Spring 2016 Issue


Spring 2016 Issue
Keeping in Touch
Kate Young M.P
London West
Spring 2016
A Budget For The Middle Class
Budget 2016 is our commitment
to growing our economy for the
long term, after almost ten years
of opting for quick-fix solutions.
We are focused on sustainable
economic growth for middle
class Canadians – and doing
more for those hoping to join
the middle class. Because when
the middle class does better, all
of Canada does better.
Investing In Our Communities
We know what can truly grow
our economy, and in this issue
we talk about some of the key
investments we’re making. You’ll
read more about our middle
class tax cut, about our plans to
invest in our communities
through roads and transit,
bridges, highways and even
seniors and child care centres.
Canada Child Care Benefit
In this budget issue we’re also
addressing parents by providing
details on one of our key
initiatives, the Canada Child
Care benefit. We understand it
has been a long time since
middle class families have felt
they had a government that was
working for them. We’ve
listened, and we’re ready
to help.
A Strong Economy, A Clean
Our government also realizes
that to create good, full time
jobs that will last, we all have to
be thinking that a strong
economy and a clean
environment go hand in hand.
We need to invest in innovation,
in clean technological solutions
for the energy sector and in the
investments that support sound
environmental stewardship,
acknowledging that climate
change is a reality and we have
to move towards a low carbon
economy as effectively
as possible.
Diversity Is Our Strength
This is also a budget that
recognizes that diversity is our
strength and a key component
in the vitality of our economy.
Our investments in immigration,
in our culture and heritage and
in our Indigenous communities
are foundational to what will
ensure Canada’s global
leadership for generations
to come.
We’re ready to deliver on our
promises to Canadians. Budget
2016 will bring good jobs and
real opportunities to the middle
class while promoting
innovation, modernizing our
economy and investing in
our future.
Read more about what we’ve
introduced inside.
Kate discussing Budget 2016 with London stakeholders,
Peter Fragiskatos M.P. for London North Centre and
François Phillipe Champagne, Parliamentary Secretary to
the Minister of Finance on April 5, 2016.
London West facilities to benefit
from investments through the
Canada 150 Community
Infrastructure Program as part
of $150 million to rehabilitate
existing community facilities
across Canada.
Page 2
Our government has introduced
tax cuts to ensure that our communities are set up for success,
development and growth.
Page 2
Canada’s future is in the hands
of our children. Our government
is determined to ensure that our
children have the strongest
possible start in life, wherever they
live in Canada.
Page 3
Kate Young MP  London West
Middle Class Tax Cut: More Money In Your Pocket
Our first act as government was
to introduce a tax cut in
December 2015. To pay for this
tax cut, we have asked the
wealthiest 1% of Canadians to
give a little more by creating a
new tax bracket of 33 percent for
individuals earning more than
$200,000 each year.
One of our first important acts as
a government was to cut the
middle income tax bracket to
20.5% from 22%. This means that
approximately 9 million
Canadians with a taxable annual
income between $45,282 and
$90,563 will see their income tax
rate fall.
This plan offers real help to
Canada’s middle class. When our
middle class has more money in
their pockets to save, invest, and
grow the economy, we
all benefit.
More Money In Your Pockets
Single individuals now see a tax
reduction of up to $670 per
person, per year – or up to
$1,340 for a two-income
An Easier Climb for
Real Opportunity
With this plan, we are making
sure that the ladder of
opportunity is easier to climb for
all hard working Canadians.
Fairness for the Middle Class
The middle class tax cut and
accompanying proposals will
help make the tax system fairer
so all Canadians have the
opportunity to succeed and
Canada 150 Infrastructure Investments in London
The launch of the Canada 150 Community
Infrastructure Program marked a national
commitment of $150 million to support
projects that rehabilitate existing community
facilities across Canada. The program aims to
leave a lasting legacy to Canadians as part of
the celebration of Canada’s 150th
anniversary of Confederation in 2017 by
investing in community infrastructure. More
than 380 projects have been approved in
southern Ontario to date through this
program. The following projects have been
approved for funding in London.
Thanks to an investment of $57,000, the
German Canadian Club of London will soon
have a new roof, windows and doors. These
projects will remedy water and temperature
issues currently impacting the facility and
create a safe and comfortable venue for its
With up to $10,000, the Royal Canadian
Legion’s Byron Branch will be renovated.
The project includes an upgrade of the
electrical system with brighter, energyefficient lighting, which will improve the
condition of its club room.
The accessibility, safety and aesthetics of our
City’s HMCS Prevost Naval Memorial will
also be improved, through enhancements
such as a pathway, benches, stairs, antierosion stonework and landscaping. This is
through an
investment of up
to nearly
Friends of the
Coves will
receive up to
$41,000 in
federal funding
to improve
accessibility for
the trails and
protect natural
features and the
Announcing the Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program recipients in London
with community leaders on February 8th, 2016
The Victoria
Park Cenotaph, is an historic landmark
where we gather to honour our Nation’s
heroes each Remembrance Day. It will be
repaired and refurbished so that it will last
for decades to come, thanks to an
investment of up to $158,000.
The City of London is receiving up to
$495,000 to renovate the Pavilion in Harris
Park to provide a more suitable venue for
festivals, ceremonies, community events and
enjoyment of London’s natural heritage.
With an investment of up to nearly $99,000,
the Westminster Ponds Environmentally
Significant Area will soon boast a new, fully
accessible boardwalk that will provide access
to the W.E. Saunders heritage site.
Fanshawe Pioneer Village, will see the
construction of a fully accessible boardwalk
for public use with up to $99,000 in funding
as part of its rehabilitation of heritage
storefront at the London and Middlesex
Heritage Museum.
An investment of up to $715,000 means the
London Convention Centre will also have its
first floor renovated. This will result in
increased event rental space, improved
accessibility, and special new equipment and
signage to create a barrier-free environment
for all.
Kate Young MP  London West
Canada Child Tax Benefit (CCB): Helping Canadian Families Get Ahead
Children deserve the strongest
possible start in life, wherever they
live in Canada.
That’s why our government is
working hard to ensure kids have
a strong start and a bright future
by investing in communities and
increasing support for families
Access to Child Care
Our government is partnering
with provinces, territories, and
Indigenous communities to invest
in social infrastructure projects
such as child care centres that will
help to improve access to highquality child care and support the
well-being of children and their
Support for Families
We also know that while diapers
and play time give way to school
supplies and sports as children
grow, many families could use a
hand with the high costs of raising
kids. That’s why we introduced the
Canada Child Tax Benefit (CCB) to
give parents more money, each
and every month, to help meet
their children’s needs – and the
flexibility to decide how best to
spend it. The benefit is tax-free
and income-based, which means
it gives more support to those
who need help most: singleparents and low-income families.
And that’s important, because we
believe every child deserves a real
and fair chance to succeed.
 Families benefiting from the
CCB will see an average of
almost $2,300 more per
year – tax free!
The CCB will lift hundreds of
thousands of children out of
Calculate what this
means for
YOUR family:
9 out of 10 families will receive
more benefits with the new
CCB than under the previous
Prime Minister Visits London
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau visiting students at Fanshawe College on April 14th, 2016
On Thursday, April 14, 2016, Prime Minister
Trudeau visited The Centre for Applied
Transportation Technologies at Fanshawe
The Prime Minister spoke about making post
secondary education more affordable for low
income individuals, as well as making student
loan repayments more feasible. He noted no
student graduating from college or university
will be required to make any student loan
repayment until they are earning an income
of at least $25,000 per year. Boosting of
grants to low and middle-income college and
university students by as much as $1000 per
year – putting more money in the pockets of
thousands of students.
On February 12, 2016, the Government
announced that it will invest $339 million
over three years to create additional jobs
through the Canada Summer Jobs (CSJ)
program. This summer, 225 summer jobs will
be funded in London West versus the 115
jobs funded last year. The CSJ program
provides funding to not-for-profit
organizations, public sector employers and
small businesses with 50 or fewer employees
to create summer job opportunities for
young people aged 15-30 years who are fulltime students intending to return to their
studies in the next school year.
Kate Young MP  London West
Clean Tech: Securing Canada’s Future
With Budget 2016, the
Government of Canada has put
a specific focus on ensuring
A strong economy and
healthy environment go
hand-in-hand, and we
are committed to leaving
grandchildren with a
more sustainable and
prosperous country.
that our investments in our
transition to a low carbon
economy are fundamental to
long term economic growth.
An Historic Opportunity
We view climate change not
just as a challenge but as an
historic opportunity:
– Prime Minister
Justin Trudeau
To build a sustainable
economy, based on clean
technology, on green
infrastructure, and on green
To deliver real benefits for
our environment and our
economy, including more
good, middle class jobs. We
will not sacrifice growth; we
will create growth.
Tackling Our Environmental
year in clean technology
We will also invest $200 million
producers, so that they can
more each year to support
tackle Canada’s most pressing
innovation and the use of clean
environmental challenges, and
technologies in our natural
we will create more
resource sectors, including the
opportunities for Canadian
forestry, fisheries, mining,
energy, and agricultural
The Liberal government will
make it easier and more
financially rewarding for
Canadian businesses to invest
in creating clean jobs. We will
invest $100 million more each
Infrastructure Investments for Western’s Researchers
The Government of Canada is
committed to providing strong
support for new research
innovation and infrastructure at
Canadian universities.
Researchers tackle issues that
matter to the lives of everyday
Canadians—from ensuring
sustainability in urban
development to unlocking the
secrets of osteoarthritis.
the-art labs and equipment to
boost research and innovation.
An investment of $737,906 has
been allocated to three projects
at Western University. These
three projects are: Molecular
Mechanisms Driving
Osteoarthritis ($321,264);
Systems Biology Infrastructure to
Explore Protein Misfolding and
"Investments like today's in Canada's research
infrastructure are incredibly important to the nation's
future. They give Canadian researchers the tools they
need to make new discoveries that will better the
lives of Canadians today and for years to come."
The government has announced
funding of $23 million for 95
projects at 26 universities across
Canada to provide new state-of-
– The Honourable
Kirsty Duncan
Minister of Science
London West
Constituency Office
390 Commissioners Rd. West
Suite 200
London, Ontario, N6J 1Y3
Telephone: 519-473-5955
Fax: 519-473-7333
Email: Kate.Young@parl.gc.ca
Cellular Protein Quality Control in
Human Diseases ($216,642); and
Colibri: an Ultra-fast Telescope
Array for Astronomy and Space
Science ($200,000).
The investments were made
through the Canada Foundation
for Innovation's (CFI) John R.
Evans Leaders Fund. This fund
helps universities attract and
retain the best and brightest
researchers from around the
world by giving them access to
cutting-edge research tools.