Course Pro Forma - Communicative ESL
Course Pro Forma - Communicative ESL
Course Pro Forma Program ljazah Sarjana Muda Perguruan Dengan Kepujian Course Title Managing the Primary ESL Classroom Pengurusan Bil ik Darjah Gourse Code TSL3109 Credit 3(3+0) Contact Hours 45 hours Pre-requisite Nir Year Two Semester One/Two Learning Outcomes Synopsis 1. Demonstrate a basic understanding of different theories, models and perspectives on classroom management (1.1, 1.2,) 2. Explore the use of appropriate techniques, and teaching resources for effective primary classroom management (1.3, 2.2) 3. Reflect on and discuss issues in primary English language classroom management (1.6, 5.6,7 .2) 4. Reflect on teacher and learner roles in the primary classroom (3.3, 4.6) This course focuses on the concept of classroom management, teacher and learner roles in effective classroom management, classroom management approaches, theories and models, managing resources and facilities: rules, expectations and procedures, communication skills for classroom management, observing and recognizing patterns of behavior, developing, monitoring and maintaining productive student behaviour and developing a personal classroom management plan. Kursus ini memberi fokus kepada konsep pengurusan bilik darjah, peranan guru dan murid dalam pengurusan bilik darjah yang berkesan, pendekatan, teori dan model pengurusan bilik darjah, pengurusan resos dan kemudahan dalam bilik darjah, kemahiran berkomunikasi untuk pengurusan bilik darjah, mengenal pasti bentuk tingkah laku, memantau dan memastikan tingkahlaku pelajar yang produktif dan membentuk plan pengurusan bilik darjah kendiri. Topic Content lntroduction to Classroom Management 1 . . The Concept of Classroom Management - The function and nature of classrooms - The role of teaching as a central classroom activity - Classroom instructions and management practices Teacher and Learner Roles in Effective Classroom Management - Responsibility - Accountability - Expectation - Consistency - Objectivity Classroom Management: Approaches, Theories and Models . 1 . Classroom Management Approaches - Authoritarian classroom management (Power Types and Power Bases) - Behaviour modification - Group process isocio-psychological - lnstructional classroom management - Socio-cuitural Theories and Models of Classroom Management Building the Foundation (Skinner, Glasser and Gordon) Theories of Assertive Tactics (Lee Canter and Marlene Canter) - Theories of Democratic Teaching (Rudolf Dreikurs) - Theories of lnstructional Management (Jacob Kounin) - Theories of Congruent Communication (Haim Ginott) - Hours Content Topic Managing resources and facilities: rules, expectations and procedures . . J . Physical classroom environment Organising Physical Space Locating lnstructional Resources Social cultural environment - safe environment - positive environment - Conventions and Routines for Organising lnstructional Time - Beginning and ending the day or period - Classwork / homework - Transitions - Monitoring - Feedback - Managing Learner Location and Grouping Communication Skills for Classroom Management 4 5 . . . Communication skills Skills for effective communication Personal characteristics of good communicators . . Verbal and non - verbal communication Managing verbal and non - verbal communication Observing and recognizing patterns of behavior . . . Patterns of Observable Behaviour Non-DisruptiveBehaviour Disruptive Behaviour (Violent and Non-violent) Hours Topic Content Hours Developing, monitoring and maintaining productive student behaviour - both individual and group behaviour o . Student behaviours: Patterns Disruptive and non-disruptive behaviours Productive Behaviours - group and individual - . Student behaviours: Developing, monitoring and maintaining productive student behaviours - Motivation - Encouragement vs criticism Developing a Personal Classroom Management Plan 7 . c . . . . reflective approaches, theorles, models expectations rules and consequences communication skills procedures TOTAL Assessment Main References Coursework Examination 45 5A% 50% Charles, C.M. (2008). Building C/assroorn Discipline Ninth Edition. Boston. Allyn and Bacon. Larrivee, B (2009). Authentic Classroom Management: Creating a Learning Community and Building Reflective Practice. New Jersey: Pearson Education lnc. Manning, M.L & Bucher K.T (2003). Classroom Management: Models, Applications and Cases. Ohio: Merrill Prentice Hall. Wright, T. (2005). Classroom Management in Language Education. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Additional I Dean, J (3'd Ed) (2001). Organising Learning in Primary C/assroom. London. References I Routledge. Everson, C., Emmet, T.E. & Worsham, M. (2000). C/assroom Management for Elementary Teachers. USA. Pearson Education Company. Hardin, c.J. (2004). Effective c/assroom management: Models and strategies for today's Classroom. New Jersey: Merrill Prentice Hall. Levin, J. & Nolan, J.F. (2000) . Principles of C/assroo m Management: A Professional Decision- making Model. Third Ed. Boston: Allyn & Bacon. Maley, A (2000). The Language Teacher's Voice. London: Macmillan Wajnryb, R. (2002) Classroom Observation Iasks. Cambridge: CUp
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