Thermoforming - SPE Thermoforming Division
Thermoforming - SPE Thermoforming Division
® Thermoforming Quarterly A JOURNAL OF THE THERMOFORMING DIVISION OF THE SOCIETY OF PLASTIC ENGINEERS FOURTH QUARTER 2012 n VOLUME 31 ® n NUMBER 4 Post Conference Edition Wrapping Up 2012 in Style INSIDE … The Business of Thermoforming: Industrial Investments pages 10-13 ANTEC Paper: Liquid Crystal Polymer pages 14-18 2012 Conference Review page 20 WWW.THERMOFORMINGDIVISION.COM Thermoforming QUARTERLY 1 2 thermoforming quarterly Thermoforming Quarterly® FOURTH QUARTER 2012 VOLUME 31 n NUMBER 4 Wrapping Up 2012 in Style Contents n Departments Chairman’s Corner x 2 Thermoforming in the News x 4 University News x 26 Front Cover n Features ibit thickness rials lose melt melting point. her energy to # #"* *$ ous polymers e range than nsition, which ooled rapidly The Business of Thermoforming x 10-13 Understanding Industrial Investment Decision-Making Page 18 ANTEC Paper x 14-18 Thermoformable Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) Industry Practice x 20 cuum forming sted. Vacuum 10 shows a ickness in the indicates that 30 mm mple Conclusions Page 20 so formed at 11 shows an 12 shows an Thermoformable LCP shows very high melt viscosity and high heat deflection temperature. It can be extruded into sheets for thermoforming. Due to its unique melt transition, compared with semi-crystalline or amorphous polymers, thermoformable LCP resin needs special processing conditions for extruding quality sheets and forming good parts. For TF-LCP discussed in this paper, the sheet extrusion melt temperature is about 345-360oC and the forming temperature range is about 320-340oC. The TF-LCP has good melt strength and elasticity based on thermoformability tests. Due to its rapid heating and cooling characteristics, special means for heat retention is needed during forming. Vacuum forming is preferred because of fast forming cycle and minimum heat loss. rm tray by 1. SPE Thermoforming Division’s 21st Annual Conference Report Industry Practice x 21 Thermoforming Continues to Create Job Opportunities References 2. 3. 4. +$ * 1(#%*(%& '+ (.)*" %".#()2())01) ( ) +,$" 1%".#( -*(+) %$2 th Ed., Hanser Gardner (2001 #) (%$ 1$%"%. % (#%%(# $2 Hanser Verlag (1996) M. Mogilevsky, Polymer Engineering and Science, Vol. 38, 322-329 (1998) Page 7 Page 24 n In This Issue Gwen Mathis Named Emeritus Director x 7 2012 Conference x 24 In Memoriam - Bill Benjamin x 27 Editor Conor Carlin (617) 771-3321 Sponsorships Laura Pichon (847) 829-8124 Fax (815) 678-4248 Thermoforming Division Executive Assistant Gwen Mathis (706) 235-9298 Fax (706) 295-4276 Thermoforming Quarterly ® is published four times annually as an informational and educational bulletin to the members of the Society of Plastics Engineers, Thermoforming Division, and the thermoforming industry. The name, “Thermoforming Quarterly®” and its logotype, are registered trademarks of the Thermoforming Division of the Society of Plastics Engineers, Inc. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior written permission of the publisher, copyright holder. Opinions of the authors are their own, and the publishers cannot be held responsible for opinions or representations of any unsolicited material. Printed in the U.S.A. Thermoforming Quarterly® is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (Registration no. 2,229,747). x 2012 Parts Competition Winners x 28-29 Sponsorships x 36 A JOURNAL PUBLISHED EACH CALENDAR QUARTER BY THE THERMOFORMING DIVISION OF THE SOCIETY OF PLASTICS ENGINEERS Conference Coordinator Lesley Kyle (914) 671-9524 F igure 12. Baking tray by thermoformable L C P shapes were me holes were that an overge may relate temperature, temperatures dow. Thermoforming Quarterly® Page 29 Cover Artwork courtesy of Dallager Photography All Rights Reserved 2012 Thermoforming QUARTERLY 1 Thermoforming Quarterly® Chairman’s Corner Phil Barhouse Looking Back at 2012 I enjoyed seeing all of you at our 21st Annual Thermoforming Conference in Grand Rapids. For those of you who did not attend, you missed an excellent conference. You can read all about it in the Conference Wrap-Up Report and see the Parts Competition winners in this issue. I would like to thank our Conference Chairs, Haydn Forward and Lola Carere, and their entire committee for the outstanding work with this conference. Next year’s conference will be hosted in Atlanta, so mark your calendars for September 9 -12. We have recently revised this date to avoid conflicts with other industry events; so please check the website for further details. On behalf of the Board of Directors, I wish to express my deepest sympathy to 2 thermoforming quarterly the Benjamin family on the passing of Mr. Bill Benjamin. Bill was President of Benjamin Manufacturing Company that he and his wife Beverly started in 1961 (see page 27). Bill was a true pioneer in the industry and was a huge supporter of this Division for many years. He was named Thermoformer of the Year in 2003 and continued to attend board meetings up until very recently. I will personally miss his warm friendly smile, the advice and the guidance that he gave me over the years. He will be greatly missed. candidates. This prestigious honor will be awarded to an individual who has made significant contributions to the thermoforming industry in a technical, educational, or managerial aspect capacity. Nominees will be evaluated prior to voting by the Board of Directors at the February 2013 board meeting. Each of us in the thermoforming industry knows at least one person whose contributions deserve to be recognized in front of their peers. Please feel free to contact me or another board member if you have questions about this award. On page 9, you will find the form and nomination criteria for the 2013 Thermoformer of the Year. This is the highest award that the Board presents. Please help us by identifying worthy As always, I would like to hear your ideas, comments and feedback. x Phil Barhouse Are You groups?gid=3992496&trk=myg ugrp ovr Group Name: Thermoforming Division, a subgroup of SPE Moderator: Mark Strachan Trending Topics (as of November 28, 2012) 1. Material selection: PP vs HIPS for yogurt cups 2. Machinery options for producing cups and lids With over 380 members and growing, the Thermoforming Division is using Linkedin to expand the conversation. Meet fellow professionals, ask tough technical questions, explore related groups. Join us today! Thermoforming QUARTERLY 3 Thermoforming Quarterly® New Members Pierre Albertyn Polytech Cape Town Tawnya Suzanne Clark GE Appliances Louisville, KY Daniel C. Robinson PLI Inc. Suwanee, GA Tom Van Nortwick Innovative Plastech, Inc. Batavia, IL Ed Anderson Distinctive Molds Henderson, CO Matt Conway ACI Plastics Kansas City, MO Yugi Ryosho Mytex Polymers Jeffersonville, IN Anne Walker Nova Chemicals Monaca, PA Jay Coventry Boltaron Dover, OH Deepa Samkutty Arlington, TX Katie M. Wazny SC Johnson Bay City, MI John Anthony Andex Escanaba, MI Erasmo Avila Impersealco S.A. de C.V. Tultitlan, Estado de México Hermes Azzo Midwest Exchange Inc. Gurnee, IL Troy Beeman ACI Plastics Kansas City, MO Beverly Bejamin Benjamin Mfg. Bellflower, CA Ray Berg Bushwacker, Inc. Portland, OR Kristen Board GE Appliances Louisville, KY David A. Branscomb John Deere Technology Center Dubuque, IA LeBron Bright Velux Greenwood, SC C. Matthew Brown Poly Flex Products, Inc. Farmington Hills, MI Rich Camacho Americhem, Inc. Elgin, IL Michael Cameron Klockner Pentaplast Sylvania, OH Tony D. Centritto Craft Originators, Inc. Hamilton, Ontario Shawn Andrew Chisholm Neocon International Dartmouth, Nova Scotia Anne-Marie Chronas Nu-B Inc. St. Laurent, QC Sam Cultrona Plastics Machinery Group Solon, OH Caroline D’Allard Styl’Monde Pont D’Ain Natalie DeGrace uVu Technologies Boca Raton, FL Wesley J. Distefano Creative Foam Fenton, MI Medhi M. Emad Arkema Inc. King of Prussia, PA Tim Felton Plastic Ingenuity Maumelle, AR Kate M. Quigley State Garden Chelsea, MA Zvi Rapaport Bushwacher Portland, OR John Rhoades Placon Fitchburg, WI Rick Rial Plas-Tech Thermoforming Ltd. Brandesburton, East Yorks Kevin Andrew Richardson Deltaform Bridgewater, Somerset Ben Ridley Formit Services Fountaindale, NSW Bob Rindo Hampel Corp. Germantown, WI 4 thermoforming quarterly Bill Schneider Monark-Equipment Auburn, MI Steven Schulze Industrial Recyclers Sidney, OH Rick Forbis Battenfeld Cincinnati Mint Hill, NC Leon E. Sheridan Crown Plastic Festus, MO Jason Froese think4D Altona, MB Diego Garavito Carvajal Empaques Cali, Valle Craig Smith CPS Resources Inc. Indian Trail, NC Farzad Ghods Carbures Greenville, SC Matt Stadtmueller Bemis Neenah, WI Eric Givens Hampel Corp. Germantown, WI Michael Staelgraeve Dandy Pkg. Inc. Monroe, MI Tim Goins American Airlines Tulsa, OK Ronald Staub Say Plastics Inc. McSherrystown, PA Martijn Haex Bosch Sprang BV Sprang-Capelle Jack L. Subel The Fabri-Form Co. New Concord, OH Timothy J. Hague Procter and Gamble Cincinnati, OH John Sugden The Dow Chemical Co. Midland, MI Jack Hamer Acrofab, Inc. Zeeland, MI Nik Taritas Kydex LLC Bartlett, IL Allan Harris Drader Edmonton, AB Barry Taylor Concote Corp. Coppell, TX Heather Hawk MAAC Machinery Carol Stream, IL Nick Thon Dart Container Lansing, MI Michael Haynie Velux Greenwood, SC Thomas Todebush Brueckner Group USA Warren, MI Brent Allen Hedding 3M Co. St. Paul, MN Carol Trier-Black SC Johnson Bay City, MI Allen Hendrix Heritage Plastics Fairmount, GA Thermoforming Quarterly® Paul D. Hickey Auburn Vacuum Forming Co. Auburn, NY Amr Hosny BariQ-A Raya Holding Subsidiary Giza Andrew Hunt Plastic Ingenuity Maumelle, AR Michael W. Irvin Schutt Sports Mfg. Co. Salem, IL Rocky Jacobs Concote Corp. Tyler, TX Michael David Joudrey GN Thermoforming Equipment Chester, Nova Scotia Jay Kumar Universal Plastics Holyoke, MA Jason Newman Brown Machine Beaverton, MI Rhys Lewis-Smith Formit Services Bellevue Hill, NSW Scott W. Niedzwiecki Sonoco Protective Packaging Dekalb, IL Tony Y-Tsen Lo Western Michigan University Portage, MI Ted Owen MSA Components, Inc. Cincinnati, OH Jared Lorenson Display Pack Grand Rapids, MI Jeremy Phillips Minimizer Blooming Prairie, MN Michael MacDonald ODC Tooling and Molds Waterloo, Ontario Michael John Polansky Innovative Plastech Inc. Batavia, IL Martin Mailloux Plastique Art Ste-Claire, Quebec Andrew Webb Insul-Fab, Div. of Concote Corp. Coppell, TX Jaime Arturo Juliao Propilco Bogota, Cundinamarca Luke McCarron GN Thermoforming Equipment Chester, NS James Karnes Crown Plastics Festus, MO Dale Edward McCarthy Yesco Las Vegas, NV Steve Kastner Velux Greenwood Greenwood, SC Michael McConnaghy OMV-USA Elkhorn, WI Nancy Kieffer Plastics Unlimited Inc. Preston, IA Brian McFadyen Craft Originators Inc. Hamilton, Ontario Chris Kirby Creative Foam Corp. Granger, IN Robert McNeal NcNeal Enterprises San Jose, CA Andrew K. Kitson GDC, Inc. Goshen, IN Nick Mellentuin Plastic Ingenity Maumelle, AR Rex Knechtly McClarin Plastics, Inc. Hanover, PA New Members (continued) Adam Melville Formit Services Fountaindale, NSW Jared Korreckt WNA Chattanooga, TN Michael Miller Bellingham, WA Steve Koski Drader Edmonton, AB Ken Miner ACI Plastics Kansas City, MO Dan Koster Creative Plastics Grand Haven, MI Natalie Moorman Carol Stream, IL Joe Weber Hampel Germantown, WI Marjorie Weiner Society of Plastics Engineers Brooklyn, CT Andrew Wiess Vantage Plastics Standish, MI Dan Williams Placon Corp. Madison, WI Mark Wilson Plas-Tech Thermoforming Ltd. Brandesburton, East Yorkshire Kyle Thomas Wright Clifton Park, NY Wes Yandt Multifab Inc. Spokane Vly, WA Robert W. Zachrich The Fabri-Form Co. New Concord, OH Lincoln Zevallos Plastic Package Inc. Sacramento, CA Why Join? I t h a s n e v e r b e e n m o re important to be a member of your professional society than now, in the current climate of change and volatility in the plastics industry. Now, more than ever, the information you access and the personal networks you create can and will directly impact your future and your career. Active membership in SPE – keeps you current, keeps you informed, and keeps you connected. The question really isn’t “why join?” but … Why Not? Thermoforming QUARTERLY 5 Thermoforming in the News Plastic Ingenuity Buys Vitalo de Mexico Assets By Jessica Holbrook, Plastics News Staff Posted October 17, 2012 MONTERREY, MEXICO (4:35 p.m. ET) P lastic Ingenuity de Mexico, an affiliate of Plastic Ingenuity Inc., has purchased the assets of thermoformed packaging producer Vitalo de Mexico. The acquisition allows Plastic Ingenuity to boost capacity and capabilities, as well as expand operations – the company will now operate two plants in Monterrey, Mexico, along with Vitalo de Mexico’s facilities in Guadalupe, Nuevo León. It also allows the company to “capitalize on the return of manufacturing business to North America from Asia,” said Tom Kuehn, president of Plastic Ingenuity, in a news release. Vitalo de Mexico is a branch of Belgium thermoforming giant the Vitalo Group. Terms of the deal were not disclosed. Plastic Ingenuity de Mexico was formed in 2006 through a joint venture between Plastic Ingenuity and Converforma 6 thermoforming quarterly of Monterrey. Prior to the acquisition, the company operated eight vacuum forming lines at its Monterrey plant. Based in Cross Plains, Wisconsin, Plastic Ingenuity makes custom thermoformed packaging for a variety of markets including food, medical, electronics and retail. The company has approximately 500 employees, and operates 11 extrusion lines and 46 thermoforming lines across its four U.S. locations. Plastic Ingenuity had sales of $80 million in 2012 and was No. 24 in the most recent Plastics News ranking of North American thermoformers. x Faerch Plast Tests Recyclable Black CPET By Charlotte Eyre, European Plastics News Staff Posted October 30, 2012 HOLSTEBRO, DENMARK (1:45 p.m. ET) D anish thermoformer Faerch Plast A/S is developing a type of crystalline PET that can be detected by infra red technology in recycling streams, meaning the material can be separated from mixed plastics waste. “When recycling plastics, companies have infra red cameras to identify what the plastics are,” spokesman Joe Iannidinardo told European Plastics News. “But when the plastic is black light can’t shine through it, meaning it can’t be detected by the cameras.” Faerch Plast has reformulated its CPET material with a different pigment arrangement. This allows some of the infra red light to reflect back into the cameras, meaning the material can be recycled in mixed waste streams. The company developed the material at its R&D center in Denmark but is currently testing using the material to manufacture trays for ready meals in the UK, which is the main market for these products. The firm is now carrying out tests with stakeholders, including WRAP and various supermarkets. “We’re excited about the project because it brings the idea of a closed loop system closer and closer,” said Iannidinardo, adding: “The aim is to have the trays come back to use as flakes, perhaps even three or four times.” Iannidinardo did not go into detail about how Faerch Plast plans to manufacture the material but says the company aims to make the process “cost neutral” compared to other materials on the market. x 2013 EDITORIAL CALENDAR Gwen Mathis Named Emeritus Director Quarterly Deadlines for Copy and Sponsorships Emeritus Director status replaces current board member status and has a term of three years. Emeritus Directors can be involved in all board activities including conference preparation and involvement with technical committees. Emeritus Directors continue to receive quarterly newsletters and all other Board of Director announcements and emails. They are not required to attend board meetings and do not have voting responsibilities. Emeritus members are encouraged to be members of the Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE). Qualified candidates are recommended through the Membership Committee and brought to the attention of the Executive Committee for consideration and approval. x ALL FINAL COPY FOR EDITORIAL APPROVAL 15-FEB Spring 31-JUL Fall Conference Edition 30-APR Summer 15-NOV Winter Post-Conference Edition All artwork to be sent in .eps or .jpg format with minimum 300dpi resolution. In recognition of her years of dedicated service to the SPE Thermoforming Division and the industry at large, Gwen Mathis was named Emeritus Director, Board of Directors, Thermoforming Division. Become a Thermoforming Quarterly Sponsor in 2013! Additional sponsorship opportunities will include 4-color, full page, and 1/2 page. RESERVE YOUR PRIME SPONSORSHIP SPACE TODAY. Questions? Call or email Laura Pichon Ex-Tech Plastics 847-829-8124 BOOK SPACE IN 2013! Thermoforming QUARTERLY 7 thermoforming Achieve a sustainable balance of performance and cost. UPES® resin is NOVA Chemicals’ proprietary additive resin. When used with polyolefins, this product enables significant source reduction while increasing performance at no additional cost. x YOUR SOLUTION. YOUR UPES® RESIN. Sustainability • Up to 20% material source reduction • More efficient machine usage translates to energy savings • Recyclable Benefit • Improved crush strength - by up to 140% • 33% faster forming rates • Better part definition • Shorter start-ups and reduced scrap rates Efficiency • Downgauge • Easy processability at loadings up to 20% by weight • Runs on existing equipment • Blends well with polyolefins 8 thermoforming quarterly • • 1.724.770.6610 Thermoformer of the Year 2013 The Awards Committee is now accepting nominations for the 2013 THERMOFORMER OF THE YEAR. Please help us by identifying worthy candidates. This prestigious honor will be awarded to a member of our industry who has made a significant contribution to the thermoforming industry in a technical, educational, or managerial aspect of thermoforming. Nominees will be evaluated and voted on by the Thermoforming Board of Directors at the Winter 2013 meeting. The deadline for submitting nominations is January 15th, 2013. Please complete the form below and include all biographical information. Total submission, including this application page, must not exceed four (4) pages. Person Nominated: ____________________________________ Title: ___________________ Firm or Institution______________________________________________________________ Street Address: ____________________________ City, State, Zip: ______________________ Telephone: _______________ Fax: _________________ E-mail: ________________________ Biographical Information: • Nominee’s Experience in the Thermoforming Industry. • Nominee’s Education (include degrees, year granted, name and location of university) • Prior corporate or academic affiliations (include company and/or institutions, title, and approximate dates of affiliations) • Professional society affiliations • Professional honors and awards. • Publications and patents (please attach list). • Evaluation of the effect of this individual’s achievement on technology and progress of the plastics industry. (To support nomination, attach substantial documentation of these achievements.) • Other significant accomplishments in the field of plastics. Individual Submitting Nomination: _______________________ Title: _____________________ Firm or Institution______________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________ City, State, Zip: ______________________ Phone: _______________ Fax: _________________ E-mail: ___________________________ Signature: ___________________________________________ Date: ____________________ (ALL NOMINATIONS MUST BE SIGNED) Please submit all nominations to: Juliet Goff, Kal Plastics, 2050 East 48th Street, Vernon CA 90058-2022 Phone 323.581.6194, ext. 223 or email at: Thermoforming QUARTERLY 9 Thermoforming Quarterly® The Business of Thermoforming Understanding Industrial Investment Decision-Making By Christopher Russell and Rachel Young, American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy Executive Summary Editor’s Note: The following excerpts are reprinted with permission from the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE). We offer this synopsis to our readers because the report has broad implications for thermoforming OEMs, processors, suppliers and toolmakers surrounding capital and operational investments. The complete report includes in-depth survey results from NAICS-coded industrial sectors, including plastics (326). Please visit for more details. After a prolonged recession, the U.S. economy is poised for recovery. Economic rebound implies growth and renewal to accompany the ongoing evolution of energy markets, regulations, and technologies. And because manufacturing is by nature a capital-intensive activity, we anticipate that the sector’s economic renewal is partially dependent on capital investment in new and efficient technologies. Industrial energy efficiency opportunities coincide with economic recovery and the growth and modernization of domestic production capacity. same company. As facilities continues to capture many of the low- and no-cost energy improvement opportunities, future improvements will be increasingly linked to industry’s capital investment activity. Industrial energy program administrators will need a better understanding of capital investment processes as these vary throughout industry. By influencing capital investment decisions, the next generation of energy efficiency programs can influence the profile of industrial energy use for years to come. Economic recovery prospects across the manufacturing sector are stronger for some industries than for others. As the manufacturing sector changes, so should the nature of energy efficiency programs. Industry’s motivation for achieving energy improvements still lags its true potential, as the propensity to adopt energy management principles remains irregular, even across facilities of the Despite a decade of sluggish economic growth (2000-2009), output and productivity data from 1998-2009 reveal an industrial sector with elements of growth, recuperation, and surprisingly little retrenchment. Productivity gains achieved by many industries during this decade despite their low growth of output are evidence of the muscle needed for an economic rebound, while capacity utilization 10 thermoforming quarterly and investment rates point to opportunities for industrial expansion. Introduction In 2012, the U.S. economy is poised for recovery from a prolonged recession. Aiding the recovery is the trend of re-shoring of industrial production facilities from overseas locations (MAPI 2012, BCG 2012). Recovery will in part reflect capital investment in new and more efficient manufacturing facilities on U.S. soil. At the core of this activity is capital investment in industrial assets. Investment in durable facility and production assets will shape industrial energy intensity for years to come. This is an opportunity to evolve and intensify industrial energy efficiency programs to support the implementation of efficient technologies. Successful industrial energy programs will increasingly depend on knowledge of industry’s capital investment decision-making process. This report examines industrial capital investment experience, using macroeconomic data as well as a survey of industrial energy users and related market and program facilitators.1 The findings suggest an evolution of energy program design and conduct. Trends in manufacturing output have direct implications for the national economy on three broad dimensions. First, while U.S. manufacturing output is decreasing as a proportion of total GDP, the absolute volume of manufacturing output is still increasing. This simply means that manufacturing as a whole is not growing as quickly as some other sectors (Pollack 2012). Still, each dollar of manufacturing output also generates an additional $1.40 worth of non-manufacturing services throughout the domestic economy (NAM 2009). Second, the industrial sector represents 31 percent of all domestic energy consumption (EIA 2010). The sector is therefore an inescapable component of ongoing energy policy and program development. Finally, prospects for the national economy and its energy resources are inextricably linked by capital investment in more efficient productive assets. Because energy is a universal ingredient in all manufacturing, improved energy technologies provide potential benefits to 1 all industries, regardless of their product mix or facility size. Similarly, the sheer magnitude of manufacturing energy consumption makes it an unavoidable focus for achieving the state and regional energy supply balances sought by regulators of energy distribution utilities. At first glance, the growth of U.S. manufacturing output during the first decade of the 21st century appeared to be stagnant. Observers have raised a variety of concerns about this performance, debating the need for a national manufacturing policy (Romer 2012, Sperling 2012). But in 2012, after a decade capped off by a prolonged recession, manufacturers have an unprecedented opportunity for contributing to economic recovery. Several facts point to this opportunity. First, publicallytraded U.S. corporations are sitting on a lot of cash. Their balance sheets have cash balances of over $2.2 trillion, up from $1.5 trillion at the end of 2007 (Fortune 2012). The same decade was characterized by the off-shoring of some industrial production capacity combined with reluctance to reinvest in domestic capacity due to economic uncertainty. As noted in an earlier study, by 2008 the U.S. manufacturing sector was not only reaching full capacity, it was also beginning to reverse See Acknowledgements, p. iv, for a definition of survey respondent types. the trend of production offshoring, thanks to the costs and difficulties of global supply chains (Elliott et al. 2008). Additionally, the manufacturing sector reflects pent-up demand for new capacity after a decade of tepid capital investment (Kaushal et al. 2011). Together, these facts suggest that domestic manufacturers have an opportunity to not only build new capacity, but to obtain the competitive edge that new technology will provide. Reinvestment in domestic manufacturing should directly contribute to U.S. economic recovery. New macroeconomic data, not yet available at the time of this report, may verify the recovery’s relationship to capital investment. Recently, an unprecedented volume of public and utility ratepayer funds have been poured into energy incentive and assistance programs for the manufacturing sector (Chittum and Nowak 2012). While assistance programs frequently reveal improvement opportunities of all kinds and magnitudes, many facilities tend to favor solutions that involve low- and no-cost improvements to existing assets. Meanwhile, a sluggish economic recovery combined with uncertain future tax and regulatory consequences have discouraged many companies (continued on next page) Thermoforming QUARTERLY 11 from making strategic capital investment in energy-intensive systems. In sum, great potential remains for industrial energy improvement. However, various industries experience cycles of capital infrastructure renewal over intervals of five, ten, or more years (Elliott et al. 2008). This means that recently-gained awareness of potential energy improvements should lead to implementation of efficiency measures throughout the coming decade. Various manufacturing corporations respond differently to energy program incentives. Each company demonstrates a unique combination of motivations and investment decision-making processes. This is an ongoing challenge for energy efficiency program administrators. To improve their future effectiveness, program administrators will need a better understanding of the industrial sector’s prospects for investment, as well as the nature of the corporate decision process. While previous studies of industrial output and energy consumption typically examine energy intensity (e.g., Kolwey 2005), there is a need to study capital investment dynamics as these may shape the design and conduct of future energy efficiency programs. Competing Considerations Broadly speaking, industrial asset management is a trade-off 12 thermoforming quarterly between two choices: squeezing incremental value from existing facilities and equipment – doing things right – versus updating facilities to obtain a strategic competitive advantage – doing the right thing. The trade-off reflects management strategy, and has direct implications for capital investment. By choosing to do things right, a company implicitly commits to refining its current products, markets, and processes. By contrast, a company wishing to do the right thing is thinking beyond today in anticipation of tomorrow’s opportunities for innovation, relocation, expansion, and growth. This choice determines whether business returns are maximized for the short run or for the long term. These strategy differences explain why two manufacturing facilities, similar in every physical aspect, can demonstrate vastly different appetites for investment in energy efficiency. At least seven respondents indicate that business growth is the primary goal of capital investment. Aside from meeting business growth needs, many manufacturers are compelled by statutory safety and environmental compliance needs to invest in existing facilities. Add to this the capital requirements to simply repair and maintain current facilities. According to most respondents, energy improvement proposals compete with (rather than contribute to) these primary investment goals. While “efficiency” is not entirely dismissed, it is usually a secondary priority. One respondent states that the primary goal for energy management is to ensure that energy supplies are distributed adequately throughout a facility in a timely fashion – a task that is sometimes at odds with efficiency rather than because of it. Unless it is to replace a failed asset, an energy efficiency improvement is more difficult to justify than a growthoriented investment. At least five respondents indicate that energy improvements are more easily addressed in new construction than in the retrofit of existing facilities. About half the respondents indicate that capital allocations favor proposals that promise growth, address mandatory safety or environmental compliance, or both. A similar number of respondents (not always the same counted for the last point) say that energy impacts are at least one of many factors to be considered when evaluating a capital investment. Six respondents (four of them large companies) indicate that energy improvements compete with all other capital funding requests. However, three respondents (all were large companies) indicate that their organization maintains a capital budget track for energy separate from all other investment purposes. A dedicated energy fund ensures that at least some capital is available each year for energy improvements. Of note is the claim by at least five respondents that energy projects are often the kind of items paid for from either non-capital funds or from any budget remainders at the end of the fiscal year. To the extent that this is true, it suggests that industrial energy improvements happen more by chance than by deliberate effort. It is not accurate to conclude that energy improvements always “compete” with all other capital investment opportunities. As one large company respondent points out, energy improvements are sometimes the consequence of modernization or automation efforts. Documenting these impacts will help when assembling justifications for future improvements. Impacts of Energy Improvements Despite the many difficulties, many energy managers can and do overcome barriers. Two SME respondents note that their organizations originally avoided energy improvements in favor of other investments. But once some initial energy project results were available, managers were convinced and wanted more! Four respondents reiterate that project success is often predicated on non-energy benefits. Specifically: 90 percent of energy projects also have a productivity impact (one large company, one facilitator); energy improvements provide a four-fold return in the form of production improvements (one large company); and two other large companies claim that non-energy benefits “dominate” the returns from energy projects. There’s still room for improvement: at least one large company respondent says the company experiences an implementation success rate for energy proposals of 30 percent or less. A facilitator claims an 80 percent implementation rate. At least one respondent notes that energy improvements are harder to justify with today’s relatively low gas prices. Upon reflection, this may reveal a strategic opportunity. As discussed in Part 1 of this report, the industrial sector is experiencing a reshoring of production facilities on domestic soil. This is due in part to lower gas prices. But does this not underscore the need to invest in new facilities? If so, this investment is an opportunity to implement advanced, energysaving technologies that will hedge these new facilities against future energy price increases. Conclusions for Future Program Design and Conduct The U.S. manufacturing sector reveals varying readiness for economic recovery after a decade of capacity destruction and overall stagnant growth. Segmentation of the sector per trends in output and productivity reveal that most of the manufacturing sector (94 percent of value produced) in fact increased its productivity between 1998 and 2009. Considering also the sector’s potential for increased capital investment in modernized facilities, the muscle for economic recovery seems to be in place. The industrial segmentation described in this report suggests where future energy program outreach should be focused. Overall Conclusions and Recommendations Opportunities for manufacturing sector expansion are emerging after a decade of economic turmoil. With this expansion comes the opportunity to modernize industrial infrastructure, which can have direct, positive impacts for energy efficiency as well as industry competitiveness and overall economic growth. Manufacturing assets are employed for years or even decades at a time. Should companies fail to implement efficient technologies from the onset of facility construction, the cost liabilities will be longlasting. x Thermoforming QUARTERLY 13 Thermoforming Quarterly® ANTEC Paper TT H Q LL PP O CC P) H EE R RM MO O FF O OR RM M AA BB LL EE LL IILiquid QU U II D D CC R R YST YST AACrystal O LL YY M M EE R R (L (LPolymer P) Thermoformable Bing Bing Lu, Lu, Achi Achim m Hof Hofm mann, ann, Paul Paul Yung Yung (LCP) Ticona Ticona Engineering Engineering Poly Polym mers, ers, FFlorence, lorence, KY KY By Bing Lu, Achim Hofmann, Paul Yung, Ticona Engineering Polymers, Florence, Kentucky A bstract M aterials A bstract Abstract Thermoforming is an economical process for forming Thermoforming is an economical process for forming large shape products. High performance liquid crystal large shape products. High performance liquid crystal polymer (LCP) has high thermal stability, excellent polymer (LCP) has high thermal stability, excellent dimensional stability and high chemical resistance, which dimensional stability and high chemical resistance, which offers new application opportunities in demanding offers new application opportunities in demanding applications. In this paper, a new thermoformable LCP applications. In this paper, a new thermoformable LCP resin is compared with injection molding LCP on resin is compared with injection molding LCP on mechanical, thermal and rheological properties. Sheet mechanical, thermal and rheological properties. Sheet extrusion and thermoforming process conditions are extrusion and thermoforming process conditions are discussed. discussed. M aterials Materials 541 LCP resin Thermoformable Vectra®® T.rex0 Thermoformable Vectra T.rex0 541 LCP resin manufactured by Ticona Engineering Polymers is a high manufactured by Ticona Engineering Polymers is a high melt viscosity LCP resin with >30wt% mineral fillers. The melt viscosity LCP resin with >30wt% mineral fillers. The resin was converted into sheets on a laboratory scale using resin was converted into sheets on a laboratory scale using )*$(" "#)*-*(+) %$" $, * 2/## )*$(" "#)*-*(+) %$" $, * 2/## die and commercially on )* -*(+) %$ " $ , * 2 die and commercially on )* -*(+) %$ " $ , * 2 (~457mm) die. LCP sheets were tested for (~457mm) die. LCP sheets were tested for thermoformability using a lab Technoform®® tester and thermoformability using a lab Technoform tester and also formed into parts on a commercial thermoforming also formed into parts on a commercial thermoforming line. line. Results and Discussion Resultsand and Discussion Discussion Results Introduction Introduction Introduction Thermoforming is a method widely used for Thermoforming is a method widely used for processing of polymers into desired shapes from extruded processing of polymers into desired shapes from extruded sheets. It is a process typically suited for low volume large sheets. It is a process typically suited for low volume large parts where injection molding is non-ideal due to its high parts where injection molding is non-ideal due to its high fixed costs. Liquid crystal polymer (LCP) is a high fixed costs. Liquid crystal polymer (LCP) is a high performance polymer with high thermal stability, high heat performance polymer with high thermal stability, high heat defection temperatures (HDT), excellent chemical defection temperatures (HDT), excellent chemical Ticona has resistance and high dimensional stability. [1-4] resistance and high dimensional stability. [1-4] Ticona has introduced the first commercially available extrudable and introduced the first commercially available extrudable and 541. This thermoformable LCP resin Vectra®® T.rex0 thermoformable LCP resin Vectra T.rex0 541. This novel LCP resin formulation permits the fabrication of novel LCP resin formulation permits the fabrication of extrusion sheets with high thermal stability for extrusion sheets with high thermal stability for thermoforming parts in applications such as industrial thermoforming parts in applications such as industrial baking trays and high performance heat shields. For baking trays and high performance heat shields. For example, in industrial baking trays, LCP provides values example, in industrial baking trays, LCP provides values of energy saving and maintenance cost reduction of energy saving and maintenance cost reduction compared to traditional PTFE-coated steel trays or compared to traditional PTFE-coated steel trays or stainless steel trays because of its fast heating, lightweight stainless steel trays because of its fast heating, lightweight and long operating life. LCP properties also inherently add and long operating life. LCP properties also inherently add non-stick and microwave-ability to these applications. non-stick and microwave-ability to these applications. Unlike most semi-crystalline resins, the rigid, rod-like Unlike most semi-crystalline resins, the rigid, rod-like molecular structure of LCP resins imparts a unique melt molecular structure of LCP resins imparts a unique melt behavior (nematic transition). This property requires behavior (nematic transition). This property requires special resin selection and processing consideration to special resin selection and processing consideration to meet the requirements in both sheet extrusion and in the meet the requirements in both sheet extrusion and in the thermoforming process. In this paper, we review the thermoforming process. In this paper, we review the 0 thermoformable LCP, and its properties of T.rex properties of T.rex0 thermoformable LCP, and its processing conditions for sheet extrusion and processing conditions for sheet extrusion and thermoforming. Thermformability is also discussed. thermoforming. Thermformability is also discussed. 14 thermoforming quarterly Property Property Overview Property O Overview verview Table 1 lists an overall comparison of T.rex0 Table 1 lists an overall comparison of T.rex0 thermoformable LCP resin and an injection molding LCP thermoformable LCP resin and an injection molding LCP resin on mechanical, thermal, physical and rheological resin on mechanical, thermal, physical and rheological properties. Both resins are based on the same polymer properties. Both resins are based on the same polymer composition and filler package. composition and filler package. T able 1. Comparison of Properties of Injection T able 1. Comparison of Properties of Injection M olding L C P and T hermoformable L C P M olding L C P andInjection T hermoformable L CP Properties Molding LCP Thermoformable LCP Properties Physical Physical 3 Density (g/cm 3) Density (g/cm ) -1 Melt Viscosity at 400 s -1 (Pa.s) Melt Viscosity at 400 s -1(Pa.s) Melt Viscosity at 1000 s -1 (Pa.s) Melt Viscosity at 1000 s (Pa.s) Mechanical Mechanical Tensile Modulus (G Pa) Tensile Modulus (G Pa) Tensile Strength (M Pa) Tensile Strength (M Pa) Break Strain (%) Break Strain (%) Flexural Modulus (G Pa) Flexural Modulus (G Pa) Flexural Strength (M Pa) Flexural Strength (M Pa) 2 Notched Izod Impact (KJ/m 2) Notched Izod Impact (KJ/m ) Thermal Thermal o Melting Point ( oC) Melting Point ( C) o DTUL @1.8 M Pa ( oC) DTUL @1.8 M Pa ( C) Injection Molding LCP Thermoformable LCP 1.74 1.74 56 56 37 37 1.74 1.74 180 180 114 114 8.5 8.5 96 96 2.7 2.7 9.1 9.1 119 119 5 5 10.8 10.8 118 118 3.6 3.6 11.6 11.6 128 128 7.4 7.4 357 357 240 240 357 357 245 245 As indicated from melt viscosity, thermoformable As indicated from melt viscosity, thermoformable LCP (TF-LCP) has much higher molecular weight than LCP (TF-LCP) has much higher molecular weight than injection molding LCP (IM-LCP), which enhances HDT injection molding LCP (IM-LCP), which enhances HDT and mechanical properties, including modulus, strength, and mechanical properties, including modulus, strength, elongation and impact strength of TF-LCP. elongation and impact strength of TF-LCP. Figure 1compares the capillary melt viscosity of TFFigure 1compares the capillary melt viscosity of TFLCP and IM-LCP. The much higher melt shear viscosity LCP and IM-LCP. The much higher melt shear viscosity of TF-LCP improves its melt strength, a key property for extrusion and thermoforming. The slope of viscosity/shear-rate of both LCP types are very similar, indicating similar shear thinning behavior contributed from similar molecular structure rigid rods. The slope is higher than that of typical semi-crystalline polymers. Additional studies were conducted on both resins with a dynamic rotational rheometer. Figure 2 compares complex melt viscosity of both LCPs with frequency sweep at 360o C. It clearly shows much higher zero melt viscosity of TF-LCP compared with IM-LCP. There is no significant viscosity plateau near zero to low shear rate region as normally observed in typical semi-crystalline polymers. This phenomenon is attributed to both the LCP rigid rod molecular structure and the filler effect. was observed around 290-300o C, which can be %$) ()$5*($) * %$ To further demonstrate the target forming temperature, dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) was performed from -50o C to 300o C. As shown in Figure 4, at 280o C there is a peak of loss modulus, which reflects the 5-transition observed in DSC. Both storage and loss modulus decreased rapidly around 300o C, which can be used as an initial target forming temperature. This property is common between IM-LCP and TF-LCP grades. F igure 3. DSC of thermoformable L C P F igure 1. C apillary M elt V iscosity at 370o C Capillary Melt Viscosity at 370oC 1000 Apparent Melt Viscosity (Pa.s) Thermoformable LCP Injection Molding LCP 100 F igure 4. D M A curves of injection molding L C P (A) and thermoformable L C P (B) 10 50 500 5000 Shear Rate (1/s) A o F igure 2. Dynamic M elt V iscosity at 360 C >/92#,.(=?&26(+,-."-,*/(2*(@AB"! !"""""" #$%&'()(&'*+,%-./0 123%456(2-7(,8629-./0 !"#$%&'()&%*(+,-."-,*/(0123-4 !""""" !"""" !""" B !"" !" " ! 56&78&9./(0:2;<=&.4 !" !"" The DSC thermogram (Figure 3) of TF-LCP shows a small high temperature transition (melting), which peaks at 357o C and has 6 %+* J/g. No other peak was observed. A change in the slope of the heat capacity curve (continued on next page) Thermoforming QUARTERLY 15 Sheet Sheet Extrusion E xtrusion The quality of extrusion sheets is a key factor for thermoforming process and final part quality. A lab film/sheet extrusion line was first used to make a 50-80 micron film to identify process conditions. )*+& % 2 (~100mm) "# " $ ) 2 (~38mm) single screw extruder, L/D=20; coat-hanger die, up to 100mmX100micron opening; no-rip roller, twin stacked 100mm diameterX152mm width polished chrome roller to a varied speed powered take-up roller. The roller temperature was set to 120o C for good surface film quality. The LCP resins were dried at 150o C for 6 hours before extrusion. It is important to note that the drying process is critical. Residual moisture has been observed to lead to polymer degradation and blister formation on the sheet surface. Table 2 lists the processing conditions and observations of film extrusion of TF-LCP and IM-LCP. This analysis demonstrated conclusively that TF-LCP produced films with significantly higher quality than IMLCP. It is believed that the high melt strength is the necessary feature for film/sheet extrusion. From Table 2, the optimal extrusion melt temperature range was determined to be between 345-360o C. (This relatively narrow processing temperature range of LCP compared to traditional semi-crystalline resins is due predominantly to its narrow nematic melt transition behavior.) T able 2. F ilm extrusion result comparison Resin Injection Molding LCP Thermoformable LCP Roller Speed Melt Temp Die Temp Test No. (inch/sec) ( C) o ( C) o 1 1.3 330 332 2 1.35 342 340 3 0.95 331 335 4 0.95 327 330 Observation Holes in film, difficult to roll, uneven width Few holes, still difficult to roll, unven width Few holes, still difficult to roll, unven width Mlet freezing in the die, few holes, cracking on edge 1 1.3 347 345 Very smooth surface, no flow mark/gel/holes 345 Increased width, very smooth surface, nogel/holes, very few flow marks Increased width, very smooth surface, nogel/holes, very few flow marks 2 1.3 347 3 1.45 357 355 4 1.45 370 365 5 1.5 375 375 Surface became rough, edge starting to crack Rough surface, edge cracking 16 thermoforming quarterly To translate this technology to a commercial scale, TF-LCP was extruded into sheets on a commercial sheet extrusion line with an 2 (~457mm) die at melt temperature around 355o C and roller temperatures around 120o C. The sheets had the thickness about 0.80-0.90 mm. The sheets had excellent surface quality with no hole/gel/flow mark. Tensile-bar samples were cut from the sheets, and tensile properties were measured. Table 3 shows the tensile properties of the sheet in flow and transverse direction. T able 3. Tensile Properties of T F-L C P Sheets Property Flow Transeverse Modulus (G Pa) 11.2 5.8 Tensile Strength (M Pa) 84 42 Break Strain (%) 1.3 1.8 As shown in Table 3, the TF-LCP sheets exhibited anisotropic mechanical properties. On flow direction, the rig rod-like molecules aligned together to enhance modulus and strength. In the sheet extrusion, it is preferable not to stretch the sheet much so that the sheet can have reduced anisotropic effect. Furthermore, in thermoforming part design, anisotropic factor needs to be considered to provide the best mechanical strength requirement. Figure 5 shows a typical LCP rod structure and skin-core layer structure scheme. F igure 5. L C P rod and skin-core layer structure scheme Thermoforming T hermoforming Test Thermoforming ability was tested on TF-LCP sheets %* $ (%# 2 (~457mm) extrusion sheet line using Technoform® Tester by Transmit Technology Group. 127mmX127mm samples cut from extrusion sheets were held firmly between two aluminum plates (sample tray) having 57mm diameter opening. A 32mm diameter 100mm long polished aluminum plug tool was used for forming. Plug was heated to 150o C. Samples were heated by two independently controlled and movable ceramic IR heaters. The top heater position was varied from 38 to 76mm and bottom heater was kept at 76mm from the sample surface. Both heaters were maintained at 830oC. After samples reached the set temperatures, they were moved to be formed with the plug. Test temperatures were varied. Figure 5 shows the plug and sample tray, and Figure 6 shows the Technoform® tester. thermoformable LCP sheet samples with set temperatures. Below 330o )#&" $3t show any sag. There was a rapid increase of sag distance around 340oC, and then a plateau around 350-370oC, and then a sharp increase above 380oC. Sag was uniform in these temperature ranges, and the )*) $3* )%, +"! "%, %( "+( indicating adequate melt strength of TF-LCP resin. Figure 9 shows a sag sample and a formed sample. F igure 9. Pictures of a sag sample (at 400o C) and a formed sample (350o C/plug speed 60mm/sec) F igure 6. T est Plug and Sample T ray Formed sample Table 4 lists the thermoformability test conditions. Plug speed and set temperature were mainly investigated for forming. From all tests, we saw rapid temperature drop from set temperature to form beginning temperature and form ending temperature. To retain heat is very important for thermoforming because the loss of heat or rapid cooling can result polymer loose melt elasticity. LCP has very small heat fusion of nematic transition, so it solidifies quickly, and to maintain sample hot during forming by certain ways is essential. Increasing plug speed means short time to form to specific distance, and shorter time means less heat loss and smaller delta T drop. F igure 7. Technoform® Tester T able 4. Forming Test Conditions and Results F igure 8. Sag distances vs. Set Temperatures 1 0.83 2 0.83 3 0.83 4 0.83 Plug speed (mm/sec) 60 60 100 120 Plug dwell time (sec) =2C(>,-*29.&(0##4(D-3(E&#$&62*86&(0"!4 T (set) (oC) !" o T (form beginning) ( C) > T (form ending) (oC) T(set)-T(form = beginning) (oC) < 30 30 30 30 350 400 350 380 313 358 315 340 307 344 312 338 37 42 35 40 6 Good uniform shape, no hole 14 Uniform, some holes around neck 3 Good uniform shape, no hole 2 Good uniform shape, no hole T(form beginning)- T(form ending) (oC) ; " :; Test Run No. Thickness (mm) ?"" ?;" ?<" ?=" ?>" <"" The sag resistance is an indication of melt strength. The sheet samples were heated to 300, 330, 350, 385 and 400oC. Figure 8 shows the sag distances of Forming Observation Thermoformability of materials depends on melt strength (similar to hot modulus in tensile test) as well as melt elasticity (similar to strain break in tensile test) at forming temperatures. Materials with high melt strength but low melt elasticity cannot be formed to deep drawn parts. Materials with good melt elasticity but decreasing (continued on next page) Thermoforming QUARTERLY 17 ness melt int. y to $ mers han hich dly were were ver- heat but a "%* ")) 1* #2 *% %%" (%# #"* *$ amorphous materials. Generally, amorphous polymers have a wider forming process temperature range than crystalline polymers. LCP has small heat transition, which means it is heated fast in heating stage and cooled rapidly melt be formed but will exhibit thickness duringstrength formingcan stage. variation and wall thinning. Crystalline materials lose melt strength meltinelasticity above peak melting As and shown Table 4, goodtheir uniform shapes point. were Crystalline materials also4.require a lot energy to formed in Run 1, 3 and For Run 2, higher some holes were heat butaround a "%*thin "))neck, 1* #2 *% indicated %%" (%# *$ formed which that#"* an overamorphous Generally, polymers drawing ratiomaterials. caused breakages. Thisamorphous breakage may relate have a wider forming process temperature range than to two factors: one is fast decrease of form temperature, crystalline polymers. LCP has small heat transition, which another is strain hardening. Overall, forming temperatures o means is heated stage and cooled rapidly Cfast offerinaheating good forming window. aroundit320-340 during forming stage. To further verify the melt elasticity, vacuum forming As ashown in pre-heated Table 4, samples good uniform shapes were without plug on was tested. Vacuum formed 1, 3 and For Run Figure 2, some10holes werea forming inisRun a very rapid4. process. shows formed neck, which indicated that an in overvacuum around formed thin sample. It has good, even thickness the drawing This which breakage may relate bulb andratio therecaused is no breakages. hole/breakage, indicates that to factors: is fastmelt decrease of form temperature, thetwo TF-LCP hasone excellent elasticity. another is strain hardening. Overall, forming temperatures o C offer good forming window. around 320-340 F igure 10. Va acuum forming sample To further verify the melt elasticity, vacuum forming without a plug on pre-heated samples was tested. Vacuum forming is a very rapid process. Figure 10 shows a vacuum formed sample. It has good, even thickness in the bulb and there is no hole/breakage, which indicates that the TF-LCP has excellent melt elasticity. F igure 10. V acuum forming sample Thermoformable LCP sheets were also formed at commercial thermoforming units. Figure 11 shows an example of a heart shape tray, and Figure 12 shows an example of a baking tray. F igure 11. C hocolate heart shape form tray by thermoformable L C P Thermoformable LCP sheets were also formed at commercial thermoforming units. Figure 11 shows an example of a heart shape tray, and Figure 12 shows an example of a baking tray. F igure 11. C hocolate heart shape form tray by thermoformable L C P F igure 12. Baking tray by thermoformable L C P 18 thermoforming quarterly F igure 12. Baking tray by thermoformable L C P F igure 12. Baking tray by thermoformable L C P 30 mm Conclusions Conclusions Thermoformable LCP shows very high melt viscosity and high heat deflection temperature. It can be extruded into sheets for thermoforming. Due to its unique melt transition, compared with semi-crystalline or amorphous polymers, thermoformable LCP resin needs30special mm processing conditions for extruding quality sheets and forming good parts. For TF-LCP discussed in this paper, Conclusions the sheet extrusion melt temperature is about 345-360oC and the forming temperature range is about 320-340oC. LCP shows veryand highelasticity melt viscosity The Thermoformable TF-LCP has good melt strength based and high heat deflection temperature. can be extruded on thermoformability tests. Due to itsItrapid heating and into sheets for thermoforming. Due for to its melt cooling characteristics, special means heatunique retention is transition, compared with Vacuum semi-crystalline needed during forming. formingorisamorphous preferred polymers, thermoformable LCPminimum resin needs special because of fast forming cycle and heat loss. x processing conditions for extruding quality sheets and forming good parts. For TF-LCP discussed in this paper, References References the sheet extrusion melt temperature is about 345-360oC o C. and the forming range is about 1. +$temperature * 1(#%*(%& '+320-340 (.)*" The %".#()2())01) TF-LCP has good melt strength and elasticity based on tests. Due to its rapid%$2 heating and 2. thermoformability ( ) +,$" 1%".#( -*(+) th Ed., cooling characteristics, special means for heat retention is Hanser Gardner (2001 needed during forming. Vacuum forming is preferred 3. #) (%$ 1$%"%. % (#%%(# $2 because of fast forming cycle and minimum heat loss. Hanser Verlag (1996) 4. 1. M. Mogilevsky, Polymer Engineering and Science, References Vol. 38, 322-329 (1998) +$ * 1(#%*(%& '+ (.)*" %".#()2())01) th 2. ( ) +,$" Key1%".#( Words -*(+) %$2 Ed., Hanser Gardner (2001 ANTEC, thermoforming, sheet, extrusion, process,$2 3. #) (%$ 1$%"%. % (#%%(# liquidHanser crystal polymer (LCP), thermoformability, Verlag (1996) 4. M. Mogilevsky, Polymer Engineering and Science, performance Vol. 38, 322-329 (1998) Thermoforming QUARTERLY 19 Thermoforming Quarterly® Industry Practice SPE Thermoforming Division’s 21st Annual Conference Report By Lesley Kyle, OpenMindWorks, Inc. T he Thermoforming Division hosted its 21st Annual Conference in Grand Rapids, Michigan, September 23-25. Over 730 industry professionals representing 16 countries attended the Conference to learn about trends and new developments in technology, machinery and materials. The City of Grand Rapids rolled out the red carpet for the Thermoforming Division and Conference attendees who had the opportunity to partake in Art Prize – a huge, citywide indoor and outdoor art exhibition – when they weren’t busy attending sessions or walking the show floor. Conference attendees had their choice of two fullday workshops, led by McConnell & Company and Mark Strachan. The workshops, attended by nearly 200 industry professionals, addressed fundamental principles and troubleshooting for both roll fed and sheet fed thermoforming. At the conclusion of the Conference, more than 150 attendees participated in the plant tours hosted by Allen Extruders, Formed Solutions, and FabriKal. Approximately 85 companies exhibited at the Conference with over 10 new exhibiting companies in attendance. Nearly 30 presentations on technical and business-related topics were delivered during two days of conference sessions. Wim DeVos, CEO of the Society of Plastics Engineers, delivered a keynote presentation on plastics in the OEM industries. Todd Shepherd, President of 20 thermoforming quarterly Shepherd Thermoforming, headlined the second day of sessions with his keynote presentation, “Re-Shoring to North America.” One of the highlights of the Conference was the Thermoformer of the Year and Parts Competition Awards Dinner. Randy Blin of Blin Management Company was honored as the 2012 Thermoformer of the Year. Mr. Blin, a part of the second father-son winning duo in the history of the award, accepted hearty applause in front of his family, friends, prior winners and several hundred conference attendees. A variety of awards in different categories were also presented to winners of the Parts Competition. See pagse 28-29 for full details on and photos of the Parts Competition winners. A special presentation highlighting the professional accomplishments of Gwen Mathis, Conference Coordinator, was delivered by Jim Armor of the Thermoforming Division Board of Directors. Ms. Mathis is retiring from her position as Conference Coordinator at the end of this year. Planning is already underway for the SPE 2013 Thermoforming Conference®! Please join us in Atlanta, Georgia, for the 22nd Annual SPE Thermoforming Conference: September 9-12. The conference dates will shift from the weekend to a weekday pattern in 2013. For the most upto-date information, visit the website at www. or contact Lesley Kyle at x Thermoforming Quarterly® Industry Practice Thermoforming Continues to Create Job Opportunities By Zach Ernest, KLA Industries, Inc. T hermoforming continues to be a job-creating segment of the plastics industry. In thickgauge forming, this can be attributed to increasing applications in the rebounding auto industry and to major manufacturers who are re-shoring their thermoforming operations. In thin-gauge thermoforming, the growth and increased competition in the food and medical packaging markets are driving material and product innovation. Increased competition and rising material prices continue to constrict margins for plastic thermoformers. As a result, companies are looking for areas that they can control in order to maintain and, where possible, increase profitability. Many organizations have focused their efforts on process improvement with formal training in LEAN manufacturing principles in order to reduce scrap and maximize production rates. One of the primary metrics that thermoformers are targeting for improvement is their Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE). To ensure profitability in what can be a high volume, low margin industry, one must minimize downtime for extrusion and thermoforming lines. The implementation and execution of a strong Preventative Maintenance Program is paramount for sustained performance, especially in order to optimize equipment efficiency and increase the life of expensive assets and machinery. This need for an organized maintenance system is creating opportunities for engineers with strong preventative and predictive maintenance and Reliability backgrounds. Steady M&A activity in the industry has caused some headcount reduction due to synergies created when companies merge. However, the competition for top talent remains fierce due to demographic changes in the industry and the first wave of retirement for the baby boomer generation. In fact, last year the oldest members of this generation turned 65. Every day for the next 19 years, about 10,000 more will cross that threshold. Companies need to plan for this shift and ensure that they are prepared for the replacement of retiring employees as they will be losing their most experienced people. To attract top talent, companies must position themselves as innovators who are capable of fostering the career of potential candidates, whether they are hiring new college graduates or trying to lure away engineers or technicians from competitors. Employers are combing resumes for skills including, SPC, Lean, Six Sigma and TPM. Candidates need to make sure that they have both formal training and a wide breadth of skills in order to differentiate themselves. The future is bright for this growing industry and schools like Mid Michigan Community College and Penn College are taking notice by adding thermoforming programs to their curriculum. Whether you are a degreed engineer or a highly skilled maintenance or production worker, one thing is certain: opportunities to advance yourself professionally are all around you. x Zach Ernest, CPC is VP of Thermoforming for KLA Industries, Inc., an Executive Search Firm specializing in the Polymer and Plastics Industry. Thermoforming QUARTERLY 21 Meet the Two Fastest in the World. Peregrine Falcon 202 MPH Maximize your solution with our Servos and Motion Controls. MT Works2 Motion Software Single-Axis Stand-Alone Motors up to 6000 RPM MR-J3 Servo 2100 Hz Speed Frequency Response Time Blazing fast response time means one thing: maximum throughput. This is paramount to achieving the lowest total of cost ownership (TCO) with your investment. But there’s much more. An auto-tuning function saving hours of set-up and tuning time. A patented design for the most compact and efficient motors in the industry. Bus speeds of 50 Mbps when you combine our servos and motion products. And the widest range of motors available from 50 watt up to 220 kW. All this adds up to why Mitsubishi is ranked #1 in the servo and motion business worldwide. Get with the best to be the best and watch your competitors take a swan dive. Multi-Axis for iQ Series 22 thermoforming quarterly Control Your Destiny B R O W N I S I N N O VATI O N Control over product. What gives the Quad greater control over your finished product? Combining high-tonnage stamping (coining) force with high-tonnage holding force, and without platen deflection. This powerful combination produces consistent material distribution, ensuring better part consistency at higher speeds. It all adds up to producing quality parts faster, with less scrap. The Brown Quad Series high-tonnage power and user-friendly operation provides process engineers greater control over the thermoforming process and their finished products more than ever before. Global Leader in Thermoforming Solutions Control over process All machine control functions and diagnostics are easily managed at the HMI level. An Allen-Bradley open and integrated architecture control system with user-friendly HMI and Logix 5000 single program solution. This solution optimizes and synchronizes the functions of logic, motion, and oven control. The system is fully supported worldwide by both Brown and Allen Bradley. Find out more at: or call 989.435.7741 Thermoforming QUARTERLY 23 2012 Conference - Grand Rapids, MI Photos courtesy of Dallager Photography 24 thermoforming quarterly From the Editor I f you are an educator, student or advisor in a college or university with a plastics program, we want to hear from you! The SPE Thermoforming Division has a long and rich tradition of working with academic partners. From scholarships and grants to workforce development programs, the division seeks to promote a stronger bond between industry and academia. Thermoforming Quarterly is proud to publish news and stories related to the science and business of thermoforming: ISO 9001:2000 • New materials development Juliet Oehler Goff, President/CEO, Kal Plastics • New applications • Innovative technologies • Industry partnerships • New or expanding laboratory facilities • Endowments We are also interested in hearing from our members and colleagues around the world. If your school or institution has an international partner, please invite them to submit relevant content. We publish press releases, student essays, photos and technical papers. If you would like to arrange an interview, please contact Brian Winton, Academic Programs, at: or 989.435.7718, ext. 32 REDUCE! REUSE! RECYCLE! REDUCE! REUSE! RECYCLE! Thermoforming QUARTERLY 25 University News UW Stout Students Visit Wisconsin Manufacturers By John Shultz, Assistant Professor & Engineering Technology Program Director O n October 26th, sixteen UW Stout students and two Engineering and Technology Department instructors toured Portage Casting and Mold, Inc. in Portage and Flambeau Corporation in Baraboo, WI. The students are enrolled in MFGT 342, Thermoforming and Blowmolding Technology, taught by John R. Schultz. They are BS Engineering Technology or BS Packaging students with a Plastics Concentration. Professor Wendy Stary, Plastics Engineering instructor, also attended. It was a long, two-and-a-half-hour drive from Menomonie to Portage, yet well worth it according to the students. When they returned to class the following week, the students were asked to submit comments about what they learned. The paragraphs below summarize their responses. Students had a great experience on the Portage Casting and Molding tour and came away with a greater appreciation of the entire manufacturing process. All found it very interesting to learn about the different ways the molds are made and how the sand was used with a chemical binder for all casting molds. Being able to watch the entire process from prepping the sand to the finished tool was very eye-opening. The most impressive part of the tour was seeing all of the advanced machinery and the sizes of molds and CNC machines. The Flambeau tour was also very enlightening and students enjoyed every part it, from the 26 thermoforming quarterly blow molding to injection molding. The students thought it was awesome to see all the different types of products that were being made, and how they compared to products being made by other processes. Most of the blow molding molds are produced in-house. With injection molding, the students found it interesting to see the different sizes of the machines and the various parts that they could produce. It was very exciting to see advanced machinery making complex parts and all the various jigs and fixtures used. Every student mentioned how impressive it was to see how the bullets for the military were produced and wanted to learn a little more about this process. x Foundry pouring at PCM Flambeau Corp., Baraboo, WI In Memoriam William Harold “Bill” Benjamin Our mission is to facilitate the advancement of thermoforming technologies through education, application, promotion and research. SPE National Executive Director Willem de Vos 13 Church Hill Road Newtown, CT 06470 USA Phone: +1 203-775-0471 Fax: +1 203-775-8490 Conference Coordinator Lesley Kyle 56 Glenvue Drive Carmel, NY 10512 914/671-9524 email: Visit Our Website at: www. thermoformingdivision. com William Harold “Bill” Benjamin, 73, of Bellflower, CA, passed away on October 27, 2012 in Bellflower, CA. Bill was born July 19, 1939 in Youngstown, Ohio to Harold and Mary Benjamin. Bill was preceded in death by his parents Harold and Mary Benjamin, and his in-laws, George and Eleanor Grandy. Bill passed away peacefully at his home surrounded by his wife of 54 years, Beverly “Weiser” Benjamin, and family. Bill Benjamin was President of Benjamin Mfg. Co., Inc. which he and his wife Beverly started in 1961. His sons, Jeff and Rick, will continue his legacy at Benjamin Mfg. Co., Inc. in Paramount, CA and Lithia Springs, GA. In 1967, he started Benjamin Mfg. Co. in Downey, CA. Bill began thermoforming parts on machinery he designed and built himself since the type of machinery that he envisioned was not available for purchase. Bill continued to design and build several of these machines which are still in use at his plants in California and Georgia. Bill also designed and built a two-station biforcator thermoformer. Bill has six patented products and three trademarks. His first registered trademark was for his “Lustre-Lav” which was made from the forerunner of DR Acrylic ABS material. This material remains a big part of the spa and plumbing industries today. In 1980, a second plant was opened in Lithia Springs, GA. In 2003, Bill was awarded Thermoformer of the Year by the SPE Thermoforming Division where he also served several terms as a member of that group’s Board of Directors. Bill is survived by three children: Jeff and Toddy Benjamin of Rossmoor, CA; Laurie “Benjamin” and Mike Pike of Palm Desert, CA; Rick and Lisa Benjamin of Bellflower, CA; six grandchildren: Aubrey “Luas” (John) Weston and Amber Luas (Laurie Pike), Whitney “Benjamin” (Chad) Wilkinson, Kayla Benjamin, and Patrick Benjamin (Rick Benjamin), and Farren Benjamin (Jeff Benjamin); brother, Robert Benjamin of Chandler, AZ, sister, Cindy Benjamin of Bellflower, CA, and sisterin-law and her husband, Carol “Grandy” and Robbie Bertocchi, of Douglasville, GA. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations be made to: Bill Benjamin Memorial Scholarship Fund, (checks made out to: SPE TF Division, P.O. Box 471, Lindale, GA 30147. x Thermoforming QUARTERLY 27 2012 Parts V Winn This year’s Parts Competition saw entries from as far away as Ecuador and as close as the Conference host-city, Grand Rapids, Michigan. From what this year lacked in quantity, it certainly made up for in quality of submissions. With a balance of small, design-challenging thin-gauge applications and large, complex assembled heavy-gauge parts, the Competition judges had no easy task in selecting the winners. The similarities ended there as thin-gauge winners were picked for efficiency of material use withIndustrial increased functionality. Bigger was certainly better as all the heavy-gauge winners consisted of large-panel forming with Roll-Fed Category integrated assembly techniques. I am proud to have been a part of this year’s Parts Competition and look forward to seeing what newGold and innovative Winner submissions will be made in next year’s Conference in Atlanta, Georgia. Plasticos Ecuatorianos S.A. Silver Winner — Eric Short, Chair, Parts Competition Guayaquil, Ecuador Vertically-Ribbed Cup Placon Corporation Madison, Wisconsin Evolutions™ Deli Container Industrial Roll-Fed Bronze Winner Amros Industries, Inc. Cleveland, Ohio Centerpiece Ice Sculpture Drip Pan Bronze Winner Centerpiece Ice Sculpture Drip Pan was designed for a world known ice sculpting artist wh also a distributor of many unique tools and accessories made specifically for the ice sculpt industry. Silver Winner Amros Industries, Inc. Cleveland, Ohio The main objective of this custom design was to create and build an attractive container w will be able to hold a centerpiece ice sculpture with an average weight of 200 lbs, collect 2 gallons of water from the melting ice and be presentable enough to be the centerpiece of party table. Critical Elements of Design • Designed for leak resistance Our two-piece partCenterpiece design incorporates strategically placed top and bottom reinforcing rib Placon Corporation is capable of supporting up toand 250 lbs of weight.engages with a tight o Perimeter inside seal is the primary seal fully Product: Cup, vertically ribbed Centerpiece Ice Sculpture Drip Pan is made out of .040” rigid PVC and runs on the inline Plasticos Ecuatorianos Madison, Wisconsin Ice Sculpture o In addition to tight fitting thermoformer. lid, corner snap allows container to stay close Capacidad: 6oz. impacts and drops (company internal Drip testing/findings). S.A. Color: Natural Pan Evolutions™ • Designed for tamper-evidence and resistance Weight: 1.7g Guayaquil, Ecuador Deli Container o Corner snap developed to securely hold the two flanges together. o Tight lid fit combined with a small lid flange that is turned downward a Vertically-Ribbed Product description below a small base perimeter rib makes access A product designed for the consumer sector, disposable, less weight and greater strength in difficult. Cup o Lid flange is disguised by visually blending with other perimeter “light c their walls edges”. • Designed easy-opening customer forCritical elementsbyofthe design o OnceAsseparated, the corner lid snap has been considered flange criticaland elements ofgeometry can be graspe opening. design the structured form of the container • Designed forwalls, strength which act as reinforcement. o Base bottom corners are multi-radius fillets which add structural streng simple chamfers. 28 thermoforming quarterly o Design contains no fragile perforations orslit features found on compe products. Gold Winner Congratulations to all 2012 Winners!!! Competition ners V Heavy-Gauge Pressure Heavy-Gauge Vacuum Heavy Gauge - Vacuum Gold Winner AMD Plastics Euclid, Ohio Agricultural Equipment Hood Judges’ Award Craft Originators, Inc./ Tasus Group Hamilton, Ontario, Canada Gold Winner Intended Use • OEM, four piece hood assembly for newly designed Apache Sprayer Critical elements of Design • Large parts – final hood measuring 93.25 inches x 49.5 inches x 56.13 inches • Temperature controlled tooling • Deep and shallow draws. Side panels require large area of sheet and “bag” into a particularly small draw on the tool AMD Plastics Euclid, Ohio Gold Winner Material Used • Allen ALEXTRA-MV, a coextruded Polycarbonate copolymer capped, PC/ABS • • Agricultural Equipment Hood Reduction in previous metal and fiberglass hood weight by 140 lbs. Utilization of an in-molded color-highly weatherable copolymer, with high heat resistance and durability allowed transformation from FRP and metal. Silver Winner Hampel Corporation Germantown, Wisconsin Dairy Calf House Fiat 500 Dr Dre Speakers SMI San Diego, California Innovative Aspects People’s Choice Award Medical Device Enclosure Silver Winner Molded Plastic Industries, Inc. Holt, Michigan Pressure Formed CNG Tank Cover Silver Winner The critical elements of design were achieving a styled design with molded-in features which would protect the Compressed Natural Gas tank from the daily abuse of the panels in their service life. Alternate designs of fiberglass and metal we considered. However neither material offered the flexibility of design to achieve styling offered utilizing the pressure forming process. Silver Winner Intended Use The lead design team of Murray Design, LLC ( developed the designs to meet the customer’s initial styling requirement with the modularity for In 1981 this thermoforming company first introduced a proprietary product line consistingconceptual of future variant applications – such as tool boxes and larger CNG tanks. Molded Plastic provided thermoformed plastic housing used principally for raising calves in the dairy industry. Today, the design assistance necessary to achieve the customers styling requirements, panel performance, while maintaining manufacturability and serviceability. with an installed base of over 400,000 units world-wide, these dairy housing units are responsible for providing an optimal environment for accelerated growth to nearly 2,000,000 Molded Plastic chose CASTEK Aluminum, Incorporated of Elyria, Ohio to build the forming tools as the lead-time for the three (3) tools was less than eight (8) weeks. The tool design team calves annually. Hampel Corporation Germantown, Wisconsin Molded Plastic Industries, Inc. Holt, Michigan consisted of Tom Petek of CASTEK, Ed Bearse of Advance Plastic Consultants, LLC and Frank Phillips, Jr. of Molded Plastic. Frequent meetings face to face or by WEB EX assured the tools were delivered on time. Innovations Part Size and Depth of Draw The single most innovative aspect of this product is its 67” depth of draw. The part measures 98.5” long x 60.5” wide x 57” tall and is formed from a single sheet of high molecular weight polyethylene (HMWPE). The raw sheet is .375” thick and the finished material thickness ranging from.10” - .200” thick. Dairy Calf Housing Photos courtesy of Dallager Photography Pressure Formed CNG Tank Cover ͳ͵ SMI - San Diego, CA Medical Device Enclosure Thermoforming QUARTERLY 29 ͺ Have an Idea for an Article for TQ? Submission Guidelines • We are a technical journal. We strive for objective, technical articles that help advance our readers’ understanding of thermoforming (process, tooling, machinery, ancillary services); in other words, no commercials. • Article length: 1,000 2,000 words. Look to past articles for guidance. • Format: .doc or .docx Artwork: hi-res images are encouraged (300 dpi) with appropriate credits. Send all submissions to Conor Carlin, Editor 30 thermoforming quarterly MARK YOUR CALENDAR! September 9 – 12, 2013 22nd Annual Thermoforming Conference Atlanta, Georgia Co-Chair Bret Joslyn Joslyn Manufacturing 9400 Valley View Road Macedonia, OH 44056 330.467.8111 Co-Chair Eric Short Premier Material Concepts (PMC) 2040 Industrial Drive Findlay, OH 45840 248.705.2830 Cut Sheet Technical Chair Roger Jean Premier Material Concepts (PMC) 2040 Industrial Drive Findlay, OH 45840 567.208.9758 RENAISSANCE WAVERLY HOTEL & COBB GALLERIA For Reservations: 1-888-391-8724 Request SPE Room Rate of $169.00 Roll Fed Technical Chair Mark Strachan UVU Technologies 6600 E. Rogers Circle Boca Raton, FL 33487 754.224.7513 Parts Competition Jim Arnet Kydex Company 3604 Welborne Lane Flower Mound, TX 75022 972.213.6499 SAVE THE DATE!! Thermoforming QUARTERLY 31 Need help with your technical school or college expenses? I f you or someone you know is working towards a career in the plastic industry, let the SPE Thermoforming Division help support those education goals. Within this past year alone, our organization has awarded multiple scholarships! Get involved and take advantage of available support from your plastic industry! Here is a partial list of schools and colleges whose students have benefited from the Thermoforming Division Scholarship Program: • UMASS Lowell • San Jose State • Pittsburg State • Penn State Erie • University of Wisconsin • Michigan State • Ferris State • Madison Technical College • Clemson University • Illinois State • Penn College Start by completing the application forms at www.thermoformingdivision. com or at x 32 thermoforming quarterly REDUCE! REUSE! RECYCLE! Thermoforming QUARTERLY 33 Executive Committee 2012 - 2014 2012 - 2014 THERMOFORMING DIVISION ORGANIZATIONAL CHART Chair Phil Barhouse Chair Elect Mark Strachan Secretary Bret Joslyn Councilor Roger Kipp Treasurer James Alongi Prior Chair Ken Griep CHAIR Phil Barhouse Spartech Packaging Technologies 100 Creative Way, PO Box 128 Ripon, WI 54971 (920) 748-1119 Fax (920) 748-9466 CHAIR ELECT Mark Strachan Global Thermoforming Technologies 1550 SW 24th Avenue Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33312 (754) 224-7513 TREASURER James Alongi MAAC Machinery 590 Tower Blvd. Carol Stream, IL 60188 (630) 665-1700 Fax (630) 665-7799 SECRETARY Bret Joslyn Joslyn Manufacturing 9400 Valley View Road Macedonia, OH 44056 (330) 467-8111 Fax (330) 467-6574 COUNCILOR WITH TERM ENDING 2015 Roger Kipp McClarin Plastics P. O. Box 486, 15 Industrial Drive Hanover, PA 17331 (717) 637-2241 x4003 Fax (717) 637-4811 PRIOR CHAIR Ken Griep Portage Casting & Mold 2901 Portage Road Portage, WI 53901 (608) 742-7137 Fax (608) 742-2199 34 thermoforming quarterly Finance Bob Porsche Nominating Tim Hamilton AARC Brian Ray 2012 Conference Grand Rapids, MI Haydn Forward Lola Carere Communications Clarissa Schroeder Technical Committees Newsletter / Technical Editor Conor Carlin Antec Brian Winton 2013 Conference Atlanta, GA Bret Joslyn Membership Haydn Forward OPCOM Mark Strachan Student Programs Brian Winton Conference Coordinator Lesley Kyle Processing Haydn Forward Materials Roger Jean Machinery Don Kruschke Publications / Advertising Laura Pichon Recognition Juliet Goff Board of Directors MACHINERY COMMITTEE MATERIALS COMMITTEE James Alongi MAAC Machinery 590 Tower Blvd. Carol Stream, IL 60188 T: 630.665.1700 F: 630.665.7799 Jim Armor Armor & Associates 16181 Santa Barbara Lane Huntington Beach, CA 92649 T: 714.846.7000 F: 714.846.7001 Roger Fox The Foxmor Group 1119 Wheaton Oaks Court Wheaton, IL 60187 T: 630.653.2200 F: 630.653.1474 Jim Arnet Kydex LLC 3604 Welbourne Lane Flower Mount, TX 75022 T: 972.724.2628 Don Kruschke (Chair) Plastics Machinery Group 31005 Bainbridge Rd. #6 Solon, OH 44739 T: 440.498.4000 F: 440.498.4001 Mike Sirotnak Solar Products 228 Wanaque Avenue Pompton Lakes, NJ 07442 T: 973.248.9370 F: 973.835.7856 Brian Ray Ray Products 1700 Chablis Drive Ontario, CA 91761 T: 909.390.9906 F: 909.390.9984 Brian Winton Lyle Industries, Inc. 4144 W. Lyle Road Beaverton, MI 48612 T: 989-435-7714 x 32 F: 989-435-7250 Phil Barhouse Spartech Packaging Technologies 100 Creative Way PO Box 128 Ripon, WI 54971 T: 920.748.1119 F: 920.748.9466 Lola Carere C and K Plastics, Inc. 512 Fox Creek Crossing Woodstock, GA 30188 T: 732.841.0376 Juliet Goff Kal Plastics 2050 East 48th Street Vernon, CA 90058-2022 T: 323.581.6194 Tim Hamilton Spartech Corporation 11650 Lakeside Crossing Court Maryland Heights, MO 63146 T: 314.569.7407 Donald Hylton McConnell Company 646 Holyfield Highway Fairburn, GA 30213 T: 678.772.5008 Roger P. Jean (Chair) Rowmark/PMC PO Box 1605 2040 Industrial Drive Findlay, OH 45840 T: 567.208.9758 Laura Pichon Ex-Tech Plastics PO Box 576 11413 Burlington Road Richmond, IL 60071 T: 847.829.8124 F: 815.678.4248 Bret Joslyn Joslyn Manufacturing 9400 Valley View Road Macedonia, OH 44056 T: 330.467.8111 F: 330.467.6574 Robert G. Porsche General Plastics 2609 West Mill Road Milwaukee, WI 53209 T: 414-351-1000 F: 414-351-1284 Stephen Murrill Profile Plastics 65 S. Waukegan Lake Bluff, IL 60044 T: 847.604.5100 x29 F: 847.604.8030 Clarissa Schroeder Auriga Polymers 1551 Dewberry Road Spartanburg, SC 29307 T: 864.579.5047 F: 864.579.5288 Mark Strachan Global Thermoforming Technologies 1550 SW 24th Avenue Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33312 T: 754.224.7513 Eric Short Premier Material Concepts 11165 Horton Road Holly, Michigan 48442 T: 248.705.2830 Jay Waddell Plastics Concepts & Innovations 1127 Queensborough Road Suite 102 Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464 T: 843.971.7833 F: 843.216.6151 PROCESSING COMMITTEE Haydn Forward (Chair) Specialty Manufacturing Co. 6790 Nancy Ridge Road San Diego, CA 92121 T: 858.450.1591 F: 858.450.0400 Ken Griep Portage Casting & Mold 2901 Portage Road Portage, WI 53901 T: 608.742.7137 F: 608.742.2199 Director Emeritus Art Buckel McConnell Company 3452 Bayonne Drive San Diego, CA 92109 T: 858.273.9620 Director Emeritus Gwen Mathis PO Box 471 Lindale, GA 30147-0471 T: 706.235.9298 F: 706.295.4276 Steve Hasselbach CMI Plastics 222 Pepsi Way Ayden, NC 28416 T: 252.746.2171 F: 252.746.2172 Roger Kipp McClarin Plastics 15 Industrial Drive PO Box 486 Hanover, PA 17331 T: 717.637.2241 F: 717.637.2091 Thermoforming QUARTERLY 35 Thermoforming Quarterly® Sponsor Index FOURTH QUARTER 2012 VOLUME 31 n NUMBER 4 These sponsors enable us to publish Thermoforming Quarterly n Allen..................................25 n Brown Machine....................23 n CMT Materials.......................3 n GN Plastics.........................30 n GPEC 2013.........................33 n Kiefel.................................25 n KMT.....................................7 n Kydex.......... Inside Back Cover n MAAC Machinery....................7 n McClarin Plastics..................30 n Mitsubishi Electric................22 n Nova Chemicals.....................8 n PCI....................................34 n Plastics Machinery Group......34 n PMC............. Inside Back Cover n Portage Casting & Mold.........30 n Primex Plastics......................3 n Productive Plastics...............25 n Profile Plastics Corp. ...........25 n PTi...............Inside Front Cover n Ray Products.......................25 n Solar Products.....................30 n Spartech............................32 n Tempco..............................36 n TPS...................................32 n TSL....................................19 n Weco Int’l. Inc. . ...................3 n Zed Industries.....................25 Thermoforming Division Membership Benefits n n n n n n n n Access to industry knowledge from one central location: Subscription to Thermoforming Quarterly, voted “Publication of the Year” by SPE National. Exposure to new ideas and trends from across the globe New and innovative part design at the Parts Competition. Open dialogue with the entire industry at the annual conference. Discounts, discounts, discounts on books, seminars and conferences. For managers: workshops and presentations tailored specifically to the needs of your operators. For operators: workshops and presentations that will send you home with new tools to improve your performance, make your job easier and help the company’s bottom line. Join D25 today! 36 thermoforming quarterly Thermoforming QUARTERLY 37 38 thermoforming quarterly
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