Reading - TechFactors, Inc


Reading - TechFactors, Inc
TechFactors, Inc., providing the Filipino students with premium English learning!
With the EnglishTek learning series, students will experience a holistic and fun approach to learning
English. The best practices in language education are integrated with examples from real life context,
helping students become globally competitive communicators in the English language.
Our vibrant materials and fascinating lessons also target and strengthen the most critical foundations
of oral and written communication. With EnglishTek, learning English has never been more fun and
Jionette Clyde M. Arawiran
Cristina G. Saulo
Colleen O. Abesamis
Series Editors
Frances Paula L. Ibanez, M.A.
Alexander C. Maximo, M.A.
Third Edition
Cristina G. Saulo
Jionette Clyde M. Arawiran
Colleen O. Abesamis
Series Editors
Alexander C. Maximo, M.A.
Frances Paula L. Ibañez, M.A.
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TechFactors Inc.
Trademark of TechFactors Inc.
Philippine Copyright 2013 by TechFactors Inc.
All rights reserved. No part of this courseware may be reproduced or copied in any form, in whole, or in
part, without written consent of the copyright owner.
Third edition, 2015
ISBN 978-621-8000-19-3
Published by TechFactors Inc.
Printed in the Philippines
Authors Cristina G. Saulo, Jionette Clyde M. Arawiran, and Colleen O. Abesamis
Series Editors Alexander C. Maximo, M.A. and Frances Paula L. Ibañez, M.A.
Series Consultant Lourdes R. Baetiong, PhD
Creative Writer Jionette Clyde M. Arawiran and Ria de Vera
Content and Editorial Ma. Regina B. Peñarroyo, Eris Heidi L. Ramos, Shechainah A. Pacariem, Colleen O Abesamis, and Cristina G. Saulo
Creatives Jiyas P. Suministrado, Gilbert F. Lavides, Daryl E. Malabayabas, Samboy M. Dela Torre, Regina M. Zapata, Mariel Keith Bersamin, Darylle R. Cajucom, and Julius Caesar G. Barredo
Systems Kim A. Benebese, Mark B. Abliter, Allan Nicole C. Celestino, Kenneth T. Salazar, Robie Marc R. Peralta and Raymond P. Baguio
Exclusively distributed by TechFactors Inc.
101 V. Luna Road Extension
Sikatuna Village, Quezon City
1101 Philippines
Telephone number: (632) 929 8094
Email address:
The materials reprinted in this book, both literary materials and images, are obtained from open domain
sources. The copyrights of the literary materials have already expired, and thus are free from copyright in
their respective countries and in the Philippines.
Any lapse or oversight is unintentional and will be corrected in the next editions.
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In today’s world, every graduate competes on a global scale. Thus, it is important
to equip learners with the proper skills to be competitive—one of which is excellent
communication skills in the English language.
The influence of English on the world can hardly be contested. It enables. It is the
language in which a great part of the world’s knowledge is stored and it is the language
in which business, trade, and diplomacy are conducted. A mastery of the language
provides access to information and opportunities.
The EnglishTek series is TechFactors’ innovation in English learning. As a learning
system, EnglishTek develops students’ communication skills by incorporating current
practices in language learning and technology.
We believe in providing a holistic approach to learning English by simultaneously
honing listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills to make students competent in
both oral and written communication.
Learning is also made relevant by situating learners in context and by using
situations, examples, and texts that can be found in the real world. In line with
TechFactors’ mission, learning is also made fun and enjoyable through colorful and
vibrant lessons and activities.
We hope that, with this series, students become effective communicators in English
and simultaneously enjoy the learning process. By building these critical foundations of
communication, we hope to provide them with tools to compete in higher education
and in life.
TechFactors Inc.
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About the Authors
Jionette Clyde M. Arawiran
Clyde graduated cum laude from the University of the Philippines Diliman with a degree in English
Studies, major in Creative Writing. In 2004, she was awarded an honorable mention in the Amelia Lapeña
Bonifacio Literary Contest for a short story for children. She worked as a Reading Coach at The Learning
Library, a company that helps children develop a lifelong love for reading. Presently, she is teaching
Literature at PAREF Rosehill School. She is also pursuing graduate studies in Education at the University of
Asia and the Pacific.
Cristina G. Saulo
Cristina is a former College English Instructor at Mapúa Institute of Technology. She graduated from the
University of the Philippines Diliman with a Bachelor of Arts degree in English Studies, major in Language.
She also worked as an English instructor and materials developer for several language centers for foreign
students. She is currently finishing her Master’s degree in Reading Education. She works as a Content
Developer at TechFactors.
Colleen O. Abesamis
Colleen Abesamis graduated from the University of the Philippines Diliman with a Bachelor of Arts
degree in Creative Writing. Her research discusses home and disillusionment in Philippine young adult
literature. She worked as a research assistant for the 8th Likhaan Journal of the University of the Philippines
Institute of Creative Writing. At present, she is a Content Developer at TechFactors.
About the Series EDItors
Alexander C. Maximo, M.A.
Alex holds a Master of Arts degree and a Bachelor of Arts degree, magna cum laude in English Studies:
Language, from the University of the Philippines Diliman. He teaches with the Department of English and
Comparative Literature of UP Diliman where he has handled English courses in the undergraduate level. His
research interests include critical discourse analysis, corpus linguistics, organizational communication, and
computer-mediated communication. With technology as another passion, he is currently exploring the use
of e-learning to develop language skills. He has co-authored books on office productivity, multimedia, and
business writing. He also currently serves as project manager for TechFactors.
Frances Paula L. Ibañez, M.A.
Frances graduated from the University of the Philippines Diliman with a Bachelor of Arts degree in
Communication, major in Journalism. She also earned her Master’s degree in Education, major in Language
Education, from the same institution. She worked as a technical writer in several computer firms for eight
years, developing user guides and tutorials on different software. She taught part-time in a preschool, where
she handled the Nursery class, and in an English language center, where she taught language teaching
methodology. She heads the Content Group in TechFactors.
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Table of Contents
Unit 1 Myself, My Family, and My Friends
Lesson 1: My New Friends
Lesson 2: My Experiences
Lesson 3: My Home 18
Lesson 4: My Clothes
Lesson 5: My Body
Lesson 6: My Health
My New Friends at School
Simple Questions
Simple Directions
Every Morning
Activities at Home
Beginning Consonant Sounds
Talking to People
Common Expressions and Polite Greetings
Final Consonant Sounds
Asking Permission
A Wonderful Gift
Words for Shapes
Words with Short a
Words for Colors
The Human Body
Words with Short e
Words for Health and Hygiene
Frozen Yogurt
Categories for Food
Words with Short i
Yes-No Questions
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Lesson 7: My Pets
A New Kitten
Words that Tell Where
Words with Short o
Asking for Directions
Lesson 8: My Playmates
At the Playground
Words that Tell an Action
Words with Short u Sound
Lesson 9: My Dreams
From My Window
Minimal Pairs
Likes and Dislikes
Unit 2 My School and My Community
Lesson 1: My School
Word Cluster
Words with Long a Sound
Use of “Excuse me”
Lesson 2: My Classmates
Selfish and Mean
Words that Describe People
Words with Long e Sound
Lesson 3: Art Exhibit
The Art Exhibit
Words that Describe Objects
Words with Long i Sound
Art Materials
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Lesson 4: Science Exhibit
At the Science Exhibit
Words for People, Animals, and Plants
Words with Long o Sound
Telling the Time
Lesson 5: Sports Fest
Lesson 6: Field Trip
Lesson 7: People in the Community
Lesson 8: A Clean Community
Lesson 9: Announcements
When Watching a Game
Words with Long u Sound
Sequence of Events
Field Trip
Describing Words for Places
Magic e
My Friends in the Community
Rhyming and Non-rhyming Words
People in the Community
Let’s Recycle
The Violets by Mrs. W.K. Clifford
Crossword Puzzle and Word Search
News Sharing
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Unit 3 Towns and Cities
Lesson 1: People in the City
In a Hurry
Poetry Recitation
Digraph /sh/
Expressing Complaints
Lesson 2: People in the Town
To Lola’s Place
Speaker in the Story or Poem
Digraph /ch/
Similarities and Differences
Lesson 3: Places in the City
I’m Going to the City
Understanding Maps
Digraph /th/
Lesson 4: Places in Town
Details in a Poem
Picture Clues
Digraph /th/
Lesson 5: Weather-Related Activities
Water Treading
Cause and Effect
Weather Reports
Diphthong /aw/
Lesson 6: Health and Lifestyle
Show and Tell
Digraph /wh/
Health Problems
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Lesson 7: Transportation
Lesson 8: Legends
Lesson 9: Folklore
Unit 4 The World
Lesson 1: Countries
Lesson 2: Weather and Seasons
Lesson 3: Land Forms 238
Lesson 4: Bodies of Water
What I’ve Never Tried
Digraph /ng/
The Chocolate Hills of Bohol
Digraph /oo/
How the Guardians Built the Lake of Maranao
Words with -ed endings
Pirate Story by Robert Louis Stevenson
Offering Help
Diphthong /oi/
Autumn Leaves by Angelina Wray
Compound Words
Words with Multiple Meanings
Diphthong /ow/
To Mt. Pinatubo
Main Idea and Supporting Details
Vowel Pair /oa/
A Special Bridge
Giving Reactions
Picture Clues in Storytelling
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Lesson 5: About Animals in Other Countries
Lesson 6: Recipes from Around the World
Lesson 7: Famous Places Around the World
Lesson 8: Money 275
Lesson 9: World Events
Maternal Affection, adapted from Hundred Anecdotes of Animals
by Percy J. Billinghurst
Problem and Solution
Animal Sounds
Popcorn by Evaleen Stein from Child Songs of Cheer
Apology and Gratitude
The Flower of Old Japan
Diphthong /oy/
Susanna’s Auction by Louis-Maurice Boutet de Monvel, an adaptation
Beginning, Middle, and End
Diphthong /ou/
Asking “How much?”
The Selfish Giant by Oscar Wilde, an adaptation
Context Clues
World Events
Works Cited
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Myself, My Family, and
My Friends
Lesson 01
Lesson 02
Lesson 03
My New Friends
My Experiences
My Home
Lesson 04
Lesson 05
Lesson 06
My Clothes
My Body
My Health
Lesson 07
Lesson 08
Lesson 09
My Pets
My Playmates
My Dreams
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Lesson 01
My New Friends
Start Up
Lesson Outline
Activity.Match the words and pictures by
drawing a line to connect them.
• Simple Questions
• Directions
• Greetings
1. ballerina
2. basketball
Lesson Targets
• Ask and answer
simple questions
• Listen to and follow
simple directions
3. bicycle
• Use and respond
to greetings
4. singer
5. seatmate
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Fun Facts
• The word “friend” comes from the old English word freond,
which means to love.
• The Spanish word for “friend” is amigo. The Italian word is
amico, and the French is ami. All these come from the Latin
word amicus, which means I love.
• In Filipino, the word for friend is kaibigan. The root word is ibig,
which means love.
My New Friends
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Reading Selection
When you go to school, you meet new friends. Do you already have friends
among your classmates? What are their names? Share your answers with the class.
Afterward, read the poem and find out who the speaker’s new friends are.
My New Friends at School
Today I met:
Who says she is a ballerina.
Gian Paul,
He likes to play basketball.
Who can ride a bicycle.
Oh, how she can sing!
And of course
There was Melanie,
My seatmate.
So friendly!
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Reading Comprehension
Activity.Fill in the blanks with the correct word. Choose from the list written on the
1. Michael can ride a _________________________.
2. Sabrina is a _________________________.
3. Bing knows how to _________________________.
4. Melanie is a very _________________________.
5. Gian Paul likes to play _________________________.
Skills Builder
Making new friends is fun and exciting. To make friends, we start by getting to
know them. We can ask simple questions to know someone better. We can begin by asking for personal information. For example, we can ask:
What is your name?
When is your birthday?
How old are you?
Where do you live?
My New Friends
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We can also ask questions to find out what the other person likes. For example,
we can ask:
What cartoons do you watch?
Who is your favorite superhero?
What do you like to do?
A. When you make new friends, you tell them something about yourself.
Complete the information below. These are things about you that you may
share with your new friends.
1. My name is _________________________.
2. My nickname is _________________________.
3. My birthday is on _________________________.
4. I am _____ years old.
5. I live in ______________________________________________________________.
B. Ask at least two classmates some simple questions that you have learned.
Listen carefully to their answers. Take turns in asking and answering.
All Ears
Directions are important. They tell us what to do.
Write your name.
Eat your lunch.
Directions also tell us how to do things.
Walk slowly.
Chew carefully.
Directions help us do things right.
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Activity.Draw a picture of yourself in the box below. After drawing, follow the
directions your teacher will say.
Sound Off
Greeting people cheerfully and with a smile makes them feel good. If someone
you know just passed you by without saying “Hello,” then you might get upset.
However, imagine if someone greeted you with a bright smile and a big “Good
morning!” That would make your morning a really good one!
Here are some greetings you can say to your classmates, friends, and teachers.
Read each one with proper expression.
Hi.Good morning.
Hello. Good evening.
Good day!
How is it going?
My New Friends
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Activity.Practice the following greetings and responses with your seatmate.
Teacher: Good afternoon, class!
Class: Good afternoon, Miss Torres!
Jenna: Good morning, Jake! Have a nice day!
Jake: Good morning, Jenna! See you around!
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Jessica: Good morning, Rob!
Rob: Good morning, Jessica! How are you doing?
Jessica: I’m doing great! Thanks for asking!
Paolo: Hi, Mylene! How are you?
Mylene: Great! How about you?
Paolo: I’m fine! See you later in class!
My New Friends
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TechFactors, Inc., providing the Filipino students with premium English learning!
With the EnglishTek learning series, students will experience a holistic and fun approach to learning
English. The best practices in language education are integrated with examples from real life context,
helping students become globally competitive communicators in the English language.
Our vibrant materials and fascinating lessons also target and strengthen the most critical foundations
of oral and written communication. With EnglishTek, learning English has never been more fun and
Jionette Clyde M. Arawiran
Cristina G. Saulo
Colleen O. Abesamis
9 789710 550791
Series Editors
Frances Paula L. Ibanez, M.A.
Alexander C. Maximo, M.A.
Third Edition
Cristina G. Saulo
Jionette Clyde M. Arawiran
Colleen O. Abesamis
Series Editors
Alexander C. Maximo, M.A.
Frances Paula L. Ibañez, M.A.
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TechFactors Inc.
Trademark of TechFactors Inc.
Philippine Copyright 2013 by TechFactors Inc.
All rights reserved. No part of this courseware may be reproduced or copied in any form, in whole, or in
part, without written consent of the copyright owner.
Third edition, 2015
ISBN 978-621-8000-17-9
Published by TechFactors Inc.
Printed in the Philippines
Authors Cristina G. Saulo, Jionette Clyde M. Arawiran, and Colleen O. Abesamis
Series Editors Alexander C. Maximo, M.A. and Frances Paula L. Ibañez, M.A.
Series Consultant Lourdes R. Baetiong, PhD
Creative Writer Jionette Clyde M. Arawiran and Ria de Vera
Content and Editorial Ma. Regina B. Peñarroyo, Eris Heidi L. Ramos, Shechainah A. Pacariem, Colleen O Abesamis, and Cristina G. Saulo
Creatives Jiyas P. Suministrado, Gilbert F. Lavides, Daryl E. Malabayabas, Samboy M. Dela Torre, Regina M. Zapata, Mariel Keith Bersamin, Darylle R. Cajucom, and Julius Caesar G. Barredo
Systems Kim A. Benebese, Mark B. Abliter, Allan Nicole C. Celestino, Kenneth T. Salazar, Robie Marc R. Peralta and Raymond P. Baguio
Exclusively distributed by TechFactors Inc.
101 V. Luna Road Extension
Sikatuna Village, Quezon City
1101 Philippines
Telephone number: (632) 929 8094
Email address:
The materials reprinted in this book, both literary materials and images, are obtained from open domain
sources. The copyrights of the literary materials have already expired, and thus are free from copyright in
their respective countries and in the Philippines.
Any lapse or oversight is unintentional and will be corrected in the next editions.
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In today’s world, every graduate competes on a global scale. Thus, it is important
to equip learners with the proper skills to be competitive—one of which is excellent
communication skills in the English language.
The influence of English on the world can hardly be contested. It enables. It is the
language in which a great part of the world’s knowledge is stored and it is the language
in which business, trade, and diplomacy are conducted. A mastery of the language
provides access to information and opportunities.
The EnglishTek series is TechFactors’ innovation in English learning. As a learning
system, EnglishTek develops students’ communication skills by incorporating current
practices in language learning and technology.
We believe in providing a holistic approach to learning English by simultaneously
honing listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills to make students competent in
both oral and written communication.
Learning is also made relevant by situating learners in context and by using
situations, examples, and texts that can be found in the real world. In line with
TechFactors’ mission, learning is also made fun and enjoyable through colorful and
vibrant lessons and activities.
We hope that, with this series, students become effective communicators in English
and simultaneously enjoy the learning process. By building these critical foundations of
communication, we hope to provide them with tools to compete in higher education
and in life.
TechFactors Inc.
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About the Authors
Jionette Clyde M. Arawiran
Clyde graduated cum laude from the University of the Philippines Diliman with a degree in English
Studies, major in Creative Writing. In 2004, she was awarded an honorable mention in the Amelia Lapeña
Bonifacio Literary Contest for a short story for children. She worked as a Reading Coach at The Learning
Library, a company that helps children develop a lifelong love for reading. Presently, she is teaching
Literature at PAREF Rosehill School. She is also pursuing graduate studies in Education at the University of
Asia and the Pacific.
Cristina G. Saulo
Cristina is a former College English Instructor at Mapúa Institute of Technology. She graduated from the
University of the Philippines Diliman with a Bachelor of Arts degree in English Studies, major in Language.
She also worked as an English instructor and materials developer for several language centers for foreign
students. She is currently finishing her Master’s degree in Reading Education. She works as a Content
Developer at TechFactors.
Colleen O. Abesamis
Colleen Abesamis graduated from the University of the Philippines Diliman with a Bachelor of Arts
degree in Creative Writing. Her research discusses home and disillusionment in Philippine young adult
literature. She worked as a research assistant for the 8th Likhaan Journal of the University of the Philippines
Institute of Creative Writing. At present, she is a Content Developer at TechFactors.
About the Series EDItors
Alexander C. Maximo, M.A.
Alex holds a Master of Arts degree and a Bachelor of Arts degree, magna cum laude in English Studies:
Language, from the University of the Philippines Diliman. He teaches with the Department of English and
Comparative Literature of UP Diliman where he has handled English courses in the undergraduate level. His
research interests include critical discourse analysis, corpus linguistics, organizational communication, and
computer-mediated communication. With technology as another passion, he is currently exploring the use
of e-learning to develop language skills. He has co-authored books on office productivity, multimedia, and
business writing. He also currently serves as project manager for TechFactors.
Frances Paula L. Ibañez, M.A.
Frances graduated from the University of the Philippines Diliman with a Bachelor of Arts degree in
Communication, major in Journalism. She also earned her Master’s degree in Education, major in Language
Education, from the same institution. She worked as a technical writer in several computer firms for eight
years, developing user guides and tutorials on different software. She taught part-time in a preschool, where
she handled the Nursery class, and in an English language center, where she taught language teaching
methodology. She heads the Content Group in TechFactors.
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Table of Contents
Unit 1 Myself, My Family, and My Friends
Lesson 1: My New Friends
Model Text: Student ID
Lesson 2: My Experiences
Model Text: Diary Entry
Lesson 3: My Home 11
Model Text: Postcard (featuring a house)
Parts of a Sentence
Lesson 4: My Clothes
Model Text: Nursery Rhymes
Sentences and Non-sentences
Lesson 5: My Body
Model Text: Kiddie Vitamins Advertisement
Lesson 6: My Health
Model Text: Food Pyramid
Lesson 7: My Pets
Model Text: Poster for a Pet Show
Concrete Nouns
Abstract Nouns
Lesson 8: My Playmates
Model Text: Class Schedule
Common Nouns
Proper Nouns
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Lesson 9: My Dreams
Model Text: Signage for a Garage Sale
Singular and Plural Nouns
A or An
Collective Nouns
Unit 2 My School and My Community
Lesson 1: My School
Lesson 2: My Classmates
Lesson 3: Art Exhibit
Lesson 4: Science Exhibit
Lesson 5: Sports Fest
Lesson 6: Field Trip
Lesson 7: People in the Community
Lesson 8: A Clean Community
Model Text: Personal Calendar
Pronouns I and you
Pronouns he, she, and it
Pronouns we and they
Model Text: Postcard
Possessive Nouns
Possessive Pronouns
Model Text: Book Cover
Demonstrative Pronouns
Model Text: Reminder
Indefinite Pronouns
Model Text: Announcement for Sports Tryouts
Is, Are, and Am
Model Text: Banner
Action Words
Model Text: Signages of Shops
Simple Tenses of Is and Are
Model Text: Nursery Rhymes
Past, Present, and Future Tenses of Action Words
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Lesson 9: Announcements
Model Text: Poster for a Public Service Announcement
Meanings of Action Words
Unit 3 Towns and Cities
Lesson 1: People in the City
Lesson 2: People in the Town
Model Text: Flyer
Model Text: Pricelist
Adjectives for Size, Shape, Number, and Color
Lesson 3: Places in the City
Lesson 4: Places in Town
Lesson 5: Weather-Related Activities
Lesson 6: Health and Lifestyle
Lesson 7: Transportation
Lesson 8: Legends
Lesson 9: Folklore
Model Text: Flyer for a Walking Tour of Intramuros
Adjectives for Sound, Smell, Taste, and Touch
Model Text: Poster (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle)
Adjectives that Compare
Model Text: Weather Forecast
Adverbs of Manner
Model Text: Menu
Adverbs of Frequency
Model Text: Advertisement
Adverbs of Time
Model Text: Book Cover
Adverbs of Place
Model Text: Newspaper/Journal
Review of Adjectives and Adverbs
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Unit 4 The World
Lesson 1: Countries
Lesson 2: Weather and Seasons
Lesson 3: Land Forms 150
Lesson 4: Bodies of Water
Lesson 5: About Animals in Other Countries
Lesson 6: Recipes from Around the World
Lesson 7: Famous Places Around the World
Lesson 8: Money 176
Lesson 9: World Events
Model Text: Poster for an Exchange Student Program
Prepositions: in, on, at
Model Text: Website
Other Common Prepositions
Model Text: Back Cover/Book Summary
Prepositional Phrase
Model Text: Newspaper
Connecting Words: and, or, but
MOdel Text: Advertisement for an organization’s website
Telling and Asking Sentences
Model Text: Discount Voucher
Commanding Sentences
Model Text: Poster of the Seven Wonders of the World
Exclaiming Sentences
Model Text: Advertisement for a Bank
Forms of Commanding Sentences
Model Text: Souvenir Tshirt
Review of Prepositions
Review of Connecting Words
Review of Sentences
Works Cited
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Myself, My Family, and
My Friends
1 My New Friends
2 My Experiences
3 My Home
4 My Clothes
5 My Body
6 Health Food Choices
7 My Pets
8 My Friends
9 My Dreams
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Lesson 01
My New Friends
Model Text
My name is
Lesson Outline
Lesson Targets
• Recognize messages
• Message
• Interpret the message of an
• Use messages to communicate
with a friend
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Grammar Points Messages
Messages are all around us. When we talk to our friends, we tell them a
message. When our parents tell us something, we listen to their message. When we
give someone a birthday card, we write a message. When we read a book, we
read a message.
Messages are the things that we want to say. Messages help us communicate.
To communicate means to express messages to other people. Here are some
examples of messages:
Marie is my friend.
Hello, Marie!
How are you?
Do you know that we can use messages to make new friends? These are
the messages we can use:
Hello! What is your name?
My name is Tina
It’s nice to meet you.
My New Friends
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Techfactors, Inc.
3/20/2015 9:53:15 AM
Grammar Workout
A. Look at each picture. What message does the picture express? Match the
picture to the message by drawing a line. An example is done for you.
• Here is a lollipop for you.
• Happy birthday, Teacher!
• I have flowers for you, Mother.
• I want ice cream.
• Help me bake these cookies.
• Why are you crying?
Philippine Copyright 2015
ET1L U1.indb 4
Techfactors, Inc.
3/20/2015 9:53:16 AM
When we want to tell something to someone, we can write messages to them.
Think of a friend. What do you want to tell your friend? Inside the box, put a picture
of you and your friend. Write what you want to say to your friend.
My New Friends
Philippine Copyright 2015
ET1L U1.indb 5
Techfactors, Inc.
3/20/2015 9:53:16 AM
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