Seasonal prediction of lightning activity in North Western Venezuela
Seasonal prediction of lightning activity in North Western Venezuela
Atmospheric Research 172–173 (2016) 147–162 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Atmospheric Research journal homepage: Seasonal prediction of lightning activity in North Western Venezuela: Large-scale versus local drivers Á.G. Muñoz a,b,⁎, J. Díaz-Lobatón a, X. Chourio a, M.J. Stock a a b Centro de Modelado Científico (CMC), Universidad del Zulia, Maracaibo 4004, Venezuela International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI), Earth Institute, Columbia University, NY, USA a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 23 July 2015 Received in revised form 8 December 2015 Accepted 23 December 2015 Available online 8 January 2016 Keywords: Venezuela Lightning variability Catatumbo Lightning Atmospheric electricity Nocturnal Low Level Jet a b s t r a c t The Lake Maracaibo Basin in North Western Venezuela has the highest annual lightning rate of any place in the world (~200 fl km−2 yr−1), whose electrical discharges occasionally impact human and animal lives (e.g., cattle) and frequently affect economic activities like oil and natural gas exploitation. Lightning activity is so common in this region that it has a proper name: Catatumbo Lightning (plural). Although short-term lightning forecasts are now common in different parts of the world, to the best of the authors' knowledge, seasonal prediction of lightning activity is still non-existent. This research discusses the relative role of both large-scale and local climate drivers as modulators of lightning activity in the region, and presents a formal predictability study at seasonal scale. Analysis of the Catatumbo Lightning Regional Mode, defined in terms of the second Empirical Orthogonal Function of monthly Lightning Imaging Sensor (LIS-TRMM) and Optical Transient Detector (OTD) satellite data for North Western South America, permits the identification of potential predictors at seasonal scale via a Canonical Correlation Analysis. Lightning activity in North Western Venezuela responds to well defined sea-surface temperature patterns (e.g., El Niño-Southern Oscillation, Atlantic Meridional Mode) and changes in the low-level meridional wind field that are associated with the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone migrations, the Caribbean Low Level Jet and tropical cyclone activity, but it is also linked to local drivers like convection triggered by the topographic configuration and the effect of the Maracaibo Basin Nocturnal Low Level Jet. The analysis indicates that at seasonal scale the relative contribution of the large-scale drivers is more important than the local (basin-wide) ones, due to the synoptic control imposed by the former. Furthermore, meridional CAPE transport at 925 mb is identified as the best potential predictor for lightning activity in the Lake Maracaibo Basin. It is found that the predictive skill is slightly higher for the minimum lightning season (Jan–Feb) than for the maximum one (Sep–Oct), but that in general the skill is high enough to be useful for decision-making processes related to human safety, oil and natural gas exploitation, energy and food security. © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Characterizing lightning activity in different geographical regions is of great importance both for research and forecast applications (Barnes and Newton, 1982; Court and Griffiths, 1982). There is strong evidence pointing to a relationship between flash rate and other thunderstorm parameters, such as precipitation rate (Lee, 1990; Goodman, 1990; Baker et al., 1995). Moreover, there is a growing interest in studying the modulation of lightning distribution and frequency due to interannual phenomena, like El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) regional teleconnections (Goodman et al., 2000; Hamid et al., 2001; Chronis et al., 2008), or even the effect of climate change on lightning activity ⁎ Corresponding author at: International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI), Earth Institute, Columbia University, NY, USA. E-mail address: (Á.G. Muñoz). 0169-8095/© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. (Goodman and Christian, 1993). One of the main issues impacting this kind of research has been the availability of long time series of data. The acquisition of atmospheric electricity data is difficult due to the nature of the events. Prior research was hampered by the absence of measurements that accurately quantify the frequency and distribution of lightning activity in the planet (Christian et al., 2003). However, the use of space-based sensors allows the attainment of data in a more effective way than ground-based sensors and World Meteorological Organization (WMO) thunder day statistics determined by local observers (World Meteorological Organization (WMO), 1953). Furthermore, satellite images represent an ideal platform for investigating lightning over large regions, and have now been available for several years. In particular, the spaceborne optical sensors Optical Transient Detector (OTD) on the MicroLab-1 satellite, and the Lightning Imaging Sensor (LIS) of the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) satellite now offer lightning density data for over seventeen years (Cecil et al., 2014). For technical details on the acquisition, characteristics, instrument 148 Á.G. Muñoz et al. / Atmospheric Research 172–173 (2016) 147–162 Caribbean Sea I II Colombia Lake Maracaibo III IV as rin Ba Venezuela Fig. 1. Lake Maracaibo Basin, in North Western Venezuela. Roman numerals identify each quadrant. efficiency and merging process of the LIS–OTD dataset, and the associated spatial and temporal lightning density distribution see Christian et al. (2003), Albrecht et al. (2009), Cecil et al. (2014) and references therein. The Catatumbo region, located in the southwestern quadrant of the Lake Maracaibo Basin (LMB) in North Western Venezuela (Fig. 1), is the location with the highest density rate of lightning for the entire planet (Albrecht et al., 2009; Muñoz and Díaz-Lobatón, 2011), with flash density rates surpassing the 200 fl km− 2 yr−1. Albrecht et al. (2009) and Bürgesser et al. (2012) have presented a characterization of this lightning phenomenon using LIS–OTD and the WWLLN (Virts et al., 2013) data, respectively. In this region, lightning activity has such an extraordinary frequency that it is commonly grouped as a single phenomenon, usually known as “Catatumbo Lightning” (plural) or “Maracaibo's Lighthouse”1. Comparing lightning mortality rate data, Muñoz et al. (2015a) estimated that it is about three times more probable for a person to be struck by a lightning discharge in Catatumbo than in the continental United States. Besides the obvious implications for human safety, lightning discharges also impact important economic activities in the region: killing or injuring cattle in one of the most productive regions of Venezuela in terms of meat and dairy, and delaying or interrupting oil and natural gas exploitation, in a country that holds the world's largest proven oil reserves (~20% of global reserves). Therefore, it is imperative to be able to forecast lightning activity in the LMB. Short-term (i.e., from one week up to a few days in advance) lightning forecasts are becoming more and more common in several regions of the planet (Burrows et al., 2005; McCaul et al., 2009; Shafer and Fuelberg, 2008; Lynn et al., 2012; Zepka et al., 2014). Although the short-term methodology and model validation that the Centro de Modelado Científico (CMC, or Center for Scientific Modeling, Venezuela) is developing for the LMB will be discussed elsewhere, for the sake of completeness it is worthwhile to mention that CMC is following the International Research Institute for Climate and Society's (IRI) Ready–Set–Go! approach (Hellmuth et al., 2011): in order to provide useful lightning activity forecasts well in advance, a skillful probabilistic seasonal prediction indicating the expected flash density rate for the next three-months should be available to the decisionmakers at least one or two months prior (the Ready stage), followed by shorter-term forecasts once the three month period has arrived (the Set stage); this ensures that the decision-makers are continuously aware of the expected conditions, and, if needed, can prepare communities, farmers and the gas/oil industry to take action (the Go! stage). This research addresses the predictability study required for the Ready stage of the approach. The datasets and methodologies are introduced in Sections 2 and 3. The description of the LMB and generalities about the Catatumbo Lightning are presented in Section 4. The identification of potential predictors and the predictive skill for the minimum (Jan–Feb, JF) and maximum (Sep–Oct, SO) flash density rate seasons are discussed in Sections 5 and 6, respectively. Finally, the last section deals with the discussion and concluding remarks. 2. Datasets This section describes the lightning, atmospheric fields and seasurface temperature datasets used in the research. Unless otherwise indicated, the period 1996–2013 was used for all datasets. 2.1. Lightning data 1 This phenomenon seems to be famous in Venezuela for being the “first planetary ozone layer regenerator”. The authors have not found any direct evidence or serious study indicating the validity of such a claim. Tropospheric ozone is actually poisonous, and the minimum transit time for ozone (~6 months) to the stratospheric layers is much longer than its typical lifetime (~22 days). Two lightning datasets are used in the present study, provided by NASA's Global Hydrology Resource Center (GHRC, http://ghrc.nsstc. The first dataset is the LIS–OTD merged 2.5° Low Resolution Time Series (LRTS), at monthly resolution. The second dataset is the Á.G. Muñoz et al. / Atmospheric Research 172–173 (2016) 147–162 LIS Granule Science Dataset (see (Goodman et al., 2007) and http://ghrc.; it has 4–7 km resolution and was only used in this work to compute monthly lightning climatologies (1998–2013) for each one of the quadrants in the LMB, as well as minor analyses and comparisons with the LRTS dataset. Details on the OTD and LIS-TRMM lightning sensors, data and quality control procedures are provided by several authors (Christian et al., 2000; Cecil et al., 2014; Boccippio et al., 2002; Boccippio et al., 2000; Goodman and Boeck, 2007). Differences in the magnitudes between the two datasets are due to their different spatial resolutions and the post-processing method used in each case. 2.2. Atmospheric fields This research explores a subset of the physical variables studied by Díaz-Lobatón (2012) as potential predictors for lightning activity in the LMB. Sections 5 and 6 further elaborate on the selection of these variables. The components of the wind field (u , v ,w) and Convective Available Potential Energy (CAPE) were used to identify potential predictors; other variables like specific humidity and temperature were also considered in the analysis to provide a better understanding of the physical processes. The fields were extracted from the 20th Century Reanalysis (20CR, e.g., (Compo and Coauthors, 2011)); a high resolution model output produced with the Weather and Research Forecast (WRF) model: the North Western South America Retrospective Simulation (NOSA30k, for details see Muñoz and Recalde (2010) and Muñoz and Díaz-Lobatón (2011)); and the operational Climate Forecast System Version 2 (CFSv2) forecasts (Saha and Coauthors, 2014). All these datasets are freely available via the IRI's Data Library (http://iridl.ldeo. The 20CR is a comprehensive global atmospheric circulation dataset at 6-hourly temporal and 2° spatial resolutions. It was produced assimilating only surface pressure reports and using observed monthly seasurface temperature and sea-ice distributions as boundary conditions. NOSA30k is a free-run, 6-hourly and 30 km resolution, simulation, spanning 13 yrs (1996–2008). It was produced as part of the Latin American Observatory partnership (Muñoz et al., 2012; Muñoz et al., 2010). Its precipitation field has been recently evaluated by Ochoa et al. (2013). CFSv2 dataset is available at monthly temporal and 0.937° spatial resolution. It improves nearly all aspects of the data assimilation and forecast model components of the system (Saha and Coauthors, 2014), increases the length of skillful Madden–Julian Oscillations forecasts from 6 to 17 days, and significantly improves global SST forecasts over its predecessor. In this study, forecasts for JF were initialized in December, while SO forecasts were initialized in August. A 24-member ensemble mean was used in both cases. 2.3. Sea-surface temperature The study uses the monthly extended reconstructed sea-surface temperature (SST) dataset (ERSSTv3b, for details see Smith et al. (2008)) extracted from the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/National Climatic Data Center (NOAA/NCDC) archives. This SST dataset combines readings from ships and buoys on a 2° × 2° grid and does not include satellite data. In the predictability experiments, December SST was used as a potential predictor for lightning in JF, and August SST for SO. 3. Methodology All anomalies were computed with respect to the long-term mean of the corresponding field. A total of 216 months were used to analyze if there was a statistically significant long-term (18 yrs) linear trend in the LMB's mean lightning density rate time series, using an F-test of 149 the linear model versus a constant model. Upon finding a significant trend, the initial time series was detrended for further analyses. Due to the low resolution of the LTRS dataset, the LIS granule data was used to compute the monthly climatology for the four quadrants (or zones) of the LMB (Fig. 1). Unless otherwise indicated, the LTRS dataset was used for the remainder of the analysis and predictability study itself. Due to its high resolution, the NOSA30k dataset was used to analyze the diurnal cycle of several atmospheric variables inside the LMB. For analysis of the basin as a whole, the 20CR (which has a larger time period) was used instead. Multivariate statistical methods were used in the present study. An Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) analysis was performed on the entire time series of lightning density rate and on seasonal averages of the same variable for Jan–Feb and Sep–Oct, from 1996 to 2013. The principal components (PC), or timeseries associated with the spatial patterns obtained (EOF), were correlated using Pearson's coefficient. The statistical models were built using Principal Component Regression (PCR) and Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA). These are well known multivariate regression methods that have been applied to seasonal climate forecasting for some time (for a recent example, see Recalde-Coronel et al. (2014)). In PCR, each predictand is regressed using a linear combination of the predictor's EOF. CCA is a generalization that calculates linear combinations of EOF of both a set of predictors and predictands, identifying pairs of combinations (i.e., canonical variates or modes) such that their correlations are maximized. Thus, the canonical modes describe the preferred coupled spatial patterns relating predictors and predictands, and are presumed to be physically meaningful (that is not warranted a priori). In this study, CCA is conducted using IRI's Climate Predictability Tool (CPT; available online from the IRI at CPT provides information that diagnoses the underlying coupled patterns, and also cross-validated forecast skill metrics that permit the assessment of the associated potential predictability. Once the best model has been identified, it is possible to forecast both within the historical training period (hindcasts) and subsequently for future seasons. To avoid artificial skill, CPT verifies the goodness, or skill, of the resulting predictions using cross-validation (Barnston and van den Dool, 1993). Due to the short number of years for analysis of lightning data, here a cross-validation window of one year is used,2 meaning that one year from the time series is held out, predicted and later verified, as a simulated independent case outside of the training sample (e.g. Barnston and van den Dool, 1993; Mason and Stephenson, 2008). This process is repeated such that each year in the dataset is forecasted with the climatological data redefined each time a new year is withheld, and so that after processing all years the mean values of the skill metrics are provided. In this study the following metrics were used: Kendall's τ, Spearman correlation coefficient, Hit Skill Score and Relative Operating Characteristics (ROC) (Mason and Stephenson, 2008). Forecasts were computed in terms of the probabilities associated with three categories: below normal, normal and above normal lightning density rates. Since lightning density rates in the region do not exhibit a Gaussian distribution, they were always transformed before building any model using empirical cumulative density functions and quantile renormalization. 4. Generalities and lightning variability The region of interest is located in the northwestern part of Venezuela (see Fig. 1), between 7.5N–11.5N and 73W–70W. It is dominated by two important geographic phenomena. The first one is the Cordillera de los Andes, which splits into two branches: the Perijá mountains, which head northward and constitute a natural border 2 In some experiments, like the PCR ones, 3 and 5 years were also used for the crossvalidation window. The results show stable results in terms of the number of modes identified for those models. 150 Á.G. Muñoz et al. / Atmospheric Research 172–173 (2016) 147–162 between Colombia and Venezuela, and the Venezuelan Andes mountain range, which heads towards the Northeast before disappearing in front of the Caribbean Sea. With mean altitudes between 1500 m and 3700 m, both the Perijá Cordillera and the Venezuelan Cordillera de los Andes surround the second feature: the Lake Maracaibo, the largest lake in South America with an area of almost 13,000 km2. The northern region of the LMB is dominated by a xerophytic climate, characterized by poor soils and extreme barrenness. Nevertheless, the basin is characterized by a tropical moist climate, influenced by the presence of the lake. Annual precipitation shows a clear meridional gradient from the south of Lake Maracaibo (3500 mm) to its northern limit (125 mm). The annual precipitation cycle is bimodal, with a minimum in January and primary and secondary maxima in September–October–November (SON) and AMJ seasons (see, for example Velásquez (2000) and Pulwarty et al. (1998)). Lightning activity is significantly higher in the southwestern quadrant of the LMB (Zone III in Fig. 1). The high resolution LIS granule data confirms the location of the lightning hotspot in Catatumbo, close to the mouth of the Catatumbo River, as reported by Albrecht et al. (2009) and Bürgesser et al. (2012). A second hotspot, with lower mean density rates, is also present in quadrant III close the Venezuelan–Colombian border (approximately at 9N, 73W). absolute maximum in September, and a mean maximum density rate of ~200 fl km−2 yr−1, approximately twice as much as the SO seasonal mean for the other quadrants. Zones I and II, located closer to the Caribbean Sea, exhibit similar behavior and monthly flash density rates, with a bimodal cycle and primary and secondary maxima in September and May, respectively. On the other hand, quadrant IV, eastwards of Zone III, presents three maxima, namely (in descending order) October, August and April. In order to better understand the regional context of the lightning activity observed through the annual cycle in the LMB (Fig. 2), mean monthly flash density rate anomalies were computed using the LRTS dataset (Figs. 3 to 5). While January and February exhibit minimum lightning activity in North Western South America (Fig. 3), a positive anomaly cluster begins to strengthen in Colombia in April–May between 5N and 9N, and around 75W. It monotonically strengthens in the following months, quickly shifting to 7N–10N and migrating eastward (Fig. 4). In September (Fig. 4) a new cluster appears in the Amazon Basin. After the LMB's maximum in September, the monthly flash density rate decreases rapidly to its minimum value again around December. 4.1. Decadal trend The daily maximum of lightning activity tends to happen between 1800 and 0400 local solar times (LST), respectively (Albrecht et al., 2009; Bürgesser et al., 2012). The first lightning hotspot (close to the Catatumbo River mouth) is more active between 2400 and 0400 LST, while for the second hotspot tends to start and end slightly earlier (2000 to 0200 LST) in the day. The slightly less than two-decades-long period (18-year) available is not sufficient to properly assess if there is a long-term trend in the LMB lightning time series that is related to climate change. Nonetheless, a statistically significant (p b 0.01) positive linear trend was found in this study; this deserves future attention and will be analyzed elsewhere. 4.2. Annual cycle 5. Potential predictors Understanding if the Catatumbo Lightning are related to purely local climate drivers or to regional/global-scale forcings may give a hint about which are the best potential predictors. A priori, in this study the distinction between scales is considered to be an artificial one, as the ( fl km -2 yr -1) Zone III presents a distinctive annual cycle (Fig. 2) compared to the other quadrants of LMB; it shows a unimodal distribution with an 4.3. Diurnal cycle Fig. 2. Monthly lightning density rate (LIS granule dataset), in [fl km−2 yr−1] for Zones I (blue), II (green), III (purple) and IV (yellow). See Fig. 1. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the online version of this chapter.) Á.G. Muñoz et al. / Atmospheric Research 172–173 (2016) 147–162 ( fl km -2 yr -1) Fig. 3. Monthly lightning density rate anomaly (LTRS dataset) for North Western South America, in [fl km−2 yr−1]. Months: JFMA. (fl km -2 yr -1) Fig. 4. Same as in Fig. 3 but for MJJA. 151 152 Á.G. Muñoz et al. / Atmospheric Research 172–173 (2016) 147–162 (fl km -2 yr -1) Fig. 5. Same as in Fig. 3 but for SOND. LMB is not a closed system. However, if “local” potential predictors are those defined only within the geographical domain of the basin, then the distinction may be plausible. It is unlikely that local potential predictors alone are capable of explaining the LMB lightning variability, but instead that there are contributions from both local and regional/global climate drivers. Thus, key questions to ask are: (a) what is a minimal set of potential predictors?, and (b) does a particular “scale” have a preponderant influence on LMB lightning variability? For example, given that ENSO is the main climate driver at seasonal-to-interannual timescales, is it possible that it also controls most part of the lightning activity in the region? Or is a local driver responsible of the majority of the explained variance? Falcón et al. (2000) suggested that the Catatumbo Lightning are caused by methane concentration coming from the swamps present in the neighborhood of the Catatumbo River mouth. Their pyroelectric model is based in symmetry properties of the methane molecule: under temperature changes (as the ones related to the atmospheric lapse rate) the methane tends to self-polarize and if a key concentration is achieved in the top layer of the cloud (methane is lighter than water vapor) a self-maintained electrical discharge would drive lightning activity every night. This model fails to explain the daily and annual lightning cycles in the LMB, as it predicts higher activity in the dry season because evaporation will help to increase methane concentrations, and less lightning in the wet ones as the methane will be washed-out by rainfall (Bürgesser et al., 2012). Furthermore, the model predicts lightning only from sunset to sunrise, as the solar radiation photodissociates the CH4 molecules, again contradicting the lightning observations (see Section 4.3). After analyzing observed and model data, and along with several expeditions to Catatumbo, Muñoz and Díaz-Lobatón (2011) and DíazLobatón (2012) pointed out that lightning activity in the LMB is influenced by several climate drivers that modulate convection and local wind and shear magnitudes, namely, the seasonal variation of the trade winds and the Caribbean Low Level Jet (CLLJ) (Amador, 2008) during boreal autumn and winter, the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) migrations, surface heating due to incoming shortwave radiation, upward motion triggered by topography and the presence of the lake, traveling waves and tropical cyclones (see for example Durán-Quesada et al. (2010), Whyte et al. (2008) and references therein). In particular, Díaz-Lobatón (2012) analyzed the transformations between potential and kinetic energies in the LMB, and showed that the seasonal behavior of local CAPE and low level meridional velocities in the basin have statistically significant correlations with lightning density rate; these variables were therefore proposed as potential predictors. In order to understand the seasonal impact of LMB's low level wind field in lightning activity, the next subsection discusses first its role in the diurnal lightning cycle. 5.1. Maracaibo Basin Nocturnal Low Level Jet The behavior of the low level meridional wind field is related to what will be referred to as the Maracaibo Basin Nocturnal Low Level Jet (MBNLLJ). This is a characteristic feature of the diurnal cycle in the LMB that modulates convection via moisture advection and thermodynamic instability, and that is closely linked to the CLLJ, thus connecting the diurnal and seasonal (annual) cycles. Muñoz and Díaz-Lobatón (2012) analyzed the diurnal cycle of the MB-NLLJ through high resolution (4 km) WRF simulations and its impact in observed local surface pressure (bottom panel of Fig. 6), finding that the southwestward oriented winds coming from the Venezuelan Gulf begin to increase in speed around noon, maximizing between 1700 and 1800 LST (absolute daily minimum of surface pressure). Á.G. Muñoz et al. / Atmospheric Research 172–173 (2016) 147–162 153 Fig. 6. Typical sub-daily variability of temperature (top panel), relative humidity (central panel) and surface pressure observed in Maracaibo city. Visualized data corresponds to February 14–16, 2011 (10 min time resolution). The horizontal lines indicate mean values for each variable. Modified from Muñoz and Díaz-Lobatón (2012). After sunset, the LLJ decreases speed, disappearing around 0400 (secondary minimum of daily surface pressure) when cold downslope winds coming to the basin from the mountains are at their maximum. The northward component of the anomalous wind field achieves its maximum around 0900 (not shown), as does the daily surface pressure and then changes sign around noon, when the cycle starts again. The overall magnitude of the meridional wind in the LMB is negative (note that Fig. 7 is showing anomalies), its magnitude changing depending on the location and time of the day. The general characteristics of the cycle are well reproduced by NOSA30k (Fig. 7), and the wind velocities at surface level are in good agreement with observations. NOSA30k seems to be adequate to analyze the mechanisms generating the LLJ. Inertial oscillations are considered to be a major contributing factor for the formation of low level jets; they are related to a nocturnal decoupling of surface flows due to different day-night horizontal turbulent stresses, and an imbalance between the Coriolis and the pressure gradient forces, producing super-geostrophic winds (Blackadar's mechanism, see Wiel et al. (2010) and references therein). Nonetheless, as expected for these latitudes, the MB-NLLJ cannot be explained purely in terms of inertial oscillations; for example, the predicted internal period, a function of the inverse of the Coriolis parameter, is around 72.7 h, or around 3 times that observed. Instead, the most important contributing factors are related to thermal forcing in the diurnal oscillation of the planetary boundary layer winds above sloping terrain (Holton's mechanism (Holton, 1967)). Preliminary results show that the MB-NLLJ is well described by the recent Du-Rotunno model (Du and Rotunno, 2014), which considers both the Blackadar and Holton mechanisms. The details of this analysis are outside the scope of the present work and will be discussed in a companion paper. The daily maxima of lightning activity in the LMB coincide with the NLLJ variability between 1800 and 0400 LST. Analysis of these phenomena confirms a direct relationship between negative meridional wind anomalies and lightning flash density rate, leading to the identification of a potential predictor, with the following physical explanation. During the afternoon, the LLJ transports moisture from the Caribbean and Lake Maracaibo to the southwestern part of the basin. Around 1630 the meridional winds are so intense that they are capable of crossing the Andes and Perijá cordilleras, producing orographic precipitation and advecting part of the moisture out of the LMB. During the afternoon, the temperature decreases sharply, rapidly increasing the relative humidity and providing suitable conditions for convection (Fig. 6). After sunset (approximately 1800), thermal forcing induces downslope colder flows from the mountains to the warmer lake, gradually decreasing the negative meridional wind anomaly in the basin (see differences between the two upper panels in Fig. 7). These processes increase instability in the basin, especially in Zone III, and convection occurs. Clouds develop with heights on the same scale as the surrounding mountains, with lightning density being proportional to approximately the fifth power of the cloud height (e.g., Price and Rind, 1992; Wong et al., 2013). Around 0400 LST (see Fig. 7, upper right panel) the mean meridional wind anomaly in the LMB changes sign, the orographic convection decreases as the base of the clouds moves away from the mountains, and 154 Á.G. Muñoz et al. / Atmospheric Research 172–173 (2016) 147–162 1930 0130 0730 1330 Fig. 7. Meridional-vertical section of meridional wind anomalies (NOSA30k) along 71.5W, at 1930 LST (00Z, upper left panel), 0130 (06Z, upper right panel), 0730 (12Z, lower left) and 1330 (18Z). Topography is shown in black. The Catatumbo region is located around 9.4N. vertical wind shear breaks the clouds. For an animation illustrating some of these processes, see Suplemental Material. The role of the MB-LLJ suggests that meridional wind anomalies at 925 mb could be a potential predictor for lightning activity. The analysis also reveals that the intensity of the LLJ and its moisture advection have a seasonal dependence, which will be discussed in the next subsection. 5.2. Seasonal-to-interannual role of low level jets A simple way to analyze how much of the Catatumbo Lightning variability responds to a regional signal (or vice-versa) is to compare the standardized basin-wide mean flash density rate with the principal components of the same variable for a wider domain in North Western South America (22N–1N, 82W–58W). The principal component analysis considering all months in the time series reveals that the second EOF, explaining 19% of the total variance, is associated with a regional lightning pattern of variability located between the northern border of Colombia and Venezuela, and thus it was selected for further analysis (the first and third EOFs are discussed in the next paragraph). The standardized Pearson coefficient between these two time series indicates a significantly high correlation (0.66, p b 0.01, see Fig. 8). Due to their similarity, the second principal component was denominated Catatumbo Lightning Regional Mode (CLRM). The identification of this mode is also important for the predictability study discussed in the next section, as it is key to recognize the physical identity of the modes being used by the CCA approach (the actual LMB mean of flash density rate can be used directly in the PCR methodology). Considering only the first three EOFs of lightning density rate in North Western South America, it was found that the CLRM corresponds to the second and third EOFs in the JF and SO seasons, with around 17% of the total explained variance in both cases. The other two patterns, associated with lightning activity around the El Chocó/Darién Gap (between Colombia and Panama) and the Amazon Basin, respectively, explain 50% and 11% for JF, and 32% and 27% for SO. The analysis also revealed that the CLRM is the only pattern showing a trend (cf. observed decadal trend discussed in Section 4.1). A PCR using only these three EOFs indicates that around 78% (for both JF and SO) of the LMB lightning activity can be explained by those patterns. This suggests that the Catatumbo Lightning have a strong dependence on regional climate drivers. It was mentioned before that several climate drivers have an impact in the LMB lightning activity. After analyzing the link between lightning and LLJ diurnal cycles, two logical assumptions to make are that (a) the meridional wind field is also a good predictor at seasonal-to-interannual timescale, and (b) the behavior of this field in the LMB is modified by the mentioned seasonal climate drivers. Á.G. Muñoz et al. / Atmospheric Research 172–173 (2016) 147–162 155 -4 -2 0 2 4 Catatumbo Lightnings Regional Mode LMB mean Jan 1996 Jan 1998 Jan 2000 Jan 2002 Jan 2004 Jan 2006 Jan 2008 Jan 2010 Jan 2012 Jan 2014 Time Fig. 8. Variability of the mean LMB lightning density rate anomaly (red) and Catatumbo Lightning regional mode (blue). Time series have been detrended and standardized (units in standard deviations). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the online version of this chapter.) 4 This hypothesis simplifies the potential predictability study as it reduces the number of candidates to explore, but also brings a physically sound argument to the analysis: the lightning activity likely depends on multiple factors at the same time, which must have an impact on the meridional wind field and, in consequence, should provide a higher predictive skill than considering each one of the climate drivers independently. As indicated by Díaz-Lobatón (2012), and as in the case of the diurnal cycle, the basin-wide meridional wind anomaly at 925 mb is significantly anti-correlated (p b 0.001) to LMB mean lightning density rate for the entire period under study (Fig. 9). The same statement is true for the CLRM. Nonetheless, as convection requires moisture availability, unstable atmospheric parcels and an initial lifting force, the meridional wind field by itself does not necessarily account for the instability condition. A simple way to combine instability with the advective effect of the LLJ dynamics in the LMB is to consider the CAPE transport by the meridional wind field. Compared to the meridional wind velocity, this variable has a better synchronization (Fig. 9) with the LMB lightning activity and the CLRM, and thus was selected as potential predictor for the study. The availability and transport of moisture are critical factors that determine the strength of convection, via the moisture flux divergence term. The main moisture source in the region is the Caribbean Sea (the second is the Lake Maracaibo itself), while the main seasonal advection mechanisms are related to the CLLJ, the ITCZ and, especially in certain years, tropical cyclones. However, the meridional wind field can also play a role against lightning activity proliferation: a sufficiently strong wind circulation may inhibit convection, because it transports moisture out of the region, or due to a strong vertical wind shear. This is partially why the DJF season displays a minimum of lightning activity -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Flash density rate v vCAPE Jan 1996 Jan 1997 Jan 1998 Jan 1999 Jan 2000 Jan 2001 Jan 2002 Jan 2003 Jan 2004 Jan 2005 Jan 2006 Jan 2007 Jan 2008 Time Fig. 9. Time series of the flash density rate (red, LIS-OTD), meridional wind anomaly (blue) and meridional CAPE advection anomaly (in yellow, the last two from the 20CR). The units are standard deviations. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the online version of this chapter.) 156 Á.G. Muñoz et al. / Atmospheric Research 172–173 (2016) 147–162 in North Western South America (see Fig. 3); it corresponds to one of the two seasonal enhancements of the CLLJ, the other being the JJA season (Whyte et al., 2008; Amador, 2008). At regional level, the ITCZ's northward migration is associated with the positive anomaly that appears around March in southern Colombia (Fig. 3). The centroid of the lightning anomaly pattern sketched in Figs. 3 and 4 does not tend to go further North because from June onwards the CLLJ, located along latitude 15 N, intensifies again (Whyte et al., 2008) and keeps convective activity confined to a corridor between 7N and 12N (Fig. 4). The CLLJ shifts slowly westward in the following few months, pushing the positive anomaly pattern eastward. In September the winds related to the CLLJ have changed from a typical July (maximum) value of 14 m s−1 at or below 925 mb, to barely 8 m s−1. This creates suitable conditions for enhanced convection and lightning activity for that month on both (Venezuelan and Colombian) sides of the Cordillera de los Andes (Fig. 5). Soon after, the ITCZ starts migrating southward, and consequently the convection decreases significantly. At a local level, as mentioned before, September exhibits the maximum value of lightning activity in the LMB. This is remarkable for Zone III, where intricate topographic features, moisture convergence and orographic updrafts enhance local convection. Zones I and II are, on the contrary, more exposed to the influence of the Caribbean winds, and consequently do not show as high levels as the other quadrants (Fig. 2). Indeed, their proximity to the Caribbean Sea and more exposure to the intensified low level winds of the CLLJ makes the convective activity in Zones I and II to decrease in July, and that is the reason for the bimodal annual behavior of both lightning and rainfall. Zone IV shows different behavior because it involves simultaneously the southeastern part of the LMB, the tallest section of the Venezuelan Andes cordillera and even a section related with the Venezuelan Llanos (savannah), which extends eastward of the Cordillera de los Andes. Strong winds in May and September are typical for this region (these winds are called “Barinas”, which also gives the name to the Venezuelan province located there), and are related to katabatic winds (Pulwarty et al., 1998). It is suggested here that these winds could be the cause of the minimal values evidenced for Zone IV, as shown in Fig. 2. This analysis confirms that there is a seasonal modulation of lightning activity by several climate drivers, which impact the meridional velocity field in the LMB, the moisture availability and therefore convective activity. The most important seasonal driver is the CLLJ, which interacts with the MB-NLLJ (these LLJs are decoupled in boreal winter, and strongly coupled in boreal autumn), modulating lightning activity and, more generally, convection when it happens. The ITCZ and tropical cyclones (see for example year 2005 in Fig. 9, a historical record of tropical cyclone activity in the Caribbean) also tend to modify the location and intensity of the CLLJ, and ultimately the effect of the MB-NLLJ on the Catatumbo Lightning. The choice of meridional wind anomalies, or meridional CAPE transport, as a potential predictor that includes the contribution of several climate drivers is thus physically justified. 6. Predictive skill This section discusses the predictability analysis of lightning activity in the LMB. Reanalysis and perfect-prognosis simulations were used in the previous sections to diagnose relationships between variables, but since there is interest in evaluating the predictive skill for operational forecasts, observed SST fields and actual CFSv2 forecasts are used as the source for potential predictors. The final candidate predictor identified in the previous section is CAPE meridional transport (vCAPE) at 925 mb; meridional winds at 925 mb provided similar but slightly worse results than vCAPE, and thus those are not reported here. SST is the most common potential predictor field in seasonal forecasts (e.g., Mason and Baddour, 2008), and Table 1 Predictors and predictands used in the experiments. The LMB geographic extension is defined as in Section 4. Variable Type Domain Role Denomination SST SST vCAPE vCAPE FDR FDR FDR CLRM Field Field Field Field Field Field Time series Time series 25N–10S, 154–354 25N–10S, 254–354 16N–6N, 280–292 11.5N–7.5N, 73W–70W 22N–1N, 82W–58W 11.5N–7.5N, 73W–70W LMB mean EOF Predictor Predictor Predictor Predictor Predictand Predictand Predictand Predictand PacAtl-Dec PacAtl-Aug NWSA LMB NWSA LMB LMBm CLRM therefore it was used as a reference to compare with vCAPE. Four predictands were used: the Flash Density Rate (FDR) field for North Western South America (NWSA), FDR for the LMB, its basin-wide mean, and the CLRM. Table 1 summarizes these and other details. A large number of experiments were performed in order to identify the best models and domains for the potential predictors. It is important to note that the basin-wide mean FDR gave results that were very similar to, but never better than, the ones obtained with the CLRM. This was expected, as the CLRM could be considered an EOF-filtered version of the dominating FDR spatial pattern in the LMB, thus capturing better the relationships with potential predictors. The seven models with the best performance are reported in Tables 2 and 3 for the seasons under study. Their names provide information about the variable used as potential predictor, the multivariate regression method and the domain or mode considered in the calculation. Most models were able to capture physically meaningful patterns, appearing consistently in the different final experiments. For example, SST-PCR-CLRM (a model that regresses the CLRM using December's SST field from a wide domain involving the Pacific and Atlantic, see Fig. 10) showed that ENSO (EOF1), the Atlantic Meridional Mode (Chiang and Vimont, 2004) (EOF2), a Western Atlantic/Caribbean SST mode in phase with the Eastern Tropical Pacific (EOF3), and a (positive) trending SST mode in the Caribbean (EOF4), play key roles in the lightning variability for the boreal winter (their combined loadings are shown in the upper left panel of Fig. 10). These modes appear in several other models for the same season. On the other hand, the autumn lightning activity in LMB tends to be less influenced by the Central Pacific and more by a dipolar SST mode Table 2 Cross-validation skill metrics for the best models in boreal winter. Predictor–predictandCCA modes are shown for CCA models. The best results are presented in bold. Model (JF) Modes Kendall's τ Spearman HSS (%) ROCb ROCa SST-CCA-NWSA SST-CCA-LMB SST-PCR-CLRM vCAPE-CCA-NWSA vCAPE-CCA-LMB vCAPE-PCR-NWSA vCAPE-PCR-CLMR 5–4–3 6–2–2 4 8–2–1 4–2–1 10 10 .168 .399 .359 .340 .405 .556 .569 .50 .45 .39 .39 .55 .48 .69 11.76 25.00 16.67 16.67 25.00 33.33 41.67 .80 .74 .83 .65 .68 .65 .79 .85 .81 .61 .75 .82 .78 .85 Table 3 Cross-validation skill metrics for the best models in boreal autumn. Predictor–predictandCCA modes are shown for CCA models. The best results are presented in bold. Model (SO) Modes Kendall's τ Spearman HSS (%) ROCb ROCa SST-CCA-NWSA SST-CCA-LMB SST-PCR-CLRM vCAPE-CCA-NWSA vCAPE-CCA-LMB vCAPE-PCR-NWSA vCAPE-PCR-CLMR 5–7–2 10–2–1 4 9–2–1 4–2–1 3 1 .212 .248 .346 .105 .196 .503 .490 .14 .48 .32 .30 .40 .62 .55 0.0 25.00 0.0 0.0 8.33 41.67 33.33 .71 .79 .71 .57 .68 .81 .74 .54 .78 .57 .67 .72 .71 .71 Á.G. Muñoz et al. / Atmospheric Research 172–173 (2016) 147–162 157 Fig. 10. SST-PCR-CLRM model. Combined loadings for the SST EOFs (left), temporal scores (middle, SST appears in red, CLRM in green), and CLRM's loadings (right), for both JF (top) and SO (bottom). Canonical correlations are 0.73 and 0.66, respectively. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the online version of this chapter.) between the Western Tropical Atlantic and the Eastern Tropical Pacific, an homogeneous inter-basin SST pattern similar to winter's EOF3, a trending SST mode in the Western Caribbean (similar to the EOF4 found for winter, although with a more modest trend), and a meridional dipole between the Tropics and the North Atlantic (again, their combined loadings are shown in Fig. 10, lower left panel). The analysis of the models using vCAPE as potential predictor indicates that they are consistent with the expected physical behavior of the involved variables. The dominant vCAPE modes present in the NWSA domain in most models are related to high convection in El Chocó/Darién Gap, the CLLJ and several local patterns related to orographic convection, and coastal and inland (valley) winds. In particular, the experiments confirmed that the CLLJ plays a key role in controlling the seasonal variation of lightning as it intensity and mean location changes between winter and autumn. For example, the vCAPE-PCRCLMR model (Fig. 11) clearly shows a northeastern–southwestern pattern in the region of the LMB that is suggested to be related to a “constructive cross-timescale interference” (Muñoz et al., 2015b) between the CLLJ and the MB-NLLJ in autumn (lower panel of Fig. 11), as discussed in the previous section. These LLJs are “decoupled” in the JF season, providing lower than normal moisture availability to the LMB and low lightning activity. In this study, the Kendall's τ and Spearman correlation coefficients are used to give a general idea of the goodness of the forecast, and to measure how in-phase are the observations and the produced seasonal forecasts. The Hit Skill Score (HSS) indicates how frequently the category with the highest forecast probability is verified, and it is defined such that random “hits” are not considered. Discrimination, or how well a forecast distinguishes between below normal, normal or above normal categories, is an extremely important attribute, because it indicates whether any potentially useful information is actually being provided. Here, ROC curves (diagrams comparing proportion of hit rates versus false alarms, Figs. 12 and 13) and their areas under the curve are used as metrics of discrimination (in Tables 2 and 3, ROCa and ROCb indicate the ROC areas for the above-normal and belownormal categories, respectively). As hypothesized in Section 5, models using meridional winds and vCAPE as potential predictors tend to outperform those using SST. The best models use variables defined over the LMB (i.e., “local” variables). Naturally, that does not imply that lightning in the LMB is not modulated by regional and global factors (the recent analysis just showed that they are), but it answers the questions posed in this study previously: local potential predictors that are sensitive to regional and global climate drivers, as vCAPE at 925 mb or meridional winds, are the best ones. The ROC curves show that models using vCAPE have good discrimination, especially vCAPE-PCR-CLMR for winter (Fig. 13g) and vCAPEPCR-NWSA for SO (Fig. 13f), but SST models also show good discrimination. As a matter of fact, winter's SST-PCR-CLRM model (Fig. 12e) has the highest discrimination of any model for the below-normal category, and the SST-CCA-NWSA model (Fig. 12a) has basically the same ROC areas and even steeper ROC curves than the best winter model (Fig. 13g). 158 Á.G. Muñoz et al. / Atmospheric Research 172–173 (2016) 147–162 Fig. 11. vCAPE-PCR-CLMR model. Combined loadings for the vCAPE EOFs (left), temporal scores (middle, vCAPE appears in red, CLRM in green), and CLRM's loadings (right), for both JF (top) and SO (bottom). Canonical correlations are 0.96 and 0.76, respectively. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the online version of this chapter.) Overall, the best models are those built with PCR. The winter model with the best combination of the different scores is vCAPE-PCR-CLMR, while for autumn it is vCAPE-PCR-NWSA. There is slightly higher potential predictability in JF, which is attributed here to the role of ENSO in the modulation of atmospheric circulations in the region of study, but this requires further research. Above-normal ROC areas are in general better for winter, and since it is the season with less convective activity, this higher discrimination for above-normal lightning activity is useful for decision-making in the “dry season”. For SO, the discrimination is in general better for the below-normal category; the SST-CCA-LMB model (Fig. 13d) is the only one having high and similar ROC areas for both below- and above-normal categories. Although the scores reported here for these models are in general better than for rainfall amount in the same region (Kendall's \tau ~0.10.3), a few ideas are being explored currently in order to increase the skill of lightning forecasts even more. It is unclear at the moment if using higher resolution atmospheric fields as potential predictors may help. It was shown that NOSA30k is very good to study the diurnal cycle in the LMB, but a 13-year simulation is too short to formally diagnose potential predictability with this dataset. A new multi-physics set of numerical simulations including lightning output is being developed (some short experiments are already publicly available) (Chourio and Muñoz, 2015) to explore the role of high resolution potential predictors. Perhaps the most important improvement for this potential forecast system is to have high resolution predictands. 7. Concluding remarks The first lightning predictability study at seasonal scale for the Lake Maracaibo Basin, and perhaps the first one globally, was discussed in this paper. Lightning predictive skill was quantified using multiple metrics and different PCR and CCA models. Skill tends to be slightly higher in the JF season than in SO, probably because of the higher predictability of ENSO and its influence in convective activity in the Tropics. Nonetheless, both seasons show higher skill than the typical values for rainfall amount in the same region. This could be related to the fact that lightning density rate is a frequency measure, and it has been shown in other studies (e.g., Moron et al., 2007) that seasonal frequency tend to be more predictable than seasonal amount or intensity (at least for rainfall, which is also related to convection in the Tropics). Most of the lightning activity in the whole LMB is related to a regional mode located between Northeastern Colombia and Northwestern Venezuela: the Catatumbo Lightning Regional Mode. The Catatumbo Lightning, located in the southwestern quadrant of the LMB, are thus a combination of regional-to-global-scale factors and local ones. Besides the complex topography, the most important local factor is the Maracaibo Basin Nocturnal Low Level Jet, which controls the diurnal cycle of lightning activity, but its seasonal intensity and moisture transport are modulated via coupling and decoupling with the Caribbean Low Level Jet, thus explaining the observed seasonal lightning variability in the basin. Other key climate drivers are the ITCZ and hurricane activity. Á.G. Muñoz et al. / Atmospheric Research 172–173 (2016) 147–162 159 Fig. 12. Relative Operating Characteristics for JF (left column) and SO (right column) seasons, showing the results for the SST-CCA-NWSA (top), SST-CCA-LMB (middle) and SST-PCR-CLMR models. Curves correspond to the above- (blue) and below-normal categories (red). See Tables 2 and 3. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the online version of this chapter.) The net contribution of these regional-to-global drivers is to modify the moisture availability and wind circulation in the basin, thus controlling convection. In consequence, it was no surprise to find that the meridional CAPE transport at 925 mb in both North Western South America or in the LMB is in general a better potential predictor than regional or global-scale SST fields, which indeed have an impact in atmospheric circulation and moisture availability, but do not seem to be enough to uniquely define the role of the different physical drivers acting on the region's lightning activity. The low-level meridional CAPE transport does a better job capturing them. The predictability study presented here was designed as the first stage of a Ready–Set–Go approach (Hellmuth et al., 2011) to provide useful lightning hazard information to decision-makers in the LMB. Although the analysis was performed for one-month lead time operational lightning forecasts, the same methodology could be used to explore the potential predictive skill at longer lead times, and for other seasons. On the other hand, the analysis suggests potential predictors that could be used to explore lightning predictability at subseasonal scales (the Set stage of the approach). This should be explored in the near future. 160 Á.G. Muñoz et al. / Atmospheric Research 172–173 (2016) 147–162 Fig. 13. Relative Operating Characteristics for JF (left column) and SO (right column) seasons, showing the results for the vCAPE-CCA-NWSA (top), vCAPE-CCA-LMB (second row), vCAPEPCR-NWSA (third row) and vCAPE-PCR-CLMR models. Curves correspond to the above- (blue) and below-normal categories (red). See Tables 2 and 3. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the online version of this chapter.) Á.G. Muñoz et al. / Atmospheric Research 172–173 (2016) 147–162 This study has considered only flash density rate as predictand, but no distinction was made in terms of the type of the electrical discharge (intra-cloud, IC, versus cloud-ground, CG) being forecasted, which is a piece of information that is very important for decision-makers in the LMB. A reliable lightning sensor network must be put to work in the region so a continuous, quality controlled and high resolution lightning dataset reporting daily proportion of IC/CG discharges is available for nowcasting and forecasting. Since the IC/CG time series will be too short to build reliable statistical models, dynamical or hybrid models could be used once they have been calibrated with observations. The charge separation and lightning formation mechanisms are understood well enough (see Virts et al. (2013) and references therein) to provide forecasts of IC/CG ratios. Indeed, the dynamical structure of a thunderstorm and its microphysics seem to be related to lightning frequency and type (Goodman et al., 1988), stronger updrafts leading to more frequent IC lightning activity (Price and Rind, 1992), (Williams et al., 1999), due to more frequent interactions between ice phase hydrometeors within the mixed phase region of the convective cloud (Buechler et al., 2000). Since strong updrafts are typical in the Catatumbo region due to orographic forcing and the presence of the MB-NLLJ, all the necessary physical ingredients seem to be already present, without any need of additional factors (e.g., methane). Supplementary data to this article can be found online at http://dx. Acknowledgments The authors acknowledge the use of Global Hydrology Resource Center lightning data ( The final manuscript benefited from several comments from anonymous reviewers. The authors are also grateful to Drs. 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