The Exclusive Mobile Security Solution
The Exclusive Mobile Security Solution
The Exclusive Mobile Security Solution What is meir? Prevents service procurement of the unregistered mobile devices and contributes national economy. Detects unregistered mobile devices and prevents them to get service procurement from the GSM Operators. Prevents service procurement of the stolen mobile devices and contributes national security. Builds a detection system which is fast, reliable and efficient. Informs the cloned, unregistered and stolen mobile devices to the GSM Operators quickly and collaborates several systems which are integrated each other. How does it work? PIS Prosecutor Interception System Import Interception System Countries National Judgement Network Project Countries Central Demographic Control System Countries GSM Operators Information Notice Center (INC) Personal Application System Data Transfer Rate Countries Communication Auhority Personal Application System (PAS) The devices which are brought by the passengers are registered. The devices which have not registered yet are registered under the related law scope. Prosecutor Interception System (PIS) PIS Opening or Closing processes of the service procurement of the devices is executed through the prosecutor request Import Interception System (IIS) The importer firms who import mobile devices from the foreign countries enter the inputs to the system. Importer: makes necessary notices in the legal interval. The documents those belong to the import operation is entered to the system and for every single IMEI there has been paid a standard amount of money. Foundation User: evaluates the documents those come from the importer firms and confirms the IMEIs and then IMEIs become legally usable in the country’s border. Clone Device Detection Clone detection which are reproduced from the current IMEIs. IMEI Control Clone (Black) Classic (Time Based Clone) Unregistered (Grey) Modern (Service Based Clone) Forbidden (Red) Clone detection which the IMEIs are reproduced from the legal records and take place in the data source. Clone detection which the IMEIs are reproduced form the illegal records and do not take place in the data source. Clone Detection: The IMEIs which belong to old model mobile devices are integrated to the devices those come from foreign countries legally. Personal Imports Application by personal import mobile devices from foreign countries The graph shows that the number of registered devices those are brought by the citizens without leading any commercial purpose have increased every year. Financial Feasibility Turkey (Actual) Sudan (Estimate) Population 78.785.548 45.585.874 Subscribe 66.000.000 37.746.000 140.000.000 59.625.000 Internet Users 55.233.000 24.162.000 Delivering cellular devices 17.251.000 8.734.000 97 70 1.673.347.000 $ 611.380.000 $ Quantity of Cellular Devices The tax for the devices The annual total tax revenue Registered by Importers’ Registered IMEI numbers by importers' application The graph shows that the number of the registered devices those are brought legally by the importers have increased every year. Registered by Importers’ Notices made by phone to information and Notice Center for stolen and lost mobile devices The graph shows that the number of the registered devices those are brought legally by the importers have increased every year. The Exclusive Mobile Security Solution Thank You
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