1930.) (E) (li) CALIFORNIA Ave. (E) Avc.; aiOS Shattuck .\\c. . Van's Service Siation, Tcx.ico Gas and Oils. WMliing. Polisliing, Grc.iaing and fjcrvice. (I-aborincludni.) Higiiland and Hownnl f-'ls.. one blockSouth (if Burlingamc Station, livings on Gas(>linc (C—); everything else (E) Chula Viata, Cal. ware. Gas and Electric Ranges, til)24 Hollywood Blvd.; I(i40 N. Vermont Avc. (Lffectivc May 6, 1930,) (j.^) Dyas. Women's and Children's Apparel, Picee Goods, LuMaee (L| Sports \\ear, Athletic Goods. Silverware. Beddins etc (Alterations included.) Hollywood Blvd. at Vine St! (Effective May 3, 1930.) Lntin Linen Shopfc Linens and Rcady.UwWwir. (Alterations inrludcd.) excluded) (See San Diego Suburb.) Ui Mesa. Cal. Darling's Shop, Florist, 214 W. 6tb St. (E) Dostal's, Florists, 019 S. Gmnd .•Vvc.; 2404 W. 6lh St. (Ej Coronado. Cat. tions included). *th&Olive Sts. Fresno, Cal. 183ti Araplicc St. amfs.or'ge! asaV&irc Blvd., cor. Cutaiina St. „ Breakers Hotel (European Plan), Rooms and Restaurant, Ocean (E) Maicnn HaBIbrc.Hoiisehold Linens, Handkerchiefs. Bags, Froneh^ WhU- PcHuuie. UM and Children's Outfils. Linaerio 'Woiiicu's Apparel. Blankets. Corofortobles. AutomoWIS RolS- Ciiiii«c Lounge. (Monogram Work included.) 2322 W. H. S. Crocker Co.. Inc., Stallf)ticr>'. (Merobership Savings on piir<-li iMCfl ijf a hiiHinwB charuol<>r only providing Uio incnilinr ia a,lie owner nf businiaw. l'urcli:usc« inadd by pjirtnershii® or (• tri>'>ralions catuiot l)c cletircq.) 125\V«i Broadway (E) 7tli Si", .. (W Antoinette Hogcn, Wonien'K Apparel and Millinery. (Lalwr and Alinnidiiim includwi.) 730 S. liowcr Si. tiSincludc;!.) Hol!y«'"Ki Blv.l. at Vine St. '^47M4?h ^ Clothes. (Alterations Included.) Morcom's. The Ho^ of Beautiful Things. Picture Framing. Pie ties. Mirrors, ^cial Stationery. Tiffany Fa^Tile Glass and Bronie. Larai». Greeting Cards. Distinctive Gifts, 1724 Broad way /g) New Stadium Garage, (3.;^oline. Accessories. (Labor, Repairs and Storage iiicludcil.) 320--12th St. Savings on Gasoline (C-): onStorage, Accesaoncs. Repairing andeverything else. (E) Oakland Hotel (European Plan), Rooms and Food. (Banquets cxcludcd.) 14(h and Harrifloti Sta. (£) Pioneer Laundry & Cleanlno Co., Lnundrj-, Cleaninc and Press (jj) (E) The F.Thomas Parisian Dyeing and Cleaning Works. Cloanino and Dycin;;, 2010 Telegraph Avc., Tel. Oakland 1030 and 537 (F) Thorst^ Floral Co.. 1438 Broadw.iy. Savings on Flowers ((3 )• Art Goc^s (E);3246 Grand Ave. Savings on Flowers (G—): Art Goods, Candy, Se^. Bulbs, Shrubs and Plante MIH Valley. Cat. Quality Laundiy, Laundry. 721 Miller Ave. & (E) Tracy Webb Studio, Portrait Photography. Miniatures. Renroductions, Photos. Work done in the studio orin the hotuc. (Labor indudcd.) Morcom's. 1724 BroaK (G- ) Rn®om Supphci". S?,Hospital andChiiirs Sick Hoom Elastic Stockings and Supports, Wheel rented and sold. (Hcnt.ils included.) 435 jgjjj Palo Alto, Cat. (K) Wethorhy.Kayser Shoe Co. Footwear and Hosiery for Men. Woffic^ awl Children. 6334 Hollywood Blvd. (j., (E) National Clly. CaL (Sec SanDiego Suburb.) .Pasadena. Cal. New Contrart f:?frsho<f"uStationery. 329 E. Coloradn tiir'r -ind I'lL' '••oods. Lamps. Hand Made I'urniReiniS Hep,'ira iiicUuied.) nil (Effective ' '• May Colorado 2, 1030.) St. (Labor aud (E) "r.ift lii •! Rooks and Stationer}*, 329 E. Colorado St.. i.'r... ' ."1'' l-ealiirr Goods, Lnnipe, Hand Made Furniture and ^eraving, 599e, Coloriido St. (Labor and Repairs iuclude^l.) Wethorhy-Kayser Shoo Co.. Footwear nnd Hosiery for Men; "Otncn .'Hid Children. 470 E. Colorado St. Oakland. CaL Ca.michcel's U-Drlve Autos, Inc.. .Automobile Rental Service. 431—1911, St. (E) H. S. Croekor Co.. Inc.. Stationery. (Mcmberahlp Savitsra on purcliastB of a biisineg.i character only providing tne member is sole owner ofbusineas. Putchasca made by partnet^ipe or cor porations cannot be eieared.) 023 K St. (E> (E) PIeBM^oa^^ur,Rido^«iJPagel2 • (E) Sacramento, Cal. Photographs, Miniatures and Copiia, 1501 14 A Fireproof Warehouse Co., Storage, Moving, Packing and Shipping (Labor included). 3400 Broadway (E) (L) Konman LuoQago Shop Trunks. Bbm, .Suilcasea, Fitted Cases, I'urscs Dinf"!''". Repairs included.) 15510 Hollywood Blvd. (E) Utln Linen Shops. Linens and Rcady-to-Wcar. (Altei-alioiio in cluded.) 0632 Hollywood Blvd. ().) ^ (E) Lundstrom-Stelson and Mallorj- Hats. 1205 Broadway, 1435 Broadway Dvas. Women's and Ch^ren's Appiirel, Pi,-cc GiK^.ts. Lu^agr, Wear, Athletic GoikIs. Sdverware. nrtlding. etc. (A tera- (L) Wllliard H Gflorae Ltd-. Furriers. Coinplcte Fur Service, Fur fo'it- -'i"irf« \Vr:ip5. f""" Cleaning, nemodelling, Rcjwiring ,(E) Long Beacti. Cal. DIvd. (E) mont Avc. Fidelity Flrenroof Storage. Storage. Packing, Shipping. Hauling. H. S. Crocker Co.. Inc.. Stufioncry. (Membcmhip SavinM on piirtliws of a nuBincaa charaolor only providing tlip fnemljcr mcmWi. ia is sntc imner of hiuiineM. PiirfliaEcs ninda by IHirtnerahiiia I or Lundstrom Hat Co., Hats, Cai» and Neckwear—Specializing in . gS and Electric Rangrs. 0024 Hollyxvood Blvd.; 16-10 N. Ver 'iXl 'C, Athletic Goods, Silverware, Beddmg. etc. (Altera- (See San Diego Suburb.) Kolstcr. Atwater Kent, Bosch and Sonora Radios. CTuninK. Rejaira, Rentals included.) 535—Hth'St. • (t) npoeislpr Hardware Co.. Ilardw.ire. Houseware, China, Glassware. H S Crocker Co.. Inc., Stationery. (Membership savings on nurchoses ofa business character only providing themember is sole owner ofbusiness. PiirciinsM ina^dc bypartnerships orcor md Electric Rangc«, 1130 W. Washington St.; 857 So. Vwmont Avc.; 219 So. Western Avc. . (L> Dyes Women's an<l Children's Apparel, Kecc Goods, Luggage. 1151 I'uitou St. (Kffcctive Aivil 10. Slfi S. Grand Avc.; Gasoline, Repairs and Storage at 022 S. Figueroa St. Hrocclor Hardware Co..Hardware. Houseware, China. Glassware, (.See San Diego Suburb ) 00J2 Hollywood Hlvd. IHStl-) Covey's Drive Yourself Service. Cars for Rent witbont Drivers; Angclea Sfl- La Jolla, Cal. coriniratiouii cannot Ik cleared.) (J.ubor and Rentals indudcd.) 3025 S. Grai:i| porations cannot Ik clcared.) C4fl S. Spring St.; 2S8 S. (See San Diego Suburb.) ^her makes ofpianos, allkinds ofmusicsil merchandise. Radiola. corporations cannot l)c clcared.) (£) Stiogelers & Rchor (with Smith ft Duane). Men's Tailore ofFine ( lothcs. (Labor. Repairs and Alterations included.) 39(^—14(h Dressier Hardvraro Co., Hardware, Ilonaeware China Glass Bedding Radios, etc. (Labor. Repairs, Altur-.itions, Storage, Rentals and Parts included.) 737 So.HillSt. (Ej Bullock & Jones Co.. Men's Apparel. Tailors. Clothiers and Furr nisliers Siocc 1853. C49 So. Hope St. (Cleaning and Pressing (E) Burllngame, Caf. Kohler & Chose. Musical Instruments. Ampico. Knabe, Fisher, is the soleownerof business Purchases made by partncrshireor HoUy.uood. Cal. BIrch-Smlth Furniture Co. Furniture. Carpets, Rugs, Draperies, Berkeley Hardware Co.. Inc.. Hardware, &)ortinE Goods. Paints, Oil ;ind Glass, Gas Rangca. Household Goods, 2IS4 University Treads. Ignition and Electrical Repairing, Vulcanising andRe treading, Storage. Wcstinghouse Batteries, AlemiteLubrication, 24th and HarrisonSts. (E) Hotel Oakland (European Plan), Rooms and Food. (Banquets excluded.) 14thand Harrison Sts. (E) Kodaks, Printing. Office Furniture, etc., 470^74 Thirteenth St • Now Contracts and Shippine. D^psey & Sanders, Goodycar Hres and Tubes, All-Wcalher 1749 Broadway; 18th and Telegraph Ave. (MemberehipSa\in^' on purchases ofa business character only, providing the mem^r (K) Birch-Smith Fireproof Storage Co. Houscholil StorjKe, Packiiia I'liiiiis, Uil ;ind Glass, Gas IlunRCK, liouschold Goo<is, 2!3.| L'nivcrsity -Ivc.; IHOS Shattuck Ave. (Effective May 2. Silverware, etc.. Ring Mountings, Jewelry designed and to order (E) (RepairsIncluded.) 1318 Broadway Pens, Greeting Cards. Gifts, Bridge Score Pads andSupplies Los Anfleles Suburb New Contract Borkelcy Hardware Co.. Inc.. n-.irriBi^ri', Sportinr; Gwis, 531—16th St. (E) Davidson&LIchtJewelryCo.. Diamonds,Watches.Wrist Watchcs. Smith Brothers, Stationery. Engraving. Leather Goods Fountain Photographic Su|)plies, Hearing Devices. (Liibor, Repairs and Parts iiicludcd.) 518 \V. Gth St. (Effective April 22. !930,) The Conn Oakland Co., Conn Band and Orcheetra InstnimentB, ing, 134!—63rd St.,Tel. Olympic 7000 Marshutz Optical Co., Opticians, Optometrists. Caincna and Berkeley. Gal. (E) Company. Athletic Goods, Guns. Ammunition. Fiirnitiirc, Pirtiirca, Art Objcc's, Leather GowIh.* llouks \\(>iin'n iiml CbiWrtii. 2-52 N. Ceiitnii .\v(;. (K) Sllverwood's. Hart. Schaffner 4 Mnrx Clotha and Men's Furn- A. E. Llttlo Co.. Gift Shop, Gifts of Glassand PoltiTiw, Lninps. Wrllinrby-Kaysor Shoo Co., l'o<ii\vc';.r and IlwiScry for Men, (E) JLundstrom Hat Co.. Hats. Caije and Neckwear—Specialising in eric-i, Hcdciing, Radios, ek. (L:ibor. Repairs, Alterations,'Storapo, Rentals and Parts included.) 737 S. Hill .St. Mobile. Ala. (E) iLos Angeles Furniture' Co., Furniture. Floor Coverings and i Draperies. (Labor. Rcpiire and Alterations included.) 718-720 Birch-Smith Furniture Co., furniture. Carpets. Rugs. Dni!>- iiikj on Ucstaurant to Guests only,) 20th St. and Gtb .^vc. <E) Wormser Hat Stores, Inc., Men's Hats, Cai*i, Tics and Gloves. (iicnovatioas Included.) •Logan, The Hatter, Inc., Men's Hats, Caps, Canes and Neck- j Birch-Smith Fireproof Slorafle Co.,Household Storage,Pack- , and :ind Shipping. (I-ihor and RcntalH included.) ^625 Gr.ind Avc. (Effcctivc April I'J, I030.) (K) (E) (Sav- (E) 15 CALIFORNIA—CANADA—CANAL ZONE—COLORADO—CONNECTICUT CALIFORNIA 16 Saa Diego. Cal. La Eoldrick Siioe Co., Slices for Men. Women and Children, Hosier}', 'J46riftli bt. (llj Bofdrick's, Shoes for Men, Women and Children, Hosiery, 6(li & c sts. (Deliveries made to La Meaa) (li) Casteiberg's) Inc.) Jewelry, Diamonds, etc., Granger Bldg. (K) Hamilton's, Groceries, 7th and C Sts. Tel. Main 3260 (B—) Harris Seed Co.. Inc., Seeds and Garden Supplies, 913 7th !St., Soil. Ices, 11-43 Fifth St. (K) The Owl Drug Co.. Drugs, Rubber Goods, Perfumes, Toilet Arti cles, Kodaks. Films.Developing andPrinting, Cigars, Ciprettcs, .Stationery, Soda Fountain, 4th and Broadway; 6th and Broad way: 30th and University Sts. (Savings only on purchases made at these addresses) (E) Rinehart's Cleanltorium, Cleaning and Dyeing. ICth and Market .Sts. Tel. Main 2112. (Gold Braid, Gold Stars and Repair Work on such excluded.) (Membership sasings allowed on all other UefMirs and Alterations) (J) 886 (Hotel and .\partmcnt House, Flat Work excluded) Stationers Corporation, (E) Stationery. Books, Office Equipment. Filing Dcvices, School Supplies and Drawing Instruments. (Membersiiip savings will be paid on purchases of a business ciiaractcr prnvitlinR the member is the sole owner of the business. Purchases made bv partncrshiia or corporationH cannot lie corporations cannot be elcarcd.) (B—) Western Dairy Products, Inc., Milk and Cream. (Butter, Eggs and Wholesale Milk excluded.) 1136 K St., Tel. Main 8111. (Deliveries made to National City) San Francisco, Cal. (B—) . Kohler and Chnse, Mtuion Repairs, Rentals included.) Ill O'Farrell St tions. Stoves, Frigidaircs, Upholstering. (Freight paid to all shipping points in the United St.itea.) 281 Geary St. (E) Household Drugs and Medioinee of all fcinaa, 384 Post St., Fitthugh Bldg.; 400 Post St., MedicalDental Gldg.;2501 Cali (E) John Brunlngs Optical Co., Optometrists, Eyeaight Specialist. Field Glasses. (Repaira, Alterations and Parts Included,) 523 Praaing excluded) "Durable Hubber Mate (Non-Skid), Factory Rcprcaentativea." (Ropiirs and Labor Included.) (Cleaning sad Century Garage, Garage, Storage, Towing, Washing, Polishing, Mason Sts., 500 Geary St. 406-408 Grant Ave. Chiila Visia, Cal. Western Dairy Products, Inc.. Milk and Cipm. (Butter, Eggs and UTiolcsale Milk excluded.) 1136 K St., Tel. Main 9111. (Deliveries made to Chula \ istii) (B—) Cosgrave Cloak & Suit Co., Coats, Suits, Dresses and Furs. (Altcra(E) tiona Included.) 31)8 Post St. cor. of Powell H. S. Crocker Co., Inc.. Stationerj-. Engraving, Leather Goods. Fountain Pens, Greeting Cards, Gifts, Bridge Score Pads and purchases of a business character only providing the member Is Clocks, Vacuum Bottles, Druabes, Combs. Stationery, Sponges, Ch,^Inois, Fountain Pens, Evr-r-Sharp Pencils.Soda,ConfectionRfy. Importedand DomesticPerfumes,PrcBcnptionaourSpecial ty. (The llexall Store.) 1110 Ofango Avc. (E) Coronado Dry Goods Co., Dry Goods and Notions, 1133-113" Orange Ave. (Purchases on which bankees are taken, cicluded.) (E) Coronado Fruit and Grocery Markei, Staple and Fancy Groceries. Fruits, N'egctables, Butter and Eggs, 1112 Orange Avc. Tel. Coronado58. (D) Crown Pharmacy, DniM. Rubber Goods, Cigars, Cigaretlpg, CItHikH, N'nciium Bottles, Stationery, Sponges, Confcctioncry, Ferfuincfl. ctc. I'rcscriptions ourSpecialty, 050 Orange Ave. (!•:) Rinehart's Cleanitorium, Cleaning and Dyeing. 1025 Orange Ave. Tel. Cnroiiado 128-J. (Gold Braid, Gold Starsand Repair Work nri such excluded.) (Membership sa\-inga allowed on all other Rpp.-iirs and Alterations) (,j) The Sanitary Laundry Co,,Laundry, 472 Sixteenth St., Tel. Main 8SG- (Hotel and Apartment House, Pint Work excluded.) (De liveries made to Coronado) (E) TheTaylor Studios. "GiftShop ofCoronado " ArtGoods Photo- ^=upplics and DcvolopinR. (Uhor included.) 1151 Oraiip ,\vc., i bo Del Coronado Hotel V/o«fornDairy Products. Inc., Milk and Cream, Wholesale Milk excludefl.) 1136 KSt., Tel. Mt^n uill (D^ liveries made to Coronado) ' j 8oIe owner of business. Purchases made by Mrtnerahlps or corporations cannot be clcared.) 565 Market St. and 242*246 Montgomery St. A De Urioste, Naeh Cars. (All iranBacllons leading up to, and the actual ealo must be made through Mr. A. Do Urioete, other wise Membership Savings cannot be allowed.) (.Alterations. Acceasories and Parts included.) 600 Van Nees Ave. New and Used Cars (D): everything elao (E) Fielding Hotel (European Plan), Rooms and Reetaorant, 386 Geary St. Fleldino Pharmacy, Drugcists. Rubber Goods. Cigara, Clgarettea, ('locks S..n Bottles. Bruahoa, Combs, Stationery, gnowca, ChainoiB, Fountain Pens, Ever-sharp Pencdfl, Soda, Confection- ery. Imported and Dome.itio PerfuracB, Prescriptions mr Specialty, 300 Geary St.cor. Maaon St- (t-) Qelber, Llllenthal, Inc., New and Rare Books. 336 Sutter St. (E) Rrnnat Bros.. Diamontla. Watches. .lewelry Designed and Mado Order. Ctimjiieto Optical ICnuipmeiit, Oiitometrists and Kyesittlit Spccialiate, (LOior, Repairs and Allprations included.) 231)0 Missimi St. C^) Rinehart's Cteanltorium, Cleamng and Dyeiog, 020 Silverado, Tel. La Jolia 777. (Guld Braiii, (iolil .Stars and Repair Work on such excluiied.) (Membership Bavinga allowed on all other.Repairs am! AlleratioMs) (j) Wflttcrn Dairy Products. Inc.. Milk and Crpam. (B'lllcr. Krm and Whf>lcBal« Milk excluded.) 1138 K St„ Tel. Main Bill. (B—) CANADA ^Lundstrom Hot Co., Ilafs. Caps and Neckwear—Ppecializiog ^ in Lund8tro^|.^^letson and Knox Hats. Factorv and General Officcfi.434 4th St.. lt20Mnrkct St., 2040 Mission St.. 20Tlurd St., 720Market St., 1457 FillmoreSt.. 167PowellSt., 72 Market St., 800 Market St. (E) Magasin de Blanc (The Linen Shop). Exclusive fine household (E) Malson Adelaide, Women's Wearing Apparel, 287 Geary St. (E) Joseph Magnin Co.. Women's Specialty Store. Women's Shoes. Everything for Women from Shoes to Millinery, Stockton at . O'Farrell ' • (E) Montreal. Canada Keuffel&EsscrCo.,Matiiematieal Siirvf.i-i„.,. i n • tnenls, 5 Notro U.->me. (McShio^«5in^^ purchases ofa business character nrovidin®^ " ^ solo owner of tho buaioess. iCch^M made hv •- St.,2146 Mission St. between 17th A 18th St. (U) McMahon & Keyer, Tailors, Dcaigncra nnd Makers of Men's : Clothes—Good Clothes—Suita to orderfrom $65.00 to 5100 00 St. Hotel Fielding (Euroi>e8n Plan). Rooms and Restaurant, 386 Geary St. ^folltg(ln1orv ^'' Edpli-^. Jonesctc., Hardware 4 ToolM.Co., Hardware, Toola, Electrical Su^, li'lii Market JoRKihB I'lwM a-Vi Grant Avc. Sivmg" on ArtGoo'ii andFloral Tolegrapli Delivery Ordrrfl O'-): On I'lowers and Kverylhing ' Kel'loher A Browne—The Irish Tailors. Tailors, 718 Market St. (Since 1900) ' (E) Src Our Lint of Mrmbrr Hotela on P.i^n 11 . corporations cannot becleared.) TraeineOoih^n^M"®™!, Niagara Falls. Cannfia •me Clifton Hotel (European Plan). Rooms and ReafaiimnJ (Coupons or Recoipts sent in by Tourist •\cenciea (Open only from May 15th to Oct 1st) e^ciud^)^ Toronto, Canada King EdwanI Hotel (European Plan). Rooms and Restanrmf •' 119-121 Kcaroy St. (g) .Eugene S. Miner, Automobile Machinist—all kinds of Automobile f •- Repairing, 1540 Buati St. (£) Mooro. Hart, SehiifTner it Marx Clothes, Youths' and Young Ci^) Windsor, Canada • Men's Suits and Overcoats, .Stetson Hats. Manhattan Shirts, Hosiery. Pajatnas. Neckwear, Sweaters, Underwear. Haber- Hnahcry—Pu" Dress Accessories. (.Alterations included.) Two • Stores. HI Kearney St.. 810 Market St CANAL ZONE (E) Palace Hd®' (European Plan). Rooms and Food, Market and New . Monlgomery Ancon, C. 2. (E) (SeePanama) Balboa, C. 2. (Sea Panama) pgL. Certified and Pasteurised Grade "A" Milk. 3770 - Kstnnrtoloh Su5) 1 and^hiPP E. A. Portal Storage Co., Eaiabliahed 1808. (W. L. Corbett, St., Tel. West 828, Storage, Moving, Packing Radios and Supplies, Phonographs, Movie Cristobal. C. z, (See Colon) ' ^ (Repairs and Rentals Included) (Trade- • £';Sde&»« •" "•» «=' uundry,LMrfT. "»»T«tkSI.,T.I.793(E) Infants' and Children's Outfits; Lin^prip Women's Apparel. Comfortables, te'chaUo l!i.Sngr(MonO0ram included.) Automobilo 615 SutUr t furnUhed under Government Contracts ' McDonald & Collott Co. Makers of Fine Clothes. 156 Powel! n,.....!.. luinicnn rifi Blanc. Househo d Linens, HanakcrctiiefB. Bnga, >Wt^K^neltfes Perf^ (F) Hamilton, Canada Dairy Co., "Creamy Milk with Service," Milk. Cream, Hotel Palace (European Plan). Rooms soil Food. Market and New La Jalla, Ciil. PI i;Ayc (E) Supplies. Printing. ()fiice Furniture. (Membership savings on Coronado, CaU Central Drug Store, Drugs. Rubber Goods, Cigars, Cigarettes. (f>livcriw made to La Jolla) (E) Kearney St. "Cleaning Works,Cleaning and Dyeing, 16^ Second Avc. Tel. San Matco 810 (E) linens and laccs, yard goods, handkerchiefs, etc. 395 Sutter St. C. G. Conn. Ltd., Conn Band and Orchestra Instruments, 47 San Maleo. Cal,. tians. Rubber GooiIb. Toilet Articles. Eastman Koilaka, Per- Cityof Hankow Tassel Co., Chinese Art Goods, Basketsand SUks, San Diego Suburbs Veselablcs, 2204-96 FVI^ San Jose. Cal. fumea. Cigars. Cigarettes and Candy. (Agents for Owl Drug (E) Company products). Cor. Sth .Ave. and Clement St. Wetherby-Kayser Shoe Co. l''ootwear and Hosiery for Men, Women and Children, 1151 Sixth St. (E) chases excluded.) "mSt fcS'cf^T'"'^' ; and Candy. C^or. Eddy and Mason Sis.. Cor. O'Farrell and :• 4545 Geary St.. Tel. Douglas4020 both branches. (Wood pur fmi f I (Latmr and Repairs and induded.) Mezzotints.312Domestic Imported. Stockton and St. ,]^owln Drug Co., Park Presidio District, Genera! Drugs. Prescrip- ' Wholesale Milk excluded.) 1130 K St. Tel. Main 0111 (E) Scenery, Art Goods. Paintincr Toilet Articles, i-jstman Kodaks. Perfumes, Cigars, Cigarettes City Coal Co., Coal. Savings 60c per ton. 100 Brannan St. and Western Dairy Products, inc.. Milk and Cream. (Butler, Eg^ and .Instruments, Hospital pndChiiri Sick ICoom Supplies, "iP,Elastic Stockinra and Supports, Wheel rented and sold. (Rentals includ^.) 429&tterSt. " and Leather Gnoda. Exclusive Agents for Indeatructo Luggage, (B—) (E) andDyeing, 27lOih St.. 136 Powell St.,266 SutterSt, 1453 polk St, 955 Fillmore St., 2557 Mission St. Tel. Hemlock 0180 connecting all branches. /pj 1700 Mission St. cor. Duboce 'Main Store,884MarketSt., also638MarketSt., 566 Markei St. ' i' (Repairs. Labor, Alterations and Parte included) (E) ,Lowln Drug Co.. General Drugs, Preflcriptions, Rubber Goods. (E) Carmlchael's U-Orive Autos, Inc., Automobile Rental Service. 64 Seventh St.; 335 Jones St.; 36 Fell St. (E) The F. Thomas Parisian Dyeing and Cleaning Works. Cleaning ;,jAve. (E) fl. & J. Levin. Everything in Traveling Goods, Trunks, Suitcases' C75Pc«t St. (Gasoline and Tires escluded). Storage and Eervice. (Repairs included) (E) cleared.) 0.52-D54 Sixth St. (E) . i l/imbcrt Duo Tread.i and Cushions—Tires. Tubes, Vulcaniiiog, (E) Bullock & Jones Co., Men's -Apparel, Tailors. Clothiers and Furniahera Since 1853. Post St. and Union Square. flamiin. nnd Chickering, and .11 other makes of pianoe, .ill kinib of muaicil merchandise. Radioi.-j, Kolatcr. .Atw.iter Kent, Bosch and Sonora Radios. (TuninK, Lambert Sales Corp., United States Royal Cords and USCO Tires, Broemmels Prescription Pharmaoles, Prescription Specialist, fornia St. Tracing Cloth and Mer chandise furnished under Government Contracts eicluded. (E) Kohler & Chaso. Musical Inatrumcnte, Ampico, Knabe, Fisbcr, j Braeburn Apartments, Aprirtments, 661 Sutter St. (E) John Breuner Co.. Furniture. Carpcts. Ruge, Draperies, Decora Post St. The Sanitary Laundry Co., Laundry, 472 Sixteenth St. Tel. Main purch.iscs ofa tosinesacharacterproviding the member iatheaole owner of the business. Purchases made by partncrshipo or Saiional Cily, Cal. Ijciween Broadway and E St., 840 Market St., between 8th iiml 'Jth Sts. Savings on Lawn Mowers (B—); everytbing cUo (E) Ingersoll Candy Co.. Candy, Confcctioncry and Heslaiir.inl. KeuFfel & Esaar Co., Mathcmatiwil, Surveyingand Drawing iMtrumenta, 30 Second St. (Membership Savings will be paid on Cal. Western Dairy Products, Inc.. .Milk and Cream. (Butter. Iwi anil Wiioli'sale Milk excluded.) 1136 K St.. Tel. Main 0111. 17 COLORADO .Denver. Colo. ^rus^^'X^t^Bts*' Mnt Slchel-a. Furrier (Remodeling. Alterations and Repairs included) S'ngVJCo..^Orien{al -Art Goods, S. W. Cor. California St. and Grant Ave. . t- i • "Robert A. Smith Inc.. Automobile Dealcra. Exclusive Dealers • (^'hpvrolet Cars. (All transactions sale of cars eilhor new or used, must be Horace S. Dawson. 3D1 Golden Gale Ave. and receipted bills must bear this indication.) 301 Golden Gate \\i., Neai Avr.: 2870 Misniou St.; 1-l lfi Market St. f-avmgs on Cars i and titiiicp,) (B—); on .\et:i-'SFrtriea C'-) TomplB_ Garage. S^Tvlcc.Stor:ige. Oil, Tires, Supplies, C44 Geary ' St. Sa\iDgg on.Gasoline (D): Everything else (E) 1640.ArapahoeSt Varnis) :?, Materi'(t.; ,)f, CONNECTICUT Bridgeport, Conn. Harry Barsky, Photographer, 36t) Golden Hill St. (G—) 'ancis E. Beach, Radios umi Rjtdio Supplies, Orthophonie VicEhiclrolfts. Party J'avors. Agency Denniaon's Ofods, .'-'D Main St (Labor, Repairs, Alterations. Rentals aud Parts mcludvd.) (li) Francis E. BMCh. Athlclie Goods. Bieyclefl. Toj-s. Games, Air- plaiie .Mo.iiila and Supi,lies. Fireworks. 17 P«t Office Arcade. (Labor, Repairs, Alterations and Parta Included.) (E) Plea»«^«®^0ui^^Rulg»jDn^a«l2 Lkit.' ^ i ir • CONNECTICUT IS F W. Behrens Co., Inc., Mcuta,. Groceries. Vegetables, Fruits, Cheese and Delicatessen Goods, 192 Fairfield Avc. (B—) Bridgeport Auto Tiro Co., Goodyear Rires. Tire Repairing. Amoin-ibile Accessories (Labir, Repiirs, Alterations, Stornge and P.iris iiicladed). 391 ['airScld Avc. (E) Crescent Avenue Garage and Dick's Repair Shop, Automobile Accessories. G;if<o!inp, Oil. Repairs and Garage (Uibor. Altera tions. Sloracc, Rentola and Parts Included), 71 Crescent .\vc. Savingson Gasoline(C—); Everything Eiae (E) The Davis & Hawley Co., {Established 1838.) Jewelry, Diamonds. Watches, Silverware, Mark Cross Lervther Goods, Wedding Stationery. Optical Goods. (Repaira included, except on V.'atches ;inJ Clocks.) 966 Main St. (E) Davis & Savard, Inc., Men's and Boys' Clothing, Haberdashery. Shoes and Hats, Women's Shoes, lllSMaiuSt. (E) Emerson Shoe Co., "Honest All Through," Men's Shoes, SG-50 and §7.51). also Hosiery, 1152 Main St. (Labor and Uepiiira ineliidi-ti) (E) Bonjatnin Feiman, Furrier and Women's Tailor. (Libor, Repairs. Alterations ;;nd Storage included.) 23 Post Office Arcade Balconv (E) General Library Co., Stationer}-. Books, Office an<I School Supplica. 172 Fairfield .Ave. (E) The Hadley Co., Furniture, Rujs. Carpets, Draperies, Lampe, [{udios, Sivuge Washina Machines, Gas and Coal Ranges, fic-rricerators. Stoves. (Labor, Repairs, Alterations, Storage (K) im'l Paris Inchidetl.) for. Broad and John Sis. Hankc. Inc.,'Men's Clothing, Habcrd.nshery, Knos ami Boraalino Hals, 1012 .Main St. (E) The Harvoy and Lewis Co.. Optical Store, Pliotographie Supi)lies (Labor ami Repairs included). Il !8 Main St. lE) The Hayes Fish Market Co., Fisli, Meat, Groceries. \'egctabicfi and Fruit. 202 Fairfield Avc. (D—) James Horan & Son, Florists and Nursery. 939 Main St.: 194! Fairficici Ave. (Laticir included.) Telegraph Delivery Orders (E); Everything else (G—) The Lindquist Hardware Co., n.irdffarc. Garden Tools, Building Hanlw-arc. Higli^radc Tools, 383 Fairfield Ave., 256 Cannon St. • (£J Lynge's, Inc.. Cleaners and Dyers. Main Office 500 Rnc St. Branch Office 430 State St. (Labor, Repairs, Altcratioua and Storage Included.) (E) Neuss Floor Coverinfl Shop, Ruga, Carpcta, Linoleum, Window Shades, Curtains and Draperies. (Labor, Repairs and .Alterations included.) 9711 Broad St. * (t;) Rockwell & Co.. Apparel for Women, Misses Girls and Infants, .Shoes for WoiHcn and Children, Millinery, Furs,Gift Novelties, 'Toilet Articles. 1138 Main St. (E) M. Stelnert & Sons Compan)r. Steinway, Stcincrt, JcwcH, Woodbury. Curtis, Berkshire Pianos, Player Pianus, Aeolian DuoArt" Reproducing Pianos and Music Rolls: Victor Orthophonic Victrolas and Orthophonic Records. Radios. (Labor, Repairs, .\Ucrations. Rentals, Tuning included.) (Trade-ins e*riiidc<i.) 1022 Main St. Savings on Automatic Organs (A); everythiog else (E) CONNECTICUT Desco Cleaning Co.. Dry Cleaning, 03 Myn St. (G—) EmplroLaundries, inc.. Laundry, 280-300 Sheldon St., Tel. 2-5221; WAllynSt. (E)::' The Freeman Church Co., Men's and Boys' Clothiers, Exclusive Hartford Agent for "Rogers Peel" Men's Clothes, 34-38 Asylum-St. ConnecllcutFurriers, Furriers,(Labor,Repjurs,Storageand Alteraliona Included) 70 West MainSt. (E) H. J. Donnelly Co.(Boston Store),DepartmontStore, 208-2I0Main St., nt Court (jj) Globo Clothing House, Inc., Men's and Ho>-s" Clothing. Haber- dnshrry. Hats and Shoes. Hart, Schaflner & Marx and Michels Mcrn Erncrsoa Hata, Ncttlctoc, Bannister and Ralalon (E) Gallup & Alfred. Inc.. Pianos. Phonographs, Radios, Records and Music. (Labor, Repairs, Rentals and Parts Included,) (E)it 201 Asylum St. Qarde Hotel (European Plan), Rooms and Restaurant, Asylum sod High Sta, Shoea. Cor. Mam and West Main Sts. (E) The Harvoy &Lewis Co., Opticnl Store, Photographic Supplies, (Labor and Repairs Included.) 85W. Main St. (E) (EX;i Hamilton Silk Shop, Silks, Velvets. Woolens. Drew Goods. Cur tains. Draperies and Domestics, 945 Main St. (E) .i The Harvey & Lewis Co., Optical Store. Photographic Supplies. (Laborand Repairs Included.) 852Main St. Cor.State St. (E) The Luke Horsfall Co., Men's Clolhca, Hats and Furniahings, French, .ShrincrA Urncr Shoes. (Labor, Repairs and Alterations Included.) 93 Asylum St. (^)\\ Hotel Garde (EuropeanPlan), Roomsand Restaurant, Asylum and High Sts. (E> Merlot Salon de Coiffure, Beauty Parlor, 87 Pratt St. (E) • R. G. Miller & Sons, Inc., Dairy Products, Milk, Cream, Butter. 151 Earl St. (B— Edwin Valentine Mitchell, Inc., Books, 27 Lewis St., 09 Pratt SL (E) , Morans. Haberdasher and Military Goods, 8C9Main St. (E) Ogdon, Phot'igrophcr. (T^-tbor. Repairs and Alterations Includcl) 69 I'ralt St. (Labor, Rcp.iirs and Alterations included.) 444-44G Main St.! 160Main St. (E) R- G. Miller & Sons, Inc., Dairy Products, Milk, Butter and Cream, 84 Greenwood St. (B—) Tho Parlor & Dyson Co.. Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Crystal and Fine Cbin.'jware. leather Goods and Novelties (Repairs included.)64 Main St. (E) Sloan Bros., Family Shoe Store, Fine Footwear for Men, Women and Children. (Repairs included.) 01 W. Maiji St. 260 Arch St. and 72 West Main St. (Tel. 904) parlnershiiis or corporationscannot be cleared,) 10Ford St. (£) William H. Plummer, Inc.. China, Glaaawarc, Crockery and. Bachrach, Inc., Photographers, 275 Orange St. (E) Safle-AlJen & Co., Inc., Apiwrel for Women, Misaea, Girls and,:. Infants; Fashion Accessories, Silks, Dress Goods and Linens; Furnishings for Men, Domestic Carpets, Rugs, Oriental Rugs, Radios, Fabrics, Furs, Boys' Clothing, Toilet Goods, Leather Goods, Notions, Blankets, Linoleums, Draperies, Gift Furnlturo (Labor, Repairs and .Mter.ntions incluiled) (E) Shoor Brothers. Inc.. Furniture, 106 Trumbull St(L) Squires West Hill Grocery, Groceries. Meats. Fruits, Vegetables. Provisions. (Sugar excluded.) 763 Farmington Avc., West Hartford. Tel 4-1280 (Weat Hartford) (B—) Thomas & Hanmor, Inc. (sec listingunder East Hartford). The Tracy Robinson & Williams Co., Hardware. Tools, Ganicn Implements, Paints. Ammunition, Fishing TackIc, Full line of AtiJetic and.Spoftine Goods. (Repairs included.) (White Lei:<l, Oils and Turpentine excluded,) 279 Asyium .St. (K) and Linoleume, 779Chapel St. (Labor and Repaira Included.) 849 Chapel St. (E) Hotel Garde (Europ<an Plan.) Rooms and Restaurant. (Banflueta by Org.mizationa excluded.) (Coupons or Reccipia sent Millinery, Fur Costa andScarfs, 783 Chapel St. (K) (E) AUeralii.ns and Parts lacluded). 529 Ann St, ' (g) Savard &Smith, Inc., Men's and Boys' Clothing, Haberdashery The Battey Shoe Store, Inc., Shoes, 1023-7Main St. (E) ConnecticutFurriers. Furriers (I^abor, Repairs, SlnrJigcsnd Altera tions Incluficd.) fil)-lt2 fhiiTch St. (Ej New Britain. Conn, Coombs. Florist, Cut Flowrrfi nii<i Plants, 711 Main St. (offici-V rfrtN-ntiouse i'laiit No. 1, 112 Benton St.; Greenhouse Plant No. 2. 215 South .St. ((3—) iforshcim Shoes, Furniahings, Boys' Outfitters, 91-95 Church and Hats, 8 Colony St. W TTi« Ball Tire Co.. Gasoline ami Oils, Tires, Tul)C8, Batteries, Brske Lining .Service, Bnllrry "epairing (f.nbor and llepairs Included) (Trade-lns-excludefl.) ti28 Park St. GaselloB and Oil (C—); everything else Savings on (E) • mpb^DcS" Orders (E): Everything else (F) SresB Ave.. Tel. Liberty 2123; 151 Dbwell E. SchnanhDfnor A Sons, Groccrles and Meats, 360 State St., Tel. Shallett's, Inc. Cleaning. Dyeins a/id .'Uterations Included.) 165 Park St. Ladies Shoes and Hosier}-, Men's and Boj-s'Hats, 134 State it (E), A Dye'nS Co.. Cleaning and Dyeing, Rug A Hoiuehold Alterations included.) Renovating, 2-6Montauk etc. Ave., (Labor, lIMainStRepairs and (E) V.«o,.bta. ^"1" Thames?'' r-/"®-' Savings on Ice (E): On Coal and Wood Motor Co., Inc.. COMPLETE ONE STOP .SFRV^ (Ulw, Rentals and Parts Included), 280 Bank St, (E) (Repairs includ«i.) 237 State St. "-'""drens Sh^ _New London Siih..,h (0—) ^^cpaira Proton. (Tnntt "'^Gri^wold"'*' inamca bt. Savings on Ice (E) on Coal and Wood (B-) Ar' Rop.-odu'ciog Pianos and Music Rolls: Victor Orthophonic Victrolae ami Orthophonic Records. Radi^ (Labor, Remrs. Rentals, Tuning L Church St. Savings on Automatic Organs (A), everythmg Tuttle, Morehouse &Taylor Co,, Fine Stationery. Lather and Nowlty Goods, Engraving. Steel, Die Works, 183 CroTO St., »Vood_ and Steel Filing Cabinets, Desks, Safefl,. The System btore. 179 Crown St. (Competitive bids excluded) (E) Stamford. Conn. Franica 4'6B'lf^'^"s^'^'"' "'™' . kwilt 111 Framing and Picture McClelland, Inc., Optometrists, Opticians, Kodaks, Films, 22s Atlantic St. (E) 'iTiompsonvlUe, Conn. Hardware. Paints, Sporting Goods, Radios, Electrical Appliances, HousefumiBhings, Seeds, Re frigerators, etc. (B) Please Read Our Rules on Pago 12 - Hetait Drugs and Pharmacies, Hotel (E) W. Stelnert &Sons Company, Stelnway, Stcincrt, Jewett, Wood- Please Scg Otir List of Member Hotels ojL-ES££-J-L - (E) Sara^ Bros.. Inc., Men's and Boj-s' CHothing, Shoes, LuKsae. (F) ''iry. Cu-tiq Rprkflhiro Pianos. Pl.aycr Pianos, Acoimn Duo- M. W. Bassett Co., Jewelo', Silverware, Diamonds. 1005 Main St. , (E) Sterling Silverware, Clocks and Watches, Gifts, Optometrist, 52 State St. (Labor and Repairs mcluded) St. Ave., Cor. GrandAve. and Lloyd St. Merlden. Conn. Baehrach, Inc., Photographers, fl0Gold St. kmda Ratigea. Lamps, and Shades, Bedding. (Labor, Repairs Walk-Over Shoe Store, Men's, Women's and Childrpn's .Sho«L graph DclS-Orders (E)= Everything else Fred D. Lewis, Tires, Tubes. Batteries. Milo Gasoline , ana 'Jus. (Labor.H (Labor aun Hepairs jvvva'i® inclu'lc^ ""1^.,:;. and_Oils. Maple St. .Savinn on Gasoline nnd Oils (C-): everything else Putnam Furniture Mffl. Co., Inc., Furniture. Floor Coverinra ofall f C I ..M/iiotf Co.. Hart, Schaffncr and Marx Clothes for Men, John I Mi-nolDoan, Florist, 123 Church St. Sarings on Tele Line Uriig Store Sundries. Mam and Pearl Pts. laundry. (Labor, Repairsand Altcra- t irta, Th Tubes,AUTO^OBILF^., Chains, Vulcanizing and Repairine Acceasorire & Gasoline. 0?GrSa« Si Battery and Kioctncal Scrvlce, Waabine and Poi;r»,;n» The «5 M n/lnnre Co..Floriats, 1054 Cbapel St. Savings on Tele- Carburetors, Automobile ElectricalEquipment.(I^W (E) (E) East Hartford E. B. Atmus Co., Inc.. Automobile Accessorice, Bind, Pr<„hicta and Kodaks (Magasine Sutecriptions excluded), IS Main St. In byTourist Agencics areexcluded.) Columbia Ave. 4 Meadow ApSianc^ (Repairs included.) 174 Tomplo St. NoTeltics- tLobor and SiwHal orfc included.) 248 1rumbul ((J—) St. Kflller'*—Joseph Keller—Apparel for Women, Misses, Girls, Llahthourn & Hardware, Automobile Accessories and Mixed Paints, 33 Broadway (E) U-) r<»*». Orders (E); everything else TheHarvey andLewis Co., Optical Store, Photographic Supplies IfliihBf'fi Inc.. Sporting Goods, Rjulio and Household Electrical Varrahes. Bnishes. Ar.i.^ts' Materials, Dry Colors, Drafting South Fl^er FlorUt Corp. Florists, 104 State St.Savings on Telegraphic Edwin Keeney Co.. Stationery, Books, Office Supplies, Periodicals »®®('r Luggage, Millioerj', etc., 283 State Bt. (Labor, Repairs,Nwelties, Storage and Alterations Included) (E) Bristol. Conn. Th» Alderman Druj Co.. Drugs. Pr^riptions »nd Ccmpletn Edward L. Benson, Storage Battcw Station, Electrical Servioo, Radio and ILidio Supplies. (Labor, Repairs. Alterations, Storage, Rentals and Parts Incluned.) ISHobronSt. (E) Capitol Haberdashery, Haberdashers, 120State St. (E) in by Tourist Agencies escludcd.) Columbia Ave. 4 Meadow St(E) Glazer's, Inc.. Department Store. Women's. Misses'. Children'aand Infants' Wearing Apparel and Millinery. Men's and Boys' Clothing and Fumiahinn, Leather Goods, Jewelry Women's and Children's Shoes, Blankets, Draperies, Curtains Kirk &Co,, Taxi Service, 219 Crown St. (Tel. 820 Liberty). (E) WAriRworth Howland & Co., Inc. (Direct Stores, Inc.). Paints, Thomas and Hanmer, Inc., Drugs, Stationery, the "Candygram" Store, 1106 Main St. (E) New London, Conn. and Parts mcluded.) 292-304 Bank St. (E) Ro^well 4 Co., Inc.. Women's, Misses' and Children's Roady-to- (E) Savard & McCarthy, Inc., Men's ami Boys' Clothing, Haber (E) Ave. Garde hotel (European Plan), Rooms and Restaurant. (Ban- Children. Rubbers and Hosiery. 150 Temple St. Hartford Suburbs Hartford, Conn. IVest Haven. Cow*. Warner & Smith, Inc., Men's and Boj-s' Outfitters, 523 Campbell (E) John Brown, Inc., Leather Goods, Trunks, Haniecs. (Repair chargcs included.) 163 George St. (E) Emerson Darby, Inc., Arch Preserver Show for Men, Women and Weeks Linen Shop, Household W"cns, Handkerchiefs. Laces and dasheryand Hats, 165Mam St. (E) New Haven Suburb (G—) Thompson's Apparel Shop. Apparel for Women and Misaet, In cluding Extra Sizes. Fura. 985 Main St. (E) Wadsworth, Howland & Co.. Inc. (Direct Stores. Inc.). Paints, Viirnishfs, Brushes, Artists' Materials, Dry Colors, Drafting Materials, C6 John St. (E) ^ Chapd St. (E) queats by Organizations c*cludcd.) (Coupons or Receipts sent Gifts, Cor. Farmington Avc. <fc Laurel Si. (E) Ryan's Specialty Shop, Inc. Women's Specialty Shop, 100 Pratt St (E) Wylle-on-lhs-Green. China, Glassware, Crockery, Gifts, 954 New Haven. Conn, Pioneer Laundry, Laundry, 286-300 Sheldon St., Tel- 2-622l:r", (E) 63 .Mlyn St. Materials, 218 .\3ylun1 .St. Varnishes, Brushes, Artists' Materials, Dry Colors, Drafting Materials, 744Chapel St (E) WhltSi Men's Haberdashery, Hats. Specialties, 100 College 6t. Vok, The Florist (Albert Volz), Flowers for All Occasions, 78 W. _ The Nichols &Harris Co., Retail Drugs and Pharmacies, IIB State S'(E) Main St. Savings on Floral Telegraph Delivery Orders (E);' everything else Purchases made W St. (E) UnionLaundry Corp.,Laundry, Dry Cleaningand Carpet Cleaning (E) Pierce, Inc.. OfficeFurniture nod Supplies, (Membership Savings • will !x-. jini'l on purchases of a Ijuslnesa charaetcr, providiai the' '' meml)cr is the sole owner of the business. Wadsworth, Howland & Co., Inc. (Direct Stores, Inc.), Paints, Hardware, Paints, Wnllpaper, (White Lead, Oils andTuriwotine eieluded.) 220MainSt. (E) N. E. Mag& Sons, Inc., Men's Clothing, Furnishincs and Shoes. 19 CONNECTICUT—CUBA—DELAWARE—DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 20 Waterbury. Conn. Black & White Taxi Co., Automobile Livery. 1242—24th 8t.i Bachracli. Inc., Phiitographcrs. 150 Grand St. IE) Hamilton Curtain Shop. Curtains. Draiwries. Linens, Spreacb. White Cabs, Touring Cars and LimouBincs, Garage (E) Blick Bros.. 2218Cbninplaia St., N. W. Only purchases of lec can N. W., Td. Main 51. Obtain receipt from driver. Black and Dom^siics. 121 So. Mam cil. be cleared- Twenty-one (21) tickets sold for one dollar. Top stub should be retained and forwarded to the Association (I^ M. Steinerl & Sons Company, Steinway. Stcinert. Jcwcti. bury. Curtis. Borlahire Pianos, Player Pmiioa, Acolinn Duo-.^rt Hcproducing Pianos and Music Rolls. \ icfor Orthophomc Victrolas and Orthophonic Records, .Radios. (Labor. Repairs, Brentano's, Inc., Books, Stationery and Periodicals, 1322 F St else The Leo C. Brooks Co., Electric Fixturn and Appliances,^15ig Alterations. Rentals. Tuning included.) (Trade-ma excluded.) 65 WestMain St. Savings on Autooaatic Organs(A):cverythmg N. W. {E) Brooke& Harry, Inc., Producc and Meat Market, Fascy Groceries, 71920th St.. N. W., Tel. District 3190.1-2-3-4-5-0 (C—) (Connecticut Ave., N. W. (Repairs. Alterations. Labor and West Haven. Conn. Parts included) (E) (See New Haven Suburb.) Brownley's Inc.. Coafcetionery. Fruilfl, Bakery and LuncheoD, CUBA N. W. Burchell. Groceries, Smoked Meats, Imputed and Domes tic Fruits, Mineral Waters, Imported and Domestic Cigani Cigarettes, 817-810-14thSt„ N. W. (B—) Burlington Hotel (European Plan). Savings on Apartments; Rooms and Restaurant. 1120 Vermont Ave., N. W. (U) 1203G .St., N. W.: 13th and F Sla,, N. W. Havana. Cuba Hotel Alcazar (American and European Plan). Rooma and Rm- (EJ Virginia Ave.. N. W. (E) R. Harris & Co., Diamonds, Watches. Clocks, Jewelry and Silver ware. (Labor and Repairs included.) 1101 F St., N. W. (E) Hay Rubber Stamp Co., Rubber Stamps. Cheek Protectors, 832 13th St., N. W. (G-) The Hecht Co., F St. at 7th. Department Store. For Men— -Society Brand Clothes. Hanan Shoes, Dobbe Hate. Manhattan* Shirts, Interwoven Hose; For Women—Printicss Appard, L Miller Shoes, Hanan Shoes, Arch Aid Shoes, Phoenix Hose, Dolilia Hats; nn entire floor for Women's Ready-to-Wear Appard: entire floor for Children, an cotiro floor for House Furnlsbings. two eeparate floors for Men; Jewelry, Silverware. ToiletArticirs, Notions. Stationery,Piece Goods, L.adic9 Beauty Parlor Men's and Chlldren'B hair cutting jarlor; (jift Shop; " Three Floors for Furniture 3n<l Rugs, also a Basement Store. •Separate Shop e.fdusively for Radios at 624 F St.. eonncctlng with the main building. (Furnituro and Household Appliance Accounts included) Cllnedlnst Studio. Photographic Studio. 1626 Connecticut Av»j Wllmlnaton. Del. Continental Hotel (European Plan), Rooms ai^ Kestaurant. induded.) Main Office and Plant, 1530-1530 Pennsylvania Ave., Delivery of' " gal. or more, 1337-53 D St., S. E., Tel. Lincoln • „ (E) (Laundry and Valet Charges included.) The rlasa. oppoeite TJoion Station (E) Detman. Inc.. Women's Shoes. Hosiery and Bags. 1221 Conneo--' New Contract ticut Ave. William Shewell Ellis Sludios, Pbotogmplicrs, Duiwnt Bide. (llffcclivc: April-."l, 1030.) (1-) (E) O. J. DeMoll & Co.,Musical Tnfilniments, Drawing Room, Living; Roomand Library Fiirniturc. Radio Sets (including tnstallniciit accounts not running over eighteen months). (Repairs Included.) Bornot, inc.. Cleaners and Dyers, 6 W. lOtU fit (E) The Edward Tailoring Co.. Made to Order Clothes—"Made for You." 8'iy Orange St. (E) William Shewell Ellis Studios. Photographers, Dupont Bldg. (E) c -.».•» riMnnrs & Dvers. "Fur or Fabric. *e dean and dye it." (r" auB. :Utcraliou8 and Storage included.) 220 W. 9lh St. (K) district of COLUMBIA I2lh andG Sis., N. W. cluded.) Edmonds Bldg., 915 J5thSt., N. W. Washington, D- C (E) Demonets' (Maj. Charlea Demonet, Vice-Prcsldcnt and General Manager). Caterers. Caterers to the Whito House, Cabinet, Diplomatic Corps and Leading FamiliesbIdco 1848, 1620 Con necticut Are., N. W. Kalle B. Dunn, Mme. DuFour'a Famous Toilet RequIslleB, B17 IHh St., N. W., Hair Goods,Toilet Articles and other Merchan*' dUe Purchased (J); Hair Dressing. Marcel Wave, Manicuring; Treatments, Hnir,Faceand^alp. HairCuttingandallLabor(E)i (Lt. Col. Edmonds). Siiectaclea and Byeglasgeg on Oculist PfMcriptions Only. (Repairs and Alteratioos in (E) Edmontton &Co.,Inc.,612—lathSt., N. W., betweenF and G Sta. SiiOTS for Meo. Women and Children. Foot formshoesforstreet or dress oceuiians New Contract (E) Ehlls &Bent, Inc., Automobile Tires, Tubes and Tire Renalrina Batteries, Battery Rental and Batterv Charging. (Labor Ri' pairs and Parts Induded.) fTire adjustments and purcbasea' ... . 119(1 FSf \ American Ico Co., Inc.. Ice. 1320 1 ht-. W.. Tel. District 6240 Bac-nrach. Inc.. Pbolographers. 1342 ^ Bailey's Auto Supply Co.. Fillmg Vuleatiizing, Auceasones. Grcasmg, Oiling,else 3 Savings on Gasoline (.0—): Everything i4tb St., N. w!' i^pssnries, Tires and Tub<s and all other iiiff Nniia andSaeh Weights; noeaviiiRB allowed on (C) T;i},t RiUha articles inmiH Glass orStructural Steel (MiU work consists ofSash, Doors. Blinds. Mouldings. Ky Plam or mnnufaetured.) (Structural Steel depart mfnt fonsiflta of any steel VFork or goods, either plain or lauri or coMtruction work of any kind ) DfUvery alips ^ di^le on cash saleB. For cash ealw. submit the cash receipts ffincHl from store at time of purchase (C.O.D. vouchers are eligil)lc) HaviiiKS cm Kclvmalors (D—), everything else (b) Betker-sLeathBr Goods Co.. Trunks. TmclingR^iuisilw Leather Goods, Ixathrr Military Equipment, Noyelt ^ fcaddlery and Gl'HT? G<.If ClulM aod Bngfl, Auto Robce, UinbrcllaB oud Canw, 13Hl'St.,N.\V. ^ <E) Robert Bcrherich'8 Sons, Shoes, and Hosiery for M«i. Woinen and Children. Women's WeariiiK Apjiarcl. Coats, Fr'jcka, Fura, Enseinblus. Mitliiicry. Mcns Wfttchts, Hand Bags, Pursee and CoBtuino Jewelry. * p'-, N. W. Betty Way. Corset Shop, UnderBilks, Negligeca, Hosiery, 1308 G fit.. N. W. (tJ through Commissary excluded.) 2122 14th St., N. W. (E), Emerson ShoeCo.,"Honest All Throufsh," Men's Shoes, $6.60 and S7.50. also Hosiery, 307 Penn Ave., N. W. (Labor and Repairs included.) (E) FrancJewelry Co., Diamonds. Watches. Jewelry and Silverware. (Labor, Repairs and Altcmiions included.) 627 7th St., cor. G' St. N. W. (E) VincentDlFrancle, Women's Tailor,1630 ConnecticutAve.,N. W., (Labor, Repairs, Altorations, Storage, Fursonly, included) (IJ) Freeman Bros., Market and Grocers. 4523 Wisconsin Ave., Tel. Cleveland -1838 (g j • Georde & Co.,Clothing for Men and Bojt. Underwear, Hata andCaps, Gloves ao<i furnishings of every kind, 610 7th Bl„ N, W (B) The Qlbgon Co., Surgical Instruments, Hospita! and Invalid ^pplies. Trusses, Elastic Hosiery and Abdominal Supporterf, fc.iectr(^hcrapy Efiuipraent, Electrical Treatment lampi, Unig Department, _including Proprietary Medicines, ToiJet Atliclea ami Prcacripfions. Radifffl and E(iuipmcnt, Footwear (Repairs and Rentals Included.) 917-019 U St., N. Goldsmith 4 Co.. Dininnnds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and BH. verwiirc. (Labor imd Repalra included.) 1225 F St., N.W. (E) Or«dy * Webb, Merchant Tailor (Labor. Repairs and Alteraliong lududed). Duryea Bldg,, 1731L St., N. W. (E) Griffith Consumers Co., Coal. Wood and Fud Oil, 1310 G St.. (B) N. w. (Labor for putting coal Inthecellar.cicluded.) QudeSros.Co.,Fior!8t8a!idFlor8lDecorator8,1212FSt. n 1102 Coimcclicut Ave., N. W.; 3103 MtbSt. &vlng8 onTal». graphic Orders (E);everytbU3g else (Cp-} Please See Our List of Mpwbcr Hotels on Pngc 11 pets. Rugs, Draperies, etc. (Labor, Repairs and Alterations S E New Jersey Avenuo Garage, Garage. Acccssoriee and Repairs. (Labor, Alterations. Storage, Rentals and Parts Induded.) 419 NewJersey Ave., N. W. &vings on Gasoline (C—);Everything elso (E) New York Boef Co., Meat Marlid. Tel. National 5304, Center Market, Stands 577-578 (B—) W.A.PierceCo.,Lumber, 616Rhode Island Ave., N. E. (D) Gowgo Plitt (3o.. Inc., iLterior and Exterior Painting. Paper llangmg. Upholstering, Draperies, Furniture. Rugs, Lampsand Lamp Shades. (Labor induded.) Established 1891, 1503 2l8t St., N. W. Tel. Potomac 2170 (E) Prince's Market, Meats, Fish, Poultry and Provisions, 3221 Mt. Pleasant St., N. W. (B—) Pure Food Storo. Afeats, Butter and Eggs, Cheese, etc., 5528 Con necticut Avci., Chevy Chase •""m • U. (Labor, (B—) Plumbing andand GasParts Fitting, 1461 P St., Alterations, Repairs included.) (E) (E) DELAWARE Carry Ice Cream Co,, Inc.. Carry's Delicious Ice CKsm, Home 5900 L Haley Auto Body Co., Auto Body Painting and Rebuilding. (Labor. Repairs. Alterations and Parts Included.) 2lBt St. and Klckson Inc. Women's Tailors and Dressmakers, Ready Made and Made to Order; Furs. Millinery, Novdtloe, Hosiery, Women's Shoes, Lingerie. (Repalre, Alterations and Storago Induded.) 1215 Connecticut Ave. (E) The Hoffman Co., Cleaners and Dyers of Wearing Anparel. Car tnurant. 81 Cardenas St. (Coujions or Receipts Bent in by (E) TourlatAgcaciea excluded.) 21 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Tol Atlantic 4000; Downtown Store, 703 12th St.. N. W. (E) Hotel Burllfioton (European Plan). Savings on Apartmcnta, Rooms ana Restaurant, 1120 Vermont Ave.. N. W. (E) Hotel Continental (European Plan), Rooms and Restaurant, (Liundry and Valet Charges induded.) The Plaza, oppnaite (£) Hotel Washlnfllon (European Plan), Pennsylvania Ave., opposite ' the Treasury. Every Room with Bath and Shower. Savings on Rooms and Restaurant (gj Frank R. Jelleff, Inc., Gold Stripe Silk Stockings, Golflez Frocks Union Station andNovelties, 1013 Connecticut Ave. (E) Frank B. Jelleff, Inc., Women's and Misaee" SpecialtyShop, 1216 , F. St., N. W. (E) Kinsman Optical Co., Eye Sight Specialists, 705 14th St., N. W. Dry Cold Storage. Furs made to ^'a^''^torat^o?i'fn"r ^^<^chant Tailor. (Labor, Repairs Jh S 224 Transportation Bldg. 'tractors. Diipont cVde^s^', 2'"' on Art Gooil^ anrl T=i (E> i ^nnectieut Ave.. N. W. Savinge Stod: and Landscape p1S?L fC-?' Sport Mart, Athletic Goods, FisW^ T^ck e.^G^sf^on NuKcry R^-d sSfti C^r«"Goif Altcrktions, Storago, Rentais afd°Part^'Sh.^^'KeS \nd™di^r^('No Bathing mS ®Tator'anTpar£°inctt^^ (E) Knickerbocker MMkat, General Market and Grocery, 2449 18th St., N.W.. Td, Columbia 3828 (b—) I Street Garage Co., Garage and Filling Station, Storage. Tires, . Washing, OUmg and Ureasing, Accessories, Wratinghouse Bat teries and Service, I'th & L Sts., N. W. (l^bor, Repairs, Alterations. Rental and I arts included.) Savings on Gasoline ; everything else (£> "Leon Co." Millinery and Shoes, 1227 F St., N. W. (E) Tha Linen Closet, Quality Linens and Accessories, Men's and TVnmMi'a Fine Hosiery and Handkerchiefs, 1311 Connecticut Ave N. W. (E) Main 5030 1'='' (Vlanon Included-) and Altcmtiona Art Objects, Lamps, ctc., 1317 Con- Louflhhorough Oil Co.. Fuel Oil Only, 1703 LSt., N. W., Td - U-. (E) 4 Storage Co., Storage, Heavy Hauling and Shipping. 020E St., N.W. (E) Min *'cJrwiro Station. No. I.Garage and Filling Station, Storage, Minute Service Stano^^ Accessories, Westlnghous; Tires. M ..ige (I^bor, Repairs. Alterations, Rentals and teTui r Si.»•> s"'. «• ™ CIothiDg, Haberdashery, Hats, otc. Cor. F and mh Sta. n • , Walter Inc.,andPaints, Artiste Drawing Idsi™mcnta.Morgan, Varnishes Ennmda, 421 Ma 10therwte, St., ^.W. (p.) NaMonal Electrical Sunply Co.. Electrical SuppiiM, Fans, Motors. ^aBhing Machines, Vacuum Cleaners, pcctrio R.inges, Gen ial Flectrie Refrigerators, Batteries, FlashliehtB. Automobj o Ti^. Ignition Materials. Oils and Greases. Tourists Lunch Kits n|»d feuppliia. Radio Outfits—distrihutors of (he Radio CorporI'tion ofAmerica. (Membership savinga excludes inrandeMent Lmpaand all sales made at wholesale.) 1328-1330 New Ynrk Ave.. N. W. nroi" n Nw Frames. Mirrors, Picture Fram^-^eilding. 1512 Connecticut Ave., N W (E lion F?sfi?n ^""3, Rifles. Revolvers. AmnjuniGooda vjooaa, diamonds. riiTi^ I Watches u- 9"^ andJewelry, Sporting, 909 Penn.and Ave.Athlrtic N. W. fetin •catin^hnuso Batteries nnd Scrvice and (LhIvif f'ons. Hcntals and Parts Induded.) nth Af ings on Gasdine (C-); everj'thing else ' opposite The Treasury. EveS LJI wUh R?i? Savings on Rooms and RS/ant ^ aSoHcS" 4Un,.n W Qnv* '% The Washington Hotel (Eiironpnti Westcott Nursery Co. (pniu v x »r Kinds nnd Landscape Plnnr,105) 8th and GSta^ Rough Dm' Main 2i'lT' ,'T^''-'' . "(£) c , , „ ^^'^"'8 and Planting (Td. Fdls Chur*h ' Civilian Tailor, cot. Cleaning and Dyeing. Dcmr Wrsh, Ave.. N. W., Td. office ""'i. null. 'not branches) Work aent to the Laundry Direct, main (E) Tflxlcsbs—Automobile Livery. Td. Frankj Limousme. /Jbtain receipt from*1224 Driver. Yrllnw Cahfl, Touring "^ars nnd Garage. 24th St., N. W. (E) Washington Suburbs (E) Matropolltan Bank,and16th St.Accounts. opposite Treaaury Bldg. special attention toArmy Navy (E) Washington Accessaries &Garage Co., Garare nnH Villinc Visfa. D. C. American Ice Co. (Sec Wash., D. C., listing.) Please Read Our Rules on Page 12 r 22 GEORGIA—HAWAIIAN TERRITORY—ILLINOIS DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA—FLORIDA—FRANCE—GEORGIA Bctbcsda. Md. Pensacola. Fla. Elebash Jewelry Co., Jewelry. (Repairs included.) Bradley Hills Market, Meat and Grocery St^rc? "KverythinK Empire Laundry Co., Laundry, Dry Cleaning and Dyeing IG-;-) Harrell's Drug Store, Proscriptions and Drugs, Gilts and Toilet for the Table," GS06 Wisconsin Ave., Tel. Wisconsin 3085 and Bradley 475 (B—) Chevy Chase, D. C. American Ice Co. (Sec Wash., D. C. listing.) Pure Food Store, Moats, Butter and Eggs, Cheese, etc., 5528 Coii(B—) Edncmoor. Md. Articles Sick Room Supplies, ctc. (E) CE) West Palm Beach, Fla. Savannah Suburb Battery Service Co., All mukca of Batteries charged and repaired. (E) American Oil Co.. Gas, Oil and Grcaaa Savings on Gasoline and Kerosene (C), on Oils and Greaics (E) (.Meraiting excepted.) OurFilling Stations aredistinguishable byRed, White andBlue FE^NCE Friendship Heights, D. C. American Ice Co. (See W;isli., D. C., listing.) Pumps. Paris, France HAWAIIAN TERRITORY E. B. Meyrowitz, Inc., Opticians, Surgical Instrumenle, Binoctilars. Microscopos, Piiotogrphic Supplies. (Bills ccrlificd by members in conformitv with Rule "T" arc eligiblefor Mcniber- Gnrretf Pdrk. Md. Casliglione. Sa\ings on iiurchascs and Repairsof Eyeglasses and (E) . Spectacles (G—):evcr>"thinB else Kensiiicilon. Md. American Ice Co. (Sec Wash., D. C., listing.) GEORGIA Snmersei, D. C. Atlanta. Ga. Amorican Ice Co. (Sec Wash., U. C., listing.) Tacoma Park, D. C. Ansley Hotel (European Plan). Rooms and Restaurant. (Savlnes on Restaurant to guests only.) Forsyth and James Sts. (L) Joseph B. Simpson. Meats, Vegetables, Friiita and Groceries, Carroll St., Tel, Georgia 1200 :ui.i 1201 (B—) Devoefi RaynoldsCo,, Inc.(Dircct Stores,Inc.), Paints, Varnishes, Brnshc.s, Artists' >fatoria!.'i, Dry Colors, Drafting Materials, 78 N. Brosd St. (E) Emerson Shoe Co., "Honest All Through." Men's Shoca 56.60 ENGLAND and17.50, alsoHosiery, 44MariettaSt., 73PeachtrceSt. (libor and Repairs included) London, Englanu E. B. Meyrowitz, Inc.. Opticians. Inalrumenta, Binocu lars, Mieroscoixa, PhotoRraphic Siipjiiies. (Bills ccrtiBeU by raciuhcrs in conformity with Kule "T' urceligible forraember- Bhip savings.) (Kepairs and .^Iterations includeiJ.) lAOld Bond St.,Cor. Pici'adillj-. .Savings on jiurcbaEcs andRepaira ofEye glasses and Spcctaclcs (G—); everything else (E) (E) Hotel Ansley (European Plan), Rooms and Restaurant. (Savlni^s on Restaurant to Guests only.) Forayth and James Sts. • (I^) '(E) LeeTire& Rubber Co. of New York, Inc. (Lee of Consboliocken), TirM and Tuljcs, 3(5(1 NelsonSt., S. W. (E) W. 0. Pierce Dairy, Milk and Cream, "Certified" Milk for Babies Joy Floral Co.. Florists, 020 Peachtree St., N. E. Jacksonville, Fla. The Carllng Hotel lEuropcnn Plan). Hooais and Restaurant. (E) Emerson Shoe Co.,"Honest All Through," Men's Shoes S0.50 and S7.50, alsoUosierj-, 51W.BaySt. (Labor and Uepairs ineiuded) (E) Wadswerth, Rowland & Co.. Inc. (Dircct Stores. Inc.), Pdnts, Varnisha, Brushes, Artists' Materiala, Dry Colors, Drafting (E) Hiscaync Blvd. ^""t" Sell E. Repairs and Parts included.) At Benson, Smith & Co., Ltd., Alterations included.) 01 Peachtree St., N. E. (E) Hawaii and South Sea Curio Co., Curio and Souvenir Store, Main The Shoe Penury. Inc., Boot and Shoe Rebuilders and Shoe FimlInes. (Labor, Repairs, Alterations included.) 4-t) Auburn Ave. Store: 1033 Bishop St.; Branches: Royal Hawaiian Hotel, Moana Hotel, Young Hotel (G—) (E) Home of Linens. Ltd,. Lineos, Dry Goods, Silks, ctc., 1045 Fort St. Sewell's Beach Shop, Men's Clothing, Fumisliicga, Hat« Honolulu Paper Co., Ltd.. {Formerly Hawaiian Nens and Thrnms, Lt^.), Bonks. Stationery, Office Furniture and Supplies, Ty[^ i writers. Toys, Gifts, 1045 Bishop St. ih.) •Honolulu Sporting Goods Co.. Ltd.. Sporting Goods, Cor. Fort and ery, Calling Cards, Invitations, Nortn Pryor Place. 103 Peachtree St. ctc.. 841-S16 Lincoln Rood Palm Beach, Fla. Benson 4 Hedgm. CiRarfittca, OiRars. Pipes, Cigar Huraidore binokere NiP.nli". 508 No. PalmBench Ave, (Open only frotji January lalii to March 1st) (E) Grande Mnlson doBlanc, ifouschold Linens, etc. (Monogram work meludcil.) (Oi;-! i from January I5th to March I8th.) Buinrt Beaux Arts BIdg. Hotel Sts. Hotel Alexander Young (European Plan), Bishop St.. Room. Individual Restaurant Meals for 81.00 and over included. (Ca^ 0 Pcachtrcc St. teriaexcluded.) (Laundry included) Columbus. Ga. (t) Hotel Moana (American Plan). Rooms and Restaurant (Membfifship Savings ondining room charges apply ^9 'deal Clothing Co., Ltd.. Men's 9"tMn? and Men's Fumlah- American Oil Co., Gas, Oil and Grease. Offic^Sll ^eaton SL; r""llinR Stations- lOH W. Broad St.: Whitaker and Liberty 8t.j Barmir^d^'^t^^MS narnardyst,sTl Wjicaton aVwirmiogton Island: Loui«ville Rd: Bull and 34th Sis. ftavit.won Gasohno and KcrMtne fD' on Oilsand Grease (l;0 {Alemiting cxccptwl). bur Filling Stations are distinguishable by Red, White and Blue '"Bs, 76 Hotel St. and Cor. Fort and Hotel Sts. fit- and Gh. Broughton St. (E) Hotel Savannah (European Plan.) Rootns and Rettaurant, Cor. Bull i Congress Sts. (G) Please Sco Our L»»t of Member Hotels on Page 11 ILLINOIS Aurora, III. {See Chicago Suburbs.) ChicaBO. III. "The Loop" New Contract Atlas Stores Corp.. United Sport Shops, Athletic Goods Radios and Radio Equinmeni, Fishing Tackle .ind Camping Ejiuipment, Kodaks, Motion Picturc Apparatus, Guns Bicycles, Sportswearlor Men and Women. 600 W. AdTima St.: 226 S. Wabash Ave.:404 S. State St.; 532 S, Etitc Rf (Effective April 22. 1930.) (E) Atlas Stores Corp., Imiled Sport Shops, Athletic Goods. Radios and Radio Equipment, Fishing Tackle andCamping Equipment Kodaks, Motion Picture Apparatus.Guns, Bicvdcs. for Menand Women, 000 W. Adams St.; 2215 S. Wabash Avp • 404 S. State St.: 532 S. State St. "Baskln," Hart, Schaffner & Mar.r Clothee, Men's Bata anfl P... ni^shing Goods, 131-133 South Stato St.;Hart. Seh.illncr <b Man" Clothee only, Chicago Temple BIdg., S.E. Cor. Clark andWaah ington Sts.; 335 N. Michigan Blvd. ^"arKana Wwh- , (E) Brenlano's, Inc., Books. Stationery and Periodicals IB E Wteh ington St. ' ,jj, Cebb, Whyle &Laemmer Co., Hardware, Tools and Ciiflprv ^fio W. Madison J- On Contract Work (B-h emylhinje^^o S) r" ."^'ftributorB of Majestic-Thc Clean n, fSS^onhO (PntrhT. on retail dcmfstic excluded), Mpliided) 20DS' b.LaSalle Ta^Joii St., RoomP^rinerahips 646, Tel. Stale or corporatirns 6410 (B- ) K WabMh Ave " H. Kllsby, Florist (Member of Florists' Telegraph D^ Donchian Furniture Co.. Furniture, Household Furnishinjm, Car- Town Pump. Home Made Candi«s, Ma. Iw Cream, 'W-'i'&o. Wabash Ave. (E) Carl Fjsther, Inc., Musical Inalruments, Sheet Music ard Pi:b- Aseociation), 1120 Fort St. D (E) LunchM. Afiernoon Tea, Fort St.. opp. Liberty House (E) • Rh''^®«"'er8' Shoe Co Ltd., Men's. Women's and CWIdren;8 fcb^"KMifkels.) («'"'mirwhite 1051 card fo; M,l, Fortcash St. sales. Do not forward duph(B) Pumps. Falk Clothing Co.. Men's Clothing, FurnishiDgs and Hats, 46 Full S""*? oify.) (OiienonlyfromJanuarylsttoJuIySlBt.) ^aikikiBeach (E) Savannah. Oa. Drayton Market, Groceries, Bakery, (E) The Harry Silverman Co., Dclicatc«cn, Restaurant, Lunch Room, Bakery. 121 Peachtree St. (E) J. P. Stevens Engraving Co., Engraving, Steel Embossed Station 144 r erty (E) (G—) •BepBOn, Smith & Co., LW., Drug Store, Main Store; Fort and • HotelSts.; Branches: Fort and KingSts.. King and AalaSts., I4I1 So. Berefania St., also branch at WaikiJci Tavern, 2426 KalakauaAve. (E) CurtisLimited, Millinery and Women's Apparel of AllSorts, Jas. Campbell BIdg., Fort and Hotel Sts. (E) Detor & Co.,Jewelry, Diamonds and Watches. (Labor, Repairs. Altsralions, Parts included.) Fort St. Cor. Hotel St. (E) , Rex B. Freeman (Successor to L. E. Capps), Optician. (Labor, f TaUoring, CIial?, I?n,: I.mi!iTie, Gowns. Sints, Fura, Millinery GIovm Dresses. NhvpI(0[«nnil around.) (E) (^^TOfy must bedelivered and received through Botd Tailoring to order. French, Shriner i Umer Shoes. (Labor, Miami Beach, Fla. E. W. Qulnn, Plumbing Fiitures, 34 Pauahi Bt. Sharp Publicity Service, Sign Painter, 621 S. Beretania St. \ u?" Fort and Hotel Sts. (G—) French Laundry, Launderers, Cleaners and Dyers, Main 0£Ece, 777King St.; Branch Office, 1108Union St. (E) (E) at Kaneoho and Waipahu, Hustace andCooke St& (E) FredPhllp &Bro., Saddles, Horee Equipment, Tninis, SuitCases, laggings made to order. All kinds ofLeather Work done, 60S. Beretania Are. (E) The Powder PufT, Beauty Parlor, WaikikJ Tavern, 2425 Kala kauaAve. (Ej MI'I'nery Parlors, Millbery, 209 Boston BIdg,, Fort ot. (Over May s) (E) l-flundry. SteamLaundry, Bishop St. Tel. Office) (Renovations Included.) 63 Peachtree St.; 42 Marietta St; Columbus Hotel (European Plan), Rooms and Rcetaunuit, soriM, Kaimuki Stationat Waialae Roiwi and CenterSt.,Stations Incjlvidual Restaurant Meals for Sl.OO andover included. (Cafe teria excluded.) (Laundry included) (E) Alexander Young Hotel Bakery. Young BIdg,, Bishop St. (Request rcccipt from Cashier) (£) -Alexander Young Hotel Confectionery Shop, Ico Cream, Soda, Candy. (Request receipt from Cashier) (E) Wormser Hat Stores, Inc., Men's Hats, Caps, Tiesand OIotm. Miami, Fla. Oahu Ico &Cold Storage Co., Ice, Gasoline andOils; Anto Aeecs- W. W. Ahana Co., Master Tailors and Men's FurnishiDgs, 62 S. King St. (E) Alexander Young Hotel (European Plan), Bishop St., Rooms. and Invalids, Tel. Hemlock 3141; Route 1, Doraville, Ga. ,(B—) D. Shalloway & Co., Outlitters for Men from head to foot, and FLORIDA Moana Hotel (American Plan), Rooms and Restaurant. (Mem bership Savings on dining room charges applies fo room guests only.) (Open only from January ht to July 31it.) Waikikl Beach (E) New York Shoe Store, Shoes for Men, Women and Children, 1040 NuuanuSt. (E) Honolulu, H. T. sbip i^avings.) (llcpairs and Alterations included.) 5 Rue do American Ice Co, (See Wash.. D. C.. listing.) Materials, 24 W. Adams St. Thunderbolt, Ga. New Exide Batteries sold: also rental of Batteries. (Storage included.) 319 First St., P. 0. Box 2D5 American Jce Co. (.rice Wash., D. C., listing.) ^.Savings on Itiiitaurant to Guests only) Goods. {Labor, Repairs and Alterations included.) 10Brough ton St., W. (E) Louis Payola, Fishand Sea Food, City Market (B—) Savannah Coal Co.. Coal and Wood, 302 East River St., Tel. (B—) Savannah 97 and 1350 Savannah Hotel (European Plan), Rooms and Restaurant, Cor. Bull& Congress Sts. (E) '• The Star Laundry Co., Inc., Dry Cleaning and Laundry, 121 W. Bay St. (K) during the montlisof Dcccmbcr.January, Feiiruary and March.) On Telegraph Delivery Orders (E); cverythiogelse {G—) Amorican Ice Co. (f?ee Wiish., D. C., listing.) lu'cticut Ave. Mwle Trunk & Bag Co., Inc., Trunks, Bags and Small Leather J. H. Small & Sons. Florists. Snnrise Theatre BIdg. (Open only Ballcry Park, D. C. American Ice Co. (See Wasli., D. C'., listing.) 23 333 So ^ Station. Gasoline and Oil, Auto Repairs and Aec«. Alterations, Storage, Rentals and Parts Included ' HUeen St.,opposite PostOffice BIdg. Printing Co., Ltd., Printers, lO-lfl Merchant 0t. (t'—) (E) ot 0- C? (Labor, Repairs cod Alterations included.) ncations, 430S. W.ibash Ave. (K) French, Shflner & Urner, Men's Shoes andHoeierj-, 106 8. Mich igan Ave. and JO S. Dearborn St., 230 N. Michigan Blvd. (E> Grande Malson de Blanc. Hoitsehcld Linejif, Bamlkerchiefs, Bags, French .'Novelties, Perfumes, Infants' and Children's Outfiie, Lingerie, Women's Apparel, Blankets, Comfortables, Automo bile Robes. Chaise Lounge. (Monogram Work included.) 904N. Michigan Ave. (E) Please Read Our Rules on Page 12 J i ' i , i ILLINOIS 24 Kaiss, Inc., Beds and Beddiog, 516-518 No. Michigao Ave. (E) Horder's, Inc., Evcrythiflg Used in the 0/Ecc," Main Office, 231 S. Jefferson St. Stores at 324 S. Dearborn St.; 24 ."3. Dearborn Wormser HatStores, Inc.. Men's Hats. Cap, Tics and Gloves. (Renovations Indiided.) 27 S. Dearborn St.; 231 .S. Dearborn ot.; oLt) h. blatc ot.; 155 W. Madison .St. opposite La Salic St.; 60 E. Monroe St.; 124 W. Adams St.; 225 W. Adams St.; Hold 33 E. Lake St. (also at entrance 184 N. Wabaah Ave.); 164 W. f, iV ttaUish PfBsists and Pfcscrif>tion l.iOO-2-1 Ave.; Roimi 2011-53 K. Chemists, WashingtonRoom St,; la-oni lOOb-r \\. Madison St.; MainFloor at 53E. Washington St.; 2 L. Chicago Ave. (E) ilandnlph St.; 101 W. Wa£hinglon St.. (also cntrancc at 40 N. Clark St.): 225 8. Jefferson St.; 114 N. U'clla St.; 320 Sherman St.; 149 E. Ohio .St. (Membcrshij) Savings will be t'aid on purch-ises of 3 business cbaractcr providing the member la the sole oTTner of the busin£iss. Purchases made by partncrBblps or cor porations cannot be cleared.) ' "North Side" (E) (E) Hotsl. The Stevens (European Plan). Rooms and Restaurant, Blvd.; 7th to 8lh St3. (E) Keuffel & Esser Co., Mathematical, Sun'Ciing and Drawing Instruments, 616S. Dearborn Sl (Membership Savings willbe paid on purchasesof a character providing the member is^thc Bole ownerof the business. Purchases made by partner ships or corporations cannot bo clearcd.) Tracing Cloth and Merchandise furnished under Government Contracts excluded (E) New Contract Atlas Stores Corp.. L'nilcd Sport Slioi:g, Athletic Goo<Is. Radios, IJ.idio Eriuipnunt, I'isliiiis Tiictilc and Camping lujuipmcnt, Kodaks, Motion Picture AiiiKir.ilus, Guns, Bicycles, Sjiortswcar for Men and Women, 3232 Lnvrcnco Ave.; 2540 W. North Ave.; 3143 Lincoln Ave.; 2020 Mil waukee Ave. (Effective April 22, 1930.) (E) William Louie Koehne Studio, Photographer, Studio and Homo American Homo Service Co., Laundcrers and Dry Cleaners, 2500 No. Clark St. (E) Portraiture, Specialists in Children's Portraits, Copying, Enlarg ing and Picturft Framing. Downtown Studio.3rd floor. Capital Atlas Stores Corp., United S|>ort Shops. Athletic Goods, Radios and H.iilio Kfjuipniciit, Tisliing Tnckle and Camping Equil>- BIdg., at 159 Nu. Stale St. (u—) D. S. Komiss & Co.. Women's and MisBee' Outfitters, (Fur Storage included.) 3i)l S. .State St.. Cor. of Jackson Blvd. (E) ment. Kodaks, Motion Picture Apparatus, Guns, Bieyelcs, Kroch's Book Store. Books (American and European), Etchings, Pi:turc Framing. Periodicals, Social Stationery and Engravinss. (Labor. Repairs, Alterations and Rentals Included.) 205 N. Michigan Ave. (E) L. G. Kunze. Inc.. Fancy Groceries, Fruits, Candy, Pastry Goods. Home-made Jams and .Tellica, "Sure Pure Brand," Dclicatcesen, 18 E. Randolph St., Tel. llandolpb 4932 (C) Lane Bryant. Inc., Apparel for Medium Stout Women. Rhoea, Millinery. Maternity and Infants' Wear. Furs, Hosiery. 101 \. Wabuh Ave. at Washington St. (E) A.Lanje, Florist, 63 E. Monroe St. (E) La Salle Hotel (Eiu-opean Plan), Rooms and Restaurant, LaSalle at Madison St. (E) Maier-Lavaty Co.. Inc., Army. Navy and Private Chauffeur I'niform". Civilian Merchant Tailoring. (Hoiairs, .\lterations and Paris Iiiduilpd.) 20 E. ,l;ickson Blvd. fj.;; Martin & Martin, Men's and Women's High Grade Shoes, 320S. Michigan Atc. (E) Matzene Co., Mataene Photographer. Stiidio and Home Por (G—) traits. 6 So. Michigan .\ve. tStudio 7tb floor) H. A. Meyer Shoe Co.. Men's .Shoes (Bostoniiins), Slippers and Hosiery. Shoe Repairing included, 23 L- Monroe St, tPalmcr House) (E) Mllgrlm, Ins., Women's Wearing Aprarel. Tniloring. Dreeaes, C'wis,Lingerie. Gowns, Suits, Furs, Milliner>-. Gloves, Novelties. (.Mlcrationsiiiid Hep;»irs im-futied.) GOO Michiiian Blvd., S. (K) MunBer's Laundry Co. (.\pplics only on work placc<i at laundry at liste^J addresses or pickcl up and (klivemi I'J' their wagons.) st->rP3 at .321 S. Wells St.. TH. Wabaah 83(19: 328 .S Dearboru ."jt., Tel. Harrijin 3051; 905 N. State St.. Tel. .SuiJcrior 1120. (G—} Olsen a Ebann. Diamonds, Watches Jewelrj- Clocks. Silver ware. Gift Merchandiac. (Labor, HepairJ iind Alterations includctl), (Trade-ins excluded.) 209 .So State St.. RepuWio JlJg., Rooms 402-422 Si»rtsuear for Men and Women. 3232 I^iwrencc Ave.; 2540 W. North .'\ve.; 3143 Lincoln Ave.; 2C20 Milwuikcc .-Vve. (E) Betty Wales Dress Shop. Women'sand Misses' Coats and Dresses. Millinery, Sheridan Plnzn Hotel , (E) Clark Street Wet Wash (American Homo Service Co.),Launderers .niid Dry Cleaners, 5430 Broadway (E) Crerar Clinch Coal Co. (See listing under the Loop.) Krese's Perfection & Manhattan Laundry Co,, Laundry, 2510 Armitago Ave. (g) William Louis Koehne Studio, Photogrupher, Studio and Homo larging and Picture Framing, 1008 N. Dearborn St.; 4554 Broadway ((]—j Lincoln Hand Laundry(Amer(c«n Home Service Co.),Launderers and Dry Cleaners. 5439 Broadway (E) Maier-Lavaty Ce.. Inc., Army. Navj- and Private Chauffeur Uniforms. Civilian Merchant Tailoring. (Repairs, Alterations (E) anil Purt.-! Inelndwl.) 2141-45 Lincoln Ave. Meek & Meek, Inc.. Uptown's Style Centers for Men. Society Brand Clothe.i, Selz Shoes and Complete Men's Furnishings, (E) Olsen & Ebann, Diamonds, Watches. Jewelry, Clocks. Silverware, Gift Merchandise. (Labor, Rep.iirs and Alterations Included.) (Trade-ins excluded.) 3300 Lincoln Ave. (E) Paragon Laundry (American Home Service Co.), Launderers and Dry Cleaners. -3543 N. .Ashl.ind Ave. (E) Schiller, The Florist, Flowers. Plants and .Ml .Accessories for Decorative Purjioaes, General Office and Store. 4509 Broadwaj*, Tel. l.onghcach 7900 (G—j J. W. Schloesser & Co., Meats, Groceries, Fruits and Vegetables, Main .Store and Office, 3910 Broadway. Tel. Buckingham 2000. Brnnph l.')02 Jarvia .Ave.. Tel. Roaers Park 0117 (B— ) Avo. wittbold's Uop Flower Shop. Florista and Floral Decomflnns, liirliidfd.) (.dr. WalKuh niid Waghinnltm Sts. (E) 1410E. 47th St. Tel. Kenwood 4780 (B—) Munger's Laundry Co., (Appliea only on work placed at laundry at lisled address orpiMCtI up and delivered by their wagons.) 2412 Indiana Ave., "rcl. Calumet 0130 (G—) Olson & Ebann,Diamonds, Watches. Jewelry, Clocks, Silverware, Gift Merchandise. (Labor. Repairs and Alterations Included.) (Trade-ins c-xcluded,) 6520 S. Halsted St. (E) rant. on the Lake, at 55th St.; 5454 South Shore Drive W. J. Smyth, Florist, 310! Michigan Blvd. Savings on Telegraphic Orders (E); cverj'thing else (G—) (Fort Sheridan, III.) James Bowden & Son, Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats, Fish anil GameinSeaaon,9S.St. John'sAve.,Tel.HighlandPk.467 (C) J. B. Garnett & Co., Department Store, Dry Goods, Ladies' Ready-to-Wcar, Men's Clothing, Gossard Corsets, Phoenix Silk Hosiery, Trunksand Suit Cases (E) Ew]W. Gsell & Co,, DrugStore, Drugs, Soda Service, Canditr, Kodaks, Kodak Supplies, Developing and Printing, Stationery. Cigara and Cigarettes, FountainPens, etc. (h) Melerhoff Hardware Co., Hardware, Paints, Seeds, Sporting Goods, Bicycles. Crockcrj-, House FumiEhings, Glass, Electric Washers, Cutlery (E) Hitjhwood, III. (Fort Sheridan, HI.) Store, Drugs, Kodaks, Stationerj-, Cig^ettea, BrunswickKent Phonographs and Records, *> Radios:—Radaola, Grebe, Atwater (E) Mayzvood, 111. Crerar Clinch Coal Co. (See Chicago listing.) South Shore Wet Wash Laundry Co., Laundry, 7391 So. Chicago Ave. (E) David Weber, E-\pert Cleaner and Dyer, M.iin Officc 3621-3531 S. State St., Tel. Michigan 2100 connecting the following branches, 1237 E. 47th St., 3031 S. Michigan Ave. (Q—) Wormser Hat Stores, Inc., Men's Hats, Caps, Ties and Gloves. (Renovations Included.) 6252 8. HaUtcd St. at G3rdSt.; 11,111 £. Michigan Are. at lllth St. Oak Parh. Ill "Basklti." Hart, Schafiner 4 Man cFothes, Men's Hats and FurDishing Goods, L^ke Mftrjoo Sts. (£) Crerar Clinch Coal Co. (See Chicago listing.) Ravitiia, lit, (E) n"®; Service. Candies, Kodaks, K^ak Supplira, Developmg andSoda Printing, StationerjCigars and Cigarettes, Fountain Pens, etc. (E) "West Side" JVaiikcf}aii, III. New Contract Atlas Stores Corp., United Sport Shops, Athletic Goods, Radiosand Radio Equipment, FishingTackle and Camping E<|i)ipmcnt, Koti.nks. Motion Picture Apparatus. Guns, Bicyclf Siwriswcar furMenand Women, 4121 N. Madison St, (EITcclivo April 22, 1930,) (E) Atlas Stores Corp., United Sport Shops, Athletic Goods, Radios and Radio Equipment, Fishing Tackle and Camping Equip ment, Kodaks. Motion Picture Apparatus. Guns. BicycJM, Sport-'wear for Men and Women, 4121 N. Madison St. W Crerar ClinchCoal Co. (Seclisting under the Loop.) Munoer's West Side Uundry. (Applies onlv on work placi^ at I'liindrv at lifted .^^ldrcss or picked up and delivered by tlieir WiiRdiis ) 1537 W, M-idison St.. Tel. Monroe 0687 (G—) Quick Servlco Laundry Co., Iiaundry. 319 So. Paulina Ave. (E) Schriver Laundry Co,. Laiiadry, 3128 West Lake St." (E) (Great Likes, III.) Newnan's Cloak & Suit Co., Women's and Misses' Apparel (Libor, Repairs, Alterations and Storage Included ) 127 No! GcneseoSt, Washington Laundry, OfHcc at 224 WoshinRton St., Tel. Waukecai) Tlei.T M. Chicago 501 Deec'aJfe PurJo.^, 2221 West Madron St., Tel. Wc.t^08_21 •*•4^ SdenTc^ U'iuitplf.-a, III, Roben M. Blrck Co., Cleaners aud'Dyers, 555 lincoln Are Tel >\U]Dctk.i 619 miSuTit ' " Hotel Wolferd, Hold (European Plan). Rooms and Restaurant (E) '^'°raen'8 and Misses' Appi,::!, Bcrwyii, III- Clinch Coal Co. (Sec Chicago listing.) murSL Alterations and Storage Included.) 135 N(i. P'lmondg. Watchcs, Jewelry, Clocks. Silver- Ii^'j (Labor.125Repairs andSt. Alterations (E) in cluded.) {Trade-ins e.icluded.) No. Mam Cicero, III- East St. Louis. III. .®ferar Clinch Coal Co. (Sec Chicago listing.) Atlas Stores Corp., Uniled Sport .Shons. .Athletic Goods, Radir.t Praiisfoit. Ill- M. Gifck Co.. Cleaners and Dyers. 1811 Benson Ave.^1 Plonse See Our List of Member Holds on Page tl (E) (F.) (See Chicago ftiburbs.) •-'anEtiiTi Fort Sheridan. ML Ii«:n(. Kodaks, Moti'm lecture Apparatus, Giins. Bicj'cles, for Men and Women, 0357 S. Halsled St.; 11280 •S. Mii-hi«aii Ave.: 1U27 So. Commercial Ave.; 920 E, (j3rd St.; Broadview Hotel (European Pbn). Rooms and Restaurant Evanston, III. :.nd Radio Eiiuipmont. Fishing Tackle and Camping L(iuii>3837 W. 2Wh St. ^">"8 °Dd Vegetablrs. Decatur, III. New Contract 1930.) J Danville, III. Chicago Suburbs E) Sta., N. Chicago (G—) I^'ilmeltc, III. (i<.hiii.P The Florist, Flowers. Plants and All Accessories for Olsen &Ebann (see listing under Chicago). 32 Island Ave. (E) Hadios and Radio Kfiuipincnt. F^hing Tackle and Camping (E) Highland Park, III. (E) /iurora. III. Atlas Stores Corp., United .Sjiort Shojs. Athletic Goods. aud Alterations included.) 1728Orricgton Atc. in the Orrington Hotel Decorative Purposes, 1301 E. 53rd St., Tel. Dorchester 7000 The Shoreland Hotel Co. (European Plan), Rooms and Restau (E) Theodor B.Roosvall, Correct Clothing forMen. (Labo^ Repairs Schiller, The Florist. Flowers, Plants and All Accessories for ' t:) Tel. CeutMl 3100 (E) Tel. Midway 0872 "Soiilh Side" liitip.' ;iii'l T:ililc Faviire, (^nmiilote Decoratiomi For anv r,,-,',." i;oa. 5U i;. Randolph ,St.;81 W. Lake St. Chas. T. Will Co.. Trunks, Boot, Cases. I^fher Goods, Travelera 220S. Michigan Ave,; 222-224 W. Madison Si. 151SE. 53rd St. Wormser Hat Stores, Inc., Men's Hats, Caps. Ties and Gloves. (Hrnovafions Ini'lnded.) 027 W, North Ave.; 3204 Lincoln and lather Novi'lties, State f3t, entrance of Pulmer House David Wobor. Expert Heaner and Dyer, 37 S. Wabnsh Ave included.) 2Gth St. and So. Michigan Ave. (E) Crerar Clinch Coal Co. (Seelisting under the Loop.) Hotel. The Shoreland Co. (European Plan), Rooms and Restau rant, on the Lake, at 55th St.; 5454South Shore Drive (E) Manhattan Shirts. Main Store, 4611 Broadway at Wilson k\t.x Store at 5409 N. Clark St. Peacock Shoe Shop, Women's .Shoes, Hosiery Luggage. HandThe Stevens Hotel (European Plan), Rootns and RMtaurant Michigan Blvd.. 7thto 8tb Sts. Kestaurom. Van Housen's Favor Co,. Inc., Paper Hats. Cape, Novelties Partv Exide Batteries and AutomobiJe Accessories, Car Washing, Olssn & Ebann. (Sec listing under Chicago), 614 Davis St Simonizing and Greasing. (Labor, Repairs, Rentals and Parts Portraiture, Siwcialists in Children's Portraits. C^opying, En (E) (li) "Saskln," Hart. Schaffner <t Marx Ciothc5, Men's Hats and Fur nishing Goods, 03rd St. and Maryland Ave. (E) The Cord Tire Co.. Tires and Tubes for Automobiles and Trucks, Morgan Stores,Groceries, Meats. Fruits and Vegetables, 319-327 E. 47th St. Tel. Oakland 5400 Hotel La Sails (European Plan), Rooms and Restaurant, La Sslle at Madison St. 25 ILLINOIS 'woa. Urocenefl, Meats, i-num, 610DavisSt., Tel. University 2(ol Great Lakes, HI. (SecHighland Park.111. and (See Waukegan, III., under Chicago Highwood, III.) Suburbs.) (Under Chicago Suburbs.) Please Read Our Rules on Page 12 KENTUCKY—LOUISIANA—MAINE—MARYLAND ILLINOIS^^INDIANA—KANSAS—KENTUCKY 26 Hlohland Park. 111. Oak Park. III. (Fort Sheridan,111.) (SecChicago Suburbs.) (Sec Chicago Suburbs.) M. Lowenlhai, Furrier, Women's Apparel. (Later. Rcpaire, Alterations and Storage Included.) 145 E. Main St, (E) Barney Miller's. Tirc-s and Tubes, Ford Paris, Touriste" EQuii>mcnt. Sporting (joods. (Labor, Repairs and Parto includcu.) (Trade-ins considered same as cash.) 222East Main St. (E) Peerless Laundry & Dry Cleaning Co., Inc.. Ijiundry, Cleaning Schoen Bros.. Cleaners und Dycn-. (iOi-3-5 N. Pennsylvania St.. Tel. Lincoln 4055: 24 W. Ohio St., Tel. Riicy 7200. (Call and Delivery Dept., yi54 E. i'ratt St. Tel. Main 4141) (L) E. W. Showaltor & Co., Autumnbilc riiinters, S|x:cialisls on Auto mobile ^\"rcck5i Body Rebuilding and Repairs, Swt Covers. Upholstery, Tojh aud Curtaius. and Gkiss Replacing, Official Rotkford. III. Olsen & Ebann, Diamondi, Watchcs. Jewelry. Clocks. Silver ware. Gift Merchandise. (I-abor, Kepairs and Alterations -ncludcd.) (Trade-ina excluded), 114 Weal State&t. lE) Waokegan. III. Wilmetto. HI. (Great Likes. III.) (Sec CLicago Suburbs.) and Dyeing, 149 N. Broadway Duco Rcfinisliing Station. (Labor and Jlcpaira Included.) 3nV. llthSt. (H) D. Sommers & Co., Inc., Furniture. Carpets, Rugs, DraiKrics, Linoleum.Stoves. Refrigerators and GeneralHouse Furniahings (No savings allowed on cretlit allowed for merchandise traded iu.) Cor. Wasliiugtoa and Capitol (E) Stokes Pfrarmacy Co.. Drust Stores, Proscriptions, RubberGoods. (See Chicago Suburla.) Toilet Articles, ctc., 22ti N. Meridian St.; Pcnn and Michigan St.; 449 N. Pcnn St. WInnetka. lU- eluded.) 34E. Washington St. (E) WestSide Ice Co..Icc and Coal. 223 Lynn St. Savings on Coiil 15c pertun;everything else 0'-) Willis Fisii &Oyster Co., Fish, Oysters andSea Food, 238 Majsa- INDIANA Anderson. Ind. Olsen S Ebann (See listing under Terre Haute), 1022 Meridian rit. (K) Washingten Hotel (European Plan), Rooms and Cafe only. (Con ventions and Banctuets and Cafeteria Items or Purchases ei- (See Chicago Suburbs.) (E) chusctts Ave. . . Evansville, Ind. Olsen & Ebann (sealisting underTerroHaute), 216 N. MainSt. Olsen &Ebann (seelisting underTerreHaute),606 MainSt. (E) Michigan City. Ind. Ft. Wayne. Ind. OlsenEbann(seelistingunderTcrrcHaute),425FranklinSt. (E) Olsen &Ebann (sec listing under TerreHauie),1034 So. Calhouo New Albany. Ind. sacbusettfl .\ve..Cor. Delaware [''' Brookshire Pharmacy Co.. Prescription Specialists, Drugs, Sick Room Supplies, 217 N. Pennsylvania St. W City Shoe Repair Co.. Specialists, Shoe Repairing, 42 Monumrat PI.icc. (Labor included) IW Em-Roe Sporting Goods Co.. Athlete aiid Sporting Goj^. Ciuioes. Guns, Ammunition, FjshinK Tack c, Cam(.m« Supplies. Hii-vcles and Whcci Tovs. (llejwirs included.) Ufiicial Boy Sit EqS>mcnt e.^cluded, 209 \V«t Washington St, (E) Olsen & Ebann (see listing under Terre Hauto). 214 So. Michigan St. (E) Terre Haute. Imf. Olsen & Ebann.'Diamonds, Watches. JcRxiry, Clocks, .Silyerwarc. Gift Merchandise. (Labor. Repairs and Alterations Included). (Trade-ins cscluded), 7.31 Waljash Ave. d'^) Powers Cleaning Co., Cicaiiing, Dyciug, Pressing and Repairing. 9 South "th St. ' KANSAS Fame Laundry Co.. Laundry. Hth Ave. ami Illinois Si. (E) Ferow-a Terminal Pharmacy. Prescriptions, Drugs, ToUet Articlw. Cor. Illinois and Market Sts. (Q—) El Dorado, Kans. (B) Hiller Office Supply Co., Office Furniture and Equipment. Stationorj-. PrintiDg and Engraving. (Membership savings will be paid HotelEl Dorada (European Plan),Rooms and Reataurant I'nrporations cannot be cleared.) 20-28 f- Pennsylvania St. (E) Hogan Transfer &Storage Co., Storage. (Fire-Pr<wf JVarehouse.) Movins!. ShippinR, Packing. (Labor included.) (Fumigating Devoe 4 RaynoldsCo.. Inc. (Direct .Stnrts. Inc.), Paints, Varnishps, Brushc. Artists' Mntcrials, Dry Culurs, Drafting Materials. IL'7 N. MarketSt. (t) onpurchases ofa business character provitiing tliemember isthe Bute owner of the business. Purchases mndcbj- iwrtnershiia or work excluded.) 861-869 Massachuflcttfi Atc. Wichita. Kana. Hotel Washington (European Plan), Rtwnu and cluded.) 34 E. Washington St. _ (E) Jessup & Antrim Ice Cream Co., Icc Cream aii'5 I®*®- 'j® N. Fame Laundry Co.. Laundry, 221 Court Ave. B. ffl. Keene Drug Co.. Prescription Druggists. Toilet ArtielM, Baynham Shoe Co.. Foot«car for Men, Illinois St., Tel. Riley5404 W—) Rubber Goods, etc., 201 N, Delaware St. Krause Bros., Men's Clotbiog and Furnishings. (AUerotions iiiduded.) (Surrender Cash Register Receipts for Specwl Am^ nation receipt when purchase is made. Cash Register RocclptB •.vi!l not be cleared.) 205-7 E. Washington St. Harry Levlnson, Men's Hats, 37 N Pennsylvania St.; 41 S. Illinois St. and Cor. Illinois and Market Bts. (£) Lyman Bros.. Framed Pictures, Frames made to order, Kodakfl and PhotoSupplies,Art Goods.Gift Shop,31 Monument Circle(E) Miller Hardware Co. (Purchases of,i. Linseed Oil, 'I'nriioulirir imd Wire Nails in keg lots cTcluilcd.) 3e8-372 Masiachusctta .\ve ([,-) Polar Ice and Fuel Co., Ice and Coal, 2000 Northweatem Ave Tel. Talbut 0089; IU02 3., East St., Tel. Drcscl 1456; Lynn and P. E. R. Railroad, Tel. Belmont 0888. (Savings on purchascs throughout entire delivery route; purchasea at cashand carrystationsexcluded.) Savin^on Coa!15c j>er (on;on Wood 15cper cord:overvthiiig elw (E) Ragsdale & Price. lindiTtnkcrs, 1210 N. .Mabama St, (Exprea cliargiK, charK«M fnr linying cemntfry lota, express churgoa for pl.ipment of l>odi(« cTcliidcd.) (Also Railroad Transportation und NewB!):i[icr notices excluded) (E) (E) Lexington. Ky. Morshdm Shoes for Men. Arch Preserver Sli<w9 for Hosiery for Men and Women. 107-10!) J.. Main St. S,Vomcn' •' The Deitrn Co., Department Store. Purchases on which trading stamp have been obtained (B-); everything else (D Elkin Furniture Co.. Inc., Household f^rni^rc. Radios. (Trade-ins considered same as cash.) 155-157 Nn. Limestone St. „ Harp Brothers. Gro^ Fresh M^^ p v (White Lead, Turpentine and Linseed Oil c:^cluded.) Next to (E) lures and Frames. (I/abor included.) 255 N. Broadway. Sav ings on Framesand Framing (K); everything cIbo (G—) Transylvania Printing Co.. StnUoncrj-, Lnoao Leaf Dcvices, Filing Devices, OHice E(|uiprocnt and Supplies. (Printing e.Tcluded) (Membership Savings will be paid on purchases of a business character providing the member is thesole owner ofthebusineas. rurciiasea made by partnersliips cannot »» cleared unless all partners arc members ofthe Association.) 108 North Upper (£)) St. .ttoiie StB. onne St. (E) H«el Do SflJo (European Plan), Rooms and Reataurant. 420 Baronne St. • (E) (E) (G'^) Schumacher Shoe Store, Men's and Boys' Shoes. (Repairs in- eluded.) 106 lioyQl St (£) Trlcou's, Men's Furnishbgs, Clothing, ctc., 738 Gravier St (E) Vlilere'a Pharmacy. Drug Store. Esplanade and Rampart Sts (E) Walsdorfa Inc.. Drug Store, 1036 Canal St, 1117 Canal St' (E) John M.Wailoti, Automotive Electrical Shop, Repaira andPiirls for Lighting and Ignition System for all makes of AutomobilM. Authorized Bemlix bcrvice, fct Charles and Julia Sts. (Labor RcpairB and AItcrations incIudcd.) (gj Wormser Hat Stores, Inc.. Men's Hats, Cats, Ties and Glove*. (Renovations Included.) 635 Canal St.; 318 St Charles St (E) Louisville, Ky. Shreveport, La. Devoe &Raynolds Co.,Inc.(DircctStores,Int), Paints,Varnishes Brushes, Artista' Materials, Dry Colors, Drafting Materials! Td S7.50 dso Hosiery, 405 S. 4th St. (Labor and Repa« included) « Hotel Tyler (European Plan), Rooms and Restaurant, N. E. (Jor. 3dandJeffereon Sts. j MAINE j e-i Bangor. Me. Wm Kflndrlck's Sons, Inc., Jcwelere, Diamonds and Silver smith (Repaid included.) (Trade-ins considered same^/ cash.) 638 S.4th Ave. LooTins Tifoam! &Rubber Tubes, Co. 551 ofS. Now Fir.t York. St. Inc. (I-co of Conshohocten) ^ Lewis 4 Hastings, Haberdashery, 015 S. 4lh Ave. 406 Milam 6t, ( GeneraTofficc: "AbmBldg.. 444 Sa FrlhST.; m City 3511. Savings on coal 20c per ton. Settle Packing. ""/'."S * ®(E) Th?S HoteMEiirplnn Plan), Rooms and Reataurant, N.^E. Cor. 3dandJcIIcrsou btLOUISIANA M. Sleinert & SonsCompany, Steinway, Steinert, Jowett, Woodbury.Curtis, Berkshire Pianos, Player Pianos, Aeolian Duo-Art Reproducing Pianos and Music Rolls, Victor Orthophonic Vic trolas and Orthophonic Records, R.idios. (labor. Repairs Alterations, Rentals, Tuning included.) (Trade-ins excluded ') 78 Central St. S-ivinga on Automatic Organs (A); evervthine else (e7 Portland, Me. -lonney Gasoline Station (Jenney Mfg Co.). Gasoline. Lubricating Oils. Greases and Fuel Oil, 505 Danforth St,(Boston Road) (D) M.Stelnert & Sons Company, Steinway, Steincrt, Jewett. Woodbury, Curtis, Berkshire I'lanos, Player Pianos, Aeolian Duo-Art Reproducing PianM and hj^ic Rolls, Victor Orthophonic Vietrolas and Orthophonic Records, Radics, (Labor, Repairs. Alterations, Rentals, Tuning included.) (Trade-ins excluded.) Sn Congress ot. i-avings on Automatic Organs (A); eversrthin^ New Orleans, La. Baronno Aparlmen. Hotel. Housekeeping Apartments. 421 Ba^rj / Wadsworth, Howland & Co., Inc. {Dircct Storee. Inc.). Paints. J^nishw, BrMuoa, Artista' Materials, Dry Colors, Drafting Materials, 15Monument (E) Fruits. \e«^a. Limestone St. Physicians and Surgeons Bldg., 3501 Prytania St. and St Charles Ave. and 6th St. (E) Hotel, Baronne Apartment, Houflckeeplng Apartments, 421 Bar Emerson Shoe Co,. "Honest All Through," Me^s Shoe^ «._50 Portland Suburb bl« and Oysters, 310-318 West M Bt. (B ) Hubbard &Curry Druggists, Inc., Drug Store, uhort and Lim-Juslright Tailoring Co.,no bo. Alterations Included), Heart's Pharmacy (Charles C.Hebert, Proprietor). Drug Store. Metairie Ridge Nursey Co., Ltd.. Florists. 135 Carondelet St. S' ray Covlngto". Ky. (E) Equipment, Guns and Ammunition, Fishing Tackle, Canoes, KENTUCKY (Ej (Con ventions and Banquets and Cafeteria Items or Purchaws ei- (E) ' Companies excluded, 129 Carondelet St.: 1014 Sa Rampart St. Marine Oil Co.. Ltd., Gasoline Filling Station, Lubricating Oils, Greases, Cars filled, washed, oiled and greased. 1529 St. Charles Ave.; 360 Dryades St. (Coupon Sales excluded.) Harness and Farm Implementa of all kinds. (Repairs included.) • (Ej The Smith-Walkins Co., Hardware, Cutlery, Tools, Kitchen Starman Studio, Porfrnit Pliotngraphy, Oil Paintings, Minia- South Bend. Ind. 024 Canal St. Foldman's Original Antique Emporium, Antiques, Furniture, Brica-Brac, Paintings, Brontes, Oriental Rugs, Jewelry, etc., 435 Royal St., 325 Royal St.; 225 Royal St. (E) Gibbens & Gordon, Inc., Hardware. Bird Cages. Fishing Tackle. Garden Tools, Wire, Refrigerators, Paint, Stoves, and Sporting Goods,632 Canal St (E) Post OfTico on East Main ihe Elsby Bldg. Brushes, Artists' Materials, Dry Colors, Drafting Materials. St. Mario Shoppe-The Shop of Distinctive Millinerj^ (LaW, Repairs and Alterations included.) 215 L.-ist Main bt. (E) Saunders Radio Co., Everything in Radm and Radm Service. (Scr\'ice, Repairs and Rirta included.) 151 No. Broadway (E) Skulior's, Jewelry. Diamonds, Watetics. Silverware, etc. (Ubnr. Repairs and Alterations included.) 127 ^\. Mam St. (E) Rowboate, Outboard Motors, Gardening Tools and Implements. Burd & Strattan, Confcctioncry and Restaurant, 220 State St. and Indianapolis. Ind. B.C. Bennett Co.. Men's Clothiog aud Kurniahings, 231-253 Mm- (E) Devoe& Reynolds Co.,Inc.(Dircct Stores, Inc.), Paints, Vaniisbcs, Wm. Frantz& Co., Inc.,Jewelers and Opticians. (Optical Repairs included.) Purchases and payments made through Railroad Utensils, Paints, Stoves, Sporting and Athletic Goods and - (E) Soto Hotel (European Plan), Rooms and Rcstaarant, 420 Baronne St. Phoenix Hotel (European Plan), Rooms and Restaurant (E) Rasch &Warren, Watch and Optical Shop. (Labor, Repaire and Parts included.) (Trade-ins considered sameas cash.) 109 So. Upper St. (E) B. B. Smith& Co.,Women's Wear, 2G4 W. Main St. (E) Smith-Carroll Co., Victrolas. Brunswick Panatrope and Records, Radios, China, Books, Stationery, Engraving, Gift and Art Shop. Glnssware, Novelties. (Repairs and Pnrta included.) (Trade-ins considered same as cash.) Phoenix Block (E) (C—) Kokomo, Ind. • •e South Porllau'l. Mc. ' (F (L 27 "•.>^;,B'fnchard'B Pharmacy. Drug Stores. 7457 St. C.lmri™ Ave. Jenney Gasoline Station(JenneyMfg. Co.),Gasoline. Lubricating Oils, Greases and FHiel Oil, Ocean St near Portland Bridge (D) MARYLAND KS^aSd other Merchmid^ Decoration? Rentals included.) Savings on Telegraph Orders Lull Rrne Pair.t/i Vnrmshefl. Brushcs, Artists Materials. Glass of nil kinds, n(c. (Wholesale Piirchnsca ExcludcL) 337 East Main St. . . . , n V LeKlnglon Dairy, Inc.. Dairy ProductSi'lO Natiomil Ave. (B ) Annapolis, Md. Footer's Cleaners & Dyers, "Fur or Fabric, we clean and dye it" (Repairs, Alterationa and Storage Included.) 130 Main St. tE) Read Our Rules on Page 12 Please Sco Our List of Member Hotels on Page 11 MARYLAND—MASSACHUSETTS 2& MASSACHUSETTS Jos. A. Wilner 4 Co., Naval, Military and Civilian Tailors, Gradu:iUo!iOutfits a Specialty, 00 Maryland Avc. Barrett Nephews4 Co., Old Statcn Island Dyeing Esfablbbment, Inc., Cleanersand D^'crs, 478 Boylston St., Tel. Kenmore 7225 (E) Baltimore, Md. ThoJ. R. M. Adams Co., ilurdn-arc and Houscfuroishi^, Paints, etc. (Nails in Keg Lota c-tcluded.) 400 W. FranUia St.. corEutaw St. Savings on Builders' Contract Work (B—); every. tLingels# (£) American Ice Co., Ice. 309 Culvert Bldg., Tel. Plaia •I'JSS. (Coal and U'ood excluded.) (E) Market; Stall 1, Northeast Market; 305 Belair Market at Hillen St.: Lexington and Paea Sts. (B—) J, Edward Richardson 4 Co., Stationer, Printer, Engraver, Fountain Pens, Rubber Stamps, I'J E. Baltimore St. (E) George Boeder 4 Sons, Beef, 58 Leiington Market, Tel. Plata 6127 Eutaw St. (E) Security Storage Co.. Inc., Storage, Hauling, Packbg and Carpet Cloverland Farms Dairy. Milk, Cream, Butter, Eggs and Cbeesc. 1510 W. North Ave. (B—) H. Singer Co., Uniform Makers and Merchant Tailors. (Repairs (E) The Emerson Hotel (European Plan), Rooms and Restaurant. Savings on Meals in Main Dicisg Room and Chcs. Rooms. Private Banc]uests or Dinners indudcd. Baltimore and Cal- vcrt iSts. (E) Enterprise Carpet Cleaning & Storage Co.. Carpet Cleaaine and . Storage. (Labor. Repairs, Alterations included.) 3126 Fred erick Avc(E) A. H. Petting Mfg. .lewelry Co., Diamond Jewelry and Precious St^nc Jewelrj'. Repair Work'of all kinds and special Jewelry made to order. (Labor and Alterations included.) Charles St. 314 N. Cleaning, 13 W. North Ave. and .Alterationsincluded.) The Van Co., Men's and Young Men's Wearing Apparel, 14 N Charies St. (E) Fnyelte St., Tel. Flftza2628 Footer's Cleaners 4 Dyers, "Fur or Fabric, we clean and dye it." (Repairs,. Alterations and Storage Included.) 316 N. Howard St.; 218 W. Saratoga St. (E) William J, Halllday, Florists, 321 N. Charles St. ((J—j William H. Hofstettv & Sons. Fruits and Vegetables, Fresh nod Canned, S.E. Cor. Ensor andForrest Sts.,Belair Market (B—) Hotel, The Emerson (European Plan), Rooms and Restaurant, ^;aving8 on Meals in Main Dining Room and Ches. Rooms. A;;<rul8 for Hamilton Watches, Elgin Watcbw. Walton Watches Chargesapplies to Guests only) (E) Nlckcrsoii Co., Hal»i'r<laslicry and Custom Shirt Makers, :inU lura, Beautyhalon, 345N. Charies St. (E) MarylarHl Photo Stock Co.. K-idaks and Supplies, DnvclopitiR, rriuni.r. l.niarijuiE for (lie Amateur. (Rciv.!™ inrlii/lpd I (1 rade-iiib corididcrwl Eamc ad cash.) 219 N. Liberty St (E) McPherson's, .''hirt Makers and Men's OutfilterB Kcpairs iRcludcd.) 11 E. Baltimore St. _i St. (Schwl and Text Books excluded) " (E) Estabrook 4 Eaton, Cigars, Cigarettes and Smoking Articles, (licc Washington, D. C., Suburbs.) 25C Washington St. I'iold and Poultry Supplies, Garden Implcmenta irri.. Insccticirlcs. (Illustrated Catalogua sent on ieou«7^ ' ••'.rts iiiclnded.) 32Light St., Savings on Poulti^ MiM'l"S (13--); everything else M.'thelson'c, Milliner^-, 20 W. LexinBton f5t, Milady's Hat Shop. Millinery, 305 W. Lciingtou Si. (g) (E) (E) N«w Mid-GKy Qaraps. i^imonimg. Tiros and TubeK. Oil, Gasolinr, and LubricutinE. Storage, Cbrles St. af. Hedwwid, .»avinB;ioiiuiiaolinc(D); LvcrythingElac (E) (E) Francis SportingGoods Co.. SportinR and AthleticGoods. (Lalmr, Cumberland. Md. Repairs and Alteratiota Included.) IJt Federal St. (E) George L.Griffin 4 Son, Inc., Stetson andMallory Hats forMen. Fursand Fur Repairs andStorage, MUliuerj-and Hosiery. Cloth Coatsfor Men and Women. (Repairs, Alterations and Storage d.) 3G8lo370lncludoWashingtonSt. (E) The Harding Uniform 4 Regalia Co.,Uniforms forOfficers and en listed personnel of the Army, Na\i', Marine Coria, National Footer's Cleaners 4 Dyers, "fur or Fabric, we elean and dyo it." (Repairs, Alterations andStorage Included.) 36N. Liberty St. (E) Hagerstown, Md. Hamilton Hotel (European Plan), Rooms and Restaurant (E) Guard, I'. S. Public Health Service. Standard Military Equip ment and Insignia. Loilgo Uniforms and all kinds of Regalia. MASSACHUSETTS (Rep.iirs and Alterations included.) 30 Franklin St. Jenney Gasoline Station (Jenney Mfg. Co.,) Gasoline, Lubricating Oils, Greases and FuelOil, Adams St. Cor.Granite .Ave. (D) Wfimrn's Slioc.s. Lineerie. (E) Hotel,New Parker House (Furnpean Pianl. Rorn-sand Restaurnnt, 'Tremnnt .md School SI6. (Memi>ership S.ivings on Res taurantCharfies Ajijilics to Guests only) (E) Hotel Touraloe (Eurnjx'.'w Plan). Rnoms and Rrst.nurant, Cor. bury, Curtis, Berkshire Pianos. Player riaiiDS, Aenlian Duo-Art Boylston and Trcniont Sts. Membership savings on restaurant charga applies toguests only , 'E) purchase was made by yourself or your wife, with the words:"by self"or "bv wife." If purchase was made bysomeone entirely dpnpndpnt ut)0n you, sign state the relationship, as: "by miudcd.) Beverly. Mass. (U) Boston. Mass. (B-) Albany Carpal Cleaning Co., RuR Cir:<"i^"8- .I^epairing and .StorK:«cl<>ry Mniti OfTicc. IMO Prijiiiriian Allfllou; I Tel.Stadium 4200. (Tr:ido-iu3 conaidercd siimc uscash.) (E) (Laliur, Hc'iiairs, Alterations and S^riiitc In Bachrach, Inc., Photographers, 647 Boylston St. . , r. (E) (E) PIMkIn Bros., Wearing Apparel for Women and Misses. (Labor Repairs, Alterations and Storage included.) 364-368 Boylston (E) John H.Pray 4 Sons, Carpels, Ruga. (Savings on labor for lavice linoleum or eariicts excluded.) 646 Washington St (E) Raymond Shoe 4 Repair Co., High-Class Shoe Repairing, 3 Kineston 6t-, Cor. Summer M. Stelnert 4 Sons Company, Steinway, Steinert, Jewett R'nodbiiry. Curlis, Berkshire Pianos. Player Pianos. Aeolian Duo-Art RpiiroilncinB Pianns aiul Music Rolls, Victor Orthophonic Vietroias and Orthonhomc Records. Radios. (Lalw, Xnaire Altcralmns. Rentals, Tunmc included.) (Trade-ins exclufirrr^ S^le.nert Hall, 162 Boylston St. and 35 A4h St Kg^ on & matic Organs (A); everything else (F) Stetson Coal Co., Cml and Wood, 490 First St T,>i v n . ' Om. Savings on Co:.l 25c per ton; On wLl Me ier cord Thayer, McNeil Co., Everything in Footwear Mpn'» w • Theodore, Inc., Distinctive Gowna, Dresses. .Snitn and Kit o-JiSo ' Blouses, Millinery, Ready-ta-Woar Hals, ctc., for Misses and Women. (Labor, Repairs. Alterations and Storage inc uded.) (Members should retain itemized portion of chargc bilts and certify payment thereon in conformity with our regulation f ' ' Beacon St.; 300Congress St. near South Station:65 Providence (D) (E) St.. opp. Statler Hotel; CambridgeSt., near Charles St Please See Our Ust of Member Hotels on Page 11 mg of all Makes of Fountain Pens. 66 Franklin St pi Silk Hosiery, Hemstitching, 19 lemnl^ eiScd) molcsak Purchases and Trade Safe Touralno Hotel (Etiropean Plan), Rooms and Restaurant 222 Ctoto. St, 141 FcJJVmso Walpole Brothers, H^ehold Linens, founded 1760, 587 Bovlstfln St. (Monograms, Hemming and Laundering excluded) Please Read Our Rules on Page 12 /J j Siwol Silks, Velvets, Women's R;iu for forwarding to us. Firm's jiaid stamp stamped thereon not rcciuired.) II "Temple Place . Jenney Gasoline Station (Jenney Mffl. Co..), Gasoline, Lubrirating Oils, Cre.nsea and Fuel Oil, HG Milk St.: 18 India St.; North Washington St. Cor. Traverfl St.: Commonwealtji Avc. and American Awning 4 Tent Co.. Tenls, Awninipi. Flags, Wnterproiif Covers, . Howes Dry Cleaners (C. G- How" Co-. ""cO' Dry Main Offices and Plant, 82 Brainirce St pajich Office, 23 Providence St., opposite Statler ptd. Tel. Sta<lium 1400 connecting .ail departments and branches. Collection and delivery service DAILY insuburbs .and Greater Dcstun (E) Jays, Inc., Dresses. Suits. Coats. Shirts. Sweaters, Scarfs, Jenney Gasoline Station (Jenney Mfg. Co.), Celine, Lubricating The L. F. Abbott Co., Butcher and Clwiee Provisions. Stalls Nos. 47 and 40 Fancuil Ua!l Market, iel. Richmond 0911 and .itions ami Storage mcluded.) 127 Tremont St Penn. The Florist. Florist (Rentals Included.) 124 Tremont enTrely°leJl^^i"nt mother.") (Radios and Sewing kachines (E) Oils, Greases and FuelOil, Cor.Cabotand Rautoul Sts. Hats, Socicly Brand Clothes, 345 Washington St. (E) Nickcrson. Tho Haberdasher, Inc., Habordasherj- ami Custom ShirtMakers, Dunlap Hals,.Society Brand Clothes, 104 Boylston S'(E) Noyes Bros., Inc.. Men's an.J Lailies" Outfitters. (Repairs. AJtcr- St ' Other Entrances. 42 Avon St. and 0 Chaunrey St- Hn fornardinc cash sales or C. 0. D.slips sign them andindicate if J. J. Beard Furniture Co., Furniture, Floor Coverings, House Furnishings, II N. Main St. Tremont and .Schools St. (Membership &vings on Restaurant C F Hovev Co., DciKirtment Store. Mam Lntranee, 27 hummer Attleboro, Mass. cluded.) loo Cuuimingiou St. (Repairs, Alterations and Storaeo Included.) 0C7 Bn.viston Sc. Athol, Mass. 1681 (E) HIckson. Inc., Women's Tailors and Drrsamakers, Ready M.ido amd Made to Order; Furs, Millinerj'. Novelties, llrsiery, Astimont. Mass. ^^^or and Tho Meyer Seed Co., Vegetable and Flower Seeds, Plania DoWolfo 4 Fisko Co. (The Archway Bockstore), Books, 2 Park Bethesda. Md. Reproducing Pianos and Muaie Rolls. Victor Ortliophome Vietrolas and Ortln>|ihonic Records, Radios. (I^lwr, Renairs Alterjitioa"!, Rentaia, Tuning included.) (Trade-ins excluded.) 408 Main St.,Automatic Organs (A):everythmg else (E) Lane Bryant, Inc., Speeialiats inslenderizing apparel for stout wonicii aii'l imssM, maternity and infnntg- „ear, millinery, shoes (E) lirashcfl. Artists' Materials, Dry Crlore, Drafting Materials, liO .Summer St. (E) The Progress Laundry Co,, Inc., Laundry, 4000-2 W Belvcdero Ave. (E): ^E) (E) D^oe 4 Raynojds Co., inc. (Dircel Stores, Inc.), Paints, V.ornishes, Kernan 4 Relohardt. Oriental Rugsj a Selection ofOld andModern included) Toilet Goods, 43 Temple Pbcc .•tr/iHe^oK. Md. M. Stelnert 4 Sons Company. .Stclnvruy, Stemert,Jcwctt, Wood- Tlio Knickerbocker Works. Inc., Cnrpot andRug Cleaning, Storage. 210B Mnryland Ave. (Labor, Repairs, Alterations andStorage (E) NewParker House Hotel (EuropeanPlan); Roomsand Restaurant. (E) nags, etc., 145 Tremont St. uooiis, Dok Collars and Jlarncsse.-i, 182 Summer St. North diaries St.; 3'6th St. and Roland Ave.; Light and Cross La.'itprii Avc. and Third St. (li) (E) (E) lD-25 Stuart St. Jo^ah Cummlngs 4 Son, Ini. Trunks, Bags, Suitcases, Leather mont St. (G—) :ind Sctb Thomas Clocks. (Watch. Clock andJewelry Repairing ini-luiir-l.) (Monthly payment accounts inclwled.) 105-111 Weaves. 15 W. I'Vanklin St. Melvln4 Badger Co., Drugs. Prescription Druggist, Sundriesand tric Refrigerators. (Labor, Repairs and Alterations Included.) Baltimore Suburbs Franklin St. Private Banquets or Dianers included. Baltimore and CalvertSts. _ (E) S. &N. Katz, Jewelers and Silversmiths. Fairfak Sterling Silver, 1847 Roger Brothers Silverplato: Oneida Community Silverplate; Carrbrldgo Jjundry. 8-10 Sodcn St., Cambridge, Tel. University Mark Cross Co., Leather Goods, Gifts, Gloves. Trunks, Traveling Sts., Tel. Vernon 1214; Branches, lOt W. Fnycttc St.; 212 W. (E) plies. Fountain Pens and Pencils, Barometers and Thermome ters, Opera, Field and Marine Glasses. (Repairs and Alterations Included.) 300 Washington St.; 75 Summer St.; 310 Boylston (E) St. Thomas Long Company, Jewelry, Diamonds, Watche-, Steriing Silver, Plated Silverware, Leather Novelties, etc. (Including (E) per ton. ture Clcanetl, Rebuilt, Rcupholstered and Remodeled, 216 W. Appliances and Radios. (Labor, Repairs, Alterations and Parts Included.) 121 FederalSt. (E) AndrewJ. Lloyd Co., Opticians, Kodaks and Photographic Sup Repair Work.) 40 Summer St. (B) Arthur McArthur Co., Furniture, Rugs, Linoleum, Radio, Elec ® Labor, Shop, Women's Misses' Wearing 175 Apparel, (ite^irs. Alterations and and Storage included.) Tre- Yale Laundry, Inc., Laundry, Main Office, Cor. Diddle and Bolton (Labor. Repairs and Alterationsincluded.) Vph"l8lcred Furni LeeTire 4 Rubber Co. of New York, Inc. (Leeof Consbohockcn), Tires and Tubes, 890Commonwealth Ave. (E) Edwin C. Lewis, Inc., Electrical Suppli^ Fixtures. Lamps and Miller Drug Co., Drugs. (Cigars and Cigarettes excluded.) CSo Atlantic Ave.; 21 Massachusetts Ave.; 201 Massachusetts Ave.; 1012Bcnnington St., Orient Heights (E) S. S. Miller 4 Son, Trunks, Bags, Suit Cases and Leather Goods, 182 Summer St. (E) 1530 Maryland Ave., Tel. Vemon 4401. Savings on Coal 25c Cleaned, Rebuilt. Reupholstered and. Remodeled. 2551 Penn Edward F. Kakas 4 Sons, Inc., Furriers. (Trade-ins excluded.) 93-93 NcwburySt. Savingson Laoor,, Alterationsand Storagc(B—):evcrj'thiogclse (E) Richard Briggs, Inc., China and Glassware, 32 Ncwbury St. (E) Alfred Brigham Co., Choice Provisions, Meats. Fruits. Vegetaolea andGroceries, 40 West Cedar St, Tel.Haj-market 0342. (Dwring Summer see Magnolb.) (D) tjSlo. (Work through Agencics excluded from Savings.) E. A. 4 6. M. Watts, Coal. (Bills must bo paid witbin 30 daj's,). (E) branches, Lafayette 2054.) (Labor, Repairs and Alterations included) (E) Eiuil Fisher. Cleaners and Dyere, Carpet Cleaning and Storage. (E) (E) Fish Dry Cleaning Co.. Cleaners and Dyers, Upholstered Furniture sylvania .\vc.: 025 W. North Ave,; 5130 Park Heights Ave.; Garrison and Liberty Heights Ave. (One phone connecting all Essex Sta. (E) Henry Bosch Co., Wall Paper, Paints, etc., 118 Summer St. (E) The Boston IceCo., Ice. (In view of the number of brancli offices, ali bills mustbe receipted by the Company's agents.) 11DeerPel(ISt., Tel.Kcdmore8100; 97 WestD^ham St., Tel. Kenmoro 5873 (E) Troy Shirt Shops, Inc,. Men's Furnishings and Hats. Complete lino of Haberdashery. 14 E. Baltimore St. near Charles: S. W. Cor. Baltimoreand South Sts.; 212 N. Charles St.; Eutaw and Franklin Sts. (E) Bond Clothes, Inc., Men's Clothing and Hats, Cor. Washington and (E) 617 E. Baltimore St. _ Bird's Stationery Shop, Fine Stationers and Engravers, GiftShop, 6 and7 West St. (E) (C—) Bachrach, Inc., Photographers, 021 N. Charles St. cluded.) 215 E. Baltimore St. Cards. (Labor, Repairs and Alterations Included.) llBromfidd St. The G. Schiaffino Co., Groceries—Imported and Domestic,220N. (E) •Stetson Shoe and Dr. Reed's Cushion Sole Shoes. (Repairs in L.A. Bigclow, Art Goods, Pictures, Frames andFraming. Greeting (B—) Associated Millinary, Millinery, 110 W. Lexington St. Joseph Crane, Shoes for Mjn and Boys. Enelusivc Agcncyfor the (F-) 29- Je" MASSACHUSETTS 30 MASSACHUSETTS Boston Suburbs Howes Dry Cleaners (C. G. Howes Co., Inc.), 2 Brattle St. at Harvard Square {See Boston listing.) (g) Allstoii. Mass Jenney Gasoline Station (Jenn^ Mfg. Co.), Gasoline, Lubricating Oils, breaaes and 1'uel Oil, 220 MassaeLusells Ave.near Harvard Albany Carpet Cleaning Co. (See Boston listing.) (E) The Boston Ice Co.. Ice. (In view of the number of branch ofiiccs, all lAlls must be receipted by the Company's agcnta.) 50Frank lin St., Tel. Stadium 8920 (t) Cambridge Laundry. (See Boston listing.) (E) Howes Dry Cleaners (C. G. Howes Co.. Inc.) (SecBoetonlisting.) Stetson Coal Co., Coal and Wood. (See iiuting under Bcstoo.) Andrew J. Lloyd Co.. Ojjticians, Kodaks and Photographic Sup plies. I'ountain Pens and Pencils, Baromctera and Thermome ters.Opera, Fieldand MarineGlasses. (Repairs and .^Iterations Inclu(lcd.) Harvard Square (E) Somerviile Coal Co..Coa! and Wood. (See listing under Sdmerville.) Arliiipfoii, 3lass. Albany Carpet Cleaning Co. (See Boston listing.) Bridge; SOO Charira Kiver Parkway near River St.; 70 Bridge •St. at I.cchnicrc Sq.; Main St. near Kendall Sq. (D) (E) Cambridge Laundry. (See Boston listing.) (K) J. N. Cowin & Co., Coal and Wood. (See listing under Medford.) Stetson Coal Co.. Coal and Wood. {Sec listing under Bcoton.) Wadsworth, Howland & Co., Inc. (Direct Stores, Inc.), Paints, Varnislies, Brushes, .Artists' Materials, Dry Colors, Drafting Materials, GS4 Massachusetts Ave. (jj) (E) Auburttdalc. Mass. CambridgeLaundry. (SecBoston listing.) Brackett Coal Co., Coaland Wood. (Seelistingunder Newton.) (E) (E) Somerviile Coal Co., Conl and Wood. (See listing under Somer viile.) Chelsea, Mass. Albany Carpet Cleaning Co. (See Boeton listing.) (E) Braskett Coal Co., Coal and W'ood. (Sec listiog under Newton.) Cambridge Laundry. (See Boston iieting.) (K) Cambridge Laundry. (Sec Boston listing.) iiig Oils. Greases and Fuel Oil, Pleasant Si. Car. Brighton St. (D) (g) Dcdliam. Mass. Albany Carpet Cleaning Co. (Sec Boston listbg.) (E) Cambridge Laundry. (Sec Boston listing.) ' Oils, Greases and J'uel 0:1, Washington St. near Court St. The Boston Ice Co., Ice. (In view of the numlierof branch officcs, :ill bills must 1)0 rcceijited by the Company's agents.) 50 Fraukliii St., (Ulfiton, Tel. fcjtadium 8y20 (Ej Brackett Coal Co., Coal andWood. (See listing under Newton.) Cambridge Laundry. (See Boston listing.) (E) HowM Dry Claanera (C. G.Howes Co., Ine.) (See Boeton listing.) o St.,Jamaica Plain, Tel. Aspinvrall 4024 ' (E) B.W.Yulll Coal Co., Coal and \^'ood. (See listing under Jainaiea all bills must be receipted by the Company's agents.) 262Heath St., Tel. iUpinwall 4024. (E) Cambridge Launilry. (SceBostonlistbg.) (E) HowesDryCleaners (C. G. Howes Co., Inc.)(SceBoston listing.) ig-) (E ;e) Stetson Coal Co., Coal and Wood. (See listing (inder Boston.) B. W. YulU Coal Co., Coal and Wood. 55-59 Hall St.. Tel. Jamaica 5488 and 1720. Savings on Coal 25e per ton; on wood 50o per cord. ^ Roxbitry, Mass. Albany Carpet Cleaning Co. (Sec Boston listbg.) St.,Tel. Highlands 9220 (E) Cambridge Laundry. (Sec Bcston listing.) (E) Howes Dry Cleaners (C. G. Howea Co., Inc.) (Sec Boeton listbg) (E) (E) Maiden, Mass. Albany Carpet Cleaning Co. (See BostoD listing.) (E) Cambridge Laundry. (SecBoston listbg.) (E) J. N. Cowin & Co..Coal.ind Wood. (Sce listingunder Medford.) Maltapan, Mass. Jennoy Gasoline Station (Jennw Mfg. Co.), Gasolbe, Lubricating Oils, Grcasca andFuel Oil, Massadiusetta Ave. bet. Albany St. andEdison Co. (D) Sletson Coal Co., Coal and Wood. (See listing under Boeton.) Sonien'illc. Mass. Albany Carpet Cleaning Co. (See Boston listing.) (E) Howes Dry Cleaners (C. G. Howes Co., Inc.) (Sec Boston listing,) (E) Cambridge Laundry. (Sce Boston listing.) (E) Jen^^iey Gasoline Station (Jenney Mfg. Co.), Gasoline, Lubricating Oils, Greases and Fuel Oil, Cor. Fellsway and Mystic Ave. (D) Somerviile Coal^Co., Coal and Wood, 594 Mystic Ave,. Tel. Howes Dry Cleaners (C. G. Howes Co., Inc.) (See Boston Somerviile 1400. Savings on Coal 25c per ton; On Wood 60c Stetson Coal Co.. Coal and Wood. (Sce listing under Boeton.) Medford. Mass. (D) Albany Carpet Cleaning Co. (Sce Boston listing.) (E) J. N. Cowin & Co., Coal and Wood. 59 Rivecside Ave., Tel. Mj-stic 0050-0951. Savings on Coal 25c per too; on Wood 50c per cord. Howea Dry Cleaners (C. G. Howes Co., Inc.) (See Boston listbg.) Dorcliestcr, Mass. Albany Carpet Cleaning Co. (See Beaton listbg.) (E) number of branch offices, Oils, Greases and Fuel Oil, Commonwealth .-ive. near Lake St. (D) Stetson Coa! Co., Coal and Wood. (Seclisting under Boston.) (E) Jenney Gasoline Station (Jenney Mfg. Co.), Gasoline,Lubricating Oils, Greases and FuelOil, HevcreBeachBlvd.and Fellsway (D) per cord. South Boston. Afnff The Bq^on Ice Co., Ice. (In view ofthe number ofbranch officcs, all Ms must bereceipted bytheComirany's agents.) 07 West Dcdham St., Boston, Tel.Kenmore 5873 (E) Devoe &Raynolds Co., Inc. (Direct Stores, Inc.), Paints, Varnishes, Brmhcs. Art^ts Materials. Dry Colors, Drafting MateriaU, 140 bummer St. Howes Dry Cleaners (C. G. Howes Co.. Inc.) (See Boston listing.) (E) J®""®)' Gasoline Station (Jenney Mfg. Co,), Gasoline, LubricaUtig Oils, Greases and FuelOil, D St. bet. Ist and2ndSts. (D) Stetson Coal Co., Coal and Wood. (See listing under Boston.) The Boston Ice Co., Ice. (In view ofthenumber of (E) officM, Albany CanielCleaning Co. (SeeBoetonlisting.) nfi"'!?' Co.). Gasoline, LubricatiBg Hancock St. Howes Dry Cleaners (C. G. Howes Co., Inc.), 1361 Beacon St.. at Coolidge Cor. (See Boston listing) Alice B. Merrill, Flowers, Bulbs, Plants. 26" Harvard St. (G—) Stetson Coal Co., Coal and Wood. (See listing under Boston.)^ Thayer, McNeil Co., Everything in Footwear, Men's, Hf>ya' and Children's Shoes, Hc9ier>', Boots, Accessories, UaS Be:iconSt. (I,al»randHepairsIncluded.) (SeealsoBostonnnt' Wclleeley.) (E) Wadsworth, Howlatid & Co., Inc. (I)ircct i>torofi. Inc.), Painla. Stores, Inc.), Paints. all bills must b^ fMeintS/r-S i «. rt i. 121 Bremen St.. Tel E?Bm 0313 Company eagen^ Somglle COBI Co., Coal Wood. (See listing .nder Bomer- (B) lirooklhif nV/or/f. Mass. HowssDryCteanera (C. G. HowesCo., Inc.) {See Boston Jenney Gasoline Station (Jenney Mfg. Co.), Gasoline. Lubricotini; Oila, Greases ami Fiiei Oil, Washington St.near Jsmaicaway (D) (E) Albany Carpel Cleaning Co. (Sce Boston listing.) (E) Albany Carpet Cleaning Co. (Sce Boston listing.) 2625. Savings on Coa! 25c per ton; on Wood 50c per cord. (E) Cambridge Laundry. (See Boston listing.) Howes Dry Cleaners (C. G. Howes Co., Inc.) (See Boston ligtin^) (E) JenneyGasoline Station (Jenney fwfg. Co.), anw>ii-„ t . u • ..r Jenney Gasoline Station (Jenney Mfg. CoO, Gasoline, Lubrica^g Oils, Greases and Fuel Oil, Beacon St.Cor. Walnut St. Somorvillo Coal Co., C.,;,l arul Wowl. Ilyilc Park, Mass. B.^W. Yuill Coal CD„€(taI and Wuod. (Sw. ligUng uudor JaiuoiOa Please Snc Our List of Member Hotels on Page 11 Oils, Greases and Fuel Oil, Mt. Auburn St. atWatertpwn Sq. (D) Miirf Netvton. Mass. Cambridge Laundry. (Sce Boston listing.) Oils. Greases and Fuel Oil, n«-^e Cambridge Laundry. (Sec Boston listing.) Howes Dry Cleaners (C. G. Howes Co., Inc.) (See Boeton lisUn|) Jenney Gasoline S^n (fenney Mf^^^ Co.), Gasoline, LubricatU Stetson Coal Co., Coal and Wood. (See listingunder Boston.) Bachrach, Inc.. Photographers, 44Hunt St. (E) Brackett Coal Co,, Coal and Wood. 405 Centre St., Tel. 04oo. Cnmhfljfir. Albany Carpet Cleaning Co. (^ce Bralon listing.) Cambridoe Laundry, 8-10 ^^olicll Kl.. Ti-1. University G846. (Work Albany Carpot Cleaning Co. (See Boston listing.) (E) Cambridge Laundry. (See Boston listing.) (E) Howes Dry Cleaners (C.G. Howes Co.. Inp.> (See Boston llatbe.) Stetson Coal Co., Coal and Wood, {iko lisling under B(«lou.), Varnishes, Brushes, AHislB' Materials, Dry Colors, Drafting Materials,1316BeaconSt. Albany Carpet Cleaning Co. (See Boston listing.) (g) Brackett Coal Co.. Coal and Wood. (See listing under Newton.) (E> East Boston, Mass. The Boston Ice Co.. i(» tt„ iralfr/own, Mass. Oils, Greases and Fuel Oil, Main St. near Wyoming Ave. (D) Milton. Mass. Materials: 770 Dudley StflphScJr. J, N. CowIn &Co.. Coal and Wood. (See listing under Medford.) Jen^ney Gasoline Station (Jenney Mfg. Co.), Gasoline. Lubricating Oils, Greases andFuel Oil, Main St.opposite Marble St. (D) Jenney GasolineStation (Jennoy Mfg. Co.), Gasoline. Lubricating Dorchester Ave. Cor. KrSh"ef A Cambridge Laundry. (.See Braton listing.) (E) J. N, Cowin & Co., Coal and Wood. (See listing under Medford.) all hills mustbereceipted bythe Company's agents.) oO r ranJsIm fit-, Allston, Tel. Stadium 81120 Sfoneftam. Mass. Melrosc. Most. (E) Howes Dry Cleanera (C. G. Howes Co., Ino.j (See Boston liBtin|) ^°0^fSra Brnokline, Mass. Albany Carpet Cleaning Co. (See Boston listing.) Cambridge Uundry. (See Btston listing.) (E) The Boston IceCo.,Ice. (In view of the number of branchofficcs nilbills mustbereceipted by theCompany's agents.) 34Howard . Jenney Gasoline Station (Jenney Mfg. Co.), GaMllne, Lubricating Ihraiigli .\guncirfi excluded from savings.) Plajn.) Lineolit, Mass. (E) listiTig under Jamaica ^nn all billsmust bereceipted by the Company's agents.) 262 Heath Jenney Gasoline Station (Jenney Mfg. Co.), Gasoline. Lubricating Oils,Greases and Fuel Oil, 15C0 Blue Hill Ave. near Square. (D) Jenney Gasoline Station (Jenney Mfg. Co.). Gasoline, Lubricating nriohfo;!. Mass. The Boston Ice Co., Ice. (In view of the number of branch officcs, Somewille Coal Co., Coal and W^ood. (See lUting under Somcr- Howes Dry Cleaners (C. G. Howes Co., Inc.) (S«e Boetou listing) Jenney Gasoline Station (Jonney Mfg. Co.), Gasoline, Lnbrieat- The Boston Ico Co., Ice. (In view ofthe number ofbranch officcs, Stetson Coal Co., Coal and Wood. (Sec listing under Boston.) Bclmoiit, Mass. Roslindalp, Mass. (E) (E) Howes DryCleaners (C.G. Howes Co., Inc.) (See Bceton listing.) CambridgeLaundry. (SeeBoston listing.) . {E) Howes Dry Cleaners (C. Q. Howes Co., Inc.) (SeeBoston listine.) Jamaica P/ai'ii, Mass. Albany CarpetCleaning Co. (SeaBostonlistbg.) CambridgeLaundry. (SeeBoston listing.) Cliarlestown, Mass. Howes Dry Cleaners (C. G. Howes Co., Inc.) (SeeBoston listing.) 31 (D) • Cambridge Laundry. (Sec Braton listing.) (E) Howes Dry Cleaners (C. G, Howes Co., Inc.) (Sec Boeton listing.) ITT//fj/cv. Mass. (E) Albany Carpet Cleaning Co. (See Boston listing. (E) rac eit Coal Co., Coal and Wood. (Sco listing under Newton.) Cambridge Laundry. (See Boston listing.) (£) Howes Dry Cleaners (C. G. Howes Co., Inc.) (Sec Boston listing.) "layer, McNeil Co., Everything in Footwear, Men's, Women's. Boya' and Children's Shoes. Hrsiery. Boots. Accessories, 572 Th Washington.'!!. (Labor and Repairs Included.) (SeealsoBeetnn Rei/ere. Jl/aJJ. and Brnokline.) "•> (K) Albany Carpel Cleaning Co. (See Boston listing.) (E) A^rrr/on. Cambridge Laundry. (Sec Boston listing.) (1^) Bracket! Coal Co., Coa! and Woml. (Sec listing under Newton.) Howes Dry CiMners (C. G. Howos Co.. Inc.) Commuuity Plant, 1173 Washington .St, (Sec Boston listing) (E) Somervllio Coal Co., Coul and Wood. (Sce listing under Somer viile.) Please Road Our Rules on Pnec 12 MASSACHUSETTS 32 Charge Accounts JVcsloi!. Mass. Hlnghflm. Mass. Brackotl Coat Co., Coal aud Wood. (:-ec iisliiig uniler Kcwton.) Cambridgo Laundry. (See Boston lisiintj.) -(E) Jennoy Gasoline Station (Jenney Mffl. Co.),Gasoline, LubricatinB Howes Dry Cleaners (C. G. Howes Co., Inc.) (SecBoston listitift.) Holyoke. Mass. (K) Jcnney GasolinoStation (Jenney Mfg. Co.), Giisoliac, Lubricating Oils, Greases aud Fuel Oil. 18IUCenter St. (D) IVcst Roxbury, Mass. If you desire to open a charge account at any merchant or hotel Oils. Greases and FuelOil, OtisSt. Cur.Summer St. (Shore Rd.J member, fill out this form and return it to us. We shall be pleased (D) to forward it to the firm concerned. Schermerhorn Fish Co., Fish, .Sea-Food arnl Groceries, 16Suffolk SL (U-) Hudson, Mass Ui JenneyGasoline Station(Jenney Mfg. Co.),Gasoline, Lubricating Oila, Greases and Fuel Oil, 120 Main St. near ^uarc. The BostonIce Co., Ice. (In viewof the numlwr of branch offices. (D) ;.llbills must be reeeiptckl bv the Company's agents.) 202 HeatL St., Janaica Plaiu, Tel. Asprnwall 4024 (E) B. W. Yuill Coal Co., Coal and Wood. (See listing under Jamaica i'iain.) Association of Army and Navy Stores, Inc., Hlckson, Inc., Women's Tailors and Dressmakers, Ready Made to the proper party. I now have cliarge account^ with: (E) Wormser Hat Stores, Inc., Men's Hats. Caps, Tics aiid Gloves. (Renovations Included.) 531 Essex St. (K) I- Lexington, Mass. Brockton. Mass. Jennoy Gasoline Station iJenney Mfg. Co.). GmoUiic, l.ubricitinR Oils, Grc.iscs and Fud Oil, :i88 N. Main St.. Cor, W. AshlniKl^g. M. Steinert &Sons Company. Steinway. Sipiticrl, Jwett. ^oodimrv, Curtis. Berkshire Piaiufl and Player I'iunoa. Arolian Uu^ •\rt keprotiucing Pianos and Music liolis, \ ictor Orthophumc Victrclas and Orthophonic Rccords, Radius. (Lawir, Kepair?, \ller.ition9. Rentals. Tuning indudcd.) (Tradc>iw cxcludo-l.) 2.(0 Main St. Savings on Autmnatic Organs (A); cveryfhine Clinton. Mass. Jenney Gasoline Station (/e""®.)'GMolinc, I-ubricatioe Oiis, Gre;ises and Fuel Oil, High and Water ..Is. ^D) Concord. Mass. Cambridfle Laundry. {.See Beaton listing.) (t) Fall River. Mass. Albany Carpet Cleaning Co. (.See Boston listing.) Cambridge Laundry. (.See Boston listing.) Bactirach, Inc.. Photographers. 56 K. Main St. (E) Vietrohisami f'^thoi-liimie Rcc-ori^, Radios. Kd.) Oils. Greases and Fuel Oil, Cor. River A Shelden ^la. M. Steinert &Sons Company, .Steiiiway, .Stninerf. biipy, Curtis. Seriishire Pianis ami Player Pianos, Art heoroducin? Pianos and Miusic Rolls, ^ Victrolas and 0rtho[)honit: Records, Radios. (Labor, nlHj , SIB Main .St. Shavings cm Automatic Organs (A): everytui"B Framingham. Mass. Jenney Gasoline Station (Jenney Mffl. Co.). Gasoline, LubricafinR Oils, Greases ami Fuel Oil, I'-l L'niun -\vi'. (D) Over 16,000 of our members hare adopted this Plan. Many included.) (Trade-ins exAutomatic Organs (A); 'v Materials; 20S Central S have found it invaluable in accumulating a Xmas or Vacation Stores, Ine.). Painty . fund. Open an account now and watch it grow. Colors. Drafting (t) Lynn. Mass. oT (E) ' Lubricating ' , tion ^3- W«tc nAre. 1 °''' Narrow R. R. Station, .3. ne«r OpDoaitc Chestnut St. Gauge (D) i^.. /m- , c. t s n . . Print Name, Surnmiic First. Wadsworlh, Howlanb & nn Materials. 52 Markk'St! ^59 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. 1^) Lynntield. Mo.. Jen^ney Gasoline Station (Jenney Mfg. Co.). Gasoline, Lubricating Oils. Orease.i an.i ImidI Oil. N.wb.Iryimrt Turn. Cir. ffi St ' < Maanolia. Mass. Alfred Brigham Co., Choice ProviBions. Meats, Fruita, V«retables " from May l.i(h toOctober I6th.) •«'and 428. (Open y Richard Briggs, Inc., China and Glaasware, LwinBton Av^ entwm ^ during HunimiT months only). ^ and Grncerics, Cole .Stjuare, Tola. Mag. 427 ami 49H I'hnr.irtnr pnividing (he ninnlHT is thcsolc ovfner of tLc buaincw. PiiruhaH(.M nuidc hv partnerships or conwralions fannot b« Grando Maison do Blanc. Hotisdmhl Linens pt.« OvinDton Brothers Co., Thn Gifl Shop of Fifth Avenue Gifts of . (.'hina. Glass, l.amiJS, Jurniturc, Novelties aud BHc^-Brnc (OiKin only from July Ist to September I5th.) (g) Rowo & EmersonCo., Men's and Uoya* Clothine and FurnishingB, (li) Work inclii-led.) (0!>en from June 15th to Please Sec Q.ui- List of Member Hotels on Page 11 Gentlemen:— . r « I desire to take advantage of the benehts ofi your Membership Savings Plus Interest Plan outlined in your booklet. \N'ill you, therefore, until further notice from nic deposit checks due me ior Membership Savings in your special account in the Underwriters Trust Company, New York City, or such otUer bank as you jnay later selcct. Please send me checks for my deposits plus interest as follows: " (•lcari-.l.) 27 rici'i St. (fi) '<vf :•<( (D) Haverhlll. Mass. iMomlx-rship .Suvinus will lip (mid on purchasfs of a buCTness (Number) Association of Army and Navy Stores, Inc., Jenney Gasoline Station (Jennoy Mffl. Co.), Gasoline, Lubricating Oiis, Gre.isea .mil Fiici Oil, Muin.St, Cor. Arlington St. (D) The Edmund Little Co,. Stalioncfy, Officc Equipment, etc. " Membersllip Savings Plus Interest Plan VarniahM. Brushes, ArUa,';- m' Alterations, Rentals, Tuning inuUnled.) (Trade-ins l!0 Mcrrimaok St. bJ in question, as the Association does not guarantee the account of its individual members) ««lls. Victor OrthophoDlo ' ^l^dios. (Labor. Ilepein. riuded ! (Membership No.) mis application has to be passed upon by the Credit Manager of the merchant or hotel mem- Bachrach, Inc., Photographers, Appleton National Bank Bldg. (E) J?®®®""® Station (Jenney Mfg. Co.). Gasoline. Lubricating Uils, urc:isca and Fuel Oil, (jiirliani St. and Butler Arc. near Uavi8S<|. (U) , 99'"pa"y' Steinway, Steinert, Jewett, WoodA, l)n > f' ^'"">08 and Pla>cr Pianos. Aeolian Duo„ f'ff (Name of bank) (Signature of member) (Dj Bachrach, Inc., PLotographers, 112 Exclianae St. Jenney Gasoline Station (Jenney Mfg. Co.). Gasoline. Lubricating ft Lowell, Mass. 32 N- .Main f'!. Saving? on Auti>matie Organs (A), evcr>lhin2 Fitchburg, Mass. (Address) I have my checking account at.... (K) .Uterjti.His, Kculiils, riming o!sc My business address is (Firm) Jenney Gasoline Station Uenney Mfg. Co.), Gasoline, Lubricating Oi s.(jreases and Fuel Oil, Middle and )S'altham Sts. (Concord M. Steinert &Sons Company. Steinway, Steinert. Jcwett. W^- l.iiry, C-urtU, H.Thaliiro I'iano.s, PliO'cr I'lanw. Awiian pfl(> Art Heproducing Pian<« and Music Rolls, Orthophonir. My home address is (E) (j?) J. N. Cowin &Co.. Call and Wood. (See listing under Medford.) Howes Dry Cleaners (C. G. Howes Co., Inc.) (Sec Boston listing.) an I 19 of the Association. I would appreciate it if you would forward this application Bachracll, Inc., Photographers, Bay State Bldg. villc.) Date . As an individual member, I am desirous of opening an account with who is a member VPut'only one merchant or hotel on a card—^additional cards furnished upon request.) (IJ) Lawrence, Mass. Albany Carpet Cleaning Co. (SeeBoston listing.) (E) Cambridflo Laundry. iSco liosum listini;.) (li^) Sonierville Coal Co.,Coal nn.i Wood. i.Sce listing under Somer- 469 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. Gentlemen: Jenney Gasoline Station (Jenney Mfg. Co.), Gasoline, Lubricating Oils,Greases and Fuel Oil, OeciiaSI. ( Kd.) (D) H'iiiU'rof'. Mass. eisc ]'V.. andMade-to-Order:Furs,Millinery,Novelties.Hcsiery,Women's Shoes, Lingerie (llc|i.iir.'!. Alterations and Storage indudcd.) Oi)en only from Jiine 13th to Oetuber Ist) lFo'";oii</i. Mass. JenneyGasoline Station (Jennoy Mffi. Co.j,Gaso'ino, Lubricating Oils, Greasesand Fuel Oil. Washingtoniit. Cor. Pleasant St. (D) rise Applicant please print name—surname first Hyannis. Mass. JenneyGasoline Stat'on (JenneyMfg.Co.).G.tsolioe, Lubricating Oils, Grciiscs am! Fuel Oil, ISiti Center St. (D) NOTE;—(Please cross out the two pl.ins you do not wish to use.) (1) \^^leuever I notify you. _ 15iS °® S (2) Whenever the amount of my deposits plus interest rcaches the sum of $ (3) On the day of in each year V' Th.-c Af'fiication Member's Sigwlure. not acrcPiable itnlrss sinned hv the mciiihcr Address Charge Accounts Have We Vour Correct Address? responsible. As an individual member you will fnd te l rhaj™ f ^ member store or hotel has many advamages: Judsms by tha number of changes of eddress we receive, we sometimes think that our members never settle down and stay ve,y ong in one place. Don', ,hi„k we mind hearins about those changes for as a matter o fact we wish every .ember would let us know when he moved. Th.s would help the member, help the postman and, yes, we will adm^it, ,I would help us. If you have moved without telling us will you please send the " I. It^ will assist you in concentrating your purchases in a member store or i ^Su t:: ;;r irio;™ •" '• fell's s;^urg;;:;,/^dge;^'""™ 6 You rin Suth""hef 'i card whtch is printed on the next pase. Sometimes it is months before we have new addresses on our records. In the meantime new stores have been added and members are unaware of these additions In many cases members have moved to another city—the Association may be well represented in the new city but the members are unacquainted with this fact until months have ela sed in obtaining your Membership Savings -hat tiL of the and in that period have not been able to save through their membership. be JIdT a I respectfully call yoOT^limio™ to''Sr'^Ruk"'''!^ procedure. accounts we If the address to which this masazine wds sent is not your correct and complete address or if you are cpntemplatins movins, please fill out the form on the reverse side of this oa and send it to us. vviucn greatly simphfies the Thank you. Membership Savings Plus Interest Plan Registration of Dependent: Brief Outline of membership savings plus interest plan I.C- later, under our M"k i. your =irc onii.lud with. Savings' lus being aurc Uie rules of tlm Association "'"P Savings aa Pusual, «-riuT« Tru«t piui Ifdynir-ni I.-.""!.. f tltposii iiiKler this r/,^ ll.'5'^'^'..V^s bt' r'iViVrVc7rio'you''"'t<'''' and accructl iii'lV-V.-M^ ^^I"; ynu an at-icnnw^.hlm . a.t^ri -s in The purchases of dependents are elisible for Membership Savings pro vided they are resistered on ottr records. In addition, the knowledge that acertain percentase of our members are married is sometimes instrumental in our being able to obtain contracts with merchants in certain classifications If your dependents are not listed on our records at the present time, or if Compnny. N<nv York CUv or Llh ahould omit at any lini- f 'he amcuint w.''hav lo .''cposit (icjiosit ~your in'lhrriuw. lirst Membership f'J^ecord Hook and an be entered in this book which will you have any doubt as to their being listed, fill out the form on the rmerse Hook, we ^vili .end side of this page and send it in to us. T!)jnk you again. fill OhI Card on Reverse Side dS MASSACHUSETTS Clinton Hotel (European Plan), Rooms and Restauraot, 1D7C Maplcwood. Mass. Change of Address Jonnoy Gasollno Station (Jennoy Mfg. Co.). Gasoline, Lubricating Oils, Grcasca and Fuel Oil. 055 Salem St. near tboSquare (D) Marlboro. Moss. Jonnoy Gasollno Station (Jonney Mfg. Co.), GaaoliDC. Lubricating Oils, Greases :iiidFuel Oil, 25 K:ist MainSt. (D) Bachrech, Inc.. Photographcre, First Nntional Bank Bldg., 227 Onion St. (E) M. Slelnert & Sons Company, Steinuay. Stcincrt. Jcwctt, WooilInirv, Curtis. Berkshire Tiauos and PlayerPinnos, Aeolian Duo- irt Reproducing Pianos and Music Rolls. Victor Ortbophonic 469 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. Victrulas and Orlhopliomc Hecorcls. Hadiiw. (Labor, Hcmip, Mtcrations, Rentals, Tuniiig iiicludeil.) (Tradcwns eseliidcd.) io'l William r't. .'Savings on Automatic Organa (A);everything Gentlemen: else Please send 'TODAY" to my new address below: North Attleboro, Mass. J, J. Beard Furniture Co., Furniture, Floor Coverings, House Fur nishings. 9tl W'aebins'o" St. (E) Jenney Gasoline Station (Jenney Mfg. Co.), Gasoline, Lubricating Oils, Greases andFuel Oil, N.Washington andTifft Sts. (D) (Street & Number") Northampton. Mass. United Dairy System, Inc.. Milk, Cream, Butter, Butter Milk, (B—} Cliocolate-Milk, 17 tast Hooker St. This should be changed immediately. (E) Includeti.) 1340 Main St. (E) The Harvey & Lewis Co., Optical Store, Photographic Supplies. (kibor and Repairs Included.) 1503 Main St. (E) Hotel Clinton (European Phin), Rooms and Restnurant. 1970 Main St. (£) Charles L Hoyt. Furriers, 55 VernonSt. (Labor, Repairs, Alter ations and Storage Included.) (E) M. J. Kiltredge, Inc., Jewelers, 1354 Main St. (Repairs ineluded.) (E) Arthur L. Leary, Women's Wearicg Apparel, 278 Bridge St. (E) B. H. Markarian & Co., Oriental Rugs, Embroideries. Antiours aTid Other Oriental Goods, Rugs Repaired, Renovated ami Stgred. (I.aborand .•yterations Included.) 173-177M.iinSt.(E) and Part.'! iiieludeil.) 04-00 Howard St. Savings on Gasoline JennoyGasoline Station (JenneyMfg.Co.). Gasoline. Lubricating Oils, Ore.Tses and FuelOil.389CabotSt. at R. R. Crossing. {DJ At the present time your records show my address as follows:— Gonack's Boot Shop, Florsheim Shoes, Men's and Women's Gimbel's, Coats. Gowns. Dresses, Junior's AppareL (Alteraticis Newhouse Service Co., Tires. Tul«;s, Gasoline and Oil, (StrraKc North Beverly, Mass. (City & State) Main St. (E) OeFrato & Raleigh, Inc.. "The Standard PrcEcription Store of Sprit)gfield," Drugs, Chemicals, Toilet Articles. Candv, Cigars and Sundries, 190 State St., Cor. ChestnutSt. ' (E) Flint Brickett Co., Furniture, Ruga. Carpets, Radios, 1203 Main ' , (E) Shoes, Hosiery, 188 Wortbington St. Now Bedford. Mass. Association of Army and Navy Stores, Inc., 33 (C—); everything else (K) Radasch, Hatters and Haberdashers. 125-127 Wortbington St. (E) Schermerhorn Fish Co., Fish, Sca-Food and Groceries, 15 Stock- bridge St., 735 Suiniier Ave. Wm. Schlatter & Son. Florists. 12 Pynchon St. Tclcgnipl) Delivery Orders (E); Everything Else (B—) .Sanngs on (G—) Scott's Laundry Co., Laundry, 240 Chestnut St., 341 nridie Plymouth. Mass. St. JenneyGasoline Station (JenneyMfg. Co.),Gasoline. Lubricating oils.Greases andFuel Oil, 100 Saiid^svicb St.nearSquare. (D) (Member's nairte—please print) Quincy, Mass. Albany Carpet Cleaning Co. (.See Boston listing.) (E) Bachrach.Inc.. Pbotograiihers, 17 Saviile St. (E) Talbot-Qulncy, Inc., Men's and Boys' Clothing and Furnish ings. (Labor, i{ci)aira and Alterations Included.) ]387.Himcock St. (f-) William Westland & Co., Hardn-are, Paints and Sporting Goods. {I>nbor ami Reiwirs Included.) Trade-ins considered same as cash, 1553 Hancock St. (E) Registration of Dependents Randolph. Mass. (K) Springfield Ice Co.. Ice. 195 Alden St. (E) M. Stelnert & Sons Company. Sfeinway. Stcinert, Jenctt. Wocdbur>-, Curtis, Berkshire Pianoa and Player Ranos. Aeolian Duo- Art Reproducing Pianos and Music Rolls. Victor Orthopbonic Vietrolas and Orthoiihonic Records. Radios. {Labor. Repairs, Alterations, Rentals, Tuning inr!udc<i.) 1217 .Maiu (Trade-ins excluded.) Savings on .-Vutomatic Organs (A); everything else (E) United Dairy Sytem, Inc.. Milk, Cream, Butter. Butter Milk, Cbocolate-.Miik. 291 Plainficld St.; Ice Cream, 1514 State St. (B-) Wodsworth, Howland A Co., Inc. (Direct Stores, Inc.). Paints, \'arnishes, Brushes, Artists' Materials, Dry Colors, Drafting Materials, 10Harrison .\ve. (E) Weeks Leather Store, Trunks. Luggage and Leather Goods. 1373 Jenney Gasoline Station(Jenney Mfg. Co.).Gueollne, Lubricating Oils, Greases and Fuel Oil, Riinciolph f^quare. ID) Main St. (E) W. J. Woods Co.. Inc.. Men's and Boys' Outfitters. Society BrandClothes, Stetson Hats,BiMtonian Shoes, 1545 MainSt. (E) Salem. Mass. • -X,;' M Asiociation of Army and Navy Stores, Inc., Springfield Suburbs Jenney Gasoline Station (Jenney Mfg. Co.). Gasoline Lubricating Oils Greases and Fuel Oil, Cor. Congrcea and Derbj' ftts. (D) AnrlfRW J Lloyd Company, Opticians. Kodaks and PhotORraphic Si DDliM Fountain Pens and Pencils, Barometers and Thermom eters Oper.i Field and Marino Glasses. (Repairs and Allcrations 469 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. Included.) 292 Esse:^ G«it1cmeii:— ('V South Yarmouth, Mass. Cliiirot^cc Falls. Masa. Carlisle Hardware Co., Hardware, Paints, Sporting Goods. Hadios, Electrical .\pplianccs, House Furnishings, Seeds, Re frigerators, etc. (E) Schermerhorn Fish Co., lish, Sea-Fcod and Groceries, 22Sch<wl My raetn1)crsbip Number is St. (B-) Tflunton, Maes. H'l.r. NAME INCLUUINU CHRISTIAN NAMJ^ Jen^ney Gasoline Station (Jenney Mfg. Co.). Gasoline, Lubricating Sorinflfield. Mass. RELATIONSHIP E B Atmue Co Inc.. .\utoniobile ^V?VbSrs.ttn.n<,bile Hedric..! Acces-wrics, ^um^ Bosch Pruiucts, Altcratioua and PartsIncluded-) 113 Chratmit u. _ - - - - - The al)ov(: listed persons are ontirtly dependent upon me for support, and purchases niade by ihein will be paid for by me. (Partial dependents excluded but the purcliriscs of a wife of a member arc eligible regardless of any personal income she may have.) I ACCEPT FUIJ, RESPONSIBILITY FOR ALL THE STATEMENTS HEUEIN. (Signed) Home Address Scud watl to.... Carlisle Hardware Co., .Hardware. _^Paints. ^ 5() Jilm M.. West ftpnngueiu; n'hi- l _ Walthant, Mass. Albany Carpet Cleaning Co. (See Boston listing.) (E) Bracketl Coal Co., Coal and Wood. (Seelisting under Newton.) Cambridge Laundry. (Sco Boston listing.) (E) HowesDryCleaners (C. G. Howes Co.. Inc.)(Sec Boston listing.) t (li) ,r.-{ Jenney Gasoline Stafjon (Jonney Mfg. Co,), Gasnlinc. Lubricating Oils, GrcMcs .•jnd Fuel Oil,50S MainSt. near The Square (D) and Fur Storage Included.) 1151) State St., 308 Bridge fet., 138 Rufus Warren & Sons. Men's. Women's and Children's Shoes. Brigblwoo'h Indian Oreiiard; 522 Sumner Ave. »l the A. (L) City Dye Works, Inc.. Cleancra State St. <E) Boots and Rubbers, (.\cccaaoric3 included.) 3S)MoodySl. (li) Please Read Our Rules on Pace 12 y. - % Bachrach, Inc., Photographers, 1550 Mam fct Bosworth Studio, Photograpbcr. 1637 Main ^t. Oils, Grt.-iscs utid l''ucl Oil, Boston Rd., oac-buf mil. from Square (D) •"••jrT •' MASSACHUSETTS—MEXICO—MICHIGAN 34 Tho L. Bemb Floral Co.. Florists, 816 Bates near Farmer St. Sav-' West Barnstable, Mass. Jcnney Gasoline Staiion (Jenney MFg. Co.). Gasoline. Lubnc.iting Oils, Greases and Fuel Oil, Cape Rd. near R. R. SiatioD (D) Winchester, Mass. (£) J. N. Cowin & Co., Coal and Wood. (See listing under Mcdford.) Howes Dry Cleaners (C. G. Howes Co., Inc.) (Sec Boston listing.) (E) Jenney Gasoline Station (Jenncy Mfg. Co.), Gasoline. Lubricating Oils, Greases and Fuel Oil, Main St. near The Square (D) (Labor and Rentals included.). 3671 Woodward Ave. On leleBraph Delivery Orders (E); everything else ((]—) Carney, Labadie & Company, Tires, Rims, Wheels, Batteries and, Scrvice on Eainc, Gasoline. (Labor. Repairs and Alterations' included.) (Membership Savin® on purchases of a business ehar.ic^or only providing IIjc member is the sole owner of tho business. Purchases made by Partnerships or Corporations cannot be clcared.) 5911 Cass Ave., cor. Antoinette Woburn, Mass. {E)» DetroitCamera Shop, Kodaks, Lenses, PhotoSupplies, Developing J. N. Cowin & Co.. Coal and Wood. (See listing under Mcdford.) and Printbg. (Labor, Rejiairs and Parts included.) (Wholesale purch.Tses excluded.) 325 State St. (E) Oetroit Creamery Co., Milk and Cream, 1030 Cass Ave., Tcl.^ Worcester, Mass. Elwood Adams, Inc., Hardware. Electric Fixtures and Household Ajipliancas, 154 Main St. ingson Telegraphic Orders (E); everything else (CJ— Bond Clothes, Inc., Men's and Young Men's Clothes, Campus and Monroe Sts. (j;) Boyd's Flowers (MaryC. Boyd), Florist, Flowers forEvery Occa sion, Decorating, Potteries. Albany Carpel Cleaning Co. (See Boston listing.) MICHIGAN—MINNESOTA Elcctrical Appliances (F—); on Hardwtire. ctc. (E) Bachrach, Inc.,Pbotographers, 27 E!mSt. (E) Tho Bancroft Hotel (European Plan), Rooms and Restaurant (CoupDns or Receipts sent in by Tourist Agencica excluded.) Portiind and Franklin Sts. (E) Tho Harvey & Lewis Co., Optical Store, Photographic Supplies, (1-abor aud Repairs Inelud^) 539 Main St. (E) Hotel. The Bancroft. Hotel (European Plan), Rooms and Restaur ant. (Couiions or Receipts sent in by Tourist Agencies ex cluded.) Portland and Franklin Sts. (E) Jennoy Gasoline Station (Jenney Mffl. Co.), Gasoline. Lubricating Oils, Greases and Fuel Oii. QuinsiEamond Ave. and Cambriilcc St.; Grove St. near Chadwick Sq.; Uelmont St. (Boston Rd.) (D) M. Slelnert & Sons Company. Steins-ay, Stcinorl, Jewctt. Wood- bury. Curtis, Berkfibire Pianos, Player Pianos, Aeolian Duo-Art Reproducing Kanos and Music Rolls, Victor Ortbophonio Victrolas and Orthopbonic Records, Rr.di:^. (Labor, Repairs, Alterations, Rentals, Tuning inc!ud(rf.) (Trad&-ins ejduded.) 308Main St. Savings on Automatic Orgaia (A);everything else (E) United Dairy System. Inc., Milk, Cream, Butter, Butter Milk. Chocolate-Milk, 17East Worcester St. (B—) Wadsworth, Howland & Co., Inc. (Direct Storw, Inc.), Paints, Varnishes. Brushes, Artists' Materials, Dry Colors, Drafting Materials, 36 Franklin St. (l:-) Randolph 4000 (A—) Devoe &Raynolds Co.. Inc. (Dircct Stores, Inc.),Painte. Varnisljes,. Brushes, Artists' Materials, Dry Colors, Drafting Maicriats," 1522WoodwardAve. St., 40 S. 6th St.; 13900 E. Jefferson Ave. (Laborand Repairs,, (E)' included.) Federal Laundry Co., 058 W. Elizabeth St. Mexico City. Max. (E) (E) TheForest Cleaners &Dyers, Inc., Cleanins, Dyeing, Pressing and RciKiirms. (Labor and Alterations included.) Delivery Serv ice, Tel..Melrosc 4200, 533-5'll E. ForestAve. (G—), Fort Shelby Garage Co., Storage, Washing, Alemiting, Repairing, Tires, TutJcs, Acccs?ories, Chauffeur Ser>-ice (Gasoline excluded). (Labor, Repairs and Storage included.) First and Howard Sts (E). Fort Shelby Hotel (European Plan), Rooms, Restaurant. Laundry and ValetSen-ices, Lafayette Blvd. andFirstSt. (6) French, Shriner &Urner, Men's Shoes and Hosiery, 230-234 Michi ganAve. (The Book-Cadillac Hotel), ' flB)" Qregofy Mayer &Thorn Co., Stationery, Printing, Black Books^ Engraving, Office Fur-"" niturc. (MembershipL'thoCTaphinR Savina will and be paid on purchases ofa business character providing the member is thosole owner of the be eS " corporations cannoi' Farmer St ^^''talRues, Domestic Rugs and'Carpets and Storage included.) 1422, (E)* MEXICO Hotel Regis (European Plan), Rooms and Restaurant (E) Emerson Shoe Co., "Honest All Through," Men's Shoes S6.50 and 17.50, also Hosiery, 14 Michigan Ave.; 040 Woodward Ava;2321 Woodward Ave.; 14004 Woodward Ave.; 1202 Randolph RoRalino. Stetson, Disney and all standard nr ^ ?r M- r(Cleaning inciudec.) l lo iMichijan Ave.. 205 Gmtin# Amand Renovating "and and UWSp"'\ alet Services, European LafayettePlan), Blvd.Rooms. and First Restaurant, St. Uundryf (E) MICHIGAN Traveling Bags, 250o Woodward Ave. Haberdashery, at Montcalm. Bay City. Mich. Olsen & Ebann, Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry. ware, Gift Merchandise. (Labor, Repairs and AUerat eluded.) (Trade-ins excluded.) 010 Washington bt. v Benton Harbor, Mich. Olsen &Ebann (see listing under Bay City), Main St. at P'P?" stone St. Detroii, Mich. Hats and (E) ' The '"'"9 Shop, Millinery, Wraps and Gowns. (Labor, Repairs and Alterations mciuded.) 1530 Washington Blvd. (E) Leonard Warehouses, Inc., Moving, Storage and Safety Deposit Boxes, Jefferson and Orleans Sts. (E)'. Harp- Levoy, Sporting and Athletic Goods, Guns, Ammunition and FiBmng lacl-.o, (-ampmg I'.quipment and Supplies. (RenairH and Parts included.) 335 Gratiot St. (£)' Macumber-Smilh i Co., Sporting Goods. Genera! Motors Buildin(/, Wcsl Arcade. Pavings on Caillc Outboard Motors (K)-even-thing else. Malcomson Coal Co.. Re-scrcencd Anthracite, Mnlco-Hnrlan anff' New Contract Serlln and Co., United Sport Shops, Athictic Goods, R*din6 and Radio Equipment, r ishing Tackle and Camping Equipment, Kodab, Motion Picture Apparatus, Guns, Bicyclrs, Spo^wcar for Men and Women, 1419 Broadway: 12888 L. Jefferson Ave.; 0311 Grand River St.; 56.50 Miehiprn Avo.; !4S6 firnadway, (Effective April 22, 1930.) (E) P„cahontas Bitunnnoufl, &lvay Coke, Main OfBee and Yard, C5W Mnek ..\ve.. Br.-inch Offica and Yaris inall parts ofthe^ City. All telephones, Mclrow 6500. (Bille must he paid by 15th of month Wlowmg month ofdehverj-.) (If notshown on bills. pic.iac indicate ^lether hard orsoft coal.) Membenhip eavinga on Antbracitc Coal 25c perton;onotherGrades ofCoal 15o per ton. Markesan Family LuUndry. Laundry, 4630 Crane Ave. 214 Bnok Bldg., Wasiiinglnn ill riii iiaii II Mitttiii licre in coiiforniity with Rule "T" arc eligible fur Membership ' Savings.) (Repairs and Alteratioii.s iiicluck\l.) Iil'i Wasliiiigtuii Blvd. Savingson purchasesand Repairsof K.wila.s.'iw and S!)eft.-icles (G—): cveryiliing else. Miigrim, Inc., Women's Wearing Apixireir Tuibriiig, Drc.iai'.N Cuats, Lingerie, Gonns, Novelties. (Alteralioiis and liejiniri Includcil.) Fisher BIHg. U-) (E) i Kalamatoo, Mich. Baxter Launderers & Cleaners, Cleaners. Dyers. Launderers. I?iig and Carpel Cleaning. ilO W. Kalamaioo Ave. (K) Olsen & Ebann, Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Clocb, Silver ware, Gift .Merchandise. iLabor, Repairs and Alterations in- chided.) (Trade-ins excluded), 240 So. Burdick St. Carpet Cleaning, 138 W. Water St. Itandolpb 7302. Hare Fruits from all parts uf the world. Artis tically Packed Baskets and Boxes sent everywhere. Connec (E» Sanitary Cleaning Shop, Cleaners, Dyers, Launderers. Run limi Edward Neumann's Fruit Basket Shop, 1341 Broadway, Tel. (t;} Lansing, Mich. Edward Neumann, Good things tocatfrom all imrts uf(Jjc world. Meats. Fish andPoultry, Fruits. Vegetables andmits, 30Biwdway Market, Tel. Randolph 3115; -041 Last Jefferson Ave.; Tel. Edgewood 1212, 10351 Woodward Ave. (U-) Prlngle Furniture Co., Furniture, CanKts. Rugs. (Uter, Reimm. .\Ucrations and .Storage included.) (Terms if desired.) JWO Gregory Mayer 4 Thoni Co., St.ationery, Printing, Blank Books, l.,<>ose Ltaf Devices, Lithographing and Engraving, Office Fur niture. (Membership Savings will be paid on purchases of a business character providing the member isthesole owner ofthe business PurcbMcs made by partiicrshipB orcorporation can not l>c clcared.) Wolverine Bidg. (i,-" Lansing Uundry Co., Laundry, 116 E. Washtenaw St. (E) E. E. Rice &Co,. Cleaners. Dyers. Launderers, Rug and C.-u-pet Cleuning. 128 W. Washtenaw St. (E) Supplies, Plate and Window Glass, Mirrors, etc.; sMcialue in Wind Shields and Automobile Glass. Downtown fatore, 127 Cadillac Sq.; Uptown Store, 12th Antoinette. (D Sea Food Grofto, Restaurant, entrances both sides of Griswokl Hotel, Grand River andGriswold. 1^,) Serlin and Co., United Sport Shops, Athletic Goods. Radios and B«ter Uunderors 4 Cfeaners. Cleaners, Dyers, Launderers, Rug and Carpet Cleaning. 901 Pmc St. (E) tionsmadewithall steamers nnd trains. (" ) W.Grand Blvd.;431 Gratiot Axe. Scbroedor Paint&Glass Co., Paints. \"arnishes. Brushes, I>inteK' Radio i;<iuipment. Fishing Tacklc and Civniping hi)uipmcnt. Kodaks, Motion PictureApparatus. Guns,Bicyelcs, Sportswear for Men and Women, 141'J Broadway; 12S38 JE. Jefferson Ave.: 0311 Grand RiverSt.: 5656 Michigan Ave.; 1450 Broad way. (K) O, D. Spellman, Photographer, Studio and Home Portraiture. Si>cciali8(3 in Children's Portraits,Copying. Enlarging, Coniiiicrcial Photugniiihy and Pitturc Framing. (Regular Bill.s must 1« iSubraittcd for Savings.) 4838 Woodward .\ve. (L) Square Deal Miller, inc.. Diamonds. Prccioiia Stones. Clocks and • Watehcs. Jewelry, Opticians and Optical Goods. (Hjpaire. Al- teratiuiis and LaborIncluded). 401 Grand RiverAve.; 14149 L. Jefferson Ave,; GrandRiverat Oakman Blvd. (L) Muskegon, Mich. Pontlac, Mich. Ponliac Laundry Co., foundry. Telegraph Road. Henrv L Walker Co., Elcctrical Supplies, Radio Apwratus. Lionel Electrical Toy Trains. Electric Heating Devicra. Sayings on retail purchases only. (Mazda Lamps, Bare and iDSulat&i Copper Wire excluded.) 27 E. Jefferson Ave. (L) Wnrmser Hat Stores, Inc.. Men's Hals, Caps, Tics and Gloves. ?[f?novations Included.) 287 Gratiot Ave.; 251 Michigan Aye : 0''2 iVoudward Avc- Willits Quality Cleaners. Cleaners, Dyers, Launderers, Rub and Car|«t Cleaning, 87 Orchard Lake .\vc. Saginaw, Mkh. Fame Laundry Co.. kiuniiry, 112 N. Jeffcreon Ave. ware. Gift Merchandise. (I.abor, Reiiairs and Alterations Included.) (Trade-ins cxciudcd.) 418 li. Genescc Ave. (B) MINNESOTA Aneka, Minn. John Hancock Oil Co. (See Phillips Petroleum Co. listing.) Phillips Petroleum Co, Gasoline, Oils. Greases. Alcohol and Car Washing. (Tank Wagon Delivery and Furnace Oils c.\cluded ) (For Membership Savings oii cash or couiwn book purchasM submit white station sUia. ForMemljcrship .Savings on charec account purch:»sw. submit paiil monthlj- statonicnls tonether with iiink charge sliiis.) (Labor. Repairs and I'arta Included.) (C—) Maver &Thorn Co., Stationery. I'miling, Blank Iii«)kH. S Dcvircs. Litlio^-niphing and laid l.tigraving, Office .... Furon imrch.iacs of ;i s.ivinB.? will l>e paid on purch.iacs of a iJww Ici IJcvircs. j>iiiu»j;i.ii""';K i/wse . u,,.iiii».5 wi lie niturc. (j , nroviding; the is the sole owner of of "•" the member member is the soleowner the "••• I'uicij.wvo •• l)ypartnerships or corporationscanKiSS.*^ Purchases madef)^-^partnerships or corporations. II.T...I. r...«i«iirfl Co.. rnrniture, Carpets, Rugs. AS''"'' Rug and Carjict C'icaning, 8M i- «cond Am. Duluth. Minn. Boston Piano Co.. Pian''.^ and Player I'iano Rolls. (Labor Remlrs Inning inclmlc<i.) 14 Iv. .Superior Kt. Brander Music Shop, Inc.. Musical Instruments. Sheet Muai'e Portable Phonographs, Radios. (Repairs included.) 14 e' Superior St. (JAbor, itc- The Charles Decker COm Art Store, Pictures, Frames and Framing Cameras. Films and Photo Fmishmg, Cor. First St. and Sceond (1.) ogMiiclinhl.) 21)9 Bradley B!dg. (j,-) Duluth Juluth Van Van &Storage & Storage Co., Co., Storage, StornRc "Mnving, Packing, Shipnin- S" durations and Storage incluied.) (Tqrms if de«ir<^.') (507 S. &iginaw St. Trojan Uundry & (E)' Olsen & Ebann. Diamnnds. Watches, Jewelry, Clocks, Sil\-cr> nint. Mich. The(Coupons DurantorHotel (European andexcluded) Restaurant Reccil.ts sent in byPl.m), TouristR<»ms Agcneies (L) iHtn Downtown Branch, 30 Patterson .St. S.'andard Uundry &Cleaning Co., Cleaners, Dyers, Launderers, Rus and Carpet Cleaning, 1212 Michigan Ave. (E) Slelner'a Market, General Market and Cafeteria, 1005 Farmer St. cor. Bates. Savings on Cafeteria Purchases (E): everything else. Ave.. W'. jjjj Duluth Fur CO., IWiers. (Lalior. Repairs, Alterations and RtnrandlluggagM Transfer. 18 Fourth Fourth a'v T, 18 Ave-, W.; Savings on Ixing Dis- tancellaviiiiis- (D); else V"', everything overythingelse Grand Rapids, Mich. Baxter Launderers & Cleaners. Cieanrrs, Overs. Launderers. Rug and C'ari>ct Cleaning, (4r F. untain Ht.. N.L. (1-) Furniture City Laundry & Cleaning Co.. Cleaners. Dyera.TiiOT dercrs, Rug and Cnr]>et Cleaning. <00 Ottawa A^e„ >.W. (1.) Wormser Hal Stores. Inc.. Mm's Ilaf.-. ra|«. Tm iml Olom (Koiwvidioiis Ineluilcd.) 151 Muitrui: Ave. U-l Highland Park. Mich. Mau, Inc., Furr!rr.=. (Lahnr. Reimirs and Alterations included.) (.Slorafir. cxcludcd.) 122< Washington Blvd. (E) Please S<!c Our List of Mcmbci' Hotc.la_gtL-^*ttS—LI. C. B. Moyrowltz, Inc., Opticians,Surgical Instruments, Binoculars, Microacojics, Photographic .Supplies. (Hills certified by metii- Emerson Shoe Co.. "Hnnest All Tliroui;li."' Men's .''hoefl 80.50 and S7.50, alsoHoficry, 14001 Woodward Ave, (Labor and Repairs included.) 1^) *>., 10 rourth Ave., W. Ecpairine. 17 Second Ave Hanson Duluth Co.. Auto Acccssorlee. Boats. Canoes, Radios Titt Ace(^nric3. Oiit-Bnard Motors, Tires, Radio and Auto Batter ICS. (limping l/|iiimnciit .if nil kinds, (Wliolraalc imd Cnmpelitivf Huis ou'liidnl.) 4Hf h. Suiierior St. (],•) Hotel, The SpaWinji (l':ur..i>e;.ii Plan), Rooms and Rcslaumnt (( «ffi'o Hio|. iiH-Jiide.t). hiipcrinr M. at 5th .K\c., 'West, (E) W. H. Kindy-Lyon, Inc., Opiician and OptomelrUl, IW. Superior IR McKoniie Photo Studio. Photographer, 30 E, Superior St. {0-.) PIcar.e Read On.' Rules on Pago 12 iinnuMwi >11 7 MINNESOTA—MISSOURI MINNESOTA 36 Miller's Cafeteria, Cafeteria and Soda Fountain. 314 W. Superior St., Cafeteria, 3 W. Superior St., 515 W. Superior St.. ThcSoack Shoo. Coffee, Waffles and Lunch Counter, 205 W. Superior St (E) Oreck's Inc., Women's and Misses' Apparel. ations included.) 31 W. Superior St. (Repdrs and Alter (E) William H. Sansam, Meat Market and Groceries, 329^1 West 4tb St. (C—) The Savolainen Co.. Jewelry, Watches, etc., 1 & Superior St. (Repairs included) (E) A. 6. Siewert& Co.,Inc.. Men's Haberdashers,310W. SuperiorSt. French,Shrlner& Urner.Men'sShoes and Hosiery, Northwestern National Bank Bldg., 01 S. 6tb St (E) John Hancock Oil Co. (Sec Phillipe Petroleum Co. listing.) Henderson & Knaeble, Custom Tailors. (Repairs and Altera tions Included.) 11 8th St. (E) HennspIn Laundry Inc. (SeeLawrence's.) (E) Johnson Milk Co., Pasteurized Milk, Cream, Whipping Cream, Buttermilk and Butter, 4230 5th Ave., So.; Tel. Regent 2962. (E) The Spatding Hotel (European Plan), Rooms and Restaurant Twin Ports Oil Co..Gasoline, Oils,Greasesand Alcohol. (Receipts will bo givenat all filling stations for cash purcbasea and coupon tickets.) (Sa\inBS wili not be paid on receipts for purchase of Kedney Warehouse Co., Inc. (Household Goods Dept.), Ware coupon books.) Filling stations at 1402 W. Superior St.; 802 E. 1st St.; 6204 Grand Are.; 2330 W. Superior St.; 1428 E. 2nd St. Lawrence's, Cleaners, Dyers, Launderers, Rug and Carpet (E) (C-) Wormser Hat Stares. Inc.. Men's Hats, Caps, Ties and Gloves. (Renovations Included.) 332 W. Superior St. (E) Yale Laundry Co., Laundr>'. Dry Cleaning and Dyeing. 30 E. Ist St. Tel. Melroso2441, also Receiviag Office. 330 N. 67th Ave. W. (E) Excelsior, Minn. John Hancock Oil Co. {Sec Phillirs Petroleum Co. listing.) phlllips Petroleum Co., Gasoline, Oils. Greases, Alcohol and Car W.ishing. (Tank Wagon Delivery and Furnace Oils excluded.) {For Membership &ivinga on casli or coupon book purchas«, submit whiteBt:ition Blips- For Memlwrship Savings on charRO account purchasca, submit paid m(mlhly statements, together with pink charge slips.) (labor, Itepaira and PartsIncludeil.). (C—) Hastings, Minn. John Hancock Oil Co. GScc niii!i|>a I'clroleuin Co. liBting.) Phillips Petroleum Co.. Gasoline, Oils, Greases, Alcohol and Car WaahioB- (Tank Wagon Delivery ami Furnace Oils excluded.) (For Membership Savings on cash or coupon book purchases, submit white station slips. For Memberahip Sawngs on charge account purchases, submit paid monthly staUmeals together with pnk charge slips.) (Labor, Repairs and Parts Included.) (C—) Hopkins. Minn. John Hancock Oil Co. (See PliillipH i'drolcum Co. listing.) Phillips Petroleum Co., Gasnlinr. Oils, Grcasw. Almhol and Car Wiishing. (Tank Wagon Delivery ami lurnace Oils excU|d«I.) (For Membership S.avin(t8 on cash or coupon took purchases, submit white st^-ition slii®. Meml.er8l.ip (.n cl^ account purch.iscs. submit paid monthly . 4, , wth oink charge slips.) (Labor. Repairs and Parts ludttdc^) Mrnneapolls. Minn. A h" /pj \ Brant Linen Co., Household Linens, Handkerchiefs, Laces, eta. 1109 NicoUet Avc. Campbell Coal Go,. Coal and Wood- "Better Coal," 817 Henn^ liin Avc- and Branches. (.\11 orders must be placed direct witn tlip Campbell Coal Co.) &vingB ou Coal and Wood 20c per ton. Codar Lake Ice & Fuel Co., Ice. (Front coupon bookcovers only r'>|iiirn<l for .Siiviiigs,) Hennepin Ave. at Oak Grove St. and i*ratit,'hps, Tel. Kenwood 8200 (D) City Valet Service, Shoo Repairing. Hat Cleaning, Biockiog. Dry" mg,Clraning and Pressing, 324—2nd Avc. (B) Dwoo &Raynolds Co., Inc. (Direct Stores, Inc.). Paints, Varnishes. I?,'lMaterials, Dry Colors, Drafting Materials, 605 Marriuctto Avc. (E) Ira Enmark. Bicycles, Motorcycles, Accessories, TirOs and Service. ;m I'^[5 . 822 Marqucttc Ave. (Instalment accounts o»®(ii Torleif Fieve, Jeweler, 319 14th Avc., 8. E. Industrial Sales aud Wiring Contracts ewliidcd.) 3t S. 5th St. Savings on Washing Macliiiics and Vacuum Cleaners (B—); Purchases from Retail Dept., Electrical Supplies. Home Appli ances, ctc. tract Work {B—); on everything else Carpet Cleaners. Upholstered Furniture a Specially. Main L)fiice and Plant, 1028 La Salle Place; Branch Offices, 3010 Hennepin • .4vc., 714 Second .Ave. So. (BakerBliig.) (E) Walfircen Co. (Successors to the Ihiblic Drug Co.) "Drugs with a Reputation," lee Cream, Cameras and Camera Supplies, Developing and Printing. Bathing Supplies. 628-030 Henneiiiu ' Ave.; 300 Hennepin .•^ve.; 3001 Hcnnoinn Ave.; 632 Nicollct .\vc.: 1 Waaliington Ave., S.: 8th & Nicollet Ave.;0th 4 Nicollet Avc.; 741 Maniuctte Ave.; 3001 Nicolka Ave.; 2700 Hast Lake • St. (E) house, Storage and Packing, 10 Hennepin Ave. (E) (H) Warner Hardware Co., Hardware, SjioriingGoods, Paints, Tools, Cutlery, Kitchenwarc, Llcctrical Aiiiiliaiiccs, Radio. ForMem bership .''avings on chargc accounts submit ivhitc iiioiitlily Btatemeii'. (Laborand Repairs included.) (Wholesale purchases. (E) Cleaners, Main Office, 4th Ave. S. at 17th St., Tel. At!antio552I (E) Tools and Supplies for Contractor's Use, Builder's Hardware Contracts, Nails and White Lead in Keg Lots, Sash Weights excluded.) 13S. 6th St. and Baker Arcade (E) WashlnBton Shirl Co., Men's Furnishings, Fifth and Niwllet, Cor. Eighth and Hennepin; also branch in New Nico.lct Hotel, 17Washington Ave.; 731 Marquette Ave. (E) Watley TnmkCo.. Trunks, Bags, Luggage, ctc. (Labor, Repaid aud Alterations included.) 248 Nicollct Avc. (E) Woimser Hat Stores, Inc., Men's Hats, Caps. Tics and Gloves. Loe Brothers, Photographers, Yatcs Bldg., 823 Nieollct Avc. (E) Lee Tire & Rubber Co. of New York, Inc. (Lee of Conshohocken), Tires and Tubes, 1011 Harmon Place (E) James E. Lee, Opticians and Optometrists, 53 S. 8tb St. (Labor and Parts included.) Savingson Purchasesand Repairs of Eyc- glaascs and Spectacles (G—); everything else (E) Leighlon Fuel Co., Coal, Cokeand Wood,200 Plymouth Ave N, (B-)" Mapfo LeafCreamery Corp.. PaBteurized Milk. Whippinc Cream, Buttermilk and Butter. 1110-12 N. 5lh St Tel Atlantic 0573 (!}__) E. B. Meyrowltr, Inc., Opticians, Binoculars, Kodaks. Movio (Renovations Included.) 304 Nicollct .Ave.; 30 \\aa!iington .-Vve. So.; 26 S. Si.tth St.; 610 Hennepin .-Vvc. (E) 37 Kindy Optical Co., Opticians. (Repairs and Labor includwi.) oO E. (jth St. anil 7 £. /th St (F) Men's Furnishcra andShirt Makers, ^ 3oJ Robert St. je) E. B. Meyrowitz, Inc., Opticians. Binoculars. Kodaks, Movie Liimeras ;uid Photographic Supplies. (Bills certified by uiemtwrs m conformity with Rule "T" areeligible fw Membcr- atiipSaving-:.) (Repairs and Alterations included.) 358-360 St. •^^""'28 on purchases and Repairs of Eyeglasses and .Si)cctacles(G—): everything else (£) Newman's Cloak & Suit Co., Women's and Misses' .Wei. (I^ibor, Repairs, .^Iterations and Storage Included.) 25E 7th (E) Phillips Petroleum Co.. Gasoline, Oils. Greases, Alcohol and Car M®' i^ Furnacebook Oils purchases excluded.) (Fur Mcmlxrship Savings on cash njjd orcoui)od submit white station sips. For Membership Savings oa Xrw account pureh:ises, 8ubmit;.paid monthly statements, together IVrs '•'harge .-Vvc.: shie.) 082(Labor, and Selbv Parts Include!) 18j5 Lmversity GrandRepairs Ave.; 442 Ave - 7n4 Pium St,; 719 Arcade St.; 553 W. 7th St.; 301 nI SnAii^g- 0th and Mam: Randdph and Hamline; University and Dunlnp3rd and Market; RoUrt and Fillmorc; Concord and Winifred* Otto and Mississippi Blvd.; Webster and 7th St (C—)' Rembrandt Studio. Photographs, Frames, 500 Midland Trust UIQg- Vegetables, Fruits, r Broadn-ay and 7thSt.. Tel. Cedar 42W. (Cash register receipts not accepted. Sccurc receipt^ bik) If >ou Lave received trading stamps, aav- ing6 will be (B); othcnnse Minneapolis Suburtas Cameras and Photographic Supplies. (Bills ccrtifieil by mcmbcfs m conformity with Rule "T" arc eligible for Mcraber_ ship&ivinra.) (Repairs and Alterations included.) 831 Nieollct US St. Peter St. Robhinsdalc. Minu. Phillips Petroleum Co. ^Scc Listing under Minneapolis.) Robbinsdaie Ice Co., Ice. (Front cover of coiijwn book only : Avp, livings on purehasM and Repairs ofEyeglasses and Spec tacles CG—); everything else (E) The "Millerette" Cafeteria, 6WA Hennepin Ave. (E) Mlller'a Cafotorlfii 611-613 Hennepin Avc. (E) Navy Cab Co., Inc., Taxi Servlcc. Baggage Transfer and Livery for Private Parties, 206 Washington Ave-, N-, Tel. Atlantic 4444 (E) The Odd Shop, Pictures, Cards, Novelties, Picture Framing, Engraving, 38S. 8thSt. (E) PhHIIps Petroleum Co., Gasoline, Oils, Greases, Alcohol and CarJVashmc. (Tank WaRon Delivery and Furnace Oils rjrliidcd. ): (tor Membership Savings on cash or cou|>on book purchases.. submit white station elijM. ForMembership Savincs onchargc accmmt purcliases. submit paid monthly sUtcmcnts. togpthcr reniiircd for Sa\'iiiB5.) 42nd Ave. aud Great Northern R. R. Tracks ^£j' Washington Shirt Co., Nfen's Furnishings, 337 Robert St.and Cor; of bixtfa .St. aud W cibiishrt V/ormser Hat Stores, Inc., M.-i,'s Hats, Cai«s Ties md nw«.- (Renovatioiis Included.) 5 E. 7tli St-; 404 RobcrfSt.; 112^ 7thi.f. •• Waytala, Minn. Woyzala, -V'"". "fpj • (See Minneapolis Suburbs.) John Hancock Oil Co. (See Phillips Petroleum Co. iieting.) / Phillips Petroleum Co. (Sec listing under Minneapolis.) MISSOURI St. Paul, Minn. Kansas City. Mo. New DevoeS Raynolds Co,. Inc. (Direct Stores, Inc.), Paints, Vamsbcs. Brusk's. .\rtists' Materials, Dry Colors, Drafting Materiaii 21I0 Grand Ave., 1011 Walnut St. (ft Emerson Shoe Co.. "Honest All Through," Men's Shoes. $650 Contract Rembrandt Studio, Phoiogrophs, Frames, 500 Midland Trust Bldg. (EITcetive May 1, 1030.) Henry Bockslruck Co., Diamonds, Jewelry, Silverware, ^VatcliM, CD E. 0th St. . H.printiTeNrludd-) C Boyeson Co.. Inc.,346-350 Stationery and Enpaving. (Commercia Minnesota St. (K) 3057 Cedar Ave.; 1600 6lh Ave. N-r^Glenw^.^ r«r««kAir rnfll Co Coal an<l Wood. ^'Better Coal,** 347 llobcrt W5nd Branciiw. (Al! orders must he plac^ direct with the CamXll Coal Co.) Savings on Coal and Wood 20c per ton. and Minnehaha; Mth St. and 22nd Ave.; 37th and Cedar; 20th and E. Lake bt;26th and Riverside; 4th St- and 6th Ave. S. E.; and; 3Iet and2nd Lyndalc Ave. V. N., jOJn and Penn V?North; Queen and Broadway; Ave. Ch»l*.rni,lflv Inc.. Men's and Young Men's Clothing. Hats and "Tubor? Repairs, Alterations included.) 100-103 h. Bri^hes ArVisls- Materials, Dry Colors, Drafting Materials 7th St. and 3nl Ave. N.; 10th and Hawthorne; 13th and Henncpin; 14th a^tid Harmon; 10th and Marquette; 3rd Ave. S. and 104I:;.5lhSt. 0th St.; 6th Aye. S. and 7ll, St.; 8th Avc. S. and 4th St.; 8th . . Dux Bros., Inc., Dyers and Dry Cleaners. 3-9 U.uveisity Avc. S.and 8th St.; Bth and Cdar; Franklin and Cedar; 10th Av^ and 24th St.; 28th and Chicago; 26th and Stevens; 28th and Henncmn; Ple.isant and UkcSt.; Zerxes and Superior Blvd.; ,r a.) Elk nc Arcaac:ucnauiiMiDii«iuiii'.-vo..- 44tb and trance Avc.; 54th and Lvndale Ave. S- 30th and Nicollet .\vc.; 36th and Aldrieh; 38th and Portland; 35lh and BloomiPgton; 11th and La Salle Ave. (C—) Robblnsdale Ice Co., Ice. (Front cover of coupon book only required for Savings). 2019 Broadway (D) ,--- - (!•:) Hotel President (European Plan), Rooms and Restaurant (Cmi|)onB or RcccipU .Sent in by Tourist Agencies excluded i 14th St. and Baltimore Ave. g.Aj Wormser Hat Stores, Inc., Men's Hats. Cai*. Ties and Glovta (Renovations Included.) 008 Main St.; 110 E. 12th St.-220 F* 12th St. ' (Ej St. LouIb, Mo. ington Sts- Ho'.?' KingsKings-Way Highway and(Eiiropean West PinoPlan), Blvd. Rooms and Itcstiiurant (E) Hotel Lennox (Liirnpean Plan), Rooms and Restaurant, Olh and Haslmigton Ave. (£) Hotel Mayfair (European Plan). Rooms and Restaurant. (Laundrv and valet Charges included.) 8th and St. Charics St. (]•') Kings Hiphway and Meat Pine liivd. ji/j John Hancock Oil Co. (Sec Phillips Petroleum Co, lisling.) Holm &Olsoo. riorlsls, Niinicrymrn, T^m-lsci-F Ardii(«lii. also Kedney Warehouse Co., Inc., (Household Goods Doi)t-). Lonnox Hotel (European Plan), Rooiua and Rcstourant Olh inc!udc<i) Shoes, Hats, Uniforms, Women s Coats, Women's aad Children's Shoes. (Hart, SchafTner & Marx Clothing. Stetson Shoes and Dunlap Hats and Cape.) (Uniforms purchased through Organ izations, Companies or PublicDepartments excluded.) Nicollet at 6th St. (E) ^^alnut St. (Labor and Repaire Keuffol &Esser Co., Mathcnwtical, Surveying and Drawing liistrumeiitj, 817 Locust St. (Membership Savings will be jmid on purchasca ofa busitifsi chametcr providing the nicnilx'r is tho sole owner oftheiMisineis. Purchases made by imrineri'liif^ eorp'irulinns nannut i>? rli'arc<l.)^ Tmeiiig Clolh and McrchundtKn fiiniidlir<! umlcr tlnvcnuucnt Coulract cxeliidrd (J.;) Kinss-Wny Hotel (Eiirorwan Plan), Room luid lU-ataurnnl. French. Shrlner &Urner, Men's Shoes and Hosiery. Standard Clothing Co., Men's and Boys' Clothing, Furnishings, fnctudcd) " French, Shrlner &Urner, Men's Shoes and Hosiery. 1002 Walnut Bond Clothes. Inc.. Men's Clothing and Hats, 8th and Wash Dewefi Ravnolds Co., Inc. (Direct Stores, Inc.). Paints, S.and2nd ..t.; 17tnand Washington N.;5thandWashington N. a coiaiiktc line ol Art Ware, 24 M. 5lli tt- house. Storage andlacking, 8thaudJohn Sta. Robert ond Washington Avc. Please Rrad Our Rules on P.tge 12 Please See Our List o{ Member Hot«lB _giL-P*gS—LL 'A: (E) Waldron, Inc., Exclusive Dry Cleaners, DyerS/ Oriental Rug and Broadway; 2201 F.-r.t Benton's Cloak &Suit Co., Women's and Misses^' Apparej. Rcpiiirs, Alterations and Storage Included-) ''7 Nieollct (E) Miss Beth's Flower Shop,Florists, Nurserymen, t' cts. (Laborincluded.) M5Second Ave., S-, Mam 6411 Sterling Elsctric Co,, Elcctrlc.-i! Store. (Shop Repaire, Labor and (B-) Kaye's, Inc., Women's and Misses' Apparel. (Labor, Repairs, Alterations and Storage Included.) 804-806Nicollet Ave. (E) Kayser & Co., Wall Papers. Paints, Varnish. 1018 La Salic .\ve. (Purch.TScs of White Lead and Linseed Oil excluded.) On Con (Coffee Shop included), Superior St., at 5th Ave West . iJl 1^. J 1,1- iv/iig«;nTiRi^NEBRASKA—NEW HAMPSHIRE—NEW JERSEY 38 NEW JERSEY Mileage Gas Corp. (Subsidla^ of Warner-Qulnlan Co.), Gaso Mayfair Hotel (European Plan), Rooms and and Valet Charges lacluclctl.) 8th and ct. Charles bU. CM Wormser Hat Stores, Inc.. Men's HaU, Ca^. "Hps and G!ov«(llenovations Included.) 310 6th St., 518 Olive St. (E) Morrislown, N. J. line, Oil, Fuel Oil, Accessories, Tires, Sen-ice, Kcp.iirs. Labor, etc- (Membersbii) Savings on cash slips, coupon book covcrs oi; montlily accounts.) Main St. and Prospect Place, I6th and lOth St3. and 4tb Ave. NEBRASKA (E)' Mileago Gas Corp. (Subsidiary of Warner-Quinlan Co.), Gasoline, Kindy Optical Co., Opticians. (Repairs and Labor indudcd.) 1343 0 St. ^ u Omaha, Neb. Dovoe& Raynolds Co.. Inc. (Direct Stores, Inc.). Paints, Varnishes, Briishe, ••^lists' Materials, Dry Ckilori Drafting Materials. 322 S. 16thSt. (E) LosTire&Rubber Co. of New York, Jnc. (Lee ofConahohocken), Tires and Tubes, 1709 St. Mary's Ave. (E) Wormser Hai Stores, Inc., Men's Hats. Cape, Tics and Gloves. (Renovations Licluded.) 150S FarnamSt. CE) moulbly accounts.) 113 Speedwell Ave. Mileage GasCorp. (Subsidiary of Warner*Quinlan Co.), Gasoline, Oil, Fuel Oil. Accessories. Tires, ^rviee, Rep-iire, Labor, etc. (Membership S.-ivings on cash slips, coupon book covcrs or' monthly accounts.) 45i N. Broad St., 208 North Broad St., Elizabeth Ave.and 7lh St. (1^), Rocssler FurnitureCo.,Furniture,85 BroadSt (E) Elizabeth Suburbs (E) 1. Blyn &Sons, Shoes for Mcu, Women and Children, 841 Broad (E) Garwood, N. J, Bethlehem, N. H. The Venelian Shop. Oriental Rugs, Linens, (Open July, August and September.) and Curios. (E) , Knickerbocker IcoCo.,Icc,North Ave., Tel. Westficld 1310 (E) HackonsRck, N. J. Concord, N. H. ( Savings .>ii er-sl. Hlii«, coupon book covcrs or "ousc monllilv accounts.) Essex ami Huvlcr Sts. monthly accounts.) Es.scx ami Huylcr Sts. __ _ Manchester, N. H. Bachrach, inc., Photojfraphera, 013 Elm St. (E) Jonney Gasoline Station (Jenney Mfg. Co.), Gaaoline, Lubrioatin^K Oils, Greases and Fuel Oil, iilni St. Cor. Brook SU (iJ) NEW JERSEY Atlantic City, N. J. American lee Co., Ice. Michigan and Arctic Aves.. Tel. Atlantic Goismar Shop, Men's Clothitig, Fashion Park and Kupixsnbcimer CliillicK, Furiiisiiiiics, Manjuiltaii Shirts, Hals, SlcUon Hate, Shoes. 222 Waahingtiiii St. (E) Hendberg (J''rc<l I:]. Vogel). Florist, 415 Washington St (E) Tho Lining Sloro, The Department Store of Hoboken, 412-416 1024 Pacific Ave. (1'.) M. & H. Sporting Goods Co.,Sporting Cnotlsfor Every Occasion, duns ami Fishing 'Tncklu Rcoaircd by Experts, 170.1 Albntic Ave. (E) Jersey City, N. J. Bernstein & Co., Men's nnd Boys' Clothing. Hatt«rs, Furnishings .nndShoes. •!2 Newark Ave. (H) Mileage Gas Corp. (Subsidiary of Warner-Qulnlan Co.), Gasnliue. Oil, Fuvl Oil. Accrasnrir-^, Tirai. I^:rvicp, Repair?. Ijil)or, etc. (MomUcrsUii' S.ivinns on c:ir!li sliis, cou|)on book covcrs or monthly accounts.) 3532 iludsoii Blvd., & Henderson . Sts. RitJ-Carlton Hotel (European Plan), Rooms nnd Restaurant, lioardwalk and Iowa Ave. (E) Camden. N. J. American Ico Co.. Icc. 0th am! Wright Ave., Tel Camden ISl (E) Standard Radio Co.. RadiM, Cc.mi.lctp s^-ts and Parts (Repairs, Labor nnd Paris mciud«l). (>-8 Broadway (E) Capo May. N. J. Conmoss Hall Hotel {Europp:in Plan). Rooms and Acslaurant Linden. N. J. Mileage Gas Corp. (Subsidiary ofWarnor-Quinlan Co.), Gasoline. *M8lauraM. monlUIy accounts.) E-.lgar Rd. and Wwxl Ava Long Branch. N. J. monUily accounts,) JJroadway and Lipi'mcott Ave.; Broadway and GroveSt. , Manlewopg. N. i- oline. Oil, Fuel Oii, Acrcssnric?, i>rrviec, Repairs, L.bor, etc. (Membcr-ship Savinirs m wfh chi-s. coupon book covcrs or (E) 8t.,'N0TOrk. Tel. Terrace Plcaae See Our List of M^ttbar Hotol* on Page 11 (E) Paterson, N. J. J. Blyn &Sens, Shoes for Men, tt'omen and Children, 200 Main St (E) Emerson Shoe Co., "Honest All Through," Men's SIhx.i, $8,50 bcludcif) 186 Market St. (Labor and Repairs Gas Corp. (Subsidiary ofWarner-Quinlan Co.). Gasoline, (Mcmwrship .^avinps on cash slips, coujwn book covcrs or moithly accounts.) Market St. and Vrccland Ave. (E) Uil. tiicl (Jil. Accessories, Tires, Service, Repairs, Labor, ctc. Perth Amboy, N. J. Mileaflo.Gas (jorp. (Subsidiary ofWarner-Quinlan Co.). Gasolino, Oil, Fuel Oil. Accessoric-s Tirrj, i^cnice, Repairs, Labor, ctc. (Mcml)crshiji Savinpn on cash elii-s, roiip^m Inwk covers or monthly accounts.) 2SS .Market St,; 57} .Vcir Brunswick Ave IE) Roossler-Stern Co., Furniture, lUS .Smith St. (£• Phllllpsburc, N. J. Mileage Gas Corp. (Subsidiary of Warner-Quinlan Co) Gisoiin.. Oil' Fuel Oil, Acressoric.', Tire«. .Scrviec. Repairr. Uhrir. 'rtc (Membership .Savints on eash ,-!iti.=, couiion bock cover- or monthly accounts.) 2/ii ,< .MainSi. Heijjirs—Factory un Premises. (Labor. Rcpsiirs, Alterations and Parts iiiduded.) Cor. .Marketami Urnad Sts. (G—) Knickerbocker Ico Co., Ice," 75 Hayes St.. Tel. Terrace .1025 and 0125 (E) Knickerbocker Storage Warehouse Co., Packing, Moving and (E) Storage, I(>0-100 .\riington St. Mileage Gas Corp., (Subsidiary of Warner-Quinlan Co.). Gas oline, Oii, Fuel Oil. Accessories, Tires, Service. Repairs, Labor, etc. (Menibprshiii Savings on cash slip?, coupon book covers or PlalnReld, N. J. Bachrach, Inc., Photo;:rai)lieri:, Pichire Knuniiir 1 u- Irames, Prufessiona! 13Idg., lOS E. 7th St ^ ^ Green's Fur Shop, Furs, Fur Garments made to order l}«n mg, Hemodeling ami Fur Storage, 402 Park Ave. ' Mileage GasOil. Corp.Aw-..^sorie5, (SubsidiaryTire, of Warner-Ouinlan rn 1 n Oil. Fuel "er^.e monthly .iccaunts). ."io Susse.x Ave., ;i24 Washington St., near p, L. it W, Station, 'JlO Broadway, cor. Si'lvan ;\ve-, Sumiicr .Ave. & Dlooinficld Ave. (!'•) HarryG. Potter,Photography in all its branches. (Labor included.) 944 Broad St. 0^) Roessler Furniture Co., Furniture, 888 Broad St„ 47 Market St. • Phillip Spies, Women's and Misses' Wearing Ap/mrel, 017^.^tj Broad St. r (E) Williams St.. Park .Vvc. A .^tinutcr .\vo., Bradford i'lare and Plane St., iOO Central Ave. ife Hoyt i?t., -108 Broad .''t,, opjKsitc Red Bank. N. J. Acksr, Merrall 4 Condit Co,. (;e„«a; an'i Fancv Groecri« \t . 3ank 15m"" 'I'el. C' Bank 1560 Roselle Park. N. J. '""Jvf'r (SubsidiaryTires, of Warner-Quinlan Ol, I'uci Oii, Aece«soriej, ,-^ervice R. n'.irCCo lI iV Savi««. on cash 'tMcn.!.cr<!ii,, "onlhiy a>TDunls.) WestneM Avc-.-ai,,!'Ji (B-) *'"Cie. (£) Rutherfofd, N. J, ('v Wallach Brothers. Men's Clothes. Haberdashery, Hats and Sh^, 828-830 Broad St. f'-' Wiss Sons, Inc., Diamonds, Jcwelo-. Watches and Clwla, Sil verware. Cutlery andLenox China (Repairs included. )06o.0C/ 'E) Frederic P. Wolfinger Florist, 883 Broad St, Secaucus, N. J (0—) Newark Suburb (E) Knickerbocker Ice Co. (Sec listing under Newark.) 1° ? Mileage Gas Corp. (Subsidiary ofWarner-Quinlan Co.), Gasoline, Oil. Fuel Oil, Ace«s"rii-8. Tires. S^n-i-^e. Repai-g, Labor, etc. (Memlwrship Savings on eash slipe, coupon book covers or monthlyaccountfi.) IGO Clcnridgo Ave. monthly accounts.) Prospcct St. and Al.iin .Ave. In iiiglo"- A", Acker Merrall &tendit Co.. Goneral and Fancy Groceries, Fresh Fruits. Steamer and Gift Baskcta, GOj Bloom6eld Ave., Tel. Montelair 7100. East Orannc, N. J. Edward ClothesMade for J®"?,''"® You. 56Park Madc-to-Order. Place (E) Hales, Inc.. Bods and Bedding, 1000 Broad St. (E) M. H. Harris. Oculists and Opticians. Eyre e.^aminoil bv Rti?istered I'hjficiaiis and ICyc .^^jwoialiefii. (^oinpleto jycKlx's UI' I'uel Oil, Accessories. Tires. Scr\ icc, Repairs, Lil^ir, ctc(.Mem^rshij) Saviiiia on casii slips, couiwn book covc.-s or (C) Montclalr. N. J. (E) Women, Military P.nrk Bide. (j,;) Park Place RrnadSt, Mileage Gas Corp. (Subsidiary .f Warner-puinlan Co.). O^aamonthly acconnts). Spriugfield -Ave. &liojdcn Ave. iGO Union Laundry Co.,I.aundri-. (Secure and send in Ixiundry Tick ets—Not Statements.) 124-144 South loth St.; brunch 02!) Mileage Gas Corp. (Subsidiary of Warner-Quinlan Co.), Gaaoline. Oii. Fuel Oil. .VccTaSorics, Tires, Service. Itepaira, Labor, etc. (Meml>ershi;i f.-.ivinps on cxish slips, coupon ^ok covers or Cranford, N. J. BftCtiraelli Inc., PhotORraphcrs, rii Mtlin St. (E) (Memijcrehip Sjvin® on caeh sill's, coupon book covers or Mileage Gas Corp. (Subsidiary of Warner & Quinlan Co.,) Gas. ' line, Oil. Fu':l Oil. Acwssories, Tires. f?ervicr, Repairs, I.fll»r, ctc. (Mcmlwrship Sanngn oncash slips coupon book covers or monthly accounts), Bloom&eld Ave. &GroveSt. (E) Knfekerboeker leo Co.,'Ice. Tel, Cranford, 47 .. ^ Oil, Fuel Oil. Aceessnrica, Tirra, Service, Repairs, Lawir, ctR,.,i Bloomfleltl. N. J. (Hold oixoi .lunc IStli In .SuptcmtnT 16th.) W winner's Corsot & Glove Store, Corsets, Gloves, Hoeicry and Underwear, 304 Washington St. (E) City 4.3613 The Breakers (American and European Plan), Rooms and Rcstsiirant^ McmbOThip Savings oa Restaurant Charges to Guests Only (W The Edward Tailoring Co., Mndc-tn-Orclcr Clothca. luiward (E) • Hoboken. N. J. WaebiaRton SI. 4026 aud 0125 Bond Clothes, Inc., Men's Clothing and Hats, 148 Market St. (E) Broaii Auto Supply Co., Automotive E<|iiipment and Replacement Jarls for all Pojiular Cars. Genuine Ford and Chevrolet ParU. •15J Broad St. (j?) Davega. Inc.. United Sport .Shof)?. Athletic Goods, Radios and ^adio I'.cpiipmcnt, Fwhing Tucklc nmi ('aniping Eijuipmcnt. Joys, Mnlioncry, Kodaks. Motion Pielunj Apinratus, Guns, <ils, Gre.tfC8 ami luel Oil, .S. Maui St.. k milo south ol bUU (.'iothpj—Tor Vnii." Edward Anspach, IVe-seriijlion Optician. Optical Goods. Eye Gla^« nml Jr'iwcbcle:^. (Doctors* professional i)urcba8es cxcludcU.) (Ucpairs incluJccl.) 20Ccnlml Arc (G—J Ba^ett,Nephews'& Company, Old Statcn Island Dyeing Esta"bIishment. Inc., Cleaners and Dyera. 528 Broad St., Tws. .Mul berry 1870 and Mitchell 01(13 (F_) Vjctmlas nnd and Automobile Tires, 49-51 Market St.570*561 Bro:id St. (Lalxir, l{ei)airs and Alterations includci) Hillside. N. J. Passalc, N. J. Mij^eago Gas Corp., (Subsidiary of Warner-Quinlan Co.), Gasoline. Newark, N. J. iiigs. Upholstery, Draiwrics, Every kind ofRadios, Phonographs, Knickerbocker IceCo. (See listing under Elizabeth.) ouie. Oil, Hcl Od, Accessories, Tires, Servicc. llc;)airs, Labor, ctc. (Mcinijersbij) Savings on cashslija, couiwn book covers or monthly accounts.) 1533 Hackens.iek Plankroad (E) (E) • Ludwig Baumann &Co., Furniture, Rugs, Carpets, House Fumish- Elisabrlhporl, N. J. Knickerbocker Ice Co.. (Seclisting under Newark.) NEW HAMPSHIRE MIImbc Gas Co^. (Subsidiary of Warner-Quinlan Co.). Gas- Ui, I-ucl Oil, Accessories, Tires, Service, Rcpiiire, Labor, ctc. (MciuMrahip Sanngs on ciisli sliia, coupon book covers or Knickerbocker Ice Co., Ice, 532 West Grand St., Tel. Emerson 3728 (E) Lincoln, Neb. North Berflen, N. J, Acker, Merrall &Gondit Co., Gonurai aiui Fancy Groceries, Frcali Fruil, Steamer andGift Baskets. 2U Park Placo (13—) Elizabeth, N. J. 39 (E) S. Orange, N. J. N. Arllnflton, N. J. Knickerbocker Ice Co., Icc, 75 Hayes St Wunrk Toi t 4025 and 0125 ' ° Mileago Gas Corp. (Subsidiary of Warner-Quinlan Co.),Gnsuline, Mileago GasOil. Corp.Aeccyoricg. (SubsidiaryTiroaWarnor-Oulnlan Oil, Fuel Serviern^i™rn \i ^n Oil, Fuel Oil. Acccssorie-s, Tirp.?. Service, Repairs. l.!ibor, ctc. (MemberHbip .Savings on cash sliie, cmijon bo<ik covers or monthly accounts.) Beiievile Turnpike anil iUverRoad (E) (McmlterBhip Saving on ea-sli rlirvj monthly accounts.) Valley and letS(s. Pleaee Rend Our Rules on Page 12 ^ ' ***• NEW YORK NEW lERSEY—NEW MEXICO—NEW YORK 40 Mllaaae Gason. Corp.Accessories. (SubsidiaryTira. of Warner-Qulrian.CoO. ^line, Oif Fuel &r^'ice, (Membership Baviogs on casli slips, coupon book covers or 2onSSlc«UDt3.)^prinefield Av^ and 6lenwood Pbce (E) , ^ Footer's Cleaners & Dyers, "Fur or Fabnc, vre cl«n pd dye it." (Repairs, Alterations and storage Included.) 29 N. Mon^ gorncry St TheStacy-Trent Hotel (European Plan), Rooms and Restaurant, (Coupon orReceipts sent inby Tourist Agencies excluded) (E) Wallach Bros.. Men's Clotbes, Haberdashery, Hals and Shoa, 13 E. State St. Velvet Brand Ice C)renm, 120 South Swan St,, Tel. Milk Dept. Main 1850 and 1851. (Note: !n buying Velvet Ice Cream from (t.) Union City. N. J. "Velvet Ice Cream" included) (Membetsbip Savings on casb sl^, coupon book covers or monthly accounts.) 41S0 Hudson Blvd. (£) (E) Mileage Gas Corp. (Subsidiary of Warner-Quinlan Co.), Oil, Fuel Oil, Acc(s50ries, Tires.Service, Repairs, Labor, etc. (Mem- bcrsbip Savings on cash slips, coupon book covers or monthly accounts.) North .\ve. and Clark .St. Harry G. Potter, Pholograpby in allits branches, 13ElmSt. (E) West Orange, N. J. Knickerbocker Ice Co., Ice, 75 Hayes St., Newark, Tel. Tert^ (E) 4023 and 0125 State St. (E) Buffalo Optical Co,, Opticians. 559 Main St. (G_) Buffalo Photo Material Co., Photographic Supplies andApparatus. John Skinner's Book Store, Books, Stationery, Engra\nng, Fouij^ tain Pens. (Magazine Subscriptions and Magazines not 'ItP eluded.) Steubcn Sts cor. James (B) C. W. Stuart Coal Company, Coal and Wood,' 28 N. Pearl St. 41 Niagara St. (Mazda Lamps excluded.) Savings on Motion PictureCameras and .Apparatus (B—); everything else (E) Ralph G. Butler. Imported and Domestic Wall Papers, Lanijis, Shades and Interior Dcooratiug, 1023 Main St. Savings on Labor (D); everything else (j:) Savings on Coal 16c jwrton; on Cord Wood 40cper cord. Thomas Music Stores, Inc., Pi.anos, Musical Instruments oj kind, Phonograplis, Records, Rolls and Sheet, Music. (LaW, Repairs, Storage and Rentals included.) 101 N. Pearl St. (E) ing. (Work sent through ngCDcies e.^cluded) I59-lf57 W. Utica St. (G_) ColdSpringStorage Co., Inc., Carting, Storing, Packingand Ship Knickerbocker Ice Co.. Ice and Coal. Tel. Amityville 27C. &v- ping. 1432-42 Main St. ings onCoal, 15c per ton; Ico Silver City, N. M. (E) MaeliiDcs. Vucuimi Cleaners, etc.. Genesee Micbigaa .•^vc. .Vj-' G W Richardson & Son, Furniture and Interior Decorations '(Labor, Repairs and Alterations liicludcd.) Richardson S<1. (E) Emerson_ Shoe Co.. "Honest All Through." Men's Shoes. $6.50 and 17.50, also Hosiery, 3 E. Eagle St, (Labor and Repairs mciudni) (jj) Auburn, N.Y. Babylon. N. Y. Mdlwork, III to 117 j^h St. (£) Genesee Picture Frame Co., Pictures andPicture Frames. 152-154 h. Gcneace St. (F—) Knickerbocker IceCo., IceandCoal, Tel. Babylon 270. Savings w) (E) Uniforms, Athletic and Sport Outfitters, 099 Main St. Knickerbocker Ico Co., Ice, Tel. Rockville Centre 0024 (^) Wallach Uundry System. Laundrj-. Tel. Volunteer 7000 iE) (E) Hedstrom-Spaulding, Inc., Coal. (Wood and Coke excluded.) Main Office—290 Main .?t.. Tel. Scncea 7905. Yards—I09I Clinton St.. Tel. Jefferson 1205; 249 Hertel Ave.. Tel. Bidwcll Albany. N. Y. N. Pearl .«t Babbitt & Co., Inc., Rogers-Pent Clothins for Men and Hoys, f'hililren's Clyihiog, Hate, Ca[» (Mallory, Stetson, ctc.), Men's Fiirnishings, Leather Goods. Suitcases. Bags, Furs for Men and Women, (Aeenls for Kuppenhciroer Clothing,) b7 X. Pearl .St. (IC) Ballaniine &Volz, Groceriesi Vegetables, J'Vuits, 204 LarkSt., Tel. Main 2238and 2237 (C) Buckley Decorating Co., Decorators and Home Furnishers, Wall Coverings, Furniture, Upholstery Fabrics, Cretonnes and Draperie.', 83 Columbia St, (E) The DeWitt Clinton Hotel. (European Plan), Rooms and Restau rant. Cap-to! Square (E) Green's, i=:t3tiniicry. Office Sui)pliM. "Shaw Walker" Filing Equipmcnt. Office Furniture, 8-10-12 Green Rt. (McmbcreEip Savwill be paid in purchases ofa busing charactcr providing lb'' mfmt)rr is the soleownerof the business. Putcbasea made liy itiriBwliij* orCorporatioDS cannot beclcaied) (E) Hoag &Taylor. Mcn'j Furnishers, Hatters. Custom SUirl Makers, (E) Hotel. The DoWitt Clinton (European Plan), Rooms and Restau rant, Capitol Sfuarc (E) Marston & Seamnn. Jewplers, Diamonds. Cut Glass. Silverware (E) Mayrowlir Brothers, Optical GorjiJi, phot<^phic SuppKes, Developing and Pfinling.63N. Peart gt. Masons—(See Buffalo Photo MaterialCo.) Beacon, N. Y. Peter Paul and Son, inc,. Engravers, Embossing. Stationerv, (0—) I'rintirignitdl.iir(J8loraI(oi'c.i.sioiia, etc.. 230 Delaware: Ave, (I'lj (^1 Fuel Oil, Accessories. Tires, Service. Repairs. Labor, etc. Schut! &Haffa, Jewelers and Opticians. (Ropuirs include<l.) 137 monthlyaccounts.) Mainand Elm Sts. Standard Shoe Repairing (3o., Inc., Shoe Repairing, fPurchasM o( (Membership Savings on cash slito. coupon book coverr or m East Wllliston. W.V. Knickerbocker Ico Co.. Ice. Tel. Garden City 1074 (E) Elmira. N. Y. '^tstaura^f !'' '»>• Hooms and Farminadalc. N. V. Knickerbocker IceCo.,Ice, Tel. .\mityvillc 27Q (E) Franklin Square, N. Y. Knickerbocker Ice Co., Ice, Tel. G.irdcu City1074 (E) ^ Freeport, N. Y. Establishment, Inc., (.leaiiers and Dyers, Sunrise Highway 4 Grm-p.Sf T«t Ireeport3300 Knickerbocker Ice Co., Ice, Tel. Rock-ville Centre 0024 Wallach Laundry System, l.iinndry, Tel. Voluuteer 7000 Arlington Hotel (European Plan). Rooms and Reetaurant (F—) (jj) (B) (E) Mileage Gas Corp. (Subsidia^ ofWarner-Quinlan Co.). Gssolins Oil, Fuel Oil, Accessoncs. fires, Ser^-icc, Repairs, Labor ^c (Membership f-avin(tf on ra?h slips, coiiijon book covcrs or monthly accounts.) 204 Excliangc Plac* Glen Cove. N. Y. Knickerbocker Ice Co,, !ee. Tel. Glen Cove 147 Glen Head, N. Y. Knickerbocker Ice Co., Ice, Tel. Garden City 1074 CourtSt. (E) Stoddarl Bros. Inc.. Drugs, Prescriptions, Trusses. Elastio Support ers and Hosiery. Sick Uooiti .Supplies, Suraical Supplies, 80 Seneca.St.and 315 Main St. (K) Wormser Hat Stores. Inc., Men's Hals, Cais, Tics and Gloves. (Recovations Included.) 320 Main St. (E) BriQhtwaters, N. Y. Knickerbocker Ice Co.. lee, and Fuel OilTel GreatNcA m Savings on Coal I5e i>cr ton: Icc and Fuel Oil Greenpoint. N v Knickerbocker koton; Co..Ice Ice and Coal Tel Astoria ARtorU 1737. m? Saving c • on {.'oal 15c jwr (L) .Hampton Bays. U. Y. Canlsteo. N. Y. ^ (jjj Great Neck. N. v. Stewart &Benson. Inc.. Trunks, Luggage nnd Leather Goods, 9 (E) (pj Geneva, N. Y. Niagara St.; 29 E. Eagle St. Brenlwood. N. Y. Bronx. N. Y. Knickerbocker Ice Co., ite, Tel. Garden City 1674 Uenescc St. Shoes excluded.) _578 Main St.; DHuron .St.; 81(5 Main St • 11 BInghamton, N. Y. Knlekarbocker lea Co., Ico and Coal. Tel. Bay Shore 276. ingsonCoal ISopcrton:Icc (G—) ""oiSS5 S;; Is•«' (E) H. B, Moore ASons. Inc., Haberdasher. 325 and 598 Main St. (K) Mileage Gas Corji. (Subsidiary of Warner-Quinlan Co.), (laaolinc, John W. Emery, Inc., Boots. Shoes, HneWry, 54N. Pearl St. (E) 20s. Pearl St. Cfiippewa Sts. Lafayette liicatreBldg„ 346 Main St. Parkhill & Hart laundry. (Agency Work excluded.) 1509 Main .St. (G-) Knickerbocker Ico Co., lec, Tel. Bay Shore 2«0 M-jiikn L;ino andilamts St. Mary Lincoln CantJIes. Inc., Caudles, Soda, Lunchcs, Main and Knickerbocker Ico Co.. Inc and Coal, Tel. Bay Shore 270. Sa\*inw onCoal 15c ix-r ton: Ici! 'ili) Danker, Florist, Wedding Decorations, Landscape Gardening, ^ip, BuUm, Plants. Ornamental Trcee and Shrubs, 40Maiden Lane. (Libor and Rentalsincluded) Deer Park. N, Y. Garden City. N. Y. Pay Shore. N. Y. (G—) Warner-Quinlan Co.),Later, Gasoine. Oil, l;ucl 0,1, Accessories, Ti«.s. Scrvrce. Repairs, »n I'l'^jvings cash sllje, book covets or ruonthly iiccouuts.) Mam andonMadison Sl.<;.;eoujion 149 Clinton Avc.(E) Batavla. N. Y. Oil, Fuel Oil. Accc'ssoriffl, Tires, Strvice, Rciairs, Labor, ctc. (Mcmlwrstiip Savinirs on cash elipa. coiiiwn book covers gr monthly accounts.) Main andPorter Sts. (E) Albany Art Union (Griffin ArtCo., Proprietors). Photographers. 48 Bros.. Inc., I'urniture, Floor Coverings, Radio and inSdSj''sfklin William N. Gregorle Co., Sporting and Athletic Goods, Sweaters ' ^muyvuie Cortland, N. V. Rough and Finished Lumber and Mileage Gas Coip. (Subsidiary of Warner-Quinlan Co.), Gasoline. NEW YORK "»S8''oCaoll5cpcrton:lcc (E) D0V00& Reynolds Co.,Inc.(DirectStores. Inc.).Paints,Varnishes, Brushes, Artists' Materials, Dry Colors, Drafting Materials. G90 MainSt. (E) on Coal 15cper ton; Ice Coplague, N. Y. Knickerbocker Ico Co., Ice and Ccal, Tel. Amityville 276 S.-.V- (E) CyclC'Electrlc Co.. Inc., Dieyles, Accessories. Repairs. Washing Randall Clothes, Mcc'a and Young Men's Clothe, 13 Market Wallach Laundry System, Laundry. Tel. Volunteer 7000 Cari)cntcr), Gasoline, Eeroeene, Lubri- catmgOjI, Grease, I'uel Oil Central Dry Cleaning Co.. Inc., Dry Cleaning. Dyeing and Press Amityville. N.Y. Baldwin, N. Y. NEW MEXICO Hawell DrugCo„ Inc. Drugs (El Savard & Colburn, Inc., Men's Clothing, Furnishings, HaU, § St. Chlttenango, N. V, (K) Baker &Smith, Grocers andImporters, 51W, Chippcwa ,St. (C—) K. A. Bistany, Imiwrtcrs ofOriental Rugs. t328 Main St. (E) Bond Clothes, Inc., Men's Clothing andHats,Main andEagle Sts Radios and Maytag Washing Marines, 497-505 Broadway.^ Amsterdam. N. Y. Westfield, N. J. Knickerbocker Ice Co., Ice, Tel. Westfield 1310 (B7T7) G. C. Reardon, Inc., Furniture, Carpets, Ruga, Bedding, Stoves, Mileage Gas Corp. (Subsidiary of Warner-Qulnlan Co.}, Gasolioe, Oil. Fuel Oil, Accessoria, Tires, Sen-ice, Repairs, Labor, etc. chases of a business charactcr providing purchaser is the solo owner ofthe business. 424PearlSt. (£) Arb'sImporters, Gowus, Wrata, Millinery, etc.,300 Delaware Ave any dealer in Albany, secure receipted bill witb the words. Maiden I^no Trenton. N. J. Bond Clothes. Inc., Men's and Young Mcns Clothes, 10-12 No. BroadSt. Allen s Floor Covering Co.. Rugs, Carpets, Liaolcum and Rub ber Flooring. (Pullman Carpets excluded.) Savings also on pur Norman's Kill Farm, Dairy, Milk, Cream, Butter, Cheese and Summit, N. J. 41 Mileage Gas Corp. (Subsidiary of Warner-Quinlan Co.).Gasoline. Oil, Fuel Oil, Accessories, Tires, Scrvice. Hi'paire, I-ibor, etc. (Sec listioK under New York City.) (.Vlemljersiiip .Stvinga on cash sliji?, coupon book covers or monthly xiccounts.) West Main uii<i Orrliard .Sta. (i-) Brooklyn. N. Y. Hempstead. N, Y. Knickerbocker Ico Co.. Le, Tel. Garden City 1674 (E) Cedarhurst. N. Y. (See listing unti" New York City.) Herklmer. N. Y. (E) Knickerbocker Ice Co.. Icq, Tel. Cedarhurst 0400 Wallach Laundry System. I-aundrj-, Tel. Far Rockawny 04W 'I Buffalo. N. Y. J, (Meinbersllip Savings on calh sHnT Central Park. W. Y. Allen Carpet Cleaning and Rug Weaving Co.. Inc.. Carpot Clean ing and Rug Weaving, 42IM2S Pearl St. Knickerbocker Ice Co.. Ice, Tel. .Amityville 2713 (E) monthly accounts.) 105 Flcaac Read Our Rules on Papc 12 Please See Our Llr,t of Member Hotels on Page 11 li .1.4^;. A '"""(E) NEW YORK 42 NEW YORK Hewlett. N. Y. Newbursb, N. Y. Knlckorbocker (ceCo., Ice,Tel.Rockvillc Centre 0024 (E) W^lach Laundry System, Laundry. Tel. Far Rockaway 0103 Milage Gas Corp. (Subsidiary of Warnor-Qulnlan Co.), GasoiLne, Oii, Fuel Oil, Accessories, Tires, Service Repairs, Labor, ote. (Membership Savings oa cash slips, coupon book coveraw (E) Homer, N. Y. Mileage Gas Corp. (Subsidiary ofWarner-Quinlan Co.), Gasoline, Oil, Fuel Oil, Accessories, Tires, Scr^-iee. Repaira, Labor, ctc. (Membership Sa\-tn^ oti cash slips, coupon book covers or monthlyaccounts.) Main and Warrenots. (L) New Hyde Park. N. Y. Knickerbocker Jco Co., Ice,Tel.Garden City 1674 Wallach Laundry System, I.aundry,Tel. Volunteer 7000 Hornell. N. V. New York City Bronx (E) llion, N. Y. Mileage GasCorp. (Subsidiary ol Warner-Qulnlan Co.), Gasoline. Oil. Fuel Oil, .Accessories, Tires, Service. Repairs, Labor, etc. (Membership Savings on cash slips, coupon book eovera or monthly accounts.) 18 Main St. (E) Mileage Gas Corp. (Subsidiary of Wwner-Quinlan Co.),Gasoline, Oil, Fuel Oil, Accessories, Tires, Ser^-icc, Repairs, Labor, etc. (Membership Savinjis on cush slips, coupon book covers or ijinntlily accounts.) C'ayuga and Clinton Sts.; 221 North Aurora St, (K Jamestown. N. Y. Jamestown Hotel(European Plan), Rooms .md Restaurant (E) Lake Placid. N. V. Stevens House (American Plan). Rooms and Reetatirant (E) Lawrence, N. Y. Knickerbocker Ice Co.. Ice. Til. RockvilleCentre 0024 (E) Wallach Laundry System, I^aundrj", Tel. Far Rockaway 0405_ (E) LockDQil, N. Y, Mileage Gas Corp. (Subsidiary ofWarnei^Quinlan Co.), Gasoline. Oil, Fuel Oil. Accessories, Tires, Ser^'icc, Repaira, Labor, etc., (Membership Sa\ings on cash slips, couiwa book covers or monthly accounts.) Marketand Chratnut Sta. (E) Long Beach, N. Y. Knickerbocker Ice Co,,Ice, Tel. Rockville Centre0024 Wallach Laundry System.I-aundry, Tel. Volunteer 7000 i:i Emerson Shoe Co.. "Honest All Through." Men's Shoes, $6.50 French, Shriner & Urner, Men's Shoes, Hosiery nod Boots, 367 comb 5360; luOlh St. andDreadway, Tel. Wadsworth 779S CE) Barrett, Nephews &Company, Old Staten Island Dyeing Establish ment,Inc.. Cleaners and Lyers. (F. I. Rogers Lrancb.) 500JJ. Fcrdham Rd.,Tel.Raj-mcnd 3100 (F—) Ludwig Eaumann & Co., Furniture. Kugs, Carpets, How rurmshings, "Upliolsterj-, Draperies, Everj' Kind of Rcdib. Graham& Co.,Johnston 4 Murjiliy and other HighGrade Shoes for Men, also Boots, Men's Hosiery and Women's Oxfords. ' tRepairs included.) 182 Montague St. (E) The Grand Central WickerShop. Inc., WickerFurniture. (Labor, Mnssapequa. N. Y. Knlckerbotker Ice Co.. Ice rtiid Coal, Tel. Amltvvil1« otb k,.. 276. fcav- Mlddletown, N, Y. m (Subsidiary of Warner-Qulnlan Co.), Gasoline Tires, Scrvico. Repairs, Ubor, etc or monthly accounts.) I0(i WicbamFlips, Ave. coupon book covers(E) ISlBt St.; 2962 Third Ave. (E) M. H. Harris. Oculists and Opticians, Eyes examined by Reci.'ytered Physicians and Eje Specialists. Eye Glass Repaira^ Factory on Premises, Treinonl Ave., Cor. Washington Ave., 2S63 Third Ave., (between ]49lii and 150th Sta.) (G—) Knickerbocker Ice Co.. Inc., 184th St. nnd Amsterdam Tel. Washington Heights 24S0 w Wallach Brothers Hart, SchalTner & Marx Clothes, Manhatt.-jn .Shirts. Ilesilio Ties, Schoble Hats, Florsheira Shoes, Complete Apparel for Men from head to foot. Fordham Road and Marion Ave. (E) WallachLaundry System, Ijiundry, Tel. Volunteer7000 (E) brellas and Leather Goods. (Repairs and RenoTOtions excluded.) 07.'} Southern Blvd. 8-'>7 ProspectAve. ,(D) . ' (E) April IG, ]!i30.) (|;, (K) Repairs, Alterations Included.) 921 Kings High-Way (E) (Sroceries—See .\ckcr. Merrull A Condit Co. listing under Man- •HotelMargaret (European Plan), Rooms and Restaurant, P3-96-P7 ColumbiaHeights cor. Willow (E) kiiickorbocker Ico Co., Ice, Coal and Fuel OH. Main Oflice, 6 Acker, Merall & Condit Co., Generaland Fanc^• Groceries, Fresh Fruits, Steamer Baskets and Gift Boxes. In addition at the 45ib St., 40th St., 57th St.. 32nd St. and Bruadwav branches—Scda and Luncheon and Cigars. Stores:—5 II- 46th St. (551 Fifth Ave.). Tel. Vatidcrbiit 10314: 46th St. (iloteJ Rocsevelt), Tel. Vanderbilt 5i3U; ;i2ii.l St. 7th Ave.), Tel- Pcnn. 4537- fi'h Ave. and 3<th S! Tel. Circle 3700. lOSU Broadwav, Tel. Columbus 4220. iDehvtriea made to BrooUyn); 68th St. and '(L-ilxir nnd Repairs )nclude<i.) (Memberahi|> Savings will be paid on purchases ofa business chanicter providing (he member IS thesole owner of the business. Puf-chasea made by jwirtner- shipe or coriwrations cannot bo cleared.) 178-180 Montaguc^St. Mimaret Hotel(European Plan),Rooms and Restaurant, 03-{l5-'J7 Columbia Heights cor. Willow (E) E B Meyrowlt;. Inc.,Opticians,Surgicallnstruments.Binoenlars, "Microscopes, Photdgraphio Supplies. (Hills certified by niernhors in conformity with Rule "T" arc eligible for Meniljcrship <J^vlno8) hlcp.iira and .Alterations included-) 255 Livingston pSapW ^ H. Batterman &Co., Department Store. Brradway "^^"8 Ave. (I'lirehiL^ra made onIheBntterman Llub Ean ineluiliii.) Mrnibcrfliiip Pavintu on I'o^ettilT Purch.isea (B_f ; On Ge;irrai Purchasrs when Tr.idinE Stamps have been given (R-); Otherwise Uidwiq Baomann &Co.. Furnitnrp. Rues. Carpets Hoiim FofnishiriRS, Upholstery. Drapcncs, Lyery Kmd of Radio, PhonoVidrola--, ftmnras ami Automobile Tires. (Lal^r. Repairs mcludd 417 Fulton St. . I. t- rnlllns & Co.. Misses must Wearing Apparel, Oppenhelm. Sfs. Women's, (Addresa ofstore be indicated »tVbffl.!' (bS- P"1.' Service, t i«. (E) Vtirriera. "We manufacture ovei>'thlng we Sr"' (Charges on Remodeling, sell. (tDaKra Flatbush Ave.Repairing. adjoining 113^327 MoT!" «'• and l ox Theatre Av,.: 100.i (E) Brniwwav (between Greene and Grove); 442-444 Fulton (E). opposite Bridge St.; 181f MyrtleAve.near Seneca Please See Our List of Member Hotels on Page 11 ''shmeiit. Inc., Cleaners and Dyers, 18 John St.. Tel Portland 1800; o89 Madison Ave.. Tel. Plaza 3887; 353 Columbus Ave 5' /-/v St.. Tel. Br>-antMadison .-Vve..Sxth Tel.Ave.! Regent "5 )\«t. 4oth 5949; 848 Tel 891''Bn'ant t t if J-iahtli Av^.. Tel. Monumont 3020; 2 East I2Sth Si 2761';; Bro:i<l\vay,_Tel. .Aciideniy 2423; 2W3 Br^td'wnr 34th St., Tel- Pcnn. 3404; 168 W.'72nd St. VafnlMrBtMCS Vanderbilt .\ve., Tel. Murray Hill 3038-9 ' ' (F—i Luilwfg Baumanti &Co.. Furniture, Rugs. Carpets, House Furnishmgs, I pholstery. Draperies, Every Kind of Radio, Phon^ SS;K'S. I- "Sir PharT.uioy, Dru®, Toilet '^'leaning. Dyeing. Tailoring .Service, Valet tir • 5""'!'lft<.' liMir Ji.'buililing i^i'iviir. .Siine-i IJat Renovaliiig, iirsiory Itoiciiriiig, .'^IVcaviiig, Drewniakiim. fT ami Ho nnpi'uig- (I/iIkif, Itctwirs ami Ailcnitintis iNelmhtl.) Mnin Unicc; 17 W. 2Sth ,'>t.. Tel. l-t-i. 7.187. Rriiiclirs: 10 Fiftli Avc., Tel. Stu.vv<«ant llOli; ll:;0 Si\lh Avr-. IVl. 6f!l5; 1032 Church .\vc.."TeI. J646: 31 Newkirk Plaza, Tel. Mansfield 4185, 672 Nostrand Ave Tel. L'lfavette Gfl/O; W Flatbush Ave,, Tel- IrgeTSoll ABmU™ (B RcTjuirs and.Mtcralioiis included.) HoytandLivingston Sts.(E ) ftiltfir RctiBirs Bnd AUcrations mdnded.l »•' Barott. Nephews &Company. Old Staten Island Dyeing Est'.ll ®' ®Ajliel/'RSbSrr ' Berger Service. Inc.. Clcanin?, Dyeing^ Tailoring Service. Valet ^prvifP fomnlete !'hrf Rrl.tildii'K Service, Hat Renovating, Hosierv Repairing, -n-eaving. Drcss-irakinp, ""d ReNnrLni„tr 7015; 91th a. and Broadway, Tei. Rivereide 60:^2: IlOlh St.and (E) L MMIsr Sporting and Athletic Supplies, Cutlery. Camera ^ ' Endicalt ...0, fisih Si. aad Lfxington Avc-. Tel. Itiiinclnndcr Stout Women nnd Misses, Maternity and Infants' T^•ear, Miilinery. Shoes andFurs,Main Eolrance, 283 Livmgston St., Other Eatrancc 15Hanover Place (E) Leon Millinery, Millinery, 482 Fulton St. (E) E J McDonouBh &Co., Inc., Stationers, Printers and Engrarers- tacled'(G-1; Barrett. Nephews &Co., Old St,itcD Island Dyeing Establiehmtnt, Inc.. Clc^mcrs ami Dyers. 33 Bond St.. Tei. Triangle 2.52 ^ 275:J; 20 Clinton .St., Tel. Main 2222; 081-A Flatbush A\e., lei. Allison Druo Stores. Inc.. Druggists, Toilet Articles. Rubher ',J;afayc(tc Ave.; Tel. Ncvina0400, allbranches. Savings<m Co:d 15c perton: on IceandFuelOil (I'-' Lane Bryant. Inc., Specialists [nSlendcriiing Apparel forMedium St 'JavingB on purchases and Repairs ofEyeglasses nnd Spec Brooklyn ' 6ft45; 21 Lincoln Rd.. Tel. Fhitbush 2200 Knlckwbooker Ice Co., Ice, Tel. Garden City 1674 New Contract Reed & Barton Corp., Silversmiths, !70 Brinidway and 4 Maidin (Lalwr tiiiil Hcpair-': incliidai.) (EfTcctivc 5, and ^ Supplies. St.Teand. Ashlaml Broadway, Tei.ion Bryant 69(0; 46th St. LexingtoD43r<l Av<<,, B2or- (ii) Radio Equipment, FisliinR Tacklc and Camping Equipment, Toys, Stationery, Kodaks, Motion Picture Apparatus, Guns, Bicycles, Sportswear for. Men and Women, 1011 Southern Boulevard; 120 I'L Forciham Rd.; 224 E. Fordham Rd.; 053 \V. I. Blynft Sons, Shoes for Men, Women and Children. 1265-I2(y7 Mlneola, N. V. JifanfiattaH rt. Heaiy. Diamonds, Watchcs, Jewelry, Silverware and Clocks. Repairing. Remountingand Remoileling, 522 Fulton St. (E) ..iioaicrj-, 2801 Third Ave. (between 150th nnd lolstSts.) Buckininster 2441 Service Station), Gasoline, KL-nwiie, Lubricating Oii, Grease, Fuel Oi; (jjj '*^''"8® ' Fulton a't. Milady Hat Shop. Millinery. 472 Fulton St. Marietta. N. Y. 952 Flatbush Ave. Davega, Inc., United Srorts Sfcofo, Athletic Goods, RadiM anil Lyons, N, Y. (E) 1232 Flatbusb Ave. 7716 I'ifth Ave. 610 W. IStst St. Mndison Ave., lei- Rhmelander 3087 ' (B—) The Alexander Co., Ru^, Carpets, Linoleums. (Repairs, Alter ations .-md Labor included.) 16-18 W. 38th St. (E) 2817 Thirf Ave. Malverne, N. Y. (K) 371 Fulton St. Broadway at Hows'd Ave. W.lSlutSt. (gy I. Btyn & Sons, Shoes forMen, Woicen and Children, Boots and near I52nd St. Only Radics at 2-;S K. Fottiham Rd. and (W) 51 W. Burnside Avo. Mileage GasCorp. (Subsidiary of Warner-Quinian Co.). Gasoline, ")l. Fur'l (Jil, AcccssoriPii, Tires, Service, Repairs, Labor, do. (Memt)crship Savingn-on eaah slips, coupon book covers or monthly accounts.) Geneva and Monlezunia Sts. (E) excluded.) Jiattan. H^nes Bros.. Inc.. Men's Custom and Ready-to-U ear Clothing. . (Rcpiiirs .md Alterations includeil.) 503 Fulton St. (L) M. H. Harris,Oculists an<i Opticians, 489 FultonSt., opp. A.A S.. ; ,1007 Broadway, nearWilloughby Ave. (G—) (Labor. Repairs and Alterations Ircludcd.) 2918 Third M'd. Lvnbrook. N. Y. iDgs on Coal 15c per ton; Ico (E) AlHson Di^g Stores, Inc., Dniggists, Toilet Articles, Rubber Goods, Sick Room Supplies, 14Uli St.and Broadway, Tel. Ed^ Young's Hats, Men's Hate, Canes. Umbrellas, Gloves, Leather Goods and Women's Sport Hals. (Repairs and Rcnovatio,Ts (F) and $7.50, also Hosiery, 421 Fulton St. (Labor and Repairs Knickerbocker IceCo., Ice. Tel.Rockville Centre0024 (E) Wallnth Laundry System,Laundry, Tel- Far Rocfeaway 0405 (E) Knltkorbocker Ico Co., ke, Tel, Rockville Centre 0021 \St.: 5108 5th .Ave. included) Young's Hats. Men's Hals. Cape, Gloves, Neckwear, Canes, llns(E) (E) (E) (E) (E) • Phonographs, Victrclas and Soncras and Autcrccbilc litcs. Ithaca, N. Y. The Brooklyn Valet, Inc., Valet, Dyers, Cleaners and Prcsscrs, Repairing, Altering. Remodeling, (l/fiiior iiiclu'ied.) SO 7lh " Ave.; 116 Montague St.; 1075 Halliush Ave-, Tel. .South 5000 paveBB. Inc., l"nite<l SpoHs .Shois. .•Vthietio Goods. Radios and il.nilii) Equipment, Fishing Tackle and Camping E(iui|)mcni, Toys, Stationery, ICodaks, Motion Picture Apparatus. Guns, Bicycles. Sportswear for Men and Women, I703 Pitkin Ave., t415 and 417 Fulton St.; 20S5 80th St.: 1304 Kings Highway; r 144!)Broadway; 035 Flatbush Arc.; 550 Fulton St-; 027 Fulton monthly accounts.) 01 Mills St. Mileage Gas Corp. (Subsidiary ofWarner-Quintan Co.), Gasoline, Oil, Fuel Oil, Aeceasorics. Tires, Scr\-icc, Repairs, Labor, etc. (Membership Sa^-ings oa cash slips, coupon hook covers or monthly accounts.) Gencsee and Seneca Turnpike IT 43 672 Matlistin Avi'.. Tel. Hcgent. 32.')tW3Hl; 6il2 Madison Ave. Ai-parcl for Men irum IiohI to foot. Court-Montague BIdg. (I,) Edward Week &Son, Inc., Cutlery, Fountain Pens. Gifts. (RepatiB, Hhar[icning nnd Grindint: included.) (Ri'iri]|td hilla nitkf show , at nhielistoreiiurckihc was made.) 'llOi'latbu^h Lxtciisiun. (b) Tel. Trafalgar 0951; I E, 2Stli Si., 'Tel. Ashfami 2629; 1270 Plc.isp Read Onr Rules on Page 12 'V Sixth Ave.. Tel. Volunteer 0984; 2233 Broadw3^^ Tel. Endicott •>DM. 3643- 2821 Broadway, Tel. Academy 1~ 01«Q5299;I.'!.';8<<rWiimhiiR ah Ave., Avf.. fei. Oobbs and Company. Men's and Women's Jlats, Women's Drcsstsa. Tho Herter Looms, Inc.. Interior Dccorating. Furniture, Uj>hola- Coiils, Suite, Lingerie, Iloaicry, Handkerchiefs. Men's anil Women's Riding Habi(a, Lcatlier Goods, Men's rurnishings arid Clolhing, C'lir. fifth Ave. and 57th St.; Men's Huts, Clothinfli and Funiiahings, Broud«iiy and Cortlandt St£.; Men's Hats am j Te bS 459l': 2461 Hraad«.-,y. Tel. Schuvlor 5770; IliW Umitlon Ave., Cor. 87th St.. Tel. baeramcnto 8573; 211 \V ^3^ St Tel. Watkins 2544; 683 I^xiugtoti Ave., ne;ir 5,th iMiriilHhiiiKS. Madison Ave. and KHh fit.; Fifth Avr. ami 32ni f=l. (Repairs and Altprations iiitludcd.) (E) tioaaincluded.) 10E. 65th St.. 441Madison Ave. (E) H. Hicks& Son, Inc.,Tho Fruit Shop, 675i'iftU .\v(>. (E) Hickson, Inc., Women's Tailors and Dressmakers. Ready Made TrI Wickersham SOU;T,!2055 Broadway.711(1Tel. :i41 Momimcnt V"-. . ^ nc- .\vc.,'Te!. Regent, 8157 Borger Valet &Tailoring Co. (See Berger Ser\-ice. Inc.) Berkeley Shops. Inc.. Furniture and Rugs. (Labor, Repairs nnd Alterations and Deferred Payment accounts included.) 314 Fifth Ave. Betty Wales Dress Shop, Women's and Misses' Coata and Drcssw, Millinery, Fursand Hosiery, 394 Fifth Ave. (E) Frank S. Belz Co.. Surgical andDental Instruments, Equipment and Supplies. (Repairs included.) {Trade-ins considered same Dorb, The Chemist. Pharmacists, 267 Madison Ave.. 24 W. ."^ath St.. 205 E. 42nd St. (Ej), Dover Luggage. Inc.. Luggage. Leather Goods. (Labor arid Repairs included.) 337 Madison Ave., Biltmorc Hotel; 67 Ev. 45tb St. (N. Y. Central Bldg.) (E)' The Edward Tailoring Co., Made to Order Clothes. Edward Clothcs-"Mado for You," 33 Broadw.iy, 141 W. 42Dd St., 42 E. 125thSt. (E). Emerson Shoo Co.. "Honest All Through," Men's Shoes. 16.60 and 17.50, also Hosiery, 1433 Broadway. (Labor and Repaira. included.) Endlcolt Hotel (European Plan), Rooms and Restaurant, 81st to 82nd St. and Columbus Ave. (E) Wm. H. Enhaus & Sons, Distributors for Seth Thomas Ckck I. Blyn & Sons, Shoes for Men. Women and Children, Boofe and Watches (Howard, Hamilton and Gruen). (Labor, Repairs and as cash.) 348 W. 34th St. Hosiery. 222-224 W. 125th St. (between 7th and 8th Aves.); 2236 Third .Ave. at 122nd St.; 1640-1542 Third Ave- (between 861h and 87th Sta.); 161 W. 34th St. (near 7th Ave.): 160-162 Bowery (near Broome St.); 55 Warren St (near Greenwich); 128 W. 34th St.; 2891 3rd Ave. (E) Braua Galleries, Inc., Imported Art and Furniture Novelties, Pointings, Etchings. Meiiotints. (labor. Repairs and Alter ations included.) (Wholesale Commercial Business excluded.) 422 Madison Ave. Bldg.. 1-11 W. 47th St.; Fifth Ave. and 27th St.. 2203 Broad way, Cor. 78thSt. 847Madison Ave. Co., Hall. Chime, Ships, Grandfather's and Cheisu Clccke; Alterations included.) 20 Jchn St. W Carl Fischer, Inc.. Musical Instruments, Victrolca and Victor Products. Radios. SheetMusicand BookPublications, 46 to Cooper S^., at 6th St. (^1 rielschman, Florista, 71 Broadway, on Telegraph Delivery (Wers (E); everything eise (&—;•• Franklin Simon& Co. (Seclistingunder "S.") Fraser & Co.. Apothecary, Drugs. Chemist, Prescriptionaand Sick (E) Rooni Supplies, 5 E. 47th St., "Tel. Murray Hill 1144 Brentano'8. Inc.. Books, Stationery and Periodicals. ^ ' French. Shrlner & Urner. Men's Shoes, Hosiery and Boots. 360 Madison Ave.; 153 Broadway: 131 W. 42nd St.: 366 Broadway; Samuel Budd. Men's Furnishers. HaberdMhers, ^tom Shi^, 1263 Broadway; 253W. 67tb St. (General Motors Bldg.) (E) The GiftShopof FifthAvenue. Inc.,Gifts of China,Glass, LamM, Furniture, Novelties and Bric-a-Brac, 437Fifth Ave. (E) • Gillette Camera Storea. Inc., Photo Supplies (Labor and Repairs Included.) 117 Park Ave., Cor. 41st St. (E) • Gotham Hotel (European Plan], Rooms and Restaurant, 6tb Ave. W. J. Colatnan, Men's Tailor, 6E.47th St. GrE^am &Co., Johnston d: Mur^y and other High Grade Shoes H. K. Brewer &Co.. Inc.. Stationers, etc.. 42 Exchange Flaw. 21 E.4l8t St.; 45 E.45th St.;(Hotel Rocacvclt); 384 LcMngtw .Ave. (Chanin Bidg.) Bruck-Welss. 20 W. 67th St.. MUlmery, Gowns, Wraps. Bags wd Novelties ' Robee, 572 Fifth Ave.; 149 Broadway, Singer Bldg. (t) (E) Colllngwood Hotel, (European Plan), Rooms and Restaur^. 45 35th 5t> A. L. Cook. Custom Tailor (Repairs 5?'^ ri»K Av/o. ni,1ir Av«.. 21 W. 23rd St. Cor. 57th St.: N. W. Cor. 56th St. & _ _ Includrf) r.2nd St., oft Fifth Ave.; 275 Seventh Ave., Cor- 25tn »t.. joo Third Ave., at 58th St.; 23rd St. 4 Lexington A^c., N. i.. «-ot. Crlchton &Co.. Ltd.. Silversniths. (I.abor. Repairs and Alterations Included.) 630 Fifth Ave. i Mark Cross Co.. Leather Goods. Gifts, GIotcs. Trunks, TraTCllng Bag)!, etc., 404 5th Ave.; 175Broadway Cumberland Hotel (European Plan), Hooma and Broadway at 64th St. ^' Cumberland Grill, Broadway at 64th St. TheCurtiaCo.,Inc.,Upholsterer. Livbig Room Furnitare. (Labor. ('' Rcpahsand Alterations Included.) 85 Fifth Avo. Davcga, Inc.. United Spnrt f^hnpe. Athletic Goods, Radios and RaJio Equipment, Fishing Tackle Camping E<iuipment, Toys. Stationery. Kodaks. Motion Picture Apparatus. Guns, Bicycles, Sportswear for Mod and Women. 16 Cortlandt St.; 8:U Broadway; 111 E. 42d St.: 152 W. 42d Pt.; 126 W. 125th St.; 2599 Broadway; 62 Cortiandt St. (E) Delman. Inc., Woman's Sboes, Hosiery and Bap, 668 Madison Are. and 5Bth St. (E) for Men, also Boots. Men'e Hosiery and Women's Oxfords. (Reptura included.) 11 Barclay St. (Woolworth Bldg.) (E) Grand Central Packard Renting Corp.. Automobile Renting Co.. Packardfl with driver rented by hour—day—week or month. Rates J5.00 per hour, first four hours; 6 hours or more, $4.00 cf • 960 per hour. SunJay rates. 15.00 per hour for l^t six hoursand 14.00 per hour thereafter,45 Vandcrbilt Ave., Tel. Murray Hill 3940 (E) The Grand Central Wicker Shop. Inc..Wicker Furniture. (Labor. Repairs, Alterationsincluded.) 217E. 42nd St. (E) Grand Hotel (European Plan), Rooma and Restaurant,Broadway atSlatSt. (E) Grande Malsonde Blanc,Household Linens,Handkerchiefs. Bags. French Novelties. Perfumes, Infants' and Children's OutCta. Lingerie, Women's .Amiarel. Blankets, Comfortables. Automo bile Robes, Chaise Lounge. 638-540 Fifth Ave. » (Monogram Work Included.) ^ » (gj Great Northern Hotel (European Plan). Rooma nnd Reetaurant, 318W. 57th St. and 109 W. 66th St. (E) Qronner'Si Trunks. Bags and Traveling Accessories, BriefCase®, Canea and Umbrellas (Repairs included), 328 FifthAve. (E) Hales Bedding Stores. Inc.. Beds and Bedding, 420 Madison Ava • Hammatrfier, Sthlemmer & Co. (Sinec 1848), Hardware. Tools, Sporting Goods and Housewares, 4thAve. and 13th St.; 146 E. 67th St, (E) M H. Harris, Oculists a^ OpticiMS. Eyes examined by Reglsforflf? Phvsicians and Ey? Specnlisls. Ave. (Labor, Repairs and Alterationsincluded) (E) Devoe&Raynolds Co . Inc.{DirectStores. Inc.). P.iinM. Varnishes, Bruflhca, Arfiata' Materials. Dry Colors, Drafting Materiab. 103 Fulton St.; 34 E. 42ad St.; 482 Ei^th Ave. (E) tery, Tcxlilw. l.umixi and Sli.ides. (Labor, Hciwirs andAltera- ' nnd Made-lo-Order; h'urs. Millinery, Xovcllies, HMiery, V^'omcn's Slioee, Lingerie. (Repairs, .\ltcratioiis and Stortwc included.) Hickson Bldg., Fifth Ave. at 52iid St. (E) Hotel Colllngwood (European Plan), Rooms and Restaurant. 45 :W. 35th St. tt) Hotel Cumberland (ICuropean Plan), Rooms and RestaurMt, • Broadway at 64th J>t. ^ ' Hotel Endicott (European Plan). Rooms and Restaurant. 8!st t.> S2nd St., and Columbus Ave. Hotel Gotham, (European Plan). Rooms and Restaurant, 5th Ave. and 55th St. Hotel Grand (Euroijean Plan). Rooms and Restaurant, Broadway ,at3l6tSt. Hotel Great Northern (European Plan), Rooms and Restaurant, 118 W. 57tL SI. and 109 W. S6lb fat. C-J Eye glass Repiirs— 45tband 46thSts.;9 E. 42nd St. PleMe^_S«e_OurLI»t^MMemberJHotol^_on^Paj[^11 (Q—) Ave. (70th St.) (£i) Lloyd's Luggage, Ltd.. Trunks. I.catier Goods. Traveling Rags. Xitvehses, etc. (.^Iterationsand Repairs included.) IlSLibertv St(E) London Luggage Corp.. Trunks, Leather Goods, Traveling Bags, Novelties, etc. (Alterationsand Repairs included.) 230Broadway;.61)3 Fifth Ave.; 5 W. 50th St. (E) Lowe Motor Supplies Co.. Automobile Accessories, Tires, Tubes. Radios audRadio Supplies, etc., 1723 Broadway (lij' Manger Hotol (European Plan), Rooms and Restaurant. 7th Ave..' 50thanddlst Sts. (E) Manon. Milliner}-. (Repairs and Alterations Included.) 335 Madison Ave. and 43rdSt. (K) Martha Washington Hotel (European Plan). Rooms and Reataurant (Exclusively for Women) 29 E. 20th St. and 30 E. 30th St. (E) Hotel Manger (Euroiiean Plan), Rorms and Restaurant, 7th Am. McAlflln Hotel (European Plan). Rooms and Restaurant. (Ban quetse.xeluded.) Broadway at 34tli St. (£) McGlbbon & Co.. Household Linens, Laco Curtains, Beds. Bed Aye. and 44th-15th Sts. -50th and 5181 Sts. Hotel Martha Washington (Euroi^an Iant(Exclusively for ^\omen), 29 E.29tb St. and 30 L. Fifth Ave. ding, Furniture, Blankets. Comfortables. Bed Spreads, Interior Decorating. (.Storage included.) (Labor Charges covering Embroidering, Mcniogr.-uning nnd Interior Decoratinirincluded.) Hotel McAlpIn (Euroiwan Plan), Rooins and Restaurant. (Ban quets exclutlcij.) Brondxvftv at 34thf-t. IL,) Hotol St. Regis (Eurojican Plan), lloonis, Restaurant andBan quets,Fifth Ave., and 5oth St. Hotel Wolcolt ( Plan). Rooms nnd Restaurant, 3lBt fst. and 5tb Ave. Hotel Woodstock (European Ean), Rooms and Restaurant, 127 W. 43rd St. 3 W. 37th St. (Ej 0. Charles Meyer & Co.. Inc.. Interior Dccorator, Furniture. CnrtaiDS. DrajKrios, Btd.liiiK. (Uib^H-, Repairs, Alterations and tjtoragc Intluded.) C7-0'J Lexington .ive. (E) E. B. Meyrowltz. Inc.. Opticians. Surgical Instruraenta. Binocu lars, Microscopes, Photographic Supplies. Motion Picture Ap paratus. (Bills certified by members in conformity with Rule "T' arc eligible for Membership Savings.) (Renairs ntid Alinr Hotel York (European Plan), Rooms and Restaurant. 38th St. .and 7th Ave. ^ The House of Flowers, formerly with Thorley s. Inc.. Flowers. Plants French Glassware. 4W. SCth St.. 65 Broadway^r Exchange Alley nanlfil Jones Inc.. rurnllure. Carpets, Rugs, Upholstc^. All Tories for the Home. (Ubor, Repairs and Alterations Induded). 314-320 Grand fct. _ H Kftuffman &Sons, Saddles, Harnesges, Complete Hiding Equjpmenl 139-141 E. 2!th St. (Labor. Repairs, Alterations in cluded) Kellner Bros.. F-irnitiire and Carpet.s, "Selling Fine Furniture for 39 years," Cor. Otb Ave.,and 16th St. ^ Keuffel & Esaer Co.. Mathematical. Surveying and Dpwin? Instruments, 127 Fulton St.: 22E. 41sl St. (Meinbersbip sav ings will be paid on purchases of a business character proMiJnig the member is thesole owner of the business- PurchasM made by partnershiiH or corporations cannot m clearcd.) (Tracing •Cloth andMerchandise Furnished under Government Contracts excluded) ' Knlckertiocker Ice Co.. Ice, Coal ,9'{- Office, 414 E. 53rd .St.. Tel. Pif'aaU brandies. .Wm « (in Coal 15c i>er ton; on Ice nnd rue! Oil Kurzman. Womcns' Wcorlng Apparel. ''"S Millin.Ty, ^ t• iwj .•\eces3orics, (Repairs, Alterations and Storage Included.) (. .5 Fifth Ave. ^ ' La Charme Millinery, Milllaerj-, 1478 Broadway ations included.) 237 and 620 Sfth Av?; 7Corfflt St •HSR Madison Ave.; 26 &67th St.. RW. cor. MadisoTAve Sav nra on purchases and Repairs of Eyeglasses and Spectacles (G—V everything elso j Mllady Hat Shop. Millinery. 150 W. 34th St.; 2686 Broadwnv ^ (E) 1369 Broadway Mlahkin Stutllo, Photographere. ' 605 Fifth Ave. (g_) Oliver Moore, Bootmaker, R'dlng and Military Boots. Shoes Mar?« to Order, Sam Browne Belts. (Labor and Repairs included) 60 W. 46lh St. Roland Moore, Inc.. Chinese Antiquities. Period Furniture and Toxtilc5. (Labor, Hcpairs ftTjq Alterations Included.) 42' K 67th St. "(e'> c. Nestle Co., Permanent Hair Waving, Hnltdreaslng and Tc-ilpf Goods, 12-14 East 4l)th St. (Labor included) (p j Oppenhelm, Collins &Co., Women's and Miwca' Wearing Apparel. Furs, Millinery and Shoes. 3.j \\ rat 3,ih St. C^ddress ofstore must be indicated on each bill) (Bciiuty Parlor Service e.x- cludcd) (E) Ovlngton'a, The Gift Phop of Fifth Ave. Gifts of China. Silver Glass. Lamr^. Ftirmlnre, NnvehiDs and Bric-a-Rrae, 437 Filih Ave. (E) Park 4 Tllford. Food Specialties Perfume, Cigara and Candv Delivery Service Greater New York. (Fruit B.-tskcla delivered to all Bteamers.) 3<th St. and Fifth Ave.; 67th St. and Fifth Ave.: 44th St. and Madison Ave. (B- •, patierson Brothers, Hardware. Metals. Tools. (Wholeealo pur chases excludcl.) 2/Park Row (['j William H. Plummer & Co.. Ltd.. China, Crockery, Glaeawnre illTj , etc«» / b. ootb ot. uiiu i lua. Pufnams. Ronks. flaflonery. Engraving. (Repairs Included ) f^t.. Other Entrance, 10Vt cat40th St. Lee Tire &Rubber Co. of New York, Inc. (Lee of Conshnhocken). Tires and Tuk'S, 655 Eleventh A^•c. Hl.h„d W. Ul.™, ^' Anll™r. T -"•"th.'>t, (E) Reed &Barton Corp., Silvrrsmiths. 170 Brnndwjiy and 4 Maidpn '•••IIH'. 0.:il)i>r :ind Reiwirs included.) (E) Rnvilloii Freros, Furriers. (Insurance winded.) 084 Fifth Ave. Leon Goodman Co., Felt, Straw bodies. ?E) Trinuned toyour own liking while you wait,« W. o8tU bl. Lincoln Hotol (European Plan), Rooms and Restaurant, 8lb Avo Rldahook &Ct). rnifnrios and Ftmipments. (Labor, Repaira nnd Altcralimm include.!.) 251 Fitlh Avo. (cor. 28lh St,), Tel Interior Decorators included.) lt»E-4btnot. lil'st St •2029 Broadway, bet. 99th and lOD'h PI3,; 305 BroadW1V cor. DuandSt.; 3518Broadway, bjt. 145th and146th Sts,; 740 Lexington Ave., opp. Bloomlngdalo s; 72D 8th Ave.. bat. posit and Storage. Storage of Furniture. Automobilesand Silver ware. Cold Storage of Furs and Draperies. Safe Deposit Boxes of all sizes. (Labor, Storage and Rentals included.) 1201 3rd Martin & Martin. Men's and Women's High Grade Shoes. 69S ware. China. Tnp.Plry ami 1^''^-. Ri •70 Nassau St., near John St.: 1405 St. Niehniaa Ave., near Lincoln Warehouse Corp. (lincola Safe Deposit Ca), Safe De Hotel Lincoln ( Plan), Rooms and Restaurant, 8II1 (E) (E) Dampsey & Carroll, Art Stationers and Engrnvers. 558 Madison 45 NEW YORK NEW YORK 44 and 4'»th45lh Sts. SaviiuB (in Stomge (B—): on HepnirB and Alterationa (l))'I'urs and everything else Uxiiigton j9'.i2 PIcatR Ri nd 0>iv Rules or> Pngc 12 A NEW YORK NEW YORK 46 Russeks Fifth Avenue. VTomen's and Misses' Specialty Shop. Drosses. Coats. I'lirs,Sliocs. Millinery and .Accessories (Storacc •ridudeJ-) St Rogis Hotel (liluropcan Plan), Rooma, Restaurant and Ban'riuct3. Fifth Avc., and 55Lh St. {E) ft'i* Schiinq. Inc., Florist—Cut Flowera for all Functions and Or-asintis Savov Plaza Hotel, 777 5tii Avc. Savings on Telc- cnipli Delivery OrJera (E); on all other puichasea (G~) Max Sthling—Seedsmen, Inc., Seeds, Bulba. Garden Requisites, lilS Madison Avc. (K) Schultheis ArtGalleries, Pictures. Picturc Irnnica, Framinff, Mir rors. Art Novelties, ctc., Ii2 Fulton St. (Libor, Repairs and Altoratioiw included.) (Trade-ins considered same as casli.) Young's Hats. Men's HatJi, Caps. Gloves, Neckwear, Cani!?. ' clud'"'!.) Franklin Simon & Co., Apparel for Women, Misses, Girls, Men, Boys, Shoesfor Men, Women and Children,Miliinery, Infanta Wear, Furs, Leather Goods, Gift Norelties, Stationery, Fifth ;\ve., 37th and 38th Sta. (E) J. H. Small& Sons, Florists, 2 E. 57th St. On Telegraph Delivery Orders (E): everything else _ (G—) Splro's Hair & Beauty Shop, Inc., Hairdrcssing and Beauty Salon. 20 W. 38th St., 35 W. 46th St. (1^). Stelnway & Sons, Inc., Pianoa. (Allowance on Steinway Tradcius included .Allowances made on other makes excluded. Sav ings on Net Amount only.) (Labor, Repairs, Rentals, Tuning included.) lOaW. 57thSt. (E) Sterling Piano Corp., Pianos, Radios. Talking Machines, furni ture. {Labor included.) 1495 Third Ave. (E) Alexander Taylor &Co,, Inc., Athletic Outfitters, Sporting Goods, Fishing Tackle, Gift Novelties, Motion Picture Apparatiu, Street Shoes. Women's Sport Apparel, Neckwear, 22 East 42d St. (Wholesale accountscxcludea.) (E) Thonet Brothers, Inc., Fine Furniture, Antiques, Upholstery, Fabrics, 33 E. 47fh St. Tohsy Furniture Co,, Furniture, Interior Decorations, and Draperies. (Labor, Repairs and Alterations included.) OW Fiftt Ave. (3rd floor) Trepel Florist, Inc., Flowers and'Plants, Fifth .Ave. & 45SSeventh Avc. llutcl Ast'ir Br.-jich, Bway. 2104 Scveulh Avc. (nr. 1251b ' 143S Broa'iway, nr. 42ii St. I30I Broadway, nr. 3Gth St. 11(>7 Broadway, nr. 29thSt. 841 Broadway, nr. 14thSt. 20Delanccy St. Millinery. Fura and Hosiery, 394 Fifth Avc. (E) Wallach Brothers, Hart, SchafFner & Mars Clothes, Manhattan Shirts, neailio Ties, Schoble Hats, Florslieim Shoes. Complete Apparel for Men from head to foot. &vcnStores: 489 5tb Ave., fipimsite Librarv; 53 Broadway: 2C5 Broadly at Cna®bere. 5tli Avo., Cor. 28th St.: 4l8t St. 4 7th Avc.: 246-248 W. I2Sth h-t.; Bro;idway Cor. 29th St. ^ Wnllach Laundry System, Laundry, Main Office, 330-334 E.o9th 8t., Tel. Vrilunteer 7000 Game, 16 Depot Rd., 'Tel.Flushing 2469. 005 Broadway, for. Houston St.' Paysidc, N. Y. A. F. Bramkamp, Quality Groceries, Fruits and Vegetables, Allies Avc. near Bell, Tel. Bajsidc 1820and 1252 (B—) J. Kasfner & Sen, Custom Tailors, Cleaning, Pressing and Repair (E) (E)' Wallacli Laundry System, Laundry. TcJ. Volunteer 7000 (E) W^stock Hotel (European Plan), Rooms and Rc6t.iurant, 127 W. 43rd St. (E) York H«ol (European Plan). Roon« ud Rcetaurant, 36tb St. aod7th Avc. (E) Aniily Si. (iteiiaira included) (E) Richland's Inc., .Smra for all the fnuiilv, Men's and Women's lluiiicry, S;i Main f<t. (E) Trepel Florist, Inc., l-lowers and Plants. (.Savings also apply on imrfliases made from Trrjiel Stores not listed herein.) 1>5 .Main St. cor. Amity. Knickerbocker Ico Co., Ice and Coal, Tel. Flushing0090. Savings ,• /£) i-n Cnil ISc. per ton: Ice Hardware, Plumbing Supnlica, (White Lead, Oil and Turpcii' Une and Competitive Bids excluded). Repairs included, 235 Corona Ave. . (E) Knickerbocker IceCo., Icoand Coal, Tel.Flushing 0098. Savuiga on Coal 15c. i>cr ton; ice (E) Wallach Laundry System, Laundry, Tel.Volunteer 7000 (E) Knickerhockqr Ico Co., Cor.l cnly. Tel. I!avcmeyor 3440. Savings 15c per ton. Wallach Uundry System, Laundry, Tel. Voluatecr 7000 (E)' dashery and Hats, S5 Broadivay (E) Wallach Brothers Hart. ScbnlTncr 4 Marx Clothes, Manhattan Shirts, Itcsilio Ties. .Schoble Hatfl, Florsheini Shoes. Complete Apiwrel for Men from head to foot. Central Tcrmiiud Bide., » Roosevelt East of M.iin St. Wallach Laundry System, Laundry. Tel. Volunteer 7000 (K) (E) Knickerbocker Ice Co.. Ice, Tel. Rockville Centre 0024 Wallach Laundry System, Laundry, Tel. Volunteer 7000 Edoemerc, N. Y. (E) (E) Forest Hills. N. Y. New Contract Rydes Tiro Service, Inc., (Lee of Consbohoeken) Tires and Tubes. (Labor and Repairs included.) (Mcro^rship Savings will Ix; paidon purchases of a business character providing the member is the sole owner of the busiiie®. Pureha^ made by Partncrsiii|sor Corporations cannot becleared.) 103-25 and27 Hillside Ave. (Lffeetive April 23, 1030.) (B) (E) '' Hosiery Repairing. Weaving, Dressmaking, .Shinc-cIT and Renapping- (Labor, Repairs and Alterations ineluiled.) 107-34 (g) Knickerbocker Ice Co.. lee, Coal and Fuel Oil, Tel. Boulevard 0394. Savings cm Coal lac per ton: Icc and Fuel Oil (E) WallachLaundry System, Ijiundry. Tel. Volunteer 7000 <E) (E) Flushing, N. Y. Acker, Merrall &CondJt COj, General and Fimcy Groceries, Freflb Fruit, Steamer and Gift B:iskets. Ill Mam St., Tel. Flushing (B-.). Berger Service, Inc., Cicamn^, Dyemg, Tailoring Sen-ire, Valet * Srr^'iee, Complete Shoe Rcbu^in^ Ser^'jce, liat Renorating. Hiaiery Repairing, Weaving, Drfacirkine, Sbinc-off and R«>' napping. (Labor, Repairs and .'Utcrclions included.) Keith(E) Furciahiugs, Upholstery, Draperies, Every Kind of Radio, Phonographs, Victrolaa and Sonoras, and Automobile Tires. 166th St. and (Labor, Repairs and Alterations included.) Merrick Rd. H. Bendy &Co., Inc., Men's and Boys' Clothing andFurnishings. Headquartera for Hart, Schaffner 4 Marx Clothes and Manhat tan Shirts, 3r-2 Fultim St. IGti Jamaica Ave. Grand Central Wicker Shop, Inc., Wicker Furniture. (IC) (Labor. Repaira and Alterations included), 139-41 Queens Blvd. nesr Ilillside Avc. (E) Knickerbocker Ice Co., Ceol and Fuel Oil, Tel. Boulevard 7^8^. .?avini!S un Coal 15cjier ton; on I'-ucl Oil (K) RydesTiro Service, Inc.. (Ix-eof Consbohoeken) Tiresand Tubes. (Lalwrand Repairs includcti.) (Membership liivings will Ik [wid i-n purchases of a business character providing tiio member is the (E) Sterling Piano^orp.. Pianos. Radios. Talking Machines, Furni ture. (l^bor included), 159-16 Jamaica Avo. (1.) Trepel Florist, Inc., Flowers and Plants. (Savlnra alsoapply cn purchuBca mado from Trepel Stores not listed herein.) Cor. F"ulton St. and Clinton .Ave. (O—) Wallach Brothers. Hart. HchnlTner A Mar.v Clothes, Manhnttrn Shirt.', ItiMilio Tic-:, Si'Ik W'- Hat--!, Fliirsheim Shoes, Complel-- Apparii liir Mi'ii from lieiid "> foot, .latuaira Arp, Cor. Kir.lh Glendale. N. Y. HoUis. N. Y. WaHacrLo'undry System. Laundrj-, Tel. Far Roclsaway OiOS (E) hm'ood, N. Y. WalUch laundry Syate-irraundr.v, Tel. Far Rnrkaway 0405 (K) Y. New Contract Wallach Laundry System, Laundry, Tel. ^•olunteer 7000 (I!) (E) A'.-k' CiirJ,A^ y. Berger Service. Inc.. (^leaninR, Dyeing, Tailoring Service. Valet Service Complete Sh'ie llelwildinK Pervire. Hat Rcnav.-jlin; Hosiery Repairinp. Weaving, Dressmaking. ,Shine-oB and Renapping (Labor, Rejiairs and Alterations includeil-i 81-1.: I.cffertH nivd.. Tel. \ irginia 3030 ([.;) Knickerbocker Ice Co., lee and Coal, Tel.Flushing 0096. Savinga on Coal 15cper ton: Ire Wallach Leundry System, Ijiundry, Tel. Volunteer 7000 (E) I-oiig Islgyui City, N. K. Oavsga, Iric.. I nited S|><irt Simps. Athletic Goods. Radl« and Radio Ei(i)ipment, Hahiiig Tackle and Camping Equipicent. Toys. Stationery, Kodaks, Motion Picture Apparatus. Guns! Bicycles, Sportswear for Men and Women, 278 Steinway Ave (E) Garden Pharmacy. Dru«.. Toilet Artiel«, Room .Supplies. Cor. 82nd and I^lk A^c. U-ttccmc Al-ril 14. ll'')0.) '• Berger Service. Inc., Cle-aninft. ^^Hng.JniJoring S^vice-Complete Shoe Tiel.uiMit.K •'^"•lec-Hat llceirry I^i^pairint;, Wwvii.^, nrrf-«makiti8. a ns Napping. (Uibor, lieiwirn and -Mteraiioni. inc'ude.!.) 8 05 Roosevelt.\vc.. Tel. .N'ewtuivn 80Si)' {£) Oavega. Inc., United Ppert l^lioi>s, Athletir Goods, Radios and Radio Kiiuipment, Fishing Tackle ami CampinR K'luipment, Toys, Stationer)", Kodaks. Motion Picture Apparatus, Guns, Bicydi :!,Sportswear for Meuaiul Women, lOt-OJJ;im;iic:i Avi'.: St. Knickerbocker Ice Co., Coal oniy. Tel. Eversrcen 16IB. Savings Jackson Ilcigl'ls. (E) C'liriKirations eimtiol ^ elearetl.) 1C8-25 and 27 Hillside Ave. Service, Complete Shoe ftebuikiing Service, Hat Renovating, Knickerbocker Ice Co., Coal only. Tel. Bo«lovar<l 7488.-, Savings Elmliursf. N, Y. Bachrach, Inc., Photographers, 148-10 Hillside Ave. Ludwig Baumann & Co., Furniture, Hugs, Carpels. House Berger Service, Inc., Cleaning. Dyeing. Tailoring Service, Valet Knickerbocker Ice Co.. Ciml tmly, Tri. Boulevard 7488. S.iviog8 " Y. Y. sole owner of the business. Purchases made by Partnerships or Fresh Pond, N. Y. East Rockawav, N. Y. £i2SS£^S£,.2il!Lii££-£LJ!S2£I2iSJLSii2J2i2.^2JE2£«^ (G—) Continental Ave.. Tel, Blvd. 3319 Douglaston, N. Y. AlbeeTheatre BJdg.,Tel. Flushing 0082 ^ Sammy Wagner, Men's Clothes, Kuppcnhcimer Clothes, Haber (E> Corona, N. Y. Flushing Hardware & Paint Co., Hardware, Tools, Paints, Boot 2200 (E) Edward A. Ready, Inc., Jeweler, Watchmaker, Optician, 83 W. CoUcoe Pi., N. y. Rockaway 0405 ilsoii Ave. Knickerbocker Ice Co., lee, Conl .md Fuel Oil, Tel. Flushing 0096. Savini!s on Coal 15e per ton; Icc and Fuel Oil (E) Bclrosc, N. Y. Knickerbocker Ice Co., Ice, Tel. Garden City 1C7-I (E) ing included, 46 E. 15c per ton. Knickerbocker Ice Co., ke, Tel. Rockviilr Centre 0024 (E) Wallach Laundry System. Laundry, 1S55 Mott Ave., Tel. Far - orcorpor.itions cannot beclcared.) 11 E. 36fh St (£) Wolcott Hotel (European Plan), Rooma and Restaurant, 3Ut St. (E) and5th Ave. 103Main St. , Knickerbocker Ice Co., Coal cnly, Tel. Pomeroy 5400. Saving! WaliaclJ Laundry System, Laundry, Tel. Volunteer 70001 (t) (E) (t») Edward Week& Son, Inc.. Cutlery, Fountain Pens. Gifts. (Re* pairs, ShuriwninK iind GrindinR included.) (Receipted bilia mustshow at which atorc purchase wasmade) 148Fulton St. 45 NaBEiiii St.; nO K. 2'.ir<l i^t.: SO E. 42d St.: 19 Cortlandt St.: 122 K. 42nd Si!. ((.'Linin Bldg. Arcade.) (K) The William F. Wholey Co,, Ino., Office Equipment Speeblista. (Labor and Repairs included.) (Membership Savings will be paidOQ purchasM of a business characterproviding the member IS tbe sole owner ofthebusinees. Purchases made !)>• partncrBhips Jamaica, N. Cleaned ami Dycl. (Labor nndRepairs included.) 20Main Pt. Honburn'a Pharmacy, Drugs. Toilet Articles. Rubber Goods, Pick. Itooni Supplies, l\>jd.iks .indStationery. (CiRarcttcs e.tcluded.) Far Rocha-way, N. ingson Co.i! 15c per ton; Ico Wnllach Laundry System, Laundry, Tel.Volunteer 7000 Mme. Gcrton. Dveing and Cleaning, Carpet.-i and Oriental Rugs (See Long IslandCity, N. Y.) WallactiLaundry System, Laundry, Tel Regent 7000 (E) (E) considered sameas cash). Broadway & Main SU Keith-Albee Theatre Bldg. (E) Flushing Hardware & Paint Co., Hardware, Tools, Paints, Boat H;inl*varc, Plumbing Supplies. (Competitive Bids excluded.) Repairs iucluded. Union andWashington StJ. (E) '' Herman Warendorff, Eorista, Hotel Ansonia, (2100 Broadway): Oil Telegraph Delivery Ordera (E); everything else (0""^ —' Room Supplies, Cor. 82ndand Polk Ave. Knickerbocker Ice Co., Icc and Coal. Tel. Jamaica iJ503. S.1V- Flushing Furniture Co., Inc„ Furniture and,Rugs. (TVade-ins .-i , ' Knickerbocker Ico Co., iceand Coal. Tel. Flushing 0096. Savin® oner,r.l 15c P-Ice (g)" Wallach Laundry System, Laundry. Tel. Volunteer 7000 (E) J>livcr>' Orders (E); Everything clfie Helen Dolan,Millinery. 153 Amity St. ''i; Wallach Uundry System, Laundry, Tel. Far Rockaway 0406 ht- OnTelcKniph Delivery Orders (E): everythinge»e (B—) Garden Pharmacy, Drugs, Toilet Articles, Rubber Goods, Siek •anbury Hat Works, Men's Hat Store. Agents for Knox Hats. (Labor, Repaire included,) SS Main St. (E) 231 Oroailtt^iy, Woolwortb Bills;.. , 177 Broadway, nr. f'orllandtSL ''' 2 Broadway at Bowlinfi Green ' 072 Eiglith Ave. (E) Columbia Market (Christ Rics, Prop.), ClioicoMeats, Poultry and V Astoria, N. y. A. Warendorff. Inc., Florists, Hotel Astor, Broadway, f thto45th Edward Warendorff. Floriafs, C25 Madison Avc. On Tele^ph Blvd. (Open evenings until 9 o'clock.) •' ... Queens Couniy ^ A, Warendorff, Flnriata, 1153 Broadway, 325 Fifth Ave, o" irraph Delivery Orders (E);everything else ,, . , St.) New York Cily Suburbs (O—) Betty Wales Dress Shop, Women's andMisses' CoaU andD'cssm, sories, Gifts and Decorative Things for the Home, 220 Northern (E)' 3'11 Madisjn Ave. SaviiiRS on oricinal oil iraintingB (B—); cverytliing else (E) F. A. 0. Schwarz, Tcys, Garoes, Books and Novelties. Cameras, 'Motion Picturc Apiviraltis, CampiDK and Athletic Equipment. (Lnl/jr and Repairs included.) 303 Fifth Avc. (E) C C. Shayne & Company, Furriers, (Repsira, Alterations and (E) StorageIncluded) 12G West i2d St. Louis Sherry, Catering and Restaurant, 695 Madison Ave., 373 nttb Avc.. 300 Park Ave., 748Fifth Avc. (E) The Boulevard Shop, Women's and Misses' Apparel and Acces L'liibrilbs and Lvathcr Goi>ds. (Repairs and Renovations e*- 47 Goldman Bros., Draperies, Curtains. Household Linen, Table and Fancy Linens, BespreadsandBlankets, 370 Steinway Ave lEi Keuffel & Esser Co., Mnthenmtical, Surveying, and Drawing Instruments, 218 Jackwn Ave, (Membership Savings will Ih- paid on purchases ofa businesa character providing the incmlwr i« thesnle owner ofthe iHisinefs, Purchases made by partnerships nr eorpor.Mioiis cnnnoj be cleared.) (Tracing Cloth and Mer- chandiBe Furnished under Goveriimciit Conlracta excluded.) (E) Please Read Our Rules on Page 12 NEW YORK 48 Knickerbocker Ice Co., Ice, Coal and Fuel Oil,Tci. i\sloiia 1737. ^iavings on Coal 15c per ton; on Ice and Fuel Oil IE) Joceph Rose & Sons, lnc„ Fine Furniture, Rugs, Radio and Radio Supplies. (Rcpjurs Included.) (Trade-ins considered Bitnc as cash.) 1470 First Ave. (^) sterling Piano Corp., Pianoa. Radios. Talking fcJachines, Fumituro. {Labor iiicliidcd), 30-17 Stcinway Avc. (E) Edward F. Wagner, DL-iroonda, Watches, Jewelry. (Repairs included.) H5l Sicinway Ave. (E) Wallach Laundry System,Laundry,Tel. Volunteer 7000 (E) Young's Hats, Men's Hats, Cape, Gloves, Ncckwcar, Canes, UmbreUas and Leather Goo(b. (RepairB and Renorations eicludcd.) 419 Steijiway Ave. (B) N. y. Knickerbocker Ico Co., Ice and Coal, Tel. FliishinR 0030. BavinM on Coal tSe per ton: Icc NEW YORK Manhattan Furniture Co,. Furniture, House Furnishings, Floor Coverings, Radios and Radio Supplies. (Rciiaira included.) (Trade-ms considered sameas cash.) 12S Richmond Ave. ,.(E) H. Schlesinoer, Inc., Men's Clotbing, Hart Scbaffner & Mane Clothes, Knox Hats, Manhattan Shirta, etc., 257 Richmond Ave. .(E) Staflctoi, N. Y. Mahr & Van Name. Radio and Radio Equipment. (Labor, RciKiira, Hwilals, AKcratious aud Parts lDdud(^.) 29 Bcach !^t. , %) Tomf^lciiisvillc, N. y. Frederick W. Brock. Oiifoinetrisl ami C)ptician. (I.nljor. Rcp-iir?, Alterationsand Parts included.) 39 VictoryBoulevard (E) IVcst New Brighton, N. Y. ,,,, Barrett, Nephews& Company,OldStaten Island DyeingEslablisb- Maspel/i, JV. K. Knickerbocker Ice Co., Coal and Fuel Oil. Tel. Havcmeycr4183. f-avings onCoa! lot |)er ton; onFuel Oil (E) Wallach Uundry System, Laun(^ry. Tel. Volnnteer 7000 (E) Middle Village, N. Y. Knickerbocker IceCo., Coal and Fuel Oil, TcL Boulevard 10180. ^avlngfl on Coal 15c iwrIon;on Fuel Oil (li) menl. Inc.. Clcaocts and Dyers, 81 Broadway, Tel; Port Itithniond 6200 . (F—) McCrum Pharmacy, Drug Store, 1051 Castleton A'vc. CE) Wostchestcr County IlronA-viHc, N. a (K) Ncyrth Bcach. N. Y. (E) Bachrach Inc.. Photographers, 0 Crary Ave. Knickerbocker Ico Co., Ice, Tel. Pclham 2860 Knickerbocker Ice Co., Ico (Tel. Nevins 6400) and Coal (Tel. r.Dulpvard 10189). Savings on Coal I5c. per ton;Ice (E) Trepel Rorist, Inc., Flowers and Plants. (.Savinps also apply on i>i::c!iisca uiadc from Trcpel Stores not listed herein) Cor. •J::ti)aica Ave, an<l 1lltb St. (G—' Wallach Laundry System, Laundry, Tel. Volunteer 7000 Wallach Uundry System, Laundrj-, Tel.Volunteer 7000 . (E) New Rochelle, N. Y. ,(E) (,^Tj) (E) (ptl) Repairs and Alterations Included) 500MainSt. (E) I.B. Cohen, Mei,-e Clothing and Uabcrdashery, 507 Main St.. (E) Knickerbocker IceCo.. Tee, Tel. Pclham 2S60 (E)Squlre Harrington, Inc., Men'.s and Boys' Clothing, Haberdashery (E) '(E) (B) Knickerbocker Ice Co., Tel. Flushing 0090 (E) Knickerbocker Ice Co., Ice, Tel. Pelham 2860 Wallach Uundry System, Laundrj-. Tel. Volunteer 7000 ' (E) (E) 0096) Il3\eiae\cr 418J). bannga on Coal 15c. per ton;snd IceCoal (Tel. Wallach Uundry System, Uundry. TeL Volunteer 7000 (E) jyoodJtovcH. AT y Co., Coal only. Tel. Boulevard 10183. Savinga y. £»"•' •f"'Wallach Laundry System, Laundry, Tel. Volunteer ?000 Maloney & Morrison, Dresses. Coats. Gowns and Ungerie for The Paris Cleaners & Dyers, Cleaning, Dyeing and Pressing, 348 Sccond h^t.. Tel. Nia. Falls042 ({j—) Welch Coal Co., Inc.,Coal and Wood, 1015 Picrce Ave., Tel. Nia. Falls 280. Sa\-ing3 on Coal 20c. j)erton; on Wood40c.per cord. E. M. Wittigschlager, Jewelry, Watches. Clocb, Silverware, Cut (ilassand Cri-stalwarc. (Repairs included.) 370Third St. (E) Oceanside, N. Y. Knickerbocker Ice Co., Icc, Tci. Rockville Centre 0024 Wallach Laundry System, Laundry, Tel. Volunteer 7000 (E) Knickerbocker Ice Co., Ice. Tel. Pclham 2860 (E) Wallach Uundry System, Laundry, Tel. White Plains 6840 , 'OB) Oil, Fuel Oil. Aeccssorics. Tires, ^rvice. Repairs, Labor, etc. Frames, Gar Bldg., 100 Main St. (g) The French Boot Shop, Footwear forMen, Women and (Mildred. 106 Main St. • (E) Hartfoid Umbrella Co.. Trunks. Bags, Leather Goods and Novcltis (Labor, Repairs and Alterations Included) 161 MainSt. • (E) Yr^tkrrs. N. Y. Esfabllslimcnt, Aw.. Tel. Pu Ijicbl (E) Onolda, N. Y. Mileage Can Corp. (Subsjdiary of Warner-Qulnlan Co.), Gasoline. Oil, Fuel Oil, Accefflories, Tires. i?crvice. Repairs, Labor, etc (Membcrahip Savings on cosh slips, coupon book covers or monthly accounts.) Mam and Genesee Turnpike, Madison and UTUiam Sts. (E) Oswego, N. Y. Markson Bros-r Furnituro, Floor Coverings, Radio and RadioSupplies, Victrolas and ^'lclrola Rccords, ctc. (Repairs included.) 177 W. First St. (E) (E) Pine Lawn, N. Y. tiaplis, Virircliis nitd fsjnom-", iind Automobile 'fires. (Labor, Itepaire aud AltcKitiona Included.) 7 tletly Sqtiare (E) Ploate Sop. Our List of Member Hotels on Patfe 11 (E) Port Jcrvis, N. Y. Ras Corn. (Subsidiary of Warner-QuInlan Co.), Gasolinr. Ol^&n Accessori«, Tires, Service, Repair..«r. etc. Rochester Floral Co.. Florists, 33 Franklin St. (I^ibor and Ren tals Included). Savings od Telegraph Delivery Orders (E); Everything else (q ) Rochester Musical Instrument Co., Pianoa. Band and Orehcstra Inslrumenls, Ihdios, Phonographs, Records and'Sheet Music (Labor, Repairs, Tuning 4 Rentals Included) (Trade-ins con sidered sameas cash) 29 SouthAve. (E) ture and E(!uipment, Art Novelties. I.cather Goods. Sporting Goods, Gamesand Toj-s. (MembetBhip Sanngs willbe paitl i>ii purchases of a business character providing the member is the sole ownerof the business. Purchases made by partnerehips or corporations cannot be cleared. (Wholesale purchases exciiidiJ when 80 marked on the bill.) 18-22West Main St., 21-23Sl;;tc St., 334-;j36East Main St.. (Repairs Included) (i;) Seneca Holel (European Plan), Rooms and RMtaumnt. (Cou pons or Receipts sent in b>'Tourist AgencIcs excluded), Clinltin Avc. So., bet. East Main and Court Sts. (Jl) Louis Shulman & Co., Merchant Tallore (Labor, Repairs ami Alterationsincluded.) 101East Ave.,Sagamore Bldg. (E) ThriftShoo Shop, Sliocs for Men and Women, alsohrsiery, (Re pairs Included), 12 East Afain St. (1*^) Walklns Haberdasheries. Inc., Men's Haberdashery and Hats, 01 East Ave. (E) Charles H. Wonlger, Sporting and Athletic Goods and Ecmii)ment, Guns. Amnmiiition. Fishing Tackln, Harness am! Dug Supplies. (Hepaira Included), 122-124 South Avenue (E) H. E. Wilson, Inc., Florijts. (Labor and Rentals include<l.) 42 East Main St..835 Hudson Avc. Sa\ings onFloral Telegranli Delivery Orders (E); everything else (Q_) Rockville Cenire. N. Y. Knickerbocker Ice Co., Icc, Tci, Rockville Centre 0024 Wellach Laundry System, Laundry, Tel. Volunteer 7000 • Port Washington, N. Y. Knickerbocker Ice Co7lcc.Tc!. Garden City 1674 (E) S. M. Wallace Furniture Co., Inc., Furniture, (Repairs Includeil 1 i-i:J <,.1 infs on cash siiia. coupon book covers or (E) (E) (E) Rome, N. Y. Rodiester, N, Y. Bonrt.ClDthea, Inc., Men's Ooth™, ISl^R D,Ave., i'buL, Shoes for Men and Women, ahio hosiery, 17 Clinton No. (Repairs Included) „ • « .• • 'i' Ludwls Baumann & Co.. Furntlnro. Rmy, Carpcln, Hou.«p Tur iii.-hini5=. l iiliclshTV. Drappriw. Every Kind of Radio, Phnno \\omen and Misses. SportWear. Afternoon Dressand Formal OccMions. (Altcmtlons included.) 148 East Avc. opposite Clinst Ciiurcli (E) I. fVliller Stores, Inc., Women's Medium Priced andBettor Shoes Hosiery Buckles. Bags. (Labor. Repairs and Alterations included.) 41 Last-.Ave. (p) Plymouth Dairy. Inc., Milk, Cream, Buttermilk, Butter. SoV Plymouth Avc. (g \ Rapp'8, Inc.. Dry Cleaning 4 Dyeing, 398 South Ave., 20 So Clinton -Ave., 48 No. Clinton Ave. (E) 453-465 Main St.. ^^cst Knickerbocker Ice Co., Ice, Tel. Patchogue US /.{' 2 a East Mam St. Scrantom's Inc., Books, Social Stationery, Engraving and Print ing, Educational Supplies, Commercial StatIoner^•, Office Furni Ogdensburfl, N. Y. JVhitc Plains. N. Y. Baclirach, Inc.. Photogmphcrg, Ficturc Framing and lecture RichmondCounty Port Richmond. N. V. (E) (E) Mileage Gas Corp. (Subsidiary of Warner-Qulnlan Co.), Gasoline, Knickerbocker Ice Co., Ice, Tel. AmityviUc 270 Wallach Laundry System, Laundry, TeL White Plains 0840 ' (E) A*!' • 1V " • The Niagara Hotel (European Plan), _Rooms and ResjauranJ. (Couiwns orReceipts sent inbyTourist Agencies excluded) (E) Tuchahoc, N. Y. U'inficld. N. Y. Juimpraent. Cooking Ltuasils, Rcfriaerators, Stoves and Ranees (Repairs and Parts Included.) (White Lead. OUs and Turpen tine F-xcluded.) Uheiiinaking cash purchases, obtain itemised eaiea eIiib. cor. » cstMam &No. Washington Sts. (E) The Llkly Stores, Inc.. Trunks, Bags. Leather Goods, Umbrcllns and NovcltiM. (Labor, Repairs and .Alterations included) Patchogue, N. Y. Pelhatn. N. Y. modeling and btoKiKO included), 30 Clinton Avenue—No. (E) Henry Lester Hardware Co.. Inc., Hardware. Paints. Kitchen etc. (Mcmbcrshii) Sax ings oncash slips, coupon book cw'crs or raonthl.v accounts.) IQth and Pine Sts., Mam &Cliclton Sts. (L) (Ej IVIiitestone, N. Y. ^ Mileage Gas Corp. (Subsidiary of Warner-Quinian Co.), Gas oline. Oil, Fuel Oil. Acccssurics, Tires, Scrviec. Reiiau-s, Labor, monthly accounts.) Mainand Commerce Sts. i Carson's, Watches, Diamonds. Jewelry, Clocks. Silverware. (Labor, Wallach Uundry System, Laundry. Tel. Volunteer 7000 Wallach Uundry System, Laundry, Tel. Volunteer 7000 mornj 1510 Hotel, The Niagara, Hotel (Euroiwan Plan). Hooms and Restaur ant. (Couj)oiis orReceiptsentinbyTourist Agencies cxcludeil) . (Membership Savings on cash slips, coupon book covers or and iiats. o(1 Mam ht. cor. Centre Ave. Sicinway, N. YKnickerbocker Icb Co.. Ice, Tel, Astoria 1737 IVondside, N. (E) ,, JB) Nephews &Co., Old Staten Island DydngEstahiishment, Inc.,Cleaners and Dyers. 5C1 Main St., Tel.New Rochelle 0060 Kichtnond Hill, N. Y. Koven Fur Company. Furrier. (Labor, Repairs, Alterations, Re Scadrons', Optical Spceialbts. Scientific Eye Examinations, Glassca SpeedilyIlcpaired. (Repaire included.) 41 So. Foartli Qiircn.;. N. Y. Knickerbocker Ice Co., Coal and Fuel Oil, Tel EvergrccD 1616. vines on Coal J5cper ton; on Fuel Oil (K) Wallach taundry System, Laundr>", Tel. Volunteer 7000 (E) Norma Feaiherstone Cooke, Photographer, Suites lO-ll Cataract 'Theatre Bldg. (C—) Radio and Radio Supplies. (Repairs included.) 30U Niagara Si^. Oil. Fuel Oil, Accessories, Tires, Scrvlce, Repairs, Labor, etc. (Membership Savings on cash slips, eoui)on book covers or ' monthly accounts.) 55 E. Main St. (E) Mount Vcruon, N. Y. ins considered some as cash) 500-50S East Main Street comer Scio St. Hotel Seneca. Hotel (European Plan). Rooms and Restaurant (Coujwns or Receipts sent in by Tourist Agencies excluded) Clinton Ave. Sa bet. E. Main ond Court SU. (£) Norwich, N. Y. Odell &Watt,Men's FurnishiogB, 22S. 4th Ave. Knickerbocker Ice Co.. Icc, Tel Astoria 1737 (B-) MileageGas Corp.(Subsidiary of Warner-QuinlanCo.), Gasoline, Wallacti Laundry System, Laundry, Tel. White Plalng 5840 on Coal ]5c per ton. Ice lW0-l(i3S Main St. Louts Qibaud, Automobile .Accessories. Tires and Tubes, Radio and Radio :jui)plies, (Labor. Repairs andPartsincluded) (Trade- E. J. Cannon, Books, Stationery, Periodicals, Victor-Victrolas, Y. Knickerbocker Ice Co., ki:. Tel. Pclham 2S60 Navimvn, Af. y. Knickerbwker Ice Co.. Ice and Coal. Tel. Flushing 0096. Savines Niagara Falls, N. Y. BIshara Bros., Inc., Gruci.'rics, Meats. Fisli, Fruits and Vegetables. 49 Ruclicstcr St. , ' Duffy Powers. Inc., Ueijartnmnt Store, f-o""'",'^11', Jpif, SI.--. Mi'tiilHTsLii) Savings on purcliaaca fruiu(.irocfri Dept. (U ) from all otiicr dci»rtmuuls Dry Guoda Mileage Gas Corp. (Subsidiary for Warner-Quinlan Co.), Gasoline Oil, Fuel Oil, Accwi'iricM. Tirca, Sc^^•il•^^ Repaini. Udmr etc' (Mcrnlwrehip Saving-i on rash stitw, coupon book covcrd or monthly nceounta.) Liberty and Juinea Sla,; 002 S James .Si (E) Roosovell, N.Y. Knickerbocker Ice Co., la, Tel, RookvillL-Centre 002'1 (E) Please Read Our Riitrs on Page 12 J NEW YORK 50 Roslyn. N. Y. Knickerbocker Ice Co., Ice, Tel. Garden City 1674 (E/ Schenectady, N. Y. NEW YORK—NORTH CAROLINA—OHIO William P. Lynch, Florist—Floral Decorations (Labor an^ Rentalsincluded), 260East Onondaga St. fovingson TeleKajih Delivery Orders (E);Everything else (G-;-) Markson Bros.. Inc.. Furniture, Floor Coverings. Radio and The Coughlln Supply Co.. Inc., Athletic and SjKirting Goods. Cdunibiii Phonographs and Records, Skates Ground. Rcpiiirs and Aiteratioiis included.) 231 Geiicsec St. Jules Doux. Inc.. Cleaning and Dyeing. Radio Supplies, \'ictrolas and Victrola Records, etc. (RcDars Bachrach, Inc., Photographers, 222 Nott Tcrracc (E) Mohawk Hotel (Europeaa Flan), Rooms and Restaurant, Broad way at State St. (E) Randall Clothes, Men's and Young Men's Clothes, 303 State St. (E) Sea Cliff, N. Y. Knickerbocker Ice Co., Ice, Tel. Garden City 1G74 Included.) 22'J-231 Nu. SalinaSt. (E) {Jlrissware, Men's I'urnisliiugs, Jewelryand GeneralDry GikxI."!, 177 Gcncsce St. (K) OraiU's Book Shop, Inc.. Hooks. Slationcry, IVriuilieals, Cortina , Tyepwritrra. (LaW, Ikiiairs, lUterations and Pnrte included.) 127Gencat'c St., also Stanley "nieatre Bldg. (K) Hamellne Highland Dairies, Inc., Milk, CrRtin, Pure Churnol Cream, Buttemal!:, Butter, Cottage Cheese, 810 Burnet Ave. (B-) Park Brannock Shoe Co.. Footwear for Jfen, Women and CbilJ*' ren, Stetson. Emerson, Arch Preserver and Enna Jettick Hpaltii, New Store Butter Milk. Butter, Cheese and Eggs, 31 Faas Ave. (B—) Kurzman (Open from about June ISth to about September loth),Women's WearingApparel,Furs, Millinery,Shoesind Accessorieg. (Repairs, Alterations and Storage included.) Shoes, Riding, Huntinp and Field Boots, also Hosiery for Men Hand & Graney Tire & Rubber Co., Inc., General Balloon Tires, and Women, 321 South Saiina St. (E) Poters, Men's and Boys' Clothing and Furnishing, also Custom excludeil.) (Labor,Repair?, Altrr.itiona, Parts included.) (Trade- Bachrach, Inc., Photographsof Distinction. (Studio openSummer Jobs Lane. (Effective JuneIS, 1930.) months only) Hickson, Inc., Women's Tailors and Dressmakers, Ready Made and Mndc-to-Ofder; Furs, Millinery, Navclties, Hcsicry, ^Vomen's Shoes, Lingerie. (Repairs, Alterations and StoraRC (li) Kurzman (Open from aboutJune ISth to aboutSeptember 15th), Women's Wearing Apparel, Furs, Millinery, Bhraand Aec(^ Bories. (Repairs, Alterations and Storage included.) Jow (E) Jeffrey & Spath, Inc., Hardware, Tools and Ilouscnare, 200 Lyie Jackson, Tailoring, Uniforms, Ready to Wear Clothing, Lenchner's Fur Shop, Furriers and Ready to Wear Fur Coats, Syracuse, N. Y. W. A Abel Co., Sporting and Athletic Supplies, and Apparel, Cuds, Ammunition, Fishing Tackie. Boats, Cano^ and Out board Motor?, TentsandCampmg supplies. (Hepairs mcluded.) IISS. Clinton St. (E) iSM. W.I. Addis Co.. Inc., Complete Outfitters for Women and Misses. (E) (Alterations Included.) 440-451 So. Sahna St. (E) Barnard Studio, Photographers. Enlargemente, Reprodur.tions, Frames. (Labor, Alterations ftncJ Framing Included 204 E. Jefferson St. ' Bausch Optical Co., Optician (Repairs Included.) Columbia St. St. Powers Drug Co., Proacrijition Pharmacists, Drugs, Medicbps, '(£) D. Price & Co.. Wiinien's and Misses' Siweialty Slioji. Dres."'. r oats. Fiirc, Millinery and Aeeessorir?. (I.;iUir, Rcjiaira, Altrraliiiiis :.iidfrioragr Incluihx].) 207GenraeoSl, (lO Randall Clothes, Men's and Young Men's Clothes, 121 S. Saiioa S': (E) 6. W. Richardson & Son, Furniture and Interior Dccoratipns.(Labor, Repairs and Alterations Included.) 466So, Warren ft. R^rl-Sholdoo & Co,, ImnkB. Traveling Hagii, I.c.idicr GnwJs, (Liljur, Hepairs and Alterations Included.> -ilJ-JS (itinesee St. (E) Frederic W. Roedel. Jewelers. Optometrist, Gift Shop (I,ubnr Repairs, Alterations and Parts Included), 255 Genesee St. (E) A. Tobias, Manufacture nnd Dispense Candy ami lee Cream, (Labor. Repairs, Alterations, Cleaning, Storage and Embroiderins included.) 310 West Onondaga St. (E) Stetson & Grouse. Diamonds and Precious Stones, Jewelrj', ^^atches, CIcckfl and Silverware, 127 &. Salina St. (Repairs included.) (E) Styan Grocery. Inc.. Groceries. Meats. Poultry, Fish, Fruits ami, Vegetables, 133-135East Water St. Tcii-Room .Scrvice. Soda Fountain and Lunches, 239 Genesee St. (B—) and Vulcanizing included.) 318 So. State St. repairing. Brown Bros. Hardware & PaintCorp.. Hard^re, Kitebcn UtciisilB. AutoraobUc Accessories, 2727 S. Salina St..1921 South Clark Muslo Co., 2503 Jamw St. (Scc Symcuse listing) Clark Music Co.. Pinnos. Radios and ^fusica1 Instruments, l-cfUy -iy Drums and and Gibson Fretted Instruments, Sheet Music, Roll?, Hcrordaand Hcrorda and Radio Supplies. (Repairs, IPn Sohtiy, N. 1'^) Inc. (Direct Stores Inc.), Pain'^^ VarnishcR, liruslics. Artists' Materials, Dry Colors, Drafting Matenals. '21U [•: Fayelte St. (!'-) Everybody's Book Shop, Boob, Staiionerv Engraving, School Supplies, Gteeting Cards,1205 E. FayetteSt. layetti-bt. /E) Grod/B London luggago Shop. Trunks. TravclinB Reouiaitcs, J/itlufl Ihiidiwfts. Leather Goods. Novelties. Qtova and Um brellas. (Repairs Included), 342 South Salinii Bt. (R) Hotel Syracuse Mon'e Shop. Inc.. Men's OutfitterB. (Rcnairfl, Alterations and Cleaning Included.) 140 East Onnotlaffa fit. Everything Eieetrical. U^tric it'S'l' IteinKera^rp, Vibrators, RadifiIfoii.'ichn'd nnd I'ailioAppliancfB, Suppliee, file. (Repairs and AHerjitions tn- B. .VT St.. atNo. SolinaSt. conjidcrcd sane aa Cash.) 624 No.State «a CInpp),Stetson and Schoblc Hats, Haberdasher)'. Luggage, etc.. 104 Person St. (E) Raleigh. N. C. Thlem. Sporiinc Ooods, Stationer>-. Kodak?, Toj% Leiilber Uuods and every thioK for Iho ollice, ]25FayetteriIle St.. (E) Akron, Ohio Warsaw.vN. Y. nil Fuel Oil Acfcssofica, Tires. Service. Repairs, Labor, ete. ,(E) w """m Clark Music C0„ 6Public Saiiare. (Sec Syracuse listing) Waverly. N. Y. Zuckmalcr Bros.. Di^iurtmcnt Ktnrc. (Trade-ins considered same Utlca, N. Y. (G-;.) C. H. Bremer & Co,. Inc., Groceries, Domestic and Imported. Bnko Oiio-k Me:iin an i Poultry, .^a Foods, Fruits ami Vrret.iblcs, and C.indy. 510-514 Seneca St. (B_) H. H. Cooper & Co.. Men's and Young Men's Clnthing. "Fa mma Dunshirc Clotliing." Ready to Wear and Custom Made (Labor. Repairs and Allwatioua Included.) 215-210 John St PIcate See Our Liat of Member Hotels on P«ga 11 „ ..jI, giipg, coupon book covers or (E) Bros.. Inc.. FlorislR. Bwlding Plant,1, Ferns. Nursery Stock, Kvercrcciut, Moral Pieccs, e(r. (Wholesale Purchrsrs ex cliidol.) I',i03 .Sunset Ave. Savmgs on Telegraphic Orders (E) ,(E> BondClothes. Inc.. Men's Clotliing and Hats. 171 So.MainSt. (K) H. Lesser &Company. I'nited Sport Sliois. Athletic Goods. Sprrrt GoikIs, Radios, Radio hfjuipmcnt. Camping Equipment. Kodal s. Mntinn Picture Aiiparaltis, Guns, Bicycles, Sportswear for Mfn 7 O'l, ucl C)il. Main St. (Ei The Portage Hotel (European Plan), Rooms and Reetauraut, (Coupons orItcceipts sentinbyTourist Agencies excluded) (Ij Randall Clothes, Men's and Young Men's Clotha, 124 So. M-iin >Kj WBllBvllle. N. Y. I (E) anrl Women, Sheet Music, Musical Instruuienta and Rcc^Jru^, as cash ) Main and Niag.iru Sts. Bachrach. Inc.. Photographers. 287 Genesee St. - • - 22. 1030.) (K) George E. Schnell Co., Inc., Men's nnd Ilovs* Clotliine, ings, Hi'fs. etc.. 3 K St., H Mtin'iSl,, 18 Main fit. (E) livcrythiiigelse nient, KniJaks. Motion Rcture Appurutue. Guna, Bieytlcs. Sportswear for Men and Women, Sheet Mtiaie. Musical Instruments and Records. 7 S. Main St. (Effective April Watertown, N. Y. fu 1 a.n, fnc Furniture. Floor Covering, Radio nnd "rSsuSpH®. VictrobB and Victrola Rccords. etc. (Rcpag included.) 152 Court St. W rant Brant H. Lesser & Company. I'nitc-d .Sjiort Shor«. Athletic Gooil.-i, Sport tiouds. Radios, Radio Kquipnicnt, CumpiiiE KqiJii'- V. Tonawanda, N. Y. (B) F. M. Foatherly, Crockery, China, GlaBswart Lamna. 209 W. nnd Hiekey-Freeman Clothes), Shoes (Florsheim and Edwin (E) MIlRRae Gas Corp. (Subsidiary ofWarner-Quinlan Co.). Gnsoline, , :• Petere Clothing Co., Men's and Boys' Oothing and 1urnisain^ also Custom Tailcrinir. {Repairs, Alteratioos nnd Cleamng Included.) 1529 Milton Ave. •(£) inc includrd.) includrd.' (Trade-ins • considered . . . same a-s rasu.)* 'JMiU 411V.4/11 Devo8& evoe&RaynoldsCo.. lEj New Contract . Eaxiwood. N y Ave. Mn»on 4 Haralin. Knabe, Cbicfcering, ^teinway, Kraka^ Brambach and Ampico Reproducing Pianos—-AH the world s® J-eadinp «idi!]p Radios and Phonocraphs, Conn Band Instramenta, St. H. R. Home 4 Sons, DrugStore.124 Hay St. (E) Stein Bros., Men's and Bo\-s' Clothing (Hart, Schaffner 4 Mar* OHIO Knickerbocker Ice Co.. Ice, Tel. RockviHe Centre 0024 - (£>« Syracuse Suburbs Genesee St.. State Tower BIdg. T. D. Halcher, Jewelry Store, Diamiin<l(i, Wntclie^, riorks, Silvprware, rte. (Lalior, Ri'luirs and .Mtcrations included.) 103 Hay Valley Stream. N. Y. Ilccondilioning of Men's and Women's Felt and 209 (li) Fayettevllle. N. C. (E) WNklns. Castlo & Wllklns, Dry Cleaning, Dyeing, Pressing and Cloth Hats. 51<.519 Oncida St., 507So. Warren St. Ave. (E) UtlcaCityIce Co,. Inc.,Ice. 725 PleasantSt. (E) Utlca Pa'"' Co.. Inc.. P-iints, Painters' Sujipllts, Varniehes. WimlnnGlass, .Utists" Material (Labor, Repairs and Alteralions Included) 208 Columbia St. (E) Syrawse Tira Co., Inc., Tires, Tubes and Chains. (Repairing Bond Clothes. Inc.. Men's Clothing and Hats, 138 So. Salina St (E) - . .'^aliiiaSt. St. d') HabiTdiushery. (Ijbiir, Repair.' and .AlteratioDS Includd.) Grove .'Vrcadc Bldy., 51 Battery Park Ave. (E) Llvely's Studio, PholoErapliir 'Portrait Studio. Patton Maher Bros., Clotlies, Hals and FurniBiiiiigs for linys and Men, (.'or. Lafayette 4 Sencea Sts. (E) Toilet Articles, Rubber Goods, Sick Room Supplies. IIO' E. Fa)-ettc St. (E) (Lalwr, Reijairs, Alterationsand Storageinclude*).) ISO Genesee Mlshel Shehadl 4 Sons. Oriental Ru^,Linens, Laccs and Curies., (E) Denton & Co.. Inc.. Dep:irtmeiit Store. (Itcjuiied receipted billa rc(iuirc<l.) Purchases on wlueh trading stamps have been ob tained (B—); everything else. (K) Chas. H. Honess, Optician, Binoculars, Microscopes, Compasses andArtificuil Ej-es. (Repaira Included.) 3 Flatiron Bldg. (E) Nicholas M. Peters Clothing Co., Men's and Boys' Clothing and Furiiishings, also Custom Tailoring. (Repairs, Alterations atid Cleanitit; included.) 437 N. Salina St. (E) ins considered same as c;is!i.) 225 OrigkanySt. (E) Stewart Manor. N. Y. Asheville, N. C. Aikon &Hester Pharmacy, 12 Broadway (gj The All-Sport Shop, Inc.. Sporting Goods. Fishing Tacklc, Novelties. .Sporli AiJjiarcl, 10Wall St. (t) Asheville Fish Co., Sea Food and Game, 39Broadway (B—) Hursey £ Co., Jewelers. (Pivinipi on Jewelry Repair Work Watch Rej)airi!ig e.tcluded.) Battery Park Ave. Lane Knlckerfaoeker Ice Co., Ice, Tel. Garden City 1674 NORTH CAROUNA (E) Tower BIdg., S. Warren St., Cor. E. Water St. (E) included.) (Open only from June 15th to October Ist.) Willard Batteries, Tire Chains. Amalie Oil. (Wholesale Business Tailorins. (Repairs, Alterations and Cleaning included.) State (E) lE) (Labor, Repairs, Al 188-198Genesee St. (E) Robert Fraser. Inc.. Department Store, Women's and Children's Ready to Wear, Boys' Clothing. Linens, Dress Goods, China and Onondaga Milk Producers Co-operative Association, Inc., 5]il'li, Southampton, N. Y. Wreck Lead, N. Y. Knickerbocker IceCo.. Icc,Tel. Rorkviilc Centre0024 (Joodfi, Sick Room Supplies, Special attention to Prescriptions, (B—) C. E, Mills Oil Co.. Gasoline, Kerosene, Lubricating Oil, Grcasifi FuelOil. Cor.Park 4 WolfSts.,2531 S.Salina St., 201 W. Onondaga St., 354 W. JoiTcrson St., 1921 South Ave..Sll So. Gcddcs St., R. F. D. 4. 75G fe. Salina St., Cor. Colvin &Nottinf^bam Rd. (E) (Kj terations andStorage Included.) 608 BumetSi. (E) England 4 McCaffrey, Inc., Druggist. Toilet Articles, Rubber E. M. Meatyard Co., Inc.. Fancy Groceries. Meats, Pdiiihy' Fruits and Vesetables, 219S. WarrenSt. (Labor. 51 Wormser Hat Stores. Inc., Men's Huts. Cars. Ties and GI.jv.h (Itcuovntiona Included.) 0 So- Main St. rl;) (Membership Savings on cash slip^i c po Canlon. Ohio monthly accounts.) East Mam H. Fama-Penn Laundry Co.. Laundry, fifHl Marion Ava Woodmere. N. Y. Knickerbocker Ice Co., Ice, Tel. Rnckville renfrr 0024 fP) Wellach Laundry System, l.uimdry, Tei. Far Rofkfl«ay 0406 <h) (E) Olsen 4 Ebann. niamonrla, Watelics, Jewelry. Clocks, Hlver* w:ir<'. Cif MiTt' (l.nlxir, Re)»air8 and Altrmiinna incliukd ) iTraiie-iiis cxcludcd.) 437 Market St, No, (^) Please Read Our Rules on Page 12 jtMlw. OHIO 52 Ben Toby Custom Tailor. 10 W. 7th St. (E) U. S. Wall Paper Co., Wall Paper and Interior Decorations, 214 Cincinnati, Ohio New Contracts H J. Cain Fish & Poultry Co.. Fish. Game. P<iuUry, Imported and DomesticDclicatcssen,534MiiinSt (EffectiveApril1, 11130.) (B-) Krnuss Radio Co.. Unitol Sport Shope, Athletic Goods, Hndios and Radio Eriuipmcnt , FiabingTackle, and Camping l^iuiimient, Kodaks, Motiou Picture Appar:itu8. Guns, Bicvclcs, SiwtBWcar for Men ;uk1 Women, 111 E. Fifth St.; 804 Vine St.; 4033 Hamilton Ave., Northaide. (Effective April 22, 1930.) OHIO (E) Henry Sternberger Co., Inc., Habcrdiiabcryand Hats. (;Utcrations included.) S. E. Cor. 6th and Race Sts.; S. W. Cor. J'.. 4tli St. (Liibor and WLoleaalu Transaciions Exciudwi.) (Have racrciiant distinguish betwxcn pricc of material ami amount oflabor involved.) jj/) Wormser Hal Stores, Iac., Men's Hate, Caps, Ties and Gloves. (E) Bactirach, !nc., Photographers, 111 Disie Terminal Bidg. (E) Bond Clothes, Inc., Men'sClothing and Hats,JSO ^'alnut St. (E) The Robert J. Bcnser Co., Carpets, Rugs, Linoieums, Race and PearlSts. (E) Bostonian Shoe Co., Shoes. 514 Vine St. (E) H. J. Cain Fish & Poultry Co., Fish, Game, PouJtrv, Inijjortcd and Domestic Dciicsitcsscn, 531 Main St. (B—) Tho Denton-Jonap Co., Women's Rcady-to-Wcar Apparel, Yard Goods, 415 RaccSt. (Itemized receipted billsrequircxl.} <K) Emerson Shoe Co., "Honist All Through." Men's Shoe, 16,50 and 87.50j also Hosiery, 520 Vine St.; 615 Walnut Sta. (LaW and Repairs included) Ertel Ughting Co., Electrical and Radio Store. EicctricFixtures, Lamps, Norcltics, Electric Refrigerators, Washers, Sweepers, Radio Setaand Supplies, Repairson Radios,Household Wiring and Equipment. (Labor, Repairs. Alterations and Parts included.) 21 E. 8th St. (E) The Excelsior Laundry Co., laundry. Clay and 14th Sts.; 600 Walnut St.: 1348 Vine St.; 809 Elm St. Onephone coDDccting all branches—Canal 2084. (G—) Edward A. Forter, Florist, Cut Flowers, Potted Plants, Shrubs and Decorations, 128 W. 4th St. (E) E. Klein & Son, Optomstriets and (^ticiana. Eyes Examined, Lcnsee Replaced, Glasses Furnished, 435 Kaeo St. (Repairs, iacludcd). (E) Krauss Radio Co., t*nitcd Sport Shops, Athletic Goo<ls, R.idioa and Radio Equipraonf. Fishing Tackle and temping E<iui(>mcnt, Kodaks. Motion Picturc Apiwratiis. Jjuos. Bicyol^M, Sport.'iiv-car for Men and Women, 111 E-Fifth at.; 804 \ me .St.; 4033 Hamilton Ave., Northaide John Lee Shoe Repairing Co., Shoe Repairing. 107 E.6tb St. (E) The Lewis &Neblett Co.. China, Glass and Queensware. Lamps, n7E.5lhSt. IE) the McCormlck-Moats Paint Co.. 710 CeDtroI Awnue. Paints- Eon,I mil. O. VcRctablcs, Bakery- Gocds. Caiiilicp. Delitiltiiscn, Cie.irs. (Accounis uiustbe |iaid within {iO days.) 4927-20 Paddock Kd.. (B—)! Tel. Melrcsc 8402-03. Wyomiiie.O. TheJoseph R. Peebles' Sons Co.,Fancy Grcccrice, Meats. Friiltff, VeRcfables, Bakery Goods. Candies. Delicatcsseti, Cigars. (Accounts must Iw paid within 30 days.) Cor. Sprinnficld anJi Wyoming Ave., Tel. Valley 3010-11-12. (B—): Jones-Sparks Co.. Lcc of Conshohockcn Tires arid Tiilx-s,. Skid Ciiaina, Vuivanising. (Labor and Repairs includcil.) (E) H. Lesserand Co,, UnitedSport Shops, Athletic Goods, S|»ft W. 8th St. (a/ \'(,-gtlabka. Bakery Goods, Candies, Dfiliciitpsscn. Cigars. (Accounts mustbe paid within 30days.) 105 E. Fifth St., Tel. .Mnin 1101; 2445-51 Gilbert Ave., Tel.Woodburn 4. 5. 6. 7. 8i ^ und 60S0; and2727-29 Erie Ave., Tel.East 1681 1582, 1583 and lOa (B_) The H. Wm. Pohl Shoe Co.. Men's, Women's. Mieses' and ChllareasShooB. (Repairs included,) 608 and610 MainSt. (E) Pohl's Wslk-Over Shoe Co., Men's and Ladles' Footwear 821 >ine St., Grand Opera Uidg. ' (E) Chirlot Schuize Sons. Groeerits. Meats and Fruits, Cor. Ludlow andTclfrjrd Avcj. <B—) Souihwn Optical Co.. OpijciBns. (Spccial jihysicians' purchases cKluded.) 8 W. 7tfa St. (E) Henry Sternberger Co.. Inc.. nabordashcrv and Hnts. (AI (Altcrntiona iQcliided-j 8. E. Cor. Oth and Race:S. W, Cor. 7th and Vine (E) ;cludijd.) (E) Milflrim. Inc., Wmnen's Wearing Apiwrcl, Tailoring, Dresses, ! CuatB, Gonn.". fruits. Furs. Millinery. Gloves, Novelties. (Alteriatioiia and Hcpaira invludctl.) 1U07 Euclid Ave. (E) Goods, Radios, Radio Equipment, Camping ^uipmcnt. Kodaks. Motion Picture Apparatus, Guns, Bicycles. Sjwrts- I. Miller Salon, W<imnn'8 l^liocs. Hose, Millinery. Hiicklcs, Ibgs. (Labor. Repairs and .Mtvralions iiidudd.) 1309"Euclid Prosiiect Ave.; 304 Prftspcct Ave.; 14707 Detroit Ave. In Oppenheim, Collins& Co.,Women'sami Misses' Wearing.Apparel. wear for Men and Women, 714-710 Pnapect Ave.; 70li addition at 14797 Detroit .\vc.. Sheet Music, Musii'ai Instruments and Records. (Effective April 22, 1930.) (E) D. Asadorlan, Oriental Rugs; Cleaning, Repairing, Renovating and Storing, 2240 Euclid Ave. (B). Bachrach, lnc„ PhotographerB ofDistinction, 3605Euclid Ave. (E) The Bing Co., Inc., Furniture, Rugs. Stoves, Radios and other Household Gootls. 514 Prospect Xvc. (E) Bond Clothes, Inc., Men's Clothing andHats,0thandEuclid (E) Buckeye Office Supply Co., Social and Commercial Stationery, innting and Engniving. OfEce Supplies and Equipment (Labor included.) (Mcmlrership Savinne will be paid on purchases of a buaini^ charactcr providing the member is the sole owner of ttic business—Purchases Diado by partnerships or coriwrationa cannot becleared.) 1351 Ontario, cor. St. Clair 408 Hickox Bldg. (E) (Repairs and Alterations Included.) Cleveland Sport Goods Co., SMrting and Athletic Goods. Sport Clothing Camping Supplies. Guns. Ammunition, Fishing Tackle, E mh '.Vyc. (E) 11007-101I Euclid .\ve. (Address of store must be indicated on ,cacli bill.) (Beauty Parlur .'Servicedeluded) (E) The Physicians & Surgeons Pharmacy Co.. Prescription Special ists, Drugs. Toilet .Articles. Rubber Goods, Sick Room and Surgical S;ipr>li.'a. 10110 lluclid Ave., Tel. Cedar 2980; 1231)5 Cellar IM., Tel. Cedar OOUO Repairs and Alterations Included.) 20(53 E. 4th St. ''ri - J I'''?'re,'!, E:i3t C5 h (E) Hosiery. 18 W. St. Clair Ave.; 'V.oiiU® HaydenRoad; Ave.; 4104 lO-iOOPrari Ccii.irRoad; Ave,; 9847 2300 11816 Buckeye I^^rain Ave.; 1098 Fiilton Road: 5803 Broadway; 8428 Broad way: 1050U Superior Avo.. 1543G Waterloo Hd. Oavis, Hunt, Collister Co.. Hardw.irc, Paints, Cutlery, Rorricrratom. Kitchen Cabinets, Stoves andL'teasils, Washing Maeliinc" lapctrical Supplies, Pnorlint! Goods. Radio and Riidio Suniiiict (I.abor. Repairs and Parts ineiude«l.) 412 Prospect Ave. (E) Devoe &Raynolds Co,. Inc. (Dircet Stores. Inc.). Paints, Varnishes Brushes, Artists Materials. Dry Colors, Drafting Materials 1008 Euclid Ave. The Eagle Laundry, Laundry, St. Clair and 20th St. (E) The Engel & Fetrer Co., Furriers, 1244 Huron Rd. (Huron at Euclid.) (Uepuirs. Alterations and Storage included) (E) French. Shriner & Urner, Men's Show and Hcsiery, 1936-1945 E. Ninth St. (E) The Standiford Studios. (Mr.i. Etlici Siandiford-Mchiing), PlioiugrapluT.'. 521 liiikox bldg.. cor. Ninth & Euclid (E) Tha Strong-Keniiard Co., Disiieiising Opticians, Optical Goods. Hearing Aids. Artificial J'^yes, Aviators' Goggles. (Labor. Repairs and Alterations Included.) 2044 East Oth St. ami United Bank Bldg., 25th4 Lorain .\ve. (K) The D. 0. Summers Co., Cleaners and Di'crs. Dry Cleaning and Dyeing, Carpet and RueCle.ining: (Labor. Repairs andStorago Included.) 6202to6220C.irnMicAve.; 13101 ShakerBoulcvar.1; 1417 Euclid Ave-: Tel. Randolph /220 (\Vhulcs;dc I'urcliascs and Trade Sales excluded) (E) Wormser Hat Stores, Inc.. Mcn;a Hats Cai«. Tics and Gloves. (Jtenovatious Ineludod.) 313 Euclid Ave., /Oo Euclid Ave. (E) Columbus, Ohio Fr.inics P o r t r a i t s , - ' • » I ' - J Stoves, Household Supplies. Bishop-Kenneay Co.. i'"-- Hardware, .couniKhSt. (E) Bon'^CIoiLs"lnc!. Men's Clothing and Hats, 16 N. High St. (E) Lkeye Cleaning Co Dry C^n^ sSS. S"llaVtnm n Ti. Dichi The Iinintain Leo Tiro& Rubber Co. of New York. Inc. (Leeof Consliohockcn), Tirt'3 andTubes, 117 E. Rich ."^t. m.. Tel, Adams 6205 (G-) Frniinment Co.. OfRcc Furniture.manufactured Stationcrv, (Mereliandi-sc 62 E.Chestnut St.. 85 E.Long St. (Lead, Linstcd Oil, Turpontiae and .Alcohui excluded) May Furniture & Carpet Co., Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Stoves Refrigerators. (Trade-ins considered same as cash.) 30-38 e! Long St. (j7j Nitschke Bros., Everything in Paper. Demiison Goods, Favors Novelties. I'laying Cards. Seorc Cards, Office Sui>plira and Stationery, 50E. Gay St. (j.-j Nu Way Repair Company. Better Shoe Re;»iring. (Labor and Alteratioia included.) 149 E. .?tste St. (E) Quality Gift&Novelty Shop. TheGiftand CardShopofColumbir., "Shop ofGood Cheer," 145 East Broad St. [E) Tha Sherman-Leachman Co., Hatters and Haberdashcn-, 41 K. High St. (V) The Taylor-Williams Coal Co.. Coal and Coke. Office—526 Atlas Bidg., Tel. .Adams 7284; Yards—Cor. St. Clair and Curt'is Ave. Tel. Adams 9351. (Savings 15c. per ton.) Wendt-Bristol Co., Drugs. Drug Sundrif.=, Surgical Instruments, Stati'iiicry, Confectionery. Cigars, 51 E. .'itateSt. V',,Y|i,ff Co. and Allsteel products of the 22 E. Town St. Savings on Flowers (G—); on everythingdee (E) Wormsor Hat Stores. Inc., Men's Hats, Caps, Tics and Gloves. (Hcnovations Include"!.) ^'^MiiliTry! 5"SS. ^"tio^and Tho Jones Russsll Co., Florists, 1430 Euclid Ave., Union Trust BIdg., Cor.9tiiand Euclid Arc. Saviogs onTelegraph Delivery Ofdere (E); cverythinR else {(3—) The Home Furnishfno Co.. Furniture, ators, "Homes Furnished ComfWe. same ascash.) 239-251 S. Fourth St. 29 South High St. (E) Dayton. Ohio Banner Bazaar Store. Houbc Furnishings. Hardware and '^o.^s, 23 E. Third St. (bet. Main & Jefferson Sts.) (E) Barrar Floor Coverl;ig Co., Rn^s, Carpets, Linoleum and Draper ies. 20n E. Filth St. (E) Tha Booth Furniture Co., Furniture. 114-16 & Sth St. (E) The C-L Radio Co.. Radio Sets. Batteries, Tubes. Accessories. Maida L.inips and Electrical Supplies. (Membership Savings alloRcl on I'urciiascs madeon payment plan.) 8 So.Jefferson St. (E) Tha Dayton Furniture Co., Furniture. 26-28 West dth St. (Ej The Dinfe Sales Co.. Automobile Tires, Auto Acceesoriee, Tiro and TuboRe[)airs(C3eo!inccxeIuded.) 330 W, Monument Ave. (E) Tho Fashion, Women's and Misses' Ready-to-Wear, Millinery and .Shoes. I'S.MainSt. (Labor, Repairs, Alterations included.) (El FsntonCleaning Co., Cleaning and Dyeing, 108 S. Ludlow St., Td. .Main liOo (E) Finch Jersey Farms. Dairy Products, Milk, Butter and Cream, Rural Route No. 13 (C—) The Hirsch-Miller Co., Fioriau. 22 N. Ludlow St. (E) The IrvinJewellAVlnson Co..Paints, Glass,Bru.ihesnnd Pnintfrs' Supplier, 17 I.'. TliirJ ••^;tvinBfl on Linseed Oil, Turpentine. WhiteLead, Alevliol and Benzine (B—);on everythingelse (E) Otto Kuehn, Moving and Storage. Largest Moving Tnicka In Crating ofFurniture, 18!8 W. 3rd St., Tel. M. 5950 (E) London Hat House. Mm's Hatsand Furnishings. 29E. Third Sf. (E) The Metropolitan Co., Men's andBoj-a" Clothing, also Uniform^", Cor. 4tf. '-^"'iow Sts. (E) The Reed Optical Co., Optnmetrists nml Opticians. (Labor, Rep-iira and Alloratiuns includwi.) 30 Nii. Ludlow St. (E) Saohs Shoe Hospital, .Shoe Repairing. 100 So. Jefferson St. (E) Arthur Simmons. Automobile Painting, Dii Pont Ducoand I,ac- qucr J inL'h. fojis, Curtains, Seat Covets and Upholstering (Labor and Reiwirs included.) Rear 005 W. 3rdSt. ^E) Smith's Studio. Pliotngraphers, 16E.Fourth St. (O-) Victor Furniture Co., Furniture Store. 27-2?t E. 6thSt. (E) Hamilton. Ohio S;n' ilS is"tl'r5"m«.er of the liu..ii.c«.) l^ mad. by• piirtncrsliip or corjioralionj cannot be c!eare<l) Storage inrluded.) 133 E. Bmad St. (E) The Wilson Seeil & Floral Co., Flowers, Seeds, Goldfish.Canaries. V,>' r' C r ,- nreliidcii > CMt-mbersliip .Savings will C.oncra! lircproofinR • elinrneter, providing the Mrs, Euaeno Gray, (j;) Luchtenberg'a, Jewelry, Diamonds, Silverware. (.Alirrations and Repairs included.) Established 1860—198 S. High St. (E) Marietta Paint& Color Co., Paints, Painters'Supplies, Varaishe« IDavton. Lonit Distance Moving onr Siwcialty, also Storage and Argo &Lehne. .Tewclry,SlE.Oaybt. Diamonds, Silverware. (Alterations and Rcp;tirs included.) (k, Baker Art Gallery. "" (E) £ij*ae_3o^OurLUtof^loral3orl1oteU_on_P«£^J[^ (E) Thresher Bros., 'nc., Silks, Spool Silk«, Velvets, 1148 Euclid Avr. (Repaire Included.) 1909 CoM Shoes. Inc., Footwear of every description for Men The Joseph R, Peebles' Sons Co.. Fancy Grocerief, Meats, Fnjtts. Alterations and Parts Included.) 10613 buperior Ave. (L) Hie Lincoln Storage Co., Packing, Moving, Sliipiiing. Stor.ige, Silver Vaults. Intercity Moving. (Labor. Storage .ind Rentals Included.) 5700 Euclid Ave,, 11201 Cedar Ave. (El .Ncttietdn Sliws, 1244Euclid Ave. (E) Mnnon, Millinery, Statlur Hotel. (Repairs and .Mteratioiis In- New Contracts 2023-25 CnrncRic Ave. (Effective May 7, 1930.) Household .\ppiianocs. Lighting Fixtures and Everything Elec trical. (Trodc-iiia considered same as cash.) (Later, Repairs, Tho Mac Adams Co., Inc., Haberdashers, Clothiers. Ilaltcre and Cleveland, Ohio The Norfhside Painf Company, Painte. Supplies, efc.. 4009 Hamlllou Ave. (Repairs, .-Vltcrations and Rentals Included,J Tho Joseph R. Peebles' Sons Co.. Fiincy Grorerics. Meats, Friiits, Cincinnati Suburbs Cleveland Unifomi Co., Uniforms ofEvery Description. (Labor. The Fred Pagels Storafle Co,, Famiture. Storage, and Moving, 637 chairs, etc. (Trade-insconsidered same as cash.) 2731 Prospcct Ave. (D The Louis Klein Cigar Co., Cigars, Cigarettes, Smokere' Articles, liniwrted No\-e)tics. (Repairs Included.) 1300 Euclid Are at Huron; ISOl Iv. 13tb St. (Allcrtoii'Hotel) (L) H. Lesser and Co., L'nilcd Sport .''Iioiis. Athletic Goods, Simrt Gm»ls. Hadios. ifadio i'xiuitimciit. Campinc l^iuipmcnt. Kodaks, .Mcilioti Picture Appawtai. Hicycics. .Sportswear for Men and Women, 71-1-7IG ProspL-ct Ave.; 700 Prospcct_Ave.: 30! Pn-awcl .\ve.;14797 Dctn'itAve. In additimi at 14-0/ Detroit Ave.. Sbi-ct Music. Musical Instruments and Records. (I-.) TIid Liberty Electric Co., Radio aud Radio Supplies, Electrical ^ ' Glasa, Painters' Supplies, Varnishes. Jones Surgical Supply Co., Surgical Instruments, Supplies and .\n|ili:incf3. Sick Itooni Sui)plie8, Ultra \'iolct Ray Lamps,Wheel (E) (Henov.itions Included.) 110 W.6th St. "thandVinc. (EffectiveApril21,1930.) (E) BenTobVt CustomTailor, 10 W. 7tli St. (Effective April 25, 1930.) Jones-Sparks Co.. Lcc of Consbolioeken Tire.s and Tulics. Skid Ciuiiiis. Viilc;iiiiziiig. (Liibor and Ik'iwirs included.) 2023-25 {.'arncgie .\ve. (E) 53 New Contract Krauss Radio Co.. United 8port Shoie, Alhlelic Go(d> (Trade ins consiCerM Plcas.^ Read Our Rulos on Page 12 REPUBLIC OF PANAMA—PENNSYLVANIA OHIO—OKLAHOMA—REPUBLIC OF PANAMA 54 Krauss Radio Co.i L'nitwl Sport Shops. AtfilcHc Gocxls, njuliw iinii iUidio Kquipmpnt, riehiiiR Tackle .itid Ciimpii'K i'k|iiir'tiunt. Kodiika, Motion lecture ApiKinilu?. Bicydw, S[)()rt3wcar forMen and Woint'ii, 150 HiirL SI. (li) The Robinson-Schwenn Store. Dcp-irtmcot Store. (Itemized receipted bills required.) Purchaaca on which tradbg staniM have been obtained (B—); everything eUa (E) Lima, Ohio DevoeA Raynolds Co., Inc. (Direrl Stores, Inc.), PMnta. Varnishes, Hrusiira. Artists' Materials, Dry Colors, Drafting Materials, irjMV. Market St. (E) ChasB National Bank. Bank, Cathedr.a! Plaza. (Plaza Indepden- Wlllenborg Bros., Men's Tailors. (Labor, Repairs and AlteratlonB cia.) Sjiecial attention to Scrvice Accouuts included.) 22 West High St. (E) Edward Wren Co., Department Store, Beauty Parlor included, Carlos A. Cowes (La Exposicion) (.Successors de Carlos A. Cowes Co.), Manufacturers of Native Miihoganv Furniture, Furnitur?Rues. Linoleum and lee Boxes. (Ijbor, Repairs and Alterations included.) 2S Central Ave. (j;) French Bazaar (Heurtematte & Co.. Inc.). Department Store, and Women's Wearing Apparel, Men's Clothing and Furnisliings, Fli'rshcim Shoes, Hartmann Luggage, China and Glass 23-31 E. High St. (Itemizetlreceiptedbills required.) Purchases on which trading 6tanii>3 have been obtained (B—); other Pur chases (£)< Toledo, Ohio (.; BatJiraoh. Inc.. Photographers. 618 JelTerson Ave. Bond Clothes, Inc., Mcn'e Clothing and Hats, 424 Adams St. (E).. (E) Fame Laundry Co., Laundry (E)' Lorain, Ohio Holmes Snow-Flako Laundry Co.. Laundry, 00"-60y JefTerson Oond Clothes, Inc.. ^fcn'BClothing and Hats, 300 Broadway. (E) Tolsdo Laundry Co.,Laundry, 2125-2127-2I2d Ashland Ave. (E) Ave. (Snow-l'lake Bldi;.) ware, Central Ave. and 8thSt. Internalion^ opposite Railroad Station on Plara doilayo. (Cash sales slips in Cafe must bestamped in Office) (£) R, LInce & Co., 83 Central .\ve. opp, 15tbSt, Panama Hats and Bags (E) I . L. Maduro, Jr., Souvenirs. Curi(a and Gifts (Toys), Simrting ^(E) Massillon, Ohio T!io American Laundry & Cleaning Co.. Cleaners, Dyers, Laund-'rers. Rug and Carpet Cleiains, 111-113 N. Erie St. (E) Goods andChinese Silk Goods, Catljc<lral Plaza, opposite Central Hotel (E) Nina Mnstellarl. Women's Apparel Shop—Specialists. Chlldrens and Women's Dressmaking. Esclusivo Agents for Lcnci Dolls, Children's Coats and Felt Hats. (Labor, Repairs. Alterations included ) Central Ave. and SthSt. (E) Yoiingstown, Ohio Bond Clothes, Inc..Men'sClothing and Hats, 2 E. Federal St. (E)' MIddletown. Ohio The John Ross Store. Department Store. (Itemised receipted bills OKLAHOMA required.) Purchases on wliich trading atamps Lave been ob tained (B—): everything else (E) Ave. (Kepairs included) (E) Panama Hardware (M. Cardoze. Jr., Prop.), Hardware. Tools, Klcctrieal Supplies, Paints. Guns. Ammunition and Cutlery, (E) 4 .Sosa St. .at Cat^le^ir.^l Plnzn. 125Central .Ave. Compania Panamena de Fiierza y Luz, Electrical Supplies, Radio ..ets jinci P.irta. (Fans. 00 Cycle; Motors. Universal.) (Repairs niruidcil.) (Consumption of electric current and cos excluded.) caiita AnaPlaza. (E) (E) Oklahoma City, Okla. New Contract Wormser Hat Stores, Inc., Men's Hatn. Cape, Tics and GloAm Krauss Radio Co.. United Sport Shops, Athlciic Uoocls, ILidii'9 and RadioEquipment, Fishing Tackleand Campins Equipment, Kodaks, Motion Picturc Apparatus, Gun^, Bicycles, Sjwlswcar for Men and Women, -1/OS Main Ave. (Effective April 22, 1030.) (E) (Renovations Included.) 202-A W. Main St. (E) ' Tulsa, Okla. DevoB & Raynolds Co.. Inc.. (Direct Stcrcs, Inc.), Paints, Varn Are. SorlnoflBld, Ohio (j:) (Repairs included. (jj) Tel. 435 Panama Portland. Ore. (E) Lee Tire & Rubber Co. of New York, Inc. (Lcc of Conshobockcn). (E) Tires and Tubes, Broadway<fe Flanders ineludc<i.) 36 N. Fountain Ave. The Hadloy Co., Furniture. Stoves, Rngs and Complete Home Furnishingfl. 51-57 West Main St. The George Haueke Co.. Hardware. Metal Work. (l^Tiite Lead. Liaseed Oil and T^pentme ex cluded.) (Labor and Repairs included.) 331-333 Ueat Main St (•tv) The Hofman-Orean Jewelry Co., JeTrclry, Diamonds, Watc^ (bj L'ndsey. Inc., Footwear for Men and Women. Featuring "Arch Preserver" and "True-Poise Shoca." (Hosiery eicluclea.) i-o r.. Main St. Massman's Pantltarlum, Cleaners andDyerfl- (Repaid ntiooB included.) 17W.High St. ^' George E. Meek &Co.. Sporting and Athletic Goods, Gum, Ammunition, Fishing Tackle, Bicycles and Canocfl. (Itepaire laid Installment Accounts onRadios included ) 34SouthLime- stoue St, (E) FrankJ. Plerson, Automobile AccesBwiM. Tiresand Tubes,Radios andRadio Equipment. (Repairs included.) 117E.HighSt. (E) T. B. Ream & Song, Groceries, Meata, Fruits and Venetablee, 225-227 Chostaut Ave., Bell Tel. Center 42M20 TheAmerican Bazur.8.030 FrontSt. Men's Clothing, Furnishings and Shoes, Ladies' llceo and Evening Slippers, Luggage and• French Baziur (Heurtematte & Co., Inc.), Men's and Women's (E) Francisco F. Lobalo. Panama Hats and Bags. Money Eicchange. (Labor, Kepairs andAlterations included.) 10.041 FrontSt. (E) Pan-American Drug Storo (N. Salazar). Drug Store. 9.038 Front (E) St., Bohvar St., No. 4.000 and Bolivar St.. No. 11.180 Compania Panamena de Fuerzay Luz,Electrical Supplies, Radio' Setsand Parts. (Fang, 00Cycle; Motors. Universal.) (Repairs Ancon Greenhouse, Flowers, Plants and Floral Designs. Sa%ings on Telegraph Delivery Orders (E); everything else ((5—) Luis Angellnl. Fancy Groceries. Bottled Bevcragea, 179 Central Ave., cppMite Railroad Station (E) Wado Optical Co.. Optometrist and Optldaa, Binoculars, Opera GImmb, Field Glasses Caota. (libor. Repairs and Alterations mdudcd.) 41 fl. Fountain it#. (O—) (E) Prof. W. A. Weidner, Optidan. (Repairs, Alterations and Parts Included.) 528 Hamilton St. (E) Wood & Doty, Men's Wear, 637 Hamilton St. (Alferations In cluded.) (E) Altoona. Pa. FMter's Cleaners & Dyers, "Fur or Fabric, vre clean and dye it." (Ren;iirs, Alterations and .Storage Ineludcd.) 1111—lllli St. (JO Lippman's, Inc., Jewelry (li) Ardmore, Pa. (See Philadcljjhia Suburbs.) Beaver Falls. P.i. Fame-Beaver Valley Laundry Co., Launderers, 700 Eighth Arr. (E) Bethlehem, Pa. New Contract Braddock. Pa, Carbondale. Pa. (Seo KllsburBh Suburbs.) (See Scranton Suburbs.) Bryn Mawr, Pa. Accessories. (Labor. (See Philadelphia Suburb.) "Si:. » > = - • ' I S i Cannonsbura. Pa. .P'' .un ftnnds Co.. "Athletic Allemovm SporlJ)g 533 n. 6thOutfitterfl St. of Quality." (E) Price's, Men's and Boys' Furnishings, Hats and Shoes 8 West Bachrach, Inc.. Photographers, 1J23 Hamilton St. JE) John Bowon Grocery. Inc.. Groceries, Meats, Fruits, Vege(^>i™. Central Millinery. Millinery, (lieimirs and Alterations includ^) (E) PikoSt. _ . 310-^51 ilaiuilton St, Farr Bros. Co.. Sbocs for Men, Women and Children. {«ero|ra included.) 730-741 Hamilton St. 'W' dean and dyo Dunmore, Pa. dA Included.) 528 Fallow(E) Easton. Pa. The Ad^s Co., Women's Apparel, Coata. Dresses, Hala ete (Repairs and Altemlions Included.) 411C Northaiupton St. (E) liicludeil.) Ceiilru Sfiuare (E) Farr Bros. Co.. fJliocs for Men, WonK-n and Chiluren. (Rcimin. ' ' The Uwronce Hoiel (European Plan), Rooms and Realaurant (C0U1.011S orRccrii.ts sent mbv Tourist Agencies exc'udetl) Reliable Homo Furnishing Co., Furniture, 1213-1219 Slate St. (E) Please Rnad Our Rules on Page 12 Pleai^ So» Our List of Membor HotaU on PayQ_Jl_ * ' Erie, Pa. Hupaire, Storage and Purls Included.) IStk «nd noouiwR Sis. .' (E) ' Charlerol, Pa. (See Scranton Suburln.) J. E. Dulanoy Tire Service, Auto Farmacla Central. Espinosa 4 Co., Ltd., Drug Store, Central Ave. and 10th St. 207N. Sth St, llamiltoD St. Cream, Buttermilk, Cheese, Avondae Farms Dairy, inc., fB-tWehem) (B—) Butter. Conestoga and Prospect M-c. (BctWehM; W Panama City, R. P. The Stanlon Studio (W. ft. Blddle). PhotogrBpher, Picture Frninee, (B—) Leh Cleaners & Dyers, Cleaners and Dyers, 310 Hanover St., fi'id ivc*^"^' ^ The Scadron Optical Co.. Inc., Opticians. (Repairs included.) 0.034 Front St. near Otli (g) The American Baraar, 35 Central Ave.. Men's aothing, Furnish ings andShoes, Ladies IIoso andlivening Slippers, Luggage and Perfumes. (Bills and sale alips must bear the name of The (G—) (BetUch.m) (Mo (g) ati'l IceCream. (In buying Springfiold PurityIce Crcimi from !i!iy dealer in Springfield, secure rcccipted bill with the v.ordfl 'Springfield Purity lccCrcom" included.) 205-211 .S. Wittenberg Ave., Td. M0-M7 (B-) iramiDB and Developing. (Lttbor. fervico and Merchandi-o incwaeu; Gran Hole! Imperial (European Plan). Rooms and Retaurant American B-iiaar) Storage, Hciital.i and Pitfis Included.) 544 Hamilton St. (E) fVlillard A. Kuder, Cwil and Wood, 330GordonSt. Th. Adams Florshcim Shoes. Hartmann Luggage. 10.086 ®(^) Springfiold Purity Products Co.. Miik, Cream. Butter, Buttermilk, mcliidtd.) 20H8. Fountain Ave. Buffer Con"^"w "'d tive April 0. 1930.) attention to Service Accounts included.) 8.020 Front .St, (p;) X./.nrfain Farms Dairy. Inc., Milk, Cream, Buttermilk, Cheese. (£) Chase National Bank, Bank, Masonic Temple, Bolivar St. Special F?ont sf HnmilionSts. Kramer's Music House, Musical Instruments, Victrolas, Radios, Sreinway. Hanlman and Other Makes. Sheet Music. iRcpairs, Avondale Farms Dairy, Inc., Milk. Cream, Buttermilk, Chee.e Butter, Conestogn and Prospect Ave. (gllj Bethlehem Hotel (European Plan). Rooms and Bestauranl (E> New Contracts lerfuTncs. (Hilla aud Sale Slii* must bear the naoio of The chen Vteusils, Stoves, Gasoline and Oii, PlumwDg and Sheet Clocks, Cut Glass and Silverware. 67-69 Arcade Blug. Allentown, Pa. Colon CHy. R. P. Amcncan Bazaar) J.F Hern&Bro., Florists. (Uentalslncluded.) 32N.6thSt. (E) Keller's Gift Shoppe, B«oks, Stationery, Art Novelties, 6th and Avondale Farms Dairy, Inc., Milk. Cream, Buttermilk, Chec=e rn"in i''' nnti Prospect Ave. (Effective April <> (B-) PENNSYLVANIA REPUBUC OF PANAMA The Gray Electric Co., Ererytbing Electrical, Falurcs, Supplies, Household Appliances, Radioa and Radio Equipment. (Pai^ IK) (E) E, C. Denfon Co.. Men's and Boys' Clothing, High and Lime stone Sta. riers. (Itejiairs. .Alter.itions and Storage Included.) 953Hamilton Harold Furniture Co. of Allentown, Household Furniture, 730 HamiltonSt. (li) Trott. the Cleaner, Cleaning. Pressing ami Dyeing of all kind*. (Labor, Repairs and Alterations included.) Calle J No. IS, OREGON Guns, Bicycles. Sportswear for Men and Women, 4708 Main Thee Paint &Glass Co., Paint.Store, 4537 Main St. it." {Repairs. .Vltcrations and Storage Included.) 1032 Haa'illoii f^i. (K) Hamilton Fur Co., Women's ami Men's Fur Coats. General Fur Sooks and Stationery, Avenids Central No. 35 Tho Scadron Optical Co.. Inc.. Opticians. 23 Central Ave. ishes, Brushes, Artists' Materials, Dry Colors, Drafting Mater ials, 101 W. 2nd St. (E) Krauss Radio Co.. United Sport Shops, .\thlctic Goods, Radius and Radio Equiliment, Kodaks. Motion Picturc Apparatus, Footer's Cleaners 4 Dyers. "Fur or Fabrie, we dean and dye Jose Mistsll, .Tcwelry. Pearls. Diamonds, Watchcs,etc., 29Central MuskogeB. Okla. Hotel Severs (European Plan), Rooms and Restaurant Norwood. Ohio (E) (American Plan), Rooms and Restaurant, 55 PENNSYLVANIA PENNSYLVANIA 56 Cusack Hardware Co.. General Hard^vorc. Tools, Cutlery, ftinti, Graansburg, Pa. Fooler's Cleaners & Dyers, "Fur or Fabric, we clcan and dye it." (Repairs, Alterations and titoragc Included.) 129S. Maple Avc. Builders' Suppliesand Garden Supplies, 1004 ArchSt. St. Harrlsburfl. Pa. Fama Laundry Co., Laundry, 1005 N. iiLUh St. (E) Footer's Cleaners & Dyers, "Fur or Fabric, we clean and dye it." (Repairs, Alterations and Storage Included.) 20< Locuat St. (E) The Pcitn-HarrlB Hotel (European Ean), Rooms and Restaurant. (Coupons or Receipts sent in by Tourist Agenciesexcluded) (E) (E) Doughtery's (H. D. Dougherty & CO.), Bcddins, Bos Springs. Mattresses, Pillows, Ucds. (Repairs Included,) 1909 Chestnut ' •- '(E) The Edward Tailoring Co., Made to Order Clothes. Ed«vard Clothes—"Made for You.'[ IGth &MarketSla,.34So.52nd)St., Uiiivrrsity of Pennsylvania, Houston Hall, Gcrmanloun,'Dis trict, 5 W. fhclten Ave. ^ (E) William Siiewcll Ellis Studios. Photograjiheru, 1435 CiivRtliut St. „lh;) Fritz & La Rue. Inc., Oriental and Domestic Rugs onil Carects including finishing and laying parquetfloora, storageand lean Haverford, Pa. ing ofrugs and repairs, 1015 Chestnut St. New Store Qashrach Inc. Photograpbers, 345 W. Lancaster Avc. (E) ^ (E^ Gaudin's, Inc,, Kitchen Speririltics, French Pastries, Homo Mode Ice Cream, Fancy Delieacies, etc.. 232 S. 46lh St. (E) A.H. Geuting Co,, Shoes andHosiery forallmembers ofIhefamily Military Footwear, 130S Chestnut St., 1230 Market St. and 19 S, nth St. ilaslirach. Inc.. Photographers. 345 W. Lancaster Ave. (E) (E) F. C. Goodwin Co., Hardware, Garden and Lawn Supplies, House Furnishings. Trunks. Bags. Si>or(ing Goods, Auto ^Sundries, Tools and Cutlery, S801-3 Germaatown Ave. Johnstown, Pa. Tcotw's Cleaners & Dyers, "Fur or Fabric, we clean and dye it-" (Repairs, Alterations and Storage Included.) 413FrankUn .^l. (E) nallistein's Jewelry. 529 Main St. (E), < . (E) J. J. HabBrmohl's Sons, Florists, Belic\'ue-Stratford: Diamond and 22<i Sis. <G— ) Harburger Bros., Diamonds, Watches and Jewelry. 1014 Chcatnui St. (Partial Payment accounts included.) (Trado-ins e-t'diSietl) "(E) Lancaster, Pa. HarolU Furniture Co. of Lancaster, Household Furniture, 25 lAstlvingSt. <E) Media. Pa. (See PhiJadelpbia Suburbs.) McKeasport. Pa. Tuning and Repairing, also llscd Pianos and Players, ilerthan- disc Sold on Rental Payment Plan. (Savingson receipted bills only.) M17-1119 Chestnut St. and 1300-2-4-G N. 6tb St. (Tradc- and Valet Service, Chestnut below 13th St. (Dinner Parti^Jand Norrlstown. Pa. Banquets excluded) Bamot, Inc.. Dyeln? and Cleaning ofMen's and Women's Appard. of Carpets and ofRu^, 27 W. Main i-t. (E) Philadelphia. Pa. New Contracts William Stiewell Ellis Studios. Phnfograpbcrs, 1425 Chestnut Si. (I'fTcctive April 24, 1930.) Llewellyn's Drug Store. PhiladelrWa's Standard fof over 70 yciR, 1518 Chralnut St. (Kffcctive April 18. 1930.) (h) AdBlpliia Hotel (Kurnpean Plan). Rooms and R<»tauront, I.'iurulry Vaiot Service, Chestnut below I3th St. (Din^w I'arl:c3 ;ind Banquets excluded) _ i j. American Ice Co,, Ice, 121 N. Broad St., Tel. Spruce 7600; 4/tU A G:rard Ave., Tel. Greenwood 0480 Baihrach, lnc„ Pbotoy^phers, 1715 Chestnut St. w George B. Bains &Son, Inc-.Tninks, Travelinz Requisites. O'liiiis, fliovcu. Cunes and Umbrellafl, 1028 Clicstnut »t. and !5ii> ('iu-?lnut St. Baker Compressed Air Carpet Cteanlno Co., Carpet and Rur JM' '!-- IlcDiirs, Altcratifjns and Storage inclu'lad,) N'-.rtli !2th St. (G—) 3orrelt, Nophewsfi Company, Old i?tatea Island Dyeing EstablishInc., Cleiiners and Dyers, 118 8, 12th St. Tel. Penny- (F—) Salveratnitlia (Optical Depftrtment Included,) (E) A. Boardsloy &Son, Contracting Piiintera. 1219 N. luh St. (E) L. C. Blundin &Co., Lifting Fixtures, lilcctrical Suppliea and Api)li ine-ja (Ripjirs incliidcfi.) 28So, 56lhSt. , (E) insexdudcd) (E) HotelAdelphta (Kurnpcan Plan), Rooms and Restaurant.Laundrv (SeePitffiburgb Suburbs-) 1018 rirfliiiutSt. (Convenient iiefcrred pnymcnts) Market St. C. J. Hcppe & Son. Pianos and Player Pianos. Radios, Victrolas 4nd (E) Bornot. Inc., Dj'ciitR jui'l f'|panin« of Men's aiul Women's Apparel, 'Il-HiA 'l, I"r."?,'."••""i A WiieliJG28 Avc,.Fairmount 15:16 Oicstnut Wiilimt Sl«„ 127 candSt., Avc. Kt.. (K) ' • (E) Hotel Ritz-Carlton (European Plan), Rooms,llestaurajit, Laundry and Valet Service. Broad and Walnut. (Dinner Parties and Banquets excluded) (E) House of Wenjer, Gowns, Coats, Wraps, Furs, MiJIincrj' Lingeric, Perfumes. Dags. Novelties, Scmi-precious Jewelry and Acecfisorica for Women and Misses. (Repairs and Storage In cluded.) 1229 Walnut St. ' (E) Harry C. Kohn & Son, Inc.. Hcusehukl Furniture and Furnishing?, ATens and Won^n s Wearing Apparel, Dmnionds, Watches, hilverware and Clocks, Autotrobilc Tires, (labor. Repairs, Alterations, Storage. Rentals, Parts included.) (TradMits rausidcr«! same a.s cash,) Elevcnlh and Filbert Sts.; 020 Market St. . (gj Keim Supply Co., Inc., Sporting and Horse Goods. Autoinobile Accessories. Photomphic Supplies, Radiolas and Radio Sup- Vcoj' 1S24-26 MarketSt. ICast Norris and Girard Aves.; Mason-Adams Yards: 40th and Grays .Ave.. Phone—Baring 5140, ynd Upper Darby. PhoneMadison 3U50: Mason-Scholes Yard: 4tb and Alleghenj- Ave.. Phone—Regent 130S: Mason-Ogdcu Yard, S«artiiuiore. (Members are requested to order from the nearest y.inl.) ftaviiigs 20c per (on. Mildsn &White, Inc., I'oiiltrv, Game, Terrapin. Fish and .All .Sea Foods. 1207 Filbert St,: 1212 Filbert St..Tel. Locust 54t;0 (H—! J.Frnnklln Miller. Inc.. Household Furntihings, Fireplace Eijiiipmenl, Elcctrical Goods, 1720 Chestnut St. tb) Miller North Broad Storage Co.. Storage, XfOT-inj?, Shipplns. Packing, Main Office auu'torage.Broad atoveLehigh, Branch Warehouses, 52nd and iJaltimorc Ave,, 5301 Gerinantown A^. at Penn St. Charles Mulh & Sons. Jewelers. Diamond Merehants and O))Iielms, 1030-32 ^ 3C3i)-37 Gormantown .\ve.; 55*15 Newman Gallerlss, Pictures, Etchings. WaterColors, Engranngs, iNLrrors. PictureFramint', 1'32 Chestnut St. (E) Oppenhelm, Collins & Company, Women's and Misses' Wearing .\pparcl. 1126 Chestnut St. (Address of storemust be indicated on cacbbill.) (Beauty ParlorSen-ice excluded) (E) Pmmount Tire Co.. Tires and Tubes. (Lnbor and Repairs includctl.) 093 N. Brond Si, Phoonlx Paint &Varnfeh Company, Mixed Paints, Glass, Varni-shes, Lnamele, Lulora inOil .ind mJapan. Smins. Fillcre andBrushes, II 1 ^ Linseed Oil, Turpentine and Alcohol excluded) '^'llC So''iafh and Labor Indudi^') Tiris and Tuljfs. Broad 4 Spring Garden ' (p:) The Linen Shop (H. T, Patterson). A completeline of Household I.inens, Blankets. Coniforta and Spreads, Silk Hosiery nod Handkercliief.'!, Perfumes. ToiletPreparatiocs. etc., 1318 Walnut St. (D-) Llewellyn's Store.St. Philadelphia's Standard for over (E) 70 years. 1513Drug Clicstnut M & H Sportlni) Goods Co., Sporting Goods for Every Ocoanpn. bunsand FLnhing Tackle Repaired byExperts. 512 Market W. J. McCormack. "The Homo of GomI Furniture." L.iHni9l';r Ave. (E) Reid & Fort. Clothiers and Furnishers. Ready-imulc Clothing. Hats and Men's Furnishings. Branches at II S. 15th and 1119 Market (E) Renzulll Brothers & Co., High Grade Tailors. (Repairs and Alterations Included.) 1120 Walnut St. (E) RllZ'Carlton Hotel (European Plan). Rooms, Restaurant, Laundry and ValetBcr\-ice, Broadand Walnut. (Dinner Partiesand Ban quets e.\cludcd) (E) C. A. Rowell. Women's, Misses' and Ciiildren's Ready-to-Wear Clothing andFurnishmgs. Linens, 5GI5-17 Gcrmantown Ave.<E) William C, Rowland, '"c- Military Uniforms for every purpose. (Alterations Included.) 1022-24 Race St. (B) Sautter's. IceCream, Confectionery, Pastry, Candies andRestaur ant, 1227 Chetnut and 1419 Locust Sts. (E) Sentt AHunslcker. Haberdashep', Sportswear nod Custom ftfade Shuia Shirt Hospital. (Labor, Repairs and Alterations in- fSdS,)^'lOS S. Thirteenth St. Manon, Millinery, AJolpbia Hotel. Included,) Pteaac See Our List of Member Hotels on Page 11 (Repairs and Alterations (gj House of Wenger (Sec listing under "H") ^5®'5"? Furniture oilo iVJarket 5t. Co., Furniture, Rugs, Radios and Victrolas ^£j Willies. Brown 4 Earie. Int., Photographic, Optical. Motion lKt.ire, LnKUieering. .Microscopical Supplies, Thornioinclcr^ Slides and Stercop: tuuHS. 7i (LaW, RepairsCentnfup. and PartsLantern induded.) ifilmo PrL jcctor.s and Camms: Transits and Level.-; e.vcludui., iMcmbersliip :-avinss will bt.' paid on piiri'li:is«< nf a busincfs rliarartcr pr.-ividing the meniber is the sole owner ofthe tmsines." Purchases made by partncrsiiips. corporations and Govermneni contract purchases c.tnnot be cleared.) 918 Chestnut St, (E) Vifrlflht. Tyndale & van Roden. Inc.. Glassware. China, Silver Fancy Pieccs, Earthenware, Pottery. J7Itt Chestnut St, (E) nv'r^'sh Gmde Cigar.. Tobaccos and Smol:e,s' tlSHn f^ (\VidencrBldc.) Also Stand in , ^^'•"'esale purchases (Sariiigc(E) on Litarettea mcartons and Cigars in boxesexcluded,) only) Frankford District American Ice Co.. Ice. 4455 Paul St., Tel. Jefferson 4070 (E) Will S. Gibson Biryrlw, Si>orlinB Goods Guns. Ainn^unition I'lnhniK tackle, hodaks and Airateur Finisliing, Radio,-' ami liadic) Supplies, 40211 Frankford Avc. • (K) Standard Radio Co.. Riidio.?, Complftc .Sets nnd I'arts (Repairs. Labor and Parts iiu'liided) 4i},j9 Fr:inkford Ave, Gcriimiilou'ii (E) District American Ice Co., Ice, Walnut Lane 4 Belficld Ave., Tel. \'ictor 0200 (li) Bachrach. Inc., Photographers. (K)33 Gcrmantown .Avp. (F) Bornot.Inc.. Dyeing and Cleaningof Men's and Women's AppDrcl, of Carpets and of Rugs, 5904Germantown Avc. (El A. H. Geuting & Co.. Juvenile Shop, Berets. Hnsicrj', Leather Coats, Shirts. Sweater Snits, Shorts. Sweaters, Ttcnch Conts, W'indbreakers, Zipper Play Suits, Zipper SportBlouses forBoya; Berets, Ensembles, Hats, Coats and Purses. Hosiery, Lenther Coats, legplngs, Swenters. Sweater Suits.Trench Coats, Windbreakers. Zipper Play Suits. Zipper Sport Blouses for Girls, .18 W Chclten Ave. (E) F. C. Goodwin Co.. ITanlwnre. Garden and Lawn Siippli«, House FurnlshlnOT. Truuks. Baps. Sixirling Gocdc, Auto Sundrien. Toolsand Cutlery. 5F01-3 Gprm.mtown Ave. 1[0 Fred W. Kaplan, ITalter iind Men's Furnisher, Suits nnd Top coats mnde to onier, alsoReady Made Topcoats.5717Oerraantown Ave. (E) Lassen's. Diamonds. Jewelrj'. Watches, Silverware, Ivorywareand Cut Glass. (Repairs included,) 5505 Germantown An. and 3535 Germantown Ave. (E) (E) C. A. Rowell, Women's. MUsca' and Children's Ready-to-We»r Clothing and Furnishings, Linen.'. 5015-17 Germantown Atb. Theo FSlefert, Furs, Gloves, Caps, Storage, 1730 Chestnut ^St^ Smyser & Sc.if. Inc., Drugs. Gifts. "Toilet Articles, StiitwniTj, (E) Fountain rciw, Kodaks, An^itcur Finieblng. UnivcreaJ Elcclricul Applinnces and Sick Ro"in Supplies. (Tnlttccoe, except in ann cartons, excluded. Vocabonsalso excluded.) Gcrmanlown and Chclten Aves. Standard Radio Co., Co»ipltteSeto«iiJP«rlii. (Repair., sfMI No S I S ciil-o 3^- Spool Silks, Thresher KSSaSS Velvets. Table Linens, 132O ChestnutSt. (Wholeale Draperies, Rugs, AntsQues and Oitts, Jo Vigilant Co,, 5722-32 Inc.. I (Rep.^irsLaundry included,) Racef St. ^ •• (%' Measure. Furnishinj:.". 'XI to Wear Suits. Coal.o. Marine ((>rii9, \\miirnB Cl(.lhinR, niid AlterDressra and Furs, Boys' Clothmp, (l-awr. iui Otione nc uded.) Gtb and Markd i't®' (E) Standard Radfo Co,. R.adinp. Cnnplete Seta and Porte (Repairs I.ahrr .-'nd Part.^ incltided) 5607 Germantown Ave, (F) Stafon's Galleries. Art Gallpries, Picturee. Etchings. Water Colors, Fngrnvings, Mirrors. Picturc Framing (I-abor Induded) 8402 Gerraantow-n .\ve. <n. The J. G. Valiant Co., Nav>- and ' (f^) .MKu«ur... /;«rm^lunK. (Labor, Repairs and' Alterations in- ^{ationcr}-, Engraving, Office, Furniture, Uitts, 1nnting. (Membership Savings will be paid on purchases of a buemcM character providing the member is the soleowner ofthebusiness, Purclmsca made bypartnerships or corporations cannot be cleared). (Repairs,etc., included.) 1525Chestnut St Repairs. AlterationB andPartsincluded) • (E) Lane Bryant. Inc., Specialists inslendcriJing Apparel for MixJinm Stout Women and Misses, Maternity and Infante' Wear, Milli nery, f?hoc3 and Furs. Chestnut and12lb SU. (E) Lee Tire& Rubber Co. ofNew York. Inc. (Leo ofConshohoeken), William H. Wanamaker, M<fl-s Clothing. Rwdv Mudt :im.1 t,. cliidcil.t IJli-l.lli Chestnut St. Victor Products. Music Cabinets, Stools, Benches, MusicJlolls, Lansdowne, Pa. (.xc Pb:ladelphi.-» Suburhe.) puctciT lulO Harold Furniture Co. of Philadctphia, Household Furniture, "718 Msson-Heflin Coal Co., for all purposes, both atithracilc 57 (gj Kensitif7tPll Di.'IricI John D. Enrlght. Diamonds. Watches, .lewclry. Silverware Ivorv ware and Cut Glass. (Repairs included.) SCOO-3008 Kensington Ave. Samuel Relnhelmer Co.. Dept. Store— Remh -to-Wear for Wnt«=,« nnd Children-DryOoods, Men's FurniBhinra Toys -- at H..!idays. Front and .Susquehnnna Ave. nve. (R) Standard Radio Co,. Radios. ('.imDlefr Srla ami P«h. in i include,!) 28^ I'crmantown Ave, Plcasi: Rfad Q'"" Ri'lo" "" Pure 12 J (E) PENNSYLVANIA 58 PENNSYLVANIA Samuel H. Collins Co., Furniture, Draperies. Beddini^.^Gift Wares. Lamps, Domestic and Oriental Rugs. (Repairs inoluded.) 7030 West Garrett Ud. ' (K) Loijan District John £. Michael. Dnigs, Toilet Articles, Statioacp'. Kodalcs, Sick Room Supplies and MagariDes, UTndrimand Lirdley Avcs. (E) Mayers. Women's and Misses' Wearing Apparel. (Altera'tions ''IB) Included.) 7037Garrett Road Olney Dhlriet Richard's Boot Shop. Inc., Shoes for Men, Women and Chifdr'cn, 7041 G;irrclt Rd. Standard Radio Co., Radios, Complete Sets and Parts (Repairs, Labor and Parts Included) 6643 N. Fifth St. '"fK) Standard Radio Co., Radios, Complete Seta and Parts. .(Im (E} pairs, Labor and Parts included) 69th and Market Sts. '••'p) Ro.rborougli Dtslriel •1 Plttshurflh, Pa. John D. Enrlght, Diamonds, Watches, Jewlcry, Silvcrwaro, Ivoryware and Cut Glass. (Repairs included.) 0185 Ridge Avo, Goo, H. Alexander & Co., Inc., Commercial Stationery, Printing, linsniving. lilank Hooks, Loose Ix;af .S.v.slcma, Filing Cabinets and Supplies, Christm.'a Greeting Cards. Corrcspondt'w!! Papers. Fountain Pens, Leather Wallets. Brief Cn^, etc.(MctnV (E) Standard Radio Co., Radios, Complete Seta and Pargs (Reiwirs, Laborand Parta included) 6182 Ridge Ave. (E) bersiiip iSavings will be paid on purchases ofa busineM character providing the member is the sole owner of the business- Pur chases madeby partnerships or corporations cannotbe clearedJ 212 DiamondSt. (Ej PhUadelphta Suburbs Ardmorc, Pa. B. B. & B. Trunk Co., Trunks and Leather Goods. (Reiwirs included.) 438 Wood St.; 527 Smithfield St.; 410 Federal St_^^, Nnrtbsidc; Jenkins ,\rcadc New Contract ' l?2) Baker Office Furnlturo Co., Desks, Tables, Chairs. Globe-Wernickc Filing Cabinets and Bock Casc.i, Wood and Steel; Safes, FillAg Cabinels, .Supplies. (Membership eavinM will bo paid' on Llewellyn's Drug Store, Philadpliiiiiu'a Staii'lard fur over 70 years,-17-Anderson .\ve. (EQcctive April 18,1930.) (iv) purchases of a business character providing the membor- is sole owner of tlic business. Purchases made by partncrsbipe or coriwrationscannot bo clcared.) 034 Grant St The Ardmore Linen Shop, Ilouschold Linens, 54 K. Liincoatcr Ave. (E) (B) J. Barnett Co.. Military' and "Uniforms of every description; Custom and Heady Made Clothing, (I.abor, Repairs and Altera tions Included.) 8!0 Penn Ave. (E) Brenfano's, Inc., Books, Stationery and Periodicals, William Penn Hotel (E) Bachrach, Inc., Photographers, Kcture Framing nnd Hcture Frames, 3i5 W. Lancaster Ave. Bomot, Inc., D3'eini? and Cleaning ofMen's and Women s Apparel, of Carpets and ofRuga, 9 West Lancaster Arc. (E) Fanslow, Sportwcar {Alterations Included). 11 K. I^ncastrr Campboll-Nicdrlnghaui Co., Tires nnd Tire UepaiHng, Battc^cs Ave. A. H. Goutlno Co.. Juvenile Shop, Berets, Iloeierj-, lather Coats, Shirts Sweater Suita, Shorts. Sweaters. Trench Coals, l\indbreakers. Zipper Play Suits, Zipper Sport Blouses for Uo.vs; A, Maniaux & Son. I'bga, B.inncrs, Tcnls, Awnings, Water-Froof LV-ers, Cjiup Cots, Auto Tents iuid Army Goods, 120-122 . Jiecond A\'e., near Market St. (Repairs and iUtcrations inciudeJ) (E) Bf;|ldings and Embroidery, Jenkins .\rcade (E) Martin & Martin, Men's and Women's Higli-Grado .Shoes, Wm. Penn Hotel (E) McCloy Co., Blank Books, Loose Leaf Drviccs. Filing Supplies, Fountain Pens, Pcnrils, Printing, Kngraving and Christmas Canls, til2-054 Lilicrty Avo. (Membership .Savings mil be paid on purchases of a business cliaractcr prodding the member is the solo owner of the busiueas. Purchases made by partnerships or corporations cannot be cleared) (E) Milady Hal Shop, Millinery,310 Fifth Ave. (E) MunJoch Storage & Transfer Co.. Storage, Mo\-ing. Packing and Shipping. 54ti Neville St. .Savings on receipts amounting to SIOO or over(D); Savings on Receipts underglOO (E) Cppsnhelm, Collins A Co., Women's andMisses' Wcarlne Apparel, 525 Penn Ave. (Address of store must be indicated on each bill.) (Beautj-Parlor Serviceescluded) Perfect Laundries of Pittsburgh, Inc,. Laundry. (E) "We Bring It Back Finished In 24 Hours." 128 No. Lcsington Ave. (E) The Pittsburgher, Hotel (European Plan), Rooma and Restau rant, Diamond St. and Cherry Way (E) Georoo B. Reed & Co., Opticians, Ground Floor, Jenkins Arcade. (I^ibor and Repairs included) (G—) RIock-McJunkln Dairy Co., Tel. Aliamic 7300, Milk, Cream, Bulter-niilk, CcrtifiM Milk, Biiltcrand Eggs purrfjaicd dircct. Ice Croam purchnscd at any Btoro. {Note: SubmitforMcm^rship Savings thecomplctc side ofIceCream carton showing the liquid measure.) S.-vvings on piircliases of Milk,Cream, Butterroilk, and ComJenscti Milk (B); on purchases of Ice Cream, Butterand Eggs (C) and Hattrry RcehiirgiuK. Non-Skid Chains and Repairs, Car Lubrication, Electriral Refwiring, Brake Relining and Brake Schmidt's Kumfort Shoe Co.. Inc., Shoes and Hosiery for all Scrvicc. Ojwjn 7 A. M-to Midnight every day. (Labor, iStorago. Schneider, Men's Tailor and Iinjxirter. 2030 .Irnkins Arcade Blda. (E) mnnibers of ttie family, 027 Smithfield St. (K) Second Pool Coal Co,, Coal Duqucsnc Way and 6th St., Tel. Coats, LczBinia, Sweaters. Sweater Suits. Trench Coats, \\ md- Cochrane & Cochrane, Men's Fumiahtngs, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Importers and (Custom Shirt Makers, (Labor and Repairs E. Lancaster Avo. Included.) Jenkins Arcade .,(E> Demmler & Schenck Co., Kitchen Equipment. Cooking Utensils, Kitchen Cabinets, Refrignnitors, Ranges. Household Cutlery, Smithfield 1893, Membership savings I5c. j)er ton. Shields Corset Shop, Corsets. Lingerie. Negligees. Underwear. breakers, Zip^r Play Suits, Zipper Sport Blouses for Girls 1 John Jackson, Groceries and Meats, Fancy Fruit &VegetablesFree Delivery. 8 East Lancaster Ave. (U ) China, Glassware and Croekcry. (RcDairs included.) 432-434 Penn Ave.; 42a Penn Ave. (E) Llewellyn's Drug Store, Philadelphia's Standard for over 70 years, 47 Anderson Ave. ' ' Oewar. Clinton & JeRcoat, Interior Decorator; Furniture, Edward J. Lyons, Hardware, House Furnishings, Toys, Paints, Auto Draperies, Rugs and Upholstery. 422 Penn Ave. Supplies. 20 W. Lancaster Ave. (Purcha^ of Naiis in Keg Dlmllngs Candy Shops, Confectionery, 80t Liberty Ave.; 6l04 Penn Ave.; 428 Wood St;528Smithfield St.; 204 Stanwii St.(E) Lota. Coal Oil and White Lead excludd.) Sann^ Tissue Products. Radio Equipment and Worldsbcst VentilatOTS (B—): everything else * Footers Cleaners & Dyers, "Fur or Fabric, we clean nnd dye ;!•bt- ,(Bssmr. Hldg.); Alterations and Storage Included.) 110Ave'.; 0th 'JOO Federal ,St., N. S.; 4002 Fifth Scfaenley Ajits. (E) Friend & Co,. Furniture, Rugs, Household Goods, Talking Ma chines, htovM. Elcctrie Washers andBedding, etc. (Alterations, Repairs induded.) 0th and Penn Ave. fE) J. rranklln Miller, Inc., Household Furnishings Fireplace Equi^ lacnt. Electrical Goods, 24Lanc.iater Pike ^ ' Primrose Flower Shop, Florist. Flowers, Blooroing Plants. Pot tery. Candles, Funeral Designs, Wedding Delivery to Philadelphia, 12 W. Lancaster Ave. Savinra on Telegraph Delivery Orders (E);Everything else St.Mary's Laundry. Laundry I'J—' The Robert A. Fulton Co., Surgical Instruments, Orthopedic Apjiliances. Trusses, Kiltie Hosi6ry. Abdominal Supporters, Artifii'Wi Liintis, Audiphones, Micruscopos, Therapeutic and Ultra-Viulet It Lamta, Pliysieians'. linepitnlami Sick Room Bryn Maxor. Pa. fiornot, Inc., Dyeing and Cleaning of Men's and Women's Appare'. or Carpets and of Ru^, 850 Lancaster Ave. JenkintoivH, Pa. Bornot, Inc., DycinB and Cleaning ofMen's and Women's Apparef, ofCarpetfl andofRugs, 216 York Road (E) Vfipcr Darby Pa. ^ New Contract Supplies. (Trade-ins considered same aa cash.) 947 Libo-ty . Ave. (E) Wm. Grabowsky & Son, Fiirrirrs and Women's Apparel, Furs, Custom Made: Women's Coots and Wrnpe, Re.idy-to-Wcar and Custom Made. Dresses, Gowns andSuits. (Labor, Repairs and Alterations included.) ol4 Wood St. (B)\ Kllldorfer & Co., Moat. Poultry, Butter, Eggs, Cheese and Groccrics, Deliveries mnde on the North Side, 332-334 Federal St..N. S. Tel. Cedar !(957 and stands Nos. 13 and 14 Diamaad Market, "Tel. .'\tfanlic 1382 (C—) Hotel, The Pittsburgher (Europran Plan), Roonia and Rcatau* ftlchard's Boot Shop, Inc., Shoes for Men, Women and Chil dren, 7041 GurrtaRd, (Effective May 7,1930.) (E) (t;) Ban's Jewelers and ftilveniniiths. (Optical Department Ineluded.) 28 B. 69th St. {Convenient deferred p.-tymeiitc) (K) rant, Diamond St. and Cherry Way (f) Kaufmann Looby Co., Women's iMid Misses' Apparel and Ac«sSTiw. (Repairs. Alterations and Storage Included.) PennAve.) Iiftwecn (ith and 7th Sts. Leon Millinery. Millinery, 211 Fifth Ave. Plpase Sec Our List of Member Hotels on Paga 11 (E) (B) AUcfthcny District Wormser Hat Stores. Inc., Men's Hats. Caps, Ties iiud Gloves. (Renovations Included.) 17Federal St., N.S. r (E) John Martin, Inc., (The linen Store), Linens, Handkerchiefs, l?cnta!fi and Parts included.) (Trade-ins considered game as .(E) cash.) 5800 Baum Blvd.; 43S Boulevard of <UlicB . Berets, Ensemble, Hats, Coats and ^rsa, Hosiery, Lwliipr 59 (Repairs and Alterations included,) 210 Oliver Ave. (E) SingerPen& GiftShop,Fountain Pen Specialists. (Swan, Water man, I'nrkcr, Coiiklin. ctc,) Pen Repairing, Greeting Cards. Pictures and OddGifts, JenkinsArcade (E) Sam F. Slpe, Jewelers. Iniportem of Diamonds. Silverware, Clocks, etc- (Repairsinclu<le<l.) 424 Wood St. at Diamond (E) Spear S Co., Furniture, Rugs. Household Goods, Talking Ma- ' fhinM, Rndioa, Llectric Appliances. Stoves, Automobile Tires, Jewelry and Uedding. " Dormo»t, Pa. Dormont Greenhouses. Florist, Decorator and lAindscape Ar chitect, Cor. Pioneer AWaddington Aves. (G ) Fooler's Cleaners & Dyers, "Fur or Fabric, we eieaii and dye It. (Koiuirs, Alterations and Storage Included.) 3'">5 W Lllxrty Ave. Price's, Men's nnd Boys' Fornishings, Hats and Shoes, 28S8 West Liberty Ave. membcre ofthefamily, 2800 W. Liberty Ave. (E) iia.ff Liberty District East Liberty Spear Co.. Furniture, Rugs. Ilouschold Goods Talk ingMachines, etc. (Alterations, Kep.iirs iucluded.) Collins and Broad sts. P. Ludebuehl & Sons, Shoes and Hosiery for all members of tiro Family,Pcnn and Frank8townAves,(Shoe Repairing includedRE) Bill Melzfler, Men's Furnishings and Hats. 6266 Frankstown Ave (E) Pennsylvania Hardware & Paint Co.. Hardware, Paints. Glass, n')use Furnishing GmKis. Toys, Stoves and Furnacfs. etc.' 5lji)0 I'rnn .Vve. (Contruct W<>rk L'xeliidiii.) tlvj Wormser Hat Stores, Inc., Men'n liat:^. Co)*', Tics ;.iir| (lii'nMvati''iiB Iiitliidcd.) Ave. Frjnketoivii _ tillKi iVnn IE) ZlBfler Co.. Inc., Florists andHoriicultarisls, 8924-30 Baum Bhd.i East End (E) .1//. Lebanon, Pa. Price's, Men's and Boys' Furnishings, Hats nnd Shoes. 632 Wubington Road (£) Schmidt's Kumfort Shoe, Co.. Inc,, Shoes and Hnlery for all members of the family, 3229 W. Liberty Ave. (E) Pittsburgh Suburbs Draddock, Pa. Cronsnweth's Dye Works, Inc., Clmners and Dyere, 420 Llbrsb' St.. P. A A. Tel. Braddock 1082; Bell Tel- Braddock 1083-J (G—) Footer's Cleaners 4 Dyers. "Fur or Fabric, we clean and dyo it." (Uepnirs, Alterations and Storage Included.) 73J Brnddoek Ave. (E)- Thompson's. Furniture, itugs. Carpets, Stovw, Votallon Phono graphs andRecords- 624-626 Braddoek Ave. (.^Iterationa, Repairs included.) 916 Penn Ave. (E) Terheyden * Co.. Diamonds, Watches and Jewelrj-. (Repairs (j;) Schmidt's Kumfort Shoe Co.. Inc., Shoes and Hosiery for all (E) MrKeest>ort. Pa. (j.;) Footer's Cleaners 4 Dyers, "Fur or Fabric, wo clean and dye it." (Re|)air.i, .Micnilinns and Storage Included.) 625Locust Trinity Courl Studios—R. W. Jolmscm. Studio and Ilnme Por traiture. Scenic. ArchitcetumI and Industrial Photography 313 Pi^th Ave.. Savings on At-Home Portrait Sittings (E); every thingcIbc (G~) Tucker & Tucker. Men's Hats, Stetson, Mallorj-. College J-liill, Cronenwelh's Oys Works, Inc., Cleaners and Dyers, 023 Wood St., Tel. Franklin 0S<4 (G—) Miss E. B.MMwell, Florist and Decorator, 813 Wood St. (F—) iiiclud^.) 530 Smithfield St. I!'ill:i)isbur(j. Pa. f'n,* rjlm-esand Neckwear. (Reimira nnd AlterationsIncluded.) 546 aiKJ 100 Smithfield St. UnlkrwAin Rrn< Jd PubSuniis, Band and Orchestra Music. Ideal Pla.ver Kulla Evrrvthinif in Musical Merehaiirlise. l^cpairuig of Mnstr-al Instruments (Lalmr. Ilepfurs. Parts inehided.) (Trade-ins ;"S.r«is'nnie as cash.) 032-634 Liberty Ave, (K, Mrs. E. A. Williams, Inc.. Florist nnd Decorator, G21 Penn .Ave, George M. Wilson. Men's and Young Men's Clothing. Hats nml Furnishings. .«hoes -Foot-Joy. the shoe that " ^crent, Cham- l)Cr uf Ccmwcrcc Hldg., cor. Snnthfield St. 4 Ttli A\e. ( .) JojMlt Woadwell Co., Har.iware, Paints nnd .Automobile Acces*,rirs. (U'linlcsale purchases c:*ciuded.) Wood and Second A^m. Olid 2:{{". Third Ave, H. B. YsrtJum A Co., Oriental Rugs. Repairine and Hraning. (Alterntiors, .^toraci-. Rentals and Trade-ins liiclndetl) larniim RM^.. Reading, Pa. (10) \11 Kinds of Musicfll Iiistninients, Sheet Music Bicelmr nivrl,, William Penn Hotel Please Read Our Baehrath, Inc., Plintographers, Picture Framing and Pictnro I-'rainffl- 11!'N". 8th ht. ^j.-^ James S. Balthaser, Furniture, Radios, Pianos, Inlaid Linoleum, llcfrigcratora, Apjiliances, Washing Machines, Klectfie .Suee^rs, etc. (I.alxjr, Repairs, Alterations. Storage. Henfals ^tiydo J v'li' (Trade-ins considered snmc as ('nsh.t ^ uJh Included.) B'own's Music House, Baldwin AGulbransen Pianos, Vietrolns. Rndinl.18 andR.idios. Conn Band Instruments andSmall Musical Merchnndlse. 17N. SthSt, ().;) Bob Dulaney. Men's ClothinE. Hatwdashcry and Hats, Sitiin-' Block AI.angrock Clothei, Kno.x Hnts, CSS Penn St. iK) Farr Bros. Co.. fh.iea for Men. Women nnd Children. (Reimir# inehjiicd.) filb nnti Penn Sts. Frank The FlnrUt. Howrrs nnd Hnt House Plants, (Rrntals IncliulcKl.) JOOl l.nncaetpr Avf. (g) on Pagr 12 PENNSYLVANIA—PORTO RICO 60 Qelger Electric, Electric Appliances, Badios and Lighting Equipmcst. (Labor, Repairs, Alterations, Rcatala end Ports In cluded.) 663 Schuylkill Avc., lOS No. 9tb St., 1835 Periuomcn Ave. (E) Harold Furniture Co., Complete Home Furoishcrs, 726-728 Peua St. (E) Klssinser Van & Storago Co., Local and Long Distance Mo\-ing, Crating. Packing and Shipping. All kindsof BauUng. (Storage Included.) 35So.8th St. (E) Kline, Epplhlmer & Co,, Department Store. (Labor, Repairs, .Alterations Included.) Penn Square (D) H. D. Levengood, Anthracite and Bituminous Coal, also Wood 611 No. 8th St. (B—) Dr. M. Llefter, Optometrist, Glafises, Artificial Eyes, Hearing Devices, Field Glasses, Readers and Opera Glasses. (Repairs Included.) 718PennSt. (E) Martin's, Women's and Mises' Wearing Apparel. "The House of Ckiurtcsy," 658Penn St. (E) John G. Nuebling, SportiM and Athletic Goods, Guns, Ammuni tion, Fishing Tackle, Beevac Floor Cleaners and Washing C. M. Darling, Pictures, Picture Framing, Greeting Cards' Fiire' line of Candles, Holland Silver, Mirrors, Chinese Enbroidery Heffron Linen Shop, Household Linens, Blankets and Linen (E) (E> St. Lawrence Dairy Co., Milk, Cream, Butter and Cheese, SlS-221 So. 9th St. ins considered same m casQ.) 1017 Penn St. SaTings on G»»o line(C—): everything else. (E) W. H. Smllh & Son, Men's Hatters. (Wholesale purchases «eluded) 717Penn St. (B) Subway Oil Co., Gasoline, Oils and Tires. (Labor, Repairs, Knospfsl &Son, Drugs, Toilet Articles, Rubber Goods, Stationery, Fountain Pens, Kodaks, Amateur Finishing, Sick Room Sup RHODE ISLAND eries, 134 AdamsAve. Newport. R. f. Select Furniture Corp., Furniture. Bedding. Rugs, Reftigcraldre, Perambulators, Stoves and Housefumishinps, Radios, Bruns The Atiufdneck Dairymen's Association, Inc.. Dairj* Products, Milk, Cream, Buttermilk, Butter, IceCre.aui, TensCourt (B ) Benson & Hedges, Cigarettes, Cigars. .Smokers' Supplies, etc leum and Fioor Coverings of every description, 116-126 Wash ington Avc. (Labor, Repairs. Storage, Rentals and Parts Included) •'^jnes S. Bafthaser, Furniture. Radioe. Planoe. Inlaid Linoleum, Refrigerators, Electrical Appliances. WaBhing Machines, Electric Dw«pfrB. ctc. (Labor. Repairs, Alterations, Storage Rentals ami Parts Included.) (Trade-ins considered same as cash.) Lor.3rd &State fits. Knoepfel & Miller. Drugs, Toilet Articles. Stationery. Fountain Pens, Kodalss, Amateur Finishing, Sick Room Supplies, 160 E. Drinker St. (E) Unlontown, Po. Footer'e Cleaners & Dyers. "Fur or Fabric, we clean and dya it." (Repairs, Alterations and Storage Included.) 40 South St. Wllkes-Barre, Pa. Bschrach. Inc.. Photographers, Miners Bank Bidg. (E) Bond Clothes, Inc.,Men'sand Young Men'sClothes, GO So. Main St. (E) • Footer's Cleaners & Dyers, "Fur or Fabric, *e cican and dye it. (Repairs, Alterations and Storage Included.) 9 W. " Northampton St. /g) Wiikinsburg, Po. ^<•'1 l.aun p/. (E) ^'iKo'r'"' BMr., Linden at M.dison. ° Crown the Florist. r„t Howors, Plants. Funeral S Wyonnng ;Uv. Out of t„WT, oniera (E); cverytliinReTJT'fG":!^ Pr M.nIrJif^nr' .I'nd Mulil^rry^t •DOT .if IWI C!>r A^ZitL Accessories, Tlr^ and Tnb, Parts and G.TSolino escludcl): '"'*1 cars, purcbased thru Man- Ti,« «nd Tub» (B-^; 114 Thames St. (E) Tho Kerr Store, Inc., Ajipare! for Women, Misses and Children, Millinery, liiranl.s' Wear, 115 Thames .St. (K) Morton Park Service Station, Automotive Super-Service Station, Gasuline, Oils, Greuscs, Koape,, Tires, Tubes, Replacement Arecibo, P. R. Bayamon, P. R. F. Ramirez e Hijos Sucr, (Colmado Ramirez), Grocery, Dr. Vevo St. No. 69 (B—) Mayaguez, P. R. (B—) Newport Oil Corp., Gasoline, Lubricating Oils, (3rease^ Kerosene, Furnace Oil, Fuel Oil, Alcohol. 128 Long Wharf. cor. Thames and Pcjilar, NeiTport Beach Plummer'e l«uslc Store, Pianos, Player elnncs. Radio and Radio Su^ ments. Sheet Music, Greeting Carls. tE) , qno Thames St. , , ,, „ William H. Sisson, Dairy Products, Mdk, Cream. Butterm^-. llulter, .Middietown San German, P. R. (E) Sterling Shoo Store (Herman Mines), Wjalk-^^^^^ Misses' and Infants' Shoes, (jotham Gold Stripe Sdk Stocking. X-Ray Fitting. 142 Thames .St. d.) Uwrence P. Sullivan. Men's Clothing. Furnishings, Hats, L>5il •J-P. Bourel, Inc., Jewelry and Optician. 12 San Justo St. (E) The Cabrer Store. Haberdashery. Hats and .Sport CIoth« Salvailor Brau No. 32 Damlan Rodriqiiez-Sachs & Co.. Men. Women and Childreij-fl ClotbioK, Salvador Drau A i^n JusloSis. [li) Thames .St. Wal^ Brothers. I'urniturr. iloor Coverings, House Furnishings, tlutlery, Kitclicnware. China and Glassware, IlouMhold hicc^icalAppiiuucefl (J^tbof unJivepJiira Included), 220*2^ Tbames St. Abish &Barry, Fciotwenr for Men and Women, Shoe Repairing, "El Popular"-(Cividanes Sobrino & Co.) Shoes (Men's and J. J. Benrd Furniture Company, i'liriiiture, Floor Coverings, House FuniLihings. Hadiu andHatlio wiiipli«. Irmi/iS, Bags ami ei'iercil siinr as rash.) Alien Hi. (E) International General Electric Company of Porto Rico, Electrical jiimulir-p. 'F.lfoiricil Bulbs OKceptrd.) (Submit only itemized J. ,E.. Broiinan & Co., DriicF. Toilet Arlidw. Phnlograpliic .Sii))- (S^curc rreeipt fr'im (.aanier.) (b) Womfn'B), t4 SanJiislo (t) M. Qonraiez & Co., Sues., Full line nf Furniture. (Trade-ins con- bills andcasti 6lii«.) .Salvador BrauSt., No. 63 Plcage 9<i» Our Llet ot Member HotoU on Pago 11 Meals and Poultry, Products from Our Own Farms Daily,530 Pawtucket .Avc. (C—) St^ordMills, Cottons, Woolens, Silks. Underwear, Wash Goods, Domestics, Curtain Rods andShades. Hosiery fornilthe family, 91N. MainSt. (Wholesale Purchases eicluded) (E) ® Sons Company, Stclnway, Steinert, Jewett, Wood- bury. Curtis. Berkshire Pianos, Player Pianos, Aeolian Duo-Art Reiiroducm^g Pianos and Music Roils, Victor Orthophonic Victrolaa andOrthophonic Records, Radios. (L^bor, Rep-iirs, Altcrations. Rentals, Tuningincluded.) (Trade-ins fxcludcd.) 313 Mam fet. Savings onAutomatic Organs (A); cve,-ytbing else (E> Provldcnce. R. I. Bachrach, Inc.. Photographers, 357 Westminster St. (E) S'locs. Hosiery, Rubbers. Neckwear. Riding Boots for the l-ntire I-amily, Specializing in Custom Shoe Re- Cor'Kddv -l^cformities, 143 Weyboeset St.; (E) minslcr . Wearinrr 1. Storage included. Hanley-Helene-Leonard, Inc.. Distinctive Miilincrv fn and -Alterations included.) Biltmore Hotel ''m?? Furrier, 482-488 Westminster St (Rpn>,^l r Alterations ami Storage excluded) ' '®°>"uclinR, Hennessey Laundry Co., Laundry, •1CM4 Arnold St. (C-i\ Jones & Co., Dry Goods. Linens, Blujiketa Bfwt p,. - omen's Underwear, Waiats, .Shoes, Glo\'cs ' inciuded.) The Arcade HofiUTWltoiKn.-.s "ieSs'",'!,'.! Macnalr. 1-lorlet. 32-2 Wq.I,,^,,,^esf'"' st. 3Broid .St Manor Pharmacy. Driins Tiiii i i ,• 1 . ' ' /P-! ) as Pawlucket, R. T. Drug Co. ofPorto Rico Retail, Inc.. Drug Stores, Salvwlor Brau and Cruz Sprlnthall's Market, Domestic and Imported Groceries, Prime Dr. Samuel Nevelson, Oiitometrist and Optician, Barornetcrs, : Sport Shoes, Riding Bre'eches'^SW' Oiwra Field 'inii Marine Gl.isses, ctc. (Labor, Repairs, .\Jtcra(iuiis and Parts ineluiieil.) 209 Thames St. (L) Newport Auto Supply Co.. Inc., Automotive Super-Service Sta tion, Oaauline. Oils, Grc;i3cs. Soare. Tires, Tubes. Heplaeernent Dulgarian Brothers, Men's Furmsbiugs, Parts, Vcce-sories, Willard B.atteries, Brake Scr\-ice, Pit Service, S3o Westminster St. Elcctric.-*! Service, Garage. Radio and Radio Supplies (wMfMain St. Repairs. ,\lteratiou3. Storage, Rentals and Parts Included). 19 Frank's Fifth Avenue 354 Shop,N. Women' s Distinctive I^ng Wharf andPartsIncluded.) (Trade-ins cow«lere.l same as c.isti), .a Ponce, P. R. LaFavorila, Department Store, Manzanares and Luna Sta. Tennis Supplies, Sport Clothing and Toggery, Roller and Icc Skates, Hockey Supplies, Outboard Motors, Canoes, Boats,' Gum, .Ammunition, Fishing Tackle. Camping Equipment. (Re pairsincluded.) 31-33 Exchange St. (E) Repairs, Alterations, Storage, Rentals and Parte Includ^. San Juan, P. R. Seranten. Po. Alterations Included), 154 Thames St. {£) Brie & McMahon, Groceries, Cigars and Cigarettes Candv 10-20 Wasliington SI. (b_1j Chase & Chase. Dunksellrrd and Stafioners, Engraving lectures ami J'ictiire Framitig. 21)2 Ihaiufs St. _ (jjj Grcason's Laundry. Laundry, 3S7 Thames St. (E) Hum's Drug Store. Inc., Pharinaeists. Toilet Articles, Sick Room ,Su[iplii'S. Smokers' .Vrlicies, Cameras, Photo Developing, etc., (Rentals included.) 70-S0 Broad Si. (iC) Lou Pferl, Athletic and Sporting Goods, Bicycles, Golf Goods, Carroll A Aforton Aves. Arecibo DrugCo.,Full Lineof Drugs,PlazaMunozRivera , (E) Colmado Garcia(J. Garcia& Co.),Groceries, HatiUo Ave. (B—) Hotel Baleares (American Plan), Roomsand Restaurant. (Laun dry and ValetCharges included.) Plaia Principal (E) Radios and Eauipment. (Ubor, llcpaira, Appliances, Alterations, Rentals and Lighting Parts Included.) (E) Repairing (Parts Included), 176 Thames St. (E) Bon Ton Millinery, Millinery. Furs, Hosiery (Labor, Repairs and (t!) Michaels-Bauer, Inc.. Jewelry. Silverware, Diamonds, Watelics, Optical Goods. (Reixiirs included.) 184 Main St. (E) Oscar's Clothes Shop, Men's Clothing. Furnishings, Hats. clc. I'lrtfl Afpp^.nrli'S Willard liatfencfl. Brake Sen'ice, Pit Service, PORTO RICO La Favorlta Grocery Store, San Jose and Tctuan Sta. Coutu Sanitary Laundry. Laundry, SO Coyle Avc. (!•;> R. W. Farnum, Inc.. liadios and R.adio Supplies. (Labor Re pairs, Alterations. Storage. Rentals andPartsincluded-){Amount allowed on Trade-ins excluded.) 24 Exchange St., Servieo Station—10 Meeting St. (E) E. L. Freeman Co., OfEce Supplies, Stationery, etc., 240Main St. Ki^.l SerWce,' Garage, Radio and Radio Supplies. (La^r (See Pittsburgh Suburbs) The Cabrer Store, Habcrdashor and Hatters, Atocha St. 14 W. l.^DcaaUr Ave. Biesel's Jewelry Shoppe (T. J. Biesel), Jewelrj-, Diamonds Silvern-are, Clocks and Watches. Gifts, Watch and Jewelry Uufimore, Pa. (E) ShillinQlon, Pa. (Labor, Repairs, Alterations andPartsIncluded) 250-58 Thames (E) Scranton Suburb (D) Hamburg, Pa. Branch open from June tSth to.September 30th (jjj R. G.' Biesel, Leather Goods, Trunks, Harness. Dog Supplies (E) (S) Bot/erloten, fa. (E), wick Panatropes and Radiolas, 116-126 Washington Avc. (E) Walk On Rug (Jo., Oriental and Domeslic Rugs, Carpel."!, Lino Vorfley's, Inc.. Clcanera and Dyers. (Labor, Repairs and Altw- Subway Oil Co., Gasoline, Oils and Tires. Middietown. R. I. William H. Sisson, Dairy I'rodui-ta, Mill;, Cream, Buttermilk Butter (jj ) Polar Fur Mfg. Co., Furriers. (Repairs, Alterations, RcmodelinK andStorage included.) 214-216 Adams Avc. 6J (Printing excluded) (E) Artists' Supplies. (White Lead, Oilsand Turpentine exeiuded.)' 116-120 Washington Ave. <E) (D) Reading Suburbs (B_) New Wall Paper Co., Wall Papers, Paints, Varnishes, Brushes, No. 2—7th & Franklin Sts.; No. 3—Front A Washington Sts.| No. 4--Kut2ttwn Road and Rocklanil St.; No. 5—WyomissinK tioM Included.) 17th & Fain-iew St. 25 (£) plies,065-967 Prescott Ave. Storage Rentals and Parts Included.) Spring A Nichols St.; EUb Santurce, P. R. "Cdlmpdo La Primavera," deJose Santiago, Grocery Store, Stop (B-) Hsrry W. Seward, Tirea, Tubes, Auto Acceesones, Vulcaaising, Gasoline andOil. (Repairs, Laborand Partsincluded.) (Trade- i,i;) Novelties, Embroidering and Monograms, Curtains and Drap Charles F. Paul. Men's Wear, Agent Kaox, Stetson and Schobla Hate. Taylort Co. Custota Tailored Ciothes, 527 Penn &uare Sues, doGamarra, Shoe Store, 15Cruz St. andGiftNoveKies. 536 Spruce St. (Scranton Life Bidg.) (E) Machiaes, Kodaks, Toi-s, Bicycles. (Repairs Included.) 847819 Penn St. (E) Princess Blouse Shop, Women's and Misses' Acoarel, 651 Penn St. IE) Randall Clothes, Men's and Young Meo'a Clotboe, 700 Peon St. PORTO RICO—RHODE ISLAND 178 Main St. Suilcaset", 4{ll) Main St. plips, ('."lUTiri ;nirl M'lviiiu Picture. I'.iinipnient, ctc. (Irofre- eionai I'urehascs ewluded.) 5 N. Tnion St. (t) McBrldea, Infanta' and Chiklren's Wmr. 311 Westminster .''t. Please Read Our R^lca on (E) 12 RHODE ISLAND—S. CAROLINA—TENNESSEE—TEXAS 62 The Merrlam Co.. Interior Decorators, Draperies, Furniture, Wallpapers,WindowShades. Lamis, Art Objccli, Mirrors, Gifts, 383 Weatmiiiatcr St. Furnishings, Shoes, Millinery, Automobile Tires and Tubes, 400 Wcstmioatcr St. (E) .,,i Men's Clothing, Habcrdasberj- and Hats, 15S-1C0 , Joy Roral Co., Florkls, 801 Cliurcli St. •(E) Wormser Hat Stores, Inc., Men's Ilats, Caps, Tics and Gloves. (Renovations Included.) Cor. Sth and Market Sts. (E) Llnholm Bookstore, Books, etc.. University Station, 4344 Wth Avc. N. E. (E) VIRGINIA Falls Church, Va. (Lalw, Repairs included). (Trade-ins con Wormser Hal Stores, Inc., Men's Hats, Cai)8, Tics and Gloves. sidered sameas caah.) 2!)l Wcybossct St. (E) Preston & Rounds Company, Bookseilera and Statiooers, 49 Eschange Place. (Printing excluded) (E) Providence Wall Paper House. Inc., Wall P.ipcr and Mouldincs, Burlap and Sanitas, 445 Westrainstcr St. (E) The Rhode tsland Rug Works Carpet Cieanlnfl, Mattresses Renovatcd.FurDitureirpbolstered,7I0N.Main St.(Labor included) (E) J. 0. San SoucI Co., Department Store, 1037 Westminster St, at OlDcyviilc Sq. • (0) A. T. SMttergood Co., Furniture, Floor Covcriogs, House Furnishlogs. 20S-10 eyboset St. (E) J. _M. Schmld &Son, Pocket and Table Cutlery, Razors andShavmouppliw, lOti WestmiDster St, (Repairing and Sharpening of Cutlery ewluded) • «. (E) Seaconnet Cpal Co., All Grades ofHard andSoft Coal, Briquetflnnd I through ,l"hilesalc andexcluded.) commercial5 Exchange purchases St and nl! pureliascs made agents (B—) (Renovations liicludctl.) 525So.Gay St. Retreading and \'ulc3ni2in[;. (Libor and Parts includ^) (Trade-ins confidered samoas c.ish.) 75 Fountain St. (E) Starkweather &Williams Co., Paints, Painters' Supplies, Artists' Xfaterisls. Vamislies. Drafting Matcrwls, Kodaks awl Cam eras, P!ioto::nphifl Supplies, Architccta' Supplies, Window Glass, (tt'hiic I.Mf]. Turpentinp. Oils and Commercial Pur chases exclude.) 47 ExcUan'ie Piaco (E) M. Steinert &Sons Company, Steinway, Steincrt. Jcwctf. Wood- bury, Curtis, Berkshire Pianos, Player Piacos, Acoli.m Duo-Art Reproducing Pianr^ and .Music Roils, Victor Ortliophonic >icl^5las and Orihophonic Rccords, Radios. (Lal»r, Repairs, •ins Wcstininater St. Savinra on Automatic Orparfl (A): evervtliingelse ('') Tramonll Auto Service, "Complclo One Slop f?crviec." GaBolinc :int! ()i!s. (Lalwr. Repairs, Stor.iec, Rental.s andPartsIncludrd.) (Trade-ins considered same as' cash.) 315 Broadway, Cor. \:!ilon St. Savings on Oils and Gasoline (D); Everything (E) Grando Malson de Blanc (Open June 15th to Sept. Ist). Houselu.ld Lmens, etc. (.Monogran) Work included) (li) \V«ir Garineiita, Footwciir. (E) Newport News, Va. Hull & Hull,Opticians and Optical Goods, 132Twenty-Sixth St. AndrewJackson Hotel (European Plan), Rooms and Restaurant. (Savings on Jlestauratit to Guestsonly) JoyFloral Co., Florists, COl Church St. . (E) , TEXAS ( IdthM, Doblra &Sict'on Hals; TOiuplou liL I? (Labor and Repairs (E) Bills Jlfiuir-id ) ]:,7{ Store. Men's and WomeS ife (D) Sunlight Laundry & Dye Works, Laundry, Cleaning and Dyeing. 20iTi and Church .Sts.: 226 ChurchSt.; 1241 Church St. (K) New Conlract (E) Hotel Jefferson (European Plan), Rooms andRestaurant (E) Portsmouth, Va. (L) it." (Repairs, Alterations and .Storage Includetl.) Wormser Hal Stores, Inc., Men's Ilafs, Caps, Ties and Gloves. (E) (E) Al Ruden, Druggist Tuning included.).018. Quarrio St.' Eastern OutflMlnfl Co., J332 , Boys' Clothing Ha.^^ W ; Li .< £ rn Footer's Cleaners & Dyers. "Fur nr VnK,^ _(C) E. S. Adsil Coal Co., Co:.l, ColUgc St.. Tel. 62-U, 52-W and Gene Hatton, Inc.. Dobhs, Stetson yidLundstrom Hats, Haber dashers, 307-9 Pike St. and 007 Second Ave. . (E) . ij." Al.„atio.. .nd and Silversniitiis. Diamonds and Precious ^"ioA Fine Watch and Jewelry Repairing. (Labor and Alterations included.) FifthandPine (£•) 2122 H.1I1 Furniture Company. Furnilurc, 21.-214 Cullcge St. IE) • The Howard Sausafle Co.. Inc.. Meat Market 3f. Church BL Tel. 180 and 187. (S.-ivinps on bills inarkcii Ace t. cs per ^ail^ (Coui)ODfl or Receipts sent in by Tounst Agencies excluded) (E) Huleson Optical Co,. Optical Goods, Binoculars, Field and Opera Pa«w. Iwin &White. Inc.. Hnrdware. S^irUng Goods, Radice. Mary A. Kelley, lnc„ China, Porcelains, Glassware, UnivetBity at Glasses, 1320 Second Ave. Guna ^uto Accessories. Grain, Feed, 1 urpcntinc, L«id, Lin seed Oil,Cement, Plaster and Lime. 101-193 Bank St. (E) _ _ 'i- Hotel Prlcbard (European Plnn), R™,m and Restaurant Co., Tires, TiUcg and Renalrinc Batteries and Ro:vrI Scr^ire. (Labi)r, Retciirg Stonoe Centals ShfM.iJ'S"-' Fooler's Closners 4 Dyers, "Fur or Pnli^in "I! ._j j... It." (Repairs, Aiterotiona and Storage Inoludcd.) 02—12th (E) Please Read Otii Rule:, on Paac 12 A (E) Wheeling.W. Va. Fourth Sae Our List of Member Hotels on Page 11 WmI" (E) (E) iog. Hnirdrcs-sinq, Hair Dyeing, Toilet Go.kIs, Coemctics and Fancy Novelties. 15:14 Sec"nd Avc., IbflO Mestlake .\ve. (G—) Hole!. The Olympic. Hotel (Kuropean Planj.Room and RMlaurwt (li) Huntlngton. W. Va. The May Holland Hair Shop, Inc., Nestle Permanent Hair Wav- „ ' Graflon. W. Vn French, Shrlnor &Urner, Meas Ehace, 1214 Four^ Avc. ' (Libor Rcmi^ ni^ri' Of Fabric we rlwr, j It (Repairs, .Vlterations and Storage Included!^! 418 Adan-s Burllniiton. Vt. „ ins included. Allowance made on other makes e«lud^ Fairmont, W. Va. saatile. Wash. Wormser Hat Stores, Inc., M.-n's Hats, Cape, Tics and Gioy^ . Inc., Pianos. (Allowances on Steinwav Trnr?f>. WASHINGTON (E) Allon &Provost, H'x)kr. Plalioncry Churrli St. -• Stelnway &Sons, Samgs on Net Amount onv.) Suffolk. Va. Bachrach, Inc., Photographers. 3011 Main Blvd. (E) Wormser Hal Stores, inc., Men's Hats, Cape, Ticsand G'ov®?; (Renovations Included.) 414 K. Houston St. (i;) Gracc St. , <17 Main St. Charleston. W. Va. Richmond, Va. Footer's Cleaners & Dyers, "Fur or Fabric, we cican • r- Houston, Tex. WEST VIRGINIA Sunllflht Laundry & Dye Works, Lauudry, Cleaning and Dj'ciri& 610Middle St. (E) Hotel Paso Del Nerte (European Plan), Rooms and Restaurant (E) Fort Worth, Tex. e^cludoj) '"rciXS'faSr".'"" """jg Henry Meyer, Optician, Kodaks, Kodak Supplies, 400 Middle .St. El Paso, Tex. The Bero Company. Inc., Jewelry, 107 Church St. (Engraviii^R Columbia, S. 0. P. H. Lachlcolle &Co,, Diamonds, Wafchcft and CIwVb, Jrwclrv Tacoma, Wash. Petersburg, Va. _ (E) 802A Main St. (E) (E) (Labors, Repairs included) Leo Tire & Rubber Co. of New York, Inc. (Lee of Consbohocken),.Tires and Tubes, 2213 Griffin St. (E) Wormser Hat Stores, Inc., Men's Hats, Caps, Tics and Gloves. I ' Traylor Optical Co., Spectacles and Eyeglasses, 115 Collego Place. (E) (Renovations Included.) tme excluded.) SllLnionSt. (E) LeeTiro& Rubber Co. of New York, Inc.(LeeofConsbohocken). Hotel, The Adolphus (European Plan), Rooms and Restaurant (E) VERMONT n i, Uhl Bros.. Inc.. Wallmjier, Points, etc. (Lead, Oil and Turpen- (E) Tirta and Tubes, 612 Granby St. Emerson Shoe Co., "Honest All Through," Men's Shoes,. $6,50 SOUTH CAROLINA Charleaton. s. C. Berlin Bros., noine uf Unrt, f-thnfTiicr &Mnr, - j r l- Fooler's Cleaners 4 Dyers, "Fur or Fabric, wo elean and dye Hotel Southland, (i;uropcan Plan.) Rooms and Restaurant San Antonio, Tex. (E) Exclusive Shop, Sports Costumes for Women, 1304 Freemason St. The Adolphus (Eiir.-<pean Plan), Hotel, Room:! and Restaurant (E) Bachrach, Inc..d'hotoRrapliers. Stoneleiah Court (E), Devoe & Raynolds Co.. Inc. (Dirrct Stores, Inc.), Paints, Varnishes, Brushes, Artists' Materials, Dry Colors, Drafting Materials, 1407 Elm St. (E) (Renovations Included.) 1604 Main St. Fishing Tackle, Auto Touring Goods and Outdoor Clothing, (E) 717 First.\ve. (E) it." (Kep;iir3, Alterations and Storage Included.) llSii W. Dallas, Tex. ineludeil) The Olympic Hotel (Europwn, Rooms and Restaurant, (Coupons or Receipts sentin byTourist Agendes exeluiM) (E) The Outdoor Store, Inc., Tents, Awnings, Camping Supplies. Norfolk. Va. Wormser Hat Stores, Inc., Men's Hals, Caps, Ties and Gloves.' and 87.50, also Hosiery, 1412 Elm St. ton; on Wood 20c per Cord. Octonek Knitting Co., "Sweaters of Distinction," Coats, Suits and KnittedSpecialties, New Medical Bldg., 102G Fifth.^vc. (E) fifth Ave. (next to Fifth Ave. Theatre) (E) Roullard Grocery, High Gmdo Groceries, Meats, Fruit and Castelborfl's. Inc. (Herman H. Barr, Pres.) Jewelry, DiamondB, \ egctables, 6501 California Ave. (B—) cle.. 20S Granby St. (C.—) Seattle Dairy, Ice Cream, Milk and Cream, 1415 Sth Arc. Sav-. The Edward Tailorinu Co.. Made to Order Clothes. Jvdward Clolbes—"Made for You." SMontiecllo Arcade (E) _ ings onIceCream (F); On Milk andCream (B—) (E) (E) (Renovations Included.) 1 Arcade (E) Charles S. Kaufman. Dry Goods, Millinery, Notions, Ready-to- Nashville, Tcnn. Woonaocket. R. I. iPrSLTex" iSK®" (E) Britllngham Furniture Co., Furoicurc (p. (Renovations Included.) &5 So. Main St. (Renovations Ineludeil.) mga, lunK and Drgad SIe„ 2S7 King bt BrentStores, Inc.,DepartmentStore, MainSt. Hampton, Va. Tires and TuIh,-.-!, UX:."! L'niim Avc. else Watch Hill, R.». (El Wormsor Hat Stores, Inc., Men's HaU, Cajs, Tics and Gloves. 'ytcntions. Rentals, Tuning includc<i.) (Trade-ins cxcludol.) VThnlesale, Tel. MelroseSOSO; Retail. Tel. Mclrc«e C700; 1110 Second Ave., .South, Elliott 6704. Savings on Coal 20c. per Frederitksburg, Va. Leo Tiro & Rubber Co. of New York, Inc. (I.ceof Conslioliocken), •* Monks & Miller, Inc.. Coal tind Wood. 1329 N'orthlake Ave.- Westcott Nursery Co. (Seclisting under Washington, D. C.) Memphis, Tcnn. St^ell B. Shprman. Opticians and Optometrists, Barometer?. Opera, Field and Marine Glasses, Photoeraphic FinishinK in all ita branches and Framinc. Greeting Curds. (Trade-ins cnnsideretl same as cash.) (f^Ixjr and Repairs included.) 73 DorranceSt. Savings onOptical Goods (G—);ev«!rytbingels«(E) Standard Tire & Rubber Co., Tina, Tubes, Chains, Repairing, Union and Walnut (E) Klofltensloin's. Inc., Clothiers, IlaberJiislierj- and Hata. tH-ift SchaffniT i -Marx Clothes.) 1310 2n'i iVve. (E) Lee Tire ARubber Co. ofNew York, Inc. (Leo ofConsbohocken). Tires anil Tubes. 5oO-ob4 Tivelfth Avc. (£) Leschi Ice Co,. IIS Likeside .Ive., Tel. Beacon 0319 (E) Knoxvllle. Tenn. mercbl and llcaale Purchases cxeludeti.) Sts. 63 College St. (E) Alex Verrci, Groceries, Vermont Maple Sugar and Maple Svrup a SiKcialty, 112 Church St.,Tel. 2070 and2071 (B—) The R, F. Johnston Paint Co., Paints, Oils, Varnishes, etc. (Cora- ings, 213 Weyboasat St., 70 Dorrance St, (E) Parkinson Piano House. Pianos and Player Pianos, Refinishing- fffsi i Chattanooga. Tcnn. Furnish O'NelM's Hal Shop (Fred J. O'Neill), Men's Hats and Tuiiing, Reotins. TENNESSEE (li) Michaels-Bauer, Inc.. Jewelry, Silverware, Diainoads, Wstchcs, Optical GooJa. (Repairs includcJ.) 365 Westminster St. (E) Caesar MIsch, Inc.. Men's, Boys', Women's and Girls' Clothing, VERMONT—VIRGINIA—WASHINGTON—WEST VIRGINIA 64 WISCONSIN WISCONSIN Mllwaukoe. Wis. Baldwin, Wis. Bloch Oancman Co. & Homo Furnituro Stores, Furniture. 213 \V. Water St.; i;iX) W. Water 5-13 Mitchell Si.; 742 Miiakogo St.; i;01-5 Fond du l.;ic .\vc.; 1041 Wiimub.iBO St.; ;{otlI North Avf. (i^) French, Shriner &Urner, Men's Shoes, Hosier>-, Boots, SWisconsin Ave. (K) Kindy Optical Co., Opticians. (Repairs and Labor Included.) 409Grand Ave. (Fj Leo Tire & Rubber Co. of New York, Inc. (Leoof Conshohockr.n), Tires and Tulws, 484 Miiivaukec St. (]^) Now Way Ssrvico Co., CleanerB. Dyers, Liunderm, Rug ami John Hancock Oil Co. I^l'c Philliiis I'clrolcum Co. listing.) Phillips Petroleum Co., Gasoline, Oils, Greases, .Vlcobol and Car Washing. Tank Wagon Delivery and Furnace Oils wcludcd.) (For Membership Savings on cash or coupon book purchases, submit whiteetation slips. For Membership Savings on charge account purcbaaes. submit paid monthly statcracnts. together with pink charge slips.) (Labor, Repairs and Parts included.) (C-) Chippewa Falls, WIs. John Hancock Oil Co, (See Phillips Petroleum Co. Ming under Baldwin, Wis.) Carpet Cleaning, 1C27 North Ave. Quality Laundry Servlco. lnc., Laundry. 2900 Vlict St. Phillips PetrolBum Co. (See listing under BaJdwin. Wis.) . ({,;) (E) On account of the fact that there were so many fine stories entered in this contest, the judaes Baldwin, Wa.) (Labor, Repairs. Altemfione and Storage Included.) 119 ftlain St. (E) decided to award two prizes. Winners of $25.00 prizes for April: Prescott, WIs. Phillips Patroleum Co. (See listing under Baldwin, Wis.) John Hancock Oil Co. (Sec I'hillips Petroleum Co. listmg under Ellsworth, Wis. Baldwin, Wis.) John l4ancock Oil Co. (Sec Phillips Petroleum Co. lisling under Phillips Petroleum Co. (See listinc under Baldwin, Wis.) PEARL S, EVANS, \\ ife of \\ ii.i.iAM K. Evan's (Me»/i>er iVo. ^^66?} a.) Racine, WIs. Phillips Petroleum Co. (See listing under Baldwin, Wis.) The BlochFurniture Co., Furniture. 7 Pfirk Ave. Terrace, Bronxville, N. Y. (E) HELEN GLITHERO, Green Say, Wis. Nowtnan's Cloak & Suit Co., Women's and Misses' Apparel. (Lihnr, Repairs, /Uteration.i andStorage Included.) 104 Wash(E) lie ofCavt. J. C. Gi-ithero, U. S. A., Ret'd. . r X' \'o. San 7<)S36) 4185 Norfolk Terrace, Diego, Calif. River Falls, WIs. John Hancock Oil Co. (Sec Phillips Petroleum Co. listingtmder Baldttin. WiF.) Hammond, WIs. PtilllipsPetroleum Co. (.See listinp under Baldwin, Wis.) In addition to the above winners the iudees considered that the stories submitted by the John Hancock Oil Co. (See Phillips Petroleum Co. listing uadcr Stanley. Wis. ilnltiHin. Wia.) Phillips Petroleum Co. (Seelisting under Bnldmn, Wis.) tolloWHig five people were so commendable'as to entitle them to Honorable Mention, and to recei> e a small token of the Associationapprecktion John Hancock Oil Co. (.Soc PbillijM Petroleum Co.listing uodtr B.ildwin, Wis.) Hudson, W>8. Phillips PetroleumCo. (See listing under Baldwin.Wis.) •ohii Hancock Oil Co. (See Phillips Petroleum Co. listing under t:ilJwiii. Wis.) Phillips Petroleum Co. (See listing under Baldwin, Wis.) Madison, Wis. Park Hotel (European Plan). Rooms and Reatauront. ant obargea applyto room gueete onJy) T Oshkosh. WIs. John Haneo^ Oil Co. (Sec Phillips Petroleum Co. listiog tinder iugton St. t Winners of April Prize Story Contest Newman's Cloak & Suit Co.. Women's and Misses' Apparel. Eau Claire. Wig. ll.nldwn, = (B) Superior. Wis. Kindy Optical Co.,Optician ami Optometrta(. 1100 Tower Ave. (F) Twin Ports Oil Co,,Owaliiie.Oils.Greaspa .ind Alcohol. (Receipla will Itc Riven at all filiiiir clii'-inns fnr cnsli purchaEo and coupon tickets) (.^uvinnH vill rm he p;iiil on roceipt for purch-w of coupon buoka.) Cor. Belknan and Ocdcu MARJORIE D. LOGAN. \\lfc of l.ELAND I.OGAN-, No )uj67?) 15 Carpenter Ave., 'I uckahoc, N. V. ((j—j G. L. FUNNELL, Member No. 511 92 Highland Avenue, Vonkers, N. Y. PAUL H. HAYWARD, Member No. 176.123, 111 Kcverc Road, Aurora Hills, Alexandria, Va. 'Regularity of deposit is the secret of success DOROTHY WINFREY, Uife of Hai. j. Wivfkev, {Member No. /SojSi) 515 Sanra Fc .^ve., Berkeley, Calif. in accumulating money. Regularity in sending MARGARET P. McKELWAY, Wife (jf B. McKei.wav, {Member A'o. 2071 Park Road, N. \V., Washington, D. C, in your bills is the secret of obtaining the full The stories that did not receive a prize or Honorable Mention have been returned to the members, in man^ cases with comments. These stones, after revision or modification, may be value of your Membership Saving privileges," submitted for other contests. 'A • Coming to New York? C7^ HE managemeut of the Hotel Mc Alpin guarantees complete satisfaction to every guest. We further assure every mem ber of the Association of Army and Navy Stores, Inc., a cordial welcome and prompt courteous attention to every need. FRANK A. DUGGAN President and Managing Director MEMBER OF HOTEL MC ALPIIN m Broadway at 34th St. .•A