Woodridge Date Night
Woodridge Date Night
February 2010-Vol. V, Issue 1 ● PRESIDENT’S REPORT WOODRIDGE ANNUAL MEETING: JANUARY 25 A summary of board accomplishments for the past year was presented including the addition of the Phase VIII portion of the subdivision into the Woodridge Homeowners Association. This addition will eventually increase Woodridge to 420 homes. A new directory was completed raising another $12,000 in advertising income enabling the completion of the Park Program. A final planned multi-use piece of play equipment was purchased and installed. Construction of four new Woodridge stone signs were completed at the Willis and Caldwell entrances. Landscaping was improved at all entrances. Several social and outreach programs were planned and implemented in conjunction with the Woodridge Women’s Club. The year was successful! Plans for 2010 were discussed showing planned expenditures for further landscaping improvements along the Caldwell berm, several cul-de-sacs and the entrances. Emphasis was placed on the mailbox program and energetic discussion followed from the residents how we could improve the program. More will be coming on that subject. www.woodridgehoa.homestead.com Annual Assessments Now Due The annual assessment notices have gone out for 2010. Please be reminded that your $200 assessment should be paid no later than February 28, 2010 without a penalty. This assessment is used to pay the electric and water bills and for repairs and maintenance of common property, entrances and other amenities of the neighborhood. Please make sure that your payments are postmarked by that date to avoid further collection efforts. Ben Waddell, Treasurer Woodridge HOA Board of Directors 587-8782 New board members Dawn Bingham and Joe Waddell were voted on and outgoing board members Bob Boyle and Dave Kusher were thanked and recognized for their many years of service to Woodridge. Some questions raised during the meeting included the need to improve the main entrance sign on Rt 29, the condition of the pavement on some streets, entrance lighting at the Caldwell entrances and a gap in the bike path between Brandermill and The Westside Club. The board is following up on these items plus many others. BOARD OFFICERS FOR 2010 Board officers were elected at the February 11 th Board meeting. They are as follows: President ....................Jack Mason .......................... 574-3117 Vice President ............Bruce Allen ......................... 595-2552 Treasurer ....................Ben Waddell ....................... 587-8782 Secretary ....................Mark Thompson .................. 278-0166 FREE RECYCLING PICKUP BY BUDGET REFUSE If your trash is picked up by Budget you may bag your glass, aluminum and plastic separately in one bag and then your newspapers and cardboard in another bag and then place these bags next to your trash can each week at the end of your driveway. Budget will put the recycled bags in another section of the truck when they pick up your trash and deliver to the recycle center at the landfill at no extra cost. Woodridge Date Night Where: When: Time: Who: RSVP: CITY RANGE Saturday, MARCH 20 7 PM Woodridge Adults Annette Starnes 587-1840 (President’s Report, continued) COMMITTEES FOR 2010 Committees were consolidated and set up for the coming year. They and their assigned responsibilities are listed on the last page of this newsletter. Jack Mason, President Woodridge Homeowners Association Phone # 574-3117; Cell phone #978-0176 Email- jmason777@charter.net Woodridge Homeowners Association LANDSCAPING UPDATE AND CALDWELL DRIVE PROJECT WOODRIDGE PARK Stone columns and landscaping were recently completed at the two Woodridge entrances on Caldwell. Two new decorative lights will soon be installed at each of those entrances. Woodridge now has five entrances each with matching stone entrance signs. Spring, believe it or not, is just around the corner. We will be doing our annual mulching, seasonal flowers, etc. at these entrances. We will work on improving the areas that have been disturbed by all of the Duke Power trucks on Willis Road. They have been replacing the poles and rewiring for months now. Those areas will ultimately be repaired and reseeded as soon as the their work is completed. Duke has promised they will repair the damage they caused. SCHEDULED EVENTS HAVE PRIORITY Woodridge Park is available for use by Woodridge residents and their guests. To reserve the park for your use, call Lori Lominack at 595-7340 at least two weeks prior to your event. PARK USE RULES We will soon be trimming trees, Crepe Myrtles and Hollys around some street lights in Woodridge to improve the lighting effect down the streets this year. TRASH MUST BE REMOVED! BRING TRASH BAGS. CLEAN UP AND REMOVE ALL TRASH FROM PARK. Report any damage found prior to or during your use of the facility to any board member or Lori Lominack 595-7340. Also, we plan to work on improving the landscaping on several of the cul-de-sacs this year. Woodridge residents please remember that CUSTOM MULCH located 1 ½ miles south on RT. 29 offers discounts specifically to Woodridge residents on types and volumn of mulch. Refer to page 8 of your Woodridge Directory for details. Keep this in mind when planning to mulch your beds this spring. If you need to use the water faucet, please make sure it shuts off completely before leaving. If for any reason it does not, notify any board member or Lori Lominack at the above number. Do not post, nail, tack or tape any signs on the pavilion structure. Be considerate of your neighbors and leave the park in the condition you found it. Please remember that the park closes at dark. Your input on these subjects is always welcome! Stan Parker, Chairman Landscape and Maintenance. 587-2085 CHECK OUT THE NEW WEBSITE www.woodridgenews.org Woodridge News is a communication tool of the Woodridge Homeowners Association and the Woodridge Women’s Club. Send concerns, comments and suggestions to: Wendy Mason, 777 Glenridge Rd., Spartanburg, SC 29301; Phone: 574-3117; e-mail: hapydane@charter.net 2 We would like to thank all of our Woodridge neighbors who so graciously contributed to the needy family in Travelers Rest, South Carolina. They were so grateful and are slowly getting their home back in living condition. You all helped to make this possible. Thank you all for your gifts and prayers. The husband is still in the burn center at Augusta, Georgia. We pray that he will recover and be home soon. Thank you, Teresa & Scott Cochran www.woodridgenews.org Woodridge Homeowners Association CRAFT CLUB WOODRIDGE WOMEN’S CLUB Planned Activities for 2010 Thursday, Feb. 25, 2010 FEBRUARY 25 Craft Club 11 AM - 2 PM Roberta Mileski, Hostess 336 Kennesaw Ct. 574-1900 MARCH 20 Woodridge Date Night CITY RANGE 7 PM R.S.V.P. Annette Starnes 587-1840 25 Craft Club 11 AM - 2 PM Dianna Carmalt, Hostess 419 E. Woodbury La. 576-3438 APRIL Easter Egg Hunt; Facilitators & Date TBA 16-17 Yard Sale-All Woodridge Cindy Buttino, Facilitator 415-4306 22 Craft Club 11 AM - 2 PM Annette Starnes, Hostess 877 Oak Crest Rd. 587-1840 MAY 20 Craft Club 11 AM - 2 PM Denise Bosak, Hostess 308 Kennesaw Ct. 587-2514 JUNE 20 Ice Cream Social Margo Baghdady, Coordinator 576-4097 24 Craft Club 11 AM - 2 PM Wendy Mason, hostess 777 Glenridge Rd 574-3117 11am-2pm Hostess: Roberta Mileski 336 Kennesaw Ct. Lunch is provided Enjoy conversation, fellowship and a delicious lunch with neighbors as you work on your own project like knitting, scrap-booking, needlepoint, and other crafts. Some ladies bring recipe files to clean out, address books to update, etc. Just bring whatever project you are working on at the time. Not crafty? Just come and enjoy lunch with the women of the neighborhood. Call Denise Bosak at 5872514 if you plan to attend or have questions about the club. CONGRATULATIONS! YARD-OF-THE-MONTH WINNERS February 2010 Woodridge East The West Family 91 Brandermill Road Woodridge West Charles & Denise Glace 319 Bohler Lane JULY & AUGUST - Craft Club dates & hostess TBA SEPT 23 Craft Club Hostess TBA OCTOBER 9 Oktoberfest 4 pm—Woodridge Park Coordinators TBA—the date may be changed 28 Craft Club Hostess TBA NOVEMBER Neighborhood Community Service Project DECEMBER 9 Women’s Cookie & Gift Exchange; 4 dz. Cookies, $15 gift, 7 PM Dora Elizondo, Hostess 44 W. Woodglen Rd 595-9391 18 Couples Christmas Party 7 PM Hostess TBA Would you like to host this party? Call Wendy Mason for details, 574-3117 The Yard-of-the-Month award is given during the first week of every month. If you wish to nominate a neighbor’s yard (or your own!) for this award call East -Carla Hartford 574-7380;West-Marlies Welsch 587-2037 EVENING WOMEN’S CLUB? Several women have expressed an interest in evening Women’s Club activities. Call Wendy Mason to get your name on the list. She will get you in touch with one another. Call Wendy at 574-3117 or email: hapydane@charter.net www.woodridgenews.org 3 WOODRIDGE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION BOARD COMMITTEES - 2010 FINANCE/LEGAL ............................................................................................................................... Ben Waddell 587-8782 Committee Members: Stan Parker, Bruce Allen, Jack Mason Collect annual dues; Follow-up with legal action in case of non-compliance; Coordinate with the Woodridge lawyer on home foreclosures; Insure Covenant Restriction compliance; Follow-up with enforcement of rules and agreements; Perform other duties as directed by The Board MAILBOX RENOVATION/RENEWAL PROGRAM ....................................................................... Kyle Boyles 384-0538 Committee Members: Joe Waddell, Dawn Bingham, Jack Mason Develop a program to encourage upgrade of remaining non-conforming mailboxes: Set a time goal for complete compliance: Implement the rebate program and recommend changes to this program to insure progress; Insure all vandalized mailboxes are restored at no cost to the homeowner; Implement a mailbox maintenance program based upon a street survey of current condition; Evaluate new options for a sturdier design, obtain competitive quotes and communicate to all Woodridge residents to obtain feedback before moving ahead. COMMUNICATIONS AND OUTREACH ...................................................................................................... Dawn Bingham Committee Members: Kyle Boyles, Mark Thompson, Jack Mason Large-Web Designer Wendy Mason At Large-Newsletter Editor Wendy Mason Develop/maintain/improve/update the Woodridge Web site; Update the Woodridge Directory; Publish periodic Newsletters and Flyers; Obtain support across Woodridge to insure accuracy of 2011/2013 Directory; Evaluate whether or not to include Advertising; Interface with Women’s Club in developing and implementing Woodridge Social programs and various outreach activities in the community. Perform other duties as directed by the board. SHARED-USE PATH PROGRAM ....................................................................................................... Bruce Allen 595-2552 Committee Members: Mark Thompson, Jack Mason At Large Contributor: Susan Adolphson Represent Woodridge at the WNA meetings; Insure feedback to the Woodridge board on any pending decisions and implement communications to Woodridge residents; Perform other duties as directed by The Board. LANDSCAPING/MAINTENANCE ..................................................................................................... Stan Parker 587-2085 Committee Members: Ben Waddell, Bruce Allen Implement Landscaping on common properties through out the subdivision; Upgrade and improve maintenance of all five Woodridge entrances; Upgrade and maintain entrance signage; Improve maintenance of the Park and various cul-de-sacs; Perform other duties as directed by The Board. STRUCTURE ADDITIONS .................................................................................................................. Bruce Allen 595-2552 Committee Members: Ben Waddell, Joe Waddell, Jack Mason Review homeowner requests for any structure additions to properties; Insure compliance with the covenants; Obtain committee and board approvals on property additions with copy to homeowner and Woodridge files; Consult with the Woodridge lawyer as necessary; Perform other duties as directed by The Board SAFETY/ SECURITY/STREETS SIGNS/LIGHTING ...................................................................... Joe Waddell 574-5371 Committee Members: Jack Mason, Bruce Allen Implement programs and communications to insure street safety; monitor and arrange upgrades of street signage; Implement street lighting maintenance; Perform other activities as directed by The Board 4 www.woodridgenews.org