Recreation Newsletter - Summer 2012
Recreation Newsletter - Summer 2012
Township of Findlay RECREATION NEWSLETTER SUMMER 2012 S P O N S O R E D B Y THE BOA RD OF SU PERVI SORS AND T H E T O W N S H I P P A RKS A N D REC REA TI ON DEPA RTM ENT FAMILY FUN NIGHT ROLLING AND STROLLING FLEA MARKET BABYSITTING 101 IN THE PARK JUNIOR TENNIS CLINIC INDEPENDENCE DAY FIREWORKS CELEBRATION FREE SUMMER CONCERT SERIES LIFE LINE SCREENINGS GOLF PROGRAM AT MARADA CARNEGIE SCIENCE CENTER IS “ON THE ROAD” “TRUCK TOUCH 2012” LIBRARY BENEFIT EVENT N W for most programs. E TIME FOR TODDLERS PREREGISTRATION IS A MUST More information & Registration Forms inside... S SUMMER LUNCH BUNCH REGISTRATION INFORMATION Welcome to the Summer Edition of the Findlay Township Recreation Newsletter. Inside, you will find activities, programs and information that will be offered in the Township. We hope that there is something to interest residents of all ages. Class size may be limited in some cases. PRE-REGISTRATION IS A MUST for most of the programs. Here is how to register: 1. ONLINE REGISTRATION: Some, but not all programs will be available for online registration. You can access the site by going to and clicking on interactive link. You will need to set-up an account using a user name and password that will make registering faster and more efficient. 2.Call Darlene (Larson) Howell, Recreation Coordinator, at 724-695-0500 x246 or email at 3.Complete the application form included in this newsletter and mail with payment to: Findlay Township Recreation Department P.O. Box W Clinton, PA 15026 Make checks payable to Findlay Township THE DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION AND/OR ANY OF ITS PARTNERS HAS THE RIGHT TO CANCEL ANY PROGRAM DUE TO INSUFFICIENT PARTICIPATION AND REFUND WILL BE GIVEN. IF PARTICIPANT MAKES CANCELLATION, REFUND WILL NOT BE GIVEN AFTER REGISTRATION/PAYMENT DUE DATE. CHECK OUT THE WEBSITE FOR INFORMATION ON UPCOMING EVENTS AND ACTIVITIES THAT MAY BE HAPPENING IN THE TOWNSHIP LOG ONTO: Pavilion Rental 2012 Season Pavilion rental is open for all residents and nonresidents. You may reserve online by logging onto (Go to interactive site / reservations) OR by calling the township. Resident rental fee is $50 with a $25.00 refundable deposit (2 separate checks please). Non-resident rental fee is $75 with a $25 refundable deposit. The Findlay Township Activity Center Located on Main Street in Imperial, The Activity Center will be the site of many Township programs. The center has two floors, which are also available to rent. The top floor, which seats 200, has a full kitchen, bathroom and a complete sound/video system. The bottom floor seats 100, has bathroom facilities and carpeting. It is ideal for groups and business meetings. For additional information, call the Township Office at (724) 695-0500 ext. 246 Findlay Township Recreation Department P.O. Box W • Clinton, PA 15026 (724) 695-0500 x246 • (724) 695-1700 FAX Life Line Screenings Findlay Township is pleased to offer a preventative health event. Life Line Screening, a leading provider of community based preventative screenings, will host their affordable, non-invasive and painless health screenings on Friday, July 6th. Five screenings will be offered that scan for potential health problems related to: blocked arteries which is a leading cause of strokes; abdominal aortic aneurysms which can lead to a ruptured aorta; hardening of the arteries in the legs which is a strong predictor of heart disease; atrial fibrillation or irregular heart beat which is closely tied to stroke risk; and a bone density screening, for men and women used to assess the risk of osteoporosis. Register for the Wellness Package for $149. ($139 without osteoporosis). All five screenings take 60 – 90 minutes to complete. Appointment spaces are limited and pre-registration is required. LIFELINE Your health is in your hands, so call 1-888-653-6441 to make an appointment. WHEN: WHERE: TIME: Friday, July 6th Findlay Township Activity Center / 310 Main Street / Upper level Appointments scheduled 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Looking For Instructors/Ideas/Talents The Recreation Department is always looking for new ideas and talents to enhance programming. If you have a talent or idea that you want to share, please call Darlene at the Township office. Golf Program At Marada Once again Marada Golf Course will be offering a special program for youth and adults this summer. As part of this program, there will be no greens fee and if a golf cart is used, the adult will be charged $8. In order to qualify for this program, you must meet the following requirements: GOLF • Be a Findlay Township resident • A group must consist of a parent and a child under the age of 18. • Proof of residency will be required • This will not be for adults only If you are interested in participating in this program, please call Randy Haffely / PGA Professional & Golf Manager at 724-899-2600 to make your tee time. For more information about Marada,log onto Time For Toddlers This is for the little ones! If you have a toddler who is 4 or younger, then this is the program for you! Bring your toddler to the Activity Center for an hour of movement, music, activities and snack. This is a great opportunity to meet other families and toddlers. Please note that we will have some special themes this summer. An adult must stay with the child. Please call or email Darlene to register and to get on the email list. WHERE: Findlay Township Activity Center / 310 Main Street / Imperial / Lower level TIME FOR TODDLERS WHEN: Mondays June 4th & June 11th – (Teddy Bear Picnic – bring your favorite teddy bear) July 9th, July 16th (Beach Day – wear your bathing suit and bring a beach towel and a 2 liter empty pop bottle), July 30th and August 6th (Fun in the Sun Day – bring your sunglasses) and August 27th TIME: 10:15 – 11:15 a.m. COST: $3 per session Findlay Family Fun Night In The Park Join us for an evening of food and fun! Round up the entire family for some great recreational games and activities that will include relay races, beach ball volleyball, limbo and much, much more! Macaroni Kid will also be on hand with a minivehicle obstacle course. We will start the evening with a picnic style dinner in the Oriole Pavilion. The evening will end with a family scavenger hunt down in the park fairgrounds and sing along music at the amphitheater with former West Allegheny teachers Dan Hanczar and Cliff Howell. Bring your family and friends for a fun outing. YOU MUST CALL AND MAKE RESERVATIONS NO LATER THAN MONDAY, JULY 16th TO ATTEND WHO: The Whole Family WHEN: Friday, July 20th WHERE: Clinton Park / Oriole Pavilion and Little Clinton Ballfield TIME: 6:00 – 9:00 p.m. COST: $15 a family (3 or more people) $5 a person (less than 3 people) COORDINATORS: Kim Dawson & Darlene Howell Summer Kid’s Creative Cooking Come and join us for lunchtime summer cooking classes. Please pre-register at least 2 days before class to attend. NO WALK-INS. COOKING WHO: Youth going into grades K-5 in September WHEN: Thursdays, July 12th and August 2nd TIME: 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. WHERE: Findlay Township Activity Center / 310 Main Street / Imperial / Upper level Outdoor Parking Lot Flea Market In Clinton Park Were you thinking about having a garage sale this summer, but just too busy to do it?? If so, then you will definitely want to get in on this event. Here is how it works. You rent a parking space(s) and bring along everything you can sell out of the back of your car or truck. Or, bring a table, tarp etc. for your space. One rule is that your vehicle must remain in your space and you sell out of it or in front of it. All sellers will be able to enter the park at 7 a.m. The event will be advertised from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m., but buyers usually come early! Free coffee will be available for sellers in the Falcon pavilion. Call now to reserve your spot, 724-695-0500 FLEA MARKET WHEN: TIME: WHERE: COST: Saturday, September 22nd 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Clinton Community Park Parking Lot (Make a left as you enter the park and follow up to big parking lot) $5 per space (I will collect on the day of the event) FLEA MARKET LOVERS – MAKE SURE YOU MARK THIS ON YOUR CALENDAR AND COME OUT AND SHOP! (Last year we had over 80 spaces sold) Babysitting 101 This is a one day class, sponsored by Children’s Hospital, for students ages 11–13 years of age. Participants will learn basic childcare, how to handle emergencies and how to keep themselves and the children in their care safe. Each student will receive a certificate upon completion of class. (Make sure to wear comfortable clothing and bring a sweater or jacket as the center is air conditioned). PLEASE BRING A BAG LUNCH AND A DRINK (refrigeration is available). PLEASE NOTE: You must call and pre-register in order to attend. Class size is limited so call soon. WHEN: June 19th TIME: 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. WHERE: Findlay Township Activity Center / 310 Main Street / Imperial / Lower Level WHO: Youth - 11–13 years of age COST: $30 payable to Findlay Township Free Summer Concert Series Tuesday Concerts in the Park are back for 2012!! Pack up your lawn chairs and come out to the beautiful Amphitheater in Clinton Park for three evenings of great music! The Concerts and refreshments are FREE of charge. Please come and join us for a relaxing evening in the park!! All concerts are at 7 p.m. and dates and rain dates are listed below. TUESDAY, JUNE 19th – “WEST HILLS SYMPHONIC BAND” CHECK WEBSITE FOR RAINDATE This group of local musicians encourages community residents, professionals and students to participate in providing quality music experiences. The musicians range in age from 15-86 years providing a mixture of age and experience. Come and enjoy the wonderful hour of music! S UM M E R CON CE R T S E RI E S TUESDAY, JULY 10TH – “RED DOG” RAIN DATE IS THURSDAY, JULY 12TH Come out and enjoy the music of local musicians Chuck Simon, Ed Herrle & Jimmy Puskar as they entertain us with their classic and country rock sounds. You will be sure to be dancing in your seat! TUESDAY, July 17th – “CAHAL DUNNE” sponsored by Armstrong Telephone Co. RAIN DATE IS THURSDAY, JULY 19TH Back by popular demand, Cahal hails from County Cork, Ireland and was the winner of Ireland’s National Song Contest with an original son entitled “Happy Man.” Come and enjoy the magic of the composer, comedian and storyteller. Check out his website, and see for yourself what you are in for. Summer Lunch Bunch Bring your child with a packed lunch and drink to the Activity Center for lunch and fun activities. This program is open to all pre-school and kindergarten children who turned 4 by September 1, 2011. Cost listed is by the month and payment is taken at class. Please pre-register by calling or emailing Darlene to guarantee a spot and to get on the email list. Weather permitting, we may do outdoor activities so you will need to be on the list. WHEN: Wednesdays – June 13th, July 25th and August 8th WHERE: Findlay Township Activity Center / 310 Main Street / Imperial / Lower level TIME: 11:45 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. COST: $3 a class INSTRUCTOR: Darlene (Larson) Howell Independence Day Fireworks Celebration – Tuesday, July 3rd Findlay Township is excited to announce the FIRST EVER Independence Day Fireworks Celebration. It will be held on Tuesday, July 3rd (Raindate, Friday, July 6th) at the Recreation and Sports Complex located on Route 30 in Imperial. DJ, Dan Sheetz will kick off the celebration with music at 8:30 p.m. and the FAA will be on hand selling refreshments. There will also be give a ways. Fireworks by “Pyrotechnico” will go off at dark. This celebration has been made possible by the generous donations of the following sponsors: GOLD SPONSOR - $1500+ FAST EDDIE’S FOOD AND FUEL FURNACE FILMS, LLC SILVER SPONSORS - $1000+ IMPERIAL LAND CORPORATION BRONZE SPONSORS - $500+ VESUVIUS PENN ENERGY RESOURCES, LLC THERE WILL BE NO PARKING ALONG ROUTE 30 Monark Bus Company will be running a shuttle from the Findlay Township Activity Center at 310 Main Street in Imperial. The shuttle will run every 20 minutes from 8 p.m. until 9:40 p.m. COME OUT AND ENJOY THE FUN!! Junior Tennis Clinic Back for a new season with a 6 week tennis program. Let us introduce the wonderful and fun game of tennis to your children. An hour long tennis lesson will be held at the West Allegheny High School Tennis Courts. The program will provide basic instruction, along with exercise and games. There will be 2 different age groups and times. The format of the program will be cut into four different segments: 1. Racquet technique 2. Volleying skills 3. Drills 4. Mini games Participants must provide their own racquet if possible. Class size is limited, so pre-registration is a must! TENNIS WHEN: Wednesdays: June 13, 20 & 27, July 11, 18 & 25 WHERE: West Allegheny High School Tennis Courts WHO: Ages 4–7 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. Ages 8–12 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. COST: 6 week program - $32 INSTRUCTOR: David Johnston, CPR-USNTA Certified Carnegie Science Center is on the Road and Coming to Findlay Township! Are you looking for something different to do with your kids this summer. If so, then sign up for one of these exciting Science Center Programs. Instructors from the Carnegie Science Center will bring these 3 very popular programs to excite and challenge your kids. Class size is limited so you have to call and register. Hope to see you! Cost is $5 per child and payable that day. All 3 programs will be held on the LOWER LEVEL of the Findlay Activity Center located at 310 Main Street in Imperial. “HELLO ROBO” What is a Robot and what does it do. Pre-schoolers learn as they hear a story and interact with some real robots. WHO: Ages 3 – 5 years WHEN: Monday, June 18th TIME: 10 – 11 a.m. “WIZARD” During this magical camp, participants will explore dry ice, glow in the dark slime, shrinky dinks, and color changing beads. Your child will come home with expertise in amazing “magic” tricks. WHO: Ages 6 – 10 years WHEN: Tuesday, July 10th TIME: 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. Rolling And Strolling In The Park The Western Allegheny Community Library and Findlay Township are joining together to bring you a program to get you outside and moving this summer. Rolling and Strolling is a 20 minute walking program around Clinton Park for ages 5 and under and their caregiver. After the walk, there will be a storytime at Rainbow’s End. Come out and enjoy the beautiful surroundings in Clinton Park and hopefully make some new friends too. This program is FREE and no registration is needed. ROLLING & STROLLING TIME: 9:30 a.m. (meet in the Rainbow’s End parking lot) DATES: Tuesdays, June 12, 19 & 26, July 3, 10 & 17 and August 7 & 14 INSTRUCTOR: Amanda Kirby, Children’s Librarian “BUILD IT CAMP” Participants will test their building skills using Lego bricks, K’Nex and electrical circuits. They will try engineering feats by creating earthquake proof structures and indestructible bridges. WHO: WHEN: TIME: Ages 6 – 10 years Monday, June 18th 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. REGISTRATION FORM PLEASE PRINT! (Please use separate form & check for each program) The Findlay Township Recreation Department will use every precaution to prevent accidents, however it will not be responsible for medical, dental, or hospital expenses incurred due to accident or illness during its’ programs. I understand and agree to the above and request that my child or I be allowed to participate in the following program(s). I understand that neither the Township of Findlay nor any instructors shall be held responsible for any injury to me or to my child during the program. Signature of participant, (or parent \ guardian):_______________________________________________________________ REGISTRATION Participant Name________________________________________________ Date of Birth_________________ Grade________ Address_________________________________________________________ Home Phone No.___________________________ Daytime Phone No._________________________________________________________________________________________ Emergency Contact: Name_______________________________________ Phone No._________________________________ Email Address___________________________________________________ Program Title:___________________________________________________ Resident: yes / no (circle one) Program Fee:____________________________________________________ Program Date(s):___________________________ FOR OFFICE USE: Date Paid _________________________________ Check #___________________________________ Imperial Dragon Tang Soo Do Karate School UNLOCK YOUR CHILD’S POTENTIAL Our traditional Tang Soo Do program will help your child develop: Self Confidence, Healthy Life Skills, Respect for Self and Others, Improved Concentration, Physical Fitness, Self Control and an “I Can Attitude”. Classes for Youth, Teen and Adult students are held Monday and Wednesday evenings. LITTLE DRAGONS Pre-School Program 3–6 years old This special program for preschool aged children is designed to get them started on the path to positive development. We will help your child to develop listening skills, better coordination and respect for self and others. Call for class times and availability. (Classes limited to 12 students). SUMMER TRAINING SPECIAL FIRST MONTH OF TRAINING FREE FOR NEW STUDENTS WITH THIS COUPON CALL TODAY 724-695-1976 All classes are held at the Findlay Township Activity Center (Lower Level), 310 Main Street, Imperial E W N Findlay Township Recreation Programs 1271 Route 30 P.O. Box W Clinton, PA 15026 Presorted Standard U.S. Postage PAID Clinton, PA Permit No.11 S Summer 2012 Issue “Truck Touch” 2012 – Library Benefit Event Findlay Township has partnered with Macaroni Kid / Robinson and the Western Allegheny Community Library to bring you a one of a kind family event in Clinton Park. All sorts of vehicles including a school bus, fire engine, bucket truck, construction truck and more, will be there for the kids to climb on and explore. Plans are still in the works, but there will be lots of other fun activities as well as food and drinks. Check out the following websites in September for a complete schedule of activities: Findlay Township at the Library at Macaroni Kid at MARK YOUR CALENDARS NOW SO YOU WON’T MISS THIS FUN EVENT! WHEN: TIME: WHERE: COST: Saturday, September 29, 2012 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. (There will be a NO HORN TIME between 11 and 12 if you have a child that is scared of the Fire Sirens) Clinton Park near the Little Clinton Ballfield, Oriole Pavilion and Rainbow’s End Playground This is a free event, however we will be taking donations as you enter the park. All money collected will benefit the Western Allegheny Community Library.
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