F OR I N N O V SSE L S E U R E L DA 1999 B CA N RU IO AT B R ON Z M E CARE-LINE KP Hair care perfection - A manual for healthy and beautiful hair The Author: Piskar Klaudija Miseva ulica 1 1230 Domzale Mobile: +386 41 633 697 E-mail: Title: Hair care perfection - A manual for healthy and beautiful hair Design and Illustration: Ronald Horvat - Engineer of Media production Photography: Robert Cotic - Engineer of Media production Proofreading: Petra Juvancic Copyright © 2012 Klaudija Piskar s.p. All Rights Reserved. KP 2 INTRODUCTION Are you satisfied with the way your hair looks? Could you do better? It’s every woman’s dream to have healthy, beautiful hair and this hair care manual can help you achieve just that. It represents a new approach to hair care, helping you make them shine again in all their natural beauty. Many will believe that to achieve this you must spend a lot of money, but by changing some old habits and carefully choosing hair products you can actually save. the loss of thickness, shine, firmness and volume, and make it greasy. Some of these problems can arise fairly quickly, while others become evident in the long run. Given all these facts, people are never satisfied when their desires for healthy and beautiful hair are not met. In this manual we will not only focus on hair products, but will also explain how to and how not to treat your hair, as well as provide examples of how delicate our hair is and what affects it. Modern society has always been faced with dilemmas about choosing the right approach to different problems; the same applies for hair: Less is more, that’s why this manual will show you how to raise and keep the quality of your hair, without causing damage with the use of too many products. • Many products are supposed to work on their own and there is no mention of basic hair care methods. This manual will not only enable you to help yourself and your hair, but will also contribute to the good of the environment. • Most people lack the right information and therefore do not know which approach to use. • It may happen that in our wish to improve our hair quality, we use too many different products which overburden our hair and scalp. • Many products only work over a short period and have negative long term effects. • Silken hair has always been an ideal, but such ideals can quickly give a false idea about what qualities hair should really possess. Softening hair to an extreme can lead to Your LiteRAM Therapist Klaudija Piskar KP 3 KP Introduction Hair basics.................................................................................................................................................................6 The hair shaft - the visible part of our hair........................................................................................................7 The scalp....................................................................................................................................................................8 The maximum natural hair lenght......................................................................................................................8 Natural thickness of hair......................................................................................................................................0 Hair thickness.........................................................................................................................................................12 The level of grease on the hair and scalp........................................................................................................13 Aging hair - grey and thin...................................................................................................................................13 Worn out hair..........................................................................................................................................................14 Hair aggressors.......................................................................................................................................................14 Shampoo.............................................................................................................................................................14 Conditioner.........................................................................................................................................................14 Other aggressors................................................................................................................................................14 Type of damage.....................................................................................................................................................16 Healthy hair............................................................................................................................................................17 Washing hair........................................................................................................................................................17 Lite oil control shampoo pH 4,7 (200 ml)..................................................................................................18 Lite color protect shampoo foam pH 4,7 (150 ml)..................................................................................19 Lite herbal shampoo pH 5,0 (200 ml)........................................................................................................20 Lite vital shampoo foam (150 ml)...............................................................................................................21 Lite kepyro shampoo foam (50 ml)...........................................................................................................22 Additional care....................................................................................................................................................24 Lite keratin spray pH 5,5 (200 ml)...............................................................................................................25 Lite keratin foam pH 6,5 (150 ml)................................................................................................................27 Lite keratips repair (80 ml)............................................................................................................................28 Lite keracare pH 5,5 (200 ml).......................................................................................................................29 Styling....................................................................................................................................................................29 Lite ker*up styling (80 ml)............................................................................................................................30 Lite styling strong spray (400 ml)..............................................................................................................31 Lite strong styling natural spray (200 ml)...............................................................................................32 Scalp care.............................................................................................................................................................33 Lite hair growth lotion for scalp (9 X 15 ml).............................................................................................34 Maintenance of healthy hair with Lite Care Line products.......................................................................35 A quick overview of the LiteRAM therapy....................................................................................................36 KP 5 HAIR BASICS To get a better understanding of hair, we must start with its basic structure. Hairs grow from the hair follicles where we find a lot of blood vessels that provide food for hair. The hair follicle is also connected to the arrector pili muscle, sebaceous and sweat glands, and is interconnected with a large number of nerve fibres; from the bulb to the epidermis. Our hair type is genetically conditioned, but some other factors also play a role: • • • • • KP 6 age and gender, health (hormones, etc.), lifestyle (stress, etc.), diet, hair products. THE HAIR SHAFT - THE VISIBLE PART OF OUR HAIR When hair starts growing from the scalp, the shaft is the first thing we see; it consists of three parts: the cuticle, the cortex and the medulla. Hair is mostly made of keratin, together with water, lipids, pigments and some trace elements. The material itself is mostly firm, with some traces of amorphous substances that make hair more flexible and susceptible to hair products we apply. On the other hand, it is also very sensitive and can quickly be damaged, resulting in the loss of its good qualities. To describe healthy natural hair, we could use words like: firm, a little rough but mostly smooth. Such hairs are strong, but light, full, shiny, equally thick, do not break, and have volume. The hair growth circle is balanced and the scalp is healthy. The truth is far from the ideal we have today, where silky, smooth, and soft hair is desired. To get that effect and make keratin soft, we use hair conditioners, and by using those we rob our hair of its best qualities: firmness and volume, which are a must for almost any decent haircut. In the long run, conditioners thin our hair such a degree that it is robbed of most of its good qualities and we are, for a lasting and nice haircut, forced to use more and more hair products, resulting in an endless struggle. In addition, hair conditioners contain a lot of oils which stick to the scalp and burden the sebaceous glands, making hair greasy and in need of regular washing, which in turn damages the hair even further. Hair, after the use of conditioners, is soft and nice to the touch, but it makes styling almost impossible. To make it more controllable and lasting for at least another day after washing, we are forced to use several different products; the use of these products (shampoos, conditioners, and setting lotions) usually has an opposite effect and weakens the quality of our hair in the long run. microfibril macrofibril cortex medulla cuticle KP 7 THE SCALP THE MAXIMUM NATURAL HAIR LENGTH The scalp contains a lot of microorganisms, which if presented with the right conditions (warmth, humidity, and detergents from shampoos), can grow around the follicle, obstruct its function (hair growth and development) and consequently slow down the growth rate, and even cause hair loss. The maximum length depends mostly on the anagen phase of growth, which is genetically determined, and can last from two to six years. Hair on the top part of our head grows approximately 16 cm per year and hair on the sides, grows around 14 cm. Washing our hair with shampoos too frequently causes an excessive growth of bacteria and that is why it is important to thoroughly blow dry your hair with warm air. Changes in hormone levels affect the length of the anagen phase, which consequently shortens this phase after passing the twenty-fifth year and makes hair grow slower and thinner as we get older. For healthy and quick growing hair, we must also take care of our scalp to enable our follicles to work properly and produce strong hair. Constant wear will never allow most people to reach their maximum hair length. To reach it, a person would have to take great care of his or her hair and provide it with ideal conditions for growth. The main problem here lies in the hair tips, which are exposed to maximum wear, become thin, and break easily. LiteRAM therapy is a treatment that enables hair tips to thicken and become strong so that they do not split or break. KP 8 KP 9 NATURAL THICKNESS OF HAIR The diameter of hair can range from 15 up to 120 μm, a factor which also depends on the anagen phase; the shorter the phase, the thinner the hair. The anagen phase shortens with aging. The width of the hair is a total of different volumes of: • the outermost part (cuticle), • the middle part (cortex), • the innermost layer (medulla), and • the intercellular substance. Our natural hair thickness lessens with wear; it is thickest at the shaft and thinnest at the tip. Thickness is also an indicator of hair quality; the thicker the hair, the stronger it is, the easier it is to comb, the more it can withstand, the deeper its colour – and the more resistant it is. How hair gets thinner: A natural shine (without the use of products) is an indicator that the cuticle is healthy and hair can be combed easily. The cuticle is made of six to eight layers and protects the inner parts of the hair from injury, which makes it most susceptible to external effects. When using aggressive products, the outer layers of the cuticle can peel off, exposing the inner parts of the hair to damage. Strong alkaline based shampoos have a major effect on hair, especially sodium lauryl ether sulfate (it is a major industrial degreaser, which is sadly added to many shampoos degreasing our scalp and forcing the sebaceous and sweat glands to increase their output, resulting in an endless circle). Reasons for thinner hair: Aging (changes in hormone levels), disease (chemotherapy, thyroid disorder, etc.) – can make hair thinner by half. Hair can be repaired only with the LiteRAM therapy, because conventional products usually do not work. Decline in scalp health: the process of hair growth changes due to several factors (use of the wrong products, which can harm the scalp extensively). We can prevent damage from happening and take better care of our scalp with the use of Lite Care line products, which contain high quality substances. Wear due to mechanical, thermal, chemical and photochemical injuries. LiteRAM therapists can give you advice about healthy and safe treatment for your hair. An unhealthy diet. PA balanced diet with a sufficient amount of proteins (natural proteins) is important. KP 10 Shampoos from the LiteRAM CARE LINE collection contain more hair and scalp friendly agents, which do the same job as regular shampoos with far less damaging effects. They not only help repair your hair, but also have a soothing effect. Hair, washed with aggressive substances, is hard to comb and that is why we use conditioners to soften them up. These conditioners are made of substances chemists call surfactants, which are practically the same molecules used in detergents. One of their negative properties is that they damage and soften the top hair layers, which in turn makes hair easier to comb. The more we use conditioners, the more we damage those layers and weaken the chemical protection, making them like a wet cloth – willing and manageable. Continuing usage damages the hair to such extent that it weakens and breaks – the upper defensive layers are swept away, exposing the already damaged middle part, the cortex. The cortex is made out of layers, which, when exposed to air, harden and break – this process is only sped up when using shampoos containing sodium lauryl ether sulfate. from our hair. Many stylists as well as people at home break this rule in order to create special haircuts. Not many people know that you can also damage your hair with combs; when choosing combs and hairbrushes make sure they are wooden and have smooth bristles. Plastic, on the other hand, produces static electricity that changes hair structure. Brushes made from animal bristle (wild boar) are also a good choice, which, because of the similarity to our hair, do not damage it; we should keep it simple and stick to one material. Another danger to our hair is the hair iron, whose use has gone up in the last few years. Temperatures exceeding 200 degrees literally burn the upper hair layers, making it brittle and causing it to break. When using LiteRAM CARE LINE shampoos the additional use of conditioners is usually not necessary. No conditioners are needed after LiteRAM therapies – licensed LiteRAM therapists, whose priority is to take care of your hair and scalp, will be more than happy to help you out. Colouring and bleaching your hair, as well as permanent curling and weaves are additional ways to damage your hair. When using hairdryers we should make sure we do it right and not inflict further harm – if we blow dry our hair from a close range at high temperatures we can literally fry our hair. It is necessary to use a quality hair dryer, remain below 200 degrees centigrade and keep the dryer at least 3 centimetres KP 11 HAIR THICKNESS The scalp of a normal middle aged person contains from 175 to 300 hairs per square centimetre, with an average of around 100,000 hairs in total; from that total, we lose some 50 to 100 hairs per day. The main reason for hair loss are changing hormone levels when we get older, which may also lead to baldness. Men have a 40% chance and women a 10% of becoming bald. Unusual hair loss may also be the result of: • • • • • KP 12 a weakened immune system (alopecia areata), emotional stress, physical stress (trichotillomania), drugs used in chemotherapy that lead to loss of hair which in most cases grows back, often in a different colour and form as before, overly-evolved bacteria that grow around the follicle and slow down the flow of nutrients from the blood, which may result in slower growth or even hair loss. LITE HAIR GROWTH ampoules can help alleviate these symptoms. THE LEVEL OF GREASE ON THE HAIR AND SCALP AGING HAIR - GREY AND THIN Sebaceous glands are present throughout our body and the amount of secreted sebum depends on the size of the gland, age, and sex of a particular person. The secretion is minimal before puberty, but increases during it, only to decrease again after the age of 40 (especially during menopause). Androgenic hormones regulate the production of grease. The amount of secreted grease can change during different seasons or even daily. Its function is to protect hair and make it more pliable. As our bodily functions change, so does hair growth. When we get older our hair quality changes – it loses colour, gets thinner, shorter, becomes less flexible and harder to style. The basic composition of sebum changes through the years and the level of greasiness depend on the amount of sebum and composition of the grease. The composition itself dictates how the grease behaves – if it is bothersome or how shampoo dissolves it. There is also a difference between the composition of greasy and dry hair, which is mostly visible when forming or styling hair. Gray hair is connected to the size of granules of melanin and type of pigment in hair fibres. The formation of hair pigments begins in melanocytes in the hair bulb (amino acid tyrosine being the first). Aging is the consequence of the weakening activity of melanocytes during the anagen phase – less pigment is created. Gray hair is often rougher, curlier, and more sensitive to light than pigmented hair; cystine levels in grey hair will drop and cystine acid levels rise if exposed to UV light for too long, resulting in loss of strength and firmness. KP 13 WORN OUT HAIR HAIR AGGRESSORS Hair remains on our head for a few years before it falls off and is replaced. In those years it is exposed to several external effects, making them lose their thickness, firmness, elasticity, shine, and length. SHAMPOO How long hair can actually withstand such effects depends on the basic hair structure and the strength and intensity of those effects. Thinner, less resistant hair can split and break fairly quickly, whereas stronger and thicker hair can withstand far more. In both cases, because of wear, hair starts losing its mass and gets thinner and breaks thereby preventing us from reaching our maximal possible hair length. Being public enemy number one, it attacks lipids and so degreases hair fairly quickly, forcing sebaceous glands to increase the production of sebum, which results in dry and thin hair. Such hair gets greasy two or three days after washing and is impossible to comb when wet. CONDITIONER Another common enemy are conditioners, which contain a large amount of oil and similar substances that wrap around hair, giving it a silken look and making it easier to comb. Hair with additional oil gets heavier and loses volume. The substances in conditioners keep hurting our hair, making it thinner and weaker, and forcing the sebaceous glands into overdrive. OTHER AGGRESSORS • • • • • KP 14 When washing hair, we must gently massage our scalp and not use force, because it might result in permanent damage. Hair irons burn the outer hair layer (cuticle), which results in hair loss. When drying our hair, we must use warm and not hot air thereby keeping our hair healthy and strong. Aggressive combing and the use of the wrong styling gear can lead to permanent damage. Rubbing hair dry with a towel only roughens up the cuticle, making it more prone to frizziness once it dries. Instead, squeeze hair dry with the towel. • • Seawater and water in pools causes the appearance of the so-called air pockets and damage the epidermis, UV rays cause oxidation and this in turn causes lipids to melt (resulting in photochemical damage). Chemical treatments like colouring, curling, ironing, and bleaching modify our hair and weaken its structure and quality. KP 15 TYPES OF DAMAGE Chloride and salt water (air pockets) Thermal and mechanical (water in hair explodes) Mechanical (damaged upper layers) Unbalanced hormone levels – loss of thickness and vitality. KP 16 Shampoo and conditioner (damaged scales) Damaged hair on the left, healthy hair on the right All these injuries worsen our condition and lead to reduced hair quality and problems with styling; hairs weaken and break. HEALTHY HAIR How can we improve our hair quality and achieve a better look? First we have to change our mentality and understand that our hair is strong but also fragile. Our every touch is important and we should always remember that each time we go through our hair, we risk damaging it. long hair you should start at the tips, gently combing your way to the scalp (best to use a hairbrush). Hair will be less willing than when using conditioners, but it will do the trick nevertheless. Wet hair can be a little rougher but after drying it retains its volume, smoothness, thickness, and has a natural shine. Do not judge the results until your hair is dried; LiteRAM shampoos support the natural thickness and other qualities of your hair in the long run. WASHING HAIR The best choice is to choose a shampoo that preserves the quality and thickness of our hair. After washing, combing should be easy without the use of conditioners (used only when hair is extremely damaged). Conditioners only being a short-term solution should be replaced by the LiteRAM therapy, which repairs your hair in the long run. LiteRAM CARE LINE shampoos are classified according to hair type, do not contain strong foaming solutions (lauryl ether sulfate) and do not damage the cuticle, making hair easy to comb. Hair retains its thickness and quality making your styling last. The substances in LiteRAM shampoos are biodegradable, not toxic, and do not damage your scalp, allowing the growth of healthy hair. When washing your hair you must first allow these shampoos to settle in for a few minutes and then wash them out thoroughly. After washing, do not rub your hair dry, just wrap it up in a towel, wait a few minutes and start combing; with KP 17 LITE OIL CONTROL SHAMPOO pH 4,7 (200 ml) For oily scalp and all types of hair The shampoo does not contain aggressive substances and gently cleans oily scalps and repairs damaged cuticle scales. The carefully selected substances in this shampoo help restore your natural hair balance, prevent damage, and regulate the amount of grease produced. Closing of the cuticle scales makes hair much easier to comb, soft and glossy, making the need for conditioners redundant. With very greasy hair we advise the use of this shampoo in combination with the Lite Vital shampoo. When used regularly, this product, with all its natural, nontoxic ingredients, will maintain an effective LiteRAM therapy. It does not have any unwanted side effects and does not include lauryl ether sulfate. Use: Apply to wet hair, softly massage in and wash. Repeat the procedure, wait a few minutes for the shampoo to start working, gently comb your hair, and wash thoroughly. KP 18 LITE COLOR PROTECT SHAMPOO FOAM pH 4,7 (150 ml) For coloured and chemically treated hair Modern women often complain about the lack of volume, elasticity and oversensitivity of their hair. These problems are caused by aging (chemical imbalance in menopause), use of the wrong shampoos, which in combination with conditioners damage your hair in the long run. Foam shampoo is suitable for thin, fairly greasy hair, and a sensitive scalp. Foam helps protect your hair, and maintain volume and elasticity; hair is smooth and styling lasts. All ingredients are biodegradable and not toxic; they protect hair pigment and prolong colouring effects. Use: Apply a handful of foam to wet hair, gently massage in and wash. Repeat the procedure, wait a few minutes for the shampoo to start working, gently comb your hair and wash thoroughly. KP 19 LITE HERBAL SHAMPOO pH 5,0 (200 ml) For dry hair Gently cleans dry hair, repairs the outer cuticle layers and strokes hair tips, making them more elastic. The natural essences contained have a calming effect on the scalp, restore its natural balance and stimulate hair growth; hair is easier to style. It is intended for people with different hair types who share similar problems: • • • • • It will repair the cuticle of heavily coloured hair with the help of keratin, making hair softer, more elastic and easier to style. Dried and brittle hair will be repaired and easier to style with the help of rosemary and citric acid Ph 5.0. Thicker hair, which is usually stiffer and harder to style, will be made more willing and glossier. Curly hair that is often dry and stiff, causing curls to look unnatural, will get its soft and bouncy look back. Lavender will soothe your upset scalp, returning the natural balance and enhancing hair growth. Use: Apply to wet hair, softly massage in and wash. Repeat the procedure, wait a few minutes for the shampoo to start working, gently comb your hair and wash thoroughly. Additional effects of the LITE HERBAL shampoo: • enhances volume when styling with brush and dryer, • if you don’t want volume, use a dryer and gently straighten the hair, resulting in straighter hair with less volume. KP 20 LITE VITAL SHAMPOO FOAM (150 ml) Volume, moisture, softness and greater shine with NATURAL LINSEED OIL Being one of the few soap-based shampoos, it revitalizes and strengthens your hair and scalp extremely well. It destroys overly-evolved bacteria on your scalp and works great in combination with other hair growth products. Main functions: • increases volume and strengthens hair, making it easier to style, • degreases your scalp without inflicting damage, • relieves the scalp and increases hair growth. Usage with other LiteRAM shampoos is advisable (LITE COLOR PROTECT, LITE HERBAL or LITE OIL CONTROL); use for the first or second washing. When used separately, the shampoo is only good for washing children’s hair. Use: Apply a handful of shampoo, gently massage it in, wait a few minutes, gently comb your hair and wash thoroughly. KP 21 KEPYRO SHAMPOO FOAM (150 ml) Anti-dandruff shampoo Dandruff is a nasty nuisance when you have it and difficult to get rid of it because it is a result of various afflictions. Dandruff is caused by bacteria, seborrhea, stress and pollutions. It is not sufficient to add a fungicide or bactericide to a detergent and shampoo every day. It is more complicated than that. KEPYRO has a different approach: Climbazole is an active ingredient that is effective against Pityrosporum ovale that originates dandruff from sebum. Zinc pyrithione is a classic fungicide against Propionibacterium acne which makes the scalp dry, producing another kind of dandruff (parts of skin). Stress also causes dry and greasy dandruff. Rosemary oil reduces stress significantly. Dust pollutants combine with the other dandruff precursors and the result is a real mess. Some commercial anti-dandruff shampoos offer one of the previously described remedies. KEPYRO is a combination of all of them. Use: It should be used as needed, whenever dandruff is present. Apply to the hair, massage in, rinse and reapply. Massage and leave in for several minutes and rinse. The additional use of HAIR GROWTH LOTION is recommended in more serious cases of dandruff or scalp anomalies. Rosemary oil contains around 100 different active substances and also fortifies the hair shaft – more precisely the cortex. This shampoo can therefore also be used to strengthen the cortex after every second or third washing. Due to the rich content of medicinal substances, the shampoo is not recommended for ongoing use. Hair will be softer, firmer and maintain its healthy structure following the use of this shampoo. KP 22 It is recommended that you leave the LITE shampoos in your hair for a few minutes, and then comb and rinse the hair. KP 23 ADDITIONAL CARE When we have problems combing hair after shampooing (usually very thin and long hair or if the hair cuticle is extremely damaged), the use of LiteRAM hair care products such as KERATIN SPRAY, KERATIN FOAM, KERATIPS REPAIR or KERACARE is advisable. These products will not only help your styling but, because of their chemical composition, also make your hair look nicer and healthier in the long run. KP 24 LITE KERATIN SPRAY pH 5,5 (200 ml) For everyday nourishment and heat protection With its natural keratin, it gives your hair the daily dose it needs to withstand the damaging effects of the sun and moisture, as well as protecting it from the intense temperatures of hairdryers and irons. The new dose of keratin refreshes hair, makes it willing and shiny, and gives it just the right amount of moisture. During sleep we often sweat or just rub against our pillow too roughly, damaging our hair cuticles, resulting in jagged hair tips. To solve this problem and make our hair strong, willing, and protected again, we just apply some LITE KERATIN SPRAY on our tips and style our hair as desired. Especially long hair that likes to knot is much easier to comb after the use of LITE KERATIN SPRAY. It is also recommended for people whose hair is too stiff after the use of the LiteRAMtherapy; keratin will make your hair willing and soft again. Use: • • For dry hair tips that are generally hard to comb; apply on washed, wet hair, comb in and style. If you just want to refresh your hair in the morning, apply the spray on dry hair, comb it gently and style. KP 25 SPECIAL RECOMMENDATION In summer our hair is exposed to the damaging effects of the sun, salt and chlorinated water, which attack our cuticles. Their first target is the protective layer of lipids and later on the complex cell membranes (upper hair layers). This facilitates the build-up of so called air pockets and if not treated, will result in further damage. When washed in fresh water these air pockets vanish, but the damage remains. When such hair is exposed to the sun it oxidizes quickly, splits and breaks, making styling almost impossible. That is why we recommend LiteRAM therapy, more precisely Lite KERATIN SPRAY pH 5.5. It will make your hair easier to style, fill it with natural keratin, and protect it from the harmful effects of the summer. KP 26 LITE KERATIN FOAM pH 6,5 (150 ml) Natural keratin therapy This foam will return the lost keratin back to our hair and also repair some damage. Hair becomes smoother, fuller and stronger, making it resistant to mechanical damage and much easier to comb. Use: • • For less damaged hair, apply a handful of foam, massage it in gently, comb and style. For extremely damaged hair, apply two handfuls of foam on washed hair, massage it in gently and allow it to work for at least 5 minutes; wash your hair, and before styling add another handful of foam, gently comb and style. Lite Keratin Foam can be used after each washing. Hair is made willing and easy to style, retaining its volume and form. The added keratin is absorbed into the hair and does not additionally burden it or make it greasy. KP 27 LITE KERATIPS REPAIR (80 ml) For dry damaged hair tips The highly concentrated, keratin-rich liquid repairs damaged hair tips and porous hair, which results from excessive colouring and other chemical damage; damaged hair is revitalized and becomes stronger and smoother to the touch. On one hand, this product does not damage or grease hair, on the other it enables it to grow longer, retain its volume and increases the life span of its tips. It can also be used to soften hair after LiteRAM therapies. Use: After shampooing, apply a smaller quantity of this product to your tips and other damaged parts, comb it in and blow dry. KP 28 LITE KERACARE pH 5,5 (200 ml) For additional care after shampooing This product will return the natural softness and flexibility to hair that is rough or dry after shampooing. It will not make hair greasy or burden the scalp, but will keep it healthy in the long run. Styling dry hair will be easier. It contains highly concentrated hydrolyzed keratin, which has a soothing effect on hair. The product is also used to soften hair after LiteRAM therapies. It can be used in two different ways: • After shampooing, apply it to your hair, comb it in, wash and blow dry. • When applying a smaller quantity, just comb it in and blow dry. It is very vital that you dry your hair. Warm air benefits your hair, closing the upper cuticle layers effectively; you can achieve an even greater effect if you use a gentle hairbrush. STYLING Products from the LiteRAM CARE LINE collection help us achieve an even better styling. What all these products have in common is that they, because of their composition, help hair retain its quality and styling. KP 29 LITE KER*UP STYLING (80 ml) PATENTED FORMULA Refreshing lotion for trendy haircuts When compared to other shaping products, this keratin-rich lotion exceeds its basic function of helping with styling – it also increases hair volume. Hair, already shaped with this product, can be reshaped without fear of sticking together. The product contains several active substances that make hair firm and other substances with delayed release that enable the user to take his or her time when styling. Some nurturing substances contained in this product help balance the natural hair quality and increase volume. Even though the styling is firm, hair is easy to comb. Use: Rub a small quantity of LITE KER*UP STYLING in your hand and fingers and run your hand through your hair, shaping it as you like. If you wish a different styling, just reapply the lotion and shape your hair anew. KP 30 LITE STYLING STRONG SPRAY (400 ml) For everyday styling, setting and volume Hair gloss for all hair types Its special design enables effective dispersion and styling without the unwanted side effects of classical hair sprays. Despite being strong, it does not glue hair together even when exposed to moisture, and it is easy to wash off. Its substances do not stick to hair or the scalp and do not cause chemical damage. In comparison to the best hair sprays on the market, it contains a substance which is twice-as-active, drastically cutting down the amount used. Another great feature of this product is its water resistance; if your hair gets wet, the product may dissolve a little, but when it dries up it will not stick, as do many other hair sprays. It sprays in very small drops so your hair is not burdened and can be easily combed. It is intended for daily use, strong styling and greater volume. Use: • • Apply to wet hair; it works like a setting lotion. For a more permanent styling, apply to already styled hair; works like a hair spray. KP 31 LITE STRONG STYLING NATURAL SPRAY (200 ml) For everyday styling, setting, and volume High gloss and no sticky hair Made without a propellant and according to a special formula, this product enables strong styling without the unwanted side effects of regular hair sprays. Despite being strong, it does not glue hair together even when exposed to moisture, and is easy to wash off. Its substances do not stick to hair or the scalp and do not cause chemical damage. In comparison to the best hair sprays on the market, it contains a substance which is twice-as-active, drastically cutting down the amount used. Another great feature of this product is its water resistance; if your hair gets wet, the product may dissolve a little, but when it dries up it will not stick as do many other hair sprays. It sprays in very small drops so your hair is not burdened and can be easily combed. Use: • • Apply to wet hair; it works like a setting lotion. For a more permanent styling, apply to already styled hair; works like a hair spray. Hair remains clean and strong after use, without being stiff. All ingredients are biodegradable, not toxic, and have no unwanted side effects. KP 32 SCALP CARE Slow growing, low quality hair that keeps falling out is a sign that your scalp needs help. You can provide that help by always blow drying your hair after washing it; heat produced by the human body and moisture comprise an ideal breeding ground for various microorganisms, which hinder natural hair development. KP 33 To help accelerate hair growth we can use: LITE HAIR GROWTH LOTION for scalp (9 x 15 ml) Ampoules to combat bacterially-inflicted hair loss, dandruff and itching The main causes of scalp infections are various pathogens or microorganisms like bacteria, fungus, virus or parasites, the most common being bacteria and fungus. The ampoules disinfect your scalp and prevent further growth of harmful bacteria around the follicle. These bacteria disturb the follicle’s natural cycle and food supply and cause hair loss and dandruff build-up. With the use of these ampoules, we can clean the follicles and enable them to perform their designated function and at the same time, prevent hair loss, dandruff build-up and itching, and enable normal hair growth. Use: First wash your hair with LITE VITAL SHAMPOO (it is soap-based and will help destroy overly-evolved bacteria), apply LITE HAIR GROWTH LOTION on your scalp, massage in and blow dry. Repeat the process three days in a row, then once a week for the next three weeks and finally, once a month for the next three months. The LITE HAIR GROWTH LOTION ampoules have already helped thousands of people with hair and scalp problems. KP 34 MAINTENANCE OF HEALTHY HAIR WITH LITE CARE LINE PRODUCTS CUSTOMERS EXPERIENCES WITH LITE CARE LINE PRODUCTS Hair care with LiteRAM CARE LINE products differs from care with classical products that are generally used. Results obtained with this care are different, so we have to get used to them at first. We must not forget that hair consists of keratin, which is a firm material, thus the natural feel of healthy hair is firm, and not silky. If we accept this fact, we gain many advantages over classical cosmetics. The softness of naturally firm hair can be obtained by using additional care products from the LITE CARE LINE. These will give our hair just the right touch of softness and keep all of its good qualities in the long run. The result of such treatment is naturally shiny, optimally soft, yet firm hair, which maintains its volume and can grow to a maximum natural length. This provides the scalp with optimal conditions for its function – enabling the optimal growth of healthy hair. After such care people often notice that their hair grows faster and becomes healthier. Marianne Virag One of the advantages of this hair treatment approach is that we do not require more products to maintain the same hair look, but in the long run the condition of our hair improves so much that we need fewer products for normal care. We require less time and fewer products to style our hair at home and our hairstyle lasts longer. I am pleased to inform you that the condition of my hair is much better than before using LiteRAM shampoo and of course, the credit for my healthy and shiny hair also goes to LiteRAM therapy. It’s the first time in a long time that I have really been happy. After I wash and dry my hair, I am satisfied with the hairdo as well. Daniela Mate Krilic Healthy and shiny hair is considered to be an important element of beauty, especially in women, and I am no exception. In the search for suitable cosmetic products for my hair type and structure, I also tried LiteRAM therapy. The result was amazing even after the first therapy. My hair was actually more elastic, resistant, flexible and shiny. To maintain the desired look and quality of hair it is important, in addition to the therapy, to properly choose and regularly use several other LiteRAM products, which have different purposes of use. So, from my own experience I can confirm that beautiful hair isn’t just a coincidence, but the result of LiteRAM therapy and use of LiteRAM line products. Lucija Gubensek LiteRAM works, I guarantee that with my own hair. KP 35 A QUICK OVERVIEW OF THE LITERAM THERAPY This therapy allows specially trained stylists to help your hair recover. It is a revolutionary therapy, which turns many other therapies upside down. It repairs damaged, dry, greasy, fragile and split hair from the inside out, making it stronger, softer and more resistant, helping it retain its natural beauty. LiteRam therapists renew your hair with the help of specific amino acids, which are the base element in keratin. With the aid of a special light, these amino acids bond with hair and form homogeneous hair that is extremely smooth, strong, firm, thick and easily combed without the use of conditioners or other products. It is impossible to fix all hair problems in only one session and its effect is only partial and not sufficient. At least four sessions within a period of six months are needed to achieve the desired effect. Far less therapy is required later on. The special light makes the effects of this therapy permanent and your hair becomes thicker and stronger. Every woman that has problems with damaged hair and unable to comb it without the help of conditioners, lotions and masks will love this therapy. KP 36 The LiteRAM therapy is also appropriate for people whose hair only grows a certain length, afterwards thinning out and breaking. It renews rough hair that has lost its gloss or has become difficult after several colourings. It also has a soothing effect on regularly washed hair that does not hold its form for long. L DA 1999 B CA N SSE L S E U R E B R ON Z M E The LiteRAM HAIR TONIC is a new service provided by LiteRAM therapists for faster repair of upper hair layers. After the therapy, your hair will be smoother, stronger and more resistant, making it easier to style according to your wishes. This procedure does not require the use of any conditioners or other products to achieve natural looking styling. It consumes less time and money and its effects are permanent – they do not just wash out. IO AT RU The LiteRAM therapy can also be used as a precaution when we want to protect our hair from negative effects of the environment (sun, sea) and chemical treatments (colouring, bleaching); specialists even advise the LiteRAM therapy for people with no apparent hair damage. After the LiteRam therapy your hair is protected and can be coloured, bleached or ironed without problems. F OR I N N O V It can be used after a long sickness or exhausting diet when hair loses its natural qualities and look. Many women begin this therapy in autumn when they return from summer holidays with damaged and dry hair. The patent for this therapy was filed by the Belgian hair-care specialist Eddy van Dyck, earning him the bronze medal for innovations in the International Eureka Contest in Brussels in 1999. He scientifically proved the improvement of hair structure after the use of the LiteRAM therapy. KP 37 DAMAGED HAIR KP 38 HAIR AFTER THERAPY CARE-LINE KP 39 There is no easy way to repair your damaged hair. LiteRAM is the only way. KP 40