Lessons I Learned Teaching in the Ejidos
Lessons I Learned Teaching in the Ejidos
10/26/2010 Lessons I Learned Teaching in the Ejidos in the States of Mexico and Michoacan Epsilon Sigma Phi National Conference Jackson, WY October 13, 2010 Jim Reeb, Associate Professor Forestry & Natural Resources OSU Lincoln County Extension 29 SE 2nd Street Newport, OR 97365 Jim.Reeb@oregonstate.edu Male has scent glands on the hind wings Female’s webbing Is thicker Migration Paths of Monarch Butterflies (Danaus plexippus) 1 10/26/2010 Sierra Chincua Oyamel Abies religiosae 2 10/26/2010 Angangueo El Paso, Estado de Mexico Arriaga SA de CV 3 10/26/2010 Pepe’s Mill La Mesa - Ejido 4 10/26/2010 Planting Potatoes San Felipe de Jesus, Estado de Mexico Maguey (Agave) 5 10/26/2010 Aserrado Santa Cruz Miahuatlan, Ixtapan Del Oro, Estado de Mexico 6 10/26/2010 Bunk and Sticker Alignment Important Even for Small Operators Source: J.E. Reeb and T.D. Brown. Air-and Shed-drying Lumber. EM8612 http://extension.oregonstate.edu/catalog/pdf/em/em8612-e.pdf Cerro Pecon Santuario de La Mariposa Monarca Estado de Mexico El Rosario - ejido Zitacuaro Michoacan 7 10/26/2010 Some Things I’d Do Differently • Work with interpreter – jargon • Leave slides home – handouts with pictures and illustrations showing important concepts • Get more information on the current operations • Make sure the operations were running OR 8
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