special - St. John Vianney High School


special - St. John Vianney High School
the official magazine of the st. john vianney high school family
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fall 2010
Vianney Shines in Accreditation Report
Vianney officially earned re-accreditation
this summer through AdvancED (also
known as the North Central Association
Commission on Accreditation). While
re-accreditation itself was not a surprise,
Vianney was gratified to receive a number
of significant commendations in the
official report.
In particular, the report noted the strength
of Vianney’s intensive 4 x 4 schedule,
stating, “The 4 x 4 block schedule is a key
contributor to students’ academic success
and college preparation.”
In addition, the report said, “Classroom
observations noted a high level of student
involvement. Students were challenged
to use higher-order thinking skills.”
The report was the result of a visit last
spring by a “Quality Assurance Review
Team” from AdvancED. The QAR
team’s visit included classroom
observation, interviews with students,
parents, teachers and administrators,
and an in-depth review of detailed
documentation regarding school
processes and student performance.
In addition to commending the strength
of Vianney’s academics, the report also
captured another one of our bragging
points. It noted that, “The student body
is diverse in terms of socio-economic
circumstances and academic abilities,
yet each student is treated as a son or
brother,” and “Stakeholders universally
attest to the family spirit of the school.”
You are welcome to read the QAR team
report online at www.vianney.com. Click on
“About Vianney,” then “Accreditation Report.”
As noted in our accreditation report, Vianney’s
4 x 4 block schedule allows time for students
to explore subjects in depth. During an Honors
Biology lab, seniors AJ Feicht and Nick Staebel
perform an osmosis experiment using distilled
water and sugar solutions.
Familiar Faces Among Vianney Marianists
Alumni will recognize many familiar
faces among the current group of
Vianney Marianists, most of whom
live in the Curé of Ars community
on campus.
In the back row from left are Bro. Mel
Meyer, Bro. Leo Slay, Fr. Joe Uvietta,
Bro. Bob Rapp, Bro. Jim Maus, Bro.
Richard Middleton, Bro. Chester
Burnog and Fr. Tim Kenney.
In the front row are Bro. Ken Jung,
Fr. Don Cahill, Bro. Roy McLoughlin,
Bro. Andy Kosmowski, Bro. Len Rudy
and Bro. Wally Ebbesmeyer. In the
foreground is Gracie, a recent addition
to the community. She was adopted
from a rescue organization and enjoys
a very pampered life among the priests
and brothers.
On the cover: At the homecoming pep rally in October, Griffins do the “roller coaster” cheer. Among those pictured are, in the front row, seniors Brian Bach,
Matt Hitzemann and Bob Althage. In the second row are seniors Mike O’Fallon, Paul Sandweg and Frank Kane. Juniors Chris Dougherty and Ian
Wohlstadter are in the third row.
FALL 2010
Vianney Welcomes Large Freshman Class
Vianney is booming! We’ve welcomed our
largest freshman class in recent history, with
178 members in the Class of 2014. Overall,
Vianney enrollment is at 628, up from 598
at the close of the 2009 – 2010 school year.
Some interesting facts about the
Vianney Class of 2014:
• These boys hail from 33 different
parishes all over the metro area.
• Thirty-one of them are sons
of Vianney alumni.
• Nearly one in five of them scored
at or above the 90th percentile on
standardized tests.
• Four out of 10 are receiving
Vianney academic scholarships.
We are grateful to the alumni and parents
who refer potential students to Vianney.
Thanks for helping us spread the good news!
On the first day of classes, teacher Dave Gauvain (left) and President Mike Loyet welcome freshman Nick
Sellout Crowd for Grandparents’ Mass
Following Mass in the field house,
students gave their grandparents tours
of Vianney and enjoyed breakfast together
in the Griffins’ Café. Judy O’Connell,
manager of the Griffin Gear store, reported
that the shop did a large volume of sales
as grandparents indulged their boys in
an extra Vianney t-shirt or hoodie.
Alumni Association
Awards Scholarship
Each year, the Vianney Alumni Association
provides a scholarship to the son, step-son
or grandson of a Vianney alumnus. The
$1,000 annual scholarship is renewable
for four years. This year’s scholarship was
awarded to freshman Sam Panchot, son
of Keith Panchot (’87). Sam is one of three
Panchot brothers at Vianney this year.
Freshman Kevin Tiemann, with his grandparents
Jim and Betsy Wyrsch, awaits the start of the
entrance procession. Many students and their
grandparents took part in the Mass.
“Family spirit” isn’t just a catch phrase
at Vianney – just ask any of the hundreds
of grandparents and family members
who turned out for Vianney’s annual
Grandparents’ Mass and Breakfast in
September. The event drew more than 600
members of the extended Griffin family.
Following Mass in the field house, boys were
encouraged to show their grandparents around
school. Pete and Marie Puricelli and Louise
Strebler seem to be enjoying the tour provided
by their grandson, freshman Blake Strebler.
Freshman Sam Panchot received this year’s
Alumni Association scholarship. With him
are, on left, Keith Conboy (’86), head of the
Alumni Association scholarship committee
and Sam’s dad, Keith Panchot (’87).
A High-Scoring Homecoming
Senior Kadarius Green eludes a Parkway West challenger – again. Kadarius had an outstanding homecoming game, with 22 carries for 195 yards and three
Homecoming is always a big event at
Vianney, and the 51st annual was no
exception. It was a beautiful night, with
a bright full moon, friendly breeze and
temperature hovering around 73 degrees.
Alumni, staff, families and students gathered on the parking lot for the pregame
tailgate barbecue. Young members of the
Vianney family burned off excess energy
in the moon bounce while their moms
and dads reconnected with old friends
and classmates.
On the field, Vianney took the opening
kickoff and needed only two plays to
score, but the Parkway West Longhorns
answered every Griffin tally. The Longhorns
took advantage of two first-half Vianney
fumbles and took a 35-28 lead at half time.
The second half would see the two teams
trade scores, but the Griffins were never
able to close the gap and the Longhorns
took home the district playoff berth.
The game was a spectator’s delight as
the teams nearly wore out the scoreboard
with a final tally of 55-45. Senior Ryan
Snyder earned the Randy Frisch Memorial
Award as the game’s most valuable player.
At the dance the following evening, senior
Jack McDonough and his date, Kelly
Schrader, were crowned Homecoming
King and Queen.
Even without a win on the gridiron, the fun
and fellowship made it another high-scoring
homecoming for the Griffins.
Homecoming is a family event at Vianney. Young
Griffin fans Ashley McCaffrey and Ryan McCaffrey (in cape) and buddy Logan Strebler display
their black and gold pride. They are the siblings of
freshmen Patrick McCaffrey and Blake Strebler.
FALL 2010
Griffin Scramblers keep the homecoming crowd riled up. From
left are seniors Joe Haberberger, Kyle Brady, Nick Stratton, Pete
Narzinski, Zach Moszczenski, Brian Schlichtig and Brad Lux.
Following the game, players await the announcement of the Randy Frisch Memorial
MVP award. Frisch was a Vianney football standout who graduated in 1973. He played
for Mizzou and went on to join the Pittsburgh Steelers, but was killed in a car accident
at the start of his rookie season. Vianney’s Alumni Association honors the homecoming
game’s most valuable player each year with the Frisch Award. The Griffins are, from left,
junior Joe Stevens, sophomore Matt Brown and senior Ryan Snyder. Ryan was this
year’s recipient of the Frisch Award.
It’s a blast! Pep band trumpeters Daren Hembrador and Al Faust, both sophomores,
rally the crowd with the Vianney Fight Song following another Griffin touchdown.
’70 Griffins Recall:
‘10-and-O and
Nowhere to Go’
Members of Vianney’s 1970 football team
reunited at homecoming in honor of the
40th anniversary of their 10-0 season. The
team set a state record for fewest points
allowed in a season with 29. Despite the
team’s perfect record, an arcane Missouri
playoff system denied the Griffins a playoff
spot. This lead to the season’s mantra:
“10-and-O and nowhere to go.”
Among the members of the 1970 football team returning at homecoming were, in the front row, Jim
Waldschmidt (’72), John Shea (’73), Skip Russell (’71), Dennis Fitzgerald (’71), Jeff Crocker (’71),
Bill Gokin (’72) and Jim Clancy (’72). Special thanks to Tony Sebben (’71) for
organizing the reunion.
In the back row are John Zeiser (’72), Mark Klose (’71), Herm Ploesser (’71), Dan Shea (’72),
Steve Levick (’71), Tony Sebben (’71), Dave Lange (’71), Doug Niewoehner (’71), Steve Frei (’72),
Bill Bommarito (’73), and coaches Jim Farrell and Don Heeb.
Ambassadors: The Face of Vianney
“I’m positive they are a big reason behind the
success of our recruiting efforts,” he added.
This school year, 67 juniors and seniors
are serving as ambassadors. To be part of
this elite battalion, a Griffin must complete
a formal application, must have at least a
2.5 GPA, be involved in at least one school
activity and obtain two recommendations
from teachers. “These guys self-select to a
large extent,” said Cochran. “The ones who
want this role are the ones who have the
confidence and the right attitude to do a
good job.”
Walking backwards while talking is an important skill Vianney Ambassadors develop. At open house,
junior Ian Wohlstadter describes how lunch shifts work to a prospective Griffin family.
They’re the sharp young men in Vianney
dress shirts and carefully knotted Vianney
ties. They’ll hold open a door for you and
make eye contact as they greet you warmly,
welcoming you to Vianney.
They are the face of Vianney at reunions,
open house, high school nights and nearly
every special event.
They are leaders among their peers.
And they are Vianney’s not-so-secret weapon.
“I can’t even tell you how many times a
parent has told me how impressive our
ambassadors are,” said Terry Cochran,
Vianney’s director of admissions and
manager of the ambassador program.
An open house tour can take 40 minutes or more and covers a lot of ground. Vianney depends on
ambassadors such as junior Ted Rule to present Vianney positively and accurately to the scores of
visiting families.
At a given event, an ambassador may help
direct traffic, or he may serve as an usher
or greeter. He may provide school tours. A
select few make presentations at the “high
school nights” that take place throughout
late September and October. This year, 19
young men auditioned to present to rooms
full of parents and prospective students
at these key recruiting events. Nine were
chosen from among the 19.
“These guys understand how important
they are to the recruiting process,” said
Cochran. “They really want to do a good
job; to represent their school well.”
And while Cochran provides fairly intensive
training for all the ambassadors, he said
he is sometimes “amazed” at their innate
ability. “When they put on that ambassador
shirt and tie, they know it means something,” he said. “They consistently step up
and make us proud.”
Andrew Ogle and Scott Reilly, both members
of the class of 2010, help Frank Sherwood (’65)
and other alumni get signed in at the reunion
last spring. Are ambassadors dedicated?
Are these two high school seniors volunteering
to work at school on a Saturday night?
FALL 2010
Classmate Update
After years spent working in Jefferson City for the
Missouri Department of Corrections supervising
inmates, Bill DeCosta is now retired and doing
graphic arts, making his own products.
Dennis Carraher has retired from teaching
at Parkway South and has moved a bit farther
south – to Austin, Texas. Former classmates will
remember him as half of the set that included
his twin, Patrick Carraher.
It’s reasonable to expect great things from a Vianney
valedictorian, and Timothy Fete, M.D., lives up to
the challenge. Fete is chairman of the Department
of Child Health and Children’s Miracle Network
Professor in Pediatrics at the University of Missouri
School of Medicine.
Retirement includes riding his motorcycle and
working on his wife’s “honey do” list, according to
Stephen Kellar, who resides in South Carolina.
Kellar retired from the Navy in 1994 and served as an
officer in the local police department until last year.
The price tag for Greg Horn’s latest endeavor comes
in at a cool $667 million. Horn is project director
for the new Mississippi River bridge north of downtown. The project is expected to keep Horn busy
for the next four to six years.
Have you seen the billboard featuring John Klipsch?
The big sign touting orthopedic care at St. Anthony’s
Medical Center features Klipsch in a football photo
from his Griffin days with the headline “Where’d you
go? (for orthopedic care).” Klipsch, with the help of
his new knee, operates Klipper’s Pub and Grill.
That’s a winner – for Jerry Pence. Pence scored
big on the Do It Yourself (DIY) Network’s “Turf
Wars” in August. DIY Network and Major League
Baseball teamed up to do a Cardinals-vs.-Cubsthemed landscape competition. Pence produced a
winning design and installation for the Cardinals’
family in O’Fallon, Mo. 1984
Scott Cepicky recently won election to the post of
county commissioner for Maury County, Tenn. He
is a mortgage banker for Regions Bank. You can read
about him at www.scottcepicky.com.
Keith Panchot was proud to have his son,
freshman Sam Panchot receive the Vianney
Alumni Association Scholarship for the current
school year. Sam’s brothers Shane Panchot, a senior
and Luke Panchot, a junior, round out one of two
three-brother combinations at Vianney this year.
Paul DiGregorio married Carrie Mattingly in
June on the beach in South Carolina. He is an officer
with the Richmond Heights Police Department.
The birth of his daughter was the impetus for Steve
Fraraccio to lose 180 pounds. Fraraccio was featured
recently in a story in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
When his daughter was born in 2006, Fraraccio
weighed 410 pounds. Today, he’s 225 muscle-bound
pounds and is looking forward to a long, healthy life.
It was a record-setting season for Phil Warren,
manager of the Gateway Grizzlies minor league
baseball team. By August, Warren had amassed 198
managerial wins since taking over the Grizzlies in
2007, setting a new standard for the team.
Physical Therapy, Spine and Sports Medicine is
the name of the clinic recently opened by Scott
Schuessler in Ballwin.
Mark Naeger recently opened a new insurance
agency, Mark Anthony Group Insurance & Risk
Management in the St. Louis Hills neighborhood.
Jeff Wolf married Emily Worley last summer.
His brother, Matthew Wolf (’05) was his best
man, and classmate Doug Sicking (’02) was among
the groomsmen. The groom is a plant operation
technician at Consultant Lubricants in St. Charles.
It was wedding bells for Mark Schuermann and
Rachel Whiting in early October. Schuermann
works in the Advancement Office at Vianney.
Greg Tuholske, Airman 1st Class in the U.S. Air
Force completed basic training this summer at
Lackland Air Force Base in Texas and administrative
schooling at Keesler Air Force Base in Mississippi. He is presently stationed at Tinker Air Force Base in
Army 1st Lt. Daniel Flynn is currently in
Afghanistan as a Military Police platoon leader.
Tom Mulvihill is a communications specialist
for Friends of Kids with Cancer. Vianney
helped out Mulvihill’s organization with a
“hats on” benefit day in early October. Mulvihill
will also be serving as an assistant coach for the
new Jr. Griffin baseball program.
Dale Printing in Kirkwood recently brought
on Paul Paradoski as Sales Manager.
Welcome to the world! Marty Walsh and his wife
Margaret announced the arrival of son #2, Landon
Michael, this summer.
Michael Bittner recently joined the Marianist
Province of the United States as Interactive
Marketing Coordinator. He will be reinventing
the Marianist’s website and working on a variety
of electronic media for the order.
It’s back-to-back Griffins! Matt Buck, a chiropractor, recently joined Mark Maher (‘73) in practice at
Maher Chiropractic in Webster Groves.
Anthony Granda and his wife Amy welcomed
their firstborn, Adam Robert Granda, into the world
Sept. 17. Granda is a professional photographer
and representative for Multi-Media Technology,
which produces high school and college yearbooks,
including the Vianney Talon.
Tom Cowley recently moved to Tulsa to take
a position with Inceed, a placement firm for
finance and technology professionals. Cowley
played minor league baseball for the Florida
Marlins and coached baseball at Vianney.
It was an unforgettable summer for Joe Haman,
a St. Louis City Police Officer. He was shot eight
times following a traffic stop in May. Fortunately,
none of his injuries was life-threatening. In July,
he and his partner were named Officers of the
Year for outstanding work in 2009.
Jake Beckerle is finishing his studies at St. Louis
Community College and will soon be entering
the St. Louis City Police Academy.
Brad Blumenkemper and Nate Corley were
inducted into the Xi Lambda Chapter of Phi Theta
Kappa International Honor Society at St. Louis
Community College at Meramec last spring.
It appears island life agrees with Brett Hasenmueller.
The Chaminade University (Honolulu) sophomore
made the Dean’s List as well as playing soccer
and golf.
In Memory
Marge Maurer, mother of Mike (’76),
Gene (’77), Steve (’82), Dan (’84) and Jamie.
Ted Triska, grandfather of Matt (’07) and
Steve (’09) Jamieson.
It’s great to hear from alumni! Please send your news to Pete Cerone (’93), Advancement Director, at pcerone@vianney.com or by mail
to the school address.
Get involved!
Vianney Alumni
Vianney’s Alumni Association is a terrific
way to reconnect with old friends, network with fellow Griffins and give
back to a great institution.
Alumni Association events include the
trivia night, golf tournament, homecoming and scholarship program. To learn
about how you can get involved, contact
Pete Cerone ’93 at pcerone@vianney.com
or 314.965.4853, ext. 118.
2010 – 2011 Alumni Association Officers
President: Jim Gansner (’90)
Vice President: Mark Naeger (’98)
Treasurer: John Bosch (’78)
Secretary: Phil Miceli (’98)
Thanks to these Griffins for their ongoing
commitment to Vianney!
Principal Search Underway
As you may be
aware, Vianney
Principal Larry
Keller will be
retiring at the end
of this school year.
Keller has served
Vianney for 16 years
Principal Larry Keller
and has been a
teacher and administrator in Catholic schools for 41 years.
Last June, Vianney conducted a series
of focus groups with faculty, alumni and
parents to define the characteristics we seek
in a principal. Armed with this input, Vianney
began a nationwide search in September,
and we’ve attracted quality candidates from
both within and outside the St. Louis area.
An eight-person committee that
Be Part of the Griffin Fund
Last year, Vianney initiated a new focus for
our Annual Fund. Called the “Griffin Fund,”
this fundraising effort is critical in bridging
the gap between the tuition we charge and
the actual cost of educating Griffins.
The Griffin Fund has important goals:
Your contribution to the Griffin Fund helps us
maintain the quality of our academic programs,
including up-to-date computer hardware and
software. Sophomores Alex Sabatino, Mike
Witwer and Sean O’Brien work on an English
assignment in the media center.
• Maintaining the high standards of our
academic, spiritual and co-curricular
• Attracting and keeping the best teachers
and staff.
includes Marianists, faculty, parents
and an administrator from a local public
school currently is reviewing applications.
Toward the end of this calendar year,
we’ll begin conducting interviews with
the leading candidates.
We expect to be able to announce Vianney’s
new principal next spring. He or she will
join the Vianney family officially July 1.
While Keller’s post-retirement plans
are still “on the drawing board,” he
says he may like to continue teaching.
It seems likely that he will also be able to
devote more time to following his beloved
Chicago Cubs. An informal poll indicates
most Griffins believe even this is not likely
to help the Cub’s chances.
• Preserving our physical facilities.
• Providing tuition assistance for
promising boys whose families
simply cannot afford full tuition.
Now more than ever, we need your help.
Please support our boys by investing in
the Griffin Fund.
For more information on the Griffin
Fund, please contact Pete Cerone (’93),
Advancement Director, at 314.965.4853,
ext. 118, or pcerone@vianney.com
Original Equipment?
Some claim that these “Vianney High
School” cafeteria trays are original
equipment. Is it possible these trays have
withstood 50 years of daily abuse from
teenage boys? (And yes, they’re made
out of plastic, not hewn from stone.)
We need to hear from early ’60s alumni. Does
this tray look familiar to you? If so, know that
these family heirlooms continue to serve us
well. Just ask these juniors, who include, from
left in front, Joey Lux, Tyler Picha, Aaron
Bossi, Corey Nieder (holding tray) Dominic
Mueller and Quinn Cochran. In the upper left
are Jack O’Brien, Pat Jordan and Mitch Wise.
2009 – 2010 Annual Report
St. John Vianney High School is dedicated to forming young men for spiritual,
academic and personal excellence in the Catholic, Marianist tradition.
Celebrating 50 years of
Excellence in Education
It was landmark year for St. John Vianney High School as
we celebrated our 50th anniversary.
Many things have changed over the course of five decades,
but the commitment and generosity of our donors has
never waned. If not for you, Vianney could not exist.
This Annual Report is a small way we recognize and thank
our donors. Vianney’s faculty and staff will continue to
strive to live up to the trust you place in us.
God bless you for your
continued generosity.
St. John Vianney High School Financials 2009-2010
Operating Revenues
Program Revenues
Auxiliary Revenues
Gear Store
Activity Revenues
Student Council
Griffin Fund
Golf Tournament
Investments and Miscellaneous
Total Revenues
Actual Cost Per Student
Tuition & Fees Per Student
Gap Per Student
activity revenues 2%
Operating Expenses
Program Services
Academic Departments
Media Center
Tuition Assistance
Faculty Development
Auxillary Services
Gear Store
Activity Services
Campus Ministry
Support Services
Public Relations
Custodial Services
Total Expenses
activity services 3%
investments 2%
a 7%
depreciation 7%
auxilary services 9%
fundraising 9%
tuition/fees 80%
programs/services 61%
Griffin Fund Donors Fiscal Year 2009-2010
Cure of Ars
(St. John Vianney,
pastor of Ars, France)
Flatley, John & Pam
Johnson, Jim & Diane
Sly, Patrick & Peggy
Wanner, Edward & Marcie
Maria Duce
(Mary as Our Guide)
Bowe, Christopher & Joan
Burton, Frank* and Mary
Grant, Donald & Marlene
Howe, John & Vicki
Oliger, Michael & Jane
Voorhees, Mary Alice
Voorhees, William & Kim
Cor ad Cor
(Heart to Heart)
Basler, Daniel & Julie
Basler, Darin & Lisa
Basler, Richard & Dianne
Bitzer, Peter & Maria
Capshaw, Joyce
DeVasto, Niel & Ellen
Dierkes, John & Deborah
Eggleston, Donald & Mary Ann
Formann, Dennis & Linda
Garland, James & Dina
Grant, Brian & Jennifer
Kohlberg, Mark & Mary
Lange, Dave & Janet
Levick, Steve & Deni
Lewandowski, Timothy & Laura
Mahacek, Robert & Julie
Mahfood, Joseph & Mary Ellen
McLaughlin, Daniel & Libby
Meyer, Matthew & Kathleen
Nobel, William & Virginia
Normile, Michael & Christine
Ortinau, Mark & Marilyn
Pepsi-Cola General Bottlers, Inc
Schultz, Leslie & Edward
Serafin, Jeffrey & Sandy
Stein, Kirk
Fortes in Fide
(Strength in Faith)
Bader, Luke & Sue
Barnes, Dennis
Bentrup, Hal & Sue
Bernier, Paul M.
Buehrle, Christopher & Becky
Bumb, Richard & Denise
Dagenais, Robert & Evie
Downing, Thomas & Nikki
Drury, Timothy
Essmyer, Thomas
Faust, Daniel & Patricia
Feld, Joseph
Fendler, Donald & Shelley
Foley, Trent & Angel
Fontana, Michael & Maryland
Frei, Stephen & Linda
Frigerio, Michael & Laura
Gansner, James & Shannon
Garth, Timothy & Carol
Geoghegan, Sean & Becky
Grant, Brett & Kathy
Green, Trent & Julie
Griffin, Timothy & Susan
Harster, Dave & Marilyn
Hartman, Thomas & Barbara
Hayden, David & Mimi
Heeb, Donald & Billie
Herdlick, David & Maria
Hines, Gerald & Connie
Hoffman, Charles & Maureen
Hopfinger, William & Mary
Imhoff, Gerard & Leah
James, Mark & Teresa
Kamper, Michael & Sasha
Klocke, James & Tina
Kramer, Anthony & Karla
Lipsmire, Mark & Julie
Loyet, Michael & Sheila
Lyons, Patrick & Lynn
Mahn, Michael & Meghan
Maurer, Steve & Christine
McGuire, Scott & Debbie
Moore, Timothy & Theresa
Nemec, Kenneth & Yon
Nobel, Daniel
Owens, Robert & Jean
Pence, John
Purk, William & Jennah
Reilly, Edward & Sharon
Renz, Lee & Clare
Reynolds, Vincent & Sandy
Ringwald, John & Donna
Riordan-Lux, Donna & Rex
Roseland, Richard & Lisa
Schneier, John
Schoor, Gerald & Marge
Schumacker, James & Kathleen
Sebben, Anthony & Patti
Sheahan, Michael
Shively, Robert & Paula
Skowyra Enterprises II LLC
Suggs, George & Lisa
Tabash, John & Mary
Wolf, Timothy
Zielinski, Barb
Zielinski, Stephen & Ursula
Zinser, Douglas
Mission Patron
Agne, Gary & Ruth
Armengol, John
Baker, Rick & Emilie
Beck, Edward & Janet
Cochran, Terry & Janet
DePhillips, Wendell & Joanne
Dwyer, Michael & Patricia
Eddy, Charles
Evitts, Lloyd & Connie
Fitzpatrick, Mary Kay
Gauthier, Dan & Caryn
Geldmacher, Kenneth & Kathy
Gilmore, Robert & Michele
Guignon, Gerald & Carla
Guillot, Gerald & Elizabeth
Hackett, Christopher & Lisa
Haegele, Paul
Hall, William & Rose
Hartnagel, Thomas & Dana
Hegger, Joseph & Stacey
Hembrador, Arnaldo & Ivy
Hemmann, Paul & Gayle
Hess, Philip & Teresa
Hesse, Donald & Cynthia
Hoffmann, William & Karen
Hollman, Mark & Michelle
John, Peter & Mary
Kelly, James & Maude
Knox, John & Maureen
Kujawa, Duane & Julie
Kurt, Timothy & Sharon
Lang, James & Meg
Leonardelli, Jim & Connie
Mebruer, Scott
Morice, Ronn & Jeanne
Murphy, Patrick & Ellen
O’Connell, Thomas & Janet
Olliges, Ralph
Ott, Richard
Pawlowicz, Gerry
Redohl, Mike & Lizabeth
Robert, Bruce & Jane
Sabada, David & Nancy
Schoen, Kevin & Holly
Siebert, Douglas
Smith, Michael & Nancy
Smith, Terrance & Patricia
Smith, Timothy & Cynthia
Snyder, Robert & Deanna
Springer, Thomas & Melissa
Tauser, William & Carrol
Tegethoff, James & Diane
Tiemeyer, Keith & Kristin
Walsh, Charles & Joan
Weible, Brian
Woods, David
Woodson, Frank & Cheri
Wuesthoff, Curt & Elizabeth
Family Spirit Sponsor
Ackermann, Rob & Lynda
Adamec, Eric
Adamec, Robert & Donna
Dennis & Maureen
Alexander, William & Mary
Allen, Douglas & Margaret
Allen, Michael & Bridget
Allgeyer, Kenneth & Jeanne
Alonzo, Ray & Jan
Alvarez-Mohrman, Shirley
Anastasi, Jack & Marty
Andrew, Thomas & Teacia
Appelbaum, John
Bader, John
Baer, Christopher & Karen
Baringer, David & Donna
Barnes, Michael & Donna
Barnidge, Thomas & Faith
Bartnett, Mark & Carol
Bartnett, Neil
Bartnett, Robert & Karen
Bartnett, Ronald & Sheri
Bartnett, Thomas
Barton, Allan & Cynthia
Bauer, Ron & Jane
Beckerle, Gary & Debbie
Beckmann, Gerald & Marilyn
Bell, Daniel & Chrissy
Benson, Scott & Laura
Bieser, Steve & Diahann
Blanner, James
Boc, Robert & Michelle
Boka, Mark & Linda
Bommarito, Lawrence & Josie
Bono, John & Kathleen
Bono, Matthew
Book, James & Sharon
Boschert, David & Gerry
Brokaw, Paul & Cathleen
Brokaw, Stephen & Tracy
Brown, Daniel & Ann
Brown, Eric
Browne, Michael
Buer, Robert & Terri
Buergler, David
Bullman, Arthur & Carol
Burke, Tim & Helen
Burke, Tom & Vicki
Callanan, Brian & Malinda
Calvert, Mike
Campanella, Gregory & Kristin
Campbell, Steven & Jean
Cannon, Mark & Cristyn
Canova, Jim & Mary
Cantu, Dion & Leanne
Caputa, Sam & Mary
Caruso, Lawrence & Mary
Church, Larry & Gerrianne
Clapperton, Sr. Gloria
Cline, Michael & Mary
Cole, Enoch
Conboy, Keith & Carolyn
Cordes, David & Lauren
Corkery, Mark & Patricia
Cornwell, Tom & Joyce
Coughenour, Ronald & Donna
Croghan, Michael & Debbie
Crowe, Matthew & Angela
Cunningham, Geraldine
Cunningham, Susan
Dacey, James & Kathy
Davis, Richard & Bridget
Dean, Kevin & Louisa
Dexter, Carol & Ron
Dillon, Thomas & Patricia
Dombek, Gerard & Susan
Doyen, Fr. Mitchell
Drady, George & Vicki
Dugan, Mitch & Janet
Dunn, Robert & Johanna
Eggleston, Timothy
Eisele, Charles
Engel, George
Enright, Paul & Pat
Exler, Louise & Bernie
Fait, Patrick & Melissa
Falleri, Frank & Mary Carol
Faust, Alan & Karen
Fechter, John & Melanie
Felling, Michael & Darlene
Finder, Robert & Jennifer
Fiock, William & Joan
Fiss, Richard
Freiling, Phillip & Marianne
Frisch, Richard & Marlene
Fuhr, Gary & Denise
Fullenkamp, Barbara & BJ
Furrer, Lawrence & Carol
Furrer, Robert & Dorris
Gallo, John & Christine
Gallo, Mike & Mary Kay
Gapsch, Edward & Kathy
Gau, Thomas & Elisabeth
Gauvain, David & Karen
Geisler, Robert & Ann
Geldmacher, Christopher & Tracy
Geldmacher, Stephen & Kelly
Gier, Joseph & Teresa
Gilliam, Michael & Victoria
Gladstone, Gene & Kim
Grana, Jeffrey & Maria Elena
Grana, Joseph & Mary
Grant, William & Candace
Gray, Michael & Nancy
Greensfelder, Hemker & Gale, P.C.
Griffard, Joseph & Angela
Grothe, James & Elizabeth
Guth, Alyce & Richard
Haddock, Brian & Lori
Hager, Steven & Meg
Hagerty, Timothy & Dayna
Handlan, Timothy & Mary Lynn
Harris, Edward
Hart, Richard & Lakie
Hartman, Christopher
Hartman, Joe & Ginny
Hasenmueller, Gail
Haubner, Michael & Louise
Hebrank, Joseph & Michele
Heddell, John
Heinrich, Christopher & Peggy
Heinrich, David & Pat
Hendel, Donald & Daljeet
Hennessey, William & Dawn
Herdlick, Greg & Kelly
Hines, Lawrence & Mary Lou
Hingle, Craig & Katie
Hingle, Edward & Sharon
Hitzemann, Russell & Stacy
Hoel, Robert & Laverne
Holden, Richard & Mary-Anna
Hollowood, Guy & Deborah
Hook, Aaron
Hooper, Patrick & Debbie
Howard, John
Howard, Rick & Linda
Howdeshell, Brian & Linda
Hrbacek, Emil & Mary
Huck, Mark & Susan
Hummel, Ronald & Denise
Huskey, Timothy & Thy
Ingenbohs, Jason & Katie
Jansen, Mark & Kathleen
Jennewein, Thomas & Jane
Jokerst, Raymond & Diane
Julius, Gary & Judith
Kazda, Anthony & Janice
Keller, Dennis & Joyce
Keller, Lawrence
Kelly, David
Kemp, Robert & Margaret
Kertz, Vincent & Joanne
Kidd, Ryan & Jennifer
Kiefer, Mike & Wilma
Kirchhoff, James & Shellie
Kirsch, Douglas
Kleine, Scott & Terri
Klipsch, Eric
Klipsch, John & Sue
Klotz, Thomas & Corie
Klutho, Victor & Joan
Koehrer, Karl & Marian
Koenig, Joseph & Kimberly
Koeper, James & Patricia
Kohlberg, Patricia
Kramer, Marc & Prudence
Kramer, Michael
Kramer, Timothy & Cheryl
Krieg, Rodney & Lisa
Kujawa, Vincent & Deborah
Kwasinski, Eugene & Donna
Lamprecht, Albert & Kathy
Landry, Henry
Langhorst, Phillip & Laura
Lipic, Randall
Lipsmire, Mark & Julie
Love, Gregory & Ann
Loyet, Dennis
Luebbering, Shannon & Elena
Lueders, Kevin & Kathy
Lux, Mark & Janice
Macejak, Wendell & Sheri
Maguire, Stephen & Rosalie
Makhamreh, Nader & Susan
Mallon, John & Mary Ann
Maloney, Tim & Lisa
Mantia, Michael & Sharon
Masterson, Mary Jo & Bill
Matreci, Dennis & Marcia
Maxwell, Lawrence
McDermott, Dennis & Jeanne
McEvoy, Lawrence & Donna
McLaughlin, Francis & Robin
McMullen, Michael & Barbara
Mebruer, Melvin
Mechler, Mark & Amy
Menendez, Gerald & Janice
Meyer, David & Jennifer
Meyer, Robert & Mary
Miskall, William
Mitchell, Carrie & Dan
Moriarity, John & Betty
Morton, David & Suzanne
Moszczenski, Keith & Christina
Mueller, Barry & Barbara
Muenster, Elizabeth
Murphy, Gerard & Judy
Nahlik, Michael
Nigro, Richard & Rosemary
Noce, Gerard & Barbara
O’Keefe, Joseph & Nicole
Oldani, John
O’Leary, Karen
Ossie, Robert
O’Toole, Kevin
Owens, Don & Ellen
Paradoski, Michael
Paradoski, William & Ann
Payken, Mark & Angela
Pelch, Steven & Beth
Pence, Jerald & Jeanette
Pepple, Kim
Peth, William & Cindy
Pijut, Daniel & Colleen
Poe, David & Judith
Poelzl, John & Jane
Polack, Donovan & Barbara
Politte, Michael & Ruth
Poppen, Janet
Preiss, Kimberly
Purk, Robert & Tracy
Quinlan, Michael & Sandra
Ratermann, Carl & Vicki
Reichelt, Ronald & Karla
Reilly, James & Janet
Reneski, Charles & Shelby
Reyering, Ronald & D’Ann
Right, Anthony & Jill
Ringwald, David & Bernadette
Roma Grocery Company Inc.
Runge, Timothy
Rush, Steven & Marlene
Sadler, David & Christine
Saliga, Stephen
Santangelo, Mike & Tanina
Sartori, Richard & Kathy
Sauder, Gerald & Debbie
Sauer, Stacy & Linda
Savens, Anthony & Elizabeth
Schafer, Michael & Kathleen
Schallom, Roger & Lynn
Schantz, Craig & Jill
Schmitt, Robert & Patricia
Schneider, Edward & Joanne
Schneider, Stephen & Stephanie
Schuermann, Mark
Schuessler, James & Dorothy
Schwaab, Douglas & Lynn
Sexton, Alfred & Christine
Shaughnessy, Patrick
& Victoria
Shea, Jane
Siebert, Joseph & Julia
Simonson, Robert & Kathy
Simpson, Mark & Peggy
Simpson, Michael & Lisa
Singer, Alois & Kay
Slesinski, Raymond & Linda
Smith, Brian
Sontag, Robert & Kathleen
St. Cin, Paul & Elizabeth
Stecich, Rudy & Mary Kay
Steiner, Robert & Judy
Stevison, Gerald & Jackie
Stevison, James & Shawn
Stevison, Thomas & Mary
Stewart, David
Stewart, John & Janis
Stieven, Sesto & Teresa
Stumbaugh, James & Jean
Suardi, Mark & Susan
Sutterer, James & Patricia
Switzer, Christopher & Linda
Tankersley, Phillip & Michelle
Tapella, Joseph & Denise
Templin, Martin & Cindi
Tesson, James & Susan
Thoele, James & Mary Ann
Thomas, William & Gia
Travis, Steven & Mary
Trowbridge, Robert & Lisa
Trueman, Daniel & Lisa
Valleroy, Gregory & Stephanie
Vitale, Rio & Marianna
Vogel, Scott & Kristin
Vollenweider, Christine & David
Wagner, Daniel & Angie
Wall, David & Nancy
Walsh, Kevin & Jill
Watkins, Timothy
Weaver, Mark & Karen
Weckback, Jeffrey
Welker, Jeffrey
Welker, Jonathan
Wieners, Nancy
Wiethop, David & Marilyn
Wilson, Robert & Lynne
Windhorst, Stephen & Debra
Winkelmann, Paul & Rose
Wohlstadter, Richard &
Wolf, Donald & Lynn
Wroble, James & Anne
Wurm, Carl & Susan
Yemm, Bradley
Yemm, Michael & Barb
Zehrt, Barry & Christine
Friend of Vianney
Up to $100
Abeln, David & Susan
Abeln, Mary
Abkemeier, Maryilyn
Allen, Sarah
Althage, Curt & Karen
Amelung, Christine
Anton, Stephen & Kathleen
Arendes, Clement & Nancy
Arendes, Michael & Gayle
Arnoldy, Francis
Arns, Linda & Chuck
Arri, Thomas
Ascheman, Russell
Bahlinger, Michael & Denise
Barkalow, Donald & Diane
Baumgartner, Beverly & Jay
Blevins, Howard & Julia
Book, Al & Sandy
Borkowski, Daniel & Maureen
Borowiak, Thomas & Lee
Bossi, Anthony & Roberta
Bosslet, Kenneth & Jeanie
Bowe, Gregory
Bresnan, Donald
Brockmeyer, Chuck & Sara
Brokaw, Scott
Brown, Kenneth & Susan
Bruns, Bernard & Catherine
Bubash, John & Julie
Buckley, Francis & Mary
Burger, John
Burgess, Robert & Leanora
Burton, Gregory & Terri
Cadice, Richard & Mary Ellen
Cahill, Fr. J. Donald
Candela, Joanne
Casalone, Gregory
Griffins Roll Up
Their Sleeves
Fr. Joe Uvietta, S.M., thanks junior Luke Sikorski for
donating blood at Vianney’s annual blood drive.
The December blood drive was one of the
most successful in Vianney history, with 160
students, faculty and staff members stepping
forward to donate in a one-day effort sponsored by St. John’s Mercy Health System.
In addition to helping out hospital patients
during the holidays, Griffins enjoyed the
satisfaction of retaining the high school
“Challenge Trophy” by besting St. Louis
University High in total number of donors.
The drive was co-chaired by seniors Zach
Absolon and Joe Rippey.
Cella, Timothy & Joyce
Cerone, Peter & Jennifer
Christanell, Alan
Cibulka, Thomas & Lisa
Cira, Salvatore & Debra
Cissi, Alex
Cleary, John & Lisa
Corley, Norman & Linda
Costrino, John & Debbie
Cox, Kenneth & Gina
Cox, Virgil & Mary Ellen
Crowe, Gerard & Kimberly
Cunningham, Ryan
Czajkowski, Patricia & Dennis
Czarnecki, Stephen
Dacey, Anthony
Dailey, Matthew
Deddens, James & Joanne
DePriest, Robert & Loretta
Dilg, Robert & Pearl
Downes, Jack & Rosemary
Downing, Robert
Doyle, Thomas & Charis
Duane, William & Cathy
East, Jim & Mary Ann
Ebbesmeyer, James & Colleen
Effinger, Michael & Marilyn
Ehrhardt, David
Eidson, Jerry & Dottie
Evitts, Jeffrey & Danielle
Farrell, James & Jedda
Finke, Scott & Janet
Flaherty, Dennis & Elizabeth
Flynn, Kevin & Susan
Follis, Linda & John
Franz, Zachary
Frein, Stephen
Fuchs, Gregory & Linda
Fuhrig, Art & Peggy
Gerau, William
Gibson, Andrew
Goldenhersh, Edward & Carolyn
Golick, Mary
Goulden, Rosemary & Arthur
Graf, Brian & Jessica
Grone, Louis
Grone, Louis & Diane
Grothoff, Vern & Joyce
Hale, Thomas & Anita
Hall, Dave & Patty
Harlan, John
Heet, Jerry & Mary
Hemmann, Wilburta & Burtie
Henderson, Allen & Lou Ann
Heumann, Robert & Kristie
Hildebrand, Charles & Arlene
Hock, John & Barbara
Holtmann, Vincent & Ann
Horn, Daniel
Horn, Harland & Theresa
Hughes, Frank & Terese
Hummel, Stephen
Johnson, Deborah & Drew
Judd, Lee & Rose
Judge, Colleen
Kemper, Daniel & Martha
Kemper, Francis
Kheriaty, Nick & Sarah
Kipper, Jim & Marian
Klipsch, Joseph & Karen
Knobbe, Vernon & Joyce
Kohlberg, Brian & Emily
Kohnen, Audrey
Kopp, Henrietta
Kornmann, Carol
Kovarik, Casper & Rita Mae
Kramer, Ted & Shirley
Krull, James & Jeanne
Kuhn, Douglas & Marcella
Kurka, Bruce & Christine
Kutz, Bernard & Geralyn
Lackey, Phyllis
Lampe, Michael
Lampen, Robert
Langan, Robert & Barbara
LaRose, Sherry
Larson, Eric
Leahy, Shirley
Leicht, James & Marilyn
Licari, Jeanne
Logush, James & Anne
Long, Joseph & Elizabeth
Louis, Chris & Margaret
Louis, George & Margaret
Loyet, Rick & Becky
Majchrzak, David & Sue
Marschner, Stan & Jane
Mason, Carole
Maurer, John & Margaret
Maus, James
Mayes, Theresa & Louis
McCoy, Gloria
McDougell, Oliver & Patricia
McGuire, Thomas
McLear, Michael & Carol
McMullen, Stephen & Linda
McNary, Cole & Christy
Meiners, Margaret
Menkhus, Thomas & Joan
Merkel, Larry & Adele
Merker, Thomas & Pam
Mezines, George & Andrea
Michelsen, Mark & Denise
Minor, Mike & Denise
Mohr, John & Beth
Molner, Dennis & Karen
Moore, John & Donna
Morales, Philip
Morgan, Bill & Mary
Moriarity, Roy & Bonnie
Muehlenkamp, Jack & Barb
Mueller, Daniel & Janet
Mueller, Kevin
Muldoon, Margaret
Murphy, Kyle
Nahlik, Michael
Nahlik, Steven & Patricia
Neyer, James & Dorothy
Nickels, Michael & Suzanne
Nie, Robert & Jane
Niedbalski, Ray & Jeanette
Normile, Jim & Jane
O’Brien, John & Julie
O’Brien, S. Vincent & Ann
O’Brien, Timothy & Myra
O’Connell, Judith
O’Donnell, James & Susan
O’Donnell, Thomas & Linda
O’Donnell, Timothy & Julie
Oldani, Phyllis
Onder, William & Barbara
Organ, James & Betty
Orr, Rosemary
Ottenlips, Bernie & Patricia
Paino, Robyn & Robert
Paradoski, Daniel
Peters, Edward & Elizabeth
Peters, Shawn
Petri, Robert & Pat
Piontek, Ronald & Marla
Pytlinski, William & Gail
Rainey, Jeanine
Rankey, Marlene
Rapisardo, Christopher & Donna
Redman, Bill & Shelly
Rhame, Brian & Nicolle
Rhame, Paul & Jana
Ridings, Will
Riley, Richard & Barbara
Ringkamp, Terri
Robb, Bryan & Leslie
Robbins, George
Robinson, David & Donna
Rodis, Theodore
Ruehl, Anton & Alison
Sayler, James & Betty Ann
Scanlon, Sean & Lisa
Schenk, Elmer & Carla
Schneider, Keith & Virginia
Schott, Edward
Seavitte, Frank & Janet
Self, Stephen & Laura
Shannon, John
Shortell, James & Elizabeth
Shortell, Sean
Spradlin, Charles & Karen
Stein, Nathaniel
Steinhart, William & Bridget
Steinicke, Andrew
Suellentrop, J. Randal & Chris
Sullens, Michelle
Sullivan, Leo & Barbara
Swehla, Judith
Swiderski, William & Patricia
Tauser, Raymond & Mary
Taylor, Joseph
Tichy, Jr., Martin & Mary
Tissi, Anthony & Barb
Toth, Richard
Tullock, Mary
Valenta, Michael & Jean
Vineyard, Barbara & Dennis
Vocks, Joseph & Clista
Vogt, John & Terry
Waldschmidt, Robert
Walker, Madonna
Washburn, Mary Anne
Watkins, Mary Anne
Weber, Jared
Weber, Steven & Debbie
Welker, Kristian & Joanne
Welshans, Ed & Dee
Wendl, Michael & Betty
Wheadon, Patrick & Teresa
Winkler, Robert & Annmarie
Wittenauer, William & Janet
Wittich, Donald & Angelina
Woods, William & Theresa
Wunderlich, Bradley & Heather
Wunderlich, Keith & Sheryl
Yerkes, James & Prudence
Yochim, James & Nora
Zonca, Steve & Pam
Stevison, Thomas & Mary
Suellentrop, Stephen & Betty
Suter, Thomas & Deborah
Trotter, John
Voorhees, Gerard
Voorhees, James & Amy
Winkelmann, Thomas
Woods, David
Jamieson, Jeff & Kathy
Jennewein, Thomas & Jane
Kane, Frank & Janet
Keller, Lawrence
Kennedy, Mike & Suzan
Klose, Mark & Denise
Lyons, Patrick & Lynn
Maxwell, Lawrence
McKenna, Terry & Beverly
Miller, Greg & Diane
Naert, Daniel
National Football League
Natsch, Charles & Joan
Nobel, Daniel
Olliges, Ralph
Ostendorf, James & Gail
Ott, Richard & Patricia
Powell Family Charitable Fund
Purk, Robert & Tracy
Reinhold, Steve & Anna Marie
Rhame, Timothy
Riordan, Timothy & Deborah
Roseland, Richard & Lisa
Sacred Heart Parish
Schoen, Daniel & Katie
Schoen, Kurt & Brenda
Sheahan, Michael
Shively, Robert & Paula
Simpson, Thomas
Sizemore, Thomas & Peggy
Stein, Kirk
Stevison, Gerald & Jackie
Suardi, Mark & Susan
Suda, Harold & Flossie
Tabash, John & Mary
Tegethoff, James & Diane
The Crawford Taylor Foundation
Valenti, Thomas & Carla
Venneman, F. Craig & Terri
Vianney Concession Stand
Voorhees, Mary Alice
Voorhees, Stephen & Marcia
Voorhees, William & Kim
Walsh, Charles & Joan
Walsh, Kevin & Jill
Weber, James & Diane
Wilson, James & Carol
Winkler, Jim & Bernadette
Wolf, Timothy
Capital Campaign Donors
Anonymous (2)
Gibson, William & Donna
Green, Trent & Julie
Haar, Kevin & Pamela
JS Logistics
Schnell, Mildred
Sly, Patrick & Peggy
The Marianist Province
of the United States
Vianney Board of Directors
Alumni Association
Bader, Ken & Frances
Basler, Richard & Dianne
Bowe, Christopher & Joan
Bumb, Richard & Denise
Bundschuh, William
Cornwell, Tom & Joyce
Eggleston, Donald & Mary Ann
Flatley, John & Pam
Henschel, Richard & Judith
Holloran, James
Klocke, James & Tina
Kohlberg, Mark & Mary
Levick, Steve & Deni
Marianist Community
McChesney, Brian & Robin
Normile, Michael & Christine
Ojile, Joseph & Marianne
Ostendorf, Robert
Purk, William & Jennah
Schoen, Douglas & Susie
Vianney Student Council
Vianney Auction
Wulkopf, Edward & Sue
Borkowski, Daniel & Maureen
Boschert, David & Gerry
Cahalin, James & Nancy
Cutter, Justin
Dombek, Gerard & Susan
Fendler, Donald & Shelley
Fesler, Dennis & Patricia
Fullenkamp, Barbara & BJ
Furrer, Lawrence & Carol
Gau, Robert
Grant, Donald & Marlene
Hegger, Joseph & Stacey
Hopfinger, Mary Beth
Hopfinger, William & Mary
Hummel, Ronald & Denise
Hunzeker, John & Maryanne
Imo, Vincent & Aimee
Jones, Scott & Georgia
Kelley, Kevin & Bridget
Kinsella, Robert & Barbara
Kohlberg, David & Ami
Lange, Dave & Janet
Lenzen, William & Linda
Loyet, Michael & Sheila
Mahacek, Robert & Julie
McGowan, Dennis & Mary Kay
Mueckl, Daniel & Mary Ellen
Mueckl, Dave & Kathy
Mueller, Raymond & Marie
O’Connell, Thomas & Janet
Pepsi-Cola General Bottlers, Inc
Poe, David & Judith
Redohl, Mike & Lizabeth
Ringwald, John & Donna
Schumacker, James & Kathleen
Shoemaker, Chris & Deborah
Stehly, Fr. Dennis
Allen, Douglas & Margaret
Basler, Daniel & Julie
Basler, Darin & Lisa
Bommarito, William
& Margaret
Brooks, James & Jamie
Buergler, David
Cejka, Robert & Deborah
Coaching Concepts, Inc
Dailey, Michael
DePhillips, Wendell & Joanne
Downing, Thomas & Nikki
Fechner, William & Kip
Fitzpatrick, Mary Kay
Fix, Greg & Julie
Follis, Linda & John
Fuchs, George & Cathy
Gallagher, Margaret
Gauvain, David & Karen
Geldmacher, Kenneth & Kathy
Grant, Brian & Jennifer
Griffard, Joseph & Angela
Griffin, Timothy & Susan
Harbaugh, Daniel & Kelly
Hartman, Joe & Ginny
Hasenmueller, Steven & Patty
Herdlick, David & Maria
Higgins, William
Hooper, Patrick & Debbie
Abbott, Daniel & Maureen
Agne, Gary & Ruth
Ahillen, Paul & Vicky
Albes, Daniel & Elizabeth
Alexander, Stuart & Dee
Alferman, James & Frances
Allard, Eugene & Jeanne
Alverson, Michael & Elise
Ameln, Richard & Linda
Anastasi, Jack & Marty
Anglo, Luis & Maria
Anselm, Donald & Sherri
Appelbaum, Bill & Gay
Appelbaum, John & Carol
Arcipowski, John & Angie
Bader, Luke & Sue
Baer, Christopher & Karen
Barnidge, Dan & Michele
Barrett, Robert
Barron, Joe & Diane
Barron, Kirk
Bartnett, David & Carole
Basler, Dirk & Anne
Baumgartner, Beverly & Jay
Baur, Edward
Beck, Edward & Janet
Beck, Nicholas
Berra, Paul & Rose
Berry, Christopher & Cynthia
Betz, Edward
Bibas, Ike & Kimberly
Bieser, Steve & Diahann
Binz, James & Julie
Bittner, Glenn & Bobbi
Blase, Kevin & Kathleen
Bommarito, Lawrence & Josie
Boning, Steven & Valerie
Bono, John & Kathleen
Book, Al & Sandy
Book, James & Sharon
Boschert, David
Bosslet, Kenneth & Jeanie
Bosslet, Timothy & Jamie
Brady, Glenn & Sharon
Brase, John & Allison
Brase, Scott & Wendy
Bratton, Clayton
Brennan, Brian & Patty
Brockmeyer, Charles & Sara
Brokaw, Stephen & Tracy
Bruns, Bernard & Catherine
Buback, Thomas & Kathleen
Burke, Joseph
Burke, Leo
Burke, Tim & Helen
Burke, Tom & Vicki
Bush, Marilyn
Butler, David & Kathy
Callanan, Brian & Malinda
Canova, Jim & Mary
Cantino, Steven & Kimberly
Capital Technology & Leasing
Caputa, Sam & Mary
Caratenuto, Joseph & Stephanie
Carlin, Bryan & Terri
Cassilly, J. David & Lynn
Catanzaro, Salvatore & Margaret
Cerone, Dan & Patricia
Cerone, Peter & Jennifer
Chier, James & Kimberly
Church, Larry & Gerrianne
Cibulka, Thomas & Lisa
Cioffi, Charles & Robyn
Clark, Michael & Julia
Class of 2004
Cline, David
Club 44
Cochran, Terry & Janet
Connors, Michael & Kathy
Cor Jesu Academy
Corley, David & Yvonne
Corley, Norman & Linda
Cowie, John & Elizabeth
Cowley, Rebecca
Crabtree, Robert & Barbara
Craig, Robert
Cristel, Nicholas
Cunningham, Keith
Cunningham, Thomas
Curran, James
Czajkowski, Patricia & Dennis
Dacey, James & Kathy
Dailey, Matthew
Davis, Richard & Bridget
Davis, Robert & Shirley
Delbert, Steve & Dona
DeRoze, William
Desamero, Normy & Juliet
Desmond, Thomas & Peggy
DeVasto, Niel & Ellen
Dietrich, Michael & Donna
Doty, Connie
Drennan, Thomas & Marjory
Dressel, David & Shelley
Dreyer, Steve & Lisa
Ebert, Laverne
Ehrhard, Dennis & Jane
Ehrhardt, David
Eilerman, Gregory & Mary
Eisele, Charles
Elder, Dee & Gevin
Emmett, Robert & Carol
Eschbach, Leonard & Mary
Eshelman, Marc & Jill
Essmyer, Ronald & Denise
Essmyer, Thomas
Evitts, Lloyd & Connie
Fahs, Nickolas & Mary
Fait, Patrick & Melissa
Falleri, Frank & Mary Carol
Farrell, James & Jedda
Fechter, John & Patricia
Fechter, William & Kathryn
Feicht, James & Lynn
Feld, Joseph
Fiala, Neil & Kim
Flanagan, Thomas & Ruth
Flyer Striping Inc.
Flynn, Kevin & Susan
Fogelbach, Barton & Geralyn
Fontana, Michael & Maryland
Formann, Dennis & Linda
Franek, James & Katherine
Franke, Thomas & Kristi
Freese, David & Diane
Frei, Stephen & Linda
Friedlein, Frank & Jacqueline
Frye, Michael & Katharine
Fuhr, Gary & Denise
Furrer, Mark & Mary Kim
Furrer, Robert & Dorris
Gaal, Steve & Gina
Gapsch, Edward & Kathy
Garwitz, Paul & Barbara
Gau, Thomas & Elisabeth
Gaughan, Robert & Susan
George, Michael & Brenda
Gertken, Joseph & Kathleen
Gewinner, James & Kathleen
Gier, Joseph & Teresa
Giljum, Matthew
Gilligan, James & Kim
Gitto, John & Mary Kay
Gladstone, Gene & Kim
Glaser, William & Julie
Gokin, William & Gayle
Goltschman, Jerry & Jodi
Goodwin, Barry & Joyce
Goodwin, Robert & Bonnie
Goulden, James & Debbie
Grams, Jonathan & Mary
Granda, Robert & Diane
Grant, Bradley & Rebecca
Grasso, Tony & Jennifer
Graves, Anthony
Green, Jim & Judi
Greubel, Robert & Debbie
Gross, James & Diann
Haar, Kevin Jr.
Hacker, Kevin & Lynn
Haenni, Mark & Martha
Haffner, Robert & Mary Fran
Hager, Steven & Meg
Hall, Dave & Patty
Hall, William & Rose
Hantak, Gregory & Gayle
Harris, Gary
Harrison, Michael
Harster, Edward & Carol
Harty, Michael & Linda
Hausel, Michael & Cathy
Hecht, Kevin & Linda
Heeb, Donald & Billie
Heinrich, Christopher & Peggy
Hemmann, Paul & Gayle
Hendel, Donald & Daljeet
Hennis, James & Donna
Herr, William & Mary
Hess, Philip & Teresa
Higgins, James
Hildebrand, Charles & Sherry
Hines, Gerald & Connie
Hingle, Edward & Sharon
Hingle, Kevin & Susan
Hoffman, Charles & Maureen
Hollman, Mark & Michelle
Hollowood, Guy & Deborah
Holzem, Thomas & Sunya
Horn, Harland & Theresa
Houchin, Robert
Hrbacek, Greg & Lori
Hulsey, Thomas & Sandra
Ippolito, David & Alice
Ivanowski, Benjamin
Ivanowski, Richard & Bette
Jackson, Mark & Judy
Jehling, Lawrence & Lynette
Jenkins, John & Cindy
Jokerst, Raymond & Diane
Jones, Donna
Jost, Frank
Judge, Colleen
Kaestner, John & JoAnn
Kamper, Michael & Sasha
Karasek, Raymond & Ann
Kelly, James & Maude
Kelly, Pat & Marion
Kennedy, William & Nancy
Kersting, David & Dot
Kirchhoff, James & Shellie
Kleissle, Paul & Phyllis
Kline, Michael & Leslie
Klipsch, David & Carol
Klotz, Thomas & Corie
Koenig, Leonard & Barbara
Kohlberg, Brian & Emily
Kohlberg, Jeffrey
Kohler, Jeffrey & Linda
Komos, Henry & Holly
Kornmann, Brian
Kortum, Daniel & Mary
Kramer, Damon & Rene
Kramer, Marc & Prudence
Kramer, Michael
Kreutz, Jeffrey & Adrienne
Krueger, Emil & Robin
Krueger, Terri
Kueneke, John & Sharon
Kuna Meat Company, Inc
Kwasinski, Eugene & Donna
Lamping, Dan
Lang, Thomas & Jill
Langenfeld, Paul & Rae Ann
Lauber, Gerard & Angela
Lauber, Ronald & Ellen
Leonardelli, Jim & Connie
Lohse, Harry & Kathy
Long, Thomas
Lux, Mark & Janice
Macejak, Wendell & Sheri
Magee, Edward & Sandra
Maguire, Stephen & Rosalie
Maher, Mark & Pamela
Mahn, Michael & Meghan
Makhamreh, Nader & Susan
Mallon, John & Mary Ann
Malone, Jim & Gayle
Mannhard, Philip & Janet
Marciano, Jasper & Gina
Matreci, Dennis & Marcia
Maty, George
Maurer, Alexander
Maurer, Gene & Lisa
Maurer, Steve & Christine
McCoy, John & Jane
McGauley, John & Mary
McGlynn, Brian
McGuire, Thomas
Menner, James & Janey
Merkel, James & Maureen
Merker, Thomas & Pam
Metzger, Thomas & Joan
Meyer, Robert & Mary
Miceli, Philip
Michaelree, Dennis
Miller, Larry & Tracy
Miller, Mark & Sheila
Minor, Mike & Denise
Mitchell, Carrie & Dan
Monroe, Donald & Jan
Moriarity, John & Betty
Moriarity, Roy & Bonnie
Morice, Ronn & Jeanne
Morton, David & Suzanne
Mueller, Daniel & Janet
Murphy, Gerard & Judy
Naeger, Mark
Nardoni, Steve & Maryann
Nau, Felix & Linda
Neale, David
Newhouse, William & Beth
Neyer, James & Dorothy
Nobel, Stephen
Nobel, William & Virginia
O’Brien, S. Vincent & Ann
O’Brien, Timothy & Myra
O’Connell, Brian
O’Connell, John & Mary Jo
O’Connell, Judith
O’Connell, Thomas & Bridget
Office Source
Ogle, Bradley & Tina
O’Keefe, Donald
Oliger, Michael & Jane
Olliges, Michael
O’Neill, Richard & Susan
Osborne, Fr. Robert
O’Toole, John & Kathy
O’Toole, John & Michelle
O’Toole, Kevin
Overturf, William
Pannell, Kim
Paradoski, Michael
Paradoski, William & Ann
Pawlowicz, Gerry
Petrich, Gary & Cindy
Phillips, Stephen
Pijut, Daniel & Colleen
Pinkowski, Scott
Ploesser, Stephen & Mary
Politte, Cliff & Jennifer
Pounds, Michael
Prusacki, David & Lori
Pudlowski, William & Linda
Puleo, Peter & Evelyn
Purk, Gary & Mary
Ramsey, Christopher
Raterman, Brian & Erica
Reeves, Timothy & Cathy
Reyering, Ronald & D’Ann
Rhame, Brian & Nicolle
Rhame, Paul & Jana
Richter, Craig & Diane
Riegerix, Thomas & Sue
Ringwald, Leo & Victoria
Riordan, Mark
Riordan-Lux, Donna & Rex
Ritzie, Robert & Cheryl
Robb, Bryan & Leslie
Robert, Bruce & Jane
Rolfes, Gregory & Danielle
Ronshausen, Sam & Nancy
Rotary Club of St. Louis
Ruehl, Anton & Alison
Russell, Paul & Ann
Sadler, David & Christine
Sauder, Gerald & Debbie
Sauer, Stacy & Linda
SBC Foundation
Schaefer, Terrence & Kathy
Schaeffer, Dan & Kathy
Schallom, Robert & Janet
Schepers, Thomas & Mary
Schmidt, Harry & Joan
Schmitt, John & Denise
Schmitt, Robert & Patricia
Schmitz, Lawrence & Karen
Schoen, Kevin & Holly
Schoor, Gerald & Marge
Schrader, John & Barbara
Schreiber, Mark & Sandy
Schuh, Steven & Susan
Schwabe, John & Molly
Scotino, Joseph & Margaret
Sebben, Anthony & Patti
Serafin, John & Jean
Serafin, Kathy
Sevem, James & Susan
Sexton, Alfred & Christine
Shea, Daniel & Meg
Shea, Jane
Shepard, Michael & Kathleen
Siebert, Joseph & Julia
Simonson, Robert & Kathy
Sitek, John & Cheryl
Smith, Kevin & Barb
Smith, Terrance & Patricia
Smith, William
Snyder, Robert & Deanna
Solari, Mark & Cheryl
Sontag, Robert & Kathleen
Spellecy, Michael & Lucia
Springer, Thomas & Melissa
Stein, Nathaniel
Steiner, Robert & Judy
Stevens, Byron & Rachel
Stevison, James & Shawn
Stewart, John & Janis
Stieren, Tony & Bridie
Archbishop Celebrates
Mass at Vianney
Junior Matthew George holds the Bible while St. Louis
Archbishop Robert Carlson reads the opening prayer
at a school Mass Nov. 24. At the Archbishop’s right is
Vianney Chaplain Fr. Tim Kenney, S.M.
Vianney was honored to have Archbishop
Robert J. Carlson preside at the all-school
Thanksgiving Mass. The Archbishop’s visit
commemorated both Vianney’s 50th anniversary and the “Year of the Priest,” with St. John
Vianney as patron saint of all priests.
In addition to the Archbishop, many priests
from area parishes joined in the celebration,
allowing scores of Griffins to welcome their
“home” pastor to Vianney.
Stika, Thomas & Judtih
Stumpf, Eugene & Lori
Suellentrop, Gregory & Roberta
Suellentrop, Keith
Suellentrop, Patricia
Suntrup, Donald & Mary
Tauser, William & Carrol
Tiemeyer, Keith & Kristin
Tiemeyer, Kenneth & Joan
Tinsley, Gene & Gail
Tipton, Daniel & Karen
Torno, William & Peggy
Touzinsky, Charles & Anne
Travis, Steven & Mary
Trokey, James & Kathy
Trowbridge, Robert & Lisa
Trueman, Daniel & Lisa
Ustruck, Jay & Georgine
Uxa, John
Vehige, Rich & Carol
Visconti, John
Vogel, Scott & Kristin
Vogelgesang, Bruce & Debbie
VonderHaar, Virgil
Wagner, Daniel & Angie
Waldschmidt, Robert
Walsh, Martin & Margaret
Walsh, Peter
Walsh, William & Mary
Ward, Francis & Judy
Welch, David & Julie
Welker, Jeffrey & Theresa
Welker, Perry
Wester, Stephen & Sharon
Wheadon, Patrick & Teresa
Wilferd, David & Jan
Willner, Robert & Ellen
Wittenauer, William & Janet
Wolff, Gregory & Tonya
Wuesthoff, Curt & Elizabeth
Wunderlich, Keith & Sheryl
Yanko, Albert & Kathy
Yemm, Michael & Barb
Young, Wayne & Kathy
Zimmerman, Glenn & Jill
Zonca, Steve & Pam
Up to $1,000
Abeln, David & Susan
Adamec, Robert & Candace
Ahillen, David & Nancy
Ahillen, Thomas & Catherine
Ahner, Allen
Alexander, F. Thomas & Stacey
Alexander, William & Mary
Alonzo, Ray & Jan
Althoff, James & Vicki
Ameln, Robert & Dee Ann
Anheuser-Busch Foundation
Arns, Linda
Aubuchon, Terry & Cynthia
Balfour Recognition Products, Inc.
Balzaretti, Rich & Christina
Bantle, Gregory
Barnidge, Thomas & Faith
Bartnett, Neil
Bialczak, Mark & Carol
Biesiadecki, Lucian & Kristine
Biundo, Tony & Francesca
Blades, Jeffrey & A. Maria
Blakemore, Doug
Boerding, Carol
Bonk, Joseph
Borders, John & Debbie
Borowiak, Thomas & Lee
Bradford, Donald & Gail
Braun, John
Brennan, J. Michael & Beverly
Brennan, James & Patricia
Brennan, Ryan & Sarah
Brinkman, Jason & Kristie
Brooks, Mary
Brown, Keith
Brown, Kenneth & Virginia
Browne, Michael
Bullman, Arthur & Carol
Burger, John
Burgess, Robert & Leanora
Burke, Kevin
Calcaterra, Gene & Marge
Cappiello, Robert & Sarah
Carraher, Patrick
Carroll, Dennis & Susan
Casalone, Gregory
Casey, Marie
Chew, John & Kathleen
Clapperton, Sr. Gloria
Class of 2005
Class of 2006
Clemens, Michelle
Cline, Michael & Mary
Conboy, Keith & Carolyn
Cook, Joan
Cornish, Clif & Lana
Criscione, Steven & Sherrie
Cristel, Danette
Crocker, Jeffrey & Paula
Curran, Susan & Michael
Czapinski, Richard & Sharon
Dagenais, Robert & Evie
Dagestad, Mark & Pamela
Davenport, Daniel & Cynthia
Deddens, James & Joanne
DeJong, Kim
Delonjay, Brian & Diana
Demuri, Marion & Virginia
DeVasto, Dennis
Diedrich, Gary & Kathleen
Dierkes, John & Deborah
Diestelkamp, Edward & Susan
Donahue, Jill & Kyle
Downing, Robert
Doyle, Thomas & Charis
Dudley, Steve & Debbie
Dunlop & McCarter
Attorneys at Law
Dunn, Robert & Johanna
East, Christopher & Chris
Ebert, Jeffrey
Eckles, Julian
Eggleston, Andrew
Eggleston, Timothy
Eichhorn, Daniel & Jeanne
Eveker, Jim & Sue
Express Scripts
Faber, Peter & Shawnell
Fabick, Steven & Patricia
Feigenbutz, Gary & Judith
Fischer, David & Joan
Fitzgerald, Dennis
Fitzgerald, Robert & Jill
Fleischmann, Eugene & Jane
Flieger, Chris
Frazier, Richard & Sandra
Fuchs, Gregory & Linda
Fuchs, James & Sheila
Gabbert, Christie & John
Gault, Doug & Sandra
Geen, Michael & Kathleen
Geldmacher, Mark
Geldmacher, Timothy
Genisio, Paul & Rosemary
Gerstenkorn, Dale & Dorothy
Gieseking, Steve & Darlene
Gilsinn, Jeffrey
Gisi, Mark & Patricia
Gitto, David & Mary
Glasscock, Kevin
Gould, Joseph & Susan
Grana, Joseph & Kathleen
Gray, Gary & Linda
Gray, John & Margaret
Greaves, Mark & Helen
Greubel, Edward & Liz
Grigg, David & Terry
Grinstead, Anthony & Kathleen
Haddock, Brian & Lori
Hagerty, Timothy & Dayna
Haldaman, Matthew & Victoria
Hale, Carolyn
Hall, Stephen
Hamilton, William & Ruth
Hanewinkel, Thomas &
Hankemeyer, James
Harlan, John
Hasenmueller, Peggy & Albert
Head, Richard & Linda
Heck, August & Patricia
Hederman, Martin & Terry
Herndon, Craig & Nancy
Heumann, Edward & Billie
Hewitt, Todd & Kathy
Hilgeman, Thomas & Phyllis
Hingle, Craig & Katie
Hippe, Robert & Lise
Hittler, Joseph & Mary
Hoel, James
Hoemeyer, J. Eric & Catherine
Hoffman, Tom & Cindy
Hogenkamp, Robert & Bernice
Hogg, Frank
Holtmann, Vincent & Ann
Hoover, Philip & Carol
Horn, Michael
Houston, Glenn & Linda
Howard, John
Huelsing, Jacob
Hughes, Frank & Terese
Hughes, Robert & Christine
Imo, Matt & Marie
Jackson, Richard & Denise
Jaggie, Alan & Mary Ann
James, M.C.
Jehling, William
Johnson, Deborah & Drew
Jones, Sean
Juergensmeyer, Michael & Marianne
Kaiser, Claire
Kandula, Madhavi
Kegel, Kenneth & Georgiann
Kemper, Daniel & Martha
Kirchhoefer, Gregg & Mary
Kirsch, Douglas
Koenen, Glenn & Patricia
Komlos, John & Linda
Kottemann, John & Kay
Kromm, David
Krull, James & Jeanne
LaFaver, Edward & Patricia
Laidley, Marc & Lisa
Lampen, Robert
Langenfeld, Christopher & Marguerite
Langhorst, Phillip & Laura
Lashley, James & Gerri
Laugeman, Mark & Stacey
Leonhard, Bernard & Jan
Lewis, James & Jo
Lewis, Patrick & Cathleen
Limpert, Patrick & Tracy
Lindenbusch, Carwin & Susan
Lio, Joseph & Alejandra
Lipic, Paul & Sharon
Liston, Keith & Jeanne
Logush, James & Anne
Luczak, Scott & Corie
Lueders, Kevin & Kathy
Luhning, Ryan & Cynthia
Luisetti, Charles
Mahn, Matthew & Chris
Manoogian, C. Vincent & Karyn
Mantovani, Mark & Pat
Masterson, Mary Jo & Bill
Maul, Robert & Kristie
Maus, Br. James
Mayes, Theresa & Louis
McCarthy, Tim & Karen
McCartney, John
McDermott, Dennis & Jeanne
McDougell, Oliver & Patricia
McGauley, Timothy & Donna
McHugh, Eugene & Deborah
McKamely, John & Jerren
McLear, Michael & Carol
McMenamy, Fr. Alvin
McMiller, Michael & Mary Beth
Mees, Arthur & Dianne
Mesle, Michael & Debra
Meyer, Gary & Jan
Mohr, John & Beth
Moreland, Kevin & Michele
Morgan, Michael
Mound, Kathleen
Moynihan, Mary
Mullen, Thomas & Connie
Naegeli, Alan & Sheila
Nagel, Rebecca
Narzinski, Paul & Marian
Nevins, Glenn & Cynthia
Nicoletti, Richard & Karen
Noles, Rick & Teresa
Normile, James & Jane
Nowatski, Stephen & Sheriece
Nowell, Timothy & Karen
O’ Donnell, Georgia
O’Brien, Thomas & Mary
O’Donnell, Thomas & Linda
Oliver, Randall & Joan
O’Neill, Sr. Sheila
Oppland, Steve & Barbara
Ossie, Robert
Owens, Don & Ellen
Paradoski, James & Susan
Parlow, John & Terri
Patti, Joseph & Joni
Patton, Timothy
Pauling, Ernest & Kathleen
Pautler, Michael & Mari
Pelch, Steven & Beth
Petri, Robert & Pat
Pioneer Paving & Sealing Co.
Piontek, Ronald & Marla
Pohrer, Jeff & Cindy
Politte, Michael & Ruth
Poppen, Janet
Power, Robert & Katherine
Prather, Charles & Maxine
Pytlinski, William & Gail
Randall, John
Rankey, Marlene
Ranson, Nicholas & Sarah
Rasche, Steven & Tamara
Rau, David & Kimberly
Reck, Ed & Mary
Reed, Robert & Maureen
Rehagen, Donald & Stacy
Reichelt, Ronald & Karla
Reinarman, Barbara & Dan
Ringkamp, Terri
Robinson, David & Donna
Rose Family
Rothermich, Marty & Carol
Roth-Roffy, John & Shirley
Saguto, John & Leah
Sanders, Stephen & Jacqueline
Santacruz, Rudy & Janice
Santangelo, Mike & Tanina
Scanlon, Sean & Lisa
Schaeffer, Dave & Jean
Scherer, Steve & Mary
Schmidt, Blair
Schmidt, Michael & Laura
Schneider, Stephen & Stephanie
Schnuck, Terry & Sally
Schoor, Scott & Kathleen
Schroeder, Michael & Wendy
Schroeder, Stephen & Kathleen
Schuessler, James & Dorothy
Scott, Donald
Segbers, James & Mimi
Shanle, Leland & Laura
Sheehan, Kevin
Sheehan, Michael & Terri
Sheehan, Timothy & Mary
Shocklee, Patricia
Shrewsbury, James
Sickles, Jack & Katherine
Sinak, Paul & Karen
Sinak, William & Helena
Sinclair, David & Anita
Skinner, John & Paula
Slocum, Linda
Sorber, Pete & Marlene
Springer, William & Kathleen
Stecich, Flavio & Mary
Stecich, Rudy & Mary Kay
Steinkamp, Joseph & Jeanne
Stevison, Joseph & Megan
Stieven, John & Natalie
Stoeckel, C. & Margaret
Stutz, James & Carol
Suda, Jeffrey
Suda, Joseph & Catherine
Suda, Michael & Ramona
Suellentrop, J. Randal & Chris
Sullens, Michelle
Swiderski, William & Patricia
Syberg, Therese
Taylor, Ryan
Tegethoff, Thomas
The Children’s Charity
of St. Louis
The Steier Group
Thoele, James & Mary Ann
Tissi, Anthony & Barb
Touzinsky, Charles
Turek, Msgr. Michael
Uvietta, Fr. Joseph
Valenta, Steven & Mary Frances
VanderPluym, Joseph & Julie
Vianney Family
Vineyard, Barbara & Dennis
Waddle, Sam & Pat
Wahby, Brian & Robbyn
Walch, Dorothy
Walsh, Jill & Kevin
Walter, Gregory & Anne
Wanager, Robert & Julie
Watterson, Rita
Weber, Eugene & Debra
Weidhaas, Christine
Welker, Randy & Paula
Werner, Carl & Debbie
Wersching, Richard & Charlene
Wich, Jerome & Gail
Wieners, Nancy
Wild, Thomas
Wilhelmi, Dennis & Cathy
Willis, Lewis & Marilyn
Wilson, Carol
Windhorst, Stephen & Debra
Winkelmann, Alan & Mary
Winkelmann, Ann
Winkler, Robert & Annmarie
Wiseman, Jeff & Susan
Wurdack, Richard & Karen
Yehling, John & Jessie
Yochim, Gerald & Carol
Young, Ryan
Baseball Scoreboard Donors
Agne, Gary & Ruth
Bandy, William & Laura
Barnes, Daniel & Christine
Bartosh, Craig
Bentrup, Hal & Sue
Bossi, Anthony & Roberta
Brady, James & Kelly
Britton, Rachel
Cantu, Dion & Leanne
Colicchio, Nicolas
Cowley, Donald
Cowley, Thomas & Rebecca
Dacey, Anthony
Dillon, Thomas & Patricia
Dvorak, John & Bridget
Dwyer, Michael & Patricia
Edgar, Daniel & Susan
Eilerman, Gregory & Mary
Frisella, Paul
Giegling, Matthew & Rebecca
Hanneken, Gregory
Hansley, Kenneth
Haseltine, Steve & Terri
Heath, Paul & Lisa
Hoffmann, William & Karen
Hollman, Mark & Michelle
James, Mark & Teresa
Klages, Tim & Peggy
Lartonoix, Daniel & Kathy
Leach, Rachele & John
Luna, Kevin & Cynthia
Lux, Stephen & Geri
Malawey, Nancy
Matulich, Mario & Geraldine
McDonald, Brett
McEvoy, Lawrence & Donna
Moss, Ronald & Pamela
Mueller, Jeffrey & Jean
Naegeli, Alan & Sheila
Ogle, Bradley & Tina
Pancer, Ronald
Perrine, Steven & Deborah
Piantanida, Steve & Diana
Reilly, Edward & Sharon
Richard, Douglas & Karen
Rule, Wally & Barb
Schneider, Edward & Joanne
Schroff, Brian & Amy
Schwabe, John & Molly
Sedlak, Robert
Sedlak, Timothy
Slazinik, David & Kathryn
Snyder, Robert & Deanna
Spradlin, Charles & Karen
St. Cin, Michael
Tegethoff, Thomas
Tuttle, Jeffrey
Udina, Robert & Kathryn
Watkins, Timothy
Welshans, Ed & Dee
Whitehead, Aaron & Natalie
Williams, Janine
Wood, Dennis & Pat
ACCESS + Vianney = Success
Alex Carrillo, class of 2010.
Alex Carrillo graduated from Vianney in May
with a 3.75 GPA and an academic scholarship
waiting for him at Syracuse University in New
York. Most of Alex’s success is due to Alex.
But he’s had some valuable help along the way
from ACCESS Academies and Vianney.
ACCESS Academies is a St. Louis non-profit
organization designed to help urban middleschool students obtain an excellent education.
Through Alex’s parish, St. Cecelia’s, ACCESS
students put in longer school days and attend
school in the summer.
Like many St. Cecelia’s students, Alex is
Hispanic, and Vianney’s willingness to work
with Spanish-speaking families has been a
factor in many St. Cecelia’s boys’ decision to
become Griffins. (Vianney provides a translator, namely former Spanish teacher Judy
O’Connell, to help these families with tours,
conferences and day-to-day dealings between
home and school.)
Vianney was home to 11 former St. Cecelia
students during the 2009-2010 school year.
In-Kind Gifts
Matching Gifts
Procter & Gamble
Quest Diagnostics
Saunder Plumbing
SBC Foundation
Sprint Foundation
Stanley Works
T. Rowe Price Foundation, Inc.
Tenet Healthcare Foundation
The Boeing Company
Union Pacific Corporation
U.S. Bancorp Foundation
Verizon Foundation
Wachovia Foundation
Wells Fargo
Belcher, Daniel
Book, Al & Sandy
Burke, Tom & Vicki
Lipic, Stephen & Traci
The Big River Running Company
Tom Cella
Memorial Fund
Lt. Daniel P. Riordan
Scholarship Fund
Gabel, Kenneth & Mary Jo
Mulligan, Michael & Maureen
Perotta, Brian & Emily
Adrignola, Matthew & Karen
Akers, James & Meryl
Akers, Kathryn
Blattel, John & Susan
Bohn, James & Mary Windish
Borgschulte, Donald & Sandra
Bosse, Robert
Boy Scouts of America
Troop 662
Browning, David & Michelle
& Family
Buchholz, Philomena
Burdzy, Edmund & Dolores
Cady, Philip & Candace
Cafazza, Anthony & Zita
Cafazza, Charles & Bridget
Carballo Family
Foundation Fund
Charles L. Crane Agency
Coggins, Dale
Dillman, Meryl
Eggleston, Donald & Mary Ann
Elko, Larry & Pat
Every Child’s Hope
Fox, Dennis & Linda
Freeman, Colleen
Frerker, Diane
Fuhr, Gary & Denise
Gladstone, Gene & Kim
Gruenloh, Richard & Juanita
Hanlon Family
Gerald L. Cutter
Scholarship Fund
Cutter, Claudia
Downing, Thomas & Nikki
Jack T. Glaser
Memorial Fund
Meyer, Matthew & Kathleen
Brian Gruender
Memorial Fund
Felling, Michael & Darlene
Klotz, Thomas & Corie
Soer, Terry & Valerie
Happe, Donald & Kathleen
Harris, Edwin & Katherine
Hobein, Francine
Howard, Rick & Linda
James, Thomas & Christy
KarCit, LLC
Klotz, Thomas & Corie
Laskowitz, William & Mary Lou
Lewis, Matt & Diane
Licari, Jeanne & Purk, Sean
Lima, Jose & Carol
Mayer, Richard & Tammy
McDonagh, John & Mary Ellen
McMillin, Michael & Gloria
Merkel, Larry & Adele
Meyer, Ann
Meyer, Stuart & Barbara
Milne, Pete
Mohr, John & Beth
Nash, Virginia
O’Dea, Sheila
Perotti, Gary & Joan
Piacentini, Jeanne
Powerhouse Sales, Inc.
Rainey, Jeanine
Rainey, Matthew
Riordan, Suzanne
Robbins, George & Gloria
Robles, Arthur & Mary
Rogers, Gerald & Nelda
Rohde, Stephen & Diane
Daniel L. Ringwald
Memorial Fund
Rolfes, Gregory & Danielle
Rollo-Calcaterra Post No. 15
Russell, Margaret
Russon, Gina
Ryan, Robert & Jean
Sanders, James & Lucille
Sanders, Leo & Family
Sanders, Patrick & Mary Patricia
Shaff, Victor & Frances
Simms, Donald & Ruth
Skidmore, Diana
Sleckman, Barry & Bethany
Smoyer, Anna Marie
Sontag, Maggie
Speckhals, Kurt & Karen
Stufflebam, Brian & Devie
Symington, Stuart
Tegethoff, Thomas
Tennison, Barbara & Lynn
Tillman, Thomas
Trinity Catholic High School
Valle, Robert & Jane
Walsh, Frances & Family
Weggenmann, James & Georgia
Wiese, Jeanette
Windish, Edward & Marilou
Windish, John & Theresa
Windish, Walter & Family
Wochner, Patricia
Bollwerk, Andrew & Jill
Meyer, Matthew & Kathleen
Ringwald, David & Bernadette
Ringwald, John & Donna
Ringwald, Richard & Amanda
Tributes for Bro.
Francis Haug
Brokaw, Paul & Cathleen
Brown, Kenneth & Susan
Burns, Robert & Eileen
Danter, Michael & Christine
Exler, Louise & Bernie
Fiock, William & Joan
Goulden, Rosemary & Arthur
Justice, James
Kwasinski, Eugene & Donna
Newhouse, Gregory & Catherine
Ott, Richard
Piontek, Ronald & Marla
Sartori, Richard & Kathy
Solari, Xavier & Bessie
Vollet, Scott & Stacy
Walsh, William & Mary
Winkelmann, Thomas
Scholarship Fund Donors - Class of 2013
Raymond P. Ablan
Kevin S. Albert, II
Michael Allen
Nicholas C. Allen
Cory E. Andrews
Nick P. Argast
Landon C. Bartley
Brett A. Benson
Allen V. Bitzer
Nicholas P. Bonastia
Timothy F. Booth
Kyle M. Bottchen
Robert K. Bradley
William E. Brockmeyer
Luis E. Caballero
Drake A. Cantu
Kyle A. Dowers
Matthew S. Dreyer
Timothy R. Dunsford
Kevin C. Dvorak
Derek J. Ederle
Timothy R. Ellebracht
Donald L. Ewart, III
Albert J. Faust
Alan T. Foley, Jr.
Roman P. Foster
Andrew M. Fox
Brenden M. Garth
Joseph C. Gauthier
Jesse A. Glass
Anthony D. Golick
Jason C. Hackett
Jackson T. Hammel
Austin D. Hanse
Nicholas J. Hart
Timothy J. Harvatin
Jacob C. Hayden
Timothy D. Hayden
Daryl Hembrador
Daren Hembrador
Joseph M. Henn
Alex W. Hoffmann
Michael D. Hoffmann
Cory R. Howdeshell
Matthew J. Johnson
Branson K. Kellen
Brendan R. Keller
Samuel H. Kemp
Ryan J. Kennebeck
John T. Klages
Andrew C. Klaus
Nicholas M. Kniesche
Jacob T. Kurt
Austin T. Lewandowski
Anthony C. Lipsmire
Garrett A. Love
Michael T. Mataya
Kyle J. McGuire
Douglas G. Morgan
Ronald Z. Moss
Alexander G. Muenster
Dylan R. Norris
Michael J. Nuessle
Kevin B. Ogle
Connor T. O’Leary
Connor W. Peth
Vincenzo L. Piantanida
David W. Preiss
Anthony F. Price
Casey M. Rapp
Andrew J. Regan
Samuel V. Reynolds
Vincent N. Riggio
Bradley R. Rischbieter
Christopher A. Roseman
Spencer W. Schaetzel
Alec C. Schroff
Kevin D. Schumacker
Joseph R. Somogye
Alex G. Stein
Nicholas J. Tarnawczyk
Chase Taylor
Tyler P. Theodore
Joseph A. Wiss
Ryan P. Wood
Bradley P. Woodson
Brett P. Zavadil
Auction: A Chance to
Serve and Be Served
2010 Night of the Griffin Auction
Gross Receipts
Net Proceeds
Total attendees
Highest Bid Item (Napa Valley Experience) $4,900
Fund-A-Need (need-based scholarships)
Senior Tim Dreyer (class of 2010 valedictorian) serves
meals to Donna and John Ringwald at the auction. The
Ringwald’s six sons attended Vianney, and John Ringwald
has served as a member of the Board of Directors and a
member of the Finance Committee.
Auction Committee Chairs
Auction Chairs
Sue Dombek
Deanna Snyder
College Booth
Cindy Peth
Danielle Thum
Sherry LaRose
Elizabeth Pfaff
Vianney’s biggest annual fundraising event
is the Night of the Griffin auction. Scores
of student and parent volunteers step up
to serve auction attendees, who in turn
are serving Vianney students through
their good will and generosity. Everyone
involved with the Night of the Griffin is
both serving and being served.
Co-chair Emeritus
Tora Ragsdale
Vicki Drady
Servers Coordination
Brad & Tina Ogle
Connie Hayden
Deb Tallo
Grandparents’ Honor Roll
Karen Riggio
Spinning Wheel
Vicki Moore
Cindy Schneider
The 2010 auction involved roughly 130
student volunteers who were responsible
for tasks ranging from set-up to dishwashing to serving dinner. In addition, about
65 parent volunteers collectively gave
hundreds of hours of time to make the
event a success.
Ad Coordinator
Debbie McGuire
Rich Bach
Mary Scheipeter
Griffin Gear
Debbie Goulden
Joanne Schneider
Connie Williams
Super Silent
Tracey Nieder
Sandy Scheetz
Griffin Gold
Denise & Vince Krekeler
Treasure Trove
Joy Chibnall
Bar Coordinators
Robyn & Jim Hoffmann
Mary McEntee
Pam Haar
Joe Mahfood
Volunteer Coordinator
Kathy Connors
Peggy Klages
Linda Ederle
Caryn Gauthier
Live Auction
Melon & Joe Mahfood
Tina Moszczenski
Volunteer Dinner/Kitchen
Clean Up
Chris Amelung
Classroom Packages
Barb Rule
PowerPoint Presentation
Adam Pizzitola ’08
Wine Masquerade
Dina Garland
Marianna Vitale
Night of the Griffin Auction Fund-a-Need
Flatley, John & Pam
Kohlberg, Mark & Mary
Mahfood, Joe & Melon
Ringwald, John & Donna
Schumacker, Jim & Kathleen
Loyet, Mike & Sheila
Bader, Ken & Fran
Basler, Richard & Dianne
Bumb, Rick & Denny
Fendler, Don & Shelley
Haar, Kevin & Pam
Kemlage, Tom & Joan
Klocke, Jim & Tina
Naert, Dan
O’Connell, Tom & Janet
Purk, Bill & Jennah
Riordan, Rex & Donna
Schultz, Edward & Leslie
Spring, Tom & Melissa
Tallo, Tony & Deb
Voorhees, Mary Alice
Wosman, John & Kathy
Brady, Tom & Lisa
Dombek, Jerry & Sue
Frisella, Sal
Haddock, Ray & Denise
Hopfinger, Mary Beth
Lyons, Pat & Lynn
Mueller, Ray & Gigi
Normile, Mike & Christine
Ojile, Joe & Marianne
Woods, David & Mills, Julie
Eggleston, Don & Mary Ann
Kelly, Pat & Marion
Kurt, Tim & Sharon
Moszczenski, Keith & Tina
Murphy, Patrick & Ellen
Ragsdale, Ralph & Tora
Smith, Tim & Cindy
Barton, Mike & Peggy
Boyer, Renee
Fitzpatrick, Mary Kay
Gauthier, Dan & Caryn
Gauvain, Dave & Karen
Geldmacher, Ken & Kathy
Haar Jr., Kevin
Hayden, Paul & Connie
Hellman, David & Katie
Hess, Phil & Teresa
Hopfinger, Bill & Mary
Kertz, John
Ladendecker-Corley, Linda
Matreci, Dennis & Marcia
Meier, George & Pam
Owens, Don & Ellen
Raterman, Richard & Kathy
Reilly, Pat & Suzie
Schuchardt, Jeff & Lisa
Sebben, Tony & Patti
Snyder, Bob & Deanna
Wosman, Jeff
Benefit Golf Tournament
Gross Receipts
Net Proceeds
Mark Kohlberg ’77 Bill Lenzen ’65 Bub Moriarty ’64 Mike Orlando ’83 Committee
Mike Schellhase ’82 John Bosch ’78 Mark Schuermann ’03
Dan Green ’75 Gary Hasenmueller ’71 Scott Schwartz ’95
Ed Wulkopf
David Kohlberg ’89 Alumni Chairman
Dan Harbaugh ’78
Enjoying a great round of golf at the Vianney Benefit Golf Tournament are
(from left) Jeff Kohlberg ’00, Gary Agne ’77, Mark Kohlberg ’77 and current
junior Tim Agne. The June 28 tournament was at Greenbriar Hills Country Club.
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An outright bequest to Vianney is fully
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The gift of Catholic education at
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Editor: Carol Dexter
Graphic Design: Traci Moore Graphics
For information, please contact Carol Dexter
314.965.4853, ext. 270, cdexter@vianney.com.
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Alumni Return to Serve
This school year, Vianney has 12
alumni staff members, representing
every decade of Vianney’s history.
In the back row are Kevin Walsh
(’91), dean of students; Bro. Chester
Burnog, S.M., accounts payable
manager (Bro. Chester attended most
of his high school classes at Vianney
in the mid-’60s while living at the
Maryhurst Novitiate on campus.);
Ryan Kidd (’96), teacher; Scott
Brown (’84), teacher; Tim Haffner
(’06), student teacher; and Wendell
DePhillips (’71), director of finance
and facilities. In the front row are Pete
Cerone (’93), advancement director;
Ty Cochran (’05), teacher; Mike Loyet
(’77), president; Nate Stein (’03),
teacher; Mark Schuermann (’03),
advancement associate; and
PJ Morales (’03), teacher.