catalog /2015
catalog /2015
NAU HELMETS COLLECTION 2015 NAU HELMETS COLLECTION WELCOME. INDEX LEGENDAS LEGENDS RETRO STYLE 28 N350 VINTAGE 04 N600 GRINGO 28 N350 COURSE 06 N600 BULLS 48 N45 MASK 28 N350 TECHNO CITY 07 N600 ROUTE 66 49 N45 GRAFFITI 29 N350 NAU FASHION 08 N600 MAVERICK 30 N350 FLAG 10 N200 BOHEMIA 50 N45 CRANK 51 N45 XT45 31 N250 TOP PILOT 11 N200 MUSTANG 32 N350 SPOTS 11 N200 EAGLE ROAD TRIAL 33 N350 PARIS 11 N200 SHADOW 52 N400 FREE TRIAL 34 N250 VERONA 12 N200 RETRO 54 N400 OVERALL 34 N350 PANDORA 13 N200 GERONIMO OFF ROAD 55 N400 TRIAL 35 N350 JULIET PATRIOT URBAN STYLE 14 N650 SHELBY 15 N650 CHEYENNE 16 N500 VINTAGER 18 N500 SOLO 19 N450 CONDOR ROAD 56 N350 KINAS 36 N80 SPYDER 56 N15 PATRIOT II 37 N80 COBWEB 56 N20 PATRIOT III 38 N80 XR80 57 N45 PATRIOT V 40 N70 DUOTEC 57 N47 PATRIOT I 42 N20 SPORT R 57 N70 PATRIOT IV 43 N20 XRF LIFESTYLE 20 N350 BOSSA NOVA 22 N350 WIND SPIRIT 24 N350 CHAMELEON 26 N350 MASTER 27 N350 GUARDIAN 44 N20 FLORENCE 58 KIKO 44 N20 XR20 45 N15 LEGEND 45 N15 CLASSIC 60 TECHNICAL INFORMATION 62 ACCESSORIES 46 N42 PRIME 47 N47 DOMINATOR HOMOLOGAÇÃO / APPROVAL ECE 22:05 Capacete e Viseira ECE 22:05 Shell and Visor ACABAMENTO / FINISH Pele Leather HOMOLOGAÇÃO / APPROVAL EN 1078 Produto Certificado EN 1078 Certified Product SISTEMA DE FECHO / LOCK SYSTEM Argolas Double Ring ACABAMENTO / FINISH Bordado Embroidered CASCO / SHELL N-MACK3: Fibras Vidro Especiais, Multiaxial, Aramida e Reforços em Carbono N-MACK3: Multiaxial Special Fibers with Aramid and Carbon SISTEMA DE FECHO / LOCK SYSTEM Micro Métrico Micro Metric ACABAMENTO / FINISH Aplicação Rede Metálica Metallic Net Application ACABAMENTO / FINISH Aplicação Cristal Crystal Application CASCO / SHELL Termoplástico Thermoplastic INTERIORES / INNER LINER CoolMax anti-alérgico e antitranspirante CoolMax wih anti-allergic and anti-perspirant CASCO / SHELL Estrutura Interna EPS 2D EPS 2D Styrofoam CASCO / SHELL Estrutura Interna Esferovite EPS EPS Styrofoam INTERIORES / INNER LINER Acabamento de Alta Qualidade High Quality Inner liner CASCO / SHELL Duas Medidas Two Sizes INTERIORES / INNER LINER Amovíveis e Laváveis Removable and Washable PINTURA / PAINT Envernizada Varnish INTERIORES / INNER LINER Não Amovíveis Non-Removable PINTURA / PAINT Metalizado Glitter Metallic Glitter 2 ACESSÓRIOS / ACCESSORIES Máscara Mask ACABAMENTO / FINISH Logotipo Metálico Metallic Logo CASCO / SHELL Estrutura Interna TDS 3D TDS 3D Styrofoam PINTURA / PAINT Mate Matte Rubberrized THE TIME IS NAU SISTEMA DE FECHO / LOCK SYSTEM Engate Rápido Quick Release DECORAÇÃO / DECORATION Decalque Decal VISEIRA / VISOR Anti-Fog Anti-Fog VISEIRA / VISOR Solar Solar VISEIRA / VISOR Tratamento Anti-Risco Anti-Scratch Treatment VISEIRA / VISOR Viseira Curta Anti-Risco Anti-Scratch Short Visor 3 RETRO STYLE N600 GRINGO ECE approval N-MACK3 shell TDS 3D shell two shell sizes metallic glitter paint CoolMax inner liner removable washable inner liner sun visor RETRO STYLE micro metric lock system Tamanho / Size XS > XXL Peso / Weight 1000gr +/- 50gr N-MACK3 1813 Vermelho Glitter Red Glitter 1816 Verde Glitter Green Glitter 1817 Azul Glitter Blue Glitter 1818 Cinza Glitter Grey Glitter 1819 Preto Glitter Black Glitter TWO SHELL SIZES 4 LXL - XXL 1815 Amarelo Glitter Yellow Glitter XS - S - M 1814 Laranja Glitter Orange Glitter DUAS MEDIDAS DE CASCO N-MACK3 Fibras Vidro Especiais, Multiaxial, Aramida e Reforços em Carbono Multiaxial Special Fibers with Aramid and Carbon 5 opcional optional opcional optional RETRO STYLE N600 BULLS RETRO STYLE ECE approval N-MACK3 shell TDS 3D shell two shell sizes varnish paint decal decoration CoolMax inner liner removable washable inner liner sun visor micro metric lock system ECE approval matte paint N-MACK3 two shell sizes varnish paint decal decoration CoolMax inner liner removable washable inner liner sun visor micro metric lock system matte paint N600 ROUTE 66 Fibras Vidro Especiais, Multiaxial, Aramida e Reforços em Carbono Multiaxial Special Fibers with Aramid and Carbon Tamanho / Size XS > XXL Peso / Weight 1000gr +/- 50gr N-MACK3 1820M Castanho - Ouro Brown - Gold 1821M Verde - Ouro Green - Gold 6 LXL - XXL XS - S - M TWO SHELL SIZES Peso / Weight 1000gr +/- 50gr TDS 3D shell N-MACK3 DUAS MEDIDAS DE CASCO Tamanho / Size XS > XXL N-MACK3 shell 1825 Branco - Prata White - Silver 1822 Branco - Ouro White - Gold 1823M Cinza - Ouro Grey - Gold 1824M Preto - Ouro Black - Gold 1826 Vermelho - Prata Red - Silver 1827 Azul - Prata Blue - Silver 1828 Cinza - Prata Grey - Silver 1829 Preto - Prata Black - Silver 7 RETRO STYLE TDS 3D shell two shell sizes leather finish CoolMax inner liner removable washable inner liner sun visor DUAS MEDIDAS DE CASCO micro metric lock system TWO SHELL SIZES LXL - XXL N-MACK3 shell XS - S - M N600 MAVERICK ECE approval N-MACK3 Fibras Vidro Especiais, Multiaxial, Aramida e Reforços em Carbono Multiaxial Special Fibers with Aramid and Carbon Tamanho / Size XS > XXL Peso / Weight 1000gr +/- 50gr N-MACK3 1830 Preto Black 1831 Branco White 8 1832 Bege Beige 1833 Castanho Brown 9 opcional optional opcional optional RETRO STYLE N200 BOHEMIA RETRO STYLE ECE approval thermoplastic EPS 2D shell shell matte paint metallic net application leather finish metallic logo high quality inner liner removable washable inner liner micro metric lock system sun visor ECE approval thermoplastic EPS 2D shell shell matte paint leather finish metallic logo high quality inner liner removable washable inner liner micro metric lock system N200 MUSTANG sun visor 83M-fv Tamanho / Size XS > XXL Tamanho / Size XS > XXL Peso / Weight 1110gr +/- 50gr Peso / Weight 1110gr +/- 50gr Goggles incluídos Goggles included Goggles incluídos Goggles included 83M Preto Black RETRO STYLE opcional optional N200 EAGLE ROAD Tamanho / Size XS > XXL thermoplastic EPS 2D shell shell matte paint leather finish metallic logo high quality inner liner removable washable inner liner micro metric lock system sun visor 138M-fv Peso / Weight 1110gr +/- 50gr Goggles ECE approval Goggles incluídos Goggles included 138M Preto Black 1834M Preto Black RETRO STYLE opcional optional ECE approval thermoplastic EPS 2D shell shell leather finish metallic logo high quality inner liner removable washable inner liner micro metric lock system N200 SHADOW sun visor 210-fv Tamanho / Size XS > XXL Peso / Weight 1110gr +/- 50gr 1834M-fv 10 Goggles incluídos Goggles included 210 Preto Black 11 opcional optional opcional optional RETRO STYLE RETRO STYLE N200 RETRO ECE approval thermoplastic EPS 2D shell shell varnish paint decal decoration leather finish metallic logo high quality inner liner removable washable inner liner micro metric lock system sun visor ECE approval thermoplastic EPS 2D shell shell matte paint leather finish metallic logo high quality inner liner removable washable inner liner anti-scratch micro metric visor lock system varnish paint sun visor N200 GERONIMO Tamanho / Size XS > XXL Tamanho / Size XS > XXL Peso / Weight 1110gr +/- 50gr Peso / Weight 1145gr +/- 50gr Goggles incluídos Goggles included Goggles incluídos Goggles included Goggles 1754 Branco - Vermelho - Verde White - Red - Green 1860M Preto - Preto Black - Black 1754-fv 1860M-fv 1755 Preto - Vermelho Black - Red 1755-fv 12 1756 Preto - Cinza Black - Grey 1756-fv 1758 Branco - Preto White - Black 1758-fv 1759 Branco - Ouro White - Gold 1759-fv 1760 Preto - Ouro Black - Gold 1760-fv 1856M Castanho - Castanho Brown - Brown 1856M-fv 1857 Branco - Camel White - Camel 1857-fv 1858M Verde - Castanho Green - Brown 1858M-fv 1859M Cinza - Preto Grey - Black 1859M-fv 13 opcional optional URBAN STYLE N650 SHELBY ECE approval N-MACK3 shell Tamanho / Size XS > XXL Peso / Weight 1100gr +/- 50gr URBAN STYLE TDS 3D shell two shell sizes varnish paint decal decoration CoolMax inner liner removable washable inner liner anti-fog visor sun visor micro metric lock system N-MACK3 matte paint opcional optional URBAN STYLE ECE approval N-MACK3 shell TDS 3D shell two shell sizes varnish paint decal decoration CoolMax inner liner removable washable inner liner anti-fog visor sun visor micro metric lock system N650 CHEYENNE matte paint Tamanho / Size XS > XXL Peso / Weight 1100gr +/- 50gr N-MACK3 1837 Azul - Cinza Blue - Grey 1838 Cinza - Castanho Grey - Brown 1839 Cinza - Vermelho Grey - Red 1841 Branco - Ouro White - Gold 1842 Bordeaux - Ouro Bordeaux - Gold 1843 Preto - Ouro Black - Gold DUAS MEDIDAS DE CASCO XS - S - M 1836 Preto - Laranja Black - Orange 1840 Cinza - Ouro Grey - Gold TWO SHELL SIZES 14 LXL - XXL 1835 Preto - Ouro Black - Gold N-MACK3 Fibras Vidro Especiais, Multiaxial, Aramida e Reforços em Carbono Multiaxial Special Fibers with Aramid and Carbon 15 opcional optional URBAN STYLE N500 VINTAGER ECE approval thermoplastic TDS 3D shell shell varnish paint decal decoration high quality inner liner removable washable inner liner anti-fog visor sun visor micro metric lock system anti-scratch short visor Tamanho / Size XS > XXL Peso / Weight 1340gr +/- 50gr CARBON LOOK 1761-lv Branco - Preto White - Black 1694-lv Cinza - Preto Grey - Black 1761-sv 1698-sv 1795-lv Branco - Rosa White - Pink 1795-sv 16 1762-lv Branco - Castanho White - Brown 1762-sv 1764-lv Branco - Vermelho White - Red 1764-sv 1765-lv Branco - Azul White - Blue 1765-sv CARBON LOOK 1689-lv Branco - Preto White - Black 1690-sv 17 opcional optional opcional optional URBAN STYLE N500 SOLO URBAN STYLE ECE approval thermoplastic TDS 3D shell shell varnish paint decal decoration high quality inner liner removable washable inner liner anti-fog visor sun visor micro metric lock system matte paint anti-scratch short visor ECE approval thermoplastic EPS 2D shell shell varnish paint decal decoration high quality inner liner removable washable inner liner anti-scratch micro metric visor lock system matte paint anti-fog visor N450 CONDOR anti-scratch short visor Tamanho / Size XS > XXL Tamanho / Size XS > XXL Peso / Weight 1340gr +/- 50gr Peso / Weight 1210gr +/- 50gr INCLUÍDA S EI T R A VI SO R VI A EX R A EXTR INCLUDED 1703-lv Preto Black 1284 Cinza Grey 1151-sv 1704M-sv 1705M-lv 1149-sv Vermelho Red 1701-lv 18 1152-sv Azul Blue 1699-lv 1230-sv Branco White 1702-lv 1700-lv Cinza Grey 1150-sv 628 Branco White 631 Prata Silver 632 Preto Black 632M 19 opcional optional LIFESTYLE N350 BOSSA NOVA ECE approval thermoplastic EPS 2D shell shell varnish paint leather finish metallic logo high quality inner liner removable washable inner liner anti-scratch micro metric visor lock system matte paint LIFESTYLE sun visor Tamanho / Size XS > XXL Peso / Weight 1200gr +/- 50gr 1844 Bege - Bordeaux Beige - Bordeaux 1844-fv 1845 Amarelo - Amarelo Yellow - Yellow 1845-fv 20 1846 Verde - Verde Green - Green 1846-fv 1847 Azul - Azul Blue - Blue 1848 Lilás - Lilás Lilac - Lilac 1849 Rosa - Rosa Pink - Pink 1847-fv 1848-fv 1849-fv 1850 Vermelho - Vermelho Red - Red 1850-fv 1851M Castanho - Castanho Brown - Brown 1851M-fv 21 opcional optional LIFESTYLE N350 WIND SPIRIT ECE approval thermoplastic EPS 2D shell shell matte paint leather finish metallic logo high quality inner liner removable washable inner liner anti-scratch micro metric visor lock system varnish paint sun visor Tamanho / Size XS > XXL Peso / Weight 1145gr +/- 50gr 1852M Azul - Castanho Blue - Brown 1852M-fv 1853 Bege - Castanho Beige - Brown 1853-fv 22 1854M Castanho - Castanho Brown - Brown 1854M-fv 1855M Preto - Preto Black - Black 1855M-fv 23 opcional optional LIFESTYLE N350 CHAMELEON ECE approval thermoplastic EPS 2D shell shell varnish paint leather finish metallic logo high quality inner liner removable washable inner liner anti-scratch micro metric visor lock system matte paint Pack de 3 cores em pele incluído sun visor 3 colours leather pack included Tamanho / Size XS > XXL Rosa - Verde Pink - Green Peso / Weight 1200gr +/- 50gr Rosa - Rosa Pink - Pink 1861 Rosa Pink Rosa - Branco Pink - White 1861-fv 1862 Amarelo Yellow 1863M Laranja Orange 1862-fv 1863M-fv Amarelo - Amarelo Yellow - Yellow Amarelo - Branco Yellow - White Amarelo - Lilás Yellow - Lilac Laranja - Laranja Orange - Orange Laranja - Branco Orange - White Laranja - Azul Orange - Blue 1864M Cinza Grey 1865M Preto Black 1864M-fv 1865M-fv Cinza - Cinza Grey - Grey 24 Cinza - Preto Grey - Black Cinza - Bordeaux Grey - Bordeaux Preto - Preto Black - Black Preto - Branco Black - White Preto - Vermelho Black - Red 25 opcional optional opcional optional LIFESTYLE LIFESTYLE N350 MASTER ECE approval thermoplastic EPS 2D shell shell matte paint leather finish embroidered metallic finish logo high quality inner liner removable washable inner liner anti-scratch micro metric visor lock system varnish paint sun visor thermoplastic EPS 2D shell shell ECE approval varnish paint leather finish metallic logo high quality inner liner removable washable inner liner anti-scratch micro metric visor lock system sun visor N350 GUARDIAN Tamanho / Size XS > XXL Tamanho / Size XS > XXL Peso / Weight 1200gr +/- 50gr Peso / Weight 1145gr +/- 50gr 1590 Blue - Camel Azul - Camel 1590-fv 1594M Preto - Preto Black - Black 1594M-fv 1595M Azul - Branco Blue - White 1595M-fv 1597M Cinza - Preto Grey - Black 1597M-fv 1598 Branco - Preto White - Black 1598-fv 1727M Laranja - Preto Orange - Black 1727M-fv 1728 Bege - Castanho Beige - Brown 1728-fv 1593 Preto - Camel Black - Camel 1593-fv 26 27 opcional optional opcional optional LIFESTYLE LIFESTYLE N350 VINTAGE ECE approval thermoplastic EPS 2D shell shell matte paint leather finish embroidered metallic finish logo high quality inner liner removable washable inner liner anti-scratch micro metric visor lock system sun visor ECE approval thermoplastic EPS 2D shell shell varnish paint decal decoration high quality inner liner removable washable inner liner anti-scratch micro metric visor lock system matte paint N350 NAU FASHION sun visor 1583M Preto - Preto Black - Black 1583M-fv Tamanho / Size XS > XXL Tamanho / Size XS > XXL Peso / Weight 1200gr +/- 50gr Peso / Weight 1145gr +/- 50gr LIFESTYLE opcional optional ECE approval thermoplastic EPS 2D shell shell leather finish embroidered high quality finish inner liner removable washable inner liner anti-scratch micro metric visor lock system N350 COURSE sun visor 772 Preto Black Tamanho / Size XS > XXL 772-fv Peso / Weight 1145gr +/- 50gr 1650 Castanho - Bronze Brown - Bronze LIFESTYLE 1650-fv N350 TECHNO CITY 1650M 1650M-fv 1202M Prata - Castanho Silver - Brown 1202M-fv Tamanho / Size XS > XXL Peso / Weight 1200gr +/- 50gr 610 Vermelho - Branco Red - White opcional optional 1200M Preto - Preto Black - Black 28 1200M-fv ECE approval thermoplastic EPS 2D shell shell matte paint metallic net application leather finish metallic logo high quality inner liner removable washable inner liner anti-scratch micro metric visor lock system sun visor 610M 1519 Preto - Prata Black - Silver 1519M 1529 Branco - Preto White - Black 1529M 1649 Preto - Bronze Black - Bronze 1651 Branco - Bronze White - Bronze 1649M 1651M 610-fv 1519-fv 1529-fv 1649-fv 1651-fv 610M-fv 1519M-fv 1529M-fv 1649M-fv 1651M-fv 29 opcional optional opcional optional LIFESTYLE N350 FLAG LIFESTYLE ECE approval thermoplastic EPS 2D shell shell varnish paint decal decoration high quality inner liner removable washable inner liner anti-scratch micro metric visor lock system sun visor ECE approval thermoplastic EPS 2D shell shell varnish paint decal decoration high quality inner liner non-removable anti-scratch micro metric inner liner visor lock system N250 TOP PILOT matte paint Tamanho / Size XS > XXL Tamanho / Size XS > XXL Peso / Weight 1145gr +/- 50gr Peso / Weight 1145gr +/- 50gr 1623 Verde - Vermelho Green - Red 1623-fv 1866-lv Cinza Grey 1866-sv 1625 Azul - Vermelho Blue - Red 1625-fv 1867-lv Azul Blue 1867-sv 1868-lv Rosa Pink 1868-sv 1869-sv Branco White 1869-lv 1870-sv Prata Silver 1870-lv 1871-lv Preto Black 1871M-lv 1871-sv 1871M-sv 30 31 opcional optional opcional optional LIFESTYLE LIFESTYLE N350 SPOTS ECE approval thermoplastic EPS 2D shell shell varnish paint decal decoration high quality inner liner removable washable inner liner anti-scratch micro metric visor lock system sun visor ECE approval thermoplastic EPS 2D shell shell leather finish crystal application high quality inner liner removable washable inner liner anti-scratch micro metric visor lock system sun visor N350 PARIS Tamanho / Size XS > XXL Tamanho / Size XS > XXL Peso / Weight 1145gr +/- 50gr Peso / Weight 1145gr +/- 50gr 1660 Branco - Preto White - Black 1660-fv 1872 Vermelho Red 1872-fv 1072 Preto - Branco Black - White 1072-fv 1742 Azul - Branco Blue - White 1742-fv 1073 Vermelho - Branco Red - White 1073-fv 1319 Rosa - Branco Pink - White 1319-fv 1873 Preto Black 1873-fv 32 1874 Branco White 1874-fv 33 opcional optional LIFESTYLE LIFESTYLE N250 VERONA ECE approval thermoplastic EPS 2D shell shell varnish paint decal decoration high quality inner liner removable washable inner liner anti-scratch micro metric visor lock system thermoplastic EPS 2D shell shell ECE approval varnish paint decal decoration high quality inner liner removable washable inner liner anti-scratch micro metric visor lock system sun visor N350 JULIET Tamanho / Size XS > XXL Tamanho / Size XS > XXL Peso / Weight 1145gr +/- 50gr Peso / Weight 1145gr +/- 50gr 1875-lv Branco - Rosa White - Pink 1945-sv Preto - Rosa Black - Pink 1875-sv 1945-lv LIFESTYLE Tamanho / Size XS > XXL N350 PANDORA Peso / Weight 1145gr +/- 50gr 1741 Branco White 1741-fv 1661 Branco - Azul White - Blue 1661-fv 1663 Preto - Rosa Black - Pink 1663-fv 1662 Preto - Azul Black - Blue 1662-fv 1665 Preto - Branco Black - White 1665-fv 1664 Branco - Rosa White - Pink opcional optional 1664-fv ECE approval 34 thermoplastic EPS 2D shell shell varnish paint decal decoration high quality inner liner removable washable inner liner anti-scratch micro metric visor lock system sun visor 35 opcional optional ROAD N80 SPYDER ECE approval N-MACK3 shell TDS 3D shell varnish paint opcional optional ROAD decal decoration CoolMax inner liner removable washable inner liner anti-fog visor micro metric lock system matte paint double ring lock system ROAD ECE approval N-MACK3 shell TDS 3D shell varnish paint decal decoration CoolMax inner liner removable washable inner liner anti-fog visor micro metric lock system matte paint N80 COBWEB double ring lock system Tamanho / Size XS > XXL Tamanho / Size XS > XXL Peso / Weight 1600gr +/- 50gr Peso / Weight 1600gr +/- 50gr N-MACK3 N-MACK3 1880 Preto - Azul Black - Blue 1876 Branco - Multicolor White - Multicolor 1877 Cinza - Multicolor Grey - Multicolor 1877M 36 1880M 1878 Azul - Multicolor Blue - Multicolor 1878M 1879 Amarelo - Multicolor Yellow - Multicolor 1879M N-MACK3 Fibras Vidro Especiais, Multiaxial, Aramida e Reforços em Carbono Multiaxial Special Fibers with Aramid and Carbon 1881 Preto - Vermelho Black - Red 1881M 1882 Preto - Cinza Black - Grey 1883 Branco - Azul White - Blue 1884 Branco - Vermelho White - Red 1885 Branco - Cinza White - Grey 1882M 37 opcional optional ROAD ECE approval N-MACK3 shell TDS 3D shell varnish paint decal decoration CoolMax inner liner removable washable inner liner anti-fog visor micro metric lock system matte paint N80 XR80 double ring lock system Tamanho / Size XS > XXL Peso / Weight 1600gr +/- 50gr N-MACK3 Fibras Vidro Especiais, Multiaxial, Aramida e Reforços em Carbono Multiaxial Special Fibers with Aramid and Carbon N-MACK3 1886M Castanho Brown 1887 Amarelo Fluor Fluor Yellow 1888 Laranja Fluor Fluor Orange 660 Preto Black 662 Branco White 664 Prata Silver 836 Cinza Grey 660M 38 39 opcional optional ROAD N70 DUOTEC ECE approval thermoplastic TDS 3D shell shell varnish paint decal decoration high quality inner liner removable washable inner liner anti-scratch sun visor visor micro metric lock system matte paint anti-fog visor double ring lock system Tamanho / Size XS > XXL Peso / Weight 1670gr +/- 50gr 1941 Laranja Fluor Fluor Orange 1723 Preto Black 1723M 40 1724 Branco White 1725 Cinza Grey 1726 Prata Silver 1889 Amarelo Fluor Fluor Yellow 41 opcional optional opcional optional ROAD ROAD N20 SPORT R ECE approval thermoplastic TDS 3D shell shell varnish paint decal decoration high quality inner liner removable washable inner liner anti-scratch micro metric visor lock system anti-fog visor double ring lock system N20 ESCOLHA A SUA VISEIRA Tamanho / Size XS > XXL p. 65 Peso / Weight 1480gr +/- 50gr 1890 Preto - Multicolor Black - Multicolor 1891 Preto - Ouro Black - Gold 42 N20 CHOOSE YOUR VISOR ECE approval pág. 65 N20 ESCOLHA A SUA VISEIRA p. 65 thermoplastic TDS 3D shell shell varnish paint decal decoration high quality inner liner removable washable inner liner anti-scratch micro metric visor lock system anti-fog visor double ring lock system N20 XRF pág. 65 Tamanho / Size XS > XXL N20 CHOOSE YOUR VISOR Peso / Weight 1480gr +/- 50gr 1893 Preto - Cinza Black - Grey 1892 Preto - Cinza Black - Grey 1894 Preto - Azul Black - Blue 1895 Preto - Vermelho Black - Red 43 opcional optional ROAD ROAD N20 FLORENCE ECE approval thermoplastic TDS 3D shell shell varnish paint decal decoration high quality inner liner removable washable inner liner anti-scratch micro metric visor lock system anti-fog visor double ring lock system thermoplastic EPS 2D shell shell varnish paint decal decoration high quality inner liner N15 LEGEND non-removable anti-scratch quick release inner liner visor lock system Tamanho / Size XS > XXL Tamanho / Size XS > XXL Peso / Weight 1480gr +/- 50gr Peso / Weight 1410gr +/- 50gr N20 ESCOLHA A SUA VISEIRA 1897 Branco - Rosa White - Pink 1898 Rosa - Preto Pink - Black p. 65 thermoplastic TDS 3D shell shell varnish paint decal decoration high quality inner liner removable washable inner liner anti-scratch micro metric visor lock system matte paint anti-fog visor N20 XR20 double ring lock system 1899 Branco - Preto White - Black 1900 Branco - Ouro White - Gold 1901 Preto - Ouro Black - Gold N20 CHOOSE YOUR VISOR ROAD opcional optional ECE approval pág. 65 1896 Preto - Rosa Black - Pink 1896M ROAD N15 CLASSIC opcional optional ECE approval thermoplastic EPS 2D shell shell varnish paint decal decoration high quality inner liner non-removable anti-scratch quick release inner liner visor lock system matte paint Tamanho / Size XS > XXL Tamanho / Size XS > XXL Peso / Weight 1480gr +/- 50gr Peso / Weight 1410gr +/- 50gr N20 ESCOLHA A SUA VISEIRA 239 Prata Silver 499 Cinza Grey 240 Preto Black 240M 44 ECE approval pág. 65 1666 Preto Black p. 65 N20 CHOOSE YOUR VISOR 1667 Branco White 1668 Prata Silver 1666M 45 opcional optional opcional optional ROAD ROAD N42 PRIME ECE approval thermoplastic TDS 3D shell shell varnish paint decal decoration high quality inner liner removable washable inner liner anti-fog visor micro metric lock system matte paint anti-scratch double ring visor lock system ECE approval thermoplastic TDS 3D shell shell varnish paint decal decoration high quality inner liner removable washable inner liner anti-fog visor micro metric lock system matte paint N47 DOMINATOR anti-scratch double ring visor lock system Tamanho / Size XS > XXL Tamanho / Size XS > XXL Peso / Weight 1400gr +/- 50gr Peso / Weight 1500gr +/- 50gr 1126 Preto Black 1139 Branco White 1126M 1124 Prata Silver 1125 Cinza Grey 1127 Branco White 1136 Prata Silver 1138 Preto Black 1140 Cinza Grey 1138M 46 47 opcional optional opcional optional OFF ROAD N45 MASK OFF ROAD ECE approval thermoplastic TDS 3D shell shell varnish paint decal decoration high quality inner liner removable washable inner liner micro metric lock system double ring lock system ECE approval thermoplastic TDS 3D shell shell varnish paint decal decoration high quality inner liner removable washable inner liner micro metric lock system double ring lock system Tamanho / Size XS > XXL Tamanho / Size XS > XXL Peso / Weight 1390gr +/- 50gr Peso / Weight 1390gr +/- 50gr 1609 Branco - Preto White - Black 1902 Branco White 1903 Preto Black 48 N45 GRAFFITI OFF ROAD 1608 Rosa - Cinza Pink - Grey 1610 Preto - Cinza Black - Grey 49 opcional optional opcional optional OFF ROAD OFF ROAD N45 CRANK ECE approval thermoplastic TDS 3D shell shell varnish paint decal decoration high quality inner liner removable washable inner liner micro metric lock system double ring lock system ECE approval thermoplastic TDS 3D shell shell varnish paint decal decoration high quality inner liner removable washable inner liner micro metric lock system matte paint N45 XT45 double ring lock system Tamanho / Size XS > XXL Tamanho / Size XS > XXL Peso / Weight 1390gr +/- 50gr Peso / Weight 1390gr +/- 50gr 1904 Branco - Multicolor White - Multicolor 1905 Preto - Laranja Black - Orange 1909 Laranja Fluor Fluor Orange 1942 Amarelo Fluor Fluor Yellow 1906 Preto - Vermelho Black - Red 1907 Preto - Azul Black - Blue 1908 Preto - Cinza Black - Grey 890 Preto Black 891 Prata Silver 892 Branco White 895 Cinza Grey 890M 50 51 opcional optional TRIAL N400 FREE TRIAL ECE approval thermoplastic EPS 2D shell shell varnish paint decal decoration high quality inner liner removable washable inner liner micro metric lock system TRIAL double ring mask lock system Tamanho / Size XS > XXL Peso / Weight 1080gr +/- 50gr S176 Máscara Mask 1910 Branco - Vermelho White - Red 1911 Branco - Azul White - Blue 52 1912 Branco - Amarelo White - Yellow 1913 Branco - Laranja White - Orange 1914 Branco - Rosa White - Pink 1915 Branco - Ouro White - Gold 1916 Amarelo - Azul Yellow - Blue 1917 Cinza - Azul Grey - Blue 1918 Cinza - Amarelo Grey - Yellow 1919 Cinza - Laranja Grey - Orange 1920 Cinza - Vermelho Grey - Red 53 opcional optional opcional optional TRIAL TRIAL N400 OVERALL ECE approval thermoplastic EPS 2D shell shell varnish paint decal decoration high quality inner liner removable washable inner liner micro metric lock system ECE approval double ring mask lock system thermoplastic TDS 3D shell shell varnish paint decal decoration high quality inner liner removable washable inner liner micro metric lock system matte paint N400 TRIAL double ring mask lock system Tamanho / Size XS > XXL Tamanho / Size XS > XXL Peso / Weight 1080gr +/- 50gr Peso / Weight 1080gr +/- 50gr S176 Máscara Mask S176 Máscara Mask 1776 Preto - Azul Black - Blue CARBON LOOK 1921 Amarelo - Azul Yellow - Blue 1777 Preto - Vermelho Black - Red 1681 Preto Black 1780 Branco - Azul White - Blue 1778 Preto - Cinza Black - Grey 1779 Branco - Vermelho White - Red 1781 Branco - Cinza White - Grey 1783 Rosa - Cinza Pink - Grey 1943 Cinza Grey 453 Preto Black 455 Prata Silver 457 Branco White 1944 Amarelo Fluor Fluor Yellow 1680M 54 55 opcional optional ECE approval thermoplastic EPS 2D shell shell varnish paint Tamanho / Size XS > XXL decal decoration high quality inner liner removable washable inner liner anti-scratch micro metric visor lock system opcional optional N350 KINAS sun visor N45 PATRIOT V ECE approval thermoplastic TDS 3D shell shell Peso / Weight 1145gr +/- 50gr varnish paint decal decoration high quality inner liner removable washable inner liner micro metric lock system double ring lock system Tamanho / Size Peso / Weight XS > XXL 1390gr +/- 50gr N350 N45 KINAS PATRIOT V 1174 Branco White 1812 Branco White opcional optional N15 PATRIOT II ECE approval thermoplastic EPS 2D shell shell varnish paint decal decoration high quality inner liner non-removable anti-scratch quick release inner liner visor lock system Tamanho / Size Peso / Weight XS > XXL 1410gr +/- 50gr N15 ECE approval thermoplastic TDS 3D shell shell varnish paint Tamanho / Size XS > XXL decal decoration high quality inner liner removable washable inner liner anti-fog visor micro metric lock system N47 PATRIOT I anti-scratch double ring visor lock system Peso / Weight 1500gr +/- 50gr N47 PATRIOT II PATRIOT I 1940 Branco White 1811 Branco White opcional optional ECE approval thermoplastic TDS 3D shell shell varnish paint Tamanho / Size XS > XXL N20 PATRIOT III 1577 Branco White 56 decal decoration high quality inner liner removable washable inner liner Peso / Weight 1480gr +/- 50gr anti-scratch micro metric visor lock system anti-fog visor opcional optional double ring lock system N20 PATRIOT III N70 PATRIOT IV ECE approval thermoplastic TDS 3D shell shell varnish paint decal decoration high quality inner liner removable washable inner liner anti-scratch sun visor visor micro metric lock system anti-fog visor double ring lock system Tamanho / Size Peso / Weight XS > XXL 1680gr +/- 50gr N70 PATRIOT IV 1471 Branco White 57 opcional optional TRUE LIFE Uso exclusivo Ciclomotor/ skates/ patins KIKO EN 1078 Certified Product thermoplastic EPS styrofoam shell shell leather finish non-removable quick release inner liner lock system mask Use for Moped /shateboards/ skaters Tamanho / Size XS > XXL 1923 Branco - Rosa White - Pink 1924 Branco - Azul White - Blue 1925 Branco - Preto White - Black Peso / Weight 695gr +/- 50gr 1922 Branco - Bordeaux White - Bordeaux 58 S177 Máscara Mask 1926 Bege - Castanho Beige - Brown 1927 Camel - Preto Camel - Black 1928 Laranja - Preto Orange - Black 1929 Preto Black 1930 Castanho Brown 1931 Seal Azul Seal Blue 1932 Seal Rosa Seal Pink 1933 Seal Verde Seal Green 1934 Zebra Zebra 1935 Safari Safari 1936 Details 1937 Vessel 1938 Jeans 1939 Party 59 INFORMAÇÃO TÉCNICA TECHNICAL INFORMATION PRODUÇÃO E GARANTIA DE QUALIDADE PRODUCTION AND QUALITY GARANTEE A Nau possui uma equipa de pessoas com muitos anos de “Know How”, Engenheiros que aliados a pessoas competentes e responsáveis dedicam-se todos os dias para produzir cada um e todos os capacetes Nau com a máxima qualidade lado a lado “Side by Side” com a segurança, estilo e inovação. Ao longo de todo o processo de fabrico é feito um rigoroso control em todos os componentes para que o produto final atinja a máxima qualidade “high quality”. Nau Helmets has a team with many years of “Know How” Engineers who combined with competent and responsible people dedicated every day to produce each and every Nau helmets with the highest quality side by side with safety, style and innovation. Throughout the manufacturing process is made strict control of all components so that the final product reaches the maximum quality “high quality”. TECHNICAL INFORMATION SEGURANÇA E HOMOLOGAÇÃO CORTE A LASER ROBOTIZADO A Nau respeita integralmente a Norma Europeia de Segurança ECE 22:05, e como parte da sua missão aposta no seu próprio laboratório de teste NCTL(Nau Crash Test Lab) equipado com a mais alta tecnologia nesta área permite fazer testes segundo as normas oficiais, com simulação das condições climatéricas e de impacto, garantindo a Norma e a máxima segurança para o utilizador. Nesta fase após estar moldado o casco e passar por controlo de qualidade, segue-se este método de acabamento que dá ao casco de fibra a forma definitiva perfeita garantido precisão no corte e furação para posterior aplicação dos componentes e acabamento final. ROBOT LASER CUTTING SAFETY AND APPROVAL Nau helmets respects the European standard ECE 22:05 Security and as part of its mission bet on your own NCTL test lab ( Nau Crash Test Lab) equipped with the latest technology in this area allows tests according to official standards with simulation of climate and impact conditions ensuring the standard and maximum safety for the user. TECNOLOGIA DE MODULAÇÃO DE CASCO EM FIBRA N-MACK3 O processo de conceção do casco com integração das fibras em modo “Tridimensional” que entrelaçam entre si com destaque da malha/rede “UCF” (ultimate carbon fiber) utilizado no mundo da Formula 1, do Moto GP e da Aeronáutica, conseguindo desta forma mais elasticidade e leveza com a máxima resistência ao impacto. TECHNOLOGY SHELL’S MODULATION IN FIBER N-MACK3 The conception process with integration fibers “tri-dimensional” that interlace with each other especially the mesh/net “UCF” (ultimate fiber carbon) used in the Formula 1 , Moto GP and Air Force achieving by this way more elasticity and lightness with maximum impact resistance. 60 At this stage and after the shell being molded and passed by a quality control it follows this method that gives to the fiber shell the finished definitive way guaranteed the perfect cutting precision and drilling for the applying of all the components and finished. SISTEMA DE PINTURA Automático por disco robotizado garantindo melhor acabamento do vidrado UV e pinturas Mate, utilizando matérias primas dentro das normas ecológicas europeias. O envernizamento UV garante a durabilidade do capacete protegendo os seus componentes internos EPS/TDS, dos fatores meteorológicos, de perder qualidades de absorção de impacto. PAINTING SYSTEM By a automatic robot with disc ensuring the best finish of glazed UV and Matte paintings, using raw materials within the European standards. The UV varnishing guarantees the durability of the helmet protecting its internal components EPS/TDS of the meteorological factors by losing impact absorption qualities. 61 ACCESSORIES VISEIRA VISOR N200 / N350 N600 / N650 ACESSÓRIOS PARTS N200 N350 S129 Viseira Interna Fumada Internal Smoke Visor N350 S137 Viseira Prata Silver Visor N350 S063 Parafusos Screws N350 S130 Viseira Transparente Clear Visor N350 S138 Viseira Prata Silver Visor N350 S064 Parafusos Screws N350 S133 Viseira Fumada c/ Porta Viseira Smoke Visor with Support N650 S156 Viseira Transparente Clear Visor N350 S065 Mecanismo Completo Visor’s Mechanism N200 N650 S158 Parafusos Screws N200 S058 Pala Forrada em Pele Leather Lined Peak N350 S159 Interior Completo Complete Interior N350 S135 Viseira Transparente Clear Visor N350 S136 Viseira Fumada Smoke Visor VISEIRA VISOR ACCESSORIES ACESSÓRIOS PARTS N250 / N450 N500 N250 N250 N250 N250 N450 N450 N450 N450 S139 Viseira Transparente Clear Visor S140 Viseira Fumada Smoke Visor S141 Viseira Prata Silver Visor S142 Viseira Azul Blue Visor N600 N200 N250 N250 N250 N250 N650 N600 N450 N450 N450 N450 S157 Viseira Interna Fumada Internal Smoke Visor N350 S066 Mecanismo da Viseira Completo Complete Visor’s Mechanism S132 Viseira Bubble Bubble Visor N350 S067 Mecanismo da Viseira Completo Complete Visor’s Mechanism S143 Viseira Iridium Iridium Visor N500 S145 Viseira Transparente Clear Visor S144 Viseira Anti-Embaciamento Anti-Fog Visor N500 S146 Viseira Transparente Longa Long Clear Visor S153 Viseira Transparente Clear Visor N500 S147 Viseira Interna Fumada Internal Smoke Visor S154 Viseira Fumada Smoke Visor N500 S148 Viseira Interna Prata Internal Silver Visor N250 N450 S161 Viseira Verde Green Visor N250 N450 S155 Viseira Prata Silver Visor N450 S077 Parafusos Screws N600 N650 S160 Interior Completo Complete Interior N450 S078 Tampas Laterais Preto Set Plates Black N450 S079 Tampas Laterais Cinza Set Plates Grey N500 S084 Mecanismo da Viseira Completo Complete Visor’s Mechanism N500 S087 Ventilador Traseiro Rear Ventilation N500 S091 Aro Vedação da Viseira String of Visor N450 62 N200 N200 S149 Goggles Goggles S150 Goggles Goggles N500 S162 Interior Completo Complete Interior 63 ACCESSORIES VISEIRA VISOR N70 N80 N70 S111 Viseira Transparente Clear Visor N70 S117 Viseira Anti-Embaciamento Anti-Fog Visor N80 S123 Viseira Azul Blue Visor N70 S164 Aileron Traseiro Rear Aileron N70 S166 Interior Completo Complete Interior 64 N70 S112 Viseira Fumada Smoke Visor N70 S118 Viseira Interna Fumada Internal Smoke Visor N80 S124 Viseira Iridium Iridium Visor N70 S165 Set Completo de Parafusos Complete Set of Screws N80 S167 Interior Completo Complete Interior N70 S113 Viseira Prata Silver Visor N80 S120 Viseira Transparente Clear Visor N80 S125 Viseira Anti-Embaciamento Anti-Fog Visor N80 S037 Mecanismo da Viseira Completo Complete Visor’s Mechanism N70 S115 Viseira Azul Blue Visor N80 S121 Viseira Fumada Smoke Visor N70 S033 Aro de Vedação String N80 S038 Parafusos Screws ACESSÓRIOS PARTS N70 S116 Viseira Iridium Iridium Visor N80 S122 Viseira Prata Silver Visor N70 S163 Ventiladores Superiores Top Ventilation N80 S039 Narigueira Nose Protection VISEIRA VISOR N15 S092 Viseira Transparente Clear Visor N20 S97 Viseira Transparente Clear Visor N15 S001 Anel de Capacete Helmet’s Ring N15 S007 Aranhas Movimento da Viseira Pieces Movement of Visor N20 S012 Ventilador Inferior Lower Ventilation ACCESSORIES ACESSÓRIOS PARTS N15 S093 Viseira Fumada Smoke Visor N20 S098 Viseira Fumada Smoke Visor N15 S002 Aro da Viseira Visor’s Ring N15 S008 Narigueira Nose Protection N20 S013 Narigueira Nose Protection N15 N20 N15 S094 Viseira Prata Silver Visor N20 S099 Viseira Prata Silver Visor N15 S003 Ventilador Superior Top Ventilation N20 S009 Anel de Capacete Helmet’s Ring N15 S095 Viseira Azul Blue Visor N20 S101 Viseira Azul Blue Visor N15 S005 Tampos Laterais Set Plates N20 S010 Aro da Viseira Visor’s Ring N15 S096 Viseira Iridium Iridium Visor N20 S102 Viseira Iridium Iridium Visor N15 S006 Botões de Fixar Viseira Set Fix Button of Visor N20 S011 Mecanismo da Viseira Completo Complete Visor’s Mechanism N20 S168 Interior Completo Complete Interior 65 ACCESSORIES VISEIRA VISOR N42 / N47 N45 N42 N42 N47 N47 S126 Viseira Anti-Embaciamento Anti-Fog Visor S127 Viseira Fumada Smoke Visor ACESSÓRIOS PARTS VISEIRA VISOR ACCESSORIES ACESSÓRIOS PARTS N400 N42 N47 S128 Viseira Prata Silver Visor N42 S052 Mecanismo da Viseira Completo Complete Visor’s Mechanism N47 S053 Mecanismo da Viseira Completo Complete Visor’s Mechanism N400 S070 Kit Parafusos Pala Peak’s Screws Kit N400 S174 Interior Completo Complete Interior N400 S175 Máscara Mask N42 N42 N47 S057 Aro de Capacete Helmet’s Ring N47 S170 Pala Patriot Patriot Peak N47 N45 S045 Aro de Capacete Helmet’s Ring N45 S046 Kit Parafusos Pala Peak’s Screws Kit N45 N400 S169 Interior Completo Complete Interior N45 S171 Pala Patriot Patriot Peak N400 N400 S151 Pala Free Trial Free Trial Peak S152 Pala Overall Overall Peak S071 Pala Trial Trial Peak S151/A Branco - Vermelho White - Red S152/A Branco - Azul White - Blue S071/A Preto / Black S151/B Branco - Azul White - Blue S152/B Preto - Azul Black - Blue S071/C Carbono / Carbon S151/C Branco - Amarelo White - Yellow S152/C Preto - Vermelho Black - Red S151/D Branco - Laranja White - Orange S152/D Preto - Cinza Black - Grey S151/E Branco - Rosa White - Pink S152/E Branco - Vermelho White - Red S151/F Branco - Ouro White - Gold S152/F Branco - Cinza White - Grey S151/G Amarelo - Azul Yellow - Blue S152/G Rosa - Cinza Pink - Grey S151/H Cinza - Azul Grey - Blue S152/H Amarelo - Azul Yellow - Blue S071/B Preto Mate / Black Matte S071/D Prata / Silver S071/E Cinza / Grey S071/F Branco / White S071/G Amarelo Fluor / Fluor Yellow S151/I Cinza - Amarelo Grey - Yellow S151/J Cinza - Laranja Grey - Orange S151/K Cinza - Vermelho Grey - Red N47 N45 S056 Pala Peak S172 Pala Mask Mask Peak S056/A Preto / Black S056/B Prata / Silver S056/C Branco / White S056/D Cinza / Grey S056/E Preto Mate / Black Matte N45 N45 N45 S050 Pala Graffiti Graffiti Peak S173 Pala Crank Crank Peak S051 Pala XT45 XT45 Peak S172/A Branco / White S050/A Branco / White S050/B Rosa / Pink S173/A Branco - Multicolor White - Multicolor S051/A Preto / Black S172/B Preto / Black S173/B Preto - Laranja Black - Orange S051/C Branco / White S050/C Preto / Black S173/C Preto - Vermelho Black - Red S173/D Preto - Azul Black - Blue S051/B Prata / Silver S051/D Cinza / Grey S051/E Preto Mate / Black Matte S051/F Laranja Fluor / Fluor Orange S051/G Amarelo Fluor / Fluor Yellow S173/E Preto - Cinza Black - Grey 66 67 WE ARE A PART OF YOUR JOURNEY Nau - Fábrica de Capacetes, Lda Apartado 14 Mogofores Malaposta 3781-905 Anadia Portugal T: +351 231 519 640 F: +351 231 512 521
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