William List www.gammassl.co.uk w.list@ntlworld.com
William List www.gammassl.co.uk w.list@ntlworld.com
Security - Who is in charge? - The users? Or the system? William List www.gammassl.co.uk w.list@ntlworld.com ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 Agenda Q Introduction Q Fast Track ISMS Q Internal Control and Corporate Governance Q Results Q Time Metrics Q Risk Treatment Plans Q An Exercise Q Summary and conclusions Q Overview of the 7799 Standards ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 Introduction ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 We all live in an insecure world Nothing is really secure ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 Old Threats Q Breakdowns Q Mistakes Q Thieves Q Fraudsters Q Terrorists - bombers Q Acts of God - flood, fire, etc ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 New Threats Q Hackers - spammers Q Viruses Q Impersonation - pfishing Q Bugs and gremlins in the systems ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 Traditional Solution Secure the perimeter of the computer (system) ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 And elsewhere for E-Commerce ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 e-Business Structure Customer WWW Call Centre Shop Front Internet Technology (delivery platform) Kiosk Work Flow CRM Profile Middleware Marketing Distribution Finance Sales Service ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 TYPICAL EC ARCHITECTURE Content building tools Product Catalog Database & Data warehousing Internet Mainframe Accounting Fulfillment ERP ERM EDI Consumer Browser Router E-Commerce server Web Server Merchant A/C Authorisation & Settlement Server ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 Issuing Bank Consumer A/C Acquiring Bank Three Tier Architectures Backend Layer Mid-tier Layer Web Server Layer E-Commerce servers Internet Loadbalancing DNS Mainframe Router ERP Syustem Analysis and decision support interface Catalog Database ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 And we must remember that the programs are (heavily) patched and may be unstable ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 What is the system doing? QIs it right? QIs it authorised? QCan I find out? ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 So what are we told? Q Rogue users compromise security Q Emails contain bad things Q Boards must be involved ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 Internal Control & Corporate Governance ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 Internal Control is an old concept ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 What is Internal Control? Q Way in which management deploys resources to achieve the organisation's objectives Q Two basic parts: ¾Procedures to perform the work necessary to conduct the organisations business (operational procedures) ¾Procedures to ensure that the business is conducted as expected (controls) Q It is this second part that concerns us today ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 Audit Practice Board Q This is their advice: Mission Mission Business BusinessObjectives Objectives Business BusinessRisks Risks Applicable ApplicableRisks Risks Internal InternalControls Controls Review Review ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 Risks – a Taxonomy Q Following Basel II ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 Applicable Risks Q and non-applicable risks ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 Controls – Fundamentals “… detect the event in sufficient time to do something positive about it… “ ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 Types of Control Q Preventive ¾ Either prevent the event from occurring or affecting the organisation, or ¾ Detect the event as it happens and prevent any further activity that may lead to an impact Q Detective ¾ Identify when some event, or events have occurred … and invoke appropriate actions to arrest (or mitigate) the situation Q Reactive ¾ Identify that the impact has occurred and invoke appropriate actions to recover (or mitigate) the situation ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 Why Corporate Governance Q … a result of scandals … investing public … being "ripped off" … conduct of senior executives ¾ South Sea Bubble, Kruger, Salad Oil company, Equity funding, Polly Peck, Maxwell Pensions, Enron, WorldCom … Q New laws/regulations … anti discrimination, privacy protection, product quality etc. Q Turnbull, OECD, Sarbanes-Oxley, EU directive ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 The OECD Principles (2004) Q The rights of shareholders and key ownership functions Q The equitable treatment of shareholders Q The role of stakeholders in corporate governance Q Disclosure and transparency Q The responsibilities of the Board ¾ It is an important function of the board to establish internal control systems covering the use of corporate assets and to guard against abusive related party transactions. ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 Turnbull Q FTSE only (Yellow Book) requirement Q IC part ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 Sarbanes-Oxley/EC Directive Q An act “to protect investors by improving the accuracy and reliability of corporate disclosures made pursuant to the security laws, and for other purposes” Q Places heavy emphasis on internal control, e.g. ¾ §404 (a) (1) state the responsibility of management for establishing and maintaining an adequate internal control structure and procedures for financial reporting. ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 Time Metrics ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 The Fundamental Principle “… detect the event in sufficient time to do something positive about it… “ See http://www.gammassl.co.uk/topics/time/index.html ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 Parameter Definition (Time) Q Time that event occurs, TE Q Time of detection, TD or TM Q Time problem is fixed, TF Q Time at which impact occurs (if not fixed), TW ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 Parameter Definition (Money) Q Cost of doing business, CBA Q Cost of internal control, CICS Q Impact penalty, Q Cost of fix, IP CF ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 Fundamental Model P Rev e, u n e R Money (£) ies, C BA t i v i t c ess a n i s u b f Cost o Time ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 Cost of ICS, CICS Fundamental Model P Rev e, u n e R Money (£) ies, C BA t i v i t c ess a n i s u b f Cost o Time TE ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 Cost of ICS, CICS Fundamental Model P Rev e, u n e R Cost of ICS, CICS Money (£) ies, C BA t i v i t c ess a n i s u b f Cost o Time TE TW ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 Fundamental Model P Rev e, u n e P R Cost of ICS, CICS Money (£) ies, C BA t i v i t c ess a n i s u b f Cost o Time TE P TW ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 Fundamental Model P Rev e, u n e P R Cost of ICS, CICS Money (£) ies, C BA t i v i t c ess a n i s u b f Cost o Time TE P TW TM ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 Fundamental Model P Rev e, u n e P R Cost of ICS, CICS Money (£) ies, C BA t i v i t c ess a n i s u b f Cost o Time TE P TW TM TF ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 Fundamental Model P Rev e, u n e PP R Cost of ICS, CICS Money (£) ies, C BA t i v i t c ess a n i s u b f Cost o Time TE TW TM TF ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 P Fundamental Model P Rev e, u n e R Money (£) ies, C BA t i v i t c ess a n i s u b f Cost o Time ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 Cost of ICS, CICS Fundamental Model P Rev e, u n e R Cost of ICS, CICS Money (£) ies, C BA t i v i t c ess a n i s u b f Cost o Time TE TW ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 Fundamental Model P Rev e, u n e R Money (£) ies, C BA t i v i t c ess a n i s u b f Cost o Time TE TD TF TW ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 Cost of ICS, CICS Fundamental Model P Rev e, u n e R Money (£) ies, C BA t i v i t c ess a n i s u b f Cost o Time TE TD TF TW ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 Cost of ICS, CICS Fundamental Model P P Rev e, u n e R Money (£) ies, C BA t i v i t c ess a n i s u b f Cost o Time TE TD TF TW ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 Cost of ICS, CICS Continuum of Classes Class Ability to detect the event and take recovery action Type 1 Prevents the event, or detects the event as it happens and prevents it from having any impact Preventive 2 Detects the event and reacts fast enough to fix it well within the time window Detective 3 Detects the event and just reacts fast enough to fix it within the time window 4 Detects the event but cannot react fast enough to fix it within the time window 5 Fails to detect the event but has a partially deployed BCP 6 Fails to detect the event but does have a BCP 7 Fails to detect the event and does not have a BCP ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 Reactive Risk Treatment Plans ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 What is a Risk Treatment Plan? Q Risk Treatment: treatment process of selection and implementation of measures to modify risk [ISO Guide 73] Q Identification of risk Q Prevention of occurrence Q Detection of occurrence Q Limitation of Impact Q Recovery ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 What is a Good Risk Analysis? Q The senior management, as a whole can ¾ understand the risks ¾ together participate in determining optimum countermeasures to risk ¾ allocate the overall ‘control’ spend to various risks across the whole business Q All staff concerned with design, implementation or performance of controls ¾ to understand why the control is necessary ¾ to determine when an implementation of a control fails to meet its objective ¾ to understand how failures in a control are detected Q Enables prompt revisions to be undertaken as circumstances change or incidents occur Q NOTE The risk analysis can be in tiers if complex ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 Traditional risk analysis Q Identify ¾Assets ¾Threats ¾Vulnerabilities ¾Probability of incident occurring Q Estimate risk factor ¾Value of loss if risk occurs ¾Probability of risk occurring ¾Complex mathematics ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 Who knows Q All the threats - or their urgency Q All the vulnerabilities - in purchased software Q What are probabilities of occurrence Q So 9/11 ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 DO THE BOARD UNDERSTAND THE RESULTS? ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 There must be a better way to explain the risk treatment plan ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 Suppose we start with what worries people ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 Worries No Sales No Money IT failed Fraud Regulators Bad press Info all to pot ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 Wrong product Competitors Too expensive No bribes My Customers have not paid me Why not? Bad work Did not deliver Did not Invoice ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 Customer broke How to address worries Q Identify what they are Q Try to prevent Q Detect if materialised Q Limit impacts Q Recover ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 Recording the RTP Q Tell the story: ¾ How I planned to save the business Q For example: ¾ My airplane is broken - far away ¾ Impacts Safety for crew and passengers Customer satisfaction Additional costs Q This happen to us on BA 122 on 22nd November 2003 – read the Time Paper ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 Stylised RTPs Q Business driven risk assessment/ treatment using events and impacts Æ making it all worthwhile Event Organisation Specific Common (but treatment might be different!) •Aircraft broken down •Bagage handler strike •Theft •Acts of God •Regular Fraud •IT failure •Hacking •etc ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 Stylised RTPs Q Business driven risk assessment/ treatment using events and impacts Æ making it all worthwhile Impacts •Adverse press coverage •Questions in parliament •Court action against org •Failure to prosecute •Unanticipated costs •etc ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 Method Q One RTP per event Q Describe event Q List assets that might be affected Q Document, order applicable impacts Q List applicable threats Q Repeat until all impacts dealt with, and residual risk is acceptable: ¾ How can it happen? ¾ Do I prevent it? ¾ How do I detect it? No preventive measure or Preventive measure fails or Didn’t know it could happen that way ¾ How do I fix/recover? ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 Overview of the 7799 Standards ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 ISO/IEC 17799 and BS7799-2 Q BS 7799 Part 2 is a management standard – e.g. let’s party. Part 2 tells you what to do Q IS 17799 is a super- market of good things to do Q Certification is against Part 2 – is the party OK? ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 Effective Security in tune with the business BS 7799-2:2002 Scope • Policy • Risk Assessment (RA) • Risk Treatment Plan (RTP) • Statement of Applicability (SOA) • •ISMS Improvements •Preventive Action •Corrective Action Operate Controls • Awareness Training • Manage Resources • Prompt Detection and Response to Incidents • ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 •Management Review •Internal ISMS Audit ISO/IEC 17799:2000 Provides guidance under 10 major headings Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Security Policy Security Organisation Asset Classification and Control Personnel Security Physical and Environmental Security Communications and Operational Management Access Control Systems Development and Maintenance Business Continuity Management Compliance ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 Linking the Two Standards Q The Statement of Applicability (SOA): “a document describing the control objectives and controls that are relevant and applicable to the organization’s ISMS, based on the results and conclusions of the risk assessment and risk treatment processes” Q It is a certification requirement (EA7/03) ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 Why is it Important? Q You have to say, for all 127 ISO/IEC 17799 controls, whether they are applicable or not Q If YES, why (with reference to risk assessment) Q Important because everyone uses the same laundry list ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 A Practical Implementation Policy Policy statements statements (could (couldbe beimposed imposed by byhigher higherauthority) authority) Risk Risk assessment assessment risk risk treatment treatment plan plan Link backs normative A.x.x.x Clause YES, policy xyz, events, abc see reference A.x.x.y Clause N/A reason informative ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 Link forward to procedure manuals etc. Fast Track ISMS ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 The Vital Ingredients Q Role Model Q Skeleton ISMS Manual Q The event-impact driven RTPs (as previously discussed) Q Classroom and on-the-job training Q Various quality assurance activities ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 Role Model Q Information Security Forum (ISF) Q ISMS Administrator Provide feedback Provide feedback Set Civil Servicewide policy Q Internal ISMS Auditor ISF Provide feedback/ request policy enhancements Policy Makers Direct Advise Owns/looks after Q ISMS Trainer Owns Internal ISMS Auditors Q ISMS Advisor Provides management information ISMS Administrator Advise ISMS Advisor Manages Advise Audit Q Certification Auditor Information users ISMS Certification Auditors Use Certify Instruct and monitor Q Policy Maker Acts to reduce risk to acceptable level ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 Information Skeleton ISMS Manual Parts for you to complete Checklists Covers every requirement ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 of BS7799-2:2002 Contents Q Pages associated with the whole PDCA cycle Q Facility for including training and awareness Q Built-in facility for document control Q Internal ISMS audit proforma and checklist Q Space to define ISMS scope and context Q Management system review checklist Q Prototype ISMS policy Q Procedures for corrective action etc. Q Provision for RTPs Q Virtually complete SOA (with built-in hyperlinks to policy statements and standard events) Q To-Do-List and associated procedures Q Compliance index ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 The “To-Do-List” Q BS 7799-2 is a management standard – so is internal control Q Management processes must be in place, but new security processes may be required because risks change Q At any point in time: ¾Existing security procedures in place ¾Newly identified ones still-to-do Q Managed using a “To-Do-List” ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 The “To-Do-List” Q BS 7799-2 is a management standard – so is internal control Q Management processes must be in place, but new security processes may be required because risks change Q At any point in time: ¾Existing security procedures in place ¾Newly identified ones still-to-do Q Managed using a “To-Do-List” ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 Results ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 Some Results Q UK Logistics Company ¾ Initial development of Skeleton ¾ First application of eventimpact driven RA/RTPs ¾ Engaged Board ¾ MD in control Q UK start-up ¾ Up to speed in a day ¾ 2 day brainstorm for RTPs ¾ First BSI visit in September Q Government of Mauritius ¾ 4 sites “attested” by MSB ¾ Chiefs empowered ¾ Rollout to all other departments ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 Principle can be extended Q Overall ICS Q Including ¾ISO 9000 ¾Financials ¾General management issues ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 Now an audience participation exercise Identity Cards ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 Summary and Conclusions ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 Computers help people Q PCs, mobile phones, mainframes, servers etc Q Could we do without them? ¾Volume of transactions ¾Speed of communications Q Criminals are businesses too ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 Summary Q Information security part of internal control Q Time metrics key to effectiveness Q Event-impact driven RA/RTPs key to Board engagement Q Hypertext, web-technology Skeleton key to rapid development Q Certification successes bear this out ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004 Effective Security in tune with the business Security - Who is in charge? - The users? Or the system? William List www.gammassl.co.uk w.list@ntlworld.com ©Wm. List & Co, Gamma Secure Systems Limited, 2004