Corporate Responsibility Report 2014


Corporate Responsibility Report 2014
ArcelorMittal Galati,
2014 Corporate Responsibility Report
7,095 own employees + 2,711 employees from
direct contractor companies.
EUR 87 Million paid in salaries.
Turnover : RON 3.6 Billion RON
The economic activity of ArcelorMittal represents 27% of the Gross Domestic Product of
Galati County and 0.5% of the Romania’s GDP.
The volume of exports : EUR 438 Million.
The company placed orders in Romanian
economy : EUR 300 Million.
Taxes and Contributions
In 2014, the Steel Plant paid EUR 17 Million for
the Central State Budgets and EUR 4 Million for
the local budgets.
We have contributed with EUR 38.6 Millions to
the Pensions Fund budget, EUR 11.6 Millions to
the Health Insurance House budget and with
EUR 1.3 Million for the Unemployment Fund.
The 2014 Corporate Responsibility Report
reflects the multiple interactions and links
between our Galati Industrial Site and the
Community. For us, corporate responsibility is about ensuring we understand and
manage the expectations of local and
global stakeholders.
Introductory word
ArcelorMittal Galati
Investing in our people
Making steel more sustainable
Enriching our community
Transparent governance
ArcelorMittal Galati Corporate Responsibility Report 2014
Introductory Word
Foreword from Bruno Ribo,
CEO of ArcelorMittal Galati
Esteemed representatives of our community,
It is both a pleasure and an honor to
share with you the successes and challenges of ArcelorMittal Galati in 2014.
For us, 2014 was a crucial year. After
17 trimesters of operational losses, we
have started to record positive operational results. This has a multiple
The first one is that our battle for keeping the Plant alive started to show in
2014 the first results. We can say now
that the Steel Plant will continue to be
the main economic pillar of our community. The second learning is that the
mother – Group injected hundreds of
millions of Euros in Galati for supporting it in the last 5 difficult years. It was
an un-precedent flow of resources with
the only purpose of preserving the steel
production and the steel-makers jobs.
Last but not least, despite this successes, we were not in 2014 in the position
of financing investments and stocks.
2014 was also a positive year in terms
of improving our environmental results.
Currently, our industrial unit is polluting
much less and fully respecting both the
Romanian and European laws. Despite
the financial constrains we will continue
to invest in environment and in reducing
our footprint.
Our results in safety were not so good.
We have lost 2 colleagues and a
number of accidents was recorded.
This shows that our Journey to Zero
accidents is a never-ending effort and
multiple measures to correct the risky
behaviors and conditions. For us, it is
more important that each and every
of our employees go home safe and
in good health condition, than making
2014 was also an year when we have
consolidated and strengthened the
presence in the community.
As you probably know, in the last year
we have focused on health and education. We will continue on the same
directions, as there is a lot of work in
these important domains.
Also, last year meant for us a continuation of our efforts and explanations in
the energy field. The distortions appeared in the energy markets affected
us and are still causing difficulties for
us. We are now happy to see that some
necessary corrections were taken and
announced and others are expected by
us to be implemented. I am using this
opportunity to re-affirm that we are not
asking for any preferential treatment,
but – as an honest investor and entrepreneur - we are seeking for a honest
business environment. Our industrial
activity must continue in the benefit of
our people and the community.
Finally, I remember with pleasure the
fact that we were visited in 2014 by
important state officials. It was for us an
honor to meet with them, but also an
opportunity to explain our difficult situation and the efforts we are paying for
overcoming these challenging times.
The 2014 Corporate Responsibility
Report reflects some of our efforts, successes and even failures. I encourage
you to read about these and express
your opinions through our normal channels.
Bruno Ribo
Chief Executive Officer
ArcelorMittal Galati
Bruno Ribo
Chief Executive Officer
ArcelorMittal Galati
ArcelorMittal Galati Corporate Responsibility Report 2014
ArcelorMittal Galati,
About ArcelorMittal
Our approach
With annual achievable production capacity of approximately 115 million tons
of crude steel, and 222,000 employees
across 60 countries, ArcelorMittal is
the world’s leading steel and mining
company. Present in 19 countries, the
company is leader in all major global
steel markets including automotive,
construction, household appliances and
packaging, with leading research and
development and technology, sizeable
captive supplies of raw materials, and
outstanding distribution networks.
Our core philosophy is to produce safe,
sustainable steel. In so doing, our top
priority is safety and our goal is to be
the world’s safest steel and mining
company. As a company, we are
committed to our promise of ‘transforming tomorrow’. Guiding us in this are
our values of sustainability, quality and
ArcelorMittal in Romania
In Romania, ArcelorMittal has 6
operating facilities, which include Galati
(flat products), Tulcea (lime quarry), Iasi,
Roman, (tubes and pipes), Hunedoara
(long products) and Romportmet
(a captive port on the Danube) and
several functional services units.The
total number of ArcelorMittal employees
in Romania is about 10,000 people,
including 6,500 in Galati, the flagship of
the Romanian production units and another 50,000 indirect jobs. ArcelorMittal
is among the first exporters in Romania.
More than 70% of the output is exported. Located in the South-East of Romania, ArcelorMittal Galati is the largest
integrated steel plant in the country and
leader in manufacturing metallurgical
products, with a production capacity of
3 million tones of steel. The unit is one
of the main pillars of the community in
Galati, known as the ‘steelmakers’ city’.
Hunedoara- Profiles, barrs & billets
Pantelimon ArcelorMittal Construction
Bucuresti ArcelorMittal FCE Commercial Offices
Tulcea Lime Quarry
Galati Flats
Romportmet Danube Port
Galati pipes & tubes
Roman Seamless Pipes
Iasi Longitudinally Welded Pipes
ArcelorMittal Galati Corporate Responsibility Report 2014
ArcelorMittal Galati,
ArcelorMittal is transforming tomorrow by…
Investing in our people
Making steel more
Enriching our communities
…this is all underpinned by Transparent governance
We focus on four areas: investing in our people;
making steel more sustainable; enriching our
communities; and transparent governance, a
principle that underpins the first three areas.
Investing in our people
Enriching our communities
Transparent governance
Our people are at the heart of our
business.Their success is our success.
We need their ideas and rely on their
hard work and commitment. We treat
them with dignity and respect, investing in their development, and providing
them with a safe and healthy working
We play an important role in the communities where we operate. We want to
contribute to the development of strong
and sustainable local communities,
wherever we are in the world. We do
this by being sensitive to local cultures,
issues and priorities, by engaging with
our communities in an open and transparent way, and by working in active
partnership with local and national
We believe in open and visible governance, grounded in business reality. We
will take steps to understand our true
impacts, predict future consequences,
and manage risks consistently across
our operations. We will engage meaningfully with key stakeholders, and
respond in a transparent manner.
Making steel more sustainable
We are using our expertise in steel to
find ways to operate more efficiently,
to develop new processes and more
sustainable practices, and to work in
partnership with our customers and
suppliers to help them achieve their
environmental goals.
ArcelorMittal Galati has a detailed
stakeholder engagement process that
begins annually with stakeholder and
issue identification at the local level, in
alignment with corporate guidelines.
We encourage open and transparent
relations with stakeholders and address
any local questions or concerns. We
work closely with all of our stakeholders,
both internal and external, to deepen
our engagements and move the
needle on material issues. This spirit
of collaboration drives our business
forward and allows us to set a strong
foundation of leadership in our
communities. We must lead, facilitate
and participate in the conversations that
affect our communities.
This approach ensures we work
collaboratively to address important
issues and goals that we share.
“We need the support and understanding of our stakeholders.
Effective engagement to ensure
they have a good understanding
of our business and the decisions
we take is vital.”
Lakshmi N. Mittal
Chairman and CEO
Our stakeholder
Government Local communiand regulators
Stakeholders issues
• Quality of products
• Ethical business
• Safety in products
• Health and safety
• Working conditions
• Remuneration and
• Career development
• Operational excellence
• Social and economic development
• Attracting investment
• Emissions control
• Biodiversity conservation
• Employment opportunities
• Community
engagement processes and plans
• Environment and
emissions control
• Social investment
• Job security
• Industry challenges
and developments
• Health and safety
• Environmental
• Environmental
• Health and safety
• Social and economic development
• Working conditions
• Human rights
• Code for responsible sourcing
• Quality of products
• Operational
• Ethical business
How we engage
• Site visits, customer
• Customer oriented
publications and
• Partnerships, our
engineering teams in
customers’ plants
• Intranet
• Meetings
• Employee survey
• Newsletters and
• Training programs
• Trade union relations
• Country specific
• Conferences and
speaking engagements
• 1:1 formal dialogues
• Local engagement
• Local corporate responsibility reporting
• 1:1 meetings
• Site visits
• Press releases
• Interviews
• Internet
• Twitter
• Partnership
• Formal meetings
• Correspondence
and events
• 1:1 meetings
• Dialogue through
account management relationships
• Regular engagement with our local
management on-site
Our relationship
• Provide innovative
partnerships for
sustainable growth
• Improve
quality products and
• Central to the
success of our
business by demonstrating productivity,
quality and
• Provide a safe
and enriching work
• Generate economic
growth through
revenues, taxes,
fees and product
• Key to providing
fair and transparent
competitive trading
• Provide support
for local economic
• Build trust with
local communities
• Provide industry
trends as well as
social, environmental and economic
• Build and protect
and raise awareness
of our products and
• Provide an insight
into the needs of
society and the
• Monitor our performance in meeting
the needs of stakeholders, vulnerable
groups and society
• Secure delivery
of good value and
quality products and
• Meet responsible
• Provide fair access
to business
ArcelorMittal Galati Corporate Responsibility Report 2014
in our people
Health and
Safety Account
Journey to Zero Starts with Each of Us!
ArcelorMittal Galati had
a promising start in 2014
with a 0.64 LTI frequency
rate per 1 million hours
worked in the first six
months of the year.
However, regrettably, in January and April,
two fatalities occurred, one in the Steel
Melting Shop, as a result of a fall from height
and another in the Finishing area: an employee of a contracting company, crushed
by a tree under which he was improperly
cutting. They were followed by a series of
accidents resulting in injuries, the most
serious being recorded by a team of three
workers of the company GSWI who took part
in installing an iron ore sorting machine at
the Slag Dump.
Frequency Rate
Statistics show that the frequency rate
fluctuates from year to year, which proves
that in certain years, certain targets can
be achieved, but which cannot become
sustainable. The best example of this is the
number of fatal accidents, which in three
years was zero, and in the first eight months
of 2014, raised to two.
Some departments have made good progress along our Journey to Zero accidents
and injuries, which strengthens our confidence in the way safety can be addressed,
such as the Central Maintenance Department, which has not recorded any LTI during
the last 4 years.
9 reinforcement actions have
been put in place in 2014:
- recertification of anchorage
- OHSAS 18001;
- improving the assessment
process of the contractors performances;
- communication and investigation of incidents/accidents;
- training and certification of the
staff as per the legal requirements;
- labor and emergency medicine
+ Local Compliance Assessment
- H&S performance indicators;
- H&S audits;
- Annual SMART training.
ArcelorMittal Galati Corporate Responsibility Report 2014
Investing in our people
€ 840 are invested
annually in H&S per
worker and a total of
€ 33 Million invested
since 2009
Our company, which is among the safest in
our industry, strives to create a culture where
each and every of us feels responsible for
the safety at work and takes responsibility
for himself and others. This is the basis of
our leading by example program. It is about
creating an environment where people do
not accept lowered standards and risktaking, in openly discussing the strengths
and security issues and who believe that
“zero accidents” is an achievable goal.
All the employees of ArcelorMittal Galati
have received training under the program
ARC 2015+, which is the cornerstone for the
creation of a management system based on
leadership. The concept of leadership is fully
compatible with Journey to Zero Accidents
and the campaign “Stop, Think and Act I apply in practice”, launched at Group level.
Leading by example entitles us to raise any
of the issues of health and safety, to support our colleagues and to communicate
with them. Only by when we encourage
our colleagues to believe the same thing,
we will be able to arrive at our destination:
Zero Accidents. We can create a culture in
which each of us has the power to make a
difference, where security is not compromised and where everyone of us can return
home safely to our families every day. Only
dedicating ourselves to this vision, we can
achieve our goal.
The BBS visits are another current approach
to rising awareness on potential hazards
present on the shop floor and an opportunity
for the workers to communicate openly with
their managers and raise their points. It is a
friendly tool, focused exclusively on identifying and improving risky working conditions
and behaviors with view to eliminating
subsequent undesired events.
The most accident-prone
occupation category remains the
In 2014, the H & S Day concept turned into the H & S Month.
“Working at heights” and “pinch points”
were the major themes of the workshops
conducted on the 2014 International Health
and Safety Day. During these workshops,
root-cause analysis were carried out on the
most severe accidents and the near-misses
occurred during 2013 – 2014.
Since excellence in the Health and Safety
means also a successful business, we cannot afford to lose ground in this particular
area! Therefore, the observance of the 10
Cardinal Rules continues to be of an utmost
importance for us since almost every severe
accident is an outcome of breaking at least
one Golden/Cardinal Rule.
“Participants to H&S Day:
6,814 - own personnel;
1,247 - contractors;
22 - trade unions representatives.
“23 people died last year in ArcelorMittal
worldwide, which means as many families
and teams destroyed. 16 LTIs occurred in
Galati during the same period and two fatal
accidents occured earlier this year. 90% of
these accidents are repetitions of past accidents. This is a sad experience and shows
us that the incidence likelihood is virtually
double among contractors than our own
employees, which is unacceptable. We are
still in an area of dependence on our
colleagues, nevertheless the shared
vigilance is still a dream for us”, said Bruno
After a moment of silence in the memory
of victims among our colleagues and
after watching the related movie officially
launched, illustrating the most representative accidents occurred in the previous
year, the event ended with an awarding
ceremony for the departments and contracting companies that have achieved the
best results in Health and Safety last year, as
well as for the various competitions winners
on topics related to the field of Health and
The Health and Safety Day preparing activities were concluded with a fire fighting drill
with victims rescuing. The air quality in the
area was monitored during the fire simulation, using portable analyzers of the
Department of Environmental Protection
ArcelorMittal Galati Corporate Responsibility Report 2014
Investing in our people
Health Week: Medical Checks, Vaccination and Awareness
In order to support its employees improve
their health, ArcelorMittal Galati organized
at the end of September, along with all
Groups’ units, the Health Week with specific
actions ranging from routine investigations
up to sporting events or trainings on first aid
in different situations.
ried out on the shop floors: “Quit Tobacco!”
and “Hearing Protection”. Moreover, specialized medical investigations were available
to all employees, such as: internal medicine
and ultrasound investigation, cardiology,
ophthalmology, diabetes and nutritional
diseases and gynaecology.
Starting September 29th, the specialists in
the Health and Safety Department also performed a vaccination campaign against the
seasonal influenza, available to all employees who registered in the program.
On October 2nd, the employees of the Plant
were invited to an hour’s walk in the Public
Garden of the City, to work out and also for
During the same period, in all the access
points to the Plant, an informative campaign
regarding the harmful effects of alcohol and
illegal drugs consumption was rolled out. At
the same time, other campaigns were car-
A Health and Safety Culture
The series of actions organized at the level
of our unit for an entire week, with view to
promoting a healthy lifestyle, was concluded
with a cross contest for all age groups. The
contest was organized on Saturday, October
4th, at 10,00 a.m. at Siderurgistul Stadium.
were awarded to
all categories of winners,
consisting of money amounts
- 500 RON.
2nd place - 400 RON.
3rd place - 300 RON.
1st place
Health & Safety annual trainings
ArcelorMittal Galati
Total no. of employees- 6,486
Trained employees-6,256
Employees to be trained- 230
Total no. of employees- 349
Trained employees-349
Employees to be trained-0
Total no. of employees- 1,600
Trained employees-1,353
Employees to be trained-247
2/3 measures established during the Health and Safety Committees
in 2014 have been solved
Emergency situations:
146 rescuers are trained
on a monthly basis!
ArcelorMittal Galati Corporate Responsibility Report 2014
Human Resources:
Investing in the development
of our people is one of our
main priorities because our
employees are the most
valuable resource we have
Investing in our people
Human Resources are
developed at ArcelorMittal Galati
on the following key- principles:
• Transparency
• Unconditional respect
• Fair and non discriminatory
• Communication and fair
information in due time
• Attention paid to social
problems and to the families of
our employees.
All these principles lead to a continuous
improvement of quality, sustainability and
leadership, correlated with the commitment
shown to people within the spirit of our
“Our Steel Plant is not only the main pillar of
the local economy and the most important
steel producer in Romania, it is also the
home of the biggest team working on an
industrial site in Romania. Being part of such
a large family brings us great responsibility
and pride. Our duty is to ensure the proper
work conditions for our colleagues and our
partners from contractor companies, so that
they can always reach home safely and
healthy. The creative Human Resources
family has developed in the last years,
modern and fast services and professional
development opportunities for employees.
Also, our human resources specialists have
designed various programs meant to attract
young engineers and workers, some of our
programs, such as the Apprentice School,
unique in our country. Our biggest joy is to
create new human connections every day
and grow as a team!
Our people are not only the essence of our
business, but also ambassadors of our
company, so we do our best to meet their
hard work and loyalty with respect, fairness
and professionalism.”
Mihaela Crãciun
Head of Human Resources
ArcelorMittal Galati Corporate Responsibility Report 2014
Investing in our people
Continuous Improvement
The role of our unit’s Training Center is extremely important in achieving the organizational goals as it is the promoter of continuous learning and development. The training
process is open for all employees and it is
based on the organization’s three main values: sustainability, quality and leadership .
Key points
In 2014 ArcelorMittal Galati offered:
Training Programs: 264
Internal Training Programs:185
External Training Programs:79
6506 (98, 7%) of our employees
attended at least one training
170703 hours spent training
“ACT + Leadership Academy” Launch
A comprehensive managerial development
program was launched in
ArcelorMittal Galati, namely “ACT+ Leadership Academy”. The program represents
the top level of Learning and Development
programs in Galati: a Leadership Academy which is in fact an integrated learning
and development tool, a combination of
training, coaching, applications, pre-works
and mentoring, during 7 months. “ACT+
Leadership Academy” is designed on three
levels: experienced managers, younger
managers and foremen, tackling leadership
topics, adapted to the context and specific of
ArcelorMittal Galati.
“This program is an opportunity for you to
understand yourself your strong points and
also you weaker points, reflect on them
and find ways to change you work, and
also to understand the changes needed
by the organization . “ACT+ Leadership
Academy” represents a transition from
spot programs (ACT1 - ACT3 ) to permanent
development . After years of implementing
managerial developing programs,
I can see now an alignment“, said Bruno
Ribo, the C.E.O. of ArcelorMittal Galati to the
first group of participants. The participants
in the first training session have mentioned
as regards their expectations from this program, aspects such as: self knowledge, optimizing the services provided by the teams
they are in charge of, improving the way
they lead their teams, sharing the acquired
knowledge. The first module in the series of
four deals with subjects related to personality, character and motivation. “How can I
make it different ?” was the starting point in
the new approach.
Ideas of Progress
In 2012, our unit launched the Ideas of
Progress Program, an initiative dedicated to workers. Those who generate and
implement ideas that improve Health and
Safety, Quality, Costs, Viability or the Working Environment receive financial rewards.
Since then, 7075 ideas were generated. The
employees who generate the best ideas
of progress receive an additional recognition annually, when they are invited to a
ceremony and rewarded with medals and
In 2014:
1409 ideas validated
32%employees involved
1670 employees rewarded
Strategy Business
More than 60 managers of
ArcelorMittal Galati gathered in the fall of
2014 to discuss the 2015 priorities and strategy on a one-day working seminar. “Our
strategy for next year is clear and is part of
the Group’s strategy: our industrial footprint was already adapted, so we are now
focused to run in full our core equipments
and to produce more higher added value
products”, said Bruno Ribo, Chief Executive
Officer to the participants.
The managers highlighted the main focuses
for 2015: to reach a production of 2 million
tons– without safety incidents - at a better
quality and services and Another important,
to improve the maintenance and reliability
of our equipments, reduce costs especially
for the energy resources and our fixed cost
through productivity improvements and last
but not least, to maximize our presence in
Romania, to target new customers for plates
and to continue developing new higher
added value products in our portfolio.
All these, aligned with our vision to transform ArcelorMittal Galati into an agile,
flexible and profitable integrated steel plant,
known as regional reference for its safety,
the service to the customers, the quality of
its products and a reliable partner for the
ArcelorMittal Galati Corporate Responsibility Report 2014
Investing in our people
More than 3,000 Participants to the
Open Doors Day in Galati
In June 2014, the Steel Plant in Galati opened
the gates for the employees’ family members for the second time in its almost 50
years of history. After the success of the last
year’s first edition, the number of visitors
multipled three times for the greatest feast
of the year.
Kids, former employees, authorities: everyone had to choose how to spend the day in
a pleasant or interesting way. Starting early
in the morning, the guests had a choice
among trips on the shop floor and wide
range of information and entertainment
activities in front of the Administrative Tower
Nearly 100 former employees have visited
their work places and met with Bruno Ribo,
CEO of ArcelorMittal Galati, who explained
them the current status of the unit and the
plans for the future. “We are very happy to
welcome you here in such a large number!
This kind of event will become for sure part
of our culture, as it is in other units of
ArcelorMittal Group”, state Bruno Ribo.
No less than eight production departments,
starting from Sinter Plant and Blast Furnace,
through Steel Melting Shop and three mills
became points of interests for the curious
who wanted to see how steel is made.
A huge success was a tour of the plant
with a… train specially built for the event in
record time by the employees of the Internal
Logistics Department, who turned into
guides for more than a thousand people.
The smallest of our guests had more attractions in entertainment: a large play ground
for several age groups, artistic programs
and competitions arranged by the representatives of the Environment, Human
Resources, Quality and Health and Safety
Departments. Our children were involved in
various activities throughout the day; huge
mascots, balloons, clowns, face painting, a
folk ensemble and a group of street dancers
and an MC keeping the spirits high.
Everybody got gift bags on their way out. A
team of over 200 volunteers and organizers contributed to the success of the Open
Doors Day, an event that will surely become
a part of ArcelorMittal Galati tradition.
June is dedicated to our children
Every June, on the occasion of Children’s
Day, our unit organizes a contest dedicated
to our kids.
In 2014, the employees’ kids received a
photo challenge: they had to submit a photo
of them and their animal friend. More than
200 photos were submitted and the most
original were rewarded during a ceremony
at our club in the city.
Also, on the first day of summer, more than
4,500 children, whose parents work for
ArcelorMittal Galati, were offered gifts on
the part of our Company, consisting of large
packs of books, carefully
selected for everyone’s age.
Gender Diversity
Diversity and an inclusive workplace are
critical to our company and we are taking extensive measures to ensure that the
attitudes of openness and inclusivity are
embedded at every level of ArcelorMittal.
Following the ArcelorMittal Group’s initiative
regarding gender diversity within the organization, the Human Resources Department
carried out a series of actions, dedicated to
women in our plant. The program is rolled
out for the second consecutive year and is
targeted at encouraging the development of
women from all professional levels, giving
them equal opportunities to those of men.
Presence of women in our unit:
management– 17,3%
white collar workers - 31%
blue collar workers - 12,2%
Open Dialogue between our lady
- colleagues and members of
our Management Commitee
More than 200 women from all structures in
the Plant (workers, exempts and managers)
met in 2014 with 2 members of our Management Committee, Bogdan Grecu, Head
of the Supply Chain and Tatiana Balta, Head
of Support Services, to discuss various issues
related to gender diversity in our unit. The
women in the audience had the opportunity
to ask questions on their access to trainings, the chance to be promoted inside men
teams, their legal rights or the support that
our management can give them in order to
reach a work – family life balance.
“My conviction is that women’s presence is
necessary in our business. My expectations
are the same for men and women; nevertheless, women add value by personality,
ambition, sensitivity, diplomacy and - why
not? - responsibility. They think twice before
acting and one cannot treat aggressively a
woman, this is why women in certain positions are key to efficiency”, Bogdan Grecu
More than
700 women involved
in our Gender Diversity Program
The End-Year Meeting of our
Women Colleagues with the
Art contest dedicated to women
More than 120 women from all professional
levels in the Plant spent two hours with our
C.E.O., Bruno Ribo, to discuss various issues
that they face in their daily activity within the
larger frame of Gender Diversity program.
“Diversity of every kind is a benefit in any
business, not just in terms of gender, but
also of background, origin, competence of
people. I for one do not make a distinction
between male and female, I treat people as
individuals with unique personalities and I
think we need more women especially on
the shop floor, particularly in Maintenance or
Health and Safety”, Bruno Ribo added.
In the spring of 2014, just in time for International Women’s Day, our unit launched a
challenge to all employees: an art contest
meant to stimulate their creativity and raise
awareness of women’s role and importance
in business and day-to-day life. The participants had to submit a work of art (painting,
sculpture, graphics, handmade objects,
etc) depicting the essence of women. All
those who said yes to our challenge were
rewarded during a small ceremony and
their works were exposed at our Human
Resources Department. Also, in 2014, more
than 300 women participated at all women
ArcelorMittal Galati Corporate Responsibility Report 2014
sustainable steel
“The close relationship with our clients is
important for developing our company’s
business. We offer the certainty of the quality
for all our products by creating new ones;
we are on our way to reaching satisfaction,
fulfillment and why not? - exceeding the
requirements of our clients.
Our success is determined by the manner
we sustain and develop close relations with
the beneficiaries of our products.
We are working in accordance with the
desires of our clients, we are open, honest,
proving commitment to all our partners
because we know that all these practices
are relevant in order to keep our partners
close and attract potential customers.”
Frederic Valingot,
Head of Quality Department
Introducing New Grades of Steel, Approaching New Markets
Today, when the steel market is volatile and
the long and medium term sale predictions
is difficult, when the most part of our clients
place orders on tailored demands, our
specialists are finding innovative solutions
to increase the sales volume and raise
customer satisfaction.
The heavy plates quantity,
delivered for new steel grades:
The Automated Control of the thermo mechanical rolling
This project, started in the Heavy Plates Mill
no. 2 in January 2013, deployed by the end
of 2014, consisted in developing different
process parameters for the automated
thermo mechanical rolling of the plates, the
benefits consisting in the rise of the products
number and the reduction of differences
of mechanical properties among similar
plates. A low carbon content gets distin-
guished in their chemical composition (50%
lower than in the normalized steel types).
The dimensional range of the thermo
mechanically rolled plates: S355MMC ≤80
mm;S420 MMC ≤50 mm;S460 MMC≤40
mm;S500MMC≤20 mm grades.
x70≤25mm; x65≤30mm; x56≤40mm - steel
for pipes
Shipbuilding grades:
- Approval procedures for grade Z35 by the
registers: LRS,DNV-GL, ABS, BV
- Approval procedures for grade 1E170 and
1E1863 normalized rolled product (grades for
heavy grades, such as Caterpillar)
The First Off-shore Plates
produced in Galati
Our unit organized a workshop attended by
representatives of Business Development
Offshore Segment / Oil / Gas of the Flat
Europe structure that met with representatives of ArcelorMittal Galati.
The goal was to raise awareness and promote the progress we have made in terms
of developing new special products.
We refer here to the off-shore grades, with
industrial applicability in various segments:
wind turbines, oil platforms, oil installations
and bridges. There are types of steel with
superior characteristics, which are subject
o specific quality standards, required by end
customers. They enable us to address and
enter new market niches. The European requirements in terms of offshore steels are on
a growing trend by 2017 in major projects
such as the wind turbines. If we think of the
fact that in such a turbine, the offshore steel
share is approximately 95%, we can get a
clear view of the opportunities that open to
us by penetrating the market of steel grades
in this class.
ArcelorMittal Galati Corporate Responsibility Report 2014
Producing sustainable steel
New projects:
Approvals pending with Lloyd
Register Ships for the thermo mechanically
rolled plates, grades: A-FH40;A,B,D,E, AH32
(up to 40 mm thickness ), DH, 32, EH32,
FH32 , up to 36 mm thickness;
Increased toughness down to
minus 60°C, grades: FH32; FH36; FH40 for
normalized plates;
Customers for Coated Products,
Feasibility registration for the
grades S355 62÷98 ;
Implementation under way for
the off shore S355G9 and S355G10, thermo
mechanically rolled and normalized plates;
Approval pending for grade
1E1006, meant to heavy machinery
Visiting the Plant
80 representatives of our domestic
customers for coated products visited Galati
production facilities in an event organized
by Romanian Agency. These companies,
purchasing galvanized coils produced by
Galati and organic coated coils from our unit
Skopje, roll out businesses in the construction industry, namely: roofing, corrugated
sheets, cladding, profiles or silos.
The customers visited the Hot Dip Galvanizing Line and the Mechanical Trials Laboratory. They were informed about our technical
capabilities and products, and also about
our plans for further enriching the product
Hot and Cold Rolled Coils
Thermo mechanically rolled strips:
- Grade S355 LC, range: 3÷12 mm;
- Grade B: X40, X56.
Dedicated products:
Grades S355MC and S355N, galvanizing
3rd class, P355 GH and P355NH grades for
pressure vessels or rolling stock (wagons);
- Boron DC04, DC01 RB_B, HC260 LA and
HC 220 (radiators), SAE 1012FH (steel for flat
bars), ST 50 K2-FH and ST0K.
The quantity of coils shipped for
new steel grades: 15.2%
New grades HRC : X60 (TMCP) range 3÷12
Top Grade / Novelties evolution in 2014:
35,50%, as compared to the previous year
Open Dialogue with Our
Romanian Customers
ArcelorMittal Galati invited before the end
of the year, over 100 representatives of our
Romanian customers for a series of discussions meant to strengthen our partnerships
and help us improve our performance.
Besides visiting key objectives on our steel
platform (Blast Furnace 5, Cold Rolling Mill,
Heavy Plate Mill and Hot Strip Mill), customers were presented our improvements and
future targets in what regards maintenance,
quality and services.
Commissioning a State-of-the-art
Facility at Heavy Plates Mill no. 2
The steel plant in Galati invested EUR 2
Million for upgrading the cylinder grinding
machine from the Plates Mill 2, targeting
the increase of the quality of the products
and improving the operations’ efficiency.
“The working and the back-up rolls are at
a quality, which leads to better plates and
generates better costs”, said Emil Rau, Chief
Operations Officer Mills ArcelorMittal Galati.
The new equipment can grind rolls up to
160 tons. The main modernization works
focused on the mechanical parts of the
grinding machine and concerned the rehabilitation of the guiding on which the carbon
fibre insertion plates mechanisms will move
on the axis “x” and “z”.
ArcelorMittal Galati Corporate Responsibility Report 2014
Producing sustainable steel
A Dream Comes Trues: 7 Million
Euro, part of a 90 Million Euro
investment program in the BF5
During a 24 days stoppage of the Primary
Area, a complex team of specialists had
the duty to install a new Bell Less Top (BLT)
charging equipment and a profile-meter to
improve the production process at Blast Furnace no. 5. The introduction of BLT technology aims at obtaining a good and homogeneous distribution for the raw material on
the top of the Blast Furnace.
Before the investment
The main targets reached after having
implemented the new technology at BF 5
consist in increasing the productivity (5,600
tones of hot metal per day), reducing the
total fuel cost (490 kg. per ton of hot metal),
increasing the asset utilization to 96% by
extending the lifetime of the equipment,
but also reducing the planned stoppage
period and enabling an easier maintenance
The current project includes the replacement
of the actual charging system by a Paul
Wurth Compact Bell Less Top, the replacement of the movable armor with shock
plates and the installation of a profile-meter.
After the investment
The profile-meter is a state-of-the-art equipment for improving the BF efficiency in terms
of coke rate, heat losses and productivity, by
controlling the charge and the gas distribution.
Beside these activities, an intensive program
of maintenance was also carried out at the
same time, namely the staves replacement,
the shaft gunning, while the BF stoppage
will be synchronized with the replacement of
BOF3 in the Steel Making Shop.
The mixed team from Projects Department,
BF, Central Maintenance and external
support had to put up with a series of challenges such as a continuous risk management during the conception, erection,
operation, then the time constraints, that
is a short time of stoppage for important
mechanical activities, the complexity of dismantling phase, not to mention the big size
and weight of the parts to be dismantled
and erected. The project is designed within
the World Class Manufacturing concept,
which imposes clear and simple standards
of operation, zero losses, an analysis of the
critical equipment, a scheduled maintenance, a safe design of the equipment and
access, and also a type of equipment, to be
integrated in the global LO/TO procedures.
A comparison between H2 2013
and H2 2014 shows a decrease in
the total fuel consumption by 20%,
an increase of approximately 35 %
of the hot metal output per day and
a reduction by 15% of the CO2
The New BOF Can Overtake the
Increase in Hot Metal Production
Apart from the BF related range of actions,
an intenssive maintenance program, including the replacement of Converter no. 3 in
the Steel Melting Shop was also deployed.
The Converter was delivered in parts, which
were assembled at 9 meters height (the
converter’s recipient weighting no less than
200 tons and its 160 tons ring), with no
disruption of the exiting traffic. The dismantling of the former converter was started
prior to the production stoppage so that the
erection works to the new echipent should
be synchronized with the ones carried out at
the Blast Furnace.
The converter replacement project had a
budget of 2,316 million Euros. Following
these investments, the SMS receives now
5,000 tons of hot metal per day, operating
in longer sequences with encouraging signs
on the quality of the fresh steel production.
The converter replacement project had a
budget of
2,316 million Euros.
ArcelorMittal Galati Corporate Responsibility Report 2014
Overview of 2014
We all understand the importance of protecting the environment, not only because the
development of the steel industry directly depends
on a good management of environmental resources, but also because environmental protection is essential in terms of human life standards,
for the current and future generations. Therefore,
in addition to steelmaking, we are trying to
achieve a balance between economic performance, social and environmental protection.
This is stated in our environmental policy. We
engage in the responsible management of
our assets, we focus on making high quality
products that do not affect the environment, while
maintaining a low impact on the environment by
2014 brought very good results in terms of improving environmental conditions in our unit.
A major accomplishment was improving the
performance of the Electrostatic Precipitator from
Sinter area: more than 50%, in terms of dust emissions concentration, allowing us to fall under new
Best Available Techniques limits for secondary
The same concept is applied to the rest of ESPs
from Sinter. We are focused also on stoppage
of water losses. The water consumption was reduced significantly: from 21 m3/t LS* to 12 m3/t LS.
For these achievements, our unit was rewarded
with the Europe Performance Excellence Awards,
for the environmental project based on Asset Reliability Maintenance Program.
Maintenance works performed on Blast Furnace
no. 5 led to a decrease in consumption of
materials with a high content of carbon: coal,
coke, natural gas.
A great benefit for our company was the implementation and continuous improvement of environmental management system, a fact that adds
value in relation with our clients’ requirements.
For raising awareness and observance of the
environmental policy message, the Environmental Protection Department maintains an open
dialogue with ArcelorMittal Galati employees,
suppliers, customers and neighboring communities. This open dialogue leads to the development
of projects to improve environmental quality.
* t LS -ton of liquid steel.
Mirela Dobrota, Head of the Environmental
Protection Department
Performance Excellence Awards – ArcelorMittal Galati among the winners!
ArcelorMittal Europe – Flat Products announced the winners of the Performance
Excellence Awards for 2013 – 2014.
The Performance Excellence Awards represent the perfect method to encourage the
best practices within the Group. All the ideas
and projects help us obtain better working
conditions for ourselves, better products for
our clients and better results for the Company, overall.
Our colleagues from ArcelorMittal Galati
won the award in the ‘Environmental protection’ category, with a project developed by
a transversal team and coordinated by the
Environmental Protection Department.
The project entitled ‘Environment achievements without CAPEX’ succeeded to decrease the water consumption from 21 m3/t
LS to 12 m3/t LS*, which is a very important
step towards the target of 8 m3/t LS. It also
succeeded to reduce the dust emissions
concentration by more than 50%, thus
improving the performance of ESP (Electric
Precipitators) from Sinter area.
ArcelorMittal Galati saved almost
EUR 15,7 Mil,
to be invested in production
* t LS -ton of liquid steel.
ArcelorMittal Galati Corporate Responsibility Report 2014
Evolution of CO2 emissions in
2010 – 2014
As it can be seen in the diagram, the CO2 emission
factor is on a downward trend since 2010.
In 2014, the Plant from Galati reported an amount
of 1,901 tons of CO2 per ton of liquid steel, 0,96 tons
less than 2013. This achievement was possible due
to ‘Energy Saving’ projects, which allowed the
reduction of the carbon footprint of
ArcelorMittal Galati, and works of modernization
performed on Blast Furnace no.5, starting from
2012. Also, these results are due to the reduction
of the total consumption of materials with high carbon content, such as coke and coal.
2014 – 1,901 tons
CO2 per ton of liquid steel
Evolution of the dust
In ArcelorMittal Galati, one of our major
commitments is to provide a clean and
health environment to our community.
Therefore, the quality of the air is very important for us, and we do our best to have good
results each year.
The Sinter Plant accounts for the highest
share of the total quantity of dust emissions.
The improvements done at primary de-dusting Sinter Machine 5-6, during September
2013 – 2014, with the purpose of reducing
dust emissions from over 100 mg/Nm3 to
under 50 mg/Nm3 (as required by the new
Emission Limit Value beginning with January
2015), led to a 9% decrease of dust emissions in this sector, as compared to 2013.
Also, the good results of works performed
at secondary de-dustings Sinter Machine 5
and Sinter Machine 6 in 2012 were maintained in 2014,as well.
48% reduction
of dust
emission quantity, as compared
to 2007
ArcelorMittal Galati Corporate Responsibility Report 2014
Water consumption in ArcelorMittal Galati
reduced by 50%
Energize Project
The Energize project, launched in October
2012, proves its efficiency year by year.
The biggest energy consumers of
ArcelorMittal Galati are the Blast Furnace
no.5, the Hot Strip Mill, Heavy Plate no. 2
and the Steel Melting Shop, accounting for
86% of the total energy consumption.
In most of these areas, in 2014 we recorded
a consumption decrease which varies from
2 and up to 12%.
The program, launched in 2010, was
designed to reduce the water consumption
in ArcelorMittal Galati and was continued
in 2014 with good achievements. The target
set by our specialists for 2014 was 12m3/
LS. However, we achieved 11,9 m3/LS, which
is 54% lower than in 2009, as shown in the
The goal of the project is that of reducing the
energy consumption of ArcelorMittal Galati
by 15% by the end of its implementation.
This can only be achieved by maintaining
an efficient system of Energy Management, by providing necessary resources
and information and by raising awareness
among our own employees and contractors
regarding the necessity to reduce the energy
consumption in their daily activities, personal
and job related.
The main actions which led to this achievement were:
The implementation of a water flow countering system;
The identification and removal of water losses from networks (network length ~ 1500km).
An improvement of the technical status of installations and equipment;
The replacement of valves and pumps;
The disconnection of stopped installations from water sources (SMS3, Billet Mill, Coke
Ovens Plant);
2012 vs YTD Energy consumption
reduced by 12,30% (GJ/t)
Cleaning Projects
Open Doors Day
Together for a cleaner Company!
On the occasion of the ‘Open Doors Day’
event, celebrated on 21st of June 2014, the
Environmental Protection Department had a
tent thematically designed, where children
were given the opportunity to win prizes
made of recycling materials, if they answered correctly to questions asked by our
In October 2014, ArcelorMittal Galati has
launched a new cleaning program, entitled
‘Together for a cleaner Company!’. Many
employees from all departments were
involved in this action and their joint efforts
received recognition in June 2015, on the
occasion of the World Environment Day.
Our colleagues celebrating the World Environment
Day, on 5th of June 2014
Protecting the
environment is not an
obligation, but a responsibility for each
and every one of us,
both at work and in
everyday life.
ArcelorMittal Galati Corporate Responsibility Report 2014
our community
ArcelorMittal Galati continues to
support the local medical system
In 2014, the Plant donated another four
state-of-the-art monitors that supervise and
measure the vital functions, for the Anesthetics and Intensive Care (A.T.I.) Unit of the
County Hospital Galati. “For a total of 45
beds, we have, now, 16 functional monitors,
eight of them donated by
ArcelorMittalGalati”, said Dr. Nicoleta Lupu,
Chief of Unit A.T.I..”These monitors save
lives”, she added. Furthermore, The “Burns”
Compartment from the “Plastic Surgery and
Reconstructive Microsurgery” Department
of the same hospital received another nine
air conditioning units, besides the five it
received last year. “Our unit is, now, completely equipped with air conditioning and
also with a new surgical table and a mesh
graft, meaning that our patients not only will
have higher comfort, but will recover more
quickly”, said Dr. Carmen Chelmus, Unit
“ArcelorMittal Galati investments in our
hospital cover critical problems that we
have to deal with”, said Dr. Mihaela Debita,
ArcelorMittal Galati Contributes
to the Health of the People from
the Nearby Communities
ArcelorMittal Galati supports the
development of palliative care in
ArcelorMittal Galati donated complete sets
of medical equipments, analysis kits and
sanitary supplies to the nearby communities from Sendreni, Vânatori and Smârdan
villages. Our support for the villages of Galati
County is completed with important slag
donations for repairing the infrastructure
elements affected by the floods and heavy
snow falls. Last but not least, our group of
volunteers organized numerous projects for
countryside families in social difficulty”.
„We would like to thank ArcelorMittal Galati
and all its employees for this generous donation. In our villages there are elder people
with poor incomes who cannot afford good
health services. The quality and the number
of the goods received from you is really
a dream for us!”, said Sicuta Murgu, the
Mayor of Vânatori village.
ArcelorMittal Galati financially supports,
since June 2014, an educational project
carried out for the first time in Galati by
HOSPTICE House of Hope, nongovernmental
organization, promoter of palliative care in
Romania. The educational project, launched
by HOSPICE House of Hope together with
ArcelorMittal, will gave 27 doctors and 20
medical assistants prepared to offer palliative care to the sick people in the county.
The project educates these professionals
through a wide range of activities. 5 scholarships were offered, that ensure access to
a series of 3 online courses of palliative
care. After these courses, the graduates will
received diplomas recognized by the Doctors College in Romania. Also, after finishing
a series of trainings, 2 doctors will obtained
the legal right to coordinate a palliative care
ArcelorMittal Galati Corporate Responsibility Report 2014
Enriching our community
Solidarity Holidays
ArcelorMittal Galati hosted for the first time,
the Solidarity Holidays, one of the most
important projects of the Group’s. Between
14 to 18 July, our unit, together with the NGO
Junior Achievement Romania organized a
summer school, where 32 pupils from seven
high schools Galati developed business
ideas to support the local community.
The young students learned in practice, how
to turn a need of the local community into an
opportunity so as to bring a positive change
for the city of Galati, whether working with
unemployed people, orphans or elderly.
The student teams were coordinated by
10 volunteer consultants from Kazakhstan,
Ukraine, India, Canada, Brazil, Belgium,
South Africa, USA and Luxembourg, involved
in the international volunteering program of
our company.
They have dedicated a week of their annual
leave to share, with the pupils of Galati,
from their expertise in various fields, such
as finance, maintenance, IT, design, human
resources, project management, etc.
Besides the training sessions, the agenda
included multicultural experiences, every
foreign volunteer bringing forth interactive presentations, including not only basic
information about their countries, but also
curiosities, traditions, costumes and dances.
In turn, the young people living on the Danube river bank introduced the international
volunteers to our cultural landmarks.
Solidarity Holidays program also included
a visit in the Plant, when our foreign colleagues interacted with their local counterparts at their working place and had the
opportunity to compare and share their
practices and also visits a retirement home
or at a kindergarten in the city, benefitting
from the support of our company.
At the end of the week’s work with high
school students, a number of business
ideas were figured out, the best three being
awarded. The winning team in Galati intends to set up a project focused on collecting plastic and turning it into fuel and energy
for the benefit of the inhabitants of Galati.
Thematic Sessions for students
“Maintenance of the Future in an Organization”
ArcelorMittal Galati started its 2014
Internship Program with a Thematic Session
dedicated to maintenance, one of our top
priorities. During the two days event, we
invited professors and 70 students from
universities in Galati, Iasi and Bucharest to
join us for an open and honest dialogue
about the challenges of the current business
environment and ways in which we can
ensure our future. Both professors and students had the opportunity to visit important
objectives of our unit, after participating at a
discussion with our C.E.O.
“Tales of the Heavy Plate”
The second Thematic Session of 2014 was
dedicated to revealing the stories behind
one of our main products, the heavy plate.
More than 100 students came to our plant
to visit Heavy Plate Mill no. 2 and afterwards
were invited to our club in the city to attend
a series of presentations made by our mill
specialists, who talked about major projects
developed recently on the shop floor.
ArcelorMittal Galati Launched
the Apprentice School
In 2014, ArcelorMittal Galati launched an
unique educational project, designed to
attract young workers and support the local
vocational education system. 20 young
pupils were selected to spend 6 months
in our plant and attend both technical and
soft skills training sessions and practical
sessions on the shop floors, all under the
guidance of a mentor.
“We are currently focusing on educational
projects, in order to identify, develop and
attract young talents, those who will become
the future generation of ArcelorMittal
employees. This program will allow us to
interact, train and offer them the opportunity
to start a career in our plant, as workers.”,
said Bruno Ribo, the Chief Executive Officer
of ArcelorMittal Galati
At the end of the 6 months period the pupils
will have to take a final exam and the best
of them will be hired as the main aim of the
project is to discover gifted pupils and make
them part of our teams, as ArcelorMittal
Summer School for students
36 students graduated the third edition of
the ArcelorMittal Galati Summer School,
part of the Internship Program. The students
worked for 2 months on actual projects,
in various areas of the plant (production,
maintenance, automation, audit, human
resources, etc) and – together with their
mentors, specialists of our unit - proposed
and implemented projects to improve our
operations. Also, the students attended
training sessions on various topics: communication skills, time management, presentation techniques and others.
The students presented their projects in a
ceremony organized at our club in the city, in
the presence of managers and mentors. 6
of them were hired as electrical, automation
and mechanical engineers.
ArcelorMittal Galati Corporate Responsibility Report 2014
Enriching our community
Ask the C.E.O.!
More than 120 students gathered in November 2014 in the Auditorium of the Engineering Faculty to meet Bruno Ribo, the C.E.O. of
ArcelorMittal Galati in an interactive session,
meant to introduce the young engineers
to the world of steel making. Bruno Ribo
presented the audience the main aspects of
our activity, the current context of our operations, our top priorities and our perspectives,
bringing forward the opportunities that the
students may have in terms of starting a
career in our Plant.
“We are constantly in partnership with the
community we operate in and with the
education system in particular and this is an
exercise of dialogue and transparency we
are having today”, addressed Bruno Ribo
the audience. The students were interested
in many facets of our activity, starting from
health and safety, environmental issues,
production figures up to human resources
aspects. They were presented with the
requirements our company has when
recruiting from among them, many of those
present asking details on how to join our
company or our future events organised
for the technical students. The meeting was
concluded with a voting session, based on
which our representatives had a chance
of getting a sense of the way our unit is
perceived in the community.
Rewarding oustanding pupils
In 2014, we rewarded excellence for the
8th year in a row. The unit offered financial
awards to pupils in our county with great
results at National School Olympics Contests. Over 30 youngsters who ranked the
first three positions at these contents were
invited, together with their parents and
professors to attend a ceremony organized
at our club in the city.
“We are constantly in partnership
with the community we operate
in and with the education system
in particular and this is an
exercise of dialogue and
transparency we are having
Bruno Ribo
Ceo of ArcelorMittal Galati
Our Children to the Fore
As part of our community, ArcelorMittal
Galati observes its social responsibility
obligations. With view to this, ArcelorMittal
Galati has adopted as priorities, a series
of local projects dedicated to education
and public health. In 2014, more than 600
children from three kindergartens in the
city have received donations consisting in
computers, projectors, printers, educational
software, meant to add value to the quality
of teaching. The little ones from “Arlechino”,
“Licurici” and “Pinochio” kindergartens
welcomed the visit of our representatives,
offering in turn some demos of the artistic
programs they have prepared with their
teachers to celebrate the winter holidays.
The program was designed as a multiannual plan and this action was organized this
year for the second time.
The core of volunteers of ArcelorMittal Galati
is focused on actions targeted especially at
helping families with children in social risk,
disabled people, institutionalized elders or
flood stricken communities.
23 actions
throughout 2014
More than
600 beneficiaries
Playing Santa’s Elves for Children in Orphanages
Humanitarian Shows
Before Christmas, the ArcelorMittal volunteers put up – for the second year – a
show for institutionalized children in Galati
County. Other employees from the Plant
were involved this time, playing the part of
Santa Clauses elves. Thus, 75 workmates
in ArcelorMittal Galati “stole” Santa’s mail
and offered an unforgettable Christmas
Little Filip is the son of an ArcelorMittal
Galati employee, working in the Finishing
Department. The 3 year-old boy suffers
from spastic cerebral paralysis, a condition
affecting his ability to walk and talk.
Since the surgery that Filip is supposed to
be subjected to is quite expensive, bighearted people took the initiative of organizing a series of shows in order to raise funds
for this operation. With almost no material
resources but with a great desire to come to
the aid of Philip, the organizers managed to
fill the room. Various artists, especially adolescents - some of them in turn with special
needs – performed on the stage, wishing to
contribute to Filip’s condition improvement.
The volunteers from ArcelorMittal Galati - as
co-organizers of this event, were actively
involved in selling tickets for the show,
ensuring the order in the hall, transporting
the disabled persons and other actions
taken before, during and after the shows.
The series of events reached their goal, the
amount of almost Euro 5,000 coming from
those who have shown that they care for
the needs of other people and Filip has now
a chance to live a normal life.
celebration to more than 40 children. These
underprivileged children got everything they
wished for from Santa and something more:
a sweets buffet and an artistic performance
of little artists. Emotions filled the air and by
the end of the show, both the children and
the grown-ups had their eyes filled with
tears of joy.
On December 4th, prior to the International
Volunteering Day, the local volunteers became the baptismal godparents of another
abandoned little girl, Ioana!
ArcelorMittal Galati Corporate Responsibility Report 2014
Transparent Governance
ArcelorMittal Galati, in a permanent dialogue with the authorities
Our business in Romania is not only about
industrial processes. We are a living body,
with multiple interactions with our communities. The way we have interacted with both
local and national authorities transformed
and evolved in the last years. We have
opened our gates with transparence and
honesty and we were pleased to see that
our work and efforts are of interest for the
Romanian State and for the local communities. The steel producers’ voices are now
better heard and their difficulties are on
the authorities agendas. This means that
there are conditions for Romania to remain
an important steel producer in Europe.
The public might be aware of our efforts to
explain the difficulties we faced regarding
the Energy Dossier. We can see now that our
arguments were understood and things are
going in the right direction. Our fruitful and
permanent discussions with the authorities
are not only about energy but about ensuring the conditions for improving the entire
business environment in Romania, in all the
layers. Directly and through our professional
associations we are part of, our voice will
continue to be heard, in the best benefit of
the Romanian Industry and its people.
During 2014, ArcelorMittal Galati, together
with impotant bussines association:
ABIEC (Association of Big Industrial Energy
Consumers), CONPIROM (Confederation of
Romanian Employers from Industry) and
UniRomSider ( Romanian Steel Producers’
Union) , expressed its concern regarding
the measures which need to be taken by
the Government, in order to maintain a competitive and stable environment in Romania.
The main problems faced by the Romanian
industry are represented by the high prices
for electricity and natural gas, these being restated in every seminar, forum and
speaker meeting that our representatives
attended in 2014.
High Officials Visited our plant
The Prime-Minister of Romania, Mr. Victor
Ponta, came to Galati in the fall of 2014 with
a delegation which included the Minister
of Energy, the Minister of Labor and the
Minister of Health. Another important policy
maker who visited us was the Chairman of
the Romanian Senate, Mr. Calin Popescu
Tariceanu. Also, Mr.Klaus Johannis, currently
the President of Romania, visited the platform. “The Steel Plant is very important not
only for Galati, but for Romania. It is important for our country to attract investors and to
create the proper frame to keep the investments here. I congratulate the management
of the Plant because – among other notable
achievements – they succeeded to reduce
significantly the energy consumption and the
pollution.”, he said.
Mr.Klaus Johannis, currently the
President of Romania, visited the
platform. “The Steel Plant is very
important not only for Galati, but
for Romania.”
Ionel Bors
Country Manager ArcelorMittal Romania.
ArcelorMittal Galati Corporate Responsibility Report 2014
Transparent Governance
Group Policies
Grievance/complaint procedure
Our governance framework underpins how
our company is led, managed and structured, from the composition of our Board
of directors, to the way we expect each
employee to behave. We believe in open
and visible governance, underpinned by
a commitment to operating ethically and
transparently. We have robust processes
in place to ensure we identify and manage
our risks and understand the true impacts
on both our operations and our supply
chain. We also invest considerable time and
resources in engaging with our stakeholders. Our commitment is to have group
policies and a code of business conduct that
all employees understand and live by and
to continuously improve and enhance our
compliance program.
A complaint/grievance should include the
following: surname, name, patronymic
name of the complainant, place of residence, concern of the complaint or grievance, proposal of solution, if any. Complaints in written form should be signed by
the complainant(s) with statement of date.
Complaints executed with fault will be sent
back to the complainant with relevant explanations within maximum 10 days from the
date of receipt.
Grievance mechanism
The purpose of a grievance mechanism is to
demonstrate responsiveness to stakeholders’ complaints. Direct channels of grievance are now designed for stakeholders
such as: employees (for law and internal
regulations violation), environmental NGOs
and public (for environmental topics), unions
and employees representatives (for Human
Resources and safety topics) and for mass
media. All stakeholders are encouraged to
submit written grievances and are reassured that written submissions will not be
used in any way to intimidate those submitting the complaints.
ArcelorMittal Whistleblower
employees received Code of
Business Conduct training
employees received Data Protection Policy training
The claims to the Whistleblower line are
analyzed and solved by the Internal Audit,
a team of 10 internal auditors. This structure
performs audit engagements on all business processes (Procurement, Operations,
Human Resources, Finance, Payroll, Environment, Sales etc.) During 2014, a number of
13 complaints was received via Whistleblower, of which 6 were handled by the Management, 6 were investigated by the Forensic
and one was covered in Audits.
employees received Human
Rights Policy training
Hotline website:
Hotline e-mail:
Phone numbers: 0800 89 6794 – from outside the company
3248 – from inside the company
In compliance with the country’s law and ArcelorMittal Data Protection Policy, the private data derived from the complaints will not be
disclosed without his/her consent, as well as information on state secrets or other protected by law and other information derived from
the complaints will not be disclosed if it infringes the rights and legitimates interests of the complaints.
Transparent Governance
90, 824 working hours, zero violation
of Cardinal Rules, inside the Euro 7,261
million budget
Blast Furnace No. 5, our strategic asset,
which can produce alone, 2 million tons of
hot metal per year, has been relined and
revamped in 2011, following an investment
of over 80 million Euro by a strong local
team, with the support of experts at the
Group level.
The investment in BF 5, made in 2014,
amounts to 7.26 million euro, but the project
generates 8 million euro cost improvements
per year after a ramp-up of one year, taking
into account the current market conditions,
forcing us to operate with a lower output of
1.6 million tons per year at present.
ArcelorMittal Galati Corporate Responsibility Report 2014
Editorial Team
Bruno Ribo – Country Head
Ionel Bors - Country Manager
Dorian Dumitrescu – Country Communicator
Oana Vasile -Corporate Responsibility Coordinator
Raluca Lefter – Public Relations Specialist
Theodora Maria Gatin – Public Relations Specialist
Laurentiu Iordache – Photo and Layout
ArcelorMittal Galati Corporate Responsibility Report 2014