Annual Report 2008 PGP
Annual Report 2008 PGP
Annual Report 2008 2008 Annual Report PGP PGP Achievements 2007 in brief A total of 58 papers were published in Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) recognized journals. This corresponds to about 3.3 ISI papers per senior scientific staff man year. About 45% were in high-impact (top 3) journals including Nature, Physical Review Letters, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, and Geology. 39 ISI articles are currently in press or already published in 2009 by March 20. PGP has become a major player in the international science community as well as in the public domain. The numbers of invited scientific talks (48 in 2008) is limited by how many invitations we choose to accept. The number of contributed presentations at conferences was 136 (85 at international meetings outside Norway) and is limited by the PGP budget. PGP scientists organized 5 special sessions and workshops at international meetings (including American Geophysical Union (AGU) in San Francisco and IGC 2008). In addition, 5 internal seminars were organized including the 21st Kongsberg seminar on ‘Fragmentation processes in the Earth’, which was attended by about 15 leading international scientists as well as PGP staff and students. PGP carried out 10 fieldtrips in 6 countries on 3 continents. The field trips included international and national collaborators and students. geological wintermeeting in January 2009; Marcin Krotkiewski won the best poster award at the 7th Annual meeting in high performance computing and infrastructure in Norway in May 2008, and Alban Souche who spent several months at PGP during his Masters project received an award for the best Master thesis in geology at the University of Strassbourg. Among the seniors, Trond Torsvik was elected a member of the Danish Academy in 2008 and was also elected to direct a research group at the Center for Advanced Studies at the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters in 2010-2011. Francois Renard received the prestigious ‘Institute Universitaire de France’ award, and PGP postdoc Christophe Raufast received the French Rheological Associations prize for best PhD thesis in November 2008 160 PGP products 2003-2008 140 120 100 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 80 60 5 students (2 PhD and 3 Masters) graduated from PGP. 24 out of the 26 students who graduated from PGP so far have full time paid jobs. 9 are working in petroleum related businesses, 10 are in academia. 7 former PGP post docs and senior researchers are working in academic institutions abroad. 40 20 0 Papers in reviewed journals Papers in press Papers in books, proceedings TV & Radio Newspapers & magazines Invited talks Conf. Presentations 4 Guest students visited PGP for one semester, and 15 invited scientists gave talks at PGP in 2008. 400 About 10 MNOK of the total 2008 budget of 42 MNOK came from externally funded projects, including 9 NFR projects and 2 projects sponsored by StatoilHydro (to PGP via NGU) and Aker Exploration. PGP ISI citations 350 300 250 200 Several PGP students received awards and recognitions in 2008. Luiza Angheluta received an ‘Outstanding student poster award’ for her presentation at the 2007 AGU meeting in San Francisco; Torbjørn Bjørk received the prize for the best Master thesis in geoscience for 2006-2008 at the Norwegian 2 150 100 50 0 2003 PGP Annual Report 2008 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Table of Contents PGP Achievements 2008 in brief............................................ 2 Directors comments ................................................................. 4 Physics of Geological Processes .............................................. 5 Mission Statement ................................................................. 5 Main Challenges ...................................................................... 5 Aim ............................................................................................. 5 Scientific status – Main projects ............................................ 6 A. Geodynamics ........................................................................ 7 B. Fluid processes................................................................... 16 C. Localisation processes...................................................... 32 D. Microstructures.................................................................. 38 E. Interface processes ......................................................... 44 Education ................................................................................... 52 Petromax and Industry funded projects .............................. 54 Public relations ......................................................................... 55 Organisation ............................................................................ 56 Infrastructure and laboratories ............................................ 59 Finances ..................................................................................... 61 Appendices ............................................................................... 63 List of staff .......................................................................... 64 Student list ........................................................................... 66 Numerical models ................................................................. 68 Registered field work .......................................................... 69 Project portfolio .................................................................. 69 Invited talks 2008 ................................................................. 72 Experimental laboratory activities .................................... 72 Production list ....................................................................... 74 PGP Annual Report 2008 3 Director’s comments PGP is in its last half. The output of our main product, high quality papers has risen strongly during the last three years. From a level of 20-25 PGP-papers in Institute for Scientific Information (ISI-) journals during the first couple of years, we are up to 58 in 2008. About 50% of these are in the top physics and earth sciences journals (in terms of impact factor), including 1 in Nature, 1 in Nature physics, 1 in Reviews in geophysics, 1 in Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics, 3 in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 3 in Geology, and 11 papers in Earth and Planetary Science Letters. A Nature geoscience paper was furthermore published in February 2009. Although 80% are published in earth science journals (and 20% in physics), we consider 50% of the papers to be truly cross disciplinary in the sense that they are based on a combination of competences that cannot be found in a traditional discipline-oriented research group. About 25% of all papers are co-authored by both geoscientists and physicists, and many of those produced by geoscientists only are co-authored by both field geologists and ‘modelers’. The papers produced by PGP staff in the period 2003-2008 are on average cited about 3,5 times per year. This is very satisfactory for any branch of Earth Sciences, and in particular for cross-disciplinary research which tends to be cited less than the more established disciplines. PGP continues to produce young researchers for the international academic market. Senior researcher Stephane Santucci left at the end of 2008 to take on a permanent CNRS position at ENS Lyon, and postdoc Timm John accepted an assistant professor position at the University of Münster. Former postdoc Espen Jettestuen got a position as researcher at IRIS (the International Research Institute of Stavanger). He will however, keep an adjunct researcher positon at PGP. Among our students, Marcin Dabrowski continues as a postdoc and group coordinator at PGP after having received his PhD in June. Evgeny Tanzerev finished in September and accepted a postdoc position at NTNU. Three Masters students graduated in October. Yngve Ydersbond now works with in the company Kjeller vindteknikk AS, Munib Sarwar has been engaged in a short term contract with PGP, whereas Ola Eriksen works for the company Volcanic Basin and Petroleum Research. By the end of 2008, 26 students have graduated from 4 PGP. 24 of these are in paid jobs. 9 are working in petroleum companies or in companies doing petroleum-related business, 10 remain in academic environments. PGP continued to receive a high level of media coverage in 2008 including continued coverage of our studies of the Lusi mud volcano in Indonesia. Interviews with PGP researcher Adriano Mazzini have been published in a wide range of media including: radio interviews by BBC and DradioDeutschlandfunk, aricles in Geoscientist, Geotimes, New Scientist, National Geographic, Süddeutsche Zeitung, and a large number of online newspapers and magazines. PGP researchers launched two new popular book projects in 2008. Henrik Svensen received a grant from the Norwegian Non-Fiction Writers and Translators Association to support his work on the book “Fjellenes historie” (the history of the mountains) in 2008. His 2006 book “Enden er nær” was published in English in 2008 (with the title “The End is Nigh: A History of Natural Disasters”). The second book project “Reisen til istiden” (The journey to the ice age) is based on a fieldtrip to Greenland with part-time PGP-geologist and project leader Ebbe Hartz, his collaborator Niels Hovius (University lecturer at Cambridge University) and their sons Torjus and Miro. The book has been accepted as ‘hovedbok’ (main book) by Den norske Bokklubben, which will secure a broad distribution in Norway. Moreover, the expedition to Greeland will be covered through 5 episodes of the popular NRK-TV science program Newton. PGP-Art from the geo-pattern inspired exhibit ‘Geoprints’ by rd ‘our’ artist Ellen Karin Mæhlum was displayed at the 33 International Geological Conference at Lillestrøm in August. A new exhibit by Mæhlum, inspired by compaction experiments, was opened in one of our own laboratories. To prepare for the post CoE periode, it is now PGP’s strategy to expand our project portfolio from EU, the industry, and other external sources. We also encourage initiation of projects with visible relevance towards energy and environment. This is reflected by our most recent major projects: Two EUprojects started, or was granted, in 2008. The EU Network project ‘Delta-min’, includes Haakon Austrheim, Bjørn Jamtveit, and two new PhD students (Jörn Hövelmann and Oliver Plümper). Our new postdoc, Julien Scheibert, received an EU PGP Annual Report 2008 Physics of Geological Processes Mission Statement Our mission is to obtain Marie Curie grant for his project ‘Earthcracks’ in collaboration with Dag Dysthe and others at PGP. Paul Meakin and collaborators got a major grant for the project ‘Mechanism of primary migration’ from NFR’s PETROMAX program, whereas Torgeir Andersen and others got funding from VISTA for the project ‘thermal evolution of sedimentary basins above large shear zones and detachments’. Alban Souche is a new PhD student in this project. Two new PhD’s were funded directly from UiO: One in a collaborative project on CO -sequestration between Haakon Aus2 trheim and Per Aagaard at the department of geosciences in Oslo. Andreas Beinlich started his PhD on this project in September. Marcin Krotkiewski received a PhD to work with Dani Schmid and collaborators from CMA (Center for Mathematics of Application), another CoE in Oslo. During its first 6 years of existence, PGP has grown into one of Europe’s leading research groups focusing on fundamental geological processes. Our prime goals are to continue our cross-disciplinary crusade to provide quantitative understanding of how the Earth works and to produce students with a unique competence to address problems of relevance for both science and society. • a fundamental and quantitative understanding of the Earth’s complex patterns and processes • efficient ways of transmitting our basic research to the educational system, the industry and the public Main Challenges Our main challenges are • establishing an adequate conceptual framework for dealing with the Earth’s complex materials and processes • attracting highly qualified national and international scientists and students Aim Our aim is to establish an interdisciplinary science centre that includes scientists from the fields of Physics, Geology, and Applied Mathematics • where geological processes are approached by integrated fieldwork, experiments, theory and computer modelling • with an active and challenging program for master students • with active support from commercial enterprises, national and international foundations, and public agencies PGP Annual Report 2008 5 Scientific status – Main projects Introduction From August 2006 PGP merged previous research activities into five main projects: Interface processes, the dynamics of microstructures, localization processes, fluid processes, and the dynamics of plate margins. The coupling between fundamental processes across various time and length scales plays an important role in almost all natural systems. The linkage across scales leads to the emergence of spatial and temporal patterns, as cooperative phenomena. A comprehensive understanding of these phenomena is essential if we wish to explain the behaviour of systems with natural complexity, and develop ways of predicting and controlling their behaviour to protect the environment, secure natural resources and assess natural hazards. Figure 1 shows how the five core projects are linked, with some of the most important feedbacks between the four scales. Fluids are unique in the sense that they play a key role at all scales – sometimes merely as a transport medium or agent, and sometimes as a chemically active ingredient. The coupling across scales and the role of fluids are common denominators in the PGP research activities. The activities within the five core groups are described below. Schematic diagram illustrating the linking between the 5 core projects and the ‘scale independent’ role of fluids. 1) Stress induced macrosteps on a NaClO3 crystal surface coarsen in time, resulting in an unstressed skin and this has mechanical strengthening implications for larger-scale deformation processes. 2) Finite element simulation of exsolution and microstructural evolution in feldspar. 3) 3D finite element calculation of the deformation, interaction, and bulk properties in a system of particles in a matrix of another phase. 4) Deformation, strain partitioning, and clast interaction in high strain shear zone (mylonite). 5) Anastamosing deformation bands formed in porous sandstones are strain hardening, brittle faults that strongly influence mechanical stability and fluid flow. 6) Thermal structure, volcanism and fracturing in a subduction zone. 7) Large scale fracturing (image ≈20 meters across) with associated fluid migration, mineral reactions and metamorphism of initial rock from granulite to amphibolite. 6 PGP Annual Report 2008 A. Geodynamics 1. Towards a global reference frame linking plate motions and processes in the deep Earth interior Integration of plate tectonics and mantle dynamics requires first of all that we know the palaeo-motions of the plates and can thus reliably reconstruct plate positions through time. We analyzed several different reference frames and for the first time developed a unifying approach for connecting a hotspot track system and a paleomagnetic absolute plate reference system into a ‘hybrid’ global model for the time period from the assembly of Pangea to the present. For the last 100 Ma we use a moving hot spot reference frame that takes mantle convection into account, and we have connected this to a pre–100 o Ma global palaeomagnetic frame adjusted 5 in longitude to smooth the reference frame transition (Torsvik et al. 2008a). Motion of continents relative to the Earth’s spin axis may be either due to motion of individual continents or due to rotation of the entire Earth relative to its spin axis: True Polar Wander (TPW). We have therefore devised two different plate motion reference frames: one without correction of TPW (Torsvik et al. 2008a) to be used in classical palaeogeographic reconstructions and one with TPW correction. Steinberger & Torsvik (2008) developed a novel approach to determine TPW by computing the global average of continental motion and rotation through time in a palaeomagnetic reference frame. In this way, they were able to separate motions with the characteristics of TPW (“stop-and-go” motions, in particular coherent rotations of all continents around a point close to their common centre of mass) from those motions characteristic for continents moving over the underlying mantle (gradual and slowly changing over long times). Figure A1. Continental Drift through Plate Tectonics to Mantle Dynamics: Reconstruction of Pangea (c. 300 Ma) according to (a) Wegener (1915; relative fit with Africa fixed), (b) Torsvik & Cocks (2005; palaeomagnetic reconstruction without longitudes), and (c) Torsvik et al (2008c) based on the hybrid absolute reference frame (Torsvik et al. 2008b) in which longitudes are ‘known’. We show the latter together with Large Low Shear wave Velocity Provinces (LLSVPs) at the core-mantle-boundary (CMB). Our reconstruction in the hybrid frame suggests that all large igneous provinces (LIPs), incuding. the 300 Ma Skagerrak centered LIP (yellow star), are caused by deep plumes that originated from the margins of the LLSVPs, near the thick white line, at the CMB. PGP Annual Report 2008 7 A. Geodynamics Using plate-driving force arguments and the mapping of reconstructed Large Igneous Provinces to Core–Mantle Boundary topography (Torsvik et al. 2008b,c) we can for the first time link plate reconstructions to mantle geodynamic models as far back as Pangea times. A reliable plate motion reference is also important and in many cases critical for improving understanding in fields as diverse as palaeogeography, palaeobiology, long-term environmental evolution, tectonics and Earth history on the grandest scale. References Steinberger, B., Torsvik, T.H. 2008. Absolute plate motions and true polar wander in the absence of hotspot tracks. Nature, 452, 620-623. Torsvik, T.H., Cocks, L.R.M., 2004. Earth geography from 400 to 250 million years: a palaeomagnetic, faunal and facies review. Journal Geol. Soc. Lond. 161, 555-572. Torsvik, T.H., Müller, R.D., Van der Voo, R., Steinberger, B. & Gaina, C., 2008a. Global Plate Motion Frames: Toward a unified model. Reviews of Geophysics, 46, RG3004, doi:10.1029/2007RG000227. Torsvik, T.H., Steinberger, B., Cocks, L.R.M., Burke, K. 2008b. Longitude: Linking Earth’s ancient surface to its deep interior. Earth Planet Science Letters, 276, 273283. Torsvik, T.H., Smethurst, M.A., Burke, K., Steinberger, B. 2008c. Long term stability in Deep Mantle structure: Evidence from the ca. 300 Ma Skagerrak-Centered Large Igneous Province (the SCLIP). Earth Planetary Science Letters 267, 444-452. Wegener, A. 1915. Die Entstehung der Kontinente und Ozeane. 8 PGP Annual Report 2008 A. Geodynamics 2. Stability of Boundary Layers in Turbulent Mantle Convection Models We investigated the stability of boundary layer anomalies of the Earth’s mantle under conditions of vigorous convection. Geophysical studies have revealed the existence of pronounced shear wave velocity anomalies both in regions at the top and bottom of the mantle. At the cold top boundary, Archean cratons exhibit positive shear wave anomalies down to depth exceeding 200 km, suggesting anomalously low temperatures in cratonic keels. Archean cratons contain all of the major diamond deposits on our planet. Dating of diamond inclusions from Archean kimberlite pipes yielded Archean ages for the formation of the diamonds, meaning that Archean lithosphere has been cold and stable ever since its formation in the Archean. These petrological evidences have recently been questioned based on evidence of craton instability in numerical mantle convection models. We devised a new, dynamic thermal Finite Element Method (FEM) mantle convection model and apply more realistic viscosity ratios between the cold, rigid lithosphere and the hot sublithospheric mantle. Our assumptions about realistic viscosity ratios are based on extrapolation of results from laboratory experiments to the low temperatures inside cratonic keels. Previous models have applied only moderate viscosity ratios, resulting in unrealistically soft model cratons which were readily eroded by vigorous mantle convection. We show that sufficiently large viscosity ratios are needed to prevent craton erosion for long geological time and deliver a quantitative relationship between Rayleigh number, viscosity ratio, thickness of the initial anomaly, i.e. the model craton, and time to instability of the craton (Figure A2). The derived relationship shows that cratons can be stable for billions of years when more realistic viscosity ratios are applied. In our model, we apply a viscoelastic rheology which takes into account that the lithosphere behaves elastically on geological times whereas the sublithospheric mantle behaves like a viscous fluid. We found no significant difference between viscous and viscoelastic models for the question of craton stability (Beuchert et al., 2009). Yet, stress fields inside the lithosphere differ significantly between viscous and viscoelastic rheologies (Figure A3). Thus, if accurate stresses are to be predicted inside the lithosphere in dynamic mantle convection simulations, a viscoelastic rheology is required. Computation of accurate stress distributions is essential when more realistic, stress-dependent processes like power law creep, shear heating and plasticity are to be explored. Our newly developed incompressible viscoelastic FEM convection code will thus serve as an important tool for future investigations of mantle processes focused on the lithosphere (Beuchert and Podladchikov, 2009b). Whereas stability of cratonic keels can be explained from large viscosity ratios, stability of the boundary layer at the base of the mantle, LLSVPs (Figure A1c) cannot be due to high viscosities. Instead, the viscosities inside LLSVPs are presumably lower than in the surrounding lower mantle due to existence of melt fractions (e.g., Lay et al., 2006) and/or increased iron content. Although the gravitational stability of LLSVPs can be explained from the increased density of LLSVP material, as evidenced from geophysical investigations, the dynamic stability of low viscous LLSVPs under the influence of vigorous mantle convection is still to be explained. To this end, we conducted mantle convection simulations where we model LLSVPs as dense, low viscous material with the transition between surrounding mantle and LLSVPs being a phase boundary between solid and partially molten material. Our modeling results show that LLSVPs can remain stable and that their steep-sided shape and coherence can be dynamically sustained due to cold downwellings to the sides of LLSVPs (Figure A4). These downwellings sweep the dense, low viscous anomalies into piles. The resistance to mixing of LLSVP material with the surrounding mantle is alleviated due to (i) effective decoupling between low viscous anomalies and surrounding mantle and (ii) the fact that we assume a phase boundary between solid surrounding mantle and partially molten material inside LLSVPs. Thus, flow can penetrate through this phase boundary without significantly disturbing the shape of LLSVPs. Whereas we observe stability of LLSVPs at the base of the mantle in our numerical model, we found a pronounced lack of lateral stability of LLSVPs. This is in apparent contrast to the observation that the two pronounced LLSVPs under Africa and the Pacific remained near the equator, i.e. laterally stable, over long geological times (Figure A1c). The lack of lateral stability of LLSVPs in our numerical model indicates that an additional, equatorward directed force is required to explain long-term near-equatorial (i.e. lateral) stability of LLSVPs. We suggest that centrifugal forces can account for collection of an anomalously dense, low viscous material and subsequent stabilization of LLSVPs near the equator. We support our suggestion by an open channel flow approximation in which dense LLSVPs material can flow towards the equator under the influence of centrifugal forces in relatively short time given realistically low viscosities (Beuchert and Podladchikov, 2009a). PGP Annual Report 2008 9 A. Geodynamics Figure A2: (a) Phase diagram for upper mantle convections. Filled circles: Model craton stable for > 1 b.y., crossed, open circle: craton unstable within 1 b.y. Color contours show the time to instability tunstable (logarithm of years). From these results and those for whole mantle simulations, we derived a quantitative relationship between Ra is the Rayleigh number, μr is the viscosity ratio and δc the ratio of domain height to thickness of the anomaly, i.e. the craton. The data fit is given in (b) by red curve. The fit holds both for viscous (open circles) and viscoelastic simulations (points). Figure A3: Distribution of effective stress (right) in a thermal convection (temperature field shown on the left) simulation of the upper mantle (660 km) after 100 m.y. simulation time for Deborah numbers De = 0 (viscous), 10-9 and 10-7. Bottom heating Rayleigh number Ra=2x107, exponential temperature-dependent viscosity maximum viscosity ratio μr=μ(Tmin)/ μ(Tmax)=1010. The stress distribution within the lithosphere differs substantially between viscous (De=0) and viscoelastic simulations. Increasing the Deborah number results in an increase in thickness of the elastically responding lithospheric keel. Top and bottom boundaries are zero traction (free slip) boundaries, sides are periodic (wrap-around). Temperatures are fixed at minimum and maximum values at top and bottom, respectively. 10 PGP Annual Report 2008 A. Geodynamics Figure A4: (a) Temperature distribution after 440 m.y. of simulation time. The black contour shows the limit of partially molten material in the basal piles. Plumes are episodically emanating from the sides and top of the piles. (b) Close up view of the area indicated by the box in a). The hottest regions are located at the edges of the pile and are swept to the sides by the convective flow inside the pile. Arrows indicate flow inside the pile. The structure obtained in our numerical model is in excellent agreement with (c) structural interpretation of LLSVPs/ULVZs based on seismic data (picture modified from Lay et al., 2006). Pv: perovskite, pPv: post-perovskite. References Beuchert, M.J., Podladchikov, Y.Y. 2009a. Long-term stability of Large Low Shear Velocity Provinces (LLSVPs) at the base of the mantle and near the equator. (to be submitted to EPSL). Beuchert, M.J., Podladchikov, Y.Y. 2009b. Viscoelastic mantle convection and lithospheric stresses. (to be submitted to GJI). Beuchert, M.J., Podladchikov, Y.Y., Simon, N.S.C., Ruepke, L.H. 2009. Modeling of craton stability using a viscoelastic rheology. (to be submitted to GJI). Lay, T., Hernlund, J., Garnero, E.J., Thorne, M.S. 2006. A post-perovskite lens and D ‘’ heat flux beneath the central Pacific. Science, 314(5803): 1272-1276. PGP Annual Report 2008 11 A. Geodynamics 3. Work on Caledonian high and ultra-high pressure rocks in western Norway The joint work between T.B. Andersen (PGP) and Brad Hacker (UCSB) on burial and exhumation of high- and ultra-high pressure rocks in the Western Gneiss Region of Norway have been going on with collaborators at University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB) commenced before PGP was established. Since 2003 this collaboration has resulted in several joint publications. A review manuscript compiled by Hacker and Andersen summarizing the results including work by two jointly supervised PhD students (David Young, PhD, UCSB 2005 and Scott Johnston, PhD, UCSB 2006) since 2003 was submitted to Tectonophysics (December 2008). The paper summarizes a wealth of data on structure, metamorphism and age-determinations from the northern part of the WGR, and presents the unified results of our joint research papers published since 2003 (Hacker et al. 2003, Johnston et al. 2007, Young et al. 2007). The paper gives an interpretation of the exhumation from 1.8 to ca 2.8 GPa eclogite corresponding to the lower stability field of coesite, not very different than the much referred by Andersen and coworkers (1991). This model does, however, not explain exhumation from diamond to majorite pressure conditions know form other studies to be present in the UHP part of the region (Vrijmoed 2009, Vrijmoed et al. 2006). A summary map of structure, metamorphic and some of the geochronological data is shown in Figure A5, from Hacker et al. (submitted). Of special interest here are the UHP domains which are exposed in cores of antiformal culminations that also fold isobars (notice the trend of the 2.8 GPa isobar). 12 References Andersen, T. B., Jamtveit, B., Dewey, J. F., Swensson, E. 1991. Subduction and Eduction of ContinentalCrust - Major Mechanisms during Continent-Continent Collision and Orogenic Extensional Collapse, a Model Based on the South Norwegian Caledonides. Terra Nova, 3, 303-310. Hacker, B. R., Andersen, T. B., Johnston, S., KylanderClark, A., Peterman, E., Walsh, E., Young, D. Deformation during continental margin subduction and exhumation: The Ultrahigh-Pressure Western Gneiss Region of Norway. Tectonophysics (Submitted). Hacker, B. R., Andersen, T. B., Root, D. B., Mehl, L., Mattinson, J. M., Wooden, J. L. 2003. Exhumation of high-pressure rocks beneath the Solund Basin, Western Gneiss Region of Norway. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 21, 613-629. Johnston, S., Hacker, B. R., Andersen, T. B. 2007. Exhuming Norwegian ultrahigh-pressure rocks: Overprinting extensional structures and the role of the NordfjordSogn Detachment Zone. Tectonics, 26, TC5001, doi:10.1029/2005TC001933. Young, D. J., Hacker, B. R., Andersen, T. B., Corfu, F. 2007. Prograde amphibolite facies to ultrahigh-pressure transition along Nordfjord, western Norway: Implications for exhumation tectonics. Tectonics, 26, TC1007, doi:10.1029/2004TC001781, 2007. Vrijmoed, J. C. 2009. Physical and chemical interaction in the interior of the Caledonian mountains of Norway University of Oslo. Unpublished PhD thesis, 200 pp. Vrijmoed, J. C., Van Roermund, H. L. M., Davies, G. R. 2006. Evidence for diamond-grade ultra-high pressure metamorphism and fluid interaction in the Svartberget Fe–Ti garnet peridotite–websterite body, Western Gneiss Region, Norway. Mineralogy and Petrology, 88, 381-405. PGP Annual Report 2008 A. Geodynamics Figure A5. Map of the study area in the northern part of the Western Gneiss Region. Color shades grey to green shows increasing (dark green) intensity of the Caledonian deformation. The western parts and the area adjacent to the Caledonian nappes and near the Nordfjord-Sogn Detachment zone are more intensely deformed. Eclogite facies isobars increase westwards from the first appearance of eclogites (ca 1.8 GPa) to the ultrahigh-pressure domains (>2.8 GPa). Notice also that the sphene ages are reset to late Caledonian ages in the west and that precambrian sphene ages are pervasively preserved in the southeast. The UHP domains are defined by mapping in the project and by Vrijmoed et al. (2006). PGP Annual Report 2008 13 A. Geodynamics 4. Stress-drop determinations from subduction related palaeoearthquakes in mantle rocks from Alpine Corsica Results of PGP research on blueschist and eclogite facies pseudotachylytes in the Alpine parts of Corsica has been published in 2 previous papers (Andersen & Austrheim 2006, Austrheim & Andersen 2004). A new study was published in Geology in 2008 (Andersen et al. 2008). This study uses very small faults with constrained minimum displacement and decorated by thin films of ultramafic pseudotachylyte to constrain the stress during seismic faulting that formed the pseudotahylyte. The results show that near complete adiabatic melting of the spinel and plagioclase lherzolites took place during the faulting (Figure A6). This joint PGP effort has uncontrovertably show that mantle lithosphere is able to sustain very large stresses during subduction/collision. We have demonstrated that stress-drops of more than 5.8 kbar were released by earthquakes at intermediate depth (≥1.5 GPa). These minimum stresses were obtained by calculating the minimum release of energy that goes into formation (heating + melting) of pseudotachylytes along faults with known minimum displacements (Figure A6). The textures of the quenched melts in the pseudotachylytes also demonstrate that static crystallization took place after the faulting, implying that very low stresses was present in the rock and more or less complete stress-drop during the co-seismic faulting. References Andersen, T. B., Austrheim, H. 2006. Fossil earthquakes recorded by pseudotachylytes in mantle peridotite from the Alpine subduction complex of Corsica. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 242, 58-72. Andersen, T. B., Mair, K., Austrheim, H., Podladchikov, Y. Y., Vrijmoed, J. C. 2008. Stress release in exhumed intermediate and deep earthquakes determined from ultramafic pseudotachylyte. Geology, 36, 995-998. Austrheim, H. K., Andersen, T. B. 2004. Pseudotachylytes from Corsica: fossil earthquakes from a subduction complex. Terra Nova, 16, 193-197. John, T., Medvedev, S. Rüpke, L., Andersen, T. B., Podladchikov, Y.Y., Austrheim, H. 2009. Generation of intermediate-depth earthquakes by self-localizing thermal runaway. Nature Geoscience, 2, 137-140 The work on the Corsican pseudotachylytes has been carried out as a collaboration between the geodynamic and localization group, and the results of the stress determinations have already been used in new work by PGP researchers on mechanism of intermediate to deep earthquakes (John et al. 2009). The work continues in 2009 with focus on the petrology of the ultramafic pseudotachylytes. 14 PGP Annual Report 2008 A. Geodynamics Figure A6. (A) Small fault cutting gabbro vein in peridotite with measurable minimum displacement. Notice drill sampling of fault rock in the peridotite ca 20 cm from the gabbro vein. (B) Micrograph of fractured and melted (dark brown to black material) along micro-fault-strands in the peridotite.Samle from drill core in a. (C) EBS image of small pseudotachylyte fault and injection vein from the peridotite. (D) Detail of new-formed olivine dendritic crystals growing from the melt in small fault vein. PGP Annual Report 2008 15 B. Fluid processes Introduction 1. Venting and climate effects The Fluid Processes group at PGP continues the activities from previous years in partly overlapping subjects of venting and climate effects, fluidised systems, pockmarks, sill emplacement, and violent processes. These will be discussed in more detail below. Each of these has links to other groups at PGP: sill emplacement and fluidised systems with interface processes; violent processes with localisation and fragmentation; venting and climate effects with large-scale dynamics. We are large users of the Norwegian computing infrastructure system through the NOTUR project, have published a score of scientific papers, and participated in a variety of international conferences. Central Scientific Problem Gases are produced when sedimentary rocks are heated by magmatic intrusions. For instance in the Salton Sea area in southern California, sediment degassing is an active process occuring today, and has been used as a field site for PGP the last seven years. Ongoing studies focus on time series analysis of temperature at hydrothermal seeps, and the fluxes of greenhouse gas emissions. On a larger scale, sill intrusions and short-lived hydrothermal systems are common in many sedimentary basins, forming the sub-volcanic part of Large Igneous Provinces. If vented to the atmosphere, these gases can trigger global warming periods and even more severe environmental effects like mass extinction episodes. We wish to determine how gases such as water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, and more complex compounds are produced and vented during episodes of Large Igneous Province formation. This project is particularly relevant to future climate change because the rates and volumes of gases released from hydrothermal systems are comparable to anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. Understanding the gas production processes around magmatic bodies is also important for the oil and gas industry for improving the economic exploitation of hydrocarbon reservoirs. Recent Results The most severe mass extinction in the history of life on Earth occurred at the end of the Permian period, 250 million years ago. Coeval with this event are the massive eruptions of the Siberian Traps. How exactly the Siberian traps are connected to the extinction event has now been elucidated through a study conducted by Henrik Svensen and collaborators (Svensen et al. 2009). The Siberian Traps Large Igneous Province emplaced sill intrusions into a vast region (Figure B1) containing carbonates and evaporites deposited during earlier epochs, and matured to petroleum-bearing rocks before the sill emplacement. Metamorphic heating of these sediments resulted in the production of vast quantities of volatiles that were eventually released to the surface, leading to abrupt and significant effects on the global climate. Field expeditions to Siberia’s Tunguska basin in 2004 and 2006 collected samples 16 PGP Annual Report 2008 ormerly Vendian). Furthermore, enormous volumes of Cambrian aporites are present in the basin, with up to 2.5 km thick sequences halite-rich strata, anhydrite, and carbonates (Fig. 2) (Zharkov, 1984; trychenko et al., 2005). Five major phases of salt deposition occurred the Cambrian, the most extensive being the 2 million km2 Early mbrian Usolye salt basin with an average of 200 m of halite (Zharkov, 84). Note that the “Tunguska Basin” in the literature is frequently cluded in the terms “Siberian Platform” and “Siberian Craton”, and that e Tunguska Basin is often considered as one of many basins situated on e platform/craton. We use the term to encompass all the post Neooterozoic sedimentary rocks on the platform/craton. The total thickness of the basin stratigraphy commonly varies tween 3 km and 12.5 km (Meyerhoff, 1980; Kontorovich et al., 1997), wever the Neo-Proterozoic rocks are locally present as 7–10 km ick rift segment deposits (Sokolov et al., 1992; Kuznetsov, 1997; obot et al., 2004). Post-Cambrian rocks comprise carbonates, marls, the stratigraphy (Meyerhoff, 1980; Fedorenko and Czamanske, 1997; Ulmishek, 2001). The maximum accumulated sill thickness in the Cambrian to Permian strata is 1200 m (Kontorovich et al., 1997). The thickness of sill intrusions in the Neo-Proterozoic rocks is uncertain due to a limited number of deep boreholes in the bulk part of the basin (Fig. 2). However, thick sills are commonly present at the base of the Cambrian evaporate sequence (Kontorovich et al., 1997; Ulmishek, 2001). The present day area with outcropping sill intrusions is at least 1.6 million km2 (Fig. 1). The sill emplacement led to widespread contact metamorphism of the host sediments (e.g., Kontorovich et al., 1997) and to enhanced maturation of organic matter and the formation of methane-rich petroleum accumulations (Sokolov et al., 1992). The most profound results of the magma-sediment interaction are spectacular magnetite-rich breccia pipes rooted in the Cambrian evaporites or possibly deeper. These pipes are numerous in the southern parts of the basin, where they are filled with up to 700 m deep and 1.6 km wide B. Fluid processes . 1. Geological map of the Tunguska Figure Basin in Eastern Siberia, Russia. Note abundance of phreatomagmatic pipes withRussia, magnetite south of latitude 64, and the numerous basaltB1 Geological map of the thehigh Tunguska Basin in Eastern Siberia, showing ed pipes north of 68°. Our main study area during a 2004 field campaign is indicated by the star symbol. The aerial extent of evaporite is from Zharkov (1984). The geological map is the distribution of of phreatomagmatic pipes with magnetite in the south and with dified from Malich et al (1974), and the positions of the pipes were compiled from various sources (Malich et al., 1974; Nikulin and Von-der-Flaass, 1985; Pukhnarevich, 1986; Von der basalt in the north. Our main study area during a 2004 field campaign is indicated by ass and Naumov, 1995; Ryabov et al., 2005; Ryabov, 2006). The outline of the Cambrian evaporite is from Petrychenko et al. (2005), comprising a total area of 2 million km2. 2 the star symbol. The Cambrian evaporite comprises a total area of 2 million km . PGP Annual Report 2008 17 B. Fluid processes from boreholes drilled decades previously for potash prospecting (Figure B2). On analysis, these samples exhibit carbon depletion in the sediments adjacent to sill intrusions, and the gas-production potential is estimated to be in excess of 10 000 gigatons carbon equivalent for the basin as a whole. Violent phreatomagmatic eruptions (Figure B3) occurred when the hot sills encountered fluids residing within the evaporite layers, resulting in an outgassing much more rapid than occurred in other Large Igneous Provinces. H. Svensen et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 277 (2009) 490–500 493 Fig. 3. Composite cross section from the Nepa locality. The location map shows four of the Nepa boreholes that we have studied in detail and three breccia pipes. The Cambrian Figgure B2 Composite cross section from the Nepa locality (star in Figure B1). The location map shows four of evaporite strata are overlain by Ordovician clastic sediments. Core data from the 6G hole in the Scholokhovskoie pipe and from the 194 hole in the lower sill intrusion are presented the Nepa boreholes we have studied inthedetail three pipes. The (Verkholensk CambrianSuite), evaporite strata are here. The topmost stratigraphic unit isthat Ordovician (O), and the rest of drilled and sequences arebreccia from the Late Cambrian Middle Cambrian (Litvintsev Suite, abbreviated L-S), and the Cambrian (Angara Suite and Bulay Suite, abbreviated B-S). The sill is sometimes referred to as the Usol'epipe sill (Zamaraev et al.,the 1985). overlain byLower Ordovician clastic sediments. Core data from theUpper 6G hole in the Scholokhovskoie and from 194 hole have been analysed. 4. Results (e.g., Raymond and Murchison, 1989, 1991; Galushkin, 1997; Fjeldskaar et al., 2008). This implies that the total volume of sediments affected by 4.1. The breccia contact metamorphism is equal to twice the sill volume. Note that the gas will be produced in the aureole independent of the specific type of The magmatic fragments of the Scholokhovskoie pipe are rich in organic material undergoing metamorphism (dispersed organic matter, 18 glass (Fig. 4), demonstrating rapid melt quenching in the pipe, and the coal beds, or petroleum). The mass conversion factors for calculating PGP Annualgas Report 2008 pipe formation was accordingly contemporaneous with the sill emequivalents from carbon are 1.34 and 3.66 for methane and carbon B. Fluid processes 497 H. Svensen et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 277 (2009) 490–500 Fig. 6. Schematic evolution theSchematic Tunguska Basin pipes andof thethe venting of carbon gases and halocarbons the atmosphere. The pipe evolution is partly based Von der Flaass and Figure ofB3 evolution Tunguska Basin pipes and thetoventing of carbon gases and halocarbons Naumov (1995) and Von der Flaass (1997). 1) Emplacement of sills into organic rich sediments and evaporites with petroleum accumulations (P). 2) Contact metamorphism of shale, to the atmosphere. (1) Emplacement of sills into organic-rich sediments and evaporites with petroleum evaporite, and petroleum, leading to gas generation and overpressure (shown as stippled lines). Melt is accumulating within evaporite sequences in the source region of the pipe. 3) accumulations (P). (2) Contact metamorphism of shale, evaporite, and petroleum, leading to gas generation Pipe formation and eruption. Glass in the breccias show that the magma was disrupted and fragmented in the source region before vertical transport and phreatomagmatism. (shown as stippled lines).inMelt accumulates within evaporite sequences4)in the source region Powerful eruptions and led tooverpressure wide craters and subsidence. Gases generated contact aureoles are now released to the atmosphere. Continued degassing from both magma and (3)crater-lake. Pipe formation and eruption. Glass organic-rich in the breccias shows the magma was disrupted and sediments through of thethe pipepipe. and the Contact metamorphism of shallow sequences (coal)that along dikes, and appearance of the first lava flows further to the fragmented the source regioninbefore vertical transport and phreatomagmatism. Powerful led wide north in the basin. The inferred gasincomposition is shown the frame, alongside the estimated carbon gas and halocarbon productioneruptions potential for theto pipe degassing alone. craters and subsidence. Gases generated in contact aureoles are now released to the atmosphere. (4) Continued degassing from both magma and sediments through the pipe and the crater-lake. Contact metamorphism of shallow sequences (coal) along dikes, and theoffirst flowsstratigraphy further to the north the in precise nature by our experiments. Gasorganic-rich generation from sediment metamorphism is appearance close to theofbase thelava evaporite although thethe basin. known both from Karoo Basin in South Africa and offshore Norway, of the roots remains unknown. Fig. 6 shows the schematic evolution of resulting in vertical piercement structures (Jamtveit et al., 2004; Svensen the pipe structures. The sizes of the pipe craters in the Tunguska Basin et al., 2004; Svensen et al., 2007). The main differences in the pipe suggest powerful eruptions, with gases and ash likely reaching high forming mechanisms between these two settings and the one in Siberia, atmospheric levels. The presence of glass in the Scholokhovskoie breccia is the presence of evaporites and petroleum in the source region, and pipe suggests that the pipe was formed as a phreatomagmatic event, extensive magma-sediment interactions within the pipes. The pipes are where the partly molten magma cooled rapidly in the pipe during rooted at 2–4 km depth in magma-sediment mixing zones, probably eruption. Parts of the wall-rock collapsed into the pipe, mixing with the References Svensen, H., Karlsen, D.A., Sturz, A, Backer-Owe, K., Banks, D.A.,Planke, S. 2007. Processes controlling water and hydrocarbon composition inw seeps from the Salton Sea Geothermal System, California, USA. Geology, 35, 85-88. Svensen, H., Planke, S., Chevallier, L., Malthe-Sørenssen, A., Corfu, B., Jamtveit, B. 2007. Hydrothermal venting of greenhouse gases triggering Early Jurassic global warming. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 256, 554-566. Svensen, H., Planke, S., Polozov, A. G., Schmidbauer, N. Corfu, F., Podladchikov, Y. Y., Jamtveit, B. 2009. Siberian gas venting and the end-Permian environmental crisis. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 277, 490-500. PGP Annual Report 2008 19 B. Fluid processes 2. Fluidised and partly fluidised systems Central Scientific Problem Much of the activity in hydrothermal systems involves a phase of fluidisation, when the injection of fluid causes a portion of the surrounding matrix also to act as a fluid. Entrainment of the surrounding medium costs the initiating fluid some of its energy, but the subsequent mobilisation of material with significant inertia and limited compressibility can have important environmental consequences. This activity within PGP has recently focussed on the phenomenon of mud volcanoes. Studying these systems can provide important insights into the subsurface plumbing system and the origin of the fluids and mud breccia expelled from mud volcanoes. Recent Results Active eruptions of mud volcanoes provide excellent opportunities for the study of large-scale fluidisation processes in nature, and the activity of the LUSI mud volcano in Indonesia continues to be of active interest at PGP. A special issue of the Journal of Marine and Petroleum Geology with the title “Mud Volcanism: Processes and Implications”, edited by Adriano Mazzini, is now in the final stages of preparation, with many articles now in final proof form. It will be published in 2009. Contributions to this issue include observational, theoretical, and computational studies of the processes responsible for the formation and eruption of mud volcanoes and their environmental consequences. The Dashgil mud volcano in Azerbaijan is the subject of a classic study of dormant mud volcanoes recently published by Mazzini and co-workers (Mazzini et al 2008). Since the eruptive activity of mud volcanoes is generally of short duration, most of the 1500 observed world-wide are in dormant state. Even in dormant state, however, mud volcanoes continue to release water, gas and petroleum, sometimes vigorously, through seeps (Figure B4). The Dashgil mud volcano had its last eruption in 1958, and may be due for a new eruption soon, since it had been historically quite active in the 1800s. In recent years, activity from the seeps has fluctuated, with methane and petroleum flares occurring occasionally (Figure B5). The active seep locations are coincident with caldera collapse 20 and other faults Detailed geochemistry and isotopic analysis suggest that gases coming from the seeps are replenished from reservoirs at considerable depth, while some of the water is meteoric and shows seasonal variations. A schematic model based on the observations is shown in Figure B6. Another approach to the study of fluidised systems is to conduct experiments in which fluids are injected into boxes containing grains with known characteristics. In a recent series of such experiments, Anders Nermoen has been injecting air into the bottom of a Hele-Shaw cell filled with grains of two different sizes, in order to quantify the conditions of fluidisation and segregation of particles. One such experiment is illustrated in Figure B7, in which air is injected at high velocity into the bottom of a mixture containing many more small grains than large ones. The permeability field depends on the local concentration of small and large grains, being greater in regions where the large grains are more common. Air flow therefore tends to localise around concentrations of large grains, and the fluidisation brings more large grains to these locations. As a result, chimneys formed consisting mostly of large grains, and these grow towards the surface, consuming smaller neighbouring chimneys as they do. Computer simulations are another way of studying fluidised systems. Galen Gisler has used the multi-material hydrocode Sage to study the break-out and eventual venting of high-pressure fluids suddenly released into a deformable and compactable medium, similar to a sedimentary basin (Gisler 2009). A sequence from one such simulation is illustrated in Figure B8, showing the medium cracking and then opening rapidly as a supercritical fluid emerges, geyser-like, from the high-pressure pipe below. The morphology of the opening vent or crater is found to depend on the pressure under which the fluid is confined at depth. At low pressures, vents are formed via diagonal cracks propagating from the break-out point and propagating relatively slowly towards the surface. At somewhat higher pressures, a straight vertical pipe forms, often accompanied by horizontal cracks, and a conical crater is formed at the surface. At still higher pressures, the pipe becomes conical, rather than straight, and the surface eruption (as in Figure B8) is like a geyser. PGP Annual Report 2008 6 B. Fluid processes ARTICLE IN PRESS Figure B4 Satellite image of the Dashgil mud volcano, Azerbaijan, with interpreted mud flows from previous eruptions coloured and numbered in sequence from oldest to youngest. The coloured regions without numbers may be remnants of older eruptions. A. Mazzini et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology xxx (2008) 1–13 te image of the Dashgil mud volcano; (B) interpreted mud flows corresponding to previous eruptions. At least three possible eruption events can be dis line in eruption II might represent the border between two separate events, however satellite and field observations are inconclusive to solve this amb epresents the most recent eruption. Flows older than I cannot be excluded but cross correlations are hard to be established. his article in press as: Mazzini, A., et al., When mud volcanoes sleep: Insight from seep geochemistry at the Dashgil mud Marine and Petroleum Geology (2008), doi:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2008.11.003 Figure B5 Gryphon field inside the crater of the Dashgil mud volcano. Circled is a man, for scale. Each of these gryphons is a source of continuously seeping mud. Scattered throughout the crater are pools where gases are emitted through bubbling water. PGP Annual Report 2008 21 B. Fluid processes ARTICLE IN PRESS A. Mazzini et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology xxx (2008) 1–13 11 Fig. 7. (A) NW–SE section of Dashgil MV. Vertical axis not to scale. The marked locations in and aro Figure B6 (A) NW–SE section of Dashgil MV. Vertical axis not to scale. The locations inmargin; and around crater diffusemarked seepage along the outer fault and (3) salsathe lakes. Symbols in the stratigraphy: shales/sandstones; M ¼the Maikop-shales; (B) magnification of area image A highlighting th represent respectively: (1) The gryphon field inside the crater; (2) diffuse seepage along outer fault margin; andframed (3) insalsa 13 seepage. Seepages outside the crater show stronger d CCO2 depletion and higher amount of CH4. A lakes. (B) Magnification of area framed in image A highlighting the collapse controlled by faults that act as preferential interpreted plumbing system of gryphon-pool complex based on field observations and gas/wat deep fluids migrate, mixingfluids with shallow meteoric waters. gryphon pathways for the seepage of deeper fluids. At large salsa lakes deep fluidswhich andtheshallow meteoric converge and At mix. (C)sites evaporatio morphologically (e.g. from pools) ‘‘isolating’’ the fluids inside the crater and in the internal chamb Interpreted plumbing system of gryphon-pool complex based on field observations and gas/water analyses. Overburden of the allowing a bypass through the intervals charged with meteoric fluids. gryphons causes collapse and fractures through which the deep fluids migrate, mixing with shallow meteoric waters. moderate 13C depletion and higher amount of C2þ homologues are commonly interpreted as thermogenic deep-rooted gas that rises rapidly towards the surface (e.g. Blinova et al., 2003). See Etiope et al. (in press, 2008b) for a more extensive explanation of the global statistics of gas seeping from mud volcanoes worldwide. Comparison between gas sampled from the Dashgil MV and that from the neighboring oil fields (Katz et al., 2002) gives insight about the mechanisms of gas migration. Katz et al. (2002) show that numerous of the reservoir gases from the South Caspian were not generated in situ and have been altered and/or represent mixed B7 Fluidisation experiment a bimodal isotopic signatures of the gas source hydrocarbons. The d13CCH4with seep 2). Li most dept from field gesti et al. to m Table pres Figure distribution of grain sizes. Air is injected at high speed into Please cite this article in press as: Mazzini, A., et al., When mud volcanoes slee the bottom of a Hele-Shaw cell containing a large number of Azerbaijan, Marine and Petroleum Geology (2008), doi:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2 small grains and a smaller number of large grains. Because a region containing more grains than the average is g. 7. (A) NW–SE section of Dashgil MV. Vertical axis not to scale. The marked locations in and around the crater represent respectively. (1) The gryphon field inside the large crater; (2) fuse seepage along the outer fault margin; and (3) salsa lakes. Symbols in the stratigraphy: PT ¼ Productive Serie-sandstones; Sarmatian-shales; TC ¼particles Tarkan–ChokrakmoreS ¼permeable, the tend to segregate into chimneys ales/sandstones; M ¼ Maikop-shales; (B) magnification of area framed in image A highlighting the collapse controlled by faults that act as preferential pathways for deeper fluids mainly large grains. and shallow meteoric fluids converge and mix; (C)They coalesce into fewer, epage. Seepages outside the crater show stronger d13CCO2 depletion and higher amount of CH4. At large salsa lakes deep fluidscontaining terpreted plumbing system of gryphon-pool complex based on field observations and gas/water analyses. Overburden of the gryphons causes spread collapse and fractures through more widely chimneys as they grow towards the hich the deep fluids migrate, mixing with shallow meteoric waters. At gryphon sites evaporation is likely to have a limited influence as gryphons contain dense mud and differ surface. 18 orphologically (e.g. from pools) ‘‘isolating’’ the fluids inside the crater and in the internal chambers. d O values support a confined seepage of fluids through the feeder channel owing a bypass through the intervals charged with meteoric fluids. oderate 13C depletion and higher amount of C2þ homologues are ommonly interpreted as thermogenic deep-rooted gas that rises pidly towards the surface (e.g. Blinova et al., 2003). See Etiope et al. n press, 2008b) for a more extensive explanation of the global atistics of gas seeping from mud volcanoes worldwide. Comparison between gas sampled from the Dashgil MV and at from the neighboring oil fields (Katz et al., 2002) gives insight bout the mechanisms of gas migration. Katz et al. (2002) show that umerous of the reservoir gases from the South Caspian were ot generated in situ and have been altered and/or represent mixed ource hydrocarbons. The d13CCH4 isotopic signatures of the gas seeping at Dashgil are similar to those from deeper oil field gas (Table 2). Like also pointed out by Katz et al. (2002), our results suggest that most of the deeper-sited thermogenic mature (?) gas migrates from depth greater than 3 km and that there is a negligible contribution from shallow biogenic methane. However the d13CCH4 of Dashgil oil field is slightly lower than the neighboring reservoirs (Table 2) suggesting a small biogenic input. Similarly to what pointed out by Etiope et al. (in press) our data also suggests that isotopic fractionation related to microbial oxidation is not significant. Yet the seeping gases (Fig. 5A, Table 2) show dramatically lower amounts of the C2 component and presence of C3þ only in some cases and anyhow in negligible amounts Please cite this article in press as: Mazzini, A., et al., When mud volcanoes sleep: Insight from seep geochemistry at the Dashgil mud volcano, Azerbaijan, Marine and Petroleum Geology (2008), doi:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2008.11.003 22 PGP Annual Report 2008 B. Fluid processes ARTICLE IN PRESS G. Gisler / Marine and Petroleum Geology xxx (2009) 1–8 B8 Simulation with theportion Sage code eruption high pressure fluids through a 11.5 deformable medium, representing g. 6. Log Figgure density raster images from the central of the of runthe shown in Fig. 5of (Smu07), shown at intervals of 1 s, from s through 16.5 s. The violence of the breakout rips a sedimentary basin.toThis image and shows a sequence intervals of 1 second, in a calculation in which a pipe is formed by the aterial from the surface adjacent the opening entrains it into the at flow. rapid release of supercritical fluid from a reservoir at depth, and then erupts, geyser-like, at the surface. The colour scale is logarithmic in the density, and vectors show the fluid flow. Cracks form in the deformable medium and then anneal as the ngle of approximately 45� towards the surface. These cracks often propagating vertical cracks and upward-propagating diagonal medium’s strength is insufficient to hold them open against the dynamic pressure of the released volatiles. ave a side-to-side asymmetry, with one crack propagating further cracks form throughout the block. The configuration after 50 s is r faster than the other. The asymmetry is initiated by round-off shown in the appropriate block in Fig. 3. rror and grows because of stress concentration at the crack tip. References own-propagating cracks start at the surface in these simulations: 3.2.Mazzini Run SmuO7: straight-sided pipe Processes with outburst A. 2009. Mud Volcanism: and ImplicaBahr, A., Pape, T., Bohrmann, G., Mazzini, A., Haeckel, he surface bows upwards as the diagonal cracks grow, increasing tions (Editor). Marine and Petroleum Geology Journal, M., Reitz, A., Ivanov, M. 2008. Authigenic carbonate he tensile stress near the centre until failure occurs. ASpecial nearly straight-sided Issue (in press).vertical pipe is formed in the SmuO7 run, precipitates from the NE Black Sea: a mineralogical, At higher pressures and higher velocities (to the right and down illustrated in Fig. 5, with H., an injection pressure of 0.8 kbar Mazzini, A., Svensen, Akhmanov, G.G., Aloisi, G., and speed geochemical and lipid biomarker study. International n Table 1 and Fig. 3), the diagonal cracks are suppressed: they often of 500 m/s. That is, we keep the A., same injection speed Planke, S., Malthe-Sørenssen, Istadi, B. 2007. Trig- as in the Journal of Earth Sciences, DOI. 10.1007/s00531-007orm and then anneal. The behaviour is instead dominated by the previous run, but increase the injection pressure. gering and dynamic evolution of the LUSI mud vol0264-1. ormation of a vertical pipe to the surface, tending towards conical Once the calculation starts off Science with the ram and static cano,again, Indonesia. Earth and Planetary Letters, Cronin,(higher B., Çelik, H., Hurst, Gul, M., but Gürbüz, K., at t higher energies pressures or A., velocities), straighter pressure of the injected fluid producing considerable compaction 261, 375-388. Mazzini, A., Overstolz, M. 2008. Slope-channel Comower energies. The pipe is sometimes accompanied by horizontal and therefore ahead the working surface. Mazzini, A. jamming Nermoen,immediately M. Krotkiewski, Y. of Podladchikov, plex Fill and Overbank Tinkernot Channel, pening-mode cracks leading off inArchitecture, either direction, always Initial crack propagation therefore starts sideways. A compaction H. Svensen, S. Planke, 2009. Fault shearing as a mechKirkgecit Formation, Turkey. In: T.H. Nilsen, R.D. ymmetrically. wave propagates away from the injection point at anism for overpressure release and trigger for pierce-the acoustic Shew, G.S. Steffens and J.R.J. Studlick (Editors), Atlas speed in the sediments (5 km/s).for The wave returns to ment structures. Implications therarefaction Lusi mud volcano, of Deep-Water Outcrops. AAPG Studies in Geology, 56, the injection point in just under 1 s, reducing the jamming just 1. Run SmtO7: cone sheets? Indonesia. Marine and petroleum Geology (accepted) 363-367. enough that the ram pressure can force the opening of a vertical Mazzini, A., Svensen, H., Planke, S., Guliyev, I., AkhGisler, G. 2009. Simulations of the explosive eruption of crack. By 4 s (Fig. 5, top frame), this crack has come to within 1.2 km As an example of diagonal development propagation, manov, G.G., Fallik, T., Banks, D. 2009. When mud superheated fluidscrack through deformableand media. Marine of the surface, and its walls have compacted and hardened to we chose to and focusPetroleum on the very nearly symmetrical configuration volcanoes sleep: Insight from seep geochemistry at the Geology Journal, Special Issue. a density of 1.3 g/cc. eveloped Ivanov, by run M., SmtO7, which has an E., injection pressure of Dashgil mud volcano, Azerbaijan. Marine and PetroBlinova, V., Kozlova, Westbrook, G., At 10 s (Fig. 5, middle frame), a number of diagonal cracks have .6 kbar and an injection of 500 Three snapshots leum Geology, doi:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2008.11.003. Mazzini, A.,speed Minshull, T. m/s. Nouzé, H. density 2007. First samspawned off the gaping vertical crack, whose tip is now within om this run pling are shown in Fig. 4.from the Vøring Plateau. EOS, 88, Skinner Jr, J.A., Mazzini, A. 2009. Martian mud volcaof gas hydrate 275 m of the surface. Some downward-propagating cracks have Just 1 s after the start of the calculation (Fig. 4, top), a small nism: Terrestrial analogies and implications for forma209-210. started from the surface to meet the big crack. By 25 s (Fig. 5, avity has opened upA., above theM.K., top ofNermoen, the rigid A., injection pipe. The tional scenarios. Marine and Petroleum Geology (in Mazzini, Ivanov, Bahr, A., Borhbottom frame), the crack has relaxed to a narrower width, with ediments immediately above this are crushed a density of 1.3 g/ press). mann, G., Svensen, H., Planke, S. to 2008. Complex fluid streaming vigorously upwards and exploding outwards c, nearly halfplumbing solid density, byinthe and ram pressure of the Svensen, H., Hammer, Ø., Mazzini, A., Onderdonk, systems thestatic near subsurface: geometries of through the funnel-like crater. A significant amount of fragmented uid exiting the pipe (see inset at top right). Further propagation in N., Polteau, S., Planke, S., Podladchikov, Y. Y. 2009. authigenic carbonates from Dolgovskoy Mound (Black sedimentary material is entrained in the flow, both as large chunks he vertical direction is blocked by jamming, and the Marine fluid seeks Dynamics of hydrothermal seeps from the Salton Sea Sea) constrained by analogue experiments. & and fines. asier paths to the side. Geology, 25, 457-472. geothermal system (California, USA) constrained by Petroleum In an animation of this simulation, the vent is seen to open After 10 s (middle frame), the diagonal cracks have progressed temperature monitoring and time series analysis. Jourviolently at about 12 s, with significant erosion and entrainment of bout a quarter of the way to the surface, more compaction above nal of Geophysical Research (in review). material from near the opening. This is illustrated in Fig. 6, in he pipe has increased the sediment density to 1.6 g/cc. The added a sequence of six frames from the animation, showing just the olume below causes some bowing of the surface 1.7 km above, breakout region, from 11.5 s to 15.5 s. 23 nitiating a downward-propagating crack almost directly above the PGP Annual Report 2008 njection pipe. 4 B. Fluid processes 3. Sill emplacement Central Scientific Problem Magmatic intrusions in sedimentary basins often form horizontal sills and frequently exhibit saucer-shaped morphologies. They are of significant economic interest because they affect oil maturation and migration pathways, form traps for petroleum and sometimes act as water reservoirs. They are often associated with large igneous provinces and climate change, so they are also of high scientific importance. Recent Results Magmatic sill intrusions tend to develop saucer-like geometries in layered sedimentary basins intruded by large volumes of magma. The Karoo Basin of South Africa hosts hundreds of saucer-shaped sills. Among these, the Golden Valley Sill (Figure B9) is well exposed and displays connections with adjacent and nested saucers. Previous models for the emplacement of such saucer-shaped sills have usually been based on analysis of the intrusion geometry and the spatial relationships POLTEAU ET AL.: HOW ARE SAUCER-SHAPED SILLS EMPLACED? B12104 with potential feeders, rather than on magma flow patterns. Stephane Polteau (Polteau et al 2008) and co-workers, using detailed field observations and magnetic susceptibility measurements, were able to infer flow directions, and thereby place constraints on the emplacement mechanism. The data support a model consisting of a point feeder supplying magma in a radial pattern to form the saucershaped sill, rather than feeding by dikes. Figure B9 (A) Aerial view of the Golden Valley Sill. (B) Geological map of the Golden Valley Sill Complex showing the location of sampling sites (in general, one point corresponds to both opposite sill margins). X and Y axes are longitude and latitude in degrees. (C) Simplified geological cross section of the Golden Valley Sill Complex. (D) Schematic profile of the Karoo Basin region showing simplified stratigraphy and intrusive complex. Figure 1. (a) Aerial view of the Golden Valley Sill. (b) Geological map of the Golden Valley Sill Complex 24 showing the location of sampling sites (in general, one point corresponds to both opposite sill Annual Report 2008 margins). X and Y axes are longitude and latitudePGP in degrees. (c) Simplified geological cross section of B. Fluid processes A Sediment dikes Sediments Dolerite sill R67 B C Sediment dike Dolerite sill Dolerite sill Dolerite sill Sediment dikes E D Meta-sandstone Dolerite Dolerite Sediment dike Dolerite Figure B10 The Waterdown Dam locality in South Africa’s Karoo Basin. (A) Overview of the locality, showing a transgressive dolerite sill and the road cut along R67 with sediment dike localities. (B) Sediment dikes along the road cut that can be traced 10-15 vertical meters. (C) A 2 meter thick breccia dike within the dolerite. (D) Close-up of the dike in frame C, showing a dolerite fragment within the baked sandstone. Note the irregular fragment in the lower right, possibly representing altered magmatic material. Coin for scale.2(E) Close-up of a sediment dike showing sediment Figure fragments and the dolerite “bridge” extending from the walls and into the dike. Hammer for scale. PGP Annual Report 2008 25 B. Fluid processes Sediment injections within dolerite sills are common in the Karoo Basin. These have been the subject of investigations by Ingrid Aarnes and co-workers (Aarnes et al 2008, Svensen et al 2009). Numerical modeling and field investigations have shown that the sediment dikes were intruded into the sills when the sills had cooled sufficiently to reduce their internal pressure relative to the pressure in the surrounding aureole, but while still hot enough to produce the observed contact metamorphism seen within the dikes (Figure B10). The dikes were thus sucked into cracks within the cooling and contracting sills. Contact aureoles in sedimentary basins around magmatic sills may play important roles in past episodes of climate change (Aarnes et al 2008). Contact metamorphism of the sediments in the aureoles, heated by the intruding magma, leads to the production of fluids and gases that seep out into the surrounding medium and in some cases produce vent complexes directly leaking these volatiles into the atmosphere (Figure B11). References Aarnes, I., Podladchikov, Y.Y., Neumann, E-R. 2008. Post-emplacement melt flow induced by thermal stresses: Implications for differentiation in sills, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 276, 152-166. Aarnes, I., Svensen, H., Polteau, S. 2008. Gas formation from black shale during contact metamorphism: Constraints from geochemistry and kinetic modeling, LASI III Conference. Aarnes, I., Svensen, H., Connolly, J.A.D., Podladchikov, Y.Y. 2009. Modeling of contact metamorphism in shales and the implications for gas generation in sedimentary basins. (In prep.). Galland, O., Cobbold, P. R., Hallot, E., de Bremond d’Ars, J. 2008. Magma-controlled tectonics in compressional settings: insights from geological examples and experimental modelling, Bollettino Della Società Geologica Italiana (In press). Polteau, S., Mazzini, A., Galland, O., Planke, S., MaltheSørenssen, A. 2008. Saucer-shaped intrusions: Occurrences, emplacement and implications. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 266, 195-204. Polteau, S., Ferré, E.C., Planke, S., Neumann, E.-R., Chevallier, L. 2008. How are saucer-shaped sills emplaced? Constraints from the Golden Valley Sill, South Africa. Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, B12104, doi:10.1029/2008JB005620. Svensen, H., Aarnes, I., Podladchikov, Y.Y., Jettestuen, E., Harstad, C.H., Planke, S. 2009. Sandstone dikes in dolerite sills: Evidence for high pressure gradients and sediment mobilization during solidification of magmatic sheet intrusions in sedimentary basins, Geopsphere, (Subm.). Figure B11 Schematic model of aureole processes. A. Sketch of a magmatic sill that has intruded into a sedimentary basin. The rock immediately adjacent to the sill, transformed by the heat of the magma, is known as the aureole. Sometimes vent complexes arise from the ends of sills and penetrate all the way to the surface. B. Close-up of a portion of the sill and aureole, illustrating the release of water molecules from minerals and the release of methane from kerogen during contact metamorphic processes. 26 PGP Annual Report 2008 B. Fluid processes 4. Fluids and Sediments: Travertines and Pockmarks Central Scientific Problem The precipitation of suspended sediment from fluids in motion, and the ablation and suspension of sediments removed from topographic irregularities, shape patterns that occur worldwide in earth’s crust, including travertine terraces surrounding mineral-bearing springs and pockmarks on the seafloor. The physics of fluids, reactive chemistry and interaction with granular material are key to understanding these processes. Recent Results Travertine terracing is one of the most eye-catching phenomena in limestone caves and around hydrothermal springs, but remains fairly poorly understood. The interactions between water chemistry, precipitation kinetics, topography, hydrodynamics, carbon dioxide degassing, biology, erosion and sedimentation constitute a complex, dynamic pattern-formation process. The processes can be described and modeled at a range of abstraction levels. At the detailed level concerning the physical and chemical mechanisms responsible for precipitation localization at rims, a single explanation is probably insufficient. Instead, a multitude of effects are likely to contribute, of varying importance depending on scale, flux and other parameters. A three-year “YFF” project funded by NFR and led by Øyvind Hammer on the geology and biology of springs and pockmarks came to an end in 2008. This project has focused on pockmarks (large underwater craters) in the Oslofjord and the Norwegian Sea. The team have collected large amounts of information on the geology (Figure B12) and biology of these enigmatic structures. Detailed studies of cores and seismic data have led to a good understanding of the history (if not the process) of the Oslofjord pockmarks, showing that they initially formed during the end-Pleistocene deglaciation but have been kept open since then. New data indicate that those in the Oslofjord probably formed by seepage of fresh groundwater, though present expulsion of gas or fluids has not been detected. Pockmarks in the Norwegian Sea have been found to have high biological abundance and diversity (Figure B13), while those of the Oslofjord are less diverse. A new theory for the survival of pockmarks through long periods of time by current activity has been tested by supercomputer simulation (Figure B14) and field studies. New statistical methods have been developed as part of the work. Figure B12. Shallow seismic reflection studies of the Oslofjord pockmarks. PGP Annual Report 2008 27 B. Fluid processes Figure B13. Biological communities and carbonate rocks from the Troll pockmarks in the Norwegian Sea. A) East slope with abundance of anemones. B - D) Heavily encrusted carbonated rocks E) Gorgonian coral, Paragorgia arborea. F) Centre of pockmark with the Gorgonian coral, Paragorgia arborea, and the bivalve, Acesta excavate. 28 PGP Annual Report 2008 B. Fluid processes Figure B14. Cross-section of a three-dimensional simulation of undersea currents deflected by a seafloor pockmark. References Akhmetzhanov, A.M., Kenyon, N.H., Ivanov, M.K., Westbrook, G. Mazzini, A. 2008. (Editors). Deep-water depositional systems and cold seeps of the Western Mediterranean, Gulf of Cadiz and Norwegian continental margins. IOC Technical Series No. 76, UNESCO, 91 pp. Hammer, Ø. 2008. Pattern formation: Watch your step. Nature Physics, 4, 265-266. Hammer, Ø., Dysthe, D.K., Lelu, B., Lund, H., Meakin, P. , Jamtveit, B. 2008. Calcite precipitation instability under laminar, open-channel flow. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 72, 5009-5021. Hammer, Ø., Dysthe, D.K., Jamtveit, B. Travertine terracing: patterns and mechanisms. In: Tufas and Speleothems: Unravelling the Microbial and Physical Controls. Geological Society of London Special Publications (Accepted). Hammer, Ø., Webb, K.E., Depreiter, D. Upwelling currents in pockmarks. Geo-Marine Letters (In review). Hammer, Ø. New statistical methods for detecting point alignments. Computers & Geosciences, 35, 659-666. Webb, K.E., Hammer, Ø, Lepland, A. & Gray, J.S. Pockmarks in the Inner Oslofjord, Norway. Geo-Marine Letters (In press, released on-line). Webb, K.E., Barnes, D.K.A., Planke, S. Pockmarks: refuges for marine benthic biodiversity? Limnology and Oceanography (In veriew). Webb, K.E., Barnes, D.K.A., Gray, J.S. Benthic ecology of pockmarks and the Inner Oslofjord, Norway. Marine Ecology Progress Series (In review). PGP Annual Report 2008 29 B. Fluid processes 5. Violent processes Central Scientific Problem Many of the processes that produce large-scale patterns in the Earth’s crust are violent; especially those that produce our planet’s most striking and beautiful landscapes. Fortunately, violent events are relatively infrequent, but a significant fraction of Earth’s human population lives in areas that are highly vulnerable. The 200,000 human lives lost in the Indonesian earthquake and tsunami in December 2004, or the 80,000 lost in the Pakistan earthquake in October 2005 give us a compelling moral interest in understanding these events with the ultimate goal of protecting and saving human lives. Recent Results The multi-material adaptive-mesh hydrocode Sage (from Los Alamos and Science Applications International) has been applied to an increasing variety of violent processes in geophysics, including asteroid impacts, mud volcanism, and landslidedriven tsunamis. In 2008, Galen Gisler made further studies of asteroid impact models, examining the distribution of ejecta from oblique impacts with particular application to the Chicxulub impact at the end of the Cretaceous Period (Gisler et al. 2009) Steeper impacts make larger craters and more symmetrical ejecta distributions, although butterfly patterns persist up to 60-degree inclinations. Appreciable amounts of material can be moved great distances without suffering high pressures or temperatures simply by being carried along by the bulk motion. The ongoing application of similar models to other shallow-water impacts like the Mjølnir crater and the Gardnos crate show that vast quantities of sediment can be transported by many kilometres in such events, making the crater morphology hard to interpret (Gisler and Tsikalas, in preparation, see Figure B15). The amount of water covering an impact site makes a very significant difference in the crater that is produced. In shallow, or no water, the effects of impact are strongly localised, but large quantities of water tend to spread out the effects, making the damage less intense locally but more widespread. In very deep water, as in ocean basins, craters do not occur at all unless the impactor diameter is comparable to the ocean depth. Figure B15 Sediment transport in the Mjølnir crater, modeled as the impact of a 1 km asteroid into 500 m water covering 3 km of unconsolidated sediment above a thick carbonate platform. Coloured lines represent the positions of Lagrangian massless tracer particles as a function of time from their initial positions (red) to their positions after 3 minutes (violet). Most particles, except those very near the centre at the beginning, move several kilometers closer to the crater centre. The background grey scale is a density plot showing the crater configuration at 3 minutes after impact. 30 PGP Annual Report 2008 B. Fluid processes Tsunamis from submarine and subaerial landslides are also a major focus of the violent processes work. Since the rheology of the slide material has been shown (Gisler 2008, see Figure B16) to be a major factor in the characteristics of the resulting tsunami, it is desirable to pin down the properties of the slides more closely. In consultation with researchers at the National Oceanographic Centre in Southampton, Gisler has begun a study of the El Golfo slide off the island of Tenerife in the Canaries. This slide, which occurred some 8000 years ago, has a runout of 65 km and is very smooth. In a series of simulations which are still continuing, we have learned that the runout distance and the smoothness put important constraints on the rheology: too runny, and the slide breaks up into turbidity currents; too viscous, and the slide stops too early. High numerical resolution is important for treating this problem, so this work continues. The implications of this study will have bearing on the potential danger posed by the possibility of a major landslide in the future from the island of La Palma (Løvholt et al 2008). References Gisler, G.R. 2008. Tsunami simulations, Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics, 40, 71-90. Gisler, G.R. 2009. Tsunami generation - other sources, chapter 6 in The Sea: Volume 15, Tsunamis, edited by Alan Robinson and Eddie Bernard, pp 179-200. Gisler, G.R., Weaver, R.P., Gittings, M.L. 2009. Oblique impacts into volatile sediments: ejection distribution patterns, PARA 08 Conference Proceedings, Trondheim. (In press). Løvholt, F., Pedersen, G.K., Gisler, G.R. 2008. Oceanic propagation of a potential tsunami from the La Palma Island, Journal of Geophysical Research, 113,C09026, doi:10.1029/2007JC004603. Figure B16 Simulations of landslides with varying material properties into an ocean. When the material is stiff, the runout is shorter, and the relict on the seafloor is smoother. Very runny material produces long runouts but leave relicts that are bumpy. These snapshots are from five different runs with different rheologies, all at a time of 300 seconds after the start of the landslide. The underlying topography is that of the El Golfo slide off Tenerife in the Canaries, which has an observed runout of 65 km and is very smooth. None of these models match, since the simulated slides have already decelerated significantly by the time these snapshots are taken. PGP Annual Report 2008 31 C. Localisation processes Introduction 1. Pore-scale inelasticity and seismic Our research on the dynamics of deformation localisation in the earth encompasses the brittle, transitional and ductile deformation regimes, concentrating on meso-scale phenomena. The dynamics of microstructures and interface processes strongly influence how, where and when localisation occurs as well as its persistence in different environments. Similarly, localization processes themselves will influence subsequent mechanical behaviour and hence dynamic processes operating on a geodynamic scale. We are continuing a multi-faceted approach to individual yet complementary projects and below we present three current research projects: Force chains in granular systems; Nonhydrostatic compaction and decompaction; and Hierarchical fracturing during serpentinisation. Scientific problem In this study, we revisit the idea that micro-scale yielding is responsible for attenuation of seismic waves over a wide frequency range. Hydrocarbon-saturated zones often show anomalously high attenuation, from measurements of quality factor (Q). Q is considered to be frequency dependent over a wide frequency band, but in dry rock, over limited frequency ranges, Q is essentially frequency independent. The combined observations of frequency independent Q, and the established role of microcracks on attenuation, have been interpreted in terms of frictional sliding at grain boundaries or across crack faces. However, for typical strain amplitudes of seismic waves and reasonable microcrack dimensions the computed slip across crack faces was negligible. In addition, frictional attenuation results in nonlinear wave propagation, while early available data showed that at low strains typical of seismic waves (<10-6) the rocks behaved linearly. It was therefore concluded that such a nonlinear mechanism was not relevant for seismic waves. Recent observations, however, show the presence of nonlinear effects in rocks at strains as small as 10-9. The permanent and, importantly, time independent (plastic) deformation in rocks at typical seismic strains was explicitly observed in laboratory experiments. Plastic yielding would not be expected in a stress-free rock sample loaded by small seismic strains, however, sediments may be at or close to a yield state as a result of complex burial and tectonic loading history. Moreover, rocks are highly heterogeneous and heterogeneities may act as local stress concentrators, so that the actual microscopic stresses around cavities and inclusions may be much higher than the macroscopic stress level. Figure C1 Pseudotachylyte injection vein in peridotite Corsica. Vein is formed by near 100% melting along seismic fault in the mantle peridotite during the Alpine orogeny. Notice dilation during injection of the vein. 32 PGP Annual Report 2008 C. Localisation processes wave attentuation in reservoirs Figure C2 Model of a representative volume element of porous media. Approach and results We study attenuation of seismic P- and S-waves due to local plastic yielding around cavities in porous media. Following the effective media approach, we consider low porosity material containing non-interacting isolated spherical or cylindrical pores under cyclic loading by both isotropic and shear stress field, imitating the passage of a wave, and evaluate resulting dissipation in terms of quality factor Q. Assuming initial local microscopic stress state around the cavity at the yield, we show that even for small seismic strains, attenuation can be high and independent of both frequency and strain amplitude. References Yarushina V.M., Podladchikov Y.Y. “Low-frequency attenuation due to pore-scale inelasticity”, Geophysics, (in review). Yarushina, V.M., Podladchikov, Y.Y. 2008. “Microscale yielding as mechanism for low-frequency intrinsic seismic wave attenuation”, Conference proceedings, 70th EAGE Conference & Exhibition — Rome, Italy, 9 - 12 June. Figure C3 Model predictions and data collapse for quality factor Q PGP Annual Report 2008 33 C. Localisation processes 2. Fragmentation and strain partitioning in faults Scientific problem Strain localization has important implications for the mechanical strength and stability of evolving fault zones. Structural fabrics interpreted as strain localization textures are common in natural and laboratory faults, however, the dynamic microscale processes controlling localization (and delocalization) are difficult to observe directly. Discrete numerical models of faulting allow a degree of dynamic visualization at the grain scale not easily afforded in nature. When combined with laboratory validation experiments and field observations, they become a powerful tool for investigating the dynamics of fault zone evolution. Approach and results We present a method that implements realistic gouge evolution in 3D simulations of granular shear. The particle-based model includes breakable bonds between individual particles allowing fracture of aggregate grains that are composed of many bonded particles. During faulting simulations, particle motions and interactions as well as the mechanical behavior of the entire system are continuously monitored. We show that a model fault gouge initially characterized by mono-disperse spherical aggregate grains gradually evolves, with accumulated strain, to a wide size distribution. The comminution process yields a highly heterogeneous textural signature that is quantitatively comparable to natural and laboratory produced fault gouges. Mechanical behavior is comparable to a first order with relevant laboratory data. Simulations also reveal a strong correlation between regions of enhanced grain size reduction and localized strain. Thus in addition to producing realistic fault gouge textures, the model offers the possibility to explore direct links between strain partitioning and structural development in fault zones. This could permit investigation of subtle interactions between high and low strain regions that may trigger localization - delocalization events and therefore control macroscopic frictional stability and hence the seismic potential of evolving fault zones. 34 In addition to the projects described above, work is ongoing in: localization and shear heating; laboratory investigation of aftershocks; thermal imaging and roughness development of faults. References Andersen, T.B., Mair, K., Austrheim, H., Podladchikov, Y.Y., Vrijmoed, J.C. 2008. Stress-release in exhumed intermediate-deep earthquakes determined from ultramafic pseudotachylyte. Geology, 36, 995-998. Bjørk, T.E., Mair, K., and Austrheim H. 2009. Quantifying fault rocks and deformation: advantages of combining grain size, shape and phase differentiation. Journal of Structural Geology, (in press). Sarwar, M. 2008. Energy dissipation in a simulated fault system, Masters thesis, PGP, University of Oslo. Mair, K., Abe, S. 2008. 3D numerical simulations of fault gouge evolution during shear: Grain size reduction and strain localization. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 274, 72-81. Forskningsradet eVITA Magazine article on Mair and Abe fault modelling work: Nytt fra eVITA, Nr2, November 2008 ‘Stanser jordskjelv midt i utviklingen’ (‘Stopping an earthquake in its midst’) PGP Annual Report 2008 C. Localisation processes Figure C5. Spatial distribution of matrix fraction after 200% shear strain is plotted on a 2D slice of the 3D model. We see local zones of high matrix content (yellow) i.e. enhanced grain size reduction close to the upper and lower fault zone boundaries and regions of low matrix content (blue) i.e. survivor grains inside. Figure C4 3D DEM Model of fault showing initial (top) and final (bottom) configuration after 200% shear strain. Model contains ~190.000 particles. The particles in both images are colored according to their aggregate ‘parent’ grain. PGP Annual Report 2008 35 C. Localisation processes 3. Ultra-high pressure rocks Scientific problem Ultra-high pressure (UHP) rocks, recording mantle-like pressures (3.0 - 5.5 GPa) but hosted by mid-crustal (much lower pressure) rocks are difficult to explain, particularly in continental collision orogens where no evidence for deep burial (to UHP conditions) or extreme exhumation (from UHP conditions) exists. At Svartberget (W. Norway), a peridotite enclave in mid-crustal felsic migmatitic gneiss is exposed. The enclave is crosscut by vein filled fractures showing evidence for melt reactions and containing microdiamond (Figure C6a). Peak P-T estimates for these veins (5.5GPa, 800 ºC) would suggest burial depth exceeding 150 km. However, although field structural evidence supports exhumation from normal HP-UHP conditions (2.5-3GPa), no evidence exists to explain exhumation from the extreme UHP conditions (5.5 GPa) observed. In addition it is difficult to explain: i) Deformation of the rheologically strong peridotitic rocks (forming brittle fractures filled with UHP veins), and ii) Melt reactions along the fractures (Figure C6b) in the peridotite where temperatures are well below the melting temperature of peridotite. References Vrijmoed, J.C., Smith, D.C., van Roermund, H.L.M. 2008. Raman confirmation of microdiamond in the Svartberget Fe-Ti type garnet peridotite, Western Gneiss Region, Western Norway. Terra Nova, 20, 295-301. Vrijmoed, J.C., Podladchikov, Y.Y., Andersen, T.B. An alternative model for ultra-high pressure in the Svartberget Fe-Ti garnet-peridotite, Western Gneiss Region, Norway. European Journal of Mineralogy, (in press). Vrijmoed, J.C. Pressure variations during ultra-high pressure metamorphism from single grain to outcrop scale? Journal of Metamorphic Geology (soon to be submitted). Vrijmoed, J.C., Austrheim, H., John, T., Davies, G.R., Corfu, F. Metasomatism of the ultra-high pressure Svartberget Fe-Ti type garnet-peridotite, Western Gneiss Region. Norway. Journal of Petrology, (soon to be submitted).. Approach and results We have conducted an interdisciplinary study including detailed field mapping, petrography, mineral-chemistry, whole rock (isotope) geochemistry, dating and numerical modelling to provide a possible explanation for these observations. In our conceptual model, localised melting of gneisses in the mid-crust and associated volume expansion leads to Ultra High Pressures. Pore fluid pressure builds up due to the melting and significantly weakens the peridotitic rocks at the boundary between gneiss and peridotite, leading to the brittle failure of these strong rocks. High pressure reactive melts from the gneiss then infiltrate the peridotite and react to form diamond bearing websterite veins. Eventually the surrounding lithosphere will also fracture thereby releasing the overpressure. Our numerical model, focussing on the pressure build up stage, indicates that pressure build, by localised melting of felsic gneiss, could reach several GPa (high enough to form diamond) and that an irregularly shaped inclusion of rheologically strong rock, such as peridotite, could give rise to differential stresses that may explain the conjugate set of fractures observed in the Svartberget peridotite. 36 PGP Annual Report 2008 C. Localisation processes (a) (b) felsic migmatitic gneiss (b) 1m (c) P (GPa) 12 10 8 6 - 4 2 0 2.5 5 10 m 0 Figure C6 a) Simplified geological map of the Svartberget peridotite. The whole body (olive-green) is cut by a conjugate set of fractures along which melt reactions took place leading to the formation of diamond bearing phl-grt-websterite (dark green) and garnetite (red) veins. (Grey colours indicate other rock types). b)Close up of the area (a) showing details of the veins. c) Result of elastic FEM calculation showing the overpressure resulting from localised melting of gneisses in the mid-crust. The outer part (mainly blue) represents the non-molten rocks of the lithosphere, surrounding a ring (mainly red) of gneiss (represented as white on map 1a) that is 10x weaker and that expands due to formation of a lower density melt. In the middle an enclave with the same rheology as the non-molten rocks represents the peridotite. Note how the shape of the peridotite gives rise to a heterogeneous pressure field (slightly different red colours) corresponding to the development of differential stresses. This situation would arise after 100ºC in temperature corresponding to 50% melting. PGP Annual Report 2008 37 D. Microstructures Introduction Introduction The main focus of the microstructures group in 2008 has been the study of the deformation of heterogeneous and/or anisotropic materials, the coupling to reactions, and the development of efficient numerical models. First an overview over last year’s published papers is given and then two active research topics are discussed in detail. Our research on the deformation of layered media has yielded four papers. In Schmid et al., (2008) have we demonstrated the capabilities of our BILAMIN code. BILAMIN is an unstructured (body fitted) finite element method (FEM) code that is capable of solving problems with more than 100’000’000 degrees of freedom in three dimensions (described in the 2007 PGP Annual Report). The paper was published in a special volume of “Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors” entitled “Recent Advances in Computational Geodynamics: Theory, Numerics and Applications” and BILAMIN clearly stands out in terms of state of the art computing in earth sciences. The second paper on folding is by Jäger et al. (2008) entitled “Brittle fracture during folding of rocks: A finite element study”. It deals with the frequently encountered problem of simultaneous ductile and brittle deformation, which usually represents a problem for continuum based approaches such as FEM. The problem can be solved with the extended finite element method. However, the extension to large strain, three dimensions, and multiple crack propagation make this a technically challenging problem. The third paper on the deformation of layered material is by Schmalholz et al. (2008) and deals with boudinage in power-law materials. Analytical and FEM models are used to analyse this necking instability and to quantify under which conditions it occurs and what information can be extracted from natural pinch and swell structures. A fourth paper in this series was published by Marques and Podladchikov (2009) who demonstrate the importance of a strong elastic layer for the fold pattern formation on the large scale. 38 After some trouble with publishing our concept of “mechanical closure” we finally succeeded and two papers now document our experiments and the corresponding theory regarding enstatite rim growth in mixtures of quartz and olivine: Milke et al. (2009) and Schmid et al. (2009). Another paper in the context of coronas is by Austrheim et al. (2008) who found that micro zircons in gabbros often form a three dimensional framework, which traces former grain boundaries. Therefore these zircon networks can be used to a) document the previous presence of minerals, b) quantify the element transport, and c) gain information on the mechanism of metamorphic and metasomatic processes. Micro zircon networks seem to be quite common in natural rocks and therefore this novel concept developed by Austrheim et al. widely applicable. The behavior of particle suspension systems is an active research topic at PGP. In the following we present two relevant research projects. First we introduce a study on how deforming particle suspension systems can be solved efficiently in three dimensions on a single desktop computer by using Stokesian dynamics, an approach that was implemented by Espen Jettestuen. In a second study we demonstrate how rocks become mechanically anisotropic as they deform. Most natural rocks exhibit some form of mechanical anisotropy, either they are explicitly layered, or the constituents are preferentially aligned, or the different phases exhibit internal (lattice preferred orientation) anisotropy. Nevertheless, mechanical material anisotropy is usually ignored in structural geological and tectonic models, often due to theoretical or numerical complications. Marcin Dabrowski has studied the role of mechanical anisotropy as part of his PhD thesis at PGP (Dabrowski, 2008). The study that is presented in the following is an excerpt from his thesis’ paper 3 and provides an improved estimate for the effective anisotropic material properties of deforming heterogeneous materials. PGP Annual Report 2008 D. Microstructures 1. Stokesian Dynamics Overview The models run in the microstructures group are usually based on codes that employ body fitting finite element method codes, e.g. MILAMIN (Dabrowski et al., 2008) and BILAMIN (Schmid et al., 2008). This approach yields the most accurate results as the computational grids and the material boundaries coincide. Unfortunately, it is also the computationally most intense method and for three dimensional problems access to large clusters is required for long time periods. Another approach is to give up on the body fitting mesh requirement and to use regular grids. Introducing operator splitting the complexity of the three dimensional model can be further reduced to essentially one dimensional problems; a direction that is pursued in Krotkiewski et al. (2008). A viable alternative for the study of three dimensional particle suspensions systems under the influence of body or external forces are Stokesian dynamics (SD). The SD method was developed in the 80s by Brady and Bossis (1988) and essentially solves the full three dimensional problem by reducing it to the particle characteristics, which can be solved analytically. Thus the inter particle fluid is only visible as a coupling parameter. This simplification is possible due to the linearity of the Stokes equations. The system is translated into a system of linear equations relating the dynamical quantities of the particles (like velocities and spins) to the mechanical quantities (like forces and torques). The development of SD codes is relatively complex due to the following reasons. 1) If particles get close to each other or near walls special treatment is required because the dilute assumption of underlying analytical solutions becomes invalid. 2) Since the individual particle problem has to be solvable analytically the particle geometries have to be simple, preferentially spherical. 3) The calculation of the coupling constants between particles is related to the multipole expansion, which is, simply put, an expansion where the small parameter is the inverse of length. This expansion converges fast for dilute suspensions, where inter particle distances are long, whereas the convergence is slow for concentrated particle suspensions. Thus most of the computational research in SD is focused on either finding fast methods to calculate the expansions or to work around them by, for example, adding exact two particle solutions for nearly touching particles. 4) The resulting linear equation systems exhibit full matrices, which makes the solution for large numbers of particles (>10’000) difficult because of memory and CPU requirements. The advantages of the Stokesian dynamics approach are obvious by looking at the characteristics of the corresponding PGP code: StokesDyn. StokesDyn runs on a standard desktop computer and can solve systems with thousands of particles up to large strains within a day. The involved particles are truly rigid, which in corresponding FEM calculations requires special treatment. StokesDyn can be applied to gravity driven flow, see Figure 1, as well as boundary driven flows such as pure and simple shear. The Stokesian dynamics approach complements the FEM calculations. StokesDyn allows us to quickly explore a wide range of parameters and to obtain an overview of the behavior of the studied system. FEM can then be used to calculate specific configurations and to investigate effects that cannot be analyzed with StokesDyn such as non-linear rheologies and complicated particle shapes. Visualization The visualization of scientific result s is a challenging task, especially three dimensional ones such as produced by StokesDyn. Here we usually employ ParaView, an open source scientific visualization package that can deal with extremely large datasets using distributed memory computing resources ( However, given the progress in computer generated imagery in, for example, movie special effects and video games we set out to investigate the possibility to render scientific results with state of the art ray tracing technology. PGP Annual Report 2008 39 D. Microstructures Figure D1 Visualization of a Stokesian dynamics result. Figure D1 shows the result of a Stokesian dynamics calculation that is visualized with the free rendering engine POVRay ( In the initial configuration the light glass balls are at the bottom and the heavier golden balls at the top, the matrix has an intermediate density. Both types of spheres are assumed rigid. Once gravity is activated the unstable configuration causes the glass spheres to rise and the golden spheres to sink. Due to the dense packing, spheres can get temporarily trapped and moved in the “wrong” direction, a 40 model that allows, for example, studying the mixing processes in crystallizing magma chambers. The features of POV-Ray, e.g. several kinds of light sources, reflections, refraction, and light caustics, allow for photorealistic scene rendering. However, it seems that because we are trained to perceive scientific results in abstract illustrations the photorealistic result visualization almost gives a “non-scientific” impression. However, photorealistic result rendering can be used in a complementary fashion in scientific visualization. PGP Annual Report 2008 D. Microstructures 2. Mechanical Anisotropy Development of a Two-Phase Composite Subject to Large Deformation Anisotropic DEM Anisotropic DEM Anisotropic DEM Anisotropic DEM Anisotropic DEM In theDEM, two dimensional anisotropic DEM, the medium is man con Anisotropic Inthe the two dimensional anisotropic DEM, the medium is constructed in iterative an iterative InIn the twotwo dimensional anisotropic theDEM, medium is constructed in conan manner The overallAnisotropic mechanical response of a heterogeneous rock may DEM dimensional anisotropic the medium is DEM In the two dimensional anisotropic DEM, the medium is constructed in an ite Anisotropic DEM become anisotropic due to the development of shape preferred structed in an iterative manner by placing a given area fraction ofofaligned individual given area fraction fiterative In the two dimensional anisotropic DEM, is constructed in an manner by b in ofa aligned individual inclusions of aspect ratio placing a given area fraction a b ainclus off aligned individual inclusions aspect ratio into placing a given area fraction f medium In the two dimensional anisotropic DEM, the medium is constructed in an iterative manner bytheplacing of aligned individual inclusions of aspect r a given inclusions area fraction off aspect f of aligned a b into (SPO). Laminated materials a maximal deindividual ratio the In theorientation two dimensional anisotropic DEM, the medium exhibit is constructed in an iterative manner by placing a b of aligned individual inclusions of aspect ratio into the placing a given area fraction hostproperties and reevaluating theiteration hoststep. properties after eachand iteration st reevaluating the step. Both, inclusion and and and reevaluating properties afterafter eacheach iteration Both, inclusion hosthost ph af b the of host aspect ratio intohost thehost placing a given area fraction f of aligned individual inclusionshost gree of anisotropy, where shear and normal viscosities assume a bhost and reevaluating the host properties eachiteration iteration host and reevaluating the host propertiesafter afterincleach step. Both, inclusi incl ratio into the the host placing a given area fraction f of aligned individual inclusions of aspect incl host host host and reevaluating properties after each iteration step. Both, inclusion and host phase R norm arehost isotropic and the viscosity ratio is normal . The areinclusion isotropic and the inclusion host viscosity ratio . The effective Ris R host and arestep. isotropic and thehost inclusion host viscosity ratio isinclusion effective host and reevaluating host properties iteration step. Both, and phase values corresponding to thethe lower (Reuss) after and each upper (Voigt) Both, inclusion and phase are isotropic the inare isotropic and the inclusion host viscosity ratio is R incl host incl host eff . The effe host and reevaluating the host properties after each iteration step. Both,are inclusion host phase eff incl and host eff R . The effective normal isotropic and the inclusion host viscosity ratio is theoretical bounds. However, the model of a laminate is not clusion host viscosity ratio is . The effective norn and shear viscosities are two obtained by ordinary integrating tw by and. and n are are isotropic and the inclusion host viscosity ratio is R The effective normal shear viscosities are obtained by integrating coupled diffe shear viscosities obtained integrating two coupled ordinary differen seff seff s incl eff suitable the viscosity transient stage the anisotropy evo- normal and areobtained obtained integrating host . The effective are isotropic andfor thestudying inclusion host ratio is Rof andshear shear seff viscosities viscosities are bybyintegrating two coupled ord eff mal n and shear viscosities are differential obtained by integrating two coupled ordinary differential equations s equations and the shear viscosities are as obtained by in integrating two coupled ordinary seffbuild equations lution during SPO up, such depicted Figure D3. two coupled ordinary differential equations equations and shear seff viscosities are obtained by integrating two coupled ordinary differential equations A major improvement is the anisotropic self consistent averequations eff d nd n 1 1 eff effdn 1 eff R equations n 1 aging (SCA) model developed by Fletcher (2004) that incor RdR n n eff eff df 1 f n R n df df 1 1f efff eff RR n 1 R d n of finite eff and is free of dany 1 porates the effects SPO magnitude R n eff df 1 f n n n eff R n ( eff R n eff df 1 f d d 1 1R n eff ds 1 d n 1 eff 1 f parameters. phenomenological scheme is not eff RThe n SCA s s R ndf fitting R (1) s s(1) R R eff s eff R df f composites 1 for eff eff R with distinct inclusion-host optimal geometry df df 1 1f efffds 1eff R s Rs 1s f d s 1 Rdf s d s eff 1 n (1) eff R df 1 f s R s effand s viscosity ratios. For example, Rlarge atd high concentrations df 1 f 1 eff eff R host df 1 f s s eff eff eff R s eff eff effeff eff eff effwhere eff host R to 2eff values values a bof b ,initial andinitial host s interchanging , , n,and where s. The where , , itdfis insensitive the weak and strong phase at where s aeff,b a bb ab/ an2. /The sand n hostn ns, s eff 1 f n,s n,s n,s n,s eff eff R s eff a b b a / 2 . The ini , , and where eff eff n , s eff eff host n s n , s 50% concentration. For circular inclusions, the SCA prediction n of b b a / 2 . The initial values of n where n, sa / , values and are initial a 1. , sThe 2The where n, s effn, s host , eff neff eff values .nand and ofs n ,and s 1. are 1. s , and a b b s are 1. s initial and are eff mean eff eff the inclusion and host viscosieff host a geometrical of a b b a / 2 , , and . The initial values of whereisjust and are 1. n n s s n,s n,s and s the are 1. and s of arewhether 1. ties irrespective a strong or weak phase forms and load-bearing s are 1. host. Thus, the effective viscosity is not bounded Using finite element modeling allows us to directly resolve when the concentration of a rigid phase exceeds 50%. Yet, the percolation and rheological thresholds are expected to occur at higher inclusion concentrations. In this work, we develop an anisotropic differential effective medium (DEM) scheme that is better suited for the studied composite type (inclusions-host systems) than SCA. The effective anisotropic viscosity is numerically evaluated for a wide class of inclusion-host models to validate the different effective medium approaches. Finally, the anisotropic DEM scheme is employed to study the anisotropy development in a heterogeneous medium subject to large deformation. the anisotropic mechanical response of composites consisting of aligned inclusions. We systematically scan through the parameter space of inclusion concentration (up to 50%), aspect ratio (up to 16) and viscosity ratio (between 1/1000 to 1000). Selected results are shown in Figure D2. The DEM estimate proves to provide a very good fit to the numerical results. In particular, it is capable of differentiating models with strong and weak load bearing phase. It also predicts bounded results at high concentrations and large viscosity ratios. Figure D2 Effective normal (n) and shear (s) viscosity for composites consisting of 256 non-overlapping, randomly located, aligned elliptical inclusions. Vertical bars show the FEM result span for 10 different inclusion configurations. Upper (Voigt) and lower (Reuss) bounds, self-consistent average (nSCA, sSCA ) and differential effective medium estimate for strong (nDEM-sh, sDEM-sh) and weak host (nDEM-wh, sDEM-wh) are given. a) Viscosity ratio 100, aspect ratio 4. Concentration refers to the strong phase. b ) Inclusion concentration 50%, aspect ratio 4. PGP Annual Report 2008 41 D. Microstructures The DEM approach does not only provide estimates for the effective anisotropic viscosities for a given composite configuration, but it can also be used to study the finite strain evolution of both, the effective material properties as well as the SPO. Figure D3 illustrates the evolution of a two phase composite up to a shear strain ( ) of 3 calculated with a MILAMIN based FEM model. The visualized field is the strain rate intensity, which shows how the deformation localizes in the weak inclusions. The inclusions become sigmoidal and the resulting structure looks similar to S-C fabrics that are often observed in natural shear zones. The details of the inclusion shape evolution cannot be captured with the DEM approach. The underlying analytical solution is for elliptical inclusions and deviations from ellipticity are therefore ignored, which is unproblematic in dilute cases or when the inclusion phase is stronger than the host. The question arises as how well the developed DEM scheme is applicable to cases such as shown in Figure 3b. a) b) Figure D4 shows how the shear viscosity evolves Comparison between the DEM prediction and the FEM result obtained for the Error! Reference source not in the FEM model depicted in Figure D3 as a funcfound.b configuration. Error! Reference found. how theitshear viscosity evolves in the FEM model tion of source shear not strain andshows compares to the DEM Strain rate intensity The source DEM not scheme depicted inprediction. Error! Reference found. performs as a functionsurprisof shear strain and compares it to ingly well and no significant deviations between FEM and DEM are discernable up to large strains. between FEM and DEM are discernable up to large strains. The DEM accurately predicts an The DEM accurately predicts an initial increase initial increase in effective the effective shearviscosity viscosity xyeff (up (up to then a pronounced drop in the shear to 1 ) )and and then a pronounced drop under the initial value. The increase under the initial value. The increase is an effect of the development of the mechanical is an effect of the development of the mechanical anisotropy anisotropy due to the emerging SPO, the drop is related to the reorientation of the anisotropy. due to the emerging SPO, the drop is related to the reorientaThis microstructural weakening may provide viable explanation of the strain weakening tion of the anisotropy. This amicrostructural weakening may that is often observed in deforming materials. in the analyzed linear provide a viable poly-phase explanation of theHowever, strain weakening that is viscous often observed in deforming poly-phase materials. However, cases the degree of weakening is not sufficient to result in a strong localization on spatial scales in the analyzed linear viscous cases the degree of weakening larger than the inclusion size and other effects such as non-linear rheology (power law), lattice is not sufficient to result in a strong localization on spatial preferred orientation, or dynamic recrystallization resulting in a grain size reduction should be scales larger than the inclusion size and other effects such as considerednon-linear in addition. rheology (power law), lattice preferred orientation, or dynamic recrystallization resulting in a grain size reduction should be considered in addition. the DEM prediction. The DEM scheme performs surprisingly well and no significant deviations 0 0.2 42 0.4 PGP Annual Report 2008 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Figure D3 Initial (a) and final configuration after a shear strain of 3(b) in a run with 30% inclusions that are 100 times weaker than the embedding matrix. D. Microstructures Conclusions 1 0.9 0.8 Effective viscosity The developed anisotropic DEM model provides a better estimate over SCA for higher concentrations of inclusions. The discrepancies between the scheme predictions reflect a fundamental difference between the two methods: the DEM is designed for inclusion-host systems, whereas the SCA is more suitable for a poly-grain medium, where none of the phases can be considered as inclusions. Our DEM based model of the shape and mechanical anisotropy evolution provides a viable explanation of a strain weakening observed in poly-phase materials. The model is applicable to any deformation path and constrains constitutive laws incorporating structural evolution factors that are employed in large scale, geodynamic simulations. Voigt bound 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 FEM 0.2 References Austrheim, H., Putnis, C.V., Engvik, A.K., Putnis, A., 2008. Zircon coronas around Fe-Ti oxides: a physical reference frame for metamorphic and metasomatic reactions. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 156, 517-527. Brady, J.F., Bossis, G., 1988. Stokesian Dynamics. Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics, 20, 111-157. Dabrowski, M. 2008. Anisotropy and heterogenity in finite deformation : resolving versus upscaling. Unpublished Thesis, University of Oslo, Oslo, 156 pp. Dabrowski, M., Krotkiewski, M., Schmid, D.W. 2008. MILAMIN: MATLAB-based finite element method solver for large problems. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 9, Q04030. Fletcher, R.C. 2004. Anisotropic viscosity of a dispersion of aligned elliptical cylindrical clasts in viscous matrix. Journal of Structural Geology, 26, 1977-1987. Jäger, P., Schmalholz, S.M., Schmid, D.W., Kuhl, E., 2008. Brittle fracture during folding of rocks: A finite element study. Philosophical Magazine, 88, 3245 - 3263. Krotkiewski, M., Dabrowski, M., Podladchikov, Y.Y. 2008. Fractional Steps methods for transient problems on commodity computer architectures. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 171, 122-136. Marques, F.O., Podladchikov, Y.Y. 2009. A thin elastic core can control large-scale patterns of lithosphere shortening. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 277, 80-85. DEM 0.1 Reuss bound 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Simple shear magnitude Figure D4 Comparison between the DEM prediction and the FEM result obtained for the Figure 3b configuration. Milke, R. et al. 2009. Matrix rheology effects on reaction rim growth I: evidence from orthopyroxene rim growth experiments. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 27, 7182. Schmalholz, S.M., Schmid, D.W., Fletcher, R.C., 2008. Evolution of pinch-and-swell structures in a power-law layer. Journal of Structural Geology, 30, 649-663. Schmid, D.W., Abart, R., Podladchikov, Y.Y., Milke, R., 2009. Matrix rheology effects on reaction rim growth II: coupled diffusion and creep model. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 27, 83-91. Schmid, D.W., Dabrowski, M., Krotkiewski, M. 2008. Evolution of large amplitude 3D fold patterns: A FEM study. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 171, 400-408. PGP Annual Report 2008 43 E. Interface processes group Mechano-chemical transformation processes Scientific problem A characteristic example of a mechano-chemical process is stress corrosion in a windshield: A small fracture in the glass has a high stress concentration at its tip, but not high enough to cause rapid fracture motion. However, as water (hydrogen) is transported to the fracture tip, it replaces a strong covalent bond with a weaker hydrogen-bond, weakening the material, causing the fracture to propagate further. The velocity of the fracture depends on the coupling between mechanics: stress and deformation, and reaction: the replacement process, and this coupling tends to give microscopic processes a macroscopic relevance as the rate limiting factor for reaction progress. The transformation of rock is similarly often driven by fluid infiltration, and the dynamics of such a process is to a large extent controlled by a ‘reaction front’ where the phase content and composition of the rock is changing. The reaction front is a moving interface that may be associated with both mechanical and chemical processes. While investigation of reactive transport in porous media has grown into a major industry, this work has so far focused mainly on the hydrodynamic and chemical aspects of front advancement, and not on the coupling between fluid flow, reactions, and mechanical processes such as fracture and deformation. This is clearly inadequate for the alteration of rocks with low porosities and permeabilities, or reactions associated with major changes in porosities or solid volume. We have therefore developed models that address the mechano-chemical coupling during such processes: Fluid-initiated reaction processes lead to changes in the local stresses that induce fracturing of the rock matrix. As a result, fluids gain access to the rock matrix through the newly generated fractures. This coupled process has a first-order impact on reaction rates and also on the geometries of the generated reaction fronts. We are applying this theoretical approach, combined with field and laboratory experiments, to address serpentinization, mineral replacement reactions, and, in particular, weathering, one of the most important of all processes associated with reactive transport. 44 Approach and results Recently, we developed a numerical and theoretical framework to address the front dynamics in fracturing-accelerated reaction front dynamics. We have applied and tested the modeling framework to study diffusion-controlled volume changing reactions, such as devolatilization reactions, drying, or cooling, where we found that the reaction front moves with a constant speed and a constant width (Malthe-Sørenssen et al., 2006). This modeling framework has been extended to address general diffusion-reaction processes, including volume changes and changes in material properties as results of the progress of chemcial reactions. Volume changing reactions may lead to a decrease in volume, shrinking, such as in drying and eclogitization, or to an increase in volume for expansion processes such as many weathering reactions. We have applied this modeling approach to address the volume-increasing processes occuring during sphereoidal weathering. We have demonstrated how local volume-increasing reactions may produce a large-scale hierarchical fracture pattern, and how this hierarchical process has a first-order impact on weathering rates (see Figure E1). Using the modeling framework, we obtain simulations with up to five generations of hierarchical fracturing. We have also developed a simple model for the acceleration fo the reaction rate due to hierarchical fracturing, illustrated in Figure E2. The hierarchical fracture pattern results in a rapidly growing fluid-solid contact area, and a slow diffision-reaction process progressing inward from the fluid-solid contact may therefore affect a much larger volume than in the case of an unfractured rock, where the alteration process progresses only from the outer boundaries (Røyne et al., 2008). We are currently applying the ideas and methods from these studies to a wide range of phenomena, including serpentinization processes and replacement reactions, where we also observe hierarchical fracturing and accelerated reactions. For example, in collaboration with C. Putnis (Jamtveit et al, 2009) we recently applied the same techniques of analysis and modeling to address the replacement of leucite by analcime, which is a common process in silica-poor igneous rocks, and typically results in a 10% volume increase. The fracture pattern observed on micron scale using back-scattered electron images closely resemble the hierarchical fracture structure seen in comparable simulations (See Figure E3.) PGP Annual Report 2008 E. Interface processes group a b Figure E1: (a) Sphereoidal weathering pattern from Argentinian sills showing several generations of domain subdivision that are clearly formed sequentially. (b) Numerical model of reactive transport, initiated as a diffusion process from the outer boundaries. As fractures appear and connect with the outer boundaries, water also diffuses in from the fracture surfaces. The simulation shows the formation of several subdomains by various mechanisms. (c) Illustration of the reacted volume for a model where fractures are formed and conduct fluids, and for a model without fracturing,showing that fracturing leads to an accelerated reaction process. c 0 log10() -0.5 -1 -1.5 Theory (acc) Theory (noacc) Simulation (acc) Simulation (noacc) -2 Simulation images -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 log10(t/t0) 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 c t Figure E2: Illustration of reacted volume as a function of time in a case where there is no fracturing (top picture), and in a case where a block is subdivided when the reaction reaches a particular depth, and fluid propagates in through the fractures. The presence of fractures clearly leads to an increase in the reactive surface, and also in an increase in the reacted volume compared to the model without fracturing. PGP Annual Report 2008 45 E. Interface processes group Scientific outlook We expect this theoretical and modeling framework to form a basis for understanding bulk reaction rates in many geological systems, including for example serpentinization reactions, and we are also working on developing further experimental or geological systems that allow us to test the quantitative predictions of the models against data from real systems. In particular, we have started studying experimental model systems of both volume reducing and volume increasing reactions, which raise challenging questions all the way down to the level of interatomic bonding. Over the next year, we expect to be able to bind the experimental and theoretical activities close together, (a) which will both tie the modeling methods more closely to an atomic and microscopic understanding of the processes, and, in the longer timeframe, open new directios of research. References Jamtveit, B., Malthe-Sørenssen, A. Kostenko, O. 2008. Reaction enhanced permeability during retrogressive metamorphism. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 267, 620-627. Jamtveit, B., Putnis, C. V., Malthe-Sørenssen, A. 2009. Reaction induced fracturing during replacement processes. Contributions to Mineral Petrology, 157, 127133. Røyne, A., Jamtveit, B., Mathiesen, J., Malthe-Sørenssen, A. 2008. Controls on weathering rates by reaction induced hierarchical fracturing. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 275, 364-369. (b) (c) 46 PGP Annual Report 2008 Figure E3: (a) Back-scattered electron (BSE) images of leucite crystals partly replaced by analcime demonstrates clearly developed hierarchical fracturing as shown by the magnification of the inset in (b). The line segments shows several generations of fractures. (c) Simulation of the replacement reaction also demonstrate grain partitioning and the formation of several generations of hierarchical fractures. E. Interface processes group The thermodynamics and roughening of solid-solid interfaces Scientific problem At every turn in nature we are confronted with complex patterns. Patterns often formed in multiphase systems by an intricate dynamics of mass transport, e.g. diffusion and/or advection, and mass exchange between individual phases. A good share of such systems evolves in the presence of mechanical stress. In the scientific community, a few examples, in particular, have been discussed intensively such as the ATG instability at the surface of stressed solids in contact with their melt or solution. In the absence of surface tension, the instability manifests itself by allowing small perturbations of the surface to increase in amplitude by mass diffusion from surface valleys, where the stress and chemical potential is high, to surrounding peaks where the stress and chemical potential is low. In systems where the fluid phase is replaced by another solid phase, i.e. solid-solid systems, the interface constraints alter the local equilibrium conditions. We perform research on the dynamics of an interface between non-hydrostatically stressed solids where the interface propagates by mass transformation from one phase into the other. In polycrystalline materials such mass transformation appears at the grain scale during “dry recrystallization”. Other important examples of interfaces that migrate under the influence of stress include the surfaces of coherent precipitates (stressed inclusions embedded in a crystal matrix) and interfaces associated with isochemical transformations. Approach and results Figure E4: Simulations of the temporal evolution of solid-solid interfaces for first-order phase transitions. Panel (A) shows a simulation using densities ρupper=1.0 and ρρlower=1.05 and shear modules , Gupper=1.05 and Glower=2.0. Both phases have identical Poisson’s ratio og 0.45. Panel (B) is a simulation run with densities and shear modules similar to panel (A) but with a different Poisson’s ratio, 0.25, for both phases. When two solids are compressed transverse to an interface separating them, we have shown that, if a phase transformation is possible, it can lead to a morphological instability, as well as the development of fingers along the propagating interface (see Figure E4). We have performed a stability analysis based on the Gibbs potential for non-hydrostatically stressed solids and have established a linear relationship between the rate of entropy production at the interface and the rate of mass exchange between the solid phases. The corresponding diagrams for the morphological stability of a propagating interface reveal an intricate dependence of the stability on the material density, Poisson’s ratio and Young’s modulus, see Figure E5. PGP Annual Report 2008 47 E. Interface processes group Figure E5 Example of a stability diagram for two solids in contact at a thin interface. One solid has a unit shear modulus and a unit density while the other solid has a shear modulus µ2 and densityρρ2. Both materials have a Poisson’s ratio of ¼. Regions in the diagram with positive values represent unstable growth, and negative values stable growth. Note the broken symmetry for the horizontal zero curve. This symmetry breaking has an interesting dependence on the Poisson’s ratio (See References). We have demonstrated that the morphological stability provide important information about the type of phase transformation process occurring at the interface of contacting solids and readily provide information about the material parameters. Scientific outlook The interplay between the microscopic and macroscopic physics is a fundamental problem in research on complex systems. The common aim of our research into the dynamics of stressed multiphase systems is to provide a link between the microstructural evolution and macroscopic system rheology. Important examples that shall be investigated in upcoming projects include the localization of compaction into bands in reactive, deformable and porous materials, the effect of anisotropy on solid-solid phase transformations and the slow evolution of faults. 48 While most faults evolve with a characteristic stick-slip behavior, a certain class of faults has a characteristic aseismic creep, i.e. the fault evolves in a way that allows it to steadily overcome the cycles of arrest controlled by the roughness and asperities. The details of the mechanisms behind this non-trivial rheology are unknown and it is important to understand the underlying difference between these two types of fault dynamics. A possible explanation could be related to a stress-controlled dissolution-precipitation alteration of the rough fault surface. References Angheluta, L., Jettestuen, E., Mathiesen, J. 2009. The thermodynamics and roughening of solid-solid interfaces. Phys. Rev. E 79, 031601. Angheluta, L., Jettestuen, E., Mathiesen, J., Renard, F., Jamtveit, B. 2008. Stress-driven phase transformation and the roughening of solid-solid interfaces. Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 096105. PGP Annual Report 2008 E. Interface processes group Research on the sensitivity to residual stresses in drying patterns Desiccation is known to produce complex networks of shrinkage-cracks in starch-water mixtures or clays. In concrete small cracks are often formed by the preparatory drying process and by the later ingress of reactive reagents. Similarly in nature, the infiltration of fluids and chemical reagents into rocks generate internal stresses that form intricate patterns of pervasive cracks. Typically the stress is generated from local volume changes. Fractures are also observed in thin films attached to a substrate. Experiments on films have revealed intricate patterns ranging from the hierarchical structure typically observed in mud and concrete to spiral shaped cracks. In spin-coating a fluid droplet is added at the center of a rotating substrate and is spread by centrifugal forces to cover the full substrate. During the drying and curing of the system, chemical bonds are formed between the coating and the substrate. In this process the coating often shrinks and tensile stresses are produced that can cause fracture. In cases where the contraction is fairly uniform, i.e. no residual shear stresses, the growing cracks typically form an intricate hierarchical pattern. We have shown that small variations in the volume contraction and substrate restraint can produce widely different crack patterns ranging from spirals to complex hierarchical networks as shown in Figure E6. The networks are formed when there is no prevailing gradient in material contraction whereas spirals are formed in the presence of a radial gradient in the contraction of a thin elastic layer. Figure E6: FEM simulation of shrinkage-cracks in thin elastic films attached to a substrate. Upper panel, remnant residual shear causes a crack to grow into a spiral. Lower panel, uniform stress leads to the formation of a hierarchical fracture pattern with multiple cracks advancing simultaneously. References Cohen, Y., Mathiesen, J., Procaccia,I. 2009. Drying patterns: Sensitivity to residual stresses., arXiv:0901.0797. PGP Annual Report 2008 49 E. Interface processes group An experimental study of stylolite formation thesis by Ola Kaas Eriksen Stylolites are features of localized dissolution in sedimentary rocks. They are planes oriented normal to the compaction direction and have a rough and often teeth-like surface structure. The vertical spacing of individual stylolite planes are often constant within one rock sample or outcrop. There is no general agreement on how these rough planes of localized compaction form. The master thesis of Ola Eriksen presents experimental results that suggest that the characteristic diffusion length of solute is important for both the localization process and the vertical spacing of individual stylolite planes. Granular systems are compacted by pressure solution. The results from these experiments show that the system develops spontaneously a “compaction band” structure oriented normal to the compaction direction. The spacing between the bands in this band structure is 1-2 mm, which is consistent with stylolite spacing in calcitic rock of 1-20 cm, assuming that the precipitation rate determines the characteristic diffusion length. A modeling study that explains the mechanisms of these ductile compaction bands is underway. Figure E8: Vertical autocorrelation of the final volume matrix in Figure 1. Figure E7: Deformation map of compacted granular material showing ductile compaction bands. Color scale is the local volume relative to original volume. 50 PGP Annual Report 2008 E. Interface processes group Extrusion of plastic crystals Energy dissipation in a simulated fault system thesis by Yngve Ydersbond Yngve Ydersbond has performed experiments on extrusion processes. This is important in both industry and geological settings. The transition from ductile to brittle deformation inside the extrusion die is observed as an optical contrast boundary, also called slip-line, between the regions in the die where stick and slip boundary conditions prevail. The dynamic of this boundary is measured in situ through optically transparent Plexiglas dies. The organic crystalline materials, Succinonitrile and Camphene, we have used are good analogs for other crystalline material, such as aluminium. Several processes that are important in the production of extruded aluminium products have been observed. Several statistical measurements have been carried out on the slip-line, these have shown that the system are persistent or antipersistent depending on the length scale it is observed. Furthermore, the bulk and surface velocity of the flowing material has been analysed and the radius of the die curvature has been systematically varied to see the effect this have on the slipline behaviour. thesis by Munib Sarwar Movement of the earths crust builds up stresses in a fault zone, and when these stresses reaches a critical point there is slip along the fault planes causing earthquake. The energy dissipated in an earthquake is in plate tectonic physics partitioned into three different components Wtot = Wseismic +Wexpansion +Wfricwhere Wtot is the total work. The only part of the energy tion budget of earthquakes that can be measured directly is Wseismic, the energy radiated in seismic waves. Wexpansion comes from expanding fractures and generating new surface area in the fault zone and Wfriction is the energy dissipated into heat. The last two terms can be estimated for fossil fault zones. Munib Sarwar performed experiments by scratching a halite surface with an indenter while measuring the forces (to calculate Wtot) and the thermal radiation with a sensitive, cooled IR camera (to calculate Wfriction). Careful analysis of the damage of the halite crystal allowed estimating Wexpansion. Estimating the small Wseismic to <5% he found that Wfriction is smaller than previous estimates in the literature. Figure E9: White light interferometer topography measurements of halite surface damaged by the indenter. The typical grain size in the damage zone is 3 µm. PGP Annual Report 2008 51 Education Bachelor The educational activities at PGP include administrating and teaching the master program, running a graduate school for PhD students, and contributing to the teaching activities at the Departments of Physics and Geology. Master Physics PGP-physics Material science Geology PGP master program The centre hosts a two-year master program The program is based on the principle that the most effective cross-disciplinary collaborations are rooted in the excellence of the collaborators in the respective fields. In order to ensure a sufficient level of specialization, and at the same time build an interdisciplinary activity, students with Bachelor degrees in Physics, Geology, or Computer modelling are offered a common program with specializations within their respective fields. PGP-geology Geophysics Mathematics PGP-simulation Computer science For 2008, the master program has the following construction: 4 semester Specialization courses Master thesis Master thesis 3 semester Specialization courses Master thesis Master thesis 2 semester Specialization courses Master thesis Master thesis 1 semester FYS-GEO4110 – Scientific communication and research ethics FYS-GEO4200 – Case study in physics of geological processes FYS-GEO4300 – Methods in physics of geological processes 10 ECTS credits 10 ECTS credits 10 ECTS credits The master project provides a practical introduction to scientific work and to the issues relevant to the research activities within PGP. of specialized courses are: Physics: FYS3410 – Condensed matter physics, FYS4150 Computational Physics, FYS4410 - Computational physics II, FYS4430 – Condensed matter physics II, FYS4460 – Disordered systems and percolation. 52 Geology: GEO4230 – Basin formation and sequence stratigraphy, GEO4250 – Reservoir geology, GEO4260 – Reservoir geophysics, yGEO4620 – Seismic waves and seismology, GEO4630 - Geodynamics, Analytical methods in geochemistry, GEO4840 - Tectonics, GEO4850 – Advanced structural geology. Applied mathematics: MEK4550 – The finite element method in solid mechanics I, INF-MAT5370 - Trianguleringer og anvendelser, INF5600 - Iterative methods and multigrid, INF5620 - Numerical methods for partial differential equations PGP Annual Report 2008 Teaching and examinations The PGP master program was externally evaluated in 2008. The committee recommended to extend the scientific communication part of both Fys-Geo4200 and Fys-Geo4300, and to incorporate the “ethics” from Fys-Geo4110 in Fys-Geo4200. 10 credits should be kept open for selection from a list of courses, where FysGeo4110 can be included. A main problem is a shortage of master students to the PGP program. However, Fys-Geo courses are also of interest to PhD students at PGP, other students at UiO and Guest students. Most Fys-Geo courses have a satisfactory total number of students and running the master program does not take too much extra effort. Fys-Geo4010/4030 Project task I/II, were new in 2008. These courses will mainly be available to guest students coming to PGP for a one-semester research project of 10 or 30 ECTS credits. Three Masters in PGP graduated and 2 PGP students defended their doctorates in 2008. One new Master student started autumn 2008 and by 31 December 2008, 3 Master and 20 PhD students were registered at PGP. Our candiates have continued to be attractive employees both in industry and for recruitment to academic research fellowships. (For details, see appendix). Teaching statistics from FS by 10 March 2009: Fys-Geo courses Course title Responsible Given Fys-Geo4110Scientific comm. Fys-Geo4200/9200Case study Fys-Geo4300Methods Fys-Geo4510Mechanical geomod Fys-Geo4520Thermodyn.geomod Gisler Austrheim Dysthe Podladchikov Podladchikov Autumn 08 Autumn 08 Autumn 08 Spring 08 Autumn 08 # reg. students 7 2/1 4 5/7 2/2 Average grade Passed B B Passed Passed Other courses Course title Geo4830 Geo4840 Gel2130 Geo4810 Fys-Mek1110 Fys-Mef1110 Fys2150 Fys4190 Fys4460 Bio4210 Bio4230 Bio4240 Responsible /involved H. Austrheim T.B.Andersen D.W.Schmid /T.B. Andersen, M. Adamuszek A. Beinlich A. Malthe-Sørensen A. Malthe-Sørensen D.K. Dysthe A. Mathiesen A. Malthe-Sørensen /Ø. Hammer, 5 hours /Ø. Hammer, 10 hours /Ø. Hammer, 2 hours PGP Annual Report 2008 Comment Autumn Spring Autumn Autumn Spring, 140 students Spring Spring Spring Spring, 5 students Autumn Spring Spring 53 Petromax & industry funded projects One of PGPs aims is to provide “short and effective channels from basic research to education, industry, and the public”. Several of PGP’s core activities involve the understanding of processes relevant for the petroleum industry (see Table 1). Results from this research are presented to the industry through publications, conferences, seminars, field trips, and consulting work through collaborating companies. The topic nd of the 22 Kongsberg Seminar 6-9.05.09 is on the “Physics of hydrocarbon bearing systems”. PGP research with relevance to the petroleum industry will be presented at this meeting. PGP is actively involved in several basin modeling projects. Several of the basin modeling activities are conducted in collaboration with the petroleum industry, in particular StatoilHydro which is involved in both the phase transition and PetroBar projects. New development of the TECTMOD2D software has been undertaken in collaboration with Geomodeling Solutions. PGP was further awarded a Ph.D. project from VISTA on shear heating in 2008. The project will commence in 2009. A major PGP activity is related to formation, migration and climatic impact of hydrocarbon fluids and gases. A large project on mechanisms of primary migration was funded by PETROMAKS in late 2008. This project will study how hydrocarbons migration out of the source rocks and the nature of focused fluid flow in vent complexes. Our work on the LUSI mud volcano in Java, Indonesia, continued to attract major attention in 2008. This mud volcano erupted very close to a petroleum well drilled in 2006. The eruptions lead to the displacement of more than 10,000 people. New modeling shows that the mud volcano likely erupted along a weakness zone created by movement of a strike-slip fault. We are further investigating formation and venting of greenhouse gases from metamorphic aureoles around sill intrusions. Unique samples from metamorphic aureoles in the Tunguska Basin, Siberia, have been collected in collaboration with Norilsk Nickel. The samples were transferred to Norway in the spring 2008. New samples have further been collected and analyzed from boreholes in the Vøring Basin off MidNorway and the Karoo Basin in South Africa. Our new data and theoretical models show that great quantities of hydrocarbon gases were generated just after the emplacement of the o more than 1000 C hot magma. The release of these gases in hydrothermal vent complexes may have caused major environmental changes in the End-Permian (Siberian Traps), the early Jurassic (Karoo Large Igneous Province) and the early Eocene (Northeast Atlantic Volcanic Province). The results of the volcanic basin projects have been used in collaboration with Volcanic Basin Petroleum Research (VBPR) for project work on the mid-Norwegian shelf, e.g., vent complexes on the Heidrun Field, and for industry-academic research proposals (e.g., Ocean Drilling Consortium). Prof. Bjørn Jamtveit was elected as a board member on the VISTA programme in 2008. This programme is a joint cooperation between the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters and StatoilHydro. Table 1. Industry-related externally funded projects at PGP in 2008. Project title Funding PGP PI Resources Duration Phase transition project: Mineral phase transitions control on basin subsidence: The role of temperature, pressure, fluids and melting PETROMAKS Y. Podladchikov 3 Post.Doc. 2 Ph.D. 2004-2008 PetroBar project: Petroleum-related regional studies of the Barents Sea region PETROMAKS Y. Podladchikov 1 Post.Doc. 1 Ph.D. 2006-2009 Rock instability project: Forward and inverse modeling of rock instabilities in the presence of fluids YFF Y. Podladchikov 1 Post.Doc. 1 Ph.D. 2005-2008 Pockmark project: The geobiology of Arctic hydrothermal springs YFF Ø. Hammer 1 Ph.D. 2004-2008 Aureole project: Hydrocarbon maturation in aureoles around sill intrusions in organic-rich sedimentary basins PETROMAKS H. Svensen 1 Post.Doc. 1 Ph.D. 2005-2009 Paleoclimate project: Processes in volcanic basins and the implications for global warming and mass extinctions YFF H. Svensen 2 Post.Doc. 2 Ph.D. 2007-2011 Shear heating project: The thermal evolution in sedimentary basins above large shear zones and detachments VISTA T. B. Andersen 1 Ph.D. 2009-2011 Primary migration project: Mechanisms of primary migration PETROMAKS P. Meakin 1 Post.Doc. 2 Ph.D. 2009-2012 The African Plate StatoilHydro T. Torsvik 1 Researcher 2008-2010 54 PGP Annual Report 2008 Public relations PGP is becoming established as a leading institution in promoting science to the general public. We have an active relationship to both national and international media with outreach both via journalists and popular science contributions from our researchers. The 2008 media statistics show that PGP researchers have participated in 3 national and 2 international radio programs, and have contributed to more than 30 feature articles and news stories. The highlights of 2008 include: • PGP’s own popular science writing continues, and articles by Øyvind Hammer, Sverre Planke, Bjørn Jamtveit, and Galen Gisler have been published in magazines like GEO and Meta. • The Andean Geotrail Project, where PGP researcher Olivier Galland cycles along the Andes Mountains, started in late fall 2008 and continues in 2009. Updates are available on the web. • Continued coverage of PGP results on the LUSI mud volcano, headed by Adriano Mazzini. Interviews with Mazzini have been published in media like Geotimes, New Scientist, National Geographic, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Time, and Science. (From Science, 13 June 2008) PGP Annual Report 2008 55 Organization PGP is headed by a director, Bjørn Jamtveit, who is appointed in a full time position for PGP`s second 5-year period. The director, assisted by an administrative manager Trine-Lise Knudsen, has responsibility for project management, administration and technical and financial delivery. The director reports to the board. PGP board Åm (head) Aharony Blundy Bouchaud The scientific organization is divided in five research groups, each led by a group coordinator which reports directly to the director. All Postdocs, PhD students and Master students are associated with a research group, while senior scientists may participate in more than one group. In additon, PGP has coordinators for media contact, industry contact, field activities and education. The coordinators, the administrative manager and the director have regular meetings. Financial and administrative organization at PGP (by December 2008) Putnis Gabrielsen Myhre PGP director Jamtveit Administration Research coord.: -Admin. manager: Knudsen -Admin. secretary: Brastad -Lab support: Gundersen -IT support: Christopher -Industry: Planke -Education: Andersen -Media: Svensen -Field: John PGP core projects: 56 Geodynamics Fluid Processes A B MicroInterface Localistructures Processes zation Processes C D E Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Postdocs Ph.Dstudents MS-students Postdocs Ph.Dstudents MS-students Postdocs Ph.Dstudents MS-students Postdocs Ph.Dstudents MS-students Postdocs Ph.Dstudents MS-students NRC YFF Petrobar IPY PGP Annual Report 2008 International funding EU MIT Industry & Other research institutions NGU Aker Expl. UiO “Start Packages” PhD positions Permanent positions PGP Scientific organization 2008 A B PGP Director Bjørn Jamtveit C D E Geodynamics Fluid Processes Localization Micro structures Interface Coordinator: S. Medvedev Coordinator: G. Gisler Coordinator: K. Mair Coordinator: D. Schmid Coordinator: A. Malthe-Sørenssen Postdocs: T. John N. Simon Postdocs: A. Mazzinii (HS) S. Polteu (HS) O. Galland (HS) Postdocs: S. Santucci (KM) Postdocs: E. Jettestuen (BJ) M. Dabrowski (DS, from July) Postdocs: Christophe Raufaste (AMS) PhD students: M. Beuchert (YPP) S. Tanzerev (YPP) to October C. Galerne (ERN, to October) J. Semprich (NS/JIF) H. Vrijmoed (HA) PhD students: F. Nicolaisen (AMS) I. Aarnes (HS) K. Webb (ØH) Kirsten Fristad (HS) PhD students: V. Yarushina (YPP) T. Bjørk (KM) Master students: S. Munib (KM) PhD students: M. Krotkiewski (DS) Master students: Y.W. Ydersbond (DD) PhD students: S. DeVilliers (JF) A.Røyne (DKD) L. Angheluta (JM) A. Nermoen (DD) Master students: O.K. Eriksen (DKD) B. Oust (JM) Master students: Master students: Magnus Løberg (YPP) Staff As for December 31 2008, 45 employees from 14 countries had their working place at PGP. The total work force constituted 39.1 man-labour years in 2008. The scientific staff has background in physics, earth science and computatonal science. Their work integrates field studies, laboratory experiments, computer simulations and theoretical calculations. PGP had x guest students staying for more than one month, performing research projects or partcipating in other PGP courses. In addition, PGP has a techical-administrative staff of 3.9 manlabour years and receive ca. 2.5 man-labour years of technical-administrative support from the Department of Physics and the MN-faculty. The status of the work force is summarized below, while a complete list of staff is found in Appendix 1. PGP work force in 2008: Title Professors, seniors and researchers Professor emeriti Postdoc researchers PhD students Techn/admin. staff at PGP TOTAL: Guest students In addition to this, numerous short term visitors stayed at PGP, of whom 15 gave invited talks at the PGP external seminar serie (see appendix). PGP Annual Report 2008 Number 25 Man-l. years Comment 17.3 1 came, 1 left 7 5.1 One added in 2008 2 came, 3 left 17w 13.5 5 3.9 57 4 39.8 3 Some not fully funded in 2008. 5 came, 2 left after PhD defence. Including 1 tech. at Dept. of Geosci. Each staying for at least 4 months 57 The board PGP has a new board for its second five-year period. Its mandate is to ensure that the inventions and plans underlying the contracts between the parties are fulfilled and completed within the adopted time frame. The board evaluates and advises on the centre’s scientific performance and assesses recent progress and future strategies. The board shall further ensure that the interaction between PGP and the host institution functions smoothly. The board reports to the MN-faculty. The board consists of seven members. The chairman is a highlevel manager in a major petroleum company, while four board members are scientists, two from physics and two from geosciences. Two board members are representatives from UiO. The board’s comprehensive management experience has played an important role in cases of strategic importance, and it also works as an advisory board in scientifc questions. This combined function has worked well for PGP for the first five-year period, and the model is selected also for the new board. The board meetings took place on 17 January 17 and 19-20 June. PGP employees 2003-2008 20,0 2003 18,0 2004 Man-labour years 16,0 14,0 2005 12,0 2006 10,0 2007 8,0 2008 6,0 4,0 2,0 0,0 Professors and researchers Postdoctoral fellows Doctoral students Other personnel The board members: Name Institution Knut Åm (chairman) Industry representative Prof. Amnon Aharony Tel Aviv University Physics Israel Prof. Elisabeth Bouchaud CEA-Saclay Physics France Prof. Jon Blundy Univ. of Bristol Geology Great Britain Prof. Andrew Putnis University of Münster Geology Germany Prof. Roy H. Gabrielsen Dept. Geosciences,Univ. of Oslo Geology Norway Prof. Annik M. Myhre MN-faculty, Univ. of Oslo Dean of studies Norway 58 PGP Annual Report 2008 Research area Country Norway Infrastructure and laboratories Computer and network support PGP has invested in a simple 5 TByte server solution for backing up data stored on local computers. Because the amount of data produced and obtained increases faster than the available network storage, many people use their local pc-disk for storing data. This is done either without any backup, or by backing up to USB disks or CD and DVD disks, but these strategies are vulnerable to failure. The server storage enables users to backup their data and have them available in the laboratories, in their offices or from anywhere with a secure network connection. The server does not have its own backup solution, but it uses redundancy and can therefore lose up to two out of its six hard drives without losing any data. Laboratory and instruments The number of experimentalists in the laboratories has been very good in 2008. Some new instruments were acquired, and the quality and selection of high level instruments have improved and are now producing good scientific results. In the interface laboratory we have invested in a new small Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) scanner system (Caliber from Veeco) to extend our surface imaging capability. With our scanning equipment we are now able to scan most scales and surfaces. Equipment XY-range Z-range XY-resolution Z-resolution AFM >90 micro m >12micro m <2 nano m 0.1 nanao m White light interferometer 50 mm 1 mm 1 micro m 0.1 nanao m 3D needle scanner 30 x 20 cm 6 cm 50micro m - 5 mm 25micro m 3D photo scanner*) 2 m 50 cm 1/5000 FS 0.5 mm *) Approximate values, FS = Full Scale of XY-range The AFM system is being extended to a current mode AFM in order to map conductivity of rock samples. In order to obtain better control of the surface preparation for different experiments at interfaces we have also purchased a LAminar Flow (LAF) workbench that ensures a dust free environment for sample preparation. PGP also invested in a new grayscale hi resolution and hi dynamic range camera this year. A FLI ProLine PL1600M with Class 1CCD gives us 16Mpixels and a dynamic range of 65dB and 16-bit operation. This camera enables us to capture and detect very small details and variations in various experiments. Figure 1. AFM screatched this PGP logo into a CD, later it was scanned with the same AFM. The second picture shows the AFM and the process. PGP Annual Report 2008 59 Experimental facilities PGP have a total of seven laboratories (total 275m2) located from the sub-basement to the top floor. The two laboratories in the sub basement are used for experiments that require special physical conditions: The interface lab in the sub basement has good temperature and mechanical stability, a low noise ventilation system, a high purity compressed air and water supply, a fume hood, UPS-protected electrical and vibration-free tables adjacent to the instrumentation platforms. To verify that the experiments are run in a controlled environment, we are now keeping a log of temperature and humidity. There are no windows in the sub-basement, and employees who spend their entire day, several days a week, can feel the isolation much stronger when the environment is sterile and cold. To improve the working conditions, we have purchased art to put on the wall in the interface laboratory. The four laboratories on the ground floor are of more general use. We have dedicated the biggest laboratory to granular experiments (“dirty and wet operations”) to keep the other laboratories from getting filled with dust. The temperatures in these rooms are very unstable, especially in the summer there can be huge fluctuations during the day. This is the reason why the long term experiments or those dependent on stable temperatures are only run in the sub-basement and not in any of these laboratories. One laboratory on the ground floor is more or less dedicated to the infrared camera. This has been used in friction/scratching and thermal conductivity experiments and has been used frequently during the entire year. The only laboratory on the 4th floor is mainly being used by I. Giæver for his experiments. Since this laboratory is located close to the offices, it is also convenient for smaller matters like microscopy. Figure 2. Scanning with the interferometer, the art is shown in the background. 60 PGP Annual Report 2008 Finances PGP had a total income of 42 479 thousand Norwegian kroner (kkr) in 2008, and total expences of 35 258 kkr. 7 221 kkr were transferred from 2007 for future salary obligations and delayed research activities. UiO grants and permanent postions constituted 30 % of the income to PGP, the SFF grant was 41 % of the income, and the remaining income came from other NRC projects (26 %) and international funding and oth- er private grants (3 %). Total income pr. man-labour year was 1.067 kkr, while the total expences pr. man-labour year was 886 kkr. Operating costs pluss investments pr. man-labour year were 216 kkr. Temporary and permanent posions constituted 61 % and 15 % of the costs, respectively, and operating costs and investments constituted the remaining 24 %. Accounting 2008 Type of financing UiO NRC NRC Project number Income UiO/MN grant UiO permanent positions SFF from NRC International funding (EU, MIT) Other NRC grants Other/private grants Basis PGP SFF International funding Other projects ChevTex, StatoilHydro, Aker Expl Accoring to the long-term contract with NRC 4 974 4 974 9 274 14 036 92 14 036 92 14 036 600 5 323 1 503 7 590 624 7 590 92 Transfer between accounts -2 000 2 000 1 735 2 671 1 000 14 036 2 931 11 800 SUM income incl. transfer GRAND TOTAL EU, MIT SUM income Transfer 2007-2008 Other private grants 5 323 9 093 7 283 1 000 2 531 1 000 34 518 33 724 0 7 961 12 731 17 771 10 261 92 1 624 42 479 Temporary positions 4 136 10 575 3 334 934 18 979 SUM temp. pos+overhead 4 271 11 796 4 195 1 077 21 339 23 639 UiO permanent positions 5 323 5 323 35 503 100 638 1 820 Costs Overhead (-inn/+out) Investments Operating costs 135 1 221 861 143 2 360 427 3 157 3 869 92 413 7 958 8 596 10 085 SUM Total expences 10 056 15 456 8 164 92 1 490 35 258 33 724 Transfer 2008-2009 2 787 2 203 2 097 0 134 7 221 Balance -112 112 0 0 0 0 0 SUM operating costs & inv. 462 3 660 3 969 All numbers are in 1000 NOK (kkr) 92 413 8 265 Comments: Transferred money represent future salary obligations and late activities. UiO-Basis includes the Petrobar project granted to Dept. of Geology. The total funding in long term contract with NRC also includes 9723 kkr in overhead expences covered by UiO. PGP Annual Report 2008 61 PGP is on track financially also in 2008. The center had 794 kkr higher income than anticipated in the long term funding plan of the contract with the Norwegian Research Council. The financiation from other NRC projects was substantially higher than anticipated, but the financiation from other private grants was lower. EU funding for 2007 will enter the budget in 2008 and EU funding is low, but increasing at PGP. The investments and operating costs were lower than anticipated and this is connectet to a long-term sick leave of one of the senior staff members. PGP personell are involved in 5 new projects in 2008.Håkon Austrheim is working on CO2 sequestation and is the UiO project leader in an EU-financed project coordinated by A. Putnis in Münster, Germany. Torgeir B. Andersen is a co-supervicor for a PhD student at University of Oslo, payed by a YFF grant to Susanne Buiter at NGU (The Norwegian Geological Survey). Henrik Svensen has a grant from MIT, USA, covering analytical expences on rock samples from Siberia. A grant from Statoil-Hydro to NGU and Trond H. Torsvik, coveres most salary expences for a senior researcher at PGP for the period 2008 to 2011. Dag K. Dysthe has a UiO “Start package” for the period 2008 to 2010. PGP also received two new PhD postions from the MN-faculty, one in co-operation with the Department of Geology, and one with the SFF-center Centre of Mathematics for Applications, CMA. The complete project portifolio for 2008 is given in the appendix. New projects from 2008 NRC YFF to Buiter, NGU Interntat. funding from EU Coordinator: A. Putnis, Münster EU: DELTA-MIN T.B.Andersen (2008-2011) PhD student: K. Ghazian H. Austrheim (2008-2011) ca. 3 700 kkr 2 PhD students from 2009 Internat. funding MIT: Siberian Traps H. Svensen (2008-2011) TOT :US$ 93330 62 Other private grants NGU T. Torsvik (2008-2010) 2100 kkr Researcher: S. Medvedev PGP Annual Report 2008 UiO financiation Start package Tiltak 150102 D.K. Dysthe 2008-2011 TOT: 863 kkr (incl. 25% Granted from PGP) 2 new PhD positions (2008-2011) D. Schmid: M. Krotkiewski (PGP-CMA) Austrheim: A. Beinlich (PGP-DG) TOT: 3846kkr Appendices Appendices 2008 List of staff .............................................................64 2008 Student list .............................................................66 2008 Numerical models ............................................... 68 2008 Fieldwork .............................................................. 69 2008 Project portfolio .................................................. 70 2008 Invited talks ......................................................... 72 2008 Experimental laboratory activities................... 72 2008 Production list ..................................................... 74 PGP Annual Report 2008 63 List of staff Name Title % pos. Permanent postions, financed directly from UiO Project From To Man-labour year Background Aharony Amnon Professor 20 NA 01.02.2003 NA 0,2 Israel Austrheim Håkon Professor 75 NA NA NA 0,8 Norway Andersen Torgeir B. Professor 75 NA NA NA 0,8 Norway Corell, Gro Adm. 25 NA NA NA 0,3 Norway Feder Jens Professor 75 NA NA 31.01.2009 0,8 Norway Jøssang Torstein Professor emer. 75 NA NA NA 0,8 Norway Neumann Else-Ragnhild Professor emer. 75 NA NA NA 0,8 Norway Malthe-Sørenssen Anders Professor 75 NA NA NA 0,8 Norway NN Tech. Assist. from Dept. P. Techn. 200 NA NA NA 2,0 Norway Røyne Anja PhD student 100 NA 08.08.2005 1,0 Norway Schmid Daniel W. Senior 75 NA 01.04.2003 31.01.2013 0,8 Switzerland Financed from Basis PGP Angheluta Luiza PhD student 100 0 16.10.2006 15.10.2009 1,0 Romania Beinlich, Andreas PhD student 100 01.09.2008 31.08.2012 0,3 Germany Dysthe Dag Professor 100 NA 01.01.2006 NA 1,0 Norway Podladtchikov Yuri Professor 100 0 01.07.2003 NA 1,0 Russia Krotkiewski Marcin PhD student 100 142042 01.01.2008 31.12.2011 1,0 Poland Nermoen Anders PhD student 100 0 21.08.2006 20.08.2010 1,0 Norway Semprich Julia PhD student 100 0 01.05.2007 30.04.2010 1,0 Germany Simon Nina S.C. Postdoc 100 121124 01.04.2007 31.01.2010 1,0 Germany Financed from SFF Adamuzek Martha PhD student 100 142042 22.08.2008 21.08.2011 0,4 Poland Beuchert Marcus PhD student 100 142042 10.10.2008 31.12.2008 0,2 Germany Bjørk Torbjørn stipendiat 100 142042 01.01.2008 1,2,08 0,1 Norway Bjørk Torbjørn PhD student 100 142042 01.02.2008 31.01.2011 0,9 Norway Brastad Karin konsulent 100 142042 01.09.2003 31.01.2010 1,0 Norway Cristopher Jesmine Techn. 60 142042 03.05.2006 31.12.2012 0,6 Norway Dabrowski Marcin PhD student 100 142042 01.04.2008 30.06.2008 0,3 Poland Dabrowski Marcin Postdoc 100 142042 01.07.2008 31.06.2010 0,5 Poland De Villiers Simon PhD student 100 142042 01.03.2008 0,3 South Africa Fletcher Ray Professor 20 142042 01.01.2006 31.12.2008 0,2 USA Galerne Christophe PhD student 100 142042 01.01.2008 30.03.2008 0,3 France Galland Olivier Postdoc 100 142042 01.07.2008 31.11.2008 0,5 France Gisler Galen Senior 100 142042 01.04.2006 31.01.2013 1,0 USA Gundersen Olav Techn. 100 142042 08.09.2003 31.12.2013 1,0 Norway Hammer Øyvind Senior 50 142042 01.02.2003 31.01.2013 0,5 Norway Hartz Ebbe Hvidegård Professor 20 142042 01.02.2007 31.01.2010 0,2 Norway/ Denmark Jettestuen Espen Postdoc 100 142042 01.01.2008 31.12.2008 1,0 Norway Jamtveit Bjørn Professor 100 142042 01.02.2003 31.01.2010 1,0 Norway John Timm Postdoc 142042 Lønnet av Aker Exploration 0,0 Germany John Timm Postdoc 100 142042 01.11.2008 0,2 Germany Knudsen, Trine-Lise Adm. 100 142042 17.06.2007 1,0 Norway 64 PGP Annual Report 2008 31.12.2008 Appendices Mair Karen Senior 100 142042 01.01.2005 31.12.2012 0,4 Great Britain Mathiesen Joakim Ass. Professor 100 142042 01.02.2009 Meakin, Paul Professor II 29 142042 01.01.2008 NA 1,0 Denmark 31.12.2008 0,3 USA Planke Sverre Senior Raufaste, Christophe Postdoc Renard Francois Professor Santucci, Stephane Senior Souche, Alban vit.ass Svensen Henrik Tanzerev Evgenyi Torsvik, Trond Helge Professor Vrijmoed Hans 20 142042 01.02.2003 31.01.2013 0,2 Norway 100 142042 01.01.2008 31.12.2009 1,0 France 20 142042 01.04.2003 31.03.2011 0,2 France 100 142042 01.01.2008 31.12.2008 1,0 France 100 142042 01.10.2008 31.12.2008 0,3 France Senior 100 142042 01.09.2005 31.12.2012 1,0 Norway PhD student 100 142042 11.12.2007 31.01.2008 0,1 Russia 20 142042 01.04.2007 31.03.2010 0,2 Norway PhD student 100 142042 26.09.2008 31.12.2008 0,3 The Netherlands Yarushina Victoria PhD student 100 142042 18.10.2008 31.12.2008 0,2 Russia Financed from other NRC projects Nicolaisen Filip Ferris PhD student 100 142404 01.09.2008 31.11.08 0,3 Norway Beuchert Marcus PhD student 100 142405 10.10.2005 09.10.2008 0,9 Germany Dabrowski Marcin PhD student 100 142405 01.04.2005 31.03.2008 0,3 Poland Yarushina Victoria PhD student 100 121114 18.10.2005 17.10.2009 0,8 Russia Webb Karen Elizabeth PhD student 100 121116 20.06.2005 30.09.2008 0,8 Great Britain Aarnes Ingrid PhD student 100 142561 01.10.2006 30.09.2009 1,0 Norway Polteau Stephane Postdoc 100 142561 01.09.2006 31.01.2008 0,1 France Polteau Stephane Forsker 50 142561 01.02.2008 31.03.2009 0,5 France John Timm Postdoc 100 142561 01.09.2008 31.10.2008 0,2 Germany Galland, Olivier Postdoc 100 142953 01.01.2008 31.06.2008 0,5 France Mazzini, Adriano Forsker 100 142953 01.10.2007 30.09.2009 1,0 France Polozov, Alexander Førsteaman. 2 20 142953 01.09.2007 31.01.2009 0,2 Russia Fristad, Kirsten PhD student 100 142953 11.06.2008 10.06.2011 0,5 USA John Timm Postdoc 100 142953 01.07.2008 30.08.2008 0,2 Germany Financed from private grants Medvedev Sergei Senior 100 01.01.2008 31.12.2008 1,0 Russia Souche, Alban vit.ass 100 420853 01.08.2008 31.9.2008 0,2 France Visiting guest students Fristad, Kirsten Guest student 100 01.01.2008 30.05.2008 0,4 USA Latini, Andrea Guest student 100 01.08.2008 20.12.2008 0,4 Italy Malvoisin, Benjamin Guest student 100 01.02.2008 18.07.2008 0,4 France Souche, Alban Guest student 100 10.01.2008 20.06.2008 0,4 France Professors 8,8 Senior researchers 8,5 Postdocs 5,1 PhD students Other 12,8 PGP Annual Report 2008 5,9 65 Student list PhD students Name Main supervisor Topic Financiation 1 Aarnes, Ingrid Svensen Metamorphism around sill intrusion NRC 2 Adamuszek, Marta Schmid Fold and thrust belts CoE, NRC 3 Angheluta, Luiza Mathiesen Pattern formation, stylolites NRC 4 Beinlich, Andreas Austrheim CO2-sequestration 5 Bjørk, Torbjørn Mair Faults and fault rocks UiO; with Dept. of Geosci. CoE, NRC 6 Beuchert, Marcus Podladchikov Crust-mantle interaction NRC 7 De Villiers, Simon Feder Crumpled sheets NRC 8 Dabrowski, Marcin* June 08 NRC 9 Fristad, Kirsten Svensen Anisotropy and geterogeneity in finite deformation resolving vs. Upscaling 10 Galerne, Christopher Neumann Sill intrusion NRC 11 Krotkiewski, Marcin Schmid Computational geodynamics UiO, with CMA 12 Nermoen, Anders Podladchikov Particle flow in microphores UiO, MN-fac 13 Nicolaysen, Fillip Numerical simulations of hydrothermal vent NRC 14 Røyne, Anja MaltheSørensen Weathering UiO; MN-fac 15 Semprich, Julia Podladchikov Basin formation 16 Souche, Alban Andersen The thermal evolution in sedimentary basins NRC (Petromaks at Dept. of Geosci) Vista 17 Tanserev, Evgeniy** Podladchikov 18 Vrijmoed, Johannes Podladchikov 19 Webb, Karen Hammer Time-reverse methods in modelling of diffusive, convective and reactive transport Fracturing, metamorphism and metasmonatism at ultrahigh pressure Marine biogeology NRC 20 Yarushina, Victorya Podladchikov Computational geophysics NRC NRC NRC UiO, MN-fac * dissertation 19 June 2008, ** dissertation 18 September 2009 Master students Name Main superv. Topic Background 1 Løberg, Magnus B. Podladchikov Wave phenomena in chemically reactive porous media Mathematics 2 Nyhagen, Daniel S. From January 2009 Mechanics 3 Oust, Bodil Mathiesen Diapir modelling Physics 4 Paulsen, Kristin Schmid Physics 66 PGP Annual Report 2008 Appendices Previous PhD students Name Examination Position after PGP 1 Jettestuen, Espen June 04 Postdoc, PGP 2 Harstad, Andreas January 06 DNO 3 Bræck, Simen September 07 Høgskolen i Oslo 4 Iyer, Karthik December 07 Postdoc, Univ. Kiel 5 Rohzko, Alexander December 07 EMGS ASA, Trondheim 6 Uri, Nina March 2006 EMGS ASA Previous Master students Name Exam. date Employment after PGP 1 Munib Sarwar Oct 08 PGP short term 2 Ola K. Eriksen Oct 08 VBPR 3 Yngve W. Ydersbond Oct 09 Vindteknikk as 4 Tomas Husdal May 07 Bodin Vidregående skole 5 Siri A.L. Sali December 04 Geoservices SA 6 Camilla Haave February 05 Geoservices SA 7 Torkil Sørlie Røhr June 05 PhD, Dept. of Geology 8 Martin Søreng August 06 Telenor 9 Berit Mattson February 05 Petroleum Geoservices SA 10 Anders Nermoen June 06 PhD, PGP 11 Solveig Røyjom June 06 StatoilHydro 12 Grunde Waag June 06 EMGS 13 Ingrid Aarnes June 06 PhD, PGP 14 Eoin McGrath February 05 Univ. College Dublin 15 Torbjørn Bjørk December 06 PhD, PGP 16 Helena K. Nygård December 06 Studies, UiO 17 Kirstein Haaberg December 06 EMGS 18 Hilde Henriksen May 07 PGP Annual Report 2008 67 Numerical models Particular characteristics of geological processes such as complex and strongly varying material properties in space and time, development of strong localization, large strain, multiphysics and multi-scale requirements render commercial software packages not applicable or make their application as much or more tedious than the development from scratch. Table 1 (Incomplete) list of numerical models developed at PGP Name Developers Purpose / Method CBI Schmid et al. 2D and 3D implementation of the Cahn/Hilliard equation to study mineral exsolution. BILAMIN Krotkiewski et al. 3D deformation model for large strain. Body fitted meshes, finite element method implemented for large cluster systems, can solve systems with 200’000’000 unknowns. GranMaS Nicolaisen 2D Granular Material Simulation. Discrete element code for simulating granular motion combined with fluid diffusion in a porous media. Kirbestr Rozhko 2D finite difference code to model propagation of fractures driven by filtration of fluid in a porous medium. Darcian filtration of fluid in a medium with a nonlinear poro-elasto-plastic constitutive relationship. Used to study venting. LiToastPhere Hartz et al. 1D code that models the deformation in a deforming lithosphere. Includes deformation, frictional heat, lithospheric strength, geothermal gradient, tectonic overpressure, mineral phase transitions, and uplift and subsidence as a result of force, energy and mass balanced thinning or thickening. MILAMIN* Dabrowski et al. 2D general purpose finite element code with body fitted meshes. 1 million unknowns in 1 minute. OS_Wave & OS_Flow Krotkiewski et al. Operate split based 3D methods for wave propagation and fluid flow. Structured grids with billions of unknowns solved in minutes. Proshell Medvedev Shell implementation of the finite element method to study the interaction between deformation and surface processes. ReactDem Malthe-Sørenssen 2D Discrete Element Model coupled to diffusion-reaction and fluid-flow solvers StokesDyn Jettestuen #D Stokesian dynamics model for deofrming particle suspensions 68 PGP Annual Report 2008 Appendices 2008 Registered field work A short summary of field activities giving: a) Location and duration; b) Participants from PGP in bold; c) Comment 1a) “Karelian Craton Transect” (Finland, Russia) Field trip as part of IGC 2008. 28.07 – 04.08 b) Marcus Buchert, Leaders: Peltonen, Holtta & Slabunov 2a) Sweden-NorwayIGC33 Post-Conference Excursion 34, Tectonostratigraphic transect through the Caledonides. (including partly leadership). b) J.C.Vrijmoed 3a) FysGeo 4300, Oslo area, 04.09.2008 b) T.B. Andersen, Andrea Latini, Marta Adamuszek, Kristin Paulsen, Filip Nicolaisen, Alaban Souche, Heidi Hefre Haugland. 4a) Field course in Fys-Geo 4200, Leka, Nord Trøndelag, Røros, Sør-Trøndelag 14.-20.09.2008, b) Håkon Austrheim, Andrea Latini, Christophe Raufaste, Andreas Beinlich, Kristin Paulsen. 5a) Field work Solund, 25.09-29.09.2008 b) Håkon Austrheim, Andreas Beinlich. 6a) Field work Neuquen province, Argentina, 25.3 – 13.4. b) Henrik Svensen, Adriano Mazzini, Olivier Galland, Bjørn Jamtveit, Sverre Planke, Fernando Corfu 7a) Field work, East Greenland, July - August b) Ebbe H. Hartz, Niels Hovius (University lecturer at Cambridge University) and their sons Torjus and Miro. c) Book on childrens meeting with the Arctic 8a) Salton Sea, California, 8 - 13.12 b)Adriano Mazzini, Stephan Polteau, Anders Nermoen, Kirsten Fristad c) Work on hydrothermal venting PGP Annual Report 2008 69 Project portfolio 2008 UiO financiation, Basis Startpackage Anders Malthe-Sørenssen (104025) PI: AMS Funding, kkr: 400 Comment: Transferred kkr from 200 Startpackage Joachim Mathiesen (104024) PI: Joachim Mathiesen Funding, kkr: 400 Comment: Transferred kkr from 200 Startpackage Dag K. Dysthe (150102) PI: Dag K. Dysthe Funding, kkr: 158 Comment: Transferred kkr from 200 PhD positions (410000) Funding, kkr: 1 227 Comment: Transferred kkr from 200 Research strategy Funding, kkr: Research school, Podladchikov (104020) Funding, kkr: UIO FINANCIATION: Permanent positions (salary costs only) Funding, kkr: TOTAL UIO FINANCIATION: SFF grant Funding, kkr: Comment: Transferred kkr from 200 2 000 789 4 974 5 323 10 297 YFF grant Forvard and inverse Yuri Podladchikov, 162741/V00 PI: Yuri Podladchikov, UiO project 121114 Funding, kkr: Comment: 56 kkr kkr is kept back until final report. YFF grant Øyvind Hammer, 162990/V30 PI: Hammer, UiO project 142919 Funding, kkr: 678 Comment: Transferred 179 kkr from 2008. Terminates 30.10.09. Mineral phase transition, 163464/S30 PI: YPP, UiO project 142405 Funding, kkr: 410 Comment: Emplacement, 159824/V30 PI: ERN, UiO project 142249 Funding, kkr: 215 Comment: Terminates 31.12.08 YFF grant Henrik Svensen 180678/V30 PI: Henrik Svensen, UiO project 142953 Funding, kkr: 2 312 Comment: Revised financiation plan from 2008 IPY grant Torjus and Miro explore Arctic, 182146/S30 PI: Ebbe H. Hartz, UiO project 142919 Funding, kkr: 197 Comment: Money hold back for final reporting 1 May 2009. Petromax Vents Anders Malthe-Sørenssen, 163469/S30 PI: AMS, UiO project 142404 PI: J.I. Faleide DG/Yuri Podladchikov, UiO basis, tiltak 104026 Funding, kkr: 1 503 Funding, kkr: 510 Comment: Transferred kkr from 200 Eurora: Large igneous provinces PI: Henrik Svensen, UiO project x Funding, kkr: 0 Comment: Money inn in 2009, after reporting Petromax Hydrocarbon in aureoles 169457/S30 PI: Henrik Svensen, UiO project 142561 Funding, kkr: Comment: Sluttrapport 30.9.09, projekt til avslutning 31.3.2010 TOTAL FINANCIATION, OTHER NRC PROJECTS : 70 113 14 036 Petromax Petrobar, 175973/S30 Comment: Transferred kkr from 200 Other NRC projects PGP Annual Report 2008 1 652 7 590 Appendices International funding EU: Delta-min PI: Andrew Putnis (Munster)/ Håkon Austrheim. UiO project 650010 Funding, kkr: 0 Comment: Money for 2008 og 2009 enters in January 2009 MIT: Siberian Traps PI: Henrik Svensen, UiO procject 690249 Funding, kkr: Comment: Transferred 92 kkr from 2008. * in $ TOT. FINANCIATION, INTERNAT. GRANTS: 92 92 Other private NGU: African Plate PI: Trond H. Torsvik. UiO project 211445 Funding, kkr: 700 Comment: Aker Exploration PI: be H. Hartz, UiO procject 420945 Funding, kkr: Comment: Transferred 86 kkr from 2008. Terminates 31.12.09. TOT. FINANCIATION, PRIVATE GRANTS : 300 1 000 PGP Annual Report 2008 71 Invited talks 2008 Experimental laboratory activities November 13: Claudia Trepmann Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum. Steady state versus non-steady state flow - the microstructureal record of experiment and nature. October 9: Julien Scheibert (CEA-SACLAY Paris). Stress/strain field measurements at a multicontact frictional interface. May 15: Eystein Jansen Bergen. Past and future climates. May 22: Olivier Vidale Grenoble, France. May 29: Jean-Pierre Gratier Grenoble, France. Pressure solution creep law from indentation experiments and application to fault permeability and strength evolution during seismic cycle. June 10: Jean-Christophe Geminard Lyon, France. Intermittant gas-flow and bursting bubbles into a non-newtonian fluid. June 12: Osvanny Ramos Lyon, France. Avalanche prediction in Self-organized systems. June 23: Ran Holtzman Berkeley, California. April 3: Volker Oye NORSAR. Estimation of small-scale heterogeneities inferred from microearthquake observations at the San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth (SAFOD). March 27: David Smith Paris, France. Selected topics on applying Raman spectroscopy and micro-mapping to jadeite/coesite/ diamond/zircon questions in HPM/UHPM terrains in Greece, Guatemala, Kazakstan & Norway. February 29: Richard Schultz Reno, Nevada USA. What controls displacement-length scaling of geologic structures? February 28: Frederique Rolandone France. The evolution of the brittle ductile transition during the earthquake cycle: constraints from the time-dependent depth distributions of aftershocks. February 14: Steffen Abe RWTH Aachen University, Germany. DEM simulations of normal faulting in a cohesive material. January 31: Karel Schulmann Strasbourg, France. Vertical extrusion and horizontal channel flow: key mechanisms of exhumation in large hot. orogens The number of experimental users and of experimental activities is increaseing The following gives an overview of the activities, which cover a broad range of processes and geological applications, from the micro-scale to the geological scale. In addition to this, the experimental lab engineer Olav Gundersen knows all the experimental equipment and facilities and is of considerable help in the development of new experimental projects and setups. 1. Stéphane Santucci Friction/fracture processes This project is a part of the fault and fracturing project. It focuses on the detailed quantification of the processes involved during faulting. It consists of the development of simultaneous optical – combining direct observations and Infrared Imaging - and acoustic tracking of friction and fracture processes. 2. Munib Sarwar (Master student, supervisor: Dag Kristian Dysthe and Karen Mair) Energy dissipation in a simulated fault system Part of the fault and fracturing project, dealing with thermal imaging and topographic analysis of a halide crystal (NaCl) submitted to friction. Such an experimental approach provides good constraints on the energy dissipation during fault motion. Thermal imaging of the frictional surface during scratching gives a temperature profile around the indenter which is used to estimate the amount of energy converted into heat. 3. Anja Røyne (PhD student, supervisor: Dag Kristian Dysthe) Double torsion testing of subcritical crack growth in calcite single crystals The aim of this project is to understand the mechanical effect of migrating fluids through rocks, with particular applications to weathering processes and fluid-assisted metamorphic reactions. One experimental approach consists of looking at reaction fronts in a hydrating salt. Another approach focuses on subcritical cracking in calcite. 4. Christophe Raufaste Volume changes in solids induced by chemical alteration The project deals with the coupling between mechanics and chemical alteration. Different “model” materials are investigated to understand the effect of volume changes induced locally by chemical reaction. Experiments are performed under optical microscope and the interface of reaction is imaged down to a resolution of a few microns. January 17: Ritske Huismans, Bergen. Complex Rifted Margins Explained by Dynamical Models of Depth-Dependent Lithospheric Extension. 72 PGP Annual Report 2008 Appendices 5. Olivier Galland Mechanisms of shallow magma emplacement The experimental setup allows a coupled monitoring of magma pressure, deformation of model surface, and the 3D shape of resulting intrusion. Such a dataset allows a precise quantification of simulated processes. The aim is to understand the physical processes governing the emplacement of magma into the upper crust. 6. Anders Nermoen (PhD student, Supervisor Yuri Podladchikov) Particle dynamics of microscopic pores In order to study the fluid induced deformation we have performed four experiments during 2008: 6.1. Shearing as an effective triggering mechanism for the formation of piercement structures in granular media. Applied to the Lusi mud volcano in Indonesia (3D). 6.2. Chimney formation; patterns produced when a bi-modal mixture of grains segregate in the air-induced fluidized state. Quasi 2 D geometry. 6.3. Dry-ice experiments consider the case when a chemical compound emplaced in a sedimentary/granular package reacts causing a rise in the local fluid pressure. Pipes form when heat is introduced to the system triggering the sublimation of the dry ice. This experiment serves as a natural lab-analogue to pipe formation in the sill emplacement project. 6.4. The stress state of a packing of granular materials is affected by the interstitial fluid flow, through the so-called seepage forces. We have performed a series of experiments where we study the de-stabilization of a sand pile triggered by the imposed fluid flow. 6.5. Experiments on crystallization pressure induced fracturing of 2D synthetic ‘rocks’, made by a mixture of water and vanish and glass beads. Salt crystals grow within the beads. We are hoping to btain a direct observation of deformation 7. Delphine Croizé (PhD student at Geosciences, supervisors: Dag Kristian Dysthe, François Renard, Knut Bjørlykke, Jens Jahren) Calcite pressure solution: single-contact experiments Processes controlling compaction, i.e., porosity reduction, in carbonate sediments are still poorly understood, and chemical compaction, involving pressure solution, need to be studied. Two sets of experiments are realized in which deformation of carbonate is measured as a function of time, stress, grain size or fluid in presence. This is done at the grain scale. The observation of the contact is done through reflected light, this make possible to look at the contact and the Newton rings generated by it. Following the Newton rings displacement enables the determination of the rate of calcite dissolution as a function of the applied stress. 8. Matthieu Angeli Salt hydration with temperature Imbibition of porous media Salt crystallization during drying of porous media Salt crystallization is a very damaging process for the porous sedimentary stones. This process is partly responsible for erosion or for the degradation of cultural heritage. It is highly dependent on the type of rock and the type of salt. The main goal is to study how these crystallization processes occur in the porous media, via the help of 2D glass models. For this we observe the crystallization and phase changes of different salts (sodium chloride; sodium sulphate, magnesium sulphate...), and how this crystallization affects the mechanical strength of the media and its fluid flow properties. 9. Ola Kaas Eriksen (Master student, supervisor: Dag Kristian Dysthe) An experimental study on the growth of stylolites The aim of this project was to simulate experimentally the growing of stylolites. The main part of this work was compacting experiments with model materials where pressure solution is the important process. The results from these experiments show that the system develops spontaneously a “compaction band” structure oriented normal to the compaction direction. Granular systems are compacted by pressure solution. 10. Yngve W. Ydersbond (Master student, supervisors: Dag Krystian Dysthe and Jens Feder) Crack front dynamics Experiments on extrusion processes. The transition from ductile to brittle deformation inside the extrusion die is observed as an optical contrast boundary, also called slip-line, between the regions in the die where stick and slip boundary conditions prevail. The dynamic of this boundary is measured in situ through optically transparent Plexiglas dies. We have used the organic crystalline materials, Succinonitrile and Camphene. Furthermore, the bulk and surface velocity of the flowing material has been analysed and the radius of the die curvature has been systematically varied to see the effect this have on the slipline behaviour. 11. Dysthe with Nermoen, Yderbond, Kaas and Munib The ‘PGP science museum’, a series of demonstration experiments. PGP Annual Report 2008 73 2008 Production list Publications in international journals 2008 1. Aarnes, I., Podladchikov, Y.Y., Neumann, E.-R. 2008. Post-emplacement melt flow induced by thermal stresses: implications for differentiation in sills. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 276, 152-166. 2. Alvey, A., Gaina, C., Kusznir, N.J., Torsvik, T.H. 2008. Integrated Crustal Thickness Mapping & Plate Reconstructions for the High Arctic. Earth and Planetary Sciences, 274, 310-321. 3. Andersen, T.B., Mair, K., Austrheim, H.O., Podladchikov, Y.Y., Vrijmoed, J.C. 2008. Stress-release in exhumed intermediate-deep earthquakes determined from ultramafic pseudotachylyte. Geology, 36, 995-998. 17. Glodny, J., Kûhn, A., Austrheim, H. 2008. Diffusion versus recrystallization processes in Rb-Sr geochronology: Isotopic relicts in eclogite facies rocks, Western Gneiss Region, Norway. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 72, 506-525. 18.Hammer, Ø. 2008. Pattern formation: Watch your step. Nature Physics, 4, 265-266. 19.Hammer, Ø ., Dysthe, D.K ., Lelu, B., Lund, H., Meakin, P., Jamtveit, B . 2008. Calcite precipitaiton instability under laminar, openchannel flow. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 72, 5009-5021. 20.Hartz, E.H., Podladchikov, Y.Y. 2008. Toasting the jelly sandwich: The effect of shear heating on lithospheric geotherms and strength. Geology, 36, 331–334. 4. Angheluta, L., Jettestuen, E., Mathiesen, J., Renard, F., Jamtveit, B. 2008. Stress-driven phase transformation and the roughening of solid-solid interfaces. Phys. Rev. Lett., 100, 096105. 21.Heine, C., Muller, R.D., Steinberger, B., Torsvik, T.H. 2008. Subsidence in intracontinental basins due to dynamic topography. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 171, 252-264. 5. Austrheim, H., Prestvik, T. 2008. Rodingitization and hydration of the oceanic lithosphere as developed in the Leka ophiolite, north central Norway. Lithos, 104, 177-198. 22.Hopp, J., Trieloff, M., Brey, G.P., Woodland, A.B., Simon, N.S.C., Wijbrans, J.R., Siebel, W., Reitter, E. 2008. 40Ar/39Ar-ages of phlogopite in mantle xenolites from South African kimberlites: Evidence for metasomatic mantle impregnation during the Kibaran orogenic cycle. Lithos, 106, 351-364. 6. Austrheim, H., Putnis, C.V., Engvik, A.K., Putnis, A. 2008. Zircon coronas around Fe-Ti oxides: a physical reference frame for metamorphic and metasomatic reactions. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 156, 517-527. 7. Burke, K., Steinberger, B., Torsvik, T.H., Smethurst, M.A., 2008. Plume Generation Zones at the margins of Large Low Shear Velocity Provinces on the Core-Mantle Boundary. Earth and Planetary Sciences, 265, 49-60. 8. Dabrowski, M., Krotkiewski, M., Schmid, D.W. 2008. MILAMIN: MATLAB-based FEM solver for large problems. Geochemistry, Geophysics, and Geosystems, 9, Q04030. 9. Engvik, A.K., Andersen T.B., Wachmann, M. 2008. Inhomogeneous deformation in deeply buried continental crust, an example from the eclogite-facies province of the Western Gneiss Region, Norway. Norwegian Journal of Geology, 87, 373-389. 10.Engvik, A.K., Putnis, A., Fritz Gerald, J.D., Austrheim, H. 2008. Albitization of granitic rocks: The mechanism of replacement of oligoclase by albite. The Canandian Mineralogist 46,1401-1415. 11.Ferrando, S., Frezzotti, M.L., Neumann, E.-R., De Astis, Peccerillo, A., Dereje, A., Gezahegn, Y., Teklevold, A. 2008. Composition and geothermal structure of the lithosphere beneath the Ethiopian Plateau: evidence from mantle xenoliths in basanites, Injibara, Lake Tana Province. Mineralogy and Petrology, 93, 47-78. 12.Galerne, C.Y., Neumann, E.R., Planke, S. 2008. Emplacement Mechanisms of Sill Complexes: Information from the Geochemical Architecture of the Golden Valley Sill Complex, South Africa. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 177, 425-440. 13.Ganerød, M., Smethurst, M.A., Rousse, S., Torsvik, T.H., Prestvik, T. 2008. Reassembling the Paleogene-Eocene North Atlantic Igneous Province: new paleomagnetic constraints from the Isle of Mull, Scotland. Earth Planet Sci. Lett., 272, 464-475. 14.Galland, O., Cobbold, P. R., Hallot, E., de Bremond d’Ars, J. 2008. Magma-controlled tectonics in compressional settings: insights from geological exam. Bollettino Della Società Geologica Italiana, 127, 205-208. 15.Gisler, G.R. 2008. Tsunami Simulations. Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics, 40, 71-90. 16.Glodny, J., Kûhn, A., Austrheim, H. 2008. Geochronology of fluidinduced eclogite and amphibolite facies metamorphic reactions in a subduction–collision system, Bergen Arcs, Norway. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 156, 27-48. 74 23.Iyer, K., Jamtveit, B., Mathiesen, J., Malthe-Sørenssen, A. Feder, J. 2007. Reaction-assisted hierarchical fracturing during serpentinization. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 267, 503-516. 24.Iyer, K., Austrheim, H., John, T. Jamtveit, B. 2008. Serpentinization of the oceanic lithosphere and some geochemical consequences: Constraints from the Leka Ophiolite Complex, Norway. Chemical Geology, 249, 66-90. 25.Jamtveit, B., Malthe-Sørenssen, A. Kostenko, O. 2008. Reaction enhanced permeability during retrogressive metamorphism. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 267, 620-627. 26.Jensen, M.H., Sneppen, K., Angheluta, L. Kolmogorov scaling from random force fields. Europhysics Letters, 84, 10011. 27.Jeger P., Schmalholz, S.M., Schmid, D.W., Kuhl, E. 2008. Brittle fracture during folding of rocks: A finite element study. Philosophical Magazine ,88, 3245 – 3263. 28.John, T., Klemd, R., Gao, J., Garbe-Schönberg, C.-D. 2008. Traceelement mobilization in slabs due to non steady-state fluid-rock interaction: constraints from an eclogite-facies transport vein in blueschist (Tianshan, China). Lithos, 103, 1-24. 29.Kaus B.J.P., Gerya T.V., Schmid D.W. 2008. Recent advances in Computational Geodynamics: Theory, Numerics and Applications. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors. Vol. 171. 2-6. 30.Krotkiewski, M., Dabrowski, M., Podladchikov, Y.Y. 2008. Fractional Steps methods for transient problems on commodity computer architectures. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 171, 122-136. 31.Løvholt, F., Pedersen, G.K., Gisler, G.R., 2008. Oceanic propagation of a potential tsunami from the La Palma Island. Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, C09026, doi:10.1029/2007JC004603. 32.Mair, K., Abe, S. 2008. 3D numerical simulations of fault gouge evolution during shear: Grain size reduction and strain localization. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 274, 72-81. 33.Mathiesen, J., Jensen, M.H., Bakke, J.Ø.H. 2008. Dimensions, Maximal Growth Sites and Optimization in the Dielectric Breakdown Model. Phys. Review E77, 066203. 34.Mathiesen, J., Procaccia, I., Regev, I. 2008. Elasticity with arbitrarily shaped inhomogeneity. Physical Review E 77, 026606. PGP Annual Report 2008 Appendices 35.Mazzini, A., Ivanov, M.K., Nermoen, A., Bahr, A., Borhmann, G., Svensen, H., Planke, S. 2007. Complex plumbing systems in the near subsurface: geometries of authigenic carbonates from Dolgovskoy Mound (Black Sea) constrained by analogue experiments. Marine & Petroleum Geology, 25, 457-472. 36.Medvedev, S., Hartz, E.H., Podladchikov, Y.Y. 2008. Vertical motions of the fjord regions of central East Greenland: Impact of glacial erosion, deposition, and isostasy. Geology, 36, 539–542. 37.Montes-Hernandez, Fernandez-Martinez, A., Charlet, L., Renard, 0 F., Scheinost, A., Bueno, M. 2008. Synthesis of a Se calcite composite using hydrothermal carbonation of Ca(OH)_2 coupled to a complex selenocystine fragmentation. Crystal Growth & Design, 8, 2497-2504. 38.Montes-Hernandez, Fernandez-Martinez, A., Charlet, L., Tisserand, D., Renard, F. 2008. Textural properties of synthetic nanocalcite produced by hydrothermal carbonation of calcium hydroxide. Journal of Crystal Growth, 310, 2946-2953. 39.Perez-Lopez, R., Montes-Hernandez, G., Nieto, J.M., Renard, F., Charlet, L. 2008. Carbonation of alkaline paper mill waste to reduce CO greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere. Ap2 plied Geochemistry, 23, 2292-2300. 40.Pollok, K., Lloyd, G.E., Austrheim, H., Putnis, H. 2008. Complex replacement patterns in garnets from Bergen arc eclogites: A combined EBSD and analytical TEM study. Chemie der Erde Geochemistry, 68, 177-191. 41.Polteau S., Ferré, E.C., Planke, S., Neumann, E.-R., Chevallier, L. 2008. How are saucer-shaped sills emplaced? Constraints from the Golden Valley Sill, South Africa. J. Geophys. Res., 113, B12104. 42.Polteau, S., Mazzini, A., Galland, O., Planke, S., Malthe-Sørenssen, A. 2008. Saucer-shaped intrusions: occurrences, emplacement and implications. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 266, 195204. 43.Rey, S.S,. Planke, S., Symonds, P.A. 2009. Seismic volcano stratigraphy of the Gascoyne Margin, Western Australia. Journal of volcanology and thermal research , 172, 112-131 44.Rüpke, L., Schmalholz S.M., Schmid, D.W., Podladchikov, Y.Y. 2008. Automated reconstruction of sedimentary basins using twodimensional thermo-tectono-stratigraphic forward models – tested on the Northern Viking Graben. AAPG Bulletin, 92, 309-326. 45.Røyne, A., Jamtveit, B., Mathiesen, J., Malthe-Sørenssen, A. 2008. Controls on weathering rates by reaction induced hierarchical fracturing. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 275, 364-369. 46.Schmalholz, S.M., Schmid, D.W., Fletcher, R.C. 2008. Evolution of pinch-and-swell structures in a power-law layer. Journal of Structural Geology, 30, 649-663. 47.Schmid, D.W., Dabrowski, M., Krotkiewski, D. 2008. Evolution of large amplitude 3D fold patterns: A FEM sudy. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 171, 400-408. 48.Simon, N. S. C., Neumann, E.-R., Bonadiman, C., Coltorti, M., Delpech, G., Grégoire, M., Widom, E. 2008. Ultra-refractory domains in the oceanic mantle lithosphere sampled as mantle xenoliths at ocean islands. Journal of Petrology, 49, 1223-1251. 49.Simon, N. S. C., Podladchikov, Y. Y. 2008. The effect of mantle composition on density in the extending lithosphere. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 272, 148-157. 50.Steinberger, B., Torsvik, T.H. 2008. Absoolute plate motions and true polar wander in the absence of hotspot tracs. Nature, 452, 620-624. 51.Svensen, H ., Bebout, G., Kronz, A., Li, L., Planke, S ., Chevallier, L., Jamtveit, B. 2008. Nitrogen geochemistry as a tracer of fluid flow in a hydrothermal vent complex in the Karoo Basin, South Africa. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 72, 4929-4947. 52.Torsvik, T.H., Müller, R.D., Van der Voo, R., Steinberger, B., Gaina, C. 2008. Global Plate Motion Frames: Toward a unified model. Reviews of Geophysics, 46, RG3004/2008. 53.Torsvik, T.H., Smethurst, M.A., Burke, K., Steinberger, B. 2008. Long term stability in Deep Mantle structure: Evidence from the ca. 300 Ma Skagerrak-Centered Large Igneous Province (the SCLIP). Earth Planetary Science Letters, 267, 444-452. 54.Torsvik, T.H., Steinberger, B., Cocks, L.R.M., Burke, K. 2008. Lonitude: Linking ancient surface to its deep iterior. Earth and Planetary Science letters, 276, 273-282. 55.Van der Straaten, F., Schenk, V., John, T., Gao, J. 2008. Blueschiestfacies redydration of eclogites (Tian Shan, NW-China): Implications for fluid-rock interaction in the subduction channel. Chemical Geology, 255, 195-219. 56.Voisin, C., Grasso, J.-R., Larose, E., Renard, F. 2008. Evolution of seismic signals and slip papttern along subduction zones: Insights from a friction lab scale. Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L08302. 57.Vrijmoed, J. C., Smith, D. C., Van Roermund, H. L. M. 2008. Raman Confirmation of Microdiamond in the Svartberget Fe-Ti type garnet peridotite, Western Gneiss Region, Western Norway. Terra Nova, 20, 295-301. 58.Zhijie Xu, Meakin, P. 2008. Phase-field modeling of solute precipitation and dissolution. Journal of Chemical Physics, 129, 014705. Publications 2009 and in press 1. Angheluta, E. Jettestuen, Mathiesen, J. 2009. Thermodynamics and roughening of solid-solid interfaces”, Physical Review E (accepted). 2. Austrheim, H., Corfu, F. 2009. Formation of planar deformation features (PDFs) in zircon during coseismic faulting and an evaluation of potential effects on U-Pb systematics. Chemical Geology doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2008.09.012. 3. Bahr, A., Pape, T., Bohrmann, G., Mazzini, A., Haeckel, M., Reitz, A., Ivanov, M. 2009. Authigenic carbonate precipitates from the NE Black Sea: a mineralogical, geochemical, and lipid biomarker study. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 98, 677-695. 4. Bjørk, T.E., Mair, K. Austrheim,H. 2009. Quantifying granular material and deformation: Advantages of combining grain size, shape, and mineral phase recognition analyses. Journal of Structural Geology (accepted). 5. Bonnetier, E., Misbah, C., Renard, F., Gratier, J.-P., Toussaint, R. 2009. Stability of an elastically stressed rock-fluid interface: effect of the orientation of the main compressive stress, European Physics Journal B, 67, 121-131. 6. Candela, T., Renard, F., Bouchon, M., Brouste, A., Marsan, D., Schmittbuhl, J., Voisin, C. 2009. Characterization of fault roughness at various scales: Implications of three-dimensional high resolution topography measurements. Pure and Applied Geophysics (accepted) 7. de Mahiques, M.M., Wainer, I.K.C., Burone, L., Nagai, R., de Mello e Sousa, S.H., Figueira, R.C.L., da Silveira, I.C.A., Bicego, M.C., Alves, D.P.V., Hammer, Ø. A high-resolution Holocene record on the Southern Brazilian shelf: Paleoenvironmental implications. Quaternary International (in press). PGP Annual Report 2008 75 8. Ebner, M., Koehn, D., Toussaint, R., Renard, F. 2009. The influence of rock heterogeneity on the scaling properties of simulated and natural stylolites. Journal of Structural Geology, 31, 72-82. 9. Engvik, A.K., Golla-Schindler, U., Bernd, J., Austrheim, H., Putnis, A. 2009. Intragranular replacement of chlor-apatite by hydroxyfluor-apatite during metasomatism. Lithos, accepted. 10.Fletcher, R. 2009. Deformable, rigid, and invicid elliptical inclusions in a homogenous incompressible anisotropic viscous fluid. Journal of Structural Geology, doi:10.1016/j.jsg.2009.01.006. 11.Frehner, M., Schmalholz, S.M., Podladchikov, Y.Y. 2009. Spectral modification of seismic waves propagating through solids exhibiting a resonance frequency. Geophys. J. Int., 176, 589-600. 12.Galland, O., Planke, S., Neumann, E.-R., Malthe-Sørenssen , A. 2009. Experimental modelling of shallow magma emplacement: Application to saucer-shaped intrusions. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 277, 373-383. 24.Mazzini, A., Svensen, H., Planke, S, Guliyev, I., Akhmanov, G.G., Fallik, T., Banks, D. 2009. When mudvolcanoes sleep: Insight from seep geochemistry at the Dashgil mud volcano, Azerbaijan. Marine and Petroleum Geology, doi:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2008.11.003. 25.Meakin, P., Tartakovsky, A. 2009. Modeling and simulation of pore scale multiphase fluid flow and reactive transport in fractured and porous media. Reviews of Geophysics (in press). 26.Milke, R., Abart, R., Kunze, K., Koch-Muller, M., Schmid, D.W., Ulmer, P. 2009. Matrix rheology effects on reaction rim growth I: evidence from orthopyroxene rim growth experiments. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, (accepted). 27.Montes-Hernandez, G., Concha-Lozano, N., Renard, F., Quirico, E. 2009. Removal of oxyanions from synthetic wastewater via carbonation process of calcium hydroxide: fundamentals and applications, Journal of Hazardous Materials, doi:10.1016/j. jhazmat.2008.11,120. 13.Gisler, G., 2009. Simulations of the Explosive Eruption of Superheated Fluids through Deformable Media. Marine & Petroleum Geology, in press. 28.Montes-Hernandez, G., Pérez-López, R., Renard, F., Nieto, J. M., Charlet, L. 2009. Mineral sequestration of CO2 by aqueous carbonation of coal combustion fly-ash. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 161, 1347-1354. 14.Gratier, J.-P., Guiguet, R., Renard, F., Jenatton, L., Bernard, D. 2009. A pressure solution creep law for quartz from indentation experiments, Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, doi:10.1029/2008JB005652. 29.Neumann, E.-R., Simon, N.S.C. 2009. Ultra-refractory mantle xenoliths from ocean islands: how do they compare to peridotites retrieved from oceanic sub-arc mantle? Lithos Special Volume, doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2008.06.003. 15.Gregory, L.C., Meert, J.G., Bingen, B., Torsvik, T.H., Pandit, M. 2009. Paleomagnetism and geochronology of the Malani Igneous Suite, Northwest India: Implications for the configuration of Rodinia and the assembly of Gondwana. Precambrian Research, (in press). 30.Pérez-López, R., Montes-Hernandez, G., Nieto, J. M., Renard, F., Charlet, L. 2009. Application of alkaline paper mill waste to reduce CO2 greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere. Applied Geochemistry, /doi 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2008.04.016. 16.Hammer, Ø. 2009. New statistical methods for detecting point alignments. Computers & Geosciences, doi: 10.1016/j. cageo.2008.03.012. 17. Hammer, Ø, Dysthe, D.K., Jamtveit, B. 2009.Travertine terracing: patterns and mechanisms. In: Tufas and Speleothems: Unravelling the Microbial and Physical Controls. Geological Society of London Special Publications (accepted). 18.Iyer, K., Podladchikov, Y.Y. 2009. Transformation-induced jointing as a gauge for interfacial slip and rock strength. Earth and Planetary Science Letters (in press). 19.Jamtveit, B., Putnis, C., Malthe-Sørenssen, A. 2009. Reaction induced fracturing during replacement processes, Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 157:127-133. 20.John, T., Medvedev, S., Rüpke, L., Andersen, T.B., Podladchikov, Y.Y., Austrheim, H.O. 2009 Generation of intermediate-depth earthquakes by self-localizing thermal runaway. Nature Geoscience, 2, 137-140. 21.Lisker, F., John, T. 2008. How much denudation at the Ghana transform margin? - A review of the offshore apatite fission track record. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (Accepted). 31.Quintal, B., Schmalholz, S.M., Podladchikov, Y.Y. 2009. Low-frequency reflections from a thin layer with high attenuation caused by interlayer flow. Geophysics. In press. 32.Rozhko, A.Y. 2009. Benchmark for poroelastic and thermoelastic numerical orders. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors. doi:10.10.16/j.pepi.2008.08.016. 33.Sassier C., Leloup, P. H., Rubatto, D., Galland, O., Yue, Y., Lin , D. 2009. Direct measurement of strain rates in ductile shear zones: A new method based on syntectonic dikes, J. Geophys. Res., 114, B01406, doi:10.1029/2008JB005597. [Abstract +Article] 34.Schmid, D.W., Abart, R., Podladchikov, Y.Y., Milke, R. 2009. Matrix rheology effects on reaction rim growth II: coupled diffusion and creep model. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 27, 83-91. 35.Schmidt, A., Weyer, S., John, T., Brey, G.P. 2009. HFSE systematics of rutiles and MORB-type eclogites during subduction: some insights into Earth’s HFSE budget. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73, 83-91. 36.Skinner, J., Mazzini, A. 2009. Martian mud volcanism: Terrestrial analogs and implications for formational scenarios. Marine and petroleum Geology (accepted). 22.Marques F.O., Podladchikov, Y.Y. 2009. A thin elastic core can control large-scale patterns of lithosphere shortening. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 297, 80-85. 37.Svensen, H., Planke, S., Polozov, A., Schmidbauer, N., Corfu, F., Podladschikov, Y., Jamtveit, B. 2009. Siberian gas venting and the end-Permian environmental crisis. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 277, 490-500. 23.Mazzini, A., Nermoen, A., Krotkiewski, M., Podladchikov, Y.Y., Planke, S., Svensen, H. 2009. Fault shearing as a mechanism for overpressure release and trigger for piercement structures. Implications for the Lusi mud volcano, Indonesia. Marine and petroleum Geology (accepted). 38.Voisin, C., Grasso, J.-R., Larose, E., Renard, F. 2009. Seismic signals and slip patterns down dip subduction zones: insights from a lab scale experiment. Geophysical Research Letters, 35, L08302, doi:10.1029/2008GL033356/. 39.Webb, K.E., Hammer, Ø., Lepland, A., Gray, J.S. 2009. Pockmarks in the Inner Oslofjord, Norway. Geo-Marine Letters DOI 10.1007/ s00367-008-0127-1. 76 PGP Annual Report 2008 Appendices In books and proceedings 1. Akhmetzhanov, A.M., Kenyon, N.H., Ivanov, M.K., Westbrook, G., Mazzini, A. (Editors), 2008. Deep-water depositional systems and cold seeps of the Western Mediterranean, Gulf of Cadiz and Norwegian continental margins. IOC Technical Series No. 76, UNESCO, 91 pp. 2. Andersen, H.B., Austrheim, H.O. 2008. The Caledonian infrastructure in the Fjord-region of Western Norway; With special emphasis on the formation and exhumation of high- and ultrahighpressure rocks, late- ot post-orogenic tectonic processes and basin formation. Excursion guide, 88 pp. 33 IGC excursion NO 29. August 15-22 2008. 3. Cronin, B., Çelik, H., Hurst, A., Gul, M., Gürbüz, K., Mazzini, A., Overstolz, M. 2008. Slope-channel Complex Fill and Overbank Architecture, Tinker Channel, Kirkgecit Formation, Turkey. In: T.H. Nilsen, R.D. Shew, G.S. Steffens and J.R.J. Studlick (Editors), Atlas of Deep-Water Outcrops. AAPG Studies in Geology 56, pp. 363-367. 4. Røyne, A. Cool Photovoltaics: An experimental study of cooling devices for densely packed photovoltaic arrays under high concentration. VDM Verlag. ( Dr. Müller, Ed). 2008 (ISBN 9783836480314) 136 p. 4. Feder, J. Self-Affine Dynamics of Stick-Slip Friction. ETH. 28. January 2008. 5. Feder, J. Structural Phase Transitions in Perovskites, Florida State University, February 18 2008. 6. Feder, J. Self-Affine Dynamics of Stick Slip Friction, Florida State University, February 27 2008. 7. Feder, J. Two Phase Flow in Porous and Geological Media, Ecole Polytechnique, June 26 2008. 8. Feder, J. Dispersion at high and low Peclet numbers, Workshop on Flow in Porous Media, Brasília, October 20th - 24th, 2008. 9. Feder, J. Extrusion: Plastic Deformation & Friction, Invited presentation Norsk Hydro, June 18 2008 10.Fletcher, R. Grain-scale and macroscopic stress evolution in exhuming rock: fracturing and weathering. The 21 Kongsberg seminar 7-9 May 2008. (Invited talk). 11.Gisler, R.G. Oblique Impacts into Volatile Sediments: Ejection Distribution Patterns. The 21 Kongsberg seminar 7-9 May 2008. (Invited talk). 12.Galen R.G. Hydrocode calculations of the generation of tsunamis by landslides with application to La Palma and Åknes, invited seminar at National Oceanographic Centre, Southampton UK; 7 Feb 2008. 5. Torsvik, T.H., Gaina, C., Redfield, T.F. 2008. Antarctica and Global Paleogeography: From Rodinia, through Gondwanaland and Pangea, to the birth of the Southern Ocean and the opening of gateways. In: Cooper, A.K., Barret, P.J., Stagg, H., Storey, B., Stump, E., Wise, W and the 10th ISAES editorial team (eds): Antarctica: A keystone in a Changing World. Proseedings of the 10th international symposium on Antarcic Earth Sciences. Washington DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.3133/of2++7-1047.kp11. 13.Galen R. G. Asteroid impacts, tsunamis, and mud volcanos: simulating violent processes in geophysics, invited seminar at Simula Research Laboratory, Oslo; 29 Feb 2008. In books and proceedings 2009 and in press 15.Galen R. G. Generation scenarios for Atlantic-region tsunamis: landslides and volcanos, invited talk at the AGU San Francisco; 15-19 Dec 2008. 1. Bahr, A., Pape, T., Bohrmann, G., Mazzini, A., Haeckel, M., Reitz, A., Ivanov, M. 2008. Authigenic carbonate precipitates from the NE Black Sea: a mineralogical, geochemical and lipid biomarker study. International Journal of Earth Sciences. (in press). 2. Gisler, G. 2009. Tsunami generation - other sources, chapter 6 in The Sea: Volume 15, Tsunamis, edited by Alan Robinson and Eddie Bernard pp 179-200. 3. Gisler, G.R., Weaver, R.P., Gittings, M.L. 2009. Oblique impacts into volatile sediments: ejection distribution patterns, PARA 08 Conference Proceedings, Trondheim, in press. 4. Torsvik, T.H., Cocks, L.R.M. The Lower Palaeozoic palaeogeographical evolution of the Norteastern and Eastern peri-Gondwana margin from Turkey to New Zealand. J. Geol. Soc. London Special Publication (in press). Invited talks 2008 1. Aarnes, I. Magmatic differentiation by fractional crystallization – A scientific journey to Africa and back again. Birthday seminar for Else Ragnhild Neumann. The Academy of Science, Oslo. 28.11.08 . 2. Austrheim, H. Zircon coronas around ilmenite – a key to understand the metasomatic and ore forming processes in the KongsbergBamble sectors. Birthday seminar for Else Ragnhild Neumann. The Academy of Science, Oslo. 28.11.08. 3. Austrheim, H. CO2 sequestration and extreme Mg-leaching in serpentinized peridotite clasts of sediementray basins. Natural History Museum Oslo 12 February. 14.Galen R. G. R. Weaver, M. Gittings, Oblique impacts into volatile sediments: ejection distribution patterns, invited talk at the PARA ‘08 Meeting, Trondheim; 13-15 May 2008. 16.Jamtveit, B. Reaction assisted fluid migration through rocks. University of München, 25th Jan 2008. 17. Jamtveit, B. Hydration of the Earth’s crust: The role of reaction driven fragmentation. University of Münster, 5th June 2008. 18.Jamtveit, B. Malthe-Sørenssen, A. Stress generation and hierarchical fracturing in reactive rocks. The 21 Kongsberg seminar 7-9 May 2008. 19.Jøssang, T., Feder, J. Drainage in 2d Systems; Experiments and simulations. Workshop on Flow in Porous Media, Brasília, October 20th - 24th, 2008. 20.Mathiesen, J. Solid-solid phase transformation and the roughening of stylolites. The 27th IUGG Conference on Mathematical Geophysics, June 15-20, 2008, Spitsbergen. 21.Mathiesen, J. Morphology studies of desiccation patterns and hierarchical fracture networks. The 21 Kongsberg seminar 7-9 May 2008. 22.Mathiesen, J. Competition between size diffusion and fragmentation: a case study of crystal formation in the Greenland NorthGRIP ice core”. ESF – Workshop on Modelling and interpretation of ice microstructurs”; Goettingen, April 7. – 12. 2008. 23.Mathiesen, J. Collaboration on Thermo Haline circulation. Niels Bohr Institute, Cophenhagen, DK; April 22. – 26., 2008. 24.Mazzini. A. Causes and triggers of the LUSI Mud Volcano, Indonesia. Invited speaker at the Dutch Petroleum Geological Society, The Hague. PGP Annual Report 2008 77 25.Mazzini. A. Causes and triggers of the LUSI Mud Volcano, Indonesia. Invited speaker at the Wintershall oil company. The Hague 26.Mazzini, A., Svensen, H., Planke, S., Akhmanov, 2008. Causes and triggers of the LUSI Mud Volcano, Indonesia. In: ”Subsourface sediment remobilization and fluid flow in sedimentary basins”, 21-22 October, London, UK. 27.Mazzini, A., Svensen, H., Planke, S., Akhmanov, 2008. New experiments on LUSI Mud Volcano, Indonesia. LUSI crisis workshop. 27 February, Surabaja, Indonesia. 28.Medvedev S., Hartz E.H., Podladchikov Y. Y., Souche A. Vertical motions of the fjord regions of central East Greenland: Impact of glacial erosion, deposition, and isostasy. Workshop in Aarhus, Denmark, 11-12 December, 2008. 29.Meakin, P. Fracture models. The 21 Kongsberg seminar 7-9 May 2008. 30.Neumann, E.-R., Simon, N.S.C. Ultra-refractory mantle in the oceanic domain. 33IGC, Oslo, 6 14 August. (Keynote talk). 31.Planke, S. The Golden Valley. Birthday seminar for Else Ragnhild Neumann. The Academy of Science, Oslo. 28.11.08. 32.Raufaste, C., Santucci S. How do the materials flow or break? French Cultural Center, Oslo, 15-10-2008. 33.Renard, F., Bernard, D. Imaging of a rupture path by X-ray microtomography when hydro-fracturing a porous limestone. 34.Santucci, S. Crackling Dynamics during material failure. HUT, Helsinki, Finland; April 16.-19. 2008. 35.Santucci, S. Quake catalogs at the laboratory scale. The 21 Kongsberg seminar 7-9 May 2008. 36.Simon, N.S.C. Mantle phase transitions during rifting. EGU, Vienna, Austria, April 13 – 19 2008. 37.Simon, N.S.C. The composition of the mantle lithosphere and how to make it. Birthday seminar for Else Ragnhild Neumann. The Academy of Science, Oslo. 28.11.08. 38.Svensen, H. New perspectives on large ignons provinces and environmental crises; University Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France; January 5 – 8. 39.Svensen, H. Global environmental crises caused by sill emplacement and contact metamorphism in sedimentary basins. PetroBras, Rio de Janeiro, 26 March 2008. 40.Svensen, H. Sill emplacement and contact metamorphism in the Vøring Basin during formation of the North Atlantic Volcanic Province and the implications for the PETM climate change. Keynote lecture, The 33rd International Geological Congress, Session on the evolution of the NE Atlantic, Oslo, 7. August 2008. 41.Svensen, H. Sill emplacement, contact metamorphism, and gas venting in the Vøring Basin during formation of the North Atlantic Volcanic Province and the implications for the PETM climate change. Keynote lecture, Subsurface remobilization and fluid flow in sedimentary basins, Geol Soc London, October 20, 2008. 42.Treagus, S.H., Fletcher, R.C. Controls on folding on different scales in multilayered rocks. Geological Society of America 2008 Annual Meeting. 43.Torsvik, T. Fragmentation of continents. The 21 Kongsberg seminar 7-9 May 2008. 44.Torsvik, T. Oslo Hot Spot. Birthday seminar for Else Ragnhild Neumann. The Academy of Science, Oslo. 28.11.08. 78 45.Vrijmoed, J. C. Physical and chemical interaction in the interior of the former Caledonian mountains of Norway. The Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 18 December 2008. 46.Yarushina V.M. Fluid flow in viscoplastic porous media: porosity waves as a mechanism for fluid expulsion. Harvard University, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences and School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. 47.Yarushina V.M. Low-frequency seismic wave attenuation due to microplasticity in porous media. Boston University, Department of Earth Sciences. 48.Yarushina V.M. Compaction Driven Fluid Flow in Viscoplastic Porous Media:Porosity Waves as a Mechanism for Fluid Expulsion. Yale University, Department of Geology and Geophysics. Talks and posters at conferences 2008 1. Aarnes, I., Podladchikov, Y.Y., Neumann, E.-R. Post-emplacement melt-flow induced by thermal stresses as a feasible mechanism for reversed differentiation in tholeiitic sills. LASI III; 200809-14 - 2008-09-18 (Poster). 2. Aarnes, I., Podladchikov, Y.Y., Neumann, E.-R. Post-emplacement melt-flow induced by thermal stresses as a feasible mechanism for reversed differentiation in tholeiitic sills. 33rd International Geological Congress; 2008-08-06 - 2008-08-14 (Poster). 3. Aarnes, I., Podladtchikov, Y.Y., Neumann, E.-R. Post-emplacement melt flow as possible differentiation mechanism in sills. Dave Yuen’s international 60-birthday symposium; 2008-06-13 - 200806-14 (Poster). 4. Aarnes, I., Svensen, H. Gas formation in contact aureoles: Constraints from kinetic and thermal modeling. LASI III. International conference, Elba 14-18 September (Talk). 5. Aarnes, I., Svensen, H. Polteau, S. Gas formation from black shale during contact metamorphism. 33rd International Geological Congress; 2008-08-06 - 2008-08-14 (Talk). 6. Abe, S., Mair, K. How do Things break in Fault Gouge? Abrasion vs. grain splitting in Discrete Element Simulations. European Geoscience Union General Assembly Vienna, Austria, 13.4. - 18.4. 2008 (Poster). 7. Andersen, T.B. Inside intermediate and deep earthquakes: What can we learn from field studies? (combined with modeling). Goldschmidt lecture NGU Trondheim; 2008-10-10 - 2008-10-10 (Talk). 8. Andersen, T.B., Austrheim, H.O., John, T., Medvedev, S. Geology of intermediate to deep earthquakes. Norsk geologisk forening, avdeling Tromsø; 2008-03-07 - 2008-03-07 (Talk). 9. Andersen, T.B., Austrheim, H.O., John, T., Medvedev, S., Mair, K., Podladchikov, YY. Geology of intermediate-deep earthquakes and the strength of rocks at high confining pressure. International Geological Congress no 33, Oslo Norway 2008-08-06 - 2008-0814 (Talk). 10.Andersen, T.B., Mair, K., Austrheim, H.O., Podladchikov, Y.Y., Vrijmoed, J.C. The strength of upper mantle peridotite determined from ultramafic pseudotachylytes. The Kongsberg seminar 7-9 May 2008 (Poster). 11.Andersen, T.B., Mair, K., Austrheim, H.O., Podladchikov, Y.Y., Vrijmoed, J.C. The strength of upper mantle peridotite determined from ultramafic pseudotachylytes. 21st Kongsberg seminar; 200805-07 - 2008-05-09 (Poster). PGP Annual Report 2008 Appendices 12.Andersen, T.B., Marques, F.O., Schmid, D.W., Geological and modeling constraints on exhumation across the Nordfjord-Sogn Detachment Zone, Western Norway. International Geological Congress no 33; 2008-08-06 - 2008-08-14 (Talk) 13.Angheluta, L. Interface instability driven by a solid-solid phase transformation, Dynamics Days Delft, 25-29 August 2008 (Talk). 14.Angheluta, L. Roughening of a solid-solid interface: Stability analysis”, Oscarborg student conference 3-4 March 2008 Talk). 15.Angheluta, L. Interface instability driven by a solid-solid phase transformation. Dynamics Days Delft, August 2008 Talk). 29.Brantley, S., Fletcher, R.C. Relationship between corestone size, weathering rate, and erosion for a steady state model applied to natural systems. Goldschmidt conference 2008(Talk). 30.Candela, T., Renard, F., Schmittbuhl, J., Bouchon, M. Roughness of fault surfaces: implications of high resolution topography measurements at various scales. European Geoscience Union General Assembly. Vienna, Austria, 13.4. - 18.4. 2008 (Poster). 31.Croizé, D., Bjørlykke, K., Renard, F., Dysthe, D.K., Jahren, J. Pressure-solution in carbonate - An experimental study,. IGC 2008; 2008-08-06 - 2008-08-14 (Poster). 16.Angheluta, L., Jettestuen, E., Mathiesen, J. Interface instability driven by a solid-solid phase transformation: Roughening of stylolites. The Kongsberg seminar 7-9 May 2008 (Poster). 32.Croizé, D., Bjørlykke, K., Dysthe, D.K., Renard, F., Jahren, J. Deformation of carbonates, experimental mechanical and chemical compaction. European Geoscience Union General Assembly Vienna, Austria, 13.4. - 18.4. 2008 (Poster). 17. Angheluta, L., Jettestuen, E., Mathiesen, J. The thermodynamics and roughening of solid-solid interfaces, 2008 AGU Fall Meeting (Poster). 33.Dabrowski M., Schmid D.W., Mechanical Anisotropy of a TwoPhase Composite Consisting of Aligned Elliptical Inclusions. Yorsget 1-3 July 2008, Oviedo, Spain. (Talk). 18.Austrheim, H. et al. Fragmentation of olivine and hydration of the oceanic lithosphere by seismic pumping. The Kongsberg seminar 7-9 May 2008 (Poster). 34.Dabrowski, M. Schmid, D.W.Numerical study of a rigid circular inclusion in an anisotropic matrix. European Geoscience Union General Assembly Vienna, Austria, 13.4. - 18.4. 2008 (Poster). 19.Bachaud, P., Berne, P., Leclerc, J.P., Renard, F. Determination of the petrophysical characteristics of caprock samples for carbon dioxide storage in deep saline aquifers. European Geoscience Union General Assembly Vienna, Austria, 13.4. - 18.4. 2008 (Poster). 35.Dabrowski, M., Hartz, E.H.; Podladchikov, Y. Y.Migmatization induced overpressure, East Greenland case study. European Geoscience Union General Assembly Vienna, Austria, 13.4. - 18.4. 2008 (Talk). 20.Bachaud, P., Berne, P., Renard, F., Sardin, M., and Leclerc, J.-P. (2008). Using tracer experiments to determine deep saline aquifers caprocks characteristics for carbon dioxide storage, 5^th International Conference on /Tracers and Tracing Methods/ , 2-6 September 2008, Tiradentes, Brasil. (Talk). 36.Dabrowski, M., Schmid, D.W.; Krotkiewski, M.M. Evolution of large amplitude 3D fold patterns: a FEM study. European Geoscience Union General Assembly Vienna, Austria, 13.4. - 18.4. 2008 (Poster). 21.Beuchert, M.J. & Podladchikov, Y.Y. “Viscoelastic modeling of mantle convection”. Interdisciplinary Constraints on Solid Earth th Dynamics from the Crust to the Core, Dave Yuen’s 60 Birthday Symposium, Elm, Switzerland, 12-14 june 2008 (Poster). 22.Beuchert, M.J., Podladchikov, Y.Y. & Simon, N.S.C.. Stability of the Large Low Shear Velocity Provinces (LLSVPs) in the lower mantle. 33rd International Geological Congress, Oslo, Norway, 06-14 august 2008 (Talk). 23.Beuchert, M.J., Podladchikov Y.Y., Simon, N.S.C. Numerical investigation of the dynamics of the equatorial Large Low Velocity Provinces in the Earth’s deep mantle. European Geoscience Union General Assembly Vienna, Austria, 13.4. - 18.4. 2008 (Talk). 24.Beuchert, M.J., Podladchikov, Y.Y., Simon, N.S.C., Rüpke, L.H. Viscoelastic modeling of craton stability. European Geoscience Union General Assembly Vienna, Austria, 13.4. - 18.4. 2008 (Talk). 25.Beuchert, M.J., Podladchikov, Y.Y., Simon, N.S.C., Rüpke, L.H. (2008). Viscoelastic modeling of craton stability. Geophys. Res. Abstr., 10: A-09178. 26.Beuchert, M.J., Simon, N.S.C., Podladchikov Y.Y. Phase Transitions and Thickness of the Oceanic Lithosphere. European Geoscience Union General Assembly Vienna, Austria, 13.4. - 18.4. 2008 (Talk). 27.Bjørk, T.E., K. Mair, H. Austrheim. Quantifying granular material and deformation: Advantages of combining grain size, shape, and mineral phase recognition analyses. The Kongsberg seminar 7-9 May 2008 (Poster). 28.Bjørk, T.E., Mair, K., Austrheim, H. Quantifying fault rocks and deformation: Advantages of combining grain size, shape, and mineral phase recognition analyses.European Geoscience Union General Assembly Vienna, Austria, 13.4. - 18.4. 2008 (Poster). 37.Dabrowski, M., Schmid, D.W., Podladchikov, Y.Y. Two-Phase Composite Subject to Large Deformation: Shape and Mechanical Anisotropy Development. The Kongsberg seminar 7-9 May 2008 (Poster). 38.Ebner, M., Koehn, D., Toussaint, R., Renard, F., Schmittbuhl, J. Scaling behavior of natural and simulated stylolites. European Geoscience Union General Assembly Vienna, Austria, 13.4. - 18.4. 2008 (Poster). 39.Fletcher, R.C. Wavelength selection in 3-D decollement folds of the appalachian Plateau Province with estimates of rheological parameters. Geological Society of America 2008 Annual Meeting 40.Eriksen, O.K. Dysthe, D.K. An experimental study of stylolite formation. The Kongsberg seminar 7-9 May 2008 (Poster). 41.Fristad, K., Svensen, H., Planke, S., Polozov, A.G. Geochemistry of end-permian crater lake sediments in the tunguska basin, siberia, and the implications for extinction mechanisms. AGU Fall meeting 15.12-19.12.2008 (Poster). 42.Gac, S., Huismans, R., Simon, N.S.C., Semprich, J., Podladchikov, Y.Y. (2008). Are phase changes at the origin of the large subsidence of Barents sea basins? Insights from dynamic numerical modeling. IGC Abstr. STT02709L. 43.Galerne, C.Y., Neumann, E.-R., Aarnes I., Planke S. Post-emplacement melt flow in saucer-shaped sills: a mechanism for the generation of I-, D- and S-shaped compositional profiles. LASI III Conference, Elba Island -15-18 September 2008 (Talk). 44.Galerne, C.Y., Neumann, E.-R., Planke, S. 2008. Insights on the emplacement of saucer-shaped sill complexes from large-scale geochemical architecture: example of the Golden Valley Sill Comrd plex, South Africa, (Talk), 33 IGC, Oslo. 45.Galerne, C.Y., Galland, O., Neumann, E.-N., Planke, S. 2008. What are the feeders of sills? Insights from field observations, geord chemistry and experimental modeling, 33 IGC, Oslo (Poster). PGP Annual Report 2008 79 46.Galerne, C.Y., Tantserev, E., Podladchikov, Y.Y., Neumann. E.-R. 2008. Modeling of porous reactive flow in cooling igneous sills: the role of near solidus melt segregation in magmatic differentiation, EGU General Assembly, Vienna. (Talk). 47.Galerne, C.Y., Neumann, E.-R., Aarnes, I. 2008. Post-emplacement melt flow in saucer-shaped sills: a mechanism for the generation of S-, D-, and I-shaped compositional profiles, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Poster), 48.Galland, O, S. Planke, A. Malthe-Sørenssen, E.-R. Neumann. Mechanical coupling between magma intrusion and deformation of country rock: application to dynamic emplacement of saucershaped sills. The Kongsberg seminar 7-9 May 2008 (Poster). 49.Gisler, G. Generation of non-earthquake tsunamis, AGU San Francisco; 15-19 Dec 2008 (Talk) 50.Gisler, G., Mair, K. Effect of water depth on efficiency of cratering in crystalline rock with application to the Gardnos impact crater, International Geological Conference, Lillestrøm; August 6 -14 2008 (Poster). 63.John, T., Layne, G., Haase, K. (2008) The chlorine isotope signature of mantle endmembers. Goldschmidt conference. (Talk). 64.Kihle, J., Harlov, D., Jamtveit, B., Frigaard, Ø. SiO2-Al2O3 miscibility at dry granulite facies conditions revealed by formation of epitaxially exolved quartz inclusions in corundum from a sappirine-garnet boudine, Bamble granulite terrane, SE Norway. The 33rd IGC conference, Oslo, 11 August 2008 (Poster) 65.John, T., Vrijmoed, J.C., van der Straaten, F., Podladchikov, Y.Y., Jamtveit, B. Hydration of eclogite at the slab-wedge interface: an example of fluid infiltration into a swelling system. European Geoscience Union General Assembly Vienna, Austria, 13.4. - 18.4. 2008 (Talk). 66.Krotkiewski, M. High performance, large scale computations on unstructured grids, Notur meeting 2008, Tromsø, Norway, 03.06. – 05.06. 2008 (Poster) 67.Krotkiewski, M., Dabrowski, M., Y.Y. Podladchikov. Reactive transport modeling on a modern desktop: resolving versus upscaling. The Kongsberg seminar 7-9 May 2008 (Poster). 51.Gisler, G., Svensen, H., Mazzini, A., Polteau, S., Galland, O., Planke, S. Simulations of the explosive eruption of supercritical fluids through porous media, EGU Vienna; 13-18 April 2008 (Poster). 68.Krotkiewski, M., Dabrowski, M; Podladchikov, Y.Y. High resolution 3D modeling of heterogeneous parabolic and hyperbolic problems on structured meshes. European Geoscience Union General Assembly Vienna, Austria, 13.4. - 18.4. 2008 (Poster). 52.Gisler, G., Tsikalas, F. Insights into gravitational collapse and resurge infilling on marine sedimentary-target impact craters revealed by refined numerical simulations of the Mjølnir Crater, International Geological Conference, Lillestrøm; August 6 -14 2008 (Talk) 69.Krotkiewski, M., Podladchikov, Y.Y. Impact of tectonic forces on clay fluidization and creation of mud volcanos. The Kongsberg seminar 7-9 May 2008 (Poster). 53.Gisler, G., , Weaver, R., Gittings, M. Oblique impacts into volatile sediments: ejection distribution patterns, International Geological Conference, Lillestrøm; August 6 -14 2008 (Talk). 54.Gratier, J.-P., Renard, F., Boullier, A.-M. Evidence of pressure solution processes in the SAFOD 2 samples. EUROPEAN GEOSCIENCE UNION GENERAL ASSEMBLY Vienna, Austria, 13.4. - 18.4. 2008 (Poster). 55.Hammer, Ø., Webb, K.E. Deflection of oceanic currents in pockmarks. The Kongsberg seminar 7-9 May 2008 (Poster). 56.Huang, H, Meakin, P., Malthe-Sorenssen, A., Wood, T. Palmer C., nd Earl Mattson, Modeling deformation & fracturing of oil shale rock induced by in situ fluid generation, Oil Shale 2008, Colorado School of Mines, October 13-15, 2008 (Oral). 57.Huismans, R., Planke, S., Tsikalas, F., Simon, N., et al. (2008). IODP drilling of conjugate north Atlantic volcanic rifted margins, causes and Implications of excess magmatism. IGC Abstr. SDD01406L. 58.Jamtveit, B., Austrheim, H., Raufaste, C., Røyne, A., MaltheSørenssen, A. Reaction-driven fracturing during replacement processes and metamorphism. AGU Fall meeting, San Fransisco, 15 December 2008 (Talk). 59.John, T., Podladchikov, Y.Y. Drying porosity waves: add fluids to dry up. The Kongsberg seminar 7-9 May 2008 (Poster). 60.John, T, Podladchikov, Y.Y., Beinlich, A., Klemd, R. (2008). Drying porosity waves: add fluids to dry up. International Geological Conference no 33. (Talk). 61.John, T, Podladchikov, Y.Y., Beinlich, A, Klemd, R. Drying porosity waves: add fluids to dry up. European Geoscience Union General Assembly Vienna, Austria, 13.4. - 18.4. 2008 (Talk). 62.John, T., Layne, G., Haase, K. (2008). The chlorine isotopic composition of mantle endmembers. International Geological Conference no 33. (Talk). 80 70.Lisker, F.; John, T.; Ventura, B. Denudation and uplift across the Ghana transform margin as indicated by new apatite fission track data. European Geoscience Union General Assembly Vienna, Austria, 13.4. - 18.4. 2008 (Poster). 71.Løberg, M., Podladchikov, Y.Y. Compaction-driven fluid flow in chemically reactive porous media. The Kongsberg seminar 7-9 May 2008 (Poster). 72.Mair, K. Fragmentation in fault zones.The 21 Kongsberg seminar 7-9 May 2008. (Poster). 73.Mair, K., Abe S., 3D numerical simulations of falt zone evolution: Gouge comminution and strain partitioning. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 2008. (Poster). 74.Mazzini, A. Causes and Triggers of the Lusi Mud Volcano, Indonesia. AAPG International Meeting Cape Town, South Africa (Talk). 75.Mazzini, A. Causes and Triggers of the Lusi Mud Volcano, Indonesia . The geological society Conference: Subsurface sediment remobilization and fluid flow in sedimentary basins, London, UK 19-23 October (Talk). 76.Mazzini, A.: Causes and Triggers of the Lusi Mud Volcano, Indonesia; 2008 AAPG International Meeting Cape Town, South Africa; October 25.-November 1, 2008 (Talk). 77.Mazzini, A., Gisler, G., Krotkiewski, M., Nermoen, A., Podladchikov, Y.Y., Svensen, H., Planke, S., Akhmanov, G.G. Multidisciplinary approach for mud volcano eruptions. European Geoscience Union General Assembly Vienna, Austria, 13.4. - 18.4. 2008 (Poster). 78.Meakin, P. Pore scale modeling and simulation of geosystems, US Department of Energy workshop on Scientific Impacts and Opportunities for Computing, January 10-13, 2008, Maui, Hawaii. (Oral). 79.Meakin, P. Pore scale simulation of multiphase fluid flow and reactive transport in fractured and porous media.Brown University, Division of Applied Mathematics, May 1 (2008). (Oral). PGP Annual Report 2008 Appendices 80.Meakin, P. Research on travertine hot springs at the Center for the Physics of Geological Processes, University of Oslo. National Science Foundation Chautauqua Workshop, Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, July 20, 2008. (Oral). 81.Meakin, P., Huang, H., Malthe-Sørenssen, A. Discrete element fracture models, Kongsberg Seminar: Kongsberg, May 7-9, 2008. (Oral). 82.Meakin, P., Huang H., Malthe-Sorenssen, A. Coupling between fluid generation, fluid flow, deformation and fracturing in porous media: Discrete element, particle and continuum methods, American Geophysical Union Meeting, San Francisco, Dec 17 2008. (Oral). 83.Meakin, P. Huang, H., Tartakovsky, A., Xu, Z., Li, Z. Pore scale simulation of multiphase fluid flow and reactive transport using particle methods and continuum fluid dynamics, International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources, San Francisco, July 8, 2008. (Oral). 84.Meakin, ’ P., Zhijie X. Dissipative particle dynamics and related methods for multiphase fluid flow in fractured and porous media, 6th International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics in the Oil & Gas, Metallurgical and Process Industries, Trondheim, June 10-12, 2008. (Oral). 85.Medvedev, S. Vertical motions of the fjord regions of central East Greenland: Impact of glacial erosion, deposition, and isostasy (Invited Talk), WORKSHOP: The role of isostasy, climate and erosion for the evolution of North Atlantic topography , Aarhus, Denmark, 11-12 December 2008 (Talk). 86.Medvedev S, E.H. Hartz, E.H., Podladchikov, Y.Y. Vertical motions of the fjord regions of central East Greenland: Impact of glacial erosion, deposition, and isostasy. The Kongsberg seminar 7-9 May 2008 (Poster). 87.Medvedev, S., John, T., Andersen, T.B:, Podladchikov, Y.Y., Austrheim, H.O. Self-localizing thermal runaway as a mechanism for intermediate depth earthquakes: numerical studies and comparison with field observations. International Geological Congress no 33; 2008-08-06 - 2008-08-14 (Talk). 88.Montes-Hernandez, G., Charlet, L., Renard, F. (2008). Growth of a Se-0/calcite composite using hydrothermal carbonation of Ca(OH) (2) coupled to complex selenocystine fragmentation, Goldschmidt Conference, 13-18 July 2008, Vancouver, Canada. (Talk). 89.Montes-Hernandez, G., Renard, F., Charlet, L. (2008). Ex-situ mineral sequestration of CO2 by aqueous carbonation of alkaline solid waste, 22^ème RST, 21-24 April 2008, Nancy, France. (Talk). 90.Montes-Hernandez, G., Renard, F., Charlet, L. (2008). Mineral sequestration of CO_2 and removal of dissolved toxic ions by using aqueous carbonation of lime and/or portlandite, ACEME conference, 1-3 October 2008, Roma, Italy. (Talk). 91.Nermoen, A., Galland, O., Fristad, F., Podladchikov, Y.Y., MaltheSørenssen, A. Experimental modelling of piercement structure formation in sedimentary basins. European Geoscience Union General Assembly Vienna, Austria, 13.4. - 18.4. 2008 (Poster). 92.Nermoen, A., Mazzini, A., Gisler, G.R., Krotkiewski, M., Podladchikov, YY., Svensen, H., Planke, S., Akhmanov, G.G. A multidiciplinary approach for mud volcano eruptions - Lusi. Eurpean Geosciences Union; 2008-04-24 - 2008-04-29 93.Nermoen, A., O. Galland, K. Fristad, Y. Y. Podladchikov, A. Malthe-Sørenssen, H. Svensen. Experimental constraints on fluidization for the formation of piercement structures in sedimentary basins. The Kongsberg seminar 7-9 May 2008 (Poster). 94.Neumann, E.-R., Simon, N.S.C. Ultra-Depleted Domains in the Oceanic Mantle Lithosphere. 33. International Geological Congress; 2008-08-06 - 2008-08-14 (Talk). 95.Neumann, E.-R., Simon, N.S.C. (2008). Ultra-refractory mantle in the oceanic domain. IGC Abstr. EID05411L. 96.Nicolaisen, F., A. Rozhko, A. Malthe-Sørensen, A. Nermoen. Simulation of Hydrothermal Vent Complexes. The Kongsberg seminar 7-9 May 2008 (Poster). 97.Osmundsen, P.T., Andersen, T.B., Braathen, A., Roberts, D., Redfield, T.F. Formation and deformation of the Norwegian `Old Red Sandstone´: an overview. International Geological Congress no 33; 2008-08-06 - 2008-08-14 (Talk). 98.Polteau, S, Svensen H., Planke S., Aarnes I. (2008). Geochemistry of contact aureoles in the Karoo Basin and the implication for the Toarcian carbon isotope excursion, IGC 2008 (Talk). 99.Polteau, S, Svensen H., Planke S., Aarnes I. (2008), Geochemistry of contact aureoles in the Karoo Basin and the implication for the Toarcian carbon isotope excursion, IGC 2008. ((Talk, H.Svendsen`s workshop). 100. Polteau S., E. C. Ferré, S. Planke, E.-R. Neumann (2008). How are saucer-shaped sills emplaced? Constrains from the Golden valley sill, South Africa, IGC 2008 (Talk). 101. Polteau S., Svensen H., Planke S., Aarnes I. (2008), Contact metamorphism and venting in the Karoo Basin, AGU Fall Meeting, Elkins-Tanton workshop on the Siberian Traps and Mass Extinction (Talk). 102.Polteau, S, Svensen H., Planke S., Aarnes I. (2008) Contact metamorphism and the global carbon cycle, Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract U41B-0018 (Poster). 103.Raufaste, C., Cheddadi I., Marmottant P., Saramito P., Graner, F. Rheology and imagery of 2D flow of foam: from bubble scale to continuous modeling. Congress of the French Group of Rheology, Palaiseau, France. 20-22 October 2008. (Poster). 104.Raufaste, C., D. K. Dysthe, B. Jamtveit, A. Røyne, J. Mathiesen, A. Malthe-Sørenssen. Experimental approaches to replacement processes. The Kongsberg seminar 7-9 May 2008 (Poster). 105.Renard, F. (2008). Disolution-precipitation processes driven by stress gradients in the Earth’s crust, Fourth Marie Curie Summer School /Knowledge Based Materials/ , Trest, Czech Republic, 19-29 August 2008. (Talk). 106.Renard, F., Le Guen Y., Hellmann, R., and Gratier, J.-P. (2008). Couplages mécano-chimiques et endommagement lors de l’injection de CO_2 , Journée du Comité Français de Mécanique des Roches, 23 Octobre 2008. (Talk). 107. Renard, F., K. Mair. Fragmentation, gouge production, and surface roughness evolution on experimentally simulated faults. The Kongsberg seminar 7-9 May 2008 (Poster). 108.Rüpke, L., Schmid, D., Podladchikov, Y.Y., Schmalholz, Automated thermo-tectono-stratigraphic basin reconstruction - Examples from the Norwegian Sea and North Sea, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, San Antonio (Talk). 109.Rüpke, L.H., Schmid, D.W., Schmalholz, S. M., Podladchikov, Y.Y. Integrated basin modeling - linking lithosphere and sedimentary basin processes. European Geoscience Union General Assembly Vienna, Austria, 13.4. - 18.4. 2008 (Talk). 110.Røyne, A., D.K. Dysthe, J. Bisschop.Subcritical cracking in calcite single crystals. The Kongsberg seminar 7-9 May 2008 (Poster). PGP Annual Report 2008 81 111.Røyne, A., Dysthe, D.K., Bisschop, J., Mechanisms of subcritical cracking in calcite. AGU Fall meeting 15.12. – 19.12.2008 (Poster) 112.Sarwar, M., Santucci, S., Dysthe, D.K., Mair, K. Energy dissipation in a simulated fault system. The Kongsberg seminar 7-9 May 2008 (Poster). 113.Schmid, D., Dabrowski, M., Krotkiewski, M. 3d folding. International Geological Congress Oslo, Norway (Talk). 114.Schmid, D.W.; Abart, R.; Podladchikov, Y.Y.; Milke, R. Matrix rheology effects on reaction rim growth: coupled diffusion and creep model. European Geoscience Union General Assembly Vienna, Austria, 13.4. - 18.4. 2008 (Talk). 115.Semprich J., et al. Evaluation of phase transitions in the lower crust as mechanism for basin formation. The Kongsberg seminar 7-9 May 2008 (Poster). 128.Vrijmoed, J. C., Podladchikov, Y. Y., Andersen, T.B. 2008. An alternative model for ultra-high pressure in the Svartberget olivine-websterite, Western Gneiss Complex, Norway, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 10, EGU2008-A-08915 (Talk). 129.Webb, K.E. Pockmark ecology in fjords and offshore Norway. The 33rd International Geological Congress, Oslo (Talk). 130.Yarushina, V.M. Interdisciplinary Constraints on Solid Earth Dynamics from the Crust to the Core: An international Symposium in Honor of Prof. David Yuen’s 60th Birthday; Zurich, Switzerland. 3.06.-14.06. 2008. (Talk and Poster). 131.Yarushina, V.M. Chimney-like porosity waves as a mechanism for fluid expulsion at low temperature environments. The International Conference on Mathematical Geophysics CMG2008, Longyearbyen on Spitsbergen, Norway. 15.06 – 18.06. 2008 (Talk and Poster) 116.Semprich, J., Simon, N. ,Pordladchikov, Y.Y., The effect of pressure, temperature and composition on physical rock properties. Goldschmidt conference 13.07 – 18.07.2008 (talk) 132.Yarushina, V.M. Microscale yielding as mechanism for low-freth quency intrinsic seismic wave attenuation. 70 EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating Spe Europec 2008, Rome, Italy. 12.06 -14.06. 2008 (Talk and Poster). 117. Semprich, J., Simon, N., Podladchikov, Y.Y. Compression and subsequent phase transitions as a mechanism for basin formation. European Geoscience Union General Assembly Vienna, Austria, 13.4. - 18.4. 2008 (Talk). 133.Yarushina V.M. Chimney-like porosity waves as a mechanism for fluid expulsios. Fourth Marie Curie Summer School ”Porous and Aqueous Materials” 19-29 August 2008, Trest, Czech Republic 118.Semprich, J., Simon, N.S.C., Podladchikov, Y.Y., Gac, S., Huismans, R. (2008). Evaluation of phase transitions in the lower crust as mechanism for basin formation. IGC Abstr. MPM11305L. 134.Yarushina V.M., Podladchikov Y.Y. Low-frequency seismic wave attenuation in porous media due to microscale yielding. 33IGC, Oslo, 6 - 14 August, (Talk). 119.Simon, N.S.C. (2008). Mantle phase transitions during rifting. Geophys. Res. Abstr., 10: A-02115 (solicited). 135.Yarushina V.M., Podladchikov Y.Y. Chimney-like porosity waves as a mechanism for fluid expulsion at low temperature environments. 33IGC, Oslo, 6 - 14 August (Talk). 120.Simon, N.S.C., Podladchikov, Y.Y. (2008). Mantle phase changes, partial melting and subsidence during rifting. IGC Abstr. STT02708L. 136.Yarushina, V.M., Podladchikov Y.Y. Chimney-like porosity waves as a mechanism for fluid expulsion. EGU, Vienna, Austria, April 13 – 19 2008 (Talk). 121.Souche, A., Medvedev, S., Andersen, T.B.Thermal evolution in the hanging-wall of a low angle normal fault: A Finite Element study of the Nordfjord Sogn Detachment zone. 21st Kongsberg seminar; 2008-05-07 - 2008-05-09 (Poster). 137. Yarushina, V.M., Podladchikov, Y.Y. Low-frequency seismic wave attenuation due to microplasticity in porous media. The Kongsberg seminar 7-9 May 2008 (Poster). 122.Vrijmoed, J. C., Detailed geological mapping of fragmented ultra-high pressure rocks at Svartberget, West-Norway. Kongsberg seminar 2008. (Poster) 123.Vrijmoed, J. C., Podladchikov, Y. Y., Andersen, T.B., Corfu, F., 2008, An alternative model for ultra-high pressure in the Svartberget olivine-websterite, Western Gneiss Complex, Norway, 33th International Geological Congress, 6-14 August, Oslo, Norway. (Talk) 124.Vrijmoed, J. C., Austrheim, H., John, T., Podladchikov, Y. Y. 2008. Metasomatism of the UHP Svartberget olivine-websterite body in the Western Gneiss Complex, Norway, 33th International Geological Congress, 6-14 August, Oslo, Norway. (Talk) 125.Vrijmoed, J. C., Austrheim, H., John, T., Podladchikov, Y. Y. 2008. Metasomatism of the UHP Svartberget olivine-websterite body in the Western Gneiss Complex, Norway, Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta, 72, A989. (Talk) 126.Vrijmoed, J. C., Austrheim, H. 2008. Implications of metasomatism for geochronology and P-T estimates: evidence from the Western Gneiss Region (WGR), Norway, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 10, EGU2008-A-09874. (Talk) 138.Ydersbond, Y., D.K. Dysthe. The dynamic brittle-ductile transition in extrusion processes. The Kongsberg seminar 7-9 May 2008 (Poster). Other talks 1. Aarnes, I. Naturkatastrofer med betydning for vår tid. Fredrikstad og omegns geologiske forening 3.11.08. Talk. 2. Jamtveit, B. Supervulkaner, Nesbru Rotary Club, Asker, 28 Jan 2008 3. Jamtveit, B. Forskning og administrasjon: Om retning og fart på et tohodet troll. NUAS (Nordiske universitetsadministratorsamarbeidet) Conferece Blindern, Oslo, 13 June 2008. 4. Jamtveit, B. Om PGP’s aktivitet og samarbeid med institusjoner i Afrika, Asia, og Latin Amerika. Seminar for ”Nord-Sør utvalget” at UiO. 26 Aug 2008. 5. Svensen, H. Årsakene til global oppvarming og masseutryddelser i jordens historie. Norsk geofysisk forenings symposium. Geilo, Norway, 18 Sept (Invited talk). 127. Vrijmoed, J. C., Austrheim, H., John, T., Podladchikov, Y. Y. 2008. Metasomatism of the UHP Svartberget olivine-websterite body in the Western Gneiss Complex, Norway, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 10, EGU2008-A-09457. (Talk) 82 PGP Annual Report 2008 Appendices In the media 2008 Radio 1. Jamtveit, B. Commenting on the catastrophic 7.9M Earthquake in China on May 12th, Verdt å vite. NRK Radio P2. May 15, 2008. 2. Mazzini. A. Der Vulkan Lusi auf Java spuckt weiter Schlamm, Dradio-Deutschlandfunk, 7 May 2008 (interview). 3. Mazzini. A. Radio interview on the BBC Radio 4 about “the Lusi mud disaster” 23 October 2008 (interview). 4. Svensen, H. Himalayas fjell. Verdt å vite 28.11.08 kl 12:05. 5. Svensen, H. De sub-glasiale Gamburtsevfjellene i Antarktis. Verdt å vite 4.12.08 Online newspapers and magazines 1. Braeck, S., Podladchikov, Y.Y., Medvedev, S. 2008. Spontaneous dissipation of elastic energy by self-localasing thermal runaway: 2. Løvholt, F., Gisler, G. Overdreven frykt for LaPalma-tsunamien. Forskning. No 10.4.08 (Interview). 3. Mazzini. A. Kein Ende der Schlammschlacht, Deutschlandfunk, 7 May 2008 (interview in web article). 4. Mazzini, A. A Wound in The Earth, Time, 28 February 2008 (interview). 5. Mazzini, A. Indonesian mud volcano unleashes a torrent of controversy. News of the Week. 2 February p. 586 (interwiev). Articles in magazines / books 1. Gisler, G. Violent processes in Geophysics. Meta, 10-13. 2. Hammer, Ø. Livets historie. Geo no. 8 2008, p. 32-35. 3. Jamtveit, B. PGP: et fargerikt fellesskap - til glede for oljeindustrien. Geo p.56-58 October 2008. (Interview) 4. Jamtveit, B. Jordens indre krefter. Geo p44-48, oktober 2008. 5. Jamtveit, B. Jordens indre krefter’, NRK, P2-akademiet, Bind XXXX, Transit, Oslo, p-114-125. 6. Mair, K. Stanser jordskjelv midt i utviklingen. Nytt fra eVita nr 2, 2008 (interview). 7. Mazzini, A. How to make a volcano. Geoscientist 18. June 2008 (interview). 8. Mazzini, A. An unnatural disaster in Indonesia, Geotimes, August 2008 (interview) 9. Mazzini, A. Indonesian mud volcano may not be man-made, New Scientist, January 2008 (interview) 10.Mazzini, A. A different kind of eruption wreaks havoc in East Java, National Geographic, January 2008 (interview). 11.Mazzini, A. Debate over Indonesian mud volcano reignites. The New Scientist, Volume 200, Issue 2681, 5 November 2008, Page 6. 12.Mazzini, A. Der unendliche Matsch. Süddeutsche Zeitung no 181, page 16, 2008 (interview). 13.Planke, S. Revealing the secrets of volcanic sedimentary basins. Geo June 2008, 16-22. 14.Ramberg I.B., Jansen E, Olesen O., Torsvik, T.H. 2008. What does the future hold? Geohazards, climate change and continental drift. In Ramberg I., Bryhn I., Nøttvedt A. & Rangnes K. (eds.): The making of a land: Geology of Norway. The Norwegian Geological Association, 560-591. 15.Torsvik, T.H. & Steinberger, B. 2008. From continental drift to mantle dynamics. In ”Geology for Society for 150 Years - The legacy after Kjerulf”, eds. T. Slagstad & R. Dahl. Gråsteinen 12, 24-38. 6. Mazzini, A. Mud eruption ’caused by drilling’. BBC News 1 Nov 2008 (interwiev). 7. Mazzini, A. Geologists blame drilling for Indonesian mud volcano. Nwe Scientist 31 October 2008 (interwiev). 8. Mazzini, A. What caused the LUSI mud volcano eruption? Innovations report 14.10.2008 (interwiev). 9. Mazzini, A. Indonesian oil company blamed for mud disaster. Enerpub 1 November 2008 (interwiev). 10.Mazzini, A. Experts Clash Over Mud Disaster - Theories on Trigger of Indonesian Mud Volcano. PR Web 22 October (interwiev). 11.Mazzini, A. Two Years On, a Mud Volcano Still Rages--and Bewilders. News of the Week 13 June (interview). 12.Mazzini, A. Unstoppable. Science 13 June 2008 (interview). 13.Mazzini, A. Norwegian researcher studies Lapindo mudflow Indonesia News Blog 27 February (interview). 14.Mazzini, A. Mud volcano cause discussed. AAPG Expolrer, page 32-33. 15.Mazzini, A. AAPG Meeting Pins Mudflow On Drilling. Pesa News Resourses December 2008/January 2009 (interview). 16.Mazzini, A. Indonesian Mus Flow History. Satnews Daily ¨,December 2008. 17. Mazzini, A. Indonesian oil company blamed for mud disaster. EnerPub 1 November. 18.Mazzini, A. Lapindo Brantas ”responsible” for mud flow., 31 october (interview). 19.Mazzini, A. Experts Clash Over Mud Disaster - Theories on Trigger of Indonesian Mud Volcano. PR Web 22 October. 20.Mazzini, A. Vexing Mud Flow Cause Disputed. Explorer July 2008. 21.Morgan, J. Mud eruption ”caused by drilling” BBC News. (Web article including interview with A. Mazzini). Other activities Newspapers 1. Svensen, H. Dommedag på alvor. Morgenbladet 17 October 2008 (Interview). 2. Lønstad, T. Workshop i ødemarka. (Interview with A. Nermoen and participants of the PGP thermodynamics course). Oppland Arbeiderblad 3 November No. 256, page 3. 1. Galland, O., Sassier, C. Andean geotrail 2008-2009 2. Svensen, H. Stand-up researcher during Forskningsdagene at UiO. In Frokostkjelleren in the old ,central universityi sentrum, 25. september. PGP Annual Report 2008 83 design by COVERPHOTO: Satelite image of East Greenland, showing fjords stretching from the cost and ca. 400 km westwards to the Greenland icesheet. The fjordsystem locally cuts 4 km down from the old ‘paleosurface’ and is a classical example of a fractal landscape. In a 2008 Geology paper, Medvedev, Hartz and Podladchikov presented a geodynamic model that explains how erosion caused more than 1.2 km of uplift, thereby solving a century long enigma of why Mesozoic marine rocks form high mountains in Greenland. Sateliteimage by NASA ( PGP University of Oslo PO Box 1048 Blindern N-0316 Oslo Norway phone: (+47) 22 85 61 11 fax: (+47) 22 85 51 01